PPL Comprehensive Parallel Diplomatic Texts A
T: p,1 IN a som(er) sesoun whanne softe was the sonne
H2: P,1 IN a somer seson . whan softe was -th-e sonne [aaAa]
Ch: P,1 IN a somer seisoune . when softe was the sonne [aaAa]
D: P,1 IN a somer sesoun . whan softe was the sonne [aaAa]
R: P,1 IN a somyr sesoun . whenne I south wente [aaAa]
U: P,1 IN a somer seson . as I south wente [aaAa]
V: P,1 In a (somer) (sesun) . whon (softe) was _th_e (sonne)
H: P,1 IN a somer seson . when soft was -th-e sonne [aaAa]
J: P,1 In a sumer sesyn . wha(n)ne softe was -th-e su(n)ne
L: P,1 [ ]n a somer seson . when softe was the sonne [aaAa]
K: P,1 IN a somer season . whan soft was the sone [aaAa]
W: P,1 IN a s(::::) sesoun . whan softe was (:::) sonne [aaAa]
E: P,1 in a som(er) seson . as I south went [aaAa]
M: P,1 In a som(er) sesou(n) . whan softe was -th-e sunne
T: p,2 I shop me in to a shroud as I a shep were
H2: P,2 I schop me into schrowdes . as I a scheep wer(e)
Ch: P,2 I schope me into schregges . as I a schepe were [aaAx]
D: P,2 I schope me to schroudes . as I a schep were [aaAx]
R: P,2 I schop me a schroude . as I a schep were [aaAx]
U: P,2 I schoop me in a schrowde . as y a scheep were [aaAx]
V: P,2 I (schop) me in-to a (schroud) . A (scheep) as I were
H: P,2 I schope me vndur a schrowde . as I a schepe were
J: P,2 I schope me into -th-e schropbys . a schepe as I were
L: P,2 y schaped me into schroudes . as y a schep where [aaAx]
K: P,2 I schope me into schrubb(es) . as I a schepe wer(e)
W: P,2 I shop (::) into a shrowedes . as (::::::) shep were
E: P,2 I shoope me in a shrowde . as I a shepe were [aaAx]
M: P,2 I schop me in a schroude . a schep as y wer(e) [aaAx]
T: p,3 In abite as an Ermyte vnholy of werkis
H2: P,3 In abyte as an k Ermyte . vnholy of werkes [aaAx]
Ch: P,3 In abite of an ermite . vnholi of workes [aaAx]
D: P,3 In an abyte as an hermite . vnholy of workes [aaAx]
R: P,3 In abyte as an ermyte . von holy of werkys [aaAx]
U: P,3 In habite as an ermyte . vnholy werkes [aaAx]
V: P,3 In (Habite) of an (Hermite) . (vn-holy) of werkes
H: P,3 In an abyte of an hermyt . vnhooly of warkus [aaAx]
J: P,3 In habite of an hermyte . vnholy of werkys [aaAx]
L: P,3 In abite as an hermyte . vnworthy of werkes [aaAx]
K: P,3 In habyte of an herymyte . vnholy of werk(is) [aaAx]
W: P,3 In (::::) as an (:::::) . vnholy of werkes [aaAx]
E: P,3 In habette as an herment . my holy werke-gh- [aaAx]
M: P,3 In whit as an Ermyte . vnholy of werkys [aaAx]
T: p,4 Wente wyde in [th]is world wondris to here
H2: P,4 Wente wyde in this world . wondres to her(e) [aaAx]
Ch: P,4 Went wide in -th-e worlde . wondres to here [aaAx]
D: P,4 Wente wyde in this world . wonderes to here [aaAx]
R: P,4 Y wente wyde in this wordle . wondrys to hure [aaAx]
U: P,4 I wente wide in -th-is world . wondres to here [aaAx]
V: P,4 (Wende) I (wydene) in _th_is (world) . (wondres) to
here [aaaAx]
H: P,4 I wente wyde in -th-is worlde . wondris to here [aaAx]
J: P,4 I went wide in -th-is werlde . wonders to here [aaAx]
L: P,4 Went wyde into -th-is world . wondres to wayte [aaAx]
K: P,4 I went wyde in this world . wonders to heare [aaAx]
W: P,4 I wen(::) wyde in -th-e world . wondirs to here [aaAx]
E: P,4 I went wide in -th-is werld . wond(er)ys to here [aaAx]
M: P,4 Wente I wyde in -th-e world . wonderys to her(e) [aaAx]
K: P,4 [C: P,5] And saue many sellys & selcouth thyng(es)
T: p,5 But on a may morwenyng vpon malu(er)ne hilles
H2: P,5 But on a may morwe . vpon maluerne hilles [aaAx]
Ch: P,5 Bot In a may mornyng . vppon Maluarne hilles [aaAx]
D: P,5 But in a may mornynge . vpon malu(er)ne hulles [aaAx]
R: P,5 But vpon a may morwe . on maluerne hyllys [aaAx]
U: P,5 But on a may mornynge . on malu(er)ne hilles [aaAx]
V: P,5 Bote in a (Mayes) (Morwnynge) . on (Maluerne) hulles
H: P,5 But on a mayes mornynge . on maluerne hullis [aaAx]
J: P,5 Bot on a Mays mornyng . on mala(ur)on hillis [aaAx]
L: P,5 Bote on may morn . on maluarne hulles [aaAx]
K: P,5 But on a may mornyng . on maluerne hill(es) [aaAx]
W: P,5 (:::::) a may mornyng . on malu(er)ne hylles [aaAx]
E: P,5 Bot apon a may morne . on Malu(er)ne hyllis [aaAx]
M: P,5 But on a may mornyng . on malu(er)ne hellys [aaAx]
T: p,6 Me befel a ferly of fairie me [th]ou[gh]te
H2: P,6 Me befyl a ferly . of fayrie me thou-gh-te [aaAx]
Ch: P,6 Me befelle a ferly . of feirey me -th-ou-gh-t [aaAx]
D: P,6 Me befel a ferly . of fayre me -th-ou-gh-te [aaAx]
R: P,6 Me byfel a ferly . of fayrye me thou-gh-the [aaAx]
U: P,6 Me byfel a ferly . of fayrie me -th-oughte [aaAx]
V: P,6 Me (bi-fel) a (ferly) . A (Feyrie) me _th_ouhte [aaAx]
H: P,6 Me bifel a farly . of ffeyrye me thoughte [aaAx]
J: P,6 Me befell a ferly . & fayr(e) me it thowte [aaAx]
L: P,6 Me byfeol a ferly . of fairy me thoghte [aaAx]
K: P,6 Me befell a farley case . of fayrye me thought(e)
W: P,6 Me (::)fel a ferly . of fairie me thowthe [aaAx]
E: P,6 Me befell(e) a ferly . of ferrom me -th-oght [aaAx]
M: P,6 Me befel a ferly . of fayry me -th-outhe [aaAx]
T: p,7 I was wery of wandrit & wente me to reste
H2: P,7 I was wery forwandred . wente me to reste [aaAx]
Ch: P,7 I was wery of wandred . and went me to Rest [aaAx]
D: P,7 I was wery for wandryng . & went me to reste [aaAx]
R: P,7 I was wery forwandred . I wente me to reste [aaAx]
U: P,7 I was wery forwandryd . y wente me to reste [aaAx]
V: P,7 I was (weori) of (wandringe) . and (wente) me to reste
H: P,7 I was wery of wandrynge . & went me to reste [aaAx]
J: P,7 I was wery forwandryd . and went me to rest [aaAx]
L: P,7 y was wery forwandred . & wente me to reste [aaAx]
K: P,7 I was wery of wandred . and went(e) me to rest(e)
W: P,7 --- this line is omitted ---
E: P,7 I was wery for wand(er)yng . I wentt me to rist [aaAx]
M: P,7 I was wery forwandryd . & wente me to reste [aaAx]
T: p,8 Vndir a brood bank be a bo(ur)nis side
H2: P,8 Vnder a brod banke . by a burnes syde [aaAx]
Ch: P,8 Vnder a brode banke . by a bourne syde [aaAx]
D: P,8 Vnder a brod banke . by a borne syde [aaAx]
R: P,8 Vnder a brod banke . be a burne syde [aaAx]
U: P,8 Vndir a brood banke . by a bornes side [aaAx]
V: P,8 Vndur a (brod) (banke) . bi a (Bourne) syde [aaAx]
H: P,8 Vndur a brode banke . by a boorne syde [aaAx]
J: P,8 Vnderneth a brode banke . be a broke syde [aaAx]
L: P,8 Vndur a brod banke . by a borne brymme [aaAx]
K: P,8 Vnd(ir) a brode banke . by a borne syde [aaAx]
W: P,8 Opon a brood bank . by a burn syde [aaAx]
E: P,8 Vnd(ir) a brode banke . by a bornys syde [aaAx]
M: P,8 Vndyr a brod banke . be a borne syde [aaAx]
T: p,9 And as I lay & lenide & lokide on [th]e watris
H2: P,9 And as I lay and lenede . and lokede on -th-e wat(er)es
Ch: P,9 As I lay and lened . and loked on -th-e water [aaAx]
D: P,9 And as I lay & lenedde . & loked on -th-e
wat(er)ys [aaAx]
R: P,9 But as -gh- lay and lenede . and luked on the watrys
U: P,9 And as y lay and lened me . and lokede on -th-e watr(i)s
V: P,9 And as I (lay) and (leonede) . and (lokede) on _th_e
watres [aaAx]
H: P,9 And as I lay & leoned . & loked in -th-e watres
J: P,9 And als I lay & laynyd I . kokyd on -th-e wat(er)
L: P,9 And as I lay & lened . & loked on -th-e water
K: P,9 And as I lay & lenyd . & lokyd on the watirs
W: P,9 As I lay & lenede . & loked on -th-e (:::::)
E: P,9 Bot as I lay & lened me . & lokyd on -th-e
wat(er)ys [aaAx]
M: P,9 And as I lay & lened & . & lokede on -th-e
waterys [aaAx]
T: p,10 I slom(er)ide into a slepyng it swi[gh]ede so m(er)ye
H2: P,10 I slombred on a slepyng . hit swyed so merye [aaAx]
Ch: P,10 I slomerd into a sleping . it swede so mery [aaAx]
D: P,10 I slomeryd into a slepyng . yt schewed so merye [aaAx]
R: P,10 I slombryd in a slepyng . I sweuened so merye [aaAx]
U: P,10 I slombride on a slepynge . I sweuenyd so myrie [aaAx]
V: P,10 I (slumberde) in A (slepyng) . hit (sownede) so murie
H: P,10 I slombred in a slepynge . it sowned so myrye [aaAx]
J: P,10 I slomberyd into slepyng . and sweuedy(n) ful mery
L: P,10 I slomered on a slepyng, . hit swyed so murye [aaAx]
K: P,10 I sclombrid a sclepe . it swyyyd so mery [aaAx]
W: P,10 I slomerid a slepe . it swied so mery [aaAx]
E: P,10 I slom(er)yd on a slepyng . I sweiued os mery [aaAx]
M: P,10 I slomerde on a slepyng . it semede me merye [aaAx]
T: p,11 [Th]anne gan I mete a m(er)ueillous sweuene
H2: P,11 than gan I meten . a meruelouse sweuen [xaAx]
Ch: P,11 And -th-enne gan I mete . a m(er)ueilouse sweuen
D: P,11 -Th-an gan I to mete . a meruayllous sweuen [xaAx]
R: P,11 -Th-er gan I to mete . a nerwelous swouene [xaAx]
U: P,11 -Th-an gan y to mete . a m(er)ueylous sweuene [xaAx]
V: P,11 _Th_enne gon I (Meeten) . A (Meruelous) sweuene [xaAx]
H: P,11 -th-en can I mete . a meruelous sweuene [xaAx]
J: P,11 -Th-an gun I mete . a merue(l)us sweuyn [xaAx]
L: P,11 -Th-an gan y mete . merueilous sweuenes [xaAx]
K: P,11 Than forthw(i)t(h) gan I mete . a m(er)uelous sweuyn
W: P,11 And -th-an gan I (::::) . a merueylouse sweue [xaAx]
E: P,11 -Th-(er) gon I mete . a m(er)vellous s(w)euene [xaAx]
M: P,11 -Th-an gan I metyn . a m(er)ueylous sweue [xaAx]
T: p,12 [Th]at I was in a wild(er)nesse wiste I neu(er)e where
H2: P,12 that I was in a wyld(er)nesse . wyste I neu(er)
wher(e) [aaAx]
Ch: P,12 -Th-at I was In wildernesse . wist I neu(er) were
D: P,12 That I was in a wildernesse . wisty y neu(er) where
R: P,12 that I was in a wildernysse . I wyste neu(er)e where
U: P,12 -Th-at y was in wildernesse . y wyste neu(er)e where
V: P,12 _Th_at I (was) in A (Wildernesse) . (wuste) I neuer
(where) [aaAa]
H: P,12 -Th-at I was in a wyldurnes . I wiste neuer where
J: P,12 -Th-at I was in wyldernes . wist I neu(er) war(e)
L: P,12 -Th-at y was in a wildernes . wisty neuer where [aaAx]
K: P,12 That I was in a wild(er)nes . I wyst neu(er) where
K: P,12 [C: P,11] Wynkyng as it ware ther wytturly I seygh
K: P,12 [C: P,12] Al the welth of the world and the woo both
K: P,12 [C: P,13] Of truthe & trichery treson and gyle
K: P,12 [C: P,14] Al y saw sclepyng as I -gh-ou telle
W: P,12 That I was in a wyldernesse . I wyst neu(er)e wher
E: P,12 -Th-(a)t I was in a wild(er)nes . I wyst neu(er)
qwer [aaAx]
M: P,12 -Th-at I was in a wyldyrnesse . wyst I neu(er)e wer(e)
T: p,13 Ac as I beheld in to [th]e Est an hei[gh] to [th]e
H2: P,13 And I behelde into -th-e eest . on hye to -th-e
sonne [aaAx]
Ch: P,13 Bot as I behelde into the west . an hie to the sonne
D: P,13 Ac as I beheld into -th-e Est . on hey to -th-e sonne
R: P,13 But as I byhelde into -th-e este . vp to the sunne
U: P,13 But as y byheeld in -th-e eest . vp to -th-e sonne
V: P,13 And as I (beo-heold) in-to _th_e (Est) . (an-hei_g_)
to _th_e sonne [aaAx]
H: P,13 As I byheld into -th-e est . an hi-gh-e to -th-e
sonne [aaAx]
J: P,13 Bot as I behelde to -th-o est . on heght to -th-o
su(n)ne [aaAx]
L: P,13 Ac y by heold into -th-e est . on hygh to -th-e sonne
K: P,13 But as I beheld to the est . on hye to the so(n)n
W: P,13 As I beheld to -th-e est . an hey to the sonne [aaAx]
E: P,13 Bot as I beheld vnto -th-e eest . vp to -th-e son
M: P,13 I beheld into -th-e hest . on hey to -th-e su(n)ne
T: p,14 I sai[gh] a tour on a toft tri[gh]ely Imakid
H2: P,14 I say a tour in a toft . tryelyche Imaked [aaAx]
Ch: P,14 I saw a toure on a toft . trewly Imaked [aaAx]
D: P,14 I saw a Toure on a toft . trewlich(e) Imaked [aaAx]
R: P,14 I saw a tour in a coste . tryly ontyrid [aaAx]
U: P,14 I saw a tour in a toft . triely atired [aaAx]
V: P,14 I sauh a (Tour) on A (Toft) . wonderliche I-makett
H: P,14 I sawe a tour on a tofte . wondurly maked [aaAx]
J: P,14 I say a t(ur)ret in a toft . trulyche makyd [aaAx]
L: P,14 I sagh a tour on a tofte . treoweliche ytymbred [aaAx]
K: P,14 I sawe a toure on a tofte . trylich Imakyd [aaAx]
K: P,14 [C: P,16] Westward I waytyd in a while after
W: P,14 I saw a tour on a toft . trielych maked [aaAx]
E: P,14 I saw autour in a cost . triely entyred [aaAx]
M: P,14 I seyth a tour in a twist . treweliche Imakyd [aaAx]
T: p,15 A dep dale bene[th]e a dungeoun [th](er)e inne
H2: P,15 A dep dale -th-er(e) benethe . a dongeoun therInne
Ch: P,15 A depe dale bene-th-e . a doungeoun -th-erInne [aaAx]
D: P,15 A depe dale benethe . a dongeou(n) -th-(er)Inne [aaAx]
R: P,15 A dep dale bynethe . a doungon -th-erynne [aaAx]
U: P,15 A deep dale bynethe . a dungeoun -th-(er)ynne [aaAx]
V: P,15 A (Deop) (Dale) bi-neo_th_e . A (dungun) _th_er-Inne
H: P,15 A deop dale bynethen & a dongen -th-erynne [aaAx]
J: P,15 Depe dalys benethe . a dungyn -th-(er)Inne [aaAx]
L: P,15 A deop dale byneo-th-e . a donioun -th-erynne [aaAx]
K: P,15 And sawe a depe dale . a dongeoune thery(n)n [aaAx]
W: P,15 A depe dale al benethe . a downgeon -th-erinne [aaAx]
E: P,15 A depe dale beneght . a dongou(n) -th-(er)ynne [aaAx]
M: P,15 A dep dale bene-th-yn . a dongou(n) -th-erinne [aaAx]
T: p,16 Wi[th] depe dikes & derke & dredful of si[gh]t
H2: P,16 W(i)t(h) depe dyches and derke . and dredful of
syht [aaaAx]
Ch: P,16 With depe dikes and derke . and dredful of si-gh-t
D: P,16 With depe dikes & derke . & dredful of si-gh-t
R: P,16 W(i)t(h) depe dykys and derke . dredful of sy-gh-th
U: P,16 Wi-th- depe diches and derke . dredful of sight [aaaAx]
V: P,16 With (deop) (dich) and (derk) . and (dredful) of
siht [aaaAx]
H: P,16 With deop diche & darke . -th-(a)t dredeful was
of syghte [aaaAx]
J: P,16 W(i)t(h) depe dychis & derk . & dredeful
of syth [aaaAx]
L: P,16 With deope dyches & dark . & dredful to sighte
K: P,16 With depe dykys & derk . & dredeful of syght
W: P,16 Wi-th- depe dykes & derk . & dredful of syght
E: P,16 With depe dyke & dyrke . dredfull(e) of syght
M: P,16 Wyt depe dychys & derke . & dredful of sythe
T: p,17 A fair feld ful of folk fand I [th](er)e betwene
H2: P,17 A fayr feld ful of folke . fond I ther(e) betwene
Ch: P,17 A faire feld ful of folke . fande I -th-er betwene
D: P,17 A fayre feld ful of ffolkes . fond I -th-(er) betwene
R: P,17 A fayr felde ful of folke . fonde I bytwene [aaaAx]
U: P,17 A fair feeld ful of folk . fonde I bytwene [aaaAx]
V: P,17 A (Feir) (feld) ful of (folk) . (fond) I _th_er bi-twene
H: P,17 A feyre feeld ful of folke . I fonde -th-ere bitwene
J: P,17 A fayre feld ful of folk . fonde I -th-(er) betwene
L: P,17 A faire feld ful of folk . fond y -th-(er) bytwene
K: P,17 A faire feld [ful] of folk . found I ther betwene
W: P,17 A fair feld ful of folk . fonde I -th-(er) betweyne
E: P,17 A fair felde fulle of flokke . fonde I bytwene [aaaAx]
M: P,17 A fayr feld ful of folk . fon I -th-er betwene [aaaAx]
T: p,18 Of alle maner of men [th]e mene & [th]e riche
H2: P,18 Of alle man(er) of men . the mene and the ryche
Ch: P,18 Of alle man(er) of men . -th-e mene and -th-e Riche
D: P,18 Of all(e) man(er) men . -th-e mene & -th-e Riche
R: P,18 Of alle maner of men . the mene and -th-e riche [aaAx]
U: P,18 Of alle man(er)e of men . -th-e mene and -th-e riche
V: P,18 Of alle (maner) of (men) . _th_e (mene) and _th_e
riche [aaAx]
H: P,18 Of alle maner of men . -th-e meene & -th-e ryche
J: P,18 Of al maner of men . -th-e pore & -th-e riche
L: P,18 Of alle maner mest(er) men makid vppon molde [aaAx]
K: P,18 Of al man(er) of men . the meane & the Riche
W: P,18 Of alle man(er) of men . the mene and -th-e ryche
E: P,18 Of all(e) man(er) of me(n) . -th-e mene & -th-e
riche [aaAx]
M: P,18 Of alle man(er) of me(n) . -th-e mene & -th-e
ryche [aaAx]
T: p,19 Worching & wandringe as [th]e world aski[th]
H2: P,19 Worchyng and wandryng . as -th-e world asketh [aaAx]
Ch: P,19 Wirching and wandring . as -th-e world aske-th-
D: P,19 Worchynge & wandryng . so -th-e world asketh
R: P,19 Worchyng and wandrynge . as -th-is wordle askys [aaAx]
U: P,19 Wurchynge and wandrynge . as -th-e world askith [aaAx]
V: P,19 (Worchinge) and (wondringe) . as _th_e (world) aske_th_
H: P,19 --- this line is omitted ---
J: P,19 Wyrkyng & wandering . als -th-is werlde askyth
L: P,19 Worchyng & wandryng . as -th-e world wilnyth
K: P,19 Worchyng and wandryng . as the world askyth [aaAx]
W: P,19 Worchyng and wandringe . as -th-e world aske-th-
E: P,19 Wyrkyng & wand(er)yng . as -th-e world askys
M: P,19 Werchyng & wandryng . as -th-e wold askyth [aaAx]
T: p,20 Su(m)me putte hem to plou[gh] plei[gh]ede ful selde
H2: P,20 Somme put hem to -th-e plou-gh-h . and pleyde ful
selde [aaAx]
Ch: P,20 Sum put hem to the plow . pleied ful selde [aaAx]
D: P,20 So(m)me put hem to plow . pleyed ful selde [aaAx]
R: P,20 So(m)me putte hem to plow . and pleyde ful selde
U: P,20 Some putten hem to -th-e plow . pleiden ful seelde
V: P,20 Summe (putten) hem to _th_e (plou_g_) . & (pleiden)
hem ful seldene [aaAx]
H: P,20 But so(m)me putten hem to -th-e plowgh . & pleyden
but seelde [aaAx]
J: P,20 Sume put -th-em to -th-e plowhe . & play-gh-id
ful seldome [aaAx]
L: P,20 So(m)me putte he(m) to -th-e plough . plaied ful
seilde [aaAx]
K: P,20 Su(m)m put hem to the plowgh . & playyd ful selde
W: P,20 Som putte hem to plowgh . & playeden ful selde
E: P,20 Some put -th-aim to -th-e ploght . & pleyde for
-th-e sede [aaAx]
M: P,20 Su(m)me butty(n) hemself to -th-e plouth . & plydy(n)
ful seldy(n) [aaAx]
T: p,21 In settyng & sowyng swonke ful harde
H2: P,21 In settyng an sowyng . swonke ful sore [aaAx]
Ch: P,21 In settyng and sowing . swonke ful harde [aaAx]
D: P,21 In settyng & sowynge . swonke wel harde [aaAx]
R: P,21 In seedtyme of sowyng . swonkyn ful hard [aaAx]
U: P,21 In seed tyme & sowynge . -th-ei swonken ful harde
V: P,21 In (Eringe) and in (Sowynge) . (swonken) ful (harde)
H: P,21 In erynge & sowynge . & swonken ful sore
J: P,21 In sowing & harowing . and swynkyd ful harde
L: P,21 In settyng & sowyng . swonken wel sore [aaAx]
K: P,21 In settyng(e) & sowyng(e) . swonkyn well sore
W: P,21 In se(::)yng & in sowyng . thei swonken ful sore
E: P,21 In sedetyme & sawyng . -th-ei swanke for harde
M: P,21 In settyng & sowyng . swynkyn wol harde [aaAx]
T: p,22 Whom [th](a)t [th]ise wasto(ur)s wi[th] glotonye destroi[gh]e[th]
H2: P,22 that many wastours in -th-e worlde . w(i)t(h) glotonye
dystroeth [aaAxx]
Ch: P,22 Whom -th-at -th-es wastours . with glotonye distroie
D: P,22 whanne -th-(a)t these wastours . w(i)t(h) glotonye
dystroyeth [aaAxx]
R: P,22 -Th-at -th-es wastorys now . wyt glotonye destroyen
U: P,22 and wonnen -th-(a)t -th-ese wastours . wi-th- glotenye
destroien [aaAxx]
V: P,22 _Th_at monie of _th_eos wasturs In Glotonye distruen
H: P,22 -Th-at mony of -th-ese waastours . in glotonye distroyen
J: P,22 -Th-(a)t many -th-ies wastowrs . in glotony destroye
L: P,22 -Th-an -th-(er) y sygh wastours . with glotonye destruyed
K: P,22 Wa(n)n that thes wastors . w(i)t(h) glotonye dystroyen
W: P,22 And wonnen -th-(a)t wastours in -th-e worlde . wi-th-
glotonie distruyen [aaAxx]
E: P,22 -Th-at -th-is wasto(ur)s nowe . with glotonye distroy
M: P,22 Wo(n)nyn -th-at -th-yse wasto(ur)s . wit glotenye
dystroith [aaAxx]
T: p,23 And su(m)me putte hem to pride ap(ar)ailide hem [th](er)e
H2: P,23 And su(m) put hem to p(ri)de . aparayleth hem ther(e)aft(ir)
Ch: P,23 And sum put hem to pride . appareiled hem -th-erafter
D: P,23 And some putte hem to p(r)ide . aparayled aft(er)
-th-(er) [aaAx]
R: P,23 Some putte hem to p(ri)de . and p(er)alyde hem -th-(er)after
U: P,23 Some putten hem to pride . app(ar)ayled hem -th-(er)aftir
V: P,23 And summe (putten) hem to (pruide) . (apparaylden)
hem _th_er-after [aaAx]
H: P,23 & so(m)me putten hem to pryde . & aparayleden
he(m) -th-(er)aft(ir) [aaAx]
J: P,23 And su(m)me put -th-em to -th-e play & p(ri)de
. & playde -th-e(m) -th-(er)after [aaAx]
L: P,23 And so(m)me putte heom to pruyde . ap(ar)aylden hem
[-th-ereaftir] [aaAx]
K: P,23 And sume put hem to pryde . & apparelid hem theraft(ir)
W: P,23 Som put hem to pryde . apparailed hem -th-erafter
E: P,23 Some putt -th-aim to pryde . parayled -th-aim -th-(er)eaftir
M: P,23 And puttyn to pryde . aparayldyn hem -th-eraftyr
T: p,24 In cunten(au)nce of clo[th]ing comen disgisid
H2: P,24 In cu(n)tenaunce of glothyng . comen dysgysed [aaAx]
Ch: P,24 In countenau(n)ce of clo-th-ing . comen disgised
D: P,24 In contynaunce of clothyng . comen disgysed [aaAx]
R: P,24 In cou(n)tenaunce of clo-th-ing . -th-ey comyn dysgysed
U: P,24 In cuntenaunce of clothynge . -th-ei comen dysgysed
V: P,24 In (Cuntinaunce) of (clo_th_inge) . (queinteliche)
de-Gyset [aaAx]
H: P,24 In quoyntyse of clo-th-inge . -th-ei conen hem disgyse
J: P,24 In countenaunce of clo-th-ing . comyn disgysyde [aaAx]
L: P,24 In continance of clothyng . crafteliche degysed [aaAx]
K: P,24 In counten(a)nce and clothyng . came in al dysgysyd
W: P,24 In continance of clo-th-ing . comen in disgised [aaAx]
E: P,24 In cou(n)tenance of clothyng . -th-ai can -th-aim
degyse [aaAx]
M: P,24 In contenaunce of clo-th-ing . -th-ey kemy(n) dysgysyd
T: p,25 In p(re)yo(ur)s & pen(au)nce putten hem manye
H2: P,25 to p(re)yers and penau(n)ce . put hem many [aaAx]
Ch: P,25 In preiers and penaunce . put hem many [aaAx]
D: P,25 In prayers & pen(a)unce . putten hem manye [aaAx]
R: P,25 To prayer(e) and to penaunce . putte hem many [aaAx]
U: P,25 To p(re)yeres and to penaunce . putten hem manye
V: P,25 To (preyere) and to (penaunce) . (putten) heom monye
H: P,25 In prayers & penau(n)ce . putten hem many [aaAx]
J: P,25 In prayer & penaunce . put -th-em ful many [aaAx]
L: P,25 In praiers & penaunce . putten heom monye [aaAx]
K: P,25 In p(re)yours & pen(a)nce . puttyn hem manye
W: P,25 To preyeres & penance . putte hem manye [aaAx]
E: P,25 To prayor & pennance . putt -th-aim to manyse
M: P,25 In p(re)ierys & penauns . -th-er(e) puttyn hem
many [aaAx]
T: p,26 Al for loue of oure lord lyuede wel streite
H2: P,26 [ffor] and -th-e loue of our(e) lord . leuenden
ful streyte [aaAx]
Ch: P,26 Alle for loue of oure lorde . leued ful streite
D: P,26 Al for loue of oure lord . leueden wel strayte [aaAx]
R: P,26 ffor -th-e loue of oure lord . lyuede ful strayte
U: P,26 ffor -th-e loue of our lord . lyueden ful streyte
V: P,26 For (loue) of vr (lord) . (liueden) ful harde [aaAx]
H: P,26 ffor -th-e loue of oure lorde . lyueden ful strayte
J: P,26 ffor -th-e luffe of our(e) lorde . lyfuyd ful strayte
L: P,26 Al for loue of oure lord . lyueden wel streite [aaAx]
K: P,26 Al for love of our lord . lyvyden wel strayght [aaAx]
W: P,26 And for -th-e loue of owre lord . lyuede(n) wel streyte
E: P,26 ffor -th-e love of owr lord . lyvelode ful harde
M: P,26 Al for loue of owr(e) lord . leuedy(n) streyt [aaAx]
T: p,27 In hope to haue heuene riche blisse
H2: P,27 Al in hope for to haue . heueneryche blysse [aaAx]
Ch: P,27 In hope to haue after . heuen Riche blisse [aaAx]
D: P,27 In hope for to haue . heueneriche blysse [aaAx]
R: P,27 In hope for to haue . heueneryche blysse [aaAx]
U: P,27 In hope for to haue . heuenriche blisse [aaAx]
V: P,27 In (Hope) for to (haue) . (Heuene-riche) blisse [aaAx]
H: P,27 In hope for to haue . heuenriche blysse [aaAx]
J: P,27 In howpe for to haue . heuenriche blisse [aaAx]
L: P,27 In hope to haue after . heouene to huyre [aaAx]
K: P,27 In hope to haue . hebynriche blisse [aaAx]
W: P,27 In hope for to haue -th-(er) for . heueneryche blysse
E: P,27 In hope for [to] haue . heuenriche blysse [aaAx]
M: P,27 In hope to haue for her mede . heueneryche blysse
T: p,28 As ancris & Ermytes [th](a)t holden hem in cellis
H2: P,28 As ancres and Ermetis . that holde he(m) in her(e)
selles [aaAx]
Ch: P,28 As ankers and Ermites . -th-at holden hem in her
selles [aaAx]
D: P,28 As Ankers & heremytes . -th-(a)t holden hem in
here selles [aaAx]
R: P,28 As ankerys and hermytes . -th-(a)t lyuen in her cellys
U: P,28 As Ankres & ermytes . -th-at holden hem in her(e)
selles [aaAx]
V: P,28 As (Ancres) and (Hermytes) . _th_at (holde_th_) hem
in heore Celles [aaAx]
H: P,28 As anc(ri)s & h(er)emytes . -th-(a)t hold(i)t(h)
he(m) i(n) her cellis [aaAx]
J: P,28 Als ankyrs & Ermytys . -th-at helde -th-em in
her sellys [aaAx]
L: P,28 As ancres & heremytes . -th-(a)t holden heom
in heor ho[uses] [aaAx]
K: P,28 As ankers and heremyt(es) . that holdyn hem in her
sell(is) [aaAx]
W: P,28 As ancres an hermites . -th-at dwelle in here selles
E: P,28 As ankers & hermett(es) . -th-(a)t leven in -th-air
sellys [aaAx]
M: P,28 As ankeres & ermytys . -th-at hody(n) hem i(n)
cellys [aaAx]
T: p,29 Coueite not in cuntre to cairen aboute
H2: P,29 Coueyten naw-gh-t to contre . to cayren aboute [aaAx]
Ch: P,29 Comen nou-gh-t in contre . to karien aboute [aaAx]
D: P,29 Coueyten nou-gh-t in Contre . to caryen abowte [aaAx]
R: P,29 And coueyty(n) nou-gh-th in -th-e cou(n)tre . to
caryen aboute [aaAx]
U: P,29 And coueyte noght in -th-e cuntre . to carien aboute
V: P,29 (Coueyte) not in (Cuntre) . to (carien) a-boute [aaAx]
H: P,29 Coueit not i(n) cuntre . to carien aboute [aaAx]
J: P,29 Couet nought in contre . forto scayr(e) aboute [aaAx]
L: P,29 Coueite noght in court . to kairen aboute [aaAx]
K: P,29 Couetyn not in cuntrey . to caryen aboute [aaAx]
W: P,29 Coueite not in contrey . to carien abowte [aaAx]
E: P,29 And couett(es) noght in -th-e cuntre . to carry aboute
M: P,29 Coueytyn nouth in contr(e) . to karyn abowtyn [aaAx]
T: p,30 ffor no likerous liflode here likam to plese
H2: P,30 ffor no lykerous lyflode . her(e) lykham to plese
Ch: P,30 ffor no licerouse liflode . her licam to plese [aaAx]
D: P,30 ffor no likerous lyflode . here lyke hem to plesen
R: P,30 for none lykerous lyflode . her(e) lykamys to plese
U: P,30 ffor no lykerous lyflode . here lykames to plese
V: P,30 For non (likerous) (lyflode) . heore (licam) to plese
H: P,30 ffor no lycorous lylielode . her lycam to plese [aaAx]
J: P,30 ffor no lycorus lyflode . -th-er lyh(a)m to plese
L: P,30 ffor no likerous liflode . heore likam to like [aaAx]
K: P,30 ffor no lycoras lyvelode . her lycam to please [aaAx]
W: P,30 ffor lykerouse lyflod . here lykam to plese [aaAx]
E: P,30 ffor no lykerous lyuelod . -th-air likamys to please
M: P,30 ffor non likerous lyflode . her(e) body to plesen
T: p,31 And so(m)me chosen to chaffare [th]ei cheuide [th]e
H2: P,31 Somme chosen chaffar(e) . they cheuen -th-e bet(er)e
Ch: P,31 And sum chosen to chaffare . -th-ei cheueden -th-e
better [aaAx]
D: P,31 And some chosen hem to Chaffare . -th-ey cheuen -th-e
bett(er) [aaAx]
R: P,31 Some chosen for to chaffar . -th-ey cheuyd -th-e
betere [aaAx]
U: P,31 And some chosen hem to chaffare . -th-ei cheuyde
-th-e bet(er)e [aaAx]
V: P,31 And summe (chosen) (Chaffare) . to (cheeuen) _th_e
bettre [aaAx]
H: P,31 And so(m)me chosen chaffare . to preue -th-e bettere
J: P,31 Su(m)me chese hem to chaffar(e) . -th-ei cheue wele
-th-e bett(er) [aaAx]
L: P,31 And so(m)me chesen chaffare . -th-ei cheuen -th-e
bettre [aaAx]
K: P,31 And sume chosyn chaffar . to chevyn the better [aaAx]
W: P,31 Som chosen chaffare . to cheuen -th-e betere [aaAx]
E: P,31 Some chosyn -th-aim to chaffare . -th-ei chevyd -th-e
bett(er) [aaAx]
M: P,31 And some chosen chafar(e) . -th-ey cheuen -th-e better(e)
T: p,32 As it semi[th] to oure si[gh]t [th](a)t suche men [th]riuen
H2: P,32 As it semeth to oure sith . that suche men thryuen
Ch: P,32 As hit semeth to oure si-gh-t . -th-at such men
-th-riuen [aaAx]
D: P,32 As it semyth to oure si-gh-th . -th-(a)t such men
-th-ryueth [aaAx]
R: P,32 As hit ys sene in oure sy-gh-th . -th-(a)t suche
men -th-ryuen [aaAx]
U: P,32 As it es seen in our sight . -th-at siche men thryuen
V: P,32 As hit (seme_th_) to vre (siht) . _th_at (suche)
men scholden [aaAx]
H: P,32 As it semeth in oure sight . -th-at -th-ei so schulden
J: P,32 Os semyth be -th-e marchaundys -th-(a)t mychil welth
haue [aaAx]
L: P,32 As hit semeth to oure sight . -th-(a)t suche men
chewen [aaAx]
K: P,32 As it semyth to our sight . that such men thryvyn
W: P,32 As it semeth to owre syght . -th-at swyche men thrive
E: P,32 As it is sene in owr syght . -th-(a)t syche me(n)
thriven [aaAx]
M: P,32 As it semeth to howr(e) cythe . soche me(n) thryuen
T: p,33 And so(m)me m(er)[th]is to make as mynstral(is) conne
H2: P,33 And summe myrthes to make . as minstralle conne
Ch: P,33 And sum mer-th-es to make . as Minstralles conne
D: P,33 And some myrthes to make . as menstrales conne [aaAx]
R: P,33 And su(m)me men myrthes to make . as menstralys cu(n)ne
U: P,33 And some myrthes to make . as mynstralis cunne [aaAx]
V: P,33 And summe (Mur_th_hes) to (maken) . as (Munstrals)
cunne [aaAx]
H: P,33 And so(m)me myrthes to make . as mynstrals ku(n)ne
J: P,33 And su(m)me myrthis to make . als mynst(ra)ls kone
L: P,33 And so(m)me murthes to make . as mynstrals meleden
K: P,33 And su(m) myrth(es) to make . as mynstrell(es) connyn
W: P,33 And so(m)me merthes to make . as menestralles k(::::)
E: P,33 And some myrthes to make . as mynstralles kanne [aaAx]
M: P,33 And some merthes to maken . as thys Menstrals [aaAx]
T: p,34 And gete gold wi[th] here gle giltles I trowe
H2: P,34 and geten gold w(i)t(h) her(e) gle . synfullyche
I trowe [aaaAx]
Ch: P,34 And gete gold with here gle . giltles I trowe [aaaAx]
D: P,34 And gete gold w(i)t(h) here gle . synneles I trowe
R: P,34 gete gold w(i)t(h) her gle . synneles I trowe [aaaAx]
U: P,34 Gete gold wi-th- here gle . synneles I trowe [aaaAx]
V: P,34 --- this line is omitted ---
H: P,34 -Th-at geten gold wi-th- her gleo . synles I trowe
J: P,34 And gete -th-em gode with -th-(er) gle . synles I
trowe [aaaAx]
L: P,34 & geten wi-th-heore gleo gold . gylelas god graunte
K: P,34 That get gold w(i)t(h) her glee . gylefully I trowe
W: P,34 And geten gold wi-th- here glee . gylously I trowe
E: P,34 Get gold w(i)t(h) -th-air glee . synles -th-ai trowe
M: P,34 Conne gete golde whyth her(e) glee . senles I trowe
T: p,35 Ac Iap(er)is & iangleris Iudas children
H2: P,35 But Iapers and Iangelers . Iudas children [aaAx]
Ch: P,35 Bot Iapers and ganglers . Iudas chyldrin [aaAx]
D: P,35 Ac Iaperes & Ianglers & Ianglo(ur)s . Iudas
Childryn [aaAx]
R: P,35 Ac iaperis and iangler(is) . iudacys chyldryn [aaAx]
U: P,35 Ac iaperis & iangleres . Iudases children [aaAx]
V: P,35 Bote (Iapers) and (Iangelers) . (Iudas) Children
H: P,35 But Iapers & ianglers . ben Iudas children [aaAx]
J: P,35 Bot Iapers & iangelars . Iudas childer [aaAx]
L: P,35 Bote Iapers & ianglers . Iudas children [aaAx]
K: P,35 --- this line is omitted ---
W: P,35 ffor iapers & iangelers . Iudace chyldren [aaAx]
E: P,35 And Iapers & ianglers . & iudas child(er)en
M: P,35 Ac Iapers and Ianglers . Iudas chyldren [aaAx]
T: p,36 ffonden hem fantasies & foolis hem make
H2: P,36 ffynden hem fantasies . and foles hem maken [aaAx]
Ch: P,36 ffonden hem fantesies . and foles hem maken [aaAx]
D: P,36 ffonden hem to fantasyes . & foles hem make [aaAx]
R: P,36 gon fyndyn meny fantasyes . and foles hem makyn [aaAx]
U: P,36 Gon fynden hem fantasyes . and foles hem maken [aaAx]
V: P,36 (Founden) hem (Fantasyes) . and (fooles) hem maaden
H: P,36 -Th-a feynen hem fantasyes . & foolis hem maken
J: P,36 ffoundes hem fantesy . & foles -th-em makes [aaAx]
L: P,36 ffounden heom fantasyes . for foles heo heom feynen
K: P,36 ffondyn hem in fantasyes . & folis hem makyn
W: P,36 ffounden hem in fantesies . & foles hem maken
E: P,36 ffyndou(n) -th-aim ffantesyes . & folys -th-aim
maken [aaAx]
M: P,36 ffounden hem on fantesyes . & foles hem maken
T: p,37 And haue wyt at wille to wirche [y]if hem list
H2: P,37 And han wytt at wylle . to worchen If hem lust [aaAx]
Ch: P,37 And haue witte at wille . to worche -gh-ef him liste
D: P,37 And haue wyt at wylle . to wurche -gh-if hy(m) list
R: P,37 And han wit at her wille . to worche what he(m) lykys
U: P,37 & han wit at here wille . to wurche what hem
liketh [aaAx]
V: P,37 And habbe_th_ (wit) at heor (wille) . to (worchen)
_g_if hem luste [aaAx]
H: P,37 & han witte at her wille . to worche -gh-if -th-ei
wolde [aaAx]
J: P,37 --- this line is omitted ---
L: P,37 And han wit at wille . to worche -gh-ef they wolde
K: P,37 And haue witt at will(e) . to work if hem lyste [aaAx]
W: P,37 And han witte at wille . to worche -gh-if hem lyst
E: P,37 And hase witte at -th-air will . to wirke what -th-aim
likys [aaAx]
M: P,37 And hauen her(e) whyttes atte wille . to werche if
he(m) like [aaAx]
T: p,38 [Th]at poule p(re)chi[th] of hem I dar not p(ro)ue
it here
H2: P,38 That poule p(re)cheth hem of . I dar nau-gh-t p(re)ue
it her(e) [aaAx]
Ch: P,38 -Th-at poule preche-th- of hem . I dar nou-gh-t
preue hit here [aaAx]
D: P,38 -Th-(a)t paul p(re)cheth of hem . y dar not p(ro)ue
yt here [aaAx]
R: P,38 -th-(a)t -th-at poule p(re)che-th- of hem . I dar
not p(ro)uyn here [aaAx]
U: P,38 -Th-(a)t -th-at poule p(re)chith of hem . y wol noght
p(ro)uen here [aaAx]
V: P,38 _Th_at (Poul) (preche_th_) of hem . I dar not (preouen)
heere [aaAx]
H: P,38 What poul prechet of hem . I dar not sey here [aaAx]
J: P,38 -Th-at poule p(re)ches of -th-am . I dar(e) not proue
it her(e) [aaAx]
L: P,38 -Th-at poule precheth of heom . y dar not p(ro)ue
hit here [aaAx]
K: P,38 That powle p(re)chid of hem . I dare p(ro)ve it here
W: P,38 That Poule precheth of hem . I may proue it here
E: P,38 -Th-(a)t Paul p(re)chys of -th-aim . I dar noght
tell(e) here [aaAx]
M: P,38 -Th-at poule prechyt of hem . I darre nought p(ro)ue
her(e) [aaAx]
T: p,39 { Qui loquit(ur) turpiloqu(iu)m } his luciferis hyne
H2: P,39 { Qui loquit(ur) turpiloq(ui)um } . is luciferes
hyne [aaAx]
Ch: P,39 { Qui loquitur turpiloquium } . is luciferis hyne
D: P,39 { Qui turpe loquitur } . is luciferys hyne [aaAx]
R: P,39 { Qui loq(u)it(ur) turpiloquiu(m) } . ys lucyfer(is)
hyne [aaAx]
U: P,39 { Qui loquit(ur) turpiloquiu(m) } . is luciferes
hyne [aaAx]
V: P,39 { Qui (loquitur) (turpiloquium) } . Hee is (Luciferes)
hyne [aaAx]
H: P,39 { Qui loquitur turpiloquiu(m) } . is lucyfers hyne
J: P,39 { Qui loquit(ur) t(ur)piloquiu(m) } . is luciferes
hyne [aaAx]
L: P,39 Bote { Qui loquit(ur) t(ur)piloquiu(m) } . is lucifers
hyne [aaAx]
K: P,39 { Qui loquit(ur) t(ur)piloquiu(m) } . is lucyfer(is)
hyne [aaAx]
W: P,39 { Qui loquitur turpeloquium } . is lucifres hyne
E: P,39 { Qui loquitur t(ur)piloquiu(m) } . is luciferys
hyne [aaAx]
M: P,39 { Qui turpe loq(u)it(ur) } . is lucyfers hyne [aaAx]
T: p,40 Bidd(er)is & begg(er)is faste aboute [y]ede
H2: P,40 Bydders and beggers . faste aboute -gh-ede [aaAx]
Ch: P,40 Bidders and beggers . fast aboute -gh-ede [aaAx]
D: P,40 Bydderes & beggeres . faste aboute -gh-ede [aaAx]
R: P,40 begger(es) and bydder(es) . faste aboute -gh-ede
U: P,40 Beggeris and bydderes . faste aboute -y-edyn [aaAx]
V: P,40 (Bidders) and (Beggers) . faste (a-boute) eoden [aaAx]
H: P,40 Bydders & beggers . faste abowte -gh-eden [aaAx]
J: P,40 Bidders & beggers . fast about -gh-ede [aaAx]
L: P,40 Bidders & beggers . faste aboute -gh-eode [aaAx]
K: P,40 Beggars & byddars . fast aboute yedyn [aaAx]
W: P,40 Than bidders & beggers . fast aboute (:::::)
E: P,40 Begg(er)ys & bidders . fast abowte ryden [aaAx]
M: P,40 Bydderys & beggerys . fast abouten Rennen [aaAx]
T: p,41 Til here bely & here bagge were bratful ycrammid
H2: P,41 Tylle here bely and her(e) bagge . was bretful Icrammed
Ch: P,41 Til here bely and her bagge . were bretfulle filled
D: P,41 Tyl here bely & here bagge . was bred ful cra(m)med
R: P,41 Til her belyes and h(er) bagg(es) . war(e) bred ful
cra(m)med [aaAx]
U: P,41 Til here belyes and here bagges . were bred ful crammyd
V: P,41 Til heor (Bagges) and heore (Balies) . weren faste
I-crommet [aaXx]
H: P,41 Til her bagges & her balyes . weren faste cro(m)med
J: P,41 Till -th-(er) belyes & -th-(er) bagges . wer(e)
full cramed [aaAx]
L: P,41 And heor(e) balies & heore bagges . weore bretful
ycro(m)med [aaAx]
K: P,41 Til her belyys & her bag(es) . wer fully ycra(m)myd
W: P,41 Til -th-e bely and -th-e bagge . were ful (:::::)
E: P,41 To -th-air byllys & -th-air bagg(es) . w(i)t(h)
bred full(e) be cromed [aaAx]
M: P,41 Tyll her(e) bely & her(e) bagge . war(e) bretful
cramed [aaAx]
T: p,42 fflite [th]anne for here foode fou[gh]ten at [th]e
H2: P,42 ffayto(ur)s for her(e) fode . fou-gh-ten at nale
Ch: P,42 ffliten -th-an for her fode . and fi-gh-ten at -th-e
nale [aaAx]
D: P,42 fflytteden & for here fode . fouten at -th-e
Ale [aaAx]
R: P,42 -th-ei flyte-th- for her fode . and fy-gh-then at
-th-e ale [aaAx]
U: P,42 -Th-ei fliten for here fode . and foughten at -th-e
nale [aaAx]
V: P,42 (Feyneden) hem for heore (foode) . (fou_g_ten) atte
alle [aaAx]
H: P,42 ffayteden for her foode . & foughten at -th-e
naale [aaAx]
J: P,42 ffayted for -th-(er) fode . foughten at -th-e ale
L: P,42 ffaytours for heore fode . at -th-e nale foghten
K: P,42 And flytyd fast for her fode . & fowghtyn at
nale [aaAx]
W: P,42 They faited for here fode . and foughten at -th-e
nale [aaAx]
E: P,42 -Th-ai fflyte for -th-air ffode . & fyght at
-th-e nale [aaAx]
M: P,42 ffayteden(n) for he fode . & foughten atte hale
T: p,43 In glotonye god wot go [th]ei to bedde
H2: P,43 In glotenye god wote . gon they to bedde [aaAx]
Ch: P,43 In glotony god wote . gon -th-ei to bedde [aaAx]
D: P,43 In glotonye god wot . go -th-ey to bedde [aaAx]
R: P,43 In glotenye god wot . go -th-ei to bedde [aaAx]
U: P,43 In glotenye god wot . go -th-ei to bedde [aaAx]
V: P,43 In (Glotonye), (God) wot . (gon) heo to Bedde [aaAx]
H: P,43 In glotonye god wote . gon -th-ei to bedde [aaAx]
J: P,43 In glotony god wote . go -th-ai to bedd [aaAx]
L: P,43 In glotony god wot . gon -th-ey to bedde [aaAx]
K: P,43 In glotony god wote . goon thay to bedd [aaAx]
W: P,43 In (:::::) god wot . go -th-ei to (::::) [aaAx]
E: P,43 In glotone god wote . go -th-ai to bedd(es) [aaAx]
M: P,43 In glotenye god whote . gon -th-ey to bedde [aaAx]
T: p,44 And risen vp wi[th] ribaudrie as robertis knaues
H2: P,44 And rysen vp w(i)t(h) rybaudye . tho roberdes knaues
Ch: P,44 And risen vp with rebaudy . as Robertes knaues [aaAx]
D: P,44 And riseth w(i)t(h) ribaudye . as Roberdys knaues
R: P,44 And rysen vp w(i)t(h) rybaudye . as robert(es) knauys
U: P,44 And risen vp with ribaudrie . as Roberdes knaues
V: P,44 And (ryse_th_) vp wi_th_ (ribaudye) . _th_is (Roberdes)
knaues [aaAx]
H: P,44 an rysen vp wi-th- rybaudy . -th-ese robberdys knaues
J: P,44 & rys vpp w(i)t(h) rybaudry . robardes knaues
L: P,44 And risyth vp wi-th- rybaldy . -th-o robardes knaues
K: P,44 And Rysyn w(i)t(h) Ribawdry . as Rybald(es) hewyn
W: P,44 (:::::) vp wi-th- (::::: :: :::::) hyne [aaAx]
E: P,44 And rysyn vp w(i)t(h) rybaldre . as rowt(es) of knafvys
M: P,44 And Rysen with rebaude . tho Robertes Cnaues [aaAx]
T: p,45 Slep & sleu[th]e sewi[th] hem eu(er)e
H2: P,45 Slep and [sorye] sleuthe . seweth hem eu(er)e [aaAx]
Ch: P,45 Slepe and sleuthe . sewen hem euer [aaAx]
D: P,45 Slepe & slow-th-e . sewe-th- he(m) eu(er)e [aaAx]
R: P,45 Sclep and slowthe . sewyth hem euere [aaAx]
U: P,45 Sleep & slouthe . sueth hem euere [aaAx]
V: P,45 (Sleep) and (Sleu_g__th_e) . (suwe_th_) hem euere
H: P,45 Sleep & slew-th-e . seweth hem euere [aaAx]
J: P,45 Slouth & slep . sewes -th-ame ev(er) [aaAx]
L: P,45 Sory slep & slouthe . euer heom sywith [aaAx]
K: P,45 Also sclepe & sclowth . sewyn hem eu(er) [aaAx]
W: P,45 (:::::) and (::::: ::::: ::: ::::::) [aaAx]
E: P,45 Slep & sleuth . sewys -th-aim eu(er) [aaAx]
M: P,45 Slepe & mochull slouthe . folwyth hem hewer(e)
T: p,46 Pilgrimes & palm(er)is pli[gh]ten hem togid(er)e
H2: P,46 Pylgrymes and palm(er)es . ply-gh-ten hem togyd(er)e
Ch: P,46 Pilgrimes and palmers . pli-gh-ten hem togederes
D: P,46 Pylgrymes & palmers . ply-gh-ten he(m) togidere
R: P,46 Pylgrymys and palmer(is) . plytyth hem togedere [aaAx]
U: P,46 Pilg(ri)mes and palmeres . plighten hem togidre [aaAx]
V: P,46 (Pilgrimes) and (Palmers) . (Plihten) hem to-gederes
H: P,46 Pylgrymers & palmers . pyghten hem togydres [aaAx]
J: P,46 Pilg(ri)mes & palm(er)es . pyke hem togyder [aaAx]
L: P,46 Pilgryms & palmers . togedres heom plyghten [aaAx]
K: P,46 Now pylgrymes and palm(er)s . pli-gh-ten hem togeders
W: P,46 (:::::) and (::::: :::: ::: :::::::) [aaAx]
E: P,46 Pilg(ri)mes & palmers . plight -th-aim togedir
M: P,46 Pylgrymes & palmers . plyten hem togydderes [aaAx]
T: p,47 ffor to seke seint Iame & seintes at rome
H2: P,47 To seke seynt Iame . and seynt(es) at rome [aaAx]
Ch: P,47 ffor to seke seint -Gh-ame . and seintes at Rome
D: P,47 ffor to seke seynt Iame . & seyntes at Rome [aaAx]
R: P,47 to seke seynt Iame . and seynt(es) in rome [aaAx]
U: P,47 ffor to seke seint Iame . and seyntes in Rome [aaAx]
V: P,47 ffor to (seche) (seint) Ieme . and (seintes) at Roome
H: P,47 ffor to seche seynte Iame . & seyntes at rome
J: P,47 ffor to seke sent Iame . & sayntes at rome [aaAx]
L: P,47 ffor to seche seynt Iame . & rerykes at rome
K: P,47 To sekyn saynt Iamys . & saynt(es) at Rome [aaAx]
W: P,47 (:: :::: :::::) Iame . and (:::::) of Rome [aaAx]
E: P,47 To seke Saynt Iamys . & Seint(es) in rome [aaAx]
M: P,47 To seche seynt Iames . & seyntis of Rome [aaAx]
T: p,48 Wenten for[th] in here wey wi[th] many wise talis
H2: P,48 Wente forth in here way . wyth many wyse tales [aaAx]
Ch: P,48 Went furth in her way . with many wise talis [aaAx]
D: P,48 went for-th- in here way . w(i)t(h) many wise tales
R: P,48 and wente for-th- in her wey . w(i)t(h) manye wyse
talys [aaAx]
U: P,48 Wenten forth in here weye . with many wise tales
V: P,48 (Wenten) for_th_ in heore (wey) . with mony (wyse)
tales [aaAx]
H: P,48 Wenten forthe in her waye . with many vayn taales
J: P,48 Went forth on her way . w(i)t(h) many wyse talys
L: P,48 Went forth on heore way . wi-th- mony tales wyse
K: P,48 Wentyn hem forth on her way . w(i)t(h) many wise
tal(is) [aaAx]
W: P,48 (:::: :::: ::::) in (:: :::: ::: :::) wise tales
E: P,48 And went fforth in -th-air wey . with mony wyse talys
M: P,48 Wendyt forth in her(e) wey . wyt manye wyse tales
T: p,49 And hadde leue to lei[gh]e al here lif aftir
H2: P,49 And hadde leue to ly-gh-e . alle her(e) lyff aftur
Ch: P,49 And had leue to li-gh-e . al her lif after [aaAx]
D: P,49 And hadde leue to lyen . al here lyf after [aaAx]
R: P,49 And hadde leue to lye . al here lyf after [aaAx]
U: P,49 And hadden leue to lye . alle here lyues aftir [aaAx]
V: P,49 And hedden (leue) to (ly_g_en) . al heore (lyf) tyme
H: P,49 And hadden leue for to lye . al her lyf aftur [aaAx]
J: P,49 -Th-an had -th-ei leue for to lye . al -th-(er) lyue
after [aaAx]
L: P,49 And haden leue to lyen . al heore lyf tyme [aaAx]
K: P,49 And had lepe to lyen . al her lyve after [aaAx]
W: P,49 (::: :::: ::: ::) lye . al (::: ::: ::::) [aaAx]
E: P,49 At hedde leve for to lee . al -th-air lyves aftyr
M: P,49 And hadden leue for to lyen . al her(e) lyue after
T: p,50 Ermytes on an hep wi[th] hokide staues
H2: P,50 Ermetes a grete hepe . w(i)t(h) hogete staues [aaAx]
Ch: P,50 Ermites on an hepe . with hoked staues [aaAx]
D: P,50 Heremytes on a hep . w(i)t(h) hoked staues [aaAx]
R: P,50 hernyt(es) on an hepe . w(i)t(h) hokede stauys [aaAx]
U: P,50 Ermytes on an heep . with hokide stauys [aaAx]
V: P,50 --- this line om --
H: P,50 --- this line is omitted ---
J: P,50 Ermytes on hepys . w(i)t(h) hokyd stauys [aaAx]
L: P,50 Ermytes on an hep . wi-th- hoked staues hyeden [aaAx]
K: P,50 Heremyt(es) on an hepe . w(i)t(h) hokyd stavys [aaAx]
W: P,50 (::::: :: ::) hepe . wi-th- (::: ::::) [aaAx]
E: P,50 Hermytes on a hepe . w(i)t(h) hoked staffis [aaAx]
M: P,50 Ermytys on an hep . wyt hokyd staues [aaAx]
T: p,51 Wenten to walsyngham & here wenchis aftir
H2: P,51 Wente to walsyngh(a)m . and her(e) wenches aftur
Ch: P,51 Wenten to walsyngh(a)m . and her wenches after [aaAx]
D: P,51 wente to walsyngh(a)m . & here wenches after
R: P,51 wente to walsyngh(a)m . and h(er) wenches after [aaAx]
U: P,51 Wenten to walsyngh(a)m . and here wenchis aftir [aaAx]
V: P,51 --- this line om --
H: P,51 --- this line is omitted ---
J: P,51 Went unto walsyngh(a)m . & -th-(er) wenchis after
L: P,51 To wende to walsyngh(a)m . & heore wenches after
K: P,51 Wentyn to walsyngh(a)m . & here wenches after
W: P,51 (::::) to walsyngham . & (::: ::::) after [aaAx]
E: P,51 Wente to walsyngh(a)m . & -th-air wenchys aftir
M: P,51 Wentyn to walsynh(a)m . & her(e) wenchys aft(ir)
T: p,52 Grete lobies & longe [th](a)t lo[th] were to swynke
H2: P,52 Grete lobyes and longe . that loth were to swynke
Ch: P,52 Gret lobies and long . -th-at lo-th-e were to swynk
D: P,52 Gret lobyes & longe . -th-(a)t loth were to swynke
R: P,52 Grete lobyes and longe . loth for to swynke [aaAx]
U: P,52 Grete lobyes & longe . loth for to swynke [aaAx]
V: P,52 Grete (lobres) & (longe) . _th_at (lo_th_) weore
to swynke [aaAx]
H: P,52 Grete lob(ur)s & longe . -th-at lothe weren to
swynke [aaAx]
J: P,52 W(i)t(h) grete polys & long . -th-(a)t lothe
wer to swynk [aaAx]
L: P,52 Grete lobyes & longe . -th-at loth weore to swynk
K: P,52 Grete lobies & long(e) . that loth weryn to worche
W: P,52 (:::: ::::) and long . -th-at (::: ::::) to swynke
E: P,52 gret losels & long . lothe for to swynke [aaAx]
M: P,52 Greto globis & longe . -th-at loth weren to werche
T: p,53 Clo[th]ide hem in copis to be knowen from o[th](er)e
H2: P,53 Gloseth hem in copes . to be knowe from other [aaAx]
Ch: P,53 Clo-th-ed hem In copes . to be knowen from o-th-er
D: P,53 Clo-th-ed hem in Copes . to be knowen from o-th-(er)
R: P,53 Clo-th-ed hem in copys . to be knowe fro o-th-(er)e
U: P,53 Clothide hem in copes . to ben knowe from o-th-(er)e
V: P,53 (Clo_th_eden) hem in (Copes) . to beo (knowen) for
bre_th_eren [aaAx]
H: P,53 Clotheden hem in Copes . to be knowen for bretheren
J: P,53 Clothid -th-em in copys . to ben knowyn from o-th-er
L: P,53 Clothen heom in copes . to beo knowe from othir [aaAx]
K: P,53 Clothid hem in copys . to be knowyn from other [aaAx]
W: P,53 Clo-th-ed (:: :: :::) . to (:: :::: ::: ::::) [aaAx]
E: P,53 Clothys in copys . to be knowyn from other [aaAx]
M: P,53 Claddyn hem in copis . to ben knowyn from o-th-er(e)
T: p,54 Shopen hem Ermytes here ese to haue
H2: P,54 Schopen hem Ermetes . here ese to haue [xaAa]
H2: P,54 Who so -gh-eueth for godes loue wyl nat -gh-eue
his -th-ankis
H2: P,54 But -th-(er)e his mede may be most and most m(er)ytorye
Ch: P,54 Schope hem Ermites . her ese to haue [xaAa]
D: P,54 Shopen hem to hermytes . here ese to haue [xaAa]
R: P,54 Schopyn he(m) ermyt(es) . here ese to haue [xaAa]
R: P,54 on fele halue . fonden hem to done
R: P,54 leder(es) -th-ei be of louedayes . and w(i)t(h) -th-e
lawe medle
V: P,54 And summe schopen to (hermytes) . heore (ese) to
(haue) [xaAa]
H: P,54 And schopen hem to hermytes . her eese for to haue
J: P,54 And madyn [he(m)] Ermytes . -th-eir ese for to haue
L: P,54 Schapen heom hermytes . heore ayse to hauen [xaAa]
K: P,54 Schopyn hem such clothis . her ease to haue [xaAa]
W: P,54 They (:::: ::: :::: ::: ::: ::) haue [xaAa]
E: P,54 Schopyn -th-aim hermyte-gh- . -th-air ease for to
haue [xaAa]
E: P,54 P(er)sons with -th-air p(ro)curases p(er)mutyn -th-air
E: P,54 With al -th-e besynes of -th-air body -th-e bett(er)
to haue
E: P,54 Vicars on fele halue fandyn -th-aim to Done
E: P,54 Leders -th-ai ben of lovedays & with -th-e lawe
M: P,54 And schapyn hem ermytis . her(e) ese to haue [xaAa]
T: p,55 I fond [th](er)e ffreris alle [th]e foure ordris
H2: P,55 I fonde there freres . of alle foure orders [aaAx]
Ch: P,55 I founde -th-er freres . alle the foure ordres [aaAx]
D: P,55 But I fonde -th-(er) -th-e ffreres . all(e) -th-e
foure ordres [aaAx]
R: P,55 I fond -th-(er) -th-e frer(es) . alle -th-e fower
orderes [aaAx]
U: P,55 y fond -th-ere freris . alle -th-e foure ordres [aaAx]
V: P,55 I (font) _th_ere (ffreres) . alle _th_e (ffoure)
Ordres [aaAx]
H: P,55 I fonde there -th-e freeris . alle the foure orders
J: P,55 I fonde -th-(er) freris forsothe . alle -th-e four(e)
orders [aaAx]
L: P,55 y fond -th-er -th-e freres . alle -th-e foure ordres
K: P,55 I foundyn ther frerys . of al the fower ordres [aaAx]
W: P,55 I fond (::: :::: :::) -th-e (:::: ::::) [aaAx]
E: P,55 I fand -th-(er) frerr(is) . all(e) -th-e foure orde(r)s
M: P,55 ffondy(n) -th-er(e) of freris . alle iiij ordres
T: p,56 Prechinge [th]e peple for p(ro)fit of [th]e wombe
H2: P,56 Prechyng to peple . for p(ro)fyte of -th-e wombe
Ch: P,56 Preching the peple . for profite of the wombe [aaAx]
D: P,56 Prechyng -th-e peple . for p(ro)fyte of here wombe
R: P,56 Prechynge -th-e peple . for p(ro)fyt of her(e) wombys
U: P,56 P(re)chynge -th-e peple . for p(ro)fit of here wombes
V: P,56 (Prechinge) _th_e (peple) . for (profyt) of heore
wombes [aaAx]
H: P,56 Prechynge -th-e pepule . for profyt of her wombys
J: P,56 P(re)chand -th-e pepyl . for p(ro)fete of her wombys
L: P,56 Prechyng -th-e people . for profite of -th-e paunc[he]
K: P,56 Prechyng(e) the people . for p(ro)fyte of her wombe
W: P,56 Prechinge to -th-e peple . for prof(:::) of -th-e
wo(::) [aaAx]
E: P,56 Preching -th-e peple . for p(ro)fett of -th-air wombys
M: P,56 Precheyng -th-e peple . for profit of hem selue(n)
T: p,57 Gloside [th]e gospel as him good likide
H2: P,57 And glosed -th-e gospel . as hem good liked [aaAx]
Ch: P,57 Glosed the gospel . as hem gode -th-ou-gh-t [aaAx]
D: P,57 Gloseth -th-e Gospell . as hym good lyketh [aaAx]
R: P,57 Glosede -th-e gospel . as hem goud lykede [aaAx]
U: P,57 Glosid -th-e gospell(e) . as hem good lykide [aaAx]
V: P,57 (Glosynge) _th_e (Gospel) . as hem (good) like_th_
H: P,57 Glosynge -th-e gospel . as hem silf lyketh [aaAx]
J: P,57 Glosyd -th-e gospel . as hem gode lykyd [aaAx]
L: P,57 Gloseden -th-eo gospel . as heom leof likyth [aaAx]
K: P,57 Glosyd the gospel . as hem good lykyd [aaAx]
W: P,57 And glosed (:: :::: :: ::: ::: ::::) [aaAx]
E: P,57 Glosys -th-e gospel . as -th-aim good lik(es) [aaAx]
M: P,57 Glosedyn -th-e gospel . as hem good likede [aaAx]
T: p,58 ffor coueitise of copis construide it as [th]ei wolde
H2: P,58 ffor couetyse of copes . construed as they wolde
Ch: P,58 ffor coueitise of copes . constrewed hit as -th-ei
wold [aaAx]
D: P,58 ffor coueytise of Copes . construeth it at wille
R: P,58 for couetyse of copys . construd yt as -th-ei wolde
U: P,58 ffor couetyse of copes . construed it as -th-ei wolde
V: P,58 ffor (Couetyse) of (Copes) . (Construe_th)_ hit ille
H: P,58 ffor couetise of coopis . construen it ful yuel [aaAx]
J: P,58 ffor q(ua)yntnes of her copys . constru as -th-ei
wolde [aaAx]
L: P,58 ffor couetise of copes . -th-ey co(n)struen hit a-gh-eyn
kyn[de] [aaAx]
K: P,58 ffor couetise of kopys . construyd it as they would
W: P,58 ffor (::::) of (:::) . cons(::::) as -th-ei wolde
E: P,58 --- this line is omitted ---
M: P,58 ffor couetise of copes . co(n)strudyn as -th-ey woldyn
T: p,59 Manye of [th]ise maistris may clo[th]e hem at lyking
H2: P,59 Many of these maystres . mowe close hem at lykyng
Ch: P,59 Many of thes maistres . may clothe hem at liking
D: P,59 Many of these maystres . may clothe hym at lykyng
R: P,59 Many of -th-o maystr(is) . mown clo-th-en he(m) at
lykyng [aaAxx]
U: P,59 Manye of -th-ese maistres . mow clothen hem at lykynge
V: P,59 ffor (monye) of _th_is (Maistres) . (mowen) clo_th_en
hem at lyking [aaAxx]
H: P,59 ffor mony of -th-ese mayst(ri)s . mowen be clothed
the better [aaAxx]
J: P,59 Mani of -th-(er) maysters . may clothe -th-em at
lykyng [aaAxx]
L: P,59 Mony of heore maistres . wi-th- couetise heom clo[-th-en]
K: P,59 Many of thes masters . may clothen hem at her likyng
W: P,59 Many of -th-is maystres . may cl(:::) hem at lykyng
M: P,59 ffor many of maistres . ben clo-th-id at lykyng [aaAxx]
T: p,60 ffor here mony & here marchaundise meten togid(er)e
H2: P,60 ffor here mone and marcaundise . meten togydere
Ch: P,60 ffor her mony and her marchaundise . meten togederes
D: P,60 ffor here money and Marchandises . mete togiders
R: P,60 for her money and h(er) marchau(n)dyse . mety(n)
togederis [aaAx]
U: P,60 ffor here moneye and here marchaundise . metyn togidre
V: P,60 For (Moneye) & heore (Marchaundie) . (meeten)
ofte to-gedere [aaAx]
H: P,60 ffor money & her marchaundise . metten togedyr
J: P,60 ffor mone & marchaundys . mettyn togydyr [aaAx]
L: P,60 ffor heore mone & marchaundise . meten togedr[e]
K: P,60 ffor her monye & her m(ar)chaundise . metyn together
W: P,60 Here mony & here marchandise . (:::) to(::::)
E: P,60 ffor -th-air mony & -th-air m(ar)chaundise .
metyn toged(er) [aaAx]
M: P,60 ffor mony & marchaundyse . macchyn togeder(e)
E: P,59 Many of -th-ir maist(er)is . may cloth -th-aim at likyng [aaAxx]
T: p,61 Si[th]en charite ha[th] ben chapman & chief to
shryue lordis
H2: P,61 Syth charyte hat be chapman . and chef to shryue
lordes [aaAx]
Ch: P,61 Se-th- charite hathe ben chapman . and chef to schriue
lordes [aaAx]
D: P,61 Sethen charite hath be chapman . & chief to shryue
lord(es) [aaAx]
R: P,61 sythe charite ha-th- be chapma(n) . & chef to
schryue lordis [aaAx]
U: P,61 Sithen charite ha-th- ben chapman . & cheef to
schryue lordes [aaAx]
V: P,61 Se_th__th_e (charite) ha_th_ be (chapmon) . (cheef)
to schriuen lordes [aaAx]
H: P,61 Sith ffreeris han ben chapmen . & cheef to schryue
lordys [aaAx]
J: P,61 Sethyn charite hath ben chappman . & chef to
scriuen lordes [aaAx]
L: P,61 Sen charite hath beo chapmon . & chef to schryue
[lordes] [aaAx]
K: P,61 Sythen charite hath byn chapman . & cheff to
schryff lord(is) [aaAx]
W: P,61 Si-th- ch(::::) ha-th- be chapman . & chef to
shrive lordes [aaAx]
E: P,61 Sir charite hase ben chapma(n) . & chefe to Shryve
lord(is) [aaAx]
M: P,61 Sethe frerys aryn chapme(n) . & chosyn to schryuy(n)
lordys [aaAx]
T: p,62 Manye ferlis han fallen in a fewe [y]eris
H2: P,62 Many ferlyes han falle . ry-gh-t in a fewe -gh-eres
Ch: P,62 Many ferlies han fallen . in a few -gh-eres [aaAx]
D: P,62 Many ferlyes hath falle . in a fewe -gh-eres [aaAx]
R: P,62 ffele ferlyis han falle . in a fewe -gh-erus [aaAx]
U: P,62 Many ferlyes han fallen . in a fewe -gh-eris [aaAx]
V: P,62 Mony (ferlyes) han (bi-falle) . in a (fewe) _g_eres
H: P,62 Many farlyes han bifallen . in a fewe -gh-eeris [aaAx]
J: P,62 Many ferlyes haue fallyn . in a few -gh-eris [aaAx]
L: P,62 Mony ferlyes han fallen . in a fewe -gh-eres [aaAx]
K: P,62 Many farleys haue Ifall . in a fewe -gh-erys [aaAx]
W: P,62 Many ferlyes han falle . in a fewe yers [aaAx]
E: P,62 ffele ferlys hath fallyn . in a fewe -y-eres [aaAx]
M: P,62 Manye ferlys han fallyn . in a fewe -y-erys [aaAx]
T: p,63 But holy chirche & [th]ei holden bet togid(er)e
H2: P,63 But holi chyrche & he . holden bet togydere
Ch: P,63 Bot holi chirch and -th-ei . holden bet togeder
D: P,63 But holy churche & he . holde bet togideres [aaAx]
R: P,63 But holy cherche and -th-ey . holdyn togederys [aaAx]
U: P,63 But holy chirche and he . holde togidre [aaAx]
V: P,63 But (holychirche) (bi-ginne) . (holde) bet (to-gedere)
H: P,63 An but hooly churche bygynne . -th-e bett(er) to
holde togedre [aaAx]
J: P,63 Bot holy chyrche & he . holdyn togyder(e) [aaAx]
L: P,63 Bote holy chirche & -th-ey . holden togedre [aaAx]
K: P,63 But holy chirche & charite . holdyn bett(er)
togedere [aaAx]
W: P,63 But holy chyrche & charite . holden bet togedere
E: P,63 Bot holy chirche & -th-ai . holden toged(er)
M: P,63 But holy chyrche & he . holdyn bet togederys
T: p,64 [Th]e moste meschief on molde is mountyng vp faste
H2: P,64 The most myschef on molde . is mountyng vp wel faste
Ch: P,64 -Th-e most mischef on molde . is mountyng vp fast
D: P,64 -Th-e most myschief on molde . is mou(n)tyng vp wel
faste [aaaAx]
R: P,64 -Th-e moste myschef of -th-is molde . mou(n)te-th-
vp faste [aaaAx]
U: P,64 -Th-e moste meschief on -th-is molde . mountith vp
faste [aaaAx]
V: P,64 _Th_e (moste) (Mischeef) on (molde) . (mounte_th_)
vp faste [aaAx]
H: P,64 the moost myscheef vpo(n) moolde . is mowntynge vp
wel faste [aaaAx]
J: P,64 -Th-e most mischeff on mold . ys mou(n)tyng vp fast
L: P,64 -Th-e moste meschef on molde . is mountyng vp fa[ste]
K: P,64 The most myschef on molde . is mou(n)tyng on hye
W: P,64 The most meschef of molde . is mountyng an hie [aaaAx]
E: P,64 The most myschefe of -th-e mold . mount(es) vp fast
M: P,64 -Th-e moste myschef on molde . is toward wol faste
T: p,65 [Th](er)e p(re)chide a p(ar)don(er) as he a prest were
H2: P,65 Ther(e) p(re)ched a p(ar)doner . as he a p(re)ste
were [aaAx]
Ch: P,65 -Th-er preched a pardoner . as he a prest were [aaAx]
D: P,65 -th-er p(re)cheth a pardoner . as he a prest were
R: P,65 -Th-er prechede a pardon(er) . a prest as -th-ou-gh-
he were [aaAx]
U: P,65 -Th-(er) p(re)chide a p(ar)doner . a p(re)st as he
were [aaAx]
V: P,65 _Th_er (prechede) a (pardoner) . as he a (prest)
were [aaAx]
H: P,65 Ther p(re)ched a pardener . a p(re)st as it were
J: P,65 -Th-er priked ford a p(ar)doner(e) . a p(re)st as
he wer(e) [aaAx]ay
L: P,65 -Th-er preched a pardoner . as he a preost weore
K: P,65 Ther p(re)chid a p(ar)don(er) . as he a p(re)ste
were [aaAx]
W: P,65 Ther preched a pardoner . as he a prest were [aaAx]
E: P,65 -Th-(er) p(re)chys of p(ar)don a p(ar)don(er) . prist
as he wer [aaAx]
M: P,65 -Th-(er) prechede a p(ar)don(er) . as he a prest
wer(e) [aaAx]
T: p,66 Brou[gh]te for[th] a bulle wi[th] bisshopis selis
H2: P,66 Brou-gh-t forth a bulle . w(i)t(h) byschopes seeles
Ch: P,66 Brou-gh-t forthe a Bulle . with Bischops sseles
D: P,66 Brou-gh-te forth a bulle . w(i)t(h) Bysshopes seles
R: P,66 brou-gh-the for-th- bullys . wyth busschopys selys
U: P,66 And broughte forth a bulle . with bysschopes selys
V: P,66 And (brou_g_t) vp a (Bulle) . with (Bisschopes) seles
H: P,66 And browght forth a bulle . with bysschop(is) sealys
J: P,66 & brouht forth a bulle . w(i)t(h) bisscoppes
seelys [aaAx]
L: P,66 Broghte forth a bulle . with mony bysschopes sea[lis]
K: P,66 And brought forth a bull(e) . w(i)t(h) bysschopp(is)
sealys [aaAx]
W: P,66 And brought forth a bulle . wi-th- byshop seles [aaAx]
E: P,66 Broght fforth bullys . w(i)t(h) bischopp seaulles
M: P,66 Brouthe forth a bulle . wyt bysschopys selys [aaAx]
T: p,67 And seide [th](a)t hym self mi[gh]te assoile hem alle
H2: P,67 And seide that he my-gh-t asoyle hem alle [aaAx]
Ch: P,67 And seide -th-at him self . mi-gh-t assoile hem
alle [aaAx]
D: P,67 & saide -th-(a)t hym self . my-gh-te Assoyle
hem Alle [aaAx]
R: P,67 And seyde hym self . my-gh-te asoyle hem alle [aaAx]
U: P,67 And seide hym selue . myghte assoile hem alle [aaAx]
V: P,67 And (seide) _th_at (him-self) mihte . (a-soylen)
hem alle [aaAx]
H: P,67 And seyd -th-at hym silf . myght assoylen hem alle
J: P,67 & seyd -th-(a)t him selue . myth asoylyn hem
alle [aaAx]
L: P,67 And saide -th-at him seolue . myght soile heom [vchon]
K: P,67 And said that hym self . might assoylyn hem all(e)
W: P,67 And said -th-at hem self . myght assoill(e) hem alle
E: P,67 And sayd hym selfe he . myght asoyle -th-aim al [aaAx]
M: P,67 And seyde -th-at hym self . myth asoilyn he(m) alle
T: p,68 Of falsnesse of fastyng & of auowes broken
H2: P,68 Of falsnesse of fastyng . of lesynges of wowes ybroke
Ch: P,68 Off falsnesse of fasting . and of avowes breking
D: P,68 Of falsnesse of fastyng . of a wow broken [aaAx]
R: P,68 of falsnesse of fastynge . of avowes brokyn [aaAx]
U: P,68 Of falsnesse of fastynge . of avowes broken [aaAx]
V: P,68 Of (ffalsnesse) and (ffastinge) . and of (vouwes)
I-broken [aaAx]
H: P,68 Of falsenesse of fastyng(us) . & of vowys broken
J: P,68 Of falsnesse of fastyng . of vowys Ibroken [aaAx]
L: P,68 Of falsnes of fastynges . of vowes ybroken [aaAx]
K: P,68 Of falssenes of fastyng . & of auowys ybroke
W: P,68 Of falshode and fastyng . and of vowes ybryke [aaAx]
E: P,68 Of falsnes of fastyng . & of wowes brokyn [aaAx]
M: P,68 Of falsnesse of fastyng . of vouwys Ibrokyn [aaAx]
T: p,69 Lewide men leuide it wel & likide his speche
H2: P,69 Lewyd men lyked wel . and leued his speche [aaAx]
Ch: P,69 lewde men leued hit wele . and liked his speche
D: P,69 Lewed men leued wel . & liked his speche [aaAx]
R: P,69 -th-e lewde men leued hym wel . and lykyd his speche
U: P,69 -Th-e lewid men lyueden hym . and likide wel his
speche [aaAx]
V: P,69 _Th_e (lewede) Men (likede) him wel . and (leeue_th_)
his speche [aaAx]
H: P,69 These lewyd men leued hym wel . & lykeden his
speche [aaAx]
J: P,69 Lewed men leueden him . & lykyk wele his speche
L: P,69 Lewed men hit loued wel . & liked his leodene
K: P,69 Lewde me(n) levyd well . & allowyd his speche
W: P,69 The lewed folk it lyked well . and leued his speche
E: P,69 -th-e lewid men levyd hym wele . & likyd hys
speche [aaAx]
M: P,69 lewde men likedyn hym wel . & leuedy(n) hyse
wordys [aaAx]
T: p,70 Comen vp knelynge to kissen his bulle
H2: P,70 Comen vp knelyng . to kyssen his bulle [aaAx]
Ch: P,70 Comen vp kneling . to kissen his bulle [aaAx]
D: P,70 Come vp knelyng . to kessen his bulle [aaAx]
R: P,70 come knelyng vp . to kyssyn his bullys [aaAx]
U: P,70 and comen knelyng vp . to kussen his bulle [aaAx]
V: P,70 And (comen) vp (knelynge) . and (cusseden) his Bulle
H: P,70 & comen vp kneolynge . & kysseden his bulles
J: P,70 & kemyn vp knelyng . to kyssyn -th-e bulle [aaAx]
L: P,70 Comen vp kneolyng . to kusse his bulle [aaAx]
K: P,70 Comyn vp knelyng(e) . to kyssen his bul(es) [aaAx]
W: P,70 Thei comen vp knelyng . to (::::)en his bulle [aaAx]
E: P,70 Com knelyng vppon kneys . & kyssyn hys bulle
M: P,70 Comy(n) vp knelyng . & kestyn hys bullys [aaAx]
T: p,71 He bunchi[th] hem wi[th] his breuet & bleri[th]
here ei[gh]e
H2: P,71 He bunched hem w(i)t(h) his breuet . and bleryd
her(e) eyen [aaAx]
Ch: P,71 And he buncheth hem with his breuet . and blerith
her eye-gh-en [aaAx]
D: P,71 He bonches hem w(i)t(h) his breuet . blered here
eyen [aaAx]
R: P,71 He blessed hem w(i)t(h) his breuet . and blered her(e)
eyes [aaAx]
U: P,71 He blessid hem wi-th- his breuet . and blerid here
eyen [aaAx]
V: P,71 He (bonchede) hem with his (Breuet) . & (blered)
heore ei_g_en [aaAx]
H: P,71 He blessud hem wi-th- his breuett . & bleryd
her y-gh-en [aaAx]
J: P,71 He blenchet w(i)t(h) his breuet . & bleryd her
yen [aaAx]
K: P,71 He bunchyd hem w(i)t(h) his brevett(es) . & bleryd
her eyen [aaAx]
W: P,71 He bonched hem wi-th- his breuet . & blered here
eyen [aaAx]
E: P,71 He blyssyd -th-aim w(i)t(h) hys breuett . & blerett
-th-air eyes [aaAx]
M: P,71 He bunchede hem wyt hys breuet . & blerid her(e)
eye [aaAx]
T: p,72 And rau[gh]te wi[th] his rageman ryngis & brochis
H2: P,72 And rau-gh-t w(i)t(h) his rageman . rynges and broches
Ch: P,72 And rau-gh-t with his Ragman . Ringes and broches
D: P,72 And rau-gh-te with his ragman . broches & rynges
R: P,72 rau-gh-the he(m) w(i)t(h) his rageman . broches and
rynges [aaAx]
U: P,72 Raughte hym with his raggeman . broches and rynges
V: P,72 And (rauhte) with his (Ragemon) . (Ringes) and Broches
H: P,72 and raughte wi-th- his ragman . ryng(us) & broches
J: P,72 & raut with his ragman . ringgys & broches
L: P,72 And he raughte wi-th- his ragemon . rynges & bro[chis]
K: P,72 And rawght(e) w(i)t(h) his ragma(n) . ryng(is) & brochis
W: P,72 And raught wi-th- his ragman . ringes and broches
E: P,72 Raght with hys ragman . brochis & ryngges [aaAx]
M: P,72 he rauthe w(i)t(h) hys rageman . brochys & ryngys
L: P,71 He bonched heom with his breued . blered heore ey-gh-[nen] [aaAx]
T: p,73 [Th]us [th]ei [y]ouen here gold glotonis to helpe
H2: P,73 Thus -gh-e -gh-euen -gh-our(e) gold . glotenes to
helpe [aaAx]
Ch: P,73 -Th-us -th-ei -gh-euen her gode . glotouns to helpe
D: P,73 -Th-us -th-ey -gh-euen here gold . glotou(n)s to
helpe [aaAx]
R: P,73 -Th-us -gh-e -gh-euen -gh-or(e) gold . glotonys to
helpyn [aaAx]
U: P,73 -Th-us -y-e -y-euen -y-our gold . glotonus to helpe
V: P,73 _Th_us _g_e (_g_iue_th_) oure (gold) . (Glotonye)
to helpen [aaAx]
H: P,73 Thus -gh-e -gh-yuen -gh-oure good(us) . glotons to
helpe [aaAx]
J: P,73 -Th-(us) -gh-e -gh-euyn -gh-our(e) goulde . glotenys
to helppe [aaAx]
L: P,73 -Th-us -gh-e -gh-euen oure gold . glotones to gladen
K: P,73 Thus thay yevyn her gold . glotou(n)s to please [aaAx]
W: P,73 Thus -gh-e (::: ::::) gold . glotons to helpe [aaAx]
E: P,73 -Th-us -th-ai geven -th-air gold . glotonys to helpe
M: P,73 -Y-us -y-e -y-euen -y-our(e) gold . glotyns to helpyn
T: p,74 And leni[th] it loselis [th]at leccherie haunten
H2: P,74 And leneth it loselles . that lecherye haunteth
Ch: P,74 And lenen hit locels . -th-at lecchorie haunten
D: P,74 & lenyth it to losels . -th-(a)t lecherye haunteth
R: P,74 And lenyn hit to loselys . -th-(a)t lecherye haunten
U: P,74 And lenyn it to loselis . -th-at lechery haunten
V: P,74 And (leue_th_) hit to (losels) . _th_at (lecherie)
haunten [aaAx]
H: P,74 & lenen hyth to losels . -th-at lecheries hawnten
J: P,74 & lenyn it losels . -th-(a)t lychery hauntyn
L: P,74 And leneth hit losels . -th-at lecherie haunten [aaAx]
K: P,74 And levyth it lorell(es) . that lechery hauntyn [aaAx]
W: P,74 And leuen at los(:::) . -th-at leccherie haunten
E: P,74 And latt(es) it to losels . -th-(a)t lichory haunt(es)
M: P,74 And lenen -th-ese loselys . -th-at lecherie hauntyt
T: p,75 But were [th]e bisshop yblissid & wor[th] bo[th]e
hise eris
H2: P,75 Wer(e) -th-e byschop Iblessid . and worth bothe
his eres [aaAx]
Ch: P,75 Bot were the bischop Iblessed . and worth bothe
hise eris [aaAx]
D: P,75 Were -th-e Bysshope blessyd . or worth bo-th-e his
erys [aaAx]
R: P,75 But wer(e) -th-e byschop yblessed . and wor-th- bo-th-e
his erys [aaAx]
U: P,75 But were -th-e bisschop yblessid . and worth bo-th-e
his eres [aaAx]
V: P,75 Weore _th_e (Bisschop) (I-blesset) . and wor_th_
(bo_th_e) his Eres [aaAx]
H: P,75 But were -th-e bisschop blessid . & worth bothe
hise eares [aaAx]
J: P,75 Wer(e) -th-e bysschop blissyd . & worth bothe
his eris [aaAx]
L: P,75 Weore -th-eo bysschop yblessed . & worth bothe
his [eris] [aaAx]
K: P,75 Were the bisshop Iblessyd . & worth both his
eyen [aaAx]
W: P,75 Where -th-e byshop blyss(::) . (::) worth bo-th-e
hese heres [aaAx]
E: P,75 Bot wer -th-e bischop blyssyd . & worth both
hys eres [aaAx]
M: P,75 Wer(e) -th-e bisschop Iblissid . worth bo-th-en hyse
eryn [aaAx]
T: p,76 His sel shulde not be sent to disseyue [th]e peple
H2: P,76 His seel schul nat be sent . to dysseyue -th-e peple
Ch: P,76 His sel schuld nat be so sent . to sustein -th-e
l peple [aaAx]
D: P,76 His seel schuld not be sent . to disseyue -th-e peple
R: P,76 His selys schulde not be sent . to disseyue -th-e
peple [aaAx]
U: P,76 His seal schulde noght be sent . to desceyue -th-e
peple [aaAx]
V: P,76 Heo (scholde) not beo (so) hardi . to (deceyue) so
_th_e peple [aaAx]
H: P,76 -th-ei schulde(n) not be so hardy . to bigyle so
-th-e peple [aaAx]
J: P,76 His seele sold not be sent . to seyuyn -th-e peple
L: P,76 His seal schulde not beon sent . -th-eo people to
de[seyue] [aaAx]
K: P,76 His seale schuld not be sent . to disceyve the people
W: P,76 His s(::) shold not be sent . to disceyue -th-e peple
E: P,76 hys seaules suld noght be send . to disave -th-e
peple [aaAx]
M: P,76 Hyse seal schulde nouth ben sent . to disseyuy(n)
-th-e peple [aaAx]
T: p,77 It is not al be [th]e bisshop [th](a)t [th]e boy p(re)chi[th]
H2: P,77 It is nou-gh-t be -th-e byschop . that the boy p(re)ched
Ch: P,77 Hit is nat al be -th-e bischop . -th-at -th-e boy
preche-th- [aaAx]
D: P,77 He is nou-gh-t al be -th-e bisshop . -th-(a)t -th-ey
bo-th-e precheth [aaAx]
R: P,77 I trowe hit be not for -th-e byschop . -th-(a)t -th-e
boye p(re)che-th- [aaAx]
U: P,77 Y trowe it is noght for -th-e bisschop . -th-at -th-e
boye p(re)cheth [aaAx]
V: P,77 Saue hit nis not (bi) _th_e (Bisschop) . _th_at _th_e
(Boye) preche_th_ [aaAx]
H: P,77 It is not al by -th-e bischop . -th-at -th-e boye
preche-th- [aaAx]
J: P,77 Yt is not be -th-e bysschopp . -th-at -th-e boye
p(re)chyt [aaAx]
L: P,77 Hit is not by -th-e bisschop . -th-(a)t -th-e boy
precheth [aaAx]
K: P,77 It is not al by the bysshop . that the boy p(re)chith
W: P,77 It is not be -th-e bishop [(:::)] . -th-at -th-e
boy preche-th- [aaAx]
E: P,77 I trove noght [it] be for -th-e byschop . -th-(a)t
-th-e boye p(re)chys [aaAx]
M: P,77 It is nouth born -th-e bisschop . -th-at -th-ey bo-th-in
prechyt [aaAx]
T: p,78 Ac [th]e parissh prest & [th]e p(ar)don(er) parte
[th]e silu(er)
H2: P,78 But the p(ar)ische p(re)est and the p(ar)don(er)
. dep(ar)tid the siluer [aaaAx]
Ch: P,78 Bot -th-e p(ar)ische prest and -th-e pardoner .
parten -th-e siluer [aaaAx]
D: P,78 But -th-e parissh prest & -th-e pardon(er) .
parteth -th-e silu(er) [aaaAx]
R: P,78 but for -th-e p(ar)don(er) and -th-e p(ar)ichsprest
. dep(ar)tyn -th-e syluer [aaaAx]
U: P,78 But -th-e p(ar)iche preest and -th-e p(ar)doner .
p(ar)ten -th-e siluer [aaaAx]
V: P,78 Bote _th_e (Parisch) (prest) . and he (de-parte)
_th_e seluer [aaAx]
H: P,78 but -th-e p(ari)sche prest & -th-e p(ar)dyn(er)
. parten -th-e syluer [aaaAx]
J: P,78 Ac -th-e parisch p(re)ste & -th-e p(ar)doner(e)
. part(y)n -th-e syluur [aaaAx]
L: P,78 Bote -th-eo paressch preost & he . parten -th-e
seoluer [aaaAx]
K: P,78 But the p(ar)isch p(re)ste & the p(ar)don(er)
. p(ar)tyn the syluer [aaaAx]
W: P,78 But -th-e prest and the p(::::) . parti-th- -th-e
monoye [aaaAx]
E: P,78 Bot for -th-e p(ar)don(er) & -th-e p(ar)ische
p(re)st . dep(ar)te(n) -th-air siluer [aaaAx]
M: P,78 Ac -th-e prest & -th-e p(ar)don(er) . partyn
-th-e selue [aaaAx]
T: p,79 [Th](a)t [th]e pore peple of [th]e parissh shulde haue
[y]if [th]ei ne were
H2: P,79 That por(e) peple of -th-e p(ar)ische . schulde
haue if -th-ei ne were [aaaXx]
Ch: P,79 -Th-at -th-e pore peple of -th-e parsch . schuld
haue -gh-if -th-ei ne were [aaaXx]
D: P,79 -Th-(a)t -th-e pore peple of -th-e parissh . schuld
haue if -th-ey ne wer(e) [aaaXx]
R: P,79 That -th-e pore scholde departyn -gh-if -th-at -th-ei
ne were [aaaXx]
U: P,79 -Th-at -th-e pore peple . schuld haue if -th-at -th-ei
ne were [aaaXx]
V: P,79 _Th_at haue schulde _th_e (pore) (parisschens) .
_g_if _th_at heo ne weore [aaXx]
H: P,79 -Th-at -th-e poore of -th-e p(ar)ysche . schuld haue
if -th-ei ne were [aaaXx]
J: P,79 -Th-(a)t -th-e pore peple . suld hauen -gh-if -th-ei
ne wer(e) [aaaXx]
L: P,79 -Th-(a)t -th-e pore people of -th-e paresch . schuld
haue -gh-ef [-th-ay ne were] [aaaXx]
K: P,79 That the pore people of the p(ar)isch . schuld haue
if thay nere [aaaXx]
W: P,79 That -th-e peple shold haue nyf -th-ei hem pilde(::)
E: P,79 -Th-(a)t -th-e poor men . schulde dep(ar)t if -th-ai
ne wer [aaaXx]
M: P,79 --- this line is omitted ---
T: p,80 P(er)sonis & parissh p(re)stis pleynide hem to
here bisshop
H2: P,80 P(er)sones and p(ar)ische p(re)estes . plenyth to
her(e) byschop [aaaAx]
Ch: P,80 Persones and parsch prestes . pleined hem to -th-e
bischop [aaaAx]
D: P,80 P(er)sones & Parissh prestes . pleyned he(m)
to -th-e Bisshop [aaaAx]
R: P,80 P(er)sonys and p(ar)ys prest(is) . playnen to h(er)
byschop [aaaAx]
U: P,80 P(er)sones and p(ar)sche p(re)stis . pleynen hem
to here bysschop [aaaAx]
V: P,80 (Persones) and (parisch) (prestes) . (playne_th_)
to heore Bisschops [aaaAx]
H: P,80 Parsowns & prouenders . han playned to her bisschopp(us)
J: P,80 Persons p(re)stly . pleynyd hem to her bysshopp [aaaAx]
L: P,80 Persons & parysch preostes . playnen to -th-e
bisschop [aaaAx]
K: P,80 P(er)sons and p(ar)isch p(re)st(is) . pleynyden to
the bysshop [aaaAx]
W: P,80 Than persons and vicaries . pl(::: ::) the byshop
E: P,80 P(er)sons & p(ar)ische p(re)st(is) . pleyne -th-aim
to Bischoppis [aaaAx]
M: P,80 P(er)sons & vicarys . pleynyt hem to -th-e bisschop
T: p,81 [Th]at here parissh was pore si[th][th]e [th]e pestilence
H2: P,81 That her(e) p(ar)isches wer(e) por(e) . sithe the
pestilence tyme [aaAx]
Ch: P,81 -Th-at her parsch was pore . se-th- -th-e pestelence
time [aaAx]
D: P,81 -Th-at here parissh were pore . se-th-e -th-e pestilence
tyme [aaAx]
R: P,81 -Th-at her p(ar)yssenys ben pore . sy-th-en -th-e
pestelens tyme [aaAx]
U: P,81 -Th-at here p(ar)yschenes ben pore . sithen -th-e
pestilence tyme [aaAx]
V: P,81 _Th_at heore (Parisch) ha_th_ ben (pore) . se_th__th_e
_th_e (Pestilence) [aaXa]
H: P,81 -Th-at her p(ar)ischens han ben poore . sith pestylence
tyme [aaAx]
J: P,81 -Th-(a)t her parisch ben pour(e) . seyn pestelens
tyme [aaAx]
L: P,81 -Th-at sen -th-e furste pestilence heore parysch
weore [pore] [aaAx]
K: P,81 That their p(ar)ischenes were pore . syns the pestelence
tyme [aaAx]
W: P,81 That h(:: :::)she was pore . si-th- -th-e pestelence
tyme [aaAx]
E: P,81 At -th-air kirkes wer pure . seth -th-e pestilence
tyme [aaAx]
M: P,81 -Th-at her(e) cherchys weryn pouer(e) . sy-th-yn
-th-e pestilens tyme [aaAx]
T: p,82 To haue a licence & leue at lundou(n) to dwelle
H2: P,82 To haue a lisence and leue . at london to dwelle
Ch: P,82 To haue licens and leue . at london to duelle [aaAx]
D: P,82 --- this line is omitted ---
R: P,82 To haue a lycence and a leue . at londou(n) to dwelle
U: P,82 To haue a licence and a leue . at londou(n) to dwelle
V: P,82 And aske_th_ (leue) and (lycence) . at (londun) to
dwelle [aaAx]
H: P,82 And han leue & lycence . at london to dwelle
J: P,82 To haue lycens & leue . at londou(n) to dwelle
L: P,82 To haue licence & leue . at london to dwelle
K: P,82 To haue licence & leue . at london to dwelle
W: P,82 Thay asked a lycence at london to (::::) [aaAx]
E: P,82 To licance & lyue . at londou(n) to dwelle [aaAx]
M: P,82 to haue(n) licence & leue . at londone to duelle
T: p,83 To synge for symonye for silu(er) is swete
H2: P,83 To synge ther(e) for symonye . for syluer is swete
Ch: P,83 To singe for symonye . for silu(er) is swete [aaAx]
D: P,83 To synge for Symonye . for silu(er) is swete [aaAx]
R: P,83 To synge for symonye . for sylu(er) is swete [aaAx]
U: P,83 To syngen for symonye . for siluer is swete [aaAx]
V: P,83 To (singe) _th_er for (Simonye) . for (seluer) is
(swete) [aaAa]
H: P,83 to synge -th-ere for symonye . for syluer is swete
J: P,83 To synggyn for symony . for silu(er) is swete [aaAx]
L: P,83 To synge -th-(er) for symonye . for seoluer is swete
K: P,83 To syng(e) ther for symonye . for sylu(er) is swete
K: P,83 [C: P,85] I seygh bisshoppis & bachelars both
mast(er) & docto(ur)(es)
K: P,83 [C: P,86] That haue cure vnd(er) cryste & crownyng
in tokyn
K: P,83 [C: P,87] And chargyd w(i)t(h) holy chirche charite
to tyllyn
K: P,83 [C: P,89] Lyen in london in lentyn and els
K: P,83 [C: P,90] Su(m)m s(er)ue the kyng(es) his sylu(er)
K: P,83 [C: P,91] In cheker & chaunc(er)y chalenge his
K: P,83 [C: P,92] Of ward(es) & wardemot(es) wes(es)
K: P,83 [C: P,93] And su(m)m arn some schall(es) & s(er)vyn
grete lord(es)
K: P,83 [C: P,94] And byn in stede of steward(es) & syttyn & demyn
K: P,83 [C: P,95] Consience came & accusyd hem & the
como(n)s hardith
K: P,83 [C: P,96] And said Idolatry -th-e suffren in sondry
plac(es) many
K: P,83 [C: P,97] And boxis byn Iset forth yboundyn w(i)t(h)
K: P,83 [C: P,98] To vnd(er)take the toll of outrue sac(ri)fyce
K: P,83 [C: P,99] In meanyng of myracles muoh wax ther hangith
K: P,83 [C: P,100] Al the world wele it might not be true
K: P,83 [C: P,101] But for it p(ro)fityth you into purs upon
p(re)lat(es) suffren
K: P,83 [C: P,102] That lewde men in mysbeleve lyvynv& dyen
K: P,83 [C: P,103] I love by o(ur) lord for love of yo(ur)
K: P,83 [C: P,104] Al the world be the worse as holy writte
K: P,83 [C: P,105] What cheste & myschaunce fel to the
childerin of Isr(e)l
K: P,83 [C: P,106] On hem that free wer(e) thrugh ij fals
K: P,83 [C: P,107] Of fines some & fynes his brother
K: P,83 [C: P,108] Thay moore disco(m)fytyd in batel & lofse
{ archa d(omi)ni }
K: P,83 [C: P,109] And for her fyre see hem synne and suffryd
hem do ill
K: P,83 [C: P,110] And chastysyd hem not ther of & nold
not rebuke hem
K: P,83 [C: P,111] Anon as it was tould hym that the childern
of Isr(ae)l
K: P,83 [C: P,112] Were dysconfytyd in bataile & { Archa
d(omi)ni } lorn & his sonys slawe
K: P,83 [C: P,113] Ther anon he ful for sorowe fro(m) his
chare ther he satt
K: P,83 [C: P,114] And brake his necke atwayne & al was
for vengeance
K: P,83 [C: P,115] He blamyd not hys childern & for thay
were p(re)st(is) & me(n) of holy chirche
K: P,83 [C: P,116] --- this line om ---
K: P,83 [C: P,117] God was wel the wrothar & toke the
rather vengeance
K: P,83 [C: P,118] ffor thy I say you p(er)st(es) & men
of holy chyrche
K: P,83 [C: P,119] That suffren men do sacryfyse & worschip
K: P,83 [C: P,120] And ye schuld be her fathers & techen
hem better
K: P,83 [C: P,121] God schal take vengeaunce on al such p(re)st(is)
K: P,83 [C: P,122] Wel hard(er) & grett(er) on such schrewde
K: P,83 [C: P,123] Than eu(er) he dede on ofnes and fynes
his brother
K: P,83 [C: P,124] ffor yo(ur) schrewde suffr(au)nce & yo(ur)
own synne
K: P,83 [C: P,125] Yo(ur) masse & yo(ur) matens & many
of yo(ur) howr(es)
K: P,83 [C: P,126] Arn dome ondevoutely drele it is the laste
K: P,83 [C: P,127] Leste cryste & his consytory acurse
of you many
K: P,83 [C: P,128] I p(er)ceyued of the power that petur
had to kepe
K: P,83 [C: P,129] To bynd & to vnbynd as the boke telleth
K: P,83 [C: P,130] Hou he lefte it w(i)t(h) love as our lord
K: P,83 [C: P,131] Amonge ffower vertues most vertues of
K: P,83 [C: P,132] That cardynall(es) be callyd & closyng
K: P,83 [C: P,133] Ther cryste is in kynedome to close w(i)t(h)
K: P,83 [C: P,134] But of the cardynall(es) at court that
caught han such a name
K: P,83 [C: P,135] And power p(re)sumen in hem self a pope
to make
K: P,83 [C: P,136] To haue the power that Pet(er) had inpugne
heuy I nyll
K: P,83 [C: P,137] ffor in love & lettre lyyth the hole
K: P,83 [C: P,138] Cou(n)t(er) pledee hit not q(uo)d concyens
for holy chirche sake
K: P,83 [C: P,139] Than came ther a kyng knighthode hym lad
K: P,83 [C: P,140] Might of the me(n) made hym to reygne
K: P,83 [C: P,141] And than aft(er) kynd witt & knighthode
K: P,83 [C: P,144] Cast that her co(m)mons schuld her kyng
K: P,83 [C: P,145] Kynd wytt and the co(m)mons contryuyd
al craft(es)
K: P,83 [C: P,146] And for most p(ro)fitable & plowgh
gan they make
K: P,83 [C: P,147] And w(i)t(h) lele labo(ur) to lyve while
life on londe & lastith
K: P,83 [C: P,148] Then kynd wytt took he kyng & to the
co(m)mons said
K: P,83 [C: P,149] Criste kepe the & kyng sir thy kynne
K: P,83 [C: P,150] And leve lede so thy lond that lewte the
K: P,83 [C: P,151] And for thy rightful rulyng be rewardyd
in hebyn
K: P,83 [C: P,152] Than consyence to clergye & to the
kyng said
K: P,83 [C: P,153] { Sum Rex su(m) princeps nevtru(m) fortasse
deinceps }
K: P,83 [C: P,154] { O qui iura reg(is) christi specialia
regis }
K: P,83 [C: P,154] { Hoc ut agas melius iustus es esto piris
K: P,83 [C: P,156] { Nudu(m) ius a te vestire vult(us) pretate
K: P,83 [C: P,157] { Qualia vis met(er)e talia grana sere
} 158??
K: P,83 [C: P,159] { Si seritur pietas de pietate metas }
K: P,83 [C: P,160] Concyens and the kynge into the court
K: P,83 [C: P,161] Wher houyd an hundrid in hovys of silke
K: P,83 [C: P,162] Seriaunt(es) thay semyd that s(er)vyn
at the barr(e)
K: P,83 [C: P,163] Pledyn for penyes and pownded the lawe
K: P,83 [C: P,164] And not for love of our lord vnlose her
lappes ons
K: P,83 [C: P,165] Thou mightist sew(er) mete a myste on
malv(er)ne hill(es)
K: P,83 [C: P,166] Than [I] get a mou(m) of her mouth til
money be hem schewid
K: P,83 [C: P,167] Than ran ther a rowte of Ratons as it
K: P,83 [C: P,168] And smal myse w(i)t(h) hem mo than a thousand
K: P,83 [C: P,169] Al co(m)men to counceile for the co(m)mon
K: P,83 [C: P,170] But a catt of a courte cam whan hym likyd
K: P,83 [C: P,171] And ou(er) lawghte hem lightly & lighte
of hem sett
K: P,83 [C: P,172] And rulyd hem al ther as hym self lystyd
K: P,83 [C: P,172] Then stepte a movse softely forth & to
the konete said
K: P,83 [C: P,173] Yff we grutche of his game he will greve
vs sore
K: P,83 [C: P,174] W(i)t(h) his clees clawe vs & in his
lokk(es) vs hold
K: P,83 [C: P,175] That [we] schal lothyn the life ar he
lett vs passe
K: P,83 [C: P,176] Might we w(i)t(h) any wit his will with
K: P,83 [C: P,177] We might be lord(es) on lofte & lyve
as vs liste
K: P,83 [C: P,178] A Ratou(n) of renowme most Resonable of
K: P,83 [C: P,179] Said I haue [seen] grete syrys in Cytes & in
K: P,83 [C: P,180] Beare beyes of brighte gold al aboute
her neck(es)
K: P,83 [C: P,181] And colars of crafty werke bothe knight(es) & squier(es)
K: P,83 [C: P,182] Were ther a bell bought by Ih(es)us as
me thynkyth
K: P,83 [C: P,186] And knyttyn on the colar for our co(m)mon
K: P,83 [C: P,187] And hangyn on the catt(es) halse [neck]
than heryn we mowen
K: P,83 [C: P,188] Wher he Ryght or Rest or Romyth to playe
K: P,83 [C: P,189] And if vs lust to layke than loken we
K: P,83 [C: P,190] And appere in his p(re)sence while hym
pleye likyth
K: P,83 [C: P,191] And if hym wrathe byn aware & outief
his waye renne
K: P,83 [C: P,192] Al this Rowte of Ratou(n)s to this Reason
K: P,83 [C: P,193] But whan the bell was ybought & on
the beygth hangyd
K: P,83 [C: P,194] Ther no was no al the rowte for al the
Realme of fr(au)nce
K: P,83 [C: P,195] That durst haue bounde the bell aboute
the catt(es) necke
K: P,83 [C: P,196] Ne haue hongyd it aboute his halse al
englond to wynne
K: P,83 [C: P,198] Thou lettyn they her labo(ur) yloste & al
her long stondye
K: P,83 [C: P,199] A movse that moche good cowld as me tho
K: P,83 [C: P,200] Stroke forthe sturnely & stode before
hem all
K: P,83 [C: P,201] And to the Rowte of Ratons Reh(er)sid
thes word(es)
K: P,83 [C: P,202] Though we had kyllid the catte yet schuld
ther co(m)me another
K: P,83 [C: P,203] To crache vs & alle our kynd though
we crepe vnd(er) benchis
K: P,83 [C: P,204] ffor thy I counceile for our co(m)mou(n)
p(ro)fitt lat the catt yworthe
K: P,83 [C: P,205] And be neu(er) so bold the bell hym to
K: P,83 [C: P,206] ffor I hard my sire say sevyn yer(es)
K: P,83 [C: P,207] Ther the catt is a kytou(n) the court
is full elyng
K: P,83 [C: P,208] Wittnessith at holy writt who so can Rede
K: P,83 [C: P,209] { Ve terre vbi Puer est Rex &c }
K: P,83 [C: P,210] I say it for me q(uo)d the movse I see
so much after
K: P,83 [C: P,211] Schal neu(er) the catt ne the kyttou(n)
by my cou(n)ceil be grevyd
K: P,83 [C: P,212] Ne carpen of her colars that coste me
K: P,83 [C: P,213] And though it costid me catell by knowen
I ne would
K: P,83 [C: P,214] But suffre & say nowght & so is
the beste
K: P,83 [C: P,215] Til that myscheff amend hem that many
man chastith
K: P,83 [C: P,216] ffor many menye malt we myse would distroye
K: P,83 [C: P,217] And the Rowte of Ratou(n)s ofRest me(n)n
K: P,83 [C: P,218] Ne were the catt of the court & yong
kyttou(n)s toward
K: P,83 [C: P,219] ffor had you Ratons yo(ur) will you could
not Rule yo(ur) self(es)
K: P,83 [C: P,220] What this metell(es) bemenith -th-e men
that ben mery
K: P,83 [C: P,221] Devyne ye for I ne dare by dere god almighty
K: P,83 [C: P,222] Yet mett me more of meane & of Riche
K: P,83 [C: P,223] As barons & burgesis & bondmen
of thorpis
K: P,83 [C: P,224] Al I saies slepyng as ye schal heare here
K: P,83 [C: P,225] bothe bakers & brewars bochars & other
K: P,83 [C: P,227] Taylo(ur)s trickyo(ur) and tyllars & other
W: P,83 To syn(::) -th-er for symonie . for (:::) is (::::)
E: P,83 To synge for sir symonye . for silu(er) is swete
M: P,83 to sy(n)gyn for symonye . for seluer is swete [aaAx]
T: p,84 [Th](er)e houide an hundrit in houuis of silk
H2: P,84 -Th-er(e) houed an hundred . in houues of selke
Ch: P,84 -Th-er houed an hundred . in howes of silk [aaAx]
D: P,84 There houed an hondred . in howuys of sylk [aaAx]
R: P,84 -Th-er houyd an houndred . in howys of sylke [aaAx]
U: P,84 -Th-ere houyd an hundrid . in howues of selk [aaAx]
V: P,84 _Th_er (houe_th_) an (Hundret) . In (Houues) of selk
H: P,84 Ther houed a hondred . in howues of sylke [aaAx]
J: P,84 -Th-(er) houedyn an hundred . in hownys of sylk [aaAx]
L: P,84 -Th-er houed an hundred . alle with selk howes [aaAx]
K: P,84 --- this line is omitted ---
W: P,84 Than hoved -th-er an hondred . in houes of sylk [aaAx]
M: P,84 -Th-er(e) houedyn a hundryd . in sylkyn houuys [aaAx]
T: p,85 Seriauntis it semide [th]at s(er)uide at [th]e barre
H2: P,85 Seriauntes it semed . that s(er)uen at barre [aaAx]
Ch: P,85 Seriauntes it semed . -th-at serued at barre [aaAx]
D: P,85 Seriauntes it semedyn . to s(er)uyn at -th-e barre
R: P,85 Seriaunt(is) -th-o semede . pletede at -th-e barre
U: P,85 Seriaunt-gh- -th-ei semeden . pletiden at -th-e barre
V: P,85 (Seriauns) hit (seme_th_) . to (seruen) atte Barre
H: P,85 Sariawntis it semed . to serue at -th-e barre [aaAx]
J: P,85 Seriaundes it semyd . -th-(a)t s(er)uyn at -th-e
barr(e) [aaAx]
L: P,85 Seriaunt-gh- hit semed . -th-(a)t serued at -th-e
barre [aaAx]
K: P,85 --- this line is omitted ---
W: P,85 Seriaunt-gh- it semed . -th-at serued at -th-e barre
M: P,85 Sergans it semedyn . -th-at s(er)uyn at -th-e barr(e)
T: p,86 Pleten for penis & poynte[th] [th]e lawe
H2: P,86 Pleten for penyes . and poundes -th-e lawe [aaAx]
Ch: P,86 Pleten for penies . and pointen the lawe [aaAx]
D: P,86 Plededen for pens . & poundes -th-e lawe [aaAx]
R: P,86 -th-ei pleted for penys . and pou(n)dyt -th-e lawe
U: P,86 -Th-ei pletide for pens . and poundide -th-e lawe
V: P,86 (Pleden) for (pons) . and (poundes) _th_e lawe [aaAx]
H: P,86 ffor penyes & for powndis pladden -th-e lawe
J: P,86 -Th-(a)t pledeyn -th-e lawe for penyis & powndes
L: P,86 Plededen for panyes . & poundes -th-e lawe [aaAx]
K: P,86 --- this line is omitted ---
W: P,86 To pleden for penys . and poundes -th-e lawe [aaAx]
M: P,86 to pletyn for pens . & poundys -th-e lawe [aaAx]
T: p,87 And nou[gh]t for loue of oure lord vnlose here lippes
H2: P,87 And nau-gh-t for loue of our(e) lord . vnlose her(e)
lippes on(us) [aaAa]
Ch: P,87 And nou-gh-t for loue of oure lorde . vnclose here
lippes ones [aaAa]
D: P,87 And nou-gh-t for loue of oure lord . vnlose here
lippes ones [aaAa]
R: P,87 Ac non for -th-e loue of o(ur) lord . opnyd her(e)
lyppys [aaAa]
U: P,87 Ac non for -th-e loue of our lord . openyd his lippes
V: P,87 Not for (loue) of vr (lord) . (vn-lose_th_) heore
(lippes) ones [aaAa]
H: P,87 But for -th-e loue of oure lord . not open her lypp(us)
oon(us) [aaAa]
J: P,87 & nouht for lof of our(e) lorde . vnlesyn h(er)
lippe ones [aaAa]
L: P,87 And not for loue of oure lord . vnlouse heore lippes
[ones] [aaAa]
K: P,87 --- this line is omitted ---
W: P,87 But for -th-e loue of oure lord . not vnlese here
lippes ones [aaAa]
M: P,87 And nouth for loue of our(e) lord . vnlese her(e)
leppys onys [aaAa]
T: p,88 Tho mi[gh]test bet(er)e mete myst on malu(er)ne hilles
H2: P,88 Thow my-gh-test bet(er) mete -th-e myst . on maluerne
hilles [aaaAx]
Ch: P,88 -th-ow mi-gh-tist better mete mist . on Maluerne
hilles [aaaAx]
D: P,88 -Th-(o)u my-gh-test bett(er) mete myst . on maluerne
hulles [aaaAx]
R: P,88 -Th-(o)u my-gh-thist bet(er) mete -th-e myst . on
malu(er)ne hyllys [aaaAx]
U: P,88 -Th-ou myghtest bet(er)e mete myst . on malu(er)ne
hilles [aaaAx]
V: P,88 _Th_ow (mihtest) beter (meten) _th_e (Myst) . on
(Maluerne) hulles [aaaAx]
H: P,88 ffor -th-(o)u my-gh-test bett(er) mete -th-e myste
. o(n) maluerne hullus [aaaAx]
J: P,88 -Th-(o)u myhtyst bett(or) metyn myst . on maluerne
hilles [aaaAx]
L: P,88 -Th-ou myghtest bettre meouen . maluarne hulles [aaaAx]
K: P,88 --- this line is omitted ---
W: P,88 Thow might betre mete a myst . on malu(er)ne hilles
M: P,88 -th-u mythist bet metyn -th-e myst . on maluerne
helle [aaaAx]
T: p,89 [Th]anne gete a mom of here mou[th] til mony be shewid
H2: P,89 Than gete a mum of her(e) mouth . but mone be schewyd
Ch: P,89 -Th-en gete a momme of her mouthe . or mony be schewed
D: P,89 -Th-anne gete a mom of here mouth . tyl money be
schewed [aaAx]
R: P,89 -Th-an getyn a mu(m) of her mow-gh-t . tyl monye
be schewyd [aaAx]
U: P,89 -Th-an gete a mom of her(e) mouth . til mone be schewed
V: P,89 _Th_en geten a (Mom) of heore (Mou_th_) . til (moneye)
weore schewed [aaAx]
H: P,89 -Th-an gete a mo(m)me of her mou-th- . tyl money
were schewid [aaAx]
J: P,89 -Th-an getyn a mo(m)me of her mouthe . or mone be
shewyt [aaAx]
L: P,89 -Th-en geten a mom of heore mouth . til money beo
sch[ewid] [aaAx]
K: P,89 --- this line is omitted ---
W: P,89 Than gete a mombe of here mougth . til mony be shewed
M: P,89 -Th-an getyn a word of her(e) mouth . or mony be
schewyd [aaAx]
T: p,90 I sau[gh] bisshopis bolde & bacheleris of deuyn
H2: P,90 I say byschop(is) bolde . and bacheleres of deuyn
Ch: P,90 I saw Bischops bolde . and Bachelers of deuyne [aaAx]
D: P,90 I say Bysshopes bolde . and bachelers of deuyn [aaAx]
R: P,90 I saw -th-(er) byschopys bolde . and bacheler(is)
of dyuyn [aaAx]
U: P,90 I saw -th-(er) erchebisschopes bolde . and bacheleris
of deuyn [aaAx]
V: P,90 I sauh _th_er (Bisschops) (Bolde) . and (Bachilers)
of diuyn [aaAx]
H: P,90 I sawe -th-er bisschopp(is) boold . & bachylers
of dyuyne [aaAx]
J: P,90 I say bicchops bolde . bacheris of -th-e deuyne [aaAx]
L: P,90 y say bischopes bysy . & bachelers of deuyne
K: P,90 --- this line is omitted ---
W: P,90 Bishoppes . and bachelers of dyuine bo-th-e [aaAx]
T: p,91 Become clerkis clerkis of acountis [th]e king for to
H2: P,91 Become clerkes of acomtes . the kyng for to serue
Ch: P,91 Become clerkes of countes . -th-e king for to serue
D: P,91 Become clerkes of acountes . -th-e kyng for to s(er)ue
R: P,91 Bycome clerk(is) of acou(n)t . -th-e kyng for to
seruyn [aaAx]
U: P,91 Bycome clerkes of acounte . -th-e kyng for to serue
V: P,91 (Bi-coome) (Clerkes) of (A-Counte) . _th_e (kyng)
for to seruen [aaAx]
H: P,91 bycom clerkes of acownte . -th-e kynge for to serue
J: P,91 Bekomyn clerkys of acountes . -th-e kyng for to s(er)ue
L: P,91 Bycome clerkis of acountes . -th-eo kyng for to seru[e]
K: P,91 --- this line is omitted ---
W: P,91 Bycome clerkes of accountes . -th-e kyng to serue
T: p,92 Archideknes & denis [th](a)t dignites hauen
H2: P,92 Erchedekenes and dekenes . that dignetes hauen [aaAx]
Ch: P,92 Archedeknes and denes . -th-at dignites hauen [aaAx]
D: P,92 Arsshedekenes & denys . -th-at dignytes haue
R: P,92 I saw -th-(er) archedeknys and denys . -th-at dignyte
hauyn [aaAx]
U: P,92 Y saw -th-(er)e erchedeknes and denes . -th-at dignite
hauen [aaAx]
V: P,92 (Erchedekenes) and (Deknes) . _th_at (Dignite) hauen
H: P,92 Archedekens & deenes . -th-at dygnyty han [aaAx]
J: P,92 Erchedekyns & denys . -th-at dignite haue [aaAx]
L: P,92 Erchedekenes & denes . -th-(a)t dignetes haueth
K: P,92 --- this line is omitted ---
W: P,92 Archedekenes and denes . -th-at diuine shold preche
T: p,93 To p(re)che [th]e peple & pore men to fede
H2: P,93 To p(re)che -th-e peple . and -th-e por(e) men to
fede [aaAx]
Ch: P,93 To preche the peple . and pore men to fede [aaAx]
D: P,93 To preche -th-e peple . & pore men to fede [aaAx]
R: P,93 To p(re)che -th-e peple . and pore men to fede [aaAx]
U: P,93 To p(re)chen -th-e peple . and pore men to fede [aaAx]
V: P,93 To (preche) _th_e (peple) . and (pore) men to feede
H: P,93 to preche -th-e peple . & pore men to fede [aaAx]
J: P,93 To prechyn -th-e peple . & pore men to fede [aaAx]
L: P,93 To preche -th-e people . & pore men to fede [aaAx]
K: P,93 --- this line is omitted ---
W: P,93 The peple and the pore men eu(er)emore to fede [aaAx]
T: p,94 Ben ylope to lundou(n) be leue of hire bisshop
H2: P,94 Ben lopen to londen . by leue of her(e) byschopes
Ch: P,94 Ben Ilope to london . be leue of her bischop [aaAx]
D: P,94 Beth Ilope to londou(n) . be leue of here bysshop
R: P,94 -th-ey be-th- lopyn to lou(n)dou(n) . -th-orw leue
of here byschop [aaAx]
U: P,94 -th-ei ben lopen to londone . -th-urwe leue of her(e)
bisschop [aaAx]
V: P,94 Beon (lopen) to (londun) . bi (leue) of heore Bisschopes
H: P,94 ben lopen to london . by leue of her bisschop(us)
J: P,94 Ben lepyn to londou(n) . for lofe of her byschopes
L: P,94 Beon lope to london . by leue of heore bischopes
K: P,94 --- this line is omitted ---
W: P,94 Be-th- lopen to london . by byshopes leue [aaAx]
T: p,95 And ben clerkis of [th]e kinges bench [th]e cuntre
to shende
H2: P,95 And ben clerke of -th-e kynges benche . -th-e contre
to schende [aaAx]
Ch: P,95 And ben clerkes of -th-e kingis benche . -th-e contrey
to schende [aaAx]
D: P,95 And be Clerkes of -th-e kynges benche . -th-e Contr(e)
to schende [aaAx]
R: P,95 And be-th- clerk(is) of -th-e kyng(es) bench . -th-e
cuntre to schynde [aaAx]
U: P,95 And ben clerkes of -th-e kynges bench . -th-e contre
to schende [aaAx]
V: P,95 To ben (Clerkes) of _th_e (kynges) Benche . _th_e
(Cuntre) to schende [aaAx]
H: P,95 to become clerkys of -th-e kyng(es) benche . -th-e
contrey to schende [aaAx]
J: P,95 And ben clerkes of -th-e kynges benche . -th-e cu(n)tre
to schende [aaAx]
L: P,95 And beon clerkes of -th-e chau(n)cellery . -th-e
contreys to sche[nde] [aaAx]
K: P,95 --- this line is omitted ---
W: P,95 To be clerkes of -th-e kynges benche . -th-e comune
to shende [aaAx]
T: p,96 Barouns burgeis & bondage also
H2: P,96 Barou(n)s and burgeys . and bondage also [aaAx]
Ch: P,96 Barouns and Burgeis . and bondage also [aaAx]
D: P,96 Barou(n)s & burgeys . and bondeage also [aaAx]
R: P,96 Barounys & burgeysys . and bondeagys alse [aaAx]
U: P,96 Barouns burgeys . and bondages also [aaAx]
V: P,96 (Barouns) and (Burgeis) . and (Bonde-men) also [aaAx]
H: P,96 Barowns & burgeises . & bonde men also [aaAx]
J: P,96 Barounys Burges . & bondagys als [aaAx]
L: P,96 Barons & burgeys . & bonde men alse [aaAx]
K: P,96 --- this line is omitted ---
E: P,96 Barouns & burches . & bond men als [aaAx]
M: P,96 Barou(n)s & burgeys & boude men also
T: p,97 I sau[gh] in [th](a)t semele as [y]e shuln h(er)e aftir
H2: P,97 I say in that semble . as -gh-e schul her(e) aft(ir)
Ch: P,97 I sawe -th-at in semble . as -gh-e schul here after
D: P,97 I say in -th-(a)t semble . as -gh-e shul here aft(ir)
R: P,97 I saw in -th-at symple . as -gh-e schul here h(er)after
U: P,97 I saw in -th-at semble . as -y-e schul heren aftir
V: P,97 I (sau_g_) in _th_at (Semble) . as _g_e schul (heren)
(her-aftur) [aaBb]
H: P,97 I sawe in -th-at semble . as -gh-e schul seen aftur
J: P,97 I say in a semble . als -gh-e scholyn herin after
L: P,97 y say on -th-at semble . as -gh-e schulen here after
K: P,97 --- this line is omitted ---
W: P,97 Than sawe I -th-at semble . as -gh-e shal here after
E: P,97 I saw in semble . als -y-e shal see aftir [aaAx]
M: P,97 I seyth in -th-at semble as -y-e schal hery(n) aftyr
E: P,90 I saw Bischoppys . & bachelers of Dunne [aaAx]
M: P,90 I seyth bysschopys bolde . & bachelerys of deuyn
E: P,91 Become clerk(is) of a courte . -th-e kyng for to s(er)ue
M: P,91 Becomyn clerkys of acounptys . -th-e kyng for to
s(er)uy(n) [aaAx]
E: P,92 Archedekns & denys . & dignite havys [aaAx]
M: P,92 Erchedenes & denes . the dygnitees haddyn [aaAx]
E: P,93 ffor to p(re)che -th-e peple . & pure men to fede
M: P,93 ffor to prechyn -th-e peple . & pou(er)e men
to feden [aaAx]
E: P,94 Or loppyn to london . to leve on -th-air Bischoppis
M: P,94 Ben Ilopyn to london . be leue of her(e) Beschop
E: P,95 And er clerk(is) of -th-e kynge(s) benke . -th-e peple
to shende [aaAx]
E: P,95 [B:P,92/C:P,90] Su(m) s(er)ue -th-e kyng & hys
sylu(er) tellis (B: P,91)
E: P,95 [B:P,94/C:P,92] Of wardes and of wardemot(es) of
wayues & straves (B: P,94)
E: P,95 [B:P,95/C:P,93] Some sitt(es) a Synestallis & s(er)uis
other lorde-gh-
E: P,95 And sytt(es) apon -th-air acounte -th-e pure to distroy
E: P,95 And hald(es) comt(es) in cuntre like me(n) of lawe
E: P,95 ffor to take vntrewly ayayns conscience
E: P,95 -th-e fuffre your p(er)ochyng spyt & paire foren(e)
E: P,95 holy kyrke -th-e distroy & -th-(a)t is gret roiuth
E: P,95 [B:P,98/C:P,126] -gh-e s(er)ue god vn dwelly it is
dred at -th-e last
M: P,95 -Y-e clerces of kyngus huntch . -th-e people to schenden
W: P,96 Barons and burgeys . & bondage als [aaAx]
E: P,96 --- this line misplaced after line 89 ---
M: P,96 --- this line misplaced after 89 ---
E: P,97 --- this line misplaced after line 89 ---
M: P,97 --- this line misplaced after 89 ---
E: P,95 [B:P,99/C:P,127] -Th-(a)t crist an hys consistory of yow wol c(er)se mony
T: p,98 Baxt(er)is & bocheris & breust(er)is manye
H2: P,98 Bakers and bochers . and brewsters many [aaAx]
Ch: P,98 Bakers and Bochers . and Brewsters many [aaAx]
D: P,98 Baksteres & bochers . & browsteres many [aaAx]
R: P,98 I saw -th-(er) bakester(es) & brewester(es) .
bocher(es) & kokys [aaAx]
U: P,98 Bakeris and bocheres . and breusteres bo-th-e [aaAx]
V: P,98 (Bakers), (Bochers) . and (Breusters) monye [aaAx]
H: P,98 Bakers & bochers . & brewstars many [aaAx]
J: P,98 Baksterys bocheris . & brewsteris many [aaAx]
L: P,98 Baxters & bouchiers . and breusters monye [aaAx]
K: P,98 --- this line is omitted ---
W: P,98 Bakers & brewers . and brewsters many [aaAx]
E: P,98 Bachers & brewers . & bowchers mony [aaAx]
M: P,98 Baxteris & Brewsterys & weuerys of lynene
T: p,99 Wollene webst(er)is and weu(er)is of lynen
H2: P,99 Wollene websters . and weuers of lynen [aaAx]
Ch: P,99 Wullen websterres . and weuers of lynyn [aaAx]
D: P,99 wollen websteres . and weueres of lynen [aaAx]
R: P,99 Wollene webster(is) . and weuerys of lynene [aaAx]
U: P,99 Wullen webster(i)s . weueres of lynnene [aaAx]
V: P,99 --- this line om --
H: P,99 --- this line is omitted ---
J: P,99 Wollen websteris . and weuerys of lyne [aaAx]
L: P,99 And eken wollen webste(er)s . & weouers of lynnen
K: P,99 --- this line is omitted ---
W: P,99 Wollen webbes . and weuers of lynen [aaAx]
E: P,99 Wolne websters . aswa & weuers lennyn [aaAx]
M: P,99 --- this line om ---
T: p,100 Taillo(ur)s tann(er)is & tokkeris bo[th]e
H2: P,100 Taylo(ur)s and towkers . and tollers bothe [aaAx]
Ch: P,100 Tailours Tauerners . and Tapsters Bothe [aaAx]
D: P,100 Tayllours & Souters . and tokkeres bothe [aaAx]
R: P,100 Taylowr(es) tauerner(es) . and ty(n)ker(es) bo-th-e
U: P,100 Taillo(ur)s toucheris . and tolleris bo-th-e [aaAx]
V: P,100 --- this line om ---
H: P,100 --- this line is omitted ---
J: P,100 Taylo(ur)s and thackers . & tolleris bo-th-e
L: P,100 Taillo(ur)s & tornors . and tollers bo-th-e
K: P,100 --- this line is omitted ---
W: P,100 Tayllours Tokers . & tollers bothe [aaAx]
E: P,100 Talyours & tynkelers . & tollers both [aaAx]
M: P,100 Taylo(ur)s & toucherys . & tollers bo-th-e
T: p,101 Masonis myno(ur)s & manye o[th](er)e craftis
H2: P,101 Masou(n)s and myno(ur)s . and many other craftes
Ch: P,101 Masounes Mynours . and many o-th-er craftes [aaAx]
D: P,101 Masou(n)s & myno(ur)s . & many o-th-(er)
craftes [aaAx]
R: P,101 Masounys mynor(es) . and many o-th-er craftys [aaAx]
U: P,101 Masouns myno(ur)s . and many o-th-(er) craftis [aaAx]
V: P,101 (Masons), (Minours) . and (mony) o_th_er craftes
H: P,101 Masons & mynours . & many o-th-(er) craft(is)
J: P,101 Masou(n)nys & mi(n)ouris . and many o-th-(er)
craftes [aaAx]
L: P,101 Masons and mynors . and mony o-th-ir kraftes [aaAx]
K: P,101 --- this line is omitted ---
W: P,101 Masons mynours . and many o-th-er craftes [aaAx]
E: P,101 Masons & minors . & mony other crafte-gh-
M: P,101 Masou(n)s & myno(ur)s . & many o-th-(er)
craft(is) [aaAx]
T: p,102 As dikeris & delu(er)is [th](a)t do[th] here dedes
H2: P,102 and dykers and deluers . that don her(e) dedes
ille [aaAa]
Ch: P,102 As dikers and deluers . -th-at don er dede euel
D: P,102 As dykers & deluers . -th-(a)t doth here dede
ylle [aaAa]
R: P,102 ac dyker(is) and deluer(is) . -th-(a)t don her(e)
werk ylle [aaAa]
U: P,102 And dikeres and delueres . -th-(a)t don her(e) werk
ille [aaAa]
V: P,102 (Dykers), and (Deluers) . _th_at don heore (dedes)
ille [aaAx]
H: P,102 Dichers & deluers . -th-at doon her ded(es)
yuol [aaAa]
J: P,102 And dykers & delueris . -th-(a)t done her dedys
ille [aaAa]
L: P,102 As dychers & deluers . -th-(a)t heore dedes
don ille [aaAa]
K: P,102 --- this line is omitted ---
W: P,102 Dykers & deluers . -th-at don here dede ill(e)
E: P,102 Als dikers & deluarys . -th-(a)t doys -th-air
ded(es) euyl [aaAa]
M: P,102 As dykerys & deluerys . -th-(a)t done here dedes
hille [aaAa]
T: p,103 And driue[th] for[th] [th]e longe day wi[th] { dieu
saue dame e(m)me }
H2: P,103 And dryuen forth the longe day . w(i)t(h) duke
{[vous] saue dame emme} [aaAx]
Ch: P,103 And driuen furthe -th-e long day . with { deu saue
dame Emme } [aaAx]
D: P,103 And dryue for-th- -th-e longe day . { dieu gard
dame emme } [aaAx]
R: P,103 To dryue for-th- -th-e longe day . w(i)t(h) { deu
sa dame emme } [aaAx]
U: P,103 -Th-(a)t dryuen for-th- -th-e longe day . with {
deu sa dam emme } [aaAx]
V: P,103 And (driue_th_) for_th_ _th_e longe (day) . with
{ (deu) vous saue, dam Emme }
H: P,103 And dryuen forth -th-e longe daye . with { dieu-gh-
saue dame emme } [aaAx]
J: P,103 And driue forth -th-e long day . w(i)t(h) { dei
saue dame Emme } [aaAx]
L: P,103 -Th-at dryuen forth -th-e longe day . w(i)t(h) {
dieu saue dame emme } [aaAx]
K: P,103 [C: P,229] That dryvyn forth the longe day . w(i)t(h)
{ dieu salve dame E(m)me } [aaAx]
W: P,103 And dryve forth -th-e long day . wi-th- { dieu saue
dame Emme } [aaAx]
E: P,103 And dryve forth the long day . w(i)t(h) { dew saynt
dame Emme } [aaAx]
M: P,103 And heuer(e) dryue forth -th-e daye . w(i)t(h) {
douce dame Emme } [aaAx]
T: p,104 Cookis & here knaues crie[th] hote pyes hote
H2: P,104 Cokes and her(e) knaues . crien hote pies hote
Ch: P,104 Cokes and her knaues . crien hote pies hote [aaAx]
D: P,104 kokes & here knaues . cryeth hote pyes hote
R: P,104 Cokys and her knawys . cryden hote pyes hote [aaAx]
U: P,104 Cokes and here knaues . criden hote pyes hote [aaAx]
V: P,104 (Cookes) and heore (knaues) . (Cryen) (hote) pies
(hote) [aaAbb]
H: P,104 Cookis & her knaues . cryen hoote pyes hoote
J: P,104 Cokys & her knaues knauys . cryen hote pyes
L: P,104 Kokes & heore knaues . kryen hote pyes hote
K: P,104 [C: P,230] Cok(is) and her knavys . cryyd hote pyys
hote [aaAx]
W: P,104 Cokes & here knaves . criede hote pies hote
E: P,104 Coke-gh- & knaffys . cried hote pyes hote [aaAx]
M: P,104 Cokys & her(e) knauys . kryen hote pyes hote
T: p,105 Goode gees & gris gowe dyne gowe
H2: P,105 Gode ges and grys . go we dyne go we [aaaAa]
Ch: P,105 Gode ges and gris . go we dyne go we [aaaAa]
D: P,105 Gode gees & grys . gowe dyne gowe [aaaAa]
R: P,105 Gode gees & grys . go we dyne go we [aaaAa]
U: P,105 Gode gees and grys . go we dyne go we [aaaAa]
V: P,105 (Goode) (gees) and (grys) . (Gowe) dyne (Gouwe)
H: P,105 Good gees & g(ri)yse . go we dyne go we [aaaAa]
J: P,105 Hote gode gees & gris . go we dyne go we [aaaAa]
L: P,105 Gode grys & gees . go we dyne go we [aaaAa]
K: P,105 Good geese & gryse . go we dyne go wee [aaaAa]
W: P,105 Gode geys & grys . go we dine go we [aaaAa]
E: P,105 Gode ges & grysse . go we dyne go we [aaaAa]
M: P,105 Gode gees & eke grys . go we dyne go we [aaaAa]
T: p,106 Tau(er)ners to hem tolde [th]e same
H2: P,106 And tau(er)ners to hem . tolde hem -th-e same [axAx]
Ch: P,106 Tauerners tuly . tolde hem -th-e same [axAx]
D: P,106 Tau(er)ners til hem . tolde -th-e same [axAx]
R: P,106 Tauerner(es) tolled he(m) and tolde hem -th-e same
U: P,106 Tau(er)neris tollid hem and tolde hem -th-e same
V: P,106 (Tauerners) to hem (tolde) . _th_e same (tale) [aaXa]
H: P,106 Tauerners hem tolde -th-ilke same tale [axAx]
J: P,106 And tau(er)neris tolden to hem . toldyn -th-e same
L: P,106 Tauerners to heom . tolde treoweliche -th-e same
K: P,106 Tau(er)nars to hem . told the same tale [axAx]
W: P,106 Than tauerners -th-e same to -th-e folk told [axAx]
E: P,106 Tau(er)nais vnto -th-aim . tellyd -th-e same [axAx]
M: P,106 Tau(er)ners on tyll hym . tolde -th-e same [axAx]
T: p,107 Wi[th] wyn of osay & wyn of gascoyne
H2: P,107 w(i)t(h) wyne of oseye . and [whyte] wyn of gascoyne
Ch: P,107 With wyn of Osay . and wyn of Gascoyne [aaxAx]
D: P,107 with wyn of asay . and wyn of gascoyne [aaxAx]
R: P,107 Wyth whyt wyn of oseye . and of gascoyne [aaxAx]
U: P,107 Wi-th- white wyn of oseye . and gascoyne [aaxAx]
V: P,107 Wi_th_ (good) wyn of (Gaskoyne) . And wyn of Oseye
H: P,107 Good wyne of gaskyne . & -th-e wyn of osee [aaxAx]
J: P,107 W(i)t(h) wyn of asoye . & wyn of gascoyne [aaxAx]
L: P,107 Whit wyn of asay . and wyn of gascoyne [aaxAx]
K: P,107 White wyne of osaye . & wyne of Gascoyne [aaxAx]
W: P,107 White wyne of osey . & wyne of gascoyne [aaxAx]
E: P,107 Whit qwyte wyne of osey . and of gasconne [aaxAx]
M: P,107 With wyne of oseye . & of gascoyne [aaxAx]
T: p,108 Of [th]e ryn & of [th]e rochel [th]e rost to defie
H2: P,108 Of -th-e ryn and -th-e rochel . -th-e rost to defye
Ch: P,108 Off the Ryne of the Rochel . the roste to defye
D: P,108 Of -th-e Ryne of Rochel . -th-e rost to defye [aaAx]
R: P,108 Of -th-e ryn and -th-e rochel . -th-(a)t roost to
defye [aaAx]
U: P,108 Of -th-e ryn and of -th-e rochil . -th-e rost to
dyffye [aaAx]
V: P,108 Of (Ruyn) ad of (Rochel) . _th_e (Rost) to defye
H: P,108 -th-e ryne & -th-e rochel . -th-e roost to defy-gh-e
J: P,108 And -th-e ryne & -th-e rochell . -th-e rost
to defye [aaAx]
L: P,108 And ryne & rochell . -th-e roste to defye [aaAx]
K: P,108 Of the Ryne & of the Rochell . the roste to
defye [aaAx]
W: P,108 Of ryuer & of Rochell . -th-e rost to defie
E: P,108 Of -th-e rene & of rochell(e) . -th-e rost to
defye [aaAx]
M: P,108 The ryne of -th-e Rochell . -th-e rost to do defye
T: p,109 Al [th]is I sau[gh] slepyng & seue si[th]es more
H2: P,109 Al this I sau-gh- slepyng . and seuene sithes mor(e)
Ch: P,109 Al -th-is I sawe sleping . and seuen suthes more
D: P,109 Al -th-is I say slepyng . & seuene si-th-e more
R: P,109 -th-is saw I my self . and seuen sy-th-es more [aaAx]
U: P,109 -Th-is saw I my selue slepynge . & seuen sithes
more [aaAx]
V: P,109 --- this line om --
H: P,109 --- this line is omitted ---
J: P,109 All -th-is I say slepyng . & seuen sythis more
L: P,109 Al -th-is y say slepyng . & seoue sythes more
K: P,109 Al this I seigh sclepyng . & sevyn syth(es)
more [aaAx] (finis)
W: P,109 All -th-is saw I slepyng . & seuene si-th-e
more [aaAx]
E: P,109 -Th-is I saw slepyng . & vij sythes more [aaAx]
M: P,109 Al -th-ys I sey slepyng . & sewyn sythes mo(re)
T: 1,1 What [th]e mounteyne meni[th] & ek [th]e derke dale
H2: 1,1 What the mounteyne bemeneth . and eke -th-e derke
dale [aaAx]
Ch: 1,1 What the mountayne mene-th- . and ek -th-e derke
dale [aaAx]
D: 1,1 What -th-e montayn mene-th- . & eke -th-e dyrke
dale [aaAx]
R: 1,1 Now what -th-(i)s fayre mou(n)tey(n) may mene . & -th-(i)s
derke dalys [aaAx]
U: 1,1 What -th-is mounteyne may mene . & -th-e derke
dale [aaAx]
V: 1,1 What _th_is (Mountein) (be-Mene_th_) . and _th_is
(derke) (Dale) [aaBb]
H: 1,1 What -th-is mownteyn bymene-th- . & -th-is deope
dale [aaAx]
J: 1,1 Qwat -th-e mounte bemenyth . & eke -th-e myrk
dale [aaAx]
L: 1,1 What -th-e mounteyn bymeneth . & eke -th-eo deope
dale [aaAx]
K: 1,1 What this mountayne bemenith . and the derk dale [aaAx]
W: 1,1 Now what [-th-e] mountayne bemene-th- . & -th-e
merk dale [aaAx]
E: 1,1 Naw what -th-is montane menys . & eke -th-e myrke
dale [aaAx]
M: 1,1 Wat -th-e mounteyn meneth . & eke -th-e merke
dale [aaAx]
T: 1,2 And ek [th]e feld ful of folk I shal [y]ow faire shewe
H2: 1,2 And eke the felde ful of folke . I schal -gh-ow fayr(e)
schewe [aaAx]
Ch: 1,2 And ek the felde ful of folk . I schal -gh-ou faire
schewe [aaAx]
D: 1,2 And ek -th-e feld ful of folkes . y schal -gh-ou fayre
schewe [aaAx]
R: 1,2 And -th-(i)s felde ful of folk . fayre wil I schewe
U: 1,2 And eek -th-e feld ful of folk . fair(e) y schal -gh-ow
schewe [aaAx]
V: 1,2 And _th_is (feire) (feld), ful of (folk) . (feire)
I schal ow schewe [aaAx]
H: 1,2 & eke -th-is feeld ful of folke . I schal -gh-ou
feyre schewe [aaAx]
J: 1,2 & eke -th-e felde ful of folk . I sal -gh-ow fayr
schewe [aaAx]
L: 1,2 And eke -th-e feild ful of folk . y schal -gh-ow faire
schewe [aaAx]
K: 1,2 And eke that feld ful of folk . I schall yow fayre
shewe [aaAx]
W: 1,2 And all -th-e feld fol of folk . I shal -gh-ow faire
shewe [aaAx]
E: 1,2 And -th-e feld ful of folke . I shal you faire shew
M: 1,2 And eke -th-e feld ful of folk . I sal -y-ow feir(e)
schewe [aaAx]
T: 1,3 A louely lady of lire in lynene yclo[th]id
H2: 1,3 A louely lady of lor(e) . in lynen Iclothed [aaaAx]
Ch: 1,3 A louely lady of lire . in lynnen Iclo-th-ed [aaaAx]
D: 1,3 A louely lady of lere . in lynen clo-th-ed [aaaAx]
R: 1,3 A lufly lady of lere . in lynene was yclo-th-ed [aaaAx]
U: 1,3 A louely lady of lere . in lynnene was clothid [aaaAx]
V: 1,3 A (louely) (ladi) on (leor) . In (linnene) I-clo_th_ed
H: 1,3 A louely lady of leor . in lynned yclothed [aaaAx]
J: 1,3 A louely leuedy on lere . in lynne(n) Iclothed [aaaAx]
L: 1,3 A louely lady of leer . in lynnen yclothed [aaaAx]
K: 1,3 A louely lady of leere . in lynnyn Iclothid [aaaAx]
W: 1,3 A louely lady of lere . in lynen yclo-th-ed [aaaAx]
E: 1,3 A louely lady of lyre . in ly(n)nyng clethyd [aaaAx]
M: 1,3 A louely lady of ler(e) . in lynene iclothed [aaaAx]
T: 1,4 Com doun fro [th](a)t ki[th] & callide me faire
H2: 1,4 Com doun fro the clyf . and called me fayre [aaAx]
Ch: 1,4 Come doun fro -th-at kith . and called me faire [aaAx]
D: 1,4 Come doun fro -th-e Clyf . & called me fayre [aaAx]
R: 1,4 cam dou(n) fro -th-e chyf . & called me fayre
U: 1,4 Com doun fro -th-e clyf . and callide me faire [aaAx]
V: 1,4 (Com) a-doun from _th_e loft . and (clepte) me feire
H: 1,4 Come adowne from -th-e lofte . & clepid me feyre
J: 1,4 Kem downe fro(m) -th-(a)t cleffe . & called me
fayre [aaAx]
L: 1,4 Com doun from -th-at clyf . & called me faire
K: 1,4 Cam down from that cliffe . & clepid me faire
W: 1,4 Come adoune . and called me ful fayre [aaAx]
E: 1,4 Com dawne fro -th-e clyff . & callyd me faire
M: 1,4 Come adown fro -th-e Cliffe . & calde me fayr(e)
T: 1,5 And seide sone slepist [th](o)u sest [th](o)u [th]is
H2: 1,5 And seyde sone slepstow . sestow this peple [aaAx]
Ch: 1,5 And seide sone slepes -th-ou . sest -th-ou -th-is
peple [aaAx]
D: 1,5 And seide sone slepest -th-(o)u . seest -th-(o)u -th-is
peple [aaAx]
R: 1,5 And sayde sone sclepyst -th-(o)u . seyst -th-(o)u
-th-is peple [aaAx]
U: 1,5 And seide sone slepistow . seest -th-(o)u -th-is peple
V: 1,5 And seide, (sone)! (slepest) _th_ou . (Sixt) _th_ou
_th_is peple [aaAx]
H: 1,5 & seyde sone slepist -th-ou . seest -th-ou -th-is
peple [aaAx]
J: 1,5 & seyde so(n)ne slepis thow . sest -th-(o)u -th-is
peple [aaAx]
L: 1,5 And saide sone slepestow . seo -th-ou -th-is people
K: 1,5 And said sonne sclepist thow . seest thou this people
W: 1,5 And sayd sone slepestow . seistow -th-is peple -th-at
passith on er-th-e [aaAx]
E: 1,5 And sayd sonne slepys -th-ow . seys -th-ow -th-is
peple [aaAx]
M: 1,5 And seyde soon slepest -th-u . seste -th-(o)u nout
-th-ys peeple [aaAx]
T: 1,6 How bisy [th]ei ben aboute [th]e mase
H2: 1,6 How bysie that thei ben . aboute the mase [aaAx]
Ch: 1,6 How besy -th-ei ben . aboute the mase [aaAx]
D: 1,6 How besy -th-(a)t -th-ey ben & al . aboute -th-e
mase [aaAx]
R: 1,6 How bysy -th-at -th-ei be . aboute -th-e mase [aaAx]
U: 1,6 How bysy -th-ei ben . aboute -th-e mase [aaAx]
V: 1,6 Al hou (bisy) _th_ei (ben) . (A-boute) _th_e Mase
H: 1,6 how bysye -th-at -th-ei ben al . abowte -th-e mase
J: 1,6 How besy -th-(a)t -th-ei ben now . abowten -th-e mase
L: 1,6 How bisy -th-ey beon alle . aboute -th-e mase [aaAx]
K: 1,6 Hou besy thay ben . aboute the mase [aaAx]
W: 1,6 --- this line om ---
E: 1,6 How besy -th-ai ben now . abowte -th-e mase [aaAx]
M: 1,6 Howe besy -th-at -th-ey ben . abowte -th-e mase [aaAx]
T: 1,7 [Th]e moste p(ar)tie of [th]is peple [th](a)t passi[th]
on [th]is er[th]e
H2: 1,7 The most p(ar)te of this peple . that passeth on
this erthe [aaAx]
Ch: 1,7 -Th-e most party of -th-is peple . -th-at passeth
on -th-e erthe [aaAx]
D: 1,7 The most p(ar)ty of -th-is peple . -th-(a)t passeth
here on erthe [aaAx]
R: 1,7 -Th-e moste party of -th-e peple . -th-(a)t passyth
on lyue [aaAx]
U: 1,7 -Th-e moste p(ar)tie of -th-e peple . -th-at passith
vppon erthe [aaAx]
V: 1,7 _Th_e moste (parti) of _th_e (peple) . _th_at (passe_th_)
nou on eor_th_e [aaAx]
H: 1,7 The moost parte of -th-e peple . -th-(a)t passe-th-
vpon er-th-e [aaAx]
J: 1,7 -Th-e most p(ar)ty of -th-is peple . -th-(a)t passyth
on -th-is hye [aaAx]
L: 1,7 -Th-eo moste percye of -th-is people . -th-(a)t passeth
here in eor-th-e [aaAx]
K: 1,7 The most p(ar)te of this people . that passith on
this erth [aaAx]
W: 1,7 --- this line om ---
E: 1,7 -Th-e most p(ar)t of -th-is peple . -th-(a)t passys
on -th-e erthe [aaAx]
M: 1,7 -Th-e moste part of -th-ys peple . -th-(a)t passith
in erthe [aaAx]
T: 1,8 Haue [th]ei worsshipe in [th]is world [th]ei kepe no
H2: 1,8 Haue they worschipes in this world . thei kepe no
bet(er)e [aaAx]
Ch: 1,8 Haue -th-ei wel-th-e in -th-is world . kepe -th-ei
no better [aaAx]
D: 1,8 Haue -th-ey worschip of -th-is world . kepe -th-ey
no bettyr [aaAx]
R: 1,8 Haue -th-ei worschepys of -th-is wordle . -th-ei kepe
no beter(e) [aaAx]
U: 1,8 Haue -th-ei worschepe of -th-e world . kepe -th-ei
no betere [aaAx]
V: 1,8 Hauen heo (worschupe) in _th_is (world) . kepe _th_ei
no betere [aaXx]
H: 1,8 haue -th-ei worschyp of -th-is world . ne kepe -th-ei
no bettur [aaAx]
J: 1,8 Haue -th-ei worchep of -th-is werld . kepyn -th-ei
no bett(ur) [aaAx]
L: 1,8 Han -th-ey worsciped in -th-is world . -th-ey kepe
non bettre [aaAx]
K: 1,8 Haue thay w(or)schip in this worlde . ne willyn thay
no more [aaAx]
W: 1,8 Haue -th-ei worshope of -th-e world . ne kepe thei
no bettre [aaAx]
E: 1,8 Haue -th-ai worshipe of -th-e world . -th-ai kepe
no bett(er) [aaAx]
M: 1,8 Haue -th-ey worchepe of -th-ys world . -th-ey woll
no(n) bettr(e) [aaAx]
T: 1,9 Of o[th](er) heuene [th]anne here holde [th]ei no tale
H2: 1,9 Of other heuene than her(e) . holde thei no tale
Ch: 1,9 Of heuen o-th-er -th-an here . holde -th-ei no tale
D: 1,9 Of other heuene -th-an here . hold -th-ey no tale
R: 1,9 Of o-th-er heuene -th-a(n) here . hold -th-ei no tale
U: 1,9 Of o-th-(er) heuene -th-an here . holde -th-ei no
tale [aaAx]
V: 1,9 Of o_th_er (heuene) _th_en (heer) . (-g-eue-th) _th_ei
no tale [aaXx]
H: 1,9 for of-th-er heuen -th-en here is . -gh-yue -th-ei
no tale [aaAx]
J: 1,9 Of o-th-(er) heuy(n) -th-an heer(e) . holdyn hey no
tale [aaAx]
L: 1,9 Of o-th-ir heouene -th-en her . hold -th-ey no tale
K: 1,9 Of other hevyn than here . not holdyn thay no tale
W: 1,9 Of o-th-er heuene -th-an here . hold -th-ei no tale
E: 1,9 Of other heuen -th-en here . hald -th-ai no tale [aaAx]
M: 1,9 Of hewen -th-an her(e) . holde -th-ey no tale [aaAx]
T: 1,10 I was aferd of hire face [th]ei[gh] heo fair were
H2: 1,10 I was aferde of her(e) face . thou-gh- sche fayr
wer(e) [aaAx]
Ch: 1,10 I was aferd of her face . -th-ou-gh- sche faire
were [aaAx]
D: 1,10 I was aferd of here face . -th-(o)u-gh- sche fayre
were [aaAx]
R: 1,10 I was aferd of hir(e) face . -th-ow sche fayr(e)
were [aaAx]
U: 1,10 I was aferid of her(e) face . -th-oghe sche fayr
were [aaAx]
V: 1,10 Ich was (a-ferd) of hire (fface) . _th_auh heo (feir)
weore [aaAx]
H: 1,10 I was aferde of hir face . -th-ei-gh- heo fayr were
J: 1,10 I was ferid of her face . -th-of che fair(e) wer(e)
L: 1,10 y was aferd of here face . -th-agh heo faire weore
K: 1,10 I was aferd of her face . though sche fair wer [aaAx]
W: 1,10 I was aferd of here face . so faire was here lyre
E: 1,10 I was aferd of hir face . al if sho fair wer [aaAx]
M: 1,10 I was aferd of her(e) face . -th-ou sche fayr(e)
wer(e) [aaAx]
T: 1,11 And seide m(er)cy madame what is [th]is to mene
H2: 1,11 And seyde m(er)cy madame . what is this to mene
Ch: 1,11 And seide mercy madame . what is -th-is to mene
D: 1,11 And seyde m(er)cy madame . what is -th-is to mene
R: 1,11 And sayde m(er)cy madame . what may -th-is bymene
U: 1,11 And seide m(er)ci madame . what may -th-is bymene
V: 1,11 And seide, "(Merci), (Ma dame) . What is _th_is
to (mene) [aaXa]
H: 1,11 And seyde mercye madame . what may -th-is bymeene
J: 1,11 & seyde m(er)cy madame . qwat is to mene [aaXa]
L: 1,11 And saide mercy madame . what is -th-is to mene [aaXa]
K: 1,11 And said m(er)cye madame . what is this to meane
W: 1,11 I sayd m(er)cy madame . what is -th-is to mene [aaXa]
E: 1,11 And mercy my dame . qwat may -th-is bemene [aaXa]
M: 1,11 And seyde mercy madame . wat is -th-ys to mene [aaXa]
T: 1,12 [Th]e tour of [th]e toft q(ua)[th] heo treu[th]e is
[th](er)e inne
H2: 1,12 The tour on -th-e toft q(uo)d sche . trewthe is
her(e)Inne [aaAx]
Ch: 1,12 -Th-e tour of -th-e tofte q(o)d sche . trowth is
-th-erInne [aaAx]
D: 1,12 The toure on the tofte q(uo)d sche . treu-th-e is
-th-(er)inne [aaAx]
R: 1,12 -Th-e tour in cost q(uo)d sche . trou-th-e is -th-erinne
U: 1,12 -Th-e tour in -th-e toft q(uo)d sche . treuthe is
-th-(er)ynne [aaAx]
V: 1,12 "_Th_is (Tour) and _th_is (Toft) quod heo .
(treu_th_e) is _th_er-Inne [aaAx]
H: 1,12 The toure o(n) -th-e tofte q(uo)-th- heo . truthe
is -th-erynne [aaAx]
J: 1,12 -Th-e toure of -th-e testre q(uo)d che . trewthe
is -th-(er)Inne [aaAx]
L: 1,12 -Th-e to(ur) on -th-e tofte q(uo)d heo . trouthe
is -th-erynne [aaAx]
K: 1,12 The tow(ur) on the tofte q(uo)d sche . truthe is
therin [aaAx]
W: 1,12 The tour q(uo)d she on -th-e toft . truth is -th-erinne
E: 1,12 -Th-e towre of -th-e toft q(uo)d scho . trowth is
-th-(er)in [aaAx]
M: 1,12 The ryche tour of -th-e toft q(uo)d sche . trew is
-th-er(e)in [aaAx]
T: 1,13 And wolde [th](a)t [y]e wrou[gh]ten as his word techi[th]
H2: 1,13 And wolde that -gh-e wrouth . as his worde te[c]heth
Ch: 1,13 And wold -th-at -gh-e wrou-gh-t . as his worde teche-th-
D: 1,13 Wolde -th-(a)t -gh-e wrouten . as his word teches
R: 1,13 Wolde -th-at -th-(o)u wrou-gh-test . as his word
schewys [aaAx]
U: 1,13 -Th-at wolde -th-at -y-e wroghten . as his word techith
V: 1,13 And (wolde) _th_at _g_e (wrou_g_ten) . as his (word)
teche_th_ [aaAx]
H: 1,13 he wolde -th-at -gh-e wrow-gh-ten . as his word teechithe
J: 1,13 -Th-(a)t wolde -th-(a)t -gh-e wrowhten . as his worde
techit [aaAx]
L: 1,13 And wolde -th-(a)t -gh-e wroghte . as his word techeth
K: 1,13 And would that ye wroughtyn . as his word techith
W: 1,13 He wold -th-at -gh-e wroght . as his worde teche-th-
E: 1,13 And wald at you wrought . as hys word techys [aaAx]
M: 1,13 And woldyn -th-at me(n) wrouteu(n) . as -th-ys wode
techyt [aaAx]
T: 1,14 ffor he is fadir of fei[th] & fo(ur)mide [y]ow
H2: 1,14 ffor he is fader of feyth . and formed -gh-ow alle
Ch: 1,14 ffor he is fader of feith . and formed -gh-ou alle
D: 1,14 ffor he is fadir of feyth . & formed -gh-ou alle
R: 1,14 for he is fader of feyth . and formed vs alle [aaAx]
U: 1,14 ffor he is fadir of feyth . -th-at fourmyde -y-ow
alle [aaAx]
V: 1,14 ffor he is (ffader) of (ffei) . _th_at (formed) ow
alle [aaAx]
H: 1,14 ffor he is fader of feith . -th-at fourmed -gh-ou
alle [aaAx]
J: 1,14 ffor he is fader(e) of feythe . -th-(a)t formed -gh-ow
alle [aaAx]
L: 1,14 ffor he is fadir of feith . & formed -gh-ou alle
K: 1,14 ffor he is fader of faith . & formyd yow al [aaAx]
W: 1,14 ffor he is fader of fai-th- . that -gh-ow formed
alle [aaAx]
E: 1,14 ffor he is fadir of fath . & formyd vs all(e)
M: 1,14 ffor he is fadyr of feythe . -th-at formed vs alle
T: 1,15 Bo[th]e wi[th] fel & wi[th] face & [y]af [y]ow
fyue wyttes
H2: 1,15 Bothe w(i)t(h) fel and w(i)t(h) face . and -gh-af
-gh-ow fyue wyttes [aaAx]
Ch: 1,15 Bo-th-e with fel and with face . and -gh-af -gh-ou
fiue wittes [aaAx]
D: 1,15 Bo-th-e with fel & w(i)t(h) face . & -gh-af
-gh-ou fyue wyttes [aaAx]
R: 1,15 w(i)t(h) fel and whyt face . & a fyn wyt [aaAx]
U: 1,15 Bothe wi-th- fel and wi-th- face . and -y-af -y-ow
fyue wyttes [aaAx]
V: 1,15 Bo_th_e with (ffel) and w(i)t(h) (fface) . and _g_af
ow (fyue) wittes [aaAx]
H: 1,15 bothe wi-th- felle & with face . & -gh-aue
-gh-ou fyue witt(us) [aaAx]
J: 1,15 Bothyn w(i)t(h) fell & w(i)t(h) face . & -gh-af
-gh-ow fyue wyttys [aaAx]
L: 1,15 Bothe wi-th- fel & with face . & -gh-af ow
fyue wittes [aaAx]
K: 1,15 Both w(i)t(h) felle & w(i)t(h) face . & gave
-gh-ou fyue witt(es) [aaAx]
W: 1,15 Bo-th-e in fell & in flesh . and -gh-af -gh-ow
fyue wittes [aaAx]
E: 1,15 With fel & with fleche . w(i)t(h) owr fyve witt(es)
M: 1,15 Wyt flesse & felle & w(i)t(h) face . & -y-our(e)
fyue wytt(es) [aaAx]
T: 1,16 ffor to worsshipe hym [th](er)e wi[th] whiles [y]e
ben here
H2: 1,16 ffor to worschep hym therw(i)t(h) . whyles -gh-e
ben her(e) [aaAx]
Ch: 1,16 ffor to worschep him -th-erwith . wiles -gh-e ben
her [aaAx]
D: 1,16 ffor to worschipe hym w(i)t(h) . whyles -gh-e ben
here [aaAx]
R: 1,16 for to worschepe hym -th-(er)w(i)t(h) . whyl -th-(a)t
-gh-e ben her(e) [aaAx]
U: 1,16 ffor to wurschipen hym -th-(er)with . whiles -y-e
ben here [aaAx]
V: 1,16 fforte (worschupe(n)) him . (while) _g_e beo_th_
heere [aaAxx]
H: 1,16 ffor to worschip hym -th-(er)with . -th-e whyle -th-(a)t
-gh-e beo-th- here [aaAx]
J: 1,16 ffor to worcheppyn him -th-er(e)wyth . qwylis y-gh-e
ben her(e) [aaAx]
L: 1,16 ffor to worschipe him -th-(er)with . whiles -gh-e
beon here [aaAx]
K: 1,16 for to worsship hym . whil ye ben here [aaAx]
W: 1,16 To worship hym -th-erwith . whil we ben here [aaAx]
E: 1,16 ffor to worship hym w(i)t(h) . qwylse we dwelle here
M: 1,16 ffor to worchepe hym -th-erwyt . wyll he ben on erthe
T: 1,17 And [th](er)fore he hi[gh]te [th]e er[th]e to helpe
[y]ow ichone
H2: 1,17 And therfor(e) he hy-gh-te -gh-ow erthe . to helpe
-gh-ow echone [aaAx]
Ch: 1,17 And -th-erfore he hi-gh-t -th-e erthe . to helpe
-gh-ou echon [aaAx]
D: 1,17 -Th-(er)fore he hi-gh-te -gh-ou -th-e er-th-e . to
helpe -gh-ou echone [aaAx]
R: 1,17 Therfore he ly-gh-the into er-th-e . to helpe vs
echone [aaAx]
U: 1,17 & -th-(er)fore he bad -y-ow . eche [on] helpen
o-th-(er) [aaAx]
V: 1,17 And for he (hihte) _th_e (eor_th_e) . to seruen ow
(vchone) [aaXa]
H: 1,17 And -th-(er)fore hooteth -th-e er-th-e . to serue
-gh-ou uchone [aaAx]
J: 1,17 And -th-(er)for he hyed -th-e erth . to helpyn -gh-ow
icheon [aaAx]
L: 1,17 And -th-(er)fore he byhyghte -th-e eor-th-e . to
helpe -gh-ou vchone [aaAx]
K: 1,17 And therfor he hetyth yow the erthe to helpe [aaAx]
W: 1,17 And -th-erfore he heten -th-e er-th-e . to serue
vs echon [aaAx]
E: 1,17 -Th-(er)fore he light into -th-e erthe . to helpe
vs ilkon [aaAx]
M: 1,17 And -th-erfor(e) he heet -th-e erthe . to helpyn
-y-ow ichone [aaAx]
T: 1,18 Of lynene of wollene of liflode at nede
H2: 1,18 Of wollen and of lynen . to lyflode at nede [aaAx]
Ch: 1,18 Of linen of wollen . of liflode at nede [aaAx]
D: 1,18 And wollen & lynen . to lyflode at nede [aaAx]
R: 1,18 Of wollene of lynene . of lyflode at nede [aaAx]
U: 1,18 Of wollens and lynnene . to lyflode at nede [aaAx]
V: 1,18 Of (wollene), Of (linnene) . To (lyf)lode at neode
H: 1,18 of wollen of lynne(n) . & lyuelode at neode [aaAx]
J: 1,18 --- this line is omitted ---
L: 1,18 Of wollen of lynnen . to liflode at nede [aaAx]
K: 1,18 Of wollyn & lynnyn . to lyvelode at nede [aaAx]
W: 1,18 Of wollen and of lynen . to lyflode at nede [aaAx]
E: 1,18 Off wollyn of lynnyn . to help yow at nede [aaAx]
M: 1,18 Of wollyn of lyneny(n) . & lyflode at nede [aaAx]
T: 1,19 In mesurable man(er) to make [y]ow at ese
H2: 1,19 In mesurable man(er) . to make -gh-ow at ese [aaAx]
Ch: 1,19 In mesurabel maner . to make -gh-ow at ese [aaAx]
D: 1,19 In mesurable man(er) . to make -gh-ou at ese [aaAx]
R: 1,19 In mesurable manere . to maken vs at ese [aaAx]
U: 1,19 In mesurable man(er)e . to make -y-ow at ese [aaAx]
V: 1,19 In (Mesurable) (Maner) . to (maken) ow at ese [aaAx]
H: 1,19 In a mesurable man(er) . to make -gh-ou at eese [aaAx]
J: 1,19 In mesurable man(er) . to maken -gh-ow at ese [aaAx]
L: 1,19 In mesurable maner . to make -gh-ou at ese [aaAx]
K: 1,19 In mesurable man(er) . to make you at ease [aaAx]
W: 1,19 In mesurable manere . to make vs at ese [aaAx]
E: 1,19 In mesurable mann(er) . to make vs at ease [aaAx]
M: 1,19 In neesurale maner(e) . to makyn -gh-ou at ese [aaAx]
T: 1,20 And comaundite of his curteisie in comou(n) [th]re
H2: 1,20 And comaunded of his c(ur)tesie . in comuu(n) thre
thynkes [aaAx]
Ch: 1,20 And comaunded of his curtasie . in comune -th-re
-th-inges [aaAx]
D: 1,20 And comanded of his curtaysye . In como(n) -th-re
-th-ynges [aaAx]
R: 1,20 And co(m)maunded of his cortesye . in comou(n) -th-re
-th-yng(es) [aaAx]
U: 1,20 And comandide of his curtesye . in comou(n) -th-r(e)
-th-ing(es) [aaAx]
V: 1,20 And (Comaundet) of his (Cortesye) . In (Comune) _th_reo
_th_inges [aaAx]
H: 1,20 And co(m)mau(n)deth of his curtasye . i(n) comy(n)
-th-re -th-ing(us) [aaAx]
J: 1,20 & comaundded of his curtesey . in comen -th-(er)
-gh-inges [aaAx]
L: 1,20 And comau(n)ded of his curtesye . in comune threo
thynges [aaAx]
K: 1,20 And co(m)maundyd of his curtesie . in comon iij thyng(es)
W: 1,20 He hete of his curtasie . in co(m)mune -th-er -th-ynges
E: 1,20 And command(es) in hys c(ur)tasye . of comou(n) -th-re
-th-inge-gh- [aaAx]
M: 1,20 And comaunded of curteysye . in comou(n) iij yin-gh-is
T: 1,21 Narn none nedful but [th]o & nempne hem I [th]enke,
H2: 1,21 Are none nedful but tho . and nempne hem I thenke
Ch: 1,21 Be-th- none nedful but -th-o . nempne hem I -th-ink
D: 1,21 Ne arn non nedful but -th-o . & nemen hym y thynke
R: 1,21 Are non nedful but -th-o . to meny(n) hem I -th-enke
U: 1,21 Arn non nedful but -th-ei . to nempne hem y thenke
V: 1,21 Heore (nomes) be_th_ (neodful) . and (nempnen) hem
I _th_enke [aaAx]
H: 1,21 her naames beo-th- neodeful . & nempne hem I
-th-enke [aaAx]
J: 1,21 Aru(n) non nedful bot -th-oo . & nemy(n)n hem
I thyng [aaAx]
L: 1,21 Arn non nedful bote -th-o . & nempnen heom y
thenke [aaAx]
K: 1,21 Ther ar none so nedefull . & name them I thynk
W: 1,21 Eron non so nedful as -th-o . & nembe hem I -th-enke
E: 1,21 Er none none medful bot -th-ai . & neuen -th-aim
I woll(e) [aaAx]
M: 1,21 Arn none nedful but -th-o . & nemy(n) hem I -th-ynke
T: 1,22 And rekne hem in resoun reherse [th]ou hem [th](er)aftir
H2: 1,22 And rekene hem be reson . reherse -gh-ow hem her(e)after
Ch: 1,22 And reken hem in resoun . reherse -th-ow hem after
D: 1,22 And rekenen hem in resou(n) . reherse -th-(o)u hym
aft(ir) [aaAx]
R: 1,22 And rekkene hem in resou(n) . reherse -gh-e hem after
U: 1,22 And rekne hem -y-ow by resoun . reherce -y-e hem
aftir [aaAx]
V: 1,22 Bi (Rule) and bi (Resun) . (Rehersen) hem her-aftur
H: 1,22 by rule & bi reson . reherse hem heraftur [aaAx]
J: 1,22 & rekken hem be resou(n) . & rehersen hem
afftur [aaAx]
L: 1,22 And rykene by reson . reherce -th-e heom after [aaAx]
K: 1,22 And rekon them in Resou(n) . reherse ye hem hereafter
W: 1,22 And reken hem be reson . reherse -gh-e hem after
E: 1,22 And reken -th-a(m) in reson . reherse -th-e -th-aim
aftir [aaAx]
M: 1,22 And rekne hem be reson . reherce -y-e hem aftyr [aaAx]
T: 1,23 [Th]at on is vesture fro chele [th]e to saue
H2: 1,23 That on is vesture . fro chele the to saue [aaAxx]
Ch: 1,23 -Th-at on is clo-th-ing . fro chel -th-e to saue
D: 1,23 That on is clo-th-ing . for cold -th-(a)t it may
-th-e saue [aaAxx]
R: 1,23 -Th-(a)t on is vestur(e) verylyche . fro(m) chele
-gh-ou to saue [aaAxx]
U: 1,23 -Th-e ton is vesture v(er)railiche . fro cold -y-ow
to saue [aaAxx]
V: 1,23 _Th_at on (Clo-th-ing) is . from (Chele) ow to saue
H: 1,23 That oon clothynge is . from cheele -gh-ou to saue
J: 1,23 -Th-(a)t one is vestur(e) . for cheld -th-e nou to
saue [aaAxx]
L: 1,23 -Th-e furste is clothyng . -th-at from colde -gh-ou
kepeth [aaAxx]
K: 1,23 That one is vesture . fro chele the to saue [aaAxx]
W: 1,23 That on of -th-is [is] vesture of clo-th-e . fro
cold -th-e to hele [aaAxx]
E: 1,23 -Th-(a)t on is vesture v(er)ayly . from cald -y-ou
to saue [aaAxx]
M: 1,23 -Th-at on is vestur(e) . from cold -th-e to sauen
T: 1,24 [Th](a)t o[th](er) is mete at meel for myseise of [th]iselue
H2: 1,24 That o-th-(er) is mete at mele . for mysese of thi
silue [aaAx]
Ch: 1,24 --- this line is omitted ---
D: 1,24 That o-th-(er) mete at mele . for mysese of -th-y
selue [aaAx]
R: 1,24 -Th-(a)t o-th-(er) mete at -gh-o(ur) mel . for myschef
of -gh-o(ur) selue [aaAx]
U: 1,24 -Th-e to-th-(er) is mete at -y-our meel . for myschief
of -y-ow selue [aaAx]
V: 1,24 And _th_at o_th_ur (Mete) at (Meel) . for (meseise)
of _th_iseluen [aaAx]
H: 1,24 -Th-at o-th-(er) is mete at mele . for myssecheef
of -th-i syluen [aaAx]
J: 1,24 -Th-(a)t o-th-(er) is mete at male . for myseys of
-th-i selue [aaAx]
L: 1,24 -Th-(a)t o-th-ir is mete at meel . for meseise of
-th-y seoluen [aaAx]
K: 1,24 That other is mete at mele . for mysease of thy self
W: 1,24 That o-th-er is mete at mele . fro myshese -th-e
to helpe [aaAx]
E: 1,24 And mete at -y-our meyle . from mischefe of -y-o(ur)
seluen [aaAx]
M: 1,24 -Th-at o-th-(er) mete at mel . for misese of -th-y
selue [aaAx]
T: 1,25 And drink whanne [th]e dri[gh]e[th] ac do it nou[gh]t
out of resoun
H2: 1,25 And dryngke whan -th-e dryeth . but do nou-gh-t
out-gh- of reson [aaAx]
Ch: 1,25 And drink whan -th-e drie-th- . but do hit nat out
of resoun [aaAx]
D: 1,25 And drynke whan -th-(o)u dryest . ac do it not out
of resou(n) [aaAx]
R: 1,25 Drynke when -th-(o)u dryest . ac do h(i)t not out
of resou(n) [aaAx]
U: 1,25 drynk whan -y-ow drieth . but do it noght out of
resou(n) [aaAx]
V: 1,25 And (drink) whon _th_ou (drui_g_est) . but (do) hit
not out of Resun [aaAx]
H: 1,25 Drynke whan -th-ou dryest . but do it not oute of
resone [aaAx]
J: 1,25 & dryng qwan -th-(o)u driest . but do nouth out
of resyn [aaAx]
L: 1,25 And drynk when -th-e thyrstes . & do not oute
of reson [aaAx]
K: 1,25 And drynk whan thou dryyst . but do it not out of
mesure reasou(n) [aaAx]
W: 1,25 The -th-redde drink w(::: :: :::) art . but not owte
of reson [aaAx]
E: 1,25 And drinke qwen you thrist(es) . & do nott owt
of reson [aaAx]
M: 1,25 -Th-e -th-redde drynk quan -th-u dryest . but do
not out of resou(n) [aaAx]
T: 1,26 [Th]at [th]ou wor[th]e [th]e wers whanne [th](o)u werche
H2: 1,26 That the worth the worse . whan thow werke schuldest
Ch: 1,26 -Th-at -th-ow worche -th-e wors . when -th-ow worche
schuldest [aaAx]
D: 1,26 -Th-(a)t -th-(o)u worthe -th-e wors . whan -th-(o)u
worche schuldest [aaAx]
R: 1,26 so -th-(a)t -gh-e wyrche -th-e worce . when -gh-e
swynke schulde [aaAx]
U: 1,26 So -th-(a)t -y-e wurche -th-e werse . whan -y-e swynke
scholde [aaAx]
V: 1,26 _Th_at _th_ou (weore) _th_e (worse) . whon _th_ou
(worche) scholdest [aaAx]
H: 1,26 -Th-at -th-ou worthe -th-e wors . when -th-ou worche
schuldest [aaAx]
J: 1,26 -Th-(a)t [-th-(o)u] wyrche wers . qwan -th-(o)u wyrchyn
scholdist [aaAx]
L: 1,26 -Th-at -gh-e -th-e worse worthen . when -gh-e worche
scholde [aaAx]
K: 1,26 That thou woorth the wors . whan thou worche schuldest
W: 1,26 That -th-ow do -th-e wors . whan -th-ow worche scholdest
E: 1,26 At -y-e wirke noght -th-e werse . qwen -y-e wyrk
suld [aaAx]
M: 1,26 -Th-at -th-(o)u werke -th-e weres . qwan -th-u werke
schuldist [aaAx]
T: 1,27 ffor loth in his lyf dayes for lykyng of drink
H2: 1,27 ffor loth in his lyf dayes . for lykyng of drynke
Ch: 1,27 ffor lote in his liue daies . for liking of drink
D: 1,27 ffor loth in his lyf dayes . for likyng of drynk
R: 1,27 for loot in his lyf dayes . for lykyng of drynke
U: 1,27 ffor loth in lyf dayes . for lykynge of drynke [aaAx]
V: 1,27 ffor (Lot) in his (lyf-dayes) . for (lyking) of drinke
H: 1,27 ffor loot in his lyf dayes . -th-orou-gh- lykynge
of drynke [aaAx]
J: 1,27 ffor loth in his lifday . for lykyng of dring [aaAx]
L: 1,27 ffor Loth in his lif dayes . for likyng of drynke
K: 1,27 ffor lott in his life dayys . ffor likyng of drynk
W: 1,27 ffor loth in his lyf dayes . for lykyng of drynk
E: 1,27 ffor loth in hys liue days . for likyng of drinke
M: 1,27 ffor loth in hys lif days . for likyng of drynk [aaAx]
T: 1,28 Dede be his dou[gh]t(er) [th](a)t [th]e deuil lykide
H2: 1,28 Dede be his dou-gh-teres . that the deuel lyked
Ch: 1,28 Ded be his dou-gh-tern . -th-at -th-e deuel likidde
D: 1,28 Dede be his dout(er)ys . -th-(a)t -th-e deuel liked
R: 1,28 dede by his dou-gh-tryn . as -th-e deuel lykyd [aaAx]
U: 1,28 Dide by his doughter(e) . -th-at -th-e deuyl likyde
V: 1,28 (Dude) bi his (douhtren) . _th_at _th_e (deuel) louede
H: 1,28 dyde by his dow-gh-tres . -th-at -th-e deuel lyked
J: 1,28 Did be his dowhter . -th-(a)t -th-e deuyl liked [aaAx]
L: 1,28 Deode by his doghtres . -th-at -th-eo deouel liked
K: 1,28 Dyd by his dowghters . as the devyll likyd [aaAx]
W: 1,28 Dide [ly] by his doughtres . -th-at -th-e deuell
liked [aaAx]
E: 1,28 Did by hys doghter(es) . as -th-e deuel likyd [aaAx]
M: 1,28 Dede be hs dowtryn . -th-at -th-e dyuel lykede [aaAx]
H: 1,28 ffor luste of lykerousnes his lycam to plese [aaAx]
T: 1,29 --- this line om ---
H2: 1,29 Delyted hi(m) in drynke . as -th-e deuel wolde [aaAx]
Ch: 1,29 --- this line is omitted ---
D: 1,29 Delited hem in drynke . as the deuel wolde [aaAx]
R: 1,29 Delyted hy(m) in drynke . as the deuyl wolde [aaAx]
U: 1,29 Delyted hym in drynke . as the deuel wolde [aaAx]
V: 1,29 (Dilytede) him in (drinke) . as _th_e (deuel) wolde
H: 1,29 he delyted him in drynke . as -th-e deuol wolde [aaAx]
J: 1,29 Delytid in dring . as the deuyl wolde [aaAx]
L: 1,29 Delited him in drynken . as the deouel wolde [aaAx]
K: 1,29 Delityd hym in drynk . as the devill would [aaAx]
W: 1,29 He delited hym in drink . as the deuell wolde [aaAx]
E: 1,29 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 1,29 Delitid hym in drynk . as -th-e deuel wolde [aaAx]
T: 1,30 And leccherie hem lau[gh]te & lay be hem bo[th]e
H2: 1,30 And lecherie hym lau-gh-te . and lay be hem bothe
Ch: 1,30 And with lecherie hem lau-gh-t . and lay be hem
bothe [aaAx]
D: 1,30 And lecherye hym lau-gh-te . & lay be hem bothe
R: 1,30 And lecherye hym lau-gh-the . and lay by hem bo-th-e
U: 1,30 And lechorye hym laughte . & lay by hem bothe
V: 1,30 And (lecherie) him (lauhte) . and (lay) bi hem bo_th_e
H: 1,30 and lechorye him law-gh-te . & he lay by hem
bothe [aaAx]
J: 1,30 And lichery him lauht . & lay be hem bo-th-e
L: 1,30 And lecherie hym laghte . & lay by heom bothe
K: 1,30 And lechery hym lawghte . & lay by them both
W: 1,30 And laght hym wi-th- lecherie . & lay by hem
bo-th-e [aaAx]
E: 1,30 And lichory hym laght . & he lay by -th-aim bathe
M: 1,30 And lecherie hym laugthe . & lay be hem bo-th-yn
T: 1,31 And al he wytide it wyn [th]e wykkide dede
H2: 1,31 And alle he wytted [-th-e] wyn . that wyckud dede
Ch: 1,31 And alle he witted wyn . -th-at wikked dede [aaAx]
D: 1,31 And al he wyted it wyn . -th-(a)t wykked dede [aaAx]
R: 1,31 And al he wyted -th-e wyn . -th-(a)t wyckede dede
U: 1,31 And al he witede wyn . -th-at wikkide dede [aaAx]
V: 1,31 And al he (witede) hit (wyn) . _th_at (wikkede) dede
H: 1,31 And al he wyted it wyn . -th-at wyckud dede [aaAx]
J: 1,31 & al he wyted wyne . -th-(a)t wykked dede [aaAx]
L: 1,31 And al he wited hit wyn . -th-eo worchyng of -th-e
dede [aaAx]
K: 1,31 And al he wytyd wyne . that wykyd dede [aaAx]
K: 1,31 [B: 1,32/C: 1,31] Thrught wyne I thrugh wommen ther
was lot acou(m)brid
W: 1,31 And al he witte it -th-e wyne . -th-at wikkede dede
E: 1,31 And al he wittyd -th-e wyne . of -th-(a)t wykyd dede
M: 1,31 & all he wytte -th-e drynke . -th-at wyked dede
W: 1,31 [B:I,31a] { Inebriamus eum vino & dormiamus cu(m) eo &c } Latin
W: 1,31 [B:I,32] Thoru-gh- wyne and wo(m)men -th-(er) was loth acombred
W: 1,31 [B:I,33] And -th-er gate in glotonie gyrles -th-at were churles
T: 1,32 Dred delitable drynk & [th]ou shalt do the bet(er)e
H2: 1,32 Drede delitable drynke . and thow schalt do the
betere [aaaAx]
Ch: 1,32 Drede delitabel drink . and -th-ow schalt do -th-e
better [aaaAx]
D: 1,32 But drede delitable drynkes . & -th-(o)u schalt
do -th-e bett(er) [aaaAx]
R: 1,32 Dred delytable drynke . and -th-(o)u schalt do -th-e
betere [aaaAx]
U: 1,32 Dreed delitable drynk . and -th-ou schalt do -th-e
bet(er)e [aaaAx]
V: 1,32 (Dreede) (dilitable) (drinke) . And _th_ou schalt
(do) _th_e bettre [aaaAx]
H: 1,32 Drede delytable drynke . -th-ou schalt do -th-e bett(er)
J: 1,32 Drede delicable drink . -th-(o)u schal don -th-e
better(e) [aaaAx]
L: 1,32 Drede delitable drynke . & -th-ou schalt do -th-e
bettre [aaaAx]
K: 1,32 Drede delectable drynk . & thow schalt do the
better [aaaAx]
W: 1,32 Drede delitable drink . & -th-ow shalt do -th-e
bettre [aaaAx]
E: 1,32 Dred delectable drynke . & -th-ou shal do -th-e
bett(er) [aaaAx]
M: 1,32 Drede delytabele drynke . & -th-(o)u schalt do
-th-e better(e) [aaaAx]
T: 1,33 Mesure is medicine [th]ei[gh] [th]ou muche [y]erne
H2: 1,33 Mesure is medicyne . thei thow meche -gh-erne [aaAx]
Ch: 1,33 Mesure is medicyne . -th-ow-gh- -th-ow much -gh-erne
D: 1,33 ffor mesure is medicyne . -th-ou-gh- -th-(o)u meche
-gh-erne [aaAx]
R: 1,33 Mesure is medycyne . -th-ey -th-ou moche desyre [aaAx]
U: 1,33 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,33 (Mesure) is (Medicine) . _th_auh _th_ou (muche) _g_eore
H: 1,33 Mesure is medcyne . -th-ei-gh- -th-ou myche -gh-erne
J: 1,33 Mesure is medcyn . -th-of -th-(o)u mykel -gh-erne
L: 1,33 Mesure is medecyne . -th-agh -th-ou muchel -gh-erne
K: 1,33 Mesure is medycyne . though thow mochel yerne [aaAx]
W: 1,33 ffor mesure is medecine . if -th-ow muche yeru(n)
E: 1,33 Mesur is medycyne . al yf -th-ou mekyl crave [aaAx]
M: 1,33 ffor mesur(e) is medecyne . -th-ey -th-u mochyl desyr(e)
T: 1,34 Al is not good to [th]e gost [th](a)t [th]e gut liki[th]
H2: 1,34 Al is nou-gh-t worth to the goost . that the gutt(es)
asketh [aaAx]
Ch: 1,34 Alle is nou-gh-t gode to -th-e goste . -th-at -th-e
gut like-th- [aaAx]
D: 1,34 Al is not good to thy gost . -th-(a)t thy gut Aske-th-
R: 1,34 Al is not good to -th-e gost . -th-(a)t -th-e gut
askyt [aaAx]
U: 1,34 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,34 Al nis not (good) to _th_e (gost) . _th_at _th_e
bodi lyke_th_ [aaXx]
H: 1,34 al is not good to -th-e goost . -th-at -th-e body
aske-th- [aaAx]
J: 1,34 Al is not goode for -th-e gost . -th-(a)t -th-e gutte
axyt [aaAx]
L: 1,34 Al is not good to -th-e gotte . -th-(a)t -th-e gost
axeth [aaAx]
K: 1,34 Al is not good to the gost . that the gutt(es) askyth
W: 1,34 Al is not good to -th-e gost . -th-at -th-e gute
aske-th- [aaAx]
E: 1,34 Al is noght gude to -th-e gast . at -th-e gutt askys
M: 1,34 Alle is nouth gode to -th-e gost . -th-(a)t -th-e
gutte hasketh [aaAx]
T: 1,35 Ne liflode to [th]e lykam [th](a)t lef is to [th]e
H2: 1,35 Ne lyflode to the lykam . that leef is to the soule
Ch: 1,35 No liflode to -th-e licam . -th-at lef is to -th-e
soule [aaAx]
D: 1,35 Ne lyflode to -th-y lycham . -th-(a)t lef is to -th-y
soule [aaAx]
R: 1,35 Ne lyfful to lykame . -th-(a)t lyf is to -th-e soule
U: 1,35 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,35 Ne (lyflode) to _th_e (licam) . _th_at (leof) is
to _th_e soule [aaAx]
H: 1,35 ne lyuelode to -th-e lykam . -th-(a)t leof is to
-th-e soule [aaAx]
J: 1,35 Ne lyflode to -th-e lykh(a)m . -th-(a)t leue is to
-th-o sowle [aaAx]
L: 1,35 Neo lif fode to -th-e likam . -th-at leof is to -th-e
soule [aaAx]
K: 1,35 Ne lifelode to the likam . that lefe is to the sowle
W: 1,35 Ne lyflode to -th-e lykam . -th-at is lef to -th-e
soule [aaAx]
E: 1,35 Ne liuelode to -th-e lykeame . no blysse to -th-e
saule [aaAx]
M: 1,35 Ne lyuelode to -th-e body . lesse to -th-e sowle
T: 1,36 Leue not [th]i lycam for a li[th](er) hym techi[th]
H2: 1,36 lef nou-gh-t thy lycam . for a lyere hym techeth
Ch: 1,36 Leue nou-gh-t -th-i licam . for a le-th-er him teche-th-
D: 1,36 Leef not -th-y lycham . for a led(er) hym teches
R: 1,36 lef not -gh-ut lykame . for al -th-er hem techys
U: 1,36 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,36 (Leef) not _th_i (licam) . for (ly_g_ere) him teche_th_
H: 1,36 Leue not -th-i lykam . for lyar hym ledith [aaAx]
J: 1,36 Leue not -th-i lykh(a)m . for a lyer him ledis [aaAx]
L: 1,36 Leue not -th-y likam . for a liere hym techeth [aaAx]
K: 1,36 Leue not thy likam [flesch] . for a liar hym techit
W: 1,36 Leue not -th-i likam . a liere him teche-th- [aaAx]
E: 1,36 Gyff noght -th-is likame . for a lear hym techis
M: 1,36 Leef not -th-y body . for a lyer hem techeth [aaAx]
T: 1,37 [Th](a)t is [th]e wrecchide world [th]e to betraye
H2: 1,37 That is the wrechid worlde . the to betraye [aaAx]
Ch: 1,37 -Th-at is -th-e wikked world . the to betray [aaAx]
D: 1,37 That is -th-is wreched world . -th-e to betraye [aaAx]
R: 1,37 -Th-at -th-is wreched wordle . -th-e to betraye [aaAx]
U: 1,37 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,37 _Th_at is _th_e (Wikkede) (word) . _th_e to bi-traye
H: 1,37 -Th-at is -th-e wicked worlde . -th-ee to bytrai
J: 1,37 -Th-(a)t is -th-e wreched werlde . -th-e to bet(ra)ye
L: 1,37 -Th-at is ::::::echede world . -th-e to bytraye [aaAx]
K: 1,37 That is the wretchid world . the to betray [aaAx]
W: 1,37 That is -th-e wrecched world . -th-e to betray [aaAx]
E: 1,37 -Th-(a)t is -th-is wrychyd werld . -th-(a)t wald
-th-e betray [aaAx]
M: 1,37 -Th-at is -th-ys wreched world . -th-at wold -th-e
betraye [aaAx]
T: 1,38 ffor [th]e fend & [th]i flessh folewi[th] togid(er)e
H2: 1,38 ffor the fende and thi flesch . folewen togydere
Ch: 1,38 ffor the fende and -th-i flesch . folow togeder
D: 1,38 ffor -th-e fend & -th-y flessh . folowe togydere
R: 1,38 for -th-e fend and -th-y flesch . folwyn togedere
U: 1,38 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,38 ffor _th_e (ffend) and _th_i (fflesch) . (folewen)
to-gedere [aaAx]
H: 1,38 -Th-e fend & -th-i flesche . folowe-th- -th-ee
togudre [aaAx]
J: 1,38 ffor -th-e fende & -th-i fleche . folwyn togydyr(e)
L: 1,38 ffor ::::::::: & -th-y flesch . foleweth togedre
K: 1,38 ffor the fend & thy flesch . folowyn together
W: 1,38 ffor -th-e fend and -th-e flesch . flowen togederes
E: 1,38 ffor -th-e ffend & -th-e flesche . folows -th-e
toged(er) [aaAx]
M: 1,38 ffor -th-e fende & -th-y flessche . fowtyn -th-e
togeder(e) [aaAx]
T: 1,39 ffor to shende [th]i soule set it in [th]in herte
H2: 1,39 And that schent thi soule . and seith it in thi
herte [aaAx]
Ch: 1,39 ffor to schende -th-y soule . set hit in -th-in
hert [aaAx]
D: 1,39 And -th-(a)t shent -th-y soule . & set it in
-th-yn herte [aaAx]
R: 1,39 to schende -th-i sely soule . set hit in -th-y(n)
herte [aaAx]
U: 1,39 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,39 And (schende)_th_ _th_i (soule) . (seo) hit in _th_in
herte [aaAx]
H: 1,39 & -th-at schende-th- -th-i soule . I see it in
-th-i harte [aaAx]
J: 1,39 & -th-(a)t schendeth -th-i sowle . set it in
-th-in hert(e) [aaAx]
L: 1,39 And :::::::: -th-y soule . & sent hit in -th-yn
heorte [aaAx]
K: 1,39 And that schendith thy sowle . and seith it in thy
hart [aaAx]
W: 1,39 And -th-at shende-th- -th-e sowle . take it in -th-i
hert [aaAx]
E: 1,39 To shende -th-(i) sory saule . be war w(i)t(h) -th-air
wyles [aaAx]
M: 1,39 ffor to schende -th-y soule . be war of her(e) wyles
T: 1,40 And for [th]ou shuldist be war I wisse [th]e [th]e
H2: 1,40 And for thow scholdest be war . wysseth the -th-e
beste [xaAx]
Ch: 1,40 And for -th-ow schuldest be ware . I wisse the -th-e
beste [xaAx]
D: 1,40 And for -th-(o)u shuldest be war . y wysse -th-e
-th-e beste [xaAx]
R: 1,40 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 1,40 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,40 And for _th_ou scholdest beo (war) . I (wisse) _th_e
_th_e bettre [xaAx]
H: 1,40 And for -th-ou schuldest ben ywar . I wysse -th-ee
-th-e best [xaAx]
J: 1,40 & for -th-(o)u schuldest ben war(e) . I wisse
-th-e -th-e best [xaAx]
L: 1,40 And scholdest beo war . y wisse -th-e beste [xaAx]
K: 1,40 And for thow schulde be ware . I wis the the beste
W: 1,40 ffor -th-ow sholdest be war . I wysse -th-e -th-e
beste [xaAx]
E: 1,40 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 1,40 And for -th-(o)u scholdest be warr(e) . I wesse -th-e
-th-e beste [xaAx]
T: 1,41 A madame m(er)cy q(ua)[th] I me liki[th] wel [y]oure
H2: 1,41 A m(er)cy madame q(uo)d I . me lyketh wel -gh-oure
wordes [aaAbb]
Ch: 1,41 A a madame q(uo)d I mercy . me like-th- wel -gh-oure
wordes [aaAbb]
D: 1,41 A madame m(er)cy q(ou)d y . me lyketh wel -gh-oure
wordes [aaAbb]
R: 1,41 A madame mercy q(uo)d I . me lyk(es) wel -gh-o(ur)
wordis [aaAbb]
U: 1,41 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,41 A (madame), (Merci)!" qua_th_ I . (me) like_th_
wel _th_i wordes [aaAxx]
H: 1,41 A mercye madame quod I . me lyke-th- wel -th-i wordys
J: 1,41 madame m(er)cy q(uo)d I . me lykyth wele -gh-our(e)
wordes [aaAbb]
L: 1,41 A madame mercy q(uo)d I . me liketh wel oure wordes
K: 1,41 Madame m(er)cy q(uo)d I . me liketh wel thy word(is)
W: 1,41 Madame mercy q(uo)d I . me lyke-th- wel -th-i wordes
E: 1,41 Madame mercy q(uo)d I . me lik(es) your word(is)
M: 1,41 Madame m(er)cy q(uo)d I . me lyketh -y-our(e) wordys
T: 1,42 Ac [th]e mone on [th]is molde [th](a)t men so faste
H2: 1,42 But the mone of this molde . that men so faste holden
Ch: 1,42 Bot the money on the molde . -th-at men so faste
holden [aaAx]
D: 1,42 Ac -th-e money on -th-is molde . -th-(a)t men so
faste holdes [aaAx]
R: 1,42 Ac -th-e money of -th-is molde . -th-(a)t me(n) so
faste holdys [aaAx]
U: 1,42 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,42 Bote _th_e (Moneye) on _th_is (Molde) . _th_at (men)
so faste holden [aaAx]
H: 1,42 but -th-e money in -th-is molde . -th-at men so faste
holden [aaAx]
J: 1,42 Ac -th-e mone of -th-is werld . -th-(a)t men so fast
helden [aaAx]
L: 1,42 Bote -th-e money of -th-ys molde . -th-(a)t men so
faste holdeth [aaAx]
K: 1,42 But the monye of this mold . that me(n) so fast holdeth
W: 1,42 But -th-e monoye of -th-is molde . -th-at men so
faste holde [aaAx]
E: 1,42 Of -th-e mony of -th-is werld . -th-(a)t men swa
fast hald(es) [aaAx]
M: 1,42 Ac -th-e monye of -th-ys world . -th-(a)t men so
faste holdyu(n) [aaAx]
T: 1,43 Tel me to whom [th](a)t treso(ur) apendi[th]
H2: 1,43 Telleth me to whom that tresour apendith [xxXx]
Ch: 1,43 Telle me to whom -th-at tresour appendit [xxXx]
D: 1,43 Telle-th- me to wham -th-(a)t tresour Apendes [xxXx]
R: 1,43 telle-th- me to whom . -th-(a)t tresour(e) apendys
U: 1,43 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,43 (Tel) me to whom _th_at (Tresour) appende_th_ [axAx]?
H: 1,43 telle me to wham -th-at tresoure apendi-th- [xxXx]
J: 1,43 Telleth me to hom -th-(a)t tresour(e) apendyth [xxXx]
L: 1,43 Tel me to whom -th-(a)t tresour apendeth [xxXx]
K: 1,43 Tel me to whom that tresour appendith [xxXx]
W: 1,43 Tel me lady to whome -th-at tresour appendeth [xxXx]
E: 1,43 Tel me to qwame -th-e tresor apent(es) [xxXx]
M: 1,43 Telle me madame to who(m)me -th-(a)t tresour appendeth
T: 1,44 Go to [th]e Gospel q(ua)[th] heo [th](a)t god seide
H2: 1,44 Go to -th-e gospel q(uo)d sche . that god seith
hi(m) selue [aaAx]
Ch: 1,44 Go to -th-e gospel q(uo)d sche . -th-at god seide
him self [aaAx]
D: 1,44 Go to -th-e gospel q(ou)d sche . -th-(a)t god seide
hym selue [aaAx]
R: 1,44 Go to -th-e gospel q(uo)d sche . -th-(a)t god seyde
hy(m) selue [aaAx]
U: 1,44 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,44 (Go) to _th_e (gospel) qua_th_ heo . _th_at (god)
sei_th_ himseluen [aaAx]
H: 1,44 Go to -th-e gospel qvo-th- heo . -th-er god seyde
hym seluen [aaAx]
J: 1,44 Go to -th-e gospell q(uo)d sche . -th-(a)t god seyd
him selue [aaAx]
L: 1,44 Go to -th-e gospel q(uo)d heo . -th-at god him seolf
saide [aaAx]
K: 1,44 Go to the gospel q(uo)d sche . that god said hym
self [aaAx]
W: 1,44 Go to -th-e gospel q(uo)d she . -th-at god sayd hym
self [aaAx]
E: 1,44 Ga to -th-e gospell q(ou)d sho . -th-(a)t god made
hym selfe [aaAx]
M: 1,44 Go to -th-e gospel q(uo)d sche . -th-(a)t god made
hym selue [aaAx]
T: 1,45 [Th]o [th]e peple hym aposide w(i)t(h) a peny in [th]e
H2: 1,45 Tho the peple hym aposyd . w(i)t(h) a peny in the
temple [aaAx]
Ch: 1,45 -Th-o -th-e peple him apposed . with a peny in -th-e
temple [aaAx]
D: 1,45 Tho -th-e peple hym Apposede . w(i)t(h) a peny in
-th-e Temple [aaAx]
R: 1,45 -Th-o -th-e peple hym aposyd . w(i)t(h) a peny in
-th-e temple [aaAx]
U: 1,45 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,45 Whon _th_e (peple) him (a-posede) . with a (peny)
in _th_e Temple [aaAx]
H: 1,45 When -th-e peple hym apposyd . wi-th- a peny in -th-e
temple [aaAx]
J: 1,45 -th-e peple him aposyd . with penys in -th-e temple
L: 1,45 -Th-o -th-eo people him apposed . with a peny in
-th-e temple [aaAx]
K: 1,45 Whan the people hym apposyd . w(i)t(h) a peny in
the temple [aaAx]
W: 1,45 Whan -th-e peple hym apposed . wi-th- -th-e peny
in -th-e temple [aaAx]
E: 1,45 The peple hym apposyd . w(i)t(h) a peny in -th-e
temple [aaAx]
M: 1,45 Tho -th-e peepele hym apposed . w(i)t(h) -th-e prece
of a peny [aaAx]
T: 1,46 [Y]if [th]ei wile worsshipe [th](er)wi[th] cesar [th]e
H2: 1,46 If thei schulde ther(e) w(i)t(h) worschipe . cesar
the kyng [aaAx]
Ch: 1,46 -Gh-if -th-ei schuld worschepe . -th-erwith Cesar
the king [aaAx]
D: 1,46 yf -th-ey schuld worschepe . -th-(er)w(i)t(h) Sesar
-th-e kyng [aaAx]
R: 1,46 -Gh-if -th-ei schulde worschep . -th-(er)w(i)t(h)
sesar -th-e kyng [aaAx]
U: 1,46 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,46 _Y_if heo (schulden) (worschupe) ._th_er-with (Cesar)
heore kyng [aaAx]
H: 1,46 if -th-ei schulden worschyp . -th-(er)with Cesar
her kynge [aaAx]
J: 1,46 If hy scholden wrchepyn . -th-(er)with cesar -th-e
kyng [aaAx]
L: 1,46 -Gh-ef -th-ey scholde worscipe . -th-(er)with [cesar]
-th-e kynge [aaAx]
K: 1,46 Yeff thay schulden therw(i)t(h) Cesar the kyng worshipe
W: 1,46 -Gh-hif -th-ei shold worship . -th-erwi-th- cesare
-th-e kyng [aaAx]
E: 1,46 Whed(er) -th-ai suld worship . -th-(er)w(i)t(h) cesar
-th-e kyng [aaAx]
M: 1,46 Wether(e) -th-ey scholden worschepe . -th-erwyth
Cesar -th-e kyng [aaAx]
T: 1,47 And he askide of hem of whom spak [th]e l(ett)re
H2: 1,47 And god askyd of hym of whom spak the let(er)e [xxXx]
Ch: 1,47 And he asked of hem of whom spak -th-e letter [xxXx]
D: 1,47 And he asked of hem of wham spak -th-e lett(er) [xxXx]
R: 1,47 And [god] asked of hem . of whom spak -th-e lettere
U: 1,47 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,47 And he (asked) of (hem) . (of) whom spac _th_e lettre
H: 1,47 And he axed of hem of whom spake -th-e letture [xxXx]
J: 1,47 And god axed of hem [of qwo(m)] spekyth -th-e lectur(e)
L: 1,47 And god asked of heom of wham spak -th-e lettre [xxXx]
K: 1,47 And god askyd of them of whom spake the letter [xxXx]
W: 1,47 And god asked of hem of whome spake -th-e lettre
E: 1,47 And god sayd to hym of qwome spake -th-e script(ur)
M: 1,47 And he hasked of hem of whome spake -th-e letter(er)is
T: 1,48 And [th]e ymagis lik [th](a)t [th](er)einne standis
H2: 1,48 And ymage lyke . that other in standeth [xxXx]
Ch: 1,48 And -th-e Image is like . -th-at -th-er Inne stondes
D: 1,48 And ymage lyk . -th-(a)t -th-(er) in standes [xxXx]
R: 1,48 And ymage lyke . -th-at -th-(er) inne standys [xxXx]
U: 1,48 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,48 And whom _th_e (ymage) was lyk . _th_at (_th_er-Inne)
stod [axAx]
H: 1,48 & whom -th-e ymage was lyke . -th-at -th-(er)
y(n)ne stondeth [xxXx]
J: 1,48 And wat -th-e image [was] . -th-(a)t -th-(er)in standis
L: 1,48 And vnto whom -th-e ymage is lyke . -th-at -th-er
ynne stonde[th] [xxXx]
K: 1,48 And an Image like . that ther yn stondith [xxXx]
W: 1,48 And -th-e ymage ylyke . -th-at -th-er inne stonde-th-
E: 1,48 And qwom to is -th-e ymage like . at -th-(er)in stand(es)
M: 1,48 It an ymage lik . -th-at -th-roude stondyt [xxXx]
T: 1,49 Cesar [th]anne seide we se wel ichone
H2: 1,49 Sesar thei seiden . we se wel echone [axAx]
Ch: 1,49 Cesar -th-ei seide . we se wel echon [axAx]
D: 1,49 Sesar -th-ey seyde . we se wel echone [axAx]
R: 1,49 sesar -th-ey sayde . we sen wel echone [axAx]
U: 1,49 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,49 (Ceesar), _th_ei (seiden) . We (seo_th_) wel vchone
H: 1,49 Cesar -th-ei seyden . we seo-th- wel uchoone [axAx]
H: 1,49 { Reddite ergo que su(n)t cesaris cesari et que sunt
dei deo }
J: 1,49 Cesar -th-ei seyde . we seen wele Ichone [axAx]
L: 1,49 Cesar -th-ey saiden . we seon hit wel vchone [axAx]
K: 1,49 Cesar thay saiden . we seen well echone [axAx]
W: 1,49 Cesar -th-ei saide . we se wel ychon [axAx]
E: 1,49 To cesar -th-ai sayd . we ssee it wele ilkon [axAx]
M: 1,49 Sesaris -th-ey seydyn . we sen wel ichone [axAx]
T: 1,50 { Reddite cesari } q(ua)[th] god [th]at {cesari} befalle
H2: 1,50 { Redde sesari } q(uo)d god . that { sesari } befallith
Ch: 1,50 { Reddite Cesari } q(uo)d god . -th-at { cesari
} befallet [axAx]
D: 1,50 { Reddite cesari } q(ou)d god . -th-(a)t { cesar
} he longe-th- [axAx]
R: 1,50 { Reddite sesari } q(uo)d god . -th-(a)t { sesar
} byfally-th- [axAx]
U: 1,50 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,50 _th_enne { Reddite } qua_th_ God . _th_at to Cesar
falle_th_ [xxXx]
H: 1,50 -Gh-elde-th- to cesar quo-th- god . -th-at to cesar
apendi-th- [axAx]
J: 1,50 { Reddite cesari } q(uo)d god . -th-at { cesar }
befallith [axAx]
L: 1,50 { Reddite cesari } q(uo)d god . -th-at to { Cesar
} falleth [axAx]
K: 1,50 { Reddite cesari } q(uo)d god . that { cesari } byfalleth
W: 1,50 { Reddite cesari } q(uo)d god . -th-at { cesar }
befalle-th- [axAx]
E: 1,50 { Reddite cesari } q(ou)d god . -th-(a)t { cesar
} befallyth [axAx]
M: 1,50 { Reddite cesaris } q(uo)d god . -th-(a)t { to sesari
} fallit [axAx]
T: 1,51 {Et que sunt dei deo} o[th](er) ellis [y]e don ille
H2: 1,51 { Et que sunt dei deo } . or elles -gh-e don ille
Ch: 1,51 { Et que sunt dei deo } . or elles -gh-e don euel
D: 1,51 { Et que sunt dei digno } . or -gh-e don ylle [aaAx]
R: 1,51 { & q(ui) su(n)t dei deo } . or ellys -gh-e do
ylle [aaAx]
U: 1,51 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,51 { Et que sunt (dei) (deo) } . or elles (do) _g_e
ille [aaAx]
H: 1,51 & to god his deel . or ellys -gh-e don ylle [aaAx]
J: 1,51 { Et q(ue) su(n)t dei deo } . or -gh-e don ille [aaAx]
L: 1,51 { Et que su(n)t dei deo } . or elles don -gh-e eole
K: 1,51 { Et que su(n)t dei deo } . or els ye done ille [aaAx]
W: 1,51 { Et que sunt dei deo } . or elles -gh-e don ill(e)
E: 1,51 { Et que sunt dei deo } . or ellys you do euyll(e)
M: 1,51 { Et que snt d(e)i d(e)o } . or ell(is) -th-e don
ille [aaAx]
T: 1,52 ffor ri[gh]tfulliche resoun shulde rewele [y]ow alle
H2: 1,52 ffor ry-gh-fullyche reson . schulde rewle -gh-ow
alle [aaAx]
Ch: 1,52 ffor ri-gh-tfullich resoun . schuld rewle -gh-ow
alle [aaAx]
D: 1,52 ffor ri-gh-tfullyche resou(n) . shold reule -gh-ou
Alle [aaAx]
R: 1,52 ffor ry-gh-thful resou(n) . schal reule -gh-ow alle
U: 1,52 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,52 ffor (Rihtfoliche) (Resoun) . schulde (rulen) ou
alle [aaAx]
H: 1,52 ffor ri-gh-tfullych reson . schuld rule -gh-ou alle
J: 1,52 ffor ryhtfullyche resou(n) . schulde rewlyn -gh-ow
alle [aaAx]
L: 1,52 ffor ryghtfulliche reson . schulde reule -gh-ou alle
K: 1,52 ffor ryhtfully Reason . shuld rule yow alle [aaAx]
W: 1,52 ffor rightfullich reson . shold reule -gh-ow all(e)
E: 1,52 ffor rightful reson . rewlys you all(e) [aaAx]
M: 1,52 ffor rytfulleche resun . schulde rewle -y-ow alle
T: 1,53 And kynde wyt be wardeyn [y]oure wel[th]e to kepe
H2: 1,53 And kynde w(i)t(h) -gh-oure wardeyne . -gh-our(e)
welthe to kepe [aaAx]
Ch: 1,53 And kinde witte be wardein . -gh-oure witte to kepe
D: 1,53 And kende wyt be wardeyn . -gh-our(e) wel-th-e to
kepe [aaAx]
R: 1,53 And kende wit be wardeyn . -gh-owr(e) wel-th-e to
kepe [aaAx]
U: 1,53 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,53 And kuynde (wit) be (wardeyn) . oure (weol_th_e)
to kepe [aaAx]
H: 1,53 & kynde wytte schulde be wardeyn . -gh-oure wel-th-e
to kepe [aaAx]
J: 1,53 And kynde witte ben wardeyn . -gh-oure welthe to
kepe [aaAx]
L: 1,53 And kynde wit beo warden . oure weolthe to wayte
K: 1,53 And kynde witt yo(ur) warden . -yo(ur) welth to kepe
W: 1,53 And kinde witte be warden . -gh-owr wel-th-e to kepe
E: 1,53 And kynd witte be wardeyn . your weale for to kepe
M: 1,53 And kynde ben wardeyn . -y-our(e) welthe to kepy(n)
T: 1,54 And tuto(ur) of [y]o(ur) tresour & take it [y]ow
at nede
H2: 1,54 And tuto(ur) of -gh-our(e) tresour . ac take it
-gh-ow at nede [aaAx]
Ch: 1,54 And -th-e tutour of -gh-oure tresour . and take
hit -gh-ow at nede [aaAx]
D: 1,54 And tuto(ur) of -gh-oure tresour . & take it
-gh-ou at nede [aaAx]
R: 1,54 And tuto(ur) of -gh-o(ur) troso(ur) . to take hit
-gh-ou at nede [aaAx]
U: 1,54 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,54 And (tour) of vr (tresour) . to (take) hit at nede
H: 1,54 & toure of -gh-oure tresoure . to take it -gh-ou
at neode [aaAx]
J: 1,54 And tuto(ur) of -gh-oure tresour(e) . & takyn
-gh-ow at nede [aaAx]
L: 1,54 And tutour of -gh-oure tresour . to take hit -gh-ou
in tyme [aaAx]
K: 1,54 And tuto(ur) of yo(ur) tresour . & take it yow
at nede [aaAx]
W: 1,54 And tutor of -gh-owr tresoure . and take it -gh-ow
at nede [aaAx]
E: 1,54 And of your treso(ur) . to take you it nede [aaAx]
M: 1,54 And tutur of -y-owr(e) tresor . & taken -y-ou
at nede [aaAx]
T: 1,55 ffor husbondrie & he holden togid(er)is
H2: 1,55 ffor hosbundrye and he . holden togydere [aaAx]
Ch: 1,55 ffor husbondey and he . holden togidderes [aaAx]
D: 1,55 ffor hosbondrye & he . holden togederes [aaAx]
R: 1,55 for husbondrye and he . holden togedere [aaAx]
U: 1,55 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,55 ffor (husbondrie) and (he) . (holden) to-gedere [aaAx]
H: 1,55 for housbondrye & witte . holden togydre [aaAx]
J: 1,55 ffor husbandry & he . holden togyder(e) [aaAx]
L: 1,55 ffor hosbondry & he . holdeth bo-th-e togedre
K: 1,55 ffor husbondry & he . holden togeders [aaAx]
W: 1,55 ffor hosbondrie and he . shold hold togederes [aaAx]
E: 1,55 ffor husbandre & -y-e . hald(es) wele toged(er)
M: 1,55 ffor vsbondry & he . holdy(n) togeder(e) [aaAx]
T: 1,56 [Th]anne I fraynide hire faire for hi(m) [th](a)t hire
H2: 1,56 Thanne I fraynede her(e) fayr(e) . for hi(m) that
her(e) made [aaAxx]
Ch: 1,56 -Th-en I frayned her faire . for him -th-at her
made [aaAxx]
D: 1,56 -Th-an I frayned here fayre . for hym -th-(a)t here
made [aaAxx]
R: 1,56 -Th-anne I frayned hur(e) fayr(e) . for hym -th-(a)t
hur(e) made [aaAxx]
U: 1,56 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,56 _Th_enne I (fraynede) hire (feire) . (for) him _th_at
hire made [aaAxx]
H: 1,56 -Th-an frayned I hir feyre . for hym -th-at hir made
J: 1,56 -Th-an fre[y]ned I her fayr(e) . for him -th-(a)t
her made [aaAxx]
L: 1,56 -Th-an y frayned hire faire . for him -th-(a)t hire
formed [aaAxx]
K: 1,56 Than I fraynyd her fayer . for hym that her made
W: 1,56 Than frained I here faire . for hym -th-at here made
E: 1,56 -Th-an I fraynyd hire ferrer . for hym at hir made
M: 1,56 -Th-an freynnyd I her(e) fayr(e) . for hym -th-(a)t
hyr made [aaAxx]
T: 1,57 [Th]e dungeon in [th]e dale [th](a)t dredful is of
H2: 1,57 The duniuu(n) in the dale . that dredful is to se
Ch: 1,57 -Th-e doungon in -th-e dale . -th-at dredful is
of si-gh-t [aaAx]
D: 1,57 The dongou(n) in -th-e dale . -th-(a)t dredful is
of sy-gh-th [aaAx]
R: 1,57 -Th-e dou(n)gou(n) in -th-e dale . -th-at dredful
is of sy-gh-th [aaAx]
U: 1,57 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,57 _Th_at doun in _th_at (deope) (dale) . _th_at (dredful)
is of siht [aaaAx]
H: 1,57 -Th-e dale & -th-e dongown . -th-at dredeful
is of sy-gh-te [aaAx]
J: 1,57 -Th-(a)t doungen in -th-at dale . -th-(a)t dredful
is of syht [aaAx]
L: 1,57 -Th-eo dongoun in -th-e dale . -th-at dredful is
of sight [aaAx]
K: 1,57 that dongeoun in the dale . that dredefull is of
sight [aaAx]
W: 1,57 The doungeon in -th-e dale . -th-at dredful is of
syght [aaAx]
E: 1,57 The dungon in -th-e dale . swa dredful of sight [aaAx]
M: 1,57 -Th-e dongeou(n) in -th-e dale . so dredful of sythe
T: 1,58 What may it mene madame I [th]e biseche
H2: 1,58 What may it mene . madame I the beseke [aaAx]
Ch: 1,58 What may hit mene . madame I the beseche [aaAx]
D: 1,58 What it may mene . madame I -gh-ou beseche [aaAx]
R: 1,58 What may hit bymene . madame I -th-e byseche [aaAx]
U: 1,58 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,58 What (may) hit (Mene), (Madame) . Ich _th_e bi-seche
H: 1,58 What may -th-at bymeene . madame I -th-ee biseche
J: 1,58 Qwat may it bemene . madame I -gh-ow beseke [aaAx]
L: 1,58 What hit myghte mene . -th-(a)t -gh-e me wolde telle
K: 1,58 What may it bemene . madame I the beseche [aaAx]
W: 1,58 W(:::) may it mene . madame I wold -th-e beseche
E: 1,58 Qwat it may mene . dame I yow beseche [aaAx]
M: 1,58 Wat may it bemenyn . madame I it -th-e beseche [aaAx]
L: 1,58 Heo saide segge sikerly -th-eo so-th-e for to say
T: 1,59 [Th](er)e is [th]e castel of care who [th](a)t comi[th]
H2: 1,59 Ther(e) is the castel of car(e) . who -th-(a)t cometh
-th-(er)Inne [aaAx]
Ch: 1,59 -Th-er is a castel of care . ho so come-th- -th-erInne
D: 1,59 That is -th-e Castel of Care . ho so come-th- -th-(er)inne
R: 1,59 -Th-at is -th-e castel of care . whoso come-th- -th-erto
U: 1,59 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,59 _Th_at is _th_e (Castel) of (care) quod heo . hose
(come_th_) _th_er-Inne [aaAx]
H: 1,59 That is -th-e castel of care quo-th- heo . who -th-at
come-th- -th-(er)y(n)ne [aaAx]
J: 1,59 -Th-(a)t is -th-e castel of car(e) q(uo)d che . qwo
so cometh -th-(er)In [aaAx]
L: 1,59 -Th-at is -th-e castel of kare . for whoso cometh
-th-erynne [aaAx]
K: 1,59 that is the Castell of Care . & who so co(m)myth
therin [aaAx]
W: 1,59 -Th-at is -th-e castel of care . whoso come-th- -th-(er)inne
E: 1,59 -Th-(a)t is -th-e castell(e) of care . wha so co(m)mys
-th-arin [aaAx]
M: 1,59 -Th-at is -th-e castel of car(e) . whoso comyth -th-(er)inne
T: 1,60 May banne [th]at he born was to body or to soule
H2: 1,60 May banne -th-at he bor(e) was . to body or to soule
Ch: 1,60 May banne -th-at he bore was . to bodi oure to soule
D: 1,60 May banne -th-(a)t he bore was . to body or to saule
R: 1,60 May banne -th-(a)t he bore was . to body or to soule
U: 1,60 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,60 Mai (Banne) _th_at he (born) was . to (Bodi) or to
soule [aaAx]
H: 1,60 he may banne -th-at he was borne . to body or to
soule [aaAx]
J: 1,60 May bannyn -th-(a)t he bore was . to body or to sowle
L: 1,60 May banne -th-(a)t he bore was . to body or to soule
K: 1,60 May banne that he borne was . to body or to sowle
W: 1,60 May banne -th-at he bore was . to body or to soule
E: 1,60 May ban -th-(a)t he borne was . to body or to saule
M: 1,60 May bannyn -th-at her(e) bo(re) was . to body or
to soule [aaAx]
T: 1,61 [Th](er)einne woni[th] a wy [th]at wrong is yhoten
H2: 1,61 Ther(e) inne woneth a wy . -th-(a)t wrong is Ihoten
Ch: 1,61 -Th-er Inne woneth a wi-gh-t . -th-at wrong is Ihote
D: 1,61 -Th-(er) yn wone-th- a wey . -th-(a)t wrong is Ihote
R: 1,61 -Th-(er) inne wone-th- a wy-gh-th . -th-at was yhote
U: 1,61 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,61 _Th_er-Inne (wone_th_) a (wiht) . _th_at (wrong)
is I-hote [aaAx]
H: 1,61 -Th-er y(n)ne wone-th- a wighte . -th-at wronge is
yhote [aaAx]
J: 1,61 -Th-(er)in woneth a wyht . -th-(a)t wrong is Ihotyn
L: 1,61 -Th-er yn wone-th- a wy-gh-e . -th-at wrong is yhoten
K: 1,61 Ther in wonith a wyght . that wrong is Ihoten [aaAx]
W: 1,61 Ther inne dwelle-th- a wyght . -th-at is wrong Ihote
E: 1,61 -Th-(er) wonnys a wight -th-(er)in . -th-(a)t wrang
is callyd [aaAx]
M: 1,61 -Th-(er)ynne wonyt a wyth . -th-(a)t wrong is hotyn
T: 1,62 ffadir of falshed he foundit it hymselue
H2: 1,62 ffader of falshed . he foundyd hym selue [aaAx]
Ch: 1,62 ffader of falshede . he fondid hit him selue [aaAx]
D: 1,62 ffader of falsehed . he fonde yt hym selue [aaAx]
R: 1,62 ffader of falfhede . he fonde hit hym self [aaAx]
U: 1,62 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,62 (ffader) of (ffalsnes) . he (foundede) him-seluen
H: 1,62 ffadre of falsenes . he fonded hym syluen [aaAx]
J: 1,62 ffader of falshede . he fonde it him selue [aaAx]
L: 1,62 fader of falsede . he fond hit his seoluen [aaAx]
K: 1,62 ffader of falshede . he found it hym self [aaAx]
W: 1,62 ffader of falshede . he fonde it him self [aaAx]
E: 1,62 ffadir of falshed . he fand it hym selfe [aaAx]
M: 1,62 ffadyr of falsnesse . he foundede hym seluy(n) [aaAx]
T: 1,63 Adam & Eue he eggide hem to ille
H2: 1,63 Adam and Eue . he Eggyd to ille [aaAa]
Ch: 1,63 Adam and Eue . he egged hem to Ille [aaAa]
D: 1,63 Adam & Eue . he egged hem to ylle [aaAa]
R: 1,63 Adam and eue . he heggede hem to helle [aaAa]
U: 1,63 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,63 (Adam) and (Eue) . he (eggede) to don (ille) [aaAa]
H: 1,63 Adam & eue . he egged to ylle [aaAa]
J: 1,63 Adam & Eue . he heggyd to ille [aaAa]
L: 1,63 Adam & Eue . he egged heom to ille [aaAa]
K: 1,63 Adam & Eue . he eggid them to Evylle [aaAa]
W: 1,63 Bo-th-e Adam & Eue . he egged to ill(e) [aaAa]
E: 1,63 Adam & eue . he eggyd to euyll [aaAa]
M: 1,63 Adam & eue . he eggede to Ille [aaAa]
T: 1,64 Counseilid kaym to kiln his bro[th](er)
H2: 1,64 Conseyled kaym . to kyllen his brothere [aaAx]
Ch: 1,64 Conseiled caym . to killen his brother [aaAx]
D: 1,64 Conceilled Cayme . to kyllen his bro-th-(er) [aaAx]
R: 1,64 and co(n)seyled caym . to kylle his bro-th-er [aaAx]
U: 1,64 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,64 (Counseilede) (Caym) . to (cullen) his Bro_th_er
H: 1,64 Caym he cownseyled . to kylle his brother [aaAx]
J: 1,64 & councelde kayme . to kyllyn his broder(e) [aaAx]
L: 1,64 And conseilede kaym . to kullen his owne bro-th-(er)
K: 1,64 Counseylyd Cayme . to kyllen his brother [aaAx]
W: 1,64 and conseilled kaym . to kyll his bro-th-er [aaAx]
E: 1,64 he Counseld kaym . to kyllen hys brother [aaAx]
M: 1,64 & co(n)seyled kaym . fo to slen hys bro-th-yr
T: 1,65 Iudas he iapide wi[th] Iewene silu(er)
H2: 1,65 ludas he Iapid . with Iewyne siluer [aaAx]
Ch: 1,65 ludas he Iaped . with Iewen siluer [aaAx]
D: 1,65 ludas he Iaped . w(i)t(h) Iuen silu(er) [aaAx]
R: 1,65 ludas he iapede . w(i)t(h) Iewene syluer [aaAx]
U: 1,65 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,65 (Iudas) he (Iapede) . with _th_e (Iewes) seluer [aaAx]
H: 1,65 ludas he iaped . -th-orogh -th-e Iewes syluer [aaAx]
J: 1,65 Iudas he Iapede . w(i)t(h) Iuen syluer(e) [aaAx]
L: 1,65 Iudas he Iaped . with Iewen seoluer [aaAx]
K: 1,65 ludas he Iapid . w(i)t(h) the Iewys syluer [aaAx]
W: 1,65 ludace he iaped . wi-th- -th-e Iues siluer [aaAx]
E: 1,65 ludas he iapyd . w(i)t(h) -th-e Iewes syluer [aaAx]
M: 1,65 ludas he beiapede . wit Iewyn selu(er) [aaAx]
T: 1,66 And si[th]en on an Eldir hongide hi(m) aftir
H2: 1,66 And sitthen on a eldren . hongide hym after [aaAa]
Ch: 1,66 And se-th-en on an Eldre . hing him selue [aaAa]
D: 1,66 And sethen on an yllern . hanged hym aft(ir) [aaAa]
R: 1,66 And sy-th-en on a elder(e) . heng hymself after [aaAa]
U: 1,66 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,66 And on an (Ellerne) treo . (hongede) him (after)
H: 1,66 & on an ellarne tree . honged hym aftur [aaAa]
J: 1,66 And syyn on a elderine . hangyn him aft(er) [aaAa]
L: 1,66 And hasted him on an elrne . to hongen him aftre
K: 1,66 And sithen on an hellarn . hongyd hymself after [aaAa]
W: 1,66 And si-th- on an aldre . he hong hem self [aaAa]
E: 1,66 And sythen on an eller . hangyd hym seluen [aaAa]
M: 1,66 & si-th-yn on an eldyr . heng vp hym selfyn [aaAa]
T: 1,67 He is lett(er)e of loue lei[gh]e[th] hem alle
H2: 1,67 He is letere of loue . lei-gh-e-th- hem alle [aaAx]
Ch: 1,67 --- this line is omitted ---
D: 1,67 He is leder of loue . lyeth hym alle [aaAx]
R: 1,67 He is letter(e) of loue . and seyueth hem alle [aaAx]
U: 1,67 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,67 He is a (lettere) of (loue) . and (ly_g_e_th_) hem
alle [aaAx]
H: 1,67 he is a lettar of loue . & byly-gh-eth hem alle
J: 1,67 He is swyche a lett(er) of lof he . gillith hem alle
L: 1,67 He is letter of loue . laccheth heom alle [aaAx]
K: 1,67 He is lett(er) of loue & lyygh on hem all(e)
W: 1,67 He is lettere of loue & lithers hem all(e) [aaAx]
E: 1,67 He is letter of love & . liys -th-aim all(e)
M: 1,67 He is letter(e) of loue . & gylyd hem alle [aaAx]
T: 1,68 [Th](a)t tresten on his treso(ur) betraid arn sonnest
H2: 1,68 That truston on his treso(ur) . betrayede arn sonnest
Ch: 1,68 -Th-at trusten on his tresour . betraied ar sonnest
D: 1,68 That tresten on his tresoure . betrayed bu-th- sonnest
R: 1,68 -Th-(a)t trustyn on his troso(ur) . betrayd ar sonered
U: 1,68 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,68 _Th_at (truste_th_) in heor (tresour) . _th_er no
(tru_th_e) is Inne [aaAx]
H: 1,68 -Th-at truste-th- in her tresoure . -th-at no trewth
is ynne [aaAx]
J: 1,68 -Th-(a)t treston to his treso(ur) . tyid aru(n) so
fast [aaAx]
L: 1,68 -Th-at trusteth on his tresour . bytrayed arn sannest
K: 1,68 That trustyth on his tresore . betrayed arn sonnest
W: 1,68 That trusten on his tresour . betrays he sonnest
E: 1,68 -Th-(a)t trast(es) in hys treso(ur) . betrayd is
sonest [aaAx]
M: 1,68 -Th-at thrustnyn on hys tresou(n) . betrayd arn su(n)nest
T: 1,69 [Th]anne hadde I wondir in my wyt what wo(m)man it
H2: 1,69 Than hadde I wonder in my wytt . what wo(m)man it
wer(e) [aaAa]
Ch: 1,69 -Th-an had I wonder in my witte . what womman hit
were [aaAa]
D: 1,69 -Th-an had I wonder in my wyt . what woma(n) it were
R: 1,69 -Th-an hadd y wonder in my wit . what wo(m)man h(i)t
wer(e) [aaAa]
U: 1,69 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,69 _Th_enne hedde I (wonder) in my (wit) . what (wommon)
hit weore [aaAx]
H: 1,69 -Th-an had I wondur in my witte . what wommo(n) -th-is
was [aaAa]
J: 1,69 -Th-an had I wond(ir) in my wytte . wat wo(m)ma(n)
it wer(e) [aaAa]
L: 1,69 -Th-an had y wondur in my wit . what wo(m)mon hit
weore [aaAa]
K: 1,69 Tha(n)ne had I wonder in my witt . what woma(n) it
war [aaAa]
W: 1,69 Than hadde I wonder in my witt . what wo(m)man it
were [aaAa]
E: 1,69 -Th-an had I wond(ir) in my hert . qwat woma(n) sho
was [aaAa]
M: 1,69 -Th-anne hadde I wondyr in my herte . wat woma(n)
-th-(a)t sche wer(e) [aaAa]
T: 1,70 [Th]at suche wise wordis of holy writ shewide
H2: 1,70 That suche wyse wordes . of holy wrytt schewyd [aaAx]
Ch: 1,70 -Th-at such wise wordes . of holi writ schewd [aaAx]
D: 1,70 -Th-at suche wyse wordes . of holy wryt schewed [aaAx]
R: 1,70 That suche wyse word(is) . of holy wryt schewde [aaAx]
U: 1,70 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,70 _Th_at suche (wyse) (wordes) . of holy (writ) me
schewede [aaAx]
H: 1,70 -Th-at suche wise wordis . of hooly wrytt me schewyde
J: 1,70 -Th-(a)t swych wyse wordes . of holy writ schewyd
L: 1,70 -Th-at suche wise wordes . of holy wryt schewed [aaAx]
K: 1,70 That such wise word(is) . of holy chirch schewyd
W: 1,70 That swich wise wordes . of holy wrytte schewed [aaAx]
E: 1,70 -Th-(a)t syche word(is) . of holy writte so wysely
schewyd [aaAx]
M: 1,70 -Th-at swyche wyse wordys . of holy wryth schewede
T: 1,71 And hailside hire on [th]e hei[gh]e name er heo [th]ennis
H2: 1,71 And halsede her(e) on the hie name . or he -th-ennes
-gh-ede [aaAx]
Ch: 1,71 And hailised here on -th-e hie name . or sche -th-ens
-gh-ede [aaAx]
D: 1,71 And halsed here on -th-e hey name . or sche -th-ennes
-gh-ede [aaAx]
R: 1,71 And assched h(er) on -th-e hye name . or -th-e(n)
sche -th-e(n)ne -gh-ede [aaAx]
U: 1,71 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,71 And (halsede) hire in _th_e (hei_g_e) nome . er (heo)
_th_eonne _g_eode [aaAxx]
H: 1,71 I halsed hir in -th-e hi-gh-e name . er heo -th-e(n)nys
-gh-ede [aaAx]
J: 1,71 I axed hir(e) on -th-e hye name . or sche -gh-ede
-th-enne [aaAx]
L: 1,71 And (con)iured hire on c(ri)stes name . to telle
me hire name [aaAx]
K: 1,71 I hailsyd hir on the hye name . ar sche thens -gh-ede
W: 1,71 I halsed hir(e) on -th-e hie name . er she -th-ens
-gh-ede [aaAx]
E: 1,71 And halsyde hir on -th-e hye name . or she -th-ens
yode [aaAx]
M: 1,71 And askyd hyr(e) on -th-e hye name [aaAx]
T: 1,72 What he were witt(er)ly [th]at wisside me so faire
H2: 1,72 What he war(e) wyt(ur)ly . -th-(a)t wyssede me so
fayre [aaAx]
Ch: 1,72 What sche were witterli . -th-at hailised me so
feire [aaAx]
D: 1,72 What sche were wytterly . -th-(a)t wysed me so fayre
R: 1,72 What sche wer(e) wyterly . -th-(a)t wyssed me so
fayre [aaAx]
U: 1,72 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,72 What heo (weore) (witerly) . _th_at teche_th_ me
so feire [aaAx]
H: 1,72 What heo were witturly . -th-at tawght me so feyre
J: 1,72 Qwat sche was wytt(er)ly . -th-(a)t wissed me so
fayr(e) [aaAx]
L: 1,72 And what heo wit(er)ly was . -th-at wised me so faire
K: 1,72 What sche war witterly . that wyssyd me so fayer
W: 1,72 What she wher wittirly . -th-at wisse me she wolde
E: 1,72 Qwat she was witt(er)ly . -th-(a)t wissyd me so faire
M: 1,72 Wat sche was witt(er)ly . -th-(a)t wyssede me so
fayr(e) [aaAx]
T: 1,73 Holy chirche I am q(ua)[th] heo [th]ou au[gh]test me
to knowe
H2: 1,73 Holy chirche I am q(uo)d heo . thow au-gh-tes me
to knowe [aaAx]
Ch: 1,73 Holi chirch I am q(uo)d sche . -th-ow ou-gh-test
me to know [aaAx]
D: 1,73 Holy Churche I am q(ou)d sche . -th-(o)u ou-gh-test
me to knowe [aaAx]
R: 1,73 Holy churche I am q(uo)d sche . -th-(o)u au-gh-tys
me to knowe [aaAx]
U: 1,73 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,73 (Holi) churche (Icham) qua_th_ heo . _th_ou (ouhtest)
me to knowe [aaAx]
H: 1,73 Hooly churche I am quo-th- heo . -th-ou owghtest
me to knowe [aaAx]
J: 1,73 Holy chirche I am q(uo)d sche . -th-(o)u axist me
to knowe [aaAx]
L: 1,73 Owgh segg heo saide -th-ou aghtest me to knowe [aaAx]
K: 1,73 Holy chirch I ame q(uo)d sche . thow owghtest me
to knowe [aaAx]
W: 1,73 Holy cherche I am q(uo)d she . -th-ou augtest me
to knowe [aaAx]
E: 1,73 Holy chyrche I am q(ou)d sho . -th-(a)t aught ye
to knaw [aaAx]
M: 1,73 Holy scherche q(uo)d sche . -th-u outyst me to knowyn
T: 1,74 I vndirfang [th]e ferst and [th]i fei[th] tau[gh]te
H2: 1,74 I vndirfang -th-e first . and thi feyth tau-gh-te
Ch: 1,74 I vnderfong -th-e firste . and the feith tau-gh-t
D: 1,74 I vndirfonge -th-e first . & -th-y feith tau-gh-te
R: 1,74 I vnd(er)fong -th-e furst . and -gh-ut fey-th- -th-e
tau-gh-the [aaAx]
U: 1,74 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,74 Ich _th_e (vndurfong) (furst) . and _th_i (fei_th_)
_th_e tau_g_te [aaAx]
H: 1,74 I -th-ee furst undurfonge . & -th-i fei-th- -th-ee
tawght [aaAx]
J: 1,74 I vnderfonged -th-e first . & -th-e -th-i faythe
tawhte [aaAx]
L: 1,74 And vndurfong -th-e furst . & -th-y feith taghte
K: 1,74 I vnderfange the first . & the faith the tawght
W: 1,74 I vnderfong -th-e first . & -th-i fai-th- -th-e
taghte [aaAx]
E: 1,74 I vnderfangyd -th-e first . & -th-i fath taght
M: 1,74 I vndyrfang -th-e ferst . & -th-e -th-yn feyth
taughte [aaAx]
T: 1,75 [Th]ou brou[gh]test me borewis my biddyng to werche
H2: 1,75 Thow broughtest me borwys . my byddyng to werche
Ch: 1,75 -Th-ow brou-gh-test me borowes . my bydding to worche
D: 1,75 -Th-(o)u broutest me borowes . my byddyng to werche
R: 1,75 -Th-(o)u brou-gh-t(es) me borwys . my byddyng to
wyrche [aaAx]
U: 1,75 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,75 _Th_ow (brou_g_test) me (Borwes) . my (biddyng) to
worche [aaAx]
H: 1,75 -Th-ou brow-gh-test me borowes . my byddynge to worche
J: 1,75 -Th-(o)u browhtes me borowhes . my(n) bidding to
wirche [aaAx]
L: 1,75 -Th-ou broghtest me borewes . my biddyng to worche
K: 1,75 Thou browghtist me borowys . my byddyng to worch
W: 1,75 Thow browghtest me borwes . my bidding (::) worche
E: 1,75 -Th-ou broght me borows . my byddyng to wirke [aaAx]
M: 1,75 -Th-(o)u brouthyst me borwys . my(n) byddyng to werche
T: 1,76 To loue me lelly whiles [th]i lif duri[th]
H2: 1,76 To loue me lefly . whiles thi lyff durith [aaAx]
Ch: 1,76 To loue me lely . whiles -th-i lif dureth [aaAx]
D: 1,76 To loue me lely . whiles -th-y lyf dureth [aaAx]
R: 1,76 To loue me lely . -th-e whylys -th-y lyf duryth [aaAx]
U: 1,76 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,76 And to (loue) me (leelly) . While _th_i (lyf) durede
H: 1,76 & to loue me truly . whyle -th-i lyf lasted [aaAx]
J: 1,76 To louen me leelly . qwylys -th-i lyue durith [aaAx]
L: 1,76 And to loue lelly [me] . whil -th-y lif dureth [aaAx]
K: 1,76 To loue me lelly . whiles thy life dureth [aaAx]
W: 1,76 To loue me lelly . whil -th-i lyf durith [aaAx]
N: 1,76 --- this line illegible ---
E: 1,76 To loue me lely . wilse -th-i lyve induryt [aaAx]
M: 1,76 And louen me trewely . whyl -th-y(n) lyf duride [aaAx]
T: 1,77 [Th]anne I knelide on my knes & cri[gh]ide hire
of g(r)ace
H2: 1,77 Thanne I kneled on my knees . and c(ry)ed her(e)
of g(ra)ce [aaAx]
Ch: 1,77 -Th-an I kneled on my knees . and cried here of
grace [aaAx]
D: 1,77 -Th-an I kneled on my knes . & cryed here of
grace [aaAx]
R: 1,77 thanne I knelyd on my kneys . & cryed hur(e)
of grace [aaAx]
U: 1,77 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,77 _Th_enne (knelede) I on my (kneos) . and (cri_g_ed)
hire of grace [aaAx]
H: 1,77 -Th-en kneled I on my knees . & p(ra)yed hir
of grace [aaAx]
J: 1,77 -Th-an knelid I on my knes . & cried he(re) of
grace [aaAx]
L: 1,77 -Th-an y kneoled on mi kneoes . & cryed hire
of g(ra)ce [aaAx]
K: 1,77 Than I knelyd on my knee . & Cryyd her of g(ra)ce
W: 1,77 Than I courbed on my knees . & asked hire of
g(ra)ce [aaAx]
N: 1,77 --- this line illegible ---
E: 1,77 -Th-an I knellyd on my kneys . & cryed hir of
grace [aaAx]
M: 1,77 -Th-anne I knelede on myn knes . & cryede ou(n)
her(e) g(ra)ce [aaAx]
T: 1,78 Prei[gh]ede hire pitously prei[gh]e for my sennes
H2: 1,78 Prayede her(e) petously . p(ra)y for my synnes [aaAx]
Ch: 1,78 And preied here petosly . pray for my synnes [aaAx]
D: 1,78 Prayed here petously . to pray for my synnes [aaAx]
R: 1,78 Prayede hur(e) pytusly . to praye for my synnys [aaAx]
U: 1,78 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,78 And (preiede) hire (pitously) . to (preye) for vr
sunnes [aaAx]
H: 1,78 to haue pytee on -th-e pepul & to praye for oure
synnes [aaAx]
J: 1,78 & p(ra)yed her petowsly . to prayen for my synnys
L: 1,78 Praied hire pitousely . to pray for my synnes [aaAx]
K: 1,78 And p(ra)yyd her pitously . to p(ra)y for my synnys
W: 1,78 I praied hir(e) (:::::) . to pray for my synnes [aaAx]
N: 1,78 --- this line illegible ---
E: 1,78 And prayd hir ful pitously . to pray for my synnes
M: 1,78 Preyde her(e) p(re)cyusly . to p(re)yen for my(n)
se(n)niys [aaAx]
T: 1,79 And ek kenne me kyndely on crist to beleue
H2: 1,79 And eke kenne me kyndely . on cryst to beleue [aaAx]
Ch: 1,79 And ken me kendely . on crist to beleue [aaAx]
D: 1,79 And eke teche me kendely . on Crist to beleue [aaAx]
R: 1,79 And ek teche me kyndely . on cryst to byleue [aaAx]
U: 1,79 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,79 And eke to teche me (kuyndely) . on (crist) to bi-leeue
H: 1,79 & to teche me kyndely . on c(ri)st to byleeue
J: 1,79 And als it kenyn [me] kyndeli . on criste to beleue
L: 1,79 And eke kenne me knowlech . on crist to byleue [aaAx]
K: 1,79 And eke kenne me kyndlich . on crist to beleve [aaAx]
W: 1,79 And kenne me kendly . on cristes beleue [aaAx]
N: 1,79 --- this line illegible ---
E: 1,79 And sho kend me kyndly . on c(ri)st to beleue [aaAx]
M: 1,79 & techyn me kendely . on cryst to beleue [aaAx]
T: 1,80 [Th]at I mi[gh]te werchen his wil [th](a)t wrou[gh]te
me to man
H2: 1,80 That I my-gh-t worchen his wylle . -th-(a)t wrou-gh-te
me to man [aaAx]
Ch: 1,80 -Th-at I mi-gh-t worch his wille . -th-at wrou-gh-t
me to man [aaAx]
D: 1,80 That y my-gh-te wirche his wyl . -th-(a)t wrou-gh-t
me to man [aaAx]
R: 1,80 -Th-(a)t I my-gh-the wyrke his wille . -th-(a)t wrou-gh-the
me to ma(n)ne [aaAx]
U: 1,80 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,80 _Th_at Ich his (wille) mihte (worche) . _th_at (wrouhte)
me to Mon [aaAx]
H: 1,80 -Th-at I his wylle my-gh-t wurche . -th-at wrowght
me to man [aaAx]
J: 1,80 -Th-(a)t I myht werchyn his wille . -th-(a)t wrowht
me to man [aaAx]
L: 1,80 -Th-at y myght worchen his wille . -th-at to mon
me made [aaAx]
K: 1,80 That I miyht worchyn his will . that wrought me to
man [aaAx]
W: 1,80 That I might worche his wil . -th-at wrought me to
man [aaAx]
N: 1,80 --- this line illegible ---
E: 1,80 -Th-(a)t I myght wyrke hys will(e) . -th-(a)t broght
me to man [aaAx]
M: 1,80 -Th-(a)t I may werche hys wille . -th-(a)t made to
man [aaAx]
T: 1,81 Teche me to no treso(ur) but tel me [th]is ilke
H2: 1,81 Teche me to no treso(ur) . but telle me this ilke
Ch: 1,81 Teche me to no tresour . but telle me -th-is Ilke
D: 1,81 Teche me to no tresour . but telle me -th-is ylke
R: 1,81 teche me to no troso(ur) . but tel me -th-is ylke
U: 1,81 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,81 (Tech) me to no (Tresour) . bote (tel) me _th_is
ilke [aaAx]
H: 1,81 Teche me no tresoure quo-th- I . but teche me -th-is
ilke [aaAx]
J: 1,81 Techit me no tresor . but tellit me -th-is ilke [aaAx]
L: 1,81 Teche me no treso(ur) . bot tel me -th-at ilke [aaAx]
K: 1,81 Teche me to no treso(ur) . but tel me this ilke [aaAx]
W: 1,81 Teche me to no tresour . but kenne me -th-is ilk
N: 1,81--- this line illegible ---
E: 1,81 Teche me no treso(ur) . bott tel me -th-(a)t ilke
M: 1,81 Teche me to no tresoure . but tel me -th-at ilke
T: 1,82 How I may sauen my soule [th](a)t seint art yhoten
H2: 1,82 How I may saue my soule . -th-(a)t seynt art Ihote
Ch: 1,82 How I may saue my soule . -th-at seint art Ihote
D: 1,82 How I may saue my saule . -th-(a)t senne had yhoklen
R: 1,82 Hou I may saue my soule . -th-(a)t seynt arn yholde
U: 1,82 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,82 Hou I may (saue) my (soule) . _th_at (seint) art
I-holde [aaAx]
H: 1,82 How I may my souIe saue . -th-at seynte art Iholde
J: 1,82 Howe I may sauyn my sowle . -th-(a)t seynt art Ihotyn
L: 1,82 How I myghte my soule saue . fro synnes in -th-is
eor-th-e [aaAx]
K: 1,82 How I may save my sowle . that saynt art Iholdyn
W: 1,82 How I may saue my soule . -th-at seint art Iholde
N: 1,82 --- this line illegible ---
E: 1,82 How I shuld saue my synfull(e) saule . for -th-(er)to
am I haldyn [aaAx]
M: 1,82 Whon I may sauyn myn self . -th-(a)t seynt art Iholde
T: 1,83 Whanne alle treso(ur)s arn tri[gh]ed treu[th]e is [th]e
H2: 1,83 Whanne al tresoris arn tryed . treuthe is the beste
Ch: 1,83 Whan al tresours arn tried . trew-th- is -th-e beste
D: 1,83 Whan al tresoure is tryed . trew-th-e is -th-e beste
R: 1,83 whe(n)ne alle tresour(es) are(n) tryed q(uo)d sche
. tru-th-e is -th-e beste [aaAx]
U: 1,83 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,83 Whon alle (tresour) is (I-tri_g_ed) . (Treu_th_e)
is _th_e Beste [aaAx]
H: 1,83 When alle tresoures arn try-gh-ed quod heo . trowthe
is -th-e best [aaAx]
J: 1,83 Qwan alle tresors aru(n) tried . treu-th-e is -th-e
best [aaAx]
L: 1,83 Saide when alle treso(ur)s arn tryed . treuthe is
-th-e beste [aaAx]
K: 1,83 Whan al tresours arn tried . than truth is the best
W: 1,83 Whan all(e) tresours be-th- tried q(uo)d she . treu-th-
is -th-e best [aaAx]
N: 1,83 --- this line illegible ---
E: 1,83 Qwan al tresours er tried . trewthe is -th-e best
M: 1,83 Whan alle tresours arn t(ri)id q(uo)d sche . tru-th-e
ys -th-e beste [aaAx]
T: 1,84 I do it on {Deus caritas} to deme [th]e so[th]e
H2: 1,84 I do it on { Deus caritas } . to deme the sothe
Ch: 1,84 I do hit on { deus caritas } . to deme -th-e sothe
D: 1,84 I do yt on { Deus Caritas } . to deme -th-e so-th-e
R: 1,84 I do it on { deus caritas } . to deme -th-e so-th-e
U: 1,84 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,84 I (do) hit on { (Deus) Caritas } . to (deeme) _th_e
so_th_e [aaAx]
H: 1,84 I do it on { Deus caritas } . to deme -th-e soothe
J: 1,84 I do it on { deus karitas } . to demyn -th-e sothe
L: 1,84 y do hit on { deus caritas } . to deme -th-e sothe
K: 1,84 I do it on { deus caritas } . to deme the sothe [aaAx]
W: 1,84 I do it on { deus ca(::::) } . to demen -th-e sothe
N: 1,84 --- this line illegible ---
E: 1,84 I do it on { deus caritas } . for to deme -th-e sothe
M: 1,84 I do it on { Deus Caritas } . to tryen -th-e so-th-e
T: 1,85 It is as derwor[th]i a dreury as dere god hymseluen
H2: 1,85 It is derworthe drewri . as der(e) god hym seluen
Ch: 1,85 It is as derworth a dreury . as dere as god him
selue [aaAx]
D: 1,85 Hyt is derworthe & dreury . as dere god hym selue
R: 1,85 h(i)t is as derwor-th-e a dreury . as der(e) god
hym selue [aaAx]
U: 1,85 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,85 Hit is as (derwor_th_e) a (drurie) . as (deore) god
him-seluen [aaAx]
H: 1,85 Hit is as derwor-th-e drewry . as dere god hym seluen
J: 1,85 It is derworth drewry . as der god him selue [aaAx]
L: 1,85 Hit is als dereworth a drywery . as deore god him
seolu[en] [aaAx]
K: 1,85 it is as derworth a drurye . as dere god hym seluen
W: 1,85 It is as derworth a dreury . as dere god him self
N: 1,85 --- this line illegible ---
E: 1,85 It is als derworthi a drury . as der god hym selfe
M: 1,85 --- this line is omitted ---
T: 1,86 ffor whoso is trewe of his tunge telli[th] non o[th](er)
H2: 1,86 ffor whoso is trewe of his tonge . tellith non other
Ch: 1,86 ffor ho so is trew of his tong . telleth non o-th-er
D: 1,86 ffor whoso is trewe of his tonge . telle-th- non
o-th-(er) [aaAx]
R: 1,86 ffor whoso is trewe of his tonge . tel h(i)t non
o-th-er [aaAx]
U: 1,86 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,86 For hose is (trewe) of his (tonge) . (telle_th_)
not elles [aaAx]
H: 1,86 ffor whoso is trewe of his tonge . & telle-th-
non o-th-(er) [aaAx]
J: 1,86 Ho so is trowe of [h]is tonge . tell he euel of non
o-th-(er) [aaAx]
L: 1,86 ffor whos is treowe of his tonge . & ::::: non
o-th-(er) [aaAx]
K: 1,86 ffor whoso is treue of his tonge . telleth non other
W: 1,86 ffor whoso is trewe of his tonge . tell it non o-th-er
N: 1,86--- this line illegible ---
E: 1,86 ffor he is trew of hys tounge . trow -th-ou non other
M: 1,86 Qwer(e) he is trewe of his tunge . trowe -th-(o)u
no(n) o-th-yr [aaAx]
T: 1,87 Do[th] [th]e werkis [th](er)wi[th] & wilne[th]
no man ille
H2: 1,87 Doth -th-e werkys therwyth . and wyllith no man
ille [aaAx]
Ch: 1,87 Bot dothe the workes -th-erwith . and willeth no
man Ille [aaAx]
D: 1,87 Doth -th-e werk(is) -th-(er)w(i)t(h) . wille-th-
no ma(n) ylle [aaAx]
R: 1,87 Do-th- -th-e werk(is) -th-(er)wi-th- . wylly-th-
no man ylle [aaAx]
U: 1,87 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,87 Do_th_ his (werkes) (_th_er-with) . and do_th_ no
mon ille [aaXx]
H: 1,87 & do-th- his warkes -th-(er)wi-th- . & do-th-
no mon ylle [aaAx]
J: 1,87 And do gode werkys -th-(er)with . & wil no ma(n)
ylle [aaAx]
L: 1,87 Do-th- -th-e werkes -th-(er)with . wilne-th- no mon
eouel [aaAx]
K: 1,87 But doth the work(es) therw(i)t(h) . wilneth no man
ille [aaAx]
W: 1,87 Do -th-e werkes -th-erwi-th- . wil no man non ill
N: 1,87 --- this line illegible ---
E: 1,87 And doys -th-e werk(is) of god . at will(e) no ma(n)
euell(e) [aaAx]
M: 1,87 -Th-at dot werkys -th-or wit . willit [no] man ille
T: 1,88 He is a god be the gospel on ground & on lofte
H2: 1,88 He is good be gospel . on grounde and on loft [aaAx]
Ch: 1,88 He is on god be -th-e gospel . on ground and on
lofte [aaAx]
D: 1,88 He is a god be -th-e gospel . on grou(n)d & on
lofte [aaAx]
R: 1,88 He is a god by -th-e gospel . on grou(n)d and a lofthe
U: 1,88 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,88 He is (a-counted) to _th_e (gospel) . on (grounde)
and on lofte [aaAx]
H: 1,88 He is acownted to -th-e gospel . in heuen & in
er-th-e [aaAx]
J: 1,88 He is in god be -th-e Gospell . on grounde & on
lofte [aaAx]
L: 1,88 He is a god by -th-e gospel . on ground & on
lofte [aaAx]
K: 1,88 He is a god by the gospell(es) . on ground and on
lofte [aaAx]
W: 1,88 He is a god by -th-e gospel . on grounde and on loft
N: 1,88 --- this line illegible ---
E: 1,88 He is a god be -th-e gospell(e) . on ground & on
lofte [aaAx]
M: 1,88 He is a good gospel . on ground & on lofte [aaAx]
T: 1,89 And ek lyk to oure lord be seint lukis wordis
H2: 1,89 And eke lyke to our(e) lord . be seynt lucas wordes
Ch: 1,89 And ek like to oure lorde . by seint lukis wordes
D: 1,89 And eke lyk to oure lord . be seynt lukes wordes
R: 1,89 And eke lyk to our(e) lord . by seynt Iamys wordys
U: 1,89 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,89 And eke (I-liknet) to vr (lord) . bi seint (Lucus)
wordes [aaAx]
H: 1,89 & eke lyke to oure lord . by sent lukes wordis
J: 1,89 & eke lyke to our(e) lorde . be sent lukes wordes
L: 1,89 And eke like to oure lord . by seynt lukes wordes
K: 1,89 And eke like to our lord . by saynt luk(is) word(is)
W: 1,89 And also lik to oure lord . by seint lukes wordes
N: 1,89--- this line illegible ---
E: 1,89 And alsa like to owr lord . be saynt lukys word(is)
M: 1,89 & ek lyk to our(e) lord . be seynt lukys wordys
T: 1,90 [Th]e clerkis [th](a)t knowe it shulde kenne it aboute
H2: 1,90 The clerkes -th-(a)t knowe it . schulde kenne it
aboute [aaAx]
Ch: 1,90 Clerkes -th-at knoweth hit . schuld ken hit aboute
D: 1,90 -Th-e clerkes -th-(a)t knowen it . shuld kenne it
aboute [aaAx]
R: 1,90 Clerk(is) -th-(a)t hit knowe-th- . schulde kenne
h(i)t aboute [aaAx]
U: 1,90 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,90 (Clerkes) _th_at (knowen) hit . scholde techen hit
aboute [aaXx]
H: 1,90 Clerkis -th-at knowen it . schulden teche it abowte
J: 1,90 -Th-e clerkys -th-(a)t knowy(n) [it] . schud kenny(n)
it abowten [aaAx]
L: 1,90 -Th-e clerkis -th-(a)t knowen hit . schulde kenne
hit abowte [aaAx]
K: 1,90 The clerk(is) that knowyn . schuld kenne it aboute
W: 1,90 The clerkes -th-at it knowe wel . sholde kenne it
aboute [aaAx]
N: 1,90 --- this line illegible ---
E: 1,90 The clerke-gh- -th-(a)t knawys it . shuld kenne it
abowte [aaAx]
M: 1,90 -Th-e clerkys -th-at knowyt it . schulde kennyn it
abowte [aaAx]
T: 1,91 ffor cristene & vncristene cleyme[th] it ichone
H2: 1,91 ffor c(ri)stenemen and vnc(ri)stene . cleymeth it
Ichone [aaAx]
Ch: 1,91 ffor cristen and oncristen . clayme-th- hit echon
D: 1,91 ffor Cristen & vncristene . cleyme(n) it echone
R: 1,91 for crystene and vncristene . cleyme-th- echone [aaAx]
U: 1,91 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,91 ffor (Cristene) and (vn-cristene) . him (cleyme_th_)
vchone [aaAx]
H: 1,91 for cristen & vncrystned . claymen it uchoone
J: 1,91 ffor cristen & vncristen . cleymyn it ichon [aaAx]
L: 1,91 ffor cristene & vncristene . cleymeth hit vchone
K: 1,91 ffor cristyn & oncristyne . claymen it echone
W: 1,91 ffor cristen and he-th-en . cleyme it vchone [aaAx]
N: 1,91--- this line illegible ---
E: 1,91 ffor c(ri)sten & vnc(ri)sten . shuld clame it
ichone [aaAx]
M: 1,91 ffor crystyn & vncrystyn . cleymyt it ichone
T: 1,92 Kinges & kni[gh]tes shulde kepe it be resoun
H2: 1,92 Kynges and knytes . schulde kepe it be reson [aaAx]
Ch: 1,92 Kinges and kni-gh-tes . schuld kepe hit be Resoun
D: 1,92 Kynges & kny-gh-tes . shuld kepe it be resou(n)
R: 1,92 King(es) and kny-gh-thes . schulde kepe h(i)t by
resou(n) [aaAx]
U: 1,92 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,92 (Kynges) and (knihtes) . scholde (kepen) hem bi Reson
H: 1,92 ky(n)g(us) & kny-gh-t(us) . schulden kepe it
by reson [aaAx]
J: 1,92 Kynges & knyhtes . schuld kepyn be resou(n) [aaAx]
L: 1,92 Kinges & kny-gh-tis . schulde kepe hit by resou(n)
K: 1,92 Kyng(es) & knight(es) . schuld kepyn it by reasou(n)
W: 1,92 Kynkges and knygtes . shold kepe it by reson [aaAx]
N: 1,92 --- this line illegible ---
E: 1,92 Kynge-gh- & knyghte-gh- . shuld kepe it by reson
M: 1,92 --- this line is omitted ---
T: 1,93 And riden & rappe doun in reaumes aboute
H2: 1,93 And riden and rappen doun . in reaumes aboute [aaAx]
Ch: 1,93 And ride and rape adoun . the remes aboute [aaAx]
D: 1,93 And ryden at randou(n) . in reames aboute [aaAx]
R: 1,93 And ryde and rappe adou(n) . in remys aboute [aaAx]
U: 1,93 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,93 And (Rihtfuliche) (Raymen) . _th_e (Realmes) a-bouten
H: 1,93 & ry-gh-tfullyche rule . her rewmes abowte [aaAx]
J: 1,93 & rydyn & rapyn dou(n) . in rewmys aboute
L: 1,93 And riden & rapen dou(n) . in realmes aboute
K: 1,93 And rydyn & Rape adown . in Realmys aboute [aaAx]
W: 1,93 And ryden & rappen doun . in reames aboute [aaAx]
N: 1,93 --- this line illegible ---
E: 1,93 And ryde rapely to rensake . the realmes abowte [aaAx]
M: 1,93 And biddyn & techyn . in Realmes abowtyn [aaAx]
T: 1,94 And taken tresspasso(ur)s & tei[gh]en hem faste
H2: 1,94 And take trespaso(ur)s . and tyen hem faste [aaAx]
Ch: 1,94 And taken trespasours . and teyen hem faste [aaAx]
D: 1,94 And take trespassours . & teyen hem faste [aaAx]
R: 1,94 And take trespasour(es) . and ty-gh-e hem faste [aaAx]
U: 1,94 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,94 And (take) (trespassours) . and bynden hem faste
H: 1,94 & take hem -th-at trespassen . & bynde hem
faste [aaAx]
J: 1,94 ffor to takyn trespasoures . & teyen hem fast
L: 1,94 Alle toillors and trespasours . & eke tye heom
faste [aaAx]
K: 1,94 And takyn trespassours . & tyen them ffast [aaAx]
W: 1,94 And taken trespasours . & bynden hem faste [aaAx]
N: 1,94 --- this line illegible ---
E: 1,94 To take al trispaseours . & tye -th-aim ful fast
M: 1,94 & takyn alle trespasourys . & teyn hem faste
T: 1,95 Til treu[th]e hadde t(er)mined here trespas to [th]e
H2: 1,95 Tyl treuthe hadde t(er)mynede . her(e) t(re)space
to ende [aaAx]
Ch: 1,95 Tille treu-th-e had termyned . here trespas to -th-e
ende [aaAx]
D: 1,95 Tyl treuthe had termyned . here trespas to -th-e
ende [aaAx]
R: 1,95 til tru-th-e haue termynyd . her(e) tru-th-e to an
ende [aaAx]
U: 1,95 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,95 Til (treu_th_e) hedde (I-termynet) . _th_e (trespas)
to _th_e ende [aaAx]
H: 1,95 tyl truthe had Itermyned . her trespas to -th-e ende
J: 1,95 Til trewthe had t(ur)nyd . her(e) trespas to -th-e
ende [aaAx]
L: 1,95 Til treuthe had t(er)myned . heore trespas to -th-e
eynde [aaAx]
K: 1,95 Tyl trewth [had] Itermynyd . her trespace to end
W: 1,95 Til treu-th- haue termined . here trespas to -th-e
ende [aaAx]
N: 1,95 --- this line illegible ---
E: 1,95 Tyll(e) trewth haue det(er)minyd . -th-air trispas
to -th-e ende [aaAx]
M: 1,95 Til trou-th-e hadde det(er)mynyd . her(e) trespas
to -th-e hende [aaAx]
T: 1,96 ffor dauid in hise dayes dubbide kni[gh]tes
H2: 1,96 ffor dauid in his dayes . dubbyd knythtes [aaAx]
Ch: 1,96 ffor dauid in hise daies . he dubbed kni-gh-tes
D: 1,96 ffor dauid in his lyfdayes . dubbede kny-gh-tes [aaAx]
R: 1,96 for dauyt in his dayes . dubbede kny-gh-t(es) [aaAx]
U: 1,96 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,96 ffor (Dauid), in his (dayes) . he (Dubbede) knihtes
H: 1,96 ffor dauid in his dayes . he dubbed kny-gh-t(us)
J: 1,96 ffor dauid in his dayes . dubbyd knyhtes [aaAx]
L: 1,96 ffor dauid in his dayes . dubbed mony knyghtis [aaAx]
K: 1,96 ffor dauid in his days . dubbyd knight(es) [aaAx]
W: 1,96 ffor dauid in his dayes . dobbed knyghtes [aaAx]
N: 1,96--- this line illegible ---
E: 1,96 ffor dauid in hys days . dubbit knyght(es) [aaAx]
M: 1,96 ffor dauid in his days . dubbede knythys [aaAx]
T: 1,97 Made hem swere on his swerd to s(er)ue treu[th]e eu(er)e
H2: 1,97 Made hem to swer(e) on his swerd . to s(er)ue treu-th-e
eu(er)e [aaAx]
Ch: 1,97 Made hem swere on his swerde . to serue trou-th-e
euer [aaAx]
D: 1,97 Made hem to swere on a swerd . to serue trew-th-e
eu(er)e [aaAx]
R: 1,97 and dude he(m) swer(e) on h(er) swerdys . to serue
tru-th-e euer(e) [aaAx]
U: 1,97 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,97 Dude hem (swere) on heor (swerd) . to (serue) treu_th_e
euere [aaAx]
H: 1,97 & made hem to swere on her swerd(us) . to serue
treu-th- euer [aaAx]
J: 1,97 & did hem swer(e) on her(e) swerde . to s(er)uen
truthe eu(er)e [aaAx]
L: 1,97 Deode heom swere on heore sweord . trou-th-e euer
to s(er)ue [aaAx]
K: 1,97 And dyddyn hem swere on he sword(es) . to s(er)ue
trewth eu(er) [aaAx]
W: 1,97 He dide hem swere on here swerde . to s(er)ue treu-th-
eu(er)e [aaAx]
N: 1,97 --- this line illegible ---
E: 1,97 And -th-aim swere on hys swerde . to s(er)ue trouth
eu(er)e [aaAx]
M: 1,97 De hem swer(e) on her(e) swerd . to s(er)uen trew-th-e
eu(er)e [aaAx]
T: 1,98 [Th]at is [th]e p(ro)fessioun ap(er)tly [th]at apendi[th]
to kni[gh]tes
H2: 1,98 That is -th-e p(ro)fesciou(n) ap(er)ty . -th-(a)t
dependit to kny-gh-tes [aaAx]
Ch: 1,98 -Th-at is -th-e profescion apertely . -th-at apendit
to kni-gh-tes [aaAx]
D: 1,98 That is -th-e p(ro)fessioun apertly . -th-(a)t apendeth
to kny-gh-tes [aaAx]
R: 1,98 This is -th-e p(ro)phecye apertly . -th-(a)t apendy-th-
to kni-gh-t(es) [aaAx]
U: 1,98 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,98 _Th_at is _th_e (perte) (profession) . _th_at (a-pende_th_)
to knihtes [aaAx]
H: 1,98 -Th-at is -th-e p(ar)fyt professyou(n) . -th-at apendi-th-
to kny-gh-tus [aaAx]
J: 1,98 -Th-is is -th-e p(ro)fessyon ap(er)tly . -th-(a)t
longith to knyhtes [aaAx]
L: 1,98 -Th-(a)t is -th-e p(ro)fession prop(ur)lich . -th-at
to a kny-gh-t apenteth [aaAx]
K: 1,98 That is the p(ro)fessiou(n) ap(er)lich . that apendith
to knight(es) [aaAx]
W: 1,98 That is -th-e professiou(n) apert . -th-at pende-th-
to knyghtes [aaAx]
N: 1,98 --- this line illegible ---
E: 1,98 -Th-is is -th-e p(ro)phesie . at appent(es) to knyght(es)
M: 1,98 ffor -th-at p(ro)feace . apendyt to knythys [aaAx]
T: 1,99 And nou[gh]t to fasten a friday in fyue score wynter
H2: 1,99 And nou-gh-t to fasten friday . in v score wynter
Ch: 1,99 And to fast a friday . in fyue score wynter [aaAx]
D: 1,99 And nou-gh-t to faste a ffryday . in fyue score wynt(er)
R: 1,99 And nou-gh-th to faste a fryday . in fyue scor(e)
wynter [aaAx]
U: 1,99 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 1,99 And not to (faste) a (Friday) . In (ffyue) score
_g_eres [aaAx]
H: 1,99 & not to faste oon friday . in fyue score wynt(ur)
J: 1,99 & ffastyn a friday . in fyue score wynt(er) [aaAx]
L: 1,99 And not to faste on friday . in foure skore wynter
K: 1,99 And not to faste one fryday . in fyve score wynter
W: 1,99 And not to fast a friday . in fiue score wynter [aaAx]
N: 1,99 --- this line illegible ---
E: 1,99 And noght to fast a fryday . in fyftene wynt(er)ys
M: 1,99 & nout to faste a fryday . in xv wynt(er) [aaAx]
T: 1,100 But holde wi[th] hym & wi[th] hire [th](a)t aske
[th]e treu[th]e
H2: 1,100 But holde w(i)t(h) hym and hym hire . -th-(a)t
asketh trewthe [aaaAx]
Ch: 1,100 Bot holden with him and with her . -th-at aske-th-
-th-e treu-th- [aaaAx]
D: 1,100 But holde w(i)t(h) hym & w(i)t(h) here . -th-(a)t
Aske -th-e treu-th-e [aaaAx]
R: 1,100 but holde w(i)t(h) hym & w(i)t(h) hur(e) . -th-at
aske-th- -th-e tru-th-e [aaaAx]
U: 1,100 But hold with hym and with hir(e) . -th-(a)t asken
-th-e treuthe [aaaAx]
V: 1,100 But (holden) with (hem) and with (heore) . _th_at
(asken) _th_e treu_th_e [aaAx]
H: 1,100 but to holde wi-th- hem & wi-th- hers . -th-at
asken treu-th-e [aaaAx]
J: 1,100 But holden w(i)t(h) him & w(i)t(h) h(er)e .
-th-(a)t axedyn trewthe [aaaAx]
K: 1,100 But holdyn w(i)t(h) hym & w(i)t(h) her . that
askyn the trewth [aaaAx]
W: 1,100 But hold wi-th- him & wi-th- her . -th-at asken
-th-e treu-th- [aaaAx]
N: 1,100 --- this line illegible ---
E: 1,100 Bott to hold w(i)t(h) hym or w(i)t(h) hir . at askys
-th-e trouth [aaaAx]
M: 1,100 But haldyn w(i)t(h) hym & hir(e) . -th-(a)t
asken -th-e treuthe [aaaAx]
T: 1,101 And neu(er)e leue hym for loue ne lacching of [y]eftis
H2: 1,101 And neu(er)e leue hym for loue . ne lachyng of
-gh-iftes [aaAx]
Ch: 1,101 No neuer lach him for loue . ne laching of -gh-iftes
D: 1,101 And neu(er) leue hem for loue . ne lachesse of gyftes
R: 1,101 And neu(er)e leue and hem for loue . ne for lachyng
of sylu(er) [aaAx]
U: 1,101 & neither leef for loue . ne for lakkynge of
siluer [aaAx]
V: 1,101 And (leuen) for no (loue) . ne (lacching) of _g_iftus
H: 1,101 & leue for no loue . ne no lachynge of -gh-yft(us)
J: 1,101 And neu(er) leue(n) hem for luffe . ne lacching
of -gh-iftys [aaAx]
L: 1,101 No neuer leue heom for loue . no lacchyng of -gh-iftes
K: 1,101 And neu(er) leue hem for loue . ne lackyng of yeftes
W: 1,101 And neu(er)e let for loue . ne laching of -gh-iftes
N: 1,101--- this line illegible ---
E: 1,101 And nowder lett for loue . ne for lakkyng of silu(er)
M: 1,101 --- this line is omitted ---
L: 1,100 Bote holde wi-th- hire & wi-th- hi(m) . -th-(a)t asketh -th-e trouthe [aaaAx]
T: 1,102 And whoso passi[th] [th](a)t poynt is apostata in
his ordre
H2: 1,102 And whoso passeth that poynte . is apostata i(n)
his ord(re) [aaAx]
Ch: 1,102 And whoso passeth -th-at point . is apostata In
his order [aaAx]
D: 1,102 And hoso passe-th- -th-(a)t poynt . is Apostata
in his ordr(e) [aaAx]
R: 1,102 And he so -th-(a)t pursewyt . he is apostata in
h(er) ordere [aaAx]
U: 1,102 & whoso passith -th-is poynt . is apostata in
his ordre [aaAx]
V: 1,102 And he _th_at (passe_th_) _th_at (poynt) . is (a-postata)
in _th_e ordre [aaAx]
H: 1,102 for he -th-at passi-th- -th-at poynte . is apostata
in his ordere [aaAx]
J: 1,102 And ho so passet -th-at poynt . is apostata in his
order(e) [aaAx]
L: 1,102 And whos passeth -th-(a)t poynt . is apostata in
his order [aaAx]
K: 1,102 And whoso passith that point . is apostita in that
order [aaAx]
W: 1,102 ffor who -th-at passe-th- -th-at point . is appostata
for euere [aaAx]
N: 1,102 --- this line illegible ---
E: 1,102 And qwo so passys -th-is poynt . apostota he is
in order [aaAx]
M: 1,102 And who -th-at pasid -th-at poynt . is apostata
in ord(re) [aaAx]
T: 1,103 And crist king of kinges kni[gh]tide tene
H2: 1,103 And cryst kyng of kynges . knitede tene [aaaAx]
Ch: 1,103 And crist king of king(es) . knytide ten [aaaAx]
D: 1,103 And Crist kyng of kny-gh-tes . kny-gh-ted ten [aaaAx]
R: 1,103 And cryst kyngene kyng . kny-gh-thede tene [aaaAx]
U: 1,103 And kyng kyngene kyng . knyhtide tene [aaaAx]
H: 1,103 ffor c(ri)st kynge of kny-gh-t(us) . knytted somtyme
J: 1,103 And crist kyng of knyhtys . knyttid -th-(a)t tyme
L: 1,103 ffor crist creato(ur) cried and kraftely made [aaaAx]
K: 1,103 And crist kyng of knight(es) . knighted in tyme
W: 1,103 And crist knyght & kyng . knyghted ten [aaaAx]
N: 1,103 --- this line illegible ---
E: 1,103 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 1,103 & cryst kyndede kyng . knythtede ten [aaaAx]
T: 1,104 Cherubyn & seraphyn such seuene & ano[th](er)
H2: 1,104 Cherubyn and seraphyn . suche seuene and ano-th-(er)
Ch: 1,104 Cherubyn and seraphin . such seuene and on o-th-er
D: 1,104 Cherubyn & Seraphyn . suche seuene & o-th-(er)
R: 1,104 Cherubyn & seraphyn . and such seuene o-th-er(e)
U: 1,104 Cherubyn and seraphyn . and siche mo o-th-(er)e
V: 1,104 Cherubin & Seraphin an al _th_e foure ordres
H: 1,104 Cherubyn & seraphyn . & alle -th-e foure
ordres [xaAx]
J: 1,104 Cherubyn & seraphin . & seuen moo o-th-er(e)
L: 1,104 Of Aungles and archangles ordres nyne [xaAx]
K: 1,104 Cherubyn & seraphyn . & al the fowre orders
W: 1,104 Cherubyn & Saruphin . shuche seuen & ano-th-er
N: 1,104 --- this line illegible ---
E: 1,104 Cherubin & ceraphun . & suche seuen other
M: 1,104 Cherubyn & seraphyn . & sweche vij other(e)
T: 1,105 [Y]af hem mi[gh]t in his mageste [th]e m(er)yere hem
H2: 1,105 -Gh-af hem myth in his maieste . -th-e m(er)yer(e)
hem -th-ou-gh-te [aaAx]
Ch: 1,105 -Gh-af hem my-gh-t in his maieste . the merier
hem -th-ou-gh-t [aaAx]
D: 1,105 -Gh-af hem my-gh-te in his mageste . -th-e meryer(e)
hym -th-(o)u-gh-te [aaAx]
R: 1,105 and -gh-af he(m) my-gh-th in mageste . -th-e meryer(e)
he(m) -th-ou-gh-the [aaAx]
U: 1,105 and -y-af hem myghte in his maieste . -th-e myrier(e)
he(m) -th-oughte [aaAx]
V: 1,105 And _g_af hem (maystrie) & (miht) . in his (Maieste)
H: 1,105 & -gh-af hem honour(e) & my-gh-te in his
maiestee [aaAx]
J: 1,105 & -gh-af hem myht in his mageste [aaAx]
L: 1,105 And -gh-ef heom myght in his maieste . -th-e murier
he(m) -th-ou-gh-[te] [aaAx]
K: 1,105 Yafe hem might in his mayestie . the meriar hem
thoughte [aaAx]
W: 1,105 He -gh-af hem myght in mageste . -th-e meriere hem
-th-oughte [aaAx]
N: 1,105 --- this line illegible ---
E: 1,105 And gaf -th-aim might in hys maieste . -th-e merier
hym thoght [aaAx]
M: 1,105 -Y-af hem myth in hys mageste . -th-e meryr(e) hym
-th-owthe [aaAx]
T: 1,106 And ou(er) his meyne made hem archaungelis
H2: 1,106 And ou(er) his meyne made hem archaungeles [aaXx]?
Ch: 1,106 And ouer his meyne made hem archangeles [aaXx]?
D: 1,106 And ou(er) his meyne made hem Archaungels [aaXx]?
R: 1,106 And ou(er) his mayne . made hem archangelys [aaXx]?
U: 1,106 And ouer al his meyne made hem archaungelis [aaXx]?
H: 1,106 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 1,106 & ou(er) al his meyne made hem archangels [aaXx]?
L: 1,106 --- this line is omitted ---
K: 1,106 And ov(er) his meynye made hem archaungellis [aaXx]?
W: 1,106 And ouer all his meyne made hem archangeles [aaXx]?
N: 1,106 And ouer his meyne made hem archa[::::]lis [aaXx]?
E: 1,106 Ouer al hys mene made -th-aim archaungels [aaXx]?
M: 1,106 And ou(er) hys mene meyne made hem Archaungelys
T: 1,107 Tau[gh]te hem [th]oru[gh] [th]e trinite [th]e trou[th]e
to knowe
H2: 1,107 Tau-gh-te hem thoru-gh-h the t(ri)nite . the trewthe
to knowe [aaAx]
Ch: 1,107 Tau-gh-t hem -th-oro-gh- the trinite . the treu-th-e
to knowe [aaAx]
D: 1,107 Tau-gh-te hem -th-orw-gh- -th-e Trinite . -th-e
treu-th-e to knowe [aaAx]
R: 1,107 tau-gh-the hem -th-orw -th-e trinyte . -th-e treu-th-e
to knowe [aaAx]
U: 1,107 And tau-gh-te hem -th-urw -th-e t(ri)nite . -th-e
treuthe to knowe [aaAx]
V: 1,107 And (tau_g_te) _th_orw _th_e (Trinite) . (treu_th_e)
for to knowen [aaAx]
H: 1,107 & tau-gh-te hem -th-or-gh- -th-e trynyte . -th-e
tru-th-e for to knowe [aaAx]
J: 1,107 Tawht hem -th-orow -th-e t(ri)nite . trewthe to
knowe [aaAx]
L: 1,107 Taghte heom -th-orgh -th-e trinite . -th-e trou-th-e
to knowe [aaAx]
K: 1,107 Tawght hem throwgh the trinite . the trewth to knowe
W: 1,107 he taght hem -th-rough -th-e trinite . treu-th-
to knowe [aaAx]
N: 1,107 He tau-gh-t hem -th-orow -th-e t(ri)nite . -th-e
trw-th-e [:::::::] [aaAx]
E: 1,107 Taght -th-orow -th-e t(ri)nite . -th-e trouth for
to knaw [aaAx]
M: 1,107 Tauthe hem -th-ourth -th-e t(ri)nite . -th-e treuthe
to knowyn [aaAx]
T: 1,108 To be buxum at his bidding he bad hem nou[gh]t ellis
H2: 1,108 To be buxum at is biddyng . he bad hem o [noe]
nou-gh-t elles [aaAx]
Ch: 1,108 To be buxum at his bidding . he bad nou-gh-t elles
D: 1,108 To be buxom at his bydding . he bad hem nou-gh-t
elles [aaAx]
R: 1,108 To be buxu(m) at his byddyng . he bad hem nou-gh-t
ellys [aaAx]
U: 1,108 And be buxum at his heste . he bad hem noght elles
V: 1,108 And beo (boxum) at his (biddynge) . he (bad) hem
not elles [aaAx]
H: 1,108 to be buxom at his byddynge . he bad hem not ellis
J: 1,108 To ben boxom at his biddyng . he bad hem nouth ell(is)
L: 1,108 To beo buxsum to his byddyng . he bad heom not elles
K: 1,108 To be buxum at his biddyng . he bad hem nowght els
W: 1,108 To be buxom at his bone . he bad hem not elles [aaAx]
N: 1,108 To be boxom at his bidding . he bad he(m) nou-gh-t
ellis [aaAx]
E: 1,108 And be buxu(m) at hys byddyng . he bad -th-aim noght
ellys [aaAx]
M: 1,108 To ben buxu(m) & boun his biddyng to werche
T: 1,109 Lucifer wi[th] legionis leride it in heuene
H2: 1,109 Lucifer wit legionus . lerid it in heuene [aaAx]
Ch: 1,109 Lucifere with legionnes . lered in heuen [aaAx]
D: 1,109 Lucifer w(i)t(h) legions . lerned in heuene [aaAx]
R: 1,109 Lucyfer w(i)t(h) legyonys . lered hit in heuene
U: 1,109 Lucifer with legiones . lernyd it in heuene [aaAx]
V: 1,109 (Lucifer) with (legiouns) . (lerede) hit in heuene
H: 1,109 Lucifer wi-th- legiou(n)s . lerid it in heuen [aaAx]
J: 1,109 Lucifer w(i)t(h) legiou(n)es . lernyd it in heuene
L: 1,109 And -th-e lyght lucifer illumyned ouer heom alle
K: 1,109 Lucyfer w(i)t(h) legiouns . lernyd it in hevyne
W: 1,109 Lucifer wi-th- legions . lered it in heuene [aaAx]
N: 1,109 Lucifer w(i)t(h) legiou(n)s . lered it in heuene
E: 1,109 Lucifer w(i)t(h) ligeons . leryd it in heuen [aaAx]
M: 1,109 Lucifer w(i)t(h) legiou(n)s . lernyd it in heuene
T: 1,110 And was [th]e louelokest to loke on aftir oure lord
H2: 1,110 And was louelokest . to loke on aftir our lord
Ch: 1,110 And was the louelokest . to loken on after our
lorde [aaXa]
D: 1,110 And was -th-e louelokest . of si-gh-t aft(ir) our(e)
lord [aaXa]
R: 1,110 And wat -th-e louelekyst . of sy-gh-th after our(e)
lord [aaXa]
U: 1,110 -Th-at was -th-e louelyst . of sight aftir our lord
V: 1,110 He was (louelokest) of siht . aftur vr (lord) [axXa]
H: 1,110 he was louelokest . of sy-gh-t aftur oure lorde
J: 1,110 And was luflikest . of syht aft(er) our(e) lorde
der(e) [aaXa]
L: 1,110 --line om ----
K: 1,110 And was the loveliest . of sight after our lord
W: 1,110 He was -th-e lofliest . of sight after oure lord
N: 1,110 He was -th-e louelyst . of si-gh-t eftir our(e)
lorde [aaXa]
E: 1,110 And was -th-e loveliest . of syght next vnto owr
lord [aaXa]
M: 1,110 -Th-at louelyerst was . of sythe aft(ir) our(e)
lord seluyn [aaXa]
T: 1,111 Til he brak buxumnesse [th]oru[gh] bost of hymseluen
H2: 1,111 Tyl he brak buxu(m)nesse . thorou-gh- bost of hi(m)
sillue [aaAx]
Ch: 1,111 Til he brak buxumnesse . -th-orow bost of him selue
D: 1,111 Tyl he brek boxomnesse . -th-oru-gh-t bost of hym
selue [aaAx]
R: 1,111 tyl he brak buxsumnesse . -th-orw bost of hym selue
U: 1,111 Til he brak buxu(m)nesse . -th-urw bost of him selue
V: 1,111 Til he (brak) (Boxumnes) . _th_orw (bost) of him-seluen
H: 1,111 til he brake buxomnes . -th-oru-gh- boost of hym
seluen [aaAx]
J: 1,111 Tyl he brak buxomnesse . -th-orow bost of him selue
L: 1,111 Til he brak buxsumnes . -th-orgh bost of him seoluen
K: 1,111 Til he brake buxumnesse . throwgh bost of hym self
W: 1,111 Til he brak buxomnesse . -th-orgh bost of him self
N: 1,111 Til he brake boxomenesse . -th-orow bost of hi(m)
self [aaAx]
E: 1,111 To he brake buxu(m)nes . -th-orow bost of hym selfe
M: 1,111 Til he brak buxumnesse . -th-reruth bost of hys
p(ri)de [aaAx]
N: 1,111 [C:I,111a] { Ponam pede(m) meu(m) i(n) Aquilone & si(m)ilis
ero altissimo }
N: 1,111 [C:I,112] ::::: ::::: :::: Lord whi wolde lucifer
N: 1,111 [C:I,113] Luppen alofte ::: :::: :::: in -th-e northe
N: 1,111 [C:I,114] Tha(n)ne sit::: :: ::: :::: syde -th-(er)e
-th-e day rowi-th-
N: 1,111 [C:I,115] Nere ::: ::: ::::::: men ano(n) y wolde
ye telle
N: 1,111 [C:I,116] But y wol lakky no lyf quod -th-at lady
N: 1,111 [C:I,117] Hit is sikerore bi southe -th-(er)e -th-e
so(n)ne regne-th-
N: 1,111 [C:I,118] -Th-a(n)ne :: -th-e nor-th-e by many notes
no man leue other
N: 1,111 [C:I,119] ffor theder as -th-e fende fleigh his
fote ::: :: sette
N: 1,111 [C:I,120] Ther he failede & ::: :::::::: felaues
N: 1,111 [C:I,121] And helle is -th-(er)e he is ::: :: -th-(er)e
::::: ybou(n)de
N: 1,111 [C:I,122] Euene ::: co(n)t(ra)rie sitti-th- Crist
:::::: :::: -th-e so-th-e
N: 1,111 [C:I,122a] { ::::: :::::: ::::: meo :::: a dextris
meis :::::: }
T: 1,112 [Th]anne fil he wi[th] felawis & fendis bicome
H2: 1,112 Thanne fil he wit felawys . and fendes bycome [aaAx]
Ch: 1,112 -Th-an fel he with his felawes . and fendes become
D: 1,112 -Th-an fyl he w(i)t(h) felaus . & fendes bycome
R: 1,112 -Th-a(n)ne fel he w(i)t(h) his felawys . and fendys
bycome [aaAx]
U: 1,112 -Th-an fel he with his felawes . & feendes bycome
V: 1,112 _Th_ene (fel) he with his (felawes) . & (fendes)
bi-comen [aaAx]
H: 1,112 -Th-en fel he wi-th- his felawis . & feond(us)
bycomen [aaAx]
J: 1,112 -Th-an fell he w(i)t(h) his felawes . & fendes
become [aaAx]
L: 1,112 -th-en feol he wi-th- his felaus . & feondes
bycomen [aaAx]
K: 1,112 Then fel he w(i)t(h) his felowys . & fend(is)
become [aaAx]
W: 1,112 [B:I,113] And fel fro -th-at felashippe in a fendes
W: 1,112 [B:I,114] Into a depe derk hell(e) to dwelle -th-(er)
for euere
W: 1,112 [B:I,115] And mo -th-ousandes for him -th-an man
kou-th-e nombre
W: 1,112 [B:I,116] Lopen ought wi-th- Lucifer in lo-th-ly
N: 1,112 -Th-a(n)ne fel :: w(i)t(h) his felawes . & fendis
bicome [aaAx]
E: 1,112 -Th-an fel he & hys felaship . & fendes
become [aaAx]
M: 1,112 -Th-anne fel he w(i)t(h) his felaschepe . & fendys
becomy(n) [aaAx]
T: 1,113 Out of heuene into helle hobelide [th]ei faste
H2: 1,113 Ou-gh-t of heuene into helle . hobelide -th-ei
faste [aaAx]
Ch: 1,113 Out of heuen Into helle . hobled -th-ei faste [aaAx]
D: 1,113 Oute of heuene into helle . hobled -th-ey faste
R: 1,113 out of heuene into helle . hoblede -th-ey faste
U: 1,113 Out of heuene into helle . hoblide -th-ei faste
V: 1,113 Out of (heuene) in-to (helle) . (hobleden) faste
H: 1,113 Oute of heuen into helle . hobleden wel faste [aaAx]
J: 1,113 Owte of heuene into hell(e) . hobeleden hy fast
L: 1,113 Out of heouen into helle . hobleden -th-ey faste
K: 1,113 Out of hevyn into helle . hobblid they ffast [aaAx]
W: 1,113 And oute of heuene into helle . hobeled -th-ai fast
N: 1,113 Out of heuene i(n)to helle . hobeled -th-ei faste
E: 1,113 Out of heuen into hell(e) . hobled -th-ai fast [aaAx]
M: 1,113 Out of heuene into helle . hobledyn wol faste [aaAx]
T: 1,114 Su(m)me in eir su(m)me in er[th]e su(m)me in helle
H2: 1,114 Su(m)me in eir su(m) in erthe . su(m) in helle
depe [aaAx]
Ch: 1,114 Sum In eire sum In erthe . sum in helle depe [aaAx]
D: 1,114 Some in eyer some in erthe . so(m)me in helle depe
R: 1,114 Su(m)me in er-th-e and some in eyr(e) . dou(n) in
to helle depe [aaAx]
U: 1,114 Some in eyr some in erthe . some in helle depe [aaAx]
V: 1,114 Summe in _th_e (Eir), & summe in _th_e (Eor_th_e)
. & summe in (helle) deope [aaAx]
H: 1,114 So(m)me i(n) eir so(m)me in er-th-e . so(m)me i(n)
helle deope [aaAx]
J: 1,114 Su(m)me in ayre su(m)me in erthe . su(m)me in hell(e)
depe [aaAx]
L: 1,114 Su(m)me in eyr so(m)me in eor-th-e . so(m)me in
helle deope [aaAx]
K: 1,114 Su(m) in eyre & su(m) in erthe . & su(m)
in helle depe [aaAx]
W: 1,114 Som in eir & som in er-th-e . & som in helle
depe [aaAx]
N: 1,114 So(m)me i(n) aire so(m)me i(n) er-th-e . & su(m)me
i(n) helle depe [aaAx]
E: 1,114 Some in erthe some in eyre . some in hell(e) depe
M: 1,114 Su(m)me in erth su(m)me in -th-e eyr su(m)me in
helle depe [aaAx]
T: 1,115 And lucifer lowest li[th] of hem alle
H2: 1,115 And lucifer lowest . li-th- hit of hem alle [aaAx]
Ch: 1,115 But lucifer lowest . lithe of hem alle [aaAx]
D: 1,115 And lucyfer lowest . lyth of hem alle [aaAx]
R: 1,115 And lucyfer lowest . ly-gh-the of hem alle [aaAx]
U: 1,115 Ac lucifer lowest . light of hem alle [aaAx]
V: 1,115 Bote (Lucifer) (louwest) . (li_g__th_) of hem alle
H: 1,115 But lucyfer lowest . lyth of hem alle [aaAx]
J: 1,115 Ac lucifer lowest . lith of hem alle [aaAx]
L: 1,115 Bote lucifer lowest . lyth of heom alle [aaAx]
K: 1,115 But lucifer lowest . lyyth of hem alle [aaAx]
W: 1,115 But lucifer lowest . li-th- of hem alle [aaAx]
N: 1,115 Ac lucificer lowest . li-th- of he(m) alle [aaAx]
E: 1,115 Bot lucifer lawest . light of -th-aim all(e) [aaAx]
M: 1,115 And lucifer lowest . lith of hem alle [aaAx]
T: 1,116 ffor pride [th](a)t he put out his peyne ha[th] non
H2: 1,116 ffor p(ri)de that he put out of . his peyne ha-th-
no(n) ende [aaAx]
Ch: 1,116 ffor pride -th-at he put oute . his peine hathe
non ende [aaAx]
D: 1,116 ffor pryde -th-(a)t he put out was . his peyne ha-th-
no(n) ende [aaAx]
R: 1,116 for p(ri)de -th-at he putte oute . his payne ha-th-
no(n) ende [aaAx]
U: 1,116 ffor -th-e pride he putte out . his peyne hath non
ende [aaAx]
V: 1,116 ffor (pruide) _th_at he (put) out . his (peyne)
ha_th_ non ende [aaAx]
H: 1,116 for his pryde he was putte out . his payne ha-th-
no(n) ende [aaAx]
J: 1,116 ffor pride he was -th-(us) put owte . his payne
hath non ende [aaAx]
L: 1,116 ffor his pompe & his pruyde . his pyne ha-th-
non eynde [aaAx]
K: 1,116 ffor p(ri)de that he put out . his peyne hath non
end [aaAx]
W: 1,116 ffor pride -th-at him putte out of . his peyn ha-th-
non ende [aaAx]
N: 1,116 ffor p(ri)de -th-(a)t he put out . his peyne ha-th-
none ende [aaAx]
E: 1,116 ffor pride at he put owt . hys payne hath no ende
M: 1,116 ffor p(ri)de -th-(a)t he put out . hys peyne hat
no(n) ende [aaAx]
T: 1,117 And alle [th](a)t werchen w(i)t(h) wrong wenden [th]ei
H2: 1,117 And alle that worche wit wrong . wende -th-ei schullen
Ch: 1,117 And alle -th-at worchen with wrong . wende -th-ei
schullen [aaAx]
D: 1,117 And all(e) -th-(a)t wurche w(i)t(h) wronges . wenden
-th-ey schulle [aaAx]
R: 1,117 and alle -th-(a)t worschepe w(i)t(h) wrong . wende
-th-ey schulde [aaAx]
U: 1,117 And alle -th-at worken with wrong . wende -th-ei
schulle [aaAx]
V: 1,117 And alle _th_at (wrong) (worchen) . (wende) _th_ei
schulen [aaAx]
H: 1,117 And alle -th-at wronge worchen . wende -th-edyr
-th-ei schule [aaAx]
J: 1,117 And -th-(a)t wrchyn w(i)t(h) wronge . wenden hy
schall [aaAx]
L: 1,117 And alle -th-at worchen with wronge . wenden -th-ey
schulen [aaAx]
K: 1,117 And al that worchet w(i)t(h) wrong . wenden thay
schull [aaAx]
W: 1,117 So all(e) -th-at worche wi-th- wrong . wende -th-ei
schull [aaAx]
N: 1,117 & alle -th-(a)t worche w(i)t(h) wrong . wende
hij sholde [aaAx]
E: 1,117 And al at wrong werk(es) . shal aftir hym wend [aaAx]
M: 1,117 And al -th-at werchyt w(i)t(h) wrong . wendyn scholy
aft(er) [aaAx]
T: 1,118 Aftir here de[th] day & dwelle wi[th] [th](a)t
H2: 1,118 Aftir her(e) deth day . and dwelle w(i)t(h) that
schrewe [aaAx]
Ch: 1,118 After her de-th- day . and duelle with -th-at schrewe
D: 1,118 Aft(ir) here deth day . & dwellen w(i)t(h) -th-(a)t
schrewe [aaAx]
R: 1,118 After her(e) de-th- day . and dwelle w(i)t(h) -th-(a)t
schrewe [aaAx]
U: 1,118 Aftir here deth day . and duelle with -th-at schrewe
V: 1,118 After heore (de_th_-day) . and (dwellen) with _th_at
schrewe [aaAx]
H: 1,118 Aftur her deth daye . & dwelle wi-th- -th-at
schrewe [aaAx]
J: 1,118 Affter her deth day . & dwellyn w(i)t(h) -th-at
schrewe [aaAx]
L: 1,118 Aft(ir) heore deth day . & dwelle with -th-at
schrewe [aaAx]
K: 1,118 Aft(ir) her deth day . and dwellyn with that shrewe
W: 1,118 After -th-e de-th- day . and dwelle wi-th- -th-e
shrewe [aaAx]
N: 1,118 Aftir her(e) de-th- daye . & dwelle w(i)t(h)
-th-(a)t sherew(e) [aaAx]
E: 1,118 To -th-(a)t Pyne endles . & wou(n) w(i)t(h)
-th-(a)t schrewe [aaAx]
M: 1,118 To -th-at peyde endeles . & wonyn w(i)t(h) -th-at
scherewe [aaAx]
T: 1,119 Ac [th]o [th](a)t werchen [th]e word [th](a)t holy
writ techi[th]
H2: 1,119 Ac tho -th-(a)t worchen -th-e word . -th-at holy
wrytt(es) techith [aaAx]
Ch: 1,119 But -th-ei -th-at worchen -th-at worde . -th-at
holi writ techeth [aaAx]
D: 1,119 Ac ho -th-(a)t werchen -th-e world . -th-(a)t holy
wryt teches [aaAx]
R: 1,119 Ac -th-o -th-(a)t worche -th-at word . -th-(a)t
holy cherche techys [aaAx]
U: 1,119 Ac -th-o -th-at wurchen -th-e word . -th-at holy
writ techith [aaAx]
V: 1,119 Ac heo _th_at (worchen) _th_at (word) . _th_at holi
(writ) teche_th_ [aaAx
H: 1,119 But -th-ay -th-at worche(n) i(n) -th-is world as
hooly writte techyth [aaAx]
J: 1,119 Ac -th-oo -th-(a)t wrchyn -th-e worde . -th-(a)t
holy writ techeth [aaAx]
L: 1,119 And -th-ey -th-at worchen -th-e word . -th-at holy
chirche techeth [aaAx]
K: 1,119 But tho that worchen that word . that holy writt
techit [aaAx]
W: 1,119 But -th-o -th-at worche -th-e worde . -th-at holy
writte teche-th- [aaAx]
N: 1,119 But -th-o -th-(a)t :::::: -th-e word . -th-(a)t
holy writte techi-th- [aaAx]
E: 1,119 And -th-oo at wyrkis -th-e werke . -th-(a)t holy
kirke techis [aaAx]
M: 1,119 Ac -th-o -th-(a)t werchyn -th-(a)t werk . -th-(a)t
holy cherche techyt [aaAx]
T: 1,120 And enden as I er seide in p(er)fite werkis
H2: 1,120 And enden as I er seide . in p(er)fite werkys [aaAxx]
Ch: 1,120 And enden as I are seide . in p(er)fite workes
D: 1,120 And endyn as I her sayde . in p(er)fyte werkes [aaAxx]
R: 1,120 And ende-th- as I er(e) sayde . in parfyte workys
U: 1,120 And enden as y er seide . in p(ro)fitible werkes
V: 1,120 And (ende_th)_ as (Ich) er seide . (in) profitable
werkes [aaAxx]
H: 1,120 & ende-th- as I er seyde . in profitable warkis
J: 1,120 & endyn as I ere seyd . in p(ro)fitable werkys
L: 1,120 And eynden as y er saide . in p(er)fite werkes [aaAxx]
K: 1,120 And end as I ore said . in p(er)fite workys [aaAxx]
W: 1,120 And enden as I er saide . in profitable werkes [aaAxx]
N: 1,120 ::: ::::: as I here seide . i(n) p(er)fite werkis
E: 1,120 And end(es) as I are sayd . in p(er)fyte werk(is)
M: 1,120 And hendyt as I er seyde . in p(ro)pletys werkys
T: 1,121 Mowe be sikur [th](a)t here soule shal wende in to
H2: 1,121 Mowe be seker -th-(a)t her(e) soule . schal wende
to heuene [aaAxx]
Ch: 1,121 Mow be seker -th-at here soules . schul wende into
heuen [aaAxx]
D: 1,121 Mow be seker -th-at here soule . shal wende to heuene
R: 1,121 Mowe be syker -th-at her soule . schal wende into
heuene [aaAxx]
U: 1,121 Mowe ben siker here soules . schul wende to heuene
V: 1,121 Mouwen be (siker) _th_at heore (soules) . (schullen)
to heuene [aaAx]
H: 1,121 -th-ey may be syker -th-at her soules . schulen
wende in to heuen [aaAxx]
J: 1,121 Mou(n) ben sykyr -th-(a)t her sowles . sal wenden
to heuene [aaAxx]
L: 1,121 Mown beo siker -th-at heore soules . schule wende
to heo[uen] [aaAxx]
K: 1,121 Mowe be syker that her sowle . shall wendyn into
hevyne [aaAxx]
W: 1,121 Mowe be sikre -th-at her soules . shul wenden into
heuene [aaAxx]
N: 1,121 Mowe be seker -th-(a)t her(e) soule . shal wende
i(n)to heuene [aaAxx]
E: 1,121 May be sekyr at -th-air saules . sal wend to heuen
blysse [aaAxx]
M: 1,121 May ben sekyr -th-at her(e) soulis . scholy(n) we(n)dy(n)
to heuene [aaAxx]
T: 1,122 [Th](er)e treu[th]e is in trinite & tronen hym
H2: 1,122 There treuthe is in t(ri)nite . and trowe hi(m)
alle [aaAx]
Ch: 1,122 -Th-er trew-th-e is in trinite . and crownen hem
alle [aaAx]
D: 1,122 -Th-(er) trew-th-e is in trinite . & crownen
hem alle [aaAx]
R: 1,122 Ther tru-th-e is in t(ri)nite . and trowen hem alle
U: 1,122 -Th-(er) treuthe is in trynite . tryeste of alle
V: 1,122 _Th_er (Treu_th_e) is in (Trinite) . and Coroune_th_
hem alle [aaXx]
H: 1,122 -Th-er tru-th-e is in trynite . & crowne-th-
hem alle [aaAx]
J: 1,122 -Th-(er) trewthe is in t(ri)nite . triest of alle
L: 1,122 -Th-er treuthe is in trynite . to treonen heom alle
K: 1,122 Ther trewth is in t(ri)nite . & crowneth hem
all(e) [aaAx]
W: 1,122 Thar treu-th- is in trinite . & croune-th- hem
all(e) [aaAx]
N: 1,122 -Th-(er)e trw-th-e is i(n) t(ri)nite . & trone-th-
hem alle [aaAx]
E: 1,122 -Th-(er) trouth is in t(ri)nite . & techys -th-aim
all(e) [aaAx]
M: 1,122 -Th-er(e) trewthe is in t(ri)nite . turnyt hem alle
T: 1,123 ffor[th]i I seye as I seide er be si[gh]te of [th]ise
H2: 1,123 ffor-th-i I sei as I seide er . be si-gh-te of
these tixtes [aaAx]
Ch: 1,123 ffor-th-y I sey as I seide are . be si-gh-t of
thes d tixstes [aaAx]
D: 1,123 ffor-th-y I say as I sayde her . be si-gh-t of -th-e
textes [aaAx]
R: 1,123 for-th-y I seye as I sayde er(e) . by sent of -th-ese
tyxt(es) [aaAx]
U: 1,123 -Th-(er)fore y seye as y seide er . by sighte of
-th-ese textes [aaAx]
V: 1,123 ffor I (sigge) (sikerli) . bi (siht) of _th_e textes
H: 1,123 ffor I saye as I er sayde . by si-gh-te of -th-e
textes [aaAx]
J: 1,123 -Th-(er)for I sey as I ere seyde . be syht of -th-es
tixtes [aaAx]
L: 1,123 ffor y say as y er saide . by sight of -th-eose
tyxtes [aaAx]
K: 1,123 fforthy I say as I said arst . by sight of the texte
W: 1,123 ffor -gh-it I say as I saide . by sight of -th-e
textes [aaAx]
N: 1,123 ffor -gh-it I seie as I seide . bi si-gh-t of -th-is
textes [aaAx]
E: 1,123 ffor I say as I are sayd . right be -th-e text [aaAx]
M: 1,123 ffor-th-y I seye as I seyde er . be -th-e tyxt [aaAx]
T: 1,124 Whanne alle treso(ur)s arn tri[gh]ed treu[th]e is
[th]e beste
H2: 1,124 Whanne al treso(ur)s arn tried . treuthe is -th-e
beste [aaAx]
Ch: 1,124 Whan al tresours arn tried . trew-th- is -th-e
beste [aaAx]
D: 1,124 Whan al tresoure is tryed . treuthe is -th-e beste
R: 1,124 Wha(n)ne alle trosur(es) be tryed . tru-th-e is
-th-e beste [aaAx]
U: 1,124 Whan alle tresours arn tried . treuthe is -th-e
beste [aaAx]
V: 1,124 Whon alle (tresor) is (I-tri_g_et) . (Treu_th_e)
is _th_e beste [aaAx]
H: 1,124 When alle tresour(e)s ben tryed . treu-th-e is -th-e
best [aaAx]
J: 1,124 Qwan alle tresorys aru(n) tried . trewthe is -th-e
best [aaAx]
L: 1,124 When alle tresours arn tryed . treuthe is -th-e
beste [aaAx]
K: 1,124 Whan al tresoures arn tryed . trewth is the beste
W: 1,124 Whan al tresour is tried . treu-th- is -th-e best
N: 1,124 Wha(n)ne al tresour is tried . trw-th-e is -th-e
beste [aaAx]
E: 1,124 Qwen all(e) treso(ur)s ar tryed . trouth is -th-e
best [aaAx]
M: 1,124 Wanne alle tresours arn tryd . trewthe is -th-e
best [aaAx]
T: 1,125 Leri[th] it [th]us lewide men for lettrid it knowi[th]
H2: 1,125 Leryth it -th-us lewyd men . for lettrid [men]
it knowith [aaAx]
Ch: 1,125 Lereth hit -th-us lewd men . for lettred hit knowe-th-
D: 1,125 Lerith -th-is lewed me(n) . for lettred it knowy-th-
R: 1,125 Lery-th- -th-us lewyde men . for letteryd h(i)t
knowyn [aaAx]
U: 1,125 Lerith it lewid men . for lettride it knowen [aaAx]
V: 1,125 (Lere_th_) hit _th_is (lewed) men . for (lettrede)
hit knowe_th_ [aaAx]
H: 1,125 Lere it to lewyd men . for lettered men it knowi-th-
J: 1,125 To leryd to lewyd men . for letterid it knowyn [aaAx]
L: 1,125 Lerith hit -th-us lewede men . for lered hit knoweth
K: 1,125 Lerneth it these lewed me(n) . for lettred it knowith
W: 1,125 Lere-th- it -th-e lewed men . for lettred it knowen
N: 1,125 Lere-th- it lewde men . for lettred it knowen [aaAx]
E: 1,125 lere it -th-e lewyd men . for leryd it knawys [aaAx]
M: 1,125 lernyt -th-ys lewyd me(n) . for lettrid it knowyt
T: 1,126 [Th](a)t treu[th]e is [th]e treso(ur) tri[gh]est he(m)
on er[th]e
H2: 1,126 That treuthe is treso(ur) . triest her(e) in erthe
Ch: 1,126 -Th-at treu-th- is tresour . triest on erthe [aaAx]
D: 1,126 -Th-at treu-th-e is -th-e tresour . tryest on erthe
R: 1,126 That tru-th-e is treso(ur) . -th-e tryeste on erthe
U: 1,126 -Th-(a)t treuthe is tresour . -th-e trieste on erthe
V: 1,126 _Th_at (treu_th_e) is (tresour) . (triedest) on
eor_th_e. [aaAx]
H: 1,126 -Th-at tru-th-e is a tresoure . tryedest vpon er-th-e
J: 1,126 -Th-(a)t treuthe is -th-e tresor . triest on erthe
L: 1,126 -Th-at treuthe is -th-e treso(ur) . triedest on
eor-th-e [aaAx]
K: 1,126 That treuth is the tresure . triest on erthe [aaAx]
W: 1,126 That tru-th- is a tresour . triest opon er-th-e
N: 1,126 That trw-th-e is -th-e treso(ur) . triest on on
er-th-e [aaAx]
E: 1,126 At trouth is treso(ur) . -th-e tridest vppon erthe
M: 1,126 -Th-(a)t trewthe is tresor . trustirst in erthe
T: 1,127 [Y]et haue I no kynde knowyng q(ua)[th] I [y]et mote
[y]e me bet kenne
H2: 1,127 -Gh-et haue I no kynde knowyng q(uo)d I . -gh-e
mote me bet kenne [aaAx]
Ch: 1,127 -gh-it haue I no kende knowing q(uo)d I . -gh-e
mot me better ken [aaAx]
D: 1,127 -Gh-it haue I no kynde knowyng . but -gh-e me bet
kenne [aaAx]
R: 1,127 -Gh-ut haue I no knowynge q(uo)d I . -gh-e mot me
beter(e) teche [aaAx]
U: 1,127 -Y-it haue y no kynde knowynge . -y-e mot me bet(er)e
ke(n)ne [aaAx]
V: 1,127 Yit haue I no (kuynde) (knowing) quod I . _th_ou
most teche me betere, [aaXx]
H: 1,127 -gh-ytt haue I no kynde knowynge q(uo)-th- I . -th-ou
most me teche better [aaAx]
J: 1,127 -Gh-it haue I no kynd knowyng . -gh-e motyn kenny(n)
me bett(ur) [aaAx]
L: 1,127 -Gh-et haue I no kynde knowyng q(uo)d I . bote kenne
me bet:::: [aaAx]
K: 1,127 Yet haue I no kynd knowyng q(uo)d I . yet mott ye
kenne me bett(er) [aaAx]
W: 1,127 -Gh-it ne know I q(uo)d I . -th-e most kenne me
bettre [aaAx]
N: 1,127 -Gh-it haue I no ky(n)de knowing q(uo)d I . -gh-it
mot ke(n)ne me better [aaAx]
E: 1,127 -Y-itt I haue no kynd knawyng . me byhofis bett(er)
to lere [aaAx]
M: 1,127 I haue no(n) kende knowyng q(uo)d I . -y-it must
I lerne bet(er)e [aaAx]
T: 1,128 Be what craft in my cors it compsi[th] & where
H2: 1,128 Be what craft in my cors . it comseth and where
Ch: 1,128 Be what craft in my cors . hit comsit and were
D: 1,128 By what Craft in my corps . hit comsit & whare
R: 1,128 by what crafth in my cor(es) . hit come-th- and
where [aaAx]
U: 1,128 By what ky(n)ne craft i(n) my cors . it comseth & whare
V: 1,128 Bi what (Craft) in my (Corps) . hit (cumse_th_)
and where [aaAx]
H: 1,128 By what crafte in my body . hit bicomse-th- & whare
J: 1,128 Be qwat crafte in my(n) cors . yt comsin & ware
L: 1,128 By what kraft in my cors . I may hit ay kno[we]
K: 1,128 By what crafte in my corps . it domseth & where
W: 1,128 By what craft or cours . it comse-th- or where [aaAx]
N: 1,128 By wat craft i(n) my corps . it comse-th- & whar(e)
E: 1,128 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 1,128 Be wat craft -th-at myn body . it coueitid & wer(e)
T: 1,129 [Th]ou dotide daffe q(ua)[th] heo dulle arn [th]ine
H2: 1,129 Thow dotid daff q(uo)d he . dulle arn thi wyttes
Ch: 1,129 -Th-ow dotid daff q(uo)d sche . dul arn -th-i wittis
D: 1,129 -Th-(o)u doted daffe q(ou)d sche . dul be -th-y
wyttes [aaAx]
R: 1,129 -th-ou dotede daffe quath he . dulle are -th-y witt(es)
U: 1,129 -Th-ow dotyd daffe q(uo)d sche . dulle ben -th-i
wyttys [aaAx]
V: 1,129 _Th_ou (dotest) (daffe)," qua_th_ heo . (Dulle)
are _th_i wittes [aaAx]
H: 1,129 Thou dootest daff quo-th- heo . dulle ben -th-y
wittes [aaAx]
J: 1,129 -Th-(o)u dotyst daffe q(uo)d sche . dulle aru(n)
-th-i wyttys [aaAx]
L: 1,129 -Th-ou dotest daffe q(uo)d heo . dulle arn -th-y
wittes [aaAx]
K: 1,129 Thou doted daffe q(uo)d sche . dulle arne thy witt(es)
W: 1,129 A doted daf q(uo)d she . dul ar -th-i wittes [aaAx]
W: 1,129 [B:I,139
C:II,140] fful litel levedestow I leue of latin in -th-i
W: 1,129 [B:I,139
C:II,140] { Heu michi q(uo)d sterilem duxi vitam iuuenem
N: 1,129 -Th-(o)u doted daff q(uo)d sche . dul are -th-i
wittis [aaAx]
N: 1,129 ffor litel lerestow I leue of latyn i(n) -th-i -gh-ow-th-e
N: 1,129 [B:I,141a
C:I,140a] { Heu m(ich)i q(uia) st(er)ile(m) duxi vitam Iuuenilem
E: 1,129 -Th-ou dol daffe q(ou)d she . dolle er -th-y witt(es)
M: 1,129 -Th-u dotede daffe q(uo)d sche . dulle arn -th-yn
witt(es) [aaAx]
T: 1,130 It is a kynde knowyng [th](a)t kenne[th] in [th]in
H2: 1,130 It is a kynde knowyng . -th-(a)t kenneth in thin
herte [aaAx]
Ch: 1,130 hit is a kende knowing . -th-at cometh in -th-in
hert [aaAx]
D: 1,130 Hit is a kende knowyng . -th-(a)t kennet in -th-yn
herte [aaAx]
R: 1,130 Hit is a kynde knowynge . -th-(a)t comes in -th-y(n)
herte [aaAx]
U: 1,130 It is a kynde knowynge . -th-at comseth in -th-in
herte [aaAx]
V: 1,130 Hit is a (kuynde) (knowynge) . _th_at (kenne_th_)
_th_e in herte [aaAx]
H: 1,130 It is a kynde knowyng . -th-at kenne-th- -th-ee
in -th-in herte [aaAx]
J: 1,130 It is a kynde knowyng . -th-(a)t kennyth -th-in
hert [aaAx]
L: 1,130 Hit is a kynde knowyng . -th-e kennes in -th-yn
heorte [aaAx]
K: 1,130 It is a kynde knowyng . that kennith in thy harte
W: 1,130 It is a kynde knowyng . -th-at kenne-th- -th-e in
-th-i hert [aaAx]
N: 1,130 It is a ky(n)de knowyng . -th-(a)t kenne-th- i(n)
-th-in herte [aaAx]
E: 1,130 It is a kynd knawying . -th-(a)t kyndellys in -th-in
hert [aaAx]
M: 1,130 It is a kende knowyng . -th-(a)t komyt in -th-yn
herte [aaAx]
T: 1,131 ffor to loue [th]i lord leu(er)e [th]anne [th]iselue
H2: 1,131 ffor to loue -th-i lord . leu(er)e thanne thi self
Ch: 1,131 ffor to loue -th-i lord . leuer -th-an -th-i selue
D: 1,131 ffor to loue -th-y lord . leuere -th-an -th-y selue
R: 1,131 for to loue -th-i lorde . leu(er) -th-an -th-y seluyn
U: 1,131 ffor to loue -th-i lord . bet(er)e -th-an -th-i
selue [aaAx]
V: 1,131 ffor to (loue) _th_i (louerd) . (leuere) _th_en
_th_i-seluen [aaAx]
H: 1,131 for to loue -th-i lord . leuer -th-an -th-i seluen
J: 1,131 ffor to louen -th-in lorde . leuer -th-an -th-in
selue [aaAx]
L: 1,131 ffor to loue -th-y lord . leouer -th-an -th-y seolue
K: 1,131 ffor to love thy lorde . levar than thi self [aaAx]
W: 1,131 To loue lelly -th-i lorde . leu(er)e -th-an -th-i
self [aaAx]
N: 1,131 To loue lelly -th-i lorde . leuer -th-anne -th-i
seluen [aaAx]
E: 1,131 ffor to loue -th-i lord . leu(er) -th-en -th-i seluen
M: 1,131 ffor to louyn -th-yn lord . leu(er)e -th-an -th-yn
self [aaAx]
T: 1,132 No dedly synne to do di[gh]e [th]ei[gh] [th](o)u shuldist
H2: 1,132 Ne no wrong to worche to no man in erthe
Ch: 1,132 No dedly syn for to do . die -th-ow-gh- -th-ow
schuldest [aaAx]
D: 1,132 No dedly synne to don . dey -th-(o)u-gh- -th-(o)u
schuldest [aaAx]
R: 1,132 no dedly synne to do . -th-e-gh- -th-ou deye schuldest
U: 1,132 No dedly synne to do . -th-oghe -th-ou deye schuldest
V: 1,132 No (dedly) sunne to (do) . (dy_g_e) _th_au_g_ _th_ou
scholdest [aaAx]
H: 1,132 no dedely synne -th-at -th-ou do . dy-gh-e -th-ei-gh-
-th-ou schuldest [aaAx]
J: 1,132 Non de[d]li synne to done . deyen -gh-of -th-(o)u
scholdyst [aaAx]
L: 1,132 No dedly synne to do . dye ra-th-er -th-ou schuldest
K: 1,132 No dedly synne to do . dye though thou schuldest
W: 1,132 No dedly synne to do . dye -th-ough -th-ou sholdest
{(C I 144) Melius est mori qui male viu(er)e } [aaAx]
N: 1,132 No dedly sy(n)ne to do . deie -th-eigh -th-(o)u
scholdist [aaAx]
N: 1,132 [C:I,140a] { Melius est mori q(ua)m male viuere &c
E: 1,132 Na dedly synne for to do . yf -th-(o)u dye sulde
M: 1,132 Non dedly senne to do . to deth -th-outh -th-(o)u
schuldyst [aaAx]
T: 1,133 [Th]is I trowe be treu[th]e who can teche [th]e bet(er)e
H2: 1,133 This I trowe be treuthe . who can teche bett(er)e
Ch: 1,133 -Th-is I trow be trewth . ho can teche -th-e better
D: 1,133 -Th-is I trowe be treu-th-e . ho can teche -th-e
bett(er) [aaAx]
R: 1,133 -Th-is I trowe be tru-th-e . who can teche -th-e
betere [aaAx]
U: 1,133 -Th-is y trowe be treuthe . who can teche -th-e
bet(er)e [aaAx]
V: 1,133 _Th_is I (trouwe) beo (treu_th_e)! . hose con (teche)
_th_e betere [aaAx]
H: 1,133 -Th-is I trowe be tru-th-e . who so kan teche -th-ee
bett(er) [aaAx]
J: 1,133 -Th-is I trowhe be treuthe . ho so can techyn -th-e
bett(er) [aaAx]
L: 1,133 -Th-is I trowe beo treuthe . who so treuly hit techeth
K: 1,133 This I trowe be trouth . who can teche the bett(er)
W: 1,133 This as I trowe be trewe . who can ken -th-e bettre
N: 1,133 This I trowe be trw-th-e . who can teche -th-e betere
E: 1,133 -Th-is is trouth for sothe . qwa sa can teche best
M: 1,133 -Th-ys is trewthe for so-th-e . who kan techyn -th-e
bett(er)e [aaAx]
T: 1,134 Loke [th]ou suffre hym to seyn & si[th][th]e lere
it aftir
H2: 1,134 Loke -th-ou suffre hi(m) to seyn . and si-th- ler(e)
it aftir [aaAx]
Ch: 1,134 Loke -th-ow suffre him to sey . and se-th- lere
hit after [aaAx]
D: 1,134 Loke -th-(o)u suffre hym to say . & seche leret
aft(ir) [aaAx]
R: 1,134 Loke -th-(o)u suffre hym to say . & sy-th-e
lere after [aaAx]
U: 1,134 Loke -th-ou suffre hym to seye . and sithe lerne
it aftir [aaAx]
V: 1,134 Loke _th_ou (suffre) him to (seye) . and (se_th__th_e)
teche hit for_th_ure [aaAx]
H: 1,134 loke -th-ou soffre hi(m) to seye . & sithen
teche it further [aaAx]
J: 1,134 Loke -th-(o)u suffur(e) him to seyne . & se-th-in
lerne [it] aft(er) [aaAx]
L: 1,134 Loke -th-(o)u soffre him to sayn . & sethen
lere hit after [aaAx]
K: 1,134 Loke thou suffre hym to say . & sythen lerne
it after [aaAx]
W: 1,134 Loke -th-ou soffre him to say . & si-th- lere
it after [aaAx]
N: 1,134 Loke -th-(o)u suffre hi(m) to seyn . & si-th-en
lere it aftre [aaAx]
E: 1,134 Loke -th-ou suffre hym to say . & syne lere
aftir [aaAx]
M: 1,134 --- this line is omitted ---
T: 1,135 ffor [th]us aski[th] wytnesse his woord werche [th](o)u
H2: 1,135 ffor thus asketh wyttnesse his worde . worche -th-(o)u
-th-(er) aft(ir) [aaAx]
Ch: 1,135 ffor -th-us aske-th- witnesse his worde . worche
-th-ow -th-er after [aaAx]
D: 1,135 Thus witnessi-th- his word . werche-th- -th-(er)
aft(ir) [aaAx]
R: 1,135 for -th-us witnesse-th- his word . worche -th-(o)u
-th-(er) after [aaAx]
U: 1,135 ffor -th-us witnessith his word . wurche -th-ou
-th-(er) aftir [aaAx]
V: 1,135 ffor _th_us teche_th_ us his (word) . (worch) _th_ou
_th_er-aftur) [xaAx]
H: 1,135 for -th-us teche-th- us his worde . worche -th-(o)u
-th-er aft(ur) [aaAx]
J: 1,135 ffor -th-us witnessith -th-is word . wyrche -th-(o)u
-th-(er) aftir [aaAx]
L: 1,135 ffor -th-us witnesseth his word . wryten in -th-e
bible [aaAx]
K: 1,135 ffor thus wittenessith his word . worth thou ther
after [aaAx]
W: 1,135 ffor I wole wettenesse -th-is worde . worche -th-ou
-th-(er) after [aaAx]
N: 1,135 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 1,135 ffor -th-us wittnes hys word . wroche -th-ou -th-(er)
aftir [aaAx]
M: 1,135 ffor -th-us witnessit hys word . werck -th-(o)u
-th-er after [aaAx]
T: 1,136 [Th]at loue is [th]e leuest [th]ing [th](a)t oure
lord aski[th]
H2: 1,136 That loue is -th-e leuest -th-yng . -th-(a)t our(e)
lord askyth [aaAx]
Ch: 1,136 -Th-at loue is -th-e leuest -th-ing . -th-at euer
oure lorde aske-th- [aaAx]
D: 1,136 -Th-at loue is -th-e leuest -th-yng . -th-(a)t oure
lord asket [aaAx]
R: 1,136 -Th-at loue is -th-e leuyste -th-ing . -th-(a)t
our(e) lord aske-th- [aaAx]
U: 1,136 -Th-at loue is -th-e leueste thyng . -th-at oure
lord askith [aaAx]
V: 1,136 _Th_at (loue) is _th_e (leuest) _th_ing . _th_at
vr (lord) aske_th_ [aaAx]
H: 1,136 -Th-at loue is -th-e leouest -th-inge . -th-at oure
lord axe-th- [aaAx]
J: 1,136 -Th-(a)t loffe is -th-e leuest -th-ing . -th-(a)t
our(e) lorde axith [aaAx]
L: 1,136 -Th-at loue is -th-e leouest thyng . -th-at oure
lord askith [aaAx]
K: 1,136 That love is the levest thynge . that our lord askyth
W: 1,136 That loue is -th-e leuest -th-ing . -th-at oure
lord aske-th- [aaAx]
N: 1,136 ffor loue is -th-e leuest -th-ing . -th-(a)t our(e)
lord axe-th- [aaAx]
E: 1,136 At love is -th-e leuest -th-ing . at our lord askys
M: 1,136 -Th-at loue is leu(er)est -th-yng . -th-at our(e)
lord askyth [aaAx]
T: 1,137 And ek [th]e plante of pes p(re)che it in [th]in harpe
H2: 1,137 And ek -th-e plaunte of pees . p(re)che it in -th-i
harpe [aaAx]
Ch: 1,137 And eke the plante of pes . preche hit in -th-in
harpe [aaAx]
D: 1,137 And eke -th-e plonte of pes . preche it in -th-y
herte [aaAx]
R: 1,137 And -gh-e plente of pes . prechyd in -th-yn harpe
U: 1,137 & also plante of pees . put it in -th-in herte
V: 1,137 And eke _th_e (playnt) of (pees); . (prechet) _th_e
_th_in harpe [aaAx]
H: 1,137 And eke -th-e plaunte of pees . p(re)cke it in -th-in
harte [aaAx]
J: 1,137 & eke -th-e plante of pees . priche it in -th-i(n)
hert [aaAx]
L: 1,137 And is plante of pes . p(ro)che hit in -th-y harpe
K: 1,137 And eke the plente of peace . p(re)che it in thyn
harpe [aaAx]
W: 1,137 And also -th-e plante of pes . preche it in -th-in
arpe [aaAx]
N: 1,137 And eke -th-e plante of pes . p(re)che it i(n) -th-i(n)
harpe [aaAx]
E: 1,137 And in plente of pes . p(re)che -th-(o)u it ofte
M: 1,137 And I plente of pes . prechyd in myn harpe [aaAx]
T: 1,138 [Y]if [th](o)u art m(er)cy at mete [y]if men bidde
[th]e [y]edde
H2: 1,138 If thow art meri at mete . -gh-if men bidde -th-e
-gh-edde [aaAx]
Ch: 1,138 when -th-ow art mery at mete . -gh-if me bidde
-th-e -gh-edde [aaAx]
D: 1,138 -Th-(er) -th-(o)u art m(er)cy at mete . yf men -th-e
faste bydde [aaAx]
R: 1,138 Ther -th-(o)u art merye at mete . whan heny byddyt
-th-e -gh-edde [aaAx]
U: 1,138 Ther(e) -th-ou art myrye at -th-e mete . whan men
bydde -th-(er) -y-edden [aaAx]
V: 1,138 _Th_er _th_ou art (Murie) at _th_i (mete) . whon
(me) bidde_th_ _th_e _g_edde [aaAxx]
H: 1,138 -Th-er -th-ou art myrye at mete . in -th-i most
myrthe [aaAx]
J: 1,138 -Th-(er) -th-(o)u art myri at -th-in mete . [& men]
bidde -th-e -gh-eddyn [aaAx]
L: 1,138 -Th-(er) -th-ou art mury at mete . -gh-ef men bidde
-th-e -gh-edde [aaAx]
K: 1,138 Ther thou art mery at mete . if men byd the -gh-ede
W: 1,138 Ther -th-ou sittest a mete . -gh-if men bidde -th-e
-gh-edde [aaAx]
N: 1,138 -Th-(er)e -th-(o)u art mery at mete . -gh-if me(n)
bidde -th-e -gh-edde [aaAx]
E: 1,138 -Th-(er) -th-ou is mery at mete . if men byd -th-e
syng [aaAx]
M: 1,138 -Y-yf -th-u art mery at -th-yn mete . & me(n)
-th-e bydde sy(n)ge [aaAx]
T: 1,139 ffor in kynde knowyng in herte [th](er) comsi[th]
a mi[gh]t
H2: 1,139 ffor in kynde knowyng in herte . -th-(er) come-th-
a mi-gh-t [aaxAx]
Ch: 1,139 ffor in kende knowing in hert . -th-er comsit a
mi-gh-t [aaxAx]
D: 1,139 ffor in kende knowyng in herte . conseyue -th-(o)u
my-gh-te [aaxAx]
R: 1,139 for in kynde knowynge of herte . ther come-th- a
merthe [aaxAx]
U: 1,139 ffor by kynde knowynge . -th-(er) comseth it right
V: 1,139 ffor bi (kuynde) (knowynge) in herte . (Cumse) _th_er
a ffitte [aaxAx]
H: 1,139 ffor kynd knowynge in herte . bygynne suche a fytt
J: 1,139 ffor in kynde knowyng . -th-(o)u co(n)seyuys a myrth
L: 1,139 ffor kynde knowyng in heorte . keneth -th-e -th-eo
sothe [aaxAx]
K: 1,139 ffor in kynde knowyng in hart . ther comseth a might
W: 1,139 ffor in kennyng in hert . -th-er comse-th- a might
N: 1,139 ffor in ky(n)de knowyng i(n) herte . comse-th- a
mi-gh-te [aaxAx]
N: 1,139 [C:I,146] Treu-th-e telle-th- -th-at a treacle to
abate wi-th- synne
N: 1,139 [C:I,147] & most soueraigne salue for soule & for
N: 1,139 [C:I,149] ffor heuene holde it ne my-gh-t so heuy
it semede
N: 1,139 [C:I,150] Til it had vpon er-th-e y-gh-oten itself
N: 1,139 [C:I,152] Was neuer leef vppon lynde lih-gh-ter
N: 1,139 [C:I,151] & wa(n)ne it had of -th-e folde flesche & blode
N: 1,139 [C:I,153] Portatif & p(er)saunt so -th-e poynt
of a nelde
N: 1,139 [C:I,154] May no armo(ur)it lette ne none hiegh
N: 1,139 [C:I,155] ffor-th-i is loue ledar of owr(e) lordis
N: 1,139 [C:I,156] And mene as a maire is bitwene -th-e kyng & co(mun)e
N: 1,139 [C:I,157] So is loue a ledar & al -th-e lawe
N: 1,139 [C:I,158] On man for his mysdede -th-e mercyment
he taxe-th-
N: 1,139 [C:I,159] And for to knowe hit kyndely it comese-th-
by my-gh-t
N: 1,139 [C:I,160] Al in herte is -th-e hed & -th-e hiegh
E: 1,139 ffor in kynd knawyng in hert . bygynnys al myrth
M: 1,139 ffor kende knowyng in herte . coueitid alle merthe
T: 1,140 And [th]at falli[th] to [th]e fadir [th](a)t fo(ur)mide
vs alle
H2: 1,140 And that fallith -th-e fad(er) . that formyd vs
alle [aaAx]
Ch: 1,140 And -th-at falleth to -th-e fader . -th-at fourmed
vs alle [aaAx]
D: 1,140 And -th-(a)t falle-th- to -th-e fader . -th-(a)t
fourmed vs alle [aaAx]
R: 1,140 and -th-(a)t falle-gh- to -th-e fader . -th-(a)t
formede vs alle [aaAx]
U: 1,140 And -th-at fallith to -th-e fadir . -th-at formyde
vs alle [aaAx]
V: 1,140 _Th_at (ffalle_th_) to _th_e (ffader) . _th_at (formede)
vs alle [aaAx]
H: 1,140 -th-at falle-th- to -th-e fader . -th-at fourmed
us alle [aaAx]
J: 1,140 & -th-(a)t fallid to -th-e fadyr . -th-(a)t
formyth vs alle [aaAx]
L: 1,140 And ful to -th-e fadire . -th-at formed vs alle
K: 1,140 That fallith to the fader . that formed vs al [aaAx]
W: 1,140 And -th-at falle-th- to -th-e fader . -th-at comsed
vs all(e) [aaAx]
N: 1,140 And -th-(a)t falle-th- to -th-e fadre . -th-(a)t
formed vs alle [aaAx]
E: 1,140 And -th-(a)t fallys to -th-e fadir . at formed vs
all(e) [aaAx]
M: 1,140 -Th-at fallit to -th-e fadyr . -th-at formyd -y-ow
alle [aaAx]
T: 1,141 Lokide on vs wi[th] loue & let his sone dei[gh]e
H2: 1,141 Lokide on vs wit loue . and lete is sone deye [aaAx]
Ch: 1,141 Loked on vs with loue . and let his sone die [aaAx]
D: 1,141 Loked on ous w(i)t(h) loue . & lete his sone
deye [aaAx]
R: 1,141 lokede on vs w(i)t(h) loue . and let his sone deye
U: 1,141 -Th-(a)t lokide on vs wi-th- loue . and leet his
sone deye [aaAx]
V: 1,141 He (lokede) on vs with (loue) . and (lette) his
sone dye [aaAx]
H: 1,141 he loked on vs wi-th- loue . he let his sone di-gh-e
J: 1,141 And leykyd on vs w(i)t(h) loue . & lete his
so(n)ne dye [aaAx]
L: 1,141 Loked on vs wi-th- loue . & let his sone dye
K: 1,141 he lokyd on vs w(i)t(h) love . & let his sou(n)
dye [aaAx]
W: 1,141 He loked vpon vs wi-th- loue . & lete his sone
dye [aaAx]
N: 1,141 he loked vpon vs w(i)t(h) loue . & lete his
sone die [aaAx]
E: 1,141 He logh on vs kyndely . & let hys sou(n) dye
M: 1,141 He dede for vs kendly . he dede hys sone deye [aaAx]
T: 1,142 Mekliche for oure misdedis to amende vs alle
H2: 1,142 Mekelyche for our(e) misdedes . to amende vs alle
Ch: 1,142 Mekelych for oure misdedis . to amende vs alle
D: 1,142 Mekelych(e) for oure mysdedes . to Amenden ous Alle
R: 1,142 Meklyche for our(e) mysdedys . to amende vs alle
U: 1,142 Mekeliche for our mysdedes . to amende vs alle [aaAx]
V: 1,142 (Mekeliche) for vre (misdede) . forte (amende) vs
alle [aaAx]
H: 1,142 mekely for oure myssedeedis . to amende us alle
J: 1,142 Mekelych for our(e) dedis . to amenden vs alle [aaAx]
L: 1,142 Meokelich for oure mysdedis . to amenden vs alle
K: 1,142 Mekelich for o(ur) mysded(is) . to amend vs al [aaAx]
W: 1,142 Mekely for oure misdedes . to amenden vs alle [aaAx]
N: 1,142 Mekely for our(e) mysdedis . to amende vs alle [aaAx]
E: 1,142 Mekely for owr mysded(is) . to a(m)mende vs all(e)
A: 1,142 He ::::: for vs::::::ly ; he deyd for vs alle [aaAx]
M: 1,142 Mekely for our(e) mysdede . to amendyn vs alle [aaAx]
T: 1,143 And [y]et wolde he hem no woo [th](a)t wrou[gh]te
hi(m) [th](a)t pyne
H2: 1,143 And -gh-it wolde he hem no wo . -th-(a)t wrou-gh-t
hi(m) -th-(a)t pyne [aaAx]
Ch: 1,143 And -gh-it wold hem no wo . -th-at wrou-gh-t him
-th-at peyne [aaAx]
D: 1,143 And -gh-it wolde hym no woo . -th-(a)t wrou-gh-te
hym -th-(a)t peyne [aaAx]
R: 1,143 And -gh-ut wolde hym no wo . -th-(a)t wrou-gh-the
hy(m) -th-(a)t pyne [aaAx]
U: 1,143 And -y-it wolde he hym no . -th-at wroughte hym
-th-at pyne [aaAx]
V: 1,143 And _g_it (wolde) he hem no (wo) . _th_at (wolde)
him _th_at pyne [aaAx]
H: 1,143 & he wolde hem no woo . -th-at wrow-gh-te hy(m)
-th-at pyne [aaAx]
J: 1,143 & wolde hem no wo . -th-(a)t wrouuhtyn hi(m)
-th-(a)t pyne [aaAx]
L: 1,143 And wolde he heom no woo . -th-(a)t wroght him -th-at
py[ne] [aaAx]
K: 1,143 And yet would hem no woo . that wroughten hym that
pyne [aaAx]
W: 1,143 And wolde hem no wo . -th-at wrought hym -th-at
ill [aaAx]
N: 1,143 And -gh-et ne wolde hem no woo . -th-(a)t wrou-gh-t
hi(m) -th-(a)t peyne [aaAx]
E: 1,143 And -y-itt he wald -th-aim no was . -th-(a)t wroughte
hym -th-(a)t pyne [aaAx]
A: 1,143 And ::::::::::: ; -th-(a)t wrout hym tene [aaAx]
M: 1,143 & wolde he hem no(n) wo . -th-at wrouthe hy(m)
-th-(a)t tene [aaAx]
T: 1,144 But mekly wi[th] mou[th]e m(er)cy he besou[gh]te
H2: 1,144 But mekely wit mouthe . m(er)cy he besouth [aaAx]
Ch: 1,144 Bot mekely with mowthe . mercy besou-gh-t [aaAx]
D: 1,144 But mekley w(i)t(h) mou-th- . m(er)cy he besou-gh-te
R: 1,144 but mekly by mou-th-e . mercy bysou-gh-the [aaAx]
U: 1,144 But mekeliche be mouthe . m(er)ci bysoughte [aaAx]
V: 1,144 But (Mekeliche) with (mou_th_e) . (Merci) he by-sou_g_te
H: 1,144 but mekely wi-th- mow-th-e . mercy bisow-gh-te [aaAx]
J: 1,144 Bot mekelyche w(i)t(h) mouthe . m(er)cy besowht
L: 1,144 Bote meokelich w-it-h mouthe . mercy he byso[u-gh-te]
K: 1,144 But mekely w(i)t(h) moveth . m(er)ci he besowght(e)
W: 1,144 But mekly be mow-th-e . mercy he besoutht [aaAx]
N: 1,144 But mekely w(i)t(h) mow-th-e . m(er)cy he besou-gh-te
E: 1,144 Bot mekely be mouth . mercy he beso-gh-te [aaAx]
A: 1,144 But mekely w(i)t(h) mouthe ; Mercy gan seche [aaAx]
M: 1,144 But mekely wyt mouthe . m(er)cy besouthe [aaAx]
T: 1,145 To haue pite on [th]at peple [th](a)t pynede hym to
H2: 1,145 To haue pyte on -th-at peple . -th-(a)t pyne hi(m)
to de-th-e [aaAx]
Ch: 1,145 To haue pite on -th-at peple . -th-at pyned him
to de-th-e [aaAx]
D: 1,145 To haue pyte on -th-e peple . -th-(a)t pyned hym
to de-th- [aaAx]
R: 1,145 to haue pyte on -th-(a)t peple . -th-(a)t pyned
hym to deye [aaAx]
U: 1,145 To haue pite on -th-e peple . -th-at pyned hym to
dethe [aaAx]
V: 1,145 To haue (pite) on _th_at (peple) . _th_at (pynede)
him to de_th_e [aaAx]
H: 1,145 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 1,145 To haue pete on -th-e peple . -th-(a)t pynyd hi(m)
to dethe [aaAx]
L: 1,145 To haue pite of -th-(a)t people . -th-at pyned him
to dethe [aaAx]
K: 1,145 To haue pety on the people . that pynyd hym to deth
W: 1,145 To haue pite on -th-e peple . -th-at peyned him
to de-th-e [aaAx]
N: 1,145 To haue pite of -th-e peple . -th-(a)t peynid hi(m)
to de-th-e [aaAx]
E: 1,145 To haue of -th-(a)t peple [pite] . y pynyd hym to
dede [aaAx]
A: 1,145 To hauyn on -th-at puple ; -th-at pyned hym to dede
M: 1,145 To haue on -th-at peple . -th-at peynyd hym to dethe
T: 1,146 Here mi[gh]t [th]ou sen ensaumplis in hymself one
H2: 1,146 Her(e) my-gh-t -th-ou se ensaumples . in hi(m)self
one [aaAx]
Ch: 1,146 Here mi-gh-t we se ensaumple . in himself on [aaAx]
D: 1,146 Here my-gh-te -th-(o)u sen ensa(m)ples . in hymself
on [aaAx]
R: 1,146 Here my-gh-the -th-(o)u se exaumples . in hy(m)self
one [aaAx]
U: 1,146 Here myght se ensamples . in hymselue one [aaAx]
V: 1,146 Her _th_ou miht (seon) (ensaumple) . in (_th_i self)
one [aaAx]
H: 1,146 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 1,146 Here may -th-(o)u sen exaumples . in himselue one
L: 1,146 Here mightow seo ensaumples . of him self al one
K: 1,146 Here men might see ensample . by hymself al one
W: 1,146 Here might -th-ow sen ensample . in himself one
N: 1,146 Here mi-gh-te -th-(o)u seen ensample . i(n) hi(m)selfen
one [aaAx]
E: 1,146 Here may -th-ou see ensaumple . in hymselfe ane
A: 1,146 Here mygth -th-u sen example ; on -th-e selfe onys
M: 1,146 Her(e) myth -th-ou sen ensample . of hymseluy(n)
one [aaAx]
T: 1,147 [Th]at he was mi[gh]tful & mek & m(er)cy gan
H2: 1,147 That he was my-gh-tful and meke . and m(er)cy gan
g(rau)nte [aaAx]
Ch: 1,147 -Th-at he was my-gh-tful and meke . and mercy gan
graunte [aaAx]
D: 1,147 That he was my-gh-tful & meke . & m(er)cy
gan graunte [aaAx]
R: 1,147 -Th-at he was mercyful and meke . and m(er)cy gan
graunte [aaAx]
U: 1,147 -Th-at he was myghtful and meke . & m(er)ci
gan grauntyn [aaAx]
V: 1,147 Hou he was (mihtful) and (Meke) . _th_at (merci)
gon graunte [aaAx]
H: 1,147 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 1,147 -Th-(a)t he was myhtful & meke . & m(er)cy
gan g(ra)unte [aaAx]
L: 1,147 -Th-at he -th-at was myghtful & meke . mercy
gan graunte [aaAx]
K: 1,147 That he was mightful & meke . & m(er)cy
gan g(ra)unt(e) [aaAx]
W: 1,147 That was myghtful and meke . & mercy gan grant
N: 1,147 That he was my-gh-tful & meke . & m(er)cy
gan graunt [aaAx]
E: 1,147 -Th-(a)t he is mightfull & meke . m(er)cy for
to graunte [aaAx]
A: 1,147 That he was mygthi & meke ; & mercy gan
graunte [aaAx]
M: 1,147 -Th-at he was mythy & meke . & m(er)cy gan
craue [aaAx]
T: 1,148 To hem [th](a)t hongide hi(m) by & his herte [th]irlide
H2: 1,148 To hem -th-(a)t hongede hi(m) by . and his herte
-th-rillede [aaAx]
Ch: 1,148 To hem -th-at hyng him by . and his hert -th-erled
D: 1,148 To he(m) -th-(a)t hengen hym by . & his herte
-th-erled [aaAx]
R: 1,148 to hem -th-(a)t hengyn hym by . and his herte -th-erled
U: 1,148 To hem -th-at hyngen hym by . & his herte thirlide
V: 1,148 To hem _th_at (heengen) him (hei_g_e) . and his
(herte) _th_urleden [aaAx]
H: 1,148 ffor hem -th-at honged hym hy-gh-e . & his hert
-th-irled [aaAx]
J: 1,148 To hem -th-(a)t hengyn him by . & his hert thrillyd
L: 1,148 To heom -th-(a)t honged him on cros . & his
heorte -th-urled [aaAx]
K: 1,148 To hem that hongyd hym by . & his harte thirled
W: 1,148 To hym -th-at honged hym by . & his hert -th-erssed
N: 1,148 To hi(m) -th-(a)t hangid hi(m) by . & his herte
-th-irled [aaAx]
E: 1,148 To -th-aim -th-(a)t hym hangyd . & hys hert
thirlede [aaAx]
A: 1,148 To hem -th-at hengyn on hym ; & his hert thrillid
M: 1,148 To hym -th-at heng hym eye . whan -th-ey is herte
-th-rellydyn [aaAx]
T: 1,149 ffor[th]i I rede [th]e riche haue reu[th]e on [th]e
H2: 1,149 ffor-th-i I rede -gh-e riche . haue reuthe on -th-e
pore [aaAx]
Ch: 1,149 ffor-th-y I rede -th-e Riche . haue Rewth on -th-e
pore [aaAx]
D: 1,149 ffor-th-y y rede -th-e Riche . haue reuthe on -th-e
pore [aaAx]
R: 1,149 for-th-y I rede -th-e -th-(o)u ryche . haue reuthe
on -th-e pore [aaAx]
U: 1,149 -Th-(er)fore y rede -th-e riche . to haue reuthe
on -th-e pore [aaAx]
V: 1,149 --- this line om --
H: 1,149 -th-erfore I rede -th-ee ry-gh-te . haue rew-th-e
of -th-e pore [aaAx]
J: 1,149 -Th-(er)for I rede -gh-e riche . haue reuthe of
-th-e poure [aaAx]
L: 1,149 ffor-th-y y rede -th-e riche . haue reuthe on -th-e
pore [aaAx]
K: 1,149 ffor why I rede the riche . haue Ruth on the pore
W: 1,149 Therfor I rede -th-e riche . haue mercy on -th-e
poure [aaAx]
N: 1,149 -Th-(er)fore I rede -gh-ow ryche . haue rew-th-e
of -th-e pore [aaAx]
E: 1,149 -Th-(er)fore I rede -th-e riche . haue rewthe on
-th-e poore [aaAx]
A: 1,149 ffor-th-i I rede -gh-ow riche ; haue reuth on -th-e
pore [aaAx]
M: 1,149 ffor-th-y I rede -y-ou ryche . hat reuthe on -th-e
p(or)e [aaAx]
T: 1,150 [Th]ei[gh] [y]e ben mi[gh]ty to mote be[th] mek of
[y]o(ur) werkis
H2: 1,150 They -gh-e be my-gh-ty to mote . be-th- meke of
-gh-our(e) werkes [aaAx]
Ch: 1,150 -Th-ow -gh-e be my-gh-ty to mote . be-th- meke
of -gh-oure workes [aaAx]
D: 1,150 -Th-(o)u-gh- -gh-e be my-gh-te to mote . be meke
of -gh-oure hertes [aaAx]
R: 1,150 Thow -gh-e be my-gh-thy to mote . be-th- meke of
-gh-o(ur) workys [aaAx]
U: 1,150 -Th-oghe -y-e ben myghti to mote . be-th- meke of
-y-our werkes [aaAx]
V: 1,150 ffor_th_i I rede _th_e be_th_e Mihtful of Mayn be
Meke of _th_i wordes
H: 1,150 -Th-ei-gh- -th-ou be my-gh-tful of mayn . be meke
of -th-i warkys [aaAx]
H: 1,150 { EaDem meNsura qua mensi fueriTus remecietur uobis
J: 1,150 -Th-of -gh-e ben myhty to mete . beth me[ke] of
-gh-our(e) werkys [aaAx]
L: 1,150 -Th-agh -gh-e beon myghty to mote . be-th- meke
of oure werkis [aaAx]
K: 1,150 though ye ben mighty to mote . ben meke of your
work(ys) [aaAx]
W: 1,150 Thow -th-ow be myghty to mote . be meke of -th-i
werkes [aaAx]
N: 1,150 -Th-eigh -gh-e be mi-gh-ti to mote . be-th- meke
i(n) -gh-owr(e) werkis [aaAx]
E: 1,150 Yf -th-ou be myghty to mute . be meke of -th-i werkes
A: 1,150 Thou he be mygthi to mote . be meke in -gh-oure
werk(is) [aaAx]
M: 1,150 -Th-outh -y-e be mythy to mote . be meke of -y-our(e)
werk(is) [aaAx]
T: 1,151 ffor [th]e same meso(ur) [y]e mete amys o[th](er)
H2: 1,151 ffor -th-e same meso(ur) -gh-e mete . amys o-th-(er)
ellis [aaAx]
Ch: 1,151 ffor -th-e same mesure -gh-e mete . amys o-th-er
elles [aaAx]
D: 1,151 ffor -th-e same mesour -gh-e meten . amys o-th-(er)
elles [aaAx]
R: 1,151 for -th-e same mesour(e) -gh-e mete . amys o-th-er
ellys [aaAx]
U: 1,151 ffor -th-e same mesure -y-e metyn . her(e) amys
o-th-(er) elles [aaAx]
V: 1,151 ffor _th_e same (Mesure) _th_at _g_e (Meten) . (A-mis)
o_th_er elles [aaAx]
H: 1,151 ffor -th-e same mesure -th-at -th-(o)u metest .
ari-gh-t ou-th-(er) ellys [aaAx]
J: 1,151 ffor -th-e same meso(ur) -th-(a)t -gh-e mety(n)
. amys o-th-ir(e) ellis [aaAx]
L: 1,151 ffor -th-e same mesure -th-(a)t -gh-e meten . amys
o-th-ir elles [aaAx]
K: 1,151 ffor the same mesure ye mete . amysse other els
W: 1,151 ffor what mesure -th-e mete . amys or elles [aaAx]
N: 1,151 ffor -th-e same mesur(e) -th-(a)t -gh-e mete . amysse
o-th-er ellis [aaAx]
E: 1,151 ffor -th-e same mesore -th-(a)t -y-e tyll(e) other
met(es) [aaAx]
A: 1,151 ffor -th-e same mesuris -th-at -gh-e to o-th-er
men metyn [aaAx]
M: 1,151 ffor -th-e same mesur(e) -th-at -y-e to o-th-er
me(n) metyn [aaAx]
T: 1,152 [Y]e shuln be wei[gh]e [th](er)wi[th] whanne [y]e
wende hennes
H2: 1,152 -Gh-e schuln be wey-gh-e -th-(er)wit . whanne -gh-e
wende hennes [aaAx]
Ch: 1,152 -Gh-e schul be wey -th-erwith . when -gh-e wende
hennes [aaAx]
D: 1,152 -Gh-e schal be weye -th-(er)with . when -gh-e wende
hennes [aaAx]
R: 1,152 -Gh-e schul be weye -th-(er)w(i)t(h) . whe(n)ne
-gh-e go-th- hennys [aaAx]
U: 1,152 -Y-e schullen be wey-y-en -th-(er)with . whan -th-at
-y-e gon he(n)nys [aaAx]
V: 1,152 _Y_e schul be (weyen) (_th_er-with) . whon _g_e
(wenden) hennes [aaAx]
H: 1,152 -th-(o)u schalt by weyed -th-erwi-th- . when -th-(o)u
wendest hennys [aaAx]
J: 1,152 -Gh-e scholly(n) ben weyn -th-(er)with . qwan -gh-e
wendy(n) hennys [aaAx]
L: 1,152 -Gh-e schule beo weyed -th-(er)with . when -gh-e
wenden hennes [aaAx]
K: 1,152 Ye schal ben weyyd therw(i)t(h) . whan ye wenden
hens [aaAx]
W: 1,152 -Gh-e shal be weyen -th-erwi-th- . whenne -gh-e
(:::)de hens [aaAx]
N: 1,152 -Gh-e schal be weyn -th-(er)w(i)t(h) . whan -gh-e
wende hennes [aaAx]
N: 1,152 [B:I,178a/C:I,174a] { Eadem me(n)sura q(ua) me(n)si
fu(er)it(is) remeciet(ur) vobis }
E: 1,152 Sal be mett vnto -y-ou . qwen -y-e wende hyne [aaAx]
A: 1,152 Schal ben metyn to -gh-ou ; whan -gh-e henys wende
M: 1,152 Schal ben metyn to -y-ou . whan -y-e wendyn hennys
T: 1,153 ffor [th]i be trewe of [y]o(ur)e tunge & treweliche
H2: 1,153 ffor -th-i be t(re)we of -gh-oure tonge . and t(re)welyche
wynne [aaAx]
Ch: 1,153 ffor thy be-th- trewe of -gh-oure tong . and trewelich
wynne [aaAx]
D: 1,153 ffor -th-y be trewe of -gh-oure tonges . & trewelych
wynnes [aaAx]
R: 1,153 for -th-y be-th- trewe of -gh-o(ur) tong(es) . and
trewlyche wy(n)ne [aaAx]
U: 1,153 ffor -th-eighe -gh-e be trewe of -gh-o(ur) tunge
. & trewliche wy(n)ne [aaAx]
V: 1,153 ffor _th_au_g_ _g_e ben (trewe) of (tonge) . & (treweliche)
winne [aaAx]
H: 1,153 ffor -th-ei-gh- -th-(o)u be trwe of thy tonge . & trewly
wynnest [aaAx]
J: 1,153 ffor -th-ei -gh-e ben t(ro)we of -gh-or tung . & trewelych
wynne [aaAx]
L: 1,153 ffor -th-agh -gh-e beon treowe of oure tong(us)
. & trewely wynne[n] [aaAx]
K: 1,153 ffor though ye ben trewe of yo(ur) tonges . & trulych
wynne [aaAx]
W: 1,153 Thow -th-ow be treu of -th-i tonge . & treulyche
wynne [aaAx]
N: 1,153 Thei -th-(o)u be trwe of -th-i tonge . & trwlyche
wynne [aaAx]
E: 1,153 ffor -th-of [-gh-e] be trew of your tonge . & treweley
wynne [aaAx]
A: 1,153 Thow -gh-e ben trewe of tunge ; & treweliche
wynne [aaAx]
M: 1,153 -Th-outh -yh-e ben trewe of tonge . & treweliche
wynnyn [aaAx]
T: 1,154 And ek as chast as a child [th](a)t in chirche wepi[th]
H2: 1,154 And eke as chast as a childe . -th-(a)t in -th-e
chirche wepi-th- [aaAx]
Ch: 1,154 And ek as chast as a child . -th-at In chirch wepith
D: 1,154 And eke as chaste as a Childe . -th-(a)t in churche
wepes [aaAx]
R: 1,154 And ek be chast as a chyld . -th-(a)t in -th-e cherche
wepys [aaAx]
U: 1,154 And eek as [a] child . -th-at in cherche wepith
V: 1,154 And eke as (chast) as a (child) . _th_at in (Chirche)
wepe_th_ [aaAx]
H: 1,154 & eke as chaaste as a child . -th-at in churche
wepi-th- [aaAx]
J: 1,154 And eke as chaste as childe . -th-(a)t in chirche
wepith [aaAx]
L: 1,154 And eke as chast as a child . -th-at in cradel crieth
K: 1,154 And eke as chaste as a child . that in chirch wepith
W: 1,154 And as chast as a child . -th-at in cherche wepe-th-
N: 1,154 And as chast as a childe . -th-at i(n) -th-e chirche
wepi-th- [aaAx]
E: 1,154 And eke als chaste as a childe . -th-(a)t in -th-e
kirke wepis [aaAx]
A: 1,154 And as chaste as a child ; -th-at in chirche wepit
M: 1,154 And ek as chast as a chyld . -th-at in cherche wepyt
T: 1,155 But [y]if [y]e loue lelly & lene [th]e pore
H2: 1,155 But if -gh-e loue leli . and -gh-eue to lone -th-e
pore [aaAx]
Ch: 1,155 Bot -gh-ef -gh-e loue leely . and lene -th-e pore
D: 1,155 But yf -gh-e loue lely . & loue -th-e pou(er)e
R: 1,155 but -gh-e loue lely . -th-e pore [aaAx]
U: 1,155 But -y-e loue lely . and lene -th-e pore [aaAx]
V: 1,155 Bote _g_e (liuen) trewely . and eke (loue) _th_e
pore [axAx]
H: 1,155 but if -th-(o)u lyue truly . & loue wel -th-e
poore [aaAx]
J: 1,155 But -gh-if -gh-e louen lelly . & lenen -th-e
pou(er)e [aaAx]
L: 1,155 Bote -gh-ef -gh-e louen lelly . & releue -th-e
meseise & -th-e pore [aaAx]
K: 1,155 But if ye love leally . and lend the pore [aaAx]
W: 1,155 But -gh-if -gh-ow loue lelly . & lene -th-e
pore [aaAx]
N: 1,155 But if -th-(o)u loue lelly . & lene -th-e pore
E: 1,155 Bot -th-e leve lely . & succurre -th-e poore
A: 1,155 But -th-u loue lely . & loue wel -th-e pore
M: 1,155 But -y-e louen wel god . & ek -th-e pouer(e)
T: 1,156 Of such good as god sent goodlyche p(ar)te[th]
H2: 1,156 Of such good as god sente . goodlyche p(ar)tith
Ch: 1,156 Off such gode as god sent . godlich parte-th- [aaAx]
D: 1,156 Of such good as god sent . goodlich parte [aaAx]
R: 1,156 of such gode as god sent . goudlyche departyn [aaAx]
U: 1,156 Of swiche good as god ha-th- sent . goodliche p(ar)teth
V: 1,156 And such (good) as (God) sent . Treweliche parten
H: 1,156 & suche goodes as god sende-th- . trewly departe
J: 1,156 Of swyche gode as god hath sent . godelich p(ar)tene
L: 1,156 Wi-th- suche good as god -gh-ou sent . godliche
parte [aaAx]
K: 1,156 Of such good(es) as god sendith . goodly parte [aaAx]
W: 1,156 Of suche gode as god sent . goodlyche part [aaAx]
N: 1,156 Of suche good as god sent . goodlyche p(ar)te [aaAx]
E: 1,156 Of syke gude as god -th-e send(es) . frely dep(ar)t
A: 1,156 Of sweche god as god hath -th-e sent ; loueliche
depart [aaAx]
M: 1,156 --- this line is omitted ---
T: 1,157 [Y]e ne haue no more m(er)yt in matynes ne in masse
H2: 1,157 -Gh-e ne haue no more m(er)yte . in matynes ne
in masse [aaAx]
Ch: 1,157 -Gh-e ne haue no more merite . matynes no masse
D: 1,157 -Gh-e haue no more meryt . in masse ne in oures
R: 1,157 -th-ei haue no more meryte . in masse ne in hour(es)
U: 1,157 -Y-e ne haue na more meryt . in matyns ne i(n) oures
V: 1,157 _Y_e naue no (more) (merit) . In (Masse) ne In houres
H: 1,157 -th-ou hast no more meryt . in masse ne in houres
J: 1,157 -Gh-e haue no more m(er)ite . in matyns no in messe
L: 1,157 -Gh-e haue-th- no more merite . in messes no in
houres [aaAx]
K: 1,157 Ye haue no more merites . in masse ne in howr(es)
W: 1,157 -Gh-e ne haue no more merite . of messe ne houres
N: 1,157 -Gh-e ne haue no m(er)yte . in masse ne in howres
E: 1,157 -Th-e haue no more merit . of heuenriche blys [aaAx]
A: 1,157 Tho han no more merite . of heueneriche blisse [aaAx]
M: 1,157 -Y-e haue no mor(e) merit . of heueneriche blysse
T: 1,158 [Th]anne malkyn of hire maidenhed [th](a)t no man
H2: 1,158 -Th-anne malkyn of he[r] maydenhod . -th-(a)t no
man desireth [aaAx]
Ch: 1,158 -th-en malkyn of her maidenhode . -th-at no man
desireth [aaAx]
D: 1,158 -Th-anne malkyn of here maydenhed . -th-(a)t no
man desirith [aaAx]
R: 1,158 Than malkyn of hire maydynhede . -th-(a)t no ma(n)
desyr(es) [aaAx]
U: 1,158 -Th-an malkyn of here maydenhed . -th-at no man
desired [aaAx]
V: 1,158 _Th_en (Malkyn) of hire (Maydenhod) . _th_at no
(Mon) desyre_th_ [aaAx]
H: 1,158 -th-an malkyn of hir maydenhod . -th-at no man desireth
J: 1,158 -Th-an makyn of her maydenhed . -th-(a)t no man
desyrith [aaAx]
L: 1,158 -Th-an malkyn of hire maydenhod . -th-(a)t no mon
desirith [aaAx]
K: 1,158 Than malkyn of her maydenhede . that no ma(n) desyreth
W: 1,158 Than malkyn of here maidenhod . -th-at no man desire-th-
N: 1,158 -Th-a(n)ne malkyn of hir maidenhode . -th-(a)t no
ma(n) desire-th- [aaAx]
E: 1,158 Malkyn of hir maidynhode . -th-(a)t no man des(er)is
A: 1,158 Than malkyn of here maydynhed ; -th-at no man dishirith
M: 1,158 -Th-an malkyn of her(e) maydynhod . -th-at no ma(n)
desirit [aaAx]
T: 1,159 ffor Iames [th]e ientil ioynide in his bokis
H2: 1,159 ffor Iames the gentel . ioynide in ys bokis [aaAx]
Ch: 1,159 ffor Iames the gentille . ioyned In his bokes [aaAx]
D: 1,159 ffor Iames -th-e gentil . hath wryten in his bokes
R: 1,159 for Iamys -th-e gentyl . Iugyd in his bokys [aaAx]
U: 1,159 ffor Iames -th-e gentil . Iugged in his book [aaAx]
V: 1,159 ffor (Iames) _th_e (gentel) . (bond) hit in his
(Book) [aaBb]
H: 1,159 ffor Iames -th-e Ientyl . Seyth it in his booke
J: 1,159 ffor Iamys -th-e gentil . Iuggid in his bokys [aaAx]
L: 1,159 ffor Iames -th-e gentil . Iuggeth in his pistle
K: 1,159 ffor Iames the Ientyl . Ivgyth in his boke [aaAx]
W: 1,159 for Iames -th-e gentil . iugged in his boke [aaAx]
N: 1,159 ffor Iames -th-e gentel . iuged i(n) his boke [aaAx]
E: 1,159 ffor iamys -th-e gentyll(e) . demys in his buke-gh-
A: 1,159 ffor iamis -th-e ientil . he iuggith in his bokis
M: 1,159 ffor Iemys -th-e gentyl . Iuggit in hys bokys [aaAx]
T: 1,160 [Th](a)t fei[th] wi[th]oute fait is feblere [th]an
H2: 1,160 That fei-th- witoute fait . is febler(e) -th-an
noug-gh-te [aaAx]
Ch: 1,160 -Th-at faithe without faitour . is febler -th-an
nou-gh-t [aaAx]
D: 1,160 -Th-at fay w(i)t(h)oute feet . is feblere -th-an
nou-gh-t [aaAx]
R: 1,160 -Th-(a)t fey-th- w(i)t(h)oute fet . is febeler -th-an
nou-gh-th [aaAx]
U: 1,160 -Th-at feith wi-th-outen werk . is feblere -th-an
noght [aaAx]
V: 1,160 _Th_at Treu_th_e withouten (ffey) . Is (febelore)
_th_en nou_g_t [xaAx]
H: 1,160 -Th-at fei-th- wi-th-oute warkis . is febler -th-an
nowght [aaAx]
J: 1,160 -Th-at fayth w(i)t(h)outen -th-e feete . is febler(e)
-th-(a)t nouth [aaAx]
L: 1,160 -Th-at feith wy-th-oute feet . is febler -th-en
a fache [aaAx]
K: 1,160 That faith w(i)t(h)out feate . is febler than nowght
W: 1,160 That fey-th- wi-th-owten -th-e fect . is febeler
-th-an noght [aaAx]
N: 1,160 That fei-th- w(i)t(h)oute fete . is febler -th-anne
nou-gh-t [aaAx]
E: 1,160 -Th-at fayth w(i)t(h)owtyn fewte . febelare -th-en
no-gh-t [aaAx]
A: 1,160 That feyth w(i)t(h)oute feute . is feblere -th-an
nout [aaAx]
M: 1,160 -Th-at feyth w(i)t(h)outy(n) fewte . is werse -th-an
nouth [aaAx]
T: 1,161 And as ded as a dorenail but [y]if [th]e dede folewe
H2: 1,161 And as ded as a dor(e) nayl . but if -th-e dede
folewe [aaAx]
Ch: 1,161 And als dede as a dore nayle . bot -gh-ef -th-e
dede folewe [aaAx]
D: 1,161 As ded as a dore nayll(e) . but yf -th-e dede folowe
R: 1,161 And ded as a dore nayl . but -gh-if -th-e dede folwe
U: 1,161 And deed as a dore nayl . but -th-e -y-if -th-e
dede folwe [aaAx]
V: 1,161 And (ded) as a (dore-nayl) . but _th_e (deede) folewe
H: 1,161 & deed as a dore nayl . but if -th-e dede folowe
J: 1,161 & deffe os a dor nayle . but if -th-e dede folowe
L: 1,161 And as ded as a dore naill . bote -gh-ef -th-e dede
folewe [aaAx]
K: 1,161 And as ded as a dore nayle . but yf the dede folowe
W: 1,161 And ded as a dore naile . but -gh-if -th-e dede
folwe [aaAx]
N: 1,161 & as ded as a dore nail . but -gh-if -th-e dede
folowe [aaAx]
N: 1,161 [B:I,178a/C:I,183a] { ffides sine op(er)ib(us) mortua
est &c }
E: 1,161 And als ded as a dore nale . bot -th-e ded(es) folow
A: 1,161 As dede as a dore nayle ; but -th-ine dedis folwyn
M: 1,161 As ded as dore nail . but gode dedys folwen [aaAx]
H: 1,161 -Th-at is to sokoure -th-e sorowful & haue charite to alle
T: 1,162 Chastite wi[th]oute charite wor[th] cheynide <in
H2: 1,162 Chastite witoute charite . wors cheynid in helle
Ch: 1,162 Chastite without charite . worth cheyned in helle
D: 1,162 Chastite w(i)t(h)oute Charite . worth shewed in
helle [aaAx]
R: 1,162 Chastite w(i)t(h)oute cheryte . wor-th- schryned
in helle [aaAx]
U: 1,162 Chastite wi-th-oute(n) charite . wur-th- schryned
in helle [aaAx]
V: 1,162 (Chastite) withouten (Charite) . (wite _th_ou forso_th_e)
H: 1,162 for chastitee wi-th-oute charitee . wite -th-ou
forso-th-e [aaAx]
J: 1,162 Chastite withouten charite . worth chaynyd in helle
L: 1,162 Chastite wi-th-oute charite . schal schryned beon
in helle [aaAx]
K: 1,162 Chastite s(a)unce charite . worthe cheynyd in hell(e)
W: 1,162 Chastite san-gh- charite . worth cheyned in helle
N: 1,162 Chastite w(i)t(h)outen charite . worth chenyd i(n)
helle [aaAx]
E: 1,162 Chastite w(i)t(h)owtyn charite . be chenyd in hell(e)
A: 1,162 Castite w(i)t(h)oute charite ; worth tenyd in helle
M: 1,162 Chastite san-gh- charite . worth chenyd in helle
T: 1,163 It is as lewid as a laumpe [th](a)t no li[gh]t is
H2: 1,163 It is lewed as a lampe . -th-(a)t no lyth is Inne
Ch: 1,163 It is as lewde as a lampe . -th-at no ly-gh-t is
Inne [aaAx]
D: 1,163 Hit is as lewed as a lampe . -th-(a)t no ly-gh-t
is Inne [aaAx]
R: 1,163 h(i)t is as lewyd as a laumpe . -th-(a)t no ly-gh-th
is inne [aaAx]
U: 1,163 -Th-(a)t is as lewed as a lampe . -th-(a)t no light
is ynne [aaAx]
V: 1,163 Is as (lewed) as a (Laumpe) . _th_at no (liht) is
Inne [aaAx]
H: 1,163 is as lewd as a lawmpe . -th-at no ly-gh-te is ynne
J: 1,163 It is as lewed as a laumpe . -th-(a)t no liht is
w(i)t(h)Inne [aaAx]
L: 1,163 ffor hit is lewedore -th-en a laumpe . -th-at no
li-gh-t is ynne [aaAx]
K: 1,163 Yt is as lewyd a thyng as a lampe . w(i)t(h)out
light [aaAx]
W: 1,163 It is as lewed a -th-ing as a lampe . wi-th-outen
lyght [aaAx]
N: 1,163 It is as a lamp lewde . -th-(a)t no li-gh-t is Inne
E: 1,163 It is als lewyd as a laumpe . -th-(a)t no light
is in [aaAx]
A: 1,163 It is as lewid as a lampe . -th-at ::: lygth is
Inne [aaAx]
M: 1,163 It is as lewyd as a laumpe . -th-at no(n) lyth is
inne [aaAx]
T: 1,164 Manye chapelleins arn chast ac charite is aweye
H2: 1,164 Many chapelanys ar chast . ac charite is aweye
Ch: 1,164 Mony chapelaynes ben chaste . ac charite ys away
D: 1,164 Many chapelayns be-th- chaste . ac charite is aweye
R: 1,164 manye chapelaynes ar(e) chaste . ac cherite is awaye
U: 1,164 Now many chapeleyns arn chaste . but charite is
aweie [aaAx]
V: 1,164 Moni (Chapeleyns) ben (chast) . but (Charite) is
aweye [aaAx]
H: 1,164 Many chapleynes ben chaaste . but charitee is awaye
J: 1,164 Many chapeleyns aru(n) chast . but charite is aweye
L: 1,164 Mony chapeleyns beon chast . bote charite is awey
charred [aaAx]
K: 1,164 Many chapeleyns arn chaste . but charite is away
W: 1,164 Many chapeleyns arn chast . but charite is away
N: 1,164 Many chapelynes ar chast . & charite is aweye
E: 1,164 Many chapelanys er chaste . & charite away [aaAx]
A: 1,164 Many chapeleyns arn chrafti & chast . & charite
is awey [aaAx]
M: 1,164 Many chapelayns arn chaste . & charite aweye
T: 1,165 Arn none hard(er)e [th]an [th]ei whanne [th]ei ben
H2: 1,165 Arn non harder -th-an -th-ei . whan -th-ei ben
au(au)ncid [aaAx]
Ch: 1,165 Be-th- none harder -th-en -th-ey . when -th-ey
ben auaunsed [aaAx]
D: 1,165 Be-th- no me(n) hardyere -th-an -th-ei . whan -th-ey
ben Auaunsyd [aaAx]
R: 1,165 are no men harder -th-an -th-ey . whan -th-ey be-th-
auaunsed [aaAx]
U: 1,165 Arn none harder(e) -th-an -th-ei . whan -th-ei ben
auaunced [aaAx]
V: 1,165 Beo no men (hardore) _th_en _th_ei . whon (heo)
beo_th_ avaunset [axAx]
H: 1,165 -th-er beo-th- noon harder -th-an -th-ei . when
-th-e ben avawnsed [aaAx]
J: 1,165 Aru(n) no me(n) harder -th-an hey . qwa(n) hy ben
avauncede [aaAx]
L: 1,165 Arn non hardour holders -th-en -th-ey . when -th-ey
beon auaunsed [aaAx]
K: 1,165 Arn no men hardo(ur) than thay . whan thay byn avaunced
W: 1,165 Is no man hardere -th-an -th-ei . whan -th-ei be-th-
avaunced [aaAx]
N: 1,165 Ar no man hardar -th-an hij . whan -th-ei ben auau(n)ced
E: 1,165 Er nane hardar -th-en -th-ai . when -th-ai au(a)unced
be [aaAx]
A: 1,165 Arn none hardede -th-an -th-ay . whan -th-ai avaunsid
::: [aaAx]
M: 1,165 Arn no(n) harder(e) -th-at -th-ey -th-at . ben avaunsid
T: 1,166 Vnkynde to here kyn & ek to alle cristene
H2: 1,166 Vnkynde to here kynge . and eke to alle cristene
Ch: 1,166 Vnkynde to her kynne . and ek to alle cristen [aaXa]
D: 1,166 Vnkende to here kyn . & eke to Al cristen [aaXa]
R: 1,166 Wonkynde to her kyn . and eke to alle crystene [aaXa]
U: 1,166 Vnkynde to her(e) kyn . and eek to alle c(ri)stene
V: 1,166 (Vn-kuynde) to heore (kun) . and to alle (cristene)
H: 1,166 ---this line om ---
J: 1,166 Vnkende men to h(er) kyn . & eke to alle c(ri)stene
L: 1,166 Vnkynde to heore kyn . and eke to alle o-th-ir [aaXa]
K: 1,166 Vnkynd to their kyn . & eke to al cristyn [aaXa]
W: 1,166 Vnkynde to here kyn . also to alle cristen [aaXa]
N: 1,166 Vnkynde men to her kynne . & to alle c(ri)stene
E: 1,166 Vnkyndar nane to -th-air kynne . and als to al c(ri)sten
A: 1,166 Vnkende to here kynrede ; and to alle cristene [aaXa]
M: 1,166 Vnkynde to her(e) ken . & ek to alle crystene
T: 1,167 Chewen here charite & chiden aftir more
H2: 1,167 Chewen her(e) charite . and chiden aftur more [aaAx]
Ch: 1,167 Chewen her charite . and chiden after more [aaAx]
D: 1,167 Chewyn here Charite . & chiden aft(ir) more
R: 1,167 schewen her(e) cherite . and chyden after more [aaAx]
U: 1,167 Chiwen here charite . & chiden aftir more [aaAx]
V: 1,167 (Chewen) heore (charite) . and (chiden) after more
H: 1,167 -th-ei chewen her charitee . & chiden aftur
more [aaAx]
J: 1,167 Chewyn her(e) charite . & chiden after more
L: 1,167 Chewen heore charite . & chiden after more [aaAx]
K: 1,167 Chewyn her charite . and chydyn after more [aaAx]
W: 1,167 Thei chewen here charite . and chide after more
N: 1,167 Thei chewyn her charite . & chide aftir more
E: 1,167 Thai shew al -th-air charite . & chyd(es) aftir
mare [aaAx]
A: 1,167 he chouhen here charite ; & chidyn aftyr more
M: 1,167 -Th-ey schewyn her(e) charyte . & chydyn aftyr
mor(e) [aaAx]
H: 1,167 Vnkynde to her kyn & to alle crysten
N: 1,167 --- this line is omitted ---
T: 1,168 Such chastite wi[th]oute charite wor[th] cheynid in
H2: 1,168 Such chastite w(i)t(h)oute charite . worth cheynid
i(n) helle [aaAx]
Ch: 1,168 Such chastite withoute charite . worth cheyned
in helle [aaAx]
D: 1,168 Such Chastite w(i)t(h)oute Charite . wor-th- shewed
in helle [aaAx]
R: 1,168 Such chastyte w(i)t(h)oute charite . wor-th- schryned
in helle [aaAx]
U: 1,168 Swich chastite wi-th-oute(n) charite . wur-th- schryned
in helle [aaAx]
V: 1,168 Such (Charite) withouten (Chastite) . wor_th_ (claymed)
in helle [aaAx]
H: 1,168 Suche chastite wi-th-oute charitee . wor-th-e claymed
in helle [aaAx]
J: 1,168 Swyche chastite w(i)t(h)outen charite . wrth chenyde
in helle [aaAx]
L: 1,168 Suche chastite wi-th-oute charite . cheue schal
ille [aaAx]
K: 1,168 Such chastite w(i)t(h)out charite . worth cheynyd
in hell(e) [aaAx]
W: 1,168 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 1,168 Swa chastite w(i)t(h)owtyn charite . be chynyd in
hell [aaAx]
A: 1,168 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 1,168 Swych charite saun-gh- chastite . worth cheneyd
in helle [aaAx]
T: 1,169 [Y]e curato(ur)s [th](a)t kepe [y]ow clene of [y]o(ur)
H2: 1,169 -Gh-e curato(ur)s -th-(a)t kepe -gh-ow . clene
of -gh-our(e) body [aaAx]
Ch: 1,169 -Gh-e curatours -th-at kepen -gh-ou . clene of
-gh-oure bodies [aaAx]
D: 1,169 -Gh-e curatours kepe -gh-ou . clene of -gh-oure
body [aaAx]
R: 1,169 -Gh-e curatour(es) -th-(a)t kepe -gh-ou . clene
of -gh-o(ur) body [aaAx]
U: 1,169 -Y-e curato(ur)s -th-at kepen -y-ow . clene of -y-our
body [aaAx]
V: 1,169 (Curatours) _th_at schulden (kepe) hem . (clene)
of heore bodies [aaAx]
H: 1,169 Curatures -th-at schulde -gh-ou kepe . clene i(n)
-gh-oure soules [aaAx]
J: 1,169 -Gh-e creat(ur)es -th-(a)t kepyn -gh-e . clene of
-gh-our(e) bodis [aaAx]
L: 1,169 -Gh-e creatours -th-at arn contynent . & clene
of oure bodies [aaAx]
K: 1,169 Ye curato(ur)(es) that kepyn yow . clene of yo(ur)
bodys [aaAx]
W: 1,169 The curatours -th-at kepe -gh-ow . clene of -gh-oure
bodies [aaAx]
N: 1,169 -Gh-e curato(ur)s -th-(a)t kepe -gh-ow . clene of
-gh-our(e) bodyes [aaAx]
E: 1,169 ffor curatorus at kepys you . clene of -y-our bod(es)
A: 1,169 ffor -th-i -gh-e creaturis -th-at kepyn -gh-ow clene
; of -gh-our bodyes [aaAx]
M: 1,169 ffor createrus -th-(a)t kepyn hemself . clene of
her(e) bodyis [aaAx]
T: 1,170 [Y]e ben acumbrid wi[th] coueitise [y]e mowe not out
H2: 1,170 -Gh-e ben acu(m)bred wit couetise . -gh-e connne
not ou-gh-t crepe [aaAa]
Ch: 1,170 -Gh-e bene acombred with couatise . -gh-e conne
nou-gh-t out crepe [aaAa]
D: 1,170 -Gh-e ben acombryd w(i)t(h) coueytise . -gh-e can
not out crepyn [aaAa]
R: 1,170 -Gh-e be-th- acombred w(i)t(h) synne . -gh-e cou(n)ne
nou-gh-t out crepe [aaAa]
U: 1,170 -Y-e ben encombrid wi-th- couetise . -gh-e cu(n)ne
noght out c(re)pyn [aaAa]
V: 1,170 _Th_ei beo_th_ (cumbred) in (care) . & (cunnen)
not (out-crepe) [aaAa]
H: 1,170 -th-ei ben acombred wi-th- care . -th-ei con not
oute krepe [aaAa]
J: 1,170 -Gh-e ben comberyd w(i)t(h) kouetys . -gh-e konyne
nouth oute Icrepen [aaAa]
L: 1,170 -Gh-e beon combred wi-th- couetise creopen out -gh-e
ne konne [aaAa]
K: 1,170 Ye ben comberyd in covetise . ye con not crepe out
W: 1,170 -Gh-e be-th- combred in coueitise . -gh-e conne
nowght crepe ought [aaAa]
N: 1,170 -Gh-e be(n) aco(m)bred w(i)t(h) coueitise . -gh-e
con nou-gh-t crepe out [aaAa]
E: 1,170 -Th-e er combyrd w(i)t(h) couetyse . -y-e can not
owt crepe [aaAa]
A: 1,170 -Gh-e be comberid w(i)t(h) coueytice . -gh-e can
not out crepe [aaAa]
M: 1,170 -Th-e ben acombred w(i)t(h) coueytyse . -th-ey konuy(n)
not out crepe [aaAa]
T: 1,171 So faste hath auarice haspide [y]ow togid(er)is
H2: 1,171 So faste hath auarice . haspide -gh-ow togideres
Ch: 1,171 So fast ha-th- auarice . hesped -gh-ow togederes
D: 1,171 So faste ha-th- Auarice . hasped -gh-ou togederes
R: 1,171 So hard ha-th- auaryce . hasped -gh-ou togedere
U: 1,171 So harde ha-th- auarice . haspid -y-ow togidr(i)s
V: 1,171 So (harde) heo beo_th_ with (Auarice) . (I-haspet)
to-gedere [aaAx]
H: 1,171 So hard -th-ei ben wi-th- auaryce . haspid togydre
J: 1,171 So hard hath aueris . happyd -gh-ow togydyr(e) [aaAx]
L: 1,171 So harde ha-th- auarice . happed -gh-ou togedre
K: 1,171 So hard hath averice . hapsed you togeders [aaAx]
W: 1,171 So harde now ha-th- auarice . hasped hem togedres
N: 1,171 So harde now ha-th- auaryse . hasped -gh-ow togidre
E: 1,171 Swa hard hase au(ar)ice . happyd you togedyr [aaAx]
A: 1,171 So hard hath auerice ; happid -gh-ou togedur [aaAx]
M: 1,171 So harde hat auarice . Iclept hem togederys [aaAx]
T: 1,172 [Th](er)e is no treu[th]e of trinite but a treccherie
of helle
H2: 1,172 -th-(er) is no treuthe of t(ri)nite . but a trecherie
of helle [aaAx]
Ch: 1,172 -th-er is no trewthe of trinite . bot trechory
of helle [aaAx]
D: 1,172 That is no treuthe of -th-e Trinite . but tretherye
of helle [aaAx]
R: 1,172 -th-(a)t is no tru-th-e of trynite . but trecherye
of helle [aaAx]
U: 1,172 -Th-(a)t is no treuthe of -th-e trinite . but a
trecherie of helle [aaAx]
V: 1,172 _Th_at nis no (treu_th_e) of (Trinite) . but (tricherie)
of helle [aaAx]
H: 1,172 -Th-at -th-e trewe tresoure of trou-th-e is almost
for-gh-ete [aaAx]
J: 1,172 -Th-(er) is no treuthe of t(ri)nite . but treccheri
of helle [aaAx]
L: 1,172 -Th-at is no trouthe of -th-e trinite . bote a trichery
of helle [aaAx]
K: 1,172 That is no treuth of the t(ri)nite . but a trechory
of hell(e) [aaAx]
W: 1,172 Al trou-th- -gh-e haue t(ri)nite . & trech(er)es
-gh-ef hante [aaAx]
N: 1,172 -th-(a)t is no trew-th-e of -th-e t(ri)nite . but
treccherie of helle [aaAx]
E: 1,172 Ye trow noght in -th-e t(ri)nite . bott of trechory
of hell(e) [aaAx]
A: 1,172 That is no treuth of -th-e trenite . but treccherie
of helle [aaAx]
M: 1,172 -Th-at is no(n) trewthe of t(ri)nite . but trecherie
of helle [aaAx]
T: 1,173 And a lering to [th]e lewide men [th]e latt(er)e to
H2: 1,173 And a leryng to lewyd men . -th-e latt(er)e do
dele [aaAx]
Ch: 1,173 And a lernyng to the lewd men . -th-e latter to
dele [aaAx]
D: 1,173 And a leryng to -th-e lewed men . -th-e latt(er)
for to dele [aaAx]
R: 1,173 And a begy(n)nynge to lewede me(n) . -th-e latter
to dele [aaAx]
U: 1,173 And a lernynge to lewed men . -th-e lattere to dele
V: 1,173 And a (leornyng) for (lewed) men . _th_e (latere)
forte dele [aaAx]
H: 1,173 & a lernynge to lewd men . -th-e latter to dele
J: 1,173 And a lering to -th-e lewyd men . -th-e latter to
dele [aaAx]
L: 1,173 A leornyng to lewed men . -th-eo latter to dele
K: 1,173 And a lernyng for lewde men . the lighter to dele
W: 1,173 A lernyng to -th-e lewed men . -th-e wors to worche
N: 1,173 And a lernyng to lewde men . -th-e latter to dele
E: 1,173 And -y-e lere lewyd men . -th-e latt(er) to lere
A: 1,173 And lernyng to lewid men ; -th-er for to dwelle
M: 1,173 And a lernyng to lewde me(n) . -th-e latter(e) to
delyn [aaAx]
T: 1,173 And a lering to [th]e lewide men [th]e latt(er)e to dele
T: 1,174 ffor [th]ise arn [th]e wordis writen in [th]e Eu(au)ngelie
H2: 1,174 ffor -th-ese arn -th-e wordes wryten . on -th-e
eu(au)ngelie [aaAx]
Ch: 1,174 ffor -th-es ben -th-e wordes writen . in -th-e
Eu(au)ngelie [aaAx]
D: 1,174 ffor -th-ese be-th- -th-e wordes wreten . in -th-e
Eu(au)ngelie [aaAx]
R: 1,174 ffor -th-is ar(e) wordis ywryten . in -th-e ewa(n)gelye
U: 1,174 ffor -th-ese arn wordes ywriten . in -th-e eu(au)ngelie
V: 1,174 ffor _th_eos be_th_ (wordes) (I-writen) . In _th_e
(Ewangelye) [aaAx]
H: 1,174 ffor -th-ise be-th- -th-e wordus wryten . in -th-e
eu(a)ngelye [aaAx]
J: 1,174 ffor -th-is aru(n) wordes writyn . in euaungelye
{ Date & dabit(ur) vob(is) } [aaAx]
L: 1,174 ffor -th-eose arn wordis wryten . in -th-e gospel
K: 1,174 ffor thes arne word(is) w(ri)tyn . in the eu(a)ungeliste
W: 1,174 ffor -th-is wordes arn wreten . in the wangelie
N: 1,174 ffor -th-ise ar -th-e wordis . writin { i(n) euangelio
} [aaAx]
E: 1,174 ffor -th-ees er -th-e worde-gh- writtyn . in -th-e
Euaungely [aaAx]
A: 1,174 ffor -th-ese arn -th-e wordes ; wretyn in -th-e
vangelie [aaAx]
M: 1,174 ffor -th-o aryn -th-e wordys wretyn . in -th-e Euangelye
T: 1,175 {Date & dabitur vobis} for I dele [y]ow alle
H2: 1,175 { Date et dabitur uobis } . for I dele -gh-ow alle
Ch: 1,175 { Date and dabitur vobis } . for I dele -gh-ow
alle [aaAx]
D: 1,175 { Date & dabitur vobis } . for I dele -gh-ou
alle [aaAx]
R: 1,175 { Date & dabit(ur) vobis } . for I may dele
-gh-ou alle [aaAx]
U: 1,175 { Date & dabit(ur) vobis } . for y may dele
-y-ou alle [aaAx]
V: 1,175 { (Date) et (dabitur) vobis } . for I (dele) ow
alle [aaAx]
H: 1,175 { Date & dabitur uobis } . -gh-yue-th- comyne
of -gh-o(ur)e good(us) for I dele -gh-ou alle [aaAx]
H: 1,175 -gh-oure grace & -gh-oure good happe -gh-oure
welye for to wynne
H: 1,175 & -th-(er)wi-th- knowe-th- me kyndely of -th-at
I -gh-ou sende
J: 1,175 ffor I axst -gh-ow alle // -th-(a)t is a leche of
loue [aaAx]
L: 1,175 { Date & dabit(ur) vobis } . for y dele -gh-ou
alle [aaAx]
K: 1,175 { Date & dabit(ur) vobis } . ffor I deale yow
also [aaAx]
W: 1,175 { Date & dabitur vobis } . for I shal dele -gh-ow
alle [aaAx]
N: 1,175 { Date & dabit(ur) vob(is) &c } . for I
dele -gh-ow alle [aaAx]
E: 1,175 { Date et Dabitur vobis } . for I may dele you all(e)
A: 1,175 { Date dabitur vobis &c } . for I dele -gh-ou
alle [aaAx]
M: 1,175 { Date & dabit(ur) vobis } . for I dele -y-ou
alle [aaAx]
T: 1,176 [Th](a)t is [th]e lok of loue [th](a)t leti[th] out
my grace
H2: 1,176 That is -th-e boke of loue . -th-at leti-th- out
my g(ra)ce [aaAx]
Ch: 1,176 -Th-at is -th-e boke of lif . -th-at leti-th- out
my grace [aaAx]
D: 1,176 -Th-at is -th-e lok of loue . -th-(a)t latet out
my g(ra)ce [aaAx]
R: 1,176 -Th-(a)t is -th-e lok of loue . -th-(a)t late-th-
oute my grace [aaAx]
U: 1,176 -Th-at is -th-e lok of loue . -th-at letith out
my g(ra)ce [aaAx]
V: 1,176 --- this line om --
H: 1,176 -Th-at is -th-e lok of loue . -th-at lyth in -gh-oure
grace [aaAx]
J: 1,176 -Th-(a)t I lete oute of my g(ra)ce // to comforthe
-th-e careful & cu(m)berid in sy(n)ne [aaAx]
L: 1,176 -Th-at is -th-e lesson of loue . -th-at leteth out
my g(ra)ce [aaAx]
K: 1,176 That is the looke of love . that lettith out my
g(ra)ce [aaAx]
W: 1,176 That is -th-e lok of loue . & late-th- ought
my (::::) [aaAx]
N: 1,176 -Th-(a)t is -th-e lok of loue . -th-(a)t letteth-
ou-gh-t my g(ra)ce [aaAx]
E: 1,176 -Th-(a)t is -th-e lok of love . & lete owt my
grace [aaAx]
A: 1,176 That is lok of loue ; -th-at lette out My grace
M: 1,176 -Th-at is lok of loue . -th-at lat in my(n) grace
U: 1,117 --- this line is omitted ---
T: 1,177 To counforte [th]e carful acumbrid wi[th] synne
H2: 1,177 To comfort -th-e carful . acombred wit synne [aaAx]
Ch: 1,177 To comforte the careful . acumbred with synne [aaAx]
D: 1,177 To comfort -th-e carefull(e) . acombred w(i)t(h)
synne [aaAx]
R: 1,177 to comforte -th-e carfulle . acombred w(i)t(h) synne
V: 1,177 --- this line om --
H: 1,177 to cowmforte -th-e careful . acombred in synne [aaAx]
J: 1,177 --- this line om ---
L: 1,177 To comforte -th-e karful . -th-at arn combred in
synne [aaAx]
K: 1,177 To comforte the carefull . accomberid w(i)t(h) synne
W: 1,177 To confort of carful . acombred in synne [aaAx]
N: 1,177 To counforte -th-e careful . acombred w(i)t(h) synne
E: 1,177 To comforth -th-e carfull(e) . combryd w(i)t(h)
synne [aaAx]
A: 1,177 To comforth -th-e carful ; acomerid w(i)t(h) synne
M: 1,177 To counfortyn -th-e kareful . akumbred w(i)t(h)
synne [aaAx]
T: 1,178 Loue is [th]e leueste [th]ing [th](a)t oure lord aski[th]
H2: 1,178 Loue is -th-e leuest -th-ing . that our(e) lord
asketh [aaAx]
Ch: 1,178 Loue is -th-e leuyst -th-ing . -th-at oure lorde
askith [aaAx]
D: 1,178 Loue is -th-e lefest -th-yng . -th-(a)t oure lord
Asket [aaAx]
R: 1,178 Loue ys -th-e leuyste -th-yng . -th-(a)t our(e)
lord aske-th- [aaAx]
U: 1,178 Loue is -th-e leuyste thyng . -th-at our lord askith
V: 1,178 --- this line om --
H: 1,178 for loue is -th-e leouest -th-inge . -th-at oure
lord aske-th- [aaAx]
J: 1,178 Luffe is -th-e leuest -th-ing . -th-(a)t our(e)
lorde axith [aaAx]
L: 1,178 Loue is -th-e leouest thyng . -th-at oure lord asketh
K: 1,178 Love is the levest thinge . that oure lord askyth
W: 1,178 Loue is -th-e leuest -th-ing . -th-at oure lord
aske-th- [aaAx]
N: 1,178 Loue is -th-e leuest -th-ing . -th-(a)t our(e) lorde
axe-th- [aaAx]
E: 1,178 Love is -th-e leuest -th-ing . at owr lord askys
A: 1,178 Loue is -th-e leuyst -th-ing ; -th-at oure lord
askith [aaAx]
M: 1,178 Loue is leu(er)ist -th-yng . -th-at our(e) lord
askyt [aaAx]
T: 1,179 And ek [th]e grai[th] gate [th](a)t go[th] into heuene
H2: 1,179 And eke -th-e grai-th- gate . -th-(a)t goth into
heuene [aaAx]
Ch: 1,179 And eke the graythe gate . -th-at go-th- into heuen
D: 1,179 And eke -th-e grayth gate . -th-(a)t go-th- into
heuene [aaAx]
U: 1,179 And eek -th-e greytheste gate . -th-at goth into
heuene [aaAx]
V: 1,179 --- this line om --
H: 1,179 & eke -th-e redyest waye . -th-at go-th- into
heuen [aaAx]
J: 1,179 & eke -th-e gate grethed . -th-(a)t goth into
heuene [aaAx]
L: 1,179 And eke -th-e greithe gate . -th-at goth vp into
heouen [aaAx]
K: 1,179 And eke the gret gate . that goyth into hevyne [aaAx]
W: 1,179 And ek -th-e gracieuse gate . -th-at into heuene
lede-th- [aaAx]
N: 1,179 And eke -th-e g(ra)ciouse gate . -th-(a)t go-th-
i(n)to heuene [aaAx]
E: 1,179 And also -th-e grettest gate . -th-(a)t goys vnto
heuen [aaAx]
A: 1,179 And eke -th-e grettest gate ; -th-at goth into heuene
M: 1,179 & ek -th-e geynyist gate . -th-at got into heuene
T: 1,180 ffor[th]i I sei[gh]e as I seide er be si[gh]te of
[th]ise tixtes
H2: 1,180 ffor-th-i I seye as seide er . ben sith of -th-ese
tixtes [aaAx]
Ch: 1,180 ffor I sey as I saide er . by si-gh-t of -th-es
tixtes [aaAx]
D: 1,180 ffor-th-y y say as y sayde here . be si-gh-t of
-th-e textes [aaAx]
U: 1,180 -Th-(er)fore y seie as y seide er . by sighte of
-th-ese textes [aaAx]
V: 1,180 --- this line om --
H: 1,180 for-th-i I seye as I er seyde . by si-gh-t of -th-e
tyxtes [aaAx]
J: 1,180 -Th-(er)fore I sey as I seyde ere . be syht of -th-is
tixtes [aaAx]
L: 1,180 ffor-th-y y say as I er saide . by sight of -th-e
tixtes [aaAx]
K: 1,180 fforthy I say as I said are . by sight of thes textes
W: 1,180 ffor -gh-it I say as I sayde . be sith of -th-e
textes [aaAx]
N: 1,180 ffor -gh-it I seie as I seide . bi si-gh-te of -th-e
textes [aaAx]
E: 1,180 ffor -th-i I say as I sayd ar . be -th-is text [aaAx]
A: 1,180 ffor I sey as I seyde ; er be -th-e tyxtis [aaAx]
M: 1,180 ffor -th-ey I seye as I seyde er . be -th-e tyxt
T: 1,181 Whan alle tresouris arn tri[gh]ede treu[th]e is [th]e
H2: 1,181 Whan al t(re)so(ur)s are tried . treuth is -th-e
beste [aaAx]
Ch: 1,181 When al tresours ben tryed . trew-th-e is -th-e
best [aaAx]
D: 1,181 Whanne al tresoure is tryed . treuthe is -th-e beste
U: 1,181 Whan alle tresours arn triede . treuthe is -th-e
beste [aaAx]
V: 1,181 --- this line om --
H: 1,181 when alle tresoures ben tryed . tru-th-e is -th-e
best [aaAx]
J: 1,181 Qwan alle -th-(er) tresors ben tried . treuth is
-th-e best [aaAx]
L: 1,181 When alle tresours arn tried . treuthe is -th-e
beste [aaAx]
K: 1,181 Whan al tresures arn tryed . trewthe is the best
W: 1,181 Whan alle tresours be tried . treu-th- is -th-e
best [aaAx]
N: 1,181 Whan alle treso(ur)e is [y]tried . trw-th-e is -th-e
beste [aaAx]
E: 1,181 when al treso(ur)s er tried . trouth is -th-e best
A: 1,181 Whan alle tresor is tried ; trew-th-e is -th-e best
M: 1,181 Whan alle tresors arn tryed . -th-ane truthe is
-th-e beste [aaAx]
T: 1,182 Now haue I told [th]e what treu[th]e is [th](a)t no
treso(ur) is bet(er)e
H2: 1,182 Now I tolde -th-e what trew-th-e is . -th-(a)t
no t(re)sour is better(e) [aaAx]
Ch: 1,182 Now haue I tolde the what trewthe is . and no tresour
is better [aaAx]
D: 1,182 Now haue I told what treu-th-e is . -th-(a)t no
tresour is bett(er) [aaAx]
U: 1,182 Now haue y told -th-e what treuthe is . -th-(a)t
no tresour is bet(er)e [aaAx]
V: 1,182 --- this line om --
H: 1,182 Now haue I -th-ee tolde what tru-th-e is no tresour(e)
is better [aaAx]
J: 1,182 Now haue I told qwat t(re)wthe is . -th-(a)t non
tresor is bett(er) [aaAx]
L: 1,182 Now haue y tolde -th-e what treuthe is . -th-(a)t
no tresour is bettr[e] [aaAx]
K: 1,182 Now haue I told the what trewth is . that no treso(ur)
is better [aaAx]
W: 1,182 Now haue I told -th-e what treu-th- is . -th-at
no tresour is bettre [aaAx]
N: 1,182 Now haue I tolde -th-e what trew-th-e is . -th-(a)t
no treso(ur) is betere [aaAx]
E: 1,182 Now haue I tald qwat trouth is . no treso(ur) bett(er)
A: 1,182 Now haue I told what trew-th-e is ; is non tresor
bettir [aaAx]
M: 1,182 Now haue I teld what treuthe is . ne is no(n) tr(e)sur(e)
bet(er)e [aaAx]
T: 1,183 I may no leng(er)e lenge now loke [th]e oure lord
H2: 1,183 I may no leng(er)e lenge . now loke -th-e our(e)
lord [aaAx]
Ch: 1,183 I may no lenger leng . now loke -th-e oure lorde
D: 1,183 I may no lenger(e) lengen . loke by oure lord [aaAx]
U: 1,183 I may no lengere duellen . now loke -th-e our lord
V: 1,183 --- this line om --
H: 1,183 I may no leng(ur) lende . but loke -th-ou loue oure
lord [aaAx]
J: 1,183 I may no lengyr lendyn . now loke -th-e our(e) lorde
L: 1,183 I may no lengor lenge . now oure lord -th-e mote
loke [aaAx]
K: 1,183 I may no lenger lenge . now loke the our lord [aaAx]
W: 1,183 I may no lengere dwelle . now loke -th-e oure lorde
N: 1,183 I may no lenger lette . now loke -th-e our lorde
A: 1,183 I may no lengur lende ; lord loue -gh-ou alle [aaAx]
M: 1,183 I may no(n) leng(er)e lettyn . now loke -y-ou our(e)
lord [aaAx]
T: 2,1 [Y]et knelide I on my knes & cri[gh]ede hire of
H2: 2,1 -Gh-et kneled I on my knees . and c(ri)ede her(e)
of g(ra)ce [aaAx]
Ch: 2,1 -Gh-it knelid I on my knees . and cried her of grace
D: 2,1 -Gh-et knelyd I on my knes . & cryed here of grace
U: 2,1 -Y-it y knelid on my knees . and cride hir(e) of g(ra)ce
V: 2,1 Yit (kneled) I on my (knees) . and (cried) hire of
grace [aaAx]
H: 2,1 -gh-it kneled I on my knees . & p(ra)yed hir of
grace [aaAx]
J: 2,1 -gh-it y knelid on my knes . & cried her of g(ra)ce
L: 2,1 -Gh-et kneoled y on my kneoes . & cried hire of
grace [aaAx]
K: 2,1 Yet knelid I on my knene . & cried her of grace
W: 2,1 -Gh-it kneled I on knes . & criede here of grace
N: 2,1 -Gh-et I kneled on my knees . & cried hir of g(ra)ce
A: 2,1 And -gh-et I knelid on my knes . & preyd here
of grace [aaAx]
M: 2,1 -Gh-yt I knelyd on my knes . & preyd hyr(e) of
g(ra)ce [aaAx]
T: 2,2 And seide m(er)cy madame for marie loue of heuene
H2: 2,2 And seide m(er)cy madame . for mari loue of heuene
Ch: 2,2 And seide mercy madame . for mary loue of heuen [aaAx]
D: 2,2 And sayde mercy madame . for mary loue of heuene [aaAx]
U: 2,2 And seide m(er)ci madame . for mary loue of heuene
V: 2,2 And seide, (Madame) (Merci) . for (Maries) loue of
heuene [aaAx]
H: 2,2 & seyde mercye madame . for maryyes loue of heuen
J: 2,2 & seyd m(er)cy madame . for marie loue of heuyne
L: 2,2 And saide mercy madame . for mary loue of heouen [aaAx]
K: 2,2 And said m(er)cie madame . for mary loue of hevyne
W: 2,2 And sayde mercy madame . for maries sone of heuene
N: 2,2 & seid m(er)cy madame . for mari loue of heue(n)
A: 2,2 And seyde mercy madame . for mari loue of heuyn [aaAx]
M: 2,2 And seyde m(er)cy madame . for maries loue of heuene
T: 2,3 [Th](a)t bar [th]e blisside barn [th](a)t bou[gh]te
vs on [th]e rode
H2: 2,3 That bar the blesful barn . -th-(a)t bou-gh-te vs
on -th-e rode [aaaAx]
Ch: 2,3 -Th-at bare the blisful barne . -th-at bou-gh-t vs
on -th-e Rode [aaaAx]
D: 2,3 -Th-at bare -th-e blessyd barn . -th-(a)t bou-gh-te
ous on -th-e rode [aaaAx]
U: 2,3 -Th-at bar -th-e blisful barn . -th-at boughte on
-th-e rode [aaaAx]
V: 2,3 _Th_at (Bar) _th_e (blisful) (Barn) . _th_at (bou_g_t)
vs on _th_e Roode [aaaAx]
H: 2,3 -Th-at bare -th-at blysseful barn . -th-at bow-gh-t
us wi-th- his blood [aaaAx]
J: 2,3 -Th-(a)t bar(e) -th-e blissyd baru(n) . -th-(a)t bouht
us on rode [aaaAx]
L: 2,3 That bar -th-at blisful barn . -th-(a)t boghte vs
on rode [aaaAx]
K: 2,3 That bare the blissyd barne . that bowght vs on the
rode [aaaAx]
W: 2,3 That bar -th-e blyssid barn . -th-at bowght vs on
-th-e rode [aaaAx]
N: 2,3 -Th-(a)t bar(e) -th-e blisseful barne . -th-(a)t bou-gh-t
vs on -th-e rode [aaaAx]
A: 2,3 That bar -th-at blisful baron . -th-at boute vs on
-th-e rode [aaaAx]
M: 2,3 -Th-at bar -th-e blyssyd chyld . -th-(a)t bouth vs
on rode [aaaAx]
T: 2,4 Kenne me be sum craft to kenne [th]e false
H2: 2,4 Kenne me be su(m) craft . to kenne -th-e falsse [aaAx]
Ch: 2,4 Ken me be sum craft . to know -th-e fals [aaAx]
D: 2,4 Kenne me by some craft . to knowe -th-e false [aaAx]
U: 2,4 Ken me by som craft . to knowe -th-e false [aaAx]
V: 2,4 Teche me _th_e (kuynde) (craft) . forte (knowe) _th_e
false [aaAx]
H: 2,4 teche me by kynde crafte . for to knowe -th-e false
J: 2,4 Kenne me su(m) c(ra)ft . to knowene -th-e fals [aaAx]
L: 2,4 Ken me by su(m) kraft . to kenne -th-eo false [aaAx]
K: 2,4 Kenne me by sum craft . to knowe the ffals [aaAx]
W: 2,4 Kenne me be som craft . to knowe -th-e fals [aaAx]
N: 2,4 Ke(n)ne me be forme craft . to know -th-e false [aaAx]
A: 2,4 Kenne me sum crafte ; for to knowe -th-e falce [aaAx]
M: 2,4 Kenne me be sum craft . to knowyn by -th-e false [aaAx]
T: 2,5 Loke on [th]i left half & lo where he standis
H2: 2,5 Loke on -th-i left half q(uo)d he . and lo wher(e)
he standith [aaAx]
Ch: 2,5 Loke on -th-i left half . and lo where he stande-th-
D: 2,5 Loke on -th-y left hand . & se wher he standes
U: 2,5 Loke on -th-e left q(uo)d sche . & see whar(e)
-th-ei stonde [aaAx]
V: 2,5 (Loke) on _th_e (lufthond) quod heo . and (seo) wher
heo (stonde_th_) [aaBb]
H: 2,5 Loke on -th-i lifte honde quo-th- heo . & see
whar(e) -th-ei stonden [aaAx]
J: 2,5 Loke on -th-in laft hande q(uo)d sche . & se qwer(e)
hy stondy(n)n [aaAx]
L: 2,5 Loke on -th-y lifte half . lo wher ho stondeth [aaAx]
K: 2,5 Loke on thy lefte halfe . & see wher he stondith
W: 2,5 Loke on -th-i left half q(uo)d she . lo where he sto(n)des
N: 2,5 Loke on -th-i left half . & se were he stande-th-
A: 2,5 lo where -th-ei standyn bo-th-e false & fauel
M: 2,5 lo qwer(e) -th-ey stondyn bo-th-yn -th-e false & -th-e
faylande [aaAx]
T: 2,6 Bo[th]e fals & fauel & hise feris manye
H2: 2,6 Bothe fals and fauel . and his feris manye [aaAx]
Ch: 2,6 Bo-th-e fals and fauel . and his feres many [aaAx]
D: 2,6 Bo-th-e false & fauel . & his feres manye
U: 2,6 Bothe fals and fauel . and his feres manye [aaAx]
V: 2,6 Bo_th_e (ffals) and (ffauuel) . and al his hole Meyne
H: 2,6 Bo-th-e false & fawuel . & alle her hool meynee
J: 2,6 Bothe false & fawuell . & his feris many [aaAx]
L: 2,6 Bothe fals & fauuel . & his feres manye [aaAx]
K: 2,6 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 2,6 Bo-th-e fals & fikill . & his fers many [aaAx]
N: 2,6 Bo-th-e false & fauel . & his feris manye
A: 2,6 And here feris many ; vnfeythfully to knowe [aaAx]
M: 2,6 & many of her(e) ferys vnfeythful to knowyn [aaAx]
T: 2,7 I lokide on [th](a)t left half as [th](a)t lady me tau[gh]te
H2: 2,7 I loked on that left half . as -th-(a)t ladi me tau-gh-te
Ch: 2,7 I loked on -th-e left half . and -th-at ladi me tau-gh-t
D: 2,7 I lokede on my left half . as -th-e lady me tau-gh-te
U: 2,7 Y lokid on my left half . as -th-e lady me taughte
V: 2,7 I (lokede) on _th_e (luft) half . as _th_e (ladi)
me tauhte [aaAx]
H: 2,7 I loked on my lyft hond . as -th-e lady me tau-gh-te
J: 2,7 I loked on myn left halfe . als -th-(a)t lady me tauht
L: 2,7 y loked on my lifte half . als -th-at lady me taghte
K: 2,7 I lokyd on my lefte half . as that lady me tawght
W: 2,7 I loked on my left half . as -th-at lady badde [aaAx]
N: 2,7 I loked on my left alf . as -th-(a)t lady me tau-gh-t
A: 2,7 I lokid on my lyfte halfe ; as -th-e lady me taut
M: 2,7 I lokyd on my(n) left half . as -th-at lady taughte
T: 2,8 And was war of a wo(m)man wondirliche clo[th]ide
H2: 2,8 And was war of a wo(m)man . wondirliche clothid [aaAx]
Ch: 2,8 And was ware of a woman . wondirlich clo-th-ed [aaAx]
D: 2,8 And was waar of a woma(n) . wondirly clo-th-ed [aaAx]
U: 2,8 And I was war of a wo(m)man . wundirly atired [aaAx]
V: 2,8 _Th_enne was I (war) of a (wommon) . (wonderliche)
clo_th_ed [aaAx]
H: 2,8 -th-en was I war of a wo(m)man . was wondurly clo-th-ed
J: 2,8 & was war(e) of a womman . wonderlych clothide
L: 2,8 [A]nd was war of a wo(m)mon . wondurly clothed [aaAx]
K: 2,8 And was ware of a woman . wond(ir)ly of Iclothid [aaAx]
W: 2,8 And was war of a woman . wonderly clo-th-ed [aaAx]
N: 2,8 And was war of a woman . wondirlyche yclo-th-id [aaAx]
A: 2,8 And was worthily war of a woman . fayre clo-th-id
M: 2,8 I was war of a woman . worthliche Iclo-th-yd [aaAx]
T: 2,9 Ipurfilid wi[th] pelure [th]e pureste in er[th]e
H2: 2,9 Ipurfilyd wit pelure . -th-e purest in erthe [aaAx]
Ch: 2,9 Ipurfuled with pelour . purest on erthe [aaAx]
D: 2,9 ypurfyled w(i)t(h) pello(ur) . -th-e purest on erthe
U: 2,9 P(ur)filed with pelure . -th-e pureste on erthe [aaAx]
V: 2,9 (Purfylet) with (pelure) . _th_e ricchest vppon eor_th_e
J: 2,9 Ipelurid w(i)t(h) pelur(e) . -th-e finest of erthe
L: 2,9 ypurfiled wi-th- peolour . -th-e puyrest apon eorthe
K: 2,9 Ipurfelid w(i)t(h) pelury . the purest on erth [aaAx]
W: 2,9 ypurfiled wi-th- pelour . -th-e purest on er-th-e
N: 2,9 Ipurfyled wi-th- pellur(e) . -th-e purest on er-th-e
A: 2,9 Ipurid w(i)t(h) pellure ; -th-e purest ::: erde [aaAx]
M: 2,9 Ifurryd wyt pelur(e) . -th-e purest on erthe [aaAx]
T: 2,10 Icorounid in a coroune [th]e king ha[th] non bet(er)e
H2: 2,10 Icorounid in a corone . -th-e kyng ha-th- no bett(er)e
Ch: 2,10 Icrowned with a crown . -th-e king hathe no better
D: 2,10 Crouned w(i)t(h) a Coroune . -th-(a)t kyng hath no
bett(er) [aaAx]
U: 2,10 Corowned wi-th- a coroune . -th-e kyng ha-th- no
bet(er)e [aaAx]
V: 2,10 (I-Corouned) with a (Coroune) . _th_e (kyng) ha_th_
no bettre [aaAx]
J: 2,10 Corounyd in a corou(n) . -th-e kyng hath non bett(er)
L: 2,10 Crouned wi-th- a coroune, . -th-e kyng hath non bettre
K: 2,10 Icrownyd w(i)t(h) a Crowne . the kyng hath no bett(er)
W: 2,10 ycorouned in a trone . -th-e kyng ha-th- no(n) bettre
N: 2,10 Ycrowned wi-th- a crowne . -th-e kyng ha-th- no(n)
bettre [aaAx]
A: 2,10 Croundid w(i)t(h) a coroune . -th-e kyng hath no
better [aaAx]
M: 2,10 Corounyd w(i)t(h) a corou(n) . -th-e kyng hat no(n)
bet(er)e [aaAx]
T: 2,11 Alle here fyue fyngris were frettid wi[th] rynges
H2: 2,11 Alle her(e) fyue fyngres . weren fryttid w(i)t(h)
rynges [aaAx]
Ch: 2,11 Alle her fyue fyngres . wer frette with Rynges [aaAx]
D: 2,11 Alle here fyue fyngers . were frettet w(i)t(h) rynges
U: 2,11 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 2,11 Alle hir (ffyue) (ffyngres) . weore (frettet) with
Rynges [aaAx]
J: 2,11 Alle hir(e) fyue fyngris . weryn frettyt w(i)t(h)
ryngys [aaAx]
L: 2,11 Alle hire fyue fyngres . were fetred wi-th- rynges
K: 2,11 Al her fyue fyng(ri)s . weren freten w(i)t(h) Ryng(es)
W: 2,11 Al here fiue fyngres . yfretted wi-th- rynges [aaAx]
N: 2,11 Alle her(e) fyue fyngres . were fretted wi-th- rynges
A: 2,11 Alle here fyue fyngeris ; were federid w(i)t(h) ryngis
M: 2,11 Alle hyr(e) fyue fyngerys . weryn frettyd w(i)t(h)
ryngys [aaAx]
T: 2,12 Of [th]e pureste p(er)rei[gh]e [th](a)t p(ri)nce werde
H2: 2,12 Of -th-e purest p(er)ry . -th-e p(ri)nce weryd eu(er)e
Ch: 2,12 Of -th-e purest perrey . -th-at princes wered euer
D: 2,12 Of -th-e purest perry . -th-e p(ri)nce wered eu(er)e
U: 2,12 Of -th-e purest perre . -th-at p(ri)nce weride eu(er)e
V: 2,12 Of _th_e (preciousest) (perre) . _th_at (prince)
wered euere [aaAx]
J: 2,12 Of -th-e purest perry . -th-(a)t p(ri)nce weryd eu(er)e
L: 2,12 Of riche rubies wel rede and o-th-ir feole stones
K: 2,12 Of the purest perrie . that p(ri)nce werid euer [aaAx]
W: 2,12 Of -th-e purest perreye . -th-at prince wered euere
N: 2,12 Of -th-e purest perre . -th-(a)t p(ri)nce wered eure
A: 2,12 Of -th-e ::::: perre ; -th-e prince werid eu(er)
M: 2,12 Of -th-e -th-e purest perr(e) . -th-e p(ri)nce weryd
euer(e) [aaAx]
T: 2,13 In red scarlet robid & ribande wi[th] gold
H2: 2,13 In a reed scarlate robe . and riband wit gold [aaAx]
Ch: 2,13 In red scarlet Robed . Rebaned with golde [aaAx]
D: 2,13 In red scarlet robed . & ribande w(i)t(h) golde
U: 2,13 In roed scarlet robyd . rybanyd with golde [aaAx]
V: 2,13 In (Red) Scarlet heo (Rod) . (I-Rybaunt) with gold
H: 2,13 In reed scarlet heo rode rybande wi-th- golde
J: 2,13 In a red scarlet cote . & ryband w(i)t(h) golde
L: 2,13 In red scarlet robed . and wi-th- gold rebended [aaAx]
K: 2,13 In a red skarlet robe . & ribande w(i)t(h) golde
W: 2,13 In red skarlet yrobed . ribande wi-th- gold [aaAx]
N: 2,13 In red scarlet yrobed . & rybaned wi-th- golde
A: 2,13 ;;;;;;; scharled round robe ; and rebaund w(i)t(h)
golde [aaAx]
M: 2,13 In a reed scarlet roobe . riband w(i)t(h) gold [aaAx]
H: 2,9 purfyled wi-th- peloure . -th-e richest upon er-th-e [aaAx]
H: 2,12 py-gh-te ful of p(er)rye . & of preciouse stoones [aaAx]
H: 2,10 Crowned wi-th- a crowne . -th-e kynge ha-th- no bett(er) [aaAx]
H: 2,11 Alle her fyue fyng(er)es . were fretted wi-th- ryng(us)
H: 2,11 of reed gold so ryche redilyche I dy-gh-te
H: 2,11 wi-th- p(re)cyouse stoones so stoute stondynge -th-er
T: 2,14 [Th](er)e nis no quen queynt(er)e [th](a)t quyk is
o lyue
H2: 2,14 -Th-(er) nys no quene quey(n)tur . -th-(a)t quyk
is on lyue [aaAx]
Ch: 2,14 -Th-er is no quen quaynter . -th-at quyk is on liue
D: 2,14 -th-(er) nys no quen queynter(e) . -th-(a)t quyk
is on lyue [aaAx]
U: 2,14 -Th-(er)e is no quene queynter(e) . -th-at quyk is
on lyue [aaAx]
V: 2,14 _Th_er nis no (Qweene) (qweyntore) . _th_at (quik)
is alyue [aaAx]
H: 2,14 -Th-er is no qwene koynter . -th-at qwycke is on
lyue [aaAx]
J: 2,14 -Th-(er) is no que(n) q(ue)ynter(e) . -th-at quyk
es on lyue [aaAx]
L: 2,14 -Th-er is no quoyntre qwene . -th-at quyk is on lyue
K: 2,14 Ther is no quene qwaynto(ur) . that quyk is alyve
W: 2,14 Ther nys no queyn queynt(er) . -th-at quyk is on
liue [aaAx]
N: 2,14 Ther nis no quene queynter . -th-(a)t quykke is alyue
A: 2,14 ::her is no quene queynter ; -th-at quik is on lyfe
M: 2,14 -Th-er(e) nys no(n) qwen qweynter(e) . -th-(a)t qwyc
is on lyue [aaAx]
T: 2,15 What is [th]is wo(m)man q(ua)[th] I [th]us wor[th]ily
H2: 2,15 What is -th-is wo(m)man q(uo)d I . -th-us wort[h]ly
atyred [aaAx]
Ch: 2,15 What is -th-is woman q(uo)d I . -th-us worthly atired
D: 2,15 What is -th-is woma(n) q(ou)d I . so wor-th-yly Atyred
U: 2,15 What is -th-is wo(m)man q(uo)d y . so wonderliche
atired [aaAx]
V: 2,15 (What) is _th_is (wommon) quod I . _th_us (wonderliche)
A-tyret [aaAx]
H: 2,15 What is -th-is wo(m)mon quo-th- I . -th-us wondurly
atyred [aaAx]
J: 2,15 Qwat is -th-is wo(m)man q(uo)d I . so wor-th-ilich
atyryde [aaAx]
L: 2,15 What is -th-is wo(m)mon q(uo)d I . so wortheliche
atired [aaAx]
K: 2,15 What is this woma(n)n q(uo)d I . so worthely atyred
W: 2,15 What is -th-is woman q(uo)d I . so worthily atired
N: 2,15 Wat is -th-is woman q(uo)d I . so wonderlyche attired
A: 2,15 ::hat is -th-at woman quot I ; -th-(a)t is -th-(us)
worthily atyred [aaAx]
M: 2,15 Wat woman is -th-(a)t q(uo)d I . so gentely ateryd
T: 2,16 [Th]at is mede [th]e maide ha[th] noi[gh]ede me ful
H2: 2,16 That is mede -th-e mayde [qod she] . ha-th- noyede
me ful ofte [aaXx]
Ch: 2,16 -Th-at is mede -th-e maide . hath noied me wel ofte
D: 2,16 That is mede -th-e mayde . ha-th- noyed me wel ofte
U: 2,16 -Th-at is mede -th-e maiden . ha-th- noyed me ful
ofte [aaXx]
V: 2,16 _Th_at is (Meede) _th_e (Mayden) quod heo . _th_at
ha_th_ me (marred) ofte [aaAx]
H: 2,16 -Th-at is mede -th-e mayde q(uo)-th- heo . -th-at
ha-th- anoy-gh-ed me ofte [aaXx]
J: 2,16 -Th-(a)t is mede -th-e mayden . hath noyede me ful
ofte [aaXx]
L: 2,16 -Th-at is mede -th-e maiden . hath [noyed] fol ofte
K: 2,16 That is mede the mayde . hath noyyd me wel ofte [aaXx]
W: 2,16 -Th-at is mede -th-e made . -th-at ha-th- noied me
ful ofte [aaXx]
N: 2,16 -Th-at is mede -th-e maide . ha-th- niyed me oft
A: 2,16 ::t is mede -th-e mayde ; -th-at greuyth me ofte
M: 2,16 -Th-at is a maydyn hyth med q(uo)d sche . -th-(a)t
me hat greuyd ofte [aaXx]
T: 2,17 And lakkide my lore to lordis aboute
H2: 2,17 And lakkyd my lor(e) . to lordes aboute [aaAx]
Ch: 2,17 And lakked my lore . to lordes aboute [aaAx]
D: 2,17 And lakked my lore . to lordes aboute [aaAx]
U: 2,17 And lakkid my lore . to lordis aboute [aaAx]
V: 2,17 And (I-lakked) my (lore) . to (lordes) aboute [aaAx]
H: 2,17 & ylacked my lore . to lordys aboute [aaAx]
J: 2,17 & lacked myn lore . to lordes aboute [aaAx]
L: 2,17 And lakked lodlich my lore . to lordes aboute [aaAx]
K: 2,17 And lackyd my lore . to lord(is) aboute [aaAx]
W: 2,17 And lakked my lore . to lordes aboute [aaAx]
N: 2,17 And lakked my lore . to lordes aboute [aaAx]
A: 2,17 And eke lackith my lore . to lordis aboute [aaAx]
M: 2,17 And also lackyd my(n) lor(e) . to lordys aboutyn
T: 2,18 In [th]e popis paleis heo is p(re)uy as myselue
H2: 2,18 In -th-e popes palys . he is p(re)uy as my selue
Ch: 2,18 In -th-e popes palaise . sche is preue as my self
D: 2,18 In -th-e popes paleys . sche is p(re)uy as my selue
U: 2,18 In -th-e popes paleys . sche is p(ri)ue as my selue
V: 2,18 In _th_e (pope) (paleys) heo is . as (priue) as my-seluen
H: 2,18 In -th-e poopis palis . heo is as pryuye as my sylue
J: 2,18 In -th-e popys paleys . p(re)ue as my selue [aaAx]
L: 2,18 Heo is more pryue wi-th- -th-e pope -th-an y am my
seolue [aaAx]
K: 2,18 In the papes palays . she is p(re)vye as my self
W: 2,18 She is [in] -th-e popes paleys as priue as my self
N: 2,18 In -th-e popis palis . she is pryuei as my selfe
A: 2,18 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,18 In -th-e popis palays . as p(re)uy as my seluyn [aaAx]
T: 2,19 And so shulde it not be for wrong was hire sire
H2: 2,19 And so schulde he nou-gh-t be for wrong was her(e)
syr(e) [xxXx]
Ch: 2,19 And so schuld sche nou-gh-t be for wrong was her
si-gh-te [xxXx]
D: 2,19 And so schuld it nou-gh-t be for wrong was here syre
U: 2,19 And so schuld sche noght . for wrong was here sire
V: 2,19 And so schulde heo nou_g_t . for wrong was hir syre
H: 2,19 & so schulde heo nou-gh-te . for wronge was hir
syre [xxXx]
J: 2,19 & so scholde sche nouth be(n) for wrong was h(er)e
syr(e) [xxXx]
L: 2,19 And so schulde heo not beon for wrong was hire fadir
K: 2,19 And so schuld sche not be for wronge is her syre
W: 2,19 And so shold she noght for wrong was here syre [xxXx]
N: 2,19 And so scholde sche nou-gh-t be for wro(n)g was hir
syre [xxXx]
A: 2,19 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,19 And so schuld sche not be for wrong was hir(e) syr(e)
T: 2,20 Out of wrong heo wex to wro[th](er)hele manye
H2: 2,20 Ou-gh-t of wrong he wax . to wrotherhele many [aaAx]
Ch: 2,20 Out of wrong sche wex . to wro-th-erhele many [aaAx]
D: 2,20 Oute of wrong he wax . to wrotherhele manye [aaAx]
U: 2,20 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 2,20 In-to (wrong) heo (wox) . to (wro_th_erhele) monye
H: 2,20 Oute of wronge heo waxe . to wro-th-erhele manye
J: 2,20 Oute of wrong sche wex . to wro-th-(er)hayl many
L: 2,20 Oute of wrong heo wax . to wrotherhele manye [aaAx]
K: 2,20 Oute of wronge sche woxe . to wrotherheale manye
W: 2,20 Oute of wrong she wex . to wro-th-(er)hele many [aaAx]
W: 2,20 [C:III,28] ffor shal -th-er neu(er)e brere bere berie
as a vine
W: 2,20 [C:III,29] Ne on a cooked kene -th-oru kynde figes
N: 2,20 Out of wrong sche wex to wro-th-(er)haile many
N: 2,20 [C:II,27a] { Qualis pater talis filius }
N: 2,20 [C:II,28] ffor shal neuer(e) brere bere beye as a
N: 2,20 [C:II,29] Ne on a croked -th-orne kynde fygge waxe
N: 2,20 [C:II,29a] { Arbor bona bonu(m) fructu(m) facit }
A: 2,20 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,20 And wyt wrong sche wex . out wrotherhele manye [aaAx]
T: 2,21 I au[gh]te ben hi[gh]ere [th]anne heo for I com of
a bet(er)e
H2: 2,21 I au-gh-te ben hy-gh-ere . -th-an he for I com of
a bettere [aaAxx]
Ch: 2,21 I au-gh-t be hi-gh-er . -th-an sche for I cam of
better [aaAxx]
D: 2,21 I ou-gh-te to ben heyere . -th-an sche for I come
of a bett(er) [aaAxx]
U: 2,21 I aughte to ben heyere . -th-an sche for y cam of
bet(er)e [aaAxx]
V: 2,21 Ich ouhte ben (herre) _th_en (heo) . (I) com of a
bettre [aaAxx]
H: 2,21 I au-gh-te to be hey-gh-er . -th-an heo I come of
an betere [aaAxx]
J: 2,21 I awte to ben hyer(e) . -th-an sche I kam of a better(e)
L: 2,21 I oght to beo herre . -th-an heo I com of a bettre
K: 2,21 I owght to be heygher . than sche I co(m)me of a
better [aaAxx]
W: 2,21 I oute ben hiere . -th-an she for I come of a betre
N: 2,21 I ou-gh-t ben herre . -th-a(n) sche for I come of
a bettre [aaAxx]
N: 2,21 [C:II,31] The fader -th-at me for-th-e brou-gh-t
{ filius dei } hote-th-
N: 2,21 [C:II,32] -Th-(a)t neu(er) louth ne lawghed in al
his lyf tyme
N: 2,21 [C:II,33] I am his dere dou-gh-ter duchesse of heuene
N: 2,21 [C:II,34] :::: ::: :: ::::: & my wille folewe-th-
N: 2,21 [C:II,35] Shal haue grace to mark ::::::::::::
: 2,21 [C:II,36] --- this line illegible
N: 2,21 [C:II,37] --- this line illegible ---
N: 2,21 [C:II,38] --- this line illegible ---
N: 2,21 [C:II,39] --- this line illegible ---
N: 2,21 [C:II,39a] --- this line illegible ---
A: 2,21 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,21 I haute to ben bet . -th-a(n) sche for I cam of -th-e
bet(er)e [aaAxx]
T: 2,22 Tomorewe wor[th] [th]e mariage mad of mede & of
H2: 2,22 Tomorwe worth the mariage mad . of mede & of
fals [aaaAx]
Ch: 2,22 To morn worth -th-e mariage made . of mede and of
falce [aaaAx]
D: 2,22 Tomorowe worthe -th-e mariage made . of mede & of
false [aaaAx]
U: 2,22 Tomorwe wurthe -th-e mariage mad . of mede & of
false [aaaAx]
V: 2,22 (To-morwe) wor_th_ _th_e (Mariage) (I-mad) . Of (Meede) & of
fals [aaaAx]
H: 2,22 To morne shal -th-e maryage be made . of mede & of
false [aaaAx]
J: 2,22 Tomorowe worth -th-e maryage made . of mede & of
fals [aaaAx]
L: 2,22 Tomorw woth mariage mad . of mede & of false
K: 2,22 Tomorowe worth the mariage made . of mede & of
fals [aaaAx]
W: 2,22 Now worth a mariage mad . of mede and of fals [aaaAx]
N: 2,22 --- this line illegible ---
A: 2,22 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,22 Tomorwen worth -th-e maryage mad . of hyr(e) & of
false [aaaAx]
T: 2,23 ffauel wi[th] fair speche ha[th] forgid hem togid(er)e
H2: 2,23 ffauel wit fayre speche . ha-th- forgit hem togydere
Ch: 2,23 ffauel with feire speche . ha-th-e ioyned hem togederes
D: 2,23 ffauel w(i)t(h) -th-e fayre speche . ha-th- forged
hem togydere [aaAx]
U: 2,23 ffauel wi-th- fair speche . ha-th- forged hem togydr(e)
V: 2,23 ffauuel with feir speche ha_th_ brou_g_t hem to-gedere
H: 2,23 ffawuel wi-th- his feyre speche . ha-th- brou-gh-t
hem togydre [aaAx]
J: 2,23 ffauel w(i)t(h) fayr(e) speche . hath forged hem
togydyr(e) [aaAx]
L: 2,23 ffawuel wi-th- fair speche . hath forged heom togedre
K: 2,23 ffavel w(i)t(h) fayer spech . hath forgett hem togeders
W: 2,23 ffavel wi-th- faire speche . ha-th- forged hem togedres
N: 2,23 --- this line illegible ---
A: 2,23 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,23 ffauel wyt hys fayr speche . hat fongid hem togeder(i)s
T: 2,24 Gile ha[th] begon hire so heo g(ra)unti[th] alle his
H2: 2,24 Gyle ha-th- begon here so . he g(ra)unteth al his
wylle [aaAx]
Ch: 2,24 Gyle hathe begon her so . sche graunte-th- al his
wille [aaAx]
D: 2,24 Gyle ha-th- begon here so . sche g(ra)unte-th- al
his wille [aaAx]
U: 2,24 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 2,24 And (Gyle) ha_th_ (bi-gon) hire so . heo (graunte_th_)
al his wille [aaAx]
H: 2,24 & gyle ha-th- bygon hir so . heo graunte-th-
al his wille [aaAx]
J: 2,24 Gile hath so begon h(er)e . sche graunted his wille
L: 2,24 Gyle hath bygon here so . heo graunteth al his wille
K: 2,24 Gyle hath begone her so . sche g(ra)untyth al his
wille [aaAx]
W: 2,24 And gile ha-th- begon her so . she graunte-th- al
his wille [aaAx]
N: 2,24 --- this line illegible ---
A: 2,24 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,24 Gyle hat ben forgor(e) . & grantyd alle her(e)
welle [aaAx]
T: 2,25 And al is li[gh]eris ledyng [th](a)t hy li[gh]en togid(er)is
H2: 2,25 And al his lieres ledyng . -th-(a)t ly-gh-en togyderes
Ch: 2,25 And al is it lie-gh-ers ledyng . -th-at -th-ey lie-gh-en
togederes [aaAx]
D: 2,25 And al his lyeres ledyng . -th-(a)t -th-ey lyen togideres
U: 2,25 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 2,25 And al is (li_g_eres) (ledynge) . _th_at heo (leuen)
to-gedere [aaAx]
H: 2,25 & al is ly-gh-aris ledynge . -th-at -th-ei lyue
so togydre [aaAx]
J: 2,25 And al is lyeris ledyng . -th-(a)t hy lyen togidere
L: 2,25 And al is liers ledyng . -th-at -th-ay lyuen togedre
K: 2,25 And al is liars ledynge . that thay lyen together
W: 2,25 And al his liers lore . -th-at lede-th- hem togederes
N: 2,25 And al is lyars ledyng . -th-(a)t -th-ei shal lye
togydre [aaAx]
A: 2,25 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,25 And is lyers ledyng . -th-(a)t -th-ey schal lygge
togeder(i)s [aaAx]
T: 2,26 Tomorewe wor[th] [th]e mariage ymad as I [th]e telle
H2: 2,26 Tomorewe worth -th-e mariage . made as I -th-e telle
Ch: 2,26 Tomorn worthe -th-e mariage . made as I the telle
D: 2,26 Tomorowe worth -th-e ma(ra)ge . as y the telle [aaAx]
V: 2,26 (To-Morwe) wor_th_ _th_e (Mariage) (I-mad) . so_th_
as I _th_e telle [aaaXx]
H: 2,26 Tomorne schal -th-ei make -th-e maryage . sooth as
I -th-ee telle [aaAx]
J: 2,26 To morowene worth -th-e mariage . made soth I -th-e
telle [aaAx]
L: 2,26 Tomorewe wor-th- -th-e mariage . mad as I er of tolde
K: 2,26 Tomorowe worth the mariage . made as I the told [aaAx]
W: 2,26 Now worht -th-(er)e a mariage . made as I -th-e treuly
telle [aaAx]
N: 2,26 Tomorne worthe -th-e mariage . made as I -th-e telle
A: 2,26 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,26 Tomorwe worth -th-e mariage . mad as I telle [aaAx]
T: 2,27 [Th](er)e mi[gh]te [th](o)u wyte [y]if [th]ou wilt
whiche [th]ei ben alle
H2: 2,27 Ther my-gh-t -th-ou wyte if thow wylt . whiche -th-ei
ben alle [aaAx]
Ch: 2,27 -Th-er my-gh-t -th-ow wite -gh-if -th-ow wilt .
wiche -th-ey ben alle [aaAx]
D: 2,27 -th-(er) my-gh-t -th-(o)u wete yf -th-u wilt . which
-th-ey ben alle [aaAx]
V: 2,27 _Th_at _th_ou miht seo _g_if _th_ou (wolt) . (whuche)
_th_ei ben alle [aaAx]
H: 2,27 -Th-ere mayst -th-ou wite if -th-ou wolt . whuche
-th-ei be-th- alle [aaAx]
J: 2,27 -Th-(er) thow mayht witen I[f] -th-(o)u wilt . wiche
-th-ei ben alle [aaAx]
L: 2,27 -Th-(er) may -th-(o)u witen -gh-ef -th-ou wolt .
wich -th-ey beon alle [aaAx]
K: 2,27 Ther might thou wite if thow wolt . which thay ben
alle [aaAx]
W: 2,27 Ther mightestow wite -gh-if -th-ou will . whiche
-th-ai ben alle [aaAx]
N: 2,27 -Th-ere mi-gh-te -th-(o)u wyten if -th-(o)u wilt
. wiche -th-ei ben alle [aaAx]
A: 2,27 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,27 -Th-er myth -th-(o)u wetyn -y-yf -th-(o)u wylt .
wyche -th-ey ben alle [aaAx]
T: 2,28 [Th](a)t longi[th] to [th]e lordsshipe [th]e lasse & [th]e
H2: 2,28 That longet-gh- to -th-e lordschipe . -th-e lasse
and -th-e more [aaAx]
Ch: 2,28 -Th-at longen to -th-at lordschep . -th-e lesse
and -th-e more [aaAx]
D: 2,28 And lange-th- to -th-e lordschip . -th-e lasse & -th-e
more [aaAx]
V: 2,28 --- this line om --
H: 2,28 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 2,28 -Th-(a)t longyn to -th-(a)t lordship . -th-e lesse & -th-e
more [aaAx]
L: 2,28 -Th-at longon to -th-e lordschipe . -th-e lasse & -th-e
more [aaAx]
K: 2,28 That longeth to that lordschipe . the fals & the
more [aaAx]
W: 2,28 That longe[th] to -th-at lordshipe . -th-e lesse
and -th-e more [aaAx]
N: 2,28 That longe-th- to -th-(a)t lordship . -th-e lasse & -th-e
more [aaAx]
A: 2,28 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,28 -Th-at logyn to -th-at lor[d]chepe . -th-e lesse & -th-e
mor(e) [aaAx]
T: 2,29 Knowe hem [th](er)e [y]if [th](o)u canst and kep [th]e
from hem alle
H2: 2,29 Knowe he(m) -th-(er)e if thow ca(n)st . and kepe
-th-e from hem alle [aaAx]
Ch: 2,29 Know hem -th-er -gh-ef -th-ow canst . and kepe -th-e
from hem alle [aaAx]
D: 2,29 Knowe hem -th-(er)e yf -th-(o)u canst . and kepe
-th-e fro he(m) alle [aaAx]
V: 2,29 --- this line om --
H: 2,29 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 2,29 Know hem -th-(er) if -th-(o)u kanst . & kepe
-th-e fro hem alle [aaAx]
L: 2,29 Knowe heom -th-er -gh-ef -th-ou kanst . & kep
-th-e from heo(m) euere [aaAx]
K: 2,29 Knowen hem ther if thou canst . & kepe the from
them al [aaAx]
W: 2,29 Knowe hem -th-er -gh-if -th-ou canst . and kepe -th-e
fro hem alle [aaAx]
N: 2,29 Know hem -th-(er)e -gh-if -th-(o)u canst . & kepe
-th-e fro he(m) alle [aaAx]
A: 2,29 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,29 Knowe hym -y-yf -th-(o)u k[a]nst . & kep -th-e
from he(m) alle [aaAx]
T: 2,30 [Y]if [th]ou wilnest to wone wi[th] treu[th]e in his
H2: 2,30 If thow wyllyst to wone . with treu-th-e in ys blis
Ch: 2,30 -Gh-if -th-ow willest to wone . with crist In his
blisse [aaAxx]
D: 2,30 Yf -th-(o)u willest wone . w(i)t(h) treu-th-e in
his blysse [aaAxx]
V: 2,30 Bote _y_if _th_ow (wilne) to (wone) . (with) treu_th_e
in his Blisse [aaAxx]
H: 2,30 But if -th-ou wilnest to wone . wi-th- tru-th-e i(n)
his blysse [aaAxx]
J: 2,30 If -th-(o)u couet to wone . w(i)t(h) treuthe in his
blisse [aaAxx]
L: 2,30 -Gh-ef -th-(o)u wilnest to wone . wi-th- treuthe
in his blisse [aaAxx]
K: 2,30 Yif thou wolt wonye . with treuth & in his blisse
W: 2,30 -Gh-if -th-ow wilnist to wone . wi-th- treu-th- in
his blysse [aaAxx]
N: 2,30 -Gh-if -th-(o)u wilnest to wone . wi-th- trw-th-e
i(n) his blisse [aaAxx]
A: 2,30 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,30 -Y-yf -th-u wilt wonyn . w(i)t(h) treuthe in hys
blysse [aaAxx]
H: 2,30 lerne his lawe -th-at is so lele & si-th--th-e teche it fur-th-er
T: 2,31 I may no leng(er)e lette lord I [th]e bekenne
H2: 2,31 I may no leng(ur) lette . [god the] lord I -th-e
bekenne [aaAx]
Ch: 2,31 I may no lenger lette . our lorde I -th-e beken
D: 2,31 y may no lengere dwelle . lord y -th-e bekenne [aaAx]
V: 2,31 I may no (lengore) (lette) . vr (lord) Ich _th_e
bi-kenne [aaAx]
H: 2,31 I may no leng(ur) lende . oure lorde I -th-ee bytake
J: 2,31 I may no lenger(e) letyn . lorde I -th-e bekenne
L: 2,31 I may no lengor lette . bote lord y -th-e bykenne
K: 2,31 I may no leng(er) lett . lord I the bekenne [aaAx]
W: 2,31 I may no lengere let now . oure lord I -th-e bekenne
N: 2,31 I may no lenger lette . now lorde I -th-e bekenne
A: 2,31 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,31 I may no leng(er)e lettyn . our(e) lord I -th-e bekenne
T: 2,32 And become a good man for any coueitise I rede
H2: 2,32 And [to] become a good man . for any couetise I
rede [aaAx]
Ch: 2,32 And become a gode man . for any couatise I rede
D: 2,32 And become a good ma(n) . for ony coueytise I rede
V: 2,32 And (bi-come) a good mon . for eny (couetyse), ich
rede [axAx]
H: 2,32 loke -th-ou become a good man for any couetyse
J: 2,32 & become a gode man . for any couetys I rede
L: 2,32 And for any couetise bycom a goode mon y rede [aaAx]
K: 2,32 And becom a good ma(n) . for any couetise I rede
W: 2,32 Become a good man . I rede -th-e for any coueitise
N: 2,32 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 2,32 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,32 And become a good man . for ony -th-yng I rede [aaAx]
H: 2,32 When heo was me fro I loked & byhelde
T: 2,33 Alle [th]e riche reten(au)nce [th](a)t regni[th] wi[th]
H2: 2,33 Alle -th-e riche reten(au)nce . -th-at regneth wit
false [aaAx]
Ch: 2,33 Alle -th-e Riche retenaunce . -th-at regne-th- with
fals [aaAx]
D: 2,33 Al -th-e Riche retynau(n)ce . -th-(a)t reigne-th-
w(i)t(h) false [aaAx]
V: 2,33 Alle _th_is (Riche) (Retenauntes) . _th_at (Regneden)
with ffals [aaAx]
H: 2,33 & sawe al -th-at ryche retynaunce . -th-(a)t
regned wi-th- false [aaAx]
J: 2,33 Alle -th-e riche retenu . -th-(a)t reignyn w(i)t(h)
false [aaAx]
L: 2,33 Al -th-e ryche retynaunce . -th-at regneth with false
K: 2,33 Al the riche reten(a)nce . that reygnith w(i)t(h)
fals [aaAx]
W: 2,33 Now al -th-e riche retinaunce . -th-at wone-th- wi-th-
-th-e fals [aaAx]
N: 2,33 Now alle -th-e ryche Retenaunces . -th-(a)t regne-th-
w(i)t(h) -th-e false [aaAx]
A: 2,33 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,33 Al -th-e ryche retenaunce . -th-at regnyt w(i)t(h)
-th-e false [aaAx]
T: 2,34 Were beden to [th]e bedale on bo[th]e two sides
H2: 2,34 Weren bode to -th-e bridale . on both two sydes
Ch: 2,34 Weren bidde to the bridale . on bo-th-e -th-e two
sides [aaAx]
D: 2,34 Were bedyn to -th-e brydale . on bo-th-e two sydes
V: 2,34 Weoren (bede) to _th_e (Bruyt-ale) . on (Bo) two
_th_e sydes [aaAx]
H: 2,34 Were boden to -th-e brydale . on bo-th-e two sydes
J: 2,34 W(er)en bodyn to -th-(a)t bridale . on bo-th-in two
sydes [aaAx]
L: 2,34 Weore boden to -th-is bridale . on bo two -th-e sydes
K: 2,34 Weryn bodyn to this bridale . on both syd(es) [aaAx]
W: 2,34 Were beden to -th-e bredale . opon bothe sides [aaAx]
N: 2,34 Were boden to -th-e brydale . on bo-th-e two sydes
A: 2,34 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,34 Weren bodyn to -th-e brydhale . on bo-th-yn to sydys
T: 2,35 Sire symonye is assent to asele [th]e ch(art)res
H2: 2,35 Syre symonye is asent . [for] to ensele -th-e cha[r]t(ur)es
Ch: 2,35 Sir symony is assent . to assele -th-e charteres
D: 2,35 Syre Symonye is asent . to sele -th-e Chartres [aaAx]
V: 2,35 Sir (Simonye) is (of-sent) . to (asseale) _th_e Chartres
H: 2,35 Sir symonye was aftur sent . te seele -th-e charters
J: 2,35 Sir(e) symony was aft(er) sent . to selyn -th-o chart(er)
L: 2,35 Sir symony was sone sent . to sele -th-eo chartres
K: 2,35 Sir Symonye is sent for . to enseale the charters
W: 2,35 Sire simonie is Isent . to sele -th-e chartre [aaAx]
N: 2,35 Syre symonye is of sent . to seel -th-e chartres
A: 2,35 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,35 Syr(e) symony was of asseent . to selen -th-e charterys
T: 2,36 [Th](a)t fals & fauel be any fyn halden
H2: 2,36 That fals and fauel . be any fyn halden [aaAx]
Ch: 2,36 -Th-at fals and fauelle . by any fyne halden [aaAx]
D: 2,36 That fals & fauel . be ony fyn holden [aaAx]
V: 2,36 _Th_at (ffals) o_th_ur (ffauuel) . bi eny peyne heolden
H: 2,36 -Th-at false ou-th-(er) faufelle . by ony fyne holden
J: 2,36 -Th-(a)t fals & fauel . be ony fyne holdyn [aaAx]
L: 2,36 How false wold afyn rere & not wold he faile
L: 2,36 To -gh-eue al his lordschipes with londes & leodes
K: 2,36 That fals & favell . by any fyne holdyn [aaAx]
W: 2,36 Of all -th-at fals o-th-(er) favel . by any fine
holde-th- [aaAx]
N: 2,36 -Th-(a)t o-th-(er) fauel . by eny fyn holden [aaAx]
A: 2,36 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,36 -Th-at fals & fauel . be on fyn holdyn [aaAx]
T: 2,37 And feffe mede [th](er)wi[th] in mariage for eu(er)e
H2: 2,37 And feffe mede ther with . in mariage for eu(er)e
Ch: 2,37 And feffe mede -th-er with . in mariage for euer
D: 2,37 And feffe mede -th-(er)with . in mariage for eu(er)e
V: 2,37 And ffeffe (Meede) _th_er-with . In (Mariage) for
euere [axAx]
H: 2,37 to feffe mede -th-er wi-th- . in mariage for euere
J: 2,37 A(n)d feffe mede -th-(er) with . in mariage for eu(er)e
L: 2,37 And feoffe mede -th-ermyd . in mariage for euer [aaAx]
K: 2,37 And feffe mede thermydde . in mariage for eu(er)
W: 2,37 And feffe-th- mede -th-(er) wi-th- . in mariage for
eu(er)e [aaAx]
N: 2,37 And feffe mede -th-(er)myde . in mariage for eur(e)
A: 2,37 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,37 To enfeffyn -th-er wyt . in maryage -th-at maydyn
for euer(e) [aaAx]
T: 2,38 [Th](er) nas halle ne hous to herberwe [th]e peple
H2: 2,38 Ther nas halle ne hous . to herborw-gh- -th-e peple
Ch: 2,38 -Th-er nas halle ne hows . to herbarowe -th-e peple
D: 2,38 -Th-(er) nas halle ne hous . to herberwe in -th-e
peple [aaAx]
V: 2,38 Bote _th_er nas (halle) ne (hous) . _th_at miht (herborwe)
_th_e peple [aaAx]
H: 2,38 -Th-er nas halle ne hous . to harborowe -th-e pepule
J: 2,38 -Th-(er) ne was halle ne house . to herberwyn alle
-th-e peple [aaAx]
L: 2,38 -Th-er nas halle ne hous . to [herberwe] -th-eo people
K: 2,38 Ther nas halle ne house . to harborowe the people
W: 2,38 Ther nas hall(e) ne hous . to herberwe -th-e peple
N: 2,38 -Th-ere nas halle ne hows . to herberwe -th-e peple
A: 2,38 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,38 -Th-er(e) ne was halle ne bour . to resseyue -th-e
peple [aaAx]
T: 2,39 [Th]at iche feld nas ful of folk al aboute
H2: 2,39 THat eche feld nas ful . of folke alle [the] -gh-erde
aboute [aaAx]
Ch: 2,39 -Th-at eu(er)y felde nas fulle . of folke al aboute
D: 2,39 -Th-at eche feld was ful . of folk(es) al aboute
V: 2,39 _Th_at vche (feld) nas (ful) . of (ffolk) al a-boute
H: 2,39 -Th-at iche feeld nas filled . wi-th- folke al aboute
J: 2,39 -Th-at iche felde was ful . of folke al aboute [aaAx]
L: 2,39 -Th-at iche feild no was ful . of folk al aboute
K: 2,39 That eche feld nas ful . of folke al aboute [aaAx]
W: 2,39 That eche feld ne was ful . of folk al aboute [aaAx]
N: 2,39 -Th-(a)t iche felde ne was ful . of folke alle aboute
A: 2,39 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,39 -Th-at ichon was ful . of folk al abowtyn [aaAx]
T: 2,40 In myddis a mounteyne at mydmorewe tide
H2: 2,40 In myddis an mounteyne . at mydmorwe tyde [aaAx]
Ch: 2,40 In myddes a mounteyn . at mydmorow tide [aaAx]
D: 2,40 I myddes of a mountayn . at mydmorwe tide [aaAx]
V: 2,40 In (middes) on a (Mountayne) . at (Midmorwe) tyde
H: 2,40 In myddes of a mownteyne . at mydmorowe tyde [aaAx]
J: 2,40 In myddes a mou(n)teyn . at mydmorowe tyde [aaAx]
L: 2,40 In myddes a mounteyn . at mydmorw tyme [aaAx]
K: 2,40 In mydd(is) of a mountaynge . at myddmorewe tyde
W: 2,40 In -th-e middes of a mountayne . at mydmorwe tyde
N: 2,40 In myddes a mownteyn . at mydmorow tyde [aaAx]
A: 2,40 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,40 In myddys a mountaigne . at mydmorwe tyde [aaAx]
T: 2,41 Was pi[gh]t vp a pauyloun proud for [th]e nones
H2: 2,41 Was pi-gh-t upon a pauylon . a proud for -th-e nones
Ch: 2,41 Was pi-gh-t vp a pauyloun . proude for -th-e nones
D: 2,41 Was pi-gh-t vp a pauylou(n) . was proud for -th-e
nones [aaAx]
V: 2,41 Was (piht) vp a (Pauilon) . A (Proud) for _th_e nones
H: 2,41 Was py-gh-t up a pauylon . a prowde for -th-e noon(us)
J: 2,41 Was pyt vp a pauelyoune . proude for -th-e nonys
L: 2,41 Was pight vp a pauelou(n) . proud for -th-e nones
K: 2,41 Was pight vp a pavilioun . a prowde for the nonys
W: 2,41 Was pight vpp a pauilon . a prude for -th-e nones
N: 2,41 Was pi-gh-t vp a paviliou(n) . proud for -th-e nonis
A: 2,41 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,41 Was pyght vp a pauylon . proud fo -th-e nonys [aaAx]
T: 2,42 And ten [th]ousand of tentis teldit beside
H2: 2,42 And ten -th-ousand of tentis . teldit besyde [aaAx]
Ch: 2,42 And ten -th-ousand of tentis . Itelded besyde [aaAx]
D: 2,42 And ten -th-ousend of Tentes . teled bysedes [aaAx]
V: 2,42 And (Ten) _th_ousend of (Tentes) . (I-tilled) be-sydes
H: 2,42 & ten -th-ousand of tentis . ibeldyde for-th-
bisydes [aaAx]
J: 2,42 & ten -gh-owsyng of tentes . telid besyde [aaAx]
L: 2,42 And ten thousand of tentes . teilded by -th-er sides
K: 2,42 And tenne thousand of tent(is) . telden besid(es)
W: 2,42 Ten -th-ousand of tentes . telded bysides [aaAx]
N: 2,42 And x -th-ousand of tentis . telded bisides [aaAx]
A: 2,42 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,42 And ten -th-ousend of teltys . telt -th-er(e) besyde
T: 2,43 Of kni[gh]tes of cuntres of com(er)es aboute
H2: 2,43 ffor kny-gh-tes of contre . of comers aboute [aaAx]
Ch: 2,43 Of kni-gh-tis of contres . of comeres about [aaAx]
D: 2,43 Of kny-gh-tes of -th-e Contr(e) . of Comers aboute
V: 2,43 ffor (knihtes) of (Cuntre) . and (Comers) aboute
H: 2,43 for kny-gh-tes and -th-e contrey . & comers aboute
J: 2,43 Of knyhtes of cuntrees . of kom(er)ys aboute [aaAx]
L: 2,43 ffor of -th-e contrey . & comuners aboute [aaAx]
K: 2,43 Of knight(es) of cuntreis . of co(m)muners aboute
W: 2,43 Of knyghtes of contres . of comun(er)es aboute [aaAx]
N: 2,43 Of kni-gh-tghes of co(n)tres . of comonners aboute
A: 2,43 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,43 ffor knythys of cuntr(e) . & comerys abouten
T: 2,44 ffor siso(ur)s for someno(ur)s for selleris for beggeris
H2: 2,44 ffor sisours for sompno(ur)s . for sillers for beggers
H2: 2:44 And for flat(er)yng freres . alle [the] four(e)
Ch: 2,44 ffor sisours for somnours . for sellers for beggers
D: 2,44 ffor sysours for somno(ur)s . for sellers for beggeres
V: 2,44 ffor (Sisours) for (Sumnors) . for (Sullers) for
Buggers [aaAx]
H: 2,44 ffor sysoures for sompnours . for sellers for biggers
J: 2,44 ffor sysours for someno(ur)s . for selleris & bigg(er)is
L: 2,44 ffor sisors for so(m)pnors . for seollers & buyers
K: 2,44 ffor cysoures for sumno(ur)s . for sellars for byars
W: 2,44 ffor sysours for somnours . for sellers for byggers
N: 2,44 ffor sisours for someno(ur)s . for sellars for biggars
A: 2,44 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,44 ffor sisouris for so(m)nours . for sellerys for beggerys
W: 2,44 ffor beggers for borwers & for many o-th-er
T: 2,45 ffor lerid for lewid for labo(ur)eris of [th]ropis
H2: 2,45 ffor lerid for lewyd . for laborers of -th-ropes
Ch: 2,45 ffor lered for lewde . for labourers of -th-ropes
D: 2,45 ffor lered for lawed . for labores of -th-orpes [aaAx]
V: 2,45 ffor (lewede) for (lerede) . for (laborers) of _th_ropes
H: 2,45 for lerid for lewyd . for labores of thropes [aaAx]
J: 2,45 ffor lerid for lewyd . for labores of thorppys [aaAx]
L: 2,45 ffor lewed for lerid . for laborers of kraftes [aaAx]
K: 2,45 ffor leryd for lewed . ffor laborars of thropes [aaAx]
W: 2,45 ffor lered for lewed . for laborers of werkes [aaAx]
W: 2,45 [B:II,59
C:III,60] Bedeles & bailif & brocours of chaffare
W: 2,45 [B:II,60/:III,61] fforgoers vitilers and vokett-gh-
of -th-e arches
W: 2,45 [B:II,61/C:III,62] I can not rekne -th-e route -th-at
ran aboute mede
W: 2,45 [B:II,62/C:III,63] But Symonie and ciuile & Sisoure
of -th-e coutres
W: 2,45 [B:II,63/C:III,64] Were pryuest vith hir of any men
me -th-oughte
N: 2,45 ffor lered for lewede . for labore[r]s of thropes
N: 2,45 [B:II,59/C:II,60] Bedellis & baillifs & brocours
of chaffare
N: 2,45 [B:II,60/C:II,61] fforgoers vitaillers & vokettis
of -th-e arches
N: 2,45 [B:II,61/C:II,62] I can nou-gh-t rekne -th-e rowte
-th-(a)t ran aboute mede
N: 2,45 [B:II,62/C:II,63] But symonye & Syuyle & siso(ur)s
of courtes
N: 2,45 [B:II,63/C:II,64] Were p(ry)ueest wi-th- hir of any
men me -th-ou-gh-t
N: 2,45 [B:II,64/C:II,65] ffauel was -th-e first -th-(a)t
fette hir oute of chambre
N: 2,45 [B:II,65/C:II,66] A brokour hir brou-gh-t for-th-e
to ioyne hir to falle
A: 2,45 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,45 ffor lernyd fo lewyd . fo laboreys of thorpys [aaAx]
H: 2,45 & for -th-e flat(er)ynge freeris alle -th-e foure orders
T: 2,46 Alle to wytnesse wel what [th]e writ wolde
H2: 2,46 Al to witnesse wel . what -th-e wrytt(es) wolde
Ch: 2,46 Alle to witnesse wele . what -th-e writ wold [aaAa]
D: 2,46 Alle to witnesse wel . what -th-e wryt wolde [aaAa]
V: 2,46 Alle to (witnesse) (wel) . What _th_e (writ) wolde
H: 2,46 Alle to witnesse wel . what -th-e wrytte wolde [aaAa]
J: 2,46 Alle witnesse wele . qwat -th-e writ wolde [aaAa]
L: 2,46 Alle to witnesse wel . what -th-e writ wolde [aaAa]
K: 2,46 Al to witnes well . what the write would [aaAa]
W: 2,46 All(e) to witnesse . what -th-e writte wolde [aaAa]
N: 2,46 And al to witnesse wel . what -th-e wryt wolde [aaAa]
A: 2,46 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,46 Al to wytnesseyn wel . what -th-ey wrytyn woldyn
T: 2,47 In what man(er) [th](a)t mede in mariage was feffid
H2: 2,47 In what man(er) -th-at mede . in mariage was feffid
Ch: 2,47 In what maner -th-at mede . in Mariage was feffed
D: 2,47 In what man(er) -th-(a)t mede . in mariage was feffed
V: 2,47 In what (manere) _th_at (Meede) . In (Mariage) was
H: 2,47 In what maner & howe -th-at mede . was Ifeffed
J: 2,47 In qwat man(er) -th-(a)t mede . in mariage was feffyd
L: 2,47 In what maner -th-at mede . in mariage was feoffed
K: 2,47 In what man(er) that mede was feoffed in mariage
W: 2,47 In what man(er)e -th-at mede . wi-th- mariage was
feffed [aaAx]
N: 2,47 In what man(er) -th-(a)t mede . in stout mariage
A: 2,47 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,47 In wat man(er) -th-at mede . in mariage was sesyd
T: 2,48 To be fastnid wi[th] fals [th]e fyn is arerid
H2: 2,48 To be fastnyd w(i)t(h) fals . -th-e fyn is areryd
Ch: 2,48 To be festened with fals . the fyne is arered [aaAx]
D: 2,48 To be fastened w(i)t(h) -th-e fals . -th-e fyn is
arered [aaAx]
V: 2,48 To beo (fastnet) with (fals) . _th_e (fyn) was arered
H: 2,48 to be fastened wi-th- false . -th-e fyne was arered
J: 2,48 To be(n) fastnyd w(i)t(h) fals . -th-e fyne is arerid
L: 2,48 To beo fastned with false . -th-e fyn is arered [aaAx]
K: 2,48 To be fastenyd w(i)t(h) fals . the fyne is areryd
W: 2,48 To be fastned wi-th- fals . -th-e fyn is arered [aaAx]
N: 2,48 Was fastned w(i)t(h) false . -th-e fyn is arered
A: 2,48 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,48 To ben fessyd w(i)t(h) false . -th-e fyn is areryd
T: 2,49 [Th]anne fauel fetti[th] hire for[th] & to fals
H2: 2,49 Than fauel fetti-th- hire forth . and to fals taketh
Ch: 2,49 -Th-en fauel fette-th- her fur-th- . and to fals
take-th- [aaaAx]
D: 2,49 -Th-an fauel fecchet here for-th- . & to false
taket [aaaAx]
V: 2,49 _Th_enne (ffauuel) (fet) hire (for_th_) . and to
(fals) take_th_, [aaaAx]
H: 2,49 Then fauel fett hir forthe . & to false hir toke
J: 2,49 -Th-an ffauel fet h(er)e forth . & to fals takyth
L: 2,49 -Th-an fauuel fette forth . & to false taketh
K: 2,49 Than ffauel fettith her forth . & to fals takyth
W: 2,49 Than favel feche-th- her for-th- . & to fals
taketh [aaaAx]
N: 2,49 Now fauel fecche-th- her for-th-e . & hir to
false take-th- [aaaAx]
A: 2,49 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,49 -Th-ane fauel fette her(e) forth . & to fals
tauthe [aaaAx]
T: 2,50 In foreward [th](a)t falshed shal fynde hire for eu(er)e
H2: 2,50 In forward -th-(a)t falshed . schal fynde here for
eu(er)e [aaAx]
Ch: 2,50 In forward -th-at falshede . schal fynde her for
euer [aaAx]
D: 2,50 In forward -th-(a)t falsehed . schal fynde here for
eu(er)e [aaAx]
V: 2,50 In (fforwarde) _th_at (ffalsnesse) . schal (fynden)
hire for euere, [aaAx]
H: 2,50 In forward -th-at falsenes . schuld fynde hir for
euere [aaAx]
J: 2,50 In forword -th-(a)t falshed . schal fyndyn h(er)e
for eu(er)e [aaAx]
L: 2,50 In forward -th-(a)t falsede . schal fynde hire for
euer [aaAx]
K: 2,50 In forward that falshede . schal fynd her [for] euer
W: 2,50 In forwarde -th-at falsede . shal finde her for euere
N: 2,50 In forward -th-(a)t falshed . shal fynde hir for
eure [aaAx]
A: 2,50 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,50 I forward -th-at falsed . schal fynde hyr(e) for
euer(e) [aaAx]
T: 2,51 And he be bounis at his bode his bidding to fulfille
H2: 2,51 And he be bou(n)de at his bode . his biddyng to
fulfille [aaAx]
Ch: 2,51 And be bound at his bode . his bidding to fulfille
D: 2,51 And she be bounde at his bede . his byddyng to fulfille
V: 2,51 To be (Boxum) and (Boun) . his (Biddyng) to folfulle,
H: 2,51 & heo be buxome & boun . his byddynge to
fulfylle [aaAx]
J: 2,51 And che ben boxom at his bode . his bidding to fulfille
L: 2,51 And beo boun at his bode . his byddyng to fulfulle
K: 2,51 And sche to be bome at his bode . his byddyng to
fulfylle [aaAx]
W: 2,51 And she be boun at is bode . his biddyng to fulfille
N: 2,51 And sche bowen at his bode . his hest to fulfille
A: 2,51 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,51 & sche to ben buxu(m) . hys dyddyng to done [aaAx]
T: 2,52 At bedde & at boord buxum and hende
H2: 2,52 At bedde at bord . buxum and hende [aaAx]
Ch: 2,52 At bed at borde . buxsom and hende [aaAx]
D: 2,52 At bedde & at borde . boxom & hende [aaAx]
V: 2,52 In (Bedde) and at (Borde) . (Boxum) and hende, [aaAx]
H: 2,52 At bedde & at borde . boxome & heende [aaAx]
J: 2,52 At bed & at borde . buxom & hende [aaAx]
L: 2,52 At bedde & at borde . buxum and hende [aaAx]
K: 2,52 At bedde & at bord . be buxum & hend [aaAx]
W: 2,52 At bedde and at bord . buxum and hende [aaAx]
N: 2,52 At bedde & at borde . boxom & hende [aaAx]
A: 2,52 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,52 Bo-th-yn at bedde & at borde . whil her(e) lyf
lasten [aaAx]
T: 2,53 And as sire symonye wile segge to sewen his wille
H2: 2,53 And as syre symonye wyle segge . to sewen his wylle
Ch: 2,53 And as sire symony wil sey . to sewen his wille
D: 2,53 And at sir Symonys wil seyn . to sewen his wille
V: 2,53 And as sir (Simonye) wol (sigge) . (schewen)] his
wille. [aaAx]
H: 2,53 And as sir symonye wole seye . to suwen his wille
J: 2,53 & as sir(e) symony wil seyn . to schewyn his
wille [aaAx]
L: 2,53 And as sir symony wol segge . to schewen his wille
K: 2,53 As sir symony woll say . to sewyn his wille [aaAx]
W: 2,53 And right as Symonie wil sayn . his bidding to fulfille
N: 2,53 Ri-gh-t as symonye wil seyn . to suen his wille [aaAx]
A: 2,53 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,53 In wyttnesse of syr(e) syuyle & symonye is bro-th-re
T: 2,54 Symonye & cyuyle stondi[th] for[th] bo[th]e
H2: 2,54 Symonye and gyle . stondeth -gh-e for-th- bothe
Ch: 2,54 Symony and Cyuyle . stonden forthe bothe [aaAx]
D: 2,54 Symonye & Syuyle . stande-th- for-t-h bo-th-e
V: 2,54 Now (Simonye) and (Siuyle) . (stonde_th_) for_th_
bo_th_e, [aaAx]
H: 2,54 -th-o symonye & syuyle . stoden for-th- in fere
J: 2,54 Symony & cyuyle . stodyn forth bothin [aaAx]
L: 2,54 Symony & cyuyle . stondeth forth bothe [aaAx]
K: 2,54 Symonye & Cyvile . stondeth forth both [aaAx]
W: 2,54 Now Simonie & ciuile . stonden for-th- bo-th-e
N: 2,54 Now symonye & cyuyle . stonde for-th- bo-th-e
A: 2,54 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,54 Symonye & syuyle . stodyn forth bo-th-yn [aaAx]
T: 2,55 And vnfolde [th]e feffement [th]at fals ha[th] ymakid
H2: 2,55 And vnfolde -th-e feffement . -th-(a)t fals ha-th-
ymaked [aaAx]
Ch: 2,55 And onfolden -th-e feffement . -th-at fals hath
Imaked [aaAx]
D: 2,55 And vnfolden -th-e feffement . -th-(a)t false ha-th-
maked [aaAx]
V: 2,55 (Vn-ffoldyng) _th_e (ffeffement) . _th_at (ffalsnes)
made, [aaAx]
H: 2,55 & vnfoldeden -th-e feffament . -th-at falsenes
had made [aaAx]
J: 2,55 & vnfolden -th-e fefment . -th-(a)t fals hath
Imakyd [aaAx]
L: 2,55 And vnfolden -th-e ffeoffement . -th-at fals hath
yformed [aaAx]
K: 2,55 And vnfolden the fefem(en)t . that fals hath Imakyd
W: 2,55 And vndo-th-e -th-e feffement . -th-at fals ha-th-
made [aaAx]
N: 2,55 And vnfolden -th-e feffement . -th-(a)t false ha-th-
imaked [aaAx]
A: 2,55 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,55 And vnfoldyn -th-e feffement . -th-at fals hadde
Imakyn [aaAx]
T: 2,56 [Th]us begynne [th]e gomes & gredde wel hei[gh]e
H2: 2,56 Thus begynne -th-e gromes . and gredde wel an hye
Ch: 2,56 -Th-us begynne-th- the gomes . and greden wel hye
D: 2,56 -Th-us begynneth -th-e gromes . & grede-th- wil
hye [aaAx]
V: 2,56 --- this line om --
H: 2,56 & -th-us bygonnen -th-e gomes . & gradden
wel an hy-gh-e [aaAx]
J: 2,56 Th-(us) begynnyn -th-e gromes . & criddyn ful
hye [aaAx]
L: 2,56 And -th-us bygynnen -th-eose gomes . & greden
wel hy-gh-e [aaAx]
K: 2,56 Thus begonne thes gomes . & greden well hye [aaAx]
W: 2,56 And -th-us beginne-th- -th-is g[r]omes . and greden
wel loude [aaAx]
N: 2,56 Thus bigynne -th-ise gromes . to grede wel hiegh
N: 2,56 [B:II,73/C:II,78] { Siam p(re)sentes & fituri & }
A: 2,56 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,56 -Th-e cryurs begunne . crye -th-e chartr(e) wel loude
T: 2,57 Wyten & wytnessen [th](a)t wonen vpon er[th]e
H2: 2,57 Wyten and witnessen . -th-(a)t wonen vpon erthe
Ch: 2,57 wete-th- and witnesse-th- . -th-at wonen vpon erthe
D: 2,57 Weten & witnessen . -th-(a)t wone-th- vpon erthe
V: 2,57 Hit (witen) and (witnessen) . _th_at (wone_th_) vppon
eor_th_e [aaAx]
H: 2,57 It wyten & witnessen . -th-at wonen vpon er-th-e
J: 2,57 Wytyth & wytnessyth . -th-(a)t wonyth vpon erth
L: 2,57 Witen & witnessen . -th-at wonen apon eorthe
K: 2,57 Wityn & wittnessen . that wonyen on erth [aaAx]
W: 2,57 Wite-th- and wittnesseth . -th-at wonen vpon er-th-e
N: 2,57 Now witen & witnessen . -th-(a)t wone-th- vpon
er-th-e [aaAx]
A: 2,57 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,57 Wytyt & wytnessit . -th-at wonyt vpon erthe [aaAx]
T: 2,58 [Th]at I fauel feffe falsnesse to mede
H2: 2,58 That I fauel fauel feffe . falsnesse to mede [aaAx]
Ch: 2,58 -Th-at I fauel feffe . falsnesse to mede [aaAx]
D: 2,58 That I fauel feffe . falsnesse to mede [aaAx]
V: 2,58 _Th_at I (ffauuel) (ffeffe) (ffals) . to _th_at (Mayden)
(Meede) [aaaBb]
H: 2,58 -Th-at I fauel feff . false to -th-is mayden mede
J: 2,58 -Th-(a)t I fauel feffe . falsnes with mede [aaAx]
L: 2,58 -Th-at I fauuel ffeffe . falsenesse to mede [aaAx]
K: 2,58 That I fauell feffe . falsnes to mede [aaAx]
W: 2,58 That I favel feffe . falshede to mede [aaAx]
N: 2,58 -Th-(a)t I fauel feffe . falsed to mede [aaAx]
A: 2,58 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,58 -Th-at I fauel fastne . falsnesse to me [aaAx]
T: 2,59 To be p(re)sent in pride for pou(er)e o[th]er riche
H2: 2,59 To be p(re)sent in p(ri)de . for pou(er) other ryche
Ch: 2,59 To be present in pride . for pore o-th-er Riche
D: 2,59 To be p(re)sent in pride . for pore or for Riche
V: 2,59 To be (present) in (pruyde) . for (Pore) or for riche
H: 2,59 to be p(re)sent in p(ri)de . for pore or for ryche
J: 2,59 To ben p(re)sent in p(ri)de . for pouer or for riche
L: 2,59 To beo present in pryde . for pore or for riche [aaAx]
K: 2,59 To be p(re)sent in p(ri)de . for pore or for riche
W: 2,59 To present in pres . for pore or for riche [aaAx]
N: 2,59 To be present i(n) p(ri)de . for pore or for ryche
A: 2,59 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,59 To p(re)sent in p(ri)de to ben . for pouer or fo
Ryche [aaAx]
T: 2,60 Wi[th] [th]e Erldom of enuye for eu(er)e to laste
H2: 2,60 With -th-e erldome of enuye . for eu(er) to laste
Ch: 2,60 With -th-e erldom of Enuy . euer more to last [aaAx]
D: 2,60 With -th-e Erldam of Enuye . for eu(er)e to laste
V: 2,60 Wi_th_ _th_e (Erldam) of (Envye) . (euer) forto laste
H: 2,60 Wi-th- -th-e erldam of enuye . euer for to laste
J: 2,60 W(i)t(h) -th-e Erledame of envye . for eu(er)e to
last [aaAx]
L: 2,60 Wi-th- -th-e erldam of enuye . euer more to laste
K: 2,60 With the erledome of Envye . for eu(er) to last [aaAx]
W: 2,60 Wi-th- the Erldom of enuie . eu(er)e for to last
N: 2,60 Wi-th- -th-e erledom on envye . eure to laste [aaAx]
A: 2,60 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,60 W(i)t(h) -th-e erldam of enuye . for eu(er)e mor(e)
to laste [aaAx]
T: 2,61 Wi[th] alle [th]e lordsshipe of leccherie in leng[th]e & in
H2: 2,61 W(i)t(h) the lordschipe of lecherie . in lenght
and in brede [aaA
Ch: 2,61 With al the lordschipe of lecchery . in leng-th-e
and brede [aaAx]
D: 2,61 Wi-th- al -th-e worschipe of lechery . in leng-th-e & in
brede [aaAx]
V: 2,61 Wi_th_ alle _th_e (lordschupe) . of (leng_th_e) and
of brede [xaAx]
H: 2,61 W(i)t(h) -th-e lordschip of lech(er)ie . i(n) lengthe & in
brede [aaAx]
J: 2,61 W(i)t(h) lordeechepp of lichery . in lengthe & in
brede [aaAx]
L: 2,61 With al -th-e lordschipe of lecherie . in leynthe & in
brede [aaAx]
K: 2,61 W(i)t(h) al the lordschip of lecherye . in lenght & in
brede [aaAx]
W: 2,61 Wi-th- the lordshipe of lecherie . in lenthe and
in brede [aaAx]
N: 2,61 Wi-th- -th-e lordechip of lecherie . in lengh & i(n)
brede [aaAx]
A: 2,61 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,61 -th-e lordchepe of lecherye . on lengthe & on
brede [aaAx]
T: 2,62 Wi[th] [th]e kingdom of coueitise I croune hem togid(er)e
H2: 2,62 W(i)t(h) -th-e kyndome of couetise . I crou(n)ne
hem togyd(er)e [aaAx]
Ch: 2,62 With the kingdom of Couatise . I croune hem togederes
D: 2,62 Wi-th- -th-e kyngdam of Coueytice . y crowne hem
togideres [aaAx]
V: 2,62 Wi_th_ _th_e (kingdom) of (Couetise) . I (Croune)
hem to-gedere [aaAx]
H: 2,62 Wi-th- -th-e ky(n)gedam of couetyse . I crowne he(m)
togydre [aaAx]
J: 2,62 W(i)t(h) -th-e kyngdam of couetys . I crowne hem
togyder(e) [aaAx]
L: 2,62 Wi-th- -th-e kyndam of couetise . y coroune heo(m)
togedre [aaAx]
K: 2,62 W(i)t(h) the kyngdome of couetise . I coroune hem
togeders [aaAx]
W: 2,62 Wi-th- the kyngdom of coueitise . I croune hem togedres
N: 2,62 Wi-th- -th-e kyngdome of coueitise . I crowne hem
togidre [aaAx]
A: 2,62 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,62 Wyt -th-e kyngdam of couetise . corouny(n) he(m)
togederys [aaAx]
T: 2,63 And al [th]e Ile of vsurie & auarice [th]e faste
H2: 2,63 And al -th-e isle of vserie . and auarice -th-e
-th-(er) wyth [aaAx]
Ch: 2,63 And alle -th-e Ile of vsurie . and auarice -th-e
laste [aaAx]
D: 2,63 And al -th-e yle of vsurye . & Auarice -th-e
false [aaAx]
V: 2,63 Wi_th_ _th_e (Yle) of (vsure) . And (Auarice) _th_e
ffalse [aaAx]
H: 2,63 wi-th- -th-e yle of vsurye . & auaryse -th-e
false [aaAx]
J: 2,63 --- this line is omitted ---
L: 2,63 And al -th-e yle of vsurie . and auarice alse [aaAx]
K: 2,63 And al the ill of vsurie . & auerice the faste
W: 2,63 And all -th-e ile of vsurie . & auarise als [aaAx]
N: 2,63 Wi-th- al -th-e isle of vsure . & auarise -th-e
fast [aaAx]
A: 2,63 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,63 And al -th-e ilde of vsur(e) . & auaryce also
T: 2,64 Glotonye & grete o[th]es I gyue hem togid(er)e
H2: 2,64 Glotonye and grete o-th-es . I gyue hem togyd(er)e
Ch: 2,64 Glotonye and gret o-th-es . I geue hem togedres
D: 2,64 Glotonye & gret othes . y geue hem togyderes
V: 2,64 (Glotonye) and (grete) o_th_us . Ich (_g_iue) hem
I-feere [aaAx]
H: 2,64 Glotonye & grete oo-th-(us) . I -gh-yue hem i(n)
fere [aaAx]
J: 2,64 --- this line is omitted ---
L: 2,64 Glotony & grete othes . y graunte heom togedre
K: 2,64 Glotonye & gret othis . I yeve hem togyders [aaAx]
W: 2,64 Glotonie and gret o-th-es . I giue hem togederes
N: 2,64 Glotonie & grete o-th-es . I gif hem togidre
A: 2,64 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,64 Glotonye & gret o-th-ys . -y-eue I hem togeder(e)
T: 2,65 Wi[th] alle [th]e delites of lust the deuil for to
H2: 2,65 W(i)t(h) -th-e delites of lust . -th-e deuel for
to s(er)ue [axAx]
Ch: 2,65 With alle the delites of lust . -th-e deuel for
to serue [axAx]
D: 2,65 W(i)t(h) al delytes of lust . -th-e deuel for to
seruen [axAx]
V: 2,65 Wi_th_ alle (delytes) and (lustes) . _th_e deuel
for to serue [aaXx]
H: 2,65 Wi-th- alle -th-e delytes of deedly synne . -th-e
deuol for to serue [axAx]
J: 2,65 W(i)t(h) alle -th-e delicis of lust . -th-e deuyl
for to s(er)ue [axAx]
K: 2,65 W(i)t(h) al the delic(es) of luste . the devile for
to s(er)uen [axAx]
W: 2,65 Wi-th- all(e) delites of lust . (:: ::: :: :: ::::)
W: 2,65 [C:II,87-90, 92, 95, 101-103, 106-8
W: 2,65 [C:II,87] To be prince in pride & pouerte to
W: 2,65 [C:II,88] To bakbiten & bost & here fals
W: 2,65 [C:II,89] To scorn and to scolde and sklandre to
W: 2,65 [C:II,90] Vnbuxum & bold to breke goddes hestes
W: 2,65 [C:II,92] Wi-th- -th-e chastel of chest and chast(er)ing
oute of resou(n)
W: 2,65 [C:II,95] In bargayns in brocage in borwing of -th-efte
W: 2,65 [C:II,101] Al day in dronken hode of diu(er)s tauernes
W: 2,65 [C:II,102] Ther to iangle and iape & iuge here
euen cristen
W: 2,65 [C:II,103] To freten in fasting a for none and drynke
W: 2,65 [C:II,106] To sewe such felashipe til -th-ei falle
in slou-th-e
W: 2,65 [C:II,107] And waken in wan hope & no wil to
W: 2,65 [C:II,108] ffor he leue-th- to be lost whan he his
lif lecce-th-e
N: 2,65 Wi-th- alle -th-e delites of luste . -th-e deuel
for to s(er)ue [axAx]
N: 2,65 [C:II,87] To ben p(ri)nces in p(ri)de & pou(er)te
N: 2,65 [C:II,88] To bakbite & to bost & bere false
N: 2,65 [C:II,89] To skorne & to skolde & sklaundir
to make
N: 2,65 [C:II,90] Vnboxome & bolde to breke goddis hestis
N: 2,65 [C:II,92] Wi-th- -th-e chastel o cheste & chat(er)yng
out of resou(n)
N: 2,65 [C:II,95] In bargaynes in brocages in borowyng of
N: 2,65 [C:II,101] Al dai dronken of diuerse tauernes
N: 2,65 [C:II,102] There to Iangle & to Iape & iuge
her enene c(ri)stene
N: 2,65 [C:II,103] To frete in a fasting a fore none & drynke
N: 2,65 [C:II,106] To swesuthe felawchip til -th-(o)u falle
in slew-th-e
N: 2,65 [C:II,107] And waken in wanhope & no wille to
N: 2,65 [C:II,108] ffor he leue-th- be lost whan he -th-is
lif lete-th-
A: 2,65 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,65 W(i)t(h) alle -th-e lykynge of lust . -th-e deuel
fo to s(er)uyn [axAx]
T: 2,66 In al [th]e s(ign)i(ur)e of slou[th]e I set hem togid(er)e
H2: 2,66 In al -th-e seigno(ur)ie of slew-th-e . I sese hem
togyder(e) [aaAx]
Ch: 2,66 In alle -th-e seignourie of slewthe . I seyse hem
togederes [aaAx]
D: 2,66 In al -th-e seigno(ur)ye of Slou-th-e . y set hem
togidere [aaAx]
V: 2,66 In al _th_e (seruyse) of (Slou_th_e) . I (sese) hem
to-gedere [aaAx]
H: 2,66 In al -th-e seruyse of slow-th-e . I ceese hem togydre
J: 2,66 In alle -th-e synge of slouth . I sese hem togider(e)
K: 2,66 In al the siegnyo(ur)ie of sclouth . I sesen hem
togyders [aaAx]
W: 2,66 Wi-th- the seigno(ur)ie of sleu-th- . I sese hem
togederes [aaAx]
N: 2,66 Wi-th- -th-e seignu(ur)ie of slew-th-e . I seise
hem togidre [aaAx]
A: 2,66 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,66 In alle -th-e synnes of slewthe . I lese hem for
euer(e) [aaAx]
T: 2,67 [Th]ei to haue & to holde & here eires aftir
H2: 2,67 -Th-ei to haue and to holde . and her(e) eyres aft(ir)
Ch: 2,67 -Th-ei to haue and to holde . to her eiers after
D: 2,67 here to haue & to holde . & here heires Aft(ir)
V: 2,67 To (habben) and to (holden) . and al heore (heyres)
(aftur) [aaAa]
H: 2,67 -th-at to haue & holde . & alle her eyres
aftur [aaAa]
J: 2,67 To hauyn & to holde . & -th-(er) eris aft(er)
L: 2,67 -Th-ey to haue & holde . and to heore eyres aftre
K: 2,67 Thay to haue & to hould . & her heyr(es)
after [aaAa]
W: 2,67 to haue and to hold . and all here heires after [aaAa]
N: 2,67 To haue & to holde . & all her(e) heiris
aftre [aaAa]
A: 2,67 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,67 -Th-ey to haue(n) & to holdy(n) . & her(e)
heyrys aft(ir) [aaAa]
L: 2,65 Wi-th- alle delites of lustes . -th-e deouel for to serue [axAx]
L: 2,66 In al -th-eo seigno(u)ry of slouthe . y sese heom yfere [aaAx]
T: 2,68 Wi[th] alle [th]e p(ur)ten(au)nce of p(ur)catorie into
[th]e pyne of helle
H2: 2,68 W(i)t(h) al -th-e portena(u)nce of p(ur)gatorie
. into -th-e pyne of helle [aaAx]
Ch: 2,68 With alle the p(ur)tenaunce of purgatorie . into
-th-e pyne of helle [aaAx]
D: 2,68 W(i)t(h) al -th-e purten(au)nce of pugatorye . into
-th-e peyne of helle [aaAx]
V: 2,68 Wi_th_ _th_e (purtinaunce) of (purgatorie) . in-to
_th_e (pyne) of helle [aaAx]
H: 2,68 Wi-th- al -th-e p(ur)tynaunce of p(ur)gatorie . & -th-e
pyne of helle [aaAx]
J: 2,68 W(i)t(h) al -th-e p(ur)tenauns of p(ur)gatory . into
-th-e pyne of helle [aaAx]
L: 2,68 Wi-th- al -th-e ap(ur)tinau(n)ce of penaunce . into
-th-e pyne of helle [aaAx]
K: 2,68 With al the p(ur)tenance of purgatorye . into the
payn of helle [aaAx]
W: 2,68 Wi-th- -th-e purtenaunce of purgatorie . & wi-th-
-th-e pine of helle [aaAx]
N: 2,68 Wi-th- -th-e pu[r]tenaunce of p(ur)gatorie . i(n)to
-th-e peyne of helle [aaAx]
A: 2,68 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,68 W(i)t(h) -th-e apurtenaunce of purgatorye . i(n)to
-th-e peyne of helle [aaAx]
T: 2,69 [Y]eldinge for [th]is [th]ing at o [y]eris ende
H2: 2,69 -Gh-eldyng for this -th-ing at one -gh-eris ende
Ch: 2,69 -Gh-elding for -th-is -th-ing at on -gh-eres ende
D: 2,69 -Gh-eldyng for -th-is at -th-e -gh-eres ende [xxXx]
V: 2,69 (_Y_eldynge) for _th_is _th_ing . at _th_e (_g_eres)
ende [axAx]
H: 2,69 -Gh-eldynge for -th-is -th-inge at oon -gh-er(us)
ende [xxXx]
J: 2,69 -Gh-eldyng for -th-is -th-ing atte -gh-eris ende
L: 2,69 -Gh-eldyng for -th-eose thyngis at on -gh-eres eynde
K: 2,69 Yeldyng for this thyng at one yeres ende [xxXx]
W: 2,69 -Gh-eldyng for -th-is -th-ing at o -gh-ers ende [xxXx]
N: 2,69 -Gh-eldyng for -th-is -th-ing at on -gh-eres ende
A: 2,69 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,69 -Y-eldyng for -th-ys -th-yng at on -y-erys ende [xxXx]
T: 2,70 Here soulis to sathanas, to synken in pyne
H2: 2,70 Her(e) soules to sathanas . to synke in pyne [aaAx]
Ch: 2,70 her soules to sathanas . to synken In pyne [aaAx]
D: 2,70 Here Saules to Sathanas . to Synkyn in peyne [aaAx]
V: 2,70 Heore (soules) to (sathanas) . to (senden) in-to
pyne [aaAx]
H: 2,70 her soules to sathanas . to sende into pyne [aaAx]
J: 2,70 Her soulys to sathanas . to synkyn in pyne [aaAx]
L: 2,70 Heore soules to satanas . to sogerne in sorwe [aaAx]
K: 2,70 Her [soule] to sathanas . to synkyn in pyne [aaAx]
W: 2,70 Here soules to Satanas . to dwelle in peyne [aaAx]
N: 2,70 Here soulis to satanas . to synkyn i(n) peyne [aaAx]
A: 2,70 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,70 Her(e) soules to satanas . to synkyn into pyne [aaAx]
T: 2,71 [Th](er)e to wone wi[th] wrong while god is in heuene
H2: 2,71 -Th-er(e) to wone w(i)t(h) wrong . while god is
in heuene [aaAxx]
Ch: 2,71 -Th-er to wone with wrong . while god is in heuen
D: 2,71 Ther to wony with wrong . while god is in heuene
V: 2,71 _Th_er to (Wonen) with (Wrong) . (whil) god is in
heuene [aaAxx]
H: 2,71 -Th-ere to wone wi-th- wronge . while god is in heuene
J: 2,71 -Th-(er) to wonyn w(i)t(h) wrong . whylis god is
in heuyne [aaAxx]
L: 2,71 -Th-er to wone wi-th- -th-(a)t wyght . whil god is
in heouen [aaAxx]
K: 2,71 Ther to wony w(i)t(h) wrong . whil(es) god is in
hevene [aaAxx]
W: 2,71 Ther to wone [wyth] wrong . whil god is in heuene
N: 2,71 There to wone w(i)t(h) wronge . wil god is i(n) heuene
A: 2,71 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,71 -Th-er(e) to wone w(i)t(h) wrong . wyl god is in
heuene [aaAxx]
T: 2,72 In witnesse of whiche [th]ing wrong was [th]e furste
H2: 2,72 In witnesse of whiche -th-yng . wrong was -th-e
firste [aaAx]
Ch: 2,72 In witnessyng of wich -th-ing . wrong was -th-e
first [aaAx]
D: 2,72 In witnesse of which -th-yng(es) . wrong was -th-e
firste [aaAx]
V: 2,72 In (witnesse) of (whuche) _th_ing . (wrong) was _th_e
furste [aaAx]
H: 2,72 In witnesse of -th-e whuche -th-inge . wronge was
-th-e furst [aaAx]
J: 2,72 In witnes of qwych . wrong was -th-e fyrste [aaAx]
L: 2,72 In witnes of wich thyng . wrong was -th-e furste
K: 2,72 In witnes of which thyng . wronge was the first [aaAx]
W: 2,72 In witnesse of whiche -th-ing . -th-is wrong was
-th-e first [aaAx]
N: 2,72 In witnesse of wyche -th-ing . wrong was -th-e firste
A: 2,72 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,72 In wytnesse of weche -th-yng . wrong was -th-e furste
T: 2,73 And piers [th]e p(ar)don(er) poulynes doctor
H2: 2,73 And pers -th-e p(ar)don(er) . poulynes docto(ur)
Ch: 2,73 And Pers -th-e p(ar)doner . poulynes doctour [aaAx]
D: 2,73 And Pers -th-e p(ar)doner . paulynes douctour(e)
V: 2,73 (Pers) _th_e (pardoner) . (Paulynes) douhter [aaAx]
H: 2,73 & per(us) -th-e pardyner . & paulyns dou-gh-ter
J: 2,73 --- this line om ---
L: 2,73 And Piers a p(ar)doner . paulynes doctor [aaAx]
K: 2,73 And piers the p(ar)doner . pawlyns docto(ur) [aaAx]
W: 2,73 And piers -th-e pardoner . paulyns doctor [aaAx]
N: 2,73 And piers -th-e p(ar)doner . pawlynes dou-gh-ter
A: 2,73 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,73 And peres -th-e p(ar)doner . paulynys doctor [aaAx]
T: 2,74 Bette the bedel of bukyngh(a)mshire
H2: 2,74 Bette -th-e bedul . of bokyngh(a)m schire [aaAx]
Ch: 2,74 Bette -th-e bedelle . of Bokyngh(a)m Schire [aaAx]
D: 2,74 Bette -th-e bedel . of Bokyngh(a)m Shire [aaAx]
V: 2,74 (Bette) _th_e (Budul) . of (Bokynghames) schire [aaAx]
H: 2,74 Bette -th-e budule . of Bokynham schire [aaAx]
J: 2,74 Peris -th-e p(ar)doner(e) . Bet -th-e bedell . of
bokyngh(a)m shir(e) [aaAx]
L: 2,74 Bette -th-e beodil . of Bokynh(a)m schire [aaAx]
K: 2,74 Bette the bedill . of bokyngh(a)m schire [aaAx]
W: 2,74 And bedde -th-e bedle . of Bokkynhaam shire [aaAx]
N: 2,74 And bette -th-e bedel . of bukyngham shire [aaAx]
A: 2,74 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,74 Bete -th-e bydel . of Bokyngh(a)m schir(e) [aaAx]
T: 2,75 Randolf the reue of rutelondis sokne
H2: 2,75 Randolf -th-e reue . of rutlondes sokne [aaAx]
H2: 2,75 Taylo(ur)s tapsters and tau(er)ners many
Ch: 2,75 Randor -th-e Reue . of Rutlond sokne [aaAx]
D: 2,75 Randalf -th-e Reue . of Rutteland Sokene [aaAx]
V: 2,75 (Rondulf) _th_e (Reue) . of (Rotelondes) sokene [aaAx]
H: 2,75 Rondolf -th-e reue . oute of Rotelonde [aaAx]
J: 2,75 Randof -th-e Reue . of Roklond sokene [aaAx]
L: 2,75 Randulf -th-e reue . of Roteland sokene [aaAx]
K: 2,75 Randolf the reue . of Rutelonde sokne [aaAx]
W: 2,75 Randolf -th-e reue . of Rutland sokne [aaAx]
N: 2,75 Randolfe -th-e reue . of rotolonde sokne [aaAx]
A: 2,75 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,75 Reynald -th-e Reue . of Rotlond sokene [aaAx]
H: 2,75 taberes & tomblers & tapest(er)s fele
T: 2,76 Munde the myllere & manye mo o[th](er)e
H2: 2,76 Munde -th-e myller(e) . and many mo o-th-(er)e [aaAx]
Ch: 2,76 Munde the myllere . and many mo other [aaAx]
D: 2,76 Munde -th-e Meller(e) . and mony mo o-th-re [aaAx]
V: 2,76 (Monde) _th_e (Mulnere) . and (moni) mo o_th_ure
H: 2,76 Mou(n)de -th-e mylner . & mony moo o-th-er [aaAx]
J: 2,76 cMunde -th-e myln(er) . & many moo o-th-(er)
L: 2,76 Maclum -th-e meoleward . & mony mo othir [aaAx]
K: 2,76 Munde the myllar . and many mo other [aaAx]
W: 2,76 Mund -th-e milnere . and many mo o-th-er [aaAx]
N: 2,76 Mu(n)de -th-e myller(e) . & many mo o-th-re [aaAx]
A: 2,76 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,76 Monde -th-e melleward . & manye an o-th-yr [aaAx]
T: 2,77 In [th]e date of [th]e deuil [th]e dede is asselid
H2: 2,77 In -th-e date of -th-e deuel . -th-e dede was aseled
Ch: 2,77 In -th-e date of the deuel . the dede was asseled
D: 2,77 In date of -th-e deuel . -th-is dede is seled [aaAx]
V: 2,77 In _th_e (Date) of _th_e (deuel) . _th_e (Deede)
was a-selet [aaAx]
H: 2,77 In -th-e date of -th-e deuel . -th-e dede was aselyd
J: 2,77 In -th-e date of -th-e deuel . -th-e dede is aselyde
L: 2,77 In -th-e date of -th-e deouel . -th-e dede was aseelid
K: 2,77 In the date of the davile . this dede is Insealid
W: 2,77 In -th-e date of -th-e deuell(e) . -th-is dede is
yseled [aaAx]
N: 2,77 In -th-e date of -th-e deuel . -th-is dede I assele
A: 2,77 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,77 In -th-e dat of -th-e deuyl . -th-ys dede I aseale
T: 2,78 Be si[gh]te of sire symonye & signes of notories
H2: 2,78 Be si-gh-te of syre symonye . and sygnes of noteries
Ch: 2,78 In si-gh-t of sire symony . and signes of Notories
D: 2,78 By si-gh-t of Sire Symonye . in seals of notoryes
V: 2,78 Be (siht) of sir (Symoni) . and Notaries (signes)
H: 2,78 By si-gh-t of syr symonye . & notarie sygnes
J: 2,78 Be syht of sir symony . & sygnys of notariys
L: 2,78 By sight of sir symonye . vndur signes of noteryes
K: 2,78 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 2,78 By sight of sire Simonie . wi-th- notaries signes
N: 2,78 By sy-gh-t of sire symonye . & notarie sygnes
A: 2,78 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,78 Be syghte of sir(e) symonye . & sygnes of notarys
T: 2,79 [Th]anne tenide hym theologie whan he [th]is tale herde
H2: 2,79 Thanne tenide hi(m) theologie . whanne -th-e -th-is
tale herde [aaAx]
Ch: 2,79 -Th-an tened hym theologie . whan he -th-is tale
herd [aaAx]
D: 2,79 Than tened Theologie . whan he -th-is tale herde
V: 2,79 _Th_en (teonede) him (Teologye) . whon he _th_is
(tale) herde [aaAx]
H: 2,79 Then teoned hi(m) theologie . when he -th-is tale
herde [aaAx]
J: 2,79 -Th-an tened hin tealogy -th-(a)t . qwan he -th-is
call herde [aaAx]
L: 2,79 -Th-en teoned him teologie . when he -th-is tale
herde [aaAx]
K: 2,79 Than tenyde hym theologie . whan he this tale herd
W: 2,79 Than tened hym teologie . whan he -th-is tale herde
N: 2,79 Thanne tened hi(m) theoologie . whan he -th-is tale
herde [aaAx]
A: 2,79 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,79 -Th-o tenede hym theologie . wan he ys tale herde
T: 2,80 And seide to cyuyle now sorewe on [th]i bokes
H2: 2,80 And seide to cyuile . now sorwe on -th-i bokis [aaAx]
Ch: 2,80 And seide to Cyuyle . sorow on -th-y bokes [aaAx]
D: 2,80 And seyde to syuyle . now sorow on -th-y bokes [aaAx]
V: 2,80 And (seide) to (Siuyle) . "(serwe) on _th_i
lokkes [aaAx]
H: 2,80 & seyd to syuyle . now sorowe on -th-i lockes
J: 2,80 And seyde to syuyle . now sorowyn on -th-i bokys
L: 2,80 And saide to cyuyle . now sorw on -th-y bokes [aaAx]
K: 2,80 And said to Cyvyle . now sorowe on thy chek(es) [aaAx]
W: 2,80 And saide vnto ciuile . sorwe on -th-i chekes [aaAx]
N: 2,80 And seide to Syuile . now sorow on -th-i bokes [aaAx]
A: 2,80 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,80 And seyde to Ciuile . sorwe on -th-yn bokys [aaAx]
T: 2,81 Such weddyng to werche to wra[th][th]e wi[th] treu[th]e
H2: 2,81 Such weddyng to worche . to wra-th-the w(i)t(h)
syr(e) treu-th-e [aaAx]
Ch: 2,81 Such wedding to wirche . to wre-th-en trewthe [aaAx]
D: 2,81 Suche weddynge to wurche . to wrathe w(i)t(h) treu-th-e
V: 2,81 Such (Weddyng) to (worche) . to teone with treu_th_e
H: 2,81 Suche weddynge to wurche . to teone wi-th- tru-th-e
J: 2,81 Swyche weddyng to wirche . to wrathyn h(er)ew(i)t(h)
treuthe [aaAx]
L: 2,81 Suche weddyng to worche . to wrathe w(i)t(h) treuthe
K: 2,81 Such weddyng to worche . to wrath w(i)t(h) truthe
W: 2,81 Such weddyng to make . to wre-th-the wi-th- treu-th-e
N: 2,81 Suche weddyngis to worche . to wrathe w(i)t(h) trw-th-e
A: 2,81 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,81 Swyche werkys to werche . to wrathy(n) w(i)t(h) treuthe
T: 2,82 Er [th]is weddyng be wrou[gh]t wo [th]e betide
H2: 2,82 Er -th-is weddyng be wro[wght] . wo -th-e betyde
Ch: 2,82 Or -th-is wedding be wrou-gh-t . wo the betyde [aaAx]
D: 2,82 Or -th-is weddyng be wrou-gh-t . woo -th-e betyde
V: 2,82 And ar _th_is (weddyng) beo (wrou_g_t) . (wo) _th_e
beo-tyde [aaAx]
H: 2,82 and er -th-at weddynge be wrought . woo -th-ee bityde
J: 2,82 & ere -th-is weddyng be wrouhte . wo -th-e now
betyde [aaAx]
L: 2,82 And er -th-is beo wroght . wo -th-e bytide [aaAx]
K: 2,82 And ar this weddyng be wrought . woo the betyde [aaAx]
W: 2,82 And er -th-is weddyng be wrought . wo -th-e betide
N: 2,82 And ar -th-is wedding be wrou-gh-t . wo -th-e bityde
A: 2,82 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,82 And her [-th-yn] wreddynd be wrougth . sorwe -th-e
betyde [aaAx]
T: 2,83 ffor mede is molere of frendis engendrit
V: 2,83 ffor (Meede) is a Iuweler . A (Mayden) of goode [axAx]
W: 2,83 --- this line is omitted ---
T: 2,84 God g(ra)untide to gyue mede to treu[th]e
H2: 2,84 God graunt[it] to gyue . mede to treu-th-e [aaAx]
Ch: 2,84 God graunt . to geue mede to trew-th-e [aaAx]
D: 2,84 God grau(n)te-th- . to geue mede to treuthe [aaAx]
V: 2,84 (God) (graunte) vs to (_g_iue) hire . _th_er treu_th_e
wol a-signe [aaaXx]
H: 2,84 god graunte us . to -gh-yue hir -th-ere tru-th-e
wole assente [aaAx]
J: 2,84 God g(ra)untith . for to -gh-euyn mede for treuthe
L: 2,84 God graunte[t]h . to -gh-eue mede menskelich to treuthe
K: 2,84 God g(ra)untyd . to geue mede to truthe [aaAx]
W: 2,84 God graunted . to geue mede to -th-e trewe [aaAx]
N: 2,84 God graunte-th- . to gyue mede for trw-th-e [aaAx]
A: 2,84 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,84 And god grauntede . to -y-iuen mede to tr[e]uthe
T: 2,85 And [th]ou hast gyuen hire to a gilo(ur) now god [y]iue
[th]e sorewe
H2: 2,85 And -th-ou hast gyuen mede her(e) to a gylo(ur)
. now -gh-iue -th-e god sorwe [aaAx]
Ch: 2,85 And -th-ow hast -gh-eue here to a gilour . now god
-gh-eue -th-e sorow [aaAx]
D: 2,85 -Th-(o)u hast geue(n) here to a gylour(e) . god -gh-eue
-th-e sorowe [aaAx]
V: 2,85 And _th_ou hast (_g_iuen) hire a (Gilour) . (God)
(_g_iue) _th_e serwe [aaAa]?
H: 2,85 for -th-ou hast -gh-yuen hir to a gyloure . oure
lord -gh-yue -th-ee sorowe [aaAx]
J: 2,85 And -th-(o)u has -gh-iuen hire a gylour(e) . god
gyf -th-e sorowe [aaAx]
L: 2,85 And -th-ou hast -gh-euen hire to a gylo(ur) . now
god -gh-ef -th-e sorw[e] [aaAx]
K: 2,85 Now thou hast gevyn her to a gylo(ur) . god gyve
the sorowe [aaAx]
W: 2,85 And -th-ow hast -th-if here to gile . god gife -th-e
sorwe [aaAx]
N: 2,85 And -th-(o)u hast gyuen hir to a gilo(ur) . now god
gif -th-e sorow [aaAx]
A: 2,85 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,85 And -th-u hast -gh-iue(n) hir(e) to a gylour . god
-y-eue -th-e sorwey(n) [aaAx]
T: 2,86 [Th]e textis telle not so treu[th]e wot [th]e sothe
H2: 2,86 The textis telle [the] not so . treu-th-e wote -th-e
sothe [aaAx]
Ch: 2,86 The tyxtest telleth nou-gh-t so . trew-th-e wote
the so-th-e [aaAx]
D: 2,86 The textes telle nou-gh-t . treu-th-e wot -th-e sothe
V: 2,86 _Th_e (Tixt) (telle_th_) not so . (Treu_th_e) wot
_th_e so_th_e [aaAx]
H: 2,86 -Th-e texte telli-th- -th-ee not so . tru-th-e wote
-th-e sothe [aaAx]
J: 2,86 -Th-e tixt tellith now . treuthe wote -th-e sothe
L: 2,86 -Th-e tixte tellith not so . treuthe wot -th-e sothe
K: 2,86 The text tellith not so . truthe wotith the soth
W: 2,86 Thi text telle-th- -th-e not so . treu-th- wote -th-e
so-th-e [aaAx]
N: 2,86 Thi texte telle-th- nou-gh-t so . trw-th-e wot -th-e
so-th-e [aaAx]
A: 2,86 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,86 -Th-e tyxt tellit -th-e nout so . truthe wot -th-e
so-th-e [aaAx]
H2: 2,86a { Dignus est op(er)arius mercede sua } [Latin]
Ch: 2,86a { Dignus est op(er)arius mercede sua } [Latin]
D: 2,86a { Dignus est op(er)arius mercede sua } [Latin]
V: 2,86a { Dignus est operarius mercede sua } [Latin]
H: 2,86a { Dignus est operarius mercede sua } [Latin]
J: 2,86a { Dignus est op(er)arius mercede sua } [Latin]
L: 2,86a { Dignus est op(er)arius mercede sua &c } [Latin]
K: 2,86a { Dignus est m(er)cenarius m(er)cede sua } [Latin]
W: 2,86 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 2,86a { Dignus est op(er)arius mercede sua &c } [Latin]
A: 2,86a --- this line missing ---
M: 2,86a --- this line om ---
T: 2,87 {Dignus est op(er)arius m(er)cede}
H2: 2,87 Worth is -th-e werkeman . his mede to haue [aaXx]
Ch: 2,87 Worthy is -th-e workman . his mede to haue [aaXx]
D: 2,87 Wor-th-y is -th-e werkma(n) . his mede to haue [aaXx]
V: 2,87 (Wor_th_i) is _th_e (Werkmon) . his (hure) to (haue)
H: 2,87 Wor-th-i is -th-e warkmon . his huyre for to haue
J: 2,87 Worthy es -th-e werkman . his mede to hauyne [aaXx]
L: 2,87 Worthy is -th-e werkman . his mede for to haue [aaXx]
K: 2,87 Worthy is a workma(n) . his mede to haue [aaXx]
W: 2,87 Worthi is -th-e werkman . his mede wel to haue [aaXx]
N: 2,87 Wor-th-i is -th-e warkeman . his mede wel to haue
A: 2,87 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,87 { Dignus est op(er)arius } . is hir(e) to haue [aaXx]
T: 2,87 Wor[th]i is [th]e werkman his mede to haue
T: 2,88 And [th]ou hast fastnid hire wi[th] fals fy on [th]i
H2: 2,88 And thou hast fastinde hir(e) w(i)t(h) fals . fy
on -th-i lawes [aaAx]
Ch: 2,88 And -th-ow hast fastened her with fals . fy on -th-y
lawes [aaAx]
D: 2,88 And -th-u hast fastned here w(i)t(h) fals . fy on
-th-y lawe [aaAx]
V: 2,88 And _th_ou hast (feffet) hire with (fals) . (fy)
on _th_i lawe [aaAx]
H: 2,88 & -th-ou hast feffed hir wi-th- false . now fye
on -th-i lawe [aaAx]
J: 2,88 & -th-(o)u hast fastned hyr(e) w(i)t(h) fals
. fy on -th-i lawe [aaAx]
L: 2,88 And -th-ou hast fastened hire wi-th- fals . fy on
-th-y lawe [aaAx]
K: 2,88 And thou hast fastynyd her to false . fye on thy
lawe [aaAx]
W: 2,88 And -th-ow hast fastned here to fals . now fy on
-th-i lawe [aaAx]
N: 2,88 And -th-(o)u hast fastened hir w(i)t(h) false . fy
on -th-i lawe [aaAx]
A: 2,88 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,88 And -th-(o)u hast fasted hir(e) to false . fy on
-th-yn lawe [aaAx]
T: 2,89 ffor al be lesinges [th]ou lyuest & leccherous
H2: 2,89 ffor al ben lesynges -th-(o)u leuest . and lecherous
workes [aaAx]
Ch: 2,89 ffor alle be lesinges -th-ow leuest . and lecherous
workes [aaAx]
D: 2,89 ffor al by lesyng -th-u leuest . & lecherours
werk(es) [aaAx]
V: 2,89 ffor (lechours) & (ly_g_ers) . (lihtliche) _th_ou
(leeuest) [aaAa]
H: 2,89 for lesyngis & lechryes suche warkes -th-ou louest
J: 2,89 ffor al be lessyngis -th-(o)u leuest . & liccherours
werkys [aaAx]
L: 2,89 ffor al by lesynges -th-ou lyuest . & lechores
werkis [aaAx]
K: 2,89 ffor al by lesing(es) thou lyvyst . & lecherous
work(es) [aaAx]
W: 2,89 ffor al by lesinges -th-ow lyuest . & lecherouse
werkes [aaAx]
N: 2,89 ffor al bi lesynges -th-(o)u lyuest . & lecherouse
werkis [aaAx]
A: 2,89 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,89 ffor al be lesynges -th-ou lyuist . & leccherouse
werkys [aaAx]
T: 2,90 Symonye & [th]iself shenden holy chirche
H2: 2,90 Symonye and -th-i self . schend holy chirche [aaAx]
Ch: 2,90 Synonye and -th-y self . schenden holi chirch [aaAx]
D: 2,90 Symonye & -th-y self . shenden holy Churche [aaAx]
V: 2,90 (Simonie) and (_th_i-self) . (Schenden) holichirche
H: 2,90 Symony & -th-i silf . schenden hooly churche
J: 2,90 Symony & -th-i selue . schenden holy cherche
L: 2,90 Simony & -th-y seolf . schenden holy chirche
K: 2,90 Symonye & thy self . schenden holy chirche [aaAx]
W: 2,90 Simonie and -th-i self . shenden holy cherche [aaAx]
N: 2,90 Symonye & -th-i self . shenden holy chirche [aaAx]
A: 2,90 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,90 Symonye & -th-y self . schendyt holy cherche
T: 2,91 [Y]e & [th]e notories noye [th]e peple
H2: 2,91 -Gh-e and -th-e notories . noi-gh-en -th-e peple
Ch: 2,91 -Gh-e and notaries noy-gh-en the pepelle [xaAx]?
D: 2,91 -Gh-ee & -th-e notaryes noyen -th-e peple [xaAx]?
V: 2,91 He and _th_eose (Nataries) . (anuy_g_en) _th_e peple
J: 2,91 -Gh-e & -th-e notaries noyen ofte -th-e pepul
L: 2,91 Hit is noted -gh-e & -th-e notories ney-gh-en
-th-eo people [xaAx]?
K: 2,91 Ye & the notaries noyen the people [xaAx]?
W: 2,91 And also -th-is notoories noien -th-e peple [xaAx]?
N: 2,91 Also -th-ise notaries . noien -th-e peple [xaAx]?
A: 2,91 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,91 -Y-e & -th-yse notories anuoyen -th-e peple [xaAx]?
T: 2,92 [Y]e shuln abigge bo[th]e be god [th](a)t me made
H2: 2,92 -Gh-e schuln abigge [it] both . be god -th-(a)t
me made [aaAxx]
Ch: 2,92 -Gh-e schulle abygge bothe . by god -th-at me made
D: 2,92 -Gh-e schul abygge bothe . by god -th-(a)t me made
V: 2,92 --- this line om --
H: 2,92 -Gh-e schule abygge it bo-th-e . by god -th-at me
made [aaAxx]
J: 2,92 -Gh-e scholyn abyggen . be criste -th-(a)t me made
L: 2,92 -Gh-e schulen abugge bothe . by god -th-at me made
K: 2,92 Ye schall abyggen it both . by god that me made [aaAxx]
W: 2,92 -Gh-e shul abye bo-th-e . be god -th-at me made [aaAxx]
N: 2,92 -Gh-e shal abye bo-th-e . bi god -th-at me made [aaAxx]
A: 2,92 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,92 -Y-e schullyn abyggy(n) bo-th-y(n) . be cryst -th-(a)t
me made [aaAxx]
H: 2,92 at oo -gh-eris ende whan -gh-e reken schul
H: 2,91 for -gh-e & -th-ese notaries anoyen -th-e pepul [xaAx]?
T: 2,93 Wel [y]e wyte wernardis but [y]if [y]oure wyt faile
H2: 2,93 Wel -gh-e wyte wernardis . but if -gh-our(e) witt
fayle [aaaAx]
Ch: 2,93 Wel -gh-e wete wernardes . bot -gh-ef -gh-oure wit
faile [aaaAx]
D: 2,93 Wel -gh-e weten wernardes . but yf -gh-o(ur) wit
faylle [aaaAx]
V: 2,93 ffor (wel) _y_e (witen), (wernardes)! . but _g_if
or (wit) fayle [aaaAx]
H: 2,93 Wel -gh-e wyton wyrnardes . but if -gh-our(e) witt(us)
fayle [aaaAx]
J: 2,93 Wele -gh-e wytyn & witterly . but -gh-or witte
fayle [aaaAx]
L: 2,93 ffor wel -gh-e witen weornardes . bote -gh-ef ow
wit wante [aaaAx]
K: 2,93 Wel ye wyttyn warn(er)d(es) . but if yo(ur) witt
fayle [aaaAx]
W: 2,93 Wel -gh-e witte wernerdes . but -gh-if -gh-owre witte
faille [aaaAx]
N: 2,93 Wyl -gh-e wyte warnardes . but -gh-if -gh-o(ur) wittis
faile [aaaAx]
A: 2,93 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,93 Wel -y-e wetyn werlardys . but -y-our(e) wyt fayle
T: 2,94 [Th]at fals is a faito(ur) feyntles of werkis
H2: 2,94 -Th-at fals is a fayto(ur) . feyntles of werkes
Ch: 2,94 -Th-at falsnesse is a faitour . feynteles of workes
D: 2,94 That fals is a faytour . feyntles of his werkes [aaAx]
V: 2,94 _Th_at (fals) is a (faytur) . a (faylere) of werkes
H: 2,94 -Th-at false is a faytour . & feytheles of warkes
J: 2,94 -Th-(a)t false is a faytour(e) . & defowlys many
werkys [aaAx]
L: 2,94 -Th-at fals is a faitour . & feynteles of werkis
K: 2,94 That fals is a fayto(ur) . & faithles of work(es)
W: 2,94 That fals is a faytour . and fai-th-les of werkes
N: 2,94 -Th-(a)t false is a faito(ur) . & feitheles of
werkis [aaAx]
A: 2,94 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,94 -Th-(a)t fals is a fayto(ur) . & feytles of werkys
T: 2,95 As a bastard yborn of belsaboukis kynde
H2: 2,95 As a bastard Iborn . of belsabouris kynde [aaAx]
Ch: 2,95 And a bastard born . of belsabukkes kynde [aaAx]
D: 2,95 As a Bastard born . of Belsabubbes kyn [aaAx]
V: 2,95 And a (Bastard) (I-boren) . of (Belsabubbes) kunne
H: 2,95 & a bastard Ibore . of belsabub(us) kynne [aaAx]
J: 2,95 & as a bastard Iboru(n) . of beelsabubes kynne
L: 2,95 And a bastard yborn . of bealsabubbes kynde [aaAx]
K: 2,95 And as a bastard Iborn . of belsabubb(es) kynde [aaAx]
W: 2,95 And as a bastard ybore . of belsabubbes kyn [aaAx]
N: 2,95 And as a bastard yborn . of belsabubbes kynne [aaAx]
A: 2,95 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,95 And as a bastard Iboryn . of bessabukes kende [aaAx]
T: 2,96 And mede is mulere of maides engendrit
H2: 2,96 And mede is a mened . a maydene of gode [aaAx]
Ch: 2,96 And mede is a muliere . of maidens engendered [aaAx]
D: 2,96 And mede is mulyer . a mayden of good [aaAx]
V: 2,96 And (Meede) is a (Iuweler) . a (Mayden) ful (gent)
H: 2,96 & mede is a medelar . amonge men of goode [aaAx]
J: 2,96 & mede is a meyler(e) . a maydou(n) of gode [aaAx]
L: 2,96 And mede is a maiden . a moiller of goode [aaAx]
K: 2,96 And mede is mewlyar . a maydyn of good [aaAx]
W: 2,96 And mede is moillere . a mayde of gode mynd [aaAx]
N: 2,96 And mede is moillere . a maiden of gode [aaAx]
A: 2,96 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,96 & mede is a maydyn . engendryd of goode [aaAx]
T: 2,97 She mi[gh]te kisse [th]e king for cosyn [y]if he wolde
H2: 2,97 Sche my-gh-t kysse -th-e kyng . for Cosyn if he
wolde [aaAx]
Ch: 2,97 Sche my-gh-t kisse the kyng . for Cosyn -gh-ef sche
wold [aaAx]
D: 2,97 She my-gh-t kysse -th-e kyng . for Cosyn yf he wolde
V: 2,97 Heo mihte (Cusse) _th_e (kyng) . for (Cosyn) _g_if
heo schulde [aaAx]
H: 2,97 heo my-gh-t kusse -th-e kynge . for cosyne if heo
schulde [aaAx]
J: 2,97 Komlyche for cosyn -th-e kyng . myht sche kysse [aaAx]
L: 2,97 Heo might kusse -th-e kyng . for cosyn y trowe [aaAx]
K: 2,97 Sche might kysse the kyng . for Cosyn & he would
W: 2,97 She myght kysse -th-e kyng . for cosyn -gh-if she
wolde [aaAx]
N: 2,97 She mi-gh-t kisse -th-e kyng . for cosyn & sche
wolde [aaAx]
A: 2,97 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,97 Sche myght kyssyn -th-e kyng . for cosyn & sche
wolde [aaAx]
T: 2,98 Werchi[th] be wysdom & be wyt aftir
H2: 2,98 Werchith be wysdom . and be wyt aftir [aaAx]
Ch: 2,98 Wirche be wisdam . and be witte after [aaAx]
D: 2,98 Worche-th- be wysd(a)m . & be wyt aft(ir) [aaAx]
V: 2,98 (Worche_th_) bi (wisdam) . and bi (Wit) aftur [aaAx]
H: 2,98 -th-erfore worche-th- by wytte . & by wysedam
bo-th-e [aaAx]
J: 2,98 Wolde sche wyrche be wysdom . & be wit after(e)
L: 2,98 Worche -gh-e by wisdam . & wayfe away wronge
K: 2,98 Worchith by wisdome . & by witt after [aaAx]
W: 2,98 And -th-er[fore] do by wisdome . & by witte after
N: 2,98 Worche-th- be wisdom . & by witte aftir [aaAx]
A: 2,98 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,98 Wurche be wisdam . & be wit after [aaAx]
T: 2,99 Ledi[th] hire to lundou(n) [th](er)e lawe is yhandlit
H2: 2,99 Ledith her(e) to london . -th-(er)e lawe is Ihaun[ditd]
Ch: 2,99 Ledith her to london . -th-er lawe is Ihandeled
D: 2,99 lede here to londou(n) . -th-(er) lawe is handlyd
V: 2,99 (Lede_th_) hire to (londone) . _th_er (lawe) is I-hondlet
H: 2,99 Lede-th- hir to london . -th-er lawe is yhondeled
J: 2,99 Ledith hir(e) to londou(n) . -th-(er) lawe is Ihandelyd
L: 2,99 Ledith hire to london . -th-(er) -th-e lawe is handled
K: 2,99 Ledith her to londou(n) . ther lawe is Ihandelyd
W: 2,99 And lede here to london . -th-er lawe is yhandled
N: 2,99 Lede-th- hir to london . -th-(er)e lawe is yhanled
A: 2,99 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,99 ledyt hyr(e) to londou(n) . -th-er wit is Ihandeled
T: 2,100 [Y]if any Leaute wile loke [th]ei ligge togid(er)e
H2: 2,100 -Gh-if any laute wil loke . -th-ei legge togidere
Ch: 2,100 -gh-ef any lewte wol loke . -th-ei liggen togederes
D: 2,100 Yf ony liau(n)ce wil loke . hem legge togidere [aaAx]
V: 2,100 _Y_if eny (leute) wol (loken) . _th_at _th_ei (liggen)
to-gedere [aaAx]
H: 2,100 if ony lewtee wole loke . -th-(a)t -th-ei lybbe
togydre [aaAx]
J: 2,100 If any leute wil loke . -th-ei liggyn togyder(e)
L: 2,100 Lokith -gh-ef lealte wol like . -th-ey lengen togedre
K: 2,100 Yef any lewte woll loke . they liggen togeder [aaAx]
W: 2,100 -Gh-if any liance wil loke . to lye hym togederes
N: 2,100 -Gh-if eny Lewte wil loke . -th-ei ligge togidre
A: 2,100 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,100 -Gh-yf ony lealte wol lokyn . -th-ey liggyn togederys
T: 2,101 And [y]if [th]e iustices iugge hire to be ioyned w(i)t(h)
H2: 2,101 And if -th-e Iustice iugge her(e) . to be ioynide
w(i)t(h) fals [aaAx]
Ch: 2,101 And -gh-ef the Iustice Iugge her . to be Ioyned
with fals [aaAx]
D: 2,101 And yf -th-e Iustice Iugge here . to be Ioyned w(i)t(h)
false [aaAx]
V: 2,101 And _g_if _th_e (Iustise) wol (Iugge) hire . to
be (Ioynet) with ffals [aaAx]
H: 2,101 & if -th-e Iustice wole iugge hir . to be ioyned
wi-th- fals [aaAx]
J: 2,101 & -th-ei -th-e Iustyce iuggen her(e) . to bien
Iuned to false [aaAx]
L: 2,101 And -th-agh Iustises iuggen hire . to -th-at fals
ioyne [aaAx]
K: 2,101 And though the Iustice Iugyn her . to be Ioynyd
w(i)t(h) fals [aaAx]
W: 2,101 And -th-ogh iustises Iuge hire . be ioyned to fals
N: 2,101 And -th-ei -th-e Iustices iugge hir . to be ioyned
w(i)t(h) false [aaAx]
A: 2,101 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,101 -Th-ay iustice wolde Iugge . to Ioyniyn hyr(e) to
false [aaAx]
T: 2,102 [Y]et be war of [th]e weddyng for witty is treu[th]e
H2: 2,102 -Gh-et be war of -th-e weddyng . for witty is treu-th-e
Ch: 2,102 -gh-it be war of weddyng . for wytty Is trew-th-e
D: 2,102 -Gh-et be war of youre weddyng . for witty is treuthe
V: 2,102 _Y_it (be-war) of _th_e (weddyng) . for (witti)
is treu_th_e [aaAx]
H: 2,102 & -gh-itte be-th- war of -th-is weddynge . for
wytty is treu-th-e [aaAx]
J: 2,102 -Gh-it be war(e) of weddyng . for witty is trewthe
L: 2,102 -Gh-et beo war of -th-at weddyng . for witty is
treuthe [aaAx]
K: 2,102 Yet be ware of weddyng . for wytty is trewth [aaAx]
W: 2,102 Be-th- war of -th-e weddyng . for witty is treu-th-e
N: 2,102 -Gh-it be-th- ware of weddyng . for witti is trw-th-e
A: 2,102 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,102 Be war of -th-e weddyng . for wytet is trewthe [aaAx]
T: 2,103 ffor consience is of his counseil & knowi[th]
[y]ow ichone
H2: 2,103 ffor consience is of his counsel . & knowit
-gh-ow echone [aaAx]
Ch: 2,103 ffor conscience is of his consceile . and knoweth
-gh-ow echon [aaAx]
D: 2,103 ffor concience is of his Counceill . & knowi-th-
-gh-ou echone [aaAx]
V: 2,103 ffor (Concience) is on of his . and (knowe_th_)
ou vchone [aaAx]
H: 2,103 for conscyence is his counselour(e) . & knowe-th-
-gh-ou ychone [aaAx]
J: 2,103 ffor (co)nsciens is of his cou(n)sell . & knowyth
-gh-ow ichone [aaAx]
L: 2,103 ffor conciense is of his counseil . & knoweth
ow vchone [aaAx]
K: 2,103 ffor consyens is of his councell . & knowth
yow echon [aaAx]
W: 2,103 Conscience [is] of his consaill . -th-at kenne-gh-
-gh-ow ychon [aaAx]
N: 2,103 Consiense is of his counseille . & knowe-th-
-gh-ow vchone [aaAx]
A: 2,103 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,103 And concience of co(n)seil . & knowyt -y-ou
ichan [aaAx]
T: 2,104 And [y]if he fynde [y]ow in defaute & wi[th] [th]e
fals holden
H2: 2,104 And if he fynde -gh-ow in defaute . and w(i)t(h)
-th-e fals holden [aaAx]
Ch: 2,104 And -gh-ef he fynde -gh-ow with defaut . and with
fals holden [aaAx]
D: 2,104 And yf he fynde -gh-ow in defaute . & w(i)t(h)
-th-e false holde [aaAx]
V: 2,104 And _g_if he (fynde) such (defaute) . _th_at _g_e
with (ffals) holden [aaAx]
H: 2,104 And if he fynde suche defawte . -th-at -gh-e wi-th-
fals holden [aaAx]
J: 2,104 & if he fynde -gh-ow in defaute . & w(i)t(h)
false holde [aaAx]
L: 2,104 And -gh-ef he fynde -gh-ou in defaute . & with
fals holde [aaAx]
K: 2,104 And yf he fynd yow in defaute . & w(i)t(h) the
fals holde [aaAx]
W: 2,104 -Gh-if he finde -gh-ow in defaute . wi-th- fals
-th-at -gh-e holde [aaAx]
N: 2,104 And -gh-if he fynde -gh-ow in defaute . & wi-th-
-th-e false holde [aaAx]
A: 2,104 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,104 And -y-yf he fynde -y-ou in -th-e faute . and wyt
false holdy(n) [aaAx]
T: 2,105 It shal besette [y]oure soulis wel sore at [th]e laste
H2: 2,105 --- this line is omitted ---
Ch: 2,105 hit schal besette -gh-oure soules wel . sore at
laste [aaAx]
D: 2,105 hit schal beset -gh-our(e) sawles wel . sore at
-th-e laste [aaAx]
V: 2,105 Hit schal (bi-sitten) oure (soules) . (sore) atte
laste [aaAx]
H: 2,105 It schal sitt -gh-oure soulis ful . sore at -th-e
laste ende [aaAx]
J: 2,105 It schal -gh-our(e) soulys wel . sour(e) abyggyn
atte laste [aaAx]
L: 2,105 Hit schal sitte -gh-oure soules ful . soure at -th-e
laste [aaAx]
K: 2,105 It schal besytt yo(ur) sowl(is) well . sower at
the last [aaAx]
W: 2,105 It shal sitte -gh-owre soules ful . sour atte last
N: 2,105 It shal sitte -gh-our soulis . sour(e) atte laste
A: 2,105 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,105 hit schal sittyn -y-owr(e) soulis wol . sour(e)
atte laste [aaAx]
T: 2,106 Hereto assenti[th] Cyuyle ac symonye ne wolde
H2: 2,106 Her(e) assencit Syuile . ac symonye ne wolde [aaAx]
Ch: 2,106 Herto assente-th- Ciuyle . but symonye ne wolde
D: 2,106 Herto assentid Syuyle . Symonye nolde [aaAx]
V: 2,106 --- this line om --
H: 2,106 herto assentid syuyle . but symonye ne wolde [aaAx]
J: 2,106 Herto asentyd Cyuile . ac Symony ne wolde [aaAx]
L: 2,106 Herto asentith cyuyle . bote symony no wolde [aaAx]
K: 2,106 Hereto assentith Cyuyle . but Symonye it nold [aaAx]
W: 2,106 Hereto assenti-th- Ciuile . but Simonie nolde [aaAx]
N: 2,106 Hereto assented Cyuyle . & symonye ne wolde
A: 2,106 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,106 Herto assentit Ciuile . symonye ne wolde [aaAx]
T: 2,107 Til he hadde silu(er) for his selis & signes
H2: 2,107 Tyl he hadde syluer . for his seles and signes
Ch: 2,107 Tille he had siluer . for his seles and signes
D: 2,107 Tyl he had Silu(er) . for his seales & signes
V: 2,107 --- this line om --
H: 2,107 tyle he had syluer . for his sawes & his selynge
J: 2,107 Til he had syluer(e) . for selis & sygnys [xaAa]
L: 2,107 Til he had Seoluer . for his seles & signes
of notories [xaAa]
K: 2,107 Tyl he had syluer . for his seale & signes [xaAa]
W: 2,107 Til he hadde siluer . for seles & signes [xaAa]
N: 2,107 Til he had siluer . for seles & signes [xaAa]
A: 2,107 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,107 Tyl he hadde syluyr . for hys selys & syngnes
togeder(e) [xaAa]
T: 2,108 [Th]anne fette fauel for[th] floreynes ynowe
H2: 2,108 -Th-anne fette fauel forth . floreyne Inowe [aaaAx]
Ch: 2,108 -Th-an fette fauel forth . floreyns Inowe [aaaAx]
D: 2,108 -Th-an fette fauel forth . floryns ynowe [aaaAx]
V: 2,108 --- this line om --
H: 2,108 -th-en fett fauel forth . floreynes Inowe [aaaAx]
J: 2,108 -Th-an fet forth fauel . florens Inowe [aaaAx]
L: 2,108 -Th-an fet forth fauuel . florens ful feole [aaaAx]
K: 2,108 Than fet favell forth . florens Inowe [aaaAx]
W: 2,108 Than fet favel . floreyns ynowe [aaaAx]
N: 2,108 Thanne fett fauel . floreynes ynowe [aaaAx]
A: 2,108 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,108 -Th-anne fette fauel . floryns Inowe [aaaAx]
T: 2,109 And bad gile go gyue gold al aboute
H2: 2,109 And bad gyle go . gyue gold aboute [aaAx]
Ch: 2,109 And bad gile go -gh-eue . gold aboute [aaAx]
D: 2,109 And bad gyle go gyue . gold al aboute [aaAx]
V: 2,109 --- this line om --
H: 2,109 & bad gyle go to & -gh-yue . gold aboute
J: 2,109 & bad gile for to -gh-euyn . golde al aboute
L: 2,109 And bad gile go gyfe . gold to vche gome aboute
K: 2,109 And bad Gyle geve . gold al aboute [aaAx]
W: 2,109 And bad gile go gife . gold al aboute [aaAx]
N: 2,109 And bad gyle to gif . golde al aboute [aaAx]
A: 2,109 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,109 And bad gyle go geuy(n) . al abowte [aaAx]
T: 2,110 And nameliche to [th]e notories [th]at hem non ne
H2: 2,110 And nameliche to -th-e notories . -th-(a)t hem
non ne fayle [aaAx]
Ch: 2,110 And namely to Notaries . -th-at he non failed [aaAx]
D: 2,110 And namelyche to -th-e notoryes . -th-(a)t hem no(n)
fayle [aaAx]
V: 2,110 --- this line om --
H: 2,110 & namely to -th-is notaries . -th-at hem non
lacked [aaAx]
J: 2,110 And namelich to noteryes . -th-(a)t -th-ei none
fayled [aaAx]
L: 2,110 And namelich to notories . -th-at -th-er non failed
K: 2,110 And namelich to the Notaryys . that thay now fayled
W: 2,110 And namely to notaries . -th-at hem none faille
N: 2,110 And namely to -th-e notories . -th-(a)t hem none
failled [aaAx]
A: 2,110 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,110 & namely to notories . -th-at hem no gold fayle
T: 2,111 And feffe false wytnesse wi[th] floreynes ynowe
H2: 2,111 And feffe fals witnesse . wit floreynes Inowe [aaAx]
Ch: 2,111 And feffe falsnese . with floreines Inow [aaAx]
D: 2,111 And feffe false witnesse . w(i)t(h) floreyns ynowe
V: 2,111 --- this line om --
H: 2,111 & feffe false wittnesse . wi-th- florens Inowe
J: 2,111 And feffe false witnesse . with floreynes Inowe
L: 2,111 And feoffe false witnes . wi-th- floreyns feole
y praye [aaAx]
K: 2,111 And feffe falsnes . with floreyns Inowe [aaAx]
W: 2,111 And feffe fals witnesse . wi-th- floreyns ynowe
N: 2,111 And feffe false witnesse . wi-th- floreynes ynowe
A: 2,111 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,111 And festene falsnese . wyt floreyns Inowe [aaAx]
T: 2,112 ffor he may mede amaistrien and maken at my wille
H2: 2,112 ffor he may mede maystrien . and maken at my wylle
Ch: 2,112 ffor he may mede and maistren . and maken at my
wille [aaAx]
D: 2,112 ffor he may mede maysteryen . and maken at his wille
V: 2,112 --- this line om --
H: 2,112 ffor he may mede amaysteren . & make hir at
his wylle [aaAx]
H: 2,112 ffor wher(e) falsenes is oft fownden -th-ere fei-th-
J: 2,112 ffor he may meden & mayst(ri)yn . & makyn
h(er)in at wille [aaAx]
L: 2,112 ffor he may mede amaistrien . & maken at his
wille [aaAx]
K: 2,112 ffor he may mede amastren . & maken at my wille
W: 2,112 ffor she may mede maystrie. & make at hire wille
N: 2,112 ffor he maie Mede amaistre . & make at my wille
A: 2,112 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,112 ffor he may mede maistryn . & make(n) at my(n)
wille [aaAx]
T: 2,113 [Th]o [th]is gold was gyue gret was [th]e [th]onking
H2: 2,113 To -th-is gold was gyue . gret was -th-e thonkynge
Ch: 2,113 -Th-o -th-is gold was -gh-euen . gret was -th-e
-th-anking [aaAx]
D: 2,113 Tho -th-is gold was geuen . gret was -th-e -th-ankyng
V: 2,113 --- this line om --
H: 2,113 -th-oo -th-e gold was -gh-ouen . grete were -th-e
thonkes [aaAx]
J: 2,113 -Th-o -th-e golde was I-gh-ouyn . gret was -th-e
thankyng [aaAx]
L: 2,113 Bote -th-o -th-is gold was ygyue . graunt mercy
-th-ey gradde[n] [aaAx]
K: 2,113 Whan the gold was gevyn . gret was the thank(es)
W: 2,113 Whan the gold was gefe . gret was -th-e -th-onkes
N: 2,113 Whan -th-e golde was ygyuen . grete was -th-e -th-onkyng
A: 2,113 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,113 -Th-o -th-ys gold was -y-eue(n) . miche was -th-e
-th-anke [aaAx]
T: 2,114 To false & to fauel for here faire [y]eftis
H2: 2,114 To fals and to fauel . for her(e) fayr(e) -gh-eftis
Ch: 2,114 To fals and to fauel . for her faire -gh-eftes
D: 2,114 To fals & to ffauel . for here fayre -gh-iftes
V: 2,114 --- this line om --
H: 2,114 to false & to fauel . for her feyre -gh-yftus
J: 2,114 To false & to fauel . for her fayr(e) -gh-iftes
L: 2,114 To fals & to fawuel . for heore faire -gh-eftes
K: 2,114 To fals & [to] favell . for their faier yeftes
W: 2,114 To fals and to favel . for here faire giftes [aaAx]
N: 2,114 To false & to fauel . for here fair(e) -gh-iftes
A: 2,114 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,114 to fals & to fauel . for her fayr -y-iftys [aaAx]
T: 2,115 And comen to counforte fro care [th]e false
H2: 2,115 And comen to co(n)forten . fro care -th-e fals
Ch: 2,115 And comen to comfort . fro care the fals [aaAx]
D: 2,115 And comen to Comforten . fro care -th-e false [aaAx]
V: 2,115 --- this line om --
H: 2,115 many comen from care to cou(n)forte -th-e false
J: 2,115 And kemyn for to cou(m)fortyn . fro car(e) -th-e
false [aaAx]
L: 2,115 And -th-e(n)ne fals from kare konne -th-ey faste
comforte [aaAx]
K: 2,115 Thay co(m)men to co(m)forte . from care the fals
W: 2,115 And come to confort fals . & sikerly -th-ay
saiden [aaAx]
N: 2,115 And comyn to conforte . fro care -th-e false [aaAx]
A: 2,115 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,115 And komy(n) forth to counforty(n) . fro kar(e) -th-e
falsse [aaAx]
T: 2,116 And seide c(er)tis cesse shuln we neu(er)e
H2: 2,116 And seide sertis . cesse schul we neu(er)e [aaAx]
Ch: 2,116 And seiden certis . ces schul we neuer [aaAx]
D: 2,116 And seyde certes . sese schal we neu(er)e [aaAx]
V: 2,116 --- this line om --
H: 2,116 & sworen on -th-e hoolydom -th-at . ceese schul
we neuere [aaAx]
J: 2,116 And -thei seyden sertis . secyn sulden we neu(er)e
L: 2,116 And saide c(er)tes in same . sese schal we neuer
K: 2,116 And sayden certes . sesyn schull we neuer [aaAx]
W: 2,116 Certes cese shal we neuere . til -gh-e haue mede
wedded [aaAx]
N: 2,116 And seiden c(er)tes . cesse schal we newr(e) [aaAx]
A: 2,116 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,116 & certys seydyn to hym . slepe schul we neuer(e)
T: 2,117 Til mede be [th]i weddit wyf [th]oru[gh] wyt of vs
H2: 2,117 Tyl mede be thi weddid wyff . -th-oru-gh- wyt of
vs alle [aaAx]
Ch: 2,117 Tyl mede be -th-y wedded wyf . -th-orow witte of
vs alle [aaAx]
D: 2,117 Til mede be -th-y wedded wyf . -th-oru-gh-t wit
of vs alle [aaAx]
V: 2,117 --- this line om --
H: 2,117 or mede be -th-i weddud wyf . -th-orou-gh- witte
of vs alle [aaAx]
J: 2,117 Til mede be -th-i weddyd wife . -th-orow wit of
us alle [aaAx]
L: 2,117 Til mede beo -th-y wedded wif . -th-orgh wit of
vs alle [aaAx]
K: 2,117 Tyl mede be thy weddyd wyfe . throwgh witt of vs
alle [aaAx]
W: 2,117 --- this line om ---
N: 2,117 Tyl mede be -th-i weddid wif . -th-orow witte of
vs alle [aaAx]
A: 2,117 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,117 tyl mede be wendyd . -th-ourth wit of vs alle [aaAx]
T: 2,118 ffor we haue mede amaistried wi[th] oure m(er)y speche
H2: 2,118 ffor we han mede amaystried . w(i)t(h) our(e) meri
speche [aaAx]
Ch: 2,118 ffor we haue mede maistred . with oure mery speche
D: 2,118 ffor we haue mede maystryed . w(i)t(h) our(e) mery
speche [aaAx]
V: 2,118 --- this line om --
H: 2,118 for we han mede amaysterd . wi-th- oure myri wordis
J: 2,118 ffor we haue mede amayst(er)yd . w(i)t(h) our(e)
merye speche [aaAx]
L: 2,118 ffor we han mede amaistred . -th-orgh oure meory
speche [aaAx]
K: 2,118 ffor we haue mede amastred . w(i)t(h) our mery speche
W: 2,118 ffor we haue mede maistrede . wi-th- oure meri speche
N: 2,118 ffor we haue mede amaistred . wi-th- our(e) mery
speche [aaAx]
A: 2,118 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,118 ffor we han mede maystryd . w(i)t(h) our(e) fayr(e)
speche [aaAx]
T: 2,119 [Th]at he g(ra)unti[th] to gon wi[th] a good wille
H2: 2,119 That he g(rau)nteth w(i)t(h) vs to go . w(i)t(h)
a good wylle [aaAx]
Ch: 2,119 -Th-an he graunted to go . with a gode wille [aaAx]
D: 2,119 -Th-at sche gr(a)unte-th- to gon . w(i)t(h) a good
wille [aaAx]
V: 2,119 --- this line om --
H: 2,119 -th-at hee graunte-th- to goo . wi-th- a good wille
J: 2,119 -Th-at sche g(ra)untyd to gon . w(i)t(h) a goode
wille [aaAx]
L: 2,119 -Th-at heo graunteth with vs to gon . with a goode
wille [aaAx]
K: 2,119 That she g(ra)untith to gone . with a good wille
W: 2,119 That she graunte-th- to come . wi-th- a gode will(e)
N: 2,119 That she graunte-th- to gone . wi-th- a god wile
A: 2,119 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,119 -Th-at sche g(ra)unte-th- to go . wit a good wille
T: 2,120 To lundou(n) to loke [y]if [th](a)t lawe wolde
H2: 2,120 To london to loke . -gh-if -th-at lawe wolde [aaAx]
Ch: 2,120 To london to loke . -gh-ef -th-e lawe wold [aaAx]
D: 2,120 To londou(n) to loken . -gh-if -th-(a)t lawe wolde
V: 2,120 --- this line om --
H: 2,120 to london to loke . if -th-e lawe wole [aaAx]
J: 2,120 To londou(n) to lokyn . for -th-e lawe -th-ere [aaAx]
L: 2,120 To london to loken . -gh-ef -th-e lawe wolde [aaAx]
K: 2,120 To london to lokyn . if the lawe woulde [aaAx]
W: 2,120 To london to loke . -gh-if -th-at lawe will [aaAx]
N: 2,120 To london to loken . -gh-if -th-e lawe wile [aaAx]
A: 2,120 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,120 --- this line is omitted ---
T: 2,121 Iuggen [y]ow ioyntly in ioye for eu(er)e
H2: 2,121 Iuggen -gh-ow ioyntli . in ioye for eu(er)e [aaAx]
Ch: 2,121 Ioyne hem Ioyntely . in Ioye for euer [aaAx]
D: 2,121 Iugge -gh-ou Ioyntliche . in Ioye for eu(er)e [aaAx]
V: 2,121 --- this line om --
H: 2,121 Iugge -gh-ou ioyntely . to be Ioyned for euer [aaAx]
J: 2,121 Wolde Ioynyn -gh-ow gentely . in Ioye for euere
L: 2,121 Iugge -gh-ou ioyntly . in ioye for euer [aaAx]
K: 2,121 Iuge yow ioyntly . in Ioy for euer [aaAx]
W: 2,121 Iugge -gh-ow ioyntly . in ioye for euere [aaAx]
N: 2,121 Iugge -gh-ow ientely . in ioye for eure [aaAx]
A: 2,121 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,121 To Ionye -y-ou Ioynly . w(i)t(h) Ioye togeder(e)
T: 2,122 [Th]anne was fals fayn & fauel als bli[th]e
H2: 2,122 -Th-an fals was fayn . and fauel als bli-th-e [aaAx]
Ch: 2,122 -Th-an was fals fayn . and fauel as bliue [aaAx]
D: 2,122 Than was fals fayn . & fauel as bly-th-(e) [aaAx]
V: 2,122 _Th_enne was (ffals) (fayn) . and (ffauuel) also
bli_th_e [aaAx]
H: 2,122 -th-en was fals fayn . & fauel also blythe [aaAx]
J: 2,122 -Th-an was false fayne . & fauel as blithe [aaAx]
L: 2,122 -Th-an was fals fayn . & fauuel wel blithe [aaAx]
K: 2,122 Than was fals fayne . & favel als blithe [aaAx]
W: 2,122 Than was fals fayn . and favel alse bli-th-e [aaAx]
N: 2,122 -Th-anne was false fayne . & fauel also bli-th-e
A: 2,122 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,122 -Th-anne was falshed fayn . & fauel as bli-th-e
T: 2,123 And let somoune alle [th]e segges abouten in shires
H2: 2,123 And let somne al -th-e segges . aboute in schires
Ch: 2,123 And let somnen -th-e segges . about In scheres
D: 2,123 And let Symonye seche . al aboute in Shires [aaAx]
V: 2,123 And lette sompne alle men . In Cuntre a-boute [xxXx]
H: 2,123 & bad sompne alle -th-e pepul . in schyres aboute
J: 2,123 And let somen alle -th-e seggys . in schyres aboute
L: 2,123 And lette sompne alle segges . in schires aboute
K: 2,123 And lett sumone al the segg(es) . in schir(es) aboute
W: 2,123 Thei let somon al -th-e segges . in shires aboute
N: 2,123 Thei lete somowne alle -th-e segges . in shires
aboute [aaAx]
A: 2,123 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,123 And lette sompne schyreue[s] . of schyris aboute
T: 2,124 And alle be boun begg(er)is & o[th](er)e
H2: 2,124 And al to be boun . begg(er)es and o-th-(er)e [aaAx]
Ch: 2,124 And alle to be bown . beggers and o-th-er [aaAx]
D: 2,124 And alle be bounde . beggeres & o-th-(er)e [aaAx]
V: 2,124 To (Arayen) hem (redi) . Bo_th_e Burgeys and Schirreues
H: 2,124 -th-at alle -th-ei my-gh-ten be bowne . beggers & o-th-er
J: 2,124 And alle -th-e bolde . begg(er)ys & o-th-er
to wende [aaAx]
L: 2,124 -Th-at vche beorne beo boun . begger & othir
K: 2,124 And al ben bown . beggars & other [aaAx]
W: 2,124 To her bodes to be boun . beggers and o-th-er [aaAx]
N: 2,124 Til her(e) bodis be bown . beggars & o-th-(er)
A: 2,124 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,124 & bad hem alle be boun . buggers & o-th-er(e)
T: 2,125 To wende wi[th] hem to westmynstre to wytnesse [th]e
H2: 2,125 To wende w(i)t(h) hem to westmynster . to witnesse
-th-e dede [aaAx]
Ch: 2,125 To wende with hem to westmester . to witnesse the
dede [aaAx]
D: 2,125 To wende w(i)t(h) hem to westmynstr(e) . to witnesse
-th-e dede [aaAx]
V: 2,125 To (weende) with hem to (westmunster) . to (Witnesse)
_th_e deede [aaAx]
H: 2,125 to wende wyth hem to westmynst(re) . to witnes -th-is
dede [aaAx]
J: 2,125 W(i)t(h) hem to westmynst(re) . to wytnessyn -th-is
dede [aaAx]
L: 2,125 To wende w(i)t(h) heom to westmunst(er) . to witnesse
-th-is dede [aaAx]
K: 2,125 To wend w(i)t(h) them to westmynstr(e) . to witnes
this dede [aaAx]
W: 2,125 To wenden to westmynster . to witnesse -th-is dede
N: 2,125 To wende to westmester . to witnesse -th-is dede
A: 2,125 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,125 To wendyn to westmenstr(e) . to wytnessyn -th-ys
dede [aaAx]
T: 2,126 [Th]anne cariede hy for[th] capelis to carien hem
H2: 2,126 -Th-an carede he for capelus . to carien hem -th-ider
Ch: 2,126 -Th-an cared -th-ei for capuls . to karien hem
-th-eder [aaAx]
D: 2,126 -Th-an cared -th-ey for cables . to caryen he(m)
-th-ider [aaAx]
V: 2,126 _Th_enne (careden) heo for (Caples) . to (carien)
hem _th_ider [aaAx]
H: 2,126 -th-en caareden -th-ei for caples . to karyen hem
-th-idur [aaAx]
J: 2,126 -Th-an karidyn -th-ei for caples . to karyen hem
-th-idyr(e) [aaAx]
L: 2,126 -Th-an karkeden heo for caples . to karien heom
-th-ydre [aaAx]
K: 2,126 Than cared thay for caples . to carien them thether
W: 2,126 -Th-an carede -th-ei for caples . to carien hem
(::::) [aaAx]
N: 2,126 -Th-anne cared -th-ei for caples . to kairen he(m)
-th-idre [aaAx]
A: 2,126 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,126 -Th-an karydy(n) -th-ey for capelys . to kary(n)
hem -th-ydyr [aaAx]
T: 2,127 [Th]anne fette fauel folis of [th]e beste
H2: 2,127 -Th-an fette fauel fourty . foles of -th-e beste
Ch: 2,127 -Th-an fet fauel . foles of -th-e beste [aaAx]
D: 2,127 -Th-an fette fauel . ffoles of -th-e beste [aaAx]
V: 2,127 Bote (ffauuel) (fette) (for_th_) . (ffoles) of _th_e
beste [aaaAx]
H: 2,127 But fauel fett forthe . foles of -th-e best [aaAx]
J: 2,127 And -th-an fet fauuel . foles of -th-e best [aaAx]
L: 2,127 And fauuel fet forth . foles of -th-e beste [aaAx]
K: 2,127 And than fet favell . folys of the best [aaAx]
W: 2,127 Than fette favel . foles of the best [aaAx]
N: 2,127 And -th-anne fette fauel . foles of -th-e beste
A: 2,127 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,127 And -th-anne fauel fette . florens of -th-e beste
T: 2,128 Sette mede on a shirreue shod al newe
H2: 2,128 Sette mede on a scherreue . schod al newe [aaAx]
Ch: 2,128 Sette mede on a schreue . schod al newe [aaAx]
D: 2,128 Sette mede on a shereue . shod al newe [aaAx]
V: 2,128 And (sette) Meede on a (Schirreues) Bak . (I-schood)
al newe [aaAx]
H: 2,128 & setten mede on a schyreues bache . schod al
newe [aaAx]
J: 2,128 And set mede on a schyrreue . schod all newe [aaAx]
L: 2,128 Sette mede on a schirref . scho-gh-ed al neowe [aaAx]
K: 2,128 And sett mede on a schriff . Ischode al newe [aaAx]
W: 2,128 Mede on a shiref . rode shodde al newe [aaAx]
N: 2,128 Set Mede on a shiryue . shodde al newe [aaAx]
A: 2,128 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,128 Set mede on a schereue . Ischod al newe [aaAx]
T: 2,129 And fals sat on a siso(ur) [th]at softeliche trottide
H2: 2,129 And fals sat on a sisour . -th-(a)t fetiliche troddide
Ch: 2,129 And fals satte on a sesoure . -th-at sotely trotted
D: 2,129 And false set on a sysoure . -th-at softly trotte-th-
V: 2,129 --- this line om --
H: 2,129 & fals on a sysoures backe . -th-at softly trotted
J: 2,129 And false sat on a sysour(e) . -th-(a)t softly trotdyd
L: 2,129 And fals on a sysour . -th-at softely trotted [aaAx]
K: 2,129 And sett [fals] on a cysour . that softly trottyd
W: 2,129 ffals sat on a sisour . ful softly gan (::::) [aaAx]
N: 2,129 And false satte on a siso(ur) . -th-(a)t softely
trotted [aaAx]
A: 2,129 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,129 And false sat on a sisour . -th-at stoutliche trottede
H: 2,129 for falsenes a-gh-eyn -th-e fei-th- sisoures he defoule-th-
H: 2,129 -th-oru-gh- comb(r)ance of coueytyse clymben a-gh-eyn tru-th-e
H: 2,129 -th-at -th-e fei-th- is defouled & falsly defamed
H: 2,129 & falsnes is a lord I wo-th-e & lyue-th-
as hym lyke-th-
T: 2,130 And fauel vpon fair speche fetisliche atirid
H2: 2,130 And fauel vpon a fair speche . quentyliche atyred
Ch: 2,130 And fauel vpon faire speche . sotely atired [aaAx]
D: 2,130 And fauel on a fayre speche . fastlyche atyred [aaAx]
V: 2,130 And (ffauel) on a (ffeir) speche . (ffeyntliche)
a-tyret [aaAx]
H: 2,130 ffauel on a feyre speche . ful feyntly atyred [aaAx]
H: 2,130 for feire speche -th-at is fei-th-les is falsnes
H: 2,130 & -th-us sysoures ben sompned -th-e false to
H: 2,130 & feir(e) speche fauel -th-at moche folke desceyueth
J: 2,130 And fauel vpon fayr speche . fetelych atyryd [aaAx]
L: 2,130 And fauuel apon feyr speche . fetosly atired [aaAx]
K: 2,130 And ffavell vpon faire spech . fetislich tyryd [aaAx]
W: 2,130 ffavel on fair speche . ful fetisly atired [aaAx]
N: 2,130 And fauel vpon fair(e) speche . fetysly atirid [aaAx]
A: 2,130 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,130 And fauel vpon fayr speche . feyntliche atyryd [aaAx]
T: 2,131 [Th](er)e hadde notories none anoyed [th]ei were
H2: 2,131 -Th-(er) hadde notories non hors . anoyed -th-ei
wer(e) [aaAx]
Ch: 2,131 -Th-er had notaries non . anewed -th-ei were [aaAx]
D: 2,131 -Th-o had notoryes non . anieuyd -th-ey were [aaAx]
V: 2,131 _Th_enne (Notaries) (none) Hors hedden . (anuyed)
_th_ei weore [aaAx]
H: 2,131 -th-en notaries had noo(n) horses . anoyed -th-ei
were [aaAx]
J: 2,131 -Th-o had notaryes none . anoyed -th-ei wer(e) [aaAx]
L: 2,131 -Th-o hadde notories none . annuyed sore -th-ey
weoren [aaAx]
K: 2,131 Tho had notaries none . anoyed thay weren [aaAx]
W: 2,131 [C:II,188] And notaries vpon p(ar)sones -th-at (:::::)
W: 2,131 [C:II,189] And on -th-e pore prouisours & apeles
in -th-e ar(::)es
W: 2,131 [C:II,190] Somnours asken taken sup(er)sedias
W: 2,131 [C:II,191] On hem -th-at louen lecherie lopen (::
::: ::::)
N: 2,131 [C:II,188] And notaries vpon p(er)sones -th-(a)t
p(er)myten often
N: 2,131 [C:II,189] and on -th-e pore p(ro)uiso(ur)s & appelees
in arches
N: 2,131 [C:II,190] Somno(ur)s also token { sup(er)sedias
N: 2,131 [C:II,191] On hem -th-(a)t loue-th- lecherie lep
vp & ride-th-
A: 2,131 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,131 -Th-o hadde -th-e notarye non . anoied -th-ey wer(e)
T: 2,132 [Th]at symonye & cyuyle shulde on h(er)e fet gange
H2: 2,132 -Th-at symonye and Syuile . schuld on fote gange
Ch: 2,132 -Th-at symonie and Ciuile . schuld on her fet gon
D: 2,132 That Symonye & Syuyle . schuld on here fet gangyn
V: 2,132 _Th_at (Symonie) and (Siuile) . (schulden) go on
foote [aaAxx]
H: 2,132 -Th-at syuyle & symonye . schulden gon on foote
J: 2,132 -Th-at symony & cyuyle . sc[h]uldyn on fote
gange [aaAx]
L: 2,132 And eke -th-at symony & cyuyle . schulen on
heore feet gang[e] [aaAx]
K: 2,132 And Symonye & cyuyle . schuld on her fete gone
W: 2,132 smonie and ciuile . dide on her (::: :::) [aaAx]
N: 2,132 Symonye & Cyuile . shal on her(e) fote gange
A: 2,132 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,132 -Th-at symonye & Ciuile . schuldy(n) on her(e)
fet gange [aaAx]
T: 2,133 [Th]anne swor cyuyle & seide be [th]e rode
H2: 2,133 -Th-an swor Siuyle . and seide be -th-e rode [aaAx]
Ch: 2,133 -Th-an swore ciuile . and seide be -th-e rode [aaAx]
D: 2,133 Than Swore Syuyle . and seyde be -th-e Rode [aaAx]
V: 2,133 _Th_enne (seide) (Siuile) . and (swor) bi _th_e
Roode [aaAx]
H: 2,133 -th-en seyde syuyle . & swore by -th-e rode
J: 2,133 -Th-an swore cyuyle . & seyde be -th-e rode
L: 2,133 -Th-en swor cyuyle . & said by -th-e rode [aaAx]
K: 2,133 Than sware Cyvyle . & said by the rode [aaAx]
W: 2,133 Than said ciuile . and saide be -th-e rode [aaAx]
N: 2,133 -Th-anne seide Cyuyle . & swore be -th-e rode
A: 2,133 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,133 -Th-an swor Ciuile . & syde be -th-e Rode [aaAx]
T: 2,134 [Th]at someno(ur)s shulde be sadelit & s(er)ue
hem ichone
H2: 2,134 -Th-at Somepno(ur)s schulde be sadeled . & serue
he(m) echone [aaAx]
Ch: 2,134 -Th-at somnours schuld be sadeled . and serue hem
echon [aaAx]
D: 2,134 That someno(ur)s schulde be sadeled . & s(er)uyn
echone [aaAx]
V: 2,134 _Th_at (Sompnors) schulde ben (sadelet) . & (seruen)
hem vchone [aaAx]
H: 2,134 -Th-at sompnoures schulden be sadeled . & serue
hem yhone [aaAx]
J: 2,134 -Th-(a)t somono(ur)s schulde ben sadelyd . & s(er)uyn
ecchone [aaAx]
L: 2,134 -Th-at sompnors schule beo sadeled . & serue
heo(m) vchone [aaAx]
K: 2,134 That somnars schuld ben sadeled . & s(er)uen
echone [aaAx]
W: 2,134 Somnours shal be sadled . and s(er)ue him ychon
N: 2,134 Someno(ur)s schal be sadled . & s(er)ue -gh-ow
vchone [aaAx]
A: 2,134 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,134 -Th-at sompno(ur)s schuldy(n) be sadlid . & s(er)uy(n)
he(m) ichone [aaAx]
T: 2,135 And let app(ar)aille [th]ise p(ro)uiso(ur)s in palfreis
H2: 2,135 And lat ap(ar)aile -th-ese p(ro)uiso(ur)s . in
palfreyes wyse [aaAx]
Ch: 2,135 And lete apaireile -th-es professours . in palfrecyis
wise [aaAx]
D: 2,135 And let Apparaylen -th-ese p(ro)uysours . in palfrey
wyse [aaAx]
V: 2,135 And lette (apparayle) (prouisours) . on (Palfreis)
wyse [aaAx]
H: 2,135 & let ap(ar)eile -th-ise prouysoures . in palfreyes
wyse [aaAx]
J: 2,135 And lat ap(ar)elyn -th-is pro)uyso(ur)s . in palfrayes
wyse [aaAx]
L: 2,135 And let app(ar)aylen -th-is p(ro)uyso(ur)s . in
palfreyen wise [aaAx]
K: 2,135 And lett apparelle thes p(ro)vyson(er)(es) . in
palfray wise [aaAx]
W: 2,135 Thei lete apparaille prouisours . in palfreys wise
N: 2,135 Thei lete apparaille p(ro)uiso(ur)s . in palfreies
wyse [aaAx]
A: 2,135 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,135 And let app(ar)aylyn -th-e p(ro)uisours . in palfreys
wyse [aaAx]
T: 2,136 Sire symonye hymself shal sitte on here bakkis
H2: 2,136 Syre symonye hi(m) self . schal sette on her(e)
backes [aaAx]
Ch: 2,136 Sire symonye him self . schal sitte on her bakkes
D: 2,136 Sire symonye hym self . schal sitten on here bakkes
V: 2,136 --- this line om --
H: 2,136 Syr symony hym silf . schal sytten on hym oone [aaAx]
J: 2,136 Sir(e) symony him selue . schal syttyn on -th-e
best [aaAx]
L: 2,136 Sire symony him seolf . schal sitte on heore bakkes
K: 2,136 Sir Symonye hym self . schal sytt [on] their bakkes
W: 2,136 Sire Simonie hym self . shal sitte on here bakkes
N: 2,136 Syre Symonye hi(m) self . shal sitte on here bakkes
A: 2,136 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,136 and seyde symonye hym self . schal sytty(n) on her(e)
backe [aaAx]
T: 2,137 And alle [th]e denis & southdenis as destreris
hem di[gh]te
H2: 2,137 And al -th-e denys & sout-gh-denys . as destreris
he(m) dy-gh-te [aaAa]
Ch: 2,137 And alle -th-e denes and suddenes . as destroiers
hem di-gh-t [aaAa]
D: 2,137 And alle -th-e denys sodenys . to destreres hem
di-gh-te [aaAa]
V: 2,137 And alle (Denes) and (Sodenes) . as (Destreres)
(dihten) [aaAa]
H: 2,137 & alle -th-ise officyales & deenys . as
palfreyes he(m) di-gh-t [aaAa]
J: 2,137 And alle -th-es denys . as destreris hem dyht [aaAa]
L: 2,137 And alle denes & sudenes . as destreris heom
dighte [aaAa]
K: 2,137 And al thes denes & officyall(es) . as destreres
hem dighten [aaAa]
W: 2,137 And all(e) -th-is Erchedeknes . on dextrers hem
dighte [aaAa]
N: 2,137 And alle -th-ise archedekenes . as dext(er)es hem
di-gh-th [aaAa]
A: 2,137 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,137 And denes & southdenes . as destrys I dyghte
T: 2,138 ffor [th]ei shuln bere [th]ise bisshopis & b(r)inge
hem at h(er)e reste
H2: 2,138 ffor -th-ei schul bere these bischop(is) . & bring
he(m) at her(e) reste [aaAx]
Ch: 2,138 ffor -th-ei schul bere -th-es bischops . and bring
hem at her Rest [aaAx]
D: 2,138 ffor -th-ey schul bere -th-e Byschopes . & brynge
hem at reste [aaAx]
V: 2,138 ffor _th_ei schullen (beren) (Bisschops) . and (bringen)
hem to reste [aaAx]
H: 2,138 to bere -th-ese bisschopp(us) . & brynge hem
to rest [aaAx]
J: 2,138 ffor he schullyn beryn bischopys . & bryng he(m)
at h(er)e rest [aaAx]
L: 2,138 ffor [-th-ey] schule [bere] -th-e bischopes . & brynge
heom to reste [aaAx]
K: 2,138 ffor thay schal beren -th-es bisshopis . & bryng
hem to rest [aaAx]
W: 2,138 ffor -th-ei shal bere -th-e bishopes . and bryng
hem to reste [aaAx]
N: 2,138 ffor -th-ei shal bere -th-ise bischopes . & bryng
he(m) at reste [aaAx]
A: 2,138 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,138 ffor -th-ey scholyn bern -th-is byschopis . & bryngyn
hem to reste [aaAx]
T: 2,139 Paulynes peple for pleyntes in constorie
H2: 2,139 Paulynes peple . for pleytes in -th-e constorie
Ch: 2,139 Paulynes peple . for pleintes In -th-e constorie
D: 2,139 Paulynes peple . for pleyntes in Constory [aaAx]
V: 2,139 (Paulines) (peple) . for (playntes) in Constorie
H: 2,139 Paulyns peple . for playint(us) in -th-e constrye
J: 2,139 Paulun peple . for pleynt in constarye [aaAx]
L: 2,139 Paulyns people . for pleyntis in -th-e constorie
K: 2,139 Pauelyns people . for playnt(es) in consystory [aaAx]
W: 2,139 Paulins peple . for pleintes in constarie [aaAx]
N: 2,139 Paulynes peple . for pleyntis i(n) constorie [aaAx]
A: 2,139 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,139 Paulynes peple . for pleyntes of constories [aaAx]
T: 2,140 Shuln s(er)ue myself [th](a)t cyuyle hatte
H2: 2,140 Schuln serue my selue . -th-at syuyle hatte [aaAx]
Ch: 2,140 Schul serue my self . -th-at ciuile hatte [aaAx]
D: 2,140 Shul s(er)ue my self . -th-(a)t Syuyle hatte [aaAx]
V: 2,140 Schal (seruen) (my-self) . _th_at (Siuile) hette
H: 2,140 -th-ei schul serue my silf . -th-at syuile hatte
J: 2,140 Schollen serue my selfe . -th-(a)t cyuile hihte
L: 2,140 Schule s(er)ue my seolf . -th-at cyuyle am cleped
K: 2,140 Schulden s(er)ue my self . that Cyvyle hote [aaAx]
W: 2,140 Shal serue my self . -th-at ciuile hatte [aaAx]
N: 2,140 Shal s(er)ue my self . -th-at Cyuile hatte [aaAx]
A: 2,140 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,140 Schullyn seruyn my self . -th-(a)t symple am Ihoten
T: 2,141 And let cartesadil [th]e Comissar(e) oure carte shal
he d(ra)we
H2: 2,141 And let cartesadel -th-e co(m)missar(e) . our(e)
cart schal he drawe [aaAx]
Ch: 2,141 And let kartsadele the commesarie . our cart schal
he draw [aaAx]
D: 2,141 And late Cartsadel -th-e Comyssarye . our(e) cart
schal be drawe [aaAx]
V: 2,141 Let (Cart-sadele) vr (Commissarie) . vr (Cart) he
schal drawe [aaAx]
H: 2,141 let cartsadel oure comysaries . our(e) long carte
-th-ei schul drawe [aaAx]
J: 2,141 And lat cartsadely(n) our(e) comissary . our(e)
cart sal ben drawe [aaAx]
L: 2,141 & let cartsadlen -th-e co(m)myssary . oure kart
schal he drawe [aaAx]
K: 2,141 And lett cartsadill the co(m)missariis . our cart(es)
schal they drawe [aaAx]
W: 2,141 Oure comessar(e) wi-th- Cart sadle . our(e) cart
shal he drawe [aaAx]
N: 2,141 -Th-e carter shal -th-e comissarie . in -th-e carte
put [aaAx]
A: 2,141 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,141 lat cartesadel -th-e -th-e comissarie . for vs schal
he drawyn [aaAx]
T: 2,142 And fetten oure vitailes for fornicato(ur)is
H2: 2,142 And fetten our(e) vicail(es) . from fornicato(ur)es
Ch: 2,142 And fetten oure vitailes . from fornicatours [aaAx]
D: 2,142 And setten oure vitalles . of fornycacou(n)s [aaAx]
V: 2,142 And (fetten) vr (vitayles) . of _th_e (ffornicatours)
H: 2,142 & fecche oure vytayles . at fornycatoures [aaAx]
J: 2,142 And fet our(e) vitayles . of fornicatores [aaAx]
L: 2,142 And fet al oure vitayles . of fornycatoures [aaAx]
K: 2,142 And fetche our all vitalles . of fornicatours [aaAx]
W: 2,142 And fethem our vitailes . of fornicatours [aaAx]
N: 2,142 And fecchen oure vitailles . of { fornicatores }
A: 2,142 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,142 And fettyn our(e) vitailis . of fornicatours [aaAx]
T: 2,143 And maki[th] of lyere a lang carte to leden al [th]is
H2: 2,143 And maki-th- of li-gh-ere a lang carte . to lede
al -th-is o-th-(er)e [aaAx]
Ch: 2,143 And make of lier a large carte . to lede al -th-is
o-th-er [aaAx]
D: 2,143 And make of lyere a lang carte . to leden al -th-is
o-th-re [aaAx]
V: 2,143 And make (li_g_ere) a (long) cart . to (leden) alle
_th_is o_th_ure [aaAx]
H: 2,143 And make lyer a long(e)? carte . to lede al -th-ese
o-th-er [aaAx]
J: 2,143 And makyn of hem a long cart . to lede(n) alle -th-es
o-th-(er) [aaAx]
L: 2,143 And makith of lyer a long carte . to laden alle
o-th-er [aaAx]
K: 2,143 And makyth of lyars a long cart . to lede al thes
other [aaAx]
W: 2,143 Of liars make a long cart . to leden al -th-is other
N: 2,143 Of liar make a longe carte . to lede alle -th-ise
o-th-re [aaAx]
A: 2,143 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,143 And makyt of lier(e) a long carte . to ledy(n) alle
-th-ys o-th-(er)e [aaAx]
T: 2,144 As folis & faito(ur)s [th](a)t on here feet iotten
H2: 2,144 As foolis and faito(ur)s . -th-at on her(e) feet
Iotton [aaAx]
Ch: 2,144 As foles and faitours . -th-at on her fet trotten
D: 2,144 As foles & feytours . -th-(a)t on here feet
renneth [aaAx]
V: 2,144 (ffabulers) and (ffaytours) . _th_at on (ffote)
rennen [aaAx]
H: 2,144 flat(er)ers & faytoures . -th-at on foot rennen
J: 2,144 Als foles & fayto(ur)s . -th-(a)t on her(e)
feet rennyn [aaAx]
L: 2,144 As ffreres & faito(ur)s . -th-at on heore feet
renneth [aaAx]
K: 2,144 As fobbars & faytours . that on her fete Rynnen
W: 2,144 As freres and flatour(er)s . -th-at on here feet
rennen [aaAx]
N: 2,144 As freres & faito(ur)s . -th-(a)t on her(e)
fete renne [aaAx]
A: 2,144 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,144 As folys & faytours . -th-at on her(e) fot Rennes
T: 2,145 ffals & fauel fari[th] for[th] togid(er)e
H2: 2,145 ffals and fauel . fare-th- forth togydere [aaAa]
Ch: 2,145 ffals and fauel . faren forth togeder [aaAa]
D: 2,145 ffals & fauel . fare for-th- togidere [aaAa]
V: 2,145 Now (ffals) and (ffauuel) . (fare_th_) (for_th_)
to-gedere [aaAa]
H: 2,145 Now fals & fauel . faren for-th-e togydre [aaAa]
J: 2,145 ffalse & ffauuel . faryn forth togydyr(e) [aaAa]
L: 2,145 ffals & fauyel . faren forth on foles yfere
K: 2,145 ffals & favell . faren forth togeders [aaAa]
W: 2,145 Than falsed and favel . fare for-th- togedre [aaAa]
N: 2,145 ffalse & fauel . fare-th- for-th- togidre [aaAa]
A: 2,145 --- this line missing ---
M: 2,145 ffals & fauel . faret forth togederys [aaAa]
T: 2,146 And mede in [th]e myddis & al [th]is mene aftir
H2: 2,146 And mede in -th-e middis . and al -th-is meyne
aftir [aaAx]
Ch: 2,146 And mede In -th-e myddes . and alle -th-e meyne
after [aaAx]
D: 2,146 And mede in -th-e myddys . & all -th-is mayne
Aft(ir) [aaAx]
V: 2,146 And (Meede) in _th_e (Middel) . and al _th_e (Meyne)
aftur [aaAx]
H: 2,146 & mede in -th-e myddes . & al -th-e meyne
aft(ur) [aaAx]
J: 2,146 And mede in -th-e myddes . & alle -th-e meyny
ofter(e) [aaAx]
L: 2,146 And mede in -th-e myddes . & al -th-is meyne
after [aaAx]
K: 2,146 And mede in the myddes . & al this meyney after
W: 2,146 And mede in -th-e meddes . and all -th-e meyne aft(er)
N: 2,146 And mede in -th-e middes . & alle -th-ise meyne
aftre [aaAx]
A: 2,146 And mede in -th-e myddis ; and -th-ese men aftir
M: 2,146 And mede in -th-e myddyl . & alle -th-ese me(n)
after [aaAx]
T: 2,147 I haue no tom to telle [th]e tail [th](a)t hem folewi[th]
H2: 2,147 I haue no toom to telle . -th-e tayle -th-(a)t
hem folewi-th- [aaAx]
Ch: 2,147 I haue no tong to telle . -th-at taile -th-at hem
folowed [aaAx]
D: 2,147 I haue no tonge to telle . -th-e tayl -th-(a)t hem
foloweth [aaAx]
V: 2,147 I haue no while to (telle) . _th_e (Tayl) _th_at
hem folwe_th_ [aaAx]
H: 2,147 I ne haue no tyme for to telle . -th-e tayle -th-at
hem folowe-th- [aaAx]
J: 2,147 I haue no tome to tellyn . -th-e tayle -th-(a)t
hem folewede [aaAx]
L: 2,147 I haue no tyme to telle . of -th-e tayl -th-(a)t
heom folewith [aaAx]
K: 2,147 I haue no tome to telle . the taile that them folowith
W: 2,147 I haue no toome to telle . -th-e tail -th-at hem
folwed [aaAx]
N: 2,147 I haue no tyme to telle . -th-e taille -th-(a)t
hem folowed [aaAx]
A: 2,147 I haue no tunge to telle ; -th-e tayle -th-at -th-em
folwid [aaAx]
M: 2,147 I haue no tunge to tellyn . -th-e tayl -th-at hem
folwyt [aaAx]
T: 2,148 Of many man(er) of man [th](a)t on [th]is molde libbe[th]
H2: 2,148 Of many man(er) of man . -th-(a)t on -th-is molde
libbeth [aaAx]
Ch: 2,148 Of many maner of men . -th-at on -th-is mold lybbe-th-
D: 2,148 Of many man(er) man . -th-(a)t on -th-is molde lybbet
V: 2,148 Of so (mony) Maner (Men) . _th_at on (Molde) liuen
H: 2,148 Of so many man(er) of men . -th-at on molde lyuen
J: 2,148 Of many man(er) of men . -th-(a)t on -th-is molde
libbith [aaAx]
L: 2,148 Of mony maner of men . -th-(a)t on -th-is molde
libbeth [aaAx]
K: 2,148 Of many man(er) man . that on this molde lyvyth
W: 2,148 Of alle man(er)e of men . -th-at on -th-is molde
lyven [aaAx]
N: 2,148 Of alle man(er) of men . -th-at on -th-is molde
lyuen [aaAx]
A: 2,148 Of many maner of men ; -th-at on erde libbith [aaAx]
M: 2,148 Of many maner(e) of men . -th-at on erthe lyuen
T: 2,149 Ac gile was forgoere and gyede hem alle
H2: 2,149 And gyle was forgoere . and gyede hem alle [aaAx]
Ch: 2,149 Bot gile was forgoer . and gyed hem alle [aaAx]
D: 2,149 But gyle was forgere . & gyed hem alle [aaAx]
V: 2,149 Bote (gyle) was (for-goere) . and (gilede) hem alle
H: 2,149 But gyle was forgoer . & bygyed hem alle [aaAx]
J: 2,149 --- this line is omitted ---
L: 2,149 Bote gile was forgoer . & gyed heom alle [aaAx]
K: 2,149 But Gyle was forgoar . & gydyd them alle [aaAx]
W: 2,149 But gile was forgoere . and gied hem alle [aaAx]
N: 2,149 But gyle was forgoer . & gied hem alle [aaAx]
A: 2,149 Gyle was forgoeere ; & begylith hem alle [aaAx]
M: 2,149 And gyle was forngoer(e) . and gydys hem alle [aaAx]
T: 2,150 So[th]nesse sei[gh] hem wel & seide but litel
H2: 2,150 Sothnesse sei-gh- it wel . and seide but litel
Ch: 2,150 And sothenesse sey-gh-e hit wele . and seide but
a litelle [aaAx]
D: 2,150 So-th-nesse say hem . & sayde but lytell [aaAx]
V: 2,150 (So_th_nesse) (sauh) hem wel . and (seide) bote
luyte [aaAx]
H: 2,150 Sothnes saw-gh- hy(m) wel . & seyd but a lytel
J: 2,150 Sothenes say hem wele . & seyd but litel [aaAx]
L: 2,150 Sothnes say wel . and bote litel [aaAx]
K: 2,150 Sothenesse see hem well . & said but lityll
W: 2,150 So-th-nes sei-th- hem wel . and said but litil [aaAx]
N: 2,150 So-th-enesse say hi(m) wel . & seid but litle
A: 2,150 Sothnes say hem wel ; & seyde but lytil [aaAx]
M: 2,150 Sotnesse seith hem wel . & seyde but lytyl [aaAx]
T: 2,151 But prikede for[th] on his palfray & passide hem
H2: 2,151 But p(ri)kyde forth on his palfray . and passid
he(m) all(e) [aaAx]
Ch: 2,151 Bot preked forth on his palfray . and passed hem
alle [aaAx]
D: 2,151 But p(re)ked for-th- on his palfray . & passede
hem alle [aaAx]
V: 2,151 Bote (prikede) on his (palfrey) . and (passede)
hem alle [aaAx]
H: 2,151 But pryked on his palfrey . & passed hem alle
J: 2,151 But p(ry)ked on his palfray . & passed hem alle
L: 2,151 Bote prikith forth on his palfray . & passeth
heom alle [aaAx]
K: 2,151 But prykkyd forth on his palfray . & passyd
hem alle [aaAx]
W: 2,151 He prike-th- on his palfrey . & pase-th- hem
alle [aaAx]
N: 2,151 He prike-th- on his palfrey . & passe-th- hem
alle [aaAx]
A: 2,151 But prekith forth on his palfray ; & pasid hem
alle [aaAx]
M: 2,151 But prykede on hys palfrey . & passede hem alle
T: 2,152 And come to [th]e kinges court & consience tolde
H2: 2,152 And come to -th-e kinges corte . and co(n)ciense
tollde [aaAx]
Ch: 2,152 And com to -th-e kingis court . and conscience
tolde [aaAx]
D: 2,152 And come to -th-e kynges Court . & consience
tolde [aaAx]
V: 2,152 And (com) to _th_e (kynges) (Court) . and (Concience)
tolde [aaaAx]
H: 2,152 & come to -th-e kyng(us) courte . & conscyens
tolde [aaAx]
J: 2,152 And cam to -th-e kynges courte . & konciens
tolde [aaAx]
L: 2,152 And com to -th-e kyngis court . & concience
tolde [aaAx]
K: 2,152 And came to the kyng(es) court . & consience
tolde [aaAx]
W: 2,152 He com to -th-e kynges court . & conscience
tolde [aaAx]
N: 2,152 He cam to -th-e kynges courte . & consience
tolde [aaAx]
A: 2,152 And cam to -th-e kyngis hous ; & conciens tolde
M: 2,152 And kam to -th-e kynggys court . & co(n)cyence
it tolde [aaAx]
T: 2,153 And consience to [th]e king carpide it aftir
H2: 2,153 And co(n)sience to -th-e kyng . carpyd it aftir
Ch: 2,153 And conscience til -th-e king . carped hit after
D: 2,153 And consience to -th-e kyng . carpede it aft(ir)
V: 2,153 And (Concience) to _th_e (kyng) . (Carpede) hit
aftur [aaAx]
H: 2,153 & conscience to -th-e kynge . carpid it after
J: 2,153 And consciens to kyng . carpyd after(e) [aaAx]
L: 2,153 And consience to -th-e kyng . carped hit aftur [aaAx]
K: 2,153 And consyens to the kyng . carpyd yt after [aaAx]
W: 2,153 And conscience to -th-e kyng . karped it aftre [aaAx]
N: 2,153 And consience to -th-e kyng . carped it aftre [aaAx]
A: 2,153 And conciens to -th-e kyng ; & told it aftir
M: 2,153 And cociense to -th-e kyng . karpit It after [aaAx]
T: 2,154 Be crist qua[th] [th]e king & I mi[gh]te cacche
H2: 2,154 Be crist q(uo)d -th-e kyng . and I my-gh-t kacche
Ch: 2,154 Be crist q(uo)d -th-e king . and I mi-gh-t cacche
D: 2,154 By Crist q(ou)d -th-e kyng . and I my-gh-te cacche
V: 2,154 Now be (crist)," quod _th_e (kyng) . _g_if
I mihte (Chacche) [aaXa]
H: 2,154 Now bi c(ri)st quo-th- -th-e kyng . & I my-gh-t
cacche [aaXa]
J: 2,154 Be c(ri)st q(uo)d -th-e kyng -th-o . & I mowe
cacchyn her(e) [aaXa]
L: 2,154 By crist q(uo)d -th-e kyng . & kacche mowe I
false [aaXa]
K: 2,154 By crist q(uo)d the kyng . & I myght catche
W: 2,154 By crist q(uo)d -th-e kyng -th-o . -gh-if I myght
cache [aaXa]
N: 2,154 Now be c(ri)st q(uo)d -th-e kyng . -gh-if I my-gh-th
cacche [aaXa]
A: 2,154 Be crist quot -th-e kyng -th-anne ; and I hem cant
may [aaXa]
M: 2,154 Be god q(uo)d -th-e kyng . and I kacche mythe [aaXa]
T: 2,155 ffals o[th](er) fauel o[th](er) any of his feris
H2: 2,155 ffals o-th-(er) fauel . o-th-(er) any of his feres
Ch: 2,155 ffals o-th-er fauel . or any of her feres [aaXa]
D: 2,155 ffals or fauel . or ony of his feres [aaXa]
V: 2,155 (ffals) o_th_ur (ffauwel) . or eny of his (ffeeres)
H: 2,155 fals or fauel . or ony of her feeris [aaXa]
J: 2,155 ffals or fauuel . or any of her(e) feris [aaXa]
L: 2,155 Or fauuel . -th-at flaterer or any of his feres
K: 2,155 ffals other favell . other any of her ferys [aaXa]
W: 2,155 ffals other favel . or any of here feres [aaXa]
N: 2,155 ffalse o-th-(er) fauel . o-th-(er) eny of his feris
A: 2,155 ffalce or fauel ; or ony of here feris [aaXa]
M: 2,155 ffals or fauel . or ony of her ferys [aaXa]
T: 2,156 I wolde be wroken of [th]ise wrecchis [th](a)t werchen
so ille
H2: 2,156 I wolde be wroken of -th-oo wreches . -th-(a)t
worchen so ille [aaAx]
Ch: 2,156 I wold be wrokin of -th-es wrecches . -th-at worchen
so euel [aaAx]
D: 2,156 Y wold be wrekyn on -th-o wrecches . -th-(a)t werchyn
so ille [aaAx]
V: 2,156 I wolde be (wreken) on _th_is (wrecches) . _th_at
(worchen) so ille [aaAx]
H: 2,156 I wold be wreken on -th-oo wrecches . -th-at worchen
so ylle [aaAx]
J: 2,156 I wile ben wreykyn of -th-e wrecchis . -th-(a)t
wyrkyn so ille [aaAx]
L: 2,156 y wolde beo wroken of -th-o wrecches . -th-(a)t
worchen so ille [aaAx]
K: 2,156 I wold be wrokyn of the wretchis . that worchen
so ille [aaAx]
W: 2,156 I wold of hem ben awreke . -th-at worche so ille
N: 2,156 I wolde be wroken of -th-o wrecches . -th-at worche
so ille [aaAx]
A: 2,156 I schuld be wrekyn on -th-o wrecchis . -th-at werkyn
so ille [aaAx]
M: 2,156 I schulde be wrekyn on -th-e wrecchys . -th-(a)t
werkyn so ille [aaAx]
T: 2,157 And do hem hange be [th]e hals & alle [th](a)t
hem maynteni[th]
H2: 2,157 And hem hange be -th-e hals . and al -th-(a)t he(m)
mayntyne-th- [aaAx]
Ch: 2,157 And do hem hong be -th-e hals . and alle -th-at
hem maynteni-th- [aaAx]
D: 2,157 And don hym hange be -th-e hals . & -th-ey -th-(a)t
hem mayntene-th- [aaAx]
V: 2,157 And don hem (hongen) bi _th_e (hals) . & (al)
_th_at hem Meyntenen [aaAx]
J: 2,157 And don hem hangyn be -th-e halse . & alle -th-(a)t
he(m) mayntene [aaAx]
L: 2,157 And do heom honge by -th-e hals . & alle -th-at
heo(m) mey[nt] [aaAx]
K: 2,157 And done hem honge by the hals . & al hem that
mayntenyth [aaAx]
W: 2,157 And I shal hongen by -th-e hals . alle -th-at hem
meyntene [aaAx]
N: 2,157 And done hem hange by -th-e halse . & alle -th-at
he(m) may(n)tene [aaAx]
A: 2,157 And don hem hange be -th-e halce ; & alle -th-at
-th-em me(n)tenyth [aaAx]
M: 2,157 And don hem hange be -th-e hals . & alle -th-(a)t
hem mey(n)tet [aaAx]
T: 2,158 Shal neu(er)e man of [th]is molde meynprise [th]e
H2: 2,158 Schal neu(er) man of -th-is molde . manp(ri)se
-th-e leste [aaAx]
Ch: 2,158 Schal neuer man on -th-is mound . meynprise the
leste [aaAx]
D: 2,158 Shal neu(er) man on -th-is molde . maynpryse -th-e
beste [aaAx]
V: 2,158 Schal neuer non vppon (Molde) . (Meyntene) _th_e
leste [aaAx]
H: 2,158 Schal no man on molde . mey(n)pryse -th-e lest [aaAx]
J: 2,158 Schal neu(er) man of -th-is molde . mayprisyn -th-e
best [aaAx]
L: 2,158 Schal neu(er) mon of -th-is molde . meyntene -th-e
leste [aaAx]
K: 2,158 Schal neu(er) man on this molde . meynp(ri)se the
leste [aaAx]
W: 2,158 Shal neu(er)e man on -th-is molde . manprise -th-e
best [aaAx]
N: 2,158 Shal neu(er) man on -th-is molde . meynp(ri)se -th-e
lest [aaAx]
A: 2,158 Schal no man on -th-is molde ; meinprice -th-e leste
M: 2,158 Schal no man meynp(ri)se on moolde -th-e beste [aaAx]
T: 2,159 But ri[gh]t as [th]e lawe lokis let falle on hem alle
H2: 2,159 But ri-gh-t as -th-e lawe lokyth . let falle on
hem alle [aaAxx]
Ch: 2,159 Bot Ri-gh-t as -th-e lawe loketh . let falle on
hem alle [aaAxx]
D: 2,159 But right as -th-e lawe wele . let falle on hem
alle [aaAxx]
V: 2,159 But riht as _th_e (lawe) (loke_th_) . (let) fallen
of hem alle [aaAxx]
H: 2,159 But ri-gh-t as -th-e lawe wole loke . lete falle
of hem alle [aaAxx]
J: 2,159 But riht as -th-e lawe lokyth . let fallin of hem
alle [aaAxx]
L: 2,159 Bot right as -th-e lawe lokith . let falle on heom
alle [aaAxx]
K: 2,159 But right as the lawe lokyth . lete fal on hem al
W: 2,159 But as -th-e lawe loke . on hem shal it falle [aaAxx]
N: 2,159 But ri-gh-t as -th-e lawe loke-th- . lete falle
on hem alle [aaAxx]
A: 2,159 But rygth as lawe wole ; lat fallyn on hem alle
M: 2,159 But ryth as -th-e lawe bit . schal fallyn on he(m)
alle [aaAxx]
T: 2,160 And comaundite a cunstable [th](a)t com at [th]e ferste
H2: 2,160 And comaundite a co(n)stable . -th-(a)t come atte
first [aaAx]
Ch: 2,160 And comaunde a constabel . to come at -th-e firste
D: 2,160 And comaunded a Constable . -th-(a)t come atte ferste
V: 2,160 And (Comaunde) _th_e (Cunstable) . _th_at (Com)
at _th_e furste [aaAx]
H: 2,160 And co(m)maunded a constable . -th-at come at -th-e
furst [aaAx]
J: 2,160 And comaunde a konstable . -th-(a)t cam atte first
L: 2,160 And comau(n)dith a constable . -th-at com atte furste
K: 2,160 And co(m)maunded a constable . that came at the
laste [aaAx]
W: 2,160 He called a Conestable . -th-at come at -th-e first
N: 2,160 He called a constable . -th-at come at -th-e first
A: 2,160 And comaunde a constable . -th-at cam at -th-e fryst
M: 2,160 And comaundid a constable . -th-(a)t kam atte firste
T: 2,161 To atache [th]i tiraunt for any treso(ur) I hote
H2: 2,161 To atache -th-is tyraunt . for any treso(ur) I
hote [aaAx]
Ch: 2,161 To atache -th-es tyrautes . for any tresour I hote
D: 2,161 To Atache -th-ese Tyrans . for eny tresour y hote
V: 2,161 To (a-Tache) _th_e (Traytours) . for eny (Tresour)
H: 2,161 to atayche -th-e traytours . for ony tresour [aaAx]
J: 2,161 To atachyn -th-o tirauntys . for non tresor I hote
L: 2,161 To atache -th-e tirraundes . as tid as he myghte
K: 2,161 To atachen tho tyrautes . for any tresour I hote
W: 2,161 To cachen -th-is tiraunt-gh- . for any -th-ing I
hote [aaAx]
N: 2,161 To attache -th-e tiraunt . for eni treso(ur) y hote
A: 2,161 ffor to cache -th-o tereuntes ; for ony -th-ing
I hote [aaAx]
M: 2,161 ffor to takyn tyraute-gh- . for ony -th-yng I hote
T: 2,162 ffet(er)i[th] falsnesse faste for any skynes [y]eftis
H2: 2,162 ffeterith falsnesse faste . for any skynnes -gh-iftes
Ch: 2,162 ffettre fals fast . for any kynnes -gh-iftes [aaaXx]
D: 2,162 ffette-th- falsenesse forth . for eny kynnes -gh-iftes
V: 2,162 Ich hote, _g_e (ffetere) (ffals) (faste) . (for)
eny kunnes _g_iftus [aaAxx]
H: 2,162 ffetter(e) false faste . for ony ky(n)nes -gh-ift(us)
J: 2,162 ffetrith falnese fast . for any kenys -gh-iftes
L: 2,162 ffetreth falsnes faste he saith . for any kyns -gh-eft[is]
K: 2,162 ffetereth falsenes fast . for eny kynnes yeftes
W: 2,162 ffetre falsnes fast . for any kyn giftes [aaaXx]
N: 2,162 ffetere-th- falsnesse fast . for eni kyns -gh-yftis
A: 2,162 ffederith falsenes . for ony kynnys -gh-yftis [aaaXx]
M: 2,162 ffeterit falshed faste . for ony skynnys -th-ynges
T: 2,163 And ged(er)i[th] of giles hed let hym go no fer[th](er)e
H2: 2,163 And gederith of gyles heuede . let hi(m) go no
ferther [aaAx]
Ch: 2,163 And gedere-th- of Gyles heued . let hym go no fir-th-er
D: 2,163 And gurde of gyles hed . lat hym go no fer-th-(er)
V: 2,163 And (gurde_th_) of (gyles) hed . let him (go) no
for_th_er [aaAx]
H: 2,163 & gurde off gyles hed . let hym go no further
J: 2,163 And gyrde of gylys heued . & let him go no ferthyr
L: 2,163 And gurdeth of gyles hed . let him no forthir [aaAx]
K: 2,163 And Gyrdith of gyles hed . let hym go no farther
W: 2,163 And girde of giles hede . lete hym go no fer-th-(er)
N: 2,163 And girdi-th- of giled hed . & lete hi(m) go
no for-th-re [aaAx]
A: 2,163 And gyrdith of gilis hed ; & lat hym go no ferthere
M: 2,163 And gerdit of gilis heued . let hym go no(n) forther
T: 2,164 And bringe[th] mede to me maugre hem alle
H2: 2,164 And brynge-th- mede to me . maugre hem alle [aaAx]
Ch: 2,164 And bring mede to me . maugry hem alle [aaAx]
D: 2,164 And brynge-th- mede to me . maugre hem alle [aaAx]
V: 2,164 And bringe_th_ (Meede) to (me) . (Maugre) hem alle
H: 2,164 & brynge mede to me . mawgrey hem alle [aaAx]
J: 2,164 And bringith mede to me . maugrey to hem alle [aaAx]
L: 2,164 And bryngeth mede to me . maugrey heom alle [aaAx]
K: 2,164 And bryngith mede to me . mawgre hem alle [aaAx]
W: 2,164 Bryng mede to me . maugre hem alle [aaAx]
N: 2,164 Bring mede to me . mawgre hem alle [aaAx]
A: 2,164 And bryngith mede to me . magrey hem alle [aaAx]
M: 2,164 And bryng Mede to me . Maugret hem alle [aaAx]
T: 2,165 Symonye & cyuyle I sente hem to warne
H2: 2,165 Symonye and Syuile . I sente hem to warne [aaAx]
Ch: 2,165 Symony and cyuile . I sent hem to warne [aaAx]
D: 2,165 Symonye & syuyle . I sente hem to warne [aaAx]
V: 2,165 (Symonye) and (Siuile) . I (seende) hem to warne
H: 2,165 Symony & syuyle . I sende hem to seye [aaAx]
J: 2,165 Symony & cyuile . I sende hem to warne [aaAx]
L: 2,165 Symoy & cyuyle . I sende heom to warne [aaAx]
K: 2,165 Symonye & Cyuyle . I send hem to warne [aaAx]
W: 2,165 Simonie and Ciuile . I sende hem to warn [aaAx]
N: 2,165 Sey Symonye & Cyuyle . I sende hem to warne
A: 2,165 Symonye & cyuile . send hem to warne [aaAx]
M: 2,165 Symonye and Ciuile . I sende he(m) to warne [aaAx]
T: 2,166 [Th]at holy chirche for hem worth harmid for eu(er)e
H2: 2,166 That holi chirche for hem . worth harmyd for eu(er)e
Ch: 2,166 -Th-at holi chirch for hem . wor-th-e armed for
euer [aaAx]
D: 2,166 That holy churche for hem . wor-th- harmed for eu(er)
V: 2,166 _Th_at (holichirche) for (hem) . wor_th_ (harmet)
for (euere) [aaAa]
H: 2,166 -Th-at hooly churche for he(m) . wor-th-e harmed
for euer [aaAx]
J: 2,166 -Th-(a)t holy chirche for hem . worth harmed for
eu(er)e [aaAx]
L: 2,166 -Th-at holy chirche for heom . worth harmed for
euer [aaAx]
K: 2,166 That holy chyrch for hem . worth harmyd for eu(er)
W: 2,166 That holi cherche for hem . worth harmed for eu(er)e
N: 2,166 -Th-(a)t holy chirche for hem . wor-th- harmed for
eur(e) [aaAx]
A: 2,166 That holy chirche for hem . worth harmyd for euyr
M: 2,166 -Th-at holy chyrche for hem . wroch harmyd for euer(e)
T: 2,167 And [y]if [y]e lacche lei[gh]ere let him not askape
H2: 2,167 And -gh-if -gh-e lacche li-gh-ere . let hi(m) nou-gh-t
ascape [aaAx]
Ch: 2,167 And -gh-ef -gh-e lacche leyer . let hym nou-gh-t
scape [aaAx]
D: 2,167 And yf -gh-e lacche lyere . let hym nou-gh-t askape
V: 2,167 And _g_if _g_e chacche (ly_g_ere) . (let) him not
a-skape [xaAx]
H: 2,167 & if -th-ou take lyer let hi(m) not ascape [aaAx]
J: 2,167 And -gh-if -gh-e lacche lyer(e) . lat him nouth
aschape [aaAx]
L: 2,167 And -gh-ef -th-ou lacche lyere . let him not askape
K: 2,167 And if ye take lyar . letyth hym not ascape [aaAx]
W: 2,167 -Gh-if -th-ou maight lache liere . lete hym not
ascape [aaAx]
N: 2,167 And -gh-if -gh-e lacche liar . lete hi(m) nou-gh-t
ascape [aaAx]
A: 2,167 And -gh-if -gh-e lacche lyere ; lat hym not aschape
M: 2,167 And -y-yf -th-(o)u lacche her(e) . let hym not askape
T: 2,168 Er he be put on [th]e pillorie for any p(re)your I
H2: 2,168 Or he be put on -th-e pelorye . for any p(re)your(e)
I hote [aaAx]
H2: 2,168 Bette hi(m) on -th-e pelorye for any p(re)iour(e)
I bidde
H2: 2,168 Wayte hym wel late hym not a scape
Ch: 2,168 Or he be put to -th-e pilorye . for any preiere
I hote [aaAx]
D: 2,168 Or he be put on -th-e pylorye . for eny preyer I
hote [aaAx]
V: 2,168 To ben set on _th_e (pillori) . for eny (preyere)
H: 2,168 Sette hi(m) on -th-e pylerie . for ony prayer [aaAx]
H: 2,168 I bydde -th-ee awayte hem wele let non of hem ascape
J: 2,168 Til he be put on -th-e pylary . for any p(re)yer(e)
i hete [aaAx]
L: 2,168 Er he beo put on -th-e pillary . for praier or for
pou(n)des [aaAx]
K: 2,168 Or he be put on the pelorye . for any p(re)your
ich hote [aaAx]
W: 2,168 Putte hym on -th-e pelorie . for any -th-ing I hote
N: 2,168 Til he be put on -th-e pilorie . for eny preier
y hote [aaAx]
A: 2,168 Put hym on -th-e pelori . for ony thyng I hote [aaAx]
M: 2,168 Set hem on -th-e pillory . for ony -th-yng I hote
T: 2,169 Dreed at [th]e dore stood & [th]at doom herde
H2: 2,169 Drede at -th-e dore stood . and -th-at doom herde
Ch: 2,169 Drede at -th-e dore stode . and -th-at dome herde
D: 2,169 Drede at -th-e dore stood . & -th-(a)t dome
herde [aaAx]
V: 2,169 (Dreede) at _th_e (dore) stood . and _th_e (dune)
herde [aaAx]
H: 2,169 Drede at -th-e dore stood . & -th-is dome herde
J: 2,169 Drede atte dore stode . & grete dyne herde [aaAx]
L: 2,169 Dred at -th-e dore stod . & -th-at deone herde
K: 2,169 Drede at the dore stode . & al that dome harde
W: 2,169 Drede at -th-e dore stode . and -th-is dome herd
N: 2,169 Drede at -th-e dore stode . & -th-at dome herde
A: 2,169 Dred at -th-e dore stod . & hard -th-e dom [aaAx]
M: 2,169 Dred atte dor(e) stood . & -th-e dom herde [aaAx]
T: 2,170 And wi[gh]tliche wente to warne [th]e false
H2: 2,170 And wy-gh-tlyche wente . to warne -th-e fals [aaAx]
Ch: 2,170 And wi-gh-tly went . to warne -th-e fals [aaAx]
D: 2,170 And wi-gh-tlyche wente . to warne -th-e false [aaAx]
V: 2,170 And (wihtliche) (wente) . to (Warne) _th_e ffalse
H: 2,170 Wy-gh-tly went he -th-o . to warne -th-e false [aaAx]
J: 2,170 And whytelych wentyn . to warnyn -th-e false [aaAx]
L: 2,170 And wightly went on his way . to warne -th-e false
K: 2,170 And wightliche went . to warne the fals [aaAx]
W: 2,170 And wyghtly went . to warne -th-e fals [aaAx]
N: 2,170 And wightly went . to warne -th-e false [aaAx]
A: 2,170 Wytely he wente awey . to warne -th-e falce [aaAx]
M: 2,170 And wytthly he he wente . to warne(n) -th-e false
T: 2,171 And bad hym fle for fer & hise feris alle
H2: 2,171 And bad hi(m) fle for fer(e) . and his feres alle
Ch: 2,171 And bad hym fle for fere . and his feres alle [aaAx]
D: 2,171 And bad hym fle for feer . & his feres alle
V: 2,171 And bad him (faste) to (fle) . and his (feeres)
eke [aaAx]
H: 2,171 & bad hym fleo fast . & his feeres eke [aaAx]
J: 2,171 And bad him flene for fere . & his feris alle
L: 2,171 And bad him fleo for fere . & his feres alle
K: 2,171 And bad hym flee for fere . & his fer(is) alle
W: 2,171 To fle for-th- swyftly . and his feres alle [aaAx]
N: 2,171 And bad hym flee for fere . & his feris a[lle]
A: 2,171 And bad hym fast fle ; & his feris alle [aaAx]
M: 2,171 And bad hym flen for fer . & hise ferys alle
T: 2,172 [Th]anne falnesse for feer flei[gh] to [th]e freris
H2: 2,172 Than falsnesse for feryd . fley-gh- to [the] freres
Ch: 2,172 -Th-an falsnesse for fere . flew-gh- tille -th-e
freres [aaAa]
D: 2,172 -Th-an falnesse for feer . fley to -th-e freres
V: 2,172 _Th_enne (ffals) for (fere) . (fleih) to _th_e (ffreeres)
H: 2,172 -th-en fals for fere . flei-gh- to -th-e freeres
J: 2,172 -Th-an falsnes for fer(e) . fley to -th-e ffreris
L: 2,172 -Th-a(n)ne falsnes for fere . to -th-eo freres fledde
K: 2,172 And than falshode for fere . flewe to the freris
W: 2,172 -Th-an falsnes for fere . fledde to -th-e freres
N: 2,172 Thanne falsenes for fere . fleigh to -th-e freris
A: 2,172 Than falsenes for ferde . fled to -th-e freris [aaAa]
A: 2,172 And crep in a cope ; & held hym -th-er Inne
M: 2,172 And -th-anne falsnesse for ferd . flew to -th-e
freris [aaAa]
T: 2,173 And gile do[th] him to go agast for to dei[gh]e
H2: 2,173 And gyle doth hi(m) to go . agast for to dey-gh-e
Ch: 2,173 And gile do-th-e hym to go . agast for to dy-gh-e
D: 2,173 And gyle doth hym to go . & gast to dye [aaAx]
V: 2,173 And (gyle) do_th_ him to (go) . (a-gast) for to
dy_g_e [aaAx]
H: 2,173 & gyle dide hym to go . agaste for to dy-gh-e
J: 2,173 And gile doth him to go . agast for to dey [aaAx]
L: 2,173 And gile doth him to go . agast lest he dye [aaAx]
K: 2,173 And gile doth hym to goo . agaste for to die [aaAx]
W: 2,173 And gile to hym ga(n) go . agast for to die [aaAx]
N: 2,173 And gile do-th- hi(m) to go . agast for to die [aaAx]
A: 2,173 And gyle doth hym to go ; & gessid for to dey
M: 2,173 & gyle dede hy(m) for to go . he was agast to
deye [aaAx]
T: 2,174 Ac marchauntis mette wi[th] hym & made hi(m) abide
H2: 2,174 Ac marchauntis mette w(i)t(h) hi(m) . and made
hi(m) to abyde [aaAx]
Ch: 2,174 Bot marchaundis mette with hym . and made hym abide
D: 2,174 Ac marchau(n)tes mette w(i)t(h) hym . & made
hym abyde [aaAx]
V: 2,174 Bote (Marchaundes) (Metten) with him . & (maaden)
him to abyden [aaAx]
H: 2,174 but marchandis metten wi-th- hi(m) . & maden
hi(m) to abyde [aaAx]
J: 2,174 Ac marchaundes mettyn w(i)t(h) hi(m) . & made
hi(m) onbyde [aaAx]
L: 2,174 Bote marchauns metten hi(m) w(i)t(h) . & maden
him to abid[e] [aaAx]
K: 2,174 But m(er)chaunt(es) mette w(i)t(h) hym . & made
hym abyde [aaAx]
W: 2,174 But marchandes hem mette . and made hem to bide
N: 2,174 A marchande mette w(i)t(h) him . & made hym
abide [aaAx]
A: 2,174 And marchaundis mette w(i)t(h) hym . & bad hym
abyde [aaAx]
M: 2,174 And marchaundes metty(n) w(i)t(h) hy(m) . & made
hy(m) to abyde [aaAx]
T: 2,175 Besshette hym in here shoppis to shewen here ware
H2: 2,175 Besshette hi(m) in her(e) schoppus . to sewen her(e)
war(e) [aaAx]
Ch: 2,175 Beschette hym In here schoppis . to schewen her
ware [aaAx]
D: 2,175 Byshette hym in here Shoppe . to shewen here war(e)
V: 2,175 (Bi-sou_g_ten) him in heore (schoppes) . to (sullen)
heore ware [aaAx]
H: 2,175 & busscheden hi(m) in her schopp(us) . to syllen
her ware [aaAx]
J: 2,175 Beschetty(n) hi(m) in her schoppys . & schewyn
hir(e) war(e) [aaAx]
L: 2,175 Byschetten him heore schoppes . to schewen heor(e)
ware [aaAx]
K: 2,175 Byschuttyn hym in her schoppes . to sellen her ware
W: 2,175 And shette hem in here shopes . to shewe here ware
N: 2,175 Bishet hi(m) in her shoppis . to shewen her ware
A: 2,175 And syttyn in here schoppis ; to schewyn her ware
M: 2,175 he schetty(n) hy(m) in her(e) schoppes . to schewyn
her(e) war(e) [aaAx]
T: 2,176 Ap(ar)ailide hym as a p(re)ntice [th]e peple to s(er)ue
H2: 2,176 Apparaylid hi(m) as a p(re)ntice . -th-e peple
to serue [aaAx]
Ch: 2,176 Appaireled him as a prentis . -th-e peple to serue
D: 2,176 Ap(ar)ayled hem as Ap(re)ntys . -th-e peple to s(er)ue
V: 2,176 (Apparayleden) him as a (prentis) . _th_e (Peple)
for to serue [aaAx]
H: 2,176 & aparelde(n) hi(m) as a prentys . -th-e peple
to serue [aaAx]
J: 2,176 Apareyldyn hi(m) as a p(re)ntys . -th-e puple to
serue [aaAx]
L: 2,176 Apparailden him as app(re)ntise . -th-e people to
deseyue [aaAx]
K: 2,176 And apparailyd as a pp(re)ntise . the people to
serue [aaAx]
W: 2,176 Apparailed hem as a p(re)nti-gh- . -th-e peple to
s(er)ue [aaAx]
N: 2,176 Apparailed hi(m) as a preyntice . -th-e peple to
s(er)ue [aaAx]
A: 2,176 Peraylid has a prentice ; -th-e puple for to serue
M: 2,176 And app(ar)aildy(n) hy(m) as ap(re)ntys . -th-e
peple to s(er)uen [aaAx]
T: 2,177 Li[gh]tliche li[gh]ere lep awey [th]ennes
H2: 2,177 Li-gh-tlyche ly-gh-er(e) . lep away -th-ennes [aaAx]
Ch: 2,177 Li-gh-tlich ly-gh-er . lepe away -th-ennes [aaAx]
D: 2,177 Ly-gh-tlyche lyere . lepe awey -th-ens [aaAx]
V: 2,177 (Li_g_tliche) (Ly_g_ere) . (leop) a-wey _th_ennes
H: 2,177 ly-gh-tly lyer . leop away -th-ennes [aaAx]
J: 2,177 Lyhtlych lyer . lep awey -th-ennys [aaAx]
L: 2,177 Lyer launced lightly . & leop awey -th-ennes
K: 2,177 Lightlich liar . lepe away thens [aaAx]
W: 2,177 Lyghtly he lyere . lepe away -th-anne, [aaAx]
N: 2,177 Li-gh-tlyche lyar . lepe awey -th-ennes [aaAx]
A: 2,177 Lytely liere . went awey -th-anne [aaAx]
M: 2,177 Litthliche lier(e) . lep awey(n) -th-anne [aaAx]
T: 2,178 Lurkyng [th]oru[gh] lanes toluggid of manye
H2: 2,178 Lurkyng -th-oru-gh- lanes . tolugged of manye [aaAx]
Ch: 2,178 Lurkyng -th-orow lanes . tolugged of mony [aaAx]
D: 2,178 Lorkynge -th-oru-gh-t lanes . tolugged of many [aaAx]
V: 2,178 (Lurkede) _th_orw (lones) . (to-logged) of Monye
H: 2,178 -th-oru-gh- hyrnes & lan(us) . tolugged of many
J: 2,178 And lurked -th-orow lanys . luggyd of many [aaAx]
L: 2,178 Lorkyng -th-orgh lanes . lodly tologged of mouthe
K: 2,178 Lourkyng throwgh lanes . tolugged of many [aaAx]
W: 2,178 Lorkyng -th-row lanes . logged of monoie [aaAx]
N: 2,178 Lurked -th-orow lanes . tolugged of manye [aaAx]
A: 2,178 Lurkyd -th-orow lanys ; to lyen on manye [aaAx]
M: 2,178 And lokyd in lanys . wer(e) he mythe duellyn [aaAx]
T: 2,179 He was nowhere welcome for his many talis
H2: 2,179 He was nowher(e) welcome . for his many talis [aaXx]
Ch: 2,179 He was nowere welcome . for his many tales [aaXx]
D: 2,179 He was neu(er) welcome . for his many tales [aaXx]
V: 2,179 He nas nou_g_wher wel-come . for his mony tales
H: 2,179 he nas nowhere welcome . for his many tales [aaXx]
J: 2,179 He ne was neqwer(e) welcome . for his many talis
L: 2,179 He was nowher welcome . for his mony tales [aaXx]
K: 2,179 He was nowher welcome . for his many tales [aaXx]
W: 2,179 He was nowhere welcome . for his meri tales [aaXx]
N: 2,179 He was nowher welcome . for his many tales [aaXx]
A: 2,179 And was nowher wolcom . for his many talis [aaXx]
M: 2,179 And was nowher welcome . for hys many talys [aaXx]
T: 2,180 Ou(er)al yhoutid & yhote trusse
H2: 2,180 Ou(er)al Ihu(n)tyd . and Ihote trusse [aaAx]
Ch: 2,180 Bot oueral Ihunted . and Ihote trusse [aaAx]
D: 2,180 Ou(er)all honted . & hote to trusse [aaAx]
V: 2,180 Bote ouur (al) (I-hunted) . and (hote) to trusse
H: 2,180 but honsched as an hounde . & hooten trusse
J: 2,180 Ouer(e)all Ihuntyd . & Ibodyn trusse [aaAx]
L: 2,180 Bote oueral foule yhunted . & hote to tresse
K: 2,180 Ou(er)al Ihuntyd . & Ihote to trusse [aaAx]
W: 2,180 But ou(er)al hunted . & hoted for to trusse
N: 2,180 But oueral hu(n)ted . & yhote trusse [aaAx]
A: 2,180 Ouyral huntid ; & bad hym to trusse fer-th-ere
M: 2,180 Ou(er) al abowtyn -th-ey comaundy(n) hym trusse
T: 2,181 Til p(ar)don(er)s hadde pite & pulden him to house
H2: 2,181 Tyl p(ar)don(er)s hadden pytee . and pulden hi(m)
to house [aaAx]
Ch: 2,181 Tille pardoners had pite on him . and putte him
to house [aaAx]
D: 2,181 Tyl p(ar)doners hadde pete . & pulden hem to
house [aaAx]
V: 2,181 (Pardoners) hedden (pite) . and (putten) him to
house [aaAx]
H: 2,181 p(ar)doners hadden pytee of hi(m) . & pulled
hi(m) to house [aaAx]
J: 2,181 Til p(ar)doners haddyn pyte . & pylledyn [hi(m)]
to howse [aaAx]
L: 2,181 Til pardoners haden pite . & pulleden him to
house [aaAx]
K: 2,181 Til p(ar)donars haddyn pety . & pullyd hym to
house [aaAx]
W: 2,181 Til pardoners hadde pite . and pulled hym to house
N: 2,181 Til p(ar)doners had pyte . & pullyd hym to hous
A: 2,181 Til p(ar)doneris had pete ; & tollid hym to
house [aaAx]
M: 2,181 Tyl p(ar)don(er)s haddyn pite . & puldyn hym
i(n)to house [aaAx]
T: 2,182 Wysshen hym & wypide him & wounde hym in clo[th]is
H2: 2,182 Whuschen hi(m) and wypide hi(m) . and wonde hi(m)
in clothis [aaAx]
Ch: 2,182 Weschen him and wipten him . and wounden him In
clo-th-es [aaAx]
D: 2,182 Wysschen hym & wyped hym . & wonden hem
in clothes [aaAx]
V: 2,182 (Wosschen) him and (wrongen) him . & (wounden)
him in cloutes [aaAx]
H: 2,182 Wosschen hi(m) wrongen hi(m) . & leyden hi(m)
in cloutes [aaAx]
J: 2,182 Weschen him & wyptyn him . & woundyn him
in cloutes [aaAx]
L: 2,182 Wosschen hi(m) & wypen him . & wryen wi-th-
clothes [aaAx]
K: 2,182 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 2,182 Washe hym and wypt him . & wou(n)d hym in cloutes
N: 2,182 Wisshe hi(m) & wyped hi(m) . & wounden hi(m)
i(n) cloutis [aaAx]
A: 2,182 Weschid hym & wypid hym ; & put hym in clo-th-is
M: 2,182 Wyssin hym & wipten him . & wounde(n) hi(m)
i(n) clout(es) [aaAx]
T: 2,183 And senten hym on sundais wi[th] selis to chirche
H2: 2,183 And sente hi(m) on sondayes . w(i)t(h) seles to
chyrche [aaAx]
Ch: 2,183 And sent him on sonedaies . with seles to chirches
D: 2,183 And senden hem on sonedayes . w(i)t(h) seales to
churche [aaAx]
V: 2,183 And (senden) him on (sonendayes) . with (seales)
to churches [aaAx]
H: 2,183 & senden hi(m) on sonendayes . wi-th- sealis
to -th-e churche [aaAx]
J: 2,183 And sentyn [hi(m)] on sonendayes . w(i)t(h) selys
to chirches [aaAx]
L: 2,183 And senden him on a sonday . wi-th- seeles to chirche
K: 2,183 And sendyn hym on sondays . w(i)t(h) seales to chirches
W: 2,183 Sent him on sondays . wi-th- seles to cherches [aaAx]
N: 2,183 And sent hym on sondayes . wi-th- seeles to chirches
A: 2,183 And sente on sondays ; w(i)t(h) selis to chirche
M: 2,183 And sentyn hym on sonedais . w(i)t(h) selys to chirche
T: 2,184 And [y]af p(ar)doun for panis poundmel aboute
H2: 2,184 And -gh-af p(ar)done for panis . poundemel aboute
Ch: 2,184 And -gh-af p(ar)dones for penyes . poundemele about
D: 2,184 And pardou(n) -gh-af for pens . poundmel aboute
V: 2,184 And _g_af (pardun) for (pons) . (poundmele) a-boute
H: 2,184 & -gh-af pardon for pans . powndemel aboute
J: 2,184 & -gh-af p(ar)don for penys . poundelmele abouten
L: 2,184 And gaf pardon for penyes . penymel aboute [aaAx]
K: 2,184 And yafe p(ar)doun for penyes . poundemele aboute
W: 2,184 To gif pardon for pens . poundmele aboute [aaAx]
N: 2,184 And gaue p(ar)do(n) for pens . poundemele aboute
A: 2,184 And -gh-af p(ar)don for pens ; poundmele aboutyn
M: 2,184 And -y-af p(ar)don for penyes . poundel aboutyn
T: 2,185 [Th]anne louride lechis & lettris be sente
H2: 2,185 Ther of herden leches . and l(ett)res him sente
Ch: 2,185 -Th-an lowred leches . and lett(er)es to him sent
D: 2,185 -Th-an loured leches . & lettres ben sent [aaAx]
V: 2,185 _Th_is (leornden) _th_is (leches) . and (lettres)
him senden [aaAx]
H: 2,185 -th-erof herden leches . & lettres hi(m) sende
J: 2,185 -Th-an lowredyn lechis . & lettris for him sente
L: 2,185 -Th-en lowreden leches . & lettres -th-ey senden
K: 2,185 Than lowred leches . & letters hym sent [aaAx]
W: 2,185 Than loured leches . and lettres -th-ei sent [aaAx]
N: 2,185 -Th-en lowred leches . & l(ett)res -th-ei sent
A: 2,185 Tho louredyn lechis ; and lettris sentyn [aaAx]
M: 2,185 -Th-ane louredyn lechis . & letters -th-ey sendyn
T: 2,186 ffor to wone wi[th] hem & watris to loke
H2: 2,186 ffor to wone wit hem . and watris to loke [axAx]
Ch: 2,186 ffor to wony with hem . wateres to loke [axAx]
D: 2,186 ffor to wony w(i)t(h) hem . & wat(er)ys for
to loke [axAx]
V: 2,186 ffor to ben with him . (watres) to loke [axAx]
H: 2,186 -th-at he schuld wone wi-th- hem . waters to loke
J: 2,186 ffor to wonyn w(i)t(h) hem . watres to lokyn [axAx]
L: 2,186 -Th-at he wolde wone wi-th- heom . watres to loke
K: 2,186 ffor to wonye w(i)t(h) hem . waturs to loke [axAx]
W: 2,186 To come and dwelle wi-th- hem . watres to loke [axAx]
N: 2,186 ffor to wonne wi-th- hem . watres to loke [axAx]
A: 2,186 ffor to wone w(i)t(h) hem ; wateris to loke [axAx]
M: 2,186 ffor to wony(n) w(i)t(h) hem . waters to loken [axAx]
T: 2,187 Spiceris speke wi[th] hem to aspie here ware
H2: 2,187 Spicers speke wit him . to aspye her(e) war(e)
Ch: 2,187 Spicers spoke with him . to aspi-gh-e here ware
D: 2,187 Spycers speke w(i)t(h) hym . to Aspyen here ware
V: 2,187 (Spicers) (speeken) with him . to (a-spien) heore
ware [aaAx]
J: 2,187 Spycers spokyn [hi(m)] w(i)t(h) for to aspyen her
war(e) [aaAx]
L: 2,187 Spicers speken w(i)t(h) him . to aspyen heore ware
K: 2,187 Spicers spekyn w(i)t(h) hym . to aspye her ware
W: 2,187 Spicers spak wi-th- hym . to aspie -th-(er)e ware
N: 2,187 Spicers spoken wi-th- hi(m) . to aspye her ware
A: 2,187 Spiceris spokyn to hym ; to aspyen her ware [aaAx]
M: 2,187 Spiceres spokyn to hym . to asspyen her(e) war(e)
T: 2,188 ffor he coude on here craft & kneu[gh] manye go(m)mes
H2: 2,188 ffor he cowde on -th-e craft . and knew-gh- many
go(m)mes [aaAx]
Ch: 2,188 ffor -th-ei cow-th-e on her craft . and knew many
gynnes [aaAx]
D: 2,188 ffor he coude on here craft . & knowith many
go(m)mes [aaAx]
V: 2,188 ffor he (kennede) him in heore (craft) . & (kneu_g_)
mony gummes [aaAx]
H: 2,188 for he knewe her craft . & cou-th-e many Iapes
J: 2,188 ffor he cowthe on her craft . & know many go(m)mys
L: 2,188 ffor he couthe on heore krarft . & kneow mony
go(m)me[s] [aaAx]
K: 2,188 ffor he cowld of their craft . & knewe many
go(m)mes [aaAx]
W: 2,188 ffor he kenne-th- here craft . & knowe-th- many
gomes [aaAx]
N: 2,188 ffor he cow-th-e on her craft . & knewe many
go(m)mes [aaAx]
A: 2,188 ffor he cowde on -th-e crafte ; an knew many gommes
M: 2,188 ffor he koude on her(e) craft . & knew many
gy(n)nys [aaAx]
T: 2,189 And mynstral(is) & messang(er)is mette wi[th]
him ones
H2: 2,189 And mynstralles and messag(er)s . mette wit hi(m)
onus [aaAx]
Ch: 2,189 Mynstralles and messangers . mette with him ones
D: 2,189 And mynstrales & messag(er)s . met w(i)t(h)
hym ones [aaAx]
V: 2,189 (Munstrals) and (Messagers) . (metten) with him
ones [aaAx]
H: 2,189 Messangers & mynstrels . metten wi-th- hi(m)
oones [aaAx]
J: 2,189 & mynst(ra)lles & messangeris . mettyn w(i)t(h)
he(m) onys [aaAx]
L: 2,189 Bote mynstrals & messang(er)s . metten wi-th-
him ones [aaAx]
K: 2,189 But mynstrell(es) & mesang(er)s . mett w(i)t(h)
hym ons [aaAx]
W: 2,189 Minstrals & mesagers . mette wi-th- hym ones
N: 2,189 Mynstralles & messang(er)es . mette wi-th- hi(m)
onis [aaAx]
A: 2,189 Mynstrelis & massengeris ; mette w(i)t(h) hym
onys [aaAx]
M: 2,189 But Menstrales & messag(er)s . mettyn w(i)t(h)
hy(m) onys [aaAx]
T: 2,190 And wi[th]held him half [y]er & elleuene dayes
H2: 2,190 And witheld hi(m) wit hem terme of her(e) lyues
H2: 2,190 To ben of her(e) consel whan -th-ei cayren aboute
Ch: 2,190 And withhelde him an half . -gh-ere and all euen
daies [aaAx]
D: 2,190 And helden hym half . a -gh-eer & eleuene dayes
V: 2,190 And (with-heode) him (half) a _g_er . and (elleuene)
wykes [aaAx]
H: 2,190 & wi-th-helden hi(m) an half -gh-er . & elleuen
wykes [aaAx]
J: 2,190 & wythheldyn [hi(m)] halue . a -gh-er(e) & elleuen
dayes [aaAx]
L: 2,190 And wolde haue witholden him to -th-e worldis eynd
L: 2,190 And when he had dwelled wi-th- heom on half -gh-ere
K: 2,190 And fast heldyn hym half . a -gh-er & elleuen
days [aaAx]
W: 2,190 And wi-th-held hym half . a -gh-er & eleuen
dayes [aaAx]
N: 2,190 And helden half -gh-er(e) & eleuene daies [aaAx]
A: 2,190 And w(y)t(h)heldyn hym halfe a -gh-ere ; & eleuene
days [aaAx]
M: 2,190 And withheldy(n) hi(m) half . -y-er & xv dayes
T: 2,191 ffreris wi[th] fair speche fetten hym [th]ennes
H2: 2,191 ffreris wit fayr speche . fetten hi(m) -th-ennes
Ch: 2,191 ffreres with faire speche . fetten him -th-ennes
D: 2,191 ffreres w(i)t(h) fayr(e) speche . fetten hym -th-ennes
V: 2,191 (ffreres) with (feir) speches . (fetten) him _th_ennes
H: 2,191 ffreris wi-th- feyr speche . fetten hym -th-ennes
J: 2,191 ffreris w(i)t(h) fayr(e) speche . fecchin him -th-ennys
L: 2,191 ffreres wi-th- heore fair speche . fettyn him -th-ennes
L: 2,191 Maden on heore maner him in abyt as afrere
K: 2,191 ffryers w(i)t(h) fayer speche . fettyn hym thens
W: 2,191 ffreres wi-th- faire speche . fette hem -th-ens
N: 2,191 ffreris w(i)t(h) faire speche . fetten hi(m) -th-ennes
A: 2,191 ffreris w(i)t(h) fayre speche . fecchid hym -th-enis
M: 2,191 But freris w(i)t(h) her(e) fayr speche . fetty(n)
hy(m) -th-ennys [aaAx]
T: 2,192 ffro knowing of com(er)is copide hym as a ffrere
H2: 2,192 ffro knowyng of comers . copide hi(m) as a frere
Ch: 2,192 ffor knowing of comers . coped him as a frere [aaAx]
D: 2,192 ffor knowyng of comers . copyd hym as a frere [aaAx]
V: 2,192 ffor (knowynge) of (Comers) . (kepten) him as a
ffrere [aaAx]
H: 2,192 for knowynge of comers . copeden hi(m) as a frere
J: 2,192 ffor knowing of inco(m)mers . kopedyn [hi(m)] as
a frere [aaAx]
L: 2,192 ffor knowyng of corners . -th-ey coped him as a
brother [aaAx]
K: 2,192 ffor knowyng of co(m)mars . copyd hym as a frere
W: 2,192 ffor knowy(n)g of comers . coped hym [as] a frere
N: 2,192 ffor knowyng of comers . coped hi(m) as a frere
A: 2,192 ffor knoweris of comeris ; copid hym as a frere
M: 2,192 ffor knowyng of com(er)is . kopedyn hym as [a] frer(e)
T: 2,193 Ac he ha[th] leue to lepen out as ofte as hi(m) liki[th]
H2: 2,193 Ac he hath leue to lepyn out-gh- . as ofte as hi(m)
liketh [aaXa]
Ch: 2,193 Bot he hath leue to lepe out . als ofte as him
liketh [aaXa]
D: 2,193 Ac he ha-th- leue to lepyn out . as ofte as hym
lyketh [aaXa]
V: 2,193 Bote he ha_th_ (leue) to (lepen) out . as ofte as
him (lyke_th_) [aaXa]
H: 2,193 but he ha-th- leue to lepe oute . as oft as hi(m)
luste [aaXa]
J: 2,193 Ac he hath leue to lepyn out . as ofty(n) as him
lykys [aaXa]
L: 2,193 Bote he has leue to lepen out . as ofte as him likith
K: 2,193 But he hath leue to lepyn out . as oftyn as hym
likyth [aaXa]
W: 2,193 And gaf hym leue to lepe oute . as oft as hym lyked
N: 2,193 And he ha-th- leue to lepe out . as oft as hi(m)
like-th- [aaXa]
A: 2,193 And he had leue to lepyn out ; as ofte as he wolde
M: 2,193 But he hadde leue to lepe out . as he wolde [aaXa]
T: 2,194 And is welcome whanne he wile & woni[th] wi[th]
he(m) ofte
H2: 2,194 And is welcome whanne he wyle . and wonet-gh- w(i)t(h)
he(m) ofte [aaAx]
Ch: 2,194 And is welcome whan he wol . and wone-th- with
hem ofte [aaAx]
D: 2,194 And is wolcome whan he wil . & wonet w(i)t(h)
hym ofte [aaAx]
V: 2,194 And is (wel-come) whon he (wole) . & (wone_th_)
with hem ofte [aaAx]
H: 2,194 & is welcome when he come-th- . & wone-th-
wi-th- hem oft [aaAx]
J: 2,194 And is welkom qwan he will . & wonyth w(i)t(h)
hem ofte [aaAx]
L: 2,194 And is welcome when he cometh . & is wi-th-
heo(m) ofte [aaAx]
L: 2,194 ffor as longe as he lyues he is w(i)t(h) heom bylefte
L: 2,194 With fees of flatery -th-(a)t faile wol heom neuer
L: 2,194 ffor kyng no for knyght corouned vndur heouen
K: 2,194 And ys welcome whan he woll . & woneth w(i)t(h)
hem ofte [aaAx]
W: 2,194 And is wolcome whan he wille . & wone-th- wi-th-
hem oft [aaAx]
W: 2,194 [C:II,246] Than Simonie and Ciuile sent to Rome
W: 2,194 [C:II,247] And put hem in apele in -th-e popes grace
W: 2,194 [C:II,248] Conscience to -th-e kyng accused hem
W: 2,194 [C:II,249] And sayd sire kyng but -th-i clergie
W: 2,194 [C:II,250] Thi kyngdom in Coueitise oute of kynde
W: 2,194 [C:II,251] And holicherche for hem worth harmed
for euere
N: 2,194 And is welcome whan he wil . & wone-th- wi-th-
he(m) oft [aaAx]
N: 2,194 [C:II,246] -Th-anne Symonye & Cyuile senten
to Rome
N: 2,194 [C:II,247] And putte he(m) i(n) apele in -th-e popis
N: 2,194 [C:II,248] Conscience to -th-e kyng acused hem bo-th-e
N: 2,194 [C:II,249] And seide sire kyng but -th-i clergye
N: 2,194 [C:II,250] Thi kyngedome in coueytise out of kynde
N: 2,194 [C:II,251] And holy cherche for hem wor-th- yharmed
for eu(er)e
A: 2,194 And is wolcom whan he comyth ; & wonyth -th-er
ofte [aaAx]
M: 2,194 And -y-it is wolcome whan he wele . & duellit
w(i)t(h) he(m) ofte [aaAx]
H: 2,187 Spicers aspieden hi(m) & speken wi-th- hi(m) feyre [aaAx]
H: 2,194 & p(ri)yeden him p(ri)uely to putte for-th- her
H: 2,194 & he asured hem forso-th-e to serue hem for
T: 2,195 Alle fledden for fer & flowen into hernis
H2: 2,195 Alle fled for fer(e) . and flowen into hernys [aaAx]
Ch: 2,195 Alle fledden for fere . and flewen into hernis
D: 2,195 Alle fleddyn for feer . & flowyn into hernes
V: 2,195 And alle (fledden) for (fere) . and (flowen) in-to
huirnes [aaAx]
H: 2,195 Alle o-th-ur fledde for ferd . & flowen into
hyrnes [aaAx]
J: 2,195 Alle fleddyn for fer(e) . & flowen into hyrnes
L: 2,195 Alle fledden for fere . & flowen into huyrnes
K: 2,195 Al fleddyn for fere . & flowen into hirnnes
W: 2,195 This o-th-er fledde for fer . and flowe into hirnes
N: 2,195 Alle -th-ei fledde for fere . & flowe into henes
A: 2,195 Alle fleddyn for ferd ; & floyn into hyrnis
M: 2,195 Alle flowyn for fer . and heddy(n) he(m) in hernys
T: 2,196 Saue mede [th]e maiden no mo durste abide
H2: 2,196 Saue mede -th-e- maide . no mo durst abyde [aaAx]
Ch: 2,196 Saue mede -th-e maide . no mo durst abide [aaAx]
D: 2,196 Saue mede -th-e mayde . durst no mo Abyde [aaAx]
V: 2,196 Saue (Meede) _th_e (Mayden) . no (mon) dorste abyde
H: 2,196 Saue mede -th-e mayde . none durst abyde [aaAx]
J: 2,196 Saue mede -th-e mayde . no mo dursten onbyde [aaAx]
L: 2,196 Saue mede -th-e maiden . no mo durste abyden [aaAx]
K: 2,196 Saue mede the mayde . none durst abyde [aaAx]
W: 2,196 Saue mede -th-at mayde . no (::)n dorst abyde [aaAx]
N: 2,196 Saue mede -th-e maide . no man dorst abide [aaAx]
A: 2,196 But mede -th-e mayde . no mo durst abyde [aaAx]
M: 2,196 Saue Mede -th-at maydy(n) . no mo durste abydyn
T: 2,197 Ac trewely to telle heo tremblide for fere
H2: 2,197 Ac trewly to telle . he tremelid for fer(e) [aaAx]
Ch: 2,197 Bot trewly to telle . Sche tremled for fere [aaAx]
D: 2,197 Ac trewly to telle . sche tremled for fere [aaAx]
V: 2,197 But (trewely) to (telle) . heo (tremblede) for fere
H: 2,197 But truly to telle . heo trembled for drede [aaAx]
J: 2,197 Ac trewly to tellyn . sche tremlyd for fere [aaAx]
L: 2,197 Bote treowely to telle . heo trembled for fere [aaAx]
K: 2,197 But trewlich to telle . sche trymbeled for feare
W: 2,197 But treuly to telle . she (::::)bled for fere [aaAx]
N: 2,197 Ac truly to telle . she trembled for drede [aaAx]
A: 2,197 And trewely to telle . -gh-he tremelid for ferd
M: 2,197 And trewly to tellyn . sche tremblid for ferde [aaAx]
T: 2,198 And ek wep & wrang whan heo was atachid
H2: 2,198 And eke wept and wrang . whan he was atachid [aaAxx]
Ch: 2,198 And eke wepe and wrong . when sche was atacched
D: 2,198 And eke wepe & wrong . whan sche was atached
V: 2,198 And eke (wepte) and (wrong) hire hondes . whon heo
(was) a-tachet [aaxAx]
H: 2,198 & eke wepe & wronge hir hondes . when ho
was atayched [aaAxx]
J: 2,198 Wept & wrong her(e) handdes . qwan sche was
atachid [aaAxx]
L: 2,198 And eke wept & wrong hire hondes . when heo
was ata[ched] [aaAxx]
K: 2,198 And eke wepte & wrong . whan sche was attached
W: 2,198 Bo-th-e wepe and wrong . whan she was atired [aaAxx]
N: 2,198 And ek wept & wrong . wha(n) she was attached
A: 2,198 Wepyd & wrong here handis . whan -gh-he was
atachid [aaAxx]
M: 2,198 And eke wepte & wrong . whan sche was atachyd
T: 3,1 Now is mede [th]e maide & no mo of hem alle
H2: 3,1 Now is mede -th-e maiden . nomme on hem alle [aaAx]
Ch: 3,1 Now is mede the maiden . and no mo of hem alle [aaAx]
D: 3,1 Now is mede -th-e mayde . & no mo of hem alle
V: 3,1 Now is (Meede) _th_e (Mayden) I-nomen . & no (mo)
of hem alle [aaAx]
H: 3,1 Nowe is mede -th-e mayden . Inomen of hem alle [aaAx]
J: 3,1 Now is mede -th-e mayde . no mo of hem alle [aaAx]
L: 3,1 Now is mede -th-e maiden . & no mo of heom alle
K: 3,1 Now is mede the mayde . & no mo of hem alle [aaAx]
W: 3,1 Now is mede -th-e mayde . no mo of hem alle [aaAx]
N: 3,1 Now is mede -th-e maide . no mo of hem alle [aaAx]
A: 3,1 NOw is mede -th-e mayde . & no mo of hem alle
M: 3,1 Now is mede -th-e maydyn . & no mo of alle [aaAx]
T: 3,2 Wi[th] bedelis & baillifs ybrou[gh]t to [th]e king
H2: 3,2 Wit bedelis and bailyfuus . ybroug-gh- to [-th-e]
kyng [aaAx]
Ch: 3,2 With bedelles and baillies . Ibrou-gh-t to -th-e
king [aaAx]
D: 3,2 W(i)t(h) bedeles & baylyfs . brou-gh-t to -th-e
kyng [aaAx]
V: 3,2 Wi_th_ (Beodeles) & (Baylyfs) . (I-brouht) to
_th_e kyng [aaAx]
H: 3,2 Wi-th- bideles & wi-th- bayles . & brou-gh-t
to -th-e kynge [aaAx]
J: 3,2 W(i)t(h) bedels & baylles . brohut to -th-e kyng
L: 3,2 Wi-th- Beodels & bailifs . to -th-e kyng ybroghte
K: 3,2 W(i)t(h) bedellys & bayllif(es) . brought to the
kyng [aaAx]
W: 3,2 Wi-th- bedeles & bailifs . broght afore -th-e
kyng [aaAx]
N: 3,2 Wi-th- bedellis & bailifs . brou-gh-t afore -th-e
kyng [aaAx]
A: 3,2 W(i)t(h) bedelis & balies ; brout befor -th-e
kyng [aaAx]
M: 3,2 Wit bedelys & baylynys . brought to -th-e kyng
T: 3,3 [Th]e king calli[th] a clerk I can not his name
H2: 3,3 The kyng callit-gh- a clerc . I can no is name [aaaAx]
Ch: 3,3 -Th-e king called a clerk . I knowe nou-gh-t his
name [aaaAx]
D: 3,3 -Th-e kyng Calle-th- a Clerk . I can not his name
V: 3,3 _Th_e (kyng) (clepet) a (Cler) . I (knowe) not his
nome [aaaAx]
H: 3,3 -Th-e kynge called a clerke . I con not his name [aaaAx]
J: 3,3 -Th-e kyng callyd a clerk . I can not his name [aaaAx]
L: 3,3 -Th-e kyn callith a clerk . I kan not his name [aaaAx]
K: 3,3 The kyng callid a clerk . I conne nott his name [aaaAx]
W: 3,3 The kyng calle-th- a clerk . I can not his name [aaaAx]
N: 3,3 -Th-e kyng calle-th- a clerke . I can nou-gh-t his
name [aaaAx]
A: 3,3 The kyng callid in a clerk ; I can not his name [aaaAx]
M: 3,3 -Th-e kyng cald a clerk . I kan not his name [aaaAx]
T: 3,4 To take mede [th]e maide & make hire at ese
H2: 3,4 To take mede -th-e mayden . and make her(e) at ese
Ch: 3,4 To take mede the maiden . and make her at ese [aaAx]
D: 3,4 To take mede -th-e mayde . & make here at ese
V: 3,4 To take (Meede) _th_e (Mayden) . & (Maken) hire
at ese [aaAx]
H: 3,4 & bade him take mede -th-e mayden . & make
hir at eese [aaAx]
J: 3,4 To takyn mede -th-e madyn . & make her(e) at ese
L: 3,4 To take mede -th-e maiden . & make hire at ese
K: 3,4 To take mede that mayden . & make her at eyse
W: 3,4 Take hym mede -th-e mayde . to make here at ese [aaAx]
N: 3,4 Take mede -th-e maide . & make hir at ese [aaAx]
A: 3,4 To take mede -th-e mayde ; & make here at ese
M: 3,4 To taken mede -th-e maydyn . & makyn hir(e) at
hese [aaAx]
T: 3,5 I wile assaie hire myself and so[th]ly apose
H2: 3,5 I wyle asay hire my self . and sothly apose [aaAx]
Ch: 3,5 I wil assay her my self . and so-th-li appose [aaAx]
D: 3,5 I wil asay here my self . & sothly appose [aaAx]
V: 3,5 Ichulle (assayen) hire (my-self) . & (so_th_liche)
aposen [aaAx]
H: 3,5 I wole asay hir my self seyd -th-e kyng . & softly
hir appose [aaAx]
J: 3,5 I wil asayne hir my selue . & sothely apose [aaAx]
L: 3,5 y wol say hire my seolf . & sothly appose [aaAx]
K: 3,5 I woll assaye her my self . & sothly appose [aaAx]
W: 3,5 I wil assaie here my self . and so-th-ly opose [aaAx]
N: 3,5 I wil say hir my self . & so-th-ely appose [aaAx]
A: 3,5 I schal asayn here me selfe ; sothly here apose [aaAx]
M: 3,5 I schal assayen my self . & slyhly hyr(e) appose
T: 3,6 What man of [th]is world [th](a)t hire were leuist
H2: 3,6 What man of -th-is world . -th-(a)t her(e) wer(e)
leuest [aaAx]
Ch: 3,6 What man of -th-is world . -th-at her war leuest
D: 3,6 What man of -th-is world . -th-at here leuest were
V: 3,6 What Mon in _th_is (world) . _th_at hire (weore) leouest
H: 3,6 What man in -th-is moolde . -th-at hir were loouest
J: 3,6 --- this line is omitted ---
L: 3,6 What wyhe of -th-is world . -th-at hire weore leouest
K: 3,6 What man of this molde . that her war most leve [aaAx]
W: 3,6 What man on -th-is molde . -th-at here were leuest
N: 3,6 What wi-gh-t in -th-is worlde . -th-at hir wer(e)
leuest [aaAx]
A: 3,6 What man of -th-is werld ; were here leuest [aaAx]
M: 3,6 Wat man of -th-ys world . sche is leu(er)est [aaAx]
T: 3,7 And [y]if heo werche be wyt & my wil folewe
H2: 3,7 And if he worche be wytt . and my wylle fulfille
Ch: 3,7 And -gh-ef sche worche be wit . and my wille folowe
D: 3,7 And yf sche wirche by wyt . & my wil folewe [aaAx]
V: 3,7 And _g_if heo (worche) be my (wit) . and my (wil)
folewe [aaAx]
H: 3,7 And heo worche by my witte . & my wille folowe
J: 3,7 And -gh-if sche wyrche be wytte . & my(n) wille
folowe [aaAx]
L: 3,7 And -gh-ef heo worche by my wit . & my wille folewe
K: 3,7 And if sche worche by wytt . & my will folowe
W: 3,7 -Gh-if she worche be wyt . & my witte folwe [aaAx]
N: 3,7 And -gh-if she worche bi my wit . & my wille folowe
A: 3,7 -Gh-if -gh-he werche be witte ; & my wil folwe
M: 3,7 And -y-yf sche werche be my(n) wit . & my(n) wil
folwe [aaAx]
T: 3,8 I wile forgyue hire [th]e gilt so me god helpe
H2: 3,8 I wyl forgyue her(e) -th-e gylt . so me god helpe
Ch: 3,8 I wol for-gh-eue her -th-e gilt . so me god help
D: 3,8 I wil forgeue here -th-is mysgilt . so me god helpe
V: 3,8 I schal (for-_g_iue) hire _th_e (gult) . so me (god)
helpe [aaAx]
H: 3,8 I wole forgyue hir -th-is gulte . so me god helpe
J: 3,8 I wil for-gh-yuen her(e) my gilt . so me god helpe
L: 3,8 y wol forgyfe hire -th-is gult . so me god helpe [aaAx]
K: 3,8 I wil forgeue her this gylte . so me god helpe [aaAx]
W: 3,8 I wil forgefe hir -th-is gylt . so me god helpe [aaAx]
N: 3,8 I wil forgyue her -th-is gilte . so me god helpe [aaAx]
A: 3,8 I wil forgefe here my gylt ; so god me helpe [aaAx]
M: 3,8 I wele for-y-eue hyr(e) her(e) gylt . so me god helpe
T: 3,9 Curteisliche [th]e clerk [th]anne as [th]e king hi[gh]te
H2: 3,9 Curteislyche -th-e clerk -th-an . as -th-e kyng hy-gh-t
Ch: 3,9 Curtaisly the clerk -th-an . as the king hote [aaAx]
D: 3,9 Curtesye -th-e Clerkes -th-an . as -th-e kyng hi-gh-te
V: 3,9 (Corteisliche) _th_e (Clerk) _th_o . as _th_e (kyng)
hihte [aaAx]
H: 3,9 Curteysely -th-e clerk -th-en . as his kynde wolde
J: 3,9 Curtesly -th-e clerk -th-o . as -th-e kyng hutte [aaAx]
L: 3,9 Cortesly -th-e clerk -th-an . as -th-e kyng hoted
K: 3,9 Curteysly the clerk than . as the kyng hett [aaAx]
W: 3,9 Curtaisly -th-an [-th-e] clerk . as the kyng hete
N: 3,9 Curteisly -th-anne -th-e clerke . as -th-e kyng hi-gh-t
A: 3,9 Curteysly -th-e clerk -th-anne . as -th-e kyng hygth
M: 3,9 Curteysly -th-anne -th-e clerk . as -th-e kyng hygthe
T: 3,10 Tok mede be [th]e myddel & brou[gh]te hire to chaumbre
H2: 3,10 Toke mede be -th-e myddul . and broug-gh- her(e)
to chaumbo(ur) [aaXx]
Ch: 3,10 Toke mede be the meddel . and brou-gh-t her to chaumbre
D: 3,10 Toke mede by -th-e myddyl . & brou-gh-t here
to Chaumbre [aaXx]
V: 3,10 Tok _th_e (Mayden) bi _th_e (Middel) . & brouhte
hire to chaumbre [aaXx]
H: 3,10 toke -th-e mayden by -th-e myddel . & brou-gh-te
hir to chaumbur [aaXx]
J: 3,10 Toke mede be -th-e mudel . & brouht her(e) to
chaumber(e) [aaXx]
L: 3,10 Tok mede by -th-e myddel . & broghte hire to
chaumbr[e] [aaXx]
K: 3,10 Toke mede by the myddyll . & brought her to chambr
W: 3,10 Took mede by -th-e mydle . & broght here to chambre
N: 3,10 Toke mede bi -th-e mydil . & brou-gh-t hir to
chaumbre [aaXx]
A: 3,10 Tok mede be -th-e myddil ; and brout her to chaumbre
M: 3,10 Tok Mede be -th-e myddil . & brougthe hyr(e)
to chau(m)br(e) [aaXx]
T: 3,11 Ac [th](er)e was m(er)[th]e & mynstralcie mede
to plese
H2: 3,11 Ac -th-(er) was myrthe and mynstralcie . mede to
plese [aaAx]
Ch: 3,11 Bot -th-er was merthe and mynstralcy . mede to plese
D: 3,11 Ac -th-(er)e was mur-th-e & mynstrales . mede
to plese [aaAx]
V: 3,11 _Th_er was (Mur_th_e) & (Munstralsye) . (Meede)
with to plese [aaAx]
H: 3,11 -th-er was myrth & mynstralsye . mede wi-th-
to plese [aaAx]
J: 3,11 Ac -th-(er) was myrthe & mynstralsy . mede to
plese [aaAx]
L: 3,11 Bote -th-(er) was murthe & mynstralsye . mede
to plese [aaAx]
K: 3,11 Bot ther was myrth & mynstrelcye . mede for to
please [aaAx]
W: 3,11 -Th-an was -th-ere good minstralcie . mede wi-th-
to plese [aaAx]
N: 3,11 -Th-anne was -th-(er)e myr-th-e & mynstralcie
. mede to plece [aaAx]
A: 3,11 And -th-er was meche mynstralsy ; mede for to plese
M: 3,11 And -th-(er) was myche menstralcy . mede to plese
T: 3,12 [Th]at woni[th] at westmenstre worsshipe[th] hire alle
H2: 3,12 That wony-th- at westmynster . worschipet her(e)
alle [aaAx]
Ch: 3,12 -Th-at wonen at westmester . worschepen her alle
D: 3,12 That wone-th- at westmenstr(e) . worschipen here
alle [aaAx]
V: 3,12 Heo _th_at (wone)_th_ at (westmunstre) . (worschipe_th_)
hire alle [aaAx]
H: 3,12 -th-ei -th-at wonen at westmynster . worscypen hir
ychoone [aaAx]
J: 3,12 -Th-(a)t woned at westmynster(e) . worchipedyn her(e)
alle [aaAx]
L: 3,12 -Th-at woneden at westmynst(re) . worschipeden hire
alle [aaAx]
K: 3,12 That wonneth at westmynstre . thay wurschippyn her
alle [aaAx]
W: 3,12 And -th-ai -th-at wonne at westmynstre . worschip
here alle [aaAx]
N: 3,12 -Th-at went to westmyster . worchepid hir alle [aaAx]
A: 3,12 That wonyn at westemynster ; worchepid her alle [aaAx]
M: 3,12 -Th-o -th-at wonyn at westmenstr(e) . worschepyn
hyr(e) alle [aaAx]
T: 3,13 Ientily wi[th] ioye [th]e Iustices sone
H2: 3,13 Ientile wit Ioy-gh-e . the Iustices sone [aaAx]
Ch: 3,13 Ientilich with ioie . the Iustice is sone [aaAx]
D: 3,13 Gentely w(i)t(h) Ioye . -th-e Iustices some [aaAx]
V: 3,13 (Gentiliche) with (Ioye) . _th_e (Iustise) soone
H: 3,13 Ientlyche wi-th- ioye . -th-e iustices wel soone
J: 3,13 Gentely w(i)t(h) Ioye . -th-e Iustice icchone [aaAx]
L: 3,13 Genteliche w(i)t(h) ioye . of -th-e Iustises somme
K: 3,13 Gentylich with Ioy . the Iustice sonne [aaAx]
W: 3,13 Gentelie wi-th- gret ioye . -th-e Iustises sone [aaAx]
N: 3,13 Ientilyche w(i)t(h) Ioy . -th-e Iustices so(m)me
A: 3,13 Gentely w(i)t(h) ioy . -th-e iustices summe [aaAx]
M: 3,13 Corteysly w(i)t(h) Ioye . of iustices su(m)me [aaAx]
T: 3,14 Buski[th] hem to [th]e bour [th](er)e [th]e burde dwelli[th]
H2: 3,14 Busketh hi(m) to -th-e bo(ur) . ther(e) -th-e burde
dwelli-th- [aaAx]
Ch: 3,14 Busked hem to -th-e boure . -th-er -th-e berd duelled
D: 3,14 Busked hem to -th-e boure . -th-(er) -th-e berde
dwelle-th- [aaAx]
V: 3,14 (Busked) him in-to _th_e (Bour) . _th_er _th_e (Buyrde)
was Inne [aaAx]
H: 3,14 busked hem to -th-e chaumb(ur) . -th-ere -th-e burde
was ynne [aaAx]
J: 3,14 Buskedyn hem to -th-e boure . -th-er -th-e berde
dwellyd [aaAx]
L: 3,14 Boskeden heom to -th-e boure . -th-(er) -th-e beorde
dwelled [aaAx]
K: 3,14 Buskyth hym to the bower . ther the byrde dwellith
W: 3,14 Busked hem to -th-e boure . -th-er the birde dwelled
N: 3,14 Busked hem to -th-e bour(e) . -th-(er)e -th-e bierde
duelled [aaAx]
A: 3,14 Busked hem to -th-e boure ; -th-er -th-e berde dwellid
M: 3,14 Buskedyn hem to -th-e bour . -th-er(e) -th-e berd
duellet [aaAx]
T: 3,15 Counforti[th] hire kyndely be clergie leue
H2: 3,15 Conforteth her(e) kyndely . be clergie leue [aaAx]
Ch: 3,15 --- this line is omitted ---
D: 3,15 Comforte-th- here kendely . by clergyes leue [aaAx]
V: 3,15 (Cumfortede) hire (kuyndely) . and made hire (good)
chere [aaAx]
H: 3,15 cowmfortyd hir kyndely . & made hir at eese [aaAx]
J: 3,15 And co(m)forthdyn kyndely . be clergys tene [aaAx]
L: 3,15 Comforteden hire kyndelich . by clergyes leue [aaAx]
K: 3,15 Comfortyth her kyndlich . by clergyes leue [aaAx]
W: 3,15 Conforted here kyndly . by clergies leue [aaAx]
N: 3,15 Conforted her kyndely . by clergies leue [aaAx]
A: 3,15 Comfortid here kyndely ; be clergies leue [aaAx]
M: 3,15 Counfortedyn her(e) kyndly . be clergies leue [aaAx]
T: 3,16 And seide mo(ur)ne nou[gh]t mede ne make [th](o)u no
H2: 3,16 And seide morne nou-gh-t mede . ne make -th-(o)u
no sorwe [aaAx]
Ch: 3,16 And seide morne -th-ow nat mede . no make no sorowe
D: 3,16 And seyde mourne nou-gh-t mede . ne make -th-(o)u
no sorowe [aaAx]
V: 3,16 And seide (Mourne) _th_ou not (Meede) . ne (make)
_th_ou no serwe [aaAx]
H: 3,16 & seyd ne mowurne -th-ou not mede . ne make -th-ou
no sorowe [aaAx]
J: 3,16 And seydyn morne nouth mede . ne make -th-(o)u no
sorowe [aaAx]
L: 3,16 And saiden morne -gh-e not mede . neo make -gh-e
no sorwe [aaAx]
K: 3,16 And said morne nott mede . ne make thow no sorowe
W: 3,16 Moorne -th-ow nowght mede . ne make -th-ow no sorwe
N: 3,16 And seid morne nou-gh-t mede . ne make -th-(o)u no
sorowe [aaAx]
A: 3,16 And seyde morne -th-u not mede ; ne mak -th-(o)u
no sorwe [aaAx]
M: 3,16 And seydyn morne nouth Mede . ne make -th-(o)u no(n)
sorwe [aaAx]
T: 3,17 ffor we wile wisse [th]e king & [th]i wey make
H2: 3,17 ffor we wylle wysse the kyng . and -th-i wey make
Ch: 3,17 ffor we wol wisse -th-e king . and -th-i way make
D: 3,17 ffor we wyl wysse -th-e kyng . & -th-y wey make
V: 3,17 ffor we (wolen) (wysen) _th_e kyng . and _th_i (wey)
schapen [aaxAx]
H: 3,17 ffor we wolen wisse -th-e kynge . & -th-i wa-th-e?
schape [axAx]
J: 3,17 ffor we [wil] w[h]issyn -th-e kyng . & -th-i
wey schape [axAx]
L: 3,17 ffor wol wisse -th-e kyng . & thy way schapen
K: 3,17 ffor we woll wysse the kyng . & thy way maken
W: 3,17 ffor we wol wisse the kyng . & -th-i way shape
N: 3,17 ffor we wisse -th-e kyng . & -th-i wey schape
A: 3,17 We wil spek to -th-e kyng ; & -th-i wey makyn
M: 3,17 ffor we we wilen wyse -th-e kyng . & -th-yn weye
schapyn [axAx]
T: 3,18 ffor al consiences cast craft as I trowe
H2: 3,18 ffor al consiences cast . a craft as I trowe [aaAx]
Ch: 3,18 ffor alle conscience cast . o crafte as I trowe
D: 3,18 ffor al concience cast . a craft as I trowe [aaAx]
V: 3,18 ffor alle (Concience) (Craft) . and (Casten), as
I trouwe [aaAx]
H: 3,18 for al conscience caste . a crafte can we schewe
H: 3,18 -th-at -th-ou schalt haue bo-th-e my-gh-t & maystrye & make
what -th-e like-th-
H: 3,18 wi-th- -th-e kynge & -th-e comyns & -th-e
courte bo-th-e
J: 3,18 ffor al consciens crafte . is cast as I trowe [aaAx]
L: 3,18 And al consience krafte forcasten . as we trowen
K: 3,18 ffor al consience cast . & crafte as I trowe
W: 3,18 ffor al conscience cast . & craft as I trowe
N: 3,18 ffor al Conscience cast . & craft as I trowe
A: 3,18 ffor alle concience cast ; a crafte as I trowe [aaAx]
M: 3,18 ffor al co(n)ciensis cast . & craft as I trowe
T: 3,19 Mildeliche mede [th]anne m(er)ciede hem alle
H2: 3,19 Mildelyche mede -th-anne . m(er)ciede hem alle [aaAx]
Ch: 3,19 Mildelich mede -th-an . mercied hem alle [aaAx]
D: 3,19 Myldelyche mede -th-an . mercyed hem alle [aaAx]
V: 3,19 (Mildeliche) _th_enne (Meede) . (Merciede) hem alle
H: 3,19 Mekely -th-en mede . mercyed hem alle [aaAx]
J: 3,19 Mildelyche mede -th-anne . myrthed hem alle [aaAx]
L: 3,19 Myldeliche mede -th-an . mercyed heom alle [aaAx]
K: 3,19 Mildeliche mede than . m(er)cyed them alle [aaAx]
W: 3,19 Myldelych -th-e mayde -th-an . mercied hem alle [aaAx]
N: 3,19 Mildelyche Mede -th-anne . mercied hem alle [aaAx]
A: 3,19 Myldeliche mede -th-an ; myrthed hem alle [aaAx]
M: 3,19 Mildely Mede -th-anne . -th-ankede hem alle [aaAx]
T: 3,20 Of here grete goodnesse & [y]af hem ichone
H2: 3,20 Of here grete godnesse . and -gh-af hem echone [aaAx]
Ch: 3,20 Of her gret godnesse . and -gh-af hem echon [aaAx]
D: 3,20 Of here gret godnesse . & gaf hem echone [aaAx]
V: 3,20 Of heore (grete) (goodnesse) . and (_g_af) hem vchone
H: 3,20 of her grete goodnesse . & -gh-aue hem echone
J: 3,20 And of hire greete godenesse . -gh-af hem uchone
L: 3,20 Of heore grete godnes . & giftes gaf heom vchone
K: 3,20 Of their gret goodenesse . & gave them echone
W: 3,20 Of here gret goodnesse . and gaf hem ychone [aaAx]
N: 3,20 Of here grete godnesse . & gaf hem vchone [aaAx]
A: 3,20 ffor here gret goodnes ; gaf hem echone [aaAx]
M: 3,20 Of her(e) gret goodnesse . & gaf hem ichone [aaAx]
T: 3,21 Coupis of clene gold pecis of siluer
H2: 3,21 Coupis of clene gold . pecis of siluer [aaXx]
Ch: 3,21 Coupes of clene golde . peces of siluer [aaXx]
D: 3,21 Coppes of clene gold . & peces of silu(er) [aaXx]
V: 3,21 (Coupes) of (clene) Gold . and peces of seluer [aaXx]
H: 3,21 Coupes of clene golde . & peces of syluer [aaXx]
J: 3,21 Cowpes of clene golde . peces of syluur(e) [aaXx]
L: 3,21 Couered coupes of gold . wel clanliche ywroghte [aaXx]
K: 3,21 Cuppes of clene gold . & peces of syluer [aaXx]
W: 3,21 Coupes of clene gold . & coppes of siluer [aaXx]
N: 3,21 Coppis of clene golde . & peces of siluer [aaXx]
A: 3,21 Coppis of clene gold ; and o-th-er -gh-iftis many
M: 3,21 Coupys of clene gold . and o-th-(er)e -y-yft(is)
manye [aaXx]
T: 3,22 Rynges wi[th] rubies & ricchesse manye
H2: 3,22 Rynges wit rubyes . and rychesses manye [aaAx]
Ch: 3,22 Ringes and Rubies . and richesse many [aaAx]
D: 3,22 Rynges w(i)t(h) rubyes . & rychesses many [aaAx]
V: 3,22 (Rynges) with (Rubyes) . and (Richesses) I-nouwe
H: 3,22 Ryng(us) wi-th- rybyes . & rychesses many [aaAx]
J: 3,22 Rynges w(i)t(h) rubyes . & richessys many [aaAx]
L: 3,22 Rynges wi-th- rubies . & riches manye [aaAx]
K: 3,22 Rynges w(i)t(h) Rubies . & Richesse many [aaAx]
W: 3,22 Rynges wi-th- ribyes . & richesse manye [aaAx]
N: 3,22 Rynges wi-th- rubies . & richesses manye [aaAx]
A: 3,22 Riches & ryngys . & rybies manye [aaAx]
M: 3,22 --- this line is omitted ---
T: 3,23 [Th]e leste man of here mayne a mutou(n) of gold
H2: 3,23 -Th-e lest man of her(e) mayne . a mutoun of golde
Ch: 3,23 -Th-e lest man of her meyne . a motoun of gold [aaAx]
D: 3,23 The lest man of here mayne . a motou(n) of gold [aaAx]
V: 3,23 --- this line on --
H: 3,23 -th-e lest man of her meynee . a moton of gold [aaAx]
J: 3,23 -Th-e lest man of here moynie . a motou(n) of golde
L: 3,23 -Th-e menest mon of heore meyne . a moten of gold
K: 3,23 The lest man of her meynye . a motone of gold [aaAx]
W: 3,23 The lest of hire men . a moton of gold [aaAx]
N: 3,23 -Th-e lest man of her(e) menye . a Motou(n) of golde
A: 3,23 The lest man of here meny ; a motou(n) of gold [aaAx]
M: 3,23 --- this line is omitted ---
T: 3,24 [Th]anne lau[gh]te hy leue [th]ise lordis at mede
H2: 3,24 -Th-anne lau-gh-t they leue . -th-ise wordes at
mede [aaAx]
Ch: 3,24 -Th-an toke -th-ei her leue . -th-es lordes at mede
D: 3,24 -Th-an lau-gh-ten -th-ey leue . -th-is lordes at
nede [aaAx]
V: 3,24 _Th_enne tok _th_ei (leue) . _th_is (lordynges) at
Meede [aaAx]
H: 3,24 -th-en lau-gh-ten -th-ei her leue . -th-ese lordyng(us)
at mede [aaAx]
J: 3,24 -Th-an la[h]utten hy leue . -th-es lordes at mede
L: 3,24 -Th-an laghten -th-ey leue . -th-eose lordes at mede
K: 3,24 Than lawghten thay leue . thes lord(is) at mede [aaAx]
W: 3,24 -Th-an laght -th-ei leue . -th-is lordes at mede
N: 3,24 -Th-anne lau-gh-t -th-ei leue . -th-eis lordes at
mede [aaAx]
A: 3,24 Than tok -th-ai leue ; -th-e lordis aboute at mede
M: 3,24 And -th-ey laugthen her(e) leue . -th-yse lordys
at Mede [aaAx]
T: 3,25 Wi[th] [th](a)t come clerkis to conforten hire [th]e
H2: 3,25 Wit -th-(a)t come clerc(es) . to conforte hir(e)
-th-e same [aaAx]
Ch: 3,25 With -th-at come clerkes . to comfort her -th-e
same [aaAx]
D: 3,25 W(i)t(h) -th-(a)t comen clerkys . to comforten here
-th-e same [aaAx]
V: 3,25 Wi_th_ _th_at _th_er (come) (Clerkes) . to (Cumforte)
_th_e same [aaAx]
H: 3,25 Wi-th- -th-at come clerkis . to coumfort -th-e same
J: 3,25 Wi-th- -th-(a)t kemyn clerkys . to cou(m)fortyn h(er)e
-th-e same [aaAx]
L: 3,25 W(i)t(h) -th-at come clerkis . to comforte hire eken
K: 3,25 With that co(m)me clerkes . to comforten her in the
same [aaAx]
W: 3,25 Wi-th- -th-at come clerkes . wi-th- confort and game
N: 3,25 Wi-th- -th-at come clerkys . wi-th- conforme & game
A: 3,25 Than comyn clerkis ; to comfort here -th-e same [aaAx]
M: 3,25 W(i)t(h) -th-at komyn clerkys . to counforty(n) hir(e)
-th-e same [aaAx]
T: 3,26 And bidden hire be bly[th]e for we ben [th]in owene
H2: 3,26 And bidden her(e) be blithe . for we be -th-in owene
Ch: 3,26 And bidden her be blithe . for we be-th- -th-in
owne [aaAx]
D: 3,26 And bedyn here be bly-th-e . for we be -th-yn owne
V: 3,26 We (bidde_th_) _th_e be (bli_th_e) . for we (beo_th_)
_th_in owne [aaAx]
H: 3,26 we bidde-th- -th-ee be blythe . for we beo-th- -th-ine
owene [aaAx]
J: 3,26 And bodyn hyr(e) blithe be . for we be -th-in awne
L: 3,26 And beden hire boen blythe . for we beon thyn owne
K: 3,26 And bydden her be blythe . for we bynnen thyn own
W: 3,26 And bad hir be bli-th-e . for we arn -th-in owen
N: 3,26 And beden hir be blyth . for we be -th-ine owne [aaAx]
A: 3,26 Bad here be blyth ; for we be -th-in owyn [aaAx]
M: 3,26 And biddyn hir(e) ben bly-th-e . for we ben -th-y
oune [aaAx]
T: 3,27 ffor to werche [th]i wil while [th]i lif lasti[th]
H2: 3,27 ffor to worche -th-i wylle . whil -th-i lyf last
Ch: 3,27 ffor to wirche -th-y wille . while -th-y lif laste-th-
D: 3,27 ffor to werche -th-y wyl . whil -th-y lyf lasteth
V: 3,27 fforte (worche) _th_i (wil) . (while) vr lyf dure_th_
H: 3,27 for to worche -th-i wylle . -th-e while oure lyf
lasti-th- [aaAbb]
J: 3,27 ffor to wirchin -th-i wille . qwylys our(e) lyue
durith [aaAbb]
L: 3,27 ffor to worchen oure wil . whil oure lif lastes [aaAbb]
K: 3,27 ffor to worchen thy will . while oure life lasteth
W: 3,27 To worche alway -th-i will . while oure lyf laste-th-
N: 3,27 To worche alwey -th-i wille . wil our(e) lif laste-th-
A: 3,27 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 3,27 ffor to werche -th-yn wille . whil our(e) lyf lastet
T: 3,28 Hendely [th]anne heo behi[gh]te hem [th]e same
H2: 3,28 Hendely -th-an fies . behi-gh-te hem the same [aaAx]
Ch: 3,28 Kendelich she -th-an . behi-gh-t hem -th-e same
D: 3,28 Hendely -th-an sche . byhi-gh-te hem -th-e same [aaAx]
V: 3,28 (Hendeliche) _th_enne (heo) . (be-hihte) hem _th_e
same [aaAx]
H: 3,28 hendely -th-en heo . bihy-gh-t hem -th-e same [aaAx]
J: 3,28 Hendely sche -th-en . behyte hem -th-e same [aaAx]
L: 3,28 Hendelich -th-an heo . byhatte heom -th-e same [aaAx]
K: 3,28 Hendeliche sche than . behete them the same [aaAx]
W: 3,28 Hendly -th-an she . hyght me -th-e same [aaAx]
N: 3,28 Hendely she -th-anne . hieght -th-e same [aaAx]
A: 3,28 Myldeliche -th-an ; -gh-he behygth -th-em -th-e sane
M: 3,28 Hendelyche Mede . hygthe hem -th-e same [aaAx]
T: 3,29 To loue hem lelly & lordis hem make
H2: 3,29 To loue hem lelly . and lordes hem make [aaAx]
Ch: 3,29 To loue hem lelly . and lordes hem make [aaAx]
D: 3,29 To loue hem lely . & lordes -gh-ou make [aaAx]
V: 3,29 To (louen) hem (lelly) . and (lordes) to maken [aaAx]
H: 3,29 to louen hem truly . & lordes hem maken [aaAx]
J: 3,29 To louyn hem lelly . & lordys to make [aaAx]
L: 3,29 To louen heom lelly . & lordes to make [aaAx]
K: 3,29 To loven hem leally . & lordes hem maken [aaAx]
W: 3,29 To loue hem lelly . & gret lordes make [aaAx]
N: 3,29 To lenen hem lelly . & grete lordis make [aaAx]
A: 3,29 To louyn hem lely ; & lordis hem make [aaAx]
M: 3,29 To louen hem trewly . & lordes hem makyn [aaAx]
A: 3,29 The left brolle of here blod ; a boronys -th-ere
T: 3,30 And in constory at court callen here names
H2: 3,30 And in constorie in cort . callen her(e) names [aaAx]
Ch: 3,30 And In constorie at cort . callei har names [aaAx]
D: 3,30 And in Constory at court . telle-th- her(e) names
V: 3,30 And in (Constorie) at (Court) . to tellen heore names
H: 3,30 In courte & in constrye . to tellen her names
J: 3,30 And in -th-e constory at courte . don callen her
names [aaAx]
L: 3,30 And -th-e courte of constory . -th-at calles my name
K: 3,30 And in con[si]starie at court . do cal her names
W: 3,30 In constorie at court . to don calle here names [aaAx]
N: 3,30 In constorye at courte . do callen her names [aaAx]
A: 3,30 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 3,30 In constorie & in court . to cally(n) her(e)
names [aaAx]
T: 3,31 Shal no lewidnesse hym lette [th]e lede [th](a)t I
H2: 3,31 Schal no lewidnesse hi(m) lette . -th-e lede -th-(a)t
I loue [aaAa]
Ch: 3,31 Schal no lewdnesse letten him . -th-e lede -th-at
I loue [aaAa]
D: 3,31 Shal no lewdenesse lette . -th-e ladde -th-at I loue
V: 3,31 Schal no (lewednesse) hem (lette) . _th_e (lewedeste)
_th_at I (loue) [aaAa]
H: 3,31 -th-er schal no lewdnes he(m) lett . -th-e lewdest
-th-at I loue [aaAa]
J: 3,31 Scal non lewdenesse lettyn . -th-e lede -th-at I
luffe [aaAa]
L: 3,31 Schal no lewednes him lette . -th-eo leod -th-at
y loue [aaAa]
K: 3,31 Schal no lewednesse hem lett . the leste that I loue
W: 3,31 Shal no lewednesse hym lette . -th-at lede -th-at
I loue [aaAa]
N: 3,31 Shal no lewednesse lette . -th-e leode -th-(a)t I
loue [aaAa]
A: 3,31 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 3,31 lewidnesse schal not lettyn . -th-e clerk -th-(a)t
I loue [aaAa]
T: 3,32 [Th]at he ne wor[th] ferst au(au)ncid for I am beknowe
H2: 3,32 That he ne worth first au(au)ncid . for I am knowe
Ch: 3,32 -Th-at he ne worth first auaunsed . for I am beknowe
D: 3,32 ffor he ne wor-th- first au(a)unced . for I am beknowe
V: 3,32 _Th_at he ne wor_th_ avaunset; . for Icham I-knowe
H: 3,32 -Th-at -th-ei ne wor-th-e avaunced . for I am Iknowe
J: 3,32 -Th-at he ne worth first avaunced . for I am beknowe
L: 3,32 -Th-at he no worth thorgh myn help hyghly auaunced
L: 3,32 Of chirches of chapels chese of -th-e beste
K: 3,32 That he ne worth firste auaunced . for I ame beknowe
W: 3,32 That he ne worth first auaunced . for I am -th-er
Iknowe [aaAxx]
N: 3,32 That he ne worthe first auaunced . for I am beknowen
A: 3,32 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 3,32 -Th-at he ne worth ferst auaunced . for I am beknowe
T: 3,33 [Th](er)e cunnyng clerkis shuln clokke behynde
H2: 3,33 Ther(e) connyng clerkis . schuln clokke behynde
Ch: 3,33 -Th-er connyng clerkes . schul clokken behynde [aaAx]
D: 3,33 Ther Connyng Clerkes . schul clokke behynde [aaAx]
V: 3,33 _Th_er (Cunnynge) (Clerkes) . schul (Couche) be-hynde
H: 3,33 -th-ere as kunnynge clerkys . schul couche byhynde
J: 3,33 -Th-(er) konyng clerkys . schul klockyn behynde [aaAx]
L: 3,33 Wher konnyng clerkis of clergy . schal clocke byhynde
K: 3,33 Ther connyng clerk(es) . schal clokkyn behynde [aaAx]
W: 3,33 Where conyng clerkes . shal go clokkyng behynde [aaAx]
W: 3,33 [C:III,32] Purchase -gh-ow prouendres whiles -gh-owr(e)
pens lasten
W: 3,33 [C:III,33] And bygge -gh-ow benefice . pluralite
to haue
N: 3,33 Ther(e) konnyng clerkys . schul clokke bihynde [aaAx]
N: 3,33 [C:III,32] Purchase -gh-ow p(ro)uendris wil -th-e
pans laste-th-
N: 3,33 [C:III,33] And bigge -gh-ow benefyces pluralite to
A: 3,33 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 3,33 --- this line is omitted ---
T: 3,34 [Th]anne com [th](er)e a confesso(ur) ycopid as a frere
H2: 3,34 Than cometh -th-(er)e a confesso(ur) . copid as
a frere [aaAx]
Ch: 3,34 -Th-an come-th- -th-er a confessour . coped as a
frere [aaAx]
D: 3,34 -Th-an come a Confessoure . Icoped as a frere [aaAx]
V: 3,34 _Th_enne (com) _th_er a (Confessour) . (I-Copet)
as a ffrere [aaAx]
H: 3,34 -Th-en come -th-er a confessour . coped as a frere
J: 3,34 -Th-an cam -th-(er) a confessour(e) . copyd as a
frere [aaAx]
L: 3,34 -Th-an com -th-er a confessour . Icoped as a ffrere
K: 3,34 Than co(m)me ther a confessour . copyd as a frere
W: 3,34 -Th-an come -th-(er) a confessour . coped as a frere
N: 3,34 -Th-anne come -th-(er)e a confesso(ur) . coped as
a frere [aaAx]
A: 3,34 Than cam -th-er a confessor ; copid as a frere [aaAx]
M: 3,34 -Th-an comyt a confessour . Icopid as a frer(e) [aaAx]
T: 3,35 To mede the maiden mekeliche he loutide
H2: 3,35 To mede -th-e mayde . mekelich he loutide [aaAx]
Ch: 3,35 To mede -th-e maide . mekely he lowted [aaAx]
D: 3,35 To mede -th-e mayde . mekelyche he louted [aaAx]
V: 3,35 To (Meede) _th_e (Mayden) . ful (Mekeliche) he loutede
H: 3,35 to mede -th-e mayden . mekely he lowtid [aaAx]
J: 3,35 To mede -th-e maydeyn . mekelych he lowted [aaAx]
L: 3,35 To mede -th-e maiden . meokelich he louted [aaAx]
K: 3,35 And to mede the mayde . mekelich he lowtyd [aaAx]
W: 3,35 To mede -th-e mayde . mekly he loute-th- [aaAx]
N: 3,35 To mede -th-e maide . & mekely he lowted [aaAx]
A: 3,35 To mede -th-e mayde . loweliche he lowtyd [aaAx]
M: 3,35 To mede -th-at maydyn . myldyly he loutede [aaAx]
T: 3,36 And he seide ful softely in shrifte as it were
H2: 3,36 And he seide ful sothly . in schryft as it wer(e)
Ch: 3,36 And seide ful softly . in schrift as hit were [aaAx]
D: 3,36 And seyde wil softely . in shryft as it were [aaAx]
V: 3,36 And (seide) ful (softely) . in (schrift) as hit weore
H: 3,36 & seyd ful softly . in schryfte as it were [aaAx]
J: 3,36 And seyd wel soflych . in schrifte as it wer(e) [aaAx]
L: 3,36 And saide wel softely . in schryfte as hit were [aaAx]
K: 3,36 And said wel softely . in schrift as it were [aaAx]
W: 3,36 And said ful softly . in shrift as it were [aaAx]
N: 3,36 And seid softely . in shrift as it were [aaAx]
A: 3,36 And seyde wol softely ; in schrifte as it were [aaAx]
M: 3,36 And seyde wol Myldely . in scryfte as it wer(e) [aaAx]
T: 3,37 [Th]ei[gh] lerid & lewide hadde lei[gh]e be [th]e
H2: 3,37 They lerid and lewid . hadde ley be -th-e echone
Ch: 3,37 -Th-ow-gh- lered and lewd . had ley-gh-en be -th-e
echon [aaAx]
D: 3,37 -Th-ey lered & lewed . had ley be -th-e echone
V: 3,37 _Th_auh (lerede) and (lewede) . hedden (leyen) bi
_th_e alle [aaAx]
H: 3,37 -Th-ei-gh- lered & lewide . had leyn by -th-ee
bo-th-e [aaAx]
J: 3,37 -Th-ei leryd & lewyd . had ley be -th-e alle
L: 3,37 -Th-agh lered & lewed . han leyen by -th-e alle
K: 3,37 Though leryd & lewde . haue lyen be the echone
W: 3,37 -Gh-if lered and lewed . haue leyn by -th-e ychon
N: 3,37 -Th-eigh lered & lewde had . leyne by -th-e bo-th-e
A: 3,37 Thow lerid & lewyd . had loy be -th-e echone
M: 3,37 -Th-ey lerned & lewyd . haddyn leyn be -th-e
bo-th-e [aaAx]
T: 3,38 And [th]ei[gh] falshed hadde folewid [th]e [th]is fiftene
H2: 3,38 And -th-ei falshede hadde felewyd -th-e . -th-is
fyftene wynt(er) [aaAx]
Ch: 3,38 And -th-ow-gh- falshed had folowed -th-e . -th-is
xv winter [aaAx]
D: 3,38 And -th-ey falsehed had folowyd -th-e . fyftene wynt(er)
V: 3,38 And _th_au_g_ (ffals) hedde (folewed) _th_e . _th_is
(ffiftene) winter [aaAx]
H: 3,38 & -th-ei-gh- falsenes had folowed -th-ee . -th-is
fyftene wyntur [aaAx]
J: 3,38 And -th-ei falnesse had folwyd -th-e . -th-is fyueten
wynt(er) [aaAx]
L: 3,38 And -th-agh falsed had folewed -th-e . -th-is fiftene
wynt(er) [aaAx]
K: 3,38 And though falshode haue folowyd the . this fyvetene
wynt(er) [aaAx]
W: 3,38 -Gh-if falshod haue folwed -th-e . -th-is fyften
wyntre [aaAx]
N: 3,38 And falshed had yfolowed -th-e . -th-is fyftene wyntre
A: 3,38 And -th-ow falshed had folewid -th-e . -th-is fyftene
wyntir [aaAx]
M: 3,38 And falshed Ifolewyd -th-e . -th-ys xv wynt(er) [aaAx]
T: 3,39 I shal assoile [th]e myself for a sem of whete
H2: 3,39 I schal soile -th-e myself . for a seme of whete
Ch: 3,39 I schal assoile the myself . for a seme of whete
D: 3,39 I schal assoyle -th-e myself . for a seme of whete
V: 3,39 I schal (asoyle) _th_e (my-self) . for a (summe)
of whete [aaAx]
H: 3,39 I schal asoyle -th-ee my silf . for a so(m)me of
whete [aaAx]
J: 3,39 I sc[h]al asoylyn -th-e myselue . for a sem whete
L: 3,39 I schal asoile -th-e my seolf . for a seem of whete
K: 3,39 I schal assoile the myself . for a sem of whete [aaAx]
W: 3,39 I shal assoille -th-e myself . for a seme of whete
N: 3,39 I shal assoile -th-e myself . for a seem whete [aaAx]
A: 3,39 I schal asoyle -th-e myselfe . for a sem of whete
M: 3,39 I schal assoylyn -th-e . for a sem of whete [aaAx]
T: 3,40 And ek be [th]i baudekyn & bere wel [th]in arnede
H2: 3,40 And eke be -th-i baudekyn . and ber(e) wel -th-i
aru(n)de [aaAx]
Ch: 3,40 And eke be -th-y Bawde . and ber wel -th-in herand
D: 3,40 And eke be thy baude . & bere wel -th-yn erande
V: 3,40 And eke (be) _th_i (Baude) . and (Bere) wel _th_in
ernde [aaAx]
H: 3,40 & eke be -th-i bawdstrot . & bere wel -th-in
erande [aaAx]
J: 3,40 And als ben -th-in baudekyn . & berin wele -th-in
erdene [aaAx]
L: 3,40 And eke beon -th-y baudekyn . & beore wel thyn
ernde [aaAx]
K: 3,40 And eke her thy bawdekyn . & bere well thyn erand
W: 3,40 And also be -th-i baudekyn . to bere wel -th-i erande
N: 3,40 And also be -th-i baudkyn . & bere wel -th-i
erande [aaAx]
A: 3,40 And eke ben -th-i baudekyn ; and bere -th-ine erande
M: 3,40 And ek be -th-yn baudekyn . & beryn wel -th-yn
hernde [aaAx]
T: 3,41 Among clerkis & kni[gh]tes consience to felle
H2: 3,41 Among clerkes and kny-gh-tus . consience to felle
Ch: 3,41 Among clerkes and kny-gh-tes . conscience to felle
D: 3,41 Among Clerkys & kny-gh-tes . concience to felle
V: 3,41 Among (Clerkes) and (knihtes) . (Concience) to falle
H: 3,41 Amonge -th-ese courteors & -th-e comyns . conscie(n)ce
to felle [aaAx]
H: 3,41 or clerkes and knyt-gh-tes
J: 3,41 Among clerkys & knyhtys . consciens to felle
L: 3,41 Among clerkes & kny-gh-tis . concience to felle
K: 3,41 Among(es) clerk(is) & knight(es) . consience
to fele [aaAx]
W: 3,41 Among clerkes & knyghtes . concience to felle
N: 3,41 Amonges clerkis & kni-gh-tis . conscience to
felle [aaAx]
A: 3,41 Amongis klerkis & kynytis ; conciens to felle
M: 3,41 To clerkys & knyetys . co(n)cyencye to felle
T: 3,42 [Th]anne mede for hire mysdedis to [th](a)t man knelide
H2: 3,42 Than mede for her(e) mysdedes . to -th-(a)t man
knelyd [aaAx]
Ch: 3,42 -Th-an mede for her misdedes . to -th-at man kneled
D: 3,42 Than mede for here mysdedes . to -th-(a)t man kneled
V: 3,42 _Th_Enne (Meede) ffor hire (misdede) . to _th_at
(Mon) knelede [aaAx]
H: 3,42 -th-en mede for her myssedeedys . to -th-at man kneled
J: 3,42 -Th-an mede of her mysdedys . to -th-at man kneled
L: 3,42 -Th-an mede for hire misdedes . to -th-at man kneoled
K: 3,42 Than mede for her mysded(is) . to that man kneled
W: 3,42 Than mede for here mysdedes . to -th-at man kneles
N: 3,42 -Th-anne mede for hir mysdedis . to -th-at man kneled
A: 3,42 Tham mede for here mysdede ; to -th-e frere knelid
M: 3,42 -Th-anne Mede for her(e) mysdede . to -th-at man
knelede [aaAx]
T: 3,43 And shrof hire of hire shrewidnesse shameles I trowe
H2: 3,43 And schrof her(e) of hir(e) [synnys] . schameles
I trowe [aaAx]
Ch: 3,43 And schroue her of her schrewdnesse . schamlese
I trowe [aaAx]
D: 3,43 And shrof here of here shrewdnesse . shameles I trowe
V: 3,43 And (schrof) hire of hir (sunnes) . (schomeliche)
I trouwe [aaAx]
H: 3,43 & schrof hir of hir shrewdnes . schameles I trowe
J: 3,43 A(n)d schroff hir of hir schrewdenes . schameles
I t(ro)we [aaAx]
L: 3,43 And schrof here of hire schrewednes . schemelas I
trowe [aaAx]
K: 3,43 And schrove her of her schrewedenes . schameles I
trowe [aaAx]
W: 3,43 And shrof hire of shrewednesse . shamles I trowe
N: 3,43 And shrof hir of hir sherewdnesse . shameles I trowe
A: 3,43 And schrofe here of here schrewidnes . shameles I
trowe [aaAx]
M: 3,43 And scrof hyr(e) of hyr(e) schrewydnesse . schameles
I trowe [aaAx]
T: 3,44 Tolde hym a tale & tok hym a noble
H2: 3,44 Tolde hi(m) a tale . and took hi(m) a noble [aaAx]
Ch: 3,44 And told him a tale . and toke hym a noble [aaAx]
D: 3,44 Tolde hym a tale . & took hym a noble [aaAx]
V: 3,44 Heo (tolde) him a (tale) . and (tok) him a noble
H: 3,44 heo told hym a tale . & toke hym a noble [aaAx]
J: 3,44 Told him a tale . & tok him a nobelle [aaAx]
L: 3,44 Tolde him a tale . & tok him in hond a noble
K: 3,44 Told hym a tale . & toke hym a noble [aaAx]
W: 3,44 She told hym a tale -th-(er) . and toke hym a noble
N: 3,44 She tolde hi(m) a tale . & toke hi(m) a noble
A: 3,44 Tolde hym a tale ; & tok hym a noble [aaAx]
M: 3,44 Told hym a tale . & tok hym a nobble [aaAx]
T: 3,45 ffor to be hire bedeman & hire baude aftir
H2: 3,45 ffor to be her(e) bedeman . and her(e) baude aftir
Ch: 3,45 ffor to be her bedeman . and her Bawde after [aaAx]
D: 3,45 ffor to be here bedeman . & here baude aft(ir)
V: 3,45 ffor to (ben) hire (beode-mon) . and hire (Baude)
after [aaAx]
H: 3,45 for to be hir bawde & bere wel hir erand [aaAx]
J: 3,45 ffor to bene hir bedman . & hir(e) baude aft(er)
L: 3,45 ffor to beon hire beodmon . and hire baude after
K: 3,45 ffor to be her bedeman . & her bawde after [aaAx]
K: 3,45 [B: 3,52
C: 4,56] And said frere I schal fayle the nower
K: 3,45 [B: 3,53/C: 4,57] Whilys thou lovest lord(es) that
lechery hauntyn
K: 3,45 [B: 3,54/C: 4,58] And lack not ladys that lovyn wel
the same
K: 3,45 [B: 3,56/C: 4,60] It is a course of kynde wherof
we co(m)myn al
K: 3,45 [B: 3,57/C: 4,61] Who may scape the sclaund(er) the
scathe is sone mendyd
K: 3,45 [B: 3,58/C: 4,62] It is the synne of the sevyn sonest
W: 3,45 ffor to be here bedeman . and hire baude after [aaAx]
N: 3,45 ffor to ben hir bedman . & hir baude aftir [aaAx]
A: 3,45 ffor to ben here bedeman ; & here baude aftir
M: 3,45 ffor to ben hir(e) bedeman . & hyer(e) baude
after [aaAx]
T: 3,46 [Th]anne he assoilide hire sone & si[th]en he seide
H2: 3,46 Than he asoiled her(e) sone . and si-th-en he seyde
Ch: 3,46 -Th-an he assoiled her sone . and se-th-en he seide
D: 3,46 -Th-an he assoyled here sone . & sethen sayde
V: 3,46 _Th_ene he (asoylede) hire (soone) . and to hire
seide [aaAx]
H: 3,46 -th-en to hir asoyled hir sone . & si-th- to
hir seyde [aaAa]
J: 3,46 -Th-an he asoylyd hir sone . & se-th-in he seyde
L: 3,46 -Th-anne he asoiled hire sone . & sethen he saide
K: 3,46 Than he assoyled her sone . & sithen he said
W: 3,46 And -th-an assoilled he here sone . & si-th-e
he saide [aaAa]
N: 3,46 Thanne he assoilled hir sone . & sythen he seide
A: 3,46 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 3,46 And he assoylyd hyr(e) sone . & sy-th-yn he seyde
T: 3,47 We haue a wyndowe of werching wile stonde vs wel hei[gh]e
H2: 3,47 We haue a wyndow on worchyng . wile stonde vs wel
hye [aaAxx]
Ch: 3,47 We haue a wyndow a worching . wol stond vs wel hi-gh-e
D: 3,47 We haue a werchyng a wyndowe . wil stond ous ful
heye [aaAxx]
V: 3,47 We han a (wyndow) in (worching) . (wol) stonden vs
ful hei_g_e [aaAxx]
H: 3,47 We han a wyndowe i(n) wurchynge . wol stonde us ful
hi-gh-e [aaAxx]
J: 3,47 We haue a wyndow in wyrching . wil stondy(n) [vs]
hye [aaAxx]
L: 3,47 We han a wyndow in worchyng . wol stonden vs wel
hy-gh-e [aaAxx]
K: 3,47 We haue a wyndowe in worchinge . wol stond vs well
hye [aaAxx]
W: 3,47 We han a wyndowe ywroght . stont vs ful hye [aaAxx]
N: 3,47 We haue a wy(n)dowe wrou-gh-t . stant vs wel hiegh
A: 3,47 We han a wyndowne in werchyng ; & wil stand vs
hye [aaAxx]
M: 3,47 We han a wyndowe at hom . wele stondy(n) vs ful heye
T: 3,48 Woldist [th]ou glase [th]e gable & g(ra)ue [th](er)e
[th]in name
H2: 3,48 Woldest -th-(o)u glase -th-e gabul . and g(ra)ue
-th-(er)In -th-i name [aaAx]
Ch: 3,48 Woldest -th-ow glase the gabel . and graue -th-erIn
-th-in name [aaAx]
D: 3,48 Woldest -th-(o)u glace -th-e gable . & graue
-th-(er) -th-yn name [aaAx]
V: 3,48 Woldustow (Glase) _th_e (Gable) & . (graue) _th_erinne
_th_i nome [aaAx]
H: 3,48 Woldest -th-ou glase -th-e gable . & graue -th-erynne
-th-i name [aaAx]
J: 3,48 Wildys tow glasen -th-e gable . & grauyn -th-i(n)
name [aaAx]
L: 3,48 Woldestow glase -th-e gable . & sette -th-(er)in
thy nome [aaAx]
K: 3,48 Woldest thowe glase the gable . & grave therin
thy name [aaAx]
W: 3,48 Wilt -th-ow glase -th-e gable . and graue -th-er
-th-i name [aaAx]
N: 3,48 Woldestow glase -th-e gable . & g(ra)ue -th-(er)
-th-i name [aaAx]
A: 3,48 Woldis -th-u glace -th-e gable ; & wrygth -th-er
-th-i name [aaAx]
M: 3,48 --- this line is omitted ---
T: 3,49 Sikir shulde [th]i soule be heuene to haue
H2: 3,49 Syker schulde -th-i soule . be heuene to haue [aaBb]
Ch: 3,49 Seker schuld -th-y soule . be heuen to haue [aaBb]
D: 3,49 Seker schuld -th-y saule . be heuene to haue [aaBb]
V: 3,49 (Siker) schulde _th_i (soule) ben . for to dwellen
in heuene [aaXx]
H: 3,49 Siker schuld -th-i soule . beo heuen for to haue
J: 3,49 Sikir schude -th-in soule . be heuyn to haue [aaBb]
L: 3,49 Wel siker scholde -th-y soule . beo heouen blisse
to haue [aaBb]
K: 3,49 Sikere schuld thy sowle . be hevene to haue [aaBb]
W: 3,49 And syker shal -th-i soule . be heuen to haue [aaBb]
N: 3,49 Siker scholde -th-i soule . be heuene to haue [aaBb]
A: 3,49 Sekyr schuld -th-i soule ben ; heuyn blis to haue
M: 3,49 Syker schulde -th-yn soule . ben heuene to hauen
M: 3,49 Woldyst -th-(o)u helpyn -th-(er)to . a pound or tweyne
T: 3,50 Wiste I [th]at q(ua)[th] [th]e wo(m)man [th](er)e nis
wyndowe ne auter
H2: 3,50 Wyst I -th-at q(uo)d -th-e wo(m)man . -th-(er) nys
wyndowe ne auter(e) [aaAx]
Ch: 3,50 Wist I -th-at q(uo)d the woman . -th-er nes no wyndowe
no Auter [aaAx]
D: 3,50 Wist I that q(ou)d -th-e woma(n) . -th-(er) nys wyndow
ne auter [aaAx]
V: 3,50 (Wust) I _th_at quod _th_e (wommon) . _th_er nis
nou_th_ur (Wyndou) ne Auter [aaAx]
H: 3,50 Wyst I -th-at quo-th- -th-e woman . -th-er nys wyndow
ne awter [aaAx]
J: 3,50 Wist I -th-(a)t q(uo)d -th-(a)t wo(m)man . -th-(er)
ne is wyndow ne awt(er) [aaAx]
L: 3,50 -Gh-e wiste I -th-at q(uo)d -th-e wo(m)man wel weore
me -th-anne
L: 3,50 ffor -th-er nys wyndow no weoued wroght in -gh-our
wones [aaAx]
K: 3,50 Wist I that q(uo)d the woman . ther is no wyndowe
ne avtere [aaAx]
W: 3,50 Wist I -th-at q(uo)d -th-e wenche . -th-(er) nys
wyndowe ne autere [aaAx]
N: 3,50 Wist I -th-at q(uo)d -th-(a)t wo(m)man . I wolde
nou-gh-t spare
A: 3,50 Wost I -th-at quot -gh-he ; I wold it grauyn [aaAx]
M: 3,50 Wyst I -th-at q(uo)d Mede . I schulde it so makyn
T: 3,51 [Th](a)t I ne shulde make or mende & myn name writen
H2: 3,51 That I ne schuld make and mende . and my(n) name
write [aaAxx]
Ch: 3,51 -Th-at I ne schuld make or amende . and my name
write [aaAxx]
D: 3,51 That I schulde make or mende . & my name wryten
V: 3,51 _Th_at I ne schulde (maken) o_th_ur (mende) . and
(my) nome write [aaAxx]
H: 3,51 -Th-at I schuld mende or make . & my name wryte
J: 3,51 -Th-(a)t I ne schulde mendyn or make . & myn
name writy(n) [aaAxx]
L: 3,51 -Th-at y ne scholde make or mende . & my name
on write [aaAxx]
K: 3,51 That I ne schuld make or mend . & my name writen
W: 3,51 That I ne shold make or amende . & my name wryte
N: 3,51 [B:III,51/C:IV,55] ffor to be yo(ur) frende frere & faile
-gh-ow neu(er)e
N: 3,51[B:III,52/C:IV,56] Wil -gh-e loue lordis -th-(a)t
lecherie hau(n)te-th-
N: 3,51 [B:III,53/C:IV,57] And lakke-th- nou-gh-t ladies
-th-at loue-th- wel -th-e same
N: 3,51 [B:III,54/C:IV,58] Wil -gh-e loue lordis -th-(a)t
lecherie hau(n)te-th-
N: 3,51 [B:III,55/C:IV,59] And lakke-th- nou-gh-t ladies
-th-at loue-th- wel -th-e same
N: 3,51[B:III,56/C:IV,60] It is a freelte of flesche -gh-e
fynde it in bokys
N: 3,51[B:III,57/C:IV,61] And a tourse of kynde where of
we comy(n) alle
N: 3,51[B:III,58/C:IV,62] Who may scape -th-e sklau(n)der
-th-e ska-th-e is sone ame(n)did
N: 3,51 [B:III,59/C:IV,63] Hit is synne of -th-e senene sonnest
N: 3,51 [B:III,60/C:IV,64] Haue mercy q(uo)d mede of me(n)
-th-(a)t it hannte
N: 3,51 [B:III,61/C:IV,65] And [I] schal kenr(e) -gh-o(ur)
kirke -gh-o(ur) closter to make
N: 3,51 [B:III,62/C:IV,66] Wowes to whiten . & wyndowes
N: 3,51 [B:III,63/C:IV,67] Do pointin & purtraye . & pay
for -th-e makyng
A: 3,51 And myne name -th-er inne wrytyn [aaAxx]
M: 3,51 And ame(n)dy(n) auters . & my(n) name wryten
T: 3,52 [Th](a)t iche segge shal se I am sistir of [y]o(ur)
H2: 3,52 That Iche segge schal se . I am suster of -gh-our(e)
hous [aaAx]
Ch: 3,52 -Th-at ech a segge schal se . I am a suster of -gh-our
hows [aaAx]
D: 3,52 That eche ma(n) schal se . -th-at I am syst(ir) of
-gh-oure house [aaAx]
V: 3,52 _Th_at vche mon (schulde) (seye) . Ich were (suster)
of house [aaAx]
H: 3,52 -Th-at alle men schulden sey . -th-at I were sustur
of -th-e hous [aaAx]
J: 3,52 -Th-(a)t eu(er)y segge sal see . I am syster(e) of
-gh-or house [aaAx]
L: 3,52 -Th-erto segg y schewe me now . sustre of oure house
K: 3,52 That eche segge schulde see . that I ame sustre of
yo(ur) house [aaAx]
W: 3,52 That eueri man myght sayn . I were suster of -gh-owre
house [aaAx]
N: 3,52 -Th-(a)t eury segge schal seen . -th-(a)t I am sistre
of -gh-o(ur) hous [aaAx]
A: 3,52 That alle folke schuld sen ; I wer suster of -gh-o(ur)
houce [aaAx]
M: 3,52 -Th-at me(n) schulde(n) seyn . I wer(e) a suster
of -y-owr(e) house [aaAx]
T: 3,53 Ac god alle good folk such g(ra)uyng defendi[th]
H2: 3,53 Ac god [to] alle [goud] folk . schuc-gh- g(ra)uyng
defendit [aaAx]
Ch: 3,53 Bot god alle gode folke . such grauyng defende-th-
D: 3,53 Ac god & good folk . swych grauynge defendeth
V: 3,53 Bote (god) to alle (good) (folk) . such (grauynge)
(defendet) [aabAb]
H: 3,53 But god alle good folke . suche grauynge defendi-th-
J: 3,53 Bot god to alle gode folke . swyche wrytyng defendith
L: 3,53 Bote god to alle gode folk . suche grauyng defendith
K: 3,53 But god to al good men . such gravyng defendith [aaAx]
W: 3,53 But god to al good folk . swyche gramyng defende-th-
N: 3,53 But god to alle good folke . suche g(ra)uyng defende-th-
A: 3,53 But god to alle men ; sweche wrytyng defendith [aaAx]
M: 3,53 As god to alle men . swych wrytyng defendyth [aaAx]
T: 3,54 And sei[th] {Nesciat sinister quid faciat dexter }
H2: 3,54 And seith { Nesciat sinister quid faciat dexter
} [Latin]
Ch: 3,54 And seith { Nesciat sinistra quid faciat dextera
} [Latin]
D: 3,54 And sei-th- { Nescit sinist(er) quid facit dext(er)
} [Latin]
V: 3,54 And sei_th_ { Nesciat sinistra . quid faciat dextera
} [Latin]
H: 3,54 And sei-th- { Nesciat sinistra quid faciat dextera
} [Latin]
J: 3,54 And seyth { Nesciat synist(er) quid facit dext(er)
} [Latin]
L: 3,54 And seith { Nesciat sinistra quid facit dextra }
K: 3,54 And saith { Nesciat sinistra quid faciat dextera
tua } [Latin]
W: 3,54 & sai-th- { Nesciat sinistra tua quid facit dextra &c
} [Latin]
N: 3,54 { Nesciat sinist(er) quid faciat dext(er) } [Latin]
A: 3,54 And seith { Nesciat sinistra quid faciat dextra &c
} [Latin]
M: 3,54 And seyde { Nesciat sinistra quid faciat dextra }
T: 3,55 Let not [th]i left hond late ne ra[th]e
H2: 3,55 late nat -th-i lefte hande . late ne rathe [aaAx]
Ch: 3,55 Let nou-gh-t -th-y left hand . late no Rathe [aaAx]
D: 3,55 late nou-gh-t -th-y left hand . late ne Rathe [aaAx]
V: 3,55 (Lete) not _th_i (luft) hond . (late) ne ra_th_e
H: 3,55 Late not -th-i lyfte honde . late ne ra-th-e [aaAx]
J: 3,55 Lat not -th-i left halfe . late no rathe [aaAx]
L: 3,55 Lat not -th-y lifte hond . late no rathe [aaAx]
K: 3,55 Lett not thy lyfte honde . late ne rathe [aaAx]
W: 3,55 Late not -th-i left hand . late ne ra-th-e [aaAx]
N: 3,55 Lete nou-gh-t -th-i left half . late ne ra-th-e [aaAx]
A: 3,55 Lat not -th-i lyfte halfe . late ne rathe [aaAx]
M: 3,55 Let nought -th-yn lefte hand . lete ny(m) ray[e]
T: 3,56 Be war what [th]i ri[gh]t hond werchi[th] or deli[th]
H2: 3,56 Be war what -th-i ry-gh-t hand . worchit-gh- or
delith [aaxAx]
Ch: 3,56 Be war what -th-y Ri-gh-t hond . worche-th- or delith
D: 3,56 Be war what -th-y ry-gh-t hand . werche-th- or delyth
V: 3,56 Beo (war) (what) _th_i riht hond . (worche_th_) or
dele_th_ [aaxAx]
H: 3,56 Be war what -th-i ry-gh-te honde . worche-th- or
dele-th- [aaxAx]
J: 3,56 Wytyn qwat -th-i rith halfe . thinkyth or delyth
L: 3,56 Beo war what -th-y right hond . worches or deles
K: 3,56 Be war what thy right hand . w(er)chit or dealith
W: 3,56 Be war what -th-i right hand . worche or dele-th-
N: 3,56 Be war what -th-i ri-gh-t honde . worche-th- or dele-th-
A: 3,56 Be war what -th-i rygth hand . werchis [aaxAx]
M: 3,56 Ben wel I war what -th-yn ryth hand werchyt [aaxAx]
T: 3,57 And so p(re)uyliche parte it [th](a)t pride be not
H2: 3,57 And p(re)uylich p(ar)te it . -th-at p(ri)de be nat
sey-gh-e [aaAx]
Ch: 3,57 And so preualy parte hit . -th-at pride be nou-gh-t
sei-gh-e [aaAx]
D: 3,57 Ac so p(re)uely p(ar)te it . -th-at p(r)ide be nou-gh-t
seye [aaAx]
V: 3,57 Bote (parte) hit so (priueli) . _th_at (pruide) beo
not se_g_en [aaAx]
H: 3,57 so p(re)uely be it parted . -th-at pryde be not seye
J: 3,57 Ac so p(re)uely p(ar)te it . -th-(a)t pride be nouth
seyne [aaAx]
L: 3,57 Bote so pryuely parte hit . -th-(a)t pryde beo not
schewed [aaAx]
K: 3,57 But so p(re)vely p(ar)te it . that p(ri)de be not
Isee [aaAx]
W: 3,57 So priuilyche part it . -th-at pride be not sene
N: 3,57 And so p(re)uely p(ar)t it . -th-at p(ri)de be nou-gh-t
seyne [aaAx]
A: 3,57 ffor it is pride for sore as I se-th- [aaAx]
M: 3,57 Ac p(re)uileche part it . -th-at pryde be nougtht
seye [aaAx]
T: 3,58 Nei[th](er) in si[gh]t ne in [th]i soule for god hymself
H2: 3,58 Nether in sith ne in -th-i soule . for god hi(m)
self knowy-th- [aaAx]
Ch: 3,58 Ne-th-er In si-gh-t no In soule . for god hym self
knoweth [aaAx]
D: 3,58 Ney-th-(er) in si-gh-t ne in saule . for god hym
self knowt [aaAx]
V: 3,58 Nou_th_er in (siht) ne in (soule) . for god (him-self)
knowe_th_ [aaAx]
H: 3,58 Now-th-er in si-gh-te ne in soule . for god hi(m)
silf knowe-th- [aaAx]
J: 3,58 Neythyr in syht ne in sowle . for god him selue knowith
L: 3,58 Nou-th-(er) in sight no in -th-y soule . for god
him seolf knowet[h] [aaAx]
K: 3,58 Neyther in thy sight ne in thy sowle . for god hym
self knowith [aaAx]
W: 3,58 Ney-th-(er) in sight nor in soule . for god hym self
knowe-th- [aaAx]
N: 3,58 Nei-th-(er) in si-gh-t nei-th-(er) in soule . for
god hi(m) self knowe-th- [aaAx]
A: 3,58 ffor -th-i merite is loft in syth & in sowele
M: 3,58 Ney-th-yr in syght ne in soule . for hym self knowyt
T: 3,59 Who is curteis or kynde or coueitous or ellis
H2: 3,59 Who is curteis or kynde . or couetous or ellis [aaAx]
Ch: 3,59 Who is curtaise of kynde . or couetouse or elles
D: 3,59 ho so is curteys or kende . coueitous or elles [aaAx]
V: 3,59 Ho is (Corteis) or (kuynde) . (Couetous), or elles
H: 3,59 Who is curteys or kynde . coueytous or ellis [aaAx]
J: 3,59 Qwo is c(ur)teys & kynde . or couetows or ellis
L: 3,59 Who is cortaise & kynde . couetous or elles [aaAx]
K: 3,59 Who is curteyse or kynde . or couetise other els
W: 3,59 Who is curtays or kende . coueitous or elles [aaAx]
N: 3,59 Who is curteise & kynde . coueitouse or ellis
A: 3,59 I sey -th-e verili so god hym selfe knowith [aaAx]
M: 3,59 Who is coueytous or kynde . or curteys or ellys [aaAx]
T: 3,60 ffor[th]i I lere [y]ow lordis leui[th] such wrytyng
H2: 3,60 ffor-th-i I lere -gh-ow lordes . le[a]uyth such
wrytyng [aaAx]
Ch: 3,60 ffor-th-i I lere -gh-ow lordes . leue such writyng
D: 3,60 ffor -th-ey y lere -gh-ow lordes . leueth such wrytyng
V: 3,60 For-_th_i I (lere) _g_ou, (lordynges) . such writynge
_g_e (leue) [aaXa]
H: 3,60 for-th-i I rede -gh-ou lordyng(us) . suche lernyng(us)
to leue [aaAx]
J: 3,60 -th-(er)for I lerne -gh-ow lordes . leuyth swych
writyng [aaAx]
L: 3,60 ffor-th-y y lere -gh-ou lordes . leueth suche writynges
K: 3,60 fforthy I lere yow lord(is) . leveth such writyng(es)
W: 3,60 Therfor I rede -gh-ow lordes . swyche writyng to
lete [aaAx]
N: 3,60 Therfore I lere -gh-ow lordes . to leue suche writingis
A: 3,60 ffor whi I lere -th-ese wordis . leuith sweche wrytyng
M: 3,60 ffor-th-y I rede -y-ou lordys . swych wrytyng to
leuen [aaAx]
T: 3,61 To writen in wyndowis of [y]oure wel dedis
H2: 3,61 To wryten in wyndowes . of -gh-our(e) wel dedis
Ch: 3,61 To write In wyndowes . of -gh-oure wel dedes [aaAx]
D: 3,61 To wryten in wyndowes . of -gh-oure wylddedes [aaAx]
V: 3,61 To (writen) in (Wyndouwes) . of _g_oure (wel) dedes
H: 3,61 to wryte in wyndowis . of -gh-oure wel deedys [aaAx]
J: 3,61 To wryten in wyndowhes . of -gh-our(e) gode dedyes
L: 3,61 To writen in wyndowes . of -gh-oure wel worchyng
K: 3,61 To wrytyn in wyndowes . of yo(ur) good ded(es) [aaAx]
W: 3,61 In wyndowes in wastyng . of -gh-owre wel dedes [aaAx]
N: 3,61 In wyndowes in waunting . of -gh-o(ur) wel dedis
A: 3,61 To wrytyn in -gh-oure wyndowiys . -gh-oure wele dedis
M: 3,61 To wrytyn in -y-our(e) wyndowys . of -y-our(e) wel
dedys [aaAx]
T: 3,62 O[th](er) to grede aftir godis men whan [y]e [y]iue
H2: 3,62 O-th-(er) for to grede aftir godes men . whan -gh-e
-gh-eue dolis [aaAx]
Ch: 3,62 O-th-er grede after goddes men . whan -gh-e geuen
doles [aaAx]
D: 3,62 Or to greden aft(ir) goddes me(n) . whan -gh-e -gh-eue
doles [aaAx]
V: 3,62 Or to (greden) aftur (Godus) folk . whon _g_e (_g_iuen)
or doles [aaAx]
H: 3,62 or to grede aftur goddis folk . when -gh-e -gh-yuen
dooles [aaAx]
J: 3,62 Or crien aft(er) goddes men . qwan -gh-e dele dolys
L: 3,62 Or to greden after godes men . when -gh-e dole deles
K: 3,62 Or to grede aftre god(is) men . whan ye geuen doles
W: 3,62 Or grede after goodes men . when -gh-e -gh-our(e)
good deles [aaAx]
N: 3,62 Or grede aftir goddes men . wha(n) -gh-e gyue dolis
A: 3,62 Or to gredyn aftir godys men -gh-erne
A: 3,62 of -gh-oure wele dedis ; whan -gh-e dele dolis [aaAx]
M: 3,62 O-th-yr cryen after godes men . whan -y-e delyn doles
T: 3,63 An aunter [y]e haue [y]oure hire [th](er)of hire
H2: 3,63 An aunt(er) -gh-e haue . -gh-our(e) hire -th-(er)of
her(e) [aaAa]
Ch: 3,63 An aunter -gh-e haue . -gh-oure hire -th-erof here
D: 3,63 On awnter -gh-e hauen . -gh-our(e) hyre -th-(er)of
here [aaAa]
V: 3,63 Parauenture _g_e (han) . oure (hure) _th_erfore (here)
H: 3,63 In aunt(er) lest -gh-e han . -gh-oure hure -th-erfore
here [aaAa]
J: 3,63 In auentur(e) -gh-if -gh-e haue -th-ore . -gh-or(e)
hyr(e) rith here [aaAa]
L: 3,63 On auter -gh-e hauen her . -gh-oure huyre resceyued
K: 3,63 An auntre ye haue . yo(ur) hyre therof here [aaAa]
W: 3,63 In aunter -gh-e haue . -th-e hire -th-erof here [aaAa]
N: 3,63 In auentur(e) -gh-e haue . -gh-owr(e) hir(e) -th-(er)eof
here [aaAa]
A: 3,63 In auntir -gh-he & he haue . -gh-oure here -th-erfore
M: 3,63 And auentur(e) -y-e haue(n) . -y-our(e) mede her(e)
T: 3,64 ffor oure sauio(ur) it seide & hymself p(re)chid
H2: 3,64 ffor our(e) sauiour it seide . and hi(m) self p(re)chide
Ch: 3,64 ffor oure saueour it seide . and hym self preched
D: 3,64 ffor oure saueo(ur) hit seyde . & hem self p(re)ched
V: 3,64 ffor vr (saueour) hit (sei_th_) . and (him-seluen)
preche_th_ [aaAx]
H: 3,64 for of suche men oure sauyoure sei-th- . in -th-e
gospel [aaAx]
J: 3,64 ffor our(e) sauyour(e) it seyde . & him selue
p(re)chede [aaAx]
L: 3,64 ffor oure saueour hit saide . & him seolf preched
K: 3,64 ffor our sauiour it said . & hym self p(re)ched
W: 3,64 ffor oure Sauiour it saide . as hym self preched
{ Recep(er)unt mercedem suam } [aaAx]
N: 3,64 ffor hour(e) sauehour(e) it seide . & hi(m) self
p(re)ched [aaAx]
A: 3,64 ffor oure sauyour it seth ; & hym selfe prchid
M: 3,64 ffor our(e) sauyour(e) it seyde . & hym self
p(re)chede [aaAx]
T: 3,64 { Amen Amen recipiebant &c }
H2: 3,64a { Amen Amen recipiebant & cet(er)a } [Latin]
Ch: 3,64a { Amen Amen reciperunt mercedem et cetera } [Latin]
D: 3,64a { Amen Amen recipiebant &c } [Latin]
V: 3,64a{ Amen dico vobis, receperunt mercedem suam } [Latin]
H: 3,64a { Amen dico uobis receperunt mercedem suam } [Latin]
H: 3,64a here forso-th-e -th-ei fongon her mede for-th- wi-th-
J: 3,64a { Amen Amen dico vob(is) recipiebant m(er)cedem
suam } [Latin]
L: 3,64a { Amen dico vobis vobis receperunt mercedem &c
} [Latin]
K: 3,64a { Amen dico vobis receperunt m(er)cedem suam } [Latin]
W: 3,64a --- this line om ---
N: 3,64a { Ame(n) amen receperu(n)t mercedem } [Latin]
A: 3,64a { Amen amen recipiebant &c } [Latin]
M: 3,64a { Amen dico vobis receperu(n)t mercedem suam } [Latin]
T: 3,65 Meiris and maistris hij [th]at ben mene
H2: 3,65 Meyres and maystres . hij -th-at ben menene dwelly(n)
Ch: 3,65 Maires and maistres . hem -th-at ben mene [aaAx]
D: 3,65 Meyres & Maystres . -th-ey -th-(a)t ben mene
V: 3,65 (Meires) and (Maistres) . and _g_e _th_at beo_th_
(mene) [aaXa]
H: 3,65 -gh-e meyres & maysters . -th-at beo-th- ordeyned
meenes [aaAx]
J: 3,65 Meyres & macers . -gh-e -th-at bene mene [aaAx]
L: 3,65 Meires & macers . -gh-e -th-at beon mad mene
K: 3,65 Mayers & masters . & thay that bene meane
W: 3,65 -Gh-e mairs and maistres . -th-at be-th- menes [aaAx]
N: 3,65 Meires & masers . -gh-e -th-(a)t be mene [aaAx]
A: 3,65 Meyris & maceris ; -th-at ben -th-ece menis [aaAx]
M: 3,65 Meyrys & maystris . -th-at ben -th-e menys [aaAx]
T: 3,66 Betwyn [th]e king & the comunes to kepe [th]e lawis
H2: 3,66 Beywene -th-e kyng and -th-e comyns . to kepe -th-e
lawes [aaAx]
Ch: 3,66 Betwen -th-e king and -th-e comou(n)s . to kepe
-th-e lawes [aaAx]
D: 3,66 Betwen -th-e kyng & -th-e communes . to kepe
-th-e lawes [aaAx]
V: 3,66 Bitwene _th_e (kyng) and _th_e (Comuns) . to (kepe)
_th_e lawes [aaAx]
H: 3,66 Bytwene -th-e kynge & -th-e comy(n)s . -th-e
lawe forto kepe [aaAx]
J: 3,66 Betwyxen -th-e kyng & -th-e comen . to kepyn
-th-e lawes [aaAx]
L: 3,66 Bytwene -th-eo kyng & -th-e comunes . to kepe
the lawes [aaAx]
K: 3,66 Betwene the kyng & the co(m)men . to kepe the
lawes [aaAx]
W: 3,66 Betweyn -th-e kyng and -th-e comunes . to kepe -th-e
lawes [aaAx]
N: 3,66 Betwene -th-e king & -th-e co(mun)e . to kepe
-th-e lawe [aaAx]
A: 3,66 Betwyn -th-e kyng & comouneris ; to kepe -th-ese
lawis [aaAx]
M: 3,66 Betwene -th-e kyng & -th-e comou(n)s . to kepy(n)
-th-e lawys [aaAx]
T: 3,67 As to punisshen on pillories & on pynnyng stolis
H2: 3,67 As to pon[y]schen on pileries . and on pynnyg stolis
Ch: 3,67 As to punesch on pilories . or on pynnyng stoles
D: 3,67 As to punysshen on pyloryes . & on pynynge stooles
V: 3,67 As to (punisschen) on (pillories) . or on (pynnyng)
stoles [aaAx]
H: 3,67 to ponysche on pylorye . & on pynynge stoolis
J: 3,67 As to puneschun on pyloryes . & on pynynge stoles
L: 3,67 As to punyschen on pillories . & on pynyng stoles
K: 3,67 As to ponische on pylory . & on pynyng stoles
W: 3,67 As to ponyshe on pelorie . or pynnyg stole [aaAx]
N: 3,67 As to punysche on pilories . & pynyng stolis
A: 3,67 To ponyschin on pelory ; & on pynyng stolis [aaAx]
M: 3,67 To punschyn on pillorys . & kuckyng stolis [aaAx]
T: 3,68 Breweris & bakeris bocheris & cokes
H2: 3,68 Breweris and bakers . bochers and cokes [aaAx]
Ch: 3,68 Brewstres and Bakers . Bochers and cokes [aaAx]
D: 3,68 Brewers & bakers . Bochers & Cokes [aaAx]
V: 3,68 (Brewesters), (Bakers) . (Bochers) and Cookes [aaAx]
H: 3,68 Brewst(er)es & bakers . bochers & Cokes [aaAx]
J: 3,68 Bruers & bakers . bochers & kokes [aaAx]
L: 3,68 Breowesters & baxsters . bochers and cokes [aaAx]
K: 3,68 Brewars & bakars . bochars & cok(es) [aaAx]
W: 3,68 Bakers and brewers . bochers and cokes [aaAx]
N: 3,68 Bakers & brewers . bochers & kokes [aaAx]
A: 3,68 Brewstris & baxsteris ; bocheris & kokis
M: 3,68 Baksters & breusters . & bocherys & kokys
T: 3,69 ffor [th]ise arn men on [th]ise molde [th](a)t most
harm werchi[th]
H2: 3,69 ffor [-th-ese] arn men of -th-is molde . -th-(a)t
most harme worchi-th- [aaAx]
Ch: 3,69 ffor -th-es arn men of -th-is mounde . -th-at most
harm wirche-th- [aaAx]
D: 3,69 ffor -th-ese ben -th-e men on -th-is molde . -th-(a)t
most harm werchen [aaAx]
V: 3,69 ffor _th_eose be (Men) vppon (Molde) . _th_at (most)
harm worchen [aaAx]
H: 3,69 ffor -th-ese ben men on molde . -th-at moost harme
worchen [aaAx]
J: 3,69 ffor -th-is aru(n) men of -th-is molde . -th-(a)t
most harme wyrchyn [aaAx]
L: 3,69 ffor -th-eose arn men on -th-is molde . -th-(a)t
most harm worchen [aaAx]
K: 3,69 ffor thay arn me(n) on this molde . that most harme
worchen [aaAx]
W: 3,69 This ben men on -th-is mold . -th-at most harm worchen
N: 3,69 ffor -th-ise ar men of -th-is molde . -th-(a)t most
harme worche [aaAx]
A: 3,69 Thece arn -th-e men on -th-is molde ; most harm werchis
M: 3,69 ffor -th-ese aryn men of -th-ys world . -th-(a)t
moost wo worchy(n) [aaAx]
T: 3,70 To [th]e pore peple [th](a)t p(ar)celmel biggen
H2: 3,70 To -th-e pore peple . -th-(a)t parcelmel biggeth
Ch: 3,70 To -th-e pore peple . -th-at parcelmele beggen [aaAx]
D: 3,70 To -th-e pore peple . -th-(a)t p(ar)celmel Beggyn
V: 3,70 To _th_e (pore) (people) . _th_at al schal a-buggen
H: 3,70 to -th-e pore peple . -th-at al most abyggen [aaAx]
J: 3,70 To -th-e powre peple . -th-at p(ar)celmel bygge [aaAx]
L: 3,70 To -th-eo pore people . -th-(a)t parcymel buggen
K: 3,70 To the pore people . that p(ar)celmele beggyn [aaAx]
W: 3,70 To -th-e pore peple . -th-at parcelmele biggen [aaAx]
N: 3,70 To -th-e pore peple . -th-(a)t p(ar)cemel biggyn
A: 3,70 To -th-e pore puple ; -th-at p(ar)celmele bigge [aaAx]
M: 3,70 To -th-e pouer(e) people . -th-at p(ar)celemele biggyn
T: 3,71 ffor [th]ei poisone [th]e peple p(re)uyly wel ofte
H2: 3,71 ffor -th-ei poysone -th-e peple . p(ry})uily wel
ofte [aaAx]
Ch: 3,71 ffor -th-ei poisoun -th-e peple . preualy wel ofte
D: 3,71 ffor -th-ey poysou(n) -th-e peple . p(re)uely wel
ofte [aaAx]
V: 3,71 _Th_ei (punisschen) _th_e (peple) . (priueliche)
and ofte [aaAx]
H: 3,71 ffor -th-ei pylen -th-e pore pepul . p(re)uely & ofte
J: 3,71 ffor -th-ei poysyn -th-e peple . pryuyly wel ofte
L: 3,71 ffor -th-ey poisen -th-e people . pryueliche wel
ofte [aaAx]
K: 3,71 ffor thay poyson the people . p(re)vylich well ofte
W: 3,71 ffor -th-ei app(re)sse -th-e peple . ful priuily
oft [aaAx]
N: 3,71 ffor -th-ei poisen -th-e peple . priuely ful oft
A: 3,71 ffor -th-ei prechyn -th-e puple ; preuyly fol ofte
M: 3,71 --- this line is omitted ---
T: 3,72 And risen vp [th]oru[gh] regratie & rentis hem
H2: 3,72 And risen vp -th-oru-gh- reg(ra)trie . and rentis
he(m) biggen [aaAx]
Ch: 3,72 And Risen vp -th-orow Regalrye . and Rentes hem
biggen [aaAx]
D: 3,72 And Richen thoru-gh-t Regratrie . & rentes hem
beggyn [aaAx]
V: 3,72 And (reche_th_) _th_orw (Regatorie) . & (Rentes)
hem bugge_th_ [aaAx]
H: 3,72 & waxen ryche regratoures . & rentes hem
byggen [aaAx]
J: 3,72 And richyn -th-(er) regratry . & rentes hem byggen
L: 3,72 And richen -th-orgh regraterye . & rentes -th-ey
buggen [aaAx]
K: 3,72 And Rychen through regraterye . & rent(is) hem
byen [aaAx]
W: 3,72 And be-th- riche by regratrie . & rentes hem
byggen [aaAx]
N: 3,72 And rychen -th-orow reg(ra)trie . & rentis he(m)
biggen [aaAx]
A: 3,72 And rechyn w(i)t(h) regatris regratrie ; & rentis
hem byggyn [aaAx]
M: 3,72 --- this line is omitted ---
T: 3,73 Of [th]at [th]e pore peple shulde putte in here wombe
H2: 3,73 Of -th-at -th-e por(e) peple . schuld put in her(e)
wombe [aaAx]
Ch: 3,73 with -th-at -th-at -th-e pore peple . schuld put
in her wombe [aaAx]
D: 3,73 Of -th-(a)t pore peple . shuld put in here wombe
V: 3,73 With _th_at _th_e (pore) (people) . schulde (puten)
in heore wombe [aaAx]
H: 3,73 wi-th- -th-at -th-e pore peple . schuld putt in hor
wombes [aaAx]
J: 3,73 Of -th-at -th-e pour(e) peple . schulde putty(n)
in her wombe [aaAx]
L: 3,73 Of -th-(a)t -th-e pore people . schulde putte in
heore wombe [aaAx]
K: 3,73 Of that the pore people . schuld putt in her wombe
W: 3,73 Of -th-at -th-e pore peple . shold putte in here
wombe [aaAx]
N: 3,73 Of -th-(a)t -th-e pore peple . sholde put i(n) her
wombe [aaAx]
A: 3,73 Of -th-at -th-e pore puple . schuld puttyn in here
wombe [aaAx]
M: 3,73 Of -th-at -th-e pouer(e) peple . schuldy(n) puttyn
i(n) her(e) wo(m)be [aaAx]
T: 3,74 ffor tok he on trewely he tymbride not so hei[gh]e
H2: 3,74 ffor took he on trewly . he tymberid nat so hye
Ch: 3,74 ffor toke he on trewly . he tymbred nou-gh-t so
hie [aaAx]
D: 3,74 ffor took -th-ey vntrewlych . tymbred -th-ey nou-gh-t
so heye [aaAx]
V: 3,74 ffor (toke) _th_ei on (trewely) . _th_ei (timbrede)
not so hye [aaAx]
H: 3,74 ffor if -th-ei toke(n) w(i)t(h) trouthe . -th-ei
tymburyd not so hye [aaAx]
J: 3,74 ffor tokyn he on trewly . he tymbrede nouth so hye
L: 3,74 ffor toke -th-ey on treowely . -th-ey tymbred not
so hy-gh-he [aaAx]
K: 3,74 ffor toke thay not vntrewly . thay tymberid not so
hye [aaAx]
W: 3,74 ffor [ne] toke -th-ei on treuly . thei tymbred not
so hye [aaAx]
N: 3,74 ffor toke -th-ei on trwly . -th-ei ti(m)bred nou-gh-t
so hiegh [aaAx]
A: 3,74 Toke -th-ai on treweliche ; -th-ai tymberid not so
hye [aaAx]
M: 3,74 ffor tokyn he treuliche . -th-ey tymbrydyn nout so
eye [aaAx]
T: 3,75 Ne bou[gh]te none burgages be [y]e wel c(er)tayn
H2: 3,75 Ne bou-gh-te non bargages . be wel -gh-e c(er)tayn
Ch: 3,75 Ne bou-gh-t no Burgages . be -gh-e wel certeyn [aaAx]?
D: 3,75 Ne bou-gh-te none burgages . be -th-(o)u wel certeyn
V: 3,75 Ne (bou_g_te) none (Borgages) . (beo) _g_e certeyne
H: 3,75 ne shulde bye noo burgag(es) . Be -gh-e certeyn [aaAx]?
J: 3,75 Ne bowhtyn hem no burges . be -gh-e c(er)teyn [aaAx]?
L: 3,75 No boghten no borgates . beo -gh-e wel c(er)tayne
K: 3,75 Ne bowghte no burgages . be ye well certeyne [aaAx]?
W: 3,75 Ne bought no burgage . be -gh-e wel seure [aaAx]?
N: 3,75 Ne bou-gh-t none borgages . be -gh-e wel sure [aaAx]?
N: 3,75 [C:III,86] -Th-ei haue no pite of -th-e pore . -th-(a)t
p(ar)cemel bigge
N: 3,75 [C:III,87] Thei taken hem vntidy -th-ing no tresou(n)
-th-ei ne holde
N: 3,75 [C:III,88] And -gh-it thei fille nou-gh-t -th-at
bi -th-e lawe is seled
N: 3,75 [C:III,89] And gripe -th-(er)fore also gret as for
-th-e g(ra)ye trw-th-e
N: 3,75 [C:III,90] Many sondrye sorowes in Citees fallen
N: 3,75 [C:III,91] Bo-th-e in fyre & flode -th-orow -th-e
false peple
N: 3,75 [C:III,92] -Th-(a)t bigile-th- -th-e goode & greue-th-
hem wrongly
N: 3,75 [C:III,93] The wiche crien on knees -th-(a)t crist
hem awenge
N: 3,75 [C:III,94] Here vpon -th-is er-th-e or ellis in helle
N: 3,75 [C:III,95] -Th-(a)t so bigyle hem of her go[e]d -th-at
god wil hem sende
N: 3,75 [C:III,96] -Th-e fyure or -th-e foule yuel or fyre
on her houses
N: 3,75 [C:III,97] Morayne or myschau(n)ce many tyme it falle-th-
N: 3,75 [C:III,98] -Th-(a)t Innocent is yherde in heuene
amonge seintis
N: 3,75 [C:III,99] -Th-(a)t lowten alle to howr(e) lorde & to
howr(e) lady bo-th-e
N: 3,75 [C:III,100] Graunt gilowrs in erthe g(ra)ce to amende
N: 3,75 [C:III,101] To haue penauns in er-th-e & nou-gh-t
p(er)soned in helle
N: 3,75 [C:III,102] & -th-a(n)ne falle-th- -th-e fyre
vpon false mennes howses
N: 3,75 [C:III,103] And goode me(n)nys for -th-e gilt brenne
for-th-e aftre
N: 3,75 [C:III,104] Al -th-is haue we seen -th-orow a false
N: 3,75 [C:III,105] Many burgages brent & bodies -th-(er)Inne
N: 3,75 [C:III,106] Thorow clemyng of a candel in a cursed
N: 3,75 [C:III,107] It fol down & forbrent for-th-e al
-th-e rewe
N: 3,75 [C:III,108] ffor-thi manyes -th-(a)t make fre men
-gh-ow ou-gh-t
N: 3,75 [C:III,109] ffor to spire & aspie for eny speche
of siluer
N: 3,75 [C:III,110] What man(er) mi(n)straciou(n) or marchandise
he vsed
N: 3,75 [C:III,111] Or he wer(e) franchessid fre or felow
i(n) -gh-o(ur) rolles
N: 3,75 [C:III,112] It nys not semely forso-th-e in citee
ne in borowgh
N: 3,75 [C:III,113] That any reg(ra)ters for eny kyns -gh-iftis
N: 3,75 [C:III,114] Ben enfranged fre than a false name
A: 3,75 Ne boute no burgace ; -th-is is certayn [aaAx]?
M: 3,75 Ne bougthyn none burgagys . so richeliche arayed
T: 3,76 Ac mede [th]e maide [th]e mair heo besou[gh]te
H2: 3,76 Ac mede -th-e maide . -th-e mair heo besougte [aaAx]
Ch: 3,76 Ac mede the Maide . the maire sche besou-gh-t [aaAx]
D: 3,76 Ac mede -th-e mayde . -th-e meyre sche besou-gh-te
V: 3,76 Bote (Meede) _th_e (Mayden) . _th_e (Meir) heo bi-sou_g_te
H: 3,76 But mede -th-e mayden . -th-e meyre heo ha-th- bysow-gh-te
J: 3,76 Ac mede -th-e mayden . -th-e meyr(e) sche besowhte
L: 3,76 Bote mede -th-e maide . -th-e mair heo bysoghte [aaAx]
K: 3,76 But mede the mayde . the mayer sche besowghte [aaAx]
W: 3,76 But mede -th-e maide . -th-e mayre she besoughte
N: 3,76 But mede -th-e mayde . -th-e maire sche besou-gh-te
A: 3,76 And mede -th-e mayde ; -th-e meyre -gh-he hath besouth
M: 3,76 Ac mede -th-at Maydyn . -th-e Meye hat besougth [aaAx]
T: 3,77 Of alle suche selleris silu(er) to take
H2: 3,77 Of al such sellers . mede to make [aaAx]
Ch: 3,77 Of alle such sellers . siluer to take [aaAx]
D: 3,77 Of alle suche selleres . seluer to take [aaAx]
V: 3,77 Of alle (suche) (sullers) . (seluer) to taken [aaAx]
H: 3,77 Of alle suche sellers . for to take syluer [aaAx]
J: 3,77 Of alle swyche sellers . sylu(er) to take [aaAx]
L: 3,77 Of alle suche sullers . seoluer for to take [aaAx]
K: 3,77 Of [al] such sellars . sylu(er) to takyn [aaAx]
W: 3,77 Of alle such sellers . siluer to take [aaAx]
N: 3,77 Of alle suche sellars . syluer to take [aaAx]
A: 3,77 Of alle sweche selleris ; siluyr for to take [aaAx]
M: 3,77 Of alle swyche sellerys . sumwhat to taken [aaAx]
T: 3,78 Or p(re)sauntis wi[th]oute panis as pecis of silu(er)
H2: 3,78 Or p(re)sauntis wi-th-oute panis . as pecis of siluer
Ch: 3,78 Of presauntis without pans . and peces of siluer
V: 3,78 Or (presentes) withouten (pons) . as (peces) of seluer
H: 3,78 Or presantes wi-th-oute pans . os peces of syluer
J: 3,78 Or p(re)sentys withoute penys . as peces of sylu(er)
L: 3,78 Or presentes withoute pans . as peces of seoluer
K: 3,78 Or present-gh- w(i)t(h)out penies . as pec(is) of
sylu(er) [aaAx]
W: 3,78 Or p(re)sentes wi-th-outen pens . as peces of syluer
N: 3,78 Or p(re)sens w(i)t(h)out pens . as peces of syluer
A: 3,78 As present w(i)t(h)out pens ; as pecis of siluyr
M: 3,78 As p(re)sentys or pens . or bedys of seluyr [aaAx]
T: 3,79 Ryng or o[th](er) richesse [th](a)t regrato(ur) to
H2: 3,79 Ryng or richesse . -th-(a)t regrato(ur) to maynteyne
Ch: 3,79 Ring o-th-er Richesse . -th-at Regatoures to maynteyne
V: 3,79 (Rynges) with (Rubyes) . _th_e (Regratour) to fauere
H: 3,79 Or rynges wi-th- rubyes . -th-ese regratoures to
fauour(e) [aaAx]
J: 3,79 Rynggys or Rycches . -th-e regratoures to mayntene
L: 3,79 Rynges or o-th-ir riches . -th-eo regratours to meyntene
K: 3,79 Ryng other richesse . the regratoures to mayntene
W: 3,79 Ringes of richesse, . regratours to maynteyne [aaAx]
N: 3,79 Rynges of rychesse . -th-e regrateres to mayntene
A: 3,79 Ryngis & o-th-er ryches ; euyr -th-e regrateris
to may(n)tyne [aaAx]
M: 3,79 Ryngys or Rychessis . swych sellerys to meyntey(n)
T: 3,80 ffor my loue q(ua)[th] [th](a)t lady loue hem ichone
H2: 3,80 ffor my loue q(uo)d -th-at ladi . loue hem Ichone
Ch: 3,80 ffor my loue q(uo)d the lady . loue hem echon [aaAx]
V: 3,80 ffor my (loue) quod _th_e (ladi) . (loue) hem wel
vchone [aaAx]
H: 3,80 for my loue quo-th- -th-e lady . loue hem ychoone
J: 3,80 ffor my loue q(uo)d -th-(a)t mayden . loue hem icchone
L: 3,80 ffor my loue q(uo)d -th-e lady . loue heom vchone
K: 3,80 ffor my loue q(uo)d that lady . leve hem echone [aaAx]
W: 3,80 ffor my loue q(uo)d -th-e lady . soffre hem ychon
N: 3,80 ffor my loue q(uo)d -th-at lady . loue hem vchone
A: 3,80 ffor my loue quot -th-at lady . loue hem echone [aaAx]
M: 3,80 ffor my loue q(uo)d Mede . loue he(m) ichone [aaAx]
T: 3,81 And suffre hem to selle sumdel a[gh]ens resoun
H2: 3,81 And suffre hem to selle . su(m)del a-gh-ens reson
Ch: 3,81 And suffre hem to selle . somdel a-gh-ens resoun
V: 3,81 And (soffre) hem to (sulle) . (sumdel) a_g_eyn Resoun
H: 3,81 & suffre hem to sylle . somdel a-gh-eyn resone
J: 3,81 And suffer hem to sellyn . su(m)del agayne resou(n)
L: 3,81 And suffre heom to selle . somdel a-gh-eyn reson
K: 3,81 And suffre hem to selle . sumdele ageyn Reasone [aaAx]
W: 3,81 To byggen and to sellen . somdell agayn reson [aaAx]
N: 3,81 And suffre hem to selle . so(m)mdel a-gh-en reson
A: 3,81 Suffere hem to selle ; sumwhat ageyne resun [aaAx]
M: 3,81 And suffr(e) hem to sellyn . su(m)del a-y-ens resou(n)
T: 3,82 Salamon [th]e sage a sarmon he made
H2: 3,82 Salamon -th-e sage . a sarmou(n) he made [aaAx]
Ch: 3,82 Salamon -th-e sage . a sermoun he made [aaAx]
V: 3,82 Bote (Salamon) _th_e (Sage) . a (Sarmoun) he made
H: 3,82 But salamon -th-e sage . a sermon he made [aaAx]
J: 3,82 Salamon -th-e sage . a sarmou(n) he made [aaAx]
L: 3,82 Salamon -th-e sage . a sermon he made [aaAx]
K: 3,82 Salamon the sage . a sermone he made [aaAx]
W: 3,82 ffor-th-i Salemon -th-e sage . a sermon he made [aaAx]
N: 3,82 Salamon -th-e sage . a sermou(n) he made [aaAx]
A: 3,82 Salomon -th-e sage ; in a sermoun he made [aaAx]
M: 3,82 Salamo(n) -th-e sage . a sarmou(n) he made [aaAx]
T: 3,83 ffor to amende men [th](a)t kepi[th] [th]e lawis
H2: 3,83 ffor to amende men . -th-(a)t kepit -th-e lawis
Ch: 3,83 ffor to amende men . -th-at kepen -th-e lawes [aaaXx]
V: 3,83 To (a-Mende) (Meires) . and (men) _th_at kepe_th_
_th_e lawe [aaAx]
H: 3,83 to amende wi-th- -th-ise meyres & men . -th-at
kepen -th-e lawes [aaaXx]
J: 3,83 To amendyn mayres & men . -th-(a)t kepyn lawes
L: 3,83 ffor to amende maires & men . -th-at kepte lawes
K: 3,83 ffor to amend mayers & men that kepen lawes [aaaXx]
W: 3,83 To amende -th-is mayrs . and men -th-at kepe lawes
N: 3,83 To mende wi-th- maires . & men -th-(a)t kept
lawes [aaaXx]
A: 3,83 ffor to mede men & meyris . -th-at kepe -th-e
lawis [aaaXx]
M: 3,83 To amendyn Meyrys & me(n) . -th-(a)t kepe -th-e
lawes [aaaXx]
T: 3,84 And tok hym [th]is teeme [th](a)t I telle [th]enke
H2: 3,84 And toke him -th-is teme . -th-(a)t I telle -th-inke
Ch: 3,84 And toke hem -th-is teem . -th-at I telle -th-ink
V: 3,84 And (tolde) hem _th_is (teeme) . _th_at I wol (telle)
nou_th_e [aaAx]
H: 3,84 Lo -th-is was his teme . -th-at I telle -th-enke
J: 3,84 And telyd hem -th-is teeme . -th-(a)t I tell thynke
L: 3,84 And tolde heom -th-is teone . -th-at I telle thynke
K: 3,84 And tould hem this teme . that I telle thynk [aaAx]
W: 3,84 And told hem -th-is teme . -th-at I -th-e telle -th-inke
N: 3,84 And telde hem -th-is teeme . -th-(a)t I telle -th-inke
A: 3,84 And told hem -th-is teme ; -th-at I telle thynke
M: 3,84 And told hem -th-ys teme . -th-at tellyn -y-ow I
-th-ynke [aaAx]
T: 3,85 {Ignis deuorabit tab(er)nac(u)la eor(um) qui libent(er)
accipiunt mun(er)a }
H2: 3,85 { Ignis deuorab(i)t tabernac(u)la eor(um) q(u)i
libent(er) accipiu(n)t mun(er)a } [Latin]
Ch: 3,85 { Ignis deuorabit tabernacula eor(um) qui libenter
accipiunt munera } [Latin]
V: 3,85 { Ignis deuorabit tabernacula eorum qui libenter
accipiunt munera } [Latin]
H: 3,85 { Ignis deuorabitur tabernacla(m) eor(um) q(u)i libe(n)t(er)
accipiu(n)t mun(er)a } [Latin]
J: 3,85 { Ignis deuorabit tab(er)nac(u)la eor(um) q(ui) lib(e)nt(er)
s(ic) accipiu(n)t mun(er)a } [Latin]
L: 3,85 { Ignis deuorabit tabernac(u)la eor(um) qui }
K: 3,85 { Ignis deuorabit tab(er)nacula eor(um) qui libent(er)
accipiu(n)t mun(er)a } [Latin]
W: 3,85 { Ignis deuorabit tabernac(u)la eor(um) qui libent(er)
accipiunt mun(er)a } [Latin]
N: 3,85 { Ignis deuorab(i)t tab(er)nac(u)la eor(um) q(u)i
libent(er) accipiu(n)t mun(er)a } [Latin]
A: 3,85 { Ignis deuorabit tabernacula eor(um) }
A: 3,85 { qui libenter accipiunt munera } [Latin]
M: 3,85 { Ignis deuorabit tabernacula eor(um) qui libent(er)
accipiu(n)t mun(er)a } [Latin]
L: 3,85 { libenter accipiunt munera &c } [Latin]
T: 3,86 Among [th]ise lettride lordis [th]is latyn amounti[th]
H2: 3,86 Among -th-ese letterid lordis . -th-is latyn amountith
Ch: 3,86 Among -th-es lettered lordes . -th-is latyn amounti-th-
V: 3,86 Among _th_is (lewede) (men) . _th_is (latin) (Amounte_th_)
H: 3,86 Amonge -th-ise lewed men . -th-is latyn amounte-th-
J: 3,86 Among -th-is lett(er)yd lordyes . -th-is latyn amounteth
L: 3,86 Among -th-is lettred lordes . -th-is latyn amounteth
K: 3,86 Among(es) thes lettred lord(is) . this laten a movntith
W: 3,86 Among -th-is lettrid men . -th-is latin amounti-th-
N: 3,86 Among -th-ise lettred lordes . -th-is latyn amou(n)te-th-
A: 3,86 Among -th-ece letterid lordis ; -th-is latyne amounteth
M: 3,86 Among -th-ys lettryd me(n) . -th-ys laty(n) amountyd
T: 3,87 [Th]at fuyr shal falle & forbrenne at [th]e laste
H2: 3,87 -Th-at fyre schal fallen . and forbrenne al at -th-e
last [aaAx]
Ch: 3,87 -Th-at fer schal falle . and forbrenne at laste
V: 3,87 _Th_at (ffuir) schal (falle) . and brenne atte laste
H: 3,87 -Th-at fyer schal fall . & brenn at -th-e laste
J: 3,87 -Th-(a)t fyr(e) schal fallyn . & brenny(n) atte
last [aaAx]
L: 3,87 -Th-at fure schal felle . and brenne at -th-e laste
K: 3,87 That fyer schall falle . & forbren at the laste
W: 3,87 That fer shal afall . & brenne at -th-e last
N: 3,87 -Th-at fire schal falle . & forbrenne atte laste
A: 3,87 The fere schal fallyn . & brenne at -th-e last
M: 3,87 -Th-at fer schal fallyn . & brenny(n) atte laste
T: 3,88 [Th]e hous and [th]e homes of hem [th](a)t desiren
H2: 3,88 The hous and -th-e homes . of hem -th-(a)t disiren
Ch: 3,88 -Th-e hous and the homes . of hem -th-at desiren
V: 3,88 _Th_e (houses) and _th_e (homes) . of (hem) _th_at
desyre_th_ [aaAx]
H: 3,88 -Th-e houses & -th-e hoomes . of hem -th-at desyren
J: 3,88 -Th-e howses & -th-e homys . of hem -th-at desyryne
L: 3,88 -Th-e houses & -th-e homes . -th-at suche -gh-eftes
desyreth [aaAx]
K: 3,88 The houses & the homes . of them that desiren
W: 3,88 -Th-e hous and -th-e home . of hem -th-at desiren
N: 3,88 -Th-e howses and -th-e homes . of hem -th-(a)t desire-th-
A: 3,88 The houcis & -th-e homys ; of -th-em -th-at dyshyryn
M: 3,88 -Th-e housis & -th-e homys . of hym -th-at desirit
T: 3,89 To haue [y]eftis for here s(er)uice in [y]ou[th]e or
in elde
H2: 3,89 To haue -gh-iftes for here seruise . in -gh-ou-th-e
or in elde [????]
Ch: 3,89 To haue -gh-iftes for here seruice . In -gh-ougthe
or In elde [????]
V: 3,89 ffor to (haue) (_g_iftes) . in (_g_ou_th_e) or in
(elde) [abBa]
H: 3,89 to take -gh-yftes amysse . in -gh-ou-th-e or in elde
H: 3,89 Now beo-th- -gh-e war if -gh-e wole -gh-e mayst(er)s
of -th-e lawe
H: 3,89 for -th-e so-th-e schale be sou-gh-te of -gh-oure
soules so me god helpe
H: 3,89 -th-e suffraunce -th-at -gh-e suche suche wrong(es)
to be wrou-gh-t
H: 3,89 while -th-e chaunce is in -gh-our(e) choyse cheose
-gh-e -th-e best
J: 3,89 To haue -gh-iftys or -gh-eris-gh-euys . in -gh-yngthe
or in elde [????]
L: 3,89 To -gh-erne -gh-eftes or -gh-eres-gh-eftes . in -gh-outhe
or in elde [????]
K: 3,89 To haue yeftes or p(re)sentes . in youthe or in elde
W: 3,89 To haue -gh-iftes or mede . because of here office
N: 3,89 To haue -gh-iftes or -gh-eres -gh-yues . in -gh-ow-th-e
or in elde [????]
A: 3,89 To take -gh-iftis or -gh-eriuys ; in -th-outh or
in dede [????]
M: 3,89 -Y-yftys & -y-erius . in word or in dede [????]
T: 3,90 [Th]e king fro counseil com & callide aftir mede
H2: 3,90 The kyng fro counsel com . and callid aftir mede
Ch: 3,90 -Th-e king from counseile come . and called after
mede [aaaAx]
V: 3,90 _Th_E (king) com from (Counseyl) . and (cleped) aftur
Meede [aaAx]
H: 3,90 Then ca(m) -th-e kyng from -th-e counseyle . & called
aft(ur) mede [aaaAx]
J: 3,90 -Th-e kyng -th-o fro co(n)seyl cam . & callyd
aft(er) mede [aaaAx]
L: 3,90 -Th-eo kyng fro counseil com . & called after
mede [aaaAx]
K: 3,90 The kyng fro his councell co(m)me . & callyd
after mede [aaaAx]
W: 3,90 Than come -th-e kyng fro -th-e conseill . and called
after mede [aaaAx]
N: 3,90 -Th-a(n)ne come -th-e kyng fro co(n)seille . & called
aftir mede [aaaAx]
A: 3,90 The kyng from -th-e councel cam . & cryed aftir
mede [aaaAx]
M: 3,90 -Th-e kyng from counsel kam . & kallyd after
Mede [aaaAx]
T: 3,91 And ofsente hire as swi[th]e s(er)iauntis hire fecche
H2: 3,91 And ofsente hir(e) as swythe . as swythe seriau(n)te
hir(e) fecche [aaAx]
Ch: 3,91 And assent her also swithe . seriauntes her fette
V: 3,91 And (of-sente) hire (a-swi_th_e) . (Seriauns) hire
to fette [aaAx]
H: 3,91 & sent aftur hir as swi-th-e . seriawntis hir
fette [aaAx]
J: 3,91 & sent aft(er) her(e) also swythe . seriauntis
hir fetten [aaAx]
L: 3,91 And ofsent hire swythe . sergauns hire fette [aaAx]
K: 3,91 And sent for her swyth . s(er)u(a)nt(es) her fette
W: 3,91 And sent aftir hir swy-th-e . a seriaunt here fette
N: 3,91 And sent hir also swy-th-e . s(er)iauntes hir fette
A: 3,91 ffor to haue . a seriaunt here for to fette [aaAx]
M: 3,91 And sente aft(er) hir(e) w(i)t(h) a s(er)gaunt .
-th-e s(er)gau(n)t her(e) fette [aaAx]
T: 3,92 And brou[gh]te hire to borugh wi[th] blisse & wi[th]
H2: 3,92 And brou-gh-te hir(e) to borug-gh- . wit blis and
w(i)t(h) Ioye [aaAx]
Ch: 3,92 And brou-gh-t her to boure . with blisse and with
ioye [aaAx]
V: 3,92 And (brou_g_te) hire to (boure) . with (Blisse) and
with Ioye [aaAx]
H: 3,92 & brou-gh-ten hir to -th-e boure . -th-ere -th-e
king was ynne [aaAx]
H: 3,92 Wi-th- myr-th-e & wi-th- mynstrasye -th-ei pleseden
hir ychoone
J: 3,92 And browhty(n) hir(e) into bour(e) . with blis & w(i)t(h)
Ioye [aaAx]
L: 3,92 And broghte hire to boure . wi-th- blisse & with
ioye [aaAx]
K: 3,92 And brought her to bowes . with blisse & with
Ioy [aaAx]
W: 3,92 And broght hire to boure . wi-th- mer-th-e and wi-th-
ioye [aaAx]
N: 3,92 And brou-gh-t hir out of bowr(e) . wi-th- blisse & wi-th-
ioye [aaAx]
A: 3,92 And brout here to boure ; w(i)t(h) blysse & w(i)t(h)
ioye [aaAx]
M: 3,92 & brouthe her(e) to -th-e bourth . w(i)t(h) blysse & w(i)t(h)
Ioye [aaAx]
H2: 3,92 Into -th-e p(er)nyest place . -th-e p(ri)nce hadde eu(er)e
T: 3,93 Certis [th]e king compsi[th] to telle
H2: 3,93 Corteysliche -th-e kyng . comsi-th- to telle [aaAx]
Ch: 3,93 Connyngly the king . comsit to telle [aaAx]
V: 3,93 (Corteisliche) _th_e (kyng) . (Cumse_th_) to telle
H: 3,93 Curtesly -th-e kyng -th-oo . seyde to mede [aaAx]
J: 3,93 Curtesly -th-e kyng -th-an . began for to telle [aaAx]
L: 3,93 And on hire kneoes heo kneoled when heo -th-e kyng
L: 3,93 Bote he hire tok vp by -th-e hond & hailsed wel
K: 3,93 Curteysly the kyng than . melleth thes wordes [aaAx]
W: 3,93 Curtaysly -th-an -th-e kyng . comseth to telle [aaAx]
N: 3,93 Corteisly -th-e kyng . comse-th- to telle [aaAx]
A: 3,93 Curteysly -th-e kyng -th-anne ; began for to telle
M: 3,93 Curtysly -th-e kyng -th-o . comensit to telle [aaAx]
T: 3,94 To mede [th]e maide melis [th]ise wordis
H2: 3,94 To mede -th-e maiden . melis -th-ise wordis [aaAx]
Ch: 3,94 To mede -th-e maide . meles -th-es wordes [aaAx]
V: 3,94 To (Meede) _th_e (Mayden) . (melodyes) Wordes [aaAx]
H: 3,94 --- this line om ---
J: 3,94 To mede -th-e mayden . he mengyd -th-is wordes [aaAx]
L: 3,94 And to mede -th-e maiden . meled -th-eose wordes
K: 3,94 --- run together with preceding ---
W: 3,94 And to mede -th-e mayde . meled -th-is woordes [aaAx]
N: 3,94 To mede -th-e mayde . Melioudiouse wordis [aaAx]
A: 3,94 To mede -th-e mayde ; & mevede -th-ese wordis
M: 3,94 To Mede -th-at maydyn . myd -th-yse wordys [aaAx]
T: 3,95 Vnwittily ywys wrou[gh]t hast [th](o)u ofte
H2: 3,95 fful wyckedely Iwis . wrou-gh-g hast -th-ou ofte
Ch: 3,95 On witly I wis . wrou-gh-t hast -th-ow ofte [aaAx]
V: 3,95 "Qweynteliche, qua_th_ _th_e kyng . (wrouht)
hastou ofte [aaAx]
H: 3,95 Certis unwysely . wrou-gh-te hast -th-ou ofte [aaAx]
J: 3,95 Vnwittily mayde . wrouht has tow oftyn [aaAx]
L: 3,95 wo(m)man vnwittely . wroght hastow ofte [aaAx]
K: 3,95 Vnwittylich Iwroughte hast thou right ofte [aaAx]
W: 3,95 Vnwittyly hastow wroght . many tyme and oft [aaAx]
N: 3,95 Vnwitly wo(m)man . wrou-gh-t hastow oft [aaAx]
A: 3,95 Vnwysely wrouth ; hast -th-u wol ofte [aaAx]
M: 3,95 Vnwyttily -th-u Mede . wroug hast -th-(o)u oftyn
T: 3,96 Ac wers wrou[gh]test [th](o)u neu(er)e [th]an [th]o
[th](o)u fals toke
H2: 3,96 Ac wers wrou-gh-test -th-ou neu(er) . -th-an tho
-th-(o)u fals toke [aaXx]
Ch: 3,96 Bot wors wrou-gh-test -th-ow neuer . -th-en -th-o
-th-ow fals toke [aaXx]
V: 3,96 Bote (worse) (wrouhtest) _th_ou neuere . _th_en whon
_th_ou fals toke [aaXx]?
H: 3,96 wors wrou-gh-test -th-ou neu(er) . -th-en whane -th-ou
false toke [aaXx]
J: 3,96 Ac wers wrouht -th-(o)u neu(er)e . -th-an [-th-o]
-th-(o)u fals toke [aaXx]
L: 3,96 Bot wors wraghtest -th-ou neuer . -th-an whan -th-(o)u
fals tok[e] [aaXx]
K: 3,96 But wors wroughtest thou neu(er) . than tho thou
fals toke [aaXx]
W: 3,96 But wors destow neuere . -th-an whan -th-ow fals
toke [aaXx]
N: 3,96 And werse wrou-gh-tow neur . -th-a(n)ne -th-o -th-(o)u
false toke [aaXx]
A: 3,96 And wers wroutist -th-u neu(er) ; but whan -th-u
falce tok [aaXx]
M: 3,96 But wers wrougtyst -th-(o)u neu(er)e . -th-a(n)ne
wha(n)ne -th-(o)u fals toke [aaXx]
T: 3,97 Ac I forgyue [th]e [th]e gilt & g(ra)unte [th]e
H2: 3,97 Ac I forgyue -th-e -th-e gylt . and g(ra)nt -th-e
my g(ra)ce [aaAa]
Ch: 3,97 Bot I for-gh-eue the -th-y gilt . and graunt -th-e
grace [aaAa]
V: 3,97 Ac I (for_g_iue) _th_e _th_is (gult) . and (graunte)
_th_e my (grace) [aaAa]
H: 3,97 But I for-gh-yue -th-ee -th-is gylte . so -th-ou
do so no more [aaAa]
J: 3,97 Ac I for-gh-eue -th-e -th-at gylt . & g(ra)unte
-th-e my g(ra)ce [aaAa]
L: 3,97 Bote I forgyue -th-e -th-at gult . & graunt -th-e
my grace [aaAa]
K: 3,97 But I foryeve the that gylte . and g(ra)unte the
my grace [aaAa]
W: 3,97 But I forgif -th-e -th-e gilt . and graunt -th-e
my grace [aaAa]
N: 3,97 But -gh-it for-gh-if I -th-e -th-is gilte . & grau(n)te
-th-e my g(ra)ce [aaAa]
A: 3,97 And I for-gh-if -th-e in -th-i gylte ; & graunt
-th-e my grace [aaAa]
M: 3,97 I for-y-eue -th-e -th-at gylt . & g(ra)unte -th-e
my(n) g(ra)ce [aaAa]
T: 3,98 Henis to [th]i de[th] day do [th](o)u so no more
H2: 3,98 Hennys to -th-i ded day . do -th-(o)u so namor(e)
Ch: 3,98 Hennes to -th-y de-th- day . do -th-ow so no more
V: 3,98 Hennes to _th_i (de_th_) (day) . (do) so no more
H: 3,98 --- this line om ---
J: 3,98 Hennys to -th-i deth day . do -th-(o)u so no more
L: 3,98 So -th-(a)t hennes to -th-y deth day . -th-(o)u do
so no more [aaAx]
K: 3,98 Henis to thy deth day . do thou so no more [aaAx]
W: 3,98 Hens to -th-i ded day . do -th-ow so no more [aaAx]
N: 3,98 Hennes to -th-i de-th- day . do so no more [aaAx]
A: 3,98 Hene to -th-i ded day ; so -th-u do so no more [aaAx]
M: 3,98 hen to -th-yn det day . so do -th-(o)u no mor(e)
T: 3,99 I haue a kni[gh]t consience com late fro be[gh]onde
H2: 3,99 I haue a kny-gh-t hatte consience . com late fro
be-gh-onde [aaAx]
Ch: 3,99 I haue a kni-gh-t hatte conscience . com late fro
be-gh-ende [aaAx]
V: 3,99 Ichaue a (kniht) hette (Concience) . (com) late from
bi-_g_onde [aaAx]
H: 3,99 I haue a kny-gh-t hett co(n)science . come late fro(m)
by-gh-onde [aaAx]
J: 3,99 I haue a knyht consciens . cam late fro be -gh-ou(n)den
L: 3,99 I haue a kny-gh-t consience . com late from by-gh-onde
K: 3,99 I haue a knight hyght consience . come late from
beyond [aaAx]
W: 3,99 I haue a knyght [hi-gh-t] conscience . come late
fro be-gh-onde [aaAx]
N: 3,99 I haue forgynen -th-e many gilt . & my g(ra)ce
N: 3,99 [C:III,134] Bo-th-e to -th-e & to -th-ine for
-th-(o)u showst amende
N: 3,99 [C:III,135] But euer -th-e lenger -th-e werse & lesse
trw-th-e w(i)t(h) -th-e
N: 3,99 [C:III,136] --- this line om ---
N: 3,99 [C:III,137] -Gh-it for-gh-yue I -th-e -th-is gilte
-gh-if -th-(o)u do so eny more
N: 3,99 [C:III,138] --- this line om ---
N: 3,99 [C:III,139] In -th-e castel of corf I shal done -th-e
N: 3,99 [C:III 140] Or ellis in a werse wone by sent marie
my ladye
N: 3,99 [C:III,141] --- this line om ---
N: 3,99 [C:III,142] -Th-(a)t alle wo(m)men wantou(n) shal
be war by -th-e
N: 3,99 [C:III,143] And bitturly banne -th-e & alle -th-(a)t
bere -th-i name
N: 3,99 [C:III,144] And teche -th-e to loue trew-th-e & conseille
of resou(n)
N: 3,99 [C:III,145] I haue a kni-gh-t conscience cam late
fro be-gh-onde
A: 3,99 I haue a knyte conciens ; cam late from be-gh-ondyn
M: 3,99 I haue concyence . I come lat fro be-y-ondyn see
T: 3,100 [Y]if he wilne[th] [th]e to wyue wilt [th](o)u hym
H2: 3,100 -Gh-if he willyth -th-e to wyf . wiltow hi(m) haue
Ch: 3,100 -Gh-if he wol -th-e to wyue . wilt -th-ow hym haue
V: 3,100 _Y_if he (wilne) _th_e to (wyf) . (wolt) _th_ou
him haue [aaAx]
H: 3,100 If he wole -th-ee to wyf . wolt -th-ou assente [aaAx]
J: 3,100 -Gh-if he -gh-erne -th-e to wyue . wiltow him haue
L: 3,100 -Gh-ef he wilne -th-e to wif . woltow him haue [aaAx]
K: 3,100 Yf he woll the to wyfe . wolte thou hym haue [aaAx]
W: 3,100 -Gh-if he will -th-e to wyfe . wilt -th-ou hym haue
N: 3,100 -Gh-if he wilne-th- -th-e to wif . wiltow hi(m)
haue [aaAx]
A: 3,100 -Gh-if he wil -th-e wyfe ; wilt -th-u hym haue [aaAx]
M: 3,100 -Y-yf he wele -th-e to wyue . wilt -th-u hy(m) haue
T: 3,101 [Y]a lord q(ua)[th] [th]at lady lord forbede ellis
H2: 3,101 -Gh-a lord q(uo)d -th-at lady . lord forbede ellis
Ch: 3,101 -Gh-a lorde q(uo)d -th-at lady -th-o . god forbede
elles [aaAx]
V: 3,101 _Y_e, (lord) qua_th_ _th_at (ladi) . God for-beode
hit elles [aaAx]
H: 3,101 -gh-ea lord quo-th- -th-e lady . god forbede ellis
J: 3,101 -Gh-e lorde q(uo)d -th-at leuedy . goddes forbode
ellis [aaAx]
L: 3,101 -Gh-e lord q(uo)d -th-at lady god . forbeode elles
K: 3,101 Yee lord q(uo)d that lady . god forbede ellis [aaAx]
W: 3,101 -Gh-e lord q(uo)d -th-e lady . god forbede elles
N: 3,101 -Gh-e lorde q(uo)d -th-at lady . lorde forbede ell(is)
A: 3,101 -Gh-a lord quot -th-at lady ; god forbede ellis
M: 3,101 -Y-a lord q(uo)d Mede -th-o . lord forbede ellys
T: 3,102 --- this line om ---
H2: 3,102 --- this line is omitted ---
Ch: 3,102 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 3,102 Bote Ich (holde) me to oure (heste) . (honge) me
sone [aaAx]
H: 3,102 but I hoolly be at -gh-oure heest . gurd off my
nek [aaAx]
J: 3,102 Bot I ben holly at -gh-our(e) hest . lat hangyn
me ellis [aaAx]
L: 3,102 Bot -gh-ef y beo holy at -gh-or heste . let hange
me hye [aaAx]
K: 3,102 But I be holy at yo(ur) heste . honge me in haste
W: 3,102 But I be at -gh-owre hest . lete honge me in hast
N: 3,102 But I be holely at -gh-owr(e) heste . lete hang
me i(n) hast [aaAx]
A: 3,102 But I holy at -gh-oure hest ; god for bede ellis
A: 3,102 But I holy at -gh-oure hest ; lat me hange sone
M: 3,102 But I be at -y-our(e) heste . let hange me sone
T: 3,103 [Th]anne was consience callid to comen & ap(er)en
H2: 3,103 -Th-an was consience callid . to come and ap(er)en
Ch: 3,103 -Th-an was conscience called . to come and apperen
V: 3,103 _Th_enne was (Concience) (I-clepet) . to (comen)
and apeeren [aaAx]
H: 3,103 Then was conscience called . to come & apere
J: 3,103 -Th-an was consciens callyd . to comyn & aper(e)
L: 3,103 -Th-en was consience called . to come & appere
K: 3,103 Than was consience callid . to come & appere
W: 3,103 Than was conscience . ycalled to come & appere
N: 3,103 Thanne was conscience ycalde . to comen & aper(e)
A: 3,103 Than was conciens cald . to com and apere [aaAx]
M: 3,103 -Th-anne was consience glad . to knowyn & apspery(n)
T: 3,104 Before [th]e kyng & his counseil clerkis & o[th](er)e
H2: 3,104 Befor(e) -th-e kyng and his consel . clerkes and
o-th-(er) [aaAx]
Ch: 3,104 Befor -th-e king and his cou(n)seil . clerkes and
o-th-er [aaAx]
V: 3,104 To-fore _th_e (kyng) and his (Counsel) . (Clerkes)
and o_th_ure [aaAx]
H: 3,104 byfore -th-e kynge & his counseyl . clerkis & o-th-(er)
J: 3,104 Beforyn -th-e kyng & his councel . of clerkys & of
o-th-(er)e [aaAx]
L: 3,104 Byfore -th-e kyng & his counsail . bothe clerkus & othir
K: 3,104 Before the kyng & his counsell . of clerk(ys) & other
W: 3,104 Aforn -th-e kynges consaill . clerkes & other
N: 3,104 Afore -th-e kyng & his conseille . clerkus & o-th-ere
A: 3,104 Befor -th-e kyng & his councell(e) ; clerkis & other
M: 3,104 Befor -th-e kyng & hys counsel . knygthis & o-th-er
T: 3,105 Knelynge consience to [th]e kyng loutide
H2: 3,105 Knelyng consience . to -th-e kyng loutide [aaAx]
Ch: 3,105 Kneling conscience . to -th-e king lowted [aaAx]
V: 3,105 (Kneolynge) (Concience) . to _th_e (kyng) loutede
H: 3,105 Knelynge conscience . -th-en to -th-e kyng lowted
J: 3,105 Knelyd -th-o consciens . [&] to -th-e kyng lowtyd
L: 3,105 Kneolyng consience . to -th-e kyng he carped [aaAx]
K: 3,105 Knelyng consience . to the kyng lowtyde [aaAx]
W: 3,105 Knelyng -th-an conscience . to the kyng saide [aaAx]
N: 3,105 Kneling -th-a(n)ne conscience . to -th-e kyng lowted
A: 3,105 Knelyng conciens ; befor -th-e kyng loutid [aaAx]
M: 3,105 & knelyng befor -th-e kyng concience loutede
T: 3,106 What [th](a)t his wille were & what he do shulde
H2: 3,106 What -th-at his wille were . and what he do schulde
Ch: 3,106 What -th-at his wille were . and what he do schuld
V: 3,106 --- this line om --
H: 3,106 to wyte what his wille were . & what he do schulde
J: 3,106 & askyd qwat his wille wer(e) . & qwat he
don schulde [aaAx]
L: 3,106 To wite what his wille weore . & what -th-(a)t
he scholde [aaAx]
K: 3,106 What that his wille war . & what he do schuld
W: 3,106 To wyte what his wil were . and what he do shold
N: 3,106 What his [wille] were . & what he do scholde
A: 3,106 What -th-at is wille were ; & what he do schuld
M: 3,106 To heryn what hys wille wer(e) . & what sche
do(n) schulde [aaAx]
T: 3,107 Wilt [th]ou wedde [th]is womman [y]if I wile assente
H2: 3,107 Wylt -th-ou wedde -th-is wo(m)man . -gh-if I wil
asente [aaAx]
Ch: 3,107 Wilt -th-ow wedde -th-is woman . -gh-if I wil assente
V: 3,107 Woltou (wedde) _th_is (wommon) quod _th_e kyng .
_g_if I (wol) assente [aaxAx]
H: 3,107 wolt -th-ou wedde -th-is wo(m)man . if I wole assent
J: 3,107 wittow wed -th-is wo(m)ma(n) . q(uo)d -th-e kyng
if I wille asent [aaAx]
L: 3,107 Wolt -th-ou wedde -th-is wo(m)man . -gh-ef y wol
assente [aaAx]
K: 3,107 Wolt thou wedde this woman . yf I wille assente
W: 3,107 Wiltow wedde -th-is woman . -gh-if I wil assent
N: 3,107 Wiltow wedde -th-is wo(m)man . -gh-if I wil assent
A: 3,107 Wil -th-u wedde -th-is woman . -gh-if I wil assentyn
M: 3,107 Wilt -th-(o)u weddyn -th-ys wo(m)ma(n) . q(uo)d
-th-e kyng -gh-if I wele assenty(n) [aaAx]
T: 3,108 ffor heo is fayn of [th]i ffelasshipe for to be [th]i
H2: 3,108 ffor he is fayn of -th-i felaschepe . for to be
thi make [aaAxx]
Ch: 3,108 ffor sche is fayn of -th-i felaschep . for to be
-th-i make [aaAxx]
V: 3,108 Heo is (fayn) of _th_i (felawschupe) . (for) to
beo _th_i make [aaAxx]
H: 3,108 for heo is fayne of -th-i felawschype . for to be
-th-i make [aaAxx]
J: 3,108 ffor che is fayne of -th-i felachepe . for to ben
-th-i make [aaAxx]
L: 3,108 ffor heo is fayn of -th-y felaschipe . for to beo
-th-y fere [aaAxx]
K: 3,108 ffor sche is fayne of thy felawschipe . for to be
thy make [aaAxx]
W: 3,108 ffor she wol fayn vnderfonge -th-e to be -th-i fere
N: 3,108 She fayne-th- of -th-i felawchip . & wolde be
-th-i make [aaAxx]
A: 3,108 -Gh-he is fayn of -th-i felachep ; for to be -th-i
make [aaAxx]
M: 3,108 ffor sche is fayu(n) & gladly desyrit -th-e
to make [aaAxx]
T: 3,109 Qua[th] consience to [th]e kyng crist it forbede
H2: 3,109 Quod consience to [the] kyng [tho] . crist it forbede
Ch: 3,109 Q(uo)d conscience to -th-e kyng . crist it forbede
V: 3,109 Nay qua_th_ (Concience) to _th_e (kyng) . (Crist)
hit me forbeode [aaAx]
H: 3,109 Nay quo-th- conscience to -th-e kynge . c(ri)st
it me forbede [aaAx]
J: 3,109 Q(uo)d consciens to -th-e kyng . criste it me forbede
L: 3,109 Q(uo)d consience to -th-e kyng . crist hit me forbeode
K: 3,109 Quod consience to the kyng . [&] criste me it
forbede [aaAx]
W: 3,109 Quod conscience to -th-e kyng . crist me forbede
N: 3,109 Quod conscience to -th-e kyng . crist me forbede
A: 3,109 Quot conciens to -th-e kyng ; crist it me forbede
M: 3,109 Q(uo)d co(n)ci(e)nce to -th-e kyng . cryst me forbede
T: 3,110 Er I wedde such a wif wo me betide
H2: 3,110 Er I wedde such a wyf . wo me betide [aaAx]
Ch: 3,110 Or I wedde such a wif . wo me betide [aaAx]
V: 3,110 Er Ich (wedde) such a (wyf) . (wo) me bi-tyde [aaAx]
H: 3,110 Er I wedde suche a wyf . woo me bytyde [aaAx]
J: 3,110 Er I weddyd swyche a wyue . wo me betide [aaAx]
L: 3,110 Er ich wedde suche a wif . wo me bytide [aaAx]
K: 3,110 Ar I wedde such a wife . woo me betyde [aaAx]
W: 3,110 Er I wedde suche a wyf . wo me betyde [aaAx]
N: 3,110 Ar I wedde suche a wyf . wo me bitide [aaAx]
A: 3,110 Or I wedde sweche a wyfe . crist it me forbede [aaAx]
M: 3,110 Er I wedde swyche a wyf . wo me betyde [aaAx]
T: 3,111 She is freel of hire fei[th] fikel of hire speche
H2: 3,111 ffor sche is frel of hire fei-th- . fekyl of her(e)
speche [aaAx]
Ch: 3,111 Sche is frely of her faithe . and fikel of her
speche [aaAx]
V: 3,111 Heo is (frele) of hire (fflesch) . (ffikel) of hire
tonge [aaAx]
H: 3,111 ffor heo is freyle of hir fleische . fykul of hir
fei-th- [aaAx]
J: 3,111 Sche is frele of hir flexe, . fykyl of hir(e) speche
L: 3,111 Heo is frele of hire feith . & fykel of hire
speche [aaAx]
K: 3,111 Sche is frayle of her faithe . fykell of her speche
W: 3,111 She is frele of here fay-th- . fikel of here speche
N: 3,111 She is frele of hir fai-th- . fikel of hir speche
A: 3,111 -Gh-he is freel of here feth ; fekil of here speche
M: 3,111 ffor she is fals of hir(e) fait . fykyl of hir(e)
speche [aaAx]
T: 3,112 She maki[th] men mysdo manye score tymes
H2: 3,112 Sche make-th- men mysdo . many scor(e) tymes [aaaAx]
Ch: 3,112 Sche make-th- men mysdone . many score tymes [aaaAx]
V: 3,112 Heo (make_th_) (men) (misdo) . (moni) score tymes
H: 3,112 Heo make-th- men mysse do . mony score tymes [aaaAx]
J: 3,112 Sche makyth men to done amysse . many score tyme
L: 3,112 Heo makith men mysdo . mony score tymes [aaaAx]
K: 3,112 Sche makyth men mysdoo . many score tymes [aaaAx]
W: 3,112 She make-th- men misdo . many score tymes [aaaAx]
N: 3,112 She make-th- men mysdo . mony score tymes [aaaAx]
A: 3,112 And makit men mysdo . many schor tymis [aaaAx]
M: 3,112 And maket men misdo . manye scoris si-th-ys [aaaAx]
T: 3,113 In trist of hire treso(ur) she teni[th] ful manye
H2: 3,113 In trust of hir(e) treso(ur) . sche tene-th- wel
many [aaAx]
Ch: 3,113 In trist of her tresoure . sche tene-th- ful many
V: 3,113 In (trust) of hire (tresour) . (teone_th_) ful monye
H: 3,113 In trust of hir tresoure . heo teone-th- ful many
J: 3,113 In t(ro)yste of her(e) treso(ur) . sche tenyth wel
many [aaAx]
L: 3,113 In treost of hire tresour . heo teoneth wel monye
K: 3,113 In trust of her tresure . sche teneth well many
W: 3,113 ffor trust of here tresour . she tene-th- wel many
N: 3,113 In truste of hir treso(ur) . sche tene-th- wel many
A: 3,113 Be trost of here tresor ; -gh-he tenyth wol manye
M: 3,113 In trust of hir(e) tresour . sche tenyt ful manye
T: 3,114 Wyues & wydewis wantonnesse techi[th]
H2: 3,114 Wyues and wedewes . wantou(n)nesse techit-gh- [aaAx]
Ch: 3,114 Wif and wedow . wantenes teche-th- [aaAx]
V: 3,114 (Wyues) and (widewes) . (wantounesse) heo teche_th_
H: 3,114 Wyues & wydowys . wantounes heo techi-th- [aaAx]
J: 3,114 Wyues & wydowes . wanto(n)nes sche techyth [aaAx]
L: 3,114 Wyues & wydowes . wantonesse techeth [aaAx]
K: 3,114 Wyfys & wydowes . wantones techyth [aaAx]
W: 3,114 Wyves and wedowes . wantonnesse teche-th- [aaAx]
N: 3,114 Wyues & wydowes . wantownes she techi-th- [aaAx]
M: 3,114 Wyues & wydewys . wantonnesse sche techet [aaAx]
T: 3,115 Leride hem leccherie [th](a)t louiden hire [y]eftis
H2: 3,115 Lerid hem lecherie . -th-at loueden her(e) -gh-iftes
Ch: 3,115 lerne-th- hem lechorye . -th-at louen hir -gh-iftes
V: 3,115 (Lere_th_) hem (lecherie) . _th_at (loue_th_) hire
_g_iftes [aaAx]
H: 3,115 leri-th- hem to lecherie . & lecching of -gh-eftis
J: 3,115 Sche lernyth hem liccherye . -th-(a)t louen her(e)
-gh-iftes [aaXx]
L: 3,115 Al lerith heom lecherie . -th-at loueth heore -gh-eftes
K: 3,115 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 3,115 And lere-th- lecherie . -th-at louen here -gh-eftes
N: 3,115 Lerne-th- hem lecherie . -th-at loue her -gh-iftes
M: 3,115 lernyt he(m) leccherie . -th-at louet hir(e) -y-yftys
T: 3,116 [Y]oure fadir he fellide [th]oru[gh] false behest
H2: 3,116 -Gh-oure fad(er) he fellid . -th-oru-gh- fals behestes
Ch: 3,116 -Gh-oure fader sche filled . -th-oru-gh- fals behestes
V: 3,116 Vr (ffader) Adam heo (falde) . wi_th_ (ffeire) biheste
H: 3,116 fele men heo falli-th- . wi-th- feir(e) behestis
J: 3,116 -Gh-our(e) fader(e) sche felde . -th-orowhe false
beheste [aaAx]
L: 3,116 -Gh-oure fadir heo felde . -th-orgh false byhestes
K: 3,116 Our ffather sche fylyd . through fals behestes [aaAx]
W: 3,116 -Gh-our fader she felled . -th-rogh fals behest
N: 3,116 -Gh-owr(e) fader she felled . -th-orow false byheste
M: 3,116 -Y-our(e) fadyr sir(e) sche begylede . w(i)t(h)
fayr(e) behestys [aaAx]
T: 3,117 Apoisonide popis apeiride al holy chirche
H2: 3,117 Apoisou(n)de popis . apeyrid al holi chirche [aaAx]
Ch: 3,117 Appoisened popes . appaired holi chirche [aaAx]
V: 3,117 (Apoysende) (Popes) . and (peyre_th_) holy chirche
H: 3,117 & popis heo poisene-th- . & peire-th- holi
churche [aaAx]
J: 3,117 Sche hath poysynhyd popes . & peyrid holy chirche
L: 3,117 Enpoiseneth popes . enpaires holy chirche [aaAx]
K: 3,117 Appoysonyth popes . enpeyreth al holy chyrche [aaAx]
W: 3,117 She poysons popes . appaireth holy cherche [aaAx]
N: 3,117 Apoysene-th- popis . peire-th- holy chirche [aaAx]
M: 3,117 Sche poysenet popys . apeyryt holy cherche [aaAx]
T: 3,118 I not a bet(er)e baude be hym [th](a)t me made
H2: 3,118 I not a bet(er) baude . be hi(m) -th-at me made
Ch: 3,118 I not a better baude . be him -th-at me made [aaAxx]
V: 3,118 _Th_er nis no (beter) (Baude) . (bi) him _th_at
me made [aaAxx]
H: 3,118 -th-(er) nys no bett(er) baude . by hym -th-at me
made [aaAxx]
J: 3,118 -Th-(er) ne his a bitt(er)er boude . be him -th-(a)t
me made [aaAxx]
L: 3,118 -Th-er is not a bettre bawde . by him -th-at me
made [aaAxx]
K: 3,118 Ys not a better bawde . by hym that me made [aaAxx]
W: 3,118 Ys not a betre baude . by hym -th-at me made [aaAxx]
N: 3,118 Is nou-gh-t a bettre bawde . by hi(m) -th-at me
made [aaAxx]
M: 3,118 Is no bett(er)e baude . be hym -th-(a)t me made
T: 3,119 Betwyn heuene & helle & er[th]e [th]ei[gh]
men sou[gh]te
H2: 3,119 Betwene heuene and h[e]lle and er-th-e . -th-ei
men sou-gh-te [aaAx]
Ch: 3,119 Betwene heuen and helle . and erthe -th-ow-gh-
me(n) sou-gh-t [aaAx]
V: 3,119 Bitwene (heuene) and (helle) . In (eor_th_e) _th_au_g_
men souhte [aaAx]
H: 3,119 bytwene heue(n) & helle . in er-th-e -th-ei
me(n) sou-gh-t [aaAx]
J: 3,119 Betwyxn heuen & helle . in erth -th-ei me(n)
sowht [aaAx]
L: 3,119 Bytweone helle & heouen . y holde -gh-ef men
soghten [aaAx]
K: 3,119 Betwen hevyn & helle . & erthe thorogh men
sowght [aaAx]
W: 3,119 Bytwyx heuene and helle . and er-th-e -gh-if men
soght [aaAx]
N: 3,119 At twi-gh- heuene & helle . in erthe -th-ei
men sou-gh-t [aaAx]
M: 3,119 Betwyn heuene helle . & erthe -th-ey me(n) sougthe
T: 3,120 She is tykil of hire tail talewys of hire tunge
H2: 3,120 Sche is tekul of hir(e) tayl . talewys of hir(e)
tonge [aaAx]
Ch: 3,120 Sche is tekel on her taile . talewise of tonge
V: 3,120 Heo is (Tikel) of hire (Tayl) . (Talewys) of hire
(tonge) [aaAa]
H: 3,120 Heo is tikel of her(e) taile . talewise of her(e)
tu(n)ge [aaAx]
J: 3,120 Sche is tykyl of her tayle . talows of tunge [aaAx]
L: 3,120 Heo is tikel of hire tayl . talewys of wordes [aaAx]
K: 3,120 Sche is tykyll of her tayle . talewise of her tonge
W: 3,120 She is tikel of here [taille] . talwys of tonge
N: 3,120 She is tikyl of hir taile . talewyse of tonge [aaAx]
M: 3,120 Sche is tikyl of hir(e) tayl . talewys of her(e)
tunge [aaAx]
T: 3,121 As comoun as [th]e cartewey to knaues & to monk
H2: 3,121 As comyn as -th-e cartway . to knaue and to alle
Ch: 3,121 Als comen as -th-e cartway . to knaue and to monke
V: 3,121 As (Comuyn) as _th_e (Cart-wei) . to (knaues) and
to alle [aaAx]
H: 3,121 As comyn as -th-e cartway . to knaues & to alle
J: 3,121 As comen as cartweye . to knaues & to alle [aaAx]
L: 3,121 Als comyn as -th-e kartwey . to knaues & othir
K: 3,121 As co(m)mon as the carteway . to knavys & to
alle [aaAx]
W: 3,121 As comun as -th-e cartway . to knaves & to alle
N: 3,121 Also co(moun)e as -th-e cartewey . to knawes & to
alle [aaAx]
M: 3,121 As come(n) as -th-e cartewey . to knauys & to
alle [aaAx]
T: 3,122 To mynstrelis to messang(er)is to myselis in heggis
H2: 3,122 To mynstrales to messang(er)s . to mesellis in
hegges [aaAx]
Ch: 3,122 To mynstrals and messangers . and messeles In hegges
V: 3,122 To Preostes, to (Minstrals) . to (Mesels) in hegges
H: 3,122 To monkis to mynst(ra)l(us) . to mesels in heggis
J: 3,122 To mu(n)kes to minstrall(is) . to meseyls in hegges
L: 3,122 To munkes to mynstrales . to meseles in hegges [aaAx]
K: 3,122 To monk(is) & to mynstrell(es) . to myssellys
in hedgys [aaAx]
W: 3,122 To monkes and to mynstrals . to meseles in heges
N: 3,122 To monkes & to mynstralles . to myssales i(n)
hegges [aaAx]
M: 3,122 To munkys & Menstrall(es) . & Meselys in
heggys [aaAx]
T: 3,123 Sisours & sompno(ur)s suche men hire p(re)isi[th]
H2: 3,123 Siso(ur)s and sompno(ur)s . suche men hir(e) p(ri)yseth
Ch: 3,123 Sisours and somnours . such men her preise-th-
V: 3,123 (Sisours) and (Sumpnours) . (suche) men hire preisen
H: 3,123 Sisours & sompno(ur)s . suche me(n) hir(e) preisen
J: 3,123 To syso(ur)s to su(m)nours . swych men che p(ro)resid
L: 3,123 Sisours & somno(ur)s . suche men hire preyseth
K: 3,123 Sisoures & somnours . such men her praysyne
W: 3,123 Sysours and somnours . such men hyr(e) praysen [aaAx]
N: 3,123 Siso(ur)s & somono(ur)s . suche men hir praysen
M: 3,123 Sisours & sompno(ur)s . swyche me(n) hyr(e)
preysit [aaAx]
T: 3,124 Shirreues of shires were shent [y]if heo ne were
H2: 3,124 Schrewes of schires . wer(e) schent if he ne wer(e)
Ch: 3,124 Schreues of schyres . wer schent -gh-ef sche ne
were [aaAx]
V: 3,124 (Schirreues) of (schires) . weore (schent) _g_if
heo nere [aaAx]
H: 3,124 Shirreuys of schir(us) . were(n) schent yf heo ner(e)
J: 3,124 Schirreuys of schyryn . w(er) schent if sche ne
were [aaAx]
L: 3,124 Schirreues of schires . weoren schent -gh-ef heo
no weore [aaAx]
K: 3,124 Schryffes of schir(es) . weryn schent if sche ne
were [aaAx]
W: 3,124 Shirefs of shyres . were(e) shent -gh-if she nere
N: 3,124 Shiryues of shires . were shent -gh-if she ne wer(e)
M: 3,124 Schererys of schirys . wery(n) schent -y-yf he ne
wer(e) [aaAx]
T: 3,125 She do[th] men lese here land & here lif bo[th]e
H2: 3,125 Sche doth men to lese her(e) lond . and hir(e)
lif both [aaAx]
Ch: 3,125 Sche dothe men lese her londe . and her lif after
V: 3,125 Heo do_th_ men (leosen) heore (lond) . and heore
(lyues) after [aaAx]
H: 3,125 Heo do-th- me(n) leose(n) h(er) londed . & hire
lyfes eke [aaAx]
J: 3,125 Sche doth men lesyn her londes . & her lyf bothe
L: 3,125 Heo doth men to leose heore lond . & heore lif
aftre [aaAx]
K: 3,125 Sche doth men sell her londe . & her lyfe bothe
W: 3,125 She do-th- men lese here lond . & hyre lyf bo-th-e
N: 3,125 She do-th- men lese her londe . & here lif aftre
M: 3,125 And me(n) lesyn her(e) lond be her(e) . & her(e)
lyf bo-th-yn [aaAx]
T: 3,126 And leti[th] passe prison(er)s & paie[th] for
hem ofte
H2: 3,126 And leti-th- passe p(ri)son(er)s . and payeth for
hem ofte [aaAx]
Ch: 3,126 And lete-th- passe presoners . and paie-th- for
hem oft [aaAx]
V: 3,126 And lete_th_ (passe) (prisons) . and (paye_th_)
for hem ofte [aaAx]
H: 3,126 & leti-th- p(ri)sou(n)s passe . & paie-th-
for hem ofte [aaAx]
J: 3,126 & lat passyn p(ri)sonnes . & pay-gh-eth
for hem oftyn [aaAx]
L: 3,126 Ant leteth passe prisoners . & paieth for heom
ofte [aaAx]
K: 3,126 And lettith passe p(ri)sonar(es) . & payeth
for hem ofte [aaAx]
W: 3,126 She late-th- passe prisons . and paie-th- for hem
oft [aaAx]
N: 3,126 She lete-th- passe p(ri)soners . & paie-th-
for hem oft [aaAx]
M: 3,126 Sche lettyt passe p(ri)sou(n)s . & payet for
he(m) often [aaAx]
T: 3,127 And [y]iue[th] [th]e gaileris gold & grotis togid(er)e
H2: 3,127 And -gh-yuet -th-e gaylers gold . and grotis togider(e)
Ch: 3,127 And geue-th- the gailer gold . and grotes togeder
V: 3,127 Heo _g_eue_th_ _th_e (Iayler) (Gold) . and (grotes)
(to-gedere) [aaAa]
H: 3,127 & -gh-eue-th- -th-e gailer(e) gold . & grotis
among [aaAx]
J: 3,127 & -gh-ifeth -th-e -gh-aylers gold . & grotes
togydyr [aaAx]
L: 3,127 And -gh-eueth to -th-eo Iaylers gold . o-th-ir seoluer
K: 3,127 And yevyth the gaylours gold . & grotes togeder
W: 3,127 She -gh-efe-th- -th-e Gayler gold . and grotes togederes
N: 3,127 She gyue-th- -th-e gailers golde . & grotes
togidre [aaAx]
M: 3,127 And -y-euyt gaylerys golt . & grotys togeder(e)
T: 3,128 To vnfet(er)e [th]e fals fle where hym lyki[th]
H2: 3,128 To vnfetere -th-e fals . [goe] wher(e) hi(m) lykith
Ch: 3,128 To vnfetter -th-e fals . and fle wher hem like-th-
V: 3,128 To (vn-ffetere) _th_e (ffalse) . and (fleo) where
hem lyke_th_ [aaAx]
H: 3,128 To vnfettr(e) -th-e fals . & fle wher(e) hym
like-th- [aaAx]
J: 3,128 To vnfettren -th-e fals . to flene wer(e) hem lykyth
L: 3,128 ffor to vnfetre -th-e false . to fleo wher him likith
K: 3,128 To onfeter ffals . flee wher hym lyketh [aaAx]
W: 3,128 To vnfetre fals . and fle wher hym lyketh [aaAx]
N: 3,128 She vnfeteri-th- -th-e false . flee were hi(m) like-th-
M: 3,128 To vnfet(er)yn -th-e false . fle wher(e) hy(m) lykyt
T: 3,129 He takith [th]e trewe be [th]e top and tei[gh]e[th]
hym faste
H2: 3,129 He take-th- -th-e trewe bi -th-e top . tey-gh-et-gh-
hi(m) faste [aaAx]
Ch: 3,129 Sche take-th- -th-e trewe be -th-e toppe . and
ti-gh-eth him faste [aaAx]
V: 3,129 Heo (take_th_) _th_e (trewe) bi _th_e (top) . and
(ti_g_e_th_) him faste [aaaAx]
H: 3,129 Heo taki-th- treu-th-e by -th-e top . & tie-th-
hym fast [aaAx]
J: 3,129 Sche takyth treuth be -th-e toppe . [&] fettreth
him fast(e) [aaAx]
L: 3,129 Heo takith -th-e treowe by -th-e top . & tyeth
heom faste [aaAx]
K: 3,129 Sche taketh the true by the toppe . & feteryth
hym faste [aaAx]
W: 3,129 She take-th- [-th-e] trewe by -th-e toppe . and
tieth hym fast [aaAx]
N: 3,129 She take-th- -th-e trw-th-e by -th-e toppe . & tie-th-
hi(m) faste [aaAx]
M: 3,129 And takyt treuthe be -th-e top . & feteryt hy(m)
faste [aaAx]
T: 3,130 And hangi[th] hym for hattrede [th](a)t harmide neu(er)e
H2: 3,130 And hange-th- hi(m) for hatrede . -th-at harmede
neu(er) [aaAx]
Ch: 3,130 And hongeth him for haterede . -th-at harmed neuer
V: 3,130 And (honge_th_) him for (hate) . _th_at (harmede)
neuere [aaAx]
H: 3,130 & hongi-th- hym for haterede . -th-(a)t harme
did[e] [n]eu(er)e [aaAx]
J: 3,130 & hangyth hi(m) for hateredyn . -th-(a)t harmyd
neu(er)e [aaAx]
L: 3,130 And hangeth him for haterede . -th-at harmed neuer
K: 3,130 And hangith hym for hatrede . that harmyd neuer
W: 3,130 And hongeth for hatred . hym that harmed neuere
N: 3,130 And hange-th- hi(m) for hatred . -th-at harmed neu(er)
M: 3,130 hangyt hym for hatrahede . -th-at harmyd hir(e)
neu(er)e [aaAx]
T: 3,131 To be cursid in constorie heo counti[th] not a risshe
H2: 3,131 To be cursid in constorie . he cou(n)ti-th- nou-gh-t
a rissche [aaAx]
Ch: 3,131 To be cursed In constory . sche counte-th- nou-gh-t
a risch [aaAx]
V: 3,131 Heo _th_at ben (Curset) in (Constorie) . (counte_th_)
hit not at a Russche [aaAx]
H: 3,131 -th-ei-gh- heo be corsed in constorie . heo cou[n]ti-th-
not a crosse [aaAx]
J: 3,131 -Th-ow sche be cursyd in constory . sche count(er)yth
nouth a rusche [aaAx]
L: 3,131 To beo corsed in constorie . heo counteth not a
rysche [aaAx]
K: 3,131 To be cursed in constory . sche countyth not a rysche
W: 3,131 To be corsed in constorie . she counteth no-th-
a rishe [aaAx]
N: 3,131 To be cursed in constorie . she cou(n)te-th- nou-gh-t
a risshe [aaAx]
M: 3,131 To ben cursid in co(n)storye . countyht nout a Russhe
T: 3,132 ffor heo copi[th] [th]e Comissarie and do[th]i[th]
hise clerkis
H2: 3,132 ffor he copi-th- -th-e comyssarie . and clothe-th-
his clerkis [aaAa]
Ch: 3,132 ffor sche copeth -th-e comesarie . and clo-th-es
his clerkes [aaAa]
V: 3,132 ffor heo (Cope_th_) _th_e (Comissarie) . and (Cote_th_)
_th_e (Clerkes) [aaAa]
H: 3,132 for heo copi-th- -th-e comessarie . & coti-th-
-th-[e] clerkis [aaAa]
J: 3,132 ffor sche copith -th-e comissary . & cotith
his clerkys [aaAa]
L: 3,132 ffor heo copeth -th-eo co(m)myssary . & koteth
his clerkes [aaAa]
K: 3,132 ffor sche copithe the Co(m)myssarye . & Coteth
his clerk(is) [aaAa]
W: 3,132 She cope-th- -th-e comyssarie . and cote-th- his
clerkes [aaAa]
N: 3,132 She copi-th- -th-e comessarie . & cote-th- his
clerkis [aaAa]
M: 3,132 ffor sche copyth -th-e comissarye . & cloyth
hyse clerkys [aaAa]
T: 3,133 Heo is assoilid so sone as hireself liki[th]
H2: 3,133 He is asoilyd as sone . as [she] hir(e) liky-th-
self [aaAx]
Ch: 3,133 Sche is assoiled als sone . as her self like-th-
V: 3,133 Heo is (asoyled) as (sone) . as (hire-self) lyke_th_
H: 3,133 heo is asoiled as sone . as her(e) self like-th-
J: 3,133 Sche is asoylyd -th-(us) sone . as hir(e) selue
likyth [aaAx]
L: 3,133 Heo is asoiled as sone . als hire seol likyth [aaAx]
K: 3,133 Sche is assoylyd also sone . as her self liketh
W: 3,133 She is assoiled as sone . as hir self lyke-th- [aaAx]
N: 3,133 She is assoiled -th-us sone . as hir self like-th-
M: 3,133 Sche is assoylid as sone . as hyr(e) der(e) liket
T: 3,134 She may nei[gh] as muche do in a mone[th] ones
H2: 3,134 Sche may ney-gh-e as myche do . in a mo(n)-th-e
onus [aaAx]
Ch: 3,134 Sche may ni-gh-e als much done . In a mone-th-
ones [aaAx]
V: 3,134 Heo (may) as (muche) do . In a (Moone_th_) ones
H: 3,134 Heo may do as myche . in a mon-th-e onis [aaAx]
J: 3,134 Sche may ny as mychel done . in a monyth onys [aaAx]
L: 3,134 Heo may negh als muche don . in a moneth ones [aaAx]
K: 3,134 Sche may nigh as mychel done . in a moneth ons [aaAx]
W: 3,134 She may ny-gh- as muche doon . in a mone-th- ones
N: 3,134 She may neigh as myche done . i(n) a mowth one [aaAx]
M: 3,134 Sche may myth don in a monyth as myche ones [aaAx]
T: 3,135 As [y]oure secre sel in seue score dayes
H2: 3,135 As -gh-our(e) secret seel . in seuene scor(e) -gh-eres
dayes [aaAx]
Ch: 3,135 As -gh-oure secret seal . In seuen score daies
V: 3,135 As vre (secre) (seal) . In (Seuen) (score) dayes
H: 3,135 As -gh-our(e) secr(e) seel . in four(e) score wint(ri)s
J: 3,135 As -gh-our(e) secrete seele . in syxe score dayes
L: 3,135 As -gh-oure secrete seal . in sixe skore dayes [aaAx]
K: 3,135 As your secrete seale . in six score dayes [aaAx]
W: 3,135 As -gh-owre secre sele . in sexcore dayes [aaAx]
N: 3,135 As -gh-oure secret seel . in sex score daies [aaAx]
M: 3,135 As -y-our(e) secr(e) seal sir(e) . in viijxx -y-erys
T: 3,136 She is p(re)uy wi[th] [th]e pope p(ro)uiso(ur)s it
H2: 3,136 Sche is preuy w(i)t(h) -th-e pope . p(ro)uiso(ur)s
it knowit-gh- [aaAx]
Ch: 3,136 Sche is preue with -th-e pope . prouesoures hit
knoweth [aaAx]
V: 3,136 Heo is (priue) with _th_e (Pope) . (Prouisours)
hit knowen [aaAx]
H: 3,136 heo is p(ri)ue wi-th- -th-e pope . p(ro)uesours
hit knowi-th- [aaAx]
J: 3,136 Sche is p(re)ue w(i)t(h) -th-e pope . p(ro)uyso(ur)s
it knowyth [aaAx]
L: 3,136 Heo is pryue with -th-e pope . p(ro)uysors hit knoweth
K: 3,136 Sche is p(ry)vye withe [-th-e] pape . p(ro)visoures
it knowyn [aaAx]
W: 3,136 She is priue wi-th- -th-e pope . prouisours it knowen
N: 3,136 She is p(ri)uey wi-th- -th-e pope . p(ro)uiso(ur)s
it knowen [aaAx]
M: 3,136 Sche is pryuy wyt -th-e pope . p(ro)uysours it knowyt
T: 3,137 Sire symonye & hireself seli[th] [th]e bullis
H2: 3,137 Sire symonye and hir(e)self . seli-th- -th-e bulles
Ch: 3,137 Sir Symony and herself . sele-th- -th-e bulles
D: 3,137 Sire symonye & hereself . seale-th- here bulles
V: 3,137 Sir (Simonie) and (hire-self) . (asselen) _th_e
Bulles [aaAx]
H: 3,137 Sir(e) symonye & her(e)self . selen -th-e bullis
J: 3,137 Sir(e) symony & her(e)selue . selyn her(e) bulles
L: 3,137 Sir symony & hireseolf . seollen heore bulles
K: 3,137 Sir symonye & hirself . selyn here bulles [aaAx]
W: 3,137 Simonie and hereself . selen hem here bulles [aaAx]
N: 3,137 Symonye & hirself . selen her bulles [aaAx]
M: 3,137 Sir(e) symonye & hir(e)self . aselyn alle -th-e
bullys [aaAx]
T: 3,138 She blissi[th] [th]ise bisshopis [y]if [th]ei be lewid
H2: 3,138 Sche blessit-gh- -th-ise bisschopus . -gh-if -th-i
be lewyd [aaAx]
Ch: 3,138 Sche blisseth -th-es bischopes . -gh-if -th-ei
be lewde [aaAx]
D: 3,138 She blesse-th- -th-ese bysshopes . -th-o -th-(a)t
-th-ey ben lewed [aaAx]
V: 3,138 Heo (Blessede) _th_e (Bisschopes) . _th_ou_g_ _th_at
_th_ei (ben) lewed [aaAx]
H: 3,138 Heo examyne-th- -th-e byschops . yf -th-ei be-th-
lewid [aaAx]
J: 3,138 Sche blissith -th-ies bischoppes . yef -th-ei ben
lewyd [aaAx]
L: 3,138 Heo blesses -th-eo Bisschopes . -th-agh -th-ey beon
lewed [aaAx]
K: 3,138 Sche blissith the bysschoppes . though thay ben
lewde [aaAx]
W: 3,138 She blyssid -th-e byschopes . -th-if -th-ay be lewed
N: 3,138 She blessi-th- -th-ise bischopis . -th-eigh -th-ei
be lewed [aaAx]
M: 3,138 Sche blissit -th-e bisshopis . -th-er(e) -th-at
-th-ey ben lewyd [aaAx]
T: 3,139 P(ro)uendro(ur)s p(re)stis & p(er)sones she maynteni[th]
to holde
H2: 3,139 P(ro)uendris p(re)stus and p(er)sones . sche maynteny-th-
to hollde [aaAx]
Ch: 3,139 Prouendours prestes . and p(er)sones sche mayntene-th-
to holde [aaAx]
D: 3,139 P(ro)uendours p(er)sones . she mayntenet to holde
V: 3,139 (Prouendreres), (persuns) . (Preostes) heo meyntene_th_
H: 3,139 p(ro)uendres p(er)sou(n)s . & p(re)stis heo
meintene-th- [aaAx]
J: 3,139 Prouend(er)ys p(er)sonus . prestes sche maynteneth
L: 3,139 Prouendrers p(er)sons . and p(ro)uest heo maynteneth
K: 3,139 P(ro)vendreth p(er)sons . & prestes sche mayneteneth
W: 3,139 Prouendre-th- p(er)sons . & styfly hem maynteyne-th-
N: 3,139 P(ro)uendri-th- p(er)sones . & stifly hem may(n)tene-th-
M: 3,139 Prouendrit p(er)sou(n)s . & pryst(es) sche meyntenyt
T: 3,140 Le(m)manis & lotebies alle here lif dayes
H2: 3,140 Lemmannes and lotobies . al her(e) lyf dayes [aaAx]
Ch: 3,140 lemmans and lotebies . alle her lif daies [aaAx]
D: 3,140 lemmans & lubytens . al here lyf dayes [aaAx]
V: 3,140 To holde (Lemmons) and (Lotebyes) . al heor (lyf-dayes)
H: 3,140 to holde le(m)mans & lotebies . alle hir(e)
lyue daies [aaAx]
J: 3,140 To howldyn lemmans & luttebys . alle h(er)e
lyue dayes [aaAx]
L: 3,140 To holde le(m)mones & lotebyes . al heore lif
dayes [aaAx]
K: 3,140 To holden le(m)mans & loteboyes . al their lyfe
dayes [aaAx]
W: 3,140 To holden here lemmans . al here lyf days [aaAx]
N: 3,140 To holden her lemmanes . al her lyf daies [aaAx]
M: 3,140 To holdy(n) le(m)mans & lotebys . alle her(e)
lyf dawys [aaAx]
T: 3,141 And bringen for[th] barnes a[gh]ens forboden lawis
H2: 3,141 And bryng forth barnes . a-gh-ens forboden lawes
Ch: 3,141 And bringen furth barnes . a-gh-ens forbode lawes
D: 3,141 And bryngen for-th- barnes . a-gh-en forboden lawes
V: 3,141 And (bringe_th_) for_th_ (Barnes) . a_g_eyn (forbodene)
lawes [aaAx]
H: 3,141 & bringe-th- for-th- barnes . a-gh-en forbode
lawis [aaAx]
J: 3,141 & bringgyn forth childeryn . a-gh-eyn forbodyn
lawes [aaAx]
L: 3,141 And bryngen forth barnes . a-gh-eyn forboden hestes
K: 3,141 To bryngen forth barnes . ageynst forbodone lawes
W: 3,141 To bringe for-th- barnes . al agayn -th-e lawe [aaAx]
W: 3,141 [C:III,189] { Sunt infelices ; q(uia) matres sunt
meretrices }
N: 3,141 To bryng for-th- barnes . a-gh-ein forbode lawes
N: 3,141 [C:III,189] { Su(n)t in felices quia matres su(n)t
meretrices }
M: 3,141 And bryngyn forth chyldryn . a-y-en -th-e forbody(n)
lawys [aaAx]
T: 3,142 [Th](er)e she is wel wi[th] [th]e king wo is [th]e
H2: 3,142 -Th-(er) sche is wel wit -th-e kyng . wo is -th-e
reaume [axAx]
Ch: 3,142 -Th-er sche is wele with -th-e king . wo is -th-e
rewme [axAx]
D: 3,142 -Th-(er) sche is wel with -th-e kyng . wo is -th-e
Reaume [axAx]
V: 3,142 _Th_er heo is (wel) with _th_e kyng . (wo) is _th_e
Reame [axAx]
H: 3,142 -Th-(er) heo is wel wi-th- -th-e king . wo is -th-e
rewme [axAx]
J: 3,142 -Th-(er) sche is wele w(i)t(h) -th-e kyng . wo is
-th-e rewme [axAx]
L: 3,142 -Th-(er) heo is wel with -th-e kyng . wo is -th-e
rewme [axAx]
K: 3,142 Ther sche is well w(i)t(h) the kyng . woo is the
Realme [axAx]
W: 3,142 Whan she is wel wi-th- -th-e kyng . woo is -th-e
reaume [axAx]
N: 3,142 Wha(n)ne she is wel w(i)t(h) -th-e kyng . woo is
-th-e rewme [axAx]
M: 3,142 -Th-er sche is wel wyt -th-e kyng . wo is -th-e
Reme [axAx]
T: 3,143 ffor she is fauo(ur)able to fals & fouli[th] treu[th]e
H2: 3,143 ffor sche is fauourable to fals . and foulyth treu-th-e
ofte [aaAx]
Ch: 3,143 ffor sche is fauourable to fals . and file-th-
trew-th- ofte [aaAx]
D: 3,143 ffor sche is fauorable to false . & folowe-th-
treuthe ofte [aaAx]
V: 3,143 ffor heo is (ffauerable) to (ffals) . and (foule_th_)
Treu_th_e ofte [aaAx]
H: 3,143 for heo is fauorable to fals . & falli-th- treu-th-e
oft [aaAx]
J: 3,143 ffor sche is fauerable to fals . & fowlyth trewthe
oftyn [aaAx]
L: 3,143 ffor heo is fauorable to fals . & fouleth trouthe
ofte [aaAx]
K: 3,143 ffor sche is fauorable to fals . & fowlyth trewth
ofte [aaAx]
W: 3,143 ffor she fauore-th- -th-e fals . & tru-th- pursue-th-
oft [aaAx]
N: 3,143 ffor she fauore-th- false . & folowe-th- trw-th-e
oft [aaAx]
M: 3,143 ffor sche is fauo(ur)able to false . & defoulyt
-th-e trewthe [aaAx]
T: 3,144 Barouns & burgeis she bringe[th] in sorewe
H2: 3,144 Barounes and burgeys . sche brynge-th- to sorwe
Ch: 3,144 Barounes and Burgeis . sche bringeth In sorowe
D: 3,144 Barou(n)s & Burgeys . sche brynge-th- in sorowe
V: 3,144 (Barouns) and (Burgeis) . heo (bringe_th_) to serwe
H: 3,144 barou(n)s & bachelers . heo bringe-th- to sorwe
J: 3,144 Barounys & burges . sche bryngith in sorowe
L: 3,144 Barons & burgeys . heo bryngeth in slouthe [aaAx]
K: 3,144 Barounes & burgeis . sche bryngith in sorowe
W: 3,144 Barons & Burgeys . she brynge-th- to sorwe [aaAx]
N: 3,144 Barou(n)s & burgeis . she bringe-th- in sorow
M: 3,144 Ofty(n) sche bryngyt barou(n)s & burgeys in
sorwy(n) [aaAx]
T: 3,145 Be Ih(es)u wi[th] hire Iuelx [y]o(ur)e Iustices she
H2: 3,145 Be Ih(es)u wit hir(e) iuelx . -gh-our(e) iustice
sche schendith [aaAx]
Ch: 3,145 Be Ih(es)u with her Iueles . -gh-oure Iustice sche
schende-th- [aaAx]
D: 3,145 Be Ih(es)u w(i)t(h) here Iuels . -gh-oure Iustice
sche schendeth [aaAx]
V: 3,145 Heo Bugge_th_ with heore (Iuweles); . vr (Iustises)
heo schende_th_ [xaAx]
H: 3,145 heo biggi-th- wi-th- her(e) iewels . -gh-our(e)
iustices & hem shendi-th- [aaAx]
J: 3,145 Be Ih(es)u w(i)t(h) hir(e) Iuels . -gh-our Iustyce
sche shendyth [aaAx]
L: 3,145 By Ih(es)u wi-th- hire iewelis . -gh-oure Iustices
heo schendith [aaAx]
K: 3,145 By Iesu w(i)t(h) her Iew all(es) . yo(ur) Iustice
sche schendith [aaAx]
W: 3,145 With here riche Iowelles . -gh-oure Iustise she
shende-th- [aaAx]
N: 3,145 By Ih(es)u wi-th- hir Iuweles . -gh-owr(e) Iustice
she chendi-th- [aaAx]
M: 3,145 Be Ihesu w(i)t(h) hir(e) wylys . -th-e Iustices
sche schendyt [aaAx]
T: 3,146 And lei[th] a[y]en [th]e lawe & letti[th] [th]e
H2: 3,146 And ly-gh-t a-gh-en -th-e lawe . and lettyth -th-e
treu-th-e [aaAx]
Ch: 3,146 And lie-gh-th a-gh-en -th-e lawe . and lette-th-
-th-e trew-th-e [aaAx]
D: 3,146 And leyth a-gh-en -th-e lawe . -th-at feith may
not haue is [aaAx]
V: 3,146 Heo (lih_th_) a_g_eyn _th_e (lawe) . and (lette_th_)
so faste [aaAx]
H: 3,146 maki-th- hem li-gh-e a-gh-ens -th-e lawe . & letti-th-
it so fast [aaAx]
J: 3,146 & doth lityn a-gh-eyne -th-e lawe . & lettyth
hem oftyn [aaAx]
L: 3,146 And combreth heom with hire kraft -th-(a)t crist
-gh-ef -gh-eo bare
K: 3,146 And leyyth a-gh-enst the lawe . that faith may not
haue his forthe [aaAx]
W: 3,146 She lyth agayn -th-e lawe . and lette-th- hem euere
N: 3,146 She lie-th- agayne -th-e lawe . & lette-th-
hi(m) eure [aaAx]
M: 3,146 And allegget a-y-en -y-our(e) lawe . & lettyt
hym -th-e gate [aaAx]
T: 3,147 [Th](a)t fei[th] may not haue his for[th] hire floreynes
go so [th]ikke
H2: 3,147 That fey-th- may nat haue his forth . hir(e) floreyn(es)
go so -th-ikke [aaAx]
Ch: 3,147 -Th-at faith may nou-gh-t haue his furthe . his
florans go so -th-ikke [aaAx]
D: 3,147 ffor here false floryns walke so -th-ykke [aaAx]
V: 3,147 _Th_at (ffei_th_) may not han his (for_th_) . hir
(fflorins) gon so _th_ikke [aaAx]
H: 3,147 -Th-at fei-th- may haue no for-th- . hir(e) floryns
go-th- so -th-icke [aaAx]
J: 3,147 -Th-(a)t feyth may nouth haue his forth . her(e)
floreyns go so thikke [aaAx]
L: 3,147 So -th-at feith may not haue his forth for . floryns
gon so thykke [aaAx]
K: 3,147 ffor her florence gone so faste & therw(i)t(h)
so thykke [aaAx]
W: 3,147 That fai-th- may not haue his for-th- . hire floreins
go so -th-ikke [aaAx]
N: 3,147 -Th-(a)t fei-th- may nou-gh-t haue his for-th- .
her florens go so -th-ikke [aaAx]
M: 3,147 -Th-at feyth no forth hat . hir(e) gold goot so
-th-inke [aaAx]
T: 3,148 She let lawe as hire list & louedaies maki[th]
H2: 3,148 Sche let lawe as hir(e) lust . and louedayes maky-th-
Ch: 3,148 Sche ledith lawe as her list . and lufdaies maketh
D: 3,148 Sche ledeth lawe as sche lyst . & louedayes
maket [aaAx]
V: 3,148 Heo (lede_th_) _th_e (lawe) as hire (luste) . & (loue-dayes)
make_th_ [aaaAx]
H: 3,148 Heo ledi-th- -th-e lawis as heo wol . & louedaies
maki-th- [aaAx]
J: 3,148 Sche ledyth lawe as h(er)e list . & lufdayes
makyth [aaAx]
L: 3,148 Heo ledith lawe as hire lust . & louedayes makith
K: 3,148 Sche ledith the lawe as her list . & louedais
maketh [aaAx]
W: 3,148 She ledith -th-e lawe rith as here self list
W: 3,148 And louedays make-th- agayn right [aaAx]
N: 3,148 She lede-th- -th-e lawe as hir lust . & louedayes
make-th- [aaAx]
M: 3,148 Sche ledyt lawe as her(e) lest . & ladiys loue
makyt [aaAx]
T: 3,149 [Th]e mase for a mene man [th]ei[gh] he mote eu(er)e
H2: 3,149 The mase for a mene man . thei-gh- he mote eu(er)e
Ch: 3,149 -Th-e mase for a mene man . -th-ow-gh- he mote
euer [aaAx]
D: 3,149 The mase for a mene man . -th-ou-gh- he mote eu(er)e
V: 3,149 _Th_e (Mase) for a (Mene) (mon) . _th_au_g_ he (mote)
euere [aaaAx]
H: 3,149 -Th-e mase for a mene ma(n) . -th-ei-gh- he plede
eu(er)e [aaAx]
J: 3,149 -Th-e mase for a mene ma(n) . -gh-of he mote eu(er)e
L: 3,149 -Th-eo mase for a mene man . -th-agh he mote euer(e)
K: 3,149 The mase for a mene man . though he mote eu(er)
W: 3,149 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 3,149 The mase for a mene man . -th-eigh he mote eur(e)
M: 3,149 -Th-e mase for a mene man . -th-ey he mote euer(e)
T: 3,150 Lawe is so lordlich & lo[th] to make ende
H2: 3,150 Lawe is so lordlych . and loth to make ende [aaAx]
Ch: 3,150 Lawe is so lordliche . and lo-th-e to make ende
D: 3,150 Lawe is now lordschipe . & loth to make ende
V: 3,150 (Lawe) is so (lordlich) . and (lo_th_) to maken
eende [aaAx]
H: 3,150 Lawe is so lordliche p(ro)ud . & lo-th- to make
ende [aaAx]
J: 3,150 Lawe is so lordeliche . & lothe to makyn ende
L: 3,150 Lawe is so lordlich . and loth to make an eynde
K: 3,150 Lawe is so lordlich . & loth to make an ende
W: 3,150 The lawe is now so lordly . & lo-th- to maken
ende [aaAx]
N: 3,150 The lawe is so lordely . & lo-th- to make an
ende [aaAx]
M: 3,150 Hir(e) lawe is so lordliche . & loth to makyn
ende [aaAx]
T: 3,151 Wi[th]oute p(re)sentis or panis he plesi[th] ful fewe
H2: 3,151 Witoute p(re)sentys or panis . he plesi-th- ful
fewe [aaAx]
Ch: 3,151 Without presauntes or pans . sche pleseth ful fewe
D: 3,151 Withoute p(re)sentes or pens . he pleseth ful fewe
V: 3,151 With-outen (presentes) or (pons) . heo (plese_th_)
ful fewe [aaAx]
H: 3,151 Wi-th-oute p(re)sentes o-th-(er) penyes . heo plesi-th-
wel fewe [aaAx]
J: 3,151 Withoute(n) p(re)sent[ys] or penyes . sche plesyth
wel fewe [aaAx]
L: 3,151 Wi-th- [oute] present of pans . heo pleseth wel
fewe [aaAx]
K: 3,151 Without p(re)sent-gh- or penies . he plesith wel
fewe [aaAx]
W: 3,151 Wi-th-outen presens of pens . she plese-th- wel
fewe [aaAx]
N: 3,151 wi-th-outen p(re)sens or pens . sche pleci-th- wel
fewe [aaAx]
M: 3,151 W(i)t(h) p(re)sentys & pens . sche plesit wol
manye [aaAx]
T: 3,152 Clergie & coueitise he coupli[th] togid(er)e
H2: 3,152 Clergie and couetise . he compli-th- togyderes
Ch: 3,152 Clergie and couatise . sche couple-th- togeder
D: 3,152 Clergye & coueytise . she couplet togydere [aaAx]
V: 3,152 (Clergye) an (Couetise) . heo (Couple_th_) to-gedere
H: 3,152 Clergie & couetise . heo coupli-th- togedris
J: 3,152 Clergies & couetys . sche cowpellith togyder(e)
L: 3,152 Clergye & couetis . heo coupleth togedre [aaAx]
K: 3,152 Clergie & couetise . sche cowpelith together
W: 3,152 Clergie & couetise . she coup[l]e-th- togedres
N: 3,152 Clergie & coueytise . she cople-th- togidre
M: 3,152 Clergise & coueitise . sche compellit togederys
T: 3,153 [Th]is is [th]e lif of [th]at lady now lord [y]if
hire sorewe
H2: 3,153 -Th-is is -th-e lif of -th-at lady . now lord -gh-yue
hir(e) sorwe [aaAx]
Ch: 3,153 -Th-is is -th-e lif of -th-at lady . our lorde
-gh-ef her sorowe [aaAx]
D: 3,153 -Th-is is -th-e lyf of -th-at lady . now lord -gh-if
here sorowe [aaAx]
V: 3,153 _Th_is is _th_e (lyf) of _th_e (ladi) . vr (lord)
_g_if hire serwe [aaAx]
H: 3,153 -Th-is is -th-e lyf of -th-y ladie . oure lord -gh-eue
hir(e) sorwe [aaAx]
J: 3,153 -Th-is ys -th-e lyue of -th-(a)t leuedy . now lou(er)d
-gh-if h(er)e sorow [aaAx]
L: 3,153 -Th-is is -th-eo lif of -th-is lady . god gyfe hire
sorwe [aaAx]
K: 3,153 This is the life of that lady . now our lord geve
her sorowe [aaAx]
W: 3,153 This is -th-e lyf of -th-at lady . now lord -gh-ef
here sorwe [aaAx]
N: 3,153 This is -th-e li-gh-f of -th-(a)t lady . now lorde
gif hir sorowe [aaAx]
M: 3,153 -Th-eys is -th-e lyf of -th-at lady . our(e) lord
-y-iue her(e) sorwe [aaAx]
T: 3,154 And alle [th](a)t meynteni[th] hire men meschaunce
hem betide
H2: 3,154 And al -th-at mayntene-th- hir(e) men . mysch(au)nce
hem betide [aaAx]
Ch: 3,154 And alle -th-at maynten her meny . myschaunce hem
betide [aaAx]
D: 3,154 And -th-at meynteneth here now . myschau(n)ce he(m)
betyde [aaAx]
V: 3,154 And alle _th_at (Meyntene_th_) hire . vr lord _g_iue
hem care [xaAx]
H: 3,154 & alle -th-at her(e) meyntene-th- . myschau(n)ce
hem bytide [aaAx]
J: 3,154 & alle -th-(a)t maynten hir(e) men . myschaunce
he(m) betyde [aaAx]
L: 3,154 And alle -th-at meynteneth hire men . meschau(n)se
heo(m) byt[ide] [aaAx]
K: 3,154 And al that meynteyn her men . myschance hem betyde
W: 3,154 And all -th-at here mayntene now . sorwe hem betide
N: 3,154 & alle -th-(a)t her mayntene . Meschau(n)ce
hem bityde [aaAx]
M: 3,154 And alle hir(e) meynteno(ur)s . mischau(n)s hem
betyde [aaAx]
T: 3,155 ffor pou(er)e men mowe haue no power to pleyne [y]if
hem sm(er)te
H2: 3,155 ffor por(e) men now haue no power(e) . to pleyne
if he(m) smerte [aaAx]
Ch: 3,155 ffor pore mow haue no power . to pleine -gh-ef
hem smert [aaAx]
D: 3,155 ffor pore men mow haue no power . to pleyne -th-ou-gh-
he(m) smerte [aaAx]
V: 3,155 ffor (pore) may haue no (pouwer) . to (playne),
_th_au_g_ hem smerte [aaAx]
H: 3,155 for -th-e pore may haue no power(e) . to pleyne
-th-ei he(m) sm(er)t [aaAx]
J: 3,155 ffor pour(e) haue no power(e) . to pleynyn -th-of
he(m) smerte [aaAx]
L: 3,155 ffor pore men mown haue no power . to pleyne -th-agh
-th-ey sterue [aaAx]
K: 3,155 ffor pore men may haue no power . to pleyn though
hem smarte [aaAx]
W: 3,155 The pore ha-th- no power . to playn -gh-if him smert
N: 3,155 -Th-e pore ha-th- no power . to pleyne -th-owgh
hi(m) scholde [aaAx]
M: 3,155 ffor pouer(e) men han no power . to pleyny(n) -th-ey
he(m) sm(er)te [aaAx]
T: 3,156 Such a maist(er) is mede among men of goode
H2: 3,156 Such a maist(er) is mede . among men of gode [aaAx]
Ch: 3,156 Such a maister is mede . among men of gode [aaAx]
D: 3,156 Suche a mayst(er) ys mede . among me(n) of good
V: 3,156 Such a (Mayster) is (Meede) . A-Mong (Men) of goode
H: 3,156 Siche a maist(er) is mede . among me(n) of gode
J: 3,156 Swyche a mayst(er) is mede . amonge men of gode
L: 3,156 Suche a maister is mede . among men of gode [aaAx]
K: 3,156 Such a master is mede . amonge men of goode [aaAx]
W: 3,156 Shche a mayster is mede . and pleyned to -th-e kyng
N: 3,156 Suche a maistre is mede . among men of gode [aaAx]
M: 3,156 Swich a maist(er) is Mede . among me(n) of goode
T: 3,157 [Th]anne mo(ur)nide mede & menide hire to [th]e
H2: 3,157 Than mede mornyde . and menyde to -th-e kyng [aaAx]
Ch: 3,157 -Th-an morned mede . and mened her to -th-e king
D: 3,157 -Th-an morned mede . & mened here to -th-e kyng
V: 3,157 _Th_Enne (Mornede) (Meede) . and (Menede) hire to
_th_e kyng [aaAx]
H: 3,157 -th-en morned mede . & pleyned hir(e) to -th-e
king [aaAx]
J: 3,157 -Th-an morned mede . & menyd hir(e) to -th-e
kyng [aaAx]
L: 3,157 -Th-an morned mede . & mened hire to -th-e kyng
K: 3,157 Than mornyd mede . & mevyd her to the kyng [aaAx]
W: 3,157 --- this line om ---
N: 3,157 -Th-a(n)ne morned mede . & mowed hir to -th-e
kyng [aaAx]
M: 3,157 -Th-anne mornede Mede . & pleynyd to -th-e kyng
T: 3,158 To haue space to speke spede [y]if she m[ig]hte
H2: 3,158 To haue space to [speke] . spede -gh-if he my-gh-te
Ch: 3,158 To haue space to speke . spede -gh-ef sche my-gh-t
D: 3,158 To haue space to speke . spede -gh-if sche my-gh-te
V: 3,158 To haue (space) to (speken) . (spede) _g_if heo
mihte [aaAx]
H: 3,158 To haue space forto speke . spede -gh-if heo mi-gh-t
J: 3,158 To haue space to speykyn . spede if sche myht [aaAx]
L: 3,158 To haue space to speke . spede -gh-ef heo myghte
K: 3,158 To haue space to speke . spede if sche myght [aaAx]
W: 3,158 To haue leue to speke . spede -gh-if she myght [aaAx]
N: 3,158 To haue space to speke . spede -gh-if she my-gh-th
M: 3,158 --- this line is omitted ---
T: 3,159 [Th]e king g(ra)untide hire g(ra)ce wi[th] a good
H2: 3,159 The kyng g(ra)untide hir(e) grace . wi-th- a good
wille [aaAx]
Ch: 3,159 -Th-e king graunted her grace . with a gode wille
D: 3,159 The kyng graunted here g(ra)ce . w(i)t(h) a good
wille [aaAx]
V: 3,159 _Th_enne _th_e kyng (graunted) hire (grace) . with
a (good) wille [aaAx]
H: 3,159 -Th-e king g(ra)untid hir(e) grace . wi-th- a goodli
wille [aaAx]
J: 3,159 -Th-e kyng g(ra)untyd hir(e) g(ra)ce . with a gode
wille [aaAx]
L: 3,159 -Th-e kyng grauntith hire g(ra)ce . wi-th- a good
wille [aaAx]
K: 3,159 The kyng graunted her grace . with a goode wylle
W: 3,159 The kyng graunte-th- here grace . wi-th- a good
wille [aaAx]
N: 3,159 The kyng grau(n)ted hir g(ra)ce . wi-th- a gode
wille [aaAx]
M: 3,159 And he g(ra)untyd hir(e) grace . wit a god wille
T: 3,160 Excuse [th]e [y]if [th](o)u canst I can no more sei[gh]e
H2: 3,160 Excuse -th-e -gh-if thou canst . I can no mor(e)
sei-gh-e [aaAx]
Ch: 3,160 Ascuse -th-e -gh-ef -th-ow canst . I can no more
sey [aaAx]
D: 3,160 Excuse -th-e -gh-if -th-(o)u canst . I can no more
sigge [aaAx]
V: 3,160 (Excuse) _th_e, _g_if _th_ou (const) . I (con) no
more seye [aaAx]
H: 3,160 excuse -th-ee -gh-if -th-ou canst . y can sey no
more [aaAx]
J: 3,160 Excuse [-th-e] if -th-(o)u canste . I can no more
segge [aaAx]
L: 3,160 Escuse -th-e -gh-ef -th-ou canst . y kan no more
segge [aaAx]
K: 3,160 Excuse [the] if thou canst . I can no more sayne
W: 3,160 Excuse -th-e -gh-if -th-ou canst . I can no bettre
say [aaAx]
N: 3,160 Excuse -th-e -gh-if -th-(o)u canst . I can no bettre
seyn [aaAx]
M: 3,160 Excuse -th-e -y-yf -th-u kanst . I kan no mor(e)
siggyn [aaAx]
T: 3,161 ffor consience acusi[th] [th]e to cunge for eu(er)e
H2: 3,161 ffor consience acuset -th-e . to conge -th-e for
eu(er)e [aaAx]
Ch: 3,161 ffor conscience acuse-th- -th-e . to conge -th-e
for euer [aaAx]
D: 3,161 ffor consience accuse-th- -th-e . to Conge -th-e
for euere [aaAx]
V: 3,161 ffor (Concience) ha_th_ (a-cuiset) _th_e . to (Congeye)
for euere [aaAx]
H: 3,161 for conscience ha-th- accused -th-ee . to conieye
-th-e for euere [aaAx]
J: 3,161 ffor consciens konygliche acusith -th-e for eu(er)e
L: 3,161 ffor consience -th-e acuseth . to congey -th-e for
euer [aaAx]
K: 3,161 ffor consience accuseth the . to hange the for eu(er)
W: 3,161 ffor conscience accuse-th- -th-e . to conge -th-e
for euere [aaAx]
N: 3,161 ffor conscience acuse-th- -th-e . to congeie -th-e
for eur(e) [aaAx]
M: 3,161 ffor concience acusit -th-e . to congy(n) -th-e
for eu(er)e [aaAx]
D: 3,78 Or p(re)sentes w(i)t(h)oute pans . as peces of silu(er) [aaAx]
D: 3,79 Rynges or other richesses . Regrato(ur)s to mayntene [aaAx]
D: 3,80 ffor my loue q(ou)d -th-(a)t lady . loue hem echone [aaAx]
D: 3,81 And suffre hem to selle . somdel a-gh-en resou(n) [aaAx]
D: 3,82 Salomon -th-e sage . a sermou(n) he made [aaAx]
D: 3,83 ffor to Amende me(n) . -th-(a)t kepe -th-e lawes [aaaXx]
D: 3,84 And toke hym -th-is teme . -th-(a)t I telle -th-ynke [aaAx]
D: 3,85 { Ignis deuorabit tabernacula eor(um) qui libent(er) accipiu(n)t mun(er)a } [Latin]
D: 3,86 Among -th-is lettred lordes . -th-is latyn amou(n)te-th- [aaAx]
D: 3,87 The fyer schal falle . & forbrenne at -th-e laste [aaAx]
D: 3,88 -Th-e hows & -th-e homes . of hem -th-(a)t desiren [aaAx]
D: 3,89 To haue -gh-iftes for here seruyses . in -gh-oug-th-e or on olde [????]
D: 3,90 -th-an -th-e kyng fro Counceil come . & called aft(ir) mede [aaaAx]
D: 3,91 And ofsente here as swythe . s(er)uauntes here fette [aaAx]
D: 3,92 And browte to boure . w(i)t(h) blysse & w(i)t(h) Ioye [aaAx]
D: 3,93 Certes -th-an -th-e kyng . comse-th- to telle [aaAx]
D: 3,94 To mede -th-e mayde . mekely -th-ese wordes [aaAx]
D: 3,95 Vnwittily . wrought hast -th-(o)u wel ofte [aaAx]
D: 3,96 Ac worse wroutest -th-u neu(er) . -th-an -th-o -th-(o)u fals toke [aaXx]
D: 3,97 Ac I forgeve -th-e -th-y gylt . & grau(n)te -th-e g(ra)ce [aaAa]
D: 3,98 Hennes to -th-y deth day . do -th-(o)u so no mor(e) [aaAx]
D: 3,99 I haue a ly-gh-t concience . come late fro be-gh-onde [aaAx]
D: 3,100 Yf he wylle-th- -th-e to wyf . wilt -th-(o)u hym haue [aaAx]
D: 3,101 -gh-e lord q(ou)d -th-(a)t lady . lord forbede it elles [aaAx]
D: 3,102 --- this line is omitted ---
D: 3,103 -Th-an was Called . to comyn & Apere [aaAx]
D: 3,104 Before -th-e kyng & his counceil . clerkes & o-th-(er) [aaAx]
D: 3,105 Knelyng Concience . to -th-e kyng lowted [aaAx]
D: 3,106 What -th-at his wille were . & what he don schold [aaAx]
D: 3,107 Wilt -th-(o)u wedde -th-is wo(m)ma(n) . yf he wole assent [aaAx]
D: 3,108 ffor sche is fayn of -th-is felaschep . for to be -th-y make [aaAxx]
D: 3,109 Quod concience to -th-e kyng . Crist it me forbede [aaAx]
D: 3,110 Or I wolde suche a wyf . wo me betyde [aaAx]
D: 3,111 She is frele of here feyth . fekyl of here speche [aaAx]
D: 3,112 She maketh men mysdon . many score tyme [aaaAx]
D: 3,113 In trust of here tresoure . sche tenes wel many [aaAx]
D: 3,114 Wyfes & wydowes . wantonnesse techeth [aaAx]
D: 3,115 Lered hem lecherye . -th-(a)t loued here -gh-iftes [aaXx]
D: 3,116 -Gh-oure fader sche felde . w(i)t(h) fals behestes [aaAx]
D: 3,117 Apoysoned Popes . apeyred holy Churche [aaAx]
D: 3,118 I not a bett(er) Baude . by hy(m) -th-at me made [aaAxx]
D: 3,119 Betwen helle & heuene . in Erthe -th-ey men sou-gh-te [aaAx]
D: 3,120 She is tikyl of he tayle . talewys of here tonge [aaAx]
D: 3,121 As comoune as cartway . to knaues & to monkes [aaAx]
T: 3,162 Nay lord q(uo)d [th](a)t lady leue him [th]e wers
H2: 3,162 Nay lord q(uo)d -th-at ladi . leue hi(m) -th-e
wers [aaAx]
Ch: 3,162 Nay lord q(uo)d -th-e lady . leue hym -th-e wors
D: 3,162 Nay lord q(uo)d -th-e lady . leue hym -th-e worse
V: 3,162 Nay (lord) qua_th_ _th_at (ladi) . (leef) him _th_e
worse [aaAx]
H: 3,162 Nay lord quo-th- -th-e lady . leue hym -th-e wors
J: 3,162 Nay lorde q(uo)d sche -th-oo . leuyth him -th-e
werse [aaAx]
L: 3,162 Nay lord q(uo)d -th-at lady . leues him -th-e worse
K: 3,162 Nay lord q(uo)d that lady . levyth hym the worsse
W: 3,162 -Gh-e lord q(uo)d -th-e lady . leue-th- hym -th-e
wers [aaAx]
N: 3,162 -Gh-e lord q(uo)d -th-(a)t lady . leue hy(m) -th-e
werse [aaAx]
M: 3,162 Nay lord q(uo)d Mede [-th-o] . ac leue hy(m) -th-e
werse [aaAx]
T: 3,163 Whanne [y]e wyte wytt(er)ly where [th]e wrong ligge[th]
H2: 3,163 Whan -gh-e wyte wyt(er)ly . wher(e) -th-e wrong
liggy-th- [aaAx]
Ch: 3,163 When -gh-e wete witterly . wher -th-e wrong liggeth
D: 3,163 Whan -gh-e wete-th- wytt(er)ly . wher -th-e wrong
lyggeth [aaAx]
V: 3,163 Whon _g_e (witen) (witerliche) . Wher _th_e (wrong)
lih_th_ [aaAx]
H: 3,163 when -gh-e wite(n) witt(er)ly . wher(e) -th-e wrong
li-th- [aaAx]
J: 3,163 Qwan -gh-e wytyn wytt(er)ly . qwer(e) -th-e wrong
liggith [aaAx]
L: 3,163 When -gh-e witen wit(er)ly . wher -th-eo wrong liggeth
K: 3,163 Whanne ye wyttyn wytterly . wher the wrong liggeth
W: 3,163 Whan -gh-e witte witturly . wher -th-e wrong lyth
N: 3,163 Whan -gh-e wot witterly . where -th-e wrong li-gh-the
M: 3,163 Whan -y-e wetyn witt(er)ly . wer -th-e -th-e wrong
lyth [aaAx]
T: 3,164 [Th](er)e [th](a)t meschief is gret mede may helpe
H2: 3,164 Ther(e) -th-at myschief is gret . mede mede may
helpe [axAx]
Ch: 3,164 -Th-er -th-at mischef is grete . mede may helpe
D: 3,164 -Th-(er) -th-at myschef is gret . mede mayde may
helpe [axAx]
V: 3,164 _Th_er (Mischef) is gret lord . (Meede) may helpe
H: 3,164 -Th-(er) meschef is most . mede it may amende [axAx]
J: 3,164 ffor -th-(er) -th-at mischefe is grete . mede may
helpyn [axAx]
L: 3,164 -Th-er -th-at meschef is most . mede may ofte helpe
K: 3,164 Ther that myschef is grett . mede may helpe [axAx]
W: 3,164 Ther -th-at meschef it gret . mede may helpe [axAx]
N: 3,164 There -th-(a)t myschef is gret . mede may helpe
M: 3,164 ffor -th-er as mischef is gret . Mede mai helpyn
T: 3,165 And [th](o)u knowist consience I can nou[gh]t for
to chide
H2: 3,165 And -th-(o)u knowist consience . I cam nou-gh-t
for to chide [aaAx]
Ch: 3,165 And -th-ow knowest conscience . I cam nou-gh-t
for to chide [aaAx]
D: 3,165 And -th-(o)u knowest Concience . I come not for
to chyde [aaAx]
V: 3,165 And _th_ou (knowest), (Concience) . I (com) not
to chyde [aaAx]
H: 3,165 -th-ow knowist wel conscience . y come not to chyde
J: 3,165 And -th-(o)u knowes wele consciens . I cam noth
to chide [aaAx]
L: 3,165 And -th-ou knowest consience . y com not to chide
K: 3,165 And thou knowest consyence . I come not to chyde
W: 3,165 And -th-ou knowest conscience . I come not heder
to chide [aaAx]
N: 3,165 And -th-(o)u knowest conscience . I come nou-gh-t
to chide [aaAx]
M: 3,165 --- this line is omitted ---
T: 3,166 Ne to dep(ra)ue [th]i p(er)sone wi[th] a proud herte
H2: 3,166 Ne to da(m)pne -th-i p(er)sone . wi-th- a proude
herte [aaAx]
Ch: 3,166 Ne to depraue -th-y p(er)sone . with a proude hert
D: 3,166 Ne to dep(ra)ue -th-y p(er)sone . with a proud herte
V: 3,166 Ne to (depraue) _th_i (persone) . with a (proud)
herte [aaAx]
H: 3,166 ne to depraue -th-y p(er)sone . wi-th- a prout hert
J: 3,166 Ne dep(ra)uyn -th-i p(er)sou(n) . with a proude
hert [aaAx]
L: 3,166 No to dampne -th-y person . with a proud heorte
K: 3,166 Ne to depraue thy p(er)sone . with prowde harte
W: 3,166 Ne to depraue -th-i p(er)sone . wi-th- a proud hert
N: 3,166 Ne to dep(ra)ue -th-i p(er)sone . wi-th- a proud
herte [aaAx]
M: 3,166 --- this line is omitted ---
T: 3,167 Wel [th]ou wost consience but [y]if [th](o)u wilt
H2: 3,167 Wel -th-(o)u wost consience . but if -th-(o)u wilt
ly-gh-e [aaxAx]
Ch: 3,167 Wel -th-ow-gh- wost conscience . but -gh-ef -th-ow
wilt lie [aaxAx]
D: 3,167 Wel -th-(o)u wost Concience . but yf -th-(o)u wilt
lye [aaxAx]
V: 3,167 (Wel) _th_ou (wost), Concience . (But _g_if _th_ou
(wolt) ly_g_e) [aaxAx]
H: 3,167 Wel -th-ou wost conscience . but yf -th-ou wolt
ly-gh-e [aaxAx]
J: 3,167 Wele -th-(o)u woste consciens . but if -th-(o)u
wylt lyen [aaxAx]
L: 3,167 Wel -th-(o)u wost consience . bote -gh-ef -th-ou
wolt lye [aaxAx]
K: 3,167 Well thou wotest consience . but if thou wylt lye
W: 3,167 Wel -th-ou wost conscience . but -th-ou wilt lye
N: 3,167 Wel -th-(o)u wost conscience . but -gh-if -th-(o)u
wilt lye [aaxAx]
M: 3,167 And wel -th-u wost co(n)cience . but -y-yf -th-(o)u
wilt lys [aaxAx]
T: 3,168 [Th]ou hast hongid on myn half enleuene tymes
H2: 3,168 Thow hast honged on my half . enleuene tymes [aaAx]
Ch: 3,168 -Th-ow hast honged on myn half . elleuen tymes
D: 3,168 -Th-(o)u hast honged on my half . elleuene tymes
V: 3,168 _Th_ow hast (honged) on my Nekke . (Enleue) tymes
H: 3,168 -Th-(o)u hast hongid on [myn] [n]ecke . elleue(n)
tymes [aaAx]
J: 3,168 -Th-(a)t -th-(o)u hast hangyn on myn half . elleuen
tyme [aaAx]
L: 3,168 -Th-ou hast honged on myn half . mony feole tymes
K: 3,168 Thou hast hongyd on my halse . elleuene tymes [aaAx]
W: 3,168 Thow hast hongen on myn half . elleuene tymes [aaAx]
N: 3,168 -Th-(o)u hast hanged on my halse . elleuene tymes
M: 3,168 -Th-(o)u hast hangyd on my(n) half . endleue tymys
T: 3,169 And ek grepe my gold & gyue it where [th]e liki[th]
H2: 3,169 And grypen my gold . and gyuen it wher(e) -th-e
liky-th- [aaAx]
Ch: 3,169 And eke gripen my gold . and geuen hit -th-(er)
-th-e liketh [aaAx]
D: 3,169 And eke grepe my gold . & geue it where -th-e
liketh [aaAx]
V: 3,169 And eke (I-gripen) of my (gold) . and (_g_iuen)
_th_er _th_e lykede [aaAx]
H: 3,169 & also gripe(n) of my gold . & -gh-eue wher(e)
-th-e list [aaAx]
J: 3,169 And hast gropyn of my golde . to -gh-ifen wer(e)
-th-e lyked [aaAx]
L: 3,169 And eken haste grope my gold . gyfe wher -th-e liketh
K: 3,169 And eke groped my gold . & yevyn it where the
lyked [aaAx]
W: 3,169 And also griped of my gold . & gef where -th-ou
lyked [aaAx]
N: 3,169 And also grypen of my golde . gif wer(e) -th-e liked
M: 3,169 & grepe my(n) gold wyt -th-yn hand . to -y-eue
wher -th-e liked [aaAx]
T: 3,170 Why [th](o)u wra[th][th]est [th]e now wondir me [th]inki[th]
H2: 3,170 Whi -th-ou wrothist -th-e now . wonder me -th-inkyth
Ch: 3,170 Whi -th-ow wra-th--th-est me now . wonder me -th-inketh
D: 3,170 Why -th-(o)u wrathest now . wondir me -th-inketh
V: 3,170 Whi _th_ou (wra_th__th_est) _th_e now . (wonder)
me _th_inke_th_ [axAx]
H: 3,170 Why wra-th--th-est -th-ee now . wonder me -th-inke-th-
J: 3,170 Qwy -th-(o)u wrathys -th-e now . wonder me thynkys
L: 3,170 And why -th-ou wrathest -th-e now . wondur me thynkith
K: 3,170 Why thou wrathest now . wonder me thynkyth [aaAx]
W: 3,170 Why -th-ou wrathest -th-e now . wonder me -th-enketh
N: 3,170 Whi wra-th--th-est -th-e now . wondre me -th-inke-th-
M: 3,170 Why -th-u wratthist me now . wond(ir) me -th-ynkyt
T: 3,171 [Y]et I may as I mi[gh]te auaunce [th]e wi[th] [y]eftis
H2: 3,171 -Gh-it I may as I my-gh-t . au(au)nce -th-e wi-th-
-gh-iftes [aaAx]
Ch: 3,171 -Gh-it I may as I my-gh-t . avaunce -th-e with
-gh-eftes [aaAx]
D: 3,171 -Gh-it I may as I my-gh-te . Au(au)nce -th-e with
-gh-iftes [aaAx]
V: 3,171 ffor _g_it I (may) as I (mihte) . (menske) _th_e
wi_th_ _g_iftes [aaAx]
H: 3,171 -gh-it y may as y mi-gh-t menske . -th-ee wi-th-
-gh-eftis [aaAx]
J: 3,171 -Gh-it I may as I myht . manschippyn -th-e w(i)t(h)
-gh-yftys [aaAx]
L: 3,171 -Gh-et may y as y myghte . mens be -th-e with -gh-iftes
K: 3,171 Yet I may as I might . menske the with yeftes [aaAx]
W: 3,171 ffor -gh-it I may as I myght . menske -th-e wi-th-
-gh-eftes [aaAx]
N: 3,171 ffor -gh-it I may as I myyth . Mensk -th-e wi-th-
-gh-iftes [aaAx]
M: 3,171 -Y-it I may as I mgthe . menske -th-e w(i)t(h) -y-yftys
T: 3,172 And maynteyne [th]i manhod more [th]an [th](o)u knowist
H2: 3,172 And maynteyne -th-i manhod . mor(e) -th-an -th-ou
knowist [aaAx]
Ch: 3,172 And maynteyn -th-y manhode . more -th-an -th-ow
knowest [aaAx]
D: 3,172 And mayntene -th-y manhod . more -th-an -th-u knowest
V: 3,172 And (Meyntene) _th_i (Monhede) . (more) _th_en _th_ou
knowest [aaAx]
H: 3,172 & meynteyne -th-y manhood . more -th-e(n) -th-ou
knowest [aaAx]
J: 3,172 & maynten -th-in manhode . more -th-an -th-(o)u
knowist [aaAx]
L: 3,172 And meyntene -th-y monhode . more -th-an -th-ou
knowest [aaAx]
K: 3,172 And mayneteyne thy manhede . more than thow knowest
W: 3,172 And mayntene -th-i manhode . more -th-an [-th-(o)u]
knowest [aaAx]
N: 3,172 & mayntene -th-i manhode . more -th-an -th-(o)u
knowest [aaAx]
M: 3,172 And meynten -th-yn manhod . mo(re) -th-an -th-(o)u
knowyst [aaAx]
T: 3,173 And [th](o)u hast famid me foule before [th]e king
H2: 3,173 And -th-(o)u hast famed me foule . befor(e) -th-e
kyng here [aaAxx]
Ch: 3,173 And -th-ow hast famed me falsly . before -th-e
king here [aaAxx]
D: 3,173 And -th-u hast famed me foule . before -th-e kyng
here [aaAxx]
V: 3,173 And _th_ou hast (famed) me (foule) . (bifore) the
kyng heere [aaAx]
H: 3,173 but -th-ou hast famed me foule . byfore -th-e king
now-th-e [aaAxx]
J: 3,173 Ac -th-(o)u hast famyd me fowle . befor -th-e kyng
her(e) [aaAxx]
L: 3,173 And -th-ou hast famed me foule . byfore -th-y kyn
here [aaAxx]
K: 3,173 And thou haste famed me fowle . before the kyng
here [aaAxx]
W: 3,173 But -th-ow hast defamed me . afore -th-e kyng [aaAxx]
N: 3,173 But -th-(o)u hast famed me fowle . afore -th-e kyng
here [aaAxx]
M: 3,173 But -th-(o)u hat famed me foule . befor -th-e ky(n)g
her(e) [aaAxx]
T: 3,174 ffor kilde I neu(er)e no king ne counseilide [th](er)aftir
H2: 3,174 ffor ky[l]de [I] neu(er)e no kyng . ne cou(n)seilyd
-th-(er)aftir [aaAx]
Ch: 3,174 Miskaried I neuer no king . ne counseile -th-erafter
D: 3,174 ffor kelled I neu(er) kyng . ne Counceilled -th-(er)aft(ir)
V: 3,174 ffor (Culde) I neuere no (kyng) . ne (counseilede)
_th_er-after [aaAx]
H: 3,174 & I agult hym nue(er) . ne his counsel ne-th-(er)
J: 3,174 ffor kyllid I neu(er) no kyng . ne counceld -th-(er)aft(ir)
L: 3,174 ffor kulled y neuer no kyng . no counseiled -th-eraftre
K: 3,174 ffor kylled I neu(er) no kynge . ne counseyled therafter
W: 3,174 Ne killed I neuere kyng . ne conseilled -th-erafter
N: 3,174 ffor killed neure -th-e kyng . ne counseiled -th-ereaftre
M: 3,174 ffor gylede I neu(er)e no kyng . no conseylyd hy(m)
-th-(er)after [aaAx]
T: 3,175 Ne dide as [th](o)u demist I do it on [th]e king
H2: 3,175 Ne dide as -th-(o)u demest . I do it on -th-e kyng
Ch: 3,175 Ne ded I as -th-ow demest . I do hit on -th-e king
D: 3,175 Ne dede as -th-u demest . y do on -th-e kyng [aaAx]
V: 3,175 Ne (dude) i neuere as _th_ou (dust) . I (do) hit
on _th_e kyng [aaAx]
H: 3,175 for I dede neu(er) as -th-ou didest . y do it on
-th-y silue [aaAx]
J: 3,175 Ne did as -th-(o)u demyst . I do it o -th-e kyng
L: 3,175 No dude as -th-ou demest . y do hit on oure kyngis
mouthe [aaAx]
K: 3,175 Ne dyd as thou demest . I do it on the kyng [aaAx]
W: 3,175 Ne dide as -th-ou demest . I do it on -th-e kyng
N: 3,175 Ne did as -th-(o)u demest . I do it on -th-e kyng
M: 3,175 Ne dede nouth as -th-ou demyst . I do it on -th-e
kyng [aaAx]
T: 3,176 In normandie was he nou[gh]t anoyed for my sake
H2: 3,176 In normandie was he nou-gh-t . [a]no-gh-ede for
my sake [aaAx]
Ch: 3,176 In normandie was he nou-gh-t . noied for my sake
D: 3,176 In Normandye was he nou-gh-t . Anoyed for my sake
V: 3,176 In (Normandie) nas he (not) . (a-nuy_g_ed) for my
sake [aaAx]
H: 3,176 In normandie nas he no-gh-t . noi-gh-ed for my sake
J: 3,176 In normandy was he not . noyede for my sake [aaAx]
L: 3,176 In normandy was he noght . nuyed for -th-iy sake
K: 3,176 In normandy was he not . anoyed for my sake [aaAx]
W: 3,176 In Normandie nas he noght . noyed for my sake [aaAx]
N: 3,176 In normandye nas he nou-gh-t . anoied for my sake
M: 3,176 In normandye was he nouth . agreuyd for my(n) sake
T: 3,177 Ac th[ou] [th]iself so[th]ly asshamidest hym ofte
H2: 3,177 Ac -th-(o)u -th-i self sothly . aschamyst him ofte
Ch: 3,177 Bot -th-i self so-th-ely . aschamed hym ofte [aaAx]
D: 3,177 Ac -th-(o)u -th-y self so-th-lyche . schamed hym
ofte [aaAx]
V: 3,177 Ac _th_ou (_th_i-self) (so_th_liche) . (schomedest)
him _th_ere [aaAx]
H: 3,177 But -th-y self so-th-ely . ashamyd hym -th-ere [aaAx]
J: 3,177 Ac -th-(o)u -th-i seluen sothlich . schamedyst hi(m)
ofte [aaAx]
L: 3,177 Bote -th-ou -th-y seolf sothely . schamed him ofte
K: 3,177 But thou thy self sothelich . schamyd hym ofte [aaAx]
W: 3,177 But -th-ou -th-i self so-th-li . shamed hem ful
oft [aaAx]
N: 3,177 But -th-(o)u -th-i self so-th-ely . shamedest hym
oft [aaAx]
M: 3,177 But -th-ou -th-in self sothly . -th-(o)u schamedyst
hym often [aaAx]
T: 3,178 Crope into a caban for cold of [th]i nailes
H2: 3,178 Crepe in to a caban . for colde of -th-i nailes
Ch: 3,178 Crope in a kaban . for colde of -th-yn nailes [aaAx]
D: 3,178 Crope in a Caban . for cold of -th-y nayles [aaAx]
V: 3,178 (Creptest) in-to A (Caban) . for (Colde) of _th_i
nayles [aaAx]
H: 3,178 -th-ou creptest into a caban . for colde of -th-y
nailes [aaAx]
J: 3,178 -Th-ow crepe in to a caban . for colde of -th-in
nayles [aaAx]
L: 3,178 -Th-ou crope in to caban . for colde of -th-y nailes
K: 3,178 Crepe in to a caban . for cowld of thy nayles [aaAx]
W: 3,178 Thou crope in to a caban . for cold of -th-i nayles
N: 3,178 -Th-(o)u crepe in to a kaban . for colde of -th-i
nales [aaAx]
M: 3,178 Crope in to cabans . for cold of -th-in naylys [aaAx]
T: 3,179 Wendist [th](a)t wynt(er) wolde han last eu(er)e
H2: 3,179 Wendist -th-(a)t wynter . wolde han last eu(er)e
Ch: 3,179 Wendest -th-at winter . wold haue lasted euer [aaAx]
D: 3,179 Wendest -th-(a)t wynt(er) . wold last eu(er)e [aaAx]
V: 3,179 (Wendest) _th_at (wynter) . (wolde) haue last euere
H: 3,179 -th-ou wendest -th-(a)t wint(er) . wolde haue ylast
eu(er)e [aaAx]
J: 3,179 -Th-(o)u wendist -th-(a)t wynt(er) . wold haue laste
eu(er)e [aaAx]
L: 3,179 And wendest whar wynt(er) . wold haue laste for
euer [aaAx]
K: 3,179 Wendest that wynt(er) . would haue last euer [aaAx]
W: 3,179 -Th-ou wendest -th-at wynt(er) . wold haue lasted
euere [aaAx]
N: 3,179 -Th-(o)u wendest -th-(a)t wyntre . wolde haue laste
eur(e) [aaAx]
M: 3,179 Wendyst -th-at wynt(er) . wolde eu(er)e haue Ilastid
T: 3,180 And dreddist to be ded for a dym cloud
H2: 3,180 And dreddist to be ded . for a dym cloude [aaAx]
Ch: 3,180 And dreddest to be dede . for on don cloude [aaAx]
D: 3,180 And dredest for to be ded . for a dym cloude [aaAx]
V: 3,180 And (dreddest) to haue ben (ded) . for a (dim) Cloude
H: 3,180 & dreddist -th-ee to haue be deed . for a dym
cloude [aaAx]
J: 3,180 And dreddist to haue ben ded . for a lityl colde
L: 3,180 And -th-ou draddest to beo ded . for a dym cloude
K: 3,180 And dreddest the to be ded . for a dy(m)me clowde
W: 3,180 -Th-ou dreddest to haue be ded . for a dymme cloude
N: 3,180 -Th-(o)u dreddest to haue bi ded . for a dym clowde
M: 3,180 And dreddyst -th-e to ha ben ded . for a dym cloude
T: 3,181 And hastide [th]e homward for hung(er) of [th]i wombe
H2: 3,181 And hastide -th-e homward . for hong(er) of -th-i
wombe [aaAx]
Ch: 3,181 And hastedest -th-e homward . for hunger of -th-i
wombe [aaAx]
D: 3,181 And hasted -th-e homward . for houng(er) of -th-y
wombe [aaAx]
V: 3,181 And (hastedest) (hamward) . for (hunger) of _th_i
wombe [aaAx]
H: 3,181 -th-ou hastedest -th-ee hamward . for hong(er) of
-th-y wombe [aaAx]
J: 3,181 And hastedyst -th-e homewarde . for hunger(e) of
-th-i(n) wombe [aaAx]
L: 3,181 And hastedest hamward . for hunger of -th-y wombe
K: 3,181 And hasted the homeward . for hunger of thy wombe
W: 3,181 And hastedest -th-e hamwarde . for hungre of -th-i
wombe [aaAx]
N: 3,181 And hasted -th-e homward . for hunger of -th-i wombe
M: 3,181 & hastedist -th-e homword . for hung(er) of
-th-y(n) wombe [aaAx]
T: 3,182 Wi[th]oute pite pilo(ur) pore men [th](o)u robbest
H2: 3,182 Wi-th-oute pite pilo(ur) . pore men -th-(o)u robidyst
Ch: 3,182 Without pite pilour . pore men -th-ow robbedest
D: 3,182 W(i)t(h)oute pyte pello(ur) . of pore me(n) -th-(o)u
robbest [aaAx]
V: 3,182 Withouten (pite), (pilour)! . (pore) Men _th_ou
robbedest [aaAx]
H: 3,182 Wi-th-oute ri-gh-t -th-ou pilo(ur) . pore me(n)
-th-ou robbedest [aaAx]
J: 3,182 Withouten pete -th-an pillour(e) . pore men -th-(o)u
robbedyst [aaAx]
L: 3,182 Wi-th-oute pite -th-ou pylo(ur) . pore men -th-(o)u
robbedest [aaAx]
K: 3,182 Without pety thou pyllour . pore men thou robbed
W: 3,182 Wi-th-oute pite pilour . poure men -th-ou robedest
N: 3,182 Wi-th-oute pite -th-(o)u pilo(ur) . pore men -th-(o)u
robbeddest [aaAx]
M: 3,182 W(i)t(h)outy(n) pite -th-ou pylour . pouer(e) men
-th-(o)u Robbist [aaAx]
T: 3,183 And bar here bras on [th]i bak to caleis to selle
H2: 3,183 And bar her(e) bras on thi bak . to caleys to selle
Ch: 3,183 And bare her bras on -th-i bakke . to caleis to
selle [aaaXx]
D: 3,183 And bare here bras on -th-y bak . to Caleys to selle
V: 3,183 And (beere) heor (bras) on _th_i (Bac) . to Caleys
to sulle [aaaXx]
H: 3,183 & bare her(e) bras on -th-y bak . to caleys
to sille [aaaXx]
J: 3,183 And bar(e) her(e) brace on -th-in bak . to caleys
to selle [aaaXx]
L: 3,183 And bere heore bras at -th-y bak . to caleys to
seolle [aaaXx]
K: 3,183 And bare their brasse at thy backe . to Cales to
selle [aaaXx]
W: 3,183 Thou bare here bras on -th-i bakke . to caleys to
selle [aaaXx]
N: 3,183 And bare here bras on -th-i bakke . to caleis to
selle [aaaXx]
M: 3,183 And bar her bras on -th-in bak . to caleys to sellen
T: 3,184 [Th](er)e I lefte wi[th] my lord his lif for to saue
H2: 3,184 Ther(e) I lefte wi-th- my lord . his lif for to
saue [aaAx]
Ch: 3,184 -Th-er I left with my lorde . his lif for to saue
D: 3,184 -Th-(er) y lafte w(i)t(h) my lord . his lyf for
to saue [aaAx]
V: 3,184 _Th_er I (lafte) with my (lord) . his (lyf) forto
saue [aaAx]
H: 3,184 -Th-(er)e I laft wi-th- my lord . his lyf for to
saue [aaAx]
J: 3,184 -Th-(er) I lafte w(i)t(h) my(n) lorde . his lyf
for to saue [aaAx]
L: 3,184 -Th-er I lafte wi-th- my lord . his lif for to saue
K: 3,184 Ther I lefte with my lord . his life for to saue
W: 3,184 Ther I left wi-th- my lord . his lyf for to saue
N: 3,184 There I laft w(i)t(h) my lorde . his lyf for to
saue [aaAx]
M: 3,184 -Th-(er)e I lefete w(i)t(h) my(n) lord . hys worschepe
to sauen [aaAx]
T: 3,185 And made hym m(er)[th]ie mo(ur)nyng to leue
H2: 3,185 And made hi(m) myrthe . mornyng to leeue [aaAx]
Ch: 3,185 And made hym mery . mornyng till leue [aaAx]
D: 3,185 And made hym mer-th-e . mornynge to leue [aaAx]
V: 3,185 (Maade) him (mur_th_e) ful (muche) . (Mournynge)
to lete [aaaAx]
H: 3,185 & made hym merie . mornyng to lete [aaAx]
J: 3,185 And made him mychel myrthe . his morny(n)g to leue
L: 3,185 And made him muche murthe . mornyng to leue [aaAx]
K: 3,185 And made hym myrthe . mornyng to leue [aaAx]
W: 3,185 And made him wi-th- myr-th-e . mornyng to leue [aaAx]
N: 3,185 And made hi(m) w(i)t(h) my myrthe . mornyng to leue
M: 3,185 And made alle hise mery me(n) . mornyng to leyuy(n)
T: 3,186 And bat(er)ide hym on [th]e bak boldite hir herte
H2: 3,186 And bat(er)id him on -th-e bac . boldite his herte
Ch: 3,186 And batered hym on -th-e bakke . and bolded his
hert [aaAx]
D: 3,186 I batred hym on [-th-e] bak . bolded his herte [aaAx]
V: 3,186 (Battede) hem on _th_e (Bakkes) . to (bolden) heore
hertes [aaAx]
H: 3,186 & batrid me(n) on her(e) backis . to bolde(n)
her(e) hertis [aaAx]
J: 3,186 And batred hem on -th-e bak . & bolded -th-(er)
hertys [aaAx]
L: 3,186 And batrede him on -th-e bak . bolded heore heortes
K: 3,186 I batred hym on the backe . & bolded his harte
W: 3,186 I batred hem on -th-e bak . and bolded here hertes
N: 3,186 I batted hem on -th-e bakk . & bolded her hertis
M: 3,186 & batrede hem on -th-e bak . & boldede her(e)
hert(is) [aaAx]
T: 3,187 Dede hym hoppe for hope to haue me at wille
H2: 3,187 Dyde hi(m) hoppe for hope . to haue me at wylle
Ch: 3,187 Dede hym hoppe for hope . to haue me at wille [aaAx]
D: 3,187 Dede hym for hope . to haue me at wille [aaAx]
V: 3,187 Dude hem (hoppe) for (hope) . to (haue) me at wille
H: 3,187 I made hem hoppe for ioi-gh-e . to haue me at her(e)
wille [aaAx]
J: 3,187 And didyn hem hoppyn for hope . to haue me at wille
L: 3,187 Deode heom hoppe for hope . to haue me at wille
K: 3,187 Dyd hym hoppe for hope . to haue me at wille [aaAx]
W: 3,187 I dede hoppe for hope . to haue me at wille [aaAx]
N: 3,187 I bad hem hoppe for hope . to haue me at wille [aaAx]
M: 3,187 I dede hem hoppyn for hope . to haue(n) me at wille
T: 3,188 Hadde I be march(a)unt of his men be marie of heuene
H2: 3,188 Hadde I be marchal ou(er) his men . be marie of
heuene [aaAx]
Ch: 3,188 Had I be marchal ouer his men . be marie of heuen
D: 3,188 Had I ben march(a)unt of his men . be marye of heuene
V: 3,188 Hedde I be (Marchal) of his (Men) . bi (Marie) of
heuene [aaAx]
H: 3,188 hadde y be marchal of his oost . by maries loue
of heue(n) [aaAx]
J: 3,188 Had I ben marschal of his men . be mari(e) of heuen
L: 3,188 Hade I beon marchal of his men . by mary of heouene
K: 3,188 Had I byn m(er)schall of his men . be mary of heuen
W: 3,188 Had I be marchal of his men . by mari of heuene
N: 3,188 Had I ben marschal of his men . by mary of heuene
M: 3,188 Hadde I ben marchal of his men . be m(ar)y of heuene
T: 3,189 I durste han leid my lif & no lesse wed
H2: 3,189 I durst han leyde my lif . and no lesse wed [aaAx]
Ch: 3,189 I dorst haue leide my lif . and no lesse wedde
D: 3,189 I durste haue leyd my lyf . & no wors wed [aaAx]
V: 3,189 I durste haue (I-leid) my (lyf) . and no (lasse)
wed [aaAx]
H: 3,189 I durst haue leid my lyf . & no lasse wedde
J: 3,189 I durst haue leyd my lif . & no lasse wedde
L: 3,189 y durste haue leide my lif . and no lasse wedde
K: 3,189 I dorste haue leyyd my life . & no lesse wedde
W: 3,189 I dorst haue layd al my lyf . & no lesse wedde
N: 3,189 I dorst haue leide my lif . & no lesse wedde
M: 3,189 I durst han leyd myn lif . & no lasse wed [aaAx]
T: 3,190 He shulde haue be lord of [th](a)t lond in leng[th]e & in
H2: 3,190 He schulde haue be lord of -th-(a)t londe . in
leng-th- & in brede [aaAx]
Ch: 3,190 He schuld haue be lorde of -th-at londe . In leng-th-e
and in brede [aaAx]
D: 3,190 He schulde haue ben lord of -th-(a)t lond . in leng-th-e & in
brede [aaAx]
V: 3,190 He hedde beo (lord) of _th_at (lond) . in (lenk_th_e)
and in brede [aaAx]
H: 3,190 he schulde haue be lord of -th-at lond . in leng-th-e & in
brede [aaAx]
J: 3,190 He schuld haue be lorde of -th-(a)t londe . in lenketh & i(n)
brede [aaAx]
L: 3,190 He scholde haue beon lord of -th-(a)t lond . in
leynthe & in bred[e] [aaAx]
K: 3,190 He shuld haue byn lord of that lond . in lenght & in
brede [aaAx]
W: 3,190 He had be lord of al -th-at lond . in lenthe and
in brede [aaAx]
N: 3,190 He had ben lorde of -th-at londe . in leng-th-e & in
brede [aaAx]
M: 3,190 He hadde ben lord of -th-(a)t lond . on length & on
brede [aaAx]
T: 3,191 And ek king of [th](a)t ki[th] his kyn for to helpe
H2: 3,191 And kyng of -th-at ky-th- . his kyn for to helpe
Ch: 3,191 And eke king of -th-at ki-th- . his kin for to
helpe [aaAx]
D: 3,191 And eke kyng of -th-(a)t kyth . his kyn for to helpe
V: 3,191 And eke (kyng) of _th_at (cu_th__th_e) . his (cun)
for to helpe [aaAx]
H: 3,191 & eke king of -th-at cu(n)trey . his kyn for
to helpe [aaAx]
J: 3,191 And eke kyng of -th-(a)t kyth . his kyn for to helpe
L: 3,191 And eke kyng of -th-at kyth . his kyn for to helpe
K: 3,191 And eke kyng of that kyth . his kyn for to helpe
W: 3,191 And kyng of al -th-at kyth . his kyn -th-(er) wi-th-
to helpe [aaAx]
N: 3,191 And ek kyng of -th-(a)t ki-th--th-e . his kynne
for to helpe [aaAx]
M: 3,191 And ek kyng of ketthe . hys ken for to helpyn [aaAx]
T: 3,192 [Th]e leste brol of his blood a barouns pere
H2: 3,192 -Th-e leste brol of his blode . a barones pere
Ch: 3,192 -Th-e lest brolle of his blode . a barounes pere
D: 3,192 The lest brol of his blood . a barou(n)s pere [aaAx]
V: 3,192 _Th_e leeste (barn) of his (blod) . a (Barouns)
pere [aaAx]
H: 3,192 -Th-e lest barn of his blood . a barou(n)s per(e)
J: 3,192 -Th-e leste brothel of his blode . a barouns pere
L: 3,192 -th-eo leste brolle of his blod . a barouns pere
K: 3,192 The lest brolle of his blode . a barons piere [aaAx]
W: 3,192 The lest Baron of his blode . a Barons pere [aaAx]
N: 3,192 The lest brolle of his blode . a barownes pere [aaAx]
M: 3,192 -Y-a -th-e leste braunche of his blood . a barou(n)s
per(e) [aaAx]
T: 3,193 --- this line om ---
H2: 3,193 Cowardly thou consience . conceyldest hi(m) -th-ennes
Ch: 3,193 --- this line is omitted ---
D: 3,193 Cowardlyche -th-(o)u Concience . counceiled hy(m)
-th-ens [aaAx]
V: 3,193 So_th_liche, _th_ou (Concience) . _th_ou (counseildest)
him _th_ennes [xaAx]
H: 3,193 but so-th-ely -th-ou conscience . -th-ou counseildest
hy(m) -th-annes [aaAx]
J: 3,193 Kowardly -th-(o)u conciens . cou(n)ceyledyst him
-th-e(n)nys [aaAx]
L: 3,193 Cowardly -th-(o)u consience . conceiledest him -th-ennes
K: 3,193 Cowardly thou consience . counceilid hym thens [aaAx]
W: 3,193 Cowardly -th-ou conscience . consailled hem -th-ens
N: 3,193 Cowardely -th-(o)u consience . conceilldest hi(m)
-th-ennes [aaAx]
M: 3,193 -Th-(er)e cowardly -th-u concyence . co(n)seilidist
hi(m) -th-enns [aaAx]
T: 3,194 To leuen his lordsshipe for a litel siluer
H2: 3,194 To leuen his lordschipe . for a litul siluer [aaAx]
Ch: 3,194 To leuen his lordschep . for a litel siluer [aaAx]
D: 3,194 To leuen his lordschip . for a litel silu(er) [aaAx]
V: 3,194 To (leue) _th_at (lordschupe) . for a (luitel) seluer
H: 3,194 To leue -th-at lordschip . for a litel disese [aaAx]
J: 3,194 To leuyn his lordschip . for a litel syluur [aaAx]
L: 3,194 To leuen -th-er his lordschipe . for a litel seoluer
K: 3,194 To leuyn his lordschipe . for a lityll syluer [aaAx]
W: 3,194 To leuen his lordschip . for a litil siluer [aaAx]
N: 3,194 To leuen his lordechip . for a litel siluer [aaAx]
M: 3,194 To leuyn hys lordchepe . for a lytyl seluyr [aaAx]
T: 3,195 [Th]at is [th]e riccheste reaume [th](a)t regni[th]
H2: 3,195 That is -th-e richest reem . -th-(a)t regnet vnd(er)
heuene [aaAx]
Ch: 3,195 -Th-at is -th-e Richest Reme . -th-at reigneth
ouer on [aaAx]
D: 3,195 That is Richest Reme . -th-(a)t regne-th- ou(er)
one [aaAx]
V: 3,195 _Th_at is _th_e (Riccheste) (reame) . _th_at (Reyn)
ouer houe_th_ [aaAx]
H: 3,195 -Th-at is -th-e richest rewme . -th-at reyn ou(er)houe-th-
J: 3,195 -Th-(a)t is -th-e ricchesd rewme . -th-(a)t rayn
ou(er)houyth [aaAx]
L: 3,195 -Th-at is -th-e rycheste rewme . -th-at reyn ouer
hongeth [aaAx]
K: 3,195 That is the richest realme . that rayne ou(er) erthe
W: 3,195 -Th-at is -th-e richest reaume . -th-at regne-th-
vnder heuene [aaAx]
N: 3,195 -Th-(a)t is -th-e rychest rewme . -th-(a)t regne-th-
vnder heuene [aaAx]
M: 3,195 -Th-at is -th-e Richerste Rewme . -th-at rengnit
vnd(er) heuene [aaAx]
T: 3,196 It becom a king [th]at kepi[th] a reaume
H2: 3,196 It becom a kyng . -th-at kepy-th- a reem [aaAx]
Ch: 3,196 hit become-th- to a king . -th-at kepe-th- a reme
D: 3,196 hyt become-th- a kyng . -th-(a)t kepe-th- a Reme
V: 3,196 Hit (bicome_th_) ffor a (kyng) . _th_at (kepe_th_)
a Reame [aaAx]
H: 3,196 hit bycome-th- to a king . -th-at kepi-th- a rewme
J: 3,196 ffor it becomyth a kyng . -th-(a)t kepydh a rewme
L: 3,196 Hit bycometh to a kyng . -th-at kepeth a rewme [aaAx]
K: 3,196 It beco(m)myth to a kyng . that kepeth a realme
W: 3,196 It become-th- to a kyng . -th-at kepe shal a reaume
N: 3,196 Hit bicome-th- to a kyng . -th-(a)t kepe sal a rewme
M: 3,196 -Th-at besemet to a kyng . -th-at kepit a Revm [aaAx]
T: 3,197 To [y]iuen hise men mede [th](a)t mekly hym s(er)uen
H2: 3,197 To -gh-yuen his men mede . -th-(a)t mekly him s(er)ue
Ch: 3,197 To -gh-eue his men mede . -th-at mekely him serue-th-
D: 3,197 To -gh-eue his men mede . -th-(a)t mekely serue-th-
V: 3,197 To _g_iue (meede) to (men) . _th_at (mekeliche)
him seruen [aaAx]
H: 3,197 To -gh-eue mede to me(n) . -th-at menskly hym s(er)uen
J: 3,197 To -gh-iuen his men mede . -th-(a)t mekelych him
seruyn [aaAx]
L: 3,197 To -gh-euen his men mede . -th-(a)t meokely him
serueth [aaAx]
K: 3,197 To yevyn his men mede . that mekelich hym s(er)ue
W: 3,197 To gefe hese men mede . -th-at mekly hym serue [aaAx]
N: 3,197 To gyue his men mede . -th-(a)t mekely hi(m) s(er)ue
M: 3,197 To -y-eue(n) his me(n) mede . -th-at mekely hy(m)
s(er)uen [aaAx]
T: 3,198 To alienes to alle men to hono(ur)e hem w(i)t(h) [y]eftis
H2: 3,198 To alienes to alle men . to hono(ur) hem wi-th-
-gh-iftes [aaAx]
Ch: 3,198 and aliens and al men . to honour hem with -gh-eftes
D: 3,198 To Aliens to all(e) men . honoure hem with -gh-iftes
V: 3,198 To (Aliens), to (alle) Men . to (honoure) hem with
_g_iftes [aaAx]
H: 3,198 To aliens to alle men . to onour(e) hem wi-th- -gh-eftis
J: 3,198 Alienis & alle men . honowry(n) he(m) w(i)t(h)
-gh-iftys [aaAx]
L: 3,198 To aliens to alle othir . & honouren heom wi-th-
-gh-iftes [aaAx]
K: 3,198 To aliens to al men . to hono(ur) hem w(i)t(h) yeftes
W: 3,198 To aliens to alle men . to haue honour hem for -gh-eftes
N: 3,198 To aliens to alle men . to hono(ur)e hi(m) for -gh-iftis
M: 3,198 Aliens & o-th-(er) men . honour(e) him w(i)t(h)
-y-iftis [aaAx]
T: 3,199 Mede maki[th] hym be louid & for a man holde
H2: 3,199 Mede maky-th- hi(m) be louyd . and for a man be
holde [aaxAx]
Ch: 3,199 Mede make-th- hem be loued . and for a man holden
D: 3,199 Mede make-th- hem be loued . & for a ma(n) holde
V: 3,199 (Meede) (make_th_) him beo bilouet . and for a (Mon)
I-holden [aaxAx]
H: 3,199 mede make-th- hi(m) biloued . & for a man yholde
J: 3,199 Mede makyth hem be louyd . & for a ma(n) ben
holdyn [aaxAx]
L: 3,199 Mede makith him beo loued . & for a mon yholde
K: 3,199 Mede hym maketh to be loved . & for a man holdyn
W: 3,199 ffor mede make-th- hem . and for a man holde [aaxAx]
N: 3,199 ffor mede make-th- hi(m) biloued . & for a man
holden [aaxAx]
M: 3,199 Mede makyt hym be louyd . & for a man Iholdy(n)
T: 3,200 Emp(er)o(ur)s & Erlis & alle man(er) lordis
H2: 3,200 Emp(er)o(ur)s and erles . and alle maner lordis
Ch: 3,200 Emp(er)ours and erles . and alle maner lordes [aaAx]
D: 3,200 Emp(er)ours Erles . & all man(er) lordes [aaAx]
V: 3,200 (Emperours) and (Eorles) . and (alle) maner lordes
H: 3,200 dukis & erlis . & alle maner lordis [aaAx]
J: 3,200 Emp(er)owris erlys . and alle man(er) lordys [aaAx]
L: 3,200 Emp(er)oures & eorles . & alle maner of
lordes [aaAx]
K: 3,200 Emperours erlys . and al maner lord(is) [aaAx]
W: 3,200 Emp(er)ours Erls . and alle man(er)e lordes [aaAx]
N: 3,200 Emp(er)ours Erles . & alle man(er) lordes [aaAx]
M: 3,200 Emp(er)ouris & erlys . & alle man(er) lordys
T: 3,201 [Th]oru[gh] [y]eftis han [y]onge men to renne & to
H2: 3,201 -Th-oru-gh- -gh-iftes han -gh-onge men . to renne
and to ride [aaAx]
Ch: 3,201 -Th-orow -gh-eftes haue -gh-ong men . to renne
and to Ride [aaAx]
D: 3,201 -Th-oru-gh-t -gh-iftes haue -gh-onge me(n) . to
renne(n) & to Ride [aaAx]
V: 3,201 _Th_orw (_g_iftes) han (_g_onge) men . to (renne)
and to (ride) [aaBb]
H: 3,201 -Th-ur-gh- -gh-eft(us) han -gh-onge me(n) . to renne & to
ride [aaAx]
J: 3,201 Thorowe -gh-iftys haue -gh-unge me(n) . to rennyn & to
riden [aaAx]
L: 3,201 -Th-orgh -gh-eftes han -gh-onge men . to rennen
abowte [aaAx]
K: 3,201 Through yeftes haven yonge men . to renne & to
ryden [aaAx]
W: 3,201 ffor -gh-eftes han -gh-ong men . to rennen and to
ryde [aaAx]
N: 3,201 -gh-orow -gh-iftes haue -gh-onge men . to renne & to
ryde [aaAx]
M: 3,201 -Th-orugh -y-yftis Inowe -th-ey desiryt to ryde
T: 3,202 [Th]e pope wi[th] his p(re)latis p(re)sentis vndirfongi[th]
H2: 3,202 The pope wi-th- his p(re)latis . p(re)sentes vndirfonge-th-
Ch: 3,202 -Th-e pope with his prelates . presentes vnderfonge-th-
D: 3,202 The pope w(i)t(h) his p(re)lates . p(re)sentes vndirfonges
V: 3,202 _Th_e (pope) and his (prelates) . (presentes) vnderfongen
H: 3,202 -Th-e pope & his p(re)lat(us) . p(re)sentes
vndirfongen [aaAx]
J: 3,202 -Th-o pope w(i)t(h) his p(re)latys . p(re)sentis
vndirfongyth [aaAx]
L: 3,202 -Th-eo pope & his prelates . presentes vndurfongeth
K: 3,202 The pape w(i)t(h) his p(re)lat(is) . p(re)sent-gh-
vnd(ir)fongeth [aaAx]
W: 3,202 The pope of his prelates . p(re)sentes vnderfonge-th-
N: 3,202 -Th-e pope of his p(re)lat(is) . p(re)sent-gh- vnderfonge-th-
M: 3,202 -Th-e(n) peple & -th-ys p(re)latis . p(re)sent(is)
vndirfongyt [aaAx]
T: 3,203 And medi[th] men hymself to mayntene h(er)e lawis
H2: 3,203 And medith men hi(m) self . to mayntene here lawes
Ch: 3,203 And mede-th- men him self . to mainten her lawes
D: 3,203 And mede-th- men here self . to meyntene here lawes
V: 3,203 And (Meede_th_) (men) hem-seluen . to (meyntene)
heore lawes [aaAx]
H: 3,203 & mede(n) gretly me(n) . to meyntene her(e)
lawis [aaAx]
J: 3,203 & medyn me(n) hem seluyn . to meyten her lawes
L: 3,203 And meden men heom seoluen . to meyntene heore law[es]
K: 3,203 And medith men hym seluen . to maynteyne here lawes
W: 3,203 And mede-th- men him self . to maynteygne -th-e
lawes [aaAx]
N: 3,203 And meden men hem self . to meyntene -th-e lawes
M: 3,203 And medy(n) men hem self . to meyntey(n) her(e)
lawys [aaAx]
T: 3,204 Seruauntis for here s(er)uyse we se wel [th]e so[th]e
H2: 3,204 Seriauntes for her(e) seruise . we se wel -th-e
so-th-e [aaAa]
Ch: 3,204 Seruauntes for her seruise . we se wel -th-e sothe
D: 3,204 Seruau(n)tes for here seruyces . we sen wel -th-e
sothe [aaAa]
V: 3,204 (Seruauns) for heore (seruise) . _g_e (seon) wel
_th_e (so_th_e) [aaAa]
H: 3,204 S(er)uaunt(is) for her(e) s(er)uice . wite -gh-e
forso-th-e [aaAa]
J: 3,204 And s(er)uandes for her s(er)uyce . we seen wele
-th-e soth [aaAa]
L: 3,204 Seruauns for heore s(er)uyse . we seon wel -th-e
sothe [aaAa]
K: 3,204 Seruaunt(is) for her s(er)uice . we seen well the
sothe [aaAa]
W: 3,204 Seruant-gh- for to s(er)ue . we sen wel -th-e sothe
N: 3,204 Seriauntis for her seruise . we sen wel -th-e so-th-e
M: 3,204 Seruaunt-gh- for her(e) seruice . wete wel -th-e
so-th-e [aaAa]
T: 3,205 Taki[th] mede of here maistris as [th]ei mowe accorde
H2: 3,205 Takith mede of hir(e) maystris . as -th-ei mowe
acorde [aaAx]
Ch: 3,205 Taken mede of her maistres . as -th-ei mowe acorde
D: 3,205 Take mede of here maistres . as -th-ey may acorde
V: 3,205 Take_th_ (Meede) of heore (Maystres) . as _th_ei
(mowen) a-corde [aaAx]
H: 3,205 taken mede of her(e) maist(ri)s . as -th-ei mowe
acorde [aaAx]
J: 3,205 Takyn mede of her(e) mayst(er)is . as -th-ei mowen
acorde [aaAx]
L: 3,205 Taken mede of heore maistres . as -th-ey may acorde
K: 3,205 Takyn mede of her masters . as thay mowyn accorde
W: 3,205 Taken mede of here maistres . as -th-ei mown accorde
N: 3,205 Taken mede of her maistres . as -th-ei mowe acorde
M: 3,205 Takyn mede of her(e) maistr(is) . as -th-ey mowe(n)
acordy(n) [aaAx]
T: 3,206 Begg(er)is for here bidding biddi[th] of men mede
H2: 3,206 Beggeres for her(e) byddyng . biddy-th- of hem
mede [aaAbb]
Ch: 3,206 Beggers for her beggyng . bidde of men mede [aaAbb]
D: 3,206 Beggeres for here byddyng . bydde-th- of me(n) mede
V: 3,206 (Beggers) for heore (biddyng) . (Bidde_th_) Men
mete [aaAx]
H: 3,206 beggers for her(e) bedis . bidden me(n) me(n)de
J: 3,206 Begg(er)is for h(er)e bidding . bedyn men mede [aaAbb]
L: 3,206 Beggers for here byddyng . byddyth men mede [aaAbb]
K: 3,206 Beggars for her biddynge . bedith men mede [aaAbb]
W: 3,206 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 3,206 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 3,206 Beggeres for Mete . askyn men mete [aaAbb]
T: 3,207 Mynstral(is) for here m(er)[th]is mede [th]ei asken
H2: 3,207 Mynst(ra)les for her(e) myrthes . mede -th-ei asken
Ch: 3,207 Mynstralles for her mirthes . mede -th-ei asken
D: 3,207 Menstrales for here mur-th-es . mede -th-ey Asken
V: 3,207 (Munstrals) for heor (Mur_th_e) . (Meede) _th_ei
asken [aaAx]
H: 3,207 mynstrels for her(e) m(ur)-th-e . mede -th-ei asken
J: 3,207 Mynst(er)elis for h(er)e myrthis . mede -th-ei axyn
L: 3,207 Mynstrales for heore murthes . mede -th-ey sechen
K: 3,207 Mynstrell(es) for her myrthes . mede thay asken
W: 3,207 Mynstrals for mer-th-es . mede -th-ay taken [aaAx]
N: 3,207 Mynstralles for myr-th-es . mede -th-ei taken [aaAx]
M: 3,207 Menstralis for her(e) m(er)the . mede -th-ey askyn
T: 3,208 [Th]e king ha[th] nede of his men to make pes in londis
H2: 3,208 The kyng hath mede of his men . to make pes in
londis [aaAx]
Ch: 3,208 -Th-e king hathe mede of men . to make pees in
londes [aaAx]
D: 3,208 The kyng ha-th- nede of his me(n) . to make pees
in londes [aaAx]
V: 3,208 _Th_e kyng (Meede_th_) his (Men) . to (maken) pees
in londe [aaAx]
H: 3,208 -Th-e king medi-th- his me(n) . to make pees in
londe [aaAx]
J: 3,208 -Th-e kyng hath mede of his men . to makyn pees
in londe [aaAx]
L: 3,208 And for to reule -th-e rewme -th-e kyng mede -gh-efes
K: 3,208 The kyng hath mede of his men . to make peace in
his londe [aaAx]
W: 3,208 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 3,208 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 3,208 -Th-e kyng hat mede of his men . to makyn pes i(n)
londe [aaAx]
T: 3,209 Men [th](a)t ben clerkis crauen of hym mede
H2: 3,209 Men -th-at ben clerkis . c(ra)ue of hi(m) mede
Ch: 3,209 Men -th-at ben clerkes . crauen after mede [aaAx]
D: 3,209 Men -th-at ben Clerkes . crauen of hym mede [aaAx]
V: 3,209 Men _th_at (knowe_th_) (Clerkes) . Meede hem (craue_th_)
H: 3,209 & -th-ese ku(n)nynge clerkis . craue(n) vpo(n)
mede [aaAx]
J: 3,209 Men -th-(a)t kennyn clerkys . crauyn hem of mede
L: 3,209 Men -th-at clergye konnen . krauen after mede [aaAx]
K: 3,209 Men that byn clerk(is) . crauyn mede [aaAx]
W: 3,209 Men -th-at ken clerkes . crauen of hem mede [aaAx]
N: 3,209 Men -th-(a)t ken clerkys . craue of hem mede [aaAx]
M: 3,209 Men -th-at techyn childryn . crauen her(e) Mede
T: 3,210 Prestis [th](a)t preche [th]e peple to goode
H2: 3,210 Prestis -th-(a)t p(re)che . the pepul to gode [aaAx]
Ch: 3,210 Prestes -th-at prechen . the peple to gode [aaAx]
D: 3,210 Prestes -th-(a)t p(re)chen . -th-e peple to goode
axen mede [aaAx]
V: 3,210 (Prestes) _th_at (preche_th_) . _th_e (peple) to
goode [aaAx]
H: 3,210 P(re)stis -th-at p(re)chen . -th-e puple to goode
J: 3,210 Prestys -th-(a)t p(re)chyn . -th-e peple to gode
L: 3,210 Preostes -th-at prechen . -th-eo people crist for
to pleese [aaAx]
K: 3,210 P(re)st(is) that p(re)chyn . the people to good
W: 3,210 Prestes -th-at prechen . -th-e peple to gode [aaAx]
N: 3,210 Prestis -th-(a)t prechyn . -th-e peple to good [aaAx]
M: 3,210 Prest(is) -th-at techyn . -th-e peple of god askyn
her(e) mede [aaAx]
T: 3,211 Asken mede & messe penis & h(er)e mete alse
H2: 3,211 Asken mede and messe penis . and her(e) mete also
Ch: 3,211 Asken mede and messe penyes . and her mete also
D: 3,211 And eke messe pens . and here mete also [aaAx]
V: 3,211 Aske_th_ (Meede) and (Masse-pons) . and heore (Mete)
eke [aaAx]
H: 3,211 asken mede & mas penyes . & here mete eke
J: 3,211 Axin mede & mas penyes . & her mete als
L: 3,211 Asken mede & masse pans . & heore mete alse
K: 3,211 Asken mede & masse pens . & her mete also
W: 3,211 Asken mede and messe pens . & here mete also
N: 3,211 Axen mede & messe pans . & here mete also
M: 3,211 Masse pens . & her(e) mete atte mel tyme [aaAx]
T: 3,212 Of alle kyn crafty men craue mede for h(er)e p(re)ntis
H2: 3,212 Of alle kyn crafty men . craue mede for her(e)
p(re)ntis [aaXx]?
Ch: 3,212 Alle kinnes crafty men craue . mede for her prentis
D: 3,212 Alle kende Crafty men crauen . mede for here p(re)ntys
V: 3,212 Alle (kunne) (craftes) men . (craue_th_) Meede for
heore prentys [aaAxx]?
H: 3,212 & alle man(er)e craftis me(n) craue(n) . mede
to her(e) p(re)ntys [aaXx]?
J: 3,212 & alle kyn crafty men haue . mede for h(er)e
p(re)ntyse [aaXx]?
L: 3,212 Alle maner mester men moten medlen with mede
K: 3,212 Alkyn craft(es) men c(ra)ven . mede for her p(re)ntices
W: 3,212 Alkens craft men for craft taken mede [aaXx]?
N: 3,212 Alle kynnes crafty men craue . mede for her p(re)ntyce
M: 3,212 Crafty me(n) craue(n) mede . for her(e) p(re)nty-gh-s
T: 3,213 Mede & marchaundise mote nede go togid(er)e
H2: 3,213 Mede and marchaundise . mote nede go togider(e)
Ch: 3,213 Mede and marchaundise . mote nedes togederes [aaAx]
D: 3,213 Mede & Marchaundise . mote nede gon togideres
V: 3,213 (Meede) and (Marchaundie) . (mot) not go to-gedere
H: 3,213 for mede & m(er)chaundise . most nede holde
togedris [aaAx]
J: 3,213 Marchaundise and mede . metyn togider(e) [aaAx]
L: 3,213 Mede & marchaundises . moten alweys nede go
togedre [aaAx]
K: 3,213 Mede & m(er)chaundise . moten ned(es) goon togiders
W: 3,213 ffor mede & marchaundies . most nede go togedres
N: 3,213 Mede & marchau(n)dise . mote nede go togidre
M: 3,213 Mede & marchaundi-gh-e . mot nede gon togeder(e)
T: 3,214 No wi[gh]t as I wene wi[th]oute mede mig[ht]e libbe
H2: 3,214 No wy-gh-t as I wene . wi-th-oute mede my-gh-t
lybbe [aaAxx]
Ch: 3,214 No wi-gh-t as I wene . without mede my-gh-t lybbe
D: 3,214 No wi-gh-th as I wene . w(i)t(h)oute mete my-gh-te
lybbe [aaAxx]
V: 3,214 _Th_er may no (wiht), as I (wene) . (with-outen)
Meede libbe [aaAxx]
H: 3,214 -th-(er) may no wi-gh-t as I wene . wi-th-oute mede
lyue [aaAxx]
J: 3,214 No whyte as I wene . w(i)t(h)outen mede may libbe
L: 3,214 No wight as y wene . wi-th-outen mede myghte libbe
K: 3,214 No wight as ich wene . w(i)t(h)out mede might libbe
W: 3,214 Ther is no wyght as I wene . may leue wi-th-oute
mede [aaAxx]
N: 3,214 Mi-gh-te no man as I wene . lyue w(i)t(h)oute mede
M: 3,214 As I wene witowty(n) Mede now may no man libbe
T: 3,215 Qua[th] [th]e king to consience be crist as me [th]inki[th]
H2: 3,215 Quod consience -th-e kyng to co(n)sience . be c(ri)st
as me -th-ynke-th- [aaAx]
Ch: 3,215 Q(ua)d -th-e king to conscience . be crist as me
-th-inke-th- [aaAx]
D: 3,215 Quod -th-e kyng to Concience . by cryst as me -th-ynketh
V: 3,215 "Now," quod _th_e (kyng) to (Concience)
. be (crist) as me _th_inke_th_ [aaAx]
H: 3,215 -th-o q(uo)-th- -th-e king to consciens . by c(ri)st
-th-at me made [aaAx]
J: 3,215 Q(uo)d -th-e kyng to consciens . be crist as me
-th-inkyth [aaAx]
L: 3,215 Quod -th-e kyng to consience . by crist as me -th-ynkith
K: 3,215 Quod the kyng to consyence . by crist as me thynketh
W: 3,215 Quod -th-e kyng to conscience . be crist as me -th-enke-th-
N: 3,215 Quod -th-e kyng to conscience . bi crist as me -th-inke-th-
M: 3,215 Quod -th-e kyng to co(n)cience . be cryst as I wene
T: 3,216 Mede is wor[th]i [th]e maistrie to haue
H2: 3,216 Mede is worthi . -th-e maystri to haue [axAx]
Ch: 3,216 Mede is wor-th-i . -th-e maistrie to haue [axAx]
D: 3,216 Mede is worthy . -th-e mastrye to haue [axAx]
V: 3,216 (Meede) is Wor_th_i . (Muche) (Maystrie) to haue
H: 3,216 Mede is wor-th-y . myche maistry to haue [axAx]
J: 3,216 Mede is worthi . -th-o mayst(rie) to haue [axAx]
L: 3,216 Now is mede worthy . -th-e maistry to welde [axAx]
K: 3,216 Mede is worthy . the mastry to haue [axAx]
W: 3,216 Mede is wel wor-th-i . -th-e maystrie to haue [axAx]
N: 3,216 Mede is wel wor-th-i . -th-e maistrie to haue [axAx]
M: 3,216 Mede is best wor-th-y . -th-e Maistry to haue [axAx]
T: 3,217 Nay q(ua)[th] consience to [th]e king & knelide
to [th]e er[th]e
H2: 3,217 Nay q(uo)d consience to -th-e kyng . and knelid
to -th-e erthe [aaAx]
Ch: 3,217 Nay q(uo)d conscience to -th-e king . and kneled
to -th-e erthe [aaAx]
D: 3,217 Nay q(ou)d concience to -th-e kyng . & knelyd
to -th-e erthe [aaAx]
V: 3,217 Nay quod (Concience) to _th_e (kyng) . & (knelede)
to grounde [aaAx]
H: 3,217 Nay q(uo)-th- consciens to -th-e king . & knelid
to -th-e g(ro)unde [aaAx]
J: 3,217 Nay q(uo)d consciens to -th-e kyng . & knelid
to -th-e ereth [aaAx]
L: 3,217 Nay q(uo)d consience to -th-e kyng . & kneoled
to -th-e eorthe [aaAx]
K: 3,217 Nay q(uo)d consience to the kyng . & knelid
to the erthe [aaAx]
W: 3,217 Than saide conscience . & knely-th- to -th-e
grounde [aaAx]
N: 3,217 Quod conscience to -th-e kyng . & kneled to
-th-e grou(n)de [aaAx]
M: 3,217 Nay q(uo)d concyence to -th-e kyng . & kneled
to -th-e erthe [aaAx]
T: 3,218 [Th](er)e arn to man(er) of medis my lord be [y]o(ur)
H2: 3,218 -Th-(er) arn to man(er) of medis . my lord be -gh-our(e)
leue [aaAx]
Ch: 3,218 -Th-er be-th- to maner of medes . my lord be -gh-oure
leue [aaAx]
D: 3,218 -Th-(er) beth too man(er)s of mede . my lord w(i)t(h)
-gh-oure leue [aaAx]
V: 3,218 _Th_er beo_th_ twey (maner) of (Meedes) . (my) (lord)
bi _th_i (leue) [aaAbb]
H: 3,218 -Th-(er) be-th- two man(er)e of medis . my lord
by -gh-our(e) leue [aaAx]
J: 3,218 -Th-(er) aru(n) to man(er) of medys . sir(e) be
-gh-our(e) leue [aaAx]
L: 3,218 -Th-er arn two maner of medes . my lord with -th-y
leu[e] [aaAx]
K: 3,218 Ther ar ij man(er) of medes . my lord by your leue
W: 3,218 Ther be-th- too man(er)e medes . lord be -gh-owre
leue [aaAx]
N: 3,218 Ther(e) be two man(er)e of medes . my lorde w(i)t(h)
-gh-our(e) leue [aaAx]
M: 3,218 -Th-er arn to man(er) of Medys . my lord be -y-our(e)
leue [aaAx]
T: 3,219 [Th](a)t on god of his g(ra)ce gyue[th] in his blisse
H2: 3,219 Thet on god of his g(ra)ce . gyueth in his blis(se)
Ch: 3,219 -Th-at on is god of his grace . -gh-eue-th- In
his blisse [aaAx]
D: 3,219 That on is good of grace . geue vs of his blys [aaAx]
V: 3,219 _Th_at on (good) (God) of his (grace) . (_g_iue_th_)
in his blisse [aaaAx]
H: 3,219 -Th-at on god of his grace . ha-th- g(ra)untid in
his blisse [aaAx]
J: 3,219 -th-o ton god of his g(ra)ce . giffyth in his blisse
L: 3,219 -Th-at on god of his grace . gyueth in his blisse
K: 3,219 That one god of his grace . geuyth in his blisse
W: 3,219 That on god of his grace . gyue-th- in his blysse
N: 3,219 -Th-(a)t on god of his g(ra)ce . giue-th- in his
blisse [aaAx]
M: 3,219 -Th-at on god of his grace . grantyt in his bl[y]sse
T: 3,220 To hem [th](a)t werchen wel whiles [th]ei ben here
H2: 3,220 To hem -th-(a)t worchen wel . whyles -th-ei ben
her(e) [aaAx]
Ch: 3,220 To hem -th-at werchen wele . while -th-ei ben here
D: 3,220 To hem -th-(a)t wurchen wel . whiles -th-ey ben
here [aaAx]
V: 3,220 To hem _th_at (wel) (worchen) . (whil) _th_at _th_ei
ben here [aaAxx]
H: 3,220 To hem -th-at wel werchen . while -th-ei be-th-
her(e) [aaAx]
J: 3,220 To hem -th-(a)t wyrchin wele . qwylys -th-ei bene
her(e) [aaAx]
L: 3,220 To heom -th-at worchen wel . whiles -th-ey beon
here [aaAx]
K: 3,220 To them that worchen well . whiles thay ben here
W: 3,220 To hem -th-at ay worche wel . whil -th-ai lyue here
N: 3,220 To hem -th-at ay wyrche wel . wel wil -th-ei ben
here [aaAx]
M: 3,220 To hem -th-at werchyn his welle . -th-e wyle -th-(a)t
-th-ey be(n) her(e) [aaAx]
T: 3,221 [Th]e p(ro)phet p(re)chi[th] it & put it in [th]e
H2: 3,221 The p(ro)fite p(re)chit-gh- it . and put it in
-th-e sauter [aaAx]
Ch: 3,221 -Th-e prophet preched hit . and put hit In -th-e
sauter [aaAx]
D: 3,221 -Th-e prophete p(re)ched it . & put it in -th-e
saut(er) [aaAx]
V: 3,221 _Th_e (Prophete) hit (prechede) . and (put) hit
in _th_e (psauter) [aaAa]?
H: 3,221 -Th-e p(ro)phet it p(re)chid . & p(re)ued it
in -th-e saut(er) [aaAx]
J: 3,221 -Th-e p(ro)phet p(re)chyd it . & put it in -th-e
sawt(er) [aaAx]
L: 3,221 -Th-eo p(ro)phete prechede hit . and putte hit in
-th-e sauter [aaAx]
K: 3,221 The p(ro)phete p(re)chid it . & put it in the
sauter [aaAx]
W: 3,221 The profite preched so . and putte it [in] -th-e
sautr(e) { Qui pecuniam suam &c } [aaAx]
N: 3,221 -Th-e p(ro)phet p(re)ched it . & put it in -th-e
sauter [aaAx]
M: 3,221 -Th-e prophe(n) p(re)chid it . & put it in -th-e
sawter [aaAx]
T: 3,221 { Qui pecuniam suam dedit ad vsuram }
H2: 3,221a { Qui pecuniam suam dedit ad usuram } [Latin]
Ch: 3,221a { Qui pecuniam suam non dedit ad vsuriam } [Latin]
D: 3,221a { Qui pecuniam suam dedit ad vsuram } [Latin]
V: 3,221a { Qui peccuniam suam non dedit ad vsuram, &c
} [Latin]
H: 3,221a { Qui pecuniam sua(m) dat in vsura(m) &c }
J: 3,221a { Qui pecuniam suam non dedit ad vsuram } [Latin]
L: 3,221a { Qui peccuniam suam no(n) dedit ad vsuram &c
} [Latin]
K: 3,221a { Qui pecuniam suam non dedit ad vsuram } [Latin]
W: 3,221a --- this line om ---
N: 3,221a { Q(ui) pecuniam sua(m) no(n) ded(i)t ad vsuram & mun(er)a
sup(er) i(n)noce(n)te(m) } [Latin]
M: 3,221a { Qui pecuniam sua(m) no(n) dedit ad vsuram } [Latin]
T: 3,222 Tak no mede my lord of hem [th](a)t ben trewe
H2: 3,222 Tak no mede of hem my lord . -th-at ben trewe [aaAx]
Ch: 3,222 Take no mede my lorde . of hem -th-at ben trewe
D: 3,222 Take no mede my lord . of men -th-at ben trewe [aaAx]
V: 3,222 Tak no (Meede), mi lord . of (Men) _th_at beo_th_
trewe [axAx]
H: 3,222 Take no mede my lord . of me(n) -th-at ben trewe
J: 3,222 Tak no mede my lorde . of he(m) -th-(a)t ben trewe
L: 3,222 Tak no mede my lord . of men -th-at beon treowe
K: 3,222 Take no mede my lord . of men that ben trewe [aaAx]
W: 3,222 Take no mede my lord . of men -th-at be-th- trewe
N: 3,222 Take no mede my lord . of men -th-(a)t ben trwe
M: 3,222 Tac -th-u no Mede my lord . of hem -th-at ben trewe
T: 3,223 Loue hem & leue hem for oure lordis loue of heuene
H2: 3,223 Loue hem and lene or leue hem . for our(e) lordis
loue of heuene [aaAx]?
Ch: 3,223 Loue hem ad leue hem . for our lordes loue of heuen
D: 3,223 Loue hem & leue hem . for oure lord(es) loue
of heuene [aaAx]?
V: 3,223 (Loue) hem, and (leeue) hem . for vr (lordes) (loue)
of heuene [aaAa]?
H: 3,223 Loue hem & leue hem . for our(e) lordis loue
of heue(n) [aaAx]?
J: 3,223 Lof hem & lene or leue hem . for lordes luffe
of heuen [aaAx]?
L: 3,223 Loue & lene heom . for -th-e lordes loue of
heouene [aaAx]?
K: 3,223 Loue hem & leue hem . for the lord(is) loue
of heuyn [aaAx]?
W: 3,223 But loue hem and lene hem . for lordes loue of heuene
N: 3,223 But loue hem & lene or leue hem . for -th-e
lordes loue of heuene [aaAx]?
M: 3,223 Loue hem & leue hem . for lordys loue of heuene
T: 3,224 Godis mede & his m(er)cy [th](er)wi[th] mi[gh]te
[th](o)u wynne
H2: 3,224 Godis mede and his m(er)cy . -th-(er) wi-th- my-gh-th
-th-ow wynne [aaAx]
Ch: 3,224 Godis mede and his mercy . -th-er with my-gh-t
-th-ow wynne [aaAx]
D: 3,224 Goddes mede & his m(er)cy . -th-(er) with my-gh-t
-th-(o)u wynne [aaAx]
V: 3,224 Godes (Meede) and his (Merci) . _th_er-with _th_ou
(maiht) winne [aaAx]
H: 3,224 godis mede & his m(er)cy . -th-(er) wi-th- mi-gh-t
-th-ou wyn [aaAx]
J: 3,224 Goddes m(er)cy & his mede . -th-(er) w(i)t(h)
mahytow wy(n)ne [aaAx]
L: 3,224 Godis mede & his mercy . -th-er mytht -th-ou
wynne [aaAx]
K: 3,224 Godd(is) mede & his m(er)cye . ther w(i)t(h)
mightyst thowe wyn [aaAx]
W: 3,224 Goddes mede & mercy . -th-(er)wi-th- myghtow
wynne [aaAx]
N: 3,224 Goddis mede & his mercye . -th-(er) wi-th- my-gh-t
-th-ow wy(n)ne [aaAx]
M: 3,224 Godys mede & m(er)cy . -th-er wyt myth -th-u
wynne [aaAx]
T: 3,225 [Th](er)e is a mede mesurles [th](a)t maistris desiri[th]
H2: 3,225 Ther is a mede mersules . -th-at maystris desireth
Ch: 3,225 -Th-er is a mede mesureles . -th-at maistries desiren
D: 3,225 Ther is a mede mesurles . -th-(a)t maistres desireth
V: 3,225 Bote _th_er is a (Meede) (Mesureles) . _th_at (Maystrie)
desyret [aaAx]
H: 3,225 but -th-(er)e is a mede mesureles . -th-at maistrie
desire-th- [aaAx]
J: 3,225 But -th-(er) is a mede meso(ur)les . -th-(a)t mayst(er)ys
desyryth [aaAx]
L: 3,225 -Th-er is a mede mesurelas . -th-at maistres desireth
K: 3,225 Ther is a mede mesureles . that masters desyren
W: 3,225 Ther is a mede mesurles . -th-at maystres desiren
N: 3,225 There is a mede mesureles . -th-at maistris desire-th-
M: 3,225 -Th-(er) is a mede mesur(e)les . -th-at maistrys
desiryt [aaAx]
T: 3,226 To mayntene mysdoeris mede [th]ei taken
H2: 3,226 To maynteyne mysdoers . mede -th-ei taken [aaAx]
Ch: 3,226 To mayntene mysdoers . mede -th-ei taken [aaAx]
D: 3,226 To mayntene mysdoers . mede -th-ey take [aaAx]
V: 3,226 To (Meyntene) (Misdoers) . (Meede) _th_ei taken
H: 3,226 To meynten mysdoers . mede -th-ei taken [aaAx]
J: 3,226 To maynten mysdoers . mede -th-ei takyn [aaAx]
L: 3,226 To meyntene mysdoers . mede ofte -th-ey take [aaAx]
K: 3,226 To mayntene mysdoars . mede thay taken [aaAx]
W: 3,226 To maynten mesdoers . mede -th-ay taken [aaAx]
N: 3,226 To meyntene mysdoers . mede -th-ei take [aaAx]
M: 3,226 To meynten misdoerys . -th-at mede -th-ey taken
T: 3,227 And [th](er)of seide [th]e sauter in a salmis ende
H2: 3,227 And -th-er(e)of seide -th-e saut(er) . in a salmis
ende [aaAx]
Ch: 3,227 And -th-erof sei-th- -th-e sauter . In a salmes
ende [aaAx]
D: 3,227 And -th-(er)of seith -th-e sawt(er) . In a salmes
ende [aaAx]
V: 3,227 And _th_erof (sei_th_) _th_e (psauter) . in _th_e
(psalmes) eende [aaAx]?
H: 3,227 & -th-at witnessi-th- wel -th-e saut(er) . of
wicked men [aaAx]
J: 3,227 -Th-(er)of seys -th-e sawt(er) . in a salmys ende
L: 3,227 And -th-(er)of seith -th-e sawter . in a salmes
eynde [aaAx]
K: 3,227 And therof saith the sawter . in a psalmes end [aaAx]
W: 3,227 And -th-erof say-th- -th-e sautr(e) . in a salmes
ende { In quor(um) manib(us) iniquitat(es) &c } [aaAx]
N: 3,227 And -th-(er)of seith -th-e sauter . in a spalm(us)
ende [aaAx]
M: 3,227 Of hem spekyt -th-e sawter . in psalmys ende [aaAx]
T: 3,228 { In quor(um) manib(us) iniquitates sunt dext(er)a
eor(um) repleta est mun(er)ibus }
H2: 3,228 { In quor(um) manib(us) iniquitates su(n)t dext(er)a
eor(um) repleta e(st) mun(er)ib(us) } [Latin]
Ch: 3,228 { In quor(um) manib(us) iniquitates sunt dextera
eor(um) repleta est mune[ribus] } [Latin]
D: 3,228 { In quor(um) manib(us) iniquitates su(n)t dext(er)a
eor(um) repleta e(st) mun(er)ib(us) } [Latin]
V: 3,228 { In quorum manibus iniquitates sunt. dextera eorum
repleta est muneribus } [Latin]
H: 3,228 { Inimicor(um) manib(us) iniquitates su(n)t dext(er)a
eor(um) repleta e(st) m(uneribus) } [Latin]
J: 3,228 { In quor(um) manib(us) iniq(ui)tates su(n)t dext(er)a
eor(um) repleta est mun(er)ib(us) } [Latin]
L: 3,228 { In quor(um) manib(us) iniquitates su(n)t dextera
eor(um) repleta est munerib(u)s &c } [Latin]
K: 3,228 { In quor(um) manib(us) Iniquitates su(n)t dext(ra)
eor(um) repleta est mun(er)ib(us) } [Latin]
W: 3,228 --- this line om ---
N: 3,228 { In quor(um) manib(us) iniq(ui)tates su(n)t dextera
eor(um) repleta e(st) mun[eri]b(us) } [Latin]
M: 3,228 { In quor(um) manib(us) iniquitates su(n)t } [Latin]
H: 3,228 -th-at here ri-gh-t hond is hepid ful of -gh-eftis
T: 3,229 And he [th](a)t gripi[th] here giftes so me god helpe
H2: 3,229 And he that grypes her(e) gyftes . so me god helpe
Ch: 3,229 And he -th-at gripeth giftes . so mee god helpe
D: 3,229 And ho so grype-th- here gyftes . so me god helpe
V: 3,229 And heo _th_at (gripe_th_) heore (_g_iftus) . (so
me (God) helpe) [aaAx]
H: 3,229 But he -th-at gripe-th- siche -gh-eftis . so me
god help [aaAx]
J: 3,229 And he -th-(a)t gripith mede so . so me god helpe
L: 3,229 And he -th-at gripeth heore -gh-eftes . so me god
helpe [aaAx]
K: 3,229 And thay that grepyn her gyftes . so me god helpe
W: 3,229 He -th-at gripe-th- here -gh-eftes . so me god helpe
N: 3,229 And he -th-at gripe-th- -th-e gift . so me god helpe
M: 3,229 And -y-e -th-at grypit her(e) -y-iftis . so me god
helpe [aaAx]
T: 3,230 Shal abi[gh]e it bitt(er)ly or [th]e bok li[gh]e[th]
H2: 3,230 Schal abye it biturly . or -th-e bok lyeth [aaAx]
Ch: 3,230 Schal abie hit bitterly . or -th-e boke lie-gh-th
D: 3,230 Shal abye it bitt(er)ly . or -th-e book lyeth [aaAx]
V: 3,230 _Th_ei schullen (a-Bugge) (bitterly) . or _th_e
(Bok) ly_g_e_th_ [aaAx]
H: 3,230 he shal abigge it bitt(er)ly . or ellis -th-e boke
lie-th- [aaAx]
J: 3,230 Schulu(n) abyen wel bitt(er)ly . or -th-e boke lyeth
L: 3,230 Schal abugge hit wel bytter . or elles -th-e book
lyeth [aaAx]
K: 3,230 Schallen abygge it well bitterly . or the boke lyeth
W: 3,230 Shal abye it bitt(er)ly . or -th-e book lieth [aaAx]
N: 3,230 Shal abye it wel bitterly . ar -th-e boke lie-th-
A: 3,230 Schul aby it ful bittirly ; or ellis -th-e bok lyeth
M: 3,230 Scholyn abiggyn wol bitter(e) . or -th-e book liet
T: 3,231 Prestis & p(er)sonis [th](a)t plesing desiri[th]
H2: 3,231 Prestes and p(er)sones . -th-at plesyng desireth
Ch: 3,231 Prestes and p(er)sones . -th-at plesing desireth
D: 3,231 Prestes & p(er)sones . -th-(a)t plesyng desireth
V: 3,231 (Preostes) & (Persones) . _th_at (plesyng) desyre_th_
H: 3,231 P(er)sou(n)s & p(re)stis . -th-at penyes desire(n)
J: 3,231 Prestys & p(er)sownys . -th-(a)t plesyng desyrith
L: 3,231 Preostes & p(er)sones . -th-at plesynges desiren
K: 3,231 Prest(is) & p(er)sons . that plesyng desyren
W: 3,231 P(er)sons & p(re)stes . -th-at p(re)sent-gh-
desiren [aaAx]
N: 3,231 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 3,231 Prestis & p(er)sonis . -th-at prechit and dishirith
M: 3,231 Prestis & p(er)sons . -th-at plesynges desirith
T: 3,232 [Th]at take mede & money for massis [th](a)t [th]ei
H2: 3,232 -Th-at take mede and money . for masse -th-(a)t
thei synge [aaAx]
Ch: 3,232 -Th-at take mede for her money . for messes -th-at
-th-ei sing [aaAx]
D: 3,232 That take mede . for masse -th-(a)t -th-ey syngen
V: 3,232 And take_th_ (Meede) & (moneye) . for (Massen)
_th_at _th_ei syngen [aaAx]
H: 3,232 to take mede & money . for massis -th-at -th-ei
singen [aaAx]
J: 3,232 -Th-(a)t takyn mede & mone . for massys or he
syngyn [aaAx]
L: 3,232 -Th-at taken mede & monee . for masses -th-(a)t
-th-ey syngen [aaAx]
K: 3,232 & taken mede & money . for masses that the
syngyn [aaAx]
W: 3,232 Or take mede or moneye . for messe -th-at -th-ei
singe [aaAx]
N: 3,232 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 3,232 Takyn medis & mony ; for messis -th-at -th-ai
syngyn [aaAx]
M: 3,232 To takyn Mede or mony . for massis -th-at -th-ey
syngyn [aaAx]
T: 3,233 Shal haue mede on [th]is molde [th](a)t mattheu ha[th]
H2: 3,233 Schal haue [that] mede on this molde . -th-(a)t
matheu ha-th- g(ra)ntide [aaAx]
Ch: 3,233 Schal haue mede on -th-is mounde . -th-at matthew
hath graunt[ed] [aaAx]
D: 3,233 Shal haue mede on his molde . -th-(a)t matheu gr(a)unte-th-
V: 3,233 Schullen han (Meede) in _th_is (Molde) . _th_at
(Matheu) ha_th_ I-grauntet [aaAx]
H: 3,233 -th-ei haue(n) her(e) mede on -th-is molde . wi-th-oute(n)
eny more [aaAx]
J: 3,233 Schulyn haue mede of -th-is molde . -th-(a)t mathew
hath g(ra)untyd [aaAx]
L: 3,233 Schal haue mede of -th-is molde . -th-at mathew
hath g(ra)unted [aaAx]
K: 3,233 Schallen haue mede on this molde . that mathew hath
Ig(ra)untyd [aaAx]
W: 3,233 Shal haue -th-e mede on -th-is mold . -th-at mathew
ha-th- graunted [aaAx]
N: 3,233 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 3,233 Schul haue mede on -th-is molde ; -th-at matheu
hath grauntid [aaAx]
M: 3,233 Scholy(n) haue(n) -th-e Mede of -th-ys Molde . -th-(a)t
Matheu he(m) g(ra)unttid [aaAx]
T: 3,233a { Amen Amen recipiebant m(er)cedem suam }
H2: 3,233a { Amen Amen recipiebant mercedem suam } [Latin]
Ch: 3,233a { Amen Amen recipierunt mercedem suam } [Latin]
D: 3,233a { Amen Amen recipiebant m(er)cedem suam } [Latin]
V: 3,233a { Amen dico vobis. receperunt mercedem suam } [Latin]
H: 3,233a --- this line is omitted ---
J: 3,233a { Amen amen recipiebant m(er)cedem suam } [Latin]
L: 3,233a { Amen dico vobis receperunt mercedem sua(m) }
K: 3,233a { Amen amen dico vobis receperunt m(er)cedem suam
} [Latin]
W: 3,233a { Amen dico vobis receperunt mercedem suam } [Latin]
N: 3,233a --- this line is omitted ---
A: 3,233a { Amen amen dico vobis receperunt mercedem suam
} [Latin]
M: 3,233a { Amen dico vobis receperunt m(er)cedem suam }
T: 3,234 [Th]at laboureris & lou[gh] folk taken of here
H2: 3,234 -Th-at laborers and lou-gh- folk . taken of hir(e)
maystris [aaXx]
Ch: 3,234 -Th-at labourers and lewd folk . taken of her maistres
D: 3,234 That labourers & low folkes . take of here mayst(res)
V: 3,234 _Th_at (laborers) and (louh) folk . taken of heore
Maystres [aaXx]
H: 3,234 -Th-at laborers & lewid me(n) . taken of her(e)
maistris [aaXx]
J: 3,234 -Th-(a)t laborerys & low folke . takyn of her(e)
mayst(er)is [aaXx]
L: 3,234 -Th-at laborers & lowe folk . taken of heore
maistres [aaXx]
K: 3,234 That labourars & lowe folkes . taken of her
masters [aaXx]
N: 3,234 -Th-at laboreres & lowe folke . lacche(n) of
her maistres [aaXx]
A: 3,234 That laboureris & lewid folke ; takyn of here
maystris [aaXx]
M: 3,234 -Th-at labores & lewid men . takyn of her(e)
maistres [aaXx]
T: 3,235 Is no maner of mede but a mesurable hire
H2: 3,235 Is no man(er) of mede . but a mesurable hire [aaAx]
Ch: 3,235 Is no maner of mede . bot a musarable here [aaAx]
D: 3,235 Hit is no man(er) mede . but a mesurable heyre [aaAx]
V: 3,235 Nis no (Maner) (Meede) . bote (Mesurable) huyre
H: 3,235 hit nys no man(er)e mede . but mesurabel huyre [aaAx]
J: 3,235 It is no man(er) of mede . but a mesurable hyre
L: 3,235 Ys no maner of mede . bote a mesurable huyre [aaAx]
K: 3,235 It is no man(er) of mede . but a mesurable hyre
W: 3,235 An o-th-er mede -th-(er) is mesurable here [aaAx]
N: 3,235 It is no man(er) of mede . but a mesurable hure
A: 3,235 It is no more of mede ; but a mesurable hire [aaAx]
M: 3,235 It is no(n) mo(re) of mede . but a mesurable hir(e)
W: 3,234 That laborers and lewed folk . take of here maystres [aaXx]
T: 3,236 In marchaundie is no mede I may it wel auowe
H2: 3,236 In mariaundise is no mede . I may it wel auowe
Ch: 3,236 In marchandise is no mede . I may hit wel auowe
D: 3,236 In march(a)undise is no mede . y may it wel auowe
V: 3,236 In (Marchaundise) nis no (Meede) . I (may) hit wel
avoue [aaAx]
H: 3,236 In m(ar)chau(n)dise nys no mede . y may it wel avowe
J: 3,236 In marchaundyse is no mede . I may it wele avowe
L: 3,236 In marchaundise is no mede . I may hit avowe [aaAx]
K: 3,236 In marchandise is no mede . I may it well avowe
W: 3,236 In marchandise is no mede . I may it wel avowe [aaAx]
N: 3,236 In marchau(n)dise is no mede . I may it wel awowe
A: 3,236 In marchandice is no mede ; I may wel avowe [aaAx]
M: 3,236 In marchaundie is no mede . I may it wel auowe [aaAx]
T: 3,237 It is a p(er)mutac(i)ou(n) ap(er)tly a peny for ano[th](er)
H2: 3,237 It is a p(er)mutaciou(n) ap(er)tly . a peny for
another [aaAx]
Ch: 3,237 It is a p(er)mytacioun pertly . a peny for ano-th-er
D: 3,237 Hit is a p(er)mytacou(n) p(er)tly . a penyworth
for another [aaAx]
V: 3,237 Hit is a (permutacion) . a (peni) for ano_th_er
H: 3,237 but ap(er)t p(er)mytaciou(n) as . a peny for ano-th-(er)
J: 3,237 It is a p(er)mutacion . a penyworth for anothyr(e)
L: 3,237 Hit is a p(er)mytaciou(n) ap(er)telich . a penyworth
for ano-th-ir [aaAx]
K: 3,237 It is a p(er)muttaciou(n) ap(er)tely . a penyworth
for another [aaAx]
W: 3,237 It is a p(er)mutasion . a peny for ano-th-er [aaAx]
N: 3,237 It is a p(er)mutaciou(n) ap(er)tly . a penyworth
for ano-th-er [aaAx]
A: 3,237 It is a p(er)mutacioun ap(er)ly ; a penyworth for
another [aaAx]
M: 3,237 It is a p(er)mutac(i)ou(n) . a peneworth for anothir
T: 3,238 Ac reddist [th](o)u neu(er)e { Regum } [th]ou recrei[gh]ede
H2: 3,238 Ac reddist thou neu(er) { regum } . thou recride
mede [aaAx]
Ch: 3,238 Bot redest -th-ow neuer { Regum } . -th-ow recraye-gh-ed
mede [aaAx]
D: 3,238 Ac reddest -th-(o)u neu(er)e { Regu(m) } . -th-(o)u
recreyde mede [aaAx]
V: 3,238 But (Raddest) _th_ou neuer (Regum) . _th_at (recrei_g_ede)
Meede [aaAx]
H: 3,238 Reddest -th-(o)u neu(er) { regu(m) } . -th-at recreyed
mede [aaAx]
J: 3,238 Ac reddistow neu(er) { regu(m) } . -th-(o)u recreyed
mede [aaAx]
L: 3,238 Bote reddest -th-ou neuer { regum } . -th-ou recreyed
mede [aaAx]
K: 3,238 But raddest thou neu(er) { Regum } . thow Recrayed
mede [aaAx]
W: 3,238 Ne redde -th-ou neu(er)e { Regum } . -th-ou recreyde
mede [aaAx]
N: 3,238 Ne redde -th-(o)u neure { regu(m) } . -th-at recreied
mede [aaAx]
A: 3,238 But reddist -th-u neu(er) { regum } ; -th-u recreyd
mede [aaAx]
M: 3,238 But reddist -th-(o)u neu(er) { regu(m) } . -th-u
recryde Mede [aaAx]
T: 3,239 Why [th]e vengeaunce fel on saul & on his children
H2: 3,239 Whi the vengyaunce fil . on saul and on his chyldren
Ch: 3,239 Why -th-e vengaunce fel . on saule and on his children
D: 3,239 Why -th-e vengaunce fyl . on saule & eke on
his Children [aaXx]
V: 3,239 Whi _th_at (veniaunce) (fel) . on Saul and his chidren
H: 3,239 how -th-at vegeau(n)s fel . on saul & his childre(n)
J: 3,239 Qwy veniauns fel . on sawle & eke on his childrine
L: 3,239 Why -th-eo vengaunce worched . on saul & on
his children [aaXx]
K: 3,239 Why the vengeaunce ffell . on savle & on his
childern [aaXx]
W: 3,239 How -th-at vengeaunce fell . on saul and his childre
N: 3,239 Whi -th-e veniau(n)ce fel . on saul & his childre
A: 3,239 Whi -th-e vengauns fel vpon his children ; of -th-e
man saul [aaXx]
M: 3,239 Why -th-e vengaunce fel . vpon saul & ek on
hise childryn [aaXx]
T: 3,240 God sente hym to segge be samuels mou[th]
H2: 3,240 God sente him to segge . be samuel mou-th-e [aaAx]
Ch: 3,240 God sent him to segge . bi samuelis mowthe [aaAx]
D: 3,240 God sent hym to sayne . be samuels mou-th-e [aaAx]
V: 3,240 God (sende) to (seie) . Bi (Samuels) mou_th_e [aaAx]
H: 3,240 god sende hym to say . by samuelis mow-th-e [aaAx]
J: 3,240 God sent him to seye . be samuels mowthe [aaAx]
L: 3,240 God sende him to sayn . by samueles mouthe [aaAx]
K: 3,240 God sent hym to say . be samuell(es) mowth [aaAx]
W: 3,240 How god sent hem to say . by samuels mou-th-e [aaAx]
N: 3,240 God sent hi(m) to seyn . by samueles mow-th-e [aaAx]
A: 3,240 God sent hym to seyne ; be samuelis mowth [aaAx]
M: 3,240 God sente hym to seyn . be samuelis muthe [aaAx]
T: 3,241 [Th]at Agag of Amaleg & his peple aftir
H2: 3,241 That agag of amalech . and his peple aftir [aaAx]
Ch: 3,241 -Th-at agas and amules . and her peple after [aaAx]
D: 3,241 That Agag for Amalec . & his peple aft(ir) [aaAx]
V: 3,241 _Th_at (Agag) and (Amalec) . and (al) his peple
(aftur) [aaAa]
H: 3,241 -Th-at agag of amalek . & alle his puple aft(ur)
J: 3,241 -Th-at agax & amalek . & alle his peple
aft(er) [aaAx]
L: 3,241 -Th-at Agag of amalek . and al his people after
K: 3,241 That agagge of amaleche . and all his people after
W: 3,241 That agag of amalech . & and al his peple after
N: 3,241 That agag of amalek . & alle his peple aftre
A: 3,241 That agag of amalek ; & alle his puple aftir
M: 3,241 -Th-at agag of amalech . & al his peple after
T: 3,242 Shulde di[gh]e for a dede [th](a)t don hadde h(er)e
H2: 3,242 Schulde dey-gh-e for a dede . -th-(a)t don hadde
her(e) eldris [aaAx]
Ch: 3,242 Shulde die for a dede . -th-at don had her eldes
D: 3,242 Schulde dye for a dede . -th-at don had his eldres
V: 3,242 Schulden (dye) for a (dede) . _th_at (don) (hedde)
his (eldren) [aaAbb]
H: 3,242 Shulde deie for a dede . -th-at don hadde his eldre(n)
J: 3,242 Scholdyn deyn for a dede . -th-(a)t done had his
elder(e) [aaAx]
L: 3,242 Scholde dye for a dede . -th-at don haden his aldres
K: 3,242 Schuld die for a dede . that done had his eldars
W: 3,242 Shold die for a dede . -th-at done had his elders
N: 3,242 Sholde dye for a dede . -th-(a)t dou(n) had his
heldres [aaAx]
A: 3,242 Schuld dey for a dede ; -th-at don had here elderis
M: 3,242 Schuldyn deyen for a dede . -th-at don haddy(n)
hys eldrys [aaAx]
T: 3,243 --- this line om ---
H2: 3,243 --- this line is omitted ---
Ch: 3,243 --- this line is omitted ---
D: 3,243 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 3,243 A_g_eynes (Israel) and (Aaron) . and Moyses his
bro_th_er [aaXx]
H: 3,243 A-gh-ens Israel & aaron . & moises his bro-th-(er)
J: 3,243 A-gh-eyn Israel & aaron . & moyses his broder(e)
L: 3,243 A-gh-eyn yraels & aron . & moyses his brother
K: 3,243 A-gh-enst Israell & aaron . & moyses his
brother [aaXx]?
W: 3,243 Agayn Is(ra)el Aaron . & moyses bro-th-er [aaXx]?
N: 3,243 Agayn Israel and aaron . & moyses his bro-th-er
A: 3,243 A-gh-eyne israel & aron ; & moyses here
bro-th-(er) [aaXx]?
M: 3,243 Agoyns isr(ae)l and Aron . & Moyses hys bro-th-yr
T: 3,244 Samuel seide to saul god sendi[th] [th]e & hoti[th]
H2: 3,244 Samuel seide to saul . god sendith -th-e and hotith
Ch: 3,244 Samuel seide to saule . god sende-th- -th-e and
hote-th- [aaAx]
D: 3,244 Samuel seyde to Saul . god sendeth -th-e & hoteth
V: 3,244 (Samuel) seide to (Saul) . God (seende_th_) _th_e
and hote_th_ [aaAx]
H: 3,244 Samuel seide to saul . god sende -th-ee to say [aaAx]
J: 3,244 Samuel seide to sawle . god sendyth -th-e & hotith
L: 3,244 Samuel saide to saul . god sendes -th-e & hoteth
K: 3,244 Samuel said to sawle . god send the & hoteth
W: 3,244 Samuel sayde to saul . god sent -th-e to say [aaAx]
N: 3,244 Samuel seid to saul . god sendi-th- -th-e & hote-th-
A: 3,244 Samuel seyde to saul ; god sent to -th-e & hotith
M: 3,244 Samuel seyde to saul . god sendyt to -th-e & hotit
T: 3,245 To be buxum & boun his bidding to fulfille
H2: 3,245 To be buxum and boun(n) . his byddyng to fulfille
Ch: 3,245 To be buxom and bone . his bidding to fulfille
D: 3,245 To be buxom & bou(n) . his byddyng to fulfillyn
V: 3,245 To beo (boxum) and (boun) . his (biddyng) to worche
H: 3,245 to be buxu(m) & bou(n) . his bidding to werche
J: 3,245 To ben boxom & bou(n) . his biddyng to fulfylle
L: 3,245 To beo buxum & boun . his byddyng to fulfulle
K: 3,245 To be buxum & bownde . his byddyng to fulfille
W: 3,245 And hote-th- -th-e be buxom . his byddyng to fulfille
N: 3,245 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 3,245 To ben buxum & bou(n) ; his biddyngis to fulfille
M: 3,245 To ben buxu(m) & boun . his biddyng to fulfellyn
T: 3,246 Wende [th]idir w(i)t(h) [th]in ost wo(m)men to kille
H2: 3,246 Wende thidur w(i)t(h) -th-i ost . wo(m)men to kylle
Ch: 3,246 Wende -th-eder with -th-in hoste . wymmen to killen
D: 3,246 Wend -th-eder w(i)t(h) -th-yn ost . wymme(n) to
kylle [axAx]?
V: 3,246 (Weend) _th_ider with _th_in host . (wymmen) to
Culle [axAx]
H: 3,246 Wende -th-ou to amalek wi-th- -th-ine ost ; -th-e
cu(n)tr(e) to quelle [axAx]?
J: 3,246 Wende -th-idyr(e) w(i)t(h) -th-in oste . wymmen
to kylle [axAx]?
L: 3,246 Wend -th-ider wi-th- thyn oste . alle wymmen -th-ou
qwelle [axAx]?
K: 3,246 Wende thither w(i)t(h) thyn hooste . wymmen to kille
W: 3,246 Wende -th-eder wi-th- -th-in ost . wymmen to kylle
N: 3,246 Wende -th-ider wi-th- -th-ine ost . wo(m)men to
kille [axAx]?
A: 3,246 Wyndith -th-edur w(i)t(h) -th-ine ost ; women for
to kille [axAx]?
M: 3,246 Wendyt -th-ider w(i)t(h) -th-yn host . wy(m)men
to kylle [axAx]?
T: 3,247 Children & cherl(is) choppe hem to de[th]e
H2: 3,247 Chyldren and cherles . schopen hem to de-th-e [aaAx]
Ch: 3,247 Children and clerkes . choppe hem to de-th- [aaAx]
D: 3,247 Children & Cherles . schap hem to de-th- [aaAx]
V: 3,247 (Children) and (Cheorles) . (Chop) hem to de_th_e
H: 3,247 childre(n) & cherlis . dryue hem to de-th-e
J: 3,247 Childeryn & clerkys . chop hem to dethe [aaAx]
L: 3,247 Children & cheorles . choppe of heore hedes
K: 3,247 Childern & clark(es) . choppe them to dethe
W: 3,247 Children and cherles . choppe hem to de-th- [aaAx]
N: 3,247 Children & cherles . choppe hem to -th-e de-th-
A: 3,247 Children & cherlis . choppe of here hedis [aaAx]
M: 3,247 Childryn & cherlys . chop hem to dede [aaAx]
T: 3,248 Loke [th](o)u kille [th]e king coueite nou[gh]t hise
H2: 3,248 Loke thow kylle -th-e kyng . coueite nou-gh-t is
godes [aaAx]
Ch: 3,248 Loke -th-ow kille -th-e king . coueyte nou-gh-t
hise gode [aaAx]
D: 3,248 Loke -th-(o)u kylle -th-e kyng . coueyte not his
goodes [aaAx]
V: 3,248 Loke _th_ow (culle) _th_e (kyng) . (Coueyte) not
his goodes [aaAx]
H: 3,248 loke -th-ou kille -th-e king . coueit not his goodis
J: 3,248 Loke -th-(o)u kylle -th-e kyng . couet not his godys
L: 3,248 Loke -th-(o)u kulle -th-e kyng . & coueyte not
his godes [aaAx]
K: 3,248 Loke thou kylle the kyng . cauyte not his good(is)
W: 3,248 Loke -th-ow kylle -th-e kyng . take not hise godes
N: 3,248 Loke -th-(o)u kille -th-e kyng . coueite nou-gh-t
his gode [aaAx]
A: 3,248 Loke -th-u kille -th-e kyng ; coueyte not his godis
M: 3,248 Loke -th-u kile [-th-e] kyng . coueite nout his
goodys [aaAx]
T: 3,249 ffor any mylionis of mone murdre hem ichone
H2: 3,249 ffor any mylyones of money . morder he(m) echone
Ch: 3,249 ffor any Millions of Monye . mur-th-er hem echon
D: 3,249 ffor eny mylyou(n)s of money . muldre he(m) echone
V: 3,249 ffor (Milions) of (Moneye) . (Mor_th_er) hem vchone
H: 3,249 for ony myliou(n)s of money . molde hem echone [aaAx]
J: 3,249 ffor any mylyownys of mone . murther(e) hem ichone
L: 3,249 ffor any multitude of money . mordre heom vchone
K: 3,249 ffor any meliouns of money . murdre hem echone [aaAx]
W: 3,249 ffor ony mylions of monoye . loke -th-ou mor-th-re
hem ychon [aaAx]
N: 3,249 ffor eny Myliou(n)s of money . moldre hem vchone
A: 3,249 ffor ony meliounis of gold ; dismenbre hem echone
M: 3,249 ffor ony myliou(n)s of mony . mordr(e) hem ichone
T: 3,250 Barnes and bestis brenne hem to de[th]e
H2: 3,250 Barnes and bestes . brenne hem to gader(e) [aaAx]
Ch: 3,250 Barnes and bestes . brenne hem to de-th-e [aaAx]
D: 3,250 Barnet & bestes . bren hem to deth [aaAx]
V: 3,250 (Bernes) and (Beestes) . (Brenne) hem al to askes
H: 3,250 burwes & bernes & bestis . -th-ou brenne
J: 3,250 Bernys & bestys . bren hem to dethe [aaAx]
L: 3,250 Beornes & bestes . brutne heom to dethe [aaAx]
K: 3,250 Barnes & bestes . brenne hem to dethe [aaAx]
W: 3,250 Bernes and bestes . brenne hem to de-th-e [aaAx]
N: 3,250 Biernes & bestes . brenne hem to -th-e de-th-e
A: 3,250 Bernys & bestis ; brenne hem to dede [aaAx]
M: 3,250 Gerdis & best(is) . brenne hem to dede [aaAx]
T: 3,251 And for he kilde not [th]e king as crist bode sente
H2: 3,251 And for he kylde not -th-e kyng . as c(ri)st bode
sente [aaAx]
Ch: 3,251 And for he killed nou-gh-t -th-e king . as crist
bode sente [aaAx]
D: 3,251 And for he kylled not -th-e kyng . as crist hy(m)
bo-th-e sente [aaAx]
V: 3,251 And for he (culde) not _th_e (kyng) . as (crist)
him-self hihte [aaAx],
H: 3,251 for he killed not -th-e king . as crist hym self
sende [aaAx]
J: 3,251 ffor he kyllyd nouth -th-e kyng . as c(ri)ste hi(m)
bode sent [aaAx]
L: 3,251 And for he kulled not -th-e kyng . as crist him
bode sende [aaAx]
K: 3,251 And for he kyllyd not the kyng . as criste hym bode
sent [aaAx]
W: 3,251 And for he quelled not -th-e kyng . as crist hym
bode sent [aaAx]
N: 3,251 And for he killed nou-gh-t -th-e kynge . as crist
hi(m) bode sent [aaAx]
A: 3,251 ffor he killid not -th-e kyng ; as crist hym bode
sente [aaAx]
M: 3,251 And for he kilde nout -th-e kyng . as crist hy(m)
bode sente [aaAx]
T: 3,252 Coueitide here catel kilde nou[gh]t hire bestis
H2: 3,252 Coueytede here catel . kylde nou-gh-t her(e) bestes
Ch: 3,252 Coueited her catelle . killed nou-gh-t her bestes
D: 3,252 Coueyted his catel . kylled not his bestes [aaAx]
V: 3,252 (Coueytede) feir (catel) . and slouh not his Beestes
H: 3,252 but coueited -th-e catel . & slow not her(e)
bestis [aaAx]
J: 3,252 But koueytyd her(e) catel . & kyllyd nouth h(er)e
bestys [aaAx]
L: 3,252 Coueyted heore katel . kulled not heore bestes [aaAx]
K: 3,252 Coueyted her catell . kyllyd not her bestes [aaAx]
W: 3,252 ffor coueitise of catel . slow not here bestes [aaAx]
N: 3,252 Coueited her catel . killed nou-gh-t here best(is)
A: 3,252 Coueyte here good ; killid not here bestis [aaAx]
M: 3,252 Coueitid her(e) catel . kylde nout her(e) bestys
T: 3,253 But brou[gh]te wi[th] hym [th]e bestis as [th]e bible
hym tolde
H2: 3,253 But brou-gh-te wi-th- hi(m) -th-e bestis . as -th-e
bible tolde [aaAx]
Ch: 3,253 Bot brou-gh-t with him -th-e beestes . as -th-e
bibille tolde [aaAx]
D: 3,253 But browte w(i)t(h) hym -th-e bestes . as -th-e
byble tolde [aaAx]
V: 3,253 Bote (brouhte) wi_th_ him _th_e (Beestes) . as _th_e
(Bible) telle_th_ [aaAx]
H: 3,253 & brou-gh-t wi-th- hem her(e) goodis . as -th-e
bible techi-th- [aaAx]
J: 3,253 But brouht w(i)t(h) hi(m) -th-e bestys . as -th-e
bible techith [aaAx]
L: 3,253 Bote broghte with him -th-e bestaile . as -th-e
bible telleth [aaAx]
K: 3,253 But brought w(i)t(h) hym the bestes . as the bible
telleth [aaAx]
W: 3,253 But drof for-th- -th-e bestes . as -th-e bible telle-th-
N: 3,253 But brou-gh-t for-th- -th-e bestes . as -th-e bible
telli-th- [aaAx]
A: 3,253 But brouth w(i)t(h) hem -th-e bestis . as -th-e
bible tellit [aaAx]
M: 3,253 But brougthe w(i)t(h) hym -th-e bestis . as -th-e
bible tellit [aaAx]
T: 3,254 God seide to samuel [th](a)t saul shulde dei[gh]e
H2: 3,254 God seide to samuel . -th-(a)t saul scholde dey-gh-e
Ch: 3,254 God seide to samuel . -th-at saul schuld die [aaAx]
D: 3,254 God seyde to samuel . -th-(a)t saul schuld deye
V: 3,254 God (sende) to (seye) . _th_at (Samuel) schulde
dye [aaAx]
H: 3,254 god sende to say . -th-at saul shulde dey-gh- [aaAx]
J: 3,254 God seyde to samuel . -th-(a)t sowle scholde deye
L: 3,254 God seide to samuel . -th-at saul schulde dye [aaAx]
K: 3,254 God said to samuell . that saul schulde die [aaAx]
W: 3,254 God said to Samuel . -th-at saul shuld dye [aaAx]
N: 3,254 God seid to samuel . -th-(a)t saul scholde dye [aaAx]
A: 3,254 God seyde to samuel ; -th-at saul schuld dey [aaAx]
M: 3,254 God seide to samuel . -th-at saul schulde deye [aaAx]
T: 3,255 And al his sed for [th](a)t synne senfully shulde
H2: 3,255 And al his sede for -th-at synne . synfully schulde
ende [aaAx]
Ch: 3,255 And al his sede for -th-at synne . schamfully schuld
ende [aaAx]
D: 3,255 And al his sed for -th-at synne . shendfully schuld
ende [aaAx]
V: 3,255 And al his (seed) for _th_at (Sunne) . (schendfulliche)
ende [aaAx]
H: 3,255 & all his seed for -th-at synne . shendfulliche
ende [aaAx]
J: 3,255 And al his sede for -th-(a)t sy(n)ne . schent ben
for eu(er)e [aaAx]
L: 3,255 And al his seed for -th-at synne . schenfulliche
eynde [aaAx]
K: 3,255 And al his sede for that synne . schamefully end
W: 3,255 And al his sede for -th-at synne . shamfully ende
N: 3,255 And al his seed for -th-at synne . schenfullyche
ende [aaAx]
A: 3,255 And alle he seyde ; for -th-at synne synfully endid
M: 3,255 And al hys sed for -th-at senne . schenfulliche
endy(n) [aaAx]
T: 3,256 Such a meschef mede made [th]e kyng haue
H2: 3,256 Such a meschef mede . made -th-e kyng for to haue
Ch: 3,256 Such a myschef mede . made -th-e kyng to haue [aaAx]
D: 3,256 Suche a myschief mede . made -th-e kyng to haue
V: 3,256 Such a (Mischef) (Meede) . (made) _th_e kyng to
haue [aaAx]
H: 3,256 siche a meschef mede . made -th-e king to haue [aaAx]
J: 3,256 Swyche a myschefe mede . made -th-e kyng for to
haue [aaAx]
L: 3,256 Suche a mescheif mede . made -th-e kyng for to haue
K: 3,256 Such a myschef mede . made [the] kyng to haue [aaAx]
W: 3,256 Suche an meschef mede . made -th-e kyng to haue
N: 3,256 Suche a myschef Mede . made -th-e kyng haue [aaAx]
A: 3,256 Sweche a mysse mede ; made -th-e kyng for to haue
M: 3,256 Swich a mischef made . mede -th-e kyng for to haue
W: 3,247 --- this line is omitted ---
T: 3,257 [Th]at god hati[th] [th](a)t king & alle hise
heires aftir
H2: 3,257 -Th-(a)t god hated -th-e kyng . and al his or eyres
aftir [aaAa]
Ch: 3,257 -Th-at god hateth -th-at king . and al his ei-gh-ers
after [aaAa]
D: 3,257 That god hateth -th-e kyng . & all his eyres
aft(ir) [aaAa]
V: 3,257 _Th_at God (hatede) him (euere) . and his (heires)
(after) [aaAa]
H: 3,257 -Th-at god hatid hym for eu(er) . & alle his
eires aft(ur) [aaAa]
J: 3,257 -Th-(a)t god hatyd him eu(er)e . & his eyris
aft(er) [aaAa]
L: 3,257 -Th-at god hated him for euer . & al his ayres
after [aaAa]
K: 3,257 That god hated hym for eu(er) . & al his heires
after [aaAa]
N: 3,257 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 3,257 That god hatid hym for euyr ; & his eyris aftir
M: 3,257 -Th-at god hatede hym for eu(er)e . & alle hise
eyris after [aaAa]
T: 3,258 [Th]e {culor(um)} of [th]is clause kepe I not to shewe
H2: 3,258 -Th-e culor(um) of -th-is clause . kepe I nou-gh-t
to schewe [aaAx]
Ch: 3,258 -Th-e { culorum } of -th-is case . kepe I nou-gh-t
to schew [aaAx]
D: 3,258 The ende of -th-is terme . y oute to schewe [aaAx]
V: 3,258 _Th_e (Culorum) of _th_is . (kepe) I not to schewe
H: 3,258 -Th-e colour(e) of -th-is . kepe y not to shewe
J: 3,258 -Th-e colour(e) of -th-is kepe I nouth to schewe
L: 3,258 -Th-e culor(um) of -th-is . no kepe y not to schewe
K: 3,258 The colour of this . kepe I nowght to schewe [aaAx]
W: 3,258 The culor(um) of -th-is . ne kepe I not to shewe
N: 3,258 -Th-e culor(um) of -th-is cas . kepe I nou-gh-t
to shewe [aaAx]
A: 3,258 The colour of -th-is cace . kepe I neu(er) to schewe
M: 3,258 -Th-e culor(um) of -th-ys cas . kepe I nouth to
schewen [aaAx]
T: 3,259 An aunt(er) it me noi[gh]ide an ende wile I make
H2: 3,259 An aunt(er) it me noy-gh-ede . and ende wyl I make
Ch: 3,259 And aunter hit me noi-gh-ed . an ende wol I make
D: 3,259 On aunter it noyed me . now an ende wil y make [aaAxx]
V: 3,259 In Auenture hit munged me . an ende wol I make:
H: 3,259 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 3,259 In auentur(e) if it noyede me . now ende wil I make
L: 3,259 In aunter hit nuyed me . non eynde wol y make [aaAxx]
K: 3,259 An avntre it noyed me . nygh an ende wol I make
W: 3,259 And an auntr(e) if I noied me . amende wil I make
N: 3,259 O aventure it annuyed me . non ende wil I make [aaAxx]
A: 3,259 In auntur it noyed me ; non ende wil I make [aaAxx]
M: 3,259 An auentur(e) it greuede no(n) . hende wile I makyn
T: 3,260 In consience knowe I [th]is for kynde it me tau[gh]te
H2: 3,260 In consience knowe I -th-is . for kynde it me tau-gh-te
Ch: 3,260 In conscience knowe I -th-is . for kende hit me
tau-gh-t [aaAx]
D: 3,260 Yf Concience knowe -th-is . for kynde it me taw-gh-te
V: 3,260 -- misplaced after 265 --
J: 3,260 I consciens knowe -th-is . for kynde wytte me tawhte
L: 3,260 I consience knowe hit . for kynde wit me taught
K: 3,260 In consience knowe [I] this . for kynd me tould
W: 3,260 I conscience knowe -th-is . for kynde witte me taght
N: 3,260 I conscience knowe -th-is . for kynde witte me tau-gh-te
A: 3,260 I conciens schal knowe -th-at ; for kynd witte me
tauth [aaAx]
M: 3,260 I concience schal knowyn -th-ys . for kynde wit
me taugthe [aaAx]
T: 3,261 [Th](a)t resoun shal regne & reumes gou(er)ne
H2: 3,261 -Th-at reson schal reyne . and remes gou(er)ne
Ch: 3,261 -Th-at resoun schal reine . and remes gouerne [aaAx]
D: 3,261 That Resou(n) schal regne . & Reames gou(er)ne
V: 3,261 -- misplaced after 265 --
J: 3,261 -Th-(a)t resen schal reygne -gh-it . & rewmys
gouerne [aaAx]
L: 3,261 -Th-at reson schal regne . and rewmes gouerne [aaAx]
K: 3,261 That resone schal reynge . & realmes gou(er)ne
W: 3,261 That reson shal regne -gh-it . and reaumes gou(er)ne
N: 3,261 That reson schal regne -gh-it . & regnes gouerne
A: 3,261 That resonis schul reyne ; & realmis gouerne
M: 3,261 -Th-at resun schal regny(n) . & regnys gou(er)nyn
T: 3,262 And ri[gh]t as Agag hadde happe shal so(m)me
H2: 3,262 And ri-gh-t as agag hadde . happe schal newly so(m)me
Ch: 3,262 And ri-gh-t as agas hadde . happe schal somme [aaAx]
D: 3,262 And right as Agag had . happed ende schul so(m)me
V: 3,262 And riht as (Agag) (hedde) . (hapne) schulle summe
H: 3,262 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 3,262 And riht as agagx had . happyn schulyn su(m)me [aaAx]
L: 3,262 And right as agag happed . happen schule so(m)me
K: 3,262 And right as agag had . happe sum schulden haue
W: 3,262 And right so as agag . happed shal some [aaAx]
N: 3,262 And ri-gh-t as agag had . happe schal so(m)me [aaAx]
A: 3,262 And rygth as agag hauyd ; rygth so schal synne [aaAx]
M: 3,262 And ryth as fel of agag . happe schal of su(m)me
T: 3,263 Samuel shal slen hym & saul shal be blamid
H2: 3,263 Samuel schal slen hi(m) . and saul schal be blamyd
Ch: 3,263 Samuel schal sleen him . and saul schal be blamed
D: 3,263 Samuel schal slen hym . & saul schal be blamed
V: 3,263 (Samuel) schal (slen) him . and (Saul) schal be
blamet [aaAx]
H: 3,263 -th-e(n) samuel slowe agag . & saul was yblamyd
J: 3,263 Samuel schal slen him . & sawle sc[h]al ben
blamyde [aaAx]
L: 3,263 Samuel schal slen him . & saul schal beo blamed
K: 3,263 Samuel schal scleen hym . & savl schal be blamed
W: 3,263 Samuel shal slen hym . and saul be blamed [aaAx]
N: 3,263 Samuel shal slen hi(m) . & saul schal be blamed
A: 3,263 Samuel schal sle hym ; & saul schal be blamyd
M: 3,263 Samuel schal slen hym . & saul schal ben blamyd
T: 3,264 And dauid shal be dyademid & daunten hem alle
H2: 3,264 And dauid schal be dyademyd . and daunten he(m)
alle [aaAx]
Ch: 3,264 And dauyd schal be dyadem . and daunten hem alle
D: 3,264 And dauid schal be dyademyd . & damnen he(m)
alle [aaAx]
V: 3,264 (Dauid) schal ben (Dyademed) . and (daunten) hem
alle [aaAx]
H: 3,264 & dauid was diademyd . & daunted hem alle
J: 3,264 And dauid schal bene dyadenyd . & dauntyn he(m)
alle [aaAx]
L: 3,264 And dauid schal beo dyademed . & daunten heom
alle [aaAx]
K: 3,264 And dauid schal be diademed . & daunten hem
alle [aaAx]
W: 3,264 And Dauid shal be dyademed . & daunted of alle
N: 3,264 And d(aui)d shal be diademed . & daunten hem
alle [aaAx]
A: 3,264 And dauyd schal bigge dyademys ; & dauntyn hem
alle [aaAx]
M: 3,264 & dauid schal biggyn diademys . & danty(n)
he(m) alle [aaAx]
T: 3,265 And o cristene king kepe vs ichone
H2: 3,265 And o c(ri)sten kyng . kepe vs Ichone [aaAx]
Ch: 3,265 And on cristen king . kepe vs echon [aaAx]
D: 3,265 And on cristen kyng . kepe vs echone [aaAx]
V: 3,265 And on (cristene) (kyng) . (kepen) vs vchone [aaAx]
V: 3,265 [3,260] (Concience) (knowe_th_) _th_is . for (kuynde)
wit me tau_g_te [aaAx]
V: 3,265 [3,261] _Th_at (Resun) schal (regne) . and (Reames)
gouerne [aaAx]
H: 3,265 & on c(ri)sten king . kept hem echone [aaAx]
J: 3,265 And one c(ri)sten kyng . sc[h]al kepyn vs ycchon
L: 3,265 And on cristene kyng . kepe vs vchone [aaAx]
K: 3,265 And one crysten kynge . kepyn vs echone [aaAx]
W: 3,265 And o cristen kyng . kepe vs ychon [aaAx]
N: 3,265 And on cristene kyng . kepe vs vchone [aaAx]
A: 3,265 And on cryste(n) kyngis . schal kepe -gh-ou echone
M: 3,265 And on cristene kyng . kepyn hem ichone [aaAx]
H: 3,260 I consciens knew -th-is . for kynde witt me tau-gh-t [aaAx]
H: 3,261 -Th-at resou(n) shal regne . & rewmes gou(er)ne [aaAx]
T: 3,266 Shal no more mede be maist(er) on er[th]e
H2: 3,266 Schal no mor(e) mede . be maister on er-th-e [aaAx]
Ch: 3,266 Schal no more mede . be maister on erthe [aaAx]
D: 3,266 Schal no more mede . be maist(er) on erthe [aaAx]
V: 3,266 Schal no (more) (Meede) . be (Mayster) vppon eor_th_e
H: 3,266 Shal no more mede . be maist(er) vpo(n) er-th-e
J: 3,266 Schal no more mede . ben mayst(er) in erthe [aaAx]
L: 3,266 Schal no more mede . beo maister apon eorthe [aaAx]
K: 3,266 Schal no more mede . be master on erthe [aaAx]
W: 3,266 And me[de] shal nomore . be maystr(e) on erthe [aaAx]
N: 3,266 Now shal no more mede . be maistre of erthe [aaAx]
A: 3,266 Schal no more mede ; be maystir vpon erde [aaAx]
M: 3,266 Schal no mor(e) mede . be maist(er) vppon erthe
T: 3,267 But loue & lou[gh]nesse and leaute togid(er)is
H2: 3,267 But loue and lownesse . and laute togyd(er)is [aaAx]
Ch: 3,267 Bot loue and low-gh-nesse . and lew-gh-te togederes
D: 3,267 But loue & lownesse . & lyaunce togideres
V: 3,267 Bote (loue) and (louhnesse) . and (leute) to-gedere
H: 3,267 but loue & lownes . & lewte togedris [aaAx]
J: 3,267 But lof & lownesse . & lawte togyder(e)
L: 3,267 Bote loue & lowenes . & lewte togedre [aaAx]
K: 3,267 But loue & lownes . & lewte togyders [aaAx]
W: 3,267 But lele loue and leute . & lyance togederes
N: 3,267 Bote loue & lownesse . & lewte togidre [aaAx]
A: 3,267 But loue & lownes ; and leute togederis [aaAx]
M: 3,267 But loue & lounesse . & lovte togederys
T: 3,268 And whoso trespassi[th] trewely & taki[th] to
[th]e wrong
H2: 3,268 And whoso trespasi-th- trewly . and taky-th- to
-th-e wrong [aaAx]
Ch: 3,268 And whoso trespasseth trewly . and take-th- to
-th-e wrong [aaAx]
D: 3,268 And ho so trespaced treu-th-e . & take-th- ony
-th-yng [aaAx]
V: 3,268 And heo _th_at (trespasse_th_) to (trou_th_e) .
or do_th_ a_g_eyn his wille [aaXx]
H: 3,268 & he -th-at trespasi-th- to treu-th-e . & do-th-
a-gh-ens his wille [aaAx]
J: 3,268 & ho so trespassyth a-gh-eyne trewthe or doth
a-gh-eyne his wille [aaAx]
L: 3,268 And whoso trespaseth to trouthe . or a-gh-eyn him
takith [aaAx]
K: 3,268 And whoso trespasith treuth . takyth ageyn his will
W: 3,268 And whoso tresspase-th- agains treu-th- or take-th-
agayn his wille [aaAx]
N: 3,268 & whoso trespasse-th- trw-th-e . or taki-th-
agayne his wille [aaAx]
A: 3,268 And ho so trespas to trew-th-e ; & takith a
-gh-eu-gh-e his wille [aaAx]
M: 3,268 And whoso trespace to trewthe . & takyt a-y-ens
his wille [aaAx]
T: 3,269 His wykkide leaute shal do hym lawe or lese his lif
H2: 3,269 His wykkide leaute schal do hi(m) lawe . or lese
his lyf ellis [aaAx]
Ch: 3,269 His wikked lewte schal do him lawe . or lese his
lif elles [aaAx]
D: 3,269 His wikyd liaunce schal don hym lawe . & lese
his lyf elles [aaAx]
V: 3,269 (Leute) schal don him (lawe) . or (leosen) his (lyf)
elles [aaAa]
H: 3,269 lewte shal do hym lawe . or lese his lyf ellis [aaAx]
J: 3,269 Lewte schal don him lawe . or lesyn his lif ellis
L: 3,269 Lewte schal leggen him lowe . or leose his lif elles
K: 3,269 Leavte schal done hym lawe . & lese his life
els [aaAx]
W: 3,269 Leelte shal don hym lawe . & no lyf elles [aaAx]
N: 3,269 Lewte shal done hy(m) lawe . or lese his lyf elles
A: 3,269 Leute schal don hym lawe ; and no lyfe ellis [aaAx]
M: 3,269 lealte scha don hi(m) lawe . & no lif ell(is)
T: 3,270 Shal no s(er)iaunt for [th](a)t s(er)uyse were a silk
H2: 3,270 Schal no seruaunt for -th-at s(er)uyse . wer(e)
a selk howue [aaAx]
Ch: 3,270 Shal no seriaunt for -th-at seruise . were silken
howe [aaAx]
D: 3,270 Schal no s(er)gaunt for his s(er)uise . were a sylk
howue [aaAx]
V: 3,270 Schal no (seriaunt) for _th_at (seruise) . were
a (selk) houue [aaAx]
H: 3,270 Shal no s(er)iau(n)t for -th-at s(er)uise . wer(e)
a selke(n) howue [aaAx]
J: 3,270 Schal no s(er)iaunt for -th-(a)t s(er)uyse . weryn
a sylke owue [aaAx]
L: 3,270 Schal no s(er)iaunt for -th-at seruys . weore a
seolk howue [aaAx]
K: 3,270 Schal no s(er)u(a)nt for that s(er)uice . weare
a sylken hove [aaAx]
W: 3,270 No sergeant for -th-at seruice . shal were a sylkyn
howe [aaAx]
N: 3,270 Shal no s(er)iaunt-gh- for -th-(a)t s(er)uyse .
were a silke howe [aaAx]
A: 3,270 Schal no seriaunt for here seruice ; were -th-e
silkene houys [aaAx]
M: 3,270 Schal no sergau(n)t for -th-(a)t s(er)uice . wern
a silkyn owue [aaAx]
T: 3,271 Ne no ray robe of riche pelure
H2: 3,271 Ne no ray robe . of ryche pellure [aaAx]
Ch: 3,271 Ne no Ray Robe . of Riche pelure [aaAx]
D: 3,271 Ne no Ray robe . w(i)t(h) no riche pello(ur) [aaAx]
V: 3,271 Ne no (Ray) (Robe) . wi_th_ (Riche) pelure [aaAx]
H: 3,271 Ne no ray robe . of riche pelur(e) [aaAx]
J: 3,271 Ne no ray rowbe . w(i)t(h) so riche pelour(e) [aaAx]
L: 3,271 No no ray robe . rechely yforred [aaAx]
K: 3,271 Ne noon ray robe . with riche pelure [aaAx]
W: 3,271 Ne no ray robes . wi-th- riche pelour [aaAx]
N: 3,271 Ne no raye robe . wi-th- no ryche pellure [aaAx]
A: 3,271 Ne non ray robis ; w(i)t(h) riche pellure [aaAx]
M: 3,271 Ne no ray robe . w(i)t(h) riche pelur(e) [aaAx]
T: 3,272 Mede of mysdoeris maki[th] hem so riche
H2: 3,272 Mede of mysdoeres . makyth hem so ryche [aaAx]
Ch: 3,272 Mede of mysdoers . make-th- hem to Riche [aaAx]
D: 3,272 Mede of Mysdoers . make-th- hem so riche [aaAx]
V: 3,272 (Meede) of (misdoers) . (make_th_) (men) so riche
H: 3,272 Mede wi-th- her(e) mysdedis . make-th- hem so riche
J: 3,272 Mede of mysdoers . makyth hem so riche [aaAx]
L: 3,272 Mede of misdoers . maketh heom to riche [aaAx]
K: 3,272 Mede of mysdoars . maketh hem so riche [aaAx]
W: 3,272 Mede of mesdoers . make-th- many lordes [aaAx]
N: 3,272 Mede of mysdoers . Make-th- hem so ryche [aaAx]
A: 3,272 Mede of mysdoeris ; makt hem to riche [aaAx]
M: 3,272 Mede of misdoers . makyt hem to riche [aaAx]
T: 3,273 [Th]at lawe is lord waxen & leute is pore
H2: 3,273 -th-e lawe is [a] lord waxen . leaute is pore [aaAx]
Ch: 3,273 -Th-at lawe is lorde waxen . and lewte is pore
D: 3,273 That lawe is lord waxen . & lyaunce [is] pore
V: 3,273 _Th_at (lawe) is (lord) I-waxen . and (leute) is
pore [aaAx]
H: 3,273 -Th-at lawe is lord waxen . & lewte is pore
J: 3,273 -Th-at lawe is lorde waxen . & lewte is pour(e)
L: 3,273 -Th-at lawe is a lord waxen . and lewte is pore
K: 3,273 That lawe is lord waxen . & lewte is pore [aaAx]
W: 3,273 That lawe is lord waxen . and lelte is pore [aaAx]
N: 3,273 That lawe is lorde waxen . & lewte is pore [aaAx]
A: 3,273 That lawe is lord waxen ; & loue is ful pore
M: 3,273 -Th-at lawe is a lord waxin . & loue is pouer(e)
T: 3,274 Vnkyndenesse is comaundo(ur) & kyndenesse is banisshit
H2: 3,274 Vnkyndenesse is com(au)ndo(ur) . and kyndnesse
is banishit [aaAx]
Ch: 3,274 vnkendenesse is comaundour . and kendenesse is
bansched [aaAx]
D: 3,274 Vnkyndenesse is comau(n)do(ur) . & kyndenesse
is banschid [aaAx]
V: 3,274 (Vnkuyndeesse) is (Comaundour) . & (kuyndenesse)
is Banescht [aaAx]
H: 3,274 wickednes is comaund(our) . & kyndenes is bansched
J: 3,274 Vnkyndenesse is comandowr(e) . & kyndenesse
is banychisted [aaAx]
L: 3,274 Vnkyndenes is a comaundour . & kyndenes is banned
K: 3,274 Vnkyndenes is co(m)maundo(ur) . & kyndenes is
banysshed [aaAx]
W: 3,274 Vnkendenesse is comandour . & kyndenesse is
bansched [aaAx]
N: 3,274 Vnkyndenesse is comau(n)der . & kyndenesse is
vanshed [aaAx]
A: 3,274 Vnkendenes is comaundour ; & kendenes is blamichid
M: 3,274 Wickidnesse is comaundour . & kendnesse is banschid
T: 3,275 Ac kynde wyt shal come [y]et & consience togid(er)e
H2: 3,275 Ac kynde witt schal come -gh-it . and consience
togydere [aaAx]
Ch: 3,275 Bot kende wit schal come -gh-it . and conscience
togeder [aaAx]
D: 3,275 Ac kynde wyt schal come -gh-it . & concience
togidere [aaAx]
V: 3,275 And (kuynde) wit schal (come) _g_it . & (Concience)
to-gedere [aaAx]
H: 3,275 but kynde witt shal come -gh-it . & consciens
togedris [aaAx]
J: 3,275 Ac kynde wytte schal comy(n) -gh-it . & consciens
togyder(e) [aaAx]
L: 3,275 Bote -gh-et schal kynde wit come . & consience
togedre [aaAx]
K: 3,275 But kynde witt schal co(m)me yet . & consyence
togeder [aaAx]
W: 3,275 But kynde witte shal come a-gh-en . & conscience
togedre [aaAx]
N: 3,275 But kynde witt shal come -gh-it . & conscience
togidre [aaAx]
A: 3,275 And kynde witte schal come -gh-et ; & conciens
togederis [aaAx]
M: 3,275 But kynde wit schal comy(n) -y-it . & co(n)cie(n)ce
togederis [aaAx]
T: 3,276 And make of lawe a labourer such loue shal arise
H2: 3,276 And make of lawe a labore . schuhc loue schal aryse
Ch: 3,276 And make of lawe a laborer . such loue schal arise
D: 3,276 And make of lawe a laborer . suche loue schal aryse
V: 3,276 And make of (lawe) a (laborer) . such (loue) schal
aryse [aaAx]
H: 3,276 & make of lawe a labrere(er) . siche loue shal
arise [aaAx]
J: 3,276 And makyn of lawe a laborer(e) . swyche loue schal
aryse [aaAx]
L: 3,276 And make of lawe a laboreir . suche loue schal arise
K: 3,276 And make of lawe a laborar . such love schal arise
W: 3,276 And make of lawe a laborere . such loue shal arise
N: 3,276 [And make] of lawe a laborer . suche loue schal
aryse [aaAx]
A: 3,276 And make of wo lawe a labourere ; sweche loue schal
rice [aaAx]
M: 3,276 And makyn of lawe a laborer(e) . swich loue schal
arisyn [aaAx]
T: 4,1 Sessi[th] seide [th]e king I suffre [y]ow no leng(er)e
H2: 4,1 Sesith seide -th-e kyng . I suffre -gh-ou no leng(ur)
Ch: 4,1 Sese-th- seide -th-e king . I suffer -gh-ow no lenger
D: 4,1 Sese-th- seyde -th-e kyng . y suffre -gh-ou no lenger(e)
V: 4,1 (SEse_th_) (seide) _th_e kyng . I (suffre) _g_ou no
more [aaAx]
H: 4,1 Sesyth seyde the king . ne mote -gh-e no more [aaAx]
J: 4,1 Sescyth now seyde -th-e kyng . I suffur(e) -gh-ow
no lenger(e) [aaAx]
L: 4,1 Sesseth seide -th-e kyng . y soffre -gh-ou no leyngre
K: 4,1 Sesseth said the kyng . I suffre you no leng(er) [aaAx]
W: 4,1 Cesse-th- now q(uo)d -th-e kyng . I soffre -gh-ow
no lengere [aaAx]
N: 4,1 Cesse-th- sei-th- -th-e ky(n)g . I suffre -gh-ow no
lengre [aaAx]
A: 4,1 SEkyr seyde -th-e kyng . I suffre -gh-ou no lenger
M: 4,1 Kysset seide -th-e kyng -th-o . I suffr(e) -y-ou no
lenger(e) [aaAx]
T: 4,2 [Y]e shuln sau[gh]te forso[th]e & s(er)ue me bo[th]e
H2: 4,2 -Gh-e schul sau-gh-te for sothe . and serue me bothe
Ch: 4,2 -Gh-e schul sawhte forso-th-e . and serue me bo-th-e
D: 4,2 -Gh-e schul saghten forso-th-e . & serue me bo-th-e
V: 4,2 _Y_e schulle (sau_g_tene) (forso_th_e) . and (serue)
me bo_th_e [aaAx]
H: 4,2 -Gh-e schul sa-gh-tene forso-th-e . & s(er)ue
me bo-th-e [aaAx]
J: 4,2 -Gh-e schul sawty(n) forsothe . & s(er)uen me
bothe [aaAx]
L: 4,2 -Gh-e saghtene forsothe . and serue me bothe [aaAx]
K: 4,2 Ye schulden sau-gh-ten forsoth . & s(er)ue me
both [aaAx]
W: 4,2 -Gh-e shal acorde forso-th-e . and serue me bo-th-e
N: 4,2 -Gh-e shul saughtle forso-th-e . & s(er)ue me
bo-th-e [aaAx]
A: 4,2 -Gh-e schal acorde & serue me forso-th-e bo-th-e
M: 4,2 -Y-e scholyn sautalyn forso-th-e . & s(er)uyn
me bo-th-in [aaAx]
T: 4,3 Kisse hire qua[th] [th]e king consience I hote
H2: 4,3 Kysse hir(e) q(uo)d -th-e kyng . consience I hote
Ch: 4,3 Kisse her q(uo)d -th-e king . conscience I hote [aaAx]
D: 4,3 kys here q(ou)d -th-e kyng . consience I hote [aaAx]
V: 4,3 (Cusse) hire qua_th_ _th_e (kyng) . (Concience), Ich
hote [aaAx]
H: 4,3 Kisse hyr q(uo)-th- -th-e king . conscience I bid
-th-ee [aaAx]
J: 4,3 Kisse hir(e) q(uo)d -th-e kyng . konsciens I rede
L: 4,3 kusse hire q(uo)d -th-e kyng . consience y hote [aaAx]
K: 4,3 Kysse her q(uo)d the kyng . consience I the hote [aaAx]
W: 4,3 Kysse me here q(uo)d -th-e kyng . conscience I the
hote [aaAx]
N: 4,3 Kysse q(uo)d -th-e kyng . conscience I hote [aaAx]
A: 4,3 kys here quot -th-e kyng ; conciens I hote [aaAx]
M: 4,3 Kesse hir(e) q(uo)d -th-e kyng . cocience I hote [aaAx]
T: 4,4 Nay be god q(ua)[th] consience cunge me ra[th](er)e
H2: 4,4 Nay be god q(uo)d consience . conge me rather [aaAx]
Ch: 4,4 Nay be god q(uo)d conscience . conge me rather [aaAx]
D: 4,4 Nay be god q(ou)d concience . cou(n)ge me ra-th-(er)
V: 4,4 Nay be (Crist) quod (Concience) . (Congeye) me ra_th_er
H: 4,4 Nay by crist I q(uo)d conscience . coiunge me ra-th-(er)
J: 4,4 Nay be c(ri)st q(uo)d consciens . co(n)foundyd wrthe
I rather(e) [aaAx]
L: 4,4 Nay by crist q(uo)d consience . congeye me rathere
K: 4,4 Nay by criste q(uo)d consience . conge me rather [aaAx]
W: 4,4 Nay be crist q(uo)d conscience . conge me ra-th-er
N: 4,4 Nay by crist q(uo)d conscience . congeie me ra-th-(er)
A: 4,4 Nay be crist quoth conciens ; coueytid no more [aaAx]
M: 4,4 Nay be crist q(uo)d co(n)cience . conge me rather(e)
T: 4,5 But resoun rede me [th](er)to erst wole I dei[gh]e
H2: 4,5 But reson rede me -th-(er)to . erst wyl I dey-gh-e
Ch: 4,5 Bot -gh-ef resoun rede me -th-erto . arst wol I die
D: 4,5 But yf resou(n) rewle me -th-(er)tylle . arst wil
I dye [aaAx]
V: 4,5 Bote (Reson) (Rede) me _th_er-to . Arst wol I dye
H: 4,5 But resou(n) radde me -th-(er)to . leuer(e) hadde
y dey-gh-e [aaAx]
J: 4,5 But resyn rede me -th-(er)to . erst wil I dey [aaAx]
L: 4,5 Bote reson rede me -th-(er)til . arst wol y dye [aaAx]
K: 4,5 But reason rede me thertil . erst wil I dye [aaAx]
W: 4,5 But reson me rede -th-(er)to . ra-th-er wil I dye
N: 4,5 But resou(n) rede me -th-(er)to . ra-th-(er) wil I
die [aaAx]
A: 4,5 But resun red me -th-ertil ; ra-th-ere wil I dey [aaAx]
M: 4,5 But Resun rede me -th-(er)to . ra-th-(er) wile I deye
T: 4,6 And I comaunde [th]e qua[th] [th]e king to consience
H2: 4,6 I comaunde -th-e q(uo)d -th-e kyng . to consience
-th-anne [aaAx]
Ch: 4,6 And I comande -th-e q(uo)d -th-e king . to conscience
-th-an [aaAx]
D: 4,6 And I comau(n)de q(ou)d -th-e kyng . to consience
-th-anne [aaAx]
V: 4,6 And I (comaunde) _th_e quod _th_e (kyng) . to (Concience)
_th_enne [aaAx]
H: 4,6 I comaunde -th-ee quo-th- -th-e king . to conscience
as swi-th-e [aaAx]
J: 4,6 And I comaunde q(uo)d -th-e kyng . to consciens -th-anne
L: 4,6 And I comaunde q(uo)d -th-e kyng . to consience -th-anne
K: 4,6 And I co(m)maunde q(uo)d the kyng . to consience than
W: 4,6 I comande -th-e q(uo)d -th-e kyng . to conscience
-th-an [aaAx]
N: 4,6 And I comau(n)de -th-e q(uo)d -th-e kyng . to conscience
-th-anne [aaAx]
A: 4,6 And I comaunde -th-e quot -th-e kyng ; to conciens
-th-anne [aaAx]
M: 4,6 & I comaunde q(uo)d -th-e kyng . to co(n)ciense
-th-anne [aaAx]
T: 4,7 Rape [th]e to riden & resoun [th](a)t [th]ou fecche
H2: 4,7 Rape -th-e to ride . and reson -th-(a)t -th-(o)u
feche [aaAx]
Ch: 4,7 Rape -th-e to Ride . and resoun -th-ow fecch [aaAx]
D: 4,7 Rape -th-e Ryden . & resou(n) -th-(a)t -th-e fecche
V: 4,7 _Th_at _th_ou (Rape) _th_e to (ride) . And (Reson)
_th_ou fette [aaAx]
H: 4,7 -th-at -th-ou rape -th-ee to ride . resou(n) to fecche
J: 4,7 Rape -th-e to ryden . & resou(n) -th-(a)t -th-(o)u
fecche [aaAx]
L: 4,7 Rape -th-e to ryden . and reson -th-at -th-ou facche
K: 4,7 Rape the ryde . & reasoune that thowe fetche [aaAx]
W: 4,7 Now rape -th-e to ride . reson to feche [aaAx]
N: 4,7 Now rape -th-e to ryde . & resou(n) -th-(o)u fecche
A: 4,7 Rape -th-e to ridyn ; & resoun fecche to councell(e)
M: 4,7 Rape to Ryde . & Resun -th-(o)u fecche [aaAx]
T: 4,8 Comaunde hym [th](a)t he come my counseil to here
H2: 4,8 Comaunde hi(m) -th-(a)t he come . my consel to her(e)
Ch: 4,8 Comaunde him -th-at he come . my counseile to here
D: 4,8 Comau(n)de hym -th-(a)t he come . my Counceyl to here
V: 4,8 (Comaunde) him _th_at he (come) . my (Counseil) to
here [aaAx]
H: 4,8 & comau(n)de hym -th-at he come . my cou(n)seil
to hur(e) [aaAx]
J: 4,8 Comaunde hi(m) -th-(a)t he come . my counseyle to
here [aaAx]
L: 4,8 Comaunde him to come . my counseil to here [aaAx]
K: 4,8 Co(m)maund hym that he co(m)me . my counceile to here
W: 4,8 Comande hym come . my conseil to here [aaAx]
N: 4,8 Comau(n)de hi(m) -th-at he come . my counseille to
her(e) [aaAx]
A: 4,8 Comaunde hym for to come ; my councel to here [aaAx]
M: 4,8 Comaunde hym -th-at he come . my (coun)sel to her(e)
T: 4,9 ffor he shal rewele my reaume & rede me [th]e beste
H2: 4,9 ffor he schal rewle my reme . and rede me -th-e best
Ch: 4,9 ffor he schal reule my Reme . and rede me -th-e beste
D: 4,9 ffor he schal rewle my reame . & rede me -th-e
beste [aaAx]
V: 4,9 ffor he schal (reule) my (Reame) . and (Rede) me _th_e
beste [aaAx]
H: 4,9 for he shal reule my rewme . & rede me for -th-e
best [aaAx]
J: 4,9 ffor he schal rewlyn me . & redyn me -th-e beste
L: 4,9 ffor he schal rewle my rewme . & rede me -th-e
beste [aaAx]
K: 4,9 ffor he schal rule my realme . & rede me the best
W: 4,9 ffor he shal reule my reaume . & rede in -th-e
best [aaAx]
N: 4,9 ffor he schal rewle my rewme . & rede me -th-e
beste [aaAx]
A: 4,9 ffor he schal rydyn my reme ; & red me -th-e best
M: 4,9 ffor he schal rewle my Rewme . & rede me for -th-e
beste [aaAx]
T: 4,10 Of mede & of mo o[th](er)e what man shal hire wedde
H2: 4,10 Of mede and of mo o-th-(er) . what man schal hir(e)
wedde [aaAx]
Ch: 4,10 Of mede and many o-th-er . what man schal her wedd[e]
D: 4,10 Of Mede and of o-th-(er) mo . what man schal here
wedde [aaAx]
V: 4,10 Of (Meede) and of o_th_er (mo) . and what (mon) schal
hir wedde [aaAx]
H: 4,10 of mede & of o-th-(er) mo . & what man shal
hir(e) haue [aaAx]
J: 4,10 Of mede & of o-th-(er) moo . qwat man schal hir(e)
wedde [aaAx]
L: 4,10 Of mede -th-e maiden . & what mon schal hire
wedde [aaAx]
K: 4,10 Of mede & of mo other . and what man schal her
wedd(e) [aaAx]
W: 4,10 Of mede and of mo o-th-(er) . what man shal here
wedde [aaAx]
N: 4,10 Of mede & mo o-th-(er) . & what man schal
her wedde [aaAx]
A: 4,10 Of mede & of mo other ; what man schal here wedde
M: 4,10 Of Mede & of o-th-(er) mo . qwat man schal hir(e)
weddyn [aaAx]
T: 4,11 And counte wi[th] consience so me crist helpe
H2: 4,11 And counte wi-th- consience . so me c(ri)st helpe
Ch: 4,11 And counte with -th-e conscience . so me crist helpe
D: 4,11 And Counte w(i)t(h) consience . so me god helpe [aaAx]
V: 4,11 And (A-Counte) with (Concience) . so me (God) helpe
H: 4,11 & acou(n)te wi-th- -th-ee consciens . so me god
help [aaAx]
J: 4,11 And acountyn w(i)t(h) [-th-e] co(n)sciens . so me
c(ri)st helpe [aaAx]
L: 4,11 And counpte with -th-e consience . so me crist helpe
K: 4,11 And counte with the consience . so me crist helpe
W: 4,11 And counte wi-th- -th-e Conscience . so me crist
helpe [aaAx]
N: 4,11 And counte wi-th- -th-e conscience . so me crist
helpe [aaAx]
A: 4,11 And counte w(i)t(h) conciens ; So me god helpe [aaAx]
M: 4,11 And acounty(n) w(i)t(h) -th-e (con)cience . so me
cryst helpe [aaAx]
T: 4,12 How [th](o)u lerist [th]e peple [th]e lerid & [th]e
H2: 4,12 How -th-(o)u lerest -th-e peple . -th-e lered and
-th-e lewyd [axAa]
Ch: 4,12 How -th-ow lernest -th-e peple . -th-e lered and
-th-e lewde [axAa]
D: 4,12 How -th-(o)u lerest -th-e peple . -th-e lered & -th-e
lewed [axAa]
V: 4,12 How _th_ou (ledest) my peple . (Lered) and (Lewed)
H: 4,12 How -th-ou lernest my puple . lerid & lewid [axAa]
J: 4,12 How -th-(o)u lernyst -th-e peple . lerid & lewyd
L: 4,12 How bothe lered & lewed -th-ou lerest -th-e people
K: 4,12 Hou thou lernest the people . the lettred & the
lewed [axAa]
W: 4,12 How -th-ow reulest -th-e peple . -th-e lered and
-th-e lewed [axAa]
N: 4,12 How -th-(o)u lerest -th-e peple . -th-e lered & -th-e
lewde [axAa]
A: 4,12 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 4,12 How -th-(o)u Reulist -th-e peple . lered & lewid
T: 4,13 I am fayn of [th](a)t foreward sei[th] [th]e frek [th]anne
H2: 4,13 I am fayn of -th-(a)t foreward . seith [the] frek
-th-anne [aaAx]
Ch: 4,13 I am fayn of -th-at forward . seide -th-e freke
-th-an [aaAx]
D: 4,13 I am fayn of -th-(a)t foreward . says -th-e frayk
-th-anne [aaAx]
V: 4,13 I am (ffayn) of _th_at (foreward) . seide _th_e (ffreike)
_th_enne [aaAx]
H: 4,13 I am fayn of -th-at foreward . q(uo)-th- -th-e freke
-th-en [aaAx]
J: 4,13 I am fayne of -th-at forwarde . q(uo)d co(n)sciens
-th-anne [aaAx]
L: 4,13 y am fayn of -th-at foreward . saith -th-e freke
-th-anne [aaAx]
K: 4,13 I am fayne of that forward . saith the freke than
W: 4,13 I am fayn now -th-(er) of . sai-th- -th-e freke -th-an
N: 4,13 I am fayne of -th-(a)t forward . sei-th- -th-e freke
-th-anne [aaAx]
A: 4,13 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 4,13 I am fayn of -th-(a)t forward . seyde (con)cience
-th-a(n)ne [aaAx]
T: 4,14 And ri[gh]t renne[th] to resou(n) and rouni[th] in
his ere
H2: 4,14 And ry-gh-t rydyth to reson . and rowne-th- in his
ere [aaaAx]
Ch: 4,14 And ry-gh-t renne-th- to Resoun . and rowne-th-
In his ere [aaaAx]
D: 4,14 And ri-gh-t renne-th- to resou(n) . & rownes
in his ere [aaaAx]
V: 4,14 And (Rod) (riht) to Concience . and (Rouned) in his
Ere [aaAx]
H: 4,14 & ride-th- ri-gh-t to resou(n) . & rowne-th-
in his eer(e) [aaaAx]
J: 4,14 And rod riht to reson . & rownyd in his ere [aaaAx]
L: 4,14 And ryd right to reson . & rowneth in his here
K: 4,14 And rode to reason . & rownyd in hys eare [aaaAx]
W: 4,14 He ride-th- right vnto reson . & roune-th- in
his ere [aaaAx]
N: 4,14 He ride-th- ri-gh-t to resou(n) . & rowne-th-
i(n) his ere [aaaAx]
A: 4,14 He rytte rygth to reson ; & rownyth in his ere
M: 4,14 And wendith aft(er) Resun . & Rounyth in his
her(e) [aaaAx]
T: 4,15 Seide hym as [th]e king sente & si[th][th]e tok
his leue
H2: 4,15 Seide hi(m) as -th-e kyng seide . and si-th-e tok
his leue [aaAxx]
Ch: 4,15 Seide hym as -th-e king seide . and se-th- toke
his leue [aaAxx]
D: 4,15 Sayd hym as -th-e kyng sente . & sethen toke
his leue [aaAxx]
V: 4,15 (Seyde) as _th_e kyng (sende) . and (se_th__th_e)
tok his leue [aaAx]
H: 4,15 & seide as -th-e king bade . & si-th--th-e
toke his leue [aaAxx]
J: 4,15 Seyd him as -th-e kyng seyde . & sethyn toke
his leue [aaAxx]
L: 4,15 Saide him as -th-e kyng sent . & seothe tok his
leue [aaAxx]
K: 4,15 Said hym that the kyng sent . & sythen toke his
leue [aaAxx]
W: 4,15 And said hym as -th-e kyng bad . & si-th-e toke
his leve [aaAxx]
N: 4,15 And seide hi(m) as -th-e kyng sent . & sythen
toke his leue [aaAxx]
A: 4,15 Seyde hym as -th-e kyng sent ; & aftir tok his
leue [aaAxx]
M: 4,15 Seyde hym as -th-e kyng sente . & si-th-in tok
his leue [aaAxx]
T: 4,16 I shal araye me to ride qua[th] resou(n) reste [th]e
a while
H2: 4,16 I schal aray me to ride q(uo)d reson . reste -th-e
a while [aaaAx]
Ch: 4,16 I schal rape me to ride q(uo)d resoun . rest -th-e
a while [aaaAx]
D: 4,16 I schal araye me to ryde q(ou)d resou(n) . reste
-th-e a whyle [aaaAx]
V: 4,16 I schal (araye) me to (Ride) quod (Reson) . (Reste)
_th_e a while [aaAx]
H: 4,16 I shal araie me to ride q(uo)-th- resou(n) . rest
-th-ee a while [aaaAx]
J: 4,16 I schal rapyn me to ride q(uo)d resou(n) . rest -th-e
a whyle [aaaAx]
L: 4,16 I schal araye me to ride q(uo)d reson . reste -th-e
a while [aaaAx]
K: 4,16 I schal array me to ride q(uo)d reason . rest the
a while [aaaAx]
W: 4,16 I shal aray me to ryde q(uo)d reson . reest -th-e
the while [aaaAx]
N: 4,16 I shal aray me to ryde q(uo)d resou(n) . now rest
-th-e a while [aaaAx]
A: 4,16 I schal arayn me to rydyn quot resun ; rest -th-e
-th-er whyle [aaaAx]
M: 4,16 I schal araye me to ride q(uo)d Reson . reste -th-e
while [aaaAx]
T: 4,17 And calde catoun his knaue curteis of speche
H2: 4,17 And callyd catoun his knaue . curteys of speche
Ch: 4,17 And called catoun his knaue . curtais of speche
D: 4,17 And called Catou(n) his knaue . corteys of speche
V: 4,17 And (clepte) (Caton) his (knaue) . (Curteis) of speche
H: 4,17 he cliped catou(n) his knaue . corteis of speche
J: 4,17 And callid catou(n) his knaue . curteys of speche
L: 4,17 And kalled katon his knaue . -th-at com at -th-e
furste [aaaAx]
K: 4,17 And callid caton his knaue . curteis of speche [aaaAx]
W: 4,17 He callyd caton his knawe . curtays of speche [aaaAx]
W: 4,17 [B:IV,17/C:IV,18] And also tom treu tonge telle me
no tales
W: 4,17 [B:IV,18/C:IV,19] Nor lesyng to lagh of for I loued
hem neu(er)e
N: 4,17 He called catou(n) his knaue . curteise of speche
A: 4,17 And callith caton his knawe ; curtaysie of speche
A: 4,17 [B:IV,17/C:V,18] And eke -th-e tenour of trewe tunge
; to tellis me no talis
A: 4,17 [B:IV,18/C:V,19] Ne lesyng for to lawhe of ; for
I louyd hem neuyr
M: 4,17 And kalde katon his knaue . corteys of speche [aaaAx]
M: 4,17 [B:IV,18/C:V,18] And tho(m)me trewe tonge tel me
no talys
M: 4,17 [B:IV,19/C:V,19] Ne les(er)ynges to lin of for I
loued hem neu(er)e
T: 4,18 Sette my sadil vpon suffre til I se my tyme
H2: 4,18 Sette my sadul . vpon suffraunce til I se my tyme
Ch: 4,18 Set my sadel . vpon suffer til I se my tyme [aaAa]
D: 4,18 Set my sadel . vpon suffre til I se my tyme [aaAa]
V: 4,18 (Sette) my (Sadel) vppon (Soffre) . til I (seo) my
tyme [aaaAx]
H: 4,18 set my sadel . vpo(n) suffr(e) quo-th- he tyl y se
my tyme [aaAa]
J: 4,18 Set my sadyl . vpon suffre tyl I see my tyme [aaAa]
L: 4,18 Sat my sadel . apon suffre til y seo my tyme [aaAa]
K: 4,18 Sett my sadill . vpon suffre tyl I see my tyme [aaAa]
W: 4,18 Late sadle me suffrance til I se my tyme [aaAa]
N: 4,18 Set my sadel . vpon suffre til I see my teme [aaAa]
A: 4,18 Set my sadil . vpon suffre til I se my tyme [aaAa]
M: 4,18 Sette myn sadeyl . vpon suffr(e) til I se my tyme
T: 4,19 And let warroke hym wel with ri[gh]tful ger[th]is
H2: 4,19 And let warrok hi(m) . wi-th- ry-gh-tful gyrthes
Ch: 4,19 And let warrok him wel . with ri-gh-tful ger-th-es
D: 4,19 And let warrok hym wel . w(i)t(h) wytful gartys [aaAx]
V: 4,19 And loke _th_ou (warroke) him (wel) . (wi_th_) swi_th_e
feole gur_th_hes [aaAxx]
H: 4,19 & loke -th-ou warrok hym wel . wi-th- swi-th-e
fele gur-th-is [aaAx]
J: 4,19 And lat warrokyn him wele . w(i)t(h) wittful gerthis
L: 4,19 And lat warrok him wel . with wytful gurthes [aaAx]
K: 4,19 And warrok hym wel . with wytful gyrthes [aaAx]
W: 4,19 And late warrok hym wel . wi-th- witful garthes [aaAx]
N: 4,19 And lete warroke hi(m) wel . wi-th- witful garthes
A: 4,19 Let warrokyn wele hym ; with wittful gyrthis [aaAx]
M: 4,19 And let warrokyn hym wel . wit to goode gir-th-eys
T: 4,20 Hange on hym [th]e heuy bridel to holde his hed lowe
H2: 4,20 Hang on hi(m) -th-e heuy bridul . to holde his hede
lowe [aaAx]
Ch: 4,20 hong on hym -th-e heuy bridelle . to holde his hede
low-gh-e [aaAx]
D: 4,20 hang on hym -th-e heuy brydel . to hold his hed lowe
V: 4,20 (Hong) on him an (heui) (Bridel) . to (bere) his
(hed) lowe [aabBa]
H: 4,20 honge on hym -th-e heuy bridel . to ber(e) his heed
lowe [aaAx]
J: 4,20 Hang on him -th-e heuy bridyl . to holdy(n) his hede
lowe [aaAx]
L: 4,20 Hang on him -th-e heuy bridel . to holde his hed
lowe [aaAx]
K: 4,20 Honge on hym the heuy brydell . to hold his hed lowe
W: 4,20 And hong on hem an heui brydel . to bere his hed
lowe [aaAx]
N: 4,20 And hange on hi(m) -th-e heuy bridil . to holde his
hed lowe [aaAx]
A: 4,20 Hange on hym -th-e heuy brydil ; to holdyn his hed
lowe [aaAx]
M: 4,20 Hang on hys heued an heuy brydil . to holdy(n) dou(n)
his hed [aaAx]
T: 4,21 And yet wile we make many wehe er we come [th](er)e
H2: 4,21 And -gh-it wyl he make many wehee . er he come -th-(er)e
Ch: 4,21 And -gh-it wol he make many wehe . or he come -th-eder
D: 4,21 And -gh-et we wil make many wey . or we come -th-are
V: 4,21 _Y_it wol he (make) (moni) a whi . er he come _th_ere
H: 4,21 -gh-it wol he make many a wehe . or he come -th-er(e)
J: 4,21 -Gh-it wil he makyn many wehe . or we comyn -th-er(e)
L: 4,21 And -gh-et wol he weheen & wynch . or we come
-th-ere [aaAx]
K: 4,21 And yet wol he make many wehe . or he co(m)me ther
W: 4,21 -Gh-it wil he make wehe . er he come -th-(er)e [aaAx]
N: 4,21 -Gh-it he wil make many wehe . ar we be -th-(er)e
A: 4,21 ffor he wil make many wey & whehe ; or he come
-th-ere [aaAx]
M: 4,21 ffor -y-it wile he makyn wehe . er we comy(n) -th-er(e)
T: 4,22 [Th]anne consience on his capil cairi[th] for[th] faste
H2: 4,22 -Th-anne consience on his capul . cayreth forth
faste [aaAx]
Ch: 4,22 -Th-an conscience on his capul . carieth forth faste
D: 4,22 -Th-an consience on his Capyl . caried forth faste
V: 4,22 _Th_Enne (Concience) on his (Capul) . (Carie_th_)
for_th_ ffaste [aaAx]
H: 4,22 -th-en consciens on his capel . caried for-th- fast
J: 4,22 -Th-a(n) consciens on his capil . caryeth forth fast
L: 4,22 -Th-an consience on his capel . kaireth forth faste
K: 4,22 Than consience on his caple . caried forth fast [aaAx]
W: 4,22 Conscience on his caple -th-o . caried forth fast
N: 4,22 Conscience on his caple . care-th- for-th-(er) faste
A: 4,22 Than conciens on his capil ; carid forth fast [aaAx]
M: 4,22 -Th-a(n)ne concience on his capel . caried forth
faste [aaAx]
T: 4,23 And resoun wi[th] hym rit & rapi[th] hym [y]erne
H2: 4,23 And reson wi-th- hi(m) ry-gh-t . and rapi-th- hym
-gh-erne [aaAx]
Ch: 4,23 And Resoun with him ride-th- . and rape-th- him
-gh-erne [aaAx]
D: 4,23 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 4,23 And (Resun) with him (Ride_th_) . (Rappynge) Swi_th_e
H: 4,23 & resou(n) wi-th- hym ride-th- . & hastid
hym swi-th-e [aaAx]
J: 4,23 & resou(n) w(i)t(h) hi(m) rit . & raped him
swythe [aaAx]
L: 4,23 And reson with him ryd . redeliche nyghe [aaAx]
K: 4,23 And reason w(i)t(h) hym ryte . & rapyd hym fast
W: 4,23 And reson wi-th- hym ryde-th- . & rouneth hym
in his ere [aaAx]
W: 4,23 [B:IV,26] Whiche maistres Mede make-th- in -th-is
N: 4,23 & resou(n) w(i)t(h) hy(m) ryde-th- . & rapi-th-
aftre [aaAx]
A: 4,23 And resun w(i)t(h) hym rygth ; & rapid hym in
hast [aaAx]
M: 4,23 And Resu(n) wit hi(m) Rit . and rapit hym swi-th-e
T: 4,24 Ac vnwary wisdom and witty his fere
H2: 4,24 Ac vnwary wysdom . and witty is fere [aaAx]
Ch: 4,24 Bot on wary wisdom . and witti his fere [aaAx]
D: 4,24 Ac on warry wysdom . and wyt his ovne fere [aaAx]
V: 4,24 Bote on a (wayn) (wyd) . and (wisdame) I-feere [aaAx]
H: 4,24 & in a wayn wysdome . & witty his fer(e)
J: 4,24 And -th-o waryn wisdu(m) . & witty his fere [aaAx]
L: 4,24 Ac on asent weore wisdam . & witty his fere [aaAx]
K: 4,24 But one waryn wisdome . & wytty his fere [aaAx]
W: 4,24 But one waryn wisdom . & witty hys fere [aaAx]
N: 4,24 But on waryn wisdom . & witty his fere [aaAx]
A: 4,24 And warnyd wisdom ; & witty his felawe [aaAx]
M: 4,24 But on warynd wisdam . and witthy hys fer(e) [aaAx]
T: 4,25 ffolewide hem faste for hy hadden to done
H2: 4,25 ffelewyd hem faste . for hij hadde to done [aaAxx]
Ch: 4,25 ffolowed hem fast . for -th-ei had to done [aaAxx]
D: 4,25 ffolowed hym faste . for -th-ey had to done [aaAxx]
V: 4,25 (ffolweden) hem (faste) . (for) _th_ei hedden to
done [aaAxx]
H: 4,25 folewede(n) hem fast . for -th-ei hadde to done [aaAxx]
J: 4,25 ffolwedy(n) hem fast . for -th-ei haddyn to done
L: 4,25 ffoleweden heom faste . for -th-ey haden to done
K: 4,25 ffolowyd hem fast . for thay hadden to done [aaAxx]
W: 4,25 ffolwed hem fast . for -th-ai had to done [aaAxx]
N: 4,25 ffolowed hem fast . for -th-ei had to done [aaAxx]
A: 4,25 ffolwe -gh-e fast . for we han to done [aaAxx]
M: 4,25 ffolewedyn hym faste . for -th-ey hadden to done
T: 4,26 In cheker & in chaunc(er)ie to be dischargid of
H2: 4,26 In cheker and in chaunserie . to be disgargid of
-th-ynges [aaAx]
Ch: 4,26 In chekere and In chauncerie . to be discharged
of -th-inges [aaAx]
D: 4,26 In Cheker & in Chauncerye . to be discharged
of -th-ing(es) [aaAx]
V: 4,26 In (Esscheker) and (Chauncelrie) . to ben (descharget)
of _th_inges [aaAx]
H: 4,26 in court & in chau(n)celrie . to discharge(n)
hem of -th-ingis [aaAx]
J: 4,26 In chekker(e) & in chauncery . to ben charchid
of -th-ingys [aaAx]
L: 4,26 In -th-e chauncellery & -th-e chekere . to beo
descharged of [-th-inges] [aaAx]
K: 4,26 In the cheker & chaunc(er)y . to ben discharged
of thinges [aaAx]
W: 4,26 In chekere and in chauncerie . & discharge hem
-th-ai th-ink [aaAx]
N: 4,26 In cheker & i(n) chau(n)serie . to be discharged
of -th-ingis [aaAx]
A: 4,26 In cheker in chaunserie ; to be dyschargid of iugis
M: 4,26 In chekerie & In chauncerye . to dischargyn he(m)
of -th-ingys [aaAx]
T: 4,27 And riden faste for resoun shulde rede hem [th]e beste
H2: 4,27 And ride fast forth for reson . schulde rede hem
-th-e beste [aaAx]
Ch: 4,27 And riden fast for resoun . schuld rede hem -th-e
beste [aaAx]
D: 4,27 And riden faste for resou(n) . schuld rede he(m)
-th-e beste [aaAx]
V: 4,27 And (Riden) faste for (Reson) . schulde (Reden) hem
_th_e beste [aaAx]
H: 4,27 & for resou(n) . shulde reule he(m) & rede
hem for -th-e best [aaAx]
J: 4,27 And rydyn fast to resou(n) . scholde redyn hem -th-e
best [aaAx]
L: 4,27 And riden faste for reson . scholde reden heom -th-e
best [aaAx]
K: 4,27 And riden fast for reason . schuld Reden hem to the
best [aaAx]
W: 4,27 And riden after reson . to rede hem -th-e best [aaAx]
N: 4,27 -Th-ei ryden fast for resou(n) . shulde rede hem
-th-e beste [aaAx]
A: 4,27 And redyn fast for resun . schuld rede hem -th-e
beste [aaAx]
M: 4,27 To And Redyn for Resu(n) . schulde redyn he(m) for
-th-e beste [aaAx]
T: 4,28 ffor to saue hemself from shame & from harm
H2: 4,28 ffor to saue hem self . from schame and from harme
Ch: 4,28 ffor to saue hem self . fro schame and fro harme
D: 4,28 ffor to saue hem self . fro schame & fro harmes
V: 4,28 ffor to (sauen) (hem-self) . from (schome) and from
harme [aaAx]
H: 4,28 & saue hem fram harme & fram shame also [aaAx]
J: 4,28 ffor to sauen (hem self) . fro schamys & harmys
L: 4,28 ffor to sauen heom seolf . fro schame & fro harmes
K: 4,28 ffor to sauen hem self . from schame & from harmes
W: 4,28 To saue hym for silu(er) . fro shame & fro harmes
W: 4,28 [B:IV,32] And conscience knew wel -th-ei loued couetise
W: 4,28 [B:IV,33] He bad reson ride fast . & recche of
hem ney-ther
W: 4,28 [B:IV,34] Ther be-th- wiles in here woordes . & wi-th-
mede -th-ei dwelle
N: 4,28 How to sauen hem self . fro shame & fro harmys
A: 4,28 ffor to saue hem selfe ; fro schamys & harmis
M: 4,28 ffor to sauen hem selfue(n) . fro(m) schame & fro
harmys [aaAx]
T: 4,29 Ac consience com arst to co(ur)t be a myle wey
H2: 4,29 Ac consience cam arst . to courte be a myle way
Ch: 4,29 And conscience come arst . to court be a myle way
D: 4,29 Ac consience come erst . to courte by a myle way
V: 4,29 Bote (Concience) (com) arst . to (Court) bi A Myle
H: 4,29 conscience come erst . to court by a myle [aaAx]
J: 4,29 But consciens com first . to c[o]urt be halue a myle
L: 4,29 Bote consience com arst . to courtes by a myle [aaAx]
K: 4,29 But consience came erst . by a myle way [aaAx]
W: 4,29 But concience come-th- ferst . to court by a myle
N: 4,29 But conscience come first . to courte be a myle [aaAx]
A: 4,29 An conciens cam frist . to -th-e court be a myle
M: 4,29 But co(n)cience cam ferst . to corte be a myle [aaAx]
T: 4,30 And rombide for[th] wi[th] resoun ri[gh]t to [th]e
H2: 4,30 And romed for-th- wi-th- reson . ry-gh-t to -th-e
kyng [aaAx]
Ch: 4,30 And romed forthe with resoun . ri-gh-t to -th-e
king [aaAx]
D: 4,30 And Romed for-th- Resou(n) . right to -th-e kyng
V: 4,30 And (Romede) for_th_ bi (Reson) . (Riht) to _th_e
kyng [aaAx]
H: 4,30 & romed for-th- wi-th- resou(n) . & rau-gh-t
to -th-e kyng [aaAx]
J: 4,30 & romed riht w(i)t(h) resou(n) . forth to -th-e
kyng [aaAx]
L: 4,30 And romed forth with reson . right to -th-e kyng
K: 4,30 And romyd forth w(i)t(h) reason . right to the kyng
W: 4,30 And romed tho wi-th- reson . right aforn -th-e kyng
N: 4,30 And rowmed for-th- wi-th- resou(n) . ri-gh-t afore
-th-e kyng [aaAx]
A: 4,30 And romyd forth w(i)t(h) resun ; rygth to -th-e kyng
M: 4,30 And Romede forth be Resu(n) . Ryth to -th-e kyng
T: 4,31 Curteisliche [th]e king [th]anne com in to resoun
H2: 4,31 Curteysly the kyng . thanne come in to reson [aaAx]
Ch: 4,31 Curtaisly -th-e king . -th-an come on to resoun
D: 4,31 Curteysliche -th-an -th-e kyng come in to resoun
V: 4,31 (Corteisliche) _th_e (kyng) . _th_enne (com) to Resoun
H: 4,31 Corteisly -th-e king . welcomed resoun [aaAx]
J: 4,31 Curtesly -th-e kyng . -th-oo welcomyd resou(n) [aaAx]
L: 4,31 Cortesly -th-e kyng . -th-anne come vnto reson [aaAx]
K: 4,31 Curteisly the kyng . than co(m)me vnto reason [aaAx]
W: 4,31 Curtaisliy -th-e kyng . -th-an to reson he rome-th-
N: 4,31 Curteisly -th-e kyng . -th-anne come toward resou(n)
A: 4,31 Curtaysly -th-e kyng cam ; a-gh-enys resun [aaAx]
M: 4,31 Corteysly -th-e kyng . -th-o com a-y-en Reson [aaAx]
T: 4,32 And betwyn hymself & his sone sette hym a benche
H2: 4,32 And betwene hi(m) self and his sone . sette hi(m)
on benche [aaAx]
Ch: 4,32 And betwen him self and his sone . sette him on
-th-e benche [aaAx]
D: 4,32 And betwen hym self & his sone . set hym on benche
V: 4,32 Bitwene (himself) and his (sone) . (sette) him on
Benche [aaAx]
H: 4,32 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 4,32 Be twyxin him & his sone . set him on benche
L: 4,32 And bytwene him seolf & his sone . set him on
benc[he] [aaAx]
K: 4,32 And betwen hym self & his son . set hym on benche
W: 4,32 And betwyx hym and his sone . sette hem on benche
N: 4,32 And atwix hi(m) & his sone . sett hi(m) on benche
A: 4,32 Betwene hym and his sone ; sette hym on -th-e benche
M: 4,32 And betwen hym self & his sone . sette hy(m)
on be(n)che [aaAx]
T: 4,33 And wordiden a gret while wel wisly togid(er)e
H2: 4,33 And wordyden a gret whyle . wel wysly togyd(er)e
Ch: 4,33 And wordeden gret while . wel wisely togeder [aaAx]
D: 4,33 And wordeden togidere wysely a whyle [aaAx]
V: 4,33 And (wordeden) a gret (while) . (wysliche) to-gedere
H: 4,33 & speken a gret while . wisely togedris [aaAx]
J: 4,33 And wordedyn a grete whyle . wisely togydyr(e) [aaAx]
L: 4,33 And wordeden a grete while . wel wiselich togedre
K: 4,33 And wordeden a gret while . wel wiseliche togeders
W: 4,33 Than spak -th-ai a gret while . wisly togederes [aaAx]
N: 4,33 And wordyn a gret while . wel wysely togidre [aaAx]
A: 4,33 And spokyn fol wittely ; a gret while togederis [aaAx]
M: 4,33 And taledyn ful wysly . a gret while togeders [aaAx]
T: 4,34 [Th]anne com pes into [th]e p(ar)lement & putte
vp a bille
H2: 4,34 Than come pes into -th-e p(ar)lement . and put vp
a bylle [aaAx]
Ch: 4,34 -Th-an come pece Into p(ar)lement . and put vp a
bille [aaAx]
D: 4,34 -Th-an come pes into parlement . & put vp a bille
V: 4,34 _Th_ene (Pees) com to (parlement) . and (put) vp
a Bille [aaAx]
H: 4,34 -th-en come pes to -th-e p(ar)lement . & put
vp a bulle [aaAx]
J: 4,34 -Th-an cam pees in p(ar)lement . & put hup a
bylle [aaAx]
L: 4,34 -Th-an com pees into p(ar)lement . & put vp a
bille [aaAx]
K: 4,34 Than came peace into p(ar)lement . & put vp a
bille [aaAx]
W: 4,34 Than pes vnto -th-e parlement . put vp a bille [aaAx]
N: 4,34 -Th-a(n)ne pees in -th-e p(ar)lement . put vp a bille
A: 4,34 Than cam pes into -th-e p(ar)lement ; and put for
a bille [aaAx]
M: 4,34 -Th-o pes in p(ar)lement . put vp a bille [aaAx]
T: 4,35 How wrong a[gh]en his wil hadde his wyf take
H2: 4,35 How he a-gh-en his wylle . hadde his wyf take [aaAx]
Ch: 4,35 How wrong a-gh-ens his wille . had his wif take
D: 4,35 How wrong a-gh-en his wille . his wyf take [aaAx]
V: 4,35 Hou _th_at (Wrong) a_g_eyn his (wille) . his (wyf)
hedde I-take [aaAx]
H: 4,35 How -th-(a)t wrong a-gh-ens his wille . hadde his
wyf taken [aaAx]
J: 4,35 How wrong a-gh-eyne his will . had his wyf takyn
L: 4,35 How wrong a-gh-eyn his wille . hadde his wif taken
K: 4,35 How wrong ageyn his will . had his wife takyn [aaAx]
W: 4,35 How wrong a-gh-ens his wil . had his wyf taken [aaAx]
N: 4,35 How wrong a-gh-ein his wille . had his wyf takyn
A: 4,35 How wrong a-gh-enys his wille ; had his wille takyn
M: 4,35 Whou wrong a-y-en his wil . hys wif hadde taky(n)
T: 4,36 And how he rauisshide rose reynaldis loue
H2: 4,36 And how he rauyshide Rose . reyngnaldes loue [aaAx]
Ch: 4,36 And how he rauesched Rose . Reynoldis loue [aaAx]
D: 4,36 And how he rauysshed Rose . regnoldys loue [aaAx]
V: 4,36 And [hou] he (Rauischede) (Rose) . (Reynaldes) lemmon
H: 4,36 & how he rauaschid rose . reignaldis dou-gh-t(er)
J: 4,36 And how he had rauyschid roose . raynald loue [aaAx]
L: 4,36 And he rauyssched rose . Reignaldes le(m)man [aaAx]
K: 4,36 And how he Ravyschyd Rose . Reynold(es) love [aaAx]
W: 4,36 And how he raueshed rose . reynoldes loue [aaAx]
N: 4,36 How he rauisshed Rose . Regynoldis loue [aaAx]
A: 4,36 And how he raueschid rose ; renaldis loue [aaAx]
M: 4,36 And how he rauyschede Rose . Reynaldis loue [aaAx]
T: 4,37 And marg(er)ete of hire maydenhed maugre hire chekis
H2: 4,37 And Mergaret(e) of hir(e) maydenhod . maugre hir(e)
chekes [aaAx]
Ch: 4,37 And mergarete of her maidenhode . maugre her chekes
D: 4,37 And Margrete of here Maydenhod . Maugre here chekes
V: 4,37 And (Mergrete) of hire (Maydenhod) . (maugre) hire
chekes [aaAx]
H: 4,37 & molde of her(e) maidenhod . mawgr(e) her(e)
chekis [aaAx]
J: 4,37 And mergrete of hir maydynhed . mawgreyth hir(e)
chekys [aaAx]
L: 4,37 And margarete of hire maydenhod . maugre hire chek[es]
K: 4,37 And margaret of her maydenhede . mavgre her chekes
W: 4,37 And margarete of hir maydenhode . maugre here chekes
N: 4,37 And margarete of hir maydenhode . ma(n)gr(e) her
chekis [aaAx]
A: 4,37 And margarte of here maydenhed . magre-th- here chekis
M: 4,37 And Margrete of hir(e) maidy(n)hed . maugr(e) hir(e)
chekys [aaAx]
T: 4,38 Bo[th]e my gees & my gris hise gadelynges fecchen
H2: 4,38 Bothe my gees and my grys . his gadelynges fechen
Ch: 4,38 Bo-th-e my gees and my gris . -th-e gadlinges fetten
D: 4,38 Boche my gees & my grys . his gadlyng fecches
V: 4,38 Bo_th_e my (Gees) and my (Grys) . _th_e (gadelynges)
fetten [aaAx]
H: 4,38 bo-th-e my gees & my grys . his gadeling(us)
fecchen [aaAx]
J: 4,38 Bothe my geese & my grises . his gadling(es)
fecheyn [aaAx]
L: 4,38 Bo-th-e my gees & my gryse . his gadelynges feccheth
K: 4,38 Both my gees & my gryses . his gadelynges fetchen
W: 4,38 Bo-th-e my gees and my grys . his gadlynges fechen
N: 4,38 Bo-th-e my gees & my gryse . his gadling(es)
fecchen [aaAx]
A: 4,38 Bo-th-e my gris & my gees ; & here goselyngis
fecchyn [aaAx]
M: 4,38 Bo-th-in myn gees & my(n) grys . his gadelyngys
fecchedy(n) [aaAx]
T: 4,39 I dar not for fer of hym fi[gh]te ne chide
H2: 4,39 I dar nough-gh- for feer of hem . fy-gh-t ne chyde
Ch: 4,39 I dar nou-gh-t for fere of him . fi-gh-t no chide
D: 4,39 I -th-(er) not for feer of hym . fy-gh-te ne chyde
V: 4,39 I (dar) not for (dreede) of hem . fihte ne chide
H: 4,39 I durst not for drede of hem . fi-gh-te ne chyde
J: 4,39 I ne dar for fer(e) of him . fyhtyn ne chidyn [xaAx]
L: 4,39 I dar not for fere of him . fyghte no chide [xaAx]
K: 4,39 I dare not for fere of hym . fyghten ne chyden [xaAx]
W: 4,39 -Gh-it dar I ney-th-(er) for her(e) . feght ne chide
N: 4,39 I dar nou-gh-t for fer of hem . fytht ne chide [xaAx]
A: 4,39 I dar not for ferd of hym ; ne fyte ne chiden [xaAx]
M: 4,39 I dar nought for dred of he(m) . fygthy(n) ne chiden
T: 4,40 He borewide of me bayard & brou[gh]te hi(m) neu(er)e
H2: 4,40 He borwyde of me bayard . and broughte hi(m) neu(er)
a-gh-en [aaAx]
Ch: 4,40 He borowed of me baiard . and brou-gh-t him neuer
a-gh-en [aaAx]
D: 4,40 He borowed of me bayard . & brou-gh-te hy(m)
neu(er)e a-gh-en [aaAx]
V: 4,40 He (Borwede) of me (Bay_g_ard) . and (brouhte) him
neuer a_g_eyn [aaAx]
H: 4,40 he borwid of me bayard . & brou-gh-t him neuer
a-gh-eyne [aaAx]
J: 4,40 He borowed of me bay-gh-ard . & browht hi(m)
me neu(er) [aaAx]
L: 4,40 He borewed of me bayard . & broghte him neuer
a-gh-ey[n] [aaAx]
K: 4,40 He borowed of me bayard . & browght hym neu(er)
ageyn [aaAx]
W: 4,40 He borwed ones bayard . and broght him neu(er) again
N: 4,40 He borowed of me bayerd . & brou-gh-t hi(m) neure
agayne [aaAx]
A: 4,40 He borowid of me bayard ; & brouth hem me neuyr
M: 4,40 He borwyd of me bayard . he brougthe hi(m) me neu(er)e
T: 4,41 Ne no fer[th]ing [th](er)fore for nou[gh]t I cou[th]e
H2: 4,41 Ne no ferthyng -th-(er)for(e) . for noght I coude
plete [aaAxx]
Ch: 4,41 No no fer-th-ing -th-erfor . for nou-gh-t -th-at
I coude plete [aaAxx]
D: 4,41 Ne no fer-th-yng -th-(er)fore . for nou-gh-t y cou-th-e
plede [aaAxx]
V: 4,41 Ne no (ffer_th_ing) him (fore) . (for) nou_g_t _th_at
I con plede [aaAxx]
H: 4,41 ne no fer-th-ing for hym . for ou-gh-t -th-at I cowde
pleden [aaAxx]
J: 4,41 Ne no ferthyng -th-(er)fore . for nouth I cowthe
pledyn [aaAxx]
L: 4,41 Ny no ferthyng him fore . for noght -th-at y kouthe
pled[e] [aaAxx]
K: 4,41 Ne no ferthyng for hym . for nowght I could plede
W: 4,41 Ne no fer-th-ing -th-(er)for . for nowgh I cou-th-
plede [aaAxx]
N: 4,41 Ne no fer-th-ing -th-(er)fore . for nou-gh-t I cou-th-e
plede [aaAxx]
A: 4,41 Ne no fer-th-ing -th-erfor ; for not I cowde plete
M: 4,41 Ne no fer-th-i(n)g -th-(er)for(e) . for nouth I coude
pletyn [aaAxx]
T: 4,42 He maynteni[th] his men to m(ur)[th]re myne hynen
H2: 4,42 He mayntide his men . to m(ur)ther myne hynen [aaAx]
Ch: 4,42 He maynteyne-th- his men . to mur-th-ur myn hinden
D: 4,42 He meyntene-th- hys me(n) . to mordren my(n) hynen
V: 4,42 He (meyntene_th_) his (Men) . to (Mor_th_ere) myn
owne [aaAx]
H: 4,42 he meintene-th- his me(n) . forto sle myn owen [aaAx]
J: 4,42 He meynteth his men . to mortheryn my(n) hewyn [aaAx]
L: 4,42 He meynteneth his men . to mordre myn owne [aaAx]
K: 4,42 He maynteneth his men . to murdre myne hewen [aaAx]
W: 4,42 He meyntene-th- al his men . to robbe and to slee
N: 4,42 He mey(n)tene-th- his men . to robbe & to slee
A: 4,42 He moynteit his men . to mortheryn myne owis [aaAx]
M: 4,42 He mey(n)tene hys men . to m(ur)dy(n) my(n) hewys
T: 4,43 fforstalli[th] my feiris fi[gh]te[th] in my chepyng
H2: 4,43 fforstallyth my feyres . fytith in my chepyng [aaAx]
Ch: 4,43 fforstalle-th- myn faires . fi-gh-te-th- In chepinges
D: 4,43 fforstalle-th- my fayres . fy-gh-te-th- in my(n)
Chepyng [aaAx]
V: 4,43 (fforstalle_th_) my (ffeire) . (ffihte_th_) in my
chepynges [aaAx]
H: 4,43 he forstalli-th- my feires . & fi-gh-te-th- in
my chepynge [aaAx]
J: 4,43 fforstallith my fayres . & fytyth in my chepyng
L: 4,43 fforstalleth my feires . & fyghteth in my chepynge[s]
K: 4,43 fforstallith my faier . fightith in my chepyng [aaAx]
W: 4,43 fforstalle-th- my chepyng . & flyte-th- in my
fair [aaAx]
N: 4,43 fforstalle-th- my feyres . fightith i(n) my chepyng
A: 4,43 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 4,43 fforstallys my(n) feiris . fygthit i(n) my chepyng
T: 4,44 Breki[th] vp my berne doris beri[th] awey my whete
H2: 4,44 Breke-th- vp my berne dores . berith awey my whete
Ch: 4,44 Breke-th- vp myn bern durres . bere-th- awey my
whete [aaAx]
D: 4,44 Breke-th- vp my berne dores . bere-th- away my whete
V: 4,44 (Breke_th_) vp my (Berne-dore) . and (bere_th_) awei
my whete [aaAx]
H: 4,44 he breki-th- vp my berne dores . & beri-th- away
my whete [aaAx]
J: 4,44 & breykyth vp my berne dorys . & berith awey
my qwhete [aaAx]
L: 4,44 Brekith vp my berne dores . & beoreth awey my
whete [aaAx]
K: 4,44 Brekith vp my barne dores . beres away my whete [aaAx]
W: 4,44 He breke-th- my berne dores . and bere-th- away my
whete [aaAx]
N: 4,44 He breke-th- vp my barne dore . beri-th- awey my
whete [aaAx]
A: 4,44 Brekith vp my berne doris . & berith awey my
whete [aaAx]
M: 4,44 Breke vp my(n) berne dore . berth awey my(n) whete
T: 4,45 And taki[th] me but a taile for ten quart(er)is otis
H2: 4,45 And taky-th- me but a tayl . for ten quarters otis
Ch: 4,45 And take-th- me but a taile . for ten quarter otes
D: 4,45 And take-th- me but a tayle . for ten quart(er) otys
V: 4,45 And (take_th_) me bote a (tayle) . of (Ten) quarter
oten [aaAx]
H: 4,45 & taki-th- me -th-en a taile . of ten quart(er)
ootis [aaAx]
J: 4,45 And takyth me but a tayl . for ten q(ua)rt(er) otys
L: 4,45 And makith me bote a taile . for ten quarters of
ote[s] [aaAx]
K: 4,45 And takyth me a tayle of nowght . for tenne q(ua)rt(er)s
ot(es) [aaAx]
W: 4,45 He take-th- me a tayl . for ten quart(er) of otes
N: 4,45 He take-th- me but a tayle . for x quarter otis [aaAx]
A: 4,45 And tak(i)t(h) me but a tayle ; of ten quarteris
hotis [aaAx]
M: 4,45 Ant takyt me but a taile . for xv quart(er)s otys
T: 4,46 And [y]et he beti[th] me [th](er)to & li[th] be
my maiden
H2: 4,46 And -gh-et he betith me -th-(er)to . and ly-gh--th-
be my mayde [axAx]
Ch: 4,46 And -gh-et he bete-th- me -th-erto . and li-th-e
be my maide [axAx]
D: 4,46 And -gh-et he bete-th- me -th-(er)to . & lith
be my Mayde [axAx]
V: 4,46 And _g_it he bat me _th_erto . and li_g__th_ be my
Mayden [xxXx]
H: 4,46 & -gh-it he beti-th- me -th-(er)to . & li-th-
by my maide [axAx]
J: 4,46 And -gh-it he betyth me -th-(er)to . & liggith
be my mayden [axAx]
L: 4,46 And -gh-et he beteth me -th-(er)to . & lyth by
my maiden [axAx]
K: 4,46 And yet he beteth me therto . & liggith by my
mayden [axAx]
W: 4,46 & -gh-it he bete-th- me -th-(er)to . & ly-th-
be my mayde [axAx]
N: 4,46 And -gh-it he beti-th- me -th-erto . & li-th-
be my maide [axAx]
A: 4,46 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 4,46 And whan he hadde my(n) wif bad me go(n) to my(n)
maidy(n) [axAx]
T: 4,47 And I am not hardy vnne[th]e on hym to loke
H2: 4,47 And I am noght hardi vnnethe on hi(m) for to loke
Ch: 4,47 I am nou-gh-t hardy vnne-th-e on him for to loke
D: 4,47 And I am nou-gh-t hardy onne-th-e on hym to loke
V: 4,47 I nam not so (hardi) for (him) . (vp) for to loke
H: 4,47 y nam not so hardy for hym vne-th-is to loke [aaAx]
J: 4,47 I am not hardy for him vneth to lokyn [aaAx]
L: 4,47 I am not hardy for him vnneth to loke [aaAx]
K: 4,47 I ame not hardy for him vnneth to loke [aaAx]
W: 4,47 And I am not hardy for hym ones forth to loke [aaAx]
N: 4,47 I am nou-gh-t hardy for hem onis for to loke [aaAx]
A: 4,47 I am not hardy for hym to wynkyn ne to loke [aaAx]
M: 4,47 I am nougth hardy for hy(m) to wynkyn ne to loky(n)
T: 4,48 [Th]o kneu[gh] [th]e king he seide so[th] for consience
hym tolde
H2: 4,48 Tho knew -th-e kyng . he seide so-th- for consience
hi(m) tolde [aaAx]
Ch: 4,48 -th-o knew -th-e king . he saide so-th-e for conscience
him tolde [aaAx]
D: 4,48 That knewe -th-e kyng . & sayde forso-th-e consience
hy(m) tolde [aaAx]
V: 4,48 _Th_e (kyng) (kneuh) he seide soo_th_ . for (Concience)
him tolde [aaxAx]
H: 4,48 -th-e king seide -th-is is so-th- for conscience
hit me tolde [aaAx]
J: 4,48 -Th-e kyng knewe . he seyde soth for consciens him
tolde [aaAx]
L: 4,48 -Th-e kyng kneow . he saide soth for consience hi(m)
tolde [aaAx]
K: 4,48 The kyng knewe . soth he said for consience hym toulde
W: 4,48 The kyng knewe he sayd so-th- . for concience hym
tolde [aaAx]
W: 4,48 [B: IV,62] That Wrong was a weked hift . wrowght
muche sorwe
N: 4,48 -Th-e kyng knewe . he seid [-th-e] so-th-e . for
conscie(n)ce hi(m) tolde [aaAx]
A: 4,48 The kyng knew he seyde soth ; for conciens hym tolde
M: 4,48 -Th-e kyng knew . he seide soth for cocience hi(m)
tolde [aaAx]
T: 4,49 Wrong was aferd [th]o & wisdom he sou[gh]te
H2: 4,49 Wrong was aferid -th-o . and wysdom he sou-gh-te
Ch: 4,49 Wrong was aferde -th-o . and wisdom he sou-gh-t
D: 4,49 And wrong was aferd -th-o . & wysdom he sou-gh-te
V: 4,49 (Wrong) was a-ffert _th_o . and (Wisdam) souhte [axAx]
H: 4,49 Wrong was aferd -th-o . & wisdom he sou-gh-t
J: 4,49 Wrong was aferde -th-o . & wisdom he sowhte [axAx]
L: 4,49 Wrong was afard -th-o . & wisdam he soghte [axAx]
K: 4,49 Wronge was aferde tho . & wysdome he besowght
W: 4,49 Wrong was -th-an aferd . & wisdom besoght [axAx]
N: 4,49 Wrong was aferde -th-o . & wisdome he sou-gh-t
A: 4,49 Wrong aferid -th-o ; and wysdom he south [axAx]
M: 4,49 Wrong was aferd -th-o . & wisdam he sougthe [axAx]
T: 4,50 To make his pes w(i)t(h) his panis & p(ro)fride
hym manye
H2: 4,50 To make his pes wi-th- his penys . and p(ro)frid
hi(m) manye [aaAx]
Ch: 4,50 To make his pees with his pans . and proferd him
mony [aaAx]
D: 4,50 To make his pees w(i)t(h) his pans . & p(ro)fered
hy(m) many [aaAx]
V: 4,50 To Make his (pees) with (pons) . and (proferde) for_th_
Moneye [aaAx]
H: 4,50 to make his pes wi-th- penyes . & p(ro)frid for-th-
money [aaAx]
J: 4,50 To make pes with his penyes . & p(ro)ferd hi(m)
many [aaAx]
L: 4,50 To make with pans . & p(ro)fered him monye [aaAx]
K: 4,50 To make his peace with pens . & p(ro)feryd hym
many [aaAx]
W: 4,50 To make pes wi-th- his pens . & profred hym many
N: 4,50 To make pees wi-th- his pans . & p(ro)ferd hy(m)
manye [aaAx]
A: 4,50 To makyn pes w(i)t(h) his pens ; proferid monye & seyde
M: 4,50 To makyn his pes wit his penyis . & profrid hi(m) & seide
T: 4,51 And seide hadde I loue of my lord [th]e king litel
wolde I recche
H2: 4,51 And seide hadde I loue of my lord -th-e kyng . litul
wold I reche [aaAx]
Ch: 4,51 And seide had I loue of my lorde -th-e king . litel
wold I rech [aaAx]
D: 4,51 And seyde had I loue of my lord -th-e kyng [aaAx]
V: 4,51 And seide, Hedde I (loue) of _th_e kyng . (luite)
wolde I recche [axAx]
H: 4,51 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 4,51 And seyde had I I loue of -th-e kyng . litel wold
I recche [aaAx]
L: 4,51 And saide had I loue of my lord -th-e kyng . litel
me roghte [aaAx]
K: 4,51 And said had I love of my lord the kyng . lityll
would I reche [aaAx]
W: 4,51 ffor had he -th-e kynges loue . litil wold he reche
N: 4,51 ffor had I loue of my lorde -th-e ky(n)g . litle
wolde I recche [aaAx]
A: 4,51 Had I loue of my lord -th-e kyng ; I wold litil recche
M: 4,51 hadde I loue of -th-e kyng . litil wolde I reche
T: 4,52 [Th]ei[gh] pees & his power pleynide hem eu(er)e
H2: 4,52 Thei pes and his power(e) . pleynede hi(m) eu(er)
Ch: 4,52 -th-ow-gh- pees and his power . pleined hym euer
D: 4,52 lyte wolde I recche -th-ow pees . pleyned hym eu(er)e
V: 4,52 _Th_auh (pees) and his (pouwer) . (playneden) on
me euere [aaAx]
H: 4,52 but pes wi-th- his power(e) . pleyned on hym eu(er)e
J: 4,52 -Th-ei pees & his power(e) . pleynyd hem eu(er)e
L: 4,52 -Th-agh & his power . pleyned heom euer [aaAx]
K: 4,52 Though peace & his power . playnyd hem euer [aaAx]
W: 4,52 -Th-ow pes and hese powere . pleyned hem euere [aaAx]
N: 4,52 The[i]gh pees & his power . pleynid hi(m) eur(e)
A: 4,52 Tho pes & his pouer . pleyned hem euyr [aaAx]
M: 4,52 But pes & his power . pleinid he(m) eu(er)e [aaAx]
T: 4,53 Wysdom wan to [th]o & so dede wyt also
H2: 4,53 Wysdome wan to -th-o . and so dide wytt also [aaAx]
Ch: 4,53 Wisdom went to -th-o . and so dede witte bothe [aaAx]
D: 4,53 Wysdom ran -th-o . & so dede wyt also [aaAx]
V: 4,53 (Wisdam) (wente) _th_o . and so dude (Wit) [aaXa]
H: 4,53 Wysdome wente -th-o . & so dide hym witt [aaAx]
J: 4,53 Wysdom qwan he heryd -th-oo . so dyd witte alse [aaAx]
L: 4,53 Wisdom wan [out] -th-o . & so dude wit alse [aaAx]
K: 4,53 Wysdome wan tho . & so dyd wytty also [aaAx]
W: 4,53 Wisdom wan tho . and so dide witte als [aaAx]
N: 4,53 Wisdome wept -th-o . so did witte alse [aaAx]
A: 4,53 Wysdom -th-an w(i)t(h) a wyse tale ; & so ded
witte also [aaAx]
M: 4,53 Wisda(m) wan -th-o . & so dede wit also [aaAx]
T: 4,54 ffor [th](a)t wrong hadde wrou[gh]t so wykkide a dede
H2: 4,54 ffor -th-at wrong hadde wroght . so wyckyd a dede
Ch: 4,54 ffor -th-at wrong had wrou-gh-t . so wikked a dede
D: 4,54 ffor -th-(a)t -th-at wrong had wrou-gh-t . so wykked
a dede [aaAx]
V: 4,54 And for (wrong) hedde (I-do) . so (wikked) a (dede)
H: 4,54 for -th-at wrong hadde ywrou-gh-t . so wicked a dede
J: 4,54 ffor -th-(a)t wrong had wrouht . so wyckyd a dede
L: 4,54 ffor -th-(a)t wrongh hadde ywroght . so wicked a
dede [aaAx]
K: 4,54 ffor that wrong had Iwrought . so wykkyd a dede [aaAx]
W: 4,54 ffor -th-at wrong had wroght . so wykkyd a dede [aaAx]
N: 4,54 ffor -th-(a)t wrong had ywrou-gh-t . so wikkyd a
dede [aaAx]
A: 4,54 ffor wrong had wrouth . so wikkid a dede [aaAx]
M: 4,54 ffor wrong hadde Ido . so wickede a dede [aaAx]
T: 4,55 And warnide wrong [th]o wi[th] suche a wys tale
H2: 4,55 And warnid wrong tho . with such a wyse tale [aaAx]
Ch: 4,55 And warned wrong -th-o . with such a wise tale [aaAx]
D: 4,55 And warned wrong -th-o . w(i)t(h) suche wyse talys
V: 4,55 And (warnede) (wrong) _th_o . with such a (wys) tale
H: 4,55 & warned wrong -th-oo . wi-th- siche a wise tale
J: 4,55 & warnyd wrong -th-o . w(i)t(h) swyche a wyse
tale [aaAx]
L: 4,55 And warneden wrong -th-o . with suche a wys tale
K: 4,55 And warned wronge tho . with such wise tal(es) [aaAx]
W: 4,55 And warned wrong -th-o . wi-th- suche a wise tale
N: 4,55 And warned wronge -th-o . wi-th- suche a wyse tale
M: 4,55 And warnyd wrong -th-o . wit swich a wis tale [aaAx]
T: 4,56 Whoso werchi[th] be wil wra[th][th]e maki[th] ofte
H2: 4,56 Whoso werkyth be wylle . sone wra-th-the makyth
Ch: 4,56 Whoso worche-th- be wille . wre-th--th-e make-th-
D: 4,56 Whoso wurched by wyl . wra-th--th-e make-th-e ofte
V: 4,56 "Whose (worche_th_) bi (wil) . (wra_th__th_e)
make_th_ ofte [aaAx]
H: 4,56 Whoso werchi-th- by wille . maki-th- wra-th--th-e
oft [aaAx]
J: 4,56 Ho so wyrchith be wil . wrath maketh ofte [aaAx]
L: 4,56 Whoso worches by wil . woo wakeneth ofte [aaAx]
K: 4,56 Whoso worcheth with will . maketh wrathe ofte [aaAx]
W: 4,56 Whoso worche-th- be wil . wre-th- he make-th- oft
N: 4,56 Whoso worche-th- not by wel . wra-th- make-th- oft
A: 4,56 Qwo werchit be wil ; wreth he makit ofte [aaAx]
M: 4,56 Whoso werchit be wille . wrathe makith oftyn [aaAx]
A: 4,55 And warnyth wrong ; w(i)t(h) a wyse tale [aaAx]
T: 4,57 I sey it be myself [th]ou shalt it sone fynde
H2: 4,57 I sei it be my selue . thou schalt it sone fynde
Ch: 4,57 I sey hit be my self . -th-ow schalt hit sone fynde
D: 4,57 y say it be my self . -th-(o)u schal it sone fynde
V: 4,57 I (sigge) hit bi (_th_i-seluen) . _th_ou schalt hit
(sone) fynde [aaAx]
H: 4,57 we say it by -th-y silue(n) . -th-u shalt hit sone
fynde [aaAx]
J: 4,57 I sey it be -th-i selfe . -th-e sothe -th-(o)u schalt
fynde [aaAx]
L: 4,57 I say hit by -th-y seolf . -th-(o)u schalt hit sone
yfynde [aaAx]
K: 4,57 I say it by my self . thou schalt it sone fynd [aaAx]
W: 4,57 I say it be -th-i self . -th-ou shalt it sone fynde
N: 4,57 I sey by my self . -th-(o)u schalt it sone fynde
A: 4,57 I sey be my selue . -th-u schalt -th-e so-th-e fynde
M: 4,57 I seie it be -th-i(n) self . wrong -th-(o)u schalt
it sone fynde [aaAx]
T: 4,58 But [y]if mede it make meschief is vppe
H2: 4,58 But if mede it make . meschef is vppe [aaAx]
Ch: 4,58 Bot -gh-ef mede hit made . mischef is vp [aaAx]
D: 4,58 But yf mede it make . meschief is vppe [aaAx]
V: 4,58 Bote _g_if (Meede) (make) hit . _th_i (Mischef) is
vppe [aaAx]
H: 4,58 but yf mede make it . -th-y meschef is vppe [aaAx]
J: 4,58 But -gh-if mede it make . -th-i myschef is vppe [aaAx]
L: 4,58 Bote -gh-ef mede hit make . -th-is mescheif is vppe
K: 4,58 But mede thy mend(es) make . thy myscheff is vppe
W: 4,58 But -gh-if mede it make . -th-i meschef is vp [aaAx]
N: 4,58 But -gh-if Mede it make . -th-i myschep is vp [aaAx]
A: 4,58 But -gh-if I it make . -th-i myschep is huppe [aaAx]
M: 4,58 But -y-if I it make . -th-y(n) mischef is vppe [aaAx]
T: 4,59 ffor bo[th]e [th]i lyf & [th]i lond li[th] in his
H2: 4,59 ffor bothe -th-i lyf and -th-i lande . lyth in his
g(ra)ce [aaAx]
Ch: 4,59 ffor bo-th-e -th-y lif and -th-i lande . li-th-
In his grace [aaAx]
D: 4,59 ffor bo-th-e -th-ey lyue in -th-y lond . ly-gh-t
in his grace [aaAx]
V: 4,59 ffor bo_th_e _th_i (lyf) and _th_i (lond) . (li_g__th_)
in _th_e kynges grace [aaAx]
H: 4,59 for bo-th-e -th-y lyf & -th-y lyme . li-th- in
her(e) grace [aaAx]
J: 4,59 ffor both -th-i life & -th-i londe . lithe in
hir(e) g(ra)ce [aaAx]
L: 4,59 ffor bo-th-e -th-y lif & -th-y land . lyth in
his grace [aaAx]
K: 4,59 ffor both thy life & thy lond . lyen in his grace
W: 4,59 ffor bo-th-e -th-i lyf and -th-i lond . ly-th- in
-th-e kynges grace [aaAx]
N: 4,59 ffor bo-th-e -th-i lyf & -th-i lande . li-th-
in kyng(es) g(ra)ce [aaAx]
A: 4,59 Bo-th- -th-i lyfe & -th-i lond ; lyen in his
grace [aaAx]
M: 4,59 ffor bo-th-in -th-in lif & -th-in lond . lith
i(n) his g(ra)ce [aaAx]
T: 4,60 Wrong [th]anne on wysdom wepi[th] hym to helpe
H2: 4,60 Wrong than on wysdom . wepith hym to hellpe [aaAx]
Ch: 4,60 Wrong -th-an on wisdom . weped him to helpe [aaAx]
D: 4,60 Wrong -th-an on wysdom . wepe-th- to hym helpe [aaAx]
V: 4,60 (Wrog) _th_enne vppon (Wisdom) . (wepte) to helpe
H: 4,60 Wrong -th-en vpo(n) wisdom . wepte to help [aaAx]
J: 4,60 Wrong -th-an on wisdom . wepede to helpy(n) [hi(m)]
for of his [aaAx]
L: 4,60 Wrong -th-an on wisdam . weoped wel sore [aaAx]
K: 4,60 Wrong than on wisdome . wepid to helpe hym [aaAx]
W: 4,60 Wrong vp on wisdom -th-o . weped fast [aaAx]
N: 4,60 Wrong vppon wisdom . wept & praied [aaAx]
A: 4,60 Wrong vpon wisdom . & wepid for helpe [aaAx]
M: 4,60 Wrong vpon wisda(m) . wepit to helpin [aaAx]
T: 4,61 ffor of hise penys he p(ro)ffride handy dandy to paye
H2: 4,61 ffor of his penys he p(ro)frede . handi dandi to
paye [aaXa]
Ch: 4,61 And of his pans he proferd . handy dandy to paie
D: 4,61 ffor of hise handy dandy payd [aaXa]
V: 4,61 Him for his handidandi . Rediliche he payede [????]
H: 4,61 hym for his handi dandy redeliche he paied [aaXa]
J: 4,61 Handy dandy I wisse he payed him -th-anne [aaXa]
L: 4,61 To helpe him for of his . handy dandy paied [aaXa]
K: 4,61 ffor his handy dandy rediliche to be paid [aaXa]
W: 4,61 And prayed hym for his . handy dandy help hym at
his nede [aaXa]
N: 4,61 To helpe hi(m) for of his . handy dandy payed [aaXa]
A: 4,61 And wisdom in handy dandy . hastely he payed [aaXa]
M: 4,61 Sum what for of his . handy dandy paied [aaXa]
T: 4,62 [Th]anne wisdom & wyt wente togid(er)e
H2: 4,62 Than wysdom and wytt . wente togyd(er)es [aaAx]
Ch: 4,62 -Th-an wisdom and witte . wenten togeder [aaAx]
D: 4,62 Than wysdom & wyt . wente togideres [aaAx]
V: 4,62 _Th_ene (wisdam) and (wit) . (wente) to-gedere [aaAx]
H: 4,62 -th-en wisdom & witt . wente(n) togedris [aaAx]
J: 4,62 Wysdom & witte -th-o . wentyn togyder(e) [aaAx]
L: 4,62 -Th-anne wisdom & wit . wenten hom togedre [aaAx]
K: 4,62 Than wisdome & witte . wenten togiders [aaAx]
W: 4,62 Than wisdom and witte . went togederes [aaAx]
N: 4,62 Thanne wisdome & witt . went togidre [aaAx]
A: 4,62 Tho wysdom & witte . wente togederis [aaAx]
M: 4,62 -Th-a(n)ne wisdam & wit . wentyn togedirs [aaAx]
T: 4,63 And tok mede wi[th] hem m(er)cy to wynne
H2: 4,63 And toke mede wi-th- hem . m(er)cy to wynne [axAx]
Ch: 4,63 And toke mede with hem . mercy to wynne [axAx]
D: 4,63 And toke mede w(i)t(h) hem . m(er)cy to wynne [axAx]
V: 4,63 And nomen (Meede) with hem . (Merci) to wynne [axAx]?
H: 4,63 & toke mede wi-th- hym . m(er)cy to wynne [axAx]
J: 4,63 & toke mede w(i)t(h) hem . m(er)cy to wynne [axAx]
L: 4,63 And nome mede with heom . mercy to wynne [axAx]
K: 4,63 And nommen with hem repentaunce . m(er)cy to wynne
W: 4,63 And toke mede wi-th- hem . mercy to wynne [axAx]
N: 4,63 And nomen Mede wi-th- hem . mercy to axe [axAx]
A: 4,63 And nome mede w(i)t(h) hem . mercy to wynde & wynne
M: 4,63 And o no(m)men Mede wit he(m) . M(er)cy to wynne
T: 4,64 Pees putte hym for[th] his heued & his panne blody
H2: 4,64 Pes put forth his had . and his panne [all] blodi
Ch: 4,64 Pees put forth his heued . and his pan blody [aaxAx]
D: 4,64 Pees put hym for-th- his hed . & his panne [aaxAx]
V: 4,64 (Pees) (putte) for_th_ his hed . and his (ponne)
blodi [aaxAx]
H: 4,64 Pes put for-th- his heed . & his hode blody [aaxAx]
J: 4,64 Pees -th-o put forth his hede . & his pan blody
L: 4,64 Pees putte forth his hed . & his panne blody
K: 4,64 Peace put forth his hede . & his panne blody
W: 4,64 Pes put forth his hede . & his pan blodye [aaxAx]
N: 4,64 Pees put for-th- his heed . & his panne blody
A: 4,64 Pes put forth his hed ; & his panne blody [aaxAx]
M: 4,64 Pes put forth his hed . & his pa(n)ne blody [aaxAx]
T: 4,65 Wi[th]oute gilt god wot gat I [th]is ska[th]e
H2: 4,65 Withoute gylt god wote . gat I this gate skathe
Ch: 4,65 Without gilt god wote . gat I -th-is sca-th-e [aaAx]
D: 4,65 Blody w(i)t(h)oute gilt god wot . gat y -th-is scha-th-e
V: 4,65 Withouten (gult), (god) wot . (gat) I _th_is sca_th_e
H: 4,65 Wi-th-oute gult god wot . hent I -th-is sca-th-e
J: 4,65 Withoute(n) gilt q(uo)d he god wote . gate I -th-is
scathe [aaAx]
L: 4,65 Withoute gult god wot . gat y -th-is skathe [aaAx]
K: 4,65 Without gilte god wote . gate I this skathe [aaAx]
W: 4,65 Wi-th-oute gilte god wot . gate I -th-is ska-th-e
N: 4,65 W(i)t(h)out gilt god wot . gate I -th-is ska-th-e
A: 4,65 W(i)t(h)oute gilt god it woot ; gate he -th-is schathe
M: 4,65 Witoutyn gilt god it wot . gatte I -th-is ska-th-e
T: 4,66 Consience & [th]e king kneu[gh] wel [th]e so[th]e
H2: 4,66 Consience and -th-e kyng . knew wel -th-e sothe
Ch: 4,66 Conscience and -th-e king . knew wel -th-e so-th-e
D: 4,66 Consience & -th-e kyng . knewe wel -th-e so-th-e
V: 4,66 (Concience) and _th_e (kyng) . (knewen) _th_e so_th_e
H: 4,66 -th-e king & conscience . knewe(n) -th-e so-th-e
J: 4,66 Conciens -th-o & -th-e kyng . knewy(n) wel -th-e
sothe [aaAx]
L: 4,66 Consience & -th-e kyng . kneow wel -th-e sothe
K: 4,66 Consience & the kyng . knewe well the sothe [aaAx]
W: 4,66 Conscience and -th-e kyng . knew wel -th-e so-th-e
N: 4,66 Conscience & -th-e kyng . knew wel -th-e so-th-e
A: 4,66 Conciens & -th-e kyng . knew wel -th-e so-th-e
M: 4,66 Concience & -th-e kyng . knew wel -th-e sothe
T: 4,67 And wisten wel [th](a)t wrong was a shrewe eu(er)e
H2: 4,67 And wysten wel . that wrong was a schrewe eu(er)
Ch: 4,67 And wisten wel . -th-at wrong was a schrew euer
D: 4,67 And wysten wel . -th-(a)t wrong was a schrewe eu(er)e
V: 4,67 (Wusten) (wel) _th_at (wrong) . (was) a schrewe euere
H: 4,67 & wisten wel . -th-at wrong was a shrewe eu(er)e
J: 4,67 & wisty(n) wele . -th-(a)t wrong was a schrew
eu(er)e [aaAx]
L: 4,67 And wisten wel . -th-at wrong euer was a schrewe
K: 4,67 And wisten well . wronge was a schrewe euer [aaAx]
W: 4,67 And wist wel . -th-at wrong was a shrewe eu(er)e
N: 4,67 And wist wel -th-at wrong was a cherewe eure [aaAx]
A: 4,67 And wisdom wist wel ; -th-at wrong was a schrewe
M: 4,67 And wisten ful wil . -th-(a)t wrong was a schrewe
T: 4,68 Ac wisdom & wyt were aboute faste
H2: 4,68 Ac wysdom and wytt . wer(e) aboute faste [aaAx]
Ch: 4,68 Bot wisdom and witte . wer about ffaste [aaAx]
D: 4,68 Ac wysdom & wyt . were abou-gh-te faste [aaAx]
V: 4,68 But (wisdam) and (wit) . (weoren) _g_eorne aboute
faste [aaAx]
H: 4,68 But wisdom & witt . weren aboute fast [aaAx]
J: 4,68 Ac wisdom & w(i)t(h) -th-o . weryn abowty(n)
fast [aaAx]
L: 4,68 Bote wisdam & wit . weoren aboute faste [aaAx]
K: 4,68 But wisdome & witte . waren aboute faste [aaAx]
W: 4,68 But wisdom and witt . were aboute fast [aaAx]
N: 4,68 But wisdome & witte . were aboute faste [aaAx]
A: 4,68 Wysdom & witte ; weryn aboute faste [aaAx]
M: 4,68 But wisda(m) & wit . weren abowte faste [aaAx]
T: 4,69 To ou(er)come [th]e king wi[th] catel [y]if [th]ei
H2: 4,69 To ou(er)come the kyng . wi-th- catel if thei myght
Ch: 4,69 To ouercome -th-e king . with catel -gh-ef -th-ei
my-gh-t [aaAx]
D: 4,69 To ou(er)come -th-e kyng . w(i)t(h) catel yf -th-ey
my-gh-te [aaAx]
V: 4,69 To (ouercome) _th_e (kyng) . with Meede _g_if heo
mihten [aaAx]
H: 4,69 To ou(er)come -th-e king . wi-th- mede -gh-if -th-ei
mi-gh-te [aaAx]
J: 4,69 To ou(er)kom -th-e kyng . w(i)t(h) catel If he mowht
L: 4,69 To ouercome -th-e kyng . with katel -gh-ef -th-ay
myghte [aaAx]
K: 4,69 To ou(er)come the kyng . with catel & thay might
W: 4,69 To ou(er)come -th-e kyng . wi-th- catel -gh-if -th-ei
myght [aaAx]
N: 4,69 To ouercome -th-e kyng . wi-th- catel -gh-if -th-ei
my-gh-t [aaAx]
A: 4,69 To ouyr -th-e kyng ; w(i)t(h) catel -gh-if -th-ei
mygth [aaAx]
M: 4,69 To ou(er)come -th-e kyng . wit catel -y-if -th-ey
mythyn [aaAx]
T: 4,70 [Th]e king swor be crist & be his croune bo[th]e
H2: 4,70 The kyng swor be c(ri)st . and be his croune bothe
Ch: 4,70 -Th-e king swore be crist . and by his croun bo-th-e
D: 4,70 -Th-e kyng swore be Cist . & by his crowne bo-th-e
V: 4,70 _Th_e (kyng) swor _th_o bi (crist) . and bi his (Coroune)
bo_th_e [aaAx]
H: 4,70 -Th-e king swore by c(ri)st . & by his crou(n)
bo-th-e [aaAx]
J: 4,70 -Th-e kyng swore be c(ri)st -th-o . & be his
crowne bothe [aaAx]
L: 4,70 The kyng swor by crist . & by his coroune bothe
K: 4,70 The [kyng] swoore by criste . & by his crowne
bothe [aaAx]
W: 4,70 The king be crist swore . & by hys croun bo-th-e
N: 4,70 -Th-e kyng swore by crist . & by his crowne bo-th-e
A: 4,70 The kyng swore be hymselfe ; & be is croune bo-th-e
M: 4,70 Be crist seith -th-e kyng -th-o . & be his croune
bo-th-e [aaAx]
T: 4,71 --- this line om ---
H2: 4,71 That wrong for his wyckidnesse . schulde wo thole
Ch: 4,71 --- this line is omitted ---
D: 4,71 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 4,71 _Th_at (wrong) for his (werkes) . schulde (wo) _th_ole
H: 4,71 -Th-at wrong for his werkis . shulde woo -th-ole
J: 4,71 -Th-(a)t wrong for his werkys . schuld qwoo tholyn
L: 4,71 -Th-at wrong for his werkes . scholde muche wo soffre
K: 4,71 That wrong for his work(es) . schuld woo thole [aaAx]
W: 4,71 -Th-at wrong for his werkes . shold wo -th-ole [aaAx]
N: 4,71 -Th-(a)t wronge for his werkis . sholde wo -th-ole
A: 4,71 That wrong for his werke ; schuld wrong tholyn [aaAx]
M: 4,71 -Th-at wrong for his werkys . schulde wo -th-olyn
T: 4,72 --- this line om ---
H2: 4,72 and comau(n)did a constable . to caste hi(m) in
p(er)son [aaAx]
Ch: 4,72 --- this line is omitted ---
D: 4,72 to caste hy(m) in ernys He schal not -th-(i)s vij
-gh-er sen hise fote ones [aaAx]
V: 4,72 And (Comaundede) A (Constable) . to (casten) him
in Irens [aaAx]
H: 4,72 & comau(n)did a cu(n)stable . to caste hy(m)
in yrens [aaAx]
J: 4,72 & comaundyd a constabil . to castyn him in yrnys
L: 4,72 And comaunded a constable . to kasten him in yrnes
K: 4,72 And co(m)maunded a constable . to caste hym in Ironnes
W: 4,72 And comanded a conestable . to caste hem in yrens
N: 4,72 He comau(n)ded a constable . to kast hi(m) i(n) Irens
A: 4,72 And comande a constable ; to caste hym in yrenis
M: 4,72 And comandid a constable . to kasty(n) hy(m) in Irans
T: 4,73 He shulde not [th]is seue [y]er se hise feet ones
H2: 4,73 He schulde not -th-is seuene . -gh-eer se his feet
ones [aaAx]
Ch: 4,73 He schuld nou-gh-t -th-ese seuen . -gh-ere se his
foot ones [aaAx]
D: 4,73 --- this line om ---
V: 4,73 He ne (schal) _th_is (seuen) _g_er . (seon) his feet
ones [aaAx]
H: 4,73 He shal not -th-is seue(n) -gh-er(e) . se his feet
onys [aaAx]
J: 4,73 He schal not -th-is seuyn . -gh-er(e) sene his feete
onys [aaAx]
L: 4,73 He schal not -th-is seouen . -gh-eir seon his feet
ones [aaAx]
K: 4,73 He schal not this sevyn . yer(es) see his ffete ons
W: 4,73 He shal not -th-is seuene . -gh-er sen hese feet
ones [aaAx]
N: 4,73 He shal not -th-is seuene . -gh-er(e) sene his fete
onys [aaAx]
A: 4,73 And schal not -th-is seuene -gh-ere ; sen his feet
onys [aaAx]
M: 4,73 He schal nouth -th-ys viij -y-er . sen his fet onys
T: 4,74 God wot qua[th] wysdom [th]at were not [th]e beste
H2: 4,74 God wote q(uo)d wysdom . that wer(e) nat the beste
Ch: 4,74 God wote q(uo)d wisdom . -th-at were nou-gh-t -th-e
beste [aaAx]
D: 4,74 God wot q(ou)d wysdom . -th-(a)t were not -th-e beste
V: 4,74 God (wot) qua_th_ (wisdam) . _th_at (weore) not _th_e
beste [aaAx]
H: 4,74 God wot q(uo)-th- wisdom . -th-at wer(e) not -th-e
best [aaAx]
J: 4,74 God wote q(uo)d wisdom . -th-(a)t wer(e) nouth -th-e
best [aaAx]
L: 4,74 God wot q(uo)d wisdam . -th-at weore not -th-e beste
K: 4,74 God it wote q(uo)d wisdome . that wer not the beste
W: 4,74 Nay sire q(uo)d wisdom . -th-at nere not -th-e best
N: 4,74 God wot q(uo)d wisdom . -th-(a)t were nou-gh-t -th-e
best [aaAx]
A: 4,74 God wot quot wysdom . -th-at were not -th-e best
M: 4,74 God wot q(uo)d wisda(m) . -th-at wer(e) nout -th-e
beste [aaAx]
T: 4,75 And he amendis mowe make let Maynprise hym haue
H2: 4,75 And he amendes mowe make . let meynp(ri)se hi(m)
haue [aaAx]
Ch: 4,75 And he mow amendes make . let maynp(ri)se him haue
D: 4,75 And he amendys make . let maynprys hy(m) haue [aaAx]
V: 4,75 And he (amendes) (make) . let (Meynprise) him haue
H: 4,75 -gh-ef he amendis wol make . let me(n)p(ri)se hym
haue [aaAx]
J: 4,75 & he amendys mow make . let meymp(ri)se hi(m)
haue [aaAx]
L: 4,75 And he mendes mowe make . let maynpris him haue [aaAx]
K: 4,75 And he amendese mow make . let menp(ri)se hym haue
W: 4,75 And he amendes mow make . late maynp(ri)se hym ra-th-er
N: 4,75 -Gh-if he may make amendes . late hy(m) maynp(ri)se
hi(m) haue [aaAx]
A: 4,75 And he amendis may make ; lat hym meinpris haue [aaAx]
M: 4,75 But he amendys may maky(n) . let menp(ri)sy(n) hy(m)
-th-a(n)ne [aaAx]
T: 4,76 And be borugh for his bale & bringen hym bote
H2: 4,76 And be brou-gh-th for his bale . and beingen hi(m)
bote [aaAa]
Ch: 4,76 And be borow for his bale . and bring him to bote
D: 4,76 And be borow for his bale . & beggyn hym bote
V: 4,76 And beo (borw) of his (bale) . and (buggen) him (bote)
H: 4,76 to be brou-gh-t of( .... ) . & bigge hym bote
J: 4,76 & ben borowe of his bale . & beggyn him bote
L: 4,76 And beo borugh for his bale . & buggen him bote
K: 4,76 And be borowe for his bale . & biggen hym bote
W: 4,76 And brynge borwes for his bale . & bygge hem
bote [aaAa]
N: 4,76 & be borow for his bale . & biggyn hi(m)
bote [aaAa]
A: 4,76 And brout out of his bale ; & bigge hym bote
M: 4,76 And be borewid for his bale . & buggen hi(m)
bote [aaAa]
T: 4,77 Amende [th](a)t he mysdede & eu(er)emore [th]e
H2: 4,77 Amende that he mysdide . and eu(er)emor(e) the bet(er)e
Ch: 4,77 Amende -th-at he misdede . and euermore -th-e better
D: 4,77 Amende -th-(a)t mysdede . & eu(er)more -th-e
bett(er) [aaAx]
V: 4,77 And (a-Menden) his (misdede) . and (euer-more) _th_e
bettre [aaAx]
H: 4,77 & amende his (....) . eu(er)more -th-e bett(er)
J: 4,77 & amendyn -th-at mysdede . & eu(er)more -th-e
bett(er)e [aaAx]
L: 4,77 Amende -th-at he mysdude . & euermore -th-e bettre
K: 4,77 To amend that mysdede . & eu(er)more the better
W: 4,77 & amende -th-is misdede . & eueremore do
-th-e betre [aaAx]
N: 4,77 Amende -th-(a)t mysdede . & eu(er)more -th-e
bettre [aaAx]
A: 4,77 Amende -th-e mysdede ; & euyrmore -th-e bettir
M: 4,77 Ame(n)dy(n) -th-(a)t misdede . & eu(er)emor(e)
-th-e bettr(e) [aaAx]
T: 4,78 Wyt accordi[th] [th](er)ewi[th] & seide [th]e same
H2: 4,78 Wytt acordyth -th-(er)wyth . and seide the same
Ch: 4,78 Wiue acorded -th-erwith . and seide -th-e same [???]
D: 4,78 we acorde -th-(er)wyth . & seyde -th-e same [???]
V: 4,78 (Wit) a-Cordede (herwith) . and (seide) him _th_e
(same) [aaBb]
H: 4,78 Witt acord ( .... ) [sey]de hym -th-e same [???]
J: 4,78 Witte acordyd -th-(er)with . & seyde -th-e same
L: 4,78 Witte acordeth -th-(er)with . & saide -th-e same
K: 4,78 Witt accordid therw(i)t(h) . & said the same
W: 4,78 Witte acorded -th-erwi-th- . and saide -th-e same
N: 4,78 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 4,78 Witte acordith -th-erewith . & seyde -th-e same
M: 4,78 Wit acordeth -th-erwith . & seyde the same [???]
T: 4,79 Bet(er)e is [th](a)t boote bale adoun bringe
H2: 4,79 Bet(er)e is thet bote . bale adoun brynge [aaAa]
Ch: 4,79 Better is -th-at bote . bale adoun bring [aaAa]
D: 4,79 Bett(er) is -th-(a)t bote . bale dou(n) brynge [aaAa]
V: 4,79 Hit is (betere) _th_at (boote) . (Bale) a-doun (bringe)
H: 4,79 bet(er) is -th-a[t] ( .... )ge [aaAa]
J: 4,79 Bett(er) is -th-(a)t bote . bale adoune bringge [aaAa]
L: 4,79 Bettre is -th-at bote . bale adoun brynge [aaAa]
K: 4,79 Better is that bote . bale down bryng [aaAa]
W: 4,79 Bettre is -th-at bote . bale adoun bryng [aaAa]
N: 4,79 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 4,79 Better is -th-at bote ; -th-at bale adoun bryngyth
M: 4,79 Better(e) -th-at Bote . Bale adoun brynge [aaAa]
T: 4,80 [Th]anne bale be bet & bote neu(er)e [th]e bet(er)e
H2: 4,80 Than bale be bet . and bote neu(er) the bet(er)e
Ch: 4,80 -Th-an bale be Ibette . and bote neuer -th-e better
D: 4,80 -Th-an bale I bete . & bote neu(er) -th-e bettre
V: 4,80 _Th_en (Bale) be (beten) . and (boote) neuer _th_e
(better) [aaAa]
H: 4,80 -th-en bale ( .... ) [n]eu(er) -th-e bett(er) [aaAa]
J: 4,80 -Th-an bale be Ibetyn . & bote neu(er) -th-e
bett(er) [aaAa]
L: 4,80 -Th-an bale beo beten . & bote neuer -th-e bettre
K: 4,80 Than bale be Ilete . & bote neu(er) the better
W: 4,80 Than maken bale be bote . & bote neu(er) -th-e
betre [aaAa]
N: 4,80 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 4,80 Than bale be bote ; & hote neuyr -th-e bettir
M: 4,80 Than Bale be bet . & bote neu(er)e -th-e beter(e)
T: 4,81 [Th]anne gan mede to meke hire & m(er)cy besou[gh]te
H2: 4,81 Than gan mede to meke hir(e) . and m(er)cy besoug-gh-t
Ch: 4,81 -Th-an began mede to meke her . and mercy besou-gh-t
D: 4,81 -Th-an gan mede to meke here . & m(er)cy besou-gh-te
V: 4,81 _Th_enne (Meede) (Meokede) hire . And (Merci) bi-souhte
H: 4,81 -th-en come ( .... ) m(er)cy bysou-gh-t [aaAx]
J: 4,81 -Th-an gan mede mekyn hir(e) . & m(er)cy besowhte
L: 4,81 -Th-an gan mede meoken hire . & mercy bysoghte
K: 4,81 Than gan mede to mekyn her . & m(er)cye besought
W: 4,81 Than mede gan to meke here . & m(er)cy besoght
N: 4,81 Mede gan to megen hir . & mercy besou-gh-te [aaAx]
A: 4,81 Than gan mekyn here mede ; and mercy besouth [aaAx]
M: 4,81 -Th-a(n)ne gan Mede mekyn hir(e) . & m(er)cy
besougthe [aaAx]
T: 4,82 And p(ro)fride pees a p(re)saunt al of purid gold
H2: 4,82 And p(ro)frede pes a p(re)sent . al of purid gold
Ch: 4,82 And proferd pees a presaunt . al of pure gold [aaaAx]
D: 4,82 And p(ro)fered pees a p(re)sent . al of pured gold
V: 4,82 And (profrede) (pees) a (present) . al of (pure)
Red gold [aaaAx]
H: 4,82 & p(ro)frid pes a ( .... ) . al of gold purid
J: 4,82 & proferyd pes a p(re)sent . al of pewr(e) golde
L: 4,82 And p(ro)fered pes a present . al of puyred golde
K: 4,82 And p(ro)feryd peace a p(re)sent . al of pure gold
W: 4,82 And profred pes a p(re)sent . al pure gold [aaaAx]
N: 4,82 & p(ro)ferd pes a present . al of pure golde
A: 4,82 And p(ro)ferid pens in presens ; & pecis of gold
M: 4,82 And profrid penies to p(re)sent & peces of gold
T: 4,83 Haue [th]is of me man q(ua)[th] heo to amende [th]i
H2: 4,83 Haue -th-is of me man q(uo)d heo . to amende thi
skate-gh-s [aaAx]
Ch: 4,83 Haue -th-is of me man q(uo)d she . to amende -th-y
sca-th-e [aaAx]
D: 4,83 Haue -th-is of me man q(ou)d sche . to mende -th-y
ska-th-e [aaAx]
V: 4,83 Haue _th_is of (me) quod heo . to (Amende) with _th_i
sca_th_e [axAx]
H: 4,83 Haue -th-is of me q(uo)-th- heo . to ame(n)de wi-th-
-th-y sca-th-is [aaAx]
J: 4,83 Haue -th-is of me q(uo)d sche . to amendyn -th-in
state [aaAx]
L: 4,83 Haue -th-is of me mon to mende -th-y skathe [aaAx]
K: 4,83 Haue this of me man q(uo)d sche . to amende thy skathe
W: 4,83 Haue -th-is man of me . to mende wi-th- -th-i sca-th-e
N: 4,83 Haue -th-is man of me . to mende w(i)t(h) -th-i sca-th-e
A: 4,83 Haue -th-is man of me ; quot -gh-he to amende -th-i
schathe [aaAx]
M: 4,83 Haue -th-ys of me q(uo)d sche . to amendy(n) wit
-th-in ska-th-e [aaAx]
T: 4,84 ffor I wile wage for wrong he shal do so no more
H2: 4,84 ffor I wyl wage for wrong . he schal do so no mor(e)
Ch: 4,84 ffor I wol wage for wrong . he schal so do namore
D: 4,84 ffor I wyl wage for wrong . he schal do so no more
V: 4,84 ffor Ichul (wage) for (wrong) . he (wol) do so no
more [aaAx]
H: 4,84 for y wol wage for wrong . he wol do so no more [aaAx]
J: 4,84 ffor I wil wagyn for wrong . he wil do so no more
L: 4,84 ffor y wol wage for wrong . -th-(a)t he wol so no
more [aaAx]
K: 4,84 ffor I woll wage for wrong . he wol do so no more
W: 4,84 ffor I wil wage for wrong . he wil do so no more
N: 4,84 ffor I wil wage for wrong . he wil do so no more
A: 4,84 ffor I wage for wrong ; he wil do so no more [aaAx]
M: 4,84 ffor I wage for wrong . he wolde don so no mor(e)
T: 4,85 Pees [th]anne pitousliche p(re)yede to [th]e king
H2: 4,85 Pes than pitously . p(re)yede to the kyng [aaAx]
Ch: 4,85 Pees -th-an petusly . preied to -th-e king [aaAx]
D: 4,85 Pees -th-an pytously . preyed to -th-e kyng [aaAx]
V: 4,85 (Pees) _th_enne (pitously) . (preyede) _th_e kyng
H: 4,85 Pes -th-en pitously . p(re)ied to -th-e king [aaAx]
J: 4,85 Pees -th-an petowsly . p(re)yed to -th-e kyng [aaAx]
L: 4,85 Pees -th-an pitousely . praied to -th-e kyng [aaAx]
K: 4,85 Peace than pytuously . p(re)yed to the kyng [aaAx]
W: 4,85 Pes petusly prayed -th-e kyng -th-anne [aaAx]
N: 4,85 Pees -th-anne pytously . preide to -th-e kynge [aaAx]
A: 4,85 Petousely -th-an pes ; preyed to -th-e kyng [aaAx]
M: 4,85 Pitously -th-a(n)ne pes . preyde to -th-e kyng [aaAx]
T: 4,86 To haue m(er)cy on [th](a)t man [th](a)t mysdede hym
H2: 4,86 To haue m(er)cy on that man . that mysdide hi(m)
ofte [aaAx]
Ch: 4,86 To haue mercy of -th-at man . -th-at mysdede him
ofte [aaAx]
D: 4,86 To haue m(er)cy on -th-(a)t man . -th-(a)t mysdede
hy(m) ofte [aaAx]
V: 4,86 To haue (merci) on _th_at (Mon) . _th_at (mis-dude)
him ofte [aaAx]
H: 4,86 to haue m(er)cy on -th-at man . -th-at mysdede hym
oft [aaAx]
J: 4,86 To haue m(er)cy of -th-(a)t man . -th-(a)t mysded
hi(m) oftyn [aaAx]
L: 4,86 To haue mercy of -th-at mon . -th-(a)t mysdeode ofte
K: 4,86 To haue m(er)cie on that man . that mysdyd hym ofte
W: 4,86 To haue mercy on -th-at man . -th-at mysdede hym
oft [aaAx]
N: 4,86 To haue mercy of -th-at man . -th-at my[s]did hi(m)
oft [aaAx]
A: 4,86 To haue mercy on -th-at man ; -th-at mysse dede hym
ofte [aaAx]
M: 4,86 To haue(n) m(er)cy on -th-at man . -th-at misdede
hi(m) ofte [aaAx]
T: 4,87 ffor he ha[th] wagid me wel as wysdom hym tau[gh]te
H2: 4,87 ffor he hath waged me wel . as wysdom hi(m) taught
Ch: 4,87 ffor he hath wached me wel . as wisdom him tau-gh-t
D: 4,87 ffor he hath waged me wel . as wysdom hy(m) tau-gh-te
V: 4,87 For he ha_th_ (waget) me a-mendes . as (wisdam) him
tauhte [axAx]
H: 4,87 for he hadde wagid hym wel . as wisdom hym tau-gh-t
J: 4,87 ffor he hath wagyde me wele amendis . as wisda(m)
hi(m) tauht [aaAx]
L: 4,87 ffor he hath waged me wel . as wisdam him tagh[te]
K: 4,87 ffor he hath wagyd me well . as wisdome hym taught
W: 4,87 ffor he ha-th- watted me wel . as wysdom hym taght
N: 4,87 ffor he ha-th- waieg me wel . [as] wisdome hi(m)
tau-gh-t [aaAx]
A: 4,87 ffor he hath wagid me wel . as wysdom hym tauth [aaAx]
M: 4,87 ffor he hat wagit me wel . as wysdam hi(m) taugthe
T: 4,88 I forgyue hym [th]e gilt wi[th] a good wille
H2: 4,88 I forgyue hi(m) the gylt . with a good wylle [aaAx]
Ch: 4,88 I forgeue him -th-e gilt . with a gode wille [aaAx]
D: 4,88 I forgeue hym -th-(a)t gilt . w(i)t(h) a good wille
V: 4,88 I ffor(_g_iue) him _th_at (gult) . with a (good)
wille [aaAx]
H: 4,88 I for-gh-eue -th-ee -th-is gult q(uo)-th- pees .
wi-th- a good wille [aaAx]
J: 4,88 I for-gh-if him -th-(a)t gilt . with a gode wille
L: 4,88 y forgyue him -th-at gult . with a good wille [aaAx]
K: 4,88 I foryeve hym that gylte . with a good wille [aaAx]
W: 4,88 And I for-gh-eve hym -th-e gilt . wi-th- a good wille
N: 4,88 I forgyue hi(m) -th-(a)t gilt . w(i)t(h) a gode wille
A: 4,88 I forgefe hym -th-at gilt . w(i)t(h) a good wille
M: 4,88 I for-y-eue hi(m) his gilt . wit a g[o]od wille [aaAx]
T: 4,89 So [y]e assente [th](er)to I can sey no more
H2: 4,89 So -gh-e asente therto . I can sey-gh-e no more
Ch: 4,89 So -gh-e assent -th-erto . I can sey-gh-e namore
D: 4,89 So -gh-e assente . I can sey no more [aaAx]
V: 4,89 So _th_at _g_e (assented) beo . I con no more (sigge)
H: 4,89 So -th-at -gh-e assent my lord . y can no more say
J: 4,89 So -th-(a)t [-gh-e] assentyn . I can sey no more
L: 4,89 So -th-at -gh-e assenten . y kan say no more [aaAx]
K: 4,89 So that ye assente . I can say no more [aaAx]
W: 4,89 So -th-at -gh-e assent . I can say no more [aaAx]
N: 4,89 So -th-(a)t -gh-e assent . I can sey no more [aaAx]
A: 4,89 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 4,89 So -th-at -y-e asentyn . I kan sey no mor(e) [aaAx]
T: 4,90 ffor mede ha[th] mad my mendis I may no more axen
H2: 4,90 ffor mede hath made my mendes . I may no mor(e)
axen [aaAx]
Ch: 4,90 ffor mede hath made me my mendis . I may no more
asken [aaAx]
D: 4,90 ffor mede ha-th- made my mendes . I may no mor(e)
axe [aaAx]
V: 4,90 ffor (Meede) ha_th_ (maad) me (amendes) . I may no
(more) aske [aaaAx]
H: 4,90 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 4,90 ffor he hath made me amendys . I may no more axin
L: 4,90 ffor mede hath made my mendes . y may no more ax[::]
K: 4,90 ffor mede hath made myn amend(es) . I can no more
asken [aaAx]
W: 4,90 Mede ha-th- made me amende . I may no more aske [aaAx]
N: 4,90 Mede ha-th- made me amendes . I may no more axen
A: 4,90 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 4,90 ffor mede hath mad my(n) amendys . I may no mor(e)
axe [aaAx]
T: 4,91 Nay qua[th] [th]e king so god [y]iue me blisse
H2: 4,91 Nay q(uo)d the kyng . so god -gh-yue me blysse [aaAx]
Ch: 4,91 Nay q(uo)d -th-e king -th-o . so god -gh-eue me
blisse [aaAx]
D: 4,91 Nay q(ou)d -th-e kyng . so god -gh-eue me blysse
V: 4,91 Nay quod _th_e (kyng) _th_o . so (god) (_g_iue) me
blisse [axAa]
H: 4,91 Nay quo-th- -th-e king -th-o . so god -gh-eue me
blisse [aaAx]
J: 4,91 Nay q(uo)d -th-e kyng -th-o . so god -gh-if me blisse
L: 4,91 Nay q(uo)d -th-e kyng . so god -gh-eue me blisse
K: 4,91 Nay q(uo)d the kyng . so god gyve me blisse [aaAx]
W: 4,91 Nay q(uo)d -th-e kyng . so god -gh-eve me blisse
N: 4,91 Nay q(uo)d -th-e kyng -th-o . so god gif me blisse
A: 4,91 Nay quot -th-e kyng -th-o ; so god -gh-if me blysse
M: 4,91 Nay q(uo)d -th-e kyng -th-o . so god -y-eue me blisse
T: 4,92 Wrong wendi[th] not so awey er I wyte more
H2: 4,92 Wrong wendith nat so away . or I wyte mor(e) [aaaAx]
Ch: 4,92 Wrong wende-th- nou-gh-t so away . or I wete more
D: 4,92 Wrong wendes not so away . or y wete more [aaaAx]
V: 4,92 (Wrong) (went) not so (awei) . til ich (wite) more
H: 4,92 Wrong wendi-th- not so away . til y wite more [aaaAx]
J: 4,92 Wrong we(n)dith not so awey . or I wyte more [aaaAx]
L: 4,92 Wrong wendeth not so away . er y wite more [aaaAx]
K: 4,92 Wrong wendith not so away . or I wyte more [aaaAx]
W: 4,92 Wrong wendes not so . til I wot more [aaaAx]
N: 4,92 Wrong wendes nou-gh-t so . til I wit more [aaaAx]
A: 4,92 Wrong wendith not so away ; or we wetyn more [aaaAx]
M: 4,92 Wrong wendit nouth so . er we wytyn mor(e) [aaaAx]
T: 4,93 Leep he so li[gh]tly awey lau[gh]en he wolde
H2: 4,93 Lep he so li-gh-tly away . laug-gh-en he wolde [aaAx]
Ch: 4,93 Leep he so li-gh-tly away . law-gh-en he wold [aaAx]
D: 4,93 Lepe he so li-gh-tly away . lawhen he wolde [aaAx]
V: 4,93 (Lope) he so (lihtliche) awei . (lau_g_) when he
wolde [aaAx]
H: 4,93 for yf he lept so li-gh-tly . he wolde vs alle scorn
J: 4,93 Lepe he so lihtly awey . laqwyn he wolde [aaAx]
L: 4,93 Lepe he so lightely -th-e losel . laghen wolde he
loude [aaAx]
K: 4,93 Lepe he so lightly away . lawghen he would [aaAx]
W: 4,93 Lepe he so lyghtly . laghyng he wolde [aaAx]
N: 4,93 Lepe he so li-gh-tly . lawhen he wolde [aaAx]
A: 4,93 Lope he so lytely away ; lawhen he wolde [aaAx]
M: 4,93 lope he so wey . laughen he wolde [aaAx]
T: 4,94 And ofte [th]e bold(er)e to be to bete myn hynen
H2: 4,94 And ofte the bolder ben . to beten myn hynen [aaAx]
Ch: 4,94 And oft -th-e bolder be . to bete myn hynden [aaAx]
D: 4,94 And ofte -th-e bolder(e) be . to bete my(n) hyne
V: 4,94 And eft (be) _th_e (baldore) . forte (beten) myne
H: 4,94 & ofte be -th-e bolder(e) . to mysdo my puple
J: 4,94 And eft -th-e bolder(e) ben . to betyn my(n) hyen
L: 4,94 And efte beo -th-e balder . to beten myne buxume
K: 4,94 And ofte the bolder ben . to bete myn hewyn [aaAx]
W: 4,94 Alwey -th-e bolder be . to (::: ::: :::) [aaAx]
N: 4,94 & ek be -th-e bolder . to bete myn heuene [aaAx]
A: 4,94 And eke -th-e baldere to be ; to betyn myn hewys
M: 4,94 And oftyn ben -th-e baldir . to betyn myn hynys [aaAx]
T: 4,95 But resou(n) haue reu[th]e on hym he shal reste hym
in [th]e stokkis
H2: 4,95 But reson haue reuthe on hi(m) . he schal reste
hi(m) in stokkis [aaAx]
Ch: 4,95 Bot resoun haue reu-th-e on hym . he schal rest
In -th-e stokkes [aaAx]
D: 4,95 But resou(n) haue reuthe on hym . he schal reste
hy(m) in -th-e stokkys [aaAx]
V: 4,95 Bote (Reson) haue (reu_th_e) of him . he (reste_th_)
in _th_e stokkes [aaAx]
H: 4,95 But resou(n) haue reu-th-e on hym . he shal into
-th-e stockis [aaAx]
J: 4,95 But resou(n) rewe on him . he restith in my stokkys
L: 4,95 Bote reson haue reouthe on him . he schal in -th-e
stokk:: [aaAx]
K: 4,95 But reason haue rewth on hym . he schal rest in the
stokk(is) [aaAx]
W: 4,95 But reson ha-th- (:::: :: ::: :: :::: :: ::::) [aaAx]
N: 4,95 But resou(n) haue rew-th-e of hi(m) . he schal rest
in my stokkis [aaAx]
A: 4,95 But resun haue reuth on hym ; he restit in my stokkis
M: 4,95 But Resu(n) haue reugthe on hym . he restit i(n)
my(n) stockys [aaAx]
T: 4,96 As longe as I lyue but more loue it make
H2: 4,96 As longe as I lyue . but mor(e) loue it make [aaAx]
Ch: 4,96 As long as I leue . bot -th-e more loue hit make
D: 4,96 As longe as I leue . but more loue it make [aaAx]
V: 4,96 Also (longe) as I (lyue) . bote more (loue) hit make
H: 4,96 lie as longe as y lyue . but more loue it make [aaAx]
J: 4,96 As long as I lyfe . but -gh-if loue it may make [aaAx]
L: 4,96 Als longe as I leue . with leautees leue [aaAx]
K: 4,96 As long as I lyue . but more loue it make [aaAx]
W: 4,96 As long as he lyue-th- . but lownesse hym borwe [aaAx]
N: 4,96 Also long as I leue . but -gh-if loue it make [aaAx]
A: 4,96 As longe as I leue ; but bettir loue it makis [aaAx]
M: 4,96 As long as I leue . but bett(er)e loue it make [aaAx]
T: 4,97 Su(m)me men redde resoun to haue reu[th]e on [th](a)t
H2: 4,97 Su(m) men redde reson . to haue reuthe on that schrewe
Ch: 4,97 Sum men Redde resoun . to haue reuthe on -th-at
schrewe [aaAx]
D: 4,97 Some men rede resou(n) . to haue reuthe on our(e)
schrewe [aaAx]
V: 4,97 _Th_enne summe (Radde) (Reson) . to haue (reu_th_e)
of _th_at schrewe [aaAx]
H: 4,97 -th-en so(m)me radden resou(n) . to haue reu-th-e
on -th-at shrewe [aaAx]
J: 4,97 Somme reddin resou(n) . to haue reuthe of -th-(a)t
schrewe [aaAx]
L: 4,97 So(m)me radde reson . to haue reuthe of -th-at schrewe
K: 4,97 Sum reden resou(n) . to haue rewthe on that schrewe
W: 4,97 Som radde reson . -th-o to ha[ue] reu-th- on -th-at
shrewe [aaAx]
N: 4,97 -Th-anne was resou(n) redde . to haue rew-th-e of
-th-(a)t sherewe [aaAx]
A: 4,97 Su(m)me reddyn resun ; to haue rew-th-e on -th-at
schrewe [aaAx]
M: 4,97 Su(m)me raddyn Res[o]u(n) . to haue reuthe on -th-(a)t
schrewe [aaAx]
T: 4,98 And to counseile [th]e king & consience bo[th]e
H2: 4,98 And to counseile te kyng . and consience bothe [aaAx]
Ch: 4,98 And to counsceile -th-e king . and conscience bo-th-e
D: 4,98 And to conceil -th-e kyng . & consience bo-th-(e)
V: 4,98 And to (Counseile) _th_e (kyng) . and (Concience)
bo_th_e [aaAx]
H: 4,98 & to cou(n)seil -th-e king . & conscience
bo-th-e [aaAx]
J: 4,98 And to counseylyn -th-e kyng . & conciens bothe
L: 4,98 And concelyng -th-e kyng . & concience bothe
K: 4,98 And to counceile the kyng . & consience both
W: 4,98 And (:::)nseilled -th-e kyng . and conscience bo-th-e
N: 4,98 & -th-e kyng conseilled . & conscience bo-th-e
A: 4,98 And concelid -th-e kyng ; & conciens alce [aaAx]
M: 4,98 And consailde -th-e kyng . & concience bo-th-e
T: 4,99 [Th](a)t mede muste be meynp(er)no(ur) resoun [th]ei
H2: 4,99 That mede moste be meynp(er)no(ur) . resou(n) thei
besowhte [aaaXx]?
Ch: 4,99 -Th-at mede most be maynp(er)nour . resoun -th-ei
besou-gh-t [aaaXx]?
D: 4,99 -Th-(a)t mede most be maynp(er)no(ur) . resou(n)
-th-ey besou-gh-te [aaaXx]?
V: 4,99 _Th_at (Meede) (moste) be (Meynpernour) . Reson heo
bi-sou_g_te [aaaXx]
H: 4,99 -Th-at mede most be me(n)p(er)nour . resou(n) -th-ei
p(re)ied [aaaXx]?
J: 4,99 -Th-(a)t mede mostyn ben a maynp(er)nour(e) . resyn
-th-ei besowht [aaaXx]?
L: 4,99 -Th-at mede moste beo meynp(er)nor . resou(n) they
bysoghte [aaaXx]?
K: 4,99 That mede might be meynp(er)no(ur) . reson thay besought
W: 4,99 To make mede maynp(er)nour . reson -th-ai besought
N: 4,99 To make mede Maynp(er)no(ur) . resou(n) -th-ei besou-gh-t
A: 4,99 That mede must be meinp(er)our ; resun -th-e besouth
M: 4,99 -Th-at Mede must be(n) a meynp(er)nour . Resou(n)
-th-ey besowthi(n) [aaaXx]?
T: 4,100 Rede me not qua[th] resoun no reu[th]e to haue
H2: 4,100 Rede me not q(uo)d reson . no reuthe to haue [aaAx]
Ch: 4,100 Rede me nou-gh-t q(uo)d resoun . no reuthe to haue
D: 4,100 Red me nou-gh-t q(ou)d Resou(n) . no reuthe to haue
V: 4,100 (Rede) me not quod (Reson) . (Reu_th_e) to haue
H: 4,100 Redi-th- me not q(uo)-th- resou(n) . reu-th-e for
to haue [aaAx]
J: 4,100 Rede me not q(uo)d resou(n) . rewthe to haue [aaAx]
L: 4,100 Red not q(uo)d reson . no reouthe to haue [aaAx]
K: 4,100 Rede me not q(uo)d reason . no ruthe to haue [aaAx]
W: 4,100 Rede I not q(uo)d reson . no reu-th- to haue [aaAx]
N: 4,100 Red me nou-gh-t q(uo)d resou(n) . no rewthe to haue
A: 4,100 Red me quot resun ; no reuth for to haue [aaAx]
M: 4,100 Rede me q(uo)d Resou(n) . no reuthe to haue(n) [aaAx]
T: 4,101 Til lordis & ladies louen alle treu[th]e
H2: 4,101 Tyl lordes and ladies . louen alle treuthe [aaAx]
Ch: 4,101 Tille lordis and ladies . louen alle trew-th-e
D: 4,101 Tyl lordes & ladyes . louen al treuthe [aaAx]
V: 4,101 Til (lordes), and (ladies) . (louen) alle treu_th_e
H: 4,101 til -th-at lordis & ladies . loue(n) alle treu-th-e
J: 4,101 Til lordys & leuedys . louyn alle trewthe [aaAx]
L: 4,101 Til lordes and ladies . louen alle trowthe [aaAx]
K: 4,101 Til lordes & ladies . louen al treuth [aaAx]
W: 4,101 Til lordes and ladies . loue al trow-th-e [aaAx]
N: 4,101 Til lordis & ladi[e]s . louen alle trw-th-e
A: 4,101 Til lordis & ladyes . louyn alle trewthe [aaAx]
M: 4,101 Til lordis & ladis . loue(n) alle treuthe [aaAx]
T: 4,102 And p(er)nelis purfile be put in hire hucche
H2: 4,102 And p(er)nellis purfyle . be put in her(e) huche
Ch: 4,102 And pernelis purfyl . be put In her hucche [aaAx]
D: 4,102 And p(er)neles purfyl . be put in here huche [aaAx]
V: 4,102 And (perneles) (porfyl) . be (put) in heore whucche
H: 4,102 & p(er)nels purfile . be putt in her(e) whicche
J: 4,102 & alle her(e) p(er)leys purfyle . be put in
hir(e) hucche [aaAx]
L: 4,102 And peornels porfile . beo put in p(er)kyns pouche
K: 4,102 And Parnell(es) purfle . be put in her huche [aaAx]
N: 4,102 And p(er)nell(is) p(ur)fyle . be put in her huche
A: 4,102 And p(er)nellis purfil ; bi putte in here hucche
M: 4,102 And p(er)nelis p(ur)fil . be put in hir(e) chiste
T: 4,103 Til childris cherisshing be chastisid w(i)t(h) [y]erdis
H2: 4,103 Tyl childris cherisshynge . be chatisyd wi-th-
-gh-erdes [aaAx]
Ch: 4,103 Tille children chersynges . be chastised with -gh-erdes
D: 4,103 Til Children chiresschenge . be chasted w(i)t(h)
-gh-erdes [aaAx]
V: 4,103 Til (children) (Chereschinge) . be (chastet) wi_th_
_g_erdes [aaAx]
H: 4,103 til childrens chiding . be chastised wi-th- -gh-erdis
J: 4,103 Til child(er)ys cherissyng . be chastesyd w(i)t(h)
-gh-erdys [aaAx]
L: 4,103 Til children chere cheryschest . beon chastised
with -gh-erdes [aaAx]
K: 4,103 Til childern cherischyng . be chastised w(i)t(h)
yardes [aaAx]
N: 4,103 Til children cherissyng . be chasted wi-th- -gh-erdis
A: 4,103 Til childeris chastisyng . be chastisid w(i)t(h)
-gh-erdis [aaAx]
M: 4,103 Til childris chersyng . be chastisid wit -y-erdis
T: 4,104 And harlotis holynesse be holde for an hyne
H2: 4,104 And harlotes holynesse . be holde for an hyne [aaAa]
Ch: 4,104 And harlotes holinesse . be holden for an he-th-yng
D: 4,104 And harlot holynesse . be halden for any hyne [aaAa]
V: 4,104 Til (harlotes) (holynesse) . be (holden) for an
hyne [aaAx]
H: 4,104 & harlotes holynesse . be preised ful hi-gh-e
J: 4,104 & harlatys holynes . ben howldyn an hyne [aaAa]
L: 4,104 And harlotes holynes . beo holden for an hyne [aaAa]
K: 4,104 And harelottes holynes . be holden for an hyne [aaAa]
N: 4,104 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 4,104 And harlotis holinis ; ben holdyn for an hyne [aaAa]
M: 4,104 And harlotys holynesse . be holdy(n) for an heuene
T: 4,105 Til clerkis & kni[gh]tes be curteis of here mou[th]es
H2: 4,105 Tyl clerkes and kny-gh-tes . be curteis of hir(e)
mouthis [aaAx]
Ch: 4,105 Tille clerkes and kny-gh-tes . ben curtaise of
her mow-th-es [aaAx]
D: 4,105 Til Clerkes & knytes . ben co(ur)tys of here
mou-th-e [aaAx]
V: 4,105 Til (Clerkes) and (knihtes) . ben (Corteis) of heore
Mou_th_es [aaAx]
H: 4,105 til kni-gh-tes & clerkis . be corteis of her(e)
mou-th-is [aaAx]
J: 4,105 Til clerkys & knyhtys . ben curteys of her mowthis
L: 4,105 And clerkes & knyghtes . beon corteise of heore
mouthe [aaAx]
K: 4,105 Till clerk(is) & knightes . ben curteis of their
mowthes [aaAx]
N: 4,105 To clerkis & kni-gh-tes . be curteise of her
mow-th-es [aaAx]
A: 4,105 Til clerkis & knytis ; ben curteyce of here
mou-th-is [aaAx]
M: 4,105 Til clerkys & knythis . ben curteise of her(e)
mouthe [aaAx]
T: 4,106 And haten h(er)e harlot(ri)e oth(er) mou[th]e it w(i)t(h)
H2: 4,106 And haten her(e) harlot(ri)e . or mouthe it wi-th-
tu(n)ges [aaaAx]
Ch: 4,106 And haten her harlottrie . to mow-th-en hit with
tong [aaaAx]
D: 4,106 And haten here harlotrye . o-th-(er) it mou-th-en
V: 4,106 And (haten) to don heor (harlotrie) . and (vsun)
hit no more [aaAx]?
H: 4,106 & haten to do harlet(ri)es . & no more it
vsen [aaaAx]
J: 4,106 & hatyn to heryn herlatry . or mowthin it for
eu(er)e [aaaAx]
L: 4,106 And haten to heren of any harlotries -gh-elpyng
K: 4,106 And hatyn to here harlotry . or mowthen it [aaaAx]
W: 4,106 And haten al harlotrie to heren . or to mow-th-e
N: 4,106 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 4,106 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 4,106 And alle harlotrie haten to heryn or to mow-th-i(n)
W: 4,102 And p(er)nels purfile . be put in here huche [aaAx]
W: 4,103 Til childres chersing . be chastised wi-th- -gh-erde [aaAx]
W: 4,104 And harlotes holynesse . be holde for an hyne [aaAa]
W: 4,105 Til clerkes and kynges . be-th- curtays of hyre mou-th-
W: 4,105 [B:IV,119] And clerkes coueytise -th-e pore to clo-th-e
and to fede
W: 4,105 [B:IV,120] And religious romers woordes in here
W: 4,105 [B:IV,121] As seint Bernard hem badde Benet & ffraunceys
T: 4,107 Til p(re)stis here p(re)chyng p(re)ue it hemselue
H2: 4,107 Tyl p(re)stes her(e) p(re)chyng . p(re)ue it [in]
hem silue [aaAx]
Ch: 4,107 Tille prestes her preching . preue hit hem selue
D: 4,107 Til prestes here p(re)chenge . p(re)ued he(m) selue
V: 4,107 Til (prestes) heore (prechyng) . (preuen) hit in
hem-seluen [aaAx]
H: 4,107 til p(re)stis her(e) p(re)ching . p(re)ue hit hem
seluen [aaAx]
J: 4,107 Til p(re)stis her(e) p(re)ching . it p(re)uyth hem
selue [aaAx]
L: 4,107 Til preostes heore prechyng . preoue hit heom seoluen
K: 4,107 Til prest(is) her p(re)chyng . p(ro)ven it hem selfen
W: 4,107 Til prestes here p(re)chyng . prouen hem self [aaAx]
N: 4,107 Til p(re)stes her p(re)chyng . p(re)uen it hem self
A: 4,107 Til prestis here prechyng . preuyth hemselue [aaAx]
M: 4,107 Til p(re)stis her(e) p(re)chyng . proue(n) hem selue(n)
T: 4,108 And do it in dede to drawe vs to goode
H2: 4,108 And do hit in dede . to drawe vs to gode [aaAx]
Ch: 4,108 And don It in dede . to bring vs to gode [aaAx]
D: 4,108 And do it in dede . to drawe vs to goode [aaAx]
V: 4,108 And (don) hit in (dede) . to (drawen) vs to gode
H: 4,108 & done hit in dede . to drawe me(n) to goode
J: 4,108 And don it in dede . to drawyn vs to gode [aaAx]
L: 4,108 And do hit in dede . to drawe vs to goode [aaAx]
K: 4,108 And done it in dede . to drawe vs to good [aaAx]
W: 4,108 And don hem self as -th-ei say . to drawe vs to
goode [aaAx]
W: 4,108 [B:IV,123] Til -th-e kynges consaill be -th-e comune
W: 4,108 [B:IV,124] Til bischopes baierdes be-th- beggers
W: 4,108 [B:IV,125] Here haukes and hondes to hepe -th-e
N: 4,108 And done i(n) dede . to drawe vs to gode [aaAx]
A: 4,108 And don it in dede ; to drawyn vs to gode [aaAx]
M: 4,108 And don it in dede . to drawyn vs to goode [aaAx]
T: 4,109 Til seint Iame be sou[gh]t [th](er)e I shal assigne
H2: 4,109 Tyl seynt Iame be sought . ther(e) I schal asigne
Ch: 4,109 Tille seint Iame be Isou-gh-t . -th-er I schal
asyng asyne [aaAa]
D: 4,109 Tyl seynt Iame be sou-gh-t . -th-(er) I schal assyne
V: 4,109 Til (seint) Iame beo (I-souht) . _th_er I (schal)
(a-signe) [aaAa]
H: 4,109 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 4,109 Til seynt Iemys be sowht . -th-(er) I schal syngne
L: 4,109 Til seynt Iame beo ysoght . -th-er I schal asigne
K: 4,109 Til saynt Iames be sowght . ther I schall assyne
W: 4,109 Til seint Iame be soght . -th-(er) I shal assigne
N: 4,109 Til seynt Iame be sou-gh-t . -th-(er)e I schal asigne
A: 4,109 Til sent iamis be south ; -th-er I schal asygne
M: 4,109 Til seint Iame be sougth . as I schal assigne [aaAa]
T: 4,110 [Th]at no man go to galis but [y]if he go for eu(er)e
H2: 4,110 That no man go to gales . but if he go for eu(er)e
Ch: 4,110 -Th-at no man go to Galis . bot hit be to euer
D: 4,110 That no man go to gales . but yf he go for eu(er)e
V: 4,110 And no mon (go) to (Galys) . bote he (go) for euere
H: 4,110 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 4,110 -Th-(a)t no man go to galis . but if he go for eu(er)e
L: 4,110 -Th-at no mon go to Galys . bote he go for euer
K: 4,110 That no man go to galys . but if he goo for euer
W: 4,110 -Th-at no man go to gales . but he go for euere
N: 4,110 -Th-(a)t no man go galis . but -gh-if he go for
eur(e) [aaAx]
A: 4,110 That no man go to galis ; but he go for euyr [aaAx]
M: 4,110 -Th-at no man go to galys . but he go for eu(er)e
T: 4,111 And alle [th]e rome renn(er)is for robberis of be[gh]onde
H2: 4,111 And al the rome renn(er)es . for robbers of be-gh-onde
Ch: 4,111 And alle -th-e Rome Renners . for Robbers be-gh-onde
D: 4,111 And all -th-e Rome renners . for robberes of be-gh-onde
V: 4,111 And alle (Rome) (Renners) . for (Robbeours) of bi-_g_onde
H: 4,111 til alle rome renners . for robberis of by-gh-onde
J: 4,111 And rome renners . for robbers of be-gh-endyn [aaAx]
L: 4,111 And alle rome renners . for robbers of by-gh-onde
K: 4,111 And al rome ronnars . for robbers of beyonde [aaAx]
W: 4,111 And alle rome renners . for robbyng be-gh-onde [aaAx]
N: 4,111 & alle Rome renners . for robbers of by-gh-onde
A: 4,111 And alle rome renneris ; for robbyng of be-gh-onde
M: 4,111 And alle Rome re(n)n(er)ys . for robbours of be-y-onde
T: 4,112 Bere no silu(er) ou(er) se [th](a)t signe of king
H2: 4,112 Ber(e) no silu(er) ou(er) see . that signe of kyng
schewyd [aaAa]
Ch: 4,112 Bere no seluer ouer see . -th-at signe of -th-e
king schewed [aaAa]
D: 4,112 Bere no silu(er) ou(er) see . -th-(a)t syne of kyng
schewith [aaAa]
V: 4,112 Bere no (seluer) ouer (see) . _th_at bere_th_ (signe)
of _th_e kyng [aaAx]
H: 4,112 ber(e) no silu(er) ou(er) see . -th-at beri-th-
signe of -th-e king [aaAa]
J: 4,112 Ber(e) no sylu(er) ou(er) -th-e see . -th-(a)t syng
of kyng schewith [aaAa]
L: 4,112 Beore no seoluer ouer see . -th-at signe of kyng
scheweth [aaAa]
K: 4,112 Bere no sylu(er) ou(er) see . that sygne of kyng
schewith [aaAa]
W: 4,112 Bere no siluer ou(er) -th-e se . -th-at signe of
coyn ha-th- [aaAa]
N: 4,112 Bere no siluer ou(er) see . -th-at signe of kyng
beris [aaAa]
A: 4,112 Bere no siluyr ouyr -th-e see ; -th-at sygne of
-th-e kyng schewt [aaAa]
M: 4,112 Beryn no silu(er) ou(er) -th-e see . -th-at kyngis
signe schewit [aaAa]
T: 4,113 Nei[th](er) grotis ne gold yg(ra)ue wi[th] kynges
H2: 4,113 Nother grotis ne gold . yg(ra)ue with kynges coyn
Ch: 4,113 Ne-th-er grotes ne gold . Igrauen with king(es)
coyne [aaAx]
D: 4,113 Ne-th-(er) grotes ne-th-(er) gold . graue w(i)t(h)
kynges koyne [aaAx]
V: 4,113 Nou_th_er (Grotes) ne (gold) (I-graue) . with _th_e
(kynges) (Coroune) [aaaBb]
H: 4,113 No-th-(er) grotis ne gold . ygraue wi-th- -th-e
kingis crou(n) [aaAx]
J: 4,113 Neythir(e) grotys ne golde . g(ra)uyn kyngg(es)
crowne [aaAx]
L: 4,113 --- this line is omitted ---
K: 4,113 Nother grotes ne golde . Ig(ra)ue w(i)t(h) the kyng(es)
crowne [aaAx]
W: 4,113 Ne-th-(er) grotes ne gold . graue wi-th- -th-e kynges
coroun [aaAx]
N: 4,113 Nei-th-er grotis ne golde . ygraue w(i)t(h) kyngis
crowne [aaAx]
A: 4,113 Neyther grotis ne gold ; graue w(i)t(h) -th-e kyngys
croune [aaAx]
M: 4,113 Nei-th-(er) grotis ne gold . grauyd wit kyngis coroune
T: 4,114 Vpe forfait(ur)e of [th](a)t fe who fynt hym do eu(er)e
H2: 4,114 Vp forfet(ur)e of that fee . who fynte hi(m) do
euere [aaAx]
Ch: 4,114 Vp forfeture of -th-at fee . who fynte him do euer
D: 4,114 ffor fayto(ur) of -th-(a)t fee . who fynt hym do
eu(er)e [aaAx]
V: 4,114 Vppon (fforfet) of _th_at (ffe) . hose hit (fynde)
at douere [aaAx]
H: 4,114 Vpo(n) forfet of -th-e fee . who so fynt hit at
dou(er)e [aaAx]
J: 4,114 Vp forfeto(ur)re of-th-e fee . ho so fynde he(m)
at dou(er)e [aaAx]
L: 4,114 --- this line is omitted ---
K: 4,114 Vpon forfeture of that fee . who so fynde it at
dover [aaAx]
W: 4,114 Y forfeture of -th-e fee . who fynt hem at douorr(e)
N: 4,114 Vp for faito(ur) of-th-(a)t fee . who so fynde hem
at Douorre [aaAx]
A: 4,114 Vpon forfeture of -th-at fee ; ho so fynte hem at
douyr [aaAx]
M: 4,114 Vppe -th-at forfetur(e) of -th-at ffee . who so
fynt he(m) at dou(er)e [aaAx]
T: 4,115 But it be march(a)unt o[th](er) his man o[th](er)
messang(er)is w(i)t(h) l(ett)res
H2: 4,115 But if it be marchaunt or his man . or messag(er)
w(i)t(h) l(ett)res [aaAx]
Ch: 4,115 Bot hit be marchaunt or his man . or messanger
with lettres [aaAx]
D: 4,115 But it be Marchaunt or his man . or Messag(er) w(i)t(h)
lettres [aaAx]
V: 4,115 Bote hit beo (Marchaund) o_th_ur his (men) . or
(Messager) with lettres [aaAx]
H: 4,115 but hit be be messing(er)e o-th-(er) his man . -th-at
wi-th- hym beri-th- lettris [aaAx]
J: 4,115 But it be marchaunde or his ma(n) . or messang(er)
w(i)t(h) lett(er) [aaAx]
L: 4,115 Bote -gh-ef hit beo a marchaunt or his man . or
messang(er) w(i)t(h) let[tres] [aaAx]
K: 4,115 But it m(er)chaunte be other his man . or messaug
w(i)t(h) hors [aaAx]
W: 4,115 But he be marchaunde . or messa(n)g(er) of lettres
N: 4,115 But it be marchaun-gh-t or his ma(n) . or messanger
w(i)t(h) l(ett)res [aaAx]
A: 4,115 But -gh-if it be marchaunt or his man ; or messenger
w(i)t(h) letteris [aaAx]
M: 4,115 But -y-if it be Marchau(n)t or his man . or Messag(er)
with l(ettr)es [aaAx]
T: 4,116 O[th](er) p(ro)uiso(ur) or p(re)st [th](a)t [th]e
pope au(au)nci[th]
H2: 4,116 Other p(ro)uisour or p(re)st . that -th-e pope
auau(n)cith [aaAx]
Ch: 4,116 O-th-er prouesour or prest . -th-at -th-e pope
auaunse-th- [aaAx]
D: 4,116 Or prouiso(ur) or preest . -th-at -th-e pope avaunce-th-
V: 4,116 Or (Prouisours) or (Preestes) . _th_at (Popes) a-vaunset
H: 4,116 o-th-(er) p(re)stis o-th-(er) p(ro)uisours . -th-at
popis do-th- auau(n)ce [aaAx]
J: 4,116 Or ell(is) p(ro)uyso(ur) or p(re)st . -th-(a)t -th-e
pope avauncydh [aaAx]
L: 4,116 Or prouysor or preost . -th-at -th-e pope auaunseth
K: 4,116 Or p(ro)uisour or p(re)st . that the pope auaunsith
W: 4,116 Or prouisour or prest . or penant for his synnes
N: 4,116 Or p(ro)uiso(ur) or prest . -th-at -th-e pope avaunce-th-
A: 4,116 Or prouisiour or ony prest ; -th-at -th-e pope auaunsith
M: 4,116 Or prouiso(ur) or p(re)st . -th-(a)t -th-e pope
auaunceth [aaAx]
T: 4,117 And [y]et qua[th] resoun be [th]e rode I shal no reu[th]e
H2: 4,117 And -gh-it q(uo)d reson be the rode . I schal no
reuthe haue [aaAx]
Ch: 4,117 And -gh-it q(uo)d resoun be -th-e Rode . I schal
no rew-th-e haue [aaAx]
D: 4,117 And q(ou)d resou(n) be -th-e Rode . I schal no rewthe
haue [aaAx]
V: 4,117 And _g_it quod (Reson) bi _th_e (Roode) . I schal
no (reu_th_e) haue [aaAx]
H: 4,117 & -gh-it quo-th- resou(n) by -th-e rode . I
shal no reu-th-e haue [aaAx]
J: 4,117 And -gh-it q(uo)d resou(n) be -th-e rode . I scal
no reuthe haue [aaAx]
L: 4,117 And -gh-et q(uo)d reson . y wol no reowthe haue
K: 4,117 And yet q(uo)d reason by the rode . I schal no ruth
haue [aaAx]
W: 4,117 And -gh-it be -th-e rode . shal I no rou-th- haue
N: 4,117 And by -th-e Rode q(uo)d resou(n) . I schal no rew-th-e
haue [aaAx]
A: 4,117 And quot resun be -th-e rode ; I schal no reuthe
haue [aaAx]
M: 4,117 And -y-it q(uo)d Resou(n) be -th-e rode . I schal
no reuthe haue [aaAx]
T: 4,118 Whil mede ha[th] [th]e maistrie to mo in [th]is halle
H2: 4,118 While mede hath the maist(ri)e . to mot in this
halle [aaAx]
Ch: 4,118 While mede ha-th- -th-e maistrie . to many In -th-is
halle [aaAx]
D: 4,118 While mede hath -th-e maystrye . to moo in -th-is
halle [aaAx]
V: 4,118 While (Meede) ha_th_ eny (Maystrie) . to (Mooten)
in _th_is halle [aaAx]
H: 4,118 While mede ha-th- eny maistrie . to me ( .... )
alle [aaAx]
J: 4,118 Qwil mede hath -th-e mayst(rie) . to motyn in -th-is
halle [aaAx]
L: 4,118 Whil mede hath -th-e maistrie . to moten in -th-e
halle [aaAx]
K: 4,118 Whiles mede hathe the mastrie . to mote in this
halle [aaAx]
W: 4,118 Whil mede ha-th- -th-e maystrie . to mote in -th-is
halle [aaAx]
N: 4,118 Wil mede ha-th- -th-e maistrie . to mote in -th-is
halle [aaAx]
A: 4,118 Whil mede hath -th-e maistre . to motyn in -th-is
halle [aaAx]
M: 4,118 Whil Mede hat -th-e maistry . to motyn in -th-ys
halle [aaAx]
T: 4,119 Ac I may shewe ensaumplis as I se forso[th]e
H2: 4,119 Ac I may schewe ensaumples . as I se forsothe [aaAx]
Ch: 4,119 Bot I may schew ensaumple . as I se forso-th-e
D: 4,119 Ac I may schewe ensamples . as I se I say it for
my selue [aaAx]
H: 4,119 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 4,119 Ac I may schewyn examplis . as I se o-th-er(e) [aaAx]
L: 4,119 Bote y may schewe ensaumples . as y seo othir [aaAx]
K: 4,119 But I may schewe ensample . as I see other [aaAx]
W: 4,119 But I may shewe an ensample . as I se o-th-(er)
N: 4,119 But I may seyn in example . as I se o-th-(er)e [aaAx]
A: 4,119 I may schewyn -gh-ou example ; as -gh-e sen other
M: 4,119 But I may schewyn -th-e ensaunple . as I se o-th-er(e)
T: 4,120 I sei[gh]e it he myself & it so were
H2: 4,120 ffor I sey-gh-e it be my self . and it so were
Ch: 4,120 ffor -gh-ef I sey hit myself . and It so were [aaAx]
D: 4,120 --- this line om ---
V: 4,120 ffor I (sigge) hit for my (soule) . And hit (so)
weore [aaAx]
H: 4,120 for I say hit my self . & hit so were ( ....
) [aaAx]
J: 4,120 I sey it for my selue . for and it so wer(e) [aaAx]
L: 4,120 y sey hit for my seolf . and hit so weore [aaAx]
K: 4,120 I say it by my selue . & it so war [aaAx]
W: 4,120 I say for my self . -gh-if it so were [aaAx]
N: 4,120 I sey for my self . -gh-if it so were [aaAx]
A: 4,120 I sey it for my selue . and it so were [aaAx]
M: 4,120 I sey it for my self . & it so wer(e) [aaAx]
T: 4,121 [Th]at I were king wi[th] croune to kepe a reaume
H2: 4,121 That I wer(e) kyng with crounne . to kepen a reme
Ch: 4,121 -Th-at I were king with croun . to kepe a Reme
D: 4,121 & it so were -th-(a)t I were kyng w(i)t(h) croune
to kepe a reame [aaAx]
V: 4,121 _Th_at Ich weore (kyng) with (Croune) . to (kepen)
a Reame [aaAx]
H: 4,121 -Th-at I wer(e) a king crowned . to goue ( ....
) [aaAx]
J: 4,121 And I wer(e) kyng w(i)t(h) crowne . to kepyn a rewme
L: 4,121 -Th-at I weore kyng wi-th- a coroune . to kepen
a rewme [aaAx]
K: 4,121 That I war kyng w(i)t(h) crowne . to kepe a realme
W: 4,121 -Gh-if I were a kyng crouned . to kepe a reaume
N: 4,121 That I were kyng wi-th- crowne . to kepen a rewme
A: 4,121 And I were a kyng w(i)t(h) coroun ; to kepyn a rem
M: 4,121 -Th-at I wer(e) corounyd a kyng . to kepyn a Realme
T: 4,122 Shulde neu(er)e wrong in [th]is world [th](a)t I wyte
H2: 4,122 Schul wrong neu(er) in this world . that I wyte
myghte [aaAx]
Ch: 4,122 Schuld neuer wrong In -th-is world . -th-at I wete
my-gh-t [aaAx]
D: 4,122 Schuld no wrong in -th-is world . -th-(a)t I my-gh-te
wete [aaAx]
V: 4,122 Scholde neuer (wrong) in _th_is (world) . _th_at
Ich (I-wite) mihte [aaAx]
H: 4,122 ne shulde neu(er) wrong . -th-at I wyte ( .... )
J: 4,122 Scholde neuyr wrong in -th-is werlde . -th-(a)t
I wite myht [aaAx]
L: 4,122 Schulde neuer wrong in -th-is world . -th-(a)t y
wite myghte [aaAx]
K: 4,122 Schuld nev(er) wrong in this worlde . that I wite
might [aaAx]
W: 4,122 Ne shol neu(er)e wrong more . -th-at I myght wytte
N: 4,122 Sholde neure wrong i(n) -th-is worlde . -th-(a)t
I wit my-gh-te [aaAx]
A: 4,122 Schuld -th-er neuyr wrong in -th-is werld . -th-at
I wete mygth [aaAx]
M: 4,122 Schulde no wrong in -th-ys world . -th-(a)t I wite
mygthe [aaAx]
T: 4,123 Be vnpunisshit at my power for p(er)il of my soule
H2: 4,123 Be onpunschid at my power(e) . for perel of my
soule [aaAx]
Ch: 4,123 Be onponesched at my power . for p(er)ile of my
soule [aaAx]
D: 4,123 Be vnponyssched be my power . for peryl of my(n)
soule [aaAx]
V: 4,123 Ben (vn-punissched) beo my (pouwer) . for (peril)
of my soule [aaAx]
H: 4,123 be vnpunschid at my power(e) . for peryl ( ....
)oule [aaAx]
J: 4,123 Ben vnpunschid in my power . for peril of my soule
L: 4,123 Beon vnpunyssched by power . for peril of my soule
K: 4,123 Be vnponisshed in my power . for p(er)ile of my
sowle [aaAx]
W: 4,123 Be vnponysht for my power . for p(er)il of my soule
N: 4,123 Be vnpunisshed in my power . for p(er)il of my soule
A: 4,123 Ben vnponyschid in my pouer ; for perel of my soule
M: 4,123 Ben vnpunschid in my(n) powir . for p(er)il of my(n)
selue(n) [aaAx]
T: 4,124 Ne gete my g(ra)ce [th]oru[gh] giftes so me god helpe
H2: 4,124 Ne gete my g(ra)ce thoru-gh- -gh-iftes . so me
god helpe [aaaAx]
Ch: 4,124 Ne gete my grace -th-orow geftes . so me god helpe
D: 4,124 Ne gete my grace w(i)t(h) gyftes . so me god helpe
V: 4,124 Ne (gete) (grace) _th_orw (_g_ift) . (so me (gold)
helpe) [aaaAx]
H: 4,124 ne gete my grace by -gh-eftis . so me god helpe
J: 4,124 Ne getyn no g(ra)ce -th-orow -gh-ifte . so me god
helpe [aaaAx]
L: 4,124 Neo my grace geten -th-orgh gifte . so me god helpe
K: 4,124 Ne gett my grace thorowe yeft(es) . so me god helpe
W: 4,124 Ne gete grace -th-row -gh-eftes . so me god helpe
N: 4,124 Ne gete g(ra)ce -th-orow gift . so me god helpe
A: 4,124 Ne gete my grace -th-orow gyfte ; so me god helpe
M: 4,124 Ne getyn no g(ra)ce -th-ourth gyfte . so gad me
helpe [aaaAx]
T: 4,125 Ne for no mede haue m(er)cy but meknesse it made
H2: 4,125 Ne for no mede haue m(er)cy . but mekenesse it
make [aaAa]
Ch: 4,125 Ne for no mede haue mercy . bot meknesse it made
D: 4,125 Ne for no mede haue mercy . but meknesse it made
V: 4,125 Ne for (Meede) haue (Merci) . but (Mekenesse) hit
(make) [aaAa]
H: 4,125 Ne for no mede haue mercy . but meknesse it made
H: 4,125 for loke what -th-ese wordis seyn -th-at write(n)
be-th- in latyn
J: 4,125 Ne for mede haue m(er)cy . but mekenesse it made
L: 4,125 Neo for no mede haue mercy . bote meokenes hit made
K: 4,125 Ne for mede haue m(er)cye . but mekenes it make
W: 4,125 Ne haue mercy for mede . but meknes it make [aaAa]
N: 4,125 Ne for no mede haue m(er)cye . but meknesse it made
A: 4,125 But for no mede haue merci ; but meknes it made
M: 4,125 Ne for Mede haue(n) m(er)cy . but Mekenesse it made
T: 4,126 ffor { nullum malum } he may mete w(i)t(h) {Inpunitum}
H2: 4,126 ffor { nullum malu(m) } he may . mete with { Inpunitum
} [aaAx]
Ch: 4,126 ffor { nullum malum } he may . mete with { impunitum
} [aaAx]
D: 4,126 ffor { nullu(m) malu(m) } he may . mete w(i)t(h)
{ Impunitu(m) } [aaAx]
V: 4,126 ffor { nullum (malum) } _th_e (Mon) (mette) . withouten
{ inpunitum } [aaaXx]
H: 4,126 { Quia nullu(m) malu(m) inpunitu(m) nec vllu(m)
bonu(m) irremun(er)atu(m) } [aaAx]
J: 4,126 ffor { nullu(m) malu(m) } -th-e man . mete with
{ inpunitu(m) } [aaAx]
L: 4,126 ffor { multu(m) bonu(m) } -th-e mon . mette with
{ irremuneratu(m) } [aaAx]
K: 4,126 ffor { nullu(m) malu(m) } the man . mett w(i)t(h)
{ impunitu(m) } [aaAx]
W: 4,126 ffor { Nullum malu(m) } . -th-e man mette wi-th-
{ impunitum } [aaAx]
N: 4,126 ffor { nullu(m) malu(m) } -th-e man . mette w(i)t(h)
{ inpunitu(m) } [aaAx]
A: 4,126 ffor { nullum malum } . met w(i)t(h) { infinitum
} [aaAx]
M: 4,126 ffor { nullum malum } -th-at man . made wit { Inpunitum
} [aaAx]
T: 4,127 And bad {Nullum malum irremun(er)atum}
H2: 4,127 And bad { nullum bonum irremun(er)atum } [aaAx]
Ch: 4,127 And bad { nullum bonum irremuneratum } [aaAx]
D: 4,127 And bad q(uo)d { Nullu(m) bonu(m) Irremuneratum
} [aaAx]
V: 4,127 And (bad) { nullum (bonum) } . (be) { irremuneratum
} [aaAx]
H: 4,127 --- this line om ---
J: 4,127 And bad { nullum) bonu(m) } bene { i(n)remun(er)atu(m)
} [aaAx]
L: 4,127 Nec { multu(m) malu(m) } lawe wolde -th-(a)t schulde
beo { Inpunutu(m) }
K: 4,127 And bad { nullu(m) bonu(m) be irremuneratu(m) }
W: 4,127 And bad -th-at { nullu(m) bonu(m) } shold be { irremuneratu(m)
} [aaAx]
N: 4,127 & bad { nullu(m) bonu(m) } be { irremuneratu(m)
} [aaAx]
A: 4,127 And bad { nullum malum } be { inremuneratum } [aaAx]
M: 4,127 And bad { nullum bonu(m) } ben { irremun(er)atum
} [aaAx]
T: 4,128 Let [th]i confessour sire king construe it [th]e on
H2: 4,128 Lete thi co(n)fesso(ur) sire kyng . construe it
-th-e on englis [aaAx]
Ch: 4,128 lat -th-y confessour sire king . constrew -th-e
hit on englesch [aaAx]
D: 4,128 Let -th-y Confesso(ur) sir kyng . constru it -th-e
on englyssh [aaAx]
V: 4,128 Let _th_i (Clerk), sire (kyng) . (Construe) _th_is
in Englisch [aaAx]
H: 4,128 Lete -th-yn clerkis sir(e) king . construe -th-is
in englisch [aaAx]
J: 4,128 Lat -th-i confesso(ur) sir kyng . (con)st(ru)yn
-th-e -th-is on englische [aaAx]
L: 4,128 Lat -th-y confessour sir kyng . construe -th-e hit
in englyssch [aaAx]
K: 4,128 Let thy confesso(ur) s(ir) kyng . construe the it
in englische [aaAx]
W: 4,128 Do -th-i confessour sire kyng . construe it on (::)gly(::)
N: 4,128 Do -th-i confesso(ur) sire kyng . constru it on
englissh [aaAx]
A: 4,128 Late -th-i confessour sere kyng ; construe -th-is
on engelis [aaAx]
M: 4,128 Let -th-in cofessour s(er) kyng . construe -th-ys
in englisch [aaAx]
T: 4,129 And [y]if [th]ou werche [th]is werk I wedde myne eris
H2: 4,129 And if thow werke this werke . I wedde myn eris
Ch: 4,129 And -gh-ef -th-ow wirche -th-es workes . I wedde
myn eres [aaAx]
D: 4,129 And yf -th-u wurche it in werk . I wedde myn erys
V: 4,129 And _g_if _th_ou (worchest) hit in (wit) . Ich (wedde)
bo_th_e myn Eres [aaAx]
H: 4,129 & -gh-if -th-ou werchest -th-(er)aft(er) . y
lay bo-th-e myn eeris [aaAx]
J: 4,129 & -gh-if -th-(o)u wirche it in -th-i werk .
I wed -th-(er)to myn erys [aaAx]
L: 4,129 And -gh-ef -th-(o)u worche hit in werk . I wedde
bothe myn eres [aaAx]
K: 4,129 And if thou worche [as I said] in worke . I wedd
myne eares [aaAx]
W: 4,129 And if -th-u worche it in werk . I wedde bo-th-e
(::: :::) [aaAx]
N: 4,129 And -gh-if -th-(o)u wirche it in werke . I wedde
bo-th-e myne eres [aaAx]
A: 4,129 And werch it in werke ; I gefe -th-e myne eris [aaAx]
M: 4,129 And -y-if werche it in werk . I -y-eue -th-e my(n)
her(e)s [aaAx]
T: 4,130 [Th]at lawe shal ben a labo(ur)er & lede afeld
H2: 4,130 That lawe schal be a laborer . and lede afelde
donge [aaAx]
Ch: 4,130 -Th-at lawe schal be a laborer . and lede afelde
donge [aaAx]
D: 4,130 That lawe schal ben a laborer . & lede on felde
donge [aaAx]
V: 4,130 _Th_at (lawe) schal ben a (laborer) . and (leden)
a-feld dounge [aaAx]
H: 4,130 -Th-at lawe schal be a labour(e) . & lede afeld
dunge [aaAx]
J: 4,130 -Th-(a)t lawe schal bien a laborer . & ledyn
on felde dunge [aaAx]
L: 4,130 -Th-(a)t lawe schal beo a laborer . & lede on
feild donge [aaAx]
K: 4,130 That lawe schal be a laborar . & lede afelde
donge [aaAx]
W: 4,130 That lawe shal be a laborer . & lede dong on
fe(:::) [aaAx]
N: 4,130 -Th-(a)t lawe schal be a laborer . & lede afelde
donge [aaAx]
A: 4,130 But lawe be a laborere ; & led on feld donnge
M: 4,130 But lawe be a laborer . & lede ofilde donge
T: 4,131 And loue shal lede [th]i land as [th]e lef like[th]
H2: 4,131 And loue schal lede thi lande . as the lef liketh
Ch: 4,131 And loue schal lede -th-y londe . as -th-e leue
like-th- [aaaAx]
D: 4,131 And loue schal lede -th-y land . as -th-e lef lykes
V: 4,131 And (loue) schal (leden) _th_i (lond) . as _th_e
(leof) lyke_th_ [aaaAx]
H: 4,131 & loue shal lede -th-y lond . as -th-y self
like-th- [aaaAx]
J: 4,131 And luffe sc[h]al ledyn -th-in londe . as -th-e
leue lykyth [aaaAx]
L: 4,131 And loue schal lede -th-y lond . in leynthe & in
brede [aaaAx]
K: 4,131 And loue schal lede thy londe . as the lefe likyth
W: 4,131 And loue shal lede -th-i londe . as -th-e leue lyke-th-
N: 4,131 & loue schal lede al -th-i lond . as -th-e leue
lyke-th- [aaaAx]
A: 4,131 And loue schal ledyn -th-i lond ; as -th-e leue
likyth [aaaAx]
M: 4,131 -Th-a(n)ne schal loue lede(n) -th-in lond . -th-e
lef likyt [aaaAx]
T: 4,132 Clerkis [th]at wern confesso(ur)s couplide hem togid(er)is
H2: 4,132 Clerkes that wer(e) confesso(ur)s . cowplide he(m)
togede(ri)s [aaAx]
Ch: 4,132 Clerkes -th-at were confessours . cowpled hem togeder
D: 4,132 Clerkes -th-(a)t were confessours . coupled he(m)
togideres [aaAx]
V: 4,132 (Clerkes) _th_at were (confessours) . (Coupled)
hem to-gedere [aaAx]
H: 4,132 -th-o alle -th-e grete clerkis . couplid hem togedris
J: 4,132 Clerkys -th-(a)t werin (con)fessourys . cowplede
hem togyder(e) [aaAx]
L: 4,132 Clerkes -th-(a)t weore confessours . coupled togedre
K: 4,132 Clerk(is) that weren confessours . copled hem togeders
W: 4,132 Clerkes -th-at were confessours . coupled hem togederes
N: 4,132 Clerkis -th-(a)t wer(e) co(n)fesso(ur)s . cowpled
hem togydre [aaAx]
A: 4,132 Clerkis -th-at arn confessouris ; cowplid hem togederis
M: 4,132 Clerkys -th-at weryn co(n)fessours . clepedy(n)
he(m) togeders [aaAx]
T: 4,133 ffor to construe [th]is clause declynede faste
H2: 4,133 ffor to construe this clause . declyneden faste
Ch: 4,133 ffor to constrew -th-is clause . declynand fast
D: 4,133 ffor to construe -th-is clause . declyned it faste
V: 4,133 fforte (Construe) _th_is (Clause) . & distinkte
hit after [aaXx]
H: 4,133 for to construe -th-is clause . & wite what
it mened [aaAx]
J: 4,133 ffor to (con)st(ru)yn -th-e clause . he declinedyn
fast [aaAx]
L: 4,133 ffor to construe -th-is clause . & declyned
faste [aaAx]
K: 4,133 ffor to construe this clause . declyned ffaste [aaAx]
W: 4,133 ffor to construe -th-is cause . -th-ai clined fast
W: 4,133 [B:IV,151] But not for -th-e confort of -th-e komen
ne for -th-e kynges soule
N: 4,133 ffor to construe -th-is clause . declined fast [aaAx]
A: 4,133 ffor to construe -th-is clauce ; -th-ai declyned
faste [aaAx]
M: 4,133 ffor to construe(n) -th-ys clause . -th-ey declinid
faste [aaAx]
T: 4,134 Ac resoun among [th]ise renkis reherside [th]ise wordis
H2: 4,134 Ac reson among these renkes . rehersede these wordis
Ch: 4,134 Bot resoun among -th-es Renkes . rehersed -th-es
wordes [aaAx]
D: 4,134 Ac resou(n) among -th-e reules . had rehersed -th-e
wordes [aaAx]
V: 4,134 Whon (Resun) to _th_is (Reynkes) . (Rehersede) _th_eose
wordes [aaAx]
H: 4,134 but whe(n) resou(n) among hem . rehersid -th-ese
wordis [aaAx]
J: 4,134 Amonge hem -th-o -th-ei . haddy(n) rehersyd -th-is
wordys [aaAx]
L: 4,134 Bote -th-o reson among -th-eose renkes . rehersed
-th-eose worde[s] [aaAx]
K: 4,134 But whan reason among(es) the renkes . had rehersyd
tho word(is) [aaAx]
W: 4,134 Whan reson and angre . rehersen had -th-is wordes
N: 4,134 Whan resou(n) i(n) a rude wra-th- . reh(er)sed alle
-th-ise wordis [aaAx]
A: 4,134 And resun amonge -th-o renkis ; hadde rehersid -th-o
wordis [aaAx]
M: 4,134 And whan -th-at Resou(n) among hem . reh(er)syd
-th-ys wordys [aaAx]
T: 4,135 [Th](er)e nas no man in [th]e mothalle more ne lesse
H2: 4,135 Ther(e) nas no man in this mothalle . mor(e) ne
lesse [aaAx]
Ch: 4,135 -Th-er nas no man In -th-e motehalle . more no
lesse [aaAx]
D: 4,135 -th-(er) nas no man in -th-e mothalle . more ne
lesse [aaAx]
V: 4,135 Nas non in _th_at (Moot-halle) . (more) ne lasse
H: 4,135 -Th-(er) nas man in -th-e court . more no-th-(er)
lasse [aaAx]
J: 4,135 -Th-(er) ne was in -th-e motehalle . more ne lasse
L: 4,135 And -th-(er) was mon in -th-e mote halle . more
ny lasse [aaAx]
K: 4,135 Ther nas in the motehalle . more ne lasse [aaAx]
W: 4,135 Ther nas man in -th-e mote . ney-th-(er) more ne
lesse [aaAx]
N: 4,135 Ther nas man i(n) -th-e mote alle . more ne lesse
A: 4,135 Ther was man in -th-e motehalle . more ne lesse
M: 4,135 -Th-(er) nas man i(n) -th-e mothalle . mor(e) ne
lasse [aaAx]
T: 4,136 [Th]at he ne held resoun a maist(er) & mede a
muche wrecche
H2: 4,136 That he ne helde reson a maist(er) and mede . a
myche wrecche [xaaAx]
Ch: 4,136 -Th-at ne helde resoun Maister and Mede . a much
wrecch [xaaAx]
D: 4,136 That he ne held resou(n) a Maist(er) & mede
. a moche wrecche [xaaAx]
V: 4,136 _Th_at ne held Reson a (Mayster) _th_o . And (Meede)
a (muche) wrecche [xaAa]
H: 4,136 -Th-at ne hulde resou(n) a maist(er) & mede
. a myche shrewe [xaaAx]
J: 4,136 -Th-(a)t ne helde resyn a mayst(er) & mede .
a myche wreche [xaaAx]
L: 4,136 -Th-at no huld resou(n) a maister & mede . meochel
wreche [xaaAx]
K: 4,136 That he ne held reason a mast(er) & mede . a
mochel wretche [xaaAx]
W: 4,136 That ne held reson a mayster and mede . a muche
wreche [xaaAx]
N: 4,136 -Th-(a)t he ne helde resou(n) a Maist(re) & mede
a mychel wrecche [xaaAx]
A: 4,136 That he ne held mekenes a mayster ; and mede a wrecche
M: 4,136 -Th-at ne held mekenesse a maist(er) & Mede
a miche wrecche [xaaAx]
T: 4,137 Loue let of hire li[gh]t & lou[gh] hire to scorne
H2: 4,137 Loue let of hir(e) light . and lou-gh-h her(e)
to scorne [aaAx]
Ch: 4,137 Loue let of her li-gh-t . and low-gh-e her to scorne
D: 4,137 Loue let of here ly-gh-th . & lowh here to scorne
V: 4,137 (Loue) (lette) of Meede (luite) . and (louh) hire
to scorn [aaaAx]
H: 4,137 Loue lete of hir(e) li-gh-tly . & lou-gh-h hir(e)
to scorn [aaAx]
J: 4,137 Luffe lete of hir(e) liht . & lowh hir(e) to
scorne [aaAx]
L: 4,137 Loue lat of hire light . and lough hire to skorne
K: 4,137 Love let of her li-gh-te . & lowgh her to scorne
W: 4,137 Loue lete of here lyght . & laght here to scorn
N: 4,137 Loue lete of hir li-gh-t . & lowgh hir to scorne
A: 4,137 { Simul invnum diues & pauper } lawid here to
schorne [aaAx]
M: 4,137 And loue let of hir(e) ligth . & lauwidh hir(e)
to scorne [aaAx]
T: 4,138 And seide it so loude [th]at so[th]nesse it herde
H2: 4,138 And seide it so loude . that sothnesse it herde
Ch: 4,138 And seide hit so lowde . -th-at so-th-nesse hit
herde [aaAx]
D: 4,138 And sayde it so lowde . -th-(a)t so-th-nesse it
herde [aaAx]
V: 4,138 And (seide) hit (so) loude . _th_at (so_th_nesse)
hit herde [aaAx]
H: 4,138 & seide hit so lowde . -th-at so-th-enesse hit
herde [aaAx]
J: 4,138 & seyd it so loude . -th-(a)t sothnesse it herde
L: 4,138 And saide hit with so loude steuene . -th-(a)t sothfastnes
hit her[de] [aaAx]
K: 4,138 And said it so lowde . that sothenes it harde [aaAx]
W: 4,138 And sayd -th-is so loude . -th-at so-th-nes it herde
N: 4,138 & seide it so lowde . -th-(a)t so-th-enesse
it herde [aaAx]
A: 4,138 And seyde it so lowde ; -th-at sotnes it harde [aaAx]
M: 4,138 And seide it so loude . -th-at sothnesse it herde
T: 4,139 Whoso wilne[th] hire to wyue for wel[th]e of hire
H2: 4,139 Whoso wyllith hir(e) to wynne . for welthe of hir(e)
godes [aaAx]
Ch: 4,139 Whoso wilne-th- her to wif . for wel-th-e of her
godes [aaAx]
D: 4,139 Whoso wilneth here to wyve . for wel-th-e of here
godes [aaAx]
V: 4,139 Hose (wilne_th_) hire to (wyue) . for (weol_th_e)
of hire godes [aaAx]
H: 4,139 Whoso wilne-th- hir(e) to wyf . for wel-th-e of
hir(e) goodis [aaAx]
J: 4,139 Ho so -gh-ernyth hir(e) to wyue . for welth of her(e)
godys [aaAx]
L: 4,139 Whoso wilneth hire to wif for weole or for worschipe
K: 4,139 Whoso willith her to wyfe . for welth of her good(is)
W: 4,139 Whoso wylne-th- here to wyf . for welth of here
godes [aaAx]
N: 4,139 Whoso wilne-th- hir to wyf . for wel-th-e of hir
godis [aaAx]
A: 4,139 No so wold here to wyfe ; for welth of here godis
M: 4,139 Whoso willet hir(e) [to] wif . for welth of hir(e)
godis [aaAx]
T: 4,140 But he be cokewald ycald kitte of my nose
H2: 4,140 But he be cokold Icallid . kytte of my nose [aaAx]
Ch: 4,140 Bot he be cokold Icalled . kitte of myn nose [aaAx]
D: 4,140 But he be Cukkold called . cut of my nose [aaAx]
V: 4,140 Bote he beo A (Cokewold) (I-kore) . (cut) of bo_th_e
myn Eres [aaAx]
H: 4,140 but he be cokewold ykyd . kyt of myne eeris [aaAx]
J: 4,140 But he be kokewolde Icallid . cut of my(n) nose
L: 4,140 Bote -gh-ef he beo kokewold of kynde . kutte of
my nose [aaAx]
K: 4,140 But he be cokewolde Iclepid . Cutt of my nose [aaAx]
W: 4,140 But he be a Cokwolde . cutte of my nose [aaAx]
N: 4,140 But he be cokewolde ycalde . cut of my nose [aaAx]
A: 4,140 But -gh-if he be mad cokewald ; cutte of myne nose
M: 4,140 But he be cald cokewald . kyt of my(n) nase [aaAx]
T: 4,141 Warne wisdom [th]o ne no wit his fere
H2: 4,141 Warne wysdom tho . ne no wit his fer(e) [aaAx]
Ch: 4,141 Wary wisdam -th-o . and witte his fere [aaAx]
D: 4,141 Warne wysdom -th-o . & wyt his owne fere [aaAx]
V: 4,141 (Was) nou_th_er (wisdam) _th_o . ne (witti) his
feere [aaAx]
H: 4,141 I warne -th-at wysdom . ne witty his fer(e) [aaAx]
J: 4,141 Waren wisdom -th-o . ne witty his fere [aaAx]
L: 4,141 Waryn wisdom -th-o . ny witty his fere [aaAx]
K: 4,141 Waren wisdome tho . & witty his fere [aaAx]
W: 4,141 Waryn wisdom -th-o . ne witti his fere [aaAx]
N: 4,141 Waryn wisdom . ne witty his fere [aaAx]
A: 4,141 Than bo-th-e witte . & wysdom in fere [aaAx]
M: 4,141 Reyth her wysda(m) -th-o . ne wit is fer(e) [aaAx]
T: 4,142 Cou[th]e nou[gh]t warpen a word to wi[th]sigge resoun
H2: 4,142 Cowde not warpen a word . to withsegge reson [aaAx]
Ch: 4,142 Coude nou-gh-t carpen o worde . to withsegge Resoun
D: 4,142 Coude not warpen a word . to w(i)t(h)seggen resou(n)
V: 4,142 _Th_at cou_th_e (warpen) a (word) . to (with-siggen)
Reson [aaAx]
H: 4,142 ne cou-th-e seie a word . to a-gh-en seie resoun
J: 4,142 Cowthe not werchin a worde . to withseyn resou(n)
L: 4,142 Kou-th-en not karpen a word . to withsegge resoun
K: 4,142 Cowde not werpyn a worde . to withsay reason [aaAx]
W: 4,142 Cou-th- warpen -th-o a w(::: ::) wi-th-say reson
N: 4,142 Cou-th-e nou-gh-t werpyn a worde . to wi-th-segge
resou(n) [aaAx]
A: 4,142 Coude not carpyn a word ; to w(i)t(h)segge resun
M: 4,142 Coude nout carpen a word . to withsiggen Resou(n)
T: 4,143 But staring & stodyenge stoden as bestis
H2: 4,143 But staryng and stondyng . stoden as bestis [aaAx]
Ch: 4,143 Bot staring and stoding . stonden as bestes [aaAx]
D: 4,143 But staryng & stodynge . stodyn as bestes [aaAx]
V: 4,143 Bote (stareden) for (studiing) . and (stooden) as
Bestes [aaAx]
H: 4,143 but stareden & studede(n) . & stoden as
bestis [aaAx]
J: 4,143 But star(e)dyn for stondyng . & stodyn as bestys
L: 4,143 Bote stareden for studyeng . and stoden al stonyed
K: 4,143 But stared for studyeng . & stoden as bestes
W: 4,143 But stared forth studying . & stode stille as
bestes [aaAx]
W: 4,143 [B:IV,152] I saw mede in -th-e mote hall on men
of lawe wynken
W: 4,143 [B:IV,153] Thai lopen many :::::::::: reson many
W: 4,143 [B:IV,154] Warin wysdom wynked vpon mede
W: 4,143 [B:IV,155] And said I am -gh-our man madame what
so my mou-th- iangle
W: 4,143 [B:IV,156] I fal in floreins q(uo)d -th-e freke & f(:::
:::)che oft
N: 4,143 But stareden for studeing . & stoden stille
as best(is) [aaAx]
A: 4,143 But staryd stodyeng ; and stodyn as bestis [aaAx]
M: 4,143 But staredyn for stodiynge . & stodyn as bestis
T: 4,144 [Th]e king acordite be crist to resonis sawis
H2: 4,144 The kyng acordid . be c(ri)st . to resones sawes
Ch: 4,144 -Th-e king acorded . by crist to Resounis sawes
D: 4,144 The kyng acordyd . be crist to resou(n)s sawes [aaAx]
V: 4,144 _Th_e (kyng) (acordede), bi (crist) . to Resons
(Connynge) [aaaXa]
H: 4,144 -Th-e king acord . by c(ri)st to resons ku(n)nyng
J: 4,144 -Th-e kyng acordyd . be c(ri)st to resou(n) sawys
L: 4,144 The kyng acorded . & kneow soth resones sawas
K: 4,144 The kyng acordyd . by criste to reasons sawes [aaAx]
W: 4,144 -Th-e kyng acorded . anon to reson sawes [aaAx]
N: 4,144 The kyng acordid . anon to resou(n)s sawes [aaAx]
A: 4,144 The kyng acordyd be crist ; to resonys sawis [aaAx]
M: 4,144 -Th-e kyng acordid . wel to Resou(n)s sawys [aaAx]
T: 4,145 And reherside [th](a)t resoun ri[gh]tfulliche shewide
H2: 4,145 And rehersid that resou(n) . ry-gh-tfullyche schewyd
Ch: 4,145 And rehersed -th-at Resoun . ri-gh-tfullich schewed
D: 4,145 And rehersed -th-(a)t resou(n) . ri-gh-tfully schewed
V: 4,145 And (rehersede) _th_at (Reson) hedde . (Rihtfoliche)
I-schewet [aaAx]
H: 4,145 & rehersid -th-at resou(n) . hadde ri-gh-tfulliche
shewid [aaAx]
J: 4,145 & rehersyd -th-(a)t resou(n) . hadde rihtfullych
schewyd [aaAx]
L: 4,145 And rehersed -th-at reson . hadde right fullich
schew[ed] [aaAx]
K: 4,145 And rehersed that reason . had rightfully schewyd
W: 4,145 And sayd had rightfullych schewed [aaAx]
W: 4,145 [B:IV,165] Mede morned -th-o and made heuy chere
W: 4,145 [B:IV,166] ffor -th-e most comune of -th-at court
called he(:: :: :::)
W: 4,145 [B:IV,167] A sisour and a somnour sewed here fast
W: 4,145 [B:IV,168] And a shirefs clerk I shrewe al -th-e
W: 4,145 [B:IV,169] Oft haue q(uo)d she holpe -gh-ou at -th-e
W: 4,145 [B:IV,170] And -gh-et -gh-af -gh-e me neuere -th-e
worth of a rishe
N: 4,145 And seid -th-(a)t resou(n) . had ri-gh-tfullyche
schewid [aaAx]
A: 4,145 And rehersid -th-at resun ; that resun hath rythfully
schewid [aaAx]
M: 4,145 And rehercede -th-(a)t Resou(n) . hadde ryghtfullich
schewed [aaAx]
T: 4,146 Ac it is wel hard be myn hed herto to b(ri)nge it
H2: 4,146 Ac it is wel harde be myn hed . herto to brynge
it [aaAx]
Ch: 4,146 Bot hit is wel harde be myn hede . here to bringe
hit [aaAx]
D: 4,146 Ac it is ful hard be myn hed . herto to brynge [aaAx]
V: 4,146 "Bote hit is (hard), be myn (hed) . (herto)
hit bringe [aaAx]
H: 4,146 but it is hard by my(n) heed . herto it bring [aaAx]
J: 4,146 Ac it is wel harde be myn hede . herto to bringyn
it [aaAx]
L: 4,146 Bote hit is wel hard by myn hed . to bryng -th-is
abow[te] [aaAx]
K: 4,146 But it is wel hard by my hed . herto to brynge it
W: 4,146 It is hard be myn hed q(uo)d -th-e kyng . hereto
to it brynge [aaAx]
N: 4,146 But it is herde by my hed . herto to bring it [aaAx]
A: 4,146 It is ful hard to brynge togederis [aaAx]
M: 4,146 But it is harde to me . to bryngge hem to togeders
T: 4,147 And alle my lige ledis to lede hem [th]us euene
H2: 4,147 And alle my lege ledis . to lede hem thus euene
Ch: 4,147 And alle my lege ledes . to lede hem -th-us euen
D: 4,147 And alle my lege ledes . to lede hem -th-us euene
V: 4,147 Al my (lige) (leodes) . to (lede) _th_us euene [aaAx]
H: 4,147 -th-at eny lyuy(n)g men shulde lede hem -th-us eue(n)e
J: 4,147 And alle my riche ledys . to ledyn -th-(us) euene
L: 4,147 And alle my lege leodes . to lede -th-us euene [aaAx]
K: 4,147 And al my liche led(is) . leden thus evyne [aaAx]
W: 4,147 And al my lege lordes . to lede -th-us euen [aaAx]
N: 4,147 And alle my lege lordes . to lede -th-us euene [aaAx]
A: 4,147 Alle my ligge londis ; for to lede euene [aaAx]
M: 4,147 And my lege londys . to lede thus euen [aaAx]
T: 4,148 Be hym [th]at dei[gh]ede on [th]e rode q(ua)[th] resoun
to [th]e king
H2: 4,148 Be hi(m) that deyde on the rode . q(uo)d reson
to the kyng [aaAx]
Ch: 4,148 Be hym -th-at died on Rode . q(uo)d Resoun to -th-e
king [aaAx]
D: 4,148 By hym -th-(a)t deyde on -th-e Rode . q(ou)d resou(n)
to -th-e kyng [aaAx]
V: 4,148 Bi him _th_at (rauhte) on _th_e (Roode) . quod (Reson)
to _th_e kyng [aaAx]
H: 4,148 by hym -th-at rest hym on -th-e roode . q(uo)-th-
resou(n) to -th-e king [aaAx]
J: 4,148 Be him -th-(a)t rawt on -th-e rode . q(uo)d resou(n)
to -th-e kyng [aaAx]
L: 4,148 By him -th-(a)t reste on -th-e rode . q(uo)d resou(n)
to -th-e kynge [aaAx]
K: 4,148 By hym that rawght on the Rode . q(uo)d reason to
the kyng [aaAx]
W: 4,148 By hym -th-at rist on -th-e rode . q(uo)d reson
-th-an [aaAx]
N: 4,148 By hi(m) -th-(a)t rau-gh-t on -th-e rode . q(uo)d
resou(n) to -th-e kyng [aaAx]
A: 4,148 Be hym -th-at was rauth vpon rode ; seyde resun
to -th-e kyng [aaAx]
M: 4,148 Be hym that henge on -th-e Rode . q(uo)d Resou(n)
to -th-e kyng [aaAx]
T: 4,149 But [y]if I reule [th]us [th]i reaum rend out my ribbes
H2: 4,149 But if I reule thus thi reme . rende out-gh- my
rybbes [aaAx]
Ch: 4,149 Bot -gh-ef I reule -th-us -th-y Reme . rente out
my Rybbes [aaAx]
D: 4,149 But yf y reule -th-us -gh-oure Reame . rent out
my(n) rybbys [aaAx]
V: 4,149 Bote I (Rule) _th_us _th_i (Reame) . (Rend) out
my (Ribbes) [aaAa]
H: 4,149 but I reule -th-us -th-y rewme . rend out my(n)
ribbes [aaAx]
J: 4,149 But if I rewle -th-(us) -gh-our(e) rewme . rendith
out my rybbes [aaAx]
L: 4,149 Bote y reoule -th-us oure rewme . rent owt my rybbes
K: 4,149 But if -th-e Rule thus yo(ur) realme . rent out
my Rybbes [aaAx]
W: 4,149 But I reule -th-us -th-i reume . rende of my ribbe
N: 4,149 But I rule -th-us -gh-owr(e) rewme . rende out my
ribbes [aaAx]
A: 4,149 But -gh-e reule -th-us -gh-o(ur) rem ; rende oute
my rybbis [aaAx]
M: 4,149 But I reule thus -th-y Realme . Rende of my Rybbes
T: 4,150 [Y]if it be [th](a)t buxumnesse be at myn assent
H2: 4,150 But it be that buxu(m)nesse . be at myne asent
Ch: 4,150 -Gh-if hit be -th-at buxumnesse . be at myn assent
D: 4,150 yf yt be -th-(a)t buxumesse . be of my(n) Assent
V: 4,150 _Y_if hit (beo) so _th_at (Boxumnesse) . (beo) at
myn assent [aaAx]
H: 4,150 -gh-if hit be so -th-at buxu(m)nesse . be of myne
assent [aaAx]
J: 4,150 If it be so -th-(a)t buxomnesse . ben at my(n) assent
L: 4,150 -Gh-ef -th-at hit beo -th-(a)t buxsumnes . beo of
myn assent [aaAx]
K: 4,150 Yef so be that buxumnes . be of myn assente [aaAx]
W: 4,150 -Gh-if so be -th-at buxomnesse . be of myn assent
N: 4,150 -Gh-if so be -th-at boxomenesse . be of myne assent
A: 4,150 -Gh-if it be -th-at buxumnes ; be at -gh-oure assent
M: 4,150 -Y-ef it so be -th-(a)t buxhu(m)nesse . be of myn
assente [aaAx]
T: 4,151 And I assente qua[th] [th]e king be seinte marie my
H2: 4,151 And I asent q(uo)d the kyng . be seynt marie my
ladi [axAx]
Ch: 4,151 And I assent q(uo)d -th-e kyng . be seynt marie
my lady [axAx]
D: 4,151 And I assente q(ou)d -th-e kyng . be seynt mary
my lady [axAx]
V: 4,151 Ich (assente) quod _th_e kyng . bi (seinte) Marie
mi ladi [axAx]
H: 4,151 I assent . by seint marie my ladye [axAx]
J: 4,151 & I asent q(uo)d -th-e kyng . be sent mary my
lady [axAx]
L: 4,151 By goode god q(uo)d -th-e kyng y graunte wel -th-anne
K: 4,151 And I assent q(uo)d the kyng . by saynt mary my
lady [axAx]
W: 4,151 And I assent q(uo)d -th-e kyng . be seint Mari my
lady [axAx]
N: 4,151 And I assent sei-th- -th-e kyng . by sent Marie
my lady [axAx]
A: 4,151 I assent quot -th-e kyng ; be sent mary my lady
M: 4,151 I assente q(uo)d -th-e kyng . be sainte Marie my
lady [axAx]
T: 4,152 Be my counseil ycome of clerkes and Erlis
H2: 4,152 Be my consel Icome . of clerkis and erlis [aaAx]
Ch: 4,152 Be my counseile Icome . of clerkes and Erles [aaAx]
D: 4,152 Be my counseill Icome . of clerkes and of Erles
V: 4,152 Beo my (counseil) (I-come) . of (Clerkes) and of
Erles [aaAx]
H: 4,152 be my counsel ycome . of clerkis & of kni-gh-tis
J: 4,152 Be my cou(n)sel Icomyn . of clerkys and erlys [aaAx]
L: 4,152 Beo my counseil come . of clerkes and eorles [aaAx]
K: 4,152 Be my counseile Ico(m)me . of clerk(es) and Erles
W: 4,152 Be my conseil ycomen . of clerkes and of Erles [aaAx]
N: 4,152 Be my counseille ycomen . of clerkis and erlis [aaAx]
A: 4,152 Be my councelle come ; of clerkis & of erlis
M: 4,152 Be my co(n)seil Icome(n) . of clerces & of Erles
T: 4,153 Ac redily resoun [th]ou shalt not wende henne
H2: 4,153 And reson redyly . thow schalt nat wende henne
Ch: 4,153 Bot redely Resoun . -th-ow schalt nou-gh-t raike
hennes [aaAx]
D: 4,153 Ac redly resou(n) . -th-(o)u schalt wende henne
V: 4,153 Bote (Rediliche) (Reson) . _th_ou (Rydest) not heonnes
H: 4,153 but redeliche resou(n) . -th-ou ridest not hennys
J: 4,153 Ryht redyly resou(n) . -th-(o)u schalt not rydyn
hennye [aaAx]
L: 4,153 Bote redeliche reson . -th-ou schalt not ryden hennes
K: 4,153 But redyly reason . thou schalt not Ryde hens [aaAx]
W: 4,153 But I say -th-e reson . -th-u shalt not ride hens
N: 4,153 But redely resou(n) . -th-(o)u schalt nou-gh-t ryde
hennes [aaAx]
A: 4,153 Redely resun . -th-u schalt not ride henys [aaAx]
M: 4,153 But redely Reson . -th-ou shalt not ryde hennes
T: 4,154 ffor as longe as I lyue loue [th]e I wile
H2: 4,154 ffor as longe as I leue . loue the I wylle [aaAx]
Ch: 4,154 ffor as long as I leue . loue -th-e I wol [aaAx]
D: 4,154 ffor as longe as I leue . loue -th-e I wille [aaAx]
V: 4,154 ffor as (longe) as I (lyue) . (leete) _th_e I nulle
H: 4,154 for into my de-th- day we nele not dep(ar)t [aaAx]
J: 4,154 ffor as long as I lyffe . lete -th-e I nylle [aaAx]
L: 4,154 ffor as longe as me is lant the lyf . leete -th-e
ynulle [aaAx]
K: 4,154 ffor as long as I lyue . letten the I nylle [aaAx]
W: 4,154 ffor as longe as y leue . lete -th-e I nylle [aaAx]
N: 4,154 ffor as longe as I leue . leten -th-e I nelle [aaAx]
A: 4,154 As longe as I leue ; leuyn -th-e I nylle [aaAx]
M: 4,154 ffor as longe as I leue . thy lyfelode I -th-e thonke
T: 4,155 I am redy q(ua)[th] resoun to reste wi[th] [y]ow eu(er)e
H2: 4,155 I am redy q(uo)d reson . to reste with -gh-ow eu(er)e
Ch: 4,155 I am redy q(uo)d Resoun . to Rest with -gh-ow euer
D: 4,155 I am redy q(ou)d resou(n) . to reste w(i)t(h) -gh-ou
eu(er)e [aaAx]
V: 4,155 Icham (Redi) quod (Reson) . to (Reste) with _th_e
euere [aaAx]
H: 4,155 I am redy quo-th- resou(n) . to reste wi-th- -th-ee
eu(er)e [aaAx]
J: 4,155 I am redy q(uo)d resyn . to restyn w(i)t(h)-gh-ow
eu(er)e [aaAx]
L: 4,155 y am redy q(uo)d reson . to reste with -gh-ow euer
K: 4,155 I ame redy q(uo)d reason . to rest with yow eu(er)
W: 4,155 I am redy q(uo)d reson . to reste wi-th- -gh-ow
euere [aaAx]
N: 4,155 I am redy q(uo)d resou(n) . to rest w(i)t(h)-gh-ow
eure [aaAx]
A: 4,155 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 4,155 I am al redy q(uo)d Resou(n) . to reste with -th-e
euer(e) [aaAx]
T: 4,156 So consience be of [y]o(ur) counseil kepe I no bet(er)e
H2: 4,156 So consience be of -gh-our(e) co(n)sel . kepe I
no bet(er) [aaAx]
Ch: 4,156 So conscience be of -gh-oure counsceile . kepe
I no better [aaAx]
D: 4,156 So consience be of -gh-oure counceil . kepe I no
bett(er) [aaAx]
V: 4,156 So _th_at (Concience) beo vr (counseiler) . (kepe)
I no betere [aaAx]
H: 4,156 so -th-at conscience be of our(e) counseil . kepe
y no bett(er) [aaAx]
J: 4,156 So consciens be of -gh-our(e) cou(n)seyle . kepe
I no bett(er) [aaAx]
L: 4,156 So consience beo of -gh-oure counseil . kepe y no
bettre [aaAx]
K: 4,156 So consience be of yo(ur) counseile . kepe I no
better [aaAx]
W: 4,156 -Gh-if conscience be of conseill . kepe I no bettre
N: 4,156 -Gh-if conscience be of counseill . kepe I no bettre
A: 4,156 So conciens be of -gh-o(ur) councelle . kepe I no
bettir [aaAx]
M: 4,156 So co(n)sience be of our(e) co(n)seil . kepe I no
better(e) [aaAx]
T: 4,157 I g(ra)unte q(ua)[th] [th]e king godis forbode he
H2: 4,157 I g(ra)unte q(uo)d the kyng . godes forbode he
fayle [aaAbb]
Ch: 4,157 I graunt q(uo)d -th-e king . godis forbode I faile
D: 4,157 I graunte q(ou)d -th-e kyng . god forbede I fayle
V: 4,157 I (graunte) (gladly) quod _th_e kyng . (God) forbeode
he fayle [aaxAx]
H: 4,157 I g(ra)unte wel q(uo)-th- -th-e king . god forbede
he feile [aaAbb]
J: 4,157 I graunte q(uo)d -th-e kyng . goddys forbode he
fayle [aaAbb]
L: 4,157 y graunte wel q(uo)d -th-e kyng . so me god helpe
K: 4,157 I g(ra)unt q(uo)d the kyng . god forbede he faile
W: 4,157 I graunte -th-at q(uo)d -th-e kyng . god forbede
he faille [aaAbb]
N: 4,157 And I graunt q(uo)d -th-e kyng . god forbede he
faille [aaAbb]
A: 4,157 I graunt quot -th-e kyng ; god forbede elles [aaAbb]
M: 4,157 I g(ra)unte q(uo)d -th-e kyng . goddes forbode elles
T: 4,158 As longe as I lyue libbe we togid(er)is
H2: 4,158 As longe as I lyue . libbe we togyd(er)es [aaAx]
Ch: 4,158 As long as I leue . libbe we togederes [aaAx]
D: 4,158 As long as I leue . lybbe we togyderes [aaAx]
V: 4,158 And also (longe) as I (lyue) . (leue) we to-gedere
H: 4,158 for as longe as we lyue . loue we togedris [aaAx]
J: 4,158 As longe as I lyffe . leue we togyder(e) [aaAx]
L: 4,158 Als longe as y libbe schal . lyue we togedre [aaAx]
K: 4,158 As long as we lyve . libbe we togyders [aaAx] (finis)
W: 4,158 As longe as I leue . be we togidres [aaAx]
N: 4,158 Also longe as I lyue . libbe we togidris [aaAx]
A: 4,158 As long as I leue may ; leue we togederis [aaAx]
M: 4,158 As longe as we lyueu(n) . dwelle we the gederys
T: 5,1 [Th]e king & kni[gh]tes to [th]e chirche wente
H2: 5,1 The kyng and the kny-gh-t(us) . to the chirche wente
Ch: 5,1 The king and his kni-gh-tes . to the chirche went
D: 5,1 The kyng & his kny-gh-tes . to -th-e Churche wente
V: 5,1 _Th_e (kyng) and his (knihtes) . to _th_e (Churche)
wenten [aaAx]
H: 5,1 Th-e kyn ( .... ) ny-gh-tes . to churche -th-(er)
-th-ei wenten [aaAx]
J: 5,1 -Th-e kyng & his knyhtys . to -th-e kyrk wentyn
L: 5,1 The kyng & his knyghtis . to -th-e kirke wenten
K: 5,1 The kyng & his knight(es) . to the chirche wente
W: 5,1 The kyng and his knyghtes . to -th-e cherche went
N: 5,1 The kyng & his kni-gh-tghtes . to -th-e kirke
went [aaAx]
A: 5,1 The kyng & his knytis ; to -th-e chirche wente
M: 5,1 -Th-e kyng & hys knyghtes . to -th-e churche wenten
T: 5,2 To here matynes & masse and to [th]e mete aftir
H2: 5,2 To here matyns and messe . and to mete aft(ir) [aaAx]
Ch: 5,2 To here matyns and messe . and gon to mete after
D: 5,2 To he mateyns & masse . & to -th-e mete aft(ir)
V: 5,2 To heere (Matyns) and (Masse) . and to _th_e (Mete)
aftur [aaAx]
H: 5,2 to he ( .... ) & masse . & to -th-e mete aft(ur)
J: 5,2 To here mateyns & masse . & to -th-e mete
aft(er) [aaAx]
L: 5,2 To here matyns & masse . & to mete after [aaAx]
K: 5,2 To hear matens & masse . & to mete after [aaAx]
W: 5,2 To here matyns and messe . and to -th-e mete aftr(e)
N: 5,2 To here maytenys & messe . & to mete aftre
A: 5,2 ffor to here matynes & messe ; & to mete aftir
M: 5,2 To her(e) matynes & masse . & to -th-e mete
after(e) [aaAx]
T: 5,3 [Th]anne wakide I of my wynkyng & wo was wi[th]alle
H2: 5,3 Than wakyde I of wynkyng . and wo was with alle [aaAx]
Ch: 5,3 -Th-an wakened I of my wynkkyng . and wo was withalle
D: 5,3 Than waked I of my wynkynge . & wo was w(i)t(h)alle
V: 5,3 _Th_enne (Wakede) I of my (wink) . me was (wo) with
alle [aaAx]
H: 5,3 -th-en w ( .... ) winking . wo was me -th-(er)fore
J: 5,3 -Th-an wakyd I of my wynkyng . & woo was w(i)t(h)alle
L: 5,3 -Th-enne waked I of my wynkyng . & wo was me withal
K: 5,3 Than wakyd I of my wynkyng . & woo was withalle
W: 5,3 Tho waked I of wynkyng . and wo was wi-th-alle [aaAx]
N: 5,3 Tha(n)ne waked I of my wynkyng . & wo was w(i)t(h)alle
A: 5,3 Tho wakyd I of my wynkyng ; & wo was w(i)t(h)alle
M: 5,3 -Th-anne wakende I of wynkynge . & wo was withalle
T: 5,4 [Th]at I ne hadde yslepe sadd(er)e & yseyn more
H2: 5,4 That I ne hadde slepe sadder . and Iseye mor(e) [aaAx]
Ch: 5,4 -Th-at I ne had sleped hard . and Isey more [aaAx]
D: 5,4 -Th-at I ne hadde slepe saddere . & Isey nomore
V: 5,4 _Th_at I nedde (sadloker) (I-slept) . and (I-se_g_e)
more [aaAx]
H: 5,4 -Th-at y ne ha ( .... ) enger . & yseyn more [aaAx]
J: 5,4 -Th-(a)t I ne had slepyn sadder(e) . & Iseyn more
L: 5,4 -Th-at I no hadde sleped sadder . and yseyen more
K: 5,4 That I ne had saddar sclept . & Isee more [aaAx]
W: 5,4 That I ne hadde saddere slept . and Isey more [aaAx]
N: 5,4 That I ne had sadder yslept . & yseye more [aaAx]
A: 5,4 That I had slepyn hadere ; & Isey more [aaAx]
M: 5,4 -Th-at I nadde rather I slepte . & Iseye mor(e)
T: 5,5 Er I hadde faren a furlong feyntise me hadde
H2: 5,5 Or I hadde far(e) a forlong . feyntyse me hadde [aaAx]
Ch: 5,5 Or I had faren a furlong . feyntise me kau-gh-t [aaAx]
D: 5,5 Or I hadde fare a forlong . fantasye me hadde [aaAx]
V: 5,5 Er I a (ffurlong) hedde (I-fare) . A (ffeyntise) me
hente [aaAx]
H: 5,5 Er y hadde far(e) a forlong . feyntise me hent [aaAx]
J: 5,5 But or I had faryn a furlong . fayntis me hent [aaAx]
L: 5,5 Ar y hadde faren a forlong . feyntise me hente [aaAx]
K: 5,5 Or I had faren a furlonge . ffantasye me hente [aaAx]
W: 5,5 Er I had fared a forlong . fantasie me hent [aaAx]
N: 5,5 Ar I had farn a fourlong . ffantyse me hente [aaAx]
A: 5,5 Or I had faryn a forlong ; a feyntice me hent [aaAx]
M: 5,5 Er I hadde faren a forlonge . feyntese me hente [aaAx]
T: 5,6 [Th]at I ne mi[gh]te fer[th](er)e a fote for defaute
of slepyng
H2: 5,6 That I ne my-gh-t fer-th-er a fote . for defaute
of slepyng [aaAx]
Ch: 5,6 -Th-at I ne mi-gh-t o fote fer-th-er . for defau-gh-te
of sleping [aaAx]
D: 5,6 -Th-at I ne my-gh-te a fote forthere . for defaute
of slepe [aaAx]
V: 5,6 _Th_at (ffor_th_er) mihti not (a-fote) . for (defaute)
of Sleep [aaAx]
H: 5,6 -Th-at fer-th-(er) ne mi-gh-te y one fote . for defaute
of slepe [aaAx]
J: 5,6 -Th-(a)t I ne myht forther(e) a fote . for defaute
of slepyng [aaAx]
L: 5,6 --- this line is omitted ---
K: 5,6 That I ne might forth a fote . for defawte of sclepyng
W: 5,6 A fote ne myght I fer-th-er . for defaute of slepe
N: 5,6 A fote ne my-gh-t I fer-th-(er) . for defaute of slepyng
A: 5,6 That I mygth no fer-th-ere ; for defaute of slepyng
M: 5,6 -Th-at I ne myght a fote ferther . for defaute of
slepyng [aaAx]
T: 5,7 I sat softely in my bedis & seide my beleue
H2: 5,7 I sat sotely on my bedis . that brouth me on slepe
Ch: 5,7 I satte softly adoun . and seide my beleue [aaAx]
D: 5,7 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 5,7 I (sat) (Softeliche) a-doun . and (seide) my beo-leeue
H: 5,7 I sate softly adou(n) . & seide my bileue [aaAx]
J: 5,7 I sat softely adoune . & seyde my beleue [aaAx]
L: 5,7 y sat softely doun . and saide my beleue [aaAx]
K: 5,7 I satt softely adown . & said my beleue [aaAx]
W: 5,7 I sat softly adoun . and sayd my beleue [aaAx]
N: 5,7 I sat softely adown . & seide my bileue [aaAx]
A: 5,7 I sat softely adoun ; and seyde my beleue [aaAx]
M: 5,7 I sate softely adou(n) . & seyde my(n) beleue
T: 5,8 And so I babelide on my bedis [th]ei brou[gh]te me aslepe
H2: 5,8 And so y babelyd on my bedis . that brouth me on
slepe [aaAx]
Ch: 5,8 And so I babeled on my bedes . -th-ei brou-gh-t me
on slepe [aaAx]
D: 5,8 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 5,8 And so I (blaberde) on my (Beodes) . _th_at (brouhte)
me a-Slepe [aaAx]
H: 5,8 & so I blaberid on my bedis . -th-at brou-gh-te
me aslepe [aaAx]
J: 5,8 And so I bablede on my bedys . -th-ei browty(n) me
on slepe [aaAx]
L: 5,8 And so y babled on my beodes . -th-ey broghte me on
slepe [aaAx]
K: 5,8 And so I bablid on my bed(is) . thay brought me on
slepe [aaAx]
W: 5,8 And also I babled on my bedes . til I was aslepe [aaAx]
N: 5,8 And so I babled on my bedes . it brou-gh-t me aslepe
A: 5,8 And babbid on my bedis . it brout me aslepe [aaAx]
M: 5,8 And so I badde on my bedes . they brought me on slepe
T: 5,9 [Th]anne sau[gh] I meke more [th]an I before tolde
H2: 5,9 Than sau-gh- I muche mor(e) . than I befor(e) tolde
Ch: 5,9 -Th-an saw I moche more . -th-en I before tolde [aaXx]
D: 5,9 -Th-an I say muche more . -th-an I fortelle [aaXx]
V: 5,9 _Th_en sauh I (muche) (more) . _th_en I beofore tolde
H: 5,9 -th-en y sawe myche more . -th-en y before schewid
J: 5,9 -Th-an sey I mychel more . -th-an I before tolde [aaXx]
L: 5,9 -Th-anne saw y mychel more . -th-an y foretelle [aaXx]
K: 5,9 Than see I mochel more . than I can of telle [aaXx]
W: 5,9 Than saw I a muche more . -th-an I may -gh-ow telle
N: 5,9 Thanne saw I mychel more . -th-anne I before tolde
A: 5,9 Than sey I meche more ; -th-an I aforn tolde [aaXx]
M: 5,9 & -th-an I say mychel mor(e) . -th-an I befor
tolde [aaXx]
T: 5,10 --- this line om ---
H2: 5,10 Al -th-e felde ful of folke . that I first I tolde
Ch: 5,10 --- this line is omitted ---
D: 5,10 ffor I say -th-e feld ful of folk . -th-(a)t I before
tolde [aaAx]
V: 5,10 ffor I sauh _th_e (ffeld) ful of (ffolk) . _th_at
ich of (bi-fore) schewede [aaAx]
H: 5,10 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 5,10 I sey -th-e felde ful of folke . -th-(a)t I before
nemyde [aaAx]
L: 5,10 ffor y saw -th-e feld ful of folk . -th-at y byfore
of tolde [aaAx]
K: 5,10 ffor I segh the feld full of folke . that I before
toulde [aaAx]
W: 5,10 Al -th-e feld ful of folk . -th-at I of tolde [aaAx]
N: 5,10 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 5,10 ffor I sey a felde ful of folke ; as I aforn telde
M: 5,10 ffor I say -th-e feld ful of folke . -th-(a)t I befor
nemede [aaAx]
T: 5,11 And consience wi[th] a cros com for to p(re)che
H2: 5,11 And consience wi-th- a cros . com for to p(re)che
Ch: 5,11 And conscience with a cros . come for to preche
D: 5,11 And consience w(i)t(h) a cros . come for to p(re)che
V: 5,11 And (Concience) with a (Crois) . (com) for to preche
H: 5,11 & how conscience wi-th- a cros . bygan for to
p(re)che [aaAx]
J: 5,11 & I sey consciens w(i)t(h) a croyse . cam for
to p(re)chyne [aaAx]
L: 5,11 And consience with a cros . come for the prechynge
K: 5,11 And consience w(i)t(h) a crosse . came for to p(re)chen
W: 5,11 And conscience wi-th- a cros . come for to p(re)che
N: 5,11 How conscience wi-th- a crosse . come for to p(re)che
A: 5,11 And conciens w(i)t(h) a cros ; cam for to preche
M: 5,11 And Consience with a Crosse . kame(n) for to preche
T: 5,12 And p(re)yede [th]e peple haue pite on hemselue
H2: 5,12 And p(re)y-gh-ede the peple . haue pyte on hem selue
Ch: 5,12 And preied -th-e peple . haue pite on hem selue
D: 5,12 And prayed -th-e peple . haue pyte of hem selue [aaAx]
V: 5,12 He (preide) _th_e (peple) . haue (pite) of hem-selue
H: 5,12 & p(re)ied -th-e puple . haue pite on hem silue(n)
J: 5,12 And p(re)y-gh-ed -th-e peple . haue pyte on hem selue
L: 5,12 And preyed -th-eo people . haue pite on heom seoluen
K: 5,12 And prayed the people . haue petie on hem seluen
W: 5,12 He praiede -th-e peple . haue pite on hem self [aaAx]
N: 5,12 He praied -th-e peple . to haue pyte of hem seluen
A: 5,12 And prechid -th-e puple ; to hauyn pete of hem selue
M: 5,12 And preyde -th-e peeple . ha pety on hem seuyn [aaAx]
T: 5,13 And p(ro)uide [th]at [th]ise pestilences wern for pur
H2: 5,13 And prouyde that these pestylences . weren for pur(e)
synne [aaAx]
Ch: 5,13 And proued -th-at -th-es pestilences . wer for pure
synne [aaAx]
D: 5,13 And p(ro)ued -th-(a)t pese pestilences . were for
synne [aaAx]
V: 5,13 And (preuede) _th_at _th_is (pestilences) . weore
for (puire) synne [aaAx]
H: 5,13 & p(re)ued -th-at -th-e pestilence . was for
pur(e) synne [aaAx]
J: 5,13 And p(ro)uyd -th-(a)t -th-is pestelence . wery(n)
for pure synne, [aaAx]
L: 5,13 Bote he p(ro)ued -th-at -th-e pestilence . was for
heore synne [aaAx]
K: 5,13 And p(ro)ved that the pestelences . wer for pure
synne [aaAx]
W: 5,13 And proued -th-at -th-e pestilence . was for pore
synne, [aaAx]
N: 5,13 And preued -th-at pestylence . was for pure synne
A: 5,13 And prouyd -th-at -th-e pestelence ; was for pure
synne [aaAx]
M: 5,13 & preued -th-at pestilence . was for pur(e) synne
T: 5,14 And [th]e southwestryne wynd on satirday at eue
H2: 5,14 And the southwest(er)ne wynde . on sat(ur)day at
euen [abAb]
Ch: 5,14 And -th-e sow-th-westren wynde . on seterday at
euen [abAb]
D: 5,14 And -th-e southwest wynde . on satirday at euen [abAb]
V: 5,14 And _th_is (sou_th_-Westerne) wynt . on a (Seterday)
at euen [axAx]
H: 5,14 & -th-e sou-th-west(er)ne wind . on a saturday
at eue(n) [abAb]
J: 5,14 And -th-e sowthewest wynde . on a saterday at euene
L: 5,14 And the southwest(er)ne wynd . at satteresday at
euene [abAb]
K: 5,14 And an southewest wynde . on saturday at euyn [abAb]
W: 5,14 And -th-e sou-th-west wynd . -th-at so loude blewe
N: 5,14 And -th-e southwest wynde . on saterday at euene
A: 5,14 And -th-e southerne wynde ; on -th-e saturday at
euyn [abAb]
M: 5,14 And the grete southeweste wynde . o(n) a sat(ur)days
euey(n) [abAb]
T: 5,15 Was ap(er)tly for pride & for no poynt ellis
H2: 5,15 Was ap(er)tly for p(ri)de . and for no poynte ellis
Ch: 5,15 Was appertely for pride . and for no poynt elles
D: 5,15 Was ap(er)tly for pryde . & for no poynt elles
V: 5,15 Was (a-perteliche) for (pruide) . and for no (poynt)
elles [aaAx]
H: 5,15 Was ap(er)tliche for pride . & for no poynt ellis
J: 5,15 Was ap(er)ty for p(ri)de . & for no poynt ellis
L: 5,15 Was apertely for pruyde . & for no poynt elles
K: 5,15 Was apartely for p(ri)de . & for no poynt ellys
W: 5,15 Was apertly for pride . & no point elles [aaAx]
N: 5,15 Was ap(er)tily for p(ri)de . & for no poynt ellis
A: 5,15 Was aperty for pride ; and for no thyng ellis [aaAx]
M: 5,15 Was aperteley for pryde . & for no poynt elles
T: 5,16 Piries & plantes wern put to [th]e er[th]e
H2: 5,16 Pyryes and plantes . wer(e) put to the grounde erthe
Ch: 5,16 Piries and plauntes . wer put to -th-e erthe [aaAx]
D: 5,16 Peryes & plantes . were put to -th-e erthe [aaAx]
V: 5,16 (Piries) and (Plomtres) . weore (passchet) to _th_e
grounde [aaAx]
H: 5,16 Peretrees & plomtrees . wer(e) possid to -th-e
g(ro)unde [aaAx]
J: 5,16 Peries & plumtrees . wer(e) puffyd to -th-e erthe
L: 5,16 Piryes & plomtrees . were poffet to -th-e eorthe
K: 5,16 Perys & plomtreys . wer puffyd to the erthe [aaAx]
W: 5,16 Peries and plumtres . were puffed to -th-e grounde
N: 5,16 Pyryes & plomtres . were puffed to -th-e grou(n)de
A: 5,16 Pyris & plumtres ; were puffyd to -th-e erde
M: 5,16 Pyryes & plu(m)tres . weryn possed to the erthe
T: 5,17 In ensaumple sent god [th](a)t [y]e shulde do [th]e
H2: 5,17 I ensaumple sente god . that [we] schulde do the
bet(er)e [aaAx]
Ch: 5,17 In ensaumple sent god . -th-at we schuld do -th-e
better [aaAx]
D: 5,17 In ensample sayd god . -th-(a)t -gh-e schuld do bett(er)
V: 5,17 In ensaumple to Men . _th_at we scholde do _th_e
bettre [xxXx]
H: 5,17 In ensample to me(n) . -th-at -th-ei shulde do -th-e
bett(er) [aaAx]
J: 5,17 In example -th-(a)t -gh-e schuldyn done -th-e bett(er)
L: 5,17 In ensaumple segges . -th-at -gh-e scholde do -th-e
bettre [aaAx]
K: 5,17 In ensample that ye segges schulden dome the bettre
W: 5,17 In ensample . -th-at -gh-e shold do -th-e bettre
N: 5,17 In ensaumple . -gh-e scholde do -th-e bettre [aaAx]
A: 5,17 In example I sey ; -gh-e schuld don -th-e bettir
M: 5,17 In example to meu(n) . they sholden do -th-e better(e)
T: 5,18 Bechis & broode okis wern blowen to grounde
H2: 5,18 Bechis and brode okys . weren blowe to the grounde
Ch: 5,18 Beches and brode okes . weren bowed to -th-e ground
D: 5,18 Beches & brod okes . were blowe to -th-e grounde
V: 5,18 (Beches) and (brode) (okes) . weore (blowen) to _th_e
eor_th_e [aabAb]
H: 5,18 bechis & brode okis . wer(e) blowe to -th-e er-th-e
J: 5,18 Bechis & brode hookys . weryn blowen to -th-e
grounde [aaAx]
L: 5,18 Beches & brode okes . weore blowe to -th-e grounde
K: 5,18 Beches and brode ok(is) . weryn blowyn to the grounde
W: 5,18 Beches and brod okes . were blowe to -th-e grounde
N: 5,18 Beches & brode okes . were blowen to -th-e er-th-e
A: 5,18 Bechis & brod hokis ; where blowyn to -th-e grounde
M: 5,18 Beches & brode Okes . weren possed to -th-e ground
T: 5,19 And turnide vpward here tail in toknyng of drede
H2: 5,19 And turnyde vpward her(e) tayl . in tokenyng of
drede [aaAx]
Ch: 5,19 And turned vpward her taile . In tokenyng of drede
D: 5,19 And turned vp here tayl . in tokenyng of drede [aaAx]
V: 5,19 And (turned) vpward _th_e (tayl) . In (toknyng) of
drede [aaAx]
H: 5,19 & t(ur)ned vpward her(e) tailes . in tokenyng
of drede [aaAx]
J: 5,19 And t(ur)nyd vpward her(e) tayle . for tokeny(n)g
of drede [aaAx]
L: 5,19 And torned vppeward -th-e tayl . in toknyng of drede
K: 5,19 And turned vp here taile . in tokenyng of drede [aaAx]
W: 5,19 -Th-ai turned vp -th-e tayl . in tokne of drede [aaAx]
N: 5,19 And torned vpward her tailles . i(n) tokenyng of
drede [aaAx]
A: 5,19 And turnyd vp here tayle ; in tokyn of drede [aaAx]
M: 5,19 And turned vp -th-e tayle . in tokenyng(es) of drede
T: 5,20 [Th]at dedly synne er domisday shal fordon hem alle
H2: 5,20 That dedly synne or domesday . schal fordon he(m)
alle [aaAx]
Ch: 5,20 -Th-at dedly synne or domesday . schal fordon hem
alle [aaAx]
D: 5,20 -Th-(a)t dedly synne or domesday . shal fordon hem
alle [aaAx]
V: 5,20 _Th_at (dedly) Synne or (domesday) . schulde (fordon)
hem alle [aaAx]
H: 5,20 -Th-at dedly synne or dom(us)day . shuld fordo -th-e
world [aaAx]
J: 5,20 -Th-(a)t dedely synne or domysday . sal fordone he(m)
alle [aaAx]
L: 5,20 -Th-at dedly synne ar domesday . schal fordon heom
alle [aaAx]
K: 5,20 That dedelich synne on domesday . schal fordone hem
alle [aaAx]
W: 5,20 That synne aforn domesday . shal fordon hem alle
N: 5,20 -Th-at dedly synne ar domesday . schal fordon hem
alle [aaAx]
A: 5,20 That dedli synne at domysday ; schal fordon hem alle
M: 5,20 -Th-at dedly synne or domesday . schal fordone hem
alle [aaAx]
T: 5,21 Of [th]is mater I mi[gh]te mamele wel longe
H2: 5,21 Of this mat(er) I my-gh-t . mamele wel longe [aaAx]
Ch: 5,21 Of -th-is mater I my-gh-t . mamel long [aaAx]
D: 5,21 Of -th-is mat(er) I my-gh-te . manle wel longe [aaAx]
V: 5,21 Of _th_is (Matere) I (mihte) . (Momele) ful longe
H: 5,21 vpo(n) -th-is ilke mater(e) y . momelid ful long
J: 5,21 Of -th-is mat(er) I myht . mamelyn wel longe [aaAx]
L: 5,21 Of -th-is mater y myghte . muche mamele & longe
K: 5,21 Of this mater I myghte . mamble well long [aaAx]
W: 5,21 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 5,21 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 5,21 On -th-is mater I mygth ; mamelyn ful longe [aaAx]
M: 5,21 In this matir I mought . mamele ful longe [aaAx]
T: 5,22 Ac I shal sei[gh]e as I sai[gh] so me god helpe
H2: 5,22 Ac I schal sey-gh-e as I say . so me god helpe [aaAxx]
Ch: 5,22 Bot I schal say as I sawe . so me god helpe [aaAxx]
D: 5,22 Ac I schal seyn as I saw . so me god helpe [aaAxx]
V: 5,22 Bote I (sigge) as I (sauh) . (so) me god helpe [aaAxx]
H: 5,22 but y say as I sau-gh- . so me god help [aaAxx]
J: 5,22 Ac I sc[h]al seyn as I sayhe . so me god helpe [aaAxx]
L: 5,22 Bote I schal sayn as y sygh . so me god helpe [aaAxx]
K: 5,22 But I schal say as I seegh . so me god helpe [aaAxx]
W: 5,22 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 5,22 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 5,22 But I schal sey as I seyde ; as so me god helpe [aaAxx]
M: 5,22 But I schal seygh as I saye . so me godd helpe [aaAxx]
W: 4,23 --- this line is omitted ---
T: 5,23 How consience wi[th] a cros cumside to p(re)che
H2: 5,23 How consience with a cros . comside to p(re)che
Ch: 5,23 How conscience with a cros . comsed to preche [aaAx]
D: 5,23 How consience w(i)t(h) a cros . comsyd to prechen
V: 5,23 How (Concience) with a (Cros) . (Comsede) to preche
H: 5,23 how conscience wi-th- a cros . bygan for to p(re)che
J: 5,23 How (con)sciens w(i)t(h) a crose . began for to p(re)che
L: 5,23 How consience with a cros . kraftyliche kan prechen
K: 5,23 How consience w(i)t(h) his crosse . comsed to p(re)chen
N: 5,23 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 5,23 Whan conciens w(i)t(h) a cros ; comyd to preche [aaAx]
M: 5,23 Whan Concience with a cros . began to preche [aaAx]
T: 5,24 He bad wasto(ur) go werche what he best cou[th]e
H2: 5,24 He bad wasto(ur) go werche . what he best couthe
Ch: 5,24 He bad wastour go wirche . what he best cou-th-e
D: 5,24 He bad wasto(ur) go wurche . what he best cou-th-e
V: 5,24 He bad (wastors) go (worche) . (what) _th_ei best
cou_th_e [aaAx]
H: 5,24 & bade wastours go werche . what -th-ei best
cou-th-e [aaAxx]
J: 5,24 He bad wastowr(e) go wyrche . qwat he best cowthe
L: 5,24 He bad wasto(ur) go worche . what he best couthe
K: 5,24 He bad wasto(ur) goo worche . what he best coulde
W: 5,24 He bad wastours go worche . what -th-ai best (::::)
N: 5,24 He bad wasto(ur) go worche . wat he best cow-th-e
A: 5,24 And bad wastour to werche ; what he best coude [aaAxx]
M: 5,24 He badde wastour to wurche . what he best couthe
T: 5,25 And wynne [th](a)t he wastide wi[th] sum man(er) craft
H2: 5,25 And wynne that he wastide . with su(m) man(er) of
crafte [aaAxx]
Ch: 5,25 And wynne -th-at he wasted . with som maner of crafte
D: 5,25 And wynne -th-(a)t he wastyd . w(i)t(h) sum man(er)
crafte [aaAxx]
V: 5,25 And (wynne) _th_at _th_ei (wasteden) . (with) sum
maner craft [aaAxx]
H: 5,25 & wynne -th-at -th-ei wasted . wi-th- so(m)me
man(er) craft [aaAxx]
J: 5,25 And wy(n)ny(n) -th-(a)t he wastyd . w(i)t(h) su(m)
man(er) crafte [aaAxx]
L: 5,25 And wynne -th-(a)t he wasted . wi-th- som maner werke
K: 5,25 And wynne what he wastid . by su(m) man(er) crafte
W: 5,25 And wynnen -th-at -th-ei wasted . wi-th- som man(er)e
craft [aaAxx]
N: 5,25 & wynne -th-(a)t he wasted . w(i)t(h) so(m)me
man(er) craft [aaAxx]
A: 5,25 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 5,25 And whynne what he wastede . with su(m)m man(er)e
crafte [aaAxx]
T: 5,26 And p(re)yede p(er)nel hire purfil to leue
H2: 5,26 And p(re)y-gh-ede p(er)nel . hir(e) purfyle to leue
Ch: 5,26 And preied pernelle . her purfelle to leue [aaAx]
D: 5,26 And prayed p(er)nel . here purfyl to leue [aaAx]
V: 5,26 He (prei_g_ede) (Pernel) . hire (Porfil) to leue
H: 5,26 & p(re)ied p(er)nele . her(e) p(ur)file to leue
J: 5,26 And p(ra)y-gh-ed pernel -th-e prowde . her p(ur)fyle
to leuyn [aaAx]
L: 5,26 And praied peornel . hire proude porfile to leue
K: 5,26 And p(ra)yyde pyronell . her purfele to leue [aaAx]
W: 5,26 And prayed p(er)nell -th-e pruude . here purfil to
leue [aaAx]
N: 5,26 he preied dame p(er)nel . her purfyle to leue [aaAx]
A: 5,26 And bad p(er)nel . here purfyle to leue [aaAx]
M: 5,26 And preyde pernele . her(e) ppurfuyll to leue [aaAx]
T: 5,27 And kepte it in hire coffre for catel at nede
H2: 5,27 And kepe it in her(e) cofore . for catel at nede
Ch: 5,27 And kepe hit In her cofer . for catelle at nede
D: 5,27 And kepe it in here cofere . for catel at nede [aaAx]
V: 5,27 And (kepen) hit in hire (Cofre) . for (Catel) at
neode [aaAx]
H: 5,27 & kepe hit in here whicche . lest rattis hit
eten [aaAx]
J: 5,27 And kepyn it in her(e) cofyr(e) . for catel at nede
L: 5,27 And kepe hit in hire coffre . for catel at nede [aaAx]
K: 5,27 And kepe it in her coffre . for catell at nede [aaAx]
W: 5,27 And kepe it in here cophre . for catel at nede [aaAx]
N: 5,27 & kepe it in hir cofer . for catel at nede [aaAx]
A: 5,27 And kepe it in cofyr ; for catel at nede [aaAx]
M: 5,27 And kepen it in her(e) Cofre . for catell hadde nede
T: 5,28 Thom as he tau[gh]te to take two staues
H2: 5,28 Thom(a)s he tau-gh-te . take two staues [aaAx]
Ch: 5,28 Thomas he tau-gh-t . to take two staues [aaAx]
D: 5,28 Thomas he tau-gh-te . to take too staues [aaAx]
V: 5,28 (Thomas) he (tau_g_te) . to (take) (twey) stauenes
H: 5,28 thom(a)s he tau-gh-te . to take two staues [aaAx]
J: 5,28 Tomme of stowe he tawte . to takyn to stauys [aaAx]
L: 5,28 Thom(a)s he taughte . to take toughe staues [aaAx]
K: 5,28 Thomas he tawght . to take ij stavys [aaAx]
W: 5,28 Thomas he taught . to take to staues [aaAx]
N: 5,28 Thomas he tau-gh-t . to take two staues [aaAx]
M: 5,28 And Thom(a)s -th-e tann(er)e . a whippe to take [aaAx]
T: 5,29 And fecche felis his wyf fro wyuene pyne
H2: 5,29 And feche felice his wyf . fro wyuene pyne [aaAxx]
Ch: 5,29 And fecch home felice . fro -th-e wyuen pyne [aaAxx]
D: 5,29 And fecchen hom felyce . fro wyuen pyne [aaAxx]
V: 5,29 And (fette) hom (ffelice) . (ffrom) wyuene pyne [aaAxx]
H: 5,29 & fecche home his wyf . fram wyue(n) pyne [aaAxx]
J: 5,29 And fecchyn home felyce . fro pe wyne pyment [aaAxx]
L: 5,29 And facchen felice hom . fro wymmen pyne [aaAxx]
K: 5,29 And fetche home felice . from wyven pyne [aaAxx]
W: 5,29 And fecchen home felice . fro wy(:::) pyne [aaAxx]
N: 5,29 And fecche home felyce . fro -th-e wyuene pyne [aaAxx]
M: 5,29 And fechen hom felyce . from wyuey(n) peyne [aaAxx]
T: 5,30 He warnide watte his wyf was to blame
H2: 5,30 He warnyd wat . [that he] was to blame [aaAx]
Ch: 5,30 He warned watte . his wif was to blame [aaAx]
D: 5,30 He warned watte . his wyf was to blame [aaAx]
V: 5,30 He (warnede) (watte) . his (wyf) was to blame [aaAx]
H: 5,30 he warned also watte . his wyf was to blame [aaAx]
J: 5,30 He warnyd watte . -th-(a)t his wyue was mychel to
blame [aaAx]
L: 5,30 He warned watte . witerly his wife was to wite [aaAx]
K: 5,30 He warned watt . his wife was to blame [aaAx]
W: 5,30 He warned wattes wyf . -th-at she was to blame [aaAx]
N: 5,30 Warne watte . -th-(a)t his wyf was for to blame [aaAx]
A: 5,30 And was to warne watte ; -th-at is wyfe was to blame
M: 5,30 And waryede watte . hys wyf was to blame [aaAx]
T: 5,31 [Th](a)t hire hed was wor[th] a mark & his hod
not wor[th] a grote
H2: 5,31 [his wif(es) hoode] was worth a mark . and his hed
nat worth a gro[te] [abAb]
Ch: 5,31 -Th-at her hede was wor-th-e a marke . and his hode
nau-gh-t a grot[e] [abAb]
D: 5,31 -Th-(a)t here hed was wor-th- a mark . & his
hood not wor-th- a grote [abAb]
V: 5,31 _Th_at hire (hed) was wor_th_ a Mark . & his
(hod) wor_th_ A Grote [aaAx]
H: 5,31 -Th-at her(e) heed was wor-th- a mark . & his
hood not wor-th- a grote [abAb]
J: 5,31 -Th-(a)t hir(e) hede was wrth a mark . & his
hode not a grote [abAb]
L: 5,31 -Th-at hire hed was of hygher pris -th-an feol for
hire state
L: 5,31 ffor hit passed a pound -th-e pletes weore so monye
L: 5,31 And his hood hyghely yholde hit worth a grote [abAb]
K: 5,31 for her hoode was worth a m(er)ke . & his hoode
not a grote [abAb]
W: 5,31 Her(e) hede was worth a mark . his hod worth a grote
N: 5,31 -Th-(a)t hir hed was wor-th- half marke . & his
Hode nou-gh-t wor-th-e a grot[e] [abAb]
A: 5,31 That here hed was wor a mark ; & his his hod
not worth a grote [abAb]
A: 5,31 Ne bad bette brekyn abow -th-at wel wold bende
A: 5,31 And betyn beton -th-er with but -gh-he wold werke
M: 5,31 -Th-at her(e) hode was worth a m(a)rke . & hys
hode worth a grote [abAb]
M: 5,31 [B:V,32
C:VI,135] he badde bette kutte a bowe -th-at wolde benden
M: 5,31 [B:V,33
C:VI,136] And beten beten -th-(er) wyt for stly ne wolde
A: 5,28 Thomas he taut . to takyn to stauis [aaAx]
A: 5,28 And bynde hem togedur ; schrewys to techyn
A: 5,28 Willyam he wysid wollis to wynde
A: 5,29 And fecchyn hom fellis ; wyfes to spynne [aaAxx]
J: 5,31 [B:V,32
C:VI,135] He bad bette cuttyn a batte oyther twayne
J: 5,31 [B:V,33/C:VI,136] And betyn betou(n) -th-(er)with
but sche wold wyrchyn
T: 5,32 He chargide chapmen to chastice here children
H2: 5,32 He chargyd chapmen . to chastice hir(e) children
Ch: 5,32 He charged chapmen . to chastise her children [aaAa]
D: 5,32 He charged chapmen . to chastyce here children [aaAa]
V: 5,32 He (chargede) (Chapmen) . to (Chasten) heore (children)
H: 5,32 he chargid chapme(n) . to chaste her(e) children
J: 5,32 He cha[r]ged chappeme(n) . to chastysyn h(er) childeryn
L: 5,32 He charged chapmen . to chastisen heore children
K: 5,32 He charged chapmen . to chasten her childern [aaAa]
W: 5,32 He charged chapmen . to (::::)astise here childre
N: 5,32 He charched chapmen . to chastice her children [aaAa]
A: 5,32 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 5,32 He chargyd chapmen . to chastisin her(e) childris
T: 5,33 Let no wynnyng forwanye hem whiles [th]ei ben [y]onge
H2: 5,33 Let no wynnyng forwanye hem . whiles thei be -gh-onge
Ch: 5,33 lat no wynnyng forwany hem . whiles -th-ei be -gh-ong
D: 5,33 Let no wynny(n)g forwanye hem . while -th-ey be -gh-onge
V: 5,33 Let hem wonte non ei_g_e . while _th_at _th_ei ben
_g_onge [????]
H: 5,33 & lete hem wante none ey-gh-e . whiles -th-ei
ben -gh-ong [aaAx]
J: 5,33 lat hem want no wande . qwylis -th-ei be -gh-ong(e)
L: 5,33 Lat no wonnyng forwanyen heom . whil they beon -gh-onge
K: 5,33 Let no wynnyng forwane hem . whiles thay ben yonge
W: 5,33 That no wynnyng wa(:::) hem . whils -th-ei be-th-
-gh-ong [aaAx]
W: 5,33 [B:V,36] ffor no pouste of penaunce plese hem out
of reson
W: 5,33 [B:V,37] My sire saide so to me and so didi my dame
W: 5,33 [B:V,38] That euere -th-e leuere child . the more
lore behoue-th-
W: 5,33 [B:V,39] The same said Salamon -th-at sapience made
{ Qui parcit virge odit filiu(m) }
W: 5,33 [B:V,40] The ;;;;;;;sh of -th-is latin who wole it
W: 5,33 [B:V,41] Who so spare -th-e springe hate-th- -th-e
N: 5,33 -Th-at no wynnyng hem weny . whil -th-ei be -gh-onge
A: 5,33 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 5,33 Let no wynnyng wanyn hem . whil -th-ey ben -y-onge
T: 5,34 He p(re)chi[th] p(re)latis & p(re)stis togid(er)e
H2: 5,34 He p(ra)yde prelatis . and p(re)estes togyder(e)
Ch: 5,34 He preched prelates . and pristes togeder [aaAx]
D: 5,34 He p(re)chet p(re)lates . & p(re)stes togidere
V: 5,34 He (preyede) (Preestes) . and (Prelates) to-gedere
H: 5,34 He p(re)ied p(re)latis . & p(re)stis togedris
J: 5,34 He p(ra)y-gh-ed p(re)latys . & p(re)stys togyder(e)
L: 5,34 He praied prelates . & preostes putten heom togedre
K: 5,34 He prayed p(re)lates . & p(re)stes togyders [aaAx]
W: 5,34 He prayed p(re)lates . & prestes eke togeders
N: 5,34 He praied prelates . & prestis togidre [aaAx]
A: 5,34 And preyed prestis . & prelatis togedur [aaAx]
M: 5,34 Preyde p(re)lat-gh- . & p(re)stis togederys [aaAx]
T: 5,35 [Th]at [th]ei p(re)che [th]e peple & p(ro)ue it
H2: 5,35 That thei p(re)che [to] the peple . and p(re)ue
it [on] hem selue [aaAx]
Ch: 5,35 -Th-at -th-ei prechen -th-e peple . and preue hit
hem selue [aaAx]
D: 5,35 -Th-at -th-ey p(re)chen -th-e peple . & p(ro)uen
he(m) selue [aaAx]
V: 5,35 _Th_at _th_ei (prechen) _th_e (peple) . to (preuen)
hit in hem-seluen [aaAx]
H: 5,35 -Th-at -th-ei shulde p(re)che -th-e puple . & p(re)ue
hit hym silue(n) [aaAx]
J: 5,35 -Th-(a)t he p(re)chyn -th-e peple . & p(ro)uyn
it hem selue [aaAx]
L: 5,35 And preche -th-e people . & preoue hit heom seoluen
K: 5,35 That thay p(re)chen the people . p(ro)ven it them
self [aaAx]
W: 5,35 Al -th-at -th-ei preched . p(ro)ue it hem selfe [aaAx]
N: 5,35 Al -th-at -th-ei preche . to preue it hem self [aaAx]
A: 5,35 That he prechyn -th-e puple ; preue it hem selue
M: 5,35 -Th-at -th-ey p(re)chyn to -th-e people . p(ro)uyn
it hem selue(n) [aaAx]
T: 5,36 And libbe as [y]e lere vs we wile leue [y]ow [th]e
H2: 5,36 And libbe -gh-he as ler(e) vs . we wyl leue -gh-ow
the bet(er)e [aaAx]
Ch: 5,36 And libbe as -gh-e lerne vs . we wol leue -gh-ow
-th-e better [aaAx]
D: 5,36 And libbyn as -gh-e leren ous . we schul louen -gh-ou
-th-e bett(er) [aaAx]
V: 5,36 And (libben) as _g_e (lere_th_) vs . we wolen (loue)
ow _th_e betere [aaAx]
H: 5,36 & lyue as -th-ei tau-gh-te hem . -th-ei wolde
loue hem -th-e bett(er) [aaAx]
J: 5,36 And lyuyn as -gh-e leryn vs . we louyn -gh-ow -th-e
bett(er) [aaAx]
L: 5,36 And libbeth as -gh-e leren vs . we woln loue -gh-ou
-th-e bettre [aaAx]
K: 5,36 And lyven as yow lerne vs . we wolle loue yow the
bett(er) [aaAx]
W: 5,36 And lyue as -th-ei lerne vs . we shal it leue -th-e
bettre [aaAx]
N: 5,36 & libbe-th- as -gh-e lerne vs . we wil lowe -gh-ow
-th-e bettre [aaAx]
A: 5,36 And leuyn as -th-ay lerne vs ; we schul loue hem
-th-e bettir [aaAx]
M: 5,36 And as -th-ey leryn vs . we leuyn hem -th-e beter(e)
T: 5,37 And si[th][th]e he redde religioun here reweles to
H2: 5,37 And sithe he redde religyou(n) . her(e) reules to
holde [aaAx]
Ch: 5,37 And se-th--th-e he redde Religioun . her rewles
to holde [aaAx]
D: 5,37 And sethe he redde religiou(n) . here reules to holden
V: 5,37 And Se_th__th_e he (Radde) (Religioun) . _th_e (Rule)
for to holde [aaAx]
H: 5,37 & si-th--th-e he radde religioun . her(e) rule
to holde [aaAx]
J: 5,37 And sethin he red religiou(n) . her rewle to holde
L: 5,37 And sithe he radde religioun . heore reoule to holde
K: 5,37 And sithen he rad religioun . her Rule to holde [aaAx]
W: 5,37 He radde religion . here reule wel to holde [aaAx]
N: 5,37 He radde Religiou(n) . her rule wel to holde [aaAx]
A: 5,37 And sytthen he red religyoun . here reule for to
helde [aaAx]
M: 5,37 And si-th-in he radde Religiou(n) . her(e) reule
to holdyn [aaAx]
T: 5,38 Lest [th]e king & his counseil [y]o(ur) comunes
H2: 5,38 Lest the kyng and his consel -gh-our(e) . comunes
apeyr(e) [aaAx]
Ch: 5,38 Lest -th-e king and his counseil her . countenaunse
appeiren [aaAx]
D: 5,38 Lest -th-e kyng & his counceill -gh-oure comunes
apeyre [aaAx]
V: 5,38 Leste _th_e (kyng) & his (Counseil) . _g_or (Comunes)
apeire [aaAx]
H: 5,38 lest -th-e kingis counsel her(e) . comyns apeired
J: 5,38 -Th-(a)t -th-e kyng & his cou(n)seyle -gh-our(e)
. comen not apeyr(e) [aaAx]
L: 5,38 And liue with a lowe heorte oure lord for to serue
K: 5,38 Lest the kyng & his counceil yo(ur) . co(m)mons
appeyre [aaAx]
W: 5,38 Lest -th-e kynges consaill -gh-our . comunes apaire
N: 5,38 Lest -th-e kynges conseille -gh-owr(e) . co(mun)es
appaire [aaAx]
A: 5,38 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 5,38 Lest -th-e kyng & hys consail -y-our(e) comunus
apeir(e) [aaAx]
T: 5,39 And be steward of [y]oure stede til [y]e be stewid
H2: 5,39 And be stiward of -gh-our(e) stide . tyl -gh-he
be stylet betere [aaAx]
Ch: 5,39 And be steward of -gh-oure stede . tille -gh-e be
stiwed better [aaAx]
D: 5,39 And be steward of -gh-o(ur) stede . or -gh-e be stowed
bett(er) [aaAx]
V: 5,39 And beo (stiward) in oure (stude) . til _g_e be (stouwet)
betere [aaAx]
H: 5,39 & wer(e) stiward in her(e) stude . til -th-ei
wer(e amendid [aaAx]
J: 5,39 And ben steward of -gh-our(e) stedis . til -gh-e
ben stewyd bett(er) [aaAx]
L: 5,39 ---this line om---
K: 5,39 And ben stiwarden in yo(ur) stedes . til ye ben stayed
bettre [aaAx]
K: 5,39 [B: 5,50] He p(re)yed the pope haue pety on holy
K: 5,39 [B: 5,51] and er he g(ra)unt p(ar)done gouerne well
K: 5,39 [B: 5,48] he counceylyd the kyng his co(m)mons to
K: 5,39 [B: 5,49] ffor it is chef triacle in trust & tresure
at neede
W: 5,39 And be stiwardes in -gh-owre stede . til -gh-e be
cattelld bettre [aaAx]
W: 5,39 [B:V,48] And -th-an he conseilled -th-e kyng his
comunes to loue
W: 5,39 [B:V,49] That is -th-i tresour in trou-th- triacle
at nede
W: 5,39 [B:V,50] And -th-an he prayede -th-e pope haue reu-th-
of holycherche
W: 5,39 [B:V,51] And er he -gh-ef any grace gou(er)ne wel
hym self
W: 5,39 [B:V,52] And -gh-e -th-at haue -th-e lawe to loke
lete lette he styward
W: 5,39 [B:V,53] More -th-an -gh-iftes of gold -gh-if -gh-e
wole gode plese
W: 5,39 [B:V,54] ffor he -th-at contrarie-th- trou-th- he
telle-th- in his gospel
W: 5,39 that he knewe-th- hem not ne no seint in heuene {Amen
dico vobis nescio ... }
N: 5,39 & be stwardes in -gh-our(e) stedes . tyl -gh-e
be stow it bettre [aaAx]
A: 5,39 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 5,39 And be styward of our(e) lond . & tillyn -y-our(e)
stor better(e) [aaAx]
T: 5,40 And [y]e [th](a)t seke seint Iame & seintes at
H2: 5,40 And -gh-e that seke seynt Iame . and seyntes at
rome [aaAx]
Ch: 5,40 And -gh-e -th-at seken seint Iame . and seintes
at Rome [aaAx]
D: 5,40 And -gh-e -th-(a)t seken seynt Iame . & seyntys
at Rome [aaAx]
V: 5,40 And _g_e _th_at (seche_th_) (seynt) Iame . & (seintes)
at Roome [aaAx]
H: 5,40 & s -gh-e -th-at sechi-th- seint Iame . & seintis
at rome [aaAx]
J: 5,40 And -gh-e -th-(a)t sekyn sent Iamys . & seyntis
at rome [aaAx]
L: 5,40 And -gh-e -th-at sechen seynt Iame . and seyntes
at rome [aaAx]
K: 5,40 And ye that sechen saynt Iames . & saynt(es)
at Rome [aaAx]
W: 5,40 Tho -th-at seken seint Iame . and seint-gh- of rome
N: 5,40 Tho -th-at seken seint Iame . & seintis at Rome
A: 5,40 And -gh-e -th-at sekyn sent iame . & sentie of
rome [aaAx]
M: 5,40 And nout sekyn seint Iames . ne seintis of Rome [aaAx]
T: 5,41 Seki[th] at hom seint treu[th]e for he may saue [y](o)u
H2: 5,41 Seketh at home seynt treuthe . for he may saue -gh-ow
alle [aaAx]
Ch: 5,41 Seke-th- at home seint Trewthe . for he may saue
-gh-ow alle [aaAx]
D: 5,41 Seket at home seynt treu-th-e . for he may saue -gh-ou
alle [aaAx]
V: 5,41 (Seche_th_) (Seint) Treu_th_e . for he may (sauen)
ow alle [aaAx]
H: 5,41 sechi-th- seint treu-th- . for he may saue -gh-ow
alle [aaAx]
J: 5,41 Sekyth sent trewthe . for he may sauy(n) -gh-ow alle
L: 5,41 Sechith seynt treouthe . for he may -gh-ou sauen
alle [aaAx]
K: 5,41 Secheth saynt truthe . for he may saue you alle [aaAx]
W: 5,41 Seke-th- seint treu-th- . for he may saue -gh-ow
alle [aaAx]
N: 5,41 Seke-th- seint trw-th-e . for he may saue -gh-ow
alle [aaAx]
A: 5,41 Sekyth sent treuth . for he may saue -gh-ou alle
M: 5,41 Sekit seint treuthe . for he may sauen -y-ou alle
T: 5,42 {Qui cum patre & filio} ffaire mote [y]ow befalle
H2: 5,42 { Qui cum patre and filio } . fayr(e) mote -gh-ow
befalle [xaAx]
Ch: 5,42 { Qui cum patre et filio } . feire mot -gh-ow befalle
D: 5,42 { Qui cu(m) patre & filio } . faire mote -gh-ou
befalle [xaAx]
V: 5,42 { Qui cum patre & (filio) } . (feire) mote _g_ou
(falle) [xaAa]
H: 5,42 & bringe -gh-ow to -th-at ilke blisse -th-at
( .... ) dnede
J: 5,42 { Q(u)i cu(m) p(at)re & filio } . fayre -gh-e
mote befalle [xaAx]
L: 5,42 { Qui cu(m) & filio } . faire mote -gh-e falle
K: 5,42 { Qui cu(m) patre & filio } . fayer mote yow
ffalle [xaAx]
K: 5,42 [B:5,61/C:5,201] That sew yn my sermon & thus
said consience
W: 5,42 { Qui cum patre & filio } . -th-at fair mote
-gh-ow befalle [xaAx]
W: 5,42 [B:V,60/C:VI,201] That sewen my sarmon & -th-is
saide reson
N: 5,42 { Qui cu(m) patre & filio } . -th-at fair(e)
mote -gh-ow befalle [xaAx]
A: 5,42 { Qui cum patre et filio &c } . Fayre -gh-ou
befalle [xaAx]
M: 5,42 { Qui cum patr(e) & filio } . fair(e) mote -y-e
hendyn [xaAx]
M: 5,42 [B:V,60/C:VI,201] -Th-e sone & -th-e seint spirit
. -th-at my(n) one mou(n) schewat
H: 5,42 { Qui cu(m) p(at)re & filio } . -th-at feir -gh-ow ( .... ) [xaAx]
T: 5,43 [Th]anne repentaunce reh(er)side his teme
H2: 5,43 thanne repentau(n)ce . rehersid his teme [aaAx]
Ch: 5,43 -Th-an repentaunce . rehersed his teme [aaAx]
D: 5,43 Thanne repentaunce . rehersed his teme [aaAx]
V: 5,43 _Th_Enne (Ron) (Repentaunce) . and (Rehersed) _th_is
teeme [aaAx]
H: 5,43 -th-en ran repentau(n)ce . & rehersid -th-ys
( .... ) [aaAx]
J: 5,43 -Th-an ranne repentaunce . & rehersyd his teeme
L: 5,43 Than ran repentaunce . & reherced his teme [aaAx]
K: 5,43 Than ranne repentaunce . & rehersyd hys teme
W: 5,43 And -th-an ran repentance . to reherce his teme [aaAx]
N: 5,43 -Th-anne ranne repentaunce . to reherse his teme
A: 5,43 Than ran repentauns . & rehersis his teme [aaAx]
M: 5,43 -Th-anne ran repe(n)taunce . and reherced his teme
T: 5,44 And made wil to wepe watir wi[th] his ei[gh]en
H2: 5,44 And made wylkoc to wepen wat(ir) . with his ey-gh-en
Ch: 5,44 And made wille to wepe water . with his ey-gh-en
D: 5,44 And wil for to wepen wat(ir) . w(i)t(h) his eyen
V: 5,44 And made (William) to (weope) . (watur) with his
e_g_en [aaAx]
H: 5,44 & made william to wepe wat(ir) . wi-th- h ( ....
) [aaaAx]
J: 5,44 And made wille to wepyn wat(ir) . riht at bothe his
Ien [aaaAx]
L: 5,44 And made wil to weopen water . with his eyghnen [aaaAx]
K: 5,44 And made will to wepe watur . with his eyen [aaaAx]
W: 5,44 And made wil to wepen wat(ir) . wi-th- his eien [aaaAx]
N: 5,44 And made wille wepe watre . wi-th- his eyen [aaaAx]
A: 5,44 And gart to wille to wepe watur . w(i)t(h) bo-th-e
is yne [aaaAx]
M: 5,44 And made wil to wep in watyr . wit his eyne [aaaAx]
T: 5,45 P(er)nel proud herte plat hire to [th]e er[th]e
H2: 5,45 Pernel proude herte . plat hir(e) to the erthe [aaAx]
Ch: 5,45 Pernelle proude hert . plat her to er-th-e [aaAx]
D: 5,45 Pernel proud herte . platte her to -th-e er-th-e
V: 5,45 (Pernel) (proud-herte) . (platte) hire to grounde
H: 5,45 P(er)nel prout hert . plat hire to -th-e g(ro)unde
J: 5,45 Pernel prowde hert . plat her to -th-e erthe [aaAx]
L: 5,45 Peornel proud herte . plat hire to -th-e eorthe [aaAx]
K: 5,45 Peronel prowde herte . platte her to the erthe [aaAx]
W: 5,45 P(er)nel proude hert . fel plat to -th-e erthe [aaAx]
N: 5,45 Pernel proude hert . plat hir to -th-e grownde [aaAx]
A: 5,45 Pernel -th-e proud . plat doun to grounde [aaAx]
M: 5,45 P(er)nelys proude herte . platte to -th-e erthe [aaAx]
T: 5,46 And lay longe er heo lokide vp & lord m(er)cy criede
H2: 5,46 And lay longe or heo lokyd vp . and lord m(er)cy
heo cryed [aaaAx]
Ch: 5,46 And lay long ar sche loked vp . and lorde mercy
cried [aaaAx]
D: 5,46 And lay long or sche loked . & lord m(er)cy cryed
V: 5,46 And (lay) (longe) ar heo (lokede) . and to vr (ladi)
criede [aaaAx]
H: 5,46 & lay longe or heo loked . & lord m(er)cy
cride [aaaAx]
J: 5,46 And lay long or sche lokyd . & lorde m(er)cy
c(ry)ed [aaaAx]
L: 5,46 And lay longe or heo loked . & oure lord mercy
cried [aaaAx]
K: 5,46 And lay long or sche loked . & lord m(er)cye
cryed [aaaAx]
W: 5,46 She sighed soryfu & saide lord mercy [aaaAx]
N: 5,46 And syked ful sorowfully & seide lorde m(er)cye
A: 5,46 And lay longe or -gh-he lokyd . & mercy gan crie
M: 5,46 And lay longe her sche lokede . & m(er)cy gan
crye [aaaAx]
T: 5,47 And behi[gh]te to hym [th](a)t vs alle made
H2: 5,47 And behy-gh-te to hi(m) . that vs alle made [aaAx]
Ch: 5,47 And behi-gh-t to him . -th-at vs alle made [aaAx]
D: 5,47 And behy-gh-te to hym . -th-(a)t ous alle maked [aaAx]
V: 5,47 And (beo-hi_g_te) to (him) . _th_at vs (alle) maade
H: 5,47 & byhi-gh-te to hym . -th-at vs alle made [aaAx]
J: 5,47 --- this line is omitted ---
L: 5,47 And byhyghte to him . -th-(a)t vs alle maked with
his myght [aaAx]
K: 5,47 And behight to hym . that vs alle maked [aaAx]
W: 5,47 And hight to hym . -th-at vs al made [aaAx]
N: 5,47 And bieght to hi(m) . -th-at vs alle made [aaAx]
A: 5,47 And behyth to hym . -th-at vs alle makyd [aaAx]
M: 5,47 & behythe to hi(m) . -th-at vs alle made [aaAx]
T: 5,48 Heo shulde vnsewe hire serke & sette [th](er)e
an heire
H2: 5,48 heo scholde vnsewe hir(e) serke . and sette -th-er(e)
[on] an heyre [aaAx]
Ch: 5,48 sche schuld on sewe her serke . and sette -th-(er)
an hayre [aaAx]
D: 5,48 Sche schulde vnsewen here serke . & set -th-(er)
an heyre [aaAx]
V: 5,48 Heo wolde (vn-souwen) hire (smok) . & (setten)
_th_er an here [aaAx]
H: 5,48 Heo wolde vnsowen her(e) shert . & sette -th-(er)
an her(e) [aaAx]
J: 5,48 Sche schuld vnsewyn h(er) serk(e) . & set -th-er
an hayr(e) [aaAx]
L: 5,48 He wolde vnsowen heore schorte . & sette -th-er
an here [aaAx]
K: 5,48 Sche schuld onsowe her smok . & set ther an heare
W: 5,48 She sholde vnsowe here serke . & sette -th-(er)
an heire [aaAx]
N: 5,48 She sholde vnsowen her serke . & sette -th-(er)
on a heire [aaAx]
A: 5,48 That -gh-he wold vnsewe here syrke ; & sette
-th-(er)in an hayre [aaAx]
M: 5,48 -Th-at sche schuld vnschewyn hir(e) scherte
M: 5,48 And settyn -th-er(e) on heyr(e) [aaAx]
T: 5,49 ffor to affaiten hire flessh [th](a)t fers was to synne
H2: 5,49 ffor to affaiten hir(e) flesch . that fers was to
synne [aaAx]
Ch: 5,49 ffor to endaunten her flesch . -th-at fers was to
synne [aaAx]
D: 5,49 ffor to affayten here flessh . -th-(a)t fers was
to synne [aaAx]
V: 5,49 fforte (fayten) hire (fflesch) . _th_at (ffrele)
was to synne [aaAx]
H: 5,49 for to afaite(n) her(e) flesch . -th-at fresch was
to synne [aaAx]
J: 5,49 ffor to dawntyn hir(e) fleche . -th-(a)t fers was
to synne [aaAx]
L: 5,49 ffor to affeyten heore flesch . -th-at fresch was
to synne [aaAx]
K: 5,49 ffor to affayten her flesche . that ffyrse was to
synne [aaAx]
W: 5,49 To affaite her(e) flesh . -th-at fers was to synne
N: 5,49 ffort affaiten her flesche . -th-at fiers was to
synne [aaAx]
A: 5,49 Tho afeyntyn here flesche ; -th-at frele was to synne
M: 5,49 ffor to afeyntyn hir(e) flesch . -th-at fers was
to se(n)ne [aaAx]
T: 5,50 Shal neu(er)e hei[gh] herte me hente but holde me lowe
H2: 5,50 Schal neu(er)e hei-gh- herte me hente . but holde
me lowe [aaaAx]
Ch: 5,50 Schal neuer hie hert me hent . bot holde me lowe
D: 5,50 Schal neu(er) hye herte me haunte . but hold me lowe
V: 5,50 "Schal neuer liht (herte) me (hente) . bote
(holde) me lowe [aaAx]
H: 5,50 Shal neu(er) li-gh-t hert me hente quo-th- heo .
but holde me lowe [aaaAx]
J: 5,50 Schal neu(er) hye hert me hentyn . but holdyn me
lowe [aaaAx]
L: 5,50 Schal neuer hyghe heorte me hente . bote holde me
low[e] [aaaAx]
K: 5,50 Schal nev(er) hye harte me hente . but holde me lowe
W: 5,50 Shal neuere my hert be so heyh . but holde me lowe
N: 5,50 Shal neur(e) hiegh herte me hent . but ::::: me low[e]
A: 5,50 Schal neuyr hey hert me hold ; but eu(er) holdyn
it lowe [aaaAx]
M: 5,50 Schal neuer(e) heith herte me henti(n) . but holdy(n)
me lowe [aaaAx]
T: 5,51 And suffre to be misseid & so dide I neu(er)e
H2: 5,51 And suffre to be myssayde . and so dide I neuer(e)
Ch: 5,51 And suffer to be misseyd . and so dede I neuer [aaAxx]
D: 5,51 And suffre to be myssayd . & so dede I neu(er)e
V: 5,51 And (suffre) to beo (mis-seid) . & (so) dude
I neuere [aaAx]
H: 5,51 & suffr(e) to be mysseid . & so dide y neu(er)e
J: 5,51 & suffyr to bien missayde . & so did I neu(er)e
L: 5,51 And suffre to beo myssaide . & so dude y neuer
K: 5,51 And suffre to be myssaide . & so dide I neuer
W: 5,51 And suffre to be myssayd . & so dide I neuere
N: 5,51 And suffre to be myssaid . & so did I neure [aaAxx]
A: 5,51 And suffre to be missede . and so dede I neuyr [aaAxx]
M: 5,51 And suffryn to ben misseid . & so dide I neuer(e)
T: 5,52 But now wile I meke me & m(er)cy beseke
H2: 5,52 But now wyle I meke me . and m(er)cy beseke [aaAx]
Ch: 5,52 Bot now wol I meke me . and mercy beseke [aaAx]
D: 5,52 But now wil I meke me . & m(er)cy beseke [aaAx]
V: 5,52 And nou I con wel (meke) (me) . and (Merci) be-seche
H: 5,52 Now wol y meke myself . & m(er)cy byseche [aaAx]
J: 5,52 & now I wil mekyn me . & m(er)cy besekyn
L: 5,52 Bote now wol I meoke me . & mercy byseche [aaAx]
K: 5,52 But now woll I meke me . & m(er)cye bysechen
W: 5,52 But now wil I meke me . and mercy beseke [aaAx]
N: 5,52 But now wil I meke me . & mercy byseke [aaAx]
A: 5,52 But now I meke me . & mercy beseche [aaAx]
M: 5,52 But now wele I mekyn me . & m(er)cy besechyn
T: 5,53 Of alle [th](a)t I haue had enuye in myn herte
H2: 5,53 Of alle that I haue had enuye . in my herte [aa?a]
Ch: 5,53 Of alle -th-at I haue had enuy . In myn hert [aa?a]
D: 5,53 Of al -th-(a)t I had enuye . in myn herte [aa?a]
V: 5,53 Of (al) _th_at Ichaue (I-had) . (envye) in myn (herte)
H: 5,53 of alle -th-at I haue hadde enuye . in myn herte
J: 5,53 Of alle -th-ing -th-(a)t I haue had p(ri)de . in
my hert [aa?a]
L: 5,53 Of -th-at I haue had enuye . in myn heorte [aa?a]
K: 5,53 Of al that I haue had Envye . In myn harte [aa?a]
W: 5,53 Of al -th-at I haue hadde pride . in my hert [aa?a]
N: 5,53 Of al -th-(a)t I haue had p(ri)de . i(n) myn herte
A: 5,53 Of al -th-at I haue had of enuye . in myne hert [aa?a]
M: 5,53 Of al -th-at I haue had enuye . in my(n) herte [aa?a]
T: 5,54 Leccho(ur) seide allas & to oure lady criede
H2: 5,54 Lechour seide allas . and to our(e) [lorde] criede
Ch: 5,54 -th-e lechour seide allas . and to oure lorde cri-gh-ed
D: 5,54 Lecchour seyd allas . & on oure lady cryede [aaAx]
V: 5,54 (Lechour) seide "(Allas)!" . and to vr
(ladi) criede [aaAx]
H: 5,54 -th-e lechours seide alas . & lord m(er)cy bad
J: 5,54 Lyccher(e) -th-o seyd allas . & on our(e) lady
c(ri)ed [aaAx]
L: 5,54 -Th-e lechoure saide alas . & on oure lady gradde
K: 5,54 lechery said allas . & on our lady cryede [aaAx]
W: 5,54 Leccherie saide allas . and on oure lady criede [aaAx]
N: 5,54 lecherie seid allas . & on our(e) lady cried
A: 5,54 Lecchour sede allas . & to oure lady cryed [aaAx]
M: 5,54 -Th-e leccherouse seide allas . & to our(e) lady
cryde [aaAx]
T: 5,55 To make m(er)cy for his mysdede betwyn god & hym
H2: 5,55 To make m(er)cy for his mysdede . betwene god and
hym [aaaXx]
H2: 5,55 and chastite to seke as a chyld clene
H2: 5,55 The kist of his likam to leten for eu(er)e
H2: 5,55 And fle fro felyschipe ther(e) foly may a rise
H2: 5,55 ffor that makith many man mysdo ful ofte
Ch: 5,55 To make mercy for his mysdede . betwen god and hym
D: 5,55 To make mercy for his mysdede . betwen god & hym
V: 5,55 To (maken) him han (Merci) . for his (misdede) [aaAx]
H: 5,55 for his mysdedis . bytwene god & hym silue(n)
J: 5,55 To makyn m(er)cy [mene] for his misdedis [aaaXx]
L: 5,55 To make mercy of his misdede . bytweone god & his
sou[le] [aaaXx]
K: 5,55 To make m(er)cye for his mysdede . betwen god & his
sowle [aaaXx]
W: 5,55 To gete mercy of god in helpe of his soule [aaaXx]
N: 5,55 To gete mercy for his mysdedis . in mendyng of his
soule [aaaXx]
A: 5,55 Tho makyn mercy for his sowle . betwyn god & hym
of mysdede [aaaXx]
M: 5,55 To make amendis for hi(m) . betwen god & hys
soule [aaaXx]
V: 5,55 Bitwene god almihti . and his pore soule [????]
T: 5,56 Wi[th] [th](a)t he [th]e satirday seue [y]er [th](er)aftir
H2: 5,56 With that he the sat(ir)day . seuene -gh-er theraft(ir)
Ch: 5,56 With -th-at he on saterday . seuen -gh-ere -th-erafter
D: 5,56 W(i)t(h) -th-(a)t he -th-e saturday . seuene -gh-eer
after [aaAx]
V: 5,56 Wi_th_-_th_at he (schulde) _th_e (seterday) . (seuen)
_g_er after [aaAx]
H: 5,56 Wi-th- -th-at he shulde -th-e satirday . seue(n)
-gh-er(e) -th-(er)eaft(ir) [aaAx]
J: 5,56 Wyth thi he schulde seuen -gh-er(e) sykerly -th-(er)aft(er)
L: 5,56 With -th-(a)t he scholde -th-e satteresday . seuen
-gh-er -th-erafter [aaAx]
K: 5,56 With that he schuld the saturday . sevyn yer(es)
thereaftere [aaAx]
W: 5,56 Wi-th- -th-at he shold sat(ir)day . seuene -gh-er
-th-erafter [aaAx]
N: 5,56 Wi-th- -th-at he sholde saterday . seuene -gh-er
-th-(er)aftre [aaAx]
A: 5,56 And -th-at he schulde -th-e saturday . seuene -gh-ere
aftir [aaAx]
M: 5,56 W(i)t(h) -th-at he schuld -th-e sat(ir)day . vij
-y-er after [aaAx]
T: 5,57 Shulde drinke but wi[th] [th]e doke & dyne but
H2: 5,57 Schulde drynke wi-th- the doke . and dyne but ones
Ch: 5,57 Schuld drink with -th-e doke . and dyne but ones
D: 5,57 Drynke but w(i)t(h) -th-e doke . & dyne but ones
V: 5,57 (Drinken) bote with _th_e (Doke) . and eten but ones
H: 5,57 Drinke but wi-th- -th-e doke . & ete but onys
J: 5,57 Drinkyn but w(i)t(h) -th-e doke . & dynyn but
onys [aaAx]
L: 5,57 Drynke bote wi-th- -th-e doge . & dyne bote ones
K: 5,57 Drynke w(i)t(h) the doke . and dyne but ons [aaAx]
W: 5,57 Drynk wi-th- -th-e duk . and dine but ones [aaAx]
N: 5,57 Drynke but Mid -th-e doke . & dyne but onys [aaAx]
A: 5,57 Drynk w(i)t(h) -th-e doke . & dyne but onys [aaAx]
M: 5,57 Drynky but but wit -th-e goos . & dyne but onys
T: 5,58 Enuye wi[th] heuy herte askide aftir shrift
H2: 5,58 Enuye wi-th- heuy herte . askide aftir schrifte
Ch: 5,58 Enuy with heuy hert . asked after schreft [aaaAx]
D: 5,58 Enuye w(i)t(h) heuy herte . asked aft(ir) schryfte
V: 5,58 (Envye) wi_th_ (heui) (herte) . (asket) aftur schrift
H: 5,58 enuye wi-th- hi-gh-e hert . asked aft(ur) shrift
J: 5,58 Envye w(i)t(h) heuy hert . axed aft(er) schrifte
L: 5,58 Enuye with heuy heorte . asked after schryfte [aaaAx]
K: 5,58 Envye w(i)t(h) hevy hart . askyd after schryfte [aaaAx]
W: 5,58 Enuie wi-th- heuie hert . asked aftr(e) shrift [aaaAx]
N: 5,58 Enuy wi-th- heuy herte . axed aftre shrift [aaaAx]
A: 5,58 Enuye w(i)t(h) heuy hert . askid aftir schrfte [aaaAx]
M: 5,58 Enuye w(i)t(h) heuy herte . askede aft(ir) schrifte
T: 5,59 And carfulliche his cope begynne[th] he to shewe
H2: 5,59 And carfully his coope . begynneth he to schewe
Ch: 5,59 And carfully his synnes . begynne-th- for to schewe
D: 5,59 And carefulliche his coupe . begynne-th- to schewe
V: 5,59 And (gretliche) his (gultus) . (bi-ginne_th_) to
schewe [aaAx]
H: 5,59 & carefulliche his gultis . bygynne-th- to shewe
J: 5,59 & karfully his gylt . begynnyth for to schewe
L: 5,59 And karfulliche his gult . bygynneth he to schewe
K: 5,59 And carefully his culpe . begynnyth he to schewe
W: 5,59 Carfully his coulpe . begynne-th- he to shewe [aaAx]
N: 5,59 And carefully his coupe . bigynne-th- he to shewe
A: 5,59 And carfuly his counte . com for to schewe [aaAx]
M: 5,59 And karefully his wilis . begynnyth to schewe [aaAx]
T: 5,60 He was as pale as a palet on [th]e palesie he semide
H2: 5,60 He was as pale as a pellet . and on -th-e palesie
he semed [aaAx]
Ch: 5,60 he was as pale as a palette . and on -th-e palsey
semed [aaAx]
D: 5,60 He was as pale as a polet . on palsye he semed [aaAx]
V: 5,60 As (pale) as a (pelet) . In a (palesye) he seemede
H: 5,60 -th-e pelo(ur)r was pelled . in -th-e palesie he
semyd [aaAx]
J: 5,60 He was as pale as erthe . in palsey he semyd [aaAx]
L: 5,60 He was as pale as a pobet . in -th-e palsye he semet[h]
K: 5,60 He was pale as a pelett . & in a palseye he semyd
W: 5,60 As pale as a p[e]let . in a palasie he semed [aaAx]
N: 5,60 Also pale as a pelot . in a palsye he semyd [aaAx]
A: 5,60 He was as pale as a pelet . in -th-e palsie he semyd
M: 5,60 As pale as a pelat . in palsye he semede [aaAx]
T: 5,61 He was clo[th]id in a caurymaury I can it nou[gh]t
H2: 5,61 He was clothid in a caurimauri . I can it not descryue
Ch: 5,61 He was clo-th-ed In cawremawre . I can nou-gh-t
discrie [aaAx]
D: 5,61 He was clothed in a caurymaury . I can nout it discryue
V: 5,61 (I-clo_th_ed) in A (Caurimauri) . I (cou_th_e) him
not discreue [aaAx]
H: 5,61 clo-th-id in cawrymawry . I cou-th-e hym not disc(ry)ue
J: 5,61 He was clo-th-id in a kawrymowry . I cowthe it not
disc(ri)en [aaAx]
L: 5,61 And clothed in a kaurymaury . coude y hit not discry[e]
K: 5,61 He was Iclothed in a cawrymawry . I cowde it not
des(er)ne [aaAx]
W: 5,61 He was clad in a caurimaury . I cou-th- it not deuise
N: 5,61 Cladde i(n) a caurymaury . I cow-th-e it nou-gh-t
descreue [aaAx]
A: 5,61 He was clad in a cawrimawri . I cowde not dyscrye
M: 5,61 Iclad in kaurimauri . I kan [it] not discryn [aaAx]
T: 5,62 A kertil & a courtepy a knyf be his side
H2: 5,62 A kyrtul and a cortepy . a knyf be his syde [aaAx]
Ch: 5,62 A kirtelle and a courteby . a knif be his syde [aaAx]
D: 5,62 A curtil & a courtepy . a knyf be hys syde [aaAx]
V: 5,62 --- this line om --
H: 5,62 a kertel & a courtepie . a knyf by his side [aaAx]
J: 5,62 A kyrtil & a cowrteby . a knyfe be his syde [aaAx]
L: 5,62 A kirtel & a courtepy . a knyf by his syde [aaAx]
K: 5,62 A kurtell & a courtebye . a knyfe by his syde
W: 5,62 A kirtil and a courteby . a knyf by his side [aaAx]
N: 5,62 A kirtil & a courtepye . a knyf be his syde [aaAx]
A: 5,62 A kyrtil & a corteby . a kneuet be his syde [aaAx]
M: 5,62 A kertil a courtepi . & knyf be hys syde [aaAx]
T: 5,63 Of a ffreris frokke were [th]e foresleuys
H2: 5,63 Of a freris frocke . wer(e) the for(e) sleues [aaAx]
Ch: 5,63 Off a freres frokke . wer -th-e fore sleues [aaAx]
D: 5,63 Of a frere frokke . were -th-e for sleues [aaAx]
V: 5,63 --- this line om --
H: 5,63 of a freris frok . wer(e) his two sleues [aaAx]
J: 5,63 Of a frere freyke . wer -th-e forn sleues [aaAx]
L: 5,63 Of a frere frocke . weoren his fore sleues [aaAx]
K: 5,63 Of a freres frok . wer his forne scleves [aaAx]
W: 5,63 Of a freres frok . were his for sleues [aaAx]
N: 5,63 Of a frere frokke . were -th-e for sleues [aaAx]
A: 5,63 As a freris frog . weryn his forme sleuys [aaAx]
M: 5,63 Of a freris frocke . wern -th-e forn sleuys [aaAx]
T: 5,64 As a lek [th](a)t hadde leyn longe in [th]e sonne
H2: 5,64 As a leek that hadde lay . longe in the sonne [aaAx]
Ch: 5,64 As a leke -th-at had layne . long In -th-e sonne
D: 5,64 As a lek -th-(a)t had leyn . long in -th-e sonne
V: 5,64 As a (leek) _th_at hedde (I-lei_g_en) . (longe) In
_th_e sonne [aaAx]
H: 5,64 like as he hadde leie . longe in -th-e sonne [aaAx]
J: 5,64 As a leeke -th-(a)t had lyen . long in -th-e sonne
L: 5,64 As a leek longe leyen . in the hote sonne [aaAx]
K: 5,64 As a leke that had Ilay . long in the sonne [aaAx]
W: 5,64 As a leke had yley . long in -th-e sonne [aaAx]
N: 5,64 Os led -th-at had leyn . longe in -th-e sonne [aaAx]
A: 5,64 As a leyke -th-at had loyn . long in -th-e sunne
M: 5,64 As a lek hadde Iben . longe in -th-e su(n)ne [aaAx]
T: 5,65 So lokide he wi[th] lene chekis lourande foule
H2: 5,65 So lekyde he with lene chekes . lourande foule [aaAx]
Ch: 5,65 So loked he with lene chekes . lowrand foule [aaAx]
D: 5,65 So loked he w(i)t(h) lene chekes . louryng fowle
V: 5,65 So (loked) he with (lene) chekes; . (lourede) he
foule [aaAx]
H: 5,65 So loked he wi-th- his lene chekis . lowringe ful
lowe [aaAx]
J: 5,65 So lokyd he w(i)t(h) leene chekys . lowring fowle
L: 5,65 So loked he with lene chekes . lourynge foule [aaAx]
K: 5,65 So lokyd he w(i)t(h) lene chekes . lowryng ful fowle
W: 5,65 So loked he wi-th- lene chekes . lourynge foule [aaAx]
N: 5,65 So loked he wi-th- lene chekys . louryng ful fowle
A: 5,65 So lokyd he w(i)t(h) lene chekis . louryng fowle
M: 5,65 So lokyd he wit lene chekys . loury[n]g fowle [aaAx]
T: 5,66 His body was bolnid for wro[th] [th](a)t he bot his
H2: 5,66 His body was bolnid for wroth . that he bote his
lippe [aaxAx]
Ch: 5,66 His body was bolned for wre-th--th-e . and he bote
his lippe [aaxAx]
D: 5,66 His body was bolned for wro-th- . -th-(a)t he bot
his lippe [aaxAx]
V: 5,66 His (Bodi) was (Bolled) . for wra_th__th_e he (bot)
his lippes, [aaXax]?
H: 5,66 his body was bollid for wra-th--th-e . he bote bo-th-e
his lippes [aaxAx]
J: 5,66 His body was bolnyd for . wrathe -th-(a)t he bote
his lippis [aaxAx]
L: 5,66 His body was ybolned for wrathe . -th-(a)t he bot
his lippe[s] [aaxAx]
K: 5,66 His body was bolned w(i)t(h) wrathe . that he bote
his lippes [aaxAx]
W: 5,66 A1 forbolne for angre . -th-at he bote his lippes
N: 5,66 A1 forbolned for angre . -th-at he bote his lippis
A: 5,66 His body was bolne w(i)t(h) wretth . bote he on his
lyppis [aaxAx]
M: 5,66 His body was bolnyd for . wratthe -th-at he bot his
lippys [aaxAx]
T: 5,67 And wro[th]liche he wro[th] his fest to wreke hym he
H2: 5,67 And wrothliche he wroth his fyst . to wreke hi(m)
he thou-gh-te [aaAx]
Ch: 5,67 And wro-th-elich he wro-th- hisse fiste . to wreke
him he -th-ou-gh-t [aaAx]
D: 5,67 And wrothliche he wroth his fyste . to wreke hy(m)
-th-ou-gh-te [aaAx]
V: 5,67 (Wro_th_liche) he (wrong) his fust . he _th_ou_g_te
him (a-wreke) [aaXa]
H: 5,67 wro-th-eliche he wrong his fuste . he -th-ou-gh-te
hym to wreke [aaAx]
J: 5,67 And wrothly he wroth his fist . to wreykyn him he
thowth [aaAx]
L: 5,67 And wrothly he wrong his fuste . to wreken hi(m)
he [-th-oghte] [aaAx]
K: 5,67 And wrothely he wronge hys fiste . to wroken hem
he thought [aaAx]
W: 5,67 And wro-th-ly he wro(n)g his fist . to wreke hem
he -th-ou-th-t [aaAx]
N: 5,67 And wro-th-ly he wrong his fist . to wreken hi(m)
he -th-ou-gh-t [aaAx]
M: 5,67 & wrothche he wrong his fest . to wrekyn him
he -th-oug [aaAx]
T: 5,68 Wi[th] werkis & wordis whanne he sai[gh] his tyme
H2: 5,68 With werkis and wordis . whan he say his tyme [aaAxx]
Ch: 5,68 With werkes and wordes . when he saw-gh-e his tyme
D: 5,68 With werkes or wordes . whan he sey his tyme [aaAxx]
V: 5,68 Wi_th_ (werkes) or with (Wordes) . (whon) he sei_g_
his tyme [aaAxx]
H: 5,68 Wi-th- werkis or wi-th- wordis . when he sawe his
tyme [aaAxx]
J: 5,68 W(i)t(h) werkys & wordys . qwan he sey his tyme
L: 5,68 With werkes or wordes . when he sawe his tyme [aaAxx]
K: 5,68 W(i)t(h) work(es) or w(i)t(h) word(is) . whan he
see-gh- his tyme [aaAxx]
W: 5,68 Wi-th- werk or wi-th- woord . whan he se his time
W: 5,68 [B:V,86] Eche word -th-at he warpe was of an naddere
W: 5,68 [B V 87 Of chidyng and of chalangyng was his chif
W: 5,68 [B:V,88] To bakbyte and bysmare & bere falswitnesse
W: 5,68 [B:V,89] This was al his curtasie where -th-at he
shewed hym
W: 5,68 [B:V,90] I wold be shreve q(uo)d -th-e shrewe & I
for shame dorst
W: 5,68 [B:V,91] And -gh-it woldy be gladder(e) -th-at gibbe
hadde myscheaunce
W: 5,68 [B:V,92] Than I hadde -th-is wike . I won away of
Excess chese
N: 5,68 Wi-th- werkys or wordis . whan he seigh his tyme
A: 5,68 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 5,68 Wit werkys or wyt wordys . whan he seith his tyme
T: 5,69 Venym & v(er)ious or vynegre I trowe
H2: 5,69 Venym and v(er)ious . or vynegre I trowe [aaAx]
Ch: 5,69 Vermyn or veriuse . or venagre I trowe [aaAx]
D: 5,69 Venym or vergens . or vynegre I trowe [aaAx]
V: 5,69 (Venim) or (vernisch) . or (vinegre), I trouwe [aaAx]
H: 5,69 Veny(m) or v(er)degrese . or vynegr(e) y trowe [aaAx]
J: 5,69 Venym v(er)nycchith . or vynegr(e) I trowe [aaAx]
L: 5,69 Of leosardes or of lobbes venym hath me laghte
K: 5,69 Venymo(ur) than vernish . or vynegre I trowe [aaAx]
W: 5,69 Venym or vernysh . or vynegre I trowe [aaAx]
N: 5,69 Venym vernissh . or vynegre I trowe [aaAx]
A: 5,69 Wyrmys or vermyn or vinegre . or wyrmis I trowe [aaAx]
M: 5,69 And seyde weriuis or veniy(m) . or veneg(re) I trowe
T: 5,70 Walewi[th] in my wombe & waxi[th] as I wene
H2: 5,70 Walewith in my wombe . and waxit as I wene [aaAa]
Ch: 5,70 walwe-th- In my wombe . and waxe-th- as I wene [aaAa]
D: 5,70 walwet in my wombe . & waxet I wene [aaAa]
V: 5,70 (Walle_th_) in my (wombe) . or (waxe_th_) ich (wene)
H: 5,70 walli-th- in my wombe . quo-th- he or waxe-th- y
wene [aaAa]
J: 5,70 Walwith in my wombe . & waxith as I wene [aaAa]
L: 5,70 And walweth in my wombe . & worcheth me wrath[e]
K: 5,70 Walowyth in my wombe . & waxith as iche wene
W: 5,70 Walde-th- in my wombe . and waxe-th- as I trowe [aaAa]
N: 5,70 Walowe-th- in my wombe . & waxe-th- as I wene
A: 5,70 Walkyn in my wombe . werkyn or I dyne [aaAa]
M: 5,70 Walkyt in my(n) wombe . or waxit I wene [aaAa]
T: 5,71 I mi[gh]te not many day do as a man mi[gh]te
H2: 5,71 I my-gh-t not many day do . as I myght a man [aaAx]
Ch: 5,71 I my-gh-t nou-gh-t many day don . as a man my-gh-t
D: 5,71 I my-gh-te not many day don . as a man my-gh-te [aaAx]
V: 5,71 I ne (mihte) (mony) day don . as a (mon) ouhte [aaAx]
H: 5,71 I mi-gh-t not many a day do . as a man ou-gh-te [aaAx]
J: 5,71 I myht nouth many day doon . as a man myht [aaAx]
L: 5,71 -Th-at I mighte not mony day don . as a man aughte
K: 5,71 I might not many a day done . as a man owghte [aaAx]
W: 5,71 Myght I not many day do . as a man sholde [aaAx]
N: 5,71 I my-gh-t nou-gh-t many day done . as a man ou-gh-t
A: 5,71 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 5,71 I mygth noth many day . as a man schulde [aaAx]
T: 5,72 Such wynd in my wombe wexi[th] er I dyne
H2: 5,72 Such wynde in my wombe . wexit or I dyne [aaAx]
Ch: 5,72 Such wynde In my wombe . wexeth or I dyne [aaAx]
D: 5,72 Suche wynde in my wombe . waxed er I dyne [aaAx]
V: 5,72 Such (wynt) in my (wombe) . (waxe_th_), er I dye
H: 5,72 siche winde in my wombe . waxe-th- or I dyne [aaAx]
J: 5,72 Swych wynde in my wombe . waxith or I dyne [aaAx]
L: 5,72 Suche wynd in my wombe . waxeth ar y dyne [aaAx]
K: 5,72 Such wynd in my wombe . waxith or I dyne [aaAx]
W: 5,72 Suche a wynde in my wombe . waxe-th- alway [aaAx]
N: 5,72 Swche wynde in my wombe . waxe-th- ar I dyne [aaAx]
A: 5,72 --- this line om ---
M: 5,72 Swich wynd in myn wombe . waxit er I dyne [aaAx]
T: 5,73 I haue a nei[gh]ebo(ur) nei[gh] me I haue noi[gh]ed
hym ofte
H2: 5,73 I haue a ney-gh-ebo(ur) ney-gh-e me . I haue ney-gh-ede
hi(m) ofte [aaAx]
Ch: 5,73 I haue a ney-gh-borow nye me . I haue noy-gh-ed
hym ofte [aaAx]
D: 5,73 I haue a neyghebo(ur) ney me . I haue noyed hym ofte
V: 5,73 Ichaue a (neih_g_ebor) me (neih) . I haue (anuy_g_ed)
him ofte [aaAx]
H: 5,73 I haue ne-gh-eboris many . y haue anoied hem oft
J: 5,73 I haue a neyebore ny me . -th-(a)t I haue noy-gh-ed
ofte [aaAx]
L: 5,73 I haue a neygheboure nygh me . I haue nuyed hi(m)
of[te] [aaAx]
K: 5,73 I haue a neyghbur nere me . I haue noyed hym ofte
W: 5,73 I haue a neighbo(ur) by me . I haue noied hem oft
N: 5,73 I haue a neighbore nyegh me . -th-(a)t I anyed oft
A: 5,73 I haue a neythebor ny me . hath noyd me ofte [aaAx]
M: 5,73 I haue an neythebour be me . I haue anoyd hy(m) ofte
T: 5,74 And blamide hym behynde his bak to bringe hym in fame
H2: 5,74 And blamyd hi(m) behynde his bak . to bringe hi(m)
in fame [aaaAx]
Ch: 5,74 And blamed hym behynde his bak . to bring hym In
fame [aaaAx]
D: 5,74 And blamed hym behynde his bak . to brynge hym in
fame [aaaAx]
V: 5,74 (Ablamed) him be-hynde his (bak) . to (bringe) him
in disclaundre [aaAx]
J: 5,74 And blamyd him behynd his bak . & brouht him
i(n) fame [aaaAx]
L: 5,74 And blamed him byhynde his bak . to brynge him into
d[efame] [aaaAx]
K: 5,74 And blamyd hym behynde his backe . to brynge hym
in ffame [aaaAx]
W: 5,74 And blamed hym byhynde . to putte hem in defaute
N: 5,74 & blamed hi(m) bihynde his bakke . to brynge
hi(m) i(n) fame [aaaAx]
A: 5,74 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 5,74 --- this line is omitted ---
T: 5,75 To apeire hym be my power I p(ur)suide wel ofte
H2: 5,75 To apeire hi(m) be my power(e) . I porsued wel ofte
Ch: 5,75 To appaire hym be my powere . I -th-ursewed ful
ofte [aaAx]
D: 5,75 To apeyre hym be my power . I pursued ful ofte [aaAx]
V: 5,75 And (peired) him bi my (pouwer) . (I-punissched)
him ful ofte [aaAx]
J: 5,75 To apayryn him w(i)t(h) my power(e) . I p(ur)sued
ofte [aaAx]
L: 5,75 To apeire him by my power . I haue p(ur)sued feole
sithe[s] [aaAx]
K: 5,75 To appayre hym by my power . I p(ur)sewed wel ofte
W: 5,75 To payren by my powere . I pursued hem oft [aaAx]
N: 5,75 To peire hi(m) by my power . I pursued oft [aaAx]
A: 5,75 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 5,75 --- this line is omitted ---
T: 5,76 And belowen hym to lordis to don hym lese silu(er)
H2: 5,76 And belowen hi(m) to lordes . to do hi(m) lese syluer
Ch: 5,76 And belowen hym to lordes . to don hym lese siluer
D: 5,76 And below-gh- hym to lordes . to do hym lese silu(er)
V: 5,76 (Bi-lowen) him to (lordes) . to make him (leose)
Seluer [aaAx]
H: 5,76 & eke ybulled hem to -th-e lord to make hem lese
J: 5,76 And [a]payryd him to lordys . to done him lesyn siluer(e)
L: 5,76 And eke bylowen him to lordes . to don him leose
seol[uer] [aaAx]
K: 5,76 And eke belowed hym to lord(is) . to done hym lose
silu(er) [aaAx]
W: 5,76 Bylowen hym to lordes . to don hym lese siluer [aaAx]
N: 5,76 Bylowlen hi(m) to lordes . do done hi(m) lese siluer
A: 5,76 I haue belowyn to lordis . to don hym lese siluyr
M: 5,76 And ek belowyn hy(m) to lordys . to don hy(m) lost
selu(er) [aaAx]
H: 5,74 & blamed hem byhynde her(e) bak . to bringe hem in defaut [aaaAx]
H: 5,75 To apeire(n) hem by my power(e) . y p(re)ued ful oft [aaAx]
T: 5,77 And don hise frendis ben hise fon [th]oru[gh] my false
H2: 5,77 And don his frendis be his foon . -th-oru-gh- my
fals tonge [aaAx]
Ch: 5,77 And don his frendes be his fon . -th-orow my fals
tonge [aaAx]
D: 5,77 And don his frendes ben his fon . w(i)t(h) my fals
tonge [aaAx]
V: 5,77 I-don his (ffrendes) ben his (fon) . with my (false)
tonge [aaAx]
H: 5,77 I made here frendis be her(e) foon . wi-th- my false
tu(n)ge [aaAx]
J: 5,77 And don his frendys ben his fon . thorow my fals
tung(e) [aaAx]
L: 5,77 And mad his freondes beon his fon . -th-orgh my false
wo[rdes] [aaAx]
K: 5,77 And done his frend(is) byn his foone . thrugh my
fals tonge [aaAx]
W: 5,77 Don his frendes ben his fone . -th-orgh my fals tonge
N: 5,77 And done his frendis ben his fone . -th-orow my false
tonge [aaAx]
A: 5,77 Tho don his frendis ben his fon . w(i)t(h) my falce
talis [aaAx]
M: 5,77 To don hys frendys be(n) hys fon . -th-ourth my(n)
fals tonge [aaAx]
T: 5,78 His g(ra)ce & hise gode happis greuide me wel sore
H2: 5,78 His g(ra)ce and his gode happis . greued me wel
sore [aaAx]
Ch: 5,78 His grace and his gode happe . greued me wel sore
V: 5,78 His (grase) and his (good) hap . (greue_th_) me ful
sore [aaAx]
H: 5,78 --- this line is omitted ---
L: 5,78 --- this line is omitted ---
K: 5,78 His grace & his good happ . grevyd me wel sore
W: 5,78 His grace & his good happe . greuen me ful sore
N: 5,78 His g(ra)ce & his gode happis . greue me wel
sore [aaAx]
A: 5,78 His grace & his godnes . greuyth me ofte [aaAx]
M: 5,78 His g(ra)ce & his goodnesse . greuyth me wol
sor(e) [aaAx]
T: 5,79 Betwyn hym & his meyne I haue mad wra[th][th]e
H2: 5,79 Betwene hi(m) and his meyne . I haue made wrath
Ch: 5,79 Betwene him and his meyne . I haue made wra-th--th-e
V: 5,79 Bitwene him and his (Meyne) . Ichaue (I-Mad) wra_th__th_e
H: 5,79 --- this line is omitted ---
L: 5,79 --- this line is omitted ---
K: 5,79 Betwen hym & hys meynye . I haue maked wrathe
W: 5,79 Betwixe hym and his wyf . haue I made wra-th--th-e
N: 5,79 Atwix hi(m) & his wif . haue I made wra-th-e
A: 5,79 Betwyn men & here mene . I haue makid wreche
M: 5,79 Betwyn men and -y-er(e) meigne . I haue Imakede wrath
T: 5,80 Bo[th]e his lyme & his lif was lost [th]oru[gh]
my tunge
H2: 5,80 Both his lyme and his lif . was lost thoru-gh- my
tonge [aaAx]
Ch: 5,80 Bo-th-e his lym and his lif . was lost -th-orow
my tong [aaAx]
V: 5,80 Bo_th_e his (lyf) and his (leome) . was (lost) _th_orw
my tonge [aaAx]
H: 5,80 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 5,80 --- this line is omitted ---
L: 5,80 --- this line is omitted ---
K: 5,80 Both lymme & life . was loste thrugh my tong
W: 5,80 Bo-th-e lyme and lyf . lost -th-orgh my tonge [aaAx]
N: 5,80 Bo-th-e lym & lyf . was lost -th-orow my tonge
A: 5,80 Bo-th-e lyfe & leme was lost . -th-orou my wikkyd
tonge [aaAx]
M: 5,80 Bothe lyme & lyf . was loste be myn tunge [aaAx]
T: 5,81 Whanne I mette hym in a market [th](a)t I most hatide
H2: 5,81 Whan I mete hi(m) in a markat . that I most hatide
Ch: 5,81 When I mette hym In a market . -th-at I most hated
D: 5,81 Whan I mette in market . -th-(a)t I most hatede [aaAx]
V: 5,81 Whon I (mette) him in _th_e (Market) . _th_at I (most)
hate [aaAx]
H: 5,81 but whe(n) y met hym in -th-e market . -th-at y most
hatid [aaAx]
J: 5,81 Qwan I mete him in market . -th-(a)t I most hate
L: 5,81 When I mette him in market . -th-at I so muche hated
K: 5,81 Whan I mett hym in market . that I most hated [aaAx]
W: 5,81 And whan I mete in markette . -th-at I most hate
N: 5,81 I mete hi(m) i(n) market . -th-at I most hate [aaAx]
A: 5,81 Whan I mette hym in -th-e market . -th-at I most
hatid [aaAx]
M: 5,81 Wahan I mette in market . him -th-at I moste hatede
T: 5,82 I hailside hym as hendely as I his frend were
H2: 5,82 I halside hi(m) as hendely . as I his frende were
Ch: 5,82 I halsed hym als hendely . as I his frende were
D: 5,82 I halsede hym as frendly . as I his frend were [aaAxx]
V: 5,82 Ich (heilede) him as (hendely) . his frend as I weore
H: 5,82 I hailsed hym ( :::: ) as y his frend wer(e) [aaAxx]
J: 5,82 I haylsed him hendely . as I his frende were [aaAxx]
L: 5,82 y halsed him so hendeliche . so I his freonde weore
K: 5,82 I halsed hym as hendely . as I his frend war [aaAxx]
W: 5,82 I hals as frendly . as I his frend were [aaAxx]
N: 5,82 I hailse hi(m) as hendely . as I his frende were
A: 5,82 I heylid hym as frendely . as I his frend were [aaAxx]
M: 5,82 I Grette him as hendely . as I his frend wer(e) [aaAxx]
J: 5,78 His g(ra)ce & his gode happys . greuyn me sore [aaAx]
J: 5,79 Betwyxin man & his meyne . I haue made wrathe [xaAx]
T: 5,83 He is dou[gh]tiere [th]anne I I dar non harm don hym
H2: 5,83 He is dou-gh-tier(e) than I I dar . non harme don
hym [aaAx]
Ch: 5,83 He is dou-gh-tier -th-an I I dar . no harme do hym
D: 5,83 He is doughtyer(e) -th-an I I dar . non harm don
hym [aaAx]
V: 5,83 He is (dou_g_tiore) _th_en I . i (dar) non harm (don)
him [axAa]
H: 5,83 but he was ( :::: ) I ydurst . bede hym none harm
J: 5,83 He is dowhtyar -th-an I I dar . nou(n) harme done
hi(m) [aaAx]
L: 5,83 He is doghtier -th-an I y dar . none harm him done
K: 5,83 He is dowghtier than I I dare . no harme done hym
W: 5,83 He is doghtier(e) -th-an I I dar . do harm do hym
N: 5,83 He is doughtier -th-an I I dar . non harme done hi(m)
A: 5,83 He was doutiere -th-an I . I dar non harm don hym
M: 5,83 -Y-yf he wer(e) strenger(e) -th-an I I durste . noon
harme do(n) hy(m) [aaAx]
T: 5,84 Ac hadde I maistrie & mi[gh]t I wolde m(ur)dre
hym for eu(er)e
H2: 5,84 Ac hadde I maist(ri)e and my-gh-t . I wolde mordre
hi(m) for eu(er)e [aaAx]
Ch: 5,84 Bot had I maistry and my-gh-t . I wolde mur-th-er
hym for euer [aaAx]
D: 5,84 Ac had I maystrye & myght . I wolde murdre hym
for eu(er)e [aaAx]
V: 5,84 Bote hedde I (maystrie) & (miht) . I (Mor_th_erde)
him for euere [aaAx]
H: 5,84 -gh-if y had ha ( :::: ) my-gh-t . y hadde maymed
hym for eu(er)e [aaAx]
J: 5,84 Ac had I mayst(rie) . I wolde mortheryn hi(m) for
eu(er)e [aaAx]
L: 5,84 Bote hadde I maistry & myght . y wolde him mayme
[for euere] [aaAx]
K: 5,84 But had I mastrie or might . I wold murdre hym for
eu(er) [aaAx]
W: 5,84 But hadde I -th-e maystrie . I wold hym al at fort
morthere [aaAx]
N: 5,84 But had I -th-e maistrie . morthere hi(m) I wolde
A: 5,84 Had I maystrie & myght . I wold a dystroyed hym
for heuyr [aaAx]
M: 5,84 But hadd y maistry & myght . I mordred hym for
eu(er)e [aaAx]
D: 5,78 His grace & his good happes . greued me ful sore [aaAx]
D: 5,79 Betwen hym & his meyne . I haue maked wrathe [xaAx]
D: 5,80 Bothe his leme & his lyf . was lost -th-ou-gh-eht my tonge [aaAx]
T: 5,85 Whanne I come to [th]e chirche & knelide to [th]e
H2: 5,85 Whan I come tho the chirche . and knele to the rode
Ch: 5,85 when I come to -th-e kirke . and knele to -th-e
Rode [aaAx]
D: 5,85 Whan I come to the Churche . & kneled to -th-e
rode [aaAx]
V: 5,85 Whon I (come) to _th_e (churche) . & (knele)
bi-fore _th_e Roode [aaAx]
H: 5,85 when y com[e] ( :::: ) cche . to knele to -th-e rode
J: 5,85 Qwan I come to -th-e chi[r]che . & knele to -th-e
rode [aaAx]
L: 5,85 When I come to -th-e kirke . & kneole to -th-e
rode [aaAx]
K: 5,85 Whan I came to the chirche . & kneled to the
rode [aaAx]
W: 5,85 Whan I come to -th-e chirche . to knele to -th-e
rode [aaAx]
N: 5,85 Whan I come to -th-e kirke . & knele to -th-e
rode [aaAx]
A: 5,85 Whan I cam to -th-e kyrke . & knelid beforn -th-e
rode [aaAx]
M: 5,85 Whan I kame to cherche . I kneled to -th-e Rode [aaAx]
T: 5,86 To p(re)ye for [th]e peple as [th]e prest techi[th]
H2: 5,86 To p(re)ye for the peple . as the p(re)st techith
Ch: 5,86 To preye for -th-e peple . as -th-e prest teche-th-
D: 5,86 To pray for -th-e peple . as -th-e prest teches [aaAx]
V: 5,86 And scholde (prei_g_e) for _th_e (peple) . as _th_e
(prest) vs teche_th_ [aaAx]
H: 5,86 to pray for -th-e peple . as -th-e p(re)st p(re)chi-th-
J: 5,86 I p(ra)y for -th-e peple . as -th-e p(re)st techith
L: 5,86 y pray for -th-e people . as -th-e preost techeth
K: 5,86 To p(ra)y for the people . as the preste techyth
W: 5,86 To praye for -th-e peple . as -th-e p(re)st teche-th-
N: 5,86 To pray for -th-e peple . as -th-e prest teche-th-
A: 5,86 I preyd for -th-e puple . as -th-e prest techith
M: 5,86 To preyn for -th-e pepele . as -th-e preste techeth
T: 5,87 --- this line om ---
H2: 5,87 --- this line om ---
Ch: 5,87 --- this line om ---
D: 5,87 --- this line om ---
V: 5,87 --- this line om --
H: 5,87 --- this line om ---
J: 5,87 --- this line om ---
L: 5,87 --- this line om ---
K: 5,87 --- this line om ---
W: 5,87 ffor pilgrimes for palmers . for al -th-e peple aftre
N: 5,87 --- this line om ---
A: 5,87 ffor pilgrymes for palmeris . & for -th-e puple
aftir [aaAx]
M: 5,87 ffor pilgrymes for palm(er)s . & alle peple after
T: 5,88 Aftir [th]anne I cri[y]e on my knes [th](a)t crist
gyue hym sorewe
H2: 5,88 Aftir -th-an I crye on my knees . -th-at c(ri)st
gyue hi(m) sorwe [aaAx]
Ch: 5,88 -th-enne I crie on my knees . -th-at crist geue
hym sorowe [aaAx]
D: 5,88 Aft(ir) I crye on my knees . -th-(a)t Crist geue
hym sorowe [aaAx]
V: 5,88 _Th_enne I (crie) vppon my (knes) . _th_at (crist)
_g_iue hem serwe [aaAx]
H: 5,88 -th-e(n) bidde I wi-th- my mou-th- . -th-at c(ri)st
-gh-eue hem sorwe [aaAx]
J: 5,88 & aft(er) I crie on my knees . -th-(a)t c(ri)st
-gh-if him sorowe [aaAx]
L: 5,88 -Th-an crie I on my kneoes . -th-at crist -gh-ef
hom sorwe [aaAx]
K: 5,88 After than I crye on mekely . that cryst yeve hym
sorowe [aaAx]
W: 5,88 Aft(er)e -th-at I crie as cof . -th-at god gyf hem
sorwe [aaAx]
N: 5,88 -Th-anne I cried on my knees . -th-(a)t crist gif
hem sorowe [aaAx]
A: 5,88 On my knes -th-an I cryed . -th-at god -gh-if hem
sorow [aaAx]
M: 5,88 -Th-an kryed I on my knees . -th-(a)t cryst -y-if
hym sorwe [aaAx]
T: 5,89 [Th](a)t bar awey my bolle & my broken shete
H2: 5,89 That bar(e) away my blake bolle . and my broken
schete [aaAx]
Ch: 5,89 -Th-at bare away my bolle . and my broken schete
D: 5,89 That baar away my bolle . and my broke shete [aaAx]
V: 5,89 _Th_at ha_th_ (I-bore) a-wei my (Bolle) . and my
(brode) schete [aaAx]
H: 5,89 -Th-at bare away my bolle . & my broken shete
J: 5,89 -Th-(a)t bar(e) awey my bolle . & my broke schete
L: 5,89 -Th-at bar away my bolles . & my broken schetes
K: 5,89 That bere away my bolle . & my broke schete [aaAx]
W: 5,89 That bar away my bolle . and my broken shete [aaAx]
N: 5,89 -Th-(a)t bare awey my bolls . & my broke shete
A: 5,89 That brokyn my bolle . & borne awey my schete
M: 5,89 -Th-at beryn awey myn Bolle . & myn broken schete
T: 5,90 ffro [th]e auter myn ei[gh] I turne & beholde
H2: 5,90 ffro the auter . myn ey-gh-e I turne and beholde
Ch: 5,90 ffro -th-e auter . myn ei-gh-e I turne and beholde
D: 5,90 ffro the auter . my(n) eye I to(ur)ne & beholde
V: 5,90 ffrom the (Auter) I turne . myn (ei_g_e) and (bi-holde)
H: 5,90 f(ro)m -th-e aut(er)e . y t(ur)ne me & byholde
heyne [aaAx]
J: 5,90 ffro -th-e auter(e) . myn nye I t(ur)ne & beholde
L: 5,90 --- this line is omitted ---
K: 5,90 ffrom the auter . myn eyen down than I turne [aaAx]
W: 5,90 -Th-an fro -th-e autre . I myn eien cast [aaAx]
N: 5,90 & fro -th-e auter . myne hiegh I torn & byholde
A: 5,90 Also to forne -th-e auter . -gh-it myne eyne I turnyd
M: 5,90 Also from the auter . myn eyne I turned [aaAx]
T: 5,91 How heyne ha[th] a newe cote I wysshe it were myn howue
H2: 5,91 How heyne . ha-th- a newe cote I wysch it wer(e)
my owne [aaAx]
Ch: 5,91 how herry hathe a new cote . I wissed hit were myn
owne [aaAx]
D: 5,91 how heyne hath a newe Cote I wysshe it were myn [aaAx]
V: 5,91 Hou heyne ha_th_ a newe Cote and his wyf ano_th_er
H: 5,91 how he ha-th- a newe cote & his wyf ano-th-(er)
J: 5,91 How hoge hath a newe Cote & his wyf ano-th-(er)
L: 5,91 y byholde byholde byhynde me on a neowe kote ha[ue]
K: 5,91 And beholdith how hyk . hath a new cote [aaAx]
W: 5,91 And behold how hane . had a newe cote [aaAx]
N: 5,91 How hayne ha-th- a newe cote . & his wyf ano-th-er
A: 5,91 And beheld how hyne . had a newe cloke [aaAx]
M: 5,91 & behelde an hyne . -th-at hadde a newe Cote
T: 5,92 --- run together with preceding ---
H2: 5,92 --- this line om ---
Ch: 5,92 --- this line om ---
D: 5,92 --- this line om ---
V: 5,92 _Th_enne Ich (wussche) hit (weore) myn . and al _th_e
(web) aftur [aaAx]
H: 5,92 -th-en wische y hit wer(e) myne . & alle his
wele aft(ur) [aaAx]
J: 5,92 -Th-an I wische it wer(e) my(n) . & alle -th-e
web aft(er) [aaAx]
L: 5,92 -Th-anne wyssche y hit weore myn . & al -th-e
web afte[r] [aaAx]
K: 5,92 Than I wische it war myn . and al the webbe aft(er)
W: 5,92 Anon I wyshe it were myn . and al -th-e webbe aftre
N: 5,92 Tha(n)ne I wyssh it were myne . & al -th-e webbe
aftir [aaAx]
A: 5,92 Than I wyschid it were myne . and al -th-e webbe
aftir [aaAx]
M: 5,92 -Th-an I wischede it wer(e) myn . & alle -th-e
webbe after [aaAx]
T: 5,93 And of his lesing I lau[gh]e [th](er)on in myn herte
H2: 5,93 And of lesyng I lau-gh-e . -th-er(e)of in myn herte
Ch: 5,93 And of his lesyng I lawee . -th-erof in myn hert
D: 5,93 And alwey aft(er) his losyng I laughe . -th-(er)of
in my(n) h(er)te [aaAx]
V: 5,93 Of his (leosinge) I (lauhwe) . hit (like_th_) me
in myn herte [aaAx]
H: 5,93 of his lesing y lau-gh-he . it like-th- myn herte
J: 5,93 Of his lesyng I lawhe . it likith my(n) herte [aaAx]
L: 5,93 Of his leosyng y laghwe . hit lightenes myn heorte
K: 5,93 Of his lesyng I lawghe . it liketh myn harte [aaAx]
W: 5,93 Of his lesing I lagh . it lyghte-th- myn hert [aaAx]
N: 5,93 Of his lesyng I lawgh . it li-gh-te-th- my herte
A: 5,93 Of his lesyng I lawhe . a lytil in myne herte [aaAx]
M: 5,93 Of -th-at lesyng I laught . ay lykeng(e) in myn hert
T: 5,94 Ac of his wynnyng I wepe and weile [th]e tyme
H2: 5,94 Ac of his wynnyng I wepe . and weyle the tyme [aaAx]
Ch: 5,94 But of his wynnyng I wepe . and wailed -th-e tyme
D: 5,94 Ac of his wynnyng I wepe . & weyld -th-e tyme
V: 5,94 Ac for his (wynnynge) I (wepe) . and (weile) _th_e
tyme [aaAx]
H: 5,94 & for his wy(n)ny(n)g y wepe . & waile -th-e
tyme [aaAx]
J: 5,94 Ac for his wynnyng I wepe . & weyle -th-e tyme
L: 5,94 Bote of his wynnyng y weope . & weyle -th-e while
K: 5,94 But of his wynnyng I wepe . & wayle the tyme
W: 5,94 But for his wynnyng I wepe . and weil -th-e tyme
N: 5,94 And of his wynnyng I wepe . & weille -th-e tyme
A: 5,94 Of his wynnyng I wepte . and weylid -th-e while [aaAx]
M: 5,94 But of willyng(e) I wepe . & weyle -th-e tyme
T: 5,95 I deme men [th](er)e [th]ei don ille & [y]et I
do wers
H2: 5,95 I deme men there thei don ille . and -gh-et I do
wers [aaAx]
Ch: 5,95 I deme men -th-er -th-ei do Ille . and -gh-it do
I wel wors [aaAx]
D: 5,95 I deme men -th-(er) -th-ey don euele . & -gh-et
I do worse [aaAx]
V: 5,95 I (deme) men _th_at (don) ille . and _g_it I (do)
wel worse [aaAx]
H: 5,95 y deme me(n) -th-ei don yuel . & -gh-it y do
wors [aaAx]
J: 5,95 I deme men -th-at don ille . & -gh-it I do werse
L: 5,95 I deme men -th-ey don eouel & -gh-et do y worse
K: 5,95 I deme men that done ille . & yet I done wors
W: 5,95 I deme -th-at he do-th- ille . & -gh-it I do
wors [aaAx]
N: 5,95 I deme -th-(a)t men do yuel . & -gh-i-gh-t I
do worse [aaAx]
A: 5,95 I deme men in myne hert -th-at -th-ai don ille
M: 5,95 And -y-it I do werse be dome of my selue [aaAx]
A: 5,95 But -gh-it I do werse be dom of my selfe [aaAx]
T: 5,96 I wolde [th](a)t iche wi[gh]t were my knaue
H2: 5,96 I wolde that eche wy-gh-t . wer(e) my knaue [aaAx]
Ch: 5,96 I wold -th-at ech a wi-gh-t . wer my knaue [aaAx]
D: 5,96 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 5,96 ffor I (wolde) _th_at vch a (wiht) . in _th_is (world)
were mi knaue [aaAx]
H: 5,96 for y wolde -th-at alle wi-gh-tes in world . wer(e)
my knaues [aaAx]
J: 5,96 I couet -th-(a)t eu(er)y man . wer(e) becomy(n) my
knaue [aaAx]
L: 5,96 y wolde vche wy-gh-e . weore my knaue in -th-is world
w[onyng] [aaAx]
K: 5,96 I woulde that eche wyghte . wer my knaue [aaAx]
W: 5,96 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 5,96 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 5,96 I wold -th-at eche a wythe . were my knawe [aaAx]
M: 5,96 I wolde -th-(a)t eche man . wer(e) my knawe [aaAx]
T: 5,97 And whoso ha[th] more [th]anne I [th](a)t angri[th]
myn herte
H2: 5,97 And whoso ha-th- more than I . that angryth myn
herte [aaAa]
Ch: 5,97 And whoso hathe more -th-an I . -th-an angre-th-
myn hert [aaAa]
D: 5,97 And whoso hath more -th-an I . -th-(a)t angret my(n)
herte [aaAa]
H: 5,97 & whoso ha-th- more -th-e(n) y . it angri-th-
my(n) herte [aaAa]
J: 5,97 And qwo -th-(a)t hath more -th-an I . -th-(a)t angrith
my(n) herte [aaAa]
L: 5,97 And whad -th-(a)t hath more -th-an I . he angereth
myn heor[te] [aaAa]
K: 5,97 And whoso hath more than I . that angreth myn harte
W: 5,97 Who -th-at ha-th- more -th-an I . it angre-th- myn
hert [aaAa]
N: 5,97 Whoso ha-th- more -th-an I . -th-at angre-th- myn
herte [aaAa]
A: 5,97 And hoso haue more -th-an I . it greuyth myn hert
M: 5,97 And whoso hath mor(e) -th-an I . it hangerth my(n)
hert(e) [aaAa]
T: 5,98 [Th]us I lyue loueles as a ly[th](er) dogge
H2: 5,98 Thus I leue loueles . as a lither dogge [aaAx]
Ch: 5,98 -Th-us I leue loueles . as a le-th-er dogge [aaAx]
D: 5,98 Thus I leue loueles . like a leper dogge [aaAx]
V: 5,98 _Th_us I (liue) (loueles) . lyk A (lu_th_er) dogge
H: 5,98 -Th-us y lyue loueles . like a le-th-(er) dogge [aaAx]
J: 5,98 -Th-(us) I lif lofles . liche a lythyr(e) dogge [aaAx]
L: 5,98 Thus y lyue loueles . lyk a leother dogge [aaAx]
K: 5,98 Thus I lyue loueles . like a lither dogge [aaAx]
W: 5,98 And -th-us I leue louelesse . lyke a lyther dogge
N: 5,98 And -th-(us) I lyue loueles . lyke a ly-th-er dogge
A: 5,98 And -th-us I leue loueles . liche a ledur dogge [aaAx]
M: 5,98 Thus I lyue loueles . lyke a lyder dogge [aaAx]
T: 5,99 And al my brest bolni[th] for bittir of my galle
H2: 5,99 And al my brest bolnyth . for bit(ur) of my galle
Ch: 5,99 And alle my brest bolne-th- . for bitter of my galle
D: 5,99 And al my brest bolnet . for bitt(er) of my(n) galle
V: 5,99 _Th_at al my (breste) (Bolle_th_) . for (bitter)
of my galle [aaAx]
H: 5,99 -th-at al my brest bolli-th- . for bitt(er) of my
galle [aaAx]
J: 5,99 -Th-(a)t my brest bolnyth . for bitt(er) of my galle
L: 5,99 -Th-at al my breste bolneth . for bittre of my galle
K: 5,99 That al my breste bolneth . for byttre of my galle
W: 5,99 Than al my brest bolne-th- . for bitter of my galle
W: 5,99 [B:V,121-2/C:VII,86-7] I might not ete many -gh-ere
as a man sholde
W: 5,99 [B:V,121-2/C:VII,86-7] ffor enuie & euel will
is ille to defie
N: 5,99 -Th-at al my brest bolne-th- . for bitter of my galle
A: 5,99 And alle my brest bolnyth . for bitter of my galle
M: 5,99 -Th-at alle myu(n) Brest bolneth . for bytter of
my galle [aaAx]
T: 5,100 May no sugre ne swet [th]ing swage it an vnche
H2: 5,100 May no sugor ne swete thyng . swage it an vnche
Ch: 5,100 May no suger no swete -th-ing . swage hit an Inche
D: 5,100 May no sugre ne no swete -th-ing . swage it an Inche
V: 5,100 May no (Suger) so (swete) . (dryue) hit from myn
herte [aaAx]
H: 5,100 May no sug(re) ne swete -th-ing . dryue it fro myn
hert [aaAx]
J: 5,100 -Th-(er) may no sewkyr ne swete -th-ing . aswagy(n)
it an inche [aaAx]
L: 5,100 May no sugre no swete thing . swage hit an ync[he]
K: 5,100 May no sugre nor swete thynge . asswage it an ynche
W: 5,100 Ther is no sugre so swete . may swage it an ynche
N: 5,100 -Th-(er)e nys no sugre ne swete -th-ing . may swage
it an vche [aaAx]
A: 5,100 May no sugre ne no swete -th-ing . swagit an vnche
M: 5,100 May no sugre ne no swete thyng . swage it an ynche
T: 5,101 Ne no dyapendyon dryue it fro myn herte
H2: 5,101 Ne non dyapenidiou(n) . dryue it fro myn herte
Ch: 5,101 Ne no diapendion . driue hit fro myn hert [aaAx]?
D: 5,101 Ne no diapenydyon . dryue it fro myn herte [aaAx]?
V: 5,101 Ne no (Diopendion) . (a-swagen) hit vnne_th_e [aaAx]
H: 5,101 Ne no diapendiou(n) . aswage it vne-th- [aaAx]?
J: 5,101 Ne nou(n) diapondiou(n) . driuyn it fro my(n) hert
L: 5,101 Ny no diapendion . dryue hit fro myn heorte [aaAx]?
K: 5,101 Nor no diapendion . dryue it from my hart [aaAx]?
W: 5,101 Ne no diapenydion . driue it fro myn herte [aaAx]?
N: 5,101 Ne no dyapenydyon . dryue it fro my(n) herte [aaAx]?
A: 5,101 Ne non dyapendron . drawe it fro myn herte [aaAx]?
M: 5,101 Ne no dyapodyou(n) . draugh it fro myn hert [aaAx]?
T: 5,102 [Y]if [th](a)t shrift shulde it shop a gret wondir
H2: 5,102 -Gh-if that scryfte scholde . it stoppe a grete
wond(ir)e [aaAx]
Ch: 5,102 And -gh-ef -th-at schrift schold . hit schope a
gret wonder [aaAx]
D: 5,102 -Gh-if schrifte schuld . hit schepe a gret wonder
V: 5,102 _Y_if (schrit) schulde hit _th_enne (swopen) out
. a gret (wonder) hit (were) [aaBb]
H: 5,102 -gh-if shrift shulde . aswage it wonder me -th-inke-th-
J: 5,102 -gh-if scrifte scholde me saue me thingith it wer(e)
wonder(e) [aaAx]
L: 5,102 And -th-a(n)ne -gh-ef any schryft scholde . hit
saue semed hit [a gret wondir] [aaAx]
K: 5,102 And if that schryfte shuld . it schope a gret wonder
W: 5,102 And -gh-if -th-at shrift sholde . nowe a wonder
it were [aaAx]
N: 5,102 -Gh-if shrift sholde . me -th-inke it shope a grete
wondre [aaAx]
A: 5,102 And -gh-if schryfte schuld it stoppe . it were gret
wondur [aaAx]
M: 5,102 -Y-yf -th-(a)t ony schiryf[t]e scholde . it schope
a gret wonder [aaAx]
T: 5,103 [Y]is redily qua[th] repentannce & redde hym to
H2: 5,103 -Gh-is redily q(uo)d repentaunce . and rede hi(m)
to gode [aaAx]
Ch: 5,103 -Gh-is redely q(uo)d Repentaunce . and redde hym
to gode [aaAx]
D: 5,103 -gh-is redely q(ou)d repentaunce . & red hym
to good [aaAx]
V: 5,103 _Y_us, (rediliche)," quod (Repentaunce) . and
(Radde) him to goode [aaAx]
H: 5,103 -gh-is redely quo-th- repentaunce . & radde
hym to -th-e best [aaAx]
J: 5,103 -gh-is redely q(uo)d repentaunce . & rad him
to gode [aaAx]
L: 5,103 -Gh-us redely q(uo)d repentaunce . & radde him
to gode [aaAx]
K: 5,103 Yes redily q(uo)d repentaunce . & radde hym
to goode [aaAx]
W: 5,103 -Gh-is redyli q(uo)d repentaunce . & redde hem
to gode [aaAx]
N: 5,103 -Gh-is redily q(uo)d repentaunce . & radde hi(m)
to goode [aaAx]
A: 5,103 A -gh-is redely quot repentans . & red hym -th-e
beste [aaAx]
M: 5,103 -Y-ys redely q(uo)d repentaunce . & radde hym
-th-e beste [aaAx]
T: 5,104 Sorewe for synnes saui[th] wel manye
H2: 5,104 Sorw-gh- for synne . saueth wel many [aaAx]
Ch: 5,104 Sorowe for synne . saue-th- wel many [aaAx]
D: 5,104 Sorowe for his synne . saue wel manye [aaAx]
V: 5,104 (Serw) for heore (sunnes) . (saue_th_) men ful Monye
H: 5,104 Sorwe for her(e) synne-th- . saue-th- ful many [aaAx]
J: 5,104 Sorow of her synnys . sauith wel many [aaAx]
L: 5,104 And saide sorwe for synne . saueth ofte wel manye
K: 5,104 Sorowe for synnes . sauyth well manye [aaAx]
W: 5,104 Oft sorwe for synne . saue-th- wel many [aaAx]
N: 5,104 Sorow for synnes . saue-th- wel many [aaAx]
A: 5,104 Sorwe for synnys . sauyth many on [aaAx]
M: 5,104 Sorewe for synnes . saueth wol many [aaAx]
T: 5,105 I am sory q(ua)[th] enuye I am but selde o[th](er)e
H2: 5,105 I am sory q(uo)d enuye . I am but selde othir [aaAx]
Ch: 5,105 I am sory q(uo)d enuy . I am bot seld o-th-er [aaAx]
D: 5,105 I am sory q(ou)d Enuye . I am but selde other [aaAx]
V: 5,105 Icham (sori) quod (Envye) . I ne am but (seldene)
(o_th_er) [abAb]
H: 5,105 I am sory quo-th- enuye . I nam but selde o-th-(er)
J: 5,105 I am sory q(uo)d envye . I am but seldyn o-th-er(e)
L: 5,105 I am sory q(uo)d enuye . y am bote seilden othir
K: 5,105 And I ame sory q(uo)d enuye . I ame selden other
W: 5,105 I am sory q(uo)d enuie . I nam but seldom o-th-er
N: 5,105 I am sory q(uo)d -th-(a)t sherew . I am but selden
o-th-(er)e [aaAx]
A: 5,105 I am sori quot enuye . I am but seldom other [aaAx]
M: 5,105 I sey q(uo)d -th-e scharewe . I ham but sylden other
H3: 5,105 I am sory q(uo)d envy-gh-e . I am seldom o-th-ir
A: 5,105 Also wilsm in hert . & pensyre in hert & thouth
T: 5,106 And [th](a)t maki[th] me so mad for I ne may me venge
H2: 5,106 And that makith me so mad . for I ne may me venge
Ch: 5,106 And -th-at make-th- me so madde . for I may me
venge [aaAx]
D: 5,106 And -th-(a)t make-th- me so mad . for I ne may me
venge [aaAx]
V: 5,106 And _th_at (Make_th_) me so (mad) . for I ne (may)
me venge [aaAx]
H: 5,106 & -th-at maki-th- me so mad . for y ne may me
venge(n) [aaAx]
J: 5,106 & -th-(a)t makyth me so mate . -th-(a)t I ne
may me avengyn [aaAx]
L: 5,106 And maketh me so mad . -th-at I no may me venge
K: 5,106 And that maketh me so mate . for I ne may me venge
W: 5,106 And -th-at make-th- [me] mad . I may me not venge
N: 5,106 And -th-at make-th- me so mat . for I may me nou-gh-t
awe(n)ge [aaAx]
A: 5,106 And -th-at makith me so mad . -th-at I may not venge
M: 5,106 And -th-at maketh me so madde . for I ne may me
venge [aaAx]
H3: 5,106 And it makyt me ful mat . for I may not be vengyd
T: 5,107 [Th]anne com coueitise I can hym nou[gh]t descryue
H2: 5,107 Than come couetise . I can hym nou-gh-t discryue
Ch: 5,107 -Th-an come couatise . I can him nou-gh-t discriue
D: 5,107 -Th-an come coueytise . I can not hym discryue [aaAx]
V: 5,107 _Th_enne (com) (Couetyse) . I (cou_th_e) him not
(discreue) [aaAa]
H: 5,107 -th-en come couetise . y can hym not disc(ry)ue
J: 5,107 -Th-an com kouetyse . I can him nouht disc(ri)yn
L: 5,107 -Th-anne come couetise . y can him noght discryue
K: 5,107 Than came couetise . I can hym not discryue [aaAx]
W: 5,107 Than come sire coueitise . I can hym not discriue
N: 5,107 -Th-anne come coueityse . I can hi(m) nou-gh-t descreue
A: 5,107 Than cam sone coueytice . I can hym not dyscrie
M: 5,107 -Th-an cometh Couetous . I kan not him discrye [aaAx]
H3: 5,107 Than come co(n)cyens . I can hy(m) nouth dyscry-gh-e
T: 5,108 So hungirly & holewe sire heruy hym lokide
H2: 5,108 So hong(ir)ly and holewe . sire heruy hi(m) lokide
Ch: 5,108 So hungerly and holow . sire heuy he loked [aaAx]
D: 5,108 So hongrely and holowe . syre heruy hym loked [aaAx]
V: 5,108 So (hungri) and so (holewe) . sire (herui) him loked
H: 5,108 So hu(n)gry & holwe . sir(e) heruy hym loked
J: 5,108 So hungry & holwe . sir herui him lokyd [aaAx]
L: 5,108 bote hong(ur)liche & lowe . sir heruy he loketh
K: 5,108 So hungry so holowe . sir heruy hym loked [aaAx]
W: 5,108 So hongrely & so holgh . sire henri he loke-th-
N: 5,108 So hu(n)gryly & so holow . syre henri -th-a(n)ne
loked [aaAx]
A: 5,108 So hungri he lokid . so heri & so ille [aaAx]
M: 5,108 So hungry he loketh s(er) heruy & holowe [aaAx]
H3: 5,108 So hungry he loked syre heruy & holwe [aaAx]
T: 5,109 He was bittirbrowid & babirlippid bo[th]e
H2: 5,109 He was baburlippud and bit(ur)browed bothe [aaAx]
Ch: 5,109 He was betilbrowed and babirlipped bo-th-e
D: 5,109 He was bett(er)browed & eke baberlypped
V: 5,109 He was (bitel-brouwed) . with twei (blered) ei_g_en
H: 5,109 He was bitelbrowid & babirlippid . wi-th- two
brode i-gh-en [aaAx]
J: 5,109 He was bedilbrowyd & babirlippid . w(i)t(h)
two blerid Ien [aaAx]
L: 5,109 He was bitelbrowed & baberlipped . w(i)t(h)
twey blered yghnen [aaAx]
K: 5,109 He was betilbrowed & blaberlipped . w(i)t(h)
ij bleryd eyen [aaAx]
W: 5,109 Bitilbrowed and baberlipped . wi-th- two blered
eyen [aaAx]
N: 5,109 Bitilbrowed & baberlippid . wi-th- two blered
eyn [aaAx]
A: 5,109 He was bittilbrowid . & eke babirlyppid
M: 5,109 He was betilbrowed & ek baberlypped
H3: 5,109 He was byttylbrowyd & eke babyrlyppyd
A: 5,109 It to blereyd eyn . as a blynd hagge [aaAx]
H3: 5,109 W(i)t(h) ij blereeyid eyne blynd as an hagge [aaAx]
T: 5,110 Wi[th] two bleride ei[gh]en as a li[th](er)ene purs
lollide his chekis
H2: 5,110 With two blerid ey-gh-en as a letherne purs . lollid
his chekes [axAx]
Ch: 5,110 With two blered ey-gh-en . as a le-th-eren purs
lolled his chekes [axAx]
D: 5,110 With too blered eyen . lik a le-th-eren purce lolled
his chekes [axAx]
V: 5,110 And (lyk) a (le_th_erne) pors . (lullede) his chekes
H: 5,110 & as a leth(er)ne pors . lollid his chekis [axAx]
J: 5,110 And as a letheryn purs . lolledyn his chekyn [axAx]
L: 5,110 And eken as a lethren pors . lolleden bothe his
chekes [axAx]
K: 5,110 And as a lether purs . lollid his chekes [axAx]
W: 5,110 And as a letheren purs . honged his chekes [axAx]
N: 5,110 And as a letherne porse . lolled his chekis [axAx]
A: 5,110 And a lederend purs . so lokyd is chekys [axAx]
M: 5,110 with to blered eyyn as a blynd hagge [aaAx]
M: 5,110 And as ledreu(n) porse . lokened hys chekes [axAx]
M: 5,110 [B:V,193/C:VII,201] & as a bondeman bacon his
berd was bedraueld
M: 5,110 [B:V,194/C:VII,202] He hadde an hode on his hed & an
hatte also
H3: 5,110 And as a letherene purs . lokede hys chekys [axAx]
H3: 5,110 [B: 5,194/C: 7,201] And as aboute ma(n) of hys bakou(n) hys berd was be drablyd
H3: 5,110 [B: 5,195/C: 7,202] he had an hat om hys hrd & hys hod also
T: 5,111 In a torn tabbard of twelue wynt(er) age
H2: 5,111 In a torne tabard . of twelue wynt(er) age [aaAx]
Ch: 5,111 In a torne tabard . of twelue winter age [aaAx]
D: 5,111 In a torn tabbard . of twelf wynt(er) age [aaAx]
V: 5,111 In A (toren) (Tabart) . of (twelue) Wynter Age [aaAx]
H: 5,111 In a brou(n) tabard . of xij wint(er) old [aaAx]
J: 5,111 In a torne tabard . of twelfe wynt(er) age [aaAx]
L: 5,111 In a torn tabard . of twenty wynter age [aaAx]
K: 5,111 In to torne taberd . of twelf wyntre age [aaAx]
W: 5,111 In a torn tabarde . of twefue wynter age [aaAx]
N: 5,111 In a torne tabarde . of twelue wyntre age [aaAx]
A: 5,111 Had an hatte on his heed . & is hood also (cf.
B V 195)
M: 5,111 In a tor(n))n tabard . of xij wynter age [aaAx]
H3: 5,111 In a tore tabbard . of xij wynt(er) age [aaAx]
T: 5,112 But [y]if a lous cou[th]e lepe I may it nou[gh]t leue
H2: 5,112 But if a lous coude lepe . I may not leue [aaXa]
Ch: 5,112 Bot -gh-ef a lows coude lepe . I may hit nou-gh-t
leue [aaXa]
D: 5,112 But yf a lous coude lepe . I may it not trowe [aaXa]
V: 5,112 But _g_if a (lous) cou_th_e (lepe) . I con hit not
(I-leue) [aaXa]
H: 5,112 But -gh-if a lous cou-th-e lepe . y may it not yleue
J: 5,112 But -gh-if a lowse cowde renne . I may it wele t(ro)we
L: 5,112 A lous myghte not launce -th-(er) on for failyng
of fote
K: 5,112 But if a lowce could lepe . I may it not trowe [aaXa]
W: 5,112 But if a lous cou-th- lepe . leue -th-ou for so-th-e
N: 5,112 But -gh-if a lowse couthe lepe . I may nou-gh-t
yleue [aaXa]
A: 5,112 But -gh-if a lous coude lepe . & schippe as
I trowe [aaXa]
M: 5,112 But -y-if a lous coude lepe . I may it nought leuen
H3: 5,112 But -gh-yf a lows coude lepe . I leue nouth I trowe
L: 5,112 bote he hadde beo schod with forst naile schrap al abowte
T: 5,113 He shulde wandre on [th](a)t walsshe scarlet so was
it [th]redbare
H2: 5,113 He schulde nat wandre on that walsch scarlet .
so was it -th-redb[are] [aaAx]
Ch: 5,113 he ne schuld wander on -th-at walsch scarlet .
so was hit -th-[redbare] [aaAx]
D: 5,113 He schulde wandre on -th-(a)t walssh scarlet . so
was it -th-redbare [aaAx]
V: 5,113 Heo scholde (wandre) on _th_at (walk) . hit (was)
so _th_red-bare [aaAx]
H: 5,113 how heo shulde walke on -th-at wede . it was so
-th-redbar(e) [aaAx]
J: 5,113 He suld re(n)ne -th-(er)on -gh-erne . so was it
thredbar(e) [aaAx]
L: 5,113 He scholde not haue wandred on -th-(a)t wede . for
wa(n)tyng of wolle [aaAx]
K: 5,113 He schuld wander or walke ther . so was it thredebare
W: 5,113 She shuld not wandre on -th-at lugh . so was it
-th-redebare [aaAx]
N: 5,113 He sholde wandre on -th-at welche . so was it -th-redbare
A: 5,113 He schuld not wandre on -th-at wolde . so was it
thredbare [aaAx]
M: 5,113 Sche myght wander -th-er vpon . it was so thredbar(e)
H3: 5,113 He xuld not wandery(n) on -th-(a)t wede . it was
so thredbare [aaAx]
T: 5,114 I haue ylouid coueitise qua[th] he al my lif tyme
H2: 5,114 I haue loued couetise . al my lif tyme [aaAx]
Ch: 5,114 I haue loued conscience q(uo)d he al my lif tyme
D: 5,114 I haue loued coueytise q(ou)d he al my lyue [aaAx]
V: 5,114 Ichaue ben (Couetous) quod _th_is (Caityf) . I (beknowe)
hit heere [aaAx]
H: 5,114 I haue be couetous, q(uo)-th- -th-at caitif . y
byknowe it her(e) [aaAx]
J: 5,114 I haue couetouse q(uo)d -th-e caytefe . I beknowe
it her(e) [aaAx]
L: 5,114 I haue q(uo)d -th-(a)t kaityf couetouse beo . I
knowe hit now here [aaAx]
K: 5,114 I haue byn couetise, q(uo)d this Caytife . I beknowe
yt here [aaAx]
W: 5,114 I am caytif coueitous q(uo)d he . I am it wel aknowe
N: 5,114 I haue be coueitouse q(uo)d -th-(a)t catyf . I byknewe
it here [aaAx]
A: 5,114 I haue ben coueytous quot -th-at caytefe . I beknowe
here [aaAx]
M: 5,114 I haue ben coutous q(uo)d -th-e Cayteue . I becnowe
it her(e) [aaAx]
H3: 5,114 I haue be(n) coueytous q(uo)d -th-(a)t caytyf .
I beknow it here [aaAx]
T: 5,115 I knowe hire for sum tyme I s(er)uide symme at [th]e
H2: 5,115 I knowe hir(e) for sum tyme I seruid . symme atte
noke [aaAx]
Ch: 5,115 I knowe her for som tyme I serued sym at noke [aaAx]
D: 5,115 I knowe here for som tyme I serued symme atte noke
V: 5,115 ffor (sum) tyme I (Seruede) . (Simme) atte noke
H: 5,115 for som tyme y s(er)ued . symou(n) at -th-e noke
J: 5,115 ffor su(m) tyme I s(er)uid . sy(m)me atte nokke
L: 5,115 ffor som tyme y serued . to symond atte nokke [aaAx]
K: 5,115 ffor su(m) tyme I s(er)uyd . syme at the noke [aaAx]
W: 5,115 ffor sum tyme whan I s(er)ued . Sym atte noke [aaAx]
N: 5,115 ffor su(m)me tyme I s(er)ued . sy(m)me at Noke [aaAx]
A: 5,115 ffor sum tyme I seruyd synne . it -th-outh me mery
M: 5,115 ffor so(m)me tyme I seruyd . synne it semed me merthe
H3: 5,115 ffor so(m)me tyme I seruyd . symony it semyd to
me myrthe [aaAx]
T: 5,116 And was his p(re)ntis ypli[gh]t his p(ro)fit to loke
H2: 5,116 And was his p(re)ntise Iply-gh-t . his p(ro)fite
to loke [aaAx]
Ch: 5,116 And was his prentis Ipli-gh-t . his profite to
loke [aaAx]
D: 5,116 And was his prentys Ipli-gh-t . his p(ro)fyt to
loke [aaAx]
V: 5,116 And was his (pliht) (prentys) . his (profyt) to
loke [aaAx]
H: 5,116 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 5,116 & was his p(re)ntys aplite . his p(ro)fet to
loke [aaAx]
L: 5,116 And was his prentise plight . his p(ro)fite to loke
K: 5,116 And was his p(re)ntyse plight . his p(ro)fite to
loke [aaAx]
W: 5,116 I was his p(re)ntise aplight . his profit to loke
N: 5,116 I was his preyntes pli-gh-t . his p(ro)fyt to loke
A: 5,116 I was his prentyce aplyte . it -th-out me mery is
p(ro)fyte to wayten [aaAx]
M: 5,116 I was hys prentys Iplygte . hys profit to wayte
H3: 5,116 I was hys prentys Iplyth . hys p(ro)fyth to waytene
T: 5,117 fferst I lernide to lei[gh]e a lef o[th](er) twei[gh]e
H2: 5,117 ffurst I lernyd to ly-gh-e . a leef other tweye
Ch: 5,117 ffirst I lerned to li-gh-e . a lesing or twey [aaAx]
D: 5,117 fferst I lerned to lye . a lef o-th-(er) tweyne
V: 5,117 ffurst I (leornede) to (Ly_g_e) . A (lessun) or
tweyne [aaAx]
H: 5,117 furst y lerned to li-gh-e . a lessou(n) o-th-(er)
two [aaAx]
J: 5,117 ffirst I lernyd to lyen . a leef oy-th-(er) tweye
L: 5,117 And furste I leorned to lyen . a lef or tweye [aaAx]
K: 5,117 ffirst I lernyd to lye . a lefe other twayne [aaAx]
W: 5,117 ffirst I lerned to lye . a lef o-th-er twey [aaAx]
N: 5,117 ffirst I lerned to lye . a leef o-th-er two [aaAx]
A: 5,117 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 5,117 ffor I lerened to lye . a lesyng(e) or tweyn [aaAx]
H3: 5,117 ffor I lernyd to ly-gh-e . & leue o-th-(er)
twey-gh-e [aaAx]
T: 5,118 Wykkidly to wei[gh]e was my ferste lessou(n)
H2: 5,118 wyckudly to wey-gh-e . was my furst lesson [aaAxx]
Ch: 5,118 Wikkedly towrie . was my first lessoun [aaAxx]
D: 5,118 Wykkedliche to weyen . was my(n) ferst lessou(n)
V: 5,118 And (wikkedliche) for to (weie) . (was) myn o_th_er
lessun [aaAxx]
H: 5,118 & wickedly for to weye . c(er)tis was -th-e
-th-ridde [aaAxx]
J: 5,118 Wikkydliche to wirke -th-o . was my nexst lessou(n)
L: 5,118 Wickedly to weyen . was my furste lesson [aaAxx]
K: 5,118 Wykkydly for to way . was my fyrst lessou(n) [aaAxx]
W: 5,118 Wikkedlych to weye . formest I lerned [aaAxx]
N: 5,118 Wykkidly for to weygh . was my next lessou(n) [aaAxx]
A: 5,118 Wykkydly to weyn . was my fryst lessun [aaAxx]
M: 5,118 Wickedlich to weyen . was my ferste lesson [aaAxx]
H3: 5,118 Wykkydly to wey-gh-e . was my fryst lesson [aaAxx]
T: 5,119 To wynchestre & to wy I was sent to [th]e feire
H2: 5,119 To wynchest(re) and to wy . I was sente to the
feyre [aaAx]
Ch: 5,119 To wynchelsey and wynchester . I was sent to -th-e
faire [aaAx]
D: 5,119 To wynchestre and to wy . I sende to -th-e feyre
V: 5,119 To (Winchestre) and to (Wych) . Ich (wente) to _th_e
ffeire [aaAx]
H: 5,119 to wenchest(re) & to wellis . y went to -th-e
feires [aaAx]
J: 5,119 To wynchestr(e) & to wyrcetr(e) . I went to
-th-e fayr(e) [aaAx]
L: 5,119 To wynchestre & to woborne . I went to -th-e
faire [aaAx]
K: 5,119 To wynchester & to wey . I wente me to ffaire
W: 5,119 To wynchestre and to wye . I went to -th-e faire
N: 5,119 To wynchestre & to wy . I went to -th-e feir(e)
A: 5,119 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 5,119 To wy & to wynchestere . I wente to -th-e feyr(e)
H3: 5,119 ffro sleytforth to wy(n)chestyr . I went to -th-e
feyre [aaAx]
T: 5,120 Wi[th] many man(er) of marchaundise as my maist(er)
me hi[gh]te
H2: 5,120 With many man(er) of marchau(n)dise . as my maist(er)
me tau-gh-te [aaAx]
Ch: 5,120 With many maner of Marchaundise . as my maister
me tou-gh-t [aaAx]
D: 5,120 W(i)t(h) many marchandises . as my maist(er) me
hi-gh-t [aaAx]
V: 5,120 With (mony) maner (marchaundise) . as my (mayster)
hihte [aaAx]
H: 5,120 Wi-th- many man(er) m(er)chau(n)dise . as my maist(er)
me bad [aaAx]
J: 5,120 W(i)t(h) many man(er) marchaundeys . as my mayst(er)
hytt [aaAx]
L: 5,120 W(i)t(h) many man(er) marchandise . -th-at my maister
myd medled [aaAx]
K: 5,120 With many man(er) m(er)chandyse . as my Master hote
W: 5,120 Wi-th- many man(er) marchandise . as my mayster
hyght [aaAx]
N: 5,120 W(i)t(h) many man(er) Marcha(n)dise . as my maist(re)
hieght [aaAx]
A: 5,120 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 5,120 With many man(er) marchaundye . as my maist(er)
heghte [aaAx]
H3: 5,120 W(i)t(h) many man(er) marchau(n)dyse . as my mayst(er)
hyth [aaAx]
T: 5,121 Ne hadde g(ra)ce of gile gon among my ware
H2: 5,121 Ne hadde g(ra)ce of gyle . gon among my war(e)
Ch: 5,121 Ne hadde grace of gile . gon among my ware [aaAx]
D: 5,121 Ne hadde grace of gyle . gon among my ware [aaAx]
V: 5,121 Bote nedde _th_e (grace) of (gyle) . (I-gon) a-mong
my ware [aaAx]
H: 5,121 But nadde -th-e grace of gile . ygo among my ware
J: 5,121 Ne had -th-e g(ra)ce of gyle . gone among my war(e)
L: 5,121 No had -th-e g(ra)ce of gyle . gon among my ware
K: 5,121 Ne had the grace of Gile . gone among my ware [aaAx]
W: 5,121 Ne had -th-e grace of gile . goon among my ware
N: 5,121 Ne had -th-e g(ra)ce of gyle . ygone amonge my ware
A: 5,121 Ne had grace of gyle good . ben among my ware [aaAx]
M: 5,121 Hadde not grace of gyle . gone amonge my war(e)
H3: 5,121 Ne had -th-e g(ra)ce of gyle . go among my ware
T: 5,122 It hadde be vnsold [th]is seue [y]er so me god helpe
H2: 5,122 It hadde be onsold this seuene -gh-er . so me god
helpe [aaAxx]
Ch: 5,122 hit hadde be onsolde -th-is seuene -gh-ere . so
me god helpe [aaAxx]
D: 5,122 hit had ben vnsold -th-is vij -gh-eer . so me god
helpe [aaAxx]
V: 5,122 Hit hedde ben (vn-sold) _th_is (seuen) _g_er . (so)
me god helpe [aaAxx]
H: 5,122 hit hadde ofte by vnsold . so me god ( ::: ) [aaAxx]
J: 5,122 It had ben vnsowlde -th-is seuen -gh-er . so me
god helpe [aaAxx]
L: 5,122 Hit had vnsold beon -th-is seouen -gh-eir . so me
god saue [aaAxx]
K: 5,122 It had byn onsould thes sevyn yer(es) . so me god
helpe [aaAxx]
W: 5,122 It nad be sold -th-is seuene -gh-er . so me god
helpe [aaAxx]
N: 5,122 It had ben vnsolde -th-is seuene -gh-er(e) . so
me god helpe [aaAxx]
A: 5,122 It had ben vnsold -th-is seuene -gh-ere . so me
god helpe [aaAxx]
M: 5,122 It hadde ben onselde . so me godd help [aaAxx]
H3: 5,122 It had be(n) vnseld -th-is vij -gh-er . so me god
helpe [aaAxx]
T: 5,123 [Th]anne drou[gh] I me among drap(er)s my donet to
H2: 5,123 Than drow-gh- I me among drap(er)s . my donet to
ler(e) [aaAx]
Ch: 5,123 -Th-an drow I me among drapers . my donet to lere
D: 5,123 -Th-an drow I me among drapers . my donet to lere
V: 5,123 _Th_enne I (drou_g_) me a-mong _th_is (drapers)
. my (Donet) to leorne [aaAx]
H: 5,123 I drowe me among -th-ese drap(er)es . my ( ::::
) [aaAx]
J: 5,123 -Th-an drow I me among drapers . my donet for to
ler(e) [aaAx]
L: 5,123 -Th-an drogh I me among drapers . my donet to lere
K: 5,123 Than drewe I me among(es) drap(er)s . my donet to
lere [aaAx]
W: 5,123 Than drogh I me to drapers . my donet to lerne [aaAx]
N: 5,123 -Th-a(n)ne drow I me to drapers . my donet to lere
A: 5,123 Than drow I me among draperis . my donet for to
lere [aaAx]
M: 5,123 I was amonge drapers . my donet to lerne [aaAx]
H3: 5,123 -Th-a(n) drow I me among draprys . my donet to
lerne [aaAx]
T: 5,124 To drawe [th]e list along [th]e leng(er)e it semide
H2: 5,124 To drawe the lyst along . the leng(ur) it semed
Ch: 5,124 To draw -th-e list along . -th-e lenger hit semed
D: 5,124 To drawe -th-e lyst a lang . -th-e lengere it semed
V: 5,124 To drawe _th_e (lyste) wel (along) . _th_e (lengore)
hit semede [aaAx]
H: 5,124 to drawe -th-e liste along . -th-e lenger(e) ( ::::
) [aaAx]
J: 5,124 To drawyn -th-e lyser o long . -th-e lenger it semyd
L: 5,124 To drawe -th-e listes along . on teyntre we hit
tileden [aaAx]
K: 5,124 To drawe the lyste along . the lenger it semyd [aaAx]
W: 5,124 To drawe -th-e lesour on lengh . -th-e lenger it
semed [aaAx]
N: 5,124 ::::::::::::::: -th-e leser alonge . -th-e lenger
it semyd [aaAx]
A: 5,124 To drawe -th-e lyste on longe . -th-e lengur it
semyd [aaAx]
M: 5,124 & drowe the lyste alonge . -th-e lenger(e) it
semed [aaAx]
H3: 5,124 To drawe -th-e lesur on long . -th-e lengere it
semyd [aaAx]
T: 5,125 Among [th]e riche rayes I rendrit a lessoun
H2: 5,125 Among the riche rayes . I rendrede a lesson [aaAx]
Ch: 5,125 Among -th-e Riche Rayes . I lerned a lessoun [aaAx]
D: 5,125 Among -th-e riche rayes . I rendred a lessou(n)
V: 5,125 Among _th_is (Riche) (Rayes) . (lernde) I a (Lessun)
H: 5,125 Among -th-e riche raies . lerned I a lessou (:)
J: 5,125 Among -th-e riche ray-gh-es . I renderid a lessou(n)
L: 5,125 Among -th-e riche raynes . y rendred -th-e same
lesson [aaAx]
K: 5,125 Among(es) the riche rayes . I renderyd a lessone
W: 5,125 Among -th-e riche rays . I rendred a lesson [aaAx]
N: 5,125 Among -th-e ryche rayes . I rendred a lessou(n)
A: 5,125 And among -th-e riche rayes . I renderid my fyrst
lessun [aaAx]
M: 5,125 Among -th-e ryche Rayes . rendred I a lessou(n)
H3: 5,125 Among -th-e ryche rayis . -th-(er) lernyd I a lessou(n)
T: 5,126 Brochide hem wi[th] a pakke nedle & pleit hem
H2: 5,126 Brochid he(m) w(i)t(h) a pak nedle . and pley-gh-t
hem togyder(e) [aaAx]
Ch: 5,126 Broched hem with a pak nedel . and plite hem togeder
D: 5,126 Broched hem w(i)t(h) a nedel . & ply-gh-te hem
togideres [aaAx]
V: 5,126 (Brochede) hem with a (pak-neelde) . & (pletede)
hem togedere [aaAx]
H: 5,126 brochid hem wi-th- a pacneld . & pleited he
( :::: ) ydris [aaAx]
J: 5,126 Broched hem w(i)t(h) a pac nedel . & playtyd
he(m) togyder(e) [aaAx]
L: 5,126 And broched with a paknelde . & platted heo(m)
togedres [aaAx]
K: 5,126 Prycked hem w(i)t(h) a pack nedille . & playted
hem togeder [aaAx]
W: 5,126 Priked hem wi-th- a pak nedle . & plited hem
togedre [aaAx]
N: 5,126 Broched hem w(i)t(h) a pak nedle . & pleyted
hem togidre [aaAx]
A: 5,126 Brochid hem w(i)t(h) a bat nedil . & platte
hem togedur [aaAx]
M: 5,126 I broched him with a prikede nedele . & plyted
hym togeders [aaAx]
H3: 5,126 Brochyd he(m) on w(i)t(h) a bety(n)g nedyl . & plytyd
he(m) togedr(e) [aaAx]
T: 5,127 Putte hem in a p(re)sso(ur) & pynnede hem [th](er)einne
H2: 5,127 Put hem in a p(re)ssour . and pinde hem therInne
Ch: 5,127 Put hem in a pressour . and pynned hem -th-erInne
D: 5,127 Put hem in a pressour . & pynned hem -th-(er)Inne
V: 5,127 (Putte) hem in a (pressour) . & (pinnede) hem
_th_er-Inne [aaAx]
H: 5,127 & putte hem in a p(re)sse . & peyned hem
-th-(er)ynne [aaAx]
J: 5,127 & put he(m) in a p(re)ssour(e) . & pynyd
hem -th-(er)inne [aaAx]
L: 5,127 Putte heom in a pressour . & peyned heom -th-erynne
K: 5,127 Putt hem in a p(re)ssour . & pynnyd hem theryn
W: 5,127 Putte hem in a presse . & pynned hem -th-ere
N: 5,127 Put hem in a presso(ur) . and peyned hem -th-(er)Inne
A: 5,127 And puppe hem in a pressur . & pyned hem to
-th-(er)Inne [aaAx]
M: 5,127 And putte him In a pryson . & pyned hym -th-(er)In
H3: 5,127 And put he(m) i(n) a p(re)ssure . & py(n)nyd
hy(m) -th-(er)Inne [aaAx]
T: 5,128 Til ten [y]ardis o[th](er) twelue tollide out [th]rittene
H2: 5,128 Tyl ten -gh-erdes other twelue . tollid oute thrittene
Ch: 5,128 Tille ten -gh-erdes or twelue . tolled oute -th-rettene
D: 5,128 Tyl ten -gh-erde or twelue . telled -th-rettene
V: 5,128 Til (ten) _g_erdes o_th_er (twelue) . (tolden) out
_th_rettene [aaAx]
H: 5,128 til ten -gh-erdis o-th-(er) xij . tolde xiij [aaAx]
J: 5,128 Til ten -gh-erdys or twelue . toldyn oute thretene
L: 5,128 Til ten -gh-ardes or twolue . tolden oute -th-rettene
K: 5,128 Til ten yard(es) or twelfe . tolled out threttene
W: 5,128 Til ten -gh-erde or twelw . tolled oute -th-reten
N: 5,128 Til x -gh-erdes or twelue . tolled out xiij [aaAx]
A: 5,128 Til ten -gh-erdis or thwelfe . drow out thretene
M: 5,128 Til x -y-erdes or xij . toldeu(n) out xv [aaAx]
H3: 5,128 Tyl x -gh-erdys or xij . toldy(n) out thertene
T: 5,129 My wyf was a wynst(er)e & wollene clo[th] made
H2: 5,129 My wyf was a webber(e) . and wollen cloth made
Ch: 5,129 My self was a weuester . and wullen clo-th-e made
D: 5,129 My wyf was a wynnestre . & wollen cloth maked
V: 5,129 And my (Wyfat) (Westmunstre) . _th_at (Wollene)
clo_th_ made [aaAx]
H: 5,129 & my wyf at westmynstr(e) . -th-at wollen clo-th-
made [aaAx]
J: 5,129 My wif was a webst(er) . & wollen clothe made
L: 5,129 My wyf was a wynnest(re) . for to spynne hit softe
K: 5,129 My wife was a weuest(er) . & wollen cloth worched
W: 5,129 My wyf was a webstere . & wollen clo-th- wroght
N: 5,129 My wyf was a vy(n)nestre . & wollen clo-th-e
made [aaAx]
A: 5,129 My wyf was a webstere . and wollene cloth made [aaAx]
M: 5,129 My wyf was a webbester(e) . & wolnon clothe
made [aaAx]
H3: 5,129 My wyf was a webstere . & wollene clothys made
T: 5,130 And spak to [th]e spynst(er)e to spynnen it softe
H2: 5,130 And spak to -th-e spynster . to spynnen it softe
Ch: 5,130 And spak to -th-e spinster . to spynne hit softe
D: 5,130 And spak to spynster . to spynne it softe [aaAx]
V: 5,130 (Spak) to _th_e (spinsters) . for to (spinne) hit
softe [aaAx]
H: 5,130 spake to here spynsters . to spynne(n) it soft [aaAx]
J: 5,130 And spake to -th-e spynst(er)ys . to spynny(n) it
softe [aaAx]
L: 5,130 --- this line om ---
K: 5,130 And spake to the spynstre . to spynne it softe [aaAx]
W: 5,130 And spak to -th-e spinsteres . to spynnen it soft
N: 5,130 She spake to spynestres . to spynne it soft [aaAx]
A: 5,130 -Gh-he spak for to -th-e spynneris . for to spynne
out [aaAx]
M: 5,130 And spake to spynsterys . to spyne it oute [aaAx]
H3: 5,130 I spak to -th-e spynsterys . to spynne it -th-(er)
oute [aaAx]
T: 5,131 [Th]e pound [th](a)t heo weid by peisid a quart(er)
H2: 5,131 The pound that heo weyed by . peysid a quart(er)
mor(e) [aaAx]
Ch: 5,131 -Th-e pounde -th-at I wey-gh-ed . by peysed a quarter
more [aaAx]
D: 5,131 The pound -th-(a)t sche way . to hym peysed a quart(er)
more [aaAx]
V: 5,131 _Th_e (pound) _th_at heo (peysede) . a quartrun
more (peisede) [aaAx]
H: 5,131 two pound -th-at heo peysed . weied a quart(er)
more [aaAx]
J: 5,131 -Th-e pounde -th-(a)t sche pay-gh-ed . by peysyd
a q(ua)rt(er) more [aaAx]
L: 5,131 -Th-e pound -th-at heo paied . heom by passed a
qwarter [aaAx]
K: 5,131 The pownde that sche paysed . hem by paysed a q(ua)rter
more [aaAx]
W: 5,131 The pound -th-at she paied . for weied a q(ua)rt(er)
more [aaAx]
N: 5,131 -Th-e pound -th-at she payed . by paysed a q(ua)rter
more [aaAx]
A: 5,131 The pound -th-at -gh-he payde hem . it peysid a
quarter [aaAx]
M: 5,131 The pound -th-at she way . hi(m) by pysed a q(ua)rter
H3: 5,131 -Th-e pou(n)d -th-(a)t sche payid . he(m) by passyd
a qwart(er) [aaAx]
T: 5,132 [Th]anne any aunsel dede & I wei[gh]ede trewe[th]e
H2: 5,132 Than -th-e aunsel dide . and I wey-gh-ede treuthe
Ch: 5,132 -Th-an -th-e aunsel dede . and I wey trow-th-e
D: 5,132 Than ony Aunser dede . whan I way trew-th-e [aaAx]
V: 5,132 _Th_en myn Auncel dude . whon I weyede treu_th_e
H: 5,132 -Th-en myn auncel dide . when y weyed treu-th-e
J: 5,132 -Th-an my(n) awn selfe did . qwan I wey tre[u]the
L: 5,132 More -th-an myn owne deode . when y weye trewthe
K: 5,132 Than aunsere ded . whan I weyed truthe [aaAx]
W: 5,132 Than it is dede by myn ansere . whan I weied treu-th-
N: 5,132 -Th-a(n)ne myn auncere did . whan I weygh trow-th-e
A: 5,132 More -th-an my poundur dede . -th-at was lytil trew-th-e
M: 5,132 Mor(e) -th-an myn hauncer . whan I waye trewthe
H3: 5,132 More -th-a(n) it augthe . qwan I waugh treuthe
T: 5,133 I bou[gh]te hire barly heo breu[gh] it to selle
H2: 5,133 I bou-gh-te hir(e) barly . and heo brew it to selle
Ch: 5,133 I bou-gh-t her barly . sche brew It to selle [aaAx]
D: 5,133 I bou-gh-t her barly . sche brew it to selle [aaAx]
V: 5,133 I (Bouhte) hire (Barly) . heo (breuh) hit to sulle
H: 5,133 I bou-gh-t hir(e) also barly . heo brewe it to selle
J: 5,133 I bowht hir barly malt . sche brew it to sale [aaAx]
L: 5,133 y boghte hire barlich . heo brewed hit to seolle
K: 5,133 I bowght her barlye . sche brewed it to selle [aaAx]
W: 5,133 I broght here also barlych . she brewed it to selle
N: 5,133 I brou-gh-t hir barly malte . sche brew it to selle
A: 5,133 I browt here barly . -gh-he brew it to selle [aaAx]
M: 5,133 My wyf bought barly . & brew it to seluen [aaAx]
H3: 5,133 I bouth hyr barly . sche brew it to selle [aaAx]
T: 5,134 Penyale & pilewhey heo pouride togid(er)e
H2: 5,134 Penyale and pilwhay . heo pouride togydere [aaAx]
Ch: 5,134 Penyale and pelewaye . sche powred togeder [aaAx]
D: 5,134 Penyale & pele was . sche pored togidere [aaAx]
V: 5,134 (Peni) Ale and (piriwhit) . heo (pourede) to-gedere
H: 5,134 Penyale & periwhit . heo powrid togederis [aaAx]
J: 5,134 Penyale & pilwyle . sche powryd togyder(e) [aaAx]
L: 5,134 Penyale & pylewile . ofte heo poured togedres
K: 5,134 Penyale & pilewheye . sche pured togedre [aaAx]
W: 5,134 Bo-th-e penyale & pewe . she poured it togederes
N: 5,134 Penyale & pylewyl . she pourid togidre [aaAx]
A: 5,134 Penyale & pelawey . -gh-he powryd togedur [aaAx]
M: 5,134 Pany hale & spilawaye . she pored togidders
H3: 5,134 Penyale & pylqwyt . put sche togedere [aaAx]
T: 5,135 ffor labo(ur)eris & lou[gh] folk [th](a)t lay
be hemselue
H2: 5,135 ffor laborers and lou-gh- folk . that lay be he(m)
selue [aaAx]
Ch: 5,135 ffor laborers and low folk . -th-at li-th-e be
hym selue [aaAx]
D: 5,135 ffor laborers and lo-th- folkes . -th-at lay by
he(m) selue [aaAx]
V: 5,135 ffor (laborers) and (louh) folk . _th_at (liuen)
be hem-seluen [aaAx]
H: 5,135 forlaborers & lewid folk . -th-at lyue(n) by
hem silue(n) [aaAx]
J: 5,135 ffor laborerys & lowe folke . -th-(a)t layne
be hem selue [aaAx]
L: 5,135 ffor laborers & litel folk . -th-at lyued by
heom seoluen [aaAx]
K: 5,135 ffor laborars & low folk . that lay by hym self
W: 5,135 ffor labourer(is) & lond folk . she layd it
be it self [aaAx]
N: 5,135 ffor laboreres & low folke . it lay by it self
A: 5,135 ffor laborelis & lewid folke . it lyth be -th-e
selue [aaAx]
M: 5,135 ffor laborers & pou(er)e folk . it lay be him
seluen [aaAx]
H3: 5,135 ffor labourerys & lowd folk . -th-(a)t lay
be he(m) seluy(n) [aaAx]
T: 5,136 [Th]e beste in my bedchaumbre lay be [th]e wou[gh]
H2: 5,136 The beste in my bed chau(m)bre . lay be the wou-gh-
Ch: 5,136 -Th-e best In my bed chambre . -th-at laye be -th-e
wowe [aaAx]
D: 5,136 The beste in myn bed Chaumbre . lay by the wowe
V: 5,136 _Th_e (Beste) in _th_e (Bed-chaumbre) . lay (bi)
_th_e wowe [aaAx]
H: 5,136 -Th-e beste in -th-e chambr(e) . lay by -th-e wowe
J: 5,136 -Th-e best in my bed chaumber(e) . lay be -th-e
wowe [aaAx]
L: 5,136 -Th-e beste in my bed chaumber . lay by -th-e benche
K: 5,136 The best in my bed chambre . lay by the walle [aaAx]
W: 5,136 The best in my bed chambre . lay by -th-e wowe [aaAx]
N: 5,136 -Th-e beste in my bed chau(m)bir . lay by -th-e
wowe [aaAx]
A: 5,136 The best in my bed chaumbre . it lyth be -th-e wowe
M: 5,136 The best in my bedde chambre . lay be the wowes
H3: 5,136 -Th-e best i(n) my bed chaumbre . lay be -th-e
wowe [aaAx]
T: 5,137 And whoso bu(m)mide [th](er)of bou[gh]te it [th](er)eaftir
H2: 5,137 And whoso bommed therof . bou-gh-te it theraftir
Ch: 5,137 And whoso bummed -th-erof . bou-gh-t hit -th-erafter
D: 5,137 And whoso bu(m)myd -th-(er)of . bou-gh-t it -th-(er)after
V: 5,137 Hose (Bummede) (_th_erof) . (Bou_g_te) hit (_th_er-after)
H: 5,137 whoso dronke -th-(er)eof . shulde bye it -th-(er)eaft(ir)
J: 5,137 And ho so bu(m)myd -th-(er)of . bowht it -th-(er)aft(ir)
L: 5,137 And whoso drong -th-erof . boght hit -th-erafter
K: 5,137 And whoso bo(m)med therof . bowght it therafter
W: 5,137 And whoso bumed -th-erof . paied -th-(er)after(e)
N: 5,137 And whoso bu(m)med -th-(er)of . bou-gh-t it -th-(er)aftre
A: 5,137 And ho so bubbith -th-erof . bout it -th-eraftir
M: 5,137 And whoso drange therof . bought it -th-(er)after
H3: 5,137 And ho so bybbyd -th-(er)of . payid -th-(er)aft(ir)
T: 5,138 A galoun for a grote god wot no lasse
H2: 5,138 A galon for a grote . god wote no lasse [aaAx]
Ch: 5,138 A galoun for a grote . god wote no lesse [aaAx]
D: 5,138 A galou(n) for a grote . god wot no lesse [aaAx]
V: 5,138 A (Galoun) for a (Grote) . (God) wot, no lasse [aaAx]
H: 5,138 A galou(n) for a grote . god wot no lasse [aaAx]
J: 5,138 A galon for a grote . god wote no lasse [aaAx]
L: 5,138 A galon for a grote . god wot no lasse [aaAx]
K: 5,138 A galon for a grote . god wote no lesse [aaAx]
W: 5,138 Ay a galon for a grote . god wote no lesse [aaAx]
N: 5,138 A galou(n) for a grote . god wot no lesse [aaAx]
A: 5,138 A galun for a grote . god wote & no lasse [aaAx]
M: 5,138 A galon for a grote . godde wote no lesse [aaAx]
H3: 5,138 A galou(n) for a grote . god wot no lesse [aaAx]
T: 5,139 Whanne it com in cuppemel [th](a)t craft my wyf vside
H2: 5,139 Whan it come in coppemel . that craft my wyf vsed
Ch: 5,139 Whan hit come In cuppemele . -th-at craft my wyf
vsed [aaAx]
D: 5,139 Whan it come Inne cuppemele . -th-(a)t craft my
wyf vsed [aaAx]
V: 5,139 Whon hit (com) in (Cuppemel); . such (craftes) me
vsede [aaAx]
H: 5,139 Whan it come-th- in copmele . siche craft heo vsi-th-
J: 5,139 Whan it com in cuppemele . -th-is crafte my wif
vsyde [aaAx]
L: 5,139 When hit come in coppemel . -th-at crafte my wif
vseth [aaAx]
K: 5,139 Whanne it came in cup full mele . that crafte my
wyfe vsed [aaAx]
W: 5,139 And so it come copmele . -th-at craft my wyf vsed
N: 5,139 Whan it cam in coppemele . -th-e craft my wyf vsed
A: 5,139 Whan it cam in coppis medelid . it -gh-he & -th-at
craft vsid [aaAx]
M: 5,139 Whan it kam in cuppemele . -th-at craft my wyf vsyde
H3: 5,139 qwa(n) it come i(n) coppemelle . -th-(a)t craft
my wyf vsyd [aaAx]
T: 5,140 Rose [th]e reg(ra)to(ur) was hire ri[gh]te name
H2: 5,140 Rose the regrato(ur) . was hir(e) ry-gh-t name
Ch: 5,140 Rose the regratour . was her Ri-gh-t name [aaAx]
D: 5,140 Rose -th-e regrat(ur) . was here ri-gh-t name [aaAx]
V: 5,140 (Rose) _th_e (Regratour) . Is hire (rihte) name
H: 5,140 Rose -th-e regrato(ur)e . was hir(e) ri-gh-te name
J: 5,140 Rose -th-e regrater . wyttyly I wote was hir name
L: 5,140 Rose -th-e regratour . whos rykeneth right was hire
nam [aaAx]
K: 5,140 Rose the regrato(ur) . was hyr right name [aaAx]
W: 5,140 Rose -th-e regratoure . was here right name [aaAx]
N: 5,140 Rose reg(ra)tere . was hir ri-gh-t name [aaAx]
A: 5,140 Rose -th-e regratere . was here rygth name [aaAx]
M: 5,140 Rose -th-e regratour . was her(e) righte name [aaAx]
H3: 5,140 Rose -th-e regratyr . was hyr ryth name [aaAx]
T: 5,141 Sheo ha[th] yholde huxt(er)ie elleuene wynt(er)
H2: 5,141 Sche hat Iholde hucstrie . elleuene wynt(er) [aaAx]
Ch: 5,141 Sche hathe holde hukstrie . -th-is elleuen winter
D: 5,141 She ha-th- holde hukstrerye . elleuene wynter [aaAx]
V: 5,141 Heo ha_th_ (holden) (hoxterye) . _th_is (Elleuene)
wynter [aaAx]
H: 5,141 Heo ha-th- holde hoxstrie . al -th-is xxxti wynt(er)
J: 5,141 Sche had holden hoxtery . elleuen wynt(er) [aaAx]
L: 5,141 Heo hath holden hoxtrie . wel elleoue wynter [aaAx]
K: 5,141 Sche had holden hockestrye . elleuen wyntre [aaAx]
W: 5,141 She ha-th- holden hucsterie . elleuen wyntr(e) [aaAx]
N: 5,141 She had holden huxtrie . eleuene wyntre [aaAx]
A: 5,141 -gh-he hadde holdyn ostrie . long eleue wyntir [aaAx]
M: 5,141 She hath holdyn hostrye . thys xv wynter [aaAx]
H3: 5,141 Sche hath holde ostry-gh-e . elleuene wynt(er)
T: 5,142 Ac I swere now so[th]ly [th]at synne shal I lete
H2: 5,142 Ac I swere now sothly . that synne schal I lete
Ch: 5,142 I swere now so-th-ely . synne schal I neuer [aaAx]
D: 5,142 Ac I swere now so-th-liche . -th-(a)t synne schal
I lete [aaAx]
V: 5,142 Bote I (swere) nou . _th_at (sunne) wol I lete [aaAx]
H: 5,142 but now y swer(e) so-th-ely . -th-at synne wole
y leue [aaAx]
J: 5,142 But I swere now so I think . -th-(a)t sy(n)ne wil
I lete [aaAx]
L: 5,142 Bote I swere now to -th-e . -th-at synne schal y
leue [aaAx]
K: 5,142 But I swere now sothely . that synne schal I lette
W: 5,142 Now wil I swere so-th-ly . -th-at synne to leue
N: 5,142 And I swere now so -th-ike, . -th-at synne wyl I
lete [aaAx]
A: 5,142 I swere so mote I the . -th-is synne schal be lafte
M: 5,142 But I swer(e) so mut I the . sum tyme shal I leuen
H3: 5,142 And I swer so mote I the . -th-(a)t synne xal I
lete [aaAx]
T: 5,143 Ne neu(er)e wykkidly wei[gh]e ne wykkide chaffare
H2: 5,143 Ne neu(er)e wyckidely wey-gh-e . ne wyckede chaffar(e)
make [aaAx]
Ch: 5,143 Ne neuer wikkedly wey . ne wiked chaffer make [aaAx]
D: 5,143 Ne neu(er) wykkedly weye . ne wikked I chaffare
make [aaAx]
V: 5,143 And neuere (wikkedliche) (weye) . ne fals chaffare
vsen [aaXx]
H: 5,143 & neu(er) wickedly forto weye . ne fals cheffar(e)
vse [aaAx]
J: 5,143 And neu(er) wey-gh-yn wikkedly . ne wik c(ra)fte
makyn [aaAx]
L: 5,143 And neuer wickedlich weye . no wicked chaffare make
K: 5,143 And neu(er) wykkydly weye . ne wycked chaffre make
W: 5,143 And neuere wey wikkedly . ne chaffare myschaunge
N: 5,143 And neure wikkydly weygh . ne wikke chaffre make
A: 5,143 I schal neuyr wickydliche werke . ne falce crafte
vsyn [aaAx]
M: 5,143 Neu(er)e wickedly to wynne . ne wycke chafar(e)
make [aaAx]
H3: 5,143 Ne-th-(er) wykkydly wey-gh-e . ne wykkyd chaffare
make [aaAx]
T: 5,144 But wende to walsyngh(a)m & my wyf alse
H2: 5,144 But wend to walsingh(a)m . and my wyf alse [aaAx]
Ch: 5,144 But wende to walsingh(a)m . and my wif also [aaAx]
D: 5,144 But wende to walsyngh(a)m . and my(n) wyf also [aaAx]
V: 5,144 Bote (weende) to (Walsyngham) . and my (wyf) alse
H: 5,144 but wende to walsingh(a)m . & my wyf also [aaAx]
J: 5,144 But wendyn to walsyngh(a)m . & my wif aft(er)
L: 5,144 Bote wenden to walsyngh(a)m . & my wyf alse
K: 5,144 But wenden to walsyngh(a)m . and my wife also [aaAx]
W: 5,144 But wend I wil to walsyngham . & my wif als
N: 5,144 But wende to walsyngh(a)m . & my wyf aftre [aaAx]
A: 5,144 But wyndyn to walsyngh(a)m . & my wyfe bo-th-e
M: 5,144 But wendyn to walsyngh(a)m . & my wyf alse [aaAx]
H3: 5,144 But wende to walsyngh(a)m . & my wyf als [aaAx]
T: 5,145 And bidde [th]e rode of bromholm bringe me out of
H2: 5,145 And bidde the rode of bromholm . bryng(e) me out-gh-
of dette [aaAx]
Ch: 5,145 And bidde -th-e rode of bromholm . bring me out
of dette [aaAx]
D: 5,145 And byd -th-e rode of Bromeholme . brynge me out
of dette [aaAx]
V: 5,145 And (bidde) _th_e Rode of (Bromholm) . (bringe)
me out of dette [aaAx]
H: 5,145 & bidde -th-e rode of bromeholm . bringe me
out of dette [aaAx]
J: 5,145 And byddyn -th-e rode of bromeholme . bringgy(n)
me(n) oute of dette [aaAx]
L: 5,145 And bid -th-e Rode of Bromholm . brynge me oute
of [synne] [aaAx]
K: 5,145 And bydd the rode of bromholme . bryng me out of
that dette [aaAx]
W: 5,145 And bidde to -th-e rode of Bromholme . brynge vs
out of dette [aaAx]
N: 5,145 And bid -th-e Rode of bromeholme . bryng me out
of dette [aaAx]
A: 5,145 And bid -th-e good rode of bromholm . brynge vs
out of deth [aaAx]
M: 5,145 And bidden -th-e Rode of bromholm . brynge me out
of dette [aaAx]
H3: 5,145 And bydde -th-e rode of bromhol(m)m . bryng vs
out of dete [aaAx]
T: 5,146 Now begynne[th] glotoun for to shrift
H2: 5,146 Now begynneth gloton . for to go to schryfte [aaAx]
Ch: 5,146 Now begynne-th- glotown . for to go to schreft
D: 5,146 But now begynne-th- glotou(n) . for to go to shryfte
V: 5,146 Nou (ginne_th_) _th_e (Gloton) . for to (go) to
schrifte [aaAx]
H: 5,146 Now bygynne-th- -th-e glotou(n) . for to go to shrift
J: 5,146 Now begynnyth glotu(n) . for to go tp schryfte [aaAx]
L: 5,146 Now by gille glotou(n) . for to go to schrifte [aaAx]
K: 5,146 Now begynneth gloton . for to go to chirche [aaAx]
W: 5,146 Than bygynne-th- gloton . for to go to cherche [aaAx]
N: 5,146 Now bygynne-th- glotou(n) . for to shrift [aaAx]
A: 5,146 Now begynnyth glotoun . to gon his wey [aaAx]
M: 5,146 Now begynneth glotou(n) . to gon on his wyse [aaAx]
H3: 5,146 Now begynnyth glotou(n) . to go(n) on hys wey-gh-e
T: 5,147 And cariede hym to chircheward hise synnes to shewe
H2: 5,147 And cariede hi(m) to chircheward . his synnes to
schewe [aaAx]
Ch: 5,147 And karie-th- him to kirkeward . his synnes to
schewe [aaAx]
D: 5,147 And caryed hym to Chircheward . his synnes to shewe
V: 5,147 And (carie_th_) him to (chircheward) . his schrift
forte telle [aaXx]?
H: 5,147 & wendi-th- hym to chircheward . his shrift
for to shewe [aaAx]
J: 5,147 And caryyth him to chirchewarde . his gilt to schewe
L: 5,147 And kaireth him to chircheward . his schrift for
to [schewe] [aaAx]
K: 5,147 And careth to chircheward . his culpe to schewe
W: 5,147 And shope hym to shriftwarde . hys synnes for to
lete [aaAx]
N: 5,147 And kaire-th- hi(m) to kirkward . his coupe to shewe
A: 5,147 And carith to chirche . his countis for to schewe
M: 5,147 And kouerereth to Cherche . his synnes to schewe
H3: 5,147 And koueryth to chyrche . hys culpe to schewe [aaAx]
T: 5,148 And Betou(n) [th]e breust(er)e [th](er)e bad he good
H2: 5,148 And beton the brewster . bad he gode morwe [aaAx]
Ch: 5,148 And beton -th-e brewster . bad him gode morowe
D: 5,148 And Betou(n) -th-e Brewstere . -th-(er) bad he gode
morowe [aaAx]
V: 5,148 _Th_enne (Betun) _th_e (Breustere) . (bad) him gode
morwe [aaAx]
H: 5,148 bele -th-e brewst(er)e . -th-en bade hym good morwe
J: 5,148 And betou(n) -th-e brewster . -th-(er) bad he gode
morowe [aaAx]
L: 5,148 And beton -th-e bribester . bad him god morwen [aaAx]
K: 5,148 And beten the brewstere . had he good morowe [aaAx]
W: 5,148 Sone Beton -th-e breuster . bad hym good morwe [aaAx]
N: 5,148 Betou(n) -th-e brewster . bad hi(m) god morowe [aaAx]
A: 5,148 And beton -th-e brewster . bad here good morwe [aaAx]
M: 5,148 But Betou(n) -th-e brewer(e) . badde him gode morwe
H3: 5,148 And betou(n) -th-e breustere . sche bad hy(m) good
morwe [aaAx]
T: 5,149 And heo askide of hym whidirward he wolde
H2: 5,149 And heo axed of hi(m) . whiderward he wolde [aaAx]
Ch: 5,149 And sche axed hym . whederward he wold [aaAx]
D: 5,149 And sche asked of hym . whedirward he wolde [aaAx]
V: 5,149 And se_th__th_en heo asked of him . Whoder _th_at
he wolde [????]
H: 5,149 & heo askid of hym . whe-th-(er) -th-at he wolde
J: 5,149 And sche axed him -th-oo . wyderword he wolde [aaAx]
L: 5,149 And eke asked of him . whideward he wolde [aaAx]
K: 5,149 And sche asked of hym . whetherward he woulde [aaAx]
W: 5,149 ffast she frayned hym . whederwarde he fared [aaAx]
N: 5,149 & she axed -th-anne of hi(m) . whiderworde he
wolde [aaAx]
A: 5,149 And askid hym . whedur -th-at he walde [aaAx]
M: 5,149 And sche axid of him . woderward he wolde [aaAx]
H3: 5,149 And sche askyd of hy(m) . qwedyrward he wolde [aaAx]
T: 5,150 To holy chirche qua[th] he for to here masse
H2: 5,150 To holy chirche q(uo)d he . for to here masse [aaAx]
Ch: 5,150 To holi chirche q(uo)d he . for to here masse [aaAx]
D: 5,150 To holy Chirche q(ou)d he . for to here masse [aaAx]
V: 5,150 To (holi) chirche quod (he) . for to (here) Masse
H: 5,150 to holi churche quo-th- he . for to her(e) masse
J: 5,150 To holy chirche q(uo)d he . for to her(e) masse
L: 5,150 To holy chirche q(uo)d he . for to here a masse
K: 5,150 To holi chirche q(uo)d he . for to heare masse [aaAx]
W: 5,150 To holi cherche q(uo)d he . for to here messe [aaAx]
N: 5,150 To holy cherche q(uo)d he . -th-(er)e to here messe
A: 5,150 Tho holy chirche quot he . for to here messe [aaAx]
M: 5,150 To holy Cherche q(uo)d he . for to heryn masse [aaAx]
H3: 5,150 To holy chyrche q(uo)d he . for to here messe [aaAx]
T: 5,151 And si[th]en I wile be shriuen & synne no more
H2: 5,151 And sithen I wyl be schryuen . and synne no mor(e)
Ch: 5,151 And se-th--th-en I wille be schreuen . and synne
no more [aaAx]
D: 5,151 And sethen I wil be schryven . & synne no more
V: 5,151 And (se_th__th_en) I-chule ben (I-schriuen) . & (sunge)
no more [aaAx]
H: 5,151 & si-th--th-e I wol be shryuen . & synne
no more [aaAx]
J: 5,151 And sethin I wil be schriuen . & sy(n)ny(n)
no more [aaAx]
L: 5,151 And seothen beo schryuen wol y . & synnen no
mo[re] [aaAx]
K: 5,151 And sythen I wol be schryuen . & synne no more
W: 5,151 Si-th- wil I shrive me . and synne no more [aaAx]
N: 5,151 & si-th-en wil I chryue me . & synne no
more [aaAx]
A: 5,151 And sythen be scheeuyn . & synne no more [aaAx]
M: 5,151 & sythen I shal be schriven . & synnen no
mor(e) [aaAx]
H3: 5,151 And sytthy(n) I xal be schreuy(n) . & synny(n)
no more [aaAx]
T: 5,152 I haue good ale gossib q(ua)[th] heo glotou(n) wilt
[th](o)u assaie
H2: 5,152 I haue good ale gossib q(uo)d heo . glotoun wylt
tow asaye [aaAx]
Ch: 5,152 I haue gode ale gosseb q(uo)d sche . glotoun wilt
-th-ow assaye [aaAx]
D: 5,152 I haue good ale q(ou)d sche . gossyb wilt -th-(o)u
assay [aaAx]
V: 5,152 Ichaue (good) ale, (gossib) quod heo . (gloten),
woltou asaye [aaAx]
H: 5,152 I haue good ale gossib q(uo)-th- heo . wolt -th-(o)u
assay [aaAx]
J: 5,152 I haue gode ale glotyn q(uo)d che . gossyp wyttow
asaye [aaAx]
L: 5,152 y haue good ale q(uo)d heo . to glotoun with good
heorte ass::: [aaAx]
K: 5,152 I haue good ale gossop gloton q(uo)d sche wolt thou
assay [aaAx]
W: 5,152 A gossib q(uo)d she I haue good ale . wiltow assay
N: 5,152 I haue gode ale Cossip . glotou(n) wiltow assaye
A: 5,152 I haue good ale gosseppe . gloton wilt -th-u assay
M: 5,152 I haue god hale q(uo)d syb . come ner & asay
H3: 5,152 I haue good ale gossyb . wylt -th-(o)u asay [aaAx]
T: 5,153 Hast [th](o)u qua[th] he any hote spices
H2: 5,153 Hastow q(uo)d he . ony hote spyses [aaAx]
Ch: 5,153 Hastow q(uo)d he . any hote spices [aaAx]
D: 5,153 hauest -th-(o)u q(ou)d he . ony hote spyces [aaAx]
V: 5,153 (Hastou) (ou_g_t) I _th_i pors quod he . eny (hote)
spices [aaxAx]
H: 5,153 hast -th-ou ou-gh-t in -th-y pors q(uo)-th- he .
eny hote spices [aaAx]
J: 5,153 Hastow oute q(uo)d he . any hote spyces [aaAx]
L: 5,153 hastow oght q(uo)d he . of any hote spices [aaAx]
K: 5,153 Hast thou quod he . any hote spyces [aaAx]
W: 5,153 Ye but hastow q(uo)d he -th-an . any hote spices
N: 5,153 -Gh-e hastow ought in -th-i p(ur)se . eny hote spyces
A: 5,153 Hast -th-u oute quot herry . ony hote spicis [aaAx]
M: 5,153 Haste thou q(uo)d heruy . ony hote spyces [aaAx]
H3: 5,153 Hast -th-(o)u q(uo)d herry . any hote spycys [aaAx]
T: 5,154 [Y]a glotoun gossib qua[th] heo god wot wel hote
H2: 5,154 -Gh-a glotou(n) gossib q(uo)d [s]heo . god wote
wel hote [aaAx]
Ch: 5,154 -Gh-a glotoun gossibbe q(uo)d sche . god wot wel
hote [aaAx]
D: 5,154 -gh-e glotou(n) q(ou)d sche . -gh-e god wote wel
hote [aaAx]
V: 5,154 _Y_e (glotun) (gossip) quod heo . (god) wot, ful
(goode) [aaAa]
H: 5,154 -gh-he god wot q(uo)-th- heo . ful hote I haue [aaAx]
J: 5,154 -Gh-e glotu(n) gossip q(uo)d sche . god wote ful
hote [aaAx]
L: 5,154 Ya glotou(n) gossipe q(uo)d heo . I am not al boute
K: 5,154 -Gh-ee glotou(n) Gossop q(uo)d sche . wel hote god
wote [aaAx]
W: 5,154 A good gossib q(uo)d she . god wot wel hote [aaAx]
N: 5,154 -Gh-e gossip q(uo)d she . god wot wel hote [aaAx]
A: 5,154 -gh-a gossyp glotoun -gh-he quath . god wot wol
hote [aaAx]
M: 5,154 -Y-a gossyb q(uo)d she . godd wot ful hote [aaAx]
H3: 5,154 -Gh-a glotou(n) gossyb q(uo)d sche . god wot wol
hote [aaAx]
T: 5,155 I haue pepir & peynye & a pound of garlek
H2: 5,155 I haue pepir and pyonis . and a pounde of garlike
Ch: 5,155 I haue pepir and pyany . and a pound of garlek
D: 5,155 I haue pep(ir) & pyeny . & a pound of garlek
V: 5,155 I haue (peper) and (piane) . and a (pound) of garlek
H: 5,155 pip(er) & pianye . & a pomgarnade [aaAx]
J: 5,155 I haue pepyr & pyan . & a pownde of garlyk
L: 5,155 I haue garlek & greynde papir & parys . & fenelsed
for ::::::: [aaAx]
K: 5,155 I haue peper & piany . & a pound of garlike
W: 5,155 Bo-th-e pep(ir) and pionye . & a pound of garlek
N: 5,155 I haue pep(ir) & pyanye . & a pou(n)d of
garlik [aaAx]
A: 5,155 I haue pepyr & pyanes . and a pound of garlyk
M: 5,155 I haue pepir & pyou(n)s . & poudr(e) of
the beste [aaAx]
H3: 5,155 I haue pepyr & pyany . & a pou(n)d of leke
T: 5,156 And a pound of felkene sedis for fastyng dayes
H2: 5,156 And a ferthyng worth of fenel sedis . for fastyng
dayes [aaAx]
Ch: 5,156 And a fer-th-ing wor-th-e of fenelle sedes . for
fastyng daies [aaAx]
D: 5,156 And a fer-th-yng worth of fenel seed . for fastyng
dayes [aaAx]
V: 5,156 A (ffer_th_ing-wor_th_) of (ffenel-seed) . for _th_is
(ffastyng) dayes [aaAx]
H: 5,156 a fer-th-ing wor-th- of fenel seed . for -th-ese
fasting daies [aaAx]
J: 5,156 A ferthing worth of fenel sede . for fasting day-gh-es
L: 5,156 & -th-ou kepest bote -th-e coos of aknyues haft
tofore -th-e::::::
K: 5,156 A ferthyng worth of ffenell seede . for fastyng
dayes [aaAx]
W: 5,156 A fer-th-ing worth of fenel sed . for fastyng days
N: 5,156 A fer-th-ing wor-th- of fenel sede . for fastyng
dayes [aaAx]
A: 5,156 And a fer-th-ing worth of fenkel sede . for fastyng
dayes [aaAx]
M: 5,156 A ferthyng worth of fenel sede . for fastyng dayes
H3: 5,156 And a ferthyng worth of fenkel sed . for fastyng
dayis [aaAx]
L: 5,156 ffor I wot in my wit what -th-y wombe wilneth
A: 5,156 Ha ha ha quot gloton . gowe in and drynk
T: 5,157 [Th]anne go[th] in glotou(n) and grete o[th]is aftir
H2: 5,157 Than goth in glotou(n) . and grete othis aftir
Ch: 5,157 -Th-an go-th- Inne glotoun . and grete o-th-es
after [aaAx]
D: 5,157 -Th-an go-th- In glotou(n) . and gret othes after
V: 5,157 _Th_enne (ge_th_) (Gloton) in . and (grete) o_th_us
after [aaAx]
H: 5,157 -th-en go-th- -th-e glotou(n) yn . & grete o-th-is
aft(ur) [aaAx]
J: 5,157 -Th-an gothe glotyn in . & grete othes aft(er)
L: 5,157 -Th-anne goth glotou(n) yn . & grete othes after
K: 5,157 Than goyth glotoun in . & gret othes aft(er)
W: 5,157 Than go-th- gloton in . and gret o-th-es after [aaAx]
N: 5,157 Thanne go-th- glotou(n) in . & grete o-th-is
aftyr [aaAx]
A: 5,157 Than goth gloton in . and grete o-th-is aftyr [aaAx]
M: 5,157 -Th-an gothe -th-e glotou(n) In . & grete othes
after [aaAx]
H3: 5,157 Than goth glotou(n) In . & grete othys aft(ir)
T: 5,158 Cisse [th]e sout(er)e sat on [th]e bench
H2: 5,158 Sisse the sewster . sat on the benche [aaAx]
Ch: 5,158 Cisse -th-e sewster . sat on -th-e benche [aaAx]
D: 5,158 Cesse -th-e sewster(e) . sat on -th-e benche [aaAx]
V: 5,158 (Sesse) _th_e (souters) wyf . (sat) on _th_e Benche
H: 5,158 Sy(m)me -th-e sout(er)e . sate on -th-e benche [aaAx]
J: 5,158 Sysse -th-e sewster(e) . sat on -th-e benche [aaAx]
L: 5,158 And kytte -th-e sowest(er) . -th-at sat softe on
hire benche [aaAx]
K: 5,158 Cysse the soweresse . sat on the benche [aaAx]
W: 5,158 And fond sisse -th-e semstere . sittyng on -th-e
benche [aaAx]
N: 5,158 Cesse -th-e sowter . sat on -th-e benche [aaAx]
A: 5,158 Sybbe -th-e sewistere . sat on -th-e benche [aaAx]
M: 5,158 And sisse -th-e souter . sate on the benche [aaAx]
H3: 5,158 Cysse -th-e sewtere . sat on -th-e benche [aaAx]
T: 5,159 Watte [th]e waffrer & his wyf bo[th]e
H2: 5,159 Watte the wafrer . and his wif bothe [aaAx]
Ch: 5,159 Watte -th-e waferere . and his wif bo-th-e [aaAx]
D: 5,159 Watte -th-e wafrer . and his wyf bothe [aaAx]
V: 5,159 (Watte) _th_e (warinar) . and his (wyf) bo_th_e,
H: 5,159 Watte -th-e waryner(e) . & his wyf aft(er) [aaAx]
J: 5,159 Wat -th-e weuer . & his wif bothe [aaAx]
L: 5,159 Watte -th-e weuer . and his wyf bothe [aaAx]
K: 5,159 Watte the waferar . & his wife bothe [aaAx]
W: 5,159 Watte -th-e wollen webbe . & his wif bothe [aaAx]
N: 5,159 What -th-e webster . & his wyf bo-th-e [aaAx]
A: 5,159 Watte -th-e bereward . & his wyfe bo-th-e [aaAx]
M: 5,159 Watte -th-e bereward . & his wyf bothe [aaAx]
H3: 5,159 Watte -th-e berward . & hys wyf bothe [aaAx]
T: 5,160 Symme [th]e tynkere & tweyne of his knaues
H2: 5,160 Symme the tynker . and tweyne of his knauys [aaAx]
Ch: 5,160 Tymkyn -th-e Tynker . and two of his knaues [aaAx]
D: 5,160 Symme -th-e tynker(e) . & tweyen of his knaues
V: 5,160 (Tomkyn) _th_e (Tinkere) . and (tweyne) of his knaues,
H: 5,160 Tomlyn -th-e tyn(::::::) . & two of his knaues
J: 5,160 Tynne -th-e tynkar(e) . & tweyne of his knauys
L: 5,160 Tome -th-e tynkere . & tweyne of his knawes
K: 5,160 Tho(m)me the tynkare . & twoo of his knaves
W: 5,160 Thom -th-e tynkere . and twey of his knaves [aaAx]
N: 5,160 To(m)me -th-e ty(n)ker . & two of his knaues
A: 5,160 Thomme -th-e tynkere . & tweyne of his knavis
M: 5,160 Tho(m)m -th-e Trumpour . & tewyn of hys knaues
H3: 5,160 Symme -th-e tyngkere . & tweyne of hys knauys
T: 5,161 Hikke [th]e hakeneyman & hogge [th]e myllere
H2: 5,161 Hicke hakenayman . and hogge the myller(e) [aaAx]
Ch: 5,161 Hikke -th-e hakeneyman . and hogge -th-e miller
D: 5,161 Hykke -th-e hakeneyman . and hogge -th-e meller(e)
V: 5,161 (Hikke) _th_e (hakeney) mon . and (hogge) _th_e
neldere, [aaAx]
H: 5,161 Hicke -th-e hake ( :::: )n . & hobbe -th-e nelder(e)
J: 5,161 Hic -th-e hakenayman . & hwe -th-e nedeler(e)
L: 5,161 Hykke -th-e hakeneyman . -th-at coude wel heue -th-e
coppe [aaAx]
K: 5,161 Hyk the hakeneyman . & hewe the nedelare [aaAx]
W: 5,161 Hyk -th-e hakneyman . & hewe -th-e nedelere
N: 5,161 Hikke -th-e hoper his hors & hyne [aaAx]
A: 5,161 Hikke -th-e hakeneyman . & lawe -th-e nedelere
M: 5,161 Hik -th-e hakeneyman . hough -th-e nedeler [aaAx]
H3: 5,161 Hykke & -th-e hakeneyma(n) . & hew -th-e
nedelere [aaAx]
T: 5,162 Claris of cokkislane & [th]e clerk of [th]e chirche
H2: 5,162 Claris of cokeslane . and the clerk of the chirche
Ch: 5,162 Clares of cokeslane . and -th-e clerke of -th-e
chirche [aaAx]
D: 5,162 Claresse of kokkeslane . and -th-e clerk of -th-e
Chirche [aaAx]
V: 5,162 (Clarisse) of (Cokkes) lone . and _th_e (Clerk)
of _th_e churche, [aaAx]
H: 5,162 Clarice of cok ( :::: ) -th-e clerk of -th-e werkis
H: 5,162 [B:V,312/C:VI,367] Sir(e) piers of pryde p(er)nel
of flaundris
J: 5,162 Claris of kockyslane . -th-e clerke of -th-e chyrche
L: 5,162 Clarice of kockeslane . -th-at klatre can faste
K: 5,162 Clarice of cokk(is)lane . & the clerk of the
chirche [aaAx]
W: 5,162 Clarys of cokkislane . and -th-e clerk of -th-e
chyrche [aaAx]
N: 5,162 Claryce of kokkeslane . -th-e clerke of -th-e kyrke
N: 5,162 [B:V,321/C:VI,367] Sire Piers of prydye & P(er)nel
of flawndris
A: 5,162 Claris of cokkyslane . & -th-e clerk of -th-e
chirche [aaAx]
A: 5,162 Sere peris of pride . and p(er)nel of flaundris
M: 5,162 Clarice of kokkeslane . & -th-e clerc of -th-e
Cherche [aaAx]
M: 5,162 [B:V,321/C:VII,367] Sir(e) pieris of pikardis & pernelle
of ffraunce
H3: 5,162 Clerys of cokkyslane . & -th-e clerk of -th-e
chyrche [aaAx]
H3: 5,162 [B: 5,312/C: 7,367] Pere pers & pryde & p(er)nelle
of flaunders
V: 5,162 [B:V,321/C:VII,367] Sire (Pers) of (pridye) . and (pernel) of fflaundres [aaAx]
T: 5,163 Dawe [th]e dykere & a dus[gh]eyn o[th](er)e
H2: 5,163 Dawe the dyker(e) . and a dusseyn other [aaAx]
Ch: 5,163 Dawe -th-e diker . and a dosein o-th-er [aaAx]
D: 5,163 Dawe -th-e dykere . and a doseyn othere [aaAx]
V: 5,163 (Dauwe) _th_e (disschere) . and a (doseyn) o_th_ere
H: 5,163 Dawe -th-e discher(e) . & a doseyn o-th-(er)e
J: 5,163 Daw -th-e dyker(e) . & a dosyn o-th-(er) [aaAx]
L: 5,163 Dawe -th-(er) was & dolfyn . & a doseyn
othir [aaAx]
K: 5,163 Dawe the dykar . & a doseyn other [aaAx]
W: 5,163 Dawe -th-e dychere . and a doseyn o-th-er [aaAx]
N: 5,163 Daw -th-e diker . & a do-gh-ein o-th-(er)e [aaAx]
A: 5,163 Dawe -th-e drynkere . & a dosen othere [aaAx]
A: 5,163 Godrey of garlechythe . and gryffyn of walsche
M: 5,163 Dawe -th-e dyker(e) . and a dosen other [aaAx]
H3: 5,163 Dawe -th-e dykere . & a doseyn o-th-ir [aaAx]
T: 5,164 A ribibo(ur) a raton(er) & a rakiere of chepe
H2: 5,164 A ribybo(ur) a ratou(n)n(er) . and a raker(e) of
chepe [aaAx]
Ch: 5,164 A Ribiboure a Ratoner . and a baker of chepe [aaAx]
D: 5,164 A rybyboure a ratoner . & a rakyere of Chepe
V: 5,164 And (Ribibor), _th_e (Ratoner) . a (Rakere) of chepe
H: 5,164 Robyn -th-e ratoner(e)? . a rakier(e) of chepe [aaAx]
J: 5,164 A bribur(e) a rato(n)er(e) . a rakar of chepe [aaAx]
L: 5,164 Harry bribo(ur) a ratoner . & a raker of chepe
K: 5,164 A ribibar a rotynor . a rakere of schepe [aaAx]
W: 5,164 A ribibo(ur) a ratonere . a rakere of -th-e chepe
N: 5,164 A Ribibour a Ratoner . -th-e raker of -th-e chepe
A: 5,164 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 5,164 Alban -th-e retoner . and a raker(e) of Chepe [aaAx]
H3: 5,164 A rebauderere a ratenere . a -gh-ekere of shyp
T: 5,165 A rop(er)e a redyngking & rose [th]e disshere
H2: 5,165 A rop(er)e a redyngkyng . and rose the dy-gh-sshere
Ch: 5,165 A Roper a Redan king . and Rose the discher [aaAx]
D: 5,165 A rop(er)e a redyngkyng . & Rose -th-e dysschere
V: 5,165 A (Ropere), a (Redyng-kyng) . and (Rose) _th_e disschere
H: 5,165 A rop(er)e & a redingking . & rose -th-e
ribber(e) [aaAx]
H: 5,165 [B:V,316/C:VI,373] Godefray of garleki-th-e & grussi-th-
-th-e walsche
J: 5,165 A roper a redyngkyng . & rose -th-e dycher(e)
L: 5,165 A roper & a redyngkyng . & Rose -th-e disscher
K: 5,165 A ropar a redekyng . & rafe the dysare [aaAx]
W: 5,165 A ropere a redekyng . and kitte -th-e kempstere
N: 5,165 A roper a redyngkyng . & rose -th-e dissheres
N: 5,165 [B:V,316/C:VI,373] Godfrey of gloustre & gruny(n)
-th-e walseh
A: 5,165 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 5,165 A Roper(e) of Redyngkyng . & Rose -th-e dystere
M: 5,165 [B:V,324/C:VII,373] Godrey of garlek hethe & Geffrey
-th-e walshe
H3: 5,165 A ropere a redyngkyng . & rose -th-e dychere
H3: 5,165 [B: 5,316/C: 7,373] Godfrey of garlek hethe & gryssy
of walys
V: 5,165 [B:V,324/C:VII,373] (Godfrei) of (Garlesschire) . and (Griffin) _th_e walsche [aaAx]
T: 5,166 Of vphold(er)is an hep erliche be [th]e morewe
H2: 5,166 Of vpholderis an hep . erliche be the morwe [aaAx]
Ch: 5,166 Of vpholsters an hepe . erlich be -th-e morowe
D: 5,166 Of vpholderes an hep . erliche by -th-e morowe [aaAx]
V: 5,166 And of (vp-holders) an (hep) . (erly) bi _th_e morwe
H: 5,166 & vpholderis an hepe . erly by -th-e morwe [aaAx]
J: 5,166 And vpholders an hepe . erlyche be -th-e morwe [aaAx]
L: 5,166 Of vpholders an hepe . erly by -th-e morwen [aaAx]
K: 5,166 Of vpholdars an hepe . erlich by the morowe [aaAx]
W: 5,166 Of vpholders an hepe . erlych on -th-e morwe [aaAx]
N: 5,166 Of vpholders a hep . -th-at erly by -th-e morowe
A: 5,166 And vpholderis an hep . erly be -th-e morne [aaAx]
M: 5,166 Of vpholders an hepe . herly be -th-e morwe [aaAx]
H3: 5,166 And of vpholdrys an hep . erly be -th-e morwe [aaAx]
T: 5,167 Yeue glotoun wi[th] glad chiere good ale to hansele
H2: 5,167 -Gh-eue gloton with glad cher(e) . good ale to
hansele [aaAbb]
Ch: 5,167 -Gh-euen glotoun with gode wille . gode ale to
hancelle [aaAbb]
D: 5,167 -gh-euen glotou(n) w(i)t(h) glad chiere . good als
hansele [aaAbb]
V: 5,167 _Y_iue _th_e (gloton) with (good) wille . (good)
ale to honsel [aaAx]?
H: 5,167 -gh-eue -th-e glotou(n) wi-th- good wille . good
ale to drinke [aaAbb]
J: 5,167 -Th-ei -gh-auy(n) gloty(n) w(i)t(h) glad cher(e)
. gode ale to hansel [aaAbb]
L: 5,167 -Gh-euen glotou(n) with glad chere . to hansel a
galon of good [ale] [aaAbb]
K: 5,167 Yeven glotoun w(i)t(h) glade chere . good ale to
hansele [aaAbb]
W: 5,167 Eche man for hansel to gloton drank a galon ale
N: 5,167 Geuen glotou(n) w(i)t(h) glad chere . gode ale to
hansel [aaAbb]
A: 5,167 -Gh-efe gloton w(i)t(h) good chere . good ale to
hansele [aaAbb]
M: 5,167 -Y-eue(n) glotou(n) with gladde chier(e) . gode
ale to hansele [aaAbb]
H3: 5,167 -Th-ei geuy(n) glotou(n) w(i)t(h) glad chere .
good ale to hansale [aaAbb]
T: 5,168 Clement [th]e cobeler cast of his cloke
H2: 5,168 Clement the cobeler . cast of his cloke [aaAa]
Ch: 5,168 Clement -th-e cobuler . cast of his cloke [aaAa]
D: 5,168 Clement -th-e cobeler . cast doun his cloke [aaAa]
V: 5,168 _Th_Enne (Clement) _th_e (Cobelere) . (caste) of
his (cloke) [aaAa]
H: 5,168 -th-en clement -th-e cobeler(e) . cast of his cloke
J: 5,168 Clement -th-e cobeler . cast of his cloke [aaAa]
L: 5,168 Clement -th-e kobler . caste of his cloke [aaAa]
K: 5,168 Clement the cobelar . cast of his cloke [aaAa]
W: 5,168 Clement (:: :::::) . cast of his cloke [aaAa]
N: 5,168 Clement -th-e cobler . cast of his cloke [aaAa]
A: 5,168 Clement -th-e cobelere . kest of his cloke [aaAa]
M: 5,168 Clement -th-e Cobbeler . caste of his cloke [aaAa]
H3: 5,168 Clement -th-e cobelere . cast of hys cloke [aaAa]
T: 5,169 And at [th]e newe feire nempnide it to selle
H2: 5,169 And at the newe feyre . nempnide to selle [axAx]
Ch: 5,169 And at -th-e new faire . nempned it to selle [axAx]
D: 5,169 And at -th-e newe feyre . ment it to selle [axAx]
V: 5,169 And atte newe ffeire . he leyde hire to sulle [[????]
H: 5,169 & at -th-e newe feir(e) . he leide it to sille
J: 5,169 And at -th-e newe fayr(e) . nemyd it to selle [axAx]
L: 5,169 And at -th-e neowe faire . nempned hit to seolle
K: 5,169 And att new faire . nempned it to selle [axAx]
W: 5,169 And atte -th-e newe faire . he neme-th- it to selle
N: 5,169 And at -th-e newe fair(e) . he nemyd it to selle
A: 5,169 At -th-e newe feyre . he must it selle [axAx]
M: 5,169 And atte -th-e newe feyr(e) . nemyd it to selle
H3: 5,169 And at -th-e newe feyre . nemyd it to selle [axAx]
T: 5,170 Hikke [th]e hostiler hitte his hood aftir
H2: 5,170 Hikke the osteler(e) . hitte his hode aft(ir) [aaAa]
Ch: 5,170 Hikke -th-e osteler . caste his hode after [aaAa]
D: 5,170 Hykke -th-e ostelere . hit his hood after [aaAa]
V: 5,170 And (Hikke) _th_e (Ostiler) . (hutte) his (hod)
aftur [aaAa]
H: 5,170 Hicke -th-e osteler(e) . cast his hood aft(ur) [aaAa]
J: 5,170 Hic -th-e hosteler(e) . threwe his hode aft(er)
L: 5,170 Hikke -th-e ostiler . hitte his hod sone after [aaAa]
K: 5,170 Hikke the hostelere . hyt his hode aftere [aaAa]
W: 5,170 Hik -th-e hostelere . hitte his hode after [aaAa]
N: 5,170 Hikke -th-e hoper . hitte his hode aftre [aaAa]
A: 5,170 Hykke -th-e osteler . kest his hod aftir [aaAa]
M: 5,170 Hik -th-e hostiler . caste his hode after [aaAa]
H3: 5,170 Hykke -th-e ostelere . cast hys hod aft(ir) [aaAa]
T: 5,171 And bed bette [th]e bocher be on his side
H2: 5,171 And bad bette the bocher . be on his syde [aaaAx]
Ch: 5,171 And bad bette -th-e bocher . be on his syde [aaaAx]
D: 5,171 And bette -th-e bochiere . to ben on his syde [aaaAx]
V: 5,171 And (bad) (bette) _th_e (Bocher) . (ben) on his
bi-syde [aaaAx]
H: 5,171 & bade bette -th-e boucher(e) . be on his side
J: 5,171 And bette -th-e brocher . to bene on his syde [aaaAx]
L: 5,171 And bad Bette -th-e bocher . beon on his by halue
K: 5,171 And badd bede the boucheire . be on his side [aaaAx]
W: 5,171 And bad bette -th-e bochere . ben on his side [aaaAx]
N: 5,171 & bette -th-e bocher . shulde ben on his syde
A: 5,171 And bad bette -th-e bocher . ben on his syde [aaaAx]
M: 5,171 And badde Bette -th-e bocher . ben on his syde [aaaAx]
H3: 5,171 --- this line is omitted ---
T: 5,172 [Th](er)e were chapmen chosen [th](a)t chaffare to
H2: 5,172 Ther(e) wer(e) chapmen chosen . that chaffar(e)
to p(ri)ise [aaAx]
Ch: 5,172 -Th-er wer chapmen chosen . the chaffare to preise
D: 5,172 -th-ere were Chapmen chosen . -th-at chaffar(e)
to preyse [aaAx]
V: 5,172 _Th_er weore (chapmen) (I-chose) . _th_e (chaffare)
to preise [aaAx]
H: 5,172 -Th-(er)e wer(e) chapme(n) chosen . -th-e cheffar(e)
to preise [aaAx]
J: 5,172 -Th-(er) wer(e) chappemen Ichosyn . -th-(a)t chaffar(e)
to p(ra)ysyn [aaAx]
L: 5,172 -Th-(er) weore chapmen chosen . -th-(a)t chaffare
to preysen [aaAx]
K: 5,172 Ther wer chapmen Ichosyn . that chaffar to preysen
W: 5,172 Thus sone were chapmen chosen . -th-e chaffare to
prayse [aaAx]
N: 5,172 There were chapmen ychosen . -th-e chaffre to praise
A: 5,172 Ther were chapmen chosyn . -th-e chaffare to prysyn
M: 5,172 Ther wern chapmen ychosen . -th-at chaffar(e) to
preysen [aaAx]
H3: 5,172 -Th-(er) were chapme(n) Ichose . -th-e chaffare
to p(ri)se [aaAx]
T: 5,173 Whoso hadde [th]e hood shulde haue amendis of [th]e
H2: 5,173 Whoso hadde the hode schulde haue . amendis of
the clok[e] [aaXx]?
Ch: 5,173 Whoso had -th-e hode schuld haue . mendes of -th-e
cloke [aaXx]?
D: 5,173 ho so had -th-e hood schold haue . amendys of -th-e
cloke [aaXx]?
V: 5,173 Hose (hedde) _th_e (hod) . schulde (haue) Amendes
H: 5,173 Whoso hadde -th-e hood shulde haue . amendis [aaXx]?
J: 5,173 Ho so had -th-o hode schulde haue . amendys [aaXx]?
L: 5,173 ffor who so -th-e hod hadde scholde amendes haue
K: 5,173 Whoso had the hode schuld haue . mend(es) of the
cloke [aaXx]?
W: 5,173 An who so hadde -th-e hode shold haue . -th-e mendes
N: 5,173 ffor who so had -th-e hode . sholde make amendis
A: 5,173 Ho so had -th-e hood schuld haue . mendis of -th-e
cloke [aaXx]?
M: 5,173 Whoso hath -th-e hode shuld haue . amendys of -th-e
cloke [aaXx]?
H3: 5,173 ho so haue -th-e hod xuld haue . me(n)dys of -th-e
cloke [aaXx]?
L: 5,173 Of him -th-at -th-e cloke had & -th-at heom thoghte skille [aaXx]?
T: 5,174 [Th]o risen [th]ei vp in a rape & rombeden togid(er)is
H2: 5,174 Tho rysen vp in a rape . and romeden togyderes
Ch: 5,174 -Th-o Risen -th-ei vp in rape . and rouned togederes
D: 5,174 -Th-o risen -th-ey vp in a rape . & rowneden
togideres [aaAx]
V: 5,174 _Th_ei (Risen) vp (Raply) . and (Rouneden) to-gedere
H: 5,174 -Th-ei risen vp rapely . & rowned togederis
J: 5,174 Two rysyn vp in rape . & rownedyn togydyr(e)
L: 5,174 -Th-o risen vp in rape . & rowneden togedres
K: 5,174 Twoo rysen vp in a rape . & rovnned togyders & oould
not a toorde [aaAx]
W: 5,174 -Th-o risen vp -th-o radde . & rouned togederes
N: 5,174 To rysen vp in rape . & rownen togydre [aaAx]
A: 5,174 Thay rysyn vp in rape . and roundyn togederis [aaAx]
M: 5,174 They risen vp in Rape . & rounden togederis
H3: 5,174 -Th-ei resyn vp i(n) rape . & rounyd togederys
T: 5,175 And p(re)isiden [th]e peneworthis ap(er)tly be hemseluen
H2: 5,175 And p(re)iseden the penyworthes . ap(er)tly be
he(m) seluen [aaAx]
Ch: 5,175 And preised -th-e penwor-th-es . pertely betwen
hem selue [aaAx]
D: 5,175 And preyseden a penyworth . ap(ar)ty by hem selue
V: 5,175 And (preiseden) _th_e (peniwor_th_us) . & (parteden)
bi hemseluen [aaAx]
H: 5,175 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 5,175 And p(re)ysydyn -th-o penywor-th-es . aparty be
hem selue [aaAx]
L: 5,175 --- this line is omitted ---
K: 5,175 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 5,175 And praysed -th-e peniworths . apert by hem self
N: 5,175 And praisen -th-e penywor-th-es . ap(ar)t by hem
seluen [aaAx]
A: 5,175 And preysden a penyworth . ap(ar)te be hym selue
M: 5,175 And preisden -th-e penyworthis . a parte be hem
seluen [aaAx]
H3: 5,175 And p(ri)syd -th-e penyworthys . ap(ar)t by(n)
he(m) seluy(n) [aaAx]
T: 5,176 [Th](er)e were o[th]es an hep [th]anne [th]ei ne cou[th]e
H2: 5,176 -Th-er(e) weren othis an [grete] hepp . than they
ne couthe [aaAa]
Ch: 5,176 -Th-er wer o-th-es an hepe . bot -th-en -th-ei
ne kou-th-e [aaAa]
D: 5,176 -th-(er) were othes on an hepe . -th-en cowde -th-ey
nou-gh-t [aaAa]
V: 5,176 _Th_er weoren (o_th_es) an (hep) . (hose) _th_at
hit (herde) [aaAa]
H: 5,176 -Th-(er)e wer(e) o-th-is an hepe . ou(er) -th-e
war(e) [aaAa]
J: 5,176 -Th-(er) weryn othis an hepe . hoso it herde [aaAa]
L: 5,176 --- this line is omitted ---
K: 5,176 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 5,176 There were o-th-es an hepe . on aftir o-th-er [aaAa]
N: 5,176 There were o-th-is an hep . whoso it harde [aaAa]
A: 5,176 Ther weryn othis for to heryn . for -th-e hood & -th-e
cloke [aaAa]
M: 5,176 Ther wer(e) othis a hepe . ou(er)e -th-e hode & -th-e
cloke [aaAa]
H3: 5,176 -Th-(er) wery(n) othys an hep . ou(er) -th-e hod & -th-e
cloke [aaAa]
T: 5,177 Be here consience acorden togid(er)e
H2: 5,177 Be her(e) consience . acorden to kyderes [aaAx]
Ch: 5,177 By her conscience . acorden togeder [aaAx]
D: 5,177 By here consience acorde togideres [aaAx]
V: 5,177 _Th_ei (cou_th_e) not bi heore (concience) . (a-corde)
to-gedere [aaAx]
H: 5,177 -Th-ei cou-th-e not by conscience . acorde togederis
J: 5,177 -Gh-it cowthen he nouht be her(e) consciens . acordy(n)
togyder(e) [aaAx]
L: 5,177 --- this line is omitted ---
K: 5,177 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 5,177 Thay cou-th- not by conscience . acorde togederes
N: 5,177 Thei couthe nou-gh-t by here co(n)scie(n)ce . acorde
togidre [aaAx]
A: 5,177 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 5,177 & tweyn coude nought . wele acorden togederis
H3: 5,177 Tweyne coude nouth be here co(n)cye(n)s . acordy(n)
togederys [aaAx]
T: 5,178 Til robyn [th]e rop(er)e was red to arisen
H2: 5,178 Tyl robyn the rop(er)e . was to arysen [aaAa]
Ch: 5,178 To Robyn -th-e Roper . was redde to arise [aaAa]
D: 5,178 Til Robyn -th-e Rop(er)e . was red to arisen [aaAa]
V: 5,178 Til (Robyn) _th_e (Ropere) . weore (Rad) forte (a-ryse)
H: 5,178 til Roberd -th-e Ropier(e) . was radde to arise
J: 5,178 Til robard -th-o ropar . wer(e) Irad to rysyn [aaAa]
L: 5,178 Til robyn -th-e roper . was Irad to rise [aaAa]
K: 5,178 Til Robyn the Roper . was preyede to Rysen [aaAa]
W: 5,178 Tyl robyn -th-e ropere . was radde for to rise [aaAa]
N: 5,178 Til Robyn -th-e roper . was rad to ryse [aaAa]
A: 5,178 Til robyn -th-e rop(er)e . was red for to ryse [aaAa]
M: 5,178 Til Robyn -th-e Rop(er)e . was radde for to risen
H3: 5,178 Tyl roby(n) -th-e rop(er)e . was red for to ryse
T: 5,179 And nempnide hym for a noump(er)e [th](a)t no debate
H2: 5,179 And nempnide hi(m) to a noumper(e) . that no debate
were [aaAa]
Ch: 5,179 And nempned hym for an vmper . -th-at no debate
ner [aaAa]
D: 5,179 And nemend & a nounper(e) . -th-(a)t no debat
wer(e) [aaAa]
V: 5,179 And (nempned) for a (noumpere) . _th_at (no) de-bat
(neore) [aaAa]
H: 5,179 -th-ei named hym a nou(m)per(e) . -th-at no debate
wer(e) [aaAa]
H: 5,179 for he shulde p(ri)se -th-e penywor-th-es as hym
good -th-ou-gh-t
J: 5,179 And nemyd for a nowneper(e) . -th-(a)t no debate
were [aaAa]
L: 5,179 And nempned him for nounpiere . -th-(a)t no debate
ar[os] [aaAa]
K: 5,179 And nempned hym for an vmpere . that no debate wer
W: 5,179 And niempned hem for a noumpere . -th-at no debat
(:::) [aaAa]
N: 5,179 And nemyd for a nu(m)per . -th-at no debate nere
A: 5,179 And namyd for a nompere . non baddere was neuyr
M: 5,179 And becomen a nounper(e) . -th-at no debate war(e)
H3: 5,179 And ne(m)myd hy(m) for a omp(er)e . -th-(a)t no
debat were [aaAa]
T: 5,180 Hikke [th]e hostiller [th]anne hadde [th]e cloke
H2: 5,180 Hykke the osteler(e) . hadde the cloke [aaAx]
Ch: 5,180 Hikke -th-e ostalere . -th-an had -th-e cloke [aaAx]
D: 5,180 Hikke -th-e osteler . -th-an had -th-e cloke [aaAx]
V: 5,180 _Th_enne (Hikke) _th_e (Ostiler) . (hedde) _th_e
cloke [aaAx]
H: 5,180 -th-en hicke -th-e osteler(e) hadde -th-e cloke
J: 5,180 Hikke -th-e osteler(e) . had -th-e cloke [aaAx]
L: 5,180 Hicke -th-eo hostiler . -th-a(n)ne hadde -th-e cloke
K: 5,180 Hik the ostelar . had than the cloke [aaAx]
W: 5,180 Hyk -th-e hostylere . -th-an had -th-e cloke [aaAx]
N: 5,180 Hichkok -th-e hoper . had -th-e cloke [aaAx]
A: 5,180 Hikke -th-e osteler . had -th-e cloke in rape [aaAx]
M: 5,180 Hik -th-e hostiler . -th-anne hadde -th-e cloke
H3: 5,180 Hykke -th-e ostelere . -th-a(n) hadde -th-e cloke
T: 5,181 In couen(au)nt [th](a)t clement the coup(er)e shulde
felle [th]e cuppe
H2: 5,181 I couenau(n)t that clement . the coup(er)e schulde
fille [the] cuppe [aaAx]
Ch: 5,181 In couenaunt -th-at clement . -th-e cobbeler schuld
fille -th-e cuppe [aaAx]
D: 5,181 In couenau(n)t -th-(a)t Clement . -th-e cobeler(e)
schuld fille -th-e cuppe [aaAx]
V: 5,181 In (Couenaunt) _th_at (Clement) . schulde _th_e
(Cuppe) fulle [aaAx]
H: 5,181 In couenau(n)t -th-at clement . shulde -th-e coppe
fille [aaAx]
J: 5,181 In couenau(n)t -th-(a)t clement . -th-e cuppe schuld
fille [aaAx]
L: 5,181 In couenaunt -th-(a)t clement . scholde fulle -th-e
coppe [aaAx]
K: 5,181 In co(ue)naunt that clement . the cuppe schuld ffylle
W: 5,181 In conant -th-at clement . -th-e cop shold fille
N: 5,181 In couenaunt -th-at clement . sholde -th-e coppe
fille [aaAx]
A: 5,181 In cowenaunt -th-(a)te clement . -th-e coppe schuld
fille [aaAx]
M: 5,181 In couenant -th-at Clement . -th-e cuppe shuld fellyn
H3: 5,181 In couiena(n)t -th-(a)t cleme(n)t . -th-e coppe
xuld fylle [aaAx]
T: 5,182 And haue hikkes hood [th]e hostiller & holde hym
H2: 5,182 And haue hikkes hood the ostiler(e) . a holde hi(m)
Iseruid [aaaAx]
Ch: 5,182 And haue hikkes hode -th-e ostaler . and holde
him Iserued [aaaAx]
D: 5,182 And hykkys hood -th-e osteler . & hold hym serued
V: 5,182 And habbe (hikkes) (hod) _th_e (ostiler) . & (hold)
him wel I-seruet [aaaAx]
H: 5,182 & klement hadde hickis hood . & held hym
wel apaied [aaaAx]
J: 5,182 And haue hikkys hode -th-e osteler(e) . & holdyn
hi(m) s(er)uyd [aaaAx]
L: 5,182 And haue hicke hod hostiler . & holde him yserued
K: 5,182 And haue hick(es) hode the hostelar . a hold hym
ys(er)uyd [aaaAx]
W: 5,182 And he shold haue hikkes hood . a hold hym ful serued
N: 5,182 And haue -th-e hop(er)is hode . a holde hi(m) yserued
A: 5,182 And han hikkis hod osteler . & holdyn hym seruyd
M: 5,182 And haue -th-e hostilers hode . & holde him
seruiyd [aaaAx]
H3: 5,182 And haue hykkes hod osteler . & hold hy(m)
seruyd [aaaAx]
T: 5,183 And whoso repenti[th] ra[th]est shulde rise aftir
H2: 5,183 And who that repenteth rathest . schulde rise aft(ir)
Ch: 5,183 And whoso repente-th- Ra-th-est . schuld arise
after [aaAx]
D: 5,183 And ho so repente ra-th-est . schuld rise aft(ir)
V: 5,183 And he _th_at (repente_th_) (Ra_th_est) . schulde
(arysen) aftur [aaAx]
H: 5,183 whoso repentid hym ra-th-est . shulde arise aft(ur)
J: 5,183 And ho so repentyd him sonnest . schuld arysyn aft(er)
L: 5,183 And repentid rathest . scholde arise after [aaAx]
K: 5,183 And whoso repentith rathest . schuld aryse after
W: 5,183 And whoso repent ra-th-est . shold arise after [aaAx]
N: 5,183 And who -th-at repented rathest . sholde aryse aftre
A: 5,183 And ho so repente ra-th-est . schulde rysyn rathest
aftir [aaAx]
M: 5,183 And wo so repente ratherest . shuld arise after
H3: 5,183 And ho so repente hy(m) rathest . xald aryse aft(ir)
T: 5,184 And grete sire glotoun wi[th] a galoun ale
H2: 5,184 And grete sir(e) glotou(n) . with a galon ale [aaAx]
Ch: 5,184 And grete sire glotoun . with a galoun ale [aaAx]
D: 5,184 And grete syre glotou(n) . w(i)t(h) a galou(n) ale
V: 5,184 And (greten) Sir (gloten) . with a (galun) of ale
H: 5,184 & grete sire glotou(n) . wi-th- a galou(n) ale
J: 5,184 And gretyn sir glotou(n) . w(i)t(h) a galou(n) ale
L: 5,184 And grete sir glotou(n) . with a galon ale [aaAx]
K: 5,184 And greete syr glotou(n) . with a galou(n)n ale
W: 5,184 And gaynly grete sire gloton . wi-th- a galon ale
N: 5,184 And grete sire glotou(n) . wi-th- a galou(n) ale
A: 5,184 And sone gretyn gloton . w(i)t(h) a galon of good
alle [aaAx]
M: 5,184 And presente s(ir)e gloton . with a galon of ale
H3: 5,184 And grete syre glotou(n) . w(i)t(h) a galou(n)
of ale [aaAx]
T: 5,185 [Th](er)e was lau[gh]ing & louryng & lete
go [th]e cuppe
H2: 5,185 Ther(e) was lau-gh-ing and louryng . and lete go
the cuppe [aaAx]
Ch: 5,185 -Th-er was law-gh-ing and lowryng . and let go
-th-e cuppe [aaAx]
D: 5,185 -th-(er) was lawghynge & lowryng . & lat
go -th-e cuppe [aaAx]
V: 5,185_Th_er was (lau_g_whing) & (lotering) . and (let)
go _th_e cuppe [aaAx]
H: 5,185 -Th-(er) was myche lau-gh-hing . & lete go -th-e
coppe [aaAx]
J: 5,185 -Th-(er) was laqwyng & lowryng . & lete
go -th-e cuppe [aaAx]
L: 5,185 -Th-(er) was laghyng & louryng . & let go
-th-e coppe [aaAx]
K: 5,185 Ther was lawghynge & lowryng . & lett goo
the cuppe [aaAx]
W: 5,185 Ther was bo-th-e laghyng & loaring . & late
(:: ::) coppe [aaAx]
N: 5,185 -Th-ere was laughyng & lowryng . & lete
go -th-e coppe [aaAx]
A: 5,185 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 5,185 Ther was lawegyng Inowe . & lette go -th-e cuppe
H3: 5,185 -Th-(er) was lawghyng & lowryng . & lat
go -th-e cuppe [aaAx]
T: 5,186 Bargoynes & beu(er)echis begonne for to arise
H2: 5,186 Barkeynes and beu(er)eches . begonne to aryse [aaAx]
Ch: 5,186 Bargaines and beuarages . begonne to Arise [aaAx]
D: 5,186 Bargaynes and beueraches . began for to rise [aaAx]
V: 5,186 (Bargeyns) & (Beuerages) . (bi-gonne) to aryse
H: 5,186 bargayns & beu(er)ages . bygonne -th-o to rise
J: 5,186 Bargaynys & beu(er)eches . begu(n)nyn to rise
L: 5,186 Bargayns & beuerages . bygonnen to arise [aaAx]
K: 5,186 Bargeyns & beu(er)agys . began to aryse [aaAx]
W: 5,186 Bargayns & beuerages . gan for to rise [aaAx]
N: 5,186 Bargaynes & beuerages . bygonne for to ryse
A: 5,186 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 5,186 Bargaynes & beuereges . begonne to arise [aaAx]
H3: 5,186 Bargaynys & beuerechys . bego(n)ne for to ryse
T: 5,187 And seten so til euesong & songe sumwhile
H2: 5,187 And seten tyl euensong . and sunge su(m)whyle [aaAx]
Ch: 5,187 And setten so til euesong . and songen somwhile
D: 5,187 And seten so til euesong . & songe somwhile
V: 5,187 And (seeten) so til (Euensong) . And (songen) (sum)
while [aaAa]
H: 5,187 & sete(n) so til mydny-gh-t . & songe(n)
somwhile [aaAx]
J: 5,187 And sytyn so til euesong . & sungyn vmbeqwyle
L: 5,187 And seten so til euesong . & songon wel murie
K: 5,187 And syttyn so tyl evynsonge . & songon su(m)tyme
W: 5,187 And seten til euensong . & songen somwhyle [aaAx]
N: 5,187 And sytten so tyl euensong . & songe vmwhile
A: 5,187 He sotyn -th-us til euynsong tyme . and sungyn sumwhille
M: 5,187 And seten so til euesonge . & songyn somwhyle
H3: 5,187 And sytty(n) so tyl euesong . & songy(n) somqwyle
T: 5,188 Til glotoun hadde yglupid a galoun & a gille
H2: 5,188 Tyl glotou(n) hadde gluppid . a galoun and [a]
gille [aaAa]
Ch: 5,188 Tille glotoun had Igulped . a galoun and a gille
D: 5,188 Til glotou(n) had glupped . a galou(n) and a gille
V: 5,188 Til (Gloten) hedde (I-gloupet) . A (Galoun) and
a (gille) [aaAa]
H: 5,188 til -th-e glotou(n) hadde ygloppid . a galou(n) & a
gille [aaAa]
J: 5,188 Til glotou(n) had gulpyd . a galou(n) & a gille
L: 5,188 Til glotou(n) -th-orgh -th-e golet let glide . to
galons & a g[ille] [aaAa]
K: 5,188 Til glotone had gulpyd . a galou(n)n & a gylle
W: 5,188 Til sire gloton hadde golped . a galon & a gille
N: 5,188 Til glotou(n) had glowpyd . a galou(n) of ale [aaAa]
A: 5,188 Til glotun had gabbid . a galun of gyle [aaAa]
M: 5,188 Tyl gloton hadde Ibibbed . a galou(n) & a gylle
H3: 5,188 Tyl glotou(n) had Iclobbyd . a galou(n) & a
gylle [aaAa]
H3: 5,188 [B: 5,340/C: 7,398] hys guttys gu(n) gybre as a
gredy sowwe
A: 5,188 [B:V,347/C:VII,398] His guttis gunne crie as gredy sowe
T: 5,189 He pisside a potel in a {pat(er)nost(er)} while
H2: 5,189 He pissid a potel . in a p(ate)rnoster while [aaAx]
Ch: 5,189 He pissed a potelle . in a paternoster while [aaAx]
D: 5,189 He pyssed a potel . in a pat(er)nost(er) while [aaAx]
V: 5,189 He (pissede) a (potel) . In a (pater-noster) while
H: 5,189 He pissed a potel . in a pat(er)nost(er) while [aaAx]
J: 5,189 He pyssyd -th-oo a potell . in a pat(er)n(oste)r
qwyle [aaAx]
L: 5,189 Vche tyme -th-at he pissed more -th-en a potel -th-(er)
K: 5,189 He pyssyd a potell . in a patern(oste)r while [aaAx]
W: 5,189 Than pised he sone a potel . in a while [aaAx]
N: 5,189 He pissed a potel . in a paternoster while [aaAx]
A: 5,189 He pyssyd a potel . in a paternoster while [aaAx]
M: 5,189 [B:V,347/C:VII,398] his guttes gu(n)ne goule as
a gredy sowe
M: 5,189 He pyssed a potel . in a litel whyle [aaAx]
H3: 5,189 And pyssyd a potel . i(n) a p(ate)rn(oste)r qwyle
T: 5,190 And bleu[gh] [th]e rounde ryuet at [th]e riggebones
H2: 5,190 And blew -th-e rou(n)de ruet . atte riggebones
ende [aaAx]
Ch: 5,190 And blewe -th-e Round reuette . at -th-e Riggebones
ende [aaAx]
D: 5,190 And blew -th-e rounde reuet . at -th-e riggebones
ende [aaAx]
V: 5,190 And Bleuh _th_e (Ronde) (Ruwet) . atte (Rugge-bones)
ende [aaAx]
H: 5,190 & blewe -th-e rounde rewet . at -th-e riggebonys
ende [aaAx]
J: 5,190 He blewe [-th-e] rounde r(e)wet . at -th-e rigbonys
hende [aaAx]
L: 5,190 And with -th-(a)t he blew -th-e rounde rewet . at
his riggebe[nes eynde] [aaAx]
K: 5,190 And blewe the round reuett . at the ridgebonys end
W: 5,190 And blew -th-e rounde ruet . wel atte rigges ende
N: 5,190 & blewe -th-e Rounde Ruet . at his riggebonis
ende [aaAx]
A: 5,190 He blew -th-e round reuet . at -th-e ryugbonys ende
M: 5,190 He blewe -th-e rounde ruete . atte his bakkes hende
H3: 5,190 He blew -th-e rou(n)de reuet . at -th-e rygbons
ende [aaAx]
T: 5,191 And alle [th](a)t herden [th]at horn held h(er)e nose
H2: 5,191 And al that herden that horn . held her(e) nose
aft(ir) [aaAa]
Ch: 5,191 And alle -th-at herde -th-at horn . helde her nose
after [aaAa]
D: 5,191 And alle -th-(a)t herde -th-(a)t horn . held here
nose after [aaAa]
V: 5,191 _Th_at (alle) _th_at (herde) _th_e (horn) . (heolden)
heore neose (after) [aaAa]
H: 5,191 -th-at alle -th-at herden -th-at horn . held her(e)
nose aft(ur) [aaAa]
J: 5,191 -Th-(a)t alle -th-(a)t herdyn -th-(a)t horne . heldyn
her nose aft(er) [aaAa]
L: 5,191 -Th-(a)t alle -th-at herde -th-(a)t horn . heeld
heore nose after [aaAa]
K: 5,191 That al that hard that horne . held her nose after
W: 5,191 That alle -th-at herden -th-e noise . held here
nose after [aaAa]
N: 5,191 That alle -th-(a)t herde -th-at horne . helde her
nose aftir [aaAa]
A: 5,191 Til alle -th-at hardyn -th-e horn . held here nose
aftir [aaAa]
M: 5,191 That alle -th-at herdyn -th-at horn
M: 5,191 heldyn her(e) noses after [aaAa]
H3: 5,191 -Th-(a)t alle -th-(a)t herdy(n) -th-(a)t horu(n)
. heldy(n) here nose aft(ir) [aaAa]
T: 5,192 And wisshide it hadde be wexid wi[th] a wysp of firsen
H2: 5,192 And wisschide it hadde be wexid . w(i)t(h) a wysp
of firsen [aaAx]
Ch: 5,192 And wischeden hit had be waxed . with a wips of
fersen [aaAx]
D: 5,192 And wysshed hit had ben waxced . w(i)t(h) a wysp
of fursyn [aaAx]
V: 5,192 And (weschte) _th_at hit weore (I-wipet) . with
a (wesp) of ffirsen [aaAx]
H: 5,192 & wy-gh-schid it hadde be waxed . wi-th- a wips
of ferse [aaAx]
J: 5,192 & wyschedyn it wer(e) wexyd . w(i)t(h) a wispe
of -th-ornys [aaAx]
L: 5,192 And wissched -th-at hit had beon waxed . w(i)t(h)
a wysp of fi[rses] [aaAx]
K: 5,192 And wisschid it had byn wyxid . w(i)t(h) a wyspe
of firsys [aaAx]
W: 5,192 And wysht it had be waxed . wi-th- a wyspe of fyre
N: 5,192 And wysshed it were wexid . w(i)t(h) a wyspe of
firsyn [aaAx]
A: 5,192 And wyssedyn had ben waschid . w(i)t(h) a wyspe
of fere [aaAx]
M: 5,192 And wyisschedyn it hadde wit a wisp ben on feer(e)
H3: 5,192 And wyschyd -th-(a)t it had be waxid . w(i)t(h)
a wysp of fyre [aaAx]
T: 5,193 He hadde no streng[th]e to stonde er he his staf hadde
H2: 5,193 He hadde no strength to stonde . er he his staff
hadde [aaAx]
Ch: 5,193 He hadde no strengthe to stande . or he his staf
hadde [aaAx]
D: 5,193 He hadde no streng-th-e to stande . or he his staf
hadde [aaAx]
V: 5,193 He hedde no (streng_th_e) to (stonde) . til he his
(staf) hedde [aaAx]
H: 5,193 He hadde no streng-th-e to stonde . til he his staf
had [aaAx]
J: 5,193 He had no strengthe to stondyn . or he his staffe
hent [aaAx]
L: 5,193 He had no streynthe to stondon . ar he his staf
hadd [aaAx]
K: 5,193 He had no strenght to stond . or he his staff had
W: 5,193 He hadde streyngh non to stonde . er he his staf
hadde [aaAx]
N: 5,193 He had no strengthe to stonde . til he his staf
hadde [aaAx]
A: 5,193 He had no strengh to stonde . til he had is stafte
M: 5,193 He hadde no(n) strengthe to stondyn
H3: 5,193 He hadde no strengthe to sto(n)de . er he hys staf
hadde [aaAx]
M: 5,193 Til he his staaf hadde [aaAx]
T: 5,194 And [th]anne gan he to go sum tyme asid & sum
tyme arere
H2: 5,194 And than gan he go . su(m) tyme aside . & su(m)
tyme arere [aaAx]
Ch: 5,194 And -th-an gan he go . som tyme asyde and som tyme
arere [aaAx]
D: 5,194 --- this line om ---
V: 5,194 _Th_enne (gon) he for to (go) . lyk A (gleo-monnes)
bicche [aaAx]
H: 5,194 -th-en bygan he to go . as a glemans bicche [aaAx]
J: 5,194 --- this line om ---
L: 5,194 And -th-anne can he gon . god wot -th-e sothe [aaAx]
K: 5,194 And than gan he to go . asyd and arere [aaAx]
W: 5,194 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 5,194 & -th-anne go-th- he for-th- . lyke a glewma(n)nes
byche [aaAx]
A: 5,194 Than gan he he gon . as a gelmannys bicche [aaAx]
M: 5,194 And -th-anne he gan go(n) . lik a glewmans bicche
H3: 5,194 And -th-a(n) ga(n) he go(u)n . lyk a glewma(n)nys
bytche [aaAx]
T: 5,195 --- run together with preceding ---
H2: 5,195 --- this line om ---
Ch: 5,195 --- this line om ---
D: 5,195 He gan to gon som tyme on side . some tyme arere
V: 5,195 (Sum) tyme (asyde) . and (sum) tyme arere [aaAx]
H: 5,195 so(m)me tyme auau(n)t . & som tyme arer(e) [aaAx]
J: 5,195 -Th-an gan he go su(m) tyme arere . & su(m)
tyme asyde [aaAx]
L: 5,195 Hiderward & -th-edirward auaunt & arere
K: 5,195 --- this line om ---
W: 5,195 But sone he saylle-th- asyde . and sum tyme arere
N: 5,195 So(m)me tyme asyde . & so(m)me tyme arere [aaAx]
A: 5,195 Sum tyme arere . and sum tyme asyde [aaAx]
M: 5,195 Sum tyme aside . and su(m) tyme arer(e) [aaAx]
H3: 5,195 Som tyme on syde . & som tyme on rere [aaAx]
T: 5,196 As whoso leide lynes to lacche wi[th] larkes
H2: 5,196 As whoso leyde lynes . to lacche with larkes [aaAx]
Ch: 5,196 As he leide lynes . to lache with larkes [aaAx]
D: 5,196 As hoso leyde lynes . to lacche wilde foules [aaAx]
V: 5,196 As hose (lei_th_) (lynes) . to cacche wi_th_ ffoules
H: 5,196 As whoso lei-th- a lyne . to cacche wi-th- briddis
J: 5,196 As ho schuld ley lynys . to lacchen w(i)t(h) fowles
L: 5,196 As whos laide lynes . to lacche alle foules [aaAx]
K: 5,196 As who layde lynes . to lacche w(i)t(h) fowles [aaAx]
W: 5,196 As whoso layde lynes . foules to cache [aaAx]
N: 5,196 As whoso leyde lynes . to lacche wi-th- fowlys [aaAx]
N: 5,196 & made endentures . of -th-e broke worlde
A: 5,196 As hoso leyde lynes . to cacche w(i)t(h) foulis
M: 5,196 As who leyth lynes . to take with foules [aaAx]
H3: 5,196 And as ho so kynd lynys . to take w(i)t(h) foulys
T: 5,197 Whanne he drou[gh] to [th]e dore [th]anne dymmede
hise ei[gh]en
H2: 5,197 Whan he drou-gh- to the dor(e) . than dymmed his
ey-gh-en [aaAx]
Ch: 5,197 When he drow to -th-e dore . -th-enne dymmed his
ey-gh-en [aaAx]
D: 5,197 Whan he drow to -th-e dore . -th-an dymmed hise
eyen [aaAx]
V: 5,197 Whon he (drouh) to _th_e (dore) . _th_en (dimmede)
his ei_g_en [aaAx]
H: 5,197 when he drow to -th-e dore . -th-en dy(m)med hym
( ::: ) [aaAx]
J: 5,197 Qwan he drowe to -th-e dore . -th-an dy(m)myd his
Ien [aaAx]
L: 5,197 When he drogh to -th-e dore . -th-en dy(m)med his
eyghne[n] [aaAx]
K: 5,197 And whan he drewe to the dore . than dy(m)myd hys
eyen [aaAx]
W: 5,197 And whan he drogh to -th-e dore . -th-an dymmes
his eien [aaAx]
N: 5,197 But wha(n)ne he drow to -th-e dore . -th-a(n)ne
dy(m)med his eyen [aaAx]
A: 5,197 Whan he drow to -th-e dore . -th-an dummyd his yen;
M: 5,197 And whan he draugh to -th-e dorre . -th-an dy(m)med
his een [aaAx]
H3: 5,197 Qwa(n) he drow toward -th-e dore . -th-a(n) dymmyd
hys eyne [aaAx]
T: 5,198 He stumblide on [th]e [th]resshewold & fel to
[th]e er[th]e
H2: 5,198 He stombelid at the throsfold . and fel to the
erthe [aaAx]
Ch: 5,198 He stumles on -th-e -th-reschfold . and fel to
-th-e er-th-e [aaAx]
D: 5,198 He stombled on -th-e -th-resshald . & fel to
-th-e erthe [aaAx]
V: 5,198 He _th_(rompelde) atte (_th_rexwolde) . and (_th_reuh)
to _th_e grounde [aaAx]
H: 5,198 He stu(m)blid to -th-e -th-reschfold . & fel
to -th-e (::::) [aaAx]
J: 5,198 He stombled on -th-e threswold . & threw hi(m)
to -th-o erthe [aaAx]
L: 5,198 He stomblod on -th-e -th-rosschald . & threw
to -th-e eorth[e] [aaAx]
K: 5,198 He stombled at the thresschold . & threwe to
the erthe [aaAx]
W: 5,198 He stombled atte -th-e -th-reshwold . & -th-rogh
to -th-e grounde [aaAx]
N: 5,198 He stombled at -th-e -th-resfolde . & -th-rew
to -th-e grounde [aaAx]
A: 5,198 And stomelid on -th-e threswald . and fel on -th-e
erthe [aaAx]
A: 5,198 [B:V,358/C:VII,409] Clement -th-e cobbelere . cawte
hym be -th-e myddil
A: 5,198 [B:V,351/C:VII,411] Gloton was a gret cherle & heuy
in -th-e lyftyng
A: 5,198 [B:V,352/C:VII,412] And cowhed vp a cawdel in clementis
A: 5,198 [B:V,353/C:VII,413] Is non so hungry hound in herteford
A: 5,198 [B:V,354/C:VII,414] Durst lappe on -th-at lauene-th-
. so lo-th-ely it smakkid
M: 5,198 He stumbuled atte -th-e therschold . & felle
to -th-e erthe [aaAx]
M: 5,198 [B:V,358/C:VII,409] Clement -th-e cobyler kaute
him be -th-e Medylles
M: 5,198 [B:V,359/C:VII,410] And for to lofte him vp leyde
him on his knewes
M: 5,198 [B:V,360/C:VII,411] But gloton was a grete cherle & gry(m)me(n)
for to lefte
M: 5,198 [B:V,361/C:VII,412] he konghed vp a Caudel In Clementis
M: 5,198 [B:V,362/C:VII,413] -th-re mo non so hungry homid
In hertsed schyr(e)
M: 5,198 [B:V,363/C:VII,414] Wolde lape of -th-at leuen so
lothe byth it Imaked
H3: 5,198 And stomelyd on -th-e thressold . & fel to
-th-e erde [aaAx]
H3: 5,198 [B: 5,351/C: 7,409] Cleme(n)t -th-e coblere canth
hy(m) be -th-e medyl
H3: 5,198 [B: 5,352/C: 7,410] And for to lyft hy(m) on lofte
leyde hy(m) on hys knowwys
H3: 5,198 [B: 5,353/C: 7,411] And glotou(n) was a gret charl & gry(n)
i(n) -th-e lyftyng
H3: 5,198 [B: 5,354/C: 7,412] And cobbyd vp a caudel i(n)
clementys lappe
H3: 5,198 [B: 5,355/C: 7,413] Is no(n) so hungry sowe i(n)
herforthe schyre
H3: 5,198 [B: 5,356/C: 7,414] Dorst lappe of -th(a)t lyuy(n)g
so vnlouely it smellyd
T: 5,199 [Th]at wi[th] al [th]e wo of [th]e world his wyf & his
H2: 5,199 That w(i)t(h) al the wo of the world . his wif & his
wenche [aaAa]
Ch: 5,199 and with alle -th-e wo of -th-is world . his wif
and -th-e wenche [aaAa]
D: 5,199 That w(i)t(h) al -th-e wo of -th-e world . his wyf
and his wenche [aaAa]
V: 5,199 _Th_at with al _th_e (wo) of _th_is (world) . his
(wyf) and his (wenche) [aaAa]
H: 5,199 wi-th- alle -th-e wo of -th-e world . hys wyf & h
(::::) [aaAa]
J: 5,199 W(i)t(h) al -th-e woo of -th-is werlde . his wif & his
wenche [aaAa]
L: 5,199 -Th-(a)t with al -th-e woo of -th-is world . his
wif & his wenche [aaAa]
K: 5,199 That w(i)t(h) al the woo of the world . his wife & her
wenche [aaAa]
W: 5,199 Wi-th- al -th-e wo of -th-e world . his wif and
his wenche [aaAa]
N: 5,199 -Th-(a)t w(i)t(h) al -th-e wo of -th-is worlde .
his wyf & his wenche [aaAa]
A: 5,199 W(i)t(h) alle -th-e wo of -th-is werld . his wyfe & his
wenche [aaAa]
M: 5,199 With alle -th-e wo of -th-e worde . his wif & his
wenche [aaAa]
H3: 5,199 W(i)t(h) alle -th-e wo of -th-is werld . hys wyf & hys
wenche [aaAa]
T: 5,200 Bere hym to his bed & brou[gh]te hym [th](er)inne
H2: 5,200 Ber(e) hi(m) to his bed . and brou-gh-t ther(e)inne
Ch: 5,200 Bare him to his bedde . and brou-gh-t him -th-erInne
D: 5,200 Bere hym to bedde . & brou-gh-te hym -th-(er)inne
V: 5,200 (Beeren) him hom to his (bed) . and (brouhten) him
_th_er-Inne [aaAx]
H: 5,200 beryn hym home to his bed . & brou-gh-t (::::)
yn [aaAx]
J: 5,200 Bar(e)n him to his bedde . & browhtyn him -th-(er)Inne
L: 5,200 Beren him to his bed . & broghten him -th-erynne
K: 5,200 Beryn hym to his bed . & brought hym theryn
W: 5,200 Bere hym to his bed . -th-row hym -th-(er)in [aaAx]
N: 5,200 Bere hi(m) hom to his bedde . & brou-gh-t hi(m)
-th-(er)Inne [aaAx]
A: 5,200 Born hym to his bed . & brouth hym -th-erInne
M: 5,200 Baryn him to Bedde . & broweten him -th-erInne
H3: 5,200 Boryn hy(m) to hys bed . & browty(n) hy(m)
-th-(er)Inne [aaAx]
T: 5,201 And aftir al [th]is surfet an axesse he hadde
H2: 5,201 And after al this surfet . an axesse he hadde [aaxAa]
Ch: 5,201 And after his surfet . an axes he hadde [aaxAa]
D: 5,201 And aft(ir) al -th-is surfet . an axesse he hadde
V: 5,201 And after al _th_is surfet . an Accesse he hedde
H: 5,201 aft(ur) alle -th-is surfet . an axesse he hadde
J: 5,201 and aft(er) al -th-is surfete . an axesse he hadde
L: 5,201 And after al his sorfet . an accesse he hadde [aaxAa]
K: 5,201 And aft(er) al this surfate . an axesse he hadde
W: 5,201 And after al -th-is surfet . an axes he hadde [aaxAa]
N: 5,201 And affter al -th-is s(ur)fayt . an accesse he hadde
A: 5,201 And aftir -th-is surfette . an axesse hym hadde
M: 5,201 And after -th-at sourfete . an haccesse him toke
H3: 5,201 And aft(ir) -th-is surfet . an accidye he hadde
T: 5,202 [Th]at he slepte satirday & sonneday til sonne
[y]ede to reste
H2: 5,202 That he slepte sat(ur)day & sonday . til sonne
-gh-ede to reste [aaaAx]
Ch: 5,202 -Th-at he sleped saterday and sonday . tille sonne
-gh-ede to Reste [aaaAx]
D: 5,202 That he slep til satirday & soneday . -th-e
sonne -gh-ede to reste [aaaAx]
V: 5,202 _Th_at he (slepte) (Seturday) & (Sonenday) .
til (sonne) wente to reste [aaaAx]
H: 5,202 -Th-at he slept satirday & sonday . til sou(n)ne
went to rest [aaaAx]
J: 5,202 -Th-(a)t he slepe sat(er)day & sonday . til
su(n)ne -gh-ede to reste [aaaAx]
L: 5,202 -Th-at he slepte settresday & sonday . til so(n)ne
-gh-ede to s[ofte] [aaaAx]
K: 5,202 That he sclepte Sat(ur)day & sonday . til -th-e
so(n)ne yede to rest(e) [aaaAx]
W: 5,202 That he slept -th-e sonday . til sonne -gh-ede to
reste [aaaAx]
N: 5,202 -Th-(a)t al a somer he slepe . til sonne -gh-ede
to reste [aaaAx]
A: 5,202 -Th-at he slepte saturday & sunday . til -th-e
sunne wente to rest [aaaAx]
M: 5,202 he slepe sat[ur]day & sunneday . tyl sunne was
at reste [aaaAx]
H3: 5,202 -Th-(a)t he slept saturday & soneday . tyl
-th-e sonne -gh-ed to rest [aaaAx]
T: 5,203 [Th]anne wakide he of his wynkyng & wypide his
H2: 5,203 Than wakede he of his wynkyng . & wypid his
ey-gh-en [aaAx]
Ch: 5,203 -Th-an waked he of wynkyng . and wypidde his ey-gh-en
D: 5,203 -Th-an waked he of his wynkynge . and wyped his
eyen [aaAx]
V: 5,203 _Th_enne he (wakede) of his (wynk) . & (wypede)
his ei_g_en [aaAx]
H: 5,203 -th-en waked he of his wynking . & wyped his
y-gh-e(n) [aaAx]
J: 5,203 -Th-an wakyd he of his wynkyng . & wypyd his
I-gh-ene [aaAx]
L: 5,203 -Th-an waked he of his wynkyng . & wiped his
eygne[n] [aaAx]
K: 5,203 Than wakyd he of wynkyng . & wypyd his eyen
W: 5,203 Than waked he of his wynkyng . and wiped his eien
N: 5,203 Whan he waked of his wynke . he wyped his eyn [aaAx]
A: 5,203 Than wakid he of his wynkyng . & wypid his yen
M: 5,203 -Th-an waked he of wynekynge . & wyped hys eyen
H3: 5,203 Than wakyd he of hys wynkyng . & wypyd hys
eyne [aaAx]
T: 5,204 [Th]e ferste woord [th](a)t he spak was where is [th]e
H2: 5,204 The furst word that he spak was . wher(e) is the
bolle [aaAx]
Ch: 5,204 -Th-e first word -th-at he spak was . wher is -th-e
bolle [aaAx]
D: 5,204 The ferst word -th-(a)t he spake . where is -th-e
bolle [aaAx]
V: 5,204 _Th_e furste word _th_at he spac . "wher is
_th_e Cuppe [????]
H: 5,204 -Th-e furst word was -th-at he spake . wher(e) is
-th-e coppe [aaAx]
J: 5,204 -Th-e first worde -th-(a)t he spake qwat . qwere
is -th-e bolle [aaAx]
L: 5,204 -Th-e furste word -th-at he spak was . wher is -th-e
bol[le] [aaAx]
L: 5,204 -Th-an his wif at his word wratthede sore
K: 5,204 The first word that he spake was . wher is the bolle
W: 5,204 The first word -th-at he warpe was . where is -th-e
bolle [aaAx]
N: 5,204 The first worde -th-(a)t he spake was . were is
-th-e coppe [aaAx]
A: 5,204 The fryst word -th-at he spak . where is -th-e bolle
M: 5,204 -Th-e ferst worde -th-at he spake . wer(e) is -th-e
Bolle [aaAx]
H3: 5,204 The fryst word -th-(a)t he spak . qwere is -th-e
bolle [aaAx]
T: 5,205 His wyf blamide hym [th]anne of wykkidnesse & synne
H2: 5,205 His wif blamed hi(m) than . of wickedenesse and
synne [aaAx]
Ch: 5,205 His wif blamed hym -th-an . of wikkednesse and
synne [aaAx]
D: 5,205 His wyf blamed hym -th-anne . of wykkednesse & synne
V: 5,205 His (wyf) (warnede) him _th_o . of (wikkednesse) & of
sinne [aaAx]
H: 5,205 His wyf blamy hym -th-an . of wickednesse of synne
J: 5,205 His wif blamyd him -th-an . of wyckydnesse & synne
L: 5,205 And blamed him -th-(a)t he wolde ay beon so bold
to synn[en] [aaAx]
L: 5,205 And for to leden suche lif -th-at leosed wel monye
L: 5,205 And made heom haue heore home in helle for [euer]
K: 5,205 His wife blamyd hym than . of wykkydnes & synne
W: 5,205 Hys wyf blamed hym blyue for his wykked synne [aaAx]
N: 5,205 His wyf blamed hi(m) -th-anne . of wickednesse & sy(n)ne
A: 5,205 His wyfe wytid hym . his wikkydnes & eke is
synne [aaAx]
M: 5,205 His wif blamed him -th-o . of wykkednesse & of
synne [aaAx]
H3: 5,205 Hys wyf wyssyd hy(m) -th-o . of hys wykkydnesse & sy(n)ne
T: 5,206 [Th]anne was [th](a)t shrewe asshamide & shrapide
hise eris
H2: 5,206 Than was the schrewe aschamyd . & schrapid
his eris [aaAx]
Ch: 5,206 -Th-an was -th-e schrew aschamed . and scharped
his eres [aaAx]
D: 5,206 -Th-an was he asschamed -th-e schrewe . and schraped
hise eres [aaAx]
V: 5,206 _Th_enne was he (a-schomed), _th_at (schrewe) . & (schraped)
his eren [aaAx]
H: 5,206 -th-en was -th-e shrewe ashamed . & robbed his
eren [aaAx]
J: 5,206 -Th-a(n) was -th-e schrew aschamyd . & gan to
scharpyn his eris [aaAx]
L: 5,206 -Th-an was he aschamed -th-at schrewe . & gan
schrapen hi[se eyne] [aaAx]
K: 5,206 Than was he aschamyd that schrewe . & schrapid
his earys [aaAx]
W: 5,206 Than wax he shamed -th-e shrewe . & gan for
to smert [aaAx]
N: 5,206 Thanne was ashamed -th-(a)t sherewe . & gan
sharape his eris [aaAx]
A: 5,206 Than was he aschamyd -th-at schrewe . & schrapid
his eris [aaAx]
M: 5,206 -Th-an was he ashamed -th-e schrwe . & schraped
his heren [aaAx]
H3: 5,206 -Th-a(n) was -th-(a)t schrew aschamyd . & ga(n)
xarpe hys erys [aaAx]
T: 5,207 And gan grete grymly & gret doel made
H2: 5,207 And gan grete grymly . and grete dele made [aaAx]
Ch: 5,207 And gan grete grymly . and gret dele make [aaAx]
D: 5,207 And gan to grede grymly . & gret dole made [aaAx]
V: 5,207 And (gon) to (grede) (grimliche) . and (gret) deol
to make [aaaAx]
H: 5,207 & bygan to be sory . & grete deol to make
J: 5,207 And gan to gretyn g(ry)mly . & gret doole to
make [aaAx]
L: 5,207 And bygan to grede grymly . & gret deol to make
K: 5,207 And gan greton gry(m)ly . & gret dole maken
W: 5,207 And gan grete grymly . and gret doel to make [aaAx]
N: 5,207 & gan grete grymly . & grete dole to make
A: 5,207 And gan grete greuously . & gret dol make [aaAx]
H3: 5,207 And ga(n) wepe gry(m)ly . & gret dol maken
T: 5,208 ffor his li[th](er) lif [th](a)t he lyued hadde
H2: 5,208 ffor his lyth(ur) lyf . that he lyued hadde [aaAx]
Ch: 5,208 ffor his le-th-er lif . -th-at he leued hadde [aaAx]
D: 5,208 ffor his ly-th-(er) lyf . -th-(a)t he lyued hadde
V: 5,208 ffor his wikkede (lyf) . _th_at he (I-liued) hedde
H: 5,208 for -th-e wickid lyf . -th-at he lyud hadde [aaAx]
J: 5,208 ffor his lythir lif . -th-(a)t he lyuyd hadde [aaAx]
L: 5,208 ffor his luther lif . -th-(a)t he so longe lyued
hadde [aaAx]
K: 5,208 ffor his lyther lyfe . that he lyuyd hadde [aaAx]
W: 5,208 And forswor -th-e lyther lyf . -th-at he lyued hadde
N: 5,208 ffor his lither lyff . -th-(a)t he lyued hadde [aaAx]
A: 5,208 ffor his ledur lyfe . -th-at he levyd hadde [aaAx]
H3: 5,208 ffor hys lethyr lyf . -th-(a)t he leuyd hadde [aaAx]
T: 5,209 And auowide to faste for any hungir or [th]rist
H2: 5,209 And avowyd to faste . for any hung(ir) or thryst
Ch: 5,209 And avowed to faste . for any hunger or -th-rest
D: 5,209 And avowed to faste . for ony hunger or -th-urste
V: 5,209 ffor hungur o_th_er for ffurst . I make myn A-vou
H: 5,209 -th-o to fast he made a now . for hu(n)g(ir) or
for -th-urst [aaAxx]
J: 5,209 And avowyd to fastyn . for thrist or for hunger(e)
L: 5,209 And avowed wel faste . for hongor or for thirste
K: 5,209 And avowyd to faste . for any hung(ir) or thruste
W: 5,209 And avowed fast . for hunger or elles [aaAxx]
N: 5,209 And awowed to fast . for eny first or hu(n)ger [aaAxx]
A: 5,209 And voued to faste . for hungir & for thrist
H3: 5,209 And avowyd to fast . for hongyr or for thryst [aaAxx]
T: 5,210 Shal neu(er)e fissh on [th]e ffriday defie in my wombe
H2: 5,210 Schal neu(er) fysch on the friday . defye in my
wombe [aaAx]
Ch: 5,210 Schal neuer fisch on -th-e friday . defye In my
wombe [aaAx]
D: 5,210 Shal neu(er) fyssh on -th-e fryday . defye in my
wombe [aaAx]
V: 5,210 Schal neuere on (ffrydai) . (defyen) in my mawe
H: 5,210 Shal neu(er) fysch on friday . q(uo)-th- he defien
in my mawe [aaAx]
J: 5,210 Schal neu(er) fyche on -th-e friday . defy-gh-in
in my mawe [aaAx]
L: 5,210 Schal neu(er) fisch on friday . defye in my wombe
K: 5,210 Schall neu(er) fisch on the fryday . defyen in my
wombe [aaAx]
W: 5,210 Shold neuere fysh on fryday . fyen in his mawe [aaAx]
N: 5,210 Shal neure fisch on friday . defyen in my wombe
A: 5,210 Schal neuyr fysche on -th-e fryday . defye in my
wombe [aaAx]
H3: 5,210 Xal neu(er) fysch on -th-e fryday . defye(n)n i(n)
my(n) mawe wombe [aaAx]
T: 5,211 Er abstinence myn aunte haue ygyue me leue
H2: 5,211 Er abstynence myn aunte . haue Igyue me leue [aaAxx]
Ch: 5,211 Or abstinence myn aunte . haue geue me leue [aaAxx]
D: 5,211 Or abstynence myn aunte . haue geue me leue [aaAxx]
V: 5,211 Er (Abstinence) myn (Aunte) . (haue) I-_g_iue me
leue [aaAx]
H: 5,211 or into tyme -th-at abstinence . haue y-gh-eue me
leeue [aaAxx]
J: 5,211 Til abstynence my(n) amyte . haue -gh-yuyn me leue
L: 5,211 Ar abstinence myn aunte . haue -gh-euen me leue
K: 5,211 Til abstynence myn aunte . haue ygvyn me leue [aaAxx]
W: 5,211 Er -th-at abstinence his aunte . had gyf hym leue
N: 5,211 Til abstinence myne hau(n)te . haue -gh-eue me leue
A: 5,211 Or abstinence myne aunte . hath -gh-eue me leue
H3: 5,211 Er abstine(n)s my(n) au(n)te . hat -gh-ouy(n) me
leue [aaAxx]
T: 5,212 And [y]et haue I hatid hire al my lif tyme
H2: 5,212 And -gh-et haue I hatid her(e) . al my lyf tyme
Ch: 5,212 And -gh-it haue I hated her . al my lif tyme [aaAxx]
D: 5,212 And -gh-it haue I hated here . al my lyf tyme [aaAxx]
V: 5,212 And _g_it (Ichaue) (I-hated) hire . (al) my lyf
tyme [aaAx]
H: 5,212 & -gh-it y haue hir(e) hatid . al my lyf tyme
J: 5,212 And -gh-it haue I hatyd him . al my lyue tyme [aaAxx]
L: 5,212 And -gh-et y haue hated hire . al my lif tyme [aaAxx]
K: 5,212 And yett I haue hatyd her . al my life tyme [aaAxx]
W: 5,212 And -gh-it hadde he hated here . al his lyf tyme
N: 5,212 & -gh-it haue I hated hir . al my lif tyme [aaAxx]
A: 5,212 And -gh-it I here al my lyfe tyme . haue I here
hatid [aaAxx]
H3: 5,212 And -gh-et haue I hatyd hyr . al my(n) lyf tyme
T: 5,213 Sleu[th]e for sorewe fil doun a swowe
H2: 5,213 Slewthe for sorwe . fel doun aswoune [aaXa]
Ch: 5,213 Slew-th-e for sorowe . fel adoun In a swou-gh-e
D: 5,213 Slow-th-e for sorowe . fel dou(n) to grounde a swoun
V: 5,213 (Sleu_th_e) for (serwe) . fel doun (I-swowene) [aaXa]
H: 5,213 -th-o sleu-th-e for sorwe . fel dou(n) a swowe [aaXa]
J: 5,213 Slowthe for sorow . fel doune in a swowe [aaXa]
L: 5,213 Slouthe for sorwe . feol doun yswowe [aaXa]
K: 5,213 And tha(n)n this glotou(n) for sorowe . fill down
in a swowne [aaXa]
W: 5,213 Than sleu-th- for sorwe . fel adoun aswone [aaXa]
N: 5,213 Slew-th-e for sorow . fel dou(n) in swowe [aaXa]
A: 5,213 Slawth for sorow . fil doune in sweye [aaXa]
H3: 5,213 Slauthe for sorwe . fel dou(n) on swou(n)ne [aaXa]
T: 5,214 Til {Vigilate} [th](er) while fet watir to his ei[gh]en
H2: 5,214 Tyl vigilate ther while . fette wat(ir) for his
ey-gh-en [aaAx]
Ch: 5,214 Tille { Vigilate } -th-er wol . fette water of
his ey-gh-en [aaAx]
D: 5,214 Til { Vigilate } . fette wat(ir) to his eyen [aaAx]
V: 5,214 Til (vigilate) _th_e (veil) . (fette) water at his
ei_g_en [aaAx]
H: 5,214 til he woke & wept wat(ir) wi-th- his i-gh-en
H: 5,214 & vigilate -th-e waker(e) warned hym -th-o [aaAx]
J: 5,214 Til vigilate -th-e veyle . fet wat(ir) at his I-gh-ine
L: 5,214 Til vigilate -th-e veile . fet water at his eyghnen
K: 5,214 Til Vigilate the veyle . fett wat(ir) at his eyen
W: 5,214 Til vigilate had fet . water at his eyen [aaAx]
N: 5,214 Til vigilate -th-e veille . fet watre at his eyn
A: 5,214 Til vigilate -th-e veyle . fet watir at his yen
H3: 5,214 Tyl vigilate -th-e veyle . fet watyr at hys eyne
T: 5,215 And flattide it on his face & faste on hi(m) criede
H2: 5,215 And flattede it on his face . and faste on hi(m)
criede [aaAx]
Ch: 5,215 And flatted on his face . and faste on hym cried
D: 5,215 And flatted it on his face . & faste on hym
cryed [aaAx]
V: 5,215 And (flatte) on his (face) . and (faste) on him
cri_g_ede [aaAx]
H: 5,215 heo flat on his face . & flast on him c(ri)de
J: 5,215 And flattid on his face . & fast on him criede
L: 5,215 And flat hit on his face . & faste on him cried
K: 5,215 And flatte it on his face . and faste on hym cryyde
W: 5,215 And flascht hym ful al -th-e face . & fast on
him criede [aaAx]
N: 5,215 & flapt it in his face . & fast on hi(m)
cried [aaAx]
A: 5,215 And plat on his face . & fast on hym cryed [aaAx]
H3: 5,215 And platte it [on] hys face . [&] fast on hy(m)
cryid [aaAx]
T: 5,216 And seide war [th]e for wanhope wile [th]e betraye
H2: 5,216 And seide war the for wanhope . wyle the bet(ra)ye
Ch: 5,216 --- this line is omitted ---
D: 5,216 And sayde war -th-e fro wanhope . wil -th-e betraye
V: 5,216 And seide (war) _th_e for (wonhope) . _th_at (Wol)
_th_e bi-traye [aaAx]
H: 5,216 & seide -th-at wanhope . wolde hym bytray [aaAx]
J: 5,216 And seyd be war(e) of wanhope . he wolde -th-e bet(ra)ye
L: 5,216 And saide war -th-e for wanhope . he wol -th-e bytraye
K: 5,216 And said ware the from wanhope . he wil the betraye
W: 5,216 And said war for wanhope . wil -th-e betray [aaAx]
N: 5,216 Be wel war of whanhope . he wolde -th-e bytraye
A: 5,216 And seyde war -th-e fro wanhope . wil -th-e betraye
H3: 5,216 And seyde war -th-e fro wa(n)hope . -th-(a)t wolde
-th-e betray [aaAx]
T: 5,217 I am sory for my synne sey to [th]iseluen
H2: 5,217 I am sory for my synne . sey to thi syluen [aaAa]
Ch: 5,217 I am sory for my synne . sey to -th-i self [aaAa]
D: 5,217 I am sory for my synne . sey to -th-y selue [aaAa]
V: 5,217 Icham (sori) for my (sunnes) . (sei) to (_th_i-seluen)
H: 5,217 I am sory for my synnes . say to -th-y silue(n)
J: 5,217 I am sori of my sy(n)nys . sey to -th-i selfe [aaAa]
L: 5,217 I am sory of my synnes . say to -th-y seoluen [aaAa]
K: 5,217 I ame sory for my synnys . say to thy selfe [aaAa]
W: 5,217 If -th-ou be sory of -th-i synne . say to -th-i
self [aaAa]
N: 5,217 I am sory of my synnes . sey to -th-i self [aaAa]
A: 5,217 I am sory for my synnes . sey so -th-i selue [aaAa]
H3: 5,217 I am sory for my synnys . sey so -th-i selue [aaAa]
T: 5,218 And beet [th]iself on [th]e brest & bidde hym
of g(ra)ce
H2: 5,218 And bete thi self on the best . and bidde hi(m)
of g(ra)ce [aaAx]
Ch: 5,218 And bete -th-y self on the brest . and bidde hym
of grace [aaAx]
D: 5,218 And bet -th-y self on -th-e brest . & byd hym
of g(ra)ce [aaAx]
V: 5,218 And (bet) _th_i-self on _th_e (Breste) . and (bidde)
god of grace [aaAx]
H: 5,218 & bete -th-y self on -th-y brest . & bidde
god of grace [aaAx]
J: 5,218 And bete -th-i selue on -th-e breste . & byd
hi(m) of g(ra)ce [aaAx]
L: 5,218 And -th-y seolf on -th-y brest . & bid him of
grace [aaAx]
K: 5,218 And bete thy self on the breste . and byd god of
grace [aaAx]
W: 5,218 And bet bittyrly -th-i brest . and bidde god of
grace [aaAx]
N: 5,218 Bet -th-i self on -th-e brest . & bid god of
g(ra)ce [aaAx]
A: 5,218 And bete -th-e selue on -th-e brest . and bid hym
of grace [aaAx]
H3: 5,218 And bete -th-i selue(n) on -th-e brest . & p(ra)y
god of g(ra)ce [aaAx]
T: 5,219 ffor is no gilt here so gret [th](a)t his goodnesse
nis more
H2: 5,219 ffor is no gilt hir(e) so gret . that his godnesse
nis mor(e) [aaAx]
Ch: 5,219 ffor is no gilt here so grete . -th-an godnesse
is more [aaAx]
D: 5,219 ffor -th-(er) is no gilt here so gret . -th-(a)t
his godnesse is more [aaAx]
V: 5,219 ffor nis no (gult) her so (gret) . his (Merci) nis
wel (more) [aaBb]
H: 5,219 -th-(er) nys no gilt so gret . -th-at m(er)cy nys
wel more [aaAx]
J: 5,219 ffor -th-(er) is no gilt so grete . -th-(a)t his
godenesse is more [aaAx]
L: 5,219 ffor is -th-(er) no gult here so gret . -th-(a)t
his godnes is more [aaAx]
K: 5,219 ffor is no gylte here so grete . but his goodnes
is more [aaAx]
K: 5,219 [C: 6,423] Than gloton thrughrepent(a)unce anon
sone said
K: 5,219 [C: 6,424] Thou lord that aloste art and al lyvys
K: 5,219 [C: 6,425] To the god I gloton gyltye me yeld
K: 5,219 [C: 6,426] Of -th-(a)t haue trespasyd w(i)t(h) my
I knowe not hou ofte
K: 5,219 [C: 6,427] Sworne god(es) soule & his sid(es)
many tymys in Idill
K: 5,219 [C: 6,428] and ov(er) soppyd at my sop(er) & su(m)
tyme at nones
K: 5,219 [C: 6,429] and as a hound that ete grase so gan
I brake
K: 5,219 [C: 6,430] and spylte -th-(a)t I spyll myght I can
not speke for schame
K: 5,219 [C: 6,431] The vylany of my fowle mowth & my
fowle mawe
K: 5,219 [C: 6,432] Of this & of good god gr(a)unt me
K: 5,219 [C: 6,433] And of al my lyther life in al my life
K: 5,219 [C: 6,434] ffor I vowe to the verey god for any
hung(er) or thrurst
K: 5,219 [C: 6,435] Schal neu(er) fysche on fryday defyen
in my wombe
K: 5,219 [C: 6,436] Til abstynence my awnte haue -gh-aven
me leue
K: 5,219 [C: 6,437] And yet haue I hatyd her al my lyfe tyme
K: 5,219 [C: 7,1] Then came Slewth al besclobrid w(i)t(h)
ij slymyd eyes
K: 5,219 [C: 7,2] And said I must sytt to be cshryue or els
schal I nappe
K: 5,219 [C: 7,3] I may not wel stond ne stoupe ne w(i)t(h)out
a stole knele
K: 5,219 [C: 7,4] Were I brouht in my bed but if my taylend
it made
K: 5,219 [C: 7,5] Schuld no ryngyng do me to ryse til I were
ripe to dyne
K: 5,219 [C: 7,6] A began {B(e)n(e)dicite} w(i)t(h) a bolk(es) & his
breste knokkyd
K: 5,219 [C: 7,7] Roxlid & rom and rotte at the laste
K: 5,219 [C: 7,8] What awake renke q(uo)d Repent(a)unce & rape
-th-e to shryfte
K: 5,219 [C: 7,9] Yf I shuld die by this day q(uo)d he I
drede me sore
K: 5,219 [C: 7,10] I can nat p(ar)fitly my {Patern(oste)r}
as the p(re)ste it syngith
K: 5,219 [C: 7,11] I can rymes of Robyn Hode and of Randolf
Erle of Chest(er)
K: 5,219 [C: 7,12] But of o(ur) lord ne of our lady the lest
that eu(er) was made
K: 5,219 [C: 7,13] I haue vowyd vowis fourty and foryet hem
K: 5,219 [C: 7,14] I p(ar)fourmyd neu(er) pen(au)nce that
the p(re)ste me highte
K: 5,219 [C: 7,15] Ne right sory for my synnes I see neu(er)
the tyme
K: 5,219 [C: 7,16] And if I byd any bed(es) but if it be
in wrathe
K: 5,219 [C: 7,17] That I telle w(i)t(h) my tonge is tenne
myle from my harte
K: 5,219 [C: 7,18] I ame occupyyd eche day holyday & other
K: 5,219 [C: 7,19] W(i)t(h) Idle tal(es) at the ale & otherwhile
in chirchis
K: 5,219 [C: 7,20] God(es) payne & his pasciou(n) is
seld in my thoughte
K: 5,219 [C: 7,21] I vysyted neu(er) feble man ne fetred
in p(ri)sone
K: 5,219 [C: 7,22] I had leu(er) to heare an harlotry or
a leasyng to laugh at
K: 5,219 [C: 7,23] Or to lacken me(n) or to liken hem in
vnlykyng man(er)
K: 5,219 [C: 7,24] Than al that eu(er) M(ar)ke makyde Matheu
luke or Iohn
K: 5,219 [C: 7,25] Vigilies & fastyng days I can foryete
hem alle
K: 5,219 [C: 7,26] And ligge abed in lente an my le(m)man
in my armys
K: 5,219 [C: 7,27] Til matens & masse be done then haue
I a memory at freres
K: 5,219 [C: 7,28] I am not schryff su(m) tyme but sykenes
it make
K: 5,219 [C: 7,29] Nat twies in ten yere & then tel I
not the halfdele
K: 5,219 [C: 7,30] I haue by p(re)st & p(er)soun passyng
thirty wynt(ur)s
K: 5,219 [C: 7,31] Yet can I nether solfe ne syng(e) ne a
saynt(es) life rede
K: 5,219 [C: 7,32] But I can fynd in a feld or a furlong
an hare
K: 5,219 [C: 7,33] And holden a kniht(es) court & acounte
w(i)t(h) a reue
K: 5,219 [C: 7,34] But I can not construe Catou(n) ne clergklye
K: 5,219 [C: 7,35] Yff I bygge or borowe but if it be ytaylid
K: 5,219 [C: 7,36] I foryete it as yerne and if any man it
K: 5,219 [C: 7,37] Syx sithe or seuyn I forsake it w(i)t(h)
K: 5,219 [C: 7,38] And thus haue I tenyd true me(n) ij hundred
K: 5,219 [C: 7,39] And my s(er)u(au)nt(es) sumtyme her salary
is behynde
K: 5,219 [C: 7,40] Ruthe is to here rekenynge when we rede
K: 5,219 [C: 7,41] So w(i)t(h) wykkyd will my workme(n) I
K: 5,219 [C: 7,42] Yf any man do me a benefeate or helpith
me at nede
K: 5,219 [C: 7,43] I ame vnkynd ayen his curtosye I can not
vnd(er)stond it
K: 5,219 [C: 7,44] ffor I haue & haue had sumdel hawkys
K: 5,219 [C: 7,45] I am not lowyrid w(i)t(h) loue but ther
liyye ought vnd(er) the thome
K: 5,219 [C: 7,46] The kyndenes -th-(a)t my(n) evyn c(ri)styn
kyd me forneyere
K: 5,219 [C: 7,47] Syxty syth(es) I Sclowth haue foryeten
it sith
K: 5,219 [C: 7,48] In speche & sparyng of speche Ispyllid
many a tyme
K: 5,219 [C: 7,49] Both flesche & fisch & vitail(es)
kepte so longe
K: 5,219 [C: 7,50] Til eche life it lothid to loke theron
or smelle it
K: 5,219 [C: 7,51] Both bred & ale butt(er) mylke and
K: 5,219 [C: 7,52] forslowthid in my s(er)uice & Iset
ous a fyre
K: 5,219 [C: 7,53] And yede aboute in my youth & yave
me to no thedome
K: 5,219 [C: 7,54] And sith a beggar haue Ibee for my fowle
K: 5,219 [C: 7,54] {Heu m(ichi) q(uo)d st(er)ilem duxi vitam
Iuuenilem }
K: 5,219 [C: 7,55] Repentist the not q(uo)d Repent(au)nce & ryght
w(i)t(h) -th-(a)t he swownyd
K: 5,219 [C: 7,56] Til {Vigilate} the veyle fett wat(er)
at his eye(n)n
K: 5,219 [C: 7,57] And flat it on hys face and fast on hym
K: 5,219 [C: 7,58] And said Ware the from wanhope -th-(a)t
would -th-e betraye
K: 5,219 [C: 7,59] I ame sory for my synnys say to thyselue
K: 5,219 [C: 7,60] And bete thyself vpo(n)n the breste & byd
hym of grace
K: 5,219 [C: 7,61] ffor is no gylte so gret but -th-(a)t
his goodnes is more
W: 5,219 ffor is no gilt here so gret . but godenesse is
more [aaAx]
N: 5,219 ffor nys no gilt here so grete . -th-(a)t his m(er)cy
nys more [aaAx]
A: 5,219 Is no gylt here so gret . his goodenes is more [aaAx]
H3: 5,219 ffor is no gylt here so gret . -th-(a)t hys godnesse
is more [aaAx]
T: 5,220 [Th]anne sat sleu[th]e vp & seynide hym faste
H2: 5,220 Than sat slewthe vp . and seynede hi(m) faste [aaAx]
Ch: 5,220 -Th-en sat slewth vp . and sayned himself fast
D: 5,220 -Th-an sat slow-th-e vpe . & seined hym faste
V: 5,220 _Th_enne (sat) (sleu_th_e) vp . and (sikede) (sore)
H: 5,220 -Th-en sate sleu-th-e vp . & seide to hym siluen
J: 5,220 -Th-an sat slowthe vp . & crowchid him fast
L: 5,220 -Th-an sat slouthe vp . & signed him faste [aaAx]
K: 5,220 Then satte sclewth vp . & seynyd hym ofte [aaAx]
W: 5,220 Than sat sire slou-th- vp . and sayned hem fast
N: 5,220 -Th-anne sat slow-th-e vp . & siked faste [aaAx]
A: 5,220 Than satte slawth vp . and syhed ful faste [aaAx]
H3: 5,220 -Th-a(n) sat slauthe vp . & syhede faste [aaAx]
T: 5,221 And made auowe tofore god for his foule slou[th]e
H2: 5,221 And mad avow befor(e) god . for his foule slouthe
Ch: 5,221 And made avow to for god . for his foule slewth
D: 5,221 And made avow tofore god . for his saule slew-th-e
V: 5,221 And made (a-vou) (bi-fore) god . for his (foule)
sleu_th_e [aaAx]
H: 5,221 & made avowe to god . for his wicked sleu-th-e
J: 5,221 & mad vuowe tofor god . for his fowle slowthe
L: 5,221 And made avowe tofore god . for his foule slouthe
K: 5,221 And made avowe tofore god . for his fowle sclewth
W: 5,221 And made avowe to god . for his vile sleu-th- [aaAx]
N: 5,221 And awowed afor god . for his fowle slow-th-e [aaAx]
A: 5,221 And mad avow to god . for his foule slawth [aaAx]
H3: 5,221 And made avow tofor god . for hys foule slauthe
T: 5,222 Shal no sonneday be [th]is seue [y]er but seknesse
it make
H2: 5,222 Schal no sonday be this seuene -gh-er(e) . but
siknesse it make [aaAx]
Ch: 5,222 Schal no sonday -th-is seuene -gh-er . bot sekenes
hit make [aaAx]
D: 5,222 Schal no soneday be -th-is vij -gh-eer . but sekenesse
it make [aaAx]
V: 5,222 Schal no (sonenday) _th_is (seuen) _g_er . bote
(seknesse) hit make [aaAx]
H: 5,222 Shal no sonday -th-is seuen -gh-er(e) . but sikenes
it make [aaAx]
J: 5,222 -th-(a)t -th-(er) schal no sonu(n)nday ben -th-is
seuen -gh-ere
L: 5,222 Schal no soneday beo -th-is seouen -gh-eir . bot
seknes hit make [aaAx]
K: 5,222 Schal no sonday be in this vij yer(es) . but sykenes
it make [aaAx]
W: 5,222 Eche sonday -th-is seuen -gh-er . but seknes it
make [aaAx]
N: 5,222 Sal no sonday be -th-is seuene -gh-ere . but seknesse
it make [aaAx]
A: 5,222 Schuld no sunday -th-is seuyn -gh-ere . but seknes
it made [aaAx]
H3: 5,222 Xal no soneday -th-is vij -gh-er . but sekenesse
make [aaAx]
T: 5,223 [Th]at I ne shal do me er day to the dere chirche
H2: 5,223 That I ne schal do me er day . to the der(e) chyrche
Ch: 5,223 -Th-at I ne schal do me . to -th-e dere chirche
D: 5,223 -Th-at I schal do me or day . to -th-e dere churche
V: 5,223 _Th_at I ne schal (do) me ar (day) . to _th_e (dore)
churche [aaAx]
H: 5,223 -Th-at I ne shal eu(er)y day rise erly to churche
J: 5,223 ffor sorwyn of my sy(n)nys but sekenesse it make
L: 5,223 -Th-at I no schal dighte me ar day . & do me
to -th-e chirche [aaAx]
K: 5,223 That I ne schal do me or day . to the dere chirche
W: 5,223 I shal dight me or day . to -th-e dere cherche [aaAx]
N: 5,223 That I ne shal do me ar day . to -th-e dere cherche
A: 5,223 But I schal do me er day . to -th-e dere chrche
H3: 5,223 -th-(a)t I ne xal do me er day . to -th-e derne
chyrche [aaAx]
J: 5,223 -Th-(a)t I sal do me or day . to -th-e dere cherche [aaAx]
T: 5,224 And here masse & matynes as I a monk were
H2: 5,224 And her(e) matyns and messe . as I a monke wer(e)
Ch: 5,224 And her masse and matyns . as I a monk wer [aaAx]
D: 5,224 And here masse and matyns . as I a monke were [aaAx]
V: 5,224 And here (Matins) and (Masse) . as I a (Monk) were
H: 5,224 & her(e) masse & maty(n)s . a monk as I
wer(e) [aaAx]
J: 5,224 And here masse & matenys . as I a mu(n)ke were
L: 5,224 And here masse & matyns . als I a monk were
K: 5,224 And heare matyns & masse . as I a monke were
W: 5,224 And here messe and matyns . as I a monk were [aaAx]
N: 5,224 To here maytynes & messe . as I a mu(n)ke were
A: 5,224 And here messe & matynes . as I a monnk were
H3: 5,224 And here messe & matyn(n) . as I a monk were
T: 5,225 Shal non ale aftir mete holde me [th]ennis
H2: 5,225 Schal non ale aft(ir) mete . holde me thennes [aaAx]
Ch: 5,225 Schal non Ale . holde me fro -th-ennes [aaAx]
D: 5,225 Schal non ale after mete . holde me -th-ens [aaAx]
V: 5,225 Schal non (ale) after mete . (holde) me _th_ennes
H: 5,225 Shal no riot aft(ur) mete . holde me -th-annes [aaAx]
J: 5,225 Sal no(n) ale aft(er) mete . holdyn me thennys [aaAx]
L: 5,225 Schal none ale after mete . holden me -th-ennes
K: 5,225 Shal non ale aft(er) mete . holde me thens [aaAx]
W: 5,225 Shal noon ale after none . hold me -th-ens [aaAx]
N: 5,225 Sal none ale after mete . holde me -th-ennes [aaAx]
A: 5,225 Schal non ale aftir mete . holdyn me -th-enis [aaAx]
H3: 5,225 Xal no(n) ale aft(ir) mete . holde me -th-ens [aaAx]
T: 5,226 Til I haue euesong herd I behote [th]e rode
H2: 5,226 Tyl I haue euensong herde . I behote to the rode
Ch: 5,226 Tille I haue euesong herde . I hote to -th-e Rode
D: 5,226 Til I haue euesong herd . I behote to -th-e rode
V: 5,226 Til ichaue (Euensong) (herd) . I (beo-hote) to _th_e
Rode [aaAx]
H: 5,226 tyl y haue euesong herd . y swer(e) by -th-e rode
J: 5,226 Til I haue euesong herd . I hote to -th-e rode [aaAx]
L: 5,226 Til I haue euensong herd . I hote to -th-e rode
K: 5,226 Til I haue euensong hard . I behote the rode [aaAx]
W: 5,226 Til I haue euensong herd . I hote to -th-e rode
N: 5,226 Tyl I haue euensong yherde . y byhote to -th-e rode
A: 5,226 Til I haue euynsong herd . I hote -th-e be -th-e
rode [aaAx]
H3: 5,226 Tyl I haue euesond Iherd . I sey be -th-e rode
T: 5,227 And [y]et wile I [y]elde a[gh]en [y]if I so muchel
H2: 5,227 And -gh-et wyl I -gh-elde a-gh-en . -gh-if I so
muchel haue [aaAxx]
Ch: 5,227 And -gh-it wol I -gh-elde a-gh-en . -gh-if I so
much haue [aaAxx]
D: 5,227 And -gh-it wil I -gh-elde a-gh-en . yf I so mechel
haue [aaAxx]
V: 5,227 And _g_it I-chulle (_g_elden) (a_g_eyn) . (_g_if)
I so muche haue [aaAxx]
H: 5,227 & -gh-it y wold -gh-elde a-gh-e(n) . -gh-if
y so myche haue [aaAxx]
J: 5,227 -Gh-it wil I -gh-elden a-gh-eyne . if I so mychel
haue [aaAxx]
L: 5,227 And -gh-et wol I -gh-elden a-gh-eyn . -gh-ef I so
muche haue [aaAxx]
K: 5,227 And yet wil I yeld ageyn . if I so mychil haue [aaAxx]
W: 5,227 -Gh-et wil I -gh-elde a-gh-en . if I so muche haue
N: 5,227 And -gh-it shal I -gh-elde a-gh-ein . -gh-if I so
moche haue [aaAxx]
A: 5,227 --- this line is omitted ---
H3: 5,227 Qwat eu(er) I na(m)m -gh-elde it ageyn . -gh-yf
I so mekyl haue [aaAxx]
T: 5,228 Al [th]at I wykkidly wan si[th]en I wyt hadde
H2: 5,228 Al that I wyckedly wan . sithen I wytt hadde [aaAx]
Ch: 5,228 Alle -th-at I wikkedly wan . sen I witte hadde
D: 5,228 Al -th-(a)t I wikked be wan . sethen -th-(a)t I
witte hadde [aaAx]
V: 5,228 Al _th_at I (wikkedliche) (won) . se_th__th_e I
(wit) hade [aaAx]
H: 5,228 Al -th-at y wickedly wan . si-th--th-e y wit hadde
J: 5,228 Al -th-(a)t I wickydly wan . se-th-in I wyt hadde
L: 5,228 Al -th-at I wickedly wan . seothe I wit hadde [aaAx]
K: 5,228 Al that I wikkydly wan . sythen I witt had [aaAx]
W: 5,228 Al -th-at I wokedly wan . si-th- I witte hadde [aaAx]
N: 5,228 Al -th-(a)t I wikkydly wan . si-th-en I witt hadde
A: 5,228 All -th-at I wan wikkydly . syn I witte hadde [aaAx]
H3: 5,228 All -th-(a)t I wykkydly wa(n) . syn I lyf hadde
or wytt [aaAx]
T: 5,229 [Th]ei[gh] my liflode lakke leten I nille
H2: 5,229 They my lyflode lacken . leten I nelle [aaAx]
Ch: 5,229 -Th-ow-gh- my liflode lak . letten I nelle [aaAx]
D: 5,229 They my lyflode lakke . letten I nylle [aaAx]
V: 5,229 And _th_auh my (lyflode) (lakke) . (letten) I nulle
H: 5,229 & -th-ou-gh- my lyuelode lacken . letten y nelle
J: 5,229 & -th-ei my liflode lacke . letyn I nylle [aaAx]
L: 5,229 And -th-agh my liflode lacke . leue I no wol [aaAx]
K: 5,229 And though my lyuelode I lacke . lettyn I nylle
W: 5,229 And -th-ogh my lyflode lacke . letten I nylle [aaAx]
N: 5,229 And -th-eigh me lyflode lakke . leten it I nelle
A: 5,229 Tho I my lyue lowe lede . letyn I ne wille [aaAx]
H3: 5,229 And -th-ow my lyflode lake . letty(n)n I nelle
T: 5,230 [Th](a)t iche a man shal haue his er I hennis wende
H2: 5,230 That iche man ne schal haue his . [owne] or I hennes
wende [aaAx]
Ch: 5,230 -Th-at ech man schal haue his . er I hennes wende
D: 5,230 That eche man schal haue his . or I henne wende
V: 5,230 _Th_at (vche) mon schal (habben) (his) . er ich
(henne) wende [aaaAx]
H: 5,230 -th-at eu(er)y man shal haue his . er(e) y hennys
wende [aaAx]
J: 5,230 -th-(a)t iche man sc[h]al haue his . er I hennys
wende [aaAx]
L: 5,230 -Th-at vche mon schal haue his . or I hennes wende
K: 5,230 That eche man ne schal haue his . er I hens wend
W: 5,230 That yche man shal haue his . er I hens wende [aaAx]
N: 5,230 That yche man ne sclal haue his . er I he(n)nes
wy(n)de [aaAx]
A: 5,230 That euyri man schal han his . or I henys wende
H3: 5,230 -Th-at eche ma(n) xal haue hys . er I hens wende
T: 5,231 And wi[th] [th]e residue & the remen(au)nt be
[th]e roode of chestre
H2: 5,231 And w(i)t(h) the residue and -th-e remen(au)nt
. be the rode of chestr(e) [aaAx]
Ch: 5,231 And why -th-e residue and -th-e remenaunt . by
-th-e Rode of chest[re] [aaAx]
D: 5,231 And with -th-e residue & -th-e remanau(n)t .
be -th-e rode of chestr(e) [aaAx]
V: 5,231 And with _th_e (Residue) & _th_e (remenaunt)
. bi _th_e (Rode) of Chester [aaAx]
H: 5,231 & wi-th- -th-e residewe & -th-e remenau(n)t
. by -th-e rode of chestr(e) [aaAx]
J: 5,231 And w(i)t(h) -th-e resydu & -th-e remnant .
be -th-e rode of chest(re) [aaAx]
L: 5,231 And with -th-e resydewe & -th-e remenant . by
-th-e rode of chester [aaAx]
K: 5,231 And w(i)t(h) -th-e resydue & remen(au)nte .
by the rode of chester [aaAx]
W: 5,231 The residue of -th-e remenant . by -th-e rode of
chestre [aaAx]
N: 5,231 And wi-th- -th-e resydue & remnau(n)t . by -th-e
Rode of chestre [aaAx]
A: 5,231 W(i)t(h) -th-e remembrans & residue . be -th-e
rode of chestre [aaAx]
H3: 5,231 And w(i)t(h) -th-e remenau(n)t & -th-e resydue
. be -th-e rode of chest(re) [aaAx]
T: 5,232 I wile seke treu[th]e er I seke rome
H2: 5,232 I wyl seke [seynt] trewth . or I seke rome [axAx]
Ch: 5,232 I wol seke trew-th-e . or I seke Rome [axAx]
D: 5,232 I wil seke trew-th-e . or I se Rome [axAx]
V: 5,232 I schal (seche) (seynt) Treu_th_e . er I (seo) Rome
H: 5,232 y shal seche seint treu-th-e . or y se rome [axAx]
J: 5,232 I wil sekyn trewthe . or I se rome [axAx]
L: 5,232 y wol seche seynt treouthe . or I seo rome [axAx]
K: 5,232 I wil seke sir trewth . or I see rome [axAx]
W: 5,232 Shal I seke -th-erwi-th- trou-th- . to fynde [axAx]
N: 5,232 I wil seke trw-th-e . ar I se Rome [axAx]
A: 5,232 I wil seke trew-th-e . or I se rome [axAx]
H3: 5,232 I wyl seche trewthe . er I se rome [axAx]
T: 5,233 Robert [th]e robbo(ur) on {reddite} lokide
H2: 5,233 Roberd -th-e robbo(ur) . on { Reddite } lokede
Ch: 5,233 Robert -th-e Robbour . on { Reddite } loked [aaAx]
D: 5,233 Robert -th-e Robbere . on { Reddite } loked [aaAx]
V: 5,233 (Robert) _th_e (Robbour) . on (Reddite) he lokede
H: 5,233 roberd -th-e robber(e) . rufulliche loked [aaAx]
J: 5,233 Roberd -th-e robber(e) . on reddite loked [aaAx]
L: 5,233 rebard -th-e robbo(ur) . on reddite he loked [aaAx]
K: 5,233 Robard the robbar . on reddite lokyd [aaAx]
W: 5,233 Robyn -th-e robbere . -th-an on Reddite loked [aaAx]
N: 5,233 Robert -th-e robber . on { reddite } loked [aaAx]
A: 5,233 Robard -th-e robbere . on reddyte ful reufulli he
lokid [aaAx]
H3: 5,233 Robber on { reddere } ful reufully lokede [aaAx]
T: 5,234 Ac for [th](er)e was nou[gh]t wherew(i)t(h) he wepte
swi[th]e sore
H2: 5,234 Ac for -th-(er) was nou-gh-t wher(e) w(i)t(h) .
[to paye] he wepte swythe sor(e) [aaAx]
Ch: 5,234 Bot for -th-er was nou-gh-t wher of with . he weped
sore [aaAx]
D: 5,234 Ac for -th-(er) was nou-gh-t wher w(i)t(h) . he
wepte swy-th-e sore [aaAx]
V: 5,234 And for _th_er nas not (Wher-with) . he (wepte)
ful sore [xaAx]
H: 5,234 for -th-at he was wicked . he wepte swi-th-e sore
J: 5,234 Ac for -th-(er) was not qwer w(i)t(h) . he weppid
sore [aaAx]
L: 5,234 Bote for -th-(er) was not wher with . he weopte
wel sore [aaAx]
K: 5,234 But for ther was wher w(i)t(h) . he wepte swythe
sore [aaAx]
W: 5,234 And for -th-er nas not wher with . he wept wel sore
N: 5,234 and for -th-(er)e nas nou-gh-te wher w(i)t(h) .
he wepid ful sore [aaAx]
A: 5,234 But -th-er was non yen . but he wepte ful sore [aaAx]
H3: 5,234 and for -th-(er) was nouth qwer w(i)t(h) he wepyd
sore [aaAx]
T: 5,235 And [y]et [th]e synful shrewe seide to hymselue
H2: 5,235 And -gh-et the synful wreche schrewe . seide to
hi(m) selue [aaAa]
Ch: 5,235 And the synful schrewe . seide tille him self [aaAa]
D: 5,235 And -gh-it -th-e synful schrewe . seide to hym selue
V: 5,235 But _g_it _th_e (sunfol) (schrewe) . (seide) to
(him-seluen) [aaAa]
H: 5,235 but -th-e synful shrewe . seide to hym silue [aaAa]
J: 5,235 And -gh-it -th-(a)t synful schrewe . seyd to him
selue [aaAa]
L: 5,235 Bote -gh-et -th-e synful schrewe . saide to him
seoluen [aaAa]
K: 5,235 And yet the syneful schrewe . saide to hym self
W: 5,235 And yet -th-e synful shrewe . said to him self [aaAa]
N: 5,235 But -gh-it -th-e synful shrew . seid to hi(m) seluen
A: 5,235 And -th-e synful schrewe . seyde to hym selue [aaAa]
H3: 5,235 And -th-e synful schrewe . seyde to hy(m) seluyn
T: 5,236 Crist [th](a)t on caluarie vpon [th]e rode di[gh]edist
H2: 5,236 Cryst that on caluarie . vpon the rode deydest
Ch: 5,236 Crist -th-at on Caluarie . oppon the rode dedest
D: 5,236 Crist -th-at on Caluarye . vpon -th-e Rode deydest
V: 5,236 (Crist) _th_at vppon (Caluarie) . on _th_e (Cros)
di_g_edest [aaAx]
H: 5,236 Crist -th-at on caluarie . vpo(n) -th-e cros deide
J: 5,236 Crist -th-(a)t on caluary . vpon crosse dey-gh-ide
L: 5,236 Crist -th-at on caluarie . apon -th-e cros dyedest
K: 5,236 Cryst that vppon calverye . on the crosse dydyst
W: 5,236 Crist -th-at on caluerie . vpon crosse dydest [aaAx]
N: 5,236 Crist -th-(a)t on caluarie . vpon -th-e crosse deydest
A: 5,236 Crist vpon caluery . -th-at vpon cros deydist [aaAx]
H3: 5,236 Cryst -th-(a)t on caluery . vpon -th-e croys deyddyst
T: 5,237 [Th]o dismas my bro[th](er) besou[gh]te [th]e of g(ra)ce
H2: 5,237 Tho dismas my brother . besou-gh-te the of grace
Ch: 5,237 -Th-o Dismas my bro-th-er besou-gh-t -th-e of grace
D: 5,237 -th-o dismas my bro-th-(er) besowte -th-e of grace
V: 5,237 _Th_o Dismas my (bro_th_er) . (bi-sou_g_te) _th_e
of grace [xaAx]
H: 5,237 -th-o dismas my bro-th-(er) bysou-gh-te -th-ee of
grace [????]
J: 5,237 -Th-o dysmas my brother(e) besowht -gh-ow of g(ra)ce
L: 5,237 -th-o dismas my brother bysoghte -th-e of grace
K: 5,237 Tho dysmas my brother besowghte the of grace [????]
W: 5,237 Whan -th-at Dismas my bro-th-(er) besought -th-e
of grace [????]
N: 5,237 To dismas my bro-th-er bysou-gh-t -th-e of g(ra)ce
A: 5,237 Tho dysmas my bro-th-er he besouth -th-e of mercy
H3: 5,237 -Th-o dysmas my brothyr besouth -th-e of g(ra)ce
T: 5,238 And [th]ou haddist m(er)cy on [th](a)t man for {memento}
H2: 5,238 And thou haddist m(er)cy on that man . for memento
is sake [aaAx]
Ch: 5,238 And -th-ow hast mercy on -th-at man . for { Memento
} is sake [aaAx]
D: 5,238 And -th-(o)u haddest m(er)cy on hym -th-(a)t man
. for { memento } sake [aaAx]
V: 5,238 And heddest (Merci) of _th_at (mon) . for (Memento)
sake [aaAx]
H: 5,238 as -th-ou haddest m(er)cy on -th-at man . for meme(n)to
is sake [aaAx]
J: 5,238 -Gh-e had m(er)cy on -th-(a)t man . for memento
sake [aaAx]
L: 5,238 And -th-(o)u hadest mercy on -th-at mon . for memento
sake [aaAx]
K: 5,238 And thou haddist m(er)cye on that man . for mene(n)to
sake [aaAx]
W: 5,238 And haddest [rewthe] on -th-at man . for memento
sake [aaAx]
N: 5,238 -Th-(o)u haddest m(er)cye of -th-(a)t man . for
{ memento } sake [aaAx]
A: 5,238 And -th-u had mercy on -th-at man . for memento
sake [aaAx]
H3: 5,238 And mercy on -th-(a)t ma(n) . for { meme(n)to }
is sake [aaAx]
T: 5,239 [Th]i wil werche vpon me as I haue wel des(er)uid
H2: 5,239 Thy wylle werche [not] upon me . as I haue wel
deseruid [aaAx]
Ch: 5,239 -th-i wille worch vppon me . as I haue wel deserued
D: 5,239 -th-y wil wirche vpon me . as I haue deseruyd [aaAx]
V: 5,239 _Th_i (wille) (wor_th_) vppon me . as Ich haue (wel)
deseruet [aaAx]
H: 5,239 -th-y wille wor-th- vpo(n) me . for I haue wel deserued
J: 5,239 -Th-i wil worthe vpon me . as I haue deseruyde [aaAx]
L: 5,239 -Th-y wil worth apon me . as I haue wel deserued
K: 5,239 Thy wil worth vpon me . as I haue wel des(er)vyd
W: 5,239 Thy wil worth vpon me . as I haue wel deserued [aaAx]
N: 5,239 -Th-(o)u haue m(er)cye of me . as wys I haue deserued
A: 5,239 Thi wil werche vpon me . as I haue dysseruyd [aaAx]
H3: 5,239 -Th-i wyl worth vpon me . as I haue wel des(er)uyd
T: 5,240 To haue helle for eu(er)e [y]if [th](a)t hope nere
H2: 5,240 To haue helle for eu(er)e . -gh-if that hope ner(e)
Ch: 5,240 To haue helle for euer . -gh-if -th-at hope ner
D: 5,240 To haue helle for eu(er)e . yf -th-(a)t hope ne
were [aaAx]
V: 5,240 To (haue) (helle) for (euere) . _g_if _th_at (hope)
neore [aaaAx]
H: 5,240 to haue helle for eu(er) . -gh-if -th-at hope ner(e)
J: 5,240 To haue helle for eu(er)e . -gh-if hope ne war(e)
L: 5,240 To haue helle for eu(er) . -gh-ef -th-at hope no
weore [aaAx]
K: 5,240 To haue helle for eu(er) . if that m(er)cye ne were
W: 5,240 To haue helle for euere . if -th-at hope nere [aaAx]
N: 5,240 To haue helle for eure . -gh-if -th-(a)t hope ne
were [aaAx]
A: 5,240 To han helle for euyr . -gh-if hope ne were [aaAx]
H3: 5,240 To haue helle for eu(er) . -gh-yf hope ne were
T: 5,241 So rewe on [th]is robert [th](a)t red non ne haue
H2: 5,241 So rewe on this roberd . that { red[dere] } non
ne haueth [aaAx]
Ch: 5,241 To rewe on -th-is Robert . -th-at reed none ne
haue-th- [aaAx]
D: 5,241 So rewe on -th-is Roberd . -th-(a)t no red haue-th-
V: 5,241 So (rewe) on me, (Robert) . _th_at no (Red) haue
H: 5,241 so rewe on me roberd . -th-at no reed ne haue [aaAx]
J: 5,241 So rewe on -th-is robber . -th-(a)t no red hauyth
L: 5,241 So reowe on -th-is Robart . -th-at red non no haueth
K: 5,241 So rue on me rybawde . that no redde hath [aaAx]
W: 5,241 So rewe vpon Robyn . -th-at no rede ha-th-e [aaAx]
N: 5,241 -Th-(o)u rew on me Robert . -th-(a)t { redde } none
ne haue [aaAx]
A: 5,241 Thou rewe on -th-is roberd . -th-at reddere non
hath [aaAx]
H3: 5,241 To rewe on -th-is robbere . -th-(a)t { reddere
} ne hauyth [aaAx]
T: 5,242 Ne neu(er)e weni[th] to wynne wi[th] craft [th](a)t
he knowi[th]
H2: 5,242 Ne neu(er) weneth to wynne . with craft that he
knowyth [aaAxx]
Ch: 5,242 No neuer wene-th- to wynne . with craft -th-at
he knowe-th- [aaAxx]
D: 5,242 Ne neu(er) wene-th- to wynne . w(i)t(h) craft -th-(a)t
he know(e)t(h) [aaAxx]
V: 5,242 Ne neuere (weene) to (wynne) . for (Craft) _th_at
I (knowe) [aaBb]
H: 5,242 Ne neu(er) wene to wynne . for craft -th-at I knowe
J: 5,242 Ne neu(er) wene to wynnyn . w(i)t(h) c(ra)fte -th-(a)t
I knowe [aaAxx]
L: 5,242 No neuer wene to wynne . wi-th- crafte -th-at he
knowe [aaAxx]
K: 5,242 Ne neu(er) wenyth to haue . w(i)t(h) no crafte I
knowe [aaAxx]
W: 5,242 Ne neuere wan . wi-th- craft -th-at I knowe [aaAxx]
N: 5,242 Ne neure wene to wynne . w(i)t(h) craft -th-(a)t
I ower [aaAxx]
A: 5,242 Ne neuyr wenyth to wynne . w(i)t(h) craft -th-at
I knowe [aaAxx]
H3: 5,242 Ne neu(er) wot to wy(n)ne . w(i)t(h) craft -th-(a)t
I knowe [aaAxx]
T: 5,243 But for [th]i muchel m(er)cy mytygac(i)ou(n) I beseche
H2: 5,243 But for thi muchel m(er)cy . mytigac(i)oun(n) I
beseche [aaAx]
Ch: 5,243 Bot for -th-y much mercy . metygacioun I beseche
D: 5,243 But for -th-y moche m(er)cy . metigac(i)ou(n) I
beseche [aaAx]
V: 5,243 Bote for _th_i (muchel) (Merci) . (mitigacion) I
be-seche [aaAx]
H: 5,243 but for -th-y mytygaciou(n) m(er)cy y byseche [aaAx]
J: 5,243 ffor -th-i mychel m(er)cy . mytygacyon I beseke
L: 5,243 Bote for -th-y muchel mercy . mytigaciou(n) y beseche
K: 5,243 But for thy mychil m(er)cye . mitygaciou(n) I beseche
W: 5,243 But of -th-i muche . mytygaciou(n) I beseche [aaAx]
N: 5,243 But for -th-i meychel mercye . mitigacion I byseche
A: 5,243 But -th-i meche mercy . mitigacioun I beteche [aaAx]
H3: 5,243 But of -th-i mechele mercy . mytygac(i)on I beseke
T: 5,244 Dampne me nou[gh]t at domisday for [th](a)t I dede
so ille
H2: 5,244 Dampne me nou-gh-t at domisday . for that I dide
so ille [aaAx]
Ch: 5,244 Dampne me nou-gh-t at domesday . for -th-at I ded
so Ille [aaAx]
D: 5,244 Dampne me nou-gh-t at domesday . for I dede so ille
V: 5,244 (Dampne) me not on (domes) (day) . for I (dude)
so ille [aaaAx]
H: 5,244 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 5,244 Dampne me nouth at domysday . for I haue done so
ille [aaAx]
L: 5,244 And dampne me not on domesday . for I dude so ille
K: 5,244 Dampne me not on domysday . for that I dyd ille
W: 5,244 Dampne me not at domesday . for I dide ille [aaAx]
N: 5,244 Dampne me nou-gh-t atte domesday . for I did so
ille [aaAx]
A: 5,244 Dampne me nat at domysday . for I dede so ille [aaAx]
H3: 5,244 Dampne me nouth at domysday . for I dede so ylle
T: 5,245 Ac what befel of [th]is feloun I can not faire shewe
H2: 5,245 Ac what befel of this felon . I can nou-gh-t fayr(e)
schewe [aaAx]
Ch: 5,245 Bot what befelle of -th-is feloun . I can nou-gh-t
faire schewe [aaAx]
D: 5,245 Ac what befel on -th-is felou(n) . I schal -gh-ou
fair(e) schewe [aaAx]
V: 5,245 Ak what (fel) of _th_is (ffeloun) . I con not (feire)
schewe [aaAx]
H: 5,245 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 5,245 But qwat fel of -th-is feloune . I can not fayr(e)
schewe [aaAx]
L: 5,245 Bote what byfeol of -th-is feolou(n) . I kan not
faire schewe [aaAx]
K: 5,245 But what befell of this felou(n) . I can no farder
shewe [aaAx]
W: 5,245 But what befel on -th-at freke . I can no fer-th-(er)
shewe [aaAx]
N: 5,245 What bifel of -th-is felown . I can nou-gh-t faire
shewe [aaAx]
A: 5,245 But wath fel on -th-at feloun . I can not fayre
schewe [aaAx]
H3: 5,245 And qwat befel of -th-(a)t felou(n) . I ca(n) nouth
fayr schewe [aaAx]
T: 5,246 Wel I woot he wep faste watir wi[th] his ei[gh]en
H2: 5,246 Wel I wote he wepte faste wat(ir) . w(i)t(h) his
ey-gh-en [aaaAx]
Ch: 5,246 Wel I wote he wepe water . with his ei-gh-en [aaaAx]
D: 5,246 Wel I wot he wepe faste wat(ir) . w(i)t(h) his eyen
V: 5,246 But (wel) Ich (wot) he (wepte) faste . (watur) with
his ei_g_en [aaaAx]
H: 5,246 Wel y wote -th-at he wept wat(ir) . wi-th- his i-gh-e(n)
J: 5,246 Wele I wote he weptyd fast wat(ir) . at his I-gh-ene
L: 5,246 Wel I wot he weopte faste water . with his eyghnen
K: 5,246 Wel I wote he wepte faste wat(ir) . w(i)t(h) hys
eyen [aaaAx]
W: 5,246 Wel I wot he wept fast watre . wi-th- his eien [aaaAx]
N: 5,246 But wel I wote he wept fast watre . wi-th- his eyn
A: 5,246 But wel I wote he wepte wat(ir) . w(i)t(h) bo-th-en
hie yen [aaaAx]
H3: 5,246 But wel I wot he wept fast wat(ir) . w(i)t(h) hys
eyne [aaaAx]
T: 5,247 And knowelechide his gilt to crist [y]et eftsones
H2: 5,247 And knowliched his gilt . to c(ri)st -gh-et eftsones
Ch: 5,247 And knowleched his gilt . to crist -gh-it eftsones
D: 5,247 And knowliched his gilt . to crist -gh-it eftsones
V: 5,247 And (knouhlechede) his (gult) . to (Crist) _g_it
eft-sones [aaAx]
H: 5,247 & knowlechid his gult . -th-(er)to eftsones
J: 5,247 And knowleched his gilt . to c(ri)st -gh-it eftsonys
L: 5,247 And knoweleched his gult . to crist -gh-et eftesones
K: 5,247 And knowlegyd his gylte . to cryste yet eftsonys
W: 5,247 And knewlaged his gret gylt . & fast on crist
called [aaAx]
N: 5,247 And knoleched his gilt . to crist -gh-it eftesones
A: 5,247 And knolichid his coupe . to crist ofte sythis [aaAx]
H3: 5,247 He knowlachyd hys gylt . to cryst -gh-et eft onys
T: 5,248 [Th](a)t {penitencia} his pik he shulde pulsshe newe
H2: 5,248 That { penitencia } his pike . he schulde pulsche
newe [aaAx]
Ch: 5,248 -Th-at { penitencia } his pike . he schuld polsche
newe [aaAx]
D: 5,248 That { penitencia } his pyke . schuld pulissh newe
V: 5,248 _Th_at (Penitencia) is (prest) . schulde (polissche)
him newe [aaAx]
H: 5,248 -Th-at penaunce his piked staf . shulde be polischid
al new [aaAx]
J: 5,248 -Th-(a)t Penitencia his pyke . apertly schuld he
pullyche [aaAx]
L: 5,248 -Th-at penitencia his pyk . scholde polessche neowe
K: 5,248 That penitencia his pyke . he shuld polische of
new [aaAx]
W: 5,248 That penitencia his pyke . myght polysch hym newe
N: 5,248 -Th-(a)t { penitencia } his pyke . he sholde polyssch
newe [aaAx]
A: 5,248 Than penitencia his pyke . pollyschon efte sonys
H3: 5,248 -Th-(a)t { penitencia } hys body . xulde pelychou(n)
newe [aaAx]
T: 5,249 And lepe w(i)t(h) hym ou(er) lond al his lif tyme
H2: 5,249 And lepe with hi(m) ou(er) lond . al his lif tyme
Ch: 5,249 And lepe with him ouer londe . al his lif tyme
D: 5,249 And kepe w(i)t(h) hym ou(er) lond . al his lyf tyme
V: 5,249 And (lepe) with him (ouerlond) . al his (lyf) tyme
H: 5,249 & go wi-th- hym ou(er) lond . alle his lyf tyme
J: 5,249 And lepyn w(i)t(h) him ou(er) londe . al his lif
tyme [aaAx]
L: 5,249 And lepe with him ouer lond . al his lif tyme [aaAx]
K: 5,249 And lepe w(i)t(h) hym ou(er) land . al his life
tyme [aaAx]
W: 5,249 And lepe wi-th- him ou(er) londe . al his lyf tyme
N: 5,249 And lepe w(i)t(h) hi(m) ou(er) londe . al his lyf
tyme [aaAx]
A: 5,249 And lepid w(i)t(h) hym ouer lond . alle his lyfe
tyme [aaAx]
H3: 5,249 And lepy(n) w(i)t(h) hy(m) ouyr lond . al hys lyf
tyme [aaAx]
T: 5,250 ffor he hadde lei[y]e be {latro} luciferis hyne
H2: 5,250 ffor he hadde lay be { latro } . lucyferes hyne
Ch: 5,250 ffor he had lay be { latro } . luciferes hyne [aaAx]
D: 5,250 ffor he had ley by latro . lucifers aunte [aaAx]
V: 5,250 ffor he ha_th_ (lei_g_en) bi (latro) . (lucifers)
bro_th_er [aaAx]
H: 5,250 for he hadde leyn by latro . luciferis aunte [aaAx]
J: 5,250 ffor he had ley be lat(ro) . luciferys lemman [aaAx]
L: 5,250 ffor he had leye by latro . lucifers aunte [aaAx]
K: 5,250 ffor he had layne by latro . lucifers awnte [aaAx]
K: 5,250 [C: 7,69] But now which ben the braunch(es) -th-(a)t
bryngyn me(n) to slewthe
K: 5,250 [C: 7,70] THat is whan men mo(ur)ne not for her
K: 5,250 [C: 7,71] The pen(au)nce that -th-e p(re)ste enIoynith
p(ar)formyth evyll
K: 5,250 [C: 7,72] Doth no(n) almessedede drad hym not of
K: 5,250 [C: 7,73] Lyvyth aye(n)n the beleve and no lawe
K: 5,250 [C: 7,74] And hath no likynge to lerne ne of our
lord to heare
K: 5,250 [C: 7,75] But to harlotry & to horedom or els
of so(m)m wynnynge
K: 5,250 [C: 7,76] When me(n) carpen of cryste or of clenenesse
of sowle
K: 5,250 [C: 7,77] A wexith wrothe & wollith not heare
but word(es) of myrthe
K: 5,250 [C: 7,78] Pen(au)nce & pore me(n)n and the passyou(n)
of saynt(es)
K: 5,250 [C: 7,79] He hatith to heare thareof & al that
therof carpith
K: 5,250 [C: 7,80] This be the braunch(es) beth ware -th-(a)t
bryngyth a ma(n) to wanhope
K: 5,250 [C: 7,81] -Gh-e lord(es) & ladyes and legatus
of holy chirche
K: 5,250 [C: 7,82] That feden folas sag(es) flat(er)ars and
K: 5,250 [C: 7,83] That han likyng to lythen hem in hope
to do you lawgh
K: 5,250 [C: 7,83] {Ve vobis qui ridet(is) }
K: 5,250 [C: 7,84] And yeuen such mede & mete & pore
me(n) refuse
K: 5,250 [C: 7,85] In yo(ur) deth dyyng I drede me sore
K: 5,250 [C: 7,86] Last tho man(er) men to much sorowe you
K: 5,250 [C: 7,86a] {Consencientes & agentes pari pena
punient(ur) &c }
K: 5,250 [C: 7,87] Patryark(es) & p(ro)phetes p(re)chours
of god(es) word(es)
K: 5,250 [C: 7,88] Sauen thrugh her s(ar)mon ma(n)nys sowle
from helle
K: 5,250 [C: 7,89] Ryht so flat(er)ars & folys arn the
fend(es) p(ro)curatours
K: 5,250 [C: 7,90] To entysese me(n) thrugh her talis to
sy(n)n & to harlotry
K: 5,250 [C: 7,91] Clerk(es) that knowyd this schuld kenne
K: 5,250 [C: 7,92] What Dauid saith of such men as the psalt(er)
K: 5,250 [C: 7,92a] {Non habitabit in medio domus mee qui
facit }
K: 5,250 [C: 7,92a] { Sup(er)biam & qui loquit(ur) Iniqua &c
K: 5,250 [C: 7,93] Schuld no harlott haue audience in hal
ne in ch(a)mbr(e)
K: 5,250 [C: 7,94] Ther that wise me(n) were witnessith god(es)
K: 5,250 [C: 7,95] Ne no mysprowd man among(es) lord(es)
be allowyd
K: 5,250 [C: 7,96] Clerk(es) & knyght(es) welcomen kyng(es)
K: 5,250 [C: 7,97] And for loue of her lord litheth hem at
K: 5,250 [C: 7,98] Miche more me thynkith riche men owghte
K: 5,250 [C: 7,99] Haue beggars bifore hem -th-e whiche ben
god(es) mynstrall(es)
K: 5,250 [C: 7,100] As he saith hymself seynt Iohn berith
K: 5,250 [C: 7,100a] { Qui vos spernit me spernit &c
K: 5,250 [C: 7,101] fforthy I rede you riche reuell(es) when
ye makyn
K: 5,250 [C: 7,102] ffor to solace yo(ur) sowl(es) suche
mynstrell(es) to haue
K: 5,250 [C: 7,103] The pore for a fole sage syttyng at the
K: 5,250 [C: 7,104] With a leryd ma(n) to lere the what o(ur)
lord suffrid
K: 5,250 [C: 7,105] ffor to save thy sowle from Sathan thyne
K: 5,250 [C: 7,106] And fythel the w(i)t(h)out flateryng
of good fryday the feste
K: 5,250 [C: 7,107] And a blynd man for a bordour or a bedreden
K: 5,250 [C: 7,108] To crye a largesse tofore our lord yo(ur)
good loose to schewe
K: 5,250 [C: 7,109] Thees three man(er) of mynstrell(es)
makyth a man to lawghe
K: 5,250 [C: 7,110] And in his deth dyyng(e) thay don hym
grete co(n)fort
K: 5,250 [C: 7,111] That by his lyfe levyd hem & lovyd
hem to heare
K: 5,250 [C: 7,112] This solasith the soule tyl hymsilf be
K: 5,250 [C: 7,113] In a wele hope for he wrought soo among(es)
worthy saynt-gh-
K: 5,250 [C: 7,114] Ther flaterars & foles w(i)t(h) her
fowle word(es)
K: 5,250 [C: 7,115] Leden thoo that lystyn hem to lucyfers
K: 5,250 [C: 7,116] W(i)t(h) { t(ur)piloquio } a lay of sorowe & lucyfers
K: 5,250 [C: 7,117] ---line om---
K: 5,250 [C: 7,118] ffor he listed & lovyd that god(es)
lawe dyspyseth
K: 5,250 [C: 7,118a] { Dare histrionib(us) &c }
K: 5,250 [C: 7,119] Tho was Repent(au)nce redy and rade hem
al to knele
K: 5,250 [C: 7,120] I schall beseke ffor al synfull our sauyoure
of grace
K: 5,250 [C: 7,121] To amend vs of our mysded(es) do m(er)cye
to vs alle
K: 5,250 [C: 7,122] God that of thy goodnes gan the world
K: 5,250 [C: 7,123] And madist of nowght aught & ma(n)
like thyself
K: 5,250 [C: 7,124] And syth thou suffryd hym to synne a
syknes to vs alle
K: 5,250 [C: 7,125] All for our beste as I beleue whatso
the boke telle
K: 5,250 [C: 7,125a] {O felix culpa O necessariu(m) p(e)c(ca)t(u)m
Ade &c }
K: 5,250 [C: 7,126] ffor thrugh that synne thy sone ysent
was tyll erthe
K: 5,250 [C: 7,127] And became man of a mayde mankynd to
K: 5,250 [C: 7,128] And madist thyself w(i)t(h) thy sone
our soule & body yliche
K: 5,250 [C: 7,128a] {Ego in patre & p(ate)r in me & qui
me videt vidit p(at)rem meu(m) }
K: 5,250 [C: 7,129] And sith in our secte as it semyd dydyst
K: 5,250 [C: 7,130] On a fryday in forme of man ffelidist
our sorewe
K: 5,250 [C: 7,130a] {Captiuam duxit captiuitatem &c
K: 5,250 [C: 7,131] The sone for sorowe therof lost light
for a tyme,
K: 5,250 [C: 7,132] Aboute mydday whan most light is & mele
tyme of saynt(es)
K: 5,250 [C: 7,133] ffeddist tho w(i)t(h) thy flesch & blode
our forfaders in helle
K: 5,250 [C: 7,133] { Populus qui ambulabat in tenebris vidit
luce(m) magna(m) }
K: 5,250 [C: 7,134] The light that lepe out of the lucyfer
it blente
K: 5,250 [C: 7,135] And brought thyne(n) yblessyd fro(m)
thens into -th-e blisse of heuyn
K: 5,250 [C: 7,136] The thirde day theraft(ur) thou yedest
in our sekte
K: 5,250 [C: 7,137] A synful mary the see or Saynt Mary thy
K: 5,250 [C: 7,138] And al so to solace synfull -th-(o)u
suffredist it so were
K: 5,250 [C: 7,138a] { Non veni vocare iustos sed peccatores &c
K: 5,250 [C: 7,139] --- line om ---
K: 5,250 [C: 7,140] --- line om ---
K: 5,250 [C: 7,140a] --- line om ---
K: 5,250 [C: 7,141] And by so mich it semyth the sykorar
we mowe
K: 5,250 [C: 7,142] Byd & besech the if it be thy wil
K: 5,250 [C: 7,143] That art first our father & of flesche
our brother
K: 5,250 [C: 7,144] And sethen o(ur) sauyo(ur) and saydist
it with thy tonge
K: 5,250 [C: 7,145] That what tyme we synfule me(n) wold
be sory for ded(es)
K: 5,250 [C: 7,146] That we haue don ile dampned schuld we
ben neu(er)
K: 5,250 [C: 7,147] Yff we knowlegyd & cryyde cryst therfor
K: 5,250 [C: 7,147a] {Quandocu(m)q(ue) ingemuerit peccator,
om(n)es iniquitates }
K: 5,250 [C: 7,147a] { eius non recordabor amplius &c
K: 5,250 [C: 7,148] And for thi muchel m(er)cy and Mary loue
thy mother
K: 5,250 [C: 7,149] Haue ruth of al thes rybaud(es) that
repenten hem sore
K: 5,250 [C: 7,150] That eu(er) thay gylt ayeyn the god in
gost or in dede
K: 5,250 [C: 7,151] Then hent hope an horne of { Deus tu
conu(er)sus viuificab(is) nos }
K: 5,250 [C: 7,152] And blewe hit w(i)t(h) {Beati quor(um)
remisse sunt iniquitates }
K: 5,250 [C: 7,152a] { et quor(um) tecta sunt peccata &c}
K: 5,250 [C: 7,153] That alle Saynt(es) for synfull songen
w(i)t(h) Dauid
K: 5,250 [C: 7,152] And blewe hit w(i)t(h) { Beati quor(um)
remisse sunt iniquitates }
K: 5,250 [C: 7,152a] { et quo(um) tecta sunt peccata &c
K: 5,250 [C: 7,153] That alle Saynt(es) for synfull songen
w(i)t(h) Dauid
W: 5,250 ffor he hadde lyen by lator . lucifers aunte [aaAx]
N: 5,250 ffor he had leyn by { latro } . luciferes aunt [aaAx]
A: 5,250 ffor he had loyn be latro . luciferis aunte [aaAx]
H3: 5,250 ffor he hadde lyn be { latro } . lucyferys au(n)te
T: 5,251 And [th]ousand of men [th]e throng togid(er)is
H2: 5,251 And a thousande of men the . wrong togideres [aaAx]
Ch: 5,251 And a -th-ousand of men -th-o . wrongen togederes
D: 5,251 And a -th-ousend of men -th-e . wrong togideres
V: 5,251 A (_th_ousent) of Men (_th_o) . (_th_rongen) to-geders
H: 5,251 -th-o a -th-ousand me(n) . -th-ronge(n) togedris
J: 5,251 A thowsyng of men -th-o . thrungu(n) togyder(e)
L: 5,251 A thousand -th-o . thryngen togedres [aaAx]
K: 5,251 { Ho(m)i(n)es & iumenta saluabis quemadmodu(m)
K: 5,251 { multiplicasti mis(ericordi)am tuam Deus &c
W: 5,251 And -th-oussand men sagh I -th-o . -th-rongen togederes
N: 5,251 A thowsand of men -th-o . -th-rungen togidres [aaAx]
A: 5,251 --- this line is omitted ---
H3: 5,251 A thowsand me(n) -th-o . throngy(n) togedyr [aaAx]
K: 5,251 A thousand of men tho throngen togyders
T: 5,252 Wepynge & weylyng for here wykkide dedis
H2: 5,252 Wepyng and weylyng . for hir(e) wickide dedes [aaAx]
Ch: 5,252 Wepyng and wailing . for her wikked dedes [aaAx]
D: 5,252 Wepyng and weylyng . for here wykked dedes [aaAx]
V: 5,252 (Weopyng) and (weylyng) . for heore (wikkede) dedes
H: 5,252 Weping & wringing . for her(e) mysdedis [aaAx]
J: 5,252 Wepyng & weylyng . for her wykkyd dedis [aaAx]
L: 5,252 Weopyng & weylyng . for heore wicked dedes [aaAx]
K: 5,252 Wepynge & weylyng for her wykkyd ded(is)
W: 5,252 Wepyng and weylyng . for here wykked dedes [aaAx]
N: 5,252 Wepyng & waylyng . for her wikked dedis [aaAx]
A: 5,252 --- this line is omitted ---
H3: 5,252 Wepyng & waylyng . for here wykkyd dedys [aaAx]
T: 5,253 Criede vpward to crist & to his dere modir
H2: 5,253 Criede vpward to c(ri)st . and to his der(e) moder
Ch: 5,253 Cri-gh-ed vpward to crist . and to his moder dere
D: 5,253 Cried vpward to Crist . & to his clene moder
V: 5,253 (Cri_g_inge) vpward to (Crist) . and to his (clene)
moder [aaAx]
H: 5,253 c(ri)yng vpward to c(ri)st . & to his clene
moder(e) [aaAx]
J: 5,253 Criedyn vpword to c(ri)st . & to his clene moder(e)
L: 5,253 Kryeden vpward to crist . & to his leoue modur
K: 5,253 Cryen vpward to cryst and to his clene mother
W: 5,253 Cride vpward to crist . and to his clene moder [aaAx]
N: 5,253 Cried upward to crist . & to his clene modre
A: 5,253 He cried vpward to crist . & to his clene modur
H3: 5,253 Cryidy(n) upward to cryst . & to hys clene
mod(er) [aaAx]
T: 5,254 To haue g(ra)ce to seke treu[th]e god leue [th](a)t
hy moten
H2: 5,254 To haue grace to seke trewthe . god leue they meten
Ch: 5,254 To haue grace to seke trew-th-e . god leue -th-at
-th-ei moten [aaAx]
D: 5,254 To haue grace to seke trew-th-e . god leue -th-(a)t
-th-ey mote [aaAx]
V: 5,254 To haue (grace) to seche seint treu_th_e . (god)
lene _th_ei so mote [axAx]
H: 5,254 to haue grace to seche treu-th-e . god leue -th-ei
so mote [aaAx]
J: 5,254 To haue g(ra)ce to sekyn trewthe . god leue -th-(a)t
he motyn [aaAx]
L: 5,254 To haue grace to gon with a good wille
K: 5,254 To haue g(ra)ce to go to trewth . so god leve that
they mote [aaAx]
W: 5,254 To haue grace treu-th- for to fynde [aaAx]
N: 5,254 To haue g(ra)ce to seche trew-th-e . got leue -th-(a)t
-th-ei mote [aaAx]
A: 5,254 Grace to gon to trew-th-e . god leue -th-at he mote
H3: 5,254 ffor g(ra)ce to go to trewthe . god leue -th-(a)t
-th-ei so mote [aaAx]
L: 5,254 To seche seynt treouthe . god leue -th-(a)t -th-ey so mote [aaAx]
M: 5,297 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 5,208 ffor his lyder lyfe . -th-at he lyued hadde [aaAx]
M: 5,209 And avowed to fasten . for hunger or for thurste [aaAxx]
M: 5,210 Shal neuer(e) fyssh on Fryday . defyen in my wombe [aaAx]
M: 5,211 Er abstinence myn haunte . haue -y-eue me leue [aaAxx]
M: 5,212 And -y-et haue I hated her(e) . alle my lyfe tyme [aaAxx]
M: 5,213 -Th-o sleweth for sorewe(n) . fylle doun aswoue [aaXa]
M: 5,214 Tyl -th-at Vigilate . fette water(e) atte her(e) eyen [aaAx]
M: 5,215 And plattyd In his face . & faste on him cryde [aaAx]
M: 5,216 And syde warre -th-e from wannehope . -th-(a)t wolde -th-e bet(ra)ye [aaAx]
M: 5,217 I ham sory for my synnes . sey -th-ou -th-y seluen [aaAa]
M: 5,218 And Bete -th-e seluen on -th-e Brest . & bydde him of g(ra)ce [aaAx]
M: 5,219 ffor -th-er mo gelte so grete . -th-at hys godenesse is mor(e) [aaAx]
M: 5,220 -Th-an sate sleweth vp . & syhed faste [aaAx]
M: 5,221 And made avowe befor god . for his foule sleweth [aaAx]
M: 5,222 Schal no sunday -th-ys vij -y-er(e) . but sykenesse it make [aaAx]
M: 5,223 -Th-at I shal vppe eueryday & dygte me to cherche [aaAx]
M: 5,224 And heren matyns & masse . as I a Monke wer(e) [aaAx]
M: 5,225 Schal no ale after Mete . holde me thens [aaAx]
M: 5,226 Til I haue euesonge herde . I hote be -th-e Rode [aaAx]
M: 5,227 And eu(er)che man -y-elden ageyn . if I so muche haue [aaAxx]
M: 5,228 -Th-at I wickedly wan . seth I whit hadde [aaAx]
M: 5,229 And -th-ey my lyuelod lak . letten I ne wille [aaAx]
M: 5,230 -Th-at eche man schal haue his . hen ar I wende [aaAx]
M: 5,231 & with -th-e resydue . be -th-e Rode of Chestr(e) [aaAx]
M: 5,232 In wille seke trweth -th-erwith . or I se Rome [axAx]
M: 5,233 Robert on reddite ful ruly he loked [aaAx]
M: 5,234 And for -th-er nas wer(e) with . he wepte swith sor(e) [aaAx]
M: 5,235 & -th-us -th-(a)t senful schrewe . seyde to him seluen [aaAa]
M: 5,236 Crist -th-(a)t on Caluarye . vpon -th-e cros dyde [aaAx]
M: 5,237 -th-o dismas my brother besougte -th-e of g(ra)ce [????]
M: 5,238 And -th-ou haddest m(er)cye on -th-(a)t man . fo Meme(n)to salke [aaAx]
M: 5,239 Thy wille worthe vpon me . as I haue des(er)ued [aaAx]
M: 5,240 To haue helle for eu(er)e . -y-if hope ne wer(e) [aaAx]
M: 5,241 So rewe on this Robert . -th-(a)t rederd ne haueth [aaAx]
M: 5,242 Ne neu(er)e we to wynne . with crafte -th-(a)t I knowe [aaAxx]
M: 5,243 But of thyn muchel m(er)cy . mytygacyon I beseche [aaAx]
M: 5,244 Dampne me nought at domesdaye . for I ded so Ille [aaAx]
M: 5,245 But what fyll of -th-(a)t man . I kan nought fayr(e) schewen [aaAx]
M: 5,246 But wel I wote he wepte faste water . with his eyen [aaaAx]
M: 5,247 And knowleched his gylte . to cryst it eftesones [aaAx]
M: 5,248 And preyde -th-(a)t penitencia . schulde polysche him newe [aaAx]
M: 5,249 & lepen with oure londe . alle his lif tyme [aaAx]
M: 5,250 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 5,251 A thowsand mo men . thro(n)gen -th-o togeders [aaAx]
M: 5,252 Wepteu(n) & weylden . for her(e) wicked dedes [aaAx]
M: 5,253 Cryden vpward to cryst . & to his der(e) modr(e) [aaAx]
M: 5,254 Of grace to gon to trewthe . godd g(ra)unte -th-(a)t -th-ey moteu(n) [aaAx]
T: 6,1 Ac [th](er)e was fewe men so wys [th](a)t [th]ei [th]id(er)
H2: 6,1 Ac there was fewe men so wys . -th-(a)t thei -th-id(er)
couthe [aaAx]
Ch: 6,1 Bot -th-er wer few men so wise . -th-at walked on
fote [aaAx]
D: 6,1 Ac -th-(er) was fewe men so wys . -th-(a)t -th-eder
coude [aaAx]
V: 6,1 BOte _th_er (were) fewe men so (wys) . _th_at cou_th_e
_th_e (wei) _th_ider [aaAx]
H: 6,1 Now riden -th-is folk & walken on fote
H: 6,1 to seche -th-at seint in selcou-th-e londis
H: 6,1 But -th-(er) wer(e) fewe me(n) so wise . -th-at -th-e
wey cou-th-e(n) [aaAx]
J: 6,1 Ac -th-(er) wer(e) few men so wyse . -th-e wey -th-idyr
cowthin [aaAx]
L: 6,1 Agh -th-er weore fewe men so wys . -th-at -th-e way
couthe [aaAx]
K: 6,1 But ther ne was wight none so wise . -th-(a)t -th-e
way thethar could [aaAx]
W: 6,1 -Gh-it were -th-ere fewe men . -th-e way -th-eder
cou-th-e [aaAx]
N: 6,1 Now wher(e) -th-(er)e fewe so wyse . -th-(a)t -th-e
weye -th-ider(e) cow-th-e [aaAx]
A: 6,1 Here was non so wyse . -th-at -th-e wey -th-edur coude
M: 6,1 But -th-er nas non so wyse . -th-e weye thedr(e) coude
H3: 6,1 Tha(n) was -th-(er) no(n) so wyis . -th-(a)t -th-e
wey-gh-e -th-edyr cou(n)de [aaAx]
T: 6,2 But blustrid for[th] as bestis ou(er) valeis & hilles
H2: 6,2 But blustrid forth as bestes . ou(er) valeis and
hilles [aaAx]
Ch: 6,2 Bot blustred furth-e as bestes . ouer valeis and
hilles [aaAx]
D: 6,2 But blust(re) for-th- as bestes . ou(er) valeys & hulles
V: 6,2 BOte (bustelyng) for_th_ as (bestes) . ouer valeyes & hulles
H: 6,2 but bolstride as blynde bestis . ou(er) valeys & hulllis
H: 6,2 for while -th-ei wente here owe(n) wille -th-ei wente
J: 6,2 But blustryn forth as bestys . ower(e) valeyes & hillys
L: 6,2 Bote bleoseden forth blusteryng as bestes . ou(er)
hulles & [dales] [aaAx]
K: 6,2 But blustrid forth as best(is) . ou(er) valyys and
hillys [aaAx]
W: 6,2 But blostred for-th- as bestes . -th-rogh baches & hilles
N: 6,2 But blostre-th- for-th- as bestis . ou(er) valeys & hilles
A: 6,2 But blusterid forth as bestis . ouer bankis & hillis
M: 6,2 But blustreyng as beststes . ouer(e) dales & helles
H3: 6,2 But blusteryd forth as best(is) . ouyr dale & hylle
T: 6,3 Til late & longe [th](a)t hy a lede mette
H2: 6,3 Tyl late and longe . that hij a lede mette [aaAx]
Ch: 6,3 Tille late and long . -th-at -th-ei a lede mette
D: 6,3 Til late and long . -th-(a)t -th-ey a ladde mette
V: 6,3 Til was (late) & (longe) . _th_at _th_ei a (Leod)
metten [aaAx]
H: 6,3 til hit was late & longe . -th-at -th-ei a ma(n)
mette(n) [aaAx]
J: 6,3 Til late & longe . -th-(a)t he a man mettyn [aaAx]
L: 6,3 Til late & longe . -th-at -th-ey a Leod metten
K: 6,3 Til it was late & longe . that they a lede mette
W: 6,3 Til it was late and longe . -th-ai a ludde mette [aaAx]
N: 6,3 Til late was & long . -th-at -th-ei a lede mette
A: 6,3 Til late and to longe . -th-ai a lede mette [aaAx]
M: 6,3 Till late & till longe . that they a mau(n) metten
H3: 6,3 Tyl late & tyl longe . -th-ei a man metty(n)n
T: 6,4 Ap(ar)ailid as a paynym in pilgrim wyse
H2: 6,4 Ap(ar)aylid as paynym . in pylg(ry)mes wyse [aaAx]
Ch: 6,4 Appareiled as a paynym . In pilgrymis wise [aaAx]
D: 6,4 I pareyled as a payneme . in pylgrymes wyse [aaAx]
V: 6,4 (Apparayled) as a (Palmere) . In (pilgrimes) wedes
H: 6,4 Aparaild as a palm(er)e . in pilg(ri)mes wise [aaAx]
J: 6,4 Apareylyd as a paynym . in pilg(ry)mes wise [aaAx]
L: 6,4 Ip(ar)ailed as a palmare . in pilgrymes wise [aaAx]
K: 6,4 Apparelid as a palm(er) . in pylgrymys wede [aaAx]
W: 6,4 Apparailed as a paynym . in palmeres wede [aaAx]
N: 6,4 Apparailled as a paynyme . in pilg(ri)mes wyse [aaAx]
A: 6,4 Perraylid as a paynym . in pilgrymes wede [aaAx]
M: 6,4 Aparaylde as a payneme . in pilgremes wyse [aaAx]
H3: 6,4 Ap(ar)aylyd as a payny(m) . i(n) pylg(ri)mys wyse
T: 6,5 He bar a burdoun ybounde wi[th] a brood list
H2: 6,5 He bar a bordoun Ibounde . with a brode liste [aaAx]
Ch: 6,5 He bare a bourdoun Ibounde . with a brode liste [aaAx]
D: 6,5 He bar a bordoun bounde . w(i)t(h) a brode lyste [aaAx]
V: 6,5 He (bar) a (bordun) (I-bounde) . wi_th_ a (brod) lyste
H: 6,5 He bar(e) a burdou(n) in his hond bounde . wi-th-
a lyste [aaAx]
J: 6,5 --- this line om ---
L: 6,5 He bar a bordon ybounden . with a brod liste [aaAx]
K: 6,5 He bare a burden ybound . w(i)t(h) a brode lyst [aaAx]
W: 6,5 He bar a burdon Ibounde . wi-th- a brode lyst [aaAx]
N: 6,5 He bar a bourdou(n) ybounde . wi-th- a brode liste
A: 6,5 He bar a burdoun boundyn aboute . w(i)t(h) a brod
lyste [aaAx]
M: 6,5 He bar(e) a burdou(n) ibounde . with a brode lyste
H3: 6,5 He bar a bourdou(n) bondy(n) . w(i)t(h) a brod lyst
T: 6,6 In a way wendis wyse he bond hym aboute
H2: 6,6 In a wodebynde wyse . he bonde hi(m) aboute [aaAx]
Ch: 6,6 In a weyward wyse . Iwounden aboute [aaAx]
D: 6,6 In -th-e way of a wodewynde . bounden at bowte [aaAx]
V: 6,6 In A (we_th_e-bondes) (wyse) . (I-wri_th_en) aboute
H: 6,6 In a wodebyndes wise . wri-th-en aboute [aaAx]
J: 6,6 --- this line om ---
L: 6,6 In a wrethewyndes wise . ywounden al aboute [aaAx]
K: 6,6 In a withwynd wyse . ywounden aboute [aaAx]
W: 6,6 In an yuyn wise . wounden aboute [aaAx]
N: 6,6 In a wethewyndes wyse . wonden aboute [aaAx]
A: 6,6 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 6,6 Alle on wrytheu(n) wyse . Iboundeu(n) aboute [aaAx]
H3: 6,6 In a wyrnde wythys wyse . Iwonde aboute [aaAx]
T: 6,7 A bagge & a bolle he bar be his side
H2: 6,7 A bagge and a bolle . he bar be his syde [aaAx]
Ch: 6,7 A bagge and a bolle . he bare be his syde [aaAx]
D: 6,7 A bagge and a bolle . he baar by his side [aaAx]
V: 6,7 A (Bagge) and a (Bolle) . he (bar) bi his syde [aaAx]
H: 6,7 A bagge & a bolle . he bar(e) by his side [aaAx]
J: 6,7 Wou(n)den abowtyn him a bagge a bolle be his syde
L: 6,7 A bagge & a bolle . he bar by his syde [aaAx]
K: 6,7 A bage and a boll . he bar by his syde [aaAx]
W: 6,7 Bothe a bagge and a bolle . he bar at his side [aaAx]
N: 6,7 A bagge & a bolle . he bar be his syde [aaAx]
A: 6,7 A bagge & a bolle . he bar be is syde [aaAx]
M: 6,7 A bagge & a bolle . he bar be his syde [aaAx]
H3: 6,7 A bag & a bolle . he bar by hys syde [aaAx]
T: 6,8 An hundrit of ampollis on his hat seten
H2: 6,8 An hundred of apples . on his hatte saten [aaAx]
Ch: 6,8 An hundre-th- of hanpolles . on his hatte seten [aaAx]
D: 6,8 An hundred of aunpolles . on his hat seten [aaAx]
V: 6,8 An (hundred) of (ampolles) . on his (hat) seeten [aaAx]
H: 6,8 An C of ampoles . on his hatt seten [aaAx]
J: 6,8 An hundrid of [h]ampollis . on his hatte settyn [aaAx]
L: 6,8 An hundred of saumples . on his hat seten [aaAx]
K: 6,8 A hundred of hampoll(is) . on [his] hatt(es) settyn
W: 6,8 And an hundred of hampnels . on his hatte sette [aaAx]
N: 6,8 A hu(n)dre-th- of appoles . on his hat setten [aaAx]
A: 6,8 An hundred of ampolis . on his hat sotyn [aaAx]
M: 6,8 An vndred of ampolles . on his hatte setyn [aaAx]
H3: 6,8 An honderd of ampullos . on hys hat setyn [aaAx]
T: 6,9 Signes of synay & shilles of galis
H2: 6,9 Signes of synay . and shilles of gales [aaAx]
Ch: 6,9 Signes of synay . and schelles of Gales [aaAx]
D: 6,9 Signes of synay . & shelles of gales [aaAx]
V: 6,9 (Signes) of (Synay) . and (Schelles) of Galys [aaAx]
H: 6,9 Signes of synay . & shilles of galis [aaAx]
J: 6,9 Sygnys of synay . schellys of galis [aaAx]
L: 6,9 Synes of synay . and schelles of galys [aaAx]
K: 6,9 Sygnes of Synays . and schellis of galice [aaAx]
W: 6,9 Signes of Synay . and shelles of gales [aaAx]
N: 6,9 Signes of signay . & chellis of galys [aaAx]
A: 6,9 Sygnes of asyce . and schellis of galis [aaAx]
M: 6,9 Signes of sise . & shelles of gales [aaAx]
H3: 6,9 Sygnys of -th-e holy lond . & schellys of galys
T: 6,10 And many crouch in his cloke & kei[gh]es of rome
H2: 6,10 And many crouche on his clo[th] . and keyes of rome
Ch: 6,10 And many a crowche on his cloke . and keies of Rome
D: 6,10 And many a crouche in his cloke . & keyes of
Rome [aaAx]
V: 6,10 Moni (Cros) on his (cloke) . and (kei_g_es) of Rome
H: 6,10 & many crosses on his cloke . & keies of
rome [aaAx]
J: 6,10 And many a crowche on his cloke . & key-gh-is
of rome [aaAx]
L: 6,10 And mony a crouche on his cloke . & keyes of
rome [aaAx]
K: 6,10 And many a croche on his cloke . & keyys of rome
W: 6,10 And many a crouche on his cloke . & keyes of
rome [aaAx]
N: 6,10 And many crowche on his cloke . & keyis of Rome
A: 6,10 And many a crouche on his cloke . & keys of rome
M: 6,10 And many a crouche on his Cloke . & kyxes of
Rome [aaAx]
H3: 6,10 And many crouche on hys cloke . & keyis of rome
T: 6,11 And [th]e v(er)nicle beforn for men shulde knowe
H2: 6,11 And the vernicle beforn . for men schulde knowe
Ch: 6,11 And -th-e vernycle aforn . for men schuld know [aaAxx]
D: 6,11 And -th-e vernycle byforn . for men schuld hym knowe
V: 6,11 And _th_e (vernicle) (bi-fore) . (for) men schulde
him knowe [aaAxx]
H: 6,11 & -th-e v(er)nicle tofore . for men shulde yknowe
J: 6,11 And -th-e v(er)nicle beforn . for men schuldyn knowe
L: 6,11 And a vernycle byforn . for men scholde him know
K: 6,11 And the vernacle before . for men schuld knawyn [aaAxx]
W: 6,11 And -th-e vernicle before . for me(n) shold knowe
hym [aaAxx]
N: 6,11 And -th-e vernicle afore . for men cholde knowe [aaAxx]
A: 6,11 And -th-e vernache beforn . -th-at men schul hym
knowe [aaAxx]
M: 6,11 & -th-e vernycle beforn . for meu(n) shuldeu(n)
Iknowen [aaAxx]
H3: 6,11 And -th-e vernyclie hy(m) before . -th-(a)t me(n)
xulde knowe [aaAxx]
T: 6,12 And sen be his signes whom he sou[gh]t hadde
H2: 6,12 And sene be his signes . whom he sou-gh-te hadde
Ch: 6,12 And se be his signes . wher he sou-gh-t hadde [aaAx]
D: 6,12 And seyn by his signes . whom he sou-gh-te hadde
V: 6,12 And (seo) be his (signes) . whom he (souht) hedde
H: 6,12 & se by his signes . whom he sou-gh-t hadde [aaAx]
J: 6,12 And seene be his signys . hom he sowht hadde [aaAx]
L: 6,12 And seon by his signes . whom he soght hadde [aaAx]
K: 6,12 And seen by hys sygnes . whom he sowght had [aaAx]
W: 6,12 And se by his signes . whom he sought hadde [aaAx]
N: 6,12 And sene by his signes . who(m) he sou-gh-t hadde
A: 6,12 And sene be -th-e synis . whom he south hadde [aaAx]
M: 6,12 And seen be his signes . whom he sought hadde [aaAx]
H3: 6,12 And sen be hys syngnys . qwom he south hadde [aaAx]
T: 6,13 [Th]is folk fraynide hym faire whenis [th](a)t he come
H2: 6,13 This folke fraynede hi(m) fayr(e) . whennes that
he come [aaaAxx]
Ch: 6,13 -Th-es folk freined him faire . whennes -th-at he
come [aaaAxx]
D: 6,13 This folk freyned hym fayre . whennes he come [aaaAxx]
V: 6,13 _Th_is (ffolk) (fraynede) him (feire) . (from) whenne
_th_at he coome [aaAx]?
H: 6,13 -Th-is folk freyned hym feire . fro when -th-at he
come [aaaAxx]
J: 6,13 -Th-is folke fraynyd him fayr(e) . qwen -th-(a)t
he come [aaaAxx]
L: 6,13 This folk frayned him faire . from whe(n)nes -th-(a)t
he com [aaaAxx]
K: 6,13 Thes folk fraynyd hym fayre . from whens he come
W: 6,13 This folk frayned fast . fro whens he come [aaaAxx]
N: 6,13 This folke frayned hi(m) fair(e) . whennes he come
A: 6,13 Thus folke freyned hym fast . fro whene -th-at he
come [aaaAxx]
M: 6,13 This folke freyndeu(n) him faste . whenes he come
H3: 6,13 -Th-is folk freynyd hy(m) fryst . from qwenns he
come [aaaAxx]
T: 6,14 ffro synay he seide & fro [th]e sepulcre
H2: 6,14 ffro synay he seyde . and fro the sepulcre [aaAx]
Ch: 6,14 ffro synay he seide . and fro -th-e sepulcre [aaAx]
D: 6,14 ffro synay he saide . and fro -th-e sepulcre [aaAx]
V: 6,14 ffrom (Synay)," he (seide), . "and from
the (Sepulcre) [aaAx]
H: 6,14 fram synay he seide . & from -th-e sepulcre [aaAx]
J: 6,14 ffro synay he seyde . -th-o & fro -th-e sepulcur(e)
L: 6,14 ffro synay he saide . & fro -th-e seynt sepulcre
K: 6,14 ffrom synaye he said . and fro(m) -th-e sepulcre
of o(ur) lord [aaAx]
W: 6,14 ffro synay said he . and fro the sepulcre [aaAx]
N: 6,14 ffro synaye he seyde . & fro -th-e sepulcre [aaAx]
A: 6,14 ffro synai he seyde . & fro -th-e sepulcre of
oure lord [aaAx]
M: 6,14 ffrom sinay he seyde . & from -th-e sepulcr(e)
H3: 6,14 ffro(m) synay he seyde . & fro(m) -th-e sepulc(re)
of our lord [aaAx]
T: 6,15 At bedlem at babiloyne I haue ben in bo[th]e
H2: 6,15 At bedlem at babyloyne . I haue ben in bothe [aaAa]
Ch: 6,15 At bedlem at babiloyn . I haue be In bo-th-e [aaAa]
D: 6,15 At bedlem at babyloyne . I haue ben in bo-th-e [aaAa]
V: 6,15 ffrom (Bethleem) and (Babiloyne) . I haue (ben) in
(bo_th_e) [aaAa]
H: 6,15 At bedlem & at babilon . haue y ben also [aaAa]
J: 6,15 At bedleem at babyloyne . I haue bene in bothe [aaAa]
L: 6,15 At beodlehem at babiloyne . I haue beon in bothe
K: 6,15 At bedelem at babelone . I haue byn at bothe [aaAa]
W: 6,15 At bedleem at babylon . I haue ben at bothe [aaAa]
N: 6,15 At bedlem at babiloyne . I haue ben in bo-th-e [aaAa]
A: 6,15 At bedlem at babilony . I haue ben at bo-th-e [aaAa]
M: 6,15 Atte Bedlem at Babyloiu(n) . I haue ben in bothe
H3: 6,15 At betheleem at babylony . I haue be(n) at bothe
T: 6,16 In armonye in alisaundre in manye o[th](er)e places
H2: 6,16 In armonye in alisaundre . in many other places
Ch: 6,16 In armony In alisaundre . and many o-th-er places
D: 6,16 In ermonye & in Alis(a)undre . in many o-th-(er)
places [aaAx]
V: 6,16 In (Ynde) and in (Assye) . and in mony (o_th_er)
places [aaAx]
H: 6,16 In ermonye in Elisau(n)dre . & in many o-th-(er)
places [aaAx]
J: 6,16 In ermony in alisaunder(e) . in many o-th-(er) place
L: 6,16 In Ermony in alisaunder . in mony othir places [aaAx]
K: 6,16 In ermony in alis(a)undry . & in many other plac(es)
W: 6,16 In Ermonie in Alisandre . in many o-th-er place [aaAx]
N: 6,16 In hermonye in alysau(n)dre . & many o-th-(er)e
place [aaAx]
A: 6,16 In ermonie in alisaundre . in many other placis [aaAx]
M: 6,16 In hermonye in alisaundr(e) . In many other places
H3: 6,16 In ermeny-gh-e i(n) alexandre . & many o-th-(ir)
places [aaAx]
T: 6,17 [Y]e mowe se be my signes [th](a)t sitten on myn hat
H2: 6,17 -Gh-e mowe se be my signes . that sitten on myn
hatt [aaAx]
Ch: 6,17 -Gh-e may se be my signes . -th-at sitten on myn
hatte [aaAx]
D: 6,17 -Gh-e mow se be my signes . -th-(a)t sitten on myn
hatte [aaAx]
V: 6,17 _Y_e mouwe (seo) be my (Signes) . _th_at (sitte_th_)
on myn hat [aaAx]
H: 6,17 -Gh-e may se by my signes . -th-at sitte(n) on my(n)
hatt [aaAx]
J: 6,17 -Gh-e mowe sene be my sygnys . -th-(a)t sitty(n)
on my(n) hatte [aaAx]
L: 6,17 -Gh-e mown seon on my signes . -th-at sitten on myn
[hat] [aaAx]
K: 6,17 Ye mowen seen by my signys . -th-(a)t syttyn on my
hatte [aaAx]
W: 6,17 Ye may se by -th-e signes . -th-at on myn hatte setten
N: 6,17 -Gh-e may se by my sygnes . -th-(a)t sittyn on my(n)
hatte [aaAx]
A: 6,17 -Gh-e mow sen be my synys . -th-at syttyn on myn
hatte [aaAx]
M: 6,17 As -y-e may sen be sygnes . that sitteth on my hatte
H3: 6,17 -Gh-e mou(n) sen be -th-e syngnys . -th-(a)t sytty(n)
on my(n) hat [aaAx]
T: 6,18 [Th]at I haue walkid wel wide in wet & in dri[gh]e
H2: 6,18 That I haue walkid wel wyde . in wet and in drye
Ch: 6,18 -Th-at I haue walked wel wide . In wete and drie
D: 6,18 That I haue walked wil wyde . in wet & in drye
V: 6,18 _Th_at I haue (walked) ful (wyde) . In (weete) and
in druye [aaAx]
H: 6,18 -Th-at I haue walked ful wide . in wete & in
drie [aaaAx]
J: 6,18 -Th-(a)t I haue walkyd wyde qwore . i(n) wete & in
drye [aaaAx]
L: 6,18 -Th-at I haue walked wel wide . in wete & in
drye [aaaAx]
K: 6,18 --- line om ---
K: 6,19 I haue sowght good saynt(es) . for my soule helthe
K: 6,19 [C: 7,175] And walkyd ful wyde in wete & eke
in drye
K: 6,19 [A:6,20/C: 7,176] Knowist -th-(o)u a coresaynt q(uo)d
I that me(n) clepyn trewthe
K: 6,19 [A:6,21/C: 7,177] Canst thou wysschen vs the way
wher truthe wonyth
K: 6,19 [A:6,22/C: 7,178] Nay so me god helpe said the gome
K: 6,19 [A:6,23/C: 7,179] I see neu(er) palm(er) w(i)t(h)
pike ne w(i)t(h) scryppe
K: 6,19 [A:6,24/C: 7,180] Asken aft(ur) hym or now in this
ylke place
K: 6,19 [A:6,25/C: 7,181] Pet(er) q(uo)d a plowma(n) & put
forth his hede
K: 6,19 [A:6,26/C: 7,182] I knowe hym as kyndly as clerk(es)
done her bok(es)
K: 6,19 [A:6,27/C: 7,183] Concyence and kynd wytt kennyd
me to his place
K: 6,19 [A:6,28/C: 7,184] And made me syker hym sithe to
s(er)ue hym for eu(er)
K: 6,19 [A:6,29/C: 7,185] Bothe to sowe & to sett whil(es)
I swynke mighte
K: 6,19 [C: 7,186] And to sowen his seed, suewen his bestes,
K: 6,19 [C: 7,187] W(i)t(h)in & w(i)t(h)out to wayten
his p(ro)fite
K: 6,19 [A:6,30/C: 7,188] I haue byn his folowar al this
fourty wynt(er)
K: 6,19 [A:6,36/C: 7,189] And Is(er)uyd treuth sothely somdele
to pay
K: 6,19 [C: 7,190] In al kyn(e) craft(es) that he could deuyse
K: 6,19 [C: 7,191] P(ro)fitable to the plowgh he put me to
K: 6,19 [A:6,38/C: 7,192] And though I say it myself I s(er)uyd
hym to pay
K: 6,19 [A:6,36/C: 7,193] I haue my(n) hyer of hym wel & otherwhile
K: 6,19 [C: 7,194] He is most prest payer -th-(a)t any poer
ma(n) knoweith
K: 6,19 [A:6,39/C: 7,195] He w(i)t(h)holt no(n) hyne his
hyer ou(er) euyn
K: 6,19 [A:6,40/C: 7,196] He is lowe as a lambe & leel
of his tange
K: 6,19 [A:6,41/C: 7,197] And whoso willneth to wyte wher
-th-(a)t treuthe wonyth
K: 6,19 [A:6,42/C: 7,198] I wil wysch you wel right to his
K: 6,19 [A:6,43/C: 7,199] Ye leve pers q(uo)d thise pilgrymes & p(ro)ferid
hym mede
K: 6,19 [A:6,44/C: 7,200] Nay by the p(er)il of my soule
peres gan to swere
K: 6,19 [A:6,45/C: 7,201] I nold fonge a ferthyng for Saynt
Thom(a)s schryne
K: 6,19 [C: 7,202] Were it tould to treuth that I toke mede
K: 6,19 [A:6,46/C: 7,203] he would loue me the lasse a long
tyme after
K: 6,19 [A:6,47/C: 7,204] And whoso woll wende ther as trewth
K: 6,19 [C: 7,204] This is the hye way thether ward wyten
wel the sothe
K: 6,19 [A:6,48/C: 7,205] Ye must go thorowe mekenes al men & women
K: 6,19 [A:6,49/C: 7,206] Tyl ye co(m)me into consyence knowyn
god hymself
K: 6,19 [A:6,50/C: 7,207] And -th-(a)t ye loue hym as lord
leelych aboue alle
K: 6,19 [C: 7,208] That is to say sothly ye schuld Rather
K: 6,19 [C: 7,209] Than any dedely sy(n)n do for drede or
for prayo(ur)
K: 6,19 [A:6,51/C: 7,210] And than yo(ur) neyghburs next
in no wise appaiere
K: 6,19 [A:6,52/C: 7,211] Non o-th-erwise than ye would they
wrougtyn you al tymys
K: 6,19 [A:6,53/C: 7,212] And so goo forth by the broke a
brydge as it were
K: 6,19 [A:6,54/C: 7,213] Til ye co(m)me to a ford highte
yo(ur) fad(er)s honowren
K: 6,19 [A:6,55/C: 7,214] Wadith wel in that wat(er) & wasch
you wel ther
K: 6,19 [A:6,56/C: 7,215] And you schal lepe the lightlyer
al yo(ur) lyue tyme
K: 6,19 [C: 7,215a] --- line om ---
K: 6,19 [A:6,57/C: 7,216] Than shalt thou not Sweare but
it be for nede
K: 6,19 [A:6,58/C: 7,217] Namelich in Idle the name of god
K: 6,19 [A:6,59/C: 7,218] Than schalt -th-(o)u come by a
crofte & come not theryn
K: 6,19 [A:6,60/C: 7,219] The crofte hatte coueyte not me(n)nys
catel ne her wyf(es)
K: 6,19 [A:6,61/C: 7,220] Ne non of her s(er)u(au)nt(es)
that noyen hem might
K: 6,19 [A:6,62/C: 7,221] Loke thou bere nowght ther away
but it be thyn own
K: 6,19 [A:6,63/C: 7,222] Too stokk(es) ther stondyn but
stynte not ther
K: 6,19 [A:6,64/C: 7,223] Thay hatt Stele not Sle not stryke
forth by hem bothe
K: 6,19 [A:6,65/C: 7,224] --- this line om ---
K: 6,19 [A:6,66/C: 7,225] And kepe wel thyn holyday heye
tyll evyn
K: 6,19 [A:6,67/C: 7,226] Than shalt -th-(o)u blench at a
bergh bere no fals wytnes
K: 6,19 [A:6,68/C: 7,227] He is frethid in w(i)t(h) florens & other
fees many
K: 6,19 [A:6,69/C: 7,228] Loke -th-ou pluk ther no plante
ffor p(er)ile of thy sowle
K: 6,19 [A:6,70/C: 7,229] Than shalt -th-(o)u say sothe so
it be to done
K: 6,19 [C: 7,230] In no man(er) els not for no man(er) prayo(ur)
K: 6,19 [A:6,72/C: 7,231] So shalt thou come to a court as
clere as a sone
K: 6,19 [A:6,73/C: 7,232] The mote ys of m(er)cye a mydd(es)
the maner
K: 6,19 [A:6,74/C: 7,233] Al the wallyng is of witt for wil
ne shuld it wynne
K: 6,19 [A:6,75/C: 7,234] The carnell(es) ben of crystendome
that kynd to saue
K: 6,19 [A:6,76/C: 7,235] And bot(ur)syd w(i)t(h) beleue
so or thou best not sauyd
K: 6,19 [A:6,77/C: 7,236] And all the hous(es) ben helid
both hall(es) & chambrs
K: 6,19 [A:6,78/C: 7,237] With no lede but w(i)t(h) loue & w(i)t(h)
lele speche
K: 6,19 [C: 7,238] The barrys are(n) of buxu(m)nes as brether(n)
of one wombe
K: 6,19 [C: 7,239] The brydg(es) hatt byd well the bett(er)
may -th-e spede
K: 6,19 [C: 7,240] Eche pelour is of pen(au)nce and prayours
to saynt(es)
K: 6,19 [C: 7,241] The hok(es) aru(n) almesdedes that the
yat(es) hangyn on(n)
K: 6,19 [A:6,82/C: 7,242] Grace hatt the gateward a good
man for sothe
K: 6,19 [A:6,83/C: 7,243] His man hight amend you many ma(n)
hym knowith
K: 6,19 [A:6,84/C: 7,244] Tel hym this Ilke tokyn treuth
wote the soth
K: 6,19 [A:6,86/C: 7,245] I ame sory for my synnys and so
schal I eu(er)
K: 6,19 [C: 7,246] And p(er)formid the pen(au)nce that the
p(re)ste me hight
K: 6,19 [A:6,88/C: 7,247] Biddith amend you to meke you to
his mast(er) g(ra)ce
K: 6,19 [C: 7,248] To opyn and ondone the hye yate of heuyn
K: 6,19 [A:6,90/C: 7,249] That Adam & Eue ayenst vs al
K: 6,19 [C: 7,249a] { P(er) Exam cunct(is) clausa est Et
p(er) Mariam }
K: 6,19 [C: 7,249a] { virgine(m) it(er)um patefacta est &c
K: 6,19 [C: 7,250] A fful lele lady vnleekyd it of grace
K: 6,19 [A:6,91/C: 7,251] And sche hath the key of the cleket
thowgh the kyng sclepe
K: 6,19 [C: 7,252] Sche may lede in that sche louyth as hir
self likyth
K: 6,19 [A:6,92/C: 7,253] And if grace g(ra)unt the to goo
in this wise
K: 6,19 [C: 7,254] Thou schalt see treuth sytt in thy self
K: 6,19 [C: 7,255] And solace thy soule and saue the from
K: 6,19 [C: 7,256] And charge charite a churche to make
K: 6,19 [C: 7,257] Yn thyn hole harte to harberowe al trwe
K: 6,19 [C: 7,258] And fynd al man(er) of folk foode to her
K: 6,19 [C: 7,259] Yf love and lewte and our lawe be true
K: 6,19 [C: 7,259a] {Quodcu(m)q(ue) pecierit(is) in no(m)i(n)e
meo dabit(ur) e(ni)m vob(is) }
W: 6,18 That I haue walked wide . in wete and in drie [aaaAx]
N: 6,18 That I haue walked ful wyde . in wete & in drye
A: 6,18 I haue walkid wol wyde . in wete & in drye [aaaAx]
M: 6,18 Tht I haue walked wyde . In wete & in dreye [aaaAx]
H3: 6,18 -Th-at I haue walkyd ful wyde . i(n) wett & i(n)
dry-gh-e [aaaAx]
T: 6,19 And sou[gh]t goode seintes for my soule hele
H2: 6,19 And sou-gh-t gode seyntes . for my soule hele [aaAx]
Ch: 6,19 And sou-gh-t gode seintes . for my soule hele [aaAx]
D: 6,19 And sou-gh-t goode seintes . for my soule hele [aaAx]
V: 6,19 And (souht) goode (seyntes) . for my (soule) helle
H: 6,19 & sou-gh-t goode seint(es) . for my soule hele
J: 6,19 And sowht gode seyntys . for my sowle helthe [aaAx]
L: 6,19 And soght gode seintis . for my soule helthe [aaAx]
W: 6,19 And soght many a seynt . for my soule hele [aaAx]
N: 6,19 And sought gode seyntis . for my soulis hel-th-e
A: 6,19 And sekid good seyntis . for my soule hele [aaAx]
M: 6,19 And soughte goode seintes . for my soule hele [aaAx]
H3: 6,19 And south goode sentys . for my(n) soule hele [aaAx]
T: 6,20 Knowist [th]ou ou[gh]t a corseint q(ua)[th] [th]ei
[th](a)t men callen treu[th]e
H2: 6,20 Knowyst thow ou-gh-t a corseynt q(uo)d thei . -th-at
men callen treuth[e] [aaAx]
Ch: 6,20 Knowest -th-ow ou-gh-t a corseint q(uo)d -th-ei
. -th-at men callen trew-th-e [aaAx]
D: 6,20 Knowist -th-(o)u au-gh-t a corseint q(ou)d -th-ey
. -th-(a)t men calle-th- trew-th-e [aaAx]
V: 6,20 (Knowest) _th_ou ouht A (Corseynt) . Men (calle_th_)
Seynt Treu_th_e [aaAx]
H: 6,20 Knowist -th-ou a seint quo-th- -th-ei . -th-at me(n)
calle(n) treu-th-e [aaAx]
J: 6,20 Knowystow oute a corseynt q(uo)d -th-ei . -th-(a)t
men callyn t(re)wthe [aaAx]
L: 6,20 Knowest -th-(o)u oght a corseynt q(uo)d -th-ey .
-th-(a)t men callen tro[uthe] [aaAx]
W: 6,20 Knowest oght a corsaint q(uo)d I . -th-at me calle-th-
trou-th- [aaAx]
N: 6,20 Knowest ought a corseynt . -th-at men calle trw-th-e
A: 6,20 Knowist -th-u out a corsent -th-ai clepe sent trew-th-e
quot -th-ai [aaAx]
M: 6,20 Knowest on a corpssent . -th-at -th-at men clepeth
trewethe [aaAx]
H3: 6,20 Knowyst -th-(o)u out a corse(n)t q(uo)d -th-ei .
-th-(a)t me(n) clepy(n) trewthe [aaAx]
T: 6,21 Canst [th](o)u wisse vs [th]e wey where [th](a)t wy
H2: 6,21 Canst thow wysse vs the wey . wher(e) the wy dwellith
Ch: 6,21 Constow wisse vs -th-e way . wher -th-at wy duelleth
D: 6,21 Canst -th-(o)u wisse ous -th-e wey . wher -th-(a)t
he dwelle-th- [aaAx]
V: 6,21 Const _th_ou (wissen) vs _th_e (wey) . (wher) _th_at
he dwelle_th_ [aaAx]?
H: 6,21 Canst -th-ou teche vs -th-e way . wher(e) -th-at
he walke-th- [aaAx]
J: 6,21 kanstow out wyssyn v(us) -th-e wey . qwer(e) -th-(a)t
he dwellyth [aaAx]
L: 6,21 Konst -th-ou wissen vs -th-e wey . -th-er -th-(a)t
wyghe dwell[e-th-] [aaAx]
W: 6,21 Canstow oght wisse me -th-e way . -th-eder as he
dwelleth [aaAx]
N: 6,21 Canstow wisse vs -th-e wey . where -th-(a)t wy dwelli-th-
A: 6,21 Canst -th-u wyschen vs -th-e wey . -th-er -th-(a)t
wyte dwellith [aaAx]
M: 6,21 kannustou wysse vs -th-e weye . -th-er -th-(a)t man
dwelleth [aaAx]
H3: 6,21 And canst -th-(o)u wyssyn vs -th-e wey-gh-e . -th-(er)
-th-(a)t wyth dwellyth [aaAx]
T: 6,22 Nay so god more me helpe seide [th]e man [th]anne
H2: 6,22 Nay so god mote me helpe . seide the man thanne
Ch: 6,22 Nay so god mote me helpe . seide -th-e man -th-an
D: 6,22 Nay so me god helpe seide -th-e man -th-anne [axAx]
V: 6,22 Nay, so (God) (glade) me . seide _th_e (gome) _th_enne
H: 6,22 Nay so god me helpe . seide -th-e pilgrym -th-en
J: 6,22 Nay so me god helpe . q(uo)d -th-e gome -th-anne
L: 6,22 Nay so me god helpe . saide -th-e gome -th-anne [axAx]
W: 6,22 Nay so god me helpe . q(uo)d -th-e g[r]ome -th-anne
N: 6,22 Nay so me god helpe . sei-th- -th-e grome -th-anne
A: 6,22 Nay so god me help . sayde -th-e gome -th-anne [axAx]
M: 6,22 Nay so me god helpe . seyde -th-at man -th-an [axAx]
H3: 6,22 Nay so me god help . seyd -th-e ma(n) -th-anne [axAx]
T: 6,23 I sau[gh] neu(er)e palm(er)e wi[th] pik ne wi[th] scrippe
H2: 6,23 I say neu(er) palm(er)e with pik . ne with scrip
Ch: 6,23 I sawe neuer palmer with pike . no with scrippe
D: 6,23 I say neu(er) palm(er)e with pyke. ne w(i)t(h) scryppe
V: 6,23 (Sauh) I neuere (Palmere) . with (pyk) ne with (schrippe)
H: 6,23 I sau-gh- neu(er) palm(er) wi-th- scrip ne wi-th-
pyk [aaXx]?
J: 6,23 I sayhe neu(er) palm(er) w(i)t(h) pyke . ne w(i)t(h)
scrippe [aaXx]?
L: 6,23 y sawe neuer palmer with pyk . no with skryppe [aaXx]?
W: 6,23 Yit say I neuere Palmere wi-th- sclaveyn . ne scrip(pe)
N: 6,23 I saw neur(e) palmere wi-th- pik . ne wi-th- scrippe
A: 6,23 I sey neuer palmer . askyn aftir sent trew-th-e [aaXx]?
M: 6,23 I seye neur(e) palmere with pyke . ne with scryppe
H3: 6,23 I sey neu(er) palmere w(i)t(h) pyk . no(n) w(i)t(h)
skreppe [aaXx]?
T: 6,24 Axen aftir hym er now in [th]is place
H2: 6,24 Axen aftir hi(m) . or now in this place [aaAxx]
Ch: 6,24 Axen after hym . or now in -th-is place [aaAxx]
D: 6,24 Aske aft(ir) hym . or now here in -th-is place [aaAxx]
V: 6,24 Such a (seint) (seche) . bote now in _th_is place
H: 6,24 Aske aft(ur) seint treu-th-e . but now in -th-is
place [aaAxx]
J: 6,24 Axin aft(er) him . or now in no diu(er)s place [aaAxx]
L: 6,24 Asken euer after him . er now in -th-is place [aaAxx]
W: 6,24 Asken aftr(e) hym . or now neuere in my lyue [aaAxx]
N: 6,24 Axe aftre seynt trew-th-e . ar now in -th-is plase
A: 6,24 --- this line om ---
M: 6,24 Asken after him . ar now her(e) in this place [aaAxx]
H3: 6,24 Askyn aft(ir) hy(m) . er now I come i(n) -th-is
place [aaAxx]
T: 6,25 Petir qua[th] a plou[gh]man and putte for[th] his hed
H2: 6,25 Pet(ir) q(uo)d a plou-gh-man . and put forth his
d hede [aaAx]
Ch: 6,25 Peter q(uo)d a plowman . and put furthe his heued
D: 6,25 Pet(ir) q(ou)d a plowma(n) . and put out his heued
V: 6,25 (Peter) quod a (Plou_g_-Mon) . and (putte) for_th_
his hed [aaAx]
H: 6,25 Pet(ir) q(uo)-th- a plowman . & putt for-th-
his heed [aaAx]
J: 6,25 Pet(ir) q(uo)d a plowhman . & put forth his hede
L: 6,25 Peter q(uo)d a plogh mon . and putte forth his hed
W: 6,25 Petr(e) q(uo)d a plowman . & putte for-th- his
hede [aaAx]
N: 6,25 Peter q(uo)d a plougman . & put for-th- his hed
A: 6,25 Petur quot a plowman . and putte forth his hed [aaAx]
M: 6,25 Petre q(uo)d a ploweman . and putte forth his hede
H3: 6,25 Petyr q(uo)d a plowma(n) . & put forth hys hed
T: 6,26 I knowe hym as kyndely as clerk do[th] his bokis
H2: 6,26 I knowe hi(m) as kyndely . as clerk doth his boke
Ch: 6,26 I know hym als kendely . as a clerk do-th- his bokes
D: 6,26 I knowe hym as kyndely . as clerk do-th- bokes [aaAx]
V: 6,26 I (knowe) him as (kuyndeliche) . as (Clerk) do_th_
his bokes [aaAx]
H: 6,26 I knowe hym as kyndely . as clerk do-th- his bokis
J: 6,26 I know him as so kyndely . as clerk doth his boke
L: 6,26 y knowe him as kyndelich . as clerk doth his bokes
W: 6,26 I know hym as kyndly . as clerk do-th- his bokes
N: 6,26 I know hym as kyndely . as clerke do-th- his bokis
A: 6,26 I knowe hym as kyndely . as a clerk doth is bokis
M: 6,26 I knowe him as kendely . as clerc dothe his boke
H3: 6,26 I knowe hy(m) as kyndely . as a clerk doth hys bokys
T: 6,27 Clene consience & wyt kende me to his place
H2: 6,27 Clene consience and [kynd] wyt . kende me to his
place [aaAx]
Ch: 6,27 Clene conscience and witte . kende me to his place
D: 6,27 Clene consience & wytte . kenned me to -th-is
place [aaAx]
V: 6,27 (Clene) (Concience) and wit . tau_g_te me to his
place [aaxAx]
H: 6,27 kynde conscience tau-gh-t me ri-gh-t to his place
J: 6,27 Clene co(n)sciens & wit . taute me to his place
L: 6,27 Clene consience & wit . me kenneth to his place
W: 6,27 Conscience and clene witte . kenne me to his place
N: 6,27 Conscience & kynde witt . kenned me to his place
A: 6,27 Clene conciens & witte . kennyth me to his place
M: 6,27 Klene concience & wygte . taugte me to his place
H3: 6,27 Clene concye(n)s & wytt . taugth me to hys place
T: 6,28 And dede me to sure hym to s(er)ue hym for eu(er)e
H2: 6,28 And dede me to ensur(e) hi(m) . to serue hi(m) for
eu(er)e [aaAx]
Ch: 6,28 And ded me to sure hym . to serue him for euer [aaAx]
D: 6,28 And dede me to seure hym . for to serue hym eu(er)e
V: 6,28 And dude (enseure) me (se_th__th_e) . to (serue)
him for euere [aaAx]
H: 6,28 & dide me assure to s(er)ue hym for eu(er) [aaAx]
J: 6,28 And did me asuryn him sy-th-in . to s(er)uyn him
for eu(er)e [aaAx]
L: 6,28 And dude me ensuren him sithen . to serue for eue[re]
W: 6,28 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 6,28 And did me suren hi(m) si-th-en . to s(er)uen hi(m)
for eur(e) [aaAx]
A: 6,28 And dede me sweryn sythen . for to serue hym euyr
M: 6,28 And dedde me sweren sothe . to serueu(n) him eure
H3: 6,28 And dede me swere sothenesse . to seruy(n) hy(m)
euere [aaAx]
T: 6,29 Bo[th]e sowe his seed while I swynke mi[gh]te
H2: 6,29 Bothe sowe his seed . whyle I swynke my-gh-t [aaAx]
Ch: 6,29 ffor to sowe his sede . while I swinke my-gh-t [aaAx]
D: 6,29 Bo-th-e sowe & seden . while I swynke my-gh-te
V: 6,29 Bo_th_e to (sowen) and to (setten) . while I (swynke)
mihte [aaAx]
H: 6,29 Bo-th-e to sowe & to sette . while y swinke mi-gh-t
J: 6,29 Both sowyn & settyn . qwyl I swynckyn myht [aaAx]
L: 6,29 Bothe sowe & sette . whiles y swynke myghte [aaAx]
W: 6,29 Bo-th-e to sowe and to sette . while I swynke myght
N: 6,29 Bo-th-e sowen & sette . while I swynke mi-gh-te
A: 6,29 Bo-th-e to sowe & to sette . whil I swynk mygth
M: 6,29 Bothe to sowen & to sette . wille I swenke moughte
H3: 6,29 Bothe to sowe & to sette . qwyl I swynke mythe
T: 6,30 I haue ben his folewere al [th]is fourty wynt(er)
H2: 6,30 I haue bien his folewer(e) . al this fourty wynt(er)
Ch: 6,30 I haue ben his folower . al -th-is fourty wynter
D: 6,30 I haue ben his folower . al -th-is fourty wynt(er)
V: 6,30 I haue ben his (felawe) . _th_is (fiftene) wynter
H: 6,30 I haue ben his holder(e) . -th-is fiftene wynt(er)s
J: 6,30 I haue bene his falwer . al -th-is four(e) wint(er)
L: 6,30 I haue beon his folewer . al -th-is fourty wynter
W: 6,30 So haue I folwed forth . al -th-is fourty wyntyr
N: 6,30 I haue ben his s(er)uaunt . al -th-is seuenty wyntre
A: 6,30 I haue ben his folwere . alle -th-is fourty wyntir
M: 6,30 I haue ben his seruant . alle this fourty -y-eres
H3: 6,30 I haue be(n) hys folwere . al -th-is fourti wyntyr
T: 6,31 Bo[th]e sowen his seed & sewide hise bestis
H2: 6,31 Bothe sowen his seed . and sewyd hise bestis [aaAx]
Ch: 6,31 Bo-th-e to sowe his sede . and sewed his bestes
D: 6,31 Bo-th-e sowen his seed . & seued his bestes [aaAx]
V: 6,31 Bo_th_e (I-sowen) his (sed) . and (suwed) his beestes
H: 6,31 Bo-th-e ysowen his seed . & folewid his bestis
J: 6,31 Bothe sowyn his seede . & sewyd his bestis [aaAx]
L: 6,31 Bothe sowen his seed . & sywed his bestes [aaAx]
W: 6,31 Bo-th-e sowen his sede . & si-th- kept his bestes
N: 6,31 Bo-th-e ysowen his seed . & swed hise bestis
A: 6,31 Bo-th-e sowyn is sede . & folwid his bestis [aaAx]
M: 6,31 Bothe Isowen his sede . & folewed his bestes
H3: 6,31 Bothe sowy(n) [hys] sedys . & folwyd hys bestys
T: 6,32 And kepide his corn & cariede it to house
H2: 6,32 And kepid his corne . and cariede it to house [aaAx]
Ch: 6,32 And keped his corn . and caried to house [aaAx]
D: 6,32 And kepit his corn . & caried it to house [aaAx]
V: 6,32 And eke (I-kept) his (Corn) . (I-caried) hit to house
H: 6,32 & Ikept his corn . & caried it to house [aaAx]
J: 6,32 And kepid wele his corne . & cary-gh-id it to
howse [aaAx]
L: 6,32 And keped his korn . & caried hit to house [aaAx]
W: 6,32 And layd on and lad corn . & broght it to hous
N: 6,32 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 6,32 And kepid his corn . & caried it to house [aaAx]
M: 6,32 and eke kepe his Corne . & carie it tou house
H3: 6,32 And eke kepyd hys corn . & caryid it to house
T: 6,33 Dyken & deluen & do what he hi[gh]te
H2: 6,33 Dyken and doluen . and do what he hy-gh-th [aaAx]
Ch: 6,33 Diken and deluen . and do what he me hi-gh-t [aaAx]
D: 6,33 Dykyn & deluen . & do what he highte [aaAx]
V: 6,33 (I-dyket) and (I-doluen) . (I-don) what he hihte
H: 6,33 I haue dichid & doluen . & do what he bad
J: 6,33 Dychid & duluy(n) . & do qwat he hyte [aaAx]
L: 6,33 Dyked & doluen . and don what he hoted [aaAx]
W: 6,33 And eke diked and delued . & don what he hight
N: 6,33 Dyked & doluen . & don -th-(a)t he hi-gh-te
A: 6,33 I dikid I dalfe . I dede -th-at he hyth [aaAx]
M: 6,33 Idykete Idoluen . Ido wat he -y-eygth [aaAx]
H3: 6,33 Dychyd & doluy(n) . & do -th-(a)t he hythe
T: 6,34 Wi[th]inne & wi[th]oute waytide his p(ro)fit
H2: 6,34 Withinne and withoute . waytide his p(ro)fyte [aaAx]
Ch: 6,34 WithInne and withoute . waited his profite [aaAx]
D: 6,34 WithInne & w(i)t(h)oute . wayten his p(ro)fyt
V: 6,34 (With-Innen) and (withouten) . (I-wayted) his profyt
H: 6,34 Wi-th-ynne & wi-th-oute . y waited his p(ro)fyt
J: 6,34 Withinnyn & withoutyn . weele his p(ro)fete [aaAx]
L: 6,34 Withynne & withoute . & wayted his p(ro)fite
W: 6,34 Bo-th-e wi-th-in & wi-th-oute . his profite awaited
N: 6,34 Wi-th-inne & wi-th-outen . y wayted his p(ro)fyt
A: 6,34 Wythinne & w(i)t(h)oute . wayted his p(ro)fyth
M: 6,34 WithIn withoute . I wayted his profit [aaAx]
H3: 6,34 W(i)t(h)Inne & w(i)t(h)outy(n) . waytyd hys
p(ro)fyth [aaAx]
T: 6,35 [Th](er)e is no labo(ur)er in his lordsshipe [th](a)t
he loui[th] bet(er)
H2: 6,35 -Th-er(e) is no labo(u)rer in his lordschip(e) .
that he louet bet(er)e [aaAx]
Ch: 6,35 -Th-er is no laborer In his lordschep . -th-at he
loue-th- better [aaAx]
D: 6,35 -th-(er) nys non laborer in his lordschipe . -th-(a)t
he loueth bett(er) [aaAx]
V: 6,35 _Th_er nis no (laborer) in _th_is (leod) . _th_at
he (loue_th_) more [aaAx]
H: 6,35 -Th-(er) is no laboure in lordschip . -th-at he loue-th-
more [aaAx]
J: 6,35 -Th-(er) is no laborer in his lordechyp . -th-(a)t
he louyth bett(er) [aaAx]
L: 6,35 -Th-(er) is no laborer in -th-is lordschipe . -th-at
he loueth bette[r] [aaAx]
W: 6,35 Is no labore in -th-is lond . -th-at he loue-th-
bettre [aaAx]
N: 6,35 -Th-(er) is no laborer i(n) his lordeship . -th-(a)t
he loue-th- bettre [aaAx]
A: 6,35 Ther is no laborere in his lordchepe . -th-at he
louyd bettyr [aaAx]
M: 6,35 Ther(e) nys labborer(e) in -th-ys lordescype . -th-(a)t
he loueth bett(er) [aaAx]
H3: 6,35 -Th-(er) is no labourere i(n) hys lordechepe . -th-(a)t
he louyth bett(er) [aaAx]
T: 6,36 ffor [th]ei[gh] I sey it myself I s(er)ue hym to pay
H2: 6,36 ffor thei I sei it my self . I serue hi(m) to paye
Ch: 6,36 ffor -th-ow-gh- I sey hit my self . I serued hym
to paie [aaAx]
D: 6,36 ffor -th-ou-gh- I sey it my self . I s(er)ue hym
to paye [aaAx]
V: 6,36 ffor _th_auh I (sigge) hit (my-self) . I (serue)
him to paye [aaAx]
H: 6,36 for -th-ou-gh- I say hit my self . y s(er)ue hym
to pay [aaAx]
J: 6,36 ffor -th-ei I sey it my selue . I s(er)ue him to
paye [aaAx]
L: 6,36 ffor -th-augh I say hit my seolf . I serued him to
paye [aaAx]
W: 6,36 ffor -th-ogh I say it my self . I seche hym to plese
N: 6,36 ffor -th-owgh I sey it my self . I s(er)ue hi(m)
to paye [aaAx]
A: 6,36 ffor -th-ow I sey my selfe . I serue hym to pay [aaAx]
M: 6,36 ffor -th-ey I sey it my selue . I serue him to paye
H3: 6,36 ffor -th-ow I sey it me seluy(n) . I serue hy(m)
to pay [aaAx]
T: 6,37 And haue myn here of hym & o[th](er)while more
H2: 6,37 And haue myn hyre of hi(m) . and otherwhile mor(e)
Ch: 6,37 And haue myn here of him . and o-th-erwhile more
D: 6,37 I haue myn hure of hym . wel & o-th-(er)while
more [aaAx]
V: 6,37 I (haue) myn (hure) of him wel . and (o_th_erwhile)
more [aaAx]
H: 6,37 I haue myn huyr(e) of hym . & o-th-(er)while
more [aaAx]
J: 6,37 I haue my(n) hir(e) of him wele . & o-th-(er)qwile
more [aaAx]
L: 6,37 y haue myn huyre of him . & othirwhiles more
W: 6,37 I haue myn here at my wyl . & o-th-erwhil more
N: 6,37 I haue Myn hure of hi(m) wel . & o-th-(er)while
more [aaAx]
A: 6,37 I haue myne hyre of hym wel . & sumtyme more
M: 6,37 I haue myn er(e) of him . & su(m)metyme mor(e)
H3: 6,37 I haue my(n) hyre of hy(m) wel . & sometyme
more [aaAx]
T: 6,38 He is [th]e presteste payere [th](a)t pore men knowen
H2: 6,38 He is -th-e p(re)steste payer(e) . that pore men
knowen [aaAx]
Ch: 6,38 He is -th-e prestist paiere . -th-at pore men knowen
D: 6,38 He is -th-e prestest paiere . -th-(a)t pore me(n)
knowen [aaAx]
V: 6,38 He is _th_e (presteste) (payere) . _th_at (pore)
men habbe_th_ [aaAx]
H: 6,38 He is -th-e rediest paier(e) . -th-at pore me(n)
knowi-th- [aaAx]
J: 6,38 He is -th-e p(re)stest payer . -th-(a)t powre men
knowyn [aaAx]
L: 6,38 He is -th-eo prestest paier . -th-at pore men knowen
W: 6,38 He paie-th- prest pore men . and -th-at dar I proue
N: 6,38 He is prestest payer . -th-at pore men knowen [aaAx]
A: 6,38 He is -th-e prestest payere . -th-at men knowyn [aaAx]
M: 6,38 He is -th-e prestest paier . -th-at pour(e) men knoweth
H3: 6,38 He is -th-e p(re)stest payere . -th-(a)t pore me(n)n
knowyn [aaAx]
T: 6,39 He ne halt non hyne his hire [th](a)t he ne ha[th]
it at eue
H2: 6,39 He withhalt non hyne his hyr(e) . that he ne hat-gh-
it at eue [aaAx]
Ch: 6,39 He ne holte noon hine his hire . -th-at he ne ha-th-
hit at euen [aaAx]
D: 6,39 He ne halt non hyne his hure . -th-(a)t he ne haue
it at eue [aaAx]
V: 6,39 He (with-halt) non hyne his (huire) . _th_at he (hit)
na_th_ at (euen) [aaAa]
H: 6,39 He wi-th-holdi-th- no mannys huyr(e) . he paie-th-
hem at eue(n) [aaAx]
J: 6,39 He withholt non hy-gh-en his hir(e) . -th-at he hath
it at euyn [aaAx]
L: 6,39 He withhald non hyne his huyre . -th-at he no hit
bath at [eue] [aaAx]
W: 6,39 Wi-th-holt no man here [hire] . but -gh-eue-th- hit
hym at ones [aaAx]
N: 6,39 W(i)t(h)holde he none huwe his hir(e) . -th-(a)t
he ne ha-th- it at euene [aaAx]
A: 6,39 He ne w(i)t(h)holdith no mannys hire . -th-at he
ne hath it at euyn [aaAx]
M: 6,39 He withhalde nou(n) hynes his her(e) . -th-(a)t he
nath it at eue [aaAx]
H3: 6,39 He wythalt no(n) hyne hys hyre . -th-(a)t he hat
it at euy(n) [aaAx]
T: 6,40 He is as lou[gh] as a lomb & loueliche of speche
H2: 6,40 He is as low as [a] lombe . and louelyche of speche
Ch: 6,40 He is as lowe as a lambe . and louelich of speche
D: 6,40 He is lowe as a lambe . loueliche of speche [aaAx]
V: 6,40 He is as (louh) as A (lomb) . (louelich) of speche
H: 6,40 he is as lowe as a lombe . louely of speche [aaAx]
J: 6,40 He is as lowe as a lombe . & loueliche of speche
L: 6,40 He is als lowe as a lombe . & loueliche of speche
W: 6,40 He is as lowlych as a lomb . and louelych of speche
N: 6,40 He is as lowe as a lombe . louelyche of speche [aaAx]
A: 6,40 He is as lowe as a lomb . and louely of speche [aaAx]
M: 6,40 He is lowe as a lombe . & loueliche of speche
H3: 6,40 He is lown as a lom . & louely of speche [aaAx]
T: 6,41 And [y]if [y]e wilne[th] to wyte where [th](a)t wy
H2: 6,41 And -gh-if [-gh-e] wylneth to wyte . wher(e) he
dwellith [aaAx]
Ch: 6,41 And -gh-ef -gh-e wol wete . wher -th-at wy duelle-th-
D: 6,41 And if -gh-e wille-th- to weten . where -th-(a)t
he dwelle-th- [aaAx]
V: 6,41 And _g_if _g_e (wolle_th_) (I-wite) . (wher) _th_at
he dwelle_th_ [aaAx]
H: 6,41 -Gh-if -th-at -gh-e wol wite . where -th-at he dwelli-th-
J: 6,41 & -gh-if -gh-e desyrin to wityn . wer(e) -th-e
wyht dwellith [aaAx]
L: 6,41 And -gh-ef -gh-e wilneth to wite . wher -th-(a)t
he dwellyth [aaAx]
W: 6,41 And if ye wol wete . wher he dwelle-th- . I wil -gh-ow
wisse to his place [aaAx]
N: 6,41 -Gh-if -th-(a)t -gh-e wilne-th- to wyte . where -th-(a)t
wy dwelle-th- [aaAx]
A: 6,41 -gh-if -gh-e wil wetyn . where -th-at wyte dwellith
M: 6,41 And if -y-e willen weten . wer(e) -th-(a)t man dwellyth
H3: 6,41 And -gh-yf -gh-e wyl wety(n) . qwer -th-(a)t wytt
dwellyth [aaAx]
T: 6,42 I shal wisse [y]ow wel [th]e ri[gh]t way to his place
H2: 6,42 I schal wysse -gh-ow wel . the wey to his place
Ch: 6,42 I schal wisse -gh-ow welle . -th-e ri-gh-t wey to
his place [aaAx]
D: 6,42 I schal wysse -gh-ou wel . -th-e way to his place
V: 6,42 I wol (wissen) ow _th_e (wey) . hom to his place
H: 6,42 I shal teche -gh-ou ful . ri-gh-t home to his house
J: 6,42 I schal wissyn -gh-ow wel . riht to his place [aaAx]
L: 6,42 y schal wissen ow wel . ry-gh-t hom to his place
W: 6,42 --- this line om ---
N: 6,42 I shal wisse -gh-ow wel . ri-gh-t to his place [aaAx]
A: 6,42 I schal wysse -gh-ow wel . to his owyn place [aaAx]
M: 6,42 I shal wissen -y-ou . ryght to his oune place [aaAx]
H3: 6,42 I xal wysse -gh-ow ful . ryth to hys owy(n) place
T: 6,43 [Y]a leue piers qua[th] [th]e pilg(r)imes & p(ro)fride
hym hire
H2: 6,43 -gh-e leue peris q(uo)d the pilg(ri)mes . and p(ro)frede
her [hym hyre] [aaAx]
Ch: 6,43 -Gh-a leue piers q(uo)d -th-e pilgrym . and proferd
him hire [aaAx]
D: 6,43 -gh-e leue piers q(ou)d -th-e pilgrymys . and p(ro)fred
hym hyre [aaAx]
V: 6,43 YE, leue (pers) quod _th_is (palmers) . & (profreden)
him huire [aaAx]
H: 6,43 -gh-e loue peris q(uo)-th- -th-e pilg(ri)mes . & p(ro)frid
hym huyr(e) [aaAx]
J: 6,43 A -gh-e leue q(uo)d -th-e pilg(ri)mys . & p(ro)feredyn
hyre [aaAx]
L: 6,43 -Gh-e leoue piers q(uo)d pilgryms . & p(ro)fereden
him huyre [aaAx]
W: 6,43 Leue piers q(uo)d -th-e pilgrim . & profred hym
hyre [aaAx]
N: 6,43 -Gh-e leue piers q(uo)d -th-e pilg(ri)mes . & p(ro)ferd
hi(m) hir(e) [aaAx]
A: 6,43 -Gh-a leue peris quot -th-e pilgrimes . and p(ro)ferid
hire [aaAx]
M: 6,43 -Y-e leue piers q(uo)d -th-e pilgrym . & p(ro)ferd
him er(e) [aaAx]
H3: 6,43 -Gh-a leue pers q(uo)d pylg(ri)mys . & p(ro)feryd
hy(m) hyre [aaAx]
T: 6,44 Nay be [th]e p(er)il of my soule qua[th] piers & gan
to swere
H2: 6,44 Nay be the p(er)yle of my soule . and [q(uo)d peres]
gan for to swer(e) [axAx]
Ch: 6,44 Nay be -th-e pereille of my soule . q(uo)d piers
and gan to swere [axAx]
D: 6,44 Nay be -th-e peryl of my soule . q(ou)d piers & began
to swere [axAx]
V: 6,44 Nai, bi _th_e (peril) of my (soule) quod (pers) .
and bigon to (swere) [abaXb]
H: 6,44 by -th-e perel of my soule . quo-th- he & fast
he dide swer(e) [axAx]
J: 6,44 Nay be -th-e p(er)el of my sowle . q(uo)d peris & gan
for to swer(e) [axAx]
L: 6,44 Nay by -th-e p(er)il of my soule . q(uo)d pers & can
faste swe[re] [axAx]
W: 6,44 Nay be -th-e p(er)el of my soule . q(uo)d piers and
bygan to swere [axAx]
N: 6,44 Nay by p(er)yl of my soule . q(uo)d piers & gan
for to swer(e) [axAx]
A: 6,44 Nay be -th-e p(er)ele of my soule . quot pers & gan
swere fast [axAx]
M: 6,44 Piers sone seyde nay & ganne to swer(e) faste
H3: 6,44 Nay be -th-e p(er)ile of my(n) soule . he ga(n)
swere fast [axAx]
T: 6,45 I nolde fonge a fer[th]ing for seint Thomas shryne
H2: 6,45 I nolde fonge a ferthyng . for seynt thom(a)s scryne
Ch: 6,45 I nold fonge a fer-th-ing . for seint Thomas schrine
D: 6,45 I nold fong(e) a fer-th-yng . for seint Thomas schryne
V: 6,45 I nolde (fonge) a (fer_th_ing) . (for) (seynt) Thomas
(schrine) [aaAbb]
H: 6,45 I nolde take a fer-th-ing . for seint thomas shryne
J: 6,45 I nolde fongyn a ferdyng . for seynt tomas schryne
L: 6,45 I nolde fonge a ferthyng . for seynt thom(a)s schryne
W: 6,45 I nold not fong a fer-th-ing . not for fyften shillyng
N: 6,45 I nolde fonge a fer-th-ing . for seynt Thom(a)s shiryne
A: 6,45 I ne wold fange a fer-th-ing . for sent thomas schryne
M: 6,45 I ne wolde take a ferthing . for seint Thom(a)s schryne
H3: 6,45 I nold nouth take a peny . for sent thom(a)s schryne
T: 6,46 ffor treu[th]e wolde loue me [th]e wers a long tyme
H2: 6,46 ffor treuthe wolde loue me wers . a long tyme -th-er(e)aftir
Ch: 6,46 ffor trew-th-e wold loue me -th-e wers . a long
tyme after [abBa]
D: 6,46 ffor treu-th-e wold loue me -th-e worse . a long
tyme aft(ir) [abBa]
V: 6,46 Treu_th_e wolde (loue) me _th_e (lasse) . a gret
while after [xaaXx]
H: 6,46 treu-th-e wolde loue me -th-e wors . a gret while
hereaft(er) [abBa]
J: 6,46 Treuthe wolde loue me -th-e wers . a long tyme h(er)aft(er)
L: 6,46 Trouthe wolde loue me -th-e lasse . a long while
-th-(er)a[ftir] [abBa]
W: 6,46 ffor he wold loue me -th-e wers . a long while her(e)aftr(e)
N: 6,46 Trw-th-e wolde loue me -th-e lesse . a long tyme
-th-(er)aftre [abBa]
A: 6,46 Trew-th-e wold loue me -th-e wers . a long while
aftir [abBa]
M: 6,46 Trweth wolde loue me -th-e wers . a grete wyle after(e)
H3: 6,46 Trewthe wold loue me -th-e wersse . a longe tyme
aft(ir) [abBa]
T: 6,47 Ac [y]e [th](a)t wilne[th] to wende [th]is is [th]e
weye [th]ider
H2: 6,47 Ac -gh-e that wylneth to wende . this is the way
thider [aaAx]
Ch: 6,47 Bot -gh-e -th-at wille-th- to wende . -th-is is
-th-e way -th-eder [aaAx]
D: 6,47 Ac -gh-e -th-at wille-th- to wende . -th-is is -th-e
way -th-eder [aaAx]
V: 6,47 Bote _g_e _th_at (wende_th_) to him . _th_is is _th_e
(wei) _th_ider: [axAx]
H: 6,47 But -gh-e -th-at wole to hym wende . -th-is is -th-e
wey -th-ider [aaAx]
J: 6,47 Ac -gh-e -th-(a)t -gh-ernyn to wite . -th-is is -th-e
wey -th-idir(e) [aaAx]
L: 6,47 Bote -gh-e -th-at wilnen to wende . -th-is is -th-e
way -th-yde[r] [aaAx]
W: 6,47 But -gh-e -th-at wilne-th- [to] wite . -th-is is
-th-e way [aaAx]
N: 6,47 But -gh-e -th-(a)t wilne-th- to wende . -th-is is
-th-e wey -th-ider [aaAx]
A: 6,47 And -gh-e wil wende . -th-is is -th-e wey -th-edur
M: 6,47 But if -y-e -th-enkyn to wenden -th-e weye . -th-ys
is -th-e weye theder(e) [aaAx]
H3: 6,47 And -gh-e thenke to wende . -th-is is -th-e wey-gh-e
thedyr [aaAx]
T: 6,48 [Y]e mote go [th]oru[gh] meknesse bo[th]e men & wyues
H2: 6,48 -Gh-e mote go thoru mekenesse . bothe men and wyues
Ch: 6,48 -Gh-e mote gon -th-orow mekenesse . bo-th-e men
and wyues [aaAx]
D: 6,48 -Gh-e mote gon -th-our-gh-t mekenesse . bothe men
and wyfes [aaAx]
V: 6,48 _Y_e (mote) go _th_orw (mekenesse) . bo_th_e (Mon)
and wyf [aaAx]
H: 6,48 -Gh-e most go -th-ur-gh- mekenys . bo-th-e man & wyf
J: 6,48 -Gh-e motyn gon -th-orow mekenesse . bo-th-e men & wyues
L: 6,48 -Gh-e mot go -th-orgh meokenesse . bothe men & wyues
W: 6,48 Ye must mete wi-th- meknesse . bo-th-e -gh-e and
-gh-owre wyfs [aaAx]
N: 6,48 -Gh-e mote go -th-orow mekenesse . bo-th-e man & wyues
A: 6,48 -Gh-e must gon be meknes . bo-th-e man & wyfes
M: 6,48 -Y-e must go be mekenesse . bo-th-e me(n) & wyfe
H3: 6,48 -Gh-e mote gou(n) be mekenesse . bothe me(n) & wyuys
T: 6,49 Til [y]e come into consience [th](a)t crist wyte [th]e
H2: 6,49 Tyl -gh-e come to consience . that c(ri)st wyte
the sothe [aaAx]
Ch: 6,49 Tille -gh-e come to conscience . -th-at crist witte
-th-e so-th-e [aaAx]
D: 6,49 Til -gh-e come into consience . -th-(a)t Crist wite
-th-e so-th-e [aaAx]
V: 6,49 Til _g_e (come) in-to (Concience) . _th_at (crist)
knowe _th_e so_th_e [aaAx]
H: 6,49 --- this line missing ---
J: 6,49 Til -gh-e comen into consciens . -th-(a)t c(ri)st
wite -th-e sothe [aaAx]
L: 6,49 Til -gh-e come to consience . -th-at crist wite -th-e
sothe [aaAx]
W: 6,49 Til -gh-e come to conscience . Crist wot -th-e so-th-e
N: 6,49 Til -gh-e come to conscience . -th-(a)t criste wite
-th-e so-th-e [aaAx]
A: 6,49 Til -gh-e come to conciens . -th-at crist wot -th-e
so-th-e [aaAx]
M: 6,49 Til -y-e comen to co(n)cience . -th-(a)t crist wete
-th-e sothe [aaAx]
H3: 6,49 Tyl [-gh-e] come to concye(n)s . cryst wot -th-e
sothe [aaAx]
T: 6,50 [Th](a)t [y]e loue hym leu(er)e [th]anne [th]e lif
in [y]oure hertis
H2: 6,50 That -gh-e loue hi(m) leu(er)e . than the lyf in
-gh-our(e) hertis [aaAx]
Ch: 6,50 And -gh-e loue hym leuer . -th-en -th-e lif In -gh-oure
hertes [aaAx]
D: 6,50 That -gh-e loue hym leuere . -th-an -th-e lyf in
-gh-oure hertes [aaAx]
V: 6,50 _Th_at _g_e (loue_th_) him (leuere) . _th_en _th_e
(lyf) in oure hertes [aaAx]
H: 6,50 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,50 -Th-(a)t -gh-e louy(n) hi(m) leuer . -th-an -th-e
lif in -gh-or hertys [aaAx]
L: 6,50 -Th-at -gh-e louen him leuer . -th-an -th-e lif in
-gh-oure heort[is] [aaAx]
W: 6,50 Than must -gh-e loue hym leu(er)e . -th-an -gh-owre
lyf [aaAx]
N: 6,50 -Th-(a)t -gh-e loue hi(m) leuer . -th-a(n) -th-e
li-gh-f i(n) -gh-oure hertis [aaAx]
A: 6,50 That -gh-e louyn hym leuyr . -th-an -th-e lyfe of
-gh-our hertis [aaAx]
M: 6,50 -Th-at -y-e louen him leur(e) . -th-an -y-our(e)
oune lifes [aaAx]
H3: 6,50 -Th-at -gh-e louy(n) hy(m) bett(er) . -th-a(n) -th-e
lyf i(n) -gh-our hertys [aaAx]
T: 6,51 And [th]anne [y]o(ur)e nei[gh]ebo(ur)s next in none
wise apeiri[th]
H2: 6,51 And than -gh-our(e) nei-gh-ebores next . in none
wyse apeyreth [aaAx]
Ch: 6,51 And -th-an -gh-oure nei-gh-borowes next . In non
wise appeireth [aaAx]
D: 6,51 And -th-anne -gh-oure ney-gh-bours next . in no wyse
to Apeyre [aaAx]
V: 6,51 And _th_enne oure (neihebors) (next) . In (none)
wyse apeire [aaAx]
H: 6,51 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,51 And -th-an -gh-or neyebores next . in none wyse apayre
L: 6,51 And -gh-oure neyghebours nexte . in none wise apa[yre]
W: 6,51 In -gh-owre hert and -gh-owre neghbour . in no wise
appaire [aaAx]
N: 6,51 & -th-a(n)ne -gh-o(ur)e neighboris nexte . in
none wyse apeire [aaAx]
A: 6,51 And -th-an -gh-o(ur) neytebo(ur)s nexte . in no wyse
apeyre [aaAx]
M: 6,51 And -y-our(e) neburrow next . euen as -y-or selue
H3: 6,51 And -th-a(n) -gh-our neygbore next . i(n) no wyse
apeyre [aaAx]
T: 6,52 O[th](er)wise [th]anne [th](o)u woldist men wrou[gh]te
to [th]iselue
H2: 6,52 Other wyse than thow woldest men . wrou-gh-te to
-th-i siluen [aaAx]
Ch: 6,52 O-th-er -th-an -th-ow woldest men . wrou-gh-t to
-th-y seluen [aaAx]
D: 6,52 O-th-(er) wise -th-an -th-(o)u woldest me(n) . wrou-gh-t
to -th-y selue [aaAx]
V: 6,52 (O_th_erweys) _th_en _th_ou (woldest) . men (wrou_g_ten)
to _th_i-seluen [aaAx]
H: 6,52 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,52 O-th-(er) wise -th-an -th-(o)u wost men . wroute
on -th-i selue [aaAx]
L: 6,52 O-th-er wise -th-an -gh-e wolde men . wroghte to
or se[olue] [aaAx]
W: 6,52 O-th-er wayes -th-an -th-ou woldest he . wroght to
-th-i self [aaAx]
N: 6,52 O-th-(er) wyse -th-an -th-(o)u woldest men . wrou-gh-t
to -th-i seluen [aaAx]
A: 6,52 And no more harm to hym . -th-an to -th-e selue [aaAx]
M: 6,52 --- run together with above ---
H3: 6,52 Othyerwyse -th-a(n) -th-(o)u woldyst me(n) . dedy(n)
to -th-i selfe [aaAx]
T: 6,53 And so bou[gh] for[th] be a bank be buxum of speche
H2: 6,53 And vowe forth be a bank . be buxum of speche [aaAx]
Ch: 6,53 And so bowes forthe by a banke . be buxsom of speche
D: 6,53 And so bowe for-th- by a broke . be boxom of speche
V: 6,53 So (Bouwe_th_) for_th_ bi a (brok) . beo-(boxum)-of-speche
H: 6,53 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,53 And so bowith to a broke . beth buxu(m) of speche
L: 6,53 And so bowes forth by a brok . beoth boxsom of sp[eche]
W: 6,53 And so shal -gh-e bowe by a broke . hight boxom of
speche [aaAx]
N: 6,53 & bowe-th- for-th- tyl a broke . be-th- boxome
of speche [aaAx]
A: 6,53 And wende forth be a brok . be buxum of speche [aaAx]
M: 6,53 & boweth be a broke . bethe buxho(m)me of speche
H3: 6,53 And so bowyt forth be a brook . beth buxu(m) of
speche [aaAx]
T: 6,54 fforto [y]e fynden a foor[th]e [y]o(ur)e fadris hono(ur)i[th]
H2: 6,54 fforto -gh-e fynde a forthe . -gh-oure faderis honowrith
Ch: 6,54 fforto -gh-e fynde a forde . -gh-oure faderes honoured
D: 6,54 ffor -gh-e fynde a forde . -gh-oure faders honeu(e)t(h)
V: 6,54 --- this line om --
H: 6,54 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,54 fforto fyndyn -gh-our(e) faderys & hem -gh-e
honoure [aaAx]
L: 6,54 forto -gh-e fynde a forde . -gh-oure fadres -gh-e
honoure [aaAx]
W: 6,54 Til -gh-e fynde a for -gh-ow . fadres hono(ur)th
N: 6,54 Til -gh-e fynden a for-th- . -gh-oure fadris honowre-th-
A: 6,54 fforth til -gh-e fyndyn a forde . of honour [aaAx]
M: 6,54 ffor til -y-e fynden a forthe . -y-our(e) fadres
-y-e honnourdd [aaAx]
H3: 6,54 fforto -gh-e fynde a forthe . -gh-our faderys to
honewre [aaAx]
T: 6,55 Wadi[th] in [th](a)t watir & wasshi[th] [y]ow wel
H2: 6,55 wendith in that wat(ir) . and waschet-gh- -gh-ow
wel thar(e) [aaAx]
Ch: 6,55 Wade-th- In -th-e water . and wasch -gh-ow wel -th-ere
D: 6,55 wade-th- in -th-(a)t wat(ir) . & wasshe -gh-ou
wel -th-ere [aaAx]
V: 6,55 (Wade_th_) in _th_at (water) . (wassche_th_) ow (wel)
_th_ere [aaAa]
H: 6,55 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,55 Wadith in -th-(a)t wat(ir) . & wachith -gh-ow
wel -th-ere [aaAx]
L: 6,55 Wadyth into -th-at wat(ir) . & wassche -gh-e
ow wel -th-ere [aaAx]
W: 6,55 And -th-an wade-th- in wat(ir) . & washe -th-ow
-th-er [aaAx]
N: 6,55 Wade-th- in -th-at watre . & wassche-th- -gh-ow
wel -th-ere [aaAx]
A: 6,55 Wadyth in -th-e watir . and wasche -gh-ou -th-ere
M: 6,55 Wadeth in -th-at water . & wasshe -y-owe -th-erin
H3: 6,55 -Th-an wadyth i(n) -th-(a)t wat(ir) . & waschyth
-gh-ow there [aaAx]
T: 6,56 And [y]e shuln lepe [th]e li[gh]tliere al [y]o(ur)e
lif tyme
H2: 6,56 And -gh-e schul lepe the ly-gh-tlere . al -gh-our(e)
lif tyme [aaAx]
Ch: 6,56 And -gh-e schal lepe -th-e li-gh-ter . al -gh-oure
lif tyme [aaAx]
D: 6,56 And -gh-e schal kepe -th-e li-gh-tlokere . al -gh-oure
lyf tyme [aaAx]
V: 6,56 And _g_e schul (lepe) _th_e (lihtloker) . al oure
(lyf) tyme [aaAx]
H: 6,56 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,56 And -gh-e schul lepyn -th-e lithlicher(e) . al -gh-our(e)
lif tyme [aaAx]
L: 6,56 And -gh-a schule lepe -th-e lythtloker . al -gh-our
lif after [aaAx]
W: 6,56 And -gh-e shole lepe -th-e lightlokere . al -gh-owre
lyf aftre [aaAx]
N: 6,56 And -gh-e schal lepe -th-e li-gh-tly ar . al -gh-our(e)
lyf tyme [aaAx]
A: 6,56 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 6,56 And he schul lepe -th-e bettr(e) . alle -y-our(e)
lyf after [aaAx]
H3: 6,56 And xul -gh-e lepe -th-e lytthere . al -gh-our lyf
aft(er) [aaAx]
T: 6,57 So shalt [th](o)u se swere nou[gh]t but it be for nede
H2: 6,57 So schalt thou se . swere nou-gh-t . but it be for
nede [aaAx]
Ch: 6,57 So schalt -th-ow . swere nou-gh-t bot It be for
nede [aaAx]
D: 6,57 So schalt -th-u se . swere nou-gh-t but it be for
nede [aaAx]
V: 6,57 (Sone) schaltou _th_enne (I seo) . (swere) not but
_th_ou haue neode [aaAx]
H: 6,57 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,57 So schal -th-(o)u gon be . swer(e) nouth bot it be
for nede [aaAx]
L: 6,57 So schal -gh-e seo . swer not bote -gh-ef hit beo
for [nede] [aaAx]
W: 6,57 And than shal -gh-e se . swere not but if it be gret
nede [aaAx]
N: 6,57 -Th-a(n)ne shal -gh-e se . swere nou-gh-t but if
it be for nede [aaAx]
A: 6,57 Thou schalt not swere . but -gh-if it be for nede
M: 6,57 So shul -y-e see . swereth not but if it be for nede
H3: 6,57 sso xalt -th-(o)u se . swer not but -gh-yf -th-(o)u
se nede [aaAx]
T: 6,58 A nameliche an ydel [th]e name of god almi[gh]t
H2: 6,58 And namelich an ydel . the name of god almy-gh-t
Ch: 6,58 And namelich an Idille . -th-e name of god almy-gh-ty
D: 6,58 And nameliche on ydel . -th-e name of god almy-gh-te
V: 6,58 And (nomeliche) In Idel . _th_e (nome) of God Almihti
J: 6,58 And nameliche in Idel . -th-e name of god almyhtyn
L: 6,58 And namelich on ydel . -th-e name of god almyghty
W: 6,58 And namelych on ydel . -th-e name of god almyghty
N: 6,58 & namely i(n) ydel . -th-e name of god almy-gh-ty
A: 6,58 And nameleche in Idylchepe . non othe of god almygth
M: 6,58 And nameliche in Idell . -th-e name of god almyten
H3: 6,58 And namely i(n) ydylnesse . -th-e name of almythy
T: 6,59 [Th]anne shalt [th]ou come be a croft ac come [th](o)u
nou[gh]t [th](er)einne
H2: 6,59 Than schalt thou come be a croft . ac come thow
nat -th-(er)einne [aaAx]
Ch: 6,59 -Th-an schalt -th-ow come by a crofte . but come
-th-ow nou-gh-t -th-erInne [aaAx]
D: 6,59 -Th-an schal -th-(o)u come by a croft . but come
nou-gh-t -th-(er)inne [aaAx]
V: 6,59 _Th_enne schul _g_e (come) bi a (Croft) . but (cum)
_g_e not _th_er-Inne [aaAx]
H: 6,59 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,59 -Th-an schul -gh-e comen be a crofte . but cometh
not -th-(er)Inne [aaAx]
L: 6,59 -Th-ane schule [-gh-e] come by a croft . bote come
not -th-erynne [aaAx]
W: 6,59 Than shalt -th-ou come be a croft . but come not
-th-(er)inne [aaAx]
N: 6,59 -Th-anne schal -gh-e come to a croft . but come-th-
nou-gh-t -th-(er)inne [aaAx]
A: 6,59 Thou schalt come be a crofte . come -th-u not -th-erinne
M: 6,59 -Th-an shalte -th-ou kome be a crofte . but kome(n)
not -th-(er)In [aaAx]
H3: 6,59 -Th-a(n) xalt -th-(o)u comy(n) by a croft . but
come nout -th-(er)In [aaAx]
T: 6,60 [Th]at croft hatti[th] coueite nou[gh]t menis catel
ne h(er)e wyues
H2: 6,60 That croft hatte coueite nat . mennys catel ne her(e)
wyues [aaAx]
Ch: 6,60 -Th-at croft hat coueite nou-gh-t . menis catel
no her wyues [aaAx]
D: 6,60 The Croft hi-gh-te coueyte nou-gh-t . mennes catel
ne hire wyfes [aaAx]
V: 6,60 _Th_e (Croft) hette (coueyte) not . Mennes (catel)
ne heore wyues [aaAx]
H: 6,60 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,60 -Th-e crofte hite coueyte no mannys catell [aaAx]
L: 6,60 -Th-e crofte hatte coueite not no . mannes catell
W: 6,60 Th-at hight coueitise cast hym by side
N: 6,60 -Th-e croft hatt coueite nou-gh-t . mennys catel & her
wyues [aaAx]
A: 6,60 The crofte hite coueyte . mennys catel ne here wyuys
M: 6,60 -Th-e croft hoteth coueyte not . me(n)nes catell
ne her(e) wyfes [aaAx]
H3: 6,60 -Th-e croft hattyth coueyte nout . me(n)nys catel
no(n) her wyuys [aaAx]
T: 6,61 Ne none of h(er)e s(er)uauntis [th](a)t noi[gh]e hem
H2: 6,61 Ne non of hir(e) seruau(n)tis . that noi-gh-e hem
my-gh-th [axAx]
Ch: 6,61 Ne none of her seruauntes . -th-at noi-gh-en hem
my-gh-t [axAx]
D: 6,61 Ne non of here seruauntes . -th-(a)t noye hym my-gh-te
V: 6,61 Ne (non) of heore seruauns . _th_at (nuy_g_en) hem
mihte [axAx]
H: 6,61 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,61 Ne her wyuys ne her s(er)uaundes . -th-(a)t hem noy-gh-en
myhte [axAx]
L: 6,61 No heore wifes no heore seruauns . -th-(a)t nuyen
heom myghte [axAx]
W: 6,61 His norice ne no -th-ing . -th-at hym noie myght
N: 6,61 Ne none of her catel . -th-(a)t han any my-gh-t [axAx]
A: 6,61 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 6,61 Ne none of her(e) seruau(n)t-gh- . -th-at noye hi(m)m
mought [axAx]
H3: 6,61 Nou(n) no(n) of her s(er)ua(n)tys . -th-(a)t noy-gh-e(n)
he(m) myth [axAx]
T: 6,62 Loke [th](o)u breke no bowis [th](er)e but it be [th]in
H2: 6,62 Loke thou breke no bowis ther(e) . but it be thin
owne [aaAx]
Ch: 6,62 Loke -th-ow breke no bowes . but -th-ei be -th-yn
owen [aaAx]
D: 6,62 Loke -th-(o)u breke no bowes . -th-(er) but it be
-th-yn owne [aaAx]
V: 6,62 Loke _th_ou (breke) no (Bou_g_) _th_ere . but _g_if
hit (beo) _th_in owne [aaAx]
H: 6,62 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,62 Loke -th-(o)u breyke no bowhe . -th-(er)for but it
be -th-in awyne [aaAx]
L: 6,62 Loke -th-(o)u breke no bogh . -th-(er) bote -gh-ef
hit beo -th-yn owne [aaAx]
W: 6,62 And loke -th-ou breke no bonys . but it be -th-in
owen [aaAx]
N: 6,62 Loke -th-(o)u breke no brau(n)che . -th-(er)e but
if it be -th-i(n) owne [aaAx]
M: 6,62 Loke -th-ou breke non boughe . -th-er but if it be
thyn oune [aaAx]
H3: 6,62 Loke -th-(o)u breke no bow . -th-[e]re but -gh-yf
it be -th-i(n) owy(n) [aaAx]
T: 6,63 Two stokkis [th](er)e stonde but stynte [th](o)u not
H2: 6,63 Two stockis ther(e) stonde . but stynte thou not
ther(e) [aaAx]
Ch: 6,63 Two stokkes -th-er stonde . bot stynte -th-ow nou-gh-t
-th-er [aaAx]
D: 6,63 Two stokkes -th-(er) stonden . but stynte -th-u nou-gh-t
-th-(er) [aaAx]
V: 6,63 Twei (stokkes) _th_er (stonde_th_) . but (stunt)
_th_ou not _th_ere [aaAx]
H: 6,63 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,63 Two stockys -th-(er) standyn . but stynt not -th-(er)
L: 6,63 Two stockes -th-(er) stondeth . bote stynt -th-(o)u
noght -th-ere [aaAx]
W: 6,63 Twey stokkes -th-(er) stondes . stint not -th-ere
N: 6,63 Two stokkys -th-er stonde . but stynt -gh-e nou-gh-t
-th-(er)e [aaAx]
A: 6,63 To stokkis -th-er stondith . stynt -th-u not -th-ere
M: 6,63 Two stokkes -th-er(e) stondeu(n) . stynte -th-ou
nought -th-er(e) [aaAx]
H3: 6,63 ij stokkys -th-(er) stondy(n) . but stynt nouth
-th-(er)re [aaAx]
A: 6,62 Loke -th-u plokke no bowe . but it be -th-ine owyn [aaAx]
T: 6,64 [Th]ei hote stele nou[gh]t ne sle nou[gh]t but strik
for[th] be bo[th]e
H2: 6,64 Thei hote stele nou-gh-t . ne sle not but strike
forth be both [aaAx]
Ch: 6,64 -Th-ei hat stele nou-gh-t no sle nou-gh-t . bot
strike fur-th-e by bo-th-e [aaAx]
D: 6,64 Tho hoten stele nou-gh-t ne sle nou-gh-t . stryke
for-th- by hem bo-th-e [aaAx]
V: 6,64 _Th_ei hetten, (Sle) not ne (stel) not . (stryk)
for_th_ bi hem bo_th_e [aaAx]
H: 6,64 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,64 -Th-ei hat[ty(n)] stele nouth ne sle not . st(ry)ke
forth be bo-th-yn [aaAx]
L: 6,64 -Th-ay hatten steol not no slee not . stryk forth
by bothe [aaAx]
W: 6,64 Hight stele not ne sle not . but strike forth by
bo-th-e [aaAx]
N: 6,64 Thei hight stele nou-gh-t ne sle nou-gh-t . strike
for-th-e by bo-th-e [aaAx]
A: 6,64 Thay hyten stele not . ne sle not . stirte fro hem
bo-th-e [aaAx]
M: 6,64 They higten stele nought ne sle not . stryke forthe
be bothe [aaAx]
H3: 6,64 -Th-ei hatte stele nouth ne slo nouth . stryk forth
be bothe [aaAx]
T: 6,65 Leue hem on [th]i left half & loke nou[gh]t [th](er)eaftir
H2: 6,65 Leue hem on thi left half . and loke not ther(e)aftir
Ch: 6,65 Leue hem on -th-y left half . and loke -th-ow not
-th-erafter [aaAx]
D: 6,65 lef hem on -th-y left half . and loke nou-gh-t -th-(er)aft(ir)
V: 6,65 (Lef) hem on _th_i (luft) half . (loke) hem not aftur
H: 6,65 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,65 Leefe hem on -th-i left halfe . but loke not -th-(er)aftere
L: 6,65 Lef heom on -th-y lifte half . & loke not -th-erafter
W: 6,65 Leue hym on -th-i left half . & loke neuere -th-(er)after
N: 6,65 Leue hem on -th-i left half . & loke hem nou-gh-t
aftre [aaAx]
A: 6,65 Leue hem on -th-i lyfte hand . & loke not -th-eraftir
M: 6,65 Leue it on -th-y lefte halfe . loke not -th-er(e)aftr(e)
H3: 6,65 Leue he(m) on -th-i(n) left hand . loke nouth -th-(er)aft(ir)
T: 6,66 And hold wel [th]in haliday hei[gh] til [th]e euen
H2: 6,66 And holde wel thin halydai . hei-gh- tyl the euen
Ch: 6,66 And holde wele -th-yn haliday . hei-gh-e tille euen
D: 6,66 And holde wel -th-yn halyday . heyliche to euen [aaAa]
V: 6,66 And (hold) wel _th_in (haly-day) . (euere) til (euen)
H: 6,66 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,66 And holde wele -th-in haliday . hye til euyn [aaAa]
L: 6,66 And hold wel -th-yn haliday . hye til euen [aaAa]
W: 6,66 And hold wel -th-in holiday . holi to -th-e ende
N: 6,66 And holde wel -th-in holyday . alwey for-th- til
euene [aaAa]
A: 6,66 hold wel -th-ine haliday . holly til euyn [aaAa]
M: 6,66 & helde so wele thyn halydaye . fro mo(re)w to
eue [aaAa]
H3: 6,66 And hold so wel -th-i(n) halyday . hay tyl euy(n)
T: 6,67 [Th]anne shalt [th]ou blenche at a bo(ur)ne bere no
fals wytnesse
H2: 6,67 Than schalt thow blenche at a burne . ber(e) non
fals wytnesse [aaAx]
Ch: 6,67 -Th-an schalt -th-ow blenche at a borne . bere no
fals witnesse [aaAx]
D: 6,67 -Th-an schalt -th-(o)u blynche at a borwe . bere
no fals witnesse [aaAx]
V: 6,67 _Th_enne schalton (Blenchen) at a (brok) . (ber)
no fals witnesse [aaAx]
H: 6,67 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,67 -Th-an schaltow blenchen at a bowhe . bere no fals
wytnesse [aaAx]
L: 6,67 -Th-a(n)ne schaltow blenche at berwh . bere no fals
witnes [aaAx]
W: 6,67 Than shaltow blenche be a bergh . bere no fals witnesse
N: 6,67 -Th-anne schal -gh-e blenche at a berwe . bere no
false witnesse [aaAx]
A: 6,67 Than schalt -th-u blenche . bere no falce wytnes
M: 6,67 -Th-an schal -th-(o)u blenche at a broke . ber(e)
no false witnesse [aaAx]
H3: 6,67 -Th-a(n) xalt -th-(o)u blenche at a brook . bere
no fals wytnesse [aaAx]
T: 6,68 He is frettid in wi[th] ffloreynes & o[th](er)e
flouris manye
H2: 6,68 He is frettid in w(i)t(h) floreynes . and other
floures manye [aaAx]
Ch: 6,68 He is fretted In with floreins . and many o-th-er
floures [aaAx]
D: 6,68 He is fry-th-ed in white floures . and o-th-(er)
floures many [aaAx]
V: 6,68 He is (frettet) with Innen with (ffloreyns) . and
o_th_es wel monye [aaXx]
H: 6,68 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,68 He is frettyt w(i)t(h) floreynys . & o-th-(er)
feese many [aaAx]
L: 6,68 He is fretted with floryns . and fees wel manye [aaAx]
W: 6,68 He is frayd in wi-th- flours . and o-th-er foos many
N: 6,68 He is feffyd w(i)t(h) floreyns . & o-th-(er)
foes manye [aaAx]
A: 6,68 That is federid w(i)t(h) florens . and o-th-er federis
many [aaAx]
M: 6,68 -Th-at is fretted with florens . or other fees many
H3: 6,68 -th-(a)t is fretyd w(i)t(h) floreynis . & o-th-(ir)
fees many [aaAx]
T: 6,69 And loke [th](o)u plukke no plantis [th](er)e for p(er)il
of [th]i soule
H2: 6,69 And loke thou plucke no plantis . ther(e) for p(er)il
of -th-i soule [aaAx]
Ch: 6,69 And loke -th-ow pluk no plante . -th-er for perile
of -th-i soule [aaAx]
D: 6,69 And loke -th-u plukke no plantes . -th-ere for perel
of -th-y soule [aaAx]
V: 6,69 Loke _th_ou (plokke) no (plonte) _th_er . for (peril)
of _th_i soule [aaAx]
H: 6,69 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,69 Loke -th-(o)u pulke no plant . -th-(er) for p(er)el
of -th-i sowle [aaAx]
L: 6,69 Loke -th-ou plukke no plante . -th-(er) for p(er)il
of -th-y soule [aaAx]
W: 6,69 Loke -th-ou plok -th-(er)of no plant for p(er)il
of -th-i soule [aaAx]
N: 6,69 Loke -th-(o)u plukke no plau(n)te . -th-(er)e for
p(er)il of -th-i soule [aaAx]
A: 6,69 Loke -th-u plokke no plant . for perel of -th-i soule
M: 6,69 Loke -th-u plukke no plante . ther(e) for peril of
thy soule [aaAx]
H3: 6,69 Loke -th-(o)u pluke no plante . -th-(er)e for p(er)yl
of -th-i(n) soule [aaAx]
T: 6,70 And [th]anne shalt [th](o)u sey so[th] so it be to
H2: 6,70 And than schalt [-th-ou] sey-gh-e soth . so it be
to done [aaAx]
Ch: 6,70 And -th-an schalt -th-ow . sey so-th- so hit be
to done [aaAx]
D: 6,70 And -th-an schalt -th-(o)u se . so-th- so it be to
done [aaAx]
V: 6,70 _Th_enne schaltou (sei) (so_th_) . (so) _th_at hit
beo to done [aaaAxx]?
H: 6,70 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,70 & [-th-(a)n] schaltow seyin . sey [-th-e] soth
so it be to done [aaAx]
L: 6,70 And schaltow seo . sithe so hit beo to done [aaAx]
W: 6,70 Than shalt yow se . say so-th- for -th-at is wel
to done [aaAx]
N: 6,70 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 6,70 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 6,70 -Th-an shalt thou see . seye sothe if it be to done
H3: 6,70 -th-a(n) -th-(o)u xalt sen . sey soth so it be to
done [aaAx]
T: 6,71 Loke [th](a)t [th](o)u lei[gh]e nou[gh]t for no manis
H2: 6,71 loke that thou lei-gh-e not . for no ma(n)nes bydding
Ch: 6,71 loke -th-at -th-ow li-gh-e nou-gh-t . for no mannes
biddyng [aaXx]
D: 6,71 loke -th-(a)t -th-(o)u lye nou-gh-t . for no mannys
byddynge [aaXx]
V: 6,71 And loke _th_at _th_ou ly_g_e not . for no monnes
bidyng [????]
H: 6,71 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,71 And loke -th-(a)t -th-(o)u lye nouth . for no ma(n)nys
byddyng [aaXx]
L: 6,71 And loke -th-(a)t -th-(o)u lie not . for no manes
byddyng [aaXx]
W: 6,71 And -th-an loke -th-ou lie not . for no man(er)e
byddyng [aaXx]
N: 6,71 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 6,71 loke -th-u lye not . for no mannys byddyng [aaXx]
M: 6,71 In none man(er)e ellis . for no mannes heste [aaXx]
H3: 6,71 In no man(er) ell(is) nout . for no ma(n)nys byddyng
T: 6,72 [Th]anne shalt [th](o)u come to a co(ur)t cler as [th]e
H2: 6,72 Than schalt thou come to a cort . cler as the sonne
Ch: 6,72 -Th-an schalt -th-ow come to a court . clere as
-th-e sonne [aaAx]
D: 6,72 -Th-an schalt -th-(o)u come to a Court . as cliere
as -th-e sonne [aaAx]
V: 6,72 _Th_Enne schaltou (come) to a (Court) . (Cleer) as
_th_e Sonne [aaAx]
H: 6,72 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,72 -Th-an sal tow comen to a courte . as clere as -th-e
su(n)ne [aaAx]
L: 6,72 -Th-a(n)ne schaltow come to a courte . as cler as
-th-e sonne [aaAx]
W: 6,72 Than shaltow come to a court . as clere as -th-e
sonne [aaAx]
N: 6,72 -Th-a(n)ne schal -gh-e come to a courte . clere as
-th-e sonne [aaAx]
A: 6,72 Than schalt -th-u come to a courte . as bryght as
-th-e sunne [aaAx]
M: 6,72 -Th-an schal -th-ou comen to a Courte . is clir(e)
of -th-e sonne [aaAx]
H3: 6,72 -Th-a(n) xalt -th-(o)u come to a cort . as cler
as -th-e sonne [aaAx]
T: 6,73 [Th]e mot is of m(er)cy [th]e Maner al aboute
H2: 6,73 The moot is of m(er)cy . the man(er) al aboute [aaAx]
Ch: 6,73 -Th-e mote is of mercy . -th-e maner alle aboute
D: 6,73 The mote is of mercy . -th-e man(er) al aboute [aaAx]
V: 6,73 _Th_e (Mot) is of (Merci) . _th_e (maner) al abouten
H: 6,73 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,73 -Th-e mote is of m(er)cy . -th-e man(er) al abowte
L: 6,73 -Th-eo mote is of mercy . -th-at -th-e maner encloseth
W: 6,73 The mote is of mercy . -th-e man(er)e aboute [aaAx]
N: 6,73 -Th-e mote is of m(er)cy . -th-e maner abowte [aaAx]
A: 6,73 The motte is of mercy . -th-e maner aboute [aaAx]
M: 6,73 -Th-e Mote is of mercy . -th-e Manere aboute [aaAx]
H3: 6,73 -Th-e mot is of mercy . -th-e man(er) aboute [aaAx]
T: 6,74 And alle [th]e wallis ben of wyt to holde wil [th](er)oute
H2: 6,74 And al the walles bien of wyt . to holde wyl theroute
Ch: 6,74 And alle -th-e walles ben of witte . to holde wille
-th-eroute [aaAx]
D: 6,74 And all -th-e walles be-th- of wyt . to holde wil
-th-(er)oute [aaAx]
V: 6,74 And alle _th_e (walles) be_th_ of (wit) . to holde
(wil) _th_eroute [aaAx]
H: 6,74 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,74 And alle -th-e wallys bene of wit . to wonyn -th-(er)oute
L: 6,74 And alle -th-e walles beon of wit . to holden wil
-th-(er)owte [aaAx]
W: 6,74 And alle -th-e walles be-th- of wytte . to holde
foule oute [aaAx]
N: 6,74 And alle -th-e wallys ben of witt . to holde wille
A: 6,74 And -th-e wallis ben of witte . to holdyn wil oute
M: 6,74 And alle -th-e walles been of wght . to holde wille
:::::::e [aaAx]
H3: 6,74 And alle -th-e wallys be(n) of wytt . to hold self
wyl out [aaAx]
T: 6,75 [Th]e kirnelis ben of cristendom [th](a)t kynde to
H2: 6,75 The kernelis bien of c(ri)stendom . that kynde to
saue [aaAx]
Ch: 6,75 -Th-e kernelle ben of cristalle . -th-at kinde to
saue [aaAx]
D: 6,75 The cornels be-th- of Cristendom . -th-(a)t kynde
to saue [aaAx]
V: 6,75 _Th_e (Carnels) be_th_ of (Cristendam) . _th_e (kuynde)
to saue [aaAx]
H: 6,75 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,75 -Th-e kyrnels bene of c(ri)stendome . -th-(a)t kynde
to sau(er)e [aaAx]
L: 6,75 -th-eo cornels beon of cristendom . -th-(a)t kynd
is for to kepen [aaAx]
W: 6,75 The corners be-th- of Cristendome . -th-at ken -gh-ou
to saue [aaAx]
N: 6,75 -Th-e kyrnellys ben of cristyndome . -th-(a)t kynde
to saue [aaAx]
A: 6,75 The corneris ben of cristendom . -th-at kende to
saue [aaAx]
M: 6,75 -Th-e kernelles ben of cristendame . man kynde to
sauue [aaAx]
H3: 6,75 -Th-e cornell be(n) of cristendo(m) . to be ken
to saue [aaAx]
T: 6,76 And bot(er)asid wi[th] beleue o[th](er) [th]ou worst
not sauid
H2: 6,76 And bot(er)asid with beleue . or thou best not saued
Ch: 6,76 And boterace with beleue . or -th-ow best nou-gh-t
saued [aaAx]
D: 6,76 And boterased w(i)t(h) beleue so . elles -th-(o)u
worst nou-gh-t saued [aaAx]
V: 6,76 (Brutaget) with _th_e (bileeue) . wher-_th_orw we
moten (beo) sauet [aaAx]
H: 6,76 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,76 & boteraseded w(i)t(h) beleue so . worth [-th-(o)u]
best now sauyd [aaAx]
L: 6,76 And boterased with byleue so . or -th-ou bes notes
saued [aaAx]
W: 6,76 Botrace it wit bileue wel . or -th-ow best not saued
N: 6,76 -Th-e botraces of byleue . wher -th-orow we be saued
A: 6,76 And boterasid w(i)t(h) eliues so . or ellis -th-u
best not sauyd [aaAx]
M: 6,76 Ibotrasde with beleue . longe to stonden [aaAx]
H3: 6,76 And boterasyd w(i)t(h) beleue . or -th-(o)u best
nouth sauyd [aaAx]
T: 6,77 Alle [th]e housis ben helid hallis & chaumbris
H2: 6,77 Al the housis bien helid . hallis and chaumbris
Ch: 6,77 Alle -th-e howses ben heled . halles and chaumbres
D: 6,77 Alle -th-e houses be-th- heled . halles & Chaumbres
V: 6,77 Alle _th_e (houses) beo_th_ (I-hulet) . (Halles)
and Chaumbres [aaAx]
H: 6,77 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,77 Alle -th-e howses bene hylyd . hallys & chaumberis
L: 6,77 Alle -th-e houses beon heoled . halles & chaumbres
W: 6,77 Alle -th-e houses ben heled . bo-th-e alle and chambre
N: 6,77 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 6,77 The housis ben helid . alle & chaumbris w(i)t(h)
led [aaAx]
M: 6,77 Alle -th-e houses ben hilde . with loue wete -th-(o)u
-th-e sothe [aaAx]
H3: 6,77 Alle -th-e housys be(n) hyllyd . hallis & chaumberys
w(i)t(h) no led [aaAx]
T: 6,78 Wi[th] no led but loue & lou[gh]nesse as bre[th](er)en
of o wombe
H2: 6,78 with no leed but with loue . and lou-gh-nesse of
herte [aaaXx]
Ch: 6,78 with no led but with loue and low-gh-nesse . of
hert [aaaXx]
D: 6,78 with no led but loue and lownesse . as bre-th-eren
of on wombe [aaaXx]
V: 6,78 Wi_th_ no (led) (bote) with (loue) . as (Bre_th_eren)
of o wombe [abaBx]
H: 6,78 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,78 W(i)t(h) [no led bot] pure loue . as bre-th-eryn
of a wombe [aaaXx]
L: 6,78 [With no led] bote with loue . as bretheren of a
wombe [aaaXx]
W: 6,78 Wi-th- no lord but lownes & loue . echon o-th-er
N: 6,78 Wi-th- no lede but wi-th- loue . as bre-th-(er)en
of o wombe [aaaXx]
A: 6,78 W(i)t(h) loue & lowenes as bre-th-eren of o wombe
M: 6,78 --- this line om ---
H3: 6,78 But w(i)t(h) loue and lownsse . as bre-th-ery(n)
of o wombe [aaaXx]
T: 6,79 [Th]e tour [th](er)e treu[th]e is hymself is vp to
[th]e sonne
H2: 6,79 The tour ther(e) treuthe is hi(m) selue . is vp
to the sonne [aaXx]
Ch: 6,79 -Th-e tour -th-er trew-th-e . is hymself is vp to
-th-e sonne [aaXx]
D: 6,79 The toure -th-(er) treuthe . is hym self is vp to
-th-e sonne [aaXx]
V: 6,79 _Th_e (Tour) _th_er (treu_th_e) is Inne . (I-set)
Is aboue _th_e (sonne) [aaBb]
H: 6,79 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,79 -Th-e tour(e) -th-(er) treuthe is . is vpon -th-at
su(n)ne [aaXx]
L: 6,79 -Th-eo tour -th-(er) treouthe . is him seolf is vp
to -th-e sonne [aaXx]
W: 6,79 The tour -th-at treu-th- . is in secte by -th-e sonne
N: 6,79 -Th-e towre there trw-th-e is . is vpon -th-e sonne
A: 6,79 The tour is trew-th-e . is inne hym selfe . is vp
to -th-e sunne [aaXx]
M: 6,79 -Th-e Tour -th-er Trweth . is Inne is vppe to -th-e
sunne [aaXx]
H3: 6,79 The tour -th-(er) trewthe . is hy(m) self is vp
to -th-e sonne [aaXx]
T: 6,80 He may do wi[th] [th]e day sterre what hym dere liki[th]
H2: 6,80 He may do with the day st(er)re . what hi(m) dere
lyketh [aaAx]
Ch: 6,80 He may do with -th-e daie sterre . what him dere
like-th- [aaAx]
D: 6,80 He may do with -th-e day sterre . what -th-at hym
lyketh [aaAx]
V: 6,80 He may (do) with _th_e (day-sterre) . what him (deore)
lyke_th_ [aaAx]
H: 6,80 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,80 He may don w(i)t(h) -th-e day ster . qwat him der(e)
likyth [aaAx]
L: 6,80 He may do wi-th- -th-e day steorre . what him deore
likyth [aaAx]
W: 6,80 He may do wi-th- -th-e day sterre . waat so hym like-th-
N: 6,80 He may do wi-th- -th-e day sterre . what hi(m) dere
like-th- [aaAx]
A: 6,80 He may don w(i)t(h) -th-e sterne . what hym dere
likith [aaAx]
M: 6,80 He may do with -th-e daye sterre . what him der(e)
lyketh [aaAx]
H3: 6,80 He may do w(i)t(h) -th-e day sterre . qwat hy(m)
dere lykyth [aaAx]
T: 6,81 De[th] dar not do [th]ing [th](a)t he defendi[th]
H2: 6,81 Deth dar nou-gh-t do thyng . that he defendit-gh-
Ch: 6,81 De-th- dar nou-gh-t do -th-ing . -th-at he defende-th-
D: 6,81 De-th- dar do no-th-yng . -th-at he defendeth [aaAx]
V: 6,81 (Deth) (dar) not (do) . _th_ing _th_at he (defende_th_)
H: 6,81 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,81 Deth dar nouth don -th-ing . -th-(a)t he defendyth
L: 6,81 Deth dar not don thyng . -th-at he defendeth [aaAx]
W: 6,81 De-th- dar do no-th-ing . -th-at he defende-th- [aaAx]
N: 6,81 Ded dar nou-gh-t do -th-ing . -th-(a)t he defende-th-
A: 6,81 Deth dar not do . -th-at he defendith [aaAx]
A: 6,81 I haue no tom to telle . how -th-e toun standith
A: 6,81 [B:V,592/C:VIII,240] The brygge hattyth bydewel .
-th-e bette may -th-u spede
A: 6,81 [B:V,593/C:VIII,241] Eche peler is penaunce . poliched
ful clene
M: 6,81 ffor -th-e daye dar not do . -th-at he deffendeth
M: 6,81 [B:V,601/C:VIII,240] I haue no tunge to telle -y-ou
honghe -th-e Tone stodeth
M: 6,81 [B:V,602/C:VIII,241] But -th-e Bregge herte beddewele
-th-e bettre -th-(o)u my spede
M: 6,81 [B:V,603/C:VIII,242] Eche pyllere is of penaunce
I poheshe ful clene
H3: 6,81 Deth dar nouth do . -th-(a)t he defendyth [aaAx]
H3: 6,81 [B: 5,601-2/C: 8,240-1] I haue no tyme to telle
how -th-e tour standyth
H3: 6,81 [B: 5,601-2/C: 8,240-1] And -th-e bry tylbyd wel
-th-e bett(er) -gh-e may
H3: 6,81 [B: 5,601-2/C: 8,240-1] Iche pyler is of pen ful
T: 6,82 Grace hatti[th] [th]e poster a good man forso[th]e
H2: 6,82 Grace hatte that porter(e) . a good man forsothe
Ch: 6,82 Grace hat -th-e porter . a gode man forso-th-e [aaAx]
D: 6,82 Grace hat -th-e port(er) . a good man forsothe [aaAx]
V: 6,82 (Grace) hette _th_e (_g_ate-ward) . A (good) mon
forso_th_e [aaAx]
H: 6,82 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,82 Grace hite -th-e gatewarde . a gode man forsoth [aaAx]
L: 6,82 Grace hatte -th-e gateward . a good mon forsothe
W: 6,82 Grace is gateward . a good man forso-th-e [aaAx]
N: 6,82 Grace hat -th-e gatward . a god man forso-th-e [aaAx]
A: 6,82 Grace hyte -th-e gateward . a good man forso-th-e
M: 6,82 Grace hoteth -th-e gatewarde . a gode man forsothe
H3: 6,82 Grace hattyt -th-e ganward . a godma(n) forsothe
T: 6,83 His man hatti[th] amende [y]ow for many man he knowi[th]
H2: 6,83 His man hatteth amende -gh-ou . for many man he
knowit-gh- [aaAx]
Ch: 6,83 His man hat amende -gh-ow . for many man he knoweth
D: 6,83 His man hight Amendes . for many man hym know(e)t(h)
V: 6,83 His (Mon) hette (a-Mende) _th_ou . for (mony) men
him knowe_th_ [aaAx]
H: 6,83 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,83 His man hyhte amende -gh-ow . for many man he knowyth
L: 6,83 His men hatte amende -th-(o)u . for mony men he knoweth
W: 6,83 His knave hight amende -gh-owe . for many man he
knowe-th- [aaAx]
N: 6,83 His man hat amende -gh-ow . for many man he knowe-th-
A: 6,83 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 6,83 His man hoteth amende -y-ou . many me(n) he cnoweth
H3: 6,83 Hys ma(n) hattyt ame(n)det -gh-ou . ful many ma(n)
he knowyt [aaAx]
T: 6,84 Tel hym [th]is tokne treu[th]e wot [th]e so[th]e
H2: 6,84 Telle hi(m) this tokene . treuth-gh- wote the sothe
Ch: 6,84 Telle him -th-is token . trew-th-e wot -th-e so-th-e
D: 6,84 Telle hym -th-is tokene . trew-th-e wot -th-e so-th-e
V: 6,84 (Tel) him _th_is (tokene) . for (treu_th_e) wot _th_e
so_th_e [aaAx]
H: 6,84 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,84 Tel him -th-is tokyn . trewthe wote -th-e sothe [aaAx]
L: 6,84 Tel him -th-is tokene . treouthe wot -th-e sothe
W: 6,84 Tel hym -th-is tokne . -th-at treu-th- wot -th-e
so-th-e [aaAx]
N: 6,84 Telle hi(m) -th-is tokyne . trw-th-e wot -th-e so-th-e
A: 6,84 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 6,84 Telle him -th-ys tokeu(n) . trweth wot -th-e sothe
H3: 6,84 Tel hym -th-e tokene . trewthe wot -th-e sothe [aaAx]
T: 6,85 I p(er)fo(ur)mde [th]e pen(au)nce [th]e prest me enioynide
H2: 6,85 I p(er)fo(ur)med the penau(n)ce . the p(re)st me
enyoynede [aaAx]
Ch: 6,85 I p(er)formed the penaunce . -th-e prest me enIuned
D: 6,85 I p(er)formed -th-e prest me enIoyned [aaAx]
V: 6,85 I (performede) _th_e (penaunce) . _th_at _th_e (prest)
me en-Ioynede [aaAx]
H: 6,85 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,85 I p(er)formyd -th-e penaunce . -th-e preste on me
leyde [aaAx]
L: 6,85 y p(er)formed -th-e panaunce . -th-e prest me enioyned
W: 6,85 I p(er)forme -th-e penaunce . -th-at -th-e prest
mengeoned [aaAx]
N: 6,85 I (pe)rforned -th-e penans . -th-e prest me enioyned
A: 6,85 I p(er)formyd -th-e penaunce . -th-at -th-e prest
me enioyned [aaAx]
M: 6,85 I p(er)forned myn penau(n)ce . -th-(a)t -th-e prest
on me leyde [aaAx]
H3: 6,85 I parformyd -th-e penaunce . -th-(a)t -th-e p(re)st
on me leyde [aaAx]
T: 6,86 And am sory for my synnes & so shal I eu(er)e
H2: 6,86 And am sory for my synnes . and schal I euere [aaAx]
Ch: 6,86 And am sory for my synnes . and so schal I euer
D: 6,86 And am sory for my synnes . & so schal I eu(er)e
V: 6,86 I am (sori) for my (sunnes) . and (so) schal I euere
H: 6,86 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,86 And am sory for my sy(n)nys . & so schal I eu(er)e
L: 6,86 And am sory for my synnes . & so schal I euer
W: 6,86 I am sory for my synne . and so shal I euere [aaAx]
N: 6,86 I am sory for my synnes . & so schal I eure [aaAx]
A: 6,86 And I am sory for my synnes . & so schal I euyr
M: 6,86 And ham sory for my synnes . & so schal I eur(e)
H3: 6,86 And am sory for my(n) sy(n)nys . & so xal I
eu(er) [aaAx]
T: 6,87 Whanne I [th]enke [th](er)eon [th]ei[gh] I were a pope
H2: 6,87 when I thenke thereon . thou-gh- I wer(e) a pope
Ch: 6,87 when I -th-enk -th-ereon . -th-ou-gh- I were a pope
D: 6,87 Whan I -th-inke -th-(er)on . -th-ou-gh- I were a
pope [axAx]
V: 6,87 Whon I (_th_enke) (_th_er-on) . (_th_au_g_) I weore
a pope [aaAxx]
H: 6,87 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,87 Qwan I thing -th-(er)on . -th-ei I wer(e) a pope
L: 6,87 When I thenke -th-(er)on . -th-eygh y weore a pope
W: 6,87 Whan I -th-end vpon hem . -th-ogh I were pope [axAx]
N: 6,87 Whan I -th-enke -th-(er)vpon . -th-ei I were a pope
A: 6,87 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 6,87 Whan I thenke -th-er(e)on . -th-ey I wer(e) a pope
H3: 6,87 Qwa(n) I thenke -th-(er)on . -th-ow I were a pope
T: 6,88 Biddi[th] amende [y]ow meke hym to his maist(er)
H2: 6,88 Biddith amende -gh-ou . meke hi(m) . to his maist(er)
Ch: 6,88 loke -gh-e men -th-at -gh-e amende -gh-ow -th-at
he meke him . to his maister [aaAx]
D: 6,88 Bidde-th- Amendis & meke hym . to his mayst(er)
V: 6,88 Bidde (a-Mende) (Meken) him . to his (Mayster) ones
H: 6,88 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,88 he Byddyth amende -gh-ow mekyn [-gh-ow] . to his
mayst(er) [aaAx]
L: 6,88 Biddeth amende -th-(o)u meokyn him . to his maister
W: 6,88 Bide amende -gh-ow -th-an meke hym . to his maystre
N: 6,88 Bedde-th- amende -gh-ow meke hi(m) . to his maistre
A: 6,88 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 6,88 Bedde amende -y-ou meken him . to his maistr(e) ones
H3: 6,88 Byd ame(n)de -gh-ou meky(n) hy(m) . to hys maystyr
onys [aaAx]
T: 6,89 Ones to weue out [th]e wyket [th]at he w(i)t(h) shette
H2: 6,89 Ones to weue vp the wyket . that he w(i)t(h) wylle
scette [aaAx]
Ch: 6,89 Ones to wayue out -th-e wikette . -th-at he with
schette [aaAx]
D: 6,89 Ones to weve out -th-e wyket . -th-(a)t he w(i)t(h)
schettet [aaAx]
V: 6,89 To (wynne) vp _th_e (wiket-_g_at) . _th_at _th_e
(wey) schutte [aaAx]
H: 6,89 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,89 Onys to wynny(n) vp -th-e weket . -th-(a)t he w(i)t(h)
schytte [aaAx]
L: 6,89 Ones to wayue vp -th-e wyket . -th-at -th-e whye
schette [aaAx]
W: 6,89 And wayue vp -th-e wiket . -th-at he stoppet [aaAx]
N: 6,89 Ones to weyue vp -th-e wiket . -th-e -th-e wy chette
A: 6,89 Prey hym to weyn vp -th-e weket . -th-at -th-e aungel
schet [aaAx]
M: 6,89 to wynney(n) vp -th-e wykete . -th-e -th-e wey schetteth
H3: 6,89 To weyen vp a wyket . -th-(a)t -th-e wey-gh-e schetyth
T: 6,90 [Th]o Ad(a)m & Eue eten here bane
H2: 6,90 Tho Ad(a)m and eue . eten here bane [aaAx]
Ch: 6,90 Tho Adam and Eue . eten her bane [aaAx]
D: 6,90 -Th-o Adam & Eue . eten here bane [aaAx]
V: 6,90 _Th_o _th_at (Adam) and (Eue) . (eeten) heore bone
H: 6,90 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,90 -Th-oo adam & eue . etyn her bane [aaAx]
L: 6,90 When adam & Eue . eten heore bane [aaAx]
W: 6,90 Whan -th-at Adam and Eue . eten here bane [aaAx]
N: 6,90 To adam & Eue . eten her bane [aaAx]
A: 6,90 Tho adam & eue . heten here bane [aaAx]
M: 6,90 Tho adam & Eue . hetene her(e) Bane [aaAx]
H3: 6,90 -Th-o adam & eue . ety(n) her bane [aaAx]
T: 6,91 ffor he ha[th] [th]e kei[gh]es & [th]e cliket [th]ei[gh]
[th]e king slepe
H2: 6,91 ffor he hatt-gh- the key-gh-es and the cliket .
thei the kyng slepe [aaAx]
Ch: 6,91 ffor he hathe -th-e keyes and -th-e clekette . -th-ow
-th-e king slepe [aaAx]
D: 6,91 ffor he ha-th- -th-e keyes & -th-e cleket . -th-ou-gh-
-th-e kyng slepe [aaAx]
V: 6,91 ffor he ha_th_ _th_e (keye) of _th_e (cliket) ._th_au_g_
_th_e (kyng) slepe [aaAx]
H: 6,91 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,91 ffor he hath -th-e keye & -th-e cleket . -th-ei
-th-e kyng slepe [aaAx]
L: 6,91 ffor he hath -th-e keye of -th-e clyket . -th-agh
-th-e kyng slepe [aaAx]
W: 6,91 He ha-th- -th-e keye of -th-e kleket . -th-ogh the
kyng slepe [aaAx]
N: 6,91 ffor he ha-th- -th-e keye & -th-e clykett . -th-eig
-th-e kyng slepe [aaAx]
A: 6,91 He hath -th-e key of -th-at cleket . -th-ou -th-e
kyng slepe [aaAx]
M: 6,91 ffor he bar(e) -th-e keye of -th-e Clykete . -th-er
-th-e kyng slepe [aaAx]
H3: 6,91 ffor he hat -th-e key-gh-e of -th-e kleket . -th-ow
-th-e kyng slepe [aaAx]
T: 6,92 And [y]if g(ra)ce g(ra)unte [th]e to gon in [th]is
H2: 6,92 And -gh-if g(ra)ce grau(n)te the . to gon on this
wyse [aaAx]
Ch: 6,92 And -gh-ef grace graunte . -th-e go Inne -th-is
wise [aaAx]
D: 6,92 And if g(ra)ce graunte . -th-e to gon in -th-is wyse
V: 6,92 And _g_if (grace) _th_e (graunte) . to (gon) in in
_th_is wyse [aaAx]
H: 6,92 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,92 -Gh-if g(ra)ce g(ra)unte . -th-e to gone inne on
-th-is wise [aaAx]
L: 6,92 And -gh-ef grace graunte . -th-e to gon yn in -th-is
tyme [aaAx]
W: 6,92 And if -th-at grace graunt . -th-e to gon in -th-is
wyse [aaAx]
N: 6,92 & -gh-if g(ra)ce g(ra)unte . -th-e to go in in
-th-is wyse [aaAx]
A: 6,92 -Gh-if grace graunt -th-e to go . on -th-is wyse
M: 6,92 And if gr(ac)e graunte . -th-e to go in -th-ys wyse
H3: 6,92 And -gh-yf grace graunte . -th-e to gou(n) i(n)
-th-is wyse [aaAx]
T: 6,93 [Th]ou shalt se treu[th]e hi(m)self wel sitte in [th]in
H2: 6,93 Thow schal se treuthe hi(m)self . wel sitte in thyn
herte [aaAx]
Ch: 6,93 -Th-ow schalt se trew-th-e -th-yself wele . sytte
In -th-in herte [aaAx]
D: 6,93 -Th-(o)u schalt se treuthe hymself wil . sette in
-th-yn herte [aaAx]
V: 6,93 _Th_ou schalt (seo) treu_th_e (him-self) . (sitten)
in _th_in herte [aaAx]
H: 6,93 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,93 -Th-(o)u schalt seene t(re)wthe -th-iselue wil .
sytty(n) in -th-in hert [aaAx]
L: 6,93 -Th-ou schalt seon trouthe himseolf wel . sitte in
-th-yn heorte [aaAx]
W: 6,93 Thow shalt sen treu-th- hymself . setten in -th-in
hert [aaAx]
N: 6,93 -Th-anne schatow se trw-th-e wel . syttyng in -th-in
herte [aaAx]
A: 6,93 Thou schal sene trew-th-e -th-eselfe . syttyn in
-th-ine herte [aaAx]
M: 6,93 Thou shalt see trweth thyselue . sitten in thyn h(er)te
H3: 6,93 -Th-(o)u xalt se trewthe hy(m) seluy(n) . sytty(n)
i(n) -th-i(n) herte [aaAx]
T: 6,94 And lere [th]e for to loue & hise lawes holden
H2: 6,94 And lere the for to louen . and his lawess holden
Ch: 6,94 And lerne -th-e for to louen . and his lawes holden
D: 6,94 And lere -th-e for to louen . & his lawes holden
V: 6,94 _Th_enne (loke) _th_at _th_ou (loue) him wel . and
his (lawe) holde [aaAx]
H: 6,94 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,94 And lernyn -gh-ow for to louyn him . & his lawes
holde [aaAx]
L: 6,94 And lere -th-(o)u for to loue him . & his lawes
holden [aaAx]
W: 6,94 And lere -th-e for to loue hym . and his lawe holde
N: 6,94 Lere -th-e to loue hi(m) . & his lewes kepen
A: 6,94 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 6,94 And he wyl lerne -y-ou to leuen . & his lawes
holden [aaAx]
H3: 6,94 And lerne -gh-(o)u to louy(n) . & hys lawys
holdy(n) [aaAx]
T: 6,95 Ac be war [th]anne of wra[th][th]e [th]at wykkide shrewe
H2: 6,95 Ac be war than of wrathe . that wickede schrewe
Ch: 6,95 Bot be ware -th-anne of wra-th--th-e . -th-at wikked
schrewe [aaAx]
D: 6,95 Ac be waar -th-anne wra-th-e nou-gh-t . -th-(a)t
wykked schrewe [aaAx]
V: 6,95 Bote beo (wel) (I-war) of (wra_th__th_e) . for he
is s Schrewe [aaAx]
H: 6,95 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,95 Ac be war(e) of wrath he wrathe -th-e not . -th-(a)t
schrewe [aaAx]
L: 6,95 And beo war -th-enne of wratthe . -th-at wicked schrewe
K: 6,95 But be ware then of wrathe . that wykkyd schrewe
W: 6,95 But be -th-ou wel -gh-it war . of wrath -th-e shrewe
N: 6,95 And be wel ware of wrathe -th-e nou-gh-t . -th-(a)t
wykkyd sherewe [aaAx]
A: 6,95 But be war of wreth . for he is a schrewe [aaAx]
M: 6,95 But he warr(e) of wrathe . -th-at wykede schrewe
H3: 6,95 And be war -th-(a)t wratthe neyth -gh-(o)u nouth
-th-(a)t wykkyd schrewe [aaAx]
T: 6,96 ffor he ha[th] enuye to hym [th]at in [th]in herte
H2: 6,96 ffor he hath enuye to hi(m) . that in thin herte
sittih-gh- [aaAx]
Ch: 6,96 ffor he hathe enuy to him . -th-at In -th-in hert
sitte-th- [aaAx]
D: 6,96 ffor he ha-th- enuye to hym . -th-(a)t in -th-yn
herte sitte-th- [aaAx]
V: 6,96 ffor he ha_th_ (Envye) to (him) . _th_at sitte_th_
in _th_yn (herte) [aaAx]
H: 6,96 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,96 ffor he hath envy to him . -th-(a)t in -th-in hert(e)
syttyth [aaAx]
L: 6,96 ffor he hath enuye to him . -th-(a)t in -th-yn heorte
sitteth [aaAx]
K: 6,96 ffor he hath envye to hym . that in thyn hart syttyth
W: 6,96 ffor he ha-th- enuie to hym . -th-at sytte in -th-i
herte [aaAx]
N: 6,96 He ha-th- envye to hi(m) . -th-at in -th-yne herte
sitte-th- [aaAx]
A: 6,96 He hath enuye w(i)t(h) hym . & settyn hym in
-gh-o(ur) hertis [aaAx]
M: 6,96 ffor he hathe enuie to him . -th-at in thyn herte
stondeth [aaAx]
H3: 6,96 ffor he hat envy-gh-e to hy(m) . -th-(a)t in -th-i(n)
herte syttyth [aaAx]
T: 6,97 And poki[th] [th]e for pride to preise [th]iselue
H2: 6,97 And poke for p(ri)de . to preise thi selue [aaAx]
Ch: 6,97 And pouki-th- the for pride . to preise -th-yselue
D: 6,97 And poke-th- -th-e for pride . forto preyse -th-y
selue [aaAx]
V: 6,97 And (puite_th_) for_th_ (pruide) . to (preisen) _th_i-seluen
H: 6,97 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,97 And p(ro)kerryth forth p(ri)de . to preysyn him selue
L: 6,97 And poketh forth pruyde . to preisen -th-y seoluen
K: 6,97 And pokyth forth p(ri)de . to prayse thy self [aaAx]
W: 6,97 And wil prike -th-e wi-th- pride . to prayse -th-i
self [aaAx]
N: 6,97 And put for-th- p(ri)de . to prayse -th-i seluen
A: 6,97 And poketh forth pride . to preyce -th-e selue [aaAx]
M: 6,97 & poketh -th-e for pryde . to preysen thy seluen
H3: 6,97 And pokyth forth for p(ri)de . to preysy(n) -th-i
selue [aaAx]
T: 6,98 [Th]e boldnesse of [th]i bienfait maki[th] [th]e blynd
H2: 6,98 The boldnesse of thyn bienfait . makit-gh- the blynnd
thanne [aaAx]
Ch: 6,98 -Th-e boldnesse of -th-y benefait . maki-th- the
blinde -th-anne [aaAx]
D: 6,98 The boldnesse of -th-y benfet . make-th- -th-e blynd
-th-anne [aaAx]
V: 6,98 _Th_e (boldnesse) of _th_i (benfes) . (blende_th_)
_th_in ei_g_en [aaAx]
H: 6,98 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,98 -Th-e boldenesse of -th-in benefetys . blyndeth -th-e
-th-anne [aaAx]
L: 6,98 -Th-e boldnes of -th-y bienfait-gh- . makith -th-e
blynd -th-anne [aaAx]
K: 6,98 The boldnes of thy beynfeate . makyth the blynd than
W: 6,98 Throgh boldnes of -th-i benfetes . make -th-e blynd
sone [aaAx]
N: 6,98 -Th-e boldenesse of -th-i bienfait . bly(n)de-th-
-th-e -th-anne [aaAx]
A: 6,98 The boldnes of -th-i benefeth . makith -th-e blynd
-th-anne [aaAx]
M: 6,98 The Boldenesse of thy kyme . maketh -th-e blynde
-th-anne [aaAx]
H3: 6,98 -Th-e boldnesse of -th-i(n) benefetys . makyth -th-e
blynd -th-a(n)ne [aaAx]
T: 6,99 And so worst [th]ou dryuen out as dew & [th]e dore
H2: 6,99 And so worst thou dryuen out as dew . & -th-e
dor(e) closid [aaAx]
Ch: 6,99 So worstow dryuen out as dewe . and -th-e dore closed
D: 6,99 And so worst -th-(o)u dryuen out as dew . & -th-e
dore closed [aaAx]
V: 6,99 And so wor_th_estou (I-driuen) out . and _th_e (dore)
I-closet [xaAx]
H: 6,99 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,99 And so worth -th-(o)u dryuyn oute as dewe . & -th-e
dore closede [aaAx]
L: 6,99 So worst -th-(o)u dryuen as dew . & -th-e dore
closed [aaAx]
K: 6,99 So worth thou dryvyn out at dore . & the dore
closyd [aaAx]
W: 6,99 Than bestow dreven oute as dewe . and -th-e dore
closed [aaAx]
N: 6,99 So wor-th- -th-ow dryuen out as dew . & -th-e
dore closed [aaAx]
A: 6,99 And so dreuyn out as dewe . and -th-e dore closid
M: 6,99 & so wurstou dryuen oute . & -th-e durr(e)
closed [aaAx]
H3: 6,99 And so wordyst -th-(o)u dryuy(n) out as dew . at
-th-e dere closyd [aaAx]
T: 6,100 Ikei[gh]id & ycliket to kepe [th]e [th](er)oute
H2: 6,100 Ikey-gh-ede and Iclekedit . to kepe [-th-e] ther(e)oute
Ch: 6,100 Ikay-gh-ed and Icleketed . to kepe -th-e -th-eroute
D: 6,100 Ikeyed & cliked . to kepe -th-e -th-(er)oute
V: 6,100 (I-kei_g_et) and (I-kliketed) . to holden _th_e
_th_er-oute [aaAx]
H: 6,100 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,100 Keyed & clekedyd . to holdyn -th-e -th-(er)oute
L: 6,100 ykeyed & yclyketed . to kepe -th-e -th-eroute
K: 6,100 Ykeyyd & ycleketyd . to kepe the theroute [aaAx]
W: 6,100 Bo-th-e wi-th- cleket and keye . to kepe -gh-ow
-th-eroute [aaAx]
N: 6,100 ykeyed & yklyked . to kepe -th-e -th-(er)out
A: 6,100 I keyed & Iklekedyd . to kepe -gh-ou w(i)t(h)oute
M: 6,100 Ikeyed & Ihoked . to holde -th-e withoute [aaAx]
H3: 6,100 Wyt key-gh-e & w(i)t(h) cleket . to kepe -th-e
w(i)t(h)oute [aaAx]
T: 6,101 Happily an hundrit wynt(er) er [th](o)u eft entre
H2: 6,101 Haply an hondred wynt(er) . er thou eft entre [aaAa]
Ch: 6,101 hapley an hundred wynter . or -th-ow efte entre
D: 6,101 Happyly an hundred wynt(er) . or -th-(o)u eft entre
V: 6,101 (Hapliche), an (Hundred) _g_er . er _th_ou (eft)
(entre) [aaAa]
H: 6,101 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,101 Happyly an hundred wynt(er) . er -th-(o)u est entre
L: 6,101 Happely an hundred wynt(er) . or -th-ou efte entre
K: 6,101 And happely an hundred wynt(er) . or thou eft entre
W: 6,101 And haply an hundreth wintre . er -th-ou entre eft
N: 6,101 Happyly an C wyntre . ar -th-(o)u eft entre [aaAa]
A: 6,101 Happely an hundred wyntir . or -th-u entre [aaAa]
M: 6,101 Appely an vndred -y-er(e) . ar -th-ou ofte entr(e)
H3: 6,101 Happyly an hu(n)dryd wynt(er) . er -th-(o)u eft
entre [aaAa]
T: 6,102 [Th]us mi[gh]t [th]ou lese his loue to lete wel be
H2: 6,102 Thus my-gh-t thou lese his loue . to lete wel be
thi silue [aaAx]
Ch: 6,102 -Th-us my-gh-t -th-ow lese his loue . to lete wel
be -th-yselue [aaAx]
D: 6,102 -Th-us my-gh-te -th-u lese his loue . to lete wel
by -th-y selue [aaAx]
V: 6,102 _Th_us maihtou (leosen) his (loue) . to (leten)
wel bi _th_i-seluen [aaAx]
H: 6,102 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,102 -Th-(us) mayhtow lesyn his loue . to letyn wele
be -th-i selue [aaAx]
L: 6,102 -Th-us myghtestow leosen his loue . to lete wel
by -th-y seoluen [aaAx]
K: 6,102 Thus might thou lesen his love . to letten wel by
thy self [aaAx]
W: 6,102 Thus -th-ou myght lese his loue . to late much of
-th-i self [aaAx]
N: 6,102 -Th-us may -th-(o)u lesyn his loue . to lat wel
by -th-i self [aaAx]
A: 6,102 Thus myght -th-u lese his loue . to lete wele be
-th-i selue [aaAx]
M: 6,102 Thus mught -th-ou lese hys loue . to leten wel be
thy selue [aaAx]
H3: 6,102 -Th-(us) myth -th-(o)u lesy(n) hys loue . to lete
wel be -th-i(n) seluy(n) [aaAx]
T: 6,103 And geten it a[y]en [th]oru[gh] g(ra)ce & [th]oru[gh]
no gift ellis
H2: 6,103 And geten it a-gh-en thoru g(ra)ce . and thoru
no gyft ellis [aaAx]
Ch: 6,103 And geten hit a-gh-en -th-orow grace . and -th-orow
no gift elles [aaAx]
D: 6,103 And geten it a-gh-en w(i)t(h) g(ra)ce . & w(i)t(h)
no gefte elles [aaAx]
V: 6,103 Bote (gete) hit (a_g_eyn) bi (grace) . and bi no
(_g_ift) elles [aaaAx]
H: 6,103 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,103 And getyn [it] agayne -th-orow g(ra)ce . & -th-orow
no -gh-iftys ellys [aaAx]
L: 6,103 & hit geten a-gh-eyn -th-orgh grace . & -th-orgh
no -gh-efte elles [aaAx]
K: 6,103 And getyn it ageyn thrugh g(ra)ce . & no gyfte
els [aaAx]
W: 6,103 And gete it agayn wi-th- grace . he wil no gift
elles [aaAx]
N: 6,103 And gete it ageyn -th-orow g(ra)ce . & -th-orow
no gift ellys [aaAx]
A: 6,103 And gete it agayn -th-orow grace . & be no gyfte
ellis [aaAx]
M: 6,103 & geten it with g(ra)ce . & with no thyng
ell(is) [aaAx]
H3: 6,103 And gety(n) hy(m) agayn thoru g(ra)ce . & no(n)
gyft ellys [aaAx]
T: 6,104 Ac [th](er)e arn seuene sistris [th](a)t treu[th]e
[louf] eu(er)e
H2: 6,104 Ac ther(e) arn seuene sistris . that treuth louen
euere [aaAx]
Ch: 6,104 But -th-er arn seuen sustren . -th-at trew-th-e
loue-th- euer [aaAx]
D: 6,104 Ac -th-(er) arn seuene sust(ers) . -th-at seruen
treu-th-e eu(er)e [aaAx]
V: 6,104 Ak _th_er beo_th_ (seuen) (sustren) . _th_at (seruen)
treu_th_e euere [aaAx]
H: 6,104 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,104 Ac -th-(er) arn seue(n) sist(er)ys . -th-(a)t s(er)uyn
trewthe eu(er)e [aaAx]
L: 6,104 Bote -th-(er) arn seouen sustres . -th-(a)t seruen
trouthe euer [aaAx]
K: 6,104 But ther ben sevyn sust(er)s . that s(er)uyn truth
eu(er) [aaAx]
W: 6,104 But -th-ere be-th- seuen sustres . -th-at s(er)ue
treu-th- euere [aaAx]
N: 6,104 But -th-(er)e ben seuene sustren . -th-at s(er)ue
trw-th-e eure [aaAx]
A: 6,104 Ther arn seuene systeris . to serue trew-th-e euyr
M: 6,104 But -th-er(e) arne vij sustreu(n) . -th-at seruen
trweth euer(e) [aaAx]
H3: 6,104 And -th-(er) arn vij systerys . -th-(a)t seruy(n)
trewthe eu(er)e [aaAx]
T: 6,105 And ben port(er)is to [th]e post(er)nis [th](a)t to
[th]e place longi[th]
H2: 6,105 And bien port(er)es at posternis . that to the
place longith [aaAx]
Ch: 6,105 And be-th- porters of -th-e posternes . -th-at
to -th-e place longe-th- [aaAx]
D: 6,105 And ben porters of -th-e posternes . -th-(a)t to
-th-e place longe-th- [aaAx]
V: 6,105 And ben (porters) at (posternes) . _th_at to _th_e
(place) longen [aaAx]
H: 6,105 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,105 And bene porters of -th-e posterns . -th-(a)t to
-th-e place longith [aaAx]
L: 6,105 And beon port(er)s to -th-e postornes . -th-(a)t
to -th-e place longeth [aaAx]
K: 6,105 And ben portars ou(er) the posternys . -th-(a)t
to the place longyn [aaAx]
W: 6,105 Beth porters of -th-e posternes . -th-at to -th-at
place longen [aaAx]
N: 6,105 Porters of -th-e posternes . -th-(a)t to -th-e place
longe-th- [aaAx]
A: 6,105 He arn porteris of -th-e posternis . -th-at to -th-e
place longith [aaAx]
M: 6,105 And kepen -th-e postru(n) . -th-at to -th-at place
longeth [aaAx]
H3: 6,105 And be(n) porterys of -th-e posternys . -th-(a)t
to -th-e place longyth [aaAx]
T: 6,106 [Th](a)t on hatti[th] abstinence and meknesse ano[th](er)
H2: 6,106 That on hattit-gh- abstynence . and meknesse another
Ch: 6,106 -Th-at on hatte abstinence . and mekenesse -th-at
o-th-er [aaAx]
D: 6,106 That on hi-gh-te Abstinence . & meknesse -th-(a)t
o-th-(er) [aaAx]
V: 6,106 _Th_at on (hette) (Abstinence) . And (Humilitie)
a-no_th_er [aaAx]
H: 6,106 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,106 -Th-(a)t on is callid abstinence . humilite ano-th-er
L: 6,106 -Th-at on hatte abstinence . & humylite anothir
K: 6,106 That one hight abstynence . & humylyte that
other [aaAx]
W: 6,106 That one hight abstinence . & humilite -th-e
to-th-er [aaAx]
N: 6,106 That on hat abstenence . humylyte ano-th-(er)e [aaAx]
A: 6,106 The ton hyte abstinens . & humilite -th-e tother
M: 6,106 -Th-e ton hette abstinence . & humilite the
toher(e) [aaAx]
H3: 6,106 -Th-e on hattyth abstyne(n)s . & humylite -th-e
o-th-r [aaAx]
T: 6,107 Charite & chastite be[th] hire chief maidenes
H2: 6,107 Charite and chastite . bien hir(e) chef maidenes
Ch: 6,107 Charite and chastite . ben her chef maidens [aaAx]
D: 6,107 Charite and Chastite . be-th- here chief maydenes
V: 6,107 (Charite) And (Chastite) . beo_th_ tweyne ful (Choyse)
Maidenes [aaAx]
H: 6,107 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,107 Charite & chastite . bo-th-yn her chef maydenys
L: 6,107 Charite & chastite . beon his tweye maydenes
K: 6,107 Charite & chastite . ben hir chefe maydyns [aaAx]
W: 6,107 Charite and chastite . be-th- -th-e chief maydenes
N: 6,107 Chastite and charite . ben his chef maydenes [aaAx]
A: 6,107 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 6,107 Charite & chastite . been his chief maydenes
H3: 6,107 Charyte & chastyte . be(n) hys chef maydenys
T: 6,108 Pacience & pees mekil folk [th]ei helpen
H2: 6,108 Pacience and pes . mykul folk thei helpen [aaAx]
Ch: 6,108 Pacience and pees . muche folk -th-ei helpen [aaAx]
D: 6,108 Pacience & pees . many folk -th-ey helpen [aaAx]
V: 6,108 (Pacience) and (Pees) . Muche (peple) helpen [aaAx]
H: 6,108 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,108 Pacience & pees . michel folk -th-ei helpyn
L: 6,108 Pacience & pees . muchel folk -th-ey helpen
K: 6,108 Pacyence and peace . mich people thay helpyn [aaAx]
W: 6,108 Pacience and eke pes . -th-at -th-e peple helpen
N: 6,108 Pacience & pes . Moche peple helpen [aaAx]
A: 6,108 Paciens & pes . mechil puple -th-ai helpyn [aaAx]
M: 6,108 Pacience & pes . muchul peeple they helpeu(n)
H3: 6,108 Pacyens & pes . meche puple -th-ei helpy(n)
T: 6,109 Largenesse [th]e lady let in wel manye
H2: 6,109 Largesse the ladi . let in wel manye [aaAx]
Ch: 6,109 Largenes -th-e lauedy . laty-th- Inne wel many
D: 6,109 Largenesse -th-at lady . let In wel many [aaAx]
V: 6,109 (Largesse) _th_e (ladi) . (lede_th_) in ful monye
H: 6,109 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,109 Larges -th-e leuedy . lattith inne wel many [aaAx]
L: 6,109 Largenesse -th-e lady . lat yn wel manye [aaAx]
K: 6,109 Largenes that lady . lettyth in well many [aaAx]
K: 6,109 [C: 7,276] Now of hem all help may yn better
K: 6,109 [C: 7,277] ffor sche payyth for p(er)sonars in pytt(es)
in peynys
W: 6,109 And largesse -th-at mayde . late-th- in ful many
N: 6,109 Largesse -th-at lady . lede-th- in wel manye [aaAx]
A: 6,109 Largenes -th-at lady . latith in wol many [aaAx]
M: 6,109 And largesse -th-e lady . lette In ful many [aaAx]
H3: 6,109 Largesse -th-(a)t lady . latyth in ful many [aaAx]
T: 6,110 Ac whoso is sib to [th]is sistris so me god helpe
H2: 6,110 Ac whoso is sibbe to these sistris . so me god
helpe [aaAxx]
Ch: 6,110 And whoso is sybbe to -th-es sustres . so me god
helpe [aaAxx]
D: 6,110 Ac ho so is syb to -th-ese sosteres . so me god
helpe [aaAxx]
V: 6,110 Bote hose is (sib) to _th_is (sustren) . (so) me
god helpe [aaAxx]
H: 6,110 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,110 Ac qwo so is sibbe to -th-is syst(er)ys . so me
god helpe [aaAxx]
L: 6,110 Bote who is sib to -th-is sustres . so me god helpe
K: 6,110 But whoso is sybb to thes sust(er)s . sothely to
telle [aaAxx]
W: 6,110 Whoso is sybbe to -th-ese sustres . so me god helpe
N: 6,110 And who is sibbe to -th-is sustres . so me god helpe
A: 6,110 Ho so be sibbe to -th-ese systeris . so me god helpe
M: 6,110 And wo so is sybbe to tho sustreu(n) . so me god
helpe [aaAxx]
H3: 6,110 And ho so be sybbe to -th-e systerys . so me god
helpe [aaAxx]
T: 6,111 He is wondirliche welcome & faire vndirfonge
H2: 6,111 He is wonderlich welcome . and fayr(e) vnd(ir)fonge
Ch: 6,111 He is wonderlich welcome . and faire vnderfonge
D: 6,111 He is wondirliche wolcome . & faire vndirfongyn
V: 6,111 Is (wonderliche) (wel-comen) . and (feire) (vnderfonge)
H: 6,111 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,111 Is wond(ir)liche welcom . & fayr(e) vnderfongyde
L: 6,111 He is wondurlich welcome . & faire vndurfonge
K: 6,111 He is wond(ir)liche welcome . and fayer vnd(ir)fonge
W: 6,111 He is wonder wel wolcome . & faire vnderfonge
N: 6,111 He is ri-gh-t welcome . & faire vnderforgeyn
A: 6,111 He is wor-th-i to be wolcomyd . & fayre vndurfonge
M: 6,111 He is ther(e) wel come(n) . & fair(e) vndr(e)fongen
H3: 6,111 He is wonderlych wolcome . & fayr vndyrfonge
T: 6,112 But [y]if [y]e be sibbe to su(m)me of [th]is seuene
H2: 6,112 But [-gh-e] bien sibbe . to su(m) of these seuene
Ch: 6,112 Bot -gh-ef -gh-e be sibbe to sum . of -th-es seuene
D: 6,112 But -gh-e ben syb to some . of -th-ese seuene [aaA]?
V: 6,112 And bote _g_e ben (sibbe) . to (summe) of _th_eos
(seuene) [xaAa]
H: 6,112 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,112 Ac bot if he be sybbe to su(m)me . of -th-is seuyne
L: 6,112 Bote -th-agh -gh-e beo sibbe to so(m)me . of -th-eose
seouen [aaA]?
K: 6,112 And but ye byn sybb to some . of thes seuyn [aaA]?
W: 6,112 And but he be sib to somme . of -th-is seuen [aaA]?
N: 6,112 And but -gh-e be sibbe to somme . of -th-ise seuene
A: 6,112 But -gh-if he be sybbe to summe . of -th-ese seuene
M: 6,112 & but he be sybbe to so(m)me . of -th-o sewen
H3: 6,112 But -gh-yf he be sybbe to so(m)me . of -th-[e]se
vij [aaA]?
T: 6,113 It is wel hard be myn hed any of [y]ow alle
H2: 6,113 It is wel harde be myn hed . ony of -gh-ou alle
Ch: 6,113 hit is wel harde be myn hede . any of -gh-ow alle
D: 6,113 He is wel hard to ben had . ony of -gh-ou alle [aaAa]
V: 6,113 Hit is ful (hard), bi myn (hed)! . (eny) of ow alle
H: 6,113 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,113 It is wel harde be my(n) hede . any of -gh-ow alle
L: 6,113 Hit is wel hard by myn hed . to any of -gh-ou alle
K: 6,113 Yt is ful hard by my hed . any of you al [aaAa]
W: 6,113 It is wel hard be myn hed . any of -gh-ow alle [aaAa]
N: 6,113 Hit is wel harde by myne hed . for eny of -gh-ow
alle [aaAa]
A: 6,113 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 6,113 It is ful harde be myn hed . for ony of -y-ou alle
H3: 6,113 It is ful hard be my(n) hed . any of -gh-ow alle
T: 6,114 To gete ingang at any gate but g(ra)ce be [th]e more
H2: 6,114 To gete ingang(es) at my gate . but g(ra)ce be
the mor(e) [aaaAx]
Ch: 6,114 To gete any Ingange at any -gh-ate . bot grace
be -th-e more [aaaAx]
D: 6,114 To gete Ingange atte gate . but grace be -th-e more
V: 6,114 To (gete) (in-goynge) at _th_at (_g_at) . bote (grace)
beo _th_e more [aaaAx]
H: 6,114 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,114 To getyn in going(e) at -th-e gate . but g(ra)ce
be -th-e more [aaaAx]
L: 6,114 To gete in -gh-ong at eny gate . bote grace beo
-th-e [better] [aaaAx]
K: 6,114 To getyn Ingate at any gate . but g(ra)ce be the
more [aaaAx]
W: 6,114 To gete in at any gate . but grace be -th-e more
N: 6,114 To gete ingonge at eny gate . but g(ra)ce be -th-e
more [aaaAx]
A: 6,114 To getyn in at -th-e gate . but grace be -th-e more
M: 6,114 to come In atte that gate . but grace be the mor(e)
H3: 6,114 To gety(n) ingate at -th-e -gh-ate . but g(ra)ce
be -th-e more [aaaAx]
T: 6,115 Be crist q(ua)[th] a cuttepurs I ne haue no kyn [th](er)e
H2: 6,115 Be c(ri)st q(uo)d a cutepurs . I haue no kyn thar(e)
Ch: 6,115 Be crist q(uo)d a cutpurs . I haue no kynne -th-ere
D: 6,115 Be Crist q(ou)d -th-e Cuttepurs . I haue no kyn
-th-are [aaAx]
V: 6,115 Bi (Crist) qua_th_ a (Cutte-pors) . I haue no (kun)
_th_ere [aaAx]
H: 6,115 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,115 Be c(ri)st q(uo)d a cutpurs . I haue no kynne -th-(er)
L: 6,115 By crist q(uo)d a kuttepurs . y haue no kyn -th-ere
K: 6,115 By criste q(uo)d a cutpurs . I haue no kyn ther
W: 6,115 By crist q(uo)d a cutpurs . I haue no kyn -th-ere
N: 6,115 By crist q(uo)d a cutpurs . I ne haue no kynne -th-(er)e
A: 6,115 Be crist quot a cutpurs . I haue no kyn -th-ore
M: 6,115 Be crist q(uo)d a Cuttepurse . I haue no kenne -th-er(e)
H3: 6,115 Be cryst q(uo)d a cutpurs . I haue no kyn -th-ere
T: 6,116 Ne I q(ua)[th] an apeward be au[gh]t [th](a)t I knowe
H2: 6,116 Ne I q(uo)d apeward . be ou-gh-t that I knawe [aaAx]
Ch: 6,116 No I q(uo)d an apeward . be au-gh-t -th-at I knowe
D: 6,116 Ne I q(ou)d -th-e Apeward . be out -th-(a)t I knowe
V: 6,116 No qua_th_ an Apeward . for nout _th_at I knowe
H: 6,116 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,116 No I q(uo)d an apewarde . be oute -th-(a)t I knowe
L: 6,116 Ne y q(uo)d an apewart . by oght -th-at I knowe
K: 6,116 Ne I q(uo)d an apeward . be owght that I knowe [aaAx]
W: 6,116 Ne I q(uo)d an Apward . by oght -th-at I knowe [aaAx]
N: 6,116 Ne I q(uo)d an apeward . for ou-gh-t -th-at I knowe
A: 6,116 Ne I quot an hapeward . be oute -th-at I knowe [aaAx]
M: 6,116 Ne I q(uo)d a Bereward . be oute -th-at -th-at I
knowe [aaAx]
H3: 6,116 Ne I q(uo)d a apeward . be nouth -th-(a)t I know
T: 6,117 Wyte god q(ua)[th] a waffrer wiste I [th]at forso[th]e
H2: 6,117 Wyte god q(uo)d a wafrer . wyst I that forsothe
Ch: 6,117 wete god q(uo)d a waferer . wist I -th-at forso-th-e
D: 6,117 Wite god q(ou)d -th-e wafrer . wist I -th-(a)t forso-th-e
V: 6,117 (I-wis) qua_th_ a (waferer) . (wust) I _th_is for
so_th_e [aaAx]
H: 6,117 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,117 Wite god q(uo)d a brewst(er) . wist I -th-is forsothe
L: 6,117 Wite god q(uo)d a wafrer . wiste I -th-at forsothe
K: 6,117 Wyte god q(uo)d a wafrerer . wist I this forsoth
W: 6,117 God wote q(uo)d a waferere . wist I -th-is forso-th-e
N: 6,117 Wot god q(uo)d a wafrere . wist I -th-is forso-th-e
A: 6,117 Iwys quot a waferere . wyst I -th-is forso-th-e
M: 6,117 I vowe to god q(uo)d a waferer . wist I it forsothe
H3: 6,117 I wow to god q(uo)d a waferere . wysty I -th-(a)t
forsothe [aaAx]
T: 6,118 Shulde I neu(er)e fer[th](er)e a foote for no freris
H2: 6,118 Sculde I neu(er) ferther a fote . for no freris
p(re)chyng [aaAx]
Ch: 6,118 Schuld I neuer a fote fer-th-er . for no freres
preching [aaAx]
D: 6,118 Schuld I no fer-th-ere a fote . for no freres p(re)chynge
V: 6,118 Schulde I neuere for_th_ere a (fote) . for no (freres)
prechinge [xaAx]
H: 6,118 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,118 I wolde neu(er) forther a fote . for no freris p(re)ching
L: 6,118 Scholde neu(er) a fote forther . for no frere prechyng
K: 6,118 Would I neu(er) forth no fote . for no frerys p(re)chyng
W: 6,118 I nold forth no fote . for no frere prechyng [aaAx]
N: 6,118 I wolde neure fer-th-er a fote . for no freris p(re)chyng
A: 6,118 Schuld I neuer feyre . for no freris prechyng [aaAx]
M: 6,118 I shuld neur(e) further a fote . for no freres p(re)chyng
H3: 6,118 Schuld I neu(er) forth(er)e a fote . for no frerys
prechyng [aaAx]
T: 6,119 [Y]is qua[th] peris [th]e plou[gh]man & pukide
hym to goode
H2: 6,119 -Gh-is q(uo)d Peris the plou-gh-man . and pullid
hi(m) to gode [aaAx]
Ch: 6,119 -Gh-is q(uo)d piers -th-e plowman . and pouked
him to god [aaAx]
D: 6,119 -th-us q(ou)d piers -th-e plouma(n) . & poked
he(m) to gode [aaAx]
V: 6,119 _Y_us qua_th_ (pers) _th_e (plou_g_-mon) . and (prechede)
hire to goode [aaAx]
H: 6,119 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,119 -Gh-is q(uo)d peris -th-e plowhman . & [p(ro)kerd]
hir(e) to gode [aaAx]
L: 6,119 -Gh-us q(uo)d Piers ploghmon . & plocked hire
to gode [aaAx]
K: 6,119 Yes q(uo)d pers the plowman . & pokyd hym to
good [aaAx]
W: 6,119 Yis q(uo)d piers . & poreth him to goode [aaAx]
N: 6,119 -Gh-is q(uo)d piers -th-e plowman . & powkid
hir to gode [aaAx]
A: 6,119 -Gh-is quot pers -th-e plowman . and pluckyd here
to gode [aaAx]
M: 6,119 -Y-is q(uo)d piers -th-e ploweman . & puked
her(e) to goode [aaAx]
H3: 6,119 -Gh-ys q(uo)d pers -th-e plowma(n) . & pookyde
h(e)m to goode [aaAx]
T: 6,120 M(er)cy ha[th] a maiden ha[th] mi[gh]t ou(er) alle
H2: 6,120 Mercy hat-gh- a mayden . hat-gh- my-gh-t ou(er)
alle [aaAx]
Ch: 6,120 Mercy is a maiden . ha-th-e mi-gh-t ouer hem alle
D: 6,120 Mercy ha-th- a mayde -th-are . ha-th- my-gh-te ou(er)
he(m) alle [aaAx]
V: 6,120 (Merci) is a (Mayden) _th_er . and ha_th_ (miht)
ouer hem alle [aaAx]
H: 6,120 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,120 Mercy is a maydou(n) -th-(er) . hath myht ou(er)
hem alle [aaAx]
L: 6,120 Mercy is a maiden -th-er . hath myth ouer heom al[le]
K: 6,120 Mercy is a mayden ther . & hath might ou(er)
hem al [aaAx]
W: 6,120 Mercy is a mayde -th-ere . & maystre of hem
alle [aaAx]
N: 6,120 Mercy is a mayden -th-ere . ha-th- my-gh-t ou(er)
hem alle [aaAx]
A: 6,120 Mercy is a Mayden . -th-at hath myght ouyr hem alle
M: 6,120 Mercy is a Mayden . & hathe myghte our(e) hem
alle [aaAx]
H3: 6,120 Mercy is a maydy(n) . & hat myth ouyr he(m)
alle [aaAx]
T: 6,121 And she is sib to alle synful & hire sone alse
H2: 6,121 And sche is sibbe to al synful . and hur(e) sone
also [aaAx]
Ch: 6,121 And sche is sibbe to alle sinful . and her sone
also [aaAx]
D: 6,121 And sche is syb to alle synfull . & here sone
also [aaAx]
V: 6,121 Heo is (sib) to alle (synful) men . an hire (sone)
alse [aaAx]
H: 6,121 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,121 Sche is sib to alle sy(n)ful . & hir(e) sou(n)
als [aaAx]
L: 6,121 And heo is sibbe to alle synful . & hire sone
alse [aaAx]
K: 6,121 And sche is sybb to al synfull . & her sone
both [aaAx]
W: 6,121 She is sibbe to al synfol . & here sone als
N: 6,121 She is sibbe to alle synful . & hir sone also
A: 6,121 And is sibbe to alle synful . and here sone also
M: 6,121 & he is sybbe to al synful . & her(e) sunne
also [aaAx]
H3: 6,121 And sche is sybb to alle synful . & hyr sone
also [aaAx]
T: 6,122 And [th]oru[gh] [th]e helpe of hem hope [th]ou non
H2: 6,122 And thoru the helpe of hem . hope thou non other
Ch: 6,122 And -th-orow -th-e help of hem . hope now non o-th-er
D: 6,122 And -th-our-gh-t -th-e help of hem . hope -th-(o)u
non o-th-(er) [aaAa]
V: 6,122 And _th_orw _th_e (help) of (hem) two . (hope) _th_ou
non (o_th_er) [aaAa]
H: 6,122 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,122 & -th-orow -th-e helpe of hem so . howpe -th-(o)u
non o-th-(er) [aaAa]
L: 6,122 And -th-orgh -th-e help of heom two . hope -th-(o)u
none oth[ir] [aaAa]
K: 6,122 And thrugh the helpe of them too so . hope th(o)u
non other [aaAa]
W: 6,122 And -th-rogh help of hem two . hope -th-ou non o-th-er
N: 6,122 And -th-orow -th-e helpe of hem two . hope -th-(o)u
non o-th-(er)e [aaAa]
A: 6,122 And -th-oro(ur) helpe of hem to . hope -th-(o)u
non other [aaAa]
M: 6,122 & thorou helpe of hem to . hope -th-ou non other
H3: 6,122 And thorw helpe of he(m) to . hope -th-(o)u my(n)
no(n) o-th-ir [aaAa]
T: 6,123 [Th]ou mi[gh]t gete g(ra)ce so [th]ou go be tyme
H2: 6,123 Thou my-gh-t gete grace . so thow go be tyme [aaAx]
Ch: 6,123 -Th-ow my-gh-t geten grace . so -th-ow go be tyme
D: 6,123 -Th-(o)u my-gh-t gete g(ra)ce -th-ere . so -th-(o)u
go be tyme [aaAx]
V: 6,123 _Th_ou mai_g_t (gete) (grace) _th_er . so _th_at
_th_ou (come) bi-tyme [aaAx]
H: 6,123 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 6,123 -Th-ou mayht getyn g(ra)ce -th-ere . so -th-(o)u
go be tyme [aaAx]
L: 6,123 -Th-ou myght gete g(ra)ce -th-er . so -th-ou go
by tyme [aaAx]
K: 6,123 Thou mightyst gett grace ther . so -th-(o)u goo
be tyme [aaAx]
K: 6,123 [C: 7,292] Yee {villam emi} q(uo)d one & now
I must theth(er)
K: 6,123 [C: 7,293] To loke how me likyth it & toke his
leue at pers
K: 6,123 [C: 7,294] Another anoneright said nede he hadd
K: 6,123 [C: 7,295] To folowe w(i)t(h) fyue yokes forthy
me behouyth
K: 6,123 [C: 7,296] To goo w(i)t(h) a good will & graithlich
hem dryue
K: 6,123 ffor irgum ben emi quinq(us) &c
K: 6,123 [C: 6,297] And therfor I p(ra)y you Pers yf ye meten
K: 6,123 [C: 7,298] Tellyn hym this tale that I bee excusyd
K: 6,123 [C: 7,299] Then was ther one hight Actyff a husbondma(n)
he semyd
K: 6,123 That in like to pers [said] that al men it hard
K: 6,123 [C: 7,300] I haue weddyd a wyfe wel wantone of man(er)s
sche is lighte of her lyth and talkyng of to (:::)ge
K: 6,123 Bothe yong and likyng to her :::: eye
K: 6,123 [C: 7,301] Were I wroyght from her chyden sche would
K: 6,123 [C: 7,302] And lowryn on me lightly & say I
louyd another
K: 6,123 [C: 7,303] fforthy pers the plowma(n) I p(re)y the
telle it trewth
K: 6,123 [C: 7,304] I may not come for Kytt so a cleuyth
on me
K: 6,123 [C: 7,304a] { Vxorem duxi & Ideo non possum
venire }
K: 6,123 To mote more of this mat(er) I dare not avowe
K: 6,123 I c(er)myt it to weddid me(n) that the trowth knowyn
K: 6,123 [C: 7,305] Quod contemplaciou(n) tho by criste thowgh
I care suffree
K: 6,123 [C: 7,306] ffamyne and defawte yet folowyn woll
I pers
W: 6,123 -Th-ou myght gete grace . so -th-u go be tyme [aaAx]
N: 6,123 Thow schalt gete g(ra)ce -th-(er)e . so -th-(o)u
go by tyme [aaAx]
A: 6,123 Thow myght gete grace . -gh-if -th-u go be tyme
M: 6,123 Thou might getyn In ther(e) . & thou go be tyme
H3: 6,123 -Th-(o)u myth gete -th-(er) g(ra)ce . so -th-(o)u
goo be tyme [aaAx]
T: 7,1 [Th]is were a wikkide weye but whoso hadde a gide
H2: 7,1 This were a wycked way . but whoso hadd a gyde [aaAx]
Ch: 7,1 -Th-is were a wikked way . but ho so hadde a gide
D: 7,1 This were a wikkid wey . but ho so hadde a gyde [aaAx]
V: 7,1 _Th_is weore a (wikked) (wei) . bote hose hedde a
gyde [aaXx]
H: 7,1 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 7,1 -Th-is wer(e) a wylsu(m) wey . but ho so had a gyde
L: 7,1 Thys weore a wel wicked wey . bot ho hadde a gyd[e]
K: 7,1 This wer a wel wykked way . but whoso had a gyde [aaAx]
W: 7,1 Cesse-th- now q(uo)d -th-e kyng I suffre -gh-ow no
N: 7,1 Now is -th-is a wykkyd weye . but whoso had a gyde
A: 7,1 This o-th-er were a wyckyd wey . but hoso had a gyde
M: 7,1 -Th-ys wer(e) a wyked weye . but ho so hadde a gyde
H3: 7,1 -Th-is were a ful wykkyd wey-gh-e . but ho so hadde
a gyde [aaAx]
W: 7,1 This were a wel wykkid way . but whoso hadde a gyde [aaAx]
T: 7,2 [Th]at mi[gh]te folewe vs iche fote til [th](a)t we
were [th](er)e
H2: 7,2 That my-gh-t folewe vs iche fote . til that wer(e)
there [aaAxx]
Ch: 7,2 -Th-at my-gh-t folow-gh-e vs euery fote . til were
-th-ere [aaAxx]
D: 7,2 That my-gh-te folowe ous eche fote . for to we were
-th-ere [aaAxx]
V: 7,2 _Th_at mihte (folwen) us vch a (fote) . (forte) _th_at
we come _th_ere [aaAxx]
H: 7,2 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 7,2 -Th-(a)t we [myht] folow hi(m) ecche fote . til we
weryn -th-(er) [aaAxx]
L: 7,2 -Th-at myghte folewe vs vche a fote . for to we weor[e
-th-er] [aaAxx]
K: 7,2 That might folowe vs eche fote . forto we war ther
W: 7,2 That myght gide vs eche fote . til we were -th-ere
N: 7,2 -Th-(a)t my-gh-th folow vs vche fote . til we come
-th-(er)e [aaAxx]
A: 7,2 -Th-at mygth folwyn vs eche a fote . til we were -th-ere
M: 7,2 That myght foulyn eche foot . til he wer(e) ther(e)
H3: 7,2 -Th-(o)u myth folwe vs eche a fote . tel we come
-th-(er)re [aaAxx]
T: 7,3 Qua[th] p(er)kyn [th]e plou[gh]man be seint poule [th]e
H2: 7,3 Quod p(er)kyn the plou-gh-man . be seint poule the
apostel [aaAa]
Ch: 7,3 Q(uo)d perkyn -th-e plou-gh-man . be seint poul -th-e
postel [aaAa]
D: 7,3 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 7,3 Qua_th_ (perkyn) _th_e (plou_g_mon) . bi (peter) _th_e
(Apostel) [aaAa]
H: 7,3 Q(ua)-th- p(er)kyn -th-e plowman . by seint pet(er)
-th-e apostel [aaAa]
J: 7,3 Q(uo)d p(er)kyn -th-e plowhman . be seynt powle apostel
L: 7,3 Quod Perkyn -th-e ploghmon . by seynt poule apostel
K: 7,3 Quod p(er)kyn the plowma(n) . by saynt povle the apostle
W: 7,3 Quod piers -th-e plouman . be Poule -th-e postle [aaAa]
N: 7,3 [Quod] p(er)kyn -th-e ploughma(n) . by seynt poule
-th-e apostle [aaAa]
A: 7,3 Quot perkyn -th-e plowman . be sent powle -th-e postele
M: 7,3 Q(uo)d p(er)kyn -th-e ploweman . be seint poule -th-e
appostle [aaAa]
H3: 7,3 Q(ua-th-) perky(n) -th-e plowma(n) . be sent poule
-th-e postyl [aaAa]
T: 7,4 I haue an half akir to ern be [th]e hei[gh]e wei[y]e
H2: 7,4 I haue an half a[c]re to eren . be the hey-gh-e weye
Ch: 7,4 I haue an half aker of er-th-e . be -th-e hi-gh-e
way [aaAx]
D: 7,4 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 7,4 I haue an (half) (Aker) to (herie) . bi _th_e (hei_g_e)
weye [aaaAx]?
H: 7,4 I haue an half acr(e) to ere . by side -th-e hy-gh-e
weie [aaAx]
J: 7,4 I haue an halue acre to eryn . be -th-e hye weye [aaAx]
L: 7,4 y haue an half acre of hered lond . by -th-e hyghe
weye [aaAx]
K: 7,4 I haue an half acre to erye . by the hye way [aaAx]
W: 7,4 I haue an half acre to her(e) . by -th-e hey way [aaAx]
N: 7,4 I haue an half acre to ere . be -th-e hiegh weye [aaAx]
A: 7,4 I haue an halue acre to herie . be -th-e hey wey [aaAx]
M: 7,4 I haue an alf acre to erien . be -th-e he weye [aaAx]
H3: 7,4 I haue an half acre to ery-gh-e . be -th-e hey wey-gh-e
T: 7,5 Hadde y herd [th](a)t half akir so me god helpe
H2: 7,5 Hadde I erid . that half acre . so me god helpe [aaAx]?
Ch: 7,5 Had I eried . -th-at half aker so me god helpe [aaAx]?
D: 7,5 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 7,5 (Weore) he (wel) I-Eried . _th_enne with ou (wolde)
I (Wende) [aaAa]
H: 7,5 hadde y erid -th-at -th-e(n) wolde y wi-th- -gh-ou
wende [aaAx]?
J: 7,5 Had I erid -th-(a)t w(i)t(h) -gh-ow wold I wende [aaAx]?
L: 7,5 y schal hye me in haste til I haue hit done [aaAx]?
K: 7,5 --- run together with following ---
W: 7,5 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 7,5 Were it don I wolde fayn wende for-th- wi-th- -gh-ow
A: 7,5 Had y heried -th-at halfe acre . and also sowyn aftir
M: 7,5 Hadde I erede . -th-at alf acr(e) & sowen it after
H3: 7,5 Hadde I eryid . -th-(a)t half akre & Isowe it
aft(er) [aaAx]?
T: 7,6 I wolde wende wi[th] [y]ow til [y]e were [th](er)e
H2: 7,6 I wende wolde with -gh-ou . til -gh-e wer(e) there
Ch: 7,6 I wold wende with -gh-ow . tille -gh-e were -th-ere
D: 7,6 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 7,6 And (wissen) ou _th_e rihte (weye) . til _g_e founden
treu_th_e [aaXx]
H: 7,6 & teche -gh-ow -th-e ri-gh-te wey til -gh-e come
-th-er(e) [aaAx]
J: 7,6 And techyn -gh-ow riht forth til -th-(a)t -gh-e bene
-th-(er) [aaAx]
L: 7,6 And -th-anne wol I wandre . til -gh-e beon there [aaAx]
K: 7,6 Had it heryed I would wend w(i)t(h) you . til ye wer
there [aaAx]
W: 7,6 I wend wi-th- -gh-ow . hadde I don til -gh-e be ritht
-th-er [aaAx]
N: 7,6 And wysse -gh-ow ri-gh-t wel til -gh-e were -th-ere
A: 7,6 I schuld wende w(i)t(h) -gh-ou . til we come -th-ere
M: 7,6 I wold wende with -y-ou . til -y-e weren ther(e) [aaAx]
H3: 7,6 I xulde wende w(i)t(h) -gh-ow . tyl -gh-e were -th-ere
T: 7,7 [Th]is were a long lettyng q(ua)[th] a lady in a scleire
H2: 7,7 This wer(e) a long lettyng . q(uo)d a lady in a sleire
Ch: 7,7 -Th-is were a long lettyng . q(uo)d a lauedy In a
chare [aaAx]
D: 7,7 -Th-is were a long lettyng . q(ou)d a lady in a scleyre
V: 7,7 _Th_at weore a (long) (lettynge) . qua_th_ a (ladi)
in a skleir [aaAx]
H: 7,7 -th-at were a long letting . quo-th- a lady wi-th-
a sleyr(e) [aaAx]
J: 7,7 -Th-is were a long lettyng . q(uo)d a leuedy in a
scleyre [aaAx]
L: 7,7 -Th-is weore along lettyng . q(uo)d a lady -th-(a)t
loured in hire [scleire] [aaAx]
K: 7,7 This were a long lettyng . q(uo)d a lady in a chayere
W: 7,7 This were a long lettyng . q(uo)d a lady in a share
N: 7,7 This were long lettyng . q(uo)d a lady in a sklaire
A: 7,7 This were a long lettyng . quot a lady in a sleyre
M: 7,7 This wer(e) a longe abydyng . q(uo)d a lady in a skler(e)
H3: 7,7 -Th-at were a long lettyng . q(uo)d a lady i(n) a
slyre [aaAx]
T: 7,8 What shulde we wo(m)men werche [th]e while
H2: 7,8 What schulde we wymmen . werke ther whyle [aaAx]
Ch: 7,8 What schul wymmen . worche -th-e while [aaAx]
D: 7,8 What schuld wymmen . wurche -th-(er) while [aaAx]
V: 7,8 (What) schul we (wimmen) . (worche) _th_e (while)
H: 7,8 What shul we wy(m)men . werche -th-e while [aaAx]
J: 7,8 Qwat schulde we wymmen . wyrke -th-(er) -th-(er)qwyl
L: 7,8 What schule we wy(m)men . worche in -th-e mene wh:::
K: 7,8 What schuld we women . worchen ther whyle [aaAx]
W: 7,8 What shold wymen . do -th-er worche ony wiles [aaAx]
N: 7,8 What sholde we wo(m)men . worche -th-e while [aaAx]
A: 7,8 What schuld we women . werche -th-er while [aaAx]
M: 7,8 What schulde we wy(m)men . do or werchen -th-e wiles
H3: 7,8 Qwat xul we wome(n) . werche -th-e qwyle [aaAx]
T: 7,9 Su(m)me shal sewe the sak for shedyng of [th]e whete
H2: 7,9 Su(m) schal sewe the sak . for schedyng of the whete
Ch: 7,9 Sum schul sew-gh-e the sakke . for schedyng of -th-e
whete [aaAx]
D: 7,9 Some schal sewe -th-e sak . for schedyng of -th-e
whete [aaAx]
V: 7,9 Summe schul (souwe) (sakkes) . for (schedyng) of Whete
H: 7,9 so(m)me shul sowe sackis . for sheding of -th-e whete
J: 7,9 Su(m)me schul sewe -th-e sak . for spyllyng of -th-e
qwete [aaAx]
L: 7,9 So(m)me schal sowe -th-e sak . for schedyng of whete
K: 7,9 Sum schal sowen the sack . for schedyng of the whete
W: 7,9 Nay somme shal sewe -th-e sakke q(uo)d piers . for
shedyng of whete [aaAx]
N: 7,9 So(m)me shal sowe -th-e sakke . for chedyng of -th-e
whete [aaAx]
A: 7,9 Go summe sowe -th-e sek . for schedyng of -th-e whete
M: 7,9 Su(m)me shuld sowe -th-e sakke . for spillyng of -th-e
whete [aaAx]
H3: 7,9 So(m)me xul sowwe -th-e sek . for schedy(n)g of -th-e
qwete [aaAx]
T: 7,10 And wyues [th](a)t han wollene werchi[th] it faste
H2: 7,10 And wyues that an wollen . werchith it faste [aaAx]
Ch: 7,10 And wyues -th-at ha-th-e wollen . worche-th- hit
fast [aaAx]
D: 7,10 And wyfes -th-(a)t hath wolle . wirche-th- it faste
V: 7,10 And _g_e (wyues) _th_at habbe_th_ (wolle) . (worche_th_)
hit faste [aaAx]
H: 7,10 & -gh-e wyfes -th-at haue-th- wolle . worchi-th-
hit fast [aaAx]
J: 7,10 And -gh-e wyuys -th-(a)t haue wollen . wyrchith it
fast [aaAx]
L: 7,10 And -gh-e wyues -th-(a)t hauen wolle . worches hit
faste [aaAx]
K: 7,10 And ye wyues that hauen lennyn . worchen it faste
W: 7,10 And o-th-(er) wyues -th-at [haue] woll . worche it
fast [aaAx]
N: 7,10 And -gh-e wyues -th-(a)t han wolle . worche-th- it
fast [aaAx]
A: 7,10 And -th-e wyfes -th-at han -th-e wollen . schul werche
it faste [aaAx]
M: 7,10 & wifes -th-(a)t haue lenen . wercheth it faste
H3: 7,10 And -th-e wyuys -th-(a)t ha(n) wollene . werky(n)
it fast [aaAx]
T: 7,11 Spynne[th] it spedily spari[th] not [y]o(ur)e fyngris
H2: 7,11 Spennyt-gh- it spedly . sparet-gh- nou-gh-t -gh-our(e)
fyngres [aaAx]
Ch: 7,11 Spynne-th- hit spedly . and spare nou-gh-t -gh-oure
fyngres [aaAx]
D: 7,11 Spynne-th- it spedely . spare-th- nou-gh-t -gh-oure
fyngres [aaAx]
V: 7,11 --- this line om ---
H: 7,11 Spynne-th- hit spedly . spari-th- not -gh-our(e)
fyngris [aaAx]
J: 7,11 Spy(n)nyth it spedyly . sparyth not -gh-our(e) fyngeris
L: 7,11 Spynneth hit spedlich . spareth not -gh-oure fyngres
K: 7,11 Spynnyth it spedely . spareth not youre fyngers [aaAx]
W: 7,11 And spenne it spedyly . & spare not here fyngres
N: 7,11 Spynny-th- it spedely . spare-th- nou-gh-t -gh-owr(e)
fyngres [aaAx]
A: 7,11 Spynnyth fast . spare not -gh-oure fyngeris [aaAx]
M: 7,11 Spynneth it spedelych . spareth nouth -y-our(e) fyng(ri)s
H3: 7,11 Spynnyth spedylych . sparyth nouth -gh-o(ur) fyngerys
T: 7,12 But [y]if it be holy day o[th](er) any holy euen
H2: 7,12 But if it be holi day . other holy euen [xaAa]
Ch: 7,12 But hit be holi day . or holi eue [xaAa]
D: 7,12 But if it be holy day . o-th-(er) holy euen [xaAa]
V: 7,12 Bote _g_if hit beo (haly) day . or elles (holy) (euen)
H: 7,12 but yf it by holi day . or ellis holy eue [xaAa]
J: 7,12 Bot if it be haliday . or ellis haly euyn [xaAa]
L: 7,12 Bote -gh-ef hit beo halyday . or elles holy euen
K: 7,12 But if it be holi day . other holy euyn [xaAa]
W: 7,12 But if it be holy day . or ony holy euen [xaAa]
N: 7,12 But if it be holy day . or ellis holy euene [xaAa]
A: 7,12 But it be an halday . or an holy euyn [xaAa]
M: 7,12 But if it be ony haliday . or ony holy euen [xaAa]
H3: 7,12 But it be any halyday . or any hey euy(n) [xaAa]
T: 7,13 Loki[th] for[th] [y]o(ur)e lynen & labo(ur)e[th]
[th](er)on faste
H2: 7,13 Loket-gh- fort-gh- -gh-our(e) lynen . and labo(ur)eth
ther(e)on faste [aaAx]
Ch: 7,13 loke-th- forthe -gh-oure lynnen . and labore-th-
-th-eron faste [aaAx]
D: 7,13 loke-th- for-th- -gh-oure lynnen . & laboure-th-
-th-(er)on faste [aaAx]
V: 7,13 (Loke_th_) for_th_ or (Linnene) . And (labere_th_)
_th_er-on faste [aaAx]
H: 7,13 loke-th- for-th- -gh-our(e) lynne(n) . & labore-th-
-th-(er)on fast [aaAx]
J: 7,13 Lokyth forth -gh-our(e) lynnene . & laboryth
[it] fast [aaAx]
L: 7,13 Loketh forth oure lynnen . & laboreth -th-(er)on
faste [aaAx]
K: 7,13 Loketh forth yo(ur) lynnen . & laboreth theron
faste [aaAx]
W: 7,13 Loke vp -gh-owre lyne towe . and laboure-th- -th-eron
N: 7,13 Loke-th- for-th- -gh-oure lynnen . & laboure-th-
-th-(er)on fast [aaAx]
A: 7,13 Lokith forth -gh-o(ur) lynnen . and labore -th-eron
fast [aaAx]
M: 7,13 loketh forth -y-our(e) wullouu(n) . wercheth -th-er(e)on
faste [aaAx]
H3: 7,13 Lokyth forth -gh-o(ur) lynene . & laboure -th-(er)on
faste [aaAx]
T: 7,14 [Th]e nedy & [th]e nakid nyme[th] hed how [th]ei
H2: 7,14 The nedi and the naked . nemyth hede how -th-i liggen
Ch: 7,14 -Th-e nedy and -th-e naked . take-th- hede how -th-ei
liggen [aaAx]
D: 7,14 The nedy and -th-e naked . neme-th- hed how -th-ey
liggeth [aaAx]
V: 7,14 _Th_e (Neodi) and _th_e (Nakede) . (nym) _g_eeme
hou _th_ei liggen [aaAx]
H: 7,14 -Th-e naked & -th-e nedy . taki-th- kepe how
-th-ei ligge [aaAx]
J: 7,14 -Th-e nedy & -th-e nakyd . nym hede how -th-ei
lyggyn [aaAx]
L: 7,14 -Th-e nedy & -th-e naked . nymeth -gh-eme how
-th-ey ligge [aaAx]
K: 7,14 The nedy & the naked . nymmeth hede hou thay
liggen [aaAx]
W: 7,14 The nedy and -th-e naked . loke how -th-ei ligge
N: 7,14 -Th-e naked & -th-e nedy . nym kepe how -th-ei
liggen [aaAx]
A: 7,14 To -th-e nedy & -th-e nakid nemyth kep . how
-th-at -th-at lygge [aaAx]
M: 7,14 The nedy & -th-e naked . nymeth hede how -th-ey
lygeu(n) [aaAx]
H3: 7,14 -Th-e nedy & -th-e nakyd . nemyth heed qwow
-th-ei legge [aaAx]
T: 7,15 Caste hem clo[th]is for cold for so wile treu[th]e
H2: 7,15 Caste hem clothis for colde . for so wyle treuthe
Ch: 7,15 Caste hem clo-th-es for colde . for so wol trow-th-e
D: 7,15 Casteth hem clo-th-es for cold . for so willeth treuthe
V: 7,15 And (cast) on hem (clo_th_es) for (colde) . for so
wolde treu_th_e [aaaXx]
H: 7,15 cast hem clo-th-is for colde . for so wole treu-th-e
J: 7,15 Castyth hem clothys for colde . for so wil truthe
L: 7,15 Kasteth heom clothes for colde . for so wilneth trout[he]
K: 7,15 Casteth hem clothes for could . for so would trouth
W: 7,15 Cast hem clo-th-es for cold . for so wil trou-th-e
N: 7,15 Cast hem clo-th-es for colde . for so techi-th- trow-th-e
A: 7,15 Cast hem clo-th-is for cold . & so byddyth trew-th-e
M: 7,15 kaste him clothes for cold . for so comandeth Trwth
H3: 7,15 Cast he(m) clothys for cold . for so coma(n)dyth
trewthe [aaaXx]
T: 7,16 ffor I shal lene hem lyflode but [y]if [th]e lond faile
H2: 7,16 ffor I schal lene hem lyflode . but if the londe
fayle [aaAx]
Ch: 7,16 ffor I schal lene hem liflode . but -th-e londe
faile [aaAx]
D: 7,16 ffor I schal lene hym lyflode . but if -th-e lond
fayle [aaAx]
V: 7,16 ffor I schal (lene) hem (lyflode) . But _g_if _th_e
(lond) fayle [aaAx]
H: 7,16 for I shal fynde hem lyuelode . but yf -th-e lond
faile [aaAx]
J: 7,16 And I schal lenyn hem liflode . but if -th-e londe
fayle [aaAx]
L: 7,16 ffor I schal lene heom liflode . bote -gh-ef -th-e
lond fail[e] [aaAx]
K: 7,16 ffor I schal lene hem lifelode . but if the londe
fayle [aaAx]
W: 7,16 And I shal lene hem lyflode . botte if -th-e lond
faille [aaAx]
N: 7,16 & I schal lene hem lyflode . but -gh-if -th-e
lond faille [aaAx]
A: 7,16 ffor I schal lenden hem lyuelode . but -gh-if -th-e
lond fayle [aaAx]
M: 7,16 ffor I shal lenen him lifelode . but if -th-e lond
faille [aaAx]
H3: 7,16 ffor I xal lenen he(m) lyflode . but -th-e lond
fayle [aaAx]
T: 7,17 As longe as I lyue for [th]e lordis loue of heuene
H2: 7,17 As longe as I lyue . for the lordis loue of heuen
Ch: 7,17 As long as I leue . for -th-e lordes loue of heuen
D: 7,17 As long as I leue . for oure lordes loue of heuene
V: 7,17 As (longe) as I (liue) . for vr (lordes) (loue) of
heuene [aaAa]?
H: 7,17 As longe as y lyue . for oure lordis loue of heue(n)
J: 7,17 As long as I lif . for lordes lof of heuyn [aaAx]?
L: 7,17 Als longe as I lyue . for -th-e lordes loue of heouene
K: 7,17 As long as I lyue . for lord(is) loue of heuyn [aaAx]?
W: 7,17 As longe as I leue . for lordes lowe of heuen [aaAx]?
N: 7,17 Also long as I leue . for -th-e lordys loue of heuene
A: 7,17 As longe as I leue . for -th-e lordis loue of heuyn
M: 7,17 As longe as I lyue . for -th-e lordys loue of euen
H3: 7,17 As longe as I leue . for -th-e lordys loue of heuene
T: 7,18 And [y]e loueliche ladies wi[th] [y]o(ur) louely fyngris
H2: 7,18 And -gh-e louelich ladies . with -gh-our(e) louelich
fyngres [aaAx]
Ch: 7,18 And -gh-e louelich ladies . with -gh-oure louely
fingers [aaAx]
D: 7,18 And -gh-e loueliche ladyes . w(i)t(h) -gh-oure louely
fyngres [aaAx]
V: 7,18 And _g_e, (loueli) (Ladies) . with oure (longe) ffyngres
H: 7,18 & -gh-e loueliche ladies . wi-th- -gh-our(e)
longe fyngris [aaAx]
J: 7,18 And -gh-e loueliche leuedys . w(i)t(h) -gh-our(e)
longe fyng(er)ys [aaAx]
L: 7,18 And -gh-e louely ladyes . with oure longe fyngres
K: 7,18 And ye louelich lad(es) . w(i)t(h) yo(ur) longe fyngers
W: 7,18 And -gh-e louely ladyes . wi-th- -gh-owre long fyngres
N: 7,18 -Gh-e louelyche ladyes . wi-th- -gh-owr(e) longe
fyngres [aaAx]
A: 7,18 And -gh-e louely ladyes . w(i)t(h) -gh-oure longe
fyngeris [aaAx]
M: 7,18 And -y-e louely ladys . wyt -y-our(e) longe fyngers
H3: 7,18 And -gh-e louely ladyis . w(i)t(h) -gh-o(ur) longe
fyngerys [aaAx]
T: 7,19 [Th](a)t han silk & sendel sewe[th] it whanne tyme
H2: 7,19 That han selk and sendel . sewyt-gh- it whan tyme
is [aaAx]
Ch: 7,19 -Th-at hathe silk and sendelle . sewe-th- hit whan
tyme is [aaAx]
D: 7,19 That haue silke and sendel . sow(e)t(h) hit whan
tyme is [aaAx]
V: 7,19 _Th_at habbe_th_ (selk), and (sendel) . (souwe_th_)
whon tyme is [aaAx]
H: 7,19 -Th-at haue(n) selk & sendel . sowi-th- when
tyme is [aaAx]
J: 7,19 -Th-(a)t haue sylk & sendel . wyrche it qwan
tyme is [aaAx]
L: 7,19 -Th-at han seolk & sandel . sowe hit when tyme
is [aaAx]
K: 7,19 That haueth silke & sendell . sewe it whan tyme
is [aaAx]
W: 7,19 That han sylk and sendel . sewe-th- it in tyme [aaAx]
N: 7,19 -Th-(a)t han silke & sendel . sowe-th- it whan
tyme is [aaAx]
A: 7,19 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 7,19 -Y-e haue selke & sendel . to sewe wha it is
tyme [aaAx]
H3: 7,19 -Gh-e han sylk & sendel . to sowwe qwa(n) it
is tyme [aaAx]
T: 7,20 Chesiblis for chapell(is) chirches to honoure
H2: 7,20 Chesibles for chapellis . chirches to hono(u)re
Ch: 7,20 Chesiples for chapleynes . chirche for to honour
D: 7,20 Chesibles for Chapels . Churches to honoure [aaAx]
V: 7,20 (Chesybles) for (Chapeleyns) . and (Churches) to
honoure [aaAx]
H: 7,20 chesiples for churchis . & chapels to honour(e)
J: 7,20 Chesypelis for chapeleynys . clerkys to honour(e)
L: 7,20 Chesibles for chapeleyns . chirches to honoure [aaAx]
K: 7,20 Chesibles for chapeleyns . holy chirche to hono(u)re
W: 7,20 Chesible-gh- for chapell(is) . holy chirche to honoure
N: 7,20 Chesybles for chapelynes . chirche to hono(ur)e [aaAx]
A: 7,20 Werchit cheseplis for chapelis . holy chirche to
honoure [aaAx]
M: 7,20 Chesybles for chapeleyns . cherches for to honour(e)
H3: 7,20 Chesepels for chapleyns . chyrchys to honoure [aaAx]
T: 7,21 And alle maner of men [th](a)t be [th]e mete libbi[th]
H2: 7,21 And alle man(er) of men . thet be the mete libbeth
Ch: 7,21 And alle maner of men . -th-at be -th-e mete libbe-th-
D: 7,21 And alle man(er) of me(n) . -th-(a)t by -th-e mete
lybbeth [aaAx]
V: 7,21 And alle (maner) of (Men) . _th_at bi (Mete) liuen
H: 7,21 & alle man(er)e me(n) . -th-at by -th-e mete
lyue(n) [aaAx]
J: 7,21 And alle man(er) of men . -th-(a)t be -th-e mete
libbyth [aaAx]
L: 7,21 And alle maner of men . -th-at by -th-e mete libbeth
K: 7,21 And al man(er) of men . that by the mete lyveth [aaAx]
W: 7,21 And alle man(er) men . -th-at be mete lybbe-th- [aaAx]
N: 7,21 And alle man(er) o-th-(er) men . -th-(a)t on -th-e
molde lyuen [aaAx]
A: 7,21 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 7,21 And alle man(er)e of men . -th-at be -th-e mete lybbeth
H3: 7,21 And alle man(er) of me(n) . -th-(a)t be -th-e mete
leuyth [aaAx]
T: 7,22 Helpi[th] hem werche wi[gh]tly [th](a)t wynne [y]o(ur)e
H2: 7,22 Helpeth hem worche wy-gh-tly . that wynne -gh-our(e)
fode [aaAx]
Ch: 7,22 Help hem wirche wi-gh-tly . -th-at wynne-th- -gh-oure
fode [aaAx]
D: 7,22 Helpeth hem worche wi-gh-tliche . -th-(a)t wynne-th-
-gh-oure fode [aaAx]
V: 7,22 Helpe_th_ him (worche) (wihtliche) . _th_at (winne_th_)
oure fode [aaAx]
H: 7,22 helpe-th- hem for-th- wi-gh-tely . -th-at wynne-th-
-gh-our(e) foode [aaAx]
J: 7,22 Helpe hem -th-(a)t wyrchin witliche . to wynnyn -gh-our(e)
fode [aaAx]
L: 7,22 Helpe heom worche wightelich . -th-at wynneth -gh-oure
[foode] [aaAx]
K: 7,22 Helpith hem worche wyghtlich . that wynnyth yo(ur)
fode [aaAx]
W: 7,22 Helpe-th- wel for to worche . and wynne-th- -gh-oure
fode [aaAx]
N: 7,22 Helpe hem worche wythtyly . -th-(a)t wynne-th- -gh-owr(e)
fode [aaAx]
A: 7,22 Helpe hem to werche wytely . wynnyth -gh-oure fode
M: 7,22 Helpeth him werche wygtely . -th-at wynneth our(e)
fode [aaAx]
H3: 7,22 Helpyth he(m) to werche wytly . -th-(a)t wy(n)ne
-gh-o(ur) fode [aaAx]
T: 7,23 Be crist q(ua)[th] a kni[gh]t [th]o [th]ou techist
vs [th]e beste
H2: 7,23 Be c(ri)st q(uo)d a kny-gh-t -th-o . thou techist
vs the beste [aaAx]
Ch: 7,23 Be crist q(uo)d a kny-gh-t -th-o . -th-ow techest
vs -th-e beste [aaAx]
D: 7,23 By Crist q(ou)d a kny-gh-t -th-o . -th-(o)u teches
ous -th-e beste [aaAx]
V: 7,23 Bi (Crist) qua_th_ a (kniht) _th_o . _th_ou techest
vs _th_e beste [aaAx]
H: 7,23 by crist quo-th- a kni-gh-t -th-o . -th-ou kennest
vs -th-e best [aaAx]
J: 7,23 Be crist q(uo)d a knyht -th-o . -th-(o)u kennys vs
-th-e best [aaAx]
L: 7,23 By crist q(uo)d a kny-gh-t -th-o . -th-ou kennest
vs -th-e beste [aaAx]
K: 7,23 By crist q(uo)d a knight tho . thou keenest vs the
beste [aaAx]
W: 7,23 Be crist q(uo)d a knyght -th-o . -th-ou techest vs
right [aaAx]
N: 7,23 By crist q(uo)d a kny-gh-th -th-o . -th-(o)u keenest
vs -th-e beste [aaAx]
A: 7,23 Be crist quot a knyth -th-o . -th-u kennys vs -th-e
best [aaAx]
M: 7,23 Be cryst q(uo)d a knyght -th-oo . thou kennest vs
-th-e beste [aaAx]
H3: 7,23 Be cryst q(uo)d a knyth . -th-(o)u kennyst vs -th-e
best [aaAx]
T: 7,24 Ac on [th]e tem trewely tau[gh]t was I neu(er)e
H2: 7,24 Ac on teem treuly . tau-gh-te was I neu(er)e [aaAx]
Ch: 7,24 Bot on -th-e teem trewly . tau-gh-t was I neuer
D: 7,24 Ac on -th-e tem trewly . tau-gh-t was I neu(er)e
V: 7,24 Saue o (tyme) (trewely) . _th_us (tauht) was I neuere
H: 7,24 but o tyme treuly . so tau-gh-t was y neu(er)e [aaAx]
J: 7,24 Ac on -th-e teeme trewly . tawte was I neu(er) [aaAx]
L: 7,24 Bote a better teme . taught was me neuer [aaAx]
K: 7,24 But on the teame trewly . tawght was I neu(er) [aaAx]
W: 7,24 But on tyme treuly . so was I neuere taght [aaAx]
N: 7,24 ffor on -th-e tem trewly . tau-gh-t was I newr(e)
A: 7,24 On -th-at teme trewely . tauth was I neuyr [aaAx]
M: 7,24 But on -th-e plough treuly . taught was I neur(e)
H3: 7,24 And or -th-is tyme trewly . taugth was I neu(er)
T: 7,25 Ac kenne me q(ua)[th] [th]e kni[gh]t & I wile lere
to eren
H2: 7,25 Ac kenne me q(uo)d kny-gh-t . and I wylle lerne
to eren [aaAx]
Ch: 7,25 kenne me q(uo)d -th-e kny-gh-t . and I wol lerne
to erien [aaAx]
D: 7,25 Ac kenne me q(ou)d -th-e kyng . I wil lere to eryen
V: 7,25 Bote tech me quod _th_e (kniht) . and I-chul (conne)
erie [aaAx]
H: 7,25 I wol helpe -th-ee to labore whil my lyf lasti-th-
J: 7,25 But kenne me q(uo)d a knyht . & I wil gynne to
eryyne [aaAx]
L: 7,25 Bote kenne me now q(uo)d -th-e knyght . for cristes
loue of [heouene] [aaAx]
K: 7,25 But kenne me q(uo)d the knight . & I woll comsen
eiren [aaAx]
W: 7,25 But ken -th-ou me q(uo)d -th-e knyght . & I wil
fayn lern [aaAx]
N: 7,25 Now kenne me q(uo)d -th-e kni-gh-th . & I wil
comse to erye [aaAx]
A: 7,25 Kenne me quot -th-e knyte . sum thyng for to werche
M: 7,25 But kenne me q(uo)d -th-e knyght . & I schal
gy(n)ne eryn [aaAx]
H3: 7,25 But ken me q(uo)d -th-e knyth . & I wel gon
eryen [aaAx]
L: 7,25 how y schal my lif lede & libbe -th-er after
T: 7,26 Be seint poule q(ua)[th] p(er)kyn for [th]ou p(ro)frist
[th]e so lowe
H2: 7,26 Be seynt poule q(uo)d p(er)kyn . for thou p(ro)frist
the so lowe [aaAx]
Ch: 7,26 Be seint poul q(uo)d Perkyn . for -th-ow proferst
-th-e so lowe [aaAx]
D: 7,26 Be seint poule q(ou)d perkyn . for -th-(o)u p(ro)ferest
-th-e so lowe [aaAx]
V: 7,26 Bi seint (peter) quod (Pers) . for _th_ou (profrest)
_th_e so lowe [aaAx]
H: 7,26 By seint pet(er) quo-th- p(er)kyn . for -th-ou p(ro)frest
-th-ee so lowe [aaAx]
J: 7,26 Be sent powle q(uo)d p(er)kyn . for -th-(o)u p(ro)fers
-th-e so lowe [aaAx]
L: 7,26 By seynt Poule q(uo)d Perkyn . -th-(o)u proferest
me wel low[e] [aaAx]
K: 7,26 By seynt powle q(uo)d p(er)kyn . for thou p(ro)ferest
so lowe [aaAx]
W: 7,26 Be seint Poul q(uo)d P(er)kyn . -th-ou profrest -th-e
so lowe [aaAx]
N: 7,26 By seynt poul q(uo)d p(er)kyn . for -th-(o)u p(ro)ferst
-th-e so lowe [aaAx]
A: 7,26 Be sent poule quot p(er)kyn . for -th-u p(ro)ferist
so fayre [aaAx]
M: 7,26 Be seint poul q(uo)d P(er)kyn . & for -th-ou
proferst -th-e lowe [aaAx]
H3: 7,26 Be sent poule q(uo)d p(er)kyn . & for -th-(o)u
p(ro)feryst me so lowe [aaAx]
T: 7,27 I shal swynken & sweten & sowe for vs bo[th]e
H2: 7,27 I schal swynken and sweten . and sowe for vs bothe
Ch: 7,27 I schal swynk and swete . and sow-gh-e for vs bo-th-e
D: 7,27 I schal swynkyn & swetyn . & sowe for vs
bo-th-e [aaAx]
V: 7,27 I schal (swynken) and (sweten) . and (sowen) for
us bo_th_e [aaAx]
H: 7,27 I shal swinke & swete . & sowe for vs bo-th-e
J: 7,27 I schal swynkyn & swetyn . & sow for vs bothe
L: 7,27 And -th-erfore schal I swynke . & sowe for vs
bothe [aaAx]
K: 7,27 I schal swynkyn & swetyn . & sowyn for vs
bothe [aaAx]
W: 7,27 Now wil I swete & swynke . & sowe for vs
bo-th-e [aaAx]
N: 7,27 I schal swynke & swete . & sowe for vs bo-th-e
A: 7,27 I swynkyn & swetyn . & sowe for vs bo-th-e
M: 7,27 I schal swenken & sweten . & sowe for vs
bothe [aaAx]
H3: 7,27 I xal swynke & swete & sowe for vs bothe
T: 7,28 Ac ek labo(ur)e for [th]i loue al my lif tyme
H2: 7,28 And eke labo(u)re for thi loue . al my lif tyme
Ch: 7,28 And eke labour for -th-i loue . alle my lyf tyme
D: 7,28 And eke trauaile for -th-y loue . al my lyf tyme
V: 7,28 And eke (labre) for _th_i (loue) . al my (lyf) tyme
H: 7,28 & eke labore for -th-y loue . al my lyf tyme
J: 7,28 & eke laboryn for -th-i loue . al my lyyfe tyme
L: 7,28 And eke labouren for -th-y loue . al my lif tyme
K: 7,28 And eke laboren for thy loue . al my life tyme [aaAx]
W: 7,28 And lelly laboure for -th-i loue . al my lyf tyme
N: 7,28 And also labo(ur) for -th-i loue . al my li-gh-f
tyme [aaAx]
A: 7,28 And eke laboryn for -th-i loue . al my lyfe tyme
M: 7,28 & ek labourne for thy loue . alle my lyfe tyme
H3: 7,28 And eke labour for -th-i(n) loue . al my(n) lyf
tyme [aaAx]
T: 7,29 In couen(au)nt [th](a)t [th](o)u kepe holy chirche
H2: 7,29 In couenau(n)t that thou . kepe holichirche [aaAx]
Ch: 7,29 In couenaunt -th-at -th-ow kepe . holichirche [aaAx]
D: 7,29 In couenau(n)t -th-(a)t -th-(o)u wilt kepe . holy
Chirche [aaAx]
V: 7,29 In (Couenaunt) _th_at _th_ou (kepe) . Holi (chirche)
and my-seluen [aaAx]
H: 7,29 In couenau(n)t -th-at -th-ou kepe . holichurche & mysilue
J: 7,29 In couienau(n)t -th-(a)t -th-(o)u kepe . holychirche & myselue
L: 7,29 In couenaunt -th-at holichirche -th-(o)u kepe & myseoluen
K: 7,29 In couen(a)nte that thou kepe . holychirche & myselue
W: 7,29 In couenaunt -th-ou kepe wel . -th-e right of holy
cherche [aaAx]
N: 7,29 In couenaunt -th-(a)t -th-(o)u kepe . holykirke & me
A: 7,29 In couienaunt -th-at -th-u kepe . holychirche & me
selue [aaAx]
M: 7,29 In couenant -th-u kepe . holycherche & myseluen
H3: 7,29 In couiena(n)t -th-(o)u kepe . holychyrche & myselue(n)
T: 7,30 And myself fro wasto(ur)s [th]at wolde me destroye
H2: 7,30 And myself fro wasto(ur)s . that wolde me distroye
Ch: 7,30 and my self fro wastour . -th-at wold me distroie
D: 7,30 And fro wastours & wykked me(n) . -th-(a)t wolde
me dystroye [aaAx]
V: 7,30 ffrom (wastors) and (Wikkede) men . _th_at (Wolden)
vs destruyen [aaAx]
H: 7,30 fram wastours & wicked me(n) . -th-at wolde vs
destroi-gh-e [aaAx]
J: 7,30 ffro wastowrys & wykkyd men . -th-(a)t wolde
hem destruene [aaAx]
L: 7,30 ffrom wastours & wicked men . -th-(a)t wolden
vs destruy[e] [aaAx]
K: 7,30 ffrom wasto(ur)(es) & wikkyd men . that wollen
vs destroyen [aaAx]
W: 7,30 ffro wastours and wikked men . -th-at it wil destroie
N: 7,30 ffrom wastours & wikkyd men . -th-(a)t wolde
vs destrwe [aaAx]
A: 7,30 ffor wastours & wikkyd men . -th-at wold me dystroye
M: 7,30 ffro wastours fro wikedmen . -th-at wold me destryen
H3: 7,30 ffrom wastours fro(m) wykkyd me(n) . -th-(a)t wely(n)
me dystroy-gh-e [aaAx]
T: 7,31 And go hunte hardily [th]e hare & [th]e fox
H2: 7,31 And go honte hardily . the har(e) and the fox [aaAx]
Ch: 7,31 And go hunte hardely . -th-e hare and -th-e fox
D: 7,31 And go hunte hardyly . -th-e hare & -th-e foxe
V: 7,31 And go _th_ou (hunte) (hardily) . to (Hares) and
to ffoxes [aaAx]
H: 7,31 & go hu(n)te hardely . to haris & to foxes
J: 7,31 And go hunt hardiliche . two haris & two foxis
L: 7,31 And go honte hardiliche . to hares & to foxe
K: 7,31 And go hunte hardely . to harys & foxes [aaAx]
W: 7,31 And go -th-ou honte hardyly . to fox and to hare
N: 7,31 And go hunte hardely . to hares & to foxis [aaAx]
A: 7,31 And go hunte hardely . at haris & at foxis [aaAx]
M: 7,31 & go & hunte hardelych . to har(e) & to
fox [aaAx]
H3: 7,31 And go hut hardyly . for harys & for foxis [aaAx]
T: 7,32 And [th]e boris & [th]e bukkes [th](a)t breken
myn heggis
H2: 7,32 And the boris and the bockis . that breke myn hegges
Ch: 7,32 And -th-e bore and -th-e bole . -th-at breken men
hegges [aaAx]
D: 7,32 And to borys & to bukkes . -th-(a)t breke adou(n)
my(n) hegges [aaAx]
V: 7,32 To (Beores) and to (Bockes) . _th_at (breke_th_)
menne hegges [aaAx]
H: 7,32 to beris to bockis . -th-at breki-th- me(n)nys heggis
J: 7,32 And beris & buckys . -th-(a)t breykyn myn eggys
L: 7,32 To Roes & bokkes . -th-at breketh myn hegges
K: 7,32 And to borys & buckes . w(i)t(h) hornes & houndes
W: 7,32 Bothe to bor and to bukke . -th-at breken myn hegges
N: 7,32 To bores & to bukkes . -th-at brekyn my(n) hegges
A: 7,32 To boris to bolis . -th-at brekyn myne heggis [aaAx]
M: 7,32 To bores & to Bukkes . -th-at breky my [aaAx]
H3: 7,32 And borys & bukkys . -th-(a)t brekyn my(n) heggys
T: 7,33 And fecche [th]e hom fauconis [th]e foulis to kille
H2: 7,33 And fette the hoom fauchones . the foulis to kulle
Ch: 7,33 And fecche -th-e home faucouns . -th-e fowles to
kille [aaAx]
D: 7,33 And fech hom faucou(n)s . -th-e fowles to kylle [aaAx]
V: 7,33 And (fecche) _th_e hom (ffaucuns) . _th_e (ffoules)
to quelle [aaAx]
H: 7,33 & fecche -th-ee home faucou(n)s . -th-e fowlis
to kille [aaAx]
J: 7,33 feche -th-e home fawkenys . -th-e fowlys to kylle
L: 7,33 And facche hom faukons . -th-e foules to kulle [aaAx]
K: 7,33 And fayten thy ffawcons . & the ffowles kylle
W: 7,33 And sende after fauconers . -th-e foulles to kylle
N: 7,33 And fecche -th-e home facownes . -th-e fowlys to
kylle [aaAx]
M: 7,33 And fette hom faukones . foulis to kyllen [aaAx]
H3: 7,33 And fecche -th-e hom faukons . -th-o foulys to kylle
T: 7,34 ffor [th]ise comi[th] to my croft & croppi[th]
my whete
H2: 7,34 ffor these cometh to my croft . and croppit-gh-
my whete [aaAx]
Ch: 7,34 ffor -th-ei come to my croft . and croppen myn wete
D: 7,34 ffor -th-ese cometh to my croft . & croppe-th-
my whete [aaAx]
V: 7,34 ffor _th_ei (comen) in-to my (croft) . And (Croppen)
my Whete [aaAx]
H: 7,34 for -th-ei come(n) to my croft . & crepen in
my whete [aaAx]
J: 7,34 ffor -th-is comyn to my crofte . & croppyn my
qwete [aaAx]
L: 7,34 ffor theose cometh to my croft . & croppeth my
whete [aaAx]
K: 7,34 ffor thay co(m)men to my crofte . & croppen my
whete [aaAx]
W: 7,34 ffor -th-ei comen to my croft . & crop my whete
N: 7,34 ffor -th-ei come to myn croft . & croppe of my
whete [aaAx]
M: 7,34 ffor theys -th-ese comen into myn crofte . & croppen
myn whete [aaAx]
H3: 7,34 ffor -th-ese comy(n) to croft . & croppy(n)
my qwete [aaAx]
T: 7,35 Curteisliche [th]ise kni[gh]t compsi[th] [th]ise wordis
H2: 7,35 Curteisliche this kny-gh-t . comsede these wordis
Ch: 7,35 Curtaisly -th-e kni-gh-t . conseiue-th- -th-es wordes
D: 7,35 Curteysly -th-is kny-gh-t . conceyuet -th-ese wordes
V: 7,35 fful (Curteisliche) _th_e (kniht) . (conseiued) _th_eose
wordes [aaAx]
H: 7,35 corteisly -th-e kni-gh-t . coursed -th-ese wordis
J: 7,35 Curtesly -th-e knyht -th-oo . answeryd to -th-e wordys
L: 7,35 -Th-e knyght konned him thonk and cortesly saide
K: 7,35 Curteysly the knight . conseyvith thes word(is) [aaAx]
W: 7,35 Curtaysly -th-e knyght . conceyued al his woordes
N: 7,35 Curteisly -th-anne -th-e kni-gh-t . coursed -th-eise
wordis [aaAx]
M: 7,35 Curtesly -th-e knygt . rehersede -th-ese wordys [aaAx]
H3: 7,35 Curteysly -th-e knyth . rehersyd -th-o wordys [aaAx]
T: 7,36 Be my power piers I pli[gh]te [th]e my treu[th]e
H2: 7,36 Be my power(e) peris . [quod he] I pli-gh-t the
my trouthe [aaAx]
Ch: 7,36 Be my power piers . I pli-gh-t -th-e my trew-th-e
D: 7,36 By my power piers . I pli-gh-t -th-e my trew-th-e
V: 7,36 Be my (pouwer), (pers) . I (plihte) _th_e my trou_th_e
H: 7,36 by my power(e) peris . y pli-gh-t -th-ee my treu-th-e
J: 7,36 Be my power peris . I pliht -th-e my trewthe [aaAx]
L: 7,36 By my power Piers . I plighte -th-e my trouthe [aaAx]
K: 7,36 By my power pers . I plight the my trouthe [aaAx]
W: 7,36 Be my powere Piers q(uo)d he . I plyght -th-e my
trou-th- [aaAx]
N: 7,36 By al my power p(er)kyn . I pli-gh-t -th-e my trow-th-e
M: 7,36 -Y-ys be my poair(e) pyers . I plyghte -th-e my treweth
H3: 7,36 By my powere pers . I pleyth -th-e my trewthe [aaAx]
T: 7,37 To fulfille [th]e foreward whiles I may stande
H2: 7,37 To fulfille the forward . whiles I mai stande [aaXx]?
Ch: 7,37 To fulfille -th-e forwarde . while I may stonde
D: 7,37 To fulfille -th-y forward . whiles I may stande [aaXx]?
V: 7,37 To (folfulle) _th_e (fforeward) . while _th_at I
may stonde [aaXx]
H: 7,37 to folewe -th-is foreward . while my lyf may stonde
J: 7,37 To fulfillyn -th-i forward . qwylis I may stondyn
L: 7,37 To fulfulle -th-is foreward . whil -th-at I may stande
K: 7,37 To ffulfyl this forward . while I may stonde [aaXx]?
W: 7,37 To fulfille -th-is forwarde . whil my lyf dure-th-
N: 7,37 To fulfille -th-is forward . wil -th-(a)t I may stonde
M: 7,37 To fulfell -th-ys forward . wille -th-at I may stoden
H3: 7,37 To fulfylle -th-is forward . qwyl my lyf may lest
T: 7,38 [Y]a & [y]et a poynt q(ua)[th] p(er)kyn I p(re)ye
[th]e more
H2: 7,38 -Gh-a and -gh-et a poynt q(uo)d p(er)kyn . I p(re)ye
the no mor(e) [aaAx]
Ch: 7,38 -Gh-a and -gh-it a point q(uo)d Perkyn . I pray
-th-e more [aaAx]
D: 7,38 -gh-e & -gh-it a poynt q(ou)d perkyn . I prey
-th-e more [aaAx]
V: 7,38 But _g_it O (poynt) quod (pers) . I (preye) _th_e
no more [aaAx]
H: 7,38 -gh-e -gh-it a poynt q(uo)-th- p(er)kyn . y p(re)ie
-th-ee sir(e) more [aaAx]
J: 7,38 -Gh-e & -gh-it a poynt q(uo)d p(er)kyn . I pray
-th-e more [aaAx]
L: 7,38 -Gh-e and -gh-et a poynt q(uo)d Perkyn . I praye
-th-e more [aaAx]
K: 7,38 Yea & yet a point q(uo)d p(er)kyn . I pray the
more [aaAx]
W: 7,38 -Gh-e & -gh-it a point q(uo)d P(er)kyn . I wil
-th-e prayen for-th-ere [aaAx]
N: 7,38 & -gh-it a poynt q(uo)d p(er)kyn . I prey to
-th-e more [aaAx]
M: 7,38 And -y-et a poynt q(uo)d p(er)kyn . I prey -th-e
mor(e) [aaAx]
H3: 7,38 -Gh-a & -gh-et a poynt q(uo)d p(er)ky(n)n .
I p(re)y -th-e more [aaAx]
T: 7,39 Loke [th]ou tene no ten(au)nt but treu[th]e wile assent
H2: 7,39 Loke thou tene no tenau(n)t . but treuthe wyle asente
Ch: 7,39 Loke -th-ow tene no tenaunt . bot trew-th-e wol
assent [aaAx]
D: 7,39 Loke -th-(o)u tene no tenau(n)t . but trew-th-e wil
assente [aaAx]
V: 7,39 Loke _th_ou (teone) no (tenaunt) . bote (treu_th_e)
wol assente [aaAx]
H: 7,39 Loke -th-ou tene no tenau(n)t . but treu-th-e wole
assent [aaAx]
J: 7,39 Loke -th-(o)u tene non tenau(n)tis . bot tru-th-e
wil asent [aaAx]
L: 7,39 Loke -th-ou teone no tenaunt . bote trouthe wol assen[t]
K: 7,39 Loke thou tene no tenaunt . but treuth woll assente
W: 7,39 Loke -th-ou tene no tenant . but treu-th- wil assent
N: 7,39 Loke -th-(o)u tene no tenaunt . but trew-th-e wil
assent [aaAx]
M: 7,39 Loke -th-(o)u tene no ten(a)unt . but treweth wille
assente [aaAx]
H3: 7,39 Loke -th-(o)u tene no tenant . but trewthe wyl assent
T: 7,40 And [th]ei pore men p(ro)fre [th]e p(re)sauntis or
H2: 7,40 And thei por(e) men p(ro)fre . the p(re)sauntes
other -gh-eftes [aaAx]
Ch: 7,40 And -gh-ef pore men profer . -th-e presauntes or
-gh-iftes [aaAx]
D: 7,40 And if -th-e pore me(n) profre . -th-e p(re)sentes & -gh-iftes
V: 7,40 And _g_if (pore) men (profre_th_) ou . (presentes)
or _g_iftes [aaAx]
H: 7,40 & -gh-if pore men p(re)senti-th- -th-ee wi-th-
-gh-iftis [aaAx]
J: 7,40 And -th-ei powre men p(ro)fer . -th-e p(re)sent(is) & -gh-iftys
L: 7,40 And -th-augh pore men profre . -gh-ou presens and
-gh-eftes [aaAx]
K: 7,40 And though pore men p(ro)feren . the p(re)sent-gh-
or yeftes [aaAx]
W: 7,40 And -th-ogh pore men profre . present-gh- and -gh-iftes
N: 7,40 And -th-ou-gh-gh pore men p(ro)fre . -gh-ow p(re)sens
and -gh-iftes [aaAx]
M: 7,40 & -y-if -th-(a)t pour(e) men profern . -th-e
-y-yft(es) [aaAx]
H3: 7,40 And -th-ow pore me(n) p(ro)fyre . -th-e -gh-yftys
T: 7,41 Nyme hem nou[gh]t an aunt(er) [th](o)u mowe hem nou[gh]t
H2: 7,41 Neme hem nou-gh-t . an aunt(er) thou mowe hem nou-gh-t
des(er)ue [aaAx]?
Ch: 7,41 Nym hem nou-gh-t . an aunter -th-ow mow hem nau-gh-t
deser[ue] [aaAx]?
D: 7,41 Neme it not an Aunt(er) -th-(o)u may it deseruyn
V: 7,41 Take_th_ hem not, in auenture . _g_e mouwen hem not
deseruen [????]
H: 7,41 take hem not . in auent(ur)e -th-ou maist hem not
deserue [aaAx]?
J: 7,41 Nym hem nouth . in aunt(er) -th-(o)u mow hem nouth
deserue [aaAx]?
L: 7,41 Nyme hit not . on auter -th-ou may :::::::::::::::::::
K: 7,41 Nymme it not . on auntre thou mowe it not des(er)ue
W: 7,41 Nym it not in auntre -th-ou may it not deserue [aaAx]?
N: 7,41 Nyme-th- it nou-gh-t . on ave(n)ture -gh-e mowe it
nou-gh-t des(er)ue [aaAx]?
M: 7,41 Take it not . In auentur(e) -th-ou mught it not deseruyn
H3: 7,41 Neme it nouth i(n) aue(n)ture -th-(o)u mow it not
deserue [aaAx]?
T: 7,42 ffor [th]ou shalt [y]elde it a[gh]en at one [y]eris
H2: 7,42 ffor thow schalt -gh-elden it a-gh-en . at one -gh-eris
ende [aaAx]
Ch: 7,42 ffor -th-ow schalt hit -gh-elde a-gh-en . at on
-gh-eres ende [aaAx]
D: 7,42 ffor -th-(o)u schalt -gh-elde it a-gh-en . at on
-gh-eres ende [aaAx]
V: 7,42 ffor _th_ou schalt (_g_elden) hit (a-_g_eyn) . at
one (_g_eeres) ende [aaAx]
H: 7,42 for -th-ou shalt -gh-elde it a-gh-en . at one -gh-eris
ende [aaAx]
J: 7,42 for -th-(o)u schat -gh-ildyn it a-gh-eyn . at -th-e
-gh-eris ende [aaAx]
L: 7,42 ffor -th-ou schalt -gh-eilde hit a-gh-eyn . at :::
-gh-eris :::: [aaAx]
K: 7,42 ffor thou schallt yeld it ageyn . at one yer(is)
end [aaAx]
W: 7,42 ffor -th-ou shalt -gh-elden it a-gh-en . at o -gh-ers
ende [aaAx]
N: 7,42 ffor -th-(o)u schalt -gh-elde it a-gh-ein . at one
-gh-eres ende [aaAx]
M: 7,42 ffor -th-(o)u shalt -y-elden it ageyn . at on -y-erys
tyme [aaAx]
H3: 7,42 ffor -th-(o)u xalt -gh-eldy(n) a-gh-en . at one
-gh-erys ende [aaAx]
T: 7,43 In a wel p(er)ilous place [th](a)t p(ur)catorie hatti[th]
H2: 7,43 In a wel p(er)ylous place . that p(ur)gatorie hattith-gh-
Ch: 7,43 In a wel perlouse place . -th-at purcatorie hote-th-
D: 7,43 In a wel p(er)lous place . -th-(a)t purgatorye hatte
V: 7,43 In a wel (perilous) (place) . _th_at (Purgatorie)
hette [aaAx]
H: 7,43 In a wel p(er)ilous place . -th-at p(ur)gatorie hatte
J: 7,43 In a wel p(er)lyous place . -th-(a)t p(ur)gatory
hatte [aaAx]
L: 7,43 In a wel perilouse place . -th-at purg[atorie hatti-th-]
K: 7,43 In a wel p(er)lous place . that p(ur)gatory hatte
W: 7,43 In a perelous place . -th-at purgatie is hoten [aaAx]
N: 7,43 In a wel p(er)ilouse place . -th-(a)t purgatorie
hatte [aaAx]
M: 7,43 In a p(er)louse place . -th-at pugatorie hotuth [aaAx]
H3: 7,43 In a ful p(er)lyous place . -th-(a)t p(ur)gatory
hattyth [aaAx]
T: 7,44 And mysbede nou[gh]t [th]i bondemen [th]e bet shalt
[th](o)u spede
H2: 7,44 And mysbede not thi bondemen . the bet schalt thou
spede [aaAx]
Ch: 7,44 And mysbede nou-gh-t -th-y bondemen . -th-e better
schalt -th-ow sped[e] [aaAx]
D: 7,44 And mysbede not -th-y bondeme(n) . -th-e bet schal
-th-(o)u spede [aaAx]
V: 7,44 And (mis-beode) _th_ou not _th_i (bonde-men) . _th_e
(beter) _th_ou schalt spede [aaAx]
H: 7,44 & mysbede not -th-y bondeme(n) . -th-e bett(er)
-th-ou mi-gh-t spede [aaAx]
J: 7,44 Misbede not -th-i bondemen . -th-e bett(ur) schaltow
spede [aaAx]
L: 7,44 And mysbeode not -th-y bondemen . -th-e bet -th-ou
[schalt] spede [aaAx]
K: 7,44 And mysbede not thy bondmen . the bett(er) schalt
thou spede [aaAx]
W: 7,44 Mysbede not -th-in bondemen . -th-e bett(er)e -th-ow
shalt spede [aaAx]
N: 7,44 Misbede nou-gh-t -th-i bondemen . -th-e bet schaltow
spede [aaAx]
M: 7,44 And misbede not thy bondemen . -th-e bette shalt
-th-(o)u spede [aaAx]
H3: 7,44 And mysbede nouth -th-i(n) bondme(n) . -th-e bett(er)
xalt -th-(o)u spede [aaAx]
T: 7,45 And [th]at [th](o)u be trewe of tunge & talis [th]ou
H2: 7,45 And that thou be trewe of tonge . and talis thou
hate [aaAx]
Ch: 7,45 And -th-at -th-ow be trewe of -th-y tonge . tales
to hate [aaAx]
D: 7,45 And -th-(a)t -th-(o)u be trewe of tonge . & tales
-th-(o)u hatye [aaAx]
V: 7,45 And _th_at _th_i-self be (trewe) of (tonge) . and
(tales) _th_ou hate [aaAx]
H: 7,45 & be trewe of -th-y tunge . talis -th-ou hate
J: 7,45 And -th-(a)t tow be trewe of -th-i tunge . talys
-th-(o)u hate [aaAx]
L: 7,45 And -th-at -th-(o)u beo treowe of -th-y tonge . & tales
:::: [hate] [aaAx]
K: 7,45 And that thou be trewe of thy tonge . & [ill]
tales hate [aaAx]
W: 7,45 And euere be trewe of -th-i tonge . tales -th-ow
hate [aaAx]
N: 7,45 -Th-(a)t -th-(o)u be trwe of -th-i tonge . & talis
-th-(o)u hate [aaAx]
M: 7,45 & be trewe of -th-y tenge . & tall(is) -th-u
hate [aaAx]
H3: 7,45 And be trewe of -th-i(n) tonge . & talys -th-(a)t
-th-(o)u hate [aaAx]
T: 7,46 But it be of wysdom or of wyt [th]i werkmen to chaste
H2: 7,46 But it be of wysdom or of wytt . thi werkemen to
chaste [aaAx]
Ch: 7,46 But hit be of wisdom or of witte . of -th-y werkmen
D: 7,46 But it be of wysdom or of wyt . -th-y workmen to
chaste [aaAx]
V: 7,46 Bote hit beo (wisdam) or (wit) . _th_i (werkmen)
to chaste [aaAx]
H: 7,46 but hit be wysdom & witt . wicked me(n) to chast
J: 7,46 But it be wysdom or wit . -th-i werkmen to chastysyne
L: 7,46 Bot -gh-ef hit beo of wisdom or of wit . -th-y werkmen
to chasten [aaAx]
K: 7,46 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 7,46 But it be wisdom or witte . -th-i werkmen to charge
N: 7,46 But it be wisdome & witt . -th-i werkmen to chaste
M: 7,46 But -y-if it be wisdo(m)m or wigtte . thy werkmen
to ch[a]sten [aaAx]
H3: 7,46 But -gh-yf it be be wysda(m) or wytt . -th-i(n)
werkme(n) to chastyce [aaAx]
T: 7,47 Holde wi[th] none harlotis ne here nou[gh]t here talis
H2: 7,47 Holde with non harlotis . ne her(e) nou-gh-t hir(e)
talis [aaAx]
Ch: 7,47 Holde with non harlottes . no here nou-gh-t her
tales [aaAx]
D: 7,47 Holde w(i)t(h) no harlot(is) . ne here nou-gh-t here
tales [aaAx]
V: 7,47 (Hold) not _th_ou with (harlotes) . (here) not heore
tales [aaAx]
H: 7,47 hold not wi-th- harlotis . hur(e) not her(e) tales
J: 7,47 Holde w(i)t(h) non harlatys . no here nouth her talis
L: 7,47 Hold with none harlotes . no here not here tales
K: 7,47 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 7,47 Hold wi-th- no harlotes . ne here not here wordes
N: 7,47 Holde w(i)t(h) no harlotes . ne here nou-gh-te here
talis [aaAx]
M: 7,47 Holde w(i)t(h) no harlottes . ne leue not her(e)
tall(is) [aaAx]
H3: 7,47 Hold w(i)t(h) no(n) harlotys . here nouth her talys
T: 7,48 And nameliche at mete for suche men eschewen
H2: 7,48 And nameliche atte mete . for suche men eschewen
Ch: 7,48 And namelich at mete . for such men eschewen [aaAx]
D: 7,48 And nameliche at mete . suche me(n) eschewen [aaAx]
V: 7,48 And (nomeliche) atte (Mete) . suche (Men) eschuwe
H: 7,48 & nameliche at -th-e mete . siche me(n) e-th-chewe
J: 7,48 And nameliche at mete . swyche men echchwe [aaAx]
L: 7,48 And namelich at -th-e mete . suche men eschewe [aaAx]
K: 7,48 And namelich at mete . such men eschewe [aaAx]
W: 7,48 And namelych at mete . suche men eschewe [aaAx]
N: 7,48 And namelyche at mete . suche men eschewe [aaAx]
M: 7,48 And nameliche(n) at -th-y eye . soche me(n) eschue
H3: 7,48 And namely att mete tyme . sweche me(n) aschure
T: 7,49 ffor it arn [th]e deuelis diso(ur)s I do [th]e to vndirstonde
H2: 7,49 ffor it arn the deueles diso(ur)s . I do the to
vnderstonde [aaAx]
Ch: 7,49 ffor hit arn -th-e deuelis dissours . I do -th-e
to vnderstonde [aaAx]
D: 7,49 ffor it arn -th-e deuels disours . I do -th-e to
vndirstanden [aaAx]
V: 7,49 ffor _th_ei ben _th_e (deueles) (disours) . I (do)
_th_e vndurstonde [aaAx]
H: 7,49 for it be-th- -th-e deuels disours . y do -th-ee
to vndirstonde [aaAx]
J: 7,49 ffor -th-ei ben -th-e deuelys disowrs . I do -th-e
vnderstonde [aaAx]
L: 7,49 ffor hit arn -th-e deoles dyso(ur)s . y do -th-e
to vndurstonde [aaAx]
K: 7,49 ffor thay ar the deuill(is) disours . I do the to
vnderstond [aaAx]
W: 7,49 Thei be-th- -th-e deuelles disours . I do -th-e to
vnderstonde [aaAx]
N: 7,49 -Th-ei ben -th-e deuelis diso(ur)s . I do -th-e to
vnderstonde [aaAx]
M: 7,49 ffor -th-ey ben the deulles dissourses . I do -th-e
vndrestonde [aaAx]
H3: 7,49 ffor it be(n) -th-e deuelys dyssours . I do -th-e
vnd(ir)stonde [aaAx]
T: 7,50 I assente be seint Iame seide [th]e kni[gh]t [th]anne
H2: 7,50 I asente be seint Iame . seide the kny-gh-t thanne
Ch: 7,50 I asent be seint Iame . seide -th-e kni-gh-t -th-anne
D: 7,50 I assente be seint Iame . seyd -th-e kny-gh-t -th-anne
V: 7,50 Ich (a-sente) be (seint) Iem . (seide) _th_e kniht
_th_enne [aaAx]
H: 7,50 I assent by seint Iame . seide -th-e kni-gh-t -th-en
J: 7,50 I asent be seynt Iame . seyde -th-e knyht -th-anne
L: 7,50 y asente by seynt Iame . q(uo)d -th-e knyght -th-enne
K: 7,50 I assent by saynt Iames . q(uo)d the knight(es) than
W: 7,50 I assent be seint Iame . q(uo)d -th-e knygh[t] -th-anne
N: 7,50 And I assent -th-e same . seid -th-e kni-gh-t -th-anne
M: 7,50 I assente be seint Iame . seyde -th-e knygt -th-anne
H3: 7,50 I assent be sent Iame . seyde -th-e knyth -th-anne
T: 7,51 ffor to werche be [th]i woord while my lif duri[th]
H2: 7,51 ffor to worche be thi word . while my lif durith
Ch: 7,51 ffor to worche be -th-i worde . whil my lif dure-th-
D: 7,51 ffor to worche by -th-y word . while my lyf dureth
V: 7,51 ffor to (worche) bi _th_i (word) . (while) my lyf
dure_th_ [aaAxx]
H: 7,51 for to werche by -th-y wordis . whil my lyf duri-th-
J: 7,51 ffor to wyrchyn be -th-i worde . qwylis my lyue durith
L: 7,51 ffor to worche by thy word . -gh-e whil my lif dureth
K: 7,51 ffor to worche by thy worde . whil(es) my life dureth
W: 7,51 ffor to worche by -th-i woord . while -th-at I libbe
N: 7,51 To worchen by -th-i wordis . whil my li-gh-f dure-th-
M: 7,51 ffor to werchen thy word . wil my life dureth [aaAxx]
H3: 7,51 ffor to werky(n) be -th-i(n) word . qwyl my lyf
duryth [aaAxx]
T: 7,52 And I shal app(ar)aille me q(ua)[th] p(er)kyn in pilgrym
H2: 7,52 And I schal ap(ar)ylle me q(uo)d p(er)kyn . in pilgrym
wyse [aaAx]
Ch: 7,52 And I schal appereile me q(uo)d perkyn . In pilgrim
wise [aaAx]
D: 7,52 And I schal ap(ar)ayle -th-e q(ou)d p(er)kyn . in
pylgrymes wyse [aaAx]
V: 7,52 And I schal (A-paraile) me quod (perkin) . In (pilgrimes)
wyse [aaAx]
H: 7,52 & y shal ap(ar)ail me q(uo)-th- p(er)kyn . in
a palm(er)ys wise [aaAx]
J: 7,52 I scal apareylyn me q(uo)d p(er)kyn . in pilgrymys
wyse [aaAx]
L: 7,52 And I schal app(ar)aile me q(uo)d perkyn . in pilgryms
wise [aaAx]
K: 7,52 And I schal apparel me q(uo)d p(er)kyn . in pylgrymes
wise [aaAx]
W: 7,52 I shal apparail me q(uo)d piers . in pilgrimes wede
N: 7,52 And I schal di-gh-t me q(uo)d piers . in palmers
wyse [aaAx]
M: 7,52 And I sal apparaile me q(uo)d p(er)kyn . in pilgrimes
wise [aaAx]
H3: 7,52 And I xal ap(ar)ayle me q(uo)d p(er)kyn . i(n) a
pylg(ri)mys wyse [aaAx]
T: 7,53 And wende wi[th] [y]ow [th]e wey til we fynde treu[th]e
H2: 7,53 And wende with -gh-ou the wey . tyl we fynde ( ::::)
Ch: 7,53 And wende with -gh-ow -th-e way . tille I fynde
trew-th-e [aaAxx]
D: 7,53 And wende w(i)t(h) -gh-ou -th-e wey . tyl we fynde
trew-th-e [aaAxx]
V: 7,53 And wende with ou _th_e rihte wei . til _g_e treu_th_e
fynde [????]
H: 7,53 & wende wi-th- -th-ee on -th-e way . til we fynde
treu-th-e [aaAxx]
J: 7,53 And wendyn w(i)t(h) -gh-ow -th-e wey . til we fyndyn
trewthe [aaAxx]
L: 7,53 And wende with -gh-ou -th-e wey . til we fynde treuthe
K: 7,53 And wend w(i)t(h) you the way . tyl we fynde trewthe
W: 7,53 And wend wi-th- -gh-ow -th-e way . til we treu-th-
fynde [aaAxx]
N: 7,53 & wende w(i)t(h) -gh-ow -th-e wey . tyl we fynde
trw-th-e [aaAxx]
M: 7,53 & wende with -y-ou -th-e weye . till -y-e fyne
trwth [aaAxx]
H3: 7,53 And wende w(i)t(h) -gh-ow -th-e wey-gh-e . tyl we
fynde trewthe [aaAxx]
T: 7,54 He caste on his clo[th]is ycloutid & hole
H2: 7,54 He caste on his clothes . clouted and ho (:::) [aaAx]
Ch: 7,54 He cast on his cloke . clowted and hole [aaAx]
D: 7,54 He cast on his clo-th-is . clouted & olde [aaAx]
V: 7,54 He (caste) on his (clo_th_es) . (I-clouted) and I-hole
H: 7,54 He cast on his cloutid clo-th-is . & his olde
cokeris [aaAx]
J: 7,54 He cast on his closys . cloutyd & hole [aaAx]
L: 7,54 He caste on his clothes . clouted and hole [aaAx]
K: 7,54 He casteth on his clothes . both clowted & hole
W: 7,54 Sone he cast on his clo-th-es . clutte as -th-ei
were [aaAx]
N: 7,54 He cast on his clo-th-is . yclowted & hole [aaAx]
M: 7,54 He kaste on his clo[t]hes . & his hode bothe
H3: 7,54 He cast on hys clothys . & cloutyd an hole [aaAx]
T: 7,55 Hise cokeris & his cuffis for cold of his nailes
H2: 7,55 His cokeris and his cuffis . for (:::::::::: ) [aaAx]
Ch: 7,55 His kokeres and his kuffes . for colde of his nailes
D: 7,55 His colers & his Cuffys . for cold of his nayles
V: 7,55 His (Cokeres) and his (Coffus) . for (Colde) of his
nayles [aaAx]
H: 7,55 & his coffis also . for colde of his nailes [aaAx]
J: 7,55 His cokerys & his cuffys . for cold of his naylys
L: 7,55 His cokeres & his coffes . for colde of his nayles
K: 7,55 His cokkers & his coffes . for cold of his nayles
W: 7,55 His cocres and his coffes . for cold of his naylles
N: 7,55 His kokers & his coffys . for colde of his nailes
M: 7,55 His cokers & his cuffes . for colde of his nayles
H3: 7,55 Hys kokerys & hys coffys . for cold on hys naylys
T: 7,56 And heng his hoper at his hals in stede of a scrippe
H2: 7,56 And heng his (::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,56 And hong his hoper at his hals . In stede of a scrippe
D: 7,56 And heng his hop(er) at his hals . in stede of a
sc(ri)ppe [aaaBb]
V: 7,56 He (heng) an (Hoper) on his Bac . (In) (stude) of
a (Scrippe) [aaAbb]
H: 7,56 he heng his hop(er) on his rugge . in stede of a
sc(ri)p [aaaBb]
J: 7,56 & heng his sedlepe on his halse . in stede of
a scrippe [aaaBb]
L: 7,56 And hang his hopre at his hals . in steode of a scripe
K: 7,56 And honge his hopper at his hals . in stede of a
scryppe [aaaBb]
W: 7,56 And henge on his hopre at his hals . in stede of
a scrip [aaaBb]
N: 7,56 Heng his hoper at his halse . in stede of a skryppe
M: 7,56 & henge his cope hoper(e) on his alse . in stedde
of a scryppe [aaaBb]
H3: 7,56 And hyng hys hopere on hys hals . i(n) stede of
a skryppe [aaaBb]
T: 7,57 A busshel of breed corn brou[gh]te he [th](er)einne
H2: 7,57 A bos (:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,57 A buschel of brede corn . brou-gh-t he -th-er Inne
D: 7,57 A busschel of bred corn . bryng me -th-(er) inne
V: 7,57 A (Busschel) of (Bred) corn . he (bringe_th_) _th_er-Inne
H: 7,57 a boyschel of bred corn . he brou-gh-te -th-(er)
yn [aaAx]
J: 7,57 A bucchel of bred corne . bryng me -th-(er) Inne
L: 7,57 A bosschel of bred corn . bryng me he had her ynne
K: 7,57 A busshel of brede corne . bryng me ther yn [aaAx]
W: 7,57 A bushel q(uo)d he of bred corn . bryng me -th-er
inne [aaAx]
N: 7,57 A buschel of bred corne . bryng me -th-(er) inne
M: 7,57 A busshel of brede corn . brought he -th-er(e) Inne
H3: 7,57 A buschel of bred corn . bryng I -th-(er) Inne [aaAx]
T: 7,58 ffor I wile sowe it myself & si[th][th]e wile I
H2: 7,58 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,58 ffor I wol sow-gh-e hit myself . and se-th--th-e
wold I wende [aaAx]
D: 7,58 ffor I wil sowen it my self . & sethe wil I wynde
V: 7,58 ffor I wol (souwen) hit (my-self) . and (se_th__th_en)
with ou wende [aaAx]
H: 7,58 for y wol sowe it my self quo-th- he . & si-th--th-e
wol y wende [aaAx]
J: 7,58 ffor I wil sowyn it my selue . & sethin wil I
wende [aaAx]
L: 7,58 ffor I wol sowen hit my seolf . & seothen I wol
wende [aaAx]
K: 7,58 ffor I woll sowe it my selue . & sithen wol I
wend [aaAx]
W: 7,58 ffor I wil sowe it my self . and si-th-e wil I wende
N: 7,58 ffor I wil sow it my self . & sy-th-en wil I
wende [aaAx]
M: 7,58 ffor I wille sowe it my selue . & sethen wul
I wende [aaAx]
H3: 7,58 ffor I wyl sowe it my self . & sythe wyl I wende
T: 7,59 And whoso helpi[th] me to eren or any [th]ing swynke
H2: 7,59 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,59 And whoso helpe-th- me to erien . or any -th-ing
swink [aaAx]
D: 7,59 And ho so helpeth me to eryen . or ony -th-yng swynke
V: 7,59 ffor hose (helpe_th_) me to (heren) . or (eny) _th_ing
to swynken [aaAx]
H: 7,59 & whoso helpi-th- me to erie . or eny -th-ing
to swink [aaAx]
J: 7,59 & ho so helpith me to heryn . or any thing to
swyng [aaAx]
L: 7,59 And whoso helpeth me to eryen . or any thyng to swynke
K: 7,59 And whoso helpith me to erien . or any thyng to swynke
W: 7,59 And whoso helpe-th- me to ere . or any -th-ing swynk
N: 7,59 Who -th-at helpi-th- me to herye . or eny -th-ing
to swynke [aaAx]
M: 7,59 And whoso helpeth to eryn . or he with his hachete
H3: 7,59 And ho so help me to ery-gh-e . or hewe w(i)t(h)
-th-e hatchet [aaAx]
T: 7,60 Shal haue be oure lord [th]e more here in heruist
H2: 7,60 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,60 Schal haue be oure lorde the more here in heruest
D: 7,60 Schal haue be oure lord -th-e more hyre in heruest
V: 7,60 He schal (haue), beo vr lord . _th_e more (huyre)
in (heruest) [xaAa]
H: 7,60 he shal haue by our(e) lord -th-e more hur(e) in
heruest [????}?
J: 7,60 Schal haue be our(e) lorde -th-e more mede in heruest
L: 7,60 Schal haue by heouene -th-e more hyre in heruest
K: 7,60 Schal haue by our lord more hyre in harvest [????}?
W: 7,60 He shal haue byhynde god -th-e more here in heruest
N: 7,60 Shal be allowed by owr(e) lorde -th-e more hire in
heruest [????}?
M: 7,60 Schal haue leue hour(e) lord to leuyn her(e) in erueste
H3: 7,60 Xal haue leue be our lord to leuy(n) here tyl heruest
T: 7,61 And make hym m(er)y wi[th] [th]e corn whoso it begrucchi[th]
H2: 7,61 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,61 And make hym mery with -th-e corne . hoso hit begruche-th-
D: 7,61 And make hym w(i)t(h) -th-e corn . ho so it begruche-th-
V: 7,61 And (make) him (murie) with _th_e Corn . hose hit
euere bigrucche_th_ [aaxXx]
H: 7,61 & make hym mery wi-th- -th-e corn . whoso hit
bygrucchi-th- [aaxXx]
J: 7,61 And makyn hi(m) mery w(i)t(h) -th-e corne . ho so
it begruche [aaxXx]
L: 7,61 And maken him mury with -th-e corn . whoso hit bygrucche
K: 7,61 And make hym mery w(i)t(h) the corne . whoso it grutchith
W: 7,61 A make hym meri wi-th- -th-at corn . whoso it begroche-th-
N: 7,61 & make he(m) mery w(i)t(h) -th-e corne . whoso
begrucche it [aaxXx]
M: 7,61 & maken merye -th-ee mytte mauggre whoso grucche
H3: 7,61 And make hym mery -th-(er) w(i)t(h) mawgry . ho
so grocchyth [aaxXx]
T: 7,62 And alle kyne crafty men [th](a)t conne lyue in treu[th]e
H2: 7,62 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,62 And alle kynne crafty men . -th-at cun leue be crewe
D: 7,62 And alle kynne Crafty men . -th-(a)t conne leue in
trew-th-e [aaAxx]
V: 7,62 And alle (kunnes) (Craftus) men . _th_at (cunne)
lyuen with treu_th_e [aaAxx]
H: 7,62 & alle man(er)e craftis me(n) . -th-at ku(n)ne
lyue in treu-th-e [aaAxx]
J: 7,62 And alle kynne c(ra)fty men . -th-(a)t kony(n) lyue(n)
in t(ru)the [aaAxx]
L: 7,62 And alle maner of crafty men . -th-at konne lyue
in trouthe [aaAxx]
K: 7,62 And al kynne crafty men . that conne lyuen in trouthe
W: 7,62 And al kyns Cristen . -th-at trauail in trou-th-
N: 7,62 & alle ky(n)nes crafty men . -th-(a)t conne lyue
i(n) trow-th-e [aaAxx]
M: 7,62 And alle kennes cristen men . -th-at lybbeth w(i)t(h)
treweth [aaAxx]
H3: 7,62 And alle sky(n)nys crafty me(n) . -th-(a)t con leuy(n)
w(i)t(h) trewthe [aaAxx]
T: 7,63 I shal fynde hem foode [th](a)t feithfulliche libbe[th]
H2: 7,63 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,63 I schal fynde hem fode . -th-at feithfully lybben
D: 7,63 I schal fynden hem fode . -th-(a)t feythfulliche
libbe-th- [aaAx]
V: 7,63 I schal (fynden) hem heore (fode) . _th_at (ffi_th_fuliche)
lyuen [aaAx]
H: 7,63 I shal fynde hem foode . fei-th-fully to lyue(n)
J: 7,63 I sc[h]al fyndyn hem fode . -th-(a)t feythfullyche
lybbith [aaAx]
L: 7,63 y schal fynde heom fode . -th-at feythfulliche libben
K: 7,63 I schal fynden hem fode . that faithefullich lyuen
W: 7,63 I shal fynde hem fode . -th-at fai-th-fully libben
N: 7,63 I schal fy(n)de he(m) fode . -th-at fei-th-fully
libben [aaAx]
M: 7,63 I schal fynden hem fode . -th-at feythfoly lybben
H3: 7,63 I xal fynde he(m) fode . -th-(a)t feythfully leuyth
T: 7,64 Saue Iakke [th]e Iugelo(ur) & Ionete of [th]e stewis
H2: 7,64 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,64 Saue Iak -th-e Iogelour . and Ionet of -th-e stewes
D: 7,64 Saue Iakke -th-e Iogelour . & Ionet of -th-e
stues [aaAx]
V: 7,64 Saue (Iacke) _th_e (Iogelour) . And (Ionete) of _th_e
stuyues [aaAx]
H: 7,64 Saue Iacke -th-e iogeler(e) . & Ienot of -th-e
styves [aaAx]
J: 7,64 Saue Iac -th-e Iugelere . & Ionet at -th-e stues
L: 7,64 Saue Iacke -th-e jogelour . and Ionete at -th-e styues
K: 7,64 Saue Iak the Iogelloure . & Ienett att the stewes
W: 7,64 Saue Iak -th-e Iogelour . and Ienet at -th-e styues
N: 7,64 Saue Iakke -th-e Iogelo(ur) . & Iohannet atte
stuwes [aaAx]
M: 7,64 Saue Iak -th-e Iogulo(ur) . & Ionete of -th-e
stewes [aaAx]
H3: 7,64 ssaue Iakke -th-e Iogelour . & Ionet of -th-e
steuwys [aaAx]
T: 7,65 And robyn [th]e ribaudo(ur) for hise rusty woordis
H2: 7,65 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,65 And Robyn -th-e Rebaudour . for his lusty wordes
D: 7,65 And Robyn -th-e Ribaudo(ur) . for his rusty wordes
V: 7,65 And (Robert) _th_e (Ribaudour) . for his (Rousti)
wordes [aaAx]
H: 7,65 & Roberd -th-e ribauder(e) . for his rousty wordis
J: 7,65 And Robyn -th-e rybauder(e) . for his rusty talis
L: 7,65 And Robyn -th-eo rybauder . for his rousty wordes
K: 7,65 And Robyn the rybawde . ffor his rusty wordes [aaAx]
W: 7,65 And Robyn -th-e ribaudour . for his rusti wordes
N: 7,65 And Roby(n) -th-e Rybaudo(ur) . for his rusty wordes
M: 7,65 & Robin -th-e Ribaude . for his rusti wordes
H3: 7,65 And robert -th-e rebaudrere . for hys rusty wordys
T: 7,66 Treu[th]e tolde me ones & bad me telle it for[th]
H2: 7,66 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,66 Trew-th-e tolde me ones . and bad me telle hit for-th-e
D: 7,66 Trew-th-e tolde me onys . and badde me telle forth
V: 7,66 (Treu_th_e) (tauhte) hit me ones . and bad me (telle)
hit forther [aaAx]
H: 7,66 Treu-th-e tolde me onys . & bade me teche it
fer-th-(er) [aaAx]
J: 7,66 Trewthe told me onys . & bad me tellyn ferther(e)
L: 7,66 Treuthe tolde me hit ones . & bad me tellen hit
forther [aaAx]
K: 7,66 Trewth tolde me ons . & bad me tel it forth [aaAx]
W: 7,66 Trou-th- told me of hem . and bad me telle forth
N: 7,66 Tru-th-e tolde me ones . & bad me telle it for-th-e
M: 7,66 Treweth tolde me ones . & badde me telle it furthe
H3: 7,66 Trewthe told me onys . & bad me telly(n) forthe
T: 7,67 {Deleant(ur) de libro } I ne shulde not dele wi[th]
H2: 7,67 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,67 { Deleantur de libro vite } . I ne schuld dele with
hem [axAx]
D: 7,67 { Deliant(ur) de libro } . -th-ey schal not dele
w(i)t(h) hem [axAx]
V: 7,67 { (Deleantur) de libro viuencium }
J: 7,67 { Deleant(ur) de libro viuenciu(m) } . I schold not
delyn w(i)t(h) he(m) [axAx]
L: 7,67 { Deleantur de libro } . I scholde noght dele with
heom [axAx]
K: 7,67 { Deleantur de libro viuenciu(m) } . I schuld not
deale w(i)t(h) hem [axAx]
W: 7,67 { Deleantur de libro viuencium & cum iustis non
scribent(ur) }
W: 7,67 I shold not dele wi-th- hem for holy cherche is holden
N: 7,67 { Deleant(ur) de libro viuenciu(m) }
M: 7,67 { Deliant(ur) de libro viuenciu(m) } . I shulde not
dele with hem [axAx]
H3: 7,67 { Deleant(ur) de libro viue(n)ciu(m) } . I xa1 nouth
dele w(i)t(h) he(m) [axAx]
N: 7,67 I sholde helde w(i)t(h) he(m) nou-gh-t he bad me also [axAx]
T: 7,68 ffor holy chirche is holden of hem no ti[th]es to asken
H2: 7,68 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,68 ffor holi chirche is holde of hem . no ti-th-es
to axen [aaXa]
D: 7,68 ffor holy Churche is holden of hem . none tu-th-es
to axen [aaXa]
V: 7,68 (Holi) churche is (holden) of hem . no (ti_th_e)
to (taken) [aaBb]
H: 7,68 holi churche is holde of hem . no ti-th-e to aske
J: 7,68 ffor holy chirche is howldyn of he(m) . no tithe
axin { Et cu(m) i(u)stis n(on) sc(ri)bant[ur] } [aaXa]
L: 7,68 ffor of heom holy chirche askith no tithe { Et cu(m)
iust(is) no(n) scribant(ur) } [aaXa]
K: 7,68 ffor holy chirche is holdyn of hem . no tythes to
asken [aaXa]
W: 7,68 Of hym no teche to take here wynnyng is so wid [aaXa]
N: 7,68 ffor holy cherche is holden of he(m) . no ti-th-es
to axe [aaXa]
M: 7,68 ffor holy cherche of soche men . no tythes ne craueth
H3: 7,68 ffor holy chyrche is hoty(n) of he(m) . no tythe
to askyn [aaXa]
T: 7,68a { Et cum iustis non scribant(ur)}
H2: 7,68a ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,68a { Et cum iustis non scribantur } [Latin]
D: 7,68a { Et cu(m) Iustis non sc(ri)bant(ur) } [Latin]
V: 7,68a { Et cum Iustis non Scribantur } [Latin]
J: 7,68a --- this line om ---
L: 7,68a --- this line om ---
K: 7,68a { Et cu(m) iustis no(n) sc(ri)bent(ur) } thay be
escapid good auenture [Latin]
W: 7,68a --- this line om ---
N: 7,68a { Et cu(m) iustis no(n) sc(ri)bantur &c } [Latin]
M: 7,68a { Et cu(m) Iustis non scribant(ur) } they ben no
better(e) worthy
H3: 7,68a { Cu(m) iustis non scribentur cet(er)a & }
T: 7,69 [Th]ei arn askapid good auntir now god hem amende
H2: 7,69 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,69 -Th-ei arn ascaped gode aunter . god hem amende
D: 7,69 -Th-ey ben aschaped good Aunt(ir) . now god hem Amende
V: 7,69 _Th_ei ben a-scaped (good) _th_rift . (god) hem amende
H: 7,69 -Th-ei be-th- ascaped good thrift . god hem amende
J: 7,69 -Th-ei ben scapyd god aunt(ir) . now god hem amende
L: 7,69 -th-at -th-ey beon ascaped goode auenture . now god
heo(m) amende [aaXx]
K: 7,69 Now god hem amend & send hem bettre happe [aaXx]
W: 7,69 Thei be ascaped good auntre . now god hem amende
N: 7,69 ffor -th-ei ben ascapyd -th-rift . now god hem amende
M: 7,69 --- this line is omitted ---
H3: 7,69 -Th-ei ben askapyd good auenture . god he(m) ame(n)de
H: 7,67 { Deleant(ur) de libro viuenciu(m) et cu(m) iustis non sc(ri)bant(ur) } [axAx]
H: 7,68a --- this line om ---
T: 7,70 Dame werche whanne tyme is piers wyf hatte
H2: 7,70 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,70 Dame worche whan tyme . is piers is wif hatte [axAx]
D: 7,70 Dame wurche whan tyme . is piers wyf hatte [axAx]
R: 7,70 Dame worch whanne tyme . is perys wyf hatte [axAx]
U: 7,70 Dame wurche whan tyme . is piers wyf hatte [axAx]
V: 7,70 Dame whon tyme is . Hette Pers (Wyf) [axXa]
H: 7,70 Dame werche when time . is peris wyf hatte [axAx]
J: 7,70 Dame wirche qwan tyme . is peris wyf hatte [axAx]
L: 7,70 Dame worche when tyme . is Piers wif is cleped [axAx]
K: 7,70 Dame worche whan tyme . is pers wife hatte [axAx]
W: 7,70 Dame worche whan tyme . is piers wyf hight [axAx]
N: 7,70 Dame wirche whan tyme . is p(er)kynes wyf hat [axAx]
E: 7,70 Dame wyrke qwen tyme . is peirse wyff hette [axAx]
M: 7,70 Dame werche wan tyme . is pieers wife hatte [axAx]
H3: 7,70 Dame werche qwa(n) tyme . is pers wyf hyth [axAx]
T: 7,71 His dou[gh]t(er) hatti[th] do ri[gh]t or [th]i da(m)me
shal [th]e bete
H2: 7,71 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,71 His dou-gh-ter hatte do Ri-gh-t . or -th-y dame
schal -th-e bete [aaAx]
D: 7,71 His dow-gh-t(er) hatte do ri-gh-t . or -th-y dame
schal -th-e bete [aaAx]
R: 7,71 his dou-gh-t(er) hatte ry-gh-th so . or -th-i dame
schal -th-e bete [aaAx]
U: 7,71 His dou-gh-t(er) hatte do right so . or -th-i dame
schal -th-e bete [aaAx]
V: 7,71 His (douhter) hette (do) riht so . or _th_i (dame)
wol _th_e bete [aaAx]
H: 7,71 His dou-gh-t(er) hat do ri-gh-t so . or -th-y dame
wol -th-ee bete [aaAx]
J: 7,71 Hir dowht(er) hat do riht so . or -th-i da(m)me schal
-th-e bete [aaAx]
L: 7,71 His doghter hatte do right so . or -th-ou schalt
abugge [aaAx]
K: 7,71 His doughter hatt(es) do right so . or thy dame schal
the bete [aaAx]
W: 7,71 His doghtyr hight do right so . lest -th-i dame -th-e
bete [aaAx]
N: 7,71 His dou-gh-ter hat do ri-gh-t so . or -th-i dame
shal -th-e bete [aaAx]
E: 7,71 hys do-gh-t(er) hight do right . or owr dame shal
-th-e bete [aaAx]
M: 7,71 His dougtr(e) hatte do ryght so . or -th-in dame
wille -th-e bete [aaAx]
H3: 7,71 Hys dowt(er) hyth do rith so . or -th-i(n) dame
xal -th-e bete [aaAx]
T: 7,72 His sone hatti[th] suffre [th]i sou(er)eynes to hauen
h(er)e wille
H2: 7,72 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,72 His sone hatte suffre . -th-y souereines to haue
her wille [aaAx]
D: 7,72 His sone hatte suffre . -th-y- sou(er)eyns to hauen
here wille [aaAx]
R: 7,72 His sone hatte suffre . -th-y soueraynys to haue
her(e) wille [aaAx]
U: 7,72 His sone hatte suffre . -th-i- sou(er)aynes to hauen
here wille [aaAx]
V: 7,72 His (sone) hette (Soffre) _th_i (souereyns) . for
to han heor wille [aaaXx]
H: 7,72 His sone hat suffre . -th-y sou(er)eyns for to haue
her(e) wille [aaAx]
J: 7,72 His so(n)ne hatte suff(er)r . -th-i- souereynys for
to haue h(er) wille [aaAx]
L: 7,72 His sone hitte suffre . -th-y- souereynes for to
haue heore wille [aaAx]
K: 7,72 His sone hight sofre . thy sou(er)eyng(es) for to
haue her willes [aaAx]
W: 7,72 His sone high soffre . -th-i- soueraign for to haue
his wil [aaAx]
N: 7,72 His sone hat soffre . -th-i- souereines to haue(n)
her wille [aaAx]
E: 7,72 And hys Sone hight Sufferance to suffurre in tyme
M: 7,72 His sone hatte suffre . thy sou(er)augnes to her(e)
wille [aaAx]
H3: 7,72 Hys sone hyth suffurre . -th-i(n) soffereyns to
haue h(er)e wyl [aaAx]
T: 7,73 And deme hem nou[gh]t for [y]if [th](o)u dost [th](o)u
shalt it dere abiggen
H2: 7,73 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,73 And deme hym nou-gh-t for -gh-eue -th-ow dost .
-th-ow schalt dere abie [aaAx]
D: 7,73 And deme hem not for if -th-(o)u dost . -th-(o)u
schalt it dere abegge [aaAx]
R: 7,73 And dem hy(m) nou-gh-t for -th-(o)u dost . -th-(o)u
schalt hit sore abye [aaAx]
U: 7,73 And deme hem noght for if -th-(o)u dost . -th-ou
schalt it sore abie [aaAx]
V: 7,73 And (deeme) hem not for _g_if _th_ou do . _th_ou
schalt hit (deore) abugge [axAx]
H: 7,73 & deme hem not for -gh-if -th-ou doist . -th-ou
shalt it dere abigge [aaAx]
J: 7,73 & tene hem nouth for if -th-(o)u do . -th-(o)u
schalt it der(e) abigge [aaAx]
L: 7,73 And deme heom noght for -gh-ef -th-ou dost . -th-(o)u
schalt h(i)t sore ::::::: [aaAx]
K: 7,73 And deme hem not for if thou doste . thou schalte
it dere abigge [aaAx]
W: 7,73 And greue hym not for if -th-ou dost . -th-u shalt
it sore abigge [aaAx]
N: 7,73 Kurse he(m) nou-gh-t for if -th-(o)u do . -th-(o)u
schalt it dere bigge [aaAx]
E: 7,73 And if -th-ow do noght . -th-ou shal der abye [aaAx]
M: 7,73 Dampne hem nougt for -y-if -th-(o)u doste . -th-(o)u
schal it der(e) abyge [aaAx]
H3: 7,73 Deme he(m) nouth for -gh-yf -th-(o)u dost . sore
-th-(o)u xal abygge [aaAx]
T: 7,74 Let god wor[th]e wi[th]al for so his woord techi[th]
H2: 7,74 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,74 Let god wor-th-e -th-erwithalle . for so his word
teche-th- [axAx]?
D: 7,74 Let god wurche al . for so his word teches [axAx]?
R: 7,74 Let god wyrche -th-erw(i)t(h)alle . for so his word
teches [axAx]?
U: 7,74 lat god wurche wi-th-alle . for so his word techith
V: 7,74 --- this line om --
H: 7,74 let god wor-th-e wi-th-al . for so his word techi-th-
J: 7,74 Lat god wr-th-in w(i)t(h)al . so his worde techith
L: 7,74 Lat god worche withal . for so his word techeth [axAx]?
K: 7,74 but let god worche w(i)t(h)al . for so his worde
techith [axAx]?
W: 7,74 Late god worche wi-th-al . for so his woord teche-th-
N: 7,74 lat god awor-th-e wi-th-al . for so his worde techi-th-
E: 7,74 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 7,74 Latte god werche w(i)t(h) alle . for so -th-ys world
techeth [axAx]?
H3: 7,74 lat god werche w(i)t(h)al . for so hys word techyth
H3: 7,74 { Nolite iudicare ne forte iudicabimini &c }
T: 7,75 ffor I am old & hor & haue of myn owene
H2: 7,75 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,75 ffor I am olde and hore . and haue of myn owne [aaAa]
D: 7,75 ffor I am old & hore . & haue of my(n) owne
R: 7,75 for now I am olde and hore . and haue of my(n) owe
U: 7,75 ffor now I am old and hoor . and haue of myn owen
V: 7,75 ffor nou Icham (old) and (hor) . and (haue) of myn
(owne) [aaAa]
H: 7,75 for now I am old . & y now haue of myn owen [aaAa]
J: 7,75 ffor now I am bo-th-e holde & hore . & haue
of my(n) owyne [aaAa]
L: 7,75 ffor now I am old & hor . and haue of myn owene
K: 7,75 ffor now I ame elde & hore . & have of myn
own [aaAa]
W: 7,75 ffor I am old now and hoor . and haue of myn owen
N: 7,75 Now -th-(a)t I am olde & hore . -th-oughe haue
of myne owne [aaAa]
E: 7,75 Now am I holde . & I haue of myn awne [aaAa]
M: 7,75 ffor now I hame holde & hor . & haue of my(n)
of owen [aaAa]
H3: 7,75 ffor now I am old & hor . & haue of my(n)
owy(n) [aaAa]
T: 7,76 To pen(au)nce & to pilg(r)image wile I passe w(i)t(h)
H2: 7,76 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,76 To penaunce and to pilgrimmage . wel I passe with
o-th-er [aaAx]
D: 7,76 To penaunce and to pylgrymage . wil I passe w(i)t(h)
o-th-(er)e [aaAx]
R: 7,76 To penaunce & to pylgermage . wyl I passe w(i)t(h)
o-th-ere [aaAx]
U: 7,76 To penaunce and to pilg(ri)mage . I wol passe with
o-th-(er)e [aaAx]
V: 7,76 To (Penaunce) and to (pilgrimage) . I wol (passe)
with _th_is o_th_ure [aaAx]
H: 7,76 to penaunce & pilg(ri)mage . y wol passe wi-th-
-th-ese o-th-(er)e [aaAx]
J: 7,76 To penaunce & pilg(ri)mage . I wil passe w(i)t(h)
-th-is o-th-(er) [aaAx]
L: 7,76 To penance & to pilgrymage . I wol passe with
-th-eose o-th-(er) [aaAx]
K: 7,76 To penaunce & pilgrymage . I woll passe w(i)t(h)
thes other [aaAx]
W: 7,76 To penaunce and to pylgrimage . passe I wil wi-th-
o-th-er [aaAx]
N: 7,76 To penaunce & to pilg(ri)mage . I wil passe w(i)t(h)
-th-is o-th-er [aaAx]
E: 7,76 To Penaunce or to pilg(r)image . will(e) I passe
w(i)t(h) o-th-er [aaAx]
M: 7,76 To penance & to pilgrimage . I passe with thes
othere [aaAx]
H3: 7,76 To penans & to pylg(ri)mage . I wyl passe w(i)t(h)
-th-ese o-th-(ir) [aaAx]
T: 7,77 ffor[th]i I wile er I wende do wyte my bequest
H2: 7,77 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,77 ffor-th-i I wol ar I wende . do write my bequest
D: 7,77 ffor-th-y I wile or I wende . do wryte my queste
R: 7,77 for-th-y I wyl or I wende . do wryte my bequest(es)
U: 7,77 ffor I wol er y wende . do writen my byquestes [aaAx]
V: 7,77 ffor-_th_i I (wole) ar I (Wende) . (write) my Testament
H: 7,77 ffor-th-y y wol or y wende . write my testament [aaAx]
J: 7,77 -Th-(er)for I wil or I go . do wryty(n) my bequethe
L: 7,77 ffor-th-y I wol ar y wende . don wryte my byquyste
K: 7,77 And yet I woll or I wende . do write my bequeste
W: 7,77 And -gh-it I wyl eek I wende . my bequest make [aaAx]
N: 7,77 Therfore I wil or I wende . do wryte my lyqueste
E: 7,77 ffor I wyll(e) er y wende . do writte my intest [aaAx]
M: 7,77 fforthy I wille or I wende . wrygte myn bequyste
H3: 7,77 ffor I wyl er I wende . wryth my qwest [aaAx]
H3: 7,77 And I -th-e name of our lord my(n) testame(n)t make
T: 7,78 {In dei no(m)i(n)e Amen } I make it myseluen
H2: 7,78 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,78 { In dei nomine Amen } . I make hit myselue [aaAx]
D: 7,78 { In dei no(m)i(n)e Ame(n) } . y make it my seluen
R: 7,78 { In dei no(m)i(n)e amen } . I makyd my seluen [aaAx]
U: 7,78 { In dei nomine Amen } . I make it my selue [aaAx]
V: 7,78 { IN dei (nomine) (Amen) } . I (make) hit mi-seluen
H: 7,78 { In dei no(mine) } In -th-e name of god . y make
it my siluen [aaAx]
J: 7,78 { In dei no(m)i(n(e amen } . I make it my selue [aaAx]
L: 7,78 { In dei no(m)i(n)e Ame(n) } . I make hit my seoluen
K: 7,78 { In dei no(m)i(n)e Amen } . I make it my seluen
W: 7,78 { In dei no(m)i(n)e amen } . I write it my self [aaAx]
N: 7,78 { In dei no(m)i(n)e Amen } . I make it my self [aaAx]
E: 7,78 { In dei no(m)i(n)e amen } . I make it my seluen
M: 7,78 { In dei no(m)i(n)e Ame(n) } . I make it my selue
H3: 7,78 { In dei no(m)i(n)e Amen } . I make it my selue
T: 7,79 ffor he shal haue my soule [th]at best ha[th] des(er)uid
H2: 7,79 ffor he schal haue my soule that hat-gh- deseruid
Ch: 7,79 ffor he schal haue my soule -th-at best ha-th- deserued
D: 7,79 ffor he schal haue my soule -th-(a)t best hath deseruyd
R: 7,79 for he schal haue my soule . -th-(a)t best ha-th-
deserued [????]?
U: 7,79 ffor he schal haue my soule -th-at best ha-th- deserued
V: 7,79 He schal haue my soule . _th_at best ha_th_ deseruet
H: 7,79 He shal haue my soule -th-at best ha-th- deserued
J: 7,79 He schal an my sowle -th-(a)t it best hath seruyd
L: 7,79 He schal haue my soule -th-at best hath deserued
K: 7,79 He schall haue my sowle he hath it best deservyd
W: 7,79 My soule hym self shal haue he ha-th- best deserued
N: 7,79 He schal haue my soule -th-(a)t best it ha-th- deserued
E: 7,79 ffor he shal haue my saule -th-(a)t it best hath
des(er)uyd [????]?
M: 7,79 He shal haue my soule -th-at best hath des(er)uyd
H3: 7,79 He xal haue my(n) soule -th-(a)t best hat deseruyd
T: 7,80 And defende it fro [th]e fend for so I beleue
H2: 7,80 And defende it fro the feende . for so I beleue
Ch: 7,80 And defende hit fro -th-e fende . for so I beleue
D: 7,80 And defende it fro -th-e fend . for so I beleue [aaAxx]
R: 7,80 And defende hit fro -th-e fend . for so is my byleue
U: 7,80 And defende it fro -th-e feend . for so is my byleue
V: 7,80 And (defende) hit from _th_e (fend) . (for) so I
beo-leeue [aaAxx]
H: 7,80 & defende it fram -th-e fend . for so y bileue
J: 7,80 And defend it fro -th-e fende . for so I beleue [aaAxx]
L: 7,80 And defende hit fro -th-e feond . for so I byleue
K: 7,80 And defend it from the fend . for so I beleue [aaAxx]
W: 7,80 And defende it fro -th-e fende . -th-at I wil beleue
N: 7,80 And defende it fro -th-e fende . for so I byleue
E: 7,80 And defend it from -th-e fend . for so is my beleue
M: 7,80 And defende it fro -th-e fynd . for so is myn beleue
H3: 7,80 And defende it fro -th-e fend . for so I beleue
T: 7,81 Til I come to his acountes as my crede me techi[th]
H2: 7,81 (::::) come to his acomptes . as my crede me techit-gh-
Ch: 7,81 Tille I come to his countes . as -th-e crede teche-th-
D: 7,81 Tyl I come to his acountes . as my crede me teche-th-
R: 7,81 til I come to his acount(us) . as my crede me techys
U: 7,81 Til y come to his acountes . as my(n) crede me techith
V: 7,81 Til I (come) to myn (A-Countes) . as my (Crede) me
telle_th_ [aaAx]
H: 7,81 til y come to his acountis . as my crede techi-th-
J: 7,81 Til I come to acowntys . as my crede me techith [aaAx]
L: 7,81 Til y come to his acountes . as my crede techeth
K: 7,81 Til I come to his acompte . as my crede me techith
W: 7,81 Til I come to acountes . so my crede teche-th- [aaAx]
N: 7,81 Til wa(n)ne I come to myne acou(n)tes . as my crede
me techi-th- [aaAx]
E: 7,81 To I come to hys acompte . for so my crede techis
M: 7,81 Tyl I come to acomptes . as my crede techeth [aaAx]
H3: 7,81 Tyl I come to acou(n)te . as my crede me techyh
T: 7,82 To haue reles & remissiou(n) on [th]at rental I
H2: 7,82 (::::) reles and remissiou(n) . on that rental I
leue [aaAx]
Ch: 7,82 To haue Reles of remissioun . on -th-at trentale
I leue [aaAx]
D: 7,82 To haue reles and remissiou(n) . on -th-(a)t rental
I leue [aaAx]
R: 7,82 to haue reles and remyssyou(n) . on -th-(a)t rente
I leue [aaAx]
U: 7,82 To haue reles & remissioun . on -th-at rental
y byleue [aaAx]
V: 7,82 To ha (Reles) and (Remission) . on _th_at (Rental)
I be-leeue [aaAx]
H: 7,82 to haue a relese & a remissiou(n) . of -th-at
rental for eu(er) [aaAx]
J: 7,82 To haue a reles & remissyon . on -th-(a)t rentel
I leue [aaAx]
L: 7,82 To haue a relees & a remyssion . on -th-at trental
I trowe [aaAx]
K: 7,82 To haue a release & remyssyou(n) . of that rentall
I leue [aaAx]
W: 7,82 To haue remission -th-an & relesse I hope [aaAx]
N: 7,82 In -th-(a)t re(n)tal to haue relesse & remissiou(n)
I leue [aaAx]
E: 7,82 To haue remission & seles . on -th-(a)t rental
I beleue [aaAx]
M: 7,82 To haue reles & remission . on -th-at rental
I leue [aaAx]
H3: 7,82 To haue a reles & a remissyou(n) of -th-(a)t
rental I leue [aaAx]
T: 7,83 [Th]e chirche shal haue my caroyn & kepe my bones
H2: 7,83 (::::::)hal haue my careyn . and kepe my bones [aaAx]
Ch: 7,83 -Th-e kirk schal haue my kareyn . and kepe my bones
D: 7,83 The Churche schal haue my Careyn . & kepe my
bones [aaAx]
R: 7,83 -Th-e cherche schal haue my careyne . & kepe
my bonys [aaAx]
U: 7,83 -Th-e cherche schal haue my careyne . and kepe my
bonys [aaAx]
V: 7,83 _Th_e (Chirche) schal haue my (Careyne) . And (kepe)
mi Bones [aaAx]
H: 7,83 -Th-e churche shal haue my careyn . & kepe -th-(er)
my bonys [aaAx]
J: 7,83 -Th-e cherche sal haue my kareyne . & kepyn my
bonys [aaAx]
L: 7,83 -Th-e chirche schal haue my kareyne . & kepe
my bones [aaAx]
K: 7,83 The chirche schall haue my careyne . & kepe my
bones [aaAx]
W: 7,83 The kyrke shal haue my careyn . and kepe my bones
N: 7,83 -Th-e kirke schal haue my caryon . & kepe alle
my bonys [aaAx]
E: 7,83 The kyrke sal haue my body . & kepyn of my bonys
M: 7,83 -Th-e cherche shal hauen my careyn . & kepyn
my bones [aaAx]
H3: 7,83 -Th-e chyrche xal haue my carayne . & kepe my
bonys [aaAx]
T: 7,84 ffor of my corn & my catel I crauide [th]e ti[th]es
H2: 7,84 (::::::::::::::::::::::) catel . I crauide the tythes
Ch: 7,84 ffor of my corn and my catelle . he craued -th-e
ti-th-es [aaAx]
D: 7,84 ffor of my corn & my catel . he craue-th- -th-e
tythes [aaAx]
R: 7,84 ffor of my corn and my catel . he craue-th- -th-e
ty-th-ys [aaAx]
U: 7,84 ffor of mi corn and my catell(e) . he crauyth -th-e
tithes [aaAx]
V: 7,84 ffor of my (Corn) and (Catel) . heo (Craue_th_) _th_e
Ti_th_e [aaAx]
H: 7,84 for of my catel & my corn . he craue-th- -th-e
ti-th-e [aaAx]
J: 7,84 ffor of my corne & my cateyle . he c(ra)uyth
-th-e tythe [aaAx]
L: 7,84 ffor he of corn & of my catel crawed -th-eo toy-th-e
K: 7,84 ffor of my corne & catell . he cravyd my tythe
W: 7,84 ffor of corn and of catel . -th-er gaf I my ti-th-e
N: 7,84 ffor of my corne & my catel . he craue-th- -th-e
ti-th-e [aaAx]
E: 7,84 ffor of my corn & catell(e) . he cravys -th-e
tendes [aaAx]
M: 7,84 ffor of myn corne an my catell . he cleymeth -th-e
tythe [aaAx]
H3: 7,84 ffor of my(n) corn & my(n) catel . he crauede
-th-e tythe [aaAx]
T: 7,85 And payede hym p(re)stly for p(er)il of my soule
H2: 7,85 (::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::) my
Ch: 7,85 And I paied hym prestely . for perile of my soule
D: 7,85 And I paid hem prestly . for peryl of my soule [aaAx]
R: 7,85 I payde hem aprestly . for p(er)yl of my soule [aaAx]
U: 7,85 It payd it p(re)stly . for perill(e) of my soule
V: 7,85 I (Payede) him (prestly) . for (peril) of my soule
H: 7,85 I haue paied hym p(re)stly . for perel of my soule
J: 7,85 I pay-gh-id it p(re)stly . for p(er)il of my sowle
L: 7,85 y paied hit him prestly . for peril of my soule [aaAx]
K: 7,85 I payed hym prestly . for p(er)ile of my sowle [aaAx]
W: 7,85 And paied it euere prestly . for p(er)il of my soule
N: 7,85 I paied [it] hi(m) ful prestely . for p(er)ile of
my soule [aaAx]
E: 7,85 I prayd -th-e p(ri)st . for p(er)il of my saule [aaAx]
M: 7,85 I payde it prestely . for periel of my soule [aaAx]
H3: 7,85 I payid hy(m) prestly . for p(er)il of my(n) soule
T: 7,86 He is holden I hope to haue me in mynde
H2: 7,86 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,86 He is holden I hope . to haue men In mynde [aaAx]
D: 7,86 He is holden y hope . to haue me in mende [aaAx]
R: 7,86 He is byholde I hope . to haue me in mynde [aaAx]
U: 7,86 He is holden y hope . to haue me in his mynde [aaAx]
V: 7,86 He is (holden), Ich (hope) . to (haue) me in Muynde
H: 7,86 he is holden y hope . to haue me in mynde [aaAx]
J: 7,86 He is holdyn I howpe . to haue me in mynde [aaAx]
L: 7,86 He is halden I hope . to haue me in mynde [aaAx]
K: 7,86 He is holden I hope . to haue me yn mynde [aaAx]
W: 7,86 He is holden I hope . to haue me in mynde [aaAx]
N: 7,86 He is holden I hope . to haue me in mynde [aaAx]
E: 7,86 He hys holde I hope . to haue me in hys mynde [aaAx]
M: 7,86 He is holden I hope . to haue me in his masse [aaAx]
H3: 7,86 He is beholdy(n) I hope . to haue me i(n) hys messe
T: 7,87 And monewe me in his memorie among alle cristene
H2: 7,87 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,87 And mynne me In his memories . among alle cristen
D: 7,87 And menewyn me in memorye . Among al cristen [aaAx]
R: 7,87 And mo(n)ne me in his memorie . among alle crystene
U: 7,87 And menewe me in his memorie . among alle cristene
V: 7,87 And (munge) me in his (memorie) . (Among) alle cristene
H: 7,87 & mynwe me in his memorie . among alle c(ri)sten
J: 7,87 & mengyn me in his memory . among al c(ri)stene
L: 7,87 And mengen in his memory . among alle cristen [aaAx]
K: 7,87 And mengyn [me] in his memento . among(es) al cristen
W: 7,87 And menge me in his memorie . among alle cristen
N: 7,87 And mengen in his memorie . amonge alle cristene
E: 7,87 And mene me in hys memore . amonge al c(ri)sten [aaAx]y
M: 7,87 And monewen me in is memorie . amonge alle cristen
H3: 7,87 And mengyt me i(n) hys memorie . among alle crystene
T: 7,88 My wyf shal haue of [th](a)t I wan wi[th] treu[th]e & namore
H2: 7,88 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,88 My wif schal haue of -th-at I wan . with trow-th-e
and nom[ore] [aaAxx]
D: 7,88 My wyf schal haue of -th-(a)t I wan . w(i)t(h) trew-th-e & nomore
R: 7,88 My wyf schal haue al -th-(a)t I wan . truly and no
more [aaAxx]
U: 7,88 My wif schal haue -th-at y wan . trewliche & namore
V: 7,88 Mi (wyf) schal haue _th_at I (won) . (with) treu_th_e,
and no more [aaAxx]
H: 7,88 My wyf shal haue -th-at I wan . wi-th- treu-th-e & nomore
J: 7,88 My wif schal haue of -th-(a)t I wanne . w(i)t(h)
t(re)utthe & nomore [aaAxx]
L: 7,88 My wif schal haue of -th-at I wan of . with treuthe & :::::::
K: 7,88 My wife schal haue of that I wan . w(i)t(h) truth & nomore
W: 7,88 My wif shal haue half -th-at I wan . wi-th- treu-th- & nomore
N: 7,88 My wyf schal haue of -th-at I wan . w(i)t(h) trw-th-e & nomore
E: 7,88 My wyff shal haue at I wan . trewly & nomore
M: 7,88 My wife shal haue of -th-at I wanne . w(i)t(h) -th-e
treweth & nomor(e) [aaAxx]
H3: 7,88 My wyf xal haue -th-(a)t I wa(n) . w(i)t(h) trewthe & no(n)
more [aaAxx]
T: 7,89 And dele among my frendis & my dere children
H2: 7,89 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,89 And dele among my frendes . and my children [axAx]
D: 7,89 And dele among my frendes . and my dere Children
R: 7,89 And dele among my frendys . and my der(e) chyldryn
U: 7,89 And dele among my frendes . and my dere children
V: 7,89 And (dele) A-mong my ffrendes . and my (deore) children
H: 7,89 & dele among my children & my frendis bo-th-e
J: 7,89 And delyn amonge my frendys . & my der(e) childeryne
L: 7,89 And delen among my freondis . & my deore child::::
K: 7,89 And dele among(es) my frend(is) . & my dere childern
W: 7,89 And dele among my frendes . & my dere childre
N: 7,89 & dele amonge my frendis . & my dere children
E: 7,89 And dele emong my frende-gh- . & my der child(er)
M: 7,89 And dele amonge her(e) frendes . & her(e) der(e)
schildren [axAx]
H3: 7,89 To dele among my frendys . & hyr dere chyldery(n)
T: 7,90 ffor [th]ei[gh] I dei[y]e today my dettis ben quyt
H2: 7,90 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,90 ffor -th-ow-gh- I dy-gh-e today . my dettes ben
quitte [aaAx]
D: 7,90 ffor -th-ey I deye today . my dettes ben quyted [aaAx]
R: 7,90 for -th-ou-gh- I deye today . my dett(is) be-th-
yquytted [aaAx]
U: 7,90 ffor -th-oghe y deye today . my dettes ben yquytte
V: 7,90 ffor _th_auh I (dye) _th_is (day) . my (dettes) beo_th_
I-quit [aaAx]
H: 7,90 for -th-ou-gh- y deied today . my dettis be-th- quyt
J: 7,90 ffor -th-ei I dey today . my dettys aru(n) quytte
L: 7,90 ffor -th-agh I dye today . my dettes beon paied [aaAx]
K: 7,90 ffor if I dye today . my dett(is) ben Iquytted [aaAx]
W: 7,90 ffor -th-ogh I dye today . my dettes be-th- quyte
N: 7,90 -Gh-if I dye today . my dettis ar quitte [aaAx]
E: 7,90 ffor & I dye today . my dett(is) ben qwytt [aaAx]
M: 7,90 ffor -y-if I deye -th-ys day . myn dettes ben Iquytte
H3: 7,90 ffor -th-ow I dey-gh-e -th-is day . my dete is aqwytyd
T: 7,91 I bar hom [th]at I borewide er I to bedde [y]ede
H2: 7,91 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,91 I bare home -th-at I borow-gh-ed . or I to bedde
-gh-ede [aaAx]
D: 7,91 I baar hom -th-(a)t I borowed . or I to bedde -gh-ede
R: 7,91 I bar home -th-at I borwed . or I to bedde -gh-ede
U: 7,91 I bar hom -th-at I borwide . er I to bedde -y-ede
V: 7,91 I (Bar) hom _th_at I (Borwede) . er I to (bedde)
eode [aaAx]
H: 7,91 I bar(e) home -th-at I borwed . or I went to bedde
J: 7,91 I bar home -th-(a)t I borowyd . er I to bed -gh-ede
L: 7,91 y bar hom -th-at I borewed . er I to bedde -gh-eode
K: 7,91 I bare home that I borowyd . or I to bedd yede [aaAx]
W: 7,91 I bare home -th-at I borwed . eer I -gh-ede to bedde
N: 7,91 I bar home -th-(a)t I borowed . ar I to bedde -gh-ede
E: 7,91 I bare home I borowd . er I to bedde -y-ede [aaAx]
M: 7,91 I bar(e) home -th-at I borwede . or I to bedde -y-ede
H3: 7,91 I bar hom -th-(a)t I borwyd . er I to bedde -gh-ede
T: 7,92 And wi[th] [th]e residue & [th]e remen(au)nt be
[th]e rode of chestre
H2: 7,92 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,92 And with -th-e residue and -th-e remnaunt . be -th-e
Rode of che[stre] [aaAx]
D: 7,92 And with -th-e residue & -th-e remn(au)nt . by
-th-e rode of Chest(er) [aaAx]
R: 7,92 And w(i)t(h) -th-e resydue and -th-e remenau(n)t
. by -th-e rode of chestre [aaAx]
U: 7,92 And wi-th- residue and -th-e remenant . by -th-e
rode of chestr(e) [aaAx]
V: 7,92 And with _th_e (Residue) and _th_e (Remenaunt) .
by _th_e (Rode) of Chestre [aaAx]
H: 7,92 & wi-th- -th-e residewe & -th-e remelau(n)t
. by -th-e roode of chestr(e) [aaAx]
J: 7,92 And w(i)t(h) -th-e resydu & -th-e remenau(n)t
. be -th-e rode of chester(e) [aaAx]
L: 7,92 And with -th-e resydue & -th-e remenant . by
-th-e rode of ::::::: [aaAx]
K: 7,92 And w(i)t(h) the residue & remen(a)nt . by the
rode of chestre [aaAx]
W: 7,92 The residue and -th-e remenant . by -th-e rode of
chestre [aaAx]
N: 7,92 & w(i)t(h) -th-e resude & -th-e remenant
. by -th-e Rode of chestre [aaAx]
E: 7,92 And w(i)t(h) -th-e residue & remanent . -th-e
rode of chest(er) [aaAx]
M: 7,92 & with residue & -th-e remenant . be -th-e
Rode of Chestr(e) [aaAx]
H3: 7,92 And w(i)t(h) -th-e residue & -th-e remenant
. be -th-e rode of chest(re) [aaAx]
T: 7,93 I wile worsshipe [th](er)ewi[th] treu[th]e in my lyue
H2: 7,93 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,93 I wol worschep -th-erwith . trew-th-e in my lyue
D: 7,93 I wol wurschipe -th-e w(i)t(h) . trew-th-e in my
leue [aaXx]
R: 7,93 I wolde worschepe -th-(er)w(i)t(h) . tru-th-e by
my lyue [aaXx]
U: 7,93 I wol worschipe -th-(er)wi-th- . treuthe be my lyue
V: 7,93 I wol (Worschupe) (_th_er-Wi_th_) . Treu_th_e in
my lyue [aaXx]
H: 7,93 I wol worschipe -th-(er)wi-th- . treu-th-e in my
lyue [aaXx]
J: 7,93 I wil wirchippy(n) -th-(er)w(i)t(h) . trewthe in
my lyue [aaXx]
L: 7,93 y wol worschipe -th-erwith . treuthe in my lyue [aaXx]
K: 7,93 I will w(or)schipe truthe therwith in my lyfe [aaXx]
W: 7,93 I wil worship -th-erwi-th- . treu-th- to my lyues
ende [aaXx]
N: 7,93 I wil worchip -th-(er)wi-th- . trw-th-e i(n) my lyf
E: 7,93 I wold worship -th-arw(i)t(h) . trouth by seluen
M: 7,93 I wille werche -th-erwith . treweth in myn lyue [aaXx]
H3: 7,93 I wyl worchepe -th-(er)w(i)t(h) . trewthe i(n) my
lyue [aaXx]
T: 7,94 And ben his pilgrym at [th]e plou[gh] for pore menis
H2: 7,94 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,94 And ben his pilgrym at -th-e plowe . for pore menis
sak[e] [aaAx]
D: 7,94 And ben his pilgryme atte plow . for pore me(n) sake
R: 7,94 And be his pilgrym at -th-e plow . for pore me(n)ys
sake [aaAx]
U: 7,94 And be his pilgrym at his plow . for pore me(n)nys
sake [aaAx]
V: 7,94 And ben his (pilgrym) atte (plou_g_) . for (pore)
Mennes sake [aaAx]
H: 7,94 & be his pylgrym at -th-e plow . for pore me(n)
sake [aaAx]
J: 7,94 & ben his pilgrime at -th-e plowh . for powre
me(n)nys sake [aaAx]
L: 7,94 And beon his pilgrym at -th-e plogh . for pore :::::::::
K: 7,94 And byn his pilgryme at the plowgh . for pore me(n)nys
sake [aaAx]
W: 7,94 And be his pilgrym at plow . for pore men sake [aaAx]
N: 7,94 And ben his pilg(ri)me atte plough . for pore me(n)nys
sake [aaAx]
E: 7,94 And be -th-e pilg(ri)mage at -th-e plough . for pore
mens sake [aaAx]
M: 7,94 And ben his pilgrym at -th-e ploughe . for por(e)
me(n) sake [aaAx]
H3: 7,94 And be(n) hys pylgrym at -th-e plow . for pore me(n)nys
sake [aaAx]
T: 7,95 My plou[gh]pote shal be my pyk & putte at [th]e
H2: 7,95 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,95 My plow pote schal be my pike . and putte at -th-e
Rotis [aaAx]
D: 7,95 My plow-gh- pote schal be my pekedstaf . & put
atte rotys [aaAx]
R: 7,95 My plow schal be my pykstaf . and pyke wp -th-e rot(is)
U: 7,95 My plow schal be my pykstaf . and picche vp -th-e
rotis [aaAx]
V: 7,95 Mi (plouh-pote) schal be my (pyk) . & (posschen)
atte Rootes [aaAx]
H: 7,95 my plow bat shal be my pilg(ri)mstaf . & posse
at -th-e rootis [aaAx]
J: 7,95 My plowh pote sal ben my pykestaffe . to pycchyn
at -th-e rotys [aaAx]
L: 7,95 My plogh pot schal beon my pykstaf . & pyche
::::::: [aaAx]
K: 7,95 My plowgh ffowte schall be my pikestafe . & putte
at the rotes [aaAx]
W: 7,95 ---this line om ---
N: 7,95 My plow pote schal be my pilg(ri)me staffe
N: 7,95 To rende vp -th-e rotis of -th-istlys & -th-ornes
E: 7,95 My plow shal be my pykestaffe . & pyke owt rotes
M: 7,95 My staffe shal be pyked . to potten -th-e aweye -th-e
rotis [aaAx]
H3: 7,95 I xal now poynty(n) my pekyd staf . to pykke vp
-th-e rotys [aaAx]
T: 7,96 And helpe my cultir to kerue & close [th]e forewis
H2: 7,96 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,96 And helpe my culter to kerue . and close -th-e forowes
D: 7,96 And helpe my cult(ir) to kerue . & close -th-e
forwys [aaAx]
R: 7,96 And helpe my cult(ir) to kerue . and close -th-e
forwys [aaAx]
U: 7,96 And helpe my cultour to kerue . and close -th-e furwes
V: 7,96 And helpe my (coltre) to (kerue) . & (close)
_th_e vorwes [aaAx]
H: 7,96 & help my coltur to kerue . & close -th-e
forwis [aaAx]
J: 7,96 And helpyn my culter to keruyn . & clensyn -th-e
fowrys [aaAx]
L: 7,96 And helpe my coltre to kerue . & clanse -th-e
forewes [aaAx]
K: 7,96 And helpe my cultre to carve . & clense the forrowes
W: 7,96 And helpe my cultre to kerue . and close -th-e forwes
N: 7,96 & helpe my cultre to kerue . to clense -th-e
forowes [aaAx]
E: 7,96 And help my cult(ir) to kerve . & to close fores
M: 7,96 And helpen my cultr(e) to keruen . & klensen
-th-e forwys [aaAx]
H3: 7,96 And do xarpe my cultyr to kerue . my forwys [aaAx]
T: 7,97 Now is peris & [th]e pilg(r)imes to [th]e plou[gh]
H2: 7,97 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,97 Now is piers and -th-e pilgrimes . to -th-e plow-gh-e
faren [aaAx]
D: 7,97 Now is piers & -th-e pylgrymes . to -th-e plow-gh-
faren [aaAx]
R: 7,97 Now is per(is) and -th-e pilgrimys . to -th-e plow
fare [aaAx]
U: 7,97 Now is piers and -th-e pilg(ri)mes . to -th-e plow
faren [aaAx]
V: 7,97 Now is (Pers) and _th_e (pilgrimes) . to _th_e (plouh)
I-fare [aaAx]
H: 7,97 Now is peris -th-e pilgryme . to -th-e plow faren
J: 7,97 Now is peris & -th-e pilg(ri)mys . to -th-e plowhe
faryne [aaAx]
L: 7,97 Now is piers & -th-e pilgryms . to -th-e plogh
faren [aaAx]
K: 7,97 Now is pers & the pilg(ri)mes . to the plowgh
faren [aaAx]
W: 7,97 And -th-us is piers and -th-e pilgrims . to -th-e
plow faren [aaAx]
N: 7,97 Now is pers & -th-e pilg(ri)mes . to -th-e plow
faren [aaAx]
E: 7,97 Now is Perise in -th-e pilg(ri)mage . to -th-e plogh
faren [aaAx]
M: 7,97 Nowe p(er)kyn as -th-ys pilgrymes . to -th-e ploughe
faren [aaAx]
H3: 7,97 --- this line is omitted ---
T: 7,98 To erien [th]is half akir helpen hym manye
H2: 7,98 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,98 To erien -th-is half acre . and helpen him many
D: 7,98 To erye -th-is half acre . helpyn hym manye [aaAx]
R: 7,98 to herye -th-e half aker(e) . helpyn hym manye [aaAx]
U: 7,98 To eryen -th-e halue acre . helpen hym manye [aaAx]
V: 7,98 To (heren) _th_is (half-Acre) . (helpen) him ful
monye [aaAx]
H: 7,98 to heren his half acr(e) . helpen hym many [aaAx]
J: 7,98 To eryn -th-is halfe acr(e) . holpyn him many [aaAx]
L: 7,98 To heryen -th-is half acre . holpen him monye [aaAx]
K: 7,98 To eryn this half acre . helpyn hym many [aaAx]
W: 7,98 To eere -th-is half acre . hym help right many [aaAx]
N: 7,98 To herye -th-is half acre . helpyn hi(m) manye [aaAx]
E: 7,98 To eyre & to wirke . helpen hym mony [aaAx]
M: 7,98 To eryn -th-e alue acr(e) . hulpen him manye [aaAx]
H3: 7,98 To eryien -th-(a)t half akre . holpyn hym many [aaAx]
T: 7,99 Dikeris & del(ue)res dyke[th] vp [th]e balkis
H2: 7,99 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,99 Dikers and deluers . dike-th- vp -th-e bankes [aaAx]
D: 7,99 Dykeres & delueres . dyken vp -th-e balkes [aaAx]
R: 7,99 dyker(es) and deluer(es) . dyggyng on -th-e bankes
U: 7,99 Dykeris & Delueres . dyggen vp -th-e balkes [aaAx]
V: 7,99 (Dykers) and (Deluers) . (Dikeden) vp _th_e Balkes
H: 7,99 Dichers & delueris . di-gh-ten vp -th-e bankis
J: 7,99 Dycherys & deluerys . doluyn vp -th-e bankys
L: 7,99 Dychers & deluers . doluen vp -th-e balkes [aaAx]
K: 7,99 Dikars & delvars . diggyn vp the balkes [aaAx]
W: 7,99 Dikers & deluers . dyke vp -th-e balkes [aaAx]
N: 7,99 Dikers & deluars . digged vp -th-e balkys [aaAx]
E: 7,99 Diggers and deluers . diggyn vp -th-e balk(is) [aaAx]
M: 7,99 Dykerys & deluers . duluen vp -th-e Rotes [aaAx]
H3: 7,99 As dykerys & deluerys . -th-(a)t deluy(n) vp
-th-e rotys [aaAx]
T: 7,100 [Th](er)ewi[th] was p(er)kyn payed and p(re)isid hem
H2: 7,100 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,100 -Th-erwith was perkyn paied . and preised hem -gh-erne
D: 7,100 -Th-(er)with was perkyn payd . & preysed hem
-gh-erne [aaAx]
R: 7,100 Therw(i)t(h) was p(er)kyn apayde . and preysed hem
-gh-erne [aaAx]
U: 7,100 -Th-(er)with was p(er)kyn ypaied . and p(re)ysed
hem -y-erne [aaAx]
V: 7,100 _Th_er-with was (perkyn) (a-payed) . And (preisede)
hem _g_erne [aaAx]
H: 7,100 -Th-(er)wi-th- was p(er)kyn apayn . & p(re)ised
hem ful -gh-erne [aaAx]
J: 7,100 -Th-(er)w(i)t(h) was p(er)kyn wele payyd . & p(ra)ysed
hem -gh-erne [aaAx]
L: 7,100 -Th-erwith was Perkyn paied . & preised heom
-gh-eorne [aaAx]
K: 7,100 Therw(i)t(h) was p(er)kyn paiede . & preised
hem yerne [aaAx]
W: 7,100 Therof was p(er)kyn wel paid . & praysed hem
fast [aaAx]
N: 7,100 -Th-(er)wi-th- was p(er)kyn paied . & praised
hem -gh-erne [aaAx]
E: 7,100 -Th-(er)wit was p(er)kyn payd . & prasyd -th-aim
al [aaAx]
M: 7,100 Therwith was p(er)kyn apayed . & preysed he(m)
-y-erne [aaAx]
H3: 7,100 Wel was perkyn apayid . & p(re)syd he(m) -gh-erne
T: 7,101 O[th](er)e werkmen [th](er)e were & wrou[gh]te
ful faste
H2: 7,101 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,101 O-th-er wirkemen -th-er wer . and wrou-gh-t ful
faste [aaAx]
D: 7,101 O-th-(er) werkmen -th-(er) were . & wrou-gh-ten
wol faste [aaAx]
R: 7,101 O-th-er werkmen -th-(er) wer(e) . -th-(a)t wrou-gh-thyn
ful faste [aaAx]
U: 7,101 O-th-(er)e werkemen -th-(er) were . -th-at wroughten
ful faste [aaAx]
V: 7,101 O_th_ur (werk-men) _th_er (weren) . _th_at (Wrou_g_ten)
ful monye [aaAx]
H: 7,101 O-th-(er) werkmen -th-(er) weren . -th-at wrou-gh-ten
ful fast [aaAx]
J: 7,101 O-th-(er) werkmen -th-(er) weryn . -th-(a)t wrowhty(n)
wol fast [aaAx]
L: 7,101 Other werkmen -th-er were . -th-(a)t wroghten wol
faste [aaAx]
K: 7,101 Other workme(n) ther weron . that wroughten wol
faste [aaAx]
W: 7,101 O-th-er werkmen -th-er were . -th-at wroght wel
-gh-erne [aaAx]
N: 7,101 O-th-(er) werkmen -th-(er) were . -th-(a)t wrou-gh-ten
wol faste [aaAx]
E: 7,101 Other werkmen was -th-(er) mony . -th-(a)t wro-gh-t
ful fast [aaAx]
M: 7,101 Othr(e) werkemen weren -th-er(e) . -th-(a)t wrougten
ful faste [aaAx]
H3: 7,101 -Th-at -th-(er) weryn werkyng & trauayle sore
T: 7,102 Eche man on his maner made hymself to done
H2: 7,102 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,102 Ech man on his maner . made him self to done [aaAx]
D: 7,102 Eche ma(n) on his man(er) . made hym self to done
R: 7,102 euer(e)y man on his maner(e) . made hym to done
U: 7,102 Mi Euery man on his man(er)e . made hy(m) to done
V: 7,102 Vche (Mon) in his (maner) . (Made) him to done [aaAx]
H: 7,102 Eche man in his man(er)e . made hym to done [aaAx]
J: 7,102 Ech ma(n) on his man(er) . made him selfe to done
L: 7,102 vche mon on his maner . made him seolf to done [aaAx]
K: 7,102 Eche man in his man(er) . made hym self to done
W: 7,102 Eche man on his man(er)e . made hym to done [aaAx]
N: 7,102 Eche man on his maner . made hi(m) to done [aaAx]
E: 7,102 Euery man on hys man(er) . made hym to done [aaAx]
M: 7,102 Eche man in his man(er)e . made him selue to done
H3: 7,102 And so(m)me i(n) -th-is man(er) . mady(n) he(m)
to done [aaAx]
T: 7,103 And su(m)me to plese p(er)kyn pykide vp [th]e wedis
H2: 7,103 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,103 And come to plese perkyn . piked vp -th-e wedes
D: 7,103 And some to plese perkyn . pyked vp -th-e wedys
R: 7,103 And some to plese p(er)kyn . gaderyd out -th-e wedys
U: 7,103 And some to plese p(er)kyn . pykyd out -th-e wedys
V: 7,103 And Summe, to (plese) (perkyn) . (pykeden) vp _th_e
weodes [aaAx]
H: 7,103 & so(m)me to plese p(er)kyn . piked vp -th-e
wedis [aaAx]
J: 7,103 And su(m)me to plesyn p(er)kyn . pykyd vp -th-e
wedys [aaAx]
L: 7,103 And so(m)me to pleese perkyn . pyked vp -th-e weodes
K: 7,103 And some to pleysen p(er)kyn . pikyn vp the wedes
W: 7,103 And somme to plese p(er)kyn . carped of cof worde
N: 7,103 So(m)me to plese p(er)kyn . pyked vp -th-e wedis
E: 7,103 And some pleasyd p(er)kyn . & pykyd owte -th-e
stanes [aaAx]
M: 7,103 & su(m)me to plese p(er)kyn . pykened vp -th-e
wedys [aaAx]
H3: 7,103 ffor to plese p(er)ky(n) . -th-ei pekede vp -th-e
wedys [aaAx]
T: 7,104 At hei[gh] p(r)ime peris let [th]e plou[gh] stande
H2: 7,104 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,104 At hi-gh-e prime piers . let -th-e plow stonde
stille [aaAx]
D: 7,104 At hey-gh- pryme piers . let -th-e plow-gh- stande
R: 7,104 At -th-e hey p(ri)me per(is) . let -th-e plow stande
U: 7,104 At hye p(ri)me of -th-e day piers . leet -th-e plow
stande [aaAx]
V: 7,104 At hei_g_ (prime) (perkyn) , lette _th_e (plou_g_)
stonde [aaAx]
H: 7,104 An hast -th-en p(er)kyn . let -th-e plow-gh- stonde
J: 7,104 At hye p(ri)me of -th-e day perys . leete -th-e
plowh stodyn [aaAx]
L: 7,104 At hygh prime Piers . lette -th-e plough stonde
K: 7,104 And at the hie p(ri)me tyme pers . lett the plowe
stond [aaAx]
W: 7,104 And at hie prime piers . lete -th-e plow stonde
N: 7,104 At hiegh p(ri)me p(er)kyn . lete -th-e plough stonde
E: 7,104 At hye p(ri)me of -th-e day p(er)kyn . lete -th-e
plough stonde [aaAx]
M: 7,104 And atte hey pryme piers . lete -th-e ploughe stonde
H3: 7,104 -Th-a(n) be thouth hy(m) pers . & let -th-e
plow stande [aaAx]
T: 7,105 To ou(er)sen hem hymself whoso best wrou[gh]te
H2: 7,105 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,105 To ouersene hem himmself . whoso best wrou-gh-t
D: 7,105 To ou(er)sen hem hymself . whoso best wrou-gh-te
R: 7,105 to ou(er)sey hem hymself . whoso best wrou-gh-the
U: 7,105 To ou(er)seen hem hymselue . whoso best wroughte
V: 7,105 While _th_at he (ouer-se_g_e) (him-self) . ho _th_at
best wrouhte [aaXx]
H: 7,105 to ou(er)se hymself . who -th-at best wrou-gh-t
J: 7,105 To ou(er)sene hem alle . ho so best wrowht [aaAx]
L: 7,105 To [o]uerseon heom himseolf . whoso best wroghte
K: 7,105 To ou(er)seen hem hymself . whoso best wrought [aaAx]
W: 7,105 To ou(er)se hem he -th-oght . who -th-at best wroght
N: 7,105 To ou(er)seen he(m) hi(m)self . ffor ho so best
wrou-gh-t [aaAx]
E: 7,105 To eu(er) see -th-aim ichon . qwo best wro-gh-t
M: 7,105 To our(e)sen himselue . who -th-at beste wrougte
H3: 7,105 And loky(n) hy(m)self . ho -th-(er) best wrouth
T: 7,106 Shulde ben hirid [th](er)eaftir whan heruist tyme
H2: 7,106 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,106 Schuld be hered -th-erafter . whan heruest tyme
come [aaAx]
D: 7,106 Shuld ben hyred -th-(er)aft(ir) . whan heruest tyme
come [aaAx]
R: 7,106 schuld be heryed -th-(er)after . whe(n) heruest
tyme come [aaAx]
U: 7,106 Schuld ben hyred -th-(er)aftir . whan heruest tyme
come [aaAx]
V: 7,106 He schulde ben (huyred) (_th_er-aftur) . whon (heruest)
tyme come [aaAx]
H: 7,106 -th-ei shulde be hurid -th-(er)aft(ir) . when heruest
tyme come [aaAx]
J: 7,106 Schold bene hyryd -th-(er)aft(ir) . qwan heruest
tyme com(i)t(h) [aaAx]
L: 7,106 Scholde beon hyred -th-(er)after . when heruest
tyme com[e] [aaAx]
K: 7,106 Schuld ben hyred therafter . whan h(er)uest tyme
co(m)me [aaAx]
W: 7,106 Thei shold haue hyre -th-(er)aftre . whan heruest
were in [aaAx]
N: 7,106 Sholde haue hyre -th-(er)aftre . whan heruest tyme
come [aaAx]
E: 7,106 Suld be hyred in heruest -th-(er)aftir tyme to come
M: 7,106 He shuld be herid -th-eraft(ir) . whan erueste tyme
come [aaAx]
H3: 7,106 ffor he xal be hyrid -th-(er)aft(ir) . qwa(n) heruest
tyme come [aaAx]
T: 7,107 [Th]anne seten so(m)me & sungen at [th]e ale
H2: 7,107 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,107 -Th-an setten sum . and songen at -th-e nale [aaAx]
D: 7,107 -Th-an seten some . & songen at nale [aaAx]
R: 7,107 -Th-anne sete -th-er some . and sunge at -th-e ale
U: 7,107 -Th-an seten some . and sungen at -th-e nale [aaAx]
V: 7,107 _Th_enne (seten) (summe) . And (songen) atte ale
H: 7,107 -th-en seten so(m)me . & songe(n) at -th-e nale
J: 7,107 -Th-an setyn su(m)me . & sungu(n) atte nale
L: 7,107 -Th-an seten so(m)me . & songen faste at -th-e
nale [aaAx]
K: 7,107 Than sitten sume . & songen at the nale [aaAx]
W: 7,107 Than fond he losels -th-at lotred aboute [aaAx]
N: 7,107 But -th-a(n)ne seten so(m)me . & songen atte
nale [aaAx]
E: 7,107 -Th-an sett some . & songe at -th-e nale [aaAx]
M: 7,107 Than setteu(n) su(m)me . & soungen at -th-e
ale [aaAx]
H3: 7,107 Than sety(n) so(m)me . & songy(n) at -th-e
ale [aaAx]
T: 7,108 And holpen ere [th]e half akir wi[th] hey trolly lolly
H2: 7,108 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,108 And holpen to erie -th-e half acre . with hey trolly
lolly [aaaAx]
D: 7,108 And helped erye -th-e half acre . w(i)t(h) hey trolly
lolly [aaaAx]
R: 7,108 And helpe(n) to erye -th-(a)t half akre . w(i)t(h)
dusada(m)meme [aaaAx]
U: 7,108 & hulpen to erye -th-e halue acre . with { deu
sa dame e(m)me } [aaaAx]
V: 7,108 And (holpen) him to (herien) . wi_th_ "(Hey)!
trolly-lolly [aaAx]
H: 7,108 & holpe(n) hym to erie . wi-th- hay trolly lolly
J: 7,108 And holpyn him to eryyn . w(i)t(h) hoy t(ro)lly
lolly [aaaAx]
L: 7,108 And holpen to heryen -th-e half acre . with hey
trolly loll[y] [aaaAx]
K: 7,108 And holpyn earye the half acre . w(i)t(h) hey troly
loly [aaaAx]
W: 7,108 And holp to eere -th-e half acre . wi-th- hie trolly
lolly [aaaAx]
N: 7,108 & hulpyn hi(m) to erye . w(i)t(h) hey trolly
lolly [aaaAx]
E: 7,108 And holpyn to eyre -th-e half acre . w(i)t(h) dieu
or dame Emme [aaaAx]
M: 7,108 And holpen to erien -th-e alue acr(e) . with ay
trolly lolly [aaaAx]
H3: 7,108 And holpy(n) to ery-gh-en -th-(a)t half akre .
w(i)t(h) hey trolly lolly [aaaAx]
T: 7,109 Be [th]e prince of paradis q(ua)[th] piers [th]o in
H2: 7,109 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,109 Be -th-e prince of paradis . -th-o q(uo)d piers
al In wra-th--th-e [aaAx]
D: 7,109 By the prynce of paradis . q(ou)d piers in that
wrathe [aaAx]
R: 7,109 by -th-e p(ri)nce of paradys . q(uo)d per(is) -th-o
I wratthe [aaAx]
U: 7,109 By -th-e p(ri)nce of p(ar)adys . q(uo)d piers -th-o
in wratthe [aaAx]
V: 7,109 Now, be _th_e (prince) of (paradys) . qua_th_ (pers)
_th_o in wra_th__th_e [aaAx]
H: 7,109 Now by -th-e prince of p(ar)adise . q(uo)-th- peris
-th-o in wra-th- [aaAx]
J: 7,109 Be -th-e p(ri)nce of p(ar)adyse . q(uo)d perys -th-oo
in wrathe [aaAx]
L: 7,109 By -th-e prynce in paradys . q(uo)d Piers -th-o
in wrathe [aaAx]
K: 7,109 By the p(ri)nce of paradice . q(uo)d pers tho in
wrathe [aaAx]
W: 7,109 Now be -th-e prynce of paradis . q(uo)d Piers -th-an
in wre-th-the [aaAx]
N: 7,109 Now by -th-e p(ri)nce of paradys . q(uo)d p(er)kyn
-th-o in wra-th-e [aaAx]
E: 7,109 By -th-e Prince of p(ar)adyse . q(ou)d p(er)us al
in wrothe [aaAx]
M: 7,109 Be -th-e prynce of paradys . q(uo)d piers -th-o
in wrathe [aaAx]
H3: 7,109 Be -th-e p(ri)nce of p(ar)adyse . -th-o q(uo)d
pers i(n) wretthe [aaAx]
T: 7,110 But [y]if [y]e rise [th]e ra[th](er)e & rape [y]ow
to werche
H2: 7,110 But if -gh-e rise the rather . and rape -gh-ou
to werche [aaAx]
Ch: 7,110 Bot -gh-ef -gh-e Risen -th-e Ra-th-er . and Rape
-gh-ow to worche [aaAx]
D: 7,110 But if -gh-e risen -th-e rathere . & rape -gh-ow
to wurche [aaAx]
R: 7,110 but -gh-e ryse -th-e ra-th-er . & rape -gh-ou
to werche [aaAx]
U: 7,110 But -y-e rise -th-e ra-th-(er) . and rape -y-ow
to wyrche [aaAx]
V: 7,110 Bote _g_e (Rysen) _th_e (ra_th_er) . and (Rape)
_g_ow to worche [aaAx]
H: 7,110 but -gh-e rise vp -th-e ra-th-(er) . & rape
-gh-ow to werche [aaAx]
J: 7,110 But -gh-if -gh-e rysyn -th-e su(n)ner . & rape
-gh-ow to wyrche [aaAx]
L: 7,110 Bote -gh-ef -gh-e rise -th-e rathere . & rape
-gh-ou to worche [aaAx]
K: 7,110 But if ye risen the rather . & rapen you to
worchen [aaAx]
W: 7,110 But if -gh-e rise -th-e rather . and rape -gh-ow
to worche [aaAx]
N: 7,110 But -gh-e ryse -th-e ra-th-(er) . & rape -gh-ow
to worche [aaAx]
E: 7,110 Bott -y-e rise -th-e rather . & rape you to
werke [aaAx]
M: 7,110 But -y-if -y-e arysen -th-e rather . & rape
-y-ou to werche [aaAx]
H3: 7,110 But -gh-e ryse -th-e rathere . & rape -gh-ow
to werche [aaAx]
T: 7,111 Shal no greyn [th](a)t here growi[th] glade [y]ow
at nede
H2: 7,111 Schal no greyn that here groweth . glade -gh-ou
at nede [aaAx]
Ch: 7,111 Schal no greyn -th-at here growe-th- . glade -gh-ow
at nede [aaAx]
D: 7,111 Shal no greyn -th-at here groweth . glade -gh-ou
at nede [aaAx]
R: 7,111 schal no greyn -th-(a)t h(er) growe-th- . glade
-gh-ou at nede [aaAx]
U: 7,111 Schal no greyn -th-at here growith . glade -y-ou
at nede [aaAx]
V: 7,111 Schal no (greyn) _th_at heer (growe_th_) . (gladen)
ow at neode [aaAx]
H: 7,111 Shal no greyn -th-at growi-th- . glade -gh-ow at
nede [aaAx]
J: 7,111 Schal no grayne -th-(a)t her(e) growyth . glad -gh-ow
at nede [aaAx]
L: 7,111 Schal no greyn -th-at here groweth . glade -gh-ou
at nede [aaAx]
K: 7,111 Schal no greyn that here growith . gladden yow at
nede [aaAx]
W: 7,111 Shal no grayn -th-at here growe-th- . glade -gh-ow
at nede [aaAx]
N: 7,111 -Th-(er)e shal no greyne -th-(a)t here growe-th-
. glade -gh-ow at nede [aaAx]
E: 7,111 Shal no gren at here groys . glad you at nede [aaAx]
M: 7,111 Schal no greyn -th-at her(e) groweth . glade -y-ou
at nede [aaAx]
H3: 7,111 Xal no greyni(n) -th-(a)t here grow(i)t(h) . glade
-gh-ow at nede [aaAx]
T: 7,112 And [th]ei[gh] [y]e dei[gh]e for doel [th]e deuil
haue [th](a)t recche
H2: 7,112 And thei-gh- -gh-e dei-gh-e for doel . the deuel
haue -th-(a)t rec (;;;;;) [aaAx]
Ch: 7,112 And -th-ow-gh- -gh-e di-gh-e for dool . -th-e deuel
haue -th-at Recche [aaAx]
D: 7,112 And -th-ey -gh-e deye for dole . -th-e deuel hym
haue -th-(a)t rekke [aaAx]
R: 7,112 And -th-ey -gh-e deye for dol . -th-e deuel hange
-th-(a)t recke [aaAx]
U: 7,112 And -y-if -y-e deye for dool . -th-e deuel hange
-th-at recche [aaAx]
V: 7,112 And _th_auh _g_e (dyen) for (de-faute) . _th_e (deuel)
haue _th_at Recche [aaAx]
H: 7,112 & -th-ou-gh- -gh-e deie for -th-e defaut . -th-e
deuel haue -th-at recche [aaAx]
J: 7,112 And -th-ei -gh-e dey-gh-in for dole . [-th-e] deuyl
him hang -th-(a)t rekkyth [aaAx]
L: 7,112 And -th-augh -gh-e dye for defaute . -th-e deouel
haue -th-at rec[che] [aaAx]
K: 7,112 And though ye die for doole . the deuile haue that
retche [aaAx]
W: 7,112 And thogh -gh-e dien for doyl . -th-e deuel honge
-th-at reche [aaAx]
N: 7,112 & -th-eigh -gh-e dye for dole . -th-e deuel
haue -th-(a)t recche [aaAx]
E: 7,112 And if -y-e dye for dole . -th-e deuel hange -th-at
rakys [aaAx]
M: 7,112 And -th-ou -y-e deyen for dole . -th-e deuele haue
-th-(a)t reche [aaAx]
H3: 7,112 -Th-ow -gh-e dey-gh-e for dul . -th-e deuyl haue
-th-(a)t reche [aaAx]
T: 7,113 [Th]anne were faito(ur)s aferd & feynide hem blynde
H2: 7,113 Than were faito(ur)s aferd . and fayned hem (:::)
Ch: 7,113 -Th-an wer faitours aferd . and fained hem blinde
D: 7,113 Than were faitours aferd . & feynyd hem blynde
R: 7,113 -Th-a(n)ne wer(e) fayto(ur)ys aferd . and fayned
hem blynde [aaAx]
U: 7,113 -Th-anne were faytours aferid . and feyned hem blynde
V: 7,113 _Th_enne weore _th_e (faytors) (a-ferd) . And (feynede)
hem blynde [aaAx]
H: 7,113 -th-en wer(e) -th-(er) faitours fele . -th-at feyned
hem blynde [aaAx]
J: 7,113 -Th-an werin faytours aferd . & feynyd hem blinde
L: 7,113 -Th-e(n)ne weore faito(ur)s aferd . and feyned heom
blynde [aaAx]
K: 7,113 Than were faitours aferde . & faynede hem blynde
W: 7,113 Than were faytours aferd . and feyned hym blynde
N: 7,113 -Th-a(n)ne wer(e) faightouris aferd . & feyned
hem bly(n)de [aaAx]
E: 7,113 -Th-an was fatours aferd . & feyned -th-aim
blynde [aaAx]
M: 7,113 Than weryn faytours aferde . & feyned hem blynde
H3: 7,113 -Th-a(n) were faytourys aferd . & feynyd he(m)
blynde [aaAx]
T: 7,114 Somme leide here leg alery as suche losell(is) cunne
H2: 7,114 Su(m) leide her(e) leg aleri . as such lorell (::::)
Ch: 7,114 Som leide her leg alerie . as such lorelles conne
D: 7,114 Some leyden here leg alery . as loseles conne [aaaAx]
R: 7,114 some leyde -th-e leg alery . as suche loselys cou(n)ne
U: 7,114 Some leyde -th-e leg alyry . as swiche loseles cu(n)ne
V: 7,114 And summe (leiden) _th_e (legges) (a-liri) . as
suche (losels) cunne [aaaAx]
H: 7,114 & so(m)me leide -th-e leggis alery . as suche
losels ku(n)ne [aaaAx]
J: 7,114 Su(m)me leydyn her leggys alyry . as suche locels
konne [aaaAx]
L: 7,114 So(m)me leyden heore leg(es) on lyry . as suche
losels konne [aaaAx]
K: 7,114 So(m)me leide here legges alery . as such loselles
done [aaaAx]
W: 7,114 Some layde here legge alirie . as shuld lorels done
N: 7,114 So(m)me leyd -th-eire legges alery . as suche loseles
knowe-th- [aaaAx]
E: 7,114 Some lade -th-e legge of lery . as suche losell(es)
shuld [aaaAx]
M: 7,114 Su(m)me leyde her(e) legges alirrye . as soche lorelles
konne [aaaAx]
H3: 7,114 sso(m)me leydy(n) here leggys on lyre . & sweche
loselys co(n)n [aaaAx]
T: 7,115 And pleynide hem to peris wi[th] suche pitous wordis
H2: 7,115 And pleynede hem to piers . w(i)t(h) (::::)
Ch: 7,115 And pleyned hem to piers . with such petows wordes
D: 7,115 And pleyned hem to piers . w(i)t(h) suche pitous
wordes [aaAx]
R: 7,115 And pleyned hem to per(is) . w(i)t(h) suche pytous
wordis [aaAx]
U: 7,115 And pleyneden to p(er)us . wi-th- swyche pytous
wordes [aaAx]
V: 7,115 And (playneden) hem to (pers) . with suche (pitouse)
wordes [aaAx]
H: 7,115 & pleyned hem to peris . wi-th- siche pitous
wordis [aaAx]
J: 7,115 And plenyd hem to peris . w(i)t(h) swyche pytus
wordes [aaAx]
L: 7,115 And pleyned to Piers . with suche pytouse wordes
K: 7,115 And plenyde to pers . w(i)t(h) such petuouse word(is)
W: 7,115 And pleyned hem to Perkyn . wi-th- pitous wordes
N: 7,115 & pleynyd to p(er)kyn . w(i)t(h) such pitous
wordis [aaAx]
E: 7,115 And plenyd -th-aim to p(er)kyn . with pitouse wordes
M: 7,115 And pleyndyu(n) hem to piers . with pytous wordys
H3: 7,115 And pleynyd he(m) to pers . w(i)t(h) petous wordys
T: 7,116 We haue none hondis to laboure wi[th] lord ygracid
be [y]e
H2: 7,116 We haue none hond (::::::::::::::)
Ch: 7,116 We haue no handes to haue w-gh-e with . lorde Igraced
be -gh-[e] [aaAx]
D: 7,116 We haue no handes to laboure . lord graced be -gh-e
R: 7,116 We haue no lymes to laboure w(i)t(h) . lord ygraced
be -gh-e [aaAx]
U: 7,116 We haue no lymes to laboure w(i)t(h) . lord yg(ra)ced
be -th-e [aaAx]
V: 7,116 We haue no (lymes) to (labore) with . vr (lord)
we hit _th_onken [aaAx]
H: 7,116 We haue no lymes to labore wi-th- . our(e) lord
we hit -th-onken [aaAx]
J: 7,116 We haue no lymmes to labowryn w(i)t(h)) . lord -th-ankyd
be -th-e [aaAx]
L: 7,116 We hauen no lymes to labouren with . [lord Ithanked
be -gh-e] [aaAx]
K: 7,116 We han no lymmes to labo(ur) w(i)t(h) . lord Igraced
be thou [aaAx]
W: 7,116 We haue no lymes to laboure wi-th- . lord -th-onked
be -th-ow [aaAx]
N: 7,116 We haue no lymes to labo(ur) w(i)t(h) . lord yg(ra)ced
be -th-e [aaAx]
E: 7,116 We haue no lymys to labo(ur) w(i)t(h)) . lord gyff
vs grace [aaAx]
M: 7,116 We haue lemmes to labourne . lord g(ra)cied be -th-ou
H3: 7,116 We haue no(n) lemys to laboure w(i)t(h) . lord
g(ra)cyd be -gh-e [aaAx]
T: 7,117 Ac we p(re)ye for [y]ow peris & for [y]oure plou[gh]
H2: 7,117 Ac we (::::::::::::)
Ch: 7,117 Bot we praie for -gh-ow piers . and -gh-owre plow-gh-
bo-th-e [aaAx]
D: 7,117 Ac we preyen for -gh-ou piers . & for -gh-oure
plow bo-th-e [aaAx]
R: 7,117 Ac we praye for -gh-ou per(is) . and for -gh-o(ur)
plow bo-th-e [aaAx]
U: 7,117 Ac we p(re)ie for -y-ow piers . and for -y-our plow
bo-th-e [aaAx]
V: 7,117 Bote we (preye_th_) for ou, (pers) . and for oure
(plouh) bo_th_e [aaAx]
H: 7,117 but we p(re)ie for -th-ee peris . & for -th-y
plow bo-th-e [aaAx]
J: 7,117 Ac we p(ra)y-gh-en for -gh-ow peris . & for
-gh-owr(e) plowh bothin [aaAx]
L: 7,117 Bote we preyen for -gh-ou Piers . & for -gh-oure
plogh bothe [aaAx]
K: 7,117 But we p(ra)yen for you pers . & for yo(ur)
plowe bothe [aaAx]
W: 7,117 But we praye for -gh-ow piers . & for -gh-oure
plow bo-th-e [aaAx]
N: 7,117 But we pray for -gh-ow piers . & for -gh-ow
plow bo-th-e [aaAx]
E: 7,117 And we pray for -y-ow p(er)us . and for yo(ur) plough
both [aaAx]
M: 7,117 But we preyen for -y-ou piers . & for -y-our(e)
plough bo-th-e(n) [aaAx]
H3: 7,117 And we p(ra)y for -gh-ow perys . & for -gh-oure
plow bothe [aaAx]
T: 7,118 [Th]at god of his g(ra)ce [y]o(ur) greyn multiplie
H2: 7,118 Th( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,118 -Th-at god of his grace . -gh-oure greyn multiplie
D: 7,118 That god for his grace . -gh-oure greyn multiplie
R: 7,118 -Th-(a)t god for his grace . -gh-our(e) greyn multyplye
U: 7,118 -Th-at god of his g(ra)ce . -y-our greyn m(u)ltiplie
V: 7,118 _Th_at (God) for his (grace) . oure (greyn) multiplye
H: 7,118 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 7,118 -Th-(a)t god of his grete grace . -gh-owre g(ra)yne
multiplye [aaAx]
L: 7,118 -Th-at god of his grete grace . oure greyn multiplie
K: 7,118 That god of his grace . your grayne multyplye [aaAx]
W: 7,118 That god of his grace . -gh-oure goodes multiplie
N: 7,118 -Th-(a)t god of his g(ra)ce . -gh-owr(e) greyne
m(u)ltiplye [aaAx]
E: 7,118 -Th-(a)t god for hys grace . -y-our grene multiply
M: 7,118 -Th-at god of grace . -y-our(e) greynes multiplye
H3: 7,118 -Th-(a)t god of hys g(ra)ce . -gh-our greyn mltiply-gh-e
T: 7,119 And [y]elde [y]ow of [y]o(ur) almesse [th](a)t [y]e
[y]iuen vs here
H2: 7,119 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,119 And -gh-elde -gh-ow of -gh-oure almesse . -th-at
-gh-e -gh-euen vs here [axAx]
D: 7,119 And -gh-eld -gh-ow of -gh-oure Almesse . -th-at
-gh-e -gh-eue vs here [axAx]
R: 7,119 And -gh-elde -gh-ou for -gh-o(ur) almesse . -th-(a)t
-gh-e -gh-yue vs here [axAx]
U: 7,119 And -y-elde -y-ow of -y-our almes . -th-at -y-e
-y-yuen vs here [axAx]
V: 7,119 And (_g_elde) ow for oure Almus . _th_at _g_e (_g_iuen)
vs here [axAx]
H: 7,119 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 7,119 & -gh-elde -gh-ow of -gh-our(e) almus . -th-(a)t
-gh-e -gh-yfen vs here [axAx]
L: 7,119 And -gh-eilde -gh-ou for oure almes . -th-at -gh-e
-gh-euen vs here [axAx]
K: 7,119 And yeld yow for yo(ur) almes . that yow yeld vs
here [axAx]
W: 7,119 And -gh-eld -gh-ow -gh-owre almes . -gh-e -gh-ef
to vs here [axAx]
N: 7,119 & -gh-elde -gh-ow of -gh-owr(e) almes . -th-(a)t
-gh-e -gh-if vs here [axAx]
E: 7,119 And -y-elde you of your almusse . -th-(a)t -y-e
gyf vs here [axAx]
M: 7,119 & -y-elde -y-ou of -y-our(e) almasse . -th-at
-y-e -y-eue(n)n vs her(e) [axAx]
H3: 7,119 And -gh-elde -gh-ow -gh-o(ur) almesse . -th-(a)t
-gh-e do vs here [axAx]
T: 7,120 ffor we mowe not swynke ne swete such seknesse vs
H2: 7,120 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,120 ffor we mow not swete no swynke . such sekenesse
vs aile-th- [aaAx]
D: 7,120 ffor we mow not swynke ne swete . such sykenes vs
eyle-th- [aaAx]
R: 7,120 ffor we mowe no-th-(er) swete ne swynke . such febelnysse
vs eyle-th- [aaAx]
U: 7,120 ffor we mowe neyther swete ne swi(n)ke . siche feblesse
vs eyle-th- [aaAx]
V: 7,120 ffor we mowe nou_th_ur (swynke) ne (swete) . such
(seknes) vs eile_th_ [aaAx]
H: 7,120 for we may no-th-(er) swinke ne swete . siche sikenes
vs eyle-th- [aaAx]
J: 7,120 ffor we mow neythir swy(n)ckyn ner swetyn . swyche
se[k]nes v(us) eyl[e-th-] [aaAx]
L: 7,120 ffor we mowe nou-th-(er) swynke no swete . such
seknesse v[s eile-th-] [aaAx]
K: 7,120 ffor we mowen neyther swynk ne for payne swete [aaAx]
W: 7,120 ffor we ne mow swynk ne swete . suche siknesse vs
aille-th- [aaAx]
N: 7,120 ffor we may in no maner swy(n)ke . suche seknesse
vs eyle-th- [aaAx]
E: 7,120 ffor we may nother swete ne swynke . so febyll we
ben [aaAx]
M: 7,120 ffor we ne may swenky(n) ne swete . soch sykenes
vs heiles [aaAx]
H3: 7,120 ffor we mou(n) ne-th-(er) swynky(n) no(n) swety(n)
. sweche seknesse vs eylyth [aaAx]
T: 7,121 [Y]ef it be so[th] qua[th] peris [th](a)t [y]e seyn
I shal it sone aspie
H2: 7,121 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,121 -Gh-ef hit be so-th- q(uo)d piers . -th-at -gh-e
seyn I schal it sone aspie [axAa]
D: 7,121 yf it be so-th- q(ou)d piers . -th-(a)t -gh-e seyn
y schal it sone Aspye [axAa]
R: 7,121 -gh-if hit be q(uo)d per(is) . -th-(a)t -gh-e seye
I schal hit sone aspye [axAa]
U: 7,121 -Y-if it be so q(uo)d Piers . I schal it sone aspie
V: 7,121 _Y_if hit beo (so_th_) _th_at _g_e (seyne) quod
pers . (sone) I schal a-spye [aaxAx]
H: 7,121 -Gh-if it be so-th- q(uo)-th- peris . soone I shal
aspie [axAa]
J: 7,121 -Gh-if it be so q(uo)d pers . as -gh-e seyne I schal
it sone aspyen [axAa]
L: 7,121 -Gh-ef hit beo soth . -th-at -gh-e sayn I schal
sone aspie [axAa]
K: 7,121 Yf it be soth q(uo)d pers . that ye sayen I schal
it sone espye [axAa]
W: 7,121 -Gh-if it be so-th- -th-at -gh-e sayn q(uo)d piers
. I shal it sone aspie [axAa]
N: 7,121 -Gh-if it be so-th- . -th-(a)t -gh-e seyn I schal
it sone aspye [axAa]
E: 7,121 Yf it be soth q(ou)d p(er)kyn . I shal it sone aspye
M: 7,121 -Y-if it be sothe -th-at -gh-e seyen q(uo)d piers
I shalt it sone aspye(n)n [axAa]
H3: 7,121 -Gh-yf it be soth q(uo)d p(er)rs . -th-(a)t -gh-e
seyn I xal et aspy-gh-e [axAa]
T: 7,122 [Y]e ben wastours I wot wet & treu[th]e wot [th]e
H2: 7,122 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,122 -Gh-e ben wastours I wot wele . and trew-th-e wote
-th-e so-th-e [aaAx]
D: 7,122 -Gh-e ben wastours y wot wel . & treu-th-e wot
-th-e sothe [aaAx]
R: 7,122 -Gh-e be-th- wastor(es) I wot wel . & tru-th-e
wot -th-e so-th-e [aaAx]
U: 7,122 -Y-e ben wastours y wot wel . and treuthe wot -th-e
so-th-e [aaAx]
V: 7,122 _Y_e beo_th_ (wastors), I (wot) . and treu_th_e
(wot) _th_e so_th_e [aaAx]
H: 7,122 -Gh-e be-th- wastours I wot . & treu-th-e woot
-th-e so-th-e [aaAx]
J: 7,122 Bot -gh-e ben wastours I wote wele . & t(reu)the
wot -th-e sothe [aaAx]
L: 7,122 -Gh-e beon wastours y wot wel . & trouthe wot
-th-e sothe [aaAx]
K: 7,122 Ye ben wasto(ur)(es) I wote well . & truth wote
the sothe [aaAx]
W: 7,122 -Gh-e be wastours I wene . & treu-th- wot -th-e
sothe [aaAx]
N: 7,122 -Gh-e be wasto(ur)s I wot wel . & trew-th-e
wot -th-e so-th-e [aaAx]
E: 7,122 -Y-e ben wasto(ur)s I wote . & nowe I knaw -th-e
sothe [aaAx]
M: 7,122 -Y-e arne wastours I wote wele . trewth wot -th-e
sothe [aaAx]
H3: 7,122 -Gh-e be(n) wastours I wot wel . trewth wot -th-e
sothe [aaAx]
T: 7,123 And I am his olde hyne & au[gh]te hym to warne
H2: 7,123 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,123 And I am his olde hyne . and au-gh-t hym to warne
D: 7,123 And I am his old hyne . & ou-gh-te hym to warne
R: 7,123 And I am his olde hyne . I au-gh-te hym to warne
U: 7,123 And I am his olde hyne . I aughte hym to warne [aaAx]
V: 7,123 Icham his (holde) (hyne) . and (ou_g_te) him to
warne [aaAx]
H: 7,123 I am his holde hyne . & au-gh-t hym to warne
J: 7,123 And I am his holde hyne . & awht him to warne
L: 7,123 And I am his hold hyne . & aughte him to warne
K: 7,123 And I ame his olde hyne . & owght hym to warne
W: 7,123 And I am his old hyne . & aght hym to warne
N: 7,123 & I am his holde hyne . & awght hi(m) to
warne [aaAx]
E: 7,123 And I am god(es) awne hyne . & aught hym to
warne [aaAx]
M: 7,123 & I haue his holde hyne . I hougte him to warne
H3: 7,123 And I am hys old hyne . & augthe hy(m) to warne
T: 7,124 Suche wasto(ur)s in [th]is world his werkmen distroye[th]
H2: 7,124 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,124 Such wastours In -th-is world . his werkemen distroie-th-
D: 7,124 Such wastours in world . his wyrkme(n) distroye-th-
R: 7,124 Whyche wastor(es) in -th-(i)s wordle . his werkmen
to destroyin [aaAx]
U: 7,124 Whiche wasto(ur)s in -th-is world . his werkmen
destroien [aaAx]
V: 7,124 Whuche (wastors) In (world) . his (werk-Men) distruy_g_en
H: 7,124 Suche wastours in -th-e world . his werkmen destroi-gh-e(n)
J: 7,124 Qwyche wasto(ur)s in -th-is werlde . his werkmen
dystroye [aaAx]
L: 7,124 Suche wastours in world . his werkmen distryeth
K: 7,124 Which wastours in this worlde . his workmen distroyen
W: 7,124 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 7,124 Wyche wasto(ur)s in worlde . his werkmen destrue-th-
E: 7,124 Siche wasto(ur)s in -th-is world . hys werkme(n)
distroys [aaAx]
M: 7,124 Sweche wastours in -th-ys world . his werkemen schende
H3: 7,124 ssweche wastours i(n) werld . hys werkme(n) distroy-gh-e
T: 7,125 [Y]e eten [th](a)t I shulde ete [th]at eren for vs
H2: 7,125 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,125 -Gh-e eten -th-at -th-ei schuld eten . -th-at erien
for vs alle [aaAa]
D: 7,125 -Gh-e eten -th-(a)t -th-ey schuld eten . -th-(a)t
eryen for vs alle [aaAa]
R: 7,125 -Gh-e eten -th-(a)t I schulde ete . -th-(a)t erye
for vs alle [aaAa]
U: 7,125 -Gh-e eten -th-at -th-ei schulde ete . -th-at erien
for vs alle [aaAa]
V: 7,125 _Y_e (eten) _th_at _th_ei schulden (eten) . _th_at
swynken for vs (alle) [aaAa]
H: 7,125 -Gh-e eten -th-at -th-ei shulde ete . -th-at erie(n)
for -gh-ow alle [aaAa]
J: 7,125 -Gh-e etyn -th-(a)t -th-ey schuld etyn . -th-(a)t
swynkyn for v(us) alle [aaAa]
L: 7,125 -Gh-e eten -th-at -th-ey scholde eten . -th-at heryen
for vs alle [aaAa]
K: 7,125 Ye eten that they schuld eten . that eryen for vs
alle [aaAa]
W: 7,125 -Gh-e eten -th-at -th-ay shuld hete . -th-at tilen
for vs alle [aaAa]
N: 7,125 -Gh-e eten -th-(a)t hij sholde ete . -th-(a)t ery
for vs alle [aaAa]
E: 7,125 -Y-e eten at -th-ai suld ete . -th-(a)t eyre for
vs all(e) [aaAa]
M: 7,125 -Th-at wastene -th-at -th-ey schulden etene . -th-(a)t
for vs alle [aaAa]
H3: 7,125 -Gh-e ety(n) -th-(a)t -th-ei xuld ety(n) . -th-(a)t
swy(n)ky(n) for vs alle [aaAa]
T: 7,126 Ac treu[th]e shal teche [y]ow his tem for to dryue
H2: 7,126 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,126 Bot trew-th-e schal teche -gh-ow . his teem for
to driue [aaAx]
D: 7,126 Ac treuthe schal teche -gh-ow . his teme for to
dryue [aaAx]
R: 7,126 Ac truthe schal teche -gh-ou . hys teem for to dryue
U: 7,126 Ac treuthe schal teche -y-ow . his teem for to dryue
V: 7,126 Bote (Treu_th_e) schal (techen) ow . his (Teeme)
for to dryue [aaAx]
H: 7,126 But treu-th-e shal teche -gh-ow . his teme for to
dryue [aaAx]
J: 7,126 Ac t(ru)the schal techin -gh-ow . his teeme for
to dryue [aaAx]
L: 7,126 Bote trouthe schal teche -gh-ou . his tem for to
dryue [aaAx]
K: 7,126 But truthe schall teche yow . his teme for to dryue
W: 7,126 But trou-th- most teche -gh-ow . his teme for to
driue [aaAx]
N: 7,126 But trw-th-e shal teche -gh-ow . his teem for to
dryue [aaAx]
E: 7,126 And trouthe shal teche you . hys teem for to dryve
M: 7,126 But treweth shal techn -y-ou . his plough for to
dryuen [aaAx]
H3: 7,126 And trewthe xal techyn -gh-ow . hys tyme to dyne
T: 7,127 Bo[th]e to setten & to sowen & sauen his tel[th]e
H2: 7,127 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,127 Bo-th-e to setten and to sow-gh-en . and sauen
his tel-th-e [aaAx]
D: 7,127 Bo-th-e to setten and to sowe . & sauen his
tel-th-e [aaAx]
R: 7,127 Bo-th-e to sette and to sowe . and to saue his til-th-e
U: 7,127 Bo-th-e setten & sowe . and sauen his tilthe
V: 7,127 Bo_th_e to (sowen) and to (setten) . and (sauen)
his til_th_e [aaAx]
H: 7,127 Bo-th-e to sette & to sowe . & saue(n) his
tel-th- [aaAx]
J: 7,127 Bothin to settyn & to sowyn . & sauyn his
tylthe [aaAx]
L: 7,127 Bothe to setten & sowe . and sauen his til-th-e
K: 7,127 Both to sett & to sowen . & to sauen his
tylthe [aaAx]
W: 7,127 Bo-th-e to sette and to sowe . & sawen his tilth
N: 7,127 Bo-th-e to sette & to sowe . & sauen his
til-th-e [aaAx]
E: 7,127 Bot to sette & to sawe . &d to saue hys
tylthe [aaAx]
M: 7,127 Bo-th-en to setten & to sowen . & saue his
tylthe [aaAx]
H3: 7,127 Bothe sette & sowe . & sauy(n) hys tylth
T: 7,128 Chase gees from his corn kepen hise bestis
H2: 7,128 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,128 Chase gees fro his corn . and kepe his beestes
D: 7,128 Chase gees fro his corn . kepen his bestes [aaAx]
R: 7,128 Chace gees from -th-e corn . & kepe his bestis
U: 7,128 Chase gees fro -th-e corn . and kepen his bestis
V: 7,128 Gaste (Crowen) from his (Corn) . and (kepen) his
Beestes [aaAx]
H: 7,128 gast crowen fro -th-e corn . & kepe(n) his bestis
J: 7,128 To kepyn crowys fro -th-e corne . & kepyn his
bestys [aaAx]
L: 7,128 Kaire crowes from his korn . kepen hise bestes [aaAx]
K: 7,128 Catche crowes from his corne . & kepen his bestes
W: 7,128 Gaste gees fro -th-e corn . & kepen hise bestes
N: 7,128 Cacche crowes fro -th-e corne . & also kepe
his bestys [aaAx]
E: 7,128 Chase gees from -th-e corne . & kepyn hys best(is)
M: 7,128 Cacche crowes fro his corne . & kepe his bestis
H3: 7,128 Cacche gees from hys corn . & kepyn hys bestys
T: 7,129 Or [y]e shuln ete barly bred & of [th]e brod drynke
H2: 7,129 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,129 Or -gh-e schul eten barly brede . and of -th-e
broke drinken [aaAx]
D: 7,129 Or -gh-e schal eten barly bred . & of -th-e
broke drynke [aaAx]
R: 7,129 Or -gh-e sculle eten barly bred . and of -th-e brok
drynke [aaAx]
U: 7,129 Or -y-e schul ete barly breed . & of -th-e brook
drynken [aaAx]
V: 7,129 Or _g_e schulle ete (Barly) (Bred) . and of _th_e
(Brok) drynke [aaAx]
H: 7,129 o-th-(er) -gh-e shull ete barly breed . & of
-th-e broke drink [aaAx]
J: 7,129 Othir -gh-e schul etyn barly brede . & of -th-e
broke drinkyn [aaAx]
L: 7,129 Or -gh-e schulen ete barly bred . & -th-e brok
drynke [aaAx]
K: 7,129 Or ye schull eten barlich brede . & of the broke
drynken [aaAx]
W: 7,129 Or -gh-e shull ete barly bred . & of -th-e brook
drynke [aaAx]
N: 7,129 Or -gh-e schal ete barly bred . & of -th-e broke
drynke [aaAx]
E: 7,129 Or -y-e schal ete barle brede . and of -th-e broke
drinke [aaAx]
M: 7,129 Or -y-e shul etyn barly brede . & of -th-e broke
drynke [aaAx]
H3: 7,129 Or -gh-e xul ety(n) barly bred . & of -th-e
brok drynke [aaAx]
T: 7,130 But he be blynd or brokesshankid or beddrede ligge
H2: 7,130 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,130 Bot he be blynde or brokeschanked . or bedrede
ligge [aaAx]
D: 7,130 But he be blynde or brokesshanked . or bedrede ligge
R: 7,130 But he be blynd o-th-(er) brokeschankyd . o-th-(er)
bedred lygg(es) [aaAx]
U: 7,130 But he be blynd or brokeschankyd . or bedrede ligge
V: 7,130 Bote heo beo (blynde) or (broke-schonket) . or (bedreden)
liggen [aaAx]
H: 7,130 but -gh-e be blynde or bedrede or ellis brokeshankid
J: 7,130 But he be blinde or brokelymed . or bedred lygge
L: 7,130 Bote -gh-ef he beo blynd or brokeschanked . or bedrede
K: 7,130 But if he be blynde or brokyn schankyd . or beddrede
lyggyn [aaAx]
W: 7,130 But -gh-e be blynde brokelymed . or bedrede lygge
N: 7,130 But -gh-e be blynde or brokshanked . or bedered
lygge [aaAx]
E: 7,130 Bott -y-e be blynd or brokyn . or beddryn legg(es)
M: 7,130 But -y-e be blynde or brokenschanked . or Bredred
liggeth [aaAx]
H3: 7,130 But he be blynd or brokescha(n)kyd . & bedrede
lygge [aaAx]
T: 7,131 [Th]ei shuln ete as good as I so me god helpe
H2: 7,131 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,131 -Th-ei schul ete as gode as I so me god helpe [????]
D: 7,131 -Th-ey schal eten as good as I so me god helpe [????]
R: 7,131 -Gh-e schulle as I, so me god helpe [????]
U: 7,131 -Y-e schul eten as I seie so me god helpe [????]
V: 7,131 _Th_ei schul haue as (good) as (I) . so me (god)
(helpe) [abAb]
H: 7,131 -th-en shulle -gh-e haue as good as I so me god
help [????]
J: 7,131 -Th-ei schullyn etyn as goode as I . so me god helpe
L: 7,131 -Th-ey schuln ete as good y so me god helpe [????]
K: 7,131 Ye schull eten as good as I so me god helpe [????]
W: 7,131 Than shul -gh-e ete as good as I . so god me helpe
N: 7,131 Hij shal ete as god as I . so me god helpe [????]
E: 7,131 -Y-e schal etyn as I sayd as so me god help [????]
M: 7,131 ffor -th-ey shul etyn as god as I so me god helpe
H3: 7,131 -Th-ei xul ete as good as I so me god helpe [????]
T: 7,132 Til god of his g(ra)ce gare hym to arise
H2: 7,132 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,132 Tille god of his grace . ger hem arise [aaAx]
D: 7,132 Tyl god of his g(ra)ce . gar hem to aryse [aaAx]
R: 7,132 Til god of his grace . ger(e) hem to aryse [aaAx]
V: 7,132 --- this line om --
H: 7,132 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 7,132 Til god of his grete g(ra)ce . graunte hem to aryse
L: 7,132 Til god of his grete grace . graunte hom to arise
K: 7,132 Til god of his g(ra)ce . make hem to arise [aaAx]
W: 7,132 Til -th-at god of his grace . gar -gh-ow arise [aaAx]
N: 7,132 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 7,132 To god of hys grace . gar hym to aryse [aaAx]
M: 7,132 Til god of his g(ra)ce . make hem arise [aaAx]
H3: 7,132 Tyl god of hys g(ra)ce . make he(m)m to ryse [aaAx]
T: 7,133 Ankeris & heremytes [th](a)t holde hem in here
H2: 7,133 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,133 Ankres and ermites . -th-at holden hem In her selles
D: 7,133 Ankers & hermytes . -th-at hold hem in here
selles [aaAx]
R: 7,133 Anker(is) and ermit(es) . -th-(a)t holde-th- hem
in her sellys [aaAx]
V: 7,133 (Ancres) and (Hermytes) . _th_at (holde_th_) hem
in heore Celles [aaAx]
H: 7,133 Anc(er)s & heremytes . -th-at holde-th- hem
in her(e) cellis [aaAx]
J: 7,133 Ankyrs & ermytys . -th-(a)t holden hem in her
sellys [aaAx]
L: 7,133 Ancres & heremytes . -th-at holden hom in heore
cell[is] [aaAx]
K: 7,133 Ankers & heremytes . that holden hem in her
sellis [aaAx]
W: 7,133 Ancres and armetes . -th-at holden to here selle
N: 7,133 Ancres & hermytes . -th-(a)t holde hem in celles
E: 7,133 Ankers & hermyt(es) . at hald(es) -th-aim in
sellys [aaAx]
M: 7,133 Ancres & heremites . -th-at holdyn hem i(n)
her(e) selle [aaAx]
H3: 7,133 Ankerys & hermyt(es) . -th-(a)t holdy(n) he(m)
i(n) her sellys [aaAx]
T: 7,134 Shuln haue of myn almesse al [th]e while I libbe
H2: 7,134 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,134 Schullen haue of myn almes . al -th-e while I libbe
D: 7,134 Schul haue of my(n) Almesse . alle -th-e while I
libbe [aaAx]
R: 7,134 -Gh-e schul haue of my(n) almesse . al -th-e while
I lybbe [aaAx]
U: 7,134 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 7,134 Schulen (habben) of myn (Almus) . (Al) _th_e while
I liue [aaAx]
H: 7,134 Shul haue of myne almes . while -th-at y lyue [aaAx]
J: 7,134 Schully(n) hauyn of myn Almus . al -th-e qwyle I
lybbe [aaAx]
L: 7,134 Schulen haue of myn almes . al -th-e while y libbe
K: 7,134 Schullen haue of myn almes . al the whiles I lyue
W: 7,134 Shul haue of myn halmes . al -th-e while I leue
N: 7,134 Shal haue of myn almesse . al -th-e while I lyue
E: 7,134 Sal haue of myn almusse . al -th-e qwyle I leve
M: 7,134 Shal haue of myn almesse . alle -th-e whyle -th-(a)t
I libbe [aaAx]
H3: 7,134 Xul haue(n) of my(n) almesse . al -th-e qwyle I
leue [aaAx]
U: 7,133 Ancres & hermytes . -th-at holden hem in here selles [aaAx]
U: 7,134 Schulle haue of myn almesse . al -th-e whyle I libbe [aaAx]
T: 7,135 Inou[gh] iche day at non ac no more til on [th]e morewe
H2: 7,135 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,135 Inow-gh- ech day at none . bot no more tille on
-th-e morne [aaAbb]
D: 7,135 ynow-gh- eche day at noone . ac no more or morowe
R: 7,135 ynow eche day at non . at no mor(e) ar morwe [aaAbb]
U: 7,135 Inow eche day at none . ac namore er morwe [aaAbb]
V: 7,135 (I-nouh) vche day at (Non) . but (no) (more) til
a (morwe) [aaAbb]
H: 7,135 Inowe eche day at noon . & no more til -th-e
morwe [aaAbb]
J: 7,135 Inowh eu(er) I day at noone . bot no more til on
morowh [aaAbb]
L: 7,135 Ynogh vche day at none . & no more or morewe
K: 7,135 Inowe eche day at none . but no more or morowe [aaAbb]
W: 7,135 Inogh eche day eet none no more er -th-e morwe [aaAbb]
N: 7,135 ynowgh eche day at none . but no more aftre [aaAbb]
E: 7,135 And now iche day at noon . & no more or morowe
M: 7,135 Inowe eche daye at none . but no mor(e) or a morwe
H3: 7,135 Inow eche day at nou(n) . & no more tyl -th-e
morwe [aaAbb]
T: 7,136 Lest his flessh & [th]e fend foulide his soule
H2: 7,136 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,136 Lest his flesch and -th-e fende . fowled his soule
D: 7,136 Lest his flessh & -th-e fend . fouled his soule
R: 7,136 Lest his flesch and -th-e fend . foulyd his soule
U: 7,136 Lest -th-e feend and his flesche . folowed togidr(e)s
V: 7,136 Leste _th_e (ffend) and heore (flesch) . (fouleden)
heore soules [aaAx]
H: 7,136 lest -th-e fend & her(e) flesch . folewen her(e)
soulis [aaAx]
J: 7,136 -Th-(a)t -th-e fende ne his fleche . defowle nouht
his sowle [aaAx]
L: 7,136 Leste heore flesch & -th-e feond . fouled heore
soule [aaAx]
K: 7,136 Lest his flesche & the fend . fowlen his soule
W: 7,136 Lest -th-e fend & -th-e flesh . greuen here
soule [aaAx]
N: 7,136 Lest his flesche & -th-e fende . fowled his
sowle [aaAx]
E: 7,136 -Th-ai lat -th-e flesh & -th-e fend . folow
-th-e saule [aaAx]
M: 7,136 Lest his flesshe & -th-e fend . folwele his
sowele [aaAx]
H3: 7,136 Lest -th-e flesch & -th-e fend . fowly(n) hys
soule [aaAx]
T: 7,137 Ones at noon is ynou[gh] [th](a)t no werk ne vsi[th]
H2: 7,137 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,137 Ones at none is Inow-gh-e . -th-at no werke vse-th-
D: 7,137 Ones at noon is Inow-gh- . -th-(a)t no werke vse-th-
R: 7,137 Onys at non is ynow-gh- . -th-at no werk ne vsy-th-
U: 7,137 Ones at non is ynow . -th-at no werk vse-th- [aaAxx]
V: 7,137 Ones at (Noon) Is (I-nou_g_) . _th_at (no) werk
ne vse_th_ [aaAx]
H: 7,137 onys at noon is ynow . -th-at no werk ne vsi-th-
J: 7,137 Onys at noone it is Inowh . to him -th-(a)t no werk
vsyth [aaAxx]
L: 7,137 Ones at none is ynogh . -th-at no werk vseth [aaAxx]
K: 7,137 Ons at noone is Inowgh . that no work ne vseth [aaAxx]
W: 7,137 Ones at none is Inowgh . -th-at no werk vse-th-
N: 7,137 Onys a day is ynow . -th-(a)t no craft ne vse-th-
E: 7,137 Onys at noon is enogh . -th-(a)t no werke vsys [aaAxx]
M: 7,137 Ones atte none is Inowe . -th-at no werke vsith
H3: 7,137 Onys at nou(n) is Inow . -th-(a)t no werk vsyd
T: 7,138 He abide[th] wel [th]e bet(er)e [th](a)t bu(m)mi[th]
nou[gh]t to ofte
H2: 7,138 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,138 He abide-th- wel -th-e better . -th-at bumme-th-
nou-gh-t to ofte [aaAx]
D: 7,138 He abydeth wel -th-e bett(er) . -th-(a)t bumme-th-
not ofte [aaAx]
R: 7,138 He abyde-th- wel -th-e beter(e) . -th-(a)t bo(m)me-th-
not to of-th-e [aaAx]
U: 7,138 He abide-th- wel -th-e bet(er)e . -th-at bu(m)meth
noght to ofte [aaAx]
V: 7,138 He (abyde_th_) wel _th_e (bet) . _th_at (Bomme_th_)
not to ofte [aaAx]
H: 7,138 he abide-th- wel -th-e bett(er) . -th-at ne bo(m)me-th-
not to oft [aaAx]
J: 7,138 He vmbydyth wele -th-e bett(er) . -th-(a)t bumbyth
nouth oftyn [aaAx]
L: 7,138 He abideth wel -th-e bettre . -th-at bo(m)meth not
ofte [aaAx]
K: 7,138 He abydith wel the better . that bommeth not ofte
W: 7,138 He abide-th- wel -th-e bettre . -th-at bu(m)me-th-
not oft [aaAx]
N: 7,138 He bide-th- -th-e bettre . -th-(a)t bomme-th- nou-gh-t
oft [aaAx]
E: 7,138 He abyd(es) wel -th-e bett(er) . -th-(a)t bumme-th-
noght to ofte [aaAx]
M: 7,138 He abitte wele -th-e better(e) . -th-at bummith
not to ofte [aaAx]
H3: 7,138 He beth wel -th-e bett(er) . -th-(a)t etyth nouth
to ofte [aaAx]
T: 7,139 [Th]anne gan wasto(ur) arise & wolde haue yfou[gh]te
H2: 7,139 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,139 -Th-an gan -th-e wastour arise . and wold haue
Ifou-gh-te [axAx]
D: 7,139 -Th-an gan wasto(ur) aryse . & wolde haue Ifou-gh-te
R: 7,139 -Th-an gan -th-e wastor(es) aryse . and wolde haue
yfou-gh-te [axAx]
U: 7,139 -Th-an gan wastour arise . & wolde haue yfoughte
V: 7,139 _Th_Enne (wastours) gunne arise . & (wolden)
han I-fouhte [axAx]
H: 7,139 -th-an bygan wasto(ur) to rise . & wold haue
yfou-gh-te [axAx]
J: 7,139 -Th-an gan a wasto(ur) arisyn . & wold haue
Ifowhtyn [axAx]
L: 7,139 -Th-anne can wastour arise . & wolde haue yfought[e]
K: 7,139 Than gan wasto(ur) arise . & woulde haue Ifoughte
W: 7,139 Than gan wastour arise . and wold fayn haue foght
N: 7,139 Thanne rose wasto(ur) . & wolde han Ifou-gh-te
E: 7,139 -th-an wald wasto(ur) ryse . & nedely wald fou-gh-ten
M: 7,139 Than beganne wastour . & wolde haue Ifougten
H3: 7,139 Tho byga(n) wastour . & wolde a fouthen [axAx]
T: 7,140 To peris [th]e plou[gh]man he p(ro)fride his gloue
H2: 7,140 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,140 To piers -th-e plou-gh-man . he proferd his gloue
D: 7,140 To piers -th-e plou-gh-ma(n) . he p(ro)fered his
gloue [aaAx]
R: 7,140 To pers -th-e plowman . he proferyd his gloue [aaAx]
U: 7,140 To piers -th-e plowman . he p(ro)fride his gloue
V: 7,140 To (Pers) _th_e (plouh) Mon . And (profrede) his
gloue [aaAx]
H: 7,140 To peris -th-e plowman . one p(ro)frid his gloue
J: 7,140 To pers -th-o plowhman . he p(ro)fered his gloue
L: 7,140 To Piers -th-e ploghman . he p(ro)fered his gloue
K: 7,140 To piers the plowman . he p(ro)fered his gloue [aaAx]
W: 7,140 To piers the plowman . he profred his gloue [aaAx]
N: 7,140 To p(er)kyn -th-e ploughma(n) . he p(ro)fered his
gloue [aaAx]
E: 7,140 To p(er)kyn -th-e ploughman . he p(er)sued fast
M: 7,140 To piers -th-e ploweman . he proferd his gloue [aaAx]
H3: 7,140 To perys -th-e plowma(n) . he p(ro)feryd hys gloue
T: 7,141 A bretoner a bragg(er)e he bostide hym also
H2: 7,141 A bryton(er) a bragger(e) . he bostide hi(m) also
Ch: 7,141 A bretoner a bragger . he bosted hym also [aaAx]
D: 7,141 A breton(er) a braggere . he bosted hym also [aaAx]
R: 7,141 A bretonyr a bragger(e) . bostede hym also [aaAx]
U: 7,141 A brytoner a bragger(e) . bostide hym also [aaAx]
V: 7,141 A (Brutiner), A (Braggere) . (A-Bostede) him Alse
H: 7,141 a britoner(e) a bragger(e) . a bostid hym also [aaAx]
J: 7,141 A breto(n)ner a bragger . a bostyd him also [aaAx]
L: 7,141 A bretoner a bragger . he bosteth him alse [aaAx]
K: 7,141 A britoner a bragour . bosted hym also [aaAx]
W: 7,141 And bretoner a braggere . a bosted hym als [aaAx]
N: 7,141 A britoner a braggar . a bosted hi(m) alse [aaAx]
E: 7,141 A Briton(er) a bragg(er) . bost hym also [aaAx]
M: 7,141 A Bretinor a Bragger . a bosted him alse [aaAx]
H3: 7,141 A breto(n)nnere & a braggare . a bostyd hy(m)
als [aaAx]
T: 7,142 And bad hym go pisse wi[th] his plou[gh] pilide shrewe
H2: 7,142 And bad hi(m) go pysse with plou-gh- . pilede schrewe
Ch: 7,142 he badde hym go pisse hym with his plow-gh- . pilled
schrewe [aaAx]
D: 7,142 And bad hym go pisse w(i)t(h) -th-e plow-gh- . pyled
schrewe [aaAx]
R: 7,142 And bad hy(m) go pysse hym w(i)t(h) his plow . pylede
schrewe [aaAx]
U: 7,142 And bad hym go pisse wi-th- his plow . pylede schrewe
V: 7,142 And bad go (pisse) him with his (plouh) . (pillede)
screwe [aaAx]
H: 7,142 & bade hym go pisse hym & his plow . olde
pilede shrewe [aaAx]
J: 7,142 Bad him w(i)t(h) his plowh . pylled sc[h]rewe [aaAx]
L: 7,142 And bad him go pisse with his plogh . pelled schre[we]
K: 7,142 And bad hym goo pisse with his plough . pillid schrewe
W: 7,142 And bad hym go pysse wi-th- his plowe . pilled shrewe
N: 7,142 Bad hi(m) go pisse w(i)t(h) his plow . pyled sherewe
E: 7,142 And Bad hym go pisse hym w(i)t(h) all(e) hys plough
pelyd shrew [aaAx]
M: 7,142 And badde him go pissen him w(i)t(h) his plough
pyned schr(e) [aaAx]
H3: 7,142 And bad hy(m) go pysse hy(m) w(i)t(h) hys plow
. pynyd swerwe [aaAx]
T: 7,143 Wilt [th](o)u nilt [th]ou we wile haue oure wil of
[th]is flo(ur)
H2: 7,143 (::: )hou nyltou . wyl we haue our(e) wylle of
this flo(ur) [axAa]
Ch: 7,143 Wiltow nell(e) -th-ow . we wol(e) haue oure wille
of -th-is floure [axAa]
D: 7,143 Wilt -th-(o)u nelt -th-(o)u . we wil haue -th-e
wil of -th-is floure [axAa]
R: 7,143 wille -th-(o)u nelle -th-(o)u . we wil haue our(e)
wil of -th-y flo(ur) [axAa]
U: 7,143 Wil -th-(o)u nyl -th-(o)u . we wol haue of -th-i
floure [axAa]
V: 7,143 ffor we wolen habbe of _th_i fflour . wol _th_ou
so nulle _th_ou [????]
H: 7,143 wolt(o)u nelt(o)u . we wole haue ynow of -th-y flour(e)
J: 7,143 Wyltow nyltow . we willyn haue oure wille [axAa]
L: 7,143 Woltow or nyltow . we woln haue oure wille [axAa]
K: 7,143 Wiltow nyltow . we wol haue oure wille [axAa]
W: 7,143 ffor wiltow or nyltow . we shul haue oure wille
N: 7,143 ffor wiltow ne wiltow . we wil haue our(e) wille
E: 7,143 Will -th-ou or nyll(e) -th-ou . we wolle haue own
will(e) of -th-i floure [axAa]
M: 7,143 Wilt -th-(o)u or nylt -th-(o)u . we wullen haue
hour(e) wille [axAa]
H3: 7,143 Wylt -th-(o)u or nylt -th-(o)u . we wyl haue our
wyl [axAa]
T: 7,144 And [th]i flessh fecche awey whanne vs like[th]
H2: 7,144 (:::::)esch . fette away whan vs lyketh [aaAx]
Ch: 7,144 And -th-i flesch . fette away whan vs like-th-
D: 7,144 And -th-y flessh . fecche away whan -th-(a)t vs
liketh [aaAx]
R: 7,144 Thy flees fette away . wa(n)ne so vs lyky-th- [aaAx]
U: 7,144 -Th-i flesche . fetten awey whan so vs liketh [aaAx]
V: 7,144 And of _th_i (fflesch) (fecche) . whon _th_at vs
lyke_th_ [aaXx]
H: 7,144 & of -th-y flesch . & -th-y fysch when -th-at
vs like-th- [aaAx]
J: 7,144 Of -th-i floure & of -th-i fleche . to fechin
qwan v(us) lykyth [aaAx]
L: 7,144 Of -th-y flour & of -th-y flesch . fette when
vs likyth [aaAx]
K: 7,144 And of thy floure & of thy flesche . fetche
whan vs liketh [aaAx]
W: 7,144 Of -th-i flour & -th-i flesh . fette whan vs
like-th- [aaAx]
N: 7,144 Of -th-i flowre & of -th-i flesche . fecche
whan vs lyke-th- [aaAx]
E: 7,144 --- this line om ---
M: 7,144 & of -th-y flour & of -th-y flessh . fecche
whan wan vs lyketh [aaAx]
H3: 7,144 Of -th-i(n) flo(ur) & of -th-i(n) flesch .
fetche qwa(n) vs lykyt [aaAx]
T: 7,145 And make vs m(er)ye [th](er)wi[th] maugre [th]i chekis
H2: 7,145 (:::::::::) mery ther(e)with . maugre thi chekys
Ch: 7,145 And make vs mery -th-erwith . maugry -th-y chekes
D: 7,145 And make vs mery -th-(er)with . maugre -th-y Chekes
R: 7,145 And [make] vs merye -th-(er)w(i)t(h) . maugre -th-y
chekys [aaAx]
U: 7,145 And make vs merye -th-(er)wi-th- . maugre -th-i
chekes [aaAx]
V: 7,145 --- this line om --
H: 7,145 & make vs mery -th-(er)wi-th- . mawgr(e) -th-y
chekis [aaAx]
J: 7,145 And makyn vs myry -th-(er)w(i)t(h) . mawgreth thy
chekys [aaAx]
L: 7,145 And maken vs mury with al . maugre -th-y chekes
K: 7,145 And make vs mery therw(i)t(h) . magry thy chekes
W: 7,145 And make vs meri -th-erwi-th- . maugre -th-i chekes
N: 7,145 And make vs mery -th-(er)wi-th- . magre -th-i chek(is)
E: 7,145 And make vs mery -th-(er)w(i)t(h) . maugre -th-i
chekys [aaAx]
M: 7,145 And make vs mrye -th-ermyd . maugr(e) -th-y Chekys
H3: 7,145 And make vs mery -th-(er)w(i)t(h) . maugre -th-i(n)
chekys [aaAx]
T: 7,146 [Th]anne peris [th]e plou[gh]man pleynede hym to [th]e
H2: 7,146 (::::::::::)an . pleyned hym to the kni-gh-t [aaAx]
Ch: 7,146 -Th-an piers -th-e plou-gh-man . pleined hym to
-th-e kny-gh-t [aaAx]
D: 7,146 -Th-anne piers plow-gh-ma(n) . pleyned hym to -th-e
kny-gh-t [aaAx]
R: 7,146 -Th-a(n)ne per(is) plowma(n) . pleyned hym to -th-e
kny-gh-thys [aaAx]
U: 7,146 -Th-an piers -th-e plowman . pleyned hym to -th-e
knyght [aaAx]
V: 7,146 _Th_enne (Pers) (plouh-mon) . (playnede) him to
_th_e kniht [aaAx]
H: 7,146 -th-en peris -th-e plowman . pleyned hym to -th-e
kni-gh-t [aaAx]
J: 7,146 -Th-an pers -th-e plowhman . playnyd him to -th-e
knyht [aaAx]
L: 7,146 -Th-anne Piers -th-e ploghmon . pleyned him to -th-e
kn[i-gh-t] [aaAx]
K: 7,146 Than pers the plowma(n) . playned hym to the knight
W: 7,146 Than Piers pleyned to -th-e knygh & prayed hym
to helpe [aaAx]
N: 7,146 -Th-anne piers -th-e plowman . pleynyd to -th-e
kni-gh-t [aaAx]
E: 7,146 -Th-en peirse -th-e ploghman . plenyd hym to -th-e
to -th-e knyght [aaAx]
M: 7,146 -Th-an piers -th-e ploweman . plened to -th-e knygh
H3: 7,146 -Th-a(n) pers -th-e plowma(n) . pleynyd to -th-e
knyth [aaAx]
T: 7,147 To kepen hym as couen(au)nt was fro curside shrewis
H2: 7,147 (:::::::::::) cursed schrewes [aaAx]
Ch: 7,147 To kepe hym a couenaunt . was fro cursed schrewes
D: 7,147 To kepe hym as couen(a)unt . was fro cursed schrewes
R: 7,147 to kepe hym as couenaunt . was from cursede schrewes
U: 7,147 To kepe hym as couenant . was from curside schrewes
V: 7,147 To (kepen) him as (Couenaunt) was . from (cursede)
schrewes [aaAx]
H: 7,147 to kepe hym as couenau(n)t . was fro -th-e corsed
shrewis [aaAx]
J: 7,147 To kepyn him as couienaunde . was fro cursed schrewes
L: 7,147 To kepen him a couenaunt . was for corsed schre[wis]
K: 7,147 To kepen hym as co(n)n(au)nte . was from cursyd
schrewes [aaAx]
W: 7,147 To kepe hym as conant . was fro corsed shrewes [aaAx]
N: 7,147 To kepe hi(m) as couenaunt . was fro cursed sherewes
E: 7,147 To kepe hym as conand . was fro c(ur)sed shrewes
M: 7,147 to kepyn him as couent . was from Cursyd schrewes
H3: 7,147 To kepe hy(m) as couiena(n)t . was fro(m) cursyd
schrewys [aaAx]
T: 7,148 ffro wasto(ur)s [th]at waite wynn(er)es to shende
H2: 7,148 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,148 ffro wastours -th-at waite . wynners to schende
D: 7,148 ffro wastours -th-(a)t wayten . wynners to schenden
R: 7,148 ffro wastor(es) -th-(a)t wayte . wy(n)ner(es) to
schende [aaAx]
U: 7,148 ffrom wastours -th-at wayten . wynneres to schende
V: 7,148 ffrom (wastors) _th_at (wayten) . (winners) to schende
H: 7,148 fram wastours -th-at waite(n) . wy(n)ners to shende
J: 7,148 ffro wasto(ur)s -th-at waytyn . wynners to schende
L: 7,148 ffro wastours -th-(er) wayten . wynners to schenden
K: 7,148 And from wasto(ur)(es) that wayten . wynnars to
schende [aaAx]
W: 7,148 ffro suche wastours -th-at wayten . wynners to stroye
N: 7,148 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 7,148 ffrom wasto(ur)s -th-(a)t watyng . wynneres to shende
M: 7,148 ffro wastours -th-at wayten . wynners to schenden
H3: 7,148 ffrom wastours -th-(a)t wayty(n) . wy(n)ners to
schende [aaAx]
T: 7,149 Curteisliche [th]e kni[gh]t [th]anne as his kynde
H2: 7,149 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,149 Curtaislich -th-e kni-gh-t -th-an . as his kende
wolde [aaAx]
D: 7,149 Curteysliche -th-e kny-gh-t -th-anne . as his kende
wolde [aaAx]
R: 7,149 Curteysly tho -th-e kny-gh-th . as his kynde wolde
U: 7,149 Curteisly -th-e knyght -th-anne . as his kynde wolde
V: 7,149 (Curteisliche) _th_e (kniht) . as his (kuynde) wolde
H: 7,149 Cortesly -th-o -th-e kny-gh-t . as his kynde wolde
J: 7,149 Curtesly -th-e knyht -th-oo . as his kynde wolde
L: 7,149 Curteisl::: ::: kny-gh-t -th-anne . as his kynde
wolde [aaAx]
K: 7,149 Curteislich the knight than . as kynde woulde [aaAx]
W: 7,149 Curtaislych -th-an -th-e knyght . as his kynde wodde
N: 7,149 Kurteisly -th-e kni-gh-t -th-anne . as his kynde
wolde [aaAx]
E: 7,149 Curteisely -th-e knyght -th-anne . as hys kynde
wold [aaAx]
M: 7,149 Curteisly -th-an -th-e knygt . as his kynde wolde
H3: 7,149 Curteysly -th-a(n) -th-e knyth . as hys kynde wolde
T: 7,150 Warnide [th]e wasto(ur) & wisside hym bet(er)e
H2: 7,150 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,150 Warned -th-e wastour . and wissed hym better [aaAx]
D: 7,150 warne-th- wastour . & wyssed hym bett(er) [aaAx]
R: 7,150 Warnede wastor(es) . and wyssede hem betere [aaAx]
U: 7,150 Warnyde wastour . and wisside hym bet(er)e [aaAx]
V: 7,150 (Warnede) (wastors) . and (wissede) hem do betere
H: 7,150 Warned wastours . & bade hem go werche [aaAx]
J: 7,150 Warned wasto(ur) . & wissyd him bettur [aaAx]
L: 7,150 Warned wastour . to worche and wynne bettre [aaAx]
K: 7,150 Warned the wastour(e) . & wyssed hym better
W: 7,150 Warned -th-e wastours . and wyssed hem bettre [aaAx]
N: 7,150 Warned wasto(ur) . & wissed hi(m) bettre [aaAx]
E: 7,150 Warnede wasto(ur) . & wissyde hym bett(er)e
M: 7,150 Warned -th-an wastour . & wissed him better(e)
M: 7,150 To werchen & wynnen his his lyfelode with swynke
H3: 7,150 Warnyd wastour . & wyssyd hy(m) bett(er) [aaAx]
T: 7,151 Or [th]ou shalt abigge be [th]e lawe be [th]e ordre
[th](a)t I bere
H2: 7,151 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,151 Or -th-ow schalt abigge be -th-e law-gh-e be -th-e
order -th-at I bere [????]
D: 7,151 Or -th-(o)u schalt abegge by -th-e lawe by -th-e
ordre -th-(a)t I welde [????]
R: 7,151 Or -gh-e schal aby-gh-e by -th-e lawe . by -th-e
lord -th-(a)t I welde [????]
U: 7,151 Or -th-(o)u schalt abye by -th-e lawe by -th-e lord
-th-at I welde [????]
V: 7,151 Or _g_e schul (a-bugge) hit bi lawe . bi _th_e Ordre
_th_at I (bere) [axXa]
H: 7,151 or -th-ei shulde abigge by -th-e lawe by -th-e ordre
-th-at he ber(e) [????]
J: 7,151 Ethir -th-(o)u schat abyen be [-th-e lawe be] -th-e
orde -th-(a)t I bere [????]
L: 7,151 Or by -th-e ordre -th-at I beore -th-(o)u schalt
hit deore abugge [????]
K: 7,151 Or thou schalt abige it by the lawe by the order
that I bere [????]
W: 7,151 Or -gh-e shul bygge it be -th-e lawe be -th-e ordre
-th-at I bere [????]
N: 7,151 Or ellys boye -th-(o)u schalt abye . be -th-e ordre
-th-(a)t I bere [????]
E: 7,151 Or -th-ou shal abye be -th-e law by -th-e lord at
I welde [????]
M: 7,151 Or -th-u shalt abegge be -th-e lawe be ordr(e) -th-(a)t
I ber(e) [????]
H3: 7,151 Or -th-(o)u xalt abygge be -th-e lawe be -th-e
ord(re) -th-(a)t I bere [????]
T: 7,152 I was not wonid to werche q(ua)[th] wasto(ur) now
wile I not begynne
H2: 7,152 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,152 I was nou-gh-t wonte to worche q(uo)d wastour .
now wol I n[ot begynne] [aaaAx]
D: 7,152 I was not wont to wurche q(ou)d wastour .
R: 7,152 I was not woned to worche q(uo)d wastor(es) . now
wil I not bygy(n)ne [aaaAx]
U: 7,152 I was noght wont to wurche q(uo)d wasto(ur) . now
wil y not begy(n)ne [aaaAx]
V: 7,152 I was not (wont) to (worche) quod a (wastour) .
_g_it (wol) I not biginne [aaaAx]
H: 7,152 I was not woned to werche q(uo)-th- wastour . -gh-it
wole y not bygy(n)ne [aaaAx]
J: 7,152 I was not wonte to wyrchin q(uo)d wasto(ur) . now
wil I not begynnen [aaaAx]
L: 7,152 I was not wont to worche q(uo)d wastour . now I
wol not byg[y(n)n] [aaaAx]
K: 7,152 I was not wonte to worche q(uo)d wasto(ur) . now
woll I not begynne [aaaAx]
W: 7,152 I nas neuere q(uo)d wastour wont for to worche
N: 7,152 I was nou-gh-t wont to worche . now wil I nou-gh-t
bygynne [aaaAx]
E: 7,152 I was neu(er) wont for to wirke q(ou)d wasto(ur)
. ne nowe will(e) I not begyn [aaaAx]
M: 7,152 I was not wo(n)ne to werchen q(uo)d wasto(ur) .
it wille I not begy(n)ne [aaaAx]
H3: 7,152 I was nout wont to werche q(uo)d wasto(ur) . & I
nel no(n)t begy(n)ne [aaaAx]
D: 7,152 Ne now forso-th-e wil I not begynne [aaaAx]
W: 7,152 And -gh-it I wil not begynne so me god helpe [aaaAx]
T: 7,153 And let li[gh]t of [th]e lawe & lesse of [th]e
H2: 7,153 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,153 And lete li-gh-t of -th-e law-gh-e . and lasse
of -th-e kni-gh-t [aaAx]
D: 7,153 And lete li-gh-t of -th-e lawe . & lasse of
-th-e kny-gh-t [aaAx]
R: 7,153 & let lyth of -th-e lawe . and lasce of -th-e
kny-gh-th [aaAx]
U: 7,153 And leet lyght of -th-e lawe . and lesse of -th-e
knyght [aaAx]
V: 7,153 And (lette) (luytel) of _th_e (lawe) . and (lasse)
of _th_e kniht [aaaAx]
H: 7,153 & lete li-gh-t of -th-e lawe . & lasse of
-th-e kni-gh-t [aaAx]
J: 7,153 & leete lyt be -th-e lawe . & lasse be -th-e
kynyth [aaAx]
L: 7,153 And let lightlich of his lore . & eke of him
seoluen [aaAx]
K: 7,153 And let light of the lawe . & lesse of the knight
W: 7,153 And let litil of -th-e lawe . and of -th-e knyght
lesse [aaAx]
N: 7,153 And lete li-gh-t of -th-e lawe . & lasse of
-th-e kni-gh-t [aaAx]
E: 7,153 And lete light of -th-e law . & lesse of -th-e
knyght [aaAx]
M: 7,153 & lete lygte of -th-e lawe . & lasse of
-th-e knygt [aaAx]
H3: 7,153 And leet lyith of -th-e lawe . & lesse of -th-e
knyth [aaAx]
T: 7,154 And countide peris at a pese & his plou[gh] bo[th]e
H2: 7,154 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,154 And counted piers at a pese . and his plow-gh-
bo-th-e [aaAx]
D: 7,154 And counted piers at a pese . & his plow bo-th-e
R: 7,154 And cou(n)tede per(is) at a pese . and his plow
bo-th-e [aaAx]
U: 7,154 And bad piers go pisse . and his plow bo-th-e [aaAx]
V: 7,154 And countede (pers) at a (peose) . and his (plouh)
bo_th_e [aaAx]
H: 7,154 & acou(n)tid peris at a pese . & his plow
bo-th-e [aaAx]
J: 7,154 And acountyt pers at a peese . & his plowh bothe
L: 7,154 And acounteth Piers at a peose . & his plogh
after [aaAx]
K: 7,154 And coumpted pers at a peese . & his plowgh
bothe [aaAx]
W: 7,154 And sette Piers at a pere . and his plowe bo-th-e
N: 7,154 And set Piers at a pees . & his plow bo-th-e
E: 7,154 And countyd peirse at a pese . and hys plough bothe
M: 7,154 Aconptede piers at a pese . & his plough bothe
H3: 7,154 And acountyd pers at a pese . & hys plow bothe
T: 7,155 And manacide hym & his men whanne he next metten
H2: 7,155 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,155 And manassed him and his me . whan -th-ei next
mete [aaXa]
D: 7,155 And manaced hym as his men . when -th-ey next metten
R: 7,155 And mancede hym and his men . wha(n)ne -th-ei nyxt
mette [aaXa]
U: 7,155 And manaced hym and his men . whan -th-ei nexte
mette [aaXa]
V: 7,155 And (Manasede) him and his (men) . whon _th_at _th_ei
next (metten) [aaXa]
H: 7,155 & manasid hym & his me(n) . when -th-ey
next mette(n) [aaXa]
J: 7,155 And manasyd him & his men . qwan -th-ei next
mettyn [aaXa]
L: 7,155 And manassed him & eke his men . when -th-ey
next mette [aaXa]
K: 7,155 And manased hym & eke his men . whan thay both
metten [aaXa]
W: 7,155 And manases hym and his men . when -th-ei next metten
N: 7,155 And mansed hi(m) & his man . whan -th-ei nexte
mette [aaXa]
E: 7,155 And manyshyd hym & his men . qwen -th-ai next
mette [aaXa]
M: 7,155 & manassed him & his men . whan -th-ey nexte
metten [aaXa]
H3: 7,155 And manasyd hy(m) & hys me(n) . qwa(n) he next
metty(n) [aaXa]
T: 7,156 Now be [th]e p(er)il of my soule q(ua)[th] peris I
shal appeire [y]ow alle
H2: 7,156 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,156 Now be -th-e perile of my soule q(uo)d piers .
I schal apaire -gh-o[u alle] [axaAx]
D: 7,156 Now be -th-e perel of my soule q(ou)d piers . I
schal apeire -gh-ow alle [axaAx]
R: 7,156 Now by -th-e p(er)il of my soule q(uo)d per(is)
. I schal apeyr(e) -gh-ou alle [axaAx]
U: 7,156 Now by -th-e peryl of my soule q(uo)d p(eri)s .
y schal apeir(e) -y-ow alle [axaAx]
V: 7,156 NOu be _th_e (peril) of my soule," . qua_th_
(Pers) _th_e (plouh-Mon) [axAa]
H: 7,156 Now by -th-e perel of my soule quo-th- peris . y
shal apeir(e) -gh-ou alle [axaAx]
J: 7,156 Now be -th-e p(er)el of my sowle q(uo)d peers .
I schal peyre -gh-ow alle [axaAx]
L: 7,156 Now by p(er)il of my soule q(uo)d pers . I schal
enpeire -gh-ou alle [axaAx]
K: 7,156 Now by the p(er)il of my soule q(uo)d pers . I schal
appeire yow all(e) [axaAx]
W: 7,156 Now by -th-e perill of my soule q(uo)d Piers . I
shal apeire -gh-ow alle [axaAx]
N: 7,156 By goddis pyte q(uo)d piers . I schal apaire -gh-ow
alle [axaAx]
E: 7,156 Now be -th-e p(er)ell(e) of my saule q(ou)d peirse
. I shall(e) you pare all(e) [axaAx]
M: 7,156 Nowe be -th-e peril of my soule q(uo)d peris . I
shal apeyr(e) -y-ou alle [axaAx]
H3: 7,156 Now be -th-e p(er)yl of my(n) soule q(uo)d pers
. I xal apeyre -gh-ow alle [axaAx]
V: 7,156 I schal (a-peiren) ow alle . for oure (proude) wordes [axAx]
T: 7,157 And houpide aftir hungir [th]at herde hym at [th]e
H2: 7,157 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,157 And hawnted after hunger . -th-at herde him at
-th-e firste [aaAx]
D: 7,157 And houped aft(ir) hung(er) . -th-(a)t herde hym
atte ferste [aaAx]
R: 7,157 and hopyd aft(ir) hou(n)g(ir) . -th-(a)t herde hym
at -th-e fyrste [aaAx]
U: 7,157 And howpide aftir hungir . -th-at herde hym at -th-e
firste [aaAx]
V: 7,157 And (hoped) aftur (hunger) _th_o . _th_at (herde)
him atte furste: [aaAx]
H: 7,157 & hu(n)tid aft(ur) hu(n)g(ir) . -th-at herde
hym at -th-e furst [aaAx]
J: 7,157 And hoppyd afft(er) hunger . -th-(a)t herd him atte
firste [aaAx]
L: 7,157 And hoped after honger . -th-at herde him atte firste
K: 7,157 And ho[w]pid aft(er) hungre . that hard hym at the
firste [aaAx]
W: 7,157 And hopped aftre hongre . he herd hym anon [aaAx]
N: 7,157 And howpid aftre hungre . -th-at harde hi(m) at
firste [aaAx]
E: 7,157 And houpyd aftir hung(ir) . -th-(a)t herde hym at
-th-e frist [aaAx]
M: 7,157 And clepid aftr(e) hungr(e) . he herde him atte
-th-e ferste [aaAx]
H3: 7,157 And wepyd aft(ir) hu(n)g(ir) . he her hy(m) at
-th-e fryst [aaAx]
T: 7,158 Awreke me on wasto(ur) q(ua)[th] peris [th](a)t [th]is
world apeiri[th]
H2: 7,158 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,158 And wreke me on wastour q(uo)d piers . -th-at -th-is
world apa[irei-th-] [aaxAx]
D: 7,158 Wreke me on wastours q(ou)d piers . -th-(a)t -th-is
world schenden [aaxAx]
R: 7,158 awrek me on -th-es wastor(es) q(uo)d per(is) . -th-(a)t
-th-(i)s wordle schendis [aaxAx]
U: 7,158 Wreke me on -th-ese wastours q(uo)d piers . -th-at
-th-e world schendith [aaxAx]
V: 7,158 (A-wrek) me on _th_is (wastors) quod pers . _th_at
_th_is (world) schende_th_ [aaxAx]
H: 7,158 wreke me on wastours q(uo)-th- peris . -th-at -th-is
world shenden [aaxAx]
J: 7,158 Awreyke me of wastores q(uo)d pers . -th-(a)t -th-is
werlde schendyth [aaxAx]
L: 7,158 Awreke me on wastors q(uo)d piers . -th-at -th-is
world schendith [aaxAx]
K: 7,158 Awreke me on wastours q(uo)d pers . that this worlde
schenden [aaxAx]
W: 7,158 Awreke me of wastours q(uo)d piers . -th-at -th-e
word stroie [aaxAx]
N: 7,158 Awreke me on wastours . -th-(a)t al -th-e world
schenden [aaxAx]
E: 7,158 Wreke on -th-es wasto(ur)s q(ou)d peirse . -th-(a)t
-th-is world shend(es) [aaxAx]
M: 7,158 Awreke me on this wastours q(uo)d piers . -th-(a)t
-th-ys world sche(n)dyt [aaxAx]
H3: 7,158 To wreky(n) hy(m) of -th-is wasto(ur)is . -th-(a)t
-th-e wreld schende [aaxAx]
T: 7,159 Hungir in haste [th]anne hente wasto(ur) be [th]e
H2: 7,159 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,159 Hunger In haste -th-an . hente wastour be -th-e
mawe [aaAx]
D: 7,159 Hong(ir) in haste -th-(o)u . hente wasto(ur) by
-th-e mawe [aaAx]
R: 7,159 hou(n)ger in haste -th-enne . hente wastor(es) by
-th-e mawe [aaAx]
U: 7,159 & hung(er) i(n) haste hente wasto(ur) by -th-e
mawe . -th-(a)t al wat(er)ed his eyen [aaAx]
V: 7,159 (Hongur) in (haste) . (hente) wastors bi _th_e mawe
H: 7,159 Hong(ir) in hast hent wastour by -th-e mawe [aaAx]
J: 7,159 Hunger in hast -th-oo . hent wasto(ur) be -th-e
mawe [aaAx]
L: 7,159 Hong(ir) on haste hente wastour by -th-e mawe [aaAx]
K: 7,159 Hungre in hast than . hente wasto(ur) by the mawe
W: 7,159 And -th-us sone he hent wastour by -th-e mawe [aaAx]
N: 7,159 & hu(n)ger in hast . hent wasto(ur) by -th-e
mawe [aaAx]
E: 7,159 Hung(ir) in hast . hente -th-aim by -th-e mawe [aaAx]
M: 7,159 Hungr(e) on haste -th-an . hente wastour(e) be -th-e
mawe [aaAx]
H3: 7,159 Hu(n)g(ir) i(n) hast -th-a(n) . hent wasto(ur)
be -th-e mawe [aaAx]
T: 7,160 And wrong hym so be [th]e wombe [th](a)t al watride
his ei[gh]en
H2: 7,160 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,160 And wrong him so be -th-e wombe . -th-at al watered
his ei-gh-[en] [aaAx]
D: 7,160 And wrong hym so by -th-e wombe . -th-(a)t al wattred
his eyen [aaAx]
R: 7,160 And wrang he(m) by -th-e mawe . -th-(a)t alle watered
her eyen [aaAx]
U: 7,160 --- this line om ---
V: 7,160 And (wrong) him so be _th_e (wombe) . _th_at bo_th_e
his e_g_en (watreden) [aaXa]
H: 7,160 & wrong hym so by -th-e wombe . -th-at bo-th-e
his i-gh-e(n) wat(ri)d [aaAx]
J: 7,160 And wrong him be -th-e wombe . -th-(a)t his Ien
watt(ur)edyn [aaAx]
L: 7,160 And wrong him so by -th-e wombe . -th-(a)t bo his
eynen wattred [aaAx]
K: 7,160 And wrong hym so by the wombe . that his eyen watred
W: 7,160 And wrong hym so by -th-e wombe . -th-at his eyen
watred [aaAx]
N: 7,160 And wronge hi(m) so by -th-e wombe . -th-(a)t bo-th-e
his eyn watrid [aaAx]
E: 7,160 And wrange hym so be -th-e mawe . at wat(er)yd -th-air
eyne-gh- [aaAx]
M: 7,160 & wrange him so be -th-e wombe . -th-(a)t his
eyen waterden [aaAx]
H3: 7,160 And wrong hy(m) so be -th-e wombe . -th-(a)t hys
eyne watteryd [aaAx]
T: 7,161 And buffetide [th]e breton(er) aboute [th]e chekis
H2: 7,161 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,161 And buffeted -th-e Bragger . aboute -th-e chekes
D: 7,161 And buffeted -th-e bretou(n) . aboute -th-e Chekys
R: 7,161 and buffeted -th-e breton(er) . abou-th-e -th-e
chekys [aaAx]
U: 7,161 And buffetide -th-e brytoner . aboute -th-e chekys
V: 7,161 And (Buffetede) _th_e (boye) . aboute (bo_th_e)
his chekes [aaAx]
H: 7,161 & boffetid -th-e breton(er)e . aboute bo-th-e
his chekis [aaAx]
J: 7,161 And buffatid -th-e breten(er) . abowtyn -th-e chekys
L: 7,161 And boffet so bretoner . wel aboute -th-e chekes
K: 7,161 And buffeted the brytoner . so aboute the chekes
W: 7,161 And buffeted -th-e bretoner . so aboute the chekes
N: 7,161 He buffet -th-e brytoner . aboute -th-e chekys [aaAx]
E: 7,161 And he Bofete -th-e briton(er) . abowte -th-e chekys
M: 7,161 And buffeted -th-e breton . so aboute -th-e Chekys
H3: 7,161 And bofetyd so -th-e bretenn(er) . abouty(n) -th-e
chekys [aaAx]
T: 7,162 [Th]at he lokide lik a lant(er)ne al his lif aftir
H2: 7,162 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,162 -Th-at he loked like a lanterne . al his lif after
D: 7,162 That he loked lyk a la(n)t(er)ne . al his lyf aft(ir)
R: 7,162 -Th-(a)t he loked as a lant(er)ne . al his lyf after
U: 7,162 -Th-at he lokide lyk a lant(er)ne . al his lyue
aftir [aaAx]
V: 7,162 He (lokede) lyk a (Lanterne) . al his (lyf) After
H: 7,162 -Th-at he loked like a lant(er)ne . al his lyf aft(ur)
J: 7,162 -Th-(a)t he lokyd liche a lant(er)ne . all his lyue
aft(er) [aaAx]
L: 7,162 -Th-at he loked lyk a launterne . al his lif after
K: 7,162 That he loked like a lanterne . al his life after
W: 7,162 He loked lyk a lanterne . al his lyf aftre [aaAx]
N: 7,162 -Th-at he loked lyke a lanterne . al his lyff aftre
E: 7,162 -Th-(a)t he lokyd like a launtren . all(e) hys lyfe
aftir [aaAx]
M: 7,162 -Th-at he lokyd as a lanterne . alle his lyfe after
H3: 7,162 -Th-at he lokyd lyik a lant(er)ne . al hys lyf
aft(ir) [aaAx]
T: 7,163 He beet hem so bo[th]e [th](a)t he brast ner here
H2: 7,163 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,163 He bette hem so bo-th-e . -th-at he brast ner her
maw-gh-e [aaAx]
D: 7,163 He bet hem so bo-th-e . -th-(a)t he barst ner her
mawes [aaAx]
R: 7,163 he bet hem so bo-th-e . and brak ner(e) her(e) mawes
U: 7,163 And beet hym bo-th-e . and brak ner(e) her(e) mawes
V: 7,163 He (Beot) so _th_e (Boyes) . he (barst) neih heore
Ribbes [aaAx]
H: 7,163 He bete hem so bo-th-e . he barst ny-gh-e her(e)
mawis [aaAx]
J: 7,163 He bet so hem bothin . he brast ner her mawys [aaAx]
L: 7,163 He beot heom so bothe . barst ner heore mawes [aaAx]
K: 7,163 He bet hem so both . that he braste nigh her maw-gh-es
W: 7,163 Hongre bote hym so bo-th-e . -th-at here mou-th-
brosten [aaAx]
N: 7,163 He bet so hem bo-th-e . -th-at he brast neigh here
mawes [aaAx]
E: 7,163 And bet -th-aim so sore both . & brake negh
-th-air mawys [aaAx]
M: 7,163 He bete hem so bothe . he brake nee here mawes [aaAx]
H3: 7,163 He beth so bothe . -th-(a)t he brast nyth her mawys
T: 7,164 N hadde peris but a pese lof [th]ei p(re)yede hym
H2: 7,164 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,164 Ne had piers but a pese lofe . -th-ei preied hym
bileue [aaAx]
D: 7,164 Nadde piers but a pese lof . -th-ey preyed hym beleue
R: 7,164 Ne hadde per(is) w(i)t(h) a pese lof . prayed hym
belyue [aaAx]
U: 7,164 Ne hadde p(er)us with a pese loof . prayed hym by
lyue [aaAx]
V: 7,164 Nedde (Pers) wi_th_ a (peose) lof . (I-preyed) him
to leue [aaAx]
H: 7,164 Ne hadde peris with a pese lof . ypreied hem to
lyue [aaAx]
J: 7,164 Ne had pers w(i)t(h) a peese lof . p(re)y-gh-id
him beleue [aaAx]
L: 7,164 No hadde Piers with a peose lof . preied him byleue
K: 7,164 Ne had pers w(i)t(h) a pese lofe . p(ra)yd hym byleue
W: 7,164 Til piers wi-th- a pese loof . prayed hym to leue
N: 7,164 Ne had piers w(i)t(h) a pese loue . preide hi(m)
to leue [aaAx]
E: 7,164 Ne hed peirse w(i)t(h) a peyse lofe . help -th-aim
in hast [aaAx]
M: 7,164 Ne hadde piers w(i)t(h) a pese lofe . preyde him
stynte [aaAx]
H3: 7,164 Ne had pers wyt a pese lof . p(re)yid hy(m) to
leue [aaAx]
T: 7,165 And wi[th] a bene batte he hadde betwene
H2: 7,165 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,165 And with a bene batte . he had betwen his handes
D: 7,165 And w(i)t(h) a bene bat . he had betwene [aaXx]
R: 7,165 and w(i)t(h) a bene bach . he hadde bytwene [aaXx]
U: 7,165 And wi-th- a beny batte . he hadde bytwene [aaXx]
V: 7,165 And with a (Benene) (Bat) . (I-bot) hem by-twene
H: 7,165 & wi-th- a bene(n) batti . -gh-ede hem bytwene
J: 7,165 & w(i)t(h) a beene batte . he -gh-ede betwenyn
L: 7,165 And with a bene batte . busked heom bytwene [aaXx]
K: 7,165 And w(i)t(h) a beane batte . had hyhyd betwen [aaXx]
W: 7,165 And wi-th- a benen batte . he -gh-ede so betwene
N: 7,165 And w(i)t(h) a bene batte . he -gh-ede bytwene [aaXx]
E: 7,165 And with a bene batte . -th-ai abade [aaXx]
M: 7,165 & w(i)t(h) a bene batte . he -y-ede hem betwen
H3: 7,165 And w(i)t(h) a bene kake . he -gh-ed he(m) betwene
T: 7,166 And hitte hung(er) [th](er)wi[th] amydde hise lippes
H2: 7,166 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,166 he hitte hunger -th-erwith . amyddes his lippes
D: 7,166 And hit hong(er) -th-(er)myde . amyddes his lippes
R: 7,166 and hitte hou(n)ger -th-(er)w(i)t(h) . amydde hise
lyppys [aaAx]
U: 7,166 And hytte hungir . amydde -th-e lippes [aaAx]
V: 7,166 And (hutte) (hongur) _th_er-with . A-midde bo_th_e
his lippes [aaXx]
H: 7,166 & hitte hong(er) -th-(er)wi-th- . amydde bo-th-e
his lippes [aaAx]
J: 7,166 & hitte hunger -th-(er)w(i)t(h) . amyddys -th-e
lyppys [aaAx]
L: 7,166 And hitte hong(uer) -th-erwith . amydde bothe lippes
K: 7,166 And hytt hungre therw(i)t(h) . amyddes the lippes
W: 7,166 And hitte hungre -th-(er)wi-th- . right so bytwyx
-th-e lippes [aaAx]
N: 7,166 And hitt hu(n)ger -th-(er)wi-th- . amyd -th-e lyppys
E: 7,166 And hard hunger -th-(er) mellyd . amydd(es) hys
lippys [aaAx]
M: 7,166 And hitte hunger(e) -th-ermydd . amydde -th-e lyppes
H3: 7,166 And hytt hu(n)g(er) -th-(er)w(i)t(h) . -th-e meddys
of -th-e lyppys [aaAx]
T: 7,167 And bledde into [th]e bodyward a bolle ful of growel
H2: 7,167 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,167 -th-at he bledde Into -th-e bodywarde . a bolle
fulle of grewel[le] [aaAx]
D: 7,167 And bledde into -th-e bodyward . a bolle ful of
gruel [aaAx]
R: 7,167 and bledde into -th-e bodyward . a bolle ful of
growel [aaAx]
U: 7,167 And bledde into -th-e bodyward . a bolle ful of
growel [aaAx]
V: 7,167 And he (bledde) in-to _th_e (Bodiward) . a (Bolleful)
of gruwe; [aaAx]
H: 7,167 & made hym blede inward . a bolle ful of gruel
J: 7,167 And bled into -th-e bodyward . a boll ful of grewelle
L: 7,167 -Th-(a)t he bledde into -th-e bodyward . a bolle
ful of growel [aaAx]
K: 7,167 And made hym blede into the body . a boll(e) ful
of grovell [aaAx]
W: 7,167 -Th-at he bledde into -th-e bodyward . a bolle ful
of growel [aaAx]
N: 7,167 -Th-(a)t he bled into -th-e bodywarde . a bolle
ful of grwel [aaAx]
E: 7,167 And bled into -th-e bodyward . a boll(e) ful of
growell(e) [aaAx]
M: 7,167 -Th-at he bled into -th-e bodywardes . a Bolle ful
of benes [aaAx]
H3: 7,167 -Th-(a)t he bledde i(n)to -th-e wombeward . a potel
of growel [aaAx]
T: 7,168 Ne hadde [th]i fisician ferst defendite him watir
H2: 7,168 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,168 Ne had a fecissian first . defended hym water [aaAx]
D: 7,168 Ne hadde -th-e fysicyan ferst . defended hym wat(ir)
R: 7,168 Ne hadde -th-e fesysyou(n) . defended hem water
U: 7,168 Ne hadde -th-e fy-gh-icien . defende hym water [aaAx]
V: 7,168 Nedde _th_e (ffisicien) (furst) . (defendet) him
water [aaAx]
H: 7,168 Nadde -th-e ficisian furst . defendid him wat(ir)
J: 7,168 Ne had -th-e fysycian first . defendid him wat(ir)
L: 7,168 No hadde -th-e fisysien furst . defended him water
K: 7,168 Ne had the phy-gh-ysion first fast . fett hym water
W: 7,168 Nad -th-e fysician faster . fette hym fresh watre
N: 7,168 Hadde -th-e fficuyen . defendid hi(m) watre [aaAx]
E: 7,168 Ne hade -th-e fecician . defend hym in wat(ir) [aaAx]
M: 7,168 Ne hadde hadde ferste -th-e fisisian . deffended
him watr(e) [aaAx]
H3: 7,168 Ne hadde fryst -th-e ficicyan . defended hy(m)
wat(ir) [aaAx]
T: 7,169 To abate [th]e barly bred & [th]e benis ygrounde
H2: 7,169 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,169 To abate -th-e barly brede . and -th-e benes Iground
D: 7,169 To abate -th-e barly brede . & -th-e benys Igrounde
R: 7,169 to bate -th-e barly bred . and -th-e benys ygrounde
U: 7,169 To abate -th-e barly breed . and -th-e benys grounde
V: 7,169 To (Abate) _th_e (Barli) (bred) . and _th_e (Benes)
I-grounde [aaaAx]
H: 7,169 to abate -th-e ba[r]ly bred . & -th-e benys
g(ro)unde(n) [aaaAx]
J: 7,169 To abatyn -th-e barly brede . & -th-e benys
groundyn [aaaAx]
L: 7,169 To abate -th-e barly bred . & -th-e bones ygrounde
K: 7,169 To abate the barley . & the beanes Igrounde
W: 7,169 To abate wi-th- -th-e barly bred . & grounden
benes [aaaAx]
N: 7,169 To abate -th-e barly bred . & -th-e benys ygrou(n)de
E: 7,169 To bate -th-e barly brede . & -th-e benys grynde
M: 7,169 To abate -th-e barly brede . & -th-e benes grounde
H3: 7,169 To abate -th-e barly bred . & -th-e benys gronde
T: 7,170 [Th]ei hadde be ded be [th]is day & doluen al
H2: 7,170 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,170 he hadde be dede by -th-is day . and doluen al
warme [aaAx]
D: 7,170 -Th-ey hadde ben ded by -th-is day . & doluen
al warme [aaAx]
R: 7,170 -Th-ei hadde ben dede by -th-(i)s day . and doluen
al warme [aaAx]
U: 7,170 -Th-ei hadde be deed by -th-is day . and doluen
al warme [aaAx]
V: 7,170 _Th_ei hedden beo (ded) bi _th_is (day) . and (doluen)
al warm [aaAx]
H: 7,170 -Th-ei hadde be d ( :::: ) by -th-is day . & ydolfe
al warm [aaAx]
J: 7,170 -Th-ei had ben ded be -th-is day . & doluyn
as warme [aaAx]
L: 7,170 -Th-ey had beo ded by -th-is day . & doluen
al warme [aaAx]
K: 7,170 Thay had byn ded or this day . & doluen in erthe
W: 7,170 They hadde be ded er -th-is day . & doluen ful
depe [aaAx]
N: 7,170 -Th-ei had ben ded by -th-is day . & doluen
al warme [aaAx]
E: 7,170 -Th-ai hed ben deyd be -th-is day . & dolfyn
all(e) warme [aaAx]
M: 7,170 he hadde be(n) dede be this daye . & doluen
al warme [aaAx]
H3: 7,170 -Th-ei hadde be dede be -th-is day . & doluy(n)
al warme [aaAx]
T: 7,171 ffaito(ur)s for fer flowen into bernis
H2: 7,171 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,171 ffaitours for fer . flowen Into hernes [aaAx]
D: 7,171 ffayto(ur)s for fer . flow into bernes [aaAx]
R: 7,171 faytour(es) for fere . flowyn into bernys [aaAx]
U: 7,171 ffaytours for fere . flowen into beernys [aaAx]
V: 7,171 _Th_Enne (ffaytors) for (fere) . (flowen) to Bernes
H: 7,171 faitours for ferde . (:::) -th-en flowe into bernes
J: 7,171 ffaytours for drede . -th-oo flowyn into bernys
L: 7,171 ffaytours for fere . flowen into bernes [aaAx]
K: 7,171 ffaytours for feare . flowen into bernys [aaAx]
W: 7,171 Sone wastours for ferde . flowe into -th-e berne
N: 7,171 ffaito(ur)s for fere . -th-o flow into barnes [aaAx]
E: 7,171 ffato(ur)s ben ferd a flowen into bernes [aaAx]
M: 7,171 ffor ferede this faitours . flowen to Bernes [aaAx]
H3: 7,171 ffor ferd -th-o fayto(ur)is . fleyen i(n)to -th-e
berne [aaAx]
T: 7,172 And flatte on wi[th] flailes fro morewe til eue
H2: 7,172 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,172 And flatte on with flailes . fro morowe til euen
D: 7,172 And flatted on w(i)t(h) fleylles . from morowen
til euen [aaAxx]
R: 7,172 And flappyn on w(i)t(h) flaylys . fro morwe til
eue [aaAxx]
U: 7,172 And flappe on with fleyles . fro morne til euen
V: 7,172 And (flapten) on with (fleiles) . (from) morwe til
euen [aaAxx]
H: 7,172 & flappid on wi-th- flailes . fram morn to euen
J: 7,172 And flappid on w(i)t(h) flaylys . fro morow intil
euyn [aaAxx]
L: 7,172 And flapten on with flayls . from morwe til euen
K: 7,172 And flappen on w(i)t(h) flayles . fro morowe tyl
euyn [aaAxx]
W: 7,172 And fly-th- flapt on wi-th- flaylles . fro morwe
til euen [aaAxx]
N: 7,172 And flappyd on wi-th- fleyles . fro morow til euene
E: 7,172 And flappyd on w(i)t(h) flayles . from morow to
euen [aaAxx]
M: 7,172 And flappyd on with flaylles . fro morwe til euen
H3: 7,172 And flappyd on w(i)t(h) fleylys . fro morwe tyl
euy(n) [aaAxx]
T: 7,173 [Th](a)t hung(er) was not hardy on hem for to loke
H2: 7,173 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,173 -Th-at hunger was nou-gh-t hardy . on hem for to
loke [aaAx]
D: 7,173 -Th-at hong(er) was not hardy . on hem for to loken
R: 7,173 -Th-at hou(n)ger was not so hardy . onys on hem
to loke [aaAx]
U: 7,173 -Th-at hungir was noght so hardy . ones on hem to
loke [aaAx]
V: 7,173 _Th_at (Honger) nas not (hardi) . (vp) for to loke
H: 7,173 -Th-(a)t hu(n)g(er) nas not so hardy . on hem for
to loke [aaAx]
J: 7,173 -Th-(a)t hongur was not so hardy . on hem forto
lokyn [aaAx]
L: 7,173 -Th-at hongor nas not hardy . on heom for to loken
K: 7,173 That hungre was not hardy . on hem to loken [aaAx]
W: 7,173 Was not hungr(e) so hardy . on hem to loken [aaAx]
N: 7,173 -Th-at hunger was nou-gh-t hardy . on hem for to
loke [aaAx]
E: 7,173 -Th-(a)t hung(er) was noght so hardy . onys of -th-aim
to loke [aaAx]
M: 7,173 Ther(e) nas non so hardy . of hem to loken [aaAx]
H3: 7,173 -Th-(a)t hu(n)g(er) was nouth so hardy . on he(m)
for to loke [aaAx]
T: 7,174 ffor a potel of pecis [th](a)t peris hadde mad
H2: 7,174 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,174 ffor a potelle of pesoun . -th-at piers had Imade
D: 7,174 ffor a potel of pesen . -th-(a)t piers had Imaked
R: 7,174 for a potel of pesyn . -th-(a)t per(is) hadde ymaked
U: 7,174 ffor a potel of pesyn . -th-at piers hadde ymakyd
V: 7,174 ffor A (potful) of (peosun) . _th_at (pers) hedde
I-mad [aaAx]
H: 7,174 for a potel of pesen . -th-at peris let make [aaAx]
J: 7,174 ffor a potful of pesys . -th-(a)t pers had made
L: 7,174 ffor a potful of peoses . -th-at Piers hadde ymaked
K: 7,174 ffor a pottful of peson . that pers had Imaked [aaAx]
W: 7,174 ffor a potful of pesen . -th-at piers wif had made
N: 7,174 ffor a potteful of pesyn . -th-at p(er)kyn had made
E: 7,174 ffor a potell(e) of pese . -th-(a)t peirse hade
gert make [aaAx]
M: 7,174 ffor a potel of peseu(n) . -th-at piers hadde Imaked
H3: 7,174 ffor a potel of pesyn . -th-(a)t pers haddy makyd
T: 7,175 In helpe of heremites henten hem spadis
H2: 7,175 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,175 In helpe -th-enne Ermites . henten hem spades [aaAx]
D: 7,175 In helpe of hermytes . henten hem spades [aaAx]
R: 7,175 an hep of ermyt(es) . hente hem spadys [aaAx]
U: 7,175 An heep of ermytes . henten hem spades [aaAx]
V: 7,175 An (Hep) of (Hermytes) . (henten) heom spades [aaAx]
H: 7,175 & an hepe of heremytes . hente(n) here spades
J: 7,175 An hepe of hermytys . hentyn hem spadis [aaAx]
L: 7,175 A gret hepe of heremytes . henten heom spades [aaAx]
K: 7,175 An hepe of Ermyt(es) . henten hem spadis [aaAx]
W: 7,175 And -th-an an hepe of hermites . hent hem spades
N: 7,175 A grete hepe of heremytes . henten hem spades [aaAx]
E: 7,175 -Th-en -th-e hepe of heremit(es) . hyntt -th-aim
spad(is) [aaAx]
M: 7,175 A grete epe of heremites . hentyn hem spades [aaAx]
H3: 7,175 An hep of hermyt(es) . henty(n) he(m) spadys [aaAx]
T: 7,176 And doluen drit & dung to ditte out hung(er)
H2: 7,176 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,176 And doluen dritte and dung . to driuen out hungur
D: 7,176 And doluen dryt & dong . to dutte hung(er) oute
R: 7,176 And doluen dryt and donge . to dryue hou(n)ger out
U: 7,176 And duluen drit and dung . to dryuen hungir out
V: 7,176 And (doluen) (drit) & (donge) . to (dutte) honger
oute [aaaAx]
H: 7,176 & dolue(n) drit & donge . to ditte out hong(er)
J: 7,176 And dulphyn drit & dung . to dittyn oute hunger
L: 7,176 And doluen dryt & donge . to dutte oute hongor
K: 7,176 And doluen dirte & dong . to fil hungers throte
W: 7,176 And doluen dong & dryt bo-th-e . to holde hongre
oute [aaaAx]
N: 7,176 And doluen dri-gh-t & dong . to ditte hunger
oute [aaaAx]
E: 7,176 And dolven depe into -th-e donge . to dryve away
hungre [aaaAx]
M: 7,176 And duluen pp dunge . to holde dugre oute [aaaAx]
H3: 7,176 And doluy(n) dryt & dong(er) . to holdy(n)
hu(n)g(er) out [aaaAx]
T: 7,177 Blynde & bedrede were botind a [th]ousand
H2: 7,177 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,177 Blinde and bedrede . wer botened a -th-owsand [aaAx]
D: 7,177 Blynd & bedderede . were botenyd a -th-ousand
R: 7,177 blynde and blereyed . were aboute a -th-owsand [aaAx]
U: 7,177 Blynde and blereey-gh-ed . weren aboute a -th-ousend
V: 7,177 (Blynde) and (Bedraden) . weore (Botned) a _th_ousent
H: 7,177 Blinde & bedraden . wer(e) botned a -th-ousand
J: 7,177 Blinde men & bedred . weryn -th-(er) Ibotyd
L: 7,177 Blynd & bedreden . weore botened a thousand
K: 7,177 ---- line om ----
W: 7,177 Bo-th-e blynd and bedred . were boted a -th-ousande
N: 7,177 Of blynde & of bedred . were wotned a -th-ousand
E: 7,177 Blynde & blered . were aboute a thouusand [aaAx]
M: 7,177 Blynde & Beddered . weren boted a thowesand
H3: 7,177 Blynd & bedrede . leyu(n) abouty(n) a thousand
T: 7,178 --- this line om ---
H2: 7,178 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,178 --- this line is omitted ---
D: 7,178 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 7,178 -Th-(a)t ley-gh-e blynde . and brokelegged by -th-e
hye waye [xaAx]
U: 7,178 -Th-at leyen for blynd . and brokelegged by -th-e
hye weie [xaAx]
V: 7,178 _Th_at (ly_g_en) for (blynde) . and for (broke)-(legget)
H: 7,178 -Th-at leien for blinde & for broke leggid
J: 7,178 A -th-owsand -th-at leyn blynde . & for brokyn
J: 7,178 On softe segys on sonndayes be -th-e hye weye [xaAx]
L: 7,178 -Th-(a)t layen for blynd . & for brokelegged
by -th-e hygh waye [xaAx]
K: 7,178 Thay that liggyd blynde . & brokenleggyd by
the hye way [xaAx]
W: 7,178 (::)t hadde laien longe lame by -th-e hie way [xaAx]
N: 7,178 -Th-ei had yleye . for blynde & brokelegged
N: 7,178 Vpon soft sondayes by -th-e hiegh wey [xaAx]
E: 7,178 Lay for blynde & blered by the hye way [xaAx]
M: 7,178 That leyen blynde . & brokelegged be -th-e hie
weye [xaAx]
H3: 7,178 And leyu(n) blynd . & bedderede be -th-e hey
wey-gh-e [xaAx]
V: 7,178 Vppon (softe) (sonenday) . bi _th_e hei_g_e weye [aaXx]
H: 7,178 vpo(n) soft sonedaies by -th-e hi-gh-e weie [xaAx]
T: 7,179 Hungir hem helide wi[th] an hot cake
H2: 7,179 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,179 Hunger hem heled . with an hote cake [aaAx]
D: 7,179 Hong(ir) hem helede . w(i)t(h) an hot cake [aaAx]
R: 7,179 hou(n)ger hem helede . w(i)t(h) an hot cake [aaAx]
U: 7,179 Hungir hem helide . wi-th- an ote kake [aaAx]
V: 7,179 (Hungur) hem (helede) . wi_th_ an (hot) Cake [aaAx]
H: 7,179 Hong(ir) hem heelid . wi-th- an oten cake [aaAx]
J: 7,179 Hunger -th-oo helid hem . w(i)t(h) an hote kake
L: 7,179 Hongor heom heled wel sone . with an ote kake [aaAx]
K: 7,179 Hungre hem heled . w(i)t(h) a hote cake [aaAx]
W: 7,179 Hongr(e) heled hem so . wi-th- an hote cake [aaAx]
N: 7,179 Hunger heled hem alle . wi-th- a ote kake [aaAx]
E: 7,179 Hung(ir) -th-aim halsyd . w(i)t(h) a hote kake [aaAx]
M: 7,179 Hungr(e) hem held . wyth an hote cake [aaAx]
H3: 7,179 Hu(n)gyr he(m) helyd . w(i)t(h) an hot cake [aaAx]
T: 7,180 And lame menis lymes wern li[th]nid [th](a)t tyme
H2: 7,180 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,180 And lame menis lymes . wer li-th-ed -th-at tyme
D: 7,180 And lame menys lemys . were ly-th-ed -th-(a)t tyme
R: 7,180 And manye lame me(n)nys lymes . wer(e) ly-th-ed
-th-(a)t tyme [aaAx]
U: 7,180 And lame mennys lymes . were lythed -th-at tyme
V: 7,180 (Lome) mennes (limes) . weore (ly_th_et) _th_at
tyme [aaAx]
H: 7,180 & lame me(n)nys lymes . wer(e) li-th-ed -th-at
tyme [aaAx]
J: 7,180 And lame me(n)nys lymys . weryn lithid -th-(a)t
tyme [aaAx]
L: 7,180 And lame me(n)nes lymes . were leched -th-at [tyme]
K: 7,180 And lame mennys lymes . war lithed that tyme [aaAx]
W: 7,180 That all here lemes . were louses & li-th-es
-th-at tyme [aaAx]
N: 7,180 And lame mennes lymes . wher(e) lythed -th-(a)t
tyme [aaAx]
E: 7,180 And lame men le(m)mys . wer lythyd -th-(a)t tyme
M: 7,180 & many lame mennes lomes . wery(n) lissed -th-(a)t
tyme [aaAx]
H3: 7,180 And lame me(n)nys lemys . were lechyd -th-(a)t
tyme [aaAx]
T: 7,181 And become knaues to kepe peris bestis
H2: 7,181 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,181 And become knaues . to kepe piers is bestes [aaAx]
D: 7,181 And become knaues . to kepe piers bestes [aaAx]
R: 7,181 and bycomen knauys . to kepe per(is) best(is) [aaAx]
U: 7,181 And bycome knaues . to kepe piers bestes [aaAx]
V: 7,181 And (bi-come) (knaues) . to (kepe) pers beestes
H: 7,181 & bycome(n) knaues . to kepe peris bestis [aaAx]
J: 7,181 And becomyn knauys . to kepyn peris hoggis [aaAx]
L: 7,181 And bycome knaues . to kepe pers bestes [aaAx]
K: 7,181 And byco(m)men knaues . to kepen pers bestes [aaAx]
W: 7,181 And many of hem become knaves . & kepte piers
bestes [aaAx]
N: 7,181 And bycome knaues . to kepe piers bestis [aaAx]
E: 7,181 And bycome knavys . to kepe peirse best(is) [aaAx]
M: 7,181 And become knaues . to kepen pieres bestes [aaAx]
H3: 7,181 And becomy(n) knauys . to kepe pers bestys [aaAx]
T: 7,182 And p(re)i[gh]ede {p(ur) charite} wi[th] peris for
to dwelle
H2: 7,182 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,182 And praied pur charite . with piers for to duelle
D: 7,182 And preyeden p(ur) charyte . w(i)t(h) piers for
to dwelle [aaAx]
R: 7,182 And prayde for cherite . w(i)t(h) per(is) for to
dwelle [aaAx]
U: 7,182 And preiden hym for charite . with hym for to duelle
V: 7,182 And (preyeden) for Charite . with (pers) for to
dwelle [axAx]
H: 7,182 & preide for charite . wi-th- peris for to dwelle
J: 7,182 And pray-gh-idyn p(ar) charite . w(i)t(h) peris
to beleuyn [aaAx]
L: 7,182 And preyeden pytously p(ar) charite . with piers
for to ::::: [aaAx]
K: 7,182 And p(ra)yden p(ur) charite . w(i)t(h) pers for
to dwelle [aaAx]
W: 7,182 And prayed for charite . Piers for to serue [aaAx]
N: 7,182 -Th-ei preiden p(ar) charite . w(i)t(h) piers for
to dwelle [aaAx]
E: 7,182 And for charite prayd . w(i)t(h) peirse for to dwelle
M: 7,182 & preyde for charite . with piers for to dwelleu(n)
H3: 7,182 And p(ra)ydyn p(ar) charite . w(i)t(h) pers for
to dwelle [aaAx]
T: 7,183 Al for coueitise of his corn to chafe awey hungir
H2: 7,183 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,183 Alle for couatise of his corn . to chase away hungur
D: 7,183 and for coueytise of his corn . to chase awey hong(er)
R: 7,183 and for couetyse of h(i)s corn . to chace away hou(n)ger
U: 7,183 Al for couetise of his corn . to chase awey hungir
V: 7,183 And for (Couetyse) of his (corn) . to (caste) a-wey
hunger. [aaAx]
H: 7,183 Al for couetise of his corn . to caste away hong(ir)
J: 7,183 Al for couetyes of his corne . to cachen awey hung(ir)
L: 7,183 Al for couetise of his korn . to kayre awey hongor
K: 7,183 Al for couetise of his corne . to catche away hunger
W: 7,183 ffor coueitise of -th-e corn . to kepe away hungr(e)
N: 7,183 Al for coueityse of corn . to cacche awey hu(n)ger
E: 7,183 And for cowatyse of hys corne . to chache away hung(ir)
M: 7,183 And alle for couetise of his corne . to kacchen
aweye ong(ir) [aaAx]
H3: 7,183 All for coueytyse of hys corn . to cacche away
hu(n)gyr [aaAx]
T: 7,184 And pieris was proud [th](er)of & putte hem in
H2: 7,184 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,184 And piers was proude -th-erof . and put hem In
office [aaAx]
D: 7,184 And piers was proude -th-(er)of . & put hem
to offyces [aaAx]
R: 7,184 And per(is) was proud -th-(er)of . and putte he(m)
into offys [aaAx]
U: 7,184 And piers was proud -th-(er)of . and put hem in
offyse [aaAx]
V: 7,184 Pers was (proud) (_th_er-of) . And (put) hem in
(offys) [abAb]
H: 7,184 & peris was prout -th-(er)fore . & put hem
in offys [aaAx]
J: 7,184 And pers was prowde -th-(er)of . & put hem in
office [aaAx]
L: 7,184 And Piers -th-(er)of was proud & putte heom
in offices [aaAx]
K: 7,184 And pers was prowde therof . & put hem in office
W: 7,184 And Piers wel appaied putte hem in office [aaAx]
N: 7,184 P(er)kyn was proud -th-(er)of . & put hem in
offices [aaAx]
E: 7,184 Bot peirse was proud -th-(er)of . & putt -th-aim
in office [aaAx]
M: 7,184 & pers was proud -th-erof . & putte hi(m)
in offys [aaAx]
H3: 7,184 Pers was proud -th-(er)of . & put he(m) i(n)
offys [aaAx]
T: 7,185 And [y]af hem mete & mon[i]e as [th]ei mi[gh]te
H2: 7,185 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,185 And -gh-af hem mete and money . lik as -th-ei my-gh-t
serue [aaAx]
D: 7,185 And -gh-af hem mete and money . as -th-ey my-gh-te
asseruen [aaAx]
R: 7,185 -Gh-af hem mete and mone . as -th-ey my-gh-the as(er)ue
U: 7,185 And -y-af hem mete and mone . as -th-ei myghte asserue
V: 7,185 And _g_af hem (mete) and (moneye) . as _th_ei (mihte)
deseruen. [aaAx]
H: 7,185 & -gh-af hem mete & money . as -th-ei mi-gh-t
deserue [aaAx]
J: 7,185 & -gh-af hem mete & mone . as -th-ei myht
deserue [aaAx]
L: 7,185 And -gh-af heom mete & mone . as -th-ey myghte
deser[ue] [aaAx]
K: 7,185 And yafe hem mete & money . as thay mighten
des(er)ue [aaAx]
W: 7,185 And -gh-af hem mete and monoie . as -th-ei mygh
deserue [aaAx]
N: 7,185 He gaf hem mete & mone . as -th-ei my-gh-t des(er)ue
E: 7,185 And gaff -th-aim mete & mony . as -th-ai might
s(er)ue [aaAx]
M: 7,185 And -gh-af hi(m) mete & mony . a -th-ey migtht
des(er)uen [aaAx]
H3: 7,185 And gaf he(m) mete & mony . as -th-ei myth
deserue [aaAx]
T: 7,186 [Th]anne hadde piers pite & p(re)i[gh]ede hungir
to wende
H2: 7,186 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,186 -Th-an had piers pite . and preide hunger to wende
D: 7,186 -Th-an had piers pyte . & prayd hong(er) to
wende [aaAx]
R: 7,186 -Th-a(n)ne hadde per(es) pyte . and prayde hou(n)g(ir)
to wende [aaAx]
U: 7,186 -Th-a(n)ne hadde piers pite . and preyde hungir
to wende [aaAx]
V: 7,186 _Th_enne hedde (peers) (pite) . and (preiede) hunger
to wende [aaAx]
H: 7,186 -th-en hadde peris pite . & preide hong(ir)
to wende [aaAx]
J: 7,186 -Th-an had pers pite . & pray-gh-id hung(ir)
to wende [aaAx]
L: 7,186 -Th-a(n)ne had Piers pite . & preied hongor
to wende [aaAx]
K: 7,186 Than had pers pety . & p(ra)yed hungre to wend
W: 7,186 Than Piers hadde pite . and prayed hungr(e) to wende
N: 7,186 -Th-anne had piers pytee . & preyd hu(n)ger
wynde [aaAx]
E: 7,186 -Th-an bad peirse put hunger in preson for to wende
M: 7,186 -Th-an hadde pers pite . & preyde hong(ir) wende
H3: 7,186 -Th-a(n) had pers pece . & p(ra)yid hu(n)gyr
to wende [aaAx]
T: 7,187 Hom into his owene er[th]e & holde him [th](er)e
H2: 7,187 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,187 Hom Into his oune er-th-e . and holde him -th-er
euer [aaaAa]
D: 7,187 Hom into his owene er-th-e . & hold hym -th-(er)
eu(er)e [aaaAa]
R: 7,187 home into his owen -gh-erd . and holde hym -th-(er)
euere [aaaAa]
U: 7,187 Hom into his owne -y-erde . and hold hym -th-(er)
eu(er)e [aaaAa]
V: 7,187 (Hom) to his oune (hurde) . And (holden) him _th_er
for (euere) [aaAa]
H: 7,187 into his owne er-th-e . & holde hym -th-(er)
for eu(er)e [aaaAa]
J: 7,187 Home into his owen -gh-erd . & holdyn him -th-(er)
eu(er)e [aaaAa]
L: 7,187 Hom into his owne erthe . & holden him -th-(er)
for euer [aaaAa]
K: 7,187 Home to his owen erth . & hold hym ther eu(er)
W: 7,187 Home to his owen hous . & hold hym -th-(er)
for euere [aaaAa]
N: 7,187 Home into his owne hous . & holde hi(m) -th-(er)e
for eur(e) [aaaAa]
E: 7,187 Or home to hys awne -y-erd . & holde hym -th-(er)
for eu(er) [aaaAa]
M: 7,187 hoom to his ovne lord . & hold hi(m) -th-er
for euer(e) [aaaAa]
H3: 7,187 Hom to hys owy(n) lond . & holdy(n) -th-(er)
eu(er)emore [aaaAa]
T: 7,188 Ac [y]et I p(re)ye [th]e q(ua)[th] peris er [th]ou
passe fer[th](er)e
H2: 7,188 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,188 Bot -gh-it I prey -th-e q(uo)d piers . er -th-ow
passe for-th-er [aaAx]
D: 7,188 Ac -gh-et I prey the q(ou)d piers . or -th-(o)u
passe forthere [aaAx]
R: 7,188 And -gh-ut I praye q(uo)d per(is) . or -th-(o)u
passe fer-th-er [aaAx]
U: 7,188 And -y-it y p(re)ie -th-e q(uo)d p(er)us . er -th-ou
passe fer-th-ere [aaAx]
V: 7,188 And _g_it I (preye) _th_e quod (pers) . er _th_ou
(passe) henne [aaAx]
H: 7,188 But y p(re)ie -th-ee quo-th- peris . or -th-ou passe
for-th-(er) [aaAx]
J: 7,188 & -gh-it I p(re)y -th-e q(uo)d pers . er -th-(o)u
passe fer-th-er(e) [aaAx]
L: 7,188 And -th-(a)t I pray q(uo)d Piers . er -th-ou passe
forther [aaAx]
K: 7,188 But yet I p(re)y the q(uo)d pers . or thou passe
farther [aaAx]
W: 7,188 But I praye -th-e q(uo)d Piers . er -th-ou passe
fer-th-ere [aaAx]
N: 7,188 But -gh-it I prey -th-e q(uo)d piers . ar -th-(o)u
passe for-th-(er)e [aaAx]
E: 7,188 And -y-it I pray you q(ou)d peirse . er ye passe
ferther [aaAx]
M: 7,188 & -y-it I preye -th-e q(uo)d pers . er -th-ou
passe fer-th-er(e) [aaAx]
H3: 7,188 And -gh-et I p(re)y-gh-e -th-e q(uo)d pers . er
-th-(o)u passe forthere [aaAx]
T: 7,189 Of begg(er)is & bidderis what best is to done
H2: 7,189 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,189 Off beggers and bidders . what best is to done
D: 7,189 Of beggers & bydderes . what best is to done
R: 7,189 Of begger(is) and bydder(is) . what is best to done
U: 7,189 Of beggeres and of bydderis . what is best to done
V: 7,189 Of (Bidders) and of (beggers) . what is (best) to
done [aaAx]
H: 7,189 of bedrede(n) & beggeris . what is best to done
J: 7,189 Of beggeris & bidderis . qwat best is to done
L: 7,189 Of beggers & bydders . what best beo to done
K: 7,189 Of beggers & biddars . what is best to done
W: 7,189 Of beggers and bidders . what is best to done [aaAx]
N: 7,189 Of bidders & of beggars . what best is to done
E: 7,189 Off begg(er)ys & bydd(er)ys . qwat is best to
done [aaAx]
M: 7,189 Of beggeres & bidderis . what is best to done
H3: 7,189 Off beggerys & bedderys . qwat is best to done
T: 7,190 ffor I wot wel be [th](o)u ywent hy wile werche ille
H2: 7,190 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,190 ffor I wote wel be -th-ow went . -th-ei wille worche
Ille [aaaAx]
D: 7,190 ffor I wot wel be -th-(o)u Iwent . -th-ey wil wurche
ille [aaaAx]
R: 7,190 for I wot wel be -th-(o)u went . -th-ey wil worche
ylle [aaaAx]
U: 7,190 ffor I wot wel by -y-e went . -th-ei wol wurchen
ille [aaaAx]
V: 7,190 I (wot) (wel) whon _th_ou art (I-went) . _th_ei
wol (worchen) ful ille [aaaAx]
H: 7,190 I woot be(n) -th-ou went . -th-ei wol worche ful
ille [aaaAx]
J: 7,190 I wote wele be -th-(o)u went . -th-ei wil wirchin
ille [aaaAx]
L: 7,190 ffor I wot wel beo -th-ou w[ent] . -th-ay wol worche
wel [ille] [aaaAx]
K: 7,190 ffor I wote wel be thou went . thay woll w(ur)chen
ille [aaaAx]
W: 7,190 I wote wel be -th-ou went . -th-ay wol werche ful
ille [aaaAx]
N: 7,190 I wot wel be -th-(o)u went . -th-ei wolle worche
ful Ille [aaaAx]
E: 7,190 ffor I wott wele be -y-e went . -th-ei will(e) wirke
euell(e) [aaaAx]
M: 7,190 ffor wel I wot be -th-u went . -th-ey wilen werche
alle [aaaAx]
H3: 7,190 ffor wel I wot be -th-(o)u went . -th-ei xul werche
ful ylle [aaaAx]
T: 7,191 Meschief it maki[th] hy(m) ben so mek nou[th]e
H2: 7,191 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,191 Mischef hit make-th- . -th-ei ben so meke now-th-e
D: 7,191 Myschief it make-th- . -th-(a)t -th-ey be so meke
now-th-e [aaAx]
R: 7,191 myschef hit make-th- . -th-ey be-th- so meke now-th-e
U: 7,191 Meschief it makith . -th-ei ben so meke nouthe [aaAx]
V: 7,191 And (Mischef) hit (make_th_) . _th_ei beo_th_ so
(meke) nou_th_e [aaAx]
H: 7,191 -th-y self maki-th- it iwis . -th-ei ben so meke
now-th-e [aaAx]
J: 7,191 Mischeue it makyth . -th-ei bene so meke nowe [aaAx]
L: 7,191 Mescheif hit maketh . -th-ey beon so meoke nouthe
K: 7,191 Myscheffe it maketh . thay ben so meke nowe [aaAx]
W: 7,191 Myschef meke-th- hem . -th-e be-th- so meke now-th-e
N: 7,191 ffor myschef it make-th- . -th-ei be so meke nowe
E: 7,191 Myscheff it makith . -th-ai ben so meke nowe [aaAx]
M: 7,191 ffor mischef it maket . -th-ey ben so meke now-th-e
H3: 7,191 ffor myschef it makith . -th-ei be so meke now
T: 7,192 And for defaute of foode [th]us faste hy werchi[th]
H2: 7,192 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,192 And for defaute of foode . -th-us faste -th-ei
worche [aaAx]
D: 7,192 And for defaute of fode . -th-us faste -th-ey wurchet
R: 7,192 And for defaute of fode . -th-us faste -th-ey wyrche
U: 7,192 And for defaute of fode . -th-us faste -th-ei wurchen
V: 7,192 And for (de-faute) of (foode) . _th_us (faste) _th_ei
worchen [aaAx]
H: 7,192 & for defaute of fode . -th-us faste -th-ei
werchen [aaAx]
J: 7,192 And for defaute of fode . -th-(us) fast -th-ei wyrchin
L: 7,192 And for defaute of fode . -th-us faste -th-ey worchen
K: 7,192 And for defaute of fode . thus faste thay worchen
W: 7,192 And for defaute of fode . -th-us fast -th-ei worche
nowe [aaAx]
N: 7,192 And for defaute of fode . -th-us fast now -th-ei
wirche [aaAx]
E: 7,192 And for defaute of fode . -th-us fast -th-ay wirke
M: 7,192 & for defaute of foode . -th-us faste -th-ey
werchy(n) [aaAx]
H3: 7,192 And for defaute of fode . -th-(us) faste -th-ei
werche [aaAx]
T: 7,193 And it ben my blody bre[th](er)en for god bou[gh]te
vs alle
H2: 7,193 And it ( :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,193 And It ben my blody bre-th-ern . for god bou-gh-t
vs alle [aaAx]
D: 7,193 And hit be my blody bre-th-(er)in . for god bou-gh-te
vs alle [aaAx]
R: 7,193 and h(i)t be-th- my blody bre-th-ryn . for god bou-gh-the
vs alle [aaAx]
U: 7,193 And it ben my blody bre-th-(er)en . for god bought
vs alle [aaAx]
V: 7,193 And heo beo_th_ my (blodi) (bre_th_eren) . for god
(bou_g_te) vs alle [aaAx]
H: 7,193 -th-ei be-th- myne bre-th-(er)en of one blood .
for god made vs [aaAx]
J: 7,193 And it bene [-th-ey] my blody brethirn . for god
bouht v(us) alle [aaAx]
L: 7,193 And -th-ey beon my blody brethren . for god made
vs alle [aaAx]
K: 7,193 And thay ben my blody bredern . for god bought vs
alle [aaAx]
W: 7,193 And we be-th- brethren of blood . for god boght
vs alle [aaAx]
N: 7,193 It ben my blody bre-th-(er)en . god sent vs hider
alle [aaAx]
E: 7,193 And -th-ai ben may bodely brether . for god boght
vs all(e) [aaAx]
M: 7,193 And it ben my breyeryn . for god bout vs alle [aaAx]
H3: 7,193 And -th-ei be(n) our brethery(n) . god bouth vs
alle [aaAx]
T: 7,194 Treu[th]e tau[gh]te me ones to loue hem ichone
H2: 7,194 Treuthe ta( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,194 Treu-th-e tou-gh-t me ones . to loue hem echon
D: 7,194 Trew-th-e tau-gh-te me onys . to loue he(m) echone
R: 7,194 tru-th-e tau-gh-the me onys . to loue hem echone
U: 7,194 Treuthe taughte me onys . to louen hem echone [aaAx]
V: 7,194 (Treu_th_e) (tauhte) me ones . (to) louen hem vchone
H: 7,194 treu-th-e tau-gh-te me onys . to loue hem echone
J: 7,194 Treuthe told me onys . to louyn hem ichon [aaAx]
L: 7,194 Treuthe taghte me ones . to loue heom vchone [aaAx]
K: 7,194 Trewthe towght me ons . to louen hem echone [aaAx]
W: 7,194 And trou-th- tau-th-t me ones . to loue hem ychon
N: 7,194 Tru-th-e tau-gh-t me ones . to loue he(m) vchone
E: 7,194 Trouth thaght me onys . for to love -th-aim all(e)
M: 7,194 Treuthe tauthe me onys . to louyn hem ichone [aaAx]
H3: 7,194 Trewthe taugthe me onys . to louy(n) he(m) ylchou(n)
T: 7,195 And helpe hem of alle [th]ing [th](a)t hem of nedide
H2: 7,195 And helpe hem ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,195 And helpe hem of alle -th-ing . -th-at hem of neded
D: 7,195 And helpen hem of al -th-ing . -th-(a)t hem nede-th-
R: 7,195 and helpe hem of al -th-ing . what -th-(a)t hem
nedy-th- [aaAx]
U: 7,195 And helpe hem of alle thing . what -th-at hem nedith
V: 7,195 And (helpen) hem of (alle) _th_yng . (aftur) _th_at
hem neode_th_. [aaAxx]
H: 7,195 & help hem of alle -th-ing . aft(er) -th-at
hem nedi-th- [aaAx]
J: 7,195 And helpyn hem of al thing . after -th-(a)t hem
nedith [aaAx]
L: 7,195 And helpen heom of al thyng . after -th-at heom
nedeth [aaAx]
K: 7,195 And helpen hem of al thyng(es) . after that hem
nedith [aaAx]
W: 7,195 And help hem of alle -th-ing . aftr(e) hem nede-th-
N: 7,195 & helpe he(m) of alle -th-ing . aftir -th-at
hem nedi-th- [aaAx]
E: 7,195 And help -th-aim at al -th-ing . qwat at -th-ai
nede [aaAx]
M: 7,195 And helpi(n) hem of alle -th-ing . aftir -th-at
-th-ey nedit [aaAx]
H3: 7,195 And helpy(n) he(m) of alle thyng . aft(er) -th-(a)t
he(m) nedyth [aaAx]
T: 7,196 I wolde wite [y]if [th](o)u wistest what were [th]e
H2: 7,196 I wolde wyte if th( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,196 I wold wete -gh-if -th-ow wistist . what wer -th-e
beste [aaaAx]
D: 7,196 wold I weten yf -th-(o)u wystest . what were -th-e
beste [aaaAx]
R: 7,196 Now wolde I wyte -gh-if -th-(o)u wystyst . what
wer(e) -th-e beste [aaaAx]
U: 7,196 Now wolde y wite if -th-ou wistest . what were -th-e
beste [aaaAx]
V: 7,196 _Y_it wolde I (witen) _g_if _th_ou (wustest) . (what)
were _th_e beste [aaAx]
H: 7,196 now wolde I wite -gh-if -th-ou wistist . what wer(e)
-th-e best [aaaAx]
J: 7,196 Now wold I wyty(n) -gh-if -th-(o)u wost . qwat w(er)
[-th-e] best [aaaAx]
L: 7,196 Now wold I witen -gh-ef -th-ou wistest . whad weore
-th-e beste [aaaAx]
K: 7,196 Now would I witen of the . what war the best [aaaAx]
W: 7,196 Now wold I wete of the . what were -th-e best [aaaAx]
N: 7,196 Now wolde I wyten if -th-(o)u wost . wat here of
were beste [aaaAx]
E: 7,196 Now wold I wete if -th-ou wist . qwat wer -th-e
best [aaaAx]
M: 7,196 Now wolde I wetyn -y-yf -th-u wost . wht wer(e)
-th-e best [aaaAx]
H3: 7,196 Now wold I wete -gh-yf -th-(o)u wyst . qwat were
-th-e best [aaaAx]
T: 7,197 And how I mi[gh]te amaistrie hem & make hem to
H2: 7,197 And how I my-gh-te ama( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,197 And how I my-gh-t amaystry hem . and make hem to
wirche [aaAx]
D: 7,197 And how I my-gh-te maystrye he(m) . & make he(m)
to werche [aaAx]
R: 7,197 hou I my-gh-the amastrye hem . and make he(m) to
wyrche [aaAx]
U: 7,197 & how y myghte amaystrie hem . & maken hem
to wurche [aaAx]
V: 7,197 And hou I (mihte) (A-Maystren) hem . and (maken)
hem to worche [aaAx]
H: 7,197 how y my-gh-t a maistren hem . & make hem to
werche [aaAx]
J: 7,197 & how I myht amayst(ri)en hem . & maky(n)
hem to wyrche [aaAx]
L: 7,197 And how I myghte amaistren heom . & make heo(m)
to worche [aaAx]
K: 7,197 And hou I might amastre them . & make them worchen
W: 7,197 And wherwi-th- I may maystre hem . & make hem
to worche [aaAx]
N: 7,197 And how I my-gh-th amaistre hem . & make he(m)
to worche [aaAx]
E: 7,197 And how I myght amaist(er) -th-aim . & make
-th-aim to wirke [aaAx]
M: 7,197 And how I mygthe amaystryn he(m) . & make he(m)
to w[e]rche [aaAx]
H3: 7,197 And how I myth maystery(n) he(m) . & maky(n)
he(m) to werche [aaAx]
T: 7,198 Here now q(ua)[th] hungir & holde it for a wisdom
H2: 7,198 Her(e) now q(ua)-th- hung(ir) and ( ::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,198 Here now q(uo)d hungur . and holde it for a wisdom
D: 7,198 Her now q(ou)d hung(er) . & holde it for a wysdom
R: 7,198 Here now q(uo)d hou(n)g(ir) . & hold h(i)t for
a wysdom [aaAx]
U: 7,198 Here now q(uo)d hungir . and hoold it for a wisdom
V: 7,198 (HEre) nou," quod (hunger) . and (holde) hit
for wisdam [aaAx]
H: 7,198 her(e) now quo-th- hong(ir) . & holde it for
a wysdom [aaAx]
J: 7,198 Here now q(uo)d hung(ir) . & hold it for wysdome
L: 7,198 Here now q(uo)d hongry . & hold hit for a wisdam
K: 7,198 Heare now q(uo)d hungre . & hold it for a wisdome
W: 7,198 Hire noon q(uo)d hungr(e) . & hold -th-at for
a wisdom [aaAx]
N: 7,198 Here now q(uo)d hu(n)ger . & hold it for a wisdom
E: 7,198 Here now q(ou)d hung(ir) . & hald it for wisdom
M: 7,198 Her(e) now q(uo)d hung(ir) . & hold it for a
wisdam [aaAx]
H3: 7,198 --- this line is omitted ---
T: 7,199 Bolde beggeris & bigge [th](a)t mowe here breed
H2: 7,199 Bolde begg(er)es and bigge ( :::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,199 Bolde beggers and bigge . -th-at may her brede
swinken [aaaAx]
D: 7,199 Bolde beggeres & bygge . brod hold vp here hertys
R: 7,199 Bolde begger(is) and bygge . -th-(a)t mowe h(er)
bred byswynke [aaaAx]
U: 7,199 Bolde beggeres & bygge . -th-at mowen her(e)
mete swynke [aaaAx]
V: 7,199 (Bolde) (Bidders) and (Beggers) . _th_at (mowen)
her (mete) biswinke [aaBb]
H: 7,199 bolde bidders & beggers . -th-at mowe here mete
byswink [aaaAx]
J: 7,199 Bolde begg(er)is & bigge . -th-(a)t mowne [for]
her mete swynk [aaaAx]
L: 7,199 Bolde beggers & bygge . -th-(a)t mowe heore
bred byswynke [aaaAx]
K: 7,199 Bolde beggers & byddars . that may her bred
swynke [aaaAx]
W: 7,199 Boold beggers and bigge . -th-at may hire mete swynke
N: 7,199 Bolde beggars & bigge . -th-(a)t mowe her bred
byswynke [aaaAx]
E: 7,199 Hold begg(er)ys & bydd(er)ys . -th-(a)t may
noght swete ne swynke [aaaAx]
M: 7,199 Bolde beggeris & bigge . -th-at mowe(n) her(e)
bred swynken [aaaAx]
H3: 7,199 Bolde beggerys & bygge . -th-(a)t mou(n) here
mete swynke [aaaAx]
T: 7,200 Wi[th] houndis bred & hors bred holde vp here
H2: 7,200 With hou(n)des bred or hors bred ( :::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,200 With houndes brede and hors brede . hold vp her
hertes [aaAa]
D: 7,200 --- this line om ---
R: 7,200 W(i)t(h) houndys bred and horse bred . hold vp her
hert(is) [aaAa]
U: 7,200 With houndes & horse breed . hold vp here hertis
V: 7,200 With (houndes) bred & (horse) bred . (hold)
vp heor (hertes) [aaAa]
H: 7,200 Wi-th- houndis breed & hors breed . holde -th-ow
her(e) mawes [aaAa]
J: 7,200 W(i)t(h) houndes bred & hors bred . holde vp
h(er) hertys [aaAa]
L: 7,200 W(i)t(h) houndes bred & hors bred . hold vp
heore heortes [aaAa]
K: 7,200 With hound(is) bred & hors bred . hold vp her
hart(es) [aaAa]
W: 7,200 Wi-th- hond brede and hors brede . hold vp hire
lyues [aaAa]
N: 7,200 W(i)t(h) howndes bred & hors bred . holde vp
her hertis [aaAa]
E: 7,200 w(i)t(h) honde bred & horse brede . holde vp
-th-air hert(is) [aaAa]
M: 7,200 W(i)t(h) benis & w(i)t(h) horsse bred . hold
vp her(e) hertis [aaAa]
H3: 7,200 W(i)t(h) howndys bred & hors bred . hold vp
here hertys [aaAa]
T: 7,201 And baue hem wi[th] bones for bollnyng of h(er)e wombe
H2: 7,201 And baue hem with bones . for b( :::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,201 And batten hem with bones . for bolling of her
wombes [aaAx]
D: 7,201 Abaue hem w(i)t(h) bonys . for bolnyng of here wombe
R: 7,201 And bayte hem w(i)t(h) bonys . for swellyng of her
wonbys [aaAx]
U: 7,201 & baue hem with benys . for swellynge of her(e)
wombes [aaAx]
V: 7,201 And (Bamme) hem with (bones) . for (bollyng) of
heore wombes [aaAx]
H: 7,201 abaue hem wi-th- bonys . for bolnyng of her(e) wombes
J: 7,201 Abaue hem w(i)t(h) benys . for bolnyng of h(er)
wombe [aaAx]
L: 7,201 And abate heom with benes . for bollyng of heore
::::: [aaAx]
K: 7,201 Abaue hem w(i)t(h) bonys . for bolling of her wombes
W: 7,201 And fede hem wi-th- benes . for bornyng of hyre
wombes [aaAx]
N: 7,201 Abaue hem w(i)t(h) benys . for bolnyng of her belyes
E: 7,201 And baue -th-aim w(i)t(h) benes . for swellyng of
-th-air womb [aaAx]
M: 7,201 And baue hem w(i)t(h) benys . for bollyng of her(e)
wombes [aaAx]
H3: 7,201 And bayue he(m) benys . for bolnyg of here wombys
T: 7,202 And [y]if [th]e gromes grucche bidde hem go & swynke
H2: 7,202 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,202 And -gh-ef -th-e gromes gruch . bid hem go and
work [aaAx]
D: 7,202 And yf -th-o gromes grucche . byd hym go swynke
R: 7,202 And -gh-if -th-e gromys grucche . byd hem go and
swynke [aaAx]
U: 7,202 And -y-if -th-e gromes grucche . byd hem go swynke
V: 7,202 And _g_if _th_e (gomes) (grucchen) . bidde hem (go)
swynke [aaAx]
H: 7,202 -gh-if eny gromes grucche . bidde hem go swink [aaAx]
J: 7,202 And -gh-if -th-o g(ro)mes g(ro)chyn . bid hem go
swynk [aaAx]
L: 7,202 & -gh-ef -th-e gromes grucche . bad heo(m) go & swynke
K: 7,202 And if the gromes grutche . byd them go & swynke
W: 7,202 And -gh-if -th-ei groche -th-(er)ewi-th- . bidde
hem go worche [aaAx]
N: 7,202 And -gh-if -th-e gromes grucche . bid hem go worche
E: 7,202 And if -th-e gromys grochen . byd -th-aim go swynke
M: 7,202 And -y-if -th-e gromes grucchin . bede hi(m) gon & swynken
H3: 7,202 And -gh-yf -th-o gromys grotch . byd he(m) go swynke
T: 7,203 And he shal soupe swett(er)e whanne he it ha[th] des(er)uid
H2: 7,203 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,203 And he schal so-th-e suetter . whan he hit hath
deserued [aaXa]
D: 7,203 And he schal soupe swettere . whan he it ha-th-
deseruyd [aaXa]
R: 7,203 for he schal soupe swetter . whe(n) he ha-th- h(i)t
deserued [aaXa]
U: 7,203 & -th-ei schul soupe -th-e bet(er)e . whan he
it han deseruyd [aaXa]
V: 7,203 And _th_ei schule (soupe) _th_e (swettore) . whon
_th_ei han hit (deseruet) [aaXa]
H: 7,203 & -th-ei shul sowpe -th-e swett(er) . when -th-ei
haue deserued [aaXa]
J: 7,203 And he sal sowpyn swett(er) . qwan he hath deseruyd
L: 7,203 And he schal soupe swett(er) . when he hath hit
des::::: [aaXa]
K: 7,203 And he schal supp swetter . than he it hath des(er)uyd
W: 7,203 And he shal soupe sweitere . whan he ha-th- it des(er)ued
N: 7,203 And -th-ei shal soupe swetter . whan -th-ei it han
des(er)ued [aaXa]
E: 7,203 And shal so-th-e -th-e bett(er) . qwen he hase it
des(er)ued [aaXa]
M: 7,203 And he scholyn so[u]pi(n) bet(er)e . whan -th-ey
it han des(er)uid [aaXa]
H3: 7,203 And he xal soupe swettere . qwa(n) he hat deserued
T: 7,204 Ac [y]if [th]ou fynde any frek [th](a)t fortune ha[th]
H2: 7,204 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,204 And -gh-ef -th-ow fynde any freke . -th-at fortune
ha-th-e appaired [aaAx]
D: 7,204 Ac yf -th-(o)u fynde ony freyke . -th-at fortune
ha-th- apeyred [aaAx]
R: 7,204 Ac -gh-if -th-(o)u fynde ony freke . -th-(a)t fortune
ha-th- apeyred [aaAx]
U: 7,204 Ac -gh-if -th-ou fynde ony freek . -th-at fortune
ha-th- apeyred [aaAx]
V: 7,204 And _g_if _th_ou (fyndest) eny (ffreik) . _th_at
(fortune) ha_th_ a-peiret [aaAx]
H: 7,204 & -gh-if -th-ou fynde eny freek . -th-at fortune
ha-th- apeired [aaAx]
J: 7,204 And -gh-if -th-(o)u fynd any freyke . -th-at fortun
hath apayryd [aaAx]
L: 7,204 Bot -gh-ef -th-(o)u fynde [any] freke . -th-(a)t
[fortune hath] :::::: [aaAx]
K: 7,204 But if thou ffynd any freke . that fortune hath
appeyred [aaAx]
W: 7,204 But yf -th-ou fynde any freke . -th-at fortune ha-th-
apaired [aaAx]
N: 7,204 & -gh-if -th-(o)u fynde any freke . -th-(a)t
fortune ha-th- apeyred [aaAx]
E: 7,204 And if -th-ou fynde ony freke . -th-(a)t fortune
hase aparyd [aaAx]
M: 7,204 But -y-if -th-ou fynde ony freke . -th-at fortune
has aperyd [aaAx]
H3: 7,204 And -gh-yf -th-(o)u fynde any freyk . -th-(a)t
fortune hat apeyryd [aaAx]
T: 7,205 Wi[th] fuyr or wi[th] false men fond suche knowen
H2: 7,205 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,205 With fire or with fals men . fonde such to knowe
D: 7,205 With feer or w(i)t(h) fals me(n) . fonde swych me(n)
knowen [aaAx]
R: 7,205 W(i)t(h) fyr(e) o-th-(er) w(i)t(h) falce men . fonde
suche to knowe [aaAx]
U: 7,205 With fyre or with false men . fond siche men to
knowe [aaAx]
V: 7,205 With (fuir), or with (fals) (folk) . (fonde) suche
to knowe [aaaAx]
H: 7,205 Wi-th- fur(e) o-th-(er) wi-th- fals me(n) . fonde
siche forto knowe [aaAx]
J: 7,205 W(i)t(h) fyre or w(i)t(h) false men . fonde swyche
to knowe [aaAx]
L: 7,205 With fuyr or with fals men . fond suche to knowen
K: 7,205 With fyre or w(i)t(h) fals men . fonden such to
knowen [aaAx]
W: 7,205 With fire or wi-th- fals men . fonde hem to knowe
N: 7,205 W(i)t(h) fire or w(i)t(h) false men . fonde suche
to knowe [aaAx]
E: 7,205 w(i)t(h) fyre or w(i)t(h) fals men . founde sike
to knaw [aaAx]
M: 7,205 Wit for or wit fals men . fonde swyche to knowen
H3: 7,205 W(i)t(h) fyir or w(i)t(h) fals me(n) . fond sweche
to knowe [aaAx]
T: 7,206 Counforte hem wi[th] [th]at catel for cristis loue
of heuene
H2: 7,206 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,206 Comfort hem with -th-i catel . for cristes loue
of heuen [aaAx]
D: 7,206 Comfort hem w(i)t(h) -th-y catel . for Crystes loue
of heuene [aaAx]
R: 7,206 co(n)forte hy(m) wi-th- -th-y catel . for crist(is)
loue of heuene [aaAx]
U: 7,206 Comforte hem wi-th- -th-i catel . for c(ri)stis
loue of heuene [aaAx]
V: 7,206 (Cumforte) hem with _th_i (Catel) . for (cristes)
loue of heuene [aaAx]
H: 7,206 Confort hem wi-th- -th-y catel . for cristis loue
of heue(n) [aaAx]
J: 7,206 Coumforth he(m) w(i)t(h) -th-i catel . for c(ri)stes
lof of heuyn [aaAx]
L: 7,206 Comforte heom with katel . for cristes loue of heouen
K: 7,206 Comfort hem w(i)t(h) thy catell . for crist(is)
loue of heuyn [aaAx]
W: 7,206 Comforte hym wi-th- -th-i catel . for cristesake
of heuene [aaAx]
N: 7,206 Comfort hem w(i)t(h) catel . for cristis loue of
heuene [aaAx]
E: 7,206 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 7,206 Counforte hem w(i)t(h) -th-y catel . for cryst(is)
loue of heuene [aaAx]
H3: 7,206 Comfort he(m) w(i)t(h) -th-i(n) catel . for crystys
loue of heuene [aaAx]
T: 7,207 Loue hem & lene hem & so [th]e lawe of kynde
H2: 7,207 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,207 Loue hem and lene hem . and so the lawe of kende
wolde [aaAx]
D: 7,207 Loue he(m) & lene hem . & so -th-e lawe
of kynde wolde [aaAx]
R: 7,207 Loue he(m) and leue he(m) . for so lawe of kynde
wolde [aaAx]
U: 7,207 Loue hem & lone hem . for so -th-e lawe of kynde
wolde [aaAx]
V: 7,207 (Loue) hem, and (lene) hem . so _th_e (lawe) of
kuynde wole [aaAx]
H: 7,207 Loue hem & leue hem . for so lawe of ( ::::
)ynde wole [aaAx]
J: 7,207 Lof hem & lene hem . & so -th-e lawe wolde
L: 7,207 Loue heom & lene heom . & so -th-e lawe
of kynde wolde [aaAx]
K: 7,207 Loue hem & lend hem . for so lawe of kynde techith
W: 7,207 Loue hym & lene hym . as lawe of kynde aske-th-
N: 7,207 Loue hem & lene hem . as lawe of kynde wolde
E: 7,207 Loue -th-aim & lenne -th-aim . for so -th-e
law of kynde [aaAx]
M: 7,207 Loue hem & lene hem . for so lawe of kynde wolde
H3: 7,207 Loue he(m) & lenede he(m) . for so lawe of
kende wolde [aaAx]
T: 7,208 And alle man(er) of men [th](a)t [th]ou mi[gh]te aspien
H2: 7,208 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,208 And alle maner of men . -th-at -th-ow my-gh-t aspien
D: 7,208 And alle man(er) men . -th-at -th-(o)u my-gh-t aspyen
-th-(a)t nedy ben or naked [aaAx]
R: 7,208 And alle men -th-(a)t -th-(o)u my-gh-the aspye .
-th-(a)t nedy be-th- or naked [aaAx]
U: 7,208 And -th-o -th-ou myght aspye -th-at nedy ben or
nakyd [aaAx]
V: 7,208 And alle (manere) of (Men) . _th_at _th_ou (may_g_t)
aspye [aaAx]
H: 7,208 & alle man(er) me(n) . -th-at -th-(o)u mi-gh-t
aspie [aaAx]
J: 7,208 & alle man(er) of men . -th-(a)t -th-(o)u mayt
aspyen [aaAx]
L: 7,208 And eke al maner of men . -th-at -th-(o)u myght
aspyen [aaAx]
K: 7,208 And al man(er) of men . that thou might aspye [aaAx]
W: 7,208 And al man(er)e suche men . -th-at -th-u myght aspie
N: 7,208 And alle man(er) of men . -th-(a)t -th-(o)u may
aspyen [aaAx]
E: 7,208 And if -th-ou may aspye -th-(a)t nedy be or nakyd
M: 7,208 And alle man(er) of men . -th-at -th-u mygth asspie
H3: 7,208 And all man(er) of me(n) . -th-(a)t -th-(o)u myth
asspy-gh-e [aaAx]
T: 7,209 [Th]at nedy ben or nakid & nou[gh]t han to spende
H2: 7,209 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,209 -Th-at nedy ben or naked . and nau-gh-t han to
spende [aaAx]
D: 7,209 And nou-gh-t haue to spende w(i)t(h) mete or w(i)t(h)
mone [aaAx]
R: 7,209 And nou-gh-th haue to spende . w(i)t(h) mete ne
w(i)t(h) mone [aaAx]
U: 7,209 And han noght to spenden wi-th- mete ne wi-th- mene
V: 7,209 _Th_at (neodi) ben, or (naket) . and (nou_g_t) haue
to spende [aaAx]
H: 7,209 -Th-at ben nedy & naked . & naue not to
spende [aaAx]
J: 7,209 -Th-(a)t nedy ben or nakyd . & nouth han to
spendyn [aaAx]
L: 7,209 -Th-at nedy beon or naked . & noght han to despende
K: 7,209 That nedy ben or naked . & nowght haue to spende
W: 7,209 That be-th- nedy or naked . & haue noght to
spende [aaAx]
N: 7,209 -Th-at be naked & nedy . & nou-gh-t han
to spende [aaAx]
E: 7,209 --- this line om ---
M: 7,209 -Th-at nedy ben or nakyde . & nowt han to spendi(n)
H3: 7,209 -Th-at nedy be(n) or nekyd . & nouth ha(n)
to spende [aaAx]
T: 7,210 Wi[th] mete or mone let make hem at ese
H2: 7,210 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,210 With mete or with money . make hem at ese aaAx|
D: 7,210 --- this line om ---
R: 7,210 --- this line is omitted --- [aaAx|
U: 7,210 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 7,210 With (Mete) or with (Moneye) . (mak) hem fare _th_e
betere [aaAx]
H: 7,210 Wi-th- mete o-th-(er) wi-th- money . lete hem fare
-th-e bett(er) aaAx|
J: 7,210 W(i)t(h) mete or w(i)t(h) drink . let hem beene
-th-e bettur aaAx|
L: 7,210 With mete or with monee . let heom beo -th-e bettre
K: 7,210 W(i)t(h) mete or w(i)t(h) monye . let the(m) be
the better aaAx|
W: 7,210 Of -th-i mete & -th-i monoye . late hem be -th-e
bettre aaAx|
N: 7,210 Wi-th- mete or wi-th- monye . lete hem be releued
E: 7,210 And noght haue to spende in mete ne in mony [aaAx]
M: 7,210 Wit mete or w(i)t(h) mony . let hem ben -th-e bett(er)e
H3: 7,210 W(i)t(h) mete or w(i)t(h) mony . lat he(m) be(n)
-th-e bett(er) aaAx|
T: 7,211 --- this line om ---
H2: 7,211 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,211 --- this line is omitted ---
D: 7,211 --- this line om ---
R: 7,211 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 7,211 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 7,211 Or with (word) or with (Werk) . (while) _th_at _th_ou
art here [aaAxx]
H: 7,211 o-th-(er) wi-th- werk o-th-(er) wi-th- wordis .
whils -th-ou art here [aaAx]
J: 7,211 Oythir w(i)t(h) werk or w(i)t(h) worde . qwylis
-th-(o)u art here [aaAx]
L: 7,211 Or with werk or with word . -th-e while -th-(o)u
art here [aaAx]
K: 7,211 Or with work or w(i)t(h) word . the whiles thou
art here [aaAx]
W: 7,211 Or wi-th- wi-th- werk or wi-th- woorde . while -th-ou
art here [aaAx]
N: 7,211 Or wi-th- werke or w(i)t(h) worde . wyl -th-(a)t
-th-(o)u art -th-ere [aaAx]
E: 7,211 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 7,211 Or w(i)t(h) werk or w(i)t(h) word . -th-e while
-th-u art her(e) [aaAx]
H3: 7,211 Or w(i)t(h) werk or w(i)t(h) word . qwyl -th-(o)u
art here [aaAx]
T: 7,212 And make [th]e ffrendis [th](er)mi[th] for so matheu
vs techi[th]
H2: 7,212 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,212 And make -th-e frendes -th-erwith . for so mathew
vs teche-th- [aaAx]
D: 7,212 late make -th-e frendes -th-(er)with . & so
Matheu vs teches [aaAx]
R: 7,212 lat make -th-e frendys -th-(er)w(i)t(h) . and so
mathew vs techys [aaAx]
U: 7,212 Lat make -th-i frendes -th-(er)myde . & so matheu
vs techith [aaAx]
V: 7,212 (Mak) _th_e ffrendes _th_er-with . for so Seint
(Matheu) teche_th_ [axAx]
H: 7,212a { ffacite vobis amicos de ma(m)mona iniquitatis
} [Latin]
J: 7,212 Make -th-e frendys -th-(er)w(i)t(h) . & so mathew
vs techith { ffacite vob(is) amicos de mammona i(n)iq(ui)t(atis)
} [aaAx]
L: 7,212 Mak -th-e frendes -th-(er)with . & so math(eu)
vs techith { Facite vo[bis] a[micos] } [aaAx]
K: 7,212 Make the frend(is) therwith . & so matheu vs
techeth [aaAx]
W: 7,212 Make -th-e frendes -th-erwi-th- . as mathew -th-e
teche-th- [aaAx]
N: 7,212 Make -th-e frendis -th-(er)myde . and so vs Mathew
vs techi-th- [aaAx]
E: 7,212 Bot make -th-i frend -th-(er) mede . & so mathew
bydd(es) [aaAx]
M: 7,212 Mak -th-e frendis -th-erwit . & so matheu techit
H3: 7,212 Mak -th-e frend -th-(er) wyt . & so matthew
techth [aaAx]
T: 7,212 { ffacite vobis amicos } I wolde not greue god
H2: 7,212a ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,212a { ffacite vobis amicos &c } I wold nou-gh-t
greue god [Latin]
D: 7,212a { ffacite vobis amicos } I wold not god greue [Latin]
R: 7,212a { Facite vobis amicos &c } wolde not gryue
god [Latin]
U: 7,212a --- this line is omitted ---
V: 7,212a { ffacite vobis amicos de mammona iniquitatis }
H: 7,212 Make -th-ee frendis -th-erwi-th- . for so sei-th-
-th-e gospel [aaAx])
J: 7,212a --- this line om ---
L: 7,212a --- this line om ---
K: 7,212a { ffacite vobis amicos de mammona iniquitatis }
W: 7,212a { ffacite vobis amicos de mamona iniquitatis }
N: 7,212a { ffacite vobis amicos &c } [Latin]
E: 7,212a { ffacite vobis amicos } wold noght greve god [Latin]
M: 7,212a { ffacite vobis amico[s] } [Latin]
H3: 7,212a { ffacite vobis amicos de mamone i(n)iquitatis
} [Latin]
R: 1,179 And ek -th-e redyneste gate -th-at go-th- into heuene
R: 1,180 ffor-th-y I seye as I sayde er(e) . by sent of -th-ese tyxt(es) [aaAx]
R: 1,181 Wha(n) alle tresour(i)s are tryde . tru-th-e is -th-e beste [aaAx]
R: 1,182 Now haue I told -th-e what tru-th-e is . -th-(a)t no treso(ur) is betere [aaAx]
R: 1,183 I may no longer lette . now loke -th-e our(e) lord [aaAx]
R: 2,1 -gh-ut kneled I on my kneys . and sou-gh--th-e hur(e) of grace [aaAx]
R: 2,2 and sayde mercy madame . for marye loue of heuene [aaAx]
R: 2,3 -Th-(a)t bar(e) -th-(a)t blessede barne . -th-(a)t bou-gh--th-e vs on -th-e rode [aaaAx]
R: 2,4 ken me by sou(m) crafte . to knowe -th-e false [aaAx]
R: 2,5 Loke on -th-y lyf-th-e half . & loke where he standys [aaAx]
R: 2,6 bo-th-e fals and fauel . and his fer(is) alle [aaAx]
R: 2,7 I loked on my lyf-th-e half . as -th-e lady me tau-gh-the [aaAx]
R: 2,8 and was war of a wo(m)man . wonderly yclo-th-ed [aaAx]
R: 2,9 ypurfyled w(i)t(h) pellure . -th-e puryste er-th-e [aaAx]
R: 2,10 ycorouned in a coroune . -th-e kyng ha-th- no betere [aaAx]
R: 2,11 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 2,12 of -th-e puryste p(er)reye . -th-(a)t p(ri)nce wered euere [aaAx]
R: 2,13 In red scarlet robyd . rybaynyd aboute w(i)t(h) golde [aaAx]
R: 2,14 Ther is no quene queyntere . -th-at quyk is on lyue [aaAx]
R: 2,15 What is -th-(a)t wo(m)man q(uo)d I . so wonderly atyryd [aaAx]
R: 2,16 -Th-(a)t is mede -th-e mayde . -th-(a)t ha-th- noyed me ful ofte [aaXx]
R: 2,17 And lacked my lore . to lordys aboute [aaAx]
R: 2,18 In -th-e popys paleys . sche is preuy as my selue [aaAx]
R: 2,19 And so schulde sche not be . for wrong was hur(e) syre [xxXx]
R: 2,20 out of wrong sche wexe . to wro-th-(er)hele manye [aaAx]
R: 2,21 I au-gh-the be hyer(e) . -th-an sche for y come of beter(e) [aaAxx]
R: 2,22 Tomorwe wor-th- -th-e maryage mad . of mede and of falce [aaaAx]
R: 2,23 fauel w(i)t(h) fayr(e) speche . ha-th- forged hem togedere [aaAx]
R: 2,24 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 2,25 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 2,26 tomorwe wor-th- -th-e mariage . ymade as I telle [aaAx]
R: 2,27 -Th-(er) my-gh--th-e -th-(o)u wyte -gh-if -th-(o)u wolt . whych -th-ei ben alle [aaAx]
R: 2,28 That longe-th- to -th-(a)t lordschep . -th-e lesse an -th-e more [aaAx]
R: 2,29 Knowe he(m) -th-(er) -gh-if -th-(o)u canst . and kep -th-e from hem alle [aaAx]
R: 2,30 -Gh-if -th-(o)u -th-enkest to wone . w(i)t(h) tru-th-e in his blysse [aaAxx]
R: 2,31 I may no lenger lette . lord I -th-e byteche [aaAx]
R: 2,32 And become a goud man . for eny couetyse I rede [aaAx]
R: 2,33 Al -th-e ryche retenau(n)ce . -th-(a)t ryne-th- w(i)t(h) falce [aaAx]
R: 2,34 Were ybede to -th-e bredale . on bo-th-e two sydys [aaAx]
R: 2,35 syr(e) symonye is of sent . to sele -th-e chartres [aaAx]
R: 2,36 That fals o-th-(er) fauel . by ony fyn holde-th- [aaAx]
R: 2,37 And feffe mede -th-(er) w(i)t(h) . in maryage for euere [aaAx]
R: 2,38 -Th-(er) nas halle ne hous . to herberwe -th-e peple [aaAx]
R: 2,39 -Th-(a)t ech feld nas ful . of folke aboute [aaAx]
R: 2,40 In myddes a mou(n)teyne . at mydmorwe tyme [aaAx]
R: 2,41 Was py-gh--th- vp a pauylou(n) . proud for -th-e nonys [aaAx]
R: 2,42 and ten -th-ousand tentys . ty-gh-th -th-(er) by sydes [aaAx]
R: 2,43 of ky-gh-thy[s] of cortyer(es) . of comer(es) aboute [aaAx]
R: 2,44 ffor sysor(es) for somn(ur)ys . for seller(is) for bygger(es) [aaAx]
R: 2,45 for leryd for lewyd . for laborer(is) for -th-repis [aaAx]
R: 2,46 Alle to witnesse wel . what -th-e wryt wolde [aaAa]
R: 2,47 in what man(er) -th-(a)t mede . in mariage was feffed [aaAx]
R: 2,48 To be fastnyd w(i)t(h) fals . -th-e fyn is areryd [aaAx]
R: 2,49 -Th-anne fauel fetty-th- hir(e) for-th- . and to fals take-th- [aaaAx]
R: 2,50 in forward -th-(a)t falshede . schal fynde hir(e) for euere [aaAx]
R: 2,51 and sche be buxou(m) at his bode . h(i)s biddy(n)g to fulfylle [aaAx]
R: 2,52 At bedde and at bord . buxou(m) and hende [aaAx]
R: 2,53 And at sir(e) symonyes wille . to schewy(n) his heste [aaAx]
R: 2,54 symonye and syuyle . standes vp bo-th-e [aaAx]
R: 2,55 And vnfolde-th- -th-e vestyment . -th-(a)t fals ha-th- makyd [aaAx]
R: 2,56 Thus begy(n)ne-th- -th-(i)s gome . and grety-th- wel eche [aaAx]
R: 2,57 Wyten and witnessen . -th-(a)t wone-th- vpon er-th-e [aaAx]
R: 2,58 -Th-at I fauel haue . falsnesse to mede [aaAx]
R: 2,59 to be present in pryde . for por(e) or for ryche [aaAx]
R: 2,60 W(i)t(h) -th-e erledome of enuye . euer(e) to laste [aaAx]
R: 2,61 W(i)t(h) al -th-e worschep of lecherye . in leng-th-e and in brede [aaAx]
R: 2,62 W(i)t(h) -th-e kyngdom of couetise . I crowne -gh-ou togedere [aaAx]
R: 2,63 and alle -th-e vycys of vsur(es) . and auaryce -th-e faste [aaAx]
R: 2,64 Glotonye and gret o-th-is . I gyf hem togedere [aaAx]
R: 2,65 W(i)t(h) alle -th-e lyt(es) of lust . -th-e deuel for to serue [axAx]
R: 2,66 In al -th-e seygnorye of scleu-th-e . I sese hem togedere [aaAx]
R: 2,67 -Th-ey to haue and holde . and her(e) eyr(es) after [aaAa]
R: 2,68 W(i)t(h) al -th-e portunanc(is) of purgatorye . into -th-e pyne of helle [aaAx]
R: 2,69 -Gh-eldyng for -th-(i)s -th-ing at on -gh-er(is) ende [xxXx]
R: 2,70 Her(e) soulis to sathanas . and synke into pyne [aaAx]
R: 2,71 -th-er to wone w(i)t(h) wrong . whilys god is in heuene [aaAxx]
R: 2,72 In witnesse of which -th-ing . wrong was -th-e fyrste [aaAx]
R: 2,73 Per(is) -th-e pardon(er) . paulyns dou-gh-ter [aaAx]
R: 2,74 and bette -th-e bydul . of bokyngh(a)m schyre [aaAx]
R: 2,75 randolf -th-e reue . of rokelond sokne [aaAx]
R: 2,76 Mundy -th-e mylner(e) . & many mo o-th-er [aaAx]
R: 2,77 in -th-e date of -th-e deuel . -th-is dede I asele [aaAx]
R: 2,78 By seyt of sire symonye . and sygnys of notories [aaAx]
R: 2,79 -Th-a(n)ne tenyde hy(m) theologie . when he -th-(i)s tale hurde [aaAx]
R: 2,80 and sayde to syuyle . sorwe on -th-y bokys [aaAx]
R: 2,81 such weddyng to worche . to werre w(i)t(h) tru-th-e [aaAx]
R: 2,82 And or -th-(i)s weddyng be ywrou-gh--th- . wo -th-e bytyde [aaAx]
R: 2,84 God graunte-th- to . gyue mede to tru-th-e [aaAx]
R: 2,85 and -th-(o)u hast -gh-if hur(e) to a gylour(e) [aaAx]
R: 2,86 The tyxte telle-th- not so . tru-th-e wot -th-e so-th-e { Dignus est operarius mercede } [aaAx]
R: 2,86a { Dignus est operarius mercede } [Latin]
R: 2,87 Wor-th-i is -th-e werkman . mede to haue [aaXx]
R: 2,88 and -th-(o)u hast fastned hur(e) w(i)t(h) fals . fy on -th-y lawes [aaAx]
R: 2,89 for al by lesyng(es) -th-ou lyuest . & lecherouse werk(is) [aaAx]
R: 2,90 Symonye and -th-i self . schende-th- holy cherche [aaAx]
R: 2,91 -Gh-e and -th-e notoryes noy-gh-en -th-e peple [xaAx]?
R: 2,92 -Gh-e schul aby-gh-e bo-th-e . by god -th-at me made [aaAxx]
R: 2,93 Wel -gh-e wyte warnerdys . but -gh-if -gh-o(ur) wit fayle [aaaAx]
R: 2,94 That fals is fayto(ur) . and fals of his werk(is) [aaAx]
R: 2,95 and as bastard ybore . of belsabuck(es) kynne [aaAx]
R: 2,96 and mede is mulier(e) . a mayden of gode [aaAx]
R: 2,97 sche my-gh-the kysse -th-e kyng . for -gh-if sche wolde [aaAx]
R: 2,98 Worche-th- by wysdoum . and by wit after [aaAx]
R: 2,99 Ledy-th- hur(e) to londone . -th-er lawe is handlyd [aaAx]
R: 2,100 -Gh-if eny leute wil loke . -th-ey lygge togedere [aaAx]
R: 2,101 and iustyse Iugyn hure . to be Ioynyd w(i)t(h) false [aaAx]
R: 2,102 -Gh-ut be war of -th-(a)t weddyng . for witty is treu-th-e [aaAx]
R: 2,103 for co(n)ciens is of his conseyl . & knowe-th- -gh-ou echone [aaAx]
R: 2,104 and -gh-if he fynde -gh-ou in -th-e faute . and w(i)t(h) -th-e falce holdyn [aaAx]
R: 2,105 h(i)t schal beset -gh-o(ur) soulys . wel sore at -th-e laste [aaAx]
R: 2,106 Herto asente-th- syuyle . ac symonye nolde [aaAx]
R: 2,107 til he hadde sylu(er) . for celys and sygnys [xaAa]
R: 2,108 -Th-a(n)ne fette fauel for-th- . flour(es) ynowe [aaaAx]
R: 2,109 And bad gile go gyue . gold anon al aboute [aaAx]
R: 2,110 And na(m)lyche to -th-e notoryes . -th-(a)t he(m) non faylede [aaAx]
R: 2,111 & feffe fals witnesse . w(i)t(h) flor(eynes) ynowe [aaAx]
R: 2,112 for he may mede amastrye. and make at my wille [aaAx]
R: 2,113 -Th-o -th-(i)s gold was ygyue . gret was -th-e -th-ankyng [aaAx]
R: 2,114 To fals and to fauel . for her(e) grete -gh-ifthes [aaAx]
R: 2,115 and come to comforte . fro car(e) -th-e falce [aaAx]
R: 2,116 and cert(es) sayde sece . schulle we neuere [aaAx]
R: 2,117 tyl mede be -th-y wedded wyf . -th-orw wit of vs alle [aaAx]
R: 2,118 ffor we haue mede amaystryid . w(i)t(h) our(e) merye speche [aaAx]
R: 2,119 -Th-(a)t graunte-th- to go . w(i)t(h) a good wylle [aaAx]
R: 2,120 to londone and loke . -gh-if -th-(a)t -th-e lawe wolde [aaAx]
R: 2,121 Iugen -gh-ou ioyntlyche . in lawe for euere [aaAx]
R: 2,122 Thanne was falce fayn . and fauel as bly-th-e [aaAx]
R: 2,123 and let somone alle -th-e seggis . in scher(es) aboute [aaAx]
R: 2,124 And alle be-th- bon . begger(is) & o-th-re [aaAx]
R: 2,125 to wende w(i)t(h) hem to westmynystre . to witnesse -th-(i)s dede [aaAx]
R: 2,126 Tha(n)ne caryd -th-ey for capelys . to caryyn hem -th-eder [aaAx]
R: 2,127 -Th-a(n)ne fette fauel . folys -th-er of -th-e beste [aaAx]
R: 2,128 sette mede on a shyrreue . yschod al newe [aaAx]
R: 2,129 and fals on a syso(ur) . -th-(a)t softly trotted [aaAx]
R: 2,130 And fauel vp a fayre speche . fetysly atyryd [aaAx]
R: 2,131 -Th-o hadde notoriis none . anoy-gh-ed -th-ey were [aaAx]
R: 2,132 and symonye and syuyle . schulde on her(e) fet gange [aaAx]
R: 2,133 -Th-an seyde syuyle . and swor(e) by -th-e rode [aaAx]
R: 2,134 That somnor(es) schulde be sadlyd . and seruyn he(m) echone [aaAx]
R: 2,135 And let hem p(ar)ayle -th-e p(ro)uysour(es) . in palfray wyse [aaAx]
R: 2,136 Sir(e) symonye hym self . schal syttyn on her(e) back(is) [aaAx]
R: 2,137 and alle -th-e denys and subdenys . as destrer(is) he(m) dy-gh-the [aaAa]
R: 2,138 ffor -th-ei schulle bere -th-ese bisschopys . and brynge he(m) at h(er) reste [aaAx]
R: 2,139 pauly(us) peple . for pleynt(es) in constorye [aaAx]
R: 2,140 schulle s(er)ue my(n) self . -th-(a)t seuyle hatte [aaAx]
R: 2,141 and lat sadle -th-e comysarye . our(e) cart schal he drawe [aaAx]
R: 2,142 And fette in oure vytaylys . of fornicatour(is) [aaAx]
R: 2,143 and makyn of her(e) a long cart . to lede al -th-is o-th-ere [aaAx]
R: 2,144 As folys & faytour(es) . -th-(a)t on her(e) fet rennys [aaAx]
R: 2,145 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 2,146 And mede -th-e maydyn . and al -th-e mayne after [aaAx]
R: 2,147 I haue no tyme to telle . -th-e tayl -th-at hem folwyd [aaAx]
R: 2,148 of meny man(er) men . -th-(a)t on -th-(i)s molde lybbys [aaAx]
R: 2,149 ac gyle was for(e)goere . and gredde hem alle [aaAx]
R: 2,150 So-th-nesse se-th- hem wel . and sey-th- but lytyl [aaAx]
R: 2,151 But p(ri)kede for-th- on his palfray . and pasede he(m) alle [aaAx]
R: 2,152 And cam to -th-e kyng(es) curt . and conciense tolde [aaAx]
R: 2,153 And concyense to -th-e kyng . carpede after [aaAx]
R: 2,154 By crist q(uo)d -th-e king . and I my-gh-the chacche [aaXa]
R: 2,155 ffals o-th-(er) fauel . o-th-(er) eny of his ferys [aaXa]
R: 2,156 I wolde bewreke me of -th-o wrecchis . -th-(a)t wrou-gh-thy(n) so ylle [aaAx]
R: 2,157 and don hem hange by -th-e hals . and alle -th-(a)t he(m) manteyny-th- [aaAx]
R: 2,158 schal neu(er)e man on -th-is molde . neynpryse -th-e beste [aaAx]
R: 2,159 But ry-gh--th- as -th-e lawe loke-th- . lat falle on hem alle [aaAxx]
R: 2,160 and comandy-th- a constable . he come at -th-e fyrste [aaAx]
R: 2,161 to take -th-e tyrau(n)t(es) . for eny treso(ur) y hote [aaAx]
R: 2,162 fetery-th- falsnysse faste . for eny skynny[s] -gh-yftys [aaaXx]
R: 2,163 And gadery-th- of gylis hed . lat hy(m) go no fer-th-er [aaAx]
R: 2,164 And brynge-th- mede for-th- . maugre hem alle [aaAx]
R: 2,165 Symonye and seuyle . I sende hem to warde [aaAx]
R: 2,166 -Th-at holy chyrche for hem . wor-th- harmed for eu(er)e [aaAx]
R: 2,167 And -gh-if -gh-e lacche lyere . lat hym nau-gh-th a schape [aaAx]
R: 2,168 Ere he put on -th-e pylory . for eny treso(ur) I hote [aaAx]
R: 2,169 Drede at -th-e dore stant . and -th-(a)t dome herde [aaAx]
R: 2,170 and wy-gh--th-lyche wente . to warne -th-e falce [aaAx]
R: 2,171 And bad hem fle for fere . and his fer(is) alle [aaAx]
R: 2,172 -th-o falsnesse for fere . fley to -th-e frer(is) [aaAa]
R: 2,173 and gyle do-th- hym to go . agast for to deye [aaAx]
R: 2,174 Ac marchaunt(is) mette w(i)t(h) hym . and made hy(m) abyde [aaAx]
R: 2,175 Beschette hy(m) in her(e) schoppes . -th-e peple to s(er)ue [aaAx]
R: 2,176 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 2,177 ly-gh--th-lyche lyere . lepte away -th-ennys [aaAx]
R: 2,178 lurkande -th-orw lanys . to be logged of manye [aaAx]
R: 2,179 he was nowher welcome . for h(i)s many talys [aaXx]
R: 2,180 Ou(er)al yhonted . and Ihote trusse [aaAx]
R: 2,181 til p(ar)doner(es) hadde pite . and pulled hym to house [aaAx]
R: 2,182 Waschede hym and wyped hy(m) . and wou(n)de hy(m) in clo-th-es [aaAx]
R: 2,183 and sente hy(m) on sondayes . w(i)t(h) selys to cherche [aaAx]
R: 2,184 And -gh-af pardou(n) for pens . poundmele aboute [aaAx]
R: 2,185 -Th-anne lourede lechys . and letter(is) -th-o sente [aaAx]
R: 2,186 for to wone w(i)t(h) hem . water(es) to loke [axAx]
R: 2,187 Spysc(er)ys spak w(i)t(h) hem . to aspye her ware [aaAx]
R: 2,188 ffor he coude on her crafte . and knowe-th- many gu(m)mys [aaAx]
R: 2,189 Menstralys and messager(es) . mette w(i)t(h) hy(m) onys [aaAx]
R: 2,190 and w(i)t(h)held hym half -gh-er . and enleue dayes [aaAx]
R: 2,191 ffrer(is) w(i)t(h) fayr(e) speche . fetten hym -th-ennys [aaAx]
R: 2,192 ffor of comer(is) . copyd hym as a frere [aaAx]
R: 2,193 Ac he ha-th- leue to lepe in and out . as ofte as hy(m) lyky-th- [aaXa]
R: 2,194 And ys welcome whe(n) he wol . and wone-th- w(i)t(h) he(m) ofthe [aaAx]
R: 2,195 Alle fleddyn for fer(e) . and flowyn into hernys [aaAx]
R: 2,196 Saue mede -th-e mayden . no mo dorste abyde [aaAx]
R: 2,197 ac treuly for to telle . sche tremelyd for drede [aaAx]
R: 2,198 and eke wep and wrong . when sche was atached [aaAxx]
R: 3,1 Now is mede -th-e mayde . name of he(m) alle [aaAx]
R: 3,2 And w(i)t(h) bedelys and baylifys . brou-gh-th to -th-e king [aaAx]
R: 3,3 -Th-e king called a clerk . I can not his name [aaaAx]
R: 3,4 to take mede -th-e mayde . and make hur(e) at ese [aaAx]
R: 3,5 I wolde asaye hur(e) my self . and so-th-ly avise [aaAx]
R: 3,6 What man of -th-is molde . -th-(a)t hur(e) were leuyst [aaAx]
R: 3,7 And -gh-if sche wy[r]ke by wyt . and my wil folwe [aaAx]
R: 3,8 I wil forgyf hur(e) -th-e gylt . so me god helpe [aaAx]
R: 3,9 Curteysly -th-e clerk -th-an . as -th-e king hy-gh--th-e [aaAx]
R: 3,10 tok mede by -th-e myddel . and brou-gh-the hur(e) to chau(m)bere [aaXx]
R: 3,11 and -th-(er) was m(er)-th-e and mynstrasye . mede to plese [aaAx]
R: 3,12 and -th-o -th-(a)t wone at westme(n)stre . worschepyn hur(e) alle [aaAx]
R: 3,13 Gentely w(i)t(h) ioye . -th-e Iustyse to sompne [aaAx]
R: 3,14 busked hym to -th-e bo(ur) . -th-(er) -th-e berthe duelly-th- [aaAx]
R: 3,15 Cou(n)fortyth hur(e) kyndely . by clergyes leue [aaAx]
R: 3,16 and sayde m(our)ne not mede . ne make -th-(o)u no sorwe [aaAx]
R: 3,17 ffor we wil wisse -th-e kyng . and -th-i wey make [axAx]
R: 3,18 for al concienses cast . and craft as I trowe [aaAx]
R: 3,19 myldelyche mede -th-an . mercyed hem alle [aaAx]
R: 3,20 of her(e) gret goudnesse . and hem echone [aaAx]
R: 3,21 Coupys and clene gold . and pecys of sylu(er) [aaXx]
R: 3,22 rynges w(i)t(h) rubeys . and rychesses manye [aaAx]
R: 3,23 -Th-e leste ma(n) of her(e) mayne . a motou(n) of golde [aaAx]
R: 3,24 -Th-an lau-gh-the -th-ei leue . -th-es lord(is) at mede [aaAx]
R: 3,25 W(i)t(h) -th-(a)t come clerk(is) . to co(n)forte hure -th-anne [aaAx]
R: 3,26 and bode hur(e) be bly-th-e . for we be-th- -th-yn owyn [aaAx]
R: 3,27 for to wyrche -th-y wylle . whyl oure lyf laste-th- [aaAbb]
R: 3,28 hendelyche sche -th-anne . behy-gh--th- hem -th-e same [aaAx]
R: 3,29 To loue -gh-ou lelly . and lordys -gh-ou make [aaAx]
R: 3,30 And in co(n)storye at -th-e court . calle -gh-our(e) names [aaAx]
R: 3,31 -th-(er) schal no lewednysse he(m) lette . -th-e lede -th-(a)t I louie [aaAa]
R: 3,32 -Th-at he ne wor-th- furste auau(n)sed . for I am beknowe [aaAxx]
R: 3,33 Ther cou(n)ny(n)ge clerk(is) . schul clocke behynde [aaAx]
R: 3,34 -Th-an cam -th-er a co(n)fesso(ur) . ycopyd as a frere [aaAx]
R: 3,35 to mede -th-e mayde . meklyche he lowtede [aaAx]
R: 3,36 And seyde wel softly . a schryft as hit were [aaAx]
R: 3,37 They lered and lawed . hadde loyn by -th-e walle [aaAx]
R: 3,38 And -th-ei falsnesse hadde yfolwed -th-e . -th-(i)s xi wynt(er) [aaAx]
R: 3,39 I schal asoyle -th-e myself . for a sem whete [aaAx]
R: 3,40 And eke be -th-i bawdekyn . and ber(e) wel -th-i(n) arnde [aaAx]
R: 3,41 Among clerk(is) and kny-gh-this . conciensce to felle [aaAx]
R: 3,42 -Th-a(n) mede for hur(e) mysded(is) . to -th-e man knelyd [aaAx]
R: 3,43 And schrof of h(er) schrewednesse . schameles I trowe [aaAx]
R: 3,44 tolde hy(m) a tokne . and tok hym a noble [aaAx]
R: 3,45 ffor to be hur(e) bedman . and hur(e) baude after [aaAx]
R: 3,46 -Th-an he asoyled hur(e) sone . and swy-th-e he sayde [aaAa]
R: 3,47 We haue a wyndowe at wyrchyng . wil stonde vs hy-gh-e [aaAxx]
R: 3,48 Woldest -th-(o)u glase -th-e gable . and graue -th-(er) -th-y name [aaAx]
R: 3,49 Sikyr schulde -th-y soule be . hefne to haue [aaBb]
R: 3,50 Wiste I qwa-th- -th-e wo(m)man . -th-(er) is no wyndowe ne auter [aaAx]
R: 3,51 -Th-(a)t I ne schuld make & ame(n)de . and my name wryte [aaAxx]
R: 3,52 -Th-at ech segge schal se . I am sust(er) of -gh-o(ur) house [aaAx]
R: 3,53 And god alle gode folke such g(ra)uyng . defende-th- & sey-th- [aaAx]
R: 3,54 { Nesciat sinistra q(u)id faciat dextera } [Latin]
R: 3,55 Let nou-gh-t -th-y ly-gh-ft half . late ne ra-th-e [aaAx]
R: 3,56 Wite what -th-y ryth half . worchyt or dely-th- [aaxAx]
R: 3,57 And so pryuylyche p(ar)te hit . -th-(a)t p(ri)de be not seye [aaAx]
R: 3,58 Ney-th-(er) in syth ne in soule . for god hy(m) self knowe-th- [aaAx]
R: 3,59 Who is curteys or kynde . or co coueytes or ellys [aaAx]
R: 3,60 for-th-i I rede -gh-ou lord(is) . such wrytynges leuy-th- [aaAx]
R: 3,61 To wryte in wyndowys . of -gh-o(ur) wel dedys [aaAx]
R: 3,62 or to gredyn after(e) godys men . when -gh-e -gh-eyue dolys [aaAx]
R: 3,63 An aunter(e) -gh-e haue . -gh-o(ur) hyr(e) -th-(er)of -gh-our(e) gode [aaAa]
R: 3,64 for our(e) saueo(ur) seyde . and hymself preched [aaAx]
R: 3,64a --- this line is omitted ---
R: 3,65 Meirys and mayster(es) . -gh-e -th-(a)t be-th- mene [aaAx]
R: 3,66 by twythe -th-e king & -th-e co(m)mon . to kepe -th-e lawes [aaAx]
R: 3,67 as pu(n)schin on pylorijs . and on py(n)nyng stolys [aaAx]
R: 3,68 brewer(is) baker(is) . bocher(is) and kok(es) [aaAx]
R: 3,69 ffor -th-es ar(e) men on molde . -th-(a)t most harme werkyn [aaAx]
R: 3,70 to -th-is pore puple . -th-(a)t p(ar)celmele beggen [aaAx]
R: 3,71 for -th-ey poysone -th-e puple . pryuyly wel ofte [aaAx]
R: 3,72 And rechyn -th-orw reg(ra)tyng . and rent(is) hem buggen [aaAx]
R: 3,73 Of -th-at -th-e pore puple . schulde pote in her wo(m)bes [aaAx]
R: 3,74 for ne tok he on trewely . he tymbred not so hye [aaAx]
R: 3,75 ne bou-gh--th-e none bargayns . be -th-(o)u wel certeyne [aaAx]?
R: 3,76 and mede -th-e mayde(n) . -th-e meyr sche besow-gh-the [aaAx]
R: 3,77 Of alle suche seller(is) . syluer to take [aaAx]
R: 3,78 of p(re)sentes w(i)t(h)oute pens . as pec(is) of syluer [aaAx]
R: 3,79 ryng or o-th-(er) rychesses . -th-es reg(ra)ter(es) to mey(n)tene [aaAx]
R: 3,80 for my loue q(uo)d -th-(a)t lady . loue hem ychone [aaAx]
R: 3,81 And suffre hem to selle . sumdel ageyn resou(n) [aaAx]
R: 3,82 Salomon -th-e sage . a s(er)mou(n) he made [aaAx]
R: 3,83 to amende meyr(es) and men . -th-(a)t kepe -th-e lawes [aaaXx]
R: 3,84 and tok hem -th-is teme . -th-(a)t I telle thinke [aaAx]
R: 3,85 { Ignis deuorabit tab(er)nacula eor(um) q(u)i libent(er) accipiu(n)t mun(er)a } [Latin]
R: 3,86 Among -th-ese lettered me(n) . -th-is latyn amou(n)thy-th- [aaAx]
R: 3,87 -Th-(a)t fyre schal falle . and forbrenne at -th-e laste [aaAx]
R: 3,88 -Th-e hous and -th-e homes . of men -th-(a)t desyren [aaAx]
R: 3,89 To haue -gh-ift(es) of her(e) s(er)uises . in -gh-ou-th-e or in elde [????]
R: 3,90 -Th-e king for his cou(n)seyl . calde after mede [aaaAx]
R: 3,91 and ofsente hir(e) swy-th-e w(i)t(h) . seriau(n)tes hire [aaAx]
R: 3,92 fette and brou-gh--th-e hir(e) to boure . w(i)t(h) blysse and w(i)t(h) joye [aaAx]
R: 3,93 Curtaysly -th-e king . comse-th- to telle [aaAx]
R: 3,94 to mede -th-e mayden . melus -th-ese wordes [aaAx]
R: 3,95 Won wyttyly . wrou-gh--th- hast -th-(o)u wel ofte [aaAx]
R: 3,96 and worse wrou-gh--th-est -th-(o)u neu(er)e . -th-a(n) -th-o -th-(o)u fals toke [aaXx]
R: 3,97 But I forgyue -th-e -th-(a)t gylt . and graunte -th-e grace [aaAa]
R: 3,98 hennys to -th-y de-th- day . do -th-(o)u so no more [aaAx]
R: 3,99 I haue a kny-gh-t hy-gh--th- conciens . come late fro by-gh-onde [aaAx]
R: 3,100 -Gh-if he wil -th-e to wyue . wilt -th-(o)u hym haue [aaAx]
R: 3,101 -Gh-e lord q(uo)d -th-at lady . lord forbede ellys [aaAx]
R: 3,102 but I be holly at -gh-o(ur) heste . honge me ellys [aaAx]
R: 3,103 -Th-a(n) was conciens cald . and cam to apeyren [aaAx]
R: 3,104 byfor(e) -th-e kyng and his cou(n)seyl . clerk(is) and o-th-er(e) [aaAx]
R: 3,105 Knelyng concyens . to -th-e king louted [aaAx]
R: 3,106 What his wille were . & what he don schulde [aaAx]
R: 3,107 Wil -th-(o)u wedde -th-is wo(m)man . -gh-if I wil asente [aaAx]
R: 3,108 for sche is fayn of -th-i felaschep . for to be -th-y make [aaAxx]
R: 3,109 Qwa-th- co(n)ciens to -th-e king . crist it me forbede [aaAx]
R: 3,110 ere I wedde such a wyf . wo me betyde [aaAx]
R: 3,111 sche is frethil of hur(e) fleys, . fykel of hur(e) speche [aaAx]
R: 3,112 sche make-th- men mysdo . manye skore tymes [aaaAx]
R: 3,113 In trust of hur(e) treso(ur) . sche teny-th- wel manye [aaAx]
R: 3,114 Wyues and wedues . wantounesse teche-th- [aaAx]
R: 3,115 lered hem lecherye . -th-(a)t louedy(n) hur(e) -gh-iftes [aaXx]
R: 3,116 -Gh-o(ur) fader sche felde . -th-or-th- falce behest(es) [aaAx]
R: 3,117 Poysonede popys . apeyred holy chirche [aaAx]
R: 3,118 Is nou-gh-t a beter baude . by hy(m) -th-(a)t me made [aaAxx]
R: 3,119 bytwen helle and heuene . & er-th-e -th-ey-gh- men sou-gh--th-e [aaAx]
R: 3,120 sche is tykel of hur(e) tayl . talle wys of hur(e) tou(n)ge [aaAx]
R: 3,121 As comou(n) as -th-e cartway . to knaue and to mo(n)ke [aaAx]
R: 3,122 to menstralis and meselys . many tyme in hegg(is) [aaAx]
R: 3,123 Sysour(es) and sou(m)ner(es) . suche men hir(e) preyse [aaAx]
R: 3,124 Schirreues and schyr(es) . wer(e) schent -gh-if sche ne were [aaAx]
R: 3,125 Sche do-th- men lesyn her(e) lond . and her(e) lyf bo-th-e [aaAx]
R: 3,126 And letyy-gh- passe -th-e prysoner(es) . and preye-th- for he(m) ofthe [aaAx]
R: 3,127 And gyf -th-e gaylour(es) gold . and grot(is) togeder(es) [aaAx]
R: 3,128 And vnfetere-th- -th-e falce . to fle wher hym luste [aaAx]
R: 3,129 He take-th- tru-th-e by -th-e top . and tey-gh-e-th- hym faste [aaAx]
R: 3,130 and hange-th- hy(m) for hatered . -th-at harmed neuere [aaAx]
R: 3,131 to be cursed in co(n)storye . he cou(n)te-th- nou-gh-th a ryssche [aaAx]
R: 3,132 for he copy-th- -th-e comyssarye . and clo-th-e-th- his clerk(is) [aaAa]
R: 3,133 Sche is asoyled as sone . as hureself lyky-th- [aaAx]
R: 3,134 Sche may ney as muche don . in a mon-th-e onys [aaAx]
R: 3,135 As -gh-o(ur) secret seel . in seuene score dayes [aaAx]
R: 3,136 sche is p(ri)uey w(i)t(h) -th-e pope . p(ro)ueysour(es) hit knowe-th- [aaAx]
R: 3,137 Sir(e) symonye and hur(e)self . sele-th- her(e) bulles [aaAx]
R: 3,138 sche blesse-th- -th-us bischopys . -th-ey -th-(a)t [he] be lewde [aaAx]
R: 3,139 prouend(res) p(er)sones . and prest(es) sche manteyne-th- to holde [aaAx]
R: 3,140 le(m)manys and lotebijs . al her(e) lyf dawes [aaAx]
R: 3,141 And brynge for-th- barnes . a-gh-en forbode lawes [aaAx]
R: 3,142 -Th-(er) sche is w(i)t(h) -th-e king . wo is -th-e rewme [axAx]
R: 3,143 for sche is fauourable and fals . and foule-th- tru-th-e ofte [aaAx]
R: 3,144 barounes and burgeyses . sche brynge-th- to sorwe [aaAx]
R: 3,145 By Ih(es)u w(i)t(h) hir(e) Iewelys . -gh-o(ur) Iustyces sche schende-th- [aaAx]
R: 3,146 and ley-th- a-gh-ens -th-e lawe . and lefte-th- hem ofte [aaAx]
R: 3,147 -Th-(a)t fey-th- may not haue his for-th- . his floreyns go-th- so thicke [aaAx]
R: 3,148 Sche lede-th- lawe as hur(e) lust . and louedayes make-th- [aaAx]
R: 3,149 The mase for a mene man . -th-ow he mote euere [aaAx]
R: 3,150 Lawe is so lordly . and lo-th- to maken ende [aaAx]
R: 3,151 W(i)t(h)oute p(re)sent(is) or pens . he plese-th- wel fewe [aaAx]
R: 3,152 Clergie and couetyse . couple-th- hem togeder(es) [aaAx]
R: 3,153 This is -th-e lif of -th-(a)t lady . our(e) lord -gh-if hur(e) sorwe [aaAx]
R: 3,154 and al -th-(a)t manteyne hur(e) me(n) . myschau(n)s hem bytide [aaAx]
R: 3,155 for pore men haue no power . to pleyne -th-ey he(m) nede [aaAx]
R: 3,156 schuche a mayst(er) is mede . among men of gode [aaAx]
R: 3,157 Than m(our)nede mede . & pleyned hur(e) to the kyng [aaAx]
R: 3,158 to haue space and speche . spede -gh-if sche my-gh-the [aaAx]
R: 3,159 -Th-e kyng g(ra)unted hure grace . w(i)t(h) a goud wille [aaAx]
R: 3,160 excuse -th-e -gh-if -th-(o)u canst . I can no more segge [aaAx]
R: 3,161 ffor conciens accuse-th- -th-e . to conge -th-e for euere [aaAx]
R: 3,162 Nay lord qwat -th-(a)t lady . leue hym -th-e werse [aaAx]
R: 3,163 Whan -gh-e wyte wyterly . wher -th-e wrong lygge-th- [aaAx]
R: 3,164 -Th-(er) -th-(a)t myschef is gret . mede may helpe [axAx]
R: 3,165 And -th-(o)u knowyst concyens . I com nou-gh-t to chyde [aaAx]
R: 3,166 for to dispyce -th-y p(er)sone . wyth a proud herte [aaAx]
R: 3,167 Wel -th-(o)u wost conciens . but -th-(o)u woldest lye [aaxAx]
R: 3,168 -Th-(o)u hast hange(n) on myn half . elleuene tyme [aaAx]
R: 3,169 And grepyn my gold . and gyue(n) h(i)t wher -th-e lyky-th- [aaAx]
R: 3,170 Why -th-(o)u wratthest -th-e now . wonder me thynky-th- [aaAx]
R: 3,171 -gh-it I may as I my-gh-the . mylde -th-e w(i)t(h) -gh-iftes [aaAx]
R: 3,172 and mainteyne -th-y manhode . mor(e) [-th-an] -th-(o)u knowest [aaAx]
R: 3,173 And -th-ou hast famed me foule . byfor(e) -th-e king here [aaAxx]
R: 3,174 for kylled I neu(er)e no king . ne cou(n)seyled -th-(er)after [aaAx]
R: 3,175 ne dede as -th-(o)u dost . I do hit on -th-e king [aaAx]
R: 3,176 in normandye was he nou-gh-t . nou-gh-ed for me [aaAx]
R: 3,177 And -th-(o)u -th-y self sykerly . schamed hym ofte [aaAx]
R: 3,178 crepe in to a cabanne . for colde of -th-y naylys [aaAx]
R: 3,179 wenest -th-(o)u -th-(a)t wynt(er) . wolde lasten euere [aaAx]
R: 3,180 And dreddest to be ded . for a dym knowde [aaAx]
R: 3,181 And hastest -th-e homward . for hu(n)ger of -th-y wombe [aaAx]
R: 3,182 W(i)t(h)oute pyte -th-(o)u pelo(ur) . por(e) men -th-ou robbedest [aaAx]
R: 3,183 And bore out bras on -th-i bak . to caleys to selle [aaaXx]
R: 3,184 and I lafte at home w(i)t(h) my lord . his lyf for to saue [aaAx]
R: 3,185 And made hy(m) m(er)-th-es . fro morwe(n) til eue [aaAx]
R: 3,186 I batred hy(m) on -th-e bak . boldede his herte [aaAx]
R: 3,187 Dede hy(m) hoppe for hope . to haue at his wille [aaAx]
R: 3,188 Had I be marchal of his me(n) . be marie loue of heuene [aaAx]
R: 3,189 I dorste haue leyde my lyf . and no lasse wedde [aaAx]
R: 3,190 He schoulde haue be a lord in -th-(a)t lond . i(n) le(n)g-th-e and i(n) brede [aaAx]
R: 3,191 and eke king of -th-(a)t lyt-gh- . his kyn for to helpe [aaAx]
R: 3,192 -Th-e leste barn of his blode . a baronys pere [aaAx]
R: 3,193 Cowardlyche -th-(o)u conciens . -th-(o)u cou(n)seyledest hy(m) -th-ennes [aaAx]
R: 3,194 to leuyn his worschep . for a lytel syluer [aaAx]
R: 3,195 -Th-(a)t is -th-e rycheste of rewmys . -th-(a)t regnes ouerhoues [aaAx]
R: 3,196 hit bycome a king . -th-(a)t kepe-th- a rewme [aaAx]
R: 3,197 To -gh-eue his men mede . -th-(a)t manlyche hym s(er)uen [aaAx]
R: 3,199 mede make-th- hy(m) yloued . and for a ma(n) holden [aaxAx]
R: 3,198 to alienys to alle men . to honour(e) hur(e) w(i)t(h) -gh-ift(es) [aaAx]
R: 3,200 emp(er)our(es) erlys . and alle man(er) of lord(is) [aaAx]
R: 3,201 Thu-gh- -gh-ift(es) haue -gh-onge men . to renne and to ryde [aaAx]
R: 3,202 -Th-e pope w(i)t(h) his p(re)lat(ys) . -gh-ifthis vnderfongen [aaAx]
R: 3,203 and medy-th- me(n) hy(m)self . to mey(n)ten hur(e) lawes [aaAx]
R: 3,204 seruau(n)tes for her(e) s(er)uise . we sen wel -th-e so-th-e [aaAa]
R: 3,205 Take mede of here maystr(is) . as -th-ei mown acorde [aaAx]
R: 3,206 Begger(is) for her(e) byddyng . bydde-th- me mede [aaAbb]
R: 3,207 Menstral(es) for her(e) m(er)-th-e . mede -th-ei axin [aaAx]
R: 3,208 -Th-e king ha-th- mede of his me(n) . to make pes in lond(is) [aaAx]
R: 3,209 Men -th-at ben clerk(is) . mede of hy(m) crauyt-gh- [aaAx]
R: 3,210 Prest(is) -th-(a)t prechin . -th-e peple to gode [aaAx]
R: 3,211 axin merde of masse pens . and her(e) mete alse [aaAx]
R: 3,212 alle kinde crafty men . craue mede for here p(re)ntys [aaXx]?
R: 3,213 Mede and marchau(n)dise . mot nede com togedere [aaAx]
R: 3,214 No wyt as I wene . w(i)t(h)oute mede my-gh-th-e lybbe [aaAxx]
R: 3,215 qwa-th- -th-e king to conciens . be crist as me -th-inky-th- [aaAx]
R: 3,216 mede is wor-th-i . -th-e maystrye to haue [axAx]
R: 3,217 Nay q(uo)d co(n)ciens to -th-e king . and knelyd to -th-e erthe [aaAx]
R: 3,218 -Th-(er)e arn two man(er) of medes . my lord by -gh-o(ur) leue [aaAx]
R: 3,219 -Th-at on god of his grace . geuy-th- in his blysse [aaAx]
R: 3,220 to he(m) -th-(a)t werche(n) wel . whiles -th-ei ben here [aaAx]
R: 3,221 The p(ro)phete preche-th- hit . and put hit in -th-e sawter [aaAx]
R: 3,221a { Qui pecunia(m) sua(m) no(n) dedit ad vsura(m) } [Latin]
R: 3,222 tak no mede my lord . of men -th-(a)t be-th- trewe [aaAx]
R: 3,223 Love hym and leue hem . for o(ur) lord(is) loue of heuene [aaAx]?
R: 3,224 God(is) mede and his m(er)cy . -th-(er) w(i)t(h) my-gh-th -th-(o)u wynne [aaAx]
R: 3,225 -Th-(er) is a mede mesur(e)les . -th-(a)t mayst(er)es desyren [aaAx]
R: 3,226 to menteyne mysdoer(is) . mede -th-ei takyn [aaAx]
R: 3,227 And -th-(er)of sey-th- -th-e saut(er) . in a psalmes ende [aaAx]
R: 3,228 { In quor(um) manib(us) iniquitates su(n)t dextra eor(um) re(pleta) e(st) mun(er)ib(us) } [Latin]
R: 3,229 And he -th-(a)t grypyt-gh- our(e) gyftes . so me god helpe [aaAx]
R: 3,230 Schal abye ful bytterly . or -th-e boke lyes [aaAx]
R: 3,231 Prest(is) and p(er)sones . -th-at plesyng(es) desyren [aaAx]
R: 3,232 To take mede and mone . for messes -th-(a)t -th-ei synge [aaAx]
R: 3,233 Schal ha(n) -th-e mede of -th-e molde . -th-(a)t mathew ha-th- grau(n)ted [aaAx]
R: 3,233a { Ame(n) Ame(n) reciperu(n)t m(er)cede(m) suam } [Latin]
R: 3,234 Tha-th- laborer(is) and lond folk . take-th- of her(e) maystres [aaXx]
R: 3,235 hit is no man(er) of mede . but a mesurable hyre [aaAx]
R: 3,236 in marchau(n)die is no mede . I may h(i)t wel avowe [aaAx]
R: 3,237 h(i)t is a p(er)mutaciou(n) ap(er)tly . a penewor-th- for ano-th-er [aaAx]
R: 3,238 Ac reddest -th-(o)u neu(er)e { regu(m) } . -th-(o)u recreyede mede [aaAx]
R: 3,239 how -th-e vengau(n)s fel on . saul and on al his chyldry(n) [aaXx]
R: 3,240 god sente hy(m) to seye . by samuel(s) mou-th-e [aaAx]
R: 3,241 -Th-(a)t agas and amelek . and al his puple after [aaAx]
R: 3,242 Schulde deye for a dede . -th-(a)t don hadde his eldren [aaAx]
R: 3,243 a-gh-ens isral and aaron . and moyses his bro-th-er [aaXx]?
R: 3,244 samuel seyde to saul . god sende-th- -th-e and hote-th- [aaAx]
R: 3,245 to be buxou(m) and bold . h(i)s byddyng to fulfylle [aaAx]
R: 3,246 Wend -th-eder w(i)t(h) -th-in ost . wy(m)man to kylle [axAx]?
R: 3,247 childre(n) and chorles . schep hem to deye [aaAx]
R: 3,248 Loke -th-(o)u kylle -th-e king . coueyte not his god(is) [aaAx]
R: 3,249 for eny milyou(n)s of mone . mor-th-er(e) he(m) ychone [aaAx]
R: 3,250 Barnes and best(is) . brene he(m) to de-th-e [aaAx]
R: 3,251 And for he kylde nou-gh-t -th-e king . as crist hy(m) bad [aaAx]
R: 3,252 coueyted her(e) catel . kylde nou-gh-t her(e) best(is) [aaAx]
R: 3,253 but brou-gh-the w(i)t(h) hem -th-e best(is) . as -th-e bylle tolde [aaAx]
R: 3,254 God seyde to samuel . -th-(a)t saul schulde deye [aaAx]
R: 3,255 and al his sed for -th-(a)t synne . schenfullyche ende [aaAx]
R: 3,256 suych a myschef mede . made -th-e king to haue [aaAx]
R: 3,257 -Th-(a)t god hated -th-e king for euere . and alle his eyres after [aaAa]
R: 3,258 Thou culor(um) of -th-(i)s kepe . I not to schewe [aaAx]
R: 3,259 en aunt(er) -gh-if hit noyed me . ende wil I make [aaAxx]
R: 3,260 in co(n)ciens knowe I -th-(i)s . for resou(n) h(i)t me tau-gh-the [aaAx]
R: 3,261 -Th-(a)t resou(n) schal regne . and rewmes gou(er)ne [aaAx]
R: 3,262 And ry-gh-th as agas hadde . hap me(n) schuld se su(m) tyme [aaAx]
R: 3,263 samuel schal scle hym . and saul schal be blamed [aaAx]
R: 3,264 And dauid schal be dyademyd . and daunte(n) he(m) alle [aaAx]
R: 3,265 and o cristene king . kepe vs alle [aaAx]
R: 3,266 Schal no more mede . be mayster on erthe [aaAx]
R: 3,267 but loue and lownesse . and lewte togeder(is) [aaAx]
R: 3,268 and whoso trespase-th- trewlyche . and take-th- agaynes ry-gh-th [aaAx]
R: 3,269 his wikke lewte schal don hy(m) lawe . and lese h(i)s lyf ell(is) [aaAx]
R: 3,270 Schal no s(er)uaunt for h(i)s s(er)uise . wer(e) no sylk gowne [aaAx]
R: 3,271 ne no ray robe . w(i)t(h) ryche pelure [aaAx]
R: 3,272 mede of mysdoer(is) . make-th- he(m) so ryche [aaAx]
R: 3,273 -Th-(a)t lawe is lord woxin . and lewte is pore [aaAx]
R: 3,274 wykkednysse is co(m)mau(n)do(ur) . and kyndenysse is bansched [aaAx]
R: 3,275 and kynde wit schal come -gh-it . and co(n)ciens togedere [aaAx]
R: 3,276 and make of lawe a loburer . schuche lawe schal areyse [aaAx]
R: 4,1 Sessy-th- now seyde -th-e king . I suffre -gh-ou no lengere [aaAx]
R: 4,2 -Gh-e schul sawtlyn forso-th-e . and s(er)ue me bo-th-e [aaAx]
R: 4,3 cus hirr(e) q(uo)d -th-e king . conciens I hote [aaAx]
R: 4,4 nay by god q(uo)d co(n)ciens . co(n)ge ra-th-er(e) [aaAx]
R: 4,5 But resou(n) rede me -th-(er)tille . arst wil I deye [aaAx]
R: 4,6 And I co(m)maunde q(uo)d -th-e king . to conciens -th-anne [aaAx]
R: 4,7 rap -th-e to ryden . and resou(n) -th-(o)u fecche [aaAx]
R: 4,8 co(m)mande hy(m) -th-(a)t he come . my cou(n)seyle to her(e) [aaAx]
R: 4,9 ffor he schal rewle my rewme . and rede me -th-e beste [aaAx]
R: 4,10 of mede and of mo o-th-(er)e . what man schal hur(e) wedde [aaAx]
R: 4,11 and cou(n)te w(i)t(h) conciens . so me god helpe [aaAx]
R: 4,12 How -th-(o)u leryst -th-e peple . lered and lewed [axAa]
R: 4,13 I am fayn of -th-(a)t forward . seyt-gh- -th-e feyt-gh- -th-enne [aaAx]
R: 4,14 And ry-gh-t rennes to resou(n) . and rownes in his ere [aaaAx]
R: 4,15 seyde hy(m) as -th-e king sente . and swy-th-e tok his leue [aaAxx]
R: 4,16 I schal araye me to ride q(uo)d resou(n) . reste -th-e a whyle [aaaAx]
R: 4,17 And calde catou(n) his ka(n)ue . curteys of speche [aaaAx]
R: 4,18 set my sadel vpon suffre . til I se my tyme [aaAa]
R: 4,19 and let warroke hy(m) wel . w(i)t(h) ry-gh-thful ger-th-es [aaAx]
R: 4,20 hong on hy(m) an heuy brydel . and hold his hede lowe [aaAx]
R: 4,21 And -gh-ut we wil make many a wehe . er(e) we come -th-ere [aaAx]
R: 4,22 -Th-anne conciens on his capel . caryeth for-th- faste [aaAx]
R: 4,23 And resou(n) w(i)t(h) hy(m) ry-gh-th . and rapi-th- hy(m) swy-th-e [aaAx]
R: 4,24 a ton wer(e) wisdou(m) . and witty his fere [aaAx]
R: 4,25 ffolwede hy(m) faste . for he hadde to done [aaAxx]
R: 4,26 In -th-e chekyr(e) and -th-e chau(n)cerye . to be discharged of -th-inges [aaAx]
R: 4,27 And ryde faste for resou(n) . schulde rede he(m) -th-e beste [aaAx]
R: 4,28 for to saue he(m)self . fro schame and fro harmes [aaAx]
R: 4,29 Ac conciens cam arst . to -th-e court by a myle way [aaAx]
R: 4,30 And rowned for-th- w(i)t(h) resou(n) . ry-gh-t to -th-e king [aaAx]
R: 4,31 curteysly -th-e king . -th-a(n) com in to resou(n) [aaAx]
R: 4,32 And bytwyn hy(m) and hys sone . set hy(m) on benche [aaAx]
R: 4,33 And wordedy(n) a gret while . wel wisly togeder(es) [aaAx]
R: 4,34 -th-en com pes into p(ar)lement . and put vp a bylle [aaAx]
R: 4,35 How wrong a-gh-ens his wille . hadde his wif take [aaAx]
R: 4,36 and how he rauesched rose . raynald(is) loue [aaAx]
R: 4,37 And margr(e)te of hur(e) maydenhed . maugr(e) hur(e) chekys [aaAx]
R: 4,38 Bo-th-e my geys and my grys . his gadelyng(es) fecches [aaAx]
R: 4,39 I dar not for fere of hy(m) . fytthen ne chyde [xaAx]
R: 4,40 He borwed of me bayerd . and brou-gh-the hy(m) neu(er)e agayn [aaAx]
R: 4,41 Ne no fer-th-ing -th-(er)fore . for nou-gh-t I coude plete [aaAxx]
R: 4,42 He may(n)teynes his me(n) . to m(ur)-th-er(e) my(n) hynes [aaAx]
R: 4,43 forstall(es) my feyr(is) . fyttes in my cheping [aaAx]
R: 4,44 breke-th- vp my berne dor(is) . and bery-th- awey my whete [aaAx]
R: 4,45 And take-th- me but a tayle . for x quarter(is) of otys [aaAx]
R: 4,46 And -gh-ut he bety-th- me -th-(er)to . and lyth by my mayden [axAx]
R: 4,47 and I am not so hardy . onys for hy(m) to loke [aaAx]
R: 4,48 -th-o knew -th-e king . he sayde so-th- for co(n)ciens hy(m) tolde [aaAx]
R: 4,49 Wrong was aferd -th-o . and wisdam he sou-gh-the [axAx]
R: 4,50 to make his pes w(i)t(h) his pans . and p(ro)frede manye [aaAx]
R: 4,51 And sayde had I -th-e loue of my lord -th-e king [aaAx]
R: 4,52 lytel wolde I recche -th-(a)t pes and h(i)s power . pleyned he(m) eu(er)e [aaAx]
R: 4,53 Wysda(m) wan -th-o . and so dude wit alse [aaAx]
R: 4,54 for -th-at wrong hadde ywrou-gh-t . so wycked a dede [aaAx]
R: 4,55 and warnede wrong . wyt(es) swych a wys tale [aaAx]
R: 4,56 and who werche-th- by wil . wratthe make-th- ofte [aaAx]
R: 4,57 I sey hit by myself . -th-(o)u schalt hit sone fynde [aaAx]
R: 4,58 but mede hit make . -th-(er) myschef is vppe [aaAx]
R: 4,59 for bo-th-e -th-iself and -th-i lond . ly-th- in his grace [aaAx]
R: 4,60 Wrong -th-a(n) o(n) wisda(m) wep . to helpe hym at nede [aaAx]
R: 4,61 ffor ry-gh-t -th-(er) of is . handy dandy payed [aaXa]
R: 4,62 -Th-a(n) wysdam and wyt . wente(n) togeder(es) [aaAx]
R: 4,63 and tok mede w(i)t(h) he(m) . m(er)cy to wynne [axAx]
R: 4,64 pes put hym for-th- . his hede and his panne [aaxAx]
R: 4,65 Redly w(i)t(h)oute(n) gilt . god wot -th-(a)t is ska-th-e [aaAx]
R: 4,66 conciens and -th-e king . knewe wel -th-e so-th-e [aaAx]
R: 4,67 and wiste wel -th-(a)t wrong . was a schrewe eu(er)e [aaAx]
R: 4,68 and wisda(m) and wit . were aboute faste [aaAx]
R: 4,69 To ou(er)come -th-e kyng . w(i)t(h) catel -gh-if -th-ei my-gh-te [aaAx]
R: 4,70 -Th-e king swor by crist . and by crowne bo-th-e [aaAx]
R: 4,71 --- this line om ---
R: 4,72 --- run together with following ---
R: 4,73 to caste hem in Irenys . he schal not -th-(i)s vij -gh-er se h(i)s fet onys [aaAx]
R: 4,74 god wot qwa-th- wisdam . -th-at wer(e) not -th-e beste [aaAx]
R: 4,75 And he amend(is) mowe make . lat mey(n)pris hy(m) haue [aaAx]
R: 4,76 And be borwe for his bale . and bryngen hy(m) bote [aaAa]
R: 4,77 Amende -th-(a)t mysdede . and eu(er)mor(e) -th-e beter(e) [aaAx]
R: 4,78 Wit acorde-th- -th-(er)w(i)t(h) . and seyde -th-e same [???]
R: 4,79 Beter is -th-at bote . bale adou(n) brynge [aaAa]
R: 4,80 -Th-a(n) bale be bote . and bote neu(er)e -th-e betere [aaAa]
R: 4,81 -Th-a(n) ga(n) mede to meke hur(e) . and m(er)cy bysou-gh-the [aaAx]
R: 4,82 And p(ro)fered pes a p(re)sent . al of pure golde [aaaAx]
R: 4,83 Haue -th-(i)s of me ma(n) qwa-th- he . to amende -th-i ska-th-e [aaAx]
R: 4,84 for I wil wage for wrong . he schal do so no mor(e) [aaAx]
R: 4,85 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 4,86 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 4,87 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 4,88 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 4,89 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 4,90 for mede ha-th- mad my mend(is) . I may no mor(e) axyn [aaAx]
R: 4,91 Nay q(uo)d -th-e king . so god -gh-yue me blysse [aaAx]
R: 4,92 Wrong wende-th- not so away . er I wyte more [aaaAx]
R: 4,93 lep he so ly-gh-tly away . lau-gh-en he wolde [aaAx]
R: 4,94 And after -th-e balder be . and bety(n) my(n) hyne(n) [aaAx]
R: 4,95 but resou(n) haue ru-th-e on hy(m) . he schal reste in stokkes [aaAx]
R: 4,96 As longe as I lyue . but more loue hit make [aaAx]
R: 4,97 Some me(n) redde resou(n) . to haue ru-th-e on -th-(a)t schrewe [aaAx]
R: 4,98 And to cou(n)seile -th-e king . and conciens bo-th-e [aaAx]
R: 4,99 -Th-(a)t mede muste be meynp(er)no(ur) . resou(n) -th-ei besou-gh-te [aaaXx]?
R: 4,100 Rede me nout q(uo)d resou(n) . no ru-th-e to haue [aaAx]
R: 4,101 til lord(is) and ladyes . louen alle tru-th-e [aaAx]
R: 4,102 til p(er)onelys p(ur)fyl . be put in he hocche [aaAx]
R: 4,103 til childres chersyng . be chasted w(i)t(h) -gh-erd(is) [aaAx]
R: 4,104 And harlotes almesse . be holde(n) for an hyne [aaAa]
R: 4,105 til clerk(is) and ky-gh-tthes . be curteys of her mou-th-e [aaAx]
R: 4,106 And hate to here harlotrye . or mou-th-e hit he(m)selue [aaaAx]
R: 4,107 til p(re)st(is) here preching . p(ro)ue-th- hemselue [aaAx]
R: 4,108 And do hit in dede . to drawe vs to gode [aaAx]
R: 4,109 tyl seynt Iame be ysou-gh-th . -th-(er) I schal asyne [aaAa]
R: 4,110 -Th-at no ma(n) go to galys . but -gh-if he go for eu(er)e [aaAx]
R: 4,111 and alle -th-e rome re(n)ner(is) . for robber(is) of by-gh-onde [aaAx]
R: 4,112 Ber(e) no sylu(er) ou(er) se . -th-(a)t sygne of king schewe-th- [aaAa]
R: 4,113 ney-th-(er) grot(is) ne gold . ygraue w(i)t(h) king(es) coyne [aaAx]
R: 4,114 vp forfetur(e) of-th-(a)t fee . who fynt hy(m) dygnere [aaAx]
R: 4,115 but hit be marchau(n)t or his man . or myssag(er) w(i)t(h) lettr(es) [aaAx]
R: 4,116 Or p(ro)uyso(ur) or prest . -th-(a)t -th-e pope avau(n)se-th- [aaAx]
R: 4,117 And -gh-ut q(uo)d resou(n) by -th-e rode . I nel no ru-th-e haue [aaAx]
R: 4,118 Whil mede ha-th- -th-e maystrye . to mote in -th-e halle [aaAx]
R: 4,119 and I may schewe -gh-ou ensau(m)ple . as I se o-th-(er) . I sey h(i)t for my selue [aaAx]
R: 4,120 --- this line om ---
R: 4,121 and hit were so -th-at I wer(e) king w(i)t(h) crowne to kepe a rewme [aaAx]
R: 4,122 Schuld neu(er) wrong in -th-e word . -th-(a)t I wyte my-gh-the [aaAx]
R: 4,123 be vnpu(n)sched by my power . for p(er)il of my sowle [aaAx]
R: 4,124 ne gete my g(ra)ce w(i)t(h) -gh-ift(es) . so me god helpe [aaaAx]
R: 4,125 Ne for no mede haue mercy . but meknysse hit made [aaAa]
R: 4,126 for { nullu(m) malu(m) } -th-e may . mete wy-th- [aaAx]
R: 4,127 { Inpunitu(m) } and bad { nullu(m) bonu(m) irremuneratu(m) } [aaAx]
R: 4,128 Let -th-i co(n)fesso(ur) syr(e) king . co(n)st(ru)e hit -th-e in englys [aaAx]
R: 4,129 And -gh-if -th-(o)u wirke h(i)t in werk . I wedde bo-th-e his erys [aaAx]
R: 4,130 -Th-at lawe schal be a labourer . and lede to felde dunge [aaAx]
R: 4,131 And loue schal lede -th-y lond . as -th-e best lyk(es) [aaaAx]
R: 4,132 Clerk(is) -th-(a)t wer(e) co(n)fessour(es) . coupled he(m) togeder(is) [aaAx]
R: 4,133 ffor to co(n)strue -th-e clause . and declyned faste [aaAx]
R: 4,134 Ac resou(n) among -th-e renk(is) . hadde rehersed -th-o word(is) [aaAx]
R: 4,135 -Th-(er) was man in -th-at mothalle . more ne lasse [aaAx]
R: 4,136 -Th-(a)t he ne held resou(n) a mayst(er) and mede . a muche wrecche [xaaAx]
R: 4,137 Loue let of here ly-gh-t . and low hur(e) to skorne [aaAx]
R: 4,138 and sayde hit so loude . -th-(a)t so-th-nesse h(i)t herde [aaAx]
R: 4,139 -th-(a)t who wynne hur(e) to wyue . for wel-th-e of hur(e) godys [aaAx]
R: 4,140 but he cokewald ycalde . cut of my nose [aaAx]
R: 4,141 On warned wysdom -th-o . on witt(es) fere [aaAx]
R: 4,142 coude not warpe(n) a word . to w(i)t(h)segge resou(n) [aaAx]
R: 4,143 but starede(n) and stodiede . and stode for-th- as best(is) [aaAx]
R: 4,144 -Th-e king acorded . by crist to resou(n)es sawes [aaAx]
R: 4,145 And rehersed -th-(a)t resou(n) . had ry-gh-thfully schewed [aaAx]
R: 4,146 Ac it is ful hard by my(n) hed . her(e)to to to brynge [aaAx]
R: 4,147 and alle my lyche ledes . to ledyn hem -th-us euene [aaAx]
R: 4,148 by hym -th-(a)t rau-gh--th-e on -th-e rode . q(uo)d resou(n) te -th-e king [aaAx]
R: 4,149 But -gh-if I reule -th-(us) my rewme . rent of my rybbys [aaAx]
R: 4,150 -Gh-if hit be so -th-(a)t buxu(m)nesse . be of my(n) asent [aaAx]
R: 4,151 And I asente q(uo)d -th-e king . by seynte marie my lady [axAx]
R: 4,152 be my cou(n)sel ycome . of clerk(es) and of erlys [aaAx]
R: 4,153 Ac redly resou(n) . -th-(o)u schalt not ryde hennys [aaAx]
R: 4,154 for as longe as I lyue . loue -th-e I wille [aaAx]
R: 4,155 I am redy q(uo)d resou(n) . to reste w(i)t(h) -gh-ou euere [aaAx]
R: 4,156 so co(n)ciens be of -gh-o(ur) cou(n)seyl . kepe I no better [aaAx]
R: 4,157 I grau(n)te q(uo)d -th-e king . god(is) forbode he fayle [aaAbb]
R: 4,158 as longe as I lyue . lybbe we togeder(is) [aaAx]
R: 5,1 The king and his kni-gh-t(es) . to -th-e cherche wente [aaAx]
R: 5,2 to her(e) matynes and masse . and to -th-e mete after [aaAx]
R: 5,3 -Th-an waked I of my wynkyng . and wo was w(i)t(h)alle [aaAx]
R: 5,4 -Th-(a)t I ne hadde sclepte sadder . and yseye more [aaAx]
R: 5,5 Ere I hadde(n) fare a furlong . fantasye me hadde [aaAx]
R: 5,6 -Th-at I ne my-gh-the fer-th-(er) a fot . for defaute of slepyng [aaAx]
R: 5,7 I sat softely adou(n) . and sayde my byleue [aaAx]
R: 5,8 and so I babled on my bed(is) . -th-ei brou-gh--th-e me on slepe [aaAx]
R: 5,9 Than saw I mekel more . -th-an I befor(e) tolde [aaXx]
R: 5,10 I saw -th-e feld ful of folke . -th-at I byfore sayde [aaAx]
R: 5,11 and conciens w(i)t(h) a cros . com for-th- to preche [aaAx]
R: 5,12 he p(re)chede -th-e peple . to haue pyte on he(m) selue [aaAx]
R: 5,13 And p(ro)uede -th-e pestelence . was for pure synne [aaAx]
R: 5,14 And sou-th-west wynd . on saterysday at euen [abAb]
R: 5,15 Was ap(er)tly for pryde . and for no -th-ing ellys [aaAx]
R: 5,16 Pyryes and plomtreys . were put to -th-e er-th-e [aaAx]
R: 5,17 In exsaumple sey-th- god . -gh-e schul do -th-e betere [aaAx]
R: 5,18 beches and brode ok(is) . wer(e) blowe to -th-e grou(n)de [aaAx]
R: 5,19 and t(ur)ned vp -th-e tayl . in toknyng of drede [aaAx]
R: 5,20 -Th-(a)t dedly synne er domesday . schal fordo hem alle [aaAx]
R: 5,21 Of -th-(i)s matere my-gh-the I . mamele wel longe [aaAx]
R: 5,22 Ac I schal say as I seyde . so me god helpe [aaAxx]
R: 5,23 How conciens w(i)t(h) a cros . co(m)sede to preche [aaAx]
R: 5,24 and bad wasto(ur) go worche . what he best coude [aaAxx]
R: 5,25 And wy(n)ne -th-(a)t he had wasted . w(i)t(h) som man(er) craft [aaAxx]
R: 5,26 he p(ra)yde to p(er)onel . hur(e) purfyl to leue [aaAx]
R: 5,27 and kepe hit in hur(e) cofre . for catel at nede [aaAx]
R: 5,28 thomas he tau-gh--th-e . to take to take two staues [aaAx]
R: 5,29 To fecche felys hom . fro wyuene pyne [aaAxx]
R: 5,30 He warnede watte . his wif was to blame [aaAx]
R: 5,31 -Th-(a)t hur(e) hed was wor-th-e a marke . and his hod not a grote [abAb]
R: 5,32 He charge-th- chapme(n) . to chaste here children [aaAa]
R: 5,33 Let no wy(n)nyng forweny he(m) . whyles -th-ei be-th- -gh-onge [aaAx]
R: 5,34 He p(re)chede prelat(is) . and prest(is) togedere [aaAx]
R: 5,35 -Th-at -th-ei preche -th-e peple . and p(ro)ue hit he(m) selue [aaAx]
R: 5,36 and lyue as -gh-e lere vs . for we wil loue -gh-ou -th-e beter(e) [aaAx]
R: 5,37 And swy-th-e he radde religyus . her(e) reule to kepe [aaAx]
R: 5,38 last -th-e king and his cou(n)ceyl -gh-o(ur) co(m)mounes apeyr(e) [aaAx]
R: 5,39 And stiward in -gh-o(ur) stede . for -gh-e be stywed betere [aaAx]
R: 5,40 And -th-(a)t sey(n)t Iame . and seynt(es) at rome [aaAx]
R: 5,41 Seky-th- seynt tru-th-e . for he may saue vs alle [aaAx]
R: 5,42 { Q(u)i cu(m) p(at)re & filio } . -th-at fayre -gh-ou mote byfalle [xaAx]
R: 5,43 -Th-a(n) repentau(n)s . rehersed his teme [aaAx]
R: 5,44 And made wille to wepe wat(ir) . w(i)t(h) his eye [aaaAx]
R: 5,45 P(er)onel proud herte . plat hur(e) to -th-e er-th-e [aaAx]
R: 5,46 and lay longe er sche loked . and lord m(er)cy cryed [aaaAx]
R: 5,47 and behy-gh-te to hy(m) . -th-at vs alle made [aaAx]
R: 5,48 sche schulde vnsewe hir(e) serk . and sette -th-(er) an heyre [aaAx]
R: 5,49 To afaute(n) hir(e) fleys . -th-(a)t fresch was to synne [aaAx]
R: 5,50 Schal ner(e) hey herte me hente . but holde me lowe [aaaAx]
R: 5,51 And suffre to be nysseyd . and so dude I neu(er)e [aaAxx]
R: 5,52 but now I wil meke me . and mercy byseke [aaAx]
R: 5,53 Of al -th-(a)t I haue had of enuye . in my(n) herte [aa?a]
R: 5,54 Leccho(ur) seyde allas . and on our(e) lady cryde [aaAx]
R: 5,55 to make m(er)cy for his mysdede . by twe-th-e god a(n)d hy(m) [aaaXx]
R: 5,56 W(i)t(h) -th-(a)t he schulde sato(ur)dayes . vij -gh-er after [aaAx]
R: 5,57 Drynke but wi-th- -th-e goos . and dine but onys [aaAx]
R: 5,58 enuye w(i)t(h) heuy herte . asked after schryfte [aaaAx]
R: 5,59 and carfully his compte . he gynny-th- to schewe [aaAx]
R: 5,60 he was pale as a pelet . and paltyk semede [aaAx]
R: 5,61 He was clo-th-ed in a caurymaury . I coude h(i)t not discrie [aaAx]
R: 5,62 a kyrtel and a curtepy . a knyf be his syde [aaAx]
R: 5,63 Of a frer(is) frog . wer(e) -th-e fore sleuys [aaAx]
R: 5,64 As a lyk -th-(a)t hadde yleye . longe in -th-e su(n)ne [aaAx]
R: 5,65 So loked he w(i)t(h) lene chek(is) . lowrynge foule [aaAx]
R: 5,66 his body was bolned for wroth . -th-at he bot his lyppe [aaxAx]
R: 5,67 And wrothlyche he wrong his fyste . to wreke hy(m) he -th-ou-gh--th-e [aaAx]
R: 5,68 W(i)t(h) werk(is) and w(i)t(h) word(is) . whe(n) he sey h(i)s tyme [aaAxx]
R: 5,69 Venym or verious . or vynegr(e) I trowe [aaAx]
R: 5,70 Walwy-th- in my wombe . and waxe-th- I wene [aaAa]
R: 5,71 I my-gh-te not many a day do . as a ma(n) my-gh-the [aaAx]
R: 5,72 swych wynd in my wo(m)be . waxy-th- er I dyne [aaAx]
R: 5,73 I haue a nehebo(ur) ny me . I noyed hym wel ofte [aaAx]
R: 5,74 and blamed hy(m) byhynde his bak . to brynge hy(m) in fame [aaaAx]
R: 5,75 to apeyr(e) hy(m) by my power . I p(ur)sued wel ofte [aaAx]
R: 5,76 and bylowe hym to lord(is) . to do hy(m) lese syluer(e) [aaAx]
R: 5,77 And don his frend(is) to be(n) his fon . -th-ur-gh- my falce tonge [aaAx]
R: 5,78 His g(ra)ce and his gode happes . greued me wel sore [aaAx]
R: 5,79 bytwe(n) hym and his mayne . wratthe made ofte [xaAx]
R: 5,80 Bo-th-e his lyme and his lyf . was lost -th-orw my tonge [aaAx]
R: 5,81 Wha(n) I mette hi(m) in market . -th-(a)t I most hated [aaAx]
R: 5,82 I halsed hy(m) as hendely . as I his frend ware [aaAxx]
R: 5,83 He is dou-gh-thier -th-a(n) I durste . no(n) harme do(n) hi(m) [aaAx]
R: 5,84 Ac haddy(n) I maystry or my-gh-th . I wolde mour-th-re hi(m) for eu(er)e [aaAx]
R: 5,85 Whan I come to -th-e cherche . and knele byfore -th-e rode [aaAx]
R: 5,86 to praye for -th-e peple . as -th-e prest me techys [aaAx]
R: 5,87 --- this line om ---
R: 5,88 after -th-a(n)ne I crye on my kneys . our(e) lady gyf he(m) sorwe [aaAx]
R: 5,89 -Th-(a)t bar(e) away my bolle . and my brode schete [aaAx]
R: 5,90 ffro -th-e aut(er) . my(n) eye . I turne and byhelde [aaAx]
R: 5,91 how hayne ha-th- a newe cote . I wysshe h(i)t wer(e) my(n) owe [aaAx]
R: 5,92 I wysshe it were myn owe [aaAx]
R: 5,92 and al -th-e wele -th-(a)t he ha-th- greue-th- me wel sore
R: 5,93 of his lesyng I smyle . and -th-(er)of lau-gh-eth my(n) herte [aaAx]
R: 5,94 And of his wy(n)nyng I wepe . and weyle -th-e tyme [aaAx]
R: 5,95 I deme me(n) -th-(er) -th-ei do ille . and -gh-ut I do werse [aaAx]
R: 5,96 I wolde -th-(a)t ech wy-gh-th . wer(e) my knaue [aaAx]
R: 5,97 and whoso ha-th- more -th-a(n) I . -th-(a)t angre-th- my(n) herte [aaAa]
R: 5,98 Thus I lyue loueles . lyk a ly-th-(er) dogge [aaAx]
R: 5,99 -th-(a)t al my brest bolne-th- . for byter of my galle [aaAx]
R: 5,100 may no sugr(e) ne swete -th-ing . swete hit an vnche [aaAx]
R: 5,101 ne no(n) diapendion . dryue hit fro my(n) herte [aaAx]?
R: 5,102 -Gh-if schryft shulde . hit wer(e) gret wonder [aaAx]
R: 5,103 -gh-is redly q(uo)d repentau(n)s . and redde hy(m) to gode [aaAx]
R: 5,104 sorwe for synne . saue-th- wel manye [aaAx]
R: 5,105 I am sory q(uo)d enuye . I am but selde o-th-(er) [aaAx]
R: 5,106 And -th-at make-th- me so mad . for I ne may me wenge [aaAx]
R: 5,107 -Th-a(n) come couetyse . I ca(n) hy(m) not discrye [aaAx]
R: 5,108 So angrey and so holwe . sir(e) h(er)uy hy(m) loked [aaAx]
R: 5,109 He was byterbrowed and eke baberlypped [aaAx]
R: 5,110 w(i)t(h) two blered eyen as a le-th-er purs [axAx]
R: 5,111 lolled his chek(is) in a tor(e) tabard . of xij wy(n)t(er) age, [aaAx]
R: 5,112 but -gh-if a lous coude lepe . I may h(i)t not trowe [aaXa]
R: 5,113 -th-(a)t he ne schulde slyde -th-(er)on . so was hit bare [aaAx]
R: 5,114 I haue yloued couetyse q(uo)d he al my lyf tyme
R: 5,114 and knowe h(i)t her(e) befor(e) crist and his swete moder [aaAx]
R: 5,115 for su(m) tyme serwed I . sy(m)me at -th-e noke [aaAx]
R: 5,116 And was his p(re)ntys yply-gh--th- . his p(ro)fyt to loke [aaAx]
R: 5,117 ffurst I lerned to lye . a lef o-th-(er) tweyne [aaAx]
R: 5,118 Wyckedly to wynne . was my furste lessou(n) [aaAxx]
R: 5,119 to wynchestr(e) and to wy . I wente to -th-e feyre [aaAx]
R: 5,120 to many man(er) marchau(n)die . as my mayst(er) me het [aaAx]
R: 5,121 Ne hadde -th-e grace of gile . go among my ware [aaAx]
R: 5,122 hit hadde be vnsolde -th-(i)s vij -gh-er . so me god helpe [aaAxx]
R: 5,123 -Th-a(n) drow I me amonge drap(er)is . my donet to lere [aaAx]
R: 5,124 to drowe -th-e leser along . -th-e lenger(e) h(i)t seme-th- [aaAx]
R: 5,125 Among -th-e ryche rayes . I rendred a lessou(n) [aaAx]
R: 5,126 broched he(m) w(i)t(h) a pak nedle . and playted he(m) togeder(e) [aaAx]
R: 5,127 put he(m) in a presso(ur) . and py(n)ned hem -th-erinne [aaAx]
R: 5,128 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 5,129 my wyf was a wy(n)nestre . and wollen clo-th- made [aaAx]
R: 5,130 And spak to -th-e spynnestr(e) . to spynne hit so softe [aaAx]
R: 5,131 -Th-e pou(n)d -th-(a)t he weyes . by weye-th- a q(ua)rter more [aaAx]
R: 5,132 -Th-a(n) ony almesdede . whem I weyed tru-th-e [aaAx]
R: 5,133 I bou-gh-the hure barly . sche brew h(i)t to sale [aaAx]
R: 5,134 Penyale and pigwhey . sche pured togeder(es) [aaAx]
R: 5,135 for labourer(is) for lo-th- folk . -th-at lyue-th- by he(m) selue [aaAx]
R: 5,136 -Th-e beste in my bed chau(m)ber . lay by -th-e walles [aaAx]
R: 5,137 And whoso boused -th-erof . bou-gh-th hit -th-(er)after [abAb]
R: 5,138 A galou(n) for a grote . god wot no lesse [aaAx]
R: 5,139 When hit come in coppe ale . -th-(a)t craft my wyf vsed [aaAx]
R: 5,140 rose -th-e regrater . was hur(e) ry-gh-the name [aaAx]
R: 5,141 sche halde-th- ostrye . -th-is xj wynter [aaAx]
R: 5,142 And I swere now so-th-ly . -th-at synne schal I lete [aaAx]
R: 5,143 ne neu(er)e weye wyckedely . ne no chaffare make [aaAx]
R: 5,144 but wende to walsyngh(a)m . and my wif after [aaAx]
R: 5,145 and bydde -th-e rode of bromeholme . bry(n)ge me out of dette [aaAx]
R: 5,146 Now begy(n)ne-th- glotou(n) . for to go to shrifte [aaAx]
R: 5,147 and carie-th- hy(m) to churcheward . his synne to schewe [aaAx]
R: 5,148 and betou(n) -th-e brewestr(e) . -th-(er) bad hy(m) goud morwe [aaAx]
R: 5,149 and she axede of hi(m) . whederward he wolde [aaAx]
R: 5,150 To holy chyrche q(uo)d he . for to here masse [aaAx]
R: 5,151 And sytthe I wil be shreue . and synne no mor(e) [aaAx]
R: 5,152 I haue goud ale gossyb q(uo)d she . glotou(n) wilt -th-(o)u asaye [aaAx]
R: 5,153 hast -th-(o)u q(uo)d he . ony hote spyces [aaAx]
R: 5,154 -Gh-e glotou(n) gossyb . god wot wel hote [aaAx]
R: 5,155 I haue pepyr and pienye . and a pou(n)de of garlyk [aaAx]
R: 5,156 and a fer-th-ing wor-th- of fynkele sed . for fastyng dayes [aaAx]
R: 5,157 -Th-a(n)ne go-th- glotou(n) in . and grete o-th-es after [aaAx]
R: 5,158 Sysse -th-e sowestre . sat on -th-e benche [aaAx]
R: 5,159 Watte -th-e wafrer(e) . and his wif bo-th-e [aaAx]
R: 5,160 Sy(m)me -th-e tynkere . and two of his knaues [aaAx]
R: 5,161 Hycke -th-e hakeneyman . and hobbe -th-e melner(e) [aaAx]
R: 5,162 Clar(is) of kork(es) lane . and -th-e clerk of -th-e cherche [aaAx]
R: 5,163 Dawe -th-e dykere . and a doseyn othere [aaAx]
R: 5,164 A ribaud a raton(er) . a rakere of chepe [aaAx]
R: 5,165 A ropere a redyngking . and rose -th-e dyschere [aaAx]
R: 5,166 And vpholder(is) . erly by -th-e morwe [aaAx]
R: 5,167 -gh-euyn glotou(n) w(i)t(h) glad cher(e) . goud ale to drynke [aaAbb]
R: 5,168 clement -th-e cobeler(e) . cast of his cloke [aaAa]
R: 5,169 and at -th-e newe feyre . ne(m)pne-th- hit to selle [axAx]
R: 5,170 Hicke -th-e osteler . hitte his hode after [aaAa]
R: 5,171 And bette -th-e bocher . to be on his syde [aaaAx]
R: 5,172 -Th-(er) wer(e) chapme(n) ychose . -th-e chaffare to preise [aaAx]
R: 5,173 and ho so hadde -th-e hode schuld haue . ame(n)d(is) of -th-e cloke [aaXx]?
R: 5,174 Thei resyn vp in rape . and rownede togeder(is) [aaAx]
R: 5,175 and preysede -th-e penewor-th-es . ap(er)tly by he(m) selue [aaAx]
R: 5,176 -Th-(er) were o-th-es on an hep . -th-ei cu(n)ne not -gh-ut Iuge [aaAa]
R: 5,177 ne by here co(n)ciens . acorden togeder(es) [aaAx]
R: 5,178 Til robyn -th-e rop(er)e . was rad vp to ryse [aaAa]
R: 5,179 And nempnyd for a nou(m)per(e) . -th-(a)t no debat ware [aaAa]
R: 5,180 Hicke -th-e ostler . -th-an hadde -th-e cloke [aaAx]
R: 5,181 in couenau(n)t -th-at clement . -th-e cuppe schulde fille [aaAx]
R: 5,182 And haue hick(es) hod -th-e osteler . and holde hi(m) yserued [aaaAx]
R: 5,183 and ho so repented ra-th-es . sholde rise afore [aaAx]
R: 5,184 And grete sire glotou(n) . w(i)t(h) a galou(n) of ale [aaAx]
R: 5,185 -Th-(er) was lau-gh-yng and lowring . and let go -th-e coppe [aaAx]
R: 5,186 Bargeynes and beueryches . begu(n)ne to ryse [aaAx]
R: 5,187 and setyn so til euesong . and sunge su(m)whyle [aaAx]
R: 5,188 til glotu(n) hadde ygolped . a galou(n) of ale [aaAa]
R: 5,189 he pissed a potel . in a pat(er)n(oste)r whyle [aaAx]
R: 5,190 And blew -th-e rounde rowet . at -th-e riggebonys ende [aaAx]
R: 5,191 -Th-(a)t alle -th-(a)t herde -th-(a)t horn . held her(e) nose after [aaAa]
R: 5,192 and wisshed it had be waxed . w(i)t(h) a wisp of fersen [aaAx]
R: 5,193 He hadde no streng-th-e to stonde . er(e) he h(i)s staf hadde [aaAx]
R: 5,194 --- as one line with following ---
R: 5,195 And -th-a(n)ne ga(n) he go . su(m) tyme o syde and su(m) tyme o rer(e) [aaAx]
R: 5,196 As hoso layde lynes . to lacche wilde foules [aaAx]
R: 5,197 whe(n) he drow to -th-e dore . -th-a(n) dy(m)med his eyen [aaAx]
R: 5,198 He stu(m)bled on -th-e presfold . and fel to -th-e er-th-e [aaAx]
R: 5,199 That w(i)t(h) al -th-e wo of -th-e word . his wif and h(i)s dou-gh-t(er) [aaAa]
R: 5,200 bery(n) hi(m) to his bed . and brou-gh--th-e hi(m) -th-(er)inne [aaAx]
R: 5,201 and aft(er) al -th-(a)t surfet . an axces he hadde [aaxAa]
R: 5,202 -Th-(a)t he slep sat(ur)day and sunday . til su(n)ne -gh-ede to reste [aaaAx]
R: 5,203 Tha(n)ne waked he of his wynkyng . and wyped his eye(n) [aaAx]
R: 5,204 -Th-e furste word -th-(a)t he spak what . wher(e) is -th-e bolle [aaAx]
R: 5,205 His wif blamed hi(m) -th-a(n)ne . of wickednesse of synne [aaAx]
R: 5,206 -Th-a(n) was -th-e shrewe ashamed . and schraped h(i)s erys [aaAx]
R: 5,207 And ga(n) to grety(n) gry(m)ly . and gret dol made [aaAx]
R: 5,208 for his lethyr lyf . -th-at he lyued hadde [aaAx]
R: 5,209 an vowed to faste, . for hu(n)ger or for -th-herste [aaAxx]
R: 5,210 Shal neu(er)e fysch on fryday . defye in my mawe [aaAx]
R: 5,211 Er abstine(n)ce my(n) awnte . haue ygif me leue [aaAxx]
R: 5,212 And -gh-ut haue I hated hur(e) . al my lif tyme [aaAxx]
R: 5,213 Slou-th-e for sorwe . fel dou(n) on sowe(n) [aaXa]
R: 5,214 til vigilate wile . fecche wat(ir) to his eyne [aaAx]
R: 5,215 And flapte hit on his face . and faste on hi(m) cried [aaAx]
R: 5,216 And sayde war for wa(n)hope . wil -th-e bet(ra)ye [aaAx]
R: 5,217 I am sory for my sy(n)ne . sey to -th-i self -th-a(n)ne [aaAa]
R: 5,218 and bet -th-i self on -th-i brest . and byd hi(m) of grace [aaAx]
R: 5,219 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 5,220 Tha(n) sat slou-th-e vp . and shryued hi(m) faste [aaAx]
R: 5,221 and made avow to veri god . for his foule slou-th-e [aaAx]
R: 5,222 Shal no su(n)day be -th-(i)s vij -gh-er . but syknesse h(i)t make [aaAx]
R: 5,223 -Th-(a)t I ne shal do me er day . to -th-e parysch cherche [aaAx]
R: 5,224 And her(e) masse and matines . as I a monke wer(e) [aaAx]
R: 5,225 Shal no(n) ale aft(er) mete . holde(n) me -th-e(n)nys [aaAx]
R: 5,226 til I haue euesong herd . I behote -th-e rode [aaAx]
R: 5,227 and -gh-ut wol I -gh-elde a-gh-en . -gh-if I so moche haue [aaAxx]
R: 5,228 Al -th-at I wickedly by wan . syn I wit hadde [aaAx]
R: 5,229 And -th-ei my lyflode fayle . lette -gh-ut I nelle [aaAx]
R: 5,230 -th-at eu(er)y ma(n) shal haue his . er I he(n)nys we(n)de [aaAx]
R: 5,231 and w(i)t(h) -th-e residue and remenau(n)t . by -th-e rode of chestre [aaAx]
R: 5,232 I wil seke tru-th-e . or I se rome [axAx]
R: 5,233 roberd -th-e robber(e) . on reddite lokede [aaAx]
R: 5,234 and for -th-(er) was not wher w(i)t(h) . he wepd wel sore [aaAx]
R: 5,235 And -gh-it synful shrewe . sayde to hi(m) selue [aaAa]
R: 5,236 Crist -th-(a)t on caluery . on -th-e cros deyde [aaAx]
R: 5,237 -th-o dismas my bro-th-(er) bysou-gh-th hi(m) of g(ra)ce [????]
R: 5,238 And -th-ou haddest m(er)cy on -th-(a)t ma(n) . for mem(en)to sake [aaAx]
R: 5,239 -th-i wil wirche vpon me . as I haue wel des(er)ued [aaAx]
R: 5,240 To haue helle for eu(er)e . -gh-if -th-(a)t hope ne were [aaAx]
R: 5,241 to rewe on -th-(i)s roberd . -th-(a)t red no(n) ne haue-th- [aaAx]
R: 5,242 ne neu(er) weny-th- to wy(n)ne . w(i)t(h) craft -th-(a)t he knowe-th- [aaAxx]
R: 5,243 but for -th-i moche mercy . mitygaciou(n) I beseke [aaAx]
R: 5,244 Dampne me not at domysday . for -th-(a)t I dede so ylle [aaAx]
R: 5,245 ac what byfel of -th-(i)s felou(n) . I ca(n) not fayr(e) shewe [aaAx]
R: 5,246 Wel I wot he wepte faste wat(ir) . w(i)t(h) his eyne [aaaAx]
R: 5,247 and knowliched his gilt . to crist -gh-it eft sone [aaAx]
R: 5,248 That penite(n)cia his pik . shulde pulche newe [aaAx]
R: 5,249 and lep w(i)t(h) hi(m) ou(er) lond . al his lif tyme [aaAx]
R: 5,250 for he hadde leye by latro . lucifer(is) aunte [aaAx]
R: 5,251 A -th-ousand me(n) and mo -th-o . thru(n)ge toged(er)es [aaAx]
R: 5,252 Wepyng and weyling . for her(e) wyckede dedis [aaAx]
R: 5,253 cried vpward to crist . and to h(i)s clene moder [aaAx]
R: 5,254 to haue grace to seke tru-th-e . so god leue -th-(a)t -gh-e mote [aaAx]
R: 6,1 Ac -th-(er) were fewe me(n) so wise . -th-(a)t -th-ei wey thedir coude [aaAx]
R: 6,2 blustre for-th- as best(is) . ou(er) valeys and hull(es) [aaAx]
R: 6,3 til late and longe . -th-(a)t -th-ei a lede mettyn [aaAx]
R: 6,4 yp(ar)ayled as a paynym . in pilgrymys wise [aaAx]
R: 6,5 He bar(e) a burdou(n) ybou(n)de . w(i)t(h) a brod lyste [aaAx]
R: 6,6 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 6,7 A bagge and a bolle . he bar by his side [aaAx]
R: 6,8 An hundred of ampollus . on his hat seten [aaAx]
R: 6,9 Sygnes of synay . and schellys of galys [aaAx]
R: 6,10 And many a cros on his cloke . and key-gh-es of rome [aaAx]
R: 6,11 And -th-e vernicle hi(m) byforn . for me(n) schuld hy(m) knowe [aaAxx]
R: 6,12 And sen by his synes . whom he sou-gh-th hadde [aaAx]
R: 6,13 -Th-is folke freyned hy(m) fayre . whe(n)nes -th-(a)t he come [aaaAxx]
R: 6,14 ffro synay he sayde . and fro -th-e sepulcre [aaAx]
R: 6,15 ac bedlehe(m) and babyloyne . I haue be in bo-th-e [aaAa]
R: 6,16 In ermonye in alisau(n)dre . and many o-th-(er) plac(es) [aaAx]
R: 6,17 -Gh-e mow sen by my synes . -th-(a)t sytte(n) on my(n) hat [aaAx]
R: 6,18 That I haue walked wyde . in wet and in drye [aaaAx]
R: 6,19 And sou-gh-th gode seynt(es) . for my soule hele [aaAx]
R: 6,20 Knowest -th-ou a corseynt q(uo)d -th-ei . -th-(a)t me(n) calle tru-th-e [aaAx]
R: 6,21 canstu wisse vs -th-e wey . wher -th-(a)t he duelle-th- [aaAx]
R: 6,22 Nay so me god helpe . sayde -th-e gome -th-a(n)ne [axAx]
R: 6,23 I sey neu(er)e palmer(e) w(i)t(h) pik . ne w(i)t(h) skrippe [aaXx]?
R: 6,24 Axen aft(er) hi(m) . er(e) now in -th-(i)s place [aaAxx]
R: 6,25 Peter q(uo)d a plowma(n) . and putte for-th- his hed [aaAx]
R: 6,26 I knowe hi(m) as kyndely . as clerk(es) done her bok(is) [aaAx]
R: 6,27 clene conciens and wit . kenny-th- me to his place [aaAx]
R: 6,28 And dude me to sur(e) hi(m) . for to s(er)ue hi(m) euer(e) [aaAx]
R: 6,29 bo-th-e now and si-th-e . whil I swynke my-gh-the [aaAx]
R: 6,30 I haue be his folwer(e) . al -th-(i)s fourty wynter [xaAx]
R: 6,31 Bo-th-e sowe(n) his sed . and sewed his best(is) [aaAx]
R: 6,32 And kepid his corn . and caried hit to house [aaAx]
R: 6,33 Dyken and dolue(n) . and don what he hy-gh-the [aaAx]
R: 6,34 Wythinne and w(i)t(h)oute . to wayte his p(ro)fyte [aaAx]
R: 6,35 -Th-(er) is no labourer w(i)t(h)i(n)ne his lordschep . -th-(a)t hi(m) lyke-th- beter(e) [aaAx]
R: 6,36 for -th-ou-gh- I sey hit my self . I serue hi(m) to paye [aaAx]
R: 6,37 I haue my(n) hir(e) of hy(m) wel . and o-th-(er)while mor(e) [aaAx]
R: 6,38 He is -th-e prestyste pay-gh-er(e) . -th-at por(e) men knowe-th- [aaAx]
R: 6,39 he ne halt no hyne his hyre . -th-(a)t he ne ha-th- h(i)t at eue [aaAx]
R: 6,40 he is as low as a lomb . and louely of speche [aaAx]
R: 6,41 and -gh-if -gh-e wil wite . wher(e) -th-(a)t he duelle-th- [aaAx]
R: 6,42 I shal wisse -gh-ou wel . ry-gh-th to his place [aaAx]
R: 6,43 -gh-e leue per(is) q(uo)d -th-e pilgrymys . and p(ro)fered hi(m) hir(e) [aaAx]
R: 6,44 Nay by -th-e p(er)il of my soule . q(uo)d per(is) and gan for to swere [axAx]
R: 6,45 I nolde fonge a fer-th-ing . for seynt thomas shryne [aaAxx]
R: 6,46 ffor tru-th-e wolde loue me -th-e wor(es) . a long tyme after [abBa]
R: 6,47 ac -gh-e -th-(a)t wil wende -th-eder . -th-is is -th-e weye [aaAx]
R: 6,48 -Gh-e mote go -th-orw meknysse . bo-th-e maydenis and wyues [aaAx]
R: 6,49 Til -gh-e come into co(n)ciens . -th-(a)t crist wyte -th-e so-th-e [aaAx]
R: 6,50 That -gh-e loue hi(m) leuer(e) . -th-a(n) -th-e lyf in -gh-o(ur) hert(is) [aaAx]
R: 6,51 and -th-a(n)ne -gh-o(ur) ney-gh-bor(es) nixte . in none wyse apeyre [aaAx]
R: 6,52 o-th-(er) wise -th-a(n) -gh-e wol me(n) . wrou-gh--th-e to -gh-ou selue [aaAx]
R: 6,53 and so bowe-th- for-th- by a broke . buxu(m) of speche [aaAx]
R: 6,54 ffor-th- til -gh-e fynde a ferde . -gh-o(ur) faderes honowred [aaAx]
R: 6,55 wade-th- in -th-at water . and ways -gh-ou -th-(er)inne [aaAx]
R: 6,56 And -gh-e schulle lepe -th-e ly-gh-tlyer(e) . al -gh-o(ur) lyf tyme [aaAx]
R: 6,57 So shul -gh-e se . suer(e) nou-gh-t but hit be for nede [aaAx]
R: 6,58 And namely on ydel . name of god almy-gh-thy [aaAx]
R: 6,59 -Th-a(n) shal -gh-e come by a crofte . come-th- not -th-(er)inne [aaAx]
R: 6,60 -Th-(a)t croft hatte-th- coueyte-th- not . ma(n)nys catel ne her(e) wyuys [aaAx]
R: 6,61 ne none of her(e) s(er)uau(n)t(is) . -th-(a)t noy-gh-e hem my-gh-the [axAx]
R: 6,62 Loke -gh-e breke no bowes . -th-er(e) but -th-ei be -gh-o(ur) owyn [aaAx]
R: 6,63 Two stokk(is) -th-(er) sto(n)de-th- . but stynt -gh-ou not -th-ere [aaAx]
R: 6,64 -Th-ei hatte stel not ne sle not . but strik for-th- by bo-th-e [aaAx]
R: 6,65 lef he(m) on -th-i lyft half . and loke not -th-(er)after [aaAx]
R: 6,66 And hold wel -th-i(n) halyday . hey til -th-e eue [aaAa]
R: 6,67 -Th-a(n) shalt -th-(o)u blenche(n) a bak . ber no fals witnesse [aaAx]
R: 6,68 He is frithed in w(i)t(h) floreynis . and o-th-(er) fees manye [aaAx]
R: 6,69 Loke -th-(o)u plucke no plant(is) . -th-(er) for p(er)il of -th-i soule [aaAx]
R: 6,70 Th-a(n) shalt -th-(o)u se . sey so-th- so hit be to done [aaAx]
R: 6,71 And loke -th-(o)u lye not . for no ma(n)nys byddyng [aaXx]
R: 6,72 -Th-a(n) shalt -th-(o)u come to a court . as cler(e) as the su(n)ne [aaAx]
R: 6,73 -Th-e mot is of m(er)cy . -th-e man(er) al aboute [aaAx]
R: 6,74 And alle -th-e walles be-th- of wit . to holde wil -th-(er)oute [aaAx]
R: 6,75 -Th-e cornelys be-th- of criste(n)dou(m) . -th-(a)t kynde to saue [aaAx]
R: 6,76 and burased w(i)t(h) lef so . or -th-(o)u best not saued [aaAx]
R: 6,77 Alle -th-e howses be-th- heled . hall(is) and chaumbres [aaAx]
R: 6,78 w(i)t(h) no led but w(i)t(h) loue and lownesse . as bre-th-re(n) of o wo(m)be [aaaXx]
R: 6,79 -Th-e tour(e) -th-(er) tru-th-e . is hi(m) self is vp to -th-e su(n)ne [aaXx]
R: 6,80 He may do w(i)t(h) -th-e day sterr(e) . what so hi(m) lyky-th- [aaAx]
R: 6,81 De-th- dar not do no-th-ing . -th-at he defend(es) [aaAx]
R: 6,82 Grace hatte-th- -th-e gateward . a goud ma(n) forso-th-e [aaAx]
R: 6,83 his man hatte amende -gh-ou . for meny men hi(m) knoweth [aaAx]
R: 6,84 tel hi(m) -th-is tokne . truthe wot -th-e sothe [aaAx]
R: 6,85 y p(er)formed -th-e penau(n)s . -th-(a)t -th-e prest enioyned [aaAx]
R: 6,86 I am sory for my synnes . and so schal I euere [aaAx]
R: 6,87 Wha(n) I thinke -th-ereon . -th-ow I wer(e) a pope [axAx]
R: 6,88 byddy-th- ame(n)de -gh-ou mekyn hi(m) . to his maistre [aaAx]
R: 6,89 ones to wy(n)ne [vp] -th-e wyket . -th-(a)t -th-e wy-gh-t shette [aaAx]
R: 6,90 -Th-o adam and eue . etyn oure bane [aaAx]
R: 6,91 for he ha-th- -th-e keyes and -th-e clyket . -th-ow -th-e king clepe [aaAx]
R: 6,92 and -gh-if grace grau(n)te . -th-e to gon i(n) on -th-(i)s wyse [aaAx]
R: 6,93 -Th-ou schalt se tru-th-e hi(m)self . sytte in -th-yn herte [aaAx]
R: 6,94 And lere -th-e for to loue . and his lawes halde [aaAx]
R: 6,95 ac be war of wratthe nou-th- . -th-(a)t wykkede shr(e)we [aaAx]
R: 6,96 ffor [he] ha-th- enuye to hi(m) . -th-at in -th-in herte sytteth [aaAx]
R: 6,97 and loke for no pride . to preyse thy selue [aaAx]
R: 6,98 The boldnesse of -th-(a)t buffet . make-th- -th-e blynd -th-a(n)ne [aaAx]
R: 6,99 & so wor-th- -th-e dryue out as dew . and -th-e dore yclosed [aaAx]
R: 6,100 ykey-gh-ed and ycleketed . to holde -th-e -th-eroute [aaAx]
R: 6,101 happily an hu(n)dred wynter . er -th-(o)u eft entre [aaAa]
R: 6,102 -Th-us my-gh-the -th-(o)u lese his loue . to lete wel by -th-i selue [aaAx]
R: 6,103 And gete h(i)t a-gh-en thur-gh- g(ra)ce . and -th-ur-gh- no thing elles [aaAx]
R: 6,104 Ac -th-er arn vij dou-gh-tr(es) . -th-at s(er)ue truthe euere [aaAx]
R: 6,105 and be-th- porter(is) to -th-e posternys . -th-(a)t to -th-e place longe-th- [aaAx]
R: 6,106 -Th-at on hatte abstinence . humylite is ano-th-er [aaAx]
R: 6,107 Charite and chastite . be-th- h(er) chef maydens [aaAx]
R: 6,108 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 6,109 Largenesse -th-e lady . late-th- in wel manye [aaAx]
R: 6,110 Ac who is sib to -th-e sustres . so me god helpe [aaAxx]
R: 6,111 He is wonderly wolcome . and fayre vnderfonged [aaBb]
R: 6,112 But he be sib to some . of -th-es seuene sustr(es) [aaA]?
R: 6,113 hit is wel hard by my(n) hod . ony of -gh-ou alle [aaAa]
R: 6,114 to gete ingate a[t] eny gate . but g(ra)ce be -th-e more [aaaAx]
R: 6,115 By crist q(uo)d a cuttepurs . I haue no kyn -th-ere [aaAx]
R: 6,116 Ne I q(uo)d a pelo(ur) . by ou-gh-th -th-(a)t I knowe [aaAx]
R: 6,117 Wite god q(uo)d waufrer(e) . wiste I -th-(a)t -th-e sothe [aaAx]
R: 6,118 Shulde I neu(er)e fer-th-(er) a fote . for no frer(is) prechyng [aaAx]
R: 6,119 -Gh-is q(uo)d per(is) plowma(n) . a(n) poked hi(m) to gode [aaAx]
R: 6,120 Mercy had a mayde(n) -th-ere . she my-gh-te ou(er) he(m) alle [aaAx]
R: 6,121 she is sib to alle synful . and hur(e) sone alse [aaAx]
R: 6,122 and -th-orw -th-e help of he(m) two . hope -th-(o)u no(n) o-th-er [aaAa]
R: 6,123 -Th-(o)u my-gh-t se g(ra)ce -th-ere . so -th-ou go by tyme [aaAx]
R: 7,1 This wer(e) a wickede weye . but whoso hadde a gide [aaAx]
R: 7,2 -Th-(a)t my-gh-t folwe vs eche fote . til we wer(e) -th-ere [aaAxx]
R: 7,3 q(uo)d p(er)kyn -th-e plowma(n) . by seynt thomas -th-e apostel [aaAa]
R: 7,4 I haue an half akre to ere . by -th-e hy-gh-e weye [aaAx]
R: 7,5 Had I ered my(n) half akre . I wil w(i)t(h) -gh-ou til -gh-e be -th-ere [aaAx]?
R: 7,6 I wil wi-th- -y-ow til -y-e were -th-ere [aaAx]
R: 7,7 -Th-is wer(e) a long lettyng . q(uo)d a lady in a sleyre [aaAx]
R: 7,8 What shul we wy(n)ne . & wyrke -th-e whyle [aaAx]
R: 7,9 Some shul sowe -th-e sak . for sheding of -th-e whete [aaAx]
R: 7,10 And wyues -th-(a)t haue wolle . werchen hit -gh-e shole [aaAx]
R: 7,11 spynnet h(i)t spedly . spare-th- not -gh-o(ur) fyngres [aaAx]
R: 7,12 but -gh-if hit be holy day . o-th-(er) holy euen [xaAa]
R: 7,13 loke-th- for-th- -gh-o(ur) lynene . and laboure-th- -th-(er)on faste [aaAx]
R: 7,14 The nedy and -th-e naked . ny(m) hede how -th-e lyen [aaAx]
R: 7,15 caste-th- he(m) clo-th-es for colde . for so wil truthe [aaaXx]
R: 7,16 for I shal lene he(m) lyflode . but -gh-if -th-e lond fayle [aaAx]
R: 7,17 as longe as I lyue . for -th-e lord(is) loue of heuene [aaAx]?
R: 7,18 And -gh-e louely ladyis . w(i)t(h) -gh-o(ur) louely fyngrys [aaAx]
R: 7,19 -Th-at haue syke and sandel . sowe-th- hit whe(n) tyme is [aaAx]
R: 7,20 Chesibles for chapeles . cherchis to honoure [aaAx]
R: 7,21 and alle man(er) me(n) . -th-(a)t by -th-e mete libbes [aaAx]
R: 7,22 Help he(m) wyrche witly . -th-at wy(n)ne -gh-o(ur) fode [aaAx]
R: 7,23 by crist q(uo)d a kny-gh-t . -th-(o)u kennest vs -th-e beste [aaAx]
R: 7,24 and on -th-is teme truly . tau-gh-t was I neuere [aaAx]
R: 7,25 kene me q(uo)d kni-gh-t . I wil leye -th-(er) to ere [aaAx]
R: 7,26 By seynt poule q(uo)d p(er)kyn . for -th-(o)u p(ro)ferest -th-e so lowe [aaAx]
R: 7,27 I schal swynke and swete . and sowe for vs bo-th-e [aaAx]
R: 7,28 and laboure for -gh-o(ur) loue . al my lyf tyme [aaAx]
R: 7,29 in couenau(n)t -th-(a)t -th-(o)u kepe wel . holycherche ri-gh-t [aaAx]
R: 7,30 And me fro water(es) and wikkeme(n) . -th-(a)t me wolde dist(ro)ye [aaAx]
R: 7,31 and go hu(n)te hardily . -th-e har(e) and fox [aaAx]
R: 7,32 and to ber(es) and buck(es) . -th-(a)t breke my(n) hegg(is) [aaAx]
R: 7,33 and fech -th-e hom faukonys . -th-e foules to kylle [aaAx]
R: 7,34 ffor thes come to my croft(es) . and croppe my whete [aaAx]
R: 7,35 Curteysly -th-e kni-gh-t . conseyuede his word(is) [aaAx]
R: 7,36 by my power per(is) . I ply-gh-te -th-e my trou-th-e [aaAx]
R: 7,37 to fulfylle my forward . whilis I may stonde [aaXx]?
R: 7,38 And -gh-ut a poynt q(uo)d p(er)ky(n) . I praye -th-e more [aaAx]
R: 7,39 Loke -th-(o)u tene no tenau(n)t . but tru-th-e wil acorde [aaAx]
R: 7,40 and -th-ey por(e) men p(ro)fre . -th-e p(re)sent(is) and -gh-ift(es) [aaAx]
R: 7,41 ny(m) hit nou-gh-t in aunt(er) . -th-(o)u mow h(i)t not des(er)ue [aaAx]?
R: 7,42 ffor -th-(o)u shalt -gh-iue h(i)t a-gh-en . at on -gh-er(is) ende [aaAx]
R: 7,43 In a wel p(er)lious er(e) place . -th-at purgatorie hatte-th- [aaAx]
R: 7,44 And mysbede not -th-i bondeme(n) . -th-e bet(er) -th-(o)u my-gh-t spede [aaAx]
R: 7,45 And be trewe of -th-i tonge . and talis -th-ou hate [aaAx]
R: 7,46 but h(i)t be wisda(m) o-th-(er) wit . -th-i werkme(n) to chaste [aaAx]
R: 7,47 hold w(i)t(h) none harlot(is) . ne her(e) no(n) of h tal(is) [aaAx]
R: 7,48 And na(m)lyche at mete . suche men eschue [aaAx]
R: 7,49 for hit arn -th-e deuel(is) dishoures . I do h(i)t -th-e vndersto(n)de [aaAx]
R: 7,50 I asente by seynt iame . sey-th- -th-e kni-gh-t -th-a(n)ne [aaAx]
R: 7,51 for to worche by -th-i word . whil my lyf dure-gh-t [aaAxx]
R: 7,52 And I shal ap(ar)ayle q(uo)d p(er)kyn . in pilgrimys wyse [aaAx]
R: 7,53 And wende w(i)t(h) -gh-ou -th-e wey . til we fynde tru-th-e [aaAxx]
R: 7,54 He caste on his clo-th-es . yclouted and hole [aaAx]
R: 7,55 His coker(is) and his cuffys . for colde of his nayles [aaAx]
R: 7,56 And heng his hop(ur) on his bak . in stede of his skrippe [aaaBb]
R: 7,57 A busshel of bred corn . bryng me -th-(er) ynne [aaAx]
R: 7,58 ffor I wil sowe hit my self . and swythe wil I wende [aaAx]
R: 7,59 And whoso helpe-th- me to erye . or eny -th-ing swynke [aaAx]
R: 7,60 Shal haue by our(e) lord god -th-e mor(e) hir(e) in heruest [????}?
R: 7,61 And make hi(m) merye w(i)t(h) -th-e corn . whoso hit begrucche [aaxXx]
R: 7,62 And alle skynnes crafti me(n) . -th-(a)t cu(n)ne leue w(i)t(h) tru-th-e [aaAxx]
R: 7,63 I shal fynde he(m) fode . -th-at feyfully lybbe [aaAx]
R: 7,64 Saue Iacke -th-e Iogelo(ur) . and Ionet at -th-e stewes [aaAx]
R: 7,65 And roby(n) -th-e ribaudo(ur) . for his rusti word(is) [aaAx]
R: 7,66 Truthe tolde me -th-(us) onys . and bad me telle h(i)t ferther [aaAx]
R: 7,67 { Deleant(ur) de libro } . I shulde not dele w(i)t(h) hem [axAx]
R: 7,68 for holy chyrche is holde of he(m) . no tithes to taken [aaXa]
R: 7,68a { Et cu(m) iustis non scribantur } [Latin]
R: 7,69 They be-th- askaped god(es) aunt(ir) . god he(m) amende [aaXx]
E: 7,212 [1,180] ffor -th-i I say as I sayd ar be sight of
-th-is text
E: 7,212 [1,181] When al treso(ur)s er tried trouth is -th-e
E: 7,212 [1,182] Now haue I tolde yow qwat trouth is no trero(ur)
E: 1,183 I may no lang(er) lende . now luke you owr lord
E: 2,1 it I knellyd on my kney . & cryed hyr of grace [aaAx]
E: 2,2 And sayd m(er)cy madame . for mary loue of heuen [aaAx]
E: 2,3 -Th-(a)t bare -th-e -th-e blyssyd barne . -th-(a)t boght vs on rode [aaaAx]
E: 2,4 Ke(n)ne me kyndly be sum crafte . for to knaw falsyde [aaAx]
E: 2,5 --- this line om ---
E: 2,6 Lo quer stand(es) fals fauel . & hys ferys al [aaAx]
E: 2,7 I lokyd on my left half . als -th-e lady me taght [aaAx]
E: 2,8 And was war of a woman . wond(ir)ly clothyd [aaAx]
E: 2,9 Puryd w(i)t(h) Piloure . worthiest on erthe [aaAx]
E: 2,10 Coronyd w(i)t(h) a corone . at -th-e kyng hase no bett(er) [aaAx]
E: 2,11 All(e) hir five fyngers . wer fetterd w(i)t(h) rynges [aaAx]
E: 2,12 Of -th-e purest perre . -th-(a)t prince weryd euer [aaAx]
E: 2,13 In a scarlet robe . rybonde w(i)t(h) gold [aaAx]
E: 2,14 -Th-(er) is no queen so queenlike . -th-(a)t qwike is on erthe [aaAx]
E: 2,15 What is -th-is woman q(ou)d I . -th-(a)t is -th-us worthely atyryde [aaAx]
E: 2,16 -Th-is is mede -th-e mayden . at me hase greuyd oft(e) [aaXx]
E: 2,17 And hase laykd my lare . to lord(is) abowte [aaAx]
E: 2,18 In -th-e papis palace . als p(re)ve als my seluen [aaAx]
E: 2,19 And swa suld sho noght be for wrong was hir syre [xxXx]
E: 2,20 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 2,21 Bot I aught to be hyer . -th-e sho for I come of bett(er) [aaAxx]
E: 2,22 To th-e more worthy mariage made . of mede & of falshed [aaaAx]
E: 2,23 ffauell(e) w(i)t(h) faire speche . hase fanged -th-aim togedir [aaAx]
E: 2,24 Gyle hase ben forthganger . & g(ra)unt(es) hys will(e) [aaAx]
E: 2,25 And herew(i)t(h) hys ledyng . -th-ai lye togedyr [aaAx]
E: 2,26 Tomorow be -th-is mariage . made as I -th-e telle [aaAx]
E: 2,26 ffauel w(i)t(h) -th-e fithe speche haue forget -th-ann
E: 2,27 -Th-(er) may -th-ou wete yf -th-ou will(e) . what -th-ai se all(e) [aaAx]
E: 2,28 -th-(a)t lang(es) to -th-(a)t lordship . -th-e les & more [aaAx]
E: 2,29 Kawne -th-aim if -th-ou can . & kepe -th-e from -th-aim all(e) [aaAx]
E: 2,30 Yf -th-(a)t -th-ou will(e) wonne . w(i)t(h) trouth in hys blisse [aaAxx]
E: 2,31 I may no langer lete . bot lord I -th-e bekepe [aaAx]
E: 2,32 And become a gude man . for ony -th-ing I rede [aaAx]
E: 2,33 ffor al -th-e ryche retenow . -th-(a)t wonnys w(i)t(h) falsehed [aaAx]
E: 2,34 Wer byddyng to -th-e brydell(e) . on both -th-e two sydes [aaAx]
E: 2,35 Sir symony assent . to seyll(e) -th-ees chartres [aaAx]
E: 2,36 -Th-(a)t fayvell(e) & falshed . be on fyne holden [aaAx]
E: 2,37 And feffyd mede -th-(a)t maydyn . in mariage for eu(er) [aaAx]
E: 2,38 -Th-(er) is nowder hal ne boure . to herbery -th-(a)t peple [aaAx]
E: 2,39 -Th-(a)t iche feld was full(e) . all(e) aboute [aaAx]
E: 2,40 In mydd(is) a montane . at mydmorne tyde [aaAx]
E: 2,41 Was pight vpp a pauillion . prowde for -th-e nons [aaAx]
E: 2,42 And x thounsand of tent(is) . Itald besyde [aaAx]
E: 2,43 Of knyght(es) of -th-e cuntre . & comons al aboute [aaAx]
E: 2,44 ffor syso(ur)s for Somondo(ur)s . for sellers for beggers [aaAx]
E: 2,45 ffor leryd for lewyd . for laborers many [aaAx]
E: 2,46 All(e) to wittnes wele . what -th-ai write wald [aaAa]
E: 2,47 In qwat man(er) mede . in mariag was sesyd [aaAx]
E: 2,48 To be feffyd w(i)t(h) falshede . -th-e fyne is areryde [aaAx]
E: 2,49 Than fauuell(e) fechyd hir forth . & to fals hir knytt [aaaAx]
E: 2,50 In forward at falshed . suld fynd hyr for eu(er) [aaAx]
E: 2,51 And scho to be buxu(m) . hys byddyng to do [aaAx]
E: 2,52 At bedde & at borde . qwilse -th-air lyue last [aaAx]
E: 2,53 In wittnes of Simony & siuile his brother
E: 2,54 Symony & siuile . stand(es) forth togedir [aaAx]
E: 2,55 And vnfalden -th-e fefment . -th-(a)t fals hade made [aaAx]
E: 2,56 -Th-us begynnys -th-is gomes . for to crye he [aaAx]
E: 2,57 wete & wittnes . -th-(a)t wonnes vppon erth [aaAx]
E: 2,58 At I fauuell haue feffyd . falshede to mede [aaAx]
E: 2,59 ffor to be p(re)sent in pryde . for pore or for riche [aaAx]
E: 2,60 w(i)t(h) -th-e erldom of enuy . eu(er) mor to last [aaAx]
E: 2,61 with -th-e lordship of lichory . on lenth & of brede [aaAx]
E: 2,62 with -th-e kyngdome of couetyse . & corone -th-aim
toged(er) [aaAx]
E: 2,62 [2,65] with -th-e likyng of lust -th-e deuil for
to s(er)ue
E: 2,63 w(i)t(h) al -th-e euell of vsure . & au(ar)ice al hale [aaAx]
E: 2,64 Glotony & grett athes . I gyf -th-aim toged(er) [aaAx]
E: 2,65 --- this line is copied after 2,62 ---
E: 2,66 In all(e) -th-e segoury of sleuth . I seyse -th-aim toged(er) [aaAx]
E: 2,67 -Th-ai to haue & to hald . & all(e) -th-air arys aftir [aaAa]
E: 2,68 w(i)t(h) -th-e purtenaunce of p(ur)gatory . into -th-e pyne of hell(e) [aaAx]
E: 2,69 Yeldand for -th-is -th-ing at -th-e yers ende [xxXx]
E: 2,70 -Th-(er) saules vnto sathanas . to synke into pyne [aaAx]
E: 2,71 And -th-(er) to wonne w(i)t(h) wrong . wlysse god is in heuen [aaAxx]
E: 2,72 In wittnes of whilke thing . wrang was -th-e first [aaAx]
E: 2,73 A Pers -th-e p(ar)don(er) . & paulynes doctor [aaAx]
E: 2,74 Bernard -th-e bedell(e) . of Bokyngh(a)m shire [aaAx]
E: 2,75 And ranald -th-e reve . of rutland sokyn [aaAx]
E: 2,76 Munde -th-e milner . and ony other [aaAx]
E: 2,76 Sym -th-e semer out of sumud sete
E: 2,76 And haukyn -th-e hunter of hold(er)nes
E: 2,76 And hudde -th-e hulour of holand aswa
E: 2,76 Milners & michers for -th-ai er all(e) fals
E: 2,77 In -th-e date of -th-e deuil . -th-is dede here -th-ai seyll(e) [aaAx]
E: 2,78 Be syght of sir simony . & signes of notariis [aaAx]
E: 2,79 Than tenyd theology . qwen he -th-is tale herd [aaAx]
E: 2,80 And sayd to sir ciuile . sorow on -th-i buk(es) [aaAx]
E: 2,81 Suche work(es) to wirke . -th-(er) w(i)t(h) to wroth trouth [aaAx]
E: 2,82 And or -th-is weddyng be wrou-gh-t . wa -th-e betyde [aaAx]
E: 2,84 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 2,85 And hase geven hir to a gylo(ur) . god gyff -th-e sorow [aaAx]
E: 2,86 The text tellys -th-e no-gh-t swa . god wate -th-e soth [aaAx]
E: 2,86a { Dignus est op(er)arius m(er)cede sua &c } [Latin]
E: 2,87 Worthi is -th-e workman . hys mede for to haue [aaXx]
E: 2,88 And -th-(o)u hast feffyd hir w(i)t(h) falshed . now fye on -th-i law [aaAx]
E: 2,89 ffor all(e) be lesyng -th-(o)u leuys . & licherous werk(is) [aaAx]
E: 2,90 Symony & -th-i self . shend(es) holy churche [aaAx]
E: 2,91 -Y-e & -th-ees notarys noys -th-e peple [xaAx]?
E: 2,92 Bot -y-e shal abye it bath . be god at me made [aaAxx]
E: 2,93 Wele -y-e wate I warand . bot if yo(ur) witt(es) fayle [aaaAx]
E: 2,94 That falshed is a fautor . & ffalsly wirk(es) [aaAx]
E: 2,95 And als a bastard is borne . of belsabubes kynde [aaAx]
E: 2,96 And mede is a mulier . a maidyn of gode [aaAx]
E: 2,97 Sho myght kysse -th-e kyng . for cosyn yf she wald [aaAx]
E: 2,98 Wirke -y-e by wysdom . & by witt eftir [aaAx]
E: 2,99 lede hir to london . -th-(er) lawe is haldyng [aaAx]
E: 2,100 Giff ony lewte will(e) loke . at -th-ai lygge toged(er) [aaAx]
E: 2,101 Gyff ony iustice will(e) iuge . at he be to hir in ionyd [aaAx]
E: 2,102 Swa -th-(a)t fals be war of -th-e weddyng . for witty is trouth [aaAx]
E: 2,103 ffor conscience is of counsell(e) . & knawys you ichon [aaAx]
E: 2,104 And he fynd you in defaute . & w(i)t(h) fals haldyng [aaAx]
E: 2,105 It shal be sene of yo(ur) saules full(e) . sare at -th-e last [aaAx]
E: 2,106 Herto assent ciuile . Symony ne wald [aaAx]
E: 2,107 Till(e) he had silu(er) . for hys sealle-gh- & notary signes [xaAa]
E: 2,108 -Th-an fauuel fochyd furth . florenys enowe [aaaAx]
E: 2,109 And bad gyle go belyue & gyff . gold abowte [aaAx]
E: 2,110 And namely to -th-ees notarys . latt(e) -th-aim not fayle [aaAx]
E: 2,111 Bott feffe fals wittnes . w(i)t(h) florenys mony [aaAx]
E: 2,112 ffor he may mede maist(er) . & make hir at my will(e) [aaAx]
E: 2,113 When -th-is gold was gevyn . grett was -th-e thankyng [aaAx]
E: 2,114 To fals & to fauuell(e) . for -th-air fair gifte-gh- [aaAx]
E: 2,115 And come for to comforth . fro car -th-e fals [aaAx]
E: 2,116 And cert(es) sothly . cesse schall(e) I neu(er) [aaAx]
E: 2,117 Till at mede be weddytt . -th-orow witt of vs all(e) [aaAx]
E: 2,118 ffor we haue mede maistried . -th-orow our faire speche [aaAx]
E: 2,119 -Th-(a)t sho g(ra)unt(es) to gay . w(i)t(h) a gode will(e) [aaAx]
E: 2,120 To londo to luke . if at -th-e law wald [aaAx]
E: 2,121 Iugge you ioyntely . in ioy toged(er) [aaAx]
E: 2,122 -Th-an was falshed fayn . & fauuell(e) als bylythe [aaAx]
E: 2,123 And lethe Somond -th-e segg(es) . in shire-gh- abowte [aaAx]
E: 2,124 And -th-aim al be bowne . bath begg(er)ys & other [aaAx]
E: 2,125 To wend al to london . to wittnes -th-is dede [aaAx]
E: 2,126 -Th-an caryd -th-ai for capyllys . to carry -th-aim -th-ed(er) [aaAx]
E: 2,127 And fauuell(e) fochis forth . foles of -th-e best [aaAx]
E: 2,128 Sett mede on a sheroff . shodde all(e) newe [aaAx]
E: 2,129 And fals on a seyssour . -th-(a)t softly wald trott [aaAx]
E: 2,130 ffauuell(e) vppon fair speche . fayntley atyryd [aaAx]
E: 2,131 Than hed -the notarys nane . anoyd wer -th-ai [aaAx]
E: 2,132 -Th-(a)t Simony & cyuyle . suld on fote go [aaAx]
E: 2,133 -Th-an sware ciuile . & sayd be -th-e rode [aaAx]
E: 2,134 -Th-(a)t Somondo(ur)s suld sadyld be . & s(er)ue vs ilkane [aaAx]
E: 2,135 And gart apparyll(e) p(ro)visoners . in palfrays wyse [aaAx]
E: 2,136 Sir Symony hym self . sall(e) sytt on -th-air bakys [aaAx]
E: 2,137 And alle -th-ees denes & subdenes . as distrers be dight [aaAa]
E: 2,138 ffor -th-ai shall(e) bere -th-ees bisshopes . & bryng -th-aim to rist [aaAx]
E: 2,139 Paulyns peple . for pletyng in consistory [aaAx]
E: 2,140 -Th-ai sall(e) ber my self . -th-(a)t ciuile is haldyn [aaAx]
E: 2,141 And he gart sadyll(e) comissarye . owr cart sall(e) -th-ai drawe [aaAx]
E: 2,142 And shall fett owr vitals . of fornicatours [aaAx]
E: 2,143 Bott make of leyers a lang cart . to lede all(e) -th-ees other [aaAx]
E: 2,144 As fals & fauto(ur)s . -th-(a)t on -th-air fote gang(es) [aaAx]
E: 2,145 ffals & fauuell(e) . goys forth toged(er) [aaAa]
E: 2,146 And mede in -th-e middeward . & all(e) -th-e men oft(e) [aaAx]
E: 2,147 I haue no tong to telle . -th-e tayll(e) at come aftir [aaAx]
E: 2,148 Of many man(er) of men . -th-(a)t on erthe levys [aaAx]
E: 2,149 Bot gyle was foregang(er) . & gydyd -th-aim all(e) [aaAx]
E: 2,150 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 2,151 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 2,152 To he come to -th-e kynges courte . -th-(er) conscience he callyd [aaAx]
E: 2,153 And conscience to -th-e kyng . it carpyd aftir [aaAx]
E: 2,154 Be crist q(ou)d -th-e kyng . and I hym cacche myght [aaXa]
E: 2,155 ffalshed or fauuell . or ony of -th-air ferys [aaXa]
E: 2,156 I shuld be wrokyn of -th-oys wrechis . -th-(a)t werkyn so euell [aaAx]
E: 2,157 And gerr -th-aim hangge be halse . & alle -th-(a)t -th-aim helpis [aaAx]
E: 2,158 Sall no man vppon mold . maynpryse -th-e lest [aaAx]
E: 2,159 Bott right as -th-e law luk(es) . latt falle on -th-aim alle [aaAxx]
E: 2,160 He co(m)maundyd a constable . -th-(a)t come at -th-e first [aaAx]
E: 2,161 ffor to cache -th-o tratours . for ony treso(ur) tried [aaAx]
E: 2,162 ffett(er) falnes fast . for ony kynnes gyfte-gh- [aaaXx]
E: 2,163 And gyrd of gylys hede . & lat hym go no forther [aaAx]
E: 2,164 Bot bring mede to me . maugry -th-aim alle [aaAx]
E: 2,165 Symonye & ciuile . I send -th-aim to warne [aaAx]
E: 2,166 That holy kirke for -th-aim . is harmyd for eu(er) [aaAx]
E: 2,167 And if ye chache lyer . latt hym no-gh-t chape [aaAx]
E: 2,168 Bott sett on -th-e pillory . yf he be wode wrath [aaAx]
E: 2,169 Drede at -th-e dore stode . & -th-e dome herd [aaAx]
E: 2,170 And wightly he went for . to warne felshed [aaAx]
E: 2,171 And bad -th-aim flee forferd . and hys fers alle [aaAx]
E: 2,172 -Th-an falsnes forth ferd . & fled to -th-e frerys [aaAa]
E: 2,173 And gyll dyd hym to ga . for to dye agast [aaAx]
E: 2,174 Vnto m(ar)chaundes mett hym w(i)t(h) . & made hym to abyde [aaAx]
E: 2,175 And sett hym -th-air shoppe-gh- . to shew men -th-air ware [aaAx]
E: 2,176 Apparalyd hym as a Prynce . -th-e peple for to s(er)ue [aaAx]
E: 2,177 Lightly lyer . lepyd away -th-en [aaAx]
E: 2,178 He lurkyd -th-orow lanes . to be luged of mony [aaAx]
E: 2,179 Nowre qware was he wilcom . for hys mony talys [aaXx]
E: 2,180 Ou(er)e all was he hatyd . & huntyd -th-orow -th-e lande [aaAx]
E: 2,181 To p(ar)doners had pete . & pullyd hym to howse [aaAx]
E: 2,182 -Th-ai weshyd & wypyd hym . & wand hym in clott(es) [aaAx]
E: 2,183 Thai sent hym on sondays . w(i)t(h) sellys to kirkes [aaAx]
E: 2,184 To gyff p(ar)don for penys . & pound(es) all abowte [aaAx]
E: 2,185 -Th-an lowryd leches . & letters -th-ai send [aaAx]
E: 2,186 ffor lyer shuld wonne w(i)t(h) -th-aim . wat(er)ys to see [axAx]
E: 2,187 Spycers spak to -th-aim fast . to aspye -th-(er) he was [aaAx]
E: 2,188 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 2,189 Bot mynstarals & messyngers . mett w(i)t(h) hym anes [aaAx]
E: 2,190 And held hym half . a -y-ere & a ellevyne days [aaAx]
E: 2,191 ffrerys w(i)t(h) fayre speche . fechyd hym -th-ine [aaAx]
E: 2,192 ffor knawyng of comers . -th-ai capyd hym as a frere [aaAx]
E: 2,193 And he hed leve to lepe owt . als ofte as he list [aaXa]
E: 2,194 And wolcum qwen he cu(m)mys . & wonnys w(i)t(h) -th-aim efte [aaAx]
E: 2,195 Alle fled for ferd . & flow into hernys [aaAx]
E: 2,196 Saue med -th-e madyn . na ma durst abyde [aaAx]
E: 2,197 Bott trewly I tell you . he tremblyd for ferde [aaAx]
E: 2,198 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 3,1 [N]ow is mede -th-e madyn . & na ma of -th-aim alle [aaAx]
E: 3,2 w(i)t(h) bedels & bail-gh-effes . brought to -th-e kyng [aaAx]
E: 3,3 The kyng callyd a clerke . I knaw noght hys name [aaaAx]
E: 3,4 To take vpp -th-e madyn . & make hir at easse [aaAx]
E: 3,5 I sal asay hir my self . & softly appoyse [aaAx]
E: 3,6 Qwat man on -th-is mold . -th-(a)t hir wer most leefe [aaAx]
E: 3,7 And if sho wirke be witte . & my will folow [aaAx]
E: 3,8 I wylle forgyff hir my gilt . sa me god help [aaAx]
E: 3,9 Curteisly -th-e clerke come . as -th-e kyng hight [aaAx]
E: 3,10 And toke mede be -th-e medyll . & led hir to chaumbre [aaXx]
E: 3,11 Bot -th-(er) was moche mistralsy . mede for to please [aaAx]
E: 3,12 -Th-at wonnyd at westmynster . worshippyd hir alle [aaAx]
E: 3,13 Gently w(i)t(h) ioy . -th-e iustice sone come [aaAx]
E: 3,14 And Buskyd hym to be bowne . -th-(er) -th-e birde dwellyd [aaAx]
E: 3,15 He comforth hir kyndley . be clergey clene [aaAx]
E: 3,16 And sayd murne -th-ou noght . ne make -th-ou no sorow [aaAx]
E: 3,17 ffor we shall wisse -th-e kyng . & -th-i way make [axAx]
E: 3,18 ffor all conscience cast . or crafte as I trowe [aaAx]
E: 3,19 Mildly mede -th-an . m(er)cyde vs alle [aaAx]
E: 3,20 Off -th-air grete gude-gh- . & gaue -th-aim ilkane [aaAx]
E: 3,21 Cowpys of clene gold . & other gyfte-gh- mony [aaXx]
E: 3,22 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 3,23 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 3,24 -Th-an laght -th-ai -th-air leve . -th-ir lorde-gh- at mede [aaAx]
E: 3,25 w(i)t(h) -th-(a)t come clerk(is) . to comforth hir -th-e same [aaAx]
E: 3,26 And bad hir be blythe . for we er all yo(ur) awne [aaAx]
E: 3,27 ffor to wirke -th-i will . qwylse -th-(a)t we may last [aaAbb]
E: 3,28 Hendly sho hight -th-anne -th-aim all -th-e same [aaAx]
E: 3,29 To loue -th-aim leyly . & -th-aim lord(es) make [aaAx]
E: 3,30 And in consistory at -th-e court . to call -th-air names [aaAx]
E: 3,31 -Th-(er) shall no lewdnesse you lette . -th-e lede at I love [aaAa]
E: 3,32 -Th-(a)t he ne wer au(au)nced first qwar I be knawyn [aaAxx]
E: 3,33 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 3,34 -Th-an come -th-(er) a confesso(ur) . capyd as a frere [aaAx]
E: 3,35 And to mede -th-e madyn . myldely he lowtyd [aaAx]
E: 3,36 And sayd ful faithly . in shrifte as it wer [aaAx]
E: 3,37 Gyff -th-e leryd & -th-e lewyd . haue ly by -th-e ilkane [aaAx]
E: 3,38 And -th-ou falshed haue folowd . -th-is fyftene wynt(er) [aaAx]
E: 3,39 I sall assoyle -th-e myselfe . for a seme of qwete [aaAx]
E: 3,40 And be -th-i bedman alswa . & bere well -th-i erand [aaAx]
E: 3,41 Emang clerkis & knyght(es) . conscience to felle [aaAx]
E: 3,42 -Th-an mede for hys misdede . to -th-(a)t man knellyd [aaAx]
E: 3,43 And shraue hir of hir shrowdnes . schameles I trow [aaAx]
E: 3,44 Sho tald hym a tale . & tuke hym a noble [aaAx]
E: 3,45 ffor to be hir bedman . & hir bawde aftir [aaAx]
E: 3,46 -Th-an he assoylyd hir Sone . & sythn he sayde [aaAa]
E: 3,47 We haue wyndow in wirkyng . will stand full hye [aaAxx]
E: 3,48 Wald -th-ou glasse owr gauyll . & grave -th-(er)in -th-i name [aaAx]
E: 3,49 Sekir suld -th-i saule . be heuen for to haue [aaBb]
E: 3,50 Wist I -th-(a)t q(ou)d -th-e woman at -th-(o)u south sayde
E: 3,50 -Th-(er) is no wyndow ne aut(er) bot I -th-aim suld amende [aaAx]
E: 3,51 And wysely gar wirke it & -th-(er)in myn name writte [aaAxx]
E: 3,52 That I say sall be done . I am sist(ir) of -y-o(ur) house [aaAx]
E: 3,53 Bot god alle gude men . syche writtyng defend(es) [aaAx]
E: 3,54 And says { Nesciat senist(er) quid faciat dext(er) } [Latin]
E: 3,55 Lat noght -th-i left hand . in ony wyse wete [aaAx]
E: 3,56 Qwat -th-i right hand . doys in stede or in strete [aaxAx]
E: 3,57 Bot priuely dep(ar)t -th-(er)witt . -th-(a)t pride be noght sene [aaAx]
E: 3,58 Nowd(er) in sight ner in saulle . for c(ri)st hym selfe wate [aaAx]
E: 3,59 Who is c(ur)tasse or kynde . or couett(es) oght ellys [aaAx]
E: 3,60 Tharfor I lere you lord(is) . leue swilke writyng [aaAx]
E: 3,61 Writte noght in wyndows . of yo(ur) gode ded(es) [aaAx]
E: 3,62 Or to cry aftir gudes . qwen -y-e shall o-gh-t dele [aaAx]
E: 3,63 In aunter -th-(a)t -y-e haue . yo(ur) hire -th-(er)fore here [aaAa]
E: 3,64 ffor owr sauio(ur) says . hys awne selfe & p(re)chys [aaAx]
E: 3,64a { Amen amen dico vobis receperunt m(er)cede(m) sua(m) &c } [Latin]
E: 3,65 Mayres & m(er)cers . -th-(a)t er -th-e menes [aaAx]
E: 3,66 Bitwix -th-e kyng & -th-e comons . to kepe -th-e lawes [aaAx]
E: 3,67 ffor punyshyng on pilorys . or pynynge stolys [aaAx]
E: 3,68 Baksters & bowchers . brewsters & kuke-gh- [aaAx]
E: 3,69 ffor -th-ees er men of -th-is molde . -th-(a)t most wrong wirk(es) [aaAx]
E: 3,70 Tharfore pure peple . -th-air p(ar)t sare abysse [aaAx]
E: 3,71 ffor -th-ai poson -th-e peple . p(re)ualy full ofte [aaAx]
E: 3,72 And riche -th-orow reg(ra)try . rent(is) -th-aim byes [aaAx]
E: 3,73 W(i)t(h) -th-(a)t at -th-e peple . suld put in -th-air wambe [aaAx]
E: 3,74 ffor no toke -th-ai trewly . -th-ai temberd noght so hye [aaAx]
E: 3,75 Ne boght -th-ai no Burgage . be -th-(o)u full certan [aaAx]?
E: 3,76 Bot mede -th-e madyn . -th-e mair hase besoght [aaAx]
E: 3,77 Of swilke sellers of sythes . sylu(er) for to take [aaAx]
E: 3,78 Als p(re)sandes w(i)t(h)owtyn penys . as pec(is) of syluer [aaAx]
E: 3,79 Rynges or riche-gh- . -th-e regrato(ur)s to mayntene [aaAx]
E: 3,80 ffor my lofe q(ou)d -th-e lady . love -th-aim ilkane [aaAx]
E: 3,81 And soffer -th-aim to selle . soundely agayne resone [aaAx]
E: 3,82 Salamon -th-e sage . a s(er)mon he made [aaAx]
E: 3,83 ffor amendyng of mayres & me(n) . -th-at kepys lawys [aaaXx]
E: 3,84 And he tald -th-aim -th-is theme . -th-(a)t I telle -th-inke [aaAx]
E: 3,85 { Ignis Deuorabit tabernac(u)la eor(um) qui }
E: 3,85 { libent(er) accipiunt mun(er)a &c } [Latin]
E: 3,86 Emong leryd lord(is) . -th-is latyn amount(es) [aaAx]
E: 3,87 That fyre sall falle . & bren at -th-e last [aaAx]
E: 3,88 -Th-e howsys & -th-e hame . of -th-aim at des(er)es [aaAx]
E: 3,89 To haue gyft(es) wrangwysly . in thoght or in dede [????]
E: 3,90 The kyng fro counsell come . & callyd aftir mede [aaaAx]
E: 3,91 He sent for hir . a s(er)iaunt hir for to feche [aaAx]
E: 3,92 And broght hir to boure . w(i)t(h) ioy & w(i)t(h) blysse [aaAx]
E: 3,93 Curtisly -th-en -th-e kyng . began for to telle [aaAx]
E: 3,94 To mede -th-e madyn . he mellyt -th-ees word(es) [aaAx]
E: 3,95 Vnwisly wroght -th-an hase -th-ou full ofte [aaAx]
E: 3,96 Bot wors wroght -th-(o)u neu(er) . -th-an qwen -th-(o)u fals tuke [aaXx]
E: 3,97 Bot I forgiff -th-e -th-(a)t gylt . & graunt(es) -th-e my grace [aaAa]
E: 3,98 Heyne to -th-i deday . do -th-(o)u swa no mare [aaAx]
E: 3,99 I haue a knyght hate consciens . come late fro beyonde see [aaAx]
E: 3,100 If he will wedd -th-e to wyffe . -th-(o)u shal hym haue [aaAx]
E: 3,101 -Y-a lord q(ou)d -th-(a)t lady . god forbyd ellys [aaAx]
E: 3,102 Bot I be haly at yo(ur) hest . hang me sone [aaAx]
E: 3,103 -Th-an was consciens callyd . to come & appeire [aaAx]
E: 3,104 Before -th-e kyng & his counsell . clerk(is) & other [aaAx]
E: 3,105 Kneland before kyng consciens lowtyd [aaAx]
E: 3,106 What at is wille wer . & what he doy suld [aaAx]
E: 3,107 Will -th-ou wed -th-is woman . if will assente [aaAx]
E: 3,108 ffor she is fayne of -th-i felaship . for to be -th-i make [aaAxx]
E: 3,109 Q(uo)d consciens vnto -th-e kyng . god me it forbydde [aaAx]
E: 3,110 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 3,111 Sho is freil of hir flesh . fekyll of hir speche [aaAx]
E: 3,112 And mak(es) men to misdoy . my score tyme [aaaAx]
E: 3,113 In trust of hir treso(ur) . sho tenys full mony [aaAx]
E: 3,114 Wyff(es) & wedows . wantones she techys [aaAx]
E: 3,115 Sho lerys -th-aim lichory . -th-(a)t lufys wele gyfte-gh- [aaXx]
E: 3,116 -Y-our fadir she fellyd . -th-orow fals behestes [aaAx]
E: 3,117 Sho poysond papes . & parys holy kirke [aaAx]
E: 3,118 Is noght a bett(er) baud . be c(ri)st at me made [aaAxx]
E: 3,119 Betwix heuen or helle . or erth yf men soghte [aaAx]
E: 3,120 Sho is tekyll of hir tale . talewysse of tonge [aaAx]
E: 3,121 Als comon as -th-e cartway . to knaues & al other [aaAx]
E: 3,122 To monke & to mynstral . & to mesalles in hegg(is) [aaAx]
E: 3,123 Sisours & Somonders . suche men hir prasys [aaAx]
E: 3,124 Sherofes of Shires . wer shente if sho ne wer [aaAx]
E: 3,125 Sho gers men lose -th-air land . & -th-air liue bathe [aaAx]
E: 3,126 And latt(es) passe p(ri)soners . & pays for -th-aim ofte [aaAx]
E: 3,127 And gyffe-gh- -th-e iauelers gold . & grote-gh- togedir [aaAx]
E: 3,128 To vnfetter -th-e fals . to fle qwar -th-aim lik(es) [aaAx]
E: 3,129 And takys treuth be -th-e topp . & fett(er)es hym fast [aaAx]
E: 3,130 And hang(es) for haterydyn . -th-(a)t harme did neu(er) [aaAx]
E: 3,131 To be c(ur)ssyd in -th-e co(n)sistory . sho count(es) noght a resche [aaAx]
E: 3,132 ffor sho capyd -th-e co(m)missary . & cotid hys clerk(is) [aaAa]
E: 3,133 Sho is assoylyd als sone agayn as sho lik(es) [aaAx]
E: 3,134 Sho may nere doy als much . in a moneth anys [aaAx]
E: 3,135 As your secret seale . in seuen score days [aaAx]
E: 3,136 Sho is p(re)vay with -th-e pape . p(ro)uisours it knawys [aaAx]
E: 3,137 Symony & hirself . seallys -th-air bulles [aaAx]
E: 3,138 Sho gyff(es) -th-ees bischoppes b(e)n(e)fyces . of all -th-ai be lewyd [aaAx]
E: 3,139 P(ro)uandrise & p(er)sons . & prist(es) sho mayntenes [aaAx]
E: 3,140 To hald lemmans & lutbyse . alle -th-air liue days [aaAx]
E: 3,141 To bring forth [fruit] . ayanys forbodon lawys [aaAx]
E: 3,142 Whar sho dwellys w(i)t(h) -th-e kyng . wo is -th-e realme [axAx]
E: 3,143 ffor sho is fauourable to falshed . & destruys treuth [aaAx]
E: 3,144 Offt sho bringge-gh- barons & burge-gh- in sorow [aaAx]
E: 3,145 Be Iesu w(i)t(h) hir ioellys . owr iustice sho shend(es) [aaAx]
E: 3,146 And alegg(es) ayayns -th-e law . & lett(es) hym -th-e gate [aaAx]
E: 3,147 -Th-(er) may no man it haue . -th-e gold goys so thykke [aaAx]
E: 3,148 Sho hase -th-e law as hir list . & louedays mak(es) [aaAx]
E: 3,149 A mayse for a meyn man . if he mute eu(er) [aaAx]
E: 3,150 Hir law is so lordly . & lath to make ende [aaAx]
E: 3,151 w(i)t(h)oute p(re)sens of penys . sho pleasys full fewe [aaAx]
E: 3,152 Clergy & coueit(is) . -th-ai coupyll togedir [aaAx]
E: 3,153 This is -th-e life of -th-is lady . nowe god gyff hir sorow [aaAx]
E: 3,154 And al maynteners of hir . mischaunce -th-aim betyde [aaAx]
E: 3,155 ffor pore men may haue no pith . to pleyn if -th-ai smert [aaAx]
E: 3,156 Swilke a maistres is mede . emong men of gude [aaAx]
E: 3,157 Than m(ou)rnyd mede . & plenyd to -th-e kyng [aaAx]
E: 3,159 And graunt hir garce . w(i)t(h) a gude wille [aaAx]
E: 3,160 Excuse if -th-ou can . I will no more say [aaAx]
E: 3,161 ffor consciens accusis -th-e . to cunge -th-e for eu(er) [aaAx]
E: 3,162 Nay lord q(uo)d lady . levys hym -th-e wers [aaAx]
E: 3,163 When -y-e wate wytt(er)ly . qwar -th-e wrang lyes [aaAx]
E: 3,164 Whare a mischeff is gret . -y-ett mede may help [axAx]
E: 3,165 -Th-ou knawys wel consciens . at I can noght chyde [aaAx]
E: 3,166 Ne disprayse -th-i p(er)son . w(i)t(h) no proude hert [aaAx]
E: 3,167 Wele -th-(o)u wate -th-i seluen . bot if -th-ou will lye [aaxAx]
E: 3,168 -Th-ou hase hangyd on myn halse . elleuen tyme-gh- [aaAx]
E: 3,169 And als grypyd my gold . to gyff qwar -th-ou lik(es) [aaAx]
E: 3,170 Why wrethys -th-(o)u me now . wond(ir) me thinge-gh- [aaAx]
E: 3,171 Yf I may as I might . menske -th-e w(i)t(h) gyft(es) [aaAx]
E: 3,172 And mayntene -th-i manhode . mare -th-en -th-(o)u knawys [aaAx]
E: 3,173 Bot -th-(o)u hase famed me fowle . before -th-e kyng here [aaAxx]
E: 3,174 ffor I begylyd neu(er) man . ne Counsald -th-(er)after [aaAx]
E: 3,175 Ne dyd as -th-ou Demys . I do it on -th-e kyng [aaAx]
E: 3,176 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 3,177 Bot -th-(o)u -th-i self suthly . shamed hym ofter [aaAx]
E: 3,178 -Th-(o)u crepyd into cabons . for cold of -th-i nales [aaAx]
E: 3,179 ffor -th-(o)u wend wynt(er) . wald haue last eu(er) [aaAx]
E: 3,180 And dred -th-e to haue ben ded . for a dymme cloud [aaAx]
E: 3,181 And hast -th-e hamward . for hung(er) of -th-i wambe [aaAx]
E: 3,182 Withowtyn pete -th-(o)u pelour . pore men -th-(o)u robbed [aaAx]
E: 3,183 And bare -th-air bras on -th-i bake . to calys to selle [aaaXx]
E: 3,184 -Th-air I left[e] w(i)t(h) my lord . hys lyve for to saue [aaAx]
E: 3,185 And I made his mery men . -th-air m(ur)nyng to leue [aaAx]
E: 3,186 And Battyrd -th-aim on -th-e Bakk(es) . & baldyd -th-air hert(es) [aaAx]
E: 3,187 I did -th-aim for to hope . to haue me at wille [aaAx]
E: 3,188 Hade I ben marshall of hys men . be mary of heuen [aaAx]
E: 3,189 I durst haue layd my lyve . & no les wedd [aaAx]
E: 3,190 He suld haue lord of -th-(a)t land . of lenth & of brede [aaAx]
E: 3,191 And als kyng of -th-(a)t kyth . hys kyn to haue holpyn [aaAx]
E: 3,192 Ya -th-e lest brole of hys blode . a barouns pere [aaAx]
E: 3,193 -Th-an Come -th-(o)u consciens . -th-(o)u counseld hym -th-ine [aaAx]
E: 3,194 ffor to lefe hys lordschip . for a lytyll siluer [aaAx]
E: 3,195 -Th-at is -th-e richest realme . -th-(a)t is ou(er) qware [aaAx]
E: 3,196 Bot it beco(m)mys to a kyng . -th-(a)t kepys a realme [aaAx]
E: 3,197 To gyff hys me(n) med . at mekly hym s(er)uis [aaAx]
E: 3,198 To aliens & alle men . to hono(ur) w(i)t(h) gyft(es) [aaAx]
E: 3,199 Mede makys hym to be loved . & for a ma(n) holden [aaxAx]
E: 3,200 Emperours & elrs . & alle other lorde-gh- [aaAx]
E: 3,201 Thrugh gyfte-gh- enow haue yong men to ryde [aaAx]
E: 3,202 -Th-e pape w(i)t(h) hys p(re)lat(is) . p(re)sand(es) vnd(er)faunge-gh- [aaAx]
E: 3,203 And mede is mene hir self . to mayntene -th-air lawes [aaAx]
E: 3,204 Seriaunt(es) for -th-air s(er)uis . we se wele -th-e sothe [aaAa]
E: 3,205 Takes mede of -th-air maist(er)is . as -th-ai can acorde [aaAx]
E: 3,206 Beggers for mede . -th-ai beg mennes mete [aaAbb]
E: 3,207 Mynstralles for -th-(er) myrthe . mede -th-ai aske [aaAx]
E: 3,208 The kyng hase mede of hys men . to make pes in land [aaAx]
E: 3,209 Men -th-(a)t ben clerk(is) . craues -th-air mede [aaAx]
E: 3,210 P(re)st(ys) -th-(a)t prechys . cravys also mede [aaAx]
E: 3,211 Mes penys . & -th-(er) mete at -th-e male tyme [aaAx]
E: 3,212 Crafte-gh- men craves . mede of -th-air prentasse [aaXx]?
E: 3,213 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 3,214 Now -th-us w(i)t(h)owtyn mede may no man be blyth [aaAxx]
E: 3,215 Q(uo)d -th-e kyng to consciens . be crist as me -th-inke [aaAx]
E: 3,216 Med is best worthy . -th-e maistry to haue [axAx]
E: 3,217 Na q(ou)d consciens to -th-e kyng . & knelyd to -th-e erth [aaAx]
E: 3,218 -Th-(er) er two man(er) of mede . my lord be yo(ur) liue [aaAx]
E: 3,219 -Th-e tone god of his grace . gyff(es) in heuen [aaAx]
E: 3,220 To al -th-(a)t wirk(es) wele . qwilse -th-ai er here [aaAx]
E: 3,221 -Th-e p(ro)phete p(re)chys it . & putt(es) in -th-e sawt(er) [aaAx]
E: 3,221a { Qui pecunia(m) sua(m) non ded(i)t ad vsura(m) &c } [Latin]
E: 3,222 Take no mede my lord . of -th-aim at trew ben [aaAx]
E: 3,223 Luffe -th-aim & lenne -th-aim . for -th-e lord(is) love of heuen [aaAx]?
E: 3,224 Godd(is) mede & hys mercy . -th-(er) w(i)t(h) may -th-ou wynne [aaAx]
E: 3,225 -Th-er ys a mede mesurles . -th-(a)t maistres des(er)ris [aaAx]
E: 3,226 To mayntene misdoers . mony -th-ai take [aaAx]
E: 3,227 And -th-(er)of Says -th-e saut(er) . in -th-e psalme ende [aaAx]
E: 3,228 { In quor(um) manibus iniquitates sunt }
E: 3,228 { Dext(er)a eor(um) repleta est mun(er)ibus } [Latin]
E: 3,229 -th-ai -th-(a)t grypis suche gyft(es) . sa me god help [aaAx]
E: 3,230 Sall abye it full bytt(er) . as -th-e buke tellis [aaAx]
E: 3,231 Prest(is) & p(er)sons . at pleasyng des(er)ys [aaAx]
E: 3,232 And takys mede & mony . for messis at -th-ai syng [aaAx]
E: 3,233 Sall haue mede in -th-is mold . -th-(a)t matthew has graunted [aaAx]
E: 3,233a { Amen amen dico vobis receperunt mer cedem suam &c } [Latin]
E: 3,234 -Th-(a)t labores & lewyd folke . takys of -th-air maist(er)ys [aaXx]
E: 3,235 Is no man(er) of mede . bott a mesurable hire [aaAx]
E: 3,236 In m(ar)chandice is no mede . I maw it wele awoye [aaAx]
E: 3,237 It is a p(er)mutacion . a penyworth for another [aaAx]
E: 3,238 Bot redd -th-(o)u neu(er) { regu(m) } . -th-(o)u recrayd mede [aaAx]
E: 3,239 Qwy -th-e vengeaunce fell . on saull & hys chylder [aaXx]
E: 3,240 God sent hym saw . by samuell mouthe [aaAx]
E: 3,241 -Th-(a)t agas & amalec . & all hys peple eft(er) [aaAx]
E: 3,242 Sall dye for a deed . & done hed hys elders [aaAx]
E: 3,243 Ayayn israell & aron . & moyses hys brether [aaXx]?
E: 3,244 Samuel sayd to saul . god sent -th-e & highte [aaAx]
E: 3,245 Bot -th-(o)u be buxum & boner . hys biddyng to fulfyll [aaAx]
E: 3,246 Wend -th-edir w(i)t(h) -th-i ost . women to kylle [axAx]?
E: 3,247 Childe & churles . chope -th-aim to dede [aaAx]
E: 3,248 Luke -th-(o)u kylle kyng . bot couett noght hys gude-gh- [aaAx]
E: 3,249 ffor ony milions of money . murther -th-aim all [aaAx]
E: 3,250 Bernes and best(is) . bryng -th-aim to dede [aaAx]
E: 3,251 And for he kyllyd noght -th-e kyng . bot cowett hys goode-gh- [aaAx]
E: 3,252 And Cowett -th-(er) catell . & kyllyd noght -th-(er) best(is) [aaAx]
E: 3,253 & broght w(i)t(h) hym -th-e beste-gh- . als -th-e bybylle tellys [aaAx]
E: 3,254 God sayd to samuel . -th-(a)t saull suld dye [aaAx]
E: 3,255 And all hys sede for hys synne . sinffully shulde ende [aaAx]
E: 3,256 Swilke a mischyff mede . made -th-(a)t man for to haue [aaAx]
E: 3,257 That god hat(es) hym for eu(er) . & alle hys sede aftir [aaAa]
E: 3,258 The colour of -th-is case . kepe I noght to shew [aaAx]
E: 3,259 In aunter -th-(a)t it noyd me . nane end wille I make [aaAxx]
E: 3,260 In consciens knaw . for reson hase it thaught [aaAx]
E: 3,261 And reson shal rene . & realme-gh- defende [aaAx]
E: 3,262 And right as agas had . hap for hisse grett synne [aaAx]
E: 3,263 Samuel shal slae hym . & saul sall be blamyd [aaAx]
E: 3,264 Dauid shall be diademed . & daunte -th-aim alle [aaAx]
E: 3,265 And vn cristen kynge-gh- . clepe -th-aim ilkane [aaAx]
E: 3,266 Sall na mare mede . be maist(er) vppon erth [aaAx]
E: 3,267 Bot luff & lufsum(n)es . & leaute togider(is) [aaAx]
E: 3,268 And qwa so trispas to trouth . or tak(es) & ayayns hys wytt [aaAx]
E: 3,269 Lewte shal do hym law . & no lyve ellys [aaAx]
E: 3,270 Sall no seriaunt for -th-(a)t s(er)uice . were no sylke houfe [aaAx]
E: 3,271 Na -y-it no ray robe . w(i)t(h) riche pelowre [aaAx]
E: 3,272 Mede of misdoeers . mak(es) men so riche [aaAx]
E: 3,273 -Th-(a)t law is lord & luve is waxen pure [aaAx]
E: 3,274 Wikkydnes is co(m)maund(ur) . & kyndnes banyschede [aaAx]
E: 3,275 Bot kynd wytte shal come -y-it . & conscience toged(er) [aaAx]
E: 3,276 And make of law a laborer . swylke luve sal aryse [aaAx]
E: 4,1 Es -gh-e sayd -th-e kyng . I suffre you no langer [aaAx]
E: 4,2 Ye sal saghtyll forsothe . her & s(er)ue me both [aaAx]
E: 4,3 kys hyr coth -th-e kyng . consciens I bydde [aaAx]
E: 4,4 Nay be c(ri)st q(ou)d consciens . hang me rather [aaAx]
E: 4,5 Bot reson rede mede -th-(er)to . rather will I dey [aaAx]
E: 4,6 I co(m)mande -th-e q(ou)d -th-e kyng . conscience -th-en [aaAx]
E: 4,7 Rape -th-e to ryde . reson to feche [aaAx]
E: 4,8 Co(m)maund hym to come . my counsell to here [aaAx]
E: 4,9 ffor he sall rewle my realme . & red me -th-e best [aaAx]
E: 4,10 Of mede & of other ma . qwat man shall hir weld [aaAx]
E: 4,11 And acount w(i)t(h) conscience . as crist me help [aaAx]
E: 4,12 How he loses -th-e peple . -th-e leryd & -th-e lewyd [axAa]
E: 4,13 I am fayn of -th-is forward . sayd -th-e freke -th-en [aaAx]
E: 4,14 And ryde-gh- right to reson . & rownes in hys ere [aaaAx]
E: 4,15 Sayd hym as -th-e kyng sent . & sythyn take hys leue [aaAxx]
E: 4,16 I sal ryde -th-ider q(ou)d reson . & rist -th-are a qwile [aaaAx]
E: 4,17 And callyd on catoun hys knaffe . curteise of speche
E: 4,17 [B:IV,17/C:V,18] Bad hym trew of tonge to tell hym
no talys
E: 4,17 [B:IV,18/C:V,19] No lesynge-th- to lye for -th-oo
lufe he neu(er)
E: 4,18 Sett my sadyll . apon suffre tyll I see my tyme [aaAa]
E: 4,19 And Bad warrok hym wele . w(i)t(h) full wyght girthes [aaAx]
E: 4,20 hang on hym a hevy bridyll . to hald hys heued law [aaAx]
E: 4,21 ffor he will make mony wiche . or we come -th-(er) [aaAx]
E: 4,22 -Th-an consciens on hys capyll . caryd forth fast [aaAx]
E: 4,23 And reson w(i)t(h) hym to ryde . rapyd hym in hast [aaAx]
E: 4,24 Bod an warnyd wisdom . & witty hys fere [aaAx]
E: 4,25 ffolowd -th-aim full fast . for -th-ai hed to do [aaAxx]
E: 4,26 In cheker & in chauncery . to be discharged of -th-inges [aaAx]
E: 4,27 And rydes fast for reson . suld rede -th-aim -th-e best [aaAx]
E: 4,28 ffor to saue -th-aim selue . from shame & fro harme [aaAx]
E: 4,29 And consciens come first . to court be lang mile [aaAx]
E: 4,30 And romed forth w(i)t(h) reson . right to -th-e kyng [aaAx]
E: 4,31 Curteisly -th-e kyng . -th-an come agayns reson [aaAx]
E: 4,32 Betwix hym self & hys sonne . hett set hym on -th-e benke [aaAx]
E: 4,33 And wordyd ful wyssely a gret qwyle toged(er) [aaAx]
E: 4,34 -Th-an come pes in p(ar)lement . & put vp a bylle [aaAx]
E: 4,35 How wrang hed hys wif takyn al ayayn hys wille [aaAx]
E: 4,36 And howe he ravyshed rose . Ranalde-gh- lufe [aaAx]
E: 4,37 And margaret of hir maydynhode . maugry hir chekys [aaAx]
E: 4,38 Bath my gese & my gryce . w(i)t(h) goslyng(es) he fechys [aaAx]
E: 4,39 I dar nowther for ferde w(i)t(h) hym . feght ne chyde [xaAx]
E: 4,40 He borowd of me bayerd . he broght hym neu(er) agayn [aaAx]
E: 4,41 Ne na ferthyng -th-(er)fore . for noght at couth plete [aaAxx]
E: 4,42 He mayntened hys men . to morthore my yowes [aaAx]
E: 4,43 And forstallyd my faires . and fighte-gh- in my chepyng [aaAx]
E: 4,44 He brek(es) vp my bern dores . & berys away my qwete [aaAx]
E: 4,45 He tak(es) me bott a tale . for ten quart(er)ys of qwete [aaAx]
E: 4,46 And also treth me to lye by my maden
E: 4,46 And bad me thare to lye by my maden
E: 4,47 I am no-gh-t hardy for hym to wynke ne to luke [aaAx]
E: 4,48 The kyng knew . he sayd soth for consciens hym tald [aaAx]
E: 4,49 Wrang was aferd -th-an . & wisdom he soght [axAx]
E: 4,50 To make w(i)t(h) hys pins . he p(ro)fird & sayd [aaAx]
E: 4,51 had I luve of my lord -th-e kyng . lytyll wald I rake [aaAx]
E: 4,52 Gyf pes & hys power . pleynyd for eu(er) [aaAx]
E: 4,53 Wisdom wrethed -th-an . & swa did w(i)t(h) als [aaAx]
E: 4,54 ffor -th-(a)t wrang had wroght . swa wikkyd a dede [aaAx]
E: 4,55 And warned wrang -th-(er) . & w(i)t(h) swilk wyse wordes [aaAx]
E: 4,56 Wha sa wirkes w(i)t(h) will . makes wrethe ofte [aaAx]
E: 4,57 I say it be -th-i seluen . -th-(o)u sall it fynd sone [aaAx]
E: 4,58 ffor bott I it make . -th-i mischeff is vppe [aaAx]
E: 4,59 ffor bath -th-i lyue & -th-i land . lyis in hys grace [aaAx]
E: 4,60 Wrange vpon wisdom . wepyd hym to help [aaAx]
E: 4,61 And p(ra)ed hym for of hys . & sone had he payd [aaXa]
E: 4,62 Than wisdom & witt . went forth toged(er) [aaAx]
E: 4,63 And tuke med w(i)t(h) -th-aim . mercy to wyn [axAx]
E: 4,64 Pees put forth hys heued . & hys pan blody [aaxAx]
E: 4,65 W(i)t(h)outyn gylt god it wate . gat I -th-is scathe [aaAx]
E: 4,66 Consciens & -th-e kyng . knew wel -th-e suthe [aaAx]
E: 4,67 And full wel vnd(er)stude . at wrang was a schrew [aaAx]
E: 4,68 Bot -th-an wisdom & witte . was abowte fast [aaAx]
E: 4,69 To ou(er)com -th-e kyng . w(i)t(h) catell if -th-ai might [aaAx]
E: 4,70 Than swore -th-e kyng be c(ri)st . & be hys corone bath [aaAx]
E: 4,71 -Th-(a)t wrang for his werk . suld mekyl wa thole [aaAx]
E: 4,72 And co(m)mand a constable . to cast hym in yrnes [aaAx]
E: 4,73 He shal no-gh-t -th-is seuen -y-ere see hys fete anys [aaAx]
E: 4,74 God wate q(ou)d wisdom . -th-(a)t wer -th-e no-gh-t -th-e best [aaAx]
E: 4,75 And he amendes may make . lat hym maynpres haue [aaAx]
E: 4,76 And be boght from hys bale . & als bye hym bote [aaAa]
E: 4,78 Witt acord -th-(er)w(i)t(h) . & sayd -th-e same [???]
E: 4,79 Bett(er) is -th-(a)t bute . bale downe brynge [aaAa]
E: 4,80 And bale be full bute . & bute neu(er) -th-e bett(er) [aaAa]
E: 4,81 Than gan mede meke hir . & m(er)cy besoght [aaAx]
E: 4,82 And p(ro)ferd pe(n)nys for pes & pecys of gold [aaaAx]
E: 4,83 Haue -th-is of me . to amend -th-i skathe [aaAx]
E: 4,84 ffor I plegh for wrang . he will do so no mare [aaAx]
E: 4,85 Pytously -th-an -th-es . prayed to -th-e kyng [aaAx]
E: 4,86 To haue m(er)cy of -th-(a)t man . -th-(a)t mysdyd hym ofte [aaAx]
E: 4,87 ffor he has wagytt me wele . as wisdom hym taght [aaAx]
E: 4,88 I forgyff hym -th-(a)t gylt . w(i)t(h) a gude wylle [aaAx]
E: 4,89 Swa -th-(a)t he assent . I can say no mare [aaAx]
E: 4,90 ffor mede hase made me amendes . I may nomare aske [aaAx]
E: 4,91 Nay q(ou)d -th-e kyng -th-an . sa god gyff me blysse [aaAx]
E: 4,92 Wrang wendes noght swa away . or we wete more [aaaAx]
E: 4,93 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 4,94 And eftirward balder be . to bete my hynes [aaAx]
E: 4,95 ffor bott reson haue rewthe of hym . he rest(es) in -th-e stokkes [aaAx]
E: 4,96 Als lang as I leve . bott bett(er) love it make [aaAx]
E: 4,97 Su(m) men red reson . rewth for to haue [aaAx]
E: 4,98 And counseld -th-e kyng . & consciens als [aaAx]
E: 4,99 That mede might be maynprysyd & reson -th-ai soght [aaaXx]?
E: 4,100 Rede me q(ou)d reson . -th-an na rewthe for to haue [aaAx]
E: 4,101 Tyl -th-(a)t lorde-gh- & lade-gh- . love al trewth [aaAx]
E: 4,102 And pelurs & purfels . be putt in -th-air huche [aaAx]
E: 4,103 Til chefysyng of chyld(er) . be castyd w(i)t(h) -y-erd(is) [aaAx]
E: 4,104 And harlotes halynes . be halden for a hyne [aaAa]
E: 4,105 Till clerke-gh- & knyght(es) . be c(ur)tase of -th-air mouth [aaAx]
E: 4,106 And hate all harlottre to here . or to mouthe [aaaAx]
E: 4,107 Tyll p(re)st(is) -th-air p(re)chyng . p(ro)fers -th-aim seluen [aaAx]
E: 4,108 And do it in dede . & draw vs to god [aaAx]
E: 4,109 To saynt Iames be soght . -th-(er) I sall assynge [aaAa]
E: 4,110 -Th-(a)t na man ga to galys . bott yf he go for eu(er) [aaAx]
E: 4,111 Ne no rome rynners . for robbers beyonde [aaAx]
E: 4,112 Ber no syluer ou(er) see . -th-(a)t signe of kynge schewys [aaAa]
E: 4,113 Nowther grot(is) y ne gold . graven w(i)t(h) kynge-gh- corone [aaAx]
E: 4,114 Vpon forfetto(ur) of-th-(a)t fee . wha sa fynd it may [aaAx]
E: 4,115 Bot it be m(ar)chaund or hys man . or messeng(er) w(i)t(h) lett(er)ys [aaAx]
E: 4,116 Or ells p(ro)uisour or p(re)st . at -th-e pape au(au)nce-gh- [aaAx]
E: 4,117 And q(ou)d reson be rude . sall I na rewthe haue [aaAx]
E: 4,118 Whyls mede hase -th-e maistre . to moute in -th-is halle [aaAx]
E: 4,119 Bot I schew -y-ou ensaumple . als I se other [aaAx]
E: 4,120 I say it for my self . yf so wer [aaAx]
E: 4,121 That wer kyng w(i)t(h) corone . to kepe -th-e realme [aaAx]
E: 4,122 Suld neu(er) wrang in -th-is werld . -th-(a)t I wete myght [aaAx]
E: 4,123 Be vnpunyshyd in my power . for perell of my saulle [aaAx]
E: 4,124 Ne gett grace -th-orow gyft . sa god me help [aaaAx]
E: 4,125 Ne for no mede haue m(er)cy . bott meknes it make [aaAa]
E: 4,126 ffor { nullu(m) malu(m) erit } to man { inpunitu(m) } [aaAx]
E: 4,127 And also { nullu(m) bonu(m) irremun(er)atu(m) } [aaAx]
E: 4,128 lat -th-i confessour Sir kyng . constreu -th-is in ynglyss [aaAx]
E: 4,129 And yf -th-(o)u wyrk -th-is in werk . I gyff -th-e my erys [aaAx]
E: 4,130 Bot law be a laborer . & lede afeld donge [aaAx]
E: 4,131 And love sal lede -th-i land . als hym selfe lyk(es) [aaaAx]
E: 4,132 Clerk(is) -th-(a)t wer confessours . coplyd -th-aim toged(er) [aaAx]
E: 4,133 ffor to constru -th-is clause . -th-ai declyned fast [aaAx]
E: 4,134 When reson emong renkes . had rehersyd -th-ees wordes
E: 4,134 -Th-(er) is no euyll vnpunyshyd of owr lord
E: 4,134 Ne na ded -th-(a)t is wele done bott dowele shal
it qwyte
E: 4,135 -Th-an was -th-(er) no muthall . mare ne no lesse [aaAx]
E: 4,136 -Th-en held -th-ai reson a maist(er) & mede . a mekyll wryche [xaaAx]
E: 4,137 Love lete of hir light . & loghe hir to scorne [aaAx]
E: 4,138 And sayd it swa loude . at sothnes hit herd [aaAx]
E: 4,139 Wha wyll hir to wyffe . for welth of hir gudes [aaAx]
E: 4,140 Bott he be cukwald callyd . kutte of my nose [aaAx]
E: 4,141 War & wisdom wer -th-(er) . & witte hys fere [aaAx]
E: 4,142 -Th-ai couth no-gh-t carpe a word . to witte sayd reson [aaAx]
E: 4,143 And staryd forth stridyng . & stode like beste-gh- [aaAx]
E: 4,144 -Th-e kyng acordytt . be crist to reson sawes [aaAx]
E: 4,145 And rehersyd -th-at reson . hed rightwysly schewyd [aaAx]
E: 4,146 Bot it is herd to me to bryng -th-aim toged(er) [aaAx]
E: 4,147 And alle my leige landes . to lede -th-us euen [aaAx]
E: 4,148 Be hym -th-(a)t ryst vppo(n) -th-e rude . q(ou)d reson to -th-e kyng [aaAx]
E: 4,149 Bott -th-(o)u rewle -th-i realme -th-us . y sall(es) noght wele like [aaAx]
E: 4,150 Swa at -th-(o)u lat buxu(m)nes . be at -th-i assente [aaAx]
E: 4,151 And I assent q(ou)d -th-e kyng . be Saynt mary my lady [axAx]
E: 4,152 Be my counsell comon . of clerkys & of erls [aaAx]
E: 4,153 Bot redely reson . -th-(o)u sall noght ryde hyne [aaAx]
E: 4,154 ffor als long as I leve . love we sall toged(er) [aaAx]
E: 4,155 I am als redy q(ou)d reson . to rist w(i)t(h) you eu(er) [aaAx]
E: 4,156 Swa -th-(a)t consciens be of counsel . kepe I no bett(er) [aaAx]
E: 4,157 Yit g(ra)untt I q(ou)d -th-e kyng . god forbed he faylle [aaAbb]
E: 4,158 Bott als long as I leve . abyde we sall togyd(er) [aaAx]
E: 5,1 [T]he kyng & hys knyghte-gh- . to -th-e kirke went [aaAx]
E: 5,2 To here matynes & messe . & to -th-e mete eft(er) [aaAx]
E: 5,3 -Th-an wakenyd I of my slep . & wa was me w(i)t(h)alle [aaAx]
E: 5,4 -Th-(a)t I ne hed slepyd sadder . & sene muche mare [aaAx]
E: 5,5 Or I hed faryd a furelong . a fayntnes me hynt [aaAx]
E: 5,6 -Th-(a)t I ne myght ferrer a fute . for defawte of slepe [aaAx]
E: 5,7 I sett me softly downe . & sayd my beleue [aaAx]
E: 5,8 And swa I bablyd on my bed(is) . I was broght on slepe [aaAx]
E: 5,9 -Th-an saw I mekyll more . -th-en I before tald [aaXx]
E: 5,10 I saw -th-e feld ful of folke . -th-(a)t I before of tald [aaAx]
E: 5,11 And consciens w(i)t(h) a crosse . come for to preche [aaAx]
E: 5,12 he p(re)chid -th-e peple . to haue pite on -th-aim seluen [aaAx]
E: 5,13 And at -th-e pestilence . fell for Synne alonly [aaAx]
E: 5,14 And for a southwesterne wynd . on set(ur)day at euen [abAb]
E: 5,15 Was inp(er)ty for pride . & for no poynte elles [aaAx]
E: 5,16 Pertres & plumtres . war possyd to -th-e erth [aaAx]
E: 5,17 In exsaumpyll I say for . -y-e suld do -th-e bett(er) [aaAx]
E: 5,18 Beches & brade akes . was blawyn to -th-e ground [aaAx]
E: 5,19 And t(ur)nyd vpward -th-e talys . in takenyng of dred [aaAx]
E: 5,20 -Th-(a)t dedly synne on domesday . sall fordo -th-aim all [aaAx]
E: 5,21 Off -th-is mater I might . m(er)vell full long [aaAx]
E: 5,22 Bott I sall say as I sawe . sa me god help [aaAxx]
E: 5,23 When consciens w(i)t(h) a crosse . began for to p(re)che [aaAx]
E: 5,24 He bad wastores wirke . qwat -th-ai be couthe [aaAxx]
E: 5,25 And wynne -th-(a)t he wastyd . be sum kyn crafte [aaAxx]
E: 5,26 And he p(ra)ed peronell . hir p(ur)fell to leue [aaAx]
E: 5,27 And kepe it in hir cofer . for catell at nede [aaAx]
E: 5,28 Thomas he taght . twa staffes to take [aaAx]
E: 5,29 And feche home felys . from wifes pyne [aaAxx]
E: 5,30 And als he warnyd wat . hys wyffe was to blame [aaAx]
E: 5,31 Hir heued was worth a marke . & his noght a grote
E: 5,31 [B:V,32/C:VI,135] He bad hym git breke a bowgh -th-(a)t
wele wold lowe
E: 5,31 [B:V,33/C:VI,136] And bete botoune -th-(er)w(i)t(h)
bot scho wald swynke
E: 5,32 Als he chargytt chepmen . to chasty -th-air childer [aaAa]
E: 5,33 latt no wynnyng forweyne -th-aim . qwilse -th-ai er yong [aaAx]
E: 5,34 He p(ra)ed als p(re)lates . & prist(es) togedir [aaAx]
E: 5,35 At -th-ai p(re)che -th-e peple . & prove it -th-air seluen [aaAx]
E: 5,36 And leve als -th-ai lere vs . we trast -th-aim -th-e bett(er) [aaAx]
E: 5,37 And syne he red religioun . -th-(er) rewlys to kepe [aaAx]
E: 5,38 Latt noght -th-e kyng & hys counsell -th-air . comons apare [aaAx]
E: 5,39 And be stewerd of -th-air sted(es) . tyll -th-ai be storyd wele [aaAx]
E: 5,40 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 5,41 Seke seynt troth . for he may saue -gh-(o)w alle [aaAx]
E: 5,42 { Qui cum p(at)re & filio } . faire might hym befalle
E: 5,42 [B:V 60/C:VI,201] -th-e sonne rye stynte sprinte & my
simone swete
E: 5,43 -th-an ran repentaunce . rehersyd his theme [aaAx]
E: 5,44 And made will to wepe watyr of hys ene [aaaAx]
E: 5,45 Peronell prowd hert . plat hir to -th-e erth [aaAx]
E: 5,46 And lay lang or she lokyd vp . & m(er)cy sho cryed [aaaAx]
E: 5,47 And sho hight to hym . -th-(a)t vs alle made [aaAx]
E: 5,48 -Th-(a)t Sho suld vnsow hir serke . & sett -th-(er)in a hare [aaAx]
E: 5,49 ffor to frete hir flesche . -th-(a)t fers was to synne [aaAx]
E: 5,50 Sall neu(er) hye hert me hynt . bot hold me law [aaaAx]
E: 5,51 And suffer to be missayde . & so dyd I neu(er) [aaAxx]
E: 5,52 Bot nowe will I meke me . & m(er)cy beseke [aaAx]
E: 5,53 Off alle -th-(a)t I haue hed enuy . in my hert [aa?a]
E: 5,54 Licho(ur) sayd allas . & on owr lady cryed [aaAx]
E: 5,55 To make m(er)cy for hys misdede . bitwix god & hys seaulle [aaaXx]
E: 5,56 W(i)t(h) -th-(a)t he suld -th-e set(er)day . seuen -y-ere aftir [aaAx]
E: 5,57 Drinke w(i)t(h) -th-e duke . & dyne bott anys [aaAx]
E: 5,58 Enuy w(i)t(h) heuy hert . askyd aftir Shrifte [aaaAx]
E: 5,59 And caryfully his coupe . he couett(es) to shew [aaAx]
E: 5,60 He was als a piller . & in -th-e p(ar)lesy semed [aaAx]
E: 5,61 He cled in a toury mowry . I couthe noght discry [aaAx]
E: 5,62 A kyrtyll & a courtby . a knyffe be hys syde [aaAx]
E: 5,63 And of frere froke . wer hys fore sleves [aaAx]
E: 5,64 Als a leke -th-(a)t hed ben . lang in -th-e su(n)ne [aaAx]
E: 5,65 Swa lukyd w(i)t(h) lene chekys . lowrande full fowll [aaAx]
E: 5,66 Hys body was bolnyd for wreth . -th-(a)t he bate hys lipp(es) [aaxAx]
E: 5,67 And wrathly wrang hys handes . to wreke hym he thoght [aaAx]
E: 5,68 W(i)t(h) werk or w(i)t(h) word . qwen he sawe hys tyme [aaAxx]
E: 5,69 Wyrmes or wynagre . or wenom I trowe [aaAx]
E: 5,70 Walk(es) in my wombe . & waxis as I wene [aaAa]
E: 5,71 I myght noght leve mony -y-eres . as a man suld [aaAx]
E: 5,72 Swylke wynde in my wombe . waxes or I dyne [aaAx]
E: 5,73 I haue a nextbur nere me . I noyde hym full ofte [aaAx]
E: 5,74 Iblamed hym byhynde hys bake . to bring hym in fame [aaaAx]
E: 5,75 To pare him in my power . I p(er)sewed hym ofte [aaAx]
E: 5,76 And als misloued hym to lorde-gh- . to gar losse hys sylu(er) [aaAx]
E: 5,77 To gar hys frende-gh- be hys foes . -th-orow my fals talys [aaAx]
E: 5,78 His grace & hys godnes . grevyd me full sare [aaAx]
E: 5,79 Betwix men & -th-air wyffes . I haue made striffe ofte [xaAx]
E: 5,80 Bath lyme & lith . was lost -th-orow my tonge [aaAx]
E: 5,81 When I mett hym in -th-e m(ar)kett -th-(a)t I most hatyd [aaAx]
E: 5,82 I ha[l]syd hym als hendely as I hys frend wer [aaAxx]
E: 5,83 But he -th-(a)t is doghtyer I dar . no harme do hym [aaAx]
E: 5,84 And I hed maistre or myght . I wald murther hym for eu(er) [aaAx]
E: 5,85 When I come to -th-e kirke . & suld knele to -th-e rude [aaAx]
E: 5,86 To pray for -th-e peple . as -th-e p(re)st techys [aaAx]
E: 5,87 ffor pilgrames for palmers . for all -th-e peple eft(er) [aaAx]
E: 5,88 Than knelyd I vpon my kneys . & praed c(ri)st gyf -th-aim sorow [aaAx]
E: 5,89 -Th-(a)t bar away my boll . & my broken shete [aaAx]
E: 5,90 And also from -th-e aut(er) . my ene I t(ur)ned [aaAx]
E: 5,91 And byheld how mony . hed new cote-gh- [aaAx]
E: 5,92 -Th-an I wissyd -th-(a)t -th-ai wer myne . w(i)t(h) all -th-e webbe-gh- aft(ir) [aaAx]
E: 5,93 At -th-air loysyng I lugh . & light was hert [aaAx]
E: 5,94 ffor -th-air wynnyng I wepyd . & werys -th-e tyme [aaAx]
E: 5,95 And I deme in my hert at mony doys euyll
E: 5,95 And -gh-it I do me wel wers I do me on my seluen [aaAx]
E: 5,96 ffor I wald -th-(a)t eu(er)ilke wight . wer becomon my knaffe [aaAx]
E: 5,97 And qwasa hase mare -th-en I . gretly angers my hert [aaAa]
E: 5,98 Bot -th-us I leve lawles . like a lethir dog [aaAx]
E: 5,99 -Th-(a)t al my brest bolnes . for bitt(er)nes of galle [aaAx]
E: 5,100 May no suger ne swete -th-ing . swage me on ynche [aaAx]
E: 5,101 Ne no diapendion . dryve it fro myn hert [aaAx]?
E: 5,102 And if shrifte suld . it stoppe it wer gret wond(ir) [aaAx]
E: 5,103 -Th-us rede I q(ou)d repentaunce . & red hym -th-e best [aaAx]
E: 5,104 Sorow for synnes . saves full many [aaAx]
E: 5,105 I am sory q(ou)d enuy . I am bot seldom -th-(er) [aaAx]
E: 5,106 And -th-(a)t mak(es) me madde . for I ne may me venge [aaAx]
E: 5,107 Than come coueitys . I can hym noght discry [aaAx]
E: 5,108 So hungrely he lukyd as a hotte of hell [aaAx]
E: 5,109 He betyllbrowyd & alswa blab(ur)lepyd
E: 5,109 W(i)t(h) twa bleryd ene like a blynd asse [aaAx]
E: 5,110 And also a letheron purse . likerd wer hys chekes
E: 5,110 [B:V,194/C:VI,201] Bot like a bondman on hys bacon
brothy was hys month
E: 5,111 In a nold t(ur)ned taberd . of xij wynt(er) aide, [aaAx]
E: 5,112 Bot if a louse couth lepe . or flee as I trow [aaXa]
E: 5,113 Sho suld noght wandir on -th-(a)t wede . so was it -th-redbare [aaAx]
E: 5,114 I haue ben couatyse q(ou)d -th-(a)t katyf . well I knaw hit here [aaAx]
E: 5,115 And qwen I s(er)uyd synne me thoght it semyd wele [aaAx]
E: 5,116 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 5,117 ffirst I leryd of leyng . a lefe or elles twa [aaAx]
E: 5,118 Wykkydly to wey . was my first lessoun [aaAxx]
E: 5,119 To ware & to wynchestre . went I to -th-e fare [aaAx]
E: 5,120 W(i)t(h) many man(er) of m(er)chaundyse . as my maist(er) aght [aaAx]
E: 5,121 Ne hed -th-e grace of gyle . gane aye emang my ware [aaAx]
E: 5,122 It hed ben vnsald -th-is seuen -y-ere Iwys [aaAxx]
E: 5,123 I drowe emang drap(er)s . my donette to lere [aaAx]
E: 5,124 To draw -th-e list of lenth . -th-e langer it semyd [aaAx]
E: 5,125 Emong -th-e riche rays . I renderd a lesson [aaAx]
E: 5,126 Brochyd -th-aim w(i)t(h) bat nedyls . & playtyd -th-aim toged(er) [aaAx]
E: 5,127 And put -th-aim in a pressour . & pilyd -th-aim -th-(er)in [aaAx]
E: 5,128 To ten -y-erd(es) or twelf . tylyd out tretene [aaAx]
E: 5,129 My wiffe was a wyndster . & wollen clath made [aaAx]
E: 5,130 And sho spake to spynsters . to spynne it -th-er owt [aaAx]
E: 5,131 -Th-e pund at sho payd . for passyd a quatar [aaAx]
E: 5,132 Mare -th-en my awne . qwen I wey trothe [aaAx]
E: 5,133 I boght hir barly . sho browyd it to selle [aaAx]
E: 5,134 Pennyale & peleway . sho powred toged(er) [aaAx]
E: 5,135 ffor laborers & lewyd folke . -th-(a)t lay by -th-aim seluen [aaAx]
E: 5,136 -Th-e best in my bed chaumbre . lay by -th-e walle [aaAx]
E: 5,137 And qwa sa boght hereof . boght for a grote [abAb]
E: 5,138 A galon for a grote . god wote no lesse [aaAx]
E: 5,139 When it come to copnale . -th-(a)t craft my wyfe vsyd [aaAx]
E: 5,140 Rose -th-e regrator . was hir right name [aaAx]
E: 5,141 Sho hade haldyn ostre . elleuen wynt(er)es lang [aaAx]
E: 5,142 Bot I assure you als mot I the . -th-(a)t synne dyd she neu(er) [aaAx]
E: 5,143 And neu(er) wikkydly to wey . ne c(ur)syd chafer make [aaAx]
E: 5,144 Bot I wil wend to walsyngh(a)m . & my wyffe alswa [aaAx]
E: 5,145 And pray -th-e rode of bromholme . bryng owt of dett [aaAx]
E: 5,146 Now begynnys glotony . to gang on hy way [aaAx]
E: 5,147 And karyd to -th-e kirke . hys cowlpe for to schewe [aaAx]
E: 5,148 Bot beton -th-e brewster . hym gude morne [aaAx]
E: 5,149 And she askyd of hym . qwed(er) -th-(a)t he wald [aaAx]
E: 5,150 To holy kirke q(ou)d he . for to here messe [aaAx]
E: 5,151 And sythen sall I shreuen be . & neu(er) synne mare [aaAx]
E: 5,152 I haue gude ale gosop . glotou(n) wilt -th-(o)w assay [aaAx]
E: 5,153 Hafe-gh- -th-(o)u q(ou)d he . ony hate spyce [aaAx]
E: 5,154 Ya gloton q(ou)d sho . god wote ful hote [aaAx]
E: 5,155 I haue pip(er) . & a pound of garlike [aaAx]
E: 5,156 A fferthing worth of fenill sed(is) . for fastyng days [aaAx]
E: 5,157 -Th-an co(m)mys gloton in . & gret athes after [aaAx]
E: 5,158 Sissot -th-e sewster . sat on -th-e benke [aaAx]
E: 5,159 And bratram -th-e bewer . & hys wiff bath [aaAx]
E: 5,160 Tom -th-e tynkeler . & twa of hys knaffes [aaAx]
E: 5,161 Hikke -th-e hakenaman . & hugh -th-e milner [aaAx]
E: 5,162 Clarys of cokke-gh-layne . & -th-e p(ar)iche clerke
E: 5,162 [B:V,312/C:VII,367] Sir Pers of Pride & Perenell
of flanders
E: 5,163 Daw -th-e Drinker . & a dosenne other [aaAx]
E: 5,164 -th-e redylle maker of ratonraw . a rakar of ryse [aaAx]
E: 5,165 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 5,165 [B:V,324/C:VII,373] Godfray -th-e garlikmangar & griffyn
of Wales
E: 5,166 Of ephalders a hepe . arele amorne [aaAx]
E: 5,167 Gaff gloton w(i)t(h) gude chere . a galon of ale to hansell [aaAbb]
E: 5,168 Clement -th-e cobler . kest of hys cloke [aaAa]
E: 5,169 And -th-(er) at -th-e new fare . namyd it to sell [axAx]
E: 5,170 Hikke -th-e ostiler . hynt hys hode after [aaAa]
E: 5,171 And bad bett -th-e bowcher . be on hys syde [aaaAx]
E: 5,172 -Th-(er) wer chepmen chosyn . -th-e chefar to prase [aaAx]
E: 5,173 Wha sa hed -th-e hude suld haue . amendes to -th-e cloke [aaXx]?
E: 5,174 Twa rase vp in a rowte . & rownys togid(er) [aaAx]
E: 5,175 And prasyd -th-e pennyworthes . inp(ar)ty by -th-aim seluen [aaAx]
E: 5,176 -Th-(er) was athes mony . ouer -th-e hude swornne [aaAa]
E: 5,177 -Th-ai couth not be consciens . acord welle toged(er) [aaAx]
E: 5,178 Tyll robyn -th-e rap(er) . was redy to ryse [aaAa]
E: 5,179 Thai named hym a nowmpere . -th-(a)t no lite were [aaAa]
E: 5,180 Hik -th-e ostiler . -th-en hed -th-e cloke [aaAx]
E: 5,181 In counand at clement . -th-e cuppe suld fylle [aaAx]
E: 5,182 And haue hik hude -th-e ostiler . & hald hym swa s(er)uyd [aaaAx]
E: 5,183 And qwa sa repent hym rathest . suld ryse [aaAx]
E: 5,184 And grett s(ir) gloton . w(i)t(h) a galon of hale [aaAx]
E: 5,185 -Th-(er) was laughyng & lenyng . & lattyng of -th-e cupp ga [aaAx]
E: 5,186 Bargans & berage . began for to ryse [aaAx]
E: 5,187 And sa still samme(n) -th-ai satt tyll euensong was songen [aaAx]
E: 5,188 Till gloton had gobbyd . a galon & a gylle [aaAa]
E: 5,188 [B:V,340/C:VII,398] Hys gottes golled like a gredy
E: 5,189 He pissyd a potell . in a p(ate)rnost(er) qwyle [aaAx]
E: 5,190 And blew a rownd rowet . at -th-e rigebone end [aaAx]
E: 5,191 -Th-(a)t all -th-(a)t herd -th-(a)t horne . helde -th-air nose aftir [aaAa]
E: 5,192 And wissyd -th-(a)t it ben wipyd . w(i)t(h) a wispe of brerys [aaAx]
E: 5,193 He had no strenth for to stand . or he a staffe had [aaAx]
E: 5,194 -Th-an began he to ga . like a glewmans beche [aaAx]
E: 5,195 Summe tyme of syde . & su(m) tyme of arere [aaAx]
E: 5,196 As qwa sa layd lynes . to take w(i)t(h) fowles [aaAx]
E: 5,197 Qwen he drow to -th-e dore . -th-an dymmyd hys ene [aaAx]
E: 5,198 He stombeld at -th-e freswald . & threw to -th-e
erth [aaAx]
E: 5,198 [B:V,351/C:VII,409] Clement -th-e cobler kaght by
-th-e medyll
E: 5,198 [B:V,351/C:VII,409] ffor to lift hym on loft & layd
on hys kneys
E: 5,198 [B:V,351/C:VII,409] Bot gloton was a grett carle & hevy
to lifte
E: 5,198 [B:V,351/C:VII,409] he gave vp a caudell in clement
E: 5,198 [B:V,351/C:VII,409] Is none so hungry a honde in
hertforth schire
E: 5,198 [B:V,351/C:VII,409] Ayght lape of -th-(a)t levyng
so vnlovesinn it smellyd
E: 5,199 W(i)t(h) all -th-e waye of -th-is werld . hys wyffe & hys wenche [aaAa]
E: 5,200 Bare hym to hys bed . & broght hym -th-(er)in [aaAx]
E: 5,201 Eftir -th-is he suffird . ane accesse he hede [aaxAa]
E: 5,202 -Th-(a)t he slepyd sett(er)day & sunday . to -th-e sun yode to rist [aaaAx]
E: 5,203 Than wakynnyd he of hys wynkyng . & wypyd hys ene [aaAx]
E: 5,204 -Th-e ffirst word he sapke . qwar is -th-e bolle [aaAx]
E: 5,205 Hys wiffe wytyd hym -th-an . of wykydnes & synne [aaAx]
E: 5,206 -Th-an Shamed -th-at schrew . & gan sharpe hys eres [aaAx]
E: 5,207 And gret full gremly . & gret dule make [aaAx]
E: 5,208 ffor hys lethyr lyve . -th-(a)t he levyd had [aaAx]
E: 5,209 And avowyd to fast . for hungre or for thrist [aaAxx]
E: 5,210 Sall neu(er) fiche on fryday . rist in my wombe [aaAx]
E: 5,211 Or abstinence my adu(er)sarij . haue gyfyn me leve [aaAxx]
E: 5,212 And it haue I hatyd . all my lyfe tyme [aaAxx]
E: 5,213 Slewth for sorow . fell downe in swoune [aaXa]
E: 5,214 To vigilate -th-(a)t wille . fett wat(ir) to hys eyne [aaAx]
E: 5,215 And platt it on hys face . & fast on hym cryed [aaAx]
E: 5,216 And sayd war -th-e from wanhop . -th-(a)t wald -th-e betraysse [aaAx]
E: 5,217 I am sory for my synnes . say so -th-i seluen [aaAa]
E: 5,218 And bett -th-i self vppon -th-e brest . & abyde hym of grace [aaAx]
E: 5,219 ffor -th-(er) is no gilt so grett here . bott hys grace is mare [aaAx]
E: 5,220 Than satt slewth vp . & schraffe hym full fast [aaAx]
E: 5,221 And made awoye vnto god . for hys fowle slewth [aaAx]
E: 5,222 Sall na sunday -th-is seuen -y-ere . bott seknes make it [aaAx]
E: 5,223 -Th-at I ne sall do me or day . to -th-e kirke [aaAx]
E: 5,224 And here matyns & messe . as I a monke were [aaAx]
E: 5,225 Sall no nale aftir mete . hald me -th-ine [aaAx]
E: 5,226 To I haue eunensang herd . I hett be -th-e rude [aaAx]
E: 5,227 Als I wolle -y-eld agayn . yf I so mekell haue [aaAxx]
E: 5,228 All -th-(a)t I wykkydly wan . sethen I witte hade [aaAx]
E: 5,229 And -th-of my levelade lake . -y-et lett I ne wyll [aaAx]
E: 5,230 -Th-(a)t ilke man sall have hys . or I hynde wend [aaAx]
E: 5,231 W(i)t(h) -th-e remanent & residew . be -th-e rude of chest(re) [aaAx]
E: 5,232 I will seke saynt trewth . or I see rome [axAx]
E: 5,233 Rob(er)t of robberre . on reddite lokyd [aaAx]
E: 5,234 And for -th-(er) was noght -th-(er)w(i)t(h) . he wepyd full sore [aaAx]
E: 5,235 And -th-(a)t synfull schrew . sayd to hym seluen [aaAa]
E: 5,236 Crist -th-(a)t on calvary . on -th-e crosse dyed [aaAx]
E: 5,237 When dismas my brother bysoght -th-e of grace [????]
E: 5,238 And -th-(o)u hade m(er)cy of -th-at man . for memento sake [aaAx]
E: 5,239 Thy will wirke vppon me . as I haue wel s(er)uyd [aaAx]
E: 5,240 To haue helle for eu(er) . if ne hope were [aaAx]
E: 5,241 Swa rew on -th-is Robert . -th-(a)t redd(er)e ne haues [aaAx]
E: 5,242 Ne neu(er) wenys to wynne . w(i)t(h) crafte -th-(a)t I knawe [aaAxx]
E: 5,243 Bott for -th-i mekyll m(er)cy . mitigacion I seke [aaAx]
E: 5,244 Dampne me noght on domesday . for my euell dede [aaAx]
E: 5,245 Bot qwat befell of -th-at felon . I can no ferrer shewe [aaAx]
E: 5,246 Bott wele I wate he wepyd fast wat(ir) . of hys eyne [aaaAx]
E: 5,247 And knawleghde hys coulpe . fast to c(ri)st of hys synnes [aaAx]
E: 5,248 -Th-(a)t repentance w(i)t(h) hys pikke . suld polsche it new [aaAx]
E: 5,249 And lepe w(i)t(h) hym ou(er) land . all hys liue tyme [aaAx]
E: 5,250 ffor he hade lyve of lichore . lucifers aunte [aaAx]
E: 5,251 A thousand men -th-an . thrange togid(er) [aaAx]
E: 5,252 Wepand & walowand . for -th-air wickyd ded(is) [aaAx]
E: 5,253 Cryand vpward to c(ri)st . & to hys clene moder [aaAx]
E: 5,254 To haue grace to ga to trewth . so god lenne at -th-ai myght [aaAx]
E: 6,1 Bot -th-(er) was nane so wyse . at -th-e wey -th-ed(er) couth [aaAx]
E: 6,2 And blound(er)ed forth as best(is) . oure bankes & hilles [aaAx]
E: 6,3 So late & so lang . at -th-ai a lede mette [aaAx]
E: 6,4 Appareld as a Palmer . in pilgr(a)mes wede [aaAx]
E: 6,5 He bare a burdon bondon . w(i)t(h) a brad list [aaAx]
E: 6,6 In a wodbyndes wise . wonden abowte [aaAx]
E: 6,7 A bag & a botell . he bare by hys syde [aaAx]
E: 6,8 A hundreth ensaumples . on hys hatte wer sett [aaAx]
E: 6,9 Synes of sissell . & schellys of galis [aaAx]
E: 6,10 And mony crosse on hys cloke . & synes of rome [aaAx]
E: 6,11 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 6,12 I se by hys synes . qwyne -th-(a)t he come [aaAx]
E: 6,13 --- this line om ---
E: 6,14 ffra senay he sayd . & from -th-e sepulcre [aaAx]
E: 6,15 At bedlem & babilone . I haue ben bath [aaAa]
E: 6,16 In hermony & alisaunder . & many other place [aaAx]
E: 6,17 Ye may see by my senys . -th-(a)t sett(es) on myn hatte [aaAx]
E: 6,18 That I haue walkyd full wyde . in wete & in drye [aaaAx]
E: 6,19 I haue soth gude saynt(es) . for my saule heile [aaAx]
E: 6,20 Knawys -th-(o)u oght a corsante q(ou)d -th-ai . men callys trewth [aaAx]
E: 6,21 Can -th-(o)u oght wysse vs -th-e way . quare -th-e wy dwellys [aaAx]
E: 6,22 Nay sa me god help . sayde -th-e grome -th-enne [axAx]
E: 6,23 I sawe neu(er) palmer w(i)t(h) pyke . ne w(i)t(h) skrippe [aaXx]?
E: 6,24 Aske aftir hym . or nowe right in -th-is place [aaAxx]
E: 6,25 Pet(ir) q(ou)d -th-e plughman . & put forth hys heued [aaAx]
E: 6,26 I knawe hym als kyndly . as a clerke doys hys buke-gh- [aaAx]
E: 6,27 Clene consciens & witte . kennyd me to hys place [aaAx]
E: 6,28 And did me to swere . to s(er)ue hym for eu(er) [aaAx]
E: 6,29 Bathe to sett & to sawe . qwylse I swynke might [aaAx]
E: 6,30 I haue ben hys folower . all -th-is fourty wynt(er) [xaAx]
E: 6,31 Bath sawyn hys sede . & folowde hys best(is) [aaAx]
E: 6,32 And kepyd hys corn . & caryed it to howse-gh- [aaAx]
E: 6,33 I diked & delved . & dyd qwat he bad me [aaAx]
E: 6,34 W(i)t(h)in & w(i)t(h)owte . I watyd hys p(ro)fett [aaAx]
E: 6,35 -Th-(er) is no laborer in hys lordship . -th-(a)t he loves bett(er) [aaAx]
E: 6,36 ffor yf I say it my seluen . I s(er)ue hym to pay [aaAx]
E: 6,37 I haue myn hire wele of hym . & otherwyle mare [aaAx]
E: 6,38 He his -th-e p(ri)stest maist(er) . -th-(a)t pure men knawen [aaAx]
E: 6,39 He w(i)t(h)halde-gh- no hyne hys hire . bot he hase it at euen [aaAx]
E: 6,40 He is als louely als a lambe . & louesum of speche [aaAx]
E: 6,41 And if -y-e wil wete . qwar he dwellys [aaAx]
E: 6,42 I sall visse you full . right vnto hys awne place [aaAx]
E: 6,43 Ya leue pers q(ou)d -th-e palmers . & p(ro)ferd hym hire [aaAx]
E: 6,44 Nay q(uo)d he by my saule & he gun swere fast [axAx]
E: 6,45 I wald noght fange a ferthyng . for Saynt thomas shrine [aaAxx]
E: 6,46 Trouth wald loue me -th-e wers . a long tyme after [abBa]
E: 6,47 Bott if -y-e will wende . -th-is is -th-e way -th-ed(er) [aaAx]
E: 6,48 -Th-(o)u bus ga be meknesse . bath men & wyffe-gh- [aaAx]
E: 6,49 Tyll ye come to consciens . c(ri)st wate -th-e sothe [aaAx]
E: 6,50 -Th-(a)t -y-e loue hym leu(er) . -th-en -y-e do your hert [aaAx]
E: 6,51 In ernest your nextbure . in no vise -y-e -th-are [aaAx]
E: 6,52 Other wisse & -y-e wold men . dyd to -y-ow [aaAx]
E: 6,53 And swa behofes yow furth by a bruke . be buxu(m) of your speche [aaAx]
E: 6,54 Vnto -y-e fynd a furth . your fadir -y-e hono(ur) [aaAx]
E: 6,55 Wade into -th-e wat(ir) . & weshe yow -th-an -th-are [aaAx]
E: 6,56 And -y-e sal lepe -th-e lyghtlyer . all your love after [aaAx]
E: 6,57 And -th-en sal -y-e . swere noght bot if it be for nede [aaAx]
E: 6,58 And namely in ydelnes . -th-e name of god almighty [aaAx]
E: 6,59 Than sall -gh-e come by a crofte . bot come nott -th-(er)in [aaAx]
E: 6,60 -Th-e croft heght couett nott . mennys catell ne -th-air wifes [aaAx]
E: 6,61 Ne none of -th-air s(er)uaund(es) . at -th-aim noye might [axAx]
E: 6,62 Luke -th-(o)u breke no bugh . bott yf it be -th-i nawne [aaAx]
E: 6,63 Twa stokke-gh- -th-(er) stand(es) . bot styntet -th-e noght -th-are [aaAx]
E: 6,64 -Th-ai heght steyll nott ne sla not . streke forth be bathe [aaAx]
E: 6,65 Leue -th-aim on -th-i left hand . luke no-gh-t -th-(er)aft(ir) [aaAx]
E: 6,66 Hald swa wele -th-i halyday . it is -th-e- way to euen [aaAa]
E: 6,67 Than sall yow bleinke at a brige . ber no fals wittnes [aaAx]
E: 6,68 -th-(a)t is fetterd w(i)t(h) florens . & other feys mony [aaAx]
E: 6,69 Luke -th-(o)u pluk no plante . -th-(er) for peril of -th-i saule [aaAx]
E: 6,70 Than sall -th-(o)u see . say -th-e sothe sa it be to do [aaAx]
E: 6,71 And in na maner ellys . for no manys byddyng [aaXx]
E: 6,72 Than sall -th-(o)u come to a court . clere as -th-e Sun [aaAx]
E: 6,73 -Th-e mote is of m(er)cy . -th-e man(er) all abowte [aaAx]
E: 6,74 And all -th-e wall is of witte . to hald wele -th-(er)owte [aaAx]
E: 6,75 The kyrnalles er of c(ri)styndome . o(ur) kynde for to saue [aaAx]
E: 6,76 And britasyd w(i)t(h) beleue . or beys no-gh-t saued [aaAx]
E: 6,77 All -th-e rofe-gh- or helyd . bath halle-gh- & chaumbres [aaAx]
E: 6,78 W(i)t(h) no lede bod love & lufsumnes . also [aaaXx]
E: 6,79 The towre qwer troth . is hym seluen is vp to -th-e Sun [aaXx]
E: 6,80 He may do w(i)t(h) -th-e day sterne . qwat he dere like-gh- [aaAx]
E: 6,81 And dede dar noght do . -th-(a)t he defend(es) [aaAx]
E: 6,81 [B:V,601/C:VIII,241] I haue no tome to tell qwere
-th-e toure stond(es)
E: 6,81 [B:V,602/C:VIII,242] Bot ye brig het bidwell ye bett(er)
man you spede
E: 6,81 [B:V,602/C:VIII,242] Ilka piller is pennance polischyd
full clene
E: 6,82 Grace hat -th-e gatewarde . a gude man forsoth [aaAx]
E: 6,83 Hys name hat amend you . mony men hym knawys [aaAx]
E: 6,84 Tyll hym -th-is takeny(n)g . troth wate -th-e sothe [aaAx]
E: 6,85 I p(er)formed -th-e pennaunce . -th-(a)t -th-e p(ri)st enioyned [aaAx]
E: 6,86 And I am sory for my synnes . & swa sall I eu(er) [aaAx]
E: 6,87 When I -th-inke -th-(er)on . yf I wer a pape [axAx]
E: 6,88 Byd amend yow mek hym . to hys maist(er) anes [aaAx]
E: 6,89 To put vp -th-e wekett . at -th-e way stekett [aaAx]
E: 6,90 -Th-er was adam & eue . etyn -th-(er) hane [aaAx]
E: 6,91 ffor he hed -th-e key of -th-(a)t clekett . if -th-e kyng slepyd [aaAx]
E: 6,92 And at grace gr(a)unt . yow to go on -th-is wise [aaAx]
E: 6,93 Ye sal see trouth yowr selfe . sette in your hert(es) [aaAx]
E: 6,94 To lere yow for to love . & hys lawes halde [aaAx]
E: 6,95 Bot be war -th-(a)t wreth noye yow noght . -th-(a)t wikyd shrew [aaAx]
E: 6,96 ffor he hase enuy till hym . -th-(a)t in yow hert rist(es) [aaAx]
E: 6,97 Put ye furth no pride . to prays yowr seluen [aaAx]
E: 6,98 -Th-at baldnes of -th-i lyffe fett . mekenes & blynd hym [aaAx]
E: 6,99 And so doys -th-(o)u dryve as dew . qwen -th-e dore is closyd [aaAx]
E: 6,100 And kepe -th-e clene owt of howse for eu(er)
E: 6,101 Happely a hyndreth -y-ere . or -th-(o)u eft enter [aaAa]
E: 6,102 Thus may -th-(o)u lose -th-(a)t love . -th-(a)t last(es) for eu(er) [aaAx]
E: 6,103 Bot -th-(o)u gett -th-orow grace . & no gilt ellys [aaAx]
E: 6,104 Bote -th-(er) er seuen sist(er)es . -th-(a)t s(er)uys trowth ellys [aaAx]
E: 6,105 To be porters of hys posterns . -th-(a)t to -th-e place lang(es) [aaAx]
E: 6,106 One hatt abstinence . & humilite hat an other [aaAx]
E: 6,107 Charite & chastite . er his clene maydynnes [aaAx]
E: 6,108 Pacience & pease . mekyll peple helpyn [aaAx]
E: 6,109 Larges -th-e lady . latt(es) in ful many [aaAx]
E: 6,110 And qwa sa syb is to -th-a sisters . & sa may god help [aaAxx]
E: 6,111 He is wonder wilcom . & fair vnd(er)fangyd [aaBb]
E: 6,112 Bot ye syb -th-ees seuen I tell you for sothe [aaA]?
E: 6,113 It war ful harde be my heued . to get ingate [aaAa]
E: 6,114 --- this line om ---
E: 6,115 Be c(ri)st q(ou)d a cutpurs . I haue no kynne -th-(er) [aaAx]
E: 6,116 Ne I q(ou)d a peward . bott at I knawe [aaAx]
E: 6,117 Wate god q(ou)d a waferar . wist I -th-e sothe [aaAx]
E: 6,118 Suld I neu(er) forther a fote . for all -th-e frere p(re)chyng [aaAx]
E: 6,119 Yis q(ou)d pers ploughman . & p(re)chyd hym to gude [aaAx]
E: 6,120 Mercy is a mayden . has might ou(er) -th-aim alle [aaAx]
E: 6,121 Scho is sib to alle synfull . & hir sone als [aaAx]
E: 6,122 And -th-orow hope of -th-aim bath twa . hope -th-ow no other [aaAa]
E: 6,123 Thu may gett ingate . sa -th-(o)u ga be tyme [aaAx]
E: 7,1 Hys wor a kykkyd way . bot qwa sa hase a gyde [aaAx]
E: 7,2 That we might folow ilke a fote . till we wer -th-(er) [aaAxx]
E: 7,3 Quod p(er)kyn -th-e plughma(n) . be Saynt paule appostyll [aaAa]
E: 7,4 I haue one aker . be -th-e hye way [aaAx]
E: 7,5 Had I erid -th-e halue aker & sawyn it after [aaAx]?
E: 7,6 I suld ga w(i)t(h) you . tyl -y-e wer -th-(er) [aaAx]
E: 7,7 -Th-is wer a lang lettyng . q(ou)d a lady ful clere [aaAx]
E: 7,8 What sall we women . wirke -th-e qwylse [aaAx]
E: 7,9 Sum sall sew sek(es) . for schadyng of whete [aaAx]
E: 7,10 And ye wyffes -th-(a)t nowe hase wol . wirke it fast [aaAx]
E: 7,11 Spynne -y-e it spedely . & spare noght your fyngers [aaAx]
E: 7,12 Bot it be on halydays . or on holy euennys [xaAa]
E: 7,13 Luke forth your lynen . & labo(ur) on faste [aaAx]
E: 7,14 The nedy & -th-e naked . take hede howe -th-ai lig [aaAx]
E: 7,15 Cast -th-aim clathes for cold . for sa bidd(es) trouth [aaaXx]
E: 7,16 ffor I shal len -th-aim liuelode . als lang as I leve [aaAx]
E: 7,17 --- this line om ---
E: 7,18 And -y-e lovely lad(es) . w(i)t(h) your lang fyngers [aaAx]
E: 7,19 Ye haue sylke & sendell . to sew it in tyme [aaAx]
E: 7,20 Chesables for chapelanys . chirches to hono(ur) [aaAx]
E: 7,21 And all man(er) of men . -th-(a)t be -th-e mete leuys [aaAx]
E: 7,22 Help -th-aim to wirk wightly . -th-(a)t wynnys your fodes [aaAx]
E: 7,23 Be crist q(ou)d a knyght . -th-ou kennys vs -th-e best [aaAx]
E: 7,24 Bot on -th-e theme trewly . taght was I neu(er) [aaAx]
E: 7,25 And kenne q(ou)d -th-e knyght . & I will be -th-ine ayr(e) [aaAx]
E: 7,26 Be saynt Saynt paule q(ou)d p(er)kyn . for -th-(o)u p(ro)fers -th-e sa law [aaAx]
E: 7,27 I sall swynke & swete . & saw for vs bathe [aaAx]
E: 7,28 And take labo(ur) for -th-i lufe . all my lyfe tyme [aaAx]
E: 7,29 In conant at -th-(o)u kepe . halykirk & myseluen [aaAx]
E: 7,30 ffra wasto(ur)s fra wykkyd me(n) . -th-(a)t wald me distroy [aaAx]
E: 7,31 And ga hunt hardly . at hare & at foxe [aaAx]
E: 7,32 At bare in -th-e buske-gh- . -th-(a)t brek(es) myn hegge-gh- [aaAx]
E: 7,33 And foche home fauucons . foules to fell [aaAx]
E: 7,34 ffor -th-ai come to my crofte . & croppe-gh- my whete [aaAx]
E: 7,35 Curtasly -th-e knyght -th-en . consaved -th-ir wordes [aaAx]
E: 7,36 Be my power pers . I plight -th-e my troth [aaAx]
E: 7,37 To fulfylle -th-is counand . qwilse my lyff may stonde [aaXx]?
E: 7,38 Ya -gh-it a poynte q(ou)d p(er)kyn . I pray -th-e of mare [aaAx]
E: 7,39 Luke -th-(o)u tene no teneande . -th-(a)t trewly woll assent [aaAx]
E: 7,40 And gyff a sely pore man p(ro)fre . -th-e gyfte-gh- [aaAx]
E: 7,41 Neyhe noght in auntre -th-(o)u may it not des(er)ue [aaAx]?
E: 7,42 ffor -th-ou salt -y-elde ayayn . at -th-e -y-er(is) end [aaAx]
E: 7,43 In a full p(er)lus place . -th-(a)t p(ur)gatory hatt [aaAx]
E: 7,44 Misbyd noght -th-i bounde . -th-e bett(er) may -th-(o)u spede [aaAx]
T: 7,213 Qua[th] peris for al [th]e gold on [th]is ground
H2: 7,213 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,213 Quod piers . for alle -th-e gode -th-at groweth
on -th-is ground [aaxAx]
D: 7,213 Qoud piers for al -th-e gold -th-(a)t groueth on
grounde [aaxAx]
R: 7,213 for al -th-e gold q(uo)d per(es) -th-(a)t growe-th-
on -th-(i)s grou(n)de [aaxAx]
U: 7,213 { ffacite uobis amicos } wolde noght greue god [aaxAx]
V: 7,213 I wolde not (greue) (god)," quod pers . for
al _th_e (gold) on (ground) [aaxAa]
H: 7,213 I wold not wra-th--th-e god quo-th- peris . for
al -th-e good on er-th-e [aaxAx]
J: 7,213 I wold not greuyn god q(uo)d pers . for al -th-e
goode o grounde [aaxAx]
L: 7,213 y wold not greue god q(uo)d Piers . for al -th-e
good on eorth [aaxAx]
K: 7,213 I wold not greue god q(uo)d pers . for al the gold
on the grounde [aaxAx]
W: 7,213 I nold not greue god q(uo)d Piers . for no good
in er-th-e [aaxAx]
N: 7,213 I wolde nou-gh-t greue god q(uo)d piers . for al
-th-e good on gru(n)de [aaxAx]
E: 7,213 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 7,213 I nolde greuy(n) god q(uo)d pers -th-anne . for
alle -th-e gold o(n) gronde [aaxAx]
H3: 7,213 I nold nouth greue god q(uo)d pers . for -th-e
[al] gold on -th-is gronde [aaxAx]
U: 1,180 ffor -th-i y seie as y seide . by sighte of -th-ese textis [aaAx]
U: 1,181 Whan alle tresoures arn tried . treuthe is -th-e beste [aaAx]
U: 1,182 Now haue tolde -th-e q(ou)d treuthe is . no tresour bet(er)e [aaAx]
U: 1,183 I mai no lengere duelle . now loke -th-e our lord [aaAx]
U: 2,1 -Y-it I knelyd on my knees . and praide hire of g(ra)ce [aaAx]
U: 2,2 And seide m(er)ci madame . for mary loue of heuene [aaAx]
U: 2,3 -Th-at bar -th-e blisside barn . -th-at bought on -th-e rode [aaaAx]
U: 2,4 Ken me by som craft . to knowe -th-e false [aaAx]
U: 2,5 Look on -th-i left half . and see where he standes [aaAx]
U: 2,6 Bo-th-e fals and fauel . and his feres manye [aaAx]
U: 2,7 I lokide on -th-o lefte half . as -th-e lady me tau-gh-te [aaAx]
U: 2,8 And was war of a wo(m)man . wondirly clothid [aaAx]
U: 2,9 I purfiled wi-th- pelure . -th-e pureste on er-th-e [aaAx]
U: 2,10 I corowned wi-th- a coroune . -th-e kyng ha-th- no bet(er)e [aaAx]
U: 2,11 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 2,12 Of -th-e pureste perreye . -th-at p(ri)nce wered eu(er)e [aaAx]
U: 2,13 In reed scarlet robyd . rybanyd w-i-t-h- golde [aaAx]
U: 2,14 -Th-(er) is no quene queyntere . -th-at quyk is on lyue [aaAx]
U: 2,15 What is -th-is wo(m)man q(uo)d I . so wondirliche atired [aaAx]
U: 2,16 -Th-at is mede -th-e maide . ha-th- noyed me ful ofte [aaXx]
U: 2,17 & lakkid my lore . to lordes aboute [aaAx]
U: 2,18 In -th-e popes palays . sche is p(ri)ue as my selue [aaAx]
U: 2,19 & so schulde sche noght . be for wrong was her(e) sire [xxXx]
U: 2,20 Out of wrong wente sche wrotherel wrotherhele manye [aaAx]
U: 2,21 I aughte be heyere . -th-an sche for y com of bet(er)e [aaAxx]
U: 2,22 Tomorwe wurthe -th-e mariage ymad . of mede & of false [aaaAx]
U: 2,23 ffauel wi-th- fair(e) speche . ha-th- forgid he(m) togydr(e)s [aaAx]
U: 2,24 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 2,25 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 2,26 Tomorne wur-th-e -th-e mariage . maad as y -th-e telle [aaAx]
U: 2,27 -Th-(er) myght -th-ou wite -y-if -th-ou wilt . whiche -th-ei ben alle [aaAx]
U: 2,28 -Th-at longith to -th-at lordschipe . -th-e lasse & -th-e more [aaAx]
U: 2,29 Know hem -th-(er)e -y-if -th-ou canst . and kepe -th-e fro he(m) alle [aaAx]
U: 2,30 -Y-if -th-ou wilnest to wone . with treuthe in his blisse [aaAxx]
U: 2,31 Y may no leng(er)e lette . lord y -th-e bykenne [aaAx]
U: 2,32 & bycom a good man . for ony couetise y rede [aaAx]
U: 2,33 Al -th-e riche retenance . -th-at with false reigneth [aaAx]
U: 2,34 Were yboden to -th-e bridale . on bo-th-e two sides [aaAx]
U: 2,35 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 2,36 -Th-(a)t fals o-th-(er) fauel . by ony fyn holden [aaAx]
U: 2,37 & feffe mede -th-(er)myde . in mariage for euere [aaAx]
U: 2,38 -Th-(er) nas halle ne hous . to herberwe -th-e peple [aaAx]
U: 2,39 -Th-(a)t ech feld ne was ful . of folk al aboute [aaAx]
U: 2,40 In myddes a mountayne . at mydmorwe tide [aaAx]
U: 2,41 Was pight vp a pauyloun . prow for -th-e nones [aaAx]
U: 2,42 And ton thousend of tentes . tight -th-(er) byside [aaAx]
U: 2,43 Of knyghtes of cuntre . of comeres aboute [aaAx]
U: 2,44 ffor sysours for someno(ur)s . for seller(i)s for biggeres [aaAx]
U: 2,45 ffor lerid for lewide . for laboreris of -th-repis [aaAx]
U: 2,46 Al to witnesse wel . what -th-e writ wolde [aaAa]
U: 2,47 In what man(er)e -th-at mede . i(n) mariage was feffed [aaAx]
U: 2,48 To be feffed with false . -th-e fyn is arerid [aaAx]
U: 2,49 -Th-an fauel fette hire for-th- . and to false takith [aaaAx]
U: 2,50 In forward -th-at false . schal fynde hire for eu(er)e [aaAx]
U: 2,51 & be buxum at his bode . his biddynge to fulfille [aaAx]
U: 2,52 At bedde & at borde . buxum & hende [aaAx]
U: 2,53 & at syre symonyes wille . to suyen his heste [aaAx]
U: 2,54 Symonie and ciuile . standith vp bo-th-e [aaAx]
U: 2,55 And vnfoldith -th-e feffement . -th-at fals ha-th- ymakid [aaAx]
U: 2,56 -Th-us bygynne-th- -th-e goom . and gredith wol hye [aaAx]
U: 2,57 Witen and witnesse . -th-at wonen vppon erthe [aaAx]
U: 2,58 -Th-at y fauel haue . falsnesse to mede [aaAx]
U: 2,59 To be p(re)sent in pride . for pou(er)e or for riche [aaAx]
U: 2,60 Wi-th- -th-e erldom of enuye . eu(er)e to laste [aaAx]
U: 2,61 Wi-th- al -th-e worschipe of lecherye . in lengthe & in brede [aaAx]
U: 2,62 Wi-th- -th-e kyngdom of couetyse . y coroune -y-ow togidre [aaAx]
U: 2,63 wi-th- al -th-e vices of vsures . and auarice -th-e faste [aaAx]
U: 2,64 Glotonye and grete othes . y gyue -y-ow togidres [aaAx]
U: 2,65 Wi-th- alle -th-e delices of lust . -th-e deuel for to serue [axAx]
U: 2,66 In al -th-e seignourie of slouthe . y sese hem togider(e)s [aaAx]
U: 2,67 -Th-ei to haue & to holde . and here heires aftir [aaAa]
U: 2,68 Wi-th- al -th-e p(ur)tenaunce of p(ur)gatorie . into -th-e pyne of hel[le] [aaAx]
U: 2,69 -Y-eldynge for -th-is -th-ing at one -y-eris ende [xxXx]
U: 2,70 Here soules to sathanas . and synke into pyne [aaAx]
U: 2,71 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 2,72 In witnesse of whiche -th-ing . wrong was -th-e firste [aaAx]
U: 2,73 P(er)us -th-e p(ar)don(er) . paulynes doctour [aaAx]
U: 2,74 And Bette -th-e bedyl . of bokyngh(a)m schire [aaAx]
U: 2,75 Randolf -th-e reue . of Rokelandes sokne [aaAx]
U: 2,76 And mu(n)de -th-e mylner(e) . of malwiche strete [aaAx]
U: 2,77 In -th-e date of -th-e deuel . -th-is dede I assele [aaAx]
U: 2,78 By sighte of sire symonye . & signes of notaries [aaAx]
U: 2,79 -Th-an tenyd hym theologie . whan he -th-is tale herde [aaAx]
U: 2,80 & seide to syuyle . sorwe on -th-i bokes [aaAx]
U: 2,81 Siche a weddynge to wurche . to wra-th--th-e w(i)t(h) treuthe [aaAx]
U: 2,82 & er -th-is weddynge be wrought . wo -th-e betide [aaAx]
U: 2,84 God gr(au)nte-th- . to gyue mede to treuthe [aaAx]
U: 2,85 And -th-(o)u hast gyuen here to a gylo(ur) . now god -y-yue -th-e sorwe [aaAx]
U: 2,86 -Th-e texte tellith noght so . treuthe wot -th-e so-th-e [aaAx]
U: 2,86a { Dignus est operarius m(er)cede sua ... } [Latin]
U: 2,87 Wur-th-i is -th-e werkman . his mede to haue [aaXx]
U: 2,88 And -th-(o)u hast festnyd her(e) wi-th- false . fy on -th-i lawes [aaAx]
U: 2,89 ffor al by lesynges -th-ou lyuest . & lecherous werkes [aaAx]
U: 2,90 Symonie and -th-i selue . schenden holy chirche [aaAx]
U: 2,91 -Y-e and -y-e notaries noien -th-e peple [xaAx]?
U: 2,92 -Y-e schul abigge bo-th-e . by god -th-at me made [aaAxx]
U: 2,93 Wel -y-e wite wernardes . but -y-our witte faile [aaaAx]
U: 2,94 -Th-at fals is a faitour . and feythles of werkes [aaAx]
U: 2,95 And as a bastard yborne . of belsabubbes kynne [aaAx]
U: 2,96 And mede is moliere . a maiden of gode [aaAx]
U: 2,97 Sche myghte kysse -th-e kyng . for cosyn if sche wolde [aaAx]
U: 2,98 Wurche-th- by wisdom . and by wit aftir [aaAx]
U: 2,99 Ledith here to londone . -th-(er)e lawe is yhandlyd [aaAx]
U: 2,100 If ony lewte wil loke . -th-ei ligge togidres [aaAx]
U: 2,101 And iustice iuggen here . to be ioyned for eu(er)e [aaAx]
U: 2,102 -Y-it be war of -th-at weddynge . for witty is treuthe [aaAx]
U: 2,103 ffor conscience is of his conseil . & knowith -y-ou echone [aaAx]
U: 2,104 & if he fynde -y-ow i(n) defaute . & wi-th- -th-e false holde-th- [aaAx]
U: 2,105 It schal be set on -y-our soules wol . sore at -th-e laste [aaAx]
U: 2,106 Her(e)to assente-th- ciuile . ac symonie nolde [aaAx]
U: 2,107 Til he hadde siluer . for selis & signes [xaAa]
U: 2,108 And -th-anne fecchide fauel for-th- . florynes ynowe [aaaAx]
U: 2,109 And bad gyle go -y-yue . gold al aboute [aaAx]
U: 2,110 & namliche to -th-e notaries . -th-(a)t hem non failede [aaAx]
U: 2,111 And feffe fals witnesse . wi-th- floryns ynowe [aaAx]
U: 2,112 ffor he may mede amaistrie . & make her(e) at our wille [aaAx]
U: 2,113 -Th-o -th-is gold was ygyue . gret was -th-e -th-ankynge [aaAx]
U: 2,114 To fals & to fauel . for here faire -y-iftes [aaAx]
U: 2,115 And comen to counforte . from care -th-e false [aaAx]
U: 2,116 And seide certes . cese schul we neuere [aaAx]
U: 2,117 Til mede be -th-i weddid wyf . -th-urw wyt of vs alle [aaAx]
U: 2,118 ffor we han mede amaistried . with our faire speche [aaAx]
U: 2,119 -Th-at sche g(ra)untith to go . wi-th- a good wille [aaAx]
U: 2,120 To londou(n) to loke . if -th-at -th-e lawe wolde [aaAx]
U: 2,121 Ioyne -y-ou ioyntlyche . in lawe for eu(er)e [aaAx]
U: 2,122 -Th-an was fals fayn . & fauel as blithe [aaAx]
U: 2,123 And leet somowne -th-e segges . in schires aboute [aaAx]
U: 2,124 -Th-(a)t alle be boune . beggeris & o-th-(er)e [aaAx]
U: 2,125 To wende with hem to westmynstr(e) . to witnesse -th-is dede [aaAx]
U: 2,126 -Th-an cared -th-ei for caples . to caryen hem -th-ider [aaAx]
U: 2,127 -Th-anne fette fauel forth . foles of -th-e beste [aaAx]
U: 2,128 Sette mede on a shereue . schod al newe [aaAx]
U: 2,129 And fals on a sysour . -th-at softly trottyde [aaAx]
U: 2,130 And fauel vppon a fair speche . fetisliche atired [aaAx]
U: 2,131 -Th-o hadde notaries none . anoyed -th-ei were [aaAx]
U: 2,132 -Th-at symonye and ciuile . schulde on here feet gange [aaAx]
U: 2,133 -Th-a(n)ne seide cyuile . and swor by -th-e rode [aaAx]
U: 2,134 -Th-(a)t someno(ur)s schulde be sadled . & beren hem echone [aaAx]
U: 2,135 And leet app(ar)aile -th-e p(ro)uysours . on palfreyne wyse [aaAx]
U: 2,136 Sire symonie hym selue . schal sitten on here bakkes [aaAx]
U: 2,137 And alle -th-e denes and sudenes . as destreres he(m) dyghte [aaAa]
U: 2,138 ffor -th-ei schul bere -th-ese bisschopis . and bri(n)ge hem to reste [aaAx]
U: 2,139 Paulynes peple . for pleyntes in constorie [aaAx]
U: 2,140 Schullen serue my selue . -th-at ciuile hatte [aaAx]
U: 2,141 And let sadele our co(m)missarie . our cart schal he drawe [aaAx]
U: 2,142 And fecchen our vitailes . of fornicatours [aaAx]
U: 2,143 And maki-th- of lyere a long cart . to leden alle -th-ese o-th-(er)e [aaAx]
U: 2,144 As foles and faytours . -th-at on here feet rennes [aaAx]
U: 2,145 ffals & fauel go-th- . for-th- togidres [aaAa]
U: 2,146 And mede in -th-e myddes . & al -th-e meyne aftir [aaAx]
U: 2,147 I haue no tunge to telle . -th-e tail -th-at hem folwyd [aaAx]
U: 2,148 Of alle man(er)e of men . -th-at on -th-is molde libbes [aaAx]
U: 2,149 Ac gile was forgoere . and gyede hem alle [aaAx]
U: 2,150 Sothnesse seye hym wel . & seide but a litel [aaAx]
U: 2,151 But prikede forth on his palfray . & passide hem alle [aaAx]
U: 2,152 And com to -th-e kyngis court . and conscience tolde [aaAx]
U: 2,153 And conscience to -th-e kyng . carpide it aftir [aaAx]
U: 2,154 Now by crist q(uo)d -th-e kyng . --if I mowe cacche [aaXa]
U: 2,155 ffals or fauel . or ony of his feres [aaXa]
U: 2,156 I wolde ben wreken on -th-o . -th-at wroughten so ille [aaAx]
U: 2,157 & don hem hange by -th-e hals . & alle -th-(a)t hem meyntene-th- [aaAx]
U: 2,158 Schal neu(er)e on -th-is molde . meinprise -th-e beste [aaAx]
U: 2,159 But right as -th-e lawe lokith . lat falle on hem alle [aaAxx]
U: 2,160 & comandide a constable . he com at -th-e firste [aaAx]
U: 2,161 To take -th-ese tirautes . for ony tresour y hote [aaAx]
U: 2,162 ffet(er)eth falsnesse faste . for ony kynne -y-iftes [aaaXx]
U: 2,163 And gadereth of gyles heued . lat hym go no fer-th-(er)e [aaAx]
U: 2,164 And bryngeth mede forth . maugre hem alle [aaAx]
U: 2,165 Symonye and cyuile . y sende hem to warne [aaAx]
U: 2,166 -Th-at holy chirche for hem . wur-th- harmed for eu(er)e [aaAx]
U: 2,167 And -y-if -y-e lacche lyere . let hym not ascape [aaAx]
U: 2,168 Til he be set on -th-e pillory . for ony treso(ur) y hote [aaAx]
U: 2,169 Drede at -th-e dore stant . and -th-e dome herde [aaAx]
U: 2,170 And wightly wente . to warne -th-e false [aaAx]
U: 2,171 And bad hem fle for fere and here feres alle [aaAx]
U: 2,172 -Th-o falsnesse for fere . fley to -th-e freris [aaAa]
U: 2,173 And gile do-th- hym a wey agast for to deye [aaAx]
U: 2,174 Ac marchaunt-gh- mette wi-th- hym . & made hym to abide [aaAx]
U: 2,175 Byschytten hym in here schoppes . to sellen here war(e) [aaAx]
U: 2,176 App(ar)ailed hym as app(re)ntyse . -th-e peple to seruen [aaAx]
U: 2,177 Lyghtliche lyere . leep awey -th-ennes [aaAx]
U: 2,178 Lurkynge -th-urw lanes . toluggide of manye [aaAx]
U: 2,179 He was nowhere wolcome . for his many tales [aaXx]
U: 2,180 Ou(er)all(e) yhunted . and yhote go trusse [aaAx]
U: 2,181 Til p(ar)doners hadde pite . and pullid hym to house [aaAx]
U: 2,182 Waschid hym & wyped hym . and wand hym in clo-th-es [aaAx]
U: 2,183 & sent hym on sondayes . wi-th- selys to chirche [aaAx]
U: 2,184 & gaf p(ar)dou(n) for pens . poudme aboute [aaAx]
U: 2,185 -Th-an louyd leches . and l(ett)res he sente [aaAx]
U: 2,186 ffor to wone wi-th- hym . watres to loke [axAx]
U: 2,187 Spisours speken wi-th- hym . to aspien her(e) ware [aaAx]
U: 2,188 ffor he couthe on here craft . and knewe many gu(m)mes [aaAx]
U: 2,189 Mynstralis and messageres . mette wi-th- hym ones [aaAx]
U: 2,190 And ofheeld hym half -y-er . and elleuene dayes [aaAx]
U: 2,191 Wi-th- faire speche freres . fetten hym -th-ennes [aaAx]
U: 2,192 ffor knowynge of comeres . copide hym as a frere [aaAx]
U: 2,193 Ac he ha-th- leue to lepyn out . as ofte as hym lyke-th- [aaXa]
U: 2,194 And is welcome whan he cometh . and wone-th- wi-th- he(m) ofte [aaAx]
U: 2,195 Alle fledden for fere . and flowen into hyrnes [aaAx]
U: 2,196 Saue mede -th-ei maide . na mo durst abide [aaAx]
U: 2,197 Ac treuly to telle . sche tremblide for drede [aaAx]
U: 2,198 And eek weep and wrang . whan sche was atachid [aaAxx]
U: 3,1 Now is mede -th-e maide . name of hem alle [aaAx]
U: 3,2 And with bedeles & baillys . brought to -th-e kyng [aaAx]
U: 3,3 -Th-e kyng callide a clerk . y can noght his name [aaaAx]
U: 3,4 To take mede -th-e maide . and maken here at ese [aaAx]
U: 3,5 I wolde assaie hire my selue . and sothly appose [aaAx]
U: 3,6 What man of -th-is moolde . -th-at her(e) wer(e) leuest [aaAx]
U: 3,7 & if sche wurche be my wit . & my wille folwe [aaAx]
U: 3,8 I wol forgyue her(e) -th-e gilt . so me god helpe [aaAx]
U: 3,9 Curteisly -th-e clerke -th-anne . as -th-e kyng highte [aaAx]
U: 3,10 Took mede by -th-e myddile . and brought hir(e) to chaumbr(e) [aaXx]
U: 3,11 Ac -th-(er) was mirthe & mynstracie . mede to ple [aaAx]
U: 3,12 -Th-(a)t wonyen at westmynstr(e) . worschipen hire alle [aaAx]
U: 3,13 Gentyly wi-th- ioye . -th-e Iustise to sowpen [aaAx]
U: 3,14 Buskide hym to -th-e bour . -th-(er) -th-e byrde duellth [aaAx]
U: 3,15 Curteisly confortide mede . by clergies leue [aaAx]
U: 3,16 And seide mo(ur)ne noght mede . ne make -th-(o)u no sorwe [aaAx]
U: 3,17 ffor we wil wisse -th-e kyng . and -th-ei wey make [axAx]
U: 3,18 ffor al consciences cast . or craft as y trowe [aaAx]
U: 3,19 Mildely mede . m(er)cied hem alle [aaAx]
U: 3,20 Of here goodnesse . and -y-af hem echone [aaAx]
U: 3,21 Coupes of clene gold . and pecis of siluer [aaXx]
U: 3,22 Rynges and rubies . and richesses manye [aaAx]
U: 3,23 -Th-e leste man of here meyne . a motou(n) of golde [aaAx]
U: 3,24 -Th-anne lau-gh-te -th-ei leue . -th-ese lordis at mede [aaAx]
U: 3,25 W(i)t(h) -th-at comen clerkis . to conforte hir(e) -th-e same [aaAx]
U: 3,26 & bad her(e) be blithe . for we ben -th-in owen [aaAx]
U: 3,27 ffor to wurche -th-i wil . whil our lyf dure-th- [aaAbb]
U: 3,28 Hendeliche -th-a(n)ne sche . highte hem -th-e same [aaAx]
U: 3,29 To loue -y-ow lely . and lordes -gh-ow make [aaAx]
U: 3,30 & in constorie at -th-e court . calle -y-o(ur) names [aaAx]
U: 3,31 -Th-(er) schal no lewednesse hem lette . -th-e lede -th-at y louye [aaAa]
U: 3,32 -Th-(a)t he ne wurth first auaunced . for I am beknowe [aaAxx]
U: 3,33 -Th-(er) cu(n)nynge clerkes . schul clokke byhynde [aaAx]
U: 3,34 -Th-an com -th-(er) a co(n)fessour . copyd as a frere [aaAx]
U: 3,35 To mede -th-e maide . mykeliche he loutide [aaAx]
U: 3,36 And seide wol softly . in schryft as it were [aaAx]
U: 3,37 -Th-eyhe lerid and lewyd . hadde ley by -th-e alle [aaAx]
U: 3,38 And -th-eigh falsnesse hadde folewid -th-e . -th-is fo(ur) score wynt(er) [aaAx]
U: 3,39 I schal assoile -th-e myself . for a seem whete [aaAx]
U: 3,40 & eek be -th-i baudekyn . & bere wel -th-in arende [aaAx]
U: 3,41 Among clerkes and knyghtes . co(n)science to felle [aaAx]
U: 3,42 -Th-an mede for here mysdede . to -th-at man lowtide [aaAx]
U: 3,43 & schrof here [of her(e)] synne . schamelees y trowe [aaAx]
U: 3,44 Told hym a tokne . and took hym a noble [aaAx]
U: 3,45 ffor to be here bedeman . and here baude aftir [aaAx]
U: 3,46 -Th-an he assoile her(e) sone . and sithen her(e) seyde [aaAa]
U: 3,47 We han a wyndow i(n) wirchyng . wol stonden vs wol hie [aaAxx]
U: 3,48 Woldest -th-(o)u glase -th-e gable . & graue -th-(er) -th-in name [aaAx]
U: 3,49 Siker schulde -th-i soule . be heuene to haue [aaBb]
U: 3,50 Wyst y -th-(a)t q(uo)d -th-e wo(m)man . -th-(er) nys wyndow ne auter [aaAx]
U: 3,51 -Th-at y ne schulde g(ra)ue and mende . & myn name writen [aaAxx]
U: 3,52 -Th-at eche segge schulde wite . y were soster of -y-o(ur) house [aaAx]
U: 3,53 Ac god & [alle] good folk . swich g(ra)uynge defendith & sei-th- [aaAx]
U: 3,54 { Nesciat sinistra quid faciat dext(er)a } [Latin]
U: 3,55 Lat noght -th-i left halfe . late ne rathe [aaAx]
U: 3,56 Wite what -th-i right half . wurchith ne delith [aaxAx]
U: 3,57 And so p(re)ueliche parte it . -th-at pride be noght seyn [aaAx]
U: 3,58 Neyther in sight ne in soule . for god hym selue knowi-th- [aaAx]
U: 3,59 Who is curteys or kynde . coueytous or elles [aaAx]
U: 3,60 ffor-th-i y rede [-y-ow] lordes to leue swiche writynge [aaAx]
U: 3,61 To writen in wyndowes . of -gh-our wel dedys [aaAx]
U: 3,62 Or to greden aft(ir) godis men . whan -y-e -y-yuen doles [aaAx]
U: 3,63 An aunt(er) -y-e haue here . -y-our mede for -y-our gode [aaAa]
U: 3,64 ffor our saueour it seide . & hym selue p(re)chide [aaAx]
U: 3,64a { Amen Amen dico vobis recep(er)unt m(er)cede(m) sua(m) &c } [Latin]
U: 3,65 Meires & macerys . -th-ei -th-at ben mene [aaAx]
U: 3,66 bytwene -th-e kyng & his comowns . to kepe -th-e lawes [aaAx]
U: 3,67 As to punysche on pylorie . and pynynge stoles [aaAx]
U: 3,68 Breworis and bakeres . bocheris & cokes [aaAx]
U: 3,69 ffor -th-ese arn men i(n) -th-is world . -th-(a)t most harm wurchen [aaAx]
U: 3,70 To -th-e pore peple . -th-at p(ar)celmele biggen [aaAx]
U: 3,71 ffor -th-ei poysene -th-e peple . p(ri)ueyly wol ofte [aaAx]
U: 3,72 And richen -th-urw regratrie . & rentes hem biggen [aaAx]
U: 3,73 Of -th-at -th-e pore peple . schuld putten i(n) her(e) wombes [aaAx]
U: 3,74 ffor ne toke -th-ei so wrongwisly . -th-ei tymbrid not so hie [aaAx]
U: 3,75 Ne bou-gh-te none bargaynes . be -th-(o)u wol c(er)tayn [aaAx]?
U: 3,76 Ac mede -th-e maide . -th-e meire sche bysoughte [aaAx]
U: 3,77 Of alle selleris . silu(er) to take [aaAx]
U: 3,78 O-th-(er) p(re)sent o-th-(er) pens . or pecis of siluer [aaAx]
U: 3,79 Rynges or richesses . -th-ese reg(ra)tours to meynteyne [aaAx]
U: 3,80 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 3,81 And suffre hem to selle . somdel a-y-ens resou(n) [aaAx]
U: 3,82 Salamon -th-e sage . a sarmou(n) he made [aaAx]
U: 3,83 to amenden meires & men . -th-at kepyn -th-e lawes [aaaXx]
U: 3,84 And tok hym -th-is teme . -th-at y telle thenke [aaAx]
U: 3,85 { Ignis deuorabit tab(er)nacula eor(um) qui libent(er) accipiu(n)t mun(er)a } [Latin]
U: 3,86 Among -th-ese lettride men . -th-is latyn amounte-th- [aaAx]
U: 3,87 -Th-(a)t fer schal falle . and forbrenne right at -th-e laste [aaAx]
U: 3,88 -Th-e hous & -th-e homes . of hem -th-at desiren [aaAx]
U: 3,89 To haue mede for here s(er)uyse . in youthe or in elde [????]
U: 3,90 -Th-e king & his conseil com . & callide aftir mede [aaaAx]
U: 3,91 & ofsente here swithe wi-th- . seriauntes here [aaAx]
U: 3,92 ffette and broghte here to boure . wi-th- blisse & w(i)t(h) ioye [aaAx]
U: 3,93 Curteisly -th-e king . comseth to telle [aaAx]
U: 3,94 To mede -th-e maide . moue-th- -th-ese wordes [aaAx]
U: 3,95 Vnwittily wrought hast -th-(o)u wol ofte [aaAx]
U: 3,96 Ac wers wroughtest -th-(o)u neu(er)e . -th-an whan -th-(o)u fals toke [aaXx]
U: 3,97 Ac y forgyue -th-e gilt . and g(ra)unte -th-e g(ra)ce [aaAa]
U: 3,98 Hennes to -th-i deth day . do-th- -th-ou so namore [aaAx]
U: 3,99 I haue a knyt conscience . com late fro by-y-onde [aaAx]
U: 3,100 -Y-if he wilne-th- -th-e to wyue . wolt -th-(o)u hym haue [aaAx]
U: 3,101 -Y-a lord q(uo)d -th-at lady . lord it forbede elles [aaAx]
U: 3,102 But y be holy at -y-our heste . hange me elles [aaAx]
U: 3,103 -Th-an was conscience ycallid . to comyn & aperen [aaAx]
U: 3,104 Byfore -th-e king and his conseil . clerkes and o-th-(er)e [aaAx]
U: 3,105 Knelynge co(n)science . to -th-e king loutide [aaAx]
U: 3,106 What his wille wer(e) . & what he don schulde [aaAx]
U: 3,107 Wolt -th-(o)u wedde -th-is wo(m)man . -y-if y wol assente [aaAx]
U: 3,108 ffor sche is fayn of -th-i felaschipe . for to be -th-i make [aaAxx]
U: 3,109 Q(uo)d conscience to -th-e king . crist it me forbede [aaAx]
U: 3,110 Er y wedde siche a wif . wo me betide [aaAx]
U: 3,111 ffor sche is freel of here feith . fykil of here speche [aaAx]
U: 3,112 Sche makith men mysdo . many score tymes [aaaAx]
U: 3,113 In trust of her tresour . sche troyteth wol manye [aaAx]
U: 3,114 Wyues and wydowes . wantounesse teches [aaAx]
U: 3,115 lerid hem lecherye . -th-at louedyn here -y-yftes [aaXx]
U: 3,116 -Yh-oure fadir sche fellide . -th-urw false byhestes [aaAx]
U: 3,117 Aposowned popes . apeired al holi cherche [aaAx]
U: 3,118 Is noght a bet(er)e baude . by hym -th-at me made [aaAxx]
U: 3,119 Bytwene helle & heuene . & erthe -th-oghe men soghte [aaAx]
U: 3,120 Sche is tykel of here tayl . talwys of here tunge [aaAx]
U: 3,121 As comou(n) as a cartwey . to knaue and to monke [aaAx]
U: 3,122 To mynstrales & messagiers . many tyme in hegges [aaAx]
U: 3,123 Sysours & schereues . siche men here preysen [aaAx]
U: 3,124 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 3,125 Sche do-th- men lese her(e) lyf . and here lond aftir [aaAx]
U: 3,126 And let passe -th-e p(ry)soneres . & paie-th- for hem ofte [aaAx]
U: 3,127 And gyue-th- -th-e gayleris gold . and grotes togidres [aaAx]
U: 3,128 To vnfet(er)e -th-e false . fle wher hym lyketh [aaAx]
U: 3,129 Sche taki-th- treuthe by -th-e top . and teie-th- hym vp faste [aaAx]
U: 3,130 And hangith hym for hatrede . -th-at harmyde neu(er)e [aaAx]
U: 3,131 To be cursed in co(n)storie . sche -y-yue-th- noght a ryssche [aaAx]
U: 3,132 ffor sche cope-th-e -th-e co(m)missarie . and clothith his clerkes [aaAa]
U: 3,133 Sche is assoiled asone . as here selue likith [aaAx]
U: 3,134 Sche may ny as moche do . in a monthe ones [aaAx]
U: 3,135 As -th-e secrete seal . in vij score dayes [aaAx]
U: 3,136 Sche is p(ri)ue wi-th- -th-e pope . p(ro)uysours it knowen [aaAx]
U: 3,137 Sire symonye and hereself . selen -th-e bulles [aaAx]
U: 3,138 Sche blessith -th-ese bysschopes . -th-eigh -th-(a)t -th-ei ben lewed [aaAx]
U: 3,139 P(ro)uendrours p(er)sones . p(re)stes sche meyntene-th- to holde [aaAx]
U: 3,140 le(m)manys and lutebyes . alle her(e) lyf dayes [aaAx]
U: 3,141 And bryngen forth barons . a-y-ens forbode lawes [aaAx]
U: 3,142 -Th-(er)e sche is wi-th- -th-e kyng . wo is -th-e reme [axAx]
U: 3,143 ffor sche is fauorable to false . and fouleth treu-th-e ofte [aaAx]
U: 3,144 Barouns & burgeys . sche bryngith to sorwe [aaAx]
U: 3,145 By Iesu wi-th- here Ieweles . -y-our Iustise sche schendith [aaAx]
U: 3,146 Sche leyth a-y-en -th-e lawe . and lette-th- treuthe ofte [aaAx]
U: 3,147 -Th-(a)t feith may not haue his for-th- . her(e) floryns go so -th-ikke [aaAx]
U: 3,148 Sche ledith lawe as here lyst . & louedays makith [aaAx]
U: 3,149 -Th-e mase for a pore man . -th-oghe he mote eu(er)e [aaAx]
U: 3,150 Law is so lordliche . and lo-th- to maken ende [aaAx]
U: 3,151 Wi-th-outen p(re)sent or pens . sche plesith ful fewe [aaAx]
U: 3,152 Clergie and couetise . sche coupleth togidres [aaAx]
U: 3,153 -Th-is is -th-e lif of -th-at lady . our lord -y-yue here sorwe [aaAx]
U: 3,154 And alle -th-at meintene here men . myschaunce hem betyde [aaAx]
U: 3,155 ffor pore men han no power . to pleyne hem -th-ei-gh-e -th-ei sm(er)tis [aaAx]
U: 3,156 Swiche a maist(er) is mede . among men of gode [aaAx]
U: 3,157 -Th-a(n)ne murnyde mede . and pleynede here to -th-e kyng [aaAx]
U: 3,158 To haue space to speke . spede if sche myghte [aaAx]
U: 3,159 -Th-e king g(ra)untide here g(ra)ce . wi-th- a good wille [aaAx]
U: 3,160 Excuse -th-e -y-if -th-ou canst . y can na more sigge [aaAx]
U: 3,161 ffor conscience accusith -th-e . to cunge -th-e for eu(er)e [aaAx]
U: 3,162 Nay lord q(uo)d -th-at lady . leef hym -th-e werse [aaAx]
U: 3,163 Whan -y-e wite witterly . where -th-e wrong duellith [aaAx]
U: 3,164 -Th-(er) -th-at myschief is gret . mede mai helpe [axAx]
U: 3,165 And -th-ou knowest co(n)science . y com noght to chide [aaAx]
U: 3,166 Ne to dispise -th-i p(er)sone . wi-th- a proud herte [aaAx]
U: 3,167 Wel -th-ou wost conscience . but if -th-ou wolt lye [aaxAx]
U: 3,168 -Th-ou hast hangen on myn half . enleuen tymes [aaAx]
U: 3,169 & ek gripen my gold . and -y-yuen where -th-e likid [aaAx]
U: 3,170 Whi -th-ou wratthest -th-e nou . wondir me thinke-th- [aaAx]
U: 3,171 -Y-it y mai as I myghte . mylde -th-e wi-th- -y-iftes [aaAx]
U: 3,172 & meynteyne -th-i manhood . more -th-an -th-ou knowes [aaAx]
U: 3,173 And -th-ou hast famed me foule . byfore -th-e kyng here [aaAxx]
U: 3,174 ffor kilde y neu(er)e no kyng . ne conseilede -th-(er)aftir [aaAx]
U: 3,175 Ne dide as -th-ou demest . y do it on -th-e kyng [aaAx]
U: 3,176 In normandie was he not . noied for me [aaAx]
U: 3,177 Ac -th-ou self sikerly . conseiledest hym -th-ennes [aaAx]
U: 3,178 Creep in to a caban . for cold of -th-in nailes [aaAx]
U: 3,179 Wendest -th-at wynt(er) . wolde laste eu(er)e [aaAx]
U: 3,180 & draddest -th-e to be deed . for a dym clowde [aaAx]
U: 3,181 & hastidest -th-e homward . for hungir of -th-i wombe [aaAx]
U: 3,182 Wi-th-oute pite -th-ou pilour . pore men -th-ou robbedist [aaAx]
U: 3,183 & bar her bras on -th-i bak . to caleys to selle [aaaXx]
U: 3,184 -Th-(er)e y lefte wi-th- my lord . his lyf for to saue [aaAx]
U: 3,185 And made hym mirthes . fro morwe til eue [aaAx]
U: 3,186 I batride hym on -th-e bak bod . boldide his herte [aaAx]
U: 3,187 & dide hym hoppe for hope . to han at his wille [aaAx]
U: 3,188 Hadde y marchal ou(er)e his men . be mary loue of heuene [aaAx]
U: 3,189 I durste haue leyd my heed . and no lesse wedde [aaAx]
U: 3,190 He schulde haue ben lord of -th-at lond . in lengthe & i(n) brede [aaAx]
U: 3,191 And eek kyng of -th-at kythe . his kyn for to helpe [aaAx]
U: 3,192 -Th-e leste brol of his blood . a barouns pere [aaAx]
U: 3,193 Cowardliche co(n)science . -th-ou conseiledist hym -th-e(n)nes [aaAx]
U: 3,194 To leuen his lordschipe . for a litil siluer [aaAx]
U: 3,195 -Th-(a)t is -th-e ricchest of rewmes . -th-at reyn ou(er)houes [aaAx]
U: 3,196 It bycometh a kyng . -th-at kepith a rewme [aaAx]
U: 3,197 To -y-yuen his men mede . -th-at mekelich hy(m) s(er)uen [aaAx]
U: 3,198 and alienes & alle men . to honoure wi-th- -y-iftis [aaAx]
U: 3,199 Mede makith to be louyd . and for a man holden [aaxAx]
U: 3,200 Emp(er)ours erles . and alle man(er) lordis [aaAx]
U: 3,201 Thurw -y-iftis han -y-onge men . to rennen & to ryde [aaAx]
U: 3,202 -Th-e pope with his p(re)latis . p(re)sentes vndirfongith [aaAx]
U: 3,203 And medith hem hym selue . to meynten his lawes [aaAx]
U: 3,204 Seruantis for here s(er)uise . we sen wel -th-e sothe [aaAa]
U: 3,205 Taken mede of here maistr(i)s . as -th-ei mowen accorde [aaAx]
U: 3,206 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 3,207 Mynstralis for here myrthe . mede -th-ei axen [aaAx]
U: 3,208 -Th-e king ha-th- mede of his men . to make pees i(n) londe [aaAx]
U: 3,209 Men -th-(a)t ben clerkis . crauen of him mede [aaAx]
U: 3,210 P(re)stes -th-at p(re)chen . -th-e peple to gode [aaAx]
U: 3,211 Asken mede & messe pens . & here mete also [aaAx]
U: 3,212 Alle kynne crafty me(n) crauen . mede for her(e) p(re)ntys [aaXx]?
U: 3,213 Mede and marchaundise . mot nede mete togidres [aaAx]
U: 3,214 No wight as I wene . wi-th-oute mede myght libbe [aaAxx]
U: 3,215 Q(uo)d -th-e king to co(n)science . by c(ri)st as me -th-inkith [aaAx]
U: 3,216 Mede is wur-th-i . -th-e maistrie to haue [axAx]
U: 3,217 Nay q(uo)d conscience to -th-e kyng . & knelide to -th-e erthe [aaAx]
U: 3,218 -Th-er(e) arn two man(er)e of medes . lord by -y-our leue [aaAx]
U: 3,219 -Th-e ton god of his g(ra)ce . gyueth in his blisse [aaAx]
U: 3,220 To hem -th-(a)t wurchen wel . whiles -th-ei ben here [aaAx]
U: 3,221 -Th-e p(ro)phete p(re)chide it . and put it in -th-e sauter [aaAx]
U: 3,221a { Qui pecu(n)iam sua(m) no(n) dedit ad vsura(m) &c } [Latin]
U: 3,222 Tak no mede my lord . of men -th-at ben trewe [aaAx]
U: 3,223 Loue hem & lene hem for -th-e lordis loue of heuene [aaAx]?
U: 3,224 Godis mede & his m(er)ci . -th-(er) wi-th- mygthow wynne [aaAx]
U: 3,225 -Th-(er)e is a mede mesureles . -th-at maistr(i)s desyren [aaAx]
U: 3,226 To meyntene mysdoeris . mede -th-ei taken [aaAx]
U: 3,227 & -th-(er)of seith -th-e saut(er) . in a psalmes ende [aaAx]
U: 3,228 { In quor(um) manib(us) i(n)iquitates sunt dext(era) eor(um) repleta e(st) mun(er)ib(us) } [Latin]
U: 3,229 And he -th-at gripeth here gold . so me god helpe [aaAx]
U: 3,230 Schal abye ful bit(er)e . or -th-e book lyes [aaAx]
U: 3,231 P(re)stis and p(er)sones . -th-at plesynges desiren [aaAx]
U: 3,232 Schal take mede and mone . for messis -th-(a)t -th-ei syngen [aaAx]
U: 3,233 Schul haue -th-e mede of -th-is molde . -th-(a)t matheu ha-th- yg(ra)ntid [aaAx]
U: 3,233a { Amen dico vobis recipiebant m(er)cedem suam } [Latin]
U: 3,234 -Th-at laboureris and lond folk . taken of here maistr(i)s [aaXx]
U: 3,235 It is no man(er) mede . but a mesurable hire [aaAx]
U: 3,236 In marchandise is no mede . y mai it wel avowe [aaAx]
U: 3,237 It is ap(er)tly a p(er)mutac(i)ou(n) . a penyworth for ano-th-(er) [aaAx]
U: 3,238 Ac reddist -th-ou neu(er)e { regu(m )} . -th-ou recreiede mede [aaAx]
U: 3,239 Why -th-e vengeaunce fel . on saul and on his children [aaXx]
U: 3,240 God sente him to seye . by samuelis mouthe [aaAx]
U: 3,241 -Th-(a)t achaz & amalech . & al his peple aftir [aaAx]
U: 3,242 Schulde deye for a dede . -th-at don hadde his eldres [aaAx]
U: 3,243 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 3,244 Samuel seide to saul . god sendith -th-e and hotith [aaAx]
U: 3,245 To be buxum & bold . his biddynge to fulfille [aaAx]
U: 3,246 Wende -th-ider wi-th- -th-in ost . wo(m)men to kille [axAx]?
U: 3,247 Children and cherles . choppe hem to dethe [aaAx]
U: 3,248 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 3,249 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 3,250 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 3,251 And for he kilde noght -th-e kyng . as crist hym selue bad [aaAx]
U: 3,252 but coueyted her(e) catel . and kylde noght her(e) bestis [aaAx]
U: 3,253 But broughte wi-th- hem -th-e bestes . as -th-e bible tellith [aaAx]
U: 3,254 God seide to samuel . -th-at saul schulde deye [aaAx]
U: 3,255 And al seed for -th-at synne . schendfulliche ende [aaAx]
U: 3,256 Swich a mysdede mede . made -th-e king to haue [aaAx]
U: 3,257 -Th-at god hatide -th-e kyng for eu(er)e . and alle hise eires aftir [aaAa]
U: 3,258 -Th-e culor(um) of -th-is . kepe I noght to schewe [aaAx]
U: 3,259 An aunt(er) -y-if it noiede me . an ende wil y make [aaAxx]
U: 3,260 In co(n)science knowe y -th-is . for resoun it me taughte [aaAx]
U: 3,261 -Th-at resoun schal reigne . and rewmes gou(er)ne [aaAx]
U: 3,262 And right as agas hadde . ha-th- men schul se som tyme [aaAx]
U: 3,263 Samuel schal slen him . & saul schal be blamyd [aaAx]
U: 3,264 And dauid schal be dyademyd . & daunten he(m) alle [aaAx]
U: 3,265 & one c(ri)stene kyng . to kepen vs echone [aaAx]
U: 3,266 Schal na more mede . ben maister on erthe [aaAx]
U: 3,267 But loue and lownesse . and leute togidres [aaAx]
U: 3,268 And who t(re)spaseth treuliche . and takith a-y-ens right [aaAx]
U: 3,269 His wikkide leute schal don hym lawe . & lese his lif elles [aaAx]
U: 3,270 Schal no s(er)uaunt for his s(er)uise . were no selk gowne [aaAx]
U: 3,271 Ne no ray robe . wi-th- riche pelure [aaAx]
U: 3,272 Mede of mysdoeres . makith hem so riche [aaAx]
U: 3,273 -Th-(a)t lawe is a lord waxen . and leute is pore [aaAx]
U: 3,274 Wykkidnesse is comaundour . & kyndenesse is banyschid [aaAx]
U: 3,275 Ac kynde wit schal come -y-it . and conscience togidre [aaAx]
U: 3,276 And make of lawe a laborer . swich loue schal arise [aaAx]
U: 4,1 Seseth seide -th-e kyng . I suffr(e) -y-ow no lenger(e) [aaAx]
U: 4,2 -Y-e schul saghtlyn forso-th-e . and serue me bothe [aaAx]
U: 4,3 Kusse hire q(uo)d -th-e king . co(n)science y hote [aaAx]
U: 4,4 Nay by god q(uo)d conscience . cunge me rather [aaAx]
U: 4,5 But resoun rede me -th-(er)to . first wol y deie [aaAx]
U: 4,6 And y comande -th-e q(uo)d -th-e king . to co(n)science -th-enne [aaAx]
U: 4,7 Rape -th-e to ride . and resou(n) -th-ou me fecche [aaAx]
U: 4,8 Comaunde hym -th-at he come . my conseil to here [aaAx]
U: 4,9 ffor he schal reule my rewme . and rede me -th-e beste [aaAx]
U: 4,10 Of mede and of mo o-th-(er)e . what man schal her(e) wedde [aaAx]
U: 4,11 And counte wi-th- co(n)science . so me god helpe [aaAx]
U: 4,12 How -th-ou rewliste -th-e peple . lerid and lewed [axAa]
U: 4,13 I am fayn of -th-at forward . seith -th-e freek -th-anne [aaAx]
U: 4,14 And right rennes to resoun . & rownes in his ere [aaaAx]
U: 4,15 Seide as -th-e king him sente . and sitthe took his leue [aaAxx]
U: 4,16 I schal araie me to ride q(uo)d resou(n) . reste -th-e a while [aaaAx]
U: 4,17 And calde conscience his knaue . curteys of speche [aaaAx]
U: 4,18 Set my sadil . vppon suffre til y se my tyme [aaAa]
U: 4,19 And let warrok hym wel . wi-th- rightfulle girthes [aaAx]
U: 4,20 Hang on hym an heuy bridel . & hoold his heued lowe [aaAx]
U: 4,21 & -gh-it schal he make many wehe . er we come -th-(er)e [aaAx]
U: 4,22 -Th-anne conscience on his capil . carie-th- for-th- faste [aaAx]
U: 4,23 & resou(n) wi-th- him right . & rapide hym faste [aaAx]
U: 4,24 At on were wysdom . & wytty his fere [aaAx]
U: 4,25 ffolwide faste for-th- . for -th-ei hadde to done [aaAxx]
U: 4,26 In -th-e chekir and in -th-e chauncerye . to ben deschargid of -th-i(n)gis [aaAx]
U: 4,27 And riden faste for resou(n) . schulde rede hem -th-e beste [aaAx]
U: 4,28 ffor to saue hem self . from schame & from harmes [aaAx]
U: 4,29 Ac co(n)science com first . to -th-e court be a myle weye [aaAx]
U: 4,30 And rowned for-th- wi-th- resou(n) . right to -th-e kyng [aaAx]
U: 4,31 Curteisly -th-e king . -th-anne com in to resoun [aaAx]
U: 4,32 bytwene hym & his sone . sette him on benche [aaAx]
U: 4,33 And wordiden a gret while . wol wisly togidre [aaAx]
U: 4,34 -Th-a(n)ne pees com into -th-e p(ar)lement . & put forth a bille [aaAx]
U: 4,35 How wrong a-y-ens his wille . hadde his wif taken [aaAx]
U: 4,36 And how he rauyschide rose . reynoldes loue [aaAx]
U: 4,37 And margrete of here maydenhed . maugre hir(e) chekis [aaAx]
U: 4,38 Bothe my gees & my gris . his gadelyng(es) fecchen [aaAx]
U: 4,39 I dar noght for him . fighte ne chide [xaAx]
U: 4,40 He borwide of me bayard . he brought hy(m) neu(er)e ageyn [aaAx]
U: 4,41 Ne no ferthyngworth -th-(er)fore . for ought I coude mote plete [aaAxx]
U: 4,42 He meyntenith his men . to murdre myn hyne [aaAx]
U: 4,43 fforstalles my feire . fightes in my chepynge [aaAx]
U: 4,44 Brekith vp my berne dores . and bereth awey my whete [aaAx]
U: 4,45 And takith me but a tayle . for ten quarters otes [aaAx]
U: 4,46 And -y-it he betith me -th-(er)to . and lyth be my maiden [axAx]
U: 4,47 And I am noght so hardy ones on hym to loke [aaAx]
U: 4,48 -Th-o knewe -th-e kyng . he seide soth for co(n)science hy(m) tolde [aaAx]
U: 4,49 Wrong was aferid -th-o . and wisdom bysoughte [axAx]
U: 4,50 To make pees with his pens . and p(ro)fride manye [aaAx]
U: 4,51 And seide hadde I loue of my lord -th-e kyng [aaAx]
U: 4,52 litil wold y recche if pes and his power pleyned hy(m) eu(er)e [aaAx]
U: 4,53 Wisdom wan -th-o . & so dide wyt also [aaAx]
U: 4,54 ffor -th-at wrong hadde don . so wikkide a dede [aaAx]
U: 4,55 And warnyd wrong . with swiche a wys tale [aaAx]
U: 4,56 Whoso wurchith by wille . wratthe maki-th- ofte [aaAx]
U: 4,57 I seye it by my selue . -th-ou schalt it sone fynde [aaAx]
U: 4,58 But mede -th-i pees make . -th-i meschief is vppe [aaAx]
U: 4,59 ffor bo-th-e -th-i lif and -th-i lond . ben in his g(ra)ce [aaAx]
U: 4,60 Wrong -th-anne on wisdom . wepte to helpe hy(m) at nede [aaAx]
U: 4,61 ffor right -th-(er) of is . handy dandy payd [aaXa]
U: 4,62 -Th-anne wisdom & wit . wenten togidr(e)s [aaAx]
U: 4,63 And token mede with hem . m(er)ci to wynne [axAx]
U: 4,64 Pes put for-th- his heued . & his blody panne [aaxAx]
U: 4,65 Wi-th-oute gilt god wot . gat y -th-is scathe [aaAx]
U: 4,66 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 4,67 And wysten wel . -th-at wrong was a schrewe eu(er)e [aaAx]
U: 4,68 And wisdom & wyt . were aboute faste [aaAx]
U: 4,69 To ou(er)come -th-e king . wi-th- catell(e) -y-if -th-ei myghte [aaAx]
U: 4,70 -Th-e king swor be c(ri)st . & be his coroune bo-th-e [aaAx]
U: 4,71 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 4,72 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 4,73 to caste(n) hy(m) i(n) yrens he schal -th-is vij -y-er sen his fet onys [aaAx]
U: 4,74 God wot q(uo)d wysdom . -th-(a)t were noght -th-e beste [aaAx]
U: 4,75 & he amendes mow make . let meinprise hy(m) haue [aaAx]
U: 4,76 & be borw for his bale . & biggen hym bote [aaAa]
U: 4,77 Amende -th-at mysdede . & eu(er)emore do -th-e bet(er)e [aaAx]
U: 4,78 Wit acordith -th-(er)to . & seide -th-e same [???]
U: 4,79 Bet(er)e is bote . bale adoun brynge [aaAa]
U: 4,80 -Th-an bale be bote . and bote neu(er)e -th-e bet(er)e [aaAa]
U: 4,81 -Th-an gan mede to meke here . & m(er)ci bysoughte [aaAx]
U: 4,82 & p(ro)fred pees a p(re)saunt . al of pure golde [aaaAx]
U: 4,83 Haue -th-is of me man q(uo)d sche . to amende -th-i scathe [aaAx]
U: 4,84 ffor I wol wage for wrong . he schal do so namor(e) [aaAx]
U: 4,85 Pees -th-an pitously . preyde to -th-e king [aaAx]
U: 4,86 To haue m(er)ci on -th-at man . -th-at mysdide him ofte [aaAx]
U: 4,87 ffor he ha-th- wagid me wel . as wysdom him taughte [aaAx]
U: 4,88 I forgyue hym -th-at gilt . wi-th- a good wille [aaAx]
U: 4,89 So -y-e assente -th-(er)to . I can sey namore [aaAx]
U: 4,90 ffor he ha-th- mad me amendes . y mai namore axen [aaAx]
U: 4,91 Nay q(uo)d -th-e kyng . so crist -y-yue me blisse [aaAx]
U: 4,92 Wrong wendith not so awey . er y wite more [aaaAx]
U: 4,93 lope he so lightli . laghen he wolde [aaAx]
U: 4,94 & oftere -th-e baldere be . to bete myn hynen [aaAx]
U: 4,95 But resou(n) haue reuthe on hym . he schal resten i(n) stokkis [aaAx]
U: 4,96 As longe as y lyue . but more loue it make [aaAx]
U: 4,97 -Th-anne redde resou(n) . to haue reuthe on -th-at schrewe [aaAx]
U: 4,98 & -th-o co(n)seilede -th-e kyng . and co(n)science bo-th-e [aaAx]
U: 4,99 -Th-(a)t mede most be meinp(er)no(ur) . resou(n) -th-ei bysoughte [aaaXx]?
U: 4,100 Rede me not q(uo)d resou(n) . no reuthe to haue [aaAx]
U: 4,101 Til lordis and ladyes . louen alle treuthe [aaAx]
U: 4,102 And pirnelis p(ur)fil . be put in here hucche [aaAx]
U: 4,103 Til childrenes cherischyng . be chastid with -y-erdes [aaAx]
U: 4,104 And harlotes harlotrie . be holden for an hyne [aaAa]
U: 4,105 Til clerkes & knyghtis . be curteys of here mouthe [aaAx]
U: 4,106 & hate to here harlotrye . or mouthe it hem selue [aaaAx]
U: 4,107 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 4,108 & don it in dede . to drawen vs to gode [aaAx]
U: 4,109 Til seint Iame be ysought . -th-(er) y schal assigne [aaAa]
U: 4,110 -Th-at no man go to galys . but he go for eu(er)e [aaAx]
U: 4,111 And alle Rome rennerys . for robberis of by-y-onde [aaAx]
U: 4,112 Bere no siluer ou(er) see . -th-at coyn of kyng schewith [aaAa]
U: 4,113 Nei-th-(er) grotes ne gold . Ig(ra)ue with kyng(es) coyne [aaAx]
U: 4,114 Vp forfeture of -th-at fee . who fynt hym diu(er)se [aaAx]
U: 4,115 But it be marchaunt or his man . or messager w(i)t(h) l(ett)res [aaAx]
U: 4,116 O-th-(er) p(ro)uysour o-th-(er) prest . -th-at -th-e pope auaunce-th- [aaAx]
U: 4,117 And -y-it q(uo)d resou(n) by -th-e rode . y wol no reuthe haue [aaAx]
U: 4,118 Whil mede ha-th- -th-e maistrie . to moten in -th-is halle [aaAx]
U: 4,119 Ac y mai schewe -y-ow ensaumples . y seie be my selue [aaAx]
U: 4,120 --- this line is om ---
U: 4,121 & it were so y were a kyng wi-th- coroune . to kepen a rewme [aaAx]
U: 4,122 Schulde neu(er)e in -th-is world . -th-at y wite myghte [aaAx]
U: 4,123 Be vnpunysched be my power . for p(er)il of my soule [aaAx]
U: 4,124 Ne gete my g(ra)ce with -gh-iftes . so me god helpe [aaaAx]
U: 4,125 Ne for no mede haue m(er)ci . but mekenesse it made [aaAa]
U: 4,126 ffor { nullu(m) malu(m) inpunitu(m) } -th-e may mete with [aaAx]
U: 4,127 And bad { nullu(m) bonu(m) irremun(er)atu(m) } [aaAx]
U: 4,128 Let -th-i confessour sire kyng . co(n)strue it -th-e in englissche [aaAx]
U: 4,129 & -gh-if -th-ou worche it i(n) werk . y wedde bo-th-e myn er(es) [aaAx]
U: 4,130 -Th-at lawe schal be a laborer . & lede to feld donge [aaAx]
U: 4,131 And loue schal lede -th-i lond . as -th-e best liketh [aaaAx]
U: 4,132 Clerkis -th-at ben co(n)fessours . couple hem togidr(i)s [aaAx]
U: 4,133 ffor to co(n)strue -th-e clause . & declyne it aftir [aaAx]
U: 4,134 Ac whan resou(n) among -th-e renges . had reherced -th-e wordis [aaAx]
U: 4,135 -Th-(er) nas man in -th-e motehalle . more ne lesse [aaAx]
U: 4,136 -Th-at he ne heeld resou(n) a maist(er) & mede . a moche wrecche [xaaAx]
U: 4,137 Loue leet of hire light . and lowhe hire to scorne [aaAx]
U: 4,138 And gredde it so loude . -th-at sothnesse it herde [aaAx]
U: 4,139 ffor who so wylnith her(e) to wyue . for welthe of her(e) godis [aaAx]
U: 4,140 But he be cokewold ycald . cut of myn nose [aaAx]
U: 4,141 Vnwar was wisdom . & ynwit his fere [aaAx]
U: 4,142 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 4,143 But starende & studiande . stode for-th- as bestes [aaAx]
U: 4,144 -Th-e kyng acordide . be crist to resounis sawes [aaAx]
U: 4,145 & reherside -th-at resoun . had rightfulliche schewid [aaAx]
U: 4,146 Ac it is wol hard be myn heued . it -th-(er)to to brynge [aaAx]
U: 4,147 Alle my lige ledes . to leden hem -th-us euene [aaAx]
U: 4,148 By hym -th-at raughte on -th-e rode . q(uo)d resou(n) to -th-e king [aaAx]
U: 4,149 But y reule -th-us -th-i rewme . rend of my ribbes [aaAx]
U: 4,150 -Y-if it be so -th-at buxu(m)nesse . be of myn assent [aaAx]
U: 4,151 And y assente q(uo)d -th-e king . by seinte marie my lady [axAx]
U: 4,152 Be my counseil ycomen . of clerkes & of erles [aaAx]
U: 4,153 Ac redily resoun . -th-ou schalt not riden henne [aaAx]
U: 4,154 ffor as longe as y lyue . loue -th-e y wille [aaAx]
U: 4,155 I am redi q(uo)d resou(n) . to reste wi-th- -y-ou eu(er)e [aaAx]
U: 4,156 So conscience be of our conseil . kepe y no bet(er)e [aaAx]
U: 4,157 I g(ra)unte q(uo)d -th-e king . goddis forbode he failed [aaAbb]
U: 4,158 As longe as y lyue . libbe we togidres [aaAx]
U: 5,1 -Th-e king and his knyghtis . to -th-e cherche wenten [aaAx]
U: 5,2 To here matyns & messe . and sithe to mete aftir [aaAx]
U: 5,3 -Th-an wakid y of my wynkynge . & wo was wi-th-alle [aaAx]
U: 5,4 -Th-(a)t I ne hadde slepe saddere . and yseie more [aaAx]
U: 5,5 Er I hadde faren a furlong . swiche fantesie me hente [aaAx]
U: 5,6 -Th-(a)t y ne myghte fer-th-(er)e a fote . for defaute of slepynge [aaAx]
U: 5,7 I sat softly adoun . & seide my byleue [aaAx]
U: 5,8 And so I bablide on my bedes . -th-ei broughten me aslepe [aaAx]
U: 5,9 -Th-an saw y moche more . -th-an y byfore tolde [aaXx]
U: 5,10 I saw -th-e feld full(e) of folk . -th-at y byfore nempnyd [aaAx]
U: 5,11 And conscience wi-th- a cros . com for to p(re)che [aaAx]
U: 5,12 he p(re)chide -th-e peple . to haue pite on hem selue [aaAx]
U: 5,13 And p(ro)ued -th-at -th-is pestilence . was for pure synne [aaAx]
U: 5,14 And -th-e southwest wynd . on sat(er)day at euen [abAb]
U: 5,15 Was ap(er)tly for synne . and for no thyng elles [aaAx]
U: 5,16 Pyries and plumtres . wer(e) putte to -th-e er-th-e [aaAx]
U: 5,17 In ensaumple seith god . -y-e schulde do -th-e betere [aaAx]
U: 5,18 Beches & brode okes . weren blowen to -th-e grounde [aaAx]
U: 5,19 And t(ur)nyd vp -th-e tayl . in toknynge of drede [aaAx]
U: 5,20 -Th-(a)t deth er domesday . schal fordon hem alle [aaAx]
U: 5,21 Of -th-is mat(er)e myght y . mamle wol longe [aaAx]
U: 5,22 Ac y schal seie as y seide . so me god helpe [aaAxx]
U: 5,23 How conscience with a cros . com for to p(re)che [aaAx]
U: 5,24 He bad wastour go wirche . what he best coude [aaAxx]
U: 5,25 And wynne -th-at he wastide . wi-th- som kynne crafte [aaAxx]
U: 5,26 he p(re)chid pyrnel . here purfil to leue [aaAx]
U: 5,27 And kepe it in here coffre . for catel at nede [aaAx]
U: 5,28 Thomas he tau-gh-te . to take two staues [aaAx]
U: 5,29 And fecche hom felice . from heuene wyuene pyne [aaAxx]
U: 5,30 He warnyd watte . his wif was to blame [aaAx]
U: 5,31 -Th-at here heued was wur-th- a mark . & his hood not a grote [abAb]
U: 5,32 He chargide chapmen . to chasti-gh-e here children [aaAa]
U: 5,33 Let no welthe forwany hem . whiles -th-at -th-ei ben -y-onge [aaAx]
U: 5,34 He p(re)chide p(re)latis . and p(re)stes togidres [aaAx]
U: 5,35 -Th-(a)t -th-ei p(re)che -th-e peple . and p(ro)ue it hem selue [aaAx]
U: 5,36 And libben as -y-e lerne vs . for we wol loue -y-ou -th-e bet(er)e [aaAx]
U: 5,37 And sithen he radde religious . here rewle to kepe [aaAx]
U: 5,38 laste -th-e king and his conseil -y-our . comunes apeire [aaAx]
U: 5,39 And be stiward in -y-ore stede . so -th-at -y-e cheue -th-e bet(er)e [aaAx]
U: 5,40 And -y-e -th-at seken seint Iame . and seintes in rome [aaAx]
U: 5,41 Sekith seint treu-th-e . for he mai saue -y-ou alle [aaAx]
U: 5,42 { Qui cu(m) p(at)re & filio } . -th-at faire -y-ow mote byfalle [xaAx]
U: 5,43 -Th-an repentaunce . rehercede his teme [aaAx]
U: 5,44 And made wille to wepe watir . wi-th- his eien [aaaAx]
U: 5,45 Pirnel proud herte . plat here to -th-e erthe [aaAx]
U: 5,46 And lay lange er sche lokide . & lord m(er)ci cride [aaaAx]
U: 5,47 And byhighte to him . -th-at vs alle made [aaAx]
U: 5,48 Sche schulde vnsowe here serke . & sette -th-(er) an heyre [aaAx]
U: 5,49 To affayten here flesche . -th-at fresch was to synne [aaAx]
U: 5,50 Schal neu(er)e hye herte me hende . but holde me lowe [aaaAx]
U: 5,51 And suffre to be mysseyd . and so dide y neu(er)e [aaAxx]
U: 5,52 But now wil y meke me . and m(er)ci byseche [aaAx]
U: 5,53 Of al -th-at y haue had enuye . in myn herte [aa?a]
U: 5,54 Lechour seide allas . & on our lady cride [aaAx]
U: 5,55 To make amendes for his mysdede . betwene god & hym [aaaXx]
U: 5,56 Wi-th- -th-at he schulde sat(ir)dayes . vij -y-er -th-(er)aftir [aaAx]
U: 5,57 Drynk but wi-th- -th-e goos goos . and dyne but onys [aaAx]
U: 5,58 Enuye wi-th- heuy herte . askid aftir schrifte [aaaAx]
U: 5,59 And carfulli his coupe . he gynne-th- to schewe [aaAx]
U: 5,60 he was as pale as a pelat . & palatik semyde [aaAx]
U: 5,61 He was clothid in a caurymawry . I couthe hy(m) not descrie [aaAx]
U: 5,62 A kirtil & a courtepy . a knyf be his side [aaAx]
U: 5,63 Of a freris frogge . were -th-e forme sleues [aaAx]
U: 5,64 As a leek -th-at hadde yleye . longe in -th-e sonne [aaAx]
U: 5,65 So lokide he wi-th- lene chekis . lourynge foule [aaAx]
U: 5,66 His body was bolnyd for wro-th- . -th-at he boot his lippe [aaxAx]
U: 5,67 And wrothliche he wro-th- his fyst . to wreken hy(m) he -th-ou-gh-te [aaAx]
U: 5,68 Wi-th- werk or wi-th- word . whan he sey his tyme [aaAxx]
U: 5,69 Venym or vergeous . or vynegr(e) y trowe [aaAx]
U: 5,70 Walwe-th- in my wombe . and waxe-th- as I wene [aaAa]
U: 5,71 I myght not many day do . as a man myghte [aaAx]
U: 5,72 Siche wynd in my wombe . wexith er y dyne [aaAx]
U: 5,73 I haue a ney-gh-bo(ur) ney me . I haue noyed hym wol ofte [aaAx]
U: 5,74 & blamyd hym behynd his bak . to bry(n)gen hym i(n) fame [aaaAx]
U: 5,75 To apeiren hym with my power . y p(ur)suyed ofte [aaAx]
U: 5,76 And yley on hym to lordes . to don hym lese siluer [aaAx]
U: 5,77 And don his frendis ben his fon . -th-urw his false tunge [aaAx]
U: 5,78 His g(ra)ce and his gode happis . greuyd me sore [aaAx]
U: 5,79 Bytwene hym & his meyne . I haue mad ofte wratthe [xaAx]
U: 5,80 Bo-th-e his lyme and his lif . was lost -th-urw my tunge [aaAx]
U: 5,81 Whan I mette hym in market . -th-at y most hatide [aaAx]
U: 5,82 I hailsed hym as hendely . as I his frend were [aaAxx]
U: 5,83 He is dou-gh-tier -th-an I I dar . non harm don hym [aaAx]
U: 5,84 Ac hadde I maistry o-th-(er) myght . I wolde murthre hy(m) for eu(er)e [aaAx]
U: 5,85 Whan y come to -th-e chirche . and knele afore -th-e rode [aaAx]
U: 5,86 To p(re)ie for -th-e peple . as -th-e p(re)st me techith [aaAx]
U: 5,87 --- this line om ---
U: 5,88 Aftir -th-at I p(ra)y on my knees . our lady -y-yue hym sorwe [aaAx]
U: 5,89 -Th-at bar awey my bolle . and my brode schete [aaAx]
U: 5,90 ffro -th-e auter . y turne myn ei-gh-e and byholde [aaAx]
U: 5,91 how hayne ha-th- a newe cote y wysche it wer(e) my(n) owen [aaAx]
U: 5,92 And al -th-e wele -th-at he ha-th- greueth me wel sore [aaAx]
U: 5,93 Of his lesynge y smyle . and -th-(er)of lawhe-th- myn herte [aaAx]
U: 5,94 Ac of his wynnynge I wepe . and waile -th-e tyme [aaAx]
U: 5,95 I deme men -th-(er)e y do ille . and -y-et I do werse [aaAx]
U: 5,96 Y wolde -th-at ech wight . were my knaue [aaAx]
U: 5,97 And whoso ha-th- more -th-an y . -th-at angrith myn herte [aaAa]
U: 5,98 I wolde -th-at ech wight were my knaue
U: 5,98 -Th-us y lyue loueles . like a lither dogge [aaAx]
U: 5,99 -Th-at al bolnyth my breste . for biter of my galle [aaAx]
U: 5,100 May no sucre ne swete -th-ing . swagen it an vnche [aaAx]
U: 5,101 Ne no diapenydion . driue it fro myn herte [aaAx]?
U: 5,102 Yf -th-at schrifte schulde . it were a gret wondir [aaAx]
U: 5,103 -Gh-ys redily q(uo)d repentaunce . and radde hym to gode [aaAx]
U: 5,104 Sorwe for synne . saue-th- wol manye [aaAx]
U: 5,105 I am sory q(uo)d enuye . y am but seldom o-th-(er) [aaAx]
U: 5,106 -Th-(a)t makith me so mad . for I ne mai me venge [aaAx]
U: 5,107 -Th-an cam couetise . y can noght descrye [aaAx]
U: 5,108 So hungry and so holwe . sir heruy him lokide [aaAx]
U: 5,109 He was babirlippid and eek biterbrowed [aaAx]
U: 5,110 Wi-th- two blerid ey-gh-en as a lethern purse [axAx]
U: 5,111 In a tore tabard . of xij wynt(er) age [aaAx]
U: 5,112 But a lows coude lepe . y mai it not trowe [aaXa]
U: 5,113 -Th-(a)t he ne schulde slideren -th-(er)on . so was -th-redbare [aaAx]
U: 5,114 I haue louyd couetise al my lif tyme
U: 5,115 I knowe it here byfore crist & his clene modir [aaAx]
U: 5,115 for som tyme serued I . symme at -th-e noke [aaAx]
U: 5,116 And was his p(re)ntis aplight . his p(ro)fit to loke [aaAx]
U: 5,117 ffirst lernyde y to lye . a leef o-th-(er) tweye [aaAx]
U: 5,118 Wikkidly to wynne . was my firste lessou(n) [aaAxx]
U: 5,119 To winchestre and to wy . y wente to -th-e feire [aaAx]
U: 5,120 Wi-th- many man(er) marchaundise . as my maist(er) me tau-gh-te [aaAx]
U: 5,121 Ne hadde -th-e g(ra)ce of [god] . gon among my ware [aaAx]
U: 5,122 It ben vnsold -th-is vij -y-er . so me god helpe [aaAxx]
U: 5,123 -Th-an drow y me to draperis . my donet to lere [aaAx]
U: 5,124 To drawe -th-e lysour along . -th-e lengere it semyth [aaAx]
U: 5,125 Among -th-e riche raies . y rendrid a lessou(n) [aaAx]
U: 5,126 prochid hem wi-th- a pak nedle . ypleyted hem togidre [aaAx]
U: 5,127 Putte hem in a p(re)ssour . and pynned hem -th-(er)ynne [aaAx]
U: 5,128 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 5,129 My wif was a breust(er)e . & wollen clothe made [aaAx]
U: 5,130 And spak to -th-e spynst(er)e . to spynnen it softe [aaAx]
U: 5,131 -Th-e pound -th-at sche weyed . by was a quart(er) more [aaAx]
U: 5,132 -Th-an ony almesdede . whan sche weyede treuthe [aaAx]
U: 5,133 I boughte her(e) barly . sche brew it to selle [aaAx]
U: 5,134 Penyale and pilewhew . sche pouride togidres [aaAx]
U: 5,135 ffor labouros for lo-th- folk . -th-at lyuen by hem selue [aaAx]
U: 5,136 -Th-e beste in my bed chambre . lith by -th-e wowes [aaAx]
U: 5,137 And whoso bu(m)med -th-(er)of . he bou-gh-t it -th-(er)aftir [abAb]
U: 5,138 A galon for a grote . god wot no lesse [aaAx]
U: 5,139 Whan it cometh yn cuppemale . -th-at c(ra)ft my wif vsed [aaAx]
U: 5,140 Rose -th-e reg(ra)tor . is here right name [aaAx]
U: 5,141 Sche ha-th- holden osterye . -th-is xj wynt(er) [aaAx]
U: 5,142 Ac y swere now so-th-ly . -th-at synne schal y lete [aaAx]
U: 5,143 Ne neu(er)e wynne wykkidly . ne no chaffar(e) make [aaAx]
U: 5,144 But wende to walsingh(a)m . and my wif alse [aaAx]
U: 5,145 And bidde -th-e rode of bromholm . to brynge vs out of dette [aaAx]
U: 5,146 Now begynneth glotou(n) . for to go to schrifte [aaAx]
U: 5,147 And caried him to chircheward . his synne for to schewe [aaAx]
U: 5,148 And betoun -th-e breuster(e) . -th-(er)e bad him gode morwe [aaAx]
U: 5,149 And sche askid of him . whiderward he wolde [aaAx]
U: 5,150 To holi chirche q(uo)d he . for to here messe [aaAx]
U: 5,151 And sithen y wol be schryuen . and synne na more [aaAx]
U: 5,152 I haue good ale q(uo)d sche . glotou(n) wilt -th-(o)u assaie [aaAx]
U: 5,153 hastow ought q(uo)d he . ony hote spices [aaAx]
U: 5,154 -Y-a glotou(n) gossib . god woot wel hote [aaAx]
U: 5,155 I haue pepir and piany . and a pound of garlyk [aaAx]
U: 5,156 And a ferthyng wor-th- of fenkil seed . for fastynge dayes [aaAx]
U: 5,157 -Th-anne goo-th- glotoun In . and grete othes aftir [aaAx]
U: 5,158 Cesse -th-e soust(er)e . sat on -th-e benche [aaAx]
U: 5,159 Watte -th-e waffrer . and his wyf bo-th-e [aaAx]
U: 5,160 Thomme -th-e tynker(e) . and two of his knaues [aaAx]
U: 5,161 Hikke -th-e hakeneman . and hobbe -th-e mylner [aaAx]
U: 5,162 Clares of cokkeslane . & -th-e clerk of -th-e cherche [aaAx]
U: 5,163 Dawe -th-e dykere . and a doseyne o-th-(er)e [aaAx]
U: 5,164 A ribibo(ur) a raton(er) . a rakere of chepe [aaAx]
U: 5,165 A rop(er)e a redyngkyng . and rose -th-e disschere [aaAx]
U: 5,166 And vpholderes . erly be -th-e morwe [aaAx]
U: 5,167 Gaf glotou(n) wi-th- glad chere . god ale to drynke [aaAbb]
U: 5,168 Clement -th-e coblere . cast of his cloke [aaAa]
U: 5,169 And at -th-e newe feire . ne(m)pnyde it to selle [axAx]
U: 5,170 Hykke -th-e osteler . hitte his hood aftir [aaAa]
U: 5,171 And bette -th-e bocher . to be on his side [aaaAx]
U: 5,172 -Th-(er) were chapmen ychose . -th-e chaffare to p(re)ise [aaAx]
U: 5,173 -Th-(a)t who so hadde -th-e hood schulde haue . amendes of -th-e cloke [aaXx]?
U: 5,174 -Th-ei risen vp in rape . and rownede togidres [aaAx]
U: 5,175 And p(re)isede -th-e penyworthes . ap(er)tly by hem selue [aaAx]
U: 5,176 -Th-(er) were o-th-es on an heep . -th-ei couthe not -y-it iugge [aaAa]
U: 5,177 Ne by here clene conscience . accorden togidres [aaAx]
U: 5,178 Til robyn -th-e rop(er)e . was rad vp to rise [aaAa]
U: 5,179 And ne(m)pnyd for a nou(m)piere . -th-at no debate were [aaAa]
U: 5,180 Hikke -th-e osteler . [-th-an] hadde -th-e cloke [aaAx]
U: 5,181 In couenaunt -th-at clement . -th-e cuppe schulde fille [aaAx]
U: 5,182 And han hikkes hood -th-e osteler . & holde hy(m) yserued [aaaAx]
U: 5,183 And whoso repentist ra-th-(er)e . schulde ryse afore [aaAx]
U: 5,184 And grete sire glotou(n) . wi-th- a galoun of ale [aaAx]
U: 5,185 -Th-(er) was lawhynge & lurkynge . & let go -th-e cuppe [aaAx]
U: 5,186 Bargaynes and beu(er)eches . bygonne to rise [aaAx]
U: 5,187 And seten so til euensong . and sungen somwhile [aaAx]
U: 5,188 Til glotou(n) hadde ygolped . a galou(n) & a gille [aaAa]
U: 5,189 He pissed a potel . in a p(ate)rn(oste)r while [aaAx]
U: 5,190 And blewe -th-e rounde ryuet . at -th-e riggebonys ende [aaAx]
U: 5,191 -Th-(a)t alle -th-at herden -th-at horn . heeld here nose aftir [aaAa]
U: 5,192 And wisschide it hadde waxid . wi-th- a wyspe of fyre [aaAx]
U: 5,193 He ne hadde no strengthe to stande . til he his staf hadde [aaAx]
U: 5,194 & -th-an gan he go . lik a glewma(n)nys bicche [aaAx]
U: 5,195 Som tyme aside . and som tyme arere [aaAx]
U: 5,196 As who leide lynes . to lacche wilde foules [aaAx]
U: 5,197 Whan he drow to -th-e dore . -th-an dymmede his eien [aaAx]
U: 5,198 He stumblide on -th-e throschfold . and stey to -th-e
er-th-e [aaAx]
U: 5,198 Clement -th-e coblere tau-gh-te glotou(n) by -th-e
U: 5,198 and for to lyste hym a loft leide hym on his knees
U: 5,198 and glotou(n) was a gret cherl and grym in -th-e
U: 5,198 and cowhede vp a cawdel in cleme(n)tis lappe
U: 5,198 -Th-at -th-e hungrist hound of hertforde schire
U: 5,198 Ne durste lape of -th-at laneyne so vnloueli it
U: 5,199 Wi-th- al -th-e wo of -th-is world . his wif & his wenche [aaAa]
U: 5,200 Beren hym to his bed . and broghten hym -th-(er)ynne [aaAx]
U: 5,201 And aftir al -th-is surfet . an accidie he hadde [aaxAa]
U: 5,202 -Th-at he sleep satirday and sonday . til so(n)ne -y-ede to reste [aaaAx]
U: 5,203 -Th-an wakid he of his wynkynge . & wypide his ei-gh-en [aaAx]
U: 5,204 -Th-e first word -th-at he spak what . whare is -th-e bolle [aaAx]
U: 5,205 His wif blamyde hym -th-anne . of wikkidnesse & synne [aaAx]
U: 5,206 -Th-an was -th-e schrewe aschamed . & schrapid his eres [aaAx]
U: 5,207 And gan to grete grymly . and gret dool made [aaAx]
U: 5,208 ffor -th-e lither lyf . -th-at he lyued hadde [aaAx]
U: 5,209 And avowed to faste . for hungir or for -th-riste [aaAxx]
U: 5,210 Schal neu(er)e fissche on -th-e friday . defien i(n) my mawe [aaAx]
U: 5,211 Er abstinence myn aunte . haue -y-yuen me leue [aaAxx]
U: 5,212 And -y-it haue y hatide her(e) . al my lif tyme [aaAxx]
U: 5,213 Slowthe for sorwe . fel dou(n) aswoune [aaXa]
U: 5,214 Til Vigilate wol . fecche wat(ir) to his eien [aaAx]
U: 5,215 & flat on here face . & faste on hym cride [aaAx]
U: 5,216 & seide war -th-e fro wanhope . he wil -th-e byt(ra)ye [aaAx]
U: 5,217 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 5,218 & beet -th-i self on -th-e breest . and bid hym of g(ra)ce [aaAx]
U: 5,219 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 5,220 -Th-an sat slouthe vp . and saynede hym faste [aaAx]
U: 5,221 & made avowe to v(er)rey god . for his foule slouthe [aaAx]
U: 5,222 Schal no sonday be -th-is vij . but seknesse it make [aaAx]
U: 5,223 -Th-at y ne schal do me er day . to -th-e p(ar)ische chirche [aaAx]
U: 5,224 And here matyns and messe . as I a monk were [aaAx]
U: 5,225 Schal non ale aft(ir) mete . holde me -th-ennes [aaAx]
U: 5,226 Til y haue euensong yherd . y byhote -th-e rode [aaAx]
U: 5,227 And -y-it I wol -y-elde a-y-en . if y so mochil haue [aaAxx]
U: 5,228 -Th-at y wikkidliche wan . sithen y wit hadde [aaAx]
U: 5,229 And -th-oi-gh-e lyflode me faile . letten y ne wolle [aaAx]
U: 5,230 -Th-(a)t euery man schal haue his . er y hennes wende [aaAx]
U: 5,231 And wi-th- -th-e residue and -th-e remenant . by -th-e rode of chestr(e) [aaAx]
U: 5,232 I wol seke treuthe . er y see rome [axAx]
U: 5,233 Rob(er)d -th-e robbere . on reddite lokide [aaAx]
U: 5,234 and for -th-(er) was noght wher wi-th- . he weep swithe sore [aaAx]
U: 5,235 And -y-it -th-at synful schrewe . seide to hym selue [aaAa]
U: 5,236 Crist -th-(a)t on caluary . on -th-e croys deide [aaAx]
U: 5,237 -Th-o dismas my bro-th-(er) bysoughte hym of g(ra)ce [????]
U: 5,238 And -th-ou haddest m(er)ci on -th-at man . for mem(en)to sake [aaAx]
U: 5,239 -Th-i wille wurche vppon me . as y haue deseruyd [aaAx]
U: 5,240 To haue helle for eu(er)e . -y-if -th-at hope ne were [aaAx]
U: 5,241 So rewe on -th-is Roberd . -th-at reed non haue-th- [aaAx]
U: 5,242 Ne neu(er)e wene-th- to wynne . wi-th- craft -th-at he knowith [aaAxx]
U: 5,243 But for -th-i grete m(er)ci . mitigaciou(n) y beseche [aaAx]
U: 5,244 Da(m)pne me noght at domesday . for -th-at I dide so ille [aaAx]
U: 5,245 But what byfel of -th-is felou(n) . y can noght faire schewe [aaAx]
U: 5,246 Wel y wot he wepte faste wat(ir) . wi-th- his ei-gh-en [aaaAx]
U: 5,247 And knowlichid his gilt . -y-it eftsones [aaAx]
U: 5,248 -Th-at penitencia his pyke . schulde pulsche newe [aaAx]
U: 5,249 And leep wi-th- him ou(er) lond . al his lyf tyme [aaAx]
U: 5,250 ffor he hadde ley by latro . luciferys aunte [aaAx]
U: 5,251 A -th-ousend men and mo -th-o . thrungen togidres [aaAx]
U: 5,252 Wepynge & weylynge . for here wickide dedys [aaAx]
U: 5,253 Cryden vpward to crist . and to his clene modir [aaAx]
U: 5,254 To haue g(ra)ce to seke treuthe . so god leue -th-at -th-ei mote [aaAx]
U: 6,1 Ac -th-(er) were fewe so wise . -th-e wey -th-ider coude [aaAx]
U: 6,2 But blustren for-th- as bestis . ouer valeys or hilles [aaAx]
U: 6,3 Til late & longe . -th-at -th-ei a lede mette [aaAx]
U: 6,4 Parayled as a paynym . in pilgrymes wise [aaAx]
U: 6,5 He bar a bourdon ybounde . wi-th- a brood lyste [aaAx]
U: 6,6 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 6,7 A bagge and a bolle . he bar be his side [aaAx]
U: 6,8 An hundred of ampoles . on his hat seten [aaAx]
U: 6,9 Signes of synay . and schelles of gales [aaAx]
U: 6,10 And many a cros on his cloke . and keyes of rome [aaAx]
U: 6,11 And [-th-e] v(er)nycle hym byforn . for men schulde hym knowe [aaAxx]
U: 6,12 And seen by his signes . whom he soughte hadde [aaAx]
U: 6,13 -Th-is folk frayneth him faire . for hym -th-(a)t hy(m) made
U: 6,14 ffro whennes -th-at he come & whiderward he schulde [aaaAxx]
U: 6,14 ffro synay he seide . and fro -th-e sepulcre [aaAx]
U: 6,15 At bethlem at babyloyne . I haue ben in bo-th-e [aaAa]
U: 6,16 In ermenye in alisaundre . in many o-th-(er) places [aaAx]
U: 6,17 -Y-e mow seen be my signes . -th-at sitten on myn hatte [aaAx]
U: 6,18 -Th-at y haue walkid wide . in weet and in drie [aaaAx]
U: 6,19 And sought gode seyntes . for my soule hele [aaAx]
U: 6,20 Knowest -th-(o)u aught a corseynt q(uo)d -th-ei . -th-(a)t men callen treuthe [aaAx]
U: 6,21 Canst -th-(o)u wisse vs -th-e wey . where -th-at he duellith [aaAx]
U: 6,22 Nay so me god helpe . seis -th-e gome -th-enne [axAx]
U: 6,23 Saw y neu(er)e palm(er)e wi-th- pike . ne wi-th- scrippe [aaXx]?
U: 6,24 Axen aftir hym . eer -th-an now in -th-is place [aaAxx]
U: 6,25 Petir q(uo)d a plowman . and putte for his heued [aaAx]
U: 6,26 y knowe hym as kyndely . as clerk do-th- his bokes [aaAx]
U: 6,27 Clene conscie(n)ce & wyt . kende me to his place [aaAx]
U: 6,28 And diden me to sure hym . to serue hym for eu(er)e [aaAx]
U: 6,29 Bothe now and sithe . whil y swynke myghte [aaAx]
U: 6,30 I haue ben his falwere . al -th-is fourty wynt(er) [xaAx]
U: 6,31 Bothe sowen his seed . and kepid his bestis [aaAx]
U: 6,32 And eek kepid his corn . and caryed it to house [aaAx]
U: 6,33 Dyken and doluen . and do what he highte [aaAx]
U: 6,34 Wi-th-eynne and wi-th-oute . to wayten his p(ro)fit [aaAx]
U: 6,35 -Th-(er) nys no labourer in his lordschipe . -th-at hym like-th- bet(er)e [aaAx]
U: 6,36 ffor -th-oghe y seie it my selue . y serue him to plese [aaAx]
U: 6,37 I haue myn hire of hym weel . and o-th-(er)while more [aaAx]
U: 6,38 He is -th-e p(re)stiste paiere . -th-(a)t pore men knowen [aaAx]
U: 6,39 He ne halt none hyne his hire . -th-(a)t he ne ha-th- it at eue [aaAx]
U: 6,40 He is as low as a lomb . and louely of speche [aaAx]
U: 6,41 And -y-if -th-at -y-e wille wite . whare -th-at he duellith [aaAx]
U: 6,42 I schal wisse -y-ow . -th-e wey right to his place [aaAx]
U: 6,43 -Gh-a leue p(er)s q(uo)d -th-e pilg(ri)mes . and p(ro)fride hym hire [aaAx]
U: 6,44 Nay by -th-e p(er)il of my soule . q(uo)d p(er)us & gan for to swer(e) [axAx]
U: 6,45 I nolde fonge a ferthing . for seint thomas schryne [aaAxx]
U: 6,47 Ac -y-e -th-at wilne-th- to wende . -th-is is -th-e weye -th-ider [aaAx]
U: 6,46 ffor treuthe wolde loue me -th-e wers . a long tyme aftir [abBa]
U: 6,48 -Y-e mote go -th-urw meknesse . bo-th-e men and wyues [aaAx]
U: 6,49 Til -y-e come to co(n)science . -th-at crist wite -th-e sothe [aaAx]
U: 6,50 -Th-at -y-e loue hym leu(er)e . -th-an -th-e lif in -y-our hertes [aaAx]
U: 6,51 & -th-a(n)ne -y-o(ur) ney-gh-bo(ur) next . in none wise to apeire [aaAx]
U: 6,52 O-th-(er) wise -th-an -y-e wolde men . wroghte to -y-ou selue [aaAx]
U: 6,53 And so bowe-th- for-th- by a brook . be-th- buxum of speche [aaAx]
U: 6,54 ffor-th- til -y-e fynde a forde . -gh-o(ur) fadres honoureth [aaAx]
U: 6,55 Wades in -th-at wat(ir) . & wassche -y-ou -th-(er)ynne [aaAx]
U: 6,56 & -y-e schul lepe -th-e lightlokere . al -y-our lyf tyme [aaAx]
U: 6,57 So schul -y-e se . swer not but it be for nede [aaAx]
U: 6,58 & namly on -th-e ydel . name of god almyghte [aaAx]
U: 6,59 -Th-an schul -y-e come by a croft . cometh noght -th-(er)ynne [aaAx]
U: 6,60 -Th-e croft hatte coueite not . me(n)nys catel ne her(e) wyues [aaAx]
U: 6,61 Ne none of here s(er)uaunt-gh- . -th-at hem noye myghte [axAx]
U: 6,62 Loke -th-ou breke none bowes . -th-(er)e
U: 6,62 but -th-ei be -y-our owene [aaAx]
U: 6,63 Two stokkes -th-(er) stonden . but stynte -y-e noght -th-(er)e [aaAx]
U: 6,64 -Th-ei hoten stel noght ne sle not . but strike for-th- by bo-th-e [aaAx]
U: 6,65 Leue hem on -th-e left half . and loke noght -th-(er)aftir [aaAx]
U: 6,66 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 6,67 -Th-an schalt -th-(o)u see blenche a bak . bere no fals witnes [aaAx]
U: 6,68 He is frethid yn wi-th- floryns . and o-th-(er)e fee-gh- manye [aaAx]
U: 6,69 Loke -th-ou plukke no plantes . -th-(er)e for p(er)il of -th-i soule [aaAx]
U: 6,70 -Th-an schalt -th-(o)u se . sey soth so it be to done [aaAx]
U: 6,71 And loke -th-at -th-ou lye noght . for nome ma(n)nys biddynge [aaXx]
U: 6,72 -Th-an schalt -th-(o)u come to a court . as clere as -th-e sonne [aaAx]
U: 6,73 -Th-e moot is of m(er)ci . -th-e man(er) al aboute [aaAx]
U: 6,74 And alle -th-e walles ben of wit . to holde wel -th-(er)oute [aaAx]
U: 6,75 -Th-e kirnelis ben of cristendom . -th-e kynde to saue [aaAx]
U: 6,76 And briteschid wi-th- byleue . or elles -th-(o)u best noght saued [aaAx]
U: 6,77 Alle houses ben helid . halle and chaumbres [aaAx]
U: 6,78 Wi-th- no leed but wi-th- loue . as bre-th-(er)en of one wombe [aaaXx]
U: 6,79 -Th-e tour -th-(er) treuthe . him selue is is vp to -th-e sunne [aaXx]
U: 6,80 He mai do wi-th- -th-e day sterre . what hym good likith [aaAx]
U: 6,81 Deeth dar not do -th-ing . -th-at he defendith [aaAx]
U: 6,82 Grace hatte -th-e gateward . a good man forsothe [aaAx]
U: 6,83 His man hatte amende -y-ow . for many man hym knowith [aaAx]
U: 6,84 Tel hym -th-is tokne . treuthe woot -th-e sothe [aaAx]
U: 6,85 I p(er)forned -th-e penaunce . -th-at -th-e p(re)st me enioynede [aaAx]
U: 6,86 And y am sory for my synnes . and so schal y eu(er)e [aaAx]
U: 6,87 Whan I -th-(er)on -th-enke . -th-owe y were a pope [axAx]
U: 6,88 Biddith amende -y-ou meke hym . to his maister [aaAx]
U: 6,89 Ones to wynne vp -th-e wyket . -th-at -th-e wight schette-th- [aaAx]
U: 6,90 -Th-o Adam & eue . eten here bane [aaAx]
U: 6,91 ffor he ha-th- -th-e keies and -th-e cliket . -th-eghe -th-e king Clepe [aaAx]
U: 6,92 And -y-if g(ra)ce g(ra)unte . -th-e to gon in on -th-is wise [aaAx]
U: 6,93 -Th-ou schalt se treuthe himselue . sitten in -th-in herte [aaAx]
U: 6,94 And lerne -th-e for to loue . and his lawes holde [aaAx]
U: 6,95 Ac be war of wretthe noght . -th-at wickide schrewe [aaAx]
U: 6,96 ffor he ha-th- enuye to him . -th-at in -th-in herte sitteth [aaAx]
U: 6,97 And lokith for pride . to p(re)yse -th-i selue [aaAx]
U: 6,98 -Th-e boldnesse of -th-at benfeet . makith -th-e blynd -th-enne [aaAx]
U: 6,99 And so wurst -th-ou dryuen out as dew . and -th-e dore closid [aaAx]
U: 6,100 ykeied and ycliketid . to holde -th-e -th-(er)oute [aaAx]
U: 6,101 Happily an hundrid wynt(er) . er -th-ou eft entre [aaAa]
U: 6,102 -Th-us myghte -th-ou lese his loue . to lete wel be -th-i selue [aaAx]
U: 6,103 And gete it ageyn -th-urw g(ra)ce . and -th-urw no -th-ing elles [aaAx]
U: 6,104 Ac -th-(er) arn vij doutres . -th-at seruen treuthe eu(er)e [aaAx]
U: 6,105 And ben porters at -th-e posterne . -th-(a)t to -th-e place longith [aaAx]
U: 6,106 -th-e ton hatte abstinence . hu(m)ilite ano-th-(er) [aaAx]
U: 6,107 Chastite and charite . ben here cheef n [aaAx]
U: 6,108 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 6,109 largice -th-at lady . letith yn wol manye [aaAx]
U: 6,110 Ac sche is sib to -th-e sistres . so me god helpe [aaAxx]
U: 6,111 He is wondirly vnwolcome . and vnfair vndinfongen [aaBb]
U: 6,112 But if he be sib to some . of -th-ese seuene [aaA]?
U: 6,113 It is wol hard be myn heued . ony of -y-ow alle [aaAa]
U: 6,114 Gete ingate at eny . but g(ra)ce be -th-e more [aaaAx]
U: 6,115 By crist q(uo)d a cuttepurs . y haue no kyn -th-(er)e [aaAx]
U: 6,116 Ne y q(uo)d an apeward . by aught -th-at y knowe [aaAx]
U: 6,117 Wite god q(uo)d a waffrer . wiste y -th-at -th-e sothe [aaAx]
U: 6,118 Schulde y neu(er)e for-th-(er)e a fote . for no freris p(re)chinge [aaAx]
U: 6,119 -Y-is q(uo)d p(eri)s plowman . and pokid hym to gode [aaAx]
U: 6,120 Merci hadde a maiden -th-(er)e . -th-at myghte ou(er)e he(m) alle [aaAx]
U: 6,121 And sche is sib to alle synful . and her(e) sone also [aaAx]
U: 6,122 And -th-urw -th-e helpe of hem two . hope -th-ou non o-th-(er) [aaAa]
U: 6,123 -Th-ou myghte gete g(ra)ce . so -th-ou go be tymes [aaAx]
U: 7,1 -Th-is were a wikkide weie . but whoso hadde a gide [aaAx]
U: 7,2 -Th-(a)t myghte folwe ech foot . til we were -th-(er)e [aaAxx]
U: 7,3 -th-e p(er)kyn -th-e plowman . by seynt poul -th-e apostil [aaAa]
U: 7,4 y haue an half acre to erie . by -th-e by weie [aaAx]
U: 7,5 Hadde eryed myn halue acre I schal brynge -y-ou -th-(er)e [aaAx]?
U: 7,6 --- this line om ---
U: 7,7 -Th-is were a longe lettynge . q(uo)d a lady in a scleyre [aaAx]
U: 7,8 What schul we wo(m)men . wurche -th-(er) while [aaAx]
U: 7,9 Some schul sowe -th-e sak . for schedynge of -th-e whete [aaAx]
U: 7,10 And wyues -th-at haueth wolle . wurche it -y-e schulle [aaAx]
U: 7,11 Spynneth it spedily . spare-th- noght -y-our fyngres [aaAx]
U: 7,12 But it be halyday . or elles haly euen [xaAa]
U: 7,13 Loki-th- for-th- -y-our lynnene . & laboure-th-th-(er)on faste [aaAx]
U: 7,14 -Th-(er) nedy ben and naked . nym hede how -th-ei lyen [aaAx]
U: 7,15 Caste hem clothis for cold . for so wol treu-th-e [aaaXx]
U: 7,16 ffor I schal lene hem liflode . but -gh-if -th-e lond faile [aaAx]
U: 7,17 As longe as y lyue . for our lordis of heuene [aaAx]?
U: 7,18 And -y-e louely ladys . wi-th- -y-our louely fyngr(i)s [aaAx]
U: 7,19 -Th-at hauen selk and sendil . sowith it whan tyme is [aaAx]
U: 7,20 Chesibles for chapelis . and cherches to honoure [aaAx]
U: 7,21 And alle man(er)e of men . -th-at by -th-e mete libben [aaAx]
U: 7,22 Help hem wurche wightly . -th-at wynneth I -y-o(ur) fode [aaAx]
U: 7,23 By crist q(uo)d a knyght . -th-ou kennest vs -th-e beste [aaAx]
U: 7,24 Ac on -th-e tem treuly . taught was y neu(er)e [aaAx]
U: 7,25 Ac ken me q(uo)d -th-e knyght . and y wol lere to erye [aaAx]
U: 7,26 By seint poul q(uo)d p(er)kyn . for -th-ou p(ro)frist -th-e so lowe [aaAx]
U: 7,27 y schal swete and swynke . and sowe for vs bothe [aaAx]
U: 7,28 And labouren for -th-i loue . al my lif tyme [aaAx]
U: 7,29 In couenant -th-at -th-ou kepe wel . holicherche righte [aaAx]
U: 7,30 and me fro watris and wickide men . -th-(a)t wolde me destroie [aaAx]
U: 7,31 And go hunte hardely . -th-e hare and -th-e foxe [aaAx]
U: 7,32 And to brokkys and to bukkes . -th-at breken myn heggis [aaAx]
U: 7,33 And fecche -th-e hom faucou(n)s . foules to kille [aaAx]
U: 7,34 ffor -th-ese comyn into my croft . and croppen my whete [aaAx]
U: 7,35 Curteisly -th-e knyght . conseyuede his wordes [aaAx]
U: 7,36 Be my power piers . y plighte -th-e my treuthe [aaAx]
U: 7,37 To fulfille -th-at forward . whiles -th-at y may stonde [aaXx]?
U: 7,38 And a poynt q(uo)d p(er)kyn . y p(re)ie -th-e more [aaAx]
U: 7,39 Loke -th-ou tene no tenaunt . but treuthe wil accorde [aaAx]
U: 7,40 And -th-ei-gh-e pore men p(ro)fre . -th-e p(re)sentes o-th-(er) -y-iftes [aaAx]
U: 7,41 Nyme hem not an aunter -th-ou mowe hem noght deserue [aaAx]?
U: 7,42 ffor -th-ou schalt -y-elde it a-y-en . at one -y-eris ende [aaAx]
U: 7,43 In a wol p(er)ilous place . -th-at purgatory hatte [aaAx]
U: 7,44 And mysbeed noght -th-i bondemen . -th-e bet(er)e -th-(o)u myght spede [aaAx]
U: 7,45 And -th-at -th-ou be trewe of -th-i tunge . and tales -th-ou hate [aaAx]
U: 7,46 But it be of wisdom or of wit . -th-i werkmen to chaste [aaAx]
U: 7,47 Hoold wi-th- none harlotes . ne here noght here tales [aaAx]
U: 7,48 And nameliche at -th-e mete . swiche men -th-ou eschewe [aaAx]
U: 7,49 ffor it arn -th-e deuelis dysours . y do -th-e to vndirstonde [aaAx]
U: 7,50 y assente by seint Iame . seith -th-e knyght -th-anne [aaAx]
U: 7,51 ffor to wurche be -th-i word . whil my lif dureth [aaAxx]
U: 7,52 And y schal app(ar)aile q(uo)d p(er)kyn . in pilg(ri)mes wise [aaAx]
U: 7,53 And with -y-ow -th-e weie . til -y-e fynde treuthe [aaAxx]
U: 7,54 He caste on his clothis . cloutyde and hole [aaAx]
U: 7,55 His cokres and his cuffes . for cold of his nayles [aaAx]
U: 7,56 he hieng his hoper on his bak . in stede of his scrippe [aaaBb]
U: 7,57 A busschel of breed corn . bryng me -th-(er)ynne [aaAx]
U: 7,58 ffor y wol sowe it my selue . and sithen wol y wende [aaAx]
U: 7,59 And whoso helpith to erye . or any -th-ing swynken [aaAx]
U: 7,60 Schal haue be our lord -th-e more mede at heruyst [????}?
U: 7,61 & make hym merye -th-(er)with . whoso it bygrucche [aaxXx]
U: 7,62 And alle kynne crafty men . -th-at cu(n)ne lyue in treuthe [aaAxx]
U: 7,63 Y schal fynden hem fode . -th-at skilfulliche libben [aaAx]
U: 7,64 Saue Iakke -th-e Iogelour . and Ionet at -th-e stywes [aaAx]
U: 7,65 And robyn -th-e rybaudour . for his rusty wordys [aaAx]
U: 7,66 Treuthe tolde me -th-us onys . and bad me telle it ferther [aaAx]
U: 7,67 { Deleant(ur) de libro viuenciu(m) } . y schulde noght dele with hem [axAx]
U: 7,68 ffor holy chirche is holden of hem . no tithe to axen [aaXa]
U: 7,68a { Et cum iustis non scribantur } [Latin]
U: 7,69 -Th-ei ben ascapid good aunto(ur) . god hem amende [aaXx]
T: 7,214 Mi[gh]te I synneles do as [th]ou seist seide peris
H2: 7,214 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,214 My-gh-t I synneles do as -th-ow dost . seide piers
-th-anne [aaXx]
D: 7,214 My-gh-t I synneles don as -th-(o)u seyst . seyd
piers -th-anne [aaXx]
R: 7,214 Mi-gh-t I sy(n)neles don as -th-ou seyst . seyde
per(is) -th-a(n)ne [aaXx]
U: 7,214 May y synneles don as -th-ou seist . seide piers
-th-enne [aaXx]
V: 7,214 Miht I (sunneles) don as _th_ou (seist) . (seide)
pers _th_enne [aaAx]
H: 7,214 My-gh-t y do synles as -th-ou seist . seide peris
-th-en [aaXx]
J: 7,214 May I synles do(n)ne as -th-(o)u seyst . seyde pers
-th-anne [aaXx]
L: 7,214 Myghte y synneles don as -th-ou saist . saide Piers
-th-anne [aaXx]
K: 7,214 Might I synelesly do as thou now saiste [aaXx]
W: 7,214 May I synles do -th-us as -th-u hast saide [aaXx]
N: 7,214 Mi-gh-t I synneles do as -th-(o)u seyst [aaXx]
M: 7,214 May I senneles don as -th-ou seist . seide pers
-th-a(n)ne [aaXx]
H3: 7,214 Myth I synles do as -th-(o)u seyst . seyde pers
-th-a(n)ne [aaXx]
T: 7,215 [Y]e I hote [th]e qua[th] hungir o[th](er) ellis [th]e
bible lei[y]e[th]
H2: 7,215 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,215 -Gh-a I hote -th-e q(uo)d hunger . or elles -th-e
bible lieth [aaAxx]
D: 7,215 -gh-is I behote -th-e q(ou)d hong(er) . or ellys
-th-e byble lyeth [aaAxx]
R: 7,215 -Gh-e hardyly q(uo)d hu(n)ger . or ell(is) -th-e
byble lyes [aaAxx]
U: 7,215 -Y-e y hote god q(uo)d hung(ir) . or elles -th-e
bible lyes [aaAxx]
V: 7,215 _Y_e, I (be-hote) _th_e quod (hunger) . or (elles)
_th_e Bible ly_g_e_th_ [aaAxx]
H: 7,215 -Gh-e y byhote -th-ee quo-th- hong(ir) . or ellis
-th-e book lie-th- [aaAxx]
J: 7,215 -Gh-e I hote -th-e q(uo)d hunger . or ellis -th-e
bible lyeth [aaAxx]
L: 7,215 -Gh-e I byhote -th-e q(uo)d hongo(ur) . or elles
-th-e bible lyeth [aaAxx]
K: 7,215 Yea I behote the q(uo)d hungre . or els the bible
lyyth [aaAxx]
W: 7,215 Therof be -th-ou wel bold . or -th-e bible lie-th-
N: 7,215 -Gh-e I hote -th-e q(uo)d hunger . or ellys -th-e
bible lye-th- [aaAxx]
M: 7,215 -Y-e be goode q(uo)d hong(ir) . or ell(ys) -th-e
bible lieth [aaAxx]
H3: 7,215 -Gh-a I behote -th-e q(uo)d hu(n)g(ir) . or ellys
-th-e byble lyith [aaAxx]
T: 7,216 Go to genesis [th]e geaunt engendro(ur) of vs alle
H2: 7,216 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,216 Go to { Genesis } -th-e geaunt . engendrour of
vs alle [aaAx]
D: 7,216 Go to genesis -th-e geau(n)t . engendrour of ous
alle [aaAx]
R: 7,216 Go to genesys -th-e geau(n)t . engendro(ur) of vs
alle [aaAx]
U: 7,216 Go to genesis -th-e geaunt . engendrours of vs alle
V: 7,216 (Go) to (Genesis) _th_e (Ieaunt) . (engendrure)
of vs alle [aaaAx]
J: 7,216 Go to genesis -th-e gyaunt . engenderid of vs alle
L: 7,216 Go to genesis -th-e geaunt . engendror of vs alle
K: 7,216 Goo to genesis the geaunte . engendero(ur) of vs
alle [aaAx]
W: 7,216 In genesis -th-e giant . -th-at gendred vs alle
N: 7,216 { In genesis } -th-e Giaunt . engendrour of vs alle
M: 7,216 Go to genesis -th-e geaunt . gendrour of vs alle
H3: 7,216 Go to genesy-gh-e -th-e gea(n)t . enge(n)derere
of vs alle [aaAx]
T: 7,217 {In sudore &c } & swynke [th]ou shalt [th]i
H2: 7,217 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,217 { In sudore et cet(er)a } and swynk . -th-ow schalt
-th-y mete [aaAx]
D: 7,217 { In sudore } &c & swynke . -th-(o)u schalt
-th-y mete [aaAx]
R: 7,217 { In sudore uultus tui } swynke . -th-(o)u shalt
-th-i mete [aaAx]
U: 7,217 { In sudore uultus tui } swynke . -th-ou schalt
-th-i mete [aaAx]
V: 7,217 In (Sudore) and (swynk) . _th_ou (schalt) _th_i
mete tilie [aaAx]
H: 7,217 In sweting & swinking . -th-ou shalt -th-y mete
tilie [aaAx]
J: 7,217 In sudore & swynke . -th-(o)u schalt -th-i mete
tylye [aaAx]
L: 7,217 In sudore & swynk . -th-(o)u schalt -th-y mete
tilye [aaAx]
K: 7,217 In sudore & in swynke . thou schalt thy mete
tylthe [aaAx]
W: 7,217 In sudore and swynk . -th-ou shalt -th-i mete wynne
N: 7,217 { In sudore } & swynke . -th-(o)u schalt -th-i
mete tylye [aaAx]
M: 7,217 In sudor(e) & swynk . -th-ou schalt -th-ey mete
tilie [aaAx]
H3: 7,217 -Th-(er) he seyth { in sudore & labore } .
-th-(o)u xalt -th-i(n) mete telle [aaAx]
T: 7,218 Tilen & labouren for [th]i liflode & so oure
lord hi[gh]te
H2: 7,218 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,218 Telien and laboren for -th-y liflode . and so oure
lorde hy-gh-[te] [aaAx]
D: 7,218 Telye & laboren for -th-y lyflode . & so
oure lord hi-gh-te [aaAx]
R: 7,218 tile and labour(e) for -th-i liflode . as our(e)
lord hy-gh-te [aaAx]
U: 7,218 Tylien and labouren for -th-i liflode . & so
our lord biddith [aaAx]
V: 7,218 And (labre) for _th_i (lyflode)' . for so vr (lord)
hi_g_te [aaAx]
H: 7,218 & labore for -th-y lyuelode . for so our(e)
lord biddi-th- [aaAx]
J: 7,218 And labowryn for -th-i liflode . & so our(e)
lorde hyte [aaAx]
K: 7,218 And laboure for yo(ur) lyuelode . for so yo(ur)
lorde hatte [aaAx]
W: 7,218 And laboure for -th-i liflode . for so oure lord
hight [aaAx]
N: 7,218 And labour for -th-i lyflode . & so hour(e)
lord hieght [aaAx]
M: 7,218 & labouryn for -th-y liflode . & so our(e)
lord higthe [aaAx]
H3: 7,218 And labour for -th-i lyslode . & so our lord
hi(m) hytthe [aaAx]
H: 7,216 so sei-th- genosis -th-e gent . gendrer of vs alle [aaAx]
T: 7,219 And sapience sei[th] [th]e same I sai[gh] it in [th]e
H2: 7,219 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,219 And sapience sei-th- -th-e same . I saw-gh-e hit
In -th-e Bible [aaAx]
D: 7,219 And sapience seith -th-e same . I say it in -th-e
byble [aaAx]
R: 7,219 And sapiens sey-th- -th-e same . I se hit in -th-e
bible [aaAx]
U: 7,219 And sapience seith -th-e same . y seie it in -th-e
bible [aaAx]
V: 7,219 And (Sapiens) sei_th_ _th_e (same) . I (saih) hit
in _th_e Bible [aaAx]
H: 7,219 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 7,219 And sapience seyde -th-e same . I say it in -th-e
byble [aaAx]
K: 7,219 And sapience saith the same . I sawe it in the byble
W: 7,219 And sapience sai-th- -th-e same . I sey -th-e book
myself [aaAx]
N: 7,219 Sapience sai-th- -th-e same . I saw it in -th-e
bible [aaAx]
M: 7,219 And sapience seit -th-e same . I see it in -th-e
bibbele [aaAx]
H3: 7,219 And sapiens seyth -th-e same . I sey it i(n) -th-e
byble [aaAx]
T: 7,220 {Piger p(ro)pt(er) frigus} no feld wolde tilie
H2: 7,220 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,220 { Piger propter frigus } . In felde wolde telye
D: 7,220 { Piger p(ro)pt(er) ffrigus } . no feld nolde telye
R: 7,220 { Piger p(ro)pter frigus } . no felde nolde tilie
U: 7,220 { Piger p(ro)p(ter) prigus } . no feld wolde tilye
V: 7,220 { (Piger) (propter) (frigus) } . no (feld) nolde
he tilie [aabBx]
H: 7,220 { Piger p(ro)pt(er) frigus arar(e) noluit } [aaBbx]
J: 7,220 { Pyger p(ro)pt(er) frigus } . no mete wild tylye
K: 7,220 { Piger p(ro)pt(er) frigus } . no feld would tylthe
W: 7,220 { Piger p(ro)pter frigus } . no fote wold he tylie
N: 7,220 { Piger p(ro)pt(er) frigus } . no londe nolde tylye
M: 7,220 { Pig(er) p(ro)pt(er) frigus } . he nolde his lond
tilie [aaBbx]
H3: 7,220 { Piger p(ro)pt(er) frigus nol(uit) } . no fold
wold tyle [aaBbx]
T: 7,221 He shal go bidde & begge & no man bete his
H2: 7,221 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,221 He schal go bidde and begge . and no man bete his
h[ungir] [aaAx]
D: 7,221 He schal gon begge & bydde . & no ma(n)
bet his hung(er) [aaAx]
R: 7,221 He shal bygge and begge . and no ma(n) bete his
hu(n)ger [aaAx]
U: 7,221 He schal go begge and bidde . and no man bete his
hungir [aaAx]
V: 7,221 He schal go (bidde) & (begge) . & no mon
(beete) his hunger [aaAx]
H: 7,221 -th-(er)fore he shal bigge & begge . & no
man bete his hong(ir) [aaAx]
J: 7,221 He schal beggyn & byddyn . & no man bety(n)
his hunger(e) [aaAx]
L: 7,221 He schal go begge & bidde . & no mon bete
his hongo(ur) [aaAx]
K: 7,221 He schal go begge & byd . & no man bett
hys hungre [aaAx]
W: 7,221 He shal go begge and bydde . & no man bete his
hungir [aaAx]
N: 7,221 -Th-(er)fore he schal begge & bidde . & no
man bete his hu(n)gre [aaAx]
M: 7,221 He schal go begge & bidde . & no man bote
his ho(n)g(ir) [aaAx]
H3: 7,221 He xal cone begge & bydde . & no ma(n)
bote hys hu(n)gyr [aaAx]
L: 7,218 Bote laboure for -th-y liflode . & so oure lord hyghte [aaAx]
L: 7,219 And sapience saith -th-e same . I saw hit in -th-e byble [aaAx]
L: 7,220 { Piger p(ro)pt(er) frigus } . no fold wolde he tylye [aaBbx]
L: 7,221 He schal go begge & bidde . & no mon bete his hongor [aaAx]
T: 7,222 Matheu wi[th] [th]e manis face nempni[th] [th]ise
H2: 7,222 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,222 Mathew with -th-e mannes face . nempned -th-es
wordes [aaAx]
D: 7,222 Matheu w(i)t(h) -th-e mannys face . nemened -th-ese
wordes [aaAx]
R: 7,222 Mathew w(i)t(h) -th-e ma(n)nes face . -th-es word(es)
-th-(us) mowthe-th- [aaAx]
U: 7,222 Mathew -th-e mannys face . mouthith vs -th-e same
V: 7,222 (Matheu) _th_e (Monnes) face . he (Momme_th_) _th_eose
wordes [aaAx]
H: 7,222 Mathew -th-e ma(n)n(us) face . mow-th-ed -th-ese
wordis [aaAx]
J: 7,222 Mathew -th-e manys face . mowthith -th-is wordys
L: 7,222 Mathew with -th-e ma(n)nes face . techeth -th-eose
wordes [aaAx]
K: 7,222 Matheu with the ma(n)nys face . mowthed thes wordes
W: 7,222 Seint mathewe wi-th- -th-e mans face . he mou-th-ed
-th-is wordes [aaAx]
N: 7,222 Mathew -th-e ma(n)nys face . mowthis -th-is wordis
M: 7,222 Mathew w(i)t(h) -th-e mannis face . mowuyt -th-ise
wordys [aaAx]
H3: 7,222 Mathew w(i)t(h) -th-e ma(n)nys face . meuyth -th-[e]se
wordys [aaAx]
T: 7,223 {Seruus nequam} had a nam & for he nolde it vsen
H2: 7,223 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ) it
Ch: 7,223 { Seruus nequam } had a { nam } . and for he nold
hit vsen [aaAx]
D: 7,223 { Seruus neq(ua)m } haued a nam . for he nolde it
vsen [aaAx]
R: 7,223 -th-(a)t { S(er)uus nequ(a)m } had a name . and
for he ne wolde h(i)t vse [aaAx]
U: 7,223 -th-at { S(er)uus nequa(m) } had a { nam } . & for
he nold it vse [aaAx]
V: 7,223 { Seruus (nequam) } hedde (npnam) . & for he
(nolde) hit vsen [aaAx]
H: 7,223 { Serue neq(ua)m sciebas quia &c }
H: 7,223 -th-e wicked s(er)uau(n)t made a couenau(n)t . & for
he nolde it vse [aaAx]
J: 7,223 -Th-(a)t { S(er)uus neq(ua)m } hath a { naam } . & for
he nolde it vsyn [aaAx]
L: 7,223 -th-at { S(er)uus nequa(m) } hath a nam . & for
he nolde hit vs[e] [aaAx]
K: 7,223 That { Seruus neq(ua)m } had a Mnam . & for
[he] nold it not vsen [aaAx]
W: 7,223 { Seruus neq(ua)m } had a ilman . & for he nold
worche [aaAx]
N: 7,223 That { s(er)uus neq(ua)m } had a { Mnam } . & he
nolde it vse [aaAx]
M: 7,223 -Th-at { S(er)uus neq(ua)m } hadde a besant . & for
he nolde it wise [aaAx]
H3: 7,223 -Th-at { sserue nequa(m) had a ma(n) . & for
he nold it wysse [aaAx]
T: 7,224 He hadde a maugre of his maist(er) for eu(er)emore
H2: 7,224 ( :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: )or(e) aftir
Ch: 7,224 He hadde maugre of his maister . euer more after
D: 7,224 He hadde a magre of his maist(er) . for eu(er) more
aft(ir) [aaAx]
R: 7,224 He hadde maugre of his mayst(er) . eu(er) mor(e)
aft(er) [aaAx]
U: 7,224 He hadde maugre of his maister . eu(er)e more -th-(er)aftir
V: 7,224 He hedde (Maugre) of his (Maister) . euere (more)
aftur [aaAx]
H: 7,224 He hadde mawgre of his maist(er) . eu(er) more -th-(er)aft(ir)
H: 7,224 { Auserte ab illo mnam & c(er)ate illi }
J: 7,224 He had mawgr(e) of his mayst(er) . for eu(er) more
aft(er) [aaAx]
L: 7,224 He hadde a maugre of his maister . for eu(er) more
-th-(er)a[ftir] [aaAx]
K: 7,224 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 7,224 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 7,224 He had magre of his maistre . for eu(re) more -th-(er)aftre
M: 7,224 He hadde a maugr(e) of his maist(er) . eu(er)e mo
-th-(er)after [aaAx]
H3: 7,224 He had maugre of hys mayst(er) . eu(er) more aft(ir)
T: 7,225 And benom hym his nam for he nolde werche
H2: 7,225 ( :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ) werche
Ch: 7,225 And benome hym his { nam } . for he nold worche
D: 7,225 And benome hym his nam . for he nolde werche [aaAx]
R: 7,225 and bynam hi(m) his na(m)me . for he ne wolde worche
U: 7,225 And bynom hym -th-at nam . for he nolde wirche [aaAx]
V: 7,225 He (bi-nom) him his (npnam) . for he (nolde) not
worche [aaAx]
H: 7,225 & byraft hym his besau(n)t . for he nolde not
werche(n) [aaAx]
J: 7,225 And benomy(n) him -th-(a)t naam . for he nold wyrchin
L: 7,225 And bynome his name . for he nolde worche [aaAx]
K: 7,225 His lord bynam hym hys Mnam . for he nold worchen
W: 7,225 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 7,225 And bynome hym his { Mnam } . for he nolde wirchen
M: 7,225 And benom hi(m) his mam . for he nolde werche [aaAx]
H3: 7,225 And benom hy(m) hys { namp } . for he nold werche
T: 7,226 And [y]af hym in haste [th]at hadde ten [th](er)e
H2: 7,226 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: )n ther befor(e)
Ch: 7,226 And -gh-af hit hym In haste . -th-at had ten before
D: 7,226 And -gh-af hym in haste . -th-(a)t hadde ten -gh-eer
before [aaAx]
R: 7,226 And -gh-af hi(m) in haste . -th-(a)t hadde ten -th-(er)
byfore [aaAx]
U: 7,226 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 7,226 And _g_af hit (him) in (haste) . _th_at (hedde)
ten bi-fore [aaAx]
H: 7,226 & -gh-af it hym in hast . -th-at hadde ten before
J: 7,226 And -gh-af it him in hast . -th-(a)t had ten before
L: 7,226 And -gh-af hit him on haste . -th-(a)t had ten of
his owen [aaAx]
K: 7,226 And yafe it hym in hast . that had tenne ther beforen
W: 7,226 The lord -gh-af it to a man . -th-at hadde ten before
N: 7,226 And gaf it hi(m) i(n) hast . -th-(a)t had x afore
M: 7,226 And -y-af it him in hast . -th-at hadde tenne beforn
H3: 7,226 And -gh-af it hy(m) i(n) hast . -th-(a)t had x
before [aaAx]
T: 7,227 And si[th]en he seide his s(er)uaunt it hadde
H2: 7,227 ( :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: )nt it hadde
Ch: 7,227 And se-th-en he seide . his seruaunt hit hadde
D: 7,227 And -th-(a)t his seruau(n)t it hadde [aaAx]
R: 7,227 and sitthe(n) hit seyde . -th-at his mayst(er) hit
hadde [aaAx]
U: 7,227 And sithen he seide . his seruauntes hit herdyn
V: 7,227 And (se_th__th_en) he _th_us (seide) . his (seruauns)
hit herden [aaAx]
H: 7,227 & si-th--th-e he seide . hym to -th-at his s(er)uau(n)t
it herde(n) [aaAx]
H: 7,227 { Om(n)i h(ab)enti dabit(ur) }
J: 7,227 & sethin he seyd . his s(er)uandes it herde
L: 7,227 And sithen sone he saide . -th-at his seruau(n)t
herde [aaAx]
K: 7,227 And sithen he said . that his s(er)u(a)nt(es) it
hard [aaAx]
W: 7,227 And si-th- he saide . hym also -th-at his s(er)uant
herde [aaAx]
N: 7,227 And si-th-en he seide . his s(er)uau(n)t-gh- it
herde [aaAx]
M: 7,227 & sone aft(er) he seyde . -th-at his s(er)uaunt-gh-
it hardyn [aaAx]
H3: 7,227 And sytthy(n) he seyde . -th-(a)t hys serua(n)t(es)
it herdy(n) [aaAx]
T: 7,228 He [th](a)t ha[th] shal haue to helpe [th](er)e nede
H2: 7,228 ( :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: )elpe there nede
Ch: 7,228 He -th-at ha-th-e schal haue . and helpe -th-er
nede is [aaaAx]
D: 7,228 He -th-(a)t hath schal haue . to helpe -th-(er)
nede is [aaaAx]
R: 7,228 He -th-at ha-th- shal haue . to helpe -th-(er) nede
is [aaaAx]
U: 7,228 He -th-at hath schal haue . to helpe -th-(er) nede
ys [aaaAx]
V: 7,228 (He) _th_at (ha_th_) schal (haue) . to (helpe) _th_er
neod is [aaaAx]?
H: 7,228 He -th-at ha-th- shal haue . to helpe -th-(er) it
nedi-th- [aaaAx]
J: 7,228 He -th-(a)t hath schal han . to helpyn -th-(er)
nede is [aaaAx]
L: 7,228 He -th-(a)t hath schal haue . to helpe -th-er nede
is [aaaAx]
K: 7,228 He that hath schal haue more . to help ther nede
is [aaaAx]
W: 7,228 He -th-at ha-th- shal haue . to help ther is nede
N: 7,228 He -th-(a)t ha-th-e shal haue . to helpe -th-(er)e
it nedi-th- [aaaAx]
M: 7,228 He -th-at hat schal hauen . to helpyn hi(m) at is
nede [aaaAx]
H3: 7,228 He -th-(a)t hat xal haue . & helpe -th-(er)
ned ys [aaaAx]
T: 7,229 And he [th]at nou[gh]t ha[th] shal nou[gh]t haue ne
no man hi(m) helpe
H2: 7,229 ( :::::::::: )-gh-t schal haue ne no man him help[e]
Ch: 7,229 And -th-at nau-gh-t hathe . schal nou-gh-t haue
no no m[an him helpe] [aaAa]
D: 7,229 And he -th-(a)t nou-gh-t hath . schal nou-gh-t haue
ne no ma(n) hym helpe [aaAa]
R: 7,229 And he -th-(a)t nou-gh-t ha-th- . shal not ha(n)
ne no ma(n) hi(m) helpe [aaAa]
U: 7,229 And he -th-at ha-th- not . schal not haue ne no
man hy(m) helpen [aaAa]
V: 7,229 And (he) _th_at nou_g_t (ha_th_), nou_g_t schal
(haue) . ne no mon him (helpe) [aaaXa]
H: 7,229 & he -th-at no-gh-t ha-th- . no-gh-t shal haue
ne none shal hy(m) help [aaAa]
J: 7,229 & he -th-(a)t nouth hath . nouth schal han ne
no man hi(m) helpe [aaAa]
L: 7,229 & he -th-(a)t noght nath . noght schal haue
ny no mon him [helpe] [aaAa]
K: 7,229 And he that nowght hath . nowght schal haue ne no
ma(n) hym helpe [aaAa]
W: 7,229 That noght ha-th- . nowgh shal haue ne no man hym
helpe [aaAa]
N: 7,229 & he -th-(a)t nou-gh-t ha-th- . shal nou-gh-t
haue ne no man schal hi(m) help [aaAa]
M: 7,229 And he -th-(a)t nout hat . schal nout haue no(n)
no(n) ma(n) hi(m) helpe [aaAa]
H3: 7,229 He -th-(a)t nouth hat . nouth xal haue ne no ma(n)
hy(m) help [aaAa]
T: 7,230 And [th](a)t he weni[th] wel to haue I wile it be
hym bereuid
H2: 7,230 ( :::::::::: )to haue . I wile it be hi(m) bereuid
Ch: 7,230 And -th-at he weny-th- wel to haue . I wol hit
hym bere[uen] [aaAx]
D: 7,230 And he -th-(a)t weneth wel to haue . I wile hit
be hym bereued [aaAx]
R: 7,230 And -th-at he weny-th- wel to haue . I wil -th-(a)t
h(i)t hi(m) be reued [aaAx]
U: 7,230 And -th-at he wenyth wel to haue . y wol it be hy(m)
bereuyd [aaAx]
V: 7,230 And (he) _th_at (hope_th_) forte (haue) . (hit)
him beo bi-reuet [aaaAx]
H: 7,230 & he -th-at wene-th- wel to haue . I wol it
be hym byreued [aaAx]
J: 7,230 And he -th-(a)t wenyth weele to han . I wil it be
hi(m) bereuyd [aaAx]
L: 7,230 And -th-(a)t he weneth wel to haue . I wol -th-(a)t
hit fro hi(m) beo [reued] [aaAx]
K: 7,230 And -th-(a)t he venyth to haue it . schal from hym
be reued [aaAx]
W: 7,230 And -th-at he wene-th- best to haue . shal hym be
bereued [aaAx]
N: 7,230 & he -th-(a)t weni-th- wel to haue . it schal
hy(m) by breuyd [aaAx]
M: 7,230 & -th-at he wenyth to haue . I wile it hi(m)
bereve [aaAx]
H3: 7,230 He -th-(a)t wenyth wel to haue . it xal hy(m) be
reuyd [aaAx]
H3: 7,230 { Quod videt (ur) he(n)re auferet(ur) ab eo et dabit(ur) et q(ui) decem::: &c }
T: 7,231 Kynde wyt wolde [th]at iche wi[gh]t wrou[gh]te
H2: 7,231 ( :::::::::::::::::: )that iche wi-gh-t wrou-gh-te
Ch: 7,231 Kynde witte wolde . -th-at ech man wrou-gh-t [aaAa]
D: 7,231 Kynde wyt wolde . -th-(a)t ych wy-gh-th wrou-gh-te
R: 7,231 Kynde wit wolde . -th-at eche wit wrou-gh-the [aaAa]
U: 7,231 Kynde wit wolde . -th-at eu(er)y man for his fode
wroghte [aaAa]
V: 7,231 ffor kuynde (wit) (Wolde) . _th_at vche mon (wrouhte)
H: 7,231 Kynde witt wolde . -th-at eche man wrou-gh-t [aaAa]
J: 7,231 Kynde witte wolde . -th-(a)t iche a wyht wrowht
L: 7,231 Kynde wit wolde . -th-at iche wight scholde worche
K: 7,231 Kynde witte would . that eche man wroughte [aaAa]
W: 7,231 Kynde wit wold wel . -th-at eche wyght wroghte [aaAa]
N: 7,231 ffor kynde witte wolde . -th-(a)t yche wyght wrou-gh-t
M: 7,231 ffor kynd wit wolde . -th-at iche man wrougthe [aaAa]
H3: 7,231 Kynde wyt wolde . -th-(a)t yche ma(n) wrouth [aaAa]
T: 7,232 O[th]er wi[th] teching o[th](er) telling or trauaillyng
of hondis
H2: 7,232 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,232 Ey-th-er with teching or telieng . or traueling
of hand[es] [aaAx]
D: 7,232 Or w(i)t(h) techenge or tellynge . or trauaylyng
of handes [aaAx]
R: 7,232 Or w(i)t(h) teching or tellyng . or traualyng of
hande [aaAx]
U: 7,232 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 7,232 Wi_th_ (techinge) or with (tilynge) . or (trauaylynge)
of hondes [aaAx]
H: 7,232 O-th-(er) wi-th- teching o-th-(er) wi-th- tilyng
. o-th-(er) wi-th- t(ra)uel of hondis [aaAx]
J: 7,232 O-th-ir w(i)t(h) teching or tylyyng . or t(ra)uelyng
of handes [aaAx]
L: 7,232 Or with techyng or with tellyng . or trauailyng
of hond[is] [aaAx]
K: 7,232 Or w(i)t(h) techyng or w(i)t(h) tyllyng . or w(i)t(h)
trauaillyng of hand(es) [aaAx]
W: 7,232 Wi-th- techyng or tellyng . or trauaill of honde
N: 7,232 Or wi-th- techyng or tilying . or t(ra)ueillyng
of handes [aaAx]
M: 7,232 Wit techyng or tellyng . or trauaile of handis [aaAx]
H3: 7,232 Or w(i)t(h) techyng or w(i)t(h) tellyng . or t(ra)uayly(n)g
of handys [aaAx]
T: 7,233 Actif lif o[th](er) contemplatif crist wolde it alse
H2: 7,233 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,233 Actif lif or contemplatif lif . crist wold it also
D: 7,233 A stef lyf or contemplatyf . crist wold it alse
R: 7,233 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 7,233 Actif lyf or conte(m)platif . crist wolde it were
so [xaAx]
V: 7,233 Actyf lyf or (Contemplatyf) . (Crist) wolde hit
alse [xaAx]
H: 7,233 actyf lyf o-th-(er) contemplatyf . so c(ri)st wolde
it wer(e) [xaAx]
J: 7,233 Actyf or contemplatyf . c(ri)st wold it als [xaAx]
L: 7,233 Actif lif or contemplatyf . crist wolde hit alse
K: 7,233 Actife life or contemplatiff . crist would it also
W: 7,233 Actif & contemplatyf . crist it als [xaAx]
M: 7,233 Or comte(m)platif or actif . as crist hi(m) self
wolde [xaAx]
H3: 7,233 Or co(n)te(m)platyf lyf or actyf lyf . cryst hy(m)
selue wolde [xaAx]
T: 7,234 The sauter sei[th] in [th]e salme of {Beati omnes}
H2: 7,234 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,234 -Th-e sauter sei-th- hit . In -th-e Spalme of {
Beati omnes } [aaAx]
D: 7,234 The sawt(er) sey-th- . in -th-e salme of { Beati
om(n)es } [aaAx]
R: 7,234 -Th-e saut(er) sey-th- . in -th-e psalme of { Beati
omnes } [aaAx]
U: 7,234 -Th-e sauter seith it . in a psalme of { Beati om(n)es
} [aaAx]
V: 7,234 ffor so (sei_th_) _th_e (Sauter) . In (Psalm) of
{ beati omnes } [aaAx]
H: 7,234 as -th-e saut(er) hym self sei-th- . in a psalme
J: 7,234 The sawt(er) seyth . in -th-e salme of { beati omnes
} [aaAx]
L: 7,234 -Th-eo saut(er) seith . in a spalme of { beati omnes
} [aaAx]
K: 7,234 The psauter saith it . in the psalme of { Beati
omnes } [aaAx]
W: 7,234 The sautr(e) sai-th- so . in -th-e salmes of { Beati
omnes } [aaAx]
M: 7,234 And so seit -th-e sautir . in a psalmis hende [aaAx]
H3: 7,234 As i(n) -th-e sautyr seyth of { B(eat)i om(ne)s
q(ui) time(n)t d(omin)um q(ui) a(m)b(u)la(n)t } [aaAx]
T: 7,234 { Labores manuu(m) tuar(um) quia manducabis &c}
H2: 7,234a ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,234a { Labores manuum tuar(um) quia manducabis et cet(er)a
} [Latin]
D: 7,234a { Labores manuu(m) tuar(um) quia manducabis } [Latin]
R: 7,234a { Labores manuu(m) tuar(um) quia manducabis &c
} [Latin]
U: 7,234a { Labores manuu(m) tuar(um) manducabis b(eatu)s
es & b(e)n(e) tibi erit } [Latin]
V: 7,234a --- this line om --
H: 7,234a { Labores manuu(m) tuaru(m) quia manducabis } [Latin]
J: 7,234a { Labores manuu(m) tuar(um) quia manducabis &c
} [Latin]
L: 7,234a A vers -th-(a)t bygynneth { labores manuu(m) tuar(um)
q(uia) mandu[cabis] } [Latin]
K: 7,234a { Labores manuum tuar(um) quia manducabis &c
} [Latin]
W: 7,234a { Labores manuum tuaru(m) q(uia) manducabis &c
} [Latin]
M: 7,234a { Beati om(n)es labores manuu(m) tuar(um) quia
manducabis } [Latin]
H3: 7,234a { Labores manuu(m) tuar(um) ma(n)ducab(is) b(eatu)s
es & b(e)n(e) tibi erit } [Latin]
T: 7,235 He [th]at get his fode here wi[th] trauaile of his
H2: 7,235 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,235 He -th-at gete-th- his fode here . with trauaile
of his h[ondes] [aaXa]
D: 7,235 He -th-(a)t get his fode here . w(i)t(h) trauaile
of his handys [aaXa]
R: 7,235 He -th-(a)t get his fode her(e) . w(i)t(h) trauayl
of his hand(es) [aaXa]
U: 7,235 He -th-at getith his fode here . wi-th- tr(au)aile
of his handes [aaXa]
V: 7,235 He _th_at get his fode her . with trauaylinge in
Treu_th_e [????]
H: 7,235 he -th-at geti-th- his fode . wi-th- trauel of his
hondis [aaXa]
J: 7,235 He -th-at getith his fode her(e) . w(i)t(h) t(ra)ueyl
of his handys [aaXa]
L: 7,235 He -th-at geteth his fode her . with trauaile of
his hondes [aaXa]
K: 7,235 He that getith his fode here . w(i)t(h) t(ra)ueile
of his hand(es) [aaXa]
W: 7,235 He -th-at gete-th- his fode hire . wi-th- trauaille
of his honde [aaXa]
M: 7,235 He -th-at get his fode . -th-ourgh his trauale [aaXa]
H3: 7,235 He -th-(a)t etyn here fode . throw trauayle [aaXa]
T: 7,236 God [y]iue[th] his blissing [th](a)t here liflode
here so wynne[th]
H2: 7,236 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,236 God -gh-eue-th- his blessing -th-at her liflode
her so wyn[ne-th-] [????]
D: 7,236 God -gh-euet hem his blessyng -th-(a)t here lyflode
so wynneth [????]
R: 7,236 God geuy-th- he(m) his blessyng -th-at her(e) liflode
her(e) so wy(n)ne [????]
U: 7,236 God -y-yueth hym his blessynge -th-at his liflode
so wynne-th- [????]
V: 7,236 God _g_iue_th_ him his blessyng . _th_at his lyflode
so swynke_th_ [????]
H: 7,236 god -gh-eue-th- hym his blessing -th-at so his lyuelood
wynne-th- [????]
J: 7,236 God -gh-iffyth hem his blissing her lyflode -th-(a)t
so wy(n)nyn [????]
L: 7,236 God -gh-eue-th- heom his blessyng -th-(a)t heore
liflode so wynneth [????]
K: 7,236 God yevith hym his blisse that here lifelode so
wynnyth [????]
W: 7,236 God -gh-ef-th- hym his blysse -th-at so wi-th- treu-th-
geten [????]
N: 7,236 God gywe-th- hem his blessyng -th-(a)t her lyflode
so wynne [????]
M: 7,236 God -y-if him his blyssyng -th-at hi(m) be hire
wynnyt [????]
H3: 7,236 God -gh-euyth he(m) hys blyssyng -th-(a)t her lyflode
so wy(n)nyth [????]
N: 7,233 Actyf lyf & contemplatyf . crist coueite-th- als [xaAx]
N: 7,234 The sawter sei-th- it . in -th-e salme of { b(eat)i om(n)es } [aaAx]
N: 7,234a { labores manuu(m) tuar(um) q(uia) manducabis &c } [Latin]
N: 7,235 He -th-(a)t get his fode here . wi-th- trauaille of his handes [aaXa]
N: 7,235 Shal haue goddes b(e)n(e)dictiou(n) & so is he wel worthy
T: 7,237 [Y]et I preye [th]e q(ua)[th] peris {p(ur) charite}
[y]if [th]ou kenne
H2: 7,237 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,237 -Gh-it I pray -th-e q(uo)d piers . pur charite
-gh-if -th-ow kenne [aaAxx]
D: 7,237 -Gh-et I pray the q(ou)d piers . pur charyte yf
-th-(o)u kenne [aaAxx]
R: 7,237 -Gh-it I praye -th-e q(uo)d per(is) . for charite
-gh-if -th-(o)u kennys [aaAxx]
U: 7,237 -Gh-it y preie q(uo)d piers . for charite if -th-ou
cu(n)ne [aaAxx]
V: 7,237 Yit I (preye) _th_e quod (pers) . (par) Charite
_g_if _th_ou Conne [aaAxx]
H: 7,237 -gh-it y preie -th-ee p(ar) charite quo-th- peris
-gh-if -th-ou ca(n)st [aaAxx]
J: 7,237 -gh-it I pray -th-e q(uo)d pers . p(ur) charite
-gh-if -th-ow konne [aaAxx]
L: 7,237 -Gh-et y pray -th-e q(uo)d Piers . p(ar) charite
-gh-ef -th-ow konne [aaAxx]
K: 7,237 Yet I p(re)ye the q(uo)d pers . p(ur) charite if
thou Canne [aaAxx]
W: 7,237 I pray -th-e -gh-it p(ar) charite q(uo)d Piers if
-th-ou kenne [aaAxx]
N: 7,237 -Gh-it I preye -th-e q(uo)d piers . p(ur) charite
-gh-if -th-(o)u conne [aaAxx]
A: 7,237 And -gh-it I prey -th-e quot pers . -th-at -th-u
kenne me woldyst [aaAxx]
M: 7,237 -Y-it I preie -th-e q(uo)d pers . -th-at -th-ou
me techi(n) woldist [aaAxx]
H3: 7,237 -Gh-et I p(re)y -th-e q(uo)d pers . -th-(a)t -th-(o)u
me teche woldyst [aaAxx]
T: 7,238 Eny lif of lechecraft lere it me my dere
H2: 7,238 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,238 Any lif of lechcraft . lerne hit me my dere [aaAx]
D: 7,238 Eny lyst of lechecraft . lere it me my dere [aaAx]
R: 7,238 eny lyf of lechecraft . ken hit me my dere [aaAx]
U: 7,238 Ony leef of lechecraft . teche it me my dere [aaAx]
V: 7,238 Eny (lyf) of (leche) Craft . (lere) hit me my deore
H: 7,238 eny lessou(n) of lechec(ra)ft . lerne me der(e)
J: 7,238 Ony leefe of lechecrafte . lerne it me my dere [aaAx]
L: 7,238 Any leef of lechecrafte . -th-ou lere hit me anone
K: 7,238 Eny leff of lechecrafte . lere it me my dere [aaAx]
W: 7,238 Any lef or lechecraft . lerne -th-ou me leue [aaAx]
N: 7,238 Eny lef of lechecraft . lere it me my dere [aaAx]
A: 7,238 Ony lyfe of lechecrafte . kenne me my dere [aaAx]
M: 7,238 Eny lif of lechecraft . ler(e) it me my der(e) [aaAx]
H3: 7,238 Som lyf of lechecraft . lerne me my dere [aaAx]
T: 7,239 ffor su(m)me of my s(er)uauntis ben seke o[th](er)
H2: 7,239 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,239 ffor sum of my seruauntes . ben seke o-th-er while
D: 7,239 ffor some of my seru(a)unt(is) . be-th- seke o-th-(er)
whyle [aaAx]
R: 7,239 for so(m)me of my s(er)uau(n)t(is) . ben sek o-th-er
while [aaAx]
U: 7,239 ffor some of my seruauntis . ben sike som tyme [aaAx]
V: 7,239 ffor (summe) of my (seruauns) . beo_th_ (seke) o_th_er-while
H: 7,239 for so(m)me of my s(er)uaunt(is) . be-th- sike o-th-(er)
while [aaAx]
J: 7,239 ffor su(m)me of my s(er)uandys . ben seke o-th-ir
while [aaAx]
L: 7,239 ffor so(m)me of my s(er)uauns . beon seke othir
whiles [aaAx]
K: 7,239 ffor su(m)m of my s(er)u(a)unt(is) . ben sike other
while [aaAx]
W: 7,239 ffor som of my s(er)uant-gh- . ben seke o-th-(er)
while [aaAx]
N: 7,239 ffor somme of my s(er)uau(n)t(is) . ben seke o-th-(er)
while [aaAx]
A: 7,239 ffor summe of my seruauntis . ben sek o-th-er while
M: 7,239 ffor summe of my(n) s(er)uant-gh- . bet seke o-th-ir
whiles [aaAx]
H3: 7,239 ffor so(m)me of my seruauntys . am seek o-th-(er)
qwyle [aaAx]
T: 7,240 Of alle [th]e wyke werki[th] nou[gh]t so here wombe
H2: 7,240 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,240 Off alle -th-e weke worche-th- nou-gh-t . so her
wombe ake-th- [aaAx]
D: 7,240 As alle wyke werke nou-gh-t . so here wombe ake-th-
R: 7,240 Of al -th-e wyke worche-th- not . so her(e) wo(m)be
aketh [aaAx]
U: 7,240 Off al -th-e wowke -th-ei wurchen noght . so her(e)
wombe akith [aaAx]
V: 7,240 Of alle _th_e (wike) heo (Worche_th_) not . so heor
(wombe) ake_th_ [aaAx]
H: 7,240 of alle -th-e weke -th-ei werche not . so here wombe
aki-th- [aaAx]
J: 7,240 Of al -th-e woke -th-ei wyrche(n) nouth . so her
wombe akyth [aaAx]
L: 7,240 Of al -th-e weke -th-ey worcheth not . so heore
wombe aketh [aaAx]
K: 7,240 Of al the weke thay worchen not . so her wombe akith
W: 7,240 Of al -th-e woke worche not . so here wombe ake-th-
N: 7,240 Of al -th-e woke longe -th-ei worche nou-gh-t .
so her wo(m)be ake-th- [aaAx]
A: 7,240 Alle -th-e woke -th-ei werche not . so her wombe
akith [aaAx]
M: 7,240 Of al -th-e woke -th-ey werky(n) nouth . so her(e)
wombe akit [aaAx]
H3: 7,240 Off al -th-e woke -th-ei werche nouth . so her
wombe akyth [aaAx]
T: 7,241 I wot wel q(ua)[th] hung(er) what seknesse hem eile[th]
H2: 7,241 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,241 I wote wel q(uo)d hunger . what sekenesse hem eile-th-
D: 7,241 I wot wel q(ou)d hung(er) . what seknesse hym eyleth
R: 7,241 I wot wel q(uo)d hu(n)ger . what syknesse he(m)
eyle-th- [????]
U: 7,241 y wot wel q(uo)d hung(er) . what siknesse hem eyleth
V: 7,241 I (wot) (wel) quod Hungur . (What) seknesse hem
eile_th_ [aaxAx]
H: 7,241 I wote wel quo-th- hong(er) . what sikenes hem eile-th-
J: 7,241 I wote wele q(uo)d hunger . qwat sekenes -th-(a)t
he(m) eylyth [????]
L: 7,241 --- this line is omitted ---
K: 7,241 I wote well q(uo)d hungre . what siknes hem aylith
W: 7,241 I wot wel q(uo)d hungr(e) . what seknes hem aille-th-
N: 7,241 I wot wel q(uo)d hu(n)ger . what sekenesse hem eyle-th-
A: 7,241 I wot wel quot hungur . what seknes hem eylith [????]
M: 7,241 I wot wel q(uo)d . what sekenesse hem eilit [????]
H3: 7,241 I wot wel q(uo)d hu(n)gyr . qwat sekenesse he(m)
eylyth [????]
T: 7,242 [Th]ei han mangid ou(er) muche [th](a)t maki[th] hem
grone ofte
H2: 7,242 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,242 -Th-ei han manged ouer moche . -th-at make-th-
hem grone [ofte] [aaAx]
D: 7,242 They haue maunged ou(er) moche . -th-(a)t make-th-
hem grone ofte [aaAx]
R: 7,242 -Th-ei han ma(n)ged ou(er) mykel . -th-(a)t make-th-
grone ofte [aaAx]
U: 7,242 -Th-ei haue mangid ou(er) mykil . -th-at makith
grone ofte [aaAx]
V: 7,242 _Th_ei han (I-Maunget) ouur (muche) . _th_at (make_th_)
hem grone ofte [aaAx]
H: 7,242 -Th-ey haue mau(n)gid ou(er) myche . -th-at make-th-
hem oft grone [aaAx]
J: 7,242 -Th-ei han mannged ou(er) mychel . -th-(a)t makyth
hem grony(n) fast [aaAx]
L: 7,242 -Th-ey han manged to mukel . -th-at maketh heom
grone ofte [aaAx]
K: 7,242 Thay haue maunged ou(er) michell . -th-(a)t maketh
hem grone ofte [aaAx]
W: 7,242 Thei haue manged ou(er) muche . -th-at make hem
sek oft [aaAx]
N: 7,242 Thei haue mawnged ou(er) myche . -th-(a)t make-th-
he(m) grone aftre [aaAx]
A: 7,242 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 7,242 -Th-ey han manged ou(er) mikel . -th-at maket hem
grone ofte [aaAx]
H3: 7,242 -Th-ei han mangyd ou(yr) meche . -th-(a)t makyt
he(m) grone ofte [aaAx]
T: 7,243 Ac I hote [th]e q(ua)[th] hung(er) as [th]ou [th]in
hele wilnest
H2: 7,243 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,243 But I hote -th-e q(uo)d hunger . as -th-ow -th-yn
hele woldest [aaAx]
D: 7,243 Ac I hote -th-e q(ou)d hung(er) . as -th-(o)u hele
willest [aaAx]
R: 7,243 Ac I hote -th-e q(uo)d hu(n)ger . as -th-ou -th-i(n)
hele weldest [aaAx]
U: 7,243 But y bidde -th-e q(uo)d hungir . as -th-ou -th-in
hele desirest [aaAx]
V: 7,243 Ac Ich (hote) _th_e," quod (Hungur) . and _th_ou
_th_in (hele) wylne [aaAx]
H: 7,243 but I hote -th-ee quo-th- hong(er) . -gh-ef -th-ou
-th-ine hele wilnest [aaAx]
J: 7,243 Ac I bid -th-e q(uo)d hung(er) . as -th-(o)u -th-in
heele desirist [aaAx]
L: 7,243 Bote I hote -th-e q(uo)d hongor . as -th-(o)u -th-yn
hele wilnest [aaAx]
K: 7,243 But I hote the q(uo)d hungre . as thou thyn hele
wylnest [aaAx]
W: 7,243 But I hote q(uo)d hungr(e) . as -th-in hele wilnest
N: 7,243 I byhote -th-e q(uo)d hu(n)ger . as -th-(o)u -th-i
hele wilnest [aaAx]
A: 7,243 I hote -th-e quot hungur . -gh-if -th-u -th-ine
hele woldis hauyn [aaAx]
M: 7,243 But I hote -th-e q(uo)d hong(er) . -y-if -th-ou
-th-y(n) hele willist [aaAx]
H3: 7,243 And I hote -th-e q(uo)d hu(n)gyr . -gh-yf -th-(o)u
hele woldyst haue(n) [aaAx]
T: 7,244 [Th]at [th]ou drynke no day er [th](o)u dyne sumwhat
H2: 7,244 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,244 -Th-at -th-ow drink no day . or -th-ow dyne somwhatte
D: 7,244 That -th-(o)u drynke no day . or -th-(o)u dyne somwhat
R: 7,244 That -th-(o)u drynke no day . er -th-ou ete su(m)what
U: 7,244 -Th-at -th-ou drinke no day . til -th-ou dyne somwhat
V: 7,244 _Th_at _th_ou (drynke) no (dai) . til _th_ou haue
(dynet) sumwhat [aaAx]
H: 7,244 -Th-at -th-(o)u drinke no day . til -th-ou haue
ydyned [aaAx]
J: 7,244 -Th-(a)t -th-(o)u drinke no day . er -th-(o)u dyen
sumqwat [aaAx]
L: 7,244 -Th-at -th-(o)u drynke no day . or -th-ou somwhad
dyne [aaAx]
K: 7,244 That thou drynk no day . or thou dyne sumwhat [aaAx]
W: 7,244 That -th-ou drynke no day . er -th-ou hast dyned
somwhat [aaAx]
N: 7,244 Loke -th-(o)u drynke no day . tyl -th-(o)u haue
dyned somwhat [aaAx]
A: 7,244 That -th-u drynk no day . or -th-u dyne sumwhat
M: 7,244 -Th-at -th-(o)u drynke no day . or -th-(o)u dyne
somwhat [aaAx]
H3: 7,244 -Th-(a)t -th-(o)u drynke no day . er -th-(o)u dyne
somqwat [aaAx]
T: 7,245 And ete nou[gh]t I hote [th]e er hung(er) [th]e take
H2: 7,245 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,245 And ete nou-gh-t I hote -th-e . or honger -th-e
take [aaAx]
D: 7,245 And nou-gh-t til hung(er) -th-e take & sende
-th-e of his sause [aaAx]
R: 7,245 and not ete . er hu(n)g(er) -th-e take . and sent
-th-e of his sauce [aaAx]
U: 7,245 And noght y bidde -th-e . er hungir -th-e take [aaAx]
V: 7,245 (Ete) not, Ich (hote) _th_e . til (hunger) _th_e
take [aaAx]
H: 7,245 Eet not y hote -th-ee . til hong(er) -th-ee take
J: 7,245 & -gh-it nouth I bid . or hung(er) -th-e take
L: 7,245 Ete nothyn I hote . er honger -th-e take [aaAx]
K: 7,245 Ete not I hote the . or hungre the take [aaAx]
W: 7,245 Ac ete not I -th-e hote . er hungr(e) -th-e take
N: 7,245 Ete nou-gh-t I hote -th-e . ar hu(n)ger -th-e hente
A: 7,245 And not -gh-et I hote . or hungur -th-e take [aaAx]
M: 7,245 And -y-it nout I hote . ar -th-e hong(er) take [aaAx]
H3: 7,245 And nouth -gh-et I hote -th-e . er hu(n)gyr -th-e
take [aaAx]
T: 7,246 And sende [th]e of his saus to sauoure [th]i lippes
H2: 7,246 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,246 And sende -th-e of his sause . to sauer -th-i lippes
D: 7,246 To sauour -th-y lyppes & kepe som til sop(er)
tyme, [aaAx]
R: 7,246 to sauour(e) -th-i lyppus . and kep su(m) til sup(er)
tyme [aaAx]
U: 7,246 And sende of his sawse . to sauoure wi-th- -th-i
lyppes [aaAx]
V: 7,246 And (sende) _th_e (sum) of his (sauce) . to (sauer)
_th_e _th_e betere [aaaAx]
H: 7,246 & sende -th-ee of his saus . to sauer(e) -th-y
lippis [aaAx]
J: 7,246 And sende -th-e of his sawse . to sauerne w(i)t(h)
-th-in lippes [aaAx]
L: 7,246 And send -th-e of his sause . to sauoure thy lippes
K: 7,246 And send the of his sawce . to sauour thy lippes
W: 7,246 And sende of his sauce . to sauere -th-i lippes
N: 7,246 And sende of his sause . to sauo(ur) -th-i lippis
A: 7,246 And sende -th-e of his sewis . to sauo(ur) -th-i
lippis [aaAx]
M: 7,246 And sende -th-e of his saus . to sauouri(n) w(i)t(h)
-th-y(n) lippis [aaAx]
H3: 7,246 And sende -th-e of hys saus . to sauowr w(i)t(h)
-th-i(n) lyppys [aaAx]
T: 7,247 And kep sum for sop(er) tyme & sit nou[gh]t to
H2: 7,247 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,247 And kepe sum to soper tyme . and sitte nou-gh-t
to longe [aaAx]
D: 7,247 And sitte not longe but rise vp or appetit haue
eten his wille [aaAx]
R: 7,247 and syt not longe arys vp . er apetyt haue h(i)s
fylle [aaAx]
U: 7,247 And kepe somwhat til sop(er) tyme . syt noght longe
V: 7,247 Keep (sum) til (soper) tyme . And ffaste _th_ou
not to Longe [aaAx]
H: 7,247 & kepe so(m)me til sop(er) tyme . & fast
not to long [aaAx]
J: 7,247 And kepe su(m)qwat to soper tyme, . & sit not
to longe [aaAx]
L: 7,247 And kepe som for soper tyme . & sitte noght
to longe [aaAx]
K: 7,247 And kepe su(m)m for soper tyme . & sytt not
to longe [aaAx]
W: 7,247 An kepe somme to sop(er) time . and sitte not to
longe [aaAx]
N: 7,247 And kepe some tyl sop(er) tyme, . & syt nou-gh-t
to longe [aaAx]
A: 7,247 And kep sum til soper tyme . & sitte not to
longe [aaAx]
M: 7,247 & kepe som for sopir . & sit not to longe
H3: 7,247 And kepe so(m)m tyl sop(er) tyme, . & sytte
nouth to longe [aaAx]
T: 7,248 Aris vp er aptid ha[th] eten his fille
H2: 7,248 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,248 Arise vp or appetite . haue eten his fille [aaAx]
D: 7,248 --- this line om ---
R: 7,248 Aris vp apetyt haue eten his fille [aaAx]
U: 7,248 Arise er appetyt . haue eteyn his fille [aaAx]
V: 7,248 A-Rys (vp) ar (appetyt) . (habbe) I-_g_eten his
ffulle [aaAxx]
H: 7,248 Arise vp or appetyt . haue ete(n) his fille [aaAx]
J: 7,248 Arise vp er appetite . haue etyn his fille [aaAx]
L: 7,248 Arise vp ar appetite . haue eten his fulle [aaAx]
K: 7,248 Arise vp or apetite . haue etyn his ffille [aaAx]
W: 7,248 Aris vp er apetite . ha-th- eten his fille [aaAx]
N: 7,248 And leue of ar appetit . haue eten his fille [aaAx]
A: 7,248 Aryse vp or apetite . hath etyn his fille [aaAx]
M: 7,248 ARys vp er appetit . haue etyn his fille [aaAx]
H3: 7,248 Aryis up er appetyt . hat ety(n) hys fylle [aaAx]
T: 7,249 Let nou[gh]t sire surfet sitten at [th]i bord
H2: 7,249 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,249 Let not sire surfete . sitte at -th-i borde [aaAx]
D: 7,249 Let not sire surfet . sitten at -th-y borde [aaAx]
R: 7,249 Let not sir(e) surfet . sit at -th-i bord [aaAx]
U: 7,249 Let noght sire surfeet . sitten at -th-i bord [aaAx]
V: 7,249 Let not (sir) (Surfet) . (sitten) at _th_i Bord
H: 7,249 let not sir(e) surfet . sitte at -th-y bord [aaAx]
J: 7,249 Lat nouth sir surfet . syttyn at -th-i borde [aaAx]
L: 7,249 Lat not sir sorfete . sitten at -th-y borde [aaAx]
K: 7,249 And let not sir surfett . sitten at thy bord [aaAx]
W: 7,249 Late not sire surfete . sitte at -th-i borde [aaAx]
N: 7,249 Lat nou-gh-t sire s(ur)fait . sit at -th-i borde
A: 7,249 Lete not sere surfeth . syttyn at -th-i bord [aaAx]
M: 7,249 Let sir(e) surfet . sittyn ne lof -th-(o)u hi(m)
no -th-yng [aaAx]
H3: 7,249 Lete syr surfer . sytte at -th-i(n) bord ende longe
hy(m) ryth nouth [aaAx]
T: 7,250 Leue hym nou[gh]t for he is a leccho(ur) & likerous
of tunge
H2: 7,250 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,250 Loue hym nou-gh-t for he is a lecchour . and lecorous
of tonge [aaAx]
D: 7,250 Loue hym nou-gh-t for he is lechoure likerous of
tonge [aaAx]
R: 7,250 lef not hi(m) he is a lecho(ur) . and libero(us)
of his tu(n)ge [aaAx]
U: 7,250 Leue hym noght for he is a lechour . and likerous
of tunge [aaAx]
V: 7,250 (Loue) him not, for he is a (lechour) . & (likerous)
of Tonge [aaAx]
H: 7,250 loue hy(m) not he is a lechour . & likerous
of tu(n)ge [aaAx]
J: 7,250 Loffe him nouth for he is a licher(e) . & likerous
of tung [aaAx]
L: 7,250 Loue him not for he is a lechour . & lykerous
of tonge [aaAx]
K: 7,250 Leue hym not for he is a lechour . & likerous
of tonge [aaAx]
W: 7,250 Leue not -th-at lechour for he is lykerouse of mou-th-
N: 7,250 ffor he is a lecho(ur) . & lykerouse of tonge
A: 7,250 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 7,250 ffor he is a lecchour . & lekerous of tonge
H3: 7,250 ffor he is a lecchour . & kekerous of tonge
T: 7,251 And aftir many maner of metis his mawe is alongid
H2: 7,251 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,251 And after many maner metis . his mawe is alonged
D: 7,251 And aft(ir) many man(er) metys . his mawe is alongyd
R: 7,251 and after many man(er) met(is) . his mawe is alonged
U: 7,251 & aftir many man(er) metys . his mawe is alongyd
V: 7,251 And aftur (mony) (Metes) . his (Mawe) is a-longet
H: 7,251 & aft(ur) many metis . his mawe [aaAx]
J: 7,251 And aft(er) many man(er) metis . his maw is alongyd
L: 7,251 And after mony maner metes . his mawe is alonged
K: 7,251 And after many man(er) met(is) . he is alonged [aaAx]
W: 7,251 And aftre many man(er)e metes . his mawe is alonged
N: 7,251 And aftir many maner metis . his mawe is alonged
A: 7,251 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 7,251 & to many man(er) of metis . his mawe is alongid
H3: 7,251 And aft(ir) many man(er) metys . hys mawe is alongyd
T: 7,252 And [y]if [th](o)u di[gh]ete [th]e [th]us I dar ley
myn armes
H2: 7,252 An( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,252 And -gh-ef -th-ow ech day do -th-us . I dar ley
myn hede [axAx]
D: 7,252 And if -th-(o)u diete -th-e -th-us . I dar ley my(n)
Armys [axAx]
R: 7,252 and -gh-if -th-(o)u diete -th-e -th-us . I dar ley(n)
my(n) armes [axAx]
U: 7,252 And -y-if -th-ou diete -th-e thus . y dar leyn myn
eres [axAx]
V: 7,252 And _g_if _th_ou (di_g_ete) _th_e _th_us . I (dar)
legge bo_th_e myn Eres [axAx]
H: 7,252 & -gh-if -th-ou vsest -th-ee -th-us . y dar
leye myn lyf [axAx]
J: 7,252 And -gh-if -th-(o)u dyht -th-e -th-(us) . I dar
ley myn armys [axAx]
L: 7,252 And -gh-ef -th-(o)u dyote -th-e -th-us . I dar leye
myn hed [axAx]
K: 7,252 And if thou dight the thus . I dare lay myn armes
W: 7,252 And if -th-ow diote -th-e -th-us . I dar ley myn
eie [axAx]
N: 7,252 -Gh-if -th-(o)u dyete -th-e -th-us . I dar leye
myn harmes [axAx]
E: 7,252 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,252 -Gh-if -th-u do -th-us . I dar ley myne armys [axAx]
M: 7,252 And -y-if -th-(o)u digthe -th-e -th-us . I dar leyn
my(n) arms [axAx]
H3: 7,252 And -gh-yf -th-(o)u dyith -th-e -th-(us) . I dar
leyn my(n) armys [axAx]
T: 7,253 [Th]at fisik shal his furrid hood for his foode selle
H2: 7,253 That fis( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,253 -Th-at fesik schal his furred hode . for his food
selle [aaAx]
D: 7,253 That fesyk his furred hood . for his fode wil selle
R: 7,253 That fysyk shal his furred hod . for his fode selle
U: 7,253 -Th-at fysyk his furhed hood schal . for his fode
selle [aaAx]
V: 7,253 _Th_at (ffisyk) schal his (fforred) hod . for his
lyflode sulle [aaAx]
H: 7,253 -Th-at fisik shal his forred hood . for his foode
sille [aaAx]
J: 7,253 -Th-(a)t fysyk schal his furryd hode . for his fode
sellyn [aaAx]
L: 7,253 -Th-at fysyk schal his forred hodes . for his fode
selle [aaAx]
K: 7,253 That phisike schal his furred hoode . for his fode
selle [aaAx]
W: 7,253 ffysik shal for his fode his forred hode selle [aaAx]
N: 7,253 -Th-at fysyk shal his furred hode . for his fode
selle [aaAx]
A: 7,253 That fesike schal his furrid hod . for his fode
sellyn [aaAx]
M: 7,253 -Th-at fisik schal his ffurrid hod . for his foode
sellyn [aaAx]
H3: 7,253 -Th-at fysyik xal hys forryd hod . for hys fode
selle [aaAx]
T: 7,254 And ek his cloke wi[th] calabre & [th]e knoppis
of gold
H2: 7,254 And eke his c( :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,254 And eke his cloke with calabre . and -th-e knoppes
of golde [aaAx]
D: 7,254 And eke his cloke w(i)t(h) calabre . & -th-e
knoppes of gold [aaAx]
R: 7,254 And eke his cloke w(i)t(h) alabre . and -th-e knott(es)
of golde [aaAx]
U: 7,254 And eke -th-e clokis calabre . and -th-e knoppys
of golde [aaAx]
V: 7,254 And eke his (cloke) of (Calabre) . with (knappes)
of Gold [aaAx]
H: 7,254 & eke his clokis calabre . & his coppis
of gold [aaAx]
J: 7,254 And eke his cloke calabr(e) . w(i)t(h) knoppys of
golde [aaAx]
L: 7,254 And eke his cloke kalabre . & -th-e knoppes
of golde [aaAx]
K: 7,254 And eke his Clokes w(i)t(h) calabre . & the
knoppes of golde [aaAx]
W: 7,254 And his cloke and his calabre . wi-th- knoppes of
gold [aaAx]
N: 7,254 And ek his cloke calabre . & knoppis of golde
A: 7,254 And is cloke of calabre . & his coppis of gold
M: 7,254 And ek his cloke of kalabr(e) . & his goold
knappis [aaAx]
H3: 7,254 And hys clokys calabre . & hys cuppys of gold
T: 7,255 And be fayn be my fei[th] his fesik to leten
H2: 7,255 And be fayn be m( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,255 And be fayn be my fay . his fesik to leten [aaAx]
D: 7,255 And be fayn be my feith . his fesyk to leten [aaAx]
R: 7,255 and be fayn by my fay . his fysyk to letyn [aaAx]
U: 7,255 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 7,255 And beo (ffayn), be my (ffei_th_) . his (ffisyk)
to lete [aaAx]
H: 7,255 & be ful fayn in fai-th- . his fisik to lete
J: 7,255 And be fayne be my fay . his fysyk to letyn [aaAx]
L: 7,255 And beo fayn by my fay . his fysyk to leten [aaAx]
K: 7,255 And byn fayne by my faye . his phisik to leve [aaAx]
W: 7,255 And be ful fayn be my fay . his fisike to lete [aaAx]
N: 7,255 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,255 he schal be fayne be my feyth . his fesike to leuyn
M: 7,255 And ben fayn be my fay . his fisik to leue [aaAx]
H3: 7,255 --- this line is omitted ---
T: 7,256 And lerne to laboure wi[th] lond lest liflode hym
H2: 7,256 And lerne to labo(ur)e ( :::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,256 And lerne to laboren with londe . lest liflode
him faile [aaaAx]
D: 7,256 And lerne to laboure w(i)t(h) lond . lest lyflode
hym fayle [aaaAx]
R: 7,256 and lerne [hi(m)] labour(e) w(i)t(h) lond . last
h(i)s lyflode hi(m) fayle [aaaAx]
U: 7,256 And lerne to laboure with hondes . lest lyflode
hym faile [aaaAx]
V: 7,256 And (leorne) to (labre) wi_th_ (lond) . leste (lyflode)
ffaile [aaaAx]
H: 7,256 & lerne to labore wi-th- lond . lest his lyuelode
faile [aaaAx]
J: 7,256 And lernyn to labowryn w(i)t(h) hande . -th-(a)t
hi(m) no fode fayle [aaaAx]
L: 7,256 And leorne to laboren with lond . leste liflode
him faile [aaaAx]
K: 7,256 And lerne to labour the lond . lest lifelode hym
fayle [aaaAx]
W: 7,256 And lerne to laboure wi-th- his hond . lest lyflode
hym faille [aaaAx]
N: 7,256 & lerne labo(ur) w(i)t(h) londe . lest lyflode
hi(m) faille [aaaAx]
A: 7,256 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 7,256 And lerne labouryn w(i)t(h) lond . lest liflode
hi(m) fayle [aaaAx]
H3: 7,256 And lery(n) labo(ur) w(i)t(h) lond . lest lyfflode
hy(m) fayle [aaaAx]
T: 7,257 [Th](er)e arn mo li[gh]eris [th]an lechis lord hem
H2: 7,257 Ther(e) arn mo lieres tha( :::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,257 -Th-er be mo li-gh-ers -th-an leches . god hem
amende [aaAx]
D: 7,257 -th-(er) arn no mo lyers -th-an leches . lord hem
amende [aaAx]
R: 7,257 Ther are mo lyer(es) -th-a(n) lechys . god he(m)
amende [aaAx]
U: 7,257 -Th-(er) ben mo lyeres -th-an leches . god hem amende
V: 7,257 _Th_er beo_th_ mo (ly_g_ers) _th_en (leches) . vr
(lord) hem amende [aaAx]
H: 7,257 -Th-(er) ne be-th- no(n) more losels -th-en lechis
. our(e) lord hem amende [aaAx]
J: 7,257 -Th-(er) arn moo lyers -th-an lechis . lord hem
amende [aaAx]
L: 7,257 -Th-er arn mo lyers -th-an leches . lord heom amende
K: 7,257 Ther arn moo liars than leches . lord hem amend
W: 7,257 Ther be-th- mo liers -th-an leches . lord hem amende
N: 7,257 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,257 Ther arne mo lyeris -th-an lechis . god hem amende
M: 7,257 -Th-er arn mo lieris -th-an lechis . our(e) lord
hem ame(n)de [aaAx]
H3: 7,257 -Th-(er) arn more lyerys -th-a(n) lechys . lord
he(m) amende [aaAx]
T: 7,258 [Th]ei do men di[gh]e [th]oru[gh] here drynkes er
destenye it wolde
H2: 7,258 And thei do men dei-gh-e th( :::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,258 -Th-ei do men di-gh-e -th-orow her drinkes . or
destanye hit wold [aaAx]
D: 7,258 -Th-ey do men deye w(i)t(h) here drynkes . or destenye
hit wolde [aaAx]
R: 7,258 -Th-ey don men deye w(i)t(h) her drynke . er(e)
destene wolde [aaAx]
U: 7,258 -Th-ei do men deye with here drynke . er destenye
it wolde [aaAx]
V: 7,258 _Th_ei don men (dy_g_en) _th_orw_g_ heor (drinke)
. er (destenye) wolde [aaAx]
H: 7,258 -Th-ei don me(n) dei-gh-e -th-ur-gh- her(e) drink
. or desteny wolde [aaAx]
J: 7,258 -Th-ei don men deyyn thorow her drinkys . er desteny
wol[de] [aaAx]
L: 7,258 -Th-ey don men dye -th-orugh heore drynkes . er
destenye hit wolde [aaAx]
K: 7,258 Thay done men dyen thrugh her drynk(es) . or destenye
it woulde [aaAx]
W: 7,258 They do men die wi-th- here drynk . er destenie
it wolde [aaAx]
N: 7,258 Thei do men dye w(i)t(h) her drynke . or destyne
it wolde [aaAx]
A: 7,258 Thei don men dey w(i)t(h) here drynk . god hem amende
M: 7,258 -Th-ey doth me deye wit her(e) drynk . er destynye
wolde [aaAx]
H3: 7,258 -Th-ei dou(n) me(n) deyn w(i)t(h) her drynk . er
desteny wolde [aaAx]
T: 7,259 Be seint p(er)nel q(ua)[th] peris [th]ise arn p(ro)fitable
H2: 7,259 Be seint p(er)nel q(ua)-th- p(er)is . these arn
( :: )
Ch: 7,259 Be seint poul q(uo)d piers . -th-es ben profitable
wordes [aaAx]
D: 7,259 Be seint p(er)nel q(ou)d piers . -th-ese be-th-
p(ro)fytable wordes [aaAx]
R: 7,259 by seynt poul q(uo)d per(is) . -th-es ar(e) p(ro)fytable
word(is) [aaAx]
U: 7,259 By seynt poul q(uo)d p(er)kyn . -th-ese arn p(ro)fitable
wordis [aaAx]
V: 7,259 Bi seint (Poul) quod (pers) . _th_eos beo_th_ (prophitable)
wordes [aaAx]
H: 7,259 by seint p(er)nel quo-th- peris . -th-is be-th-
p(ro)fitable wordis [aaAx]
J: 7,259 Be seynt powle q(uo)d pers . -th-ese arn p(ro)fetable
wordys [aaAx]
L: 7,259 By seynt Poule q(uo)d Piers . -th-eose arn p(ro)fitable
wordes [aaAx]
K: 7,259 By saynt povle q(uo)d pers . thes arn p(ro)fitable
word(is) [aaAx]
W: 7,259 Be seint poul q(uo)d Piers . -th-is be good wordes
N: 7,259 By seynt poule q(uo)d p(er)kyn . -th-ise ar p(ro)fitable
wordes [aaAx]
A: 7,259 Be sent pernel quot pers . -th-ese ben p(ro)fitable
wordis [aaAx]
M: 7,259 Be seint p(er)nel q(uo)d p(er)is . -th-is arn p(ro)fitable
wordis [aaAx]
H3: 7,259 Be sent p(er)nel q(uo)d pers . -th-ese arn p(ro)fytable
wordys [aaAx]
T: 7,260 [Th]is is a louely lessoun lord it [th]e for[gh]elde
H2: 7,260 This is a louely lesson . lord it th( ::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,260 -Th-is is a louelich lessoun . oure lorde -th-e
hit for-gh-elde [aaAx]
D: 7,260 -Th-is is a louely lessou(n) . lord it -th-e -gh-elde
R: 7,260 -Th-is is a louely lessou(n) . lord hit -th-e for-gh-elde
U: 7,260 -Th-is is a louely lessou(n) . crist it -th-e for-y-elde
V: 7,260 _Th_is is a (loueli) (lesson) . vr (lord) hit _th_e
for-_g_elde [aaAx]
H: 7,260 -Th-is is a louely lessou(n) . our(e) lord -th-ee
for-gh-elde [aaAx]
J: 7,260 -Th-is is a louely lessou(n) . lorde it -th-e for-gh-eelde
L: 7,260 --- this line is omitted ---
K: 7,260 This is a lovely lesson . lord it the foryelde [aaAx]
W: 7,260 This lesson is me lef . lord -th-e for-th-elde [aaAx]
N: 7,260 -Th-is is a louely lessou(n) . oure lorde it -th-e
for-gh-elde [aaAx]
A: 7,260 This is a louely lessun . lord it -th-e -gh-elde
M: 7,260 -Th-ys is a louely lesson . lord it -th-e for-y-elde
H3: 7,260 -Th-is is a louely lessou(n) . lord it -th-e for-gh-elde
T: 7,261 Wende now whanne [th]i wille is [th](a)t wel be [th](o)u
H2: 7,261 Wende now whanne thi wylle is . th( ::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,261 Wende now wher -th-i wille is . -th-at wel be -th-ow
euer [aaAx]
D: 7,261 Wende now whan -th-(o)u wilt . -th-(a)t wel be -th-(o)u
eu(e)re [aaAx]
R: 7,261 Wend now whe(n) -th-y wil is . for wel be -th-(o)u
euere [aaAx]
U: 7,261 Wende now whan -th-i wille is . -th-at wel be -th-e
eu(er)e [aaAx]
V: 7,261 (Wend) nou whon _th_i (wille) is . (Wel) _th_e beo
for euere [aaAx]
H: 7,261 Wende when -th-y wille is . wel -th-ee be eu(er)e
J: 7,261 Wende now qwan -th-i wil is . -th-(a)t weele -th-e
be eu(er)e [aaAx]
L: 7,261 Wend -th-(o)u when -th-y wille is . -th-at wel beo
-th-ou euer [aaAx]
K: 7,261 Wende now whan thy wille is . that well be thow
eu(er) [aaAx]
W: 7,261 Wende nowe where -th-i wil is . -th-at eu(er)e be
-th-ow well [aaAx]
N: 7,261 Wende now whan -th-i wille is . -th-(er)e wel -th-e
be eur(e) [aaAx]
A: 7,261 Wend wan -th-i wil is . wele be -th-u euyr [aaAx]
M: 7,261 Wend now whan -th-in wil is . & wel be -th-e
euer(e) [aaAx]
H3: 7,261 Wende now qwer -th-i(n) wyl is . wel be -th-(o)u
eu(er)e [aaAx]
T: 7,262 I behote god q(ua)[th] hung(er) henis nile I [not]
H2: 7,262 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,262 And I hote -th-e q(uo)d hunger . hennes nel I nau-gh-t
wende [aaAx]
D: 7,262 Behote god q(ou)d hung(er) . hennes nel I wende
R: 7,262 I behote god q(uo)d hu(n)ger . hennys ne wil I wende
U: 7,262 I hote -th-e q(uo)d hungir . hennys nyl y wende
V: 7,262 I (beo-hote) _th_e quod (hungur) . (heonnes) nul
I wende [aaAx]
H: 7,262 I byhote -th-ee quo-th- hu(n)g(er) . hennys nel
y wende [aaAx]
J: 7,262 I behote -th-e q(uo)d hung(er) . he(n)nys nyl I
weende [aaAx]
L: 7,262 I byhote -th-e q(uo)d hongo(ur) . -th-at hennes
nul y wende [aaAx]
K: 7,262 I hote god q(uo)d hungre . hens nyll I wende [aaAx]
W: 7,262 I behote god q(uo)d hungr(e) . -gh-it wil I not
wende [aaAx]
N: 7,262 -Gh-e I byhote -th-e q(uo)d hunger . -th-at hennes
wil I wende [aaAx]
A: 7,262 I hote god quot hungur . henys nil I wende [aaAx]
M: 7,262 I hote god q(uo)d hong(er) . hennys nil I wendyn
H3: 7,262 I behote -th-e q(uo)d hu(n)gyr . hens nyl I wende
T: 7,263 Er I haue dyned be [th]is day & ydronke bo[th]e
H2: 7,263 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,263 Or I haue Idyned be -th-is day . and Idronk bo-th-e
D: 7,263 Or I haue dyned be -th-is day . & Idronke onys
R: 7,263 Er(e) I haue dined by -th-is day . and ydrunke bo-th-e
U: 7,263 Er y haue dyned by -th-is day . and ydrunken bothe
V: 7,263 Er I haue (I-dynet) bi _th_is (day) . and (I-dronke)
bo_th_e [aaAx]
H: 7,263 or y haue dyned by -th-is day . & ydronke bo-th-e
J: 7,263 Er I haue dynyd be -th-is day . & Idronkyn bothe
L: 7,263 Er y haue dyned by -th-is day . & ydronke bothe
K: 7,263 Are I haue dyned by this day . & Idronk both
W: 7,263 Er I haue dyned by -th-is day . and Idronke bo-th-e
N: 7,263 Ar I haue dined bi -th-is day . & Idronke bo-th-e
A: 7,263 Or I haue dyned be -th-is day . & drunkyn bo-th-e
M: 7,263 Or I haue dynid be -th-ys day . & Idrunke bo-th-in
H3: 7,263 Er I haue dynyd be -th-is day . & dronke bothe
T: 7,264 I haue no peny q(ua)[th] piers pulettis to biggen
H2: 7,264 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,264 I haue no peny q(uo)d piers . polettes to bigge
D: 7,264 I haue no peny q(ou)d piers . polett(is) to begge
R: 7,264 I haue no peny q(uo)d per(is) . polet(is) to bugge
U: 7,264 I haue no penyes q(uo)d piers . pultys with to bigge
V: 7,264 I haue no (peny) quod (pers) . (Poletes) to bugge
H: 7,264 & y naue no peny quo-th- peris . poletis to
bigge [aaAx]
J: 7,264 I haue no peny q(uo)d Pers . pultys w(i)t(h) to
bigge [aaAx]
L: 7,264 I haue no peny q(uo)d Piers . pulettes to bugge
K: 7,264 I ne haue no peny q(uo)d pers . polettes to bygge
W: 7,264 I na no peny q(uo)d piers . puletes to bygge [aaAx]
N: 7,264 I haue no peny q(uo)d piers . poletes to bye [aaAx]
A: 7,264 I haue no peny quot pers . poletis to bigge [aaAx]
M: 7,264 I haue no(n) peny q(uo)d pers . pulletis to bigge
H3: 7,264 I haue no peny q(uo)d pers . polet(is) to bygge
T: 7,265 No[th](er) gees ne gris but two grene chesis
H2: 7,265 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,265 Nei-th-er gos no grys . but two grene cheses [aaAx]
D: 7,265 Nother gees no grys . but too grene chesys [aaAx]
R: 7,265 Ney-th-(er) ges ne grys . but tweyne grete cheses
U: 7,265 Nouther gees ne grys . but two grene cheses [aaAx]
V: 7,265 Nou_th_er (gees) ne (grys) . bote twey (grene) cheeses
H: 7,265 No-th-(er) goos ne grys . but two grene chesis [aaAx]
J: 7,265 Ney-th-(er) geese ne grices . but two grene chesys
L: 7,265 Nou-th-(er) gees no grys . bote two grene cheses
K: 7,265 Nowther gose ne grise . but ij grene chesys [aaAx]
W: 7,265 Nei-th-er goos ne gris . but tweyne grene cheses
N: 7,265 Ney-th-(er) gose no-th-er gryse . but a grene chese
A: 7,265 Neyther goos ne gryse . but to grene chesis [aaAx]
M: 7,265 Ney-th-ir gees ne gris . but a grene chese [aaAx]
H3: 7,265 Ney-th-(er) gees no(n) grys . but a grene chese
T: 7,266 A fewe cruddis & crem & non o[th]er cake
H2: 7,266 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,266 And a few kurdis and crem I can . non o-th-er take
D: 7,266 A fewe cruddys & crayme . & non o-th-(er)
cake [aaXa]
R: 7,266 a fewe cruddes and crem . and an auer cake [aaXa]
U: 7,266 And a fewe cruddes & creem . and an hauir cake
V: 7,266 And a fewe (Cruddes) and (Craym) . and a _th_erf
(Cake) [aaXa]
H: 7,266 & a fewe croddis & creym . & two hauer(e)
cakis [aaXa]
J: 7,266 And a few cruddys & creeme . & an hau(er)
kake [aaXa]
L: 7,266 A fewe croddes & crem . and an hauer kake [aaXa]
K: 7,266 A fewe curdes & creme . & an havere cake
N: 7,266 & also curdes & creem . & an hot kake
A: 7,266 And a fewe cruddis & crem . and an hauyr kake
M: 7,266 A fewe croddys & creem . & an hauer kake
H3: 7,266 A fewe croddys & crem . & an hauyr kake
T: 7,267 A lof of benis & bren ybake for my children
H2: 7,267 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,267 A lofe of benes and of brenne . Ibake for my childrin
D: 7,267 But a lof of benes & bren . bake for my children
R: 7,267 a lof of benys and bren . ybake for my children
U: 7,267 And a loof of benys & bran . ybake for my children
V: 7,267 And a lof of (Benes) and (Bren) . (I-Bake) for my
Children [aaAx]
H: 7,267 al of benys & of bran . ybake for my children
J: 7,267 And a loofe of benys & bren . bake for my childeryn
L: 7,267 A lof of benes & bren . ybake for my children
K: 7,267 A lofe of benys & branne . Ibake for my childern
W: 7,267 A lof of benes & brau(n) . bake for my childre
N: 7,267 A lof of banes & bran . bake for my children
A: 7,267 A lof of benys & bryn . Imade for my chideryn
M: 7,267 A loof of bonys & bren . Ibakyn for my(n) childry(n)
H3: 7,267 And a lof of benys & bren . Ibake for my chyldry(n)
W: 7,266 A fewe croddes and creme . & an hote cake [aaXa]
T: 7,268 And I sei[gh]e be my soule I haue no salt bacou(n)
H2: 7,268 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,268 I sey be my soule . I haue no salt Bakyn [aaAx]
D: 7,268 And I say be my soule . I haue no salt bacou(n)
R: 7,268 and -gh-ut I sey by my soule . I haue no salt bakou(n)
U: 7,268 And -y-it y seie -th-e be my soule . y haue no salt
bacou(n) [aaAx]
V: 7,268 And I (sigge), bi my (soule) . I haue no (salt)
Bacon [aaAx]
H: 7,268 & y seye -th-ee by my soule . y naue no salt
bacou(n) [aaAx]
J: 7,268 And -gh-it I sey be my sowle . I haue no salt bakun
L: 7,268 And -gh-et I say by my soule . y haue no salt bacou(n)
K: 7,268 And yet I say by my soule . I haue no salte bacone
W: 7,268 And -gh-it I sai by my soule . I na no salt bacon
N: 7,268 -Gh-it I sey by my soule . I haue no salt Bacou(n)
A: 7,268 Be my soule I sey . haue I no salt bacoun [aaAx]
M: 7,268 And -y-it I say be my soule . I ne haue no(n) salt
bacou(n) [aaAx]
H3: 7,268 And -gh-et I sey be my soule . I haue no salt bakou(n)
T: 7,269 Ne no cokenay be crist colopis to maken
H2: 7,269 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,269 No cokenay be crist . coleps to make [aaAx]
D: 7,269 Ne no cokenay be crist . colloppes to makyn [aaAx]
R: 7,269 Ne no cokeney be crist . colloppes to make [aaAx]
U: 7,269 Ne no cokeney be crist . colopes with to make [aaAx]
V: 7,269 Ne no (Cokeneyes) bi (Crist) . (Colopus) to maken
H: 7,269 ne no cokeneys by crist . colhoppis to make [aaAx]
J: 7,269 Ne no kokenay be crist . collopys to make [aaAx]
L: 7,269 Ny no kokeney by crist . colopes with to frye [aaAx]
K: 7,269 Ne non cokeney by crist . colloppes to maken [aaAx]
W: 7,269 Ne no cokney be crist . colopes to make [aaAx]
N: 7,269 Ne no kokeney by crist . coloppes w(i)t(h) to make
A: 7,269 Ne non cokeneis . colopis to makyn [aaAx]
M: 7,269 Ne no(n) cokeney be crist . colloppis to makyn [aaAx]
H3: 7,269 Ne no kokenay be cryst . koloppys to make(n) [aaAx]
T: 7,270 Ac I haue p(er)sile & poret & many cole plantis
H2: 7,270 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,270 But I haue p(er)cely and porettis . and many colde
plantis [aaAx]
D: 7,270 Ac I haue p(er)cyl & poret . & many cole
plantys [aaAx]
R: 7,270 ac I haue p(er)sely and poret . many cool plant(is)
U: 7,270 Ac y haue p(er)sil porette . and many col plantys
V: 7,270 Bot I haue (porettes) & (percyl) . and moni
(Colplontes) [aaXa]
H: 7,270 but I haue p(er)soly & poretis . & many
caul plontis [aaAx]
J: 7,270 Ac I haue p(er)ceel & portys . & many cole
plantys [aaAx]
L: 7,270 Bote I haue p(er)cile & porret . and mony cole
plantes [aaAx]
K: 7,270 But I haue percele & porrett . & many cole
plantes [aaAx]
W: 7,270 But I haue p(er)cell and plantes . and many cold
pores [aaAx]
N: 7,270 But p(er)celly & porettes . & many cole
plantes [aaAx]
A: 7,270 I haue p(er)sel & poret . and many plante colis
M: 7,270 I haue p(er)soly & poretis . & many plante
colys [aaAx]
H3: 7,270 I haue porett(es) & p(er)sely . & many
plant colys [aaAx]
T: 7,271 And ek a cow & a calf & a carte mare
H2: 7,271 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,271 And eke a kow and a calf . and a cart and a mare
D: 7,271 And eke a Cow & a calf . & a cart more [aaAx]
R: 7,271 and eke a kow and a calf . and a cart mare [aaAx]
U: 7,271 And eek a cow and a calf . and a cart mare [aaAx]
V: 7,271 And eke a (Cou), and a (Calf) . and a (Cart-Mare)
H: 7,271 & a cow & a calf . & a cart mar(e) [aaAx]
J: 7,271 And eke a cow & a calfe . & a cart mere
L: 7,271 And eke a kow & a kalf . and a kart mare [aaAx]
K: 7,271 And eke a kowe & a calf . & a carte mare
W: 7,271 And a cow and a calf . & a carte mere [aaAx]
N: 7,271 And a cow & a calf . & a kart mere [aaAx]
A: 7,271 And a cowhe & a calfe . and a carte mare [aaAx]
M: 7,271 And a cow & a calf . & a carte Mar(e) [aaAx]
H3: 7,271 And eke a kow & a calf . & a cart mare
T: 7,272 To drawe on feld my dong while [th]e drou[gh]t lasti[th]
H2: 7,272 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,272 To draw on filde my dong . while my drow-gh-t laste-th-
D: 7,272 To drawe on feld my doung . whiles drought laste-th-
R: 7,272 to drawe a felde -th-e du(n)ge . whil -th-e drouthe
lesty-th- [aaAx]
U: 7,272 To drawe on felde dunge . while -th-e drowhte lastith
V: 7,272 To (drawe) a-feld my (donge) . Whil _th_e (drouh_th_e)
laste_th_ [aaAx]
H: 7,272 to drawe a feld -th-e donge . whil -th-e drou-th-e
lasti-th- [aaAx]
J: 7,272 To drawyn dung afelde . qwylys -th-e drouht lastyth
L: 7,272 To drawe on feld my donge . whiles -th-e droghte
lastes [aaAx]
K: 7,272 To drawe on feld my dong . whiles the drowght lasteth
W: 7,272 To drawe on feld my dong . while -th-e droght laste-th-
N: 7,272 To drawe a felde -th-e donge . wil -th-e drou-gh-t
laste-th- [aaAx]
A: 7,272 Tho drawyn on feld my dunge . whil -th-e drouth
[lasti-th-] [aaAx]
M: 7,272 To drawe on felde my(n) dong . whil -th-e drye lastet
H3: 7,272 To drawe to felde my donge . qwyl -th-e drouth
lestyth [aaAx]
T: 7,273 Be [th]is liflode I mote lyue til lammasse tyme
H2: 7,273 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,273 Be -th-is liflode I mi-gh-t leue . tille lammasse
tyme [aaAx]
D: 7,273 By -th-is lyflode I leue . til lammasse tyme [aaAx]
R: 7,273 By -th-(i)s liflode I most lyue . til la(m)masse
tyme [aaAx]
U: 7,273 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 7,273 Bi _th_is (lyflode) I mot (lyuen) . til (lammasse)
tyme [aaAx]
H: 7,273 by -th-is lyuelode y most lyue . til lamasse tyme
J: 7,273 Be -th-is lyuelod I mot lyffyn . to lammes tyme
L: 7,273 By -th-is liflode y moste lyue . vnto lammas tyme
K: 7,273 By this lyfelode I must lyve . tyll lammas tyme
W: 7,273 By -th-is liflode most I leue . til lamme[s] tyme
N: 7,273 By -th-is lyflode I mote lyue . to lammasse tyme
A: 7,273 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 7,273 Be -th-ys lifflode I most leue . til la(m)masse
tyme [aaAx]
H3: 7,273 Be -th-is lyflode I must lyue . tyl lamesse tyme
T: 7,274 Be [th]at I hope for to haue heruest in my croft
H2: 7,274 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,274 Be -th-at I hope to haue . heruest to my croft
D: 7,274 By that y hope to haue . heruest in my croft(es)
R: 7,274 by -th-(a)t I hope to haue . la(m)masse in my croft
U: 7,274 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 7,274 Bi _th_at, Ich (hope) forte (haue) . (heruest) in
my Croft [aaAx]
H: 7,274 by -th-at I hope for to haue . heruest in my croft
J: 7,274 Be -th-an I howpe to haue . heruest in my crofte
L: 7,274 By -th-at I hope to haue . heruest at home in my
krofte [aaAx]
K: 7,274 By that I hope to haue . haruest in my crofte [aaAx]
W: 7,274 By -th-an I hope to haue . heruest in my croft [aaAx]
N: 7,274 By -th-(a)t I hope to haue . heruest in my croft
A: 7,274 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 7,274 Be -th-at I hope to haue(n) . heruest in my(n) crofte
H3: 7,274 Be -th-a(n) I hope to haue . heruest i(n) my croft
T: 7,275 And [th]anne may I di[gh]te [th]i dyner as [th]e dere
H2: 7,275 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,275 And -th-an may I di-gh-t -th-i dyner . as -th-e
dere like-th- [aaAx]
D: 7,275 And -th-anne may I dy-gh-t -th-y dyn(er) . as -th-e
dere lyke-th- [aaAx]
R: 7,275 -th-a(n) may I dy-gh-the -th-i dyner . as -th-e
der(e) lyky-th- [aaAx]
U: 7,275 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 7,275 _Th_enne may I (dihte) _th_i (dyner) . as _th_e
(deore) lyke_th_ [aaAx]
H: 7,275 -th-en may I di-gh-te -th-y dyner(e) . as -th-ee
der(e) like-th- [aaAx]
J: 7,275 -Th-an may I dyhetyn -th-i dyn(er) . as -th-e dere
lykyth [aaAx]
L: 7,275 -Th-anne may I dighte -th-y dyner . atte fulle as
-th-e deore likyn [aaAx]
K: 7,275 And than may I dight thy dyner . as the dere liketh
W: 7,275 Than shal I dyght -th-e a dyner . as -th-e wel like-th-
N: 7,275 Thanne I may dyght -th-i dyner . as -th-e dere lyke-th-
A: 7,275 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 7,275 -Th-anne may I digthi(n) -th-in dyner . as me der(e)
liket [aaAx]
H3: 7,275 -Th-a(n) may I dyth my dynere . as me dere lykyth
T: 7,276 Alle [th]e pore peple pesecoddis fetten
H2: 7,276 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,276 Alle -th-e pore pepel . pescodes fetten [aaAx]
D: 7,276 Alle -th-e pore peple . pesecoddys fetten [aaAx]
R: 7,276 al -th-e pore puple -th-e . pesecoddes fetten [aaAx]
U: 7,276 Al -th-e pore peple . pesecoddes -th-ei fetten [aaAx]
V: 7,276 Al _th_e (pore) (peple) . (pese-coddes) fetten [aaAx]
H: 7,276 Alle -th-e pore puple . pesecoddes -th-ei fetten
J: 7,276 Alle -th-e pore peple . pesecoddys -th-ei fette
L: 7,276 Alle -th-e pore people . peosekoddes -th-ey fette
K: 7,276 Al the pore people . pescodis fetchen [aaAx]
W: 7,276 And -th-e pore peple -th-an . pescodes fetten [aaAx]
N: 7,276 Alle -th-e pore peple -th-anne . pesecoddes feccheden
M: 7,276 Now al -th-e pour(e) peple . pesecoddis fecchen
H3: 7,276 Alle -th-e pore puple . pescodys -th-ei fetten
T: 7,277 Benes & blake applis hy brou[gh]te in h(er)e lappe
H2: 7,277 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,277 Bedes and bake apples . -th-ei brou-gh-t In her
lappe [aaAx]
D: 7,277 Benes & blak apples . -th-ey brou-gh-te in here
lappe [aaAx]
R: 7,277 Benys and bake applys . -th-ei brou-gh-te in h(er)
lappes [aaAx]
U: 7,277 Benys and baken apples . -th-ei broughten in here
lappes [aaAx]
V: 7,277 (Bake) (Benes) in (Bred) . _th_ei (brouhten) in
heor lappes [aaaAx]
H: 7,277 benys & bacoun . wi-th- hem -th-ei brou-gh-ten
J: 7,277 Benys & bakyn appyls . -th-ei browhtyn in her
lappys [aaAx]
L: 7,277 Benes & bake apples . -th-ey broghten in heore
lappes [aaAx]
K: 7,277 Benys & bake apples . thay brought in her lappes
W: 7,277 Benes and bake apples . -th-ai broght in her(e)
lappes [aaAx]
N: 7,277 Benes & bacou(n) & apples . in her lappis
A: 7,277 Benys & appillis . -th-ei broutyn in here lappis
M: 7,277 Benys & bakyn applis . -th-ey brougthen in her(e)
lappis [aaAx]
H3: 7,277 Benys bakon aplys . -th-ei brouty(n) i(n) her lappys
A: 7,276 Alle -th-e pore puple . pescodis -th-ei fechedyn [aaAx]
T: 7,278 Chibollis & chiriuell(is) & riche chiries
H2: 7,278 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,278 Chibolles and cheruelles . and Ripe cheries many
D: 7,278 Chybollys & Chiryfellys . & rype cheryes
manye [aaAx]
R: 7,278 chibolles and skalonys . and ripe cheries manye
U: 7,278 Chybolys and cheruelys . and ripe cherys manye [aaAx]
V: 7,278 (Chibolles), (Cheef) mete . and ripe (chiries) monye
J: 7,278 Chespollys & chir(e)uellis . & ripe chiris
many [aaAx]
L: 7,278 ::::::::::::::::::::: . and ripe chiryes manye [aaAx]
K: 7,278 Chibolles & cheruellis . & ripe cherise
many [aaAx]
W: 7,278 Cheboll(es) & cheruell(es) . & ripe cheries
many [aaAx]
N: 7,278 Chibolles cherueles . & rype cheries manye [aaAx]
A: 7,278 Chibolis & cheruel . & many ry-th-e cheries
M: 7,278 Chibolles & cheruellis . & ripe cherijs
manye [aaAx]
H3: 7,278 Chybollys & cheruelys . & rype cheryis
many [aaAx]
T: 7,279 And p(ro)fride peris o p(re)sent to plese [th](er)e
wi[th] hungir
H2: 7,279 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,279 And proferd l pers a present . to plese -th-erwith
hunger [aaaAx]
D: 7,279 And p(ro)fered piers -th-is p(re)sent . to p(re)sente
w(i)t(h) hunger [aaaAx]
R: 7,279 and p(ro)fred per(is) -th-(i)s present . to plese
-th-(er)w(i)t(h) hu(n)ger [aaaAx]
U: 7,279 And p(ro)frid piers -th-is p(re)sent . to plese
-th-(er)with hungir [aaaAx]
V: 7,279 And (proferde) (pers) _th_is (present) . to (plese)
with hungur [aaaAx]
H: 7,279 & offride(n) peris -th-is p(re)sent . to plese
with hong(ir) [aaaAx]
J: 7,279 And p(ro)feredyn pers -th-is p(re)sent . to plesyn
-th-(er)w(i)t(h) hung(ir) [aaaAx]
L: 7,279 And p(ro)fered Piers -th-is present . to plese -th-erewith
hong(ur) [aaaAx]
K: 7,279 And p(ro)fered pers this p(re)sent . to please therw(i)t(h)
hungre [aaaAx]
W: 7,279 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 7,279 And p(ro)ferd piers to present . to plese myd hu(n)gre
M: 7,279 & profedyn pers -th-ys presente . to plesyn
w(i)t(h) hongir [aaaAx]
H3: 7,279 And p(ro)ferydy(n) pers -th-is p(re)sent . to plese
w(i)t(h) hu(n)gyr [aaaAx]
T: 7,280 Abd hungir hente [th]is in haste & askide aftir
H2: 7,280 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,280 And hunger hent -th-is In haste . and asked after
more [aaaAa]
D: 7,280 And hung(er) ete -th-is in haste . & asked aft(ir)
more [aaaAa]
R: 7,280 And hu(n)ger ete -th-is in haste . and asked after
more [aaaAa]
U: 7,280 Hungir ete al -th-is in haste . and axide aftir
more [aaaAa]
V: 7,280 (Honger) (eet) _th_is in (haste) . and (asked) aftur
more [aaaAx]
H: 7,280 Hung(ir) eet hit in hast . & askid aft(ur) more
J: 7,280 Hung(ir) eet al -th-is in hast . & axit aft(er)
more [aaaAa]
L: 7,280 Hongor set in -th-at haste . and axed after more
K: 7,280 And hungre yete this in haste . & askyd aft(er)
more [aaaAa]
W: 7,280 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 7,280 Hu(n)ger ete al -th-is in hast . & axed aftir
more [aaaAa]
M: 7,280 And hung(ir) hente in haste . & askid after
mor(e) [aaaAa]
H3: 7,280 Hu(n)gyr hent -th-is i(n) hast . & askyd aft(ir)
more [aaaAa]
T: 7,281 [Th]anne [th]ise folk for fer fetten hym manye
H2: 7,281 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,281 -Th-an -th-is folk for fer . fetten him mony [aaAx]
D: 7,281 -Th-an -th-is folk for feer . fetten hym many [aaAx]
R: 7,281 Tha(n) -th-is folk for fere . fetten hi(m) more
U: 7,281 -Th-a(n)ne -th-is folk for fers . fetten hym manye
V: 7,281 _Th_enne _th_is (folk) for (fere) . (fetten) him
monye [aaAx]
H: 7,281 & -th-e folk for ferd . fetten hym many [aaAx]
J: 7,281 -Th-an -th-is folk for feere . fettyn him many [aaAx]
L: 7,281 -Th-anne -th-is folk for fere . fetten him suche
monye [aaAx]
K: 7,281 Than thes folk for feare . fettyn hym faste [aaAx]
W: 7,281 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 7,281 Thanne -th-e folke sore aferde . fecchede hi(m)
manye [aaAx]
M: 7,281 & -th-anne -th-ise folk for fer . fettyn hi(m)
manye [aaAx]
H3: 7,281 -Th-a(n) -th-is folk ferdy(n) forth & fetchyd
hy(m) many [aaAx]
H: 7,278 chibols chesteyns . & ripe cheries also [aaAx]
T: 7,282 --- this line om ---
H2: 7,282 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,282 --- this line is omitted ---
D: 7,282 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 7,282 Grene poret and pesyn . to poysone hi(m) -th-ey
-th-ou-gh-the [aaAx]
U: 7,282 Grene porret and pesen . to poysen him -th-ei -th-ou-gh-te
V: 7,282 (Poretes), and (Peosen) . for _th_ei him (plese)
wolden [aaAx]
H: 7,282 poretis & peris applis & plowmes [aaAx]
J: 7,282 Grene portes and pesyn . poysyn him -th-ei wode
L: 7,282 Of grene porets and peoses . to plesen him -th-ey
wolde [aaAx]
K: 7,282 Grene porett(es) & peson . to poyson hym thay
wolde [aaAx]
W: 7,282 Grene garly and gresse . for ple hem -th-ai wolde
N: 7,282 Grene porettis and pesen . apoysen hi(m) -th-ei
wolde [aaAx]
A: 7,282 Grene poret & pesyn . to apoysened hym -th-e
wolde [aaAx]
M: 7,282 Grene poretis & p(er)cely . for poisyn hi(m)
-th-en -th-ougthy(n) [aaAx]
H3: 7,282 Grete poret(es) & poysy(n) . to poysene hy(m)
-th-ei thouth [aaAx]
A: 7,279 And proferid pers -th-is present . for to plese w(i)t(h) hun[gur] [aaaAx]
A: 7,280 Hungur hent -th-is in hast . and askyd aftyr more [aaaAa]
A: 7,281 Than -th-is folk for ferd . fecchid hym manye [aaAx]
A: 7,282 Grene poret & pesyn . to apoysyn hym -th-ei wolde [aaAx]
T: 7,283 Be [th](a)t it nei[gh]ide ner heruest newe corn com
to chepyng
H2: 7,283 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,283 Be -th-at hit ney-gh-ed ny-gh-e heruest . new corn
come to cheping [aaAbb]
D: 7,283 Be -th-(a)t it ney-gh-ed ney heruest . -th-(a)t
newe corn cam to chepynge [aaAbb]
R: 7,283 by -th-a(n) hit neyhed heruest . and newe corn come
to towne [aaAbb]
U: 7,283 by -th-e(n)ne it neyhed ner heruest . -th-(a)t newe
corn cam to towne [aaAbb]
V: 7,283 ffrom _th_at (tyme) _th_at _th_ulke weore eten .
(take) he schulde his leue [axAx]?
H: 7,283 by -th-at it nei-gh-ed heruest . -th-at newe corn
riped [aaAbb]
J: 7,283 Be -th-an it neyhed nere heruyst . -th-(a)t new
corne cam to chepyng [aaAbb]
L: 7,283 By -th-at nyghed neor heruest . -th-(a)t neowe korn
com to chepyng [aaAbb]
K: 7,283 By -th-(a)t it nighhid nye h(er)uest . for new corne
to cheping come [aaAbb]
W: 7,283 By -th-at heruest neghed . & [newe] ne corn
come to markett [aaAbb]
N: 7,283 By -th-(a)t was comyn heruest . & new corn to
chepyng [aaAbb]
A: 7,283 Whan it neschid nere haruest . & corn cam to
cheppyng [aaAbb]
M: 7,283 Be -th-at it was ny heruyst . & newe cor(n)n
kam to sellyn [aaAbb]
H3: 7,283 Be -th-(a)t it neyhed heruest . -th-(a)t new corn
come to chepyng [aaAbb]
V: 7,283 Til hit to (heruest) (hi_g_ede) . _th_at newe (corn) (com) to chepynge. [aaBb]
T: 7,284 [Th]anne was folk fayn & fedde hung(er) w(i)t(h)
[th]e beste
H2: 7,284 ( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Ch: 7,284 -Th-an were folk feyn . and fedde hunger with -th-e
beste [aaAx]
D: 7,284 -Th-an was folk fayn . & fedde hung(er) w(i)t(h)
-th-e beste [aaAx]
R: 7,284 -Th-a(n) wer(e) folk fayn . and fedde hu(n)ger w(i)t(h)
-th-e beste [aaAx]
U: 7,284 -Th-a(n)ne was folk fayn . and fedde hungir wi-th-
-th-e beste [aaAx]
V: 7,284 _Th_Enne was _th_at (folk) (fayn) . and tedde hunger
_g_eorne [aaXx]
H: 7,284 -th-en wer(e) folk feyn . & fedden hong(er)
fast [aaAx]
J: 7,284 -Th-an was -th-e folke fayne . & feddyn him
w(i)t(h) -th-e best(e) [aaAx]
L: 7,284 -Th-a(n)ne was folk fay(n)n . & fedde honger
with -th-e beste [aaAx]
K: 7,284 And than war the folk fayne . & fed hungre with
the beste [aaAx]
W: 7,284 Than was -th-e folk fayn . & fed hym wi-th-
-th-e best [aaAx]
N: 7,284 Thanne was -th-e folke fayn . gaf hungre of -th-e
best [aaAx]
A: 7,284 Than was folke fayne . & fed hungur w(i)t(h)
-th-e best [aaAx]
M: 7,284 -Th-an wox folk fayn . & feddy(n) hem wit -th-e
beste [aaAx]
H3: 7,284 -Th-a(n) was folk fayn . & feddy(n) hu(n)gyr
w(i)t(h) -th-e beste [aaAx]
T: 7,285 Wi[th] good ale & glotonye he gart hym to slepe
H2: 7,285 ( :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ) hi(m) to slepe
Ch: 7,285 With gode ale and glotonye . -th-ei gert him to
slepe [aaAx]
D: 7,285 W(i)t(h) good ale & glotonye . he gart hym to
slepe [aaAx]
R: 7,285 W(i)t(h) goud ale and glotonye . -th-ei ger(e) hi(m)
to slepe [aaAx]
U: 7,285 Wi-th- good ale and gloteny . -th-ei dyden hym to
slepe [aaAx]
V: 7,285 With (good) Ale, and (glotonye) . and (gart) him
to slepe [aaAx]
H: 7,285 Wi-th- good ale & glotonye . & made hym
to slepe [aaAx]
J: 7,285 W(i)t(h) gode ale & glotenye . gartyn him to
slepe [aaAx]
L: 7,285 With good ale & glotony . -th-ey garte him swythe
to slepe [aaAx]
K: 7,285 With good ale & glotonye . thay gratte hym to
sclepe [aaAx]
W: 7,285 Wi-th- good ale and glotonie . -th-ai grathe hym
on slepe [aaAx]
N: 7,285 W(i)t(h) gode ale in glotonie . -th-ei gret hi(m)
to slepe [aaAx]
A: 7,285 W(i)t(h) good ale bad gloton go slepe [aaAx]
M: 7,285 Wit good ale & glotonye . -th-ey getyn hi(m)
o slepe [aaAx]
H3: 7,285 W(i)t(h) good ale & gloteny . -th-e(n) gat
hy(m) on slepe [aaAx]
T: 7,286 And [th]o nolde wasto(ur) not werche but wandrite
H2: 7,286 ( :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ) wandre aboute
Ch: 7,286 And -th-o wold wastour nou-gh-t worche . but wandred
aboute [aaAx]
D: 7,286 And -th-o nolde wasto(ur) not wurche . but wandred
aboute [aaAx]
R: 7,286 -th-o wolde wasto(ur) not wyrche . but wandr(e)
aboute [aaAx]
U: 7,286 And -th-o wolde wastours wurche . but wandridd aboute
V: 7,286 And _th_o nolde _th_e (wastor) (worche) . but (wandren)
aboute [aaAx]
H: 7,286 & -th-o wolde wasto(ur) not werche . but wandrid
aboute [aaAx]
J: 7,286 And -th-o no wold wasto(ur) wyrchi(n) . but wand(er)dyd
abowte [aaAx]
L: 7,286 And -th-o nolde wasto(ur) worche . bote wandren
aboute [aaAx]
K: 7,286 And tho would wasto(ur) not w(er)chen . but wandred
aboute [aaAx]
W: 7,286 Than wold not wastour worche . but wandred aboute
N: 7,286 Tho wolde wasto(ur) not wyrche . but wandre aboute
E: 7,286 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,286 Tho wolde wastour not slepe . but wanderid aboute
M: 7,286 -Th-o ne wolde no wastour werche . but wandry(n)
abouty(n) [aaAx]
H3: 7,286 Tho wold wasto(ur) nouth werche . but wanderyd
aboute [aaAx]
A: 7,33 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,34 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,35 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,36 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,37 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,38 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,39 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,40 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,41 --- this line is omitted ---
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A: 7,68a --- this line is omitted ---
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A: 7,72 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,73 --- this line is omitted ---
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A: 7,76 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,77 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,78 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,79 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,80 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,81 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,82 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,83 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,84 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,85 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,86 He is beholdyn I hope . to haue me in his messe [aaAx]
A: 7,87 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,88 My wyfe schal haue of -th-at I wan . trewely & nomore [aaAxx]
A: 7,89 ffor to dele among my frendis . & also my children [axAx]
A: 7,90 ffor -th-ow I deie today . my dettis arn quytte [aaAx]
A: 7,91 I bar hom -th-at I borwid . or I -gh-ede to bedde [aaAx]
A: 7,92 And w(i)t(h) -th-e resude & -th-e remelaund . be -th-e rode of chestre [aaAx]
A: 7,93 I wil worschep -th-erw(i)t(h) . sent trew-th-e in my lyfe [aaXx]
A: 7,94 And ben his pilgrym at -th-e plow . for pore mennys sake [aaAx]
A: 7,95 My plow staf schal be my potent . & pyke vp -th-e rotis [aaAx]
A: 7,96 And helpe my cultur to kerue . & clense -th-e forwis [aaAx]
A: 7,97 Now is p(er)kyn & his pilgrymes . to -th-e plow fare [aaAx]
A: 7,98 To herien -th-e half hacre . hopyn hym many [aaAx]
A: 7,99 Diggeris & delueris . dyggid vp -th-e balkis [aaAx]
A: 7,100 Therof was p(er)kyn wele Ipayd, . & preysid hem -gh-erne [aaAx]
A: 7,101 O-th-er werkmen -th-er were . -th-at wroutyn ful faste [aaAx]
A: 7,102 Eche man on his maner . made hym to done [aaAx]
A: 7,103 Summe plesid perkyn . pikkedyn vp -th-e weys [aaAx]
A: 7,104 At hei p(ri)me peris . let -th-e plow stande [aaAx]
A: 7,105 To ouersen hym . so so best wrouth [aaAx]
A: 7,106 He schal ben hyrid -th-ereaftir . whan heruest tyme comyth [aaAx]
A: 7,107 Than setyn somme . and sungyn at -th-e nale [aaAx]
A: 7,108 Holpyn to herye -th-e half acre . w(i)t(h) hei trolly lolly [aaaAx]
A: 7,109 Be -th-e prynce of p(ar)adice . quot peris in wreth [aaAx]
A: 7,110 But -gh- rysyn -th-e ra-th-ere . and rape -gh-ou to werche [aaAx]
A: 7,111 Schchyl no greyne -th-at here grow(i)t(h) . helpe -gh-ou at nede [aaAx]
A: 7,112 Thou -gh-e dey for dole . -th-e deuyl haue hym -th-at rechith [aaAx]
A: 7,113 Than were -th-o faytouris aferde . & feyned hem blynd [aaAx]
A: 7,114 Summe leyde here leggis on lery . as summe loselis cunne [aaaAx]
A: 7,115 And pleyned hem to peris . w(i)t(h) petous wordis [aaAx]
A: 7,116 We han no lemys to labo(ur) w(i)t(h) . lord grace be -gh-e [aaAx]
A: 7,117 We prey for -gh-ow peris . and for -gh-oure plow bo-th-e [aaAx]
A: 7,118 That god of his grace . -gh-our greyne multiplie [aaAx]
A: 7,119 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,120 ffor sekenes vs eylyth that we mow not laboryn [aaAx]
A: 7,121 -Gh-if it be so as -gh-e seyn quot peris . I schal it aspie [axAa]
A: 7,122 -Gh-e ben wastouris I wot wel . trew-th-e wot -th-e so-th-e [aaAx]
A: 7,123 I am is hold hyne . I aut hym to warne [aaAx]
A: 7,124 Sweche wastouris . his werkemen dystroen [aaAx]
A: 7,125 -Gh-e etyn -th-at -th-ai schuldyn . -th-at eryen for us alle [aaAa]
A: 7,126 And trew-th-e schal teche -gh-ou . his teme for to dryue [aaAx]
A: 7,127 To settyn & to sowyn . & to sauyn his til-th-e [aaAx]
A: 7,128 Cacche coos from -th-e corn . kepyn his bestis [aaAx]
A: 7,129 Or -gh-e schal etyn barly bryn . & of -th-e brok drynkyn [aaAx]
A: 7,130 But -gh-e bryng a broke schank . or bedrede lyggyn [aaAx]
A: 7,131 Schul -th-ai ete as good as I so god me helpe [????]
A: 7,132 Til god of his grace . gar hem to ryse [aaAx]
A: 7,133 Ankeris & hermytes . -th-at wonyn in here sellis [aaAx]
A: 7,134 Schul haue of myn almes . whil -th-at y libbe [aaAx]
A: 7,135 Eche day at none . but no more til morwe [aaAbb]
A: 7,136 In auenture -th-at bred flesche & -th-e fende . schuld foulyn her soule [aaAx]
A: 7,138 He abit wele -th-e bette . -th-at bibbith not to ofte [aaAx]
A: 7,137 Onys at non is Inow . -th-at no werke vsyth [aaAxx]
A: 7,139 Tho began wastour . wold -th-an a foutyn [axAx]
A: 7,140 And to peris plowman . he proferid his gloue [aaAx]
A: 7,141 A bretoner a bragger . he bost hym alse [aaAx]
A: 7,142 Bad hym go pysse w(i)t(h) his plow . foule pyne wreche [aaAx]
A: 7,143 Wilt -th-u or nylt -th-ou . we wil han oure wille [axAa]
A: 7,144 Of -th-i floure & of -th-i fysche . fecche whan vs likith [aaAx]
A: 7,145 And make vs mery -th-erw(i)t(h) . magrey -th-i chekis [aaAx]
A: 7,146 Than peris plouman . pleyned hym to -th-e knyth [aaAx]
A: 7,147 To kepyn hym as comennant . was fro cursid schrewis [aaAx]
A: 7,148 ffor wastouris -th-at waytid . werke men to schende [aaAx]
A: 7,148 And bid hem go werchyn . what he best likith
A: 7,149 Curtesly -th-e knyth . be kende as he wel wolde [aaAx]
A: 7,150 Warned wastour . and wyssid hym bettir [aaAx]
A: 7,151 Or -th-u schalt abye be -th-e lawe . be -th-e ordre -th-at I welde [????]
A: 7,152 I was not wonte to werche quot wastour . I wol not now begynne [aaaAx]
A: 7,153 And lete lytely of -th-e lawe . and lesse of -th-e knyte [aaAx]
A: 7,154 He countid peris at a pese . & his plow bo-th-e [aaAx]
A: 7,155 Manasid hym & his men . whan -th-ai next mettyn [aaXa]
A: 7,156 Be -th-e p(er)ele of my soule quot peris . I schal apeyre -gh-ou alle [axaAx]
A: 7,157 He wyschid aftir hungur . he harde hym at -th-e fryst [aaAx]
A: 7,158 Wreke me on -th-ese wastouris quot pers . -th-at -th-is werd schendt [aaxAx]
A: 7,159 Hungur in hast -th-an hent . wastour be -th-e wombe [aaAx]
A: 7,160 And wrong hym so be -th-e wombe . -th-at alle watterid his yen [aaAx]
A: 7,161 And buffetid so -th-e bretoner . aboute -th-e chekis [aaAx]
A: 7,162 That he lokid lyke a lantarne . al is lyfe aftir [aaAx]
A: 7,163 He bet hem so bo-th-e . he brast ner here wombis [aaAx]
A: 7,164 Ne had peris w(i)t(h) a pese lofe . a preyed hem beleue [aaAx]
A: 7,165 And w(i)t(h) a bene batte . he wente hem betwene [aaXx]
A: 7,166 And hitte hungur -th-erw(i)t(h) . in myddis of -th-e lyppis [aaAx]
A: 7,167 And bled into his bodyward . a bolle ful of growel [aaAx]
A: 7,168 Ne had fryst -th-e feciscian . a defende hym watur [aaAx]
A: 7,169 To abate -th-e barly bred . and -th-e benys grounde [aaaAx]
A: 7,170 They had be ded be -th-is day . and dolfyn al warme [aaAx]
A: 7,171 ffor ferd -th-ese wastouris . flowyn to bernys [aaAx]
A: 7,172 And flappid w(i)t(h) fleyles . fro morne til euyn [aaAxx]
A: 7,173 That hungur was not hardy . on hem for to loke [aaAx]
A: 7,174 ffor a potel of pece . -th-at pers had mad [aaAx]
A: 7,175 And an hep of heremytis . hente hem spadis [aaAx]
A: 7,176 And doluyn drytte & dounge . to holdyn hunger oute [aaaAx]
A: 7,177 Blynd & bederede . were betyn a thousand [aaAx]
A: 7,178 Thei leyn blynd . & bedrede be -th-e hep wey [xaAx]
A: 7,179 Hungur hem helid . w(i)t(h) an hote cake [aaAx]
A: 7,180 lame mennys leggis . where litid -th-at tyme [aaAx]
A: 7,181 And becomyn knauys . and cepte peris bestis [aaAx]
A: 7,182 And preyden for charite . w(i)t(h) peris for to dwelle [aaAx]
A: 7,183 ffor coueytice of his corn . to cacchyn awey hungur [aaAx]
A: 7,184 Peris was proud -th-erof . & put hem in office [aaAx]
A: 7,185 -Gh-af hem mete & mone . as -th-ai myght dysseruyn [aaAx]
A: 7,186 Than had perce pete . & preid hungur for to wende [aaAx]
A: 7,187 Into his owyn lond . and dwelle -th-er for euyr [aaaAa]
A: 7,188 -Gh-it I prey -th-e quot peris . er -th-u passe fer-th-ere [aaAx]
A: 7,189 Of -th-ese beggeris & bidderis . what is best to done [aaAx]
A: 7,190 ffor wele I wot be -th-u went . he willyn werche ful euyl [aaaAx]
A: 7,191 ffor mysche-th- it makith . -th-ei ben so meke now [aaAx]
A: 7,192 And for defaute of helpe & fode . -th-us fast -th-ei werchyn [aaAx]
A: 7,193 And alle ben my bre-th-eryn . god boute vs alle [aaAx]
A: 7,194 Trew-th-e taut me onys . to louyn hem echone [aaAx]
A: 7,195 Thei -th-at han nede . helpe hem in alle -th-inge
A: 7,196 Now wold I wetyn -gh-if -th-u wistid . what were -th-e best [aaaAx]
A: 7,197 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,198 Here now quot hungur . and held it for wysdom [aaAx]
A: 7,199 Bolde beggeris -th-at beggyn . -th-at mowe here bred swynk [aaaAx]
A: 7,200 W(i)t(h) houndis bred & hors bred . hold vp here hertis [aaAa]
A: 7,201 Abaue hem w(i)t(h) benys . for bolnyng of here wombe [aaAx]
A: 7,202 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,203 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,204 -Gh-if -th-u fynde ony freyke . -th-at fortune has apeyred [aaAx]
A: 7,205 W(i)t(h) fyre or w(i)t(h) fals men . fond sweche to knowe [aaAx]
A: 7,206 Counfort hem w(i)t(h) -th-i catel . for godis loue of heuyn [aaAx]
A: 7,207 Loue hem & lene hem . for -th-e lawe of kynde it wolle [aaAx]
A: 7,208 And alle maner of men . -th-at -th-ou mygtht aspie [aaAx]
A: 7,209 That in nede ben or nakid . or nouth han to spende [aaAx]
A: 7,210 W(i)t(h) mete or w(i)t(h) mone . lat hem be -th-e bettere aaAx|
A: 7,211 Or w(i)t(h) werke or w(i)t(h) dede . whil -th-u art here [aaAx]
A: 7,212 Make -th-e frendis -th-er mydde . & so mathew vs techit [aaAx]
A: 7,212a { ffacite amicos vobis amicos } I ne wold god greue [Latin]
A: 7,213 Quot peris . for alle -th-e gold on -th-e grounde [aaxAx]
A: 7,214 Myte I synles don as -th-u seyde . seyde peris -th-anne [aaXx]
A: 7,215 -Gh-a I hote -th-e quot hungur . or ellis -th-e bibil lyeth [aaAxx]
A: 7,216 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,217 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,218 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 7,219 And sapiens seyth -th-e same . I sey it in -th-e bible [aaAx]
A: 7,220 { Piger p(ro)pter frigus } . no feld wolde it telle [aaBbx]
A: 7,221 He schal go beggyn & byddyn . to bete away his hungur [aaAx]
A: 7,222 Mathew w(i)t(h) mannys face . mevith -th-es wordis [aaAx]
A: 7,223 That { Seruus nequam } hath a man . & he ne wold it vsyn [aaAx]
A: 7,224 He had a magrey of his mayster . eu(er) more aftir [aaAx]
A: 7,225 And benam hym is man . for he wold not werche [aaAx]
A: 7,226 And -gh-af it hym in hast . -th-at had ten -th-er before [aaAx]
A: 7,227 And sythen he seyde . -th-at his seruuauntis it harde [aaAx]
A: 7,228 He -th-at hath schal haue . to helpyn -th-er ned is [aaaAx]
A: 7,229 He -th-at nouth hath . schal not haue ne no man hy(m) helpe [aaAa]
A: 7,230 And -th-at he wenyth to haue . I wil it hym bereve [aaAx]
A: 7,231 Kynde wolde . -th-at eche man wrouth [aaAa]
A: 7,232 W(i)t(h) techyng or w(i)t(h) tellyng . w(i)t(h) handis or w(i)t(h) trauelyng [aaAx]
A: 7,233 Contemplatife lyfe or actife lyfe . crist oure lord wolde [xaAx]
A: 7,234 Oure lord seyth . in -th-e salme of { Beati omnes } [aaAx]
A: 7,234a { Labores manuu(m) tuaru(m) &c } he -th-at wynnyth his fode [Latin]
A: 7,235 Thorow trauayle of his hand . god geuyth hym is blyssyng [aaXa]
A: 7,236 --- this line om ---
T: 7,287 Ne no begg(er)e ete bred [th](a)t benis in come
H2: 7,287 ( :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: )n
Ch: 7,287 Ne no begger ete brede . -th-at benes In come [aaAx]
D: 7,287 Ne no begger(e) ete bred . -th-(a)t benys In comen
R: 7,287 Ne no begger(e) ete bred . -th-at beny(n) come inne
U: 7,287 Ne no lengere ete no breed . -th-at benys comen
ynne [aaAx]
V: 7,287 Ne no (Beggere) eten (Bred) . _th_at (Benes) Inne
coome [aaAx]
H: 7,287 Ne no begg(er) ete breed . -th-at benys yn come
J: 7,287 Ne no beggar eetyn bred . -th-(a)t benys in comyn
L: 7,287 Ny no begger ete bred . -th-at benes or barlych
yn come [aaAx]
K: 7,287 Ne no beggar ete no bred . that benys in co(m)me
W: 7,287 Ne no beggere ete brede . -th-at benes wer(e) in
N: 7,287 Ne no beggar ete bred . -th-(a)t benys in comyn
A: 7,287 Ne no beggere ete bred . -th-at benys in come [aaAx]
M: 7,287 Ne no beggerys etyn bred . -th-at benys in comen
H3: 7,287 Ne no beggere ete bred . -th-(a)t benys I(n) kemyn
T: 7,288 But coket or clermatyn or of clene whete
H2: 7,288 ( :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: )lene
Ch: 7,288 Bot cokette or clerematyn . or of clene whete [aaAx]
D: 7,288 Bot soket or chermayn . or of clene whete [aaAx]
R: 7,288 but coket and cler(e)maty(n) . or of clene whete
U: 7,288 But coket or clermatyn . or of clene whete [aaAx]
V: 7,288 Bote (Coket) and (Cler) Matin . an of (clene) whete
H: 7,288 but coket & clerematyn . & of clene whete
J: 7,288 But coket & clerematyn . o-th-ir of clene qwhete
L: 7,288 Bote koket or clermatyn . mad of clene whete [aaAx]
K: 7,288 But cokket or clerematyne . or els clene whete [aaAx]
W: 7,288 But coket and clerematyne . or of clene whete [aaAx]
N: 7,288 But koket & clermatyn . & of clene whete
A: 7,288 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 7,288 But cokit & clermatyn . of -th-e clene whete
H3: 7,288 Hot koket or clermoty(n) . or of clene qwete [aaAx]
T: 7,289 Ne non halpeny ale in no wyse drynke
H2: 7,289 ( :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ) non wyse drynke
Ch: 7,289 Ne no halpeny ale . In none wise drink [aaAxx]?
D: 7,289 Ne non halfpeny ale . in no wyse drynken [aaAxx]?
R: 7,289 Ne no(n) halpeny ale . on none wise drynke [aaAxx]?
U: 7,289 Ne none halpeny ale . in none wise drynken [aaAxx]?
V: 7,289 Ne non (halfpeny) (Ale) . (In) none wyse drynke
H: 7,289 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 7,289 Ne none halpeny ale . in none wyse drinkyn [aaAxx]?
L: 7,289 Ny no halpeny ale . in none wise drynken [aaAxx]?
K: 7,289 Ne non halfpeny ale . in non wise drynke [aaAxx]?
W: 7,289 Ne no halpeny ale . in no wise drynke [aaAxx]?
N: 7,289 Ne non halpeny ale . in non wyse drynke [aaAxx]?
A: 7,289 Ne non halpeny ale . in no wyse drynk [aaAxx]?
M: 7,289 Ne non halfpany ale . in no(n) wise drynke [aaAxx]?
H3: 7,289 Ne nou(n) halpeny ale . in no wyse drynky(n) [aaAxx]?
T: 7,290 But of [th]e beste & [th]e brunneste [th](a)t
breust(er)is sellen
H2: 7,290 ( :::::::::::::::: )onnest . that brewst(er)es
Ch: 7,290 Bot of -th-e best and -th-e brownest . -th-at brewsteres
sellen [aaAx]
D: 7,290 But of -th-e beste & -th-e brou(n)nest . -th-at
brewst(er)s sellen [aaAx]
R: 7,290 but of -th-e beste and -th-e bronneste . -th-at
brewester(is) sellyn [aaAx]
U: 7,290 But of -th-e beste and of browneste . -th-(a)t breust(er)s
sellen [aaAx]
V: 7,290 Bote of _th_e (Beste) and _th_e (Brouneste) . _th_at
(Brewesters) sullen [aaAx]
H: 7,290 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 7,290 But -th-e best & -th-e bru(n)nest . -th-(a)t
brewst(er)ys sellyn [aaAx]
L: 7,290 Bote of -th-e beste & of -th-e bronneste . -th-(a)t
breowesters sellen [aaAx]
K: 7,290 But of the best & of the brownest . that brewsters
sellen [aaAx]
W: 7,290 But of -th-e best & bronnest . -th-at breusters
sell [aaAx]
N: 7,290 But of alderbest . -th-(a)t brewstars selle [aaAx]
A: 7,290 But of -th-e best & -th-e bronnest . -th-at
breusteris seldyn [aaAx]
M: 7,290 But of -th-e best & brinest . -th-at breust(er)s
sellyn [aaAx]
H3: 7,290 But of -th-e beste & -th-e brownest . -th-(a)t
-th-e brewstere sellyth [aaAx]
T: 7,291 Laboureris [th]at haue no land but lyue on here handis
H2: 7,291 ( :::::::::::::::::: ) londe . but lyue on here
Ch: 7,291 Laborers -th-at haue no londe . but leue be her
handes [aaAx]
D: 7,291 Laborers -th-(a)t haue no land . to leue on but
here hondes [aaAx]
R: 7,291 Labourer(is) -th-at haue no lond . to lyue by but
her hand(is) [aaAx]
U: 7,291 Laboureris -th-(a)t hadde no lond . to lyue by but
her(e) handes [aaAx]
V: 7,291 (Laborers) _th_at haue no (lond) . to (liuen) on
Bote heore honden [aaAx]
H: 7,291 laborers -th-at haue no lond . but lyue by hem silue
J: 7,291 Laborerys -th-at han no lande . to lyuy(n) on but
her handys [aaAx]
L: 7,291 Laboreres -th-at hauen no lond . to lyuen on bote
heore hondes [aaAx]
K: 7,291 Laborars that haue no lond . to lyuyn on but her
hand(is) [aaAx]
W: 7,291 Laborers -th-at haue no lond . but lyue by here
honde [aaAx]
N: 7,291 Laborers -th-(a)t haue no londe . to lyue on but
her hondes [aaAx]
A: 7,291 Laboreris -th-at had no lond . but leuyd be here
handis [aaAx]
M: 7,291 laboures -th-at han no land . but leuy(n) on her(e)
handys [aaAx]
H3: 7,291 Labourerys -th-(a)t ha(n) no lond . to leuy(n)
on but her handys [aaAx]
T: 7,292 Deyne[th] nou[gh]t to dyne a day ni[gh]t olde wortis
H2: 7,292 ( ::::::::::::::::::: )ne . a day ny-gh-t olde
Ch: 7,292 Deyned nou-gh-t to dyne . on day ny-gh-t olde wortis
D: 7,292 Deyned now to dyne . ny-gh-th olde wort(is) [aaAx]
R: 7,292 deyne-th- not to dyne . o day ny-gh-th olde wort(is)
U: 7,292 Deygned noght to dynen . wi-th- nyght olde wortys
V: 7,292 (Deyne) not to (dyne) a (day) . niht-olde wortes
H: 7,292 deyne(n) to dyne . a day ni-gh-t olde wortes [aaAx]
J: 7,292 Deynedyn nouth to dynyn . nyht olde wortys [aaAx]
L: 7,292 ::::::: to dyne . on dayes nyght holde wortes [aaAx]
K: 7,292 Deyneth now to dyne . a day w(i)t(h) cold wortes
W: 7,292 Deynen not to dynen . a day nyght old wortes [aaAx]
N: 7,292 Dyne-th- nou-gh-t to dyne . a day ni-gh-t olde wortis
A: 7,292 Deyned to dyne on -th-e day . nygth olde wortis
M: 7,292 dynyd nout . on -th-e day but nith olde wortys [aaAx]
H3: 7,292 Loue nouth to do dyne . on -th-e day w(i)t(h) no(n)
old wortys [aaAx]
T: 7,293 May no penyale hem paye ne no pece of bacou(n)
H2: 7,293 ( ::::::::::::::::::: ) hem paye . ne no pece of
Ch: 7,293 May no penyale hem paie . no none pece of bakoun
D: 7,293 May no penyale hem paye . ne no pece of bacou(n)
R: 7,293 Ther may no penyale he(m) paye . ne no pece of bakou(n)
U: 7,293 May no penyale hem paye . ne no pece of bacoun [aaAx]
V: 7,293 Mai no (peny) Ale hem (paye) . ne no (pece) of Bacun
H: 7,293 may no penyale hem pay . ne no pece of bacou(n)
J: 7,293 May no penyale hem payne . ne no pece of bakou(n)
L: 7,293 May no penyale heom paye . ny no pece of bakoun
K: 7,293 May no penyale hem pay . ne no pece of bacon [aaAx]
W: 7,293 May no penyale hem paye . ne pece of bacon [aaAx]
N: 7,293 May no penyale hem paye . ne no pece of bacou(n)
A: 7,293 May no penyale hem payn . ne non pece of bacon [aaAx]
M: 7,293 May non penyale hem paie . ne no(n) pece bacoun
H3: 7,293 May no penyale he(m) pay . ne no(n) pece of bakon
T: 7,294 But [y]if it be fressh flessh o[th](er) fissh yfried
H2: 7,294 But it be fresch flesch . or ellis fysch Ifried
Ch: 7,294 But hit be fresch flesch . or fisch Ifri-gh-ed
D: 7,294 But if it be fressh flessh . or o-th-(er) fyssh
yfryed [aaAaa]
R: 7,294 but h(i)t be fresch flesch . o-th-(er) fysche yfryed
U: 7,294 But it be rostid flesche . or elles fysche yfried
V: 7,294 Bote hit weore (ffresch) (fflesch) . or elles (ffisch)
(I-ffri_g_et) [aaAa]
H: 7,294 but it be fresch flesch . or fresch fysch yfried
J: 7,294 But if it be freche fleche . o-th-(er) fyche Ifryed
L: 7,294 Bote -gh-ef hit beo fresch flesch . or fresch fysch
yfryed [aaAaa]
K: 7,294 But if it be fresch flesch . or fisch wel Ifryed
W: 7,294 But fresh flesh . or fysh fried or rost [aaAaa]
N: 7,294 But -gh-if it be fresshe flesche . or fysche -th-(a)t
is fried [aaAaa]
A: 7,294 But it be fresche flesche & fysche . fryed or
rostid [aaaAx]
M: 7,294 But -y-if it be freysch flesch . or fisch Ifryd
or Irostid [aaAaa]
H3: 7,294 But it be fresch flesch . or fryid fysch or rostyd
T: 7,295 And {chaud} & {pluys chaud} for chillyng of his
H2: 7,295 And { chaud } and { pluys chaud } . for chillyng
of his mawe [aaAx]
Ch: 7,295 And { chawt } and { pluis chawt } . for chilling
of her maw [aaAx]
D: 7,295 And { chaut & plus chaut } . for chellyng of
here mawe [aaAx]
R: 7,295 bo-th-e chaufed and plus chaufed . for chillyng
of her mawe [aaAx]
U: 7,295 And { chaud } and { plus chaud } . for chillynge
of her(e) chekys [aaAx]
V: 7,295 Bo_th_e (Chaud) and (pluschaud) . for (chele) of
heore Mawe [aaAx]
H: 7,295 bo-th-e { chaude & pluys chawd } . for chilli(n)g
of her(e) mawes [aaAx]
J: 7,295 { Chaud & plus chaud } . for chillyng of his
mawe [aaAx]
L: 7,295 And { chaud & plus chaud } . for chillyng of
heore nailes [aaAx]
K: 7,295 And { chaud & plus chaude } . for chilling of
her mawes [aaAx]
W: 7,295 And -gh-it { chaude } or { plus chaude } . for chillyng
of hire mawes [aaAx]
N: 7,295 { Chaude & plus chaude } . for chillyng of his
mawe [aaAx]
A: 7,295 { Chauyd & plu chaud } . for chillyng of here
mawis [aaAx]
M: 7,295 & -th-at { chaude & pluis chaude } . for
chillyng of her(e) nal(is) [aaAx]
H3: 7,295 Or { chaud & pur chaud } . for chyllyng of
her mawys [aaAx]
T: 7,296 But [y]if he be hei[gh]liche hirid ellis wile he chide
H2: 7,296 But if he be hei-gh-lich hired . ellis wille [we]
chide [aaAx]
Ch: 7,296 And but he be hi-gh-elich Ihered . elles wol he
chide [aaAx]
D: 7,296 But yf he be heylych hyred . elles wil he chide
R: 7,296 but he be heylyche hered . ellys wil he grucche
U: 7,296 But he be lylyche hired . elles wol he chide [aaAx]
V: 7,296 Bote he beo (heihliche) (I-huret) . (elles) wol
he chide [aaAx]
H: 7,296 but -th-ei be hi-gh-ely yhuyred . ellis wollen -th-ei
chide [aaAx]
J: 7,296 But he be hylych hyryyd . ellis wil he chide [aaAx]
L: 7,296 Bote he beo hyghliche I huyred . elles wol he chyden
K: 7,296 And but he be highlich hired . els wille he chyden
W: 7,296 And but -th-ay be hylych hired . -gh-it wil -th-ai
chyde [aaAx]
N: 7,296 But if he be hieghlyche heryed . ellis wil he chide
A: 7,296 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 7,296 But -th-ey ben at her(e) ese . ell(is) welyn -th-ey
chidyn [aaAx]
H3: 7,296 -Gh-et but he be heyly hyryd . -gh-et wel he chyde
T: 7,297 [Th]at he was werkman ywrou[gh]t warie [th]e tyme
H2: 7,297 That he was werkman Iwrou-gh-t . warie the tyme
Ch: 7,297 -Th-at he was workeman wrou-gh-t . and wari-gh-e
the tyme [aaAx]
D: 7,297 That he was workman wrout . waryen -th-e tyme [aaAx]
R: 7,297 That he was ewer(e) ma(n) wrou-gh-t . warie -th-e
tyme [aaAx]
U: 7,297 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 7,297 _Th_at he was (werkmon) (I-wrou_g_t) . (warie) _th_e
tyme [aaAx]
H: 7,297 -Th-at -th-ei were werkmen bycome . warie -th-e
tyme [aaAx]
J: 7,297 -Th-(a)t he was werkman Iwrowht . waryyn -th-e tyme
L: 7,297 -Th-at he was werkmon wroght . warye -th-e tyme
K: 7,297 That he [was] workma(n) Iwrought . warien the tyme
W: 7,297 That -th-ei were werkmen wroght . -th-ei warie -th-e
time [aaAx]
N: 7,297 -Th-(a)t he warkeman was wrou-gh-t . wary -th-e
tyme [aaAx]
A: 7,297 That he werkman become . he weylid -th-e tyme [aaAx]
M: 7,297 -Th-at he was werkman Iwrougth . waryn -th-e tyme
H3: 7,297 And -th-(a)t he was werkma(n) Iwrouth . wary-gh-e
-th-e tyme [aaAx]
T: 7,298 And [th]anne curse [th]e king & alle [th]e counseil
H2: 7,298 And than he curse the kyng . and alle the counsel
aftur [aaAx]
Ch: 7,298 And -th-an curse-th- -th-e king . and alle -th-e
conseil after [aaAx]
D: 7,298 And -th-anne curse -th-e kyng . & alle -th-e
Cou(n)ceyll aft(ir) [aaAx]
R: 7,298 and curse -th-e king . and al his cou(n)seyl after
U: 7,298 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 7,298 And (Corse) _g_erne _th_e (kyng) . and al his (Counseil)
aftur [aaAx]
H: 7,298 & curse -th-e king . & alle his counseil
aft(ur) [aaAx]
J: 7,298 And -th-an c(ur)syn -th-e kyng . & -th-e councel
aftur [aaAx]
L: 7,298 And -th-anne korse -th-e kyng . & al -th-e counseil
after [aaAx]
K: 7,298 And than cursen the kyng . and al that counsaile
after [aaAx]
W: 7,298 And -th-an -th-ei corse-th- -th-e kyng . and al
his counseil aftr(e) [aaAx]
N: 7,298 And -th-anne curse -th-e kyng . & al -th-e co(mun)e
aftre [aaAx]
A: 7,298 Thay cursyn -th-e kyng . & -th-e counsel aftir
M: 7,298 & -th-e counseil cursyn & -th-e kyng after
H3: 7,298 And cursy(n) -th-e kyng . & hys consel aft(ir)
T: 7,299 Suche lawis to loke laboureris to chastise
H2: 7,299 Such lawis to loke . labo(ur)ers to chaste [aaAx]
Ch: 7,299 Such lawes to loke . laborers to chastice [aaAx]
D: 7,299 Such lawes to loke . laborers to chaste [aaAx]
R: 7,299 Suche lawes to loke . labourer(is) to chaste [aaAx]
U: 7,299 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 7,299 Suche (lawes) to (loke) . (laborers) to chaste [aaAx]
H: 7,299 siche lawis to loke . laborers to chast [aaAx]
J: 7,299 -Th-(a)t suche lawes lokyn . laboreris to chastyn
L: 7,299 Suche lawes to loken . laborers to chasten [aaAx]
K: 7,299 Such lawes to loken . laborars to chastien [aaAx]
W: 7,299 That suche lawes conne loke . laborers to chast
N: 7,299 Suche lawes to loke . laboreres to chaste [aaAx]
A: 7,299 Sweche lawis to lokyn . laboreris to chastesyn [aaAx]
M: 7,299 Swich lawe to lokyn . laboreris to chastyn [aaAx]
H3: 7,299 Sweche lawys to loke . labourerys to chastyce [aaAx]
T: 7,300 Ac while hung(er) was here maist(er) wolde [th](er)e
non chide
H2: 7,300 Ac while hung(er) was mayst(er) wolde ther non
chide [????]
Ch: 7,300 But while hunger was her maister wold -th-er non
chi[de] [????]
D: 7,300 Ac while hung(er) was here mayst(er) wolde -th-(er)
non chide [????]
R: 7,300 Ac whil hu(n)g(er) was her mayster her non wolde
chide [????]
U: 7,300 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 7,300 Ac while (hunger) was Mayster (heer) . wolde _th_er
non chyde [aaXx]
H: 7,300 but while hong(er) was maist(er) her(e) wolde -th-ei
not chide [????]
J: 7,300 Ac qwylis hunger was here maist(er) wolde here no(n)
chide [????]
L: 7,300 Bote whil hongor was heore maister wold -th-(er)
non chyde [????]
K: 7,300 But whiles hungre was here mast(er) wold ther nou(n)
chyden [????]
W: 7,300 But while hungre was her maistre wold -th-ei not
chide [????]
N: 7,300 But wil hunger was her maistre wolde -th-(er)e non
chide [????]
A: 7,300 Whil hungur was maister wold non chide [????]
M: 7,300 But whil hong(er) was maist(er) -th-a(n)ne wolde
-th-ey not chide [????]
H3: 7,300 And qwyl hu(n)gyr was mayst(er) wolde no(n) chyde
T: 7,301 Ne stryue a[gh]en [th]e statut so sternely he lokide
H2: 7,301 Ne stryue a-gh-en the statute . so sternely he
lokid [aaAx]
Ch: 7,301 Ne steren a-gh-en his state . so sternely he loked
D: 7,301 Ne stryue a-gh-en -th-e statute . so sternely he
loked [aaAx]
R: 7,301 Ne stryue a-gh-en -th-e statute . so sternely he
lokede [aaAx]
U: 7,301 And stryue a-y-ens -th-e statutes . and sternely
loken [aaAx]
V: 7,301 Ne (striue) a_g_eyn _th_e (statues) . so (steorneliche)
he lokede [aaAx]
H: 7,301 ne stryue a-gh-en -th-e statut(es) . so st(er)neliche
he loked [aaAx]
J: 7,301 Ne stryuyn a-gh-eyn her statutis . so st(er)nely
he lokyd [aaAx]
L: 7,301 No stryue a-gh-eyn his statute . so steornely he
loked [aaAx]
K: 7,301 Ne stryue ageyn his statute . so sternely he loked
W: 7,301 Ne struie a-gh-eins his statute . so sternly he
loked [aaAx]
N: 7,301 Ne stryue a-gh-ein -th-e statut-gh- . so sternely
he loked [aaAx]
A: 7,301 Ne stryue ageyne -th-e statute . so sterneliche
he lokid [aaAx]
M: 7,301 N stryue a-y-ens -th-e statuet . so sternelech he
lokede [aaAx]
H3: 7,301 Ne stryue a-gh-ens hys statutys . so sternely he
lokyd [aaAx]
T: 7,302 I warne [y]ow werkmen wynne[th] while [y]e mowe
H2: 7,302 I warne -gh-ou werkmen . wyneth while -gh-e mowe
Ch: 7,302 I warne -gh-ow workmen . wynne-th- while -gh-e
mowe [aaAx]
D: 7,302 I warne -gh-ow werkmen . wynne-th- whyle -gh-e mowe
R: 7,302 I warne -gh-ou werkma(n) . wy(n)ne-th- whil -gh-e
mowe [aaAx]
U: 7,302 y warne -y-ow werkemen . wynneth whil -y-e mowen
V: 7,302 I (warne) _g_ou, alle (werk-men) . (winne_th_) while
_g_e mowe [aaAx]
H: 7,302 I warne -gh-ow werkmen . werche-th- while -gh-e
mowe [aaAx]
J: 7,302 I warne -gh-ow werkmen . wynnythe qwil -gh-e mowe
L: 7,302 y warne -gh-ou werkmen . wynneth whil -gh-e mowe
K: 7,302 I warne yow workme(n) . wynnyn while ye mowen [aaAx]
W: 7,302 I warne -gh-ow wel -gh-e werkmen . worche-th- while
-gh-e mowe [aaAx]
N: 7,302 I warne -gh-ow werkemen . worche wil -gh-e mowen
A: 7,302 I warne -gh-ou werkmen . ernyth whil -gh-e mowe
M: 7,302 I warne -y-ov wercmen . wynnyt whil -y-e mowen [aaAx]
H3: 7,302 I warne -gh-ow werkme(n) . wy(n)nyth qwyl -gh-e
mowe [aaAx]
T: 7,303 ffor hungir hiderward hasti[th] hym faste
H2: 7,303 ffor hung(ir) hiderward . hastith hi(m) faste [aaAx]
Ch: 7,303 ffor hunger hederward . haste-th- hym faste [aaAx]
D: 7,303 ffor hung(er) is hedirward . & hastet hym faste
R: 7,303 ffor hu(n)ger hiderward . heyeth hi(m) faste [aaAx]
U: 7,303 ffor hungir hiderward . hyeth hym faste [aaAx]
V: 7,303 (Hunger) (hiderward) a_g_eyn . (hi_g_e_th_) him
_g_eorne [aaAx]
H: 7,303 for hung(ir) hiderward . hasti-th- ful fast [aaAx]
J: 7,303 ffor hunger rit hidirword . hithid him fast [aaAx]
L: 7,303 ffor hongo(ur) hyderward . hasteth him faste [aaAx]
K: 7,303 ffor hungre hitherward . hastith hym faste [aaAx]
W: 7,303 ffor hungre hie-th- hym a-gh-en . and hast hym fast
N: 7,303 ffor hu(n)ger hiderward . haste-th- hi(m) fast [aaAx]
A: 7,303 ffor hungur is hedurward . he hastit for fast [aaAx]
M: 7,303 ffor hong(ir) is hidirward . & hastit wol faste
H3: 7,303 ffor hu(n)gyr hedyrward . hastyt hy(m) faste [aaAx]
T: 7,304 He shal awake [th]is wat(er) wasto(ur)s to chaste
H2: 7,304 He schal awake this watir . wasto(ur)s to chaste
Ch: 7,304 He schal awake -th-es we-th-er . wastours to chastice
D: 7,304 He schal awake -th-ese wat(er) . wasto(ur)s to chaste
R: 7,304 He shal awake tho(ur) wat(er) . wastour(es) to chaste
U: 7,304 And he schal awake -y-our wele . his wasto(ur)s
to chasten [aaAx]
V: 7,304 He wole (a-wake) _th_orw (watur) . _th_e (wastours)
alle [aaAx]
H: 7,304 he wol wade -th-ur-gh- wat(ri)s . wasto(ur)s to
chast [aaAx]
J: 7,304 He schal awastyn -gh-our(e) watyr . -th-ees wast(ur)ys
to chasty(n) [aaAx]
L: 7,304 He schal awake -th-orugh water . wastors to chasten
K: 7,304 He schall awake thrugh wat(er) . wasters to chastien
W: 7,304 He shal wake wi-th- watr(e) . wastours to warne
N: 7,304 He schal awake -gh-ow -th-orow watre . wasto(ur)s
to chaste [aaAx]
A: 7,304 He schal awake -gh-o(ur) wateris . wastouris to
chasteysyn [aaAx]
M: 7,304 He schal awake -th-ourth wat(er) . wastours to chastyn
H3: 7,304 He xal awake -gh-ow thorw watyr . wasto(ur)s to
chastyce [aaAx]
T: 7,305 Or fyue [y]er be fulfild such famyn shal arise
H2: 7,305 Er fyue -gh-er be fulfild . such famyn schal aryse
Ch: 7,305 Or fyue -gh-ere ben fulfilled . famen schul arise
D: 7,305 Or fyue be fulfilled . such famyng schal aryse [aaAx]
R: 7,305 Er fyue wynt(er) be fuldfyld . such famy(n) shal
arise [aaAx]
U: 7,305 Er fyue -y-er be fulfild . swiche famine schal arise
V: 7,305 Er (ffyue) _g_er ben (folfult) . such (ffamyn) schal
a-Ryse [aaAx]
H: 7,305 or fewe -gh-er(e) be fulfild . siche famyne wol
arise [aaAx]
J: 7,305 Er fyue -gh-ere ben fulfyllid . suche famyn schal
arise [aaAx]
L: 7,305 Or syn beo fulfulled . suche fomen schal arise [aaAx]
K: 7,305 Or fyue be fulfilled . such fomen schal arise [aaAx]
W: 7,305 And er -th-e fyue be fulle . suche famyn shal arise
N: 7,305 Er fyue be fulfilled . suche famyne schal aryse
A: 7,305 Or fyue -gh-ere be fulfyilid . sweche famyne schal
aryse [aaAx]
M: 7,305 Er v -y-er ben fulfeled . swych famy(n) schal arysen
H3: 7,305 Or v -gh-er be(n) fulfyllyd . sweche famy(n) xal
aryse [aaAx]
T: 7,306 [Th]oru[gh] flood o[th]er [th]oru[gh] foule wed(er)is
fruytes shuln falle
H2: 7,306 Thoru flod or thoru foule wederis . frutes schul
falle [aaAa]
Ch: 7,306 -Th-orow flodes or foule wederes . froite schal
falle [aaAa]
D: 7,306 -Th-oru-gh-t flood or foule wederes . froytes schal
falle [aaAa]
R: 7,306 -Th-orw flod and foule weder(is) . cornes shul fayle
U: 7,306 -Th-urw tempestes and fowle wederis . flodis schul
fallen [aaAa]
V: 7,306 _Th_orw (fflodes) and (foul) weder . (ffruites)
schul (fayle) [aaAa]
H: 7,306 -Th-ur-gh- flodis & foule wederis . fruytes
shul faile [aaAa]
J: 7,306 Thorow flode & fowle wederys . frutys schullin
fayle [aaAa]
L: 7,306 Thorgh flodes & -th-orgh foule wedres . fruytes
schule fal:: [aaAa]
K: 7,306 Thrugh flod & thrugh fowle wedo(ur) . frut(es)
schall fayle [aaAa]
W: 7,306 Throgh flode and foule wedres . fodes shul faillen
N: 7,306 Thorow flodes & fowle wedres . fruitis schal
faile [aaAa]
A: 7,306 Thorow flod & foule wederis . freutis schul
faylen [aaAa]
M: 7,306 -Th-ourith flood & fowle wedris . fruicthis
scholy(n) fayle [aaAa]
H3: 7,306 Thorw flod & fowle wederys . fruth xal be dystroyid
T: 7,307 And so sei[th] sato(ur)ne & sente [y]ow to warne
H2: 7,307 And so sei-gh- sat(ur)ne . and sent -gh-ou to warne
Ch: 7,307 And so sei-th- satourne . and sente -gh-ow to warne
D: 7,307 And so seyth Sato(ur)ne . & sent yow to warne
R: 7,307 And so sey-th- saturne . and sent -gh-ou to warne
U: 7,307 And so seith satourne . & sendith -y-ow to warne
V: 7,307 And (so) sei_th_ (Saturnes) . and (sent) vs to warne
H: 7,307 & so sei-th- sat(ur)ne . & sende -gh-ow
to warne [aaAx]
J: 7,307 And so seyth saturne . & sent -gh-ow to warne
L: 7,307 And -th-us seith satorne . & sent -gh-ou to
warne [aaAx]
K: 7,307 And so saith saturne . & sent yow to warne [aaAx]
W: 7,307 And -th-us say-th- sire Satorn . and sent -gh-ow
to sayn [aaAx]
N: 7,307 And so sei-th- satorne . & sent -gh-ow to werne
A: 7,307 And so seyth saturne . and sent -gh-u to warne [aaAx]
M: 7,307 And so seit satourn(us) . & sendyt -y-ou to
warne [aaAx]
H3: 7,307 And so sey sat(our)ne . & sent -gh-ow to warne
T: 8,1 Treu[th]e herde telle hereof & to peris sente
H2: 8,1 Treuthe herde telle hereof . and to piers to sente
Ch: 8,1 Trewthe herd telle hereof . and to piers sente [aaAxx]
D: 8,1 Trew-th-e herd telle hereof . & to piers sente
R: 8,1 Truthe herde telle -th-(er)of . and to per(is) sente
U: 8,1 Treuthe herde telle hereof . and to piers sente [aaAxx]
V: 8,1 (TReu_th_e) herde (telle) her-of . And to Pers sende
H: 8,1 TReu-th-e herde telle hereof . & to peris sende
J: 8,1 Trewthe herd tellyn hereof . & to pers sente [aaAxx]
L: 8,1 Treuthe herde telle herof . and to Piers sente [aaAxx]
K: 8,1 Trewthe herd tell hereof . and to pers sent [aaAxx]
W: 8,1 Treu-th-e herde telle hereof . & to piers sent
N: 8,1 Trew-th-e herd telle herof . & to piers sente
A: 8,1 Treuth hard tellyn herof . & to peris sent [aaAxx]
M: 8,1 Treuthe herd telli(n) herof . & to pers sente
H3: 8,1 Trewthe herde telle herof . & to trewthe sente
T: 8,2 To take his tem & his er[th]e tilien
H2: 8,2 To take to his teem . his erthe [to] tylien [aaAx]
Ch: 8,2 To take his teem . and his er-th-e telien [aaAx]
D: 8,2 To taken his teme . & his er-th-e telyen [aaAx]
R: 8,2 to takyn h(i)s tem . and his erthe tylie [aaAx]
U: 8,2 ffor to taken his teem . and tilyen -th-e er-th-e
V: 8,2 To (taken) his (teeme) . and (tilyen) _th_e eor_th_e
H: 8,2 to take his teme . & tilie -th-e er-th-e [aaAx]
J: 8,2 To takyn him teeme . & t(ru)ly tylyyn -th-e erthe
L: 8,2 To taken his teme . and tilye -th-e eorthe [aaAx]
K: 8,2 To taken his teme . & tylyen the erthe [aaAx]
W: 8,2 ffor to taken his teme . and tilie -th-e er-th-e [aaAx]
N: 8,2 to taken his teem . & tylye -th-e er-th-e [aaAx]
A: 8,2 To takyn hym teme . and telyen -th-e erde [aaAx]
M: 8,2 To takyn his teme . & tilie -th-e erthe [aaAx]
H3: 8,2 To taky(n) hys terme . to tely(n) -th-e erthe [aaAx]
T: 8,3 And purchate hym a p(ar)doun {a pena & a culpa}
H2: 8,3 And p(ur)chase hi(m) a pardoun . { a pena et a culpa
} [aaAx]
Ch: 8,3 And purchaise him a pardoun . { a pena et a culpa
} [aaAx]
D: 8,3 And purchace hym of p(ar)dou(n) . { a pena & of
culpa } [aaAx]
R: 8,3 And purchas hi(m) a p(ar)dou(n) . { a pena & a
culpa } [aaAx]
U: 8,3 And purchasen hym pardou(n) . { a pena & a culpa
} [aaAx]
V: 8,3 And (purchasede) him a (pardoun) . { A (pena) et a
culpa } [aaAx]
H: 8,3 & purchace hym a p(ar)dou(n) . { a pena & a
culpa } [aaAx]
J: 8,3 And p(ur)chasidyn him a p(ar)dou(n) . { a pena & a
culpa } [aaAx]
L: 8,3 And purchased him a pardou(n) . { a pena & a culpa
} [aaAx]
K: 8,3 And p(ur)chased hym a p(ar)done . { a pena & a
culpa } [aaAx]
W: 8,3 And purchased hym a pardon . { a pena & a culpa
} [aaAx]
N: 8,3 he purchased hi(m) a p(ar)dou(n) . { a pena & a
culpa } [aaAx]
A: 8,3 he purchasid hym a perdon . { a pena culpa } [aaAx]
M: 8,3 And purchasyn to hi(m) a p(ar)don . { a pena culpa
} [aaAx]
H3: 8,3 And purchasyd hy(m) a p(ar)dou(n) . { a pena & a
culpa } [aaAx]
T: 8,4 ffor hym & for hise heires for eu(er)emore aftir
H2: 8,4 ffor hi(m) and for hise eyres . for eu(er)more aftir
Ch: 8,4 ffor him and his ei-gh-ers . euermore after [aaAa]
D: 8,4 ffor hym & for his eyres . for eu(er)more aft(ir)
R: 8,4 ffor hi(m) and his eyr(es) . euermore after [aaAa]
U: 8,4 ffor hym and his eyres . eu(er)more -th-(er)aftir
V: 8,4 ffor (him), and for his (heires) . (euer) more (aftur)
H: 8,4 for hym & for his eires . eu(er)more aft(ur) [aaAa]
J: 8,4 ffor him & for his eyris . eu(er)more -th-(er)aftur
L: 8,4 ffor him and for his heyres . for eueremore :::: [aaAa]
K: 8,4 ffor hym & his heyres . ffor eu(er)more after
W: 8,4 ffor hym and for his heirs . euermore after [aaAa]
N: 8,4 ffor hi(m) & for his heires . for eu(er)more aftre
A: 8,4 ffor hym & for is heyris . euyrmore aftir [aaAa]
M: 8,4 ffor hi(m) & for his heiris . for eu(er)emor(e)
after [aaAa]
H3: 8,4 ffor hy(m) & for hys eyrys . eu(er)emore aft(ir)
T: 8,5 And bad hym holde hym at hom & erien his lai[gh]es
H2: 8,5 And bad hym holde at home . and eryen his lay-gh-es
Ch: 8,5 And bad him hold him at home . and erien his ley-gh-es
D: 8,5 And hold hym at home . & eryen hys leyes [aaAx]
R: 8,5 And bad hi(m) hodde hi(m) at home . and erye(n) his
layes [aaAx]
U: 8,5 And bad hym holden hym at hom . and erien his layes
V: 8,5 And bad (holden) hem at (hom) . and (heren) heore
ley_g_es [aaAx]
H: 8,5 & bade hym holde hym at home . & erie her(e)
leies [aaAx]
J: 8,5 And bad him holdyn him at home . & eryyn his leyys
L: 8,5 And bad him holden him at home . & eryen his layes
K: 8,5 And baddyn hym holde hym at home . & eyen his
leies [aaAx]
W: 8,5 And bad hym hold hym at home . & eren his laies
N: 8,5 He bad hi(m) helden hi(m) at home . & erie his
leyis [aaAx]
A: 8,5 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 8,5 And bad hi(m) holdi(n) hi(m) at ho(m) . & erien
his leies [aaAx]
H3: 8,5 And bad hy(m) holdy(n) hy(m) at hom . & eryen
hys leygthys [aaAx]
T: 8,6 And [th]o [th]at holpen to erien or to sowen
H2: 8,6 And tho that helpen hi(m) . to erien or to sowen
Ch: 8,6 And -th-o -th-at helpen . to erien or to sow-gh-en
D: 8,6 And -th-(a)t helpyn . to eryen or ellys to sowen [aaAx]
R: 8,6 and -th-(a)t -gh-e shul helpe . to erie and to sowe
U: 8,6 & alle -th-at holpen him . to erye or to sowe
V: 8,6 And al _th_at (euere) (hulpen) him . to (heren) or
to sowen [aaAx]
H: 8,6 & alle -th-at hym helpen . to eren & to sowe
J: 8,6 And alle -th-(a)t him hulpyn . to eryn er to sowyne
L: 8,6 And alle -th-at holpen hendely . to heryen & to
sowen [aaAx]
K: 8,6 And al that helpyn hym . to earen or to sowen [aaAx]
W: 8,6 And al -th-at holp hym . to eere or sowe or sette
N: 8,6 And alle -th-o -th-(a)t holpen . to erien & sowen
A: 8,6 And -th-o -th-at hym holpyn . to erye & to sowe
M: 8,6 And alle -th-at holpy(n) hi(m) . to eryn or to sowen
H3: 8,6 And alle -th-at helpy(n) [hy(m)] . to eryen or to
sowyn [aaAx]
T: 8,7 Or any man(er) mest(er) [th](a)t mi[gh]te peris helpen
H2: 8,7 Or any man(er) of myst(er) . that my-gh-t piers helpen
Ch: 8,7 Or any maner of mister . -th-at mi-gh-t piers helpen
D: 8,7 Or eny man(er) myst(er) . -th-(a)t my-gh-t piers helpyn
R: 8,7 or ony man(er) myst(er) . -th-(a)t my-gh-the per(is)
helpe [aaAx]
U: 8,7 Or ony many myster . -th-at piers myghte helpen [aaAx]
V: 8,7 Or eny (maner) (mester) . _th_at (mihte) Pers helpen
H: 8,7 & alle man(er) myst(er) me(n) . -th-at mi-gh-t
peris helpe [aaAx]
J: 8,7 Or ony maner myster . -th-(a)t myht pers helpe [aaAx]
L: 8,7 Of any maner mester . -th-at myghte Piers availe [aaAx]
K: 8,7 Or any man(er) mystre . that might pers helpen [aaAx]
W: 8,7 Or ony man(er)e myster . -th-at might Piers helpe
N: 8,7 Or any maner mystyer . -th-at piers my-gh-t helpen
A: 8,7 Or ony maner myster . -th-at mygth pers helpe [aaAx]
M: 8,7 Or ony man(er) mest(er) . -th-at mygthe pers helpen
H3: 8,7 Or any man(er) mystyr . -th-(a)t myth pers helpe
T: 8,8 Part in [th]e p(ar)doun [th]e pope ha[th] hem g(ra)untid
H2: 8,8 Part in the pardoun . the pope hat-gh- hem gr(au)ntid
Ch: 8,8 In -th-e p(ar)doun . -th-e pope hath hym graunted
D: 8,8 Part in -th-(a)t p(ar)dou(n) . -th-e peple ha-th-
hem graunted [aaAx]
R: 8,8 Part in -th-at p(ar)dou(n) . -th-e pope ha-th- ygraunted
U: 8,8 Part in -th-at p(ar)dou(n) . -th-e pope ha-th- hem
grauntyd [aaAx]
V: 8,8 (Part) in _th_at (pardoun) . _th_e (Pope) ha_th_ I-graunted
H: 8,8 P(ar)t of -th-at p(ar)doun . -th-e pope ha-th- yg(ra)untid
J: 8,8 Part in -th-(a)t p(ar)dou(n) . -th-e pope hath hem
g(ra)untyd [aaAx]
L: 8,8 Part in -th-at p(ar)don . -th-e pope hath ygranted
K: 8,8 Partes in that p(ar)done . the pope hath hem g(ra)unted
W: 8,8 Part of -th-at pardon . Piers ha-th- hem graunted
N: 8,8 Part in -th-(a)t p(ar)dou(n) . -th-e pope ha-th- hem
g(ra)unted [aaAx]
A: 8,8 Pert in -th-at p(ar)don . -th-e pope hath Igrauntid
M: 8,8 Part in -th-at p(ar)don . -th-e pope hat he(m) grauntid
H3: 8,8 Part of -th-(o)u p(ar)dou(n) . -th-e pope hat Igrauntyd
T: 8,9 Kinges & kni[gh]tes [th](a)t kepen holy chirche
H2: 8,9 Kinges and kny-gh-tes . that kepen holy chirche [aaAx]
Ch: 8,9 Kynges and kni-gh-tis . -th-at kepe holi chirche
D: 8,9 Kynges & kny-gh-tes . -th-(a)t kepen holy churche
R: 8,9 King(es) and kni-gh-t(es) . -th-at kepe-th- holy cherche
U: 8,9 Kyngis and knyhtys . -th-at helpen holy chirche [aaAx]
V: 8,9 (Kynges) and (knihtes) . _th_at (kepen) holi churche
H: 8,9 Kinges & kni-gh-tes . -th-at kepe(n) holi churche
J: 8,9 Kynggys & knyhtys . -th-(a)t kepyn holy chyrche
L: 8,9 Kynges & knyghtes . -th-at kepen holy chyrche
K: 8,9 King(es) & knight(es) . that kepen holy chirche
W: 8,9 Kynges and knyghtes bo-th-e . -th-at kepe holy cherche
N: 8,9 Kynges & kni-gh-tes . -th-at kepyn holy cherche
A: 8,9 kyngis & knytis . -th-at kepyn holy chirke chirche
M: 8,9 Kynges & knythis . -th-at kepyn holy cherche [aaAx]
H3: 8,9 Kyng(es) & knythys . -th-(a)t kepy(n) holy chyrche
T: 8,10 And rewfulliche in reaum rewli[th] [th]e peple
V: 8,10 And (Rihtfuliche) (Rulen) . _th_e (Reame) and _th_e
peple [aaAx]
A: 8,10 --- this line is omitted ---
T: 8,11 Han p(ar)doun [th]oru[gh] p(ur)catorie to passe wel
H2: 8,11 Han pardou(n) thoru p(ur)gatorie . to passe wel
sone [aaAx]
Ch: 8,11 Han pardoun -th-orow purcatorie . to passe wel sone
D: 8,11 haue p(ar)dou(n) -th-oru-gh-t p(ur)gatorye . to passe
wel sone [aaAx]
R: 8,11 haue p(ar)dou(n) -th-orw p(ur)gatorie . to passe
ful sone [aaAx]
U: 8,11 Han p(ar)dou(n) -th-urw purgatorie . to passe wel
sone [aaAx]
V: 8,11 Han (pardoun) _th_orw (Purgatorie) . to (passen)
ful sone [aaAx]
H: 8,11 hauen p(ar)dou(n) -th-ur-gh- purgatorie . to passe
ful sone [aaAx]
J: 8,11 Han p(ar)dou(n) thorow p(ur)gatory . to passyn wel
sone [aaAx]
L: 8,11 Han pardon in purgatorie . to passen wel sone [aaAx]
K: 8,11 Haue p(ar)done thrugh p(ur)gatory . to passen well
sone [aaAx]
W: 8,11 By pardon -th-rowgh purgatorie . shold passe wel
sone [aaAx]
N: 8,11 Han p(ar)dou(n) -th-orow purgatory . to passe ful
sone [aaAx]
A: 8,11 Han p(ar)don -th-orow purgatori . to passyn ful sone
M: 8,11 Han pardon -th-ourth purg(a)torie . to passe wol
sone [aaAx]
H3: 8,11 Han p(ar)dou(n) thorw p(ur)gatory . to passe ful
sone [aaAx]
T: 8,12 Wi[th] patriarkes in p(ar)adis to plei[y]e [th](er)e
H2: 8,12 With pat(ri)arches in paradis . to plei-gh-en theraftir
Ch: 8,12 With patriarkes In paradis . to play -th-erafter
D: 8,12 W(i)t(h) patriarches in paradys . to pleyen -th-(er)aft(ir)
R: 8,12 W(i)t(h) patriarchis in p(ar)adis . to pleye -th-erafter
U: 8,12 Wi-th- pat(ri)arkes in paradys . to pleyen hem -th-(er)aftir
V: 8,12 Wi_th_ (patriarkes) in (paradys) . to (pleyen) _th_er-aftur
H: 8,12 Wi-th- patriarkes in p(ar)adys . to plei-gh-e -th-(er)aft(ir)
J: 8,12 W(i)t(h) pat(ri)archkys in p(ar)adyse . to pleyyn
-th-(er)aft(ir) [aaAx]
L: 8,12 With patriarkes in paradys . to pleyne -th-(er)after
K: 8,12 With pat(ri)arkes in paradise . to playen therafter
W: 8,12 Wi-th- patriarche-gh- in paradis . to play -th-(er)after
N: 8,12 W(i)t(h) patriarches in paradis . to playen -th-eraftre
A: 8,12 W(i)t(h) patriarkis in purgatori in paradidice .
to pleyn -th-eraftir [aaAx]
M: 8,12 Wit patryk in p(ar)adis . to pleyen -th-(er)after
H3: 8,12 W(i)t(h) patriarkys i(n) p(ar)adys . to pleyn -th-(er)aft(ir)
T: 8,13 Bisshopis [th](a)t blissen & bo[th]e lawes kenne
H2: 8,13 Bischopes that blessen . and both lawes kenne [aaAx]
Ch: 8,13 Bischopes -th-at blessin . and bo-th-e -th-e lawes
kennen [aaAx]
D: 8,13 Bysschopes -th-(a)t blessen . & bo-th-e lawes
kene [aaAx]
R: 8,13 Bysshopis -th-at blessen . and bo-th-e lawes ku(n)ne
U: 8,13 Bysshopis -th-at blessen . and bo-th-e lawes kennen
V: 8,13 (Busschops) _th_at (blessen) . and (bo_th_e) _th_e
lawes cunnen [aaAx]
H: 8,13 byschops -th-at blessen . & bo-th-e -th-e lawis
knowen [aaAx]
J: 8,13 Bischoppys -th-(a)t blissyn . & bothe lawes kenne
L: 8,13 Bisshopes -th-at blessen . and bothe lawes konne
K: 8,13 Bisshoppes that blessen . & both lawes conne
W: 8,13 Bishopes -th-at blyssen . and bo-th-e lawes conne-th-
N: 8,13 Bysshopes -th-(a)t blessen . & bo-th-e lawes
conne [aaAx]
A: 8,13 Buschopis -th-at blyssyn . and bo-th-e lawis conyn
M: 8,13 Bisschopes -th-at blissyn . & & bo-th-y(n)
lawys konnien [aaAx]
H3: 8,13 Buschopys -th-(a)t blyssyn . & bothe lawys conne
T: 8,14 Loke on [th](a)t o lawe & lere men [th](a)t o[th](er)
H2: 8,14 Loke on that o lawe . and lere men that other [aaAx]
Ch: 8,14 Loke on -th-at o lawe . lere men -th-at o-th-er
D: 8,14 Lokyn -th-(a)t on lawe . & leren -th-(a)t o-th-er
R: 8,14 loke on -th-(a)t o lawe . and lere men -th-at o-th-er
U: 8,14 Loken on -th-e to lawe . and lerne men -th-e tothir
V: 8,14 (Loke_th_) on _th_at on (lawe) . and (lere_th_) men
_th_at o_th_er [aaAx]
H: 8,14 loken on -th-at on lawe . & leren me(n) -th-at
o-th-(er) [aaAx]
J: 8,14 Lokyn on -th-(a)t on law . & lernyn men othir
L: 8,14 Loken on -th-at lawe . & lere men -th-at othir
K: 8,14 Loke on that one lawe . & lerne men that other
W: 8,14 Loke-th- on -th-at o lawe . and lere men -th-e to-th-er
N: 8,14 Loken on -th-(a)t o lawe . & lere men -th-(a)t
o-th-(er) [aaAx]
A: 8,14 Loken on -th-e lawe . and lerne men bettir [aaAx]
M: 8,14 Lokyn on -th-e to lawe . & lerne men -th-at other
H3: 8,14 Loky(n) on -th-e o lawe . & lerne me(n) -th-e
othyr [aaAx]
T: 8,15 And bere hem bo[th]e on here bak as here ban(er) shewi[th]
H2: 8,15 And bere hem bothe on here bak . and her(e) ban(er)
scheweth [aaaAx]
Ch: 8,15 And bere hem bo-th-e on her bak .
D: 8,15 And bere hem bo-th-e on here bak . as here ban(er)
schew(e)t(h) [aaaAx]
R: 8,15 and bere bo-th-e on her bak . as h(er) ban(er) sheweth
U: 8,15 & bere(n) hem bo-th-e on here bak . as her(e)
baner schewith [aaaAx]
V: 8,15 And (bere_th_) hem (bo_th_e) on heore (bac) . as
heore (baner) schewe_th_ [aaaAx]
H: 8,15 & beren hem bo-th-e on here bak . as here dedis
shewyn [aaaAx]
J: 8,15 And bernyn bothin on her back . as her ban(er) schewyth
L: 8,15 And beoreth heom on heore bak . as heore baner schewe
K: 8,15 And bereth hem both on her backe . as her banere
scheweth [aaaAx]
W: 8,15 And bere-th- hem bonere here . as here banere shewe-th-
N: 8,15 & bere he(m) bo-th-e on her bakke . in bering & in
dede [aaaAx]
A: 8,15 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 8,15 And ber(e) bo-th-in on her(e) bak . as her(e) banir
schewit [aaaAx]
H3: 8,15 And bere bothe on her bak . as her baner swewyt
Ch: 8,15 And her baner scheweth
T: 8,16 And p(re)chen here p(er)sonis [th]e p(er)iles of synne
H2: 8,16 And p(re)chen here p(er)sones . -th-e p(er)iles
of synne [aaAx]
Ch: 8,16 And preche her persones . -th-e perile of synne
D: 8,16 And prechen here p(er)sons . -th-e peryls of synne
R: 8,16 and prechen hir(e) p(er)sonys . -th-e p(er)il of
synne [aaAx]
U: 8,16 And p(re)chen here p(ar)yschens . -th-e perel of
synne [aaAx]
V: 8,16 And (preche_th_) heore (persouns) . _th_e (peril)
of sunne [aaAx]
H: 8,16 & p(re)chen here p(er)sons . -th-e perel of synne
J: 8,16 & p(re)chyn her p(er)sonys . -th-e p(er)yl of
synne [aaAx]
L: 8,16 And prechen heore persons . -th-eo peryles of synne
K: 8,16 And p(re)chen to her people . the p(er)iles of synne
W: 8,16 And prechen to here parishens . -th-e p(er)il of
synne [aaAx]
N: 8,16 And prechen her p(er)sones . -th-e p(er)elles of
synne [aaAx]
A: 8,16 And prechyn here p(er)sonis . -th-e p(er)el of synne
M: 8,16 & prechyn -th-ys persons . -th-e peril of svnnne
H3: 8,16 And p(re)che her p(ar)yschou(n)s . -th-e p(er)yl
of synne [aaAx]
T: 8,17 How [th]at shabbide shep shulde h(er)e wolle saue
H2: 8,17 How that scallide schep . schulde her(e) wolle saue
Ch: 8,17 How -th-at schabbed schepe . schul her wolle saue
D: 8,17 How -th-(a)t scabbed shep . schuld here wulle saue
R: 8,17 How -th-at -th-e shabbede shep . shul her(e) wolle
saue [aaAxx]?
U: 8,17 How -th-at scabbide scheep . schul here wulle saue
V: 8,17 Hou heore (schabbede) (schep) . (schal) heore wolle
saue [aaAxx]
H: 8,17 How -th-at her(e) shabbed sheep . schulde her(e)
wolle saue [aaAxx]?
J: 8,17 How -th-(a)t schabbyd schepe . schollin here wolle
saue [aaAxx]?
L: 8,17 And how -th-e scabbed . schal heore wolle sauen [aaAxx]?
K: 8,17 How that the skabbed schepe . schuld her wolle saue
W: 8,17 How -th-e scabbed shepe . shol -th-e wol saue [aaAxx]?
N: 8,17 How -th-(a)t a scabbed shep . schal his wolle saue
A: 8,17 How -th-at schabbyd schep . schuld here wolle saue
M: 8,17 How fro schabbede schep . -th-ey may her(e) wlle(n)
kepyn [aaAxx]?
H3: 8,17 How -th-(a)t scabbyd schep . xul her wolle saue
T: 8,18 Han p(ar)doun wi[th] [th]e apostlis whanne [th]ei passe
H2: 8,18 Han p(ar)doun with apostlis . whan thei passe henne
Ch: 8,18 And haue p(ar)don with -th-e apposteles . whan -th-ei
passe hennes [aaAx]
D: 8,18 Haue p(ar)dou(n) w(i)t(h) -th-e Appostles . whan
-th-ey passen hennes [aaAx]
R: 8,18 Haue p(ar)dou(n) w(i)t(h) -th-e apostel(is) . whe(n)
-th-ei passe(n) he(n)nys [aaAx]
U: 8,18 Han p(ar)don with -th-e ap(ost)les . whan -th-e passen
hennys [aaAx]
V: 8,18 Han (Pardoun) with _th_e (Apostles) . whon _th_ei
(passen) hennes [aaAx]
H: 8,18 haue p(ar)dou(n) wi-th- -th-e apostlis . when -th-ei
wende hennys [aaAx]
J: 8,18 Haue p(ar)dou(n) w(i)t(h) -th-e ap(ost)lis . qwan
-th-ei passyn hennys [aaAx]
L: 8,18 Han pardon with apostles . when -th-ey passen hennes
K: 8,18 Haue p(ar)done w(i)t(h) the apposteles . whan thay
passen hens [aaAx]
W: 8,18 And be Piers wi-th- apostles . whan -th-ai wende
hens [aaAx]
N: 8,18 -Th-ei han p(ar)dou(n) wi-th- aposteles . whan -th-ei
passe hennes [aaAx]
A: 8,18 Han p(ar)don w(i)t(h) postelis . when he p(ar)tyn
henys [aaAx]
M: 8,18 Han p(ar)don w(i)t(h) -th-e apostles . whan -th-ey
p(ar)tyn hennys [aaAx]
H3: 8,18 -Th-at p(ar)dou(n) w(i)t(h) -th-e apostlys . qwa(n)
-th-ei p(ar)ty(n) hens [aaAx]
T: 8,19 And at [th]e day of dom at here deis to sitten
H2: 8,19 And at -th-e day of dome . at here deis to sitten
Ch: 8,19 And at -th-e day of dom . at her deis to sitten
D: 8,19 And at -th-e day of dome . at here deyes to setten
R: 8,19 At -th-e day of dome . at her(e) deys to sitten [aaAx]
U: 8,19 On -th-e daye of dome . at here deys to sitte [aaAx]
V: 8,19 And atte (day) of (dom) . with hem on (deis) setten
H: 8,19 at -th-e day of dome . on hi-gh-e deis to sitten
J: 8,19 Atte day of dome . at here dayes sytte [aaAx]
L: 8,19 At -th-e day of dome . at heore dayes to sytten [aaAx]
K: 8,19 And at the day of dome . at the hye desse to sitten
W: 8,19 And at -th-e dredful dome . on des sitten [aaAx]
N: 8,19 And at -th-e day of dome . on her deys sytte [aaAx]
A: 8,19 At -th-e day of dom . at -th-e des for to sitte [aaAx]
M: 8,19 & at -th-e eie daye of dom . on hey deis schal
sittyn [aaAx]
H3: 8,19 At -th-e day of do(m)m . on hys dees to sytte [aaAx]
T: 8,20 Marchauntis in [th]e margyn hadde manye [y]eris
H2: 8,20 Marchaunt(is) in -th-e margyn . hadde many -gh-eris
Ch: 8,20 Marchauntis In Margyn . had many -gh-eres [aaAx]
D: 8,20 Marchau(n)tys in -th-e margyn . hadde many -gh-eres
R: 8,20 marchau(n)t in -th-(a)t margyn . hadde(n) manye -gh-er(is)
U: 8,20 Marchant-gh- in -th-e margyn . hadde many -y-eris
V: 8,20 (Marchaus) in _th_is (Margin) . hedden (mony) _g_eres
H: 8,20 m(ar)chaunt(is) in -th-e margyn . hadden -gh-eris
many [aaAx]
J: 8,20 Marchaundys in -th-at margeyne . had many -gh-erys
L: 8,20 Marchauns in -th-e margyn . haden mony -gh-eres [aaAx]
K: 8,20 Marchauntes in the m(er)gent . hadden many yeres
W: 8,20 Marchant-gh- in -th-e margine . had many -gh-ers
N: 8,20 Marchanut-gh- in -th-e margyn . had many -gh-eres
A: 8,20 Marchaundis in here marchaundice . han many -gh-erdis
M: 8,20 Marchant-gh- in -th-e margyn . -th-ey han many -y-eris
H3: 8,20 Marchant(is) & her meyne . han many -gh-erys
T: 8,21 But non {a pena & a culpa} [th]e pope wolde hym
H2: 8,21 But non { a pena & a culpa } . the pope wolde
hi(m) g(ra)unte [axAx]
Ch: 8,21 Bot none { a pena et a culpa } . -th-e pope wold
hem graunt [axAx]
D: 8,21 But non of { pena } & of{ culpa } . -th-e pope
wold hem grau(n)te [axAx]
R: 8,21 But none { a pena & a culpa } . -th-e pope nolde
grau(n)te [axAx]
U: 8,21 But non { a pena & culpa } . -th-e pope wolde
g(ra)nten [axAx]
V: 8,21 Bote non { A (pena) & a culpa } . _th_e (pope)
nolde hem graunte [axAx]
H: 8,21 but non { a pena & a culpa } . -th-e pope nolde
hem g(ra)unt [axAx]
J: 8,21 But none { a pena & a culpa } . -th-o pope wold
hem graunte [axAx]
L: 8,21 Bote none { a pena & a culpa } . -th-e pope nolde
heom grau[nte] [axAx]
K: 8,21 But non { a pena & a culpa } . the pope wold
hem g(ra)unte [axAx]
W: 8,21 But { a pena & a culpa } . -th-e pope nold hem
grant [axAx]
N: 8,21 But non { a pena & culpa } . -th-e pope nolde
he(m) g(ra)unte [axAx]
A: 8,21 But { pena culpa } . -th-e pope wold non graunte
M: 8,21 But neyer { a pena ne a culpa } . -th-e pope wolde
he(m) gr(a)unte [axAx]
H3: 8,21 But { a pena & a culpa } . -th-e pope wyl he(m)
no(n) graunte [axAx]
T: 8,22 ffor [th]ei helde nou[gh]t here haly dayes as holy
chirche techi[th]
H2: 8,22 ffor thei helde nat her(e) hali dayes . as holi
chirche techit-gh- [aaAx]
Ch: 8,22 ffor -th-ei helden nou-gh-t her hali daies . as
holi chirche teche-th- [aaAx]
D: 8,22 ffor -th-ey hold nou-gh-t here holy dayes . as holy
cherche teche-th- [aaAx]
R: 8,22 for -th-ei holde not h(er) holy dayes . as holy churche
techys [aaAx]
U: 8,22 ffor -th-ei holde noght -th-e haly day . as holi
cherche techi-th- [aaAx]
V: 8,22 ffor _th_ei (holde_th_) not heore (haly-day) . as
(holy) churche teche_th_ [aaAx]
H: 8,22 for -th-ei holde not here holi daies . as holi churche
techi-th- [aaAx]
J: 8,22 ffor -th-ei heldyn not her hali dayes . as holy chyrche
techyth [aaAx]
L: 8,22 ffor -th-ei holdith noght heore haly dayes . as holy
chirche te[che-th-] [aaAx]
K: 8,22 ffor thay holden not her holi days . as holy writt
techitt [aaAx]
W: 8,22 ffor -th-ei hold not here dayes . as holy cherche
teche-th- [aaAx]
N: 8,22 ffor -th-ei holde nou-gh-t here holy daies . as holy
chirche techi-th- [aaAx]
A: 8,22 ffor -th-ai hold not here hali day . as holy chirche
techit [aaAx]
M: 8,22 ffor -th-ey holdyn no(n) haly day . as holy cherche
techit [aaAx]
H3: 8,22 ffor -th-ei holdy(n) no(n)t her haly dayis . as
holy chyrche techyt [aaAx]
T: 8,23 And for [th]ei swere be here soule & so god muste
hem helpe
H2: 8,23 And for thei swer(e) be here soule . & so god
must he(m) helpe [aaAxx]
Ch: 8,23 And for -th-ei swere be her soule . and so god mote
hem helpe [aaAxx]
D: 8,23 And for -th-ey swere by here soule . & so god
hem helpe [aaAxx]
R: 8,23 and for -th-ei swer(e) by her(e) soule . & so
god mot he(m) helpe [aaAxx]
U: 8,23 And for -th-ei swere by here soule . so god muste
he(m) helpe [aaAxx]
V: 8,23 And for _th_ei (sworen) bi heore (soule) . (so) God
hem moste helpe [aaAxx]
H: 8,23 & for -th-ei swer(e) by her(e) soulis . so god
shulde hem help [aaAxx]
J: 8,23 And for -th-ei sweryn be here sowle . so god most
hem helpy(n) [aaAxx]
L: 8,23 And for -th-ey swereth by his soule . & so god
moste heo(m) he[lpe] [aaAxx]
K: 8,23 And for thay sweren by her sowles . & so god
most hem helpe [aaAxx]
W: 8,23 And -th-ei swere by here soule . & so god hem
helpe [aaAxx]
N: 8,23 & for -th-ei swere by her soule . & so god
most hem helpe [aaAxx]
A: 8,23 And he swor be here sowele . & so god must hem
helpe [aaAxx]
M: 8,23 & for -th-ey sweryn be her(e) soulis . & so
he(m) god helpe [aaAxx]
H3: 8,23 And for -th-ei swery(n) be her soule . & [so]
mote he(m) god helpe [aaAxx]
T: 8,24 A[gh]ens clene consience here catel to selle
H2: 8,24 A-gh-ens clene consience . here catel to selle [aaAx]
Ch: 8,24 A-gh-ens clene conscience . her catelle to selle
D: 8,24 A-gh-en clene consience . here catel to selle [aaAx]
R: 8,24 A-gh-ens clene conciens . her(e) catel to selle [aaAx]
U: 8,24 A-y-ens clene conscience . here ware to sellen [aaAx]
V: 8,24 A_g_eyn heore (clene) (Concience) . heore (catel)
to sulle [aaAx]
H: 8,24 A-gh-en clene conscience . her(e) catel to selle
J: 8,24 A-gh-eyne clene consciens . here ware to sellyn [aaAx]
L: 8,24 A-gh-eyn clene consience . [heore catel to selle]
K: 8,24 Ayenst clene consience . her catell to selle [aaAx]
W: 8,24 Clene a-gh-ens conscience . here catel to selle [aaAx]
N: 8,24 Agayn clene conscience . her catel to selle [aaAx]
A: 8,24 Ageyne clene conciens . catel to selle [aaAx]
M: 8,24 A-y-en clene co(n)cie(n)ce . her(e) chaffar(e) to
selli(n) [aaAx]
H3: 8,24 A-gh-ens clene co(n)cyens . her catel to selle [aaAx]
T: 8,25 Ac vndir his secre sel treu[th]e sente hym a l(ett)re
H2: 8,25 And vndir his sekir sel treuthe . sente hi(m) a
lett(re) [aaAx]
Ch: 8,25 But vnder his secret seel trew-th-e . sent him a
lett(er) [aaAx]
D: 8,25 Ac vndir his secre seal trew-th-e . sent hem a lettre
R: 8,25 And vnder his secret sel tru-th-e . sente hi(m) a
lettre [aaAx]
U: 8,25 But vndir his secre seel treuthe . sente a lettre
V: 8,25 Bote vndur his (secre) (seal) . Treu_th_e (sende)
a lettre [aaAx]
H: 8,25 but vndir his secr(e) seel treu-th-e . sende a lettr(e)
J: 8,25 Ac vndere his secrete seele t(ru)the . sent a lett(re)
L: 8,25 Bote vndur his secret seel trouthe . sent heom a
lett[re] [aaAx]
K: 8,25 But vnd(ir) his secret seale trewth . sent hem a
letter [aaAx]
W: 8,25 But vnder his secre seal treu-th- . sent hem a lettre
N: 8,25 But vndre his secret sel trw-th-e . sente [hem a
lettre] [aaAx]
A: 8,25 And vndur his sekir sele . trew-th-e sent hym a lettre
M: 8,25 But vndir his secr(e) seal treuthe . sente he(m)
a bille [aaAx]
H3: 8,25 And vndyr hys secrete sell . sent he(m) a lettere
T: 8,26 And bad hym begge boldely what [th](a)t hym like[th]
H2: 8,26 And bad hi(m) bigge boldeli . what that hi(m) likith
Ch: 8,26 And bad him bye boldely . what -th-at him liked
D: 8,26 And byt hem bygge boldely . what -th-(a)t hem lyke-th-
R: 8,26 and bad hi(m) begge baldely . what hi(m) best lykede
U: 8,26 And bad hem bigge boldely . what hem best likith
V: 8,26 And (Bad) hem (Bugge) (Boldely) . what hem (best)
lykede [aaaAx]
H: 8,26 & bade hem bigge boldly . what hem best liked
J: 8,26 And bad hem byggyn boldly . qwat hem best lykyd [aaaAx]
L: 8,26 And bad heom bugge boldely . what heom best likith
K: 8,26 And bad hem bigge boldly . what hem best liked [aaaAx]
W: 8,26 And badde hem bigge boldly . what -th-ing hem best
liked [aaaAx]
N: 8,26 And bad hem bigge boldely . wat hem best liked [aaaAx]
A: 8,26 And bad hym bygge boldely . what hym best likid [aaaAx]
M: 8,26 & bad hi(m) bigge boldly . what hi(m) best ligede
H3: 8,26 And bad he(m) byen baldely . qwat he(m) best lykyth
T: 8,27 And si[th]en selle it a[gh]en & saue [th]e wynnyng
H2: 8,27 And sithe selle a-gh-en . and saue the wynnyng [aaAx]
Ch: 8,27 And se-th--th-e selle hit a-gh-en . and saue -th-e
wynnyng [aaAx]
D: 8,27 And sethen selle a-gh-en . & saue -th-e wynnyng
R: 8,27 and swythe selle h(i)t a-gh-en . and saue -th-e wy(n)nyng
U: 8,27 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 8,27 And (se_th__th_en) (sullen) hit a-_g_eyn . And (saue)
_th_e wynnynge [aaAx]
H: 8,27 & si-th--th-e sille it a-gh-en . & saue -th-e
wynnyng [aaAx]
J: 8,27 And sethin sellyn it a-gh-eyne . & sauy(n) -th-e
wynnyng [aaAx]
L: 8,27 And sithen sellen hit a-gh-eyn . & saue -th-e
wynnyng [aaAx]
K: 8,27 And sithen selle yt ageyn . & saue the wynnyng
W: 8,27 And si-th-e selle it a-gh-en . and saue -th-e wynnyng
N: 8,27 & si-th-e(n) selle it agayn . & saue -th-e
wy(n)nyng [aaAx]
A: 8,27 And syth saue it to selle . & saue -th-e wynnyng
M: 8,27 And oft sellyt a-y-en . & saue(n) -th-e wynnyng(es)
H3: 8,27 And sytthy(n) selly(n) it a-gh-en . & saue -th-e
wy(n)ny(n)g [aaAx]
T: 8,28 And make mesonis deux [th](er)ewi[th] myseises to helpe
H2: 8,28 And make mesonis deux . therewith myseises to helpe
Ch: 8,28 And make -th-erwith mesondeux . meseles to helpe
D: 8,28 And make mensou(n) de dieu -th-(er)mede . mysese
to helpyn [aaAx]
R: 8,28 and make meysou(n) deu -th-(er)w(i)t(h) . mysese
to helpe [aaAx]
U: 8,28 And -th-e mesou(n) dieu -th-(a)t -th-(er)with . -th-e
myseyse to helpen [aaAx]
V: 8,28 And (make) (Meson) deu _th_er-with . (Meseyse) to
helpe [aaAx]
H: 8,28 & make mesou(n) dieux -th-(er)wi-th- . mesels
to helpe [aaAx]
J: 8,28 And makyn meson dew -th-(er)w(i)t(h) . -th-e meseyse
to helpyn [aaAx]
L: 8,28 And maken maisen dieux -th-(er)w(i)t(h) . meseise
men to help[e] [aaAx]
K: 8,28 And make meyson dieux therw(i)t(h) . myssell(es)
to helpen [aaAx]
W: 8,28 And make-th- meson deux -th-(er)wi-th- . mesels to
helpe [aaAx]
N: 8,28 & make mesou(n) dieux -th-(er)myd . -th-e myseise
to helpe [aaAx]
A: 8,28 And make mescon dyeu . -th-at mede myssede men to
helpe [aaAx]
M: 8,28 & makyn maisou(n)s dieus -th-(er)mide . mischefs
so to helpe [aaAx]
H3: 8,28 And maky(n) mesendews -th-(er)w(i)t(h) . meysy(n)
to helpy(n) [aaAx]
T: 8,29 Wykkide weyes wi[gh]tly [for] to amende
H2: 8,29 And wickede weyes . wy-gh-tly for to amende [aaAx]
Ch: 8,29 And wikked wei-gh-es . wi-gh-tly for to Amende [aaAx]
D: 8,29 wykked weyes . wytlyche to Amenden [aaAx]
R: 8,29 Wyckede weyes . wytly to amende [aaAx]
U: 8,29 Wightliche wikkide weyes for to don amende [aaAx]
V: 8,29 And (wikkede) (wones) . (wihtly) to amende [aaAx]
H: 8,29 & also wicked weies . wi-gh-tly to amende [aaAx]
J: 8,29 & wikkyd weyes . wyttylyche amendyn [aaAx]
L: 8,29 Wicked weyes . wide wher nedful weore to amende [aaAx]
K: 8,29 And wikked weyis . wightlich to amend [aaAx]
W: 8,29 Wikked ways . also witt(er)ly to mende [aaAx]
N: 8,29 Also wikke weies . wi-gh-tly amende [aaAx]
A: 8,29 Wikkid weys . wytely amende [aaAx]
M: 8,29 & wikede weiese . -th-(er) w(i)t(h) to amendy(n)
H3: 8,29 Wykkyd weyis . wytly to amende [aaAx]
T: 8,30 And bynde brugges aboute [th](a)t tobroke were
H2: 8,30 And bynde bruges aboute . that tobroke wer(e) [aaaAx]
Ch: 8,30 And bynde brigges aboute . -th-at tobroke were [aaaAx]
D: 8,30 And byende brygges abouten . -th-(a)t -th-o broken
were [aaaAx]
R: 8,30 and -th-inke on brygg(es) aboute . -th-(a)t tobroke
were [aaaAx]
U: 8,30 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 8,30 (Beete) (Brugges) (a-Boute) . _th_at (to-Broke) were
H: 8,30 & bigge brigges aboute . -th-at tobroken wer(e)
J: 8,30 And makyn briggys abowtyn . -th-at tobroke were [aaaAx]
L: 8,30 And ffeble brugges aboute . -th-at tobroke weore
K: 8,30 And boten bridgis aboute . that tobroken were [aaaAx]
W: 8,30 And broken brigges also -th-at aboute were [aaaAx]
N: 8,30 And bete burgis aboute . -th-(a)t tobroken were [aaaAx]
A: 8,30 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 8,30 & amendyn breggis aboutyn . -th-at broken wern
H3: 8,30 And bete brygges aboute . -th-(a)t tobroke were
T: 8,31 Marie maidenis also & maken hem nonnes
H2: 8,31 Marie maydenis also . and make hem nonnes [aaAx]
Ch: 8,31 Marien maidens also . and make hem nonnes [aaAx]
D: 8,31 Mary maydenes also . or make hem nonnes [aaAx]
R: 8,31 maryen maydenys also . or make he(m) nou(n)nes [aaAx]
U: 8,31 Maryen maydens . or makyn hem wyues [aaAx]
V: 8,31 (Marie) (Maydens) . or (Maken) hem Nonnes [aaAx]
H: 8,31 & marien maidens . or ellis make hem no(n)nes
J: 8,31 Maryyn maydens . or makyn hem nu(n)nys [aaAx]
L: 8,31 Maydenes mayntene & marye . or maken heom no[nnes]
K: 8,31 Marien madens also . or maken hem nonnes [aaAx]
W: 8,31 Maydens for to marien . and make hem wyfes [aaAx]
N: 8,31 help mary maydenes . elles make hem nonnes [aaAx]
A: 8,31 Mary maydenes . & make hem nonnes [aaAx]
M: 8,31 Maryen maydyns -th-(er)w(i)t(h) . or make hem nvnnys
H3: 8,31 Maryen maydenys . & maky(n) he(m) no(n)nys [aaAx]
T: 8,32 Wydewis [th](a)t wiln not be wyues helpe hem [th](er)e
H2: 8,32 Wydewys that wil . nat be wyuis helpen hem ther(e)
aftir [aaAx]
Ch: 8,32 wedow-gh-es -th-at wol . nou-gh-t be wyues helpe
hem -th-(er) after [aaAx]
D: 8,32 Pore wydewes -th-at wil . nede be wyfes aft(ir) [aaAx]
R: 8,32 Pore widnes -th-(a)t wiln . be wyues no(n) ofter
U: 8,32 -Th-at pore wydewes wol . ben and none wyues aftir
V: 8,32 Pore (widewes) _th_at (wolde) beo . none (wyues)
aftur [aaAx]
H: 8,32 & pore widewis -th-at wolde . be no more wyfes
aft(ur) [aaAx]
J: 8,32 Poure wydowys -th-(a)t wil . ben no wyues [aaAx]
L: 8,32 And pore wydewes -th-at wilnen . no wyues to beon
[after] [aaAx]
K: 8,32 Pore widowis that willen . not to be wifes after
W: 8,32 And warde wydous -th-at wil . be no wyfes aftr(e)
N: 8,32 Pore wydowes -th-(a)t wole . be no wyues aftre [aaAx]
A: 8,32 --- this line is omitted --
M: 8,32 As wydewys -th-at wyues . willen none be after [aaAx]
H3: 8,32 And wedewys [-th-(a)t] wyuys wyl . be no(n) oftere
T: 8,33 ffynde suche here foode for oure lordis loue of heuene
H2: 8,33 ffynde such her(e) fode . for our(e) lordes loues
of heuene [aaAbb]
Ch: 8,33 ffynde such her foode . for oure lordes loue of
heue(ne) [aaAbb]
D: 8,33 ffynde suche here fode . for oure lordes loue of
heuene [aaAbb]
R: 8,33 ffynde(n) suche her(e) fode . for our(e) lord(is)
loue of heuene [aaAbb]
U: 8,33 ffynde swiche here fode . for our lordis loue of
heuene [aaAbb]
V: 8,33 (ffynde) suche heore (foode) . (for) Godes loue of
heuene [aaAxx]
H: 8,33 fynde siche here foode . for our(e) lordis loue of
heue(n) [aaAbb]
J: 8,33 Aftur fynde suche her(e) fode . for lou(er)dys loue
of heue [aaAbb]
L: 8,33 ffynde heom heore fode . for -th-e lordes loue of
heoue[n] [aaAbb]
K: 8,33 ffynde such her fode . for the lord(is) loue of heuyn
W: 8,33 Help to fynde hem fode . for lordes loue of heuen
N: 8,33 ffy(n)den he(m) her fode . for -th-e lordes loue
of heuene [aaAbb]
A: 8,33 --- this line is omitted --
M: 8,33 ffynd swych her(e) foode . for lordys loue of heuene
H3: 8,33 ffynd sweche her fode . for -th-e lordys loue of
heuene [aaAbb]
T: 8,34 Sette scoleris to scole or su(m)me skynes craftis
H2: 8,34 Sette scolers to scole . other su(m) skynnes craftes
Ch: 8,34 Sette-th- scolers to scole . o-th-er sum kynnes
craftis [aaAx]
D: 8,34 Sette Clerkes to scole . or to some skennes craftes
R: 8,34 Sette scoler(is) to scole . or su(m) kennys craft(is)
U: 8,34 & sette scoleris to scole . or to so(m)me ky(n)ne
crafte [aaAx]
V: 8,34 (Sette) (scolers) to (scole) . or to (sum) o_th_er
craft [aaaAx]
H: 8,34 & sett scolers to scole . or to so(m)me o-th-(er)
craft [aaAx]
J: 8,34 Sette scolars to scole . or to su(m) kyns craftys
L: 8,34 Sette scolers to sclole . or to som kynnes kraftes
K: 8,34 Sett scolars to scole . or to su(m)me kyne craft(is)
W: 8,34 Sette scoleres to scole . or to kynde craftes [aaAx]
N: 8,34 Sette scolars to scole . or so(m)me ky(n)nes craftes
A: 8,34 --- this line is omitted --
M: 8,34 Set scolerys to scole . or to so(m)m man(er) craft
H3: 8,34 ssette skolerys to skole . or to so(m)me skynnys
craftys [aaAx]
T: 8,35 Releue religioun & renten hem bet(er)e
H2: 8,35 Releue religiou(n) . and rente hem betere [aaAx]
Ch: 8,35 Releue Religiouns . and renten hem better [aaAx]
D: 8,35 Releue Religiou(n) . & renten hem bett(er) [aaAx]
R: 8,35 Releyue religio(us) . and rente(n) hem betere [aaAx]
U: 8,35 Reule wel religions . and rede hem -th-e beste [aaAx]
V: 8,35 (Rule) (Religion) . and (Rente) hem Betere [aaAx]
H: 8,35 & releue religiouse . & rente hem bett(er)
J: 8,35 Releue religiou(n) . & rent hem bettur [aaAx]
L: 8,35 Releue -th-ore religiou(n) . and renteth heom bettre
K: 8,35 Releven religioun . & renten hem better [aaAx]
W: 8,35 Reule religious . & rent hem bettre [aaAx]
N: 8,35 Releue relygyou(n) . Rente hem bettre [aaAx]
A: 8,35 --- this line is omitted --
M: 8,35 Reule religiou(n) . & rente hem bet(er)e [aaAx]
H3: 8,35 Releuy(n) relygyou(n) . & rentyn he(m) bett(er)e
T: 8,36 I shal sende myself seynt Michel myn aungel
H2: 8,36 I schal sende hem myself . seint mychel myn au(n)gel
Ch: 8,36 I schal sende hem myself . seint Michel myn au(n)gell[es]
D: 8,36 I schal sende myself . seint Mychel myn Aungel [aaAx]
R: 8,36 And I shal sende myself . michael my(n) au(n)gel
U: 8,36 And y schal sende -y-ow selue . seint michel my(n)
angil [aaAx]
V: 8,36 And I schal (sende) ow (my-self) . (seint) Mihel
myn Aunge [aaAx]
H: 8,36 & y shal sende -gh-ow myself . seint my-gh-hel
my(n) au(n)gel [aaAx]
J: 8,36 And I schal sendyn -gh-ow myselue . mychael my(n)
angel [aaAx]
L: 8,36 And y schal sende my seolf . seynt Mychel myn aun[gel]
K: 8,36 And I schal send you myself . saynt mighel myn aungell
W: 8,36 And I shal send -gh-ow myself . seint michel myn
angel [aaAx]
N: 8,36 And I schal -gh-ow myself . seynt Mechel my(n) angel
A: 8,36 --- this line is omitted --
M: 8,36 & I schal sende -y-ou myself . seint Michel my(n)
archau(n)gel [aaAx]
H3: 8,36 And I schal sende -gh-ow myself . sent myhel my
angel [aaAx]
T: 8,37 [Th](a)t no deuil shal [y]ow dere di[gh]e whan [y]e
H2: 8,37 That no deuel schal -gh-ou der(e) . di-gh-e whan
-gh-e di-gh-e [aaAa]
Ch: 8,37 -Th-at no deuel schal -gh-ow dere . di-gh-e whan
-gh-e dei-gh-e [aaAa]
D: 8,37 That no deuel schal -gh-ow dere . dye whan -gh-e
dye [aaAa]
R: 8,37 That no deuel shal -gh-ou der(e) . deye whe(n) -gh-e
deye [aaAa]
U: 8,37 -Th-at no deuyl schal -y-ow deren . deie whan -y-e
deie [aaAa]
V: 8,37 _Th_at no (deuel) schal _g_ou (dere) . whon _g_e
(dye) schulle [aaAx]
H: 8,37 -Th-at no deuel shal -gh-ou der(e) . when -gh-e be-th-
dede [aaAa]
J: 8,37 -Th-(a)t no deuyl schal -gh-ow dere . dey qwan -gh-ow
deye [aaAa]
L: 8,37 -Th-at no deouel schal -gh-ou dere . when -gh-e to
deth go [aaAa]
K: 8,37 That no deuile schal yow dere . die whan yow done
W: 8,37 -Th-at no deuel shal -gh-ou dere . die whan -gh-e
shull [aaAa]
N: 8,37 -Th-(a)t no deuel shal -gh-ow dere . whan -th-(a)t
-gh-e ben dede [aaAa]
A: 8,37 --- this line is omitted --
M: 8,37 -Th-at non deuel schal -y-ow der(e) . deye wan -y-e
deye [aaAa]
H3: 8,37 -Th-(a)t no deuyl xal don -gh-ow dere . dey-gh-e
qwa(n) -gh-e dey-gh-e [aaAa]
T: 8,38 [Th](a)t I ne shal sende his soule sauf into heuene
H2: 8,38 That I ne schal sende his soule . saf into heuene
Ch: 8,38 -Th-at I ne schal sende -gh-oure soules . saue Into
heue[ne] [aaAx]
D: 8,38 -Th-at I schal sende his soule . saf into heuene
R: 8,38 -Th-(a)t I ne shal sende his soule . saf into heuene
U: 8,38 -Th-at he ne schal sende -y-our soules . saf into
heuene [aaAx]
V: 8,38 _Th_at I ne schal (sende) _g_or (soules) . (saaf)
in-to heuene [aaAx]
H: 8,38 for I shal sende -gh-our(e) soulis . sauely to heue(n)
J: 8,38 -Th-(a)t I ne schal sendyn -gh-owre sowlys . saafe
into heuyn [aaAx]
L: 8,38 -Th-at I no schal senden his soule . sauf into heouen
K: 8,38 That I ne schal send his sowle . safe into heuen
W: 8,38 That I ne shal send -gh-owre soule . sauf into blysse
N: 8,38 I schal sende -gh-our(e) sowlys . sauf into heuene
A: 8,38 --- this line is omitted --
M: 8,38 --- this line is omitted ---
H3: 8,38 --- this line is omitted ---
T: 8,39 And before [th]e face of my fadir fo(ur)me [y]oure
H2: 8,39 And befor(e) the face of my fad(er) . forme -gh-our(e)
setes [aaAx]
Ch: 8,39 Before -th-e face of my fader . forme -gh-oure setes
D: 8,39 And before -th-e face of my fadyr . forme -gh-ow
settys [aaAx]
R: 8,39 and byfor(e) -th-e face of my fader . for me -gh-ou
sette [aaAx]
U: 8,39 And byfore my fadir face . forme -y-our settys [aaAx]
V: 8,39 And bi-foren _th_e (fface) of my (ffader) . (fourmen)
or seetes [aaAx]
H: 8,39 before -th-e face of my fader . frely -gh-ow sette
J: 8,39 Befor -th-e face of my fadyr . -th-(a)t formyd -gh-owr
setys [aaAx]
L: 8,39 And byfore -th-e face of my fader . forme his sete
K: 8,39 And before the face of my fader . forme yo(ur) seetes
W: 8,39 Before -th-e face of my fader . fourme -gh-ow to
sitte [aaAx]
N: 8,39 Afore -th-e face of my fadre . furme -gh-our(e) setes
A: 8,39 --- this line is omitted --
M: 8,39 And befor -th-e face of my fadyr . fourme(n) -y-our(e)
seetys [aaAx]
H3: 8,39 And beforin -th-e face of my fadyr . forme -gh-our
setys [aaAx]
T: 8,40 Vsure & auarice & o[th]es I defende
H2: 8,40 Vsure and auarice and othis I defende [????]
Ch: 8,40 Vsur and auarice and o-th-es I defende, [????]
D: 8,40 Vsurye & Auaryce & othis I defende [????]
R: 8,40 Vsur(e) auarice and o-th-es I defende [????]
U: 8,40 Vsure and auarice and othis y defende [????]
V: 8,40 (Vsure) And (Auarice) . and (o_th_es) I defende [aaAx]
H: 8,40 Vserie & auarice & o-th-is y -gh-ou defende
J: 8,40 Vsure & auarice & othis I defend [????]
L: 8,40 Vsure and auarice and othes y defende [????]
K: 8,40 Vsirye & auarice & othes I defende [????]
W: 8,40 Vsurie and auarice and o-th-es I defende -gh-owe
N: 8,40 Vsure & auarise & o-th-es I defende [????]
A: 8,40 --- this line is omitted --
M: 8,40 Vsur(e) & auarice & othes I defende [????]
H3: 8,40 Vsure & auaryce & o-th-ere I defende, [????]
T: 8,41 [Th]at no gile go wi[th] [y]ow but [th]e grai[th] treu[th]e
H2: 8,41 That no gyle go with -gh-ow . but the grayth treuthe
Ch: 8,41 -Th-at no gile go with -gh-ow . but -th-e grei-th-
trew-th-e [aaAx]
D: 8,41 That no gyle go w(i)t(h) -gh-ow . bote -th-e grayth
trew-th-e [aaAx]
R: 8,41 That no gile go w(i)t(h) -gh-ou . but -th-e grete
tru-th-e [aaAx]
U: 8,41 -Th-at no gile go wi-th- -y-ow . but -th-e grete
treuthe [aaAx]
V: 8,41 _Th_at no (gile) (go) with ou . Bote _th_e (grace)
of treu_th_e [aaAx]
H: 8,41 -Th-at no gile go wi-th- -gh-ow . but -th-e grete
treu-th-e [aaAx]
J: 8,41 -Th-at no gyle go w(i)t(h) -gh-ow . but -th-e hard
t(ru)the [aaAx]
L: 8,41 -Th-at no gyle go with -gh-ou . bote -th-e greyth
trouthe [aaAx]
K: 8,41 That no gile go w(i)t(h) you . but the grayth treuthe
W: 8,41 Late no gile go wi-th- -gh-ow . but -th-e grathe
trow-th-e [aaAx]
N: 8,41 -Th-(a)t no gile go w(i)t(h) -gh-ow . but -th-e graythe
trw-th-e [aaAx]
A: 8,41 --- this line is omitted --
M: 8,41 -Th-at no gyle go wyt -y-ou . but -th-e heye weye
H3: 8,41 -Th-(a)t no gyle goo w(i)t(h) -gh-ow . but hey trewthe
T: 8,42 [Th]anne were marchauntis m(er)ye many wepe for ioye
H2: 8,42 Than wer(e) many marchau(n)t(is) meri . many wepte
for Ioy-gh-e [aaAx]
Ch: 8,42 And -th-an were marchaundise mery . and many wep
for [ioye] [aaAx]
D: 8,42 Than were March(a)untys myry . & many wept for
Ioye [aaAx]
R: 8,42 -Th-an were marchau(n)t(is) merie . and some wepe
for ioye [aaAx]
U: 8,42 -Th-a(n)ne weren marchantes merie . and wepyn for
ioye [aaAx]
V: 8,42 _Th_Enne were (Marchaundes) (Murie) . _th_ei wopen
for Ioye [aaXx]
H: 8,42 -th-e(n) wer(e) m(er)chaunt(is) mery . & wepte(n)
for ioi-gh-e [aaAx]
J: 8,42 -Th-an weryn marchaundys mery . -th-ei weptyn for
Ioye [aaAx]
L: 8,42 -Th-an weore marchauns wel murye . & weopen for
ioye [aaAx]
K: 8,42 Than weren m(er)chaunt(es) mery . & wepyn for
Ioy [aaAx]
W: 8,42 Than were marchant-gh- so mery . -th-ai wept for
ioye [aaAx]
N: 8,42 -Th-a(n)ne were marchaundis merye . many wepe for
Ioye [aaAx]
A: 8,42 --- this line is omitted --
M: 8,42 And -th-anne weryn marchans merie . svme weptyn for
ioie [aaAx]
H3: 8,42 Tha(n) were(n) marchandes mery . many wepty(n) for
Ioy-gh-e [aaAx]
T: 8,43 And [y]af wille for his writyng wollene clo[th]is
H2: 8,43 And -gh-af wylle for his writyng . wollene clothis
Ch: 8,43 And -gh-af wille for his writing . wollen clo-th-es
D: 8,43 And -gh-eue wille for his wrytyng . wullen clothes
R: 8,43 And -gh-af wille for his wrytyng . wollene clo-th-es
U: 8,43 And -y-euyn wille for his writinge . wollene clothis
V: 8,43 And _g_eeuen (wille) for his (writynge) . (wollene)
clo_th_es [aaAx]
H: 8,43 & -gh-af william for his writing . wel newe clo-th-is
J: 8,43 & -gh-ouyn wille for his writyng . wollen clothis
L: 8,43 And -gh-auen wille for his wrytyng . wollen clothes
K: 8,43 And yeuyn wille for his writyng . wolleyn clothes
W: 8,43 And -gh-af wil for his wrytyng . wollen clo-th-es
N: 8,43 Thei gaf wille for his writyng . wollen clo-th-es
A: 8,43 --- this line is omitted --
M: 8,43 And -y-euy(n) wil for his wrytyng . willene Clo-th-is
H3: 8,43 And -gh-ouy(n) wylle for hys wrythyng . wollene
clothys [aaAx]
T: 8,44 And for he coupide [th]us h(er)e clause [th]ei [y]eue
hym gret mede
H2: 8,44 And for he coupid thus hir(e) clause . thei -gh-euen
hi(m) g(re)te mede [aaAx]
Ch: 8,44 ffor he copied -th-us her clause . -th-ei -gh-af
him gret med[e] [aaAx]
D: 8,44 ffor he coped -th-us here clause . -th-ey -gh-eue
hym gret mede [aaAx]
R: 8,44 ffor he copede -th-us hir(e) clause . hy konne hi(m)
gret mede [aaAx]
U: 8,44 ffor he copied -th-us her(e) clause . cowde hym gr(e)t
mede [aaAx]
V: 8,44 ffor he (Copiede) _th_us heore (Cause) . _th_ei (couden)
him gret _th_onk [aaAx]
H: 8,44 for to copie -th-us -th-is clause . -th-ei cou-th-e
hym gret -th-ank [aaAx]
J: 8,44 ffor he copyed -th-(us) her clause . -th-ei cowthin
hi(m) g(re)te mede [aaAx]
L: 8,44 ffor he coped -th-us heore clause . -th-ey konned
him gret [mede] [aaAx]
K: 8,44 ffor he coped thus her clause . they could hym gret
mede [aaAx]
W: 8,44 And for -th-at copy of -th-at clause . -th-ei -gh-eue
hem gret mede [aaAx]
N: 8,44 ffor he coped -th-us her clause . -th-ei cow-th-e
hi(m) grete mede [aaAx]
A: 8,44 --- this line is omitted --
M: 8,44 ffor he copide -th-us her(e) a b c . konnyt hi(m)
gret mede [aaAx]
H3: 8,44 ffor he copyid -th-(us) her cause . comandy(n) hy(m)
gret mede [aaAx]
T: 8,45 Men of lawe hadde lest for lewid [th]ei ben alle
H2: 8,45 Men of lawe hadden lest . for lewyd thei bien alle
Ch: 8,45 Men of lawe had lest . for lewd -th-ei be alle [aaAx]
D: 8,45 Men of lawe hadde lest . for lered -th-ey ben alle
R: 8,45 Men of lawe hadde lene . for lered -th-ei ben alle
U: 8,45 and men of lawe -th-ei haddyn lest . for lettrid
-th-ei ben alle [aaAx]
V: 8,45 Men of (lawe) hedden (lest) . for heo beo_th_ (lettred)
alle [aaXa]
H: 8,45 Men of lawe wer(e) laft oute . for -th-ey be-th-
lo-th- [aaAx]
J: 8,45 Men of lawe haddyn lest . for lett(er)yd -th-ei ben
alle [aaAx]
L: 8,45 Men of lawe hadde leste . for lettred -th-ey beon
alle [aaAx]
K: 8,45 Men of lawe had lest . for lettred thay ben alle
W: 8,45 Men of lawe had lest . for -th-ai be-th- lerned alle
N: 8,45 Men of lawe had leue . for -th-e ben alle l(ett)red
A: 8,45 --- this line is omitted --
M: 8,45 Men of lawe haddyn lest . for lettrid -th-ey ben
alle [aaAx]
H3: 8,45 Me(n) oflawe haddy(n) lest . for letteryd -th-ei
be(n) alle [aaAx]
H: 8,45 To mote for mene me(n) but -gh-if -th-ei hadde monoey
T: 8,46 ffor so sei[th] [th]e sauter & sapience bo[th]e
H2: 8,46 ffor so sei-gh-t the saut(er) . and sapience bothe
Ch: 8,46 ffor so sei-gh-t -th-e sauter . and sapience bo-th-e
D: 8,46 ffor so seith -th-e sawt(er) . & sapience bo-th-e
R: 8,46 and so seyt -th-e sauter . and sapience bo-th-e [aaAx]?
U: 8,46 and so seith -th-e saut(er)e . and sapience bo-th-e
V: 8,46 So (sei_th_) _th_e (sauter) . and (sapience) bo_th_e
H: 8,46 as -th-e saut(er) sei-th- . & -th-e sapience
bo-th-e [aaAx]?
J: 8,46 Soo as seyth -th-e sawt(er) . & sapiens bothe
L: 8,46 And so seith -th-e sawter . and sapience bothe [aaAx]?
K: 8,46 And so saith the psalter . & sapiens both [aaAx]?
W: 8,46 and also sai-th- sapience and -th-e sautr(e) bo-th-e
N: 8,46 To loke vpon he sawter sapience to teche [aaAx]?
A: 8,46 --- this line is omitted --
M: 8,46 An so seit -th-e sawter . & sapience bo-th-yn
H3: 8,46 And so seyt -th-e sautyr . & sapiens bothe [aaAx]?
T: 8,46 { Sup(er) innocentem mun(er)a non accipies a regib(us) & pr(in)cipib(us)
H2: 8,46a { Sup(er) innocentem mun(er)a no(n) accipies a
regib(us) & p(ri)ncipib(us) } [Latin]
Ch: 8,46a { Super innocentem munera non accipiens }
D: 8,46a { Super innocentem mun(er)a no(n) accipies a Regib(us) & principib(us) &c
} [Latin]
R: 8,46a { Sup(er) i(n)nocente(m) mun(er)a n(on) accipies
a regib(us) & p(ri)ncipib(us) erit } [Latin]
U: 8,46a { Sup(er) innocente(m) mun(er)a no(n) accipies a
regib(us) & p(ri)ncipib(us) erit } [Latin]
V: 8,46a { Super Innocentes munera non Accipiunt a regibus &c
}. [Latin]
H: 8,46a { A regib(us) & principib(us) erunt m(er)ces
sup(er) innocent(em) &c } [Latin]
J: 8,46a { Sup(er) innocente(m) mun(er)a no(n) accipies a
regib(us) & p(ri)ncipib(us) er(i)t m(er)ces eor(um) }
L: 8,46a { Super innocentem munera non accipiens a regib(us)
et principib(us) erit merces eius &c } [Latin]
K: 8,46a { Sup(er) Innocente(m) mun(er)a no(n) accipies A
regib(us) & p(ri)ncipib(us) erit m(er)ces eor(um) } [Latin]
W: 8,46a { Super innocentem mun(er)a non accipies (:) regib(us) & p(ri)ncipib(us)
erit m(er)ces eor(um) } [Latin]
N: 8,46a { Sup(er) i(n)noce(n)te(m) mun(er)a no(n) accipies
a regib(us) & p(ri)ncipib(us) er(i)t m(er)ces eor(um)
} [Latin]
A: 8,46a --- this line is omitted -
M: 8,46a { Sup(er) Innoce(n)tem mun(er)a no(n) acceperu(n)t
a Regib(us) }
M: 8,46a { et p(ri)ncipib(us) erit merces eor(um) } [Latin]
H3: 8,46a { Mun(er)a sup(er) i(n)nocente(m) no(n) accepit
sed a regib(us) p(re)latis et
Ch: 8,46b { a regibus et a principibus } [Latin]
H3: 8,46a principib(us) erit merses eor(um) } [Latin]
T: 8,47 Of p(ri)nces & p(re)latis here penc(i)ou(n) shulde
H2: 8,47 Of p(ri)nces and p(re)latis . her(e) pensiones schuld
arise [aaAx]
Ch: 8,47 Of princes and prelatis . her pencioun schuld arise
D: 8,47 Of prynces and of prelates . here pensyou(n) schal
aryse [aaAx]
R: 8,47 Of prynces and of p(re)lat(is) . her(e) penciou(n)
shal arise [aaAx]
U: 8,47 Of p(ri)nces and of p(re)latis . here pensiou(n)
schal arise [aaAx]
V: 8,47 Of (Parisches) and (Prelatus) . heor (pencion) schulde
aryse [aaAx]
H: 8,47 of p(re)latis & princes . her(e) pencou(n) shulde
arise [aaAx]
J: 8,47 Of p(ri)nces & of p(re)lates . her penciou(n)
schal aryce [aaAx]
L: 8,47 Of princes & prelatis . heore penciou(n) schal
arise [aaAx]
K: 8,47 Of p(ri)nces & p(re)lat(is) . here pencioun schal
arise [aaAx]
W: 8,47 Of princes & p(re)lates . here mede most arise
N: 8,47 Of p(ri)nces & of p(re)lates . her penciou(n)
sholde aryse [aaAx]
A: 8,47 --- this line is omitted --
M: 8,47 Of p(ri)nces & of p(re)las . her(e) peticiou(n)s
schal arisyn [aaAx]
H3: 8,47 Off p(ri)nces & p(re)latys . her pensions xal
aryse [aaAx]
T: 8,48 And of no pore peple no peny to take
H2: 8,48 And of no pore peple . no money to take [aaAx]
Ch: 8,48 And of no pore peple . no peny to take [aaAx]
D: 8,48 And of no pore peple . no penyworth to take [aaAx]
R: 8,48 and of no por(e) peple . no penewor-th- to take [aaAx]
U: 8,48 & of no pore peple . no penyworth to take [aaAx]
V: 8,48 And of _th_e (pore) (peple) . no (penewor_th_) to
take [aaAx]
H: 8,48 & of -th-e pore puple . no penywor-th- to take
J: 8,48 And of no pou(re) peple . no penyworth to take [aaAx]
L: 8,48 And of -th-e pore people . no penyworth to take [aaAx]
K: 8,48 And of no pore people . no penyworth to take [aaAx]
W: 8,48 And of -th-e pore peple . -th-ai shold not taken
N: 8,48 And of -th-e pore peple . no penyworth to take [aaAx]
A: 8,48 --- this line is omitted --
M: 8,48 And of no pouer(e) peple . no(n) penyworth takyn
H3: 8,48 And of no pore puple . a penyworth to take [aaAx]
T: 8,49 Ac he [th](a)t spendi[th] his speche & speki[th]
for [th]e pore
H2: 8,49 Ac he that spendit his speche . and spekith for
the por(e) [aaAx]
Ch: 8,49 Bot he -th-at spende-th- his speche . and speke-th-
for -th-e pore [aaAx]
D: 8,49 Ac he -th-(a)t spendith his speche . & speked
for -th-e pore [aaAx]
R: 8,49 Ac -th-(a)t spendi-th- his speche . to speke for
-th-e pore [aaAx]
U: 8,49 ffor he -th-at spendith his speche . and speki-th-
for -th-e pore peple [aaAx]
V: 8,49 Ac he _th_at (spende_th_) his (speche) . and (speke_th_)
for _th_e pore [aaAx]
H: 8,49 but he -th-at spendi-th- his speche . & speki-th-
for -th-e pore [aaAx]
J: 8,49 Ac he -th-(a)t spendyth his speche . & speykyth
for -th-e pore [aaAx]
L: 8,49 Bute he -th-at spendeth his speche . & spekith
for -th-e p[ore] [aaAx]
K: 8,49 But he that spendith his speche . & spekith for
the pore [aaAx]
W: 8,49 But -gh-e -th-at spende -gh-oure speche . & speke
for -th-e pore [aaAx]
N: 8,49 But he -th-(a)t spendi-th- his speche . & speki-th-
for -th-e pore [aaAx]
A: 8,49 --- this line is omitted --
M: 8,49 But he -th-(a)t spendit his speche . & spekyt
for -th-e por(e) [aaAx]
H3: 8,49 And he -th-(a)t spendyth hys speche . & spekyth
for -th-e pore [aaAx]
T: 8,50 [Th](a)t is Innocent & nedy & no man apeiri[th]
H2: 8,50 That is innocent and nedy . and no man apeireth
Ch: 8,50 -Th-at is Innocent and nedy . and no man appeire-th-
D: 8,50 That is Innocent and nedy . & no ma(n) apeyreth
R: 8,50 -Th-(a)t innoce(n)t is and nedy . and no ma(n) apeyre
U: 8,50 -Th-at i(n)nocentis ben and nedy . -th-at no man
hem apeire [aaAxx]
V: 8,50 _Th_at is (Innocent) and (neodi) . and (no) mon ha_th_
apeyret [aaAx]
H: 8,50 Also for an Innocent . -th-at no ma(n) apeire-th-
J: 8,50 -Th-(a)t ben Innocentys & nedy . -th-(a)t nou(n)
men apayryn [aaAxx]
L: 8,50 -Th-at is innocent and nedy . & no mon empeyreth
K: 8,50 That is Innocent & nedy . & no man appeyreth
W: 8,50 That is not nocent but nede-th- . and no man apaire-th-
N: 8,50 -Th-at is Innocent & nedy . & no man he appaireth
A: 8,50 --- this line is omitted --
M: 8,50 -Th-at Innocent ben & nedy . & no(n) man
apeirit [aaAxx]
H3: 8,50 -Th-at is Innoce(n)t & nedy . & no ma(n)
apeyryth [aaAxx]
T: 8,51 Counforti[th] hym in [th]at cas coueiti[th] nou[gh]t
his goodis
H2: 8,51 Comforteth hi(m) in that cas . coueyteth nou-gh-t
his godis [aaAx]
Ch: 8,51 Comforteth him In -th-at cas . coueite-th- nou-gh-t
his god[es] [aaAx]
D: 8,51 Comforteth hym in -th-(a)t caas . coueytet nou-gh-t
his goodes [aaAx]
R: 8,51 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 8,51 Conforte hem in -th-at caas . and coueyte noght here
godys [aaAx]
V: 8,51 (Cumforte_th_) him in his (caas) . (Coueite_th_)
not his goodes [aaAx]
H: 8,51 conforte-th- hem in -th-at cas . coueite-th- not
her(e) godis [aaAx]
J: 8,51 Confortyth him in -th-at caase . coueytith nouth
his godis [aaAx]
L: 8,51 Comforteth him in -th-at cas . coueyteth not his
god[is] [aaAx]
K: 8,51 Comforteth hym in that case . coueitith not his good(is)
W: 8,51 Comforte him in -th-at cace . take not here goodes
N: 8,51 Conforte-th- hi(m) i(n) -th-at cas . coueite-th-
nou-gh-t his godis [aaAx]
A: 8,51 --- this line is omitted --
M: 8,51 Counfortit hi(m) in his cas . & coueitit not
his goodis [aaAx]
H3: 8,51 Co(n)fortyth hy(m) i(n) cas . coueyth nouth hys
goodys [aaAx]
T: 8,52 Ac for oure lordis loue lawe for hym shewi[th]
H2: 8,52 Ac for our(e) lordis loue . lawe for hi(m) schewyth
Ch: 8,52 Bot for our lordes loue . lawe for hym scheweth
D: 8,52 Ac for oure lordes loue . lawe for hym schewith [aaAx]
R: 8,52 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 8,52 But for our lordes loue . lawe for hem schewith [aaAx]
V: 8,52 Bote for vr (lordes) (loue) . (lawe) for him schewe_th_
H: 8,52 but for our(e) lordis loue of heue(n) . lawe for
hem shewi-th- [aaAx]
J: 8,52 Ac for our(e) lordys loue . law for hem schewyth
L: 8,52 Bote for oure lordes loue . lawe for him schewit[h]
K: 8,52 But for our lord(is) loue . lawe for hym schewith
W: 8,52 But for oure lordes loue . lawe for hem shewe [aaAx]
N: 8,52 But for oure lordes loue . law for hi(m) chewe-th-
A: 8,52 --- this line is omitted --
M: 8,52 But for loue of our(e) lord . lawe for hi(m) schewyt
H3: 8,52 And for our lordys loue . lawe for hy(m) schewyt
T: 8,53 Shal no deuil at his de[th] day derie hym a myte
H2: 8,53 Schal no deuel at his deth day . derie hi(m) a myte
Ch: 8,53 Schal no deuel at his de-th- . derie hym a myte
D: 8,53 Schal no deuel at his deth day . derye hym a my-gh-te
R: 8,53 Shal no deuel at his de-th- day . derie hi(m) a myte
U: 8,53 Schal no deuel at his de-th- day . deren hym a myte
V: 8,53 Schal no (deuel) at his (de_th_-day) . (deren) him
wor_th_ a Myte [aaAx]
H: 8,53 Shal no deuel at his de-th- day . dere hym wor-th-
a myte [aaAx]
J: 8,53 Schal no deuyl at his deth day . deryn him a myte
L: 8,53 Schal no deouel at his deth day . to dere him haue
my[ghte] [aaAx]
K: 8,53 Schal no deuiel at the deth day . dere hym a myte
W: 8,53 Shal no deuel at -gh-oure de-th- day . dere -gh-ow
a myte [aaAx]
N: 8,53 Shal no deuil at his de-th- . dere hi(m) a myte [aaAx]
A: 8,53 --- this line is omitted --
M: 8,53 Schal no(n) deuel at his deth day . deryn hi(m) a
mygthe [aaAx]
H3: 8,53 Xal no deuyl at hys ded day . dery(n) hy(m) a mythe
T: 8,54 [Th]at he ne wor[th] sauf sykirly & so sei[th]
[th]e sautir
H2: 8,54 That he ne wort-gh- saf sicu(ur)ly . and so sei-gh-
the saut(ir) [aaAa]
Ch: 8,54 -Th-at he ne worth saf sekerly . and so sei-gh-th
-th-e saut(ir) [aaAa]
D: 8,54 That he ne worth saf sekerly . & so seith -th-e
saut(ir) [aaAa]
R: 8,54 -Th-at he ne wor-th- saf sykerly . and so sey-th-
-th-e sauter [aaAa]
U: 8,54 -Th-at he ne wur-th- sikerly sauf . and so seith
-th-e saut(ir) [aaAa]
V: 8,54 _Th_at he ne wor_th_ (siker) (saaf) . and so (sei_th_)
_th_e (psauter) [aaAa]
H: 8,54 -Th-at he ne wor-th- siker saf . & so sei-th-
-th-e saut(ir) [aaAa]
H: 8,54 [ Qui facit hec non mouebit(ur) in et(er)nu(m) }
J: 8,54 -Th-(a)t he worth sykyrlyche saafe . & so seyth
-th-e sawt(ir) [aaAa]
L: 8,54 -Th-at he no worth sikerly saufe . & so -th-e
sauter wittenes[seth] [aaAa]
K: 8,54 That he worth safe sikerly . & so the psalter
saith [aaAa]
W: 8,54 That -gh-e ne shul sikerly be sauf . or the sautre
lie-th- { Qui facit hec no(n) mouebi(ur) in et(er)nu(m) }
N: 8,54 That he ne worthe syker sauf . & sent for-th-
to ioye [aaAa]
A: 8,54 --- this line is omitted --
M: 8,54 -Th-at he ne worth sone sauid . as -th-e saut(er)
witnessit [aaAa]
M: 8,54 [B:VII, 51] { D(omi)ne quis habitabit in thab(er)naculo
tuo &c }
H3: 8,54 -Th-at he ne worth securly saff . & so -th-e
sautyr schew(i)t(h) [aaAa]
H3: 8,54 { D(omi)ne quis hi(n)tabit in tabernaculo tuo aut quis &c }
T: 8,55 Ac to bigge watir ne wynd ne wyt is [th]e [th]ridde
H2: 8,55 Ac to bigge wat(ir) ne wynd . ne wyt is the thridde
Ch: 8,55 Bot to bigge water no wynde . ne witte is -th-e
-th-ridde [aaAx]
D: 8,55 Ac to begge wat(ir) ne wynd . ne wyt is -th-e -th-irde
R: 8,55 ac do bugge water ne wynd . and wit is -th-e -th-ridde
U: 8,55 Ac to bigge wat(ir) wynd . or wit is ydel y rede
V: 8,55 Ac to bugge (water), ne (wynt) . ne (wit), is _th_e
_th_ridde [aaAx]
H: 8,55 but to bigge wat(ir) or wind . or witt is -th-e -th-redde
J: 8,55 Ac to bygge wat(ir) & wynde . ne wit is -th-e
thridde [aaAx]
L: 8,55 Bote to bugge water no wynd . no wit is -th-e [-th-ridde]
K: 8,55 But to sell watur ne wynde . ne wytte the thirde
W: 8,55 But selle watr(e) ne wynde . ne witte is -th-e -th-redde
N: 8,55 To bigge watre ne wynde . & witt is -th-e ridde
A: 8,55 --- this line is omitted --
M: 8,55 But to bugge wat(ir) ne wynd . ne wit is -th-e -th-rydde
H3: 8,55 No(n) to begge watyr wynd . no(n) wytt is -th-e
threde [aaAx]
T: 8,56 Ne wolde neu(er)e holy writ god wot [th]e so[th]e
H2: 8,56 Ne wolde neu(er) holy writ . god wot the sothe [aaAx]
Ch: 8,56 Ne wolde neuer holi writte . god wot -th-e so-th-e
D: 8,56 Ne wold neu(er) holy wryt . god wot -th-e sothe [aaAx]
R: 8,56 wolde neu(er)e holy writ . god wot -th-e so-th-e
U: 8,56 Ne wolde neu(er)e holi cherche . god wot -th-e sothe
V: 8,56 Nolde neuer holy (writ) . God (wot) _th_e so_th_e
H: 8,56 ne wolde neu(er) holi writt . god wot -th-e so-th-e
J: 8,56 Ne wyld neu(er) holy wryt . god wote -th-e sothe
L: 8,56 No wolde neuer holy writte . god wot -th-e sothe
K: 8,56 Ne would neu(er) holy writte . god wote the sothe
W: 8,56 Wold neuere holi wrytt . god wot -th-e so-th-e [aaAx]
N: 8,56 Wolde neure holy writ . crist wot -th-e so-th-e [aaAx]
A: 8,56 --- this line is omitted --
M: 8,56 Ne wolde neu(er)e holy writ . god wot -th-e so-th-e
H3: 8,56 Ne wold neu(er) holy wryt . god wot -th-e sothe
T: 8,57 [Th]ise [th]re for [th]rallis ben [th]rowe among vs
H2: 8,57 These thre for thrallis . bien trowen among vs alle
Ch: 8,57 -th-es -th-re for -th-ralles . ben -th-rowe amongs
vs alle [aaAx]
D: 8,57 -Th-ese -th-re for -th-ralles . be -th-rowe among
vs alle [aaAx]
R: 8,57 These -th-re for thrall(is) . be-th- p(ro)ued among
vs alle [aaAx]
U: 8,57 -Th-ese -th-re for thralles . ben throwen among vs
alle [aaAx]
V: 8,57 _Th_eos (_th_reo) for (_th_ralles) . beo (_th_riuen)
a-mong vs alle [aaAx]
H: 8,57 -Th-ese -th-re for -th-rallis . be-th- y-gh-eue(n)
vs alle [aaAx]
J: 8,57 -Th-ies thre fo[r] thrall . be throwyn among us alle
L: 8,57 -Th-eose -th-reo fro thalles . beon throwen among
vs alle [aaAx]
K: 8,57 Thes three for thralles . ben throwen among(es) vs
alle [aaAx]
W: 8,57 ffor -th-se -th-re be-th- for -th-rall(is) -th-rowe
among vs alle [aaAx]
N: 8,57 -Th-ise -th-re for -th-ralles . ben -th-rowen among
vs alle [aaAx]
A: 8,57 --- this line is omitted --
M: 8,57 ffor -th-e tresouris be(n) our(e) aldiris I-th-rowen
among vs alle [aaAx]
H3: 8,57 ffor -th-e tresour be(n) thrall(is) -th-(a)t is
sowe(n) among vs alle [aaAx]
T: 8,58 To waxen & to wanyen where [th](a)t god liki[th]
H2: 8,58 To waxen and wanyen . wher(e) that god liketh [aaAx]
Ch: 8,58 To waxen and wanyen . wher -th-at god like-th- [aaAx]
D: 8,58 To waxen & wanyen . where -th-(a)t god liketh
R: 8,58 to waxen and wanyen . -th-e while god lyke-th- [aaAx]
U: 8,58 To waxen and wany(n) . wher(e) -th-at god liketh
V: 8,58 To (waxen) or to (wonien) . (whe_th_er) God lyke_th_
H: 8,58 to waxe or to wanye . whe-th-(er) -th-at god like-th-
J: 8,58 To waxin & wanyyn . were -th-at god lykyth [aaAx]
L: 8,58 To waxen and wayten . wher -th-at god lykyth [aaAx]
K: 8,58 To waxen & wanyen . wher that god will [aaAx]
W: 8,58 Bo-th-e to waxe and to wane . whey-th-(er) -th-at
god lykes [aaAx]
N: 8,58 To waxen or to wanen . whe-th-(er) god lyke-th- [aaAx]
A: 8,58 --- this line is omitted --
M: 8,58 to waxin & to wanien . wher -th-at god liket
H3: 8,58 To waxe(n) & wanye(n) . qwer -th-(a)t god lykyth
T: 8,59 His p(ar)doun in p(ur)catorie wel litel is I trowe
H2: 8,59 His p(ar)dou(n) in p(ur)gatorie . wel litel is I
trowe [aaAx]
Ch: 8,59 His p(ar)doun in purcatorie . ful litel is I trowe
D: 8,59 His p(ar)dou(n) in purgatorie . wel litel is I trowe
R: 8,59 his p(ar)dou(n) in purgatorye . wel petit is I trowe
U: 8,59 His p(ar)dou(n) in p(ur)gatorie . wol litil is y
trowe [aaAx]
V: 8,59 His (pardoun) In (purgatorie) . is (petit) I trouwe
H: 8,59 his p(ar)dou(n) in p(ur)gatorie . ful litel is I
trowe [aaAx]
J: 8,59 His p(ar)dou(n) in p(ur)gatory . wel lytil is I trowe
L: 8,59 His pardon in purgatory . wel petite is y trowe [aaAx]
K: 8,59 His p(ar)done in p(ur)gatory . wel petyte is I trowe
N: 8,59 His p(ar)dou(n) in p(ur)gatorie . full petit is I
trowe [aaAx]
A: 8,59 --- this line is omitted --
M: 8,59 His p(ar)dou(n) i(n) purgatorie . is peti I trowe
H3: 8,59 Hys p(ar)dou(n) & hys p(ur)gatory . is ful petyful
I chowe [aaAx]
T: 8,60 [Th](a)t any mede of mene men for motyng resceyue[th]
H2: 8,60 That any mede of mene men . for motyng reseyueth
Ch: 8,60 -Th-at ay mede of mene men . for motyng resceyue-th-
D: 8,60 That eny mede of mene men . for motyng resseyue-th-
R: 8,60 -Th-at ony mede of mene me(n) . for motyng reseyue(n)
U: 8,60 -Th-at ony mede of mone men . for motynge resceyue
V: 8,60 _Th_at eny (Meede) of (mene) (Men) . for (Motynge)
receyue_th_ [aaaAx]
H: 8,60 -Th-at eny mede of mene me(n) . for motinge resceyfe-th-
J: 8,60 -Th-(a)t ony meede of meene men . for motyng reseyuyth
L: 8,60 -Th-at any mede for mene men . for motyng resceyueth
K: 8,60 That any mede of meane men . for motyng receyuith
W: 8,60 But whoso mede of mene men . for metyng receyue-th-
N: 8,60 -Th-(a)t eny monee of mene men . for motyng rescyue-th-
A: 8,60 --- this line is omitted --
M: 8,60 -Th-at ony mede of mene men . for motyng(es) res(er)uit
H3: 8,60 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 8,59 The pardon in purgatorie . petit I trowe [aaAx]
T: 8,61 [Y]e legistris & lawistis witen [y]if I lei[gh]e
H2: 8,61 -Gh-e legistris and lawieris . wyten if I ly-gh-e
Ch: 8,61 -Gh-e legistrers and law-gh-eres . witen -gh-ef
I li-gh-e [aaXa]
D: 8,61 The legystrers & lawsters . -gh-e wete yf I lye
R: 8,61 -Gh-e legister(is) and lawyer(es) . -gh-e wyte -gh-if
I lye [aaXa]
U: 8,61 -Y-e legistr(er)s and lawyeres . -gh-e witen if y
lye [aaXa]
V: 8,61 _Y_e (Legistres) and (lawyers) . _g_e witen wher
I (ly_g_e) [aaXa]
H: 8,61 -Gh-e legistr(e)s & lawiers . -gh-e wite where
I li-gh-e [aaXa]
J: 8,61 -Gh-e legysteris & lawe-gh-eris . -gh-e wytyn
-gh-if I lye [aaXa]
L: 8,61 -Gh-e legystres & lawyers . -gh-e witen -gh-ef
y lye [aaXa]
K: 8,61 Ye legistres & lawe yer(es) . ye woten if I lie
W: 8,61 -Gh-e legistres of lawyers . -gh-e weti-th- if I
lie [aaXa]
N: 8,61 -Gh-e legistres & lawers . -gh-e wytyn -gh-if
I lye [aaXa]
A: 8,61 --- this line is omitted --
M: 8,61 Of Registres of lawers . lye I out trowe -gh-e [aaXa]
H3: 8,61 --- this line is omitted ---
T: 8,62 Si[th]en [y]e sen it is [th]us sewi[th] to [th]e beste
H2: 8,62 Sithen -gh-e se it is thus . sewith to the beste
Ch: 8,62 Se-th--th-e -gh-e sen hit is -th-us . sewe-th- to
-th-e beste [aaAx]
D: 8,62 Sethe -gh-e sen it is -th-us . sew(i)t(h) to -th-e
beste [aaAx]
R: 8,62 syn -gh-e se hit is -th-us . shewe-th- -th-e beste
U: 8,62 Sithen -gh-e seen it is -th-us . sueth to -th-e beste
V: 8,62 Se_th__th_e _g_e (seon) _th_at hit is (so) . (serue_th_)
to _th_e Beste [aaAx]
H: 8,62 Si-th--th-e -gh-e se -th-at it is so . s(er)ue-th-
to -th-e best [aaAx]
J: 8,62 Sythyn -gh-e sene it is -th-(us) . schewyth to -th-e
best [aaAx]
L: 8,62 Sithen -gh-e seon hit is -th-us . scheweth to -th-e
beste [aaAx]
K: 8,62 Sithen ye seen it is this . sewith the best [aaAx]
W: 8,62 Si-th- (::) say -th-is is so-th- . sewe-th- -th-e
best [aaAx]
N: 8,62 Si-th-en -gh-e sene it is -th-us . swe-th- to -th-e
best [aaAx]
E: 8,62 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 8,62 --- this line is omitted --
M: 8,62 Si-th-in -y-e seyn it is -th-us . sewit to -th-e
beste [aaAx]
H3: 8,62 Sytthy(n) -gh-e sen it is -th-(us) . schew(y)t(h)
to -th-e beste [aaAx]
T: 8,63 Alle libbyng labo(ur)eris [th](a)t lyuen be h(er)e
H2: 8,63 Alle libbyng labo(ur)ers . that lyuen be her(e)
hondis [aaAx]
Ch: 8,63 Alle leuyng laborers . -th-at leuen be oure handes
D: 8,63 Alle lybbyng laborers . -th-(a)t leue be here hondes
R: 8,63 Alle lyuynge labourer(is) . -th-(a)t lyue(n) by her(e)
hand(es) [aaAx]
U: 8,63 Alle lyuynge laboureris . -th-at lyuen by here hondys
V: 8,63 (Libbinde) (Laborers) . _th_at (libben) bi heore
hondes [aaAx]
H: 8,63 Alle lyuynge laborers . -th-at lyuen by her(e) hondes
J: 8,63 Alle lyffyng laboreris . -th-(a)t lyuyn be her handdys
L: 8,63 Alle lybbyng laborers . -th-(a)t libben by heore
hondes [aaAx]
K: 8,63 Al lyuyng labourars . that lyuen by yo(ur) hand(es)
W: 8,63 All o-th-er lyues laborers . -th-at lyuen by -gh-oure
hondes [aaAx]
N: 8,63 Alle lyuyng laboreres . -th-(a)t lyuen by her hondes
A: 8,63 --- this line is omitted --
M: 8,63 Alle libyngge labourers . -th-at libbet be her(e)
landys [aaAx]
H3: 8,63 Alle leuyg labourerys . -th-(a)t leuy(n) be her
ha(n)dys [aaAx]
T: 8,64 [Th]at trewely taken & trewely wynnen
H2: 8,64 That treuly taken . and treuly wynnen [aaAx]
Ch: 8,64 -Th-at trewely taken . and trewly wynnen [aaAx]
D: 8,64 That trewely taken . & trewly wynnen [aaAx]
R: 8,64 -Th-at trulyche taken . and trulyche wynnen [aaAx]
U: 8,64 -Th-at trewly takyn . and trewly wynnen [aaAx]
V: 8,64 _Th_at (treuliche) (taken) . and (treuliche) (ti_th_en)
H: 8,64 -Th-at treuly taken . & treuly wynnen [aaAx]
J: 8,64 -Th-(a)t t(ru)ly tokyn . & t(ru)ly wonnyn [aaAx]
L: 8,64 -Th-at treuliche taken . & with trouthe wynnen
K: 8,64 That trewlich taken . & trewlich wynne [aaAx]
W: 8,64 That treuly taken for -gh-oure trauaill & in
tyme worche [aaAx]
N: 8,64 -Th-(a)t trwlyche token . & trwlyche wonne [aaAx]
A: 8,64 --- this line is omitted --
M: 8,64 -Th-at trewliche tydyth . of -th-at -th-at -th-ey
wynnyt [aaAx]
H3: 8,64 -Th-at trewly toky(n) . & trewly wonny(n) [aaAx]
T: 8,65 And lyuen in loue & lawe for h(er)e lou[gh] herte
H2: 8,65 And lyuen in loue and lawe . for here lowe herte
Ch: 8,65 And leuen In loue and law-gh-e . for her low-gh-e
hert [aaaAx]
D: 8,65 And leuen in loue & in lawe . for here lowe herte
R: 8,65 And lyue in loue and i(n) lawe . for her(e) lowe
herte [aaaAx]
U: 8,65 And lyuen in loue and in lawe . for her(e) lowe herte
V: 8,65 And (liuen) in (loue) and in (lawe) . for heore (lowe)
hertes [aaaAx]
H: 8,65 & lyue(n) in loue & in lawe . for her(e)
lowe hertis [aaaAx]
J: 8,65 And lyuyn in luffe & lawe . for h(er) lowe hert
L: 8,65 And lyue loue & in lawe . for heore lowe heortes
K: 8,65 And lyuyn both in loue & in lawe [aaaAx]
W: 8,65 And lyue in loue and lawe . and wi-th- lowe hertes
N: 8,65 -Th-(a)t lyue in loue & in lawe . for her low[e]
h(er)tes [aaaAx]
A: 8,65 --- this line is omitted --
M: 8,65 An ledyn in londe & in lawe . for her(e) lowe
hertis [aaaAx]
H3: 8,65 And leuy(n) i(n) loue & i(n) lawe . for her
lowe hert(es) [aaaAx]
T: 8,66 Hadde [th]e same absoluc(i)ou(n) [th](a)t sent was
to peris
H2: 8,66 hadden the same absoluciou(n) . that sent was to
p(er)is [aaAx]
Ch: 8,66 Hadde -th-e same absolucioun . -th-at sent was to
piers [aaAx]
D: 8,66 Hadde -th-e same Absoluc(i)ou(n) . -th-(a)t sent
was to piers [aaAx]
R: 8,66 Hadde -th-e same absolucyou(n) . -th-at sent was
to per(is) [aaAx]
U: 8,66 hadden -th-e same absoluciou(n) . -th-at was sent
to p(er)s plowman [aaAx]
V: 8,66 Hedde _th_e (same) (Absolucion) . _th_at (sent) was
to pers [aaAx]
H: 8,66 shul haue -th-e absoluciou(n) . -th-at sente was
to peris [aaAx]
J: 8,66 Haddyn -th-e same absoluciou(n) . -th-(a)t sent was
to pers [aaAx]
L: 8,66 Hadde -th-e same absoluciou(n) . -th-at sent was
to Piers [aaAx]
K: 8,66 Hadden the same absoluciou(n) . that sent was to
pers [aaAx]
W: 8,66 Shul haue -th-e same assaillyng . -th-at sent was
to piers [aaAx]
N: 8,66 Hadden -th-e same absoluciou(n) . -th-(a)t sent was
to piers [aaAx]
A: 8,66 --- this line is omitted --
M: 8,66 Schal haue(n) -th-e same p(ar)don . -th-at sent was
to pers [aaAx]
H3: 8,66 [Beggerys], han -th-e same absoluc(i)on . -th-(a)t
sent was to pers [aaAx]
T: 8,67 Begg(er)is & bidd(er)is ben not in [th]e bulle
H2: 8,67 Begg(er)es and bidderis . be not in the bulle [aaAa]
Ch: 8,67 Beggers and bidders . be-th- nou-gh-t In -th-e bulle
D: 8,67 Beggers & bydderes . be nou-gh-t in -th-e bulle
R: 8,67 Begger(is) and bydder(is) . be-th- not in the bulle
U: 8,67 Beggeres ne bidderes . ben not in -th-at bulle [aaAa]
V: 8,67 (Bidders) and (Beggers) . (Beo_th_) not in _th_e
(Bulle) [aaAa]
H: 8,67 bidders and beggers . be-th- not in -th-e bulle [aaAa]
J: 8,67 Beggeris & bydderis . weryn not in -th-(a)t bulle
L: 8,67 Beggers no bydders . beoth not in -th-e bulle [aaAa]
K: 8,67 Beggars & byddars . ne byn not in the bulle [aaAa]
W: 8,67 Beggers and borwers . be not in -th-e bill [aaAa]
N: 8,67 Bidders ne beggars . be nou-gh-t in -th-(a)t bulle
A: 8,67 --- this line is omitted --
M: 8,67 Beggeris no bidderis . ne beth nout in -th-e bille
H3: 8,67 Beggerys & bydderys . be(n) nouth i(n) -th-e
bulle [aaAa]
T: 8,68 But [y]if [th]e suggestiou(n) be so[th] [th](a)t [th]ei
fore begge
H2: 8,68 But if the suggestiou(n) be soth . that thei for(e)
begge [aaAx]
Ch: 8,68 But -gh-ef -th-e suggestioun be so-th- . -th-at
-th-ei fore begge [aaAx]
D: 8,68 But if -th-e sugestiou(n) be seyn . -th-(a)t schape-th-
he(m) to begge [aaAx]
R: 8,68 but -th-e suggestionys be so-th- . -th-(a)t hi(m)
nede to begge [aaAx]
U: 8,68 But -gh-if here destenye be so . -th-at schapen hem
to begge [aaAx]
V: 8,68 Bote _th_e (suggestion) be (so_th_) . _th_at (schape_th_)
hem to Begge [aaAx]
H: 8,68 but -th-e suggestiou(n) be so-th- . -th-at -th-ei
fore beggen [aaAx]
J: 8,68 But -gh-if -th-e suggestyou(n) be sothe . -th-(a)t
schapith hem to begge [aaAx]
L: 8,68 Bote -th-e suggestiou(n) beo soght . -th-(a)t makith
hom to begge [aaAx]
K: 8,68 But the subiectiou(n) be sothe . that schapith them
bigge [aaAx]
W: 8,68 But if -th-e sugestion be so-th- . -th-at -th-ei
for asken [aaAx]
N: 8,68 But -th-e suggestiou(n) be so-th-e . -th-at shape-th-
he(m) to begge [aaAx]
A: 8,68 --- this line is omitted --
M: 8,68 But -th-e cause be sot-gh- . -th-at schapit he(m)
to begge [aaAx]
H3: 8,68 But suggestiou(n) be soth . -th-(a)t schapyt he(m)
to begge [aaAx]
T: 8,69 ffor he [th]at beggi[th] or bit but he haue nede
H2: 8,69 ffor he that beggith or bit . but he haue nede [aaAxx]
Ch: 8,69 ffor he -th-at begge-th- or bidde-th- . but he haue
nede [aaAxx]
D: 8,69 ffor he -th-(a)t beggeth or byt . but he haue nede
R: 8,69 for he -th-at begge-th- or bidde-th- . but -gh-if
he haue nede [aaAxx]
U: 8,69 ffor he -th-at biggith or byt . but he haue nede
V: 8,69 ffor he _th_at (begge_th_) or (bidde_th_) . (bote)
he habbe neode [aaAx]
H: 8,69 for he -th-at beggi-th- or bidde-th- . til he haue
nede [aaAxx]
J: 8,69 ffor he -th-at beggyth or byt . but -gh-if he haue
nede [aaAxx]
L: 8,69 ffor he -th-(a)t beggeth or byd . bote he haue gret
nede [aaAxx]
K: 8,69 ffor he that beggith or byddith . but he haue neede
W: 8,69 ffor he -th-at begge-th- or borwe-th- . but he haue
nede [aaAxx]
N: 8,69 ffor he -th-(a)t begge-th- o-th-(er) bidde-th- .
or he bide nede [aaAxx]
A: 8,69 --- this line is omitted --
M: 8,69 ffor he -th-at beggit or bidit . but he nede haue
H3: 8,69 ffor he -th-(a)t beggyth or byddyth . but he haue
nedr [aaAxx]
T: 8,70 He is fals wi[th] [th]e fend & kili[th] [th]e nedy
H2: 8,70 He is fals with the fende . and gyleth the nedy
Ch: 8,70 He is fals with -th-e fende . -th-at gile-th- -th-e
nedy [aaAx]
D: 8,70 He is fals w(i)t(h) -th-e fende . & gyle-th-
-th-e nedy [aaAx]
R: 8,70 He is fals w(i)t(h) -th-e fend . and frawde-th- -th-e
nedy [aaAx]
U: 8,70 He is fals as -th-e feend . and defraudith -th-e
nedy [aaAx]
V: 8,70 He is (ffals) with _th_e (ffend) . and (defraude_th_)
_th_e neodi [aaAx]
H: 8,70 he is fals wi-th- -th-e fend . & defraudi-th-
-th-e nedy [aaAx]
J: 8,70 He is fals w(i)t(h) -th-e feende . & defraudyth
-th-e nedy [aaAx]
L: 8,70 He is fals with -th-e feond . & defraudeth the
nedy [aaAx]
K: 8,70 He is fals w(i)t(h) the fende . & defraudith
the nedy [aaAx]
W: 8,70 He is fals wi-th- -th-e fend . & defoule-th-
trou-th- [aaAx]
N: 8,70 He is false w(i)t(h) -th-e fende . defraude-th- -th-e
nedy [aaAx]
A: 8,70 --- this line is omitted --
M: 8,70 He is fals be my(n) hed . & nedys dysseiuyt [aaAx]
H3: 8,70 He is flas as -th-e fend . & defraudyth -th-e
nedy [aaAx]
T: 8,71 And gili[th] [th]e gyu(er)e ageyns his wille
H2: 8,71 And gyleth the gyuer . ageyns his wylle [aaAx]
Ch: 8,71 he gile-th- -th-e geuer . a-gh-ens his wille [aaAx]
D: 8,71 And gyleth -th-e geuere . ageyns his wille [aaAx]
R: 8,71 And eke gile-th- -th-e gyuer(e) . ageyns his wille
U: 8,71 And eke gileth -th-e kende . ageyn godis wille [aaAx]
V: 8,71 And eke (gyle_th_) _th_e (_g_iuere) . al (a_g_eyn)
his wille [aaAx]
H: 8,71 & eke gile-th- -th-e -gh-euer(e) . a-gh-ens his
wille [aaAx]
J: 8,71 & eke gylith -th-e -gh-euer(e) . a-gh-eynys his
wille [aaAx]
L: 8,71 And eke bygyleth -th-e gyuer by god . agaynes wille
K: 8,71 And eke gylith the gevar . ageinst his wille [aaAx]
W: 8,71 And begile-th- -th-e gyuere . a-gh-ens his wille
N: 8,71 And gile-th- -th-e gyuer . agayne goddis wille [aaAx]
A: 8,71 --- this line is omitted --
M: 8,71 And ek begilit -th-e -y-euer(e) . ageyns his wille
H3: 8,71 And eke gylyth -th-e geuere . a-gh-ens his wyl [aaAx]
T: 8,72 [Th]ei lyue nou[gh]t in loue ne no lawe holden
H2: 8,72 Thei lyue nou-gh-t in loue . ne no lawe holde [aaAx]
Ch: 8,72 -Th-ei leue nou-gh-t In loue . ne no lawe holde
D: 8,72 -Th-ey leue nou-gh-t in loue . ne no lawe holden
R: 8,72 -Th-ey lyue not in loue . ne no lawe holden [aaAx]
U: 8,72 -Th-ei lyue not in loue . ne no lawe haldyn [aaAx]
V: 8,72 _Th_ei (libben) in no (lowe) . _th_at no (lawe) holden
H: 8,72 -Th-ei lyue not in loue . -th-at no lawe holde(n)
J: 8,72 -Th-ei lyuyn not in loue . ne no lawe holdyn [aaAx]
L: 8,72 -Th-ay lyueth not in loue . ny no lawe holden [aaAx]
K: 8,72 Thay lyven not in loue . ne no lawe holden [aaAx]
W: 8,72 They lyue in no loue . ne no lawe holden [aaAx]
N: 8,72 Thei lyue nou-gh-t in no loue . ne lawe holden [aaAx]
A: 8,72 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 8,72 -Th-ey leuyn nout in no loue . ne no(n) lawe holden
H3: 8,72 -Th-ei leue nouth i(n) loue . no(n) -th-e lawe holdy(n)
T: 8,73 [Th]ei ne wedde no wo(m)man [th]at hy wi[th] delen
H2: 8,73 Thei ne wedde no wo(m)man . that thei with delen
Ch: 8,73 -Th-ey ne wedde no womman . -th-at -th-ei with delyn
D: 8,73 They wedde no woma(n) . -th-(a)t -th-ey w(i)t(h)
delen [aaAx]
R: 8,73 -Th-ey wedde no wy(m)men . -th-at -th-ei w(i)t(h)
delyn [aaAx]
U: 8,73 -Th-ei wedde none wyues . -th-(a)t -th-ei with delyn
V: 8,73 _Th_ei (wedde_th_) no (wommon) . _th_at _th_e (with)
dele_th_ [aaAx]
H: 8,73 -Th-ei wedden no wo(m)man . -th-at -th-ei wi-th-
delen [aaAx]
J: 8,73 -Th-ei weddyn no wymmen . -th-(a)t -th-ei w(i)t(h)
deele [aaAx]
L: 8,73 They wedden no wy(m)men . [-th-at] -th-ey with delen
K: 8,73 Thay wedden no women . that thay w(i)t(h) delen [aaAx]
W: 8,73 They wedde no woman . -th-at -th-ei wi-th- delen
N: 8,73 -Th-ei wedde no woman . -th-(a)t -th-ei wi-th- delyn
A: 8,73 --- this line is omitted ----
M: 8,73 ffor -th-ey weddyn no(n) wo(m)ma(n) . -th-at -th-e
wit delyn [aaAx]
H3: 8,73 ffor -th-ei wedde none woma(n) . -th-(a)t -th-ei
w(i)t(h) dele [aaAx]
T: 8,74 But as wilde bestis wi[th] wehe & wor[th] vp togid(er)is
H2: 8,74 But as wilde bestis with wehe . and wor[h]up togid(er)is
Ch: 8,74 But as wilde bestes with wouh . wor-th-e vp togeder
D: 8,74 But as wyld bestes w(i)t(h) wehe . & wurch vp
togideres [aaAx]
R: 8,74 but as wilde best(is) w(i)t(h) whe he . and wor-th-
vp togeder(is) [aaAx]
U: 8,74 But as wilde bestes -th-at wi-th- wo . wurthen vp
togidr(e) [aaAx]
V: 8,74 Bote as Beestes, _th_at (wo) . (worche_th_) to-gedere
H: 8,74 But as wilde bestis wi-th- woo . wor-th-e(n) togedris
J: 8,74 But as wylde bestys -th-(a)t w(i)t(h) wehe . worthin
vp togydyr [aaAx]
L: 8,74 Bote as wylde bestes when heo worthen vp togedre
K: 8,74 But as wild best(is) w(i)t(h) wehe . worthen vp togider
W: 8,74 But as -th-e wild wehe . worche vp togedres [aaAx]
N: 8,74 But as wilde bestis wi-th- vche . wor-th- vp & ryde
A: 8,74 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 8,74 But as wilde bestis wehe . & worth vp togederys
H3: 8,74 But as wylde bestys werchy(n) up togederys [aaAx]
T: 8,75 And bringen for[th] barnes [th]at bois ben holden
H2: 8,75 And brynge forth barnes . that boses ben holde [aaAx]
Ch: 8,75 And bringeth forthe barnes . -th-at boyes ben holde
D: 8,75 And brynge for-th- barnes . -th-(a)t -th-ey ben holden
R: 8,75 And brynge for-th- barnys . -th-(a)t barnes ben yholden
U: 8,75 And bryngen forth children . -th-at bastardes ben
holden [aaAx]
V: 8,75 And (bringe_th_) for_th_ (Barnes) . _th_at (Bastardes)
beon holden [aaAx]
H: 8,75 & bringen for-th- barnes . -th-at bastardis be-th-
holden [aaAx]
J: 8,75 And bringgyn forth barnys . -th-(a)t bastardys been
holdyn [aaAx]
L: 8,75 And bryngen forth no barnes . bot barnes -th-ey beon
holden [aaAx]
K: 8,75 And bryngen forth barnes . that boyes ben Iholden
W: 8,75 And bryng forth barns . -th-at barons be-th- Iholde
N: 8,75 -Th-ei bring for-th- barnes . -th-at bastardes ben
holden [aaAx]
A: 8,75 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 8,75 & brynge forth barnys . for bastardys beth holdyn
H3: 8,75 And bryngy(n) forth barons . -th-(a)t bastardys
be(n) holdy(n) [aaAx]
T: 8,76 Or his bak or his bon [th]ei breken in his [y]ou[th]e
H2: 8,76 Or his bak or his bon . bien broke in his -gh-outhe
Ch: 8,76 O-th-er his bak or his bon . -th-ei breken In -th-e
-gh-oug-th-e [aaAx]
D: 8,76 Or his bak or his bon . -th-ey breke in his -gh-oug-th-e
R: 8,76 or his bak or his bon . -th-ei brekyn in his -gh-outhe
U: 8,76 Or his bak or his bon . he brekith in his -gh-outhe
V: 8,76 Or his (Bac), or his (Bon) . heo (breke_th_) in heore
_g_ou_th_e [aaAx]
H: 8,76 o-th-(er) her(e) bak o-th-(er) her(e) boonys . -th-ei
breken in her(e) -gh-ow-th-e [aaAx]
J: 8,76 Othir his bak or his bone . he breykys in his -gh-ungthe
L: 8,76 ffor his bak or his bon . he breketh in his youthe
K: 8,76 Or his backe or his bone . he brekith in his yowthe
W: 8,76 Or his bakke or his bones . he breke-th- in his -gh-owthe
N: 8,76 Or his legge or so(m)me lyme . he breki-th- in his
-gh-ow-th-e [aaAx]
A: 8,76 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 8,76 Or ell(is) his bak or his boon . -th-ey brekyn in
-th-ougthe [aaAx]
H3: 8,76 Eethyr hys bak or hys bon . -th-ei breky(n) i(n)
hys -gh-outhe [aaAx]
T: 8,77 And gon & faiten wi[th] here fauntis for eu(er)emore
H2: 8,77 And gon and fayte w(i)t(h) her(e) fau(n)tes . for
eu(er)more aftir [aaAxx]
Ch: 8,77 And gon and faiten with her faunt . euermore after
D: 8,77 And gon & fatten w(i)t(h) here fauntes . for
eu(er)more aft(ir) [aaAxx]
R: 8,77 and gon and fayte(n) w(i)t(h) her fau(n)tes . for
eu(er)mor(e) after [aaAxx]
U: 8,77 And faiteth wi-th- here fauntys . eu(er)emore aftir
V: 8,77 And go_th_, (ffayte_th_) with heore (ffautes) . (euer-more)
(after) [aaBb]
H: 8,77 & gon & faiten wi-th- her(e) fauntis . eu(er)more
aft(ur) [aaAxx]
J: 8,77 And gon & faytyn w(i)t(h) her(e) foode . for
eu(er)more aftur [aaAxx]
L: 8,77 And gon & fayten with heore fautes . for euermore
aft(er) [aaAxx]
K: 8,77 And gone & faiten w(i)t(h) her fawte . for eu(er)more
aft(er) [aaAxx]
W: 8,77 And goo-th- and fayte-th- wi-th- -th-e faunte . eueremore
after [aaAxx]
N: 8,77 & gon & faite w(i)t(h) her fauntes . al her
lyf aftre [aaAxx]
E: 8,77 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 8,77 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 8,77 And faityn w(i)t(h) swiche faundis . for eu(er)emor
aftir [aaAxx]
H3: 8,77 And go(n) & faynty(n) w(i)t(h) her fautys .
eu(er)more aft(ir) [aaAxx]
T: 8,78 [Th](er)e ben mo mysshapen amonges hem whoso taki[th]
H2: 8,78 Ther(e) ben mo myschapmen amonges he(m) . whoso
takith hede [aaaXx]
Ch: 8,78 -Th-er ben mo mischape among hem . whoso take-th-
hede [aaaXx]
D: 8,78 -th-(er) ben mo myschapen among hem . whoso take-th-
hede [aaaXx]
R: 8,78 -Th-(er) be-th- mo mysshape amo(n)g(es) he(m) . whoso
take hede [aaaXx]
U: 8,78 -Th-(er) ben mo myschapyn among hem . whoso takith
[ende] hede [aaaXx]
V: 8,78 _Th_er ben (mo) (mis-happes) amongus hem . hose take_th_
heede [aaXx]
H: 8,78 -Th-(er) ben mo myshappis among he(m) . whoso taki-th-
heede [aaaXx]
J: 8,78 -Th-(er) ben moo myschapyn among hem . hoso takyd
hede [aaaXx]
L: 8,78 -Th-(er) beon mo mysschapen among heom . whoso taketh
hede [aaaXx]
K: 8,78 Ther ben mo mischef(es) amonge hem . whoso takith
hede [aaaXx]
W: 8,78 Be-th- mo myschape among hem . whoso take-th- hede
N: 8,78 Ther ben mo myschapen amonge he(m) . whoso take-th-
hede [aaaXx]
A: 8,78 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 8,78 -Th-er arn mo misschapyn of hem . whoso takyt hede
H3: 8,78 -Th-(er) arn more myschapy(n) amongus he(m) . hoso
takyth hede [aaaXx]
T: 8,79 [Th]anne of alle o[th](er) man(er) men [th](a)t on
[th]is molde wandri[th]
H2: 8,79 Than of al man(er) of men . that on this molde wandrith
Ch: 8,79 -Th-an of alle maner of men . -th-at on -th-is molde
wandren [aaAx]
D: 8,79 -Th-an of alle o-th-(er) man(er) me(n) . -th-(a)t
on -th-is molde wandre-th- [aaAx]
R: 8,79 -Th-a(n) of alle o-th-er man(er) ma(n) . -th-(a)t
on -th-(i)s molde wa(n)dryn [aaAx]
U: 8,79 -Th-an o-th-(er) man(er) of men . -th-at in -th-is
world wandryn [aaAx]
V: 8,79 _Th_en of alle o_th_ure (men) . _th_at on (Molde)
wandren [xaAx]
H: 8,79 -th-an of alle man(er)e me(n) . -th-at on molde wandren
J: 8,79 -Th-an alle o-th-(er) man(er) of men . -th-(a)t on
-th-is molde wanderith [aaAx]
L: 8,79 -Th-en of alle o-th-(er) maner men . -th-at on -th-is
molde wandreth [aaAx]
K: 8,79 Than of al other man(er) men . that on the molde
wandreth [aaAx]
W: 8,79 Than amonges al other men . -th-at on molde wandre-th-
N: 8,79 -Th-a(n) of alle man(er) men . -th-(a)t on -th-is
molde wenden [aaAx]
A: 8,79 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 8,79 -Th-anne of alle man(er) of men . -th-at on -th-ys
molde wa(n)dry[n] [aaAx]
H3: 8,79 -Th-a(n) w(i)t(h) al man(er) me(n) . -th-(a)t on
-th-is molde wendryth [aaAx]
T: 8,80 [Th]o [th]at lyuen [th]us here lif mowe lo[th]e [th]e
H2: 8,80 Tho that lyuen thus her(e) lif . mowe lothe the
tyme [aaAx]
Ch: 8,80 -Th-ei -th-at leuen -th-us her lif . may lo-th-e
-th-e tyme [aaAx]
D: 8,80 Tho -th-(a)t leuen -th-us here lyf . mowe lo-th-e
-th-e tyme [aaAx]
R: 8,80 -Th-o -th-at haue -th-us her(e) lyf . mow lo-th-e
-th-e tyme [aaAx]
U: 8,80 -Th-o -th-at lyue(n) -th-us here lyf . mowen curse
-th-e tyme [aaAx]
V: 8,80 _Th_ei _th_at (lyuen) _th_us heore (lyf) . mouwe
(lo_th_e) _th_e tyme [aaAx]
H: 8,80 -Th-o -th-at lyue(n) -th-us her(e) lyf . may lo-th-e
-th-e tyme [aaAx]
J: 8,80 -Th-oo -th-at lyuyn -th-(us) her(e) lyfe . mow c(ur)syn
-th-e tyme [aaAx]
L: 8,80 -Th-o -th-(a)t -th-us lyuen heore lif . mowe lothe
-th-e tyme [aaAx]
K: 8,80 Tho that lyuyn thus here her life . mowen lothe the
tyme [aaAx]
W: 8,80 Tho -th-at lyue -th-us here lyf . may lo-th-en -th-e
time [aaAx]
N: 8,80 -Th-o -th-(a)t lyue -th-(us) her li-gh-f . may lothe
-th-e tyme [aaAx]
A: 8,80 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 8,80 -Th-o -th-at ledyn -th-us her(e) lif . may lo-th-in
-th-e tyme [aaAx]
H3: 8,80 -Th-o -th-(a)t ledy(n) -th-(us) her lyf . mou(n)
lakkyn -th-e tyme [aaAx]
T: 8,81 [Th](a)t eu(er)e he was man wrou[gh]t whanne he shal
henne fare
H2: 8,81 That eu(er) he was man Iwrou-gh-t . whan he schal
henne far(e) [xaAx]?
Ch: 8,81 -Th-at heuer he was wy wrou-gh-t . whan he schal
hennes fare [xaAx]?
D: 8,81 That eu(er) he was man wrou-gh-t . whan he henne
fareth [xaAx]?
R: 8,81 -Th-(a)t eu(er)e he was ma(n) wrou-gh-th . whe(n)
he shal he(n)nys fare [xaAx]?
U: 8,81 -Th-(a)t eu(er)e he was man wrought . whan he schal
he(n)nys fare [xaAx]?
V: 8,81 _Th_at euere _th_ei weore Men I-wrou_g_t . whon _th_ei
schul henne fare [????]
H: 8,81 -Th-at eu(er) -th-ei were me(n) ywrou-gh-t . when
-th-ei shulle hennys far(e) [xaAx]?
J: 8,81 -Th-(a)t eu(er) was he man Iwrowht . qwan he schal
he(n)nys fare [xaAx]?
L: 8,81 -Th-at euer was he man wroght . when he schal hennes
fare [xaAx]?
K: 8,81 That he was man wrought . whan he schall hens wend
W: 8,81 That euere he was man wroght . whan he shal hens
fare [xaAx]?
N: 8,81 -Th-at eure he was man wrou-gh-t . whanne he schal
he(n)nes [fare] [xaAx]?
A: 8,81 That he was man wrouth . whan he schal henys wende
M: 8,81 -Th-at euer(e) he was man wrought . whan he schal
he(n)nys far(e) [xaAx]?
H3: 8,81 -th-(a)t eu(er) he was ma(n) wrouth . qwa(n) he
hens fare [xaAx]?
T: 8,82 Ac olde men & hore [th](a)t helpeles ben of streng[th]e
H2: 8,82 Ac olde men and hor(e) . that helples bien of strenthe
Ch: 8,82 Bot olde men and hore . -th-at helples be-th- of
streng-th-e [aaAx]
D: 8,82 Ac olde men & hore . -th-(a)t helpeles ben of
streng-th-e [aaAx]
R: 8,82 and olde me(n) and hore . -th-(a)t ar(e) helples
of streng-th-e [aaAx]
U: 8,82 Ac olde men trewly . -th-at helples ben of strengthe
V: 8,82 BOte (olde) Men & (hore) . _th_at (helples) beo_th_
of streng_th_e [aaAx]
H: 8,82 but olde me(n) & hore . -th-at helples be-th-
of streng-th-e [aaAx]
J: 8,82 Ac elde men & hore . -th-(a)t helples ben of
strenkyth [aaAx]
L: 8,82 Bote olde men & o-th-(er) . -th-at helplas beon
of streynthe [aaAx]
K: 8,82 But olde men & hoore . that helples ben of strenght
W: 8,82 But old men and o-th-er bo-th-e . -th-at help be
h(er)e strengh [aaAx]
N: 8,82 But holde men & hore . -th-(a)t helples ben of
strenght [aaAx]
A: 8,82 But old men & hory . -th-at helpeles ben of strenght
M: 8,82 But elde men & hor(e) . -th-at feble ben of strengthe
H3: 8,82 And olde me(n) & hore . -th-(a)t helples be(n)
of strenthe [aaAx]
T: 8,83 And wo(m)men wi[th] childe [th](a)t werche ne mowe
H2: 8,83 And wo(m)men with childe . that worche ne mowe [axAx]
D: 8,83 And wymme(n) w(i)t(h) Chylde . -th-at wirche ne mowe
R: 8,83 And wy(m)men w(i)t(h) childe . -th-at wyrche ne mowe
U: 8,83 And wy(m)men wi-th- childe . -th-at werke ne mowen
V: 8,83 And (wymmen) with childe . _th_at (worchen) ne mowen
H: 8,83 & wy(m)men wi-th- childe . -th-at werche ne may
J: 8,83 And wymmen w(i)t(h) childe . -th-(a)t wyrkyn ne mowe
L: 8,83 And wy(m)men with childe . -th-at worchen no mowe
K: 8,83 And wy(m)men w(i)t(h) childe . that worchen ne mowen
W: 8,83 And wymen also wi-th- child . -th-at worche -th-ei
ne mowe [axAx]
N: 8,83 And wo(m)men w(i)t(h) childe . -th-(a)t worche ne
mowen [axAx]
A: 8,83 And women w(i)t(h) childe . -th-at werche ne mowe
M: 8,83 & wymmen w(i)t(h) childe . -th-at worchen ne
mowen [axAx]
H3: 8,83 And wome(n) w(i)t(h) chylde . -th-(a)t werchy(n)
ne mowe [axAx]
T: 8,84 Blynde & bedrede & broken here membris
H2: 8,84 Blynde and bedrede . and broken her(e) membres [aaAx]
Ch: 8,84 Blynde and bedrede . and broken her membres [aaAx]
D: 8,84 Blynde & Beddred . & broken here menbres
R: 8,84 Blynde and blereyde . and broken her(e) me(m)br(is)
U: 8,84 blynde men and blereyed . and broken -th-e membris
V: 8,84 (Blynde) and (Bedreden) . And (Broken) heore Membres
H: 8,84 blinde & bedrede(n) . & broken of her(e)
menbris [aaAx]
J: 8,84 Blynde men & bedred . & brokyn her membris
L: 8,84 Blynde & bedreden . and broken heore membres
K: 8,84 Blynde & bedrede . & brokyn her membres [aaAx]
W: 8,84 Blynde folk and bederede . -th-at han lost h(er)e
lymes [aaAx]
N: 8,84 -Th-e blynde & -th-e bedred . & broken her
membris [aaAx]
A: 8,84 Blynd & bedrede . and brokyn here membris [aaAx]
M: 8,84 Blynde men & bedderede . & broken in her(e)
membris [aaAx]
H3: 8,84 Blynd & bedrede . & broky(n) i(n) her membrys
Ch: 8,83 And women with children . -th-at worche ne mowen [axAx]
T: 8,85 [Th]at taki[th] his meschief mekliche as myselis & o[th](er)e
H2: 8,85 That takis his myschif myldelych . as mesellis & other
Ch: 8,85 -Th-at take her myschef mekely . as meseles and
o-th-er [aaAx]
D: 8,85 That take-th- his myschief mekelych . as mesels & o-th-(er)e
R: 8,85 -Th-at take-th- her(e) myschef mekely . as meselis
and o-th-(er)e [aaAx]
U: 8,85 -Th-at taken meschief mekliche . as myselis & siche
o-th-(er)e [aaAx]
V: 8,85 _Th_at taken (Meschef) (Mekeliche) . as (Meseles)
or o_th_ere [aaAx]
H: 8,85 & -th-o -th-at taken meschefs mekely . as mesels
o-th-(er) ellis [aaAx]
J: 8,85 -Th-at takyn mysschef mekelyche . as meselys & o-th-(er)
L: 8,85 -Th-(a)t taken -th-is mescheif meokelich . as mesels
anf o-th-(er) [aaAx]
K: 8,85 That taken her mischef mekelich . as meselles & other
W: 8,85 And take meschef mekely . as meseles and (:::) [aaAx]
N: 8,85 -Th-at take myschef mekely . as meseles & o-th-er
A: 8,85 That takith here myschefe mekely . as me selfe & o-th-(er)
M: 8,85 -Th-at her(e) misschef takyn mekely . as meseles & o-th-er(e)
H3: 8,85 -Th-(a)t taky(n) -th-is myschef mekely . as meser & o-th-(ir)e
T: 8,86 Han as pleyn p(ar)doun as [th]e plou[gh]man hymselue
H2: 8,86 Han as playn p(ar)dou(n) . as the plou-gh-man hi(m)
selue [aaAx]
Ch: 8,86 Han as playn p(ar)doun . as -th-e plou-gh- man hym
selue [aaAx]
D: 8,86 haue a pleyn p(ar)dou(n) . as -th-e plowma(n) hym
selue [aaAx]
R: 8,86 haue as pleyn p(ar)dou(n) . as plow me(n) he(m) selue(n)
U: 8,86 Han as pleyn p(ar)dou(n) . as -th-e plowman him selue
V: 8,86 Han as (pleyn) (pardoun) . as _th_e (plouh-mon) him-seluen
H: 8,86 haue(n) as pleyn p(ar)dou(n) . as -th-e plowman hym
silue(n) [aaAx]
J: 8,86 haue as pleyne pardou(n) . as -th-e plowman him selue
L: 8,86 Han as pleyn pardon . as -th-e plogh mon him seoluen
K: 8,86 Hauen as playne a p(ar)done . as the ploweman hym
self [aaAx]
W: 8,86 Thay han as pleyn p(ar)don . as piers hym self [aaAx]
N: 8,86 Han as pleyn a p(ar)dou(n) . as -th-e plowman hi(m)
self [aaAx]
A: 8,86 Han as pleno(ur) p(ar)don . as -th-e plowman hym
selfe hath [aaAx]
M: 8,86 Han as pleyn p(ar)don . as pers him seluen [aaAx]
H3: 8,86 Han as pleyn p(ar)dou(n) . as -th-e plow ma(n) hy(m)
selue(n) [aaAx]
T: 8,87 ffor loue of here lou[gh] herte oure lord ha[th] hem
H2: 8,87 ffor loue of here lowe herte . our(e) lord hat-gh-
hem g(rau)ntid [aaAx]
Ch: 8,87 ffor loue of her lowe hert . oure lorde ha-th-e
hem graunted [aaAx]
D: 8,87 ffor loue of here low herte . oure lord ha-th- he(m)
graunted [aaAx]
R: 8,87 Of her(e) low herte . our(e) lord ha-th- hem ygraunted
U: 8,87 ffor loue of here lowe herte . -th-at god ha-th-
hem g(ra)ntid [aaAx]
V: 8,87 ffor heore (lowe) hertes . vr (lord) ha_th_ hem graunted
H: 8,87 for loue of her(e) lowe hertis . oure lord ha-th-
hem g(ra)untid [aaAx]
J: 8,87 ffor loue of her lowe hert . oure lorde hath hem
g(ra)unted [aaAx]
L: 8,87 ffor -th-e loue of heore lowe heorte . oure lord
hath heo(m) gr(a)unted [aaAx]
K: 8,87 ffor loue of her lewtie . our lord hath hem g(ra)unted
W: 8,87 ffor loue of here lowe hert . oure lord ha-th- hym
graunted [aaAx]
N: 8,87 ffor loue of her lowe herte . owr(e) lorde ha-th-
hem g(ra)unted [aaAx]
A: 8,87 ffor here lowe hertis . oure lord hath hem grauntid
M: 8,87 ffor loue of her(e) loue h(er)tis . our(e) lord hat
he(m) grauntid [aaAx]
H3: 8,87 ffor loue of her lowe hert(es) . our lord hat he(m)
grauntyd [aaAx]
T: 8,88 Here pen(au)nce & here purcatorie vpon [th]is pur
H2: 8,88 Her(e) penau(n)ce and her(e) p(ur)gatorie . vpon
this pure erthe [aaAx]
Ch: 8,88 Her penaunce and her purcatorie . vpon -th-is pure
er-th-e [aaAx]
D: 8,88 Here pen(a)unce & here purgatorye . vpon pore
er-th-e [aaAx]
R: 8,88 Her(e) penau(n)ce and her(e) p(ur)gatorie . vpon
-th-(i)s pley(n) erthe [aaAx]
U: 8,88 Here penaunce and here purgatorie . vppon -th-is
pure erthe [aaAx]
V: 8,88 Heore (penaunce) and heore (purgatorie) . is her
(vppon) eor_th_e [aaAx]
H: 8,88 -th-e penau(n)ce of here p(ur)gatorie . here vpo(n)
er-th-e [aaAx]
J: 8,88 Her penaunce & her p(ur)gatory . vpon -th-is
pure erthe [aaAx]
L: 8,88 Heore penaunce & heore purgatory . here apon
eorthe [aaAx]
K: 8,88 Her penaunce & her p(ur)gatorye . vpon this pure
erthe [aaAx]
W: 8,88 Here penaunce and here purgatorie . here vpon er-th-e
N: 8,88 Her penau(n)ce of purgatorie . vpon -th-is pure er-th-e
A: 8,88 Here penauns & here purgatori . here vpon erde
M: 8,88 Her(e) penaunce & her(e) purgatorie . her(e)
in -th-ys erthe [aaAx]
H3: 8,88 Here penance & her p(ur)gatory-gh-e . ryth vpon
-th-is erthe [aaAx]
T: 8,89 Piers qua[th] a p(re)st [th]i p(ar)don muste I rede
H2: 8,89 Piers q(uo)d a p(re)est . thi p(ar)doun muste I
rede [aaAx]
Ch: 8,89 Pers q(uo)d a prest . -th-i p(ar)doun most I Rede
D: 8,89 Pers q(ou)d a prest -th-o . -th-y p(ar)dou(n) moste
I rede [aaAx]
R: 8,89 Per(is) q(uo)d a prest . -th-i p(ar)do(n) most I
rede [aaAx]
U: 8,89 Piers q(uo)d a preest -th-o . -th-i pardou(n) y moste
rede [aaAx]
V: 8,89 "(Pers)," quod a (prest) _th_o . "_th_i
(pardon) most I reden [aaAx]
H: 8,89 Pers q(uo)-th- a p(re)st -th-o . -th-y p(ar)dou(n)
moste I rede [aaAx]
J: 8,89 Peris q(uo)d a preste -th-oo . -th-i pardou(n) mot
I rede [aaAx]
L: 8,89 Piers q(uo)d a preost -th-o . -th-y pardon muste
y rede [aaAx]
K: 8,89 Pers q(uo)d a p(re)ste tho . thy p(ar)done must I
rede [aaAx]
W: 8,89 Piers q(uo)d a prest -th-o . thi pardon most I rede
N: 8,89 Piers q(uo)d a prest -th-o . -th-i p(ar)dou(n) most
I rede [aaAx]
Z: 8,89 Pers q(uo)d a prest thoE-th-i p(ar)dou(n) most I
A: 8,89 Pers quot a prest -th-anne . -th-i p(ar)don must
I rede [aaAx]
M: 8,89 Pers q(uo)d a prest -th-o . -th-in p(ar)dan I must
Redyn [aaAx]
H3: 8,89 Pers q(uo)d a prest -th-o . -th-i(n) p(ar)don most
I rede [aaAx]
T: 8,90 ffor I shal construe it iche clause & kenne it
[th]e on englissh
H2: 8,90 ffor I schal co(n)strue it the iche clause . & kenne
it the on engli[ssh] [aaAx]
Ch: 8,90 ffor I schal constrew euerich a clause . and ken
hit -th-e on eng[lissh] [aaAx]
D: 8,90 ffor I schal construe it eche clause . & kenne
it -th-e on englyssh [aaAx]
R: 8,90 I shal co(n)struy eu(er)y clause . and telle h(i)t
-th-e on englys [aaAx]
U: 8,90 ffor I wol construen it eu(er)y clause . & ken
it -th-e i(n) englische [aaAx]
V: 8,90 ffor I wol (construe) vch a (clause) . & (knowen)
hit in Englisch" [aaAx]
H: 8,90 & construe it eu(er)y clause . & vndo it
in englisch [aaAx]
J: 8,90 ffor I wil construyn iche clause . & kenny(n)
-th-e on engliche [aaAx]
L: 8,90 ffor y schal construe vch a clause . & ken hit
heo(m) :::::::::: [aaAx]
K: 8,90 ffor I schal construe eche clause . & kenne it
the on englisch [aaAx]
W: 8,90 ffor I shal construe eche clause . & kenne -th-e
on englysh [aaAx]
N: 8,90 I schal constru -th-e vche clause . & kenne -th-e
it on englissh [aaAx]
Z: 8,90 ffor I wil construe eche clause . & ke(n)nyt
the on englysche
A: 8,90 I schal construe iche clauce . & telle -th-e
on engelische [aaAx]
M: 8,90 ffor I schal (con)strue ich clause . & kenny(n)
it -th-e o(n) englisch [aaAx]
H3: 8,90 ffor I xal co(n)stru eche a clause . & teche
-th-e i(n) englysch [aaAx]
T: 8,91 And peris at his p(re)yo(ur) [th]e p(ar)dou(n) vnfoldi[th]
H2: 8,91 And p(er)is at his p(re)io(ur) . the p(ar)dou(n)
vnfoldith [aaAx]
Ch: 8,91 And piers at his praier . -th-e p(ar)doun he onfolded
D: 8,91 And pers at his preyer . -th-e p(ar)dou(n) vnfolde-th-
R: 8,91 And per(is) at his prayer . his p(ar)dou(n) vnfolde-th-
U: 8,91 And piers at his p(re)iere . -th-(a)t pardou(n) vnfoldith
V: 8,91 And (Pers) at his (preyere) . _th_e (pardon) vnfolde_th_
H: 8,91 & peris at his preier(e) . -th-e p(ar)dou(n)
vnfeld [aaAx]
J: 8,91 And Peris at his p(re)yer . -th-e pardou(n) vnfolded
L: 8,91 And Piers at his preier . -th-e pardon vnfoldith
K: 8,91 And pers at his p(re)oure . that p(ar)done vnfolded
W: 8,91 And piers at his prayere . -th-e p(ar)don vnlapped
N: 8,91 And piers at his praier . -th-e p(ar)dou(n) vnfolded
Z: 8,91 And pers at his prey-gh-er . the p(ar)dou(n) vnfoldede
A: 8,91 And peris at his preire . -th-e p(ar)don vnfoldyd
M: 8,91 And pers at his preier(e) . -th-e p(ar)don vnfeldith
H3: 8,91 And pers at hys p(re)yere . -th-e p(ar)dou(n) vnfoldyth
T: 8,92 And I behynde hem bo[th]e beheld al [th]e bille
H2: 8,92 And I behynde hem bothe . behelde al the bulle [abAb]
Ch: 8,92 And behinde hem bo-th-e . beheld al -th-e bille
D: 8,92 And I behynde hem bo-th-e . beheld al -th-e bulle
R: 8,92 and I byhynde he(m) bo-th-e . beheld al -th-e bulle
U: 8,92 And behynde hem bo-th-e . he hylde al -th-e bulle
V: 8,92 And I (bi-hynden) hem (bo_th_e) . (bi-heold) al _th_e
(Bulle) [abAb]
H: 8,92 & y byhinde hem bo-th-e . beheld al -th-e bulle
J: 8,92 & I behynden hem bothe . behelde al -th-e Bulle
L: 8,92 And y byhynden heom bothe . byhuld al -th-e bulle
K: 8,92 And I behynd hem both . behelde al the bulle [abAb]
W: 8,92 And byhynde hym bo-th-e . beheld I al -th-e bulle
N: 8,92 Am I byhynde hem bo-th-e . byhelde al -th-e bulle
A: 8,92 I behynde hem bo-th-e . beheld -th-e bulle [abAb]
M: 8,92 & I beheld hem bo-th-in . & ony al -th-e
bille [abAb]
H3: 8,92 And I behynde he(m) both . beheld -th-e bulle [abAb]
T: 8,93 In two lynes it lay & nou[gh]t o l(ett)re more
H2: 8,93 I two leues it lay . and nou-gh-t a l(ett)re more
Ch: 8,93 In two lynes hit lay . and nat a letter more [aaAx]
D: 8,93 In to lynes it lay . & nou-gh-t on lett(re) more
R: 8,93 in to lynys h(i)t lay . and not a lettere more [aaAx]
U: 8,93 In two lynes it lay . and noght a lettre more [aaAx]
V: 8,93 In two (lynes) hit (lay) . and not a (lettre) more
H: 8,93 In two lynes it lay . & no lett(re) more [aaAx]
J: 8,93 In Two lynys it lay . & nouth a lettur more [aaAx]
L: 8,93 In two lynes hit lay . and a litel more [aaAx]
K: 8,93 In twoo lynes it lay . & not a lett(re) more
W: 8,93 And in two leues it lay . & not a lettre more
N: 8,93 In two lynes it lay . & nou-gh-t a lettre more
A: 8,93 In to lynes it lay . and not a lettir more [aaAx]
M: 8,93 In to lynys it lay . & a l(ett)re mor(e) [aaAx]
H3: 8,93 In ij lynys it lay . & nouth a lett(er)e more
T: 8,94 And was writen ri[gh]t [th]us in witnesse of treu[th]e
H2: 8,94 And was wryten ri-gh-t thus . in witnesse of treuthe
Ch: 8,94 And was writen Ri-gh-t -th-us . In witnesse of trew-th-e
D: 8,94 And was wryten ri-gh-t -th-us . in witnesse of trew-th-e
R: 8,94 hit was write(n) ry-gh-t -th-us . in witnesse of
tru-th-e [axAx]
U: 8,94 And was writen right -th-us . in witnesse of treuthe
V: 8,94 And was (I-writen) riht _th_us . In (witnesse) of
treu_th_e [axAx]
H: 8,94 & was Iwrite ri-gh-t -th-us . in witnes of treu-th-
J: 8,94 And was Iwrityn riht -th-(us) . in witnesse of t(ru)the
L: 8,94 And was ywryten ryght -th-us . in witnesse [of trouthe]
K: 8,94 And was Iwriton thus . in witnes of truth [axAx]
W: 8,94 And was wreten right -th-us . in witnesse of trou-th-
N: 8,94 And was ywrytyn ri-gh-t -th-us . In witnesse of trow-th-e
A: 8,94 And was wretyn rygtht -th-us . in witnes of treu-th-e
M: 8,94 & was Iwretyn reyth -th-us . in witnesse of treuthe
H3: 8,94 And was Iwrety(n) ryth -th-(us) . i(n) wytnesse
of trewthe [axAx]
T: 8,95 { Et qui bona egerunt ibunt in vitam et(er)nam }
H2: 8,95 { Et qui bona egerunt ibu(n)t in uitam eternam }
Ch: 8,95 { Qui bona egerunt ibunt in vitam eternam } [Latin]
D: 8,95 { Et qui bona egerunt ibunt in vita(m) eternam }
R: 8,95 { Et qui bona egeru(n)t ibu(n)t in uita(m) et(er)nam
} [Latin]
U: 8,95 { Qui bona eg(eru)nt ibunt in vita(m) et(er)nam }
V: 8,95 { Et qui bona egerunt, Ibunt in vitam eternam } [Latin]
J: 8,95 { Et qui bona egerut ibu(n)t in vitam et(er)nam }
L: 8,95 { Et qui bona egerunt ibunt in vitam eternam } [Latin]
K: 8,95 { Qui bona egerunt in vitam eternam } [Latin]
W: 8,95 { Qui bona egerunt ibunt in vitam et(er)nam } [Latin]
N: 8,95 { Et qui bona egeru(n)t ibu(n)t i(n) vitam eternam
} [Latin]
Z: 8,95 { Et qui bona egeru(n)t in vita(m) et(er)na(m) q(u)i
v(er)o mal(a) in ingne(m) et(er)nu(m) }
A: 8,95 { Et qui bona egerunt . ibunt in vitam eternam }
M: 8,95 { Qui bona egerunt ibunt i(n) vita(m) et(er)na(m)
} [Latin]
H3: 8,95 { Et q(ui) bona egeru(n)t ibu(n)t i(n) uita(m) et(er)na(m)
Q(ui) u(ero) mala i(n) igne(m) et(er)na(m) } [Latin]
Z: 8,93 In to lynis it lay . & not a letter more
Z: 8,94 And was wrety(n) rith thus . in wytten<e>sse of trewthe
T: 8,96 { Qui v(er)o mala in ignem et(er)num }
H2: 8,96 { Qui uero mala in ignem eternum } [Latin]
Ch: 8,96 { Qui vero mala in ignum eternum } [Latin]
D: 8,96 { Qui vero mala in igne(m) eternu(m) } [Latin]
R: 8,96 { Qui uero mala in ignem et(er)num } [Latin]
U: 8,96 { Qui v(er)o mala in ignem eternu(m) } [Latin]
V: 8,96 { Qui vero mala, in ignem eternum } [Latin]
J: 8,96 { Qui vero mala in ignem et(er)nu(m) } [Latin]
L: 8,96 { Qui vero mala in ignem eternum } [Latin]
K: 8,96 { Et qui vero mala in ignem eternu(m) } [Latin]
W: 8,96 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 8,96 { Qui vero mala in ignem et(er)nu(m) } [Latin]
Z: 8,96 ---line om ---
A: 8,96 { Et qui vero mala . in ignem eternam } [Latin]
M: 8,96 { Qui vero mala in ignem et(er)um } [Latin]
H3: 8,96 --- this line om ---
T: 8,97 Petir qua[th] [th]e p(re)st [th]o I can no p(ar)doun
H2: 8,97 Pet(ir) q(uo)d p(er)is tho . I kan no p(ar)doun
fynde [aaAx]
Ch: 8,97 Peter q(uo)d he to piers -th-o . I can no p(ar)doun
fynde [aaAx]
D: 8,97 Pet(ir) q(ou)d -th-e prest -th-o . I can no p(ar)dou(n)
fynde [aaAx]
R: 8,97 Peter q(uo)d -th-e prest -th-o . I can no p(ar)dou(n)
fynde [aaAx]
U: 8,97 Petir q(uo)d -th-e preest . y can no p(ar)dou(n)
fynde [aaAx]
V: 8,97 (Peter) quod _th_e (preost) _th_o . I con no (pardoun)
fynde [aaAx]
H: 8,97 Pet(ir) quo-th- -th-e p(re)st . I can no p(ar)dou(n)
fynde [aaAx]
J: 8,97 Petur q(uo)d -th-(a)t preste -th-oo . I can no pardou(n)
fynde [aaAx]
L: 8,97 Peter q(uo)d -th-e preost -th-o . y kan no pardon
[fynd]e [aaAx]
K: 8,97 Petre q(uo)d the prest tho . I ca(n)n no p(ar)done
fynde [aaAx]
W: 8,97 Peter q(uo)d -th-e prest -th-o . I can no p(ar)don
fynde [aaAx]
N: 8,97 Peter q(uo)d a p(re)st . I can no p(ar)don fynde
Z: 8,97 Peter q(uo)d the prest tho . I can no p(ar)dou(n)
A: 8,97 Petur quod pers -th-o . I can non o-th-er p(ar)doun
M: 8,97 --- this line is omitted ---
H3: 8,97 Petyr q(uo)d -th-e prest . I can no(n) o-th-(er)
p(ar)dou(n) [aaAx]
T: 8,98 But do wel & haue wel & god shal haue [th]i
H2: 8,98 But do wel and haue wel . and god schal haue -th-i
soule [????]
Ch: 8,98 Bot do welle and haue wel . and god schal haue -th-i
soule [????]
D: 8,98 But do wel & hawel . & god schal haue -th-y
saule [????]
R: 8,98 but do wel and haue wel . and god shal haue -th-i
soule [????]
U: 8,98 But do wel and haue wel . and god schal haue -th-i
soule [????]
V: 8,98 Bote (dowel), and haue (wel) . and god schal haue
_th_i soule [aaXx]
H: 8,98 but do wel & haue wel . & god shal haue -th-y
soule [????]
J: 8,98 But do wele & haue wele . & god schal haue
-th-i sowle [????]
L: 8,98 Bote do wel and haue wel . & god schal [haue
thy soule] [????]
K: 8,98 But do wel & haue well . & god schal haue
thy sowle [????]
W: 8,98 But dowe and haue wel . & god shal haue -th-i
soule [????]
N: 8,98 But do wel & haue wel . & god schal haue
-th-i soule [????]
Z: 8,98 But do wyl & haue wyl . & god schal haue
-th-i soule
A: 8,98 Do wele & haue wele . & god schal haue -th-i
soule [????]
M: 8,98 But do wel & haue wel . & god schal haue(n)
-th-y soule [????]
H3: 8,98 But do wel & haue wel . & god xal haue -th-i(n)
soule [????]
H: 8,95 { Qui bona egerunt ibu(n)t in vitam et(er)na(m) q(u)i v(er)o mala &c } [Latin]
H: 8,96 --- this line om ---
T: 8,99 And do euele & haue euele & hope [th]ou non
V: 8,99 And do (vuel), and haue (vuel) . (hope) _th_ou non
(o_th_ur) [aaAa]
Z: 8,99 And do euyl & haue euyl . hope thow no(n) oder
T: 8,100 [Th]at aftir [th]i de[th] day to helle ne shalt [th]ou
H2: 8,100 That aft(ir) thi deth day . to helle ne schal thou
wende [????]
Ch: 8,100 -Th-at after -th-i de-th- day . to hel Sne schalt
-th-ow wende [????]
D: 8,100 That aft(ir) -th-y deth day . to helle schalt -th-(o)u
wende [????]
R: 8,100 -Th-an after -th-i de-th- day . -th-(o)u shalt wende
to helle [????]
U: 8,100 -Th-at aftir -th-i deth day . to helle -th-ou schalt
wende [????]
H: 8,100 -Th-at aft(ur) -th-y de-th- day . to helle shalt
-th-ou wende [????]
J: 8,100 And aftur -th-i deth day . to hell(e) -th-(o)u schalt
wende [????]
L: 8,100 -Th-at after thy deth day . to helle schal[tou wende]
K: 8,100 That aft(er) thy deth day . to helle schalt thou
wende [????]
W: 8,100 Than after -th-i lyf days . to helle for to wende
N: 8,100 -Th-(a)t aftir -th-i de-th- day . to helle schaltow
wende [????]
Z: 8,100 That after thi deth day . to helle schalt thow wende
A: 8,100 Aftir -th-i ded day . -th-e deuyl schal haue -th-i
soule [????]
M: 8,100 -Th-at aftir -th-y deth . -th-e deuel schal han
-th-in soule [????]
H3: 8,100 And aft(ir) -th-i(n) ded day . -th-e deuyl xal
haue -th-i(n) soule [????]
T: 8,101 And piers for tene pulde it assondir & seide
H2: 8,101 And piers for [pure] tene . pullid it asondre an
seide [aaAx]
Ch: 8,101 And piers for tene . pulled hit asonder and sayde
D: 8,101 And pers for tene . pullyd it asonder & sayde
R: 8,101 And per(es) -th-o for tene . pulled h(i)t asund(ir)
and seyde [aaAx]
U: 8,101 & piers for pure tene . pullid it on sondir & seide
V: 8,101 And (Pers), for (puire) teone . (pollede) hit a-sonder
and seide [aaAx]
H: 8,101 -th-o peris for pur(e) tene . pollid it asundr(e)
J: 8,101 Perys for pure tene . pullyd it asunder & seyde
L: 8,101 And Piers for pure teone . pulled h::::::::::::
K: 8,101 And pers for pure tene . pullid it on sonder & saide
W: 8,101 And piers plukked it a two and to -th-e prest sayde
N: 8,101 And piers for pure tene . pullid it asondre [aaAx]
Z: 8,101 And pers for pure tene . pulled yt asunder and seyde
A: 8,101 Peris for pure tene . pullid it on tweyne . and
seyde [aaAx]
M: 8,101 And pers for pur(e) tene . pullid it at wynen & seyde
H3: 8,101 And pers for pure tene . pullyd it on tweyne [aaAx]
T: 8,102 {Si ambulau(er)o in medio vmbre mortis non timebo
mala q(uonia)m tu mecum es }
H2: 8,102 { Si ambulau(er)o i(n) medio u(m)bre mortis no(n)
timebo } [Latin]
Ch: 8,102 { Si ambulauero medio vmbre mortis non } [Latin]
D: 8,102 { Si ambulau(er)o in medio umbre mortys no(n) tymebo
mala } [Latin]
R: 8,102 { Si ambulauero in medio umbre mortis: no(n) timebo
} [Latin]
U: 8,102 { Si ambulau(er)o in medio vmbre mortis no(n) timebo
mala &c } [Latin]
V: 8,102 { "Si Ambulauero in medio vmbre mortis, non
timebo mala quchiam tu mecum es &c }
H: 8,102 & si-th--th-e he seide to hem -th-ese semely
J: 8,102 { Si ambulau(er)o in medio vmbre mortis non timebo
mala } [Latin]
L: 8,102 { Si ambulauero in medio umbre :::::::: } [Latin]
K: 8,102 { Si ambulauero in medio umbre mortis } [Latin]
W: 8,102 { Si ambulauero in medio vmbre mortis non timebo
mala &c } [Latin]
N: 8,102 { Si a(m)b(u)lau(er)o i(n) medio t(ur)bulacoi(n)s
no(n) ti(m)ebo mala q(uonia)m tu mecu(m) es } } [Latin]
Z: 8,102 { Si ambulau(er)o in medio vmbre mortis no(n) timebo
mala quo(n)i(am) tu mecu(m) es }
A: 8,102 { Si ambulauero i(n) medio vmbre mortis no(n) timebo
mala } [Latin]
M: 8,102 { Si ambulau(er)o in medio vmbre mortis non } [Latin]
H3: 8,102 And seyde { Si ambulauero i(n) medio vmbre mortis
} [Latin]
T: 8,103 --- run together with preceding ---
H2: 8,103 { mala quoniam tu mecum es } [Latin]
Ch: 8,103 { timebo mala quoniam tu mecum es } [Latin]
D: 8,103 { q(uonia)m tu mecum es } [Latin]
R: 8,103 { mala q(uonia)m tu mecu(m) es } [Latin]
U: 8,103 --- this line om ---
V: 8,103 --- this line om ---
H: 8,103 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 8,103 { quoniam tu mecu(m) es d(omi)ne } [Latin]
L: 8,103 { Non timebo mala quonia(m) ::::::::: } [Latin]
K: 8,103 { Non timebo mala q(uonia)m tu mecum es } [Latin]
W: 8,103 --- this line om ---
N: 8,103 --- this line om ---
Z: 8,103 ---line om ----
A: 8,103 --- this line om ---
M: 8,103 { timebo mala q(uonia)m tu mecu(m) es } [Latin]
H3: 8,103 --- this line is omitted ---
T: 8,104 I shal cesse of my sowyng q(ua)[th] peris & swynke
not so harde
H2: 8,104 I schal cese of my sowyng q(uo)d p(er)is . & swynke
not so harde [aaxAx]
Ch: 8,104 I schal sese of my sowyng q(uo)d piers . and swynk
nou-gh-t so [harde] [aaxAx]
D: 8,104 I schal sese of my sowynge q(ou)d pers . & swynke
not so harde [aaxAx]
R: 8,104 I shal sece of my sowyng q(uo)d per(is) . and swy(n)ke
not so harde [aaxAx]
U: 8,104 I schal cese of my sowynge . & swynke not so
harde [aaxAx]
V: 8,104 I schal (sese) of my (sowynge) quod pers . & (swynke)
not so harde [aaAx]
H: 8,104 I shal cese of my sowing . & swinke no more
so hard [aaxAx]
J: 8,104 I schal secyn of my sowing . & swyckyn nouth
so hard [aaxAx]
L: 8,104 y schal sese of my sowyng q(uo)d :::::::::::::::::::::::::
K: 8,104 I schal sesse of my sowyng q(uo)d pers . & swynk
not so sore [aaxAx]
W: 8,104 Now wil I cesse of my sowyng . and swyng not so
harde [aaxAx]
N: 8,104 I shal cesse of my sowyng . & swynke nou-gh-t
so harde [aaxAx]
Z: 8,104 I schal sesin of my sowyng . and swynke not so harde
A: 8,104 I schal sese of my sowyng . and swynk not so harde
M: 8,104 I schal seisyn of my sowyng . & swynkyn not
so sor(e) [aaxAx]
H3: 8,104 I xal sesyn of my sowyng . & swynke nouth so
harde [aaxAx]
T: 8,105 Ne aboute my liflode so besy be namore
H2: 8,105 Ne aboute my lyflode . so besy be nomore [aaAx]
Ch: 8,105 Ne about my liflode . so besy me nomore [aaAx]
D: 8,105 Ne abowte my lyflode . so besy be nomore [aaAx]
R: 8,105 ne aboute my lyflode . so busy be nomore [aaAx]
U: 8,105 Ne aboute my lyflode . so besy be namore [aaAx]
V: 8,105 Ne (aboute) my lyflode . so (bisy) beo no more [axAx]
H: 8,105 ne aboute my lyuelode . so besy be nomore [aaAx]
J: 8,105 Ne Aboutyn my lyflode . so besy bene nomore [aaAx]
L: 8,105 Ne aboute my liflode . so :::: beo ::::::: [aaAx]
K: 8,105 Ne aboute my lifelode . so besye be nomore [aaAx]
W: 8,105 Ne aboute my lyflode . be so besi nomore [aaAx]
N: 8,105 Ne aboute my lyflode . so bysy be nomore [aaAx]
Z: 8,105 Ne abouty(n) my lyflode . so besi be no more
A: 8,105 Ne aboute my lyfelode . besy me nomore [aaAx]
M: 8,105 Ne aboute my be lyne . so besy ben nomor(e) [aaAx]
H3: 8,105 Ne aboute my bylyff . so bysy be no more [aaAx]
H: 8,105 { Si ambulau(er)o in medio vmbre mortis } [Latin]
T: 8,106 Of p(re)yo(ur)s & of pen(au)nce my plou[gh] shal
ben h(er)eaftir
H2: 8,106 Of p(re)yo(ur)s and of penau(n)ce . my plou-gh-
mot bien her(e)aft(ir) [aaAx]
Ch: 8,106 Of praiers and penaunce . my plow-gh-e mot be herafte[r]
D: 8,106 Of preyers and of pen(a)unces . my plow schal ben
hereaft(ir) [aaAx]
R: 8,106 of prayer(es) of penau(n)ce . my plow shal be her(e)aft(ir)
U: 8,106 Of p(re)ieres and of penaunce . my plow schal ben
heraftir [aaAx]
V: 8,106 Of (preyere) and of (penaunce) . my (plouh) schal
ben heraftur [aaAx]
H: 8,106 of p(re)iers & penau(n)ce . my plow-gh- shal
be her(e)aft(ir) [aaAx]
J: 8,106 Of p(re)y-gh-ers & of penaunce . my plowhe schal
bene heraft(ir) [aaAx]
L: 8,106 Of preyers & [penaunce . my plogh schal] beo(n)
her::::: [aaAx]
K: 8,106 Of preiours & penaunce . my plowgh schal be
hereafter [aaAx]
W: 8,106 Of praiers and penance . my plowe be-th- hereafter
N: 8,106 Of preiers & penau(n)ce . my plow shal ben
heraftir [aaAx]
Z: 8,106 Off prey-gh-rys and penau(n)s my plow schal ben
A: 8,106 Of preyeris & penauns . my plow schal ben heraftir
M: 8,106 Of preierys & of penaunces . my plouth schal
bien herafter [aaAx]
H3: 8,106 Of p(re)yerys & of penans . my(n) plow xal
be(n) heraft(ir) [aaAx]
T: 8,107 And beloure [th](a)t I lough er [th]ei[gh] liflode
me faile
H2: 8,107 And beloure that I belou-gh- . er thei liflode
me fayle [aaAx]
Ch: 8,107 And belowre -th-at I low-gh-e . ere -th-ow-gh-
liflode me faile [aaAx]
D: 8,107 And belowren -th-at I below-gh- . -th-ou-gh- lyflode
me fayle [aaAx]
R: 8,107 and beloure -th-(a)t I bylowe . er(e) -th-ey liflode
me fayle [aaAx]
U: 8,107 & lowren -th-at y er bylowhe . -th-ei-gh-e liflode
me faile [aaAx]
V: 8,107 And (bi-loure) _th_at I (beo-louh) . er my (lyf)
fayle [aaAx]
H: 8,107 & bylour(e) -th-at I bylou-gh- . or lyuelode
me faile [aaAx]
J: 8,107 And belowryn -th-at I er lowhe . -th-ei myn liflode
fayle [aaAx]
L: 8,107 And beloure -th-at y lou-gh- . er -th-augh liflode
me fai:: [aaAx]
K: 8,107 And belowren that I love . though lyuelode me ffaile
W: 8,107 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 8,107 And bilour(e) -th-at I lowgh . -th-e lyflode me
faille [aaAx]
Z: 8,107 And beloury(n) -th-(a)t I below . or my lyflode
A: 8,107--- this line is omitted ---
M: 8,107 & beloue -th-at I lawghede . er liflode me faile
H3: 8,107 And belowre -th-(a)t I laughed . er -th-(a)t my
lyflode me fayle [aaAx]
T: 8,108 [Th]e p(ro)phet his peyned in pen(au)nce & in
H2: 8,108 The p(ro)fet hadde his peynes . in penau(n)ce & in
wepyng [aaAx]
Ch: 8,108 And p(ar)fit In praiers . In penaunce and In weping
D: 8,108 The p(ro)fete is fayn . in pen(a)unce & in wepynge
R: 8,108 -Th-e p(ro)phete his peyne ha-th- . in penau(n)s
and i(n) wepyng [aaAx]
U: 8,108 -Th-e p(ro)phete his payn eet . in penaunce and
in wepynge [aaAx]
V: 8,108 _Th_e (prophetes) peyneden hem . In (penaunce) and
wepyng [aaAx]
H: 8,108 -th-(er) is p(ro)fyt in peyne . in penaunce & in
weping [aaAx]
J: 8,108 -Th-e p(ro)phete his payne ete . in penaunce & wepyng
L: 8,108 [-Th-e prop]hete his payn eet . in penaunce & in
weopyng [aaAx]
K: 8,108 The p(ro)fete hym peyned . in penaunce & in
wepinge [aaAx]
W: 8,108 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 8,108 -Th-e p(ro)phete his payne ete . in penaunce & weopyng
Z: 8,108 -th-e p(ro)phete his payn ehte . in penau(n)ce and
M: 8,108 --- this line is omitted ---
H3: 8,108 { Oculus } xal be ocupyid . i(n) penans & wepyng
T: 8,109 Be [th]at [th]e sauter vs sei[th] & so dede manye
H2: 8,109 Be that the saut(er) vs sei-gh-t . and so dide
manye other [aaAxx]
Ch: 8,109 Be -th-at -th-e sauter vs sei-gh-t . and so ded
many o-th-er [aaAxx]
D: 8,109 By -th-at -th-e sawt(er) vs seith . & so dede
many othere [aaAxx]
R: 8,109 by -th-at -th-e saut(er) vs sey-th- . and so dude
many o-th-(er)e [aaAxx]
U: 8,109 By -th-at -th-e saut(er) vs techith . so dide manye
o-th-(er)e [aaAxx]
V: 8,109 As _th_e (psauter) vs (sei_th_) . (so) dude moni
o_th_ere [aaAxx]
H: 8,109 by -th-at -th-e saut(er) vs sei-th- . & do-th-
many o-th-(er) [aaAxx]
J: 8,109 Be -th-(a)t -th-e sawt(er) v(us) seyth . soo dydyn
many o-th-er [aaAxx]
L: 8,109 [Be -th-at -th-e sa]uter vs sei-th- . & so duden
moni o-th-er [aaAxx]
K: 8,109 By that the psaulter vs saith . & so dyde many
other [aaAxx]
W: 8,109 By -th-at -th-e sauter sai-th- . & so do-th-
many o-th-er [aaAxx]
N: 8,109 By -th-at -th-e sauter vs sei-th- . so did many
o-th-(er)e [aaAxx]
Z: 8,109 Be -th-(a)t the sawter vs seyth . so dede many othir
A: 8,109 In -th-e sauter -th-us seyth . so don o-th-er manye
H3: 8,109 Be -th-(a)t -th-e sautyr vs sayth . & so ded
o-th-(er) many [aaAxx]
A: 8,108 The prophetis were pyned . in penauns & in wepyng [aaAx]
T: 8,110 [Th]at loui[th] god lelly his liflode is [th]e more
T: 8,110 { ffuerunt m(ich)i lac(r)ime mee panes die ac nocte
H2: 8,110 That loueth god lelly . his liflode is the more
Ch: 8,110 -Th-at loue-th- god leely . his liflode is -th-e
more [aaAx]
D: 8,110 That loue-th- god lely . his lyflode is -th-e more
R: 8,110 -Th-at loue-th- god lelly . his lyflode is -th-e
more [aaAx]
U: 8,110 -Th-at louith god wel . his liflode is wel mochil
V: 8,110 _Th_at (loue_th_) God (lelly) . his (lyflode) is
wel muche [aaAx]
H: 8,110 -Th-at loue-th- god lelly . lyuelode is myche [aaAx]
J: 8,110 -Th-(a)t luffith god luffly . his liflod is -th-e
more [aaAx]
L: 8,110 -Th-at loui-th- god lel[ly] . his [liflode is] wel
meth [aaAx]
K: 8,110 That lovyd god lelly . her lifelode are wel mochell
W: 8,110 That loue-th- god lelly . his lyflode is leche [aaAx]
N: 8,110 --- this line is omitted ---
Z: 8,110a { ffueru(n)t mi(chi) lac(ri)me mee panes die ac
nocte }
A: 8,110 That louyth god lely . is lyfelode is ful mete [aaAx]
M: 8,110 ffor he -th-at louyth god treuly . is liflode is
-th-e mor(e) [aaAx]
H3: 8,110 He -th-(a)t louyth god trewlyche . hys lyflode
is ful mechyl [aaAx]
M: 8,109 As -th-e saut(er) vs saith . & other(e) bokys manye [aaAxx]
H2: 8,110a { Fuerunt mi(chi) lac(ri)me mee panes die ac nocte
} [Latin]
Ch: 8,110a { ffuerunt michi lacrime mee panes die ac nocte
} [Latin]
D: 8,110a { ffuerunt michi lacrime mee panes die ac nocte &c
} [Latin]
R: 8,110a { Fueru(n)t m(ich)i lacrime mee panes die ac nocte
} [Latin]
V: 8,110a { ffuerunt michi lacrime mee panes, die ac nocte
} [Latin]
H: 8,110a { ffuerunt m(ich)i lacrime mee panes die ac nocte
} [Latin]
J: 8,110a { ffueru(n)t m(ich)i lac(ri)me mee panes die ac
nocte } [Latin]
L: 8,110a { ffueru(n)t michi lacrime mee panes die ac no[cte]
} [Latin]
K: 8,110a { ffuerunt m(ichi) lac(ri)me panes die ac nocte &c
} [Latin]
W: 8,110a { ffuerunt michi lacrime mee panes die ac nocte &c
} [Latin]
N: 8,110a { ffueru(n)t m(ich)i lac(ri)me mee panes die ac
nocte } [Latin]
Z: 8,110 That louyth god lely . his liflode is wel mete
A: 8,110a { ffuerunt m(ich)i panes die ac nocte &c }
M: 8,110a { ffuerunt michi lacrime mee die ac nocte panes
} [Latin]
H3: 8,110a --- divided from following after folys ---
T: 8,111 And but [y]if luk lei[gh]e he leri[th] vs ano[th](er)
H2: 8,111 And but if luc ly-gh-e . he lere-gh-t vs another
Ch: 8,111 And but luk li-gh-ed . he lere-th- vs ano-th-er
D: 8,111 And but yf lut-gh- lye . he lereth vs ano-th-(er)
R: 8,111 And but -gh-if -th-e boke lye . he telle-th- vs
ano-th-er [aaAx]
U: 8,111 And but -gh-if luke lye . he lernyth vs ano-th-(er)
V: 8,111 And bote _th_e Bok (ly_g_e) . he (lere_th_) vs a-no_th_er
H: 8,111 & but luk lie . he lerne-th- vs non o-th-(er)
J: 8,111 And but if luke lye . he lernyth vs anothir [aaAx]
L: 8,111 [And bote -gh-ef luk lye] . he lereth vs ano-th-er
K: 8,111 And but if luke lie . he lernyth vs another [aaAx]
W: 8,111 And but if luke lie . he byde-th- by birdes [aaAx]
N: 8,111 And also seynt luk . lerne-th- vs by fowlys [aaAx]
Z: 8,111 And but if luk lye he lernyt vs anothir . be foulys
-th-(a)t we ne scholde
A: 8,111 But -gh-if luke lye . he lernyth vs be folis [aaAx]
M: 8,111 & but -y-if luk lie . he lerit vs to ben foles
H3: 8,111 And but luk ly-gh-e . he leryth vs -th-(a)t be(n)
folys [aaAx]
T: 8,112 [Th](a)t we ne shuln nou[gh]t be besy aboute [th]e
bely ioye
H2: 8,112 That we schul not be besi aboute the bely ioye
Ch: 8,112 -th-at we schuld nat be to besy about bely Ioye
D: 8,112 we folys -th-at we schul not besyen aboute bely
Ioye [????]
R: 8,112 by foules -th-(a)t are not busey . aboute -th-e
bely ioye [????]
U: 8,112 By fowles he vs techith -th-at we schulde besy ben
U: 8,112 ffor to make wombe ioye in -th-is wonynge here [????]
V: 8,112 _Th_at to (bisi) we ne schulde (beo) . her vppon
eor_th_e [aaXx]
H: 8,112 he bidde-th- vs we shuld not her(e) be to besy
H: 8,112 In no man(er) wise aboute our(e) wombe ioi-gh-e
J: 8,112 By fowlys -th-(a)t we ne schuldyn to besy bene aboute
L: 8,112 [by -th-e foules -th-at we no] scholde not beo to
bysy abowte -th-e lif ioye [????]
K: 8,112 By fowles that we schulden not be to besy aboute
the bely Ioy [????]
W: 8,112 That we be nowght to bysy about wombe ioye [????]
N: 8,112 That we [ne] sholde be to besy to make -th-e bely
Ioye [????]
Z: 8,112 To besy be aboute . to make the wombe ioye
A: 8,112 We schuld not be besy . aboute bodyly ioyes [????]
M: 8,112 And bitd vs be nout so besi aboutyn bely ioie [????]
H3: 8,112 We xuld nouth ben besy abouty(n) bely Ioy-gh-e
V: 8,112 While we (wone_th_) in _th_is (world) . to make vs
(wombe) Ioye [aaAx]
J: 8,112 Ne t(ra)uellyn to myche to makyn -th-e wombe Ioye
H3: 8,112 { ffuerunt m(ichi) lacrime mee panes die ac nocte
T: 8,113 {Ne soliciti sitis } he sei[th] it in his gospel
H2: 8,113 { Ne soliciti sitis } . he seyth in his gospel
Ch: 8,113 { Ne soliciti sitis } . he sei-gh-t hit in his
gospel [aaAx]
D: 8,113 { Ne soliciti sitis &c }
D: 8,113 he saith in his gospel & schew(e)t(h) it ous
R: 8,113 { Non soliciti scitis } [aaAx]
U: 8,113 { Ne soliciti sitis } . he sei-th- in his gospelle
V: 8,113 { Ne (soliciti) (sitis) } . he (sei_th_) in his
godspel [aaAx]
H: 8,113 --- run together with 115 H ---
J: 8,113 { Ne soliciti sitis } . he seyth i(n)n his gospell
L: 8,113 { [Ne soliciti sitis] } . he sei-th- in [gospel]
K: 8,113 { Ne soliciti scitis } . he saith it in the gospell
W: 8,113 { Ne soliciti sitis dicentes quid manducemus } [aaAx]
N: 8,113 { Ne soliciti sitis } . he sei-th- in his gospel
Z: 8,113 { Ne solliciti sitis } . he seyth in his gospel
A: 8,113 { Ne soliciti sitis } . he seyth his gospel [aaAx]
M: 8,113 { Ne soliciti sitis } . he seith in his gospel [aaAx]
H3: 8,113 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 8,110a { ffueru(n)t m(ichi) lac(ri)me mee panes die ac nocte } [Latin]
T: 8,114 And shewi[th] it vs be ensaumple oureselue to wisse
H2: 8,114 And schewith it vs be ensau(m)ple . our(e) self
to wysse [aaAx]
Ch: 8,114 And schew it to vs be ensaumple . oure selue to
wisse [aaAx]
D: 8,114 By ensample ous selue to wisse [aaAx]
R: 8,114 he seyt in h(i)s gospel . and shewe-th- h(i)t vs
U: 8,114 And schewith vs be ensamples . vs selue to wisse
V: 8,114 And (schewe_th_) hit by (ensaumple) . vr (soules)
to wisse. [aaAx]
H: 8,114 & shewi-th- vs by an ensample . our(e) soulis
to wisse [aaAx]
J: 8,114 & schewith vs be exsaumple . vs selue to wisse
L: 8,114 & shewith hit vs in ensaumple . (vs seurly)
to wisse [aaAx]
K: 8,114 And schewith it vs by ensample . o(ur) selven to
wyssen [aaAx]
W: 8,114 He sai-th- it in his gospel & shewe-th- is an
ensample [aaAx]
W: 8,114 To done on -th-e selue wise & wisdom it kenne-th-
N: 8,114 And shewe-th- vs example . owr(e) sowlys to wisse
Z: 8,114 And schewyth be exsaunple . vsself for to wysse
A: 8,114 And schewt be example . vs selfe to wysse [aaAx]
M: 8,114 And schewit it vs be ensample . vs selfuy(n) to
wyssen [aaAx]
H3: 8,114 And schew(i)t(h) vs be ex example . our seluy(n)
to wysse [aaAx]
T: 8,115 [Th]e foulis in [th]e firmament who fynt hem a wynt(er)
H2: 8,115 The foulis in the firmament . who fynt a wynt(er)
Ch: 8,115 -Th-e foules in -th-e firmament . he fynt hem a
winter [aaAx]
D: 8,115 The foules in -th-e firmame(n)t . ho fynt he(m)
a wynt(er) [aaAx]
R: 8,115 by on exau(m)ple . our(e) selue to wisse [aaAx]
U: 8,115 -Th-e foules in -th-e firmament . who fynt hem in
wynt(er) [aaAx]
V: 8,115 _Th_e (ffoules) in _th_e (ffirmament) . heo feede_th_
hem in winter [aaAx]
H: 8,115 { Ne sollicite sitis } . -Th-e fowlis in -th-e firmament
. who fynt he(m) i(n) wint(er) [aaAx]
J: 8,115 -Th-e fowlys in -th-e firmament . ho fynt hem i(n)
wynt(er) [aaAx]
L: 8,115 [-Th-e foulis in] -th-e firmament . who fynd heo(m)
a wyn[ter] [aaAx]
K: 8,115 The fowles in the firmam(en)t . who fynt hem in
wyntre [aaAx]
W: 8,115 -Th-e foules in -th-e firmament . who fynt hem in
wyntr(e) [aaAx]
N: 8,115 The fowlys in -th-e firmament . who fynt he(m) i(n)
wy(n)tre [aaAx]
Z: 8,115 The foulys in the firmame(n)t . who fynt he(m) in
A: 8,115 The foulis in -th-e fyrmament . ho fynt hem in wyntir
M: 8,115 -Th-e foules in -th-e firmament . who fynt he(m)
in wynt(er) [aaAx]
H3: 8,115 -Th-e foul i(n) -th-e firmame(n)t . ho fynt he(m)
i(n) wy(n)tyr [aaAx]
T: 8,116 Whan [th]e frost fresi[th] foode hem behoui[th]
H2: 8,116 Whan the frost fresith . fode hem behoueth [aaAx]
Ch: 8,116 Whan the frost freseth . fode hem behoueth [aaAx]
D: 8,116 Whan -th-e frost frese-th- . fode hem behoue-th-
U: 8,116 Whan -th-e frost fresith . fode hem byhouith [aaAx]
V: 8,116 Whon _th_e (fforst) (frese_th_) . (foode) hem bi-houe_th_
H: 8,116 when -th-e frost fresi-th- . fode hem byhoue-th-
J: 8,116 Qwan -th-e frost fresyth . fode hem behouyth [aaAx]
L: 8,116 when [-th-e frost] freosyth . fode heom byhoueth
K: 8,116 Whan the froste fresith . fode hem behoueth [aaAx]
W: 8,116 Whan -th-e frost frese-th- fast . fode hem behoueth
N: 8,116 Whan -th-e frost frese-th- . fode he(m) behoue-th-
Z: 8,116 qwan the frost fresyth . fode hem behouyth
A: 8,116 Whan -th-e frost fresith . fode hem behouyth [aaAx]
M: 8,116 Whan -th-e froost fresit . foode hem behouet [aaAx]
H3: 8,116 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,117 Haue [th]ei no garn(er) [th](er) to but god fynt hem
H2: 8,117 Haue thei no gern(er) ther [go] to . but god fynt
hem alle [aaAx]
Ch: 8,117 Haue -th-ei no gerner -th-erto . but god fynt hem
alle [aaAx]
D: 8,117 Haue -th-ey no gern(er) -th-erto . but god fynt
he(m) alle [aaAx]
R: 8,117 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 8,117 -th-ei haue I no berne to go to . but god fynt hem
alle [aaAx]
V: 8,117 Haue _th_ei no (gerner) to (go) to . _g_it (God)
fynt hem Alle" [aaAx]
H: 8,117 haue -th-ey no gerner(e) grei-th- . but god fynt
hem alle [aaAx]
J: 8,117 -Th-ei haue no fode to gon to . but god fynt hem
alle [aaAx]
L: 8,117 Hauen -th-ey no gerner to go to . b[ote] god fynd
heom all[e] [aaAx]
K: 8,117 Haue thay no garnard to gone to . but god fynd hem
al [aaAx]
W: 8,117 Haue -th-ei no garner to go to . but god fynt hem
alle [aaAx]
N: 8,117 Haue -th-ei no geuer to go to . but god fynt hem
alle [aaAx]
Z: 8,117 Haue -th-ei no fode to go to . but god fynth he(m)
A: 8,117 Haue -th-ay no garner to go to . but god fynt hem
alle [aaAx]
M: 8,117 Ha -th-ey no gerne to gon to . but god fynt hem
alle [aaAx]
H3: 8,117 --- this line is missing ---
R: 8,116 Wha(n) -th-e frost frese-th- . fode he(m) byhoueth [aaAx]
R: 8,117 -th-ei haue no gerner to go to . but god fynt he(m) alle [aaAx]
T: 8,118 What q(ua)[th] [th]e p(re)st to p(er)kyn pet(er) as
me [th]inke[th]
H2: 8,118 What q(uo)d the p(re)st to p(er)kyn . pet(er) as
me thynketh [aaAx]
Ch: 8,118 What q(uo)d -th-e prest to p(er)kyn . peter as
me -th-inke-th- [aaAx]
D: 8,118 What q(ou)d -th-e prest to p(er)kyn . pet(er) as
me -th-ynke-th- [aaAx]
R: 8,118 q(uo)d -th-e prest to p(er)kyn . by crist as me
thenke-th- [aaAx]
U: 8,118 What q(uo)d -th-e prest to p(er)kyn . petir as me
thinkith [aaAx]
V: 8,118 What quod _th_e (prest) to (Perkyn) . (peter)! as
me _th_inke_th_ [aaAx]
H: 8,118 What q(uo)-th- -th-e p(re)st to p(er)kyn . pet(er)
as me -th-inke-th- [aaAx]
J: 8,118 Qwat q(uo)d -th-e preste to p(er)kyn . pet(er) as
me thinkyth [aaAx]
L: 8,118 What q(uo)d -th-e preost to perkyn . peter, as [me
-th-inke-th-] [aaAx]
K: 8,118 What q(uo)d the p(re)ste to perkyn . petre as me
thynkyth [aaAx]
W: 8,118 What q(uo)d -th-e prest -th-o . petre me -th-inke-th-
N: 8,118 Piers q(uo)d a prest -th-o . peter as me -th-inke-th-
Z: 8,118 qwat q(uo)d -th-e prest to p(er)kyn . petyr so me
A: 8,118 Quot -th-e prest to p(er)kyn . petir as me thynkyt
M: 8,118 What q(uo)d -th-e prest to P(er)kyn . petyr as me
-th-ynkyth [aaAx]
H3: 8,118 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,119 [Th]ou art lernid a litel who lernide [th]e on boke
H2: 8,119 Thou art lernyd a litul . who lernyd the on boke
Ch: 8,119 -Th-ow art lerned a litel . who lerned -th-e on
boke [aaAx]
D: 8,119 -Th-u art lerned a lytel . who lerned -th-e on boke
R: 8,119 -Th-ou art lerned a lytel . who lered -th-e on boke
U: 8,119 -Th-ou art lettrid a litill . whor lernyde -th-e
on boke [aaAx]
V: 8,119 _Th_ow art (lettret) a (luyte) . ho (lered) _th_e
on Boke [aaAx]
H: 8,119 -Th-ou art lettrid a litel . who lerned -th-ee in
book [aaAx]
J: 8,119 -Th-ou art lett(er)yd a lytil . ho taute -th-e on
boke [aaAx]
L: 8,119 -Th-ou art lettred a litel . who lered -th-e o[n
boke] [aaAx]
K: 8,119 Thou art lettred a lityll . who lerned the on boke
W: 8,119 Thou art lettred a litel . who lered -th-e on -th-e
boke [aaAx]
N: 8,119 Thow art lettred a lyte . who lerned -th-e on boke
Z: 8,119 Thow art lettryth a lytil . Who lernede the on boke
A: 8,119 Thou art letterid but lytil . ho lernyd -th-e on
boke [aaAx]
M: 8,119 -Th-ou art l(ett)red a litil . who taugthe -th-e
on boke [aaAx]
H3: 8,119 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,120 Abstinence [th]e abbesse myn a.b.c. me tau[gh]te
H2: 8,120 Abstinence the abbasse . myn a.b.c me tau-gh-te
Ch: 8,120 Abstinence -th-e Abbes . myn A.B.C me tau-gh-t
D: 8,120 Abstynence -th-e Abbesse . my(n) a.b.c me tau-gh-te
R: 8,120 Abstinence my(n) au(n)te . my(n) a.b.c me tau-gh-the
U: 8,120 Abstinence -th-e abbesse . myn a.b.c me tau-gh-te
V: 8,120 (Abstinence) _th_e (Abbesse) . myn (A-b-ce) me tau_g_te
H: 8,120 Abstinence -th-e abbesse . q(uo)-th- he myne abc
me tau-gh-t [aaAx]
J: 8,120 Abstinence -th-e abesse . my(n) a.b.c me tawte [aaAx]
L: 8,120 Abstynence myn abbesse . (a.b.c) me taghte [aaAx]
K: 8,120 Abstynence the abbesse . my a.b.c me taught [aaAx]
W: 8,120 Abstinence -th-e abbesse . q(uo)d he my a.b.c me
taght [aaAx]
N: 8,120 Abstinence -th-e abbesse . myne a.b.c me tau-gh-t
Z: 8,120 Abstinence the abysse . myn a.b.c me tawthe
A: 8,120 Abstinence myne aunte . myne a.b.c me tauthe [aaAx]
M: 8,120 Abstinence -th-e abesse . myn a b c me taugthe [aaAx]
H3: 8,120 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,121 And consience com aftir & kennide me bet(er)e
H2: 8,121 And consience cam aftir . and kenned me beter(e)
Ch: 8,121 And conscience kenned me better [aaAx]
D: 8,121 And consience come aft(ir) . & kenned me bett(er)
R: 8,121 And conciens com aft(er) . and tau-gh-the me moche
more [aaAx]
U: 8,121 And conscience com aftirward . and ke(n)nyd me moche
more [aaAx]
V: 8,121 And (Concience) (com) aftur . and tau_g_te me betere" [aaAx]
H: 8,121 & conscience come aft(ur) . & tau-gh-te
me bett(er) [aaAx]
J: 8,121 & conscience cam aft(ir)warde . & kennyd
me bett(er) [aaAx]
L: 8,121 And consience com aftirward . & kenned me bettre
K: 8,121 And consience came aft(er) . & kennyd me michell
better [aaAx]
W: 8,121 And conscience come aftre . and kenned me bettre
N: 8,121 And conscience come afterward . & kenned me
bettre [aaAx]
Z: 8,121 And concience cam afterward . and kennyd me bettyr
A: 8,121 Conciens cam aftirward . an tauth me bettir [aaAx]
M: 8,121 And concience kam aftyrward . & kennede me bet(er)e
H3: 8,121 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,122 Were [th](o)u a p(re)st piers q(ua)[th] he [th](o)u
mi[gh]test p(re)che where [th]e liki[th]
H2: 8,122 Wer(e) thou a p(re)st pi(er)s q(uo)d he . thou
my-gh-t p(re)che wher(e) the liket-gh- [aaAx]
Ch: 8,122 Wer -th-ow a prest piers q(uo)d he . -th-ow my-gh-t
p(re)che wher -th-e like-th- [aaAx]
D: 8,122 Were -th-(o)u a prest piers q(ou)d he . he -th-e
my-gh-t p(re)che whan -th-e lyked [aaAx]
R: 8,122 Wer(e) -th-(o)u a prest per(is) . -th-(o)u my-gh-t
p(re)che whe(n) -th-e lykede [aaAx]
U: 8,122 Wer(e) -th-(o)u a p(re)st piers q(uo)d he . -th-(o)u
myghtest p(re)che whan -th-e likide [aaAx]
V: 8,122 Weore _th_ou a (prest) quod he . _th_ou mihtest
(preche) whon _th_e luste [axAx]
H: 8,122 Wer(e) -th-ou a p(re)st q(uo)-th- he . -th-(o)u
mi-gh-t p(re)che when -th-ee liked [aaAx]
J: 8,122 Were -th-(o)u a p(re)ste peris . -th-(o)u mytist
p(re)chyn qwa(n) -th-e lykyd [aaAx]
L: 8,122 weore -th-(o)u a preost Piers q(uo)d he . -th-(o)u
myghtest p(re)che whe[n -th-e likide] [aaAx]
K: 8,122 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 8,122 Were -th-ou prest piers q(uo)d he . -th-ou myght
p(re)che when -th-e lyked [aaAx]
N: 8,122 Wer(e) -th-(o)u a prest piers . -th-(o)u my-gh-t
p(re)che whan -th-e lyked [aaAx]
Z: 8,122 Were -th-(o)u a prest q(uo)d he . thow mytist p(re)che
wan -th-e lykede
A: 8,122 Where -th-u a prest peris quot he . -th-(o)u myght
prewe -th-e so-th-e [aaAx]
M: 8,122 Wer -th-ou a prest q(uo)d -th-e prest . -th-(o)u
mygthist p(re)cha(n) wha(n) -th-e likyt [aaAx]
H3: 8,122 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,123 {Q(uonia)m lit(er)aturam non cognoui} [th]at mi[gh]te
be [th]i teme
H2: 8,123 { Q(uonia)m literaturam non cognoui } . that my-gh-t
be thi teeme [????]
Ch: 8,123 { Quoniam literaturam non cognoui } . -th-at my-gh-t
be thy teeme [????]
D: 8,123 { Q(uonia)m litt(er)atura(m) non cognoui } . -th-(a)t
my-gh-t be my teme [????]
R: 8,123 { Q(uonia)m literatura(m) no(n) cognoui } . my-gh-the
be -th-i teme [????]
U: 8,123 { Qu(on)i(a)m lit(er)atura(m) no(n) cognoui } .
-th-(a)t mighte be -th-i teme [????]
V: 8,123 { Quoniam literaturam non cognoui } . mihte be my
Teeme [????]
H: 8,123 ffor -th-ou knowist no lettrur(e) mi-gh-t be -th-y
J: 8,123 { Q(uonia)m lit(er)aturam non cognoui } . myht beene
-th-i teme [????]
L: 8,123 { Quoniam literatura(m) no(n) cognoui } . -th-at
myght beo -th-y teme [????]
K: 8,123 { Quoniam letteratura(m) no(n) cognoui } . -th-(a)t
might be thy tyme [????]
W: 8,123 { Q(uonia)m lit(er)aturam non cognoui } . myght
be -th-i teme [????]
N: 8,123 { Q(uonia)m lit(er)aturam non cognoui } . my-gh-t
-th-i teme be [????]
Z: 8,123 { Qu(on)i(am) lit(er)aturam no(n) cognoui } . -th-(a)t
myth be thi teme
A: 8,123 { Qu(onia)m litteram non cognoui } . myth be -th-i
teme [????]
M: 8,123 { Quoniam literaturam no(n) cognoui } . -th-(a)t
mygth be -th-y teme [????]
H3: 8,123 --- this line is missing ---
H: 8,123 { Qu(on)i(am) lit(er)aturam non cognoui } . [????]
T: 8,124 Lewide lorel q(ua)[th] peris litel lokest [th](o)u
on [th]e bible
H2: 8,124 Lewed lorel q(uo)d p(er)is . litel lokest thou
[on] the bible [aaxAx]
Ch: 8,124 lewde lorelle q(uo)d piers . litel lokest -th-ow
on -th-e bible [aaxAx]
D: 8,124 Lewed lorel q(ou)d pers . litel lokest -th-(o)u
on -th-e byble [aaxAx]
R: 8,124 Lewed lorel q(uo)d per(is) . litel lokest -th-(o)u
on -th-y byble [aaxAx]
U: 8,124 Lewed lorell q(uo)d he . litil lokist -th-(o)u on
-th-e bible [aaxAx]
V: 8,124 "(Lewede) (lorel)!" quod he . "(luite)
(lokestou) on _th_e Bible [aaAa]?
H: 8,124 lewid losel q(uo)-th- he . litel lokest -th-ou in
-th-e bible [aaxAx]
J: 8,124 lewid lorel q(uo)d peris . litel lokystow -th-e
byble [aaxAx]
L: 8,124 Lewed [lorel q(uo)d Piers . litel lokest -th-ou
on -th-e] bible [aaxAx]
K: 8,124 Lewed lorell q(uo)d pers . lityll lokdist thou on
boke [aaxAx]
W: 8,124 Lewed lorel q(uo)d Piers . whi ne lokestowe on -th-e
bible [aaxAx]
N: 8,124 Lewed lorel q(uo)d he . litel lokestow -th-e bible
Z: 8,124 Lewyd lorel q(uo)d he . lytil lokyst -th-(o)u the
A: 8,124 A lewid losel quot peris . litil lokyst -th-u -th-e
bibil [aaxAx]
M: 8,124 Lewede lorel q(uo)d pers . litil lokyst -th-ou on
-th-e bible [aaxAx]
H3: 8,124 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,125 On salamonis sawis litel [th]ou beholdis
H2: 8,125 On salomonis sawes . litel thou beholdest [aaAx]
Ch: 8,125 On Salemonis sawes . litel -th-ow beholdes [aaAx]
D: 8,125 On salamon sawes . selden -th-(o)u beholdest [aaAx]
R: 8,125 on salomonys sawes . litel -th-ou beholdest [aaAx]
U: 8,125 On salamons sawes . seldom -th-(o)u byholdest [aaAx]
V: 8,125 On (Salamones) (sawes) . luitel _th_ou bi-holdest
H: 8,125 on salamons sawis . litel -th-ou beholdist [aaAx]
H: 8,125 slynge awey -th-ese scorners he sei-th- wi-th- her(e)
shrewid fliting
H: 8,125 for wi-th- hem redely y kepe not to rest
J: 8,125 On salamonys sawys . litil -th-(o)u beholdist [aaAx]
L: 8,125 On salamonis sawes . [selden] -th-ou byho[ldest]
K: 8,125 On salomons sawes . seldom thou beholdest [aaAx]
W: 8,125 The sawes [of] sire Salamon . seld -th-ou beholdest
N: 8,125 On salamones sawes . selden -th-(o)u biholdest [aaAx]
Z: 8,125a { Ecce derisores et iurgia cu(m) eis ne crescan(t)
A: 8,125 Of salomonis sawis . litil -th-u beholdist [aaAx]
M: 8,125 And salamonis sawis . selden -th-(o)u beholdist
H3: 8,125 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,125 { Ecce derisores & iurgia cum eis ne crescant
H2: 8,125a { Ecce derisores et iurgia cum eis ne crescant
} [Latin]
Ch: 8,125a { Ecce derisores and iurgia cum eis ne crescant
} [Latin]
D: 8,125a { Ecce derisiores & iurgia cu(m) eis no(n)
crescant } [Latin]
R: 8,125a { Ecce derisores & uirga cu(m) eis ne crescant
} [Latin]
U: 8,125a { Ecce derisores & uirga cu(m) eis ne crescant
} [Latin]
V: 8,125a { Ecce derisores & Iurgia cum eis, nunc crescunt
} [Latin]
H: 8,125a { Ecce derisores & virga cu(m) eis non quiescam
} [Latin]
J: 8,125a { Ecce derisores & Iurgia cu(m) eis ne crescant
} [Latin]
L: 8,125a { Ecce derisores & iurgia cu(m) eis crescant
} [Latin]
K: 8,125a { Ecce derisores & virga cum eis ne crescant
} [Latin]
W: 8,125a { Ecce derisores & virga cum eis non q(ui)escam
} [Latin]
N: 8,125a { Ecce derisores & iurgia cu(m) eis ne crescant
} [Latin]
Z: 8,125 On salama(n) sawis . lityl -th-(o)u beholdyst
A: 8,125a { Ecce dirisores & virga cum eis non crescant
} [Latin]
M: 8,125a { Ecce derisores & iurgia cum eis non crescant
} [Latin]
H3: 8,125a --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,126 And [th]e prest & p(er)kyn aposid ei[th](er) o[th](er)
H2: 8,126 And the p(re)st and p(er)kyn . apposid either othir
Ch: 8,126 And -th-e prest and p(er)kyn . apposed ei-th-er
o-th-er [aaAx]
D: 8,126 And -th-e prest and p(er)kyn . aposed ey-th-(er)
o-th-(er) [aaAx]
R: 8,126 The prest and p(er)ky(n) . aposed her(e) ey-th-(er)
o-th-er [aaAx]
U: 8,126 -th-us -th-e pr(es)t & p(er)kyn . ei-th-(er)
apposid o-th-(er) [aaAx]
V: 8,126 _Th_e (Prest) and (Perkin) _th_o . (Apposeden) ei_th_er
o_th_er [aaAx]
H: 8,126 -Th-e p(re)st & p(er)kyn . aposed ei-th-(er)
o-th-(er) [aaAx]
J: 8,126 -Th-e p(re)ste & p(er)kyn . -th-(us) oythir
aposyd o-th-er [aaAx]
L: 8,126 -th-eo preost and [perkyn . aposid ei-th-er o-th-er]
K: 8,126 Thus the p(re)st & p(er)kyn . apposed eyther
other [aaAx]
W: 8,126 The prest & sire p(er)kyn (:::) . apposed ey-th-er
o-th-er [aaAx]
N: 8,126 The p(re)st -th-anne & p(er)kyn . apposed ei-th-(er)
o-th-er [aaAx]
Z: 8,126 The prest and p(er)kyn . eythir aposid othir
A: 8,126 The prest & perkyn . eyther aposid o-th-er [aaAx]
M: 8,126 -th-us -th-e prest & P(er)kyn . eiher apposid
other [aaAx]
H3: 8,126 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,127 And [th]oru[gh] here wordis I wok & waitide aboute
H2: 8,127 And thoru here wordes I woke . and waytede aboute
Ch: 8,127 And -th-orow her wordes I woke . and waited aboute
D: 8,127 And -th-oru-gh-t here wordes I woke . & wayted
aboute [aaAx]
R: 8,127 and -th-orw her(e) word(is) I awok . a(n) wayted
aboute [aaAx]
U: 8,127 And -th-urw here wordes I awook . and waited abouten
V: 8,127 And _th_orw heore (wordes) I (a-wok) . and (lokede)
aboute [aaAx]
H: 8,127 & -th-ur-gh- her(e) wordis I awoke . & waitid
aboute [aaAx]
J: 8,127 & -th-orow her wordes I woke . & waytyd
abowtyn [aaAx]
L: 8,127 And -th-orgh heore wordes y wok . & wayted abowte
K: 8,127 And thrugh her word(is) I awoke . & awayted
aboute [aaAx]
W: 8,127 And -th-row here woordes I awoke . and loked me
aboute [aaAx]
N: 8,127 And wi-th- her wordis I awoke . & waited aboute
Z: 8,127 And thorow here wordist . I wok and waytede aboute
A: 8,127 I trowe here wordis wok . & waytid aboute [aaAx]
M: 8,127 And I wit her wordys awok . & waitid abouty(n)
H3: 8,127 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,128 And sau[gh] [th]e sonne euene sou[th] sitte [th](a)t
H2: 8,128 And sau-gh- the sonne euene south . sitte that
tyme [aaaAx]
Ch: 8,128 And sawe -th-e sonne euen sow-th-e . sitte -th-at
tyme [aaaAx]
D: 8,128 And say -th-e sonne euene south . sitten -th-(a)t
tyme [aaaAx]
R: 8,128 and saw -th-e so(n)ne eu(er)e sou-th- . sytte -th-(a)t
tyme [aaaAx]
U: 8,128 And say -th-e so(n)ne euene south . sytten -th-at
tyme [aaaAx]
V: 8,128 And (sauh) _th_e (sonne) (sitte) (sou_th_) . euene
_th_at tyme [aaaa]?
H: 8,128 & say -th-e sonne -th-at tyme sitte eue(n) sou-th-
J: 8,128 & say -th-e su(n)ne euy(n) sowthe . syttyn -th-(a)t
tyme [aaaAx]
L: 8,128 & sagh -th-e sonne [euen]e sou-th- . sitten
-th-at tyme [aaaAx]
K: 8,128 And seen the sonne euyn southe . sitten that tyme
W: 8,128 And se -th-e sonne euen sou-th- . sitte -th-at tyme
N: 8,128 I saw -th-e sonne euene sow-th- . sittyng -th-at
tyme [aaaAx]
Z: 8,128 And saw -th-e sonne eue(n) south . syttyn -th-(a)t
A: 8,128 And say -th-e sunne syttyn euyn south . in -th-at
tyme [aaaAx]
M: 8,128 & sith -th-e sunne euen souty . suttyn atte
tyme [aaaAx]
H3: 8,128 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,129 Metelis on m(er)ueilles on malu(er)ne hilles
H2: 8,129 Meteles on mueyles . on malu(er)ne hilles [aaAx]
Ch: 8,129 Mynnyng on -th-ebmervailes . on maluern hilles
D: 8,129 Meteles & moneyles . on Malu(er)ne hulles [aaAx]
R: 8,129 meteles and moneyles . vpon malu(er)ne hullys [aaAx]
U: 8,129 Meteles and moneyles . on malu(er)ne hilles [aaAx]
V: 8,129 (Meteles) and (Moneyeles) . on (Maluerne) hulles
H: 8,129 meteles & moneyles . on malu(er)ne hullis [aaAx]
J: 8,129 Meteles & moneles . on malu(er)en hillys [aaAx]
L: 8,129 [Meteles] & mone[yles] . on maluarne hulles
K: 8,129 Meteles and moneyles . on maluerne hilles [aaAx]
W: 8,129 Metles & moneles . on maluerne hill(es) [aaAx]
N: 8,129 Meteles & moneles . on malu(er)ne hilles [aaAx]
Z: 8,129 Meteles and moneles . on malu(er)ne hillys
A: 8,129 Meteles & monyles . on maluerne hillis [aaAx]
M: 8,129 Meteles & monyles . on maluerne hill(es) [aaAx]
H3: 8,129 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,130 Musyng on [th]is metelis a myle wey I [y]ede
H2: 8,130 Musyng out this meteles . a myle wey I -gh-ede
Ch: 8,130 Musing on -th-at metels . a myle wey I -gh-ede
D: 8,130 Meusyng on -th-is metelys . ha-th- maked me to stodye
R: 8,130 --- run together with following ---
U: 8,130 Musynge on -th-is mat(er)e . a myle weies y -gh-ede
V: 8,130 (Mony) elynge on _th_is (Meeteles) . A (myle) wei
Ich _g_eode [aaAx]
H: 8,130 musing on -th-is meting . a myle wey y -gh-ede [aaAx]
J: 8,130 Musyng on -th-is mat(er) meteles . a myle wey I
-gh-ede [aaAx]
L: 8,130 Musyng on -th-is metelis . a myle wey y -gh-ede
K: 8,130 Musyng on thes metell(is) . hath made me to studye
W: 8,130 And musande on -th-is metyng . a myle way I -gh-ede
N: 8,130 Musyng on -th-is meteles . a myle wey I -gh-ede
Z: 8,130 Musyng on -th-is mater . a meyle wey I -gh-ede
A: 8,130 Musyng on -th-es metelis . a myle wey I -gh-ede
M: 8,130 Musyng on -th-ys metlis . a mile wei I -y-ede [aaAx]
H3: 8,130 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,131 Manye tyme [th]is metelis han mad mad me to stodie
H2: 8,131 Many tyme this meteles . han made me to stodie
Ch: 8,131 Many tymes -th-es metels . han made me to stodie
D: 8,131 --- this line om ---
R: 8,131 Mamelyng on -th-is metelys . made me to studie [aaAx]
U: 8,131 Many tyme -th-is metels . ha-th- mad me to studie
V: 8,131 (Mony) tyme _th_is (Metels) . han (made) me to studie
H: 8,131 many tyme -th-is meting . ha-th- made me to studie
J: 8,131 Many tyme -th-is metelys . hath made me to stody
L: 8,131 [Manye tyme -th-is metelis . han mad] me to stud[ie]
K: 8,131 --- run together with preceding ---
W: 8,131 And many a tyme -gh-it make-th- me for to studie
N: 8,131 Many tyme -th-is metel . ha-th- made me to studye
Z: 8,131 Many tyme -th-is metelis . hath mad me to stodye
A: 8,131 Many tyme -th-ese metelis . han mad me to stodie
M: 8,131 Many tyme -th-ys metlis . had mad me to studyen
H3: 8,131 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,132 And for peris loue [th]e plou[gh]man wel pensif in
H2: 8,132 And for p(er)is loue the plou-gh-man . wel pensif
in herte [aaAx]
Ch: 8,132 And for piers loue -th-e plou-gh-man . wel pensef
In hert [aaAx]
D: 8,132 And for piers loue -th-e plow-gh-ma(n) . wel pensyf
in herte [aaAx]
R: 8,132 and for per(is) me(n) -th-e plowma(n) . wel pensyf
in herte [aaAx]
U: 8,132 And for piers lyf plowman . pitously in herte [aaAx]
V: 8,132 ffor (pers) loue, _th_e (plouh-mon) . ful (pensyf)
in myn herte [aaAx]
H: 8,132 & for peris his loue -th-e plowman . ful pensif
in hert [aaAx]
J: 8,132 An for peris lif plowhman . petusly in hert [aaAx]
L: 8,132 [And for P]iers [loue] -th-e ploghmon . wel pensif
in heorte [aaAx]
K: 8,132 And for pers the plowghma(n) . wel pensife at harte
W: 8,132 ffor Piers loue -th-e plowman . wel pensif in hert
N: 8,132 And for piers loue -th-e plowman . wel pensyf i(n)
herte [aaAx]
Z: 8,132 And for p(er)s lif plowma(n) . petowsly in herte
A: 8,132 And for peris loue -th-e plowman . ful pensife in
hert [aaAx]
M: 8,132 And for pers -th-e plouthman . ful pensif in herte
H3: 8,132 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,133 ffor [th](a)t I sai[gh] slepyng [y]if it so be mi[gh]te
H2: 8,133 ffor that I sau-gh- slepyng . if it so be my-gh-te
Ch: 8,133 ffor -th-at I sawe sleping . -gh-ef hit be so my-gh-t
D: 8,133 ffor -th-at I say slepynge . yf hit so be my-gh-te
R: 8,133 for -th-(a)t I saw sleping . -gh-if hit so be my-gh-the
U: 8,133 ffor -th-at y saw slepynge . if -th-at it so be
myghte [aaAx]
V: 8,133 ffor _th_at I (sauh) (slepynge) . _g_if hit (so)
be mihte [aaAx]
H: 8,133 for -th-at y sau-gh- sleping . yf it be so mi-gh-t
J: 8,133 ffor -th-(a)t I say slepyng . -gh-if it so ben myhte
L: 8,133 [ffor] -th-(a)t y say s[lepyng] . -gh-ef [hit by
so] might [aaAx]
K: 8,133 ffor that I seyth sclepyng . if that it might be
W: 8,133 ffor -th-at I sawgh slepyng . if it so be myght
N: 8,133 Of -th-at I saw slepyng . if it so be my-gh-t [aaAx]
Z: 8,133 ffor -th-(a)t I say slepyng . if it so be myth
A: 8,133 ffor -th-at I say slepyng . -gh-if it so be myght
M: 8,133 ffor -th-at I sey slepyng . -th-at I so be mygthe
H3: 8,133 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,134 Ac catoun construi[th] it & canonistris bo[th]e
H2: 8,134 and catoun (con)struit it . and canonistris bothe
Ch: 8,134 Bot constrewe-th- Caton hit . and canonystris bo-th-e
D: 8,134 Ac Catou(n) construet hit nou-gh-t . but seyth -th-us
hem selue [aaAx]
R: 8,134 and catou(n) co(n)struit hit nay . and canonistres
bo-th-e [aaAx]
U: 8,134 and catou(n) construed it nay . & canonistre
bo-th-e [aaAx]
V: 8,134 Bote (Catoun) (construwe_th_) hit nay . An (Canonistres)
bo_th_e [aaAx]
H: 8,134 but catoun construi-th- it nay . & catonistris
bo-th-e [aaAx]
J: 8,134 Ac caton construyth nay . & canonistris both
L: 8,134 Ac catoun construi-th- hit nay . & canonistris
bothe [aaAx]
K: 8,134 But Caton construeth it nay . & canonystre both
W: 8,134 But Caton construe-th- nay . and -th-e canou(n)
eke [aaAx]
N: 8,134 And catou(n) construe-th- nay . & canonistres
bo-th-e [aaAx]
Z: 8,134 Ac catou(n) construith nay . and canonystris bothe
A: 8,134 As caton construyth it nay . & canonystris bo-th-e
M: 8,134 But -th-at Caton co(n)strueth nai . & canonistris
bo-th-in [aaAx]
H3: 8,134 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,134a {Sompnia ne cures}
H2: 8,134a --- this line om ---
Ch: 8,134a { Sompnia ne cures et cet(ra) } [Latin]
D: 8,134a { Sompnia ne cures & } [Latin]
R: 8,134a And Iugyn he(m) selue(n) { Sompnia ne cures &c
} [Latin]
U: 8,134a and by hem selue { Sompnia ne cures } [Latin]
V: 8,134a And (siggen) bi (hem-seluen) . {(Sompnia) ne cures.}
H: 8,134a { Sompnia ne cures nam mens est hu(ma)na q(uo)d
optat } [Latin]
H: 8,134a & sei-th- -th-at we shulde charge no sweuenys
H: 8,134a but daniel dampne-th- it & -th-e bible bo-th-e
H: 8,134a & beri-th- witnes -th-(er) of a kingis dremyng
J: 8,134a And seyn be hem selfe { sompnia ne cures } [Latin]
L: 8,134a { [Sompnia] ne cures } [Latin]
K: 8,134a And saith hym self { sompnia ne cures } [Latin]
W: 8,134a Caton sai-th- him self { Sompnia ne cures } [Latin]
N: 8,134a { Sompnia ne cures ne mens hu(m)ana } [Latin]
Z: 8,134a And seyn be hemself . { sompnia ne cures }
A: 8,134a And he hem selfe bo-th-e { Sompnia ne cures } [Latin]
M: 8,134a And hem selue(n) siggyn { sompnia ne cures &c
} [Latin]
T: 8,135 Ac for [th]e bible beri[th] wytnesse how
H2: 8,135 { Sompnia ne cures } Ac for the bible berith witnesse
Ch: 8,135 Bot for -th-e bybel bere-th- witnesse how [aa??]
D: 8,135 Ac for -th-e bible bereth witnesse how [aa??]
R: 8,135 and for -th-e bible bere-th- witnysse how [aa??]
U: 8,135 and for -th-e bible bereth witnesse how daniel -th-e
p(ro)phete [aa??]
V: 8,135 Ac for _th_e (Bible) . (bere_th_) witnesse hou Daniel
deuynede [xaAx]?
H: 8,135 --- this line om ---
J: 8,135 But for -th-e bible berith wytnes how daniel [-th-e]
p(ro)phete [aa??]
L: 8,135 Ac for -th-e bible beri-th- wytnesse [aa??]
K: 8,135 But for the bible berith wittenes how Danyel dyvyned
the dremys [aa??]
W: 8,135 But -th-e bible bere-th- witnesse and telle-th-
vs an o-th-er [aa??]
N: 8,135 --- this line is omitted ---
Z: 8,135 Ac for -th-e bible berith wyttens . wan danyel -th-e
A: 8,135 ffor -th-us -th-e buke berith ffor -th-us -th-e
bible . berith wittnes [aa??]
M: 8,135 But for -th-e book of -th-e bible berith witnesse
H3: 8,135 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,136 Dauid demide [th]e drem of a king
H2: 8,136 Daniel demyd . the dreem of a kyng [aaAx]
Ch: 8,136 Daniel deuyned . -th-e dreme of a kyng [aaAx]
D: 8,136 Dauid dremyd . a drem of a kyng [aaAx]
R: 8,136 Dauid demede . -th-e dremys of a kny-gh-th [aaAx]
U: 8,136 Deuyned -th-e dremys of a kyng onys [aaAx]
V: 8,136 _th_e (Dremels) of a kyng, _Th_at (Nabugodonosor)
H: 8,136 --- this line om ---
J: 8,136 Dyuynyd -th-e dremys of a kyng onys [aaAx]
L: 8,136 How Daniel deuinide . -th-e dremis of a kyng [aaAx]
K: 8,136 --- run together wilh preceding --- [aaAx]
W: 8,136 How -th-at Daniel deuyned . of -th-e kynges dremes
N: 8,136 But Danyel deuyned . as witnesse-th- -th-e bi[bl]e
Z: 8,136 Demyd the dremys . of a kyng onys
A: 8,136 How danyel deuyned . -th-e drem of -th-e kyng [aaAx]
M: 8,136 How daniel demyd . -th-e dremeyd of -th-e kyng [aaAx]
H3: 8,136 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,137 [Th]at nabugodonosor nempne [th]ise clerkis
H2: 8,137 That nabugodonosor . nempne the clerkis [aaAx]
Ch: 8,137 -Th-at nabugodonosor . nempne -th-es clerkes [aaAx]
D: 8,137 That Nabegodonosor . namen -th-es clerkes [aaAx]
R: 8,137 -Th-at nabagodonosor . memned -th-is clerk [aaAx]
U: 8,137 -Th-at nabugodonosor . ne(m)pne -th-ese clerkes
V: 8,137 --- this line om ---
H: 8,137 Nabugodonosore . -th-ese clerkis hym nempne-th-
J: 8,137 -Th-(a)t Nabugodhonosor . no(m)pne -th-is clerkys
L: 8,137 -Th-at nabugodonosor . nempne -th-ise clerkis [aaAx]
K: 8,137 Of a kyng that Nabugodonosor . nempne thes clerkes
W: 8,137 Nabugodonosor . so reden -th-ese clerkes [aaAx]
N: 8,137 -Th-e dremes of a kyng ones . Nabugodonosor [aaAx]
Z: 8,137 That nabugodonosor . nemyn -th-(i)s clerkys
A: 8,137 Of nabugodonosor . ne myght no clerkis [aaAx]
M: 8,137 -Th-at Nabugodonosor . nemyth -th-e Clerkys [aaAx]
H3: 8,137 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,138 Daniel seide sire king [th]i sweuene is to mene
H2: 8,138 Daniel seide sire kyng . thi sweuene is to mene
Ch: 8,138 Daniel seide sire kyng . -th-y sweuen is to mene
D: 8,138 Daniel seide sir kyng . -th-y sweuene is to mene
R: 8,138 Danyel seyde sire king . -th-i sweue is to mene
U: 8,138 Daniel seide sire kyng . -th-i sweuene is to mene
V: 8,138 Daniel (seide) (Sir) kyng . _th_i (sweuene) is to
mene [aaAx]?
H: 8,138 Daniel seide sir(e) king . -th-y sweuene is to mene
J: 8,138 Daniel seyd sir kyng . -th-i sweuyn is to mene [aaAx]
L: 8,138 [Daniel saide sire kyng . -th-y] sweuene [is to
mene] [aaAx]
K: 8,138 Daniell said s(er) kyng . the sweuyne is to meane
W: 8,138 Danyel said sire kyng . -th-is sweuene is to mene
N: 8,138 Daniel seid syr(e) kyng . -th-i sweuene is to mene
Z: 8,138 Danyel seyde sere kyng . thi sweuene is to mene
A: 8,138 Daniel seyde sere kyng . -th-i sweuene is -th-us
to mene [aaAx]
M: 8,138 Daniel seyde sir(e) kyng . -th-in sweuene is to
mene [aaAx]
H3: 8,138 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,139 [Th]at an vnkynde kni[gh]t shal come [th]i kingdom
to cleyme
H2: 8,139 That an vnkynde kny-gh-t schal come . thi kyndom
to cleyme [aaaAx]
Ch: 8,139 -Th-at an onkynde king schal come . -th-i kingdom
to clayme [aaaAx]
D: 8,139 That an vncou-th-e kyng schal come . -th-y kyngdom
to cleyme [aaaAx]
R: 8,139 That vnkyd kny-gh-t shal come . -th-i kyngdou(m)
cleyme [aaaAx]
U: 8,139 -Th-(a)t vncouthe kyng(es) schul come . -th-i kyngdom
to cleyme [aaaAx]
V: 8,139 _Th_at (vnkou_th_e) (knihtes) schul (come) . _th_i
(kindam) to (clayme) [aaAa]
H: 8,139 -Th-at vnkou-th-e kni-gh-tes shul come . -th-y kyngdom
to cleyme [aaaAx]
J: 8,139 -Th-(a)t vnkow-th-e kyngis schal comyn . -th-i kyngdom
to cleue [aaaAx]
L: 8,139 [-Th-at vncou-th-e kni-gh-tis] schal come . -th-y
ky[ngdom to cleyme] [aaaAx]
K: 8,139 That uncouth knight(es) schal come . thy kyngdome
to clayme [aaaAx]
W: 8,139 That uncou-th-e knyghtes shal come . -th-i kyngdome
to clayme [aaaAx]
N: 8,139 -Th-(a)t uncowthe kni-gh-tys shal come . -th-i kyngdome
to clei[me] [aaaAx]
Z: 8,139 That vnkou-th-e kyngis schul come . -th-i kyngdome
to cleyme
A: 8,139 That vnconyng knytis schul come . -th-i kyngdom
to cleyme [aaaAx]
M: 8,139 -Th-at vncouth men schal komyn . -th-in kyngdam
to cley(m)me [aaaAx]
H3: 8,139 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,140 Among lewide lordis [th]i londis shuln be dep(ar)tid
H2: 8,140 Among lewid lordis . thi londis schuln be dep(ar)tid
Ch: 8,140 Among lewde lordes . -th-i lond schal be departed
D: 8,140 Among lewed lordes . -th-y londes schul be dep(ar)ted
R: 8,140 among lower(e) lord(is) . -th-i kingda(m) shal be
departed [aaAx]
U: 8,140 Among lower lordes . -th-i londes schul be dep(ar)tid
V: 8,140 Among (lower) (lordes) . _th_i (lond) schal be departet
H: 8,140 among lower(e) lordis . -th-y londis shul be dep(ar)tid
J: 8,140 Among lower lordes . -th-i londys schollyn be(n)
p(ar)tid [aaAx]
L: 8,140 Among lowere lordes . -th-y londis schuln by departid
K: 8,140 Among(es) lowar lord(is) . thy lond schal be dep(ar)tyd
W: 8,140 Among lowere lordes . it mot be departed [aaAx]
N: 8,140 Among lower lordes . -th-i londe shal be dep(ar)tid
Z: 8,140 Among lowere lordis . thi londis schul be dep(ar)tid
A: 8,140 Among hyere lordys . -th-i lond schal be dep(ar)tid
M: 8,140 Among lether lordys . -th-y lond schal ben dep(ar)tid
H3: 8,140 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,141 As daniel demide in dede it fel aftir
H2: 8,141 As daniel demed . in dede it befil aftir [aaAx]
Ch: 8,141 As daniel demed . In dede hit befelle after [aaAx]
D: 8,141 As daniel demed . in dede hit fel aft(ir) [aaAx]
R: 8,141 as daniel demed . in dede hit byfel after [aaAx]
U: 8,141 As daniel dyuyned . in dede it byfel aftir [aaAx]
V: 8,141 As (Daniel) (diuinede) . hit fel in (dede) after
H: 8,141 As danyel deuysed . in dede hit byfel aft(ur) [aaAx]
J: 8,141 As daniel dyuynyd . in dede fel it aft(er) [aaAx]
L: 8,141 As daniel deuinide . in dede hit feol after [aaAx]
K: 8,141 As danyel dyuyned . in dede it fell after [aaAx]
W: 8,141 And as he deuyned . in dede it befel aftr(e) [aaAx]
N: 8,141 As daniel deuined . in dede it fel aftre [aaAx]
Z: 8,141 As danyel demyd i(n) dede . fel it after
A: 8,141 As daniel demyd . so it fel aftir [aaAx]
M: 8,141 As daniel dymde . in dede it fel aftir [aaAx]
H3: 8,141 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,142 [Th]e king les his lordsshipe & lesse men it hadde
H2: 8,142 The kyng lees his lordschipe . and lesse men it
hadde [aaAx]
Ch: 8,142 -Th-e king lese his lordschepe . and lesse men
hadde [aaAx]
D: 8,142 The kyng kyng les his lordschipe . & lesse me(n)
it hadde [aaAx]
R: 8,142 -Th-e king les his lordschep . lasse men hit hadde
U: 8,142 -Th-e lord loste his lordschipe . & false men
it hadden [aaAx]
V: 8,142 _th_e kyng (laste) his (lordschupe) . and (lasse)
men hit hadden [aaAx]
H: 8,142 -Th-e king lost his lond . & lasse lordis hadden
it [aaAx]
J: 8,142 -Th-e kynk lost his lordschepe . & lasse men
it hadde [aaAx]
L: 8,142 -Th-e kyng les his lordsshipe . & lesse men
hit had [aaAx]
K: 8,142 The kyng loste his lordschip . & lasse men it
heldyn [aaAx]
W: 8,142 The kyng lost his lordshipe . & lesse men it
hadde [aaAx]
N: 8,142 The kyng lost his lordechip . & lasse me(n)
it hadde [aaAx]
Z: 8,142 -Th-e kyng lees his lordschepe . and lasse me(n)
it hadde
A: 8,142 The kyng lost his lordschepe . and lesse lordis
it haddyn [aaAx]
M: 8,142 -Th-e kyng lees his lordschipe . & lasse me(n)
it hadden [aaAx]
H3: 8,142 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,143 And Iosep mette m(er)ueillously how [th]e mone & [th]e
H2: 8,143 And Ioseph mette m(er)ueilously . how the mone
and -th-e sonne [aaAx]
Ch: 8,143 And Iosep mette mervaillesly . how -th-e mone and
-th-e sonne [aaAx]
D: 8,143 And Iosep mette maruaylously . how -th-e mone & -th-e
sonne [aaAx]
R: 8,143 And Iosep mette meruelyusly . hou -th-e mone and
-th-e su(n)ne [aaAx]
U: 8,143 & Ioseph mette m(er)ueilousliche . how -th-e
mone & -th-e so(n)ne [aaAx]
V: 8,143 And Ioseph (Mette) (Metels) . ful (Meruilous) alse
J: 8,143 And Ioseph met m(er)uelusly . how -th-e mone & -th-e
su(n)ne [aaAx]
L: 8,143 And yosep mette merueillously . how -th-e mone & -th-e
sonne [aaAx]
K: 8,143 And Ioseph mete m(er)ueillouslich . hou the mone & the
sonne [aaAx]
W: 8,143 And Iosop met a meruaill . of -th-e sonne & -th-e
mone [aaAx]
N: 8,143 And Ioseph mette merueylousely . how -th-e mone & -th-e
sonne [aaAx]
Z: 8,143 And iosep met m(er)ueylously . how -th-e mone & -th-e
A: 8,143 As iosep mette merueyously . of -th-e mone & -th-e
sunne [aaAx]
M: 8,143 And Iosep mette also . -th-at -th-e mone & -th-e
su(n)ne [aaAx]
H3: 8,143 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,144 And [th]e enleuene sterris halsiden hym alle
H2: 8,144 And the elleuene st(er)is . halside hi(m) all(e)
Ch: 8,144 And -th-e elleuen sterres . hailsed hym alle [axAa]
D: 8,144 And -th-e elleuen sterrys . haylseden hym alle [axAa]
R: 8,144 and -th-e xj sterr(is) . hayled hym alle [axAa]
U: 8,144 & seuene sterr(is) . hailsede hym al abowtyn
V: 8,144 How _th_e sonne and _th_e Mone . and enleuene sterres
J: 8,144 And -th-e eleuene st(er)rys . haylsedyn [hi(m)]
alle [axAa]
L: 8,144 And -th-e enleuene sterris . hailsiden him alle
K: 8,144 And elleuen Sterres . hailseden hym alle [axAa]
W: 8,144 And how -th-at elleuen sterres . worshipt hym alle
N: 8,144 And -th-e eleuene sterris . hailsed hym alle [axAa]
Z: 8,144 And the eleuene sterris . halsede him alle
A: 8,144 And -th-e eleue sterris . he heylid hym also [axAa]
M: 8,144 & xj sterris . grettyn hi(m) alle [axAa]
H3: 8,144 --- this line is missing ---
V: 8,144 (ffalden) bi-fore his (ffeet) . and (heileden) him (alle) [aaBb]
T: 8,145 {Beau fitz} qua[th] his fadir for defaute we shuln
H2: 8,145 { Beau fit-gh- } q(uo)d his fadur . for defaute
schullen [aaAx]
Ch: 8,145 { Beau fit-gh- } q(uo)d his fader . for defaute
we schulle [aaAx]
D: 8,145 { Beau fit-gh- } q(ou)d his fadir . for defaute
we schulle [aaAx]
R: 8,145 { bew sir(e) } q(uo)d his fader . for defaute we
shulle [aaAx]
U: 8,145 { Beu fi-gh- } q(uo)d his fadir . for defaute we
schulle [aaAx]
V: 8,145 { Beu (fiz) }, quod his (ffader) . for (defaute)
we schulle [aaAx]
J: 8,145 { Bew fis-gh- } q(uo)d his fader . for defaute we
schulle [aaAx]
L: 8,145 { Beau fit-gh- } q(uo)d his fadir . for defaute
we schuln [aaAx]
K: 8,145 { Beau fit-gh- } q(uo)d his father . for defaute
we schulle [aaAx]
W: 8,145 { Beau fit-gh- } q(uo)d his fader . defaute shal
vs make [aaAx]
N: 8,145 { Bew filt-gh- } q(uo)d his fadre . for defaute
we shulle [aaAx]
Z: 8,145 { Beau filx } q(uo)d his fader . for defaut we schulle
A: 8,145 { Beu seris } quot his fadur . for defaute we schullyn
M: 8,145 { Beau fi-gh- } q(uo)d his fadir . for nede we scholen
H3: 8,145 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,146 I myself & my sones seke [th]e for nede
H2: 8,146 I myself and my sones . seke the for nede [aaAx]
Ch: 8,146 I myself and my sones . seke -th-e for nede [aaAx]
D: 8,146 I meself & my sones . seke -th-e for nede [aaAx]
R: 8,146 I myself and my sones . sekyn -th-e for nede [aaAx]
U: 8,146 I myselue and my sones . seke -th-e for nede [aaAx]
V: 8,146 I (my-self), and my (sones) . (seche) _th_e for
neode [aaAx]
J: 8,146 I myselue & my sonys . sekyn -th-e for nede
L: 8,146 y myself & my sones . seke -th-e for nede [aaAx]
K: 8,146 I myself & my sonnes . seken the for neede [aaAx]
W: 8,146 Bothe myself & my (:::) . seche -th-e at nede
N: 8,146 I myself & my sones . seche -th-e for nede [aaAx]
Z: 8,146 I myself and my sonys . seke -th-e for nede
A: 8,146 I meselue & my sonys . sekyn -th-e for nede
M: 8,146 I myself & my sonys . sekyn -th-e for defaute
H3: 8,146 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,147 It befel as his fadir seide in faraos tyme
H2: 8,147 It befel as his fadir . seide in fargos tyme [aaAx]
Ch: 8,147 It befel as his fader . seide In pharaos tyme [aaAx]
D: 8,147 hit befyl as his fadir . seide in pharaoys tyme
R: 8,147 And h(i)t befel as -th-e fader . seyde in pharaoys
tyme [aaAx]
U: 8,147 It byfel as his fadir . seide in pharaoes tyme [aaAx]
V: 8,147 Hit (fel) as _th_e (ffader) seide . In (Pharaones)
tyme [aaAx]
J: 8,147 It felle as his fader . seyde in pharaoys tyme [aaAx]
L: 8,147 [yt befel as his fadir . saide in fara]oes [tyme]
K: 8,147 It befell as he . said in pharoo his tyme [aaAx]
W: 8,147 And it befel as his fader . saide in pharaos tyme
N: 8,147 It bifel as his fadre . seide in pharaoes tyme [aaAx]
Z: 8,147 It befel as his fader seyde . in pharaoes tyme
A: 8,147 It fel as -th-e fadur seyde . in pharo tyme [aaAx]
M: 8,147 It befel as -th-e fadir . seyde in faraonis tyme
H3: 8,147 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,148 [Th](a)t Iosep was Iustice Egipt to kepe
H2: 8,148 That Ioseph was Iustice . egipt to kepe [aaAx]
Ch: 8,148 -Th-at Iosep was Iustice . egept to kepe [aaAx]
D: 8,148 That Iosep was Iustice . Egipt to kepe [aaAx]
R: 8,148 -Th-at Iosep was iustise . egypt to kepe [aaAx]
U: 8,148 -Th-at Iosep was iustice . al egipte to kepe [aaAx]
V: 8,148 _Th_er (Ioseph) was (Iustise) . (Egipte) to kepen
J: 8,148 -Th-(a)t Ioseph was Iustyce . egipte to kepe [aaAx]
L: 8,148 -Th-at yosep was yustice . Egipt to kepe [aaAx]
K: 8,148 That Ioseph was Iustice . Egipte to kepen [aaAx]
W: 8,148 That Iosep was iustise . & egipt he kept [aaAx]
N: 8,148 That Ioseph was iustice . Egipt to kepe [aaAx]
Z: 8,148 -Th-(a)t iosep was Iustise . Egipt to kepe
A: 8,148 That iosep was iustice . egipte to kepe [aaAx]
M: 8,148 -Th-at Iosep was Iustice . egipte to kepyn [aaAx]
H3: 8,148 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,149 Al [th]is maki[th] me on metelis to [th]inke
H2: 8,149 Al this makith me . on metellis to thenke [aaAx]
Ch: 8,149 Al -th-is make-th- me . on metels to -th-ink [aaAx]
D: 8,149 Al -th-is make-th- me . on t meteles to -th-ynke
R: 8,149 Al -th-(i)s make-th- me . on metelys to thinke [aaAx]
V: 8,149 Al _th_is (make_th_) (me) . on (Metels) to _th_enken
J: 8,149 Al -th-is makyth me . mychel on metel(is) to thinke
L: 8,149 Al -th-is maki-th- me . on metelis to -th-inke [aaAx]
K: 8,149 And al this makith me . on metell(is) to thynken
W: 8,149 And al -th-is make-th- me . on metyng to -th-ink
N: 8,149 Al -th-is make-th- me . on meteles to -th-inke [aaAx]
Z: 8,149 Al -th-is makyt me mychil . on metels to -th-inke
A: 8,149 Al -th-is makith me . on metelis to thynk [aaAx]
M: 8,149 Al -th-is makyt me . svmtyme to -th-inkyn [aaAx]
H3: 8,149 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,150 Manye tymes at mydni[gh]t whan men shulde slepe
H2: 8,150 Many tymes at my-gh-t mydnit-gh- . whan men schulde
slepe [aaAx]
Ch: 8,150 Many tymes at mydni-gh-t . whan men schuld slepe
D: 8,150 Many tymes at mydny-gh-t . whan me(n) schuld slepe
R: 8,150 Many tymes at mydny-gh-t . whe(n) me(n) shulde slepe
U: 8,150 Many tyme at mydnyght . whan y scholde slepe [aaAx]
V: 8,150 (Mony) tyme at (Midniht) . whon I schulde slepe
J: 8,150 Many tymys at mydnyht . qwan y scholde slepe [aaAx]
L: 8,150 [Manye tymes at mydni-gh-t . whan] I schdde slepen
K: 8,150 Many tymes at mydenight . whan men schulden slepe
W: 8,150 Many tyme at mydnyght . whan I shold slepe [aaAx]
N: 8,150 Many tyme at mydni-gh-t . whan I scholde slepe [aaAx]
Z: 8,150 Many tymis at mydnyth . wan I scholde slepe
A: 8,150 Many tyme at mydnyth . whan men schuld slepe [aaAx]
M: 8,150 Many tyme at midnyth . whan I schulde slepyn [aaAx]
H3: 8,150 --- this line is missing ---
U: 8,149 Al -th-is makith me . mochil on metelys to -th-enken [aaAx]
T: 8,151 On peris [th]e plou[gh]man whiche a p(ar)dou(n) he
H2: 8,151 On p(er)is the plou-gh-man . whiche a p(ar)dou(n)
he hauith [aaAx]
Ch: 8,151 And piers -th-e plow-gh-man . such a p(ar)doun
he haue-th- [aaAx]
D: 8,151 On piers -th-e plou-gh-ma(n) . which a p(ar)dou(n)
he haue-th- [aaAx]
R: 8,151 On per(is) plowma(n) . whych a p(ar)dou(n) he haue-th-
U: 8,151 On piers -th-e plowman . & whiche a p(ar)dou(n)
he hadde [aaAx]
V: 8,151 On (Pers) _th_e (plouh-Mon) . and whuch a (pardoun)
he hedde [aaAx]
J: 8,151 On peris -th-e plowhman . & qwyche a p(ar)don
he hadde [aaAx]
L: 8,151 [On Piers -th-e ploghman . whiche a pardon] he hadde
K: 8,151 On pers the plowema(n) . & which a p(ar)done
he hath [aaAx]
W: 8,151 On Piers the ploweman . whiche p(ar)don he hadde
N: 8,151 Of p(er)kyn -th-e plowman . -th-at suche a p(ar)done
hadde [aaAx]
Z: 8,151 On pers the plowman . and qweche a p(ar)dou(n) he
A: 8,151 Of peris -th-e plowman . swoche p(ar)don he had
M: 8,151 On pies -th-e plouthman . what p(ar)don he hadde
H3: 8,151 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,152 And how [th]e prest inpugnid it al before resoun
H2: 8,152 And how the prest inpugnide it . al befor(e) reson
Ch: 8,152 And how -th-e preste Inpugned it . al before Resoun
D: 8,152 And how -th-e inpugned hit . al byfor resou(n) [aaAx]
R: 8,152 and hou -th-e prest enpugned hit . al by pur(e)
resou(n) [aaAx]
U: 8,152 And how -th-e prest enpugned it . al be pure resou(n)
V: 8,152 And hou _th_e (preost) (inpugnede) hit . al bi (pure)
Resoun [aaAx]
J: 8,152 And how -th-e p(re)st inpu(n)gnyd him . al be pur(e)
resou(n) [aaAx]
L: 8,152 [And how -th-e prest inpugnid hit] . al by [pure]
reson [aaAx]
K: 8,152 And hou the p(re)ste Inpungned hym . and al by pure
Reasou(n) [aaAx]
W: 8,152 And how -th-e prest enpugned it . al by pure reson
N: 8,152 And how -th-e prest enpugned it . al by pur(e) resou(n)
Z: 8,152 And how -th-e prest inp(ro)ued . it al be pure resou(n)
A: 8,152 And how -th-e prest inpugnyd it . al to pure resun
M: 8,152 And how -th-e prest enpugnedid . & alle be pour(e)
resou(n) [aaAx]
H3: 8,152 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,153 And he lenide [th](a)t dowel indulgence passi[th]
H2: 8,153 And he leuide that dowel . indulgence passith [aaAx]
Ch: 8,153 And he leued -th-at dowel . Indulgens passe-th-
D: 8,153 And he leueth -th-(a)t dowel . indulgence passe-th-
R: 8,153 And demed -th-at dowel . indulgence passy-th- [aaAx]
U: 8,153 And dyuyned -th-at dowel . indulgence passide [aaAx]
V: 8,153 And (diuinede) _th_at (Dowel) . (Indulgence) passede
J: 8,153 And dyuynyd -th-(a)t dowele . indulgencis passed
L: 8,153 [And demide -th-at dowel . indulgence passi-th-]
K: 8,153 And demed that doowell . Indulgence passed [aaAx]
W: 8,153 And demed how -th-at dowel . indulgence passed [aaAx]
N: 8,153 And demed -th-(a)t dowel . Indulgences passed [aaAx]
Z: 8,153 And demyd -th-(a)t dowel . indulgense passyd
A: 8,153 And deuyned -th-at dowel . indulgence pasid [aaAx]
M: 8,153 And demede -th-at dowel . indulgence passede [aaAx]
H3: 8,153 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,154 Bienalis & trienalis & bisshopis l(ett)res
H2: 8,154 Bienalis and t(ri)ennalis . and bischopis l(ett)res
Ch: 8,154 Byannalis and triannalis . and Bischops letters
D: 8,154 Byonalys & tryonalys . & bysschopes lettres
R: 8,154 byenal(is) and trienal(is) . and bisshopes lettres
U: 8,154 Byonalis and trionalis . and bisshopis lettres [aaAx]
V: 8,154 (Bienals) and Trienals . and (Busschopes) lettres
J: 8,154 Byennalys & t(ri)ennalis . & byschoppys
letturs [aaAx]
L: 8,154 [Bienalis & trienalis] . & bisshop[is] lettres
K: 8,154 Bienalles and trienall(is) . & bisshoppes letters
W: 8,154 Trienal & quinal . & bys(:::) seles [aaAx]
N: 8,154 Bienales & Trienales . & bischopes lettres
Z: 8,154 Byenalys & t(ri)onalys . and bischopis letteris
A: 8,154 Byonalis & trionalis . and buschopis lettris
M: 8,154 Bienalis & triennalis . & bisschopis l(ett)res
H3: 8,154 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,155 Dowel at [th]e day of dome is digneliche vndirfongen
H2: 8,155 Dowel at the day of dome . is digneliche vnd(er)fong(e)
Ch: 8,155 Dowel at -th-e daie a dome . Is dignelich vnderfong
D: 8,155 Dowel at -th-e day of dome . is deneliche vndirfonge
R: 8,155 Dowel at -th-e day of dome . is dignelyche vnderfonge
U: 8,155 Dowel at -th-e day of dome . is ferfor-th-liche
vndirfongen [aaaAx]
V: 8,155 (Dowel) on (Domesday) . Is (digneliche) I-preiset
J: 8,155 Dowele at -th-e day of dome . is di(n)glyche vnd(er)fongyd
L: 8,155 [Dowel at -th-e day of dome . is digneliche] ::::urfonde
K: 8,155 Dowel at the day of dome . deyneliche vnd(er)fonge
W: 8,155 Dowel atte day of dome . is worthiere -th-an they
alle [aaaAx]
N: 8,155 Dowel at domesday . is dignely p(ra)ised [aaaAx]
Z: 8,155 Dowel at -th-e day of doom . ys dyngneleche vnderfongid
A: 8,155 Dowel at -th-e day of dom . is derly vndurfongyn
M: 8,155 Dowel atte day a dome . dignely vndirfongyn [aaaAx]
H3: 8,155 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,156 He passi[th] al [th]e p(ar)dou(n) at seint petris
H2: 8,156 He passit-gh- al the p(ar)dou(n) . of seynt petres
chirche [aaAx]
Ch: 8,156 He passe-th- al -th-e p(ar)doun . at seint peteris
chirche [aaAx]
D: 8,156 He passe-th- al p(ar)dou(n) . at seint pet(er) Churche
R: 8,156 He passe-th- al -th-e p(ar)dou(n) . of seynt petr(es)
cherche [aaAx]
U: 8,156 He passith al -th-e p(ar)dou(n) . of seint petres
chirche at rome [aaAx]
V: 8,156 He (passe_th_) al _th_e (pardouns) . of seint (Petrus)
churche [aaAx]
J: 8,156 He passydh al -th-e p(ar)dou(n) . of seynt pet(ur)
chyrche [aaAx]
K: 8,156 He passith al the p(ar)done . of Saynt peturs chirche
W: 8,156 And passe-th- al (:: :::::) . of seint petre cherche
N: 8,156 He passe-th- al -th-e p(ar)dou(n) . of seynt petres
chirche [aaAx]
Z: 8,156 He passith al -th-e p(ar)dou(n) . of seynt pet(er)is
A: 8,156 He pasith al -th-e perdon . of sent petir chirche
M: 8,156 He passit al -th-e p(ar)doun . of seinte Marie cherche
H3: 8,156 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,157 Now ha[th] [th]e pope power p(ar)doun to g(ra)unte
H2: 8,157 Now hat-gh- the pope power . p(ar)dou(n) to grau(n)te
Ch: 8,157 Now hathe -th-e pope power . { a pena et a culpa
} [aaAx]
D: 8,157 Now ha-th- -th-e pope power . p(ar)dou(n) to graunte
R: 8,157 Now ha-th- -th-e pope power . p(ar)dou(n) to graunte
V: 8,157 Now ha_th_ _th_e (pope) (pouwer) . (pardoun) to
graunte [aaAx]
J: 8,157 Now hath -th-e [pope] power . p(ar)dou(n) to g(ra)unte
K: 8,157 Now hath the pope powere . p(ar)done to g(ra)unte
W: 8,157 Now ha-th- (:: ::: :)ardon to graunte [aaAx]
N: 8,157 Now ha-th- -th-e pope power . p(ar)du(n) to grau(n)te
Z: 8,157 Now hat -th-e pope power . p(ar)dou(n) to grau(n)t
A: 8,157 Now hath -th-e pope pouer . perdon to graunte [aaAx]
M: 8,157 Now hat -th-e peple power . pardon to graunte [aaAx]
H3: 8,157 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,158 [Th]e peple wi[th]oute pen(au)nce { a pena & a
culpa }
H2: 8,158 The peple withoute penau(n)ce . { a pena & a
culpa } [aaAx]
Ch: 8,158 --- this line om ---
D: 8,158 Al -th-e peple ap(er)tly w(i)t(h)oute pen(au)nce
R: 8,158 -Th-e peple w(i)t(h) a penau(n)s . to passe to Ioye
V: 8,158 _Th_e (peple) with-oute (penaunce) . to (passe)
to Ioye [aaAx]
J: 8,158 -Th-e peple w(i)t(h)outen penaunce . to passyn to
Ioye [aaAx]
K: 8,158 The people w(i)t(h)out pen(a)nce . to passe to Ioye
W: 8,158 The peple wi-th-oute (::::) . to passe to ioye [aaAx]
N: 8,158 -Th-e peple w(i)t(h)out penaunce . to passe to Ioye
Z: 8,158 The peple w(y)t(h)oute(n) penau(n)ce . to passe
to ioy
A: 8,158 The puple w(i)t(h)oute penauns . to pasyn into Ioy
M: 8,158 -Th-e peple w(i)t(h)outy(n) penaunce . for to gon
to ioie [aaAx]
H3: 8,158 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,159 [Th]is is [th]e lif of oure beleue as l(ett)rid men
vs shewi[th]
H2: 8,159 This is the lif of our(e) beleue . as lettrid men
vs schewit-gh- [aaAx]
Ch: 8,159 -Th-is is -th-e lif of oure beleue . as lettered
men vs schewe-th- [aaAx]
D: 8,159 This is a lef of oure beleue . as lettred me(n)
ous teche-th- [aaAx]
R: 8,159 -Th-is a lef of our(e) byleue . as lettred me(n)
vs teche [aaAx]
U: 8,159a { Quodcu(m)q(ue) ligau(er)is sup(er) t(er)ram erit
ligatu(m) & in cel(is) } [Latin]
V: 8,159 _Th_is is a (lef) of vre (bileeue) . as (lettret)
men vs teche_th_ [aaAx]
J: 8,159 -Th-is is a leef of beleue . as lett(er)yd vs techith
K: 8,159 This is a lefe of our beleue . as letterd men vs
techeth [aaAx]
W: 8,159 -Th-is [is] a lef of oure byleue . -th-at lettreure
vs teche-th- [aaAx]
W: 8,159 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 8,159 -Th-is is a lef of howr(e) byleue . as lettred men
vs techen [aaAx]
Z: 8,159 This is a leef of beleue . as lett(er)id men techith
A: 8,159 This is oure beleue . as lernyd men vs techyth [aaAx]
M: 8,159 -Th-is is a lef of our(e) beleue . as letterid men
vs techit [aaAx]
H3: 8,159 --- this line is missing ---
U: 8,157 Now ha-th- -th-e pope power . pardou(n) to g(ra)unten [aaAx]
U: 8,158 -Th-e peple wi-th-outen penaunce . to passen co ioie [aaAx]
T: 8,159a { Quodcumq(ue) ligau(er)is sup(er) terram &c
H2: 8,159a { Quodcu(m)q(ue) ligaueris super terram etc }
Ch: 8,159a { Quodcumq(ue) ligaueris super terram etc } [Latin]
D: 8,159a { Quodcu(m)q(ue) ligaueris sup(er) terram &c
} [Latin]
R: 8,159a { Quodcu(m)q(ue) ligau(er)is sup(er) t(er)ram &c
} [Latin]
U: 8,159 -Th-is is a leef of our byleue . as lettrid me(n)
vs techi-th- [aaAx]
V: 8,159a { Quodcunque ligaueris super terram, erit ligatum & in
celis } [Latin]
J: 8,159a { Quodcu(m)q(ue) ligau(er)is sup(er) t(er)ram erit
ligatu(m) & in celis } [Latin]
K: 8,159a { Quodcumq(ue) ligau(er)is sup(er) terram &c
} [Latin]
N: 8,159a { Quodcu(m)q(ue) ligau(er)is sup(er) t(er)ram &c
} [Latin]
Z: 8,159a { Quodcu(m)q(ue) ligau(er)is sup(er) t(er)ram &c
A: 8,159a { Quodcumq(ue) ligaueris sup(er) terram erit ligatum & in
celis } [Latin]
M: 8,159a --- this line om ---
H3: 8,159a --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,160 And so I leue lelly lord forbede ellis
H2: 8,160 And so I leue lelly . lord forbede ellis [aaAx]
Ch: 8,160 And also I loue leelly . god forbede elles [aaAx]
D: 8,160 And I loue lely . lord forbede elles [aaAx]
R: 8,160 and so I leue lely . lord forbede ellys [aaAx]
U: 8,160 And y byleue it wel . lord it forbede elles [aaAx]
V: 8,160 And so (bileeue) I (lelly) . vr (lord) forbeode
hit elles [aaAx]
J: 8,160 And I beleue it lelely . lordys forbode ell(is)
K: 8,160 And so I leue lelly . lord forbede els [aaAx]
W: 8,160 And so I beleue lelly . lord forbede elles [aaAx]
N: 8,160 And so I leue lelly . lorde forbede elles [aaAx]
Z: 8,160 And I beleue lely . oure lord forbede ellys
A: 8,160 And so I leue lely . god forbede ellis [aaAx]
M: 8,160 And so I leue teuly . godis forbode elles { Q(uo)dcu(m)q(ue)
ligau(er)i[s] } [aaAx]
H3: 8,160 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,161 [Th]at p(ar)doun & pen(au)nce & p(re)yo(ur)s
do salue
H2: 8,161 That p(ar)doun and penau(n)ce . and p(re)yo(ur)s
do salue [aaAx]
Ch: 8,161 -Th-at p(ar)doun and penaunce . oft tymes do-th-e
saue [aaAx]
D: 8,161 That p(ar)dou(n) & pen(a)unce . preyers do saue
R: 8,161 -Th-at prayer(es) and p(ar)dou(n) and penau(n)s
be(n) salue [aaAx]
U: 8,161 -Th-at p(ar)dou(n) and penaunce . and p(re)yeris
togidres [aaAx]
V: 8,161 _Th_at (pardoun) and (penaunce) . and (preyers)
don sauen [aaAx]
J: 8,161 -Th-(a)t p(ar)dou(n) & penaunce . & p(re)y-gh-ers
togider [aaAx]
K: 8,161 That p(ar)don & penaunce . & p(re)yours
doone saue [aaAx]
W: 8,161 That pardon & penaunce . & prayeres shal
saue [aaAx]
N: 8,161 -Th-at p(ar)dou(n) & penaunce . & p(re)iers
dou(n) salue [aaAx]
Z: 8,161 -Th-(a)t p(ar)dou(n) and penau(n)ce . & p(re)yeris
A: 8,161 That p(ar)don and penauns . preyeris don saue [aaAx]
M: 8,161 -Th-at p(ar)doun & preiers & penaunce may
saven [aaAx]
H3: 8,161 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,162 Soulis [th](a)t han ysynned seue si[th]es dedly
H2: 8,162 Soulis that han Isynned . seuene sithes dedly [aaAx]
Ch: 8,162 Soules -th-at ha-th-e synned . In seuen synnes
dedly [aaAx]
D: 8,162 Soules -th-at haue synned . seuene sy-th-is dedly
R: 8,162 to soules -th-at heue sy(n)ned . seuene sythes dedly
U: 8,162 mown saue sowles -th-(a)t han synned . seuen sithes
dedly [aaAx]
V: 8,162 (Soules) _th_at han (sunget) . (seuen) si_th_es
dedlich [aaAx]
J: 8,162 Nowne sauen sowlys -th-(a)t haue synnyd . seuen
sythis dedely [aaAx]
K: 8,162 Sowl(is) than haue synned . sevyn sithes dedlich
W: 8,162 Soules of -th-at -th-e seuen dedly synnes [aaAx]
N: 8,162 Soules -th-(a)t han synned . seuene sithes dedly
Z: 8,162 Mow saue soulys -th-(a)t haue synnyd . seuene sethis
A: 8,162 Soulis -th-at han synnyd . seuene sythis dedly [aaAx]
M: 8,162 Soul(is) -th-at han sennyd . dedly seuene sy-th-ys
H3: 8,162 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,163 And to triste on [th]is trionalis trewely me [th]inke[th]
H2: 8,163 And triste on these t(ry)enalis . treuly me thynkith
Ch: 8,163 And to trust on his triannalis . so-th-ely me -th-inke-th-
D: 8,163 And be crist -th-ese trionals . trewly me -th-inke-th-
R: 8,163 Ac to truste on -th-is tryenal(es) . truly me -th-inke-th-
U: 8,163 Ac to traste on -th-ese t(ri)onales . certes me
thinkith [aaAx]
V: 8,163 Bote (trustene) to (Trienals) . (treuly) me _th_inke_th_
J: 8,163 Ac to t(ro)stnyn on -th-ese t(ri)ennal[y]s . trewly
me thinkyth [aaAx]
K: 8,163 But to truste on thes trienalles . treuly me thynkyth
W: 8,163 But to trust on -th-is trienals . treuly me -th-inke-th-s
N: 8,163 But for to trust on trienales . trwely me -th-inke-th-
Z: 8,163 Ac to trostyn on t(ri)onalys . trewly me thynkyth
A: 8,163 ffor to storn trostyn on trionalis . trewely me
thynkith [aaAx]
M: 8,163 Butte to tristnyn on triennalis . treuly me -th-inkit
H3: 8,163 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,164 It is not so sikir for [th]e soule c(er)tis as is
do wel
H2: 8,164 It is not so siker for the soule . certis as is
do wel [aaAx]
Ch: 8,164 It is nou-gh-t so seker for -th-e soule . sertes
as do wel [aaAx]
D: 8,164 -Gh-e nou-gh-t so seker for -th-e saule . sert(es)
as dowel [aaAx]
R: 8,164 h(i)t is not so syker for -th-e soule . certus as
do wel [aaAx]
U: 8,164 Is not so siker for -th-e soule . trewly as is do
wel [aaAx]
V: 8,164 Is not so (syker) for _th_e (soule) . (sertes),
as do-wel [aaAx]
J: 8,164 Is nowt so sykyr for -th-e sowle . c(er)tis as is
do wele [aaAx]
K: 8,164 It is not so siker for the sowle . certes as is
do well [aaAx]
W: 8,164 Is not so seker soo-th-ly as say I do well [aaAx]
N: 8,164 Is nou-gh- so syker for -th-e soule . certis as
is do wel [aaAx]
Z: 8,164 Is not so seker for -th-e soule . sertys as is dowel
A: 8,164 Is non so seker for -th-e soule . as for to do wel
M: 8,164 It is nout so sekyr for -th-e soule . certis as
is do wel [aaAx]
H3: 8,164 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,165 ffor[th]i I rede [y]ow renkes [th](a)t riche ben on
H2: 8,165 fforthi I rede -gh-ou renkes . that riche bien
on erthe [aaAx]
Ch: 8,165 ffor-th-y I rede -gh-ow Renkes . -th-at Riche ben
on er-th-e [aaAx]
D: 8,165 ffor -th-ou-gh- y rede -gh-e -th-enke . -th-an riche
ben on erthe [aaAx]
R: 8,165 for-th-i I rede now -th-inke-th- . -th-ei -th-(a)t
ben on er-th-e [aaAx]
U: 8,165 -th-(er) fore y rede -th-at lordes . -th-at riche
ben in er-th-e [aaAx]
V: 8,165 ffor-_th_i I (rede) _g_ow (Renkes) . _th_at (Riche)
ben on eor_th_e [aaAx]
J: 8,165 -Th-(er) for I rede -gh-ow lordes . -th-(a)t riche
bene on erthe [aaAx]
K: 8,165 ffor why I rede you renkes . that riche ben on erthe
W: 8,165 ffor-th-i I rede -gh-ow -th-inke-th- . -th-at be-th-
in er-th-e [aaAx]
N: 8,165 Ther fore I red -gh-ow renkes . -th-(a)t ryche ben
on er-th-e [aaAx]
Z: 8,165 Therefore I rede -gh-ou lordis . -th-(a)t riche
ben on erthe
A: 8,165 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 8,165 ffo -th-ey I rede -y-e -th-inkyn . -th-at riche
ben on erthe [aaAx]
H3: 8,165 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,166 Vpon trist of [y]o(ur) treso(ur) trienal(is) to haue
H2: 8,166 Vpon trust of -gh-o(ur)e treso(ur) . tryenalis
to haue [aaAx]
Ch: 8,166 Vpon trust of -gh-oure tresour . triannalis to
haue [aaAx]
D: 8,166 Vpon trust of -gh-oure tresour . tryonals to haue
R: 8,166 Vpon trust of -gh-o(ur) tresour(e) . trienal(is)
to haue [aaAx]
U: 8,166 Vppon trust of -y-our tresour . t(ri)onales to haue
V: 8,166 Vppon (trust) of oure (tresour) . (Trienals) to
haue [aaAx]
J: 8,166 Vp trest of -gh-owre tresour(e) . t(ri)ennal(is)
to haue [aaAx]
K: 8,166 Vpon trust of yo(ur) tresure . trienalles to haue
W: 8,166 ffor no trust of -gh-our tresour . trienals to haue
N: 8,166 Vp trust of -gh-owr(e) tresore . trenales to haue
Z: 8,166 Vpon trust on -gh-oure treso(ur) . t(ri)onalis to
A: 8,166 Trostyth not vp -th-at tresor . trionalis to haue
M: 8,166 Vpyn trust of -y-our tresour . triennalis to hauen
H3: 8,166 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,167 Be [th](o)u neu(er)e [th]e bald(er)e to breke [th]e
ten hestis
H2: 8,167 Be thow neu(er) the bolder . to breke the ten hestes
Ch: 8,167 Be -gh-e neuer -th-e bolder . to breke -th-e ten
hestes [aaAx]
D: 8,167 Be -th-(o)u neu(er) -th-e balder(e) . to breke -th-e
ten hestys [aaAx]
R: 8,167 Be -th-(o)u neuer(e) -th-e bolder . to breke -th-e
x hest(is) [aaAx]
U: 8,167 Be -th-ou neu(er)e -th-e baldere . to breke -th-e
ten hestis [aaAx]
V: 8,167 (Beo) _g_e neuer _th_e (Baldore) . to (Breke) _th_e
ten hestes [aaAx]
J: 8,167 Be -gh-e neu(er) -th-e baldar . to breykyn -th-e
ten hestys [aaAx]
K: 8,167 Be ye neu(er) the boldar . to breke the tenne hestes
W: 8,167 Be -gh-e neu(er)e -th-e boldere . to breke -th-e
ten hestes [aaAx]
N: 8,167 Be -gh-e neuer -th-e bolder . to breke -th-e x hest(is)
Z: 8,167 Be -gh-e neu(er) -th-e balder . to breke -th-e ten
A: 8,167 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 8,167 Beth neuer(e) -th-e bolder . to brekyn -th-e x hestys
H3: 8,167 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,168 And nameliche [y]e maistris as meiris & iuggis
H2: 8,168 And namelich -gh-e maistris . as mairis and Iuges
Ch: 8,168 And namely -gh-e maistres . as maires and Iuges
D: 8,168 And namely -th-ese maystres . as meyres & Iugges
R: 8,168 And namly -gh-e maystr(is) . as meyr(is) and Iuges
U: 8,168 And namely -y-e maistres . -th-at men -th-(a)t Iugge-gh-
holden [aaAx]
V: 8,168 And (nomeliche), _g_e (Meires) . and _g_e (Maister)
Iuges [aaAx]
J: 8,168 And namelyche -gh-e maysters . meyris & Iugys
K: 8,168 And namelich ye masters . as mayers & Iuges
W: 8,168 And namelych -gh-e maystres . Iustices & maires
N: 8,168 And namely -gh-e maistres . maires & iugges
Z: 8,168 And namely -gh-e maystris . meyris & Iugis
A: 8,168 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 8,168 And nameliche -th-e maistris . meieris & Iugges
H3: 8,168 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,169 [Th](a)t han [th]e world at wille & wise men ben
H2: 8,169 That han the wolrd at wylle . and wyse men bien
holden [aaAx]
Ch: 8,169 -Th-at han -th-e world at wille . and wise men
be holde [aaAx]
D: 8,169 That haue -th-e world . & for wys me(n) ben
holden [aaAx]
R: 8,169 -th-ei haue -th-e wel-th-e of -th-is word . for
who so me(n) be yholde [aaAx]
U: 8,169 -Th-ei to haue welthe of -th-e world . wise me(n)
ben holde [aaAx]
V: 8,169 _Th_at han _th_e (wel_th_e) of _th_is (world) .
for (wyse) men ben holden [aaAx]
J: 8,169 -Th-(a)t haue -th-e welth of -th-e werld . & wyse
me(n) be(n) holdy(n) [aaAx]
K: 8,169 That han the welth of this worlde . & wise men
ben holden [aaAx]
W: 8,169 That haue -th-e wele of -th-is world . & wise
be-th- yholde [aaAx]
N: 8,169 -Th-(a)t ha(n) -th-e wel-th-e of -th-is worlde . & wyse
men ben holden [aaAx]
Z: 8,169 That haue -th-e welthe of -th-(i)s werd . for wise
me(n) be holden
A: 8,169 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 8,169 -Th-at han -th-e welthe of -th-ys world . -th-at
wise me(n) arn holdy(n) [aaAx]
H3: 8,169 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,170 --- this line om ---
H2: 8,170 --- this line is omitted ---
Ch: 8,170 --- this line is omitted ---
D: 8,170 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 8,170 to purchace p(ar)dou(n) . and -th-e popes bulles
U: 8,170 ffor to purchase p(ar)dou(n) . and -th-e popes bulles
V: 8,170 To (purchasen) (pardoun) . and _th_e (popes) Bulles
J: 8,170 ffor to p(ur)chasyn p(ar)dou(n) . & -th-e popys
bull(es) [aaAx]
K: 8,170 To p(ur)chace p(ar)done . & the popes bulles
W: 8,170 To purchace p(ar)don . & -th-e popes bulles
N: 8,170 To p(ur)chace p(ar)dou(n) . & -th-e popis bullys
Z: 8,170 fforto p(ur)chase p(ar)dou(n) . & -th-e popis
A: 8,170 To purchace p(ar)don . & -th-e popis billis
M: 8,170 To purchasyn p(ar)dou(n) . & -th-e popis bullis
H3: 8,170 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,171 At [th]e dredful dom day whanne [th]e dede shal arisen
H2: 8,171 At the dredful domeday . whan the dede schal arisen
Ch: 8,171 At -th-e dredful domesday . whan dede schul arise
D: 8,171 At dredful domesday . whan -th-e dede schal aryse
R: 8,171 At -th-e day of dome . whan dede shul arise [aaAx]
U: 8,171 At -th-e dredful day of dome . whan dede schuln
arise [aaAx]
V: 8,171 At _th_e (dredful) (day) of (dom) . _th_er (dede)
schullen a-rysen [aaaAx]
J: 8,171 At -th-e dredeful day of dome . qwan ded sully(n)
aryse [aaAx]
K: 8,171 At the dredful dome . whan deth schal arisen [aaAx]
W: 8,171 And at -th-e dredful dome . whan dedes be-th- Irekned
N: 8,171 At -th-e dredful wine . whan dead schal aryse [aaAx]
Z: 8,171 At -th-e dredful day of doom . wan dede schul arisyn
A: 8,171 At -th-e dredful dom . whan men schul ryse [aaAx]
M: 8,171 ffor at -th-e dredful doom . whan dede schul arise
H3: 8,171 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,172 And come before crist acountes to [y]elden
H2: 8,172 And come befor(e) c(ri)st . acou(n)tes to -gh-elde
Ch: 8,172 And come before crist . countes to -gh-elde [aaAx]
D: 8,172 And comyn tofore Cryst . acountys to -gh-elde [aaAx]
R: 8,172 and come alle byfore crist . acou(n)t(es) to -gh-elde
U: 8,172 & comyn alle byfore crist . acountes to -y-elden
V: 8,172 And (comen) alle bi-fore (crist) . and (a-Countes)
_g_elden [aaAx]
J: 8,172 And comy(n) alle tofor c(ri)ste . & cowntys
to -gh-elde [aaAx]
K: 8,172 And co(m)men al before criste . accomptes to yelde
W: 8,172 And al shal come before crist . and here acountes
-gh-elde [aaAx]
N: 8,172 And come for-th- afor crist . acomptis to -gh-elde
Z: 8,172 And comy(n) alle tofore crist . acou(n)tis to -gh-elde
A: 8,172 And comyn beforn crist . acountis to -gh-elde [aaAx]
M: 8,172 & komyn alle beforn crist . acounptis to -y-eldyn
H3: 8,172 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,173 How [th](o)u leddist [th]i lif here & his lawe
H2: 8,173 How thou leddist thi lif her(e) . and his lawe
keptist [aaAx]
Ch: 8,173 How -th-ow leddest -th-y lif here . and his lawe
keptest [aaAx]
D: 8,173 How -th-(o)u haddest -th-y lyf here . & his
lawe keptest [aaAx]
R: 8,173 how -th-(o)u ledest -th-i lyf her(e) . and h(i)s
lawe keptest [aaAx]
U: 8,173 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 8,173 How _th_ou (laddest) _th_i (lyf) . and his (lawe)
keptest [aaAx]
J: 8,173 How -th-(o)u laddyst -th-i lyf . & -th-in lawe
keptist [aaAx]
K: 8,173 Hou thou laddest thy life here . & the lawe
keptest [aaAx]
W: 8,173 Howe we led han oure lyf . and his lawe kept [aaAx]
N: 8,173 How -th-(o)u leddest -th-i lyf . & the lawe
keptest [aaAx]
Z: 8,173 How -th-(o)u laddist -th-i lif . and his lawis keptest
A: 8,173 How -th-u leddis -th-i lyue here . & how his
lawis kepist [aaAx]
M: 8,173 How -th-u leddist -th-in lif . & his lawe keptist
H3: 8,173 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,174 What [th](o)u dedist day [th]e dom wile reherce
H2: 8,174 That thow dedist day be day . the doom wyle reherse
Ch: 8,174 What -th-ow dedist day be day . -th-e dome wol
Reherse [aaaAx]
D: 8,174 What -th-(o)u dedest day be day . -th-e dom wil
rehersen [aaaAx]
R: 8,174 What -th-(o)u dedust day by day . -th-e dou(m) wil
reherse [aaaAx]
U: 8,174 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 8,174 What _th_ou (dudest) (day) bi (day) . _th_e (Doom)
_th_e wol rehersen [aaaAx]
J: 8,174 Qwat -th-(o)u dost day be day . -th-e dome wil reherse
K: 8,174 What thou dyddist day by day . the dome woll reherce
W: 8,174 What we haue done day be day . -th-e dome wil reherse
N: 8,174 What -th-(o)u didest day by day . -th-e dome wil
reherse [aaaAx]
Z: 8,174 qwat -th-(o)u dost day be day . -th-e doom wil reherse
A: 8,174 And how -th-u dost day be day . -th-i dom it wil
reherce [aaaAx]
M: 8,174 & how dedist day be day . -th-e doom schal rehercyn
H3: 8,174 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,175 A pokeful of p(ar)dou(n) [th](er)e ne [th]e p(ro)uincial(is)
H2: 8,175 A pokeful of p(ar)dou(n) ther(e) . ne the p(ro)ui(n)ciales
l(ett)res [aaAx]
Ch: 8,175 A pokeful of pardoun -th-er . ne -th-e prouincial
letters [aaAx]
D: 8,175 A pokeful of p(ar)dou(n) -th-ere . ne -th-e p(ro)uincials
lettres [aaAx]
R: 8,175 A pokeful of p(ar)dou(n) -th-er(e) . ne p(ro)uinciales
letter(es) [aaAx]
U: 8,175 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 8,175 A (powhe) ful of (pardoun) _th_er . with (Prouincials)
lettres [aaAx]
J: 8,175 A pokeful of p(ar)dou(n) -th-(er) . ne p(ro)uincial
lett(er)ys [aaAx]
K: 8,175 A pokefull of p(ar)dons ther . ne p(ro)uynciall
letters [aaAx]
W: 8,175 A pokeful of pardon -th-anne . ne prouincial lettre
N: 8,175 A pokeful of p(ar)dou(n) . & p(ro)ui(n)ciales
l(ett)res [aaAx]
Z: 8,175 Of a pokeful of p(ar)dou(n) . ne no p(ro)uincialis
A: 8,175 A pound ful of p(ar)don -th-ore . ne no prouincialis
selis [aaAx]
M: 8,175 A buysschelful of p(ar)dou(n) . ne prouyncialis
lettris [aaAx]
H3: 8,175 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,176 [Th]ei[gh] [th]ou be founde in [th]e frat(er)nite
among [th]e foure ordris
H2: 8,176 Thei thou be fou(n)de in the frat(er)nite . among
the four(e) ordres [aaAx]
Ch: 8,176 -th-ei -th-ow be found In -th-e fraternite . among
-th-e foure ord[ris] [aaAx]
D: 8,176 -Th-ou-gh- -th-u be founde in -th-e fruyte . of
-th-e foure ordres [aaAx]
R: 8,176 -th-ou-gh- -th-(o)u be fou(n)de in -th-e frat(er)nite
. of alle -th-e iiij orderes [aaAx]
U: 8,176 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 8,176 _Th_auh _th_ou be (founden) in (ffraternite) . a-mong
_th_e (foure) Ordres [aaAx]
J: 8,176 -Th-ei -th-(o)u be fownden in -th-e frat(er)nite
. among -th-e four(e) orders [aaAx]
K: 8,176 Though thou be founde in the ffrat(er)nite . among
the iiijer orders [aaAx]
W: 8,176 Thogh -th-ow be of fraternite . of al foure ordres
N: 8,176 Thei -th-(o)u be fownden i(n) frat(er)nite . amo(n)ge
-th-e four(e) ordres [aaAx]
Z: 8,176 Thow -th-(o)u be fondyn i(n) fraternite . among
-th-e foure ordres
A: 8,176 And -th-ow -th-u be in -th-e fraternite . in alle
foure orderis [aaAx]
M: 8,176 -th-ey -th-ou be a bre-th-yr . of alle iiij ordres
H3: 8,176 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,177 And haue indulgence doublefold but dowel [th]e helpe
H2: 8,177 And haue indulgence duble fold . but do[wel] the
helpe [aaAx]
Ch: 8,177 And haue Indulgense dubbel folde . bot dowel -th-e
helpe [aaAx]
D: 8,177 And indulgence duble fold . but dowel -gh-ow helpe
R: 8,177 And haue indulge(n)ce duble fold . but dowel -gh-ou
helpe [aaAx]
U: 8,177 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 8,177 And habbe (Indulgence) (I-doubled) . bote (Dowel)
_th_e helpe [aaAx]
J: 8,177 And haue indulgence dobel folde . but dowele -gh-ow
help [aaAx]
K: 8,177 And haue Indulgence dobil fold . but dowell the
helpyn [aaAx]
W: 8,177 Ne no man(er) indulgence . but dowel -th-e helpe
N: 8,177 & haue indulgences dowble folde . but dowel
-gh-ow help [aaAx]
Z: 8,177 And haue indulgence dobblefold . but dowel helpe
A: 8,177 And haue indulgence dubbilfold . but dowel -th-e
helpe [aaAx]
M: 8,177 And Idulgences doubble foold . but dowel -y-ou helpe
H3: 8,177 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,178 I ne wolde [y]iue for [th]i patent on pye hele
H2: 8,178 I ne wolde -gh-yue for thi patent . oon pye hele
Ch: 8,178 I nold -gh-eue for -th-i patente on pi-gh-e hele
D: 8,178 I nolde -gh-eue for -th-e patent of -th-y p(ar)dou(n)
one pye hele [????]
R: 8,178 I nolde -gh-yue for -th-e pate(n)t of -th-i p(ar)dou(n)
o fleis hele [????]
U: 8,178 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 8,178 I nolde _g_eue for _th_i (pardoun) . one (pye) hele
J: 8,178 I nold -gh-if for -gh-oure p(ar)dou(n) o pye hele
K: 8,178 I nold yeve for the patent(es) of thy p(ar)done
one pye hele [????]
W: 8,178 I nold -gh-ef for -th-i patent o pie hele [????]
N: 8,178 I nolde gyue for -gh-our(e) p(ar)dou(n) one pies
hele [????]
Z: 8,178 I nolde -gh-if for -gh-oure p(ar)dou(n) . o pies
A: 8,178 I nold -gh-if for -th-i patentis of p(ar)don a pece
hole [????]
M: 8,178 I nolde -gh-euy(n) for -y-our(e) patentis on pies
hele [????]
H3: 8,178 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,179 ffor<[th]i> I counseil alle cristene cri[gh]e
god m(er)cy
H2: 8,179 fforthi y consel alle cristene . crie god m(er)cy
Ch: 8,179 ffor-th-i I conseile al cristein . crye god mercy
D: 8,179 ffor -th-ey I counceile al cristene . to cry god
m(er)cy [aaAx]
R: 8,179 for-th-i I co(n)ceyle alle criste(n) . to crie god
mercy [aaAx]
U: 8,179 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 8,179 ffor_th_i I (counseile) alle (cristene) . to (crie)
(crist) merci [aaAa]
J: 8,179 -Th-(er)for I cou(n)cel al c(ri)sten . to crien
god m(er)cy [aaAx]
K: 8,179 ffor why I counceile alle c(ri)sten . to crye criste
m(er)cye [aaAx]
W: 8,179 ffor-th-i I consail to crist . we are al mercy [aaAx]
N: 8,179 Therfore I conseille al cristene . to crye god m(er)cye
Z: 8,179 -Th-(er)rfor I cou(n)sel al cristin . to crien god
A: 8,179 Therfore I rede alle cristen men . to crye god mercy
M: 8,179 ffor-th-y I counseil alle cristene . to crien god
m(er)cy [aaAx]
H3: 8,179 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,180 And marie his modir to be mene betwene
H2: 8,180 And marie his mod(ir) . to be mene betwene [aaAx]
Ch: 8,180 And marie his moder . to be mene betwene [aaAx]
D: 8,180 And mary his modir . be mene betwene [aaAx]
R: 8,180 and marie his moder . to be(n) mene betwy(n)ne [aaAx]
U: 8,180 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 8,180 And (Marie) his (Moder) . to beo (mene) bi-twene
J: 8,180 And mary his moder . be mene betwene [aaAx]
K: 8,180 And mary his mother . to be meane betwene [aaAx]
W: 8,180 And to marie his modre . be mene betwene [aaAx]
N: 8,180 And marye his modre . to be mene bytwene [aaAx]
Z: 8,180 And mary his moder . be mene betwene
A: 8,180 And mary his modir . to ben mene betwene [aaAx]
M: 8,180 And marie his modir . to ben mene betwene [aaAx]
H3: 8,180 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,181 [Th]at god [y]iue vs g(ra)ce er we go hennis
H2: 8,181 That god -gh-eue vs grace . or we go hennes [aaaAx]
Ch: 8,181 -Th-at god -gh-eue vs grace . or we go hennes [aaaAx]
D: 8,181 That god -gh-eue vs grace . here or we go hennes
R: 8,181 That god -gh-if vs grace . her er we gon hennys
U: 8,181 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 8,181 _Th_at (God) (_g_iue) vs (grace) . er we (gon) hennes
J: 8,181 -Th-at god -gh-if vs g(ra)ce . here or we gon hennys
K: 8,181 That god geve vs grace . here or we gone hennes
W: 8,181 That god -gh-ef vs such grace . er we passe hens
N: 8,181 -Th-(a)t god gif vs g(ra)ce . here or we go hennes
Z: 8,181 -Th-(a)t god -gh-if vs g(ra)ce . or we gon hennys
A: 8,181 That god of his grace here . or we goon henis [aaaAx]
M: 8,181 -Th-at god graunte vs g(ra)ce . er we gon hennys
H3: 8,181 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,182 Suche werkis to werche whiles we ben here
H2: 8,182 Such werkes to werche . while we bien here [aaAx]
Ch: 8,182 Such workes to wirche . while we be here [aaAx]
D: 8,182 Suche wurkes to worche . while we be-th- here [aaAx]
R: 8,182 [S]uche werk(is) to worche . while we ben here [aaAx]
U: 8,182 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 8,182 Such (werkes) to (worche) . while _th_at (we) ben
here [aaAx]
J: 8,182 Swyche werkys to wyrchin . qwylis we bene her(e)
K: 8,182 Such work(es) to worche . whiles we bene here [aaAx]
W: 8,182 Suche workes to worche . wyle we be here [aaAx]
N: 8,182 To do so -th-at Dowel reherse it att Dome
Z: 8,182 Swech werkys to werke . wil we ben here
A: 8,182 Sweche werkis to werche . whil we ben here [aaAx]
M: 8,182 Swichiche werkis to werkyn . whil -th-(a)t we ben
her(e) [aaAx]
H3: 8,182 --- this line is missing ---
N: 8,182 --- this line om ---
T: 8,183 [Th]at aftir oure de[th] day dowel reherse
H2: 8,183 That aftir our(e) deth day . dowel reherse [aaAx]
Ch: 8,183 -Th-at after oure de-th- day . dowel Reherse [aaAx]
D: 8,183 That aft(ir) oure de-th- day . dowel reherse [aaAx]
R: 8,183 -Th-at aft(er) our(e) de-th- day . dowel reherse
U: 8,183 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 8,183 _Th_at aftur vr (de_th_) (day) . (Dowel) reherce
J: 8,183 -Th-(a)t aft(er) our(e) deth day . dowele wyl reherce
K: 8,183 That after our deth day . dowell reherse [aaAx]
W: 8,183 That aftre oure deth day . dowel reherse [aaAx]
N: 8,183 --- this line om ---
Z: 8,183 And after oure deth day . dowel reh(er)se
A: 8,183 That aftir oure ded day . dowel may reherce [aaAx]
M: 8,183 -Th-at reith at our(e) deth day . dowel reherche
H3: 8,183 --- this line is missing ---
T: 8,184 [Th](a)t at [th]e day of dome we dede as he hi[gh]te
H2: 8,184 That at the day of dome . we dede as he hi-gh-te
Ch: 8,184 -Th-at at -th-e day of dome . we ded as he hi-gh-t
D: 8,184 That at -th-e day of dome . we dede as we ou-gh-te
R: 8,184 [-Th-]at at -th-e day of dome . we dude as we au-gh-the
Amen [aaAx]
U: 8,184 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 8,184 _Th_at atte (day) of (dom) . we (duden) as he us
hi_g_te [aaAx]
J: 8,184 -Th-at we wrowtyn wysely as he vs bad & tawte
Amen [aaAx]
K: 8,184 At the day of dome . that we dyde as we avghten
W: 8,184 That at the dredful dome . we dide as he hight [aaAx]
N: 8,184 --- this line om ---
Z: 8,184 At -th-e doom -th-(a)t we deden . al as he vs bad & tawthe
A: 8,184 At -th-e day of dom . w(i)t(h) crist for to wone
M: 8,184 Atte dredful day at doom . we dedyn a[s] he higthe
Z: 8,185 And -th-(a)t it so mote be . to god p(re)ye we all(e)
Z: 8,186 To vs & all(e) cristin . god leue it so beffall(e)
T: 9,1 Thus yrobid in rosset I rombide aboute
H2: 9,1 Thus yrobit in russet . I rome aboute [aaAx]
Ch: 9,1 Thus IRobed In Russette . I Romed aboute [aaAx]
D: 9,1 Thus Irobed in russet . I romed aboute [aaAx]
R: 9,1 Thus yrobed in russet . I romed aboute [aaAx]
U: 9,1 -Th-us yrobid in russet . y romyd al aboute [aaAx]
V: 9,1 us (I-Robed) in (Russet) . (Romed) I a-boute [aaAx]
J: 9,1 Thus Irobid in russet . I romyd abowtyn [aaAx]
K: 9,1 Thus Irobyd in rosett . I romed aboute [aaAx]
W: 9,1 Thus Irobed in russet . rowed aboute [aaAx]
N: 9,1 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,1 Thus Irobid in russet . I romyd abowte [aaAx]
M: 9,1 Thus Roberd in Rosset . I Romyd abowtyn [aaAx]
H3: 9,1 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,2 Al a somer sesoun for to seke dowel
H2: 9,2 Al a som(er) ceson . for to seke dowel [aaAx]
Ch: 9,2 Alle a somer sesoun . for to seke dowel [aaAx]
D: 9,2 Al a som(er) sesou(n) . for to seke dowel [aaAx]
R: 9,2 al a somer sesou(n) . for to seche dowel [aaAx]
U: 9,2 Al a som(er) sesou(n) . for to seke dowel [aaAx]
V: 9,2 Al a (somer) (sesoun) . ffor to (seche) Dowel [aaAx]
J: 9,2 Al a som(er) sesyn . for to sekyn dowele [aaAx]
K: 9,2 Al a som(er) season . for to seke dowell [aaAx]
W: 9,2 Al a somer seson . to seke sire dowell [aaAx]
N: 9,2 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,2 A a somer sesun . for to seke dowel [aaAx]
M: 9,2 Al a somer seson . dowel to sechyn [aaAx]
H3: 9,2 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,3 And fraynide ful ofte of folk [th](a)t I mette
H2: 9,3 And fraynede ful ofte . of folk that I mete [aaAx]
Ch: 9,3 And frayned ful ofte . at folk -th-at I mette [aaAx]
D: 9,3 And frayned ful ofte . of folk -th-(a)t I mette [aaAx]
R: 9,3 And I frayned wel ofte . of folk -th-(a)t I mette
U: 9,3 And y frayned wel ofte . of folk -th-at y mette [aaAx]
V: 9,3 And askede ful ofte . of Men _th_at I mette [axAx]
J: 9,3 And fraynyd ful oftyn . of folk -th-(a)t I mette [aaAx]
K: 9,3 And frayned ful faste . of folke that I mette [aaAx]
W: 9,3 And frayned ful oft . of folk -th-at I mette [aaAx]
N: 9,3 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,3 I freyned ful ofte . of folk -th-at I mette [aaAx]
M: 9,3 I freinid fele men . of folk -th-at I mette [aaAx]
H3: 9,3 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,4 [Y]if any wi[gh]t wiste where dowel was at Inne
H2: 9,4 -Gh-if any wy-gh-t wyste . wher(e) dowel was at Inne
Ch: 9,4 -Gh-if any wi-gh-t wist . wher dowel was at Inne
D: 9,4 yf ony wy-gh-th wyste . wher dowel was at Inne [aaAx]
R: 9,4 -Gh-if ony wiste where . dowel was at inne [aaAx]
U: 9,4 -Y-if eny wight wiste . where dowel was at ynne [aaAx]
V: 9,4 --- this line om --
J: 9,4 -Gh-if ony man wist . qwer(e) he was at Inne [aaAx]
K: 9,4 if any wight wiste . wher dowell was at Inne [aaAx]
W: 9,4 -Gh-if any wight wist . where dowel was at inne [aaAx]
N: 9,4 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,4 -Gh-if ony wiste . where dowel was at Inne [aaAx]
M: 9,4 -Y-if any with wiste . wher dowel was at inne [aaAx]
H3: 9,4 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,5 And what man he mi[gh]te be of many man I askide
H2: 9,5 And what man he my-gh-t be . of many man I askid
Ch: 9,5 And what man he my-gh-t be . of many men I asked
D: 9,5 And what man he my-gh-te be . of many ma(n) I asked
R: 9,5 And what ma(n) he my-gh-the be . of meny ma(n) I frayned
U: 9,5 And what man it mighte be . of many man y frayned
V: 9,5 --- this line om --
J: 9,5 And qwat he myht ben . of many ma(n) I askyd [aaAx]
K: 9,5 And what man he might be . of many men I asked [aaAx]
W: 9,5 And what man it myght be . of many man I asked [aaAx]
N: 9,5 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,5 And what man he myght be . -gh-if ony man askyd [aaAx]
M: 9,5 And what man he migthe be . of manye me(n) I askede
H3: 9,5 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,6 Was neu(er)e wi[gh]t as I wene [th](a)t me wisse cou[th]e
H2: 9,6 Was neu(er) wy-gh-t as I wene . that me wisse couthe
Ch: 9,6 Was neuer wi-gh-t as I wene . -th-at me wisse cow-th-e
D: 9,6 Was neu(er) wi-gh-t as I wene . -th-at me wysse coude
R: 9,6 Was -th-er neu(er)e wy-gh-th as I wene . -th-(a)t
me wisse cowde [aaAx]
U: 9,6 Was neu(er)e wight as I wene . -th-at me wisse coude
V: 9,6 Was neuer (wiht) as I (wente) . _th_at me (wisse)
cou_th_e [aaAx]
J: 9,6 Was neu(er) man as I went . -th-(a)t me wissyn cowthe
K: 9,6 Was neu(er) wight as I went . that me wisse coulde
W: 9,6 Was neuere wight as I went . -th-at me wisse cou-th-e
N: 9,6 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,6 Was neuyr wyte as I wente . -th-at me wysse cowde
M: 9,6 Was neu(er)e man as I wente . -th-at wisse me cowde
H3: 9,6 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,7 Where [th]is lede lengide [th]e lesse ne [th]e more
H2: 9,7 Where this lede lengede . the lesse ne -th-e mor(e)
Ch: 9,7 Wher -th-is lede lenged . -th-e lesse and -th-e more
D: 9,7 Where -th-is ladde logged . lasse ne more [aaAx]
R: 9,7 Wher -th-(i)s lode longe-th- . lasse ne more [aaAx]
U: 9,7 Where -th-is lede lengith . lesse ne more [aaAx]
V: 9,7 Wher _th_is (ladde) (loggede) . (Lasse) ne more [aaAx]
J: 9,7 Qwere -th-is lede lenged . lesse no more [aaAx]
K: 9,7 Wher this lede lenged . lesse ne more [aaAx]
W: 9,7 Where -th-is lede logged . lesse ne more [aaAx]
N: 9,7 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,7 Where -that lede loggede . lesse no-th-er more [aaAx]
M: 9,7 Wher -th-at dowel duellit . lasse ne mor(e) [aaAx]
H3: 9,7 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,8 Til it befel on a ffriday two ffreris I mette
H2: 9,8 Tyl it befil on a friday . two freris I mette [aaAx]
Ch: 9,8 Tille hit befel on a friday . twey freres I mette
D: 9,8 Tyl it befel on a fryday . two ffreres I mette [aaAx]
R: 9,8 til hit fel on a fryday . two frer(is) I mette [aaAx]
U: 9,8 Til it byfel on a friday . two freris y mette [aaAx]
V: 9,8 Til hit (fel) on a (ffriday) . twei (ffreres) I mette
J: 9,8 Til it fel on a friday . two freris I mette [aaAx]
K: 9,8 Til it befell me on a friday . two friers I mette
W: 9,8 Til it befil on a friday . two freres I mette [aaAx]
N: 9,8 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,8 Til it fel vpon a fryday . to freris I mette [aaAx]
M: 9,8 Til it was on a fryday . ij freris I mete [aaAx]
H3: 9,8 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,9 Maistris of [th]e meno(ur)s men of gret wyt
H2: 9,9 Maistres of the meno(ur)s . men of grete witte [aaAx]
Ch: 9,9 Maistres of -th-e menoures . men of gret witte [aaAx]
D: 9,9 Maystres of -th-e menours . me(n) of gret witte [aaAx]
R: 9,9 Mayster(is) of -th-e menour(es) . me(n) of gret wyt
U: 9,9 Maistres of -th-e meno(ur)s . men of grete witte [aaAx]
V: 9,9 (Maistres) of _th_e (Menours) . (Men) of grete wittes
J: 9,9 Mayst(er)ys of -th-e menowrys . men of grete witte
K: 9,9 Masters of the menoures . men of grett witte [aaAx]
W: 9,9 Maystres of -th-e menours . men of gret wytte [aaAx]
N: 9,9 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,9 Maystris of -th-e menouris . men of gret witte [aaAx]
M: 9,9 Maistris of -th-e menours . men of gret wit [aaAx]
H3: 9,9 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,10 I hailside hem hendely as I hadde ylernid
H2: 9,10 I halside hem hendely . as I hadde Ilernyd [aaAx]
Ch: 9,10 I halsed hem hendely . as I had lerned [aaAx]
D: 9,10 I haylsed hem hendely . as I had serued [aaAx]
R: 9,10 and haylsed hem hendely . as I hadde lerned [aaAx]
U: 9,10 and y hailsed hem hendyly . as y hadde lernyd [aaAx]
V: 9,10 Ich (heilede) hem (hendeli) . as Ich (hedde) I-leorned
J: 9,10 I haylsed hem hendely . as I had lernyd [aaAx]
K: 9,10 I halsed hem hendely . as I had lerned [aaAx]
W: 9,10 I halsed hendely . as I hadde lerned [aaAx]
N: 9,10 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,10 I heylid hem hendely . as I had lernyd [aaAx]
M: 9,10 I grette hem wol hendely . as I hadde lernyd [aaAx]
H3: 9,10 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,11 And pr(ei)[gh]ede hem {p(ur) charite} er [th]ei passide
H2: 9,11 And p(re)yde hem p(ur) charite . er thei passid
ferther [aaAx]
Ch: 9,11 And praied hem pur charite . or -th-ei passed for-th-er
D: 9,11 And prayed for Charyte . or -th-ey passed for-th-(er)
R: 9,11 and prayde he(m) for cherite . er -th-ei passed fer-th-er
U: 9,11 And p(re)yed hem for charite . er -th-ei passide
fer-th-(er)e [aaAx]
V: 9,11 And (preiede) hem, (par) Charite . er _th_ei furre
(passede) [aaAx]
J: 9,11 And p(ra)y-gh-id hem p(ar) charite . er -th-ey passed
ferther(e) [aaAx]
K: 9,11 And p(ra)yyd them p(ur) charite . or I passed farder
W: 9,11 And prayed pur charite . er -th-ei passed fer-th-ere
N: 9,11 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,11 And preyd hem besili . or -th-ei went fer-th-ere
M: 9,11 & preyde for hem pur charite . er -th-ey passede
fer-th-er(e) [aaAx]
H3: 9,11 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,12 [Y]if [th]ei knewen any cuntre or costis aboute
H2: 9,12 -Gh-if thei knewen ony contre . or costis aboute
Ch: 9,12 -Gh-ef -th-ei knew any contrey . or costes aboute
D: 9,12 If -th-ey knew eny cuntre . or costes aboute [aaAx]
R: 9,12 -Gh-if -th-ey knewe ony cou(n)tre . or cost(is) aboute
U: 9,12 -Y-if -th-ei knewe ony cuntre . o-th-(er) costes
aboute [aaAx]
V: 9,12 _Y_if _th_ei (knewe) (Cuntre) . or (Coostes) a-boute
J: 9,12 -Gh-if -th-ei knewyn ony cost or cuntre abowtyn [aaAx]
K: 9,12 Yef any knewe any countrey . or cost(is) aboute [aaAx]
W: 9,12 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 9,12 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,12 -Gh-if -th-ai knewyn ony contre . or coustis aboute
M: 9,12 -Y-if -th-ey knew ony cuntr(e) . or costis aboute
H3: 9,12 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,13 Where [th](a)t dowel dwellide do me to wisse
H2: 9,13 Where that dowel dwellid . do me to wysse [aaAx]
Ch: 9,13 Wher -th-at dowel dwelled . do me to wisse [aaAx]
D: 9,13 Where -th-(a)t dowel dwelle-th- . do me to wysse
R: 9,13 Wher -th-at dowel duelly-th- . do-th- me to wisse
U: 9,13 Where dowel duellith . do me to wisse [aaAx]
V: 9,13 Wher _th_at (Dowel) (dwelle_th_) . (do) me to wisse
J: 9,13 Qwer -th-(a)t dowele dwellyth . doth me to wysse
K: 9,13 Wher that dowell dwellith . do me to wysse [aaAx]
W: 9,13 Wher -th-at dowel dwelle-th- . do me to witte [aaAx]
N: 9,13 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,13 Where -th-at dowel dwellid . do me to wysse [aaAx]
M: 9,13 Wher -th-at dowel duellit . do me to wisse [aaAx]
H3: 9,13 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,14 Marie q(ua)[th] [th]e maistris among vs he dwelli[th]
H2: 9,14 Mari quod the maistres . among vs he dwellith [aaAx]
Ch: 9,14 Marie q(uo)d -th-e maistres . amongs vs he duelle-th-
D: 9,14 Mary q(ou)d -th-e Maistres . among vs he dwelle-th-
R: 9,14 Marie q(uo)d -th-o maystr(is) . at hom w(i)t(h) vs
he duelle-th- [aaAx]
U: 9,14 Marie q(uo)d -th-ese maistr(i)s . at hom wi-th- vs
he duellith [aaAx]
V: 9,14 (Mari) quod a (Menour) . (A-mong) vs he dwelle_th_
J: 9,14 Mari q(uo)d -th-e meno(ur)ys . among vs he dwellyth
K: 9,14 Marye q(uo)d the meno(ur)s . amonge vs he dwellith
W: 9,14 Mary q(uo)d -th-e menour . among vs he dwelle-th-
N: 9,14 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,14 Mary quot -th-e menouris . among vs he dwellith [aaAx]
M: 9,14 Be marie q(uo)d -th-e meno(ur) . among vs he duellit
H3: 9,14 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,15 And eu(er)e ha[th] I hope & eu(er)e shal hereaftir
H2: 9,15 And eu(er) hat-gh- I hope . and eu(er) scha[l] hereaftir
Ch: 9,15 And euer ha-th- I hope . and euer schal herafter
D: 9,15 And eu(er) ha-th- I hope . & eu(er) schal hereaft(ir)
R: 9,15 and euer(e) ha-th- as I hope . and eu(er)e shal her(e)after
U: 9,15 And eu(er)e ha-th- as y hope . and eu(er)e schal
hereaftir [aaAa]
V: 9,15 And (euer) ha_th_, as Ich (hope) . and (euer) schal
(her-after)" [aaAa]
J: 9,15 And eu(er)e hath as I howpe . & eu(er)e schal
herafter(e) [aaAa]
K: 9,15 And eu(er) hath as I hope . & eu(er) schal hereafter
W: 9,15 And eu(er)e hath as I hope . and euere shal aftr(e)
N: 9,15 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,15 Euyr hath as I hope . & euyr schal hereaftir
M: 9,15 And euer(e) hat a[s] I hope . & euer(e) schal
aftir [aaAa]
H3: 9,15 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,16 {Contra} q(ua)[th] I as a clerk & comside to dispute
T: 9,16 { Sepcies in die cadit iustus }
H2: 9,16 { Contra } q(uo)d I a clerk . and comside to dispute
Ch: 9,16 { Contra } q(uo)d I as a clerk . and comsid to dispute
D: 9,16 { Contra } q(ou)d I as a clerk . & comsede to
desputen [aaAx]
R: 9,16 { Contra } q(uo)d I as a clerk . and gan to disputen
U: 9,16 { Cont(ra) } q(uo)d I as a clerk . & comsyde
to disputen [aaAx]
V: 9,16 { (Contra) } quod I as a (Clerk) . and (comsede)
to dispuite, [aaAx]
J: 9,16 { Cont(ra) } q(uo)d I as a clerk . & wold disputyn
{Sepcies in die cadit iustus } [aaAx]
K: 9,16 { Cont(ra) } q(uo)d I as a clerk . & comsed to
despute [aaAx]
W: 9,16 { Contra } q(uo)d I as a clek . and comsed to spute
N: 9,16 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,16 { Contra } quot I as a clerk . I gan to dysputyn
M: 9,16 { Cont(ra) } q(uo)d I -th-o . & began to dispute
{ sepcies i(n) die cadit iustus } [aaAx]
H3: 9,16 --- this line is missing ---
H2: 9,16a { Sepcies in die cadit iustus } [Latin]
Ch: 9,16a {Sepcies In die cadit Iustus } [Latin]
D: 9,16a {Sepcies in die cadit iustus &c } [Latin]
R: 9,16a {Sepcies in die cadet iustus &c } [Latin]
U: 9,16a {Sepcies in die cadit iustus } [Latin]
J: 9,16a --- this line om ---
K: 9,16a { Sepcies in die cadit iustus &c } [Latin]
W: 9,16a {Sepcies in die cadit Iustus } [Latin]
N: 9,16a --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,16a {Sepcies in die cadit iustus } [Latin]
M: 9,16a --- this line om ---
H3: 9,16a --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,17 Seue si[th]es sei[th] [th]e bok falli[th] [th]e ri[gh]tful
H2: 9,17 Seuene sithes sei-gh-t the bok . fallith the rythtful
Ch: 9,17 Seuen si-th-es sei-th- -th-e boke . falle-th- -th-e
Ri-gh-twisse [aaAx]
D: 9,17 Seuene si-th-e say-th- -th-e book . falle-th- -th-e
ri-gh-tfull [aaAx]
R: 9,17 Seuene sythes on -th-e day sey-th- -th-e book . falle-th-
-th-e rytful [aaAx]
U: 9,17 Seuen sithes on -th-e day sei-th- -th-e boke . fallith
-th-e rightful [aaAx]
V: 9,17 (Seue) (si_th_es) a day, (sei_th_) _th_e Bok . (sunge_th_)
_th_e rihtful mon [aaaAx]
J: 9,17 Seuen sythis on -th-e day . syngnyt -th-e ritful
K: 9,17 Sevyn sithis a day saith the boke . synnyth the Rightfull
W: 9,17 Seuene si-th-e on -th-e day sai-th- -th-e book .
synne-th- -th-e rightfull [aaAx]
N: 9,17 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,17 Seuene sythis on -th-e day . synnyth -th-e ryghtful
M: 9,17 Seuene tyme on -th-e day . sennyth -th-e ritful [aaAx]
H3: 9,17 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,18 Ac whoso synne[th] I sei[gh]e sertis me [th]inki[th]
H2: 9,18 Ac whoso synneth I sei-gh-e . c(er)tis me thynketh
Ch: 9,18 Bot whoso synne-th- I saie . sertis me -th-inke-th-
D: 9,18 and whoso synne-th- y say . sertes me -th-inke-th-
R: 9,18 and whoso synnes he sayde . cert(is) me thinkes [aaAx]
U: 9,18 & whoso synne-th- he sei-th- . certes me -th-inkith
V: 9,18 And hose (sunge_th_)," I (seide) . "(certes),
as me _th_inke_th_ [aaAx]
J: 9,18 & ho -th-(a)t singnyt I say . I wot he doth ille
K: 9,18 And whoso synnyth I said . certes as me thynkith
W: 9,18 And whoso synne-th- I sayde . certes as me -th-inke-th-
N: 9,18 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,18 And hoso synnyth as I say . sertis me thynkith [aaAx]
M: 9,18 Whoso sennyt I say . certis as me -th-inkyt [aaAx]
H3: 9,18 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,19 Dowel & doeuele mowe not dwelle togid(er)e
H2: 9,19 Dowel and do yuel . mowe not dwelle togider [aaAx]
Ch: 9,19 Dowel and do euel . may nou-gh-t duelle togeder
D: 9,19 That dowel & do euel . mow not dwelle togideres
R: 9,19 -Th-at dowel and do euel . mow not duelle togeder(es)
U: 9,19 -Th-(a)t dowel and do yuele . mowe not duelle togidres
V: 9,19 _Th_at (Dowel) and (do) vuele . mowe not (dwelle)
togedere [aaAx]
J: 9,19 Certys me thinkyth dowel & do Iuel . mow not
stondyn togyder(e) [aaAx]
K: 9,19 That dowell & do Evill . may not dwelle togiders
W: 9,19 That dowel and doe euel . may not dwel togedere-gh-
N: 9,19 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,19 That dowel & do euele . mow not stond togederis
M: 9,19 -Th-at dowel & I nylle . ne duellit not togeder(e)
H3: 9,19 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,20 {Ergo} he nis not alwey at hom among [y]ow ffreris
H2: 9,20 { Ergo } he nys nou-gh-t alwey at hom among -gh-ow
freres [????]
Ch: 9,20 { Ergo } he is nou-gh-t alway at home among -gh-ow
freres [????]
D: 9,20 { Ergo } he nys nou-gh-t alwey at home amo(n)g -gh-ou
freres [????]
R: 9,20 { Ergo } he is nowt alway at hom among -gh-ou frer(is)
U: 9,20 { Ergo } he is not alwey among -y-ou freris [????]
V: 9,20 { (Ergo) }, he nis not (alwey) . a tom among ow ffreres
J: 9,20 { (Er)go } he is not alwey at home among -gh-ow freris
K: 9,20 { Ergo } he is not alwey at home with yow freres
W: 9,20 { Ergo } he is not alwey . among -gh-ou freres [????]
N: 9,20 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,20 { Ergo } he is not at hom alwey among -gh-ou freris
M: 9,20 { Ego } he nys nouth at hoom alwey among -y-ou fr(er)ys
H3: 9,20 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,21 He is o[th](er)while elliswhere to wisse [th]e peple
H2: 9,21 He is otherwhyle ellis wher(e) . to wisse the peple
Ch: 9,21 He is o-th-erwhile elles wher . to wisse the peple
D: 9,21 He is o-th-(er)while ellys wher . to wysse -th-e
peple [aaAx]
R: 9,21 He is o-th-(er)while ell(is) wher . to wissen -th-e
peple [aaAx]
U: 9,21 He is som tyme elles whare . to wisse -th-e peple
V: 9,21 He is or (while) (elles-wher) . to (wisse) _th_e
peple [aaAx]
J: 9,21 He is o-th-(er)qwyle ellis qwer(e) . to wyssyn -th-e
peple [aaAx]
K: 9,21 He is otherwhile els where . to wisse the people
W: 9,21 He is o-th-erwhile elles where . to wisse -th-e peple
N: 9,21 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,21 He is ellis o-th-er while . to wyssyn -th-e puple
M: 9,21 But o-th-irwhilis ellis wher . to wissyn -th-e peple
H3: 9,21 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,22 I shal sei[gh]e [th]e my sone seide [th]e ffrere [th]anne
H2: 9,22 I schal sey-gh-e the my sone . seide the frere thanne
Ch: 9,22 I schal sey -th-e my sone . seide -th-e frere -th-an
D: 9,22 I schal sey the my sone . seyd -th-e frere -th-anne
R: 9,22 I shal sey -th-e my sawe . seyde -th-e frere -th-anne
U: 9,22 I schal seye -th-e my sawe . sei-th- -th-e frere
-th-enne [aaAx]
V: 9,22 I schal (seie) _th_e, my (sone) . (seide) _th_e ffrere
_th_enne [aaAx]
J: 9,22 I schal sey -th-e my sou(n) . seyd -th-e frere -th-anne
K: 9,22 I schal say the my son . said the frere than [aaAx]
W: 9,22 I shal say -th-e my sone . saide -th-e frere -th-an
N: 9,22 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,22 I schal say -th-e my sone . seyde -th-e frere -th-anne
M: 9,22 I schal sein -th-e my sone . seide -th-e frer(e)
-th-anne [aaAx]
H3: 9,22 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,23 How seue si[th]es [th]e sadde man synne[th] on [th]e
H2: 9,23 How seuene sithe the sadde man . synnet-gh- on the
day [aaAx]
Ch: 9,23 How seuen si-th-es -th-e sad man . synned on -th-e
day [aaAx]
D: 9,23 How seuene si-th-e -th-e sad man . synne-th- on -th-e
day [aaAx]
R: 9,23 How vij sy-th-es on -th-e day -th-e sadde man synnes
U: 9,23 How seuen sithes on -th-e day -th-e sadde man synnes
V: 9,23 Hou (seuen) si_th_es _th_e (sadde) mon . (sunge_th_)
in a day [aaAx]
J: 9,23 How seuen sythis -th-e sad man . synnyth on -th-e
day [aaAx]
K: 9,23 Hou seuyn sithis the sad man . synnyth on the day
W: 9,23 How seuene sithes -th-e sadde man . synne-th- on
-th-e day [aaAx]
N: 9,23 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,23 How seuyn sythis -th-e sad man . synnyth on -th-e
day [aaAx]
M: 9,23 How seuene si-th-ys -th-e sadde man . sennyt o(n)
-th-e day [aaAx]
H3: 9,23 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,24 Be a forebisene q(ua)[th] [th]e ffrere I shal [th]e
faire shewen
H2: 9,24 Be a forbysen q(uo)d the frere . I schal the faire
schewen [aaAx]
Ch: 9,24 By a forbesen q(uo)d -th-e frere . I schal -th-e
faire schewen [aaAx]
D: 9,24 By a forbyse seide -th-e ffrere . I schal -th-e fayre
schewe [aaAx]
R: 9,24 by a forebysne q(uo)d -th-e frere . I shal -th-e
fayr(e) shewe [aaAx]
U: 9,24 By a forebysne q(uo)d -th-e frere . y schal -th-e
faire schewe [aaAx]
V: 9,24 Bi ensaumple," seide _th_e (frere) . "I
schal _th_e (feire) schewe [aaAx]
J: 9,24 -Gh-if -th-(o)u wilt suffir seyd -th-e frere . I
schal -th-e fayr(e) schew [aaAx]
K: 9,24 By a forbysene q(uo)d the frier . I schal the faier
schewe [aaAx]
W: 9,24 By forbysen q(uo)d -th-e frere . I shal -th-e faire
shewe [aaAx]
N: 9,24 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,24 Be a forbesene quot -th-e frere . I schal -th-e fayre
schewe [aaAx]
M: 9,24 Be on ensaumple q(uo)d -th-e frer(e) . I schal -th-e
fair(e) schewen [aaAx]
H3: 9,24 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,25 Let bringe a man in a bot amydde a brood watir
H2: 9,25 Let bryng a man in a bot . amydde the brode wat(ir)
Ch: 9,25 lat bring a man In a bote . on a brode water [aaAx]
D: 9,25 Let bryng a man to a bote . in a brode wat(ir) [aaAx]
R: 9,25 Let brynge a man in a bot . amydd(es) a brod water
U: 9,25 Let brynge a man in a boot . amyddes a brood watir
V: 9,25 Let (blige) a Mon In A (bot) . A-midde a (Brod) water
J: 9,25 lat bryngyn a man in a bote . amyddys a brod wat(ir)
K: 9,25 Let bryng a man in a bote . amydde a brode watur
W: 9,25 Late brynge a man in a bot . amidde a brood watre
N: 9,25 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,25 lat bryng a man in a bot . in myddis a brok watur
M: 9,25 Let bryngge a man in a boot . amid a brood wat(ir)
H3: 9,25 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,26 [Th]e wynd & [th]e watir & [th]e waggyng of
[th]e boot
H2: 9,26 The wynd and the wat(ir) . and the wawes eke [aaAx]
Ch: 9,26 -Th-e wynde and -th-e water . and -th-e wagging
of -th-e bote [aaAx]
D: 9,26 The wynde & -th-e wat(ir) . & -th-e waggyng
of -th-e bote [aaAx]
R: 9,26 -Th-e wynd and -th-e wat(ir) . and -th-e waggeng
of -th-e bote [aaAx]
U: 9,26 -Th-e wynd and -th-e wat(ir) . and -th-e waggynge
of -th-e boot [aaAx]
V: 9,26 And _th_e (wint) and _th_e (watur) . & _th_e
(waggyng) of _th_e Bot [aaAx]
J: 9,26 --- this line is omitted ---
K: 9,26 And the wynd & the wawes . & waggyng of the
bote [aaAx]
W: 9,26 And -th-e wind & -th-e wawes . & -th-e waggyng
of -th-e bote [aaAx]
N: 9,26 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,26 The wynd & -th-e watur . & -th-e waggynge
of -th-e boot [aaAx]
M: 9,26 -Th-e wynd & -th-e watir . & -th-e waggig
of -th-e boot [aaAx]
H3: 9,26 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,27 Make[th] [th]e man many tymes to falle & to stande
H2: 9,27 Maket-gh- the man manye tymes . to fallen and to
stande [aaaXx]
Ch: 9,27 Make-th- -th-e man many tymes . to falle and to
stonde [aaaXx]
D: 9,27 Make-th- -th-e man many tymes . to falle & to
stande [aaaXx]
R: 9,27 Make-th- -th-e ma(n) many tyme . to falle and to
stande [aaaXx]
U: 9,27 Makis many tyme -th-e man . to falle and to stande
V: 9,27 (Make_th_) _th_e (Mon) (Mony) tyme . to stomble and
to falle [aaaXx]
J: 9,27 It makys a man many tymes . to fallyn & to stondyn
K: 9,27 Makith the man many tymes . to fallen & to stomble
W: 9,27 Make-th- -th-e man many tyme . to falle & to
stomble [aaaXx]
N: 9,27 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,27 Makith a man ma[n]y tymis . to fallyn & to stonde
M: 9,27 Maky(n) a man many tyme . to fallyn & to stondy(n)
H3: 9,27 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,28 ffor stande he neu(er)e so stif he stumbli[th] in [th]e
H2: 9,28 ffor stonde he neu(er) so stif . he stomblit-gh-
in the waggyng [aaAx]
Ch: 9,28 ffor stonde he neuer so stif . he stumble-th- In
-th-e waggyng [aaAx]
D: 9,28 ffor stande he neu(er) so styf . he stomble-th- in
-th-e waggyng [aaAx]
R: 9,28 for stonde he neu(er)e so styf . he stu(m)ble-th-
in -th-e wagging [aaAx]
U: 9,28 ffor stonde he neu(er)e so styf . he stumblith in
-th-e waggynge [aaAx]
V: 9,28 ffor (stonde) he neuere so (stif) . he (stumble_th_)
in _th_e waggyng [aaAx]
J: 9,28 ffor stond he neu(er) so styffe . he stumbelyth in
-th-e waggyng [aaAx]
K: 9,28 ffor stond he neu(er) so stiff . he stombelith in
the wawyng [aaAx]
W: 9,28 But stond he neu(er)e so stiff . he stomble-th- in
-th-e waggyng [aaAx]
N: 9,28 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,28 ffor stand he neuyr so fast . he stomelith in -th-e
waggyng [aaAx]
M: 9,28 ffor stonde he neu(er)e so faste . he stumblit in
-th-e waggyn[g] [aaAx]
H3: 9,28 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,29 And [y]et is he sauf & sound & so hym behoui[th]
H2: 9,29 And -gh-et he is saf and sou(n)d . and so hi(m)
behouyth [aaAx]
Ch: 9,29 And -gh-it is he saf and sound . and so hym behoue-th-
D: 9,29 And -gh-et he is saf & sound . & so hym behoue-th-
R: 9,29 And -gh-it he is saf and sound . and so hi(m) byhoues
U: 9,29 And -y-it is he sauf . and so hym byhoueth [aaAx]
V: 9,29 And _g_it he is (saaf) and (sound) . and (so) him
bi-houe_th_ [aaAx]
J: 9,29 & -gh-it he is both hole & sounde . & so
him behouyth [aaAx]
K: 9,29 And yet he is safe & sownd . & so hym behoueth
W: 9,29 And -gh-it is he sauf . & so hym behoue-th- [aaAx]
N: 9,29 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,29 And -gh-it he is saue & sound . and so hym behouyth
M: 9,29 & -y-it is he saf & sounid . & so hi(m)
behouyt [aaAx]
H3: 9,29 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,30 ffor [y]if he ne arise [th]e ra[th](er)e & ari[gh]t
H2: 9,30 ffor if he ne arise the rather . and ari-gh-t sterid
Ch: 9,30 ffor -gh-ef he ne Ros -th-e ra-th-er . and ri-gh-t
stired [aaAx]
D: 9,30 ffor yf he ne aryse -th-e ra-th-(er) . & ari-gh-t
stere [aaAx]
R: 9,30 ffor -gh-if he ne arise ra-th-er . and rau-gh-the
-th-e sterne [aaAx]
U: 9,30 and -gh-if he ne arise -th-e ra-th-(er)e . and raughte
-th-e stere [aaAx]
V: 9,30 ffor _g_if he ne (rise) _th_e (ra_th_er) . and (rauhte)
to _th_e steorne [aaAx]
J: 9,30 ffor -gh-if he ne rise -th-e rather . & rawte
-th-e stere [aaAx]
K: 9,30 ffor if he ne rose the rather . & rowght the
sterne [aaAx]
W: 9,30 ffor -gh-if he ne ros -th-e ra-th-ere . and raught
-th-e sterne [aaAx]
N: 9,30 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,30 ffor -gh-if he ne rese ra-th-ere . & -gh-ede
to -th-e sterne [aaAx]
M: 9,30 ffor -y-if he ne arise -th-e rayer . & raugthe
-th-e sterne [aaAx]
H3: 9,30 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,31 [Th]e wynd wolde wi[th] [th]e watir [th]e boot ou(er)[th]rowe
H2: 9,31 The wynde wolde with the wat(ir) . the bote ou(er)torne
Ch: 9,31 -Th-e wynde wold with -th-e water . -th-e bote ouer-th-row-gh-[e]
D: 9,31 The wynde wold w(i)t(h) -th-e wat(ir) . -th-e boot
ou(er)-th-rowe [aaaXx]
R: 9,31 -Th-e wynd wolde w(i)t(h) -th-e wat(ir) . -th-e bot
ou(er)throwe [aaaXx]
U: 9,31 -Th-e wynde wolde wi-th- -th-e wat(ir) . -th-e boot
ou(er)throwe [aaaXx]
V: 9,31 _Th_e (wynt) (wolde) with _th_e (water) . _th_e Bot
ouer-_th_rowe [aaaXx]
J: 9,31 -Th-e wynde wilde w(i)t(h) -th-e wat(ir) . -th-e
bote ou(er)throwe [aaaXx]
K: 9,31 The wynd wold w(i)t(h) the water . the bate ou(er)throwe
W: 9,31 The wind wold wi-th- -th-e wattre . -th-e bote ou(er)e-th-rowe
N: 9,31 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,31 The wynd & -th-e watur . -th-e boot ouyrthrow(i)t(h)
M: 9,31 -Th-e wynd wolde w(i)t(h) -th-e wat(ir) . -th-e boot
ouer-th-rowe [aaaXx]
H3: 9,31 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,32 [Th](er)e were [th]e manis lif lost for lacchesse of
H2: 9,32 There with the mannes lif lost . for lachesse of
hi(m)selue [aaAx]
Ch: 9,32 -Th-er wer -th-e mannes lif lost . for lachesse
of hymselu[e] [aaAx]
D: 9,32 Ther were -th-e mannys lyf lost . for lachesse of
hymselue [aaAx]
R: 9,32 -Th-(er) wer(e) -th-e ma(n)nys lyf ylost . for lachesse
of hi(m)selue [aaAx]
U: 9,32 -Th-anne were -th-e mannys lif lost . for lachesse
of himselue [aaAx]
V: 9,32 _Th_er weore _th_e Monnes (lyf) (I-lost) . _th_orw
sleu_th_e of himselue [aaAx]
J: 9,32 -Th-(er) w(er) -th-e ma(n)ys lyf lost . for lacchesse
of himselfe [aaAx]
K: 9,32 Ther wer the mannys life lost . for lachisse of hymself
W: 9,32 There were -th-e mans lyf lost . for laches of hymself
N: 9,32 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,32 Ther wer -th-e mannys lyfe lost . for lacchans of
hymselue [aaAx]
M: 9,32 -Th-er(e) wer -th-e mannys lif Iloost . for lacchesse
of hi(m)selue [aaAx]
H3: 9,32 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,33 Ri[gh]t [th]us fari[th] q(ua)[th] [th]e ffrere be folk
here on er[th]e
H2: 9,33 Ry-gh-t thus fareth q(uo)d the frer(e) . be folk
her(e) on erthe [aaAx]
Ch: 9,33 Ri-gh-t -th-us fare-th- hit q(uo)d -th-e frere .
be folk her on er-th-e [aaAx]
D: 9,33 Ri-gh-t -th-us it fareth q(ou)d -th-e ffrere . be
folk here on er-th-e [aaAx]
R: 9,33 Ry-gh-t -th-(us) hit fare-th- q(uo)d -th-e frere
. w(i)t(h) folk her(e) on er-th-e [aaAx]
U: 9,33 Right -th-us it fareth q(uo)d -th-e frere . by folk
here in erthe [aaAx]
V: 9,33 Riht _th_us hit (fare_th_) quod _th_e (ffrere) . "bi
(folk) her on eor_th_e [aaAx]
J: 9,33 Rit -th-(us) it farith q(uo)d -th-e frere . be folk
here on erthe [aaAx]
K: 9,33 Right thus it farith q(uo)d the frere . by folke
here on erthe [aaAx]
W: 9,33 Ri-gh-t -th-us it fare-th- q(uo)d -th-e frere . by
folk of -th-is er-th-e [aaAx]
N: 9,33 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,33 Thus it faryth quot -th-e frere . be men of -th-is
erde [aaAx]
M: 9,33 Reith -th-us it farit q(uo)d -th-e frer(e) . be folk
her o(n) erthe [aaAx]
H3: 9,33 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,34 [Th]e watir is liknid to [th]e world [th](a)t wani[th] & waxi[th]
H2: 9,34 The wat(ir) is liknyd to the world . that wanyeth & waxit
Ch: 9,34 -Th-e water is lekened to -th-e world . and wanie-th-
and w[axi-th-] [aaAa]
D: 9,34 The wat(ir) is likned to -th-e world . -th-at wane-th- & waxe-th-
R: 9,34 -th-e wat(ir) is lyk to -th-is word . -th-(a)t waxe-th-
and wanyes [aaAa]
U: 9,34 -Th-e wat(ir) is lyk to -th-e world . -th-at waxeth
and wanyeth [aaAa]
V: 9,34 _Th_e (watur) is liknet to _th_e (world) . _th_at
(wonie_th_) and (waxe_th_) [aaAa]
J: 9,34 -Th-e wat(ir) is lyknyd to -th-e werld . -th-(a)t
wanyth & waxith [aaAa]
K: 9,34 The water is likened here to -th-(e)s worlde . that
waneth & waxeth [aaAa]
W: 9,34 The watr(e) is lykned to -th-e world . -th-at wane-th-
and waxeth [aaAa]
N: 9,34 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,34 The watur is lykened to -th-e werld . -th-at waxith & wanyth
M: 9,34 -Th-e watir is liknyd to -th-e world . -th-at wanyit & wexit
H3: 9,34 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,35 [Th]e goodis of [th]is ground be lik [th]e grete wawes
H2: 9,35 The goodis of this grou(n)de . be like the grete
wawes [aaAx]
Ch: 9,35 -Th-e godes on -th-e ground . ben like to gret wawes
D: 9,35 The goodes on -th-e grounde . be lyk to -th-e wawes
R: 9,35 -Th-e god(is) of -th-e grou(n)de . be-th- lyk to
-th-e wawes [aaAx]
U: 9,35 -Th-e godis of -th-is grounde . arn lyk to -th-e
wawes [aaAx]
V: 9,35 _Th_e (goodes) in _th_is (world) . ben lyk _th_is
(grete) (wawes) [abAb]
J: 9,35 -Th-es godes on -th-is grounde . be lyknyth to -th-es
wawys [aaAx]
K: 9,35 The good(is) of this grounde . ben lik the grete
wawes [aaAx]
W: 9,35 The goodes on -th-e grounde . be-th- lik to -th-e
grete wawes [aaAx]
N: 9,35 --- this line is omitted ----
A: 9,35 The godis of -th-is ground . ben lykened to -th-e
waues [aaAx]
M: 9,35 -Th-e goodis of -th-e ground . bet liknyd to gret
wawis [aaAx]
H3: 9,35 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,36 [Th](a)t as wyndis & watris wawen aboute
H2: 9,36 That as wyndes and wat(er)es . wawen aboute [aaAx]
Ch: 9,36 -Th-at as wynde and water . wawen aboute [aaAx]
D: 9,36 That as wyndes and wat(er)s . wawen aboute [aaAx]
R: 9,36 And as wyndes and water(is) . wawes abowte [aaAx]
U: 9,36 And as wyndes and watres . wawes aboute [aaAx]
V: 9,36 Riht as (wyndes) and (watres) . (walewe_th_) aboute
J: 9,36 -Th-(a)t as wynd & wat(er)ys . walwyn aboute
K: 9,36 That as wyndes & waters . walweth aboute [aaAx]
W: 9,36 That as -th-e wynd and -th-e watr(e) . walwe-th-
aboute [aaAx]
N: 9,36 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,36 As wyndis & wawis . walkyn aboute [aaAx]
M: 9,36 -Th-at -th-e wyndys & -th-e wawys . walwit abowty(n)
H3: 9,36 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,37 [Th]e boot is lik to [th]e body [th](a)t britel is
of kynde
H2: 9,37 The bote is liken to the bodi . that britel is of
kynde [aaAx]
Ch: 9,37 -Th-e bote is leked til -th-e body . -th-at bretel
is of kynde [aaAx]
D: 9,37 -Th-e boot is lyk to -th-e body . -th-(a)t brytel
is of kynde [aaAx]
R: 9,37 The bot is lik to -th-e body . -th-at brotel is of
kinde [aaAx]
U: 9,37 -Th-e boot is lyk to -th-e body . -th-at britel is
of kynde [aaAx]
V: 9,37 _Th_e (Bot) is liknet to _th_e (Bodi) . _th_at (Brutel)
is of kuynde [aaAx]
J: 9,37 -Th-e bote is lyknyd to -th-i body . -th-(a)t brisel
is of kynde [aaAx]
K: 9,37 The bote is like to the body . that bruttel is of
kynde [aaAx]
W: 9,37 The bote is lyk to -th-e body . -th-at brotil is
of kynde [aaAx]
N: 9,37 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,37 The bot is likened to -th-e body . -th-at brechel
is of kynde [aaAx]
M: 9,37 -Th-e boot is lik to -th-e body . -th-at brotil is
of kynde [aaAx]
H3: 9,37 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,38 [Th](a)t [th]oru[gh] [th]e fend & [th]e flessh & [th]e
false worlde
H2: 9,38 That thoru the fende and the flesch . and the fals
world [aaAx]
Ch: 9,38 -Th-at -th-orow -th-e fende and his flesch . and
-th-e fals world [aaAx]
D: 9,38 That -th-our-gh-t -th-e fende and -th-e flessh . & -th-e
fals world [aaAx]
R: 9,38 and -th-ow -th-e fend and -th-e flesh . and -th-e
falce word [aaAx]
U: 9,38 -Th-(a)t -th-urw -th-e fend and -th-e flesche . and
-th-e false worlde [aaAx]
V: 9,38 And _th_orw _th_e (fend) and his (fflesch) . and
_th_e (ffalse) world [aaAx]
J: 9,38 -Th-at -th-orow -th-e fende & -th-i fleche . & -th-e
false werlde [aaAx]
K: 9,38 That thrugh the fend & the flesche . & the
fals worlde [aaAx]
W: 9,38 That -th-row -th-e fend and -th-e flesch . & -th-e
fals worlde [aaAx]
N: 9,38 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,38 That -th-orow -th-e fend & -th-e flesche . & -th-e
false werd [aaAx]
M: 9,38 -Th-at -th-ourgth -th-in flesch & -th-y(n) fend
. & -th-ys fals word [aaAx]
H3: 9,38 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,39 Synnes [th]e sad man seuene tymes in [th]e day
H2: 9,39 Synneth the sadde man . seuene tymes in the day
Ch: 9,39 Synne-th- -th-e sadde man . seuen si-th-es In -th-e
day [aaaAx]
D: 9,39 Senne-th- -th-e sad man seuene . sy-th-is on -th-e
day [aaaAx]
R: 9,39 sy-th-e(n) -th-e sadde ma(n) seuene . sithes on -th-e
day [aaaAx]
U: 9,39 Synne-th- -th-e sadde man seuen . sithes on -th-e
day [aaaAx]
V: 9,39 (Sunge_th_) _th_e (sadde) Mon . (seuen) si_th_es
in _th_e day [aaAx]
J: 9,39 Synnyth -th-e sad man on -th-e [day] seuen sythys
K: 9,39 Synnyth the sad man seuyn . sythes on the day [aaaAx]
W: 9,39 Synne-th- -th-e sad man seuen . si-th-es on -th-e
day [aaaAx]
N: 9,39 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,39 Synnyth -th-e sad man . seuene sythis on -th-e day
M: 9,39 Sennyt -th-e fals man vij . sy-th-ys on -th-e day
H3: 9,39 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,40 Ac dedly synne do[th] he nou[gh]t for dowel hym helpi[th]
H2: 9,40 Ac dedly synne doth he nou-gh-t . for dowel hi(m)
helpith [aaAx]
Ch: 9,40 Bot dedly synne do-th- nat he . for dowel hym helpe-th-
D: 9,40 Ac dedly synne do-th- he nou-gh-t . for dowel hym
helpeth [aaAx]
R: 9,40 Ac dedly synne do-th- he not . for dowel hi(m) helpe-th-
U: 9,40 Ac dedly synne doth he noght . for dowel hym helpeth
V: 9,40 But (dedly) sunne (do_th_) he not . for (Dowel) him
helpe_th_ [aaAx]
J: 9,40 Ac dedely synne doth he nouth . for dowele him helpith
K: 9,40 But dedely synne doth he none . for dowell hym helpith
W: 9,40 But dedly synne do-th- he nowght . for dowel hym
helpe-th- [aaAx]
N: 9,40 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,40 Dedly synne he doth nout . for dowel hym helpit [aaAx]
M: 9,40 But dedly synne deoth he not . for dowel hi(m) helpit
H3: 9,40 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,41 And [th](a)t is charite [th]e champiou(n) chief helpe
a[gh]ens synne
H2: 9,41 And that charite the cha(m)piou(n) . chef helpe
a-gh-ens synne [aaAx]
Ch: 9,41 And -th-at is charite -th-e champioun . chef help
a-gh-en [synne] [aaAx]
D: 9,41 And -th-at is Charyte chapma(n) . chief to helpe
R: 9,41 That is charite -th-e cha(m)piou(n) . chef helpe
of alle [aaAx]
U: 9,41 -Th-at is charite -th-e champiou(n) . cheef help
of alle [aaAx]
V: 9,41 _Th_at is (Charite) _th_e (Champion) . (cheef) help
a_g_eyn sunne [aaAx]
J: 9,41 -Th-(a)t is charite -th-e champyou(n) . chef a-gh-eyn
synne [aaAx]
K: 9,41 And that is charite the champion . chefe ayenst synne
W: 9,41 And -th-at is charite -th-e champion . chief help
a-gh-ens synne [aaAx]
N: 9,41 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,41 That is charite -th-e champlioun . cheffe ageyne
synne [aaAx]
M: 9,41 -Th-at is charite -th-e chaunpliou(n) . schef help
ageyn vij [aaAx]
H3: 9,41 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,42 ffor he streng[th]e[th] [th]e to stonde & steri[th]
[th]i soule
H2: 9,42 ffor he stren[g]thit-gh- the stonde . and sterith
thi soule [aaAx]
Ch: 9,42 ffor he streng-th-es -th-e to stonde . and stires
-th-i soule [aaAx]
D: 9,42 ffor he streng-th-e -th-e to stonde . & stere-th-
-th-e saule a-gh-en synne [aaAx]
R: 9,42 a-gh-en vij to stonde . he stery-gh-t -th-e soule
U: 9,42 A-y-ens synne for to synne . he stireth -th-e soule
V: 9,42 ffor he (streng_th_e_th_) _th_e to (stonde) . he
(sture_th_) _th_i soule [aaAx]
J: 9,42 ffor he strengkyth -th-e to stonde . & sterith
-th-i sowle [aaAx]
K: 9,42 ffor he strenthes the to stond . & styreth thy
sowle [aaAx]
W: 9,42 ffor he streyngheth -th-e to stonde . & stire-th-
-th-i soule [aaAx]
N: 9,42 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,42 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 9,42 ffor he strengit -th-e to stondy(n) . & helpit
-th-i(n) soule [aaAx]
H3: 9,42 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,43 [Th]at [th]ei[gh] [th]i body bowe as bot do[th] in
[th]e watir
H2: 9,43 That thei thi bodi bowe . as boot doth in the wat(ir)
Ch: 9,43 ffor -th-ow -th-y body bowe . as bote do-th-e in
water [aaAx]
D: 9,43 ffor -th-ou-gh- body bowe . as boot do-th- in wat(ir)
R: 9,43 -Th-(a)t -th-ey -th-e body bowe . as a bot do-th-
on -th-e water [aaAx]
U: 9,43 -Th-at -th-ei-gh-e -th-e body bowe . as a boot do-th-
in -th-e wat(ir) [aaAx]
V: 9,43 _Th_at _th_au_g_ _th_i (bodi) (Bouwe) . as a (Bot)
in _th_e Water [aaAx]
J: 9,43 -Th-ow -th-i body bowe . as a bote doth in a wat(ir)
K: 9,43 Though thy body bowe . as bote doth on water [aaAx]
W: 9,43 That -th-ow -th-i body bowe . as a bote do-th- in
watre [aaAx]
N: 9,43 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,43 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 9,43 -Th-at -th-ey -th-y body bowe . as -th-e boot in
-th-e watir [aaAx]
H3: 9,43 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,44 Ay is [th]i soule sauf but [th](o)u [th]iself wilt
H2: 9,44 Ay is thi soule saff . but thou thiself wylt [aaAx]
Ch: 9,44 Ay is -th-i soule saf . but -gh-ef -th-iself wolt
D: 9,44 Ay is the sawle saf . but -th-(o)u -th-yself wylt
R: 9,44 ay is the soule saf . but -th-(o)u -th-iself wilt
U: 9,44 Ay is -th-i soule sauf . but -th-iselue wolt [aaAx]
V: 9,44 Euer is _th_i (soule) (saaf) . Bote _g_if (_th_i-self)
wolle [aaAx]
J: 9,44 Ay es -th-i sowle saue . but -th-(o)u -th-iselue
wille [aaAx]
K: 9,44 Aye ys thy sowle safe . but thou thyself wilte [aaAx]
W: 9,44 Ay is -th-i soule sauf . but -th-ou -th-iself will
N: 9,44 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,44 Ay is -th-i soule saue . but -gh-if -th-u wille [aaAx]
M: 9,44 Eu(er)e is -th-y soule saf . but -th-(o)u -th-yself
wille [aaAx]
H3: 9,44 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,45 ffolewe [th]i flesshis wil & [th]e fendis aftir
H2: 9,45 ffolewe thi fleschis wille . and the fende aftir
Ch: 9,45 ffolow -th-i flesches wille . and -th-e fendes after
D: 9,45 ffolowyn -th-y fflessh wil . & -th-e fendes aft(ir)
R: 9,45 ffolwe -th-i fleschly wil . and -th-e fend after
U: 9,45 ffolwe -th-i fleschis wille . and -th-e feend aftir
V: 9,45 (ffolewe) _th_i (fflessches) wil . and _th_e (fendes)
aftur, [aaAx]
J: 9,45 ffolwyn -th-in flechis will . & -th-e fende after
K: 9,45 ffolowe thy fleschely will . & the fend after
W: 9,45 ffolwen -th-i flesh will . & -th-e fendes aftre
N: 9,45 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,45 ffolwe -th-e wil of -th-i flesche . & -th-e fendis
aftir [aaAx]
M: 9,45 ffouli(n) -th-y(n) fleschis wille . & -th-e fend
aftir [aaAx]
H3: 9,45 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,46 And don dedly synne & drenche [th]iseluen
H2: 9,46 And don dedly sy(n)ne . and drenge thi selue [aaAx]
Ch: 9,46 And do dedly synne . and drench -th-iself [aaAx]
D: 9,46 And doon dedly synne . & drenchen -th-y selue
R: 9,46 and do dedly synne . and drenche -th-y soule [aaAx]
U: 9,46 And do dedly synne . and drenche -th-i soule [aaAx]
V: 9,46 And (do) (dedlich) sunne . and (drenche) _th_i-seluen
J: 9,46 And don dedly synne . & drenchin -th-i selue
K: 9,46 And done dedely synne . & drenchen thy sowle
W: 9,46 And don dedly synne . & drenche -th-i self [aaAx]
N: 9,46 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,46 And do dedly synne . and drenche -th-e selue [aaAx]
M: 9,46 & do dedly sy(n)ne . & drenche -th-y selue
H3: 9,46 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,47 God wile suffre [th]e to dei[gh]e so for [th]iself
hast [th]e maistrie
H2: 9,47 God wyl suffre the to dey-gh-e so . for -th-i self
hast the maistrie [aaAx]
Ch: 9,47 God wol suffer -th-e to die so . for -th-iself hast
-th-e ma[istrie] [aaAx]
D: 9,47 God wil suffre -th-e to deye . for -th-y self hast
-th-e maistrye [aaAx]
R: 9,47 God wil suffre -th-e to deye so . for -th-(o)u hast
-th-e maystry [aaAx]
U: 9,47 God wol suffre -th-e to dey . for -th-ou hast -th-e
maistry [aaAx]
V: 9,47 God wol (soffre) _th_e dye (so) . for _th_ou art
_th_in owne Mayster [aaAx]
J: 9,47 God wil suffrin -th-e to dey-gh-in so . for -th-i
selue hath -th-e mayst(ri) [aaAx]
K: 9,47 God woll suffre the dye so . for thy self hath the
mastrye [aaAx]
W: 9,47 God wil suffre -th-ou dye so . for -th-i self hast
-th-e maystrie [aaAx]
N: 9,47 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,47 God sufferith -th-e to deyn so . for -th-e selfe
to haue -th-e maystrie [aaAx]
M: 9,47 God suffrit -th-e to dye so . for -th-in seluy(n)
is maist(er) [aaAx]
H3: 9,47 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,48 I haue no kynde knowyng q(ua)[th] I to conseyue [th]i
H2: 9,48 I haue no kynde knowyng q(uo)d I . to co(n)seyue
thi wordis [aaAx]
Ch: 9,48 I haue no kend knowing q(uo)d I . to conseiue -th-i
wordes [aaAx]
D: 9,48 I haue no kynde knowynge q(ou)d I . to conseyue -th-y
wordes [aaAx]
R: 9,48 I haue no kinde knowyng q(uo)d I . to co(n)seyue
-th-i word(is) [aaAx]
U: 9,48 y haue no kynde knowynge . to conceyue -th-i wordes
V: 9,48 "I haue no (kynde) (knowyng)," quod I . "to
(conceyue) _th_i wordes [aaAx]
J: 9,48 I haue no kynde knowyng q(uo)d I . to co(n)seyue
-th-i wordys [aaAx]
K: 9,48 I haue no kynde knowyng q(uo)d I . to conceyue thy
wordes [aaAx]
W: 9,48 I haue no kynde knowyng q(uo)d I . to conceyue thy
wordes [aaAx]
N: 9,48 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,48 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 9,48 I haue no(n) ke(n)de knowyg q(uo)d I . to to (con)seyue(n)
-th-ys wordys [aaAx]
H3: 9,48 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,49 Ac [y]if I may lyuen & loken I shal go lerne bet(er)e
H2: 9,49 Ac if I may lyuen and loke . I schal go lerne bet(er)e
Ch: 9,49 But -gh-ef I may leue and loken . I schal go lern
better [aaAx]
D: 9,49 Ac yf I may leue & loke . I schal go lerne bett(er)
R: 9,49 And -gh-if I may lyue and loke . I shal go lere fer-th-er
U: 9,49 But -y-if y may lyue and loke . y wol go lerne bet(er)e
V: 9,49 But _g_if I may (liuen) and (loken) . I schal go
(lerne) betere [aaAx]
J: 9,49 Ac -gh-if I may lyfuen & lokyn . I wil lernyn
bettur [aaAx]
K: 9,49 But if I may lyue & loken . I schall goo lerne
better [aaAx]
W: 9,49 But if I may leue and loke . I shal go lerne bettre
N: 9,49 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,49 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 9,49 But -y-if I mai go liue(n) & loke(n) . I schal
go lerne bett(er)e [aaAx]
H3: 9,49 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,50 I bekenne [th]e crist [th](a)t on [th]e crois dei[gh]ede
H2: 9,50 I bekenne the c(ri)st . that on the cros deide [aaAx]
Ch: 9,50 I bekenne -gh-ow crist . -th-at on -th-e crosse
died [aaAx]
D: 9,50 I bekenne -th-e Crist . -th-(a)t on -th-e cros dyde
R: 9,50 I bykenne -th-e crist . -th-at on -th-e cros deyde
U: 9,50 I bekenne -th-e crist . -th-at on -th-e croys deide
V: 9,50 I beo-take _g_ou to (crist) . _th_at on (Crois) di_g_ede
J: 9,50 I beke(n)ne -gh-ow c(ri)ste . -th-(a)t on croys dey-gh-id
K: 9,50 I bekenne the criste . that on the crosse dyyd [aaAx]
W: 9,50 I bekenne -th-e crist . -th-at [on] -crosse diede
N: 9,50 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,50 I bekenne -th-e to crist . -th-at on cros deyd [aaAx]
M: 9,50 I bekenne -th-e to crist . -th-at on -th-e cros deide
H3: 9,50 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,51 And [th]ei seide [th]e same saue [th]e fro myschaunce
H2: 9,51 And thei seide the same . saue the fro myschau(n)ce
Ch: 9,51 And I saide -th-e same . saue -gh-ow fro meschaunse
D: 9,51 And he saide -th-e same . saue -th-e fro myschaunce
R: 9,51 And -th-ei seyde -th-e same . saue -th-e fro myschau(n)s
U: 9,51 And -th-ei seide -th-e same . saue -th-e fro myschaunce
V: 9,51 And _th_ei (seiden) _th_e (same) . "God (saue)
_th_e from mischaunce [aaAx]
J: 9,51 And -th-ei seydyn -th-e same . saue -th-e fro myschaunce
K: 9,51 And thay saiden the same . saue the from myscheff
W: 9,51 And eke -th-e same . saue the fro mischaunce [aaAx]
N: 9,51 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,51 And -th-ai seyde -th-e same . saue -th-e fro myschaunce
M: 9,51 And -th-e seydy(n) -th-e same . saue -th-e fro mischance
H3: 9,51 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,52 And [y]iue [th]e g(ra)ce on [th]is er[th]e in good
lif to ende
H2: 9,52 And -gh-if grace on this erthe . in good lif to
ende [aabAb]
Ch: 9,52 And -gh-ef -th-e grace on -th-is er-th-e . In gode
lif to ende [aabAb]
D: 9,52 And -gh-if -gh-e grace on -th-is er-th-e . in good
lyf to ende [aabAb]
R: 9,52 And gif -th-e grace on -th-(i)s er-th-e . in goud
lyf to ende [aabAb]
U: 9,52 And -y-yue -th-e g(ra)ce on -th-is er-th-e . in good
lyf to ende [aabAb]
V: 9,52 And (_g_iue) _th_e (grace) vppon (grounde) . In (good)
lyf to ende [aaaAx]
J: 9,52 And -gh-if -th-e g(ra)ce on -th-is erthe . in gode
lyfe to ende [aabAb]
K: 9,52 And geve the grace on this grounde . in good life
to ende [aabAb]
W: 9,52 And gif -th-e grace on -th-is er-th-e . in good lyf
to ende [aabAb]
N: 9,52 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,52 And -gh-if -th-e grace on -th-is erde . in good lyfe
to ende [aabAb]
M: 9,52 & -y-eue -th-e g(ra)ce on -th-ys erthe . on good
lif to endy(n) [aabAb]
H3: 9,52 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,53 [Th]us I wente wydewhere dowel to seken
H2: 9,53 Thus I wente wyde wher(e) . dowel to seken [aaAx]
Ch: 9,53 -Th-us I went wide wher . dowel to seke [aaAx]
D: 9,53 -Th-us I wente wyde wher . dowel to seken [aaAx]
R: 9,53 Thus I we(n)te wide wher . dowel to seche [aaAx]
U: 9,53 -Th-us y wente wide whare . dowel to sechen [aaAx]
V: 9,53 _Th_us I (wente) (wyden) wher . (Dowel) to seche
J: 9,53 Thus I went wyde qwer(e) . dowele to sekyn [aaAx]
K: 9,53 Thus I went wyde wher . dowell to sechen [aaAx]
W: 9,53 Thus I went wyde where . dowel to seche [aaAx]
N: 9,53 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,53 Thus I went wyde for . dowel to sekyn [aaAx]
M: 9,53 -Th-us I wente wide wher . s(er)e dowel to seche
H3: 9,53 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,54 As I wente be a wode walkyng myn one
H2: 9,54 And as I wente be a wode . walkyng myn one [aaAx]
Ch: 9,54 As I went be a wode . walking alone [aaAx]
D: 9,54 As I wente by a wode . walkyng myn one [aaAx]
R: 9,54 and as I wente by a wode . walkyng my(n) one [aaAx]
U: 9,54 & as I wente by a wode . walkynge me alone [aaAx]
V: 9,54 And as I (wente) bi a (wode) . (walkyng) myn one
J: 9,54 And als I went be a wode . walkyng allone [aaAx]
K: 9,54 And as I went by a wood . walkyng me one [aaAx]
W: 9,54 And as I went by a wode . walkyng myn one [aaAx]
N: 9,54 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,54 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 9,54 And as I wente be a wode . wandryg my one [aaAx]
H3: 9,54 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,55 Blisse of [th]e briddis made me abide
H2: 9,55 Blisse of thise briddis . made me abyde [aaXa]
Ch: 9,55 Blisse of -th-e birdes . made me abide [aaXa]
D: 9,55 Blysse of -th-e bryddes . made me Abyde [aaXa]
R: 9,55 Blysse of -th-e brydd(is) . madene me to abyde [aaXa]
U: 9,55 Blisse of -th-e briddes . made me abyde [aaXa]
V: 9,55 (Blisse) of _th_e (Briddes) . made me to (Abyde)
J: 9,55 Blisse of -th-e p(ri)ddis . made me vnbyde [aaXa]
K: 9,55 Blisse of the bird(es) . made me abyde [aaXa]
W: 9,55 The blysse of -th-e bryddes . made me abide [aaXa]
N: 9,55 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,55 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 9,55 Blisse of -th-e bryddys . made me abide [aaXa]
H3: 9,55 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,56 And vndir a lynde vpon a launde lenide I me a stounde
H2: 9,56 And vnd(ir) a lynde vpon a lau(n)de . lenede I me
a stound [aaAx]
Ch: 9,56 And vnder a linde vpon a launde . lened I me a stoun[de]
D: 9,56 And vndir lynde on a launde . lened I a stou(n)de
R: 9,56 and vnder lynde vpon a lau(n)de . lened I me a stou(n)de
U: 9,56 & vndir lynde vppon a launde . ylened me a stounde
V: 9,56 And vnder A (Lynde), vppon A (launde) . (leonede)
I a stounde [aaAx]
J: 9,56 --- this line is omitted ---
K: 9,56 And vnd(ir) a lynde vpon a launde . lenyd I a stound
W: 9,56 And vnder a lynde on a launde . lened I a stounde
N: 9,56 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,56 Vp on a lynde vpon a lawnde . lenyd I a stounde [aaAx]
M: 9,56 & vnd(ir) a lynde vpon a lande . lend I me a
stounde [aaAx]
H3: 9,56 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,57 To lerne [th]e laies [th](a)t louely briddis maden
H2: 9,57 To lerne the layes . that louely briddis maden [aaAx]
Ch: 9,57 To lerne laies . -th-at louely birdes maden [aaAx]
D: 9,57 To lerne -th-e layes . -th-at louely bryddes maden
R: 9,57 To ly-th-en -th-e layes . -th-e louely brydd(is)
madyn [aaAx]
U: 9,57 To lithen -th-e layes . -th-e louely briddes maden
V: 9,57 ffor to (leorne) _th_e (layes) . _th_at (louely)
foules maden [aaAx]
J: 9,57 --- this line is omitted ---
K: 9,57 To listen the layes . that the louely fowl(es) maden
W: 9,57 To leren -th-e layes . -th-e louely foules maden
N: 9,57 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,57 To lystyn -th-e layes . -th-at -th-e foulis madyn
M: 9,57 To lestny(n) -th-e layes . -th-e louely foulis made
H3: 9,57 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,58 Blisse of [th]ise briddis brou[gh]te me a slepe
H2: 9,58 Blysse of the briddis . brou-gh-te me on slepe [aaAx]
Ch: 9,58 Blisse of -th-e birdes . brou-gh-t me a slepe [aaAx]
D: 9,58 Blysse of -th-e bryddes . brou-gh-t me on slepe [aaAx]
R: 9,58 blisse of -th-e brydd(is) . brou-gh-te me a slepe
U: 9,58 Blisse of -th-e briddes . broughten me on slepe [aaAx]
V: 9,58 (Blisse) of _th_e (Briddes) . (Brou_g_ten) me a slepe
J: 9,58 Blisse of -th-e p[i]ddis . made me vnbyde
K: 9,58 Blisse of the bird(es) . brought me a slepe [aaAx]
W: 9,58 Blysse of -th-is byrdes . broght me on slepe [aaAx]
N: 9,58 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,58 The blysse of -th-e bryddis . brout me a slepe [aaAx]
M: 9,58 Blisse of -th-e briddys . brougthe me a slepe [aaAx]
H3: 9,58 --- this line is missing ---
J: 9,58 And w(i)t(h) -th-e myrthe of her mowthe made me to slepyn [aaAx]
T: 9,59 [Th]e m(er)ueilleste metyng mette me [th]anne
H2: 9,59 The m(er)ueylist metyng . mette me thanne [aaAx]
Ch: 9,59 -Th-e meruelest metyng . met me -th-an [aaAx]
D: 9,59 The maruoyllest metyng . mette me -th-anne [aaAx]
R: 9,59 -Th-e meruelyouste metyng . mette me -th-anne [aaAx]
U: 9,59 -Th-e m(er)ueileste metynge . mette me -th-enne [aaAx]
V: 9,59 _Th_e (Meruiloste) (Meetynge) . (Mette) I me _th_enne
J: 9,59 -Th-e m(er)uelousest metyng . met I me -th-anne [aaAx]
K: 9,59 The merueilouste metyng . mett me than [aaAx]
W: 9,59 The most merueillous metyng . mette me -th-an [aaAx]
N: 9,59 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,59 The meruelyest metyng . mette I -th-anne [aaAx]
M: 9,59 -Th-e m(er)ueilouerste metynge . mett y me -th-anne
H3: 9,59 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,60 [Th](a)t eu(er)e dremide dri[gh]t in doute as I wene
H2: 9,60 That euer dremyd dry-gh-t . in doute as I wene [aaAx]
Ch: 9,60 -Th-at euer dremed dri-gh-t . In dout as I wene
D: 9,60 That eu(er) dremyd y dyd . in doute as I wene [aaAx]
R: 9,60 -Th-at eu(er)e dry-gh-t in doute drempte as I wene
U: 9,60 -Th-(a)t eu(er)e dright in doute drempte as I wene
V: 9,60 _Th_at euere (dremede) (driht) . In (drecchynge),
I wene [aaAx]
J: 9,60 -Th-(a)t eu(er)e dremyd I -gh-it . in dowte as I
wene [aaAx]
K: 9,60 That eu(er) dremyd drighte . in dede as I wene [aaAx]
W: 9,60 That euere dremed dright . in -th-oght a I wene [aaAx]
N: 9,60 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,60 That euyr dremyd wyth . in drouth as I wene [aaAx]
M: 9,60 -Th-at eu(er)e dremid -th-ing . in drougthe as I
wene [aaAx]
H3: 9,60 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,61 A muchel man me [th]ou[gh]te lik to myselue
H2: 9,61 A muchel man me thou-gh-te . lik to my selue [aaAx]
Ch: 9,61 A much man me -th-ou-gh-t . like to my selue [aaAx]
D: 9,61 A moche ma(n) me -th-(o)u-gh-t . lyk to my selue
R: 9,61 A meke ma(n) me thou-gh--th-e . lyk to my selue(n)
U: 9,61 A mykil man me -th-oughte . like to my selue [aaAx]
V: 9,61 A (Muche) (Mon), me _th_ouhte . lyk to (my-seluen)
J: 9,61 A michel man me thowte . liche to my selue [aaAx]
K: 9,61 A michell ma(n) me thought . liche to me seluen [aaAx]
W: 9,61 A muche man me -th-ough . lych to my self [aaAx]
N: 9,61 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,61 A meche man me -th-outh . like to my selue [aaAx]
M: 9,61 A michel man me -th-ougthe . lik to my selue [aaAx]
H3: 9,61 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,62 Com & callide me be my kynde name
H2: 9,62 Com and callide me . be my ry-gh-t name [aaAx]
Ch: 9,62 Come and called me . be my ri-gh-t name [aaAx]
D: 9,62 Com & called me . by my kynde name [aaAx]
R: 9,62 Com and calde me . by my ry-gh-the name [aaAx]
U: 9,62 Com and callide me . be my righte dame [aaAx]
V: 9,62 (Com) and (clepede) me . be my (kuynde) nome [aaAx]
J: 9,62 Cam & callid me . be my propir name [aaAx]
K: 9,62 Come & callid me . by my kynd name [aaAx]
W: 9,62 Come and called me . by my right name [aaAx]
N: 9,62 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,62 Come & callid me . be my ryght name [aaAx]
M: 9,62 Cam & calde me . be my kene name [aaAx]
H3: 9,62 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,63 What art [th](o)u q(ua)[th] I [th]o [th](a)t my name
H2: 9,63 What art thow q(uo)d I tho . that my name knowyst
Ch: 9,63 What art -th-ow q(uo)d I -th-o . -th-at my name
knowest [aaAxx]
D: 9,63 What art -th-(o)u q(ou)d I . -th-(a)t my(n) name
knowest [aaAxx]
R: 9,63 What art -th-(o)u q(uo)d I . that my name knowest
U: 9,63 What art -th-(o)u q(uo)d I . -th-at my name knowest
V: 9,63 What art _th_ou quod I . "_th_at my nome knowest
J: 9,63 Qwat artow q(uo)d I -th-o . -th-at my(n) name knowyst
K: 9,63 What art thou q(uo)d I . that thus my name konnest
W: 9,63 What art -th-ou q(uo)d I -th-o . -th-at my name knowest
N: 9,63 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,63 What art -th-u quot I . -th-at myne name knowyst
M: 9,63 What art -th-ou q(uo)d I . -th-at my name knowist
H3: 9,63 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,64 [Th](a)t [th]ou wost wel q(ua)[th] he & no wi[gh]t
H2: 9,64 That thow wel q(uo)d he . and no wy-gh-t bet(er)e
Ch: 9,64 -Th-at -th-ow wost wel q(uo)d he . and no wi-gh-t
better [aaAx]
D: 9,64 -th-ou wost wel -th-y self q(ou)d he . & no wy-gh-th
beter [aaAx]
R: 9,64 -Th-at wost -th-(o)u wel q(uo)d he . and no wy-gh-th
betere [aaAx]
U: 9,64 -Th-at wost -th-(o)u wel q(uo)d he . and no wight
bet(er)e [aaAx]
V: 9,64 _Th_at _th_ow (wost) (wel)," quod he . "and
no Bodi betere" [aaAx]
J: 9,64 -Th-(a)t wost -th-(o)u q(uo)d he -th-o . & no
wyht bettur [aaAx]
K: 9,64 That thou wotest wel q(uo)d he . & no wight better
W: 9,64 That -th-ow wost wel q(uo)d he . and no wight bettre
N: 9,64 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,64 Thou wost wel quot he . & no man bettir [aaAx]
M: 9,64 -Th-ou wost wel Inow q(uo)d he . & no(n) man
bett(er)e [aaAx]
H3: 9,64 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,65 Wot ich q(ua)[th] I who art [th](o)u [th]ou[gh]t seide
he [th]anne
H2: 9,65 Wote ich q(uo)d I who art thou . thou-gh-t seyde
he than [aaAa]
Ch: 9,65 Wot I q(uo)d I ho art -th-ow . -th-ou-gh-t seide
he -th-anne [aaAa]
D: 9,65 Wot q(uo)d ych q(ou)d I hoo -th-ou art . y -th-(o)u-gh-t
seyde he -th-anne [aaAa]
R: 9,65 Wot I q(uo)d I who art -th-(o)u . thout-gh- -th-an
he seyde [aaAa]
U: 9,65 Woot I q(uo)d I who art -th-(o)u . thought seide
he -th-enne [aaAa]
V: 9,65 Wot I quod I ho art (_th_ou) . (_th_hou_gh_te) I
me seide I (_th_enne) [xaAa]
J: 9,65 Wote I q(uo)d I artow . thout seyd I -th-anne [aaAa]
K: 9,65 Woote ich q(uo)d I who art thou . thowght saide he
than [aaAa]
W: 9,65 Wote ich q(uo)d I what art -th-ou . -th-anne [aaAa]
N: 9,65 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,65 Wost icche what -th-u art quot I . thouth seyde he
-th-anne [aaAa]
M: 9,65 I schuld wetyn who -th-u art . -th-outh seyde he
-th-a(n)ne [aaAa]
H3: 9,65 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,66 I haue sewide [th]e seue(n) [y]er sei[gh]e [th](o)u
me no ra[th](er)e
H2: 9,66 I haue sewyd the seuene -gh-er . sei-gh- thou me
non rather(e) [aaAx]
Ch: 9,66 I haue sewed -th-e seuen -gh-ere . se -th-ow me
no Ra-th-er [aaAx]
D: 9,66 I haue sewed -th-e -th-is seuene -gh-eer . saw -th-(o)u
me no rathere [aaAx]
R: 9,66 I haue s(er)ued -th-e -th-is vij -gh-er(e) . sey
-th-(o)u me no ra-th-er [aaAx]
U: 9,66 I haue swyed -th-e -th-is vij -y-er . seye -th-(o)u
me no ra-th-(er) [aaAx]
V: 9,66 I haue (suwed) _th_e _th_is (seuen) _g_er . (se_g_e)
me no ra_th_ere [aaAx]
J: 9,66 -Gh-e I haue suwyd -th-e seuen -gh-ere . seye -th-(o)u
me no rather(e) [aaAx]
K: 9,66 I haue sewyd the thes vijer yer(es) . seest thou
me no rather [aaAx]
W: 9,66 Thoght q(uo)d he I haue serued -th-e -th-is seuene
-gh-er [aaAx]
N: 9,66 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,66 I haue sewyd -th-e al -th-is seuene -gh-ere . sey
-th-u me no raye [aaAx]
M: 9,66 I haue s(er)uid -th-e vij -y-er . sey -th-(o)u me
no(n) ra-th-er(e) [aaAx]
H3: 9,66 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,67 Art [th](o)u [th]ou[gh]t [th]o q(ua)[th] I [th](o)u
cou[th]est me telle
H2: 9,67 Art thou thou-gh-t tho q(uo)d I . thou couthist
me telle [aaAxx]
Ch: 9,67 Ert -th-ow -th-ou-gh-t q(uo)d I . -th-ow hit cow-th-est
me telle [aaAxx]
D: 9,67 Art -th-(o)u -th-ou-gh-t -th-o q(ou)d I . -th-(o)u
coudest me telle [aaAxx]
R: 9,67 Art -th-(o)u thaut q(uo)d I . -th-ou coudest me telle
U: 9,67 Art -th-(o)u -th-ought -th-o q(uo)d he . coudest
-th-ou me telle [aaAxx]
V: 9,67 Art _th_ou (_th_ou_g_t)?" quod I (_th_o) . const
(_th_ou) me telle [aaAx]
J: 9,67 Artow thout q(uo)d I -th-o . canstow ouht me telle
K: 9,67 Art thou thought tho q(uo)d I . thou coudest me telle
W: 9,67 And saw -th-ou me no ra-th-ere art -th-ou -th-oght
q(uo)d I [aaAxx]
N: 9,67 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,67 Art -th-u -th-outh quot I . canst -th-u me telle
M: 9,67 Art -th-ou youth q(uo)d I -th-o . kant -th-(o)u me
telle [aaAxx]
H3: 9,67 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,68 Where dowel dwelli[th] & do me to wisse
H2: 9,68 Wher(e) dowel dwellit . and do me to wysse [aaAx]
Ch: 9,68 Wher dowel duelleth . and do me to wisse [aaAx]
D: 9,68 Wher dowel dwelle-th- . & do me to wysse [aaAx]
R: 9,68 Wher dowel dwelle-th- . and do me to wisse [aaAx]
U: 9,68 Wher(e) dowel duellith . do me to wisse [aaAx]
V: 9,68 Wher _th_at (dowel) (dwelle_th_) . (do) me to wisse
J: 9,68 Qwer(e) dowele duellyth . do me to wisse [aaAx]
K: 9,68 Wher that dowell dwellith . & do me to wysse
W: 9,68 Thou kou-th-est telle me where dowel dwelle-th- . & do
me to wisse [aaAx]
N: 9,68 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,68 Where dowel dwellit . do me to wysse [aaAx]
M: 9,68 Wher dowel duellit . I preye -th-(o)u me wisse [aaAx]
H3: 9,68 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,69 Dowel q(ua)[th] he & dobet & dobest [th]e [th]ridde
H2: 9,69 Dowel q(uo)d he and dobet . and dobest the thridde
Ch: 9,69 Dowel q(uo)d he and dobet . and dobest -th-e -th-ridde
D: 9,69 Dowel q(ou)d he & dobet . & dobest -th-e
-th-rydde [aaAx]
R: 9,69 Dowel q(uo)d he and dobet . and dobest -th-e thridde
U: 9,69 Dowel q(uo)d he and dobet . and dobest -th-e -th-ridde
V: 9,69 (Dowel) quod he, "and (Dobet) . and (Dobest)
_th_e _th_ridde [aaAx]
J: 9,69 Dowele & dobet . & dobest -th-e thridde [aaAx]
K: 9,69 Dowel q(uo)d he & dobett . & dobest the thirde
W: 9,69 Dowel q(uo)d he & dobet . & dobest -th-e
-th-redde [aaAx]
N: 9,69 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,69 Dowel quot he dobest & dobet -th-e thrid [aaAx]
M: 9,69 Dowel q(uo)d he & dobet . & dobest -th-e
-th-rydde [aaAx]
H3: 9,69 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,70 Arn [th]re faire v(er)tues & ben not for to fynde
H2: 9,70 Arn thre faire virtues . and be nou-gh-t for to
fynde [aaAa]
Ch: 9,70 Arn -th-re faire vertues . and ben nau-gh-t fer
to fynde [aaAa]
D: 9,70 Are thre faire vertues . & be not fer to fynde
R: 9,70 are -th-re fayre vertues . and be-th- not fer to
fynde [aaAa]
U: 9,70 Ben -th-re faire v(er)tues . and ben noght fer to
fynde [aaAa]
V: 9,70 Beo_th_ _th_reo (faire) (vertues) . and beo_th_ not
(fer) to (fynde) [aaAa]
J: 9,70 Arne thre fayr(e) v(er)tues . nouth ferr(e) to fynde
K: 9,70 Arne three faire v(er)tues . & ben not far to
fynde [aaAa]
W: 9,70 Arn -th-re faire vertues . & be-th- not fer to
fynde [aaAa]
N: 9,70 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,70 Arn iij fayre vertuis . & be not to fynde [aaAa]
M: 9,70 Arn -th-r(e) farye vertuis . & bet-gh- not fer
to fynde [aaAa]
H3: 9,70 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,71 Whoso is mek of his mou[th] mylde of his speche
H2: 9,71 Whoso is meke of his mou-gh-t . mylde of his speche
Ch: 9,71 Whoso is meke of his mow-th-e . and milde of his
speche [aaAx]
D: 9,71 Whoso is meke of his mouth . mylde of his speche
R: 9,71 Whoso is meke of his mou-th- . and mylde of his speche
U: 9,71 Whoso is meke of his mouth . mylde of his speche
V: 9,71 He is (Meke) of his (Mou_th_) . (Mylde) of his speche
J: 9,71 Hoso is meke of his mowthe . mylde of his speche
K: 9,71 Whoso is meke of his mouthe . mylde of his speche
W: 9,71 Whoso is meke of his mouth . mylde of his speche
N: 9,71 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,71 Hoso be meke of his mou-th-e . & meke of his
speche [aaAx]
M: 9,71 Who -th-at is milde of his mouth . meke of his speche
H3: 9,71 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,72 Trewe of his tunge & of his two handis
H2: 9,72 Treuthe of his tunge . and of his two handis [aaAx]
Ch: 9,72 Trewe of his tong . and of his two handes [aaAx]
D: 9,72 Trewe of his tounge . & of his two handes [aaAx]
R: 9,72 trewe of tou(n)ge . and of his two handis [aaAx]
U: 9,72 Trewe of his tunge . and of his two handes [aaAx]
V: 9,72 (Trewe) of his (tonge) . and of his (two) hondes
J: 9,72 Trewe of his tung(e) . & of his two handes [aaAx]
K: 9,72 Trewe of his tonge . & of his twoo hand(is) [aaAx]
W: 9,72 Trew of his tonge . and his two hondes . & trewe
of his laboure [aaAx]
N: 9,72 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,72 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 9,72 Trew of his tunge . & of his tweie handys [aaAx]
H3: 9,72 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,73 And [th]oru[gh] his labo(ur) or his lond his liflode
H2: 9,73 And thoru his labo(ur) or his londe . his liflode
wynneth [aaAx]
Ch: 9,73 And -th-orou-gh- -th-e labour of his honde . his
liflode wynne-th- [aaAx]
D: 9,73 And -th-our-gh-t his laboure or his lond . his lyflode
wynne-th- [aaAx]
R: 9,73 And -th-orw -th-e labo(ur) of his hand(es) . his
lyflode wy(n)ne-th- [aaAx]
U: 9,73 And -th-urw -th-e labour(e) of his handes . his liflode
wynne-th- [aaAx]
V: 9,73 And bi his (labur) or bi his (lond) . his (lyflode)
wynne_th_ [aaAx]
J: 9,73 And thorow his labore or his londe . his liflod wy(n)nyth
K: 9,73 And thrugh his labo(ur) or by his lond(es) . his
liuelode he wynnyth [aaAx]
W: 9,73 Or -th-row his hondes . his lyflode wynne-th- [aaAx]
N: 9,73 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,73 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 9,73 And -th-ourth his labour of his land . his liflode
wy(n)nyt [aaAx]
H3: 9,73 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,74 Trusty of his tailende taki[th] but his owene
H2: 9,74 Trusty of his taylende . takith but his owne [aaAx]
Ch: 9,74 Tristy of his taileende . and take-th- but his owne
D: 9,74 And trwsty of his taylende . take-th- but his owne
R: 9,74 and trost of his taylende . take-th- but his owyn
U: 9,74 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 9,74 And (trusti) of his (taylende) . (take_th_) bote
his owne [aaAx]
J: 9,74 and t(ro)sty of his taylhende . & takyth but
his owne [aaAx]
K: 9,74 And trusty of his tayle ende . & taketh but his
own [aaAx]
W: 9,74 And trusty is of taillend . taketh but his owen [aaAx]
N: 9,74 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,74 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 9,74 Is trust of his of his tailhende . ne takyt but his
own[e] [aaAx]
H3: 9,74 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,75 And nou[gh]t drunkelewe ne deyno(us) dowel hym folewi[th]
H2: 9,75 And nou-gh-t drunkelew ne deyno(us) . dowel hi(m)
folewewith [aaAx]
Ch: 9,75 And nou-gh-t dronklewe no deynouse . dowel hym folowe-th-
D: 9,75 And nou-gh-t dronken ne deygnous . dowel hym folow(e)t(h)
R: 9,75 And is not dru(n)kelew ne denyous . dowel hi(m) folwy-th-
U: 9,75 And is noght drunkelewe ne deignous of speche [aaAx]
V: 9,75 And is not (dronkeleuh) ne (deynous) . (Dowel) him
folewe_th_ [aaAx]
J: 9,75 & ys nouth drunlew ne deynows . dowel hi(m) folwyth
K: 9,75 And is not dronkloy ne deynous . dowell hym folowyth
W: 9,75 And is not dronklowe ne deynous . dowel hym folwe-th-
N: 9,75 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,75 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 9,75 And is not drunken ne dinous . dowel hi(m) folwit
H3: 9,75 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,76 Dobet [th]us do[th] ac he do[th] muche more
H2: 9,76 Dobet thus doth . ac he doth muche mor(e) [aaAx]
Ch: 9,76 Dobette -th-us do-th-e . ac he do-th- much more
D: 9,76 Dobet -th-us do-th- . ac he do-th- moche more [aaAx]
R: 9,76 Dobet -th-us do-th- . he do-th- moche more [aaAx]
U: 9,76 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 9,76 (Dobet) (do_th_) _th_us . bote he (do_th_) muche
more [aaAx]?
J: 9,76 Dobet doth -th-(us) . & doth mychel more [aaAx]
K: 9,76 Dobett doth thus . but he doth mochell more [aaAx]
W: 9,76 Dobet do-th- -th-us . but he do-th- muche more [aaAx]
N: 9,76 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 9,76 Dobet dot -th-us . but he dot-gh- mechel moor(e)
H3: 9,76 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,77 He is as lou[gh] as a lomb louelich of speche
H2: 9,77 He is a lou-gh- as a lomb . louechiliche of speche
Ch: 9,77 He is as lowe as a lombe . and louelich of speche
D: 9,77 He is lowelich as a lombe . louelich of speche [aaAx]
R: 9,77 He is as low as a lomb . and louely of speche [aaAx]
U: 9,77 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 9,77 He is as (louh) as a (lomb) . (louelich) of speche
J: 9,77 He is as lowe as a lombe . louely of speche [aaAx]
K: 9,77 He is as lowe as a lombe . loueliche of speche [aaAx]
W: 9,77 He is as lowe as a lombe . louely of speche [aaAx]
N: 9,77 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,77 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 9,77 He is low as a lomb . louely of speche [aaAx]
H3: 9,77 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,78 Whiles he ha[th] ou[gh]t of his owene he helpi[th]
[th](er)e nede is
H2: 9,78 Whiles he hath ou-gh-t of his owne . he helpith
ther(e) nede is [aaAx]
Ch: 9,78 Whiles he ha-th-e ou-gh-t of his owne . helpe-th-
-th-er nede is [aaAx]
D: 9,78 Whiles he ha-th- ou-gh-t of owne . he helpeth -th-(er)
nede is [aaAx]
R: 9,78 whil he ha-th- of his owyn . he dely-th- -th-(er)
most nede is [aaAx]
U: 9,78 While he ha-th- of his owen . he delith -th-(er)e
moste nede is [aaAx]
V: 9,78 While he ha_th_ (ou_g_t) of his (owne) . he (helpe_th_)
_th_er neod is [aaAx]
J: 9,78 Qwyl he hath outh of his owne . he helpith -th-(er)
nede is [aaAx]
K: 9,78 While he hath ought of his own . he helpith the nedye
W: 9,78 Whiles he hath ought of his owen . he helpe-th- -th-(er)wi-th-
many [aaAx]
N: 9,78 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,78 Whil he hath of is owyn . helpit -th-e nede [aaAx]
M: 9,78 Whil he hat out of his ovne . he helpit -th-er nede
is [aaAx]
H3: 9,78 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,79 [Th]e bagges & [th]e breigerdlis he ha[th] broken
hem alle
H2: 9,79 The bagges and the breigirdelis . he hat-gh- broken
he(m) alle [aaAx]
Ch: 9,79 -Th-e Bagges and -th-e Bigirdelis . he ha-th-e broke
hem alle [aaAx]
D: 9,79 The bagges & -th-e begg(er) doles . he hath broken
he(m) alle [aaAx]
R: 9,79 -Th-e bagges of -th-e bigerdelys . he ha-th- broke
he(m) alle [aaAx]
U: 9,79 -Th-e bagges and -th-e bygirdles . he ha-th- broken
hem alle [aaAx]
V: 9,79 _Th_e (Bagges) and _th_e (Bi-gurdeles) . he ha_th_
hem (broken) alle [aaAx]
J: 9,79 -Th-e baggys & -th-e bygyrdelys . he hath brokyn
alle [aaAx]
K: 9,79 The bagges & the bigurdell(es) . he hathe broken
them alle [aaAx]
W: 9,79 The bagge and -th-e bygerdels . he ha-th- broke hem
alle [aaAx]
N: 9,79 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,79 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 9,79 To bidderis & beggeris . he hat broky(n) he(m)
alle [aaAx]
H3: 9,79 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,80 [Th]at [th]e Erl auerous hadde or his eires
H2: 9,80 That the erl auarous hadde or his eyris [aa??]
Ch: 9,80 -Th-at -th-e erle auerous hadde or his ei-gh-ers
D: 9,80 The -th-e Erle Auarows hadde or his eyres [aa??]
R: 9,80 -Th-at erle auarous hadde and his eyres [aa??]
U: 9,80 -Th-at -th-e Erl auerous hadde and his eyres [aa??]
V: 9,80 _Th_at _th_e (Auerous) (hedde) . or (eny) of his
(heires) [aaAa]
J: 9,80 -Th-(a)t eu(er) erle aueris had or his eyris [aa??]
K: 9,80 That the erle auerous had or his heir(es) [aa??]
W: 9,80 That -th-e Erl auerous hadde or his eyrs [aa??]
N: 9,80 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,80 That -th-e erle auarice had . or ony of his eyris
M: 9,80 -Th-at auarouse man hadde or his eyris [aa??]
H3: 9,80 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,81 And wi[th] mammones money he ha[th] mad hym frendis
H2: 9,81 And with mammones money . he hat-gh- made hi(m)
frendes [aaAx]
Ch: 9,81 And with mamoynes money . he ha-th-e made him frendes
D: 9,81 And ma(m)monays money . he ha-th- made hy(m) ffrendys
R: 9,81 And w(i)t(h) ma(m)monas mone . he ha-th- mad hi(m)
frend(is) [aaAx]
U: 9,81 & wi-th- ma(m)mones mone . ha-th- mad hym frendes
V: 9,81 And wi_th_ (Mammonas) (moneye) . ha_th_ (maked) him
frendes [aaAx]
J: 9,81 & w(i)t(h) mammonaes mone . he hath made hi(m)
frendys [aaAx]
K: 9,81 And w(i)t(h) ma(m)moneis money . he hath madde hym
frend(is) [aaAx]
W: 9,81 And wi-th- mamonas monoye . he ha-th- made hem frendes
N: 9,81 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,81 W(i)t(h) mamonis monye . had mad hym frendis [aaAx]
M: 9,81 & w(i)t(h) mani mannis mony . he made hi(m) frendys
H3: 9,81 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,82 And is ronne to religioun & ha[th] rendrit [th]e
H2: 9,82 And is ronne to religiou(n) . and hat-gh- rendrit
the bible [aaAx]
Ch: 9,82 And his Ronne to Religioun . and ha-th-e rendred
-th-e bible [aaAx]
D: 9,82 And is ronne into Religiou(n) . & hath rendryd
-th-e byble [aaAx]
R: 9,82 And is ronne to -th-e relygious . and ha-th- re(n)dred
-th-e bible [aaAx]
U: 9,82 And is ronne into religiou(n) . and ha-th- rendrid
-th-e bible [aaAx]
V: 9,82 And is (Ronnen) in-to (Religiun) . And ha_th_ (Rendret)
_th_e Bible [aaAx]
J: 9,82 & is ru(n)nyn into relygiou(n) . & hath renderid
-th-e byble [aaAx]
K: 9,82 And is ronne to religioun . & hath renderid the
bible [aaAx]
W: 9,82 And he is ronnen into religion . & ha-th- rendred
-th-e bible [aaAx]
N: 9,82 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,82 He is ronnyn to religious . and renderith is bille
M: 9,82 And is ronnyn to religiou(n) . & rendrid -th-e
bible [aaAx]
H3: 9,82 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,83 And p(re)chi[th] [th]e peple seint poulis wordis
H2: 9,83 And p(re)chit-gh- the peple . seint poulis wordis
{ Libent(er) sufferte &c } [aaAx]
Ch: 9,83 And preche-th- -th-e peple . seint poules wordes
{ libenter sufferte } [aaAx]
D: 9,83 And p(re)cheth -th-e peple . seint poules wordes
R: 9,83 And preche-th- -th-e peple . seynt powles word(is)
U: 9,83 And p(re)chi-th- -th-e peple . seint poules wordis
V: 9,83 And (preche_th_) _th_e (peple) . seint (poules) wordes,
{ Libenter sufferte }
J: 9,83 And p(re)chith -th-e peple . seynt Powlys wordys
K: 9,83 And p(re)chit the people . saynt powl(is) word(is)
W: 9,83 And preche-th- -th-e peple . seint Poules wordes
{ Libent(er) suffertis &c } [aaAx]
N: 9,83 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,83 And prechit -th-e puple . sen poulis wordis [aaAx]
M: 9,83 & prechit -th-e peple . seint poulis wordys {
libe(n)t(er) suff(er)et[is] insipie(n)tes } [aaAx]
H3: 9,83 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,83 { Libent(er) sufferte &c }
H2: 9,83a --- this line om ---
Ch: 9,83a --- this line om ---
D: 9,83a { Libent(er) sufferte &c } [Latin]
R: 9,83a { Libent(er) suffertis &c } [Latin]
V: 9,83a --- this line om ---
J: 9,83a --- this line is omitted ---
K: 9,83a { Libenter suffertis insipientes &c } [Latin]
W: 9,83a --- this line om ---
N: 9,83a --- this line is omitted --
A: 9,83a { Libenter suffertis &c } [Latin]
M: 9,83a --- this line om ---
H3: 9,83a --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,84 [Th]e wise suffri[th] [th]e vnwise w(i)t(h) [y]ow to
H2: 9,84 The wyse suffrith the onwyse . with -gh-ow to libbe
Ch: 9,84 The wise suffre-th- -th-e onwise . with -gh-ow to
libbe [aaAxx]
D: 9,84 The wyse suffre-th- -th-e vnwyse . w(i)t(h) -gh-ou
to lybbe [aaAxx]
R: 9,84 -Th-e wise suffret-gh- -th-e onwise . w(i)t(h) -gh-ou
for to lybbe [aaAxx]
U: 9,84 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 9,84 -Y-e wise suffre-th- -th-e vnwise . wi-th- -y-ou
for to libbe [aaAxx]
V: 9,84 _Y_e (wyse), soffre_th_ _th_e (vn-wyse) . (wi_th_)
ow for to libbe [aaAx]
J: 9,84 -Gh-e wyse sufferith -th-e vnwyse . w(i)t(h) -gh-ow
for to lybbe [aaAxx]
K: 9,84 Ye wise suffre onwyse . w(i)t(h) yow for to dwelle
W: 9,84 The wise suffre-th- the vnwise . wi-th- -gh-ow for
to libbe [aaAxx]
N: 9,84 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,84 The wyse sufferith -th-e vnwyse . w(i)t(h) -gh-ou
for to leue [aaAxx]
M: 9,84 -Y-e wyse suffrit vnwise . w(i)t(h) -y-ou for to
libbe [aaAxx]
H3: 9,84 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,85 And wi[th] glad wil do[th] hem good for so god bit
H2: 9,85 And with glad wylle doth hem good . for so god bit
hi(m) [aaAx]
Ch: 9,85 And with glad wille do hem gode . for so god biddi-th-
hym [aaAx]
D: 9,85 And glad wil doth hem good . for so god hem hi-gh-te
R: 9,85 And w(i)t(h) glad wil do he(m) good . for so god
hi(m) hy-gh-te [aaAx]
U: 9,85 & wi-th- good wille do hem good . for so our
lord highte [aaAx]
V: 9,85 And with (glad) wille do_th_ hem (good) . for so
(god) himself hi_g_te [aaAx]
J: 9,85 W(i)t(h) glad wille doth-hem gode . for so hem god
hy[h]te [aaAx]
K: 9,85 And w(i)t(h) glad will do hem good . for god hymself
hete [aaAx]
W: 9,85 And wi-th- glad wil do-th- hym good . for god so
hymself hyght [aaAx]
N: 9,85 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,85 And w(i)t(h) good wil do hem good . so god hymselfe
hite [aaAx]
M: 9,85 Wit good wille doth he(m) good . so god hi(m)self
higthe [aaAx]
H3: 9,85 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,86 Dobest is aboue bo[th]e & beri[th] a bisshopis
H2: 9,86 Dobest is aboue hem bothe . and berith a bisshop(is)
croce [aaaAa]
Ch: 9,86 Dobest is abouen hem bo-th-e . and Beri-th- a bischops
crois [aaaAa]
D: 9,86 Dobest is aboue hem bo-th-e . & beret a bysshopes
croos [aaaAa]
R: 9,86 Dobest is aboue he(m) bo-th-e . and bere-th- a bisshopes
crose [aaaAa]
U: 9,86 Dobest is aboue hem bo-th-e . and bere-th- a bisschopis
crose [aaaAa]
V: 9,86 (Dobest) is a-boue (bo_th_e) . And (Bere_th_) A (Busschopes)
cros [aaAa]
J: 9,86 Dobest is abouyn bothyn . a bischoppis crose [aaaAa]
K: 9,86 Dobest is aboue both . & bereth a bisshop(is)
crosse [aaaAa]
W: 9,86 Dobest is aboven bo-th-e . and bereth a byshops croys
N: 9,86 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,86 Dobest is abouyn hem bo-th-e . berith a buschopes
crose [aaaAa]
M: 9,86 Dobest is abouen bo-th-n . & berit a bysshopis
cros [aaaAa]
H3: 9,86 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,87 Is hokid at [th](a)t on ende to holde men in good lif
H2: 9,87 Is hokit at that on ende . to holde men in good
lif [aaAx]
Ch: 9,87 Is hoked at -th-e on ende . to holde men to gode
lif [aaAx]
D: 9,87 His hoked at -th-at on ende . to hold men in good
lyf [aaAx]
R: 9,87 yhoked at -th-(a)t on ende . to holde hi(m) in good
lyf [aaAx]
U: 9,87 Hokid at -th-e ton ende . to holden hem in good lif
V: 9,87 Is (hoket) atte (ende) . to (holden) him in good
lyf [aaAx]
J: 9,87 Is hokyd at -th-e ende . in godelyfe men to holdyn
K: 9,87 Yt is hoked at the one end . to hold men in good
life [aaAx]
W: 9,87 Yhoked at -th-at on ende . to hold men in good lyf
N: 9,87 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,87 Is hokyd at -th-e ton ende . to hold men in good
lyfe [aaAx]
M: 9,87 Is hokid at -th-e on hende . to holdi(n) me(n) i(n)
good lif [aaAx]
H3: 9,87 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,88 A pik is in [th]at potent to pungen adoun [th]e wykkide
H2: 9,88 A pike is that potent . to pungen adou(n) the wicked
Ch: 9,88 A pike is In -th-at potent . to punge adoun -th-e
wikked [aaAx]
D: 9,88 A pyke is in -th-o potent . to put adou(n) -th-e
wyked [aaAx]
R: 9,88 A pyk in -th-e potent . to pycche adou(n) wickede
U: 9,88 A pyke is in -th-e potente . to pynche adou(n) -th-e
wikkide [aaAx]
V: 9,88 A (pyk) is in _th_e ende . to (punge) a-doun _th_e
wikkede [aaAx]
J: 9,88 A pyke in -th-(a)t potent . to punchin adoune -th-e
wyckyd [aaAx]
K: 9,88 A pike is in the potent . to pynge down the wykked
W: 9,88 A poynt in -th-e potent . to pynge doun -th-e wykked
N: 9,88 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,88 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 9,88 A pik in -th-e potente . to putty(n) adou(n) -th-e
wickede [aaAx]
H3: 9,88 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,89 [Th]at waiten any wikkidnesse dowel to tenen
H2: 9,89 That wayten ony wyckidnesse . dowel to tenen [aaAx]
Ch: 9,89 -Th-at wayten ay wikkedly . dowel to tene [aaAx]
D: 9,89 That wayte ony wikkydnesse . dowel to tene [aaAx]
R: 9,89 That haunte-th- eny wickednesse . dowel to tene [aaAx]
U: 9,89 -Th-at haunte-th- ony wikkidnesse . dowel to tene
V: 9,89 _Th_at (wayten) eny (wikkednesse) . (Dowel) to teone
J: 9,89 -Th-(a)t waytyn any wikkydnesse . dowele to tene
K: 9,89 That wayteth any wykkednes . dowell to tenen [aaAx]
W: 9,89 That waite any wikkednesse . dowel to tenen [aaAx]
N: 9,89 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,89 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 9,89 -Th-at wattyn any wickidnesse . dowel to tenyn [aaAx]
H3: 9,89 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,90 And as dowel & dobet dede hem to vndirstonde
H2: 9,90 And as dowel and dobet . don hem to vnd(ir)stonde
Ch: 9,90 And as dowel and dobet . ded hym to vnderstonde
D: 9,90 And as dowel & dobet . dude hym vndirstonde [aaAx]
R: 9,90 And as dowel and dobet . don hi(m) to vnderstonde
U: 9,90 And as dowel and dobet . do-th- him to vndirstonde
V: 9,90 And as (Dowel) and (Dobet) . (duden) hem to vnderstonde
J: 9,90 And as dowele & dobet . dydyn him vnderstondyn
K: 9,90 And as dowel & dobett . dyddyn hem to vnderstond
W: 9,90 And as dowel and dobet . dede hym to vnderstande
N: 9,90 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,90 And as dowel & dobet . dedyn hym vndurstonde
M: 9,90 And as dowel & dobet . dede hi(m) vndirstonde
H3: 9,90 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,91 [Th]ei han crounide o king to kepe hem alle
H2: 9,91 Thei han crounid a kyng . to kepen hem alle [aaAx]
Ch: 9,91 -Th-ei han crowned on kyng . to kepen hem alle [aaAx]
D: 9,91 They haue Crouned a kyng . to kepen hem alle [aaAx]
R: 9,91 -Th-ey haue crouned a king . to kepin he(m) alle
U: 9,91 -Th-ei haue corouned a kyng . to kepen hem alle [aaAx]
V: 9,91 _Th_ei han (I-Corouned) A (kyng) . to (kepen) hem
Alle [aaAx]
J: 9,91 He hath Ic(oro)wnyd a kyng . to kepyn hem alle [aaAx]
K: 9,91 Thay haue crowned one kyng . to kepen hem alle [aaAx]
W: 9,91 Thay haue crouned on kyng . to kepen hem alle [aaAx]
N: 9,91 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,91 Thay haue corounyd a kyng . to kepyn hem alle [aaAx]
M: 9,91 -Th-ey han corounyd a kyng . to kepi(n) he(m) alle
H3: 9,91 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,92 [Th]at [y]if dowel & dobet dede a[gh]ens dobest
H2: 9,92 That if dowel and dobet . dede a-gh-ens dobest [aaAa]
Ch: 9,92 And -gh-ef dowel and dobette . dedyn a-gh-en dobest
D: 9,92 That yf dowel or dobet . dede a-gh-ens dobest [aaAa]
R: 9,92 And -gh-if dowel and dobet . dedyn a-gh-enst dobest
U: 9,92 And -y-if dowel and dobet . dide a-y-en dobest [aaAa]
V: 9,92 _Th_at _g_if (Dowel) or (Dobet) . (dude) a_g_eyn
(Dobest) [aaAa]
J: 9,92 And -gh-if dowele & dobet . dydyn a-gh-eyn dobest
K: 9,92 That if dowell or dobett . dyden ageyn dobeste [aaAa]
W: 9,92 That if dowel & dobet . dide a-gh-en dobest [aaAa]
N: 9,92 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,92 -Gh-if dowel or dobet . weryn a-gh-eyn dobest [aaAa]
M: 9,92 And -y-if dowel or dobet . dedyn ageyn dobest [aaAa]
H3: 9,92 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,93 And were vnbuxum at his bidding and bold to don ille
H2: 9,93 And were vnbuxu(m) at his biddyng . and bolde to
do ille [aaAx]
Ch: 9,93 And weren onbuxsom at his biddyng . and bold to
do[n ille] [aaAx]
D: 9,93 And were vnbuxom at his byddyng . and bold to don
ille [aaAx]
R: 9,93 And were vnbuxou(m) at his biddyng . and bold to
don ille [aaAx]
U: 9,93 And were vnbuxum at his biddynge . & bold to
don ille [aaAx]
J: 9,93 And weryn vnbuxom at his biddyng . & bolde to
dou(n) ille [aaAx]
K: 9,93 And weron vnbuxum at his byddyng . & bolde to
do ille [aaAx]
W: 9,93 And were vnbuxom at his byddyng . & bold to don
ille [aaAx]
N: 9,93 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,93 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 9,93 Wern to hi(m) vnbuxu(m) . or boold to don ille [aaAx]
H3: 9,93 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,94 [Th](a)t [th]anne shulde [th]e kyng come & casten
hem in p(re)sou(n)
H2: 9,94 That than schulde the kyng come . and caste hi(m)
in p(re)sou(n) [aaAx]
Ch: 9,94 -th-at -th-an schuld -th-e kyng come . and cast
hem In preso[un] [aaAx]
D: 9,94 That -th-anne schuld -th-e kyng come . & caste
he(m) in p(ri)sou(n) [aaAx]
R: 9,94 -Th-a(n) -th-e king shulde come . and caste he(m)
in p(ri)sou(n) [aaAx]
U: 9,94 -Th-a(n)ne -th-e kyng schulde come . and casten hem
in p(ri)sone [aaAx]
V: 9,94 _Th_en schulde _th_e (kyng) (comen) . And (casten)
hem in prison [aaAx]
J: 9,94 -Th-an schuld -th-e kyng comyn . & castyn hem
in Irnys [aaAx]
K: 9,94 That than schuld the kyng come . & cast hem in
p(ri)sou(n) [aaAx]
W: 9,94 That -th-an shold -th-e kyng come . & don hym
in prison [aaAx]
N: 9,94 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,94 Than schuld -th-e kyng comyn . and caste hem in presun
M: 9,94 -Th-anne schulde -th-e kyng in prysou(n) hi(m) caste
H3: 9,94 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,95 And putten hem [th](er)e in pen(au)nce wi[th]oute pite
or g(ra)ce
H2: 9,95 And putten hem there in penau(n)ce . withoute pite
or g(ra)ce [aaAx]
Ch: 9,95 And put hem -th-er In penaunce . without pite or
grace [aaAx]
D: 9,95 And put hem -th-(er)e in pen(au)nce . w(i)t(h)oute
pyte or grace [aaAx]
R: 9,95 And putte he(m) -th-er in penau(n)s . w(i)t(h)oute
pite or grace [aaAx]
U: 9,95 & putte hem in prisone . wi-th-oute pite or grace
V: 9,95 And (puiten) him _th_er In (penaunce) . with-outen
(pite) or grace [aaAx]
J: 9,95 And puttyn hem -th-(er) in penaunnce . w(i)t(h)outy(n)
ony g(ra)ce [aaAx]
K: 9,95 And putt them ther in penaunce . w(i)t(h)oute pite
or g(ra)ce [aaAx]
W: 9,95 And putte hem -th-er in penance . wi-th-oute pite
or grace [aaAx]
N: 9,95 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,95 And cast hem in penaunce . w(i)t(h)oute pete or grace
M: 9,95 And put hi(m) in penance . w(i)t(h)outy(n) any grace
H3: 9,95 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,96 But dobest bede for hem abide [th](er)e for eu(er)e
H2: 9,96 But dobest bidde for he(m) abide . ther for eu(er)e
Ch: 9,96 But dobest bid for hem -th-ei abide . -th-er for
euer [aaaXx]?
D: 9,96 But dobest bede for hem abyde . -th-(er)e for eu(er)e
R: 9,96 but -gh-if dobest prey for hem abyde -th-er for euer(e)
U: 9,96 & but -y-if dobest bede for hem abide . -th-(er)e
for eu(er)e [aaaXx]?
V: 9,96 Bote _g_if (Dobest) (beede) for him . (a-byde) _th_er
for euere [aaAx]
J: 9,96 And but -gh-if dobest bidde for hem vnbydyn . -th-(er)
for eu(er)e [aaaXx]?
K: 9,96 But if dobest byd for hem abide . ther for eu(er)
W: 9,96 But if dobest -th-e -th-redde bidde for hym abide
shal he -th-er for euere [aaaXx]?
N: 9,96 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,96 But dobest bede for hem . -th-ei bedyn -th-er for
euyr [aaaXx]?
M: 9,96 But dobest bidde for hi(m) abide . -th-er for euere
H3: 9,96 --- this line is missing ---
T: 9,97 [Th]us dowel & dobet & dobest [th]e [th]ridde
H2: 9,97 Thus dowel and dobet . and dobest the thridde [aaAx]
Ch: 9,97 -Th-us dowel and dobette . and dobest -th-e -th-redde
D: 9,97 -Th-us dowel & dobet . & dobest -th-e -th-irde
R: 9,97 Thus dowel and dobet . and dobest -th-e thridde [aaAx]
U: 9,97 -Th-us dowel and dobet . and dobest -th-e -th-ridde
V: 9,97 _Th_us (Dowel) and (Dobet) . And (Dobest) _th_e _th_ridde
J: 9,97 -Th-(us) dowele & dobet . & dobest -th-e
thridde [aaAx]
K: 9,97 Thus dowel dobett . & dobest the thirde [aaAx]
W: 9,97 Thus dewel dobet . & dobest the -th-redde [aaAx]
N: 9,97 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,97 Thus dowel & dobet . and dobest -th-e thride
M: 9,97 -Th-us dobest dowel & dobet . & dobest -th-e
-th-ridde [aaAx]
H3: 9,97 -Th-an dowel dobet . & dobest -th-e thredde
T: 9,98 Corounid on to be kyng & be his counseil werchen
H2: 9,98 Corou(n)ned oon to be kyng . and be his consel werchen
Ch: 9,98 Crouned on to be kyng . and be his counseil wirchen
D: 9,98 Croune on to be kyng . & by here counseil werche
R: 9,98 Crouned on to be king . and by his cou(n)seyl wrou-gh-the
U: 9,98 Corouned on to be kyng . and by his counseil wurche
V: 9,98 (Crounede) on to beo (kyng) . And bi heor (counseil)
worche [aaAx]
J: 9,98 Crownedyn one to ben kyng . be her co(n)cel to wyrche
K: 9,98 Crowned one to be kyng . & by their counceile
worche [aaAx]
W: 9,98 Crouned one to be kyng . & worche by hyr(e) conseill
N: 9,98 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,98 Corounyd hym to be kyng . and here councel werche
M: 9,98 Corounyd on to ben kyng . & be her(e) counseil
werche [aaAx]
H3: 9,98 Xul corond on to be kyng . & be hys consel werche
T: 9,99 And rewele [th]e reaum be red of hem alle
H2: 9,99 And reule that reme . be rede of he(m) alle [aaAx]
Ch: 9,99 And rewled -th-e reme . by rede of hem alle [aaAx]
D: 9,99 And reule -th-e reame . be rede of hem alle [aaAx]
R: 9,99 and rewlen -th-e rewme . by red of hem alle [aaAx]
U: 9,99 And reule -th-e rewme . for reed of hem alle [aaAx]
V: 9,99 And (Rule) _th_e (Reame) . bi (Red) of hem Alle [aaAx]
J: 9,99 And rewlyn -th-e rewme . be rede of hem alle [aaAx]
K: 9,99 And Rule the realme . by rede of hem alle [aaAx]
W: 9,99 And reule -th-e reume . by rede of hem alle & non
o-th-(er) wise [aaAx]
N: 9,99 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,99 And reule -th-e reme . be reule of hem alle [aaAx]
M: 9,99 & Reulin -th-e reme . be red of hem alle [aaAx]
H3: 9,99 And rewly(n) -th-e rewm . be red of hem alle [aaAx]
T: 9,100 And o[th](er)e wise & ellis nou[gh]t but as [th]ei
[th]re assentide
H2: 9,100 And other wyse and ellis nou-gh-t . but as thei
thre asente [????]
Ch: 9,100 And o-th-er wise and elles nou-gh-t but as -th-ei
-th-re assented [????]
D: 9,100 And o-th-(er) wyse or elles nou-gh-t but as -th-ey
-th-re assente-th- [????]
R: 9,100 and o-th-(er) wise and ell(is) not but as -th-ei
-th-re asente [????]
U: 9,100 And o-th-(er) wise and elles not but as -th-ese
-th-re assente [????]
V: 9,100 And o_th_erwyse elles not . bute as _th_ei _th_reo
assenten [????]
J: 9,100 And o-th-(er) wyse ne ellis but as -th-ei thre acordene
K: 9,100 And other wise els nowght but as they three assented
W: 9,100 Ne elles not but -th-ai -th-re assended [????]
N: 9,100 --- this line is omitted --
A: 9,100 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 9,100 And [n]ou(n) o-th-er(e) wyse ne ell(is) but as -th-ey
-th-r(e) asentedy(n)n [????]
H3: 9,100 And o-th-(ir) wyse not ell(is) nouth but as -th-ei
iij assenty(n) [????]
T: 9,101 I [th]ankide [th]ou[gh]t [th]o [th](a)t he me so tau[gh]te
H2: 9,101 I thanked thou-gh-t tho . that he me so tau-gh-te
Ch: 9,101 I -th-anked -th-ou-gh-t -th-o . -th-at me so tau-gh-t
D: 9,101 I -th-anked -th-ought -th-o . -th-(a)t he me so
tau-gh-te [aaaAxx]?
R: 9,101 I -th-anked -th-ou-gh-th -th-o . so -th-at he me
so tau-gh-the [aaaAxx]?
U: 9,101 I -th-ankid -th-ou-gh-te so . -th-at he me so tau-gh-te
V: 9,101 I (_th_onkede) him feire (_th_o) he me so tau_g_te,
J: 9,101 I thanckyd thowte -th-oo . -th-(a)t he me so taute
K: 9,101 I thanked thought tho . that he me so tawght [aaaAxx]?
W: 9,101 I -th-anked -th-ought -th-o . -th-at he me so taght
N: 9,101 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,101 I thankid -th-outh -th-o . -th-at he me so tauth
M: 9,101 I -th-anked -th-outh -th-o . -th-at he me so tauthe
H3: 9,101 I thankyd thouth -th-o . -th-(a)t he me so had
taughte [aaaAxx]?
T: 9,102 Ac [y]et sauo(ur)i[th] me nou[gh]t [th]i segging so
me god helpe
H2: 9,102 Ac -gh-et sauo(ur)ith me nou-gh-t thi seggyng .
so me god helpe [aaAxx]
Ch: 9,102 Bot -gh-et sauere-th- me nou-gh-t -th-y seggyng
. so me god helpe [aaAxx]
D: 9,102 Ac -gh-et saide ous nou-gh-t -th-y seggeng(es) .
so me god helpe [aaAxx]
R: 9,102 and -gh-it sauoure-th- me not -th-i seggyng . so
me god helpe [aaAxx]
U: 9,102 and -y-it sauoure-th- me not -th-i siggynge . so
me god helpe [aaAxx]
V: 9,102 "But _g_it (sauere_th_) not me _th_i (siggynge)
. (so) me God helpe [aaAxx]
J: 9,102 Ac -gh-it sauowrith me nouth -th-i seying so me
god help [aaAxx]
K: 9,102 But yet sauorith me not thy sayyng . so me god help
W: 9,102 But sau(er)e-th- me not -th-i siggyng . so me god
helpe [aaAxx]
N: 9,102 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,102 And -gh-it sauerid me not in seyng . as so me god
helpe [aaAxx]
M: 9,102 And -y-it sauourde me not -th-y(n) siggynge . so
me god helpe [aaAxx]
H3: 9,102 And sauo(ur)d it nouth hys saying . so me god helpe
T: 9,103 More kynde knowyng I coueyte to lere
H2: 9,103 More kynde knowyng . I coueite to lere [aaAx]
Ch: 9,103 More kynde knowyng . I coueyte to lere [aaAx]
D: 9,103 More kende knowyng . I coueyte to lerne [aaAx]
R: 9,103 more kynde knowing . I coueyte to lerne [aaAx]
U: 9,103 More kynde knowynge . y coueite to lerne [aaAx]
V: 9,103 More (kuynde) (knowynge) . I (coueyte) to here [aaAx]
J: 9,103 More kynde knowing . I couet to lerne [aaAx]
K: 9,103 More kynde knowyng . I coueyte to lerne [aaAx]
W: 9,103 More kynde knowyng . I coueite to lerne [aaAx]
N: 9,103 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,103 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 9,103 Mor(e) kynde knowyng . I coueitid to ler(e) [aaAx]
H3: 9,103 More kynde knowyng . I coueyte to lerne [aaAx]
T: 9,104 How dowel dobet & dobest don on [th]is er[th]e
H2: 9,104 How dowel and dobet and dobest . don on this erthe
Ch: 9,104 How dowel and dobet and dobest . don on -th-is
er-th-e [aaaAx]
D: 9,104 How dowel dobet & dobest . don on -th-is er-th-e
R: 9,104 how dowel and dobet and dobest . don on -th-(i)s
erthe [aaaAx]
U: 9,104 How dowel and dobet . don on -th-is er-th-e [aaaAx]
V: 9,104 Hou (Dowel) and (Dobet) . and (dobest) be_th_ on
eor_th_e [aaAx]
J: 9,104 How dowele & his feris . done on -th-is erthe
K: 9,104 Hou dowell dobet & dobest . done on this erthe
W: 9,104 How dowel dobet and dobest . don on -th-is erthe
N: 9,104 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,104 How dowel & dobest & dobet . don on -th-e
erde [aaaAx]
M: 9,104 How dowel & dobet & dobest . don on erthe
H3: 9,104 How dowel & dobet & dobest . dou(n) i(n)
erthe [aaaAx]
T: 9,105 But wyt can wisse [th]e q(ua)[th] [th]ou[gh]t where
[th]o [th]re dwellen
H2: 9,105 But wit can wisse the q(uo)d thou-gh-t . wher(e)
tho thre dwellen [aaxAx]
Ch: 9,105 But wit can wisse q(uo)d -th-ou-gh-t . wher -th-es
-th-re duellyn [aaxAx]
D: 9,105 But wyt can wysse -th-e q(ou)d -th-ought . where
-th-ey -th-re dwelle [aaxAx]
R: 9,105 But wit cou(n)ne wisse -th-e thou-gh-t . wher(e)
-th-o -th-re duellyn [aaxAx]
U: 9,105 But wit ku(n)ne wisse -th-e -th-ought . whar(e)
-th-o -th-r(e) duellen [aaxAx]
V: 9,105 But (wit) con (wisse) _th_e," quod (_th_ou_g_t)
. "(wher) _th_eos (_th_re) dwelle_th_ [aabAb]
J: 9,105 But wit kon wissyn -th-e q(uo)d thout . qwere -th-o
thre dwellyn [aaxAx]
K: 9,105 But witt can wisse the q(uo)d thowght . wher tho
three dwellen [aaxAx]
W: 9,105 But witte co(n)ne wisse -th-e q(uo)d -th-oght .
wher -th-at -th-ei dwelle [aaxAx]
N: 9,105 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,105 But witte wysse -th-e quot -th-outh . where -th-ese
dwellyn [aaxAx]
M: 9,105 But w(i)t(h) konne wisse -th-e q(uo)d -th-outh .
wher -th-o -th-r(e) dulli(n) [aaxAx]
H3: 9,105 Wytt can wysse -th-e q(uo)d thout . qwer -th-o
iij dwelle [aaxAx]
T: 9,106 Ellis wot no man [th](a)t now is o lyue
H2: 9,106 Ellis woot no man . that now is on lyue [????]
Ch: 9,106 Elles wot no man -th-at now is a lyue [????]
D: 9,106 Ellys wot I no man -th-at yit is on lyue [????]
R: 9,106 ellys wot no man . -th-at now is on erthe [????]
U: 9,106 Elles woot no man -th-at now is on lyue [????]
V: 9,106 Elles not no Mon . _th_at nou is alyue [????]
J: 9,106 Ellis -th-(er) can no man -th-(a)t now is on lyue
K: 9,106 Ellis wote no man that now is on lyue [????]
W: 9,106 Elles wote no man -th-at now is on lyue [????]
N: 9,106 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,106 Ellis wot I no man . -th-at now is on lyfe [????]
M: 9,106 Ellis wot no(n) no(n) man -th-at now is a lyue [????]
H3: 9,106 Ell(is) wot I no ma(n) -th-(a)t now is on lyue
T: 9,107 [Th]ou[gh]t & I [th]us [th]re dayes we [y]eden
H2: 9,107 Thou-gh-t and I thus . thre dayes we -gh-eden [aaAx]
Ch: 9,107 -Th-ou-gh-t and I -th-us . -th-re daies we -gh-eden
D: 9,107 -Th-ou-gh-t & I -th-us . -th-re dayes we -gh-eden
R: 9,107 -Th-ou-gh-t and I -th-us . -th-re dayes we -gh-ede
U: 9,107 -Th-ou-gh-t and I -th-us . -th-re daies we -y-ede
V: 9,107 (_Th_us) (_th_ou_g_t) and I also . (_th_roly) we
eoden [aaAx]
J: 9,107 -Th-(us) thowt & I . -th-re dayes -gh-edyn disputyng
on dowele [aaAx]
K: 9,107 Thowght & I thus . three days we yeden [aaAx]
W: 9,107 Thoght and I -th-us . -th-re days -gh-eden [aaAx]
N: 9,107 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,107 Thouth and I -th-ese thre dayes -gh-edyn dysputyng
on dowel day be day [aaAx]
M: 9,107 -Th-outh & I iij daies . day be othir [aaAx]
H3: 9,107 Thouth & I we(n)te iij day(is) disputy(n)g
w(i)t(h) dowel . day aft(ir) o-th-(er) [aaAx]
T: 9,108 Disputyng on dowel day aftir o[th](er)
H2: 9,108 Disputyng on dowel . day aftir othir [aaAx]
Ch: 9,108 --- this line is omitted ---
D: 9,108 Desputyng on dowel . day aft(ir) o-th-(er) [aaAx]
R: 9,108 Disputyng on dowel . day after o-th-er [aaAx]
U: 9,108 Disputynge of dowel . day aftir o-th-(er) [aaAx]
V: 9,108 (Disputyng) on (Dowel) . (day) aftur o_th_er [aaAx]
J: 9,108 --- this line om ---
K: 9,108 Disputyng on dowell . day after other [aaAx]
W: 9,108 Disputyng of dowel . day aftr(e) o-th-er [aaAx]
N: 9,108 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,108 --- this line om ---
M: 9,108 --- this line run together with above ---
H3: 9,108 --- run together with preceding ---
T: 9,109 Ac er we ywar were wi[th] wyt gonne we mete
H2: 9,109 Ac or we Iwar wer(e) . with wit gonne we mete [aaAx]
Ch: 9,109 Bot or we ware were . with witte gan we mete [aaAx]
D: 9,109 And or we war werey . w(i)t(h) wyt gan we mete [aaAx]
R: 9,109 And er we war were . wit gan we mete [aaAx]
U: 9,109 And er we wer(e) war . wit gu(n)ne we mete [aaAx]
V: 9,109 And er we (weoren) (war) . with (Wit) conne we meeten
J: 9,109 And er we wyst . w(i)t(h) wytte we gu(n)ne metyn
K: 9,109 And ar we war ware . w(i)t(h) witt gan we meten
W: 9,109 And er we war were . wi-th- witt gan we mete [aaAx]
N: 9,109 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,109 Or we wer ware . w(i)t(h) wtite . gun we mete [aaAx]
M: 9,109 Wenty(n) & er we war wern . wit wyth gan we
mety(n) [aaAx]
H3: 9,109 --- this line is omitted ---
T: 9,110 He was long & lene lyk to non o[th](er)
H2: 9,110 He was long and lene . like to non other [aaAx]
Ch: 9,110 He was long and lene . lik to non o-th-er [aaAx]
D: 9,110 He was long & lene . lyk to noon o-th-(er) [aaAx]
R: 9,110 le was long and lene . lyk to non o-th-er [aaAx]
U: 9,110 He was long and lhene . lik to non o-th-(er) [aaAx]
V: 9,110 He was (long) and (lene) . to (loken) on ful symple
J: 9,110 He was long & lene . lyche to non o-th-(er)
K: 9,110 He was long & lene . like to non other [aaAx]
W: 9,110 He was long and lene . and lyk to noon o-th-er [aaAx]
N: 9,110 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,110 He was lond & lene . like to non other [aaAx]
M: 9,110 He was long & lene . & lik to no(n) othir
H3: 9,110 He was long & lene . & lyik to non o-th-(er)
T: 9,111 Was no pride on his app(ar)ail ne no pou(er)t no[th](er)
H2: 9,111 Was no p(ri)de on his aparayl . ne no pou(er)t
nother [aaAx]
Ch: 9,111 Was no pride In his appareile . and of softe speche
D: 9,111 Was no p(ri)de on his parayle . ne pou(er)te no-th-(er)
R: 9,111 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 9,111 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 9,111 -Th-(er) was no p(ri)de in his parayle . ne pou(er)te
neythir(e) [aaAx]
K: 9,111 Was no p(ri)de in his apparell . ne pov(er)tie neyther
W: 9,111 Was no pride in his apparaill . ne pouerte nou-th-er
N: 9,111 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,111 Was no pride in his ap(er)ele . ne pouert ne-th-er
M: 9,111 Was no(n) pryde in p(ar)aile . no pouert neir(e)
H3: 9,111 Was no p(ri)de i(n) hys ap(ar)ayle . no pou(er)t
neythyr [aaAx]
T: 9,112 Sad of his semblaunt & of a softe speche
H2: 9,112 Sad of his semelaunt . and of a softe speche [aaAx]?
Ch: 9,112 --- this line om ---
D: 9,112 Sad of his semblau(n)t . & of a soft speche
R: 9,112 Sad of his sembland . and of a sad speche [aaAx]?
U: 9,112 Sad of his semblaunt . & of a sad speche [aaAx]?
V: 9,112 (Sad) of his (semblaunt) . and of (softe) speche
J: 9,112 Sad of his semland . & of softe speche [aaAx]?
K: 9,112 Sadd of his semblaunt . & of softe speche [aaAx]?
W: 9,112 Sadde of his semblaunt . & soft of his speche
N: 9,112 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,112 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 9,112 Sad of his semblau(n)t . & seft of his speche
H3: 9,112 ssad of semelau(n)t . & of soft speche [aaAx]?
T: 9,113 I durste meue no mat(er) to make hym to iangle
H2: 9,113 I ne durste meue no mat(er) . to make hi(m) to
Iangle [aaAx]
Ch: 9,113 I ne durst meue no mater . to make hym to Iangle
D: 9,113 I durste meue no mat(er) . to make hym to Iangle
R: 9,113 I durste meue no matere . to make hi(m) to Iangle
U: 9,113 I durste moue no matiere . to make him to iangle
V: 9,113 I durste (meue) no (mateere) . to (make) him to
Iangle [aaAx]
J: 9,113 and I durst meuy(n) no mat(er) . w(i)t(h) hi(m)
for to Iangel [aaAx]
K: 9,113 I durst moue no mat(er) . to maken hym to iangle
W: 9,113 I dorst mene no matere . to make hem Iangle [aaAx]
N: 9,113 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,113 I durste meue no mater . to makyn hym to iangle
M: 9,113 I durste meven no(n) matir . to makyn hi(m) to Iangle
H3: 9,113 I drost meue no matyr . to make hy(m) to Iangele
T: 9,114 But as I bad [th]ou[gh]t [th]o be mene betwene
H2: 9,114 But as I badde thou-gh-t tho be mene betwene [????]
Ch: 9,114 Bot as I bad -th-ou-gh-t -th-o be mene betwene
D: 9,114 But as I bad -th-ou-gh-t -th-o be mene betwene [????]
R: 9,114 But as I bad -th-ou-gh-t -th-o be mene bytwynne
U: 9,114 But as y bad -th-ought -th-o to be me bytwene [????]
V: 9,114 Bote as _th_ou_g_t bad _th_o . to (beo) mene bi-twene
J: 9,114 But as I bad thowt -th-o be mene betwenyn [????]
K: 9,114 But as I bad thought tho be meane betwene [????]
W: 9,114 But as I bad -th-oght -th-o be mene betweyne [????]
N: 9,114 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,114 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 9,114 But as I hadde -th-outh -th-o to be mene betwene
H3: 9,114 But I bad thout -th-o be mene betwene [????]
T: 9,115 To putte for[th] sum p(ur)pos & p(ro)uen hise
H2: 9,115 To putte forth su(m) p(ur)pos . to p(re)uen his
wittes [aaAx]
Ch: 9,115 To put for-th-e sum purpose . to prouen his wittes
D: 9,115 To putte for-th- som purpos . & p(ro)uen his
wittes [aaAx]
R: 9,115 to putte fur-th- sou(m) purpos . to p(ro)uen his
witt(es) [aaAx]
U: 9,115 To putte for-th- som p(ur)pos . to p(ro)uen his
wittes [aaAx]
V: 9,115 To (putte) for_th_ sum (purpos) . to (preuen) his
wittes [aaAx]
J: 9,115 and puttyn forth purpos . & p(ro)uyn his wyttys
K: 9,115 To putt forth sum p(ur)pose . to p(ro)ve his wittes
W: 9,115 To put forth som purpos . to prouen his wittes [aaAx]
N: 9,115 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,115 -Gh-if put I forth a purpos . to preuyn his witte
M: 9,115 And put forth sum purpos . & prouen his wittis
H3: 9,115 To pote forth som p(ur)pos . & p(ro)uy(n) hys
wyttys [aaAx]
T: 9,116 [Th]anne [th]ou[gh]t in [th](a)t tyme seide [th]is
H2: 9,116 Than in that tyme . seyde these wordis [aaaAx]
Ch: 9,116 -Th-an -th-ou-gh-t in -th-at tyme . seide -th-es
wordes [aaaAx]
D: 9,116 Thanne -th-ou-gh-t in -th-at tyme, . seyde -th-ese
wordes [aaaAx]
R: 9,116 -Th-a(n)ne -th-ou-gh-th in -th-at tyme . sayde -th-ese
word(is) [aaaAx]
U: 9,116 -Th-anne -th-ought in -th-at tyme . seide -th-ese
wordes [aaaAx]
V: 9,116 (_Th_enne) (_th_ou_g_t) (_th_at) tyme . seide (_th_eose)
wordes [aaaAx]
J: 9,116 -Th-an thowt in -th-at tyme . seydyn -th-is wordys
K: 9,116 Than thought in that tyme . said thes word(is) [aaaAx]
W: 9,116 Than -th-aght -th-an . saide -th-ese woordes [aaaAx]
N: 9,116 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,116 Than -th-outh in -th-at tyme . seyde -th-ese wordis
M: 9,116 -Th-anne -th-outh in -th-at tyme . seyde -th-ise
wordys [aaaAx]
H3: 9,116 -Th-a(n) thouth i(n) -th-(a)t tyme . seyde -th-ese
wordys [aaaAx]
T: 9,117 Where [th](a)t dowel & dobet & dobest be[th]
in londe
H2: 9,117 Wher(e) that dowel and dobet . and dobest bien
in londe [aaAx]
Ch: 9,117 Wher -th-at dowel and dobette . and dobest be londe
D: 9,117 Where dowel dobet . & dobest ben in londe [aaAx]
R: 9,117 Wher(e) -th-at dowel and dobet . & dobest wer(e)
in londe [aaAx]
U: 9,117 Wher(e) -th-at dowel and dobet . & dobest wer(e)
in londe [aaAx]
V: 9,117 Wher (Dowel) and (Dobet) . and (Dobest) beo_th_
in londe [aaAx]
J: 9,117 Qwere dowele or dobet . or dobest be in londe [aaAx]
K: 9,117 Wher that dowell dobett . & dobest byn in lond
W: 9,117 Where -th-at dowel & dobet . & dobest ben
in -th-is londe [aaAx]
N: 9,117 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,117 Where dowel & dobet & dobest . ben in -th-is
lond [aaAx]
M: 9,117 Wher(e) dowel & dobet . & dobest ben in
londe [aaAx]
H3: 9,117 Qwer dowel dobet . & dobest be(n) i(n) londe
T: 9,118 Here is wil wolde wyte [y]if wit cou[th]e hym teche
H2: 9,118 Here is wylle wolde wyte . -gh-if wit couthe hi(m)
teche [aaAx]
Ch: 9,118 Her his wille wold wete . -gh-ef witte cow-th-e
hym teche [aaAx]
D: 9,118 Here is wil wolde wyte . yf wyt coude teche [aaAx]
R: 9,118 Here his wil wolde Iwite . -gh-if wit coude teche
U: 9,118 Her(e) his wille wolde ywite . if wit coude hy(m)
teche [aaAx]
V: 9,118 Oure (wille) wolde (I-witen) . _g_if (wit) cou_th_e
techen [aaAx]
J: 9,118 Here is wille wilde fayne wyte . -gh-if wit kowthe
hi(m) teche [aaAx]
K: 9,118 Here his will wold wite . if wytt could tech [aaAx]
W: 9,118 Here is wyll wold wete . if witte cou-th- hym teche
[aaAx]N: 9,118 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 9,118 His wil wold Iwetyn . -gh-if witte coudd me techen
M: 9,118 To heryn fawen woldy wetyn . -y-yf wit coude techi(n)
H3: 9,118 To hery(n) hys wytt wold I . -gh-yf wytt coude
teche [aaAx]
T: 10,1 Sire dowel dwelli[th] qua[th] wyt nou[gh]t a day hennes
H2: 10,1 Sire dowel dwellit-gh- q(uo)d wit . nou-gh-t a day
hennes [aaxAx]
Ch: 10,1 Sir dowel duellith q(uo)d witte . nou-gh-t on day
hennes [aaxAx]
D: 10,1 Syre dowel dwelle-th- q(ou)d wyt . nou-gh-t a day
hennes [aaxAx]
R: 10,1 Sir(e) dowel dwelle-th- q(uo)d wit . not a day he(n)nys
U: 10,1 Sire dowel q(uo)d wit . noght a day hennes [aaxAx]
V: 10,1 Sire (Dowel) (dwelle_th_) quod wit . not a (day)
hennes [aaxAx]
J: 10,1 Syr dowele dwellyth q(uo)d witte . not a day hennys
K: 10,1 Sir dowell q(ua)d witte dwellith . not a myle hens
N: 10,1 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 10,1 Sere dowel dwellyth quot witte . not a day henne
M: 10,1 Sir(e) dowel duellit q(uo)d wit . not a day hennys
H3: 10,1 ssyre dowel dwellyt q(uo)d wytt . nouth a day hens
W: 10,1 Sire dowel q(uo)d witte dwelle-th- . not a day hens
T: 10,2 In a castel [th](a)t kynde made of foure skenis [th]inges
H2: 10,2 In a castel that kynde made . of foure skynnes thynges
Ch: 10,2 In a castel -th-at kende made . of foure kynnes
-th-inges [aaAx]?
D: 10,2 In a Castel -th-(a)t kende made . of foure man(er)
-th-inges [aaAx]?
R: 10,2 in a castel -th-at kynde made . of four(e) ke(n)nys
-th-ing(es) [aaAx]?
U: 10,2 In a castell(e) -th-at kynde made . of four(e) kynne
-th-ing(es) [aaAx]?
V: 10,2 In A (Castel), of (kuynde) I-mad . of foure (kunne)
_th_inges [aaAx]
J: 10,2 In a castel -th-(a)t kynde hath made . rit of foure
thingis [aaAx]?
K: 10,2 In a castell that kynde made . of fower kynne thyng(es)
N: 10,2 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 10,2 In a castel -th-at kende made . of kynde thyngis
M: 10,2 In a kastel -th-at kynde made . of iiij skynnys -th-ingys
H3: 10,2 In a castel -th-(a)t kynde made . of iiij kene thyng(us)
W: 10,2 In a castel of kynd made . of foure kyn -th-inges
T: 10,3 Of er[th]e & eir it is mad medlit togid(er)is
H2: 10,3 Of erthe and of eyr it is made . medlid togyderes
Ch: 10,3 Of er-th-e and of eire It is made . medled togeder[is]
D: 10,3 Of er-th-e & eyre is hit made . medled togideres
R: 10,3 of er-th-e of eyr(e) hit is made . medled togederes
U: 10,3 Of er-th-e & of eyr it is mad . ymedled togidres
V: 10,3 Of (Er_th_e) and (Eir) hit is (mad) . (I-medelet)
to-gedere [aabBx]
J: 10,3 Of erthe & eyre it is made . medlyd togyder [aaBbx]
K: 10,3 Of erthe & eire is it made . medelid togethers
N: 10,3 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 10,3 Of herde & of heyre it is mad . medelid togederis
M: 10,3 Of eir of erthe it is mad . meddlid togederis [aaBbx]
H3: 10,3 Off erthe of eyir it is mad . medelyd togederys
W: 10,3 Of er-th-e and eire is it made . medled togederes
T: 10,4 Wi[th] wynd & wi[th] watir wi[gh]tliche enioynede
H2: 10,4 With wynde and with wat(ir) . wy-gh-tliche enyoyned
Ch: 10,4 With wynde and with water . witlich enIoyned [aaAx]
D: 10,4 With wynde and wat(ir) . wittylych enIoyned [aaAx]
R: 10,4 W(i)t(h) wynd and w(i)t(h) wat(ir) . enioyned wittily
U: 10,4 Wi-th- wynd and wi-th- wat(ir) . wittyly enioyned
V: 10,4 Wi_th_ (wynt) and wi_th_ (watur) . ful (wittiliche)
I-Meint [aaAx]
J: 10,4 W(i)t(h) wynde & wat(ir) . wyttyly enIoynyd [aaAx]
K: 10,4 With wynde & w(i)t(h) wat(ir) . wittilich enIoynyd
N: 10,4 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 10,4 W(i)t(h) wynd & w(i)t(h) watur . wittely enioyned
M: 10,4 Wit wynd & with watir . wittilich Ionyid [aaAx]
H3: 10,4 W(i)t(h) wynd & w(i)t(h) watyr . wyttyrly Inioynyd
W: 10,4 Wi-th- wynd and watr(e) . wittylych yioyned [aaAx]
T: 10,5 Kynde ha[th] closid [th](er)einne craftily wi[th]alle
H2: 10,5 Kynd hat-gh- closid therInne . craftly with alle
Ch: 10,5 Kende ha-th-e closed -th-erInne . craftly with alle
D: 10,5 Kende hath closed -th-(er)inne . craftylych w(i)t(h)
alle [aaAx]
R: 10,5 Kynde ha-th- closed -th-(er)in . craftily w(i)t(h)
alle [aaAx]
U: 10,5 Kynde ha-th- closid -th-(er)ynne . craftily wi-th-
alle [aaAx]
V: 10,5 (Cuynde) ha_th_ (Closet) _th_er-In . (Craftiliche)
wi_th_ alle [aaAx]
J: 10,5 Kynde hath closyd -th-(er)Inne . c(ra)ftyly w(i)t(h)
alle [aaAx]
K: 10,5 Kynd hath Iclosed therin . craftelich w(i)t(h) alle
N: 10,5 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 10,5 Kynde hath closid -th-erin . crftely w(i)t(h) alle
M: 10,5 Kende hat closid -th-erinne . Curteisly wit alle
H3: 10,5 Kynd hat Iclosyd -th-(er)In . craftyly w(i)t(h)
walle [aaAx]
W: 10,5 Kynde ha-th- closed -th-erin . craftilych wi-th-
alle [aaAx]
T: 10,6 A le(m)man [th](a)t he loui[th] lik to hymselue
H2: 10,6 A le(m)man that he loueth . lik to hi(m) selue [aaAx]
Ch: 10,6 A lemman -th-at he loue-th- . lik to hym selue [aaAx]
D: 10,6 A lemma(n) -th-(a)t he loueth . lyk to hym selue
R: 10,6 A le(m)man -th-at he loue-th- . lyk to hi(m) selue
U: 10,6 A le(m)man -th-at he loue-th- . lik to him selue
V: 10,6 A (loueli) (lemmon) . (lyk) him-self, { (Anima) }
heo (hette)
J: 10,6 A lemman -th-(a)t he louyn . liche to him selue [aaAx]
K: 10,6 A lemman that he louith . like to hym self [aaAx]
N: 10,6 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 10,6 A leman -th-at he louyd . like to hym selue { a(n)i(m)a
} -gh-he hyte [aaAx]
M: 10,6 A le(m)man -th-at he louyth . lik to hi(m) selfuen
{ Anima } [aaAx]
H3: 10,6 A lema(n) -th-(a)t he louyth . lyk to hy(m) selue
{ a(n)i(m)a } he hyth [aaAx]
W: 10,6 A le(m)man (:::) he loue-th- . lik to hym self Anima
she hatte [aaAx]
T: 10,7 {Anima} he ha[th] to hire enuye
H2: 10,7 { Anima } he hath . to hem enuye [aaAa]
Ch: 10,7 -th-at hi-gh-t { anima } . he ha-th-e to her enuy
D: 10,7 { Anima } sche hatte . to here ha-th- enuye [aaAa]
R: 10,7 { Anima } hit hatte-th- . to her(e) ha-th- enuye
U: 10,7 { Anima } sche hatte . to hire ha-th- enuye [aaAa]
V: 10,7 To (hire) ha_th_ (Envye) A (proud) (prikere) of ffraunce
. { (Princeps) huius mundi } [aaxAx]
J: 10,7 Anima sche hyte . to hire hath envye [aaAa]
K: 10,7 { Anima } sche hate . to hire hath enuie [aaAa]
N: 10,7 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 10,7 To here had enuye a proud preker of fraunce { p(ri)nceps
hui(us) mu(n)di } [aaAa]
M: 10,7 To hir(e) had enuye a p(ri)ker(e) of f(ra)unce {
Princepts hui(us) mu(n)di } [aaAa]
H3: 10,7 --- run together with following ---
W: 10,7 --- this line om ---
T: 10,8 A proud prikere of ff(ra)unce {Princeps hui(us) mundi}
H2: 10,8 A proude prikere of fraunce . sire { p(ri)nceps
bui(us) mu(n)di } [aaxAx]
Ch: 10,8 A proude preker of fraunce . sire pride he hatte
D: 10,8 A proud prykere of frau(n)ce . { P(ri)nceps hui(us)
mu(n)di } [aaxAx]
R: 10,8 a proud pryker(e) of frau(n)ce . { Princeps hui(us)
mu(n)di } [aaxAx]
U: 10,8 A proude prikere of f(ra)nce . { P(ri)nceps hui(us)
mu(n)di } [aaxAx]
V: 10,8 --- this line om ---
J: 10,8 A prowde p(ri)ker(e) of fraunce . { p(ri)nceps hui(us)
mu(n)di } [aaxAx]
K: 10,8 A proude p(ri)ker of F(ra)unce . { Princeps huius
mundi } [aaxAx]
N: 10,8 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 10,8 --- this line om ---
M: 10,8 --- this line om ---
H3: 10,8 to hyr hat envy-gh-e a prowd p(ri)kere of fra(n)ce
. { p(ri)nceps hui(us) mu(n)di } [aaxAx]
W: 10,8 To here hadde enuye a proude p(ri)kere of ffraunce
. { Princeps hui(us) mundi } [aaxAx]
T: 10,9 And wolde wynne hire awey w(i)t(h) wyles [y]if he mi[gh]te
H2: 10,9 And wolde hir(e) wynne away . with wyles -gh-if
he my-gh-t [aaAx]
Ch: 10,9 And wold wynne her away . with wiles -gh-ef he my-gh-t
D: 10,9 And wolde wynne here away . w(i)t(h) wyles yf he
my-gh-te [aaAx]
R: 10,9 And wolde wynne hur(e) away . w(i)t(h) wyles -gh-if
he my-gh-the [aaAx]
U: 10,9 And wolde wynne hire awey . wi-th- wiles if he mighte
V: 10,9 And wolde (wynnen) hire (a-wei) . with (wiles) _g_if
he mihti [aaAx]
J: 10,9 And wold wy(n)nyn hyr(e) away . [w(i)t(h)] wyl(es)
-gh-if he myht [aaAx]
K: 10,9 And would wyn her away . w(i)t(h) wyl(es) if he mighte
N: 10,9 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 10,9 And wold a woned here awey . w(i)t(h) wilys -gh-if
he mygth [aaAx]
M: 10,9 He wolde wy(n)ne(n) hyr(e) awey . w(i)t(h) wylis
-y-yf he mygthe [aaAx]
H3: 10,9 And wold wy(n)ny(n) hyr away . w(i)t(h) wylys -gh-yf
he myth [aaAx]
W: 10,9 And wold wynne here away . wi-th- wiles if he might
T: 10,10 Ac kynde knowi[th] hire wel and kepi[th] hire [th]e
H2: 10,10 Ac kynde knowith hir(e) wel . and kepith hir(e)
the bet(er)e [aaAx]
Ch: 10,10 and kende knowe-th- hym wel . and kepe-th- her
-th-e better [aaAx]
D: 10,10 Ac kynde know(e)t(h) -th-is wel . & kepeth here
-th-e bett(er) [aaAx]
R: 10,10 and kinde knowe-th- -th-is wel . and kepi-th- hur(e)
-th-e betere [aaAx]
U: 10,10 Ac kynde knowe-th- -th-is wel . and kepith here
-th-e bet(er)e [aaAx]
V: 10,10 Bote (kuynde) (knowe_th_) hit wel . and (kepe_th_)
hire _th_e betere [aaAx]
J: 10,10 Ac kynde knowyth his wille wele . and kep(i)t(h)
hir(e) -th-e bett(er) [aaAx]
K: 10,10 But kynde knowith it wel . & kepith her the
bett(er) [aaAx]
N: 10,10 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 10,10 And kende know(i)t(h) here wele . and knowt here
-th-e betture [aaAx]
M: 10,10 But kynde knowyt -th-ys wel . & kepyt her(e)
-th-e bet(er)e [aaAx]
H3: 10,10 and kynde know(i)t(h) hyr wel . & helpyth hyr
-th-e bett(er) [aaAx]
W: 10,10 But knowe-th- it wel . & kepe-th- here -th-e
bettre [aaAx]
T: 10,11 And ha[th] don hire to sire dowel duk of [th]ise marchis
H2: 10,11 And hat-gh- do hire to sire dowel . duke of thise
marchis [aaAx]
Ch: 10,11 And hath don her to sir dowel . duk of -th-es marches
D: 10,11 And [hath] don here to syre dowel . duke of -th-ese
marches [aaAx]
R: 10,11 and do hur(e) to sir(e) dowel . duk of -th-e marches
U: 10,11 And do-th- hire to sire dowel . duke of -th-ese
marches [aaAx]
V: 10,11 And ha_th_ (I-don) hire to Sire (Doweles) (dou_g_ter)
J: 10,11 And hath done hir(e) to sir(e) dowele . dewke of
-th-is marchys [aaAx]
K: 10,11 And doth her to s(ir) dowell . duke of his marches
N: 10,11 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 10,11 And had don here seke dowel . dwke of -th-e marches
M: 10,11 And had don hir(e) to sir(e) dowel . duk of -th-e
marchis [aaAx]
H3: 10,11 And hat do(n) hyr to syre dowel . duk of -th-e
marchys [aaAx]
W: 10,11 And do-th- don here to sire dowel . duk of -th-e
marches [aaAx]
T: 10,12 Dobet is hire damysele sire dowelis sister
H2: 10,12 Dobet is hir(e) damesel . sire dowelis suster [aaAa]
Ch: 10,12 Dobette is her damesel . dowelis suster [aaAa]
D: 10,12 Dobet is here damysele . syre dowels dou-gh-t(er)
R: 10,12 Dobet is hur(e) damesele . sir(e) dowelis dou-gh-ter
U: 10,12 Dobet is hire damysele . sire dowelis dought(er)
V: 10,12 --- this line om ---
J: 10,12 Dobet is hir(e) damysel . sir(e) dowelys dowt(er)
K: 10,12 Dobett is her damesell . sir dowell his dowght(er)
N: 10,12 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 10,12 Dobet is here damysele . sere dowel is douter [aaAa]
M: 10,12 Dobet is a damisele . sir(e) dowelis dowtir [aaAa]
H3: 10,12 Dobet is hyr damysel . syre dowelys doutyr [aaAa]
W: 10,12 Dobet is hire dameselle . and dobest here doghter(e)
T: 10,13 And s(er)ui[th] [th]is lady lelly bo[th]e late & ra[th]e
H2: 10,13 And seruit-gh- this ladi lelly . bothe late and
rathe [aaAx]
Ch: 10,13 And serue-th- -th-is lady lelly . bo-th-e late
and Ra-th-e [aaAx]
D: 10,13 And serue-th- -th-e lady lely . bo-th-e late & ra-th-e
R: 10,13 And s(er)ue-th- -th-is lady lely . bothe late and
ra-th-e [aaAx]
U: 10,13 And serue-th- -th-is lady lely . bo-th-e late and
rathe [aaAx]
V: 10,13 And serue_th_ _th_at (ladi) (lelly) . bo_th_e (late)
and ra_th_e [aaAx]
J: 10,13 And s(er)uyth -th-is lady louely . bothe late & rathe
K: 10,13 And s(er)uyth the lady lelly . both late & rathe
N: 10,13 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 10,13 And seruyd -th-is lady lely . bo-th-e late and rathe
M: 10,13 & S(er)uit his lady treuly . bo-th-i(n) late & rathe
H3: 10,13 And seruyth -th-is lady trewly . bothe late & rathe
W: 10,13 And s(er)uen -th-is lady lelly . bo-th-e late & rathe
J: 10,13 Dobest is in hir(e) & boldyth -th-(a)t leuedy
J: 10,13 and berith a batte on his honde lyche a byschoppys mace
T: 10,14 [Th]us dowel & dobet & dobest [th]e [th]ridde
H2: 10,14 Thus dowel and dobet . and dobest the thridde [aaAx]
Ch: 10,14 -Th-us dowel and dobette . and dobest -th-e -th-redde
D: 10,14 Thus dowel & dobet . & dobest -th-e -th-irde
R: 10,14 -Th-(us) dowel and dobet . and dobest -th-e thridde
U: 10,14 -Th-us dowel and dobet . and dobest -th-e -th-ridde
V: 10,14 _Th_us (Dowel) and (Dobet) . and (Dobest) _th_e
_th_ridde [aaAx]
J: 10,14 -Th-is dowele & dobet . & dobest -th-e thridde
K: 10,14 Thus dowell & dobett . & dobest the thirde
N: 10,14 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 10,14 Thus dowel & dobet . & dobest -th-e thride
M: 10,14 -Th-us dowel & dobet . & dobest -th-e -th-ridde
H3: 10,14 -Th-us dowel dobet . & dobest -th-e threde
W: 10,14 Thus dowel and dobet . & dobest -th-e -th-redde
T: 10,15 Be[th] maistris of [th]is man(er) [th]is maide to
H2: 10,15 Bien maystris of thise man(er) . this maide to
kepe [aaAx]
Ch: 10,15 Be-th- maistres of -th-is maner . -th-is maide
to kepe [aaAx]
D: 10,15 Beth mayst(re)s of -th-is man(er) . -th-e mayde
to kepe [aaAx]
R: 10,15 ben maystr(is) of -th-(i)s mare . -th-is mayden
to kepe [aaAx]
U: 10,15 ben maistr(i)s of -th-e man(er)e . -th-e maide to
kepe [aaAx]
V: 10,15 Beo_th_ (Maystres) of _th_is (Manere) . _th_at (Mayden)
to kepen [aaAx]
J: 10,15 Bene mayst(er)ys of -th-(a)t man(er) . -th-(a)t
mayden to kepe [aaAx]
K: 10,15 ben maistres of thes mano(ur) . this mayden to kepe
N: 10,15 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 10,15 Be maysters of -th-is maner . -th-is mayde to kepe
M: 10,15 Ben maistris of -th-ys maner(e) . -th-ys maydi(n)
to kepe(n) [aaAx]
H3: 10,15 Be(n) maystyrs of -th-is man(er) . -th-is maydy(n)
to kepe [aaAx]
W: 10,15 Be-th- maistres of -th-is manoire . -th-is maide
to kepe [aaAx]
T: 10,16 Ac [th]e constable of [th]e castel [th](a)t kepi[th]
hem alle
H2: 10,16 Ac the constable of this castel . that kepith he(m)
alle [aaAx]
Ch: 10,16 But -th-e constable of -th-is castel . -th-at kepe-th-
hem alle [aaAx]
D: 10,16 Ac -th-e Conestable of -th-e Castel . -th-(a)t kepit
he(m) alle [aaAx]
R: 10,16 -th-e cou(n)stable of -th-e castel . -th-at kepy-th-
hem alle [aaAx]
U: 10,16 Ac -th-e constable of -th-e castell(e) . -th-at
kepith hem alle [aaAx]
V: 10,16 But _th_e (Cunstable) of _th_e (Castel) . _th_at
(kepe_th_) hem alle [aaAx]
J: 10,16 Ac -th-e cu(n)stabel of -th-(a)t castel . -th-(a)t
kepith hem alle [aaAx]
K: 10,16 But the constable of the castell . that kepith them
alle [aaAx]
N: 10,16 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 10,16 As constable of -th-e castelle . -th-at kepith hem
alle [aaAx]
M: 10,16 -Th-e constable of -th-e castel . -th-at kepit hem
alle [aaAx]
H3: 10,16 And -th-e constable of -th-e castel . -th-(a)t
kepyth he(m) alle [aaAx]
W: 10,16 But -th-e conestable of -th-is castel . -th-at kepe-th-
hem alle [aaAx]
T: 10,17 Is a wys kni[gh]t w(i)t(h)alle sire [th]ou[gh]t he
H2: 10,17 Is a wys kny-gh-t withalle . sir(e) thou-gh-t he
hattith [aaAx]
Ch: 10,17 Is a wise kny-gh-t withalle . sir -th-ou-gh-t he
hatte-th- [aaAx]
D: 10,17 Is a wyse kny-gh-t w(i)t(h)alle . syre -th-e wyt
he hi-gh-te [aaAx]
R: 10,17 ys a wys kny-gh-t w(i)t(h)all(e) . sir(e) inwit
he hatte-th- [aaAx]
U: 10,17 Is a wys knyght wi-th-alle . sire ynwit he hatte
V: 10,17 Is a (wys) kniht wi_th_ alle . Sire (Inwit) he hette
J: 10,17 Is a wyse knyht sykyr . sir Inwytte he hyhte [aaAx]
K: 10,17 Is a wise knight w(i)t(h)al . s(ir) Inwitt he hate
N: 10,17 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 10,17 Is a knyth wyse w(i)t(h)alle . sere Iewet he hythe
M: 10,17 His a wondir wis knyth . sir(e) Inwit he hotyt [aaAx]
H3: 10,17 Is a wyis knyth . syre i(n)wytt he hattyth [aaAx]
W: 10,17 Is a wise knyght wythal . sire inwitte he hight
T: 10,18 And ha[th] fyue faire sones be his furste wyf
H2: 10,18 And hat-gh- fyue faire sones . be his furst wyff
Ch: 10,18 And ha-th- fyue feire sones . be his first wif
D: 10,18 And haue fyve faire sonys . by his first wyve [aaAx]
R: 10,18 and fyue fayre sones . by his furste wyue [aaAx]
U: 10,18 He ha-th- fyue faire sones . by his firste wyue
V: 10,18 And ha_th_ (fyue) (feire) sones . bi his (furste)
wyf [aaAx]
J: 10,18 And hath fyue fayr(e) so(n)nys . be his fyrst wyfe
K: 10,18 And hath fyue faire sonnes . by his first wife [aaAx]
N: 10,18 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 10,18 And had fyue fayre sonys . be his frist wyfe [aaAx]
M: 10,18 He hadde fyue fayr(e) sones . be his ferste wif
H3: 10,18 And hadde v fayir sonys . be hys fryst wyue [aaAx]
W: 10,18 And hath fyue faire sones . by his fyrst wyf [aaAx]
T: 10,19 Sire se wel & sey wel & here wel [th]e hende
H2: 10,19 Sire se wel and sey wel . and here wel the hende
Ch: 10,19 Sire se wel and sir sey wel . and here wel -th-e
hende [aaAx]
D: 10,19 Sire se wel & say wel . & here wel -th-e
hende [aaAx]
R: 10,19 Sir(e) see wel and sey wel . and her(e) wel -th-e
ende [aaAx]
U: 10,19 Sire see wel sire sey wel . sire here wel -th-e
hende [aaAx]
V: 10,19 Sire (seowel) and (seywel) . And (herewel) _th_e
ende [aaAx]
J: 10,19 Syr sey wele & se wele . & here wele -th-e
hende [aaAx]
K: 10,19 Sir see wel & say well . & here well the
hende [aaAx]
N: 10,19 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 10,19 Sere dowel & sere seywel . and herewele -th-e
thride [aaAx]
A: 10.19 Bene maystris of -th-is maner . -th-es mayden to
kepe [aaAx]
M: 10,19 Sir(e) se wel & sey wel . & her(e) wel -th-e
-th-redde [aaAx]
H3: 10,19 ssyre se wel & say wel . & here wel -th-e
thrydde [aaAx]
W: 10,19 Sire se wel & say wel . and here wel -th-e hende
T: 10,20 Sire werche wel wi[th] [th]in hond & wi[gh]t man
of streng[th]e
H2: 10,20 Sire werche wel with thyn honde . a wy-gh-t man
of strengthe [aaxAx]
Ch: 10,20 Sir worch wel with -th-yn hond . a wi-gh-t man
of streng-th-e [aaxAx]
D: 10,20 Sire werk wel w(i)t(h) hand . a wy-gh-ht ma(n) of
streng-th-e [aaxAx]
R: 10,20 Sir(e) wyrch wel w(i)t(h) -th-y(n) hond . and w(i)t(h)
ma(n) of streng-th-e [aaxAx]
U: 10,20 Sire wurche wel wi-th- -th-in hand . and wight ma(n)
of strengthe [aaxAx]
V: 10,20 Sire (worche)-(wel)-with-_th_in-hond . A (wiht)
mon of streng_th_e [aaxAx]
J: 10,20 Syr wyrche w(i)t(h) -th-in honde . a wytty man of
strengthe [aaxAx]
K: 10,20 S(ir) worche wel w(i)t(h) hand . a wight ma(n) of
strenght [aaxAx]
N: 10,20 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 10,20 Sere werche wel w(i)t(h) -th-ine hond . w(i)t(h)
man of strenth [aaxAx]
M: 10,20 Sir(e) werche wel wit -th-y hand . a with man of
strengthe [aaxAx]
H3: 10,20 ssyre werche wel w(i)t(h) -th-i(n) hand . a wyth
ma(n) of strenthe [aaxAx]
W: 10,20 Sire worche wel wi-th- -th-in honde . wight man
and strong [aaxAx]
T: 10,21 And sire godefrey go wel grete lordis alle
H2: 10,21 And sire godefray go wel . grete lordis alle [aaAx]
Ch: 10,21 And sire Godfray go wel . gret lordes alle [aaAx]
D: 10,21 And sire godefre go wel . gret lordes alle [aaAx]
R: 10,21 Sir(e) godfrey dowel . grete lord(is) alle [aaAx]
U: 10,21 Sire godfrey go wel . gr(e)te lordes alle [aaAx]
V: 10,21 And sire (Godfrei) (Gowel) . (grete) lordes alle
J: 10,21 And sir Godfray go wele . gret lordys alle [aaAx]
K: 10,21 And s(ir) Godfray goo well . to saue the castell
N: 10,21 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 10,21 And sere godfrey gowel . gret lord w(i)t(h) alle
M: 10,21 And sir(e) Godefrey go wel . grete lordes alle [aaAx]
H3: 10,21 And syre godfrey go wel . grete lordys alle [aaAx]
W: 10,21 And sire godfray go wel . gret lordes alle [aaAx]
T: 10,22 [Th]ise sixe ben yset to saue [th]e castel
H2: 10,22 These sixe bien set . to saue the castel [aaAx]
Ch: 10,22 -th-es fyue be-th- Isette . to saue -th-e castelle
D: 10,22 These syxe be-th- set . to saue -th-e Castel [aaAx]
R: 10,22 -th-ese syxe be-th- yset . to saue -th-e castel
U: 10,22 -Th-ese vij ben ysette . to saue -th-e castelle
V: 10,22 _Th_eose (sixe) ben (I-set) . to (saue) _th_e Castel
J: 10,22 -Th-is syxe bene sette . for to sauyn -th-e castel
K: 10,22 --- run together with preceding ---
N: 10,22 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 10,22 These sexe ben sette . for to saue -th-e castel
M: 10,22 -Th-is fyve am set . -th-e kastel to sauyn [aaAx]
H3: 10,22 -Th-[e]se v ben sett . to sauyn -th-e castel [aaAx]
W: 10,22 This lordes ben sette . to saue -th-e castel [aaAx]
T: 10,23 To kepe [th]ise wo(m)man [th]ise wise men ben chargid
H2: 10,23 To kepe this wo(m)man . these wyse men bien chargid
Ch: 10,23 To kepe -th-is womman . -th-es wise men be charged
D: 10,23 To kepe -th-e woma(n) . -th-is wise me(n) ben charged
R: 10,23 to kepe -th-is wy(m)man . wise men be(n) charged
U: 10,23 To kepe -th-is wo(m)man . wise men ben chargid [xaAx]
V: 10,23 To kepe _th_is (wommon) . _th_is (wyse) men ben
Charget [xaAx]
J: 10,23 To kepyn wele -th-is wo(m)man . -th-es wyse me(n)
be(n) char[gyd] [xaAx]
K: 10,23 To kepen this woma(n) . thes wise men ben charged
N: 10,23 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 10,23 Tho kepyn -th-is woman . -th-ese sexe ben chargid
M: 10,23 to kepi(n) -th-ys woma(n) . -th-o wise me(n) arn
chargid [xaAx]
H3: 10,23 And to kepe -th-is woma(n) . -th-ese wyse me(n)
arn chargyd [xaAx]
W: 10,23 And kepe -th-is woman . -th-ese wis men be charged
T: 10,24 Til kynde come o[th](er) sende to kepe hire hymselue
H2: 10,24 Tyl kynde come other sende . to kepen hem hir(e)
selue [aaAx]
Ch: 10,24 To kende come or sende . to kepe her hymselue [aaAx]
D: 10,24 Tyl kynde come or sende . & kepe he(m) hymselue
R: 10,24 til kynde come or sente . and kepe her(e) hi(m)selue
U: 10,24 Til kynde come or sende . and kepe hire hymselue
V: 10,24 Til _th_at (kuynde) (come) or sende . And (kepe)
hire him-seluen" [aaAx]
J: 10,24 Til kynde come or sende . & kepe her(e) hi(m)selue
K: 10,24 Til kynde send or come . to kepn her hymself [aaAx]
N: 10,24 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 10,24 Til kend come or sende . to kepe here hemselue [aaAx]
M: 10,24 Til kende come or sende . & kepe her(e) hi(m)selue
H3: 10,24 Tyl kynde come or sende . & kepe hyr hy(m)selue
W: 10,24 Til kende come or sende . to kepe here to hymself
T: 10,25 What calle [y]e [th](a)t castel q(ua)[th] I [th](a)t
kynde ha[th] ymakid
H2: 10,25 What calle -gh-e the castel q(uo)d I . that kynde
hat-gh- Imakid [aaAx]
Ch: 10,25 What calle -gh-e -th-at castel q(uo)d I . -th-at
kende hath Imaked [aaAx]
D: 10,25 What calle -gh-e -th-e Castel q(ou)d I . -th-at
kynde ha-th- maked [aaAx]
R: 10,25 What calle -gh-e -th-(a)t castel q(uo)d I . -th-(a)t
kynde ha-th- ymaked [aaAx]
U: 10,25 What calle -y-e -th-is castel q(uo)d I . -th-at
kynde ha-th- ymakid [aaAx]
V: 10,25 What (calle) _g_e _th_e (Castel)," quod I . "_th_at
(kuynde) ha_th_ _th_us I-maket [aaAx]
J: 10,25 Qwat calle [-gh-e] -th-e -th-(a)t castel q(uo)d
I . -th-(a)t kynde hath Imakyd [aaAx]
J: 10,25 as do best & dobet dowele acordyn
K: 10,25 What calle ye that castell q(uo)d I . that kynde
hath thus Imaked [aaAx]
N: 10,25 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 10,25 Wath calle -gh-e -th-e castel . -th-at kende hath
makid [aaAx]
M: 10,25 What clepe -y-e -th-at kastel q(uo)d I . -th-(a)t
kynde hat -th-(us) makid [aaAx]
H3: 10,25 Qwat clepe -gh-e -th-(a)t castel q(uo)d I . -th-(a)t
kynde hat -th-(us) makyd [aaAx]
W: 10,25 What calle -gh-e -th-at castel q(uo)d I . -th-at
kynde -th-us make-th- [aaAx]
T: 10,26 --- this line om ---
H2: 10,26 And what kynnes thyng is kende . kunne -gh-e me
telle [aaAx]
Ch: 10,26 --- this line is omitted ---
D: 10,26 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 10,26 and of what kennys -th-ing . conne -gh-e me telle
U: 10,26 Of what ky(n)ne thinge . cu(n)ne -y-e me telle [aaAx]
V: 10,26 And what (cunnes) _th_ing is (kuynde) . (con) _g_e
me telle [aaAx]
J: 10,26 And qwat ky(n)nes thing is kynde . konne -gh-e me
telle [aaAx]
K: 10,26 And what kyn thyng is kynd . conne ye me telle [aaAx]
N: 10,26 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 10,26 What kynnys -th-ing is kende . canst -th-u me telle
M: 10,26 & what kynnys -th-ing is kende . -y-e me telle
H3: 10,26 And qwat skyns thyng is kynde . kon -gh-e me telle
W: 10,26 And what kyn -th-ing is kynde . conne -gh-e me telle
T: 10,27 Kynde qua[th] he is creato(ur) of alle kenis bestis
H2: 10,27 Kynd q(uo)d he is creato(ur) . of alle kennis bestis
Ch: 10,27 kende q(uo)d he is a creatour . of alle kennes
bestes [aaAx]
D: 10,27 Kynde q(ou)d he is Creato(ur) . of alle kynne bestes
R: 10,27 Kynde q(uo)d he is ceato(ur) . of alle ky(n)nes
best(is) [aaAx]
U: 10,27 Kynde q(uo)d he is creatours . of alle kynne bestis
V: 10,27 (Kuynde) qua_th_ he is (Ceatour) . of alle (kunne)
best [aaAx]
J: 10,27 Kynde is creatoure [q(uo)d he] . of alle kynnes
bestes [aaAx]
K: 10,27 Kynde q(uo)d he is creatour . of al kyn best(is)
N: 10,27 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 10,27 Kende quot he is a kreature . of alle kynde bestis
M: 10,27 Kynd q(uo)d he is a creato(ur) . of alle kynnys
bestys [aaAx]
H3: 10,27 Kynde q(uo)d he is creat(ur)e . of alle skyns bestys
W: 10,27 Kynde q(uo)d he is a creature . of al -th-ing best
T: 10,28 ffadir & fo(ur)mo(ur) [th]e ferste of alle [th]ing
H2: 10,28 ffadir and former . the furst of thyng [aaAx]
Ch: 10,28 ffader and formour . -th-e first of alle -th-ing
D: 10,28 ffader & formo(ur) . first of alle -th-ing [aaAx]
R: 10,28 fader and former(e) . -th-e furste of alle -th-ing(es)
U: 10,28 ffadir and fourmo(ur) . firste of alle -th-inge
V: 10,28 (ffader) and (ffoormere) . _th_e (furste) of alle
_th_ing [aaAx]
J: 10,28 ffadyr & formeour(e) . -th-e first of alle thing
K: 10,28 ffather & formo(ur) . the first of al thing(es)
N: 10,28 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 10,28 ffadir and formour . fryst of alle -th-ing [aaAx]
M: 10,28 ffadir & fo(ur)mo(ur)e . -th-e ferste of alle
-th-ing { Dixit & f(a)c(t)a s(un)t vniu(er)sa } [aaAx]
H3: 10,28 ffadyr & fourmour . fryst of alle thyng [aaAx]
W: 10,28 ffadre and fourmere . first of alle -th-ing [aaAx]
T: 10,29 And [th](a)t is [th]e grete god [th]at gynnyng had
H2: 10,29 And that is the grete god . that gynnyng hadde
neu(er) [aaAx]
Ch: 10,29 And -th-at is -th-e gret god . -th-at gynnyng had
neuer [aaAx]
D: 10,29 And he is gret god . -th-at gynnyng had neu(er)e
R: 10,29 And -th-at he is grete god . -th-(a)t gy(n)nyng
hadde neuere [aaAx]
U: 10,29 And -th-at he is grete god . -th-at gy(n)nynge hadde
neu(er)e [aaAx]
V: 10,29 _Th_at is _th_e (grete) (God) . _th_at (bigynnyng)
hedde neuere [aaAx]
J: 10,29 And -th-(a)t is -th-e gret god . -th-(a)t gynnyng
had neu(er)e [aaAx]
K: 10,29 And that is the gret god . that gynnyng had neu(er)
N: 10,29 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 10,29 That is -th-e grete god . -th-at gynnyng had neuyr
M: 10,29 And -th-at is -th-e grete god . -th-at ner(e) hadde
gynnynge [aaAx]
H3: 10,29 And -th-(a)t is -th-e grete god . -th-(a)t gynnyng
had neu(er) [aaAx]
W: 10,29 That is -th-e grete god . -th-at gynnyng had neuere
T: 10,30 [Th]e lord of lif & of li[th] of lisse & of
H2: 10,30 The lord of lif and of lith . of lisse and of peyne
Ch: 10,30 -Th-e lord of lif and of li-th- . of lisse and
of peyne [aaaAx]
D: 10,30 The lord of lyf & of li-gh-te . of lysse & of
peyne [aaaAx]
R: 10,30 -Th-e lord of lyf and of lyt . of blysse and of
peyne [aaaAx]
U: 10,30 -Th-e lord of lyf and of light . of blysse and of
pyne [aaaAx]
V: 10,30 _Th_e (lord) of (lyf) and of (liht) . of Blisse
and of peyne [aaaAx]
J: 10,30 -Th-e lorde of lyf & of litthe . of blisse & of
payne [aaaAx]
K: 10,30 The lord of life & of li-gh-the . of lisse & of
pyne [aaaAx]
N: 10,30 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 10,30 The lord of lyfe & lyth . of blyssis & of
peyne [aaaAx]
M: 10,30 -Th-e lord of lif & of lith . of blisse & of
pyne [aaaAx]
H3: 10,30 -Th-e lord of lyff & of lyth . of blysse & of
peyne [aaaAx]
W: 10,30 The lord of lyf and lyst . of blysse & of peyne
T: 10,31 Aungelis & alle [th]ing arn at his wille
H2: 10,31 Angelis and al thyng . arn at his wylle [aaAx]
Ch: 10,31 Aungels and alle -th-ing . arn at is wille [aaAx]
D: 10,31 Angels & alle -th-inges . arn at his wille [aaAx]
R: 10,31 Au(n)gelys and al -th-ing . arn at his wille [aaAx]
U: 10,31 Aungelis and alle -th-ingis . arn at his wille [aaAx]
V: 10,31 (Angeles) and (alle) _th_ing . ben at his wille
J: 10,31 Aungel(is) & alle thing . arn at his wille [aaAx]
K: 10,31 Angels & al thyng(es) . arn at his wille [aaAx]
A: 10,31 Aungelis and alle -th-ing . arne at his wille [aaAx]
M: 10,31 Aungelis & alle -th-ing . arn at his wille [aaAx]
H3: 10,31 Aungelys & alle thyng . arn at hys wylle [aaAx]
W: 10,31 Angels and alle -th-ing . ern at his wille [aaAx]
T: 10,32 Ac man is hym most lik of mark & of shap
H2: 10,32 Ac man is hi(m) most like . of mark and of schap
Ch: 10,32 But man is hym most like . of merke and of schappe
D: 10,32 Ac man is hym most lyke . of mar & of Shape
R: 10,32 and ma(n) is hi(m) most lyk . of mark and of shappe
U: 10,32 Ac man is hym most liche . of mark & of schappe
V: 10,32 Bote (Mon) is him (Most) lyk . of (Marke) and of
schap [aaAx]
J: 10,32 Ac ma(n) is him most liche . of marke & of schappe
K: 10,32 But man is hym most like . of marke & of schap
A: 10,32 As man is hym most lyke . of merke & of face
M: 10,32 But man is he moost lik . of marke & of schaft
H3: 10,32 And ma(n) is hy(m)self most lyik . of merk & of
schaft [aaAx]
W: 10,32 But man is most lik to hym . of merke & of shap
T: 10,33 ffor [t]horu[gh] [th]e woord [th](a)t he warp wexe
for[th] bestis
H2: 10,33 ffor thoru the worde that he warp . wex forth bestis
Ch: 10,33 ffor -th-orow -th-e word -th-at he warp . wex for-th-e
beestes [aaAx]
D: 10,33 ffor -th-our-gh-t -th-e world -th-at he werpes .
wexen for-th- bestes [aaAx]
R: 10,33 ffor thur -th-e word -th-at he warp . waxe for-th-
bestes [aaAx]
U: 10,33 ffor -th-urw -th-e word -th-at he warp . wexen for-th-
bestis [aaAx]
V: 10,33 ffor wi_th_ (word) _th_at he (warp) . (woxen) for_th_
Beestes [aaAx]
J: 10,33 ffor -th-orow -th-e worde -th-(a)t he warp . waxin
forth bestys [aaAx]
K: 10,33 ffor thrugh the word that he wrap . waxen forth
best(is) [aaAx]
A: 10,33 ffor be his word & be is werke . wexen forth
bestis [aaAx]
M: 10,33 ffor -th-ourth -th-e woord of his mouth . woxin
forth best(is) [aaAx]
H3: 10,33 ffor throw -th-e word -th-(a)t he wrap . wexen
alle bestys [aaAx]
W: 10,33 ffor -th-row -th-e word -th-at he spak . wax forth
al -th-ing [aaAx]
T: 10,34 And al at his wil was wrou[gh]t wi[th] a speche
H2: 10,34 And al at his wylle . was wrou-gh-te with a speche
Ch: 10,34 And alle at his wille . was wrou-gh-t with on speche
D: 10,34 And at his wille . was wrou-gh-t w(i)t(h) a speche
R: 10,34 And al at his wille . was wrou-gh-t w(i)t(h) a speche
U: 10,34 And al at his wille . was wrought wi-th- a speche
V: 10,34 And alle _th_ing at his (wille) . was (wrou_g_t)
wi_th_ a speche { Dixit et facta sunt }
J: 10,34 And al thing at his wille . was wrowht at a speche
K: 10,34 And al thing at his will . was wrought with a word
A: 10,34 And alle -th-ing at his wille . he wrout w(i)t(h)
on speche [xaAx]?
M: 10,34 And alle -th-i(n)g at his wil . was wrouth w(i)t(h)
a speche [xaAx]?
H3: 10,34 And alle thyng at hys wyl . was wrout w(i)t(h)
a speche [xaAx]?
W: 10,34 His wil was wroght wi-th- a speche { Dixit & facta
sunt } [xaAx]?
T: 10,34a {Dixit & facta sunt &c }
H2: 10,34a { Dixit et facta sunt } [Latin]
Ch: 10,34a { Dixit et facta sunt } [Latin]
D: 10,34a { Dixit & facta sunt &c } [Latin]
R: 10,34a { Dixit & facta su(n)t &c } [Latin]
V: 10,34a --- this line om ---
J: 10,34a { Dixit & f(a)c(t)a su(n)t omnia &c } [Latin]
K: 10,34a { Dixit & facta sunt &c } [Latin]
A: 10,34a { Dixit & facta sunt ip(s)e mandauit &c
} [Latin]
M: 10,34a --- this line om ---
H3: 10,34a { Dixit & facta su(n)t et vniu(er)sa mandauit
et creata } [Latin]
W: 10,34a --- this line om ---
T: 10,35 Saue man [th](a)t he made ymage to hi(m)selue
H2: 10,35 Saue man that he made . ymage to hi(m) silue [aaAx]
Ch: 10,35 Saue man -th-at he made . Image to hym selue [aaAx]
D: 10,35 Saue man -th-at he made . ymage to hym selue [aaAx]
R: 10,35 Saue ma(n) -th-at he made . ymage to hi(m) seluen
V: 10,35 Saue (Mon) _th_at he (Made) . (Ymage) to him-seluen
J: 10,35 Saue man -th-(a)t he made . Image to him selue [aaAx]
K: 10,35 Saue man that he made . Image like to hym self [aaAx]
A: 10,35 Saue man -th-at he made . like to hym selue [aaAx]
M: 10,35 Saue man -th-at he made . lik to hi(m) selue(n)
H3: 10,35 Saue ma(n) -th-(a)t he made . ymage to hy(m) selue
W: 10,35 Saue man -th-at he made . ymage to hym self [aaAx]
T: 10,36 [Y]af hym gost of his godhed & g(ra)untide hym
H2: 10,36 -Gh-af hi(m) gost of his godhede . and g(ra)untide
hi(m) blisse [aaAx]
Ch: 10,36 -Gh-af hym gost and godhede . and graunted hym
blisse [aaAx]
D: 10,36 -Gh-af hym gost of his godhed . & graunted hym
blysse [aaAx]
R: 10,36 -Gh-af hi(m) of his godhede . and grau(n)ted hi(m)
blysse [aaAx]
V: 10,36 _Y_af him (gost) of his (Godhede) . and (grauntede)
him Blisse [aaAx]
J: 10,36 -Gh-af him gost of his godhed . & g(ra)untyd
him blisse [aaAx]
K: 10,36 Yafe hym goste of his godhede . & g(ra)unted
hym blisse [aaAx]
A: 10,36 Gaf hym gost of his godhed . & grauntid hym
blisse [aaAx]
M: 10,36 -Y-af hi(m) goost of his godhed . & g(ra)untid
hi(m) blisse [aaAx]
H3: 10,36 -Th-(a)t he -gh-af gost of hys godhede . & grauntyd
hy(m) blysse [aaAx]
W: 10,36 And gaf hym gost of his godhode . and grauntid hym
blysse [aaAx]
T: 10,37 Lif [th](a)t ay shal laste & al his lynage aftir
H2: 10,37 Lyf that ay schal laste . and al his lynage aftir
Ch: 10,37 Lif -th-at ay schal laste . and al his lynage after
D: 10,37 Lyf -th-at ay schal lasten . & al his lynage
after [aaAx]
R: 10,37 Lyf -th-(a)t ay shal laste . and al his lynage after
V: 10,37 (Lyf) _th_at euer schal (lasten) . and al his (lynage)
aftur [aaAx]
J: 10,37 & lyf -th-(a)t eu(er)e schal lastyn . & al
his kynne aft(er) [aaAx]
K: 10,37 Life that ay schall lasten . & al his lynage
after [aaAx]
A: 10,37 Lyue -th-at ay schal laste . and his lynage aftir
M: 10,37 Lif -th-at eu(er)e lastith . & al his lynage
aftir [aaAx]
H3: 10,37 Lyf -th-(a)t eu(er) xal lesty(n) . & al hys
lenage aft(ir) [aaAx]
W: 10,37 Lyf -th-at ay shal lesten . and al hys lynage aftre
T: 10,38 [Th](a)t is [th]e castel [th](a)t kynde made {caro}
it hatte
H2: 10,38 That is the castel that kynde made . { caro } it
hattith [aaAx]
Ch: 10,38 -Th-at is -th-e castel -th-at kynde made . { Caro
} hit hatte [aaAx]
D: 10,38 The castel -th-(a)t kynde made . { Caro } hit hatte
R: 10,38 -Th-at is -th-e castel of kynde made . { caro }
hit hatte-th- [aaAx]
V: 10,38 _Th_at is _th_e (Castel) _th_at (kuynde) made .
{ (Caro) } hit hette [aaAx]
J: 10,38 -Th-(a)t is -th-e castel -th-(a)t kynde made . {
caro } it hyhte [aaAx]
K: 10,38 That is the castel that kynde made . { Caro } it
hate [aaAx]
A: 10,38 That is -th-e castel of kende mad . { caro } yt
hattith [aaAx]
M: 10,38 -Th-at is -th-e kastel -th-(a)t kynde made . { caro
} it hotit-gh- [aaAx]
H3: 10,38 -Th-(a)t is -th-e castel -th-(a)t kynde made .
{ corpus } it hattyth [aaAx]
W: 10,38 That is -th-e castel -th-at kende made . { caro
} it hatte [aaAx]
T: 10,39 As muche to mene [th]at man w(i)t(h) his soule
H2: 10,39 As muche for to mene . that man with his soule
Ch: 10,39 As moche to mene . as man with his soule [aaAx]
D: 10,39 As myche to mene . as man w(i)t(h) -th-e saule [aaAx]
R: 10,39 As moche to mene . as ma(n) w(i)t(h) -th-e soule
V: 10,39 And is as (muche) to (mene) . As (Mon) wi_th_ a
soule [aaAx]
J: 10,39 As mychel to menyn . as man w(i)t(h) body & w(i)t(h)
sowle [aaAx]
K: 10,39 As michel to mean . as man w(i)t(h) his sowle [aaAx]
A: 10,39 As mechil is mene . as man w(i)t(h)oute -th-e soule
M: 10,39 As muchel it is to meny . as a ma(n) w(i)t(h) -th-e
soule [aaAx]
H3: 10,39 As mechyl is to mene . as ma(n) w(i)t(h) -th-e
soule [aaAx]
W: 10,39 As muche to mene . as a man wi-th- -th-e soule [aaAx]
T: 10,40 [Th](a)t he wrou[gh]te wi[th] werkis & w(i)t(h)
wordis bo[th]e
H2: 10,40 That he wrou-gh-te with werkis . and with wordis
bothe [aaAx]
Ch: 10,40 -Th-at he wrou-gh-t wi-th- werkes . and wordes
bo-th-e [aaAx]
D: 10,40 That he wrou-gh-te w(i)t(h) wyrkes . & w(i)t(h)
wordes bo-th-e [aaAx]
R: 10,40 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 10,40 _Th_at he (wrouhte) with (Werk) . and wi_th_ (word)
bo_th_e [aaAx]
J: 10,40 -Th-(a)t he wrowhte w(i)t(h) werke . & w(i)t(h)
worde bothe [aaAx]
K: 10,40 That he wrought w(i)t(h) worke . & w(i)t(h)
worde bothe [aaAx]
A: 10,40 That he wrouth w(i)t(h) word . and w(it(h) werke
bo-th-e [aaAx]
M: 10,40 -Th-at he wrougthe w(i)t(h) werk . & w(i)t(h)
woord bo-th-in [aaAx]
H3: 10,40 -Th-(a)t he wrouth w(i)t(h) werk . & w(i)t(h)
word bothe [aaAx]
W: 10,40 That he wroght wi-th- werk . and wi-th- woord bo-th-e
T: 10,41 [Th]oru[gh] mi[gh]t of [th]e maieste man was ymakid
H2: 10,41 Thoru myth of the mageste . man was Imakid [aaAa]
Ch: 10,41 -th-orow mi-gh-t of -th-e maieste . man was Imaked
D: 10,41 -Th-oru-gh-t my-gh-te of -th-e mageste . ma(n) was
Imaked [aaAa]
R: 10,41 -th-ur-gh- my-gh-th of -th-e mageste . man was ymaked
U: 10,41a { ffaciamus ho(m)i(n)em ad ymagine(m) & similitudine(m)
n(os)tram } [Latin]
V: 10,41 _Th_Orw (miht) of his (Maieste) . (Mon) was I-maket
J: 10,41 -Th-orow myht of his mageste . man was Imakyd {
ffaciam(us) ho(m)i(n)em ad ymaginem &c } [aaAa]
K: 10,41 Thrugh might of the mageste . ma(n) was Imaked [aaAa]
A: 10,41 Thorow myght of -th-e maieste . man was Imakid [aaAa]
M: 10,41 -Th-ourth myth of -th-e mageste . man was Imakid
H3: 10,41 Thorw myth of hys mageste . ma(n) was Imakyd [aaAa]
W: 10,41 Throw might of -th-e mageste . man was maked [aaAa]
U: 10,34a --- this line is omitted ---
U: 10,35 Saue man -th-at he made . ymage to him selue [aaAx]
U: 10,36 -Gh-af him goost of his godhede . and g(ra)untide hym blisse [aaAx]
U: 10,37 Lyf -th-at ay schal laste . and his lynage aftir [aaAx]
U: 10,38 -th-is is -th-e castell -th-at kynde made . { caro } it hatte [aaAx]
U: 10,39 Is as moche to mene . as man with -th-e soule [aaAx]
U: 10,40 --- this line is omitted ---
T: 10,41 { ffaciam(us) ho(m)i(n)em ad ymaginem n(ost)ram }
H2: 10,41a { Faciamus hominen ad ymaginen nostram } [Latin]
Ch: 10,41a { ffaciamus hominem ad Imagynem nostram } [Latin]
D: 10,41a { ffaciam(us) ho(m)i(n)em ad ymagine(m) nostra(m)
} [Latin]
R: 10,41a { ffaciam(us) ho(m)i(n)em ad ymagine(m) n(os)tram
} [Latin]
U: 10,41 -th-urw myghte of -th-e maieste . whan was ymakid
J: 10,41a --- this line om ---
K: 10,41a { ffaciam(us) ho(m)i(n)em ad Imaginem & similitudine(m)
n(ost)ram &c } [Latin]
A: 10,41a { ffaciamus ho(m)i(n)em ad ymaginem n(ostr)am }
M: 10,41a { ffaciamus ho(m)i(n)em ad ymagine(m) & si(mi)litudine(m)
n(ost)ram &c } [Latin]
H3: 10,41a { ffaciam(us) ho(m)i(n)em ad ymagine(m) & similitudi(n)em
n(ost)ram } [Latin]
W: 10,41a { ffaciamus ho(m)i(n)em ad ymaginem & [si(m)ilitudine(m)]
nostram } [Latin]
T: 10,42 Inwit & alle wyttes enclosid ben [th](er)inne
H2: 10,42 Inwyt and al wittes . bien Iclosid thereInne [aaAa]
Ch: 10,42 Inwitte and alle wittes . enclosed be-th- -th-erInne
D: 10,42 Inwyt & alle wyttes . enclosed ben -th-(er)inne
R: 10,42 Inwit and alle witt(es) . enclosed ben -th-(er)inne
U: 10,42 Inwyt and alle wittes . ben closed -th-(er)ynne
V: 10,42 (Inwit) and alle (wittes) . ben closet _th_er-Inne
J: 10,42 Inwit & al wyttys . enclosyd bene -th-(er)Inne
K: 10,42 Inwitt & al witt(es) . enclosed ben therin [aaAa]
A: 10,42 Inwitte and alle wyttis . closid ben -th-erinne
M: 10,42 Inwit & al wittis . Iclosid bet -th-erinne [aaAa]
H3: 10,42 Inwytt & alle wyttys . closyd he(m) -th-(er)Inne
W: 10,42 Inwitte and alle wittes . enclosed ben -th-erinne
T: 10,43 ffor loue of [th](a)t lady [th]at lif is ynempnid
H2: 10,43 ffor loue of that lady . that lyf is ynempnid [aaAx]
Ch: 10,43 ffor loue of -th-at lady . -th-at lif is Inempned
D: 10,43 ffor loue of -th-(a)t lady . -th-(a)t lyf ys nemnyd
R: 10,43 for loue of -th-(a)t lady . -th-(a)t lyf is ynempned
U: 10,43 ffor loue of -th-at lady . -th-at lyf is ynempned
V: 10,43 ffor (loue) of _th_at (ladi) . _th_at (lyf) is I-nempnet
J: 10,43 ffor loue of -th-(a)t leuedy . -th-(a)t lyf is ne(m)pnyd
K: 10,43 ffor loue of that lady . that lyfe is namyd [aaAx]
A: 10,43 ffor loue of -th-at lady . -th-at lyue is Imenyd
M: 10,43 ffor -th-at lady . -th-at lyf is Inamyd [aaAx]
H3: 10,43 ffor loue of -th-(a)t lady . -th-(a)t lyf is Inemyd
W: 10,43 ffor loue of -th-at lady . -th-at lyf is nempned
-th-at is {a(n)i(m)a} [aaAx]
T: 10,44 [Th]at is {Anima} [th]at ou(er)al in [th]e body wandri[th]
H2: 10,44 That is { anima } that ou(er)al . in the bodi wandrith
Ch: 10,44 -Th-at is { anima } -th-at oueralle . In -th-e
body wandre-th- [aaXx]
D: 10,44 That is { Anima } -th-(a)t ou(er)al . in -th-e body
wandre-th- [aaXx]
R: 10,44 -Th-at is { Anima } -th-(a)t oueral . -th-e body
wandre-th- [aaXx]
U: 10,44 -Th-at is { anima } -th-at ou(er)al . -th-e body
wandrith [aaXx]
V: 10,44 _Th_at is { (Anima) } _th_at ouer (al) . (in) _th_e
Bodi wandure_th_ [aaAxx]
J: 10,44 -Th-at is { Anima } -th-(a)t ou(er)alle . in -th-e
body wand(er)ith [aaXx]
K: 10,44 That is { Anima } that ou(er)al . in the body wandreth
A: 10,44 That is { a(n)i(m)a } -th-at ouyral . in -th-e body
wanderis [aaXx]
M: 10,44 -Th-at is { anima } -th-at oueral . in -th-e body
wandrit [aaXx]
H3: 10,44 -Th-(a)t is { a(n)i(m)a } -th-(a)t ou(er)al . i(n)
-th-e body wanderyth [aaXx]
W: 10,44 That in -th-e bodi wandre-th- . but in -th-e hert
is here home [aaXx]
T: 10,45 Ac in [th]e herte is hire hom hei[gh]est of alle
H2: 10,45 Ac in the herte is hir(e) hoom . hi-gh-este of
alle [aaAa]
Ch: 10,45 Bot In -th-e hert is her home . hi-gh-est of alle
D: 10,45 Ac in -th-e herte is here home . heyest of alle
R: 10,45 ac in -th-e herte is hur(e) hom . heyest of alle
U: 10,45 Ac in -th-e herte is here hom . heyest of alle [aaAa]
V: 10,45 But in _th_e (herte) is hire (hom) . (hi_g_est)
of (alle) [aaAa]
J: 10,45 But in -th-e hert is hir(e) home . heyest of alle
K: 10,45 But in the hart is her home . highest of alle [aaAa]
A: 10,45 In -th-e hert is here hom . heyst of alle [aaAa]
M: 10,45 But in -th-e herte is hir(e) hoom . heiyrst of alle
H3: 10,45 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 10,45 --- this line om ---
T: 10,46 Heo is lyf & led(er)e a lemman of heuene
H2: 10,46 He is lif and ledere . a lemman of heuene [aaAx]
Ch: 10,46 Sche is lif and leder . a lemman of heuen [aaAx]
D: 10,46 Sche is lyf & ledere . a lemman of heuene [aaAx]
R: 10,46 He is lyf and leder(e) . and le(m)man of heuene
U: 10,46 He is lif and ledere . and lemman of heuene [aaAx]
V: 10,46 Heo is (lyf) and (ledere) . and a (lemmon) of heuene
J: 10,46 Sche is lyf & leder(e) . & lemman of heuen
K: 10,46 Sche is life & ledar . a lemma(n) of heuyn [aaAx]
A: 10,46 -Gh-he is lyfe ledere . a leman of heuyn [aaAx]
M: 10,46 Sche is lif & leder(e) . a le(m)man of heuene
H3: 10,46 He is lyff & ledere . and lemma(n) of heuene
W: 10,46 Hiest of al he is lyf a ledere . & a lemman
of heuen [aaAx]
T: 10,47 Inwyt is [th]e halle [th]at {anima} desiri[th]
H2: 10,47 Inwyt is the halle . that { anima } [de]sire-th-
Ch: 10,47 Inwitte is -th-e halle . -th-at { anima } desire-th-
D: 10,47 Inwyt is -th-e helpe . -th-at { Anima } desireth
R: 10,47 Inwit is -th-e help . -th-at { a(n)i(m)a } desyret
U: 10,47 Inwit is -th-e help . -th-at { anima } desire-th-
V: 10,47 (Inwit) is _th_e (help) . _th_at { (Anima) } desyre_th_
J: 10,47 Inwit is -th-e help . -th-(a)t { anima } desyryth
K: 10,47 Inwitt is the helpe . that { Anima } desireth [aaAx]
A: 10,47 Inwitte is -th-e help . -th-at { a(n)i(m)a } dyshyrith
M: 10,47 Inwit is -th-e moost helpe . to -th-e soule [aaAx]
H3: 10,47 Inwytt is -th-e helpe . -th-(a)t { anima } desyryth
W: 10,47 Inwit is -th-e helpe . -th-at { a(n)i(m)a } desireth
T: 10,48 Aftir [th]e g(ra)ce of god Inwyt is [th]e grettest
H2: 10,48 Aftir the g(ra)ce of god . I(n)wit is the grettist
Ch: 10,48 After grace of god . Inwitte is -th-e grettest
D: 10,48 Aft(ir) -th-e g(ra)ce of god . inwyt is -th-e grettest
R: 10,48 after -th-e grace of god . inwit is -th-e grettest
U: 10,48 Aftir -th-e g(ra)ce of god . ynwyt es -th-e gretteste
V: 10,48 After _th_e (grace) of (God) . _th_e (gretteste)
is Inwit [aaAx]
J: 10,48 Aft(ir) -th-e g(ra)ce of god . grettest of alle
K: 10,48 After the grace of god . grettest is Inwitt [aaAx]
A: 10,48 Aftir -th-e grace of god . -th-at grettest is inwytte
M: 10,48 --- this line is omitted ---
H3: 10,48 Aft(ir) -th-e grace of god . grettest is i(n)wytt
W: 10,48 Aftr(e) -th-e grace of god . -th-e grettest is inwitte
T: 10,49 Inwyt in [th]e heuid is & an help to [th]e soule
H2: 10,49 Inwit in -th-e heuid is . an help to the soule
Ch: 10,49 Inwitte In -th-e hed is . and an help to -th-e
soule [aaAx]
D: 10,49 Inwyt in -th-e hed is . & help to -th-e saule
R: 10,49 inwit in -th-e hed is . an help to -th-e soule [aaAx]
U: 10,49 Inwit in -th-e heued is . an help to -th-e soule
V: 10,49 (Inwit) in _th_e (hed) is . and (helpe_th_) _th_e
soule [aaAx]
J: 10,49 Inwyt is -th-e heuyd . & helpith to -th-e sowle
K: 10,49 Inwitt in the hedd is . & an helpe to the soule
A: 10,49 Inwytte in -th-e heuyd is . and help to -th-e soule
M: 10,49 --- this line run together with line 47 ---
H3: 10,49 Inwytt i(n) -th-e hed is . & an helpe to -th-e
soule [aaAx]
W: 10,49 Inwitte in -th-e hede is . and helpe-th- to -th-e
soule [aaAx]
T: 10,50 ffor [th]oru[gh] his connyng is kept {caro} & {anima}
H2: 10,50 ffor thoru his connyng is kept . { caro et anima
} [aaAx]
Ch: 10,50 ffor -th-oru-gh- his connyng is keped . { Caro
} and { anima } [aaAx]
D: 10,50 ffor -th-oru-gh-t his connyng is kept . { Caro & Anima
} [aaAx]
R: 10,50 ffor -th-ur-gh- his cu(n)nyng is kept . { caro & a(n)i(m)a
} [aaAx]
U: 10,50 ffor -th-urw his ku(n)nynge is kept . { caro & a(n)i(m)a
} [aaAx]
V: 10,50 ffor _th_orw his (connynge) he (clepe_th_) . { (Caro) & Anima
} [aaAx]
J: 10,50 ffor -th-orow his konyng is keppyt . { caro & a(n)i(m)a
} [aaAx]
K: 10,50 ffor throwgh his connyng ben kept . { Caro & Anima
} [aaAx]
A: 10,50 ffor -th-orow is conyng is kepte . { caro & anima
} [aaAx]
M: 10,50 ffor -th-outh his koniyng(es) is kept . { caro & an(im)a
} [aaAx]
H3: 10,50 ffor thorw hys cony(n)g is kept . { caro & a(n)i(m)a
} [aaAx]
W: 10,50 ffor -th-rogh his co(n)nyng is kept . { caro & a(n)i(m)a
} [aaAx]
T: 10,51 In rewele & in resoun but reccheles it make
H2: 10,51 In reule and in resou(n) . but recheles it make
Ch: 10,51 In Rewle and In Resoun . but Recheles It make [aaAx]
D: 10,51 In rewle & resou(n) . but recheles it make [aaAx]
R: 10,51 in reule and in resou(n) . but reccheles h(i)t make
U: 10,51 In reule and in resoun . but rechelees it make [aaAx]
V: 10,51 In (Rule) and in (Reson) . bote (Recheles) hit make
J: 10,51 In rewle & in resou(n) . but rechchilnesse it
make [aaAx]
K: 10,51 In rewle & in fo(ur)me . but Recheles it make
A: 10,51 In rewle and resun . but recches it makyth [aaAx]
M: 10,51 In Reule & in resoun . but reklesnesse it make
H3: 10,51 In rewle & i(n) resou(n) . but rechylnesse
it make [aaAx]
W: 10,51 In reule and reson . but rechelesnesse it make [aaAx]
T: 10,52 He eggi[th] ei[gh]e si[gh]t & heryng to gode
H2: 10,52 It eggit-gh- ei-gh-e si-gh-t . and heryng to gode
Ch: 10,52 He egge-th- -gh-e sy-gh-t . and hering to gode
D: 10,52 He Eggith eye si-gh-th . & heryng to good [aaAx]
R: 10,52 he egge-th- eye sy-gh-t . and hering to gode [aaAx]
U: 10,52 He eggide eye to sighte . and herynge to gode [aaAx]
V: 10,52 He (egge_th_) _th_e (i_th_e-siht) . and Bringe_th_
to goode [aaAx]
J: 10,52 He eggyd aye syhte . & hering to gode [aaAx]
K: 10,52 He eggith ey sight . & heryng to goode [aaAx]
A: 10,52 He eggith -th-e eye sygth to goode . and heryng
also [aaAx]
M: 10,52 He tisit -th-in eie sigth . to goode -th-y(n) eryng
to -th-e same [aaAx]
H3: 10,52 He eggyth ey-gh-e syth . & heryng to goode
W: 10,52 He eggeth he ese . & beryng to god of good speche
T: 10,53 Of good speche & connyng he is [th]e begynn(er)e
H2: 10,53 Ofte good speche and connyng . he is the begynn(er)e
Ch: 10,53 Of gode speche and connyng . he is -th-e begynner
D: 10,53 Of good speche & konnynge . he is begynner(e)
R: 10,53 of speche and of going . he is bygynnere [aaAx]
U: 10,53 Of speche & of goynge . he is -th-e bygynner(e)
V: 10,53 Of (good) speche and of (cunnynge) . he is _th_e
(biginnere) [aaAx]
J: 10,53 Of gode speche & goyng . he is -th-o kynner(e)
K: 10,53 Of good speche & goyng . he is the begynnyng
A: 10,53 Of god speche & of good dede . he is begynnere
M: 10,53 Of good speche & good dede . he begy(n)nyt euer(e)
H3: 10,53 Off good speche & good dede . he is -th-e begynn(er)
W: 10,53 Of good dede . he is gynnere in mans brayn he is
most [aaAx]
T: 10,54 In manis brayn is he most & mi[gh]tiest to knowe
H2: 10,54 In mannys brayn he is most . and my-gh-tiest to
knowe [aaAx]
Ch: 10,54 In manis brayn is he moste . and my-gh-tiest to
knowe [aaAx]
D: 10,54 In mannys brayn is he most . & my-gh-tyest to
knowe [aaAx]
R: 10,54 In ma(n)nys bray(n) he is most . and my-gh-thiest
to knowe [aaAx]
U: 10,54 In ma(n)nys brayn is he most . and myghtiest to
knowe [aaAx]
V: 10,54 IN (Monnes) Brayn he is (most) . and (mihtiest)
to knowe [aaAx]
J: 10,54 In mannys brayne is he most . & myhtyest to
knowe [aaAx]
K: 10,54 In mannys brayne he is most . & mightiest to
knowe [aaAx]
A: 10,54 In mannys brane he is most . and mytiest to knowe
M: 10,54 In mannis brayn is he most . & su(n)nerist Iknowen
H3: 10,54 In ma(n)nys brayn is he most . & mythyest to
knowe [aaAx]
W: 10,54 --- this line om ---
T: 10,55 [Th](er)e is his bour bremest but [y]if blod it make
H2: 10,55 There is his bour bremest . but if blood it make
Ch: 10,55 -Th-er is brayn bremest . but -gh-ef blode hit
make [aaAx]
D: 10,55 Ther is his boure bremest . but yf blood it make
R: 10,55 -Th-(er) is h(i)s bour(e) bremest . but hot blod
hit make [aaAx]
U: 10,55 -Th-er(e) is his bour bremest . but hoot blood it
make [aaAx]
V: 10,55 _Th_er he is (Bremest) . (But) _g_if (blod) hit
make [xaAa]?
J: 10,55 -Th-(er) is his bowre bry(m)mest . but -gh-if blode
it make [aaAx]
K: 10,55 Ther is his bower bremest . but if blode it make
A: 10,55 Ther is his boure bremest . but -gh-if blod it make
M: 10,55 -Th-er is his bour bremest . but -y-if it blod make
H3: 10,55 -Th-(er) is hys boure bre(m)mest . but -gh-yf blod
make [aaAx]
W: 10,55 And myghtiest to knowe -th-er is his boure bremest
but if blode it make [aaAx]
T: 10,56 ffor whan blood is brem(er)e [th]anne brayn [th]an
is Inwit bou(n)de
H2: 10,56 ffor whan blood is brem(er) than brayn . than is
inwit bou(n)de [aaaXa]
Ch: 10,56 ffor whan blode is bremer -th-an brayn . -th-an
is Inwit bo[unde] [aaaXa]
D: 10,56 ffor whan blod is bremere -th-an brayn . -th-an
is Inwyt boundyn [aaaXa]
R: 10,56 for whan blod is bremer(e) -th-a(n) brayn . -th-a(n)
is -th-e wit bou(n)den [aaaXa]
U: 10,56 ffor whan blood is brent in brayn . -th-an is -th-e
wit bou(n)den [aaaXa]
V: 10,56 ffor whonne (Blod) is (Bremore) _th_en (Brayn) .
_th_en is Inwit (I-bounde) [aaaXa]
J: 10,56 Qwan blode is bri(m)mer -th-an brayne . bow[ne]dyn
is Inwitte [aaaXa]
K: 10,56 ffor whan blode is bremar than brayne . than is
Inwitt lowe [aaaXa]
A: 10,56 Whan blod is brymmere -th-an brayne . -th-an is
inwitte bounde [aaaXa]
M: 10,56 ffor whan blood is brem(er)e -th-an brayn . -th-an
Inwit is Iboundi(n) [aaaXa]
H3: 10,56 ffor qwa(n) blod is bry(m)mere -th-a(n) brayn .
-th-a(n) is Inwyt bou(n)dy(n) [aaaXa]
W: 10,56 ffor whan blood is bremere -th-an brayn [aaaXa]
T: 10,57 And ek wantoun & wilde wi[th]oute any resoun
H2: 10,57 And eke wantou(n) and wilde . withouten ony reson
Ch: 10,57 And ek wantown and wilde . without any Resoun [aaAx]
D: 10,57 And eke wantou(n) & wylde . w(i)t(h)oute ony
resou(n) [aaAx]
R: 10,57 and ek wantou(n) and wilde . w(i)t(h)oute(n) ony
resou(n) [aaAx]
U: 10,57 And eek wantoune & wilde . wi-th-outen ony resoun
V: 10,57 And eke (wantoun) and (wylde) . (withouten) eny
Resoun [aaAx]
J: 10,57 And eke wantou(n) & wylde . wythouten ony resou(n)
K: 10,57 And eke wanton & wild . w(i)t(h)out any reasone
A: 10,57 Eke wantone & wilde . w(i)t(h)outyn ony resun
M: 10,57 & wantou(n) & wilde . ek w(i)t(h)outi(n)
ony resou(n) [aaAx]
H3: 10,57 And eke wantou(n) & wylde . w(i)t(h)outy(n)
any resou(n) [aaAx]
W: 10,57 Than is inwitte wanton & eke bounden & wild
wi-th-oute any reson [aaAx]
T: 10,58 In [y]onge fauntes & folis wi[th] hem faili[th]
H2: 10,58 In -gh-onge fau(n)tes & folis . with he(m)
faileth inwit [aaAx]
Ch: 10,58 In -gh-ong fauntes and foles . with hem faile-th-
Inwitte [aaAx]
D: 10,58 In -gh-ong fauntes & foles . w(i)t(h) hem fayleth
Inwyt [aaAx]
R: 10,58 In faunt(es) and folys . in he(m) fayle-th- inwit
U: 10,58 In fauntis and in folys . in hem faile-th- ynwit
V: 10,58 In _g_onge (ffauntes) and (ffooles) . with hem (ffayle_th_)
Inwit [aaAx]
J: 10,58 In -gh-ong fauntys & folys . w(i)t(h) hem wanyth
Inwytte [aaAx]
K: 10,58 In yonge fauntes & fooles . w(i)t(h) them failith
Inwitte [aaAx]
A: 10,58 W(i)t(h) -gh-ong fau(n)tes & folis . w(i)t(h)
hem faylith inwitte [aaAx]
M: 10,58 Wit -y-onge fauntes & foolis . Inwit is awei
H3: 10,58 In -gh-onge fau(n)tys & folys . w(i)t(h) he(m)
faylyt i(n)wytt [aaAx]
W: 10,58 In -gh-ong fauntes & in foles . whan hem faille-th-
Inwitte [aaAx]
T: 10,59 And ek in sottis [th](o)u mi[gh]t se [th](a)t sitten
at [th]e nale
H2: 10,59 And eke in sottes thou my-gh-t se . that that sitten
at -th-e ale [aaAx]
Ch: 10,59 And ek In sottes -th-ow my-gh-t se . -th-at sitten
at -th-e nale [aaAx]
D: 10,59 And eke in sottes -th-(o)u my-gh-t se . sitten at
nale [aaAx]
R: 10,59 and ek in sottes -th-(o)u my-gh-t se . -th-at sytten
at -th-e ale [aaAx]
U: 10,59 And eke in sottes -th-ou might see . -th-at sitten
at -th-e nale [aaAx]
V: 10,59 And eke in wrecches _th_ou miht (seo) . _th_at (sitte_th_)
atte Ale [aaAx]
J: 10,59 And eke in sottys -th-(o)u mayt sene . -th-(a)t
syttyn atte nale [aaAx]
K: 10,59 And eke in sott(is) thou maist see . that sitten
at the nale [aaAx]
A: 10,59 And eke sottis -th-u mygth se . -th-at syttyn at
-th-e nale [aaAx]
M: 10,59 & ek in sottes as -th-(o)u mygth sen . -th-(a)t
sittit atte nale [aaAx]
H3: 10,59 And eke i(n) sottys -th-(a)t myth se . -th-(a)t
sytty(n) art -th-e ale [aaAx]
W: 10,59 And eke in sottes as -gh-e se . -th-at sitten atte
nale [aaAx]
T: 10,60 [Th]ei helde ale in here hed til Inwyt be drenchit
H2: 10,60 Thei holde ale in her(e) hede . til inwit be drenchid
Ch: 10,60 -Th-ei held al In her hede . tille Inwitte be drenched
D: 10,60 They holden ale in here hed . tyl Inwyt be drenched
R: 10,60 -Th-ei helden ale in here hed . til inwit be drenchid
U: 10,60 -Th-ei heeld ale in here heued . til ynwit be drenchid
V: 10,60 _Th_ei (helde_th_) (Ale) in heore (hed) . til (Inwit)
beo a-dreynt [aaaAx]
J: 10,60 -Th-ei holden dring in her heuyd . til Inwit be
drinchid [aaaAx]
K: 10,60 Thay helden ale in her heede . til Inwitt be drenchid
A: 10,60 Thei holdyn ale in here hed . til inwytte be dronchen
M: 10,60 -Th-ey heldyn ale in her(e) hed . til Inwit is Idrenchid
H3: 10,60 -Th-ei holdy(n) ale i(n) her hed . tyl i(n)wytt
bet Idrynchyd [aaaAx]
W: 10,60 Thei helden ale in here hedes . til Inwit be drenched
T: 10,61 And ben braynwood as bestis so here blood wexi[th]
H2: 10,61 And bien braynwod as bestis . so her(e) blood wexit
Ch: 10,61 And ben braynwod as beestes . so her blode waxe-th-
D: 10,61 And ben braynwod as bestes . so here blode wexe-th-
R: 10,61 and be(n) brayned as best(is) . so her(e) blod waxit
U: 10,61 And ben brayned as bestis . so here blood waxe-th-
V: 10,61 And (Brayn-wode) as (Beestes) . so heore (Blod)
waxe_th_ [aaAx]
J: 10,61 And bene braynewode as bestys . so her blode waxith
K: 10,61 And ben braynwood as best(is) . so her blode wexith
A: 10,61 And ben braynwod as bestis . so here blod waxeth
M: 10,61 And ben branwood as bestis . so her(e) blood waxit
H3: 10,61 And be(n) braynwod as bestys . so her blod waxith
W: 10,61 And ben braynwode as bestes . so her blode waxed
T: 10,62 Thanne ha[th] [th]e pouk power sire {princeps hui(us)
H2: 10,62 Than hat-gh- the pouke power(e) . sir(e) { P(ri)nce[p]s
hui(us) mu(n)di }
Ch: 10,62 -Th-an ha-th-e -th-e powke power . sir { Princeps
huius mundi }
D: 10,62 Than hath -th-e pouke power . syre { prynceps hui(us)
mu(n)di }
R: 10,62 Tha(n) ha-th- -th-e pouke power . sir(e) { p(ri)nceps
hui(us) mu(n)di }
U: 10,62 -Th-an ha-th- -th-e pouke powere sire
V: 10,62 _Th_enne ha_th_ _th_e (Pouke) (pouwer) . Sire {
(Princeps) huius mundi } [aaAx]
J: 10,62 -Th-an hath -th-e fende power . sir { p(ri)nceps
hui(us) mu(n)di }
K: 10,62 Than hath [-th-e] poke power . s(er) { princeps
huius mundi }
A: 10,62 Than hath -th-e pouke pouere . sere { p(ri)nceps
hui(us) mundi }
M: 10,62 Tha(n)ne hat -th-e powke power . sir(e) { princeps
hui(us) mu(n)di }
H3: 10,62 -Th-a(n) hat -th-e puke powere . syre { p(ri)nceps
hui(us) mu(n)di }
W: 10,62 Than ha-th- -th-e pouke power . sire { Prynceps
huius mundi }
T: 10,63 Ou(er) suche man(er) of men mi[gh]t in here soulis
H2: 10,63 Ou(er) such man(er) of men . my-gh-t in her(e)
soulis [aaAx]
Ch: 10,63 Ouer such maner of men . my-gh-t In her soules
D: 10,63 Ou(er) suche man(er) men . he hath my-gh-te in here
saules [aaAx]
R: 10,63 ouer swiche man(er) me(n) . my-gh-tis in here soulys
U: 10,63 Ou(er) siche man(er) men . myghtis in here soule
V: 10,63 Ouer suche (Maner) (Men) . (Miht) in heore soules
J: 10,63 Ou(er) suche man(er) of men . myht in her sowle
K: 10,63 Ou(er) such man(er) men . might in her sowles [aaAx]
A: 10,63 Hath of sweche maner of men . mygth in here soule
M: 10,63 Of swiche man(er) of men . & mith in her(e)
soulis [aaAx]
H3: 10,63 Ou(er) swethe man(er) me(n) . myth i(n) her soulys
W: 10,63 Ouer suche man(er)e men . myght in here soules [aaAx]
T: 10,64 Ac in fauntis ne in folis [th]e deuil ha[th] no mi[gh]t
H2: 10,64 Ac in fau(n)tis ne in folis . the deuel hat-gh-
no my-gh-t [aaAx]
Ch: 10,64 But In fauntes ne In foles . -th-e deuel ha-th-
no my-gh-t [aaAx]
D: 10,64 Ac in fauntes ne folys . -th-e deuyl ha-th- no wyt
R: 10,64 and in fau(n)t(is) and folys . -th-e fend ha-th-
no wit [aaAx]
U: 10,64 Ac in fauntis and folis . -th-e feend ha-th- no
wit [aaAx]
V: 10,64 Bote In (ffauntes) ne in (ffooles) . _th_e (ffend)
ha_th_ no miht [aaAx]
J: 10,64 Ac in fauntys ne in folys . -th-e fende hath ne
myht [aaAx]
K: 10,64 But in Infant(es) & fol(is) . the fende hath
no might [aaAx]
A: 10,64 Ofe fauntis & folis . -th-e fende hath no mygth
M: 10,64 But in fauntis ne in folis . -th-e fend hat no mygth
H3: 10,64 In fauntys ne i(n) folys . -th-e fend hat no myth
W: 10,64 --- this line is omitted ---
T: 10,65 ffor no werk [th](a)t [th]ei werche wykkide o[th](er)
H2: 10,65 ffor no werk that thei werke . wikkide other ellis
Ch: 10,65 ffor no worke -th-at -th-ei werch . wikked o-th-er
elles [aaAx]
D: 10,65 ffor no werk -th-(a)t -th-ey werche . wykked or
elles [aaAx]
R: 10,65 for no werk -th-(a)t -th-ei werchy(n) . wikked or
ellys [aaAx]
U: 10,65 ffor to werke -th-at -th-ei wurchen . wikkid or
elles [aaAx]
V: 10,65 ffor no (werk) _th_at _th_ei (worchen) . (wikked)
or elles [aaAx]
J: 10,65 for no werkys -th-(a)t -th-ei wyrkyn . amys oyther
ellis [aaAx]
K: 10,65 ffor no work that thay worchen . wykked or els [aaAx]
A: 10,65 ffor no werke -th-at -th-ai werkyn . wykkyd or ellis
M: 10,65 ffor no werk -th-at -th-ey werchyn . wickede ne
ellis [aaAx]
H3: 10,65 ffor no faute -th-(a)t -th-ei werky(n) . wykkyd
or ellys [aaAx]
W: 10,65 ffor no werk -th-at -th-ei worche . wykked or elles
T: 10,66 Ac [th]e fadir & [th]e ffrendis for fauntis shuln
be blamid
H2: 10,66 Ac the fader and the frendis . for fau(n)tis schuln
be blamid [aaAx]
Ch: 10,66 Bot -th-e fader and -th-e frendes . for fauntes
schul be b[lamed] [aaAx]
D: 10,66 Ac -th-e ffader & -th-e frendes . for fauntes
schal be blamed [aaAx]
R: 10,66 But -th-e fader(e) and -th-e frendes . for fau(n)tes
shul be blamed [aaAx]
U: 10,66 Ac -th-e fadir and -th-e frendis . for fauntes schul
be blamed [aaAx]
V: 10,66 Bote _th_e (ffadres) and _th_e (ffrendes) . ffor
(ffautes) schul be Blamet [aaAx]
J: 10,66 Ac her faderis & her frendis . for her fantys
schull [aaAx]
K: 10,66 But the fadre & the frendes . for fawtes schull
be blamed [aaAx]
A: 10,66 The faderis & -th-e frendys . for fauntis schul
be blamyd [aaAx]
M: 10,66 But -th-e faderis & -th-e frendis . for fante
schole(n) be blamid [aaAx]
H3: 10,66 And -th-e fadyr & -th-e frendys . for fantys
xul [be] blamyd [aaAx]
W: 10,66 Ac -th-e fadres and -th-e childres . for -th-e fauntes
shul be blamed [aaAx]
T: 10,67 But [y]if [th]ei witen hem fro wauntounesse whiles
[th]ei ben [y]ou[th]e
H2: 10,67 But if thei witen he(m) fro wauntounesse . whiles
thei be -gh-onge [aaAxx]
Ch: 10,67 Bot -th-ei witen hem fro wantownesse . while -th-ei
be -gh-on[ge] [aaAxx]
D: 10,67 But yf ye weten hem fro wantounesse . -th-(er) while
-th-ey be-th- -gh-onge [aaAxx]
R: 10,67 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 10,67 But -th-ei wone hem fro wau(n)tounesse . whiles
-th-ei ben -y-onge [aaAxx]
V: 10,67 Bote _th_ei (witen) hem from (wantounesse) . (whil)
_th_at _th_ei ben _g_onge [aaAxx]
J: 10,67 Bene blamyd but -th-ey kepyn hem from wantou(n)nesse
-th-e wylde [aaAxx]
K: 10,67 But if thay wyten hem from wantonesse . whil(es)
thay be yong [aaAxx]
A: 10,67 But he wyte hem fro wantounes . whil -th-ai be -gh-onge
M: 10,67 But -th-ey kepe hem -th-e bet(er)e . whil -th-at
-th-ey be(n) -y-onge [aaAxx]
H3: 10,67 But -th-ei kepe he(m) fro(m) wanto(n)nesse . qwyl
-th-ei be(n) -gh-onge [aaAxx]
W: 10,67 --- this line is omitted ---
T: 10,68 And [y]if [th]ei ben pore & cateles to kepe he(m)
fro ille
H2: 10,68 And the be pore and catelles . to kepe he(m) from
ille xxXx|
Ch: 10,68 And -gh-ef -th-ei be pore and catelles . to kepe
hem fro Ille xxXx|
D: 10,68 And -th-ey ben pore & cateles . to kepyn hym
fro ylle xxXx|
R: 10,68 and -th-ei be por(e) and catelles . and kepy(n)
hem from ylle xxXx|
U: 10,68 Ac if -th-ei ben pore and cateles . and kepen hem
fro ille xxXx|
V: 10,68 And _g_if _th_at _th_ei ben pore or (Catelles) .
to (kepen) hem from ille [xaAx]
J: 10,68 -Gh-if -th-ei ben kynles & catelles . to kepyn
hem from ille xxXx|
K: 10,68 And if thay ben pore & catelles . to kepen hem
from ille xxXx|
A: 10,68 -Gh-if he be pore for catelles . to kepe hem from
ille xxXx|
M: 10,68 & -y-if -th-ey ben nowth of catel . to kepi(n)
he(m) fro ille xxXx|
H3: 10,68 And -gh-yf -th-ei be(n) pore of catel . to kepe
he(m) fro(m)m ylle xxXx|
W: 10,68 And if -th-ei be-th- pore & catelles . to kepe
hem fro ille xxXx|
T: 10,69 [Th]anne is holi chirche owyng to helpe hem & saue
H2: 10,69 Than is holichirche owyng . to helpe he(m) and
saue [aaAx]
Ch: 10,69 -Th-an is holichirch holde . to helpe hem and saue
D: 10,69 -Th-an is holycherche owyng . to helpe hym & saue
R: 10,69 -Th-a(n) is holycherche awenge . to helpe hem saue
U: 10,69 -Th-a(n)ne is holichirche awynge . to helpe hem
and saue [aaAx]
V: 10,69 _Th_enne is (holy) chirche a-signet . to (helpen)
hem and sauen [axAx]
J: 10,69 Is holychirche owyng . to helpyn hem at nede [aaAx]
K: 10,69 Than holichirch is holdyn . to helpe hem & saue
A: 10,69 Than is holy beholdyn . to kepe hem from ille and
saue [aaAx]
M: 10,69 -Th-an is holycherche holdi(n) . to kepy(n) hi(m) & saue
H3: 10,69 -Th-a(n) is holychyrche owyng . to kepe he(m) & saue
W: 10,69 Than is holycherche holden . to kepe hem & saue
T: 10,70 Fro folies & fynde hem til [th]ei ben wise
H2: 10,70 ffro folies and fende he(m) . til thei ben wyse
Ch: 10,70 ffro foles and fynde hem . tille -th-ei be wise
D: 10,70 ffro folyes & fynde hem . til -th-ey ben wysere
R: 10,70 ffro folyes and fynde(n) he(m) . til -th-ei ben
wisere [aaAx]?
U: 10,70 and for to fynde hem for-th- . til -th-ei ben wiser(e)
V: 10,70 ffrom (ffolyes), and (ffynden) hem . til _th_at
(_th_ei) ben wysore [aaAx]?
J: 10,70 & fyndyn hem fro foly[y]s . til -th-ei bene
wyser [aaAx]?
K: 10,70 from foleyys & fynden hem . til that thay ben
wisare [aaAx]?
A: 10,70 ffro falsed & folyes . and fyndyn til -th-ai
ben wysere [aaAx]?
M: 10,70 ffro falsnesse & folye & techyn he(m) .
to ben wyse [aaAx]?
H3: 10,70 ffro(m)m falsnesse fro(m)m folyis & fende he(m)
. tyl -th-ei be(n) wysere [aaAx]?
W: 10,70 ffro falsnesse & fro folys & fynde hem .
til -th-ai ben wyse [aaAx]?
T: 10,71 And iche wi[gh]t in [th]is world [th]at ha[th] wys
H2: 10,71 And iche wi-gh-t in this world . that wys vnd(ir)standyng
Ch: 10,71 Ech wi-gh-t In -th-is world . ha-th- wis vnderstonding
D: 10,71 Ac eche wi-gh-t in -th-is world . -th-(a)t hath
his vndirstandyng [aaAx]
R: 10,71 Ac eche wit in -th-is word . -th-at ha-th- vnderstondyng
U: 10,71 & eche wight in -th-e world . -th-at ha-th-
wyse vndirstondynge [aaAx]
V: 10,71 Bote vche mon in _th_is (world) . _th_at ha_th_
(wys) vnderstondinge [aaAx]
J: 10,71 But iche wyht in -th-is worlde . w(i)t(h) wit vnderstondyng
K: 10,71 But eche wight on this worlde . that hath his vnd(ir)stondyng
A: 10,71 Eche wytte in -th-is werld . -th-at hath vndurstondyng
M: 10,71 And iche with in -th-ys world . -th-(a)t hat vndirstandynge
H3: 10,71 And yche wyit i(n) -th-is werld . -th-(a)t hat
wyis vndyrstondyng [aaAx]
W: 10,71 ffor eche wight in -th-is world . -th-at ha-th-
his vnderstandyng [aaAx]
T: 10,72 Is chief sou(er)eyn ou(er) hymself his soule to [y]eme
H2: 10,72 Is chef sou(er)eyn of hi(m) self . his soule to
-gh-eme [aaAx]
Ch: 10,72 Is chef souereigne of hym self . his soule to -gh-eme
D: 10,72 Is chief sou(er)ayn ou(er) hym self . his saule
to -gh-eme [aaAx]
R: 10,72 is chef souere(n) ou(er) hi(m) self . his soule
to -gh-eme [aaAx]
U: 10,72 Is chief sou(er)eyn ou(er) hym self . his soule
to -y-eme [aaAx]
V: 10,72 Is Cheef (souereyn) (him-self) . his (soule) for
to _g_eme [aaAx]
J: 10,72 Is chefe sou(er)yn of him selue . his sowle to -gh-eme
K: 10,72 Is chefe sou(er)eyng ou(er) hym self . his soule
to yeme [aaAx]
A: 10,72 Is chefe souereyn ou(er) hym selue . his soule to
-gh-eme [aaAx]
M: 10,72 Is chef souereyn ou(er) hi(m) self . his soule to
-y-eme [aaAx]
H3: 10,72 Ys cheff sou(er)eyn to hy(m) selff . hys soule
to -gh-eme [aaAx]
W: 10,72 Is chef sou(er)aigne ou(er) hym self . his soule
to -gh-eme [aaAx]
T: 10,73 And cheuisshi[th] hym for any charge whan he childhod
H2: 10,73 And cheuysscyt-gh- hi(m) for any charge . whan
he chil[d]hod passith [aaAx]
Ch: 10,73 And cheuise-th- hym for any charge . when he childhode
passe-th- [aaAx]
D: 10,73 And cheuese hym for ony charge . whan -th-(a)t Childhod
passe-th- [aaAx]
R: 10,73 and chefueschy(n) for ony charg . wha(n) childhod
passe-th- [aaAx]
U: 10,73 & cheuysschi-th- hym for ony charge . whan he
childhod passi-th- [aaAx]
V: 10,73 And (Cheuesschen) him from (charge) . whon he (childhode)
passe_th_ [aaAx]
J: 10,73 To kepyn from eu(er)y charge . qwan childesse passyth
K: 10,73 And chevessen hym for any charge . whan he childehode
passith [aaAx]
A: 10,73 And clense hym fro heuy charge . whan his childhed
passith [aaAx]
M: 10,73 And clensyn hi(m) fro encharge . whan childhod passit
H3: 10,73 And to cheuy(n) hy(m) fro(m)m charge . qwa(n) he
chyldhod passyth [aaAx]
W: 10,73 And cheuise hym fro eu(er)y charg . whan he childhode
passe-th- [aaAx]
T: 10,74 Saue hymself fro synne for so hym behoui[th]
H2: 10,74 Saue hi(m) self fro synne . for so hi(m) behouid
Ch: 10,74 Saue hym self fro synne . for so hym behoue-th-
D: 10,74 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 10,74 Saue hi(m) self fro synne . for so hi(m) byhoueth
U: 10,74 to saue hym selue fro synne . for so hym byhouith
V: 10,74 (Saue) (him-self) from (sunne) . for (so) him bi-houe_th_
J: 10,74 and sauyn him selue fro synne . for so hi(m) behouyth
K: 10,74 And save hym self from synne . for so hym behoueth
A: 10,74 Saue hym selue from synne . and so hym behouith
M: 10,74 And saaf hi(m) self fro senne . for so hi(m) behouyt
H3: 10,74 And saue hy(m) self fro(m)m synne . and so hy(m)
behowyth [aaaAx]
W: 10,74 Saue hym self fro synne . for so hym behoue-th-
T: 10,75 ffor werche he wel o[th](er) wrong [th]e wyt is his
H2: 10,75 ffor werche he wel othir wrong . the wit is his
owne [aaaAx]
Ch: 10,75 ffor to wirche wel or wrong . -th-e wyte is his
owen [aaaAx]
D: 10,75 ffor werche he wil or wrong . -th-e wy-gh-th is
his owne [aaaAx]
R: 10,75 ffor werche he wel o-th-(er) wrong . -th-e wit is
his owe(n) [aaaAx]
U: 10,75 ffor wurche he wel or wrong . -th-e wyte is his
owene [aaaAx]
V: 10,75 ffor (worche) he wel o_th_er (wrong) . _th_e (wit)
is his oune [aaAx]
J: 10,75 and wyrche he wele oythyr wrong . -th-e wyte is
his owne [aaaAx]
K: 10,75 ffor worche he well or wronge . the witt is his
own [aaaAx]
A: 10,75 ffor werche he wele or ellis worng . -th-e witte
is his owyn [aaaAx]
M: 10,75 ffor werche he wel or wrong . his wit is owne [aaaAx]
H3: 10,75 ffor werk he wel or wrong . -th-e wytt is hys owy(n)
W: 10,75 ffor worche well o-th-er wrong . -th-e witte is
his owen [aaaAx]
T: 10,76 [Th]anne is dowel a duc [th](a)t destroye[th] vices
H2: 10,76 Than is dowel a duk . that distroyeth vices [aaAx]
Ch: 10,76 -Th-an is dowel a duke . -th-at distroie-th- vises
D: 10,76 -Th-an is dowel a duke . -th-(a)t distroyet vices
R: 10,76 -Th-an is dowel a duk . and distroye-th- vices [aaAx]
U: 10,76 -Th-anne is dowel a duke . and destroieth vices
V: 10,76 _Th_ene is (Dowel) a (Duyk) . _th_at (distruie_th_)
vices [aaAx]
J: 10,76 -Th-an is dowele a duke . -th-(a)t distru-gh-it
vices [aaAx]
K: 10,76 Than is dowell a duke . that distroyeth vices [aaAx]
A: 10,76 Than is dowel a duke . -th-at dystroet vices [aaAx]
M: 10,76 -Th-a(n)ne is dowel a duk . & distroiyth vices
H3: 10,76 Than is dowel a deuk . -th-(a)t dystroyit vycys
W: 10,76 Than is dowel a duke . -th-at distroie-th- vices
T: 10,77 And saui[th] [th]e soule [th](a)t synne ha[th] no
H2: 10,77 And saueth the soule . that synne hat-gh- [no]
my-gh-t [aaAx]
Ch: 10,77 And saue-th- -th-e soule . -th-at synne haue no
my-gh-t [aaAx]
D: 10,77 And saue -th-e saule . -th-(a)t senne ha-th- no
my-gh-te [aaAx]
R: 10,77 and saue-th- -th-e soule . -th-(a)t synne ha-th-
no my-gh-th [aaAx]
U: 10,77 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 10,77 And (saue_th_) _th_e (soule) . _th_at (sunne) ha_th_
no miht [aaAx]
J: 10,77 And sauyth -th-e sowle . -th-(a)t sy(n)ne hath no
myht [aaAx]
K: 10,77 And sauith the soule . that synne hath no might
A: 10,77 And sauith -th-e soule . -th-at synne hath no mygth
M: 10,77 And sauyt -th-e soule . -th-at synne hat no mith
H3: 10,77 And sauyth -th-e soule . -th-(a)t synne hat no
myth [aaAx]
W: 10,77 And saue-th- -th-e soule . -th-at synne ha-th- no
myght [aaAx]
T: 10,78 To routen ne to resten ne rosen in [th]in herte
H2: 10,78 To routen ne [to] resten . ne roren in thi herte
Ch: 10,78 To rowten ne to Resten . ne Roren In -th-in hert
D: 10,78 To rowten & to resten . ne roten in -th-e herte
R: 10,78 to route ne to reste . to rote in -th-in herte [aaAx]
U: 10,78 Ne route ne to reste . ne to roten in -th-in herte
V: 10,78 To (Route) ne to (Reste) . ne to (Rooten) in _th_e
herte [aaAx]
J: 10,78 To rowtyn ne to restyn . ne rotyn in -th-e hert
K: 10,78 To rowten ne to resten . ne rotyn in the harte [aaAx]
A: 10,78 To routyn ne to restyn . to rotyn in -th-ine herte
M: 10,78 To Routi(n) ne to resti(n) . ne rotyn in -th-in
herte [aaAx]
H3: 10,78 To rowte no(n) to reste . ne rote i(n) -th-i(n)
herte [aaAx]
W: 10,78 To route ne to reste . ne to rote in -th-e hert
T: 10,79 And [th](a)t is dred of god dowel it maki[th]
H2: 10,79 And that is drede of god . dowel it makith [axAx]
Ch: 10,79 And -th-at is drede of god . dowel hit make-th-
D: 10,79 And -th-at is drede of god . dowel it make-th- [axAx]
R: 10,79 And -th-(a)t is drede of god . dowel hit make-th-
U: 10,79 And -th-at is dreed of god . dowel it makith [axAx]
V: 10,79 And _th_at is (drede) of God . for (Dowel) hit make_th_
J: 10,79 And -th-(a)t is drede of god . dowele it makyth
K: 10,79 And that is drede of god . dowell it makith [axAx]
A: 10,79 And -th-at is dred of god . dowel it makit [axAx]
M: 10,79 And -th-at is dred of god . & dowel it makit
H3: 10,79 And -th-(a)t is dred of god . dowel it makyth [axAx]
W: 10,79 And -th-at is dred of god . dowel it make-th- [axAx]
T: 10,80 It is begynnyng of goodnesse god for to douten
H2: 10,80 It is begynnyng of goodnesse . god for to douten
Ch: 10,80 It is begynnyng of godnesse . god for to dowten
D: 10,80 Hyt is begynnynge of goodnesse . god for to douten
R: 10,80 and is gy(n)nyng of goudnesse . god for to dowte
U: 10,80 and is -th-e begynnynge . god for to doute [aaAx]
V: 10,80 Hit is (biginnynge) of (goodnesse) . (God) for to
drede (Salamon) it (seide) . for a (so_th_) tale], [aaAx]
J: 10,80 It is -th-e gynnyng of godenesse . god for to dowte
K: 10,80 It is the begynnyng of goodnes . god for to dowten
A: 10,80 It is gynnere of goodnes . god frist for to dredyn
M: 10,80 -Th-e begynnyng of goodnesse . is good for to dredi(n)
H3: 10,80 -Th-(a)t is -th-e begynnyng of goodnesse . god
for to drede [aaAx]
W: 10,80 It is -th-e ginnyng of goodnesse . for to drede
god [aaAx]
T: 10,81 Salamon it seide for a so[th] tale
H2: 10,81 Salomon it seide . for a soth tale [aaAx]
Ch: 10,81 Salemon it seyde . for a so-th- tale [aaAx]
D: 10,81 Salamon hit seide . for a so-th- tale [aaAx]
R: 10,81 Salomo(n) hit seyde . for a so-th- tale [aaAx]
U: 10,81 Salomon it seide . for a soo-th- tale [aaAx]
V: 10,81 --- this line om ---
J: 10,81 and so seyth Salamon . for a soth tale [aaAx]
K: 10,81 Salomon it said . for a soth sawe [aaAx]
A: 10,81 Salamon seyde . a soth tale [aaAx]
M: 10,81 And salamon it seyde . for a soot tale [aaAx]
H3: 10,81 Salomo(n) it seyde . for a soth tale { Iniciu(m)
sapi(enci)e timor do(m)i(n)i } [aaAx]
W: 10,81 --- this line is omitted ---
T: 10,81a { Iniciu(m) sapiencie est timor d(omi)ni }
H2: 10,81a { Iniciu(m) sapiencie est timor d(omi)ni } [Latin]
Ch: 10,81a { Inicium sapiencie timor domini } [Latin]
D: 10,81a { Iniciu(m) sapiencie timor domini } [Latin]
R: 10,81a { Iniciu(m) sapiencie timor do(m)i(n)i &c }
U: 10,81a { Iniciu(m) sapiencie timor d(omi)ni } [Latin]
V: 10,81a { Innicium sapiencie, timor domini } [Latin]
J: 10,81a { Iniciu(m) sapiencie timor d(omi)ni } [Latin]
K: 10,81a { Iniciu(m) sapiencie timor d(omi)ni } [Latin]
A: 10,81a { Inicium sapiencie timor d(omi)ni } [Latin]
M: 10,81a { Iniciu(m) sapie(n)cie timor d(omi)ni } [Latin]
H3: 10,81a --- as one line with 81 H3 ---
W: 10,81a --- this line is omitted ---
T: 10,82 ffor doute men do[th] [th]e bet dred is such a maister
H2: 10,82 ffor doute men doth the bet . drede is such a maist(er)
Ch: 10,82 ffor dowte men do-th- -th-e bette . drede is such
a maister [aaxAx]
D: 10,82 ffor doute men do-th- bett(er) . for drede is such
a mayst(er) [aaxAx]
R: 10,82 for doute men do-th- -th-e bet . for drede is such
a mayster [aaxAx]
U: 10,82 ffor doute men don -th-e bette . drede is siche
a maister [aaxAx]
V: 10,82 ffor (doute), Men (do_th_) _th_e Bet . (drede) is
such a Mayster [aaxAx]
J: 10,82 for dowte men done -th-e bet . drede is suche a
mayst(er) [aaxAx]
K: 10,82 ffor dowte men do the bett . drede is such a master
A: 10,82 ffor dowt men do -th-e bettyr . dred is sweche a
mayster [aaxAx]
M: 10,82 ffor doute men doot-gh- -th-e bet . dred is swich
a maist(er) [aaxAx]
H3: 10,82 ffor dowte me(n) doth -th-e bet . dred is sweche
a maystyr [aaxAx]
W: 10,82 --- this line is omitted ---
T: 10,83 [Th]at he maki[th] men meke & mylde of h(er)e
H2: 10,83 That he makith men meke . and mylde of hir(e) speche
Ch: 10,83 -Th-at he make-th- men meke . and milde of her
speche [aaaAx]
D: 10,83 That he make-th- me(n) meke . & mylde of here
speche [aaaAx]
R: 10,83 That he make-th- me(n) mylde . and mek of her speche
U: 10,83 And -th-at makith men meke . and mylde of here speche
V: 10,83 _Th_at he (make_th_) (Men) (Meoke) . and (Mylde)
of heore speche [aaaAx]?
J: 10,83 -Th-(a)t he makyth men meke . & mylde of her
speche [aaaAx]
K: 10,83 That he makith men meke . & myld of here speche
A: 10,83 That he makith men meke . and mylde of her speche
M: 10,83 -Th-at he makit men meke . & milde of her(e)
speche [aaaAx]
H3: 10,83 -Th-(a)t he makyt me(n) meke . & myilde of
her speche [aaaAx]
W: 10,83 That he make-th- men myld . & meke of here speche
T: 10,84 And alle kynde scoleris in scole to lerne
H2: 10,84 And al kynde scolers . in scole to lerne [xaAx]
Ch: 10,84 And alle kynde scolers . in scole to lerne [xaAx]
D: 10,84 And alle kynde scolers . in scole to lerne [xaAx]
R: 10,84 And alle sky(n)nys skoler(is) . in scole to lere
U: 10,84 And alle kynne scoleres . in scole to lere [xaAx]
V: 10,84 And alle kunne (scolers) . In (Scoles) forte lerne
J: 10,84 And alle ky(n)ne scolars . in scole to lerne [xaAx]
K: 10,84 And al kynne scolars . in scole to lerne [xaAx]
A: 10,84 And alle scholeris . in schole for to lerne [xaAx]
M: 10,84 And alle skennis scolers . in scole to lerne [xaAx]
H3: 10,84 And alle skyns skolerys . i(n) skole to lery(n)n
W: 10,84 And al kyns scolers . in scole to lerne [xaAx]
T: 10,85 [Th]anne is dobet to ben ywar for betyng of [th]e
H2: 10,85 Than is dobet ywar . for betyng of the -gh-arde
Ch: 10,85 -Th-an is dobette to be Iware . for betyng of -th-e
-gh-erde [aaAx]
D: 10,85 -Th-an dobet sey-th- be ware . for betyng of -th-e
-gh-erde [aaAx]
R: 10,85 -Th-a(n) is dobet to be war(e) . for betyng of -th-e
-gh-erd(es) [aaAx]
U: 10,85 -Th-a(n)ne is dowel to drede . for betynge of -th-e
-y-erde [aaAx]
V: 10,85 _Th_enne is (Dobet) to (beo) war . for (betynge)
of _g_erdes [aaAx]
J: 10,85 -Th-an is dobet to bene ware . for betyng of -gh-erdys
J: 10,85 And also -gh-erde to take -gh-eme is -gh-ouy(n)
to done bet
K: 10,85 Than is dobett to byn Iware . for betynge of the
yarde [aaAx]
A: 10,85 Than is dobet to ben war . for betyng of -th-e -gh-erde
M: 10,85 -Th-a(n)ne is dobet to ben war . for beti(n)g of
-th-e -y-erde [aaAx]
H3: 10,85 Than is dobet to be(n) war . for betyng of -th-e
-gh-erde [aaAx]
W: 10,85 That is dobet to be war . for betyng of -th-e -gh-erde
T: 10,86 And [th](er)of sei[th] [th]e saut(er) [th]e salme
[th]ou mi[gh]t rede
H2: 10,86 And therof seit-gh- the saut(er) . the salme thou
my-gh-t rede [aaAx]
Ch: 10,86 And -th-erof sei-th- -th-e sau-gh-ter . In a Salme
-th-ow my-gh-t Rede [aaAx]
D: 10,86 And -th-(er)of seith -th-e saut(er) . -th-e salme
-th-(o)u my-gh-t rede [aaAx]
R: 10,86 and -th-(er) sey-th- -th-e sauter . -th-e psalme
-th-(o)u my-gh-t rede [aaAx]
U: 10,86 and -th-(er)e seith -th-e saut(er) . -th-e psalme
-th-ou myght rede [aaAx]
V: 10,86 And _th_erof (sei_th_) _th_e (Sauter) . (_th_i-seluen)
_th_ou miht reden, { Virga tua & baculus } [Latin]
J: 10,86 And -th-(er)of seyth -th-e sawt(er) . -th-i selue
-th-(o)u mayt rede { Virga tua & bac(u)l(u)s tuus ip(s)a
me co(n)solata su(n)t } [aaAx]
K: 10,86 And therof saith the psaulter . thyself maiste it
rede [aaAx]
A: 10,86 Of -th-at seyth -th-e sauter . -th-e selue mygth
it rede [aaAx]
M: 10,86 And -th-erof seit -th-e saut(er) . -th-iself -th-(o)u
migtht it rede [aaAx]
H3: 10,86 And -th-(er)of seyth -th-e sautyr . -th-iself myth
it rede [aaAx]
W: 10,86 And -th-(er)of sai-th- -th-e sautr(e) . thiself
-th-ou might it rede { Virga tua & bac(u)l(u)s } [aaAx]
T: 10,87 { Virga tua & baculus tuus ip(s)a me consolata
sunt }
H2: 10,87 { Virga tua et baculus tu(u)s ip(s)a me co(n)solata
su(n)t } [Latin]
Ch: 10,87 { Virga tua et baculus tuus ip(s)a me consolata
sunn } [Latin]
D: 10,87 { Virga tua & baculus tuus ip(s)a me consolata
sunt } [Latin]
R: 10,87 { Virga tua & baculus tuus &c } [Latin]
U: 10,87 { Virga tua & baculus tuus ip(s)a me consolata
sunt } [Latin]
V: 10,87 --- this line om ---
J: 10,87 --- this line om ---
K: 10,87 { Virga tua & baculus tu(us) ip(s)a me consolata
sunt } [Latin]
A: 10,87 { Virga tua & baculus tuus } [Latin]
M: 10,87 { Virga tua & baculus ip(s)a me co(n)solata
su(n)t } [Latin]
H3: 10,87 { V(ir)ga tua & bac(u)l(u)s tuus ip(s)a me
co(n)solata su(n)t } [Latin]
W: 10,87 --- this line om ---
T: 10,88 Ac [y]if clene consience acorde [th](a)t [th]iself
dost wel
H2: 10,88 Ac if clene consience . acorde that thiself dost
wel [aaAx]
Ch: 10,88 Bot -gh-ef clene conscience . acorde -th-at -th-yself
dost wel [aaAx]
D: 10,88 And yf clene consience . acorde -th-(a)t -th-yself
dost wel [aaAx]
R: 10,88 Ac -gh-if clene conciens . acorde and -th-iself
do wel [aaAx]
U: 10,88 Ac -y-if -th-i clene conscience . acorde -th-at
-th-iself do wel [aaAx]
V: 10,88 Ac (clene) (consience) (acorde) Bote _th_iself do
wel [aaaXx]
J: 10,88 Ac -gh-if clene consciens . acorde -th-(a)t -th-iselue
dost wele [aaAx]
K: 10,88 But if clene consience . accorde that thyself do
well [aaAx]
A: 10,88 -Gh-if conciens acorde -th-at -th-i soule do wel
M: 10,88 And -y-if clene concience . acorde -th-at -th-y(n)
soule dot wel [aaAx]
H3: 10,88 And -gh-yf clene co(n)cyens . acorde -th-(a)t -th-i(n)
soule do wel [aaAx]
W: 10,88 And if conscience accorde -th-at -th-i soule do-th-
well [aaAx]
T: 10,89 Wilne [th](o)u neu(er)e in [th]is world why for to
do bet(er)e
H2: 10,89 Wilne thou neu(er) in this world . whi for to do
bet(er)e [aaAx]
Ch: 10,89 Wille -th-ow neuer In -th-is world . why for to
do better [aaAx]
D: 10,89 Wylne -th-(o)u neu(er) in -th-is world . for to
do bettre [aaAx]
R: 10,89 Wille -th-(o)u neuer(e) in -th-(i)s word . why for
to don beter(e) [aaAx]
U: 10,89 Wille -th-(o)u neu(er)e in -th-is world . why for
to do bet(er)e [aaAx]
V: 10,89 (Wilne) _th_ou neuere in _th_is (world) . forte
Dobetere [aaXx]
J: 10,89 -Gh-erne -th-(o)u neuyr weye ne worde to done bett(er)
K: 10,89 Wilne thou neuer why in this worlde for to do bettre
A: 10,89 Whil -th-u wonyst in -th-is werld . for to don bettere
M: 10,89 & willet al woie in -th-ys word . for to don
-th-e bet(er)e [aaAx]
H3: 10,89 Wyl all wey i(n) -th-is werld . for to dou(n) bett(er)
W: 10,89 Whil -th-ou art in -th-is world . for to do bettre
do for { Intencio indicat ho(m)i(n)em } [aaAx]
T: 10,90 ffor {intenc(i)o iudicat ho(m)i(n)em &c }
H2: 10,90 { Cor intenc(i)ou(n) indicat hominem etc } [Latin]
Ch: 10,90 ffor { Intencio Indicat hominem } [Latin]
D: 10,90 ffor { Intenc(i)o(n) indicat hominem &c } [Latin]
R: 10,90 for { intencio indicat ho(m)i(n)em } [Latin]
U: 10,90 ffor { intencio indicat ho(m)i(n)em } [Latin]
V: 10,90 ffor { Intencio indicat hominem } [Latin]
J: 10,90 ffor { intencio indicat hominem &c } [Latin]
K: 10,90 ffor { Intencio Indicat quemq(ua)m &c } [Latin]
A: 10,90 ffor { intencio indicat hominem } [Latin]
H3: 10,90 ffor { Intenc(i)o(n) indicat ho(m)i(n)em &c
} [Latin]
W: 10,90 --- this line om ---
T: 10,91 Be counseil of consience accordyng holy chirche
H2: 10,91 Be co(n)seil of co(n)sience . acordyng of holy
chirche [aaAx]
Ch: 10,91 Be counseile of concience . acordyng holi chirche
D: 10,91 By counceil & consience . acordyng holy Churche
R: 10,91 w(i)t(h) cou(n)seyl of conciens . acordyng w(i)t(h)
holy cherche [aaAx]
U: 10,91 wi-th- conseil of co(n)science . accordynge wi-th-
holi chirche [aaAx]
V: 10,91 Bi (Counseil) of (Concience) . (a-Cordynge) with
holy churche [aaAx]
J: 10,91 Be councel of consciens . acordyng to holy cherche
K: 10,91 By counceile of consience . accordyng w(i)t(h) holy
chirche [aaAx]
A: 10,91 Be councelle of conciens . acordith w(i)t(h) holy
chirche [aaAx]
M: 10,91 ffor concience of counseil . acordit wit holy chirche
H3: 10,91 Be conseyld of co(n)cyens . acordyng w(i)t(h) holy
chyrche [aaAx]
W: 10,91 By consail of conscience . accordyng wil holy cherche
M: 10,90 { Quia intenc(i)o indicat ho(m)i(n)em } [Latin]
T: 10,92 Loke [th](o)u wisse [th]i wyt & [th]i werkis aftir
H2: 10,92 Loke thou wisse thi wit . and thi werkes aftir
Ch: 10,92 Loke -th-ow wisse -th-y witte . and -th-y workes
after [aaAx]
D: 10,92 Loke -th-(o)u wysse -th-y wyt . & -th-y werkes
aft(ir) [aaAx]
R: 10,92 Loke -th-(o)u wisse -th-i wit . and -th-i werk(es)
after [aaAx]
U: 10,92 Loke -th-ou wisse -th-i wit . and -th-i werkes aftir
V: 10,92 Loke _th_ou (wisse) _th_i (wit) . and _th_i (werkes)
aftur [aaAx]
J: 10,92 Loke -th-(o)u wysse -th-i wit . & -th-i werke
aft(er) [aaAx]
K: 10,92 Loke thow wisse thy witt(es) . & thy work(es)
aft(er) [aaAx]
A: 10,92 Loke -th-u wysse -th-i witte . and -th-i werkis
aftir [aaAx]
A: 10,92 [ffro falsed & folies]
M: 10,92 Loke -th-u wisse -th-in wit . & -th-in werkis
aftir [aaAx]
H3: 10,92 Loke -th-(o)u wysse -th-i wytt . & -th-i werkys
aft(ir) [aaAx]
W: 10,92 Loke -th-ou wisse -th-i witte . and -th-i werkes
aftre [aaAx]
T: 10,93 ffor [y]if [th](o)u comist a[gh]en consience [th](o)u
combrist [th]iseluen
H2: 10,93 ffor if thou comest a-gh-ens co(n)sience . thou
co(m)brest -th-i siluen [aaAx]
Ch: 10,93 ffor -gh-ef -th-ow comest a-gh-en conscience .
-th-ow combrest -th-y seluen [aaAx]
D: 10,93 ffor if -th-(o)u comsest a-gh-en consience . -th-(o)u
combrest -th-y selue(n) [aaAx]
R: 10,93 for -gh-if -th-(o)u co(m)sest agayn co(n)cie(n)s
. -th-(o)u co(m)brest -th-i selue(n) [aaAx]
U: 10,93 ffor if -th-ou comest a-y-ens co(n)science . -th-ou
cumbrest -th-i seluen [aaAx]
V: 10,93 ffor _g_if _th_ou (comest) a_g_ein (Concience) .
_th_ou (Cumbrest) _th_iseluen [aaAx]
J: 10,93 for do -th-(o)u a-gh-eyne consciens . -th-(o)u combrist
-th-i selue [aaAx]
K: 10,93 ffor if thou comsest ayenst consience . thou co(m)berest
thy self [aaAx]
A: 10,93 ffor -gh-if -th-u do a-gh-enys conciens . -th-u
comerist -th-e selue [aaAx]
M: 10,93 -Th-at gynnyt ageyn concience . acombrit hi(m) selue(n)
H3: 10,93 ffor yyf -th-(o)u gynnyst a-gh-ens co(n)cyens .
-th-(o)u comeryst -th-i(n) seluy(n) [aaAx]
W: 10,93 ffor if -th-ou comsest a-gh-ens conscience . -th-ou
combrest -th-i self [aaAx]
T: 10,94 --- this line om ---
H2: 10,94 And so witnessit godes word . and holywrit bothe
Ch: 10,94 And so witnesse-th- goddis worde . and holiwrit
bo-th-e [aaAx]
D: 10,94 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 10,94 and so witnesse-th- god(dis) word . and holycherche
after [aaAx]
U: 10,94 And so witnessi-th- godis word . and holichirche
aftir [aaAx]
V: 10,94 And so (witnesse_th_) Godes (Word) . And (holiwrit)
bo_th_e [aaAx]
J: 10,94 So wytnessyth goddes worde . & holywrit bothe
K: 10,94 And so witnessith god(dis) word . & holywrytte
bothe [aaAx]
A: 10,94 Witnessith holy wrytte . and godis word bo-th-e
M: 10,94 And so witnessit holy writ . & godis word bo-th-y(n)
H3: 10,94 And so wytnessyt holywryt & goddys word bothe
W: 10,94 And witnesse holy wryt & goddes word bo-th-e
{ Qui agit cont(ra) conscienciam } [aaAx]
T: 10,94a { Qui agit contra consc(ient)iam &c }
H2: 10,94a { Qui agit contra consienciam etc } [Latin]
Ch: 10,94a { Qui agit contra conscienciam } [Latin]
D: 10,94a { Qui agit contra conscientiam &c } [Latin]
R: 10,94a { Q(u)i agit co(n)tra concienciam ed(ificat) ad
condemnationem &c } [Latin]
U: 10,94a { Qui agit cont(ra) consci(enti)am edificat ad
iehenna(m) } [Latin]
J: 10,94a --- this line is omitted ---
K: 10,94a { Qui agit contra conscientiam &c } [Latin]
A: 10,94a { Qui agit contra consciensiam } [Latin]
M: 10,94a { Qui agit contra conscienciam } [Latin]
H3: 10,94a { Qui agit cont(ra) consciencia(m) } [Latin]
W: 10,94a --- this line om ---
T: 10,95 Ac [y]if [th]ou werchist be godis word I warne [th]e
[th]e beste
H2: 10,95 Ac if thou werchif be godis word . I warne the
-th-e beste [aaAx]
Ch: 10,95 And -gh-ef -th-ow worchest be godis worde . I warne
-th-e -th-e beste [aaAx]
D: 10,95 Ac yf -th-(o)u wirchest by goddys word . I warne
-th-e for -th-e beste [aaAx]
R: 10,95 Ac -gh-if -th-(o)u werche by god(is) word . I warne
-th-e -th-e beste [aaAx]
U: 10,95 Ac -y-if -th-(o)u worchest be godis word . y warne
-th-e for -th-e beste [aaAx]
V: 10,95 Bote _g_if _th_ow (worche) bi godus (word) . I (warne)
_th_e for _th_e beste [aaAx]
J: 10,95 And -gh-if -th-(o)u wyrche be goddes worde . I warne
-th-e -th-e best [aaAx]
K: 10,95 But if thou worche by god(is) word . I warne the
for the beste [aaAx]
A: 10,95 -Gh-if -th-u werche be godis worde . I warne -th-e
for -th-e best [aaAx]
M: 10,95 But -th-u werke be godis word . I warne -th-e -th-e
beste [aaAx]
H3: 10,95 And -gh-yf -th-(o)u werke be goddys word . I warne
-th-e for -th-e beste [aaAx]
W: 10,95 And if -th-ou worche by goddes worde . I warne -th-e
for -th-e best [aaAx]
T: 10,96 Whatso men worden of [th]e wra[th][th]e [th]e neu(er)e
H2: 10,96 What so men worden . of the wrathe the neu(er)
Ch: 10,96 -th-at so men worden . of -th-e wra-th--th-e -th-e
neuer [aaAx]?
D: 10,96 What so men worden . of -th-e wra-th--th-e -th-e
neu(er)e [aaAx]?
R: 10,96 What so me(n) wo(n)dryn . of -th-e wratthe -th-e
neu(er)e [aaAx]?
U: 10,96 What so men seyn . of -th-e wratthe -th-e neu(er)e
V: 10,96 (What) so men (worden) of _th_e . (wra_th__th_e)
_th_e neuere [aaAx]?
J: 10,96 Qwat men spekyn . of -th-e ne wrathe -th-e neu(er)
-th-e rather(e) [aaAx]?
K: 10,96 What so eu(er) men worden . of the wrathe the thou
neuer [aaAx]?
A: 10,96 What so men worden of -th-e . reche -th-e neuyr
M: 10,96 What so men wordyn . of -th-e wratthe -th-e neu(er)e
H3: 10,96 Qwat so me(n) wordy(n) . of -th-e wratthe -th-e
neu(er) [aaAx]?
W: 10,96 What so men worden . on -th-e wra-th--th-e -th-ou
neuere [aaAx]?
T: 10,97 Catoun counseilli[th] tak kep of his teching
H2: 10,97 Catou(n) counseilith . a take kep of his techyng
Ch: 10,97 Catoun counseile-th- . take kepe of his techyng
D: 10,97 Catou(n) counseille-th- to . tak kepe of his techynge
R: 10,97 Catou(n) conceylyt-gh- so . tak kepe of -th-is -th-ing
U: 10,97 Catou(n) conseile-th- -th-e to . take kepe on -th-is
-th-inge [aaAx]
V: 10,97 (Catoun) (Counseile_th_) so . tak hede of his teching
J: 10,97 Catou(n) conseylith so . take hede of his teching
K: 10,97 Caton counseilith so . take kepe of his techyng
A: 10,97 Caton techith so . take kep of his techyng [aaAx]
M: 10,97 ffor Catou(n) counseilit so . tak kep of his techyng
H3: 10,97 Catou(n) concelyt -th-e so . tak hed of hys techyng
W: 10,97 Caton teche-th- -th-e so . take kep of his tunge
T: 10,98 {Cum recte viuas ne cures v(er)ba malor(um)}
H2: 10,98 { Cum recte uiuas ne cures verba malor(um) } [Latin]
Ch: 10,98 { Cum recte viuas ne cures verba malorum } [Latin]
D: 10,98 { Cum recte viuas ne cures verba malor(um) } [Latin]
R: 10,98 { Cu(m) recte uiuas ne cures uerba malor(um) } [Latin]
U: 10,98 { Cu(m) recte viuas ne cures v(er)ba malor(um) }
V: 10,98 { Cum recte viuas, ne cures verba malorum } [Latin]
J: 10,98 { Cum recte viuas ne cures v(er)ba malor(um) } [Latin]
K: 10,98 { Cu(m) recte Viues ne cures v(er)ba malor(um) }
A: 10,98 { Cum recte uiuas ne cures verba malor(um) } [Latin]
M: 10,98 { Cum recte viuas ne curas v(er)ba malor(um) } [Latin]
H3: 10,98 { Cu(m) recte viuas ne cures u(er)ba malor(um)
} [Latin]
W: 10,98 { Cum recte viuas ne cures verba malor(um) } [Latin]
T: 10,99 But suffre & sit stille & sek [th](o)u no
H2: 10,99 But suffre and sit stille . and seke thou no ferther
Ch: 10,99 But suffer and sitte stille . and seke -th-ow not
fer-th-er [aaaAx]
D: 10,99 But suffre & sitte stille . & seke -th-(o)u
no fer-th-(er) [aaaAx]
R: 10,99 but suffr(e) and sit stille . ne seke -th-(o)u no
fer-th-er [aaaAx]
U: 10,99 But suffre and sitte stille . seke -th-ou no fer-th-(er)e
V: 10,99 Bote (suffre) and (sitte) (stille) . And (sech)
_th_ou no furre [aaaAx]
J: 10,99 But suffir & sitte stille . & seke -th-(o)u
no fer-th-er [aaaAx]
K: 10,99 But suffre & sitt still . & seche thou no
farther [aaaAx]
A: 10,99 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 10,99 But suffr(e) & sit stille . ne sech -th-(o)u
no(n) fer-th-er(e) [aaaAx]
H3: 10,99 ssuffurre & sytte stylle . & sey -th-(o)u
no ferthere [aaaAx]
W: 10,99 But suffre and sitte stille . & seke no fer-th-ere
T: 10,100 And be glad of [th]e g(ra)ce [th](a)t god ha[th]
Isent [th]e
H2: 10,100 And be glad of the grace . that god hat-gh- Isente
the [aaAx]
Ch: 10,100 And be glad of -th-e grace . -th-at god hath Isent
-th-e [aaAx]
D: 10,100 And be glad of -th-e grace . -th-(a)t god ha-th-
sente [aaAx]
R: 10,100 And be glad of -th-(a)t grace . -th-(a)t god ha-th-
-th-e sente [aaAx]
U: 10,100 & be glad of -th-e g(ra)ce . -th-at god ha-th-
-th-e sent [aaAx]
V: 10,100 And beo (glad) of _th_e (grace) . _th_at (God)
ha_th_ _th_e I-sent [aaAx]
J: 10,100 But be glad of -th-e g(ra)ce . -th-(a)t god hath
-th-e g(ra)untyd [aaAx]
K: 10,100 And be glad of the grace . that god hath the sente
A: 10,100 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 10,100 And be glad of -th-e grace . -th-(a)t god hat -th-e
sent [aaAx]
H3: 10,100 And be glad of -th-e g(ra)ce . -th-(a)t god -th-e
hat sent [aaAx]
W: 10,100 And be gladde of grace . -th-at god ha-th- ysent
-th-e [aaAx]
T: 10,101 ffor [y]if [th]ou comsist to clymbe & coueitest
H2: 10,101 ffor if thou comsist to clymbe . and coueytest
hi-gh-ere [aaAx]
Ch: 10,101 ffor whan -th-ow comsist to clymbe . and coueitist
hier [aaAx]
D: 10,101 ffor yf -th-(o)u comsest to clymbe . & coueytest
herre [aaAx]
R: 10,101 for -gh-if -th-ou comsest to clymbe . and coueytest
hyere [aaAx]
U: 10,101 ffor -y-if -th-ou comsyst to clymbe . & coueytest
to ben heier(e) [aaAx]
V: 10,101 ffor _g_if _th_ou (cumse) to (Clymbe) . and (Coueyte)
herre [aaAx]
J: 10,101 -Gh-if -th-(o)u couet for to clymbe . & for
to risyn heyer(e) [aaAx]
K: 10,101 ffor if thou comsest to clymbe . & coueitiste
here [aaAx]
A: 10,101 -Gh-if -th-u begynne to clyme . and woldyst heyrere
M: 10,101 ffor -y-if -th-(o)u gynnyst to clyme . & coueitist
heyer(e) [aaAx]
H3: 10,101 ffor -gh-yf -th-(o)u gynnyst to clyme . & coueytyst
heyere [aaAx]
W: 10,101 ffor if -th-ou comsest to clymbe . and coueytest
hie [aaAx]
T: 10,102 [Th]ou mi[gh]test lese [th]i lou[gh]nesse for a litel
H2: 10,102 Thou my-gh-test lese thi lowenesse . for a litel
p(ri)de [aaAx]
Ch: 10,102 -th-an my-gh-tist -th-ow lese -th-i lownesse .
for a litel pride [aaAx]
D: 10,102 -Th-u my-gh-t lese -th-y lownesse . for a lite
p(ri)de [aaAx]
R: 10,102 -Th-ou my-gh-t lese -th-i lownesse . for a lytel
pride [aaAx]
U: 10,102 -Th-ou myght lese -th-i lownesse . for a litel
pride [aaAx]
V: 10,102 _Th_ou miht (leose) _th_i (louhnesse) . for a (luitel)
pruyde [aaAx]
J: 10,102 -Th-(o)u mayt lesyn -th-i lownesse . for a lytil
p(ri)de [aaAx]
K: 10,102 Thou mightest lese thy lownes . for a litill p(ri)de
A: 10,102 Thow mythist lesyn -th-i lownes . for a litil pride
M: 10,102 -Th-ou mith lesyn -th-in lovnesse . for a lytil
pryde [aaAx]
H3: 10,102 -Th-(o)u myth lese -th-i(n) lownesse . for a lytyl
p(ri)de [aaAx]
W: 10,102 Thou myghtest lese -th-i lownes . for a litel pride
T: 10,103 I haue herd how lewid men han lernid here children
H2: 10,103 I haue herd -gh-ou lewid men . han lernid her(e)
children [aaAx]
Ch: 10,103 I haue herd how lewd men . han lerned her children
D: 10,103 I haue herd how lewd me(n) . haue lered he children
R: 10,103 I haue herd whe(n) lewed me(n) . haue lered her(e)
children [aaAx]
U: 10,103 I haue herd how lewed men . han lerid her(e) children
V: 10,103 I haue (lerned) hou (lewede) men . han (lered)
heore children [aaAx]
J: 10,103 I haue lernyd -th-e how lewyd men . leryn her childryn
K: 10,103 I haue hard how lewde men . haue lerned her childern
A: 10,103 I haue lernyd how lewynd men . lerne here children
M: 10,103 I haue lernyd -th-e how lewyd men . lerny(n) her(e)
childryn [aaAx]
H3: 10,103 I haue lernyd -th-e how lewd me(n) . lery(n) her
chyldery(n) [aaAx]
W: 10,103 I haue lerned -gh-ow lewed men . lerne -gh-e -gh-oure
childr(en) [aaAx]
T: 10,104 [Th]at selde men se[th] [th]e marbil [th](a)t men
ofte dreden
H2: 10,104 That selde men seth the marbul . that ofte men
tredith [aaAx]
Ch: 10,104 -Th-at selde men se -th-e marbelle . -th-at men
ofte treden
D: 10,104 That selde men sen -th-e marbel -th-ryuen . -th-(a)t
me(n) ofte treden [aaAx]
R: 10,104 -Th-at seldo me(n) se -th-e marbel mosy . -th-(a)t
ofte me(n) tredyn [aaAx]
U: 10,104 -Th-(a)t seelde men seen -th-e marbil mose . -th-(a)t
me(n) ofte mouen [aaAx]
V: 10,104 _Th_at selden (Mose_th_) _th_e (Marbelston) . _th_at
(men) ofte treden [aaAx]
J: 10,104 -Th-(a)t seldom mosyth -th-e marbel . -th-(a)t
men ofty(n) on wenedyn [aaAx]
K: 10,104 That seld mosseth the m(er)ble . that men ofte
treden [aaAx]
A: 10,104 Seldom mosith -th-e marbil . -th-at men oftyn trede
M: 10,104 And seldyn men seyn -th-at -th-e marbil . -th-(a)t
me(n) ofte tredy(n)
M: 10,104 Is wol seldyn Isein wit mos begrowyn [aaAx]
H3: 10,104 And seldo(m)m mosyth -th-e marbyl . -th-(a)t me(n)
ofty(n) tredy(n) [aaAx]
W: 10,104 That selden mose-th- -th-e stone . -th-at men oft
treden [aaAx]
T: 10,105 And ri[gh]t so be romberis [th]at rennen aboute
H2: 10,105 And ry-gh-t so be romberis . that rennen aboute
Ch: 10,105 Be ouermolded with mosse men to beholde [aaAx]
D: 10,105 And ri-gh-t so by romers . -th-(a)t renne(n) abouten
R: 10,105 And ry-gh-t so by re(n)ner(es) . -th-(a)t rennyth
aboute [aaAx]
U: 10,105 And right so by renneres . -th-at rennen aboute
V: 10,105 And Riht so (walkers) . _th_at (walken) A-bouten
J: 10,105 And rith so be romeris . -th-(a)t renny(n) abowtyn
K: 10,105 And right so by romers . that rennen aboute [aaAx]
A: 10,105 And ryght so be renneris . -th-at rennyn abo[u]te
M: 10,105 And reith so be renn(er)is . -th-at renny(n) abowty(n)
H3: 10,105 And ryth so be -th-ese tomours . -th-(a)t renny(n)
abouty(n)n [aaAx]
W: 10,105 But so fare-th- be romers . -th-(a)t rennen aboute
Ch: 10,105 Ri-gh-t so by -th-e Romers . -th-at renne-th- aboute [aaAx]
T: 10,106 ffro religioun to religioun reccheles ben [th]ei
H2: 10,106 ffrom religiou(n) to religiou(n) . recheles ben
euere [aaAx]
Ch: 10,106 ffrom Religioun to Religioun . regeles ben euer
D: 10,106 ffro religiou(n) to religiou(n) . recheles be -th-ey
eu(er)e [aaAx]
R: 10,106 fro(m) religiou(n) to religiou(n) . rechelys -th-ei
be(n) euere [aaAx]
U: 10,106 ffro religiou(n) to religiou(n) . recheles -th-ei
ben eu(er)e [aaAx]
V: 10,106 ffrom (Religion) to (Religion) . (Recheles) ben
_th_ei euere [aaAx]
J: 10,106 ffro re[li]gion to religiou(n) . reccheles -th-ei
bene eu(er)e [aaAx]
K: 10,106 ffro religioun to religioun . recheles ben thay
eu(er) [aaAx]
A: 10,106 ffro religion to religiun . recheles ben -th-ai
euyr [aaAx]
M: 10,106 ffro religiou(n) to religiou(n) . recheles be -th-ey
eu(er)e [aaAx]
H3: 10,106 ffro relygiou(n) to relygiou(n) . recheles be(n)
-th-ei eu(er) [aaAx]
W: 10,106 ffro religion to religion . rechelesse ben -th-ai
euere [aaAx]
T: 10,107 Ne men [th](a)t conne manye craftis clergie techi[th]
H2: 10,107 --- this line missing ---
Ch: 10,107 --- this line is omitted ---
D: 10,107 Ne men -th-(a)t connen alle craftes . clergie teche-th-
eu(er)e [aaAx]
R: 10,107 ne men -th-at cu(n)ne alle craft(is) . as clerk(es)
and o-th-er [aaAx]
U: 10,107 And men -th-at cu(n)ne alle craftis . and clergie
bo-th-e [aaAx]
V: 10,107 And men _th_at (Cunne) mony (Craftes) . (Clergie)
hit telle_th_ [aaAx]
J: 10,107 And men -th-(a)t kennyn alle c(ra)ftys . clergy
tellith [aaAx]
K: 10,107 Ne men that conynggen in al craft(is) . clergie
it techith [aaAx]
A: 10,107 Ne men -th-at connyn alle craftis . clargie it
tellith [aaAx]
M: 10,107 -th-o men -th-at konnit alle craftis . as clergie
tellit [aaAx]
H3: 10,107 Ne me(n) -th-(a)t con of alle craftys . clergy-gh-e
tellyth [aaAx]
W: 10,107 Ne men -th-at connen alle craftes . cleregie it
telli-th- [aaAx]
T: 10,108 Thrift o[th](er) [th]edom w(i)t(h) [th]o is selde
ysei[gh]e { Qui circuit &c }
H2: 10,108 --- this line missing ---
Ch: 10,108 -Th-rift o-th-er -th-edom . wi-th- -th-o is selde
Isey-gh-e [aaAbb]
D: 10,108 -Th-ryft or -th-edom . w(i)t(h) -th-o is selde
seyn [aaAbb]
R: 10,108 trist or thedam . w(i)t(h) -th-o is selden yseye
U: 10,108 -Th-rift o-th-(er) thedom . wi-th- -th-o is seldom
seie [aaAbb]
V: 10,108 (_Th_ruft) or (_th_eodam) with hem . (selden) is
(I-seye); { Qui circuit omne genus } [Latin]
J: 10,108 -Th-(a)t thrifte or thedom . seldom hem schewyth
K: 10,108 Thrifte or thedome . ar seldom w(i)t(h) tho Iseygh
A: 10,108 That thrifte of or thedom . w(i)t(h) -th-o is selde
seyn [aaAbb]
M: 10,108 Wit sweche -th-rift & -th-edam is sildy(n)
Iseyn [aaAbb]
H3: 10,108 -Th-(a)t thryf or thedo(m)m . w(i)t(h) yt seldo(m)m
is sene [aaAbb]
W: 10,108a { Qui circuit omne genus in nullo gen(er)e est
} [Latin]
H2: 10,108a --- this line missing ---
Ch: 10,108a { Qui circuit et cetera } [Latin]
D: 10,108a { Qui circuit om(n)e genus &c } [Latin]
R: 10,108a { Qui circuit omne genus &c } [Latin]
U: 10,108a { Qui circuit om(n)e genus nullius est gen(er)is
} [Latin]
V: 10,108a --- this line om ---
J: 10,108a { Q(ui) circuit omne genus in nullo gen(er)e est
} [Latin]
K: 10,108a { Qui circuit omne genus de nullo genere est &c
} [Latin]
A: 10,108a { Qui circuit omne genus in nullo genere est }
H3: 10,108a { Qui circuit om(n)e gen(us) i(n) nullo gen(er)e
est } [Latin]
W: 10,108 That -th-rift o-th-er -th-edam . wi-th- hym seldam
is yseyn [aaAbb]
T: 10,109 Poule [th]e apostel in his pistil wrot it
H2: 10,109 --- this line missing ---
Ch: 10,109 Poul -th-e apostel . in his pistel wrot hit [aaAx]
D: 10,109 Paul -th-e apostil . in his pystyl wrot yt [aaAx]
R: 10,109 Poul -th-e apostel . in his pistel wrot hit [aaAx]
U: 10,109 Poul -th-e apostill(e) . in his pistil wroot it
V: 10,109 (Poul) _th_e (Apostel) . In his (pistel) wrot [aaAx]
J: 10,109 Powle -th-e apostel . in his pistyl wrote it [aaAx]
K: 10,109 Poule the appostle . in his pistle wrote it [aaAx]
A: 10,109 Poule -th-e postele . in his pystele wrythet [aaAx]
M: 10,109 And powl -th-e apostel . wrot it In his pistel
H3: 10,109 -Gh-e se wel -th-e apostyl . i(n) hys pystyl wrot
-th-is [aaAx]
W: 10,109 Poule -th-e postle . in his pistle wrote it in
ensample [aaAx]
M: 10,108a { Qui circuit o(mn)e ge(nus) nullius gen(er)is est } [Latin]
T: 10,110 In ensaumple of suche shulde not renne aboute
H2: 10,110 --- this line missing ---
Ch: 10,110 In ensaumple of such . schuld no man renne aboute
D: 10,110 In ensample of which . shuld not renne aboute [aaAxx]
R: 10,110 in exau(m)ple -th-at swiche . shulde not re(n)ne
abowte [aaAxx]
U: 10,110 In ensaumple -th-at siche . schulde not renne aboute
V: 10,110 In (ensaumple) of (suche) . Rennars a-boute [aaXx]
J: 10,110 In example -th-(a)t swyche . schold not re(n)ny(n)
abowtyn [aaAxx]
K: 10,110 In example that such . schuld not renne aboute
A: 10,110 In example of sweche . schuld not renne aboutyn
M: 10,110 In ensaunple -th-at swiche . schule not re(n)ny(n)
abouty(n) [aaAxx]
H3: 10,110 In example of sweche . xuld nouth renny(n) aboute
W: 10,110 How such shold not romen aboute [aaAxx]
T: 10,111 And for wisdom is writen & witnessid in chirches
H2: 10,111 --- this line missing ---
Ch: 10,111 And for wisdom hit is write . and witnessed in
chirches [aaAx]
D: 10,111 And for wysdom is wreten . & wittenesse-th-
in Cherches [aaAx]
R: 10,111 and for wisdom is write(n) . and witnessed i(n)
cherche [aaAx]
U: 10,111 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 10,111 And for (wisdam) Is (writen) . as (witnesse_th_)
Clerkes [aaAx]
J: 10,111 And for wysda(m) it [is] writu(n) . & wytnessyd
in cherches [aaAx]
K: 10,111 And ffor wisdome is w(ri)tyn . & witnessith
in chirch(es) [aaAx]
A: 10,111 And for wysdom it is wretyn . and wyttens in chirche
M: 10,111 And for wisda(m) it is wrety(n) . & witnessit
in cherchis [aaAx]
H3: 10,111 And for wysda(m)m is wrety(n) . & wytnessyd
i(n) chyrches [aaAx]
W: 10,111 ffor wisdom it is wreten . & wytnessed in cherches
T: 10,112 {In ead(e)m vocac(i)one qua vocati estis state}
H2: 10,112 --- this line missing ---
Ch: 10,112 { In eadem vocacione qua vocati estis state }
D: 10,112 { In eadem vocac(i)o(n)e qua vocati estys state
} [Latin]
R: 10,112 { In eadem uocacione q(u)a vocati estis } [Latin]
U: 10,112 { In ea vocac(i)one qua vocati estis in eadem p(er)maneatis
} [Latin]
V: 10,112 --- this line om --
J: 10,112 { In ead(e)m vocacc(i)one qua vocati estis state
} [Latin]
K: 10,112 { In eadem vocacione qua vocati estis stat(es) &c
} [Latin]
A: 10,112 { In eadem vocacione qua vocati estis : State }
M: 10,112 { In ead(e)m vocac(i)one qua vocati estis state
} [Latin]
H3: 10,112 --- copied after line 115 H3 ---
W: 10,112 { In eadem vocacione qua vocati estis state } [Latin]
T: 10,113 [Y]if [th]ou be man maried monk o[th](er) chanou(n)
H2: 10,113 --- this line missing ---
Ch: 10,113 -Gh-if -th-ow be man maried . monke o-th-er chanou(n)
D: 10,113 If -th-(o)u be man named . monke o-th-(er) Chanou(n)
R: 10,113 -Gh-if -th-(o)u be man maried . monk o-th-(er)
chanou(n) [aaAx]
U: 10,113 -Y-if -th-ou bei man maried . monke o-th-(er) chanoun
V: 10,113 _Y_if _th_ou beo (Mon) (I-Mariet) . (Monk) o_th_ur
Chanoun [aaAx]
J: 10,113 If -th-(o)u be man mari-gh-id . monk oythir chanou(n)
K: 10,113 If thou be man maried . monk other chanou(n) [aaAx]
A: 10,113 -Gh-if -th-u be man maried . monk o-th-er chanon
M: 10,113 -Y-if -th-u be man maryd . munk or chanou(n) [aaAx]
H3: 10,113 -Gh-yf -th-(o)u be man maryid . monk or chanou(n)
W: 10,113 Yf -gh-ou be man maried . monk o-th-er chanon [aaAx]
T: 10,114 Hold [th]e stable & stedefast & streng[th]e
H2: 10,114 --- this line missing ---
Ch: 10,114 Holde -th-e stabel and stedfast . and streng-th-e
-th-i seluen [aaAx]
D: 10,114 Hold -th-e stable & stedfast . & streng-th-e
-th-y seluen [aaAx]
R: 10,114 Hold -th-e stabele and stedfast . and streng-th-e
-th-i soule [aaAx]
U: 10,114 Heeld -th-e stable and stedefaste . and strengthe
-th-i soule [aaAx]
V: 10,114 Hold _th_e (stable) and (studefast) . And (streng_th_e)
_th_i-seluen [aaAx]
J: 10,114 Holde -th-e strong & stedfast . & strengthe
-th-i selue [aaAx]
K: 10,114 Hold the stable & stedfast . & strenght
thy seluen [aaAx]
A: 10,114 Hold -th-e stable and stedfast . a beggere -th-ow
-th-u were [aaAx]
M: 10,114 Hold -th-e stable & stedefast . & strengthe
-th-i(n) selfue [aaAx]
H3: 10,114 Hold -th-e stable & stedefast . & strengthe
-th-i(n) seluy(n) [aaAx]
W: 10,114 Hold -th-e stable and stedefast . and stren-th-
-th-i self [aaAx]
T: 10,115 To be blissid for [th]i beryng [th]e bigg(er)e [th]ei[gh]
[th](o)u were
H2: 10,115 --- this line missing ---
Ch: 10,115 To be blissed for -th-i bering . -th-e bigger
pow-gh- -th-ow were [aaAx]?
D: 10,115 To be blyssed for -th-y beryng . begger -th-ou-gh-t
-th-(o)u were [aaAx]?
R: 10,115 to be blessed for -th-i beringe . -gh-e begger(e)
-th-ei -th-(o)u were [aaAx]?
U: 10,115 To be blissed for -th-i berynge . -y-if -th-ou
a beggere were [aaAx]?
V: 10,115 To beo (blesset) for _th_i (beryng) . _g_e, (Beggere)
_th_auh _th_ou weore [aaAx]
J: 10,115 To be blissid for -th-i bering . begger -th-ey
-th-(o)u wer(e) [aaAx]?
K: 10,115 To be blissed for thy beryng, . yea a begger though
thou were [aaAx]?
A: 10,115 --- this line om ---
M: 10,115 To ben blissid for -th-y beryng . begger(e) -th-ey
-th-(o)u wer(e) [aaAx]?
H3: 10,115 To be blyssyd for -th-i(n) bery(n)g . beggere
-gh-yf -th-(o)u were [aaAx]?
W: 10,115 To be blyssyd for thy bering . -gh-e beggere -th-ogh
-th-ow wel [aaAx]?
H3: 10,115 [10,112] { In eadem vocac(i)o(n)e qua vocati estis state } [Latin]
T: 10,116 Loke [th]ou grucche nou[gh]t on god [th]ei[gh] he
gyue [th]e litel
H2: 10,116 --- this line missing ---
Ch: 10,116 Loke -th-ow grucch nou-gh-t on god . -th-ou-gh-
he geue -th-e litel [aaAx]
D: 10,116 Loke -th-(o)u gruche nou-gh-t on god . -th-ou-gh-t
he geue -th-e lytel [aaAx]
R: 10,116 Loke -th-(o)u grocche not on god . -th-ei-gh- he
-gh-eue -th-e litel [aaAx]
U: 10,116 Loke -th-ou grucche noght on god . -th-ei-gh-e
he -y-iue -th-e litil [aaAx]
V: 10,116 Loke _th_ou (grucche) not on (god) . _th_au_g_
he _th_e (_g_eue) luytel [aaAx]
J: 10,116 Loke -th-(o)u gruche not on god . -th-ei he -gh-if
-th-e lytel [aaAx]
K: 10,116 Lok thou grutche not on god . thoughe [he] geue
the lityll [aaAx]
A: 10,116 Loke -th-u grucche not on god . -th-ow he -gh-eue
-th-e lytil [aaAx]
M: 10,116 Loke -th-(o)u grocche nout on god . -th-ey he -y-eue
-th-e litil [aaAx]
H3: 10,116 Loke -th-(o)u grocche nouth w(i)t(h) god . -th-ow
he -gh-eue -th-e lytyl [aaAx]
W: 10,116 Loke -th-ou groche not on god . -th-ogh he -gh-eue
-th-e litill [aaAx]
T: 10,117 Be paied wi[th] [th]e porc(i)ou(n) pore o[th](er)
H2: 10,117 --- this line missing ---
Ch: 10,117 Be paide of -th-i porcioun . pore o-th-er riche
D: 10,117 Be payd w(i)t(h) -th-e porc(i)ou(n) . pore o-th-(er)
riche [aaAx]
R: 10,117 Be payd w(i)t(h) -th-e porcyou(n) . pouer(e) o-th-(er)
riche [aaAx]
U: 10,117 Be payd wi-th- -th-i porcioun . be it pore or riche
V: 10,117 Beo (payed) wi_th_ _th_i (porcion) . (porore) or
Ricchore [aaAx]
J: 10,117 Be pay-gh-id w(i)t(h) -th-i portyou(n) . pore oythir
riche [aaAx]
K: 10,117 Be paid w(i)t(h) that porcou(n) . pore other riche
A: 10,117 Be payed w(i)t(h) -th-i possessioun . pore o-th-er
riche [aaAx]
M: 10,117 Be apaid wit -th-y(n) porciou(n) . pouer(e) or
Riche [aaAx]
H3: 10,117 Be payid w(i)t(h) -th-yn porcyou(n) . pore or
ryche eythyr [aaAx]
W: 10,117 Be payde wi-th- -th-i possesseon . pore o-th-er
riche [aaAx]
T: 10,118 [Th]us in dred li[th] dowel dobet to suffre
H2: 10,118 --- this line missing ---
Ch: 10,118 -Th-us in drede li-th-e dowel . dobet to suffre
D: 10,118 Thus I -th-rede ly-gh-t dowel . & dobet to
suffren [aaAx]
R: 10,118 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 10,118 -Th-us in drede li-th- dowel . and dobet to suffre
V: 10,118 _Th_us in (drede) ly_th_ (Dowel) . And (Dobet)
to soffren [aaAx]
J: 10,118 -Th-(us) in drede lith dowele . & dobet to
suffyr(e) [aaAx]
K: 10,118 Thus in drede liyth dowell . & dobett to suffren
A: 10,118 Thus in dred dobest dowel . and dobet to suffre
M: 10,118 -Th-us in drede bit-gh- dowel . & dobet to
suffryn [aaAx]
H3: 10,118 -Th-(us) i(n) dred lyith dowel . & dobet to
suffure(n) [aaAx]
W: 10,118 Thus in drede by dowel . & dobette to suffren
T: 10,119 ffor [th]oru[gh] suffraunce se [th](o)u mi[gh]t how
sou(er)aynes arise[th]
H2: 10,119 --- this line missing ---
Ch: 10,119 ffor -th-oru-gh- suffraunce se . -th-ow my-gh-t
how soueraignes a[rise-th-] [aaAx]?
D: 10,119 ffor -th-oru-gh-t sufferaunce se . -th-(o)u my-gh-t
how souereyn aryse-th- [aaAx]?
R: 10,119 for -th-(us) in sufferau(n)s se . -th-(o)u my-gh-t
how soueraynes arise [aaAx]?
U: 10,119 ffor -th-us -th-urw suff(ra)unce se . -th-(o)u
my-gh-t how sou(er)aynes arisen [aaAx]?
V: 10,119 ffor _th_orw (soffraunce) (seo) _th_ou miht . hou
(souereyn) Arise_th_ { Qui se humiliat } [Latin]
J: 10,119 ffor thorow sufferaunce -th-(o)u mayt se how sufference
arysyth [aaAx]?
K: 10,119 ffor thrugh suffer(au)nce see . thou mayst hou
sofer(au)nce ariseth [aaAx]?
A: 10,119 ffor -th-orow suffrans se -th-u myth . how souereynte
arysith [aaAx]?
M: 10,119 ffor -th-ourgh suffraunce . -th-ou migth to souerey(n)
arise [aaAx]?
H3: 10,119 ffor thorw suffurra(n)s so . -th-(o)u myth sou(er)ey(n)te
arysyth [aaAx]?
W: 10,119 ffor -th-rogh soffrance se . -th-ou myght how sou(er)aignte
arise-th- [aaAx]?
V: 10,119a --- this line om ---
T: 10,120 And so leri[th] vs luk [th]at lei[gh]ede neu(er)e
H2: 10,120 --- this line missing ---
Ch: 10,120 --- this line is omitted ---
D: 10,120 And so lered vs luke . -th-(a)t liede neu(er) [aaAx]
R: 10,120 and so lerned vs luk . -th-at ly-gh-ede neuere
U: 10,120 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 10,120 And so (lerede) vs (luc) . _th_at (ly_g_ede) neuere
J: 10,120 And soo lerned vs luke . -th-(a)t lyed neu(er)e
K: 10,120 And so lernyd vs luke . that neuer ne liede [aaAx]
A: 10,120 And so lernyth luke . -th-at lyed neuyr [aaAx]
M: 10,120 And so lernyt vs luk . -th-at liede neu(er)e [aaAx]
H3: 10,120 And so lernyth vs leuk . -th-at lyid neu(er) [aaAx]
W: 10,120 And so lerned vs luk . -th-at lied neuere { Qui
se humiliat exaltabitur } [aaAx]
T: 10,120a { Qui se humiliat exaltabit(ur) &c }
H2: 10,120a --- this line missing ---
Ch: 10,120a { Qui se humiliat exaltabitur et cetera } [Latin]
D: 10,120a { Qui se humiliat exaltabitur &c } [Latin]
R: 10,120a { Q(u)i se humiliat exaltabitur } [Latin]
U: 10,120a --- this line is omitted ---
J: 10,120a { Q(ui) se hu(m)iliat exaltab(itur) & qui
se exaltat hu(m)iliab(itur) } [Latin]
K: 10,120a { Qui se humiliat exaltabitur } [Latin]
A: 10,120a { Qui se humiliat exaltabitur } [Latin]
M: 10,120a { Qui se humiliat exaltabit(ur) &c } [Latin]
H3: 10,120a { Qui se exaltabit humihabit(ur) & q(ui)
se hu(m)iliab(i)t exaltabit(ur) &c } [Latin]
W: 10,120a --- this line om ---
T: 10,121 And [th]us of dred & here dede dobest arisi[th]
H2: 10,121 --- this line missing ---
Ch: 10,121 And -th-us of drede and his dede . Dobest arise-th-
D: 10,121 And -th-us of drede & of dede . dobest aryse
R: 10,121 And -th-us of dred & of our(e) dede . dobet
ariset-gh- [aaAx]
U: 10,121 And -th-us of drede and of our dede . dobest arise-th-
V: 10,121 And _th_us of (drede) and his (dede) . (Dobest)
aryse_th_ [aaAx]
J: 10,121 And -th-(us) of drede & his dede . dobest arisith
K: 10,121 And thus for drede & his dede . dobest arisith
A: 10,121 And -th-us dred of dede . dobest arysith [aaAx]
M: 10,121 -Th-us of drede & of doubte . dobest arisit
H3: 10,121 And -th-(us) tho(ur) a dred & dede . dobest
arysyth [aaAx]
W: 10,121 --- this line is omitted ---
T: 10,122 Which is [th]e flo(ur) & [th]e fruyt fostrid
of bo[th]e
H2: 10,122 --- this line missing ---
Ch: 10,122 Wich is -th-e floure and -th-e froite . forstered
of hem bo-th-e [aaAx]
D: 10,122 Whiche is -th-e floure & -th-e froyt . fostred
vs bo-th-e [aaAx]
R: 10,122 Whych is -th-e frut and -th-e flo(ur) . fostred
of bo-th-e [aaAx]
U: 10,122 Whiche is -th-e flour and -th-e fruyt . fostrid
on bothe [aaAx]
V: 10,122 Whuch is (fflour) and (ffruit) . (I-fostred) of
Bo_th_e [aaAx]
J: 10,122 Qwyche is flour(e) & frute . fosterid of bothe
K: 10,122 Which is the frute & the flower . Ifostered
of bothe [aaAx]
A: 10,122 Wheche is -th-e flour & -th-e freute . fore
fosterid aboue [aaAx]
M: 10,122 And is -th-e flour & -th-y frend . Ifostrid
of bo-th-in [aaAx]
H3: 10,122 Qwech is -th-e flour & -th-e frend . fosteryd
of bothe [aaAx]
W: 10,122 Suche is -th-e flour & -th-e froite . fostred
of bo-th-e [aaAx]
T: 10,123 Ri[gh]t as a rose swet out of a raggit rote
H2: 10,123 --- this line missing ---
Ch: 10,123 Ri-gh-t as a rose . riseth out of a ragged rote
D: 10,123 Ri-gh-t as -th-e rose swete out of a ragged Rote
R: 10,123 ri-gh-th as a rose . -th-(a)t red is and swete
. out of as a ragged rote [aaAx]
U: 10,123 Right as a rose . -th-(a)t reed is & swete
out of a raggid rote [aaAx]
V: 10,123 (Riht) as _th_e (Rose) . _th_at (Red) is and swote
J: 10,123 Rith as redily as a rose . -th-(a)t rede is & swete
K: 10,123 Right as a rose . that is redd & swete out
of ragged rote [aaAx]
A: 10,123 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 10,123 Reith as -th-e Rose . -th-at red is spryngith of
a raggid rote [aaAx]
H3: 10,123 Ryth as rose . -th-(a)t red is & swet out
of row brere & raggyd rote [aaAx]
W: 10,123 Rich as a rose . -th-at is red & swete oute
of a ragged rote [aaAx]
T: 10,124 And a rou[gh] brere sp(r)inge[th] & spredi[th]
[th](a)t spic(er)is desiri[th]
H2: 10,124 --- this line missing ---
Ch: 10,124 --- this line om ---
D: 10,124 --- this line om ---
R: 10,124 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 10,124 --- this line om ---
V: 10,124 Out of a (Ragged) (Roote) . and of (Rouwe) Breres
J: 10,124 Oute of a raggyd rote . & a rowh brere [aaAx]
K: 10,124 --- 123-5 as two lines divided after rote ---
A: 10,124 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 10,124 --- this line om ---
H3: 10,124 --- 123-5 as two lines divided after rote H3 ---
W: 10,124 --- this line om ---
T: 10,125 --- 123-5 as two lines divided after rote T ---
H2: 10,125 --- this line missing ---
Ch: 10,125 And on a brere springe-th- and sprede-th- . -th-at
spicerie de[siri-th-] [aaAx]
D: 10,125 And a row-gh- brere spryngeth & sprede-th-
. -th-(a)t spycers desire-th- [aaAx]
R: 10,125 and a row brer(e) -th-(a)t spry(n)ge-th- & spr(e)de-th-
. -th-(a)t spicer(i)s desiren [aaAx]
U: 10,125 & as a rowhe brere -th-(a)t sprynge-th- & sp(re)dith
. -th-(a)t spiso(ur)s desiren [aaAx]
V: 10,125 (Springe_th_) and (sprede_th_) . _th_at (spicers)
desyre_th_ [aaAx]
J: 10,125 Springith & spredyth . -th-(a)t spycers desyryn
K: 10,125 And a breer spryngyth . that spycers desyren [aaAx]
A: 10,125 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 10,125 & it springit & spredit . -th-(a)t spicers
desirit [aaAx]
H3: 10,125 Spryngyth & spredyth . -th-(a)t spycerys desyryth
W: 10,125 And a rogh brere sprynge-th- & sprede-th- -th-at
spiceres desiren [aaAx]
T: 10,126 Or as whete out of weed waxi[th] out of [th]e er[th]e
H2: 10,126 --- this line missing ---
Ch: 10,126 Or as whete out of wede . waxe-th- out of -th-e
erthe [aaAx]?
D: 10,126 Or as whete ou-gh-t of wed . waxet out of er-th-e
R: 10,126 Or as whete out of wed . waxe-th- out of -th-e
er-th-e [aaAx]?
U: 10,126 Or as whete out of weed . waxith out of -th-e erthe
V: 10,126 Or as (whete) out of a (weod) . (waxe_th_) vppon
eor_th_e [aaAx]
J: 10,126 Oythir as qwete oute of weede . waxyth of erthe
K: 10,126 Or as whete out of wede . wexith of the erthe [aaAx]?
A: 10,126 As whete out of -th-e wede . waxeth of -th-e erde
M: 10,126 Or as whete out of wed . waxit of -th-e erthe [aaAx]?
H3: 10,126 Or as qwete out of weed . wex out of -th-e erthe
W: 10,126 Or as whete out of wed . waxe-th- on -th-e erthe
T: 10,127 So dobest out of dobet & dowel gynne[th] sp(r)inge
H2: 10,127 --- this line missing ---
Ch: 10,127 So dobest out of dobet . and dowel gynne-th- spring
D: 10,127 So dobest out of dobet . & dowel gynne-th-
sprynge [aaAx]
R: 10,127 So dobest out of dobet . a(n)d dowel gynnyt-gh-
springe [aaAx]
U: 10,127 So dobest out of dobet . & dowel gynneth sprynge
V: 10,127 So (Dobest) out of (Dowel) . and (Dobet) (do_th_)
springe [aaAa]?
J: 10,127 So dobest out of dobet . & dowele gynnyth springe
K: 10,127 So dobest out of dobet . & dowell gynnyth sp(r)ynge
A: 10,127 So dobest out of dobettir . ad dowel begynnyth
to sprynge [aaAx]
M: 10,127 So dobest out of dobet . & dowel gy(n)nyt sp(ri)nge
H3: 10,127 So dobest out of dobet . & dowel gy(n)nyt
spryngge(n) [aaAx]
W: 10,127 So dobest out of dobet . & dowel do-th- spryng
T: 10,128 Among men of [th]is molde [th](a)t mek ben & kynde
H2: 10,128 --- this line missing ---
Ch: 10,128 Among men of -th-is molde . -th-at meke ben and
kende [aaAx]
D: 10,128 Among men on -th-is molde . -th-at meke ben & kynde
R: 10,128 Among me(n) of -th-(i)s molde . -th-(a)t meke ben
and kynde [aaAx]
U: 10,128 Among men of -th-is molde . -th-at meke ben & kynde
V: 10,128 A-Mong (men) of _th_is world . _th_at (Meke) ben,
or kuynde [aaAx]
J: 10,128 Among men of -th-is molde . -th-(a)t meke bene & kynde
K: 10,128 Among(es) men on this molde . that meke byn & kynde
A: 10,128 Among men of -th-is molde . -th-at meke ben and
kynde [aaAx]
M: 10,128 Among men of -th-ys moolde . -th-(a)t meke beth & milde
H3: 10,128 Among me(n) of -th-is mold . -th-(a)t meke be(n) & kende
W: 10,128 Among men on -th-is mold . -th-at meke be-th- and
kende [aaAx]
T: 10,129 ffor loue of here lou[gh]nesse oure lord [y]iue[th]
hem g(ra)ce
H2: 10,129 --- this line missing ---
Ch: 10,129 ffor loue of her low-gh-nesse . oure lorde -gh-ef
hem grace [aaAx]
D: 10,129 ffor loue of here lounesse . oure lord -gh-euet
hem g(ra)ce [aaAx]
R: 10,129 ffor loue of her lounesse . our(e) lord -gh-yft
hem grace [aaAx]
U: 10,129 ffor loue of here lownesse . our lord -y-iue-th-
hem g(ra)ce [aaAx]
V: 10,129 ffor (loue) of heore (louhnesse) . vr (lord) _g_iue_th_
hem grace [aaAx]
J: 10,129 ffor luffe of her lowe hert . our(e) lorde -gh-ifit
he(m) g(ra)ce [aaAx]
K: 10,129 ffor loue of her lownes . o(ur) lord yeveth hem
g(ra)ce [aaAx]
A: 10,129 ffor loue of here lownesse . oure lord -gh-if hem
grace [aaAx]
M: 10,129 ffor loue of her(e) lounesse . our(e) lord -y-if
he(m) grace [aaAx]
H3: 10,129 ffor loue of her lownesse . god -gh-euyth he(m)
g(ra)ce [aaAx]
W: 10,129 ffor loue of here lownesse . oure -gh-eue hem grace
T: 10,130 Such werch to werche as he is wi[th] paied
H2: 10,130 --- this line missing ---
Ch: 10,130 Such werk to worche . as he is with paide [aaAx]
D: 10,130 Swych werke to werchen . -th-(a)t he is w(i)t(h)
payed [aaAx]
R: 10,130 Such werk to werche . -th-(a)t he his wit payed
U: 10,130 Siche werkis to wurche . -th-at he be wi-th- payd
V: 10,130 Such (werkes) to (worche) . _th_at he is (with)
apayet [aaAx]
H: 10,130 this line is ommited ---
J: 10,130 Swyche werkys to wyrkyn . -th-(a)t he is w(i)t(h)
pay-gh-id [aaAx]
K: 10,130 Such workes to worche . that he is with payed [aaAx]
E: 10,130 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 10,130 Werkis for to werche . -th-at he -th-erw(i)t(h)
is plesid [aaAx]
M: 10,130 Swich werkis for to werchen . -th-(a)t he is wel
apaid [aaAx]
H3: 10,130 ssweche werkys to werky(n) . -th-(a)t he is w(i)t(h)
Ipayid [aaAx]
W: 10,130 Such worche for to worche . -th-at he is wi-th-
ypaied [aaAx]
T: 10,131 And formest & f(er)st to folk [th](a)t ben weddit
H2: 10,131 --- this line missing ---
Ch: 10,131 And formast and first . to folk -th-at ben wedded
D: 10,131 fformest & ferst . to folk -th-(a)t ben weddyd
R: 10,131 formest and ferst . to folk -th-at ben wedded [aaAx]
U: 10,131 fformest and first . to folk -th-at ben weddid
V: 10,131 (ffurst) and (foreward) . to (folk) _th_at ben
I-weddet [aaAx]
J: 10,131 ffirst & formest . to men -th-(a)t bene weddyd
K: 10,131 fformest & first . to folke that byn weddyd
A: 10,131 fformest and frist . to folke -th-at ben wele weddid
M: 10,131 fferst & form(er)st . -th-ise men -th-at bet
Iweddyd [aaAx]
H3: 10,131 fformest & fryst . to folk -th-(a)t be(n)
Iweddyd [aaAx]
W: 10,131 fformast & first . to folk -th-at be-th- wedded
Ch: 10,131 ffor loue of her lownessse oure lord -gh-af hem grace
Ch: 10,131 such werke to wirche as he is with paide
Ch: 10,131 and formist and first to folk -th-at ben wedded
T: 10,132 And lyuen as here lawis wiln it like[th] god almi[gh]ty
H2: 10,132 --- this line missing ---
Ch: 10,132 And leuen as her lawe wol . it like-th- god almy-gh-ty
D: 10,132 And leuen as here lawes whil . hit like-th- god
almy-gh-te [aaAx]
R: 10,132 And lyue(n) as her(e) lawes wiln . hit like-th-
god almy-gh-thi [aaAx]
U: 10,132 And lyue-th- as here lawe wil . -th-at likith god
almyghte [aaAx]
V: 10,132 And (libbe_th_) as heore (lawe) wole . hit (like_th_)
God almihti [aaAx]
J: 10,132 Lyuen as her lawe will wele . it likyth god almyht
K: 10,132 And lyuyn as her lawe woll . it liketh god almighty
A: 10,132 That leuyth as here lawe wil . -th-at liketh god
almyghti [aaAx]
M: 10,132 And leuyn as her(e) lawe . wile it likit god almity
H3: 10,132 And leuy(n) as her lawe wel . it plesyt god almythy
W: 10,132 And lyuen as he lawe will . it like-th- god almyghty
T: 10,133 [Th]at [th]oru[gh] wedlak [th]e world stant whoso
wile it knowen
H2: 10,133 --- this line missing ---
Ch: 10,133 -Th-at -th-orow wedlok -th-e world stant . whoso
wol hit knowe [aaAx]
D: 10,133 That -th-oru-gh-t wedlok -th-e world stant . whoso
wil it knowe [aaAx]
R: 10,133 -Th-at -th-orw wedlak -th-e word stant . whoso
wil h(i)t knowe [aaAx]
U: 10,133 and -th-urw wedlok -th-e word stant . whoso wil
it knowe [aaAx]
V: 10,133 ffor _th_orw (wedlac) _th_e (world) stont . hose
(wol) hit I-knowe [aaAx]
J: 10,133 ffor -th-orow wedlok -th-e worde stonde . qwo so
wil it knowe [aaAx]
K: 10,133 ffor thrugh wedlook the worlde stonte . whoso wil
it knowe [aaAx]
A: 10,133 Thorow wedlak -th-e werd stant . hoso it knowe
M: 10,133 ffor -th-ourth wedlook -th-e word stant . whoso
wile it know[en] [aaAx]
H3: 10,133 ffor tho(ur) wedlak -th-e werld stant . hoso wyl
it knowe [aaAx]
W: 10,133 ffor -th-rogh wedlok -th-e world stont . who wole
it knowe [aaAx]
T: 10,134 [Th]ei be [th]e riccheste of reaumes & [th]e
rote of dowel
H2: 10,134 --- this line missing ---
Ch: 10,134 -Th-ei ben Richest of Remes . and -th-e Rote of
dowel [aaAx]
D: 10,134 -Th-ey be -th-e Rychest of reames . & -th-e
rote of dowel [aaAx]
R: 10,134 Thei be(n) -th-e reychest of rewmes . and -th-e
rote of dowel [aaAx]
U: 10,134 -Th-ei ben -th-e riccheste of rewmes . and -th-e
rote of dowel [aaAx]
V: 10,134 _Th_ei ben (Ricchest) in (Reame) . and _th_e (Rote)
of dowel [aaAx]
J: 10,134 -Th-ei bene -th-e richest of -th-is remys . & Rote
of dowele [aaAx]
K: 10,134 Thay ben the richest of realmes . & the rote
of dowell [aaAx]
A: 10,134 Thei ben -th-e ricches of remys . -th-e rote of
dowel [aaAx]
M: 10,134 -Th-ey ben riche in reste . & -th-e lawe folwit
H3: 10,134 -Th-ei be(n) -th-e rycchest of rewmys . & -th-e
rote of dowel [aaAx]
W: 10,134 -Th-ei be-th- -th-e rechest of -th-i reume . and
roto of dowel [aaAx]
T: 10,135 ffor of here kynde [th]ei comen [th](a)t confesso(ur)s
ben nempnid
H2: 10,135 --- this line missing ---
Ch: 10,135 ffor of her kynde -th-ei come . -th-at confessours
ben nempned [aaAx]
D: 10,135 ffor [of] here kynde -th-ey come . -th-(a)t Confessours
ben nempned [aaAx]
R: 10,135 for of here kyn -th-ei comy(n) . -th-(a)t co(n)fessour(e)s
be(n) nemled [aaAx]
U: 10,135 ffor of here kyn -th-ei comyn . -th-at co(n)fessours
ben ne(m)pnyd [aaAx]
V: 10,135 ffor of heore (kuynde) _th_ei (come) . _th_at (confessours)
be_th_ nempned [aaAx]
J: 10,135 ffor of her kynde -th-ei comyn . -th-(a)t co(n)fessoures
arn callyd [aaAx]
K: 10,135 ffor of her kynd thay co(m)men . that confessours
ben ne(m)pned [aaAx]
A: 10,135 Of -th-at kynde -th-ai comyn . -th-at confessouris
be namyd [aaAx]
M: 10,135 ffor of kende -th-ey kenny(n) . -th-at co(n)fessoures
bet namyd [aaAx]
H3: 10,135 ffor of her kynde -th-ei comy(n) . -th-(a)t co(n)fessours
be(n) nemyd [aaAx]
W: 10,135 ffor of kyng -th-ei comen . -th-at confessours
be nemed [aaAx]
T: 10,136 Bo[th]e maidenis & nonnes monkes & ancris
H2: 10,136 --- this line missing ---
Ch: 10,136 Bo-th-e maydens and Mynchons . Monkes and ancers
D: 10,136 Bo-th-e Maydenys & nonne . monkes & Ankeres
R: 10,136 bo-th-e maydenys and nu(n)nes . mo(n)k(es) and
anker(es) [aaAx]
U: 10,136 Bo-th-e maydenes and nu(n)nes . monkes and ankres
V: 10,136 Bo_th_e (Maydens) and (Martires) . (Monkes) an
Ancres [aaAx]
J: 10,136 Bothe maydens & martires . monkys & ankeris
K: 10,136 Both maydens & marters . monk(es) & ankers
A: 10,136 Bo-th-e maydenis and maystris . munkis and ankeris
M: 10,136 Bo-th-in maydyns & martris . mu(n)kys & ankris
H3: 10,136 Bothe maydens & martyrys . monkys & ankerys
W: 10,136 Bo-th-e maydenes & martres . monkes & and
ancres [aaAx]
T: 10,137 Kinges & kni[gh]tes & alle kyne clerkis
H2: 10,137 --- this line missing ---
Ch: 10,137 Kynges and kni-gh-tes . and alle kynde clerkes
D: 10,137 Kynges & kny-gh-tes . and alle kenne Clerk(es)
R: 10,137 king and kny-gh-thes . and alle ke(n)nys clerk(is)
U: 10,137 Kynges and knyghtis . and alle kynne clerkes [aaAa]
V: 10,137 (Kynges) and (Knihtes) . and alle (cunne) (Clerkes)
J: 10,137 Kyngys knyhtys . & alle kyns clerkys [aaAa]
K: 10,137 Kyng(es) & knight(es) . & al kynne clerkes
A: 10,137 Kyngis & knytis . and alle o-th-er clerkis
M: 10,137 Kyngis & knythis . & alle kennis clerkys
H3: 10,137 Kyngg(us) & knythys . & alle sky(n)nys
clerkys [aaAa]
W: 10,137 Kynges & knyggtes . and al kyn clerkes [aaAa]
T: 10,138 Barouns & burgeis & bondemen of tounes
H2: 10,138 --- this line is missing ---
Ch: 10,138 Barouns and burgeis . and bondemen of towns [aaAx]
D: 10,138 Barou(n)s & burgeys . & bondeme(n) of Tounes
R: 10,138 Barounes and burgeys . and bondeme(n) of tovnes
U: 10,138 Barouns & burgeys . and bondemen of towne [aaAx]
V: 10,138 (Barouns) and (Burgeis) . and (Bonde) Men of tounes
J: 10,138 Barounys burges . & bondemen of townys [aaAx]
K: 10,138 Barons & burgeses . & bondmen of townes
A: 10,138 Baronis & burgeis . and bondmen of touunes
M: 10,138 Barou(n)s & burgeis . & bondemen of town[i]s
H3: 10,138 Barons borgeys . & bondeme(n) i(n) thounys
W: 10,138 Barons & burgois . & bondemen of tounes
T: 10,139 Ac fals folk & fei[th]les as [th]euis & lei[gh]eris
H2: 10,139 --- this line is missing ---
Ch: 10,139 Bot fals folk and fai-th-lese . as -th-eues and
liers [aaAx]?
D: 10,139 Ac fals folk & fey-th-les . -th-eues & lyeres
R: 10,139 and falce folk and fey-th-les . theuys and lyeres
U: 10,139 Ac fals folk and feithes . as theuys and lyeris
V: 10,139 (ffals) (folk) and (ffei_th_les) . (_th_eoues)
and ly_g_ers [aaaAx]?
J: 10,139 But fals folke & faythles . theuys & lyers
K: 10,139 ffals folke & faithles . thefes and lyars [aaAx]?
A: 10,139 ffalse folke aid feytheles . as theuys and lieris
M: 10,139 But fals foolk & feitles . schewis & lieris
H3: 10,139 As fals folk & feytheles . schrewys & lyerys
W: 10,139 Ac fals folk & fai-th-les . -th-eues & liers
T: 10,140 Ben conseyuid in cursid tyme as kaym was on Eue
H2: 10,140 --- this line is missing ---
Ch: 10,140 Ben conseiued in cursed tyme . as kaym was on
Eue [aaAx]
D: 10,140 Be conceyued in Cursydnesse . as Caym was and eue
R: 10,140 ben (con)seyued in cursed time . as kaym was of
eue [aaAx]
U: 10,140 Ben co(n)ceyued in c(ur)sed tyme . as caym was
and eue [aaAx]
V: 10,140 Ben (Conseyuet) in (Curset) tyme . as (Caym) was
on Eue [aaAx]
J: 10,140 Bene co(n)seyuyd in c(ur)sed tyme . as kayme was
of eue [aaAx]
K: 10,140 Ben conceyuyd in cursyd tyme . as cayme was on
Eue [aaAx]
A: 10,140 Ben conceyuyd in cursid tyme . as caym was of eue
M: 10,140 Ben conseiuedid in cursid tyme . as kaym was of
eue [aaAx]
H3: 10,140 Be(n) co(n)seyuyd i(n) cursyd tyme . as caym was
on eue [aaAx]
W: 10,140 Be-th- conceyued in corsed tyme . as caym was of
Eue [aaAx]
T: 10,141 Aftir [th](a)t ad(a)m & she eten [th]e appil
H2: 10,141 --- this line is missing ---
Ch: 10,141 After -th-at Adam and sche . eten -th-e appelle
D: 10,141 Aft(ir) -th-(a)t Adam & sche . eten -th-e Appel
R: 10,141 after ada(m) and eue . eten -th-e appel [aaAa]
U: 10,141 Aftir -th-at adam & eue . eten -th-e appil
V: 10,141 After _th_at (Adam) and (Eue) . hedden (eten) of
_th_e (Appel) [aaAa]
J: 10,141 Aft(ir) -th-(a)t adam & eue . etyn -th-e appyl
K: 10,141 After that adam & sche . etyn the apple [aaAa]
A: 10,141 Aftir adam and eue . had etyn -th-e appil [aaAa]
M: 10,141 Aftyr -th-at adam & sche . etyn of -th-e appil
H3: 10,141 Aft(ir) -th-at adam & sche . haddy(n) etyn
of -th-e appyl [aaAa]
W: 10,141 Aftr(e) -th-at adam & Eue . etein of -th-e
aple [aaAa]
T: 10,142 A[gh]ens [th]e hest of hym [th](a)t hem of nou[gh]t
H2: 10,142 --- this line is missing ---
Ch: 10,142 A-gh-en -th-e hest of hym . -th-at hem of nou-gh-t
made [aaAx]
D: 10,142 A-gh-en -th-e heste of hym . -th-(a)t hem of nou-gh-t
made [aaAx]
R: 10,142 A-gh-en -th-e heste of hi(m) . -th-(a)t he of nou-gh-t
made [aaAx]
U: 10,142 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 10,142 A_g_eyn _th_e (heste) of (him) . _th_at (hem) of
nou_g_t made [aaAx]
J: 10,142 A-gh-eyne -th-e hestys of him . -th-(a)t -gh-ow
of nouth made [aaAx]
K: 10,142 Ayenst the heste of hym . that hem of nowght made
A: 10,142 A-gh-enys -th-e hest of hym . -th-at hem of nouth
made [aaAx]
M: 10,142 Ageyns -th-e heste of hym . -th-at hy(m) of nouth
made [aaAx]
H3: 10,142 A-gh-ens -th-e hest of hy(m) . -th-(a)t he(m)
of nouth made [aaAx]
W: 10,142 A-gh-ein -th-e hest of hym . -th-at hem of nowht
made [aaAx]
T: 10,143 An aungel in angir hi[gh]te hym to wende
H2: 10,143 --- this line is missing ---
Ch: 10,143 An au(n)gel hi-gh-t hem in anger to wende [aaAx]
D: 10,143 An Angel in Angyr . hi-gh-t hem to wende [aaAx]
R: 10,143 an aungel in haste . het hem to wende [aaAx]
U: 10,143 An aungil in haste . highte hem to wende [aaAx]
V: 10,143 An (Angel) in (haste) . _th_ennes (hem) tornde
J: 10,143 An angel in ang(ir) . het hem to wende [aaAx]
K: 10,143 An angell in hast . het hem to wend [aaAx]
A: 10,143 The aungil in angur . made hem to wende [aaAx]
M: 10,143 And an aungel in a while . hygthe hy(m) to wendy(n)
H3: 10,143 An angel i(n) angyr . hyth he(m) to wende [aaAx]
W: 10,143 An angel in angr(e) . hete hete hem for to wende
T: 10,144 Into [th]is wrecchide world to wonen & to libben
H2: 10,144 --- this line is missing ---
Ch: 10,144 Into -th-e wreched world . to wonen and to libben
D: 10,144 Into -th-is wreched world . to wonyen & lybben
R: 10,144 into -th-e wrecchede word . to wone and to libbe
U: 10,144 Into -th-e wrecchide world . to wone and to libbe
V: 10,144 In-to _th_is (wrecchede) (world) . to (wonen) and
to libben [aaAx]
J: 10,144 Into -th-is wreched world . to wonyn & libbe
K: 10,144 In this wretchid worlde . to wonyen & to lyven
A: 10,144 Into -th-is wrecchid werd . to wonyn and to leue
M: 10,144 Into -th-is wrecchede word . to wonyen & to
libbe(n) [aaAx]
H3: 10,144 Into -th-is wretchyd werld . to wony(n) & lyue
W: 10,144 Into -th-is wrecched world . to wonen & to
lybben [aaAx]
T: 10,145 In tene & trauaille to here lyues ende
H2: 10,145 --- this line is missing ---
Ch: 10,145 In tene and In trauaile . to her lyues ende [aaAxx]
D: 10,145 In tene & trauaylle . to here lyfys ende [aaAxx]
R: 10,145 in tene and in trauayle . into her(e) lyues ende
U: 10,145 In tene & in t(ra)uaile . to here lyues ende
V: 10,145 --- this line om --
J: 10,145 In tene & t(ra)ueyle . to her lyues ende [aaAxx]
K: 10,145 In tene & in t(ra)ueile . to her lyf(es) ende
A: 10,145 In tene and in trauayl . into here lyuys ende [aaAxx]
M: 10,145 In tene & in trauayle . into her(e) lyues hende
H3: 10,145 In tene & t(ra)uayle . to her lyuys ende [aaAxx]
W: 10,145 In tene and in trauail . vnto hire lyues ende [aaAxx]
T: 10,146 In [th](a)t curside constellac(i)ou(n) [th]ei knewe
H2: 10,146 --- this line is missing ---
Ch: 10,146 -Th-at cursed constellacion . -th-ei knew togederes
D: 10,146 In -th-(a)t cursed constulac(i)ou(n) . -th-ey knew
togederes [aaAx]
R: 10,146 In -th-(a)t cursede co(n)stellacyou(n) . -th-ei
knewe togeder(is) [aaAx]
U: 10,146 In -th-at cursede constellacioun . -th-at -th-ei
knewe togidres [aaAx]
V: 10,146 In _th_at (Corsede) (Constellacion) . _th_ei (knewen)
to-gedere [aaAx]
J: 10,146 And in -th-(a)t cursed co(n)stellacyon . -th-ei
knewyn togydyr [aaAx]
K: 10,146 In that cursyd constellaciou(n) . thay knewyn together
A: 10,146 In -th-at cursid constillacion . -th-ei knewe togederis
M: 10,146 In -th-at cursid tyme . -th-ey knewyn togederis
H3: 10,146 In -th-(a)t cursyd tyme . -th-ei knewy(n) he(m)
togederys [aaAx]
W: 10,146 In -th-at corsed constellacion . -th-ai knew hem
togederes [aaAx]
T: 10,147 And brou[gh]t for[th] a barn [th]at muche bale wrou[gh]te
H2: 10,147 --- this line is missing ---
Ch: 10,147 And brou-gh-t fur-th-e a barne . -th-at muche
bale wrou-gh-t [aaAx]
D: 10,147 And brou-gh-t for-th- a barn . -th-(a)t moche bale
wrou-gh-te [aaAx]
R: 10,147 and brou-gh-the for-th- a barn . -th-(a)t muche
bale wrou-gh-the [aaAx]
U: 10,147 And broughte for-th- a barn . -th-(a)t moche bale
wroughte [aaAx]
V: 10,147 And (Brou_g_ten) for_th_ (barnes) . _th_at muche
(bale) wrou_g_ten [aaAx]
J: 10,147 And browtyn forth a barne . -th-(a)t mykyl bale
wrowte [aaAx]
K: 10,147 And brought forth a barn . that mychel bale wrought(e)
A: 10,147 And brouth forth a baron . -th-at mekil bale wrouth
M: 10,147 And brougth forth a bro-th-el . -th-at michil bale
wrouth [aaAx]
H3: 10,147 And brouty(n) forth a barou(n) . -th-(a)t meche
wo wroute [aaAx]
W: 10,147 And broght forth a barn . -th-at muche bale wroght
T: 10,148 Caym [th]ei hym callide in cursid tyme engendrit
H2: 10,148 --- this line is missing ---
Ch: 10,148 Caym -th-ei hym called . in cursed tyme engendred
D: 10,148 Caym -th-ey hem called . in cursed tyme engendryd
R: 10,148 kaym -th-ei hi(m) calde . in cursed tyme engendred
U: 10,148 Caym -th-ei hym callide . in curside tyme engendrid
V: 10,148 (Caym) men (cleped) him . In (Cursed) tyme engendret
J: 10,148 Kayme -th-ei him callydyn . in acursyd tyme engenderid
K: 10,148 Caym thay hym callid . in cursyd tyme Ingendred
A: 10,148 Caym -th-ai hym clepid . in cursid tyme engenderid
M: 10,148 Kaym -th-ey hy(m) kalledy(n) . in cursid tyme getyn
H3: 10,148 Caym -th-ei hy(m) callyd . i(n) cursyd tyme engenderyd
W: 10,148 Caym -th-ai hem called . in corsed tyme engendred
T: 10,149 And so sei[th] [th]e saut(er) se it whanne [th]e
H2: 10,149 --- this line is missing ---
Ch: 10,149 And so sei-th- -th-e sauter . se hit whan -th-e
like-th- [aaAx]
D: 10,149 And so seith -th-e saut(er) . se yt whan -th-e
liketh [aaAx]
R: 10,149 and so sey-th- -th-e saut(er) . se hit whan -th-e
lyky-th- [aaAx]
U: 10,149 And so sei-th- -th-e saut(er) . see it whan -th-e
liki-th- [aaAx]
V: 10,149 And (so) sei_th_ _th_e (sauter) . (seo) hit whon
_th_e like_th_ { Concepit in dolore &c } [Latin]
J: 10,149 And so seyth -th-e sawt(er) . se it qwan -th-e
lykyth [aaAx]
K: 10,149 And so saith the psaulter . see it whan the likyth
A: 10,149 And so seyth -th-e sauter . seyth won -th-u likith
M: 10,149 & so seit -th-e saut(er) . se it whan -th-e
lyket [aaAx]
H3: 10,149 And so seyth -th-e sautyr . se hoso lykyth [aaAx]
W: 10,149 And so sai-th- -th-e Sautr(e) . se it whan -th-e
like-th- { Concepit dolore(m) & pep(er)it i(n)iq(u)itate(m)
} [aaAx]
T: 10,150 {Concepit dolore & pep(er)it iniquitatem &c
H2: 10,150 --- this line is missing ---
Ch: 10,150 { Concepit dolorem et pep(er)it iniquitatem }
D: 10,150 { Concepit dolore et pep(er)it iniquitatem } [Latin]
R: 10,150 { Concepit dolore(m) & peperit iniquitatem
} [Latin]
U: 10,150 { Quare via impiorum p(ro)sp(er)at(ur) b(e)n(e)
est om(n)ib(us) q(u)i p(er)u(er)se & i(n)iq(ue) agunt
} [Latin]
V: 10,150 --- this line om ---
J: 10,150 { Concepit dolorem & pep(er)it iniquitatem
} [Latin]
K: 10,150 { Concepit dolorem & peperit iniquitatem }
A: 10,150 { Concepit dolorem & peperit iniquitatem }
M: 10,150 { Concepit in dolor(e) & pep(er)it iniquitate
} [Latin]
H3: 10,150 { Concepit dolore(m) & pep(er)it i(n)iquitatem &c
} [Latin]
W: 10,150 --- this line om ---
T: 10,151 Alle [th]at comen of [th]at caym crist hatid aftir
H2: 10,151 --- this line is missing ---
Ch: 10,151 Alle come of caym . crist hated after [aaAbb]
D: 10,151 Alle -th-(a)t come(n) of -th-(a)t Caym . cryst
hated aft(ir) [aaAbb]
R: 10,151 Alle -th-(a)t come of -th-at kaym . crist hated
he(m) after [aaAbb]
U: 10,151 Alle -th-at comen of -th-at caym . c(ri)st hatide
hem aftir [aaAbb]
V: 10,151 And alle _th_at (come) of _th_at (Caym) . (Crist)
hem hatede Aftur [aaAx]
J: 10,151 And alle -th-(a)t camyn of kayme . c(ri)ste hatyd
aft(er) [aaAbb]
K: 10,151 And al that co(m)men of that cayme . c(ri)ste hem
hated after [aaAbb]
A: 10,151 Alle -th-at cam of -th-at caym . crist hetid hem
aftir [aaAbb]
M: 10,151 And al -th-at kam of kaym . cryst hatid aftir [aaAbb]
H3: 10,151 And all -th-(a)t comy(n) of -th-(a)t caym . cryst
hatyd aft(ir) [aaAbb]
W: 10,151 And al -th-at come of -th-at Caym . Crist hated
aftr(e) [aaAbb]
T: 10,152 And manye mylions mo of men & of wo(m)men
H2: 10,152 --- this line is missing ---
Ch: 10,152 And many Millions mo . of men and of women [aaaAx]
D: 10,152 And many mylyouns mo . of men & of wymmen [aaaAx]
R: 10,152 and manye milyonys mo . of me(n) and of wy(m)man
U: 10,152 & many mylionos mo . [o]f men and of wo(m)men
V: 10,152 And (Mony) (Milions) (mo) . of (Men) and of Wymmen
J: 10,152 And many myliou(n)ys moo . of men & of wymmen
K: 10,152 And miliouns mo . of men & of wommen [aaaAx]
A: 10,152 And a miliouns mo . of men & of women [aaaAx]
M: 10,152 & many miliou(n)s of men mo & of wi(m)men
H3: 10,152 And many mylyons mo . of me(n) & of wome(n)
W: 10,152 And many millons mo . of men and wymen [aaaAx]
T: 10,153 And of seth & his sistir si[th][th]e for[th]
H2: 10,153 --- this line is missing ---
Ch: 10,153 That of se-th- and his suster . si-th-en for-th-
come [aaAx]
D: 10,153 That of seth & of his sust(er) . sethen for-th-
comen [aaAx]
R: 10,153 and of seth and his suster . swi-th-e for-th- come
U: 10,153 And of seeth & of his sister . sitthe -th-ei
for-th- come [aaAx]
V: 10,153 _Th_at of (Seth) and his (Suster) . (se_th__th_en)
for_th_ coome [aaAx]
J: 10,153 -Th-(a)t of seth & his sistir . sythyn forth
camyn [aaAx]
K: 10,153 Of that seth & his Susters . sithen forth co(m)men
A: 10,153 Ther of seth and his systir . sethen for comyn
M: 10,153 -Th-at of se[e]d & his sust(er) . fele forth
komyn [aaAx]
H3: 10,153 -Th-(a)t of seth & hys systyr . sytthy(n)
forth kemy(n) [aaAx]
W: 10,153 That of Seth and his sustr(e) . sith forth come
T: 10,154 ffor [th]ei mariede hem wi[th] curside men of caymes
H2: 10,154 --- this line is missing ---
Ch: 10,154 ffor -th-ei maried hem with cursed men . of caymes
kynne [abaBb]
D: 10,154 ffor -th-ey maryed hem w(i)t(h) cursed men . of
Caymes kynne [abaBb]
R: 10,154 for -th-ei maried hem w(i)t(h) cursed to me(n)
. of kaymes ky(n)ne [abaBb]
U: 10,154 ffor -th-ei maried hem wi-th- -th-e curside men
. of caymes kynne [abaBb]
V: 10,154 ffor _th_ei (Marieden) to corsed (Men) . _th_at
(comen) of (Caymes) kuynde [aaBb]?
J: 10,154 ffor -th-ei maryedyn hem vnmesourly to men . of
kamys kynde [abaBb]
K: 10,154 ffor thay maried them to cursyd blode to me(n)
. of caymys kynd [abaBb]
A: 10,154 ffor -th-ai maried w(i)t(h) cursid hed . w(i)t(h)
men of caym is kynne [abaBb]
M: 10,154 ffor -th-ey weryn maried w(i)t(h) meu(n) . of kaymis
kende [abaBb]
H3: 10,154 ffor -th-ei maryid he(m) w(i)t(h) cursyd me(n)
. of kayms kende [abaBb]
W: 10,154 ffor they maried hym wyth men . of cayms kyn [abaBb]
T: 10,155 ffor alle [th](a)t comen of [th](a)t caym, acursid
[th]ei were
H2: 10,155 --- this line is missing ---
Ch: 10,155 ffor alle -th-at comen of caym . cursed -th-ei
were [aaAx]
D: 10,155 ffor alle -th-(a)t comen of Caym . cursed -th-ey
were [aaAx]
R: 10,155 ffor al -th-(a)t come of -th-at kaym . acursed
-th-ei were [aaAx]
U: 10,155 ffor alle -th-(a)t comyn of -th-at caym . c(ri)st
hatide hem eu(er)e [aaAx]
V: 10,155 ffor alle _th_at (comen) of _th_at (Caym) . (A-Cursed)
_th_ei weren [aaAx]
J: 10,155 ffor alle -th-(a)t camy(n) of kayme . ac(ur)sed
weryn eu(er)e [aaAx]
K: 10,155 ffor al that co(m)men of that cayme . cursed thay
wer [aaAx]
A: 10,155 Alle -th-at comyn of caym . cursyd -th-ai were
M: 10,155 ffor alle -th-(a)t kome(n) of kaym . acursid -th-ey
wern [aaAx]
H3: 10,155 ffor alle -th-(a)t kemy(n) of kaym . cursyd -th-ei
wery(n) [aaAx]
W: 10,155 ffor al -th-at comen of -th-at caym . acorsed -th-ei
were [aaAx]
T: 10,156 And alle [th](a)t couplide hem w(i)t(h) [th](a)t
kyn crist hatide eu(er)e
H2: 10,156 --- this line is missing ---
Ch: 10,156 And alle -th-at coupled hem with -th-at kynne
. crist hated after [aaAx]
D: 10,156 And alle -th-(a)t cowled -th-(a)t kyn . cryst hated
eu(er)e [aaAx]
R: 10,156 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 10,156 --- this line om ---
V: 10,156 And alle _th_at (couplede) hem to _th_at (kun)
. (crist) hem hatede dedliche [aaAx]
J: 10,156 And alle -th-(a)t cowpledyn hem to -th-(a)t kyn
. c(ri)st hated dedly [aaAx]
K: 10,156 And al that cowpled w(i)t(h) that kynd . c(ri)ste
them hated dedelich [aaAx]
A: 10,156 Alle -th-at coupillid hem to -th-at kyn . crist
hatid hem aftir [aaAx]
M: 10,156 & al -th-at cowplete w(i)t(h) -th-(a)t ken
. crist hatid aftir [aaAx]
H3: 10,156 And alle -th-(a)t copplyd to -th-(a)t kyn . cryst
hatyd dedlyche [aaAx]
W: 10,156 And al -th-a coupled hem to -th-at kyn . crist
hated dedlych [aaAx]
T: 10,157 ffor[th]i he sente to seyn & sende hym be an
H2: 10,157 --- this line is missing ---
Ch: 10,157 ffor-th-i he sent hym to sey . and seide him by
an aungel [aaAx]
D: 10,157 ffor -th-ey he sente to Sem . & seyd hym by
an Angel [aaAx]
R: 10,157 for-th-i he sente he(m) to seye . and seyde hi(m)
by an aungel [aaAx]
U: 10,157 ffor-th-i y sente hem to seye . and seide him by
aungil [aaAx]
V: 10,157 For_th_i he (sende) to (sem) . And (seide) him
bi an Angel [aaAx]
J: 10,157 -th-(er)for he sent to sem . & sayd him be
an aungel [aaAx]
K: 10,157 fforthy he sent to Sem . & said hym by an angell
A: 10,157 ffor-th-i he sent to Sem . & -th-e aungil seyde
to hym [aaAx]
M: 10,157 ffor-th-y he sente hi(m) to se(n)de . & seyde
be an aungel [aaAx]
H3: 10,157 ffor he sent to sem . & seyd hy(m) by(n) an
angel [aaAx]
W: 10,157 ffor-th-i he sent to Sem . and said by [an] angell
T: 10,158 To kepe his kynrede fro kaymes [th]ei couplide nou[gh]t
H2: 10,158 --- this line is missing ---
Ch: 10,158 To kepe his kynrede fro Caymes . -th-ei coupled
nou-gh-t togederes [aaaAx]
D: 10,158 To kepe his kynrede fro Caymes . -th-(a)t -th-ey
couple nou-gh-t togideres [aaaAx]
R: 10,158 to kepe his ky(n)rede fro kaym . -th-(a)t -th-ei
cople not togeder(is) [aaaAx]
U: 10,158 To kepe his kynrede fro caym . -th-at -th-ei couple
not togidres [aaaAx]
V: 10,158 To (kepe) his (cun) from (Caymes) . _th_at _th_ei
(coupled) not to-gedere [aaaAx]
J: 10,158 To kepyn his kynred fro kaymys . -th-ei cowpled
not togyd(er) [aaaAx]
K: 10,158 To kepe his kyndered from cayme . that thay covpelid
not togeder [aaaAx]
A: 10,158 To kepe his kynnerede fro caymis . -th-ei couplid
not togedur [aaaAx]
M: 10,158 To kepe hi(m) fro -th-at -th-at kynde . -th-ey
couplede not togideris [aaaAx]
H3: 10,158 To kepe hys kynrede fro kayms . -th-(a)t -th-(e)i
couple no(n)t togederys [aaaAx]
W: 10,158 To kepe his kynred fro cayms . -th-at -th-ei couple
not togederes [aaaAx]
T: 10,159 And si[th]en sem & his suster wern spousid to
H2: 10,159 --- this line is missing ---
Ch: 10,159 And se-th-en Se-th- and his suster . wer spoused
to Caymes [aaaAx]
D: 10,159 And seth Sem & his sust(er) . were spoused
to Caymes [aaaAx]
R: 10,159 and sy-th-e seth and his sost(er) . were spoused
to kaymes kyn [aaaAx]
U: 10,159 And si-th--th-e see-th- and his sister . wer(e)
spoused wi-th- caymes kynne [aaaAx]
V: 10,159 And se_th__th_en (sem) and his (suster) (sed) .
weren (spoused) to Caymes [aaaAx]
J: 10,159 Ac sethin seem & his sust(er)ys seede . wery(n)
spowsyd to kaymys [aaaAx]
K: 10,159 And sith sem & his sustre Seth . wer spoused
to Caymes [aaaAx]
A: 10,159 And syth sem and his systir . were spousid togederis
M: 10,159 & si-th-in seth & his sust(er) . couplid
weryn to -th-(a)t kynde [aaaAx]
H3: 10,159 And sytth sem & hys susterys sed . were spousyd
to kayms [aaaAx]
W: 10,159 And si-th- sem and his sustre se-th- . were spoused
T: 10,160 Ageyns godis hest girlis hy geten
H2: 10,160 --- this line is missing ---
Ch: 10,160 A-gh-ens godis heste . gerles -th-ei geten [aaAa]
D: 10,160 Ageyn goddys heste . gyrles -th-ey gete [aaAa]
R: 10,160 Agayn god(is) heste . gerles -th-ei getyn [aaAa]
U: 10,160 A-y-ens godis heste . girles -th-ei geten [aaAa]
V: 10,160 (A-_g_eyn) (Godes) heste . (Gurles) _th_ei (geeten)
J: 10,160 Agayn goddes hest . cherlys -th-ei be-gh-ete [aaAa]
K: 10,160 Ayenst god(is) hest . gyrles thay getten [aaAa]
A: 10,160 A-gh-enys -th-e hest of god . garlis -th-ei gotyn
M: 10,160 & ageyn -th-e heste of god . childry(n) -th-ey
getyn [aaAa]
H3: 10,160 A-gh-ens -th-e hest of god . gerlys -th-ei gette
W: 10,160 T kayms kyn a-gh-ens -th-e hest of god [aaAa]
T: 10,161 [Th]at god was wro[th] wi[th] here werkis & seide
suche wordis
H2: 10,161 --- this line is missing ---
Ch: 10,161 -Th-at god was wro-th-e with her wirkes . and
seide such wordes [aaAx]
D: 10,161 That god was wroth w(i)t(h) here werkes . & seyde
swich wordes [aaAx]
R: 10,161 and god was wro-th- w(i)t(h) her(e) werkes . and
sayde -th-ese word(es) [aaAx]
U: 10,161 and god was wro-th- wi-th- here werkis . & seide
-th-ese wordis [aaAx]
V: 10,161 _Th_at God was (wro_th_) with heor (werk) . And
suche (wordes) seide [aaAx]
J: 10,161 And god was wrothe w(i)t(h) her werkys . & swyche
wordys seyde [aaAx]
K: 10,161 That god was wroth w(i)t(h) her work(es) . & such
word(es) saide [aaAx]
A: 10,161 God was wrouth w(i)t(h) here werkis . an sweche
wordis seyde [aaAx]
M: 10,161 -Th-at god was wroth w(i)t(h) her(e) werkys . & seyde
-th-yse wor [aaAx]
H3: 10,161 And god was wroth w(i)t(h) her werkys . & sweche
word(is) seyde [aaAx]
W: 10,161 Girles -th-ei geten -th-at god wro-th- wi-th- here
werkes [aaAx]
T: 10,162 {Penitet me fecisse ho(m)i(n)em}
H2: 10,162 --- this line is missing ---
Ch: 10,162 { Penitet me fecisse hominem } [Latin]
D: 10,162 { Penitet me fecisse ho(m)i(n)em &c } [Latin]
R: 10,162 { Penitet me fecisse eos .i. ho(m)i(n)es } [Latin]
U: 10,162 { Penitet me fecisse ho(m)i(n)em } [Latin]
V: 10,162 --- attached to line 164 --
J: 10,162 { Penitet me fecisse hominem } [Latin]
K: 10,162 { Penitet me fecisse hominem } [Latin]
A: 10,162 { Penitet me fecisse hominem } [Latin]
M: 10,162 { Penitet ho(m)i(n)em mefecisse } [Latin]
H3: 10,162 { Penitet me fecisse ho(m)i(n)em &c } [Latin]
W: 10,162 And suche wordes saide { Penitet me fecisse ho(m)i(n)em
} [Latin]
T: 10,163 And is as muche to mene among vs alle
H2: 10,163 --- this line is missing ---
Ch: 10,163 And is als much to mene . among vs alle [aaAx]
D: 10,163 And is as moche to mene . among vs alle [aaAx]
R: 10,163 and is as moche to mene . amonge vs alle [aaAx]
U: 10,163 -Th-(a)t is as moche to mene . among vs alle [aaAx]
V: 10,163 And is _th_us (muche) to (Mene) . (A-monges) _g_ou
alle [aaAx]
J: 10,163 And is as mychyl to mene . rith among vs alle [aaAx]
K: 10,163 And is as michel to mean . among(es) vs alle [aaAx]
A: 10,163 That is to mene . among vs alle [aaAx]
M: 10,163 -Th-at is as michel to mene . among vs alle [aaAx]
H3: 10,163 -Th-is is as meche to mene . among vs alle [aaAx]
W: 10,163 That is as muche to mene . amonges vs alle [aaAx]
T: 10,164 [Th]at I man makide now it me for[th]inke[th]
H2: 10,164 --- this line is missing ---
Ch: 10,164 -Th-at I man maked now . it me for-th-inke-th-
D: 10,164 That I man maked now . yt me for-th-ynke-th- [aaAx]?
R: 10,164 -Th-at I man maked now . hit me for-th-enke-th-
U: 10,164 -Th-at y man made sore . it me for-th-inkith [aaAx]?
V: 10,164 _Th_at I (makede) (Mon) . nou hit (me) for-_th_inke_th_
{ Penitet me &c } [aaAx]
J: 10,164 -Th-(a)t I man made now . me forthugkyth [aaAx]?
K: 10,164 That I man maked now . it me forthynketh [aaAx]?
A: 10,164 That I man makid . now me ouyr thynkith [aaAx]?
M: 10,164 -Th-at I man makede now . it me for-th-inkit-gh-
H3: 10,164 -Th-(a)t I ma(n) mad now . it me forthynkyth [aaAx]?
W: 10,164 That I haue man made now . it me for-th-inke-th-
T: 10,165 And com to noe anon and bad hym nou[gh]t lette
H2: 10,165 --- this line is missing ---
Ch: 10,165 And come to Noee anone . and bad hym nou-gh-t
lete [aaAx]
D: 10,165 And come to noe an noon . & badde hym nou-gh-t
lette [aaAx]
R: 10,165 And cam to Noe anon . and bad hi(m) not lette [aaAx]
U: 10,165 And com to nowel anon . and bad hym not letten
V: 10,165 And com to (Noe) (Anon) . And bad him not lette
J: 10,165 And cam to noe anone . & bad him nouth lette
K: 10,165 And come to Noe anon . & bad hym not lette
A: 10,165 And cam to noe anon . and bad hym not lette [aaAx]
M: 10,165 & kam to noie anoon . & bad hi(m) not lettyn
H3: 10,165 And come to noe ano(n) . & bad hy(m) nouth
lette [aaAx]
W: 10,165 A[nd] come to Noe anoon . & badde hym not lette
T: 10,166 Swi[th]e to shapen a sship of shidis & bordis
H2: 10,166 --- this line is missing ---
Ch: 10,166 Swi-th-e schape a schippe . of schides and bordes
D: 10,166 Swy-th-e go shapen a ship . of shydes & bordes
R: 10,166 Swy-th-e to shapyn a ship . of shid(is) and of
bord(is) [aaAx]
U: 10,166 Swi-th-e to schapen him a schip . of sides and
of bordes [aaAx]
V: 10,166 Swi_th_e to (schapen) A (schup) . of (schides)
and Bordes [aaAx]
J: 10,166 Swythe gon schapyn a schippe . of schides & bordes
K: 10,166 Swyth go schapen a schipp . of schid(is) & of
bordes [aaAx]
A: 10,166 To schapyn hym a schip . of shidis and of bordis
M: 10,166 Swy-th-e gyn to schapy(n) a schip . of schidis & bordis
H3: 10,166 But swythe gou(n) schapy(n) a schyp . schydys & bordys
W: 10,166 Swy-th-e go shape a shippe . of shides and bordes
T: 10,167 Hymself & his sones [th]re & si[th]en here
H2: 10,167 --- this line is missing ---
Ch: 10,167 Hym self and his sones -th-re . and se-th--th-en
her wiues [aaAx]
D: 10,167 Hym self & his sones -th-re . & sethen
here wyues [aaAx]
R: 10,167 Hi(m) self and his sones -th-re . and sy-th-en
her(e) wyues [aaAx]
U: 10,167 Him selue and his sones -th-re . and sithen alle
her(e) wyues [aaAx]
V: 10,167 (Him-self) and his (sones) _th_re . And (se_th__th_en)
heore wyues [aaAx]
J: 10,167 Hym selue & his so(n)nys -th-re . & sethyn
her wyues [aaAx]
K: 10,167 Hym self & his sonnes three . & sythen
her wyfes [aaAx]
A: 10,167 Hym selue and his sonys thre . & sythen here
wyues [aaAx]
M: 10,167 Hym self & hise sones iij . & si-th-in
her(e) wyues [aaAx]
H3: 10,167 Hy(m) self & hys iij sonys . & sytthy(n)
her wyuys [aaAx]
W: 10,167 Hym self & his sone -th-re . and si-th-en here
wyues [aaAx]
T: 10,168 Buskide to [th]at boot & biden [th](er)eInne
H2: 10,168 --- this line is missing ---
Ch: 10,168 Busked to -th-at bote . and biden -th-erInne [aaAx]
D: 10,168 Bosken to -th-(a)t boot . & byden -th-(er)inne
R: 10,168 buskede to -th-at bot . and byde -th-erynne [aaAx]
U: 10,168 Buskide hem to -th-e boot . to abide -th-(er)ynne
V: 10,168 (Bringen) hem to _th_e (Bot) . And (byden) _th_er-Inne
J: 10,168 Buskyn hem to -th-(a)t bote . vnbydyn -th-(er)Inne
K: 10,168 Busken hem to that bote . & byden theryn [aaAx]
A: 10,168 Buskym hem brymme to -th-at bot . aid holdym hem
-th-(er)inne [aaAx]
M: 10,168 buskedy(n) hem breme to -th-e boot . & bidi(n)
-th-erinne [aaAx]
H3: 10,168 Buskyn he(m) bry(m)me i(n)to -th-(a)t bot . & abydy(n)
-th-(er)Inne [aaAx]
W: 10,168 Bring hem to -th-at bote brime . & bide -th-(er)inne
T: 10,169 Til fourty dayes be fulfild [th]at flood haue ywasshe
H2: 10,169 Tyl fourty dayes be fulfild . that folood haue
ywassche [aaAx]
Ch: 10,169 Tille fourty daies ben fulfilled . -th-at flode
haue Iwasch [aaAx]
D: 10,169 Tyl fourty be fulfilled . -th-(a)t flood haue Iwassche
R: 10,169 Til fourty dayes wer(e) fulfyld . -th-(a)t flode
haue ywassche [aaAx]
U: 10,169 Til fourty be fulfild . -th-e flood haue ywaschide
V: 10,169 Til (ffourti) dawes ben (folfuld) . _th_e (flod)
haue I-wassche [aaAx]
J: 10,169 Til fourty dayes ben fulfilled . -th-e flode haue
Iwasche [aaAx]
K: 10,169 Til fourtie days ben fulfillyd . that the [flode]
haue wasshed [aaAx]
A: 10,169 Til fourti days hath fulfillid . -th-at flod hath
Iwaschen [aaAx]
M: 10,169 Til xl daies ben fulfeld . -th-at flood han ywaschy(n)
H3: 10,169 Tyl xl dayis arn I fyllyd . -th-e flod hat Iwaschyd
W: 10,169 Til fourti days be fulfild . -th-at flode haue
washed [aaAx]
T: 10,170 Clene awey [th]e cursid blood [th]at caym ha[th]
H2: 10,170 Clene away the cursid blood . that caym hat-gh-
ymakid [aaAx]
Ch: 10,170 Clene away -th-e cursed blode . -th-at Caym ha-th-
Imaked [aaAx]
D: 10,170 Clene away -th-at cursed blod . -th-at Cayme hath
Imaked [aaAx]
R: 10,170 clene away -th-e cursed blod . -th-(a)t caym ha-th-
ymaked [aaAx]
U: 10,170 Clene awey -th-e curside blod . -th-(a)t caym ha-th-
ymakid [aaAx]
V: 10,170 (Clene) awey _th_e (cursede) blod . _th_at (Caym)
ha_th_ I-maket [aaAx]
J: 10,170 Clene away -th-e c(ur)sed blode . -th-(a)t kayme
hath Imakyde [aaAx]
K: 10,170 Clene away that cursed blode . that Cayme hath
Imaked [aaAx]
A: 10,170 Clene awey -th-e cursid blod . -th-at caym hath
Imakid [aaAx]
M: 10,170 Clene awey -th-e cursid blood . -th-at kaym hadd
ymakyd [aaAx]
H3: 10,170 Clene awey -th-e cursyd blod . -th-(a)t kaym had
Imakyd [aaAx]
W: 10,170 Clene away -th-e corsed blode . -th-at Caym ha-th-
maked [aaAx]
T: 10,171 Bestis [th](a)t now ben shuln banne [th]e tyme
H2: 10,171 Bestis that now bien . schul banne the tyme [aaAx]
Ch: 10,171 Beestes -th-at now ben . schal banne -th-e tyme
D: 10,171 Bestes -th-(a)t now be-th- . schul banne -th-e
tyme [aaAx]
R: 10,171 best(is) -th-at now ben . shal ba(n)ne -th-e tyme
U: 10,171 Bestis -th-at now ben . schulle banne -th-e time
V: 10,171 '(Beestes) _th_at now (ben) . mouwen curse _th_e
tyme [aaAx]
J: 10,171 Bestys -th-(a)t now bene . scholyn banny(n) -th-e
stounde [aaAx]
K: 10,171 Bestes that now ben . schal banne the stounde [aaAx]
A: 10,171 Bestis -th-at now ben . schul banne -th-at stounde
M: 10,171 Bestis -th-at now ben . scholy(n) bau(n)e -th-e
tyme [aaAx]
H3: 10,171 Bestys -th-(a)t now be(n) . xul banne -th-e tyme
W: 10,171 Bestes -th-at nowe be-th- . shal banne -th-e tyme
T: 10,172 [Th]at eu(er)e curside caym com on [th]is er[th]e
H2: 10,172 That eu(er)e c(ur)sid caym . com on this erthe
Ch: 10,172 -Th-at euer cursed caym . come on er-th-e [aaAx]
D: 10,172 That eu(er)e -th-(a)t Cursed Cayme . come on -th-is
er-th-e [aaAx]
R: 10,172 -Th-at euer(e) cursede kaym . com to -th-is er-th-e
U: 10,172 -Th-at eu(er)e -th-e curside kaym . com to -th-e
er-th-e [aaAx]
V: 10,172 Th_at euere _th_at (Cursede) (Caym) . (Com) vppon
eor_th_e [aaAx]
J: 10,172 -Th-(a)t eu(er)e -th-(a)t c(ur)syd kayme . cam
on -th-is erthe [aaAx]
K: 10,172 That eu(er) that cursed Cayme . came on the erthe
A: 10,172 That euyr cursid caym . cam on grounde [aaAx]
M: 10,172 -Th-at euer(e) cursede kaym . on -th-ys erde [aaAx]
H3: 10,172 -Th-at eu(er) cursyd caym . cam in -th-is erthe
W: 10,172 That euere corsed caym . come on -th-is er-th-e
T: 10,173 Alle shuln dei[gh]e for his dedis be dounes & hilles
H2: 10,173 Alle schuln dey-gh-e for his dedis . be dou(n)nes
and hilles [aaAx]
Ch: 10,173 Alle schul deye for his dedes . by dounes and
hilles [aaAx]
D: 10,173 And alle schal deye for his dede . be dou(n)nes & hulles
R: 10,173 Alle shul deye for his dedys . be downes and hilles
U: 10,173 Alle schulle deie for his dedys . by downes & hilles
V: 10,173 Alle schulen (dye) for his (dedes) . Bi (Dounes)
and hulles [aaAx]
J: 10,173 Alle schal dey-gh-yn for her dedys . be dou(n)nys & hillis
K: 10,173 Al schallen dye for his dede . by downes & hilles
A: 10,173 Alle schul deyn for his dede . be dounys & hillis
M: 10,173 ffor al schal deien for his dedis . be townis & helly(n)
H3: 10,173 Al xal byen for hys dedys . bothe dowyns & hyllys
W: 10,173 Al shal die for his dedes . by dounes and hilles
T: 10,174 Bo[th]e fisshis & foulis for[th] mi[th] o[th](er)e
H2: 10,174 Bothe fysches and foules . for with other bestis
Ch: 10,174 Bo-th-e fisches and foules . fur-th-e with o-th-er
bestes [aaAx]
D: 10,174 Bo-th-e fyssches & foules . for-th- myd o-th-(er)
bestes [aaAx]
R: 10,174 Bo-th-e fysshes and foules . for-th- w(i)t(h) -th-e
best(is) [aaAx]
U: 10,174 Bo-th-e fisches and foules . e(uen)for-th- wi-th-
-th-e bestis [aaAx]
V: 10,174 Bo_th_e (ffisch) and (ffoules) . (for_th_) wi_th_
o_th_er beestes [aaAx]
J: 10,174 Bothin fyschis & fowl(is) . forth w(i)t(h)
o-th-(er) bestys [aaAx]
K: 10,174 Both fisshys & fowl(is) . forth with other
bestes [aaAx]
A: 10,174 Bo-th-e fyschis and foulis . forth w(i)t(h) o-th-er
bestis [aaAx]
M: 10,174 Bo-th-in fischis & fowlis . forth myd o-th-re
bestis [aaAx]
H3: 10,174 Bothe fyschys & foulys . w(i)t(h) o-th-ir
bestys [aaAx]
W: 10,174 Bothe fysh and foule . forth wi-th- o-th-er bestes
T: 10,175 Outtake [th]e ei[gh]te soulis & of iche beste
a couple
H2: 10,175 Out-gh-take the ei-gh-te soules . and of iche
best a couple [aaAx]
Ch: 10,175 Outake -th-e viij soules . and of ech beest a
couple [aaAx]
D: 10,175 Outetake -th-e eyte soules . & of eche beste
a couple [aaAx]
R: 10,175 outtake viij soules . and eche beste a couple [aaAx]
U: 10,175 Outtake -th-e souen sowles . -th-at of ech best
a couple [aaAx]
V: 10,175 (Out-taken) (Eihte) soules . And of (vche) beest
A Couple [aaAx]
J: 10,175 Owttakyn -gh-e eyte . & of iche best a cowple
K: 10,175 Outetaken the eyghte sowles . & of eche beste
a covple [aaAx]
A: 10,175 Outtakyn seuene soulis . & of eche a best a
couple [aaAx]
M: 10,175 but take -gh-e iij soulis . & of iche beste
a couple [aaAx]
H3: 10,175 But take -gh-e viij soulys . of eche beste a couple
W: 10,175 Outtake -th-e eyght soules . & of eche best
a couple [aaAx]
T: 10,176 Put [th]at in [th]e same ship [th]at shal ben ysauid
H2: 10,176 Put that in the same schip . that schal bien ysaued
Ch: 10,176 Putte In -th-e same schippe . -th-at I schal ben
saued [aaAx]
D: 10,176 That in -th-e sengle schip . schal ben Isaued [aaAx]
R: 10,176 -Th-at in -th-e sengle ship . shul be ysaued [aaAx]
U: 10,176 -Th-at in -th-e sengle schyppe . -th-at tyme schal
be saued [aaAx]
V: 10,176 _Th_at in _th_e (schynglede) (schup) . (schullen)
ben I-saued [aaAx]
J: 10,176 -Th-(a)t in -gh-oure schyngelyd schyp . schal ben
Isauyd [aaAx]
K: 10,176 That in the schynglid schip . schulden ben Isaued
A: 10,176 That in -th-e sengle schip . schul be sauyd [aaAx]
M: 10,176 -Th-at in -th-at schinglid schip . schulde ben
Isauyd [aaAx]
H3: 10,176 -Th-(a)t i(n) -th-e sollyd schyp . xal be(n) ysauyd
W: 10,176 That in -th-is shyngled shippe . shal ben ysaued
T: 10,177 Ellis shal alle di[gh]en & to helle wenden
H2: 10,177 Ellis schal al dei-gh-en . and to helle wenden
Ch: 10,177 Elles schal al dyen . and to helle wenden [aaAx]?
D: 10,177 Elles schal al deyen . & to helle wenden [aaAx]?
R: 10,177 Ellys shul alle deye . and to helle wende [aaAx]?
U: 10,177 Elles schulde alle deie . and to helle wende [aaAx]?
V: 10,177 (Elles) schal (al) dye . and to (helle) weende
J: 10,177 Ellis schal alle deye . & to helle wende [aaAx]?
K: 10,177 Els schulden al dyen . & to helle wende [aaAx]?
A: 10,177 Ellis schul alle deyen . & to helle wendyn
M: 10,177 Ell(is) schal al deyin . & to helle wendy(n)
H3: 10,177 Ell(is) xal alle deyen . & to helle wende
W: 10,177 Elles shal al die . and to helle wende [aaAx]?
T: 10,178 [Th]oru[gh] curside caym [th]us cam care vpon alle
H2: 10,178 Thoru cursid caym . thus cam car(e) vpon alle
Ch: 10,178 -Th-orou-gh- cursed Caym . -th-us come care vpon
alle [aaAa]
D: 10,178 -Th-us -th-oru-gh-t Cursed Caym . com care vpon
alle [aaAa]
R: 10,178 -Th-us -th-hur-gh- cursed caym . come car(e) vpon
alle [aaAa]
U: 10,178 -Th-us -th-urw curside caym . com care vppon alle
V: 10,178 _Th_us _th_orw (Cursede) (Caym) . Com (Care) vppon
alle [aaAx]?
J: 10,178 -Th-(us) -th-orow c(ur)syd kayme . kam kar(e) vppon
alle [aaAa]
K: 10,178 Thus thrugh cursyd Caym . came care vpon alle [aaAa]
A: 10,178 Thus -th-orow cursid caym . cam care vpon alle
M: 10,178 -Th-us -th-ourth cursid kaym . kam kar(e) o loofte
H3: 10,178 -Th-us tho(ur) cursyd caym . com care to vs alle
W: 10,178 Thus -th-rogh corsed Caym . come care vpon er-th-e
T: 10,179 And al for sem & his sist(er) children spouside
ei[th](er) o[th](er)
H2: 10,179 And al for seem and his suster children . spousid
ey-th-(er) o-th-(er) [aaAx]
Ch: 10,179 And al for seth and his soster children . spoused
e-th-er o-th-er [aaAx]
D: 10,179 And al for Sem & his sust(er) childryn . spousyd
o-th-(er) [aaAx]
R: 10,179 And al for seth and his childre(n) . spoused her(e)
ey-th-(er) o-th-(er) [aaAx]
U: 10,179 And al for seeth and his sistor . spousid her(e)
ei-th-(er) othir [aaAx]
V: 10,179 ffor (Sem) and his (suster) children . (spouseden)
ei_th_er o_th_er [aaAx]
J: 10,179 And al for seem & his sist(er)ys childeryn
. leyne togyder(e) [aaAx]
K: 10,179 And al for sem & his suster childern . spousyd
eyther other [aaAx]
A: 10,179 Alle for sem & his sisteris childeryn . spousid
togederis [aaAx]
M: 10,179 & al for seth & his sustri(n) . spousedi(n)
childry(n) togeder(e) [aaAx]
H3: 10,179 And al for seem & hys systerys chyldery(n)
. dyspousyd e-th-ir o-th-yr [aaAx]
W: 10,179 And al for sem & hys sustres childres [aaAx]
T: 10,180 A[gh]en [th]e lawe of oure lord ley hem togid(er)is
H2: 10,180 A-gh-en the lawe of our(e) lord . lei-gh- hem
togyderes [aaAx]
Ch: 10,180 A-gh-en -th-e leue of our lorde . ley hem togederes
D: 10,180 A-gh-en -th-e lawe of oure lord . layen togideres
R: 10,180 a-gh-en -th-e lawe of our(e) lord . ley-gh-en togeder(is)
U: 10,180 A-y-ens -th-e lawe of our lord . leyen togidre
V: 10,180 A_g_eyn _th_e (lawe) of vr (lord) . (ly_g_en) to-gedere
J: 10,180 A-gh-en -th-e law of our(e) lorde . spowsyd eythir
o-th-(er) [aaAx]
K: 10,180 Ayen the lawe of o(ur) lord . layen togeders [aaAx]
A: 10,180 A-gh-eynis -th-e lawe of oure lord . loyn togedris
M: 10,180 --- this line is omitted ---
H3: 10,180 A-gh-ens -th-e lawe of our lord . leyen togederys
W: 10,180 Spoused e-th-er o-th-er a-gh-ein -th-e lawe of
oure lorde [aaAx]
T: 10,181 And mariede at meschief as men do now h(er)e children
H2: 10,181 And maried at myschif . as men do now her(e) children
Ch: 10,181 And maried at mischef . as men do now her children
D: 10,181 And maryed at Myschief . as men do now here Childryn
R: 10,181 And wer(e) maried at myschef . as me(n) do now
her(e) childre(n) [aaAx]
U: 10,181 And were maried at meschief . as men don now her(e)
children [aaAx]
V: 10,181 And weoren (Maried) at (Mischef) . as (Men) do_th_
now heore children [aaAx]
J: 10,181 And weryn mariyd at myschef . as me(n) -gh-yuy(n)
now h(er) childerin [aaAx]
K: 10,181 And wern maried at mischef . as me(n) done now
her childern [aaAx]
A: 10,181 And were maried to myschef . as men do now here
children [aaAx]
M: 10,181 & wern maried at mschef . as me(n) dot-gh-
now her(e) childry(n) [aaAx]
H3: 10,181 And were maryid at myschyeff . as me(n) do(n)
now her childery(n) [aaAx]
W: 10,181 laien togederes and were maried at myschef
W: 10,181 As men don now here childre [aaAx]
T: 10,182 ffor su(m)me as I se now so[th] for to telle
H2: 10,182 ffor su(m) as I se now . soth for to telle [aaAx]
Ch: 10,182 ffor som as I se now . for so-th-e for to telle
D: 10,182 ffor somme as I se now . so-th- for to telle [aaAx]
R: 10,182 for some as I se now . soth for to telle [aaAx]
U: 10,182 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 10,182 ffor (summe) as I (seo) nou . (so_th_) for to tellen
J: 10,182 for su(m)e as I se now . -th-e sothe for to telle
K: 10,182 ffor sum as I here nowe . the soth for to telle
A: 10,182 ffor summe as I se now . -th-e so-th-e for to telle
M: 10,182 ffor su(m)me as I se now . -th-e so-th-e for to
tellyn [aaAx]
H3: 10,182 ffor now so(m)me as I se . -th-e sothe for to
telle [aaAx]
W: 10,182 ffor som as I se now . so-th- for to telle [aaAx]
T: 10,183 ffor coueitise of catel vnkyndely be maried
H2: 10,183 ffor couetise of catel . vnkyndely bien maried
Ch: 10,183 ffor couatise of catelle . vnkendlich ben maried
D: 10,183 ffor coueytise of Catel . vnkendly be maryed [aaAx]
R: 10,183 for couetyse of catel . vnkyndely be maried [aaAx]
U: 10,183 -Th-at for couetise of catel . vnkyndely ben maried
V: 10,183 ffor (Couetise) of (Catel) . (vnkuyndeliche) beo_th_
maried [aaAx]
J: 10,183 for couetyse of catel . vnkyndely ben mariyd [aaAx]
K: 10,183 ffor couetise of catell . vnkyndlich ben maried
A: 10,183 ffor coueytice of catel . vnkendeliche be maried
M: 10,183 ffor couetise of catel . vnkendeliche arn maryd
H3: 10,183 ffor coueytyse of catel . vnkendly be(n) maryid
W: 10,183 ffor coueitise of catel . vnkendly be-th- maried
T: 10,184 A carful concepc(i)ou(n) comi[th] of such weddyng
H2: 10,184 A carful consepc(i)ou(n) . cometh of such weddyng
Ch: 10,184 A carful concepciou(n) . come-th- of such mariage
D: 10,184 A Careful concepc(i)ou(n) . comyth of swiche weddynge
R: 10,184 a carful concepciou(n) . come-th- of swich a weddyng
U: 10,184 A carful concepciou(n) . cometh of swiche weddynge
V: 10,184 And (Careful) (Concepcion) . (come_th_) of such
weddyng [aaAx]
J: 10,184 A kareful co(n)ception . comyth of swyche weddyng
K: 10,184 A careful concepciou(n) . comith of such weddyng
A: 10,184 A carful concepcioun . comith on sweche a weddyng
M: 10,184 A kareful concepciou(n) . komsit of swich weddyng
H3: 10,184 And carful co(n)cepc(i)ou(n) . comyth of sweche
maryages [aaAx]
W: 10,184 A carful concepcion . come-th- of such weddyng
T: 10,185 As fel of [th]e folk as before shewide
H2: 10,185 As fele of the folk . as befor(e) schewyd [aaAx]
Ch: 10,185 As befel of -th-e folk . as I before schewed [aaAx]
D: 10,185 As fele of -th-e folk . as I before swewed [aaAx]
R: 10,185 As fele of -th-is folk . as I before shewyd [aaAx]
U: 10,185 As felle of -th-is folk . -th-at y byfore schewede
V: 10,185 Also (bifel) of _th_at (folk) . _th_at I (beo-fore)
schewede [aaAx]
J: 10,185 As fel of -th-(a)t folke . -th-(a)t I beforne schewyd
K: 10,185 As fel of the folk(es) . that I before of schewyd
A: 10,185 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 10,185 As befel of -th-o folk . -th-at beforn schewede
H3: 10,185 As fel of -th-e folk . -th-(a)t I before of schewyd
W: 10,185 As fele of -th-e folk . -th-at I befor shewed [aaAx]
T: 10,186 It is an vncomely copil be crist as I wene
H2: 10,186 It is an vncomely couple . be crist as I wene
Ch: 10,186 Hit is an oncomelich couple . by crist as I wene
D: 10,186 Hit is an oncomely couple . be Crist as I wene
R: 10,186 h(i)t is an vncomly couple . by crist as y wene
U: 10,186 It is an vncomly couple . by crist as as y wene
V: 10,186 Hit is an (vn-Comely) (Couple) . be (Cryst), as
me _th_inke_th_ [aaAx]
J: 10,186 It is rith vncomely . be crist as me thinkyth [aaAx]
K: 10,186 It is an oncomly couple . by cryst as me thynkyth
A: 10,186 It is vnkendely weddyng . be crist as me thynkith
M: 10,186 It is an vnkende cowple . be crist as me -th-inkith
H3: 10,186 It is a vnkendly couple . be cryst as me thynkyth
W: 10,186 It is an vnkyndly couple . by crist as me -th-inke-th-
T: 10,187 To [y]iuen a [y]ong wenche to an old feble
H2: 10,187 To -gh-euen a -gh-ong wenche . to an olde feble
man [aaXx]
Ch: 10,187 To -gh-eue a -gh-ou(n)g wenche . to an olde feble
D: 10,187 To -gh-euen a -gh-ong wenche . to an old feble
R: 10,187 to -gh-eue a -gh-ong wenche . to an olde feble
U: 10,187 To -y-yue a -y-ong wenche . to an olde feble [aaXx]
V: 10,187 To (_g_euen) a (_g_ong) wenche . to an old feble
Mon [aaXx]
J: 10,187 To -gh-yuen a -gh-ong wenche . to an olde feble
K: 10,187 To yeue a yong wenche . to an old feble [aaXx]
A: 10,187 To -gh-euyn a -gh-ong wenche . to an old feble
M: 10,187 To weddyn a -y-ong wenche . to a man of elde [aaXx]
H3: 10,187 To -gh-euy(n) a -gh-ong wenche . to an hold feble
ma(n) [aaXx]
W: 10,187 To -gh-if a -gh-ong . [to] an hold feble [aaXx]
T: 10,188 Or wedde any wydewe for any wele of godis
H2: 10,188 Or wedde any wedewe . for any wele of godis [aaAx]
Ch: 10,188 Or to wedde any wedowe . for any wel-th-e of godes
D: 10,188 Or wedden eny widue . for ony wele of goodes [aaAx]
R: 10,188 or wedde ony wedue . for ony wele of god(is) [aaAx]
U: 10,188 Or wedde ony wydewe . for ony wele of godis [aaAx]
V: 10,188 Or to (wedden) an Old (widewe) . for (weol_th_e)
of hire goodes [aaAx]
J: 10,188 Or weddyn ony wydow . for welth of her godes [aaAx]
K: 10,188 Or weddyn any wydowe . for any weale of good(is)
A: 10,188 Or wedde ony wedowe . for ony welth of goodis [aaAx]
M: 10,188 Or weddy(n) any wedewe . for lykyg of her(e) goodis
H3: 10,188 Or weddy(n) any wedewe . for any wele of goodys
W: 10,188 Or weddyn any wedowe . for welthe of here goodes
T: 10,189 [Th](a)t neu(er)e shal bere child but it be in armes
H2: 10,189 That schal neu(er) ber(e) child . but it be in
armes [aaAx]
Ch: 10,189 -Th-at neuer schal bere child . bot hit be in
her armes [aaAx]
D: 10,189 That neu(er) schal bere barn . but it be in here
Armes [aaAx]
R: 10,189 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 10,189 -Th-at neu(er)e schal bere child . but it be in
armes [aaAx]
V: 10,189 _Th_at neuer schal Child bere . bote hit beo in
hire Armes [????]
J: 10,189 -Th-(a)t neu(er)e schal beryn barne . but it be
in her armys [aaAx]
K: 10,189 That neu(er) schal barne bere . but if it be in
armes [aaAx]
A: 10,189 That neu(er) schal baron bere . but it be in here
armes [aaAx]
M: 10,189 -Th-at neu(er)e schal bern barn . but it be i(n)
hir(e) harmis [aaAx]
H3: 10,189 -Th-at neu(er) xal baru(n) bery(n) . but -gh-yf
it be i(n) armys [aaAx]
W: 10,189 That shal neuere barn bere . but it be in here
(:::) [aaAx]
T: 10,190 In gelosie ioyeles & ianglyng of bedde
H2: 10,190 In ielosie ioyeles . and Iangelyng of bedde [aaAx]
Ch: 10,190 In iolosie ioyeles . and gangeling on bedde [aaAx]
D: 10,190 In Ielousye Ioyles . w(i)t(h) Ianglyng a bedde
R: 10,190 In Ielosye ioyeles . and ianglyng a bedde [aaAx]
U: 10,190 In Ielusie ioieles . and ianglynge a bedde [aaAx]
V: 10,190 In (Ielesye) and (Ioyeles) . and (Ianglynge) in
Bedde [aaAx]
J: 10,190 In Iolouste Ioyles . & Iangelyn on bedde [aaAx]
K: 10,190 In Ielosye Ioyles . Iangelyng in bedd [aaAx]
A: 10,190 Ielisie ioyles . an iangelyng in bedde [aaAx]
M: 10,190 In gelusie -th-ey Ioilyn . & Iangli(n) on bedde
H3: 10,190 In gelesoy-gh-e & Ioyles . & Iangelyng
on bedde [aaAx]
W: 10,190 In ielousy ioiles . -th-ai goon to here beddes
T: 10,191 Manye peire si[th]en [th]is pestilence han pi[gh]t
hem togid(er)e
H2: 10,191 Many peyre sithe this pestilence . han pi-gh-t
he(m) togid(er)e [aaAx]
Ch: 10,191 Many paire se-th- -th-is pestelence . han pli-gh-t
hem togederes [aaAx]
D: 10,191 Ofte si-th-es -th-ese p(er)estolences . haue put
he(m) togidere [aaAx]
R: 10,191 many a peyr(e) syn -th-e pestilens . ha(n) ply-gh--th-
he(m) togedere [aaAx]
U: 10,191 Many peire sith -th-e pestilence . han plight hem
togidr(e)s [aaAx]
V: 10,191 Mony (peire) se_th__th_en _th_e (pestilence) .
han (pliht) hem togedere [aaAx]
J: 10,191 Many payr sen pestelens . han pliht hem togydyr
K: 10,191 Many pair sith the pestelence . hath plight hem
togiders [aaAx]
A: 10,191 Many peyre syn -th-e pestelence . han plyt hem
togideris [aaAx]
M: 10,191 Many si-th-is -th-e pestilence . hat plith he(m)
togederes [aaAx]
H3: 10,191 ssweche many syn -th-e pestelence . arn plyth
togederys [aaAx]
W: 10,191 Many pair(e) si-th--th-e -th-is pestilence time
. ha(: :::: :::) togedres [aaAx]
T: 10,192 [Th]e fruyt [th](a)t [th]ei bringe for[th] arn manye
foule wordis
H2: 10,192 The frute that thei bryng forth . arn many foule
wordis [aaAx]
Ch: 10,192 -Th-e froite -th-at -th-ei bring forthe . er many
foule wordes [aaAx]
D: 10,192 The froyte -th-at -th-ey brynge for-th- . bu-th-
many foule wordes [aaAx]
R: 10,192 -Th-e frut -th-(a)t -th-ei brynge for-th- . arn
many foule word(is) [aaAx]
U: 10,192 -Th-e fruyt -th-at -th-ei bringe for-th- . arn
but foule wordes [aaAx]
V: 10,192 _Th_e (ffruit) _th_at _th_ei bringen (for_th_)
. ben mony (foule) wordes [aaAx]
J: 10,192 -Th-e frute -th-(a)t -th-ei bringyn forth . arn
many fowle wordys [aaAx]
K: 10,192 The frute that thay bringe forth . arn many fowle
word(is) [aaAx]
A: 10,192 The frute -th-at -th-ei brynge forth . arn many
foule wordis [aaAx]
M: 10,192 -Th-e fruth -th-(a)t -th-ey bri(n)gi(n) forth .
arn manye foule wordis [aaAx]
H3: 10,192 -Th-(a)t frut -th-(a)t -th-ei bryng forth . be(n)
many foule wordys [aaAx]
W: 10,192 --- this line is omitted ---
T: 10,193 Haue [th]ei no children but chiding & choppis
H2: 10,193 Haue thei no children but chidyng . & chopp(us)
togydere [aaAx]
Ch: 10,193 Haue -th-ei no childrin bot chiding . and choppes
togeder [aaAx]
D: 10,193 Haue -th-ey no Childryn but cheste betwene [aaAx]
R: 10,193 -th-ei haue no childre(n) but chost . and choppys
betwythen [aaAx]
U: 10,193 Haue -th-ei no children but cheste . and choppes
bytwene [aaAx]
V: 10,193 Han _th_ei none (children) bote (chestes) . and
(choppes) hem bitwene [aaAx]
J: 10,193 Haue -th-ei no childeryn but chest . & choppyn
betwene [aaAx]
K: 10,193 Haue they no childern but cheste . & choppes
hem betwen [aaAx]
A: 10,193 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 10,193 & none childri(n) but cheste . & chappis
betwene [aaAx]
H3: 10,193 Han -th-ei no chyldery(n) but chydyng . he(m)
betwene [aaAx]
W: 10,193 Haue -th-ai no childr(e) but chest . and choppes
hem bytweyne [aaAx]
T: 10,194 [Th]ei[gh] [th]ei don hem to dunmowe but [y]if [th]e
deuil helpe
H2: 10,194 Thei-gh- thei don hem to donmowe . but if the
deuel helpe [aaAx]
Ch: 10,194 -Th-ow -th-ei done hem to Donmowe . bot -gh-ef
-th-e deuel helpe [aaAx]
D: 10,194 -Th-ey be don to danmowe . but if -th-e deuel helpe
R: 10,194 Thei hiden he(m) to do(n)mowe . but -gh-if -th-e
deuel helpe [aaAx]
U: 10,194 -Th-ei hiden hem to donmowe . but -th-e deuel helpe
V: 10,194 _Th_au_g_ _th_ei (don) hem to (done) . al _th_at
_th_ei mowen [aaAx]
J: 10,194 -Th-ow -th-ei don hem to don now . but -th-e deuyl
help [aaAx]
K: 10,194 Though thay done hem to donmowe . but if the deuyl
helpe [aaAx]
A: 10,194 Thei don hem to donmow . but -gh-if dowel helpe
M: 10,194 -Th-outh -th-ey gon to donmowe . but -y-if -th-e
deuel helpe [aaAx]
H3: 10,194 Thynk -th-ei nouth to do(n)mowe . but -gh-yf -th-e
deuyl helpe [aaAx]
W: 10,194 Thai hien hym wel fast to donmowe [aaAx]
T: 10,195 To folewe aftir [th]e flicche fecche [th]ei it neu(er)e
H2: 10,195 To folewe aftir the flicche . fecche thei it neu(er)e
Ch: 10,195 To folow after -th-e flich . fecch -th-ei hit
neuer [aaAx]
D: 10,195 To folowe aft(ir) -th-e flycche . fette -th-ey
it neu(er)e [aaAx]
R: 10,195 to folwe after -th-e flesche . fecche -th-ei hit
neuere [aaAx]
U: 10,195 To folwe aftir -th-e flicche . fette -th-ei it
neu(er)e [aaAx]
V: 10,195 To (folewen) aftur _th_e (fflucchen) . (fecche)
_th_ei hit neuere; [aaAx]
J: 10,195 To folowyn aft(er) -th-e fliche . fecche -th-ei
it neu(er)e [aaAx]
K: 10,195 To folowe aft(er) t he fliche . fetche thay it
neu(er) [aaAx]
A: 10,195 To folwyn aftir -th-e flyk . fatte -th-ai it neuyr
M: 10,195 To folwyn aftyr -th-e flicche . flicche -th-ey
it neu(er)e [aaAx]
H3: 10,195 To folwy(n) aft(ir) -th-e flykke . for -th-ei
gete it neu(er) [aaAx]
W: 10,195 To fechen -th-e flysh . cache -th-ai it neuere
T: 10,196 But [y]if [th]ei bo[th]e be forsworn [th](a)t bacoun
[th]ei tyne
H2: 10,196 But if thei ben both forsworn . that bacu(n) thei
tyne [aaAx]
Ch: 10,196 Bot -gh-ef -th-ei bo-th-e be forsworn . -th-at
bacoun -th-ey tyne [aaAx]
D: 10,196 But if -th-ey bothe be forswor(e) . -th-at bacou(n)
-th-ey tyne [aaAx]
R: 10,196 but -gh-if -th-ei bo-th-e be forswon . -th-at bakou(n)
-th-ei tyne [aaAx]
U: 10,196 But -th-ei bo-th-e be forsworn . -th-at bacou(n)
-th-ei tyne [aaAx]
V: 10,196 Bote _g_if _th_ei (bo_th_e) (ben) forswore . and
Cursen _th_at tyme. [aaAx]
J: 10,196 But -gh-if -th-ei bothin be forsworyn . -th-(a)t
bakyn -th-ei tyne [aaAx]
K: 10,196 But if thay both byn forsworn . that bacou(n) thay
tyne [aaAx]
A: 10,196 But bo-th-en ben forsworn . -th-at bakon -th-ei
tyne [aaAx]
M: 10,196 But -th-ey ben forsworyn . -th-at bakoun -th-ey
tynun [aaAx]
H3: 10,196 But -th-ei bothe be forswory(n) . -th-(a)t bakou(n)
xal -th-e tyne [aaAx]
W: 10,196 But -th-ai bo-th-e be forsworn . -th-at bacon -th-ai
tyne [aaAx]
T: 10,197 ffor[th]i I counseile alle cristene coueite not be
H2: 10,197 fforthi I co(n)sel alle c(ri)stene . coueyte not
be weddit [aaAx]
Ch: 10,197 ffor-th-i I conceile alle cristen . coueite nou-gh-t
to be wedded [aaAx]
D: 10,197 ffor -th-ey I counceile al cristen . coueyte nou-gh-t
to wedde [aaAx]
R: 10,197 for-th-i I cou(n)sel alle cristen . -th-ei coueyte
not to be wedded [aaAx]
U: 10,197 ffor-th-i y conseile alle cristene . coueite noght
to be weddid [aaAx]
V: 10,197 ffor_th_i I (Counseile) alle (Cristene) . (coueite)
not ben Iweddet [aaAx]
J: 10,197 -Th-(er)for I co(n)cel alle c(ri)stene . couetyth
not ben weddyd [aaAx]
K: 10,197 fforthy I counceile al c(ri)sten . coueite not
to be weddid [aaAx]
A: 10,197 I councel alle cristene . coueyte not to be weddid
M: 10,197 ffor -th-ey I counseile alle cristene . coueitid
not to ben weddid [aaAx]
H3: 10,197 ffor-th-i I conseyl al crystene . nouth to be
weddyd [aaAx]
W: 10,197 ffor-th-i I conseille alle cristen . coueite not
to ben [aaAx]
T: 10,198 ffor coueitise of catel or of kynrede riche
H2: 10,198 ffor couetyse of catel . or of kynrede ryche [aaAx]
Ch: 10,198 ffor coueitice of catelle . or of kyn Rice [aaAx]
D: 10,198 ffor coueytise of Catel . or of kynrede riche [aaAx]
R: 10,198 ffor couetise of catel . or for kynrede riche [aaAx]
U: 10,198 ffor couetise of catel . or for kynrede riche [aaAx]
V: 10,198 ffor (Couetyse) of (Catel) . ne of (kun) Riche
J: 10,198 for couetys of catel . ne of kyn riche [aaAx]
K: 10,198 ffor couetise of catell . ne of kynrede riche [aaAx]
A: 10,198 ffor coueytice of catel . & of kenrede riche
M: 10,198 ffor coueitise of catel . ne of no(n) riche ken
H3: 10,198 ffor coueytyse of catel . ne for kynrede ryche
W: 10,198 Wedded for coueitise of catel . ne of kyn riche
T: 10,199 But maidenis & maidenis macche [y]ow ysamme
H2: 10,199 But maydenis and maydenis . marie -gh-ou togyderis
Ch: 10,199 Bot maidens and maidens . mach -gh-ow togeder
D: 10,199 But maydenes & maydenys . mache -gh-ou -th-e
same [aaAx]
R: 10,199 but maydenys and maydenys . -gh-ow to same takyn
U: 10,199 But maydenes and maydenes . -y-ou to same take
V: 10,199 Bote (Maydens) and vn (Maydens) . clene ow saue
J: 10,199 But sengil & madenys . makkyth -gh-ow same
K: 10,199 But maydens & maydens . matche you togeders
A: 10,199 But maydenis . meke -gh-ou togederis [aaAx]
M: 10,199 But maidins & maidyns . macchit -y-ow togederis
H3: 10,199 But maydons & maydons . mache -gh-ou togederys
W: 10,199 But maydens and maydens . mache -gh-ow togidre
T: 10,200 Wydeweris & wydewis werchi[th] ri[gh]t also
H2: 10,200 Wydeweris and wydewys . werchith the same [aaAx]
Ch: 10,200 widowes and widowes . wirche-th- Ri-gh-t so [aaAx]
D: 10,200 Weduers & wedues . wurcheth ri-gh-t also [aaAx]
R: 10,200 Weduer(es) and wedues . werche -gh-e also [aaAx]
U: 10,200 Wydeweres and widewes . wurche -y-e also [aaAx]
V: 10,200 (Widewers) and (widewes) . (worschupe_th_) also
J: 10,200 Wydewys & wydoweris . wyrchith rith also [aaAx]
J: 10,200 [B:IX,175] for no londe but for luffe loke -gh-e
ben Ispowsyd
K: 10,200 Wydowers & wydowes . worchet right so [aaAx]
A: 10,200 Wedueris & wedues . werche -gh-e the same [aaAx]
M: 10,200 Wedewers & wedewis . werchit -th-e same [aaAx]
H3: 10,200 Wydewys & wedewerys . werchyth ryth -th-e
same [aaAx]
W: 10,200 Wydowers and wodewes . worche -gh-e -th-e same
T: 10,201 And glade [y]e god [th](a)t al good sendi[th]
V: 10,201 And _th_enne (glade) _g_e (god) . _th_at alle (goodes)
sende_th_ [aaAx]
A: 10,201 --- this line is omitted ---
T: 10,202 ffor in my tyme treweliche betwyn men & wo(m)men
H2: 10,202 ffor in my tyme trewly . betwene men and wymmen
Ch: 10,202 ffor In my tyme trewly . betwen men and wommen
D: 10,202 ffor in tyme trewly . betwen me(n) & wo(m)me(n)
R: 10,202 ffor in my tyme treuly . bytwe(n) ma(n) aand wy(m)man
U: 10,202 ffor my tyme trewly . bytwene man and wo(m)man
V: 10,202 ffor in (vn-tyme) (treweli) . (bi-twene) Mon and
wommon [aaAxx]
J: 10,202 for in vntyme truly . betwyxin man & wo(m)man
K: 10,202 ffor in vntyme truly . bytwen man & woman [aaAxx]
A: 10,202 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 10,202 ffor in no(n) tyme treuly . betwen man & wy(m)man
H3: 10,202 ffor i(n) no tyme trewly . betwen ma(n) & woma(n)
W: 10,202 ffor in no tyme trewly . betweyn man & woman
T: 10,203 Shulde no bedbourd be but [th]ei were bo[th]e clene
H2: 10,203 Schulde no bedbourd be . but if thei wer(e) bothe
clene [aaAx]
Ch: 10,203 Schuld no beddebourde be . but -gh-ef -th-ei were
bo-th-e clene [aaAx]
D: 10,203 Shuld no bed borded be . but -th-ey were bo-th-e
clene [aaAx]
R: 10,203 shuld no bedburd be . but -th-ey wer(e) bo-th-e
clene [aaAx]
U: 10,203 Schulde no bedborde be . but -th-ei were bo-th-e
clene [aaAx]
V: 10,203 Schulde no (Bed-bourde) (be) bote (Bo_th_e) weore
clene [aaAx]
J: 10,203 Scholde no bedbowrde be . but -gh-if -th-ei bothin
wer(e) [aaAx]
K: 10,203 Schuld no bedeborde be . but if thay were both
clene [aaAx]
A: 10,203 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 10,203 Schulde no(n) berd in bedde ben . but -th-ey werin
bo-th-y(n) clene [aaAx]
H3: 10,203 Xuld no bedbord be . but he were bothe clene [aaAx]
W: 10,203 Shold no beddebourde be . but -th-ai were bothe
clene [aaAx]
T: 10,204 Of lif & of loue & of lawe also
H2: 10,204 Of lyf and of loue . and of lawe also [aaAx]
Ch: 10,204 Of lif and of loue . and of lawe also [aaAx]
D: 10,204 Of lyf & of loue . & of lawe also [aaAx]
R: 10,204 of lyf and of loue . and of lawe also [aaAx]
U: 10,204 Of lif and of loue . and of lawe also [aaAx]
V: 10,204 Of (lyf) and eke in (loue) . and in (lawe) alse
J: 10,204 Clene of lyue & of luffe . & of lawe als
K: 10,204 Of lyfe & of loue . and in lawe also [aaAx]
A: 10,204 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 10,204 bo-th-yn of lif & of soule . & of lawe
lyuende [aaAx]
H3: 10,204 Off lyf & of loue . & i(n) -th-e lawe
leuedyn [aaAx]
W: 10,204 Of lyf and of loue in lawe leuyng -th-at derne
dede do no man sholde [aaAx]
T: 10,205 [Th]at dede derne do no man ne shulde
H2: 10,205 That dede derne . do no man ne schulde [aaAx]
Ch: 10,205 -Th-at dede derne . do no man schulde [aaAx]
D: 10,205 That derne dede . do no man schulde [aaAx]
R: 10,205 -Th-at derne dede . do no man ne shulde [aaAx]
U: 10,205 -Th-at derne dede . do no man schulde [aaAx]
V: 10,205 _Th_at (deede) (derne) . (do) no mon scholde [aaAx]
J: 10,205 -Th-(a)t derne dede . to done no man no scholde
K: 10,205 That derne dede . do no man schulde as betwen ij
sengle [aaAx]
A: 10,205 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 10,205 -Th-at dede schuld not be don betwyn sengle & se(n)gl[e]
H3: 10,205 ssweche dede . xuld no ma(n) do as betwen sengle & sengle
W: 10,205 --- this line om ---
T: 10,206 As betwyn sengle & sengle si[th][th]e lawe ha[th]
H2: 10,206 Betwene sengle and sengle . sith lawe hat-gh-
Ig(ra)untid [aaAxx]
Ch: 10,206 As betwene sengel and sengel . se-th- lawe hathe
Igrau(n)ted [aaAxx]
D: 10,206 As betwen sengle & sengle . -th-e lawe ha-th-
grau(n)ted [aaAxx]
R: 10,206 Ac betwe(n) sengle and sengle . swich lawe ha-th-
ygrau(n)ted [aaAxx]
U: 10,206 Ac bytwene sengle and sengle . si-th--th-e lawe
ha-th- yg(ra)unted [aaAxx]
V: 10,206 As is (vset), bi-twene . (sengle) and (sengle)
J: 10,206 Bot betwyxin sengle & sengle . sethin lawe
hath it g(ra)untyd [aaAxx]
K: 10,206 --- 206-7 as one line ---
A: 10,206 lawe hath grauntid eche man to haue a make [aaAxx]
M: 10,206 or si-th-in lawe had Ig(ra)untid -th-at ich man
haue a mak[e] [aaAxx]
H3: 10,206 --- 206-7 as one line ---
W: 10,206 As betwyx single and sengle . si-th- lawe ha-th-
graunted [aaAxx]
V: 10,206 Se_th__th_en (lawe) ha_th_ (I-loket) . _th_at vche (mon) haue a (make) [aaBb]
T: 10,207 [Th]at iche man haue a make in man(er) of wedlak
H2: 10,207 That iche man haue a make . in man(er) of wedloke
Ch: 10,207 -Th-at ech man haue a make . in maner of wedlok
D: 10,207 That eche man haue a make . in maryage of wedlok
R: 10,207 -Th-(a)t eu(er)y ma(n) haue a make . in mariage
of wedlok [aaAx]
U: 10,207 -Th-at euery man haue a make . in mariage of wedlok
V: 10,207 In (Mariage) and (Matrimoyne) . (I-Medlet) to-gedere
J: 10,207 -Th-(a)t iche man haue a make . & mariage of
wedloke [aaAx]
K: 10,207 Sithen the lawe hath Ig(ra)unted eche man to haue
a make in mariage [aaAx]
A: 10,207 In mariage of wedlak . werche -th-u -th-at werke
M: 10,207 In mariage of wedlok . & of no(n) wo(m)ma(n)
ellis [aaAx]
H3: 10,207 But lawe hat grandyd eche ma(n) to haue a make
i(n) maryage [aaAx]
W: 10,207 That eche man haue a make . in mariage of wedloke
T: 10,208 And do [th](a)t werk on his wyf & on no wo(m)man
H2: 10,208 And do that werk on his wif . and on no wo(m)man
ellis [aaAx]
Ch: 10,208 And do -th-at werk on his wif . and on no woman
elles [aaAx]
D: 10,208 And -th-e werlc of his wyf . & of no woma(n)
elles [aaAx]
R: 10,208 and wirche on his wif . and on no wy(m)man ellys
U: 10,208 And wurche on his wyf . and no wo(m)man elles [aaAx]
V: 10,208 And (worche) _th_at with his (wyf) . & with
no (wommon) elles [aaAx]
J: 10,208 And wyrche -th-(a)t werk on his wyue . & on
no mo wy(m)men [aaAx]
K: 10,208 And worche that worke on his wife . & no woman
els [aaAx]
A: 10,208 On -th-i wyfe . & no woman ellis [aaAx]
M: 10,208 --- this line om ---
H3: 10,208 And werke -th-(a)t werk on hys wyff . & on
no(n) woma(n) ell(is) [aaAx]
W: 10,208 And worche -th-at werk on his wyf . and of no woman
elles [aaAx]
T: 10,209 [Th](a)t o[th](er)e gatis ben geten for gadelynges
ben holden
H2: 10,209 That othir gatis ben geten . for gadlynge ben
holden [aaAx]
Ch: 10,209 -Th-at o-th-er wise ben goten . gadlinges ben
holden [aaAx]
D: 10,209 That o-th-(er) gates ben geten . for gadelyng(es)
ben holden [aaAx]
R: 10,209 -Th-at o-th-(er) gat(is) be-th- ygote(n) . gadelyng(es)
ben holdyn [aaAx]
U: 10,209 ffor -th-(a)t o-th-(er) gatis ben ygeten . for
gadelyngis ben holden [aaAx]
V: 10,209 _Th_at (o_th_er-gates) ben (I-geten) . ben (fyndlynges)
and ly_g_ers [aaaAx]
J: 10,209 -Th-(a)t o-th-ir gatys ben getyn . for gadelingys
ben holdyn [aaAx]
K: 10,209 That other wise ben getton . for gadelyng(es) arn
holden [aaAx]
A: 10,209 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 10,209 -Th-at o-th-ir gate bet Igeti(n) . for gadlyngis
be(n) holdy(n) [aaAx]
H3: 10,209 -Th-o -th-(a)t othyr gate be goty(n) . for gedelyng(us)
be(n) holdy(n) [aaAx]
W: 10,209 That o-th-er wise be-th- geten . for gadlynges
be-th- holden [aaAx]
T: 10,210 And [th]at ben fals folk & fals eires also foundlynges & folis
H2: 10,210 And -th-(a)t ben fals folk & fals eyres .
als fou(n)delynges & folis [aaAx]?
Ch: 10,210 And -th-at be-th- fals folk and fals ei-gh-ers
as fondelinges and fooles [aaAx]?
D: 10,210 And -th-(a)t fals folk & fals eyres also [aaAx]?
R: 10,210 And -th-o ben false folk and false eyr(is) also
U: 10,210 -Th-at ben false folke and false heires also [aaAx]?
V: 10,210 --- this line om ---
J: 10,210 And -th-(a)t bene -th-is fals folke & eke -th-is
fals eyrys
J: 10,210 fou(n)delyngys lyers vngracious of werkys [aaAx]?
K: 10,210 And that ben fals folke & fals heir(es) also
A: 10,210 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 10,210 & -th-at ben many fals folk & fals heris
maky(n) [aaAx]?
H3: 10,210 And be(n) fals folk & fals eyris as . fondelyng(us) & lyerys
W: 10,210 And -th-o be-th- fals folk fals heirs and foundelynges
T: 10,211 Vng(ra)cious to gete loue or any good ellis
H2: 10,211 Vngracious to gete loue . or ony good ellis [aaAx]
Ch: 10,211 Vngraciouce to gete loue . or any gode elles [aaAx]
D: 10,211 ffondelyng(es) & lyeres on g(ra)cious to gete
loue or ony good ellys [aaAx]
R: 10,211 fu(n)delyng(es) and lyer(es) vngracio(us) to gete
loue or eny goud e[llis] [aaAx]
U: 10,211 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 10,211 (Vn-Gracios) to (gete) loue . or eni (good) elles
J: 10,211 for to getyn ony loue . or ony gode ellis [aaAx]
K: 10,211 ffondeling(es) & liars vng(ra)cious to gett
any good or love [aaAx]
A: 10,211 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 10,211 Vngracius to gete loue . o-th-ir ony good ellis
H3: 10,211 Vng(ra)cyous to gete loue . or any good ell(is)
W: 10,211 And liers vngracieuse to gete loue . or any good
elles [aaAx]
T: 10,212 But wandri[th] & wasti[th] what [th]at [th]ei
H2: 10,212 But wandrit-gh- and wastith . what that thei mowe
Ch: 10,212 Bot wandre-th- . and waste-th- what -th-at -th-ei
mowe [aaAx]
D: 10,212 But wandres & walwes . & waste if -th-ey
mowe [aaAx]
R: 10,212 but wandry(n) as wolues . and waste -gh-if -th-ei
mowe [aaAx]
U: 10,212 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 10,212 Bote (wandren) as (wolues) . and (wasten) _g_if
_th_ei mouwen [aaAx]
J: 10,212 But wanderin os woluys . & wastyn -gh-if -th-ei
mowe [aaAx]
K: 10,212 But wandren as wolues . & wasten if thay mowe
A: 10,212 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 10,212 but wandrit as wlfis . & wastit -th-at -th-ey
mowe(n) [aaAx]
H3: 10,212 But wandery(n) as woluys . & wasty(n) -th-(a)t
-th-ei mowen [aaAx]
W: 10,212 But wandren aboute as wolues . & wast what
-th-ei mowe [aaAx]
T: 10,213 A[gh]ens dowel hy don euele & [th]e deuil plesen
H2: 10,213 A-gh-ens dowel thei don yuel . and the deuel plesen
Ch: 10,213 A-gh-ens dowel -th-ey done euel . and -th-e deuel
plesen [aaAx]
D: 10,213 A-gh-ens dowel -th-ey don euel . & -th-e deuel
plesen [aaAx]
R: 10,213 a-gh-en dowel -th-ei don eyuel . and -th-e deuel
plese [aaAx]
U: 10,213 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 10,213 A-_g_eyn (Dowel) _th_ei (don) vuele . and _th_e
(deuel) plesen [aaAx]
J: 10,213 A-gh-eyne dowel -th-ei don . & -th-e deuyl
plesyn [aaAx]
K: 10,213 Ayenst dowel thay done ill . & the deuile pleasen
A: 10,213 A-gh-eyn dowel -th-ai don euyl . and -th-e deuyl
plesyn [aaAx]
M: 10,213 ageyn dowel -th-ey don hille . & -th-e deuel
plesyn [aaAx]
H3: 10,213 A-gh-en dowel dou(n) ylle . & -th-e deuyl
plesyn [aaAx]
W: 10,213 A-gh-ens dowel -th-ai don ill . & -th-e deuel
plesen [aaAx]
T: 10,214 And aftir here de[th] day shuln dwelle w(i)t(h) [th]e
H2: 10,214 And aftir her(e) det-gh- day . schuln dwelle w(i)t(h)
-th-(a)t same [aaAx]
Ch: 10,214 And after her de-th- day . schul duelle with -th-at
same [aaAx]
D: 10,214 And aft(ir) -th-e de-th- day . schul dwelle w(i)t(h)
-th-e same [aaAx]
R: 10,214 And after her(e) de-th- day . shul duelle w(i)t(h)
-th-e same [aaAx]
U: 10,214 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 10,214 And aftur heore (de_th_) (day) . schul (dwelle)
wi_th_ _th_e schrewe [aaAx]
J: 10,214 And aft(er) her deth day . scholyn dwellyn w(i)t(h)
-th-(a)t sc[h]rewe [aaAx]
K: 10,214 And aft(er) the dethe day . schallen dwelle w(i)t(h)
the schrewe [aaAx]
A: 10,214 Aftir here ded day . schul dwelle w(i)t(h) -th-e
same [aaAx]
M: 10,214 & aftir her(e) deth day . schulle(n) dulle(n)
w(i)t(h) -th-e same [aaAx]
H3: 10,214 And aft(ir) her ded day . xul dwelle w(i)t(h)
-th-e same [aaAx]
W: 10,214 And aftr(e) here de-th- day . shal dwelle wi-th-
-th-e same [aaAx]
T: 10,215 But [y]if god [y]iue hym g(ra)ce here to amende
H2: 10,215 But if god -gh-yue hym . g(ra)ce here to amende
Ch: 10,215 Bot god geue hem . grace here to amende [aaAx]
D: 10,215 But yf god -gh-yf hem . grace here for to amende
R: 10,215 but -gh-if god -gh-if he(m) . grace here to amende
U: 10,215 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 10,215 Bute (God) (_g_iue) hem (Grace) . heer to A-Mende
J: 10,215 But -gh-if god -gh-if hem . g(ra)ce hem here to
amende [aaAx]
K: 10,215 But god geue hem . g(ra)ce here to amende [aaAx]
A: 10,215 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 10,215 --- this line is omitted ---
H3: 10,215 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 10,215 --- this line is omitted ---
T: 10,216 [Th]anne is dowel to dreden & dobet to suffre
H2: 10,216 Than is dowel to drede . and dobet to suffren
Ch: 10,216 -Th-an is dowel to dreden . and dobette to suffren
D: 10,216 -Th-an is dowel to -th-reden . & dobet to suffren
R: 10,216 -Th-a(n) is dowel to dredyn . and dobet to suffren
U: 10,216 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 10,216 _Th_enne is (Dowel) to (dreden) . and (Dobet) to
suffren [aaAx]
J: 10,216 -Th-an is dowele to drede . & dobet [to] soffre
K: 10,216 Than is dowell to dreden . & dobett to suffren
A: 10,216 Than is dowel to dredyn . and dobest to sufferyn
M: 10,216 -Th-a(n)ne is dowel to dredy(n) . & dobet to
suffryn [aaAx]
H3: 10,216 -Th-a(n) is dowel to dredy(n) . & dobet to
suffury(n) [aaAx]
W: 10,216 Than is dowel to drede . & dobette to suffren
T: 10,217 And so comi[th] dobest aboute and bringe[th] doun
H2: 10,217 And so comet-gh- dobest aboute . and bryngeth
dou(n) mody [aaAx]
Ch: 10,217 And so come-th- dobeste aboute . and bringe-th-
down mody [aaAx]
D: 10,217 And so come-th- dobest aboute . & brynge-th-
dou(n) mody [aaAx]
R: 10,217 And so come-th- aboute . and brynge-th- dou(n)
mody [aaAx]
U: 10,217 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 10,217 And so come_th_ (Dobest) (aboute) . And (bringe_th_)
a-doun Modi [aaAx]
J: 10,217 And so comyth dobest . & bringith dou(n) mody
K: 10,217 And so co(m)myth dobest about . & bryngith
down mody [aaAx]
A: 10,217 So comyth dobest aboutyn . and bryngeth doun mody
M: 10,217 & so komyt dobest abowtyn . & bryngit adou(n)
Mody [aaAx]
H3: 10,217 And so comyth dobest abouty(n) . & bryngyt
dou(n) mody [aaAx]
W: 10,217 And so come-th- dobest aboute . and brynge-th-
don mody [aaAx]
T: 10,218 And [th]at is wykkide wil [th](a)t many werk shendi[th]
H2: 10,218 And that wyckyde wil . that many werke schendith
Ch: 10,218 And -th-at is wikked wille . -th-at many worke
schende-th- [aaAx]
D: 10,218 And -th-at is wykked wil . -th-(a)t many werk schendeth
R: 10,218 and is wicked wil . -th-(a)t manye werk(es) shende-th-
U: 10,218 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 10,218 And _th_at is (wikkede) (wil) . _th_at Mony men
schende_th_" [aaAx]
J: 10,218 And -th-(a)t is wykkyd wille . -th-(a)t many werke
schendyth [aaAx]
K: 10,218 And that is wikkyd will . that many wight schendith
[aaAx] (finis)
A: 10,218 And his wikkid wil . -th-at many werke schendith
M: 10,218 & -th-at is wickid wil . -th-at many ma(n)nis
werkis sche(n)dit [aaAx]
H3: 10,218 -Th-at is wykkyd wyl . -th-(a)t many werk schendyth
W: 10,218 And his wykked will . -th-at many werkes shende-th-
T: 11,1 [Th]anne hadde wyt a wyf [th](a)t hatte dame studie
H2: 11,1 Than hadde wit a wif . that hatte dame studie [aaXx]?
Ch: 11,1 -Th-anne had witte a wif . -th-at hi-gh-t Dame stodie
D: 11,1 Thanne hadde wyt a wyf . was hote dame stodye [aaXx]?
R: 11,1 Tha(n)ne hadde wit a wif . was hote dam stodie [aaXx]?
U: 11,1 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,1 _Th_Enne hedde (wit) A (wyf) . (was) hoten dam studie
J: 11,1 -Th-an had wytte a wyfe . -th-(a)t hyte dame stody
K: 11,1 Than had witt a wife . that hote dame studye [aaXx]?
N: 11,1 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 11,1 Than had he a wyfe . -th-ai clepid dame stodie [aaXx]?
M: 11,1 -Th-a(n)ne hadde wit a wif . & heithe dame stodie
H3: 11,1 Than had wyth a wyff . hyr name was dame stody [aaXx]?
W: 11,1 Than had witte a wyf . was hote dame studye [aaXx]?
T: 11,2 [Th]at lene was of lich & of lo[th]ly chere
H2: 11,2 That lene was of lich . and of lothly cher(e) [aaAx]
Ch: 11,2 -Th-at lene was of liche . and of lo-th-ely chere
D: 11,2 That low-gh- was of lych . & of lowe chere [aaAx]
R: 11,2 -Th-at lene was of lych . and of low chere [aaAx]
U: 11,2 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,2 _Th_at euer was I-liche . and of (louh) chere [aaAx]
J: 11,2 -Th-(a)t lene was of lyche . & of lowe chere
K: 11,2 That lene was of lithe . and of lowe chere [aaAx]
A: 11,2 That lene was of liche . and of lowe chere [aaAx]
M: 11,2 -Th-(a)t leef was of liche . & lout-gh- of hir(e)
cher(e) [aaAx]
H3: 11,2 -Th-(a)t lene was as a leche . & of lowe chere
W: 11,2 -Th-at lene was of lyche . & lowe of chere [aaAx]
T: 11,3 She was wondirliche wro[th] [th](a)t wyt so tau[gh]te
H2: 11,3 Sche was wonderly wro-gh-t . that wit so me tau-gh-te
Ch: 11,3 Sche was wonderlich wro-th-e . -th-at witte so tau-gh-t
D: 11,3 Sche was wonderly wroth . -th-(a)t wyt so tau-gh-te
R: 11,3 She was wonderly wro-th- . -th-at wit -th-(us) me
tau-gh--th-e [aaAx]
U: 11,3 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,3 Heo was (wonderliche) (wro_th_) . _th_at (wit) me
_th_us tauhte [aaAx]
J: 11,3 Sche was wonderlyche wrothe . -th-(a)t wytte me -th-(us)
tawte [aaAx]
K: 11,3 Sche was wonderly wrothe . that witt me thus taught
A: 11,3 Sche wondurly wroth was . -th-at witte -th-us me
tauth [aaAx]
M: 11,3 sche was wondirliche wrot-gh- . -th-at w(i)t(h) me
-th-(us) tauthe [aaAx]
H3: 11,3 Sche was wondyrly wrouth . -th-(a)t wytt me -th-(us)
taugthe [aaAx]
W: 11,3 She was wonderly wroo-th- . -th-at witte -th-us me
taght [aaAx]
T: 11,4 And sterneliche staringe dame studie seide
H2: 11,4 And sternelich staryng . dame studie seide [aaAx]
Ch: 11,4 And sterenly staryng . dame stodie saide [aaAx]
D: 11,4 And st(er)nely staryng . dame studye saide [aaAx]
R: 11,4 and al sternely starynge . dam stodie sayde [aaAx]
U: 11,4 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,4 And al (starinde) Dam (studie) . (steorneliche) seide
J: 11,4 And al staring dame stodye st(er)nelyche seyde [aaAx]
K: 11,4 And staryng dame studye sternelich saide [aaAx]
A: 11,4 And alle schornely dam stodie . sternely seyde [aaAx]
M: 11,4 & al scornynge dam stodie st(er)neliche seyde
H3: 11,4 And skornfullych dame stody to vs bothe seyde [aaAx]
W: 11,4 And al scornyng sternly she saide [aaAx]
T: 11,5 Wel art [th](o)u wys wyt q(ua)[th] she any wisdomis
to telle
H2: 11,5 Wel art thou wys wit q(uo)d scheo . any wysdom(us)
to telle [aaAx]
Ch: 11,5 Wele art -th-ow wise witte q(uo)d sche . any wisdomes
to telle [aaAx]
D: 11,5 Wil art -th-(o)u wys wyt q(ou)d sche . eny wysdomes
to telle [aaAx]
R: 11,5 Wel art -th-(o)u wys wit q(uo)d she . my wisdam to
telle [aaAx]
U: 11,5 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,5 (Wel) artou (witti)," quod heo . "(wisdom)
to telle [aaAx]
J: 11,5 Wel artow wyce q(uo)d sche . wysdomys to telle [aaAx]
K: 11,5 Well art thou wise q(uo)d sche to witt . any wisdome
to telle [aaAx]
A: 11,5 Wele art -th-u wyse quot -gh-he . ony wisdom to telle
M: 11,5 Wel art -th-(o)u wys q(uo)d sche to wit . wisdam
to telle [aaAx]
H3: 11,5 Wel art -th-(o)u wyis q(uo)d sche to wytt . any
wysdams to telle [aaAx]
W: 11,5 Wel artow wys q(uo)d she . any wisdome to telle [aaAx]
T: 11,6 To flat(er)eris or to folis [th](a)t frentyk ben of
H2: 11,6 To flat(er)ers or to folis . that frentike ben of
wittes [aaAx]
Ch: 11,6 To flaterers or to foles . -th-at frentik be of
wittes [aaAx]
D: 11,6 To flaterers or to folys . -th-at frentyk ben in
wittes [aaAx]
R: 11,6 to flaterer(is) or to folys . -th-(a)t frentyk ben
in witt(is) [aaAx]
U: 11,6 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,6 To (ffayturs) or to (ffooles) . _th_at (ffrentik)
ben of wittes [aaAx]
J: 11,6 To flat(er)erys or folys . -th-(a)t frentyke ben
in wyttes [aaAx]
K: 11,6 To flaterers or to folis . that ffrantike ben in
wittes [aaAx]
A: 11,6 To faytouris & to folis . -th-at frentik ben
of witte [aaAx]
M: 11,6 To flateris or foolis . -th-(a)t wilde ben of wittys
H3: 11,6 To flatererys or to folys . -th-(a)t frentyk be(n)
of wordys [aaAx]
W: 11,6 To flaterers or to foles . -th-at frantike be-th-
in witte [aaAx]
T: 11,7 And blamide hym bitt(er)ly & bad hym be stille
H2: 11,7 And blanyd hi(m) bit(er)ly and bad hi(m) be stille
Ch: 11,7 And blamed him bitterly . and bad hym be stille
D: 11,7 And blamed hem & banned hym & bad hym be
stille [aaAx]
R: 11,7 and banned hi(m) and ba(n)ned hi(m) . and bad hi(m)
be stille [aaAx]
U: 11,7 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,7 And (Blamede) him for his (Beere) . And (Bad) him
(beo) stille [aaAa]?
J: 11,7 And blamyd hym . & bad him be stille [aaAx]
K: 11,7 & bannyd hym & bannyd hym . & bad hym
be stille [aaAx]
A: 11,7 And blamyd hem and bannyd hem . and bad hem ben stille
M: 11,7 & bannyd hy(m) & ba(n)nyd hy(m) . & bad
hy(m) be(n) stille [aaAx]
H3: 11,7 And bannyd hy(m) & ba(n)nyd hy(m) . & bad
hy(m) be(n) stylle [aaAx]
W: 11,7 And blamed hym and banned hym . & bad hym be
stille [aaAx]
T: 11,8 Wi[th] suche wise wordis to wisse any foolis
H2: 11,8 With such wyse wordis . to wysse any folis [aaAx]
Ch: 11,8 With such wise wordes . to wisse any fooles [aaAx]
D: 11,8 With suche wise wordes . to wisse ony folys [aaAx]
R: 11,8 W(i)t(h) swyche wise word(is) . to wissen eny folys
U: 11,8 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,8 Wi_th_ suche (wyse) (wordes) . to (wisse) eny fooles
J: 11,8 Wyth swyche wyse wordys . to wyssyn ony folis [aaAx]
K: 11,8 With such wise word(is) . to wissen any foles [aaAx]
A: 11,8 W(i)t(h) sweche wyse wordis . to wyssyn ony folis
M: 11,8 W(i)t(h) swiche wordys wyse . to wissen any folys
H3: 11,8 W(i)t(h) sweche wyse wordys . to wysy(n) any folys
W: 11,8 Wi-th- suche wyse wordes . to wissen any foles & saide
T: 11,9 And seide {Nolite mitt(er)e} Man marg(er)ie p(er)lis
H2: 11,9 And seyde { Nolite mitt(er)e } man . margeri p(er)les
Ch: 11,9 And seide { Nolite mittere margaritas } the perles
D: 11,9 And sayde { Nolite mitt(er)e } man . margery perle
R: 11,9 And sayde { noli mitt(er)e } ma(n) . margeri perlys
U: 11,9 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,9 And seide, "{ Noli (mittere) } . (Margeri) perles
J: 11,9 And seyde { Noli mitt(er)e } man . margery perlys
K: 11,9 And said { Noli mittere } man . m(er)gery perles
A: 11,9 And seyde { Nolite mittere } . margery perlis [aaAx]
M: 11,9 And seyde { nolite mitt(er)e } . margery perlis [aaAx]
H3: 11,9 And seyde { Nolite amittere } -th-ese . margery
p(er)lys [aaAx]
W: 11,9 { Noli mitt(er)e } . margerie p(er)les among hogges
-th-at han hawes at wille [aaAx]
T: 11,10 Among hogges [th](a)t hauen hawen at wille
H2: 11,10 Among hoggis that hauen . hawen at wylle [aaAx]
Ch: 11,10 Among hogges -th-at hauen . hawen at wille [aaAx]
D: 11,10 Among hogg(es) -th-(a)t hauen . hawys at wille [aaAx]
R: 11,10 Among hogg(es) -th-at hauy(n) . hawes at wille [aaAx]
U: 11,10 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,10 Among (hogges) _th_at (han) . (hawes) at heore wille
J: 11,10 Among hoggys -th-(a)t han . hawys at her wille [aaAx]
K: 11,10 Among(es) hoggis that haue . hawes at wille [aaAx]
A: 11,10 Among hoggis -th-at han . hawis at here wille [aaAx]
M: 11,10 Among hoogis -th-at han . hawen at her(e) wille
H3: 11,10 Among hoggys -th-(a)t hauy(n) . hawys at her wylle
W: 11,10 --- this line om ---
T: 11,11 [Th]ei do but drauele [th](er)on draf were hem leu(er)e
H2: 11,11 Thei do but drauele ther(e)on . draf wer(e) he(m)
leu(er)e [aaAx]
Ch: 11,11 -Th-ei do but dreuel -th-eron . draf were hym leuer
D: 11,11 They do but dreuele on -th-e . draf wher be -th-ey
leue [aaAx]
R: 11,11 -Th-ei don but drauelyn -th-er upon . draf wer(e)
he(m) leuere [aaAx]
U: 11,11 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,11 _Th_ei (don) bot (drauele) _th_eron . (draf) weore
hem leuere [aaAx]
J: 11,11 -Th-ei ben dreueler -th-(er)on . draffe wer(e) hem
leuer(e) [aaAx]
K: 11,11 Thay done but drevile theron . draffe wer hem leuere
A: 11,11 Thay don but drauelyn -th-eron . draf were hem leuyr
M: 11,11 -Th-ey don but drauely(n) -th-(er)on . draf wer(e)
hem leuer(e) [aaAx]
H3: 11,11 -Th-ei dou(n) but dreuely(n) -th-(er)on . draf
were he(m) leu(er)e [aaAx]
W: 11,11 They don but dreuel -th-eron . draf were hem leuer
T: 11,12 [Th]anne al [th]e p(re)cious p(er)rie [th](a)t in
p(ar)adis wexi[th]
H2: 11,12 Than al the p(re)cious p(er)rie . that in paradis
wexit [aaAx]
Ch: 11,12 -Th-an alle -th-e preciouse perry . -th-at in paradise
wexe-th- [aaAx]
D: 11,12 Than al -th-e p(re)cious perry . -th-(a)t in p(ar)adys
waxe-th- [aaAx]
R: 11,12 -Th-a(n) al -th-e p(re)cious p(er)re . -th-(a)t
in p(ar)ad(is) waxe-th- [aaAx]
U: 11,12 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,12 _Th_en al _th_e (presciouse) (Peerles) . _th_at
in (paradys) waxen [aaAx]
J: 11,12 -Th-[an] -th-e p(re)ciousest p(er)re . -th-(a)t
in p(ar)adyse waxith [aaAx]
K: 11,12 Than al the p(re)cious perrye . that in paradise
waxith [aaAx]
A: 11,12 Than alle -th-e preciouce perre . -th-at in p(ar)adice
growith [aaAx]
M: 11,12 -Th-an al -th-e p(re)cious perr(e) . -th-at in p(ar)adis
growit [aaAx]
H3: 11,12 -Th-a(n) al -th-e p(re)cyous p(er)re . -th-(a)t
i(n) p(ar)adys waxit [aaAx]
W: 11,12 Than al -th-e precieuse perry . -th-at in pa(ar)adys
waxxes [aaAx]
T: 11,13 I say be [th]o q(ua)[th] she [th]at shewen be here
H2: 11,13 I say be tho q(uo)d scheo . that schewen her(e)
werkis [aaAx]
Ch: 11,13 I sey be -th-oos q(uo)d sche . -th-at schewen be
her werkes [aaAx]
D: 11,13 I say be -th-o q(ou)d sche . -th-(a)t schewe by
here werkes [aaAx]
R: 11,13 I sey by -th-o q(uo)d she . -th-at shewe by her(e)
werk(is) [aaAx]
U: 11,13 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,13 I sigge hit bi _th_ulke," quod heo . "_th_at
bi heore werkes schewen [????]
J: 11,13 I sey be hem q(uo)d sche . -th-(a)t werchin be her
werkys [aaAx]
K: 11,13 I say it by tho q(uo)d sche . that schewyn by her
workes [aaAx]
A: 11,13 I sey it be -th-o quot -gh-he . -th-at schew(i)t(h)
be here wordis [aaAx]
M: 11,13 I sei be -th-o q(uo)d sche . -th-at schewit be her(e)
wordys [aaAx]
H3: 11,13 I sey it be -th-o q(uo)d sche . -th-(a)t schewy(n)
be her wordys [aaAx]
W: 11,13 I say it be hem q(uo)d she . -th-at shewen by here
wordes [aaAx]
T: 11,14 [Th]at hem were leu(er)e lond & lordsshipe on
H2: 11,14 That hem were leu(er)e lond . and lordschipes in
erthe [aaAx]
Ch: 11,14 -Th-at hem were leuer londe . and lordschep on
er-th-e [aaAx]
D: 11,14 That hem were leu(er)e lond . or lordschipe on erthe
R: 11,14 -Th-at hem wer(e) leuer(e) lond . -th-(a)t wirchepe
on er-th-e [aaAx]
U: 11,14 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,14 _Th_at hem weore (leuere) (lond) . and (lordschupe)
on eor_th_e [aaAx]
J: 11,14 -Th-(a)t hem were leuer . lordschepe on erthe [aaAx]
K: 11,14 That hem war leuer lond . & lordschippe on erthe
A: 11,14 That hem were leuyr lond . and lordchep on erde
M: 11,14 -Th-at wern leuer(e) lond to he(m) . & lordschipe
on erde [aaAx]
H3: 11,14 -Th-(a)t he(m) wer leu(er) lond . & lordchepe
on erthe [aaAx]
W: 11,14 That were leuere londes . & lorschips on erthe
T: 11,15 Or ricchesse or rentis & reste at here wille
H2: 11,15 Or richesse or rentis . and reste at her(e) wylle
Ch: 11,15 Or richesse or Rentes . and Rest at her wille [aaAx]
D: 11,15 Or richesse or rentes . & rest at here wille
R: 11,15 or rychesse or rent(is) . and reste at her(e) wille
U: 11,15 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,15 (Richesse), (Rentes) . or (Reste) at heore wille
J: 11,15 Or rychesse or rentys . or rest at her wylle [aaAx]
K: 11,15 Or richesse or rent(is) . or rest at her wille [aaAx]
A: 11,15 Riches or rent . and rest at here wille [aaAx]
M: 11,15 Richessis or rentis . & reste at her(e) wille
H3: 11,15 Rytches & rente . & reste at her wylle
W: 11,15 Richesse and rents . & rist at here wille [aaAx]
T: 11,16 [Th]anne alle [th]e so[th]e sawis [th](a)t salamon
seide eu(er)e
H2: 11,16 Than al the soth sawes . that salamon seide eu(er)e
Ch: 11,16 -Th-an alle the so-th-e sawes . -th-at salemon
seide euer [aaAx]
D: 11,16 -Th-an alle -th-e soth sawes . -th-(a)t salamon
seyde eu(er)e [aaAx]
R: 11,16 -Th-an -th-e so-th- sawes . -th-(a)t salomo(n) sayde
eu(er)e [aaAx]
U: 11,16 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,16 _Th_en Al _th_e (so_th_) (sawes) . _th_at (Salamon)
seide euere [aaAx]?
J: 11,16 -Th-an alle -th-e soth sawys . -th-(a)t salamon
seyd eu(er)e [aaAx]
K: 11,16 Than al the sothe sawes . that salomon said eu(er)
A: 11,16 Than alle -th-e soth sawis . -th-at salamon seyde
M: 11,16 -Th-an alle -th-e soth sawys . -th-at salamo(n)
seide euer(e) [aaAx]
H3: 11,16 -Th-a(n) alle -th-e soth sawys . -th-(a)t salomo(n)
seyid eu(er) [aaAx]
W: 11,16 Than alle -th-e so-th- sawes . -th-at Salamon said
euere [aaAx]
T: 11,17 Wisdom and wyt now is not wor[th] a risshe
H2: 11,17 Wisdom and wit now . is nou-gh-t worth a rissche
Ch: 11,17 Wisdom and witte now . is nou-gh-t worthe a rische
D: 11,17 Wysdom & wyt now . is nou-gh-t worth a ressche
R: 11,17 wisda(m) and wit now . is not wor-th- a roysche
U: 11,17 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,17 (Wisdam) and (wit) nou . is not (wor_th_) a Russche
J: 11,17 Wysdom & witte now . is not worth a rusche [aaAx]
K: 11,17 Wisdome & witt now . ys not worth a Russche
A: 11,17 Wysdom an witte is now . not worth a russche [aaAx]
M: 11,17 Wisdam & wit now . is not worth a reissche [aaAx]
H3: 11,17 Wysda(m)m & wytt . is nouth worth a rosche
W: 11,17 --- this line is omitted ---
T: 11,18 But it be cardit wi[th] coueitise as clo[th](er)is
don h(er)e wolle
H2: 11,18 But it be cardit with couetise . as clothers do
her(e) wolle [aaAx]
Ch: 11,18 Bot hit be carded with couetice . as clo-th-ers
do-th- her wo[lle] [aaAx]
D: 11,18 But it be cardyd w(i)t(h) coueytyse . as clo-th-ers
dou(n) here wolle [aaAx]
R: 11,18 but hit be carded w(i)t(h) co(n)ciens . as clo-th-er(is)
don h(er) wolle [aaAx]
U: 11,18 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,18 But hit beo (carket) with (Couetise) . as (clo_th_ers)
do_th_ heor wolle [aaAx]
J: 11,18 But it be kardyd w(i)t(h) couetyse . as clotherys
dou(n) wolle [aaAx]
K: 11,18 But it be carded with couetise . as clothears don
her wolle [aaAx]
A: 11,18 But -gh-if it be cardet w(i)t(h) coueytice . & to
conspire wrong(is) [aaAx]
M: 11,18 But -y-if it be menkt w(i)t(h) couetise . & (con)spir(e)
wrongis [aaAx]
H3: 11,18 But it be carpyd wyt qweyntyse . to conspyre wrong
W: 11,18 But it be caried wi-th- coueitise . and desaytes
T: 11,19 [Th](a)t can construe deseites & conspire wrongis
H2: 11,19 Tha can construe the disseytes . and co(n)spire
Ch: 11,19 -Th-at can constrewe -th-e disseitis . and conspire
D: 11,19 That -th-(a)t construe disceytes . & conspyre
wronges [axAx]
R: 11,19 -Th-(a)t can co(n)strue deseyt(es) . and co(n)spir(e)n
U: 11,19 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,19 _Th_at (Conterfete_th_) (disseites) . and (Conspiret)
wronges [aaAx]
J: 11,19 He -th-(a)t cou(n)t(er)fetyn dysceytes . & conspire
K: 11,19 Thay -th-(a)t contryven disceit(es) . & conspyren
wrong(is) [axAx]
A: 11,19 --- this line om ---
M: 11,19 --- this line om ---
H3: 11,19 To conspire wrong
W: 11,19 --- this line om ---
T: 11,20 And lede for[th] a loueday to lette [th]e treu[th]e
H2: 11,20 And lede forth a loueday . to lette the treuthe
Ch: 11,20 And lede forth a loueday . to lette -th-e trew-th-e
D: 11,20 And for-th-re a loueday . to lette -th-e trew-th-e
R: 11,20 and lede for-th- -th-e loueday . to lette -th-e
tru-th-e [aaAx]
U: 11,20 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,20 And (lede_th_) for_th_ A (loueday) . to (lette)
_th_e trewe_th_e [aaAx]
J: 11,20 And ledyn forth a loueday . to lettyn with t(ru)the
K: 11,20 And leden fforth a loueday . to letten the truthe
A: 11,20 And ledyn forth a loueday . and leuyn -th-e trew-th-e
M: 11,20 & lede forth a loueday . to letti(n) -th-e treuthe
H3: 11,20 And lede forth a loueday . to lette -th-e trewthe
W: 11,20 To conspire wrong and lede for-th- a loueday to
lette treu-th- [aaAx]
T: 11,21 [Th](a)t suche craftis conne ben yclepid to counseil
H2: 11,21 That such craftis con . ben Iclepyd to consel [aaAa]
Ch: 11,21 -Th-at such craftes cu(n)ne . ben cleped to conceile
D: 11,21 That suche Craftes connen . be cleped to Counceyl
R: 11,21 -Th-at swichani kan . is cleped to cou(n)seyl [aaAa]
U: 11,21 --- this line is omitted ----
V: 11,21 _Th_at suche (craftes) (cunnen) . to (counseil)
beo_th_ I-clept [aaAx]
J: 11,21 -Th-(a)t swyche craftys can . to cou(n)cel es clepyd
K: 11,21 That such craft(is) can . to counceile is cleped
A: 11,21 That swedche do can . ben clepid to councel [aaAa]
M: 11,21 -Th-at swich craft kan do . to counsel is callid
H3: 11,21 He -th-(a)t sweche craftys can dou(n) . to conseyl
is callyd [aaAa]
W: 11,21 That shch craftes do can . to consaill is called
T: 11,22 And ben s(er)uid as sires [th]at serue [th]e deuil
H2: 11,22 And bien serued as sires . and serue the deuel
Ch: 11,22 And Iserued as sires . -th-at seruen -th-e deuel
D: 11,22 And ben seruyd as sires . -th-(a)t seruen -th-e
deuel [aaAx]
R: 11,22 And is s(er)ued as a sir(e) . -th-at s(er)ue-th-
-th-e deuel [aaAx]
U: 11,22 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,22 And ben (serued) as (syres) . _th_at (serue_th_)
_th_e deuel [aaAx]
J: 11,22 And bene s(er)uyd as syrys . -th-(a)t s(er)uyn -th-e
deuyl [aaAx]
K: 11,22 And ben seruyd as sires . that s(er)vith the deuile
A: 11,22 And ben seruyd as seris . -th-at seruyn -th-e deuelis
loris [aaAx]
M: 11,22 & am s(er)uid as sires . -th-at sewit -th-at
lore [aaAx]
H3: 11,22 And be(n) Iseruyd as syrys . -th-e sweyn of -th-e
deuyl(is) lore [aaAx]
W: 11,22 And serued as a sire . -th-at folwe-th- -th-e deuels
lore [aaAx]
T: 11,23 Iob [th]e ientile in his gestis seide it
H2: 11,23 Iob the gentil . in his geeste seide it [aaAx]
Ch: 11,23 Iob -th-e gentille . In his gestes seide hit [aaAx]
D: 11,23 Iob -th-e gentil . his gestys seyden it [aaAx]
R: 11,23 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 11,23 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,23 (Iob) _th_e (Ientel) . in his (Ieestes) seide [aaAx]
J: 11,23 Iob -th-e ientil . in his gest seyde it [aaAx]
K: 11,23 Iob the gentile . in his gestis said it for a sawe
A: 11,23 Iob -th-e gentil . in his gestis seyde [aaAx]
M: 11,23 ffor-th-y iop -th-e gentil . seide in his geste
H3: 11,23 But Iob -th-e gentyl . in hys gestys seyde [aaAx]
W: 11,23 Iob -th-e gentil . in his gest saide [aaAx]
T: 11,23a { Quare via impior(um) p(re)p(ar)at(ur) ve e(st)
om(n)ib(us) qui p(ra)ue agunt & iniq(ue) }
H2: 11,23a { Quare uia i(m)pior(um) p(re)parat(ur) ve est
o(mn)ib(us) q(u)i p(ra)ue agu(n)t & i(n)ique } [Latin]
Ch: 11,23a { Quare via impiorum preperatur ve omnibus }
D: 11,23a { Quare via impior(um) p(re)paratur ve ve est om(n)ib(us)
D: 11,23a { Qui praue agunt et inique } [Latin]
R: 11,23a { Quare impior(um) uia p(ro)p(er)at(ur) b(e)n(e)
[est] o(mn)ib(us) q(u)i praue & inique agu(n)t } [Latin]
U: 11,23a --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,23a { Quare via impiorum prosperatur } [Latin]
V: 11,23a { bene est omnibus qui praue & inique Agunt
}? [Latin]
J: 11,23a { Quare via impior(um) p(ro)sp(er)at(ur) b(e)n(e)
est om(n)ib(us) q(ui) p(re)uar(e) sunt & iniq(ue) agu(n)t
} [Latin]
K: 11,23a { Quare impior(um) p(ro)perat(ur) ve est omnib(us)
q(ui) p(ra)ue agunt & inique } [Latin]
A: 11,23a { Quare via impior(um) p(re)parabitur b(e)n(e)
e(st) in o(mn)ib(us) q(ui) p(ra)ue & iniq(ue) agerunt
} [Latin]
M: 11,23a { S(empiternu)m via i(m)pior(um) p(ro)sp(er)abit(ur)
bene e(st) o(mn)ib(us) q(ui) p(ra)ue & i(n)ique agu(n)t
} [Latin]
H3: 11,23a { In via i(m)pior(um) p(ro)babit(ur) q(uo)d b(e)n(e)
e(st) o(mn)ib(us) q(u)i praue & i(n)ique agu(n)t } [Latin]
W: 11,23a { Quare via impior(um) p(re)p(ar)abitur ve om(n)ib(us)
qui praui sent & inique agunt } [Latin]
Ch: 11,23b { qui praue agunt et inique } [Latin]
T: 11,24 And he [th](a)t ha[th] holy writ ay in his mou[th]
H2: 11,24 And he that hat-gh- holy writ . ay in his mou-gh-t
Ch: 11,24 And he -th-at holi writte ha-th-e . ay in his mow-th-e
D: 11,24 And he -th-at holy wryt . ay in his mouth [aaaAx]
R: 11,24 And he -th-(a)t ha-th- holy writ . ay in h(i)s mowthe
U: 11,24 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,24 Ac he _th_at (holy) writ (ha_th_) . (euer) in his
mou_th_e [aaAx]
J: 11,24 And he -th-(a)t holy writ hath . ay in his mowthe
K: 11,24 And he that hath holy writte . in his mowthe [aaaAx]
A: 11,24 He -th-at hath holy wrytte . hyn his mou-th- [aaaAx]
M: 11,24 he -th-at hat holy writ . alday in his mouthe [aaaAx]
H3: 11,24 He -th-(a)t hat holy wryt . ay in hys mowthe [aaaAx]
W: 11,24 And -th-at had holy wrytt . eu(er)e in his mou-th-e
T: 11,25 And can telle of tobie & of [th]e twelue apostlis
H2: 11,25 And can telle of tobie . and of the twelue appostolis
Ch: 11,25 And can telle of Toby . and of -th-e twelf appostels
D: 11,25 And can telle of Tobye . & of twelue apostels
R: 11,25 And can telle of theologie . and of -th-e xij apostolys
U: 11,25 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,25 And con (tellen) of (Tobie) . And _th_e (Twelue)
Apostles [aaAx]
J: 11,25 And can tellyn of tobye . & of -th-e twelue
apostels [aaAx]
K: 11,25 And can telle of thobye . & of the twelwe appostoles
A: 11,25 And can tellyn of tobie . and is xij apostelis [aaAx]
M: 11,25 & kan telle of tobie . & of xij apostles
H3: 11,25 And can telle of toby-gh-e . & of -th-e xij
apostel(is) [aaAx]
W: 11,25 And can telle of tobie . and -th-e twelue apostles
T: 11,26 Or p(re)chen of [th]e pen(au)nce [th](a)t pilatis
H2: 11,26 Or p(re)chen of the penau(n)ce . that pilatis wrou-gh-te
Ch: 11,26 Or preche of -th-e penaunce . -th-at pilatus wrou-gh-t
D: 11,26 Or p(re)chen of -th-e pen(au)nce . -th-at pilatus
wrou-gh-te [aaAx]
R: 11,26 or prechin of -th-e penauns . -th-(a)t pilatus wrou-gh-the
U: 11,26 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,26 And (prechen) of _th_e (penaunce) . _th_at (Pilatus)
wrouhte [aaAx]
J: 11,26 Or p(re)chyn of -th-e penaunce . -th-(a)t pylat
wrowht [aaAx]
K: 11,26 Other p(re)che of the pen(a)nce . that pilatus wrought
A: 11,26 And prechyn of -th-e penauns . -th-at pilatus wrouth
M: 11,26 Or p(re)chi(n) of -th-e penaunce . -th-at pilat
wrougthe [aaAx]
H3: 11,26 Or p(re)chyn of -th-e penance . -th-(a)t pylat
wrouth [aaAx]
W: 11,26 Or p(re)chen of penance . -th-at Pilatus wroght
T: 11,27 To ih(es)u [th]e gentil [th](a)t Iewis todrowe
H2: 11,27 To ih(es)u the gentil . that Iewes todrowe [aaAx]
Ch: 11,27 To ih(es)u -th-e gentil . -th-at Iewes todrowe
D: 11,27 Of Ih(es)u -th-e gentil . -th-(a)t Iewys todrowe
R: 11,27 to ih(es)u -th-e ientyl . -th-at Iewys todrowe [aaAx]
U: 11,27 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,27 To (Iesu) _th_e (Ientil) . _th_at (Iewes) to-drowe
J: 11,27 To Ih(es)u -th-e gentyl . -th-(a)t Iues todrowyn
K: 11,27 To Ihu the gentill . that the Iewys todrewyn [aaAx]
A: 11,27 To ih(es)u -th-e ientil . -th-at iewis todrowyn
M: 11,27 To Iesu of -th-e gentil . -th-at Iewis todrowen
H3: 11,27 To Ih(es)u -th-e gentyl . -th-(a)t iewys todrowen
W: 11,27 To Ih(es)u the gentil . -th-at Iewes todrewen [aaAx]
T: 11,28 On crois vpon caluarie as clerkis vs techi[th]
H2: 11,28 On croys vpon caluerie . as clerkis vs techit-gh-
Ch: 11,28 On croice on caluarie . as clerkes vs teche-th-
D: 11,28 On croys vpon Caluarye . as clerk(es) vs teche-th-
R: 11,28 On cros vpon calwarie . as clerk(is) vs techyn [aaAx]
U: 11,28 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,28 On (Cros) vppon (Caluarie) . as (Clerkes) vs telle_th_
J: 11,28 On croyce vpon caluarye . as clerkys vs techith
K: 11,28 On crose vpon calu(ar)ey . as clerkes vs techen
A: 11,28 On cros vpon caluari . as clerkis vs techyn [aaAx]
M: 11,28 On cros vpon kaluarie . as clerkys vs techit [aaAx]
H3: 11,28 As on cros vpon caluary . as clerkys vs techy(n)
W: 11,28 On crosse on caluarie . as clerkes vs techen [aaAx]
T: 11,29 Litel is he louid or lete by [th](a)t suche a lessou(n)
H2: 11,29 Litel is he loued or lete bi that . such a lesson
techit-gh- [aaaAx]
Ch: 11,29 --- this line is omitted ---
D: 11,29 Litel is he loued or late by -th-(a)t . swych a
lessou(n) teche-th- [aaaAx]
R: 11,29 Lytel is he loued or late by -th-(a)t . such a lessou(n)
teches [aaaAx]
U: 11,29 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,29 (Luytel) is he (loued) or (leten) bi . _th_at such
a (lessun) Rede_th_ [aaaAx]
J: 11,29 Lytyl is he letyn by -th-(a)t . swyche a lessyn
lerith [aaaAx]
K: 11,29 Litil is he louid or lettyn by that . such a lesson
techith [aaaAx]
A: 11,29 Lytil is louyd or late by . -th-at sweche a sermoun
schew(i)t(h) [aaaAx]
M: 11,29 Litil is he to letyn by -th-(a)t . swiche s(er)mou(n)s
schewit [aaaAx]
H3: 11,29 Lytyl is he louyd or sett by -th-(a)t . sweche
a sarmou(n) schew(i)t(h) [aaaAx]
W: 11,29 Litil is he loued -th-at . suche a sarmon shewe-th-
T: 11,30 Or dauntid or drawe for[th] [th]ise diso(ur)s wyte
[th]e so[th]e
H2: 11,30 Or dauntid or drawe forth . these dysours wite
the sothe [aaAx]
Ch: 11,30 Or daunte-th- or drawe-th- forthe . -th-es disours
wite -gh-e for so-th-[e] [aaAx]
D: 11,30 Or dauncelyd or drawen for-th- . disours wite -th-e
so-th-e [aaAx]
R: 11,30 or damseld or drawe for-th- . -th-(i)s disoures
wite -th-e so-th-e [aaAx]
U: 11,30 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,30 Or (Daunseled) or (Drawen) for_th_ . _th_is (Disours)
witen _th_e so_th_e [aaAx]
J: 11,30 Or dawenseld or drawyn forth . -th-es dysourys wyty(n)
-th-e sothe [aaAx]
K: 11,30 Or daunted or drawen forth . thes dysour(es) witen
the soth [aaAx]
A: 11,30 Or honourid or drawe forth . -th-ese desouris wot
-th-e so-th-e [aaAx]
M: 11,30 Or daunselit or drawit forth . -th-ise dyso[u]rs
witit -th-e so-th-e [aaAx]
H3: 11,30 But hoso ca(n) dau(n)ce & drawe forth . -th-ese
dyssours know(i)t(h) -th-e sothe [aaAx]
W: 11,30 Or daunsels or drawe-th- for . -th-is disours wote
-th-e so-th-e [aaAx]
T: 11,31 ffor [y]if harlotrie ne halp he(m) bet(er)e haue god
my trou[th]e
H2: 11,31 ffor if harlotrye ne helpe hem bet(er)e . haue
god my trouthe [aaxAx]
Ch: 11,31 ffor -gh-ef harlottry ne halpe hym better . haue
god my tr[ou-th-e] [aaxAx]
D: 11,31 ffor -gh-if harlot helpe hem bett(er) . haue god
my trew-th-e [aaxAx]
R: 11,31 for -gh-if harlotrie ne holpe he(m) beter(e) . so
haue god my tru-th-e [aaxAx]
U: 11,31 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,31 ffor _g_if (Harlotrie) ne (Holpe) hem _th_e bet
. (haue) God my soule [aaxAxx]
J: 11,31 ffor -gh-if harlotrye ne halp he(m) bet . haue god
my t(ru)the [aaxAx]
K: 11,31 ffor if harlotry ne help the bett(er) . haue god
my trewthe [aaxAx]
A: 11,31 ffor -gh-if harlatrie ne helpe hem -th-e bettere
. so god me helpe [aaxAx]
M: 11,31 ffor harlotrie ne holp he(m) bet(er)e . -th-a(n)
-th-e treuthe [aaxAx]
H3: 11,31 ffor -gh-yf harlottry-gh-e no holpe he(m) nouth
mor(e) . -th-a(n) g(ra)ce or treuthe [aaxAx]
W: 11,31 ffor if harlotrie ne helpe hem -th-e bettere . to
haue good [aaxAx]
T: 11,32 More [th]anne musik or makyng of god almi[gh]t
H2: 11,32 More than musike . or makyng of god almy-gh-ty
Ch: 11,32 More -th-an Musik . or makyng of god almy-gh-ty
D: 11,32 More -th-an musyk . or makyng of god almy-gh-te
R: 11,32 Mor(e) -th-an musyk . or makyng of god almy-gh-thi
U: 11,32 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,32 (More) _th_en (Musyk) . or (Makyng) of Crist [aaAx]
J: 11,32 More -th-an ony musyk . or makyng of gode [aaAx]
K: 11,32 More than musike . or makyng of God almighty [aaAx]
A: 11,32 More -th-an musike . or makyng of god almyti [aaAx]
M: 11,32 & mor(e) -th-an musik . -th-an or makyng of
god almithi [aaAx]
H3: 11,32 And more -th-a(n) musyk . or makyng of god almythy
W: 11,32 In trou-th- more -th-an musyk . or makyng of god
almyght [aaAx]
T: 11,33 Wolde neu(er)e king ne kni[gh]t ne canou(n) of seint
H2: 11,33 Wolde neu(er)e kyng ne kny-gh-t . ne canou(n) of
seynt po[u]l[i]s [aaAx]
Ch: 11,33 Wolde neu(er) kyng no kny-gh-t . no chanou(n) of
seint Poules [aaAx]
D: 11,33 Wolde neu(er) kyng ne kny-gh-t . ne Canou(n) of
seint poule [aaAx]
R: 11,33 Wolde neu(er)e king ne kny-gh-t . ne chanou(n) of
seynt powlys [aaAx]
U: 11,33 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,33 Wolde neuer (kyng) ne (kniht) . ne (Canoun) of Seynt
poules [aaAx]
J: 11,33 Nold kyng no knyht . ne chanou(n) of seynt powl(is)
K: 11,33 Would neu(er) kyng ne knight . ne chanon of saynt
powles [aaAx]
A: 11,33 Wold ne-th-er kyng ne knyth . nor chanon of sen
poulis [aaAx]
M: 11,33 Wolde nei-th-(er) -th-e ki(n)g . ne chanou(n)s of
powlis [aaAx]
H3: 11,33 Wold neu(er) kyng nou(n) knyth . no(n) chanou(n)
of sent poulys [aaAx]
W: 11,33 Wold ne-th-er kyng ne knyght . ne chanoun of poules
T: 11,34 [Y]iue hem to here [y]eris[gh]iue [th]e value of a
H2: 11,34 -gh-eue hem to here -gh-eres-gh-yue . the value
of a (::::::) [aaXx]
Ch: 11,34 -Gh-ef hem to her -gh-ers-gh-eue . -th-e valewe
of a grote [aaXx]
D: 11,34 -gh-eue hem to here -gh-eres-gh-eue . -th-e valu
of a grote [aaXx]
R: 11,34 -gh-eue he(m) to her(e) -gh-er(is)-gh-eue . -th-e
value of a grote [aaXx]
U: 11,34 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,34 (_Y_euen) hem to heore (_g_eres-_g_iue) . _th_e
value of a (grote) [aaXa]
J: 11,34 -Gh-yuyn hem to her -gh-erys-gh-eue . -th-e -gh-ift
of a grote [aaXx]
K: 11,34 Yeue hem for her service . the valour of a grote
A: 11,34 -Gh-if hem to here -gh-eris -gh-ifte . -th-e valew
of a grote [aaXx]
M: 11,34 -Y-eue(n) he(m) to her(e) -y-eris-y-ifte . -th-e
value of a grote [aaXx]
H3: 11,34 -Gh-eue he(m) to here -gh-erys-gh-yfte . -th-e
value of a grote [aaXx]
W: 11,34 -Gh-if hym to hyre -gh-ers-gh-eft . worth a grote
T: 11,35 Menstralsie & m(er)[th]e among men is nou[th]e
H2: 11,35 Mynstralsie and myrthe . among men (::::::) [aaAx]
Ch: 11,35 Mynstralcy and mer-th-e . among men is nou-gh-t
D: 11,35 Menstralsye & mur-th-e . among me(n) is nou-th-e
R: 11,35 Ac menstracie and mer-th-e . among me(n) is now-th-e
U: 11,35 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,35 Bote (Munstralsye) and (Mur_th_e) . A-Mong (Men)
is nou_th_e [aaAx]
J: 11,35 ffor mynst(ra)lcy or m(er)the . amongys men nowe
K: 11,35 But mynstrell(es) mirth(es) . among(es) me(n) or
Cowthe [aaAx]
A: 11,35 Mynstralsie & myrthe . among men is nouth [aaAx]
M: 11,35 but me(n)stralsie & merthe . among men is nouye
H3: 11,35 But my(n)stralsy-gh-e & myrthe . among is nowe
W: 11,35 Ac mynstralcie and mer-th- . is now among men [aaAx]
T: 11,36 Leccherie & loseng(er)ie & losel(is) talis
H2: 11,36 Lecherie and losengerie . and losell (:::::) [aaAx]
Ch: 11,36 But lechorie and losengrie . and losels tales [aaAx]
D: 11,36 Lecherye & losengerye . & losels tales [aaAx]
R: 11,36 Lecherie and losengrie . and bro-th-ell(es) talys
U: 11,36 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,36 (Lecherie) and (losengrie) . and (loseles) tales
J: 11,36 Is lychery losengery . & losel(is) talis [aaAx]
K: 11,36 Lechery & losengrye . losell(es) talis and glotonye
A: 11,36 Losenrye & rebaudie . and loselis talis [aaAx]
M: 11,36 losengerie & leccherie . & loselis talis
H3: 11,36 Bouseury-gh-e & bysmery-gh-e . & loselys
talys [aaAx]
W: 11,36 Losengerie & lecherie . and losels tales [aaAx]
T: 11,37 Glotonye & grete o[th]is [th]ise arn games nowadayes
H2: 11,37 Glotonye and grete othis (::::::::::::::) [aaAx]
Ch: 11,37 Glotonye and gret o-th-es . -th-es arn her games
now adayes [aaAx]
D: 11,37 And glotonye w(i)t(h) gret othes . bu-th- games
now adayes [aaAx]
R: 11,37 and glotonye w(i)t(h) grete o-th-es . -th-es ar(e)
gamenys now o dayes [aaAx]
U: 11,37 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,37 And (geten) (gold) with (grete) o_th_es . beo_th_
(gamus) nou A dayes [aaaAx]
J: 11,37 Gloteny w(i)t(h) gret othys . is gamyn now o dayes
K: 11,37 W(i)t(h) gret othes . -th-es arn games now adayes
A: 11,37 Glotonie & grete o-th-is . arn gamys now on
days [aaAx]
M: 11,37 & glotonye w(i)t(h) grete othis . -th-ise arn
gamenis now [aaAx]
H3: 11,37 And gloteny-gh-e & grete othys . -th-ese arn
gamys on dayis [aaAx]
W: 11,37 And glotenie and gret o-th-es . -th-is arn now adays
T: 11,38 Ac [y]if [th]ei carpen of crist [th]ise clerkis & [th]ise
H2: 11,38 Ac if thei carpen of c(ri)st (::::::::::::::::::)
Ch: 11,38 Bot -gh-ef -th-ei carpyn of crist . -th-es clerkes
and -th-es lewd [aaAx]
D: 11,38 Ac yf -th-ey carpen of Crist . -th-ese clerk(es) & -th-ese
lewed [aaAx]
R: 11,38 and -gh-if -th-ei carpe(n) of crist . -th-es clerk(is)
and -th-es lewed [aaAx]
U: 11,38 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,38 But _g_if _th_ei (Carpen) of (Crist) . _th_is (Clerkes)
and _th_is lewede [aaAx]
J: 11,38 And -gh-if -th-ei ca(r)pyn of c(ri)st . -th-es klerkes & -th-es
lewyd [aaAx]
K: 11,38 But if thay carpen of criste . thes clerkes & thes
lewde [aaAx]
A: 11,38 -Gh-if -th-ai carpyn on crist . -th-ese clerkis
and -th-ese lewid men [aaAx]
M: 11,38 & -y-if -th-ey carpy(n) of crist . -th-ise clerkys & -th-ese
lewede [aaAx]
H3: 11,38 And -gh-yf he carppy(n) of cryst . -th-e clerkys & -th-e
lewd [aaAx]
W: 11,38 And -gh-if -th-ei carpe of Crist . -th-is clerkes & -th-is
lewed men [aaAx]
T: 11,39 At [th]e mete & at m(er)[th]e whanne mynstral(is)
ben stille
H2: 11,39 At the mete and at (:::::::::::::::::::::::) [aaAx]
Ch: 11,39 At mete and at myr-th-e . whan mynstralles ben
stille [aaAx]
D: 11,39 At mete & at mur-th-e . whan mynstrals be stille
R: 11,39 at mete in her(e) mer-th-e . whan me(n)stral(es)
faylen [aaAx]
U: 11,39 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,39 Atte (Mete) in heor (Mur_th_e) . whon (Munstrals)
beo_th_ stille [aaAx]
J: 11,39 At mete in her m(er)thys . qwan mynst(ra)lis ben
stille [aaAx]
K: 11,39 At mete in her merthes . whan menstrell(es) ben
stille [aaAx]
A: 11,39 At mete and at myrth . pece mynstrallis arn stille
M: 11,39 Atte mete in her(e) monye . whan menstralis bet
stille [aaAx]
H3: 11,39 At mete i(n) her mycche . qwa(n) mystrel(is) be(n)
stylle [aaAx]
W: 11,39 At mete in here merthes . whan mynstrals be-th-
stille [aaAx]
T: 11,40 [Th]anne telle [th]ei of [th]e trinite how two slowe
[th]e [th]ridde
H2: 11,40 Than telle thei o (:::::::::::::::::::::::) [aaAx]
Ch: 11,40 -Th-an telle -th-ey of -th-e trinite . how two
slew -th-e -th-ridde [aaAx]
D: 11,40 -Th-an telle -th-ey of -th-e trinite . how two slow
-th-e -th-ridde [aaAx]
R: 11,40 Than telle -th-ei of -th-e trinite . how two slowe
-th-e -th-redde [aaAx]
U: 11,40 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,40 _Th_enne (telle_th_) _th_ei of _th_e (Trinite) .
hou (two) slowen _th_e _th_ridde [aaAx]
J: 11,40 -Th-an tellyn of -th-e t(ri)nite . how two slowyn
-th-e thridde [aaAx]
K: 11,40 Than tellen thay of the trynyte . a tale or twoo
A: 11,40 Than tellyn -th-ai of -th-e trenite . how -th-e
to slow -th-e thridde [aaAx]
M: 11,40 -Th-a(n)ne telle -th-ey of -th-e t(ri)nite . how
ij slowe(n) -th-e -th-ridde [aaAx]
H3: 11,40 -Th-a(n) telly(n) hy(m) of -th-e t(ri)nyte . qwow
-th-(a)t it is i(n) iij [aaAx]
W: 11,40 Than tel -th-ei of -th-e trinite . howe two slowe
-th-e -th-redde [aaAx]
T: 11,41 And bringe for[th] a ballid resou(n) tok bernard to
H2: 11,41 And bryngen f (:::::::::::::::::::::::::::) [aaAx]
Ch: 11,41 And bringe-th- for-th-e a balled Resoun . and take-th-
Bernard to wittenesse [aaAx]
D: 11,41 And bryngen for-th- a balled resou(n) . take Bernard
to witnesse [aaAx]
R: 11,41 and bryng for-th- a balled . tokne bernard to witnes
U: 11,41 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,41 And (Bringe_th_) for_th_ (Ballede) Resouns . tak
(Bernard) to witnesse [aaAx]
J: 11,41 A ballyd resou(n) -th-ei bringyn forth . & taky(n)
bernard to wytnesse [aaAx]
K: 11,41 And bryngen forth a balled reason . & take b(ar)n(er)de
to wittenes [aaAx]
A: 11,41 Bryngith forth a ballid resun . barnard I take to
wyttnes [aaAx]
M: 11,41 And bry(n)gy(n) forth a ballid resoun . & taky(n)
b(er)nard to wytnesse [aaAx]
H3: 11,41 And bryngyt forth a ballyd resou(n) . takyth barnard
to wytnesse [aaAx]
W: 11,41 And take bernard to witnesse & bryng for-th-
a balled reson [aaAx]
T: 11,42 And putte for[th] p(re)sumpc(i)ou(n) to p(ro)ue [th]e
H2: 11,42 And put forth p(re)somc(i)ou(n) . to proue the
sothe [aaAx]
Ch: 11,42 And putte-th- for-th-e presumpciou(n) . to preue
-th-e so-th-e [aaAx]
D: 11,42 And putte p(re)sumpciou(n) . to p(ro)ue -th-e sothe
R: 11,42 and putte(n) for-th- p(re)sumpciou(n) . to p(ro)uen
-th-e so-th-e [aaAx]
U: 11,42 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,42 And (puyte_th_) for_th_ (presumpciun) . to (preue)
_th_e so_th_e [aaAx]
J: 11,42 And puttyn forth p(re)sumptyou(n) . to p(ro)uyn
-th-e sothe [aaAx]
K: 11,42 And putten a p(re)sumpciou(n) . to p(ro)uen the
sothe [aaAx]
A: 11,42 And puttyn forth a presumcioun . to preuyn -th-e
so-th-e [aaAx]
M: 11,42 & puttit forth p(re)su(m)pciou(n) . to proui(n)
-th-e so-th-e [aaAx]
H3: 11,42 And poty(n) p(er)somcyou(n) . to p(re)uy(n) -th-e
sothe [aaAx]
W: 11,42 And putte a p(re)sumpsion . to prouen -th-e sothe
T: 11,43 [Th]us [th]ei dryuelen at here deis [th]e deite to
H2: 11,43 Thus thei dryuelen at her(e) deis . the deite to
knowe [aaAx]
Ch: 11,43 -Th-us -th-ei dreuelyn at her des . -th-e deite
to knowe [aaAx]
D: 11,43 Thus -th-ey dreuelyn at here deys . -th-e dette
to knowen [aaAx]
R: 11,43 -Th-(us) -th-ei drauelyn at her(e) des . -th-e deite
to knowe [aaAx]
U: 11,43 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,43 _Th_us _th_ei (drauelen) on heore (deys) . _th_e
(Deite) to knowe [aaAx]
J: 11,43 -Th-(us) -th-ei dreuelyn at her deyse . deuynyte
to knowe [aaAx]
K: 11,43 Thus thay dryvylyn at her dese . the deite to knowe
A: 11,43 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 11,43 -Th-us -th-ey drauelyn atte deis . deitis to knowen
H3: 11,43 -Th-(us) -th-ei dreuely(n) at her dysch . -th-e
detre to knowy(n) [aaAx]
W: 11,43 Thus thei dreuelen at -th-e dees . -th-e deite to
knowe [aaAx]
T: 11,44 And gnawen god in here [th]rote whanne h(er)e guttis
H2: 11,44 And gnawen god in her(e) throte . whan her(e) guttes
fulle [aaaAx]
Ch: 11,44 And gnawen god In her protes . when her guttes
fillen [aaaAx]
D: 11,44 And knawe god in -th-e -th-rote . whan here guttis
fullen [aaaAx]
R: 11,44 And gnawe god in -th-e gorge . whe(n) her(e) -th-rotes
fulle(n) [aaaAx]
U: 11,44 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,44 And deme_th_ (God) in-to _th_e (gorge) . whon heore
(Gottus) follen [aaAx]
J: 11,44 And gnawyn god in -th-e gorge . qwan -th-e guttys
fyllyth [aaaAx]
K: 11,44 And gnawen god in her gorge . whan her gutt(is)
fillen [aaaAx]
A: 11,44 And gnawyn god in -th-e gorge . whan here guttis
fillyn [aaaAx]
M: 11,44 & gnawen god be -th-e goorge . whan her(e) guttis
fulli(n) [aaaAx]
H3: 11,44 And gabby(n) i(n) -th-e gorge . qwa(n) -th-e gutys
fylly(n) [aaaAx]
W: 11,44 And gnawen god in Gorge . whan here guttes ben fulle
T: 11,45 Ac [th]e carful may cri[gh]en & carpe at [th]e
H2: 11,45 Ac the carful may crien . and carpe at the -gh-ate
Ch: 11,45 Bot -th-e carful may crien . and carpen at -th-e
-gh-ate [aaAx]
D: 11,45 Ac -th-e Carful may cryen . & carpen at -th-e
-gh-ate [aaAx]
R: 11,45 ac -th-e carful may crien . and carpe at -th-e gate
U: 11,45 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,45 But (Carful) Mon may (crien) . and (clepen) atte
_g_ate [aaAx]
J: 11,45 Ac -th-e careful may cryen . & carpyn at -th-e
-gh-ate [aaAx]
K: 11,45 But the carefull mowen crien . & carpen at the
gate [aaAx]
A: 11,45 The carful man may cryen . at -th-e -gh-ate [aaAx]
M: 11,45 But -th-e kareful may cryen . & karpi(n) atte
gate [aaAx]
H3: 11,45 And -th-e carful may cryen . & carpy(n) at
-th-e gate [aaAx]
W: 11,45 Ac -th-e carful may carpen . and crien atte gate
T: 11,46 Bo[th]e for hungir & of [th]rest & for chele
H2: 11,46 Both for hung(ir) and for thrist . and for chele
quakyth [xaAxx]
Ch: 11,46 Bo-th-e for hunger and for -th-irst . and for chele
quake-th- [xaAxx]
D: 11,46 Bo-th-e of hong(er) & of -th-urst . & for
chele quake-th- [xaAxx]
R: 11,46 Bo-th-e for hu(n)ger and for thrist . and for chele
quake [xaAxx]
U: 11,46 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,46 Bo_th_e of hungur and of _th_urst . and for chele
quake [????]
J: 11,46 Both for hunger & for thriste . & for cold
q(ua)ke [xaAxx]
K: 11,46 Both for hungre & thriste . & for chele
of his nayles qwake [xaAxx]
A: 11,46 ffor hungur and for thrist . and for cold quakyn
M: 11,46 Bo-th-in for hong(ir) & for -th-rest . & for
chele qwakyn [xaAxx]
H3: 11,46 Bothe for hu(n)gyr & for thryst . & for
cold qwaky(n) [xaAxx]
W: 11,46 Bo-th-e for hunger & for -th-rest . & for
chele quake [xaAxx]
T: 11,47 Is non to nymen hym In ne his anguyssh amende
H2: 11,47 Ys non to nymen In . ne his anguysch amende [aaAx]
Ch: 11,47 Is non to neme hym Inne . no his anguisch to mende
D: 11,47 Is non to meuen hym . ne his angwys amendyn [aaAx]
R: 11,47 -th-er is no(n) to nemle hi(m) in . ne angwys amende
U: 11,47 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,47 Nis no Mon him neih . his nuy to Amende [????]
J: 11,47 -Th-(er) is no(n)n to nemy(n) him . ne his noyce
to amende [aaAx]
K: 11,47 Ys non to ni(m)men hym yn . ne his anoye amend [aaAx]
A: 11,47 Is -th-er non w(i)t(h) Inne . -th-at is noye wil
amendyn [aaAx]
M: 11,47 Is -th-er no(n) to taky(n) hi(m) in . & his
disease ame(n)dy(n) [aaAx]
H3: 11,47 -Th-(er) is no(n) to nemy(n) hy(m) In . & hys
anyr amende [aaAx]
W: 11,47 Is -th-er none to nyme hym in . his noie amende
T: 11,48 But hunsen hym as an hound & hoten hym go [th]enne
H2: 11,48 But hunsen hi(m) as an hou(n)de . and hoten hi(m)
go thenne [aaAx]
Ch: 11,48 Bot hunsen hym as an hound . and hoten hem go -th-ennes
D: 11,48 But honesshen hym as an hound . & hoten hym
go -th-ennes [aaAx]
R: 11,48 But hou(n)she hi(m) as an hound . and hote hi(m)
go -th-e(n)nys [aaAx]
U: 11,48 But honysche hym as an hound . & hote hym go
-th-ennes [aaAx]
V: 11,48 Bote (honesschen) him as an (hound) . and (hoten)
him go _th_ennes [aaAx]
J: 11,48 But hoyny(n) on him as on a hownde . & hoty(n)
hi(m) go -th-ennys [aaAx]
K: 11,48 But huschen hym as an hound . & hote hym go
hennys [aaAx]
A: 11,48 Hold hym out as an hound . and hunte hym so -th-enis
M: 11,48 But comau(n)di(n) hi(m) out as an hou(n)e . & hoty(n)
go -th-e(n)nis [aaAx]
H3: 11,48 But comau(n)dy(n) out as an hond . & hoty(n)
hy(m) go -th-ens [aaAx]
W: 11,48 But hold him oute as an hound . and hote hym go
-th-ens [aaAx]
T: 11,49 Litel loui[th] he [th](a)t lord [th](a)t leni[th]
hym al [th]at blisse
H2: 11,49 Litel loueth he that lord . that lenyth hi(m) al
that blysse [aaAx]
Ch: 11,49 lite-th- loue-th- he -th-at lorde . -th-at lene-th-
hym al -th-at blisse [aaAx]
D: 11,49 lite loueth he -th-at lord . -th-(a)t lene-th- hym
-th-(a)t blysse [aaAx]
R: 11,49 Lytel loue-th- he -th-(a)t lord . -th-at lene-th-
al -th-(a)t blysse [aaAx]
U: 11,49 Lytel loue-th- he -th-(a)t lord . -th-at lene-th-
hym -th-at blysse [aaAx]
V: 11,49 (Luyte) (loue_th_) he _th_at (lord) . _th_at (lene_th_)
him _th_at Blisse [aaaAx]
J: 11,49 Lytil louyth he -th-(a)t lord . -th-(a)t lenyth
him -th-(a)t blisse [aaAx]
K: 11,49 Lityl louith he the lord . that levith hym al the
blisse [aaAx]
A: 11,49 Litil louyth he -th-at lord . -th-at lent hym alle
his blysse [aaAx]
M: 11,49 Litil louen he -th-at lord . -th-at lonyt he(m)
al -th-ys blisse [aaAx]
H3: 11,49 Lytyl louyth he -th-(a)t lord . -th-(a)t lenyth
hy(m) al -th-(a)t blysse [aaAx]
W: 11,49 Lytil loue-th- he -th-at lorde . -th-at leue-th-
hym -th-at blysse [aaAx]
T: 11,50 [Th](a)t [th]us parti[th] wi[th] [th]e poore a p(ar)cel
whanne hym nedi[th]
H2: 11,50 That thus partith with the por(e) . a p(ar)cel
whan hi(m) nedith [aaAx]
Ch: 11,50 -Th-at -th-us parte-th- with -th-e pore . a p(ar)selle
whan hym nede-th- [aaAx]
D: 11,50 That -th-us p(ar)te-th- w(i)t(h) -th-e pore . a
parcel whan hym nede-th- [aaAx]
R: 11,50 -Th-(a)t -th-(us) p(ar)te-th- w(i)t(h) -th-e por(e)
. a p(ar)cel whan hi(m) nede-th- [aaAx]
U: 11,50 -Th-at -th-us p(ar)tyth w(i)t(h) -th-e pore . a
p(ar)cel whan hym nede-th- [aaAx]
V: 11,50 _Th_at _th_us (parte_th_) with _th_e (pore) . A
(parcel) whon him neode_th_ [aaAx]
J: 11,50 -Th-(a)t -th-(us) partith w(i)t(h) -th-e pore .
a pa[r]cel qwan hem nedith [aaAx]
K: 11,50 That thus p(ar)tith w(i)t(h) the pore . no p(ar)cel
whan hem nedith [aaAx]
A: 11,50 That -th-us p(ar)tith w(i)t(h) -th-e pore . a p(er)cel
whan hym lyste [aaAx]
M: 11,50 -Th-at -th-us parti(n) w(i)t(h) -th-e pouer(e) .
a parcel whan hi(m) nedit [aaAx]
H3: 11,50 -th-at -th-(us) p(ar)ty(n) w(i)t(h) -th-e pore
. a p(ar)cel qwa(n) hy(m) nedyth [aaAx]
W: 11,50 That -th-us p(ar)ten wi-th- -th-e pore . a parcell
whan hym nede-th- [aaAx]
T: 11,51 Nere m(er)cy in mene men more [th]an in riche
H2: 11,51 Ner(e) m(er)cy in mene men . mor(e) than in ryche
Ch: 11,51 Nere mercy in Mene men . more -th-an In Riche [aaAx]
D: 11,51 Nere mercy in mene men . more -th-an in riche [aaAx]
R: 11,51 ne wer(e) mercy in mene me(n) . mor(e) -th-a(n)
in riche [aaAx]
U: 11,51 Ne were m(er)cy in mene men . more -th-an in ryche
V: 11,51 Neore (Merci) In (Mene) (Men) . (More) _th_en in
Riche [aaaAx]
J: 11,51 Ne were m(er)cy in mene men . more -th-an in riche
K: 11,51 Nere m(er)cie in meane men . more than in riche
A: 11,51 Ne were mercy in mene man . more -th-an in riche
M: 11,51 Ne wer(e) m(er)cy in mene men . mor(e) -th-an i(n)
riche [aaAx]
H3: 11,51 Ne were mercy i(n) mene me(n) . more -th-a(n) i(n)
ryche [aaAx]
W: 11,51 Nere mercy in mene men . more -th-an in riche [aaAx]
T: 11,52 Manye men meteles mi[gh]te go to bedde
H2: 11,52 Many men meteles . my-gh-te go to bedde [aaAx]
Ch: 11,52 Many men meteles . my-gh-t go to bedde [aaAx]
D: 11,52 Many pore men meteles . my-gh-te go to bedde [aaAx]
R: 11,52 Manye me(n)dynau(n)s metelys . my-gh-t go to bedde
U: 11,52 Manye mendenawtes meteles . my-gh-te go to bedde
V: 11,52 Wi_th_ (Mony) defauti (Meeles) . (Mihte) _th_ei
go to bedde [aaAx]
J: 11,52 Mendicans meteles . myht gon to bedde [aaAx]
K: 11,52 Many mendinant(es) meteles . might goon to bedde
A: 11,52 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 11,52 Many por(e) men meteles . migthi(n) gon to bedde
H3: 11,52 Many me(n) meteles . myth gou(n) to bedde [aaAx]
W: 11,52 Many mendynant-gh- metles . myght go to bedde [aaAx]
T: 11,53 God is muche in [th]e [th]rote of [th]is grete maistris
H2: 11,53 God is muche in the gorge . of thise grete maistris
Ch: 11,53 God is much in -th-e gorge . with -th-es grete
maistres [aaAx]
D: 11,53 God is moche in -th-e -th-rote . of -th-is gret
maystres [aaAx]
R: 11,53 God is mechel in -th-e gorge . of -th-es grete maystr(is)
U: 11,53 God his mechel in his gorge . of -th-ese grete maystres
V: 11,53 (God) is muche in _th_e (gorge) . of _th_eose (grete)
Maystres [aaAx]
J: 11,53 God is mychel in -th-e gorge . of -th-ies gret mayst(er)ys
K: 11,53 God is mochel in the gorge . among(es) thes gret
masters [aaAx]
A: 11,53 God is meche in here gorge . of -th-ese grete maysteris
M: 11,53 God is michil in her(e) mouth . of -th-is grete
maistris [aaAx]
H3: 11,53 God is mechyl i(n) -th-e gorge . of -th-e grete
maystyrs [aaAx]
W: 11,53 God is muche in gorge . among -th-is grete maistres
T: 11,54 Ac among men hise m(er)cy & his werkis
H2: 11,54 Ac among men . hise m(er)cy and hise werkys [aaAx]
Ch: 11,54 Bot among mene men . his mercy and his werkes [aaAx]
D: 11,54 And among mene men . his m(er)cy & his werk(es)
R: 11,54 and among mene men . his m(er)cy is in werk(is)
U: 11,54 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,54 Bote A-Mong (Mene) (Men) . his (Merci) and his werkes
J: 11,54 But amongys mene men . his g(ra)ce & his werkys
K: 11,54 But among(es) mean men . is m(er)cie & his workes
A: 11,54 Among mene men . his mercy & his werchyng [aaAx]
M: 11,54 But among mene men . his m(er)cy & his werkys
H3: 11,54 and among mene me(n) . is hys mercy & hys werkys
W: 11,54 Ac amo(n)gg mene men . is his merci & his werkes
T: 11,55 And so sei[th] [th]e sauter se it in {Memento}
H2: 11,55 And so seith the saut(er) . se it in { memento
} [aaAx]
Ch: 11,55 And so sei-th- -th-e sauter . se it in { Memento
} [aaAx]
D: 11,55 And so seith -th-e saut(er) . seke it in { memento
} [aaAx]
R: 11,55 and so sey-th- -th-e saut(er) . sek hit in { mementote
} [aaAx]
U: 11,55 And so seyth -th-e sauter . seek it in { memento
} [aaAx]
V: 11,55 And so (sei_th_) _th_e (psauter) . (sech) hit In "{
Memento } [aaAx]
J: 11,55 So seyth -th-e sawt(er) . sekyth in { memento }
K: 11,55 And so saith the psawlter . sech it in { memento
} [aaAx]
A: 11,55 As seyth -th-e sauter . sekyth { memento } [aaAx]
M: 11,55 & so seit -th-e sauter . sech in { Me memento
} [aaAx]
H3: 11,55 And so seyth -th-e sautyr . seche it i(n) { Meme(n)to
} [aaAx]
W: 11,55 And so sai-th- -th-e sautr(e) . seke it in { memento
} [aaAx]
T: 11,55 { Ecce audiuim(us) eam in effrata inuenim(us) eam
in campis silue }
H2: 11,55a { Ecce audiuim(us) eam in effrata i(n)uenim(us)
ea(m) i(n) ca(m)pis silue } [Latin]
Ch: 11,55a { Ecce audiuimus eum in effrata inuenimus }
D: 11,55a { Ecce audiuim(us) ea(m) in effrata Inuenim(us)
ea(m) in ca(m)pis silue } [Latin]
R: 11,55a { Ecce audiuim(us) eu(m) eufrata i(n)uenim(us)
ea(m) in ca(m)pis silue } [Latin]
U: 11,55a { Ecce audiuim(us) i(n) eufrata i(n)uenim(us) ea(m)
in ca(m)pis silue } [Latin]
V: 11,55a { "Ecce Audiuimus eam in effrata, inuenimus
eum in campis silue } [Latin]
J: 11,55a { Ecce audiuim(us) eu(m) in effrata Inuenim(us)
eam in campis silue } [Latin]
K: 11,55a { Ecce audiuim(us) eam in effrata Inuenim(us) eam
in campis silue } [Latin]
A: 11,55a { Ecce audiuimus eam in effrata } [Latin]
M: 11,55a { Ecce audiuim(us) ea(m) in effrata i(n)venim(us)
ea(m) in ca(m)pis silue } [Latin]
H3: 11,55a { Ecce audiuim(us) ea(m) i(n) effrata i(n)uenim(us)
ea(m) i(n) ca(m)pis siluet } [Latin]
W: 11,55a { Ecce audiuimus eam in effrata inuenimus eam in
(:::: :::) } [Latin]
Ch: 11,55b { eum in campis silue } [Latin]
T: 11,56 Clerkis and kid men carpen of god faste
H2: 11,56 Clerkis and kyd men . carpen of men god faste [aaAx]
Ch: 11,56 Clerkes and kydde men . carpen of god faste [aaAx]
D: 11,56 Clerkys & ked men . carpen of god faste [aaAx]
R: 11,56 Clerk(is) and kedde men . carpen of god faste [aaAx]
U: 11,56 Clerkys and kedde men . carpen of god faste [aaAx]
V: 11,56 (Clerkes) and (kete) men . (Carpen) of God ofte
J: 11,56 Clerkys & cowrte me(n) . carpyn of god fast
K: 11,56 Clerk(is) & kete men . carpen of god ffaste
A: 11,56 Clerkis and courte men . spekyn of god faste [aaAx]
M: 11,56 Clerkis & grete men . karpi(n) of god faste
H3: 11,56 Clerkys & grete me(n) . carpy(n) of god fast
W: 11,56 Clerkes & kete men . carpen of god fast [aaAx]
T: 11,57 And han muchel in here mou[th] ac mene men in herte
H2: 11,57 And han hi(m) mekul in her(e) mouth . ac mene men
i(n) her(e) h(er)te [aaAx]
Ch: 11,57 And haue hym much in her her mow-th-e . bot mene
men in her hert [aaAx]
D: 11,57 And haue hym moche in mouthe . ac mene me(n) in
herte [aaAx]
R: 11,57 and han mechel in her mowt-gh- . and many me(n)
in herte [aaAx]
U: 11,57 And han mechel in here mow-th- . ac mene men i(n)
herte [aaAx]
V: 11,57 And han him (muche) in heore (Mou_th_) . bote (Mene)
men in herte [aaAx]
J: 11,57 & han him mychel in her mowthe . but mene me(n)
in hert [aaAx]
K: 11,57 And haue mochel in her mowth . but mean me(n) in
harte [aaAx]
A: 11,57 And han hym mechil in here mou-th-e . an mene men
in hert [aaAx]
M: 11,57 & han hi(m) michel in her(e) mouth . bot fewe
me(n) i(n) herte [aaAx]
H3: 11,57 And han hy(m) mechyl i(n) her mowth . & fewe
i(n) hertys [aaAx]
W: 11,57 And han hym muche in here mu-th- . & mene men
in hert [aaAx]
T: 11,58 ffreris and faito(ur)s han founden vp suche questiouns
H2: 11,58 ffreris and fayto(ur)s . han fonden such questions
Ch: 11,58 ffreres and faitowrs . han founde vp such questiouns
D: 11,58 ffreres & faito(ur)s . haue founden vp such
questiou(n)s [aaAx]
R: 11,58 frer(is) and faytor(is) . han fou(n)de vp suche
questiou(n)s [aaAx]
U: 11,58 ffryres & faytoures . han fonden vp swych questiones
V: 11,58 (ffreres) and (ffaytors) . han (founden) suche questions
J: 11,58 ffreris & fayto(ur)ys . han fou(n)dyn vp swyche
q(ue)styou(n)ys [aaAx]
K: 11,58 ffreres & faito(ur)(es) . haue fownden vp such
questiouns [aaAx]
A: 11,58 ffreris & faytouris . han foundyn vp a questioun
M: 11,58 freris & faito(ur)s . han fou(n)di(n) swich
questiou(n)ou(n)s [aaAx]
H3: 11,58 [Fereris and faito(ur)s --erased--] han fondy(n)
vp swche questyons [aaAx]
W: 11,58 ffreres and faitours . han founden vp suche questions
T: 11,59 To pleise wi[th] proude men si[th]en [th]e pestilence
H2: 11,59 To plese with proude men . sithe the pestilence
tyme [aaAx]
Ch: 11,59 To plesen with poure men . se-th- -th-e pestelence
tyme [aaAx]
D: 11,59 To plese w(i)t(h) proude me(n) . se-th-e pestilens
tyme [aaAx]
R: 11,59 to plese w(i)t(h) prude men . syn -th-e pestelens
tyme [aaAx]
U: 11,59 To plese wy-th- proude men . si-th- -th-e pestilense
tyme [aaAx]
V: 11,59 To (plese) with _th_is (proude) men . se_th__th_e
(pestilence) tyme [aaAx]
J: 11,59 fforto plesyn w(i)t(h) prowde men . sethin pestylens
tyme [aaAx]
K: 11,59 To plesen w(i)t(h) prowde me(n) . sith the pestelence
tyme [aaAx]
A: 11,59 To plesyn w(i)t(h) -th-e proud men . syn -th-e pestelens
tyme [aaAx]
M: 11,59 to plesyn wit por(e) men . sy-th-i(n) pestilens
tyme [aaAx]
H3: 11,59 To plesse w(i)t(h) proude me(n) . sy(n) -th-is
pestelens tyme [aaAx]
W: 11,59 To plese wi-th- proude men . si-th-e -th-e pestilence
tyme [aaAx]
T: 11,60 [Th]at defouli[th] oure false at [th]e feste [th](er)e
[th]ei sitten
H2: 11,60 That defoulith our(e) fiase . at the feste ther(e)
thei sitten [aaAx]
Ch: 11,60 -Th-at defoulen our fai-th-e . at festes -th-er
-th-ei sitten [aaAx]
D: 11,60 That defoule-th- oure face . at -th-e feste -th-(er)
-th-ey sitten [aaAx]
R: 11,60 That defoule-th- our(e) fey-th- als . at fest(es)
-th-(er) -th-ei sytten [aaAx]
U: 11,60 -Th-at defoulen oure feyth . at festis -th-(er)
-th-ei sitten [aaAx]
V: 11,60 _Th_ei (de-ffoulen) vre (ffey) . at (ffestes) _th_er
_th_ei sitten [aaAx]
J: 11,60 -Th-(a)t defowlith our(e) fayth . at festys -th-(er)
-th-ei sittyn [aaAx]
K: 11,60 That defowlith our feith . at fest(es) ther they
sitten [aaAx]
A: 11,60 That defoulid oure feyth . at festis -th-er -th-ai
syttyn [aaAx]
M: 11,60 -Th-at defoulit our(e) feith . at festis -th-(er)
-th-ey sittyn [aaAx]
H3: 11,60 -Th-(a)t defowlyth our feyth . at festys -th-(er)
-th-ei sytty(n) [aaAx]
W: 11,60 Thai defoulen oure faith . at festes -th-er -th-ai
sitten [aaAx]
T: 11,61 ffor now is iche boy bold & he be riche
H2: 11,61 ffor now is iche boy bolde . and he be riche [aaAx]
Ch: 11,61 ffor now is eu(er)y boy bolde . and he be Riche
D: 11,61 ffor now is ech body bold . & he be riche [aaAx]
R: 11,61 for now is ech boy bold . and he be riche [aaAx]
U: 11,61 ffor now is iche boy bold . and he be ryche [aaAx]
V: 11,61 For nou is vche (Boye) (Bold) . (Bro_th_el) an o_th_er
J: 11,61 ffor now is iche boy bolde . & he be riche [aaAx]
K: 11,61 ffor now is eche boy bold . & he be riche [aaAx]
A: 11,61 Now is eche boy bold . -gh-if -th-at he be riche
M: 11,61 ffor now is ich boy boold . -y-if -th-(a)t he be
riche [aaAx]
H3: 11,61 ffor now is eche boy bold . -gh-yf he be ryche
W: 11,61 ffor now is ich boy bold . if -th-at he be riche
T: 11,62 To tellen of [th]e trinite to be holden a sire
H2: 11,62 To tellen of the t(ri)nite . to be holden a sire
Ch: 11,62 To tellen of -th-e trinite . to be holden a sire
D: 11,62 To tellen of -th-e trinite . to be holden a sire
R: 11,62 for to telle of -th-e trinite . to be(n) holde a
sire [aaAxx]
U: 11,62 To telle of -th-e trynite . to be holde a syre [aaAxx]
V: 11,62 To (talken) of _th_e (Trinite) . (to) beon holden
A syre [aaAxx]
J: 11,62 ffor to tellyn of -th-e t(ri)nite . to ben howldyn
a syre [aaAxx]
K: 11,62 To tellen of the trinite . to be holden a sire [aaAxx]
A: 11,62 ffor to tellyn of -th-e trenite . to ben holdyn
a sere [aaAxx]
M: 11,62 To tellyn of -th-e t(ri)nite . to ben Iholdi(n)
a sir(e) [aaAxx]
H3: 11,62 To telly(n) of -th-e t(ri)nite . to be(n) holdy(n)
a syre [aaAxx]
W: 11,62 To telle of -th-e Trinite . to be hold a sire [aaAxx]
T: 11,63 And fyndi[th] for[th] fantasies oure fei[th] to apeire
H2: 11,63 And fyndith forth fantasies . our(e) feith to apeyre
Ch: 11,63 And fynde-th- forthe fantasies . our fai-th- to
apaire [aaAx]
D: 11,63 And fynde-th- for-th- fantsyes . oure fey-th- for
to apeyre [aaAx]
R: 11,63 and fynde-th- for-th- fantasies . our(e) fey-th-
to apeyre [aaAx]
U: 11,63 And fyde for-th- fantasies . our feyth for to apeyre
V: 11,63 And (fynde_th_) (for_th_) (fantasyes) . vr (fei_th_)
to Apeyre [aaaAx]
J: 11,63 And fyndyn forth fawtys . oure faythe to apeyre
K: 11,63 And fyndith forth fantasies . our faith to appeire
A: 11,63 And fynte forth fantasies . oure feyth to apeyre
M: 11,63 & fyndy(n) newe fantasyes . our(e) feith to
apery(n) [aaAx]
H3: 11,63 And fynt for fantesy-gh-es . our feyth to apeyre
W: 11,63 And fynt forth fantasies . oure fai-th- to apeire
T: 11,64 And defame [th]e fadir [th]at vs alle made
H2: 11,64 ( :::: ) fame the fader . that vs al made [aaAxx]
Ch: 11,64 And defame-th- -th-e fader . -th-at formed vs alle
D: 11,64 And defame-th- oure fadir . -th-(a)t ous alle make-th-
R: 11,64 And eke defame -th-e fader . -th-(a)t vs alle made
U: 11,64 & to defame -th-e fader . -th-(a)t vs alle makyde
V: 11,64 And eke (de-ffame_th_) _th_e (ffader) . (_th_at)
vs alle made [aaAx]?
J: 11,64 And eke famyn -th-e fader . -th-(a)t formyd vs alle
K: 11,64 And defameth the father . that vs alle made [aaAxx]
A: 11,64 And eke defamith -th-e fadur . -th-at vs alle made
M: 11,64 And ek defamit -th-e fadyr . -th-at vs alle made
H3: 11,64 And eke defamyth -th-e fadyr . -th-(a)t vs alle
made [aaAxx]
W: 11,64 A ek defame the fader . -th-at ones al made [aaAxx]
T: 11,65 And carpide a[gh]ens clergie crabbide wordis
H2: 11,65 (:::::::::) a-gh-ens clergie . crabbede wordis
Ch: 11,65 And carpen a-gh-ens clergie . crabbed wordes [aaAx]
D: 11,65 And carpe-th- a-gh-ens clergye . crabbed wordys
R: 11,65 And carpe(n) a-gh-en clergie . crabbede wordis [aaAx]
U: 11,65 And carpen of clergye . crabbyde wordys [aaAx]
V: 11,65 And (Craken) a_g_eyn _th_e (Clergie) . (Crabbede)
wordes [aaAx]
J: 11,65 And carpyn a-gh-eyne clergy . crabbyd wordes [aaAx]
K: 11,65 And carpen ageyn the clergie . crabbid word(is)
A: 11,65 And carpith ageyne clergise . crambit wordis an
sayth [aaAx]
M: 11,65 & karpi(n) ageyn clergie . crappede wordis [aaAx]
H3: 11,65 And carpyth a-gh-ens clergy . crabbyd wordys [aaAx]
W: 11,65 And carpe-th- a-gh-ens clergie . crabbed woordes
T: 11,66 Why wolde oure sauio(ur) suffre such a worm in his
H2: 11,66 (::::::::::) auyo(ur) suffre . such a worm in his
blisse [aaAx]
Ch: 11,66 Why wold oure saueour suffer . such a worme In
his blisse [aaAx]
D: 11,66 Why wolde oure saueour suffre . susche a worme in
his blysse [aaAx]
R: 11,66 Whi wolde o(ur) saueo(ur) suffre . such a werm i(n)
his blisse [aaAx]
U: 11,66 Why wolde oure saueo(ur) suffre . swych werm i(n)
his blysse [aaAx]
V: 11,66 Whi (wolde) God vr (saueour) . (suffre) such a (worm)
J: 11,66 Qwy wold our(e) sauyour(e) suffur . swyche a worme
in his blisse [aaAx]
K: 11,66 Why would o(ur) sauyo(ur) sofre . such a worme in
his blisse [aaAx]
A: 11,66 Whi wolde oure sauiour suffre . -th-at worme in
his blisse [aaAx]
M: 11,66 Whi wolde god suffry(n) . swich a werm in his blisse
H3: 11,66 Qwy wold our saue-gh-o(ur) suffurre . swech a wyrm
i(n) hys blysse [aaAx]
W: 11,66 Why wold oure sauiour soffre . such a worm [aaAx]
T: 11,67 [Th]at he gilide [th]e wo(m)man & [th]e wy aftir
H2: 11,67 (::::::::::::) wo(m)man . and the wy aftir [xaAx]
Ch: 11,67 -Th-at begiled -th-e woman . and -th-e why after
D: 11,67 That he gyled -th-e womma(n) . & -th-e wey aft(ir)
R: 11,67 -Th-at begiled -th-e wo(m)man . and -th-e wey after
U: 11,67 -Th-(a)t begyles -th-e womman . & -th-e man
after [xaAx]
V: 11,67 In such a (wrong) (wyse) . _th_e (wommon) to bi-gyle
H: 11,67 --- this line is omitted ----
J: 11,67 -Th-(a)t deceyuyd -th-e womma(n) . & -th-e man
aft(er) [xaAx]
K: 11,67 That begiled the woman . & the man after [xaAx]
E: 11,67 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 11,67 To begile -th-e woman . and -th-e man aftir [xaAx]
M: 11,67 -Th-at begilede -th-e woma(n) . & -th-e man
aftir [xaAx]
H3: 11,67 -Th-(a)t begylyd -th-e woma(n) . & -th-e man
aftyr [xaAx]
W: 11,67 In his blysse begile suche a woman [xaAx]
T: 11,68 [Th]oru[gh] whiche a werk & wille [th]ei wenten
to helle
H2: 11,68 (::::::::::::::::::) d wille . thei wenton to hel(::)
Ch: 11,68 -Th-orou-gh- wich work and wille . -th-ei wenten
to helle [aaAx]
D: 11,68 -Th-oru-gh-t wiche a werk & wil . -th-ey wente
to helle [aaAx]
R: 11,68 Thur-gh-t which werk and wille . -th-ei we(n)te
to helle [aaAx]
U: 11,68 -Th-o(ur) swyche a werk & wille . -th-ei wente
to helle [aaAx]
V: 11,68 Bo_th_e hir (hosebonde) and (heo) . to (helle) _th_orw
him wenten [aaAx]
J: 11,68 Thorow wykkyd werkys & wylle . -th-ei wentyn
to helle [aaAx]
K: 11,68 Thrugh such worke & wile . thay wenten to helle
A: 11,68 Thorow wheche & while . -th-ai wentyn to helle
M: 11,68 -Th-ourth who is wilis & his werkys . -th-ey
we(n)ty(n) to helle [aaAx]
H3: 11,68 Thorw qweche werk & wyl . -th-ei wente to helle
W: 11,68 And -th-e worm aftr(e) -th-orgh swyche a werk & wille
T: 11,69 And alle here seed for here synne [th]e same wo suffride
H2: 11,69 (::::::::::::::::::::) that same wo suffride [aaAa]
Ch: 11,69 And alle her seede for her synne . -th-e same wo
suffred [aaAa]
D: 11,69 And alle here seed for here synne . -th-e same wo
suffre-th- [aaAa]
R: 11,69 and al our(e) sed for -th-at synne . -th-e same
wo suffred [aaAa]
U: 11,69 And al here sed for -th-(a)t synne . -th-e same
wo suffrede [aaAa]
V: 11,69 And heore (seed) for _th_at (sunne) . _th_e (same)
wo drien [aaAx]
J: 11,69 And her sede aft(er) for her synne . -th-e same
wo suffryn [aaAa]
K: 11,69 And al her seed for her synne . the same woo suffren
A: 11,69 And alle here sed for here synne . -th-e same wo
sufferid [aaAa]
M: 11,69 And al her(e) seed for her(e) sy(n)ne . -th-e same
wo suffry(n) [aaAa]
H3: 11,69 And al her sed for her synne . -th-e same wo suffurd
W: 11,69 Thei went to helle aftr(e) & al here sede for
W: 11,69 That same wo such suffre moten [aaAa]
T: 11,70 Suche motifs [th]ei meuen [th]ise maistris in here
H2: 11,70 (:::::::::::::::::::::::) maystris i(n) her(e)
glorie [aaAx]
Ch: 11,70 Such motifs -th-ey meuen . -th-es maisters In her
glorie [aaAx]
D: 11,70 Suche motyfs -th-ey mouen . -th-es maystres in here
glorie [aaAx]
R: 11,70 swiche notes -th-ei meuy-gh-t . -th-(i)s maystr(is)
in her(e) glorie [aaAx]
U: 11,70 Swich motes -th-ei moue . -th-ese maystres in here
glorie [aaAx]
V: 11,70 Suche (Motyues) _th_ei (meuen) . _th_is (Maistres)
in heor glorie [aaAx]
J: 11,70 Swyche motyngys meuyn . -th-ies mayst(er)s in her
glorye [aaAx]
K: 11,70 Such motifes thay meuen . thes masters in her glorye
A: 11,70 Sweche maysties -th-ei meuyn . -th-es maistris in
here glorie [aaAx]
M: 11,70 swiche moteyuys -th-ey meuy(n) . -th-yse maistris
i(n) her(e) glorye [aaAx]
H3: 11,70 ssweche motetys -th-ei meue . -th-ese maystrys
i(n) her glorie [aaAx]
W: 11,70 -Th-at menen . -th-is maystres in here glorie [aaAx]
T: 11,71 And make men to mysbeleue [th](a)t musen on here wordis
H2: 11,71 (:::::::::::::::::::::::::::)en on her(e) wordis
Ch: 11,71 And maken men to mysbeleue . -th-at musen on her
worde[s] [aaAx]?
D: 11,71 And make men to mysbeleue . -th-(a)t musen on here
wordys [aaAx]?
R: 11,71 And make men to misbileue . -th-(a)t mousen on her(e)
word(is) [aaAx]?
U: 11,71 And make men to mysbeleue . -th-(a)t mousen on her(e)
wordys [aaAx]?
V: 11,71 And (make_th_) (Men) (Misbileeue) . _th_at leeuen
in heore wordes [aaaAx]
H: 11,71 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 11,71 And makyn men in mysbeleue . -th-(a)t musyn on her
wordys [aaAx]?
K: 11,71 And maken men in mysbeleue . that musen on her wordes
E: 11,71 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 11,71 And makyn men to missebeleue . -th-at mousin on
her wordis [aaAx]?
M: 11,71 & make me(n) i(n) misbeleue . -th-(a)t musit
on her(e) wordis [aaAx]?
H3: 11,71 And maky(n) me(n) i(n) mysbeleue . -th-(a)t mowsy(n)
on her wordys [aaAx]?
W: 11,71 And make men in nice beleue . -th-at leuen on here
wordes [aaAx]?
T: 11,72 Ac austyn [th]e olde for alle suche p(re)chide
H2: 11,72 Ac austyn the olde . for alle such p(re)chid [aaAx]
Ch: 11,72 Bot austyn -th-e olde . for alle such preched [aaAx]
D: 11,72 Ac Austyn -th-e olde . for alle such p(re)ched [aaAx]
R: 11,72 Ac austyn -th-e hor(e) . for alle swiche preche-th-
U: 11,72 Ac Austyn -th-e oolde . for alle siche prechet [aaAx]
V: 11,72 But (Austin) _th_e (Olde) . for (alle) suche preche_th_
J: 11,72 But austyn -th-e olde . for alle swyche p(re)cheris
K: 11,72 But austyn the old clerk . for al such p(re)chid
A: 11,72 As austyn -th-e elde . of alle sweche prechouris
M: 11,72 But austyn -th-e holy man . for alle swiche p(re)chede
H3: 11,72 And austyn -th-e olde . for alle sweche me(n) p(re)chede
W: 11,72 Ac austyn -th-e bold . for al suche preche-th- [aaAx]
T: 11,73 And for suche tale telleris suche a teme shewide
H2: 11,73 And for such tale tellers . such a teme schewid
Ch: 11,73 --- this line is omitted ---
D: 11,73 And for such tale tellers . suche a teme schewed
R: 11,73 And for suche tale teller(is) . such a teme shewy-th-
U: 11,73 And for siche tale telleres . siche a teme schewy-th-
V: 11,73 And for suche (tale) (tellers) . such a (teeme)
schewe_th_ [aaAx]
J: 11,73 And for swyche tale telleris . swyche a teeme schewyth
K: 11,73 And for such tale tellers . this Theme schewyd [aaAx]
A: 11,73 And sweche tale telleris . sweche a teme iseyde
M: 11,73 & for swiche teliers . swich a teme schewede
H3: 11,73 And for sweche tale tellerys . sweche a tyme schewyd
W: 11,73 And for al such tale Tellers . in his teme shewed
T: 11,74 {Non plus sap(er)e quam oportet}
H2: 11,74 { Non plus sapere q(ua)m oportet sapere } [Latin]
Ch: 11,74 { Non plus sapere quam oportet saperer &c }
D: 11,74 { Non plus sapere qu(a)m oportet sapere } [Latin]
R: 11,74 { Non plus sapere qua(m) op(or)tet sapere } [Latin]
U: 11,74 { Nolite plus sap(er)e q(ua)m op(or)tet sap(er)e
} [Latin]
V: 11,74 { Non plus sapere quam oporte_th_ sapere } [Latin]
J: 11,74 { Non plus sap(er)e q(ua)m oportet &c } [Latin]
K: 11,74 { Non plus sapere q(ua)m oportet sapere } [Latin]
A: 11,74 { Non plus sapere &c } [Latin]
M: 11,74 { Non plus sap(er)e quam oportet &c } [Latin]
H3: 11,74 { Non plus sap(er)e qua(m) oportet sap(er)e & sap(er)e
ad sob(ri)etat(em) } [Latin]
W: 11,74 { Non plus sap(er)e q(ua)m oportet } [Latin]
T: 11,75 That is to seyn ne wilne[th] neu(er)e for to wyte
H2: 11,75 That is to seyn ne wylneth neu(er) for to wyte
whi [aaAa]
Ch: 11,75 -th-at is to sey me wille-th- neuer for to wete
why [aaAa]
D: 11,75 That is to seyne wille-th- neu(er) to wyte why [aaAa]
R: 11,75 -th-at is to say wilne-th- neu(er)e to wyte why
U: 11,75 -Th-at is to seie ne wilneh-th- neu(er)e to wete
why [aaAa]
V: 11,75 _Th_is (wilne_th_) _g_e neuer to (wite) . (whi)
_th_at God wolde [aaAx]
J: 11,75 Coueytyth neu(er)e to wite . qwy -th-(a)t god wolde
K: 11,75 That is to say wilneth neu(er) for to witten whye
A: 11,75 That -th-is were to wetyn whi [aaAa]
M: 11,75 & bad no(n) man asky(n) wherfor(e) ne whi [aaAa]
H3: 11,75 -th-(a)t hys wyl is ne were to wetyn qwy [aaAa]
W: 11,75 That is wil -gh-e neuere wyten . why -th-at godde
T: 11,76 That god wolde suffre sathan his sed to bigile
H2: 11,76 That god wolde suffre sathan . his fod to begyle
Ch: 11,76 -th-at god wold suffer sathan . his seed to begile
D: 11,76 That god wold suffre satan . his seed to begyle
R: 11,76 that god wolde suffre satan . his sed to bygile
U: 11,76 -Th-at god wolde suffre satan . his seed to begyle
V: 11,76 (Soffre) (Sathan) . his (sed) to bi-gyle [aaAx]
J: 11,76 fforto suffyr sathan . his sede to begyle [aaAx]
K: 11,76 That god wold suffre sathan . his seede to begyle
A: 11,76 That god wold satan his sed . for to begile [aaAx]
M: 11,76 -Th-at god sufferede satan . his sedis to begyle
H3: 11,76 -th-(a)t god wolde suffurre satan . hys seed to
begyle [aaAx]
W: 11,76 Wold suffre Sathanas . hys sede to begyle [aaAx]
T: 11,77 Ac beleue lelly of lore of holy chirche
H2: 11,77 Ac beleue lelly . of lore of holi chirche [aaAx]
Ch: 11,77 Bot beleue leelly . of lore of holi chirche [aaAx]
D: 11,77 Ac beleue lely . on -th-e lore of holy Churche [aaAx]
R: 11,77 Ac bylef lely . on -th-at lord of holy cherche [aaAx]
U: 11,77 And beleef lely . on -th-e lord of holy chyrche
V: 11,77 But (leeue_th_) on _th_at (lore) . _th_at (lere_th_)
holichirche [aaAx]
J: 11,77 Ac beleue holely . in -th-e leue of holy cherche
K: 11,77 But beleue lelly . on the lore of holy chirche [aaAx]
A: 11,77 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 11,77 But belef treuliche . -th-e lor(e) of holy chirche
H3: 11,77 But beleue trewly . on -th-e lore of holy chyrche
W: 11,77 Ac beleue-th- holych . on -th-e lore of holy cherche
T: 11,78 And p(re)ye hym of p(ar)doun & pen(au)nce be [th]i
H2: 11,78 And p(re)ye of p(ar)doun . and penau(n)ce be thi
lyue [aaAx]
Ch: 11,78 And prey hym of p(ar)doun . and penaunce be -th-i
lyue [aaAx]
D: 11,78 And pray hym of pardou(n) . & pen(au)nce be
-th-y lyue [aaAx]
R: 11,78 And pray hi(m) of p(ar)dou(n) . and penauns by -th-i
lyue [aaAx]
U: 11,78 And p(ra)y hym of his p(ar)doun . & penance
be -th-i lyue [aaAx]
V: 11,78 And (preye) him of (pardoun) . and (penaunce) in
_th_i lyue [aaAx]
J: 11,78 And p(ra)y him of p(ar)dou(n) . & penaunce in
-th-i lyue [aaAx]
K: 11,78 And pray hym of p(ar)done . & penaunce in thy
lyue [aaAx]
A: 11,78 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 11,78 & preie hi(m) of p(ar)don . & penaunce i(n)
-th-y lyue [aaAx]
H3: 11,78 And p(ra)y hy(m) of p(ar)dou(n) . & pena(n)s
here i(n) -th-i(n) lyue [aaAx]
W: 11,78 And pray hym of pardon . here in -th-i lyf [aaAx]
T: 11,79 And for his muchel m(er)cy to amende vs here
H2: 11,79 And for his muche m(er)cy . to amende ws here [aaAx]
Ch: 11,79 ffor his much mercy . to mende vs here [aaAx]
D: 11,79 And for his moche mercy . to amende vs here [aaAx]
R: 11,79 and for his moche m(er)cy . to amende vs here [aaAx]
U: 11,79 & for his meche mercy . to amende vs here [aaAx]
V: 11,79 And for his (muchele) (Merci) . to (amenden) vs
heere [aaAx]
J: 11,79 And for his mychel m(er)cy . to amendyn vs here
K: 11,79 And of his mochel m(er)cie . to amend vs all here
A: 11,79 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 11,79 And for -th-e michel m(er)cy . to amendi(n) vs her(e)
H3: 11,79 And for hys meche mercy . to amende vs here [aaAx]
W: 11,79 And for his muche mercy . to amende vs here [aaAx]
T: 11,80 ffor alle [th](a)t wilne[th] to wyte [th]e werkes
of god almi[gh]t
H2: 11,80 ffor alle that wylneth to wyte . the werkis of
god almy-gh-t [aaAx]
Ch: 11,80 ffor alle -th-at wilne-th- to wete . -th-e werkes
of god almy-gh-ty [aaAx]
D: 11,80 ffor alle -th-at wille-th- to wete . -th-e wordes
of god almy-gh-t [aaAx]
R: 11,80 for al -th-(a)t wille-th- to wyte . -th-e weyes
of god almy-gh-thi [aaAx]
U: 11,80 ffor alle -th-(a)t wilne-th- to wite . -th-e weyis
of god almy-gh-te [aaAx]
V: 11,80 ffor alle _th_at (wilne_th_) . two (weyes) of god
Almihti [aaAx]
J: 11,80 ffor alle -th-(a)t -gh-ernyth to wyte . qwy -th-(a)t
god wolde [aaAx]
K: 11,80 ffor al that wilneth wite . al the whyys of god
almighty [aaAx]
A: 11,80 Alle -th-at wole wetyn . -th-e weys of god almyti
M: 11,80 ffor alle -th-at willet so weti(n) . -th-e p(ri)uytes
of god [aaAx]
H3: 11,80 ffor alle -th-(a)t wely(n) wete . -th-e weyis of
god almythy [aaAx]
W: 11,80 ffor al -th-at wilne-th- wyte . -th-e ways of god
almyghty [aaAx]
T: 11,81 I wolde his ei[gh]en wern in his ars & his hele
H2: 11,81 I wolde his ei-gh-en wer(e) . in his ers and his
hele aftir [aaBb]
Ch: 11,81 I wold his ei-gh-en were . in his ars and his hele
after [aaBb]
D: 11,81 I wolde his eye were . in his ores & his hele
aft(ir) [aaBb]
R: 11,81 I wolde his eye were . in his ers and his hele after
U: 11,81 I wolde his eye were . in his hars & his hele
after [aaBb]
V: 11,81 I wolde his (e_g_e) weore in his (ers) . and his
(heele) (aftur) [aaAa]
K: 11,81 I wold her eye wer . in her taile & her hele
after [aaBb]
A: 11,81 I wold his eye were . in his ars and his hele aftir
M: 11,81 I wolde his eie wer(e) . in his ars & his hele
aftir [aaBb]
H3: 11,81 I wolde hys ey-gh-e were . i(n) hys ars & hys
hele aft(ir) [aaBb]
W: 11,81 I wold here eye wer(e) . in here ars & here
hele after [aaBb]
T: 11,82 [Th]at eu(er)e eft wilne[th] to wyte why god wolde
H2: 11,82 That eu(er) eft wylneth to wyte . whi god wolde
Ch: 11,82 -Th-at euer wilne-th- eft to wete . whi god wold
D: 11,82 That eu(er)e eft wille-th- for to wite why [aaAa]
R: 11,82 -Th-at eu(er)e wilne-th- to wyte why [aaAa]
U: 11,82 -Th-at eu(er)e wilne-th- for to wete qwy [aaAa]
V: 11,82 _Th_at euer eft (Wilne_th_) to (wite) . (whi) _th_at
God (wolde) [aaAa]
J: 11,82 --- this line om ---
K: 11,82 That eu(er) efte wilneth to wite . why that god
woulde [aaAa]
A: 11,82 That euyr wold wetyn . whi -th-at god wold [aaAa]
M: 11,82 -Th-at willit to wetyn . qwy -th-at god woolde [aaAa]
H3: 11,82 -Th-(a)t eu(er) oft wyly(n) wety(n) . qwy -th-(a)t
god wolde [aaAa]
W: 11,82 That euere eft wilne-th- . why -th-at godde [aaAa]
T: 11,83 Suffren sathan his sed to begile
H2: 11,83 Suffre sathan . his seed to begyle [aaAx]
Ch: 11,83 Suffer sathan . his seed to begile [aaAx]
D: 11,83 That god wolde suffre satan his sed to begyle [aaAx]
R: 11,83 -th-(a)t god suffrede satan . his sed to bygile
U: 11,83 -Th-at god wolde suffre sahan . his seed to begyle
V: 11,83 (Soffre) (Sathan) . his (seed) to bi-gyle [aaAx]
J: 11,83 Suffryn sory sathan . his sede to begyle [aaAx]
K: 11,83 Suffre so sathan . his seede to begile [aaAx]
A: 11,83 To suffre satan . his sed for to begyle [aaAx]
M: 11,83 suffryn -th-at schrewe satan . his sedis to begile
H3: 11,83 ssuffur satan -th-e vnsaut . hys seed to begyle
W: 11,83 Wold suffre Sathan vnsaght . his sede to bygile
J: 11,81 I wold his Ie were . in his ers & his honde aft(er) [aaBb]
T: 11,84 Er Iudas [th]e Iew Ih(es)u betrayede
H2: 11,84 Er Iudas the Iew . Ih(es)u betrayede [aaAx]
Ch: 11,84 Or Iudas the Iewe . Ih(es)u betraye [aaAx]
D: 11,84 Or Iudas -th-e Iew . Ih(es)u betrayed [aaAx]
R: 11,84 or Iudas -th-e Iew . ih(es)u betrayede [aaAx]
U: 11,84 Or Iudas -th-e Iew . Iesu be trayen [aaAx]
V: 11,84 Or (Iudas) _th_e (Ieu_g_) . (Iesu) bi-traye [aaAx]
J: 11,84 Or qwy -th-(a)t Iudas to -th-e Ih(es)u . Iesu bet(ra)y-gh-yd
K: 11,84 Or Iudace the Iue . Ihu to betraye [aaAx]
A: 11,84 Or iudas -th-e Iue . ihesu to betraye [aaAx]
M: 11,84 Or Iudas -th-e Iew . his sone to betraie [aaAx]
H3: 11,84 Eythyr Iudas -th-e Iew . Ih(es)u to betray-gh-e
W: 11,84 O-th-er Iudace -th-e Iue . Ih(es)u to betray [aaAx]
T: 11,85 Al was as he wolde lord yworsshipid be [th](o)u
H2: 11,85 Al was as he wolde . lord yworschipid be thou [xaAx]
Ch: 11,85 Al was as -th-ow woldest . lord Iworscheped be
-th-ow [xaAx]
D: 11,85 Al was as he wolde . lord worschiped be -th-e [xaAx]
R: 11,85 Al was as he wolde . lord yworcheped -th-(o)u be
U: 11,85 Al was as he wolde . lord Iwyrchepid -th-(o)u be
V: 11,85 (Al) was as he wolde . lord, (I-heried) be _th_ou
J: 11,85 Al was as he wold . lorde thankyd be -th-(o)u [xaAx]
K: 11,85 Al was as he would . lord Iworschipped be thou [xaAx]
A: 11,85 Al was as he wold . now worchepid be he [xaAx]
M: 11,85 ffor al was he wolde . -th-at lord be heried [xaAx]
H3: 11,85 Al was as he wold . lord worcheped be to the [xaAx]
W: 11,85 Al was as he wold . lord yworshipt be he [xaAx]
T: 11,86 And al wor[th] as [th]ou wilt whatso we telle
H2: 11,86 And al worth as thou wilt . what so we telle [aaAx]
Ch: 11,86 And al was as -th-ow wilt . what so we telle [aaAx]
D: 11,86 And worth as -th-(o)u wilt . what so we telle [aaAx]
R: 11,86 And al wor-th- as -th-(o)u wilt . what so we telle
U: 11,86 And wor-th- as -th-(o)u wilt . what so we telle
V: 11,86 And al beo as _th_ou (wolt) . (what) so we tellen
J: 11,86 And worth as -th-(o)u wylt qwat . so we telle [aaAx]
K: 11,86 And al worthe as thou wolt . what so we telle [aaAx]
A: 11,86 Alle wrouth as -th-u wilte . what sum eu(er) we
telle [aaAx]
M: 11,86 & al worth at his wille . what so we tellyn
H3: 11,86 And alle worth as -th-(o)u wylt qwat . eu(er) we
telle [aaAx]
W: 11,86 And worth as -th-ou wilt . what so euere we telle
T: 11,87 And now comi[th] a conyon & wolde cacche of my
H2: 11,87 And now cometh a co(n)yon . and wolde cache of
my wyttis [aaAx]
Ch: 11,87 And now come-th- a congoun . and wold wete of my
wittes [aaAx]
D: 11,87 Now come-th- a Congyou(n) . wold cach of my wittes
R: 11,87 And now come-th- coniou(n) . and wolde cacche of
my witt(es) [aaAx]
U: 11,87 And nou(n) comyth coniou(n) . and wolde cache of
my wittes [aaAx]
V: 11,87 And nou (come_th_) a (Conioun) . & wolde (cacchen)
of me wittes [aaAx]
J: 11,87 And now comyth -th-ies coniou(n) . to cacchyn of
me(n)nys wyttys [aaAx]
K: 11,87 And now co(m)mith a congoun . & wolde kaithe
of me wittes [aaAx]
A: 11,87 Now comyth a conionne . and wold wetyn of my wyttis
M: 11,87 but now komut a coniou(n) . wolde kacchi(n) of hi(m)
wittis [aaAx]
H3: 11,87 But now comy(n) a kongou(n) . & wold cache
of yuy wyttys [aaAx]
W: 11,87 But now come-th- a congeon . & wold cache of
my wittes [aaAx]
T: 11,88 What is dowel fro dobet now def mote he wor[th]e
H2: 11,88 What is dowel fro dobet . now def mote the worthe
Ch: 11,88 What dowel is fro dobest . now def mote he wor-th-e
D: 11,88 What is dowel fro dobet . now def mote he wor-th-e
R: 11,88 What is dowel fro dobet . now def mote he wor-th-e
U: 11,88 What is dowel fro dobet . def mote he wur-th-e [aaAx]
V: 11,88 What is (Dowel) from (Dobet)! . nou (daffe) mot
he wor_th_e [aaAx]
J: 11,88 Qwat is dowele fro dobet . now deefe mot he worthyn
K: 11,88 What is dowell & dobett . now defe mott the
worthe [aaAx]
A: 11,88 What is wel fro dobet . now def mote he wor-th-in
M: 11,88 What is dowel from dobet . deef mote he worthyn
H3: 11,88 Qwat is dowel from dobet . now deff mote he worthe
W: 11,88 What is dowel fro dobet . now def mote worthe [aaAx]
T: 11,89 Si[th]en he wilne[th] to wyte which [th]ei ben alle
H2: 11,89 Sithen he wilneth to wyte . whiche thei ben alle
Ch: 11,89 Se-th- he wille-th- to wete . what -th-ei be-th-
alle [aaAx]
D: 11,89 Se-th-e he wille-th- to wite . which -th-ey ben
alle [aaAx]
R: 11,89 Swi-th-e he wilne-th- to wyte . which -th-ei ben
alle [aaAx]
U: 11,89 Si-th--th-e he wille-th- to wite . whiche -th-ei
ben alle [aaAx]
V: 11,89 Sire he (wilne_th_) to (wite) . (whuche) _th_ei
ben alle [aaAx]
J: 11,89 Sethyn he -gh-ernyth to wytyn . qwyche -th-ei bene
alle [aaAx]
K: 11,89 Sithen he wilneth to wite . which thay ben al [aaAx]
A: 11,89 S-th-e he wil wetyn . what he ben alle [aaAx]
M: 11,89 Si-th-in he willit to wety(n) . wyche -th-ey ben
alle [aaAx]
H3: 11,89 Sytthy(n) he wyl wety(n) . qweche hee be(n) alle
W: 11,89 Sith he wi-th-neth to wete . whiche -th-ai ben alle
T: 11,90 But he lyue in [th]e leste degre [th](a)t longi[th]
to dowel
H2: 11,90 But he lyue in the leest degre . that longith to
dowel [aaAx]
Ch: 11,90 Bot he leue In -th-e leste degre . -th-at longe-th-
to dowel [aaAx]
D: 11,90 But he loue in -th-e lest degre . -th-(a)t longe-th-
to dowel [aaAx]
R: 11,90 but -gh-if he leue in -th-e leste day . -th-(a)t
longe-th- to dowel [aaAx]
U: 11,90 But -y-if he lyue lely in -th-e last day . -th-(a)t
longe-th- to dowel [aaAx]
V: 11,90 Bote he (liue) in _th_e (leste) degre . _th_at (longe_th_)
to Dowel [aaAx]
J: 11,90 But he lyf in -th-e leeste degre . -th-(a)t long(i)t(h)
to dowele [aaAx]
K: 11,90 But if he lyue in the lest degres . that longith
to dowell [aaAx]
A: 11,90 But he leue in -th-e lest degre . -th-at longith
to dowel [aaAx]
M: 11,90 but he loue -th-e leste degree . -th-at to dowel
longit [aaAx]
H3: 11,90 But he leue i(n) -th-e lest degre . -th-(a)t longyt
to dowel [aaAx]
W: 11,90 But he leue in -th-e lest degre . -th-at longe-th-
to dowel [aaAx]
T: 11,91 I dar be his bolde boru[gh] do bet wile he neu(er)e
H2: 11,91 Y dar be his bolde boru-gh- . do bet wile he neu(er)e
Ch: 11,91 I wol be his bolde borowe . do bette wol he neuer
D: 11,91 I dar ben his bold borw . do bet wil he neu(er)e
R: 11,91 I dar be his bolde borw-gh- . -th-(a)t do bet wil
we neu(er)e [aaAx]
U: 11,91 ffor I dar be his bolde borwe . do bet wil he neu(er)e
V: 11,91 I dar (ben) his (borw) . _th_at (Dobet) nul he neuere
J: 11,91 ffor I dar ben his bold borow . do bet wyl he neu(er)e
K: 11,91 ffor I dar be his bold boroue . do bett nyl he neu(er)
A: 11,91 I dar ben his bold borow . do bet schal he neuyr
M: 11,91 ffor I dar ben his bolde bourth . -th-(a)t do bet
wele he neuer(e) [aaAx]
H3: 11,91 I dar be hys bold borw . do bet xal he neu(er)e
W: 11,91 ffor I dar be his bold borgh . do bet wil he neu(er)e
T: 11,92 [Th]ei[gh] dobest drawe on hym day aftir o[th](er)
H2: 11,92 Thei dobest drawe on hi(m) . day aftir othir(e)
Ch: 11,92 -th-ey dobest drawen hym . day after o-th-er [aaAx]
D: 11,92 -th-ou-gh- dobest draw on hym . day aft(er) other
R: 11,92 -th-ow dobest drawe on hi(m) . day after day [aaAx]
U: 11,92 -Th-ei-gh-e dobest draw on hym . day after day [aaAx]
V: 11,92 _Th_au_g_ (Dobest) (drawe) on him . (day) aftur
o_th_ur [aaAx]
J: 11,92 -Th-ei dobest draw on him . halfe a day aft(er)
K: 11,92 Though dobest drawe on hym . day aft(er) other [aaAx]
A: 11,92 Thou dobest drawe on hym . day aftir o-th-er [aaAx]
M: 11,92 -Th-ey dobest drawe on hi(m) . day aftir o-th-ir
H3: 11,92 -Th-ow dobest draw on hy(m) . day aft(ur) o-th-ir
W: 11,92 Thogh dobest draw on hym . day aftre o-th-er [aaAx]
T: 11,93 And whanne [th](a)t wyt was war how his wif tolde
H2: 11,93 And whan that wit was war . how his wyf tolle [aaAx]
Ch: 11,93 And whan -th-at witte was ware . how his wif tolde
D: 11,93 And whan -th-(a)t wyt was ware . how his wyf tolde
R: 11,93 And wha(n) -th-(a)t wit was war . how his wif tolde
U: 11,93 And whan -th-(a)t wit whas war . how his wyf tolde
V: 11,93 And whon _th_at (wit) was (I-war) . hou his (wyf)
tolde [aaAx]
J: 11,93 And qwan -th-(a)t wit was ware . how his wyfe tolde
K: 11,93 And whan that witte was Iware . how hys wyffe tolde
A: 11,93 Whan witte was war . how is wyfe tolde [aaAx]
M: 11,93 & whan -th-at wit was Iwar . how his wif tolde
H3: 11,93 And qwa(n) wytt was Iwar . how hys wyf tolde [aaAx]
W: 11,93 And whan -th-at witte war(e) . how hys wyf told
T: 11,94 He becomi[th] so co(n)fus he cou[th]e nou[gh]t mele
H2: 11,94 He become so confus . he coude not mele [aaAx]
Ch: 11,94 He become so Coy . he cou-th-e nou-gh-t mele [aaAx]
D: 11,94 He become so confusyd . he coude not mele [aaAx]
R: 11,94 he bycome so confous . he coude not mele [aaAx]
U: 11,94 He come so confuse . he cou-th-e nowt mele [aaAx]
V: 11,94 He (bi-com) so (confoundet) . he (cou_th_e) not
medle [aaAx]
J: 11,94 He lost so his cowntenaunce . -th-(a)t he cowthe
not carpe [aaAx]
K: 11,94 He become to confuse . he could not mele [aaAx]
A: 11,94 He become so confusid . he coude speke no more [aaAx]
M: 11,94 he bekam so confius . he cowde not spekyn [aaAx]
H3: 11,94 He become so confus . -th-(a)t he coud nouth speke
W: 11,94 He become so confers . -th-at he cou-th- not mele
T: 11,95 Also doumb as a dore drou[gh] hym asid
H2: 11,95 Als so doumbe as a dor(e)nayl . and drou-gh- hi(m)
a syde [aaAx]
Ch: 11,95 As dombe as a dornaile . drow-gh- hym asyde [aaAx]
D: 11,95 Also domb as a dore . drow-gh- hym aside [aaAx]
R: 11,95 and also dom as a dore . drow hi(m) asyde [aaAx]
U: 11,95 And also dounbe as a dore . drow hym asyde [aaAx]
V: 11,95 And as (doumbe) as a (dore) . (drou_g_) him asyde
J: 11,95 And as dowme as a dore . drow him be syde [aaAx]
K: 11,95 And as dome as a dorenayle . drowe hym aside [aaAx]
A: 11,95 As dom as a dorenayle . drow hym on syde [aaAx]
M: 11,95 --- this line is omitted ---
H3: 11,95 And also domb as a dore . & drow hy(m) on syde
W: 11,95 And as dom as a dore . drogh hym asyde [aaAx]
T: 11,96 Ac for no carping I cou[th]e ne knelyng to [th]e ground
H2: 11,96 Ac for no carpyng I couthe . ne knelyng to the
grou(n)de [aaAx]
Ch: 11,96 Bot for no carping I cou-th-e . no kneling to -th-e
ground [aaAx]
D: 11,96 Ac for no carpynge I cou-th-e . ne knelyng to an
grounde [aaAx]
R: 11,96 ac for no carping -th-(a)t he cowde . ne knelyng
to -th-e grounde [aaAx]
U: 11,96 And for no carping -th-(a)t i couude . ne knelyng
to -th-e grounde [aaAx]
V: 11,96 Bote for [no] (Craft) _th_at I (cou_th_e) . ne (knelyng)
to grounde [aaAx]
J: 11,96 But for no carpyng I cowthe . ne knelyng on grounde
K: 11,96 But for no carpyng that I could . ne knelyng to
the grounde [aaAx]
A: 11,96 ffor no carpyng I coude . ne for no knelyng to grounde
M: 11,96 but for no(n) karpyng -th-(a)t he cowde . ne kneli(n)g
to -th-e gro(n)de [aaAx]
H3: 11,96 And for no carpyng -th-(a)t i coude . ne knelyng
to -th-e gro(n)de [aaAx]
W: 11,96 Ac for no carpyng -th-at I cou-th-e . ne knelyng
to -th-e gronde [aaAx]
T: 11,97 I mi[gh]te gete no gayn of hise grete wyttes
H2: 11,97 Y my-gh-t gete no gayn . of his grete wyttes [aaAx]
Ch: 11,97 I my-gh-t gete no graunte . of his grete wittes
D: 11,97 I my-gh-te gete no greyn . of his gret witt(es)
R: 11,97 I my-gh-te gete no greyn . of his grete witt(es)
U: 11,97 I my-gh-te gete no greyn . of his grete wittes [aaAx]
V: 11,97 I mihte (gete) no (greyn) . of hire (grete) wittes
J: 11,97 I myht no greyne getyn . of his grete wyttys [aaAx]
K: 11,97 I might Gettyn no greyne . of his grett witt(es)
A: 11,97 I myte getyn no grayne . of his grete wittis [aaAx]
M: 11,97 I ne migthe gety(n) no(n) greyn . of his g(re)te
wittes [aaAx]
H3: 11,97 I myth no grayn gete . of hys grete wyttys [aaAx]
W: 11,97 I cou-th- gete no grayn . of here grete wittes [aaAx]
T: 11,98 But al lau[gh]inge he loutide & lokide vpon studie
H2: 11,98 But al lau-gh-ynge he loutyde . and lokyd wpon
studie [aaAx]
Ch: 11,98 Bot alle lawhyng he louted . and loked vpon stodye
D: 11,98 But al lawyng he louted . & loked vpon stodie
R: 11,98 but al loutede . and loked vpon stode [aaAx]
U: 11,98 But al louryng he loutydde . & lokyd vpon studye
V: 11,98 But al (lau_g_whinge) he (loutede) . and (lokede)
vppon Studie [aaAx]
J: 11,98 But al lawqwyng he lowtyd . & lokyd vpon stodye
K: 11,98 But al lowryng he lowted . & loked on dame studye
A: 11,98 But alle lawhyng he loutid . and lokyd on stodie
M: 11,98 but al lauwynge he lokede . & lokid vpo(n) stodie
H3: 11,98 But al laughyng he lowtyd . & lokyd vpon stody
W: 11,98 But al laghyng he louted . & loked opon studie
T: 11,99 In signe [th](a)t I shulde beseke hire of his g(ra)ce
H2: 11,99 In signe that I schulde . beseke hir(e) of grace
Ch: 11,99 In syngne -th-at I schuld . beseke her of grace
D: 11,99 In signe -th-at I schuld . beseke here of here grace
R: 11,99 in sygne -th-(a)t I shulde . seken hur(e) of grace
U: 11,99 In signe -th-(a)t h schulde . beseche here of g(ra)ce
V: 11,99 In (signe) _th_at I (schulde) . (bi-sechen) hire
of grace [aaAx]
J: 11,99 In syngne -th-(a)t I schold . besekyn hir of g(ra)ce
K: 11,99 In signe that I schuld . beseche her of grace [aaAx]?
A: 11,99 In sygne -th-at I schuld . prey here of grace [aaAx]?
M: 11,99 In signe -th-(a)t I schulde . besechi(n) hir(e)
of g(ra)ce [aaAx]?
H3: 11,99 In syngne -th-(a)t I xulde . beseke hyr of g(ra)ce
W: 11,99 In signe -th-at I shold . besekyn here of grace
T: 11,100 And whanne I was war of his wil to his wif gan I
H2: 11,100 And whan I was war of his wil . to his wif gan
I knele [aaAx]
Ch: 11,100 Whan I was ware of his wille . to his wif gan
I knele [aaAx]
D: 11,100 And whan I was waar of his wil . to his wyf gan
I knele [aaAx]
R: 11,100 And whan I was war(e) of his wile . to h(i)s wif
ga(n) I knele [aaAx]
U: 11,100 And whan I was war of his wille . to his wyf i
knelyd [aaAx]
V: 11,100 And whon I (wuste) of his (wil) . to his (wyf)
con I knele [aaAx]
J: 11,100 Qwan I [was] war(e) of his wil . to his wyfe I
knelyd [aaAx]
K: 11,100 And whan I was ware of his will . to his wife gan
I knele [aaAx]
A: 11,100 Whan I was war -th-at it was is wille
M: 11,100 & whanne -th-at I was war -th-(a)t swich was
his wille
H3: 11,100 And qwa(n) -th-(a)t I was war -th-(a)t sweche
was hys wylle
W: 11,100 And whan I was war -th-at such was here will
M: 11,100 to his wif gan I gon & knelede to -th-e er-th-e
H3: 11,100 To hys wyff ga(n) I gou(n) & knelyd to -th-e
gro(n)de [aaAx]
W: 11,100 To his wif gan I gon & kneled to the grounde
T: 11,101 And seide m(er)cy madame [y]o(ur) man shal I wor[th]e
H2: 11,101 And seide m(er)cy madame . -gh-o(ur) man schal
I worthe [aaAx]
Ch: 11,101 And seide mercy madame . -gh-oure man schal I
wor-th-e [aaAx]
D: 11,101 And seyde mercy madame . -gh-oure ma(n) schal I
wor-th-e [aaAx]
R: 11,101 And sayde m(er)cy madame . -gh-o(ur) man shal I
wor-th-e [aaAx]
U: 11,101 And seide m(er)cy madame . y(o)ure man schal I
worthe [aaAx]
V: 11,101 And seide, "(Merci), (Madame),. _g_oure (mon)
schal I beo [aaAx]
J: 11,101 And seyd m(er)cy madam . -gh-or ma(n) schal I worthe
K: 11,101 And said m(er)cie madame . -gh-o(ur) man schall
I worthen [aaAx]
A: 11,101 To his wyfe gan I gon . and knelid to grou(n)d
M: 11,101 And seyde m(er)cy madame . wile I worthe [aaAx]
H3: 11,101 And seyde mercy madame . -gh-o(ur) ma(n) xal I
worthe [aaAx]
W: 11,101 And saide mercy madame . -gh-oure man shal I worth
J: 11,101 as long as I lyffe bothin late & rathe
A: 11,101 And seyde mercy madame . -gh-o(ur) man schal I
wor-th-e [aaAx]
T: 11,102 ffor to werche [y]o(ur) wil [th](er) whiles my lif
H2: 11,102 ffor to worche -gh-o(ur) wylle . ther(e) whiles
my lif durith [aaAxx]
Ch: 11,102 ffor to wirch -gh-oure wille . while my lif dure-th-
D: 11,102 ffor to wurche -gh-oure wil . while my lyf dureth
R: 11,102 for to werche -gh-o(ur) wil . whil -gh-o(ur) lyf
durith [aaAxx]
U: 11,102 ffor to wyrche -y-(o)ure wil . wil my lif dure-th-
V: 11,102 To (worchen) _g_oure (wille) . (while) my lyf dure_th_
J: 11,102 ffor to wyrchin -gh-our(e) wille . qwyl my lyfe
durith [aaAxx]
K: 11,102 And worchen -gh-o(ur) will . the while my life
lasteth [aaAxx]
A: 11,102 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 11,102 ffor to werchy(n) -y-our(e) wille . -th-e while
my lyf lastith [aaAxx]
H3: 11,102 ffor to werche -gh-o(ur) wyl . qwyl my lyff duryth
W: 11,102 ffor to werche -gh-oure will . while my lyf dure-th-
T: 11,103 Kenne me kyndely to knowe what is dowel
H2: 11,103 Kenne me kyndely . to knowe what is dowel [aaAx]
Ch: 11,103 kenne me kendely . to knowe what is dowel [aaAx]
D: 11,103 To kenne me kendly . to knowe what is dowel [aaAx]
R: 11,103 to kenne me kyndely . to knowe what is dowel [aaAx]
U: 11,103 To kenne me kendely . to knowe what is dowel [aaAx]
V: 11,103 Teche me (kuyndely) . to (knowen) what Is Dowel
J: 11,103 To kenny(n) me kyndely . to knowyn qwat is dowel
K: 11,103 To kenne me kyndely . to knowe what is dowell [aaAx]
A: 11,103 To kenne me kendely . wath is dowel [aaAx]
M: 11,103 to techyn me kendely . to knowi(n) what is dowel
H3: 11,103 To teche me kendly . to knawe qwat is dowel [aaAx]
W: 11,103 To ken me kyndly . to knowe what is dowel [aaAx]
T: 11,104 ffor [th]i meknesse man q(ua)[th] she & for [th]i
mylde speche
H2: 11,104 ffor thi meknesse man q(uo)d sche . and for thi
mylde speche [aaAx]
Ch: 11,104 ffor -th-y mekenesse man q(uo)d sche . and for
-th-y melde speche [aaAx]
D: 11,104 ffor -th-y mekenesse man q(ou)d sche . & for
-th-y mylde speche [aaAx]
R: 11,104 for -th-i meknesse ma(n) q(uo)d she . and for -th-i
mylde speche [aaAx]
U: 11,104 ffor -th-i meknesse man q(uo)d sche . & for
-th-i mylde speche [aaAx]
V: 11,104 ffor _th_i (Mekenesse), (Mon) quod heo . & for
_th_i (Milde) speche [aaAx]
J: 11,104 ffor -th-i mekenes q(uo)d sche . & for -th-i
mylde speche [aaAx]
K: 11,104 ffor thy mekenes ma(n) q(uo)d sche . & for
thy myld speche [aaAx]
A: 11,104 ffor -th-i myldenes quot -gh-he . & -th-i mylde
speche [aaAx]
M: 11,104 ffor -th-in meknesse man q(uo)d sche . & for
-th-y fair(e) speche [aaAx]
H3: 11,104 ffor -th-i(n) mekenesse q(uo)d sche . & for
-th-i(n) myild speche [aaAx]
W: 11,104 ffor thi meknesse man q(uo)d she . & for -th-i
mylde speche [aaAx]
T: 11,105 I shal kenne [th]e to my cosyn [th](a)t clergie is
H2: 11,105 I schal kenne the to my cosyn . that clergie is
hoten [aaAx]
Ch: 11,105 I schal kenne -th-e to my cosyn . -th-at clergie
is hote [aaAx]
D: 11,105 I schal kenne -th-e to my Cosyn . -th-(a)t Clergye
is hoten [aaAx]
R: 11,105 I shal kenne -th-e to my cosyn . -th-(a)t clergie
hotu-th- [aaAx]
U: 11,105 I schal kenne -th-e to my cosyn . -th-at clergie
hote-th- [aaAx]
V: 11,105 I schal teche _th_e to my (Cosyn) ._th_at (Clergye)
is I-hoten [aaAx]
J: 11,105 I schal kenny(n) -th-e to my cosynys howse . -th-(a)t
clergy is hotyn [aaAx]
K: 11,105 I schal kenne the to my cosyn . that clergie is
hote [aaAx]
A: 11,105 I schal kenne -th-e to my cosyne . -th-at clergie
hotith [aaAx]
M: 11,105 I schal techi(n) -th-e to my(n) cosyn . -th-(a)t
clergie hotit [aaAx]
H3: 11,105 I xal teche -th-e to my cosyn . -th-(a)t clergy-gh-e
hotyth [aaAx]
W: 11,105 I shal kenne -th-e to my Cosyn . -th-at clergie
is hote-th- [aaAx]
T: 11,106 He ha[th] weddit a wif wi[th]inne [th]ise woukes
H2: 11,106 He hat-gh- weddid a wif . within these wykes sixe
Ch: 11,106 He ha-th-e wedded a wyf . wi-th-In -th-es wokes
sex [aaAx]
D: 11,106 He ha-th- wedded a wyf . w(i)t(h)Inne wokes sixe
R: 11,106 He ha-th- wedded a wif . w(i)t(h)inne -th-is wykes
sexe [aaAx]
U: 11,106 He hayth weddyd a wyf . wy-th-inne -th-(i)s wikes
sexe [aaAx]
V: 11,106 He ha_th_ (wedded) a (wyf) . wi_th_-Inne _th_is
(wikes) sixe [aaAx]
J: 11,106 He hath weddyd a wyfe . w(i)t(h)in wougys sexe
K: 11,106 He hath weddid a wife . w(i)t(h)[in] thes wokes
sixe [aaAx]
A: 11,106 He hath weddyd a wyfe . w(i)t(h)inne -th-ese wekis
sexe [aaAx]
M: 11,106 He had weddid a wif . wit innyn -th-ise wokis vj
H3: 11,106 He hath wedded a wyff . w(i)t(h)Inne -th-ese wokys
sexe [aaAx]
W: 11,106 He ha-th- wedded a wyf . within -th-is wokes sexxe
T: 11,107 Is sib to [th]e seuene ars [th](a)t script(ur)e is
H2: 11,107 Is sibbe to the seuene ars . that scripture is
nempnid [aaAx]
Ch: 11,107 Is sybbe to -th-e seuen artes . -th-at scripture
is nempned [aaAx]
D: 11,107 Is syb to -th-e seuene Ars . -th-(a)t scripture
is nemned [aaAx]
R: 11,107 is syb to -th-e sefne ars . -th-(a)t scripture
is ynempled [aaAx]
U: 11,107 -Th-at is sibbe to -th-e sefne ars . -th-(a)t sc(ri)pture
is Inempnyd [aaAx]
V: 11,107 Is (sib) to _th_e (seuen) Ars . _th_at (scripture)
is I-nempnet [aaAx]
J: 11,107 -Th-(a)t sibbe is to -th-e seuen artys . & sc(ri)ptur(e)
is hotyn [aaAx]
K: 11,107 Is sibbe to the vij artes . that sc(ri)pture is
namyd [aaAx]
A: 11,107 Is sybbe to -th-e seuene artis . -th-(a)t scripture
is Inemelid [aaAx]
M: 11,107 Is sib to -th-e vij artis . & scrptur(e) is
namyd [aaAx]
H3: 11,107 Is syb to -th-e vij ars . -th-(a)t scrypture is
nemyd [aaAx]
W: 11,107 Is sibbe to -th-e seuen artes . -th-at scripture
is nempned [aaAx]
T: 11,108 [Th]ei two I hope aftir my besekyng
H2: 11,108 Thei two I hope . aftir my besekyng [xaAx]
Ch: 11,108 -Th-ei two I hope . after my beseching [xaAx]
D: 11,108 -Th-ey two I hope . aft(ir) my besekyng [xaAx]
R: 11,108 -Th-ei two I hope . after my beseching [xaAx]
U: 11,108 -Th-ei to I hope . after my besekynge [xaAx]
V: 11,108 _Th_ei two, as (Ich) (hope) . (after) my be-sechyng
J: 11,108 -Th-e two as I hope . aft(er) my bidding [xaAx]
K: 11,108 They twoo as I hope . after my wissynge [xaAx]
A: 11,108 Thai to as I hope . -th-orow my besekyng [xaAx]
M: 11,108 -Th-ey to as I hope . aftir my besechi(n)g [xaAx]
H3: 11,108 -Th-ei to as I hope . aft(ir) my besekyng [xaAx]
W: 11,108 Thei two as I hope . aftre my besekyn [xaAx]
T: 11,109 Shuln wisse [th]e to dowel I dar wel vndirtake
H2: 11,109 Schul wysse the to dowel . I dar wel vndertake
Ch: 11,109 Schul wisse -th-e to dowel . I dar wel vndertake
D: 11,109 Schul wisse -th-e to dowel . I dar vndirtake [aaAx]
R: 11,109 Shul wisse -th-e to dowel . I dar wel vndertake
U: 11,109 Schul wisse -th-e to dowel . I dar wel vndyrtake
V: 11,109 Schul (wisse) _th_e to (Dowel) . I (dar) vndertake
J: 11,109 Schulyn techyn -th-e to dowele . I dar it vndertakyn
K: 11,109 Schal wissen the to dowell . I dare wel vnd(ir)take
A: 11,109 Schal wyse -th-e to dowel . I dar vndurtake [aaAx]
M: 11,109 Schal wisse -th-e dowel . I dar vndirtake [aaAx]
H3: 11,109 Xul wysse -th-e to dowel . I dar wel vndyrtake
W: 11,109 Shul wisse -th-e to dowel . I dar wel vndertake
T: 11,110 [Th]anne was I fayn as foul of fair morewen
H2: 11,110 Than was I fayn as foul . of fayr morwen [aaAx]
Ch: 11,110 -Th-an was I fayn as foule . on faire morowen
D: 11,110 -Th-an was I a fayn as foule . of fayre morowe
R: 11,110 -Th-a(n) was I as fayn as foul . of fayr morwen
U: 11,110 -Th-an was as fayn as fowl . of fayre morwe [aaAx]
V: 11,110 _Th_enne was I as (ffayn) . as (ffoul) on (feir)
morwen [xaAa]
J: 11,110 -Th-an was I as fayne as fowle . of fayre morowe
K: 11,110 Than was I as fayne as fowle . of fair morowe [aaAx]
A: 11,110 Than was I as fayne as foule . on erne morne [aaAx]
M: 11,110 & -th-an was I as fayn as fowl . of fair morwe
H3: 11,110 Than was I as fayn as a foul . of a fayr morwy(n)
W: 11,110 Than was I as fayn as foule . of faire morn [aaAx]
T: 11,111 Gladdere [th]anne [th]e gleman [th](a)t gold ha[th]
to [y]ifte
H2: 11,111 Gladdere than the gleman . that gold hath to -gh-ifte
Ch: 11,111 Gladder -th-an gleman . -th-at gold ha-th-e to
-gh-eft [aaAx]
D: 11,111 Gladdere -th-an gleman . -th-(a)t gold ha-th- to
-gh-ifte [aaAx]
R: 11,111 Gladder(e) -th-an -th-e gluma(n) . -th-(a)t gold
ha-th- to -gh-ifte [aaAx]
U: 11,111 Gladdere -th-an -th-e gleman . -th-(a)t gold hayt
to -y-ifte [aaAx]
V: 11,111 (Gladdore) _th_en _th_e (gleo-Mon) is . of his
(grete) (_g_iftes) [aaAa]
J: 11,111 Gladder -th-an gluman . -th-(a)t gold hath to -gh-ifte
K: 11,111 Gladdar than gleeman . that gold hath to yefte
A: 11,111 Gladere -th-an -th-e gleman . -th-at hath gold
to -gh-ifte [aaAx]
M: 11,111 -Y-a gladder(e) -th-an a glewman . -th-at gold
hat to -y-ifte [aaAx]
H3: 11,111 And gladd(er)e -th-a(n) a glewma(n) . -th-(a)t
gold hat to -gh-yfte [aaAx]
W: 11,111 Gladdere -th-an glewmen . -th-at han gold to -gh-ift
T: 11,112 And axide hire [th]e hei[gh]e wey where clergie wonide
H2: 11,112 And axide hir(e) the hi-gh-e way . wher(e) clergie
wonede [aaXx]
Ch: 11,112 And asked her -th-e hi-gh-e way . wher clergie
woned [aaXx]
D: 11,112 And asked -th-e hey wey . where clergy wonyd [aaXx]
R: 11,112 And axked hur(e) -th-e hey way . wher clergie wonde
U: 11,112 And axide here -th-e heye weye . where clergie
wonde [aaXx]
V: 11,112 And (askede) hire _th_e (hei_g_e) wey . wher Clergye
dwelle_th_ [aaXx]
J: 11,112 And axed -th-e hye wey . qwere clergy duellyd [aaXx]
K: 11,112 And askyd her the hye way . wher that clergie woned
A: 11,112 And axkid -th-e hey wey . -th-er clergie wel dwellid
M: 11,112 I askede hir(e) -th-e eie weie . wher clergie duellede
H3: 11,112 And askyd hyr -th-o -th-e hey wey . qwer clergy-gh-e
dwellyd [aaXx]
W: 11,112 And asked herre -th-e hie waye . where clergie
dwelt [aaXx]
T: 11,113 And tel me sum tokne to hym for tyme is [th](a)t
I wende
H2: 11,113 And telle me su(m) tokene of hi(m) . for tyme
is that I wende [aaAx]
Ch: 11,113 And telle me som tokyn to hym . for tyme is -th-at
I wende [aaAx]
D: 11,113 Telle me some tokene to hym . for tyme is I wende
R: 11,113 And tel me su(m) tokne of hi(m) . for tyme is -th-(a)t
I wende [aaAx]
U: 11,113 & tel me som tokne to hym . for tyme is -th-(a)t
i wende [aaAx]
V: 11,113 And (tel) me sum (tokne) to him . for (tyme) is
_th_at I wende [aaAx]
J: 11,113 Telle me su(m) tokyn to him . for tyme is I wende
K: 11,113 ffo and tel me su(m) tokyn to hym . for tyme is
that I wend [aaAx]
A: 11,113 And telle me token of hym . it is tyme -th-at I
wende [aaAx]
M: 11,113 And telle me so(m)m tokne [to] hym . for tyme is
-th-(a)t I we(n)de [aaAx]
H3: 11,113 And telle me so(m)m tokene to hy(m) . for tyme
is I wende [aaAx]
W: 11,113 And tel me som tokene to hym . for tyme is -th-at
I wende [aaAx]
T: 11,114 Axe [th]e hei[gh]e wey q(ua)[th] heo from henis to
H2: 11,114 Axe the hi-gh-e way q(uo)d heo . fro hennes to
suffre [aaAx]
Ch: 11,114 Ask -th-e hi-gh-e wey q(uo)d sche . fro hennes
to suffer [aaAx]
D: 11,114 Aske -th-e hey wey q(ou)d sche . fro hennys to
suffre [aaAx]
R: 11,114 Axke -th-e hey way q(uo)d she . fro hennys to suffre
U: 11,114 Axe -th-e heye weye q(uo)d sche . fro hennes to
suffre [aaAx]
V: 11,114 I schal teche _th_e _th_e (hei_g_e) wey quod heo
. "from (hennes) to soffre [xaAx]
J: 11,114 Axe -th-anne -th-e hye weye . he(n)nys to suffre
K: 11,114 Aske the hye way q(uo)d sche . from hens to soffre
A: 11,114 Axke -th-e wey quot -gh-he . henys to suffre [aaAx]
M: 11,114 Aske -th-e eie wey q(uo)d sche . hennis to suffr(e)
H3: 11,114 Aske -th-e hey wey q(uo)d sche . fro hens to suffure
W: 11,114 Aske -th-e hie way q(uo)d she . fro hens to suffre
bo-th-e weel & woo [aaAx]
T: 11,115 Bo[th]e wele & wo [y]if [th](a)t [th]ou wile
H2: 11,115 Both wele and wo . if that thou wile lerne [aaAx]
Ch: 11,115 Bo-th-e wel and wo . -gh-ef -th-ow wolt lerne
D: 11,115 Bo-th-e wele & wo . yf -th-(o)u wilt lerne
U: 11,115 Bothe wel and wo . -y-if -th-(a)t -th-(o)u willt
lerne [aaAx]
V: 11,115 Bo_th_e-(weole)-and-(wo) . _g_if _th_at _th_ou
(wolt) leorne [aaAx]
J: 11,115 Bothyn wele & wo . -gh-if -th-(o)u wylt lerne
K: 11,115 Both weele & woo . if thou wolt lerne [aaAx]
A: 11,115 Bo-th-e wele and wo . -gh-if -th-u wilt lerne [aaAx]
M: 11,115 Bo-th-in in wele & i(n) wo . -y-if -th-(o)u
wit lerne [aaAx]
H3: 11,115 Bothe in wel & i(n) wo . -gh-yf -th-(o)u wylt
lerne [aaAx]
W: 11,115 --- this line om ---
T: 11,116 And rid for[th] be ricchesse ac reste [th](o)u not
H2: 11,116 And ride forth be rychesse . a[c and] reste thou
not ther Inne [aaAx]
Ch: 11,116 And ride forth be Richesse . bot trust -th-(o)u
nou-gh-t -th-er In [aaAx]
D: 11,116 And ride for-th- be richesse . ac rest -th-(o)u
nou-gh-t -th-(er)inne [aaAx]
R: 11,116 And ride for-th- by rychesse . rest -th-e not -th-(er)
inne [aaAx]
U: 11,116 And ryde forth be ricchesse . reste -th-(o)u nowt
-th-(er)inne [aaAx]
V: 11,116 And (Ryd) for_th_ bi (Richesse) . (Reste) _th_e
nou_g_t _th_er-Inne [aaAx]
J: 11,116 Bide forth be riches . rest nouht -th-(er) Inne
K: 11,116 And ride forth by riches . & rest the not ther
in [aaAx]
A: 11,116 Ryde forth be rycchesse . but byde not -th-ere
M: 11,116 & ride forth be ricchesse . & reste -th-(o)u
not -th-(er)inne [aaAx]
H3: 11,116 And forth be rytchesse . but rest -th-e nouth
-th-(er)Inne [aaAx]
W: 11,116 -Gh-if -th-ou wilt lerne & ride for-th- by
richesse . ac rest not -th-er in [aaAx]
R: 11,115 Bo-th-e wel and wo . -gh-if -th-at -th-(o)u wilt lerne [aaAx]
T: 11,117 ffor [y]if [th]ou couplist [th]e w(i)t(h) hym to
clergie comist [th](o)u neu(er)e
H2: 11,117 ffor if thou couplist the with hi(m) to clergie
. comest th(o)u neu(er)e [aaAx]
Ch: 11,117 ffor -gh-ef -th-ow coplest -th-e with hym to clergie
. comest -th-(o)u neuer [aaAx]
D: 11,117 ffor yf -th-(o)u couplest -th-e with hym to clergie
comest -th-(o)u neu(er)e [aaAx]
R: 11,117 for -gh-if -th-(o)u couple -th-e w(i)t(h) hi(m)
to clergie . comest -th-(o)u neu(er)e [aaAx]
U: 11,117 ffor -th-ow comple -th-e w(i)t(h) hym to clergie
. comyst -th-(o)u neu(er)e [aaAx]
V: 11,117 ffor _g_if _th_ou (Couple) _th_e to him . to (Clergie)
(comestou) neuere [axAa]
H: 11,117 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 11,117 ffor -gh-if -th-(o)u cowple -th-e w(i)t(h) him
-th-(er) . comyst -th-(o)u neuyr [aaAx]
K: 11,117 ffor if thou cowpelest the w(i)t(h) hym to clergie
. co(m)mest -th-(o)u neu(er) [aaAx]
E: 11,117 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 11,117 -Gh-if -th-u couple w(i)t(h) hym . to clergie comyst
-th-u neuyr [aaAx]
M: 11,117 ffor -y-if -th-(o)u compleinyst -th-e to hi(m)
to clergie . komist -th-(o)u neu(er)e [aaAx]
H3: 11,117 ffor -gh-yf -th-(o)u copplyst -th-e w(i)t(h) hy(m)
to clergy-gh-e . comyst -th-(o)u neu(er)e [aaAx]
W: 11,117 ffor if -th-ou couplest -th-e wi-th- hym to clergie
. comstow neuere [aaAx]
T: 11,118 And ek [th]e longe launde [th](a)t leccherie hatte
H2: 11,118 And eke the longe launde . that lecherie ha[t]te
[hath] [aaAx]
Ch: 11,118 And ek -th-e long launde . -th-at lechorie hatte
D: 11,118 And eke -th-e longe launde . -th-(a)t lecherye
hatte [aaAx]
R: 11,118 And ek -th-e longe lau(n)de . -th-at lecherie hatte-th-
U: 11,118 And eek -th-e longe launde . [-th-at] lecherye
hatte [aaAx]
V: 11,118 And eke _th_e (longe) (launde) . _th_at (Lecherie)
hette [aaAx]
H: 11,118 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 11,118 And eke -th-e long lande . -th-(a)t lechery hatte
K: 11,118 And ek the longe launde . that lecherye hotte [aaAx]
E: 11,118 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 11,118 And leue -th-e lande . -th-at rebaudie hauntith
M: 11,118 & ek be -th-e longe lane . -th-at leccherie
hauntid [aaAx]
H3: 11,118 And eke -th-e longe lau(n)de . -th-(a)t letchery-gh-e
hattyth [aaAx]
W: 11,118 And eke -th-e long launde . -th-at lecherie hate
T: 11,119 Leue hym on [th]i left half a large myle or more
H2: 11,119 Lef hi(m) on thi left half . a large myle or mor(e)
Ch: 11,119 Leue hym on -th-i left side . a large myle and
more [aaAbb]?
D: 11,119 Lef hym on -th-y left half . a large myle or more
R: 11,119 lef hi(m) on -th-i lyft half . a large mile and
more [aaAbb]?
U: 11,119 Leue hym on -th-e left half . a large myle & more
V: 11,119 (Leue) him on _th_i (luft) half . A (large) (myle)
or (more) [aaAbb]
J: 11,119 Leue him on -th-i lyft halue . a myle othir more
K: 11,119 Leue hym on thy lyfte half . a large myle or more
A: 11,119 Lete hym on -th-i lyfte halfe . a large mile an
more [aaAbb]?
M: 11,119 Leue on -th-in left hand . a large mile or mor(e)
H3: 11,119 Leue hy(m) on -th-i(n) left hand . a large myle & more
W: 11,119 Leue it on -th-i lyft hande . a myle o-th-(er)
more [aaAbb]?
T: 11,120 Til [th]ou come to a co(ur)t kepe wel [th]i tunge
H2: 11,120 Tyl thou come to a co(ur)t . kepe wel thi tunge
Ch: 11,120 Tille -th-ow come to a court . kepe wel -th-i
tonge [aaAx]
D: 11,120 Til -th-(o)u come tyl a court . kepe wel -th-y
tounge [aaAx]
R: 11,120 til -th-ou come to a court . kep wel -th-i tou(n)ge
U: 11,120 ffoor til -th-(o)u come to a court . kep wel -th-i
tonge [aaAx]
V: 11,120 fforte _th_ou (come) to a (Court) . (kep) wel _th_i
tonge [aaAx]
J: 11,120 Tyl -th-(o)u come to a c[o]urte . kepe wele -th-i
tung(e) [aaAx]
K: 11,120 Til thou co(m)me to a courte . kepe well thy tonge
A: 11,120 Whan -th-u come to a courte . kep wel -th-i tunge
M: 11,120 til -th-ou kome to -th-e court of . kepe wel -th-y
tunge [aaAx]
H3: 11,120 And qwa(n) -th-(o)u come to a corwt . kep wel
-th-i(n) tonge [aaAx]
W: 11,120 Whan -th-ou come to a court . kepe wel -th-i tounge
T: 11,121 ffor lesinges & li[gh]eris speche & likerous
H2: 11,121 ffor lesynges and ly-gh-eris speche . and lykerous
drynkis [aaAx]
Ch: 11,121 ffro lesinges and li-gh-ers speches . and lecerous
drinkes [aaAx]
D: 11,121 ffro lesynges & lyeres . and likerous drynkes
R: 11,121 fro lesyng(es) and lier(es) speche . and lykerous
drynk(es) [aaAx]
U: 11,121 ffro lesynggis and lyeres . & lekerous drynkes
V: 11,121 ffrom (lesynges) and (ly_g_eres) speche- . and
(lykerous) drinke [aaAx]
J: 11,121 ffro lesyngys lethyr spechys . lykerous drinkys
K: 11,121 ffrom lesing(es) & lither speche . & likerous
drynkes [aaAx]
A: 11,121 ffro lesyngis fre ledur speche . & fro likerous
drynk(es) [aaAx]
M: 11,121 ffro lesyngis & lether speche . & likerouse
drynkys [aaAx]
H3: 11,121 ffro lesyng(es) & lethyr speche . & lykerous
drynkys [aaAx]
W: 11,121 ffro lesyngs & lither speche . & lykerous
drynkes [aaAx]
T: 11,122 [Th]anne shalt [th]ou se sobirte & simplite of
H2: 11,122 Than schalt thou se soberte . and sympulte of
speche [aaAa]
Ch: 11,122 -Th-an schalt -th-ow se soberte . and sympel of
speche [aaAa]
D: 11,122 -Th-an schalt -th-(o)u se sobrete . & symplete
of speche [aaAa]
R: 11,122 Than shalt -th-(o)u se soberte . and symplenesse
of speche [aaAa]
U: 11,122 -Th-an schalt se soberte . of symplesse of speche
V: 11,122 _Th_Enne schaltou (seo) (Sobre) . And (Symple)
of (speche) [aaAa]
J: 11,122 -Th-an salt -th-(o)u sene sobrete . & symplesse
of speche [aaAa]
K: 11,122 Than schalt thou see sobernes . & simplesse
of speche [aaAa]
A: 11,122 Than schal -th-u sobirte . and sympilnes of speche
M: 11,122 -Th-a(n)ne schalt -th-(o)u sen soberte . & simplenesse
of speche [aaAa]
H3: 11,122 And -th-a(n) xalt -th-(o)u sen sobryete . & symplenesse
of speche [aaAa]
W: 11,122 Than shaltow se sobrete . & symplece of speche
T: 11,123 [Th](a)t iche wi[gh]t be in wille his wyt [th]e to
H2: 11,123 That iche wy-gh-t be in wylle . his wit for to
schewen [aaAx]
Ch: 11,123 -Th-at ech wy-gh-t be in wille . his witte for
to schewen [aaAx]
D: 11,123 That ech wy-gh-th be in wil . his wit -th-e to
Schewyn [aaAx]
R: 11,123 -Th-at iche wit be in wille . hit wit -th-e to
shewe [aaAx]
U: 11,123 -Th-at eche wy-gh-t be in wille . his wit -th-e
to schewe [aaAx]
V: 11,123 _Th_at eueri mon beo in (wil) . his (wit) _th_e
to schewe [aaAx]
J: 11,123 Qwat iche wyht be in wylle . his wit -th-e to schewe
K: 11,123 And eche wight be in wille . his witte the to schewe
A: 11,123 That eche wyth be in wil . his witte -th-e to schewyn
M: 11,123 -Th-at ich man be in wille . his wit -th-e to schewyn
H3: 11,123 -Th-(a)t yche wyth be i(n) wyl . hys wytt to -th-e
schewe [aaAx]
W: 11,123 That eche wight be in wil . his witt -th-e to shewe
T: 11,124 So shalt [th]ou come to clergie [th](a)t can many
H2: 11,124 So schalt thou come to clergie . that can many
wyttes [aaAx]
Ch: 11,124 So schalt -th-ow come to clergie . -th-at can
many wittes [aaAx]
D: 11,124 So schalt -th-(o)u come to clergie . -th-(a)t can
many wittes [aaAx]
R: 11,124 So shal -th-(o)u come to clergie . -th-(a)t can
many -th-ing(es) [aaAx]
U: 11,124 So schalt -th-(o)u come to clergie . -th-(a)t can
many thenges [aaAx]
V: 11,124 So schalt _th_ou (come) to (Clergye) . _th_at (con)
mony _th_inges [aaAx]
J: 11,124 So schaltow comy(n) to clergye . -th-(a)t can many
thingis [aaAx]
K: 11,124 So schalt thou come to clergie . that can many
thyng(es) [aaAx]
A: 11,124 So schal -th-u cou-th-e to clergice . -th-(a)t
can many thyngis [aaAx]
M: 11,124 so schalt -th-(o)u komy(n) to clerge . -th-(a)t
kan manye -th-inges [aaAx]
H3: 11,124 So xalt -th-(o)u come [to] clergy-gh-e . -th-(a)t
ca(n) many thyng(us) [aaAx]
W: 11,124 So shaltow come to clergie . -th-at can manye -th-inges
T: 11,125 Sey hym [th]is signe I sette hym to scole
H2: 11,125 Sey hi(m) this signe . I sette hym to scole [aaAx]
Ch: 11,125 Sey hym -th-is signe . I sette hym to scole [aaAx]
D: 11,125 Sey hym -th-es sygne . I set hym to scole [aaAx]
R: 11,125 and sey hi(m) -th-is signe . I set hi(m) to skole
U: 11,125 And sey hym sygne . i sette hym to scole [aaAx]
V: 11,125 (Sei) him _th_is tokene . _th_at I (sette) him
to (scole) [aaAa]
J: 11,125 Sey him -th-is syngne . I set him to scole [aaAx]
K: 11,125 Say hym this signe . I sett hym to scole [aaAx]
A: 11,125 Sey hym -th-e syne . I sette hym to schole [aaAx]
M: 11,125 Sei hi(m) -th-ys tokene . I sette hi(m) to scole
H3: 11,125 and sey hy(m) -th-is sygne . I sett hy(m) to skole
W: 11,125 Say hym -th-is signe . I sette hym to scole [aaAx]
T: 11,126 And [th](a)t [th]ou grete wel his wyf for I wrot
hire [th]e bible
H2: 11,126 And if thou grete wel his wif . for I wrote hir(e)
the bible [aaAx]
Ch: 11,126 And grete wel his wif . for I wrot her -th-e bibille
D: 11,126 And -th-at I grete wel his wyf . I wrot here -th-e
byble [aaAx]
R: 11,126 And -th-at I gete wel his wyf . for I wrot hi(m)
-th-e bible [aaAx]
U: 11,126 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,126 And _th_at I grette (wel) his (wyf) . for I (wrot)
hire a Bulle [aaAx]
J: 11,126 And -th-(a)t I gret wele his wife . I wrote hir(e)
-th-e byble [aaAx]
K: 11,126 And that I grete wel his wife . for I wrote her
the bible [aaAx]
A: 11,126 That I gret wel is wyfe . I wroth here -th-e bible
M: 11,126 & -th-at I grete wel his wif . I wrot hir(e)
-th-e bille [aaAx]
H3: 11,126 And -th-(a)t I grete wel hys wyf . for I wrot
hyr -th-e bylle [aaAx]
W: 11,126 And I gret wel his wif . for I wrote here -th-e
bille [aaAx]
T: 11,127 And sette hire to sapience & to hire saut(er)
H2: 11,127 And sette hir(e) to sapience . and to hir(e) saut(er)
Iglosid [aaAx]
Ch: 11,127 And sette her to sapience . to her sauter Iglosed
D: 11,127 And set here to sapience . & to here saut(er)
glosed [aaAx]
R: 11,127 and sette hur(e) to sapience . and to -th-e sawter
yglosed [aaAx]
U: 11,127 And sette here to sapience . & to -th-e sauter
glosyd [aaAx]
V: 11,127 And (sette) hire to (sapience) . and to hire (psauter)
I-gloset [aaAx]
J: 11,127 And set her(e) to sapience . her sawt(er) Iglosyde
K: 11,127 And set hir to sapience . & the psaultere glosed
A: 11,127 And sette here to sapience . an to -th-e sauter
Iglosid [aaAx]
M: 11,127 & sette hir(e) to sapience . & to -th-e
sautir glosid [aaAx]
H3: 11,127 And sent hyr to sapience . & to hyr sautyr
glosyd [aaAx]
W: 11,127 And sette here to sapience . & to -th-e sautr(e)
yglosed [aaAx]
T: 11,128 Logik I lerid hire & al [th]e lawe aftir
H2: 11,128 Logyke I lerid hire . and al the lawe aftir [aaAx]
Ch: 11,128 logek I lerned her . and alle -th-e lawe after
R: 11,128 logik I lerned hur(e) . and al -th-e lawe after
[aaAx]fol. 37r
U: 11,128 Logyke i leryd here . and al -th-e lawe after [aaAx]
V: 11,128 (Lo)! (logyk) I (lered) hire . and al _th_e (lawe)
after [aaaAx]
J: 11,128 Logyk I lernyd her(e) . & alle -th-e lawe aft(er)
K: 11,128 Long I servyd her . & al the lawe after [aaAx]
A: 11,128 Logike I lernyd here . and alle -th-e lawe aftir
M: 11,128 Logik I lernyd hir(e) . & al -th-e lawe aftir
H3: 11,128 Logyk I lerned hyr . & alle -th-e lawe aft(ir)
W: 11,128 Logike I lerned here . & al -th-e lawe aftre
T: 11,129 And alle [th]e musons of musik I made hire knowe
H2: 11,129 And al the musionis of musike . I made hir(e)
knowe alse [aaAx]
Ch: 11,129 And alle -th-e Musouns of mesik . I made her knowe
also [aaAx]
R: 11,129 And al -th-e mosou(n)s of mosyk . I made hur(e)
to knowe [aaAx]
U: 11,129 And alle -th-e musonys of musyk . I made here to
knowe [aaAx]
V: 11,129 And alle (Musons) In (Musyk) . I (made) hire to
knowe [aaAx]
J: 11,129 And alle -th-e musou(n)ys in musyk . I mad her(e)
to knowe [aaAx]
K: 11,129 And al the musones of musike . I made her to knowe
A: 11,129 And alle -th-e musun in nusik . I made here to
knowe [aaAx]
M: 11,129 Alle -th-e musons of musik . I made hir(e) to knowe
H3: 11,129 And alle moysons of musyk . I mad hyr to knowe
W: 11,129 And al -th-e musons in musyke . I made hire to
knowe [aaAx]
T: 11,130 Plato [th]e poete I putte hym ferst to boke
H2: 11,130 Plato the poete . I putte hi(m) furst to boke
Ch: 11,130 Plato -th-e poyet . I put hem first to boke [aaAx]
R: 11,130 Plato and poete . I putte he(m) furst to boke [aaAx]
U: 11,130 Plato & poete . I put hem ferst to boke [aaAx]
V: 11,130 (Plato) _th_e (Poyete) . I (put) him furste to
Boke [aaAx]
J: 11,130 Plato -th-e poyet . I put first to boke [aaAx]
K: 11,130 Plato the poete . I put hym firste to boke [aaAx]
A: 11,130 Plato -th-e poete . put hym frist to boke [aaAx]
M: 11,130 Plato -th-e poete . I put hi(m) ferst to scole
H3: 11,130 Plato -th-e poete . I put fryst to skole [aaAx]
W: 11,130 Plato -th-e poete . I put hym first to boke [aaAx]
T: 11,131 Aristotel & o[th](er)e mo to arguen I tau[gh]te
H2: 11,131 Aristotil and othir(e) mo . to arguen I tau-gh-te
Ch: 11,131 Aristotil and o-th-er mo . to Argeu I tau-gh-t
R: 11,131 Aristotle and o-th-(er) mo . I tau-gh-the furst
to argue [aaAx]
U: 11,131 Aristotle and o-th-(er) mo . I tawte ferst to argue
V: 11,131 (Aristotle) and (o_th_er) mo . to (Arguen) I tau_g_te
J: 11,131 Arystotyl & othir moo . to arguy(n) first I
tawte [aaAx]
K: 11,131 Aristotle & other mo . I taughten to argewe
A: 11,131 Aristodil and o-th-er mo . to argue I tauth [aaAx]
M: 11,131 Aristtele & o-th-yr mo . to argue I taugthe
H3: 11,131 Arystotyl & o-th-(ir) mo . to arguy(n) I taugthe
W: 11,131 Aristotle & o-th-er mo . to argue I taght [aaAx]
T: 11,132 Gram(er) for girles I garte ferst write
H2: 11,132 Gram(er) for gurles . I garte furst wryte [aaAx]
Ch: 11,132 Gramer for gerles . I gent first write [aaAx]
R: 11,132 Gra(m)mer for gerlis . I gar furst to wryte [aaAx]
U: 11,132 Gramer for gyrles . I garte ferst whryte [aaAx]
V: 11,132 (Gramer) for Children . I (gon) furste to write
J: 11,132 Gram(er) ferst for gerlys I gerd forto wrytyn [aaAx]
K: 11,132 Gramere for girles . I garte firste writen [aaAx]
A: 11,132 Gramer for gerlis . I gan frist to wryte [aaAx]
M: 11,132 Gramer for childryn . I made ferst to wrytyn [aaAx]
H3: 11,132 Gramer for chyldery(n) . I made fryst to wryte
W: 11,132 Gramere for girles . I made first to wryten [aaAx]
T: 11,133 And bet hem wi[th] a baleis but [y]if [th]ei wolde
H2: 11,133 And bet hem with a baleis . but if thei wolde
lerne [aaAxx]
Ch: 11,133 And bette hem with a Baleis . but -gh-ef -th-ei
wold lerne [aaAxx]
R: 11,133 And bet he(m) w(i)t(h) a baleys . but -gh-if -th-ei
wolde lerne [aaAxx]
U: 11,133 And beet hem w(i)t(h) a baleys . but -y-if -th-ei
wolde lerne [aaAxx]
V: 11,133 And (Beot) hem wi_th_ a (Baleys) . (But) _g_if
_th_ei wolde lernen [aaAxx]
J: 11,133 And bet hem w(i)t(h) a baleys . but -gh-if -th-ei
woldyn lerne [aaAxx]
K: 11,133 And bett hem w(i)t(h) a baleis . but if [they]
woulde lerne [aaAxx]
A: 11,133 And bette hem w(i)t(h) a bayles . but -th-ai wold
lerne [aaAxx]
M: 11,133 And beet hi(m) wit a balais . but -th-ey woldi(n)
lerne [aaAxx]
H3: 11,133 And bet he(m) w(i)t(h) a baleys . but -gh-yf -th-ei
wolde lerne [aaAxx]
W: 11,133 And bet hem wi-th- a balice . til -th-ei wold lerne
T: 11,134 And alle kynne craftis I contreuide here
H2: 11,134 And al kyn craftis . I contreuide here [aaAx]
Ch: 11,134 And alle kynnes craftes . I contrewed here [aaAx]
R: 11,134 and alle kenne craft(is) . I construed her(e) to
lerne [aaAx]
U: 11,134 And alle kynne craftis . I construed hure ferst
to lere [aaAx]
V: 11,134 Of alle Maner (Craftus) . I con (Counterfeten)
heor tooles [xaAx]
J: 11,134 Of alle ky(n)ne c(ra)ftys . I cou(n)t(er)fetyd
[firste] her tolys [aaAx]
K: 11,134 Of al kynne craftes . I contryvyd her toles [aaAx]
A: 11,134 ffor alle knyuis craftis . I contrued tolis [aaAx]
M: 11,134 Of alle kennes craftis . I co(n)treuid toolys [aaAx]
H3: 11,134 Off alle skynnys craftys . I co(n)tryuyd talys
W: 11,134 Of alle kyns craftes . I contreved toles [aaAx]
T: 11,135 Tolis of carpent(er)is & keru(er)is & kende
ferst masons
H2: 11,135 To he of carpenters and keruers . and kende furst
masones [aaAx]
Ch: 11,135 Carpenters and keruers . and kenned first masouns
R: 11,135 Tolus of carpenter(is) and kerue . I tau-gh--th-e
ferst masou(n)s [aaAx]
U: 11,135 Tolis of carpent(er)s and kerue . I tau-th-te ferst
masouns [aaAx]
V: 11,135 Of (Carpunters) and (keruers) . I tau_gh_te furst
Masouns [aaAx]
J: 11,135 Carpenterys & keruerys . I kennyd & masou(n)ys
lerned [aaAx]
K: 11,135 Of carpent(er)s of carvers . & I kennyd first
masons [aaAx]
A: 11,135 Of carpenteris of carueris . I kennyd fryst masonis
M: 11,135 Of Carpenters of keruirs . & kende ferst Masou(n)s
H3: 11,135 As carpenterys & keruerys . & ke(n)nyd
fryst masons [aaAx]
W: 11,135 Of carpenters & keruers . & kenned first
masons [aaAx]
T: 11,136 And lernide hym lyuel & lyne [th]ei[gh] I loke
H2: 11,136 And lernyd hi(m) lyuel . and lyne thei-gh- I loke
dymme [aaAa]
Ch: 11,136 And lerned hem leuelle . and lyne -th-ow I loke
dymme [aaAa]
R: 11,136 And lerned he(m) lyue . and leuel -th-ow I lokede
dy(m)me [aaAa]
U: 11,136 And lerned hem lyue . & leuel -th-ou-gh-e i
lokyd dymme [aaAa]
V: 11,136 And (lered) hem (liuel) and (lyne) . _th_au_g_
I (loke) dimme [aaaAx]
J: 11,136 To wyrchyn w(i)t(h) leuel . & lyne -th-ei I
loke dymme [aaAa]
K: 11,136 And lerned hem leuell . & lyne though I loke
dy(m)me [aaAa]
A: 11,136 leuel & lyue I hem lernyd . -th-ow I loke dymme
M: 11,136 leuel & lyne -th-ey I loke dy(m)me [aaAa]
H3: 11,136 leuel & lyne I he(m) lernyd . -th-ow I loke
dy(m)me [aaAa]
W: 11,136 leuel and lyne I hem lerned -th-ogh I loke dym
T: 11,137 Ac theologie ha[th] tenid me ten score tymes
H2: 11,137 Ac theologie hat-gh- tenid me . ten score tymes
Ch: 11,137 Bot Theology ha-th-e tened me . ten score tymes
R: 11,137 And thologie -th-at tened me . ten skore tymes
U: 11,137 Ac theologie hayt tened me . ten score tymes [aaAa]
V: 11,137 Bote (Teologye) ha_th_ (teoned) me . (ten) score
(tymes) [aaAa]
J: 11,137 But in teology rit dyrke -th-(a)t me thowte [aaAa]
K: 11,137 But theologie that tened me . tenne score tymes
A: 11,137 Teologie hat tenyn me . ten schore tynne [aaAa]
M: 11,137 But theologie hat tenyd me . ofter(e) -th-an x
score tyme [aaAa]
H3: 11,137 And theology-gh-e hat tenyd me . x skore tymys
W: 11,137 Ac teologie ha-th- tened me . ten score tymes [aaAa]
T: 11,138 ffor [th]e more I muse [th](er)on [th]e mistlokere
it semi[th]
H2: 11,138 ffor the more I muse theron . the mystloker(e)
it semeth [aaAx]
Ch: 11,138 ffor the more I muse -th-eron . the mystloker
hit seme-th- [aaAx]
R: 11,138 for -th-e more I muse -th-eron . -th-e mistlikere
hit seme-th- [aaAx]
U: 11,138 for -th-e more I mouse -th-(er)on . -th-e mystlokir
it semyth [aaAx]
V: 11,138 ffor _th_e (more) I studie _th_eron . _th_e derkore
hit seme_th_ [aaAx]
J: 11,138 --- this line om ---
K: 11,138 ffor the more I muse theron . the mystloker it
semeth [aaAx]
A: 11,138 The more I musid -th-er In . -th-e mistiere it
semyd [aaAx]
M: 11,138 ffor -th-e mor(e) -th-(a)t I muse -th-(er)inne
. -th-e mistelier(e) it semit [aaAx]
H3: 11,138 ffor -th-e more I muse -th-(er)Inne . -th-e mystlyere
it semyth [aaAx]
W: 11,138 ffor -th-e more I muse -th-er in . -th-e mystoloker
it seme-th- [aaAx]
T: 11,139 And [th]e depp(er)e I deuynide [th]e derkere me [th]ou[gh]te
H2: 11,139 And the deppere I deuynid . the derkere me thou-gh-te
Ch: 11,139 And the depper I deuyned . -th-e derker hit semed
R: 11,139 And -th-e depper(e) I deuyne hit . -th-e depper(e)
me h(i)t -th-ou-gh--th-e [aaAx]
U: 11,139 And -th-e depp(er)e I dyuyned . -th-e depp(er)e
I -th-owte [aaAx]
V: 11,139 And _th_e (deppore) I (diuinede) . _th_e Mistiloker
me _th_ou_g_te [aaAx]
J: 11,139 -Th-e depper I dyuynyd . -th-e dyrker me thowte
K: 11,139 And the dep(ar) I dyuyned . the darkar me thought
A: 11,139 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 11,139 -Th-e dipper(e) I deuynyde . -th-e derker(e) me
-th-ougthe [aaAx]
H3: 11,139 And -th-e sporere I deuyne . -th-e drykere me
thynkyt [aaAx]
W: 11,139 And -th-e deppere -th-at I dyuened . -th-e derker
me -th-oght [aaAx]
T: 11,140 It is no science forso[th]e for to sotile [th](er)e
H2: 11,140 -Gh-it is no sience forsothe . for to sotile therInne
Ch: 11,140 It is no science forsothe . for to sotile -th-erInne
R: 11,140 hit is no sciens forso-th-e . to sotile -th-erinne
U: 11,140 It is no science forsothe . to sutyle -th-(er)inne
V: 11,140 Hit is no (science) (forso_th_e) . to (sotilen)
_th_er-Inne [aaAx]
J: 11,140 It is no scyens forsothe . for to sotylyn Inne
K: 11,140 It is no science forsoth . for to sotelye in [aaAx]
A: 11,140 It is no sience forso-th-e . for to sotelyn Inne
M: 11,140 It is no(n) scie(n)ce forsoth . for to sotelyn
inne [aaAx]
H3: 11,140 It is no science forsothe . for to sotely(n) Inne
W: 11,140 It is no science forsothe . for to sotelen in [aaAx]
T: 11,141 Ne were [th]e loue [th](a)t li[th] [th](er)ein a
wel lewid [th]ing it were
H2: 11,141 Ne wer(e) the loue that li-gh-t . therin a wel
lewid thyng it wer(e) [aaAx]
Ch: 11,141 Ne were -th-e loue -th-at li-th- . -th-erIn a
wel lewd -th-ing hit were [aaAx]
R: 11,141 Ne wer(e) -th-e loue -th-(a)t ly-th- . -th-(er)inne
a wel lewed -th-ing h(i)t wer(e) [aaAx]
U: 11,141 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,141 Neore _th_e (loue) _th_at (lyh_th_) _th_erinne
. a (lewed) _th_ing hit weore [aaAx]
J: 11,141 Ne were -th-e loue -th-(a)t lith . -th-(er)inne
lewyd thyng it wer(e) [aaAx]
K: 11,141 Ne were the loue that lieth . therin a wel lewde
thyng it were [aaAx]
A: 11,141 Ne were -th-e loue -th-at lyth -th-erIn . a lewid
-th-ing it were [aaAx]
M: 11,141 Ne wer(e) -th-e loue -th-(a)t lith-gh- . -th-(er)in
a lewid -th-yng it wer(e) [aaAx]
H3: 11,141 Ne were loue -th-(a)t lyth . -th-(er)Inne a ful
lewd thy(n)g it were [aaAx]
W: 11,141 Nere the loue -th-e more -th-at lyth . -th-(er)in
a wel lewed -th-ing it were [aaAx]
T: 11,142 Ac for it lat best be loue I loue it [th]e bet(er)e
H2: 11,142 Ac for it lat best be loue . I loue it the betere
Ch: 11,142 Bot for hit lat best be loue . I loue hit -th-e
better [aaAx]
R: 11,142 Ac for hit laft best by loue . I loue h(i)t -th-e
betere [aaAx]
U: 11,142 Ac for it last best by loue . I loue it -th-e betere
V: 11,142 Bote for hit set best bi (loue) . I (leeue) hit
_th_e betere [aaAx]
J: 11,142 But for it let best be loue . I loue it -th-e bett(er)
K: 11,142 But for it letteth best by loue . I loue it the
better [aaAx]
A: 11,142 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 11,142 & for it lat best be loue . I loue it -th-e
bet(er)e [aaAx]
H3: 11,142 And it last best be loue . I loue it -th-e bettyr
W: 11,142 Ac for it late-th- best by loue . I loue it -th-e
bettre [aaAx]
T: 11,143 ffor [th]ere [th]at loue is lord lakki[th] neu(er)e
H2: 11,143 ffor there that loue is lord . lakkede neu(er)
grace [aaAx]
Ch: 11,143 ffor -th-er -th-at loue is lorde . lakked neuer
grace [aaAx]
R: 11,143 for -th-(er) -th-at loue is lord . balke-th- neuer(e)
grace [aaAx]
U: 11,143 ffor -th-(er) -th-at loue is lord . lakke-th- neu(er)e
g(ra)ce [aaAx]
V: 11,143 ffor _th_at (loue) is _th_e (lord) . _th_at (lak[k]ede)
neuer grace [aaAx]
J: 11,143 ffor -th-(er) -th-(a)t luf is lorde . lackyd neu(er)e
g(ra)ce [aaAx]
K: 11,143 ffor that loue is lord . lackyd neu(er) g(ra)ce
A: 11,143 ffor loue is a lord . -th-er lackith no grace [aaAx]
M: 11,143 ffor -th-(er) as loue is lord . lackede neu(er)e
grace [aaAx]
H3: 11,143 ffor -th-(er) -th-(a)t loue is lord . lackyt neu(er)
g(ra)ce [aaAx]
W: 11,143 ffor -th-(er) -th-at loue is lord . -th-(er) lakke-th-
neuere grace [aaAx]
T: 11,144 Leue lelly [th](er)on [y]if [th]ou [th]enke do wel
H2: 11,144 Leue lelly theron . if thou thenke do wel [aaBb]
Ch: 11,144 Leue leelly -th-eron . -gh-ef -th-ow -th-ink do
wel [aaBb]
R: 11,144 Leue lely -th-(er)on . -gh-if -th-(o)u thinke do
wel [aaBb]
U: 11,144 lef lely -th-(er)on . -y-if yow thenke do wel [aaBb]
V: 11,144 Leef wel _th_er-vppon . _g_if _th_ou _th_enke Dowel
J: 11,144 Leue leuely -th-(er)on . -gh-if -th-(o)u thinke
to do wele [aaBb]
K: 11,144 Leue lelly theron . if thou thynk to do well [aaBb]
A: 11,144 Now leue -th-u -th-eron . -gh-if -th-u thynk to
do wel [aaBb]
M: 11,144 Leue now trewliche -th-(er) vpon . dowel -y-if
-th-(o)u -th-inke [aaBb]
H3: 11,144 Leue now wel -th-(er) vpon . -gh-yf -th-(o)u thynk
to do wel [aaBb]
W: 11,144 Leue nowe lelly -th-er opon . -gh-if -th-ou -th-ink
to do well [aaBb]
T: 11,145 ffor dobet & dobest ben drawen of louis skile
H2: 11,145 ffor dobet and dobest . ben drawe of loues skyle
Ch: 11,145 ffor dobet and dobest . ben drawen of loues skille
R: 11,145 for dobet and dobest . ben drawe of loues scole
U: 11,145 ffor dobet & dobest . ben drawe of leue scole
V: 11,145 ffor (Dobet) and (Dobest) . beo_th_ (drawen) of
lore In scole [aaAx]
J: 11,145 ffor dobet & dobest . ben drawyn of loue scole
K: 11,145 ffor dobett & dobest . byn drawen of louys
scoole [aaAx]
A: 11,145 ffor dobet and dobest . ben drawyn of lowest lore
M: 11,145 ffor dobet & dobest . ben drawe(n) out of louis
lor(e) [aaAx]
H3: 11,145 ffor dobet & dobest . be(n) drawy(n) of louys
lore [aaAx]
W: 11,145 ffor dobet & dobest . be-th- drawe of loues
lore [aaAx]
T: 11,146 In o[th]er science it sei[th] I sai[gh] it in catou(n)
H2: 11,146 In othir sience it seith . I sai-gh- it in catou(n)n
Ch: 11,146 In o-th-er science hit sei-th-e . I saw-gh- hit
In Catou(n) [aaAx]
R: 11,146 In o-th-(er) sciens hit sey-th- . I say hit in
catou(n) [aaAx]
U: 11,146 In other science it se-th- . I saw it in Catou(n)
V: 11,146 In o_th_er (science) hit (sei_th_) . (seo) hit
in Catoun [aaAx]
J: 11,146 In o-th-(er) scien[ce] it seyth . I seyh it in
catou(n) [aaAx]
K: 11,146 In other sciences it saith . I see it my self [aaAx]
A: 11,146 In other sience it seth . in caton -th-u may rede
M: 11,146 In o-th-ir science it seith . i(n) Caton -th-ou
migth redyn [aaAx]
H3: 11,146 In o-th-(er) science it seyt . i(n) catou(n) -th-(o)u
myth rede [aaAx]
W: 11,146 In o-th-er science it sai-th- . in Caton -th-ou
might it rede [aaAx]
T: 11,147 {Qui similat v(er)bis nec corde est fidus amic(us)}
H2: 11,147 { Qui similat uerbis nec corde est fidis amicus
} [Latin]
Ch: 11,147 { Qui simulat verbis nec corde est fidis amicus
} [Latin]
R: 11,147 { Q(u)i simulat verbis uel corde e(st) fidus amicus
} [Latin]
U: 11,147 { Qui simulat verbis n(e)c corde est fidus amicus
} [Latin]
V: 11,147 { Qui simulat verbis, nec corde est fidelis Amicus
} [Latin]
J: 11,147 { Q(ui) similat v(er)bis n(e)c corde est fid(us)
amic(us) } [Latin]
K: 11,147 { Qui simulat verbis nec corde est fidus amicus
} [Latin]
A: 11,147 { Qui similiat verbis nec cordis est fidus amicus
} [Latin]
M: 11,147 { Qui similat verbis n(ec) corde e(st) fidus amicus
} [Latin]
H3: 11,147 { Qui similat v(er)b(is) hic no(n) est fidus amicus
} [Latin]
W: 11,147 { Qui simulat verbis non est eorde fidus amicus
} [Latin]
T: 11,148 --- this line om ---
H2: 11,148 --- this line is omitted ---
Ch: 11,148 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 11,148 { Tu quoq(ue) fac simile sic ars deludit(ur) arte
} [Latin]
U: 11,148 --- this line is omitted ---
V: 11,148 --- this line om --
J: 11,148 { Tu quoq(ue) fac simile sic ars deludit(ur) arte
} [Latin]
K: 11,148 { Tu quoq(ue) fac simile sic ars deludit(ur) arte
} [Latin]
A: 11,148 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 11,148 { tu quo(que) fac simile sic ars deludit(ur) arte
} [Latin]
H3: 11,148 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 11,148 { Tu quoq(ue) fac simile sic ars diluditur arte
} [Latin]
T: 11,149 Ac theologie techi[th] vs not so who taki[th] heed
H2: 11,149 Ac theologie techit it not so . who takith hede
Ch: 11,149 Bot theology teche-th- it nou-gh-t so . whoso
take-th- hede [aaAx]
R: 11,149 Ac theologie teche-th- vs not so . whoso take-th-
hede [aaAx]
U: 11,149 Ac theologie teche-th- vs nowt so . whoso take
hede [aaAx]
V: 11,149 But (Theologie) (teche_th_) not so . hose (take_th_)
kepe [aaAx]
J: 11,149 But theologye techit[h] not so . hoso takyth hede
K: 11,149 But theologie teneth not so . whoso takith kepe
A: 11,149 Teologie techith not so . hoso takit kepp [aaAx]
M: 11,149 But theologie tellit not so . whoso takit hede
H3: 11,149 And theology-gh-e tellyth nouth so . hoso takyt
hende [aaAx]
W: 11,149 Ac teologie telle-th- not so . whoso take hede
T: 11,150 He kenni[th] vs [th]e cont(ra)rie a[y]ens catonis
H2: 11,150 He kenneth vs the co(n)trarie . a-gh-ens catonis
wordis [aaAx]
Ch: 11,150 He kenne-th- vs -th-e contrarie . a-gh-ens catouns
wordes [aaAx]
R: 11,150 he ke(n)ne-th- vs -th-e contrarie . a-gh-en catou(n)ys
word(is) [aaAx]
U: 11,150 He kennes -th-e contrarye . a-gh-en catons wordys
V: 11,150 He teche_th_ us _th_e (contrarie) . a_g_eyn (Catons)
wordes [aaAx]
J: 11,150 He kennyth v(us) -th-e cont(ra)ry . of catou(n)ys
wordys [aaAx]
K: 11,150 He kennyth vs the contr(a)ry . ayenst catons word(is)
A: 11,150 He kennys vs -th-e contrary . a-gh-enys catonis
wordis [aaAx]
M: 11,150 --- this line is omitted ---
H3: 11,150 He techyth -th-e co(n)trary-gh-e . a-gh-ens catons
wordys [aaAx]
W: 11,150 He kenne-th- vs -th-e contrarie . & a-gh-ens
Caton wordes [aaAx]
T: 11,151 And vs ben as bre[th](er)en & blissen oure enemys
H2: 11,151 And biddith vs ben as brethren . and blessen our(e)
enemys [aaAx]
Ch: 11,151 And bidded vs ben as bre-th-ren . and blissen
oure enmyes [aaAx]
R: 11,151 and byt vs ben as bre-th-ren . and blesse our(e)
enmys [aaAx]
U: 11,151 And bit vs be as bre-th-eren . & blysee oure
enemyes [aaAx]
V: 11,151 And (bidde_th_) ben as (Bre_th_eren) . and (Blessen)
vr enemys [aaAx]
J: 11,151 And biddith v(us) ben as bretheryn . & blissyn
our(e) enmyys [aaAx]
K: 11,151 And byddith [vs] ben as brethern . & blessen
our ennymyes [aaAx]
A: 11,151 And bid vs ben as bre-th-eren . and blissyn oure
fomen [aaAx]
M: 11,151 He bidit vs ben as bre-th-eryn . & our(e) foome(n)
blissen [aaAx]
H3: 11,151 He byddyth vs be(n) as brethery(n) . & blyssy(n)
our fome(n) [aaAx]
W: 11,151 And bidde-th- vs ben as bretheren . & blisse
oure fomen [aaAx]
T: 11,152 And louen hem [th]at li[gh]en on vs & lenen he(m)
at here nede
H2: 11,152 And louen hem that lei-gh-en on vs . and lene
he(m) at her(e) nede [aaAx]
Ch: 11,152 And loue hem -th-an li-gh-en on vs . and lene
hem at her nede [aaAx]
R: 11,152 and loue(n) he(m) -th-(a)t lyen on vs . and lene
he(m) at our(e) nede [aaAx]
U: 11,152 & loue -th-(a)t lyen on vs . and lene hem at
here nede [aaAx]
V: 11,152 And (louen) hem _th_at (ly_g_en) on vs . (lellyche)
at heor neode [aaAx]
J: 11,152 And louyn hem -th-(a)t ly-gh-yn on vs . & lenyin
hem at nede [aaAx]
K: 11,152 And louen hem that lien on vs . & lene hem
at her nede [aaAx]
A: 11,152 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 11,152 & loue(n) he(m) -th-at lyin on vs . & leny(n)
he(m) at her(e) nede [aaAx]
H3: 11,152 And louy(n) he(m) -th-(a)t lyen on vs . & lende(n)
he(m) at nede [aaAx]
W: 11,152 And loue hem -th-at lien on vs . & lene hem
at nede [aaAx]
H3: 11,152 [C: 6,58] { Reddite pro malo bonu(n) p(ro)pheta }
T: 11,153 And do good a[gh]ens euil god hymself hoti[th]
H2: 11,153 An do good a-gh-ens yuel . god hi(m) self hotith
Ch: 11,153 And so gode ageins euel . god hym self hote-th-
R: 11,153 And do good a-gh-ens euyl . god hi(m) self hotes
U: 11,153 And do good a-y-ens yuel . god hym selue hotes
V: 11,153 And do (good) (a_g_eyn) vuel; . (God) him-self
hote_th_ [aaAx]
J: 11,153 And done gode a-gh-enys euyl . god him selue hotyth
K: 11,153 And do good ageynst euile . god hym self hotith
A: 11,153 And do good ageynes euyl . & so god biddyth
M: 11,153 And don good a-y-ens euel . so god hi(m) self hotit
H3: 11,153 And do good a-gh-ens euyl . & so god hy(m)
self byddyth [aaAx]
W: 11,153 And do good a-gh-ens euill . so god hym self hote-th-
T: 11,154 And seide it hymself in ensaumple for [th]e beste
H2: 11,154 And seide it hi(m) self . in ensau(m)ple for the
beste [aaAx]
Ch: 11,154 And seide hit hym self . In ensaumple for -th-e
beste [aaAx]
R: 11,154 And seyde h(i)t hi(m) self . in exau(m)ple of -th-e
beste [aaAx]
U: 11,154 And seided hym selue . in ensaumple of -th-e beste
V: 11,154 And (seide) (him-self) hit . In (ensaumple) for
_th_e beste [aaAx]
J: 11,154 & seyd it him selue . in exau(m)ple of -th-e
best(es) [aaAx]
K: 11,154 And said it hym self . in ensample of the beste
A: 11,154 And schewid it hym selue . in example of lownes
M: 11,154 & schewed it hi(m) seluy(n) . in ensaunple
for -th-e beste [aaAx]
H3: 11,154 And swew(i)t(h) it hy(m) seluy(n) . i(n) example
for -th-e best [aaAx]
W: 11,154 And shewe-th- hem self . in ensample for -th-e
best { Necesse e(st) eni(m) vt veniant scandala } [aaAx]
T: 11,154 { Necesse est vt veniant scandala }
H2: 11,154a { Necesse est ut ueniat scandala } [Latin]
Ch: 11,154a { Necesce est vt veniu(n)t scandala } [Latin]
R: 11,154a { Necesse est vt veniant scandala } [Latin]
U: 11,154a { Dilige d(omin)um deu(m) tuu(m) ex toto corde
tuo &c } [Latin]
V: 11,154a { Necesse est vt veniant scandala } [Latin]
J: 11,154a { Necesse est vt veniant scandala } [Latin]
K: 11,154a { Necesse est enim vt uenient scandala &c
} [Latin]
A: 11,154a { Necesse est ut uenient schandala } [Latin]
M: 11,154a { Necesse est vt veniant scandala } [Latin]
H3: 11,154a { Necesse est ut veniant scandala } [Latin]
W: 11,154a --- this line om ---
T: 11,155 Astronomye is hard [th]ing & euil for to knowe
H2: 11,155 Astronomie is harde thyng . and yuel for to knowe
Ch: 11,155 Astronemye is hard -th-ing . and euel for to knowe
R: 11,155 Ac astronomye is hard -th-ing . and euel for to
knowe [aaAx]
U: 11,155 Ac astronomye is hard -th-ing . & yuel for
to knowe [aaAx]
V: 11,155 Bote (Astronomye) is (hard) _th_ing . & (vuel)
to knowe [aaAx]
J: 11,155 Astranomy is an hard thing . & euyl for to
knowe [aaAx]
K: 11,155 But astronomye is hard thyng . & euill to knowe
A: 11,155 Astronomie is hard heuy -th-ing . & euil for
to knowe [aaAx]
M: 11,155 but ascorne is hard -th-i(n)g . & euel for
to knowyn [aaAx]
H3: 11,155 And astronony-gh-e is hard thyng . & euyl
for to knowe [aaAx]
W: 11,155 Ac astronomie is hard . & euil for to knowe
T: 11,156 Geometrie & geomesie is gynful of speche
H2: 11,156 Geometrie and geomesie . is gynful of speche [aaAx]
Ch: 11,156 Geometrye and geomesie . is synful of speche [aaAx]
R: 11,156 gemettrie and gemessie . is greful of speche [aaAx]
U: 11,156 Geometrie and gemessie . is gryfful of speche [aaAx]
V: 11,156 (Gemetrie) and (Gemensye) . is (gynful) of speche
J: 11,156 Geometrye & geomecye . gynn(er) of spece [aaAx]
K: 11,156 Geomatrye & geomessie . is gilefull of speche
A: 11,156 Gemetrie & gemessie . is synful of speche [aaAx]
M: 11,156 Geomet(ri)e & geomecie . is gynful of speche
H3: 11,156 Geemetry-gh-e & geemessye . is gynful of speche
W: 11,156 Geometrie & geomesie . is synful of speche
T: 11,157 [Th]at [th]inke[th] werche werche wi[th] [th]o [th]re
[th]riue[th] wel late
H2: 11,157 That thynkist dele with tho thre . thryuet-gh-
wel late [aaAx]
Ch: 11,157 -Th-at -th-inke-th- with -th-o -th-re . -th-riue-th-
wel late [aaAx]
R: 11,157 -Th-(a)t thinke-th- werche w(i)t(h) -th-o -th-re
. thryue-th- wel late [aaAx]
U: 11,157 -Th-at -th-enke-th- to werche w(i)t(h) -th-o -y-re
. -th-riue-th- wol late [aaAx]
V: 11,157 _Th_at worche_th_ with (_th_eose) (_th_reo) . (_th_riue_th_)
he late [aaAx]
J: 11,157 -Th-(a)t thinkyth to wyrchyn w(i)t(h) -th-oo -th-re
. thryuy(n) wol late [aaAx]
K: 11,157 That thynkyn to worch w(i)t(h) tho three . thryven
wel late [aaAx]
A: 11,157 That thynk to werche w(i)t(h) hem thre . thryfyn
ful late [aaAx]
M: 11,157 -Th-at -th-inkit to werchi(n) w(i)t(h) -th-o -th-r(e)
. -th-ryuit wol late [aaAx]
H3: 11,157 Hee -th-(a)t thynky(n) to werchy(n) w(i)t(h) -th-o
iij . thryuy(n) ful late [aaAx]
W: 11,157 That -th-inken worche wi-th- -th-is -th-re . -th-riuen
wel late [aaAx]
T: 11,158 ffor sorcerie is [th]e sou(er)ayn bok [th](a)t to
[th]at science longi[th]
H2: 11,158 ffor soc(er)ye is the sou(er)eyne book . that
[to the] sience longith [aaAx]
Ch: 11,158 ffor sorsorie is -th-e souereyne boke . -th-at
to -th-at science longe-th- [aaAx]
R: 11,158 for sorcerie is -th-e soueray(n) boke . -th-(a)t
to -th-(a)t sciens longe-th- [aaAx]
U: 11,158 Sorcerie is -th-e souereyn book . -th-(a)t to -th-e
science longe-th- [aaAx]
V: 11,158 ffor (sorcerye) Is _th_e (souereyn) of (mony) (mennes)
wittes [aaBb]
J: 11,158 ffor sorcery is -th-e sou(er)yn boke . -th-at -th-(er)to
longyth [aaAx]
K: 11,158 ffor sorcerye is the sou(er)einge boke . that to
tho scienc(es) longith [aaAx]
A: 11,158 ffor sorcerie to -th-is science longith [aaAx]
M: 11,158 ffor sorcery is -th-e souereyn book . -th-at to
scie(n)ce longit [aaAx]
H3: 11,158 ffor sorcery-gh-e is -th-e souerey(n)n bok . -th-(a)t
to -th-(a)t science longyth [aaAx]
W: 11,158 ffor sorcerie is souerayn boke . -th-at to -th-is
science longe-th- [aaAx]
T: 11,159 [Y]et arn [th]ere febicchis of fforellis of many
manis wittes
H2: 11,159 -Gh-et arn ther(e) febucches of forell(is) . of
many ma(n)nys wittes [aaBb]
Ch: 11,159 -gh-it arn -th-er fybecythis of forelle . of mony
manis wittes [aaBb]
R: 11,159 -gh-ut ar(e) -th-re fybicches of forels . of manye
ma(n)nys witt(es) [aaBb]
U: 11,159 -Y-it arn -th-er fibeches of forelis . of albert(es)
makyng [aaBb]
V: 11,159 --- this line om ---
J: 11,159 -Gh-it arn -th-(er) -th-re fybychys in forellus
. of many menys wyttys [aaBb]
K: 11,159 Yet arn ther fibiches & forels . of many mans
wittes [aaBb]
A: 11,159 -Gh-it arn -th-er febeles in . manys wittis [aaBb]
M: 11,159 -Y-it arn -th-er febuthis in forolis . of many
me(n)nis wittis [aaBb]
H3: 11,159 -Gh-et arn -th-er iij fybytthys i(n) forell(is)
. of mannys wyttys [aaBb]
W: 11,159 -Gh-it ar -th-er fybyches in forels . of many mens
wittes [aaBb]
T: 11,160 Exp(er)imentis of alkenemye of albertis makyng
H2: 11,160 Exp(er)iment(is) of alknamye . of albertis makyng
Ch: 11,160 Expimentis and alkenamy . of Albertis makyng [aaAx]
R: 11,160 of exp(er)imens of alkonomye . of albert(es) makyng
U: 11,160 --- this line om ---
V: 11,160 (Experimentis) of (Alconomye) . Of (Alberdes) makynge
J: 11,160 Exp(er)imens for alkonomye . of albertys makyng
K: 11,160 Exp(er)yment(is) of alkenemy . of albert(es) makyng
A: 11,160 Of exp(er)imentis of alcamie . of albertis makyng
M: 11,160 Exp(er)ement-gh- of alcomie . of beerdis makynge
H3: 11,160 Exp(er)ime(n)t(is) & alconamy-gh-e . of alb(er)tys
makyng [aaAx]
W: 11,160 Exp(er)iment-gh- of alconomie . of albertus makyng
T: 11,161 Nigromancie & p(er)mansie [th]e pouke to reisen
H2: 11,161 Nigromancie and p(er)imansie . the pouke to areysen
Ch: 11,161 Nigromancy and p(er)nirancy . -th-e pouke to areise
R: 11,161 Nigramau(n)cie & p(er)mancie . -th-e pouke
to reyse [xaAx]
U: 11,161 Nig(ro)mancie and p(er)ymancie . -th-e powke to
reise [xaAx]
V: 11,161 Nigromancye and (perimancie) . _th_e (pouke) to
Rise make_th_ [xaAx]
J: 11,161 Nygramancy & p(er)mancye . -th-e deuyl to areyse
K: 11,161 Nigromancye & p(er)amancie . the powke to reise
A: 11,161 Nygramancie & p(er)maunsie . -th-e pouke to
reysen [xaAx]
M: 11,161 Nigrmansie & p(er)maunsie . -th-e pouke to
areisyn [xaAx]
H3: 11,161 Nigramancy-gh-e & perma(n)sy-gh-e . -th-e
pouke to reysyn(n) [xaAx]
W: 11,161 Nigromancie & p(er)amancie . -th-e pouke to
reisen [xaAx]
T: 11,162 [Y]if [th]ou [th]enke do wel deile [th](er)ew(i)t(h)
H2: 11,162 If thou thenke do wel . dele therewith neu(er)e
Ch: 11,162 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 11,162 -Gh-if -th-(o)u thinke do wel . del -th-(q62 -Gh-if
-th-(o)u thinke do wel . del -th-(er)w(i)t(h) neu(er)e [xaAx]
U: 11,162 -Y-if -th-(o)u -th-inke do wel . del -th-erew(i)t(h)
neu(er)e [xaAx]
V: 11,162 _Y_if _th_ou _th_enche (Dowel) . (dele) with hem
neuere [xaAx]
J: 11,162 -Gh-yf -th-(o)u think to dou(n) wele . dele -th-(er)w(i)t(h)
neu(er)e [xaAx]
K: 11,162 if thou think to dowell . dele therwith neu(er)
A: 11,162 -Gh-if -th-u thynke to dowel . medil w(i)t(h) hem
neyther [xaAx]
M: 11,162 -Y-yf -th-ou -th-inke to dowel . dele w(i)t(h)
he(m) neu(er)e [xaAx]
H3: 11,162 -Gh-yf -th-(o)u thynke to dowel . dele w(i)t(h)
he(m) neu(er)e [xaAx]
W: 11,162 -Gh-if -th-ou -th-ink do wel . del wi-th- hem neu(er)e
T: 11,163 Alle [th]ise sciences sikir I myself foundit
H2: 11,163 Al these siences sikir . I my self foundite [xaAx]
Ch: 11,163 Alle -th-es sciences . seker I my self founded
R: 11,163 Al -th-ese sciences . sikerly I my self fou(n)ded
U: 11,163 Alle -th-ese sciences . sykerly I my selue formidide
V: 11,163 Alle _th_eose (sciences) . (siker), I (my-seluen)
J: 11,163 Alle -th-ies sciencys . sykyr I my selue [xaAx]
K: 11,163 Al thes scienc(es) . sikerly I my self made [xaAx]
A: 11,163 Alle -th-ese science . sekyrly I me selue formest
M: 11,163 Alle -th-ese scie(n)sis . siker I mysef form(er)st
H3: 11,163 Alle -th-ese scyens . sekyrly I my self formest
W: 11,163 Al -th-is science sicre I my self first hem formed
T: 11,164 Hem formest folk for to desceyue
H2: 11,164 Hem formest . folk for to dysseyue [aaAx]
Ch: 11,164 And founden hem formest . folk to disseiue [aaAx]
R: 11,164 hem formest . folk to deseyuen [aaAx]
U: 11,164 -Th-urw hem formest . folk to deceyuen [aaAx]
V: 11,164 Haue (I-founded) hem (furst) . (folk) to deceyue
J: 11,164 ffou(n)ded hem formest . folke to deceyue [aaAx]
K: 11,164 ffownded hem formest . folk to deceyven [aaAx]
A: 11,164 Hem foundyd in feth . folke to dysseyuyn [aaAx]
M: 11,164 he fondeth in feith . folk to disseyue [aaAx]
H3: 11,164 he(m) fou(n)dyd i(n) feyth . folk to dysseyuyn
W: 11,164 In fay-th- folk to deceyue I beken -th-e to Crist
q(uo)d she [aaAx]
T: 11,165 I bekenne [th]e crist q(ua)[th] she I can teche [th]e
no bet(er)e
H2: 11,165 Y bekenne the crist q(uo)d scheo . I can teche
the no bet(er)e [aaAxx]
Ch: 11,165 I bekenne -th-e crist q(uo)d sche . I can tech
-th-e no better [aaAxx]
R: 11,165 I bekenne -th-e crist q(uo)d she . I can teche
-th-e no bet(er)e [aaAxx]
U: 11,165 I bekenne -th-e cryst q(uo)d sche . I kan teche
-th-e no betere [aaAxx]
V: 11,165 I (be-take) _th_e to crist quod heo . I con (teche)
_th_e no betere [axAx]
J: 11,165 I beken -th-e c(ri)ste . I can -th-e no bett(er)
techyn [aaAxx]
K: 11,165 I bekenne the Crist q(uo)d sche . I can teche the
no bett(er) [aaAxx]
A: 11,165 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 11,165 I bekenne -th-e to crist . I kan seyn no beter(e)
H3: 11,165 I beken -th-e cryst q(uo)d sche . I can teche
-th-e no bett(er) [aaAxx]
W: 11,165 --- this line om ---
T: 11,166 I seide g(ra)unt m(er)cy madame & mekly hire
H2: 11,166 I seide g(ra)unt mercy madame . and mekely her(e)
grette [aaAx]
Ch: 11,166 I saide gramercy madame . and mekely her grette
R: 11,166 I sayde gram(er)cy madame . and mekly hur(e) grette
U: 11,166 And I seyde g(ra)merci madame . & meche her(e)
grette [aaAx]
V: 11,166 I seide, "graunt (Merci) (Madame) . And (Mekeliche)
hire grette [aaAx]
J: 11,166 I seyd grem(er)cy [ma]dame . & mychel her(e)
grette [aaAx]
K: 11,166 I said g(ra)unt m(er)cye madame . & mekely
her grete [aaAx]
A: 11,166 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 11,166 I seide g(ra)mercy mada(m) . & mekely hir(e)
grete [aaAx]
H3: 11,166 I seyde gramercy madame . & mekely hyr grette
W: 11,166 I can teche -th-e no bettre I saide gramercy madame & mekly
her grette [aaAx]
T: 11,167 And wente wi[gh]tly my wey wi[th]oute more lettyng
H2: 11,167 And wente wy-gh-tly my way . withoute mor(e) lettyng
Ch: 11,167 And went whithly my way . withoute more lettyng
D: 11,167 And wend -th-id(er) li-gh-tliche my wey . w(i)t(h)oute
more lettyng [aaaAx]
R: 11,167 And wente witly my way . w(i)t(h)oute mor(e) lettyng
U: 11,167 And wente wi-gh-th in my weye . w(i)t(h)oute more
lettynge [aaaAx]
V: 11,167 And (wente) for_th_ on my (wei) . (withouten) more
lettynge [aaAx]
J: 11,167 And went wyhtlyche my weye . withouty(n) more lettyng
K: 11,167 And wente wightliche my way . w(i)t(h)out more
lettyng [aaaAx]
A: 11,167 I went wytely my wey . w(i)t(h)outyn ony lettyng
M: 11,167 I wente withly my wey . w(i)t(h)outi(n) mor(e)
lettyng [aaaAx]
H3: 11,167 And went wy-gh-tlych my way . w(i)t(h)out mor
lettyng [aaaAx]
W: 11,167 I went wightly my way . wi-th-oute more lettyng
T: 11,168 And fond as she foretolde & for[th] gan I wende
H2: 11,168 And fonde as scheo for(e)tolde . and forth gan
I wende [aaAx]
Ch: 11,168 And fonde as sche foretolde . and forth gan I
wende [aaAx]
D: 11,168 And fond as sche fortolde . & for-th- gan I
wende [aaAx]
R: 11,168 And fond as she fayre tolde . & for-th- gan
I wende [aaAx]
U: 11,168 And fond as sche fayre tolde . and for-th- gan
I wende [aaAx]
V: 11,168 And (fond) as heo (fore-tolde) . and (for_th_)
gon I wende [aaAx]
J: 11,168 And fonde as sche fortolde . & forth gan I
wende [aaAx]
K: 11,168 And as sche foretould . so forth gan I wende [aaAx]
A: 11,168 And fond as -gh-he fortold . and forth gan I wende
M: 11,168 & fone as sche aforn tolde . & forth gan
I wende [aaAx]
H3: 11,168 And fond as sche had told . & forth gau(n)
I wende [aaAx]
W: 11,168 And fonde as she fortold . and for-th- gan I wende
T: 11,169 And er I com to clergie coude I neu(er)e stynte
H2: 11,169 And er I come to clergie . coude I neu(er) styndte
Ch: 11,169 And or I com to clergie . cow-th-e I neuer stynte
D: 11,169 And ar I com to Clergie . coude I neu(er) stente
R: 11,169 And er I cam to clergie . coude I neu(er)e stynte
U: 11,169 & eer I come to clergie . coude I neu(er)e
stynte [aaAx]
V: 11,169 And ar I (coome) to (clergye) . (cou_th_e) I neuer
stunte [aaAx]
J: 11,169 And til I cam at clergy . cowthe I neu(er) stynt
K: 11,169 And ar I came to clergie . could I neu(er) stynte
A: 11,169 And er I cam to clergie . coude I neuyr stondyn
M: 11,169 And er I kome to clergie . koude I neu(er)e stynte
H3: 11,169 And er I come to clergy-gh-e . coud I neu(er)
stynt [aaAx]
W: 11,169 And er I com to clergie . cou-th- I neuere stynt
T: 11,170 I grette [th]e goode man as [th]e gode wyf me tau[gh]te
H2: 11,170 I grette the good man . as the good wyf me tau-gh-te
Ch: 11,170 I gret -th-e gode man . as -th-e goode wif me
tau-gh-t [aaAx]
D: 11,170 I grette -th-e god man . as -th-e good wyf me tau-gh-te
R: 11,170 I grette -th-e gode man . as me -th-e gode wif
tau-gh-the [aaAx]
U: 11,170 and grette -th-e god man . as -th-e god wyf me
taw-gh-te [aaAx]
V: 11,170 I (grette) _th_e (goode) mon . as _th_e (gode)
wyf me tau_g_te [aaAx]
J: 11,170 I gret -th-e gode man . as stody me taute [aaAx]
K: 11,170 I grete the goode ma(n) . as the good wife me tawght
A: 11,170 I gret -th-at good man . as -th-e good man me tauth
M: 11,170 I grete -th-(a)t goode man . as stodie me tauthe
H3: 11,170 I grette -th-(a)t good ma(n) . as -th-e good wyf
me taugth [aaAx]
W: 11,170 and grette -th-e good man . as -th-e goode wyf
me taght [aaAx]
T: 11,171 And aftirward his wyf I worsshipide bo[th]e
H2: 11,171 And aftirward his wif . I worschipide bothe [aaAx]
Ch: 11,171 And afterward his wif . I worscheped bo-th-e [aaAx]
D: 11,171 And aftirward his wif . I worschipped bo-th-e [aaAx]
R: 11,171 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 11,171 & aftyrward his wyf . & wyrschepid hem
bothe [aaAx]
V: 11,171 And (afterward) his (wyf) . I (worschupet) hem
bo_th_e [aaAx]
J: 11,171 And aft(ir)ward his gode wyf . I worchepyd bothe
K: 11,171 And aft(ir)ward his wife . I w(or)schipped bothe
A: 11,171 And aftirward -th-e gode wyfe . I worchepid bo-th-e
M: 11,171 & aftir -th-e goode wif . I worsschepede he(m)
bo-th-i(n) [aaAx]
H3: 11,171 And aft(ir)ward -th-e good wyf . I worchepyd bothe
W: 11,171 And aftreward -th-e good wyf . I worshipt als [aaAx]
T: 11,172 And tolde hire [th]e toknes [th](a)t me ytau[gh]t
H2: 11,172 And tolde her(e) the toknesse . that me Itau-gh-te
wer(e) [aaAx]
Ch: 11,172 And tolde hem -th-e tokenys . -th-at me tau-gh-t
were [aaAx]
D: 11,172 And told here -th-e tokenes . -th-at me tau-gh-te
were [aaAx]
R: 11,172 and tolde hi(m) -th-e toknes . as me tau-gh-th
were [aaAx]
U: 11,172 And tolde here toknes . -th-at me Itaw-gh-te were
V: 11,172 And (tolde) hire _th_e (tokenes) . _th_at me (I-tau_g_t)
were [aaAx]
J: 11,172 & told hem -th-e tokynyng . -th-(a)t me taute
were [aaAx]
K: 11,172 And tould her the toknes . that me taught weren
A: 11,172 And told here tokenys . -th-at me taut were [aaAx]
M: 11,172 And tolde hir(e) -th-e tokne . -th-(a)t me tauth
wern [aaAx]
H3: 11,172 And told hyr -th-e tokenes . -th-(a)t me taugth
wery(n) [aaAx]
W: 11,172 And here -th-e tokenes . -th-at me told were [aaAx]
T: 11,173 Was neu(er)e grom vpon [th]is ground si[th][th]e
god makid heuene
H2: 11,173 Was neu(er) grome vpon this grou(n)de . sith god
made heuene [aaAx]
Ch: 11,173 Was neuer gome on ground . se-th- god made -th-e
world [aaAx]
D: 11,173 Was neu(er) grome on -th-is ground . se-th- god
make-th- heuene [aaAx]
R: 11,173 Was neu(er)e gome vpon -th-e grou(n)de . syn god
made heuene [aaAx]
U: 11,173 Was neu(er)e grom vpon -th-is ground . syth god
made hefne [aaAx]
V: 11,173 Was neuer (gome) vppon (grounde) . se_th__th_en
(God) made heuene [aaAx]
J: 11,173 Was neu(er) gome vpon grounde . sythin god made
heuyn [aaAx]
K: 11,173 Was grome neu(er) vpon this ground . sithen god
made heuyn [aaAx]
A: 11,173 Was neu(er) gome on -th-is ground . syn god mad
heuyn [aaAx]
M: 11,173 Was neu(er)e man o(n) -th-is moolde . sy-th-y(n)
god made heuene [aaAx]
H3: 11,173 Was neu(er) ma(n) vpon -th-is grond . sy(n) god
made heuene [aaAx]
W: 11,173 Was neuere gome on -th-is grounde . sy-th- god
made heuen [aaAx]
T: 11,174 ffairere vndirfonge ne frendliere mad at ese
H2: 11,174 ffayrere vndirfonge . ne frendloker made at ese
Ch: 11,174 ffairer vnderfonge . or frendloker made at ese
D: 11,174 ffayrer vndirfonge . ne frendloker mad at ese [aaAx]
R: 11,174 fayrer vnderfonged . ne frendliker(e) mad at ese
U: 11,174 ffayrere vndirfonge . ne frendlekere mad at ese
V: 11,174 (ffeirore) (vndurfonge) . ne (frendloker) maad
at ese [aaAx]
J: 11,174 ffayrer vnderfongyd . ne frendloker at ese [aaAx]
K: 11,174 ffairer vnd(ir)fonge . ne frendliar at ease [aaAx]
A: 11,174 ffayrere vndurfonge . ne frendeliere mad at ese
M: 11,174 ffairer(e) vndirfongi(n) . ne frendliker(e) mad
at ese [aaAx]
H3: 11,174 ffayrere vndyrfonge(n) . ne frendlyere mad att
ese [aaAx]
W: 11,174 ffairere vnderfonge . ne frendlokere at ese [aaAx]
T: 11,175 [Th]anne myself so[th]ly so sone heo it wiste
H2: 11,175 Than my self sothly . so sone heo it wiste [aaAx]
Ch: 11,175 -Th-an hym self so-th-ly . so sone he hit wist
D: 11,175 Than my self so-th-ly . so sone as sche wyste [aaAx]
R: 11,175 Than my self so-th-ly . so sone as she it wiste
U: 11,175 -Th-an my selue sothly . as sone as sche it weste
V: 11,175 _Th_en I (my-self) (so_th_li) . so (sone) as heo
wuste [aaAx]
J: 11,175 -Th-ei i sey my selue . so sone so sche wist [aaAx]
K: 11,175 Than my self sothely . so sone as she wiste [aaAx]
A: 11,175 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 11,175 -Th-an I my self soothly . as sone as -th-ey wysten
H3: 11,175 -Th-a(n) I my self sothely . son -th-ei me wysty(n)
W: 11,175 Than I my self so-th-li . a[s] sone so -th-ai wist
T: 11,176 [Th](a)t I was of wyttis hous & wi[th] his wyf
dame stodie
H2: 11,176 That [I] was of wittis hous . and with his wif
dame studie [axAx]
Ch: 11,176 -Th-at I was In wittes hows . and with his wif
Dame stodye [axAx]
D: 11,176 That I was of wittis hous . & of his wyf dame
stodie [axAx]
R: 11,176 -Th-at I was of witt(is) hous . and his wif dam
stodie [axAx]
U: 11,176 -Th-(a)t I was of wit hous . & his wyff dame
studye [axAx]
V: 11,176 _Th_at I (was) of (wittes) hous . & with his
(wif) Dam Studie [aaAx]
J: 11,176 -Th-(a)t I was of wyttys howce . & w(i)t(h)
his wyf stody [axAx]
K: 11,176 That I was of witt(is) hous . & w(i)t(h) his
wife dame studie [axAx]
A: 11,176 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 11,176 -Th-at I was of wittis house . & w(i)t(h) his
wif dam stodie [axAx]
H3: 11,176 -Th-a(n) I was of wyttis hous . & hys wyf
dame stody [axAx]
W: 11,176 That I was of wittes hous . & wi-th- his wif
dame studie [axAx]
T: 11,177 Curteisliche clergise callide me & kiste
H2: 11,177 Curteyslyche clergie . collide me and kyste [aaAa]
Ch: 11,177 Curtaisly clergie . colled me and kiste [aaAa]
D: 11,177 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 11,177 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 11,177 Curteysly clergie . calde me & custe [aaAa]
V: 11,177 (Curteisliche) (Clergye) . (Clupte) me and (Custe)
J: 11,177 Curteysly clergye . me collyd & kyssyd [aaAa]
K: 11,177 Curteisly [clergie] . callid me and me kyssed [aaAa]
A: 11,177 Curtessely clergie callid me . and kyssid me [aaAa]
M: 11,177 Curteisly clerkys . kalledi(n) me & kestyn
H3: 11,177 Curteysly clergy-gh-e . callyd me & kyst [aaAa]
W: 11,177 --- this line is omitted ---
T: 11,178 And axide how wyt ferde & his wif studie
H2: 11,178 And axede how wit ferde . and his wif dame studie
Ch: 11,178 And asked how witte ferde . and his wif stodie
D: 11,178 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 11,178 --- this line is omitted ---
U: 11,178 And asked me how wit . and his studye [axAx]
V: 11,178 And (asked) hou wit ferde . and (eke) his wyf Studie
J: 11,178 And axid me how witte ferd . & his wyfe eke
K: 11,178 And askyd hou witt fared . & his wife studie
A: 11,178 And axkid how witte ferd . and his wyfe stodie
M: 11,178 & askedi(n) me how wit ferde . & hise goode
frendis [axAx]
H3: 11,178 And askyd how wytt ferd . & hys wyf stody
W: 11,178 --- this line is omitted ---
T: 11,179 And I sei[gh]e so[th]liche [th]ei sente me hider
H2: 11,179 And I seide sothly . thei sente me hider [aaAx]
Ch: 11,179 And I seide so-th-ely . -th-ey sente me hider
D: 11,179 And I sayd so-th-ly . -th-ey sent me hedyr [aaAx]
R: 11,179 And I seyde hi(m) sikerly . -th-ei sente me hyder
U: 11,179 And I seyde hem so-th-ly . -th-ei sente me -th-eder
V: 11,179 And I (seide) (so_th_lyche) . "_th_ei (sende)
me hider [aaAx]
J: 11,179 And I seyd sothely . -th-ei sentyn me hydyr [aaAx]
K: 11,179 And I said sothely . thay senten me hyder [aaAx]
A: 11,179 And I seyde so-th-ely . -th-ei sent me hedur [aaAx]
M: 11,179 And I seide soot-gh-ly . -th-ey senti(n) me hidir
H3: 11,179 And I seyde sothely . -th-ei sente me hyddyr [aaAx]
W: 11,179 And I saide so-th-ly . -th-ai sent me hidre to
lerne to dowell [aaAx]
T: 11,180 To lere at [y]ow dowel & dobet [th](er)eaftir
H2: 11,180 To lere at -gh-ow dowel . and dobet ther aftir
Ch: 11,180 To lerne at -gh-ow dowel . and Dobette -th-er
after [xaAx]
D: 11,180 To lere at -gh-ow dowel . & dobet -th-(er)
aft(ir) [xaAx]
R: 11,180 To lere at -gh-ow dowel . & dobet -th-(er)
after [xaAx]
U: 11,180 To lere at -y-ow to dowel . & dobet -th-(er)
aftir [xaAx]
V: 11,180 To leorne at _g_ou (Dowel) . and (Dobet) after
J: 11,180 To lernyn at -gh-ow dowele . & dobet -th-(er)
aft(er) [xaAx]
K: 11,180 To lerne at the to dowell . & dobet ther aft(er)
A: 11,180 To lerne at -gh-ou dowel . and dobet -th-er aftir
M: 11,180 to lerne w(i)t(h) -y-ou dowel . & dobet -th-er
aftir [xaAx]
H3: 11,180 To lerne at -gh-ow dowel . & dobet -th-(er)
aft(ir) [xaAx]
W: 11,180 And dobet aftre & to se . somwhat of dobest
T: 11,181 And si[th]en aftirward to se sumwhat of dobest
H2: 11,181 And sithen aftirward to se . sumwhat of dobest
Ch: 11,181 And se-th-en afterward to se . sumwhat of Dobest
D: 11,181 And se-th- aftirward to se . somwhat of dobest
R: 11,181 And si-th-e afterward to se . sou(m)what of dobest
U: 11,181 And sythe aftir to se . somwhat of dobest [aaAx]
V: 11,181 And (se_th__th_en) Afturward to (seo) . (sumwhat)
of Dobest [aaAx]
J: 11,181 And sethyn aft(ir)ward to se . su(m)waht of dobest
K: 11,181 And sithen aft(er) to see . sumwhat of dobeste
A: 11,181 And aftirward to se . sumwaht of dobest [aaAx]
M: 11,181 & sy-th-in aftirward to sen . somwhat of dobest
H3: 11,181 And sytthy(n) aft(ir)ward to se . su(m)qwat of
dobest [aaAx]
W: 11,181 --- this line om ---
T: 11,182 It is a wel lelly lif q(ua)[th] she among [th]e lewide
H2: 11,182 It is a wel lelly lif q(uo)d scheo . among the
lewid peple [aaAx]
Ch: 11,182 hit is a leel loue q(uo)d he . among -th-e lewd
peple [aaAx]
D: 11,182 hit is a wel lely lyf q(ou)d sche . among -th-e
lewd peple [aaAx]
R: 11,182 hit is a wel lely q(uo)d she . among -th-e lewyd
peple [aaAx]
U: 11,182 It is a wol lely lyf q(uo)d sche . among -th-e
lewyd peple [aaAx]
V: 11,182 Hit is a wel feir (lyf)," quod heo . Among
_th_e (lewed) peple [xaAx]
J: 11,182 It is a ful lele lyf among lewyd peple
K: 11,182 It is a weel leal lif q(uo)d sche . among(es) the
lewed people [aaAx]
A: 11,182 It is a wel lyfe quot he . among -th-e lewid puple
M: 11,182 It is a wol trewe lif q(uo)d he . among -th-e comou(n)
peple [aaAx]
H3: 11,182 It is a ful trewe lyf q(uo)d he . among -th-e
lewd puple [aaAx]
W: 11,182 It is a wol lelle lyf q(uo)d he . among -th-e lowed
(:::)le [aaAx]
T: 11,183 Actif it is hoten lewide men it vsen
H2: 11,183 Actyf it is hoten . lewyd men it vsen [aaAx]
Ch: 11,183 Actif hit is hote . lewde men hit vsen [aaAx]
D: 11,183 Actyf it is hoten . housbondes it vsen [aaAx]
R: 11,183 actyf hit is yhoten . hosbondes hit vsen [aaAx]
U: 11,183 Actyf it is Ihoten . housbondes it vse-th- [aaAx]
V: 11,183 A lyf is (I-hoten) . (hosebondes) hit vsen [aaAx]?
J: 11,183 Actif it is hotyn . husbandys it vsyn [aaAx]
K: 11,183 Actife it is hoten . husbond(es) yt vsen [aaAx]
A: 11,183 Aktyf is it hotyn . husbondis it vsyn [aaAx]
M: 11,183 Actif it is hotyn . vsbondis it vsit [aaAx]
H3: 11,183 Actyff is it hoty(n) . husbondry-gh-e it vsyth
W: 11,183 Actif it is hoten . hosbondes it vsen trew tiliers
on -th-e erthe [aaAx]
T: 11,184 Trewe tilieris on er[th]e taillo(ur)s & sout(er)is
H2: 11,184 Trewe tyliers on erthe . taylo(ur)s and souteris
Ch: 11,184 Trewe teliers on erthe . Tailours and Sowters
D: 11,184 Trew tiliers on er-th-e . tayllours or souters
R: 11,184 Trewe tilier(es) on er-th-e . talioures and souteris
U: 11,184 Trewe telieres on her-th-e . as taliou(ur)s and
sowteres [aaxAx]
J: 11,184 Trewe tylyers of er-th-e . taylo(ur)ys & sowterys
K: 11,184 Trewe tilieres of the erthe . taylours & towkkars
A: 11,184 Trewe telieris on -th-e erde . talliouris and toucheris
M: 11,184 Trewe tiliers of -th-e er-th-e . or tailo(ur)s
or touchers [aaxAx]
H3: 11,184 Trewe telyerys of the erthe . talyours & toucherys
W: 11,184 Taillours and Toukers & al kyn craftes men
T: 11,185 And alle kyne crafty men [th](a)t cunne h(er)e foode
H2: 11,185 And al kyn crafti men . that conne her(e) fode
wynne [aaAx]
Ch: 11,185 And alle kynnes crafty men . -th-at can her fode
wynne [aaAx]
D: 11,185 And alle kyn Crafty men . -th-(a)t conne here fode
wynne [aaAx]
R: 11,185 And alle kynde crafty me(n) . -th-(a)t konne h(er)
craft wy(n)ne [aaAx]
U: 11,185 And alle kenne crafty men . -th-(a)t kunne w(i)t(h)
her(e) craft wy(n)ne [aaAx]
J: 11,185 And alle kynne c(ra)fty men . -th-(a)t konne her
fode wy(n)ne [aaAx]
K: 11,185 And al kynne crafty me(n) . that can her fode wynne
A: 11,185 And alle kynnys crafti men . to leuyn for here
fode [aaAx]
M: 11,185 & alle kennes crafti men . -th-(a)t konne(n)
her(e) foode wi(n)ne(n) [aaAx]
H3: 11,185 And alle skynnys crafty me(n) . -th-(a)t her fode
wy(n)ne [aaAx]
W: 11,185 That conne here fode wynnen wi-th- here trewe trauaille
T: 11,186 Wi[th] any trewe trauaille toilie for here foode
H2: 11,186 With any trewe trauayl . toyle for her(e) fode
Ch: 11,186 With any trew trauaile . toyle for her food [aaAx]
D: 11,186 With eny trewe trauaile . toyle for here fode [aaAx]
R: 11,186 W(i)t(h) ony trewe trauayle . telye for her(e)
fode [aaAx]
U: 11,186 W(i)t(h) ony trewe traualye . tilie for here fode
J: 11,186 W(i)t(h) ony trewe t(ra)ueyle . tylyin for her
fode [aaAx]
K: 11,186 With any trewe traueile . toyle for her foode [aaAx]
A: 11,186 --- this line om ---
M: 11,186 W(i)t(h) any trewe trauaile . tilien her(e) foode
H3: 11,186 W(i)t(h) alle trewe t(ra)uayl . -th-(a)t tely(n)
for her fode [aaAx]
W: 11,186 Tylien for here fode dyken or deluen dowel it hatte
T: 11,187 Diken or deluen dowel it hatte
H2: 11,187 Dyken or deluen . dowel it hattith [aaAx]
Ch: 11,187 Diken and deluen . dowel hit hote-th- [aaAx]
D: 11,187 Diken or deluen . dowel it hatte [aaAx]
R: 11,187 dykyn or deluen . dowel hit hatte [aaAx]
U: 11,187 Diken or deluen . douel it hy-gh-te [aaAx]
J: 11,187 Dychin or deluyn . dowel it hyte [aaAx]
K: 11,187 Dichen or deluen . dowell yt hatte [aaAx]
A: 11,187 Diken or deluyn . dowel it hotith [aaAx]
M: 11,187 Dichin or deluyn . dowel it hatte [aaAx]
H3: 11,187 Dychou(n) or deluy(n) . dowel it hattyth [aaAx]
W: 11,187 --- this line om ---
T: 11,188 To breke begg(er)is bred & bakken hem w(i)t(h)
H2: 11,188 To breke begg(er)is bred . and backen hem with
clothis [aaaAx]
Ch: 11,188 And breke beggers brede . and bakken hem with
clo-th-es [aaaAx]
D: 11,188 To breke beggers bred . & bak hym w(i)t(h)
clo-th-is [aaaAx]
R: 11,188 To breke begger(is) bred . to baskyn he(m) w(i)t(h)
clo-th-es [aaaAx]
U: 11,188 To brekere beggere bred . and bachem w(i)t(h) clothes
J: 11,188 To breykyn begg(er)ys brede . & cou(er)yn hem
w(i)t(h) clothys [aaaAx]
K: 11,188 To breken beggers bred . & backen hem w(i)t(h)
clothes [aaaAx]
A: 11,188 To breke beggeris bred . & also for to clo-th-u(n)
hem [aaaAx]
M: 11,188 to brekyn beggeris bred . an happi(n) he(m) wit
clo-th-is [aaaAx]
H3: 11,188 To breke beggerys bred . & bakky(n) he(m)
w(i)t(h) clothys [aaaAx]
W: 11,188 To breke beggers brede . & bakke hem wi-th-
clo-th-es [aaaAx]
T: 11,189 Counforte [th]e carful [th](a)t in castel ben fett(er)id
H2: 11,189 Confortid the carful . that in castel bien fetered
Ch: 11,189 Comfort -th-e careful . -th-at In castel ben fettred
D: 11,189 Comfort -th-e carfull . in castel ben fettryd [aaAx]
R: 11,189 comforte -th-e carful . -th-(a)t in -th-e castel
be(n) fetrid [aaAx]
U: 11,189 Comfort -th-e carful . -th-(a)t in -th-e castel
is fetered [aaAx]
J: 11,189 Cou(n)fortyn -th-e careful . in castelys fett(er)yd
K: 11,189 Co(m)fort the careful . that in Castell(es) ben
feteryd [aaAx]
A: 11,189 Comforth -th-e carful . -th-at in -th-e castel
lythe federid [aaAx]
M: 11,189 Counforty(n) -th-e kareful . in kastel Ifettrid
H3: 11,189 Comforte -th-e carful . -th-(a)t i(n) castyl be(n)
feteryd [aaAx]
W: 11,189 Confort -th-e careful . -th-at in Castels ben fetred
T: 11,190 And seken out [th]e seke & sende hem [th](a)t
hem nedi[th]
H2: 11,190 And seken oute the seke . and sende hem that he(m)
nedith [aaAx]
Ch: 11,190 And sechen out -th-e seke . and sende hem -th-at
hem nedith [aaAx]
D: 11,190 And seken out -th-o . & sende hem -th-(a)t
hem nede-th- [aaAx]
R: 11,190 and sekyn out -th-e seke . and sende he(m) -th-at
he(m) nede-th- [aaAx]
U: 11,190 And seken out -th-e seke . & sende hem what
hem nedyth [aaAx]
J: 11,190 And sekyn oute -th-e seke . & sendyn hem -th-(a)t
hem nedyth [aaAx]
K: 11,190 And sechen out the sike . & send hem that hem
neden [aaAx]
A: 11,190 And seke out -th-e seke . and send hem -th-at nedith
M: 11,190 & sekyn out -th-e sike . & sende(n) hi(m)
-th-(a)t h nedit [aaAx]
H3: 11,190 And seke vp -th-e seke fulk . & sende he(m)
-th-(a)t nedyth [aaAx]
W: 11,190 And seche out -th-e seke . & sende hem -th-at
hem nede-th- [aaAx]
T: 11,191 Obedient as bre[th](er)en & sustren to o[th](er)e
H2: 11,191 Obedient as brothren . and sustren to alle othir
Ch: 11,191 Obedient as bre-th-eren . and Sustren to o-th-er
D: 11,191 Obedient as bro-th-(er) . & sustren to o-th-(er)
R: 11,191 obedient as bre-th-ren . and sostren to o-th-ere
U: 11,191 Obedyent as bre-th-eren . and sistres to o-th-er(e)
J: 11,191 Obedyent also as bretheryn . & sust(er)yn [aaXx]
K: 11,191 Obedient also as brethern . & sustern to other
A: 11,191 Obedient also bre-th-erin . -th-us ben dobet [aaXx]
M: 11,191 Millde among his euene cristene -th-ys is -th-(a)t
dowel vsit [aaXx]
H3: 11,191 Obedyent to beryen -th-es seke -th-ese be -th-o
-th-(a)t dobet [aaXx]
W: 11,191 Obedient as bretheren . -th-ese ben -th-o -th-at
dobet aske-th- [aaXx]
T: 11,192 [Th]us bed [th]e dobet so beri[th] witnesse [th]e
H2: 11,192 Thus bad the dobet . so berit-gh- witnesse the
saut(er) [aaAx]
Ch: 11,192 -Th-us bad dobette . so bere-th- witnesse -th-e
sauter [aaAx]
D: 11,192 Thus byt dobet . so bere-th- witnesse -th-e saut(er)
R: 11,192 -Th-is be-th- -th-o -th-(a)t dobet . so bere-th-
witnesse -th-e saut(er) [aaAx]
U: 11,192 -Th-ese ben -th-at dobet . -th-us beryth witnesse
-th-e saut(er) [aaAx]
J: 11,192 -Th-ies ben -th-oo -th-(a)t dou(n) bet . & so
seyth -th-e sawt(er) [aaAx]
K: 11,192 Thes ben tho that dobett . so berith witnes the
psaulter [aaAx]
A: 11,192 So witnes -th-e sauter { Ecce quam bonu(m) & qua(m)
iocundum } [aaAx]
M: 11,192 And so witnessit dauid in -th-e saut(er) book [aaAx]
H3: 11,192 And so beryth wytnesse -th-e sautyr [aaAx]
W: 11,192 So -th-e sautr(e) bere-th- witnes { Ecce q(ua)m
bonu(m) & q(ua)m iocundum &c } [aaAx]
T: 11,192a { Ecce q(ua)m bonu(m) & q(ua)m iocundum h(ab)itare
ff(rat)res in vnu(m) }
H2: 11,192a { Ecce q(ua)m bonu(m) et q(ua)m iocu(n)du(m)
(ha)bitare f(rat)res in vnum } [Latin]
Ch: 11,192a { Ecce quam bonu(m) et quam iocundu(m) }
D: 11,192a { Ecce q(ua)m bonu(m) & q(ua)m Iocu(n)du(m)
habitar(e) ffratres in vnu(m) } [Latin]
R: 11,192a { Ecce q(ua)m bonu(m) & q(ua)m iocundu(m)
h(ab)itare f(rat)res i(n) vnu(m) } [Latin]
J: 11,192a { Ecce q(ua)m bonu(m) & q(ua)m iocu(n)dum &c
} [Latin]
K: 11,192a { Ecce q(ua)m bonu(m) & q(ua)m Iocundu(m)
habitare fratres in vnu(m) } [Latin]
A: 11,192a --- this line om ---
M: 11,192a { Ecce q(u)a(m) bonu(m) & q(ua)m iocu(n)du(m)
habitar(e) f(rat)ris i(n) vnu(m) } [Latin]
H3: 11,192a { Ecce qua(m) bonu(m) qua(m) Iocu(n)du(m) h(ab)itare
f(rat)res i(n) vnu(m) } [Latin]
W: 11,192a --- this line om ---
Ch: 11,192b { habitare fratres in vnu(m) } [Latin]
H3: 11,192a And -gh-yff -th-i(n) frend be sory be -th-(o)u
-th-e same
H3: 11,192a And wyt he(m) -th-(a)t be mery loke -th-(o)u mery make
T: 11,193 Sike w(i)t(h) [th]e sory singe w(i)t(h) [th]e glade
H2: 11,193 Syke with the sory . synge with the gladde [aaAx]
Ch: 11,193 Sike with -th-e sorie . sing with -th-e glade
D: 11,193 Syke w(i)t(h) -th-e sory . synge w(i)t(h) -th-e
glade [aaAx]
R: 11,193 Syk w(i)t(h) -th-e sory . syng w(i)t(h) -th-e glade
U: 11,193a { Gaudete cu(m) gaudentib(us) & flere cu(m)
flentib(us) } [Latin]
J: 11,193 Sykyn w(i)t(h) -th-e sory . syngyn w(i)t(h) -th-e
glade [aaAx]
K: 11,193 Sike withe the sore . synge with the glade [aaAx]
A: 11,193 Seke w(i)t(h) -th-e sory . synge w(i)t(h) -th-e
glade [aaAx]
M: 11,193a { Gauder(e) cu(m) gaude(n)tib(us) & fler(e)
cu(m) flentib(us) } [Latin]
H3: 11,193 Loke -th-(o)u so be w(i)t(h) -th-e sory . & synge
w(i)t(h) -th-e glade [aaAx]
W: 11,193 Sike wi-th- -th-e sory . and syng wi-th- -th-e
glade { Gaudere cu(m) gaudentib(us) & flere cum flentibus
} [aaAx]
T: 11,193a { Gaudere cum gaudentib(us) Et flere cum flentib(us)
H2: 11,193a { Gaudere cu(m) gaudentib(us) et flere cum flentibus
} [Latin]
Ch: 11,193a { fflere cum flentibus gaudere cu(m) gaudentibus
} [Latin]
D: 11,193a { Gaudere cu(m) gaudentib(us) & flere cu(m)
flentib(us) } [Latin]
R: 11,193a { Gaudere cu(m) gaudentib(us) flere cu(m) flentib(us)
} [Latin]
U: 11,193 Syke w(i)t(h) sori . synge wi-th- -th-e glade [aaAx]
J: 11,193a { Gaudere cu(m) gaudentib(us) flere cu(m) flentib(us)
} god wote -th-(a)t is dobet [Latin]
K: 11,193a { Gaudere cu(m) gaudentib(us) & flere cu(m)
flentib(us) } [Latin]
A: 11,193a { Gaudete cu(m) gaudentib(us) flere cum flentib(us)
} [Latin]
M: 11,193 Sike w(i)t(h) -th-e sory . & singen w(i)t(h)
-th-e glade [aaAx]
H3: 11,193a { Gaudere cu(m) gaudentib(us) et flere cu(m)
flentib(us) } [Latin]
W: 11,193a --- this line om ---
U: 11,192a { Ecce q(ua)m bonu(m) & q(ua)m iocundu(m) h(ab)itare f(rat)res i(n) vnu(m) } [Latin]
T: 11,194 God wot [th]is is dobet sire dobest ha[th] benefices
H2: 11,194 God wote this is dobet . sire dobest hath bienefices
Ch: 11,194 God wote -th-is is dobette . sir dobest ha-th-e
benefice [aaAx]
D: 11,194 God wot -th-is is dobet . sir dobest ha-th- benefices
R: 11,194 God wot -th-is is dobet . sir(e) dobest ha-th-
benefyces [aaAx]
U: 11,194 God wot -th-is is dobest sire dobest hai-th- benefices
J: 11,194 --- this line om ---
K: 11,194 God wote this is dobest & therfor I sayen [aaAx]
A: 11,194 Sekyrly -th-is is dobet . dobest wot -th-e so-th-e
M: 11,194 Dredles it is dobest dobet wot -th-e sothe [aaAx]
H3: 11,194 Dredles is dobet . dobest wot -th-e sothe [aaAx]
W: 11,194 Dredles -th-is is dobet . dobest wote -th-e sothe
T: 11,195 Sire dobest ha[th] benefices
H2: 11,195 --- this line om ---
Ch: 11,195 --- this line om ---
D: 11,195 --- this line om ---
R: 11,195 --- this line om ---
U: 11,195 --- this line om ---
J: 11,195 Sire dobest hath benefycys . & is best worthy
K: 11,195 So dobest hath benefices . & so is best worthy
A: 11,195 Sere dobest hast ben in office . & so is best
worthi [aaAx]
M: 11,195 Sir(e) dobest had ben in offys . & so he is
best worthii [aaAx]
H3: 11,195 ssyre dobet hat be(n) i(n) offyis & is he
best worthy [aaAx]
W: 11,195 Sire dobest hath be in office . & so he is
best wor-th-y [aaAx]
T: 11,196 So is he best wor[th]i be [th](a)t god in [th]e gospel
gr(au)nti[th] & techi[th]
H2: 11,196 Be is he best worth be that god in the gospel
. gr(au)ntit-gh- and techit-gh- [aaAx]
Ch: 11,196 So is he beste worthi be -th-at god in -th-e gospel
grau(n)te-th- [and techi-th-] [aaAx]
D: 11,196 So is he best worthy by god -th-(a)t gospel hit
g(ra)unte-th- [aaAx]
R: 11,196 And so is best wor-th-i . by -th-(a)t god in gospel
grau(n)te-th- [aaAx]
U: 11,196 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 11,196 Be -th-(a)t god in -th-e gospel . g(rau)ntyth & techith
K: 11,196 By that god in the gospell . g(ra)untith & techeth
A: 11,196 Be -th-at god in -th-e gospel . grauntit & techit
M: 11,196 Be -th-at god in -th-e gospel . bo-th-in g(ra)untit & techit
H3: 11,196 Be -th-(a)t god i(n) -th-e gospel . grauntyth & techyth
W: 11,196 Be -th-(a)t god i(n) -th-e gospel . g(ra)unte-th- & techi-th-
T: 11,196a { Qui facit & docu(er)it magnus vocabit(ur)
in regno celor(um) }
H2: 11,196a { Qui facit et docuerit magn(us) uocabit(ur)
in regno celor(um) } [Latin]
Ch: 11,196a { Qui facit and docuerit magnus vocabit(ur) in
regno [celorum] } [Latin]
D: 11,196a { Qui facit & docuit magnus vocabitur in regno
celoru(m) } [Latin]
R: 11,196a { Q(u)i facit & docuerit magnus vocabit(ur)
in regno celor(um) } [Latin]
U: 11,196a --- this line is omitted ---
J: 11,196a { Q(ui) fec(er)it & docu(er)it hic magnus
vocabit(ur) in regno celor(um) } [Latin]
K: 11,196a { Qui facit & docu(er)it hic magn(us) vocabit(ur)
in regno celor(um) } [Latin]
M: 11,196a { Qui facit & docuit magnus vocabit(ur) i(n)
regno celor(um) } [Latin]
H3: 11,196a { Qui facit & docuit hic maior vocabit(ur)
i(n) regno celor(um) } [Latin]
W: 11,196a { Qui facit & docuerit hic magnus vocabitur &c
} [Latin]
T: 11,197 ffor[th]i is dobest bisshopis pere
H2: 11,197 fforthi is dobest . bisshopus pere [xaAx]
Ch: 11,197 ffor -th-us is dobest . a Bischops pere [xaAx]
D: 11,197 ffor-th-y is dobest . a bysshopes pere [xaAx]
R: 11,197 ffor -th-is dobest is . a bisshopes pere [xaAx]
U: 11,197 ffor -th-is dobest is . a bysschopis peire [xaAx]
J: 11,197 -Th-(er)fore is dobest . a byschoppys pere [xaAx]
K: 11,197 fforthy is now dobest . bisshoppes pere [xaAx]
A: 11,197 ffor-th-i dobest is . a boschopes pere [xaAx]
M: 11,197 ffor-th-i is sir(e) dobest . a bisschopis per(e)
H3: 11,197 ffor-th-i is dobest . a buschops pere [xaAx]
W: 11,197 ffor-th-i dobest is . byshopes pere prince of goddes
peple [xaAx]
A: 11,196a { Qui facit & docuit magis vocabitur in regno celor(um) } [Latin]
T: 11,198 Prince ou(er) godis peple to p(re)chen or to chaste
H2: 11,198 Prince ou(er) godis peple . to p(re)chen othir
to chaste [aaAx]
Ch: 11,198 Prince ouer alle godis peple . to preche o-th-er
to chast[ice] [aaAx]
D: 11,198 Prynce ou(er) goddys peple . to p(re)chen or to
Chaste [aaAx]
R: 11,198 Prince ou(er) god(is) peple . to preche and to
teche [aaAx]
U: 11,198 Prynce of godis peple . to p(re)che(n) & to
techyn [aaAx]
J: 11,198 Prince of godes peple . & p(re)chyn & chastyn
K: 11,198 P(ri)nce ou(er) god(is) people . to p(re)chen or
to chastien [aaAx]
A: 11,198 Prynce ouyr godis puple . to preche & to teche
M: 11,198 Prince ouer godis peple . to p(re)chyn & to
chastyn [aaAx]
H3: 11,198 P(ri)nce of godys puple . to p(re)che & to
chast [aaAx]
W: 11,198 --- this line om ---
T: 11,199 Dobet do[th] ful wel & dewid he is also
H2: 11,199 Dobet doth ful wel . and dewyd he is also [aaAx]
Ch: 11,199 Dobet do-th-e ful wel . and dewed is also [aaAx]
D: 11,199 Dobet do-th- ful wel . & dowel he is also [aaAx]
R: 11,199 Dobet do-th- ful wel . and dowel he is also [aaAx]
U: 11,199 Dobet doi-th- ful wel . and dowel he is also [aaAx]
J: 11,199 Dobet doth ful wele . & is a dewyd alse [aaAx]
K: 11,199 Dobett doth full well . & dowed is he also
A: 11,199 Dobet do ful wele . endued is he als [aaAx]
M: 11,199 Dobet dot-gh- ful wel . & doutid is he alse
H3: 11,199 Dobet doth ful wel . & dued he is also [aaAx]
W: 11,199 To p(re)chen & to chasten dobet do-th- ful
wel & dowel also [aaAx]
T: 11,200 And ha[th] possessions & pluralites for pore
menis sake
H2: 11,200 And hat-gh- possesciouns and pluralites . for
por(e) ma(n)nys sake [aaAx]
Ch: 11,200 And ha-th-e poscesciouns and pluraltees . for
pore menis [sake] [aaAx]
D: 11,200 And ha-th- possessiou(n)s & pluraltes . for
pore mennys sake [aaAx]
R: 11,200 And ha-th- possessiones & pluralites . for
por(e) me(n)nys sake [aaAx]
U: 11,200 & hai-th- posessiones pluralites . for pore
menys sake [aaAx]
J: 11,200 & hath possessyou(n)s many . for pore menys
sake [aaAx]
K: 11,200 And hath possesciou(n)s & pluralites . for
pore mennys sake [aaAx]
A: 11,200 Possescionis in pluralite . for pore mennys sake
M: 11,200 & hat possessiou(n)s & pluraltes . for
pouer(e) me(n)nis sake [aaAx]
H3: 11,200 And hat possessyons & pl(ur)ralites . for
pore me(n)nys sake [aaAx]
W: 11,200 And ha-th- possession in pluralte . for pore men
sake [aaAx]
T: 11,201 ffor mendynaunt[gh] at meschief [th]e men were dewid
H2: 11,201 ffor mendynau(n)t(es) at myschef . the men wer(e)
dewyd [aaAx]
Ch: 11,201 ffor mendevauntis at mischef . -th-es men wer
dueed [aaAx]
D: 11,201 ffor me(n)dynaunt-gh- at myschief . -th-(a)t men
were sumtyme [aaAx]
R: 11,201 for me(n)dina(n)t at myschef . -th-o me(n) wer(e)
ydewed [aaAx]
U: 11,201 for mendinantis at messchef . -th-o men we[re]
Idued [aaAx]
J: 11,201 ffor mendicans at myscheffe . -th-o me(n) wer(e)
Idewyd [aaAx]
K: 11,201 ffor mendinauntes at mischef . tho me(n) wer Idowed
A: 11,201 ffor amendement at myssechef . -th-o men weryn
dued [aaAx]
M: 11,201 ffor me(n)dynans & michefs . -th-o men weryn
dubbid [aaAx]
H3: 11,201 ffor me(n)dynant(es) at myschyff . -th-o me(n)
were Induyd [aaAx]
W: 11,201 ffor mendinaunt-gh- at myschef . -th-o men wer(e)
dowed [aaAx]
T: 11,202 And [th]at is ri[gh]tful religioun none renn(er)is
H2: 11,202 And that is ry-gh-tful religiou(n) . none renners
aboute [aaAx]
Ch: 11,202 And -th-at is Ri-gh-tful Religioun . no Renners
Aboute [aaAx]
D: 11,202 And -th-(a)t is ri-gh-tful religiou(n) . none renners
aboute [aaAx]
R: 11,202 And -th-at is ri-gh-tful religiou(n) . none renner(is)
abowte [aaAx]
U: 11,202 And -th-(a)t is rythful religiou(n) . none renn(er)es
aboute [aaAx]
J: 11,202 & -th-(a)t is rythful relygyou(n) . nou(n)
renners abowtyn [aaAx]
K: 11,202 And that is rightful religioun . non renn(er)is
aboute [aaAx]
A: 11,202 That is ryghtful religioun . and non rennere aboutyn
M: 11,202 And -th-at is reitful religiou(n) . but not re(n)neris
abouty(n) [aaAx]
H3: 11,202 And -th-(a)t is ryth relygyou(n) . no rennerys
abouty(n) [aaAx]
W: 11,202 And -th-at is right religion . no renners aboute
T: 11,203 Ne no lep(er)is ou(er) lond ladies to shryue
H2: 11,203 Ne non lippers ou(er) londe . ladies to schryue
Ch: 11,203 Ne no lepers ouer lande . ladies to schriue [aaAx]
D: 11,203 Ne non lepers ou(er) lond . ladyes to schryue [aaAx]
R: 11,203 Ne none lep(er)is ou(er) lond . ladijs to shriue
U: 11,203 Ne no leperes ouer lond . ladijs to schriue [aaAx]
J: 11,203 Ne none leperis ouer lande . ladies to shryue [aaAx]
K: 11,203 Ne non lepars ou(er) londe . ladyys to schryuen
A: 11,203 And no leperis ouyr lond . ladyes to serue [aaAx]
M: 11,203 Ne none lepers ou(er) lond . ladiys to schriuen
H3: 11,203 Ne no(n) leperys ouyr londys . ladyis to schryue(n)
W: 11,203 --- this line is omitted ---
T: 11,204 Gregory [th]e grete clerk a good pope in his tyme
H2: 11,204 Gregori the grete clerk . a good pope in his tyme
Ch: 11,204 Gregory -th-e gret clerk . a good pope In his
tyme [aaAx]
D: 11,204 Gregory a gret clerk . a good pope in his tyme
R: 11,204 Gregori -th-e grete clerk . a goud pope in his
tyme [aaAx]
U: 11,204 Gregori -th-e grete clerk . a good pope in is tyme
J: 11,204 Gregory -th-e grete clerk . pope in his tyme [aaAx]
K: 11,204 Gregory the gret clerk . a good pope in his tyme
A: 11,204 Gregori -th-e grete clerk . a good pope in his
tyme [aaAx]
M: 11,204 Gregorie -th-e grete clerk . a good clerk in his
tyme [aaAx]
H3: 11,204 Gregory a gret clerk . a good pope i(n) hys tyme
W: 11,204 Gregorie the gret clerk . a good pope in his tyme
T: 11,205 Of religioun [th]e rewele he reherside in his morals
H2: 11,205 Of religiou(n) the rewle . he rehersid in his
moralis [aaAx]
Ch: 11,205 Of religioun -th-e rewye . he rehersed In his
morale [aaAx]
D: 11,205 Of religiou(n) -th-e reule . he rehersyd in his
morals [aaAx]
R: 11,205 of religiou(n) -th-e rewle . he reherse-th- in
his moral(es) [aaAx]
U: 11,205 Of religioun -th-e reule . he rehersit in his moralis
J: 11,205 -Th-e rewle of religyou(n) . rehersyth in his moralis
K: 11,205 Of religeou(n) the rewle . he rehersith in his
morall(es) [aaAx]
A: 11,205 Of religyoun -th-e reule . rehersyth in his moralis
M: 11,205 Of Religiou(n) -th-e rule . rehercid in his moralis
H3: 11,205 Of relygyou(n) -th-e rewle . rehersyd i(n) hys
morolys [aaAx]
W: 11,205 Of religion -th-e reule . he reherse-th- in his
moral [aaAx]
T: 11,206 And seide it in ensaumple [th](a)t [th]ei shulde
do [th]e bet(er)e
H2: 11,206 And seide it in ensau(m)ple . that thei schulde
do the bet(er)e [aaAx]
Ch: 11,206 And seide hit In ensaumple . -th-at -th-ei schuld
do -th-e better [aaAx]
D: 11,206 And seyd it ensample . -th-(a)t -th-ey schuld do
bett(er) [aaAx]
R: 11,206 And sey-th- hi(m) in example . -th-at me(n) shulde
do -th-e betere [aaAx]
U: 11,206 & sei-th- hym in ensaumple . -th-(a)t men schulde
do -th-e bet(er)e [aaAx]
J: 11,206 And seyth it in exanple . -th-ei scholdyn dou(n)
-th-e bett(er) [aaAx]
K: 11,206 And said it in ensaumple . that they schulden do
the better [aaAx]
A: 11,206 And seyth be example . -th-ei schuld don -th-e
bettir [aaAx]
M: 11,206 And seit it in ensample . -th-at -th-ey schulde
do(n) -th-e bet(er)e [aaAx]
H3: 11,206 And sent it i(n) example . -th-(a)t -th-ei xuld
do -th-e bettyr [aaAx]
W: 11,206 And sai-th- it [in] ensample . -th-at -th-ai shuld
do -th-e bettre [aaAx]
D: 11,128 Logyk I lerned here . & alle -th-e lawes aft(ir) [aaAx]
D: 11,129 And alle -th-e musou(n)s of musyk . I made her knowe aft(er) [aaAx]
D: 11,130 Plato -th-e poete . I put hym first to boke [aaAx]
D: 11,131 Aristotel & o-th-(er) moo . to arguen I tau-gh-te [aaAx]
D: 11,132 Gramer for gerles . I gart first wryte [aaAx]
D: 11,133 And bet hem w(i)t(h) a baleys . but -th-ey wuld lerne [aaAxx]
D: 11,134 And alle ken craft(es) . I contryued here [aaAx]
D: 11,135 Tolys of Carpenters keruers . I kennyd & masou(n)s [aaAx]
D: 11,136 And lered hem leuel . & lyne -th-(o)u-gh- I loke dymme [aaAa]
D: 11,137 Ac theologye ha-th- tened me . ten schore tyme [aaAa]
D: 11,138 ffor more I muse -th-(er)on . -th-e mystloker(e) it semeth [aaAx]
D: 11,139 And -th-e depper I dyuyned . -th-e derkere me -th-ou-gh-te [aaAx]
D: 11,140 Hit is no science forso-th-e . to sotelen -th-(er)Inne [aaAx]
D: 11,141 Ne were loue -th-(a)t li-gh-th . -th-rynne a lewd -th-ing it were [aaAx]
D: 11,142 Ac for it lat best by loue . I loue it -th-e bett(er) [aaAx]
D: 11,143 ffor -th-er -th-(a)t loue is lord . lakke-th- neu(er) grace [aaAx]
D: 11,144 Leue lely -th-(er)on . yf -th-(o)u -th-inke do wel [aaBb]
D: 11,145 ffor dobet & dobest . ben drawen of loues skele [aaAx]
D: 11,146 In o-th-(er) science hit seith . y say it in Catou(n) [aaAx]
D: 11,147 { Qui similat verbis nec corde est fidus amicus } [Latin]
D: 11,148 { Tu quoq(ue) fac simile sic ars deludit(ur) arte } [Latin]
D: 11,149 Ac theologie teche-th- ous nou-gh-t so . whoso take-th- heed [aaAx]
D: 11,150 He kenne-th- ous -th-e contrarie . a-gh-ens catou(n)s wordes [aaAx]
D: 11,151 And ous to ben as bre-th-(er)in . & blessyn oure enemyes [aaAx]
D: 11,152 And louen hem -th-(a)t lyen on vs . & lene hem at here nede [aaAx]
D: 11,153 And do good a-gh-ens euyl . god hym self hote-th- [aaAx]
D: 11,154 And seyde it hym selue . in ensample for -th-e beste [aaAx]
D: 11,154a { Necesse est vt veniant scandala } [Latin]
D: 11,155 Astronomye is hard -th-ing . & euyl for to knowe [aaAx]
D: 11,156 Geometrye & geomessye . is gynful of speche [aaAx]
D: 11,157 That -th-enke-th- werche w(i)t(h) -th-o -th-re . -th-ryue-th- wel late [aaAx]
D: 11,158 ffor sorcerye is -th-e sou(er)eyn book . -th-(a)t to -th-e science longe-th- [aaAx]
D: 11,159 -gh-it arn -th-e fybeches of forelles . of many mannes wittes [aaBb]
D: 11,160 Expermens of alkonomye . of Albertes makynge [aaAx]
D: 11,161 Nygroma(n)cye & p(er)mancye . -th-e powke to reysen [xaAx]
D: 11,162 -Gh-if -th-u -th-inke do wel . dele -th-(er)w(i)t(h) neu(er)e [xaAx]
D: 11,163 Alle -th-ese sciences . seker y my self founded [xaAx]
D: 11,164 And made hem formest . folk to disceyue [aaAx]
D: 11,165 I bekenne -th-e Crist q(ou)d sche . y can teche -th-e no bett(er) [aaAxx]
D: 11,166 I seyde gram(er)cy madame . & mekely here grette [aaAx]
T: 11,207 Whanne fisshes faile [th]e flood or [th]e fresshe
H2: 11,207 Whan fyssches fayle . the flood of the fresch
wat(ir) [aaAa]
Ch: 11,207 Whan fisches failen . -th-e flode of -th-e fresch
water [aaAa]
D: 11,207 Whan fyssh fayle-th- . -th-e flod or -th-e fressh
wat(ir) [aaAa]
R: 11,207 Whe(n) fisshes faylen . -th-e flod o-th- -th-e
fressche water [aaAa]
U: 11,207 Whan fissches fayle-th- . -th-e flod or -th-e fressch
wat(ir) [aaAa]
J: 11,207 Qwan fyschys faylyn . -th-e flode & -th-e freche
wat(er)ys [aaAa]
K: 11,207 Whan [fische] faylen . the flode other the fresche
water [aaAa]
A: 11,207 Whan fysche faylith flod . eyther fysche -th-e
watur [aaAa]
M: 11,207 Whan ffisschis failin . -th-e flood or -th-e fressch
watir [aaAa]
H3: 11,207 Qwa(n) fyschys fayly(n) . flode & -th-e fresch
watyr [aaAa]
W: 11,207 Whan fyshes faylen . -th-e flode o-th-(er) -th-e
fresh watr(e) [aaAa]
T: 11,208 [Th]ei di[gh]e for [th]e drou[gh]te whanne [th]ei
drei[gh]e lengen
H2: 11,208 Thei di-gh-e for the drou-gh-te . whan thei drei-gh-e
leggen [aaAx]
Ch: 11,208 -Th-ei dey-gh-e for -th-e drow-gh-t . whan -th-ei
drie long [aaAx]
D: 11,208 They deyin for droughte . whan -th-ey drye lyggyn
R: 11,208 -Th-ei deyen for -th-e drouthe . whe(n) -th-ei
drye longe [aaAx]
U: 11,208 -Th-ei deye for -th-e drowte . whan it dryhe-th-
longe [aaAx]
J: 11,208 -Th-ei deyn for -th-(a)t drowhte . qwan -th-ei
drye lyggyn [aaAx]
K: 11,208 Thay dyen for the drought . whan thay drye liggen
A: 11,208 Thei deyn for -th-e drouth . whan -th-e drye lyggith
M: 11,208 -Th-ey deie(n) for -th-e drougthe . whan -th-ey
dreie liggyn [aaAx]
H3: 11,208 -Th-ei deyen for drowt . qwa(n) -th-ei drye lyggyn
W: 11,208 Thei dyen for droght . whan -th-ei drie liggen
T: 11,209 Ri[gh]t so be religioun it roile[th] & sterui[th]
H2: 11,209 Ri-gh-t so be religiou(n) . it roylith and s[t]eruith
Ch: 11,209 Ri-gh-t so be Religioun . hit Roile-th- and streue-th-
D: 11,209 Right so by Religiou(n) . hit royle-th- & stere-th-
R: 11,209 Ry-gh-th so by religiou(n) . hit roxlet and steruy-th-
U: 11,209 Ryth so be religiou(n) . -th-(a)t roxle-th- and
sterue-th- [aaAx]
J: 11,209 Rit so be relygyou(n) . it roylyth & steruyth
K: 11,209 Right so by religioun . it relexith & sterueth
A: 11,209 Right so religioun be religioun . it reylith & steruyt
M: 11,209 Ryeth so farit be religiou(n) . it roilit al aboutyn
H3: 11,209 Ryth so be relygyou(n) . -th-(a)t roylyth & steryth
W: 11,209 Right so by religion . it rolle-th- and sterue-th-
T: 11,210 [Th]at out of couent & cloistre coueiten to libben
H2: 11,210 That oute of couent or cloystre . coueiten to
libben [aaAx]
Ch: 11,210 -Th-at out of Couent and cloister . coueiten to
libbe [aaAx]
D: 11,210 That out of Couent & cloystre . coueyte to
lybben [aaAx]
R: 11,210 -Th-at out of coue(n)t & cloystre . coueyte-th-
to libbe [aaAx]
U: 11,210 -Th-at out of couent & cloystre . coueyti-th-
to libbe [aaAx]
H: 11,210 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 11,210 -Th-(a)t oute of couent & cloystr(e) . couetyth
to lybbe [aaAx]
K: 11,210 That out of couent & cloystre . coueiten to
lyue [aaAx]
E: 11,210 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 11,210 That out of couent an cloyster . coueyte to leue
M: 11,210 -Th-at out of coue(n)t & of cloistr(e) . coueiti(n)
to libben [aaAx]
H3: 11,210 -Th-(a)t out of coue(n)t & cloyst(re) . coueytyth
to leuy(n) [aaAx]
W: 11,210 That oute of couent & cloistre . coueyte to
lybbe [aaAx]
T: 11,211 Ac now is religioun a rid(er)e & a renn(er)e
H2: 11,211 Ac now is religiou(n) a ridere . and a rennere
aboute [aaAx]
Ch: 11,211 Bot now is Religiou(n) a rider . and A renner
Aboute [aaAx]
D: 11,211 Ac now is Religiou(n) a Ridere . & a renner(e)
be strete [aaAx]
R: 11,211 But now is religiou(n) a rider(e) . and a re(n)ner(e)
by stret(es) [aaAx]
U: 11,211 And now is religiou(n) a ridere . & a renn(er)e
be stretis [aaAx]
J: 11,211 Now is relygyou(n) a rider . a romer be stretys
K: 11,211 But now is religioun a rider . & a rom(er)
by stretes [aaAx]
A: 11,211 Now is religioun a ridedere . a romere be stretis
M: 11,211 & now is sir(e) Religiou(n) a rider(e) . a
romer(e) be stretis [aaAx]
H3: 11,211 But now is relygyou(n) a rydere . & a rennere
by stretys [aaAx]
W: 11,211 Ac now is religion a ridere . & a romere by
stretes [aaAx]
T: 11,212 A led(er)e of ladies & a lond bigg(er)e
H2: 11,212 A leder(e) of loue dayes . and a lond bigg(er)e
Ch: 11,212 And a leder of louedaies . and a lowde begger
D: 11,212 A ledere of ladyes . & a lond begger(e) [aaAx]
R: 11,212 A leder(e) of louedays . and a lond byere [aaAx]
U: 11,212 A ledere of lufdayes . and a lond bugghere [aaAx]
J: 11,212 A ledar of louedays . & a londe bygger(e) [aaAx]
K: 11,212 A leder of ladys . and a londe byggar [aaAx]
A: 11,212 A ledere of ladies . & a lond byere [aaAx]
M: 11,212 A leder(e) of ladyis . a bigg(er)e of londis [aaAx]
H3: 11,212 And ledere of ladyis . & a lond byggere [aaAx]
W: 11,212 A ledere of ladies . & a londe biggere [aaAx]
T: 11,213 Pop(er)i[th] on a palfrey to toune & to toune
H2: 11,213 Pop(er)ith on a palfray . fro tou(n) to tou(n)
[& manour to mano(ur)] [aaBb]
Ch: 11,213 Poperith on a palfray . fro parkes to townes [aaBb]
D: 11,213 Popere-th- on a palfray . fro Toun to toun(n) [aaBb]
R: 11,213 Popre-th- on a palfray . fro towne to towne [aaBb]
U: 11,213 Popre-th- on a palfrey . fro toune to toune [aaBb]
J: 11,213 Prykyth on a palfray . fro towne to towne [aaBb]
K: 11,213 Popereth on a palfray . from towne to towne [aaBb]
A: 11,213 Pop(er)it on his palfrey . fro toun to toune [aaBb]
M: 11,213 Ridit on his palfrey . for tou(n) to tovne [aaBb]
H3: 11,213 Rydyth on hys palfray . fro thon to thon [aaBb]
W: 11,213 He popreth on his palfray . fro toun to toun [aaBb]
T: 11,214 A bidowe or a baselard he beri[th] be his side
H2: 11,214 A bidowe or a baselard . he berith be his syde
Ch: 11,214 A bedowe or a Baslard . he bere-th- be his Syde
D: 11,214 A bydow ar a basselard . he bereth by his side
R: 11,214 A bedew or a baselard . he bery-th- by his syde
U: 11,214 A bidowe or a baselard . he bere-th- be his side
J: 11,214 A bedow or a baslard . he beryth be his syde [aaAx]
K: 11,214 A bidewe or a baselarde . he bereth by his side
A: 11,214 A bedew and a baselard . he berith be is syde [aaAx]
M: 11,214 A bidev or a baselard . he berith be his side [aaAx]
H3: 11,214 A bedew or a baselard . he beryth be hys syde
W: 11,214 A bydowe or a baslard . he bere-th- by his side
T: 11,215 Godis flessh & his fet & hise fyue woundis
H2: 11,215 Godis flesch and his feet . and his fyue wou(n)dis
Ch: 11,215 Godis flesch and his fete . and his fyue woundes
D: 11,215 Goddes flessh and his feet . & his fyue woundes
R: 11,215 God(is) flesch and his fet . and his fyf wou(n)des
U: 11,215 Godis fleesch and his feet . & his fyue woundis
J: 11,215 Goddes fleche & his fete . & his fyue wou(n)dys
K: 11,215 God(is) flesch & his fete . & his fyue
woundes [aaAx]
A: 11,215 Godis flesche & his feyth . and his fyue woundis
M: 11,215 Godis flesch & his fet . & his v woundis
H3: 11,215 Goddys flesch & hys feet . & -th-e fyue
wondys [aaAx]
W: 11,215 Goddes flesh & his blode his fet . & his
fyue woundes [aaAx]
T: 11,216 Arn more in his mynde [th]an [th]e memorie of his
H2: 11,216 Arn mor(e) in his mynde . than the memorie of
his fou(n)do(ur)s [aaAx]
Ch: 11,216 Arn more In his mende . -th-an -th-e memorie of
his founders [aaAx]
D: 11,216 Bu-th- more in his mynde . -th-an memory of his
foundo(ur)s [aaAx]
R: 11,216 Arn mor(e) in his mynde . -th-a(n) memorie of fou(n)do(ur)
U: 11,216 Arn more in his mende . -th-an memorie of his foundo(ur)
J: 11,216 Arn more in his mynde . -th-an memorye of his fou(n)derys
K: 11,216 Arn more in his mynd . than memorye of his found(er)s
A: 11,216 Arin more in his mende . -th-an -th-e memorie of
his frendis [aaAx]
M: 11,216 Arn mor(e) in his mende . -th-an -th-e memorie
of his found(er)e [aaAx]
H3: 11,216 Arn more i(n) is mynde . -th-a(n) memory of hys
fondours [aaAx]
W: 11,216 Is more in his mynde . -th-an -th-e memorie of
his foundours [aaAx]
T: 11,217 [Th]is is [th]e lif of [th]ise lordis [th](a)t lyuen
shulde wi[th] dobet
H2: 11,217 This is the lif of these lordis . that lyuen schuld
with dobet [aaAx]
Ch: 11,217 -Th-is is -th-e lif of -th-es lordes . -th-at
leuen schuld with dobette [aaAx]
D: 11,217 This is -th-e lyf of -th-ese lordes . -th-(a)t
leue schuld w(i)t(h) dobet [aaAx]
R: 11,217 This is -th-e lyf of -th-es lord(is) . -th-(a)t
shulde lyue w(i)t(h) dobet [aaAx]
U: 11,217 -Th-is is -th-e lyf of -th-ese lordis . -th-(a)t
leue schulde w(i)t(h) dobet [aaAx]
J: 11,217 -Th-is is -th-e lyf of -th-o lordys . -th-(a)t
lyuy(n) schuld w(i)t(h) dobet [aaAx]
K: 11,217 This is the life of tho lord(is) . that lyuen schuld
w(i)t(h) dobett [aaAx]
A: 11,217 This is -th-e lyue of -th-es lordis . -th-at leuyn & schuld
dobet [aaAx]
M: 11,217 -Th-is is -th-e lif of -th-e lordis . -th-at leuy(n)
schulde w(i)t(h) dobet [aaAx]
H3: 11,217 Thys is -th-e lyff of -th-e lordys . -th-(a)t
xuld leuy(n) w(i)t(h) dobet [aaAx]
W: 11,217 This is -th-e lyf of -th-e lordes . -th-at shuld
lyue wi-th- dobet [aaAx]
T: 11,218 And welawey wers and I shulde al telle
H2: 11,218 And welawey wers . and I schulde al telle [aaAx]
Ch: 11,218 And dowel awey were . and I schuld telle alle
D: 11,218 And welawey worse . & I wold alle telle [aaAx]
R: 11,218 And welawey werse . and I wolde al telle [aaAx]
U: 11,218 And welawey werse . and I schulde al telle [aaAx]
J: 11,218 And leuyn wel wers . wold I al telle [aaAx]
K: 11,218 And welaway wors . & I would al telle [aaAx]
A: 11,218 And wele werce . & I wold it telle [aaAx]
M: 11,218 And Welawo werse . -th-an I wele telle [aaAx]
H3: 11,218 And welawey wers . & I wold all telle [aaAx]
W: 11,218 And wellaway wors . if -th-at I wold telle [aaAx]
T: 11,219 I wende [th](a)t kinghed & kni[gh]thed & caiseris
wi[th] Erlis
H2: 11,219 I wende that kynghed and kny-gh-thed . and cayseris
w(i)t(h) erlis [aaAx]
Ch: 11,219 I wende -th-at kynghode and kni-gh-thode . and
caysers with erles [aaAx]
D: 11,219 I wend -th-(a)t kny-gh-thod & kynghod . & Caisers
w(i)t(h) Erles [aaAx]
R: 11,219 I wende king(es) and kni-gh-t(es) . and keyseris
w(i)t(h) erlys [aaAx]
U: 11,219 I wende kyngis & knythis . and kayseres and
Erles [aaAx]
J: 11,219 I wend -th-(a)t kynghod & knyhthod . kaysers
w(i)t(h) erlys [aaAx]
K: 11,219 I wend that kynghode & knighthode . q(uo)d
I & cayseres w(i)t(h) erles [aaAx]
A: 11,219 I wend -th-at kynghod & knyttehod quot I . & cayser & erlis
M: 11,219 I wende -th-at knythod . & kaisers w(i)t(h)
herlis [aaAx]
H3: 11,219 I wende -th-(a)t kynghod & knythod . & kayserys
w(i)t(h) erlys [aaAx]
W: 11,219 I went -th-at kynghode & knygthode . q(uo)d
I & keysers wi-th- erles [aaAx]
T: 11,220 Wern dowel & dobet & dobest of hem alle
H2: 11,220 Weren dowel and dobet . and dobest of hem alle
Ch: 11,220 Weren dowel and Dobet . and Dobest of alle [aaAx]
D: 11,220 wer dowel & dobet . & dobest of hem alle
R: 11,220 Wer(e) dowel and dobet . and dobest ou(er) he(m)
alle [aaAx]
U: 11,220 Were dowel and dobet . & dobest ouer hem alle
J: 11,220 Weryn dowele & dobet . & dobest of alle
K: 11,220 Wer dowel dobett . & dobest of alle [aaAx]
A: 11,220 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 11,220 Wer dowel & dobet . & dobest of alle [aaAx]
H3: 11,220 Were dowel & dobet . & dobest of alle
W: 11,220 Were dowel dobette . and dobest of alle [aaAx]
T: 11,221 ffor I haue sei[gh]e it myself & si[th][th]en
red it aftir
H2: 11,221 ffor I haue seyn it myselue . and sithen redde
it aftir [aaAx]
Ch: 11,221 ffor I haue seyn hit myselue . and se-th--th-en
Redde hit after [aaAx]
D: 11,221 ffor I haue seyn it myself . & sethen red it
aft(ir) [aaAx]
R: 11,221 for I haue sey hit myself . and swithe yrad after
U: 11,221 for i haue it sen myselue . and su-th--th-e irad
after [aaAx]
J: 11,221 ffor I haue seyn it myselue . & sethin red
it aft(er) [aaAx]
K: 11,221 ffor I haue seen it myselue . & sithen redd
it after [aaAx]
A: 11,221 ffor I haue sen it myselue . & sythen red it
aftir [aaAx]
M: 11,221 ffor I haue sein it miself . & si-th-in radd
it aftir [aaAx]
H3: 11,221 ffor I haue sen it myself . & sytthy red it
aft(ir) [aaAx]
W: 11,221 ffor I haue sen it myself . & si-th- redde
it aftr(e) [aaAx]
T: 11,222 How crist counseilli[th] [th]e comune & kenne[th]
hem [th]is tale
H2: 11,222 How crist conseilyth the comou(n) . and ke(n)neth
he(m) this tale [aaaAx]
Ch: 11,222 How crist conseileth the comunes . and kenne-th-
hem -th-is tale [aaaAx]
D: 11,222 How Crist cou(n)ceille-th- -th-e comune . & kenne-th-
he(m) -th-is tale [aaaAx]
R: 11,222 How crist cou(n)seyle-th- -th-e comou(n) . & kenne-th-
he(m) -th-is talis [aaaAx]
U: 11,222 How crist conseylede -th-e comoune . & kennes
hem -th-ese lawes [aaaAx]
J: 11,222 How c(ri)ste cou(n)seylyd -th-e comou(n) . & tellith
he(m) -th-is tale [aaaAx]
K: 11,222 Hou criste cou(n)seileth the co(m)mune . & kennyth
hem this tale [aaaAx]
A: 11,222 How crist kennyd -th-e comenne . and tauth hem
-th-is tale [aaaAx]
M: 11,222 How crist counseilde -th-e comou(n) . & kennede
-th-ys tale [aaaAx]
H3: 11,222 How cryst co(n)seylyth -th-e comou(n) . & kenny-th-
he(m) -th-is tale [aaaAx]
W: 11,222 How Crist consailled -th-e comune . & telle-th-
hem -th-is tale [aaaAx]
T: 11,223 {Sup(er) cathedram moisi sederunt principes}
H2: 11,223 { Super cathedram moysi sederu(n)t principes }
Ch: 11,223 { Super cathedram moysi sederunt principes } [Latin]
D: 11,223 { Sup(er) cathedram moysy sederunt p(ri)ncipes
} [Latin]
R: 11,223 { Sup(er) cathedra(m) moysi sederu(n)t p(ri)ncipes
q(u)i dicu(n)t facite } [Latin]
H: 11,223 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 11,223 { Sup(er) cathedram moysy sederu(n)t p(ri)ncipes
q(ui) dic(unt) & fac(iunt) &c } [Latin]
K: 11,223 { Sup(er) cathedram moysi sederu(n)t p(ri)ncipes
q(ui) dicu(n)t facite & } [Latin]
A: 11,223 { Sup(er) cathedram moysi sederunt principes qui
dicunt facite } [Latin]
M: 11,223 { Sup(er) cathedra(m) moisi sederu(n)t p(ri)ncipes
q(u)i dicunt facite } [Latin]
H3: 11,223 { Sup(er) cathedra(m) moysy sederu(n)t p(ri)ncipes & }
W: 11,223 { Sup(er) cathedram moysi sederunt (:::: : ::::)
que dicunt facite &c } [Latin]
T: 11,224 ffor[th]i I wende [th](a)t [th]o wyes wern dobest
of alle
H2: 11,224 fforthi I wende that tho weyes . wern do best
of alle [aaAxx]
Ch: 11,224 ffor-th-y I wende -th-at -th-is wyes . weren do
best of Alle [aaAxx]
D: 11,224 ffor-th-y I wende -th-(a)t -th-o weyes . were do
best of alle [aaAxx]
R: 11,224 ffor -th-(er) I wende -th-(a)t -th-o weyes . wer(e)
do best of alle [aaAxx]
U: 11,224 ffor-th-i I wende -th-o weyhes . were do best of
alle [aaAxx]
J: 11,224 -Th-(er)for I wend -th-(a)t -th-oo weyys . weryn
do best of alle [aaAxx]
K: 11,224 fforthy I wend that tho ways . had weryn do best
of al [aaAxx]
A: 11,224 ffor -th-ai wende -th-o weyes . weren best of alle
M: 11,224 ffor-th-y I wende -th-at -th-o . wern do best of
alle [aaAxx]
H3: 11,224 -Th-(er)fore I wende -th-(a)t -th-ese wythys .
were(n) do best of alle [aaAxx]
W: 11,224 ffor-th-i I wende -th-at -th-oughtes . were do
best of alle [aaAxx]
T: 11,225 I nile not scorne q(ua)[th] script(ur)e but scryueyns
H2: 11,225 I nyl nat scorne q(uo)d scripture . but [if] scryueyns
lei-gh-e [aaAx]
Ch: 11,225 I wol nat scorne q(uo)d Scriptoure . but Scryueynes
ly-gh-en [aaAx]
D: 11,225 I nel nou-gh-t scorne q(ou)d sc(ri)pture . but
scryueyns lye [aaAx]
R: 11,225 I wolde not skorne q(uo)d scriptur(e) . but skreueynis
lye [aaAx]
U: 11,225 I wele nowth scorne q(uo)d sc(ri)pture . but scryueyns
lye [aaAx]
J: 11,225 I wil not scorne q(uo)d sc(ri)ptur(e) . -th-e soth
I wyl seyne [aaAx]
K: 11,225 I wol not scorne q(uo)d scripture . but if scryueynes
ly-gh-e [aaAx]
A: 11,225 I wil not schorne quot scripture . but schreueneris
lye [aaAx]
M: 11,225 I nylle not q(uo)d scriptur(e) . but scriuers lien
H3: 11,225 I nyl nouth skorne -th-e q(uo)d scrypture . but
skreuoys ly-gh-e [aaAx]
W: 11,225 I nyl not scorne q(uo)d Scripture . but if -th-at
skriueners lie [aaAx]
T: 11,226 Kinghod & kni[gh]thod for au[gh]t I can aspie
H2: 11,226 Kynghod and kny-gh-thod . for au-gh-t I can aspie
Ch: 11,226 Kynghode and kni-gh-thode . for ou-gh-t I can
aspie [aaAx]
D: 11,226 Kynghod and kny-gh-thod . for nou-gh-t I can aspye
R: 11,226 Kinghod and kni-gh-thhod . for ou-gh-th I ca(n)
aspie [aaAx]
U: 11,226 Kynghod & kny-gh-thode . for au-gh-t I kan
aspie [aaAx]
J: 11,226 Kinghod ne knyhthod . for oute I can spye [aaAx]
K: 11,226 --- this line is omitted ---
A: 11,226 Kynghod & knythod . be out I can speye [aaAx]
M: 11,226 Kynghod ne knythod . be not -th-at I kan aspie
H3: 11,226 Kynghod & knythod . be nouth I ca(n) aspy-gh-e
W: 11,226 Kynghode ne knyghthode . by not I can aspie [aaAx]
T: 11,227 Helpi[th] nou[gh]t to heuene at one [y]eris ende
H2: 11,227 Helpeth nou-gh-t to heuene . at on -gh-eris ende
Ch: 11,227 helpe-th- nou-gh-t to heuen . at on -gh-eres ende
D: 11,227 Helpeth nou-gh-t to heuene . at one -gh-eres ende
R: 11,227 helpe-th- not to heueneward . at one -gh-er(is)
ende [aaAa]
U: 11,227 Helpith nou-gh-t to hefneward . at one -y-eris
ende [aaAa]
J: 11,227 Helpyth not to heuynward . atte -gh-erys ende [aaAa]
K: 11,227 [thay] helpeth not to heuynward . one heres ende
A: 11,227 Helpith not to heuynward . on -gh-eris ende [aaAa]
M: 11,227 Helpit not to heueneward . on heris hende [aaAa]
H3: 11,227 Helpyth nouth to heueneward . on herys ende [aaAa]
W: 11,227 helpe-th- not to heuenward . on heers ende [aaAa]
T: 11,228 Ne ricchesse ne rentis ne realte of lordis
H2: 11,228 Ne rycchesse ne rentes . ne realte of lordis [aaAx]
Ch: 11,228 No Riches no Rentes . no Rialte of lordes [aaAx]
D: 11,228 Ne Richesse ne Rentys . ne ryalte of lordes [aaAx]
R: 11,228 Ne richesse ne rente . ne rialte of lord(is) [aaAx]
U: 11,228 Ne rychesse ne rente . ne royalte of lordys [aaAx]
J: 11,228 Ne rychesse ne rentys . ne ryalte of lordys [aaAx]
K: 11,228 Ne riches ne rente . ne rialtie of lord(is) [aaAx]
A: 11,228 Ne riches ne rentis . ne realte of londis [aaAx]
M: 11,228 Ne richesse ne rente . ne realte of londis [aaAx]
H3: 11,228 No rytches no(n) ryalte no rente of -th-is landys
W: 11,228 Ne richesse ne rente . ne rialte of londes [aaAx]
T: 11,229 Poul p(ro)ui[th] it is vnpossible riche men in heuene
H2: 11,229 Poule p(ro)uyth it is onpossible . riche men in
heuene [aaaXx]
Ch: 11,229 Poul preue-th- hit onpossible . Riche men In heuen
D: 11,229 Paul p(ro)ue-th- it vnpossible . riche man in heuene
R: 11,229 Powel p(ro)ue-th- inpossible . -th-e riche in heuene
U: 11,229 Powl p(ro)ue-th- inpossible . -th-e riche to comen
in hefne [aaaXx]
J: 11,229 Powle p(ro)uyth it vnpossyble . ryche men to com
to heuen [aaaXx]
K: 11,229 Powle p(ro)uith it impossible . riche men in heuen
A: 11,229 Poule prouyth impossible . riche men in heuyn [aaaXx]
M: 11,229 ffor poul prouit inpossible . riche men in heuene
H3: 11,229 Poule p(ro)uyth it i(n)possyble . ryche me(n)
to heuene [aaaXx]
W: 11,229 Poule proue-th- [it] inpossible . [-th-(a)t] riche
men in heuen [aaaXx]
H3: 11,229 [B: 14,212/C: 11,201] { In possibile est diuiti int(ra)re in regnu(m) celor(um) }
T: 11,230 Ac pore men in pacience & penaunce togid(er)e
H2: 11,230 Ac pore men in pacience . and penau(n)ce togydere
Ch: 11,230 Bot for pore men In pacience . and penaunce togeder
D: 11,230 Ac pore in pacience . & penau(n)ce togideres
R: 11,230 ac pore me(n) and paciense . and pacient togeder(es)
U: 11,230 Ac pore men in pacience . and pacience togedres
J: 11,230 But powr(e) men in pacyens . & penaunce togydyr(e)
K: 11,230 But pore men in pacience . & pen(a)nce togeders
A: 11,230 Pore men and pacient . in penauns togedur [aaAx]
M: 11,230 But pouer(e) me(n) & penau(n)s . & pacience
togederis [aaAx]
H3: 11,230 And pore me(n) i(n) paciens . & penaunce togederys
W: 11,230 Ac pore men & pacience . and penaunce togedere
T: 11,231 Hauen eritage in heuene ac riche men non
H2: 11,231 Han eritage in heuene . ac riche men non [aaAxx]
Ch: 11,231 Hauen eritage in heuen . but Riche men none [aaAxx]
D: 11,231 Hauen heritage in heuene . ac Riche me(n) non [aaAxx]
R: 11,231 haue her(e) eritage in heuene . and riche me(n)
none [aaAxx]
U: 11,231 han here herytage in hefne . and Riche men none
J: 11,231 Han eritage in heuen . but riche men none [aaAxx]
K: 11,231 Haue heritage in heuyn . but riche men noon [aaAxx]
A: 11,231 Han eritage in heuyn . and riche men non [aaAxx]
M: 11,231 Hauy(n) herytage i(n) heuene . & reche me(n)
no(n) [aaAxx]
H3: 11,231 Haue herytage i(n) heuene . & ryche me(n)
nou(n) [aaAxx]
W: 11,231 Han heritage in heuene . ac riche men noon [aaAxx]
T: 11,232 {Contra} q(ua)[th] I be crist [th](a)t can I [th]e
H2: 11,232 { Cont(ra) } q(uo)d I be crist . that can I the
wisse [aaAx]
Ch: 11,232 { Contra } q(uo)d I be crist . -th-at can I -th-e
wisse [aaAx]
D: 11,232 { Contra } q(ou)d I be Crist . -th-(a)t can I wisse
R: 11,232 { Contra } q(uo)d I be crist . -th-at can I wi-th-say
U: 11,232 { Contra } q(uo)d I bi crist . i kan -th-e w(i)t(h)seye
J: 11,232 { Cont(ra) } q(uo)d I be c(ri)st . -th-(a)t kan
I w(i)t(h)seye [aaAx]
K: 11,232 { Contra } q(uo)d I by criste . that can I withsay
A: 11,232 { Contra } quot I be crist . and -th-at I dar wel
say [aaAx]
M: 11,232 { Cont(ra) } q(uo)d I be crist . -th-(a)t kan I
withseyn [aaAx]
H3: 11,232 { Contra } q(uo)d I be cryst . -th-(a)t can I
w(i)t(h)sey-gh-e [aaAx]
W: 11,232 { Contra } q(uo)d I by Crist . -th-at wil I wi-th-say
T: 11,233 And p(ro)uen it be [th]e pistil [th](a)t petir is
H2: 11,233 And p(ro)ue it be the pistel . that pet(ir) is
nempnid [aaAx]
Ch: 11,233 And preue hit be -th-e pistel . -th-at peter is
nempned [aaAx]
D: 11,233 And p(ro)uen it be -th-e pistel . -th-(a)t Pet(ir)
it nemny-th- [aaAx]
R: 11,233 and p(ro)ue hit bi -th-e postel . -th-(a)t pet(ir)
is ynemled [aaAx]
U: 11,233 And p(ro)uen it be a postil . -th-at petir is nempnyd
J: 11,233 And p(ro)uyn [it] be -th-e apostel . -th-(a)t pet(ir)
is Ine(m)pnyd [aaAx]
K: 11,233 And p(ro)uyn it by the pistle . that petre is Inempned
A: 11,233 I proue it be -th-e pistil . -th-at petur is Inemelid
M: 11,233 & prouy(n) it be -th-e gospel . -th-(a)t crist
hi(m)sel made [aaAx]
H3: 11,233 And p(ro)ue it be -th-e pystele . -th-(a)t pet(ir)
hat Imenyd [aaAx]
W: 11,233 And proue it be -th-e pistole . -th-at Petir is
nempned [aaAx]
T: 11,234 { Qui credid(er)it & baptizat(us) fu(er)it saluus
erit }
H2: 11,234 { Qui c(re)diderit et ba[p]tizat(us) fuerit saluus
erit } [Latin]
Ch: 11,234 { Qui crediderit et Baptizatus fuerit saluus erit
} [Latin]
D: 11,234 { Qui crediderit & baptizatus fu(er)it saluus
erit } [Latin]
R: 11,234 { Q(u)i crediderit & bapti-gh-atus fu(er)it
saluus erit } [Latin]
U: 11,234 { Qui crediderit & baptizat(us) fu(er)it }
J: 11,234 { Q(ui) crediderit & bapti-gh-at(us) fu(er)it
saluus erit qui v(er)o no(n) &c } [Latin]
K: 11,234 { Qui crediderit & bapti-gh-at(us) fu(er)it
saluus erit q(ui) vero no(n) &c } [Latin]
A: 11,234 { Qui crediderit & bapti-gh-atus fuerit saluus
erit } [Latin]
M: 11,234 { Qui credederit et bapti-gh-at(us) fu(er)it saluus
erit }
H3: 11,234 { Qui crediderit et bapti-gh-at(us) fu(er)it saluus
erit } [Latin]
W: 11,234 { Qui crediderit & bapti-gh-atus fuerit saluus
erit Qui vero non (con)dempnabit(ur) } [Latin]
M: 11,234 { Qui vero no(n) crediderit condempnabit(ur) } [Latin]
T: 11,235 [Th]at is {in extremis} q(ua)[th] script(ur)e as
sarisines & Iewis
H2: 11,235 That is in extremis q(uo)d sc(ri)pture . as sariserus
and Iewes [aaAx]
Ch: 11,235 -Th-at is { In extremis } q(uo)d scripture . as
sare-gh-ines and Iewes [aaAx]
D: 11,235 That is in extremys q(ou)d sc(ri)pture . as Sarasynes & Iewys
R: 11,235 -Th-at is in extrems q(uo)d scriptur(e) . among
sar-gh-ynes & Iewys [aaAx]
U: 11,235 -Th-at in { extremis } q(uo)d sc(ri)pture . among
sarsynes & Iewes [aaAx]
J: 11,235 -Th-at is in extremis q(uo)d sc(ri)ptur(e) . w(i)t(h)
sarseynys & w(i)t(h) Iues [aaAx]
K: 11,235 That is in extremis q(uo)d scripture . among(es)
sar-gh-ines & Iues [aaAx]
A: 11,235 That is in extremis quot scripture . among sar-gh-inis & iewis
M: 11,235 -Th-at is { in extremis } q(uo)d scriptur(e) .
among saranis & Iewis [aaAx]
H3: 11,235 That is { i(n) extremis } q(uo)d sc(ri)pture .
among sara-gh-enys & Iewys [aaAx]
W: 11,235 That is in extremis q(uo)d scriptur(e) . among
sarsyns & Iues [aaAx]
T: 11,236 Mowe be sauid so & so is oure beleue
H2: 11,236 Mowe bien sauyd so . and so is our(e) beleue [aaAx]
Ch: 11,236 Mowe be saued so . and so is oure beleue [aaAx]
D: 11,236 Mow be sauyd so . & so is oure beleue [aaAx]
R: 11,236 mow be(n) ysaued so . and -th-at is our(e) byleue
U: 11,236 Mowe be saued so . and -th-at oure beleue [aaAx]
J: 11,236 -Th-ei mou(n) ben sauyd so . & so is our(e)
beleue [aaAx]
K: 11,236 Thay mowen be sauyd so . & so is our beleue
A: 11,236 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 11,236 -Th-ey may ben sauy so . & so is our(e) beleue
H3: 11,236 -Th-ei mow be saf so . & so it is our beleue
W: 11,236 Thei mowe be saued so . & so is oure byleue
T: 11,237 [Th]at an vncristene in [th](a)t cas may cristene
an he[th]ene
H2: 11,237 That arn vncr(is)ten in that cas . may c(ri)sten
and hethene [aaAx]
Ch: 11,237 -Th-at an vncristene In -th-at cas . may cristen
at he-th-en [aaAx]
D: 11,237 That bu-th- vncristene in -th-(a)t cas . may cristene
an he-th-ene [aaAx]
R: 11,237 -th-(a)t on c(ri)stene in cas . may c(ri)stene
and hethene [aaAx]
U: 11,237 -Th-at oon cristen in cas . may cristen an hethen
J: 11,237 -Th-(a)t arn vncristene in -th-at kase . may becomen
c(ri)stene [aaAx]
K: 11,237 That an onc(ri)sten in that case . may cristen
an hethen [aaAx]
A: 11,237 That vncristene in -th-at cas . may cristen on
he-th-en [aaAx]
M: 11,237 -Th-at iche cristene in -th-at cas . may criste(n)
an hethene [aaAx]
H3: 11,237 -Th-(a)t vnkrysten i(n) -th-(a)t case . may crystene(n)
a hothene [aaAx]
W: 11,237 That vncristen in -th-at cace . may cristen & hethen
T: 11,238 And for his lele beleue whanne he his lif tyne[th]
H2: 11,238 And for his lele beleue . whan he his lif tyneth
Ch: 11,238 And for his leel beleue . whan he his lif tyne-th-
D: 11,238 And for his leal beleue . whan he his lyf tyne-th-
R: 11,238 And for his leal byleue . wha(n) he his lyf tynyt-gh-
U: 11,238 & ffor his leel beleue . whan he his lyf tyne-th-
J: 11,238 And for his gode beleue . qwan he lyfe tynyth [aaAx]
K: 11,238 ffor his leall beleue . whan he his life tyneth
A: 11,238 As for his lele beleue . whah he is lyue tenyth
M: 11,238 & for his trewe beleue . whan he is lif ty(n)nit
H3: 11,238 ffor hys trewe beleue . qwa(n) he hys lyf tynyth
W: 11,238 And for his lele byleue . whan his lyf endeth [aaAx]
T: 11,239 Haue eritage in heuene as an hei[gh] cristene
H2: 11,239 Haue eritage in heuene . as an hei-gh- cristene
Ch: 11,239 Haue eritage in heuen . as an hie cristen [aaAx]
D: 11,239 Haue heritage in heuene . as an hey Cristene [aaAx]
R: 11,239 Haue eritage in heuene . as an her c(ri)stene [aaAx]
U: 11,239 Haue an eritage in hefne . as an hei-gh-e cristene
J: 11,239 Han eritage in heuene . as ony c(ri)stene [aaAx]
K: 11,239 Haue heritage in heuyn . as an hye cristen [aaAx]
A: 11,239 Haue heritage in heuyn . as a man -th-at is cristene
M: 11,239 Haue heritage in heuene . as he -th-at is cristene
H3: 11,239 And haue herytage i(n) heuene . as a ma(n) -th-(a)t
is cryste(n) [aaAx]
W: 11,239 Haue heritage in heuene . as a man -th-at is cristened
T: 11,240 Ac cristene men god wot comi[th] not so to heuene
H2: 11,240 Ac cr(is)tene men god wote . cometh not so to
heuene [aaAx]
Ch: 11,240 Bot cristen men god wote . come nou-gh-t so to
heuen [aaAx]
D: 11,240 Ac cristen men god wot . com not so to heuene [aaAx]
R: 11,240 Ac c(ri)stene me(n) god wot . com not so to heuene
U: 11,240 Ac cr(is)tene men god wot . come-th- nowt so to
hefne [aaAx]
J: 11,240 But c(ri)stenene c(ri)st wote . comyth not so to
heuene [aaAx]
K: 11,240 But c(ri)styn men god it wote . co(m)me not so
to heuyn [aaAx]
A: 11,240 Cristen men god it wot . come not so to heuyn [aaAx]
M: 11,240 But cristene men god it wot . komyth not so i(n)
heuene [aaAx]
H3: 11,240 And crystene me(n) god wot . comy(n) nouth so
to heuy(n) [aaAx]
W: 11,240 Ac cristen men god it wote . ne come not so to
heuene [aaAx]
T: 11,241 ffor cristene han a degre & is [th]e comun speche
H2: 11,241 ffor cristene han a degre . and is the comoun
speche [axAx]
Ch: 11,241 ffor cristen me(n) haue on degre . and is on comune
speche [axAx]
D: 11,241 ffor cristen haue a degre . & is -th-e comune
speche [axAx]
R: 11,241 for cristene haue a degre . and is our(e) comou(n)
speche [axAx]
U: 11,241 for cr(is)tene han a dirige . & our comune
speche [axAx]
J: 11,241 ffor -th-ei han a degre . & is her comyn speche
K: 11,241 ffor c(ri)styn men haue a deore . & is her
comon speche [axAx]
A: 11,241 ffor cristen men han a degre . and is here comonn
speche [axAx]
M: 11,241 ffor -th-ey han ano-th-ir deg(re) and is her(e)
comou(n) speche [axAx]
H3: 11,241 ffor cryste(n)n me(n) hauy(n) a decre . -th-(a)t
is her comou(n) speche [axAx]
W: 11,241 ffor cristen men han a degre . & is he comune
speche [axAx]
T: 11,242 { Dilige deum &c Et p(ro)x(imu)m tuu(m) sicut
teip(su)m }
H2: 11,242 { Dilige deu(m) etc et p(ro)ximu(m) tuum sicut
teip(su)m }
Ch: 11,242 { Dilige deuum &c et proximu(m) tuu(m) sicut
teip(su)m }
D: 11,242 { Dilige deum & p(ro)ximum tuu(m) sicut teip(su)m
R: 11,242 { Diliges d(omin)um d(eu)m t(uum) & p(ro)ximu(m)
tuu(m) sic(ut) teip(su)m }
J: 11,242 { Diligite d(omin)um & p(ro)ximu(m) & }
K: 11,242 { Dilige deum & p(ro)ximu(m) tuu(m) sicut teip(su)m
A: 11,242 { Dilige d(omin)um d(e)um tuu(m) &c . & p(ro)ximu(m)
tuu(m) sicut teip(su)m }
M: 11,242 { Diliges d(omin)um d(eu)m tuu(m) &c & p(ro)x(um)
tuu(m) &c }
H3: 11,242 { Dilige d(omin)um d(eu)m tuu(m) ex toto corde
tuo &c & p(ro)ximu(m) tuu(m) }
W: 11,242 { Dilige d(omin)um deu(m) tuu(m) &c & proximu(m)
tuum sicut &c }
T: 11,243 Godis word witnessi[th] we shuln yiue & dele
oure enemys
H2: 11,243 Godis word witnessit . we schul -gh-yue and dele
our(e) enemys [aaAxx]
Ch: 11,243 Godis worde witnesse-th- . we schul -gh-eue and
dele our enemys [aaAxx]
D: 11,243 Goddes word witnesse-th- . we schul -gh-eue & dele
our(e) enemyes [aaAxx]
R: 11,243 God(is) word witnesse-th- . -th-(a)t we shul dele
our(e) enemyes [aaAxx]
J: 11,243 Goddes worde wytnessyth . we schullyn -gh-euyn & delyn
K: 11,243 God(is) word(es) wittnessith . that we schal yeue & dele
A: 11,243 Godis word witnessith . we schuld -gh-eue & dele
M: 11,243 Godis word witnessit . we schuldy(n) -y-eue(n) & dely(n)
H3: 11,243 Goddys word wytnessyt . we xul -gh-euy(n) & dele
W: 11,243 Goddes word witnesse-th- . -th-at we shold -gh-eve
and dele [aaAxx]
T: 11,244 And alle men [th](a)t arn nedy & pore men & suche
H2: 11,244 and al men that arn nedi as por(e) men and such
Ch: 11,244 and alle men . -th-at ar nedy as pore men and
such [aaAxx]
D: 11,244 And alle men . -th-(a)t bu-th- nedy pore me(n) & suche
R: 11,244 and alle me(n) -th-at arn nedy . as por(e) me(n)
and suche [aaAxx]
J: 11,244 Our(e) enmys & alle men . -th-(a)t nedy arn & pore & seyth
K: 11,244 Our enymyes & al me(n) . that ben pore nedy & syke
A: 11,244 Oure ennemyes and alle men . -th-at arn nedy & poure
M: 11,244 Our(e) euene crstene & alle men . -th-at arn
nedy & por(e) [aaAxx]
H3: 11,244 Our enmys & alle me(n) . -th-(a)t arn nedy & pore
W: 11,244 Our enemys & al men . -th-at arn nedi and pore
T: 11,245 --- this line om ---
H2: 11,245 --- this line om ---
Ch: 11,245 --- this line om ---
D: 11,245 --- this line om ---
R: 11,245 --- this line om ---
J: 11,245 --- this line om ---
K: 11,245 --- divided from preceding after syke K ---
A: 11,245 And schewt -th-is sermoun . -th-at sone sueth aftir
M: 11,245 & schewit vs -th-is s(er)mou(n) . -th-at sone
sewit aftir [aaAx]
H3: 11,245 And schewyt -th-is sermou(n) . -th-(a)t sone schew(i)t(h)
aft(ir) [aaAx]
W: 11,245 And shewe-th- -th-is sermon . -th-at sone sewe-th-
aftr(e) [aaAx]
T: 11,245a { Dum tempus est op(er)em(ur) bonu(m) ad om(n)es
maxime aut(em) ad domesticos fidei }
H2: 11,245a { Du(m) temp(us) est op(er)em(ur) bonu(m) ad
om(ne)s maxi(m)e aute(m) ad domesticos } [Latin]
Ch: 11,245a { Dum tempus est operemur bonu(m) ad omnes }
D: 11,245a { Dum tempus est op(er)em(ur) bonu(m) ad om(n)es
D: 11,245a { Maxi(m)e aute(m) ad domesticos fidei &c
} [Latin]
R: 11,245a { Du(m) temp(us) habem(us) op(er)emur bonu(m)
ad om(ne)s }
J: 11,245a { Du(m) tempus est op(er)em(ur) bonu(m) ad om(ne)s
maxi(m)e au(tem) ad domesticos fidei } [Latin]
K: 11,245a { Du(m) tempus habem(us) op(er)em(ur) bonu(m)
ad om(n)es & ad domesticos fidei } [Latin]
A: 11,245a { Du(m) temp(us) est op(er)iem(ur) bonu(m) ad
om(n)es maxime ad domesticos &c } [Latin]
M: 11,245a { Du(m) temp(us) h(ab)emus op(er)em(ur) bonu(m)
ad om(ne)s max(ime) ad domesticos fid(e)i } [Latin]
H3: 11,245a { Du(m) te(m)p(us) h(ab)em(us) op(er)em(ur) bonu(m)
ad o(mn)es maxi(m)e a(utem) ad domesticos fidei } [Latin]
W: 11,245a { Dum tempus est op(er)emur bonu(m) ad o(mn)es
maxime a(utem) ad domesticos fidei } [Latin]
Ch: 11,245b { Maxime autem ad domesticos fidei } [Latin]
R: 11,245b { maxime aute(m) ad domesticos fidei &c }
T: 11,246 Alle kynne creatures [th](a)t to crist beleui[th]
H2: 11,246 Alle kyn creatures . that to crist beleuith [aaAx]
Ch: 11,246 Alle kynnes creatures . -th-at on crist beleue-th-
D: 11,246 Alle kynne creato(ur)s . -th-at to Crist longen
R: 11,246 Alle kynde creatour(e)s . -th-(a)t to crist ben
lyche [aaAx]
J: 11,246 Alle kynne creat(ur)ys . -th-(a)t to c(ri)st bene
lithe [aaAx]
K: 11,246 Al kynne creatur(es) . that to criste ben liche
A: 11,246 Alle kynde creaturis . -th-at crist ben like [aaAx]
M: 11,246 Alle kynde creatouris . -th-(a)t to crist bet lik
H3: 11,246 Alle kende creaturys . -th-(a)t to cryst be(n)
lyke [aaAx]
W: 11,246 Al kyn creaturs . -th-at to Crist ben lyke [aaAx]
T: 11,247 We be holde hei[gh]ly to herie & honoure
H2: 11,247 We be holde hei-gh-ely . to herie and to honoure
Ch: 11,247 We ben holden leely . to herie and honoure [aaAa]
D: 11,247 Ben holde heylych . to herye & honouren [aaAa]
R: 11,247 We ben yholde heyliche . to herie and honoure [aaAa]
J: 11,247 We bene holden hylyche . to heryyn & lonowryn
K: 11,247 We ben holden hyelich . to herien and to hono(ur)en
A: 11,247 We ben hold holy . to heryn & honoure [aaAa]
M: 11,247 We ben holdy(n) holliche . to herien & honuren
H3: 11,247 We be(n) holdy(n) heylyche . to heyre & to
honoure [aaAa]
W: 11,247 We be-th- holden hielych . to herie & honoure
T: 11,248 And [y]iuen hem of oure good as good as oureseluen
H2: 11,248 And -gh-yuen hem of our(e) good . as good as our(e)
siluen [aaAx]
Ch: 11,248 And -gh-eue hem of oure godes . as gode as oure
self [aaAx]
D: 11,248 And -gh-euen hem of here good . as good as hem
seluen [aaAx]
R: 11,248 And -gh-if he(m) of our(e) good . as goud as our(e)
seluen [aaAx]
J: 11,248 And -gh-iuen hem of our(e) gode . as gode as our(e)
selue [aaAx]
K: 11,248 And yeue hem of o(ur) good(es) . as good as our
seluen [aaAx]
A: 11,248 And -gh-if hem of oure good . as good as oure selue
M: 11,248 & -y-euen hem of our(e) good . as good as our(e)
sefluy(n) [aaAx]
H3: 11,248 And -gh-euy(n) hem of our good . as good as to
o(ur) seluy(n) [aaAx]
W: 11,248 And -gh-if hem of oure goodes . as god ha-th- to
oure seluen [aaAx]
T: 11,249 And sou(er)eynliche to suche [th](a)t sewen oure
H2: 11,249 And sou(er)eynlich to such . that sewen our(e)
beleue [aaAx]
Ch: 11,249 And souereinely to such men . -th-at sewen oure
beleue [aaAx]
D: 11,249 And souereynly to swych . -th-(a)t sewen our(e)
beleue [aaAx]
R: 11,249 And soueraynliche to suche . -th-(a)t sue-th- our(e)
beleue [aaAx]
J: 11,249 And sou(er)enliche to swyche . -th-(a)t schewyn
vs our(e) beleue [aaAx]
K: 11,249 And sou(er)einglich to such . as sewen our beleue
A: 11,249 And souereyneliche to sweche . -th-at sewyn oure
beleue [aaAx]
M: 11,249 And souereynliche to swiche . as sewit our(e) beleue
H3: 11,249 And souereynlych to sweche . as swynk our bylyf
W: 11,249 Sou(er)aynly to such . as sewen oure byleue [aaAx]
T: 11,250 [Th](a)t is iche cristene man be kynde to o[th](er)
H2: 11,250 That is iche cristene man . be kynde to othir
Ch: 11,250 -Th-at is eu(er)ich cristen man . be kynde to
o-th-er [aaAx]
D: 11,250 That is ech Cristen man . be kynde to o-th-(er)
R: 11,250 -Th-at is ech cristen ma(n) . be kinde to o-th-(er)
J: 11,250 Eche c(ri)sten creatur(e) . be kynde til o-th-ir(e)
K: 11,250 That is eche c(ri)styne creature . be kynde to
other [aaAx]
A: 11,250 That is eche cristene creature . be kynde til o-th-ere
A: 11,250 [That is eche cristene]
M: 11,250 -Th-at is ich cristene creatour . be kynde til
o-th-ir [aaAx]
H3: 11,250 -Th-(a)t is yche creature . be kynde to o-th-(er)
W: 11,250 That is eche cristen creature . be kynde eche to
o-th-er [aaAx]
T: 11,251 And si[th]en hem to helpe in hope hem to amende
H2: 11,251 And sithen hem to helpe . in hope hem to amende
Ch: 11,251 And se-th--th-en hym to helpe . In hope hym to
Amende [aaAx]
D: 11,251 And sethen hem helpyn . in hope he(m) amende [aaAx]
R: 11,251 And swithe he(m) to helpe . in hope to he(m) amende
J: 11,251 And sethin hethyn to help . in howpe of amendys
K: 11,251 And sithen hethen to helpe . in hope hem to amende
A: 11,251 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 11,251 And si-th-in heyene to helpi(n) . in hope hem to
ame(n)de [aaAx]
H3: 11,251 And sytthy(n) t(ra)uaylyn to helpy(n) . i(n) hope
hy(m) to ame(n)de [aaAx]
W: 11,251 And si-th- hethen to helpe . in hope hem to amen
T: 11,252 To harme hem ne slen hem god hi[gh]te vs neu(er)e
H2: 11,252 To harme hem ne to slen he(m) . god hi-gh-te vs
neu(er)e [axAx]
Ch: 11,252 To harme hem no Sle hem . good hit is neuer [axAx]
D: 11,252 To harm hem ne slen hem . god hy-gh-t ous neu(er)e
R: 11,252 to harme he(m) or teche he(m) . god hy-gh-th vs
neuere [axAx]
J: 11,252 To hirtyn hem ne to harme hem . god biddith vs
neu(er) [axAx]
K: 11,252 To harme hem ne sclee hem . god hett vs neuer(e)
A: 11,252 Tho harme hem ne to slo hem . in his ten behestis
M: 11,252 Nei-th-(er) to harmy(n) hy(m) ne to slen . for
god higtid neu(er)e [axAx]
H3: 11,252 Ney-th-(er) to harme he(m) no(n) to sle he(m)
. god hyt it vs neu(er) [axAx]
W: 11,252 To harme hym ne to sle hem . god hight vs neu(er)e
T: 11,253 ffor he sei[th] it hymself in his ten hestis
H2: 11,253 ffor he seith it hi(m) self . in his ten heestes
Ch: 11,253 ffor he sai-th- hit hym self . in his ten hestes
D: 11,253 ffor he seith it hym self . in his ten hestys [aaXx]
R: 11,253 ffor he sey-th- hit hi(m) self . and his ten hest(is)
J: 11,253 ffor he seyth him selue . in -th-e ten hestys [aaXx]
K: 11,253 ffor he saith it hym self . in his tenne heestes
A: 11,253 --- this line om ---
M: 11,253 ffor cryst seide it hi(m)self . in his ten hestis
H3: 11,253 ffor he seyth it hy(m) self . i(n) -th-e x hestys
W: 11,253 ffor he sai-th- it hym self . in his ten hestes
{ Non mecaberis } [aaXx]
T: 11,254 Ne { mecab(er)is} ne sle nou[gh]t is [th]e kynde
H2: 11,254 Ne { mecaberis } ne sle nou-gh-t is the kynde
englisch [xxXx]
Ch: 11,254 { Non mecaberis } ne sle nou-gh-t is -th-e kende
englisch [xxXx]
D: 11,254 { Non mecaberis } ne sle nou-gh-t is -th-e englyssh
R: 11,254 { No(n) mecaberis } ne sle not . is -th-e kinde
englys [xxXx]
J: 11,254 -Th-(a)t in to seyn sle nouth . in -th-e kynd englische
K: 11,254 { Non mecaberis } thou schalt not scle is the kynd
englische [xxXx]
A: 11,254 { Non mecaberis } ne sle not is -th-e engelysche
M: 11,254 --- this line is omitted ---
H3: 11,254 { Non occides ... } ne sle nouth is -th-is englysch
W: 11,254 --- this line om ---
T: 11,255 ffor {Michi vindictam Et ego retribuam}
H2: 11,255 ffor { michi uindictam et ego retribuam } [Latin]
Ch: 11,255 ffor { michi vindictam et ego retribuam } [Latin]
D: 11,255 ffor { michi vindictam & ego retribuam } [Latin]
R: 11,255 ffor { M(ich)i uindicta(m) & ego retribuam &c
} [Latin]
J: 11,255 { Michi vindictam & ego retribuam dicit d(omin)us
} [Latin]
K: 11,255 ffor { michi vindictam & ego retribuam &c
} [Latin]
A: 11,255 { Michi vindictam & ego retribuam } [Latin]
M: 11,255 { No vindicabis q(uia) m(ichi) vind(ic)ta(m) & ego
ret(ri)buam } [Latin]
H3: 11,255 { Michi vindicta(m) et ego retribua(m) } [Latin]
W: 11,255 Ne sle not is -th-e kynde ynglysh for { Michi vindicta(m) & ego
retribuam } [Latin]
T: 11,256 I shal punisshen in p(ur)catory or in [th]e put of
H2: 11,256 I schal punysche in p(ur)g[a]torie . or in the
put of helle [aaAx]
Ch: 11,256 I schal ponesch in purcatorie . or In -th-e pitte
of helle [aaAx]
D: 11,256 I schal punysshen in purgatory . or in -th-e put
of helle [aaAx]
R: 11,256 I shal punshe in purgatorie . or in -th-e pit of
helle [aaAx]
J: 11,256 I schal punchyn in p(ur)gatori . or in -th-e pyt
of helle [aaAx]
K: 11,256 I schal ponisch in p(ur)gatory . or in the pytt
of helle [aaAx]
A: 11,256 I schal ponyschen in purgatori . or mye pitte of
helle [aaAx]
M: 11,256 I schal punschi(n) in purgatorie . or in -th-e
pet of helle [aaAx]
H3: 11,256 I xal pu(n)sche he(m) i(n) p(ur)gatory . or i(n)
-th-e peyne of helle [aaAx]
W: 11,256 I shal punishe in purgatorie . or in -th-e putte
of helle [aaAx]
T: 11,257 Eche man for his misdede but m(er)cy it make
H2: 11,257 Iche man for his mysdede . but m(er)cy it make
Ch: 11,257 Ech man for his mysdede . but mercy hit make [aaAa]
D: 11,257 Eche man for his mysdede . but m(er)cy it make
R: 11,257 eu(er)y ma(n) for his mysdede . but m(er)cy hit
make [aaAa]
J: 11,257 Eche ma(n)nys mysdedys . but m(er)cy it make [aaAa]
K: 11,257 Eche man for his mysdede . but m(er)cie it make
A: 11,257 Eche man for his mysdedis . but -gh-if mercy it
lette [aaAa]
M: 11,257 Ich man for his misdede . but -y-if m(er)cy lette
H3: 11,257 Eche ma(n) for hys mysdedys . but mercy it make
H3: 11,257 { Reddam vicicum(us) meta op(er)a sua }
W: 11,257 Eche man for his misdede . but mercy it lette [aaAa]
T: 11,258 [Y]et am I neu(er)e [th]e ner for nou[gh]t I haue
H2: 11,258 -Gh-it am I neu(er) the ner . for nou-gh-t I haue
walkyd [aaAx]
Ch: 11,258 -Gh-it am I neuer -th-e ner . for nou-gh-t -th-at
I haue walked [aaAx]
D: 11,258 -Gh-et am I neu(er) -th-e ner . for nou-gh-t I
haue walked [aaAx]
R: 11,258 -Gh-it am I neu(er) -th-e ner . for nou-gh-t -th-(a)t
I haue walked [aaAx]
J: 11,258 -Gh-it am I neu(er) -th-e nere . for nouth I haue
walkyd [aaAx]
K: 11,258 Yett ame I neu(er) the nere . q(uo)d I though I
haue Iwalked [aaAx]
A: 11,258 And -gh-it am I neuyr -th-e ner . for out I haue
walkyd [aaAx]
M: 11,258 -Y-it am I q(uo)d I neu(er)e ner . for nouth -th-(a)t
I haue walkyd [aaAx]
H3: 11,258 -Gh-et am I neu(er) -th-e ner . for nouth -th-(a)t
I haue walkyd [aaAx]
W: 11,258 -Gh-it am neu(er)e -th-e ner(e) . q(uo)d I for
oght I hawed [aaAx]
T: 11,259 To wyte what is dowel witt(er)ly in herte
H2: 11,259 To wyte what is dowel . wyturly in herte [aaAx]
Ch: 11,259 To wete what is dowel . witterly in hert [aaAx]
D: 11,259 To wete what is dowel . wittyrly in herte [aaAx]
R: 11,259 to wite what is dowel . witterly in herte [aaAx]
J: 11,259 To Wytyn qwat is dowele . wytt(er)ly in hert [aaAx]
K: 11,259 To witten what is dowell . witt(er)ly in harte
A: 11,259 To wetyn wath is dowel . wittyrly in herte [aaAx]
M: 11,259 To weti(n) what is dowel . witt(er)ly in herte
H3: 11,259 To wete qwat is dowel . wytt(er)ly i(n) herte
W: 11,259 To wite what dowel . & vitterly in hert [aaAx]
T: 11,260 ffor howso I werche in [th]is world o[th](er) ellis
H2: 11,260 ffor how so I werche in this world . othir ellus
Ch: 11,260 ffor how so I worche In -th-is world or elles
D: 11,260 ffor how so I wirche in -th-is world . wrong o-th-(er)
elles [aaAx]
R: 11,260 ffor who(m) so I werche in -th-(i)s wordle . wrong
o-th-(er) ell(is) [aaAx]
J: 11,260 ffor how I wyrche in -th-is werlde . amys o-th-(er)
ellys [aaAx]
K: 11,260 ffor how so I worche in this worlde . wrong other
ell(is) [aaAx]
A: 11,260 ffor ho so werche in -th-is werld . wrong or ellis
M: 11,260 ffor what so I werke in -th-ys word . wrong o-th-ir
ellis [aaAx]
H3: 11,260 ffor how so I wrouth i(n) -th-is werld . wrong
or ellys [aaAx]
W: 11,260 ffor how so I worche in -th-is world . wrong o-th-(er)
elles [aaAx]
T: 11,261 I was markid wi[th]oute m(er)cy & myn name entrid
H2: 11,261 I was markyd withoute m(er)cy . and myn name entrid
Ch: 11,261 I was merked with mercy . and myn name entred
D: 11,261 I was marked w(i)t(h)oute m(er)cy . & my(n)
name entred [aaAxx]
R: 11,261 I was marked w(i)t(h)oute mercy . and myn name
entred [aaAxx]
J: 11,261 I was m(er)kyd to m(er)cy . & myn name entrid
K: 11,261 I was maked w(i)t(h)out m(er)cie . & my name
entred [aaAxx]
A: 11,261 I was merkid w(i)t(h)oute merke . & myne name
enterid [aaAxx]
M: 11,261 I was markid w(i)t(h)outy(n) m(er)cy . & my
name entrid [aaAxx]
H3: 11,261 I was merkyd w(i)t(h)owty(n) mercy . & myn
name entred [aaAxx]
W: 11,261 I was mad wi-th-oute mercy . & my name yentred
T: 11,262 In [th]e legende of lif longe er I were
H2: 11,262 In legende of lif . longe ar I wer(e) [aaAx]
Ch: 11,262 In -th-e legende of lif . long or I were [aaAx]
D: 11,262 In -th-e legende of lyf . longe or I were [aaAx]
R: 11,262 in -th-e legande of lyf . longe er I ded were [aaAx]
J: 11,262 In -th-e legende of lyue . long a[r] I were [aaAx]
K: 11,262 In the legend of life . long(e) or I were [aaAx]
A: 11,262 In -th-e legende of lyue . long er I were [aaAx]
M: 11,262 In -th-e legende of lif . longe er I wer(e) [aaAx]
H3: 11,262 In -th-e legende of lyf . longe er I were bory(n)
W: 11,262 In -th-e legende of lyf . long er I were [aaAx]
T: 11,263 Or ellis vndirwriten for wykkid as witnessi[th] [th]e
H2: 11,263 Or ellis vnd(ur)writen for wyckede . as witnessit-gh-
the gospel [aaAx]
Ch: 11,263 Or elles writen for wikked . as witnesse-th- -th-e
gospel [aaAx]
D: 11,263 Or elles vndirwryten for wykked . as witnesse-th-
-th-e gospel [aaAx]
R: 11,263 and ell(is) onwryte(n) for wiled . as witnesse-th-
-th-e gospel [aaAx]
U: 11,263a { Nemo ascendit in celu(m) nisi q(u)i &c }
J: 11,263 Or ellys vnwrityn for wykkyd . as wytnessyth -th-e
gospell [aaAx]
K: 11,263 Or els vnw(ri)tyn for wykednes . as wittnessith
the gospell [aaAx]
A: 11,263 Or ellis vnwretyn for wikkid . as wittenessit -th-e
gospel [aaAx]
M: 11,263 Or ellis vnwrety(n) for wyckede . as witnessit
-th-e gospel [aaAx]
H3: 11,263 Or eft vnwrety(n) for wykkyd . as seyth -th-e
gospel [aaAx]
W: 11,263 Or elles vnwriten for wikke . as wytnesse -th-e
gospel [aaAx]
U: 11,243 Godis word wittnesse-th- . -th-(a)t we schal -th-eue & dele oure enemys [aaAxx]
U: 11,244 And alle men -th-at arn nedy as pore men & siche [aaAxx]
U: 11,245 --- this line om ---
U: 11,245a { Op(er)em(ur) bonu(m) ad omnes maxime aute(m) }
U: 11,245b { ad domesticos fidei } [Latin]
U: 11,246 Alle kynde creatours . -th-at c(r)ist ben ylyche [aaAx]
U: 11,247 We ben yholde heyliche . to herye & honoure [aaAa]
U: 11,248 And -y-euen hem of oure good . as good as oure selue [aaAx]
U: 11,249 And sou(er)eynlyche to syche . as suen our beleue [aaAx]
U: 11,250 -Th-at eche c(ri)sten man . be kende to other [aaAx]
U: 11,251 And sy-th--th-e hem to helpe . in hope hem to amende [aaAx]
U: 11,252 To harme hem or to sle hem . god hi-gh-te vs neu(er)e [axAx]
U: 11,253 He sei-th- it hym selue . in his ten hestes [aaXx]
U: 11,254 { No(n) mecaberis } ne sle nou-gh-t is -th-e kende englische [xxXx]
U: 11,255 ffor { m(ich)i vindicta(m) & ego retribua(m) } [Latin]
U: 11,256 I schal pyne in p(ur)gatorie . or in -th-e pyt of helle [aaAx]
U: 11,257 Eu(er)y man for his misdede . but mercy it make [aaAa]
U: 11,258 -Y-it i am neu(er)e -th-e ner . for nowth -th-(a)t i haue walkyd [aaAx]
U: 11,259 To wyte what is dowel . witterly in herte [aaAx]
U: 11,260 for how so i werche . wrong or ellis [aaAx]
U: 11,261 I was markid w(i)t(h) m(er)cy . and myn name entred [aaAxx]
U: 11,262 In -th-e legende of lyf . long er I ded ware [aaAx]
T: 11,263 { Nemo ascendet ad celum nisi qui de celo descendit
H2: 11,263a { Nemo ascendet ad celum nisi qui de celo descendit
} [Latin]
Ch: 11,263a { Nemo ascendet ad celu(m) nisi que de celo discendit
} [Latin]
D: 11,263a { Nemo ascendit ad celu(m) nisi qui discendit
de celo } [Latin]
R: 11,263a { Nemo ascendit in celu(m) n(is)i q(u)i de celo
descendit &c } [Latin]
U: 11,263 Or elles vnwrite for wiled . -th-us sei-th- -th-e
gospel [aaAx]
J: 11,263a { Nemo ascendet ad celu(m) nisi qui descendit
de celo } [Latin]
K: 11,263a { Nemo ascendit in celum nisi q(ui) descendit
de celo &c } [Latin]
A: 11,263a { Nemo assendit in celum n(is)i qui decendit de
celo } [Latin]
M: 11,263a { Nemo ascendit in celu(m) n(is)i qui discendit
de celo } [Latin]
H3: 11,263a { Nemo ascendit i(n) celu(m) nisi ille qui descendit
} [Latin]
W: 11,263a { Nemo ascendit in celu(m) nisi qui descendit
de celo } [Latin]
U: 11,263a { Nemo asce(n)dit in celu(m) n(is)i q(u)i de celodestendit } [Latin]
T: 11,264 And I leue on oure lord & on no l(ett)rure bet(er)e
H2: 11,264 And beleue on our(e) lord . and on no lettrure
bet(er)e [aaAx]
Ch: 11,264 And I leue on oure lorde . and on no lettereur
better [aaAx]
D: 11,264 And I leue it be oure lord . & on no lettrur(e)
bettre [aaAx]
R: 11,264 And I leue on our(e) lord . and no lettrur(e) beter(e)
U: 11,264 And i leue on oure lord . and on no lettere betere
J: 11,264 And I beleue it be our(e) lorde . no lett(er)ur(e)
bett(er)e [aaAx]
K: 11,264 And I leue it by o(ur) lord . & non lettre
better [aaAx]
A: 11,264 leue it wel be oure lord . no lettere bettere [aaAx]
M: 11,264 & I leue it wel be our(e) lord . & on no(n)
l(ette)re bett(er)e [aaAx]
H3: 11,264 And I leue it wel no lettyr bett(er) [aaAx]
W: 11,264 I leue it wel be oure lord . & no lettrure
bettre [aaAx]
T: 11,265 ffor salamon [th]e sage [th](a)t sapience made
H2: 11,265 ffor salomon the sage . that sapience made [aaAx]
Ch: 11,265 ffor salemon -th-e sage . -th-at sapience made
D: 11,265 ffor salamon -th-e sage . -th-at sapience made
R: 11,265 for salamon -th-e sage . -th-at sapiens made [aaAx]
U: 11,265 ffor salomon -th-e sage . -th-at sapyence made
J: 11,265 ffor salamon -th-e sage . -th-(a)t sapience made
K: 11,265 ffor salomon the sage . that sapience made [aaAx]
A: 11,265 ffor salamon -th-at sage . -th-at sapience made
M: 11,265 ffor salamo(n) -th-e sage . -th-(a)t sapie(n)ce
made [aaAx]
H3: 11,265 ffor salomou(n) -th-e sage . -th-(a)t sapiens
made [aaAx]
W: 11,265 ffor salamon -th-e sage . -th-at sapience made
T: 11,266 God [y]af hem g(ra)ce & ricchesse togid(er)e
H2: 11,266 God -gh-af hem grace . and ricchesse togider(e)
Ch: 11,266 God -gh-af hym grace . and Richesse togeder [aaaXx]
D: 11,266 God -gh-af hym grace . & richesse togideres
R: 11,266 God -gh-if hi(m) grace . and richesse togederes
U: 11,266 God -y-af hym grace . and ryches togyders [aaaXx]
J: 11,266 God -gh-af him g(ra)ce . & richesse togyder(e)
K: 11,266 God gave him grace . & richesse together [aaaXx]
A: 11,266 God -gh-af hym grace . & riches togedere [aaaXx]
M: 11,266 God -y-af hi(m) grace . & richesse togeder[i]s
H3: 11,266 God -gh-af hy(m) g(ra)ce . & rytches togederys
W: 11,266 God gaf hym grace . & richesse togederes [aaaXx]
T: 11,267 ffor to reule his reaum ri[gh]t at his wille
H2: 11,267 ffor to reule his reme . ry-gh-t at his wylle
Ch: 11,267 ffor to Rewle his Reme . Ri-gh-t as his wille
D: 11,267 ffor to reule his reame . ri-gh-t at his wille
R: 11,267 for to reule his rewme . ri-gh-th at his wille
U: 11,267 for to reule is reume . ri-gh-t at is wille [aaAx]
J: 11,267 ffor to rewlyn his reeme . ryht at his wille [aaAx]
K: 11,267 ffor to rewle his realme . right at his wille [aaAx]
A: 11,267 ffor to rewelyn his rem . ryth at his wille [aaAx]
M: 11,267 ffor to rulyn his realme . rigth at his wille [aaAx]
H3: 11,267 ffor to rewle hys rewme . ryth at hys wyl [aaAx]
W: 11,267 ffor to reule his reume . right at his wille [aaAx]
T: 11,268 Dede he not wel & wisly as holy chirche techi[th]
H2: 11,268 Dede he not wel and wysly . as holy chirche techit-gh-
Ch: 11,268 Dede he nou-gh-t wel and wisely . as holi writ
techeth [aaAx]
D: 11,268 Dede he nou-gh-t wel ne wysly . as holy Cherche
teche-th- [aaAx]
R: 11,268 Dede he not wel and wisly . as holy cherche teche-th-
U: 11,268 dide he nowt wel and wisly . as holy cherche teches
J: 11,268 And he dyd wysely . as holy writ techith [aaAx]
K: 11,268 Dyde he not wel & wisely . as holy writt techith
A: 11,268 Dede he not wel & wysely . as holy chirche
techit [aaAx]
M: 11,268 Dede he nout wisly & wel . as holy writ tellit
H3: 11,268 -Gh-et dede he nouth wel & wysly . as holy
wryt tellyth [aaAx]
W: 11,268 Dide he not wel and wysly . as holy writte teche-th-
T: 11,269 Bo[th]e in werk & in woord in world in his tyme
H2: 11,269 Bothe in werk and in word . in world in his tyme
Ch: 11,269 Bo-th-e In werk and In word . In world and In
tyme [aaAx]
D: 11,269 Bothe in werk & in word . in world in his tyme
R: 11,269 Bo-th-e in werk and in word . in wordle in his
tyme [aaAx]
U: 11,269 bothe in werk and in word . in wordle in his tyme
J: 11,269 Bothin in werk & worde . in worlde in his tyme
K: 11,269 Bothe in worke & in word . in the worlde in
his tyme [aaAx]
A: 11,269 Bo-th-e in werk & word . inward in his teme
M: 11,269 Bo-th-y(n) in werk & in w[o]ord . in world
i(n) his tyme [aaAx]
H3: 11,269 Bothe i(n) werke & i(n) word . & i(n)
werld i(n) hys tyme [aaAx]
W: 11,269 Bothe in werk & in woord . in -th-e world in
his tyme [aaAx]
T: 11,270 Aristotle & he who wrou[gh]te bet(er)e
H2: 11,270 Aristotle and he . who wrou-gh-te betere [aaXx]
Ch: 11,270 Aristotil and he . ho wrou-gh-t better [aaXx]
D: 11,270 Arystotel & he . who wrou-gh-te bettre [aaXx]
R: 11,270 Aristotle and he . who wrou-gh-the betere [aaXx]
U: 11,270 Arystotle and he . who wroute betere [aaXx]
J: 11,270 Aristotil & he . ho wrowht bett(er) [aaXx]
K: 11,270 Aristotle & he . who wroughten better [aaXx]
A: 11,270 Aristodil & he . he wretyn bettyr [aaXx]
M: 11,270 Aristotele & he . who dedyn bet(er)e [aaXx]
H3: 11,270 Arystotyle & he . ho wrouty(n) bettyr [aaXx]
W: 11,270 Aristotle and he . who wrote bettre [aaXx]
T: 11,271 And al holy chirche holden hem in helle
H2: 11,271 And al holi chyrche . holde(n) hem in helle [aaAa]
Ch: 11,271 And alle holi chirche . holden hem In helle [aaAa]
D: 11,271 And al holy Cherche . hold hym in helle [aaAa]
R: 11,271 and al holy cherche . holde-th- hem in helle [aaAa]
U: 11,271 And holy cherche . holdi-th- hem in helle [aaAa]
J: 11,271 And alle holy chirche . helt hem in helle [aaAa]
K: 11,271 And al holy chirche . holden hem in helle [aaAa]
A: 11,271 And alle holy chirche . holdyn hem in helle [aaAa]
M: 11,271 & al holi cherche . holdit hem in helle [aaAa]
H3: 11,271 And -gh-et holy chyrche . holdyth he(m) i(n) helle
W: 11,271 And al holy cherche . holden hem in helle [aaAa]
T: 11,272 And was [th](er)e neu(er)e in [th]is world to wysere
of werkis
H2: 11,272 And was ther neu(er) in this world . two wyser
of werkis [aaAa]
Ch: 11,272 And was -th-er neuer in -th-is world . two wiser
of witte [aaAa]
D: 11,272 And was -th-(er) neu(er) in -th-is world . two
wysere of werkys [aaAa]
R: 11,272 And was -th-(er) neu(er)e in -th-(i)s word . two
wiser(e) of werk(is) [aaAa]
U: 11,272 & was neu(er)e in -th-is wordle . no wisere
of werkis [aaAa]
J: 11,272 Was neu(er) in -th-is werlde . two wyser of werkys
K: 11,272 And was ther neu(er) in this world . twoo wisar
of werk(is) [aaAa]
A: 11,272 Was neuyr in -th-is . to wysere clerkis [aaAa]
M: 11,272 And wern neu(er)e in -th-ys word . ij wyser(e)
of werkys [aaAa]
H3: 11,272 And was neu(er) i(n) -th-is werld . ij wysere
of werkys [aaAa]
W: 11,272 And was -th-er neuere in -th-is world . two wisere
of clerkes [aaAa]
T: 11,273 ffor alle cunnyng clerkis si[th][th]e crist [y]ede
on er[th]e
H2: 11,273 ffor al co(n)nyng clerkys . sithe crist -gh-ede
on erthe [aaAx]
Ch: 11,273 ffor alle connyng clerkes . se-th- crist -gh-ede
on erthe [aaAx]
D: 11,273 ffor alle connyng Clerk(es) . se-th-e crist -gh-ede
on er-th-e [aaAx]
R: 11,273 of alle co(n)nyng clerk(is) . syn crist -gh-ede
on er-th-e [aaAx]
U: 11,273 for alle kunnynge clerkis . sy-th- c(ri)st -y-ede
in herthe [aaAx]
J: 11,273 ffor alle comou(n) clergkys . sethin c(ri)st -gh-ode
on erthe [aaAx]
K: 11,273 ffor al conyng clerk(is) . sithen c(ri)ste yede
on erthe [aaAx]
A: 11,273 ffor alle connyng clerkis . syn god went on erde
M: 11,273 ffor alle kennys clerkys . sy-th-in crist -y-ede
on er-th-e [aaAx]
H3: 11,273 ffor alle konyg clerkys . sytthy(n) cryst -gh-ede
on erthe [aaAx]
W: 11,273 ffor alle connyng clerkes . si-th- crist -gh-ede
on erthe [aaAx]
T: 11,274 Taken ensaumpl(is) of h(er)e sawis in sarmonis [th](a)t
[th]ei maken
H2: 11,274 Taken ensau(m)ple of hire sawes . in sarmonis
that -th-ei maden [aaAx]
Ch: 11,274 Taken ensaumple of her sawes . In sermones -th-at
-th-ei make [aaAx]
D: 11,274 Take ensamples of here sawes . in sarmou(n)s -th-(a)t
-th-ey maken [aaAx]
R: 11,274 take(n) ensau(m)ple of her(e) sawes . & s(er)mownis
-th-(a)t -th-ei makyn [aaAx]
U: 11,274 Take exsanple of here sawes . in sermounes -th-at
-th-ei make [aaAx]
J: 11,274 Takyn exau(m)ple of her(e) sawys . in sarmou(n)ys
-th-(a)t -th-ei make [aaAx]
K: 11,274 Taken ensaumple at her sawes . in s(er)mons that
they maken [aaAx]
A: 11,274 Takyn example of here sawis . in sermonys -th-at
-th-ei makyn [aaAx]
M: 11,274 Taky(n) ensaumple of her(e) sawis . in sarmou(n)s
-th-(a)t -th-ey maky(n) [aaAx]
H3: 11,274 Take example of her sawys . & sermons -th-(a)t
-th-ei made [aaAx]
W: 11,274 Take ensample of here sawes . in sarmons -th-at
-th-ei make [aaAx]
T: 11,275 And be here werkis & here wordis wissen vs to
H2: 11,275 And be her(e) werkis and her(e) wordis . wissen
vs to dowel [aaAx]
Ch: 11,275 And by her werkes and wordes . wissen vs to dowel
D: 11,275 And by here werk(es) & here wordes . wissen
ous to dowel [aaAx]
R: 11,275 and by her(e) werk and her(e) word(is) . wissen
vs to dowel [aaAx]
U: 11,275 And be here werkes and here wordes . wissen vs
to dowel [aaAx]
J: 11,275 And be her werkys & her wordys . wyssyn v(us)
to dowele [aaAx]
K: 11,275 And by her work(es) & her word(is) . wissen
hem to dowell [aaAx]
A: 11,275 Be here werkis & wordis . wyssyn vs to dowel
M: 11,275 & be her(e) werkys & her(e) wordys . wyssen
vs to goode [aaAx]
H3: 11,275 And be her werkys & her wordys . wyssy(n)
vs to dowel [aaAx]
W: 11,275 By here werk & by here woordes . wisse vs to
dowell [aaAx]
T: 11,276 And [y]if I shal werke be here werkis to wynne me
H2: 11,276 And if I schal werke be her(e) werkis . to wynne
me heuene [aaAx]
Ch: 11,276 And -gh-ef I schuld wirch be her werkes . to wyn
me heuen [aaAx]
D: 11,276 And yf I schal werke by here wordes . to wynne
me heuene [aaAx]
R: 11,276 And -gh-if I shal wirke by her(e) werk . to wy(n)ne
me heuene [aaAx]
U: 11,276 & -y-if i schal wurche bi here werk . to wynne
me hefne [aaAx]
J: 11,276 -Gh-if I schulde wyrkyn be her werk . to wy(n)ny(n)
me heuyn [aaAx]
K: 11,276 And if I schal work by her workes . to wynnen me
heuene [aaAx]
A: 11,276 -Gh-if I schal werche here werkis . & wynne
me heuyn [aaAx]
M: 11,276 And -y-yf I schal werky(n) be he(m) . to wynny(n)
me heuene [aaAx]
H3: 11,276 And -gh-yf I xal werky(n) be her werk . to wony(n)
i(n) heuene [aaAx]
W: 11,276 And if I shal worche by here werk . to bryng me
to heuen [aaAx]
T: 11,277 And for here werkis & for here wyt wende to pyne
H2: 11,277 And for her(e) werkis and for her(e) wit . wende
to pyne [aaAx]
Ch: 11,277 And for her werkes and her witte . -th-ei went
to helle [aaAx]
D: 11,277 And for here werk(es) & for here wit . wynde
to pyne [aaAx]
R: 11,277 and I for her(e) werk(is) and her(e) wit . wende
to payne [aaAx]
U: 11,277 And I for here werkis . wende to pyne [aaAx]
J: 11,277 And for her werkys & wit . -th-ei wentyn to
pyne [aaAx]
K: 11,277 And thay for her work(es) & witt . wenten to
pyne [aaAx]
A: 11,277 And I w(i)t(h) here werkis & witte . wynne
me pyne [aaAx]
M: 11,277 & for her(e) werkys & her(e) wit . wy(n)ne
me pyne [aaAx]
H3: 11,277 And I for her werkys & wytt . wony(n) i(n)
peyne [aaAx]
W: 11,277 And for here werkes . wynne me pyne [aaAx]
T: 11,278 [Th]anne wrou[gh]te I vnwisly wi[th] alle [th]e wyt
[th](a)t I lere
H2: 11,278 Than wrou-gh-t I vnwysly . with al the wit that
I lere [aaAx]
Ch: 11,278 -Th-an wrou-gh-t I vnwisely . with al -th-e witte
-th-at I lere [aaAx]
D: 11,278 -Th-an wrou-gh-t I vnwysly . w(i)t(h) al -th-e
wyt I lere [aaAx]
R: 11,278 -Th-a(n) wrou-gh-the I vnwittily . w(i)t(h) al
-th-e wit -th-at I lere [aaAx]
U: 11,278 -Th-an wroutty vnwittily . wi-th- al -th-e wit
-th-at i lere [aaAx]
J: 11,278 -Th-an wrowht I vnwysely . w(i)t(h) al -th-(a)t
I lerne [aaAx]
K: 11,278 Than wrought I vnwiselich . w(i)t(h) al the witte
that I lere [aaAx]
A: 11,278 Than wrouth I vnwysly . w(i)t(h) alle -th-e wittis
-th-at I lere [aaAx]
M: 11,278 -Th-a(n)ne wrougthe I vnwisly . w(i)t(h) al -th-at
I lernede [aaAx]
H3: 11,278 -Th-a(n) wrouth I vnwysly . w(i)t(h) alle -th-e
wytt -th-(a)t I lerne [aaAx]
W: 11,278 Than wroght I vnwisly . wi-th- al wit -th-at I
lere on good fryday [aaAx]
T: 11,279 A goode friday I fynde a feloun was sauid
H2: 11,279 A good friday I fynde . a feloun was sauyd [aaAx]
Ch: 11,279 A good friday I fynde . a feloune was saued [aaAx]
D: 11,279 A goode friday I fynde . a felou(n) was saued [aaAx]
R: 11,279 On gode fryday I fynde . a felou(n) was ysaued
U: 11,279 A god friday i fynde . a felon was isaued [aaAx]
J: 11,279 On gode friday I fynde . a felou(n) was sauyd [aaAx]
K: 11,279 On good fryday I fynd . a felou(n) was Isaued [aaAx]
A: 11,279 On good fryday I fynde . -th-at a feloun was sauyd
M: 11,279 On goode fryday I fy(n)de . a felou(n) was sauid
H3: 11,279 On god fryday I fynde . a felou(n) was sauyd [aaAx]
W: 11,279 I fynde . a felon was ysaued -th-at had leuyd al
his lyf [aaAx]
T: 11,280 [Th](a)t hadde lyued al his lyf wi[th] lesinges & [th]eftis
H2: 11,280 That hadde lyued al his lif . with lesynges and
theeftis [aaAx]
Ch: 11,280 -Th-at had leued al his lyue . with lesinges and
-th-eftes [aaAx]
D: 11,280 That had leuyd al his lyf . w(i)t(h) lesynges and
-th-eftys [aaAx]
R: 11,280 And hadde ylyued al his lyf . w(i)t(h) lesyng(es)
and -th-efthe [aaAx]
J: 11,280 -Th-(a)t had lyuyd al his lyfe . be lesyng & thefte
K: 11,280 And had lyuyd al his lyfe . w(i)t(h) lesyng(es) & thefte
A: 11,280 That had leuyd alle is lyue . in lesyngis & thefte
M: 11,280 -Th-at hadde lyuede al his lif . in lesinges & -th-efte
H3: 11,280 -Th-(a)t leuede all hys lyf . w(i)t(h) lesyng(us) & thefte
W: 11,280 Wi-th- lesyng & -th-eft & for he beknew
on -th-e crosse [aaAx]
T: 11,281 And for he kneu[gh] on [th]e crois & to crist
shref hym
H2: 11,281 And for he knew on the croys . and to crist schref
hym [aaAx]
Ch: 11,281 And for he knew on -th-e cros . and to crist shroue
hym [aaAx]
D: 11,281 And for he knew on -th-e Croys . & to Crist
schref hym [aaAx]
R: 11,281 And for he kneled to -th-e cros . and to crist
shrof hi(m) [aaAx]
U: 11,281 for he knelyd to -th-e cros . and to c(ri)st schrof
hym [aaAx]
J: 11,281 ffor he beknewe on -th-e c(ro)yce . & to c(ri)st
schrof hi(m) [aaAx]
K: 11,281 And for he knewe it on the crosse . & to criste
schroff hym [aaAx]
A: 11,281 ffor he beknew on -th-e cros . and to crist schrof
hym [aaAx]
M: 11,281 ffor he beknew on -th-e cros . & to cryst schsof
hi(m) [aaAx]
H3: 11,281 And for he knew on -th-e cros . & to cryst
schrof hy(m) [aaAx]
W: 11,281 And to Crist shrof hym sonnere had he sauacion
T: 11,282 Sonn(er)e hadde he saluac(i)ou(n) [th]anne seint
Ion [th]e baptist
H2: 11,282 Sonn(er)e hadde he saluac(i)ou(n) . than seint
Ion the baptist [aaAx]
Ch: 11,282 Sonner had he saluaciou(n) . -th-an seint Iohu(n)
-th-e Baptiste [aaAx]
D: 11,282 Sonnere had sauac(i)ou(n) . -th-an seint Iohn -th-e
Baptyst [aaAx]
R: 11,282 Sonner hadde he sauacyou(n) . -th-a(n) seynt Ion
-th-e baptyst [aaAx]
U: 11,282 Sonnere hadde sauacioun . -th-an seynt Iohn -th-e
baptiste [aaAx]
J: 11,282 Sonn(er) was sauyd . -th-an seynt Ion -th-e baptyst
K: 11,282 Soner had he saluaciou(n) . than saynt Iohn baptiste
A: 11,282 Soner had he sauacioun . -th-an sen Ion -th-e baptist
M: 11,282 Su(n)n(er)e was he sauid . -th-anne seyn Iohn -th-e
baptist [aaAx]
H3: 11,282 Sonere had he saluacyou(n) . -th-a(n) sent Iohn
-th-e baptyst [aaAx]
W: 11,282 --- this line om ---
T: 11,283 Or ad(a)m or ysaye or any of [th]e p(ro)phetis
H2: 11,283 Or adam or Isaye . or any of those p(ro)phetis
Ch: 11,283 Or adam or ysaye . or any of the prophetes [aaAx]
D: 11,283 Or Adam or ysaye . or eny of -th-e p(ro)phetys
R: 11,283 or adam or ysaie . or ony of -th-e p(ro)phet(is)
U: 11,283 Or Adam or ysaie . or ony of -th-ese p(ro)phetis
J: 11,283 Or adam or Isay . or I say ony of -th-oo other
K: 11,283 Or Adam or Isay . or any of the p(ro)phet(is) [aaAx]
A: 11,283 Or adam or ysay . or ony of pese prophetis [aaAx]
M: 11,283 Or habrah(a)m or isaie . or ony of -th-e p(ro)phe(ti)s
H3: 11,283 Or adam or ysay-gh-e . or any of -th-e p(ro)phetys
W: 11,283 Than seint Iohan -th-e baptist or Adam or ysaye
or any of -th-e p(ro)phetes [aaAx]
T: 11,284 [Th]at hadde leyn w(i)t(h) lucifer manye longe [y]eris
H2: 11,284 That hadde lay with lucifer . many longe -gh-eris
Ch: 11,284 -Th-at had leyn with lucifer . many long -gh-eres
D: 11,284 That hadde leyn w(i)t(h) lucyfeer . many long -gh-eres
R: 11,284 That hadde(n) yleye w(i)t(h) lucifer . manye longe
-gh-er(is) [aaAx]
U: 11,284 -Th-at hadde leyn be lucifer . many long -y-eres
J: 11,284 -Th-(a)t had leyne be lucyfer . many long -gh-erys
K: 11,284 That had lien w(i)t(h) lucyfer . many long yer(is)
A: 11,284 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 11,284 --- this line is omitted ---
H3: 11,284 --- this line is omitted ---
W: 11,284 --- this line is omitted ---
T: 11,285 A robbere hadde remission ra[th](er)e [th]anne [th]ei
H2: 11,285 A robbere hadde remissiou(n) . rather than thei
alle [aaAx]
Ch: 11,285 A robber had remissioun . Ra-th-er -th-an -th-ei
alle [aaAx]
D: 11,285 A Robbere had remissiou(n) . ra-th-(er) -th-an
-th-ey alle [aaAx]
R: 11,285 a robber(e) hadde remissio(n) . ra-th-er -th-a(n)
-th-ei alle [aaAx]
U: 11,285 A robbere hade remyssiou(n) . ra-th-er -th-an -y-ei
alle [aaAx]
J: 11,285 A robber had remissyou(n) . rather -th-an -th-ei
alle [aaAx]
K: 11,285 A robbere had remissioun . rather than they alle
A: 11,285 A robbere had remissioun . ra-th-ere -th-an he
alle [aaAx]
M: 11,285 A Robber(e) hadde remissiou(n) . sonn(er)e -th-a(n)ne
-th-ey alle [aaAx]
H3: 11,285 A robb(er)e had remyssyou(n) . rathere -th-a(n)
-th-ei alle [aaAx]
W: 11,285 A robbere had remission . rather -th-an -th-ai
alle [aaAx]
T: 11,286 Wi[th]oute pen(au)nce of purcatorie to haue p(ar)adis
for eu(er)e
H2: 11,286 Withoute penaunce of p(ur)gatorie . to haue paradys
for eu(er)e [aaAx]
Ch: 11,286 Without penaunce of purcatorie . to haue paradise
for euer [aaAx]
D: 11,286 Withoute pen(au)nce of purgatorye . to haue p(ar)adis
for eu(er)e [aaAx]
R: 11,286 W(i)t(h) penans of p(ur)gatorie . to haue p(ar)adys
for euer(e) [aaAx]
U: 11,286 W(i)t(h)outen penans in p(ur)gatorie . to han p(ar)adys
for eu(er)e [aaAx]
J: 11,286 W(i)t(h)outen penaunce or p(ur)gatory . p(ar)adise
for eu(er)e [aaAx]
K: 11,286 W(i)t(h)out pen(a)nce of p(ur)gatorye . to haue
p(ar)adice for eu(er) [aaAx]
A: 11,286 w(i)t(h)outyn penaunce of purgatorie . hai-th-e
p(ar)adise for euyr [aaAx]
M: 11,286 Witoutyn penaunce or purgatorie . to p(ar)adis
for euer(e) [aaAx]
H3: 11,286 W(i)t(h)outy(n) pena(n)s or p(ur)gatory . to p(ar)adys
for eu(er) [aaAx]
W: 11,286 Wi-th- penance or purgatorie . to haue p(ar)adis
for eu(er)e [aaAx]
T: 11,287 [Th]anne marie [th]e maudeleyn who mi[gh]te do wers
H2: 11,287 Than marie the magdeleyn . who my-gh-t do wers
Ch: 11,287 -Th-an marie the Mawdelene . who my-gh-t do wors
D: 11,287 Than Mary Magdeleyne . who my-gh-t do worse [aaAx]
R: 11,287 -Th-an marie of mawdelei(n) . who my-gh-the don
worse [aaAx]
U: 11,287 -Th-an marie maudeleyn . who my-gh-te do werse
J: 11,287 And mari magdalen . ho myht dou(n) werce [aaAx]
K: 11,287 Than marye mawdeleyn . who might do wers [aaAx]
A: 11,287 Than mary maudeleyn . ho myght do werse [aaAx]
M: 11,287 -Th-a(n)ne marie -th-e maudelene . who migth don
werse [aaAx]
H3: 11,287 -Th-a(n) mary -th-e magdalene . ho myth dou(n)
wers [aaAx]
W: 11,287 Than mary -th-e magdalene . who myght do wors [aaAx]
T: 11,288 Or who dede wers [th]anne dauid [th](a)t vrie destroyede
H2: 11,288 Or who dyde wers than dauid . that vrie dystroyed
Ch: 11,288 Or who ded wors -th-an Dauyd . -th-at vrry distroied
D: 11,288 Or who dede worse -th-an dauid . -th-at vrye distroyed
R: 11,288 Or dude worse -th-an dauid . -th-(a)t vrie destroyed
U: 11,288 Or dide wurse -th-an dauyd . -th-at vry destruyed
J: 11,288 And also -th-an dauid . -th-(a)t vrye destru-gh-yd
K: 11,288 Or who dyde wors than dauid . that vrye distroyed
A: 11,288 Or ho ded wers -th-an dauit . -th-at vrie dystroed
M: 11,288 Or who dede werse -th-a(n)ne dauid . -th-(a)t vrie
distroide [aaAx]
H3: 11,288 Or ho dede wers -th-a(n) dauyd . -th-(a)t vrye
dystroyid [aaAx]
W: 11,288 Or she dede wors or dauid . -th-at vrie destroied
T: 11,289 Or poule [th]e apostil [th](a)t no pite ne hadde
H2: 11,289 Or poule the appostil . that no pite ne hadde
Ch: 11,289 Or poule -th-e appostel . -th-at no pite hadde
D: 11,289 Or paul -th-e postil . -th-at no pite hadde [aaAx]
R: 11,289 or poul -th-e postel . -th-at no pite hadde [aaAx]
U: 11,289 Or poul -th-e apostel . -th-at no pyte hadde [aaAx]
J: 11,289 Or pawle -th-e apostel . -th-(a)t no pete hadde
K: 11,289 Or powle the apostle . that no petie hade [aaAx]
A: 11,289 Or poule -th-e postele . -th-at no pete hadde [aaAx]
M: 11,289 Or powl -th-e apostel . -th-(a)t no(n) pite ne
hadde [aaAx]
H3: 11,289 Or poule -th-e apostyl . -th-(a)t no pete hadde
W: 11,289 Or poule -th-e apostle . -th-at no pite hadde [aaAx]
T: 11,290 Cristene kynde to kille to de[th]e
H2: 11,290 Kristen kynde . to kille to deth [aaAx]
Ch: 11,290 Cristen kende . to killen to de-th-e [aaAx]
D: 11,290 Cristene kynde . to kille to de-th-e [aaAx]
R: 11,290 cristene kinde . to kylle to dethe [aaAx]
U: 11,290 Cristene kende . to kille to de-th-e [aaAx]
J: 11,290 Mychel c(ri)sten kynde . to kyllyn to deth [aaAx]
K: 11,290 Cristene kynde . to kyll to the dethe [aaAx]
A: 11,290 Cristene kynd . to kille to deth [aaAx]
M: 11,290 Cristene kynde . to kylly(n) to dede [aaAx]
H3: 11,290 Krystene kynde . to kylle to deth [aaAx]
W: 11,290 Cristen kynde . to kill to the dethe [aaAx]
T: 11,291 And arn now forso[th]e sou(er)eynes in heuene
H2: 11,291 And arn now forsothe . sou(er)eynes in heuene
Ch: 11,291 And ar now forso-th-e . souereines In heuen [xaAx]
D: 11,291 And bu-th- non forso-th-e . more sou(er)eyn in
heuene [xaAx]
R: 11,291 and arn no(n) forso-th-e . so fer in heuene [xaAx]
U: 11,291 Arn none forsothe . so fer in hefne [xaAx]
J: 11,291 And arn nou(n) forsoth . so sou(er)eyn in heuene
K: 11,291 And arn now forsoth . so sou(er)eynglich in heuyn
A: 11,291 Arne -th-er non forso-th-e . so souereyne liche
in heuyn [xaAx]
M: 11,291 And arn none forso-th-e . so sikirly in heuene
H3: 11,291 And arn -th-(er) none forsoth . souerey(n)lych
i(n) heuene [xaAx]
W: 11,291 And arn -th-er non forsothe . so souerainlych in
heuen [xaAx]
T: 11,292 As [th]ise [th]at wrou[gh]te wykkidly in world whanne
[th]ei were
H2: 11,292 As thise that wrou-gh-ten wyckidly . in world
whan thei wer(e) [aaAa]
Ch: 11,292 And -th-es -th-at wrou-gh-t wikkedly . In world
whan -th-ei were [aaAa]
D: 11,292 As -th-ese -th-(a)t wrou-gh-t wykkydly . in world
whan -th-ey were [aaAa]
R: 11,292 As -th-ese -th-(a)t wrou-gh-the wickedly . i(n)
world wha(n) -th-ei wer(e) [aaAa]
U: 11,292 As -th-ese -th-at wroute wykkydly . in world whan
-th-ei were [aaAa]
J: 11,292 As -th-ies -th-(a)t weryn wykkyd . in werlde qwe(n)
-th-ei wer(e) [aaAa]
K: 11,292 As thes that wroughten wykedlich . in world tho
they weren [aaAa]
A: 11,292 As -th-ese -th-at wroutyn wikkidly . in -th-is
werld wan -th-ei weryn [aaAa]
M: 11,292 As -th-ese -th-at wrougthi(n) wickydly . in world
whan -th-ey wern [aaAa]
H3: 11,292 As -th-es -th-(a)t wrouty(n) wykkydly . i(n) werld
qwyl -th-ei wery(n) [aaAa]
W: 11,292 As -th-ise -th-at wroght so wikkedly . in world
wher -th-ai were [aaAa]
T: 11,293 And [y]et any I forget for of fyue wyttis teching
H2: 11,293 And -gh-it any I forget for . of fyue wittes techyng
Ch: 11,293 And -gh-it haue I forgete . of fyue wittes teching
D: 11,293 And -gh-et am I forget . of fyue witt(is) techynge
R: 11,293 And -gh-it am I for-gh-ote for so-th-e . of vyue
wytt(is) teching [aaAx]
U: 11,293 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 11,293 -Gh-it am I forgyd ferther . of fyue wyttys teching
K: 11,293 And yet haue I forged farther . of fyue witt(is)
techyng [aaAx]
A: 11,293 And -gh-it I forgat fer-th-ere . of fyue wittis
techyng [aaAx]
M: 11,293 but -y-it am I aferd . of -th-e v wittis techyng
H3: 11,293 And -gh-et haue I for gete ferthere . of v wyttys
techyng [aaAx]
W: 11,293 And -gh-it arn -th-ai forked for-th-ere . of fyue
wittes techyng [aaAx]
T: 11,294 [Th](a)t clergie of cristis mou[th] comendite what
is neu(er)e
H2: 11,294 That clergie of cristes mou-gh-t . come(n)dite
what is neu(er)e [aaAx]
Ch: 11,294 -Th-at clergie of cristis mow-th-e . comended
was hit euer [aaAx]
D: 11,294 That Clergie of Crist(is) mou-th- . comonded hit
neu(er)e [aaAx]
R: 11,294 -Th-at clergie of crist(is) mout-gh-. co(m)mde-th-
what is neu(er)e [aaAx]
U: 11,294 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 11,294 -Th-(a)t clergy of c(ri)stes mowthe . comendyd
was neu(er)e [aaAx]
K: 11,294 That clergie of crist(is) mowth . co(m)maunded
was it eu(er) [aaAx]
A: 11,294 Wat clergie of cristis mouth . comendid was [aaAx]
M: 11,294 -th-a(n)ne clergise of cristis mouthe . comaundid
was it neu(er)e [aaAx]
H3: 11,294 -Th-(a)t clergy-gh-e of crystys mowth . comandyd
was neu(er) [aaAx]
W: 11,294 --- this line is omitted ---
T: 11,295 ffor he seide it hymself to su(m)me of his disciplis
H2: 11,295 ffor he seide it hi(m) self . to summe of his
dissiples [aaAx]
Ch: 11,295 ffor he seide hit hym self . to som of his disciplis
D: 11,295 ffor he seid it hym self . to som of his disciples
R: 11,295 for he seyde hit hi(m) self . to some of his desiples
U: 11,295 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 11,295 ffor he seyth it him selue . to su(m)me of his
disciples [aaAx]
K: 11,295 ffor he said it hym self . to sum of his disciples
A: 11,295 --- this line is omitted ---
M: 11,295 ffor he seid it hymself . to su(m)me of his disciplis
H3: 11,295 ffor he seyde -th-(us) hy(m) self . to su(m)me
of hys dyscyplys [aaAx]
W: 11,295 ffor he said it hym self . to som of his disciples
{ Du(m) steteritis ante reges &c } [aaAx]
T: 11,296 {Dum stet(er)is ante p(re)sides nolite cogitare}
H2: 11,296 { Dum stetertis ante reges p(re)sides nolite cogitare
} [Latin]
Ch: 11,296 { Dum steteritis ante presides nolite cogitare &c
} [Latin]
D: 11,296 { Dum steteris ante p(re)sides nolite cogitare
} [Latin]
R: 11,296 { Du(m) steterit(is) ante p(re)sides nolite cogitare &c
} [Latin]
U: 11,296 { Cu(m) steterit(is) ante reges & p(re)sides
nolite cogitare q(u)id loq(ua)mini } [Latin]
J: 11,296 { Du(m) stet(er)itis ante reges & p(re)sides
nolite cogitare &c } [Latin]
K: 11,296 { Du(m) steterit(es) ante reges & p(ri)ncipes
nolite cogitare &c } [Latin]
A: 11,296 { Dum steteritis ante reges & presides nolite
cogitare } [Latin]
M: 11,296 { Dum stet(er)itis ante Reges & p(re)sides
nolite cogitar(e) &c } [Latin]
H3: 11,296 { Dum steteritis ante reges et p(re)sides nolite
cogitare &c } [Latin]
W: 11,296 --- this line om ---
T: 11,297 And is as muche to mene to men [th](a)t ben lewid
H2: 11,297 And is muche to mene . to men that ben lewid [aaAx]
Ch: 11,297 And is as much to mene . to men -th-at ben lewde
D: 11,297 And is as moche to mene . to men -th-(a)t ben lewed
R: 11,297 That is as moche to mene . to me(n) -th-(a)t ben
lewyd [aaAx]
U: 11,297 It is as meche to mene . to men -th-at ben lewed
J: 11,297 And is as mychel to mene . to men -th-(a)t bene
lewyd [aaAx]
K: 11,297 And is as mochell to mene . to men that ben lewde
A: 11,297 Is as meche to mene . as men -th-at be lewid [aaAx]
M: 11,297 & is as michil to meny(n) . to me(n) -th-(a)t
ben lewid [aaAx]
H3: 11,297 -Th-is [is] as meche to mene . to me(n) -th-(a)t
be lewd [aaAx]
W: 11,297 And is as muche to mene . to men -th-at ben lewed
T: 11,298 Whe[th](er) [y]e ben aposid of p(ri)nces or of p(re)stis
of [th]e lawe
H2: 11,298 Whethir -gh-e be apposid of p(ri)nces . othir
of p(re)stis of -th-e lawe [aaAx]
Ch: 11,298 Whe-th-er be -gh-e apposed of princes . or of
prestes of -th-e lawe [aaAx]
D: 11,298 whar -gh-e ben apposed of p(ri)nces . or p(re)stes
of -th-e lawe [aaAx]
R: 11,298 Wha(n) -gh-e be(n) aposed of p(ri)nces . and p(re)st(is)
of -th-e lawe [aaAx]
U: 11,298 Whan -y-e ben apposid of p(ri)nces . or prestes
of -th-e lawe [aaAx]
J: 11,298 qwan -gh-e bene [a]posed of princys . or p(re)stys
of -th-e lawe [aaAx]
K: 11,298 Whan ye ben apposed of kyng(es) . & p(ri)ncis
in the hall [aaAx]
A: 11,298 Whan -th-ei ben posid of prynces . and prestis
of -th-e lawe [aaAx]
M: 11,298 Whan -y-e be(n) apposid . of p(re)stis of -th-e
lawe [aaAx]
H3: 11,298 Qwa(n) -gh-e be aposyd of p(ri)ncys . & p(re)stys
of -th-e lawe [aaAx]
W: 11,298 Whan -gh-e ben apposed of prynces . & prestes
of lawe [aaAx]
T: 11,299 ffor to answere hem haue [y]e no doute
H2: 11,299 ffor to answere hem . haue -gh-e no doute [aaAx]
Ch: 11,299 ffor to answere hem . haue -gh-e no doute [aaAx]
D: 11,299 ffor to answere hym . haue -gh-e no dou-gh-te [aaAx]
R: 11,299 for to ansuer(e) he(m) . haue -gh-e no dowte [aaAx]
U: 11,299 for to answere hem . haue -y-e no dowte [aaAx]
J: 11,299 ffor to answeryn hem . haue -gh-e no dowte [aaAx]
K: 11,299 ffor to answer them . haue ye no dowte [aaAx]
A: 11,299 ffor to answeryn hem . haue -gh-e no dowte [aaAx]
M: 11,299 ffor to ansuery(n) hem alle . haue -y-e no(n) doute
H3: 11,299 ffor to answery(n) he(m) . haue -gh-e no doute
W: 11,299 ffor to answere hem . haue -gh-e no doute [aaAx]
T: 11,300 ffor I shal g(ra)unte [y]ow g(ra)ce of god [th](a)t
[y]e s(er)uen
H2: 11,300 ffor I schal g(ra)unte -gh-ow grace . of god that
-gh-e seruen [aaAx]
Ch: 11,300 ffor I schal graunt -gh-ow grace . of god -th-at
-gh-e serue [aaAx]
D: 11,300 ffor I schal g(ra)unte -gh-ow grace . of god -th-(a)t
-gh-e seruyn [aaAx]
R: 11,300 for I shal grau(n)te -gh-ou grace . of god -th-(a)t
-gh-e seruen [aaAx]
U: 11,300 ffor I schal g(ra)unte -y-ow g(ra)ce . of god -th-at
-y-e seruen [aaAx]
J: 11,300 ffor I schal g(ra)untyn -gh-ow g(ra)ce . of god
-th-(a)t -gh-e s(er)uyn [aaAx]
K: 11,300 ffor I schall g(ra)unte yow grace . of god that
ye s(er)uen [aaAx]
A: 11,300 ffor I schal graunt -gh-ou grace . of god -th-at
-gh-e seruyn [aaAx]
M: 11,300 ffor he wile g(ra)unte -y-ow g(ra)ce . -th-e god
-th-(a)t -y-e s(er)uy(n) [aaAx]
H3: 11,300 ffor I xal grant -gh-ow g(ra)ce . of god -th-(a)t
-gh-e seruy(n) [aaAx]
W: 11,300 ffor I shal graunte -gh-ow grace . of god -th-at
-gh-e s(er)ue [aaAx]
T: 11,301 [Th]e help of [th]e holy gost to answere hem at wille
H2: 11,301 The helpe of the holy gost . to answer(e) he(m)
at wylle [aaAa]
Ch: 11,301 -Th-e help of the holi gost . to Answere hem at
wille [aaAa]
D: 11,301 The help of holy gost . to answer(e) hem alle [aaAa]
R: 11,301 The help of -th-e holy gost . to ansuere he(m)
alle [aaAa]
U: 11,301 -Th-e helpe of -th-e holi gost . to answere hem
alle [aaAa]
J: 11,301 -Th-e help of -th-e holy gost . to answeryn hem
alle [aaAa]
K: 11,301 The helpe of the holy goste . to answer hem alle
A: 11,301 The helpe of -th-e holy gost . to answeryn hem
alle [aaAa]
M: 11,301 -Th-e helpe of -th-e holy goost . to ansuery(n)
he(m) alle [aaAa]
H3: 11,301 -Th-e helpe of -th-e holy gost . to answery(n)
he(m) alle. [aaAa]
W: 11,301 The help of -th-e holy gost . to answere hem alle
T: 11,302 [Th]e dou[gh]tiest docto(ur) or dyuyno(ur) of [th]e
H2: 11,302 The dou-gh-tieste doctor . or diuino(ur) of the
t(ri)nite [aaAx]
Ch: 11,302 -Th-e dou-gh-tiest doctour . or deuynour of -th-e
trinite [aaAx]
D: 11,302 The dou-gh-ctyest doctour . or diuino(ur) of -th-e
trinite [aaAx]
R: 11,302 the douttyest docto(ur) . deuino(ur) of -th-e trinite
U: 11,302 -Th-e dou-gh-tieste docto(ur) . dempno(ur) of -th-e
lawe [aaAx]
J: 11,302 -Th-e dowhtyest dyuynour(e) or docto(ur) of -th-e
trinite [aaAx]
K: 11,302 The dowghtiest docto(ur) . or dyuyno(ur) of the
trinite [aaAx]
A: 11,302 The doutiest doctor . or deuynour of -th-e trenite
M: 11,302 -Th-e douthiyste doctour . or diuino(ur) of -th-e
t(ri)nite [aaAx]
H3: 11,302 The douthyest doctour . & deuynour of -th-e
t(ri)nite [aaAx]
W: 11,302 The doghtiest doctour . or deuinour of -th-e Trinite
T: 11,303 [Th]at Austyn [th]e olde & hi[gh]este of [th]e
H2: 11,303 THat austyn the olde . and hi-gh-este of the four(e)
Ch: 11,303 As austen -th-e olde . and -th-e hiest of -th-e
foure [aaAx]
D: 11,303 That Austyn -th-e olde . & heyest of -th-e
foure [aaAx]
R: 11,303 -Th-at was austyn -th-e olde . and hyest of -th-e
four(e) [aaAx]
U: 11,303 -Th-at was austyn -th-e oolde . & -th-e heist
of -th-e foure [aaAx]
J: 11,303 -Th-(a)t was Austyn -th-e owlde . -th-e hyest of
four(e) [aaAx]
K: 11,303 That was austeyn the old . & hyeste of the
fowere [aaAx]
A: 11,303 That austyn -th-e elde . -th-e heyest of hem alle
foure [aaAx]
M: 11,303 -Th-at was austyn -th-e hold . & heyirst of
-th-e four(e) [aaAx]
H3: 11,303 Was austyn -th-e old . & heyest of foure [aaAx]
W: 11,303 That was austyn holden . and -th-e hiest of -th-e
foure [aaAx]
T: 11,304 Seide [th]is for a sarmou(n) so me god helpe
H2: 11,304 Seide this for a sarmoun . so me god helpe [aaAxx]
Ch: 11,304 Seide -th-is for a sermon . so me god helpe [aaAxx]
D: 11,304 Sayde -th-is for a sarmou(n) . so me god helpe
R: 11,304 sayde -th-(us) for a sermou(n) . so me god helpe
U: 11,304 And seide -th-us for a sarmou(n) . so me god helpe
J: 11,304 Seyd -th-(us) for a sarmou(n) . so me god helpe
K: 11,304 Said thus for a s(er)mou(n) . so me god helpe [aaAxx]
A: 11,304 Seyde -th-us in a sermoun . as so me god helpe
M: 11,304 seide -th-us for a sarmou(n) . so me god helpe
H3: 11,304 He seyde -th-us i(n) a sermou(n) . so me god helpe
W: 11,304 Saide -th-is for a sarmon . so me god helpe [aaAxx]
T: 11,305 {Ecce ip(s)i ydioti rapiunt celum vbi nos sapientes
in infernu(m) m(er)gem(ur)}
H2: 11,305 { Ecce ip(s)i ydioti rapueru(n)t celu(m) vbi nos
sapientes in
Ch: 11,305 { Ecce ip(s)i idioti rapuerunt celum vbi }
D: 11,305 { Ecce ipsi Idioti rapiu(n)t celu(m) vbi nos sapientes
i(n) infernu(m) m(er)gem(ur) } [Latin]
R: 11,305 { Ecce ip(s)i idioti rapie(n)t celu(m) vbi nos
sapientes in }
U: 11,305 { Ecce ip(s)i ydiote celu(m) rapiu(n)t & nos
cu(m) doctrinis n(ost)ris }
J: 11,305 { Ecce ip(s)i Idioti rapiu(n)t celu(m) vibi e(iu)m &c
} [Latin]
K: 11,305 { Ecce ip(s)i ydioti rapiu(n)t celu(m) vbi nos
sapientes in infenum m(er)gu(n)t } [Latin]
A: 11,305 { Ecce ip(s)i i(n)docti rapiunt celu(m) vbi nos
M: 11,305 { Ecce ip(s)i idioti rapiunt celu(m) vbi nos sapie(n)tes
H3: 11,305 { Ecce ideoti rapiu(n)t celu(m) v(bi) sapientes
i(n) infernu(m) m(er)gu(n)t(ur) } [Latin]
W: 11,305 { Ecce ip(s)i ydiote rapiunt celum vbi nos sapientes
in infermo mergimur } [Latin]
Ch: 11,305a { nos sapientes in infernu(m) mergemur } [Latin]
R: 11,305a { infernu(m) dim(er)gimur &c } [Latin]
U: 11,305a { dem(er)gem(ur) i(n) infernu(m) } [Latin]
A: 11,305 { sapientes in infernu(m) margimur } [Latin]
M: 11,305 { in infernu(m) mergimur } [Latin]
T: 11,306 And is to mene in oure mou[th] more ne lesse
H2: 11,306 And is to mene in our(e) mou-gh-the . mor(e) ne
lesse [aaAx]
Ch: 11,306 And is to mene In our mou-th-e . more no lesse
D: 11,306 And is to mene in oure mouth . more ne lesse [aaAx]
R: 11,306 And is to mene in o(ur) mowt-gh- . mor(e) ne lesse
U: 11,306 And is to mene in oure mouth . more ne lesse [aaAx]
J: 11,306 And it is to menyn . nethyr more ne lasse [aaAx]
K: 11,306 And is to meane in owr mowthe . more ne lesse [aaAx]
A: 11,306 It is to mene in oure mouth . no-th-er lesse ne
more [aaAx]
M: 11,306 & is to menyn in our(e) mouthis . mor(e) ne
lasse [aaAx]
H3: 11,306 -Th-(a)t is to mene i(n) our mowth . ne-th-(er)
more ne lesse [aaAx]
W: 11,306 And is to mene on oure mou-th- . more ne lesse
T: 11,307 Arn none ra[th](er)e yrauisshid fro [th]e ri[gh]te
H2: 11,307 Arn non rather Irauysschid . fro the ri-gh-t beleue
Ch: 11,307 Arn non Ra-th-er IRauesched . fro the Ri-gh-t
beleue [aaAx]
D: 11,307 Bu-th- none rathere rauyssched . for -th-e ri-gh-t
beleue [aaAx]
R: 11,307 ar(n) no(n) ra-th-er raueshid . fro -th-e ry-gh-tthe
beleue [aaAx]
U: 11,307 Arn none ra-th-ir rauyschid . fro -th-e rith beleue
J: 11,307 -Th-(er) bene none rather rauyschyd . fro rith
beleue [aaAx]
K: 11,307 Arn non rather rauischid . from the right beleue
A: 11,307 Arne none ra-th-ere rauesched . from -th-e ryth
beleue [aaAx]
M: 11,307 Arn none rather(e) rauyschid . from -th-e rigthe
beleue [aaAx]
H3: 11,307 Ben no(n) rathere Irauyschyd . fro -th-e ryth
beleue [aaAx]
W: 11,307 Arn -th-(er) non ra-th-er rauyshed . fro -th-e
right byleue [aaAx]
T: 11,308 [Th]anne arn [th]ise grete clerkis [th](a)t conne
many bokis
H2: 11,308 Than arn these grete clerkis . that conne many
bokis [aaAx]
Ch: 11,308 -Th-an arn -th-es gret clerkes . -th-at conne
many bokes [aaAx]
D: 11,308 Than bu-th- gret clerk(es) . -th-at conne many
bokys [aaAx]
R: 11,308 -Th-a(n) are -th-es grete clerk(is) . -th-at konne
many bok(is) [aaAx]
U: 11,308 -Th-an -th-ese grete clerkis . -th-at kunne manye
bokis [aaAx]
J: 11,308 -Th-an arn -th-ies grete clerkys . -th-at connyn
many bokys [aaAx]
K: 11,308 Than arn thes kete clerkes . that connen many bok(is)
A: 11,308 Than arn -th-es grete clerkis . -th-at cun many
bokis [aaAx]
M: 11,308 -Th-an arn -th-ise grete clerkis . -th-at koniy(n)
manye bokys [aaAx]
H3: 11,308 -Th-a(n) arn -th-ese grete clerkys . -th-(a)t
know many bokys [aaAx]
W: 11,308 Than arn -th-is kete clerkes . -th-at connen many
bokes [aaAx]
T: 11,309 Ne none sonn(er)e ysauid ne sadd(er)e of consience
H2: 11,309 Ne non sonner Isauid . ne sadder(e) of cosience
Ch: 11,309 Ne none sonnere Isaued . ne sadder of conscience
D: 11,309 Ne non sonnere sauyd . ne sadder(e) of consience
R: 11,309 ne none so(n)ner(e) saued . ne sadder of cou(n)ciens
U: 11,309 Ne none sunnere sauyd . ne saddere of conscience
J: 11,309 Ne none soner sauyd . ne of consciens sadder(e)
K: 11,309 Ne none son(er) Isauyd . ne sadder of consience
A: 11,309 Ne non soner sauyd . ne saddere of concience [aaAx]
M: 11,309 Ne none su(n)n(er)e Isauid . ne sadder(e) of co(n)cie(n)ce
H3: 11,309 Ben no(n) sonere Isauyd . no(n) saddere of co(n)cyens
W: 11,309 Ne non sonnere ysaued . ne saddere of conscience
T: 11,310 [Th]anne pore peple as plou[gh]men and pasto(ur)s
of bestis
H2: 11,310 Than pore peple as plou-gh-men . and pasto(ur)s
of bestis [aaaAx]
Ch: 11,310 -Th-an pore peple as plowmen . and pastours of
Beestes [aaaAx]
D: 11,310 Than pore peple as plou-gh-me(n) . or pasto(ur)s
of bestes [aaaAx]
R: 11,310 Tha(n) por(e) peple as plowme(n) . and pasto(u)res
of best(is) [aaaAx]
U: 11,310 -Th-an pore peple as plowmen . and paustores of
bestes [aaaAx]
J: 11,310 -Th-an -th-e pore peple as plowhmen . & pastorrerys
of bestys [aaaAx]
K: 11,310 Than pore people as plowghmen . & pasturars
of best(is) [aaaAx]
A: 11,310 Than pore puple as plowmen . -th-at pasture her
bestis [aaaAx]
M: 11,310 -Th-an pouer(e) peple & plouthmen . & pastouris
of bestis [aaaAx]
H3: 11,310 -Th-a(n) pore puple as plowme(n) . & pasturers
of bestys [aaaAx]
W: 11,310 Than pore peple as plowmen . & pastours of
bestes [aaaAx]
T: 11,311 Sout(er)is & seweris suche lewide iottis
H2: 11,311 Sout(er)is and sewers . such lewid Iottis [aaAxx]
Ch: 11,311 Sowters and sowers . and such lewde Iottes [aaAxx]
D: 11,311 Souters & Sewers . suche lewed Iottys [aaAxx]
R: 11,311 souter(is) and souestrer(es) . and suche lewed
Iuttes [aaAxx]
U: 11,311 Souteres an seweres . and swiche lewide Iuttis
J: 11,311 Sowt(er)ys & sewerys . & swyche lewyd peple
K: 11,311 Sowters & soweres . & such lewde Iottes
A: 11,311 Saweris & soweris . sweche lewid iottis [aaAxx]
M: 11,311 Saweris & soweris . swiche lewid Iottis [aaAxx]
H3: 11,311 Sawerys & sowerys . & sweche leude Iottys
H3: 11,311 ffor -th-ei leuy(n) as -th-ei be leryd & o-th-(er)
wyse nouth
H3: 11,311 Musyn i(n) no materes but holdy(n) -th-e ryth
H3: 11,311 He -th-(a)t redyth -th-is book & ryth haue
it i(n) mende
H3: 11,311 Preyit for pers -th-e plowma(n)s soule
W: 11,311 Sawiers and sowers . & such lewed iottes [aaAxx]
T: 11,312 P(er)cen wi[th] a {pat(er)noster} [th]e paleis of
H2: 11,312 Percen with a p(ate)rn(oste)r . the paleys of
heuene [aaAx]
Ch: 11,312 Percyn with her paternoster . the paleis of heuen
D: 11,312 Percen w(i)t(h) a pat(er)nost(er) . -th-e paleys
of heuene [aaAx]
R: 11,312 Perchen w(i)t(h) a pat(er)n(oste)r . -th-e paleys
of heuene [aaAx]
U: 11,312 Pasen w(i)t(h) a pat(er)nost(er) . -th-e paleys
of hefne [aaAx]
J: 11,312 Percyn w(i)t(h) a pat(er)n(oste)r(e) . -th-e paleys
of heuene [aaAx]
K: 11,312 Percien w(i)t(h) a pat(er)n(oste)r . the paleis
of heuyne [aaAx]
A: 11,312 Mon p(er)syn w(i)t(h) a paterno(ster) . -th-e pales
of heuyn [aaAx]
M: 11,312 -Th-ey dep(ar)tyn wit a pat(er)n(oste)r . -th-e
palais of heuene [aaAx]
H3: 11,312 W(i)t(h) a pat(er)n(oste)r . to [-th-e] paleys
of heuene [aaAx]
W: 11,312 Percen wi-th- a pat(er)nostr(e) . -th-e paleys
of heuene [aaAx]
T: 11,313 Wi[th]oute pen(au)nce at here p(ar)tyng into hei[gh]e
H2: 11,313 Withoute penau(n)ce at her(e) p(ar)tyng . into
the hei-gh-e blisse [aaXx]
Ch: 11,313 Without penaunce at her partyng . Into -th-e hie
blisse [aaXx]
D: 11,313 Withoute pen(au)nce at here partyng . into heye
blysse [aaXx]
R: 11,313 W(i)t(h)oute penau(n)s at her(e) p(ar)tyng . into
-th-e hye blysse [aaXx]
U: 11,313 w(i)t(h)outen penans at here p(ar)tyng . into -th-e
heye blisse [aaXx]
J: 11,313 W(i)t(h)outyn penau(n)ce at her partyng . into
-th-e hye blysse [aaXx]
K: 11,313 & w(i)t(h)out pen(a)unce at her p(ar)tyng .
[passyn] into hye blisse [aaXx]
A: 11,313 I w(i)t(h)oute penauns at here p(ar)tyng . into
-th-e blisse of heuyn [aaAx]
M: 11,313 Witouty(n) penaunce at her(e) p(ar)tynge . into
-th-e heye blisse [aaXx]
H3: 11,313 W(i)t(h)outy(n) gret penans at hys p(ar)tyng .
to comy(n) to blys [aaXx]
W: 11,313 Wi-th-oute penance at here partyng . into -th-e
hie blisse [aaXx]
R: 12,1 Crist wot q(uo)d clergie . knowe hit -gh-if -th-e lyke
U: 12,1 Cryst wot q(uo)d clergie . knowit yif -th-e like-th-
J: 12,1 Crist wote q(uo)d clergy . know it -gh-if -th-e like
N: 12,1 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 12,2 I haue do my deu(er) . -th-e dowel to teche [aaAx]
U: 12,2 I haue don my deuer . -th-e dowel to teche [aaAx]
J: 12,2 I haue dou(n) my deuer . -th-e dowele to teche [aaAx]
R: 12,3 and who so coueyte-th- do(n) beter(e) . -th-a(n) -th-e
boke telle-th- [xaAx]
U: 12,3 And who so coueite to don bet(er)e . -th-an -th-e
bok telle-th- [xaAx]
J: 12,3 An ho so couetyth bene bet(er) . -th-an -th-e boke
tellyth [xaAx]
R: 12,4 he passe-th- -th-e apostolis lyf . and put hi(m) to
au(n)gelys [aaAx]
U: 12,4 He pasith apostlis lif . and put hem in to angelis
J: 12,4 He passyth -th-e apostillis lyue . & peryth to
angel(ys) [aaAx]
R: 12,5 But I se now as I seye . as me so-th- thinkyt-gh- [aaAx]
U: 12,5 But y se now as i seie . as me so-th- -th-ynke-th-
J: 12,5 But I se now I seye . as me soth thinkyth [aaAx]
R: 12,6 -Th-e were lef to lerne . but lo-th- for to stodie
U: 12,6 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 12,6 -Th-e wer(e) [leue] for to lerne . but loth for to
stodye [aaAx]
R: 12,7 -Th-ou woldest konne -th-(a)t I can . and carpe(n)
hit after [aaAx]
U: 12,7 -Th-(o)u woldist kunne -th-(a)t i can . and carpyn
it after [aaAx]
J: 12,7 -Th-ou woldyst cony(n) -th-(a)t I can . & carpyn
[it] aft(er) [aaAx]
R: 12,8 P(re)sumptuowsly p(ar)auentur(e) . apose so manye [aaAx]
U: 12,8 P(re)sumptuously p(ar)auenture . appose so manye
J: 12,8 Presu(m)ptuusly p(ar)auentur(e) . aposyn so manye
R: 12,9 That my-gh-the turne me(n) to tene . & theologie
bo-th-e [aaAx]
U: 12,9 -Th-at it my-gh-te turne me to tene . & theologie
bo-th-e [aaAx]
J: 12,9 -Th-(a)t myht t(ur)nu(n) me to tene . & theologye
bothin [aaAx]
R: 12,10 -Gh-if I wiste witterly . -th-(o)u woldest don -th-erafter
U: 12,10 -Y-if i wiste witterly . -th-(o)u woldist don -th-erafter
J: 12,10 -Gh-if I wist witt(er)ly . -th-(o)u wyldyst dou(n)
-th-(er)aft(er) [aaAx]
R: 12,11 Al -th-at -th-(o)u askest . asoylen I wolde [aaAx]
U: 12,11 Al -th-at -th-(o)u askest . assoilen I wolde [aaAx]
J: 12,11 Al -th-(a)t -th-(o)u axist . asoylyn I wolde [aaAx]
R: 12,12 Skornfully -th-e scriptur(e) . sherte vp his browes
U: 12,12 Scornfulliche -th-e sc(ri)pture . set vp here browes
J: 12,12 Scornfullyche sc(ri)pture -th-o . schet vp her browes
R: 12,13 and on clergie crie-th- . on crist(es) holy name [aaAx]
U: 12,13 And on clergie cryede . on godis holy name [aaAx]
J: 12,13 And on clergye c(ri)yd . on c(ri)stye holy halue
R: 12,14 That he shewe me hit ne sholde . but -gh-if stryf
were [aaAx]
U: 12,14 -Th-(a)t he schewi-gh-t ne schulde . but if it stryf
were [aaAx]
J: 12,14 -Th-(a)t he [it] schewe me nout schold . but I schriue(n)
wer(e) [aaAx]
R: 12,15 of -th-e kynde cardinal wit . and cristned in a font
U: 12,15 Of -th-e cardynal wit . & c(ri)stenyd in a fou(n)t
J: 12,15 Of -th-e kynde cardenal . & c(ri)stenyd in a
fou(n)te [aaAx]
R: 12,16 And seyde so loude . -th-(a)t shame me thou-gh-the
U: 12,16 And seide it so loude . -th-(a)t schame me it poute
J: 12,16 And seyd so lowyd . -th-at schame [me] thowte [aaAx]
R: 12,17 -Th-at hit wer(e) bo-th-e ska-th-e . and sklau(n)dre
to holy cherche [xaAx]
U: 12,17 -Th-at it were scathe . & slaundre to holy cherche
J: 12,17 -Th-(a)t it wer scathe . & sclaunder to al holy
cherche [xaAx]
R: 12,18 Sitthe theologie -th-e trewe . to telle(n) hit defende-th-
U: 12,18 sciho-th- theologie -th-(a)t trewe is . tellen it
deffende-th- [aaAx]
J: 12,18 Sethin teologye -th-(a)t true is . to tellyn it
defendyth [aaAx]
R: 12,19 Dauid god(es) derling . defendy-th- hit also [aaAx]
U: 12,19 Dauyd godis derlyng . deffende-th- it also [aaAx]
J: 12,19 Dauid goddys derlyng . defendith it also [aaAx]
R: 12,19a { Vidi p(re)uaricationes & tabescebam } [Latin]
U: 12,19a { Vidi p(re)uaricantes & thabescebam } [Latin]
J: 12,19a { Vidi pr(eu)aricantes & tabescebam } [Latin]
R: 12,20 I saw synful he seyde . -th-erfor(e) I seyde no -th-ing
J: 12,20 I sayhe synful he seyde . -th-(er)for I seyde no
thing [aaaAx]
R: 12,21 til -th-o wrecches ben in wil . her(e) synne to lete
J: 12,21 Til -th-o wrecches ben in wille . her synne to lete
R: 12,22 and poul preche-th- hit ofte(n) . prest(es) hit redyn
J: 12,22 And powle p(re)ched it oftyn . p(re)stys it redyn
R: 12,22a { Audiui archane q(ue) no(n) licet ho(min)i loqui
} [Latin]
J: 12,22a { Audiui archana u(er)ba q(ue) non lic(et) homi(ni)
loqui } [Latin]
R: 12,23 I am not hardy q(uo)d he . -th-(a)t I herde w(i)t(h)
erys [aaAa]
J: 12,23 I am not hardy q(uo)d he . of -th-(a)t I herd w(i)t(h)
erys [aaAa]
R: 12,24 telle hit w(i)t(h) tou(n)ge . to synful wrecches [aaAxx]
J: 12,24 Tellyn it w(i)t(h) tong(e) . to synful schrewys
R: 12,25 and god graunted hit neu(er)e . -th-e gospel h(i)t
witnesse-th- [aaAx]
J: 12,25 And god g(ra)untyd [it] neu(er) . -th-e gospel it
witnessith [aaAx]
R: 12,26 in -th-e passiou(n) wha(n) pilat aposed . god almy-gh-thi
J: 12,26 In -th-e passyou(n) how pylat aposyd . god almyht
R: 12,27 And asked ih(es)u on hy . -th-at herden hit an hundred
J: 12,27 And axed Ih(es)u on hye . -th-(er) herdyn it an
hunderith [aaAa]
Ch: 12,28 this line is omitted ---
R: 12,28 { Quid est ueritas } q(uo)d he . verilyche tel vs
H: 12,28 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 12,28 { Quid est v(er)itas } q(uo)d he . v(er)iliche tel
vs [axAx]
N: 12,28 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 12,28 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 12,29 God gaf hi(m) no(n) answer(e) . but gan his tou(n)ge
holde [aaxAxx]
J: 12,29 God -gh-af him none answer(e) . but gan his tung
holde [aaxAxx]
R: 12,30 Ri-gh-t so I rede q(uo)d she . red -th-(o)u no fer-th-er
J: 12,30 Rit so I rede q(uo)d sche . rede -th-(o)u no ferther(e)
R: 12,31 Of -th-at he wolde wite . wis hi(m) no betere [aaAx]
J: 12,31 Of -th-(a)t he -gh-ernyth to wyte . wysse him no
bet(er) [aaAx]
R: 12,32 for he cam not by cause . to lerne to dowel [aaXx]
J: 12,32 ffor he cam nouth be cause . to lerny(n) to dowele
R: 12,33 But as he sey-th- such I am . whe(n) he w(i)t(h) me
carpe-th- [aaXx]
J: 12,33 But als ho seyth swyche I am . qwan he w(i)t(h)
men Iangelyth [aaXx]
R: 12,34 and whe(n) sc(r)iptur(e) -th-e skolde . hadde -th-(i)s
wyt ysheued [aaAx]
J: 12,34 And qwan sc(ri)ptur(e) -th-e scolde . had -th-is
scole schewyd [aaAx]
R: 12,35 Clergie into a caban . crepte ano(n) after [aaAx]
J: 12,35 Clergy into caban . crepe anone aft(er) [aaAx]
R: 12,36 And drow -th-e dore after hi(m) . and bad me go do
wel [aaXx]
J: 12,36 And drowe -th-e dore to him . & bad me go do
wele [aaXx]
R: 12,37 Or wycke -gh-if I wolde . whe-th-er me lyked [aaAx]
J: 12,37 Or wykly -gh-if I wolde . qwethir -th-(a)t me lykyd
R: 12,38 -Th-a(n) held I vp my(n) hand(es) . to scriptur(e)
-th-e wise [aaXx]
J: 12,38 -Th-an held I vp myn hondes . to sc(ri)ptur(e) -th-e
wyse [aaXx]
R: 12,39 to be hur(e) ma(n) -gh-if I most . for euer(e)mor(e)
after [axAa]
J: 12,39 To bene her man -gh-if I most . for eu(er)emore
aft(er) [axAa]
R: 12,40 W(i)t(h) -th-(a)t she wolde me wisse . wher -th-e
tou(n) were [aaAa]?
J: 12,40 With -th-(a)t sche wolde me wissyn . qwer(e) -th-e
toune wer(e) [aaAa]?
R: 12,41 Kynde w(i)t(h) hur(e) co(n)fesso(ur) . hur(e) cosyn
was Inne [aaAx]
J: 12,41 -Th-(a)t kynd wytte -th-e confessour(e) . her ky(n)nysman
was Inne [aaAx]
R: 12,42 -Th-at lady -th-a(n) low . and lau-gh-the me in her(e)
armes [aaAx]
J: 12,42 -Th-(a)t lady -th-an lowhe on me . & lawht me
in her armys [aaAx]
R: 12,43 and sayde my cosyn kynde wit . knowe(n) is wel wide
J: 12,43 And seyd my cosyn kynde wit . knowyn is ful wyde
R: 12,44 and his loggyng is w(i)t(h) lyf . -th-(a)t lord is
of er-th-e [aaAx]
J: 12,44 And is lyggyng w(i)t(h) lyfe . -th-(a)t lorde is
of erthe [aaAx]
R: 12,45 And -gh-if -th-ou desyre w(i)t(h) hi(m) for to abyde
J: 12,45 And -gh-if -th-(o)u desyr(e) w(i)t(h) him for to
dwelle [????]
R: 12,46 I shal -th-e wisse . wher(e) -th-at he dwelle-th-
J: 12,46 I schal -th-e wyssyn wynlyche . qwere -th-(a)t he
dwellyth [aaAx]
R: 12,47 And -th-a(n)ne I kneled on my knes . and kyste h(er)
wel sone [aaAx]
J: 12,47 And -th-an I knelyd on my knes . & kyssyd her(e)
fete sone [aaAx]
R: 12,48 And -th-anked hur(e) a -th-ousand sy-th-es . w(i)t(h)
-th-robbant herte [aaAx]
J: 12,48 A thowsyng tymes I thankyd hir(e) . w(i)t(h) throbbyng
hert [aaAx]
R: 12,49 --- this line om ---
J: 12,49 Sche callyd a clergyn -th-an -th-(a)t hite [aa??]?
R: 12,50 She called me a cleriou(n) -th-(a)t hy-gh-t { o(mn)ia
p(ro)bate } . a por(e) -th-ing w(i)t(h)alle [xaAx]
J: 12,50 { O(m)nia p(ro)bate } . a pore thing withalle [xaAx]
R: 12,51 -Th-(o)u shalt wende w(i)t(h) wil q(uo)d she . whiles
-th-(a)t hi(m) lyky-th- [aaAx]
J: 12,51 -Th-(o)u schalt wendyn w(i)t(h) wille q(uo)d sche
. qwyl him lykyth [aaAx]
R: 12,52 Til -gh-e come to -th-e burgh(er) . { q(uo)d bonu(m)
est tenete } [xaAx]
J: 12,52 Til -gh-e come to -th-e bowhe . { q(uo)d bonu(m)
est tenete } [xaAx]
R: 12,53 Ken hi(m) to my cosenes hous . -th-(a)t kinde wit
hy-gh-th [aaAx]
J: 12,53 Kenne him to my cosynys howce . -th-at kynde wit
hite [aaAx]
Ch: 12,54 this line is omitted ---
R: 12,54 Sey I sente hi(m) -th-is segge . and -th-(a)t he
shewe hy(m) dowel [aaAx]
H: 12,54 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 12,54 Sey I sent him -th-is segge . & -th-(a)t he
schew him dowele [aaAx]
N: 12,54 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 12,54 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 12,55 -Th-(us) we lau-gh--th-e our(e) leue . lowtyng at
onys [aaAx]
J: 12,55 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 12,56 and wente for-th- on my way . w(i)t(h) { o(mn)ia p(ro)bate
} [aaAxx]
J: 12,56 I went forth in my way . w(i)t(h) { om(n)ia p(ro)bate
} [aaAxx]
R: 12,57 and er(e) I cam to -th-e court . q(uo)d { bonu(m)
est tenete } [aaAxx]
J: 12,57 Er I kam to -th-e cuntreyys . quod { bonu(m) est
tenete } [aaAxx]
R: 12,58 Many ferlys me byfel . in a fewe -gh-eris [aaAx]
J: 12,58 Many ferlyys me befel . in a fewe -gh-eris [aaAx]
R: 12,59 The fyrste ferly I fond . afyngrid me made [aaaAx]
J: 12,59 The fyrst ferly I fonde . an hunger it me made [aaaAx]
R: 12,60 As I -gh-ede thurgh -gh-ou -th-e a-gh-en prime dayes
J: 12,60 And I -th-an thorow -gh-owthe . a-gh-eyn p(ri)me
dayes [aaAx]
Ch: 12,61 this line is omitted ---
R: 12,61 I stode stille in a stodie . and stared abowte [aaaAx]
H: 12,61 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 12,61 I stode stil in a stody . & stared aboute [aaaAx]
N: 12,61 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 12,61 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 12,62 Al hayl q(uo)d on -th-o and I answered . welcome w(i)t(h)
who(m) be -gh-e [aa??]
J: 12,62 Al heyle q(uo)d on -th-oo I seyd . welcom & w(i)t(h)
hom be -gh-owe [aa??]
R: 12,63 I am dwellyng w(i)t(h) deth . and hu(n)ger I hatte
J: 12,63 I am dwellyng w(i)t(h) deth . & hunger I hyte
R: 12,64 to lyf in his lordshepe . longyt my weye [aaAx]
J: 12,64 To lyf & his lordschep . longyth my weye [aaAx]
R: 12,65 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 12,65 To kyllyn him -gh-if I can . -th-ei kynde wit helpe
R: 12,66 I shal felle -th-(a)t freke . in a fewe dayes [aaAx]
J: 12,66 I schal fellyn -th-at freyke . in a fewe dayes [aaAx]
R: 12,67 I wolde folwe -th-e fayn . but fentesye me hende-th-
J: 12,67 I wold folwyn -th-e fayne q(uo)d I . but fayntys
me hentith [aaAx]
R: 12,68 Me folwe-th- such a fentyse . I may no fer-th-er walke
J: 12,68 Me folwyth suche a fayntyse . I may not forth walke
Ch: 12,69 this line is omitted ---
R: 12,69 Go we for-th- q(uo)d -th-e gom . I haue a gret boyste
H: 12,69 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 12,69 Go we forth q(uo)d -th-e gome . I haue a grete boyste
N: 12,69 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 12,69 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 12,70 At my bak of broke bred . -th-i bely for to fylle
J: 12,70 Of battys & brokyn bred . -th-i bely to fille
R: 12,71 A bagge ful of a begger(e) . I bou-gh--th-e h(i)t
at onys [aaAx]
J: 12,71 A bagge ful of a beggar . I bowht it at onys [aaAx]
R: 12,72 Than mau(n)ged I wit vp at -th-e fulle [????]
J: 12,72 -Th-an mau(n)gyd I w(i)t(h) him vp to -th-e fulle
R: 12,73 for -th-e myssyng of mete . no meso(ur) I coude [aaAx]
J: 12,73 ffor myssyng of mete . none mesur I cowthe [aaAx]
Ch: 12,74 this line is omitted ---
R: 12,74 --- this line om ---
H: 12,74 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 12,74 But ete as hung(er) me hete . til my belly swellyd
N: 12,74 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 12,74 --- this line is omitted ---
Ch: 12,75 this line is omitted ---
R: 12,75 --- this line om ---
H: 12,75 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 12,75 -Th-(er) bad me hung(er) haue gode day . but I helde
me stille [aaAx]
N: 12,75 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 12,75 --- this line is omitted ---
Ch: 12,76 this line is omitted ---
R: 12,76 --- this line om ---
H: 12,76 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 12,76 ffor gronyng of my guttys . I durst gon no ferther
N: 12,76 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 12,76 --- this line is omitted ---
Ch: 12,77 this line is omitted ---
R: 12,77 W(i)t(h) -th-at cam a knaue . w(i)t(h) a co(n)fesso(ur)es
face [aaAx]
H: 12,77 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 12,77 W(i)t(h) -th-(a)t kam a knaue . w(i)t(h) a confessouris
face [aaAx]
N: 12,77 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 12,77 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 12,78 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 12,78 Lene & rewlyche . w(i)t(h) leggys ful smale
R: 12,79 he halsed me . and I asked hi(m) after [axAx]
J: 12,79 I haylsyd [hym] hendely & axid him aft(er) [axAx]
R: 12,80 Of whe(n) -th-at he wer(e) . and wheder -th-(a)t he
wolde [????]
J: 12,80 Of qwennys -th-(a)t he wer(e) . & qwedyr -th-(a)t
he wolde [????]
R: 12,81 W(i)t(h) de-th- I duelle q(uo)d he . dayes and ny-gh-t(es)
J: 12,81 W(i)t(h) deth I dwelle q(uo)d he . dayys & nyhetys
R: 12,82 Mi name is feu(er)e on -th-e fer-th-e day . I am a-th-rest
euer(e) [aaAx]
J: 12,82 My name is feuer on -th-e ferthe day . I am athrist
eu(er)e [aaAx]
R: 12,83 I am masag(er) of de-th- . men haue I tweyne [axAx]
J: 12,83 I am mensenger of deth . men haue I twayne [axAx]
R: 12,84 -Th-at on is called { cotidia(n) } . a co(ur)rour
of our(e) hous [aaAx]
J: 12,84 -Th-(a)t on is callyd cotidian . a currur of our(e)
howce [aaAx]
R: 12,85 { tercian } -th-(a)t o-th-(er) . trewe drinker(es)
bo-th-e [aaAx]
J: 12,85 Tertyen -th-(a)t othyr . true drinkers bothen [aaAx]
R: 12,86 We han lett(er)es of lyf . he shal his lyf tyme [aaAx]
J: 12,86 We haue lett(er)ys of his lyf . he schal his lyf
tyne [aaAx]
Ch: 12,87 this line is omitted ---
R: 12,87 fro de-th- -th-(a)t is our(e) duk . swyche dedis
we brynge [aaAx]
H: 12,87 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 12,87 ffro deth -th-(a)t is our(e) duke . swyche dedys
we bryng(e) [aaAx]
N: 12,87 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 12,88 my-gh-th I so god wot . -gh-our(e) gat(es) wolde I
holden [axAx]
J: 12,88 Myht I se q(uo)d he god wote . -gh-our(e) gatys
wold I holdyn [axAx]
Ch: 12,89 this line is omitted ---
R: 12,89 Nay wil q(uo)d -th-(a)t wy-gh-th . wend -th-(o)u
no ferther [aaAx]
H: 12,89 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 12,89 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 12,89 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 12,89 --- this line is omitted ---
Ch: 12,90 this line is omitted ---
R: 12,90 But lyue as -th-is lyf . is ordeyned for the [aaXx]
H: 12,90 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 12,90 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 12,90 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 12,90 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 12,91 -th-e tomblest wi-th- a trepget . -gh-if -th-(o)u my tras folwe [aaAx]
R: 12,92 and ma(n)nes m(er)-th-e wrou-gh--th- . no mor -th-a(n) he deseruy-th- her(e) [aaAx]
Ch: 12,93 this line is omitted ---
R: 12,93 Whil his lyf and his lykhame . lesten togedere [aaAx]
H: 12,93 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 12,93 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 12,93 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 12,93 --- this line is omitted ---
Ch: 12,94 this line is omitted ---
R: 12,94 and -th-(er)for(e) do aft(er) dowel . whil -th-i
dayes duren [aaAa]
H: 12,94 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 12,94 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 12,94 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 12,94 --- this line is omitted ---
Ch: 12,95 this line is omitted ---
R: 12,95 -Th-at -th-i play be plentevous . in p(ar)adys w(i)t(h)
au(n)gelys [aaAx]
H: 12,95 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 12,95 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 12,95 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 12,95 --- this line is omitted ---
Ch: 12,96 this line is omitted ---
R: 12,96 -Th-(o)u shalt be lau-gh-th into ly-gh-th . w(i)t(h)
loking of an eye [aaAx]
H: 12,96 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 12,96 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 12,96 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 12,96 --- this line is omitted ---
Ch: 12,97 this line is omitted ---
R: 12,97 So -th-at -th-(o)u werke -th-e word . -th-at holy
wryt teche-th- [aaAx]
H: 12,97 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 12,97 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 12,97 --- this line is omitted ---
E: 12,97 --- this line is omitted ---
Ch: 12,98 this line is omitted ---
R: 12,98 And be prest to preyer(es) . and p(ro)fitable werk(es)
H: 12,98 --- this line is omitted ---
J: 12,98 --- this line is omitted ---
N: 12,98--- this line is omitted ---
E: 12,98 --- this line is omitted ---
R: 12,99 Wille -th-urgh inwit . -th-(o)u wost wel -th-e so-th-e [aaAa]
R: 12,100 -Th-at -th-is speche was spedelich . and sped hi(m) wel faste [aaAx]
R: 12,101 And wrou-gh-the -th-(a)t her(e) is wryten . and o-th-(er) werk(es) bo-th-e [aaAx]
R: 12,102 Of per(es) -th-e plowma(n) . and mechel puple also [aaAx]
R: 12,103 And wha(n) -th-is werk was wrou-gh-t . er(e) wille my-gh-te aspie [aaAx]
R: 12,104 De-th- delt hi(m) a dent . and drof hi(m) to -th-e er-th-e [aaaAx]
R: 12,105 and is closed vnder clom . crist haue his soule [aaAx]
R: 12,106 And so bad Iohan but . busily wel ofte [aaAx]
R: 12,107 Whe(n) he saw -th-es sawes . busyly alegged [aaXx]
R: 12,108 by Iames and by Ierom . by Iop and by o-th-(er)e [aaAx]
R: 12,109 and for he medle-th- of makyng . he made -th-(i)s ende [aaAx]
R: 12,110 Now alle ke(n)ne creatur(es) . -th-(a)t cristene wer(e) euere [aaAx]
R: 12,111 God for his goudnesse . gif he(m) swyche happes [aaAxx]
R: 12,112 to lyue as -th-(a)t lord lyky-th- . -th-(a)t lyf in he(m) putte [aaaAx]
R: 12,113 furst to rekne Richard . kyng of -th-(i)s rewme [aaXa]
R: 12,114 And alle lord(es) -th-(a)t louy(n) hi(m) . lely in herte [aaAx]
R: 12,115 God saue he(m) sound . by se and by land [aaAx]
R: 12,116 Marie moder and may . for man -th-(o)u byseke [aaaAx]
R: 12,117 -Th-at barn bryng vs to blys . -th-(a)t bled vpon
-th-e rode ame(n)